RM Maid 190

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        "Big-Madam, Big-Master and Jiang Concubine went to Li Concubine."

       As soon as Jiang Wanyin and Xue Yan entered the West Chamber, Maid immediately reported the news to Wang Xiuyao.

       Wang Xiuyao frowned, very unhappy.

       "Because before Li Concubine pretended to be sick and refused to serve Wang Xiuyao, Wang Xiuyao had already figured out how to suppress and deal with Li Concubine, prevent Li Concubine from meeting Xue Yan, and let Li Concubine completely fall out of favor, and then use Li Concubine."

       "That's why she asked Xue Yan to come over for dinner, and then called Jiang Wanyin to serve, and she let Xue Yan and Jiang Wanyin leave together, the purpose is to once again provoke Li-Concubine's jealousy of Jiang Wanyin. After all, she can only see it with her own eyes. It makes people more jealous."

       Jealous women are better used.

       But why does Big-Master go to Li-Shi? Big-Master saw Li-Shi, so her calculations were wasted.

       Wang Xiuyao was deeply annoyed.

       "How can Big-Master go to Li-Shi? What do they go to Li-Shi?"

       "Nubi doesn't know, but Nubi saw that Jiang Concubine seemed to have said something to Big-Master, and the two went to Li Concubine. Nubi was far away, and I didn't hear Jiang Concubine and Big-Master talking what."

       "It's Jiang-Shi again. It's Jiang-Shi again."

       Hearing that, Wang Xiuyao gritted her teeth and gritted her words, the hatred in her eyes was terrifying, and Maid staggered back two steps in fright.

       "Jiang-Shi, this bastard-people is always bad, she is good, bastard-people."

       Wang Xiuyao cursed Jiang Wanyin in her mind.

       At this time, Maid came in to report.

       "Big-Madam, Jiang Concubine came out of the West Wing."

       "What about Big-Master? Has Big-Master gone too?"

       "Big-Master did not come out. Nubi did not see Big-Master come out."

       "Jiang-Shi, Jiang-Shi .."

       Wang Xiuyao rubbed the words Jiang-Shi with hatred.

       "Wang Xiuyao cursed her with hatred, Jiang Wanyin didn't know, Jiang Wanyin was in a good mood after coming out of the main courtyard."

       "Concubine, why do you want Big-Master to go to Li-Concubine? Big-Master obviously wants to come back with you?"

       Yuzhi asked on the way back to Lanxinyuan.

       "If Big-Master doesn't go to Li-Concubine, then what I gave you during the day is in vain."

       Now that she has made a decision, Li-Concubine must be favored.

       "It would be bad if she was the only one stared by two people. But there are always times when one person stares at two people."

       Fortunately, Li Concubine is not too stupid. Knowing that she seizes the opportunity to fight for favor, she is not in vain to persuade Xue Yan to go to her house.

       With Li Concubine's looks and means, as long as she doesn't die, she will be spoiled for a while.

       Just as Jiang Wanyin expected, Li-Concubine was really pampered in the following days.

       In the backyard, she and Li-Concubine were evenly divided. Wang Xiuyao and Xue Yan only had the fifteenth day of the year.

       Wang Xiuyao asked Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine to save time in the morning and dusk, go to the main courtyard in the morning, and wait for Wang Xiuyao for dinner in the evening. Wake up early in the morning to greet you. In the evening, they stood and waited for an hour's dinner. two were tossed by Wang Xiuyao.

       Although Wang Xiuyao tossed Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine, there was nothing wrong with her doing so, and no one else could say that she was wrong; therefore Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine could only bear it.

       Li Concubine finally got favored, so naturally she didn't dare to pretend to be sick anymore; she was worried that she would fall out of favor, and she was even more worried that if she pretended to be sick, Wang Xiuyao would make him really sick and then kill him.

       As for Jiang Wanyin, it's not that she can't help it, she just doesn't want it.

       She just wanted to greet Wang Xiuyao every day, and she wanted to watch Wang Xiuyao watch them two Pet Qie sway in front of her every day, but she was helpless.

       This person can hold people insane for a long time. Since Wang Xiuyao likes to abuse herself, she herself wants to be Wang Xiuyao. See when Wang Xiuyao can hold back.

       This night Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine were still in the main courtyard to serve Wang Xiuyao for dinner. Wang Xiuyao ate slowly. When the time was less than half of the usual time, he suddenly heard the sound of panicked footsteps rushing over.

       It was Wang Xiuyao's person who ran back.

       "Big-Madam, Big-Master was injured and was carried back."

       "What? Big-Master is injured? What is going on? Where is Big-Master now?"

       Wang Xiuyao stood up immediately, the table was swayed by her, the dishes and bowls collided, and she didn't feel the pain. Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine also looked worried.

       "Big-Master is in the front yard. younger one only sees the Big-Master being carried back. younger one doesn't know what happened?"

       That servant Ding was frightened by Wang Xiuyao's momentum.

       As soon as Wang Xiuyao heard Xue Yan in the front yard, she rushed out, and Jiang Wanyin and Li Concubine also caught up.

       When the three people arrived in the front yard, Madam Xue had already arrived and was sitting in the room wiping tears. Xue Lao-Ye had not changed his clothes, and there were blood stains on his clothes. Jiang Wanyin could smell the blood.

       "Madam Lao-Ye, what about Big-Master? What about Big-Master?"

       Wang Xiuyao asked in a panic.

       "Big-Madam, Big-Master is in the room. doctor is treating Big-Master."

       The answer Wang Xiuyao is Jiyue.

       "What's the matter, how could Big-Master get hurt? Didn't Big-Master go to check the accounts? How could it get hurt?"

       Wang Xiuyao was worried that Xue Yan completely forgot about the others, so she stared at Xue Lao-Ye and asked. It's more like questioning. After all, Xue Yan went out with Xue Lao-Ye, Xue Yan was injured, and Xue Lao-Ye was fine.

       It's just that Xue Lao-Ye didn't answer her.

       "How is Big-Master? I want to go in and take a look."

       Wang Xiuyao was about to enter the room and was stopped by her servant.

       "Big-Madam, the doctor is treating Big-Master, you can't go in."

       "Wang Shi, you are not allowed to go in and disturb the doctor to save Yan Er."

       Xue Lao-Ye sternly scolded Wang Xiuyao, and the Maids hurriedly came up and pulled Wang Xiuyao away.

       Xue Lao-Ye patted Madam Xue's hand for comfort.

       "Yan Er will be fine, and will be fine."

       Madam Xue kept looking at the bedroom without speaking.

       The room was so heavy that no one dared to speak. Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine are also very worried, especially Li-Concubine, whose complexion is very bad. Jiang Wanyin glanced at Li Concubine stood silently.

       A little bit of time passed, a pot of blood was brought out, and everyone anxiously waited for an hour when the doctor finally came out.

       "Doctor, how is my son?"

       Madam Xue rushed over to ask the doctor first, and Wang Xiuyao rushed over, and Xue Lao-Ye also stood up.

       Husband Lao-Da looked a little solemn.

       "The arrow has been pierced, but the wound is too deep, and the arrow is also poisoned; although the old man has detoxified gongzi, it just made gongzi poisoned for too long and lost too much blood, although it detoxified. But it’s hard to say when I will wake up. It may be possible whether there will be sequelae after waking up. This will all wait until gongzi wakes up."

       "Yan Er."

       This news is undoubtedly terrible news for those present. Madam Xue could not bear it at first and passed out, and then Li Concubine fell down with a pale face. Maids hurriedly helped the two of them to the chair.

