Su Qin 20

 Novels      »   Su Qin Reborn in the Last Days     »   

Chapter 20   Photos

          Su Qin took a short road into the village, but just diverged from Lin Qingyang who was walking along the road towards the village entrance.

          As soon as Su Qin opened the door, an unspeakable smell immediately rushed over his face. Su Qin walked in with only a small brow. Fatty and Shan Liang who followed him almost didn't get a touch of the smell. Gu Xu even yelled that he was so stinky, he lifted his clothes onto his belly and covered his mouth and nose.

          As soon as Su Qin entered the door, he saw the vomit in a place, and he was taken aback. Then he stepped across the dirt and pushed open the bedroom door. closet door was wide open, and there were some empty food bags piled inside.

          Tang Yu is missing. Su Qin stood at the door for a moment, and didn't know what to think.

          Suddenly, a faint call sounded:


          Su Qin turned her head and saw Tang Yu who was lying on the bed with a pale face and staring at her in a daze.

          Su Qin understood almost immediately, walked to the bed and said, "Where is Tang Shuangshuang?"

          Tang Yu was taken aback, with an expression of pain in his eyes. Su Qin glanced at the four cans on the bedside table and immediately understood what had happened.

          But he fell into a greater confusion.

          She remembered that Tang Shuangshuang loved Didi very much since he was a child. Sometimes Tang Yu got into a mischief and Auntzi couldn't help but beat him. Tang Shuangshuang was in front of Tang Yu.

          It seemed that she had never seen Tang Shuangshuang clearly.

          Su Qin smiled half bitter and half sarcastically.

          He didn't say anything to Tang Yu. He just looked at the fat man and the thin man who was pinching his nose outside the door and looking inside:

          “You two come in and take him to the bathroom to have a wash."

          The fat man suddenly staggered. Finally, with a bitter face, he closed his breath and lifted Shan Liang upper body and legs, and carried them to the bathroom.

          Su Qin went to Tang Yu bedroom on the second floor, found a piece of clean sportswear and sent it to the bathroom.

          When Su Qin pushed open the bathroom door, Shan Liang supported Tang Yu body, and the fat man had just stripped Tang Yu clothes naked and was about to take off the shower head. He heard the sound of twisting the door with a click, and the three of them looked towards the door in unison, when they saw Su Qin standing calmly at the door with his clothes in one hand.

          Suddenly all petrified.

          The fat man reacted first, and as soon as he shifted his huge body, he covered Tang Yu behind him tightly. Tang Yu face was red and his ears were red, but he didn't have any strength in his whole body. Seeing Su Qin walking over with his clothes, he was so anxious that he almost cried.

          Shan Liang shouted at Su Qin:

          “Su Qin! This kid is not wearing clothes!"

          Su Qin was also stunned by the reaction of the three people. He put his clothes aside on the washing machine, then calmly walked out, and brought the door "acceptably".

          The three people in the bathroom continue to petrify...

          Su Qin came to the door to react, patted his face with his hand, and smiled bitterly.

          Her reaction like that just now was completely because Tang Shuangshuang felt embarrassed in her previous life, so she helped Tang Yu take a bath, wipe her body, and move the house. I didn't look at what I should or shouldn't, so even if I saw Tang Yu naked body when I first took the clothes in, I didn't realize that there was anything wrong.

          Now that I reacted, I was a little bit ridiculous.

          Half an hour later, in Tang Yu own bedroom on the second floor.

          Su Qin lowered his head and concentrated on smashing the biscuits in the bowl with a spoon, then boiled boiling water with gas, soaked the biscuits in the bowl, and fed it to Tang Yu bit by bit. Every time, I put it on my mouth and let it cool before sending it to Tang Yu.

          The fat man Shan Liang eyes were about to fall out.

          Gu Xu stared brightly with a look of envy.

          Tang Yu gradually withdrew from the embarrassment of being seen naked by Su Qin, staring at Su Qin, obediently swallowing the cake to his mouth.

          I suddenly remembered that he was sick when he was young, but his father Mama was at work. Elder-Sister threw himself to Su Qin and went on a picnic with his companions. At that time, he was only five years old, and Su Qin was only nine years old, and he was hungry. At that time, Su Qin didn't know how to cook, so he crushed the cake, soaked it in boiling water, and fed it to him. He also lied to him that it was the Qiongye Yuye that the Jade Emperor drinks in Journey to the West. At that time, I didn't understand it, and silly ate a large bowl of unflavored cakes.

          When I think about it, I can't help but think of more things.

          I still remember that Su Qin was a very lively, cheerful and likable girl when the aunt was still alive. No relatives and friends disliked her. At that time, I and Elder-Sister ran behind her ass all day long. Later, the aunt went, and Su Qin recovered from the depression for a while. What really changed her was after Yeye died and she moved to his house.

          He remembered that he had been happy for a while because Su Qin had lived in his house, but gradually he discovered that this lively and cheerful Biao-Sister had slowly changed, becoming quiet, not talking, and not smiling.

          He was young at that time, and he didn't know the reason. He only knew that Biao-Sister was not fun anymore, so he gradually alienated him.

          But even so, he remembered that she was not what she is now.

          He has long hair, likes to wear skirts, doesn't like to talk but the expression on his face is very soft.

          At first he almost didn't recognize her when he lay on the bed and saw her push the door in. He didn't recognize her until she turned her head and asked Elder-Sister. last time he saw her was last year when she was on the aunt memorial day. At that time, she was still wearing long hair and wearing a skirt. Although she didn't say a few words to her, her eyes were still very soft.

          It not like now...

          Tang Yu was stunned, and had eaten up the bowl of cakes. Su Qin took a paper towel and wiped his mouth, then covered him with a quilt and said, "Sleep for a while.”

