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    This may sound crazy, but its part of the adventure of MTLing. Be flexible.

    • Gender : "he" and "she" are interchangeable. This kinda makes sense since google is not good w/ names?
    • Positive and negative are interchangeable. Example: merciless is actually merciful. I think I may have changed this manually. "Not" may be added when not needed or not added when needed. This makes no sense, but its really how google translate. Either way... be VERY flexible.
    • "I"  is considered rude and therefore rarely used in Asian cultures.  This may be because age is an important status between people. Thus brother/gege, didi, xiong, bo, shu, jie/sister, mei is used instead of "you" or "I". 
    • Maternal or paternal relatives have distinct titles due to the expected role of each side.  A maternal family is considered a "foreign" or outside family. 


    Imperial Exams:

    Examinee Candidates must start from the bottom to finally reach the Imperial Examination. The Child test is the starting point for young candidates authorizes the child to proceed to the next level. Candidates MUST take the County level exam at their county of origin [wherever they are officially registered with the government, not simply current residence]. Those whose legal residence is in Capital City where the final exam is taken place gets to pretty much skip the line.

    Tanhua-Flower-Graduate ........... Flower/Pretty Tanhua,3rd Place and best looking Winner of the Imperial Exam 探花
    2nd--Graduate ........... Banyang 榜眼 2nd Place Winner of the Imperial Exam
    1st--Graduate ........... Zhuangyuan 状元 1st Place Winner of the Imperial Exam
    Imperial Graduate ........... Juren, successful candidate in the imperial provincial examination 举人
    County Graduate ........... Xiucai/show, passed County Exam 秀才
    Child ........... First step on imperial examination journey, pass exam to qualify for the county exams

    Common Words w/ other meanings

    **I cannot translate these words because the 2nd or 3rd meanings differ too much. Kinda just have to get used to it**

    in-law ........... "in-law" can be randomly added to daughter, mother, etc during mtl so I changed "in-law" to "-zi" or "-" to reduce the confusion a little.

    ........... A ...........
    Attack/hit/etc all ...........seal........... to inherit a title. Ex: to attack Duke is to officially take over the Duke title.  This is done by Imperial Decree as with any Royal Title. Titled Heirs also need to be approved and sealed by the Emperor. 
    Acne ........... smallpox or pustules like diseases
    An ........... offering/greeting for peace, safety
    Aunt .......... 姑 [gu] paternal aunt / husband's sister / husband's mother (old) / ❷ nun /
    Aunt .......... 姑姑 [gugu]  .......... Is a high ranking older female  
    Aunt .......... 姑爹 [gudie]  ..........Aunt's Husband
    Aunt .......... [yiniang] .......... concubine, father's concubine
    Auntzi ........... Uncle's Wife
    ........... B ...........
    Bus/car ........... carriage
    Bamboo horse ...........childhood sweetheart/friend
    Biao ....... Cousin, extended family relationship via females. MTL uses Watch or Table.  
    Breast ...........奶/Nai......grandma
    ........... C ........... 
    Catch week/zhou ........... infants are setup with different items representing different professions or personal traits [ie book, sword, flower] to indicate the child's future.
    Celebrity ........... an important person, vip, high profile person
    Child ........... Son and Child are interchangeable
    Chinese man ........... a broker, realtor,
    Copy ........... Search and Seizure, all properties (slaves) are typically taken. May also seize family.
    Concubine ........... an illegimate wife ❷ google sometimes translate a shu (illegitimate) offspring (shunu) as "concubine"
    Cousin ........... "Tang"  is a relative from the male side. Tang mei is a younger female cousin from father's side.
    ........... D ........... 
    Dagger ........... nod
    Daren  ........... an official   ❷ adult
    Di  ........... legitimate wife/child  ❷ younger brother
    Divorce ........... to cancel a marriage or a marriage arrangement [engagement]
    Dumb ........... mute
    Dowry Maid ........... maid taken when a lady marries, usually to help "serve" the owner's husband upon pregnancy.
    ........... E ...........
    Expensive ........... noble aka Gui, ❷ expensive=Fu meaning blessed
    Essay/Words  ........... Wen; is a currency like copper
    ........... F ........... 
    Family ........... wife [ex Erlang's family = Erlang's wife], NOT used often
    ........... G ........... 
    gangster ........... rioter, etc
    girl friend ........... maiden, daughter
    grandma ...........Madam, taitai
    grandpa ........... Ye, Master
    gongzi  ........... son of an official/nobility / your son
    Guifei coach ........... chaise
    Gongxi ...........congratulations, greetings
    ........... H ........... 
    Horn..........."drill the horn"  "horny"  :  to obsess
    husband ........... master
    happy ........... pregnant
    Hu Meizi ........... "fox" a seductress
    ........... I / J ........... 

