Pen Pals 95

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       At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the chill is getting stronger. Even if the sun is shining, sitting in the garden is a bit cool.

       Perhaps, only she feels cold. Zhu Yuan thought secretly.

       Not only does her head swell and hurt, but she also feels cold all over, fearing it will be worse.

       Fortunately, the longan and red dates tea is warm, making it more comfortable to drink.

       The opposite Liu Xinzhi was still talking, Zhu Yuan couldn't help holding up the tea cup and taking another sip—the tea started to cool, and it bottomed out.

       She frowned slightly, put down the empty tea bowl, she wanted someone to refill a cup, but she didn’t know how

       Two Maids in purple clothes quietly walked into the pavilion and changed tea cups for everyone present in turn.

       Liu Fu-ren sighed with a smile: "It's really getting cold this day, and the tea has been changed quickly."

       Zhang Jingshu smiled and said, "It's cold when it's cold, and there are scenery at all times, and it's also good when it's cold. Autumn, Guidongmei, only when it's cold can you see it."

       "Yes. Drink tea and tea."

       "Osmanthus fragrans in the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, it has a special flavor-"

       "There will be a sweet-scented osmanthus feast later, and today we will also have an arty-"

       The two looked at each other and smiled.

       Zhu Yuan glanced at Maid, who had left after changing tea, touched the edge of the bowl to confirm that the temperature was right, then picked it up, scraped it as usual, and took it to his mouth for a sip.

       It is still longan red date tea.

       She really didn't think too much...

       Zhu Yuan sighed secretly.

       Is it Xi Zheng?

       He only said that yesterday, and he can learn about her itinerary today.. That's it, after all, Zhu's family hadn't known how many eyeliners were stuffed.

       But this is the Liu family, the Daren family of the State Supervision Supervision Department. Also buried the eyeliner?

       Even a 6-Grade official who has no real power has an eyeliner at home.. What about the others? What about the other Daren?

       No wonder Xi Zheng was so confident yesterday morning and didn't need to rely on Aristocratic family officials.. These Aristocratic family officials are clearly under his supervision, right?

       Is this imperial power?

       Zhu Yuan shuddered a little.

       Moreover, Xi Zheng seems to be only seventeen this year.

       Will an ordinary 17-year-old boy have such a deep city?

       and many more.

       Three years ago, Dog-Egg Xi Zheng was only fourteen years old.

       Zhu Yuan, who was holding the tea cup, was lost in thought.

       At the age of fourteen, her calligraphy is sophisticated, her character is calm, her words and work are not leaking, she can send someone to Wuxian to give her money at fifteen..

       She did not believe that the dog egg on the opposite side was Lao-tou who was over fifty years old, but fourteen was too small, right?

       After she entered Capital City, she was frightened by her identity as a dog egg, and a series of things happened again, and she ignored the problem.

       Xi Zheng, is it the same as her, who also passed through?

       No, it's impossible.

       Xi Zheng's knowledge of modern scientific and technological inventions is blank, and his thoughts, introduction, and even the posture of the superiors are not fake.

       Then he...

       "... 3-Mei-Mei, what do you think?"

       Zhu Yuan regained consciousness in an instant, smiled and said, "It's pretty good."

       Liu Xinzhi was overjoyed: "I know you like it too!" He paused, and lowered his voice slightly, "Well, I'll give you a copy if you turn around?"

       Zhu Yuan was startled. what to give? She hadn't paid attention at all just now.. Her mind turned sharply, and she cautiously said: "This is not so good..."

       Liu Xinzhi was a little disappointed. He was excited again in the next moment and looked at her scorchingly: "It's okay, I can give it to you later."

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       She felt that there might be no chance.

       It happened that Liu's servant came to report that the sweet-scented osmanthus feast was ready, so please move forward.

       Zhu Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly put down the empty tea bowl, and got up-his head throbbed again.

       She subconsciously helped her side.

       Liu Xinzhi was looking at her and found that something was wrong, so he asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

       Zhu Yuan put down his hands hurriedly, not daring to shake his head, and smiled: "I thought my head was lost."

       Liu Xinzhi gaze then fell on her hair bun.

       Zhu Yuan is not in time, combed in a double flat bun, with a yellow sizing and red bead on each side, which complements today’s "dull, light luteal and soft" sweet-scented osmanthus, even more beautiful and pretty. A bit playful and cute.

       Liu Xinzhi was a little startled, subconsciously reached out and stroked her head, and whispered: "No... it looks good..."

       Zhu Yuan trembled all over, and immediately took a big step back.

       Liu Xinzhi returned to his senses in an instant, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, feeling ashamed, repeatedly saying: "Sorry "

       "It's okay, let's go." Zhu Yuan saw Liu Fu-ren and Zhang Jingshu have gone far, so they interrupted him and moved forward first.

       "Huh?" Liu Xinzhi got up and took a look, he was busy catching up, and kept apologizing in a low voice, "3-Mei-Mei don't blame it, I, I didn't mean it..."

       Zhu Yuan shook his head and said softly, "I know, Liu Big-Brother doesn't need to mention it."

       Liu Xinzhi didn't notice it, thinking she really didn't care, and immediately became happy again.

       Where he can't see, Zhu Yuan's expression has faded.

       Liu Xinzhi is actually quite good. He has a gentle and elegant temperament, and works well. Even if Marry Concubine accepts the house in the future, he will not treat her badly..

       She couldn't accept it.

       Just now Liu Xinzhi just touched her head and her hair exploded.

       Counting the time that stopped Qiu Zhiyun, she and Liu Xinzhi have only seen three sides so far. According to her mother's estimation, she will be married to Liu Xinzhi at the end of this year or early next year.

       No feelings, no understanding.

       The thought of having close contact with a man who only knows his name and appearance in front of him, but does not know his inner thoughts, will also have to share a husband with others in the future...

       She just wants to vomit.

       Maybe it was just disgust, but the physical discomfort aggravated this feeling.

       She originally thought that the two families are not in a hurry, one is not in time, and the other requires the imperial examination, and it will be early next year at the earliest. After such a long time, slowly coming back and forth, and getting to know a lot.

       Maybe she wouldn't resist so much.

       But she can't wait.

       If you can cut the mess quickly, you will be able to talk about it recently. But Xi Zheng... is the biggest variable.

       Furthermore, slashing the chaos with a quick knife, and falling into a stalemate of the talents-with a strange man's ears and ears, mingling with fish and water-she can't accept it again.


       She can no longer deceive herself.


       Zhu and Liu's family has not yet decided to marry. Zhu and Yuan had a table with the two elders when they were eating. Liu Xinzhi sent them to the place and left reluctantly.

       Without the scorching gaze, and no need to pretend to be a lady and speak softly, Zhu Yuan was really relieved.

       Shicai drank two bowls of warm longan red date tea in the yard, and stayed away from the rich fragrance. Zhu Yuan felt that he was finally better.

       The exquisite sweet-scented osmanthus dishes were presented, and both Zhang Jingshu and Zhang Jingshu ate a lot with the kind invitation of Liu Fu-ren.

       Zhu Yuan guessed that he had a cold last night, and headaches and colds are all signs of a cold. If you have a cold, eat and sleep well.

       Therefore, even though she had a bad appetite, she still forced herself to eat half of the bowl-not ordinary people who wanted to work. bowls in these people's homes were exquisite and small, and half of the bowls were not half of her usual.