          Then he stood up and walked with the bowl. Got out.

          The other three people in the room immediately stood up and followed when Su Qin had gone out. Before leaving, they gave Tang Yu a jealous look that made Tang Yu quite puzzled.

          Taking advantage of Su Qin effort in washing dishes in the kitchen.

          Three people here have already sits down on the sofa.

          Gu Xu couldn't help it at first, and said enviously, "Sister Su-Qin is so kind to him!"

          "Isn't it, they are Pro-brother.”

          fat man also said sourly.

          It was Shan Liang who smiled and said, "I don't think it Pro-sibling."

          "It not a Pro-brother who came out of the womb, can you come back so far to pick up people?" fat man smirked.

          "If you don't believe me, see it for yourself.”

          Shan Liang took out an exquisite picture frame from behind and posed it.

          Fatty and Gu Xu hurriedly surrounded them.

          Framed in the photo frame is a "family portrait".

          Shan Liang picked it up on the bedside table when he came out of Tang Yu room.

          "Ah! This is Sister Su-Qin?" Gu Xu was half surprised and confused.

          "This Little-Yato with a brilliant smile like a flower is Su Qin?" expression on the fat man face can be called horror!

          There are 7 people in the photo.

          At the front, there is a gleaming old man with a cane. On the left is a young couple of a man and a woman. In front of them are two well-behaved boys, a man, a woman, and two children. little boy who is only about three or four years old can be seen vaguely. shadow now.

          On the right side of the old man stood a woman of about 30 years old with a gentle and dignified temperament with a little smile on her face. Erxi man was holding a little girl tightly beside her, holding the woman hand in one hand, and compared with the other. A V word that was quite popular at the time. Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the fat man described, with a smile on his face like a flower, and faintly seeing that the front teeth on the left were only half grown. It can be seen from the facial features that Su Qin was a child, but the expression on her face compares with the present one. What has it gone through for this bright smiling little girl to become like Su Qin now?

          Shan Liang and Fatty were both silent for a while.

          Gu Xu was so young that he couldn't see anything deeper. He just pointed to the little boy in the photo and said, "This is the Elder-Brother lying inside.”

          Then he pointed to how much he looks like next to him. A similar little girl:

          “This is his Pro-Elder-Sister.”

          Pointing to Su Qin again:

          “Then Su-Qin is Biao-Sister!" After finishing speaking, she added a sentence with emotion:

          “Su-Qin" Sister is so good!"

          However, Shan Liang thought about one more floor. When he came in, he heard Su Qin say "Where is Tang Shuangshuang?" If he guessed right, it should be the boy Pro-Elder-Sister, and then contacted the bedroom and the first floor. Vomit in the living room. It is not difficult to think that his Pro-Elder-Sister should have brought someone back once, as to why he did not take him away...

          Shan Liang was racking his brains to give full play to his reasoning abilities. photos in his hands were taken away coldly, and Shan Liang shook his mind and saw the photos in Su Qin hands.

          Then I saw Su Qin stunned for the first time, with a trance expression on his face.

Chapter 21  Come grab it!

          Su Qinhuang was only a momentary thing, and he recovered immediately and put the frame on the table. Then he sits down on the sofa and said to the other three people:

          “Sit down, let discuss the next thing."

          Gu Xu quickly grabbed the sofa next to Su Qin and sits down, with an expression of listening attentively.

          Fatty Shan Liang also sits down.

          Su Qin said:

          “You have also seen Tang Yu condition. His body is definitely not on the road now. So my proposal is to take a day off today and go to the village to search for supplies and cars tomorrow. day after tomorrow, if Tang Yu body is OK, we will go on the road together. If it doesn't work," Su Qin pursed his lips:

          “You should go to Longcheng first, and then I will meet you again with Tang Yu."

          The fat man jumped up first and resolutely objected:


          Su Qin looked at him:

          “Why not?"

          "Of course you can't leave separately!" said the fat man.

          Su Qin kindly reminded:

          “There are not many zombies on the road in these two days. longer the time, the more zombies will be and the less safe the road will be. Although from my perspective, I hope you can stay, but I still hope you will be serious. Give me an answer after considering it.”

          So as not to complain afterwards.

          "We are a team! How could we leave you behind? We have to walk together!" fat man stated his position.

          Shan Liang also nodded:

          “Fatty was right.”

          Then he said to Su Qin in a deep voice, "Su Qin, although we have not been together for a long time, we are now a team. I hope you can have a little confidence in us."

          "Since you have all made a decision, let arrange it as I said.”

          Su Qin didn't struggle with this, but just nodded. word confidence is not born out of thin air when she says that there is, but it has to be polished by time. Shan Liang also knew this truth, so he didn't say much.

          With that said, Su Qin arranged things for tomorrow.

          The specific implementation is in everyone head.

          Tomorrow Gu Xu is responsible for taking care of Tang Yu at home, Fatty is responsible for looking for a car, Shan Liang and Su Qin are going to collect materials from the village together. Then gather at the entrance of the small supermarket at the entrance of the village.

          After listening to Su Qin arrangement, the fat man suddenly collapsed.

          Shan Liang patted the fat man generous shoulder with a heavy face, but his voice couldn't hide his gloat:

          “Comrade Qianyuan, the time has come to test you! This is the trust in you in the organization, and I hope you can live up to the trust in you. Hope!"

          The fat man shrugged and shook off Shan Liang dog paws on his shoulders, and then Lao-Da said dissatisfied:


          Gu Xu was also a little unhappy, she also wanted to follow Su Qin out to find supplies.

          Only Shan Liang was unhappy, and followed Su Qin. It was safe and secure. He could also eat in order when looking for supplies. It was absolutely fatal.

          Su Qin didn't care about their extra emotions, and after arranging tomorrow work, he assigned them a room.

