Back 60s 620

       Lin Qing-He laughed when he said this: “The commercial house is not in a hurry. You are a bachelor and you don’t have Erxi yet. Anxious to buy this house. Why is the dumpling shop on the second floor not enough for you to live in? Is there a good location? You just buy it first, don’t want to do business and want to set up a stall, then rent it out. "

       Gangzi thought that this was true, so he looked at him 3-brother: "3-brother, then you asked my aunt to show me?"

       "Yes." Huzi nodded.

       "If your aunt finds it for you, then you have to give your aunt a red envelope. It's not easy to find a good shop." Lin Qing-He said.

       "That must be given." Gangzi smiled.

       Chen Shanshan hurriedly said: "No, no, the family will share this."

       "The family belongs to the family, but this is also necessary. I asked Feng to help me find it. If there is a good one, I will introduce him to this kid." Lin Qing-He said.

       Chen Shanshan's mother Li Yufeng is bigger than Lin Qing-He, Lin Qing-He just called Feng Feng.

       And Lin Qing-He is also very satisfied with Chen Shanshan's mother, because she is willing to help her daughter-in-law to bring down her granddaughter, and she also told her nephew to ask him to give his mother Mother some hard work every month.

       After all, Mother Zhang is generous and her son-in-law has to say no, because even if Mother Zhang is idle, she is not willing to help her grandson, and her grandson is not necessarily willing to bring it.

       But sometimes it is really funny. Some Matrons are not happy to bring their grandchildren, but they are happy to treat their grandchildren. They are just like the baby.

       But the shop in a good location is not so easy to find, find it slowly.

       Lin Qing-He is rarely available, so I called Zhou 1st Sao and went back.

       I have to say that when Lao-Er Lao-San asked them to install this phone in the sea market, it was really right.

       Whether it's Wang Li, a former friend of the same class, or his hometown, or business, it is really convenient to have this phone.

       Last year Wang Li brought her two sons to play here in Beijing, Lin Qing-He gave it to them.

       I didn't call Zhou 1st Sao back for a while, and I called him back later. After a while, I hit it again, and Zhou 1st Sao came to answer it.

       "I said you didn't fight back for a while, and you should fight." Zhou 1st Sao smiled.

       "Yangyang is getting married this year, do I have to make a phone call back and ask?" Lin Qing-He said with a smile.

       Zhou Yang graduated early. Now he is studying in the county. Before that, he also had an object in the provincial capital. But later, he split up and placed a teacher in the county. Both parties are very suitable. They will get married this year. .

       Zhou 1st Sao is naturally refreshing when it comes to happy events.

       The eldest daughter and son-in-law are raising ducks nowadays. Needless to say, the second daughter and the second son are married, the third daughter is married, and she is pregnant this year.

       It is the turn of the elder son to get married, and the younger son continues to study, but he will not be far behind.

       It can be said that Zhou 1st Sao has no regrets.

       Isn’t life the most satisfying thing for all the children?

       Lin Qing-He can also hear the happiness of Zhou 1st Sao on the phone, and said with a smile: "Wu Chang so many, just 1st Sao, now you have to put down the burden, and the potatoes are left. One. "

       Zhou 1st Sao smiled happily: "Dawa, they are all very good, they are incomparable." Then they asked about 4-Nini pregnancy.

       "There is no problem next to it, it is serious morning sickness, which is similar to what I had before." Lin Qing-He said.

       "This Girl is really, neither of her first two sisters, it will be her turn." Zhou 1st Sao said helplessly.

       "It is also due to personal physique, but it does not matter." Lin Qing-He said.

       Zhou 1st Sao talked about some things in the village again. Now that the conditions are good, I don’t care about the phone bills for those few dollars. It’s okay to talk more.

       "Xia Xia is not born yet?" Lin Qing-He said.

       "It's been a while." Zhou 1st Sao said.

       Erxi Ma Miaomiao of Zhou-Xia has not been pregnant since the last miscarriage, and it was only last year. This month is almost five months old, and there are still a few months.

       "She 2-Aunt will soon be her nucai." Zhou 1st Sao said.

