Houmen Dinu 690

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Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen

        The marriage period between Tang Shiyu and Su Zhengbo was also decided, just three months later.

        Gu Mingqing thought that having such a big daughter was about to marry someone, and he felt a bit empty.

        Gu Mingqing suddenly realized the benefits of having a son.

        To marry someone at home, the daughter is to marry someone else's house.

        One by one, this difference is very big.

        Soon after the test papers were issued, they came out.

        Before the test, the test questions are naturally the top priority.

        After the meeting, this test paper doesn't matter much.

        Gu Mingqing also read the test papers for this meeting. She skipped the questions in the four books and five classics.

        Gu Mingqing is only a rough understanding of the Four Books and the Five Classics, and he can't see anything after reading it.

        Gu Mingqing found that there were a lot of pragmatic questions in the questions of this meeting, such as how to resettle the victims after the flood, and what to do after the plague ...

        Gu Mingqing asked Tang Jinrui with the paper, "These questions need not be said, it must be from the emperor."

        Tang Jinrui said strangely, "Niangzi, how do you know?"

        Gu Mingqing said, "Only the emperor will have such a pragmatic question. Does the emperor have such a question, don't the courtiers say anything?"

        Officials have all studied the Four Books and the Five Classics since childhood, and they are after the words of the saints. I am afraid that these pragmatic topics are not worth watching.

        "Someone asked the emperor for advice. But the test questions came out, and the emperor could not be allowed to take back the papers. The emperor said that most of these scholars in the future are afraid that they would have to be released and take control of the party. How to solve it and how to benefit the people in the future?

        The so-called saints' words are not available in the governing place. "

        This was said by Yan Jin, who was annoyed and anxious.

        However, Yan Jin's words are not without reason. After being in the office for a long time, they only found those so-called saints' words-not that they are unreasonable, but most of them make you a founder of good conduct.

        Being an official is not a gentleman.

        The real gentleman does not go far in the officialdom, maybe he will be wiped out with everyone in a few years, or it will be a lifetime of inaction.

        Of course, it is also possible that the other party has left an excellent reputation on the officialdom.

        "The emperor is really eclectic in selecting talents." Yan Jin's behavior is a bit outlandish in the strict sense, but it is not too excessive. Because most of the test papers are still about four books and five classics.

        "The emperor intends to have some pragmatic issues in the future imperial examination." Tang Jinrui said suddenly.

        Gu Mingqing was shocked, "The courtiers will not agree."

        "Reform will naturally offend the interests of many people. But the emperor is not a weak and incompetent king. I see the emperor's determination. I also agree with the emperor to do so. Not only me, but many people see that they will increase in the test Such a topic is good. "

        Gu Mingqing thought for a while and thought, "The steps don't have to go so big at once. You have to try out these pragmatic questions at the meeting. You can add a little in the County-Graduate exam and the township exam. Take this step by step."

        Tang Jinrui eyes lit up, "Niangzi, you really awakened the dreamer! How can I just think about adding these questions to the test, then the resistance is really great. But according to Niangzi what you said, just First add a little bit to the County-Graduate exam and the Imperial-Graduate exam. Presumably everyone's acceptance will be much higher.

        it is good! it is good! What a great idea! Niangzi, you really deserve to be a girl in Zhuge! "

        Gu Mingqing laughed, "Which kind of female middle school are I? It's just that the authorities are obsessed with bystanders. The public, Xianggong, I will try this time. Our Renxuan really took advantage."

        Tang Renxuan is not the kind of person who studies dead, and Tang Jinrui does not want to teach his children to be people who only study dead, so he often tells Tang Renxuan about the major events in China and North Han.

        How to deal with the disaster victims and how to deal with the plague. Tang Renxuan will definitely be.

        Tang Jinrui nodded, "Ren Xuan really took advantage this time. He will also have to teach Yu Xuan in this respect."

        Gu Mingqing said, "Xiang Gong, you can rest assured. I have never lessen Yuxuan's teaching in this respect."

        Tang Yuxuan feels that studying is very hard, so the rest of the time can only hope to rest and rest. Gu Mingqing wouldn't be the case with Tang Yuxuan.

        Tang Jinrui still believed in Gu Mingqing's ability to teach children, and nodded when he heard the words, so he didn't say much.

        The day Tang Renxuan left the examination room, Gu Mingqing personally went to the examination room to pick him up.

        Among the Yunyun candidates, Gu Mingqing saw Tang Renxuan at a glance.

        There are many people outside, not a place to talk. Gu Mingqing let Tang Renxuan get in the carriage. After the carriage was driven, she asked Tang Renxuan, "Tired, the family has already prepared your favorite meals and hot water. After going back Take a good bath. "

        Tang Renxuan warmed up and said, "Mother, I believe my test results will definitely be good!"

        Tang Renxuan's words revealed incomparable confidence.

        "After seeing the test papers, Niang actually guessed that your grades will be good this time. You are Niang's son, Niang knows how good you are. But there is also a court test, which cannot be taken lightly.

        Tang Renxuan focused on his first goal, his goal is 1st-Scholar! Although he is not sure whether he will be able to pass 1st-Scholar in the end, he will definitely work hard for it. Even if he didn't take the exam, he wouldn't regret it.

        This time the test will be over, many candidates are crying and weeping!

        In fact, it wasn’t just crying after the meeting. It was said that many people broke down and cried in the examination room.

        Don’t you have to cry? Those questions about the four books and the five classics are difficult, so they don't say anything. But how come there are some messy questions!

        That's right, in many Imperial-Graduate hearts, Yan Jin's so-called pragmatic problems are all messy!

        However, everyone only dare to talk in their hearts, because they know that the topics are all from Yan Jin, but they dare not say anything disrespectful directly.

        On the day of the test results, everyone was very nervous.

        Tang Renxuan was also a little nervous, and it wasn't until the next person in the performance list came back to say that Tang Renxuan had won the Huiyuan, and everyone in the Tang family let go of it.

        Tang Shiyu happily congratulated Tang Renxuan, "Brother, have you heard? You have won the membership! You are the first!"

        Zhou-shi smiled so much that he couldn't close his mouth, saying, "There is a good thing! Really good one! If you Yeye are here, knowing your high school membership, how happy you are! Renxuan, you have more than your father. Good news, your dad hadn't been able to meet in high school yet! "

        Tang Yuxuan also stared at Tang Renxuan with bright eyes, "Brother, how are you!"

        Gu Mingqing looked at Tang Renxuan with pride, "You are a good son of the mother."

        Tang Yuxuan leaned over, "Mother, what about me?"

        Gu Mingqing reached out and touched Tang Yuxuan's head and smiled, "You are also a good son of the mother."

        "Ming Qing, now Yuxuan High School Huiyuan, are we going to hold a banquet and have a lot of fun?" Zhou-shi now hopes that everyone will know that her grandson high school Huiyuan is the most rewarding!

        "Mother, there will be a hall test after the meeting. Do you want to wait until the hall test to celebrate the excitement?"

        Tang Renxuan also said, "Madam , I agree with my mother. After the hall test, I will celebrate the fun. If I hold a banquet, I am afraid that I will be distracted. If I eat a bad stomach and affect the performance of my hall test, it should be How is it good? "

        Zhou-shi also calmed down and nodded again and again, "Yes, yes! Wait until the hall test, and then hold a banquet to celebrate. Now let Renxuan concentrate on the review and prepare for the hall test."

        The title of the palace test was also produced by Yan Jin.

        No one knows what Yanjin will do.

        I have thought about it flexibly, and most of the topics that Yan Jin has developed focus on people's livelihood and are more pragmatic.

        This shows that Yan Jin is good!

        So everyone who will try high school, in the next review, all start with this aspect.

        Yan Jin also read Tang Renxuan's test paper. Needless to say, the questions about the Four Books and Five Classics were answered very well. Tang Yanxuan answered the questions pragmatically made by Yan Jin about people's livelihood very well.

        Yan Jin took Tang Renxuan's test paper and said to Tang Jinrui, "Ai Qing, you have a good son."

        Tang Jinrui was also proud in his heart, but at this time he said modestly, "The emperor is wrong."

        "I don't have any false accolades. Whether your Eldest-son will be better than blue in the future, I am not sure. But if he can maintain this level, I believe that his future achievements will not be worse. I I am afraid that there will be one of them in the future, or he may assist Crown Prince. "

        In anticipation of everyone, finally arrived at the palace test.

        Many people guess what pragmatic problems Yanjin will have about people's livelihood.

        Who knows Yanjin did not have such a problem this time.

        The title of the hall test is very simple, that is, the candidate writes how to make Dajin rich and strong.

        After knowing this topic, Gu Mingqing had only one idea in mind, that is, the topic was too large, and he could catch a lot of points.

        For example, you can start with education and say something so that the people of the world can hear the words of the saints and be taught by the saints ...

        For example, it can be said from agriculture that it is vigorously developing agriculture and increasing food production, so that the people of the world no longer have to endure hunger ...

        Another example is ...

        After a while, Gu Mingqing thought of a lot of entry points.