       "Doctor, show me Madam."

       Seeing Madam Xue fainted, Xue Lao-Ye also worried about calling the doctor to get Madam Xue's pulse. doctor immediately went over and gave Madam Xue a pulse. Although Madam Xue was sad and worried, he passed out after being over-stimulated, but it was not a serious problem.

       Xue Lao-Ye was relieved to hear that Madam Xue was not a big deal.

       The son is already badly injured and can't wake up. If the wife has a chance, wouldn't the house be ruined?

       The doctor returned the pulse to Madam Xue. Maid Qiu Ju of Li Concubine pulled the doctor and asked the doctor to give Li Concubine the pulse.

       The decent master was seriously injured and fainted. No one cared about Li Concubine at all, except for Li Concubine's Maid Qiuju.

       "Doctor, please show me Concubine, doctor please..."

       The doctor did not refuse, and gave Li Concubine another pulse.

       "Doctor, am I okay with Concubine?"

       "Your house, Concubine-Madam, is a happy pulse. Concubine-Madam has been pregnant for nearly two months."

       "My Concubine is happy!"

       Qiu Ju was overjoyed.

       "Doctor, I, Concubine fainted, is it hurt? Is Concubine's brother okay?"

       "Your Concubine-Madam fainted only after being stimulated. Some had a fetal gas. I will prescribe a prescription for anti-fetus and go back to grab medicine."

       "Doctor Many Thanks. Doctor Many Thanks."

       Qiu Ju looked grateful. Concubine is finally pregnant. As long as you have a child, Concubine, even if Big-Master has something, Concubine will have to rely on in the future.

       "In addition, Concubine-Madam in your house seems to be a bit tired lately, which is not conducive to raising a fetus. In addition, pregnant women should not be hungry for a long time, and it is best to eat full so that the child can grow..."

       Hearing what the doctor said, Qiu Ju subconsciously raised her head to look at Wang Xiuyao.

       However, Wang Xiuyao was supposed to be hit by Xue Yan's injury and has not been relieved. This will hear the news of Li-Concubine's pregnancy again, and will be hit again. Wang Xiuyao looked at Li Concubine who was unconscious with a look of astonishment, and she was incredulous and unwilling to believe it.

       Everyone saw her reaction in their eyes.

       Xue Lao-Ye originally didn't care about Li-Concubine or Concubine, but I heard that Li-Concubine was pregnant. This is different.

       Xue Yan is now seriously injured and unconscious. Li-Concubine is pregnant with a child, which means that Xue Yan can have another child, and Xue Lao-Ye immediately pays attention.

       But what the doctor said later was called Xue Lao-Ye. His face was ugly, and he felt ashamed, and his eyes looked good at Wang Xiuyao.

       He and his son only went out for half a month, and Concubine, who was pregnant at home, was overly tired and hungry; this kind of thing caused the doctor to diagnose it, and it was ashamed of the Xue family.

       Then Wang Xiuyao, who was hit, had no idea to look at Xue Lao-Ye's eyes. Wang Xiuyao swayed and was about to faint. Jiang Wanyin hurried forward to help her with Ruyue.

       "Big-Madam, what's the matter with you? Why are you uncomfortable.."

       Before Jiang Wanyin could ask, Wang Xiuyao fainted.


       Jiang Wanyin and Ruyue hurriedly helped Wang Xiuyao to sit down and asked the doctor to get Wang Xiuyao's pulse.

       "Doctor, how is Big-Madam?" Ruyue looked at the doctor with some expectation and nervousness. Jiang Wanyin was puzzled by her expression.

       In fact, it was because Li-Concubine fainted but he was diagnosed with a happy pulse. I also hope that Wang Xiuyao, who also passed out, will be diagnosed with a happy pulse.

       But the result was destined to disappoint her.

       "Big-Madam, this is a mixture of sorrow and anger, and fainted only after the anger hits the heart. It is not a big problem.

       Ruyue's expression on her face instantly collapsed upon hearing Yan, disappointed.

       Xue Lao-Ye's expression became even more ugly when she heard that Wang Xiuyao was so angry that she passed out.

       Xue Lao-Ye ordered the three to be carried back, Wang Xiuyao carried them back to the main courtyard, and Madam Xue went to Ningxin courtyard by himself. What is surprising is that Xue Lao-Ye even carried Li-Concubine to Ningxinyuan.

       Jiang Wanyin understood what Xue Lao-Ye meant, and he was guarding against Wang Xiuyao. I'm afraid that Wang Xiuyao will harm Xue Yan's child when he wakes up. After all, Wang Xiuyao has a criminal record.

       Three of the four female relatives fainted, leaving only Jiang Wanyin with a worried expression on his face.

       Jiang Wanyin asked Xue Lao-Ye with a white face.

       "Lao-Ye, Qie wants to stay and take care of Big-Master, I beg Lao-Ye for permission."

        "Jiang Wanyin was sitting in front of the bed reading a book, and Xue Yan on the bed was still awake. Jiang Wanyin was reading the book softly, not caring whether the sleeping Xue Yan could listen."

       "Concubine, the medicine is ready."

       Yuzhi came in with the medicine and interrupted Jiang Wanyin's study.

       The master and servant gave medicine to Xue Yan who was sleeping together.

       "Concubine, Big-Master have been in a coma for half a month. I don't know when I can wake up?"

       Yuzhi looked at Xue Yan who was sleeping and was also worried.

       "Xue Yan is the next Patriarch of the Xue family. If Xue Yan has a case, then the Xue family will lose the Patriarch. Without the Patriarch, the Xue Family will fall. If the Xue Family has fallen, they will be in these days as well. It will be hard."

       Now she only hopes that Big-Master will wake up and get better soon.

       Most of the servants in this mansion share Yuzhi mind.

       "So in addition to the masters in the mansion, I hope Xue Yan will get better soon, and the people in the mansion also agree to look forward to it."

       "Big-Master will wake up. Big-Master is just too tired. When Big-Master gets enough sleep, Big-Master will wake up."

       "Jiang Wanyin wiped Xue Yan's face and hands with a wet kerchief, and said indifferently, in a very firm tone, he firmly believed that Xue Yan would wake up."

       "Across the screen room, Ji Yue supported Madam Xue on the other side of the screen, and heard the words of Jiang Wanyin's master servant, Madam Xue stopped and did not come in."



       Madam Xue turned and left without going in to see Xue Yan.

       "At this time, Madam. Xue wants to see his son and is afraid of seeing his son, afraid of seeing his son who is sleeping and not waking up, maybe one day his son will be gone."

       "After Madam Xue went out, Jiang Wanyin raised his eyes and glanced at the screen."

       "Yuzhi, here comes Huayan."

       After Yuzhi was out, Huayan hurried over.


       "Big-Geer and Big-sister are safe today, good for eating?"

       "Concubine, don’t worry, Nubi has personally visited Big-Geer and Big-sister. Big-Geer and Big-sister are both very good, and both eating and sleeping are very good. Big-Geer and Big-sister also asked Up to you, Nubi tells Big-Geer Big-sister Concubine that you are good. Big-Geer and Big-sister ask Nubi to greet you on their behalf, and also said that you should take good care of Big-Master. Don’t worry about them, they will. Honour Madam."

       "My son has grown up and is sensible."

       Jiang Wanyin was very pleased to hear what his children said.

       Although the two children are young, they are very smart and sensible. Although she had to keep her child in the Shouxin Yard, Jiang Wanyin went to accompany the child whenever he had time, and Madam Xue did not stop them from seeing the mother and child. Although the child was not raised by her side, Jiang Wanyin did not relax the education of the two children.