          Gu Xu, who learned that he and Su Qin were sleeping in the same bed, was nervous and excited.

          He carried his backpack to the corner and secretly found out his pajamas. first one went to the bathroom to take a shower.

          Both Fatty and Shan Liang didn't have any clothes to change, and they disliked Su-Qin Mu-Uncle clothes in that bedroom. It was too smelly. Shan Liang was pretty easy to handle. He was similar in shape to Tang Yu, so he found a sports suit from Tang Yu and wore it. fat man had no choice but to put on his dirty clothes.

          Su Qin still had a dreaming feeling when lying on the bed after taking a shower. last time I lay on this bed seems to have been five hundred years ago.

          Gu Xu lay upright beside Su Qin, carefully moving and turning around.

          After struggling for a long time, I finally made up my mind to talk to Su Qin.

          Unsuspectingly, I heard Su Qinlue say with some impatient voice:


          Gu Xu stopped moving immediately

          At dawn the next day, Su Qin yelled Gu Xu, and went to the next door to yell the fat man Shan Liang.

          When the fat man got in bed together, he was immersed in the sadness of asking to get the car alone. When I saw the steaming preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the table, this sad mood was "reluctantly" relieved.

          The fat man ate four bowls in a row before he put down the bowl in Gu Xu horrified eyes.

          Wiping his mouth clean, the fat man asked, "Su Qin, where did you get this meat?"

          Fatty question stopped Shan Liang question.

          Su Qin answered calmly:

          “I took it in the refrigerator."

          The fat man suddenly came to "study" the spirit:

          “Didn't the electricity be broken long ago? meat hasn't broken yet?"

          It already the fifth day of the end of the world. electricity has long been cut off, and the meat will go bad after one day, but the meat in the preserved egg and lean meat porridge they eat is still very fresh.

          Su Qin continued to remain calm:

          “I don't know."

          Fatty, killed in action.

          Su Qin knew that they would definitely have doubts, but what she wanted was this kind of accumulated doubts. Since they are her teammates, they will know some things sooner or later. But she would not take the initiative to say, just want them to guess bit by bit. By the time they all guessed, she should already know whether they are teammates she truly trusts.

          Hope they will not let themselves down. Su Qin thought.

          When he went out, he explained that Gu Xu stayed at home and was not allowed to go out. When Tang Yu didn't wake up at 8:30, he would wake him up for some porridge.

          After confirming that the doors and windows were locked, Su Qin and his party went out.

          The fat man carried a large scimitar with a strange shape that he didn't know where he had made, and went in the opposite direction.


          The sun has risen, but the village is very quiet. It reminds people of the palace in fairy tales where everything is still being cursed by a witch.

          Su Qin took Shan Liang to pick those who had the door open, and Su Qin specially called Shan Liang, and then moved all the things that she thought were necessary into the space. Often when visiting a family, the family is almost evacuated.

          Unknown to him, Shan Liang looked at the unfilled backpacks in his and Su Qin hands, feeling very sad. It was only when Su Qin said that the next stop was the supermarket at the entrance of the village.

          After coming out of a house without walking a few steps, I heard someone on the second floor of a three-story building beside the road with some uncertain names called Su Qin:

          “Su Qin?!"

          The two looked up together.

          I saw a head on the second floor sticking out of a window that only opened a slit.

          The man saw Su Qin face clearly, and there was a surprise on his face. He turned around and said something to the people in the room, then waved to Su Qin and said, "Su Qin! Wait! I'll come down and open the door for you!" Without waiting for Su Qin answer, he quickly closed the window. It appears to be coming downstairs.

          Shan Liang asked Su Qin meaning with his eyes. Su Qin nodded and said:

          “Let take a look."

          After a while, the door on the first floor was carefully opened by a slit, and a woman poked her head out carefully. Seeing that Su Qin was still standing there and had not come over, she said anxiously:

          “Su Qin! Come in!"

          Only then did Su Qin recognize that this was the married daughter Yang Xiuying of the Yang family who was close to Mu-Uncle family.

          Su Qin saw that Yang Xiuying tired face was full of eagerness, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and then he walked over without hesitation. Shan Liang quickly followed behind.

          As soon as Su Qin approached, Yang Xiuying glanced to see that Shan Liang appearance was not Tang Yu! Suddenly I was surprised. A look of hesitation suddenly appeared on his face, but in the end he gritted his teeth and let Su Qin and Shan Liang in. Once Shan Liang entered the door, he immediately locked the door.

          As soon as Su Qin entered the door, a man hurried down from the second floor. Seeing Su Qin, to be precise, saw the bag in Su Qin hand, with a look of surprise on his face. When he saw Shan Liang standing behind Su Qin, he was obviously taken aback.

          Then he immediately smiled, and while reaching out to take Su Qin bag very naturally, he said warmly:

          “Are you Tang Zhiquan niece?! Hurry up! Go upstairs."

          Su Qin had already guessed their purpose for calling her in, so he threw the backpack on his shoulder, avoiding the man outstretched hand, and then suddenly asked, "Is Yang Yeye still there?"

          The man retracted his hand in embarrassment, he was taken aback when he heard Su Qin question, and then said impatiently:

          “I'm dead early.”

          body stinks.

          Su Qin looked at Yang Xiuying, and saw that Yang Xiuying did not refute, so he believed. He frowned slightly, and then said, "If there is nothing wrong, we will leave first.”

          He winked at Shan Liang. Shan Liang knew it immediately and reached out to open the door.

          The man was wondering why Su Qin suddenly asked Lao-Ye. At this time, seeing Shan Liang going to open the door, he was immediately anxious. At Yang Xiuying who was still stunned, shouted:

          “Are you dead?! Don't stop him!"