        Gu Mingqing was a little curious, which aspect Tang Renxuan would choose to write. Gu Mingqing was also curious what Yan Jin really wanted to see.

        Gu Mingqing didn't know Yan Jin deeply, and he really couldn't figure out Yan Jin's idea.

        The temple test did not take a few days, and Tang Renxuan returned to the Tang family that day.

        Tang Jinrui asked what Tang Renxuan answered.

        Tang Renxuan only returned two words "Daliang"

        Gu Mingqing found that after Tang Renxuan said the word "Daliang", Tang Jinrui eyes suddenly became a little deeper.

        After Gu Mingqing and Gu Mingqing returned to the house, Gu Mingqing asked, "Xiang Gong, do you like Ren Xuan's answer very much? No, you think the emperor would like Ren Xuan's answer very much."

        "Niangzi, I can't hide anything from you."

        "I'm not that powerful, I can't guess what the emperor's heart is thinking. But I believe Xianggong you know what the emperor's heart thinks."

        Tang Jinrui eyes were deep and he stared closely at a corner of the room, but Gu Mingqing knew he was not looking at that corner.

        "Niangzi, I have always told you that the emperor hasn't changed. The emperor really hasn't changed at all. Niangzi, can you remember what happened when we first saw the emperor?"

        Gu Mingqing's eyes implied the color of memories, "Remember, how could it be forgotten. At that time, Da Liangren came in, we can only hide in the cellar. Then the emperor came with soldiers.

        Gu Mingqing said, moving in his heart, he continued, "Xiang Gong, you mean that the emperor always remembered that he would beat Daliang down completely, and he would not dare to invade Dajin, and praise me as Dajin?"

        "Well. The emperor hasn't changed in recent years. Although he and Princess and the pro-Daliang, Dajin and Daliang seem to form a friendship. But that was only because of the internal chaos in Daliang and the consumption of national power. It was temporarily unable to raise troops against Dajin.

        It's just that these years have passed, Daliang's vitality is gradually recovering, and the frequency and frequency of harassment of the border has increased again. "

        "In recent years, it seems that not many people in North Han and China have mentioned the great cold."

        Tang Jinrui smiled sarcastically, "Of course they wouldn't mention it. In their view, it's no big deal for Daliang to be so small. It's just that Daliang really has to gather troops to fight, as long as he doesn't hit the capital."

        Literati generally really think this way.

        Gu Mingqing suddenly remembered what he once said about Yanjin. If Yanjin is enthroned, he is definitely an Emperor Wu, and now it seems that it is true.

        Of course, Yan Jin doesn't want to be Emperor Wu now. He has no money, and the focus of Dajin in these years is not Wu. Yan Jin wanted to be a veritable Emperor Wu.

        Gu Mingqing suddenly said, "Xiang Gong, since the mainstream voice in the court did not want to fight against Daliang. Since Renxuan wrote about Daliang, he must have written that he would send troops to Daliang. Renxuan's article might make the examiner unhappy Right. If the examiner doesn’t like it, can Renxuan’s article be sent to the emperor’s royal table? "

        Only the papers selected as the top ten will be sent to the emperor's royal table, which is almost an unwritten rule.

        "Niangzi, who am I?"

        Gu Mingqing didn't understand Tang Jinrui words for a while, but still said, "You are the old man! It is the youngest old man in the history of Dajin. What's wrong?"

        "This is not the case. I am an old man, although I don’t like to use power for personal gain. But if my son can’t even enter the top ten, those people wouldn’t give me a face. If Renxuan’s article level is really not good. Forget it, just because they did not like what they wrote, they couldn't make it into the top ten.

        Isn't it too much to hit my face? Renxuan is my son, and there are many people who follow him. Ren Xuan's handwriting may be recognized by many people. "

        Tang Jinrui continued, "Jenxuan's papers can't really be sent to the emperor's royal table, that's okay. The emperor was already concerned about Renxuan, and if he couldn't see Renxuan's test paper, he would naturally send someone to take the test paper."

        Gu Mingqing was relieved.

        Tang Renxuan has such a good father as Tang Jinrui, to be honest, it is really very happy. If it were ordinary people, it might really be buried in this way, even if you really poke Yan Jin's heart, no one will bother you.

        As Tang Jinrui said, the article written by Tang Renxuan really disappointed the examiner. He was obviously a literati, but the article was so domineering, and there was a spirit of killing. Where is this weak scholar, clearly it is a martial art!

        However, the examiner also recognized Tang Renxuan's handwriting. No matter how hard he could face Tang Jinrui, the level of Tang Renxuan's articles was indeed good.

        But after the unanimous discussion of the examiners, he still rated Tang Renxuan's test paper as the tenth, hung a tail and sent it to Yanjin.

        The first thing Yan Jin saw was Tang Renxuan's time. He was still a little curious about how Tang Renxuan's test paper actually took the tenth place.

        When he saw the content of Tang Renxuan's test paper, Yan Jin smiled with satisfaction.

        The content written in Tang Renxuan's article really cut into Yan Jin's heart! Let Yan Jin feel comfortable! That's right, Dajin should have the demeanor of a big country. Where can the big cool tiger look at him and want to invade Dajin?

        It should be a fierce fight, so that Daliang is completely afraid! Let the number of Daliang people dare not invade Dajin again for ten years!

        Yan Jin looked at Tang Renxuan's article, and his blood suddenly boiled.

        Soon, Yan Jin’s fiery heart gradually cooled down, and such good articles as Tang Renxuan ranked only tenth. It can be seen that the ministers in the DPRK and the Middle Kingdom thought what they thought. It's expensive.

        Yan Jin put Tang Renxuan's test paper aside and turned to look at others.

        The person who was selected as the first person wrote to start with teaching the people, let them all learn the words of the saints, and let the people of the world no longer be wise .......

        The article was written by Jinxiu, but Yan Jin didn’t like it very much. There was nothing in the space, but it was in line with the taste of the old Longdong examiners. No wonder he was selected as the first.

        Tang Renxuan High School 1st-Scholar!

        Gu Mingqing and Tang Jinrui were very happy. It should be said that the whole Tang family was very happy.

        Zhou-shi grabbed Tang Renxuan's hand and kept saying, "Good! Good! Good! Renxuan you are now 1st-Scholar, there is a good deal, really good one! Your father won Tanhua Flower-Scholar, you are in It's 1st-Scholar. If you Yeye are still there, knowing that his good grandson has hit 1st-Scholar, how happy he is! "

        Zhou-shi said that there were tears in the corners of his eyes, and the look in Tang Renxuan was full of pride and love.

        Tang Renxuan was a little shy and bowed his head, embarrassed, "Madam , I'm far worse than my father. What environment was my father studying at, and what environment was my study at? I failed if I couldn't achieve such good results. Good day now. "

        Tang Shiyu looked excited, "Brother, you are 1st-Scholar! I will be 1st-Scholar Mei-mei in the future, I will be beautiful in the future!"

        Tang Renxuan joked, "What is 1st-Scholar Mei-mei, you marry into the Su family in the future, let Zhengbo quickly test you 1st-Scholar, so that you can be 1st-Scholar Fu-ren. Then you are real Scenery. "

        Tang Shiyu flat mouthed, "Brother, I said did you do it on purpose? Can Su Zhengbo pass the 1st-Scholar exam? The next session of the test, Su Zhengbo can be on the list, to be honest I am very happy. Also 1st-Scholar, 1st-Scholar Fu-ren, there are dreams. I don’t usually dream about it. "

        Gu Mingqing patted Tang Shiyu shoulder, not very angry, "That's your future husband, what do you say."

        Tang Yuxuan looked up and looked at Tang Renxuan admiringly, "Brother, you are now 1st-Scholar. I don't know what I can take in the future."

        Gu Mingqing deliberately said, "Yuxuan, you don’t say it’s better than your brother, but at least you have to be famous on the test list. Otherwise, someone will point you at the time and say Tang 1st-Scholar’s brother. It’s useless. I won’t even get a meeting. "

        Tang Yuxuan shivered, clenched his hands into fists, and said firmly, "I dare not say anything else, but I will definitely be on the list for the exam! Brother, I said that I must be an official in the examination, Then enter the court to help you!

        They all said that they would fight in battle with their father and son, and beat their brothers! Our two brothers will advance and retreat together! "

        Tang Yuxuan's heart suddenly rises with great enthusiasm, and his eyes are sparkling, as if he has seen him and Tang Renxuan spread Hua-Miss together in the Chaotang, fighting together, and behaving like a thorn!

        Gu Mingqing raised his eyebrows, "Remember what you say. Your brother will cross the horse to walk the street soon, so let's go watch it together."

        When it comes to crossing horses, everyone is very excited.

        Zhou-shi even said, "When Jin Ruizhong was on the 1st-Scholar, I was not in Capital City, and I couldn't see Jin Rui crossing Mayou Street. Now I can see Renxuan crossing Mayou Street, and God is not thin for me. Now. "

        Tang Jinrui hit Tanhua Flower-Scholar and Tang Renxuan hit 1st-Scholar!

        The two fathers and sons of the Tang family are really beautiful!

        Everyone said that Tang Jinrui was succeeded by someone, maybe Tang Renxuan would be better than blue in the future.