       She has children in every life. She has very rich experience in raising children. She knows how to raise children better.

       Jiang Wanyin always loves her children wholeheartedly, trying to make them better.

       She asked Huayan to talk about the two children carefully. Jiang Wanyin was very happy when she listened carefully and knew that her child was good.

       "Big-Geer Big-sister must never leave people around. You must tell Mama and Maid to stay by Big-Geer Big-sister at all times and never leave."

       Although the child is in Ningxinyuan, Jiang Wanyin is not completely relieved.

       "Concubine, don't worry, Nubi will tell them every day when they visit Big-Geer Big-sister, they will not dare to violate it."

       "That's good."

       "What happened to Li Concubine and Big-Madam, what's the matter?"

       "Li Concubine is now shrinking in the Meifang Yard to raise her baby, and she hardly goes out. There is nothing wrong with Li Concubine."

       That night, Xue Lao-Ye asked Li Concubine to be carried to Ningxin Courtyard. Later, when Madam Xue woke up, he knew that Li Concubine was pregnant, and knew that Li Concubine was pregnant with the same conditions as when Jiang Wanyin was found to be pregnant. After knowing that Wang Xiuyao was so angry and fainted because of Li-Concubine's pregnancy, Madam Xue immediately decided to let Li-Concubine move out of the main courtyard.

       Madam Xue led Li-Concubine to also move to Meifang Yard, not far from Ningxin Yard. Meifangyuan and Lanxinyuan are around Ningxinyuan, and Ningxinyuan is in the middle of the two yards.

       Madam Xue is obviously defending Wang Xiuyao.

       Because Xue Yan is not awake and may never wake up again, Madam. Xue's protection of Li Concubine's fetus is even better than when he protected Jiang Wanyin; because if Xue Yan had a case, Li Concubine was in the belly’s child is probably Xue Yan's last child.

       "As for Big-Madam, I have invited the doctor again today, but I still haven't met."

       After fainting that night, Wang Xiuyao woke up sick the next day. I don't know if she fell ill because of Xue Yan or because Li-Concubine became pregnant. No matter what reason she fell ill, it's just that after so many days, Wang Xiuyao's illness has been dragging down. Wang Xiuyao hired the doctor almost every day, which was more diligent than Xue Yan, who was seriously injured and sleepy, hired the doctor.

       Because of this, Xue Lao-Ye and Madam Xue are even more dissatisfied with Wang Xiuyao.

       One fetus was ill, and neither Wang Xiuyao nor Li-Concubine had visited Xue Yan since being carried away that night.

       Because of this, Xue Lao-Ye and Madam Xue's dissatisfaction with them has deepened. Li Concubine is better than Wang Xiuyao. After all, Li Concubine is still pregnant with Xue Yan's child. two always regard the child in her abdomen, and they do not criticize her too much. But Wang Xiuyao is different. Wang Xiuyao is Xue Yan's wife. Xue Yan was seriously injured but not fainted. Wang Xiuyao did not take care of Xue Yan because of illness. This made the two old people's dissatisfaction with Wang Xiuyao to the extreme.

       This can be seen from the attitude and reaction of the two veterans towards Wang Xiuyao.

       "The Zhengyuan and Meifangyuan make people stare at them. Don't let them make any moths, especially watch them closely. Don't let them reach out to Big-Geer Big-sister, especially Li-Concubine. "

       Li Concubine is pregnant, it is hard to guarantee that she will not be big-hearted, remove the obstacles for her womb and murder her two children.

       Li Concubine's pregnancy was in her plan, but Xue Yan was suddenly severely injured and fell asleep. This was totally unexpected by Jiang Wanyin, and she could only count it that night. It's just that she stayed to take care of Xue Yan, and the two children would not have enough energy for fear of inadequate protection.

       "Concubine, don't worry, they have our people staring at them. As long as they move, our people will report it immediately, and they will not be given a chance."

       "That's good."

       Seeing Big-Geer grow up, Wang Xiuyao has not been pregnant again. Many of the servants in this house have secretly voted for Jiang Wanyin. There are gradually more people in Jiang Wanyin's hands, and they are no longer tied up like they did at the beginning.

       "Besides, there are other things in the house?"

       "Because Big-Master, Lao-Ye issued strict orders, no one in the mansion dared to make trouble. Lao-Ye was dealing with affairs outside the mansion, and this Nubi did not dare to inquire."

       "This is very good. Lao-Ye and the affairs outside the house must not be touched now, and must not be inquired."

       It's still the most important thing in the mansion now, and at least you have to wait a few more years before reaching out.

       "Nubi knows, Concubine, Nubi will always remember what you told me."

       "Just remember. Remember not to forget."


       "Oh. One more thing."

       Huayan suddenly remembered.

       "Today, someone from the Wang family announces the good news, saying that it is the Wang family Big-Master who added a new child."

       "It's Wang-Zisheng. Did he Fu-ren give birth?"

       "It was Wang-Zisheng Wang Big-Master, but it was not Wang’s Big-Madam who gave birth to Eldest-son, but Wang’s Big-Master’s Concubine gave birth to Shu-Eldest-son. Wang’s family sent someone to announce the good news, and Ruyue arranged for someone to give it away. A gift for the two cars."

       "Concubine, Big-Madam. This is to move the things of our Xue family out without money. This year alone, there are 16 cars sent to the Rongguo Mansion in Capital City, and 11 cars are sent to the Wang Family in Capital City. Jinling Prince's family even gave away as many as 18 cars. Forty cars, not even tens of thousands, can't be handled. Big-Madam This is to move the Xue family out."

       Huayan's face was sore.

       Wang Xiuyao has been childless, and Jiang Wanyin's son is Eldest-son. This inevitably makes the people around Jiang Wanyin have the idea that her little master will continue the Xue family in the future, at least Huayan has this thought.

       Because I think the Xue family will be inherited by Big-Geer, Huayan regards the Xue family's things as Big-Geer. Seeing Wang Xiuyao sending the Xue family's things out, it is naturally distressed.

       Of course it's just to get people's thoughts, Jiang Wanyin's purpose is not the Xue family's wealth.

       "Big-Madam is Madam Xue Jiadang. Big-Madam is in charge of this matter. Lao-Ye and Madam didn't say anything. Let's not talk too much."

       Although Wang Xiuyao was ill, the housekeeping power was firmly in his hands. Madam Xue was worried that his son had no intention of grabbing any housekeeping power with her. Madam Xue didn't seem to care much about the housekeeping power after he surrendered the power.


       "Okay. I said, don't care about this matter. And it's not our turn to take care of this matter. Don't forget your master, I'm just a Concubine."

       Jiang Wanyin reminded Huayan of her body that she didn't want the people around her to swell and forget her identity.

       Huayan has been serving Jiang Wanyin for many years, so she is naturally not stupid. Hearing Jiang Wanyin's words, she felt tight, knowing that she was wrong and immediately apologize.

       "It's Nubi who thinks it's bad, and I ask Concubine to punish it."

       "Be careful in the future."

       Jiang Wanyin asked something more, then sent Huayan out. He also said that he would take a break, and ordered Yuzhi to guard outside the door.

       Jiang Wanyin gave Xue Yan a pulse, then took out the pill from the storage room to dissolve it with water and feed it to Xue Yan. After Xue Yan took the medicine, Jiang Wanyin took out the golden needles and gave Xue Yan acupuncture.

       With years of experience and knowledge, Jiang Wanyin's medical skills are much higher than those of the doctors invited by the Xue family. Jiang Wanyin's request to take care of Xue Yan personally is for the convenience of treating Xue Yan personally.