          Only then did Yang Xiuying react, and immediately blocked the door, her body pressed against the door, and her hand tightly grasped the door lock.

          Shan Liang had no way of starting, so he could only look at Su Qin helplessly.

          Su Qin held the bag in his hand, raised it slightly, and shook it in front of the man eyes. corners of his mouth were slightly raised:

          “Why, I can't deceive it, do you want to steal it?"

          A trace of embarrassment flashed across the man face, but when he thought that they had been hungry since the last meal, the embarrassment disappeared without a trace.

          "If you are sensible, just give me things. Anyway, you are not afraid of the monsters outside. Can you just get it again?"

          Su Qin had seen this logic a lot in his previous life, so he didn't have any special reaction.

          On the other hand, Shan Liang, who was looking for Yang Xiuying free time, smiled angrily:

          “Do you have a Damning face? Why should I give you the things I desperately found outside?!"

          The man was not embarrassed at all, but smirked and clashed with reason, "These things are not yours! Whoever grabs them should go to whom!"

          Shan Liang had never seen such a shameless person, and was about to ridicule. Su Qin had no patience anymore, just shook the bag in front of the man eyes again, and then said, "That good! It all for food, if you want, you can get it yourself!"

          The man froze for a moment, and then said viciously, "Little-Miss, you really are toasting and not eating fine wine! Then don't blame you Uncle, I'm welcome!"

          Yang Xiuying, who was stuck at the door, saw that her man was really going to deal with Su Qin Little-Miss, she was anxious, and shouted at Su Qin:

          “Su Qin, you give us a bag! This muddled man can really hit him. Human!"

          Su Qin did not hear Yang Xiuying reminder, but smiled and said to the triumphant man:

          “Come on, grab it! It yours if you grab it!"

Chapter 22  Reunion

          The man originally had some scruples about Shan Liang, but when he saw that Shan Liang came up to help, there was no sign of him. Instead, he showed an expression of watching the show, and suddenly he was a little confused, but now he can't take care of that much. They ran away, so he didn't want to be starved to death so he could only venture out to find food!

          When the man thought this way, he felt like he was thrown at Su Qin. Prepare to hug her, and then grab the bag.

          Su Qin just circumvented the man lightly, avoiding the man body, and then slammed the tip of the umbrella against the man back. man suddenly screamed and threw himself on Yang Xiuying body.

          After cursing a sentence, Yang Xiuying pushed Yang Xiuying, then turned and rushed over.

          Without rushing two steps, he suddenly stopped the forward rush, and his fierce expression was strangely frozen on his face.

          The tip of an inky black sword stopped two centimeters from his face. As long as he stretches forward a little bit, he can poke him in the face.

          Su Qin used his sword to tap the man face twice:

          “Come and grab it."

          Although the man was frightened, he still didn't believe what this young girl really dared to do to him, but the sword was so close to him, he couldn't help but convinced him with a soft smile on his face:

          “Little-Miss, Don't do this, I have eaten with you Mu-Uncle!"


          Su Qin said lightly, shaking his hand gently, and the tip of the sword drew a deep stroke on the man right face. man didn't even feel the pain, and there was warm blood flow. Coming down, the smile on Su Qin face was as horrible in the eyes of the man as the monsters outside the house at this moment. Su Qin smiled and said, "What my business?"

          The man touched his face with one hand, and sent it to his eyes, his hands were dazzling red. man feet immediately weakened, and he knelt on the ground, covering his face and howling.

          Yang Xiuying was already stunned by the scene before him, she immediately fell to the ground, and then crawled to the man side with hands and feet to check the injuries on his face.

          Upon seeing this, Shan Liang quickly opened the door.

          Su Qin bypassed the Yang Xiuying and his wife who were paralyzed on the ground, walked to the door, and paused when they walked out the door, then took out a few packets of biscuits and instant noodles from the backpack, threw them to Yang Xiuying, and threw a sentence:

          “This is for Yang  Yeye.”

          Su Qin paused and said, “If you die, you don’t have a coffin. You have to bury it in the ground.

          Then, ignoring Yang Xiuying horrified gaze, she left without looking back.

          "Su Qin, do you know that family?" Shan Liang couldn't help asking after a few steps. He actually wanted to ask her why. He saw that she threw some food to the woman. It was not like Su Qin would do.

          Just when Shan Liang thought that Su Qin would not answer


          Su Qin replied in a low voice, couldn't help but glanced back at the three-story house. door on the first floor had been closed again. Withdrawing his gaze, Su Qin voice was a little low:

          “The old man in that family is my grandfather comrade-in-arms."

          Not only a comrade in arms, but also a lifetime friend.

          It seems that he was injured when he was a soldier, his leg was a little lame, and he wore a military coat for many years. In my free time, I would come to my grandfather to play chess. two old men often blushed for a move, as if they were about to roll up their sleeves in the next second. Su Qin was scared to cry when he first saw it. It was this Yang Yeye who bought a popsicle and told her a few jokes when they were soldiers in wars before making her laugh.

          He was a particularly kind old man in my memory. At that time, Su-Qin Mama had just passed away. Yang Yeye would always bring some gadgets or food to see her, and touch her head and sigh. Although he didn't say a word, Su Qin could still feel the warmth he wanted to pass to her.

          Such a person did not even have a coffin in the end.

          Thinking about it now, it was a blessing for Grandpa to take the first step back then.

          Shan Liang watched Su Qin walking silently, and was a little surprised to know that Su Qin was in a depressed mood now.

          In his opinion, Su Qin seems to be a person who is indifferent to the bones, and doesn't care about the lives of others. But now I feel that my perception of her seems to be a little bit biased.

          Thinking of this, Shan Liang raised his eyes and just saw the big sign of the "Lotus Heart" supermarket at the entrance of the village in the distance, and he immediately swept away the depression influenced by Su Qin.