        Tang Jinrui was congratulated by many colleagues, and it was rare in his heart.

        It’s not good not to float, my son is so good! Can't be proud!

        Fortunately, Tang Jinrui soon became sober. He privately told Tang Renxuan not to be too proud. When he became 1st-Scholar, he still has a long way to go. This is just the beginning.

        Tang Renxuan Junior High School 1st-Scholar, it is false to say that I am proud in my heart.

        Tang Jinrui words suddenly seemed to drop a bucket of cold water directly from his head, cooling his fiery heart a lot.

        Tang Renxuan thought, he really can't be too proud at this moment, he still has a long way to go.

        Tang Jinrui is now an old patriarch, and Tang Renxuan is also a famous young talent in Capital City. He is a young senior at 1st-Scholar.

        Besides, Tang Renxuan has a father like Tang Jinrui, can he still have a bad future?

        Suddenly, Tang Renxuan became the first choice for the son of the big ladies in Capital City!

        The Tang family said that people who match their relatives are endless.

        When Gu Mingqing saw some relatives, his mouth suddenly flicked.

        Gu Mingqing was very impressed with some people. At that time, Hua Rongyue was ruined by Li Noble-Consort.

        Tang Renxuan suddenly became unavoidable for everyone, and regarded him as a plague!

        In the home of the most excessive, there are these! Although many of their daughters are married, there are quite a few age-appropriate daughters in large families.

        Gu Mingqing is really curious about what those people think, is the memory so bad? So soon I forgot what I was, and now I want to get married with the Tang family. Are they thinking too beautifully? It was so beautiful that Gu Mingqing could not find words to describe it.

        Gu Mingqing feels that those people are afraid that she still has very bad memory. In the past few years, she was afraid that those things would have been forgotten!

        It's a pity not! Gu Mingqing really hasn't forgotten what happened then!

        Gu Mingqing is still very vengeful at times, especially when it comes to his children, it is even more vengeful!

        Gu Mingqing privately talked about this with Tang Jinrui. He was indignant when Tang Renxuan was regarded as a plague at that time.

        Gu Mingqing knows that it is human instinct to seek benefit and avoid harm, but whose children are in pain.

        Gu Mingqing's motherhood is that she doesn't want her good son to be rejected like that!

        Tang Jinrui was not angry, "People in the capital-this memory has never been very good. Niangzi We have lived in the capital for many years, how can you still be grudge about these things, it is not necessary."

        Human relations are warm and cold. Over the years, Tang Jinrui has seen too much.

        Gu Mingqing said a little unhappy, "I know the truth, but I still feel uncomfortable. Over the years, I have been looking at Ren Xuanxiang, I really haven't found a suitable one. No, I must pick it carefully, give Renxuan Pick the best! "

        Tang Jinrui does not stop Gu Mingqing, he also wants to have a good Erxi.

        A good wife in your family is like a treasure.

        Tang Jinrui had such a good wife as Gu Mingqing, so he never needed to be distracted by family matters, not to mention that Gu Mingqing could help him a lot, which made him more comfortable.

        Gu Mingqing didn't have much time to choose his wife for Tang Renxuan, because Tang Shiyu became a relative soon.

        Gu Mingqing decided to get Tang Shiyu marriage in order before choosing a wife for Tang Renxuan.

        Tang Shiyu marriage is very grand.

        For the only daughter, Tang Jinrui does not have to be low-key, and his daughter can only get married once.

        Su Ji Lao also did not want to grieve the most important son-in-law, great-grandson, so the Su family also suggested a big deal.

        Under the joint efforts of the Tang and Su families, Tang Shiyu and Su Zhengbo marriage was very lively, and the hanging red silk also seemed to have dyed half of the sky.

        On the day Tang Shiyu got married, Gu Mingqing said to Tang Jinrui, who was beside him, "Xiang Gong, the time passes really fast.-shi Yu is married."

        Tang Jinrui was also full of emotion, "Yeah,-shi Yu is married. When you pick Ren Xuan's wife, Ren Xuan will get married soon. The children will be old and they will have their own families. Niangzi, only us in the future Companionship and companionship, through this life. "

        "Yes, when the children grow up, they will all have their own families. Only we can accompany each other for a lifetime."

        On the day when Tang Shiyu returned to the door in the third dynasty, Gu Mingqing carefully looked at Tang Shiyu complexion, and seeing that her beautiful face was glowing with blush, and her eyes were moist, she knew that she had a great time in the Su family.

        Gu Mingqing was relieved slightly, although she knew that the Su family could not treat Tang Shiyu, but she still couldn't help worrying.

        Now seeing Tang Shiyu life very well, Gu Mingqing was relieved.

        Just as Gu Mingqing chose Tang Renxuan's wife, Cheng Yi'an was transferred to Capital City.

        The first thing after Cheng Yian entered the capital was to bring his family to visit the Tang family.

        Cheng Yi'an's transfer to Capital City this time was a promotion, and now he is also a military officer in 4-Grade.

        Cheng Yi'an was very grateful to Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing, and kept talking about the great favor that Gu Mingqing helped him when he was in Lingping County.

        Also, Gu Mingqing did not forget his promise. After returning to the capital, he managed to find an old Mama who came out of the palace. After obtaining the other party's consent, he sent the person to Cheng Yi'an.

        Cuigu and Cheng Moli have been following Mama to learn rules and how to treat others.

        Cuigu is really not good at learning, but barely reluctantly, it is still generally passable.

        Cheng Moli is very outstanding, she has a perseverance, or she would be sold to Lao-tou as a Qie by the Cheng family, she would not dare to escape directly.

        Cheng Moli returned to Cheng Yi'an, the days were better, his dark face was whitened, his skin was moisturized, his eyes were moisturized, his lips were red, and his head was taller. Raising his hands and manners, he has a good atmosphere.

        Gu Mingqing didn't dare to compare Cheng Moli in front of her with her a few years ago. It was a little too far away, completely like two people.

        Cheng Yi'an was really grateful to the Tang family and gave many local products.

        Those things are not very expensive, but they represent Cheng Yi'an's heart, and Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing accepted them.

        In Capital City, Cheng Yi'an was a bit unfamiliar, and most of the brothers he knew had been transferred out, that is, those who remained in Capital City, because the relationship had not been seen for a long time, and the relationship was really alienated.

        When Cuicui and Cheng Moli arrived in Capital City, they had to break into the circle of ladies in Capital City.

        Cheng Yi'an can only lick his face to find Gu Mingqing for help.

        Gu Mingqing readily agreed.

        Then Gu Mingqing had more contacts with Cheng Moli and Cui Gu.

        Cuigu is really a very simple, simple person, who can see through what she is thinking at a glance.

        Gu Mingqing prefers Cheng Moli to Cui Gu. This Miss has a toughness in her body, which is very rare in Miss.

        Gu Mingqing found that Cheng Moli had really learned a lot from the old Mama in recent years. It is no exaggeration to say that Cheng Moli is not much worse than the big money of the high-profile big households in Capital City.

        Touching the white face of Cheng Moli, Gu Mingqing had an idea in his heart.

        As soon as Gu Mingqing came up with this idea, Tang Jinrui was the first person to consult.

        Tang Jinrui frowned when he heard that Gu Mingqing had actually taken Cheng Moli and wanted to tell Cheng Moli to Tang Renxuan.

        "Xiang Gong, what do you think of Jasmine? Is she suitable for marrying Renxuan, how about being Erxi for us?"

        Tang Jinrui thoughtful and determined face appeared in Tang Jinrui mind. He did not deny that he had a good impression of Cheng Moli. "Jasmine is pretty good. I have confidence in Niangzi vision. Although Cheng's official position is not high , And is a general, but the Cheng family does not have so many messes.

        General Cheng is even simpler in mind, and there has never been only one idea in his mind, that is, loyalty to the emperor. It's pretty good to get married with such a family. "

        Gu Mingqing was happy, "So, Xianggong, are you optimistic about Jasmine? That's good. I'll go back and ask Ren Xuan's meaning. If Ren Xuan also thinks Jasmine is good, then I'll explore General Cheng and Fu-ren means. "

        The Cheng family is mainly General Cheng. Cuigu temperament is too soft. She is afraid that she will never have the heart to make decisions.

        Gu Mingqing feels that there should be no problems there with the Cheng family. How good is the condition of her family, Renxuan, if she can have such a good son-in-law, can you agree immediately?

        The next day, Gu Mingqing asked Tang Renxuan's thoughts.

        "Renxuan, how do you like Jasmine?"

        On the day when the Cheng family visited the Tang family, Tang Renxuan met Jasmine.

        Tang Renxuan is not impressed with Cheng Moli. He can't keep staring at a woman all the time, no such thing.

        Tang Renxuan recalled Cheng Moli and said, "Looks like a good Miss, and he has a sense of strength in his body, afraid that he will not lose to any man."

        Gu Mingqing raised her eyebrows and wondered, "You saw the other person's side, and you didn't expect to see it so deeply. Okay, that lady didn't sell it to you anymore. She loved Jasmine and wanted her to be Erxi." I asked your father, and your father has no comments. It’s up to you now. If you agree, your mother will go to Cheng’s family to raise relatives. ”

        Tang Renxuan didn't expect to talk about him suddenly.

