Han Yuxi 1130

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1130 - Yun-Qing 's pleading

       Out of the yard, Xu Wu went to find Huo Changqing and told him about Lin Cong and Lin.
        Huo Changqing only said four words:
       "No medicine is saved."
        Xu Wu recounted Yu-Xi speech just now:
       "Yifu, Wangfei will not say this for no reason."
        Huo Changqing said in silence:
       "Han-shi This is to start with Yu Cong. She deliberately told you these words that I want you to tell her the attitude of the army and Cui Mo."
        Xu Wu is not stupid, just understand what it means:
       "According to the righteous father, Wangfei didn't want to let the army join the rest of the time?"
        Huo Changqing nodded.
        Xu Wu said in silence:
       "The righteous father, no matter what Yu Cong did wrong, he is our brother, we can't watch him die."
        Huo Changqing said before that Yu Cong is nothing but arrogance, even if the rest of the work is chilling, but in the end is called his twenty-year-old father, how can you stand by:
       "Do not talk to the army about this matter. After the accident, whether the army and Cui Mo will plead for him is up to them!" In fact, Huo Changqing knew very well that Yu Cong really committed a crime. Feng Dajun and Cui Mo and others will be pleading. of.
        Xu Wu is in a bad mood and said:
       "I am afraid that Wangfei will not let go."
        If he used to, he might go to Yun-Qing . Yu Cong has a slap in the face, and he has no face to open this mouth with Yun-Qing .
        Huo Changqing sighed and said:
       "Don't be sad, we will try our best to keep him alive."
        In the evening, Xu Wu returned home.
        When Ling saw Xu Wu, he was shocked:
       "What happened?"
       It’s so ugly, it’s definitely a big deal.
        Xu Wu sat in the chair of Honorable Noble and said tiredly:
       "Yu Cong and Lin are separated."
        "Ah... and away? Is it because of -Lu reason?"
       Ling is very surprised.
        Seeing Xu Wu nod, Ling’s can’t help but swear:
       "This -Lu is really a fox!" Without Wangye, he turned his head. Fortunately, it is in Jiangnan, otherwise she is somewhat worried.
        Xu Wu whispered:
       "Yu Cong this time, I am afraid that it is difficult to escape." He knows that Yu-Xi wants to start with Yu Cong, but he does not know what method Yu-Xi will use. Moreover, he did not dare to remind Yu Cong. As he said before with Yun-Qing , people are selfish. If he told Yu Cong about this, once he was known by Wangfei, he would definitely not be good. If he is not afraid of one person, but he still has a ‘Madam’ and a son, he can not ignore his family because he cares for his brother.
        Ling is very intelligent. When you listen to it, you will understand the meaning of this:
       "Old Master, Wangfei has always been fair, even if she does not like Yu Cong, she will not be guilty of personal grievances."
        Xu Wu grabbed the chair and said:
       "This is where I am most worried." He has been with Yu-Xi for so many years and knows a little about the Yu-Xi temperament. If -Lu case is over, the episode will be attacked, and the punishment will be fined. It will soon pass. However, Yu-Xi never mentioned the matter of Yu Cong. In general, this situation shows that the situation is very serious. When the matter is afraid, there is no room for reversal.
        Because the piece of intelligence was handed over to Yu Zhi, he was not very clear about the situation in Jiangnan, so he did not know what would happen to Yu-Xi.
        Ling said:
       "Old Master, this is already the case, and you are worried that it is useless." Ling is actually not awkward, and the ‘Madam’ of the hair can be abandoned at will, this man is too rude.
        Xu Wu said:
       "It's all my fault. If he doesn't let him get in touch with Takamatsu on the same day, he won't become like this." Yu Cong was affected by Wang Song when he was in the city. He also told him at the time, but unfortunately he would think that it was a small matter not in mind. When I think of it, look at Yu Cong now, Xu Wu is really regretful. If he pays attention to this matter on the same day, he will not let him contact with Gao Song, or let Yu Cong stay in Yucheng, Yu Cong will not become like this. Unfortunately, there is no regret in this world.
        Ling's thought that Xu Wu self-blame is not reasonable:
       "Where does Yu Cong meet with you, how can you stop it? If you manage too much, he will not only be grateful but will be bored." This is not their son, which is so wide.
        Xu Wu is in a bad mood:
       "No matter how bad the rest of the cluster, I don't want him to die." Not dead on the battlefield, but died in Wangfei hand, thinking about him is uncomfortable.
        Ling hesitated and said:
       "Even if Yu Cong made a mistake, but he followed Wangye for many years, there is no credit and hard work. Even if Wangfei wants to kill him, Wangye should block it."
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "It may have been possible before. Can Wangye, after this illness is good, listen to Wangfei. If Yu Cong made a big mistake, Wangye would be very unlikely to ask him."
        This time, Ling does not know what to say:
       "Old Master, maybe you think about it? Wangfei didn't even think about disposing of the jungle?"
       Suddenly, Lingshi said:
       "Old Master, if Wangfei really has this heart, you can't stop it. After the accident, you can find a way to help him. You don't help it now!"
        Xu Wu said in silence:
       "I want to give Yu Cong a policeman..."
        When the words were not finished, they were interrupted by Ling’s:
       "No. Old Master, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?"
       No matter what happens in the week, Ling will follow Xu Wu, but this time it is different. Once this matter is known to Wangfei, her husband’s future may be gone.
        Xu Wu whispered:
       "You don't agree."
        Ling's certainly does not agree, and the words are no longer sympathetic:
       "Old Master, Yu Cong's ‘Madam’ can be abandoned, and is it true to you? Old Master, for such a person ruined the future is not worth it. Old Master, even if you don't think for yourself, it should be Ze Think about it." If Xu Wu has no future, the future of his children will be affected.
        Xu Wu is also because of such concerns, it will be entangled that he has not written to Yu Cong.
        It was dark, and Mei-Lan took the candle. Yu-Xi reviews the folds in soft candlelight.
        After a while, Mei-Lan came in again. However, this time she first took off her big clothes and went into the house, and said softly to the concentration:
       “Wangfei, it’s snowing outside.”
        Yu-Xi looked up and asked:
       See Mei-Lan point
        Head, Yu-Xi put the fold down and walked to the outside door.
        Pushing open the door, a raging north wind blew in, and the Yu-Xi chilled. Through the lanterns hanging in the yard, I watched the sky covered with snow. If you go further, you can't see it clearly. It is darker than 100 meters in advance.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Under such a heavy snow, I don't know if it will be cold!" Yun-Qing went to the military camp in the morning. I thought I would be able to come back before dinner, but I will not come back here.
        Mei-Lan smiled and said:
       “Wangfei rest assured that Wangye wore enough clothes when she went out. And I heard that it was not cold, it was cold when it melted snow.”
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "It’s not cold when it’s snowing, but if it’s windy, the wind is biting and the ride will be cold.”
        As I spoke, I heard a strong footstep outside. Yu-Xi couldn't help but laugh, this is really Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.
        Yun-Qing See Yu-Xi and walk away toward him, busy saying:
       "I am cold and heavy, don't come close to me." Finished, untied the clothes stained with snow outside and handed it to Jing Bai, and slid the snow on his head.
        Yu-Xi handed a silver, silver, and silk handkerchief to Yun-Qing , saying:
       "Warm hand."
        Yun-Qing is also unpretentious. This will make his hand cool and cool, and he will be in his hand when he picks it up.
        Entering the interior to look at the fold on the table, Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "Not to say that you don't want to give up at night." Looking at the fold at night, it hurts the eyes very much.
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "If you don't come back, I can't sleep peacefully. It's better to wait for you while you are folding."
        Upon hearing this, Yun-Qing put the stove down and held the Yu-Xi said:
       "It’s good to have you at home." After getting married, unless you get the news that he won’t go home, Yu-Xi will always wait for him. Before getting used to it, he didn't feel anything. It was only after Yu-Xi had quarreled with him to Zhuangzi that he knew that it was a happy and rare thing to go out and light the lights at home. And after that dream, Yun-Qing has cherished the days now.
        Yu-Xi found that since the quarrel, Yun-Qing became very emotional. She did not say anything disappointing, just said:
       "Hungry, if you are hungry, I will let Bai Mama fried rice cake for you."
        Yun-Qing heard this and asked:
       "Isn't it supposed to eat greasy things at night? How can I still eat fried rice cakes today?"
       On most days, Yu-Xi asked him to eat light.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Today can be broken." Yun-Qing tastes heavy and doesn't like to eat light things, so occasionally Yu-Xi will change his taste.
        Yun-Qing went to the shower, and the rice cake was also fried. This rice cake is filled with cabbage, beef, red pepper, and the craft of Bai Mama. The fried rice cake is fragrant and beautiful, and it makes people appetite.
        After eating two, Yun-Qing praised:
       "The taste is very good. Yu-Xi, do you want to eat too."
        Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "I have already eaten overnight." Yu-Xi often eats supper, but eats very lightly, never eats fried things.
        After eating a plate of rice cakes, I drank a bowl of old hen soup that had gone to the oil. Yun-Qing said:
       "This rice cake is very delicious, and I will try it for the children tomorrow."
        Yu-Xi smiled and said,
       "In the morning, I got the news, saying that Yu Cong and Lin are away."
        Fortunately, Yu-Xi said this after Yun-Qing , otherwise Yun-Qing would have an appetite. Yun-Qing said with a slap in the face:
       "I told him that the ‘Madam’ of the hair can't be abandoned. I didn't expect him to take my words to the wind."
        Yu-Xi was a little surprised, and I didn’t expect Yun-Qing to say this to Yu Cong. Yu-Xi asked:
       "You have long expected that Yu Cong will abandon Lin?"
        Yun-Qing shakes his head:
       "I just think that he is not in the right state, so he specifically warned him. How can he think that he would throw his ‘Madam’ and abandon?"
       He had seen Yu Cong very fond of two Concubine before, worried that he would swear by his ‘Madam’. Unexpectedly, Yu Cong finally went to a -Lu, not to share the trouble with Lin.
        Yu-Xi smiles like a smile:
       "Wu will marry Yu Cong, you have no sour taste in your heart?"
       In fact, Yu-Xi knows that Yun-Qing not only does not read -Lu Yi, but is very jealous of this woman. In the dream of Yun-Qing , he died in the hands of -Lu Yi.
        Yun-Qing said seriously:
       "Yu-Xi, I really want you to show it to you, do you believe me?"
        Yu-Xi gave it to the earthquake and turned to laugh:
       "Just to make a joke, what are you doing so seriously?"
        Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "Yu-Xi, in fact, I think this -Lu is a broomstick." See Yu-Xi looks strange, Yun-Qing said:
       "Don't say that I was killed by her in the dream. Just saying that now, because she is so troubled that our husband and ‘Madam’ almost disappeared, and now Yu Cong is because she and Lin are away. What is she not a broom star?"
        Yu-Xi took a look at Yun-Qing and said:
       "It is your own will not be determined, almost confused by her. To have another time, I will not forgive you."
        Yun-Qing is busy:
       "There will be no more next time." Once it was enough to be bad, and once again, don't live.
        Obviously, Yu-Xi still doesn't want to let go of this topic:
       "Actually, -Lu Yi has been pregnant and has been pregnant for a month. I think Yu Cong is estimated to want to reinforce -Lu Yi, so that -Lu Yisheng's child can be thrown out."
        Yun-Qing asked some unbelief:
       "Pregnant? Is it impossible?"
       He remembers that in the dream, -Lu Yi has not been pregnant with him for five years!
        Yu-Xi is a keen person who laughs when he hears this:
       "Yes! I am pregnant, it has been a month. I am a bit strange to say it. In your dream, you and -Lu Yi have always been loving and loving. Why didn't she give birth to a child when she died?" ”
        Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "Where do I know this. Ok, don't say her." I was afraid that Yu-Xi would give vinegar again.
        Yu-Xi has a guess:
       "I am afraid that Yan Wu-shuang gave her medicine when she gave you the reward of -Lu Yi, and she was absolutely blind. Without the care of the children, -Lu Yi naturally went to work for you."
        Yun-Qing said:
       "That is just a dream, not true. No child is better, otherwise the child will not be good if I die." After that, Yun-Qing said with earnestness:
       "Yu-Xi, don't mention -Lu in the future?"
       Let -Lu put it
        He remembered that dream. Although I don’t know it, I feel awkward every time I think about it.
        Yu-Xi also doesn't want to be irritated by a -Lu, which makes Yun-Qing not happy:
       "Okay, I won't mention it later." I won't mention it again, but something will still be said.
        Yun-Qing lifted the Yu-Xi across the waist, and then whispered Yu-Xi in the ear:
       "Let's sleep."
        The short four words made Yu-Xi look red. Since the couple was good, Yun-Qing always stalked her at night, and more and more tricks made her feel a little uncomfortable.
        Quan Mama said outside, facing Mei-Lan:
       "You go out! I am coming tonight tonight." Since Yun-Qing took the drug, Quan Mama also put down his mind.
        Mei-Lan did not postpone, nodded and agreed. In fact, Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi even get up and drink at night, and they are all personally involved and will not call them.
        Listening to the sound of red-faced ears, Quan Mama said to himself:
       "I only hope that I can continue this way, there will be no more changes." Some time ago, looking at Yu-Xi, she was sad and worried.