       On most days, when she is a guest outside, it is difficult to add food, so she eats a lot of dishes and eats until the second half.

       Zhang Jingshu just took a few mouthfuls, when she saw her holding the chopsticks, she subconsciously glanced at her.

       With just three people, Liu Fu-ren naturally found out, somewhat surprised: "But it doesn't suit your appetite?"

       Zhu Yuan shook his head hurriedly and said with a smile: "They are all delicious, but I have eaten a lot in the morning, so I can't eat it now."

       Zhang Jingshu hurriedly helped round the scene: "I made her favorite food at home in the morning, and she was a bit greedy.. She knew she was hungry next night." This is still a guest, so just ask if you have anything to go back.

       Zhu Yuan smiled begging for mercy.

       Liu Fu-ren nodded, did not ask any more, and continued to chat with Zhang Jingshu.

       But Zhu Yuan became more uncomfortable as they sits.

       Today I had an osmanthus banquet, but for Chinese food, I can’t get rid of steaming, frying and mixing with osmanthus. It just sounds elegant.. Well, the taste is actually quite good, but she doesn’t restrain it.

       He even started to feel sick.

       Zhu Yuan took two sips of tea and squeezed it down fortunately, some people didn't change the tea she was tired of after meals.

       After the two Fu-ren had finished eating and chatting for a while, Zhang Jingshu estimated that it was almost time before leaving.

       People who come and go often, Liu Fu-ren didn’t keep them too much, and they laughed and joked, “I will have to rub your light to see the flowers at Mingde :Academy in the future. I won’t keep you today. You are tired of me, so you won’t take me there in the future."

       Zhang Jingshu is funny: "I don't dare to do this, your fragrant slices are good, I want to drink a few more times-"

       "Go, go, I just packed some back for you a few days ago, and today you are not allowed to play my fragrant slices."

       Talking and laughing, the three walked to the second door.

       Liu Xinzhi was already waiting there.

       Zhu Yuan, whose stomach has been churning, squeezed his mouth. Hold back, this kid can't say a few words

       Unfortunately, the two Fu-ren couldn't hear her, and even laughed.

       Liu Fu-ren asked Liu Xinzhi jokingly: "What a coincidence?"

       Liu Xinzhi glanced at Zhu Yuan, who bowed his head slightly, and said, "I heard that a life lawsuit has been filed outside recently, and the murderer has not been found out. Just in case, please allow Xinzhi to send the two back home."

       Zhang Jingshu paused, and hurriedly declined: "In broad daylight, forgive the criminals for not daring to commit crimes. Your kindness "

       Liu Fu-ren teased: "You just let him give it away. Can the young man think the same as us?"

       Zhu Yuan covered his mouth. Worse...

       Zhang Jingshu paused, and smiled: "Okay, then bother "

       "3-Mei-Mei!" Liu Xin exclaimed, strode over, and held Zhu Yuan.

       Zhu Yuan ignored his hand, bent down, vomited, and vomited.

       The filth vomited all over the floor, and the sour smell came on his face.

       Liu Xinxia, who was holding her, let go of his hand, covered his nose and took two steps back.

       The Xia Zhi in the back held Zhu Yuan and asked anxiously: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

       Zhang Jingshu was even more shocked. He lifted the skirt and ran back, bypassing Liu Xinzhi to support her: "Why did you throw up suddenly?"

       Zhu Yuan took the shivering handkerchief in the Xia Zhi and wiped the corners of his mouth, and said weakly: "It seems to be cold." After vomiting, the stomach feels comfortable, but the whole person seems to be hanging up, but his head is twitched, like Someone knocked inside with a hammer.

       "Why did Good Duan Duan suddenly catch a cold?"

       Standing a few steps away, Liu Fu-ren hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Why don't you leave in a hurry, should I ask someone to find the doctor?"

       Zhu Yuan really didn't want to talk, leaning on Xia Zhi, half-closed eyes calmly swept towards Liu Xinzhi, who was tense and hesitating a few steps away, and sighed secretly.

       This is the reality..

       Eighteen years old, still too young...

       On the other end, Zhang Jingshu calmed down a bit, and said with a strong smile: "Thanks, I'm all here, I'll take her to the Courtyard directly."

       Liu Fu-ren didn't force it: "Well, after seeing the doctor, send everyone to send me a letter to save us from worrying."

       "it is good."

       After being blessed, Zhang Jingshu and Xia Zhi helped Zhu Yuan, who were helpless, into the carriage.

       As soon as the whip sounded, the carriage hurriedly left.

       Xi Zheng has been staying in the small courtyard today.

       While working, I waited for the people below to keep returning news-news from the Liu family.

       After a few months of delay, he did not expect that Zhu's family was already optimistic about others, as if they were still talking about it, Liu's family was actually looking for a matchmaker!

       This is okay.

       He just woke up, Qin Lao Fu-ren also took time to move, and there was no time to arrange anything. Zhu Yuan mother and daughter ran to Liu's house at this moment, he was naturally nervous.

       Can't let them become.

       Xi Zheng directly asked An Fu to turn out the hidden lines in Liu Siye's house and asked them to come back every half an hour to report.

       3-Miss entered the second door, Liu Fu-ren-Mu personally greeted him Xi Zheng hummed coldly. seven-year-old men and women have different seats, and they even let the men enter the inner courtyard to entertain guests.

       Feeling suffocated, Xi Zheng thought of Zhu Yuan's body and asked An Fu, "Miss's family is poor, what kind of tea is more suitable?"

       An Fu was stunned, and subconsciously said: "Longan red jujube tea, hot." noble masters in the palace are about to drink it every other time.

       Xi Zheng nodded: "Then let someone give Zhu three longan red dates tea, hot."

       Anfu: ..

       Master, wake up! Dark lines are not used like this! !

       Unfortunately, he didn't count.

       I can only go out silently and convey the order.

       There are back and forth, news is sent, and some news is sent back.

       When Xi Zheng heard that Zhu Yuan and Liu Xinzhi were sitting and chatting in the pavilion, his face turned black. Yuanyuan has seen him a few times that his nose is not a nose and his eyes are not eyes, let alone gossiping!

       After an hour

       "Unreasonable!" Xi Zheng said coldly, "How did Liu Changqing teach his son?! How dare you use your hands?!"

       Liu Changqing is the State Superintendent Liu Siye, also the father of Liu Xinzhi.

       An Fu waited beside him with a bitter expression, not daring to answer half a word. How can he pick it up? People talk about marriage and marry the young, but they don’t hug and hug, what's wrong with the flowers?

       He didn't speak, and even the people who came here didn't dare to say anything.

       Xi Zheng didn't expect them to answer either, and said with a black face, "Go on!"

       "His Royal Highness, next 3-Miss and others will go to the small hall of the West Yard to eat—"

       "How many people?" Xi Zheng interrupted him directly, "Liu Xinzhi is among them?"

       The kneeling person trembled: "No, no, he only went to the small hall and said a few words and left."

       Xi Zheng's expression slowed down: "What about then?"

       "No, no more, the next thing is just to eat."

       "Well, go ahead."

       The man thought for a while and asked cautiously: "Do you want to serve longan and red date tea?"

       Xi Zheng frowned: "That's when "

       An Fu bluffed, and hurriedly said, "Master, I'm having a meal, so I have to get the tea to relieve the greasiness."

       Xi Zheng thought for a while, and reluctantly said: "Let's go."

