Houmen Dinu 480

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Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen

        Seeing the worries on Zhou-shi, Gu Mingqing couldn't help but persuade softly, "Mum, you can rest assured, something will definitely not happen." That is, Chu Wang Heir wants to make trouble, but Chu-Wang will not. Agree.

        Gu Mingqing thought to himself that Yan Jin was afraid that it would not be a pain for some time. But that is inevitable.

        Chu Wang Heir is Di-Eldest-son, and Yan Jin is only his second son, this is the identity gap between them.

        Gu Mingqing even came up with the idea of "sure enough," but it did not happen. It was only when the capital was beaten that the fight between Chu Wang Heir and Yanjin began.

        Gu Mingqing thought for a while, and when she arrived in Capital City, her life might not be easy.

        "Ma'am, you haven't been back to Capital City for many years. It seems that our days of returning to Capital City are not far away." When Chu-Wang ascends to the throne, Tang Jinrui will ascend to the high position-shi and others into Capital City

        Speaking of the capital, Zhou-shi eyes were faint, and it took a while to say, "Capital City-I haven't been to Capital for decades. I always thought that I would never be closer to Capital again in my life. Fortunately, the children will study in Capital City in the future, not to mention anything else, even marriage can be better. "

        Zhou-shi was really distracted by Gu Mingqing's words and began to think about going to Capital City in the future.

        Chu Wang Heir, after getting permission from Chu Wang fei, happily relocated, and went to find Chu-Wang.

        Chu Wang Heir At this time, I was not afraid of tiredness or suffering. For several days, I rushed all night. In this way, I caught up with Chu-Wang in only one month.

        When Chu-Wang saw Chu Wang Heir, the whole person was still a little ignorant, "Why are you here?"

        Chu Wang Heir said immediately that it was Chu Wang fei who was worried about Chu-Wang and ordered him to visit Chu-Wang.

        After Chu-Wang Heir met Chu-Wang, he also expressed to Chu-Wang how much he cares about Chu-Wang, and he is worried about Chu-Wang day and night, and now he sees Chu-Wang. The heart finally let go.

        Chu-Wang listened to Chu Wang Heir, he was still satisfied. After all, he was his own son. Although he was always slandering in his heart, how could such a futile son be his, but the son is the son, there is no way to change of.

        Yan Jin listened to Chu Wang Heir's words and secretly pouted. He didn't believe Chu Wang Heir's words.

        Chu Wang Heir took the opportunity to express his intention to stay and help Chu-Wang.

        Chu-Wang was a little hesitant, because he was too clear about Chu Wang Heir's skills, and he was wrong, not his skills, Chu Wang Heir had no skills at all! Fortunately, the person who led the overall situation was Chu-Wang, and it was not Chu—Wang Heir’s turn, otherwise Chu-Wang would not even hesitate and sent the person directly.

        "How did you keep the city in Fiefdom?" Chu-Wang asked suddenly.

        Chu Wang Heir has some guilty conscience in his heart, how to keep the city? Can he tell Chu-Wang that he was getting the news that Daliangren was about to call, would he say that he was going to take someone to escape?

        In this regard, Chu Wang Heir, even a fool, will certainly not speak out.

        Chu Wang Heir held his head upright and looked upright, "Father, when Da Liangren calls, the son has only one thought in mind, that is, he must keep Fiefdom! The city is here, the city is dead! The minister has been in the castle tower, encouraging morale, and will coexist and die with the city! "

        This is what makes it awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring! I heard people's blood boiling.

        Even Chu-Wang took a rare look at Chu Wang Heir, and felt that he really looked down on him before. Chu Wang Heir has such a heart, it is really rare.

        Chu-Wang didn't doubt Chu Wang Heir lied. What's so good about this kind of lie? He turned to someone and asked him what the facts were. So Chu-Wang believes in Chu Wang Heir.

        But Yan Jin is very suspicious of Chu Wang Heir. He knows Chu Wang Heir too well. Will he take the initiative to go to such a dangerous place as the tower? This is obviously not something Chu Wang Heir would do.

        Yan Jin is also biased towards Chu Wang Heir, who dare not lie in front of Chu-Wang, but Chu Wang Heir, who was born, said that he must have done it.

        Since Chu Wang Heir will not take the initiative, someone must have forced him.

        Who forced him? Yan Jin began to think about it.

        There are so few people who dare to force Chu Wang Heir.

        Chu Wang fei is definitely the first, but Chu Wang fei is afraid that he can't play hard.

        The other one is Gu Mingqing. Yan Jin remembers that he entrusted the safety of Fiefdom to Gu Mingqing before he went out. At that time, Da Liangren came in, and under the condition that Fiefdom could not help it, Gu Mingqing threatened Chu Wang Heir, forcing him to encourage morale, which was very likely.

        Yan Jin felt that he was afraid of guessing that he wouldn’t leave behind, and decided to wait for a while before asking someone to ask.

        Yan Jin also told Tang Jinrui about it afterwards. Tang Jinrui first thought coincided with Yan Jin.

        Yan Jinxiao looked at Tang Jinrui, "Jin Rui, I know that your Fu-ren is capable, but now it seems that she is capable. My Big-Brother, if not threatened by his life, He definitely dared not go to such a dangerous place as the tower, but also to encourage morale. "

        Yan Jin said with a sigh, "Women don't allow Xumei! When I first saw you Fu-ren in Lingping County, I said that. Now it seems that I am not wrong at all. "

        Yan Jin said, and suddenly said, "Jin Rui, you said Da Liangren called, what is my Big-Brother most likely to do?"

        Tang Jinrui thought for a while and thought, "With Heir's heart, I think what he would do best is take people away."