       Although the relationship with Zhou-2-Sao is not very good, but I can't get used to Ma Miaomiao style. It is true that, while disgusting her Popo, while enjoying her Popo service.

       "It's just one thing, one thing, it might be troublesome to change one." Lin Qing-He smiled.

       For Zhou-2-Sao, Lin Qing-He is also convinced. Really, I don’t know if she killed her Erxi family in her last life. It seems that her life is owed, so powerful and unreasonable, but She couldn't help her Erxi.

       How long did it take to get pregnant after entering the door? That shouldn't be overturned.

       However, her Big-Erxi is different. On most days, Zhou-3-brother, who goes to the countryside to load goods, is not called to give the chickens to make up for her in the past. I dare not say a word.

       Although there is something that was not pushed by Zhou-6-Nini, it is still a slave slave.

       When Popo got this one, it didn't have to be said. The villagers did not poke Ma Miaomiao backbone in the back, but there was nothing in the city that said that the neighbors on the left and right did not praise Ma Miaomiao good marriage.

       Because Zhou-2-Sao didn't ask Zhou-3-brother to send chickens and eggs. In addition to this, the soybeans, peanuts and sesame produced by the farmhouse are often sent.

       When Popo gets this, is it good enough?

       Not to mention the neighbors, even Ma Miaomiao mother, she was asked to be polite to her Popo.

       But Ma Miaomiao didn't take it seriously, she didn't want to give her the rural Popo a good complexion, otherwise what would she do with her nose on her nose? What if I want to live in the city?

       She was very disgusted and did not wash her feet. She went back to live for her for two days during the New Year and she was sick and dead.

       Lin Qing-He chatted with Zhou 1st Sao for a while, and then hung up.

       Zhou Qingbai asked: "When should I leave?"

       Lin Qing-He said: "Next month." In fact, don't worry too much. From the beginning of this year to the next three years, to 1991, in fact, the potential is great. She remembers that it broke out in 1992. Go up.

       This year Lin Qing-He intends to find out in the past. In the past two years or so, she has also saved a lot of money as a reserve.

       "I saw a piece of land, I was afraid it would cost a lot of money." Zhou Qingbai said.

       "How big?" Lin Qing-He couldn't help it.

       "The whole land is about 80 thousand square meters." Zhou Qingbai said.

       "It's so big?" Lin Qing-He bluffed. This is really a lot of money. Her family current property is really a lot. Her monthly income has reached around 150 thousand, which is an absolute top income.

       But over the past two years, plus the previous, the deposit is several million. If you want to buy such a piece of land, you can't eat it!

       "The land is pretty good, we can eat it." Zhou Qingbai said looking at himself Erxi.

       Lin Qing-He raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "How to eat? Our family doesn't have so much money."

       "Loan." Zhou Qingbai looked at Erxi calmly.

       After opening up, one person is encouraged to get rich first, and then later to get rich later, so the loan conditions are very convenient. As long as you have that ability, you can go for a loan.

       And there are so many industries in the family, even if the amount is huge, but it can be loaned.

       Lin Qing-He didn't expect her man's appetite to grow with age, and for this piece of land, even the loan was thought of.

       Lin Qing-He also thought about it, but hesitated a lot, after all, it needs money, it is really a lot of thieves.

       "The loan is repaid slowly, the opportunity is rare." Zhou Qingbai said.

       If you want to buy it in the future, it is basically impossible, because it is too expensive, where can you easily buy it?

       If you want to buy it, you can buy it now.

       "The Hainan side can make a lot of money by the time, and can also fill in a lot." Zhou Qingbai said.

       Lin Qing-He smiled and said, "That land is so good?"

       "If you want to use it for farming, it will not be bad." Zhou Qingbai nodded.

       He saw it while driving out. Although it was a bit remote, but if it was used for dry farming, it would not be bad. After all, many places are now building roads, and the road will definitely go well in the future.

       Lin Qing-He said with a smile: "I thought you would want to find Wang Yuan to cooperate, he is a thief and has money."