       An Fu hurriedly waved to the kneeling guy on the ground.

       The man glanced at Xi Zheng cautiously, seeing that he seemed to be lost, he slammed his head and exited quietly.

       Xi Zheng curled his eyebrows.

       It happened that An Ping came to tell him that lunch was ready, and An Fu hurriedly asked him to move away to eat.


       At the beginning of the day, Xi Zheng, who had not had the habit of taking a lunch break, returned to the study after lunch.

       As soon as he sits down, he asked An Fu, "Is there any news over there?" He glanced at the sky and said to himself, "Should they go back home?"

       An Fu whispered: "I haven't received any news yet "

       "His Royal Highness, there's news." An Ping at the door whispered before he finished speaking.

       Xi Zheng twisted his eyebrows.

       It's still the layman in the morning. Seeing him hurried in, he knelt down and began to report: "His Royal Highness, 3-Miss vomited."

       Xi Zheng stood up: "What's the matter?"


       Zhu Yuan didn't know that she was being watched all the time, she lay slumped in Zhang Jingshu's arms, feeling the bumps brought about by the carriage-she wanted to vomit again.

       Zhang Jingshu was very worried, and asked Lu Chang: "Why are you so slow?" After a pause, he said again, "Be slow and don't be afraid. There are many people in the city, so don't bump into people." Then he lowered his head and asked Zhu Yuan, "Why are you uncomfortable? Don't say it earlier?"

       Zhu Yuan is weak: "Aren't you worried that Liu's family hears the wind and is anxious to take a look?"

       "Can you be more anxious than your body?" Zhang Jingshu grumbled.

       Zhu Yuan was extremely wronged. She didn't expect it to be so serious..

       Zhang Jingshu didn't really want to blame her, she was worried.

       The noise outside became louder, and the carriage entered the lively neighborhood.

       Zhang Jingshu didn't hear it right, and hurriedly asked: "Look where you are. Don't walk on Dongxing Street later. It's crowded and slow. Go around."

       Lu Shang hurriedly responded, and raised the curtain to Call at the coachman ahead: "Mainland, take Dongning Street."

       "Good!" the coachman Called.

       When it reached Zhu Yuan's ears, the voice was blurred a lot.

       Zhu Yuan moved in his heart, thought for a while, pulled Zhang Jingshu's hand, and whispered: "Mother, the Liu family's marriage, can you give up?" When he was sick, he quickly played the sympathy card.

       Lu Chang is the mother's confidant, and Xia Zhi is also an insider, and the pedestrians around can't hear the voice in the carriage... I just said it here.

       Zhang Jingshu was taken aback, glanced at Xia Zhi and Lu Chang who had sits back, and said: "Are you confused? What silly things are you talking about?"

       "Mother," Zhu Yuan put his arms around her and acted like a baby, "you think of a way.."

       "I don't want to!" Zhang Jingshu was angry, "Don't you think Liu Xinzhi is pretty good? Why do you want to give it up?"

       Zhu Yuan has a guilty conscience.

       "Furthermore, let's not say that we should hurry up to set up a marriage, so as not to—" Zhang Jingshu's inspiration flashed, her eyes widened, "You, are you still unclear with that person?"

       What's not clear? Well, it really is. Zhu Yuan bitterly: "I don't want it either. He haunts me." In short, throw the pot first.

       ".." Zhang Jingshu looked at Zhu Yuan carefully and muttered to herself, "You look good, but there are many who look better than you... Tang-Tang-Prince, isn't it that your eyelids are so shallow?"

       Zhu Yuan: ..Is the old lady belittling her or praising her?

       Without waiting for her to speak, Zhang Jingshu glared at her again: "When have you seen him?"

       Zhu Yuan shook his head hurriedly, hissed his head in the next instant and did not dare to move.

       The headache is dead.

       Zhang Jingshu was distressed and annoyed: "It's OK, let's talk about it later." Can't help but rub her temples.

       Zhu Yuan, who was buried in her arms, stuck out his tongue secretly.

       When I arrived at the medical clinic that they used to cooperate with, after seeing the doctor, I confirmed that I had a cold, and I had some cold in my stomach, and then let me eat lightly for the next few days.

       There is no major problem, Zhang Jingshu breathed a sigh of relief.

       After taking the medicine, the party went home.

       After returning to the house, Zhu Yuan washed and changed clothes, and the medicine was ready.

       After drinking the medicine, she fell asleep dizzy. At night, I didn't even want to eat dinner. I drank the medicine again, and it was dawn.

       When I woke up, the whole person was still lingering.

       Zhang Jingshu made a bowl of thick white porridge, sprinkled with some salt, and then brought it to Zhu Yuan.

       Zhu Yuan swallowed half of the bowl, then stopped eating, and handed the bowl to Xia Zhi.

       Zhang Jingshu glanced at Xia Zhi and sits down: "Come on, tell me well, what's going on!"

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Where's the porridge? She can eat two more bowls!

       "Don't look." Zhang Jingshu's face was expressionless, "I can't run away from the Xia Zhi." As a personal Maid, he either neglected his responsibility or knew it, or concealed it.

       Xia solstice suddenly knelt down: "Fu-ren, spare your life."

       Zhu Yuan hurriedly said: "Mother, I don't even have anything to do with me, what's the point of punishing her!"

       Zhang Jingshu glared at her: "Why is there nothing? Is it possible that he can still grab someone?"

       Zhu Yuan helplessly, signaled Xia Zhi: "Go and bring things here."

       Xia Zhi glanced at Zhang Jingshu, then got up to fetch things in response.

       After a while, Zhang Jingshu placed two boxes in front of her. She opened them one by one and turned them over, and her expression became serious.

       Zhu Yuan added in a low voice: "The dim sum sent to the mansion a few months ago was also his handwriting."

       "We just entered Capital City then?" Zhang Jingshu looked strange, "When did he fall in love with you?"

       Zhu Yuan honestly said: "I don't know."

       Zhang Jingshu: ..

       "Follow these crooked ways! Our family has been looking at people for the past few months, and he hasn't said anything. He turned his head and desperately stuffed things into you... Hmph, I don't think this person is a good thing!"

       Zhu Yuan shrank his neck, and even bowed his head even in the Xia Zhi.

       Zhang Jingshu suddenly realized something was wrong, and squinted her eyes and asked, "What's the situation?" Before Zhu Yuan could speak, she Called, "Let Xia Zhi speak!" Then warned Xia Zhi, "Recruit from the beginning, otherwise, let someone come and take you today. go!"

       Zhu Yuan dare not say anything.

       Xia Zhi shivered, knelt on the ground, and slowly told the story of Zhu Yuan's several meetings with Xi Zheng, even Qiu Zhiyun didn't dare to hide it.

       When she heard that such a thing happened that night, Zhang Jingshu's face turned pale.

       She hurriedly pulled Zhu Yuan to look at it, and said in a trembled voice: "You, are you really okay?"

       Zhu Yuan shook his head: "It's okay." Then he whispered, "Look, he kills a few people without blinking. If I don't follow his wishes, our family is afraid..."

       Zhang Jingshu was bitter: "Could it be that our family just waited like this?" After finishing asking her, "What about you? What do you mean?"

       Zhu Yuan was silent, and after a moment, said: "I want to marry someone..."

       Zhang Jingshu was startled, and sighed: "You..."

       "Mother, you don't need to worry too much.. If you are not at ease, you should put aside the Liu family's affairs first and see what regulations he is."