       Jiang Wanyin has never exposed her medical skills in this life, and of course she did not intend to expose it.

       She had been in the Wang family before, and then married into the Xue family with Wang Xiuyao. She has been in the Xue family again. She has no chance to study medicine. If she exposes her medical skills, she can't explain her medical skills at all; therefore, Jiang Wanyin will simply be the only one in this life. Did not intend to expose his medical skills.

       Rescue Xue Yan was a last resort.

       Although the doctor Xue Lao-Ye invited is the most famous doctor in Jinling, the doctor's medical skills are not enough to make Xue Yan wake up and recover as soon as possible.

       The Xue family needs Xue Yan to stabilize the family business, and Jiang Wanyin also needs Xue Yan to support the Xue family until her children grow up; and Xue Yan has been drowsy, which also affects her plans.

       According to the doctor's treatment plan, Xue Yan didn't have to wake up for several months or a half, and he would leave fatal venomous wounds that would affect his life. Jiang Wanyin hopes that Xue Yan can live longer.

       Otherwise, if Xue Yan died early, and Xue Lao-Ye and Madam Xue died, then Wang Xiuyao would be the master of the Xue family. Wang Xiuyao can completely take control of the Xue family under the power of the Wang family. When their mother and son stay in Wang Xiuyao's hands, life will be difficult.

       This was definitely not what Jiang Wanyin wanted; that's why she asked for her order to take care of Xue Yan personally and save Xue Yan at the risk of exposure.

       This time Xue Yan was indeed injured extremely badly, and it would be very much because of the poison on the arrow that was not immediately fatal. Thinking of this, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but wonder if the killer with a poisoned arrow was not fatal. Was the murderer really going to kill Xue Yan? If not, what does the murderer mean? Or what is the purpose.

       No one answered her, Jiang Wanyin could only think about it.

       After acupuncture, Jiang Wanyin was tired and sweaty.

       Just as Jiang Wanyin was pulling out the needle, a voice suddenly came from outside.

        "Yuzhi, who is outside."

       Jiang Wanyin asked after pulling out the gold needle, and Yuzhi came in after a while.

       "Concubine, Kisaragi is here. Kisaragi said that he came to visit Big-Master by the order of Big-Madam."

       "Concubine, you told me to rest and let Nubi guard the door, but Nubi didn't let her in."

       "I'm all awake. Now that Big-Madam has ordered it, let Juyue come in."


       Yuzhi left Ruyue and came in soon.

       When Ruyue came in, she went straight to the bed to see Xue Yan, but did not bow to Jiang Wanyin.

       "Ruyue is Wang Xiuyao's confidant, Wang Xiuyao hates Jiang Wanyin and others, and Ruyue naturally hates Jiang Wanyin and others. Before the people, Ruyue still obeyed the rules to salute Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine, but the :Step Ruyue never bowed to them. "

       "Just like now, there are only her and Yuzhi Ruyue here, and Ruyue directly ignores her."

       "Xue Yan has been asleep for so many days, and he has lost weight very much. He was injured and lost too much blood before, because Xue Yan had been drowsy and could not take medicine to recuperate his body, plus the poisonous injury Xue Yan's face was very pale."

       "However, Jiang Wanyin has been insisting on treating Xue Yan during this period, and Xue Yan's body has improved. Without Jiang Wanyin's treatment, I am afraid Xue Yan's current condition will be worse."

       "Juyue looked at Xue Yan, who was lying on the bed with a pale and thin face. She was a Maid who was not medically skilled and naturally couldn't see anything."

       Jiang Wanyin sits aside and took the tea that Yuzhi handed over and drank it casually, without even giving a look in her eyes.

       A Maid can ignore her, and she can still see the Maid out of sight.

       "Ruyue watched for a long time, Jiang Wanyin and Yuzhi just didn't talk, and Ruyue couldn't see anything, she was embarrassed."

       Because she hated Jiang Wanyin, Ruyue wanted to talk to Jiang Wanyin again, so she froze. In the end, Ruyue couldn't froze, after all, she took Wang Xiuyao's orders over.

       "Jiang Concubine, how is Big-Master's body now? When will Big-Master wake up?"

       "Oh, Kijitsu Miss finally saw me Jiang Concubine. I thought I was invisible in front of Kijitsu Miss."

       "In the past, when I served Big-Madam with Miss Ruyue, Miss Ruyue, but the Wang family and Xue family praised Nucai who knows the rules the most. Could it be that Miss Ruyue has forgotten the rules now?"

       Since I asked for it, if I didn't take advantage of this, I would not let it down.

       Ruyue knew what Jiang Wanyin meant. Although she felt resentful in her heart, she still couldn't help but salute Jiang Wanyin.

       "Nubi has seen Jiang Concubine."

       "Get up. Kisaragi Miss is the proud person next to Big-Madam. How can I, a Concubine, dare to accept your gift."

       After Ruyue finished the ceremony, Jiang Wanyin yelled, and said something like this, Ruyue was very angry but helpless.

       It's just that she can't and dare not discover her anger at this time.

       "Concubine joked. Nubi is just Maid. It should be a salute to Concubine. Concubine you naturally can afford it. And Concubine told Nubi Big-Master's injury. When will Big-Master wake up? Big-Madam I'm still waiting for Nubi to reply. Please also Concubine to let me know."

       "Kiritsu Miss's question is a little funny. I'm not how the doctor knows when Big-Master can wake up. But the doctor said yes, Big-Master was seriously injured, and it takes at least a few months to wake up. As for a few months, I don’t know that. You have to ask the doctor."

       "Dr Minger will come to the Big-Master to check the pulse, so if Miss Ruyue asks Big-Madam to come in person."

       Hearing this, Ruyue immediately pulled her face down.

       "Jiang Concubine, Big-Madam is still sick. doctor said that Big-Madam is too weak to come out to see the wind."

       "Oh, look at my memory, I forgot that Big-Madam has been ill since Big-Master was injured. Is it better for Big-Madam? These days I have to take care of Big-Master but I can’t give Big-Madam peace. Serving Big-Madam, I always have Big-Madam in my heart."

       "Big-Madam has Nubi to take care of it, so you don't have to worry about Concubine's memory."

       "Concubine has worked hard to take care of Big-Master for Big-Madam. Big-Madam cannot come to take care of Big-Master personally due to illness, but he has always cared about Big-Master. Big-Madam specially ordered Nubi to send a message to Concubine. Big-Madam said Concubine, you must take good care of Big-Master yourself. When Big-Madam gets better, you will be rewarded Concubine."

       "It's my duty to take care of Big-Master, even if I don’t have Big-Madam instructing me to take care of Big-Master. It’s still as hard as a month, Miss reports Big-Madam for me, Big-Master, I take care of it, let Big-Madam Take good care of your illness so that it will heal sooner."

       "Kiritsu is the caring side of Big-Madam. It is necessary to take care of Big-Madam. Big-Madam have been sick for so long and will not get better, but it is really worrying."

       Jiang Wanyin alluded to Ruyue's failure to take care of Wang Xiuyao.

       "Big-Madam has Nubi to take care of it, so Concubine can't worry about it."

       "Concubine, take good care of Big-Master, Nubi is gone."

       Without a new answer, Kisaragi just flung his sleeves and left.

       "Concubine, just like the moon, I'm afraid she will add oil and vinegar to give you eye drops when she goes back."

       "Add oil and vinegar."