       "Just do it yourself." Zhou Qingbai said, he didn't want to mix his own business with others, even if it was niece son-in-law, but one yard after another, otherwise it will be very complicated in the future.

       Besides, it’s not that I don’t have the ability to eat this piece of land.

       Lin Qing-He said: "Take me to see tomorrow."

       "Good." Zhou Qingbai nodded.

       The next day the girl was sent to kindergarten to go to school, and then he drove Erxi out of the suburbs.

       This land is indeed partial, but it is very spacious, and the land has great potential for cultivation. Lin Qing-He thinks it is really good.

       "How did you find it?" Lin Qing-He said while walking with him.

       "It's okay to just go out and walk around." Zhou Qingbai said.

       In the past two years or so, the things beside him haven't done much, but they have also started to shop in many good areas in other urban areas. Among them, some factories have also been acquired, and so are the houses.

       Lin Qing-He also ridiculed him, do not worry about forgetting to buy so much?

       Zhou Qingbai gave her a book to read. These properties are clearly remembered in his book, and there are related documents such as real estate certificates. Can you forget this if you forget anything else?

       In addition to buying these properties, the remaining Zhou Qingbai just went around and just wanted to buy a large plot of land. He wanted to keep what Erxi said later and set up a green organic vegetable base.

       In fact, he had taken a fancy to this land since last year, but last year he was not allowed to buy or sell land, but this year the new policy came down and the land can be traded.

       No, Zhou Qingbai was moved, even thinking about the origin of the loan.

       Lin Qing-He finished shopping in a circle, and came back with him, saying, "Go to Hainan to see it first."

       "Well." Zhou Qingbai also has no opinion. He often reads newspapers. Naturally, he knows how fast the development is over there, so he must look at it in the past.

       After all, this is a great opportunity.

       "Are you going to take honey?" Lin Qing-He couldn't help saying.

       "You have to bring it over, and leave home to show them that I'm not at ease." Zhou Qingbai said.

       The daughter-in-law has not left him except for kindergarten since birth. How can he let her stay here? Bring Lao-San, the boy doesn't know what to bring.

       So even if you want to go to Hainan, you still need to bring it with you.

       "You can toss about being so small." Lin Qing-He didn't have a good air.

       "You can't be tired, girl." Zhou Qingbai placated, he took it with him, he gave everything.

       Lin Qing-He doesn't care about him anymore. At home, Zhou Qingbai went to open the dumpling shop. Lin Qing-He drove by himself to Weng-Mama.

       Weng-Mama has been running her clothing store for the past two years, but apparently, compared to two years ago, Weng-Mama is just like a successful woman dressed up, the whole person looks more spiritual and confident.

       Zhou-4-Nini is also here to help. After all, people are not very comfortable, so she won't go to her 4-Aunt.

       "4-Aunt." Zhou-4-Nini shouted happily when she saw her.

       "Is the reaction better?" Lin Qing-He said.

       "The last two days have been much better. I guess it will be fine after the first three months have passed." Zhou-4-Nini said.

       "She just eager to go to work." Weng-Mama greeted the guests while taking time to say.

       A little girl was hired in the store, plus herself, that was almost enough, but this time several customers were picking clothes, and she was busy first.

       "I'm in a hurry. I talked to your mother yesterday and talked about this. You should take care of it and wait until it's okay. And there is still some distance from this. You still work for her on your mother's side." Lin Qing-He said.

       "I say the same, how much does a month's salary take, and I want to ask for help again," Weng-Mama said.

       Lin Qing-He looked at Zhou-4-Nini, and Zhou-4-Nini smiled and said, "I am still used to working in the past 4-Aunt."

       She Popo didn't have much to say to her, but she still prefers to work in her past 4-Aunt. She also likes the atmosphere there, of course, mainly, more familiar there.

       Although it has a good relationship with her Popo, keep some distance, so don’t work together in this clothing store.

       Her second sister didn’t go to the clothing store of her second brother-in-law, so she gave her 4-Aunt tea business.

       "It's inconvenient to stand upright," Lin Qing-He said.

       "It won't be inconvenient, just a few stops to be a bus, just pregnant with a child. When my eldest sister is pregnant, I think she is still on the ground." Zhou-4-Nini said.