          But seeing Su Qin calm face, he didn't want to be too calm so as not to lose his share. I had to bear the excitement in my heart and walked towards the supermarket with Su Qin unhurriedly.

          Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the sign, as long as he turned the front curve, Su Qin stopped suddenly, and Shan Liang was about to ask what happened. Su Qin frowned and said, "Prepare to fight."

          Kindness was taken aback for a moment, and his heart felt unlucky. Then he pulled out the fat man special watermelon knife around his waist and held it in his hand, nervously followed Su Qin back and walked towards the supermarket.

          Turning the corner, the supermarket immediately came into view. At the same time, there were dozens of zombies roaring around the entrance of the supermarket who refused to disperse.

          "No wonder I didn't bump into a few zombies all the way, I turned out to be here for the meeting!" Shan Liang pretended to joke lightly, but secretly swallowed his mouth, grabbed the knife in his hand, and asked Su Qin:

          “Su Qin, are we still there?"

          Su Qin frowned when he looked at the supermarket surrounded by zombies. I secretly estimated that although the supplies in the supermarket are definitely not less, there are too many zombies here. With her current ability, it is impossible to break through so many zombies into the supermarket. Shan Liang can only deal with a few. That it. In addition, there are still a lot of materials in her space. There will be opportunities to collect materials in the future, but the adventure is not worth it now. Thinking of this, Su Qin had already given up on the supermarket in his heart, and was about to talk to Shan Liang.

          Almost for an instant, through the unsealed window, Su Qin saw that there was a figure in the supermarket who was struggling to move the container to block the door, and that person face turned slightly to this side so that Su Qin could see him. Su Qin closed his eyes, did not give up, took another look, and then felt the blue veins on his forehead jump suddenly and it hurt a lot.

          Seeing Su Qin face, Shan Liang suddenly wanted to see a ghost, and wanted to care about it.

          I heard Su Qin suddenly say "Go.”

          Then he turned and walked back.

          Shan Liang was taken aback first, and then he was overjoyed. He was really afraid that Su Qin felt that he was invincible and rushed over regardless. When Su Qin said to go, he immediately turned and walked back.

          Before I walked a few steps, I heard a very young and full of air yelling from the supermarket behind:

          “Su Qin  Su Qin I am here  !!! !!!"

          Shan Liang was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Su Qin steps suddenly stopped.

          Lin Qingyang stepped on the container, climbed on the window with one hand, pushed the top lattice window open, and yelled a few times. I made sure that my voice was enough for Su Qin to hear, and saw that Su Qin stopped, so he stopped yelling, lowered his head and said excitedly to Huzi-Yu:

          “Huzi-Yu! It really Su Qin! It really her! She is not dead!"

          Lin Qingyang few roars shocked the zombies at the entrance of the supermarket, and they flocked here. Huzi-Yu was about to say a few words to him, but suddenly saw that Su Qin steps only paused for a while and then went on in the opposite direction! Huzi-Yu was so scared that he was sweating, and immediately screamed at Lin Qingyang who was still excited:

          “Su Qin! Su Qin! Su Qin is gone!"

          Lin Qingyang glanced and saw that Su Qin started to walk in the opposite direction again, as if he was going faster. I was immediately anxious. This time I even used the energy to eat Milk:

          “Su Qin!!! Su Qin!!! I am here!!! I am here!!! I am Lin Qing ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

          Lin Qingyang last word turned into a scream!

          It turned out that when Lin Qingyang was not paying attention, a zombie stepped on another zombie and climbed up. A rotten face was facing Lin Qingyang. Lin Qingyang was shocked and screamed. After releasing the hand on the window rail, the whole person fell back directly from the shelf. He fell heavily to the ground with a bang!

          Hearing the movement of the zombies in the supermarket became more excited, one by one squeezed toward the supermarket door, and with the harsh babble of the container rubbing the ground, the several containers blocking the door were unexpectedly forced. Push away a bit!

          Hearing Lin Qingyang screams that changed his tone.

          Shan Liangmeng fought a cold war, and was about to speak, when Su Qin took a breath, he seemed to be determined, and said to him:

          “Brother Liang, go back and find the fat guy, and then drive here to meet me. Remember, be fast!"

          These few words Su Qin said quickly and urgently, Shan Liang still heard a bit of gritted teeth.

          After Su Qin finished speaking, without waiting for him to speak, he drew his sword out of the umbrella, and ran towards the supermarket with a cold face!

          Shan Liang glanced at Su Qin back, gritted his teeth, and ran towards the direction they came.

          Fat guy! You Damning come here soon! ! !

Chapter 23  Drag

          Huzi-Yu was shocked when he saw Lin Qingyang fell and jumped off the stool to have a look. Lin Qingyang clutched his ass and screamed, but it seemed that there was nothing serious. He hurried to the window again, looked out, and saw that Su Qin was rushing here, it seemed like he was exhausted.

          So he sits on the ground.

          Su Qin held a sword in his right hand and a knife in his left hand. He stooped to avoid the two zombies that were leaping forward. long sword slammed the legs of the two zombies in unison! left hand suddenly plunged into the eye socket of another zombie!

          Three or four more zombies were passively attracted, and they became even more crazy after smelling the smell of strangers. They roared and rushed towards Su Qin back.

          Su Qin dodged the first zombie sideways, and at the moment he was sideways, he supported its shoulder with one hand, and his right foot was facing the zombie on the left.

          The neck swept across! Forcibly kicked the zombies back a few steps, and knocked down the zombies that followed! Even the neck is covered

          Kicked crookedly.

          The zombies that fell on the ground struggled to get up, but their heads were smashed by the zombie companions coming from behind.