        Yan Jin nodded thoughtfully, "No.With my Big-Brother's heart, the best thing I can do is take someone to run away. But my Big-Brother failed to run away. Why is this? Someone must have stopped. It should be you, Fu-ren, if there is no accident. If Daliang is attacking the city, my Big-Brother plans to abandon the city and escape. What will you say? "

        There was a glimmer of glare in Tang Jinrui eyes, and he said firmly, "Then Heir will no longer be Heir. When Wangye lays down the capital, ascends to the throne, and prepares to crown Crown Prince, Heir is even less qualified to be Crown Prince."

        "Yeah, I'm not qualified. But now I can't attack him with this point. Because my Big-Brother didn't escape, and became a hero who boosted morale in the watchtower. Oh-if you did it by Fu-ren, I Believe, but my Big-Brother— "

        Tang Jinrui burst out of his heart and hurriedly said, "This time my Fu-ren is not doing well, it's broken "

        Yan Jin waved his hand and gave Tang Jinrui a funny look. "Jin Rui, what are you nervous about? Is it true that you will be thinking of Fu-ren who hates you when I want to settle the bill after the autumn. Rest assured, I won't do either. I Then Big-Brother really wants to escape in such a situation, and Fiefdom can’t keep it. I can understand, and I can understand your Fu-ren choice. "

        After a pause, Yan Jin said again, "There is my Mufei and my wife and child Concubine. I don't know how I will be in the future, will I think that a Crown Prince is more important than them. But now I am quite sure of my own thoughts , I ’m definitely not going to use them for the so-called Crown Prince. "

        Tang Jinrui breathed a sigh of relief, as Yan Jin's identity was about to change. In fact, Tang Jinrui always kept a cautious face when facing Yan Jin.

        Fortunately, Yanjin hasn't changed much at present, and hasn't moved his anger at will.

        Chu Wang Heir came to the Chu-Wang Army and gathered people's hearts.

        At the same time, Chu Wang Heir also clearly showed his identity. He is Chu Wang Heir, Di-Eldest-son of Chu-Wang, and he is the most righteous heir! No matter how much credit is given to Yan Jin, he is definitely not qualified to shake his status!

        Chu-Wang did not know what to think about, did not stop the behavior of Chu Wang Heir, it might really be scrupulous that Chu Wang Heir is Di-Eldest-son.

        Yan Jin looked at all this coldly, smirking in his heart.

        Happy now, it is too early, it is not yet known who the deer will die!

        Chu-Wang's forces were greatly boosted, and in a blink of an eye, he hit Capital City, and the soldiers approached the city.

        Seeing the capital, Chu Wang Heir's heart can be described as fanatic!

        Not fanatical!

        For Chu Wang Heir, as long as he can break into the capital, then Chu-Wang is the emperor, and as Heir, as Di-Eldest-son of Chu-Wang, that is the proper Crown Prince!

        Not to mention, Chu Wang Heir's longing Gu Mingyue is in the capital!

        After entering the capital, Chu Wang Heir is really powerful and beautiful!

        The more Chu-Wang Heir thought, the hotter his heart was, and his eyes glowed with excitement!

        Not only Chu Wang Heir is hot, everyone is not hot!

        When Chu-Wang ascends to the throne, these people are all from the dragon minister, will there be less glory and wealth?

        Therefore, Chu Wang Heir's performance is not too eye-catching, everyone is similar.

        Chu-Wang was also excited, but he was able to hold back, and did not immediately attack the city.

        Chu-Wang can bear, but Chu Wang Heir can't help it!

        Chu Wang Heir said anxiously, "Father, we are now in the capital, so we should rush down the capital." What a dumbfounded what to do!

        Chu Wang Heir wanted to hold Chu-Wang's shoulder and shake it, so he quickly ordered to attack Capital City.

        Chu-Wang just glanced at Chu Wang Heir lightly, and didn't say anything.

        Yan Jin asked, "Is the father king worried?"

        Chu-Wang nodded, "Yes. Since the founding of the ancestor, the capital has been the capital of the country. If the king destroyed the ancient city because of the siege, then the king would be the sinner of the Yan family. This makes the king feel uncomfortable. How can I confront the fathers and the ancestors after death? "

        Chu-Wang also began to think about the future, thinking about the evaluation behind him, thinking about his future reputation.

        Chu Wang Heir didn't care much about fame or fame. For him, the benefits he can get are the most important. Moreover, even if the reputation is not good, it’s Chu-Wang’s, and it’s not his. It’s strange that Chu Wang Heir would care.

        Chu Wang Heir asked, "Father, let's just hit the capital, should we just give up in vain?" That's almost the same as a fool.

        Yan Jin glanced at Chu Wang Heir, secretly, you are an idiot!

        At this stage of today, it’s no wonder that Chu-Wang will give up! What Chu-Wang wants is just a reputation. Chu-Wang won't give up the benefits that will come soon.

        Tang Jinrui said, "Wangye has the righteousness, cares for the ancestors and the ancestors, and admires the lower officials. It is just Yanxing killing the king, cruel and incompetent. Since the usurpation, I don’t know how many loyal ministers will die in the hands of Yanxing evil thieves. Those people are In the capital, I hope Wangye can quickly capture the capital and save them. "

        Chu-Wang only wanted a reason, a step, and now Tang Jinrui sent the reason step to Chu-Wang.

        Chu-Wang glanced at Tang Jinrui with satisfaction.

        Tang Jinrui was not the first to follow Chu-Wang, but Tang Jinrui ability, Chu-Wang liked it. In addition, Tang Jinrui can make Chu-Wang comfortable and happy every time he says, which is what Chu-Wang values Tang Jinrui most.

        As soon as Tang Jinrui words came out, the generals in the tent knelt down one after another, and asked Chu-Wang to quickly overthrow the evil thief of Yanxing for the common people of Limin in the world, and to return to the world a grand and clear world.

        Chu-Wang finally sent troops under the request of everyone.

        However, Chu-Wang still worried about not wanting to damage the capital too much, so the first soldiers sent would not be many.

        To say that the capital is worthy of the capital of Dajin, several generations of Prince have spent a lot of effort to repair.