       "You just got used to it by your mother, and you are pregnant with a child. Don't be sloppy. Pay more attention. Do you know that the sea cucumber brought to you has porridge?" Lin Qing-He said.

       "Yes." Zhou-4-Nini nodded. She 4-Aunt said that eating is good for the child, then she must eat it.

       Look at the dragon and phoenix fetus, and fat, and honey, one by one, how smart are they? It’s when I’m in the stomach, eating well enough.

       So even though the taste was a little unaccustomed, she insisted on eating it.

       "Crucian carp soup or something, drink more." Lin Qing-He said.

       "Yes, but what I want most is to go to work there in the past." Zhou-4-Nini smiled.

       "You come to work, Guodong, what do they do three times a day? Just go back and forth on their stomachs? Before, your sister was more convenient, the distance is close, the one here is the other, you are far away here It’s a little bit, ”Lin Qing-He said.

       She does not recommend Zhou-4-Nini to continue to come to work.

       Weng-Mama entertained the guests, sold two clothes, sent the guests out, and came over and said, "I know that the woman at Lao-Da-wants to go to work, but it's actually the same on Ma's side. You go back and forth like this. Now the month is small, and the month is big? Are you worried about you? "

       Zhou-4-Nini pursed her lips and looked at her 4-Aunt.

       Lin Qing-He said the truth: "I agree with your mother's statement, to raise a tire here, and occasionally go over there, just show them to your grandfather."

       Zhou-4-Nini hesitated for a while, and then said, "Then I am here, and I have time to pass by."

       Weng-Mama said with a smile: "Isn't that alright? Ma's salary is calculated for you every month. You don't have to worry about not earning every month. When you are born, I will give you a big red envelope. Mom promised you. "

       "Many Thanks Thanks." Zhou-4-Nini smiled.

       She really didn’t have much to say about Popo. She was very kind to her. Even if she had been in the door for almost three years, she didn’t get pregnant until the end of last year, but she didn’t say anything. They only said that it was their own lives. Just fine.

       As for this child, there is no requirement to be a son, saying that boys and girls are the same, and they will not be more important than men.

       Zhou-4-Nini didn't say anything, but he was also grateful.

       I am also more grateful to her that 4-Aunt had contributed to her marriage so much. She was not sure that she would have such a good life after marrying someone else.

       But Zhou-4-Nini didn't know that Weng Guodong and Weng-Mama were Popo. For her Erxi, Erxi was also very satisfied.

       The old man's family is a veritable well-off family, and the conditions are very good.

       Such a family would like a housekeeper Erxi.

       Obviously 4-Nini is very house-keeping, and the first-hand meals are delicious, and they are also motivated. They like to study. Which one does not like this kind of woman?

       Of course, those who don't know how to talk about it are different.

       Zhou-4-Nini resolved the matter of going to work. Lin Qing-He talked to Weng-Mama about other things.

       Weng-Mama has naturally made a lot of money in the past two years. The average monthly income is more than 1 thousand yuan. The surrounding clothing store business does not have to do with her, not to mention how good it is to make money.

       But I saved a lot of money.

       "I heard that Guodong said that he would share welfare rooms in a while, is it true or false?" Weng-Mama asked Zhou-4-Nini at this time.

       Zhou-4-Nini nodded and said, "It's about time."

       In fact, from the beginning of marriage, Weng Guodong can be divided into welfare rooms, which are also called unit rooms. This so-called unit room is an independent house with relatively complete facilities and a self-contained system.

       There are kitchens, bathrooms and rooms.

       It is because of this welfare housing-sharing policy that housing prices have actually risen unpleasantly, because many people are staring, just waiting to share this welfare housing.

       Because of the existence of welfare housing, the value of the house is limited. The welfare housing welfare system was cancelled only in the late 1990s.

       Lin Qing-He said: "Guodong must have picked a good one, right?"

       Zhou-4-Nini smiled: "He said he had seen it, not bad, and moved in after a while."

       Right now, she lives with Weng Guodong, which is a rented house, but it is not big, and the accommodation is not bad, but it is actually average.