        Speaking of his own affairs, Tang Renxuan was impossible not to be shy, but he couldn't listen, and immediately blushed.

        "Marriage event, the words of parents' matchmaker. Since both father and mother feel good, the son has no opinion."

        "Don't care what your father and I mean, I ask you what you think in your heart. Renxuan, the wife is to accompany you all your life. The mother hopes you can marry the one you like."

        Tang Renxuan had a headache, "My mother, what I'm thinking about now is how to gain a foothold in the Hanlin Academy and go up step by step, wanting to do more for the people. I have so many things to do, where is there time to care What kind of children's personal love?

        In fact, my requirement for my wife is to be reasonable, filial to the elders, and care for my younger sister Di-Sao. Of course, if my future wife could be tougher and able to stand up, just like my mother, I would be more satisfied. In this way, I found Cheng Miss to be quite suitable. "

        Gu Mingqing's eyes towards Tang Renxuan gradually changed.

        Gu Mingqing found that her son was really a career-oriented man, and he had little affection for Xiaojia, what he really did not care about.

        "That Jasmine really meets your requirements. Good Miss, you still have to settle down early, and you are not too young. I will ask you back to Cheng Bobo."

        Gu Mingqing soon invited Cheng Yi'an and Cui Gu, without turning around and talking about the scene, directly explaining the intention, wanting to marry Cheng Moli for Tang Renxuan.

        Cuigu is very happy.

        The Tang family's elder brother is much more handsome, and I heard that he also hit 1st-Scholar. Isn't this just a first-rate young talent? It would be nice if Jasmine could marry such a good man.

        Cui Gu almost nodded as soon as Gu Mingqing spoke.

        But Aunt Cui glanced at General Cheng beside him and pressed down her eager heart.

        Cheng Yi'an was a little surprised, but he didn't expect the Tang family to take a fancy to his daughter.

        Cheng Yi'an is also satisfied with this family matter. Since Capital City, he has never heard people praise how good Tang Renxuan is, but he hasn't said that he is like a god in the sky.

        However, the door number of the Tang family is too high. Compared with the Tang family, the door number of the Cheng family is somewhat lower.

        If the daughter marries into the Tang family and is wronged, their family can't stand up for her daughter!

        Thinking of this, Cheng Yi'an hesitated.

        Gu Mingqing captured the hesitation in Cheng Yi'an's eyes and smiled, "If General Cheng is hesitant and dissatisfied with this family matter, just say it."

        Cheng Yi'an was silent for a moment, and said, "Tang Fu-ren, I'm a rough man. Then I have nothing to say. How great Tang Big-gongzi is, I always look at it. If it can be so good Of course, my son is happy. But Jasmine is also the daughter I hold in my hand. I also hope that her life will be smooth and comfortable.

        Tang Jiamen is the tallest. If Jasmine really marries Tang Big-gongzi, in case of being bullied, my Cheng family is afraid of not having the ability to support Jasmine. "

        "General Cheng, nice promise, I won't tell you more at the moment. If you say it better, don't you think it's better if you do it better in the future?"

        Gu Mingqing's words are very appetizing to Cheng Yi'an.

        Cheng Yi'an hated those literate literati the most, and he was really more pleasant than anyone else, but when they did, he really didn't want to say anything, and he didn't even see!

        The Tang family's actions were an appetite for Cheng Yi'an, and they also made Cheng Yi'an like it.

        "I only ask General Cheng, do you believe in the character of our couple, and do you believe in the style of the Tang family. Renxuan was taught by my husband and I. I dare not say anything, but there is one thing I can do Guarantee. Like his father, Renxuan will be a good man who loves his wife. "

        Cheng Yian stunned, staring closely at Gu Mingqing.

        Cheng Yi'an's behavior was actually a little rude, but Gu Mingqing didn't say anything, and let Cheng Yian look at it.

        It took a while for Cheng Yi'an to take his gaze back and solemnly said, "I apologize for Tang Fu-ren if it is Fang Cai. What I did just insults the Tang family. What is Tang Daren and Tang Fu-ren like? , I should be clear in my heart, should not ask such rude words. "

        Gu Mingqing smiled and dispelled the embarrassing atmosphere that filled the air, "What is General Cheng saying? It's all parental. Can I not understand General Cheng's love for her daughter? General Cheng should also be cautious. "

        "I'm very satisfied with this marriage. But I don't hide Tang Fu-ren. I want to go back and ask Jasmine's child. Although it is a matter of marriage, I am talking about the fate of my parents, but I still want to ask the child What idea? "Cheng Yian said a little embarrassed.

        Gu Mingqing nodded, "It should be."

        After Cheng Yi'an went back, he immediately told Cheng Moli about the marriage.

        Cheng Moli didn't agree at once, or did not agree at all, but just offered to see Tang Renxuan alone.

        Cheng Yi'an forwarded Cheng Moli request to Gu Mingqing.

        Gu Mingqing raised his eyebrows, Miss, was very assertive.

        Gu Mingqing didn't object, so he was at the Tang family and arranged for Tang Renxuan and Cheng Moli to meet.

        The two were alone for a short time, less than half an hour.

        On the second day, the Cheng family replied and said they agreed to the marriage.

        Tang Renxuan should still do whatever he wants after setting a date, but he is not a complete elm head. Occasionally, he sees something good on the street and thinks it is suitable for Cheng Moli. Home.

        For Tang Renxuan and Cheng Moli to get married, most people are very incredible!

        There are so many good Miss in Capital City, born better than Cheng Jasmine, and grabbed a lot of them; looks better than Cheng Jasmine, even grabbed a lot.

        Who could have thought that the Tang family didn't take any fancy, but actually picked Wufu daughter.

        That Cheng Moli, no matter whether they looked sideways, they didn't see that Cheng Moli was any good.

        Many people secretly talked in private and thought that Gu Mingqing would regret it in the future! Instead of choosing a real name, he chose a Yafu from the Wufu family, and some of them cried in the future!

        Gu Mingqing didn't know the thoughts of those people and lived a small life on his own.

        In a blink of an eye, Yan Jin ascended the throne a year later.

        A year later, Cheng Moli married the Tang family and became the wife of Tang Renxuan, Erxi Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing.

        Gu Mingqing is not a Popo who likes to take power, nor is it the evil Popo who erected Erxi.

        Gu Mingqing took Cheng Moli housekeeper to see if Cheng Moli could manage the Tang family's Chinese feed.

        Gu Mingqing did not misread Cheng Moli. She learned a lot from the old Mama, and the steward was naturally one of them.

        At the beginning, Cheng Moli was still a bit sloppy, and some could not do it.

        However, after Gu Mingqing's instructions, Cheng Moli started at once.

        After more than half a year, Gu Mingqing decided that Cheng Moli was OK, and he completely let go and handed the Tang family's Chinese feed to Cheng Moli completely.

        Cheng Moli was a little nervous, "Mother, I didn't learn long. Or let me continue to study with you for some time. There are many things I need to learn."

        Gu Mingqing smiled and said, "You are too modest. How do you do it, I see it all in your eyes. You already have the ability to manage the Tang family. Don't be afraid, it's really something that is difficult or impossible to do Place. I will watch it aside. Besides, who can make mistakes, I also made mistakes. "

        Cheng Moli took over from the Tang family.

        Gu Mingqing has more time to accompany Zhou-shi, as well as caring for children and married daughters.

        After Yan Jin became king, he believed in Crown Prince Yan Jianzhong.

        But how could Prince's be ambitious?

        Gradually, the Prince's Prince became restless, with small movements frequently.

        Among them, the action is the biggest, the favorite is 2-Prince Yan Jianxing, because he is Yan Jin's second son, he also quite likes Yan Jin.

        Not only that, Yan Jianxing’s mother also gave birth to Yanjin’s Eldest-daughter, so their mother and son really had a place in Yanjin’s heart.

        However, in order to ensure the status of Luo Xinyan and Yan Jianzhong, Yan Jin only sealed Yan Jianxing's mother as Jin Bin.

        This kind of concubine must be thought-provoking.

        Doesn’t it mean to be cautious, does it mean to be careful?

        Yan Jin hopes that the party will not make mistakes, can they always be cautious and safe?

        These are all Gu Mingqing guessed, and I don’t know if they guessed right.

        Yan Jianxing made his head, and began to woo the courtiers in the Chaotang. From time to time, he also aimed at Yan Jianzhong as Crown Prince, and even Jinbin started to provoke Luo Xinyan in the harem.

        Yan Jianxing has long been married, but he dismissed his wife as too low, and turned to the old Di-Kin granddaughter of Huage, that is, the baby daughter of Big-Fu-ren.

        Saying that the baby girl who spent Big-Fu-ren is not too young, how come she has never been married?

        It turned out to be Big-Fu-ren Ever since Gu Mingqing secretly rejected his wife, he has always been indignant. He must find a son who is hundreds of times better than Tang Renxuan!

