Su Qin 10

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Chapter 10   We are surrounded 2

          Everyone was stunned, He Fang frowned and couldn't react, "Watch the night?"

          It seems that no one has the consciousness of vigil in his mind.

          And that strong rancid smell is near, it a group of zombies! Even if you drive out now, you will be blocked halfway, which is even more dangerous.

          Su Qin closed the car window with a snap, raised his leg across Lin Qingyang, and rushed to the door of the car, as if thinking of something, suddenly turned back to Lin Qingyang and said, "Lin Qingyang, come with me.”

          After a pause, he confronted the car again. Others inside said:

          “The old woman and the child stay in the car, and the man gets out of the car with his weapon! How old is to turn on the car lights!"

          Lin Qingyang heard Su Qin name calling him, no matter what he did, grinned and followed with joy. other people in the car hadn't reacted yet, but they knew that it was not a good thing. When they heard that they didn't need to get off the car, the woman and the old man were relieved, and the men who were spotted became nervous, the yellow-haired young man. Cautiously asked:

          “Su Qin, what do you get off the bus?"

          Su Qin swept over those tense looking men with a hint of luck, and turned around and got out of the car with only a word.

          What she said is:

          "We are surrounded."

          Everyone complexion began to turn blue. At this time, what else can be surrounded by...

          "Lin Qingyang, go and inform the people on the other side.”

          Su Qin pointed to the dozen or so small cars on the other side and said to Lin Qingyang. Lin Qingyang nodded and was about to go there. Su Qin called him:

          “Lin Qingyang!" Seeing Lin Qingyang turned around, Su Qin expression was a little fuzzy in the darkness:

          “Even if you want to save someone, you must save your life first. "

          Lin Qingyang was stunned, then nodded heavily towards Su Qin, turned and ran towards the cars quickly.

          Soon those cars came on one after another, with their lights on. Illuminated this open land like daylight, and then they saw the group of cannibal monsters in horror, staggering, stalking from every corner and pouring toward this side.

          Huang Mao and the others, who had just drolled out of the car, just saw this scene, their faces pale in fright, and their feet were shaking uncontrollably.

          The women in the car screamed in fright, and the screams stimulated the zombies to roar and speed up and rush toward this side!

          "Pick up your weapons if you don't want to die! Blast their heads!" Su Qin screamed and awakened the others who were horrified by the horrible scene before him.

          Then they saw that the seemingly weak girl did not know where to drew a long sword, and first ran towards the group of terrifying cannibals! With an indomitable momentum, facing the first monster that threw at her excitedly, hands up! Sword fall! head of the zombie rolled down from the neck, and the long sword turned, and stabbed into the eye socket of another zombie again!

          And another young man followed closely, with a sledgehammer, and slammed it into the head of a zombie! His brain burst, half of it sprayed on his face, but he didn't seem to care, and slammed the hammer on the second one!

          The brutal and impactful scene in front of me stimulated the group of standing men. One of the burly men grabbed the "weapon" in his hand, yelled, and then roared towards the nearest man That zombie! Then there was the second, the third, the fourth... All the men present took up their weapons and faced the group of zombies.

          The old and weak women and children who stayed in the car were already stunned by what was happening before them. They dare not get out of the car, and can only silently pray in their hearts that the men will win.

          He watched the tragic situation outside the car, was silent for a moment, and then suddenly pulled out a long wrench from under the seat, pushed the door on his side to get out of the car. However, He Fang held her arm tightly. She looked at Lao He with a pair of horrified eyes, grabbed his arm tightly in her hand, and begged:

          “Dad! Don't go down! You are the driver, so you don't need to get out of the car. of!"

          "Xiaofang, if I can't come back, you can drive by yourself to find your mother and your brother. Your mother and your brother are still waiting for you at home.”

          Why don't you look at your daughter face, red eyes, and gritted her teeth. She pulled her hand abruptly, and then pushed the door to jump out of the car.

          "Dad!" He Fang collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her eyes.

          Yang Mei walked over to support her, and comforted her cryingly:

          “Sister He Fang, He Uncle will come back safely."

          Jiang Wenxiu was also persuading.

          He Fang just cried and couldn't say a word.

          Huzi-Yu happened to see the scene where Su Qin drew his sword and ran towards the zombies. After Su Qin raised his sword and severely chopped off the head of a monster, he turned around and struck another zombie. Huzi-Yu held his breath, and couldn't tell whether he was afraid or excited. They could only stare at Su Qin figure with wide eyes.

          Huzi-Yu was looking attentively, and suddenly a broken and terrifying face was slammed on the glass window, and the zombie broke through the defense and ran in! zombie outside the window slapped the glass window with his hands vigorously, and it smashed the glass window!

          Huzi-Yu only had time to let out a short scream, but the zombie hand grabbed the collar and pulled out from the window covered with shards of glass!

          Jiang Wenxiu heard Huzi-Yu screams and looked back, just in time to see Huzi-Yu being dragged out by the zombies! Suddenly, I was shocked, called Huzi-Yu name, rushed over, and jumped out of the window where Huzi-Yu was caught out without hesitation.

          "Mom! Help me!" Huzi-Yu stretched out his hands and stubbornly supported the big mouth of the zombie, turning his head and shouting to Jiang Wenxiu.

          "You monster! Let go of my son!" Jiang Wenxiu had no time to find any "weapon" and could only use his body to slam into the zombie!

          At this moment, she burst out with a strong force, and actually knocked out the zombie abruptly! But even after he fell to the ground, Huzi-Yu was also thrown out, making a dull sound of falling to the ground.

          The zombie got up from the ground with a low growl and walked towards Huzi-Yu again.

          Jiang Wenxiu screamed, and quickly got up from the ground and rushed towards the zombie. This time she didn't use her body to hit the zombie. Instead, she threw herself directly on the dirty and broken zombie and hugged it tightly to prevent it from moving forward.

          While turning his head towards Huzi-Yu who was still lying on the ground yelled:

          “Ziyu! Run! Go to the car!!! Ah ah ah ah!!!" Jiang Wenxiu let out a screaming scream! zombies bit her neck while she turned her head, one bite off a piece of meat with force, and a few more zombies rushed over to enjoy their wonderful dinner. Jiang Wenxiu could scream a few times at the beginning, but in the end it was completely silent.

          Huzi-Yu was completely stunned by this scene, forgot to be afraid, and yelled to rush over to save Jiang Wenxiu. Before he ran a few steps, he was suddenly grabbed by someone, and squeezed into the arms of He Fang who followed. Huzi-Yu suddenly looked up. Su Qin stood in front of him and said to He Fang, "Bring him Go in the car."