       She was deliberately stunned. Yiruyue Temper will report what she said to Wang Xiuyao, and Wang Xiuyao will be angry if she knows it. regenerating qi of this sick person will only make the condition worse. Her purpose is to piss Wang Xiuyao.

       In a blink of an eye, Xue Yan had been in a coma for two months. Although the Xue family tried to hide it, two months was already the limit. news that Xue Yan was injured and unconscious was still spread. Not only some big families in Jinling knew about it, but also the in-laws of the Xue family who had finished in Capital City.

       "Xue Yan is afraid that it will be bad. Xiuyao is not up to date and does not even have a child. I am afraid that the wealth of the Xue family will fall into Shu-son's hands."

       Wang Family, after learning that Xue Yan was seriously injured, Wang Xian Bo Zheng and Wang-Ziteng father and son were discussing about Xue Yan in the study.

       "Yeah. Lin Er is pregnant with her second child. How can I imagine Big-sister hasn't moved for so many years."

       Wang-Ziteng, who has the best relationship with Wang Fu-ren, naturally knew some news, but he lied without changing his face.

       "The Xue family is... the Ziwei family member of the emperor's pro-appointment. Even if Big-sister marries into Xue's family, even if Xue Yan is gone, Big-sister can't marry again. Now the only way is for Big-sister to take Xue Yan's Shu son remembered to be Di-son under the name of Big-sister, so that the son of Big-sister will inherit the Xue family in the future. Father, what do you think?"

       "I'm afraid it's not easy to handle this matter, I'm afraid that the old man Xue Yi won't easily agree to it."

       Wang Xian Bo frowned and said.

       "That's not necessarily true, father..."

       The father and son discussed in the study for a long time, and finally Wang-Ziteng personally wrote a letter and sent it to Jinling to Wang Xiuyao.

       Rongguo Mansion, Wang Fu-ren couldn't help regretting the news that Xue Yan might not work.

       "If I knew that Xue Yan was a fortune and short-lived, then I wouldn't have to give Wang Xiuyao that idiot that heavy medicine, at least let Wang Xiuyao have a son to inherit the Xue family's wealth. Alas, it's a miscalculation."

       "2-Madam, what do you do now?"

       "What else can I do? I can only hope that Xue Yanbie died so short-lived too early, otherwise my eldest sister would become a widow. A widow without children, that is really pitiful."

       Wang Fu-ren said words of sympathy, but his face was gloating.

       She just wanted Wang Xiuyao to have a bad time.

       But even if it is a widow, this Xue family should compete for some wealth.

       "Zhou Rui family, I want to write to my good sister when I ask someone to come."

       Wang Fu-ren brought Zhou Rui family to a ghostwriter, and she wrote a long letter to Wang Xiuyao to encourage Wang Xiuyao to fight for the Xue family’s property after Xue Yan’s death.

       As soon as the letter was written, Maid rushed in before the ghostwriter left.

       "2-Madam, Brother Zhu is sick again, go and see."

       "My Pearl..."

       When Wang Fu-ren heard that his son was ill, he still cared for others, and asked Zhou Rui family to rush to see his son.

       On that day, the servants of Rongguo Mansion sent two letters out.

       Because of Xue Yan's serious injury, although the Xue family is still supported by Xue Lao-Ye, the Xue family's industry is still suppressed by the opponents of the market. Not only that, the members of Xue Shi clan were also moved because of Xue Yan's sleeplessness. Some people are eyeing the Xue family’s property and wealth, while others are eyeing Xue Lao-Ye as the patriarch of the Xue Shi family.

       In short, Xue Lao-Ye is tired of coping.

       Jiang Wanyin also learned some news from Huayan. Suddenly, the situation was severe, and the servants in the house knew something about the outside.

       Although Jiang Wanyin knew it, she didn't have the time to take care of it. All her energy was on Xue Yan.

       After Jiang Wanyin gave Xue Yan acupuncture and moxibustion on this day, she supported her tired body and massaged Xue Yan. Xue Yan was not awake and could not lie down for a long time. Jiang Wanyin insisted on massaging Xue Yan's body and kneading his limbs every day to help him maintain blood circulation.

       When he rubbed his hands, Jiang Wanyin gave Xue Yan a pulse, and he was very puzzled.

       "Big-Master, you have been asleep for so long, when did you wake up? Everyone is waiting for you, you wake up soon."

       "You have been drowsy, everyone outside knows that they are suppressing our Xue family. Lao-Ye is so busy to deal with it, so tired that they look more than ten years old."

       "And Madam, Madam is worried that you will wash your face with tears day and night. Big-Master, you should feel bad for Madam, you wake up earlier."

       "Big-Master, you don’t know yet, Big-Geer already knows how to read "Three Classics", Big-Geer also said to read to Big-Master. And Big-sister, Big-sister is cute It's so stinky. bead pendant you brought her with flowers, she asked Maid to tweak and tweed her every day. You wake up and see your baby."

       "And Big-Madam has been ill since you were injured. You wake up quickly and you will get better Big-Madam will get better."

       "And Li Concubine, Li Concubine has been pregnant for almost five months, and you will be a father again in a few months. You will wake up to see your new baby."

       "More, more..."

       Jiang Wanyin put Xue Yanju's thin hands on her stomach.

       "Big-Master, do you feel it? Me too..."

       As Jiang Wanyin was talking, her voice stopped abruptly. Jiang Wanyin looked down in amazement at the hand she was pulling on her stomach, and then Jiang Wanyin suddenly raised her head to look at Xue Yan, just in time for her dark eyes.

        "Big-Master, you are awake!"

       "At Xue Yan's dark eyes, Jiang Wanyin was taken aback for a while, and then was extremely surprised."

       "Big-Master, you are awake. Big-Master, you have been in a coma for several months, but Qie and everyone are terrified, Big-Master..."

       "Water, water..."

       "Xue Yan wanted to talk, but found that his throat was so dry and sore. He pointed to the cup on the table and called for water."

       "Big-Master, do you want to drink water?"

       "Jiang Wanyin quickly poured a glass of water and fed it to Xue Yan to drink it. Xue Yan drank three cups of water before he came back. Jiang Wanyin finally remembered when he put the glass in, and hurriedly called Yuzhi in."

       "Yuzhi, Big-Master is awake, you are going to tell Lao-Ye and Madam, and then let the butler go and invite the doctor. Go, go..."

       After giving orders to Yuzhi, Jiang Wanyin turned around and saw Xue Yan wanted to sit up, so she hurried forward to help Xue Yan.

       "Big-Master, you are slow, your injury is not healed yet."

       "My injury?"

       "Xue Yan just woke up, obviously his mind is still confused."

       "Big-Master, have you forgotten? You and Lao-Ye were assassinated on a trip, and you were injured by the bandit shooting with an arrow."

       Jiang Wanyin simply said, after all, she didn't know exactly what Xue Yan and Xue Lao-Ye discovered outside.

       "How long?"

       Xue Yan asked anxiously, "How long have I been in a coma?"

       Obviously Xue Yan had already remembered.

       "It's been three months, and you've been in a coma for three months. If you don't wake up, the outside of the house will almost become a mess."

       "It's been a long time..."

       After receiving Jiang Wanyin's order, Yuzhi immediately rushed out to send a message. first news was Xue Lao-Ye in the study in the front yard.

       "In the study, Xue Lao-Ye is reading the letter that someone just sent from the capital. Xue Lao-Ye quickly read the letter, and he was furious."

       "Too much deception, Wang Jiarong’s national mansion simply deceives people too much. I am Xue Yi not dead yet, my son is not dead yet, so you just wanted to beat my Xue family for the idea, it was too deceitful..."