       It can only be so.

       After finally coaxing away the worried Zhang Jingshu, Zhu Yuan sits at the table for a long time.

       Until the familiar ink characters appeared on the wall paintings.

       Yuanyuan, are you?

       She was so angry that she dragged her weak body to the desk.

       Spread paper and rub ink.

       You don’t say anything, how do I know if I’m there? Don't ask if you are or not, you are not.

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Cough, when he saw the familiar choking sound, why did he seem to be relieved?

       Xi Zheng is happy:

       Better yet?

       I can have the energy to write a large paragraph, which is much better.

       Oh, let's ask about the physical condition. Zhu Yuan pouted:

       Can't die

       You are always sick——

       Stop, stop, how do you talk?

       Zhu Yuan is not happy,

       Who is always sick?

       As far as I know, you have been ill twice in the past six months. What about the rest?

       When he didn't know, he didn't know what was going on.

       Zhu Yuan immediately said:

       Just these two times!

       Two times are too many

       Zhu Yuan's sophistry:

       It counts only once, and one of them was you!

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Take some cold to get sick, blow some wind and get sick again

       Xi Zheng directly concluded,

       Body is too weak

       Ba!, your body is weak! Who doesn't have a headache yet? Don't sleep under the quilt on this kind of day, see if you catch a cold or not!

       Xi Zheng frowned:

       No cover at night? What about Maid?

       Zhu Yuan didn't care:

       I don't like someone to watch the night.

       There is also a way to not watch the night, you Maid can't, I will send you two.

       Zhu Yuan rolled his eyes:

        Said I’m not going to move Maid’s

       Xi Zheng followed the kindness:

       Then send one

       He reminded,

       I said last time, I want to marry that Xiaomanyuan

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Before she could start, Xi Zheng wrote again:

       You are too weak, I will teach you horseback riding and archery after marriage

       Zhu Yuan was startled.

       Xi Zheng still continued:

       Hyperactivity, sweating, healthier.

       Zhu Yuan swallowed:

       Women can ride and shoot?

       Xi Zheng thought she would mind, and explained:

       Don’t worry, it’s in Zhuangzi, so no one will see it

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       It's better than nothing.

       However, how big is this Zhuangzi to keep others from seeing the horse racing?

       Evil local tyrant!

       So are you still grinding here?

       Zhu Yuan started working hard for his riding career,

       More ink, you will call me Liu Fu-ren from now on

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Zhu Yuan looked at the extra ink stain on the paper, secretly smiled, and added fire:

       Okay, I have to see what Liu's family gave me, let’s talk back

       Xi Zheng: ..

       After Zhu Yuan finished speaking, he immediately put his pen and burned the paper and did it in one go, without giving him a chance to react.

       Then happily went to open the gift-it was a gift from the Liu family.

       But it's not a gift of that kind, it's a gift for yesterday.

       Although Zhu Yuan was ill, he vomited at their home after all, and vomited after eating lunch at their home. Liu's family felt unhappy, so they sent a gift to him as a gift and condolences.

       Of course, Zhang Jingshu also gave a gift to the Liu family yesterday. After all, it was frightening to pollute other people's land, so I had to pay for it.

       The gift from Liu's family arrived yesterday, and Zhang Jingshu changed hands and delivered it to her. It's just that Zhu Yuan has been asleep yesterday afternoon and hasn't watched it yet.

       This kind of ordinary gift has nothing to do with the marriage, she takes it for granted, and by the way, she can get angry with someone.

       Zhu Yuan went to the table, took off the small parcel wrapped in silk, and took it down while sitting on the couch.

       Inside the package is a small wooden box of good order, which contains some tonic drugs. It is not cheap, but it is not too expensive.

       In addition, there is a letterhead.

       Zhu Yuan frowned immediately.

       This is from the Liu family.. Put the letterhead in the package, don't you want to be known?

       Zhu Yuan hesitated and picked it up.

       There is no writing on the outer cover.

       I took a look at it, unfamiliar handwriting came into view, calling "3-Miss" for myself.

       Not Liu Fu-ren, but Liu Fu-ren, she has an impression.

       Zhu Yuan read the content at a glance.

       The whole article is full of essays, but care is not taken away from the main point, and the other half is about expressing my annoyance and empathy.

       Zhu Yuan has a headache. This is Liu Xinzhi who came in?

       After thinking about it, she returned to the table with her letterhead:


       Fortunately this guy is still writing.

       What happened

       Xi Zheng, who was opposite, responded quickly.

       Zhu Yuan glanced at Liu Xinzhi letterhead and said directly:

       Liu Big-Brother wrote to me

       Xi Zheng: ..

       You call me... call him Liu Big-Brother?

       Zhu Yuan was startled. From the text, I felt the teeth of the dog egg.

       She sniffed and laughed:

       My name is Liu Big-Brother is not normal? Those people who have seen each other these days, which one cannot be called Big-Brother 2-Brother 3-Brother?

       Xi Zheng: ..

        Hey, what am I telling you? I will take it to my mother and let her handle it.

       I'm really confused. Zhu Yuan stuck out his tongue, quickly packed up, and then went to the main room with a letter in his sleeve.

       Reading the letterhead, Zhang Jingshu sighed: "If we are going to make a date, let's just open our eyes and close our eyes.." She confirmed again, "Do you really think about it?"

       Zhu Yuan nodded.

       Zhang Jingshu stared at her: "Who is that good?"

       Zhu Yuan looked around and whispered: "Who knows if it's okay? Isn't it all about weighing the pros and cons?"

       Zhang Jingshu was about to sigh again: "Okay, leave it to me." She was irritated, "How can someone else's married daughter be sure, but when you get to you, things happen one after another." There is no result yet, the Liu family has to give up again.

       Zhu Yuan has a guilty conscience.

       "It happened to be an appointment with Liu's family to Mingde :Academy the day after tomorrow. I will find a chance to reveal a few words at that time." Thinking of what, Zhang Jingshu asked her, "Are you getting better? Have a good rest these two days, don't forget to have it. Go out soon."

       Go out again.

       Zhu Yuan rubbed his stomach, and said "I know" with a bitter face.


       Two days passed quickly.

       Zhu Yuan felt that he had just chatted with Dog-Egg twice, and after a few more sleeps, it was time to go out.

       After drinking the bitter medicine dregs for three days, apart from her appetite, she still had some problems, and all other problems were gone.

       Zhang Jingshu safely took her out and went to Mingde :Academy.

       Mingde :Academy is in the suburbs of Capital City, and it takes about a quarter of an hour to walk out of the city.

       Zhang Jingshu and his entourage left early, but Liu Fu-ren and his entourage had been waiting for them on the road earlier.

       It was not easy to talk outside, and the two families greeted each other and moved on one after the other.

       This flower viewing banquet is not just for Zhu's family. This flower viewing banquet was actually held by the head of the Mingde :Academy. He just wanted to invite friends to gather together. It was not a formal banquet.

       That's why Zhang Jingshu dared to ask Zhang Jingru for a post with a cheeky, and pulled Liu's family over.

       Although the reputation of Mingde Academy is not well-known in many :Academys in the capital, Shan Chang is a well-known great scholar, and most of the literati and gentlemen he has made friends with are also famous and famous. Liu family naturally came here with pleasure.

       When I arrived at Mingde :Academy, it was only a moment away.

       Shan Lead Fu-ren personally picked them up inside, and a few people nestled in the house, drinking tea and chatting.