       She also looked forward to the welfare room that her family Guodong said.

       "Guodong said yes, it is really good." Lin Qing-He nodded.

       Weng-Mama said with a smile: "There must be a separate room, otherwise, relying on his salary and the retirement fee may not be able to sell a good."

       "What's the matter, he is an iron rice bowl, and it is not enough to directly repay the loan." Lin Qing-He said.

       "I have heard of loans to do business, but haven't heard of loans to buy a house yet." Weng-Mama said.

       "Isn't this what I heard from me." Lin Qing-He smiled.

       When the topic went beyond this, I moved to Zhou-Kai and Weng Meijia, and Weng-Mama said: "The two stink boys are getting married one after another. This year can be regarded as the turn of Xiaokai and Mika. I have been waiting for a long time. "

       "Mega is married in the future, and they are both over there, neither of which can be watched." Lin Qing-He said.

       "I heard Mika said that she has a kindergarten over there, as long as she can climb, you can put it in. If she is pregnant and has children, she will take a leave of seven or eight months, and will go to work when she crawls. Kindergarten will do. "Weng-Mama said.

       "You still asked this, but is it safe?" Lin Qing-He said.

       "It is in the community, which is dedicated to the children in the community. It is safe. It will also feed milk, eat biscuits, and feed these. All will be taken care of. The tuition is a little more expensive, saying that it costs fifty yuan a month." Weng-Mama said.

       Many people wages have increased now, but it will cost 50 yuan a month, which is really expensive.

       "As long as you take care of it, fifty yuan is fifty yuan, which I will give here." Lin Qing-He said.

       The wages there are generally relatively high, such as Zhou-Kai himself, he can get a few hundred yuan per month allowance, plus Weng Meijia’s income of more than two hundred yuan a month, if you bear a child, the problem is actually not much. .

       After all, it was only a few months.

       When the child is older, the tuition will be much cheaper, because it is easy to manage. When I was young, it was really troublesome. I didn't understand anything.

       "Now they are not married yet, mom and 4-Aunt discussed this." Zhou-4-Nini said funny.

       "Isn't it going to be concluded this year? Once the marriage is over, the child should consider it." Weng-Mama said.

       "Look at what they mean. If they want to live, they don't want to live for a while. Don't talk about Mika, we can't do anything to help them decide to go." Lin Qing-He said.

       Weng-Mama was very helpful after hearing these words, and said with a smile: "It is also a blessing for Mika, this girl, to enter the Zhou family."

       "Don't say that, my family Lao-Da can marry Erxi like Mika, that's his blessing." Lin Qing-He said.

       The two are just talking about each other, and Zhou-4-Nini is embarrassed.

       It's over, Lin Qing-He just said: "I plan to go to the bubble hot spring the day after tomorrow, when I come to take you together?"

       "Now the woman at Lao-Da-is happy to stay and help. I'm free at any time. You can come at any time and go at any time." Weng-Mama said happily: "But this time I have been invited."

       "I have to bring Xiaomei with 2-Nini, you are not afraid to let you pay." Lin Qing-He said.

       "Let's be together." Weng-Mama smiled.

       Chapter 623 | Small 3 

       Lin Qing-He came from Weng-Mama and they didn't go back directly. It's still too early. The business in the past has gone.

       Zhou-Guilai was not in the dumpling shop, but had tea with Ma Chengmin in the tea shop.

       She stopped when she saw it.

       "My mother wears these high heels, and the Young Lady beauty contest in Hong Kong is just like that." Zhou-Guilai grinned as he heard the click of his mother's heel.

       Lin Qing-He wore low-heeled shoes, but carrying a bag, plus the trendy dress, don't say that, it's so kind of style.

       Hearing the ridicule of his son, Lin Qing-He said: "Look at your leisure, have the sea market been renovated?"

       "The decoration is complete, Jiang Ye-Ye called me." Zhou-Guilai said.

       Lin Qing-He looked at Ma Chengmin: "I and Qingbai will go out next month and it will take some time."

       "It's okay, I'll be busy with the return there." Ma Chengmin nodded.