          After that, he lowered his head and glanced at him. There seemed to be pity in his eyes, and there seemed to be nothing. Then she saw her raising her sword and rushing towards the few zombies who were eating.

          Huzi-Yu stubbornly refused to go back into the car, He Fang couldn't bear to just leave him alone and go back into the car, so he had to stay with him, taking time to see if there was a father in the crowd fighting with zombies. Silhouette.

          Su Qin raised his sword in his right hand and held a knife in his left hand, quickly eliminating the zombies. body of Jiang Wenxiu, who was bitten beyond recognition, was invisible.

          Huzi-Yu broke free of He Fang and rushed over. At a glance, he saw Jiang Wenxiu horrible corpse. whole person was stunned. He Fang also hurriedly chased him, and saw Jiang Wenxiu body exclaimed, and then quickly covered Huzi-Yu eyes to prevent him from looking, and turned his head and dared not look again.

          Huzi-Yu silently took off He Fang hand covering his eyes, his eyes widened stubbornly.

          Suddenly, Jiang Wenxiu body moved, and he was about to get up from the ground. But one of her legs was almost eaten, and she couldn't get up for a while, a pair of muddy yellow eyes staring at the Huzi-Yu trio here, and an angry roar from her throat...

          Huzi-Yu eyes widened in disbelief, staring at Mama, who is no longer a human. His thin body suddenly trembled, and finally started fighting with his teeth. It was terrible. How could it be so terrible. He is only eight years old this year.

          Why face such terrible things? .. Suddenly an object still carrying some warmth was inserted in his hand. Huzi-Yu looked down. It turned out to be a blood-stained knife. Huzi-Yu suddenly looked up at Su Qin, but Su Qin did not look at him.

          Her eyes looked at "Jiang Wenxiu" who was struggling to stand up, and said lightly and slowly:

          “Go kill it and take revenge for your Mama."

          "Su Qin?!" He Fang turned his head abruptly, unbelievable in his eyes.

          "Your Mama soul was eaten by it, don't you plan to avenge her?" Su Qin voice seemed to sigh.

          The knife in Huzi-Yu hand is tight and tight, looking at the monster that is no longer Mama, but he can't move forward... He is only eight years old... How can he do such terrible things? ?

          Just as he thought this way, He Fang excitedly said for him:

          “Su Qin, he is only eight years old! He is still a child!"

          He almost breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but then, the woman voice like the devil rang again:

          “Yes, only eight years old. Then wait to be eaten by zombies, or become A monster like his Mama now."

          Her voice was very soft and soft, but it sounded like a piece of ice in his ears, and it remained cold to his heart.

          After she finished speaking, she took a look at him. Her eyes were black, like a black hole and like a quaint spring. She couldn't see what was in it, but she seemed to have been seeing his deep inside, seeing his fear, and cowardice. Finally, without even looking at "Jiang Wenxiu" who was still trying to stand up, she turned and walked towards the zombies who were still roaring.

          He Fang watched Su Qin leave with disapproving eyes, and then took Huzi-Yu hand, his face was full of worry and pity for him:

          “Ziyu, let get back in the car, it not safe outside."

          Huzi-Yu raised his head and looked at the unconcealed worry and pity on He Fang face. Suddenly, he understood something, gritted his teeth, and pulled away He Fang hand, then ran to the zombie quickly, cautiously He walked around to avoid frontal contact with the zombie, and then squeezed the knife with both hands, pointed it at the head of the zombie who was trying to change the direction, yelled, closed his eyes and pierced hard.

          He Fang rushed a few steps to pull back Huzi-Yu steps and suddenly stopped in place. She opened her eyes wide, and was completely stunned by the scene before her.

          After several times, the zombie finally stopped moving slowly. Huzi-Yu opened his eyes and looked at the sparse zombie head that had been stabbed by him. He couldn't help but back up two steps, and then sits down on the ground.

          The fight on this side has ended, but the fight on Su Qin side is much more fierce.

Chapter 11  She is a hero

          "Damn! How many of these monsters are there!"

          A somewhat thin young man held tightly the steel bar covered with zombie brains in his hands, looked nervously at the zombies still staggering here, and couldn't help but explode.

          At this time, Su Qin state was not much better than these men.

          Su Qin killed another zombie, and finally couldn't help but pierced the ground with a long sword, holding the hilt of the sword and breathing for a moment. She looked at the zombies still emerging around her, frowning deadly.

          She no longer remembers how many zombies she killed.

          The wound on her right hand hadn't healed in the first place, but now it was all cracked, blood oozing and the bandage were stained red, and her strength was almost used. In this battle, she relied on the sharpness of the dry ink sword, and did not use much strength to persist until now. But persistence until now has almost reached the limit.

          She glanced at Lin Qingyang and found that his condition was worse than hers.

          Lin Qingyang gave up the knife and chose a sledgehammer. It was really easy to use at first, and he could say goodbye to the zombies with the hammer. Lin Qingyang couldn't help applauding for his wise choice.

          But soon, he tasted the bitter fruit, and his wrist was about to break! Every time you lift up, you must use every bit of strength in your body. From the beginning, a zombie can be solved with a hammer to now you have to swipe four or five hammers. His forehead is sweaty, but it is not hot, but Cold sweat.

          Every one of them tried their best, but the zombies seemed to be rare. What made them even more desperate was that someone would be caught or bitten by the zombies at any time, and then they would become new zombies.

          But the number of zombies is increasing. From a few people dealing with one zombie in the beginning to now one person has to deal with two or three or more zombies, even if the zombies move slowly and respond slowly, it is no longer helpful.

          If this trend continues, it is only a matter of time before the entire army is wiped out.

          People emotions are on the verge of collapse.

          Su Qin mouth was pressed tightly, and she quickly glanced at the men who were still struggling to fight the zombies, as well as the old and weak women and children who were hiding behind the car window, and finally she took a quick glance. Unable to hold on, Lin Qingyang... Su Qin pulled out the sword from the soil, breathed out slowly, and made a difficult decision, turning and rushing to the direction of the minibus.

          Su Qin rushed into the car, ignored the crowd, found the horn in front of the driver seat, and said to He Fang, "I'm going to lead the zombies away, you see the opportunity to take the lead and rush out.”

          Su Qin paused:

          “ If Lin Qingyang comes back, let him go to Qingtang Qingfeng to wait for me.”