          More and more zombies heard the movement and gave up the fresh meat in the supermarket, and turned and rushed towards Su Qin. scattered zombies gradually gathered into

          The encirclement situation, and Su Qin, has been surrounded in the middle position!

          A zombie took advantage of Su Qin hands and feet being held by the three zombies in front, and rushed towards Su Qin back!

          And Su Qin was attracted by the three zombies at this time, and he didn't pay attention to the zombie that rushed toward her at all!

          At this moment, Lin Qingyang, who had just stopped crying and got up from the ground to the window to observe the battle, happened to see this scene! Suddenly shocked

          I had to yell:

          “Su Qin be careful!"

          Su Qin was shocked! Sweeping the end of her eyes, she just saw the zombie rushed towards her. At this time, as long as she turned to the left side, she could hide away! However, the zombie on the left will grab the gap and bite his neck!

          Su Qin hated it! I could only move a small step forward to avoid the zombie hand that grabbed her neck, and was about to eliminate the zombie on the left.

          However, the zombies that fell down suddenly grabbed the ankle of his left foot!

          The sticky and cold touch came from his ankles, and Su Qin instantly felt excited! whole person was violently pulled down by the zombie who grabbed her ankle

          On the ground! chin knocked on the concrete floor and made a sour sound, a bloody smell immediately filled the mouth, and the right side was even worse.

          Knocked his hand on the protruding steps, almost audible the sound of broken bones! dry ink sword in his hand was also thrown out. Su Qin

          Sound, the pain almost fainted!

          Lin Qingyang had a full view of this scene, and his heart was very anxious, and a rush of heat surged, and he was about to move the container and rush out to rescue Su Qin! Huzi-Yu see it

          He rushed over and hugged Lin Qingyang, shouting:

          “You will only add chaos to Su Qin if you go out now!!!"

          Lin Qingyang shook her whole body suddenly, and slowly released her hand holding the container.

          The situation outside is even more critical at this time! zombie who dragged Su Qin down grabbed her ankle and was so excited that he was about to mouth! And at this time the teeth knocked and the tongue broke

          The blood that came out of the tip aroused Su Qin fierceness!

          The right leg, which was not caught, had a charge, and his toes were stretched, and he used his best to kick the zombie forehead!

          He actually kicked the zombie who had grabbed her foot backwards, and turned a caterpillar! Freed from the grip of the zombie, Su Qin was there quickly

          Rolling to the side, he avoided the two zombies that had jumped down, and then pierced the head of a zombie on the left with a knife in his left hand. Su Qin

          Get up from the ground, panting, staring tightly at the zombie closest to her, her right hand that is likely to jump at any time

          Hanging softly on his side, there were bursts of piercing pain, my forehead was covered with fine and dense cold sweat, and there were blood stains on the corners of my mouth.

          It all dust on the ground. left hand is holding the knife tightly across the chest, and the body is slightly arched, a bit like the whole body is ready to pounce.

          Leopard towards prey. But if you look closely, you can see that Su Qin left hand is trembling slightly. This is a phenomenon that is about to lose strength.

          At this time, the restless zombies could no longer resist the temptation of delicious food, and tentatively launched an attack again!

          Su Qin lips tightened, and with an outrageous aura, he greeted the first zombie that jumped over! Every forward penetration has

          An unspeakable sense of obstruction. Also, avoid hurting the broken hand again. Su Qin was extremely strenuous, and finally was lost by a

          The corpse fell to the ground!

          And this time, Su Qin no longer had the strength to resist, and could only watch the zombie open its big mouth to show her sharp teeth!

          The other zombies that were rushing here suddenly rushed in another direction.

          Su Qin heard the sound of the piercing huge iron rubbing the ground gradually approaching here. Su Qin knew that they were Fatty and Shan Liang

          Came here, but it too late

          In Su Qin pupils that were enlarged because of fear, only the horrible faces of the zombies were gradually enlarged!


          With a bang, some rancid juice was sprayed on his face, and the terrifying zombie face suddenly disappeared!

          Su Qin blinked, and heard the sound of iron being thrown to the ground, and the heavy zombie corpse was suddenly opened. A warm body was gentle and careful, shaking her arms around her, wrapped in her arms, tightly. There was warm liquid on the skin against her face, and the young voice trembled slightly because of extreme fear:

          “Su Qin, I'm sorry"

          The atmosphere in the room is a bit stiff.

          The fat man sits on the sofa with a dark face, his eyes staring at Lin Qingyang who was sitting opposite, and his whole body exuded the aura of "I am in a bad mood" and "I am going to hit someone.”

          Shan Liang sits next to the fat man, his complexion a little better, but not much stronger. Lin Qingyang slender eyes with single eyelids looked up and down.

          Lin Qingyang was silent, silently looking at the ashtray on the coffee table, not knowing whether he was in a daze or thinking about something.

          Gu Xu leaned against the fat man with red eyes, and occasionally punched Lin Qingyang and Huzi-Yu, who was sitting on the side, with his eyes full of resentment.

          Huzi-Yu tried to shrink and sit in the place farthest from Lin Qingyang to reduce his sense of existence.

          However, he still didn't escape Gu Xu "Dharma Eye", and from time to time he flew a eye knife over.

          And Su Qin, now lying exhausted in bed, fell asleep.

          Shan Liang and the fat man drove a motorcycle and tied a trash can made of paint cans behind them, leading all the zombies to the other end, and then drove a bus to the supermarket to pick up people. When the two arrived, Lin Qingyang still knelt on the ground and hugged Su Qin in his arms, and Su Qin had already fallen asleep.