       Lin Qing-He also trains 2-Nini as a manager, but Ma Chengmin's status is still unshakable, and Lin Qing-He also reuses him very much.

       Of course, the premise is that Ma Chengmin is really willing to work with her, so she will not treat him badly.

       Before Ma Big Aunt took Huang Xiaoliu to open a dumpling shop himself, the business was quite good, not as good as that of Zhou Qingbai, but he also had hundreds of dollars a month. Ma Laozi all helped.

       There is one thing for the whole family.

       But Ma Chengmin doesn't love the past, he likes to be a manager here.

       Because of many things, Lin Qing-He calculated his salary much better than other ordinary employees.

       Other people are 170, Ma Chengmin's salary is 233. The absolutely high-paid class will not treat him badly.

       Not only did Ma Chengmin get a generous salary, he also felt very good working here because he liked the environment. Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai, as well as Lao-San Zhou-Guilai, would not treat people badly.

       If you treat him as a friend, you will naturally go on.

       "In addition to the training of new employees, you have to train two or three store managers there, but it takes a little time, you don’t have to worry, when the time is settled down, you will come back to take charge of Chengmin, Lao-San you Follow up in the sea market, and go to your Jiang Ye-Ye house for food and accommodation. "Lin Qing-He said.

       Zhou-Guilai has no problem with this.

       Lin Qing-He asked: "What about 2-Nini?"

       "Sister 2-Nini went to the second brother-in-law's factory." Zhou-Guilai grinned.

       Lin Qing-He looked at him like this and narrowed his eyes: "Did you say something unpleasant in the past at the checkout?"

       "Mom, don't get me wrong, I'm not such an ignorant person. I just went to meet the two new accountants." Zhou-Guilai said.

       One of them needn't worry, it's a bit older, and it's not so strange. The other really doesn't say, it's okay, and the accounting is also proficient. Because of this, Zhou-2-Nini recruited people.

       Although there are boyfriends, her boyfriend is not as good as that of his second brother-in-law, so Zhou-Guilai asked in the past, but he didn’t say anything about it.

       Lin Qing-He didn't say anything about him. After all, 2-Nini dared to recruit him. There should be a lot in his heart, but don't mix too much.

       Where did she know that her Lao-San also chatted with Wang Yuan for a while, and said that Big-Brother was going to be promoted very often this year.

       When Big-Brother gets married, he 2-brother is almost the same, Qian Jin Big-Young Lady of the political commissar.

       Lao-San said envious words, but he was actually beating Wang Yuan, and Wang Yuan heard them all, and was very helpless.

       How hard is he to make Lao-San worry about him?

       When Zhou-2-Nini brought two pounds of red robe to him, Wang Yuan said, "Lao-San just came, but give me a good warning."

       Zhou-2-Nini knew that Zhou-Guilai had come over and heard him with a smile: "What did you say?"

       "Say that Big-Brother is going to be promoted, and he-brother wants to marry a thousand Jin Big-Young Lady. In the future, he may not be in politics. Let me be laid back and not bully you. "Wang Yuan said.

       "Erwa wouldn't say that." Zhou-2-Nini didn't believe him.

       Wang Yuan smiled and said, "The meaning is almost right."

       "Then you have to listen, I'm not without a natal family. For the sake of our family, you know what you are." Zhou-2-Nini poked his heart and said.

       Although she loves this man, she will not tolerate the fact that her men are not at home, they are not at home, they are not in her.

       Because there is a first time there will be a second time, this matter can not be discussed.

       In fact, with the development of Wang Yuan in the past two years, Zhou-2-Nini is also a little uneasy, and his original identity is very different. Now that he has developed so fast, she is worried that the distance will increase.

       But she never said these words. She is not a woman who hurts the spring and sorrows. She does her best to do her best, but if she still can't keep him, then there is no way.

       In the past two years, Zhou-2-Nini has heard and seen many things.

       When she talked to her mother on the phone, her mother mentioned to her, who in the village went out to work as a foreman, and the goddamn found a young and beautiful woman who came back with a stomach.