          Before He Fang could say anything, he turned and got out of the car.

          There was a car left of people who were stunned by the content of Su Qin words.

          Su Qin glanced at Lin Qingyang who was dodging among the zombies embarrassed from time to time to stab Lin Qingyang, Wuxia went to explain to him again. Carrying the horn, I found a place with slightly fewer zombies, and then raised the sword and rushed out.

          Soon he rushed to a place where there were fewer zombies in the periphery, and further ahead was the highway.

          Because of Su Qin "excellent" performance, many people couldn't help but subconsciously pay attention to her actions. At first, no one noticed Su Qin. When he was about to rush to the periphery, someone finally discovered Su Qin abnormality and couldn't help but yelled:

          “She Rushed out!"

          Suddenly attracted the attention of most people!

          Lin Qingyang took the time to take a look, just to see Su Qinzheng rushing out from the back, for a while, the whole person was stunned. At this moment, a zombie seemed to have seen the timing, stretched his hands straight, and swept towards Lin Qingyang stiffly. When Lin Qingyang found it, he only had time to turn his body sideways. Suddenly, the zombie hand struck vigorously. On Lin Qingyang back, the strength was so strong that he knocked Lin Qingyang 1.8-meter tall to the ground. zombie let out a roar of excitement, and then leaped at Lin Qingyang with a slow pace!

          The pain in the place where Lin Qingyang was drawn was like being pulled off a bone. He couldn't even climb up for a while. Others were even more unable to protect themselves. Lin Qingyang could only watch the zombie excitedly. He leaped over...

          Su Qin originally planned to run to the expressway and use the horn after a certain distance from the zombies, but when I looked back, I saw that Lin Qingyang was knocked to the ground by the zombies and couldn't get up for a while, seeing that the zombies were already far away from him. Just two meters, two steps will be reached. At this time, the nearest zombie was only five meters away from her.

          Su Qin only hesitated for a moment, before reaching out and turning on the horn switch.

          "Pro travelers, welcome to the peaceful and distant ancient city of Ningyuan..."

          He Fang sweet and soft, tone-shifted voice was amplified several times through the speaker, floating strangely in the dark night.

          The ears of the zombies are far more keen than their noses, and they hear the sound. Except for those zombies who have caught the "food" and are eating with relish, the other zombies have little hesitation, and they turned their directions and moved towards the sound source Su Qinyong.

          Everyone was stunned. Those present were all adult men. They opened their eyes wide at the moment. They saw that the speed was not very fast, but they tried to draw the zombies further away. thin figure only felt a soreness in the tip of the nose, the eye sockets were swollen and painful, and the eyes were red unknowingly.

          On this night, whether it was the men outside the car or the old and weak women and children in the car, they deeply imprinted the thin figure in their minds.

          He Fang remembered Su Qin explanation. Seeing that Lin Qingyang was still lying on the ground and not getting up, he got out of the car to help him, and helped Lin Qingyang up to find Lin Qingyang crying.

          I told the rest of the people about Su Qin explanation. people solved the remaining zombies. There was no cheering for death. Everyone got on the car in silence, and followed the minibus that started the road and crushed countless numbers. corpse of the zombie drove towards the highway.

          Until this time everyone knew how many zombies they had killed, and most of the credit for all of this should be the Little-Miss who awakened them with a word and then rushed to the zombies first. Every bump makes people feel heavier.

          Everyone should feel fortunate, but there is not a trace of relief in their hearts.

          In fact, it is worthwhile to trade one person life for the lives of so many people.

          But no one has the courage and consciousness to be the victim.

          In fact, in this fierce battle between people and zombies, many people died, but those people died for their own lives. And Su Qin, obviously the one who is most likely to survive, has attracted so many zombies for their group of people alone.

          That is a dead end.

          Everyone knew this, and no one thought she could come back alive.

          "She is a hero."

          He said that.

          Lao He was lucky to survive, but his arm was injured a little, but he was injured by accident.

          In addition to the original people on the CMB, many people came in. They were fathers, husbands, and weak women and children who died in the fight.

          They drove forward for half an hour, then found an open flat area and stopped. Compared with the previous twenty-odd cars, there are now only nine cars left, and the families of those who died in the battle have been assigned to other cars.

          He Fang remembered Su Qin words and transferred a few people around to watch the night, and then took turns in the middle of the night. After the lesson just now, no one has any objection to this arrangement.

          The minibus was full of people, but it was surprisingly quiet. Several children were lying obediently in Mama arms. After experiencing what happened just now, except for a few very young babies, everyone else Can't sleep with eyes open. But no one spoke, and the atmosphere was a bit stagnant.

          Lin Qingyang sits in the back row, lowered his head and rubbed the knife with the palm of his hand.

          On the left is Huzi-Yu, who just lost his mother. He also stared blankly at the knife Su Qin gave him. He hadn't had time to return it to her.

          Old He stabbed his daughter, glanced at Lin Qingyang in the corner, and then winked at her. He Fang glanced at Lao He embarrassedly, hesitated, and walked towards Lin Qingyang, sits in the empty position on his right, and was silent for a while before speaking, "What are your plans next?"

          "She is a very cold-blooded person.”

          Lin Qingyang lowered his head as if he smiled. He didn't answer He Fang words, but said softly, "We met many people who asked us for help along the way. girl of, there are also mothers who are holding their children and crying to us for help. They look pitiful. But she never cares...”

          Lin Qingyang paused:

          “I don’t want to control. I have never seen such a cold-blooded one. People, it seems that they don’t care about the life and death of others. So I was not surprised when I saw her rushing out."

          He Fang couldn't help thinking of the scene when Su Qin forced Huzi-Yu to kill his "mother".

          And Huzi-Yu thin body couldn't help shaking.

          "I was frightened stupid when she turned on the trumpet. I was really frightened stupid.”

          Lin Qingyang voice changed a little, with a tremor:

          “So many zombies, chasing her alone, it just a zombie. She is so cold-blooded after a bite. I doubt if I have read it wrong, that person is not her? I really hope it is not her!" Lin Qingyang said coldly. Then there was silence for a while, and her voice suddenly lowered:

          “I would rather she be so cold-blooded all the time... She is obviously the one who should survive the most..."

          He Fang couldn't help feeling sad when he saw a drop of bean-sized tears on the handle of the knife he was holding tightly.