       After introducing each other to the ceremony, Shan Lead Fu-ren looked at Zhu Yuan and Liu Xinzhi, who were sitting under the heads of the two, and teased Zhang Jingshu with a smile: "Are you really here to enjoy the scenery?"

       Zhang Jingshu hurriedly said: "That's nature." Quickly changed the subject, "I have heard that the mountain long loves flowers in the :DeeAcademy. academy is full of flowers. It is beautiful at four o'clock in the year. I have long wanted to come and see. If you know Sister Ru you are here, how can you wait until you send a post?"

       Liu Fu-ren glanced at her.

       Zhang Jingshu didn't realize it, just looking at the mountain Lead Fu-ren above. latter was really happy: "Look at what you said, isn't it just a few flowers, don't we go to Lichuan too?"

       Zhang Jingshu: "The flowers vary from place to place, so how can one generalize it."

       "Yes." Shan Lead Fu-ren looked at Liu Xinzhi and smiled, "Is Xinzhi? Just heard your mother say that you plan to end next year?"

       Liu Xinzhi stood up hurriedly and said, "Back to Fu-ren, yes."

       "Hey, let's just chat, don't be cautious, sit down and sit down." Shan Lead Fu-ren said kindly, and when Liu Xinzhi sits down respectfully, he asked, "Then, when do you plan to get married?"

       Liu Xinzhi blushed immediately, and looked at Zhu Yuan subconsciously.

       Zhu Yuan watched his eyes, nose, nose, and heart, and almost finished with a wooden fish, let alone look back at him.

       Liu Xinzhi was a little disappointed, and withdrew his gaze: "Next year, I will be dating Zhu Yuan first." When he thinks of dating Zhu Yuan next year, he feels better again, and his expression comes out.

       A youthful look.

       Shan Lead Fu-ren laughed: "Really? That's really a happy event. Next year will be double happiness."

       Liu Fu-ren rejoice, and I would like to thank Liu Xinyi: "Fu-ren is yours."

       Zhang Jingshu glanced at Zhu Yuan who didn't dare to say anything, squeezed the kerchief, and smiled and said, "I don't know Miss is so lucky to be an Imperial-Graduate Fu-ren by marrying Liu's family!" Liu Fu-ren said.

       What does this mean? Liu Fu-ren is really surprised this time. Isn't this Miss Zhu Yuan? Both Zhu and Liu had similar discussions, only waiting for Zhu Daren's approval..

       Mountain Lead Fu-ren sees it wrong. She naturally helped Zhang Jingshu, smiling and replied: "Isn't it." Then she quickly changed the subject, "It's almost time, let's go out."

       Actually it was still early, but now it’s better to go out and wander around. Originally, she saw that the two families had brought their children together, and they were introduced by Zhang Jingshu, thinking that these two families were preparing to get married, so she brought them in. Now, when I look at it, it doesn't seem to be?

       Then her arrangement like this is rude.

       Sure enough, as soon as she said this, Zhang Jingshu stood up first: "Then I would be more respectful than fate. I have long wanted to see the flowers in Mingde :Academy. I won't leave until it gets dark today."

       "Hahaha, you rascal, how can you look like a mother?" Shan Lead Fu-ren got up and greeted Liu-Mother to go out together, "Walk away, while Lao-tou friends are not here yet, we Go and see first, so that they don't have a good place to be taken over by them."

       Liu Fu-ren can only suppress the doubt and follow them out.

       Three Fu-ren walked ahead, and two juniors followed suit.

       As soon as he left the house, Zhang Jingshu thought of this question and hurriedly looked back.

       Sure enough, Liu Xinzhi was following Zhu Yuan, who bowed his head slightly.

       Fortunately, the Xia Zhi is still separated between the two.

       The Xia Zhi was also alert. When Liu Xinzhi went to the left, she moved to the left, and when she went to the right, she moved to the right again, just to prevent her from crossing over to talk to Zhu Yuan.

       Zhang Jingshu sighed slightly and turned back.

       Liu Fu-ren was listening to Shan Lead Fu-ren introducing the layout of the academy, but did not see her movements.

       Mingde :Academy occupies a vast area, and the courtyard where Shanchang's family lives is in it. But you still have to go inside to enjoy the scenery.

       Several people talked and laughed all the way, and just after leaving the yard, they saw a Maid walking hurriedly from outside.

       Mountain Lead Fu-ren frowned immediately and stopped.

       Zhang Jingshu and others were surprised and hurriedly stopped.

       The Maid walked to the front out of breath, blessed Fu-ren, and went to the mountain Lead Fu-ren to whisper a few words in his ear.

       Mountain Lead Fu-ren's eyes lit up: "Really?"

       "Yes, Nubi dare not say anything."

       "Okay, then go out quickly." Shan Lead Fu-ren just finished speaking, remembering that there were guests around him, and smiled immediately, "Look at my brain." Then apologized to Zhang Jingshu and others, "I have a distinguished guest here. You have to go to the door to greet you first. I'll let someone lead you there first and then take a look."

       Zhang Jingshu exchanged glances with Liu Fu-ren, and then said, "Since we are a distinguished guest, let's go together, so we can save money and rudeness." It is worth noting that Head-Fu-ren can be a distinguished guest. Naturally, they should also welcome it.

       Shan Head-Fu-ren thought about it, so he stopped talking and led them out.

       Zhu Yuan, who was wearing a lady at the back, naturally had to follow.

       The big idiot Liu Xinzhi probably didn't even know what was going on. He went around and tried to break through the blockade of the Xia Zhi.

       When I passed the courtyard gate, because of the threshold, the Xia Zhi was not at ease, so I took Zhu Yuan smoothly. But, Liu Xinzhi found a chance to break through and stood directly to the right of Zhu Yuan.

       "3-Mei-Mei," Liu Xinzhi called out, and then asked her in a low voice, "Are you getting better?"

       Xi Zheng just helped Qin Lao Fu-ren to get out of the carriage, and when he looked up, he saw Zhu Yuan being wrapped around by a fat man with a stubborn eyebrow, and his face turned dark.

       With this shape, there is also Yuanyuan with a face wrapped around him?

       The leper wants to eat swan meat!

       Chapter 98 | Too shameless  

       Xi Zheng has a cold face on most days. He is not a black face. Except for his close servant, others can't really see it.

       An Rui, who was serving today, followed the eyes of his master, and what else did he not understand? I sighed suddenly in my heart.

       Lead Fu-ren and Qin Lao Fu-ren have already met.

       Xi Zheng retracted his gaze and followed Qin Lao Fu-ren forward.

       After the two parties met each other, Qin Lao Fu-ren laughed and said: "I heard that today the academy is closed to enjoy the scenery, my old Pozi has never seen it, nor did I talk to Lead Fu-ren in the past. When dealing with it, he came straight forward with a cheeky, Hope Mountain Lead Fu-ren don't blame it."

       Mountain Lead Fu-ren will naturally not. She smiled and said, "Lao Fu-ren, take the time to come here, and it's brilliant. It's too late to welcome us, so how can we blame it!"

       "That's good, that's good-" Qin Lao Fu-ren heaved a sigh of relief, then pointed to Xi Zheng to his side, and introduced, "This is my grandson. Today, I'm here to join in the fun, hope Fu ren Don't mind."