       Chapter 1131 - Liujia Destroy

       I went to the front yard after I went to the Yuanzheng triplets. The courtyard is adjacent to the living room of Hao Ji, and it is convenient for the Brother to move around.
        That night, Yun-Qing said:
       "Rui Ji Er, they moved, I think the yard is a lot cold."
        Yu-Xi laughs:
       "It’s too noisy at the time. It’s too cold to move away. It’s all you say.” Seven-year-old children are the ones, even if they are reluctant to let them move.
        Say a gossip, Yu-Xi said:
       "He Rui, Jiangnan's business should be solved." Yu-Xi said Jiangnan, not Liujia. The -Lu family is only the beginning. The purpose of Yu-Xi is to eliminate the diehards who support the court and the hidden piles that Yan Wu-shuang and Yu family buried in Jiangnan.
        One hand, -Lu family can not escape. Yun-Qing doesn't care about -Lu family, but the solution to -Lu Jia will definitely be implicated in Yu Cong. Yun-Qing said after a long silence:
       "Okay." Even if the heart can't bear it, he can't stop it. Can not affect the tranquility and stability of Jiangnan because of personal feelings.
        Three days later, Yang Duo-ming received a letter from Yu-Xi. After reading the letter, he went to see Han Jianming and handed over all the evidence collected in the past few months to Han Jianming.
        Han Jianming looked at the evidence and dismissed it:
       "What hundred years of scholarly homes are all hens and thieves." There are so many anecdotes.
        Yang Duo-ming said:
       "-Lu Old Master's letter to the court is not touched by our people, but the letters that are certain are hidden in the study room of -Lu Old Master."
        Han Jianming said:
       "At that time, you personally bring people to search." If these letters exist, they will be able to find out.
        A few days later, -Lu Yi personal Servant entered -Lu Yi yard with -Lu 2nd Master. Hanmei was a Servant who grew up with -Lu Yi. She didn't go to Pingxi Wangfu because she was sick, and then returned to -Lu Yi.
        -Lu 2nd Master panicked and said to -Lu Yi, who is playing the ‘zither’:
       "Mei Mei, the big thing is not good, the -Lu family was checked." He got the news and rushed to the generals.
        "Oh..." Under the panic, the ‘zither’ fell to the ground. At this time, -Lu Yi did not care about the ‘zither’:
       "Second brother, what did you say? -Lu Jia was checked?"
        -Lu 2nd Master nodded and said:
       "I just got the news, -Lu Jia was checked, '
        -Lu Yi sat on the ground and said to herself:
       "I didn't expect it to come so fast." She knew that Han Yu-Xi would not let -Lu Jia, but did not expect this woman to be so hot, even to destroy the -Lu family.
        Willow 2nd Master eyes with tears:
       "Mei Mei, can save now"
        -Lu Yi said to Hanmei:
       "Come and ask Old Master to come back." It’s been a month since I became a pro, and -Lu Yi was still cold and faint. Fortunately, Yu Cong knew that her temper was cold, and that -Lu was pregnant again, but she did not go to her heart.
        Yu Cong got the news and immediately sent people to inquire. Even if he wanted to open his mouth, he had to know the ins and outs.
        Song Hao soon told the news that Yu Cong:
       "The order of the Liujia family was personally issued by the Governor, and the thousands of households stationed in Suzhou took the troops to check it out." This is equivalent to saying that -Lu Jia bypassed the Suzhou government and directly let the local army do it. It is also the case that -Lu Jia did not hear the wind beforehand. Otherwise, they must have escaped part of it, and will not be one-pot.
        Yu Cong's face is hard to see:
       "Han Jianming?"
       Han Jianming is the most faithful dog next to Han Yu-Xi. This order was issued by Han Jianming, and things will be difficult.
        Song Wei still did not speak, he heard the rapid footsteps outside. I saw that -Lu 2nd Master and -Lu Yi, Song Hao did not say anything.
        -Lu Yi saw Yu Cong, crying and kneeling on the ground and pleading:
       "Old Master, please be sure to save my mother." -Lu family other people she can not control and do not want to control, he is now only to save the mother.
        -Lu 2nd Master heard this and looked at -Lu Yi, then said to Yu Cong:
       "Sister-in-law, this time the -Lu family was completely framed, and the brother-in-law was asked to be the -Lu family."
        Yu Cong will help -Lu Yi and said:
       "You are weak, the doctor said that you need to have a good baby. You should go back to rest first, I will not stand by and watch the -Lu family."
        -Lu Yi heart is a bit embarrassing:
       "Old Master..." Yu Cong is good to her, but her attitude has been very poor.
        Yu Cong Rang Pozi sent -Lu Yi back to the backyard and asked -Lu 2nd Master:
       "What happened to -Lu Jia?"
       The general thing is not to copy the family.
        -Lu 2nd Master said that Han Jianming’s count of -Lu crimes was all:
       "There are some children in the family who have violated the law for wrongdoing. I don't deny it, but it is completely filthy to say that our -Lu family is completely trespassing."
        Yu Cong's face is somewhat ugly:
       "Han Jianming said that if you pass the enemy, there must be evidence, and there will be no chance."
        Willow 2nd Master hate channel:
       "That is all filth, the so-called evidence is all fabricated by Han Jianming. Brother-in-law, you must be the owner of the -Lu family!" Seeing Yu Cong silent, -Lu 2nd Master is a little anxious:
       "Sister-in-law, this is clearly Han-shi hate the original thing, so I used this despicable means to frame the -Lu family. My brother-in-law, -Lu Bai people can't just die like this! Brother-in-law, be sure to be the owner of the -Lu family. -Lu family is fair!"
        The most disgusting thing about Yu Cong is Yu-Xi, no second person. After hearing this, Yu Cong said:
       "You can rest assured that if it is really filthy, I will not stand by."
        Yang Duo-ming collected the communication of -Lu Old Master with Yu Chun and Yan Wu-shuang, and handed it to Han Jianming. With these letters, -Lu Jiatong’s enemies are a matter of nailing.
        Han Jianming looked at a stack of letters and asked Yang Duo-ming:
       "Can you read these letters?"
        Yang Duo-ming nodded:
       "Looked at two." There were more than 20 letters. He picked two to see and confirmed that -Lu Jia had been in contact with the court. He did not continue to watch.
        Han Gao said outside:
       "Old Master, Yu General is looking for the Old Master."
        Han Jianming vomited two words:
       "Don't see." He didn't have to see Yu Cong to know what the other party was doing.
        Yang Duo-ming feels funny and says:
       "Daren, this will not come to plead for -Lu Jia?"
       Enemy such a felony
        It’s too late to avoid it, and this plexus is still on the head. I have to say that courage is commendable, he is very admired.
        Han Jianming looked at the stack of letters and said:
       "I hope that in these letters, I can find something useful." To overcome the rest, you still need to rely on these letters.
        Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Liujia 2nd Master is still in Jinling. Should the Daren send someone to arrest him?"
        Han Jianming said:
       "-Lu family is guilty of the Yi people. -Lu 2nd Master can't let go." How about hiding in Yujia? Just send someone to catch it.
        Han Gao saw Yu Cong and straightened his waist and said:
       "Yu General, my home Old Master is not meeting you for the time being, please ask General Yu to go back first!"
        Yu Cong said with a cold face:
       "I have something to ask for the Governor, and I will ask you to pass it again."
        Han Gao naturally will not be wanted again:
       "What is the matter, please return to General Yu tomorrow!"
        Yu Cong left the Governor's House with a fire.
        Han Jianming heard that Han Gao said that Yu Cong was angry and left, could not help but smile and said:
       "When I was held for a few days, I forgot who I am." Not to mention that he is the big brother of Yu-Xi, only that the position of Yu Cong is lower than him. Normally, he does not say respectfulness in his house. You are polite, this person is good, and the shelves are full.
        I have to say that this is a bit confusing with Lin. It’s just that Lin is a woman and nobody cares about her. Yu Cong, a lot of people are watching what he is Yun-Qing 's heart, and they are not willing to say.
        Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Why should an Daren care about him, he can't wait for a few days anyway." He also glared at the point of love with Wangye, otherwise he would be the general of the three products with the talent of Yu Cong.
        Han Jianming shook his head and said:
       "It's not so easy to let him turn over." Yu Cong is hateful, but it is not so easy to move him. Not to mention his 20-year relationship with Yun-Qing , he said that his father-in-law, Lao Taiye, and the Brother who tied the Brother were not able to cope with them. Therefore, even if the evidence is conclusive, it may not be able to save the life of Yu Cong.
        Yang Duo-ming understands the meaning of Han Jianming's words:
       "It’s harder, I have to pull him down. Otherwise, I don’t know how disgusting Wangfei is!” He is the hardcore of Yu-Xi, naturally taking the interests of Yu-Xi as the most important thing.
        Han Jianming has a voice:
       "If you can't change his life, you have to let him turn over again."
        After Yang Duo-ming left, Han Jianming immediately summoned Niu Jingyi, the tomb of Jinling. He asked Niu Jing to take the man to Yuliu to catch -Lu 2nd Master.
        Niu Jingyi said with some concern:
       "Daren, isn't this a torn face with General Yu? Or I will first pass on the general with Yu, let him hand over." Few people know that Niu Jingyi and Han Jianming are acquainted, and when they were in Capital City. Private communication is good.
        Han Jianming said:
       "The rest of the crowd will not hand over the person." So he will let Niu Jingyi go directly to Yufu to catch people, instead of ventilating him first.
        Niu Jingyi said:
       "Darens, let the subordinates go first to negotiate with the generals. If the generals do not pay, then it is not too late to arrest people."
        Han Jianming has no objection:
       "Yes." If Yu Cong is so sensible, he will not do so much confusion.
        Niu Jingyi took the copy of -Lu 2nd Master’s house and then took him to Yufu.
        The first to see Song Hao, Niu Jingyi said very politely:
       "Song Guanjia, the official received the exact news, the court wanted to commit -Lu II to avoid in your house, and also asked Song Guanjia to hand over the person to the official."
        Song Wei denied:
       "-Lu 2nd Master came to our house in the morning, but left in the afternoon. As for where I went, I am not sure about this."
        Niu Jingyi is not willing to talk to them, saying:
       "I don't know if General Yu can be there? The official wants to see the general." Yu Wang said that the little devil is difficult, he wants to see the person who can be the master.
        Song Yi went back and said, apologetically:
       "Daren, my general said, he is not convenient to see you now."
        Niu Jingyi now understands why Han Jianming made him directly into Yufu to arrest people. This general is a -widower, and he can't communicate at all. However, Niu Jingyi did not want to have a conflict with Yu Cong, and took people away.
        Yu Cong snorted and said to -Lu 2nd Master:
       "You can rest assured that no one dares to go to my house to let go." Don't say Niu Jingyi, even if Han Jianming personally comes, he will not let -Lu 2nd Master be taken away.
        Willow 2nd Master said with gratitude:
       "Thank you brother-in-law."
        Master Mao got the news and came over to find Yu Cong. Yu Cong saw that he was very impatient and said:
       "What's the matter?"
        Seeing the attitude of Yu Cong, Master Mao heart is completely cold:
       "Yu general, the old man is coming to resign." During this time, he bitterly talked with Yu Cong for a long time, but he couldn't hear a word. Now I dare to openly hide the imperial court, how can he dare to stay in such a place.
        Yu Cong is a glimpse:
       "You want to go?"
        Master Mao said bluntly:
       "Yes, the old man wants to leave now, and asks the general to complete." He and Yu Cong spent too little time together, and could not talk about the friendship between the master and the servant. The disaster is naturally left first, and the province is implicated.
        Yu Cong originally did not like Master Mao, but also because he was Yu-Qing recommended to come and did not dismiss. Now Master Mao is willing to leave on his own, and he has not retained:
       "Since you insist on leaving, I will not stop." After that, he ordered Song Hao to give Master Mao two hundred and two silver.
        Master Mao did not quit, and the two hundred and two silvers were enough for him to use for several years. Before leaving, Master Mao said:
       "General, old and -calling, you can't touch the hand of -Lu family. If you don't want to get in trouble, you will hand over the 2nd Master to the government as soon as possible."
        Yu Cong said coldly:
       "I have nothing to do with this, I will not worry about you." Before leaving, I knew that the two hundred and two silver would not be sent.
        Master Mao sighed and said:
       "The old man is doing this, I hope the general will take care."
        Fang Xun soon knew that Yu Cong would not leave the 2nd Master in the house. I thought that I received a letter from Xu Wu to him yesterday, saying that he was asked to persuade him in the misconduct of Yu Cong. Fang Xing said to himself:
       "It seems that Xu Wu has long known that Han Jianming wants to start with -Lu." Otherwise Xu Wu would not write such a letter.
        Bsp; Shihua heard the party going to Yufu and said:
       "General, we still don't want to do this."
        Fang Xing said:
       "Just take a trip, persuade two sentences, no problem." It can make Xu Wu owe him personal feelings, this sale is very cost-effective.
        Yu Cong heard that Fang Xing also advised him to hand over -Lu 2nd Master and said angrily:
       "It is clearly that Han Jianming has framed the imperial court."
        The look of the party is very unattractive, saying:
       "Yu brother, I heard that Han Daren was the only evidence to order the investigation of -Lu Jia. You now say that Han Da people have framed the -Lu Jia to produce evidence, otherwise you are filthy."
        Yu Cong hated and said:
       "Don't let the Han-shi Brother and sisters do whatever they want, there is no king." This is obviously Han Jianming's enthusiasm for Han-shi, so he will plant the -Lu family, but no one will say a fair word. Thinking of this, Yu Cong was angry and somewhat helpless.
        This party will not be angry, but looked at Yu Cong with sympathy:
       "Yu brother, although you married Miss -Lu Miss, I advise you to take care of -Lu family. -Lu business is not as simple as you think, you will hand over -Lu 2nd Master as soon as possible, or else you will harbor a criminal. You can't escape the crime."
        Yu Cong listened at this time to not only any persuasion.
        Fang Xing also looked at the face of Xu Wu and went to see this. Seeing that Yu Congmin is stubborn, he is not willing to pay more attention:
       "I said what I said, I don't listen to you!" After that, he turned and left.