          The sentence that Su Qin left before leaving for Lin Qingyang to wait for her in Qingtang Qingfeng rolled over her mouth, and finally swallowed it. How could Su Qin survive that situation? It better to let Lin Qingyang stop thinking now so that he can survive better. This should be what Su Qin hopes.

          He Fang thought he made the decision for Lin Qingyang in his heart.

          Then he got up and went to the front row again.

          Huzi-Yu peeked at Lin Qingyang from time to time, and then at the back of He Fang in the front row. He wriggled in the seat uncomfortably, his mouth opened and closed and opened, and he was fighting fiercely in his heart, and finally finally I couldn't help but poke Lin Qingyang, who was extremely depressed, with his finger, and then leaned in and said in a low voice:

          “In fact, when Su Qin left, let He Fang Elder-Sister leave you a word."

          Lin Qingyang seemed to be stiff, then turned his head, fixedly staring at Huzi-Yu, his eyes were red, but bright and scary:

          “She, what did she say?"

Chapter 12  Tang Shuangshuang

          Lin Qingyang eyes stared at like a light bulb, Huzi-Yu twisted even more uneasy, thought about it, and cautiously said, "You have to promise me first."

          Lin Qingyang nodded fiercely without waiting for him to say anything.

          Huzi-Yu rolled his eyes and said, "You have to promise me that you must take me wherever you go, so that I can tell you what Su Qin left you."

          Lin Qingyang knotted her brows tangledly:

          “I don't know where to go, why are you following me?"

          "I don't care, anyway, if you don't promise me, I won't tell you.”

          Huzi-Yu had Lin Qingyang expression on his face.

          Lin Qingyang finally understood why Su Qin hated bear children so much.

          Lin Qingyang thought and thought, really wanting to know what Su Qin left him. Although He Fang knew but didn’t know why he didn’t tell him, there was only this kid... Lin Qingyang eventually lost the battle:

          “I promise you can follow me "Lin Qingyang paused and added:

          “But there is no guarantee of your life."

          Huzi-Yu was already satisfied, so he happily fulfilled his promise:

          “Su Qin said that you want you to wait for her at Qingtang Qingfeng."

          Lin Qingyang was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly stood up from the seat, hit the roof rack with a scream, and fell back to the seat with a scream. tears that had just been retracted now hurt again, severely. After rubbing her head a few times, Lin Qingyang stared at Huzi-Yu with big eyes, and then whispered for a while, cautiously and pitifully:

          “You said, Su Qin is not dead if you say that?"

          Huzi-Yu nodded and shook his head again, seemingly entangled and said:

          “In theory, you should be dead, but she asked you to go to Qingtang Qingfeng to wait for her again. Can't you wait for her to come back?"

          Lin Qingyang glared at him, then thought about it seriously, and finally said firmly:

          “No matter what, I will go to the place she said and wait, if I can't wait... let talk about it!"

          "And me! You just promised to take me!" Huzi-Yu said quickly.

          "Well, there are you.”

          Lin Qingyang acted as a villain:

          “If you dare to hold me back, I will throw you into the group of zombies!"

          Lin Qingyang paused, then looked at Huzi-Yu and said, "But. Are you okay?" He knew what was going on without seeing Huzi-Yu Mama in the car.

          Huzi-Yu froze for a while, and then the joy on his face disappeared without a trace. After a long silence, he whispered:

          “I must live.”

          I don't know if I said it to Lin Qingyang or myself. .

          Lin Qingyang scrambled Huzi-Yu soft hair into a mess, then smiled and said, "Well, I must live."

          He clenched the knife in his hand and thought that Su Qin wanted him to wait for her in Qingfeng. Although he still couldn't help but feel uneasy, the complete powerlessness just disappeared.

          Su Qin, I am waiting for you, you must come!


          At this time, Su Qin was lying in the jade card space with his eyes closed.

          At that time, after she attracted the zombies, she couldn't tell the direction in the dark. She only knew that she ran forward along the high speed. She didn't dare to get too far away from the zombies, for fear that they would be attracted by the sound of the car instead. Enter the space too early, lest they smell the smell and look for it again.

          From time to time, I have to solve the zombie who is too close to me. It has been caught by the zombie several times, and the sportswear on his body has been broken several times.

          She ran out of strength, and her legs were as heavy as lead-filled. In the end, she was already dragging away, not much faster than the zombie.

          When her last trace of strength was exhausted, when the arm of the zombie closest to her was about to catch her, she finally couldn't hold her back to the ground, and when her heart moved, the whole person fell down. I lost the space on the ground, and then fell asleep exhausted.

          And the voice of He Fang changed tone is still coming out through the loudspeaker, ringing in the space over and over again.

          The zombie pounced forward and slammed into the air. zombie was mechanically stunned, as if wondering why the food suddenly disappeared. At the same time that Su Qin disappeared, there was the sound of the horn. All the zombies were at a loss, and then they began to wander around.


          At this time, it was in a private house less than five kilometers away from Suqin. A group of men and horses were escaping from the group of zombies, all slumped on the ground and panting.

          Among them were Su Qin Biao-Sister Tang Shuangshuang, and Liu Xiuxiu, a girl with long curly hair who had a cold drink with her that day.

          After hearing the broadcast that day, Tang Shuangshuang was very scared, but Liu Xiuxiu didn't take it seriously, but when the solar eclipse came, both of them panicked. With the flow of people, they rushed outside the school gate for the first time, and found that the outside and inside of the school were the same. two and a few other familiar students found an unoccupied accessory shop and hid for a while. Discuss what to do next.

          Liu Xiuxiu wanted to find her boyfriend first and then to the capital, while Tang Shuangshuang wanted to go back.

          Others also have a quiet girl named Chen Yingxuan who is also from Qingtang Qingfeng, who is also in the same class as Tang Shuangshuang Primary School. others are all boys and they all know each other.

          Liu Xiuxiu said that he would first go find her boyfriend and then go to Tang Shuangshuang home to pick up the Tang family. Tang Shuangshuang knew that Liu Xiuxiu boyfriend was 2-gongzi of the director of the Public Security Bureau and his name was Xiao Teng, and the two had a good relationship. Liu Xiuxiu himself was also the second generation of officials for this Xiao Teng, who traveled all the way from the capital to Ningyuan to attend college.

          Tang Shuangshuang weighed the pros and cons and agreed.

          So a few people ran to find Xiao Teng again, and they met halfway through the road. Xiao Teng took Mei-mei Xiao Rong had just come from the police station, and his father had become a zombie. He and Xiao Rong had some fists from elementary school. Killed a few zombies, copied a few guns at the police station, drove three police cars and took a few people to Ning University to find Liu Xiuxiu.