       Or who is going to become a lord and make a lot of money. When he comes back, he divorces directly. He doesn’t need his wife and children. He goes directly and marries another woman.

       There are many examples of this in the countryside, not to mention big cities.

       There are really many divorced people here, especially after a lot of riches.

       Isn’t her family Wang Yuan just rich? She knows that the amount he can earn a year now is probably not what she can earn in her lifetime.

       If he wanted to divorce, she would have no power to refute.

       "Go to learn to drive this year, buy a car for you and drive by yourself, want to come to Chagang and come at any time." Wang Yuan said.

       "Then teach me first." Zhou-2-Nini also said politely to him.

       In fact, she has also been greedy for the car for a long time. Seeing her 4-Aunt drive freely, not to mention how happy it is.

       "OK." Wang Yuan should get off.

       Zhou-2-Nini went to the open space downstairs with him to learn to drive. On the second floor, the beautiful female accountant looked there, with a complex look in her eyes.

       Can't understand how such a big boss likes such a wife from the countryside, looks not so good!

       But she looked down for a while, but the boss was very kind to his wife, and she rarely went out for entertainment. She wanted to go out with her, but she couldn't find a chance.

       She doesn't feel that she is worse than Zhou-2-Nini, the boss, who has a degree in appearance theory. Which one is better than herself?

       Not just relying on being able to live, having a pair of dragons and phoenixes!

       She counted the factory income.

       At the same time, she was more firm in her thoughts, and following such a man, she would not have to worry about the rest of her life, but it was hundreds of times better than the one she was in.

       Chapter 624 | Dividend 

       When it was the agreed day, Lin Qing-He drove and called Zhou Xiaomei last week, and also brought Zhou-2-Nini, and then came to Weng-Mama, and the four came to take a hot spring together.

       When I was making spring soup, Weng-Mama talked about the topic of Primary Three: "I really don't understand what is happening with these Miss, now, this famous brand graduated from university, I don't have a good future, I am willing to go with that fat intestine. An old man with a general belly, treats people as three children. What is this picture? "

       To say how to talk about this suddenly, it must be because they have an outsider to raise people, and then the three children went to her clothing store to buy clothes.

       Although people are a little mean, Saner's conditions are also very good, but how can he be willing to destroy a family with a soil and fat circle?

       Zhou Xiaomei said: "This is not simple, it is not because the other party has money, and the other party money."

       Otherwise, can they be regarded as the kind of man? This is not panic.

       "It's delicious to be lazy, I just want to sit back and enjoy it, and I want to take a shortcut because I am young. This kind of people will not end well in the future!" Zhou Xiaomei continued.

       "It's quite a reaction to see you." Lin Qing-He looked at her.

       "I haven't told 4-Sao that Dalin's Cousin-brother was unclear with a woman outside." Zhou Xiaomei said.

       Lin Qing-He was surprised and said: "Dalin and his Cousin-brother look not like that kind of person."

       Su Dalin’s Cousin-brother came in early years, came over with him Erxi to open the shop, the children have grown up, a middle-aged man, and Lin Qing-He has also seen, not like that kind of extravagance People.

       "It doesn't look like it, but it broke out. It broke out the day before yesterday. My Cousin-Sao saw with his own eyes that he went shopping with another woman." Zhou Xiaomei sighed: "This is still going on. "

       "What's the matter?" Weng-Mama said.

       "This matter is not easy to say." Zhou Xiaomei said: "And I really have to worry about it, and it's not all the fault of Dalin and his Cousin-brother, and his Cousin-Sao is not a ridiculous. I don’t have a home every day, I play mahjong over there, and there are shops in my house. I throw them all to Dalin and his Cousin-brother. I don’t have a good complexion on most days, either roaring or cursing. Brother panicked. "

       "That's not the reason for his derailment. If he can't survive, he can divorce." Lin Qing-He said honestly.

       She had also heard Zhou Xiaomei said that her Cousin-Sao was bitter and mean. She was okay before. After earning money after coming to Beijing, her temperament was a little worse.

       I don't take people seriously.

       It's really easy to feel suffocated under such an eaves with such a woman, but Lin Qing-He said that if you can't survive, you can get a divorce.