       Chapter 1132 - Jiangnan Shake

       The fall of the -Lu family was only the beginning, and most of the families that had a relationship with the -Lu family were all involved. Soon, this storm spread to Jinling to sweep the entire Jiangnan.
        Shihua got the news and said to Fang Xing:
       "When the -Lu family was destroyed, I really thought that Wangfei was retaliating!" No way, the reputation of Yu-Xi is too loud.
        Fang Xiaoxiao said:
       "You all take the -Lu family seriously, too young, Wangfei. If the Wangfei measure is so small, can Wangye be convinced?"
        Shihua asked strangely:
       "General, have you already known that the collapse of the -Lu family is only the beginning?"
        Fangxing shook his head and said:
       "I don't know. However, Wangfei really has to deal with -Lu family and will not wait until now." Just did not expect that Wangfei purpose turned out to be the entire Jiangnan.
        Shihua has some feelings:
       "Wangfei has a lot of handwriting this time." More than half of the family members who were not destroyed during the war were involved.
        Fang Xing said:
       "Before Wangye didn't move those families, I still wondered. It seems that I didn't want to move people in the first place. I don't want big chaos." Now that Jiangnan is stable, you can take these family members.
        As I spoke, the outside guards replied:
       "General, General Yu said outside to see you."
        The party frowned and said:
       "Please come in!" Since the last conversation, the two have only talked about military affairs and never talked about government affairs and private affairs. Not to mention that Yu Cong does not want to talk, Yu Cong is not willing to listen.
        Yu Cong saw Fang Fang tell him about the recent shock in Jiangnan. After that, Yu Cong said:
       "Fang Laodi, this can't be done, we must stop." As long as the party is willing to cooperate with him, he can stop Han Jianming's unscrupulous behavior.
        The face is cold when it looks:
       "I haven’t heard this when I’ve been dating for years.” Han Jianming is the governor of Jiangnan, their nominal boss. If it is to prevent Han Jianming from carrying out a mutiny. Yu Cong’s own death is no problem, and he still wants to drag him into the water.
        Yu Cong is annoyed:
       "Is it true that you are afraid of Han-shi and Han Jianming?"
        At this time, Fang Xing no longer stayed in love, saying:
       "If you say more, I will arrest you now." He caught Han Jianming, he is not dead, and his future is gone.
        This conversation is not happy.
        After the party and other squadrons left, they immediately wrote letters, and people sent 800 mile to Yucheng. Then I asked Shi Hua to go to the Governor's Office to tell Han Jianming about Yu Cong's idea of ​​a mutiny. He himself rushed to the army. Can not let Yu Cong mobilize the generals in the army to make trouble, otherwise even if he did not participate in it, they have to eat and walk.
        Han Jianming got the news and laughed:
       "Yu Cong wants to unite the party to defeat the official?"
       He now feels that Yu Cong’s brain is not filled with tofu, because this person has no brain at all.
        Shihua quickly said:
       "Daren, my general is loyal to Wangye and Wangfei, and has no ambition." Han Jianming, even the governor of Jiangnan, did not have such a large right to destroy so many families, which is clearly the meaning of Wangye and Wangfei. Anti-Han Jianming is equal to anti-Wangye and Wangfei.
        Han Jianming smiled and said:
       "I naturally believe in the generals. But the generals have this idea, and they will definitely make trouble. In order to prevent such a thing from happening, it is necessary to bother the generals." This time, he will not let the party go.
        Hearing that Han Jianming wanted him to be under soft shackles, his brows were wrinkled. After a while, Fang Xing sighed and said:
       "You can only gamble!" He originally wanted to be on the wall, but Han Jian obviously did not agree. Since he can't be neutral, he can only choose the most advantageous party to rely on.
        Shihua knows that the party is preparing for the soft ban, and some worried that:
       "General, this way, you can tear your face with Yu Cong, and wait for the future to be sinned. I am afraid that Xu Wu and Feng Dajun will be angry with you." If they give their own generals a small scorpion or in Wangye In front of the eye drops, it is enough for the generals to drink a pot.
        Fangxing shook his head and said:
       "Xu Wu and Feng Dajun are both reasonable people. They will not be angered by me for this matter. It is better to offend Xu Wu and defend the army than to offend Wangfei."
        Fang Xing is very clear that this time Jiangnan died so many people are the hands of Yu-Xi. Therefore, in the minds of Fang Xing, Yu-Xi is the one who has to go to pick up the hand. Such a person must not offend. Otherwise, I don’t know how to die when I get there.
        Shihua said with some anxiety:
       "Yu Cong is a person from Wangye. Han Jianming wants us to be in a soft ban. Do you say that Wangye knows what attitude it will be?"
        Fangxing is not worried about this:
       "Wangye is not happy, it will not be like Han Jianming." Han Jianming has Wangfei support, and Wangye is afraid that his ‘Madam’ is notorious. As long as Han Jianming did not do anything to counter the rebellion, there would be no problem.
        Knowing what Fangxing thought, Shi Hua asked curiously:
       "General, you said that Wangye is really afraid of Wangfei!" He did not believe this rumor.
        Fang Xing said:
       “Wangye is afraid of Wangfei, but this fear is not the kind of fear we think.”
        Shihua felt very esoteric and touched her head:
       "do not understand."
        Fang Xing thought about it:
       "Generally, only the wolf is waste, I am afraid of my ‘Madam’. Do you think that Wangye is a waste?"
        Shihua immediately denied:
       "Today's Jiangshan is all hit by Wangye. Who can say that Wangye is a waste?"
       If Wangye is a waste, there will be no real man in the world.
        Fang Xing said with a smile:
       "So, Wangye is afraid of Wangfei. It is clearly deliberately rumored. Wangye is arbitrarily ruined and ruined by Wangfei. Wangye is responsible for playing Jiangshan, and Wangfei is responsible for governing the country. I think this is actually quite good." Fang Zhi to Yu -Xi is not dissatisfied with the administration. The reason is very simple. Wangfei administration has made the whole northwest thriving, and it has made their days better and better.
        Shi Hua said:
       "It seems to make a lot of sense."
        Fang Xingxiao said:
       "It makes a lot of sense. Well, don't gossip, let's do something right." If you want to do it, then simply.
        On the same day, Yu Cong buckled the party in the army. Han Jianming got the news and sent someone to Yufu to catch -Lu 2nd Master. In fact, before Han Jianming can catch people, or Yang Duo-ming suggested not to catch.
        Yang Duo-ming is not kind, he thinks that there is -Lu 2nd Master
        Beside Yu Cong, Yu Cong continued to die and could not return, and the result was as he expected.
        -Lu Yi heard that -Lu 2nd Master was forcibly taken away by officers and soldiers and immediately called Song Song Said:
       “Old Master? Where is the Old Master?”
        Song Yu said with a bitter face:
       “The Old Master is in the military camp, but we can't see it.”
        -Lu Yi asked:
       "What can't you see Old Master?"
       Finish, face one side:
       "Is there an accident with Old Master?"
       If Yu Cong is in trouble, she will not even have the last finger.
        Song made a discretion:
       "Madam, there may be emergency military affairs in the army. When the Old Master was busy, it was often not going home for several days."
        -Lu Yi muttered to herself:
       "Old Master must have been an accident. Han-shi has not let go of -Lu family, and how to let go of the Old Master." After saying this, -Lu Yi fainted.
        Hanmei is scared:
       "Doctor, please ask the doctor."
        -Lu Yi was bleeding when she was pregnant, so her body was very weak. Later, when I was married, my mood was stagnation. After only a few days of marriage, I was met with the collapse of -Lu family. Therefore, -Lu Yi is very unstable. This time it was stimulated again, and the doctor also returned to the sky.
        When I woke up and knew that my child was gone, -Lu Yi cried with a stomachache:
       "Child, my child, my child." Although the child is not in her expectation, but it is his own blood, now know the child, as if digging her heart.
        The news from the fall of the -Lu family was passed back to the capital, and the face of Yan Wu-shuang has always been unsightly. He wouldn't think that Yu-Xi would retaliate against -Lu Jia because of -Lu Yi affairs. As a result, as expected, the purpose of Han Yu-Xi is the entire Jiangnan.
        The Meng-nian look is also very dignified. The revenge of the last Han Yu-Xi caused them to suffer heavy damage in the Jiangnan intelligence system, and has not recovered yet. Because of this, their news is a little lagging:
       "The other side moves too fast, we are caught off guard." The force of the Yu family in Jiangnan, this time also suffered a devastating blow.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I didn't expect Han Yu-Xi to start so quickly." He knew that Yu-Xi would clean Jiangnan, but he didn't expect it to be as fast.
        Meng-nian said:
       "Speaking of it, Han Jianming is really a good knife in the hands of Han Yu-Xi." This time, the big cleaning has killed nearly a thousand people, implicating tens of thousands. Jiangnan is also a place where the style of writing is prevalent. The pens of the literati are sharper than the swords in the hands of the soldiers. Therefore, Han Jianming is also considered to be a murderer who does not blink.
        Yan Wu-shuang is not ok about this:
       "Han Jianming can sit in the position of Governor Jiangnan, not because of his talent, but because of his loyalty to the Han Yu-Xi." As for the crusade of the Wen people, I believe that Han Jianming does not care.
        Meng-nian no longer discussed Han Jianming, but said with anxiety:
       “Wangye, Han Yu-Xi cleared Jiangnan, and then they will attack the Yunnan-Guizhou provinces. It will take a long time to send troops to attack the capital.”
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "There is always going to come, worry is useless." If you hit it, you will fight, but you will return to Liaodong.
        Meng-nian looked at Yan Wu-shuang's relaxed look, and swallowed it back to the mouth:
       "The wall of Tongcheng has been repaired, and Donghu people are not afraid to attack again." The construction of the wall has cost more than two million yuan, and it is a lot of money to spend on it. Therefore, this wall is very strong.
        Yan Wu-shuang, a voice:
       "The harvest of the artichoke is not bad, even if it is returned to Liaodong, it will be much better than before." The high harvest of the artichoke can alleviate the food crisis.
        Speaking of food, Meng-nian looked bitter:
       “Wangye, I am afraid that it will be difficult to purchase food from Jiangnan in the future.” Although Jiangnan was occupied by Yun-Qing , they still got hundreds of thousands of stone food from Jiangnan in the first half of the year. However, after the storm in Jiangnan, it is very difficult to get food from there.
        Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Five years ago, the northwest was arid, and the Beibei people died in order to snatch food. In that year, more than 200 thousand people died in the West Sea. But Han Yu-Xi still sells food to Beibei. What is it? Not for the sake of it? A profit word." The world is full of good fortune, the world is good for. Only if the interests are sufficient, there are many people who kill and set fire, let alone sell food.
        Yu-Xi is a highly confidential matter for Yunshan to exchange food for the North, and it knows very little. Yan Wu-shuang was also inferred after the mysterious cavalry that appeared.
        Meng-nian got the news at first and felt incredible. Han Yu-Xi is so *not unexpected, but Yun-Qing will promise to make people understand:
       "If the world knows what Han Yu-Xi is doing, I don't know what to think."
        Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "The world will never know." These things are all unseen. Han Yu-Xi must have cleaned the tail, that is, they also speculated about this, and could not find any evidence.
        Meng-nian shook his head:
       "Yu Cong was put under house arrest in the military camp. Wangye, you said Han Yu-Xi will kill her?"
       To Meng-nian said that this surplus is incompetent. For such a long time, I didn’t even cultivate my own confidant, and it was easy to give house arrest.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "If you want to kill chickens and monkeys, Yu Cong must die. But it is not so easy to kill Yu Cong. I think, in the end, I might choose a compromise."
        As I spoke, A Qian opened the curtain and walked into anxiously and said:
       "Wangye, not good, Le Imperial Doctor said that the 5th Young Master is not infected with the cold, but the epidemic." 5th Young Master Yan Hengxin chilled last night, Yan Wu-shuang called the Imperial Doctor for treatment. Originally thought it was cold, but did not expect it to be a time epidemic.
        Yan Wu-shuang looks also very difficult to see:
       See A thousand nods, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Good investigation." Hope is not what he thinks. It is the woman in the backyard who swears that he loves Xiaowu.
        Meng-nian hesitated and said:
       "Wangye, I have to move the 6th Young Master out of the house." The disease is easily contagious, and the consequences of Wangye infection are unimaginable. Therefore, people can only be removed from the government as soon as possible.
        Yan Wu-shuang nodded.
        Xiang Madam knew that his son was infected, and the epidemic immediately passed out. When he woke up, he heard his son being moved out of the house and turned his eyes and fainted.
        Woke up again, Xiang Madam saw Yan Wu-shuang. Holding his sleeve, Xiang Madam cried and said:
       "Wangye, must be the poisonous hand of Han Yu-Chen. You must give me the letter and the letter."
        Yan Wu-shuang said coldly:
       "You are a little five, my mother, I want you to take care of him, are you willing to go?"
        Xiang Madam immediately nodded and said:
       "Xin Er was born in 10 months, I gave birth to other people to take care of me." In fact, Xiang Madam is also afraid of death, but she is very clear that if she refuses, Yan Wangfu will no longer have her foothold. Moreover, she can't be born in the future. If her son has three long and two short, she also loses her biggest trust.
        Yan Wu-shuang was very satisfied with this:
       "Then you will pack things up! As for what you said, someone who wants to harm Xiaowu, I have sent people to check."
        Xiang Madam gnashed his teeth and said:
       "Wangye, you must be the master of the letter, or Han-shi will hurt the fifth one next time." Pulled down Han Yu-Chen, her son has the possibility of a superior.
        Yan Wu-shuang glanced at Madam and said:
       "I will send people to investigate this matter." He did not believe that the black hand behind the scenes was Yu-Chen.

       Chapter 1133 - After the battle

       In Ruyiyuan, Yu-Chen put a piece of sandalwood into the three-legged flower, gilt, copper, and enamel. The fragrance of sandalwood is elegant and elegant, and it is the favorite of Yu-Chen.
        Gui Mama walked in from the outside and said something flustered:
       “Imperial Consort, it’s not good, 5th Young Masters are infected with the epidemic.” The epidemic is contagious, and the Wang Heir and 1st County Owner are still in the house!
        Yu-Chen's face changed slightly, but he quickly calmly said:
       “How do Wangye say?”
       I believe that Wangye will handle this.
        Gui Mama Said:
       “Wangye moved the 5th Young Master out of the house and let Xiang Madam follow the 5th Young Master.”
        Yu-Chen handed the box containing the sandalwood to the Servant around him, and wiped his hand and said:
       "How did the 5th Young Masters become infected with the epidemic, and there must be a reason for this?"
       I don't know who is the poisonous hand.
        Gui Mama shook her head and said:
       "I heard that Wangye has sent people to investigate thoroughly. I don't know who is behind this scene?"
        Yu-Chen said faintly:
       "This person is also mad, and even poisoned such a small child, I hope that Wangye can detect her as soon as possible." She is not at ease in the backyard. After all, no one can guarantee that this person’s next goal will be A-Chi and A-Bao.
        After an hour, the big housekeeper went to Ruyiyuan and took Yu-Chen's Servant snow.
        Gui Mama was a little flustered and said:
       “Imperial Consort, the 5th Young Master's shi-nu confessed that she gave her a small sachet to let her wear the sachet on the 5th Young Master. The Imperial Doctor has confirmed that there is something in the sachet. Master is wearing the sachet to infect the epidemic."
        Yu-Chen didn't panic, said faintly:
       "This kind of means is too bad."
        Not long after, Yan Wu-shuang came over. Looking at the calm water of Yu-Chen, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Snow has already confessed, the sachet is the breastfeeding woman that you let her hand over to Xiaowu. Han Yu-Chen, what else can you say?"
        Yu-Chen looked up at Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "Wangye, I have nothing to say, because I have not done it."
        Yan Wu-shuang said coldly:
       "Then you come up with evidence to prove your innocence."
        Yu-Chen himself is in charge of the harem, and is familiar with the insidiousness of such intrigues:
       “Wangye just needs to check who recently infected the epidemic, and who is in contact with their family, can seize the behind-the-scenes master.” Suddenly, Yu-Chen added:
       "Snow is only around me for more than five years. If I really want to smother the 5th Young Master, it is impossible to give her such secret things to do." This kind of thing cannot be entrusted by death.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "It seems that I should hand over the matter to you in the backyard soon." He naturally did not believe in the speech of Shi Xue. Although he loves the fifth, it will not affect the status of A-Chi. Of course, the most important thing is that the people he placed in Ruyiyuan did not find any difference between Han Yu-Chen and Gui Mama.
        Yu-Chen’s heart trembled and said with a low head:
       "Old Master, I haven't managed the work for a long time, I'm afraid I can't do it." The work is complicated and trivial, she is not willing to touch her hand.
        Yan Wu-shuang said faintly:
       "Han Yu-Chen, the other side of the squad is picking up two candidates again. As for who is the final choice, you can decide."
        Yu-Chen has a tight heart, Yan Wu-shuang This is trading with her. If she does not agree, her marriage will not allow her to intervene. After a while, Yu-Chen whispered:
       "Chen Chen will take care of the inner court."
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I hope that I won't hear these things again in the future." He felt that Yu-Chen had this ability before letting her go.
        Yu-Chen said calmly:
       "Wangye, I can only do my best, the other can not be guaranteed." She is not so capable, can guarantee that there will be no accident in the backyard. After all, the backyard means are endless, making people hard to defend.
        Yan Wu-shuang sighed and left. As for the snow, it is a dead Yu-Chen and did not ask. For the servants of this rebel, even if Yan Wu-shuang does not dispose of it, she can't hold it.
        Gui Mama is very pleased to know that Yu-Chen has taken over the business.
       "Imperial Consort, you should have promised." With the right, you have the opportunity to do other things.
        Yu-Chen glanced at Gui Mama and said:
       "Mama, I just help Wangye to manage the house. Others, I can't think of it." She won't take the other women who threaten her, and she won't start with those children. Once discovered by Yan Wu-shuang, Yan Wangfu has no place for her to stand. If she falls, she can't protect A-Bao and A-Chi.
        Gui Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort, the oldest servant now has the greatest wish to watch the Wang Heir and the 1st County Owner grow up safely and healthily." Give her ten courage, she does not dare to do the hands and feet in the backyard, even if it is secret Grabbing. Just like this time when the 5th Young Master was infected, she believed that the masters behind the scenes could not escape.
        As Gui Mama thought, the behind-the-scenes ambassador was quickly checked out by Yan Wu-shuang, who was Xiao Yu-shi. This result made everyone very surprised, because Xiao Yu-shi is gentle and never succumbs to people, and does not compete for favor. The popularity of the palace is very good. At least better than Yu-Chen.
        Yu-Chen knows this result, just faintly said:
       "A dog that won't call will bite." Although Xiao Yu-shi is very harmless, she has always beenhave like she admired her, but Yu-Chen has always avoided her. Far away. She will not harm people, but she will not give others a chance to harm her.
        Yu-Chen took over the responsibilities, and Yan Wu-shuang also fulfilled his promise and handed over the information of the 2nd Miss to the Yu-Chen.
        The 2nd Miss ones are the 3rd House of Pingqing Houfu, the eldest daughter of Jiang Feier, and the other is the second son of the Guozi prisoner. Both Miss meet the requirements of Yu-Chen, and the knowledge of the book is gentle.
        After reading the information, Yu-Chen is inclined to Liang Shu, after all, he is born to be shorter than the Di Daughter. However, Yu-Chen did not immediately decide, but let people go to explore.
        The right to do things in the hands, the people below will have a reply in less than two days. However, the following people have inquired about the news, and there is no details given by Yan Wu-shuang.
        Finally, Yu-Chen chose Liang Shu. Not long after, the results were announced.
        Yu-Rong was a little surprised to hear that the Queen’s candidate was replaced:
       "At the end of last year, it was not said that after the selection of the shi-nu of the Shangshang Shangjia Xia Daren, how can I change to Miss Liang’s Miss now?"
       Ordinary people will not change their loved ones, nor do they know how the people in the country are doing things.
        r /> Safflower shook his head and said:
       "The servants are also talking about Pozi in the house, and the details are not clear."
        Yu-Rong is also a bit surprised, and there is no mind to ask:
       "The things of Heaven are what we can guess."
        Throwing away this, Yu-Rong bowed his head and started the spring dress for his son. Now Yu-Rong’s mind is on his son. Concerned about the outside, mainly worried about the trouble, want to prevent in advance.
        Not long after, Lu-Shi confidant Atao came over and asked Yu-Rong to go over and say that Lu-Shi had something to tell her.
        Yu-Rong and Lu-Shi get along very well. When I heard this, I immediately put down the needlework and followed Atao to the main Courtyard.
        When I arrived at the main Courtyard, I saw Lu Old Lady too. Yu-Rong's face changed slightly. However, looking at Lu-Shi face, Yu-Rong was very polite to ask Lu Old Lady too.
        After sitting down, Yu-Rong opened the door and asked:
       "Sister-in-law, don't know what happened to you looking for me?"
        Lu Yao is a little embarrassed and does not know how to speak. Lu Old Lady is too ignorant and said with a smile:
       "This woman, no man who knows the cold and knows the heat. I can't do it with my family. It's quite suitable for all ages. If you marry Heng, I will treat you as a relative." "Lu Old Lady said that the balance is her third son. When Lu family was in trouble that year, his ‘Madam’ died, and there were four children who came out of the knees. After the Lu family was defeated, he did not swear again. This person is not a playboy, but there is no talent. Simply speaking, it is a mediocre one.
        Yu-Rong was so angry that she would remarriage if she wanted to remarriage when Jiang Hongjin died. Yu-Rong stood up and looked at Lu Yao and said:
       "Sister-in-law, if you can't let me go, I will say, why should you humiliate me in this way? You can rest assured that I will take the political brother now, and it will not hinder your eyes." Finished, angry Going away.
        Lu Yao couldn’t hold Yu-Rong and turned his head and said:
       "Mother, I just didn't say it slowly."
        Lu Old Lady said too coldly:
       "If it weren't for her rich dowry, I wouldn't want Heng Heng to marry her!" The 30-year-old widow, I really want to be a toon.
        Yu-Rong just said that it is not a joke to move away. When you return to the yard, let the Pozi around you pack things.
        When Han Jiancheng came back from the outside, he heard that Yu-Rong had to move. Han Jiancheng asked Lu Yao:
       "What happened?"
       Since returning to her family, Yu-Rong is very polite to Lu Yao and is very caring for several of his children.
        Lu Yao said with a look:
       "Yong Gong, this is all mine. Today, my mother came over and said two words to Mei Mei. Mei Mei was too angry to say that she would move." It was also during this time that Yu-Rong performed. It was too docile, so the suggestion that Lu Old Lady was too mentioning did not refuse.
        After all, this is actually Lu Yao selfishness. She knows that Yu-Rong has money. If Yu-Rong can marry his younger brother, Lu family will help, so that she can reduce the burden and eliminate the need to use her dowry to supplement her family. People.
        Lu Yao doesn't know that, in fact, Yu-Rong just thinks that he is going to take a step down, so everything is a step back. It's not that she is so good.
        Han Jiancheng’s face is stunned:
       "Yu-Rong temperament, I know best. If your mother just said two words, she wouldn’t think about moving. Let's say, what did your mother say to Yu-Rong?"
       Even the mother-in-law is not called. It is enough to see Han Jiancheng’s attitude towards the Lu family.
        Lu Yao shunned the weight and said things.
        After listening to Han Jiancheng, he looked at Lu Yao coldly and then turned and left the main courtyard.
        Lu Yao looked at the back of Han Jiancheng, tears could not help but fall:
       "This is a resentment to me."
        A peach sighed and said:
       "Madam Don't think too much, wait for your aunt to disappoint you to go with her, and say a few soft words, I think this will soon pass." She knows what Lu Old Lady is playing. The idea, how do -Mistress not know. I don't know what my ‘Madam’ thinks, but she will promise.
        Han Jiancheng entered the yard and saw that Yu-Rong was packing things with Pozi. Han Jiancheng said ugly:
       "Put everything back."
        Yu-Rong, this gas has disappeared. When I heard this, I waved Servant and Pozi, and then said:
       "Brother, do you know everything today?"
        Han Jiancheng said:
       "I know. You haven't done this sister-in-law. You are angry, you can't really move. Now it's messy outside. Where are you going to move with your political brother?" ”
        Yu-Rong invited Han Jiancheng to sit down and said:
       "Brother, I am going to move to the next house, and there are a few steps. Is there anything you can do?"
        Han Jiancheng did not want to refuse:
       "No. The house is close, but it is not home after all. There may be some things that can't catch up. You live at home, you can't go anywhere."
        Yu-Rong is only because she knows that the orphans and widows are easily bullied, she will live in Han Jiancheng here, or else she will have a house, and she will live back to her family:
       "Brother, Lu Old Lady is too clearly to see my rich dowry before I want to marry her son. This time did not achieve the goal, it is difficult to ensure that they will not play other ideas, and sister-in-law depends on Lu Old Lady too. Brother, it’s still you who going to make trouble when it’s time to go, and when it’s time to tear your face, it’s better to move away now.”
        Yu-Rong was originally very dissatisfied with Lu Yao. She has never seen such a woman, preferring her husband and children to supplement the Lu family's bottomless pit. However, in the end, it was under the fence, she was dissatisfied and did not say anything. However, Lu Yao should not have to do anything, should not hit her mind.
        Han Jiancheng’s face is also very difficult to see:
       "Don't think too much, nothing will happen." Seeing Yu-Rong's attitude is firm, Han Jiancheng said:
       "You know the rich dowry, not only Lu Old Lady, but many people are watching it. If you move out with the political brother, you will be remembered by those people, and you will not know what will happen. "The husband is guilty of his sin, the money is not wrong, the fault is the inability to keep it."
        Yu-Rong was also angry and determined to move out. She could have listened to Han Jiancheng’s words, but she was somewhat hesitant:
       "Brother, I..."
        Han Jiancheng knows what Yu-Rong is worried about and says:
       "You can rest assured that there will be no things that you are worried about." Mei Mei was calculated by an outsider in his own home, and he really killed himself with a pillar.
        Yu-Rong wiped the tears:
       "Brother, don't argue with sister-in-law. Can't because I affect your marital relationship."
        Han Jiancheng said uglyly:
       "You don't care about this." Before Lu Yao used the dowry to fill the maiden, he had been forbearing, but Lu Yao was touching his bottom line.
        Returning to the main court, Han Jiancheng directly dropped a sentence to Lu Yao, and the Lu family was not allowed to re-*.
        Lu Yao cried and said:
       "Yang Gong, Lu family is my mother, how can you say this?"
       Lu family * is not allowed, is not to let her cut off her family.
        Han Jiancheng really couldn’t stand it anymore, and said with a cold face:
       "If you really can't bear Lu family, you can't bear to go back now, I don't stop. But if you go out, you don't have to come back." Han Jiancheng also had a good temper and changed his face to someone else.
        Lu Yao is stunned by the whole person. What is the reluctance of Lu family to go back, is this going to take her off? Looking at the expressionless Han Jiancheng, Lu Yao finally knew that he was afraid.