          When Fatty and Shan Liang saw the embarrassment of Su Qin Nong, their faces were darkened, but Su Qin fell asleep and Lin Qingyang was unfamiliar, so they had to force their anger. fat man saw that there was something wrong with Su Qin right hand softly, and he reached out and touched it carefully, and suddenly his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

          When he returned home, Gu Xu eagerly opened the door and saw that Su Qin was lying in Lin Qingyang arms with his eyes closed. Little-Miss, whose face was pale and pale, started crying on the spot. Shan Liang patiently said that Su Qin was okay several times before Little-Miss barely held back the cry.

          Then it was busy.

          Tang Yu also heard the voice, no one told him what was wrong, but he still noticed something from the panic of the crowd. But he knew that what he was doing now would be a mess, he could only suppress the anxiety in his heart and lay on the bed obediently.

          Until Su Qin was put in place, Fatty hands also made an emergency treatment.

          The crowd was relieved.

          Shan Liang went to Tang Yu bedroom carefully, told Tang Yu about Su Qin current situation, and then said that Su Qin was not a big problem to Tang Yu, and then he was relieved. There is no need to make trouble to see Su Qin. It made Shan Liang breathe a sigh of relief and couldn't help but feel his sensibility.

          Then I returned to the living room, and then there was the stalemate above.

          "You can introduce yourself first. Who are you, where are you from, and what does it have to do with Su Qin.”

          Shan Liang took the lead in breaking the deadlock. Although the tone was as gentle as possible, it was still a bit stiff.

          Thinking of that seemingly omnipotent Little-Miss was embarrassed when they rushed over, the fire in his heart swelled, and he couldn't suppress it.

          Lin Qingyang shook his head, retracted his gaze from the ashtray, rubbed a few hands with his palms on his face, and then briefly talked about what happened when he met Su Qin from school until today.

          The faces of the two fat guys, Shan Liang, are like color palettes, black and blue, white and black.

          Finally, the fat man was about to jump up from the sofa. Fortunately, Shan Liang still had the remnants of reason, and firmly pressed the fat man thigh with his hands.

          After Lin Qingyang finished speaking, she collapsed on the sofa at the back and smiled:

          “I seem to be dragging her back all the time."

          That smile looked like crying.

          When Shan Liang saw Lin Qingyang appearance, he lost half of his unconscious anger. At least he can realize what he has done wrong. There are many people in this world who are dragging their feet but unconsciously but plausible.

          The fat man was not at all calm down because of Lin Qingyang good "attitude to admit mistakes". Instead, his anger burned more violently. He smirked and said, "Since you know yourself, if you don't want to harm Su Qin, you should stay away from Miss. You said You don’t go to the capital with the army, and you depend on what you do with Little-Miss when you come back? Are you a relative? Are you a boyfriend?"

          The fat man wanted to say more, so Shan Liang stabbed him with a crutcher and cursed:

          “Skinny, what are you doing?!"

          Shan Liang squinted at him. fat man was originally angrily. At this moment, seeing Lin Qingyang face pale, he did seem to be a little bit pitiful. Only then did he close his mouth sadly and he was about to come out even more. Bad words.

          And Lin Qingyang, at this moment, just staring at the direction of Su Qin bedroom with a pale face and eyes, he was struggling fiercely in his heart.

Chapter 24  Decision

          In silence, Lin Qingyang took a deep breath and said, "I'll go see her.”

          Then he stood up and walked to the door of Su Qin bedroom, stood for a moment, and pushed the door in.

          Su Qinping was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and only one face was clean.

          Her lip color was very light, and her bangs were soaked in sweat and pressed against her forehead. eyebrows frowned slightly, as if she hadn't fully relieved even when she fell asleep.

          Lin Qingyang sits on the stool next to the bed, and looked at Su Qin who was lying on the bed and looked extremely weak. His mind went blank.

          He knew from the beginning that Su Qin had many secrets. She foresaw the end of the world. She was not afraid of those horrible zombies. Her fighting skills were fierce, but her strength was weak.

          He knows all this. But he pretended not to know anything and didn't ask anything.

          At first, I just wanted to stay with her until the family came to pick him up. But I don’t know why I just lay by her side like this

          He should be the role of a pig teammate who specializes in dragging the protagonist in the movie.

          Lin Qingyang gave a wry smile.

          As long as he closed his eyes, it was Su Qin desperate expression the moment Su Qin was thrown over by the zombie.

          Until the zombie was chopped off by him, he saw that her eyes were still very frightened and panic. She was calm and calm as if the sky was falling, and she was fearless Su Qin. At that moment, even if he was hugged by him. In her arms, her body was still stiff, trembling slightly, like a frightened little animal.

          He always thought that Su Qin was omnipotent and fearless. That why he regarded her as a superman. He felt that there would be no problem with her, so he was relieved to "drag" her.

          But today, he knew that Su Qin would also be afraid and die.

          Lin Qingyang stayed for a while, and finally took a deep breath, stood up, stared at Su Qin who was still sleeping on the bed, and then unscrewed the door and walked out.

          The atmosphere in the living room was not much more relaxed because of Lin Qingyang departure. In the dark face of the fat man, the trembling Huzi-Yu had already shaken out his family.

          Gu Xu, who is four years older than Huzi-Yu, even took out the Big-Sister style, and asked like a bullet:

          “How old are you? Do you eat more? Are you strong? Are you running fast? Have you killed any zombies?!"

          Huzi-Yu can only answer honestly:

          “I am eight years old this year, I don't eat much, I have average strength, and run fast.”

          Huzi-Yu paused:

          “I have killed zombies."

          The last four words of Huzi-Yu obviously shocked everyone else. Gu Xu looked up and down on Huzi-Yu thin body, with a shocked expression:

          “Have you killed a zombie?!"

          "My mother became a zombie, Su Qin cut off her leg, and then I killed it.”

          Huzi-Yu explanation was simple and clear.

          Gu Xu expression suddenly became frightened.