        The current capital city walls are high and extremely hard. It is really difficult to break through.

        Chu-Wang didn’t want the people under him to be too seriously injured, so he sent a letter to Yanxing. If Yanxing could surrender through the city gate, he could open a side to Yanxing’s net, and leave him with a whole body. His descendants.

        Yanxing is absolutely dead! The crime committed by Yan Xing is a killer! This is a deadly sin! There will be absolutely no accommodation!

        After receiving the letter from Chu-Wang, Yan Xing shreds it fiercely, and then sends someone to Chu-Wang to spread the word, making people scold Chu-Wang as a chaotic thief! Yan Xing even threatened Chu-Wang. If he dared to attack the city, he would kill Ning Kang Elder Princess and other royal clansmen. They all died because of Chu-Wang! Chu-Wang Do you want to recite this eternal infamy!

        After receiving the letter from Yan Xing-, Chu-Wang was furious and clapped the letter on the desk. "What a Yan Xing-! Dare to threaten the king with Temper from Elder Princess Ningkang!"

        Yanxing's approach is not vicious or vicious, but Chu-Wang is really threatened!

        If Yanxing really shamelessly pressed Ningkang Elder Princess and other royal families to the tower, forcing Chu-Wang to retreat, if Chu-Wang did not retreat, what would the world say about him then?

        But if the elder princesses of Ningkang elder princesses withdrew their troops, Chu-Wang was even more reluctant!

        Chu-Wang finally got to this point, where he might be willing to give up because of a few people, that is not a joke.

        Therefore, Chu-Wang is really stuck in a dilemma now.

        Chu Wang Heir was also angry, "Father, don't care what Yan Xing said! Let's take people to attack the city directly, as long as the speed is fast, what can Yan Xing fellow do?"

        Killing a few people is definitely faster than your siege, Tang Jinrui said silently in his heart.

        No one else listened to Chu Wang Heir's words, which was totally infeasible.

        Yan Jin thought for a moment and said, "If you can meet inside and outside, someone in the capital can catch Yan Xing and then open the city gate, then it will reduce many casualties, and Ning Kang Elder Princess and others will be fine."

        Tang Jinrui idea is arguably the best idea.

        "Li Ying? Who can answer in the capital?"

        Tang Jinrui thought for a while and thought, "Secretary's friend Su Jinsong is the eldest son of Su Ji eldest son. If Su Ji is willing to take action, it will surely solve a lot of troubles. And Jiang-Dazhuang, his fellow countryman, is now in Wucheng The official residence is from 4-Grade. Those people whom the minister knows can be used. Of course, I am afraid that Wangye’s people in the capital are probably more. "

        Since Chu-Wang had already thought about the capital, he would naturally have fewer people in the capital.

        Chu-Wang pondered for a moment, "This is feasible. Ben Wang tried to contact people in Capital City. What do you have to say to Su Jinsong and Jiang-Dazhuang? Write a letter together and Ben Wang will help you in. "

        Royal Palace

        Yan Xing wearing a dragon robe has scarlet eyes, and the hair bundled up by the purple crown is also a mess. At this moment he is in his dormitory, and he is kneeling in front of him Empress Jiang Zhishan, Noble-Consort Gu Mingyue, and others Fei, and his children.

        Gu Mingyue was terrified. She finally became Noble-Consort, but it didn’t take long for her to see her army of Chu-Wang outside the capital. What is the Noble-Consort of his abolished emperor? Either accompanied Yan Jin to die together, or was imprisoned for a lifetime.

        But no matter what, Gu Mingyue didn't want it.

        Gu Mingyue couldn't figure out, how could she fall to such a point in her life!

        Gu Mingyue suddenly felt ridiculous. She has been absorbing camp for so long, what did she get! ?

        Gu Mingyue's thoughts represent most people at this time, they are still young, they do not want to die. But whether they die or not, can they decide? Will Chu-Wang let them go?

        The entire dormitory seemed to be shrouded in gloom.

        Suddenly, Yan Xing suddenly twitched the sword hanging on the wall and pulled the sword out of the sheath.

        The cold light flashed by the sword surprised the people kneeling underneath. In addition to the young children, they were not very sensible, and her Daren was afraid, even the oldest child, Yan Jianfeng, also panicked.

        Yan Jianzhong swallowed saliva panicly, hiding his body behind Jiang Zhishan, as if there was no danger.

        Yan Xing pointed the sword to the woman who was kneeling on the ground, "You are all my women, some have had children for me, and some have not. Now I see that Capital City can't keep it "

        Gu Mingyue also wants to flinch, and can't wait to turn herself into a small point so that Yan Xing can't see her, but she knows she can't!

        Yan Jianfeng is just a child, so he can retreat. If Gu Mingyue dares to push, she has a hunch that the first person to die is probably her!

        Gu Mingyue said in a panic, "What the emperor said, where will the capital be broken. The emperor is a real emperor, and there is a blessing from God, it must be "

        "Shut up! I have heard countless people say these good words. Ha ha-ha ha ha-" Yan Xing said, his head smiled bitterly, and his face was full of sorrow. "These words, I don't just listen to others I said, I thought so too. But these words just cheated myself. Chu-Wang that the rebel thief will soon lead the army to fight in. At that time, my emperor will be over, there is only one way to die! And you— "

        Yan Xing said, pointing to each one with the sword in his hand, "You are my woman and my child. I am not willing to leave you to suffer in the world! I want to kill you in advance, so, we It’s good to be a companion underground. "

        crazy! crazy! Yanxing must be crazy!

        This idea flashed through the hearts of people kneeling on the ground. Isn't it a madman? Can you have such a crazy idea?