       Qin Lao Fu-ren's grandson? If I remember correctly, this Qin Lao Fu-ren only gave birth to a daughter... In other words, the young man in front of him is the son of Shu-fei and the third son of Emperor Chengjia. Xi Zheng.

       Mountain Lead Fu-ren was shocked, and immediately knelt down to salute, and everyone behind them also knelt down.

       Zhu Yuan is no exception.

       As early as in the mountain, Lead Fu-ren and Qin Lao Fu-ren started talking, she discovered Xi Zheng.

       Not only her, but even Zhang Jingshu looked back at her.

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       She doesn't know anything! Why stare at her!

       She has to kneel as soon as she comes out.. She hates it even more!

       Just as she was muttering, she was kicked up by someone—a good eunuch.

       The smiling eunuch helped her up and immediately followed the other eunuchs back to Xi Zheng.

       Zhu Yuan glanced away and found that the first few Fu-ren had been helped by the eunuch, and it was not obvious that she was being helped.

       She breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but raise her head and glared at someone in front of her.

       "Fu-ren exemption, everyone exempts." Xi Zheng's gaze swept across her face, the corners of her lips curled up, and her words were gentle, "Today is purely to enjoy the scenery. You don't need to be too polite.

       Shan Lead Fu-ren heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Thanks your Majesty, it's better to be respectful for the old."

       Xi Zheng nodded, and handed the scene to Qin Lao Fu-ren.

       Qin Lao Fu-ren glanced at the people in front of him, and smiled: "Look at a group of you who are mighty and mighty. You even brought tea sets, but are you about to go out?"

       Shan Lead Fu-ren nodded: "We are about to go to the academy to stroll around..." After a pause, she said a little nervously, "Why don't we go together?"

       "It's better to have a chance as soon as possible." Qin Lao Fu-ren Da Le, "Go around."

       The group set off again.

       Qin Lao Fu-ren and Shan Lead Fu-ren started talking, and Zhang Jingshu and Liu Fu-ren followed, occasionally making up a few sentences.

       Xi Zheng, who didn't speak, gradually walked behind.

       Zhu Yuan knelt down at the door just now, and took the opportunity to squeeze Liu Xinzhi aside during the Xia Zhi.

       Across the Xia Zhi, Liu Xinzhi could not see Zhu Yuan. He had to fall behind a few steps, and walked around from behind, planning to stand on the left side of Zhu Yuan.

       Xia Zhi was angry, and was about to go around to block, there was a tall figure on the left side of Zhu Yuan.

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Xia Zhi: ..

       When did this noble Royal Highness Prince rush to the tail of the team?

       It was not the tail of the team, behind them were all men carrying tea kerchiefs and other sundries.

       "Cough." Xi Zheng cleared his throat and turned his head to look at her, "3-Miss, we meet again."


       Zhu Yuan grinned his teeth and did not lift his head. He replied: "His Royal Highness Noble is busy, but he still remembers the girl. It is a great honor for the girl."

       Who can't pretend?

       Xi Zheng really got stuck, and a little smile appeared in his voice in the next moment: "3-Miss still remembers me, I am also honored."

       Shameless, climb up along the pole!

       "Haha." Zhu Yuan offered a classic mocking smile.

       Xi Zheng: ..

       I don't think it on paper on most days, but now he hears Zhu Yuan uttering the word "hehe" in a flat tone, he suddenly feels that the irony is soaring.

       When Xi Zheng talked to Zhu Yuan, Liu Xinzhi was surprised, and after hearing Zhu Yuan's answer, he understood.

       It is a pity that Zhu Yuan was separated by the Xia Zhi. He simply raised his voice slightly and asked Zhu Yuan, "3-Mei-Mei, do you know your Highness?"

       Zhu Yuan was about to make a prevarication at will, but before they spoke, they saw the long leg on the left stop.

       "Liu gongzi, right?" deep voice was cold.

       Zhu Yuan's heart shook, and immediately stopped and looked back at him.

       Liu Xinzhi heard the sound and stopped.

       The two were side by side, looking back together, Xi Zheng's eyes hurt. If it weren't for the Xia Zhi...

       Liu Xinzhi was still ignorant, and politely said: "Back to your Highness, Xiaosheng is the surname Liu, the name is Xinzhi. Your Highness can call me the new one."

       Xi Zheng didn't answer, and said coldly: "Don't say anything wrong. In the public, please show respect to 3-Miss."

       Liu Xinzhi was stunned, his face flushed instantly after the meeting came over. He Called: "Xiaosheng and 3-Mei——" After receiving the cold glance from the opposite side, he subconsciously paused and changed his words, "Xiaosheng and 3-Miss..." and 3-Miss, he was dumbfounded.

       The name "3-Mei-Mei" was just that he called it himself. After all, the two families didn't tell anything about it. He really shouldn't call Zhu Yuan like this in front of outsiders.

       He hurriedly turned around and bowed to Zhu Yuan: "3-Miss, forgive me, it's a rude niche."

       Zhu Yuan replied: "Liu Big-Brother don't care too much. Regarding age, you can call me Mei-Mei."

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Liu Xinzhi was overjoyed immediately.

       "It's just that Yu Li doesn't agree after all," Zhu Yuan said, "Call me 3-Miss from now on."

       Liu Xinzhi: ..

       Xi Zheng was immediately relieved.

       Taking advantage of Liu Xin's ignorance, Xi Zheng said happily: "Let's go, a few Fu-ren have already gone far." After that, he went ahead.

       Zhu Yuan followed the kindness and turned around.

       With long legs, Xi Zheng came to her in two steps and walked side by side with her.

       When Liu Xinzhi reacted, the Xia Zhi once again occupied the right side of Zhu Yuan. road also began to narrow, and he had to follow in anguish.

       Next, it seemed that nothing happened to him, and I could only watch the first two people chat without a word.

       Xi Zheng walked slowly along the road with Zhu Yuan's pace: "I heard that you were unwell a few days ago. Are you better?"

       Is this nothing for a chat? What can you still stand here? Zhu Yuan wrinkled his nose and whispered softly: "It's much better already, thanks for your concern."

       She didn't notice Liu Xinzhi eyes widened suddenly behind her.

       "The weather is cold, 3-Miss should pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm."

       "Thanks for your concern."

       "Well, I'll find Tai-yi next day to help you see. If you don't get sick, I will treat your body."

       ".. No need, Your Highness Xi kindness."

       The topic became more and more weird, and Liu Xinzhi eyes moved back and forth between the two of them. But the two people in front, one looking straight ahead, the other slightly bowed their heads, and they were still nearly three feet wide between them, how they looked normal.

       "Since it's good intentions, don't refuse." Xi Zheng directly decided, "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. It just so happened that I invited Tai-yi to Qin's house in the afternoon to diagnose Mu-Grandmother's peace pulse. After enjoying the scenery, you Let me go to the Qin Mansion."

       ".." Zhu Yuan grinds her teeth, "How can a citizen girl, how can Tai-yi dare to ask Tai-yi to diagnose my pulse?" After looking around, she moved two steps to the left and whispered, "It's enough!"

       Before I moved away, I heard a chuckle from the left.

       "Okay, listen to you." man's low voice seemed to be close to his ears.

       The hairs on the back of Zhu Yuan's neck are standing up, and they are busy again to distance themselves from him.

       The two approached and then pulled apart. It was just a few steps. It seemed natural to others, but Liu Xinzhi, who fell behind, looked very different.

       Moreover, he clearly heard the two of them talking just now, but the voice was too small for him to hear it really.