        Hua Big-Fu-ren has long raised her daughter arrogantly. Her daughter also has a high eye, knowing that she was rejected by the Tang family, she is also sturdy enough to pick a better one than Tang Renxuan.

        The delay of the two visits.

        Today, Yan Jianxing has taken a fancy to the baby girl of Big-Fu-ren.

        What should I do with Yan Jianxing's original wife?

        Yan Jianxing wants to demote his wife as Qie, the reason is also readily available! Who let her enter the door for so many years, only gave birth to a daughter, he also allowed her to be Ceefei, he is too kind and generous!

        Yan Jianxing didn't know what he thought, but he really ran to talk to Yan Jin happily.

        Jinbin also went to Yan Jin to blow the pillow.

        At that time, Yan Jin did not express any concern to Yan CCB and Jinbin, and they didn't even look at them.

        Yan Jianxing and Jin Bin suddenly felt a little stunned, and always felt that they could not understand Yan Jin.

        On the second day, in the presence of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, Yan Jin denounced Yan Jianxing's wolf child's ambition, misbehaving, and demoted his wife to Qie. What's more, Yan Jianxing's body has the blood of a horseman, and he dare to deliberately assume the position of king. It is really unknowable!

        Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!

        Gu Mingqing heard Yan Jin's original words from other people's mouths afterwards, and he was a little stunned.

        Yan Jin really demolished Yan Jianxing to the mud, and actually said he was cheap! For Prince, I am afraid it will be more painful than death.

        Grandfather, Yan Jianxing’s biological mother, is indeed a groom. Later, she gave birth to a son, who was actually able to study, and later passed Imperial-Graduate. Since then, my wife's family has just changed its face, and it has barely become a study family.

        After Yan Jin finished scolding Yan Jianxing, he also decided to reprimand Jin Bin for his humble birth, unrespectable, and extremely stupid.

        As for Yan Jianxing, Yan Jin circled him in his house afterwards.

        Yan Jianxing still lives in the palace now because Yan Jin has not yet knighted his son.

        Yan Jin casually sealed the title of Duke Duke of Yan Construction Bank, and made a house. He ordered people to repair it at will, and circled the entire family of Yan Construction Bank.

        Yan Jin also made Yan Jianxing do what he wanted. The baby girl who spent Big-Fu-ren was referred to Yan Jianxing as Noble-concubine by Yan Jin.

        Hua Big-Fu-ren wept bitterly at the Hua Family, and asked the Pavilion to let the Emperor take it back.

        The Flower Pavilion is too lazy to bother about Big-Fu-ren.

        Hua Big-Fu-ren carrying Hua Ji and Yan Jianxing to get in touch, Hua Ji never knew about it at all.

        Now that things are happening, such a scandal is happening, what can Huage Lao do? Yan Jin has made a decree!

        After dealing with Yan Jianxing and others, Yan Jin first asked Tang Jinrui and Chu Haoran to drink.

        It was mainly Yan Jin who was drinking alone, and Tang Jinrui and Chu Haoran were watching.

        Tang Jinrui saw that Yan Jin had a glass of wine and there was almost no space in between. He couldn't help persuading, "Emperor, eating on an empty stomach, hurting your body. Don't drink it anymore."

        Yan Jin held the hand of the wine glass, and then put the wine glass to his mouth and drank up and drank.

        After drinking this glass, Yan Jin stopped drinking it, resting one hand on the table, holding his head, his eyes blurred, "Brother, Tang Aiqing, you said I was too cruel. I am so unsympathetic to my own son. Spicy, am I not worthy of being a father? "

        How did Tang Jinrui and Chu Haoran answer this? Both were silent for a while.

        It was Chu Haoran who was more intimate with Yanjin’s relationship and couldn’t help saying, “The emperor, Big-Prince has ambitions and covets a reserve. This is indeed guilty. The emperor, you have to punish Big-Prince, which is what he deserves. It’s just-it’s just that your words are a bit too cruel, saying that Big-Prince’s body has the cheap blood of the groom, this— ”

        To say that Yan Jianxing was so badly suppressed by Yan Jin, but what he most cherishes is the sentence of Yan Jin that he has the low blood of the groom, which makes him embarrassed and even makes him want to die.

        I heard that Yan Jianxing is drinking alcohol every day in the house and is drunk drunk.

        After Yan Jianxing was drunk, he cried there and said that since his biological mother was a humble figure and a offspring of a groom, why did Yan Jin accept her as Qie and why gave birth to him!

        Tang Jinrui glanced at Chu Haoran in shock, and he said, he dare to say.

        However, Tang Jinrui had to admit that he felt that Chu Haoran's words were quite reasonable. The punishment must be punishment, but that was really too much.

        How much damage a father can inflict on a son, I am afraid no one can think of it.

        Yan Jin completely rejected Yan Construction Bank.

        Yan Jianxing opened his eyes, looked at Chu Haoran lazily, and suddenly smiled, "Brother, your courage is so great. How dare you blame me !?"

        Chu Haoran was busy getting up and asking for guilt.

        Yan Jin put his hand on Chu Haoran's shoulder and pressed him down, "Don't stand up and salute, today, don't treat me as an emperor, treat me as a younger brother. Brother, everything you say is successful."

        "The vassal is guilty. The servant's words are arrogant."

        Yan Jin shook his head, "You are not wanton. In fact, this is not only what you are thinking, but also Tang Aiqing thinks so in your heart."

        Tang Jinrui expression suddenly became awkward, and he really didn't know how to answer for a while.

        Yan Jin didn't need Tang Jinrui answer, "I know that my words are too much, even if I give Xing er a knife directly, it's better than saying those words to him. I know those words are very hurtful, but I "

        Yan Jin said, tears flashing in his dim eyes.

        Tang Jinrui moved, "Emperor "

        Yan Jin continued, "But I have to do this! I want to kill the chickens and monkeys! I want all sons to know that Crown Prince is the crown prince, and his position is unshakable! I don’t allow anyone to pretend to be Crown Prince! Who None!

        The suffering I have suffered will never let Zhong'er suffer again! Absolutely not! There are my other sons, do they think that the battle for storage is a joke? Look at my brothers, except for a few small ones, they haven't had time to grow up and blend in.

        Not all of the previous ones were folded in, and none of them ended well. Yes, the end of 3-Didi is the best. Fortunately, he was trapped in his own house, which is much larger than the clan house. "

        Yan Jin said, raising his head, Yan Jin opened wide, it seemed to control the tears under his eyes, so that it would not fall, "I am a father, so I want to protect all the children. I actually gave it to the children Opportunity. I reminded him many times that I had beaten it, but he still— "

        Tang Jinrui sighed, "The emperor has good intentions and hardships, a heart of a loving father."

        "Heart of a loving father? I'm afraid in his heart, I am the cruelest father in the world." Yan Jin laughed and said quickly, "Well, just think what he loves. I have done it The decision will not change. "

        Tang Jinrui whispered, "The emperor can actually talk to Big-Prince, I believe Big-Prince will understand your pains."

        Yan Jin categorically refused, "No! Since you want to kill chickens and monkeys, how can those monkeys behave well if the chickens are not killed?"

        Tang Jinrui saw that Yan Jin had made up his mind and said nothing more.

        "I will not become the same as the father and emperor, absolutely not! I will never embark on the same path as the father and emperor, and Zhong'er will never fall into the same tragic situation that I used to be. No, no , Definitely not ... "

        Yan Jin seemed to be drunk, his head fell and leaned on the table.

        Tang Jinrui listened to Yan Jin's words and moved his heart.

        After Tang Jinrui went back, he told Yan Mingqing what Yan Jin said.

        After listening, Gu Mingqing sighed for a long time, "The emperor can do this, I can't help but say one sentence is enough. The emperor's heart for Empress and Crown Prince is really touching. No wonder Xianggong you I said that the emperor will not change. "

        "In addition to Empress and Crown Prince, the emperor is still afraid of the previous emperor. When the emperor finally got drunk, he kept saying that he would not become the same as the previous emperor, and the Crown Prince would not fall. Where he used to be. "

        Gu Mingqing raised his eyebrows and thought, "Is this a predecessor who planted trees to catch a cold after others?" Because there was a harsh and harsh treatment of Yan Jin by the Emperor Zheng Qing. Therefore, Yan Jin takes this as a warning, and absolutely does not allow himself to be a person like Emperor Zhengqing.

        "Niangzi, I think the emperor is very bitter. The emperor still loves Big-Prince son very much. Just "

        "But if Big-Prince was ambitious and did something he shouldn't do, he wouldn't " Big-Prince's wrong name was wrong? Not necessarily. Born in the royal family, so close to that position, who would have a little thought in his heart.

        However, it must be admitted that Yan Jin's behavior can indeed cut off many people's ambitions. If Yan Jin has been able to do so, his son may be able to have a good ending.

        It is Yan Jianxing, who is currently being banned. After Yan Jianzhong ascended the throne, in order to show his benevolence, or for one reason or another, he was afraid that he would release Yan Jianxing from his house.

        Gu Mingqing really hopes that Yan Jin will be consistent and unchanging, so that Luo Xinyan and Yan Jianzhong will have a better life.