        Jiang Zhishan cried and said, "Emperor, Chenqie is your wife, you want Chenqie to die, Chenqie does not dare not die. But-but Feng'er is your Di-Eldest-son! He has not grown up yet, he has not married Wife, are you willing to die? Emperor, let go of Feng'er! Chenqie is willing to die with you! "

        Gu Mingyue also immediately cried, "Emperor, Chenqie is also the mother of two children. Chenqie can die, but Chenqie can’t bear children to die! Emperor, if you want to kill, kill Chenqie! Emperor, Chenqie can’t bear children! Little, where can they leave their mother! "

        Gu Mingyue cried while holding her two children.

        Gu Mingyue's two children listened to her crying, and they were frightened by the heavy and depressed atmosphere, and they cried out for a while.

        Yan Xing eyes light up, where can he afford these children? This is his flesh! Tiger poison doesn't eat children, so does he.

        Yan Xing put down the sword in his hands decadently and murmured, "It is not dead now, but wait until Chu-Wang that the rebel thief enters the capital, and he will not die anymore. Maybe Chu-Wang that the rebel thief will let go to show his benevolence Passing you women and children, but also the end of life. "

        Jiang Zhishan hugged the child and wept bitterly, "Even if it's a life in prison, it's better than not having a life! Emperor, or let's escape. As long as we can escape, we can still have a life!"

        Yan Xing shook his head desperately, and his messy hair shook wildly with his swing, "Escape? You can escape, but I can't escape! I just escape to the end of the world, Chu-Wang, the rebel thief will also find me, then Killed me. I don’t want to escape. I have experienced everything in my life, even the dragon chair. I really have no regrets in this life. But you— "

        For women, Yan Xing can come down hard, but for children, Yan Xing is always soft-hearted.

        Yan Xing quickly made a decision. The flashing tears in his eyes seemed to be an illusion. "It's a runaway. I can't let the child go wrong. The daughter has a great chance of saving her life, but the boy—"

        The daughter is only raised, but the boy can continue the blood, Chu-Wang that the rebel thief is very likely to cut the grass!

        Yan Xing-dao, "A woman with a son will take her son away."

        Jiang Zhishan had a son, she asked in a panic, "Emperor, where shall we flee?"

        Yan Xing smiled bitterly, "Where did I go? I don't know. I will arrange for the three of you to run in different directions, and then see who has the luck to run away. If you can't, it's your life, No one can blame anyone. "

        In fact, Yan Xing was not sure that these women could run away.

        So far, only three women have given birth to a son to Yan Xing-, Gu Mingyue being one of them.

        Gu Mingyue was so happy that she could still run, and she could still die.

        The letters Chu-Wang sent into the capital were also delivered to everyone.

        The people of Chu-Wang needless to say that Tang Jinrui letters to Su Jinsong and Jiang-Dazhuang also reached everyone's hands.

        Su Jinsong handed the letter to Su Ji Lao.

        Old Su Ji took Su Jinsong's letter and it seemed that after reading it, he spread the letter on the table. "Chu-Wang was really trying to leave the notorious idea of not wanting to go to great lengths."

        "Grandfather, what can we do? Now Yanxing takes care of Capital City so tightly, we can't do anything." As long as Yanxing finds that there is a change, no matter whether your crime is true or not, you will die in Yanxing's butcher's knife under.

        The current capital can really be described as self-defeating.

        Even the old Suge family is closely guarded, or more precisely, the entire capital is closely guarded.

        Su Ji sighed heavily, "What can I do? Tied Yan Xing-, and then opened the gate of the capital to welcome Chu-Wang into the capital."

        Su Jinsong choked, "Grandfather, how is this possible? Where do we have the ability to tie Yan Xing " Many people want to tie Yan Xing-, but no one can succeed.

        Su Ji old eyes flashed, and said lightly, "Not necessarily."

        Su Jinsong asked, "Grandfather, you have a way."

        "Remember Shouqing Princess?"

        Su Jinsong immediately disdained, "Naturally know. Shouqing Princess only returned to Capital City for half a year. Seeing Yanxing ascended the throne, no matter how bad Yanxing's reputation is outside, he flattered Yanxing. The flattering kind is really called People are sick. "

        The behavior of Shou Qing Princess really makes people look down.

        "The gentleman has the usage of a gentleman, and the villain also has the purpose of a villain. For a villain like Shou Qing Princess, she can actually do a lot."

        Su Jinsong puzzled, "Grandfather means "

        "Shouqing Princess like this is the most able to see the wind and rudder, and see what he sees. Shouqing Princess wouldn’t know that Yanxing’s ship is sinking, and when Chu-Wang enters the capital, he will become the new emperor. Like Shou Qing Princess is like this, Yan Yan's confidant, even if she is Princess, life can be guaranteed, but her future glory and wealth, you can say that you can keep it? "

        Su Jinsong replied, "Nature can't be guaranteed."

        "This is not the case. For Shouqing Princess, how to keep her position is the top priority. Fu-ma of Shouqing Princess now controls one-third of the horses in Capital City. , What do you say? Especially the one-third of the soldiers and horses are defending the palace. "

        Su Jinsong was happy, "I know what Bai Grandfather means. Are we taking the initiative to contact Shouqing Princess?"

        Su Ji nodded, "I don't take the initiative to contact me at this time. When should I contact me. I personally contact Shouqing Princess."

        Besides, Jiang-Dazhuang received a letter from Tang Jinrui here, and he was very emotional. Unexpectedly, Tang Jinrui has become Chu-Wang's confidant now, and Chu-Wang sees that he is the next emperor. Tang Jinrui future is really bright.

        "Big-Brother, what is written on the letter?" Jiang Xiaozhuang, now renamed Jiang Shouxin because of reading.

        Jiang-Dazhuang handed the letter to Jiang Shouxin, "This is the letter sent by Jin Rui, you also have a look."