       Suspicion arose in his heart.

       Xi Zheng in front of him is still waiting to speak.

       "Yuanyuan, come here." Fu-ren in front suddenly stopped, and Zhang Jingshu turned to greet Zhu Yuan.

       Zhu Yuan hurriedly stepped up and rushed behind them.

       Xi Zheng still did not rush, slowly approaching.

       Liu Xinzhi quickly followed.

       Zhang Jingshu ignored them, pulled Zhu Yuan and introduced to Qin Lao Fu-ren: "This is my girl, whose name is Yuan."

       Zhu Yuan towards Qin Lao Fu-ren: "Qin Lao Fu-ren Wanfu."

       Qin Lao Fu-ren "Oh," said: "Little Miss is very watery How old is it this year, is anyone allowed?"

       Liu Fu-ren frowned.

       Zhang Jingshu smiled and said, "It's only fifteen after the Chinese New Year, and I haven't decided to marry him yet."

       "Not bad, not bad." Qin Lao Fu-ren took Zhu Yuan's hand, looked at her up and down, and then looked at Xi Zheng who followed him meaningfully, and said with a smile, "This look is really good. , Being a king, coughing cough, is also making it."

       Everyone: ..

       They are not children. From a contextual point of view, the word that was suddenly broken is meant to say "Wang fei"? Not to mention anything else, the undecided 3-Prince is on the side. She is an old and accustomed to socializing. How could she leak?

       So, this is intentional, right? !

       Everyone glanced at Xi Zheng.

       Xi Zheng smiled at the corners of his lips, and nodded at everyone: "I feel the same way."

       Everyone: ..

       Are these grandparents here to grab their relatives? !


       There are only four families here. Except for the unknowing Shan Lead Fu-ren, the remaining two are Liu Zhang's family who are discussing marriage.

       Qin Lao Fu-ren's words are clearly addressed to them.

       If I said that I was still a little unsure, Xi Zheng added, his eyes still fell on Zhu Yuan, who was standing by Qiaoshengsheng..

       What else do you not understand?

       Not only Liu Fu-ren, but Zhang Jingshu's face is black.

       Zhu Yuan lowered his head and played dead for the first time.

       Qin Lao Fu-ren didn't expect my grandson to be so cheeky to directly pierce the matter, his smile stiffened, and hurriedly changed the subject: "The flower threshold in front is very beautiful, what kind of flower is that?" Let go of Zhu Yuan and walk to Mountain Lead Fu-ren.

       Shan Lead Fu-ren was looking at these family members suspiciously, and after hearing the words, he hurriedly returned to his senses, followed the words, and introduced: "That's a begonia, I should have thanked it. Lao-Ye has been raising In the house, I just moved out today. After enjoying today's wave, I guess you will have to thank you tomorrow."

       "Oh, we really caught up." Qin Lao Fu-ren smiled, "Then I will have a good reward."

       The two elders were the first to start, and the others could only follow with their hearts.

       Zhu Yuan cast his eyes down and waited for them to walk away.

       Xia Zhi helped him over and whispered: "Miss..."

       Zhu Yuan shook her head at her and whispered: "Let's go, enjoy the flowers." Turning his head, facing Liu Xinzhi complex look, he suddenly had a headache, "Liu Big-Brother——"

       The tall figure intervened, blocking her vision, and interrupting her directly.

       "3-Miss." Xi Zheng had a warning in his eyes, but his voice was steady as usual, "It's time to go."

       Zhu Yuan couldn't help but stare at him.

       The man curls his lips, gestures and stretches out his hand

       Zhu Yuan turned his head and left.

       Xi Zheng smiled and wandered to keep up.

       Zhu Yuan knew what he meant for doing this, but, too suddenly, he still used this way...

       She was angry, so she didn't want to talk to him.

       Fortunately, Xi Zheng also knew to constrain. He didn't speak any more, just followed her, and didn't give Liu Xinzhi a chance to get closer.

       They are now at the back of the :Academy. academy built on the hillside is also undulating terrain, with winding corridors, flower thresholds and rockery pavilions, one step at a time, one threshold and one rhyme.

       There is also Shan Lead Fu-ren to explain in person.

       If it is normal, everyone's attention is not on Shan Lead Fu-ren, but on the distinguished guest Qin Lao Fu-ren.

       Although Xi Zheng's status is high, except for Liu Xinzhi, it is not easy to entertain him. Liu Xinzhi himself is a guest. How to entertain him?

       Fortunately, when Xi Zheng entered the door, he said that he would accompany Qin Lao Fu-ren as a junior to enjoy the scenery. At this moment, it is appropriate to be a junior following behind.

       It's just that he sings with Qin Lao Fu-ren in front of him, confessing his purpose clearly, turning his head and not avoiding suspicion, and still following Zhu Yuan at the same pace. Everyone can't help but look at them. Gone here.

       Even Zhang Jingshu glanced at Zhu Yuan in warning.

       Zhu Yuan is about to vomit blood. She didn't want it either! She walked fast, and the man speeded up. She slowed down, and this person slowed down. What should she do?

       After receiving Zhang Jingshu's warning sight again, Zhu Yuan grinded his teeth, turned his head slightly, and stared at someone in the corner of the silver embroidered blue robe with moiré patterns, with a voice squeezing out from between his teeth: "Did you mean it?"

       Xi Zheng lowered his head when he heard the sound, and met her dodgy eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "3-Miss, why did you say this?"

       Zhu Yuan finally couldn't help it, and looked up at him: "Stay away from me."

       If it weren't for being too quiet, the momentum would be really bluffing.

       Xi Zheng hooked his lips: "Yeah."

       "Yeah" It's still the same when it's over, without moving my feet

       Zhu Yuan was not angry, and rebuked, "Are you stupid? Get out of here!"

       Xi Zheng seemed to chuck lightly: "Don't worry." Before Zhu Yuan had a seizure, he whispered, "I should almost leave, and walk a few steps with you."

       Are you finally leaving? Before Zhu Yuan could be surprised, he heard this man speak again.

       "After I leave, you are not allowed to talk to Liu Xinzhi, you know?"

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       roll! Get out!

       Naturally, Xi Zheng couldn't hear her voice. After saying that sentence, he paused briefly. Seeing that she didn't answer, he added: "Be good, I'll send you something fun."

       Zhu Yuan: .. to coax children?

       Xi Zheng didn't say much, and a few steps caught up with Qin Lao Fu-ren ahead.

       I don't know what he said. Several Fu-ren nodded, and Shan Lead Fu-ren asked a Little Yato to lead him out.

       Xi Zheng arched his hands and took the person to leave.

       Zhu Yuan only had time to look at his back, and then he disappeared.

       It is estimated that I took another closer road.

       Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

       "3-Mei, 3-Miss..." Liu Xinzhi voice came from the side.

       The breath of Zhu Yuan just loosened suddenly came up.

       "You and the third majesty have known each other a long time ago?" Liu Xinzhi tone was harsh.

       Zhu Yuan laughed dryly and said with a weak qi, "I have seen it a few times."

       Liu Xinzhi looked at her with a dazed expression: "That, then our relationship "

       Zhu Yuan interrupted him immediately: "Liu Big-Brother said carefully."

       Liu Xinzhi was dumb. Yes, he Meng Lang.

       Although he was in agreement with Zhu Yuan.. Liu's family and Zhu's family, they just talked. His mother didn't even get the eight characters of Zhu Yuan.