       After the divorce, I became single again. I wanted to do whatever I wanted. That was freedom.

       But he went out into chaos without divorce, and even if he deserved sympathy, there was no reason, and it was wrong.

       "It was also when I broke up that I heard from my nephew that I had a divorce, but Dalin and his Cousin-Sao were not happy to divorce. It was also when I broke up that I knew that the bun shops are all guarded by several nephews."

       This incident also made her take it as a warning. Fortunately, although she is sometimes more arrogant, she is still very family-oriented and diligent. Her family, Dalin, is also a natural person and will definitely not be with him. Same for Cousin-brother.

       Zhou Xiaomei couldn't imagine, if her family Dalin did the same, how would she live her life.

       Lin Qing-He didn't say anything, it was difficult for Qing officials to judge housework.

       "This is a pity for the child." Weng-Mama said.

       "It's not a child, they are all grown up, and the oldest is twenty-two." Zhou Xiaomei said.

       A total of three children, the largest twenty-two and the smallest seventeen, are very big.

       "Do the elders know?" Weng-Mama said.

       "I see, such a big thing, where can I not know, he Cousin-Sao cried that day and called back to complain, this time should be on the way to come, the two days should almost come." Zhou Xiaomei said.

       "Now I know that crying, this can force a man like this, she also has the ability!" Weng-Mama sneered.

       The man was wrong in this matter. The fault was that he went out and made troubles without divorce, but the woman at home was even more wrong. Did she have the duty to be a wife and a mother?

       I didn’t go out and messed up when I was young, but now my life is better, but I can’t live anymore. Should I reflect on it?

       Zhou-2-Nini didn't interject much.

       Lin Qing-He told her: "I often go to the garment factory to walk around."

       Although it is necessary to give Wang Yuan some trust, defending his marriage is also what a wife should do.

       Always have to let the other party know that her genuine wife is not easy to bully.

       "What happened to Wang Yuan?" Zhou Xiaomei froze, asking Zhou-2-Nini.

       "What's the matter, just recruit two new accountants, and one looks pretty." Zhou-2-Nini said with a smile.

       "It's nothing to call!" Zhou Xiaomei glared: "Wang Yuan's net worth is young, handsome, handsome, and handsome. Such a man is a piece of fragrance for those restless women. cake!"

       "How can this be, her second brother-in-law is not that kind of person, what kind of place is the Wang family, and can be fascinated by this flower and grass?" Weng-Mama couldn't help it.

       Zhou-2-Nini couldn't help crying and looking at her aunt: "Aunt, you worry too much, Wang Yuan doesn't have those thoughts, he is still teaching me to drive recently."

       "Then this is going to buy you a car?" Zhou Xiaomei asked.

       "Said to wait for me to take the certificate, and buy me one at that time, so that I can pass by when I want to." Zhou-2-Nini smiled.

       Weng-Mama said: "I said that her second brother-in-law's eyelids were not so shallow, and the twins were all cute. He didn't want anything else, and he had to think about his two children."

       A few women were talking while taking a bath, and ate a snack after soaking in the hot springs.

       Send Weng-Mama back first, then Zhou-2-Nini to the garment factory, and finally take Zhou Xiaomei home.

       Zhou Xiaomei and Su Dalin have moved out by themselves since 1986.

       Her house is not as spacious as Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother, but it is enough.

       "This is the dividend this month, and I almost forgot." Lin Qing-He gave her two hundred dollars and two happy reunions.

       This hundred-dollar bill was just issued last year.

       Zhou Xiaomei mixed her a tea shop and gave Zhou Xiaomei a knot every month. Before that, she invested 3 thousand yuan.

       "Many Thanks 4-Sao." Zhou Xiaomei took the money and said with a smile.

       "Father, Niang look over there." Lin Qing-He said.

       "I know, rest assured." Zhou Xiaomei waved.

       Lin Qing-He drove back, and Zhou Xiaomei took the money to go home. At this time, Su Dalin was already at home, reclaiming land in the backyard, and was planning to plant some vegetables that could be stuffed with buns.


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