        Jiang Shouxin received the letter and read it. After reading it, he smiled a little on his face, "Big-Brother, this is a good opportunity! Seeing Yanxing is a sure loser, and Chu-Wang is destined to be the next emperor. Yes. If we can rely on Chu-Wang, you will be guaranteed in the future. "

        "It is indeed a guarantee, but it is difficult to succeed. It is also difficult for Yancheng’s commander to be the leader of the five cities. It's really difficult. "

        "Big-Brother, this is actually not difficult. Besides the leader of the five cities and horses, what about the others? Those people are not loyal to Yanxing. Big-Brother, you and the middle and lower rank generals, you should join them and win. The command of the five cities and horses is actually not difficult. "

        "It's a bit risky." Jiang-Dazhuang hesitated.

        Jiang Shouxin is anxious, "Big-Brother, seek wealth and insurance!"

        Jiang-Dazhuang felt the eagerness of Jiang Shouxin's eyes, and his heart moved. After so many years in the capital, he seemed to have lost a lot of blood before.

        Jiang-Dazhuang gritted his teeth fiercely, "You are right! Let's do it!"

        All parties in the capital moved.

        After only three days, Suge Lao united with Shouqing Princess to tie Yanxing together, and Jiang-Dazhuang also united the middle and lower generals of Wucheng soldiers and horses to kill the leader of Wucheng soldiers and horses. The people who were in the capital by Chu-Wang opened the gate of the capital together to welcome Chu-Wang into the city.

        Chu-Wang sits high above the horse, with a mighty army behind him, and entered the capital with great enthusiasm.

        The people thought Chu-Wang entered the capital and would definitely kill and rob, but they were afraid that they would not have a good life.

        However, everyone in the Chu-Wang army was very peaceful and did not disturb and bully the people, so the hearts of the people finally let go.

        Chu-Wang came to the palace in this way. The courtiers led by Su Ji Lao invited Chu-Wang to ascend the throne.

        Chu-Wang replied, "This king was chaosed by Yan Xing and killing the king. In order to avenge his father's emperor, he started his army. Now that Yan Xing has won, how can this king be enthroned? Hurry up and choose another virtue to gain the throne. "

        This is the general routine. When someone asks you to ascend, you will be busy as soon as possible. Chu-Wang naturally has to quit a few times for fame.

        After waiting for others to plead again and again, Chu-Wang reluctantly made it difficult for him, a look of "you are the one who forced me" to sit on the dragon chair.

        After Chu-Wang ascended the throne, the year number is Zhengqing.

        The first thing after the Emperor Zhengqing took the throne was the public trial Yanxing.

        The dragon robe on Yanxing's body has been pulled off, and the whole person is embarrassed. Looking up at Zheng Qing Emperor's eyes is full of hate, "Rogue thief! You are all riot thieves! Chu-Wang, what are you? You? But it’s just a little lord! And I ’m the Crown-Heir of the previous emperor! It’s a well-deserved crown prince! It’s my destiny to ascend the throne!

        Chu-Wang You took my throne, the ancestors of the Yan family are watching you in the sky, they will not forgive you! I will never forgive you! "

        Emperor Zhengqing was furious, "What are you! You are a beast of a prince! If you sit on a dragon chair, it is the shame of the ancestors of the Yan family! I drove you from the throne to chaos anyway! I ’m on the throne, it’s destiny! You want to talk nonsense! "

        "Haha-Hahaha-" Yan Xing laughed loudly, and tears came out of the corner of his eyes, "Chu-Wang, you don't put gold on your face. What do you mean by killing me? Evidence? Could it be because of your ups and downs, and say that I kill the king? Ha ha-now it is just that the winner is the king, and the loser is the coward.

        You won, so what you say is what you say. But this will never change the fact that you are seeking usurpation! You have a bad position, it’s hard to understand! "

        Emperor Zhengqing was furious.

        "There is evidence! You killed the emperor! And you are not Crown-Heir, the emperor has left a decree to abolish you!" Shu Hui Princess was wearing a gorgeous Princess suit and came with a small face Jin Luan Temple.

        After Shuhui Princess came in, she glared at Yan Xing who was kneeling on the ground, and then knelt down towards Emperor Zhengqing, "Brother forgive sins. Jin Luan Dian was not the place where the sisters and sisters should come. "

        Emperor Zhengqing had heard what Shuhui Princess said, knowing the purpose of Shuhui Princess coming here, she was naturally very happy, so she raised her hand to support Shuhui Princess, "Shuhui Huang-sister please, what are you talking about? Say it, speak it in front of Manchu Wenwu. "

        After Shuhui Princess got up, she took out the imperial edict obtained from Yushu Study. As early as Yanxing was tied up, Shuhui Princess went to Yushu Study in chaos and got what Chen Zhong told her before his death. Emperor Xiaokang left The decree of Crown-Heir.

        "This is the decree of the Crown-Heir left by the Father and Emperor. It was originally in the Imperial Study, but the Father and Emperor's heart was soft, and he did not come up with the announcement to abolish the Yanxing. Please look at the brother."

        The Emperor Zheng Qing took over the imperial Crown-Heir imperial edict held by Shu Hui Princess and opened it. It turned out to be Emperor Xiaokang's note, and the jade seal on it was so clear.

        After the Emperor Zhengqing finished reading it, he gave the imperial decree to the cabinet ministers and the court officials.

        These ministers were all confidants of Emperor Xiaokang, and naturally recognized Emperor Xiaokang's notes and the seal of Yuxi.

        "Shu Hui, how did you get this decree?"

        Shu Hui Princess's eyes were tearful, "It was Chen Zhong Gonggong who told me before he died. Chen Zhong Gonggong told me that Yan Xing-, a beast, conspired with Liang Cairen to poison the father emperor, and the father emperor was paralyzed. On the bed. Later, Yan acted to persecute the father emperor to say where the jade seal was, and he humiliated him all the way. Unfortunately, Huang the sister said lightly. At that time, because of Yan Ying’s obscene power, she couldn’t do anything.

        Shuhui Princess said, the tears flowed even more.

        Shuhui Princess really hated Yanxing. When Emperor Xiaokang died, she really wanted to rush to Yanxing and die together with Yanxing! But she was a partial student, and Shuhui Princess knew that she could not, not only for herself, but also for Mufei.