       Xue Lao-Ye was furious, and shot the book case loudly.


       This time there was a call from outside the door, Xue Lao-Ye asked angrily.


       "Lao-Ye, Big-Master woke up, Concubine asked Nubi to invite Lao-Ye over."

       Suddenly hearing the good news in anger, Xue Lao-Ye immediately turned anger into joy, and immediately opened the door and walked out.

       "What did you say? Yan Er woke up?"

       Xue Lao-Ye stared at Yuzhi and asked, it turned out that Yuzhi came to report the letter in person.

       "Back to Lao-Ye, yes, Big-Master is awake. Big-Master is already awake, Concubine asks Nubi to come and invite you to Lao-Ye."

       "My son is awake! My son is awake, haha..."

       After holding back the anger for so long, knowing that his son was awake at the moment, the difficulties he faced before were easily resolved, Xue Lao-Ye laughed freely. Xue Lao-Ye hurried to Xue Yan's yard, and Madam Xue, who had already heard the news in the backyard, rushed here at an unprecedented speed.

       Xue Lao-Ye met Madam Xue, who was already sweating profusely, at the door of Xue Yan's room.

       "Lao-Ye, Maid reported that Yan Er was awake."

       "I just learned the news, let's go in."

       Jiang Wanyin in the room was speaking with Xue Yan, telling Xue Yan what she had known in the house over the past few months.

       "Yan Er."

       An eager call from Madam Xue came with a hurried pace. Jiang Wanyin got up and saw Madam Xue coming in, and Xue Lao-Ye followed her. Jiang Wanyin quickly retreated to the side and gave up her position.

       "Yan Er, you woke up. You terrified mother..."

       Madam Xue took Xue Yan's hand into tears, crying in surprise.

       In the past few months, Madam. Xue has been frightened and has trouble sleeping and eating. He is only worried about his son. Now Xue Yan finally woke up, and finally let go of his tight expression. Madam Xue cried with joy.


       "Eh. For my father, how is my son better?"

       "My son feels better. It's his filial piety that makes you both worried."

       "You are not to blame for this, but for the father..."

       Xue Lao-Ye wiped tears as he spoke.

       Both of them were in tears of joy. Jiang Wanyin stood aside and looked at the three of them without disturbing them.

       After waiting for a long time, until the butler reported that the doctor had come, the three came back. Madam Xue hurriedly asked the doctor to come in and check Xue Yan's pulse, while Jiang Wanyin had been standing by silently.

       Jiang Wanyin had no one to notify Wang Xiuyao and Li Concubine. Yuzhi Zhiling sent someone to quietly inform Madam Xue and quietly asked the butler to find the doctor; therefore, Wang Xiuyao and Li Concubine did not immediately know about Xue Yanxing. Until the housekeeper invited the doctor into the mansion, Wang Xiuyao's people saw him and sent the news back to the main courtyard. Wang Xiuyao, who had just received two letters from Capital City, heard the news and sent someone to inquire about what happened to Xue Yan, only to know that Xue Yan was awake.

       As soon as Wang Xiuyao heard that Xue Yan woke up, she immediately became energetic. Regardless of being ill, she was asked to dress her up and let Ruyue rush to her.

       When Wang Xiuyao moved quietly, Li Concubine then got the news.

       Li Concubine also hurried over with Maid.

       Xue Lao-Ye and Madam Xue watched the doctor nervously.

       "Doctor, how is my son?"

       When the doctor closed his hand, Madam Xue couldn't wait to ask.

       "Madam. Xue, don't worry, the injury will be more than half healed after gongzi wakes up, and then it will be fine if you take care of it."

       The couple Xue Lao-Ye were overjoyed with what the doctor said.

       "Please also ask the doctor to give me some body conditioning prescriptions."

       "Madam. Xue is polite, this is an old man's business."

       The doctor began to write prescriptions, when Wang Xiuyao rushed in.


       "Big-Master, you are awake."

       Wang Xiuyao's tone was extremely joyful.

       It's just that she didn't see Xue Lao-Ye. Seeing her face turned dark for an instant, Madam Xue stopped.

       "Wang Shi, stop for me."


       Stopped by Madam Xue, Wang Xiuyao looked at Madam Xue with incomprehension.

       "Wang Shi, you haven't recovered from the illness. Yan Er just woke up and is weak. Wouldn't you be so close to Yan Er to give Yan Er the anger."


       Wang Xiuyao was stunned. She didn't expect Madam. Xue to say such things to her at all.

       She didn't know that Madam Xue didn't like her even more.

       My son slept for so long, Wang Xiuyao didn't come to see my son for half a time, and now my son woke up but came over with illness, what is Wang Shi intention?

       "Wang Shi, Yan Er has just woke up and is still weak. If you are sick and weak, go sit outside."

       Maybe it was because he felt that his talented tone had passed, Madam Xue tried to slow down his tone.

       It's just that she would never let the sick Wang Xiuyao approach Xue Yan.

       Wang Xiuyao looked at Xue Yan and closed, but Xue Yan didn't look at her, speak for her, or keep her. Wang Xiuyao looked at Xue Lao-Ye again, but she didn't expect to see Xue Lao-Ye's dark face. She was shocked and didn't dare to say any more. She was wronged and let Ruyue help her out.

       Coincidentally, when Wang Xiuyao was about to go around the screen, Li Concubine, who hurried over from outside, was about to go around the screen and come in. two almost ran into each other. Fortunately, Maid's eyesight and hands quickly supported the two of them and nothing happened.

       But not colliding together doesn't mean it's all right, it's the same thing. Maid of two got angry first.

       "Bold Li Concubine, how dare you run into Big-Madam."

       "It's you guys who almost hit our Concubine's belly."


       The two groups quarreled directly there, and Xue Lao-Ye and Xue Yan both felt embarrassed and could not help being angry.

       "Okay, stop arguing, get out of it all."


       Li Concubine walked in around Wang Xiuyao with her pregnant belly, called Xue Yan with aggrieved expression. hand stroking the swollen pregnant belly, the proud and proud in his eyes. She is pregnant and proud.

       "Li Concubine, you are still pregnant with a child, so go out and wait first."

       Xue Yan didn't say that Madam Xue had already said it first, but he was scrupulous about Li Concubine's child, so Madam Xue said a lot.

       Although Madam Xue said it very clearly, Li-Concubine obviously didn't take it seriously. She looked directly at Xue Yan.

       "Big-Master, Qie has something..."

       "Madam let you out, didn't you hear?"

       Seeing that Li Concubine didn't take Madam Xue's words seriously, Xue Yan looked at Li Concubine coldly with a blank face. indifferent eyes frightened Li Concubine, and Li Concubine shrank his head and dared not speak. However, she did not go out, seeing Jiang Wanyin still standing in the house, she rushed to Jiang Wanyin at a speed that was so flexible that she was not like a person with Liujia.

       "Jiang Concubine is also here, Qie and Qie Concubine are guarding Big-Master together."

       Li Concubine, as if afraid of being kicked out, tugged Jiang Wanyin's sleeves. She was so tight that Jiang Wanyin couldn't shake it off.

       Being so troubled by Li-Concubine, Madam Xue and others remembered Jiang Wanyin who had been standing silently in the room since they came in. It's just that Jiang Wanyin is different from Li Concubine, and Xue Yan didn't let Jiang Wanyin out. Seeing Li Concubine picking Jiang Wanyin, Xue Yan didn't push her out anymore.

       After a humiliation, he threw himself in front of the doctor, and finally calmed down, and the doctor continued to prescribe.