          Liu Xiuxiu said what Tang Shuangshuang meant, and Xiao Rong immediately objected. Originally, the earlier the journey is difficult and dangerous, the better, so where is there any reason to detour to other places? Xiao Teng was unwilling at first, but couldn't bear Liu Xiuxiu begging. One of his friends, Jiang An, saw the beautiful Tang Shuangshuang at a glance, so he also helped to beat the side drum.

          Although Xiao Teng was embarrassed, he finally agreed. Although several others had opinions, it was not easy to say.

          Only Xiao Rong opened his face coldly and did not look at Liu Xiuxiu and Tang Shuangshuang.

          Liu Xiuxiu didn't care about Xiao Rong personality, but Tang Shuangshuang expression was a little ugly.

          Xiao Teng gave another handgun to the boys, and Tang Shuangshuang actively asked for one.

          Xiao Rong didn't know why looking at Tang Shuangshuang was not pleasing to his eyes, so he turned the pistol in his hand and looked at Tang Shuangshuang with a smirk, "Will you use it?"

          Liu Xiuxiu also said that there were some people who Xiao Teng couldn't use the pistol. Tang Shuangshuang saw that Xiao Teng didn't mean to give it to her, so he could only give up.

          Finally, Xiao Teng, Xiao Rong, Liu Xiuxiu and Tang Shuangshuang Jiang An sits in the first car, and everyone else sits in the two cars behind.

          At this time, the streets had become chaotic. There were people running everywhere, and several groups of people were searching in the gold shop. Xiao Teng couldn't help but smirk when he saw this scene.

          Some people saw that the police car wanted to ask for help. Xiao Teng ignored him and just drove. Finally, I found a supermarket on the side of the road and moved a lot of things in the trunk. Liu Xiuxiu was still worried about whether this would break the law. Xiao Teng smiled and didn't explain. He drove the car all the way, but it was Tang. Shuangshuang said that it is no longer peaceful.

          Xiao Tengduo gave her a look.

          Tang Shuangshuang wanted to have a good relationship with Xiao Rong, the number two player in the team, and tried to talk to her several times.

          Tang Shuangshuang usually has Xiaojie temper, but her biggest advantage is to know the current affairs. Although she has been mad, she is now under the fence, so she is holding her anger hard, and finally can only hold her breath and close her eyes and pretend to sleep. .

          Xiao Teng led the rampage along the way, and finally got out of the city without any risk.

          Because they fired a few shots, they exposed the secret that they had guns, and they felt safe if they had guns, so many people behind followed Xiao Teng car out of the city.

          There are still a few cars that don’t know where they are going. I saw that Xiao Teng had guns in his hand and asked to form a team. Xiao Teng didn’t say anything, but Xiao Rong said that it okay to form a team, but they only accept men who are not dragged down.

          It not enough after fifty years old, and all the food must be turned in and distributed by her.

          Being scolded for being cold-blooded and unethical, Xiao Rong also looked indifferent.

          In the end, only four young men in their twenties who were going to return to Qingtang were left behind.

          The other cars that were about to return to Qingtang didn't give up. They just drove behind them thinking about it, and they couldn't help it. As a result, Xiao Rong was threatened with a gun after less than a short distance.

          Only keep a distance of at least five hundred meters from them.

          Except for Xiao Teng, he still had a natural look. others had long been stunned. Even Jiang An Liu Xiuxiu, who knew Xiao Rong beforehand, was a little shocked.

          Xiao Rong was already very beautiful, with big black wavy hair, long legs and white eyes, but a pair of black and thick eyebrows, slightly raised, the plain white destroys the suppleness of the combination of other five senses, it looks like It is very heroic, but now everyone in the car is looking at it.

          At this time, Xiao Rong brows were even stronger. She glanced at Tang Shuangshuang who was paralyzed in the corner, then faced Xiao Teng and said, "Elder-Brother, you can't go to Qingtang anymore, you haven't walked half way. Several of us have died."

          "Yes, Brother Xiao, besides, Tang Shuangshuang and Chen Yingxuan family still don't know if they are there. If they are dead long ago, then we shouldn't run for nothing?" Another man named Zhou Jian also agreed. He didn't agree to travel so long to pick up people, but Xiao Teng is Lao-Da, and he can't say anything, but now the situation is different, and several people died after only a short distance. Who knows that the next one is Isn't it him?

          Others all spoke in a rush, mostly in agreement. Chen Yingxuan cried and argued, but it seemed to no avail.

          And Jiang An, who was originally on Tang Shuangshuang side, was also silent.

          From the beginning to the end, Tang Shuangshuang didn't say a word, she just stared at Liu Xiuxiu tightly with a pair of firmly full of trust eyes, and held Liu Xiuxiu hand tightly.

          Liu Xiuxiu looked at Tang Shuangshuang, feeling that Tang Shuangshuang hand was shaking while she was holding her, her eyes were so trusting and firm.

          This is her best friend, and her only support now is her.

          Liu Xiuxiu gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Teng with clear eyes:

          “Xiao Teng, I have promised both to accompany her back.”

          She hesitated for a moment or mustered the courage to say, "If it is not possible, you should go to the capital first. We will meet you as soon as we get someone."

          Xiao Rong knew it was going to be bad when he heard this.

          Sure enough, Xiao Teng stared carefully at Tang Shuangshuang who was silent, and then softened his voice and said to Liu Xiuxiu:

          “Xiuxiu, what are you stupid to say. How can I rest assured that you will accompany them back.”

          Xiao Teng Speaking, he glanced over the people who just proposed to make a U-turn, and then stopped on his Mei-mei face, with a heavy gaze:

          “Xiao Rong, if you want to make a U-turn, then take the other people away first, and I will come when I pick them up. Chase you."

          Xiao Rong face suddenly looked ugly as if ink was about to be dripped. He glared at Xiao Teng fiercely, then his eyes stopped on Tang Shuangshuang and Liu Xiuxiu who were leaning together, and suddenly smiled with unknown meaning. Then, without answering Xiao Teng words, he lowered his head and started to wipe the gun in his hand.

          Tang Shuangshuang seemed to be unable to bear Xiao Rong stare, lowered her head, and the hair on both sides naturally fell to cover her face. She stared at the ground, and then smiled silently.

Chapter 13  Fat and Thin

          When Su Qin woke up, the speaker had already stopped working because there was no electricity.