        So Shuhui Princess, who is always tolerant every day, has been shrinking in the palace, daring not to do anything, or even daring to say a word, for fear of letting Yan Xing know that her and Mufei lives will not be guaranteed by then.

        Now Yanxing was ousted from the throne, and the Qing Emperor ascended the throne. Shuhui Princess was finally able to tell what Chen Zhong told her before she died!

        Emperor Zhengqing looked at Shuhui Princess and asked, "Do you know where Yuxi is?"

        Shuhui Princess nodded, "Just in the middle of the tile under the bed of the father's palace."

        Emperor Zhengqing nodded clearly.

        Since Yan Xing ascended the throne, he has never used the jade seal, but created another seal seal.

        The voice of the emperor Zheng Qing sounded loudly, "Yan Xing-, what else do you have to say to this day! Being a grandson, but killing Grandfather! Being a person, but killing a king! Your crimes are simply overwhelming and unreasonable!"

        "Haha—hahaha—hahahaha—” Yan Xing suddenly laughed wildly. “The old and immortal has long wanted to abolish me. He is so cruel! He is so cruel! I am so tender and soft He has been killed for so long, and his feelings have never been soft to me! Haha—hahaha— ”

        "Shut up to me!" The emperor Zheng Qing stood upright from the dragon chair and stood up angrily, pointing at Yan Xing kneeling on the ground, "What qualification do you have to accuse the father emperor. The father emperor is to you Benevolence is done! Don’t forget it, you should have been abolished for a hundred times because of the crimes you committed! You forgot how you went to the border gate at first, and did not listen to the advice. "

        Yan Xing gradually stopped laughing, but still staring at Zheng Qing Emperor with his smirking eyes, smirking.

        The Emperor Zheng Qing then said, "The father emperor should have abandoned you as a beast at that time! But the father emperor remembered Empress and Crown Prince first, and you were brought up when he was a child, so I gave you a chance. But you are a beast How did you do it? How dare you kill the emperor? The father emperor was too soft-hearted at the time, leaving you with such a wicked obstacle. If you were not with you, how would the father emperor— "

        The Emperor Zhengqing said, his voice choked.

        The final execution of Yanxing was to degrade Yanxing to the people and give him a glass of poisoned wine!

        Emperor Zhengqing opened the net to the women of Yanxing, let them go to the cold palace. As for Yan Xing mother, she was originally Empress Dowager, but now Yan Xing is a common people. With Yan Xing reversing her behavior, her Empress Dowager was naturally abandoned.

        The Emperor Zhengqing was able to enter the capital smoothly. The 1st-Duke House also helped a lot. Therefore, looking at the face of the 1st-Duke House, the Emperor Zhengqing treated Yanxing’s mother quite well, and she went to Shoukang Palace and the previous Emperor. Pengfei was raised together.

        After entering the palace, Emperor Zhengqing discovered that the three sons of Yanxing had been run away by their biological mother. He naturally sent someone to chase them.

        To the daughter of Yanxing, the Emperor Zhengqing could indeed leave them a life for their own fame, which might be useful after they are raised. But Yan Xing son, it is absolutely impossible to live!

        Cut the grass!

        Yan Xing was poisoned to death on the face, but the Emperor Zhengqing knew Chu Haoran's knot on Yan Xing-, so Chu Haoran personally ended Yan Xing

        Yan Xing was taken to a spiritual hall, which was filled with cards from the Chu family.

        Chu Haoran and Chu Jing are there.

        Yan Xing was blindfolded when he was brought over.

        After the blindfolded black cloth was taken away, Yan Xing eyes were still a bit uncomfortable.

        Yan Xing has never seen Chu Haoran, but knows Chu Jing.

        Just think about it, Yan Xing knew Chu Haoran's identity.

        Yan Xing looked at the cards and smirked, "You are Chu Haoran."

        Chu Haoran ignored Yanxing, and respected General Chu and others with Chu Jing respectfully.

        After finishing the incense, Chu Haoran turned his head to look at Yan Xing-, and smirked, "Yan Xing-, you didn't expect you to have today."

        "What do you count? What qualifications do you have for me "

        "Slap!" Chu Jing responded to Yan Jing's heavy slaps.

        The eyes of Chu Jing looking at Yanxing are full of hate, that is the hatred of wanting to eat Yanxing's meat and drink Yanxing's blood!

        "You have been demoted to the common people now! What are your qualifications to call yourself me? Oh-are you still dreaming !? Then you should wake up and recognize your identity!" Chu Jing said, his fingers stretched out, Pointing to the card on Lingtang, "Yan Xing-, today my brother and I will use your blood to honor the heroes of my Chu family!"

        "Bah! Chu Yingnan is a fool! If he respected me at the beginning, how would I go wrong, step by step, and finally lead to a tragedy, causing my status to be almost insecure? I'm right! Everything is Chu Yingnan's fault! "Yan Xing growled wildly.

        Chu Haoran unbearably gave Yanxing a fist, "You shut up! My Grandfather is standing on the ground, and I am ashamed of my heart, and I am ashamed of the ground! And your Yanxing is a beast! When you dream back at midnight, you can dream of the death of Bianguan. The heroic spirit of the Chu family? Can you dream of the 100 thousand warriors who died at the border !? And the heroic spirit of the previous emperor, did you ever dream of all this ?! "

        Chu Haoran said with a smirk, "I'm wrong. How can you be dreamed of a beast like you? If you dream of it, you should have difficulty sleeping day and night, and the guilt in your heart will erode your heart like poison But a beast like you has no heart, what is guilt for you? "

        Chu Haoran said that he pulled out the dagger on the table, and pierced the shoulder of Yan Xing-, Yan Yan twisted his face in pain, "Ah!"

        Chu Haoran heard Yan Xing Calls and his eyes flashed with madness. His dagger stabbed into Yan Xing shoulder and thrust into it, pushing Yan Xing shoulder straight through!