    Ironhat ..........Hereditary, Wang Jue , which originated from the Qing Dynasty knighted system, enjoys more favorable treatment and privileges .
    There were 12 "iron hat kings" in the Qing Dynasty who inherited their titles without being downgraded. Eight of them were royal clan families who made military exploits in the early days of the founding of the Qing Dynasty. Because of their outstanding merits, they were granted permanent knighthoods of hereditary replacements. Enjoy the honor of serving Taimiao. The other four belonged to Enfeng, who were awarded for their meritorious service in the mid to late Qing Dynasty. [1]
    Jue  ........... Hereditary, *usually*  Heirs can inherent for 3 generations, each generation a lower rank
    Jump  ........... dance
    Japan ........... begining
    ........... K ........... 
    Book a Kiss ........... propose a kinship via marriage = engagement
    Kiss ...........Pro/Qin/Dear/Kiss ........... a relative or Kin, usually biological [i.e. pro-aunt]
    Kang ........... 炕 (a heatable brick bed) / to bake / to dry by the heat of a fire
    ........... L ...........
    Less ........... Shao :  Young
    Little/small ........... Humble, ie small one = humble one, little girl = humble girl
    Last year ........... new year
    ........... M ...........
    Marry ........... irritate / start with / blame
    Mall ........... Corporate / business
    Morning Dynasty ........... Morning Court
    Mother ........... [muqin] only the legitimate wife may be called "mother/muqin".  Concubines may be called yiniang or niang.
    Mu ........... Mother, maternal
    Milk ........... [nai] grandmother, Tainai is great grandmother  ❷ Baby
    ........... N ...........
    Niang  ........... mother, young female,
    ........... O ...........
    ........... P ........... 
    Piano ...........Qin, Guiqin, etc all.  Pretty much any string instrument gets translated to "Piano" by google. 
    Primary  ........... Little or Xiao
    Primary 3 ........... "Little/Xiao 3" ........... 3rd party aka "other woman
    Pro/Qin/Dear/Kiss ........... a relative or Kin, usually biological [i.e. pro-aunt], an intimate relation
    Photograph ........... slap : 拍  to slap / to swat / to look at or watch
    Professor ........... can be a title for a respected/senior person instead of an occupation
    ........... Q ...........   
    ........... R ........... 
    Remarriage ........... booking a marriage after a divorce or cancelled engagement
    Robbery ........... trial / calamity
    Restaurant ........... dining room
    ........... S ........... 
    Sesame oil ........... charity donation
    Seal........... to inherit a title. Ex: to attack Duke is to officially take over the Duke title.  This is done by Imperial Decree as with any Royal Title. Titled Heirs also need to be approved and sealed by the Emperor.  
    Scorpion ........... handkerchief, eyes, hair accessories, etc
    Shu ........... illegitimate
    Small/little ........... Humble, ie small one = humble one, little girl = humble girl
    Squeamish ........... delicate
    Sweetheart ........... daughter
    Snake disease ........... nutcase, crazy
    Soup pozi ........... water bottle/kettle
    Son ........... [子] child
    ........... T ........... 
    Tang ...........  is a relative from the male side. Tang mei is a younger female cousin from father's side ❷  soup
    tooth/teeth/dentist ........... slave trader / brother
    Teacher ........... 师  ........... teacher, master, specialist
    Too milk ........... [tai nai] great grandmother
    Tai ........... next senior generation, great grandmother, tai-dowager is dowager from previous generation
    ........... U / V ...........
    United States ...........  Mei, Beauty
    ........... W / X / Y / Z...........
    Wanfu ........... "thousand blessings" a royal greeting
    Word ........... private/intimate name
    Write a book ........... divorce wife
    Yipin...........1st Grade
    zi ..........."in-law" can be randomly added to daughter, mother, etc during mtl so I changed "in-law" in to "-zi" or "-" to reduce the confusion a little.
    Xi/Xie ........... Thank or Last name
    Xiao Er...........wait staff, helper, ❷ "Little 2"
    Xiaojie ........... daughter of an official/nobility, young lady / ❷ (modern slang) prostitute