          Su Qin got up with difficulty from the ground, stretched out the already stiff zombie-like body, and the joints suddenly made a sour crackling sound.

          I rubbed my still aching arm, then raised my hand and looked at the digital watch. Two days have passed! Almost at the same time Su Qin stomach rang.

          Su Qin first took a shower, changed the clothes that had become lumpy, and then cooked some porridge and drank. Finally, I checked the wounds of both hands and found that the wound on the left hand was as intact as before and there were no traces, but the right hand began to scab. It seems that the ability of Jade Brand Space to heal wounds is still very weak.

          I really hope that the zombies will evolve to produce crystal nuclei.

          Su Qin sighed and thought abnormally.

          Although the speed and power will increase after the zombie evolves, at the same time, the crystal nucleus produced in the brain after the zombie evolves is also a good thing for humans.

          Ordinary people can evolve by directly eating crystal nuclei, although not everyone can successfully evolve into supernatural beings, even the odds of only one in ten thousand are enough to make people crazy.

          Later, the crystal core directly replaced the renminbi as the new currency in circulation.

          Supernaturalists and ordinary people slowly began to divide into two camps, and the class division became more and more obvious.

          Su Qin swallowed a crystal nucleus as soon as he discovered that a crystal nucleus can promote humans to evolve into supernatural beings. In the end, there was no reaction except for the pain for the whole night. Tang Shuangshuang and Tang Yu both tried, and neither had evolutionary abilities.

          The end times is the world of the supernatural beings.

          Ordinary people without abilities can only live numbly and desperately. If facing the early zombies and people can bravely fight with them, then facing the evolved zombies, ordinary people can only have despair.

          Su Qin was also a member of the desperate crowd. At that time, she had just rescued Tang Yu from her hometown, and on the way back, she received news of the evolution of the zombie, and finally fled to Longcheng in a frightening way, and finally killed her. An evolutionary zombie swallowed the crystal nucleus, but in the end he didn't get any abilities. So he could only numbly collect food for government relief every day, and then was sent out as cannon fodder for the periphery during a zombie encirclement campaign.

          In that event, Su Qin was shot to break her leg and threw it out as a bait, but was rescued by Jing Qing, and accompanied her to recover from her leg injury. most important thing was to give her face this apocalyptic again. courage.

          Because of Jingqing, Su Qin is now Su Qin.

          And the person who gave her the shot, she still remembers her name :Fire Supervisor. Xiao Rong.

          In his previous life, Xiao Rong was a man of great influence. She swallowed the crystal core and became a fire supernatural power at the first time. Her personality was extremely hot and tricky, and she could hurt people if she didn't agree with her, except for her Elder Brother has a nice face, and looks high on everyone else. Even so, because of her beautiful appearance and the ability of the fire element, wherever she goes, men are in droves. Not to mention that she also has Elder-Brother who has the strongest attack power in the ability.

          Later, Su Qin could hear all kinds of heroic deeds about them every place he went.

          This is the so-called winner of life.

          Su Qin smiled at the thought of this, without much resentment in his heart.

          At that time, she was indeed weak and made people throw her out as bait, but she was not burdened at all.

          Even after her transformation, she can only look up to the legendary Xiao Rong Xiaoteng.

          But this life can't tell.

          Su Qin sorted out a new material backpack, grabbed the dry ink sword in his hand, and went out of the space with a thought. As soon as Su Qin arrived outside, he found that he was still on the highway, and then heard a rumbling sound accompanied by the roar of zombies coming from behind, Su Qin was stunned as soon as he turned around.

          A tractor with bursts of black smoke at the rear of the car was rushing towards Su Qin, and was followed by a dozen zombies that were hobbled and chased.

          Rumbled from in front of Su Qin, he sprayed black smoke like Su Qin face.

          Su Qin hadn't reacted yet, and the tractor came back with a rumble, and a round and big head emerged from the carport made of plastic sheet behind, and he greeted Su Qin anxiously:

          “Quick, quick! Come up!"

          Su Qin didn't hesitate, and smoothly solved a zombie that was too close, then grabbed his protruding hand and got into the car.

          As soon as Su Qin got up, the car started again.

          The carport is not high, the fat man who pulled her up is too big to be able to nest, and there are two big snakeskin bags in the corner, bulging, don't know what it is.

          The fat man was still holding an axe in his other hand, his eyes were squeezed into a slit by the flesh, and he was staring at Su Qin in a daze. Obviously, it was suppressed by Su Qin neat tactics when he killed the zombies just now.

          Sitting in front of the car was a thin man. He didn't see Su Qin killing the zombie just now. He didn't mind being heard by Su Qin at the moment. He shouted at the fat man with dissatisfaction:

          “Fatty, what your situation!" "

          "Skinny! This is the Miss I told you last time!" fat man yelled at the thin man in front of him. Then he looked at Su Qin and said, "Miss, do you remember me?" Seeing Su Qin face blank, he added:

          “Just a few days ago, Jubaozhai, you asked me if I saw Resident Evil."

          Su Qin put these words together and added the fat body shape, and immediately remembered:

          “Are you the boss of Jubaozhai?"

          "Hey! Remember it!" fat man was amused suddenly. Speaking of it, he was paying attention to the zombies at the time. When the car passed by Su Qin, he didn't pay attention to what she looked like and didn't plan to save people. But he saw the dry ink umbrella in Su Qin hand at a glance, and when he looked at his face, he immediately thought of her. I didn't think too much about letting the thin man back up and pulling her up. But the moment she got into the car to the zombies really surprised him. So he laughed and said, "I can't see it, Miss, you still have time to do it."

          "I learned a few tricks from distant relatives in the army.”

          This was Su Qin standard answer.

          It no wonder that Su Qin didn't recognize the fat man. When he was in the store, he was wearing a gray robe and frog eyes on his face. It looks like a character from an old age.

          At this moment, I was wearing a white T-shirt I didn't know where I got it from, and my belly button was exposed. Wearing a pair of big flowered pants, and a pair of leather shoes. Toad eyes were also taken off and hung around his neck with a golden chain. It seems to be "foreign" a lot.

          The fat man didn't think much, nodded and asked after a while:

          “By the way, Miss, where are you going? Are you also going to the capital?"

          Su Qin was taken aback:

          “The capital? Are you going to the capital?"

          The fat man also froze for a moment:

          “Yes. I just escaped from Ningyuan. I plan to go directly to the capital. Is there anything wrong?"

          Su Qin said silently, a little unbearable:

          “But this is the direction of Qingtang."