        Then, Chu Haoran pulled the dagger out of Yan Xing shoulder, and Yan Xing shoulder immediately bleed with blood.

        "How many people did my Chu family die in today? How many knives will I put in your body today!" Chu Haoran raised a bloodthirsty arc at the corner of his mouth.

        Yan Xing has suffered from such difficulties since childhood, even when he escaped from the frontier like a funeral dog, he has never suffered from such skin and flesh!

        Yan Xing pained his forehead with cold sweat and cold voice, "You can kill me directly if you have the ability!"

        Chu Haoran held the bloody dagger and thrust it into Yan Xing other intact shoulder again.

        "Ah " Yan Xing Calling sounded again.

        "Destroy you? Why should I kill you? I didn't say that. How many people did my Chu family die because of you? How many knives would I put in your body!" Chu Haoran said hard and would insert The dagger on Yanxing's shoulder pushed a bit further.

        After Chu Haoran pulled the dagger from Yanxing's shoulder again, Chu Jing said, "Brother, give me the dagger."

        Chu Haoran obediently handed the dagger to Chu Jing.

        Chu Jing took the dagger, held it up high, and thrust it into Yanxing’s thigh. She didn’t push it in the same way as Chu Haoran, but after inserting it again, she pulled it out immediately, and then ruthlessly. Stabbed hard, "You are a beast! You are a beast! I have so many people in the Chu family died in the hands of you beast! How many times have I looked at you high up, do you know how much I hate in my heart? I can’t wait You die immediately! Die now! "

        Chu Jing's face was distorted by hatred. She was like a lunatic who kept inserting a dagger into Yanxing and pulled it out of Yanxing's body.

        Chu Haoran did not stop Chu Jing, but let Chu Jing vent.

        Because Chu Haoran knew how painful Chu Jing felt.

        Maybe Chu Jing suffered more than Chu Haoran.

        Chu Haoran stayed away from the capital for so many years, and did not see Yanxing as an enemy. Chu Jing is in the capital, so close to the enemy, seeing how the enemy is living above him, and holding power.

        How can Chu Jing not hate?

        The most painful thing in the world is that the enemy is in front of you, but you can’t do anything to the enemy, you can only bear with it and watch how proud your enemy is in front of you.

        Chu Jing just hated it and inserted it harder, but she remembered something in her heart anyway, that is, she did not insert it into the key point of Yanxing. She absolutely did not want Yanxing to die so happily! Never! Chu Jing asked Yan Xing to suffer, and asked Yan Xing to indemnify the dead Chu family!

        Yanxing was able to hold on at the beginning, but Yanxing had never suffered such pain, so he couldn't help it. In the end, he actually prayed to Chu Haoran and Chu Jing, hoping that they could give him a hurry.

        How could Chu Haoran and Chu Jing give Yan Xing a happy heart!

        Chu Haoran and Chu Jing tortured Yan Xing for three days. During these three days, they did not know how many knives were inserted into Yan Xing body (too many were inserted, and it was not clear)

        Three days later, Yan Xing whole person seemed to have become a blood man, and died of excessive blood loss.

        After seeing Yan Xing lose his breath, Chu Jing was both happy and disappointed. "He just died like this? It was only three days. I knew I should ask a doctor to hang him with good medicine. "

        Chu Jing was really disappointed that he couldn't use his dagger to insert Yanxing for a few days.

        Chu Haoran was also disappointed in his heart, but he could only say, "Sister, that's fine."

        Chu Jing pointed to Yan Xing body and asked, "What should he do? Or just throw it to the mass grave and let the wild dogs share the food!"

        Chu Haoran shook his head, "No."

        Chu Jing frowned, "Why not?"

        "Even if Yanxing was demoted to the common people, he still had the royal blood on his body. The emperor was able to give Yanxing to us and let us deal with it, which is already very good. Yanxing is now in our hands, but his The corpse is definitely not our turn to abuse. Otherwise, where is the royal face? "

        Chu Jing didn't think of this for the first time because she hated Yanxing too much. After listening to Chu Haoran's explanation, her feverish mind gradually cooled down, "What you said makes sense, it's my recklessness."

        Chu Jing said, patting Chu Haoran's shoulder proudly. "Brother, you grew up. I remember you used to be the most careless one in the family. Dad always said that you are too clumsy and impulsive. Who can think that you can grow up to the point it is today. Grandfather and Dad will be very happy if they see you like this. "

        Chu Haoran smiled faintly, "Now the Chu family is the only man I have. If I can no longer hold up the portal, who can our Chu family rely on in the future? Sister, I will hold up for you in the future. Let anyone bully you. "

        Chu Jing was rewarded because of his great hatred. The light sorrow and depression that had enveloped between the eyebrows had dispersed a lot. The whole person looked at it, quite a little radiant. By the way, only my brother and me are the biggest in the family. Your brother listens to me again. My sister really has a good life. "

        Chu Jing said, glancing at Chu Haoran, "Brother, now you have nothing to worry about your sister, only you."

        Chu Haoran puzzled, "Don't worry about me? Sister, what else do I have to worry about? I'm older and I can take care of myself."

        "You grew up. But the Chu family is now only you, a man. Whether the blood of the Chu family can continue depends on you. You talk about how you haven't married a wife for so many years." This is Chu Jing was the most dissatisfied. Just to keep filial piety to the family, hasn't stayed that long.

        Speaking of his personal affairs, Chu Haoran touched his nose a little embarrassedly, "I was thinking about revenge in my heart at that time, and I didn't want to talk about family matters or not. So I was delayed."

        Chu Jing could understand this, "Now Xing Xing is dead, our Chu family's revenge has also been reported. It is time for you to get married. You can rest assured, your sister will help you pick a good girl for everyone, and it will deserve yours .. My brother deserves the best woman. "

        Chu Jing said with a frown.

        Chu Haoran moved his mouth, and wanted to tell Chu Jing that there was no need to be so anxious.