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    Yuan ........... Academy / residence / courtyard / hospital / garden / yard
    Government ........... "Fu" the official residence of a titled official may be referred to as a government or government office. A Wangfu or Huofu can both be referred to as government in mtl.
    Jiacun ........... [last name] family village
    Shan ........... mountain
    Zhuangzi ........... Farm Estate outside of city. ❷ Yuanzi / Garden

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    Big ........... Da = 1st=Eldest ; big aunt, big uncle, big brother, lao-da are also titles and not necessarily relatives.
    Xiao ........... little=youngest ; can also refer to the youngest child in the family example: xiao young master
    Primary  ........... "Little"

    Jia ........... family
    Er ........... 2nd, 2, child/children, little, endearment when followed by a name
    Cousin.......Biao / Tang
    ....... Biao ....... Cousin, extended family relationship via females. MTL uses Watch or Table. 
    ....... Tang ....... Cousin, extended family relationship via males. MTL uses Lobby. 

    <<  Link   >>  for more Glossary


    Zi ........... denotes male [ex. shizi, shenzi, gongzi, erzi]
    Geer / Ge / Ji / Xiong ........... brother, may be a title instead of of literal brother
    Didi / Di ........... younger brother
    Door to door husband ........... recruited male to take wife's surname and their off springs continue her family bloodline.
    Fuma/Hummer/horse ........... Princess husband, County Ma is a County Owner husband
    nephew ........... shizi, shenzi
    Yeye/Laozi ........... Grandfather, grandpa, master
    Laotai-Ye ........... Oldest Master (Tai Laoye)
    Lao-Ye ........... Old Master
    Ye ........... Master
    Shaoye ........... Young Master
    Bo/Shu ........... father's brother, Uncle
    Mu-uncle ........... mother's brother, uncle
    Dage ........... Eldest/1st Brother [or] Big brother, a way to address an older male
    Dabo ........... Eldest/1st Uncle [or] Big Uncle, a way to address an older male [older than Dage]
    Lao-Da ........... 1st Child [or] Big Boss [or] way to address an elderly man [older than Dabo]
    Lao-Er ........... 2nd Child.... lao-san
    Dalang ........... erlang, sanlang = lang (young man) by family position, younger than Lao-Da,
    Child/Son ........... Child and son are interchangeable [2 children and 1 girl = 2 sons and 1 daughter]
    Dimei/Didimei ........... younger siblings [or] Didi's wife


    Hoa ........... denotes female [ex. Wang Hoa is a female wang or a wangfei, also apply to names ]
    Mu ........... mother, natal, maternal [ex. Mu-Uncle, mu-aunt, Mu-Bomu]
    Mu-Lady ........... married daughter, title used my her family [gutaitai]
    Girl ........... Nu ........... denotes female [ex. shi-nu, zhi-nu, sheng-nu] Outside Mistress girl is the daughter of an outside mistress

    Bomu/Shumu/Auntzi ........... Uncle's wife
    Shu .......... younger uncle OR his wife / Aunt
    Niang ........... mother / young lady / married lady /
    Guniang ........... young lady / Miss / lady
    Niang Niang ........... goddess, imperial consort or female family members
    Mu-niang ........... mu-uncle's wife

    Milk/nai-nai ........... Grandmother
    Popo/Gonggong ........... Mother/father-in-law [apo, agong]
    Tai-tai ........... Madam/Grandma, or female elder
    Niece ........... shi-nu, shen-nu, zhi-nu
    Shi-nu ........... can refer to any female younger generation in the family
    Xiaojie ........... "Young Lady" a daughter of an official home or high ranking family
    Erxi ........... aka Erxifu/Erxi/xifu ........... daughter-in-law / wife (of a younger man) / young married woman / young woman
    Sao ........... aka Disao/Sao sao/ Saozi ........... Sister in law, different area/time uses different version