          There was a moment of silence in the car, and then I heard the angry roar of the thin man driving in front:

          “You fat man! I said go over there!"

          Fatty wasn't a soft temper, and he immediately replied:

          “The blame is only for your inability to stick to your own ideas at the time, and I was easily convinced by the fat master in a few words. Can you blame me if you are not firm?"

          The thin man is going to fight back.

          Su Qin glanced at the more and more zombies behind, and interrupted the thin man:

          “Leave them away first. This car is too moving and attracts more and more zombies."

          Now the fat man and the thin man froze for a while, and the fat man said, "Huh? Don't they just chase us because of how hungry my fat man is?"

          Su Qin: ..

          The thin man drove the car as fast as possible. After throwing away the zombies for a while, he found a place to stop, and then the three people got out of the car. fat thin man carried a snakeskin bag and walked off the highway behind Su Qin.

          Walk to a small village not far from the highway.

          Su Qin picked a two-story red brick house closest to the expressway. door of the house was unlocked. Su Qin twisted the door to get in and dealt with a female zombie trapped in a bedroom.

          The fat man and the thin man then entered the room and saw that Su Qin had checked the first floor and went up the stairs to the second floor.

          The thin man walked along and asked in a low voice, "This Little-Miss is the one you told me about and asked if you have seen Resident Evil, and asked you to collect food?"

          The fat man nodded:

          “That her.”

          fat man glanced at Su Qin who was pushing open the bedroom door, and lowered his voice:

          “She showed her hand when she got in the car just now. It not easy."

          The thin man wanted to ask more when he heard a low roar of zombie excitement from upstairs, followed by an angry roar. two looked at each other, put the snakeskin bag on their shoulders on the ground and ran upstairs along the stairs.

          As soon as I ran to the second floor, I just saw Su Qin pressing a long-haired female zombie on the ground, then pointed a knife at the zombie eye socket, and pierced it in. zombie stopped struggling, and lay on the ground upright. Up.

          A rotten juice burst out of his eye sockets, Su Qin dodged his head, took out a knife and wiped it on the zombie clothes, then stood up and turned his head to face the two people who were in a sluggish state:

          “I'll go to the kitchen to see what there. food."

          When she left, the thin man eased from the twitching state of the corners of his mouth, and said, "This Miss is a special soldier voice?"

          "It also possible that it not a human being.”

          fat man said as he walked over the corpse of the zombie and said as he walked into the house:

          “Skinny man, wait for me. Fat man, I will find a decent dress to wear."

          While talking, the fat man tore open the closet. Before he could see what clothes were inside, he suddenly met a pair of jet-black eyes!

Chapter 14  Team up

          As soon as the fat man opened the closet, he suddenly met a pair of dark eyes, and suddenly he screamed and took a step back:

          “What the hell!"

          "What the matter, fat man?" thin man heard the movement and quickly walked over, glanced in the closet, then laughed, and said, "Fat man, are you brave? It a Little-Yato."

          The fat man quickly looked intently again, and he was indeed a Little-Miss.

          In the closet is a long and delicate little girl who looks only about ten years old, with a healthy wheatish skin, with two pigtails, shrunk in the corner of the closet.

          A pair of big black and white eyes were staring at the two fat and thin strangers in front of them with some trepidation. Seeing that they had come a step closer, they quickly curled up and shrank into the cabinet. After getting on the water mist, I still remembered Mama warning not to make a sound before leaving, and pressed his mouth tightly not to make a sound.

          The thin man knew the kid was frightened when he saw it, and he tugged at the fat man who was still leaning over there, and then softly said to the little girl, "My kid, Uncle is not a bad person, will you come out?"

          The girl expression became even more horrified.

          The fat man immediately went down and said:

          “Hey, I said you have a bad face, and you are not a bad person? You don't believe it for a small child like that. You stand aside and let you look good. Look at Fat Master, my affinity!" Fatty said with the kind smile of an elder on his face, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a cool female voice at the door:

          “There is ready-made food in the refrigerator, do you want to eat it? "

          Probably noticing that the atmosphere was not right, Su Qin stepped over the zombies lying on the ground and walked over. Seeing the girl shrinking in the cabinet, he immediately knew that it was another example of a parent turning a zombie and stuffing a child in the closet. Su Qin brows were slightly I wrinkled unchecked, and then as if I hadn't seen the girl, he threw a sentence to the fat and thin people:

          “If you want to eat, come down and eat.”

          He turned and walked out.

          The fat man and the thin man looked at each other.

          "What does she mean?" fat man couldn't react.

          The thin man was a little surprised by Su Qin reaction, but he soon tasted it. He narrowed his eyes and said unclearly, "This Little-Miss is really not easy."

          Fatty is even more confused by the monk of Erzhang:

          “What not easy! Xiaoliangzi, do you think her eyes are a little wrong? How come it is like not seeing this Little-Yato?"

          The thin man looked at the little girl in the cabinet who was as blank as the fat man, and said, "Then Miss is a smart person.”

          thin man greeted the fat man and said, "Let go downstairs to eat. I starved to death.”


          Then he walked outside.

          The fat man touched the edge at the moment. He glanced at the girl whose expression suddenly became very scared with a bit of embarrassment. He gritted his teeth and walked out behind the thin butt.

          The two went downstairs while Su Qin was still warming up food in the kitchen.

          The fat man sits down on the big sofa in the living room. He picked up the remote control on the coffee table and turned on the TV. No matter how many channels he changed, it was a blue screen. He threw the remote control aside and moved back. Lie down, just lie flat. I looked at the ceiling and didn't know what I was thinking.

          The thin man sits on one side of the sofa and took an apple from the fruit plate on the coffee table. He didn't wash it, and he bit into his mouth.

          The fat man thought about the little girl on the second floor. He was always uncomfortable. He stretched out his foot and kicked the thin man and said, "Skinny, did we just leave that little girl there?"

          The thin man replied vaguely:

          “Fatty, this is not the time to be kind. You two of us walked along the way and you didn’t see what the outside looks like? Can we even walk to the capital alive? Two said that if we have to take such a Little-Yato, we will be fatal to walk to Longcheng.”

          thin man said half of these words for the fat man, and the other half for himself.

          The fat man wanted to say something, but finally found that he had nothing to say, but he was so flustered in his heart that he spit on the floor tiles fiercely and cursed:

          “Damn! What kind of world is you now?"

          The thin man squinted at the fat man, smirked, and said, "What world? Cannibalism!"