       The doctor prescribed prescriptions and instructed how to use the medicines and how to maintain them, and Madam Xue asked them to write them down one by one.

       "According to the old man's instructions, take medicine and recuperate. After three days, the old man will come back to Ling Gongzi for follow-up."

       "Doctor Many Thanks."

       Xue Lao-Ye and Madam Xue sincerely thank the doctor. Seeing the doctor packing his things and leaving, Li Concubine suddenly stopped the doctor.

       "Doctor, wait a minute."

       "Madam, Qie has been pregnant for almost five months. I haven't asked the doctor to get the Ping An pulse. Please let the doctor show Qie."

       As soon as Li Concubine said this, Madam Xue's face was immediately pulled down.

       What does it mean that I haven't asked a doctor to take the Ping An pulse after five months of pregnancy. Is this saying that the Xue family treats her harshly?

       Although it is true that Li-Concubine did not ask Ping An Mai for five months of pregnancy, it was because Xue Yan was comatose and not awake before. Who has the mind to care about her Concubine all the time. It’s pretty good for Madam. Xue to divide the Lord and let people protect the child in her womb.

       There is nothing wrong with Li Concubine wanting the doctor to ask for Ping An Pulse, but she should never say such things in front of outsiders. Isn't this embarrassing the Xue family?

       I don't know what Li Concubine thought, and said such words on impulse. Even Jiang Wanyin was surprised at what she said, and looked at Li Concubine with sick eyes.

       I don't want Li Concubine doesn't know anything wrong, and she looks at Jiang Wanyin triumphantly. Seeing Jiang Wanyin's look in her eyes, Li Concubine was annoyed.

       Although I feel ashamed of Li-Concubine, Li-Concubine has said so in front of the doctor, and it is impossible to let the doctor check her pulse.

       "Doctor Lao will give Li-Shi the pulse."

       Madam Xue asked the doctor to give Li Concubine's pulse, and the doctor responded. Li Concubine immediately rejoiced and smiled triumphantly at Jiang Wanyin.

       "Thanks Madam."

       When Li Concubine walked out, she deliberately hit Jiang Wanyin vigorously. Jiang Wanyin didn't expect Li Concubine to hit her, and was staggered. Fortunately, Jiang Wanyin stood by the table and helped the table in a panic.

       Li Concubine moves so big that everyone in the room will naturally see it.

       The faces of Xue Lao-Ye and Xue Yan turned black in an instant. Jiang Wanyin was speechless again to Li Concubine. Is this Li Concubine a brain pit? Could it be that the pregnant child couldn't eat her IQ, so stupid like this, it's not like the original Ruyan.


       Madam Xue is annoyed, no matter if the doctor is still whispering to honor Li Concubine.

       "Li-Shi, give me peace of mind."

       Seeing Madam Xue's dark face, Li Concubine finally didn't dare to make trouble, and sits down and let the doctor give her pulse.

       When the doctor gave Li Concubine pulse, Xue Yan and Madam Xue said:

       "Mother, ask the doctor to give Jiang-Shi also check the pulse."

        "Jiang Concubine is hurt?"

       Hearing that Xue Yan asked the doctor to diagnose Jiang Wanyin's pulse, Madam Xue immediately thought of Li Concubine's collision with Jiang Wanyin.

       "Compared to Erxi Wang Xiuyao, who is serious and hides his face when his son is drowsy, and Li-Concubine, who has troubles regardless of occasion, Madam Xue now prefers Jiang Wanyin who personally takes care of his son when he is drowsy. , This would be better than Wang Xiuyao and Li Concubine in Madam Xue's mind. Even Xue Lao-Ye also thinks Jiang Wanyin is better than Wang Xiuyao and Li Concubine, especially after reading the letter received before, Xue Lao-Ye I'm even more dissatisfied with Wang Xiuyao, Erxi."

       Madam Xue asked gently, with a look of sincere concern for Jiang Wanyin.

       "Thank you Madam for caring, Qie is fine, but she was taken aback, there is no need to get her pulse."

       "It's okay to let the doctor see, if it hurts, it's not good. Obedient."


       Jiang Wanyin did not refute Madam Xue's arrangement.

       On the other side, husband Lao-Da was giving Li Concubine pulse. Li Concubine stared at the hand of husband Lao-Da, feeling very nervous.

       "Doctor, how is my child? My child is okay? How is he?"

       "Li Concubine was so nervous that she was sweating on her forehead, which shows that she cares more about the child in her belly."

       Seeing her like this, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help thinking. Although Li Concubine is often stupid, he is sincere to his children.

       When Li Concubine asked, the others looked at the doctor. Although Li-Concubine is stupid and unpleasant, the old couple and Xue Yan still care about the child in Li-Concubine's belly.

       "Concubine-Madam, rest assured, the fetus in your womb is very good, and the fetus is very healthy."

       Hearing what the doctor said, Li Concubine was relieved and happy. Xue Yan and the three were also happy.

       "Doctor, then the fetus in my womb is... Well, forget it, nothing."

       Li Concubine seemed to think of something halfway through the conversation and didn't ask.

       "Jiang Wanyin glanced at Li-Concubine and couldn't help but sarcastically. Smile at yourself and laugh at Li-Concubine."

       It turned out to be pretending, but I was almost cheated by Li Concubine.

       After all, people who are pregnant and silly are Xing cha who made a mistake and can be forgiven for not.

       But it was obviously not pretending to be good enough, and it was showing off.

       "Doctor, please show Jiang Concubine."

       "Doctor Lao."

       Jiang Wanyin sits down on the other side and asked the doctor to get her pulse. Jiang Wanyin took a deep breath, trying to calm her mind.

       The doctor checked Jiang Wanyin's pulse and changed his left hand to his right, which made Madam Xue and Xue Yan nervous.

       "Doctor, Jiang Concubine is she okay?"

       Jiang Wanyin knew it in her heart, but there was still a nervous look on her face.

       The doctor took his hand and smiled.

       "Gongxi, Concubine-Madam, this is a joy."


       Xue Madam, Xue Lao-Ye, and Xue Yan were surprised and pleasantly surprised. Li Concubine's face was shocked when he heard the words, and his smile disappeared instantly.

       "Yes. Concubine-Madam in your house is four months pregnant."

       It has been four months, that is, it is only a month smaller than Li-Concubine, and that is that Xue Yan was pregnant before he was injured.

       Thinking of Jiang Wanyin taking care of Xue Yan day and night over the past few months, Madam Xue immediately became worried and complained.

       "You child, why don't you tell me if you are pregnant? If you are pregnant, you still work hard. What if you hurt the child?"

       "Worries Madam. Qie didn't hide it on purpose. Qie didn't know it at first, but didn't think about it until he had a reaction in the past two days. I originally planned to tell you, but I didn't expect Big-Master to wake up today."

       Jiang Wanyin explained seriously that she didn't want to be misunderstood.

       Madam Xue, this will be joy in my heart.

       The son woke up and his health began to improve; both of his son's Concubine were pregnant, and in a few months she could have two more grandchildren.

       "You child, you are so careless."

       Madam Xue said a few words about Jiang Wanyin, worrying that Jiang Wanyin’s fatigue might hurt her child. Madam Xue pulled Lao-Da’s husband and asked, “Doctor, how good is the baby in Jiang Concubine? She has been here for the past few months. Taking care of Yan Er is exhausted, will it hurt the child in the belly..."

       "Don't worry, Madam. Concubine-Madam is in good health. Although it is a little tired, it is enough to get a good night's sleep. fetus in the abdomen is also healthy, so there is no need to prescribe a prescription."