       If there is no matchmaker, why talk about marriage.

       So, Shi Cai Xi Zheng's remarks were directed at their Liu family, right? Because the two of them are too close?

       Xi Zheng's move actually regarded him as a strong enemy...

       Why? Given the Liu family's family background, how can one win Prince?

       Liu Xinzhi smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect to be able to compete with Prince one day..." There is no need to say anything.

       Zhu Yuan was silent. She originally wanted to marry Liu Xinzhi.

       Refined and gentle, with a degree of advancement and retreat, simple family background.. Without feelings, you can cultivate slowly—or you don’t need to cultivate, just as a long-term partner..

       Zhu Yuan sighed: "The world is impermanent."

       Liu Xinzhi expression was dim: "I am not worthy of you..."

       Zhu Yuan also smiled bitterly: "Liu Big-Brother, why bother to belittle yourself. It's me..." It's because she doesn't deserve it.

       She was cold-hearted and cold-blooded, and Liu Xinzhi was just her choice after weighing the pros and cons.

       No matter how good Liu Xinzhi is, she won't be in harmony with him. If he is cold-hearted Marry Concubine, the two of them will not have a good result.

       Being a qualified main room and mistress is the best she can do.


       Forget it, it's useless to think more.

       Xi Zheng crossed the bar, and didn't know what the result would be in the future.

       When things went out today, she probably didn't even think about looking for someone in the capital.

       Isn't it just being taken by Prince? It doesn't hurt the reputation or the reputation of the sisters.

       If the marriage between her and Xi Zheng fails, she will find a small yard to move out and live her own life.

       Pulled away.

       The road to enjoy the scenery is a bit long.

       The first few Fu-ren talked and laughed, but Zhu Yuan is as quiet as a chicken.

       After finally swinging around, when he returned to the yard of Lead-Fu-ren, Liu Xinzhi was quietly led to the front yard.

       Without Liu Xinzhizhu beside him, Zhu Yuan was relieved immediately.

       Time flies quickly as you eat and drink.

       Qin Lao Fu-ren took the lead in leaving, and before leaving, he pulled Zhu Yuan and said a few words. After that, he removed the jade bracelet from his hand and put it on her wrist.

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       These two are really grandparents, can they even inherit the style of banditry?

       She looked at Zhang Jingshu helplessly.

       The latter stepped up and said with a strong smile: "Lao Fu-ren, she is still Little Yato, how can she stand it?"

       Qin Lao Fu-ren waved his hand: "Able to bear it, it's not a precious thing, leave it to Little Miss to wear it for fun! Haha." Then patted the back of Zhu Yuan's hand, "Yes Come over to the Qin Mansion in your spare time." After that, without waiting for others to speak, he turned his head and got into the carriage.

       Zhang Jingshu: ..

       When the carriage was far away, she sighed secretly, turned back, and said to Lead Fu-ren towards the mountain: "Sister Ru, let's go back to work. There are many guests waiting for you to entertain. We left after a few words.


       Shan Lead Fu-ren look at her and then at Liu Fu-ren who is a little reluctant to smile, and said clearly: "Okay, then I won't give it away. I will invite you over for tea and chat later."


       After watching the mountain Lead Fu-ren left, Zhang Jingshu turned back and gave a gift to Liu Fu-ren upright.

       Liu Fu-ren was taken aback, and hurriedly helped her up: "What are you doing?"

       Zhang Jingshu smiled bitterly: "Sister, if you want to scold me, please scold me."

       Liu Fu-ren followed with a wry smile: "What am I scolding you for..." She thought about it, and couldn't help asking, "You already knew it?"

       Zhang Jingshu hesitated, nodded, and said, "I just didn't expect him to be so persistent.." After a pause, he hurriedly added, "I learned that I was sick a few yen ago."

       Liu Fu-ren was taken aback for a moment, and sighed: "No wonder you didn't pick up the mountain in the morning. Lead Fu-ren..."

       Logically speaking, the two families have talked to the point where Shan Lead Fu-ren is her clan sister, and a joke or two is also the reason, but Zhang Jingshu seems to divert the topic for fear of others’ misunderstanding. She felt wrong at the time. Coming... I didn't expect it...

       Zhang Jingshu also thought of the scene in the morning, gritted his teeth and said: "I didn't expect this guy to be so brazen..."

       Liu Fu-ren felt a little sympathetic: "If Yuanyuan can't marry him in the future, I'm afraid I can only..." Went his hair and became an aunt, right? In this way, she didn't even know whether she should sympathize with her family or Zhu's family.

       Thinking of that possibility, Zhang Jingshu's face was pale: "Impossible, I will marry Yuanyuanyuan out!"

       Liu Fu-ren patted her arm: "Don't think too much."

       Zhang Jingshu returned to her senses and blessed her body again: "No matter what you are next to me, I just apologize to my sister."

       "Hey, I'm fine. Nobody can look at it for a few years..." Liu Fu-ren regretted, "It's a pity that my stupid son doesn't have this blessing." After a pause, she lowered her voice, " Isn't this third highness too reckless and anxious?"

       It's not like that young and promising, so witty and demon, who has made many achievements in just two or three years, His Highness 3-Prince.

       Zhang Jingshu paused and frowned, "After all, is the child who has not won the title?"

       "makes sense."


       What is Xi Zheng doing after leaving Mingde :Academy?

       He went back to the palace.

       On the way back to the palace, he did not forget to tell An Rui: "Send today's news."

       An Rui was anxious: "Master, is this not so good?"

       Xi Zheng raised his eyebrows: "How is it not good?"

       An Rui was cautious: "This move does not seem appropriate to 3-Miss... right?"

       ".." Xi Zheng looked at him like an idiot, "How are you going to pass it?" He knocked on the small desk in the car, "Push the matter on me."

       An Rui was startled, and said bitterly, "Master, isn't this pour dirty water on you?" How can he do it?

       Xi Zheng curled his lips: "It is for this pot of dirty water." He didn't explain much, "Go."

       An Rui can't figure out the master's idea at all, but it doesn't prevent him from implementing it. Since the master has settled down, he won't say much.

       Xi Zheng closed his eyes and tapped his long, well-knotted fingers on his knees——

       A young Prince who is reckless and eager for love.. sounds good.

       The carriage "hey bang", soon arrived at the palace.

       Xi Zheng walked quickly towards Zhaochun Palace.

       An Rui hugged the long wooden box and followed behind.

       Zhaochun Palace, who had sent someone to say hello in advance, was quiet.

       Shu Fei took a sip of tea slowly and put down the tea cup: "Say, come to me suddenly, what's the matter?"

       Xi Zheng didn't mean anything: "Mufei, Er-chen wants to marry... Liu-Daren's granddaughter." He had a good personal relationship with Liu-Daren, so he first used his granddaughter as a pretense.

       Hubu Shangshu, Zheng 2-Grade. It is more than one grade higher than the 3-Grade required by the ancestral training.

       Those who can go to 2-Grade are basically important officials of the court, and it is not impossible for them to be in the future.

       What does Prince want to marry a court official?

       Shu Fei was shocked: "Are you eating the guts of the bear heart and the leopard? You have violated the ancestral precepts?"

       Xi Zheng said lightly: "So, Er-chen is here to ask you for help."

       The implication is that he can't figure it out, Shu Fei can.

       Shu Fei: ..

       What is the use of this kind of son? !


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