          She remembered seeing Mama who had fallen on the ground and turned into a zombie when she came out of the closet. If the zombie that Mama turned into wasn't dead, she wouldn't be able to kill it.

          Fatty and Shan Liang were even more surprised. Both glanced at each other for a moment and were speechless.

          Just as Lin Qingyang opened the door and came out, the people in the living room turned their attention to Lin Qingyang.

          Lin Qingyang, as if not seeing everyone gaze, sits back on the sofa in silence, and stopped looking at Fatty and Shan Liang and said solemnly, "I won't go."

          The fat man fire was immediately stirred up, and as he was about to speak, he was stopped by Shan Liang eyes.

          So I had to resist the anger and listen to what Lin Qingyang could say.

          "I know I dragged down Su Qin, but it won't be anymore from today."

          As soon as Lin Qingyang words fell silent, the fat man gave a weird smile and said, "You said you can't drag it if you don't drag it?"

          Lin Qingyang face did not change, but she said in a deep voice, "On our way here, Su Qin and I were attacked by a group of zombies. I killed about a dozen zombies.”

          Lin Qingyang paused when he saw the fat man Shan Liang face changed slightly. Pause:

          “If I guessed right, Su Qin should be the most powerful in the team. Su Qin is now injured in his right hand, and there are two more children here. With you two, it will be a problem to rush out of Qingtang, let alone Longcheng. Even the capital.”

          Lin Qingyang saw their faces change, but he became more calm. He almost smiled and said, "Now, you need me."

          Both Fatty and Shan Liang were silent.

          Huzi-Yu eyes widened, and looked at Lin Qingyang like a ghost.

          Shan Liang was the first to react, staring at Lin Qingyang with slender eyes, as if to see him through. And Lin Qingyang always looks like that set of winning tickets is in good shape.

          In the end, Shan Liang couldn't see anything, he groaned for a moment, and had to say:

          “We can't do this, we can only wait for Su Qin to make a decision.”

          He kicked the ball decisively to Su Qin.

          Lin Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief.

          So everyone waited in silence for Su Qin to wake up.

          This time, I waited for lunch, then waited for dinner, and waited until the next morning.

          By the time they both woke up, Su Qin had taken care of himself with Gu Xu help. Except that her right hand was wrapped into zongzi, her face was still a little pale, almost no different from usual

          The energetic conductor Gu Xu distributed a pack of biscuits for breakfast each, including Lin Qingyang and Huzi-Yu. I went to check Tang Yu condition again to make sure he was ready to go on the road, and then called Shan Liang and Lin Qingyang to pack up, Fatty went to the bus, Gu Xu and Huzi-Yu took care of Tang Yu.

          Then just like that, weird and normal set off? !

          The fat man was lucky to get a bus filled with gas. When Su Qin went out, he was surprised to see that the bus had been reinforced by the fat man while she was sleeping, and then he seemed very satisfied. fat man was very proud of sitting in the driver seat.

          Gu Xu and Huzi-Yu are both child-like minds, scrambling to get into the car and take a seat.

          Shan Liang helped Tang Yu get into the car. Tang Yu body was still a little weak, but his complexion had improved a lot.

          Su Qin got into the car and sits in the first row. Lin Qingyang followed him and sits beside Su Qin almost without hesitation.

          Su Qin glanced at him without speaking.

          Lin Qingyang looked at her slightly pale face and remained silent.

          The others were enveloped in a strange atmosphere, and they didn't speak.

          The car stopped when passing the village entrance supermarket on the way.

          Fatty and Shan Liang volunteered to get out of the car and went to the supermarket to check it out. supermarket was obviously visited by someone else the day before, and the food was almost empty, leaving only other miscellaneous daily necessities. fatty cursed and said cheap Those people got there, and then they packed two bags and piled them on the back of the car.

          Only then did Qingfeng drove in the direction it came.

          Along the way, the fat man drove the bus on the road as an absolute king, and countless zombies were caught in the wheels. From time to time, people rushed out from the roadside and asked to take them to Longcheng. What surprised people was that Su Qin just hesitated and agreed.

          What they didn't know was that the zombies would evolve in the near future. If these civilians did not enter the Longcheng base now, most of them would be a dead end.

          So we stopped from time to time to get people in the car along the way, men and women of all ages. After a while, the car was full, and a few were nestled in the aisle. daily necessities piled up in the back of the car were thrown into the luggage compartment under the car long ago.

          And there were a lot of vehicles behind the bus, all of which used the bus to clear the way for them.

          There were a few children in the car who had been crying ever since they got on the car, and the crying fat man became angry, but when he glanced at Su Qin, he found that Zhengxiang was sleeping on Lin Qingyang shoulder.

          When I stopped again, a few young people with colorful explosive heads came up. others were very acquainted and found a small stool and nested them in the aisle. One of them saw that Lin Qingyang and Su Qin were in a loose position, so he was silly. Ask Lin Qingyang to squeeze inside. He also stretched out his hand to push Su Qin who was sleeping on Lin Qingyang shoulder. While shouting:

          “Hey! Big-Sister! Wake up!"

          Before his hand touched Su Qin, Shan Liang, who was sitting across from him, grabbed the back collar with one hand, and threw him forcefully into the aisle. His nose hit the guard rail on the seat, and blood was seen immediately.

          The car suddenly fell silent, and even the crying children rushed to stop the crying.

          Shan Liang pair of slender eyes scanned the people in the car, and until they saw everyone holding their breath, he slowly said:

          “From now on, but there are disobedient people who make troubles, regardless of age, sex, or sex. Throw him out.”

          He glanced at the parents with children and warned:

          “Parents with children take care of their children, crying will only attract zombies, for the safety of the entire car.

          If there is a crying child, I will throw him out."

          As soon as the words came out, even the few children who were still sobbing and crying suddenly stopped crying.


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