        Chu Jing saw Chu Haoran's thoughts at a glance, and immediately said, "It's not anxious. Look at how old you are! Like your age, you already have children! I won't talk to anyone else, just say Your best relationship, Junwang and Tang Daren are good.

        Rui Junwang now has two sons and one daughter. Tang Daren also has two sons and one daughter. You look at others, then look at you. You are not in a hurry, you tell me, when are you in a hurry? Grandfather They looked at you in the sky, and they were very anxious in their hearts! "

        Chu Haoran couldn't bear Chu Jing, and quickly begged for mercy. "I didn't say that I was not in a hurry. My marriage depended on my sister."

        Chu Jing was satisfied.

        Chu Jing was excited to show Chu Haoran someone else. Chu Haoran turned to Tang Jinrui instead.

        After Emperor Zhengqing ascended the throne, it was natural to reward the people under his hands.

        Chu Haoran's title was directly promoted to Duke, now loyal to Duke.

        Tang Jinrui also moved from the district 5-Grade Zhifu to Zheng 2-Grade's Hushang Shangshu, and the rate of promotion was too fast.

        However, who made Tang Jinrui follow the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty for a long time, and the credit was not small, so no one dared to put his beak on the leapfrog.

        The Emperor Zhengqing also gave Tang Jinrui a mansion that was copied by the officials, and a large mansion with five entrances.

        It's a lot of trouble to pack up such a big house.

        Tang Jinrui bought a person while writing a letter asking Zhou-shi and Gu Mingqing to bring their children to Capital City, and put everything in Fiefdom. Without surprise, Tang Jinrui should not return to Fiefdom again.

        Emperor Zhengqing still remembered Yan Ruchen. Emperor Zhengqing made Yan Ruchen the imperial history, which was regarded as the father's inheritance.

        Speaking of Yan Ruchen, Tang Jinrui remembered Yan Ruyu fiance Jiang Zhen.

        Jiang Zhen, the former official, was a proper Yanxing confidant. After Emperor Zhengqing came to power, could the Jiang family be let go? Of course not!

        Jiang Jia copied the family, all adult men were decapitated, and women and children were exiled.

        Tang Jinrui looked at Yan Ruchen's face and pleaded for Jiang Zhen.

        Tang Jinrui did not hide anything from Zheng Qing Emperor, and reported Jiang Zhen and Yan Ruyu to Zheng Qing Emperor.

        Emperor Zhengqing really had no time to care about the emotions of such a trivial little person like Jiang Zhen.

        However, I heard that Jiang Zhen had been defending Yan Ruyu for so many years, and even if he was not married, even Yan Ruchen was touched by them.

        In addition, Jiang Zhen is a small officer with sesame and green beans. He has no chance to do anything. He even reminded Tang Jinrui and others before that Yan Xing was going to kill Gu Mingqing.

        Emperor Zhengqing was also willing to give Tang Jinrui a face, not only pardoned Jiang Zhen, but retained the official post of sesame and green beans on his body (the official was too small, it is similar in the eyes of Emperor Zhengqing), even Jiang Zhen’s parents, he was pardoned Lest Jiang Zhen has no intention of marrying his wife.

        This is really immense!

        Tang Jinrui immediately knelt down and thanked Emperor Qingzheng.

        However, although Jiang Zhen's family was released, and Jiang Zhen's official positions were kept, but Jiang Zhen had no money! All the property of the Jiang family was copied, and the Emperor Zhengqing did not return the property of the Jiang family to them.

        So they now face the dilemma of living without land.

        Tang Jinrui couldn't just watch Jiang Zhen's family live on the street and starve to death, so he spent money renting a small house for them to let them stay for a while. It also lent Jiang Zhen two hundred Silver-Taels, so that they could support Yan Ruchen into Capital City.

        After Yan Ruchen entered Capital City, he took over all of the Jiang family.

        Jiang Zhen is very grateful to Tang Jinrui, not to mention here.

        Tang Jinrui was busy here, and he was very happy to see Chu Haoran, "Zhong Duke has the time to come and be my guest."

        Chu Haoran waved his hand, meaninglessly, "what loyal to Duke is not loyal to Duke, how did you call me before, how do you call me now. If you call me loyal to Duke, do I have to call you Hushu Shangshu?"

        Tang Jinrui smiled, "That's fine. It's just the same name as before. Brother Chu sits."

        Seeing that Tang Jinrui was the same as before, Chu Haoran was happy now, and he sits next to Tang Jinrui with a hem, "I heard Brother Tang has written to let Auntie and Sao Fu-ren have their children to Capital City?"

        Tang Jinrui nodded, "Brother Chu news is really well-informed. I heard that Mo Fu-ren has been inquiring about famous ladies in the capital recently, and it seems that he is going to kiss him."

        Chu Haoran raised his eyebrows, "You all know? The news spread very quickly."

        Tang Jinrui didn't laugh, but didn't say much.

        Chu Haoran touched his nose and said, “I ’m getting older too, it’s time to get a wife. In fact, what I want most is to be able to go to the frontier to kill all the invading Daliangs, so that it is really a revenge for my Chu family Now. "

        "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. In the past few years, Bianguan feared that nothing would happen. Daliang old Khan passed away, and the new Khan hasn't settled down yet, so Daliang is really lively now. Even if the candidate for the new Khan is determined, others may be dissatisfied. Because the old Khan who passed away does not confess to whom Khan confessed. "

        Chu Haoran was a bit sorry to hear the words, "Then I want to go to the border to kill the enemy's dream, I am afraid I will be delayed."

        Tang Jinrui smiled and said, "This is not a good thing? Bianguan can get a few years of peace. Dajin is not stable." Daliang is fighting for the position of Khan. Why doesn't Dajin need to recuperate?

        Chu Haoran thought about it and couldn't help but nodded. "What you said makes sense. I was too narrow. Thinking about myself, I didn't think about