          As he was talking, Su Qin brought out the food from the kitchen.

          The thin man consciously got up and went to the kitchen to get the dishes.

          On the table were braised fish, fried pork with chili, and a small dish of green vegetables. Su Qin saw that there were eggs in the refrigerator, so he made another egg drop soup. Later, more than half of the birthday cake was found on the lower layer. Su Qin arrived at the living room together.

          The fat man was taken aback when he saw that half of the cake was left, and then he immersed himself in the meal. food was authentic Hunan cuisine, which was spicy enough. Fatty likes spicy food the most, but now it like chewing wax.

          Just after eating a few bites, I heard a scream from upstairs, followed by the sad cry of the little girl, mixed with a few vague Mama...

          Both the fat and thin people felt a little unable to eat. After a pause, they all looked at Su Qin.

          I saw that Su Qin was taking a sip of rice into his mouth at this time, chewing it carefully, and putting another piece of greens into his mouth, and continued to chew. There was no change in his expression from start to finish, and he didn't seem to hear it at all. movement upstairs.

          The thin man swallowed the food in his mouth, then glanced at the fat man, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Miss, what are you going to do with the Little-Yato on the second floor?" These words completely regarded Su Qin as I'm talking about the equivalent of them.

          Su Qin was just full, and swallowed the last bite of the meal. He put down the bowl and looked at the fat and thin people:

          “What are you going to do?" Su Qin didn't answer and asked, "Do you want me to take her to Qingtang to find someone? Are you taking her to the capital?"

          The thin man choked, somewhat speechless.

          Su Qin continued:

          “In this world, it is still difficult for adults to protect themselves. She is a ten-year-old child. Sooner or later after going out, she will become a ration for zombies.”

          Su Qin expressed his attitude:

          “Of course, if you are not afraid of being dragged down and want to bring She goes to the capital, I don't mind at all. But I will never take her with me."

          Bringing an unqualified child by your side is not only a drag, but an untimely bomb. She may scream loudly because of any unexpected events at any time, thus pushing you into the arms of death.

          Not just children, but being with any stranger who doesn't know the details may cause unpredictable emergencies and eventually lead to irreparable consequences.

          There are too many lessons she has received in her previous life, so she knows that she must not show a trace of sympathy for the so-called weak. This will make those who are eager for a life-saving straw desperately entangled, until let She couldn't move and had to suffocate her hands until she died of suffocation.

          In many cases, unpredictable humans are more terrifying than zombies.

          Both the fat and the thin were silent.

          Just like Su Qin said, the little girl can only be a drag when she is around. After all, they are not the heroes in the TV series, but just ordinary people.

          Su Qin suddenly frowned and turned to look towards the stairs. fat and thin men followed.

          I saw that the little girl didn't know when she stood at the top of the stairs, her eyes were red and there were tears on her face. Seeing that Su Qin all looked over, their bodies shrank slightly. Then he turned abruptly and ran upstairs.

          Seeing her going up again, the fat and the thin could not help but heaved a sigh of relief. If she cried and begged them to let them take her, they really didn't know how to refuse.

          Su Qin also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

          Then he stood up and said to the two of them, "I'm going to Qingtang next, I'm going to find a car in the village first. How about you two?"

          The thin man asked, "After you go to Qingtang, you are not going to leave there?"

          Su Qin glanced at him, paused, and said, "No, I went to Qingtang mainly to pick me up with Didi. After receiving it, I will walk towards the capital."

          As soon as the thin man heard it, his eyes rolled, and he looked at the fat man, and said:

          “You said this is not okay? Fatty and I will accompany you back together to pick you up Didi, and then go to the capital together after receiving it.”

          No. Waiting for Su Qin to speak, then said:

          “The two of us came out of Ningyuan, the fat man killed five zombies, I killed four, and we still have two large bags of supplies. Apart from knowing the way, we will definitely not drag you down."

          The thin man started making this idea as soon as he saw Su Qin hand exposed in the bedroom on the second floor. He knew that it was absolutely impossible to go to the capital with him and Fatty, and he must team up with others. Su Qin has the strength and looks harder than him and Fatty. He will not be a bad guy and pull people into the team. He is simply the best candidate for the team!

          But obviously Su Qin didn't think so.

          For her, even in the face of zombies, self-protection is not a problem at critical moments. But once she brought them, she had the responsibility to protect them invisibly. Although it is not a problem for them to protect themselves now, what about the evolution of zombies? Even if they swallow the crystal core, they may not be able to evolve.

          Then it will be her drag. After being together for a long time, who knows if she can get rid of them like a burden after she has formed a relationship?

          For such factors of instability, Lin Qingyang is enough.

          Su Qin thought so, and then planned to refuse.

          After the thin man said the proposal, he paid attention to the change of expression on Su Qin face. Although Su Qin had no expression on his face at this time, he still saw a little clue, knowing that Su Qin opening is mostly to refuse. thin man glanced at the dry ink umbrella that Su Qin hung around his waist. His eyes lit up and he had an idea. He immediately cut off Su Qin words and said, "Little-Miss, you may not know the origin of the fat man. He is a descendant of the Mo family. I don’t know for many generations, but he is not good at forging weapons. dry ink sword in your hand, Little-Miss, was made when he was twenty."

          The fat man face was suddenly strange.

          Su Qin glanced at the fat man, and said, "Isn't this made by the 39th generation Patriarch of the Gan family?"

          The fat man replied with a smile, "I am not talented, it is the 39th generation of the Ganjia Patriarch, Qian Yuan is also."

          Su Qin suddenly laughed and laughed:

          “Then you said this sword has been more than a hundred years old?"

          The fat man didn't mean to blush at all, he hehe smiled:

          “Ahem, this is not to increase its historical background. But apart from this, I have not faked anything else. sword is indeed made of black iron, and it is the year. It a little bit different from above. Celestial silk is also real, but the weight is not so big. It is indeed a front with my blood. As for cutting iron like mud and blowing hair, Miss you should know that I am not bragging."

          Su Qin resonated with the last sentence.

          The thin man hurriedly hit the iron while it was hot:

          “Miss, don't look at the fat man, but the skill is all true. If you go on the road with us, let alone, the weapon is absolutely guaranteed!" premise is that there is material.

          Su Qin naturally knew that there was water in thin words, but for Su Qin, who hadn't evolved into supernatural powers, weapons were not small for combat effectiveness.

          Su Qin weighed the pros and cons, and finally burst into a friendly smile:

          “My name is Su Qin."


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