        In private, Yan Jianzhong also persuaded Yan Jin to let him open up the network of Yan Jianxing.

        No matter whether Yan Jianzhong really thinks so, or just looks, he has done enough.

        It's just that Yan Jin but Lang's heart is like iron.

        Time rushed, and five years passed in a flash.

        In these five years, Tang Shiyu gave birth to a son and a daughter for Su Zhengbo.

        Tang Renxuan also married Cheng Moli, and now Cheng Moli also gave birth to him.

        Gu Mingqing threw all the Tang family's affairs to Cheng Moli, she was relaxed and had a comfortable life.

        In addition to being with Zhou-shi, Gu Mingqing will also go out with Leng-Mengning, Qiao Qiao or Lan-shi (Wu Churan's wife) for shopping, or invite two or three people together.

        Gu Mingqing can hardly see the slightest old look on her face. Apart from her willingness to maintain, the most important thing is that she has a good attitude and a happy mood.

        Tang Jinrui has been busy all these years.

        Yan Jin wants to be rich and powerful, and he needs to do a lot of things. He has also carried out many reforms.

        Any reform will violate the interests of many people, so if you want to push things forward, there will be a lot of resistance.

        In the cabinet, Shoufu Suge is old and he doesn't like this drastic reform, so he keeps silent, in fact, he implicitly expressed his disapproval.

        The second Assistant flower pavilion is always a conservative, and directly refused, even accusing Yan Jin of being whimsical and thinking too much.

        The next thing is Tang Jinrui, who is completely on the side of Yan Jin and agrees with Yan Jin.

        Tang Jinrui had an old Li Ji in front of him, but the old Li Ji suffered a breeze, and his body could not see it, so he retreated, so Tang Jinrui took a step forward. The cabinet also entered a new person.

        The old man who came in was completely dependent on his seniority. Generally, which side is the strongest, he chose which side to stand on, with no opinion of his own.

        The cabinet's cabinet, Lao-Da, is still quite disagreeing with Yan Jin's attitude, not to mention Wenwu Baiguan.

        But Yan Jin has a stubborn spirit, he must succeed in whatever he wants, and he will never rest! Tang Jinrui also clenched his teeth and followed Yan Jin, no matter what difficulties or obstacles he encountered, he did not flinch.

        Under such circumstances, the sense of monarch and minister between Yan Jin and Tang Jinrui is deeper.

        Huang Tian lived up to his heart, what Yan Jin wanted to do was not succeed in the beginning, but after all these years, he also did it.

        Facts have proved that Yan Jin's decision is correct!

        The mountains and rivers of Dajin are more prosperous and powerful in the hands of Yanjin than before, and the tax for one year is 10% higher than before! You have to know that this is when Yanjin did not increase taxes. The increase of 10% shows how rare this is!

        Gu Mingqing found that Tang Jinrui has not grown old in these years. People really need something to do, and they have thoughts in their hearts so that life can be motivated and motivated.

        Although Tang Jinrui has been busy until midnight all these years, sometimes he can only sleep for two hours a day, but he is full of energy every day and is very lively.

        Looking at Tang Jinrui like this, Gu Mingqing couldn't help but see the six words "Scholar died for a confidant".

        From the beginning, Tang Jinrui was optimistic about Yan Jin. After so many years, it has never changed.

        It's also because Tang Jinrui hasn't changed, and now he has what he wants, and he has also waited for the prosperous-shi Mingjun he had been expecting.

        Tang Yuxuan is also a handsome young man now.

        Let's say that among the children of Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing, Tang Yuxuan is the best-looking, but he is always awake, lazy, and looks very mentally.

        But to be honest, the more Tang Yuxuan grows up, the more lazy and casual he is, which is quite attractive.

        At least it is more attractive to Little Miss, than Tang Renxuan's square.

        Anyway, Gu Mingqing knows, secretly likes Tang Yuxuan's Little Miss, but there are many, and there are also many people who come to the Tang family to raise relatives.

        Gu Mingqing didn't pick up his wish for a while, and asked Tang Yuxuan what he meant. He also showed that he had the merit first and then said his relatives. These things are slowed down first.

        Today Tang Yuxuan has Imperial-Graduate merits on him, he is going to participate in this meeting.

        Tang Yuxuan was still a little nervous. When he ate, he even put the green pepper that he did not like most into his mouth.

        Tang Yuxuan took a few bites, tasted the wrong taste, and suddenly looked bitter, but in front of the family, the green pepper he caught could only be eaten with a scalp.

        Gu Mingqing also found a time to talk to Tang Yuxuan, "Yuxuan, I'm going to try it soon. You are a bit wrong, and I'm too nervous."

        Tang Yuxuan's face collapsed suddenly, "Mother, how can I not be nervous. Dad and brother are both hit once. If I were this time, it would be ashamed. Those people would say I dragged the Tang family I don’t want to do that. ”

        Gu Mingqing touched Tang Yuxuan's head funny.

        Tang Yuxuan was shocked. Since growing up, Gu Mingqing has rarely touched his head like this, but the taste is still quite good, he likes it.

        Gu Mingqing smiled and said, "What are you holding back? Your father is your father, your brother is your brother, don't always compare with them. You look at you so young and you hit Imperial-Graduate, this is no longer known. How many people are strong. Know how many people have spent a lifetime on the County-Graduate, that is, they have not been able to achieve Imperial-Graduate in high school, which is also a regret for their entire lives. "

        Tang Yuxuan said strangely, "Mother, I didn't expect you to say such things to me. But why did you always beat me with words before, so that I wouldn't drag the Tang family's hind legs?"

        Gu Mingqing snapped Tang Yuxuan's shoulder angrily. The latter intentionally made a grined expression, indicating that he was hurt by Gu Mingqing.

        Gu Mingqing knew he didn’t use much energy, so he didn’t sympathize with Tang Yuxuan at all. “Don’t make such an expression. You don’t hurt, I can’t know. You are lazy, if I don’t usually Urge you to work hard, will you study hard?

        Yuxuan, you have worked hard for so many years. Now it's time to have a little confidence in myself. It is good to be successful in the exam. Even if you fail the exam, you have tried hard. Your dad and I also see your efforts in your eyes, naturally you will not blame you.

        Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Your father and your brother also said that your level has been reached, as long as you play normally, you will definitely be able to pass the exam. Don’t be too nervous, you don’t play well, and you don’t—then you can’t cry anymore. "

        Tang Yuxuan said, "I'm not nervous."

        Gu Mingqing laughed, "Aren't you nervous? How do you put green pepper in your mouth when you eat? You usually hate eating green pepper. When did you change your taste?"

        Tang Yuxuan's face was red, embarrassed, but still insisted, "I suddenly found that the taste of green pepper is also good, so suddenly I like to eat."

        "Oh " Gu Mingqing said meaningfully, "So you like to eat green peppers. That line, I will tell the kitchen to prepare green peppers for you every time. Yuxuan remember to eat every day."

        Tang Yuxuan's face was pulled down, his expression was like eating Huanglian, he didn't like to eat green pepper at all!

        Gu Mingqing is also teasing Tang Yuxuan, where would he really do that.

        Gu Mingqing then specifically asked Cheng Moli to prepare more dishes that Tang Yuxuan would like to eat for every meal.

        Tang Yuxuan looked at the dishes on the table that he liked to eat and suddenly smiled, he knew his mother loved him the most.

        After the enlightenment of Gu Mingqing, Tang Yuxuan lost half of his nervousness. Anyway, he was still young. Even if he failed the exam this time, it would be the same for the next exam.

        With such a mentality, Tang Yuxuan went to the meeting and tried!

        When Tang Yuxuan participated in the meeting test, he was unlucky. He was actually assigned to the stink!

        You should know that no matter whether it is Tang Jinrui or Tang Renxuan, he has never been assigned to a stink!

        Tang Yuxuan really became the first of the Tang family!

        Tang Yuxuan will try it out after the exam, the whole person is dizzy, and people are very worried.

        Tang Yuxuan saw his family staring at him nervously, and his heart was warm, but remembering the torture these days, he still couldn't laugh, "I'm too unlucky, I was even assigned the stink! Fortunately, the weather is not hot But it’s not hot, but it’s stinking, it’s really— ”

        Tang Yuxuan wanted to sing for himself "Little Cabbage, Di Huang "

        Tang Renxuan was also full of sympathy for Tang Yuxuan, and persuaded, "This time I was unlucky, and I will participate again next time. I won’t be so unlucky again and again, and I ’m always assigned a stink every time. "

        Cheng Moli, who wore a sky-blue embroidered ornate branch, also said, "Don't be sad about 2-Didi. You are still young, there are more opportunities."

        Tang Shiyu even said, "Brother, you are Imperial-Graduate when you are so young. It is simply a young talent. How many people admire you. Once you lose, don't worry about it, you will always be grudge, so as not to hurt your body.

        Tang Yuxuan said inexplicably, "When did I say I would miss this time?"

        Gu Mingqing raised his eyebrows, "You don't look like a good exam like this."