       After hearing this, Madam. Xue and all three were very happy, and Jiang Wanyin was also happy.

       When the Maid saw that the masters were happy, they hurriedly said.

       Wang Xiuyao, who was thrown out and sits outside, was not far away, and the voice in the bedroom was not low, Wang Xiuyao could hear herself. When Wang Xiuyao heard that Jiang Wanyin was pregnant again, her face suddenly turned blue.

       "I'm pregnant again. Bastard-person, Jiang-Shi is pregnant again.."

       Wang Xiuyao was extremely angry.

       "Big-Madam, don't be angry, you hurt your body..."

       Seeing that Wang Xiuyao was angry, Ruyue hurried to persuade, but she could not persuade.

       Wang Xiuyao was already extremely jealous and angry. She was already weak due to illness, so she didn't want to be so angry that she just rolled her eyes and fainted when she couldn't get up.


       "Doctor, doctor..."

       Ru Yue's Call came in, and Jiang Wanyin's first reaction was that Wang Xiuyao would not faint again.

       Just thinking about it, Jin Ruyue rushed in and dragged the doctor.

       "Doctor, Madam fainted, show me Madam."

       Kisaragi rushed in and dragged the doctor away.

       Hearing the news that Wang Xiuyao fainted, the people in the room were not surprised or surprised.

       Perhaps Wang Xiuyao got used to it.

       "You both are pregnant. Don't stay here anymore. Go back and rest."

       Before going out to see Wang Xiuyao immediately, Madam Xue sent Jiang Wanyin and Li Concubine back.

       Regarding Wang Xiuyao, neither Jiang Wanyin nor Li-Concubine wanted to mix up, and the two left back to the backyard in accordance with their words.

       Jiang Wanyin thought that Xue Yan was already awake, maybe she no longer needed to take care of her, and that her pregnancy had been exposed and she was uncomfortable staying any longer.

       Jiang Wanyin took Yuzhi Huayan back to Lanxinyuan in the backyard.

       "It's been four months now. Sister Jiang is really a good method. It's so tight to keep it secret."

       Entering the backyard, Li Concubine couldn't help but sarcastically.

       Jiang Wanyin glanced at Li-Concubine, and saw the jealousy that could not be concealed in her eyes.

       Li Concubine is really jealous of Jiang Wanyin.

       Jiang-Shi already has a son and a daughter, and his status is very stable in the Xue family. Now he is pregnant again. Whether the child is a male or a female, Jiang-Shi position in the Xue family will be more stable. more I think about Gu Si, the more jealous I get. She worked so hard to get pregnant with this child, but Jiang-Shi did well and got the second child easily.

       People are really maddening than people.

       Moreover, Jiang-Shi personally took care of Big-Master for several months, which is a big credit.

       There are sons and daughters who have worked hard, and now they are pregnant with another child. Why is Jiang-Shi so lucky? It is really maddening.

       Jiang Wanyin seemed to have not listened to Li Concubine's irony, she smiled:

       "Say I don't have Li Concubine, you say hi. Gongxi, you are pregnant."

       Jiang Wanyin's eyes fell on Li Concubine's already bulging belly.

       "You are pregnant for five months, with such a big belly, maybe you are also pregnant with twins."

       Li Concubine was jealous of Jiang Wanyin, and when she heard Jiang Wanyin's words, her mind was immediately transferred to her. She stroked her already swollen belly and thought that she might be pregnant with twins.

       Thinking of Jiang Wanyin's twins, Li Concubine also dreamed about her pregnancy.

       Seeing Li Concubine distracted, Jiang Wanyin glanced at Li Concubine and left without paying attention to Li Concubine.

       Jiang Wanyin went straight back to Lanxinyuan to wash up and rest. She was indeed tired.

       The news that Xue Yan woke up, the Xue family quickly spread. Xue Yan woke up, and the problems that the Xue family had encountered before were solved instantly, and everything in and outside the mansion went smoothly. Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine are also well, but Wang Xiuyao's condition has not improved because Xue Yan woke up, but has worsened.

       The Xue family was also worried about Wang Xiuyao's accident, so he specially invited a doctor to pay for the sick Wang Xiuyao.

       Wang Xiuyao is the Di-Eldest-daughter of the Wang family. Xue family worked so hard to get married, and also gave a large betrothal gift for this, and through Wang Xiuyao borrowed the influence of the Wang family; in any case, the Xue family is not willing to let Wang Xiuyao accident If something happens to Wang Xiuyao, not only will the Wang family be angry, but the Wang family may also use this as an excuse to claim the property of the Xue family, and may even retaliate against the Xue family. All of this was unwilling to the Xue family.

       So the Xue family hopes that Wang Xiuyao will get better.

       Since Xue Yan got better and was able to walk around, he also went to the main courtyard to see Wang Xiuyao many times, hoping that Wang Xiuyao would get better soon.

       Jiang Wanyin doesn't care about Wang Xiuyao's condition for the time being. She just wants to calmly raise her fetus and teach her two children with her heart.

       Since Xue Yan woke up, Jiang Wanyin has taken care of her baby in the Lanxinyuan, or went to the Ningxinyuan to accompany the two children, and sometimes brought the two to the Lanxinyuan.

       Because of her pregnancy, Jiang Wanyin was worried about being instigated in front of other children's children, so she took the child to her side and carefully taught the two children. Tell the two children that the motherzi loves her child, and cultivate the siblings between the two children and the child in her womb.

       Jiang Wanyin carefully taught, and the two children also looked forward to the birth of the child in Jiang Wanyin's belly.

       In the blink of an eye, Wang Xiuyao’s illness is still not healed, and Xue Yan’s body has recovered. Li Concubine is about to give birth to full term. Jiang Wanyin, who is one month younger than Li Concubine, is also preparing for production. Up.

       After Xue Yan got well, he often came to Lanxinyuan to see her and her children. On this day, Xue Yan still came to dine with Jiang Wanyin, mother and son.

       Because Wang Xiuyao's condition worsened and she could no longer take care of the housework, Madam Xue took back the housekeeping right to take care of the house. This makes Jiang Wanyin and Li Concubine relieved. Because Madam. Xue’s housekeeper was too busy to take care of the two children, the two children stayed in the Lanxinyuan during the day and were taken care of by the mother Jiang Wanyin.

       Xue Yanlai accompanied Jiang Wanyin, mother and son to dinner.

       "Yin Er, eat more."

       Jiang Wanyin took care of the two children for a meal, and Xue Yan personally picked vegetables for Jiang Wanyin.

       "Thank you. Lord, you should also eat more. This is what I specially ordered the kitchen to prepare. It is all you like."

       Jiang Wanyin put Xue Yan's favorite dishes into his bowl.

       "Concubine, I like this too."

       Big-Geer Xue Hong saw Jiang Wanyin picking up vegetables for Xue Yan, and she also took his own small bowl, and Jiang Wanyin picked up some more.

       "You two are not ashamed of being father and son. dishes you like to eat are the same."

       "Ying Er likes the same as Concubine."

       Big-sister Xue Bao Ying also said milkily.

       "Yes, yes, Yinger is the same as Concubine likes. Eat."

       Jiang Wanyin touched the little tugging on her daughter's head.

       The family was having a warm meal when suddenly there was a noise outside the door.

       "Yuzhi go and see what's going on?"

       Jiang Wanyin told Yuzhi, Yuzhi went out and came back soon.

       "Concubine is Qiu Ju next to Li Concubine. She said that Li Concubine is about to give birth. Come and invite Big-Master over."


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