    Official/Legal Wife ........... Niangqin / "my wife" / Furen / Madam
    -- can also mean My Madam, the official madam not the speaker's actual wife.
    -- Daughter-in-law, for example, can be a title instead of literal. A husband can call his wife a daughter-in-law, so I changed "in-law" to "like" to avoid some confusions.
    -- Follow Room - Follow indicates the female position is after the deaf of the first official wife. Follow wife is of a lower position than a first official wife compared to other madams.

    Concubine (Concubines vary in ranks and are ALL non-wives. All concubines are servants that maybe dismissed, gifted, even killed)
    -- qie, chongqie, shiqie, qieshi,
    -- gui/expensive/noble-concubine__ higher than regular qie, cannot be sold or gifted normally
    -- jian/cheap/base-concubine__ is the lowest rank concubine, can be gifted or sold
    -- tongfang__ lower than concubine, mostly servant status
    -- bedroom waiters__ even lower than tongfang, no rank servant status
    -- 姨娘 [yiniang], 玉娘 yuniang, 侧房 cefang. Ceshen 侧身
    -- ceshen/sideway, side, sideroom / room / diverticulum / acolyte / jealousy /
    -- Outside room - mistress left outside of official home and not recognized by family. Lower than a concubine.
    -- Flat wife or 2nd wife ........... not a real "wife" but the highest ranking of a concubine. Usually only one or two allowed in this rank.

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    * It is common to have 2 names. A formal name and an intimate name ("small name" or "word").
    * Chinese has A LOT of  homonyms...  So when names are introduced, they are sometimes accompanied by the meaning so you can distinguish names and how to write them.

    bao ........... treasure or baby (common for kids)
    book ........... shu
    week ........... zhou

    horse ........... ma
    cattle ........... Nu / Niu  [aka "girl"]
    Tiger ........... Hu
    Dog ........... Gou
    Egg ........... Dan
    Iron ........... Tie
    Zhuang ........... Strong
    Shan ........... mountain

    ink ........... Mo
    Yuyan ........... language
    room/house ........... Fang
    jade ........... Yu /yao [sometimes]
    child/ren ........... Er [also means little or 2nd]
    defending champion/guardian ........... Wei
    gold ........... jin ........... kim


    lotus ........... lian
    Jasmine ........... moli
    stone ........... shi
    mei ........... plum
    Hoa ........... flower, added to a name or title indicates recipient is a female
    phoenix ........... Feng
    wind ........... Feng
    Yan ........... cloud
    Yun ........... smoke
    rain ........... yu
    sorghum ........... Liang
    bamboo ........... zhu, yu
    Liu ........... willow
    grass ........... cao
    Tao ........... peach
    ...........Hua ........... flower
    guihua ........... osmanthus
    cuihua ........... califlower


    purple ........... zi
    green ........... qing, lu
    blue ........... lan
    red ........... hong
    white ........... bai
    black ........... hei 


    Xia ........... summer
    Chun ........... spring
    Qui ........... fall
    Dong ........... winter


    Nan ........... south
    Bei ........... north
    Dong/oriental ........... east ex. Donggong is East Palace, home of the Crown Prince
    xifang ........... west


    Poor farmers are not educated so they primarily have secondary or nicknames in lieu of formal names. Cow [nu], tiger [huizi], pillar, dog, flower [hua], and so on. I kept most of the names as is because I believe its more true to the environment even though it sounds a bit weird to a modern person.

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    hehe/haha .......... laughs


    Maids ........... aka cockroach, cricket, jealousy, ring,
    -- Usually name after colors or flowers and named as a series
    --丫鬟(yāhuan) : servant girl, can also be called yatou (丫头). Equivalent to maids.
    --丫头(yātou) : girl, servant girl. Can be used deprecatingly or as a term of endearment.

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    zong ........... sect
    fairy ........... immortal [sometimes]
    real people /dao ........... daoist
    teacher ........... Lao / elder
    repair ........... Xu Li, cultivation/cultivating
    lingen ........... spiritual root

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