        Tang Yuxuan said, "Although I have been assigned to the stink number, I have been tortured to death for several days. I have lived to death and lived to death. But I played well and I will all those problems. I just feel uncomfortable. No.tortured for so many days.

        Also, this time, if I haven't been assigned a stink, I believe I can play better. "

        Tang Yuxuan's face was full of pity.

        Tang Shiyu photographed Tang Yuxuan angrily, "I wasted my feelings, and I was worried about you because I had so many good words to comfort you!"

        Tang Yuxuan came to his spirits and pressed his eyebrows, "I said, my sister, it turns out that in your heart, I am a young talent! Gee-then you still look so indifferent to me. They all say that women can act, it seems This is not false. In fact, if you admire me, you don’t have to hide it, just show it, your brother and I can stand it. "

        Tang Shiyu hand was a little itchy, if she still remembered that Tang Yuxuan would attend the hall test next time, she was afraid that she really had to tighten Tang Yuxuan's ear.

        Gu Mingqing looked at the appearance of several children and couldn't help but smile and shook his head, one by one—

        After the results of the interview came out, Tang Yuxuan really hit, and the ranking was still quite high, even hitting the twelfth place!

        Gu Mingqing found that Tang Yuxuan flashed a glimmer of joy in his eyes after he knew his results, but he still couldn't help saying, "If it is not assigned to the stink, I will definitely be able to rely on it better!"

        Gu Mingqing said, "Yes, yes! Niang knows you are the best, and there is also a hall test. Hurry up and go to school. Good results in the hall test will make Niang proud and proud."

        Tang Jinrui also said in private with Gu Mingqing, "If Yuxuan was not assigned to the stink this time, his results would indeed be better than now. He was indeed a pity this time."

        "It's a pity where there are so many. Who can know where this exam seat is arranged. It can only be said that Yu Xuan is too memorable." Gu Mingqing looked away. The main reason is that there is no way to see it apart, everything has happened.

        In the following days, Tang Yuxuan took out 120 thousand points of spiritual head reading and review, intending to get an amazing good result in the temple test!

        Soon, it was the day of the palace test.

        The topic was written by Yan Jin himself, and it was not anything else, but still asked questions about people's livelihood.

        Over the years, everyone has become accustomed to it. Knowing that our emperor, my favorite is the pragmatic issues of people's livelihood. From the unaccustomed at the beginning to the current practice.

        Since Yan Jin likes it, what can everyone do except study hard?

        The results of the temple test came out quickly, and Tang Yuxuan was ordered by Tanhua Flower-Scholar in public!

        Yan Jin told Tang Jinrui afterwards that looking at Tang Yuxuan standing in the hall reminded him of Tang Jinrui when he was young. Their father and son are really not like them!

        Coupled with the overall age of the candidates this time, Tang Yuxuan was so young that he felt quite like standing out.

        Isn't Tanhua Flower-Scholar looking handsome and young? Tang Yuxuan is very in line with the requirements.

        Gu Mingqing is also happy, "Our Tang family is two Tanhua Flower-Scholar, 1st-Scholar, how many people envy!"

        After Tanghuaxuan-Scholar in Tang Yuxuan High School, he was not happy enough, "Mother, that is all you taught well. Or where can I and my brother have such good results."

        "The mouth is sweet enough. How about coaxing you to come to Niangzi in the future. Now that you have won the exam, your relatives have to take care of you."

        Tang Yuxuan hit Tanhua Flower-Scholar, according to the convention is to go to Hanlin Academy.

        Tang Renxuan hit 1st-Scholar before, and after spending two years in the Hanlin Academy, he was thrown by Tang Jinrui to the household department for a year, and then to the local department for a year, and then ...

        In short, Tang Jinrui asked Tang Renxuan to mix all six parts, and finally let Tang Renxuan settle in the household department.

        Gu Mingqing joked, "Xiang Gong, are you letting Ren Xuanzi inherit his father's business? You were the Hushu Shangshu."

        Then, Gu Mingqing strangely said, "Xiang Gong, since you had planned to let Renxuan enter the household department, why did you ask him to go through all six? There is no need for this."

        "Who said there is no need for this. In fact, the six parts are related to each other, and Ren Xuan is young, so that he has more experience in six parts, which is good for him."

        This point, Gu Mingqing very much agrees.

        Gu Mingqing asked, "What about Yuxuan? What do you think of Yuxuan? You plan to let Yuxuan go to the sixth part like Renxuan in the future?"

        Tang Jinrui shook his head, "No.I want to put Yuxuan in Dali Temple."

        Gu Mingqing surprised, "Dali Temple? Dang Gong, why did you move the idea of putting Yuxuan in Dali Temple? Does Yuxuan look like a case-breaking talent?"

        Tang Jinrui said, "Yu Xuan likes to read the book that solves the case. Yu Xuan also wrote it myself, I read it."

        Tang Yuxuan did write a book, Gu Mingqing knew it, and she also read a little.

        It is undeniable that the book written by Tang Yuxuan was quite successful and sold well in Capital City.

        However, Tang Yuxuan wrote two books and sealed the pens, which made many people very sorry.

        "Xiang Gong, you just like Yu Xuan who likes to write a case-solving book, so I think Yu Xuan is suitable to be an official in Dali Temple? Why don't you let him go to the criminal department?"

        Tang Jinrui replied, "Yuxuan is a little more interested in Dali Temple. He has some interest in the Penal Department "

        "Let's ask Yuxuan. I hope the children will go to the place they want to go when they enter the officialdom." Before Tang Renxuan went to Hube, Gu Mingqing asked him. Tang Renxuan gave Gu Mingqing the answer that he liked Hube very much , Want to take the road his father once walked.

        Tang Jinrui did not object, "OK."

        Gu Mingqing was quite busy next, busy picking his wife for Tang Yuxuan.

        Tang Yuxuan was not very sad about this matter. He gave it to Gu Mingqing. He also said that he believed Gu Mingqing's vision. As long as Gu Mingqing said yes, it must be good.

        When Gu Mingqing knew it, he could not help telling Tang Renxuan, "Your brothers are really the same, and there is no difference in the difference."

        Yan Jin was informed that the Tang family was picking the second son Erxi, and could not help telling Tang Jinrui, "Ai Qing, how about our two family members? How do you think of my side Hui Princess?"

        Duan Hui Princess's mother died prematurely, so she was put under Luo Xinyan's knee to raise her.

        Duan Hui Princess is only one year younger than Tang Yuxuan. He looks outstanding, lively and clever, and is very fond of Yan Jin. Luo Xinyan and Yan Jianzhong are also very fond of Duan Hui Princess.

        Tang Jinrui was shocked.

        Yan Jin rarely saw Tang Jinrui silly look and couldn't help but laugh, "What does Ai Qing froze? Is it because he doesn't want to be a relative with me? Or can't look down on my end Hui Princess?"

        Tang Jinrui recovered, but did not panic. With Yan Jin for many years, he was still able to find Yan Jin happy or unhappy. At this time, Yan Jin was not angry, that is why he said nothing.

        "The Emperor's Princess is naturally excellent. The prince is naturally satisfied with the Princess. Only the prince has to go back and discuss with Fu-ren before he can reply to the emperor."

        "Also, give me an answer earlier."

        Gu Mingqing is busy looking for his second son, Erxi, who would have fallen from the sky.

        Gu Mingqing is no stranger to Duan Hui Princess. In recent years, she often went to the palace to see Luo Xinyan. She could meet Duan Hui Princess seven or eight times out of ten times.

        "Duan Hui Princess is indeed good." Although it is Princess, it is not arrogant, but there is no shortage of Princess's prestige.

        Luo Xinyan may be because there is no daughter, Duan Hui Princess is kept under her knees, she really has feelings, so she really teaches Duan Hui Princess seriously. Duan Hui Princess is not a little white, and the head mother should know, she knows everything.

        The DPRK is also not strict with Fu-ma, and there is no rule that Fu-ma cannot participate in North Hann politics.

        Thinking about this, Gu Mingqing felt that this family matter was very feasible.

        Gu Mingqing asked Tang Yuxuan in private again, whether he would like to marry Hui-Princess.

        Tang Yuxuan raised an eyebrow, "Marry Princess? Then Princess has a good temper. I am married to a wife, not a tigress."

        "You can rest assured about this. Duan Hui Princess is not that ignorant. The mother has seen Duan Hui Princess, and her temperament is very good. I had never thought about making you a Princess, and then the emperor raised it , I really think this marriage is good. "

        Tang Yuxuan immediately said, "Since the mother said that this marriage is good, then this marriage is naturally excellent. Then so be it."

        Yan Jin got a reply from the Tang family here, and he was very happy to have sent the Imperial Decree to marry him.

        Because of his love for Duan Hui Princess, and the fancy Tang family, Yan Jin gave Duan Hui Princess's dowry another 20%.

        Luo Xinyan raised Duan Hui Princess under his knees, and the opposite Hui Princess was also very fancy, and subsidized a lot in private.

        Duan Hui Princess married Tang Yuxuan on the day, it was really ten miles of red makeup, very lively.

        After the marriage, Tang Yuxuan and Duan Hui-Princess can really be said to have been very harmonious and harmonious. The couple is so good that it can be described by honey.