       Chapter 1134 - Yun-Qing  can't bear

       Xu Wu fell into the house when he saw Yu-Xi. I saw Yu-Xi wearing a sapphire blue flower scorpion, a red flower skirt with red gold, and a white belt on the waist to outline the slim body. With a stilt, a pair of double happiness and red gold swaying, the ruby ​​tassels sway with the movement, and the end is bright and noble.
        Yu-Xi was seen somewhat uncomfortable and said:
       “Is it not suitable for me?”
       Yu-Xi thinks that the clothes are too bright, and only the 17-year-old Miss will wear them. But Yun-Qing insisted that she wear it, and the six children said that they would wear it when they were dressed, and Yu-Xi was put on the confusing. This will be, Yu-Xi has begun to regret some.
        Xu Wu returned to God and said with a low head:
       "Wangfei is very spiritual like this." In fact, he would like to say such a good-looking, but this is not suitable for him.
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "It was also stunned by the few stinky boys. I don't wear such clothes again next time." I didn't wear such a half-point, how to discuss things with the courtiers.
        Not long after, Fu Minglang came over and made an accident. I saw the dress of Yu-Xi. After returning to God, Fu Minglang smiled and said:
       “Wangfei is very young in dress.” This dress looks beautiful and spirited.
        Yu-Xi was very embarrassed and vowed to come out and not wear clothes of such color.
        The only thing that saw Yu-Xi wearing nothing changed was Tan Tuo. Of course, Tan Tuo is not surprised, but he is better concealed and does not show up. Have to say, ginger is still old and hot!
        Near noon, Xu Wu sent a stack of thick things to the study:
       "Wangfei, these are sent by Han Daren." During this time, Han Jianming's discount was delivered almost every day.
        Yu-Xi said to Mei-Lan:
       "Go to the food here." Such a stack of things, no half an hour is not finished. Yu-Xi also doesn't want to be delayed until the afternoon, so I am going to use lunch here.
        Mei-Lan went away. It is also Yun-Qing not in the house, otherwise Yu-Xi wants to use lunch here.
        After reading the evidence and evidence sent by Han Jianming, it is already an hour later.
        Yu-Xi called Xu Wu to ask:
       “After more than ten days ago, did Wangye receive an urgent letter from the party?”
        Xu Wu nodded:
       "Twelve days ago, Wangfei, is there a problem with the letter?"
        Looking at Xu Wu is not like being fake. Yu-Xi asked:
       "You don't know the content of the letter?"
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Wangye didn't tell me. Why, the letter is really a problem? It shouldn't be. I saw the envelope at the time, it was the handwriting of the party!" And the letter was sent from the station, and there was nothing to vote for.
        Yu-Xi chuckled and said:
       "The letter of Fangxing is no problem. But in the letter, Yu Cong wants to unite him for the mutiny. He wants to be unfavorable to my older brother." If Han Jianming did not mention it in the letter, she did not know about it. Unexpectedly, Yun-Qing even dared to stare at him.
        Xu Wu face changed greatly:
       "Wangfei, is it wrong? How does Yu Cong do such a thing?"
        Yu-Xi ridiculed and said:
       "He still has a lot to do! Write a letter to the garrison general of Yucheng, let him release the boat of Liujia, and ship the food of twenty-five ships." The port is the garrison general, and that is the last. A level. If it is not released, the food will not go out.
        Xu Wu said after listening:
       "The rest of the crowd is definitely ignorant, he must be used."
        Yu-Xi did not answer Xu Wu, but continued:
       "Liujia collusion with the court evidence is conclusive, Yu Cong will leave -Lu 2nd Master in the house, Jinling prefects to take people, he refused to let people, but also said that my older brother planted and smashed -Lu family. It is not so much that my big brother planted a frame of -Lu family, it is better to say This is what I believe is that I am revenge for -Lu Jia and him for the original."
        Xu Wu didn't know how to express feelings for Yu Cong.
        Yu-Xi mouth is a mocking smile:
       "I don't know? Use it? I still believe that it can be one piece of this pile. You touched your chest and asked, is he really just being used and he is completely ignorant?"
       After a glance at Xu Wu, Yu-Xi said faintly:
       "I know that Wangye wants to protect him. You and Huo Shu also want to protect him. But if you ignore the country because of your personal feelings, what is the use of the law?"
        Xu Wu had long known that Yu-Xi would not let go of Yu Cong, and asked after a half-sound:
       “How does Wangfei plan to dispose of the remaining bundles?”
        Yu-Xi said with a blank expression:
       "Through the enemy, the intention of the mutiny, the harboring of the government to commit crimes, according to the punishment of the three tribes." Harboring and sheltering the government to blame is not heavy, can pass the enemy and the intention of the military change, no matter what is committed, it is implicated in the small family capital offense.
        Xu Wu face was pale and her lips squirmed. If she pleaded, she did not say anything.
        Xu Daniu said outside:
       “Wangfei, Pan Daren asked for it.”
        Seeing Xu Wu look is wrong, Xu Daniu is busy going forward and asks:
       "Boss, what happened?"
        Xu Wu swayed and said:
       "Nothing, you are so bad, I have something to find the Old Master."
        Xu Daniu nodded busy:
       "Then go!" This is definitely something big, just don't know what's going on.
        Huo Changqing listened to Xu Wu words and laughed with anger:
       "It's really getting more and more good. He even dared to make a squad." The enemy can be argued that it is being exploited and there is room for change. But this mutiny has a testimony, and there is no room for change.
        Xu Wu smiled bitterly:
       "I couldn't even say anything when I asked for sympathy." The nature of the mutiny was too bad. It was the most taboo thing for the top, so he didn't dare to speak.
        Huo Changqing shook his head:
       "I have no face to ask for love. This matter can only be seen by Yun-Qing ." Huo Changqing knew that Yun-Qing may not make Han-shi change his mind.
        Xu Wu looked bitterly:
       "Wang Fang told Wangye about this matter more than ten days ago. Wangfei only knows the letter from Han Jianming today. Wangye is not telling Wangfei that this is because it is too bad, Wangfei knows that it will not be good in the future." ""
        Huo Changqing, I don’t know what to say:
       "All are not worrying." Also expecting Yun-Qing to express feelings, fearing that this is a good deal for both husband and ‘Madam’.
        p; As Huo Changqing said, Yun-Qing came home in the afternoon and found that Yu-Xi was not the right face. Yun-Qing asked:
       "what happened?"
        Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing and said:
       "Nothing is to worry about the things in Jiangnan." Yu Cong's things are not good in the study, otherwise the two people quarreled and was not well influenced by the outside guards. Therefore, Yu-Xi has to wait for this to wait for the return to the backyard to settle with Yun-Qing .
        This time they were too big in Jiangnan and killed thousands of people. Yun-Qing is not tolerated, but it is not blocked:
       "Things can always be handled well, don't go to the heart." He thought that Yu-Xi was just like her, because the heart couldn't bear it.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "You go back to the backyard first! I will return when I finish the matter at hand."
        Xu Wu Seeing Yun-Qing is not wrong. I thought about going out of the yard with Yun-Qing and then retreating from the crowd:
       “Wangye, Yu Cong wants to encourage the party to change things, Wangfei now knows.” I have to wake up with Wangye, and I will be saved by Wangfei.
        Yun-Qing face changes:
       "Who told Wangfei?"
       Hearing Han Jianming, Yun-Qing didn't say anything. He just told the party not to pass the matter out, and did not tell Han Jianming not to tell Yu-Xi about it. Not to mention the face, even if he opened Han Jianming, it may not be done.
        See Yun-Qing want to fold back, Xu Wu lowered his voice and said:
       "Wangye, Wangfei didn't tell you about it, I guess I want to talk to you later."
        Yun-Qing stopped and turned and asked:
       “Wangfei know what to say after this?”
       In fact, you don't have to ask, you know, Yu-Xi will not spare the rest of the crowd.
        Xu Wu said with a low head:
       “Wangye, Wangfei said that according to the law, the three tribes.”
        Yun-Qing smiles bitterly:
       "I will know." After he received a letter from the party, he deliberately checked the law. The law is very clear, and rebellion and enemies are unforgivable deaths. Not only do you have to be alive, but you have to involve your ‘Madam’ and children and your relatives. Yu Cong is an orphan. Except for his ‘Madam’ and children, they are the closest to them, so the tribes cannot talk about it.
        Xu Wu said with a low head:
       "Wangye, is there really no way?"
       I want to save the rest, only Yun-Qing can get it.
        The change of the mutiny does not make it out that Yu Cong can still not die, so as long as Wangfei is willing to spare the rest of the horse, this matter has passed. And only Wangye can say that Wangfei can be said. So, just look at Yun-Qing and give it no force.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Wangfei is not willing to let go of Yu Cong, or I will not be stunned by the mutiny." The main thing is that Yu Cong has committed too much. He does not know how to speak with Yu-Xi.
        Xu Wu looks a little dazed.
        It was almost open for dinner, and Yu-Xi returned to the backyard. The six children saw Yu-Xi face ugly and immediately looked at Yun-Qing . Jao-Jao is the first to open:
       "Hey, what do you do to make your mother angry?"
       These days, Jao-Jao has been copying the scriptures and is very serious. What makes Yu-Xi happy is that the copied verse Jao-Jao can be reversed. This shows that Jao-Jao really started to copy it this time.
        Yun-Qing can't stand the eyes of six children condemning, busy saying:
       "This is a business."
        When I heard that it was a business official, the six children would not speak. As long as it is not a beautiful woman, it will become.
        After dinner, Yu-Xi said to Hao Ji Er:
       "A Hao, you stay." This time, Yu-Xi intends to let Hao Ji children participate.
        Jao-Jao saw it and took Lu-Er out with the triplets. As soon as I left the main house, You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother is really bias..."
        When the words were not finished, the back of the head was photographed by Jao-Jao. Jao-Jao said:
       "Mother is bias, but also bias, when did you bias me and A Hao?"
       It’s a guy who doesn’t know how to be blessed in the blessing.
        You Ji-Er is very annoyed and touched his head and said:
       "You have to hit my head again. I will go and tell my mother that I will punish you for copying the scriptures."
        Jao-Jao, I am afraid of You Ji-Er:
       "Hah, the ability is getting longer, and I learned to complain."
        You Ji-Er also said that, where is the truth. Only useless or small people like to complain!
        Rui Ji Er whispered:
       "Big sister, my mother has something to say to her older brother, don't tell us." This makes them very lost!
        Jao-Jao is not doing it, but says:
       "What to say? If you don't understand it, why waste time."
        I was stunned again, You Ji-Er said:
       "I didn't say it, how do you know that we don't understand?"
        Jao-Jao said a little shame:
       "I don't understand those things, can you understand?"
       After that, Jao-Jao looked at the triplets:
       "But don't be frustrated, wait until you grow up. If you have something, you will tell you."
        You Ji-Er恹恹 said:
       "That will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey."
        Lu-Er has no idea. Hao Ji Er is the eldest son of the elder brother. In the future, he will inherit the title. It is also natural for him to tell him something.
       "Big sister, what do you say about this angry mother?"
       Her message was not Jao-Jao, and the last thing was the best proof.
        Jao-Jao is not interested in this root:
       "You don't have to worry. You won't lie to us. Since he said that it is a business official, it must be a business. As long as it is not a beautiful woman, it will not be a long time, and it will be three or five days."
        Lu-Er Said:
       "I hope so." She didn't want to see the last time. That day, it’s really like a year.
        Yun-Qing walked to Yu-Xi and whispered:
       "Yu-Xi, don't let Ahao know about it?"
       Let his son know that he is sheltering, so that he is very faceless!
        Yu-Xi slammed a channel:
       "Now I know I am embarrassed. How dare you glare at me before? Yun-Qing , you promised me not to swear at me any more. Is this still not full three months?"
       Yu-Xi is now beginning to doubt the credit of Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing smiles bitterly:
       "I don't know how to tell this to you?"
        Hao Ji Er listened confusedly and asked:
       "Mother, what the hell is it?"
       It sounds like a serious look.
        Yun-Qing See Yu-Xi, do not open, can only say the rest of the scalp. This time, I didn’t add any vinegar, but I’m going to know everything.
        Hao Ji face is very cold, and it looks exactly like the Yu-Xi cold face:
        Yu Cong is afraid to make a squad, do you want to let him go? ”
        Yun-Qing is busy:
       "I didn't want to let him go, I just wanted to keep him alive." It is enough to pass the enemy into the abyss.
        Hao Ji Er now knows why his mother is so angry. Cough, he is too heavy, but he has not considered the big picture. Still, the mother is right, he is not suitable to be an emperor. Hao Ji Er said with a slap in the face:
       "Hey, Yu Cong must die. If you leave him a life, the other generals will have a sample of the future, how to deal with it at that time? Kill is not to kill?"
       If you are heavy, you have to see what happened. If it's just a general fault, just let it go. Such a felony, no matter what sentiment can not let go.
        See Yu-Xi still no sound, Yun-Qing to make the final effort:
       "Can't you really leave him a life?"
       Although Yu Cong became unsuccessful, he grew up together. Let him kill the rest of the bush, I really can't get it.
        Yu-Xi still doesn't talk. Hao Ji Er did not want to say:
       "No." This mouth can never be opened, otherwise it will endless.

       Chapter 1135 - Yu Cong is convicted (1)

       Although Hao Ji Er is young, Yun-Qing still respects his opinions. Plus Yu-Xi does not agree to let go of the Yu Cong, Yun-Qing even if you don't want to touch your brother's blood, you can only compromise:
       "That will give him a happy time!"
        Hao Ji Er felt that the Yun-Qing requirement was not excessive, but it was finally decided by his mother:
       "Mother, how do you think it is feasible to dispose of it?"
        Yu-Xi This is the opening:
       "The crimes he committed must go through the trial and then be sentenced. But if you don't want him to suffer, you can give him a good time after the trial." Yu-Xi is going to kill the chickens and monkeys with Yu Cong, let everyone know who is it. Make a contribution, as long as you have committed something to escape. This not only establishes the prestige of their husband and ‘Madam’, but also allows everyone to know that the law is not a display, so that everyone has some jealousy.
        After talking about this, Hao Ji Er returned to his yard. As soon as I entered the room, I saw the triplets staring at him. Hao Ji heart is very good. He was stared at by six eyes and there was nothing uncomfortable. He just asked:
       "Look at what I do?"
        You Ji-Er went to Hao Ji Er and asked with a look:
       "Big brother, what did you say to you?"
        Hao Ji Er thought about it:
       "I can tell you, but you have to make sure that this is not allowed to be said." After a while, the rest of the bundle will be convicted, so it is no problem to tell the triplets.
        The triplets immediately swear by the day and promise not to go out.
        Hao Ji Er said the rest of the matter:
       "I want to spare the rest of my life, and my mother is very angry." Yun-Qing knew in advance but yelled at Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing did not say. Otherwise, Hao Ji Er will be more speechless.
        After listening to the triplets, their opinions are different. Rui Ji Er is in favor of Yun-Qing :
       "Big brother, Yu Shushu has been with him for more than 20 years. I can't bear to kill the hand and want to leave him a life."
        Xuan Ji Er disagreed, said:
       "Master has taught us that the prince is guilty of crimes with the untouchables. Don't say that Yu Cong has only been with him for more than 20 years. If we commit such a big crime in the future, we must also punish according to the law."
        You Ji-Er is much more direct, and Bai Xuan’s brother looks at it:
       "You will not take the troops to fight in the future, even if you want to change the military."
        Rui Ji Er is busy indicating his position:
       "Big brother is relieved, I will not decide what to change in the future."
        Hao Ji Er heard these words and was so angry and funny. He finally understood why she was not willing to tell the triplets about this. Although the triplets are more mature than their peers, they are still children, and the idea is very naive and naive.
        See Yu-Xi, looking down at the book, Yun-Qing sighed and walked over and put Yu-Xi on his lap.
        Yu-Xi wants to break free but can't make it, and looks at Yun-Qing with hate. This person has become more and more rogue since he is sick.
        Yun-Qing buried his head in the neck of Yu-Xi and said with a sullen mood:
       "Yu-Xi, in the dream, Yu Cong is to save me." Although it was only a dream, but that grief until now he can not forget. Now he wants him to kill Yu Cong himself. He really can't go.
        Yu-Xi has a soft heart and says:
       "He Rui, I don't want to be this wicked. If Yu Cong is committing a general sin, you want to let me go, I don't object. But he dares to make a military change. The mutiny is equivalent to rebellion. How do you let it go? You Have you ever thought about how big it is if you let go of the rest?"
       Suddenly, Yu-Xi face was a bit cold:
       "The generals who have committed crimes in the future will not be able to bear the killer. When these problems are solved, they will be solved by Hao Ji. You are a good person, but you want to let Hao Ji Er come to be this evil person?"
       In fact, Yu-Xi will keep these people to solve the problem, but just say this.
        Yun-Qing didn’t say anything, after a while, said:
       "Yu-Xi, let the pregnant Concubine give birth to the child! It is also a root for Yu Cong."
        This Yu-Xi does not object, just asks a question:
       "Who will raise the child after it is born?"
        Yun-Qing Said:
       "I asked Xu Wu and the army to see who they are willing to raise."
        Yu-Xi, as long as it is not for her to raise:
       "The property on the other side of the river must be confiscated, and the property on the side of the city will not move." Most of the property in the south of the Yangtze River is illegally obtained, and it is natural to confiscated. Yucheng is legally earned here, and it is considered to be left without a confiscation.
        Yun-Qing heard this and said a bitter smile:
       "All the property in Yucheng has been returned to Lin." After the property of Jiangnan was confiscated, Yu Cong was penniless.
        Yu-Xi cool one channel:
       "That is his own death, can not blame others." The man who abandoned his ‘Madam’, it should be retribution.
        Yun-Qing did not comment on this and looked up and said:
       "Hold the warrants of the jungle, let me give it!"
        Yu-Xi said with meditation:
       "This wicked is still me to do it!" She was afraid that Yun-Qing had issued this order and would spend the rest of her life.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "It is the best thing for me to deal with it." He did not want to let people say that Yu-Xi couldn't make a living, and he didn't want Yu-Xi to be criticized for smuggling.
        Yu-Xi See Yun-Qing insist, and no longer object:
       "Huo Shu and General Feng Feng will definitely come forward to ask for help when they arrive. You can't let go." The most taboo thing is repeated.
        Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "No." Even if you have a heart, you will not change it if you make a decision.
        When sleeping, Yun-Qing leaned on the bed and said:
       "The rest of the cluster fell to this point, I have to bear half of the responsibility. I know that he stayed in Jiangnan is not suitable and did not intend to stay in Jiangnan, but because he asked me, I promised."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "You are too heavy." No more Yu-Xi said, I hope that Yun-Qing can figure it out.
        Yun-Qing holds Yu-Xi in his arms and whispers:
       "I know, in fact, I am not suitable for this position. If it is not because of you, I can't keep up with more sites." Because he is very clear about his weaknesses, he will pay the right to be so refreshing.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "There is no such thing as you can do this. I don't have this opportunity! So it's not unreasonable for God to synthesize us." Yun-Qing may have many shortcomings, but he is not good enough to decentralize and Love family loves her and children, only these are enough. No one is perfect, how can you demand Yun-Qing everything is perfect. Moreover, she also has a bunch of shortcomings!
        p; I think of this, Yu-Xi kissed Yun-Qing , then extended the tone and said:
       "So, we are a match made in heaven."
        This is what Yun-Qing loves to hear.
        The next day, Yun-Qing found Xu Wu and said his final decision:
       "The child, who do you think is best for you?"
       I also know that Yu-Xi will not agree, so last night he did not propose to let the child raise in the palace.
        Xu Wu is very upset:
       "Wangye, can't you spare a life? Just as long as you can leave his life."
        Yun-Qing said in silence:
       "I don't want to kill him either, but Yu Cong's sin is too big. I don't think it is good."
        Xu Wu knows that there is no hope for this, and she is very sad:
       "My daughter-in-law is pregnant again, and I am busy. If the child is raised in our house, I am afraid that I will not be fully cared for. I think the child is still handed over to the army! Zhixi is seven years old, sister-in- Law has time and energy to take care of the child." Mainly Chang-shi temperament and fairness, give her peace of mind.
        Yun-Qing nodded:
       "I asked the army." In fact, I don't have to ask him to know that Feng Dajun will definitely not refuse.
        The turmoil in Jiangnan has wiped out many family members. However, this does not affect the child test at the end of February.
        Han Jianming looked at the list of references and smiled and said to Master Zhao:
       “The number of people who apply for the exam is three times more than that of the northwest. Jiangnan is a place where the style of literature is prevalent.”
        Master Zhao said:
       "This time the imperial examination should be able to select a group of talents to be used." A group of family members will fall down and believe that they will soon get a batch again.
        Han Jianming nodded:
        After talking about it, Han Jianming called Han Hao to say:
       "You are ready to return to the city to get Old Madam and Dagongzi to Jiangnan tomorrow." March is a lukewarm season, suitable for the road. Departing in March, you will be able to go to Jiangnan at the end of April.
        Han Hao asked:
       “Only the old Madam and the 1st Young Master are coming? Eldest Miss and the second Young Master?”
        Han Jianming shook his head and said:
       "They will stay in Yucheng!" Hua Ji Er followed the world, he could not rest assured. As for the seven seven, I have already decided to kiss, there is no need to come over. Deliberately let Chang Ji Er come over, Han Jianming wants to find him a ‘Madam’ on the Jiangnan side.
        Han Hao nodded and promised.
        Han Jianming said in silence:
       "When you return to the city, go and see the child. Leave another thousand and two silver for the family. Don't go again later." This matter should also be turned over.
        Han Hao hesitated and said:
       "Old Master, I think it is best to let them move out of Yucheng. This is the best thing. Otherwise, when the child grows up, he will always be noticed by the people." The child grows up like Han Jianming or is also in the government. It’s always a hassle for people to pay attention. But if everyone who is far away can't see it, it will pass.
        Han Jianming has a voice:
       "You can do this!" The child could not recognize the ancestors in this life, so it is far away.
        Han Gao said loudly outside the study:
       "Old Master, Yucheng has an urgent letter to deliver." Han Gao is mainly responsible for the outside, Han Hao is responsible for the house.
        After reading the letter of the official letter, Han Jianming was a bit surprised. He did not expect that it would be Yun-Qing to order Yu Cong to return to Yucheng. He also thought that the culprits of the rule of the jungle, the biggest roadblock is Yun-Qing !
        Of course, Yu Cong commits an unforgivable felony. Even if Yun-Qing wants to show his mercy, not to mention that Yu-Xi does not agree, the following ministers will not agree.
        Knowing what Han Jianming thought, Han Gao said:
       "There are no heavy weights, and there is no such thing as Jiangshan Society." Yun-Qing is a heavy sentiment, but Yu Cong has committed too much of this time, even if Yun-Qing has a heart, he can't keep it.
        Han Jianming shook his head and said:
       "Maybe!" Anyway, this ending is the best.
        With the letter, there is a letter from Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi asked the party to write a testimony to prove that Yu Cong wanted to unite with him to hold a mutiny. With this testimony, Yu Cong’s crimes are counted.
        Fang Xing did not hesitate. After listening to Han Jianming’s words, he immediately wrote down the situation and signed his own name. Now that I have decided to rely on Wangfei, I will not be twitching at this time.
        After receiving this testimony, Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "This will not be too early, and the general will leave for lunch!" Han Jianming wanted to pull the side.
        Fangxing shook his head and said:
       "There are still a lot of things to be dealt with in the military. I will accompany the Han people to drink in the next day." Fang Xing is a very rational person. He relies on Wangfei instead of Han Jianming, so he is not willing to talk to Han Jianming except for official business. contact.
        After walking, Han Jianming said:
       "It's a personal thing." Although the party is not the heart of Yun-Qing , it is extremely measured. If the advance is in, the retreat will be withdrew, which is not something that ordinary people can do.
        Master Zhao said:
       "Wangye has a lot of people under the hand." Fang Xing can only be considered a good middle-class under Yun-Qing . What is really powerful is Feng Dajun and Du-Zheng.
        Han Jianming said:
       "I understand a lot of people, and I still have a very small amount of confusion." A Yu Cong has been tossing for so long, and a few more Yu-Xi have to die.
        Master Zhao said:
       "Old Master, Yu Cong's business is out, when the time is not allowed, Cui Mo and others will join other generals to ask for sympathy. At that time, do you say that Wangye and Wangfei will still insist on the death penalty of Yu Cong?"
        Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "The rest of the crimes are felony, and those who understand the brain are afraid to plead. In addition, letting them unite and pleading will only make Yu Cong die faster." Mutiny has always been the most taboo thing for the upper class. At that time, I am afraid that not only Yu-Xi, but Yun-Qing will be annoyed.
        When Fang Fang returned to the military camp, he went to see Yu Cong. This is the second time that he has been under house arrest for the rest of his life, except to see him the day before.
        Yu Cong hated the party, and he lost his side as a brother, but he did not expect to have a knife behind him. If not, how could he be so easily and under house arrest?
        Fang Xing looked at the eyes of Yu Cong as if it could spurt out the fire and said:
       “Wangye has ordered that people will be sent back to Yucheng and will be on the road tomorrow.”
        Yu Cong did not want to say:
       "Impossible. How can Wangye send people back to Yucheng?"
        Some prisoners will use these two words.
        Fang Xing will give a letter to Yu Cong.
        After Yu Cong finished reading the official letter, his eyes were red and he -called:
       "What crime did I commit?"
        Fang Xing looked at Yu Cong with sympathy and said:
       "Community, intentional mutiny, cover-up and harboring must be committed." The mutiny does not say this. If he did not guess wrong, Yu Cong estimates that he still does not know what is going on with the enemy.
        Yu Cong gnashed his teeth and said:
       "The fall, this is all Han-shi framed me." What is the enemy's change, nothing at all, all out of nothing.
        Fang Xing pointed to the whereabouts of the drop:
       "This is the order of Wangye. Or do you think that Wangye is also filthy?"
        Yu Cong will not think that Yun-Qing will tarnish him:
       "Wangye must have been blinded by Han-shi. Han-shi, a monk, is really useless to get rid of me."
        Fangxing felt that there was no way to talk to Yu Cong:
       "You don't have to be so angry. If you feel that you have been wronged, you have the opportunity to tell you." Yu Cong's crimes are all nailed. Even if Yu Cong -calls and is filthy, he feels embarrassed. It is in vain.

       Chapter 1136 - Yu Cong is guilty (2)

       After Yu Fu checked it, it was sealed again. The Pozi in the house was pulled out and sold to the slave trader, and -Lu and Concubine were kept in jail. As for the Yellow Concubine, after Yu Cong was placed under house arrest, he went to Shangxiang for help. As a result, even the people took the car and fell from the cliff. The people in Yufu didn't even find the bones.
        The cell was cold and damp, and Concubine was shocked and scared.
       “Madam, do you say Old Master will come to save us?”
       Fortunately, her gold and silver accumulated in the past six months have all been hidden in a safe place, otherwise today all her efforts must be lost.
        -Lu Yi is also very scared, but she knows that it is scary and useless now:
       "Old Master is afraid that it is fierce." If Yu Cong is fine, they can't be caught in jail.
        Ann Concubine touched her stomach and said while crying:
       “Old Master is the most loyal to Wangye, how can it be caught?”
        -Lu Yi said:
       "Han-shi wants to put the Old Master to death." After the -Lu family is finished, Yu Cong will not be able to live, just do not know how Han-shi will torture her.
        Ann Concubine looked at -Lu Yi, and she regretted that her intestines had come out. I knew that -Lu Yi was a scourge. I shouldn’t have recommended the gold to the Old Master at the beginning. Otherwise, she is now safely raising her baby in the house, and she has fallen to this point. It is a pity that it is difficult to buy a thousand dollars to know.
        The jailer brought a Pozi and came over. The jailer opened the lock, and Pozi pointed to Ann Concubine and said:
       "You, come out."
        Ann Concubine was so scared that she was not willing to move -Lu Yi arm, nor did she know what to call her out.
        That Pozi said:
       "You won't want your life until the child falls."
        When Concubine heard this, he touched his stomach and asked some unbelief:
       "What are you talking about?"
        -Lu Yi naturally does not believe this:
       "You want to trick Ann Concubine to do something? Han-shi that the poison woman will not let go of a pregnant woman, she is not afraid of playing five thunders?"
       The law has a saying that even if a pregnant woman is given the death penalty, she must have a child to be executed.
        That Pozi didn't want to waste time with -Lu Yizhen, and turned to Concubine:
       "If you don't want to come out, no one will force you."
        Ann Concubine hesitated and finally stood up and followed Pozi. Going out with Pozi might have a chance. If you don't go out, staying in prison is a dead end.
        -Lu Yi did not persuade, but looked coldly at Ann Concubine and left. Whether it is leaving or staying, it will die anyway. The difference is that the death is painful and the death is comfortable.
        Ann Concubine came out of prison with Pozi, and when it was outside, it was found that the sky was dark, and Concubine battled with Pozi on a carriage.
        After walking about a time, the carriage stopped in front of a house. This house is not big, just a small courtyard, but very clean.
        Pozi took Ann Concubine into the house and said:
       "From now on to giving birth to a child, you live here."
        Ann Concubine said:
       "Is I staying here all the time?"
       Seeing Pozi nod, Ann Concubine knows that she has no life risk before the child is born.
        Pozi Said:
       "My surname is Qiu, you can call me Qiu Pozi. I will take care of you in the future until I give birth to a child." She didn't know what happened after she gave birth.
        Ann Concubine touched her stomach, but she didn't expect the child to become a talisman.
        Relatively speaking, -Lu Yi is not so lucky. The prison was originally sinister, and the days of February were still very cold. -Lu Yi was born on the night of the cold and started a high fever. In the prison is not in the house, who will care about her. When the jailer discovered the next day, -Lu Yi had already burned the personnel.
        Yu Cong had to go back to the city in the early morning, but he insisted on seeing -Lu Yi and Concubine.
        Fang Xing readily agreed, and Yu Cong is going to die any more. He sees that he has decided to satisfy Yu Cong’s wish in the relationship between the two. However, after two quarters of an hour, the sent people returned empty-handed and slandered with the party.
        Yu Cong pinched his fist:
       “Is Madam already out of sync?”
       In the eyes of Yu Cong, Yu-Xi will not let -Lu Yi go, it must be trying to torture -Lu Yi.
        Fang Xing did not seem to understand the meaning of Yu Cong, saying:
       "-Lu life is good, but the prison is not letting people go." -Lu unconsciousness does not need to tell Yu Cong, saving the person from what is hard to hear.
        Yu Cong does not believe in the side, but this will be a knife for me to be a fish, and I will not let him see it. Yu Cong asked:
       "What about Ann Concubine?"
        Fang Xing calmly said:
       "An Concubine is not in prison. It is settled by Han Daren. You can rest assured that Wangye has something to say, when the child is born, he will send it back to Yucheng." As for Concubine, how to dispose of the child, it is not He should take care of it.
        Looking at the sentiment for many years, Yun-Qing left the last decent for Yu Cong, and did not let his hands take the squatting car to return to the city. Therefore, Yu Cong left in a carriage.
        Shi Hua said in the direction of the carriage leaving:
       "General, you said he can live?"
        Fangxing shook his head and said:
       "I don't know." Under normal circumstances, it can't live.
        Han Jianming heard that -Lu burning was unconscious, and said to Niu Jingyi :
       "Let the doctor show her, don't let her die before Yu Cong is convicted." -Lu is just a pawn, not as important as anyone else thinks.
        Niu Jing nodded:
       "Yes, Darens."
        Yu Cong has not yet arrived in Yucheng, and the letter pleading for him soon came to the hands of Yun-Qing . .
        Yu-Xi seems to be the letter of the joint pleading, laughing and saying:
       "I didn't expect Yu Cong's popularity to be so good?"
       Yu Cong has not been tried, and the generals do not know that Yu Cong is committing a felony such as enemies and soldiers. If he knows that most of them will not plead for him.
        Yun-Qing pinched the letter and said:
       "These people come forward to plead, look at the face of Cui Mo." Cui Mo temper is bold and generous, his ‘Madam’ is also very hospitable, so among his few people his popularity is the best.
        Speaking of Cui Mo, Yu-Xi strangely asked:
       "These pleading people can't seal the general! Didn't he get the news?"
       Although the West Sea is a little far from the city,
        It’s a few days’s journey, and it’s impossible for Feng Dajun to get no news. For the silence of Feng Dajun, Yu-Xi is somewhat interested.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "The army promised the child who had adopted Yu Cong in the future. The others did not say much, and did not ask for mercy." After all, Yun-Qing said:
       "The big army is afraid that it is useless to know that it is pleading, so there is no snoring."
        Yu-Xi shook his head and asked:
       "It should be that the time has not arrived, so I did not open my mouth!" Only after watching the brotherhood for many years, he should also plead for sympathy, otherwise he would be considered to be indifferent.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Actually, this attack on the three provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou is an Favorite army, but the West Sea is also inseparable from him." Waiting until March, it is going to start a war.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Du-Zheng is actually not bad." Yu-Xi knows that Yun-Qing wants Feng Feng to lead the troops, not only to reassure the Feng Dajun, but also to let Feng Dajun have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.
        People are selfish, Yun-Qing still hopes that the people they rely on can make more credit. In this regard, Yu-Xi did not feel that something was wrong, she also reused Han Jianming! It’s just that the defense of the West Sea is also very important. Feng Dajun’s guarding the West Sea for many years is very familiar with the situation there, and he can’t change people. Therefore, he could not leave before Beibei did not solve it.
        Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "It took so long to attack Huacheng. If it was replaced by me or the army, at least one month before the flower city could be beaten down." Du-Zheng Although it is good, there is still a certain gap between him and the army.
        Yu-Xi has a voice:
       "You mean that the military ability of the army is no less than you." She really didn't know.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "A little bit worse." In front of his ‘Madam’, I still have to raise myself higher, or else I will have no face.
        See Yu-Xi grinning, Yun-Qing knows that his point of care is seen by Yu-Xi:
       "My father said before, the army is also the talent of the general. But for my reasons, his talent has been suppressed." Feng Dajun is talented, but there are no opportunities for Yun-Qing .
        Yu-Xi has always known that Feng Dajun is a very talented person:
       "Capital City and Liaodong can be in the hands of Yan Wu-shuang! As long as he really has this talent, he will not be buried. There will be opportunities for him to make meritorious deeds."
        Yun-Qing said:
       "I hope that this world will be peaceful as soon as possible." Although he is a Grand Marshal, he does not like to fight. If you fight, you will have to die, and the people will be miserable by the war.
        Yu-Xi also hopes to be peaceful as soon as possible:
       "We have settled down this world as early as possible, and ordinary people will be able to live on peace as soon as possible." By this time, there is no need to be modest.
        Yun-Qing held the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Let's work together!" It is impossible to rely on him alone.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "The sixth day of the next month is a good day, we will change the title!" Pingxi Wang was enshrined in the court, and this is no longer suitable for them. Yu-Xi negotiated with Tan Tuo and others for a long time, and made several titles. Finally, Yun-Qing decided to use the title of Ming Wang.
        Yu-Xi was the first to oppose, Ming Wang read like Pluto, it sounds very bad. However, Yun-Qing insisted that she could only give in.
        Yun-Qing didn't care about this, nodded:
       "Okay." Anyway, Ming Wang and Ping Xi Wang are just a title, and it makes no difference to him.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "When the Yunnan and Guizhou provinces are hit, I am afraid that the following officials will write to you to be the emperor." In fact, some people now suggest that Yun-Qing is the emperor, but she has been suppressed. It is too early to call the emperor.
        Yun-Qing is not willing to be an emperor. When Wangye is already very reluctant:
       "It is still exempt from the emperor!"
        Yu-Xi deliberately provoked this topic, and also wanted to let Yun-Qing have this mental preparation:
       "When I hit the capital in the future, I said that the emperor is imperative." Seeing Yun-Qing , the face is dark, and Yu-Xi can't smile:
       "It took three to five years to get down the capital. At that time, A Hao is also eleven or two years old. You really don't want to be an emperor. When A Hao is full, he will pass the throne to him." When the emperor did not, Yun-Qing regarded it as a beast.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "At the time, I can only make Ahodo work harder." He really had no interest in the emperor. This is nothing for the emperor except for the unfinished business.
        Yu-Xi deliberately joked:
       "There is no way. Whoever wants him to meet one wants to be the servant of the shopkeeper!" Before A Hao took over, she could not be relaxed.
        Yun-Qing said busy:
       "When A Hao succeeds to the throne, they can help the hand when they are Rui Ji Er, so Ah Hao will not be too hard." Let him stay in the palace for more than 370 days a year, and he can’t get out of the door. terror.
        Yu-Xi slaps one channel:
       "Speaking like you seem to be very hard?"
       The hard part is that she is good.
        Yun-Qing is busy holding Yu-Xi Said:
       "You are also very hard. Both of us are very hard. When the children are older, we will be in charge of everything, just enjoy the blessings."
        Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Now I want to be free, I am afraid I can't let it go." I have been busy all the time, and I have to rest for two days. If I don't care, I am not used to it.
        Suddenly, Yu-Xi smiled:
       "You will not get used to the days when you are raising flowers and teasing birds."
        Yun-Qing Think about it.
        In the afternoon, Cui Mo daughter-in-law received an invitation from Yu-Xi. Yu Cong’s murder is being escorted back to Yucheng, and everyone who knows the city’s well-informed knows. After all, Yun-Qing sent a letter, not a secret letter. So at this time, I received an invitation from Yu-Xi, and I was a little embarrassed.
        I thought about it, and I told people to call back the eldest son of Wangfu. He asked Cui Weiqi:
       "Have you heard any news about you in the palace?"
        Cui Weiqi said with a bitter face:
       "Mother, I am going to tell you about this! Combined General Du and others pleaded for Yu Shushu. Listening to the Wang Heir said that Wangfei looked ugly when he saw the letter of love." These things are Hao Ji Er. Deliberately told Cui Weiqi.
        He frowned and asked:
       "Can you know what Yu Lin has committed?"
       She also knew that Yu Cong was arrested, but she did not know what Yu Cong had committed.
        Cui Weiqi has a headache:
       "The Wang Heir said that it is an enemy, but the evidence is conclusive. But what is going on, the Wang Heir did not elaborate." The enemy can be sinned.
        p; The impression of Yu Cong on Yu Cong is not bad, but in the end it has been known for more than ten years. Hearing this, he shook his head and said:
       "Impossible, Yu Cong will not betray Wangye." Yu Cong may have a lot of problems, and decided not to betray Wangye.
        Cui Weiqi knows limited:
       "Mother, this is Wangye personal order. There should be no mistake. Wangfei has invited you to pass the government and it is said that this is the case. You should know what will happen tomorrow."
        Hey, a channel:
       "Mother knows. You are in the house, and you can learn things with the Wang Heir." This son is stupid, and he is not clever and clever with Du Fu and others. Since she entered the palace, she has been hanging her heart, but for so long, nothing has gone wrong.
        Cui Weiqi nodded the following:
       "Mother, Wangfei is the most arrogant person, she won't be embarrassed about you." Every time I saw Yu-Xi, I was full of smiles, so Cui Weiqi had a very good impression of Yu-Xi.
        He is helpless:
       "Mother knows, let's rest!" Ten years ago, she also felt that Yu-Xi was a very nice person. But now, Yu fear of Yu-Xi even surpassed Yun-Qing .
        No way, thousands of people have died in her hands since Yu-Xi came to power. Even if Yu-Xi is more amiable, she knows what she is doing, and normal people will be afraid.

       Chapter 1137 - Ming Wang, Ming Wangfei

       With a feeling of embarrassment, Yu went to the palace. The day of February was still a little cold, and the car was chilled, and the clothes on his body were involuntarily gathered.
        Mei-Lan was waiting in the second Courtyard, and she saw a smile at the ceremony:
       “Wangfei deliberately asked the servants to wait for Madam here.” Although Mei-Lan is a Servant, she is also polite to her.
        When I saw Yu-Xi, there were some treacherous battles. She was afraid of her husband's sin, Wangfei told her to come over and ask for sin.
        Yu-Xi can't see the uneasiness of Yu, and smiles and says:
       "How is this not knowing that I am a tiger that eats people?" In the impression of Yu-Xi, Yu is a very nice woman.
        In the heart of Yu heart, I’m still asking for it, and I’m worried that it’s uncomfortable:
       "Wangfei, I don't know what happened to my family's mouth." Yu-Xi chuckled, no wonder that Yu was so wary, and thought that Cui Mo had committed something:
       "General Cui is doing well, and he has not made any mistakes. Even if General Cui is actually guilty of crimes, it is handled by the ombudsman and the prison department." At this time, Yan Fang brought tea and snacks.
        Yan Fang put down the tea and said with a smile:
       "Sister, Wangfei is a bit stuffy, I want to find someone to talk." He took a sigh of relief, not his family’s mouth was guilty:
       "Wangfei forgives sin. Recently, because of the troubles of Yu Cong, people are very upset." When he said this, he was shocked to say that he had made a mistake.
        Yu-Xi did not care, said:
       "What do you say, you don't need to be restrained." He asked tentatively:
       "Wangfei, I don't know what the generals are doing." There are a lot of rumors outside. It is mainly said that Yu Cong did not commit crimes. Yu-Xi was fighting for revenge, but her son was a rebellion against Yu Cong yesterday.
        In the end, which is true, she can't measure it for a while. Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Through the enemy, the intention of the mutiny, and harboring the cover to commit crimes." Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "The evidence is conclusive, and he is not allowed to deny it." After listening to it, he scared his hands and shivered. After a long time, he said:
       "Wangfei, the forecourt minister bluntly, Yu Cong is loyal to Wangye and can't be rebellious against the enemy, and it is even more impossible to make a change." She couldn't say anything insincere.
        Yu-Xi thinks that Cui and Cui Mo are really husband and ‘Madam’, and the words that help Yu Cong defend are exactly the same:
       "General Cui said this too, saying that it must have been planted and smashed by Yu Cong. Yu Cong said that he was planted and framed him, and said that Wangye would give him a sigh of snow." It is no problem to say that someone has framed him, but if Wangfei is planted and framed, is he not looking for death? The husband is still helping his grievances, and his husband’s painstaking efforts have been made:
       "Wangfei, Yu Cong, this person can't drink alcohol, and there is no cover when drinking." The problem is that Yu Cong prefers to drink.
        Yu-Xi thinks it is quite interesting. Even Yan’s knows the weakness of Yu Cong, but he himself is not aware of it.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "-Lu family took the handcuffs of Yu Cong, passed the checkpoint of the city, and transported 200 thousand stone food. The 200 thousand stone grain was shipped to the capital in a lot of land." After the ringing asked:
       The "intentional mutiny", the so-called intentional mutiny, indicates that it has not succeeded.
        Yu-Xi said faintly:
       "Yu Cong wants to unite with Fang Xing to make a mutiny in Jiangnan, but he was rejected by Fang Fang." As for the process, there is no need to say it.
        Yu quickly reacted:
       "This is what Fang Xing said." Yu-Xi
       "I also have testimony written by Fang Xing. It is for this reason that Yu Cong will be put under house arrest." Who does not undermine him knows what is going crazy.
        Yan's face changed and changed:
       “Wangfei, Yu Chong’s culprits are not the people of -Lu family.” Yu-Xi nodded:
       "It is the brother of -Lu Yi." Yu Cong wants to change, this -Lu 2nd Master is indispensable.
        It is a pity that -Lu 2nd Master's ability to ignite is good, and Yu Cong will be agitated to want to change, but other talents will be lacking.
        When I heard this, I couldn’t help but say:
       "It is really retribution if he is living with the fragrant scent and living well, where is the disaster of today." The singer just said that Yu Cong was for Cui Mo.
        In fact, because Yu Cong abandoned his ‘Madam’'s behavior, he and Chang-shi and others hated him. They all followed their husbands from hardships, and the behavior of Yu Cong was equal to provoking their sensitive nerves.
        Yu-Xi said faintly:
       "He didn't think it was retribution. He only thought that I was retaliating against him." She admitted that there was indeed a thought to get rid of Yu Cong, but the flies did not lick the seamless eggs. If Yu Cong stood up, she would not have a chance to start. .
        Yan said:
       "Wangfei doesn't care about him. He is fascinated by the fox." After the meeting, he said carefully:
       "Wangfei, my family's mouth certainly does not know the truth, so I will unite with others to ask Yu Cong. Ask Wangfei to see him in his uninformed part, bypassing him once." Don't be involved because of this unconstrained thing. husband.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I don't know who is not guilty, I won't blame Cui General." If you really want to blame, you won't call you.
        Of course, Yu-Xi specially invited Master Yu to come over with a purpose. She hopes that with the mouth of Yu, Cui Mo will not interfere with this matter.
        Cui Mo is an emotional person. She is really not sure whether Cui Mo will make any oversteps in order to save Yu Cong.
        I don't want to make Yun-Qing difficult, so I have to kill this thing in the bud. Hearing this, he made up his mind not to let his husband touch his hand, but don't involve them.
        Seeing that the two men finished the business, Fang Fang was laughing and interjecting:
       "Sister, you didn't say that the spiced beans that I sent you last time were delicious. I just wanted to ask for Wangfei. I wanted Fangzi to go back to the house and let the cooks eat." Yan Fang knew that Yu-Xi left her to adjust the atmosphere. Otherwise, she would not dare to interject.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I didn't expect our tastes to be the same. I like this spiced bean." Yun-Qing sees Yu-Xi and the children like to eat this fine pastry. I specially sent someone to find a chef who is good at making cakes in Jiangnan. House.
        When Min’s thoughts went, he also showed his nature and said with a smile:
       "This spiced bean is really more and more fragrant. I can't stop it when I eat it. I wanted to discuss it with Wangfei, but I didn't find the chance." Yu-Xi laughed:
       "It’s just a recipe for a snack. I want to let my aunt directly say it. But you have to be prepared, and you may not be able to make this taste with your own recipe." Yu natural understanding of Yu-Xi means This is the same as cooking.
        The same ingredients, the taste of the dishes made by different people is not the same:
       "It’s not good to eat. When it’s time, I’ll come to Wangfei.” Yu-Xi likes to make friends with this kind of slick person, but she is too busy to have very little contact with her and other people.
        After chatting for a while, Yan’s speech was no longer restrained. Looking at Yu-Xi, he laughed:
       "To tell me, what I admire most is Wangfei maintenance method. It looks like Miss's in the 28th year." Yu-Xi is ruddy, and the skin is crystal clear and looks natural and young.
        Yu-Xi immediately chatted with Master Yu about how women maintain this topic, and this is about noon.
        Yu-Xi stayed in the government and refused. Yan smiled and said:
       "My family's skin monkey, if I am not at home, I will not eat well, I have to go back and look at him." When he returned to Fu, he immediately wrote a letter to Cui Mo, and said today's business with Yu Cong, the letter finally let Cui Murdo Think about her and the children, don't fold in for the sake of brotherhood, and leave them alone.
        After the letter was sent out, he casually ate something and went to the house of Feng Dajun, and chatted with Chang-shi for an afternoon.
        The news of Yu-Xi is very well-informed and naturally knows the trend of Yu. In this regard, Yu-Xi expressed satisfaction. On the sixth day of March, the government issued a letter, and announced that Yu-Qing officially changed its name to Ming Wang from this day, and Yu-Xi naturally became Ming Wangfei.
        Except for the change of the title, nothing else has changed, so this is like a drop of water falling into the lake, without arouse a little wave.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Now as you wish." Yu-Xi was originally prepared to hold a canonization ceremony, so that it is truly announced.
        As a result, Yun-Qing is unwilling to live and die. He also said that he is going to fight immediately. This is a low-key treatment. Yun-Qing Said:
       "This is quite good." This ceremony was also a cut-off ceremony, completely unnecessary.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "This time with you, next time you can't." After the emperor, can not be so quiet, must be busy.
        In the afternoon, Yun-Qing received a secret letter from Feng Dajun. After reading this letter, Yun-Qing hesitated for a long time, and finally told Yu-Xi about it.
        Yu-Xi was shocked when she heard Yun-Qing , saying:
       "Feng Dajun wants to find a substitute for Yu Cong and let him die." Yun-Qing did not expect that Feng Dajun actually saved this idea:
       "I thought he wanted to stay out of the way, but he didn't expect to play this idea." Xu Wu had already told Feng Dajun about the things that Yu Cong had committed.
        Feng Dajun is very clear that Yu-Xi is not willing to let go of the Yu Cong, and many people who have made the mistakes of Yu Cong already know that if he does not dispose of him, he will not be able to convince the public.
        Therefore, Feng Dajun only thought that this is not the way. Yu-Xi, the general, the general is still dare to think about it, but it is estimated that Yun-Qing is unbearable, and will make this suggestion. Yu-Xi asked Yun-Qing :
       "What do you think?" Without waiting for the Yun-Qing statement, I heard Xu Da Niu said outside:
       “Wangye, Wangfei, Lao Taiye came over.” Yu-Xi knows what Yun-Qing is coming over.
        Huo Changqing entered the study and said at the beginning:
       "The army said that he wants Yu Cong to die. I think this idea is good. What do you think?" Yu-Xi did not speak.
        Yu-Xi didn't want to stop saying it:
       "No, Yu Cong must pay for the mistakes he made." The mouth opened and the troubles endless.
        Huo Changqing looked at Yun-Qing with a sullen look:
       "Yun-Qing , after Yu Cong has been born and died for more than 20 years, can you really spare his life?" Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Huo Shu, it is not until now that Yu Cong does not know how to repent, but also yells that Yu-Xi is planted to frame him Huo Shu, Yu Cong has no hope." Huo Changqing asked in silence:
       "Is there really no room for it?" Yun-Qing didn't hesitate at all:
       “No.” Huo Changqing knows the Yun-Qing temperament, and if he can say this, it means there is no room for manoeuvre.
        Yu-Xi and other Huo Changqing left, looking at Yun-Qing :
       "I thought you would promise it." Let Yu Cong die, not only the role of killing chickens and monkeys, but also the friendship for many years, I have to say that this method is good.
        Yun-Qing asked Yu-Xi:
       "If I promise, Yu-Xi, would you agree?" Yu-Xi said in silence:
       "He Rui, I don't want you to bear this apology for the rest of your life. If you insist, I will give in." Yun-Qing said:
       "If he is wrong, he is willing to change his self-improvement, I will promise the army's proposal. But he does not think that he is wrong now, since he does not know that leaving him is to leave a curse." Yu-Xi sees, heart One soft:
       "I made you feel embarrassed." In fact, if it was not her design, Yu Cong would not go this step.
        Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "I should say this. If you don't take care of my mood, you have already solved the problem." Yu Cong is actually dealing with the law.
        Yu-Xi has been dragged to the present because of his scruples. Yu-Xi said:
       "The more you get, the more you lose. He and Rui, this is just the beginning." Yu Cong's business is just the beginning.
        Yun-Qing thinks that Yu-Xi is somewhat alarmist:
       "For me, you and the child are the most important." He is sure that he will never lose Yu-Xi and his children as long as he does not worry about Yu-Xi.
        After the election, Yun-Qing said:
       "As for the army, Cui Mo, as long as they don't do anything, I believe that you will not move them." Yu-Xi chuckled:
       "They are the ministers of merit. I want them to be too late. I will think about how to deal with them." But if they want to be against her like Yu Cong in the future, she will not be merciless.
        Yun-Qing smiled:
       “This is not enough.” Huo Changqing returned to the yard and said to Xu Wu, who was waiting:
       "Go to the deputy good coffin, and then give him a good piece of land." This is preparing for the aftermath of Yu Cong.
        Xu Wu face changed greatly:
       “Wangfei won’t even agree to Yu Cong’s death?” Huo Changqing shook his head and said:
       "Yun-Qing does not agree. Yun-Qing said that Yu Cong still does not know how to repent and is hopeless. To blame, I will blame Yu Cong for his own death." They all go to this point, but they don't know what is wrong. Let Yun-Qing and Han-shi let him go.
        Xu Wu eyes are red:
       “Wangye He” Huo Changqing immediately interrupted Xu Wu words:
       "Yun-Qing didn't make a mistake, the wrong one is Yu Cong." Yun-Qing is the most affectionate, and can let him say that he can be chilled by Yu Cong.
        Xu Wu is uncomfortable and can't speak. Huo Changqing is gloomy:
       "Is the pregnant Concubine settled?" Xu Wu said:
       "Settled, Pozi takes care of it. When the child is born, he will bring it back to Yucheng." Huo Changqing said:
       "Hope is a son, and this is all his thoughts." Book Source & Book Network:...

       Chapter 1138 - The world of Brother

       In the spring of March, the willow green flowers in the Ming Family are red and purple, and the scenery is pleasant. It is a pity that the owner of the palace will not appreciate this picturesque scenery.
        When using dinner, Yun-Qing looks ugly. Jao-Jao is the most courageous and directly asked the mouth:
       "Hey, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry."
        Yun-Qing After self-healing, I don’t say that to Hao Ji Er, it’s the inferior element of You Ji-Er, and it’s also a touch of beauty. Don’t say it’s done, and I haven’t said a few months. Surprisingly, the triplets did not have any trouble in this atmosphere.
        Yun-Qing Said:
       "No one makes me angry."
        Jao-Jao pouted, he was very angry when he was on the door, don't provoke me seven words, but also said that he was not angry. But see Yu-Xi looking at her, Jao-Jao dare not -call again. Her 100-year-old King Kong has not been copied yet, so I can quickly copy it. However, before that, she was still a bit stunned, otherwise she would not let her go to the battlefield after the scriptures were copied.
        After using the meal, Yun-Qing went out.
        Hao Ji Er asked this:
       "Mother, what happened? Is it so irritating?"
        Yu-Xi Said:
       "According to the time, Yu Cong will return to Yucheng tonight." Although Yun-Qing is determined not to let go of Yu Cong, Yun-Qing is still very entangled when faced with it.
        Jao-Jao sees Yu-Xi calm and carefully asks:
       "Mother, Yu Shushu has been with him for so many years. Without merit and hard work, can't he let him go?"
       The Jao-Jao temperament is very similar to Yun-Qing . In contrast, Hao Ji Er is rational.
        Hao Ji Er turned to look at Jao-Jao and said:
       "Do you know that he has been yelling that it is a mother who has framed him? Even before, he said that stunned and unconscious is a woman? Do you think such a person can stay?"
       Even if he wants to leave Yu Cong's life, he will not agree, such a scourge can never be left. In fact, Yun-Qing has a firm attitude, partly because of good individuals.
        Jao-Jao really didn't know about it.
        You Ji-Er is the most care-free, I heard this:
       "Don’t dare to say this to her mother, it’s not a slap in the face."
        Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er are naturally standing on the side of You Ji-Er.
        Lu-Er thought about it with Jao-Jao:
       "Sister, you can't tolerate the next person who treats this rebel."
        When the words fell, Lu-Er found that all the people in the room were watching her. Lu-Er was very uncomfortable and said:
       "Is it wrong? Is he not a ‘Minister’?"
        Rui Ji Er first opened up:
       "Second sister, Yu Cong has committed a crime of death, but he is a general of the three products. How can you compare him to the next person in our house?" Rui Ji did not think so deep, but he wanted to bring troops later. Snoring, so I heard Lu-Er feel very harsh.
        Hao Ji Er said quietly:
       "Second sister, if the soldiers who fought in the bloody battles heard this, they would be chilling." The words of his second sister were not unintentional words, but in her mind.
        This is why Hao Ji Er does not like Lu-Er. Self-esteem, selfish and delicate. There is no reason to like someone, but you can find a lot of reasons if you hate someone. Hao Ji Er is now in this situation. He only saw the shortcomings of Lu-Er, but the advantages of Lu-Er were directly ignored.
        Lu-Er has some grievances and bowed his head and said:
       "I was wrong, I should not say that."
        Jao-Jao is busy coming out to play round:
       "I know that you are just a slip of the word, not a heart." After that, looking at Hao Ji Er and Rui Ji Er two people:
       "You two sisters are not in the heart, don't worry about it."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Lu-Er, I believe that you are indifferent. But you have to know that you are the second County Owner of the palace. The representative of the palace is the image of the palace. It represents the attitude of the mother and the mother. Therefore, you should pay more attention to it on most days. Your own words and deeds. Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will lead to misunderstanding." Lu-Er is essentially correct, because Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing are the Lord, and the behavior of Yu Cong belongs to Rebel. It’s just that Lu-Er is ambiguous, so I will let Rui Ji children misunderstand them. If this is to let outsiders hear it, it will be misunderstood.
        Lu-Er nodded:
       "I know the mother."
        At the end of the day, Yun-Qing is back. As soon as I entered the house, I brought in a cold.
        Yu-Xi looked at his cold face and asked:
       "The rest of the crowd has arrived. Why didn't you go see him?"
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Xu Wu went to see him." Yun-Qing hasn't thought about whether or not to see Yu Cong.
        Yu-Xi did not comment on this:
       "You didn't eat anything at night, I asked Bai Mama to make you an egg dumpling!"
        Yun-Qing has no appetite, but he does not want to have a good intention of Yu-Xi:
       "it is good."
        Soon, a large bowl of egg dumplings was served, along with vinegar and potato with cold fungus and a plate of sausage.
        Yun-Qing is different:
       "How is it so much?"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I am just hungry, and I will accompany you to eat together." The night and night have not eaten, just to eat with Yun-Qing .
        The egg dumplings are made with mutton filling. People who have lived in Fu-Cheng City for many years like to eat lamb, and Yun-Qing is no exception. Therefore, the king will eat a lamb in a day or two.
        Yu-Xi didn't eat much, only ate a small bowl, and all the others went into the belly of Yun-Qing .
        See Yun-Qing , touching the stomach, Yu-Xi said with a deliberate smile:
       "Do you eat it?"
       For Yun-Qing 's meal Yu-Xi is still clear, not to mention that she still ate a small portion, even if I did not eat that bowl of egg dumplings can not eat Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing is full, and my mood is better than before:
       "No, you can eat it in a bowl."
        Yu-Xi thought about it, talking to Yun-Qing about the two gentlemen:
       "At the end of the month, the two gentlemen can arrive in Yucheng." Du Bo zinc is old, and the Yu-Xi in the big winter does not dare to let him hurry. It was not until the beginning of this month that Du Bozhuang started from Jiangnan. Although Pang Jinglun is not afraid of running young, he insists on coming with Dubo Zinc.
        Yun-Qing is still very concerned about the children's education:
       "Is the house and the service staff ready?"
        Yu-Xi leaned on Yun-Qing 's shoulder and smiled:
       "Don't you worry about my work?"
       After that, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Xuangeer is now learning to race against time. Rui Ji Er and You Ji-Er have been influenced by him and they have worked hard without a slack. If they can continue this way, I am relieved."
        Yun-Qing said:
       "This is the darkness of the near-Zhu people who are close to the ink." He used to think that Xuan Ji was weak, and You Ji-Er was unruly. But now I want to come to him, the child has shortcomings, but it has the same advantages.
        Yu-Xi remembered the performance of Yun-Qing during this time and smiled:
       "Now the child is close to you." You Ji-Er used to reject Yun-Qing . He never talked to Yun-Qing and did not take the initiative to talk to him. The attitude is much better now than before.
        Yun-Qing also has some feelings:
       "When you have it, you don't know how to cherish it. If you lose it, you will know that it is very valuable."
        Yu-Xi is annoyed:
       "Can you talk?"
       I don't know what happened to a few children! Really, talking is not a brain.
        Yun-Qing is busy explaining:
       "I mean, I don't want a child in my dreams, but now I have six children. I think it was too harsh for You Ji-Er, but the children don't hate me." Think of that time. Whip pumping You Ji-Er, pumping
        He has to be afraid of being covered in blood. How did he get the kind of pickpocket at that time!
        Teaching children, Yun-Qing is going to extremes. It was before the stick education thought that it would be useful to let the children fear. Now it is all right for the children, and feel that the children are better.
        Yu-Xi laughs:
       "Fortunately, the child's temper has already taken shape, or else your current state of mind, the ten people who are raised are the playboy." It is impossible for the child to be indulgent, otherwise it is easy for the child to walk. Of course, the previous practice of Yun-Qing was not right, too violent.
        Both husband and ‘Madam’ have been stunned for a long time. Mei-Lan said outside:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, the water is good."
        Yu-Xi stood up and said:
       "You have a bath today, I will give you a back." Yun-Qing is a shower on the water, it is very fast.
        Yun-Qing can't ask for it:
       "Okay." Well, I haven’t taken a bath for a long time. I can’t let go of it today.
        As a result, naturally, as Yun-Qing hoped, the couple had a good night.
        Xu Wu was unpleasant over there. After seeing Yu Cong, his face was ugly, and he said to Huo Changqing:
       "Yi Fu, Yu Cong insisted on seeing Wangye."
        Huo Changqing asked:
       "What can he know?"
       If Yu Cong is now wrong, there may be a chance. What disappoints Huo Changqing is that Yu Cong does not think he is wrong until now.
        Xu Wu shook his head:
       "He insists that those charges are framed by Wangfei, and they are also clamoring for Wangye to be the master of him."
        Huo Changqing shook his head:
       "Yun-Qing is right. He is really helpless." While accusing Han-shi of falling into him, he wanted Yun-Qing to be the master. Yu Cong, this is to let Yun-Qing and Han-shi both marry him. Can you not think that he has such a large amount? Don't say Yu Cong, even he doesn't have such a big weight.
        Xu Wu smiled bitterly:
       "We have been trying our best to keep him a life." Yu Cong himself is looking for death, and they are useless.
        Huo Changqing said:
       "Since he wants to see Yun-Qing , you will talk to Yun-Qing tomorrow, please ask him to see Yu Cong!" As for he is not ready to see Yu Cong. He was afraid that after seeing Yu Cong, he would pump him a meal.
        Xu Wu is not sure:
       "Wangye doesn't necessarily go to see the rest of the crowd." Yu Cong still has this attitude, not to mention Wangye is that he is disheartened.
        Huo Changqing shook his head:
       "If Yun-Qing is not seen, you will say that it is the last trip to the Yu Cong."
        Xu Wu should have had a low voice.
        Yun-Qing was very good when I got up the next day, especially when I watched Yu-Xi sleep sweetly, and my face was not smiling. Unfortunately, this good mood is only maintained after breakfast.
        Silenced, Yun-Qing said:
       "Since he wants to see, see one side!" In fact, Yun-Qing didn't want to see Yu Cong, he was afraid that he would get angry.
        Yu Cong’s guilty blame has been nailed, but because of Xu Wu and Huo Changqing’s photo, he was placed in the best cell in prison. That cell is actually no different from the house of ordinary people. There are beds, tables and chairs, and new quilts on the bed.
        The person who sent Yu Cong back did not abuse him, but because he was eager to hurry, many things could be exempted. Therefore, what Yun-Qing saw was a slap in the face.
        Seeing Yun-Qing , Yu Cong is very excited:
       "Wangye, I finally saw you." He firmly believes that Yu Cong will preside over justice for him, and this belief supports him to the present.
        Yun-Qing has eased a bit and asked:
       "You insist on seeing me, but you know what's wrong?"
        After hearing this, Yu Cong’s mood is not stable:
       "Wangye, I have no enemies, and I have no intention to change. Wangye is aware that these are all framed by Wangfei."
        Yun-Qing sinks his face:
       "There is no enemy, what is the handcuffs? You said that Wangfei is framering you, is it the handcuff that Wangfei forced you to write?"
        Yu Cong also knows that he is wrong in this matter:
       “Wangye, the handcuffs were used. -Lu 2nd Master said at the time that they had to ship a batch of tea to Fujian. Because of the delay, I had to take the sea to deliver the goods within the specified time. So I wrote the handcuffs. ”
        Yun-Qing naturally knows that Yu Cong is used by people:
       "Who gives you the right to let you intervene in the sea?"
       Under normal circumstances, ships going to sea are inspected. The official who bought the goods and checked the goods, and this handcuffs, so passed the checkpoint to transport the grain out.
        Yu Cong knows that this is his fault:
       "I don't know if they used me to smuggle food. Wangye, you have to believe me, I really don't have an enemy."
        Yun-Qing said coldly:
       "You feel that you are being used. You are right. You are innocent? Then the next time you are used, it will hurt me. Do you still feel that you are innocent?"
        Yu Cong did not expect Yun-Qing to say such a thing.
        Being used by people for three times and four times, he did not know it, but he also shirked responsibility to Yu-Xi. Yun-Qing is really disappointed with him:
       "Wu things with food, can be said to be used by people; then you write to the army and Cui Mo said that Wangfei wants to murder me, is it that others let you do this?"
        Yu Cong Gao Sheng:
       "If it weren't for her, how could Wangye be seriously injured and lead to coma."
        Yun-Qing has no temperature in the eyes:
       "I was exposed to the cold and caused the high fever to be unconscious. It was not an injury at all. These Xu Wu can tell you."
        Yu Cong shook his head:
       "Impossible. Wangye, your body is so good, how a light rain can make you unconscious."
        Yun-Qing is completely disappointed with Yu Cong:
       "You don't believe in Xu Wu who has been with you for more than 20 years, but believe those who have ulterior motives."
        Yu Cong looked at Yun-Qing 's attitude and was a bit flustered:
       "Wangye, it's my fault, I didn't believe Xu Wu. But I really didn't think about the mutiny. Wangye, you must believe me." Why things are completely different from what he thinks.
        Yun-Qing feels that he has to run out of patience:
       "Fangxing has already written a confession and sent it. The black and white words are written very clearly. You intend to unite with him to make a mutiny. If you don't believe it, I can take his confession and show it to you."
        Yu Cong shook his head:
       "No, I don't want to make a mess, I just want to..."
        Yun-Qing , I don’t know what Yu Cong thinks:
       "You want to say that you don't want to be self-respecting, you just want to bring Han Jianming to the army?"
        Yu Cong is the idea:
       "Wangye, Han Jianming will stir up Jiangnan's blood and rain, and I just want to maintain the stability of Jiangnan, so I want to kill him. Wangye, this Jiangshan is the Brother who have been together, I can't let Han Jianming take us hard. The foundation that was laid down was ruined."
        Yun-Qing heard this, his eyes showed a cold:
       "I have already said to the army, and the child will be raised after he is born. If the son of the army will train him to become a talented person; if it is a daughter, it will also let her recruit you will not let you break the incense." left.

       Chapter 1139 - Yu Cong's Fall

       Out of the house, Yun-Qing looks very dignified.
        Xu Wu looked at the look of Yun-Qing and knew that the conversation was very unpleasant:
       "Wangye, the righteous father let you see him after seeing Yu Cong."
        Yun-Qing looked up at Xu Wu and said after a while:
       "Yu Cong said that the current Jiangshan is the Brother who have been beaten together, so this Jiangshan belongs to everyone, and he also has a share." Not the original words, but the meaning is similar.
        Xu Wu was stunned and spoke a long time:
       "Wangye, he is crazy." Can not deny that this Jiangshan can be down to all the generals have merit. But without Wangye and Wangfei, they have no chance to make meritorious deeds.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Xu Wu, your previous words are quite right. If I have three long and two short, those generals will certainly be self-respecting." Most of them estimate the same thoughts as Yu Cong, and they think that the world they have now has their own. Now that he is afraid to do anything, if he is not there, it is impossible for them to listen to Yu-Xi.
        Xu Wu listened to this, and said:
       "Wangye, don't put the mad words of Yu Cong in your heart."
        Yun-Qing shook his head and didn't talk anymore.
        Back to the palace, Yun-Qing did not go to see Huo Changqing, but first went to see Yu-Xi. This will be a mess, he wants to talk to Yu-Xi. When the mood is calm, go to see Huo Changqing no later.
        Yu-Xi See Yun-Qing , his face is not quite right, he is busy waving Tan Tuo and Fu Minglang and others, and then asks with concern:
       "He Rui, what happened?"
        Yun-Qing held Yu-Xi in his arms and did not speak for a long time.
        Yu-Xi patted the back of Yun-Qing and said softly:
       "Isn't Yu Cong said what he is not listening to? He knows that if he wants to die, he will inevitably talk nonsense, don't care."
        After Yun-Qing calmed down, he released Yu-Xi:
       "He didn't say anything ugly. He only said that this world is being knocked down by everyone. He thinks he has a share."
        Yu-Xi turned around and smiled and said:
       "If you only have to say this, you don't have to care. This is not the world of the people, but the world of the people."
        Yun-Qing smiles bitterly:
       "I am not angry with this. I just feel that I am too indulgent in Yu Cong, and he does not know how thick the sky is." Yu Cong actually killed Han Jianming and did not feel that he was doing something wrong. Han Jianming is the governor of Jiangnan. What is the difference between killing Han Jianming and rebelling? But Yu Cong has no such consciousness at all. This is the most terrible place that Yun-Qing feels.
        Yu-Xi gently shook his head:
       "You know it now? I have already said that your generals in the army are too generous. Everything must have a degree. If it passes, it will cause disaster." She said it many times, but unfortunately Yun-Qing listens. Do not go in.
        Yun-Qing nodded:
       "it is my fault."
        Yu-Xi is not good to say anything like this:
       "If you have been in the past, you will be able to grasp the scale."
        Yun-Qing has no confidence in himself:
       "In the future, I will discuss with you." It is difficult for him to grasp this measure, and he has to be supervised by Yu-Xi.
        "Okay." Yu-Xi held the hand of Yun-Qing and said:
       "You don't think too much. When you look after his children, it will be worthy to let his children grow up."
        Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "I am going to see Huo Shu, and tell him about Yu Cong."
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Do you want me to go with you?"
       Although Huo Changqing has never appeared, but Yu-Xi knows that he actually does not want to die.
        This can also be understood, that is, raising a cat and a dog for a long time and feelings, let alone one person.
        Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "I will handle this well." Yu Cong's business, he did not want Yu-Xi to come forward, he did not want to let Yu-Xi be criticized because of this.
        Huo Changqing met Yun-Qing and said:
       "Give him a whole body, and let Xu Wu give him a good job."
        Yun-Qing cold face:
       "I will give him a full body, but Yu Cong is committing a felony. If you have funeral, you don't have to do it. You will be buried directly."
        Huo Changqing looks at Yun-Qing as if he were a stranger. After a long time, Huo Changqing asked:
       "Is this what Han-shi means?"
        Yun-Qing Said:
       "This thing Yu-Xi did not intervene, it is what I meant. Huo Shu, I know that you can't bear it, but he committed an unforgivable felony. I can't ignore the law because of my love." A recidivist who intends to change the enemy, if he is dead after the death, he can still do a big job, let the outside people see how to think.
        Huo Changqing was not angry with this, but was very pleased and said:
       "If you can always be so decisive, I am relieved." Yun-Qing 's approach is not wrong, just not in line with his temperament.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "I can't leave A Hao with a mess." In the heart of Yun-Qing , the Jiangshan that was hit is to be passed to Ahao. The words that Yu Cong said touched Yun-Qing 's counter-scale, and the Brother were important and no son was important.
        Huo Changqing did not respond for a while:
       "A Hao?"
       How did this matter relate to Ah Hao?
        Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "If they raise their hearts, I will naturally not be afraid to move when I am. But if I have three long and two short, some of them will certainly not be safe. And A Hao, may not be able to live with them before the wings are rich. So, I can't open this mouth."
        Huo Changqing looks very complicated. He always thought that Yun-Qing was influenced by Yu-Xi, but he did not expect that Yun-Qing was for Hao Ji Er:
       "There is a blessing like you, it is Ah Hao blessing."
        Yun-Qing can not dare to accept such a thick face:
       "I am not a good husband, not a good father." Otherwise, it will not let Yu-Xi suffer, and will not let A Hao begin to worry about politics at a young age.
        Huo Changqing said:
       "I will talk to Xu Wu about this, and let him explain to the army and Cui Mo."
        After Yun-Qing left, Huo Changqing said to himself:
       “No matter what it is, it’s good to change Yun-Qing .”
        Because the evidence is conclusive, the trial is just a passing. After only three days, the Prison Division and the ombudsman sentenced Yu Cong to death, and he was guilty of such a felony. However, Yun-Qing ordered the Yu Cong a glass of poisonous wine.
        Lin got the news and went to Xu Fu to ask for Ling:
       "Sister, you can help me bring a word to the Awu Brother, I want Adong and Ah Jing to send him the last trip!"
        Ling's was a little shocked, and Yu Cong abandoned Lin's. According to what she thought, Lin should be the one who hated Yu Cong, but did not expect Lin to want to send the last leg of Yu Cong. Ling couldn't help but ask:
       "You don't hate him?"
        Lin naturally hates it, hates to gnash his teeth and can't smash at night, or else he won't be old for three months. Lin's Said:
       "Hate, how can you not hate? I can hate again. I have been with him for nearly two decades. Now he is going to die. I can’t let him die after watching this for many years. There are no people wearing filial piety."
        Ling’s listening to this was a bit sighing and said softly:
       "I will send someone to call the Old Master back now." Lin's shortcomings are more, but Yu Cong is single-minded. If Yu Cong does not care for Lin, but keeps Lin and two children, there will be no disaster today.
        Xu Wu got the news and soon came back, knowing what Lin asked, and he didn’t want to agree.
        On the way to prison, Lin asked Xu Wu one thing:
       "An Concubine
        Has the child kept it? ”
        Xu Wu nodded:
       “Wangye and Wangfei are particularly envious, let Ann Concubine save the child and then sin.” Ann Concubine borrowed a lot of oil from the name of Yu Cong, and these Yang Duo-ming were found out, so Ann Concubine wanted to take it. The accumulation of money is destined to be impossible.
        Lin said faintly:
       "Hope is a son, and this is all his thoughts!"
        Xu Wu looked at the uncomfortable heart of Lin’s heart. Lin and Yu Cong and returned to Yucheng, they took two children to close the door to live. Xu Wu didn’t go to see her again, but let Ling’s secretly follow the Buddha.
        Since he was sentenced to death, the whole group of people, such as the frost, beat the eggplant, and no longer -called that he was framed, just sitting on the bed. He didn't lift his eyelids when he heard the sound of unlocking.
        Xu Wu saw him like this, and he couldn’t tell the taste. Yu Cong went to this step today, and he made it himself. No one can blame:
       "A Cong, sister-in-law came to see you with Adong and Ajing." In Xu Wu mind, Lin was his sister-in-law, and -Lu Yi was directly ignored.
        Yu Cong looked at the three people standing on the prison door and said incredibly:
       "A Xiang, is that you?"
       He thought that Lin didn't want to see him in his life.
        Lin put the food box down, three dishes and one soup from the inside, and then took the jug from Adong and put it down. Lin said:
       "I am here to send you the last trip."
        Yu Cong looked at the dishes and the tears fell:
       "A Xiang, I am sorry for you."
        Lin smiled and said:
       "It’s all over the past to say what to do. This dish is what you like, but you are used to the taste of the mountains and sea, and hope to enter your mouth."
        Yu Cong wiped her tears and poured the wine into the bowl and said to Lin:
       "I can see you before I die, I can eat the food you personally made, and I have no regrets."
        After drinking, Yu Cong poured another cup and raised the glass and said:
       "A Xiang, I am the most sorry of you in this life is you, owe you, I will return the next life."
        Lin shook his head:
       "This life business, it's been in this life! In the next life, you and I still don't know each other well." This life has been tortured by his heart, and in the next life she only thought about the quiet and quiet days.
        Yu Cong heard this and his heart was like a knife.
        The meal brought by Lin was swept away, and Yu Cong turned to Xu Wu:
       "Let the wine come up!" See Xu Wu does not move, Yu Cong smiled and said:
       "Nothing is reluctant, and after 18 years, it is a hero."
        Xu Wu stared red and called the jailer to bring in the poisonous wine:
       "You can rest assured that I will take care of sister-in-law with a few children with the army."
        Yu Cong has a voice:
       "Awu, you must let the army and Cui Mo they must be more anti-Han Yu-Xi. This woman can not tolerate people, and now she is naturally favored by the army and Cui Mo, but she will wait for this world to settle down. Will unload and kill."
        Without waiting for Xu Wu to speak, he looked up and drunk the poisoned wine. When he slammed, the bowl fell on the ground and smashed.
        Lin told the two children:
       "Give you a maiden and send him the last trip."
        The two children squatted on the floor and cried when they licked their heads:
       "Hey, hey..."
        After Xu Wu and other fuss, he changed his clothes and gave him his hair, which he put into the coffin made of Chinese fir. This coffin was also obtained by Xu Wu using privileges.
        Lin took two children, and Ma Yu Xiao sent Yu Cong's coffin to the cemetery chosen by Xu Wu.
        Waiting for the eucalyptus to bury and burn the paper money, it’s already late in the evening.
        Xu Wu said to Lin, who is crying and crying.
       "Sister-in-law, it’s late, we should go back."
        Lin burned the paper money on hand and stood up and called two children:
       "Adong, Ah Jing, go back."
        Back to Yucheng, Lin gave a small donkey to Xu Wu:
       "This thing is also for you to hand over to Wangfei Imperial Consort."
        Xu Wu did not answer, but asked:
       "sister-in-law, what are these?"
        Lin did not say:
       “Wangfei will know when I look at it.”
        After more than half an hour, Yu-Xi saw something about the scorpion. In the small donkey, there is a deed title deed and Tianqi and a silver ticket. Yu-Xi glanced at it and let Mei-Lan cover the dice:
       "I didn't expect Lin to turn over the family wealth."
        Xu Wu was very shocked:
       “Sister-in-law turned over the family, how can she live with her two children?”
        I didn’t confiscate the money at the beginning, and now I naturally won’t want it. Yu-Xi looks at the scorpion:
       "You return this shi-zi to Lin, telling her that the money is what Yu Cong deserves, not the ill-gotten wealth, so that she should not bear the burden." She suspected that Lin was afraid that the money would be improperly It was a curse, so I turned in it.
        Xu Wu nodded:
       "it is good."
        Under the persuasion of Xu Wu, Lin finally took back the scorpion. However, she still took out a quarter of the property to Xu Wu:
       "This is for the child, you should help him first!"
        Xu Wu is not willing to accept:
       "Sister-in-law, you will hand it over to the child in the future!"
        Lin shook his head:
       "I am going to wait for the seven or seven of the remaining bundles to pass, and take Adong and Ah Jing back to Fu-Cheng City." She did not want to stay in Yucheng this sad place.
        Xu Wu did not persuade, since Lin decided, it is not that he can change in three or two sentences. Moreover, Fu-Cheng City is a place where Lin grew up and lived for many years. Returning to Fu-Cheng City may be the best for Lin.
        Lin thought about it:
       "Awu, the last words of Yu Cong, don't worry about it, don't talk to the army and Cui Mo. I have only been with Wangfei several times, but I know that Wangfei is not the hot person mentioned by Yu Cong. ""
        How can he not know what Yu-Xi is for more than a decade with Yu-Xi? There was only Yu Cong, who was tempted by Gao Song, and he couldn’t come out if he planted it. Xu Wu nodded:
       "I know. sister-in-law, when are you going to return to Fu-Cheng City, I will send someone to you when I arrive."
        Lin shook his head:
       "Not far away, and the road is too peaceful, it will not bother you."
        After returning this time, Lin’s life has not taken a step in Fu-Cheng City.

Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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