        Gu Mingqing and Tang Jinrui were a little surprised.

        Tang Yuxuan proudly said to them, "Dad, mother, it turns out that Princess is my book fan! The two books I wrote, Princess like it very much."

        Tang Yuxuan still remembers the shocked expression after Hui-Princess knew that he was the author of the two scripts, and then admired it.

        Tang Yuxuan as a man, of course, likes women to look up to him. Especially if the woman is still his wife, it feels even better!

        Duan Hui Princess has a small complaint about Tang Yuxuan, that is why Tang Yuxuan didn't continue writing! She always hoped that Tang Yuxuan could write more and let her see enough.

        Tang Yuxuan immediately said that since Duan-Princess liked it, he would continue to write.

        Duan Hui Princess thinks that Tang Yuxuan is too good, just because she likes to continue writing, what is this not true love? There is no other explanation than true love.

        Therefore, the feelings of Tang Yuxuan and Duan Hui Princess are really a thousand miles a day. Honey is a sorrow.

        Tang Yuxuan and Duan Hui Princess had a good life, and Gu Mingqing was relieved.

        Then there was a major incident in the DPRK, and the old Eldest-son in Huage was used as a relief aid. Since he dared to cooperate with local officials to embezzle the relief funds, it caused countless victims to fail to get proper arrangements in time, so that the people complained and even turmoil. .

        Yan Jin is furious!

        In order to protect Eldest-son, the old Pavilion had to resign.

        Yan Jin pretended to leave the Huage for a while. Seeing that Huage insisted on this, he no longer said much and nodded in agreement.

        As Huage resigned, Tang Jinrui took another step in the cabinet and became a secondary assistant.

        Seeing the old man, Su Ji looked at Su Jinsong next to him, "I didn't expect any young boy who could do this step now. When I have an accident, he will be the first assistant."

        Su Jinsong hurriedly said, "Grandfather, what are you talking about. How could you be in trouble?"

        "Old, more and more recently I feel that I can't do it anymore. Maybe I won't do it anytime." Su Ji smiled and shook his head. "The Tang family is very close."

        Another five years have passed, and Su Ji old life is ending.

        Tang Jinrui has become the first assistant since then, and has achieved the ultimate of officialdom!

        Tang Jinrui, who became the first assistant, still adheres to the previous style of behavior, is low-key and practical, and does his best to assist Yan Jin.

        Yan Jin and Tang Jinrui were suitable for the prosperity of Dajin.

        Twenty years later, Yan Jianzhong has already entered middle age, and Yan Jin is also an old man, but his physical and mental health is very good. It seems that if he can work for another 20 years, he will not feel tired.

        Yan Jin has never shown a suspicion of Yan Jianzhong. He used his actual actions to tell everyone that the status of Empress and Crown Prince is unshakable!

        On this day, Yan Jin suddenly announced his abdication in the Chaotang, Yan Jianzhong ascended the throne as emperor, and he abdicated as Emperor Taishang!

        Yan Jin's announcement was really sudden, no one knows! It was a thunder to the court.

        Yan Jianzhong was also shocked. He knelt down and begged Yan Jin to take back his life. Yan Jin only said that his intention had been decided and would never change.

        During the reign of Yan Jin, Dajin was prosperous at home, bureaucratic and clear, and attacked the external cold. Ten years ago, Yan Jin took the lead and slapped Daliang into a bloody dog. At least Daliang has to rest and recuperate for two decades, and can no longer threaten Dajin.

        One year before Yan Jin abdicated, he ordered the construction of a famous garden, not far from the palace.

        Some people think that this is Yanjin, just like the Prince before. When Mingjun is enough, he wants to have fun, and many people start to move.

        Who knows that Yanjin's garden is cultivated to support himself.

        After Yan Jin abdicated, Tang Jinrui also wanted to resign.

        Yan Jin stopped him, "I'm too tired to be an emperor, so I don't want to be a boss. Your chief assistant is doing well, why not do it."

        Tang Jinrui was also old, and silver hair appeared on his temples, and he smiled bitterly, "The old man should also abdicate to let the virtuous and enjoy the blessing for a few days."

        "Zhong'er still needs the help of an old minister like you, and help him for a few more years. You are different from me." Yan Jin said, his eyes covered with fine lines contained an incomprehensible look, " I now understand the father emperor a little bit. Sitting in the dragon chair, it’s really not that you don’t want to be jealous of anyone. It’s too difficult. It’s really too difficult. ”

        Yan Jin touched his white curly hair and had a complicated look, "Especially watching him grow old day by day, but his son has the spirit of dragon and horse, has the youngest he envied and is so close to his position. Really, I don’t want to suspect , It’s really hard to think about it. "

        Tang Jinrui moved, "Why the emperor—"

        "Because I said, I don’t want to be like the father emperor. I don’t want Zhong'er to take the road I walked before. I also fear that one day, I will not be able to control myself, and I will become the same person as the father emperor. While I can still control myself, while I am still awake, abdication is the best choice for me. So as not to go to the point where the father is not the father, the son is not the child. "

        Tang Jinrui sighed, "The emperor is a good father and a good emperor."

        Yan Jin glanced at Tang Jinrui, "Am I really a good emperor?"

        Tang Jinrui said in earnest, "You are naturally a good emperor. During your reign, you have never been extravagant and extravagant. Today's Dajin officials govern Qingming, the people are rich and live in peace and contentment. Externally, the emperor has fulfilled his long-cherished wishes The Daliang people were beaten down, making them unable to invade Dajin at least for decades.

        Now it is to avoid father and son suspicion and to give way. The emperor can be called the eternal Mingjun. How lucky is the minister to meet the emperor early in the morning and follow the emperor. This is really lucky for the minister. "

        Yan Jin smiled, "Ai Qing, Ai Qing, we have been ministers for so many years, you really have never said such nice words to me. But you love these words."

        "The ministers are telling the truth, they are heartfelt words."

        Yan Jin raised an eyebrow, "Why haven't I told me before?"

        "If I told the emperor before, wouldn't that become a servant who would only flatter?"

        Yan Jin laughed, "I am now the emperor, can you say these words to me without hesitation?"

        After Yan Jianzhong ascended the throne, he would ask Yan Jin about any major incidents in the past, but Yan Jin was ignored.

        Yan Jin really did abdicate and abdicate. He only cares for the elderly in Jingming Garden, and all the important things are handed over to Yan Jianzhong.

        Yan Jianzhong did not disappoint Yan Jin, let alone let Jin Jin be better in his hands, but at least he did not step back, which is good.

        Five years later, Yan Jin passed away, and he left with a smile.

        In the same year, Zhou-shi also died.

        Before Zhou-shi death, the Tang family was already in the same generation for five generations. Looking at the children around her bed, she was very pleased. She said to Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing, "Why don't you live this life!"

        After Zhou-shi death, Yan Jianzhong personally visited the Tang family to worship.

        Tang Jinrui insisted on Ding You after Zhou-shi death, and Yan Jianzhong repeatedly failed to retain people.

        Zhou-shi last words are to be buried with Tang Renxuan.

        Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing intend to take Zhou-shi body back to their hometown in Lingping County, and since then they have stayed in Lingping County to die.

        Tang Renxuan and Tang Yuxuan are very worried, "Dad, mother, you will stay in the capital. Otherwise, if you go back to your hometown, my brother and I will not be there, just in case "

        Tang Jinrui interrupted their words without a good air, "So many people are here, what can your mother and I do? Even if it really happened, it is also our limit, whether we are in the capital or in your eyes.

        You are good officials. If you do not do well, let me know that I cannot spare you. "

        Gu Mingqing slapped Tang Jinrui shoulder humorously. "The older you are, the bigger your temper will be, and you will get angry with your son."

        Gu Mingqing then said to Tang Renxuan and Tang Yuxuan, "Knowing that you have filial piety. But the leaves fall back to the roots. In this life, my father and I only want to spend time in our hometown and guard your grandmother's grave. If you are empty, Just go back home and see us. If you don’t have time, don’t persuade me anymore. My father and I have made up our minds. "

        Both Tang Renxuan and Tang Yuxuan took leave and sent Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing back to their hometowns.

        Finally, Tang Jinrui drove people away.

        Gu Mingqing put his head on Tang Jinrui shoulder and smiled, "Xiang Gong, in this life, we really can only rely on each other."

        Tang Jinrui reached out and patted Gu Mingqing's shoulder, and said softly, "There is no time for you to spend time with you in these busy years. You will have a long time in the future. I will accompany you."

        "Well. Our days are still very long."


        Wenwen is completely over here! Nothing more! Thank you, my friends, for supporting me along the way. Qi-Qi also knows that this article has more or less deficiencies, but in general, I have written all I want to write, no regrets. It lasted one year and never changed one day, at least 8000+ per day. Qi-Qi believes that he is still hardworking.

        We hope that we can continue to meet in the next new article, "The Heart-Shaped Pets of Abdominal Black Shoufu". The new article has also been serialized today.

        Finally, I am here to thank everyone who supports Qi-Qi, who has spoken into a thousand words, thank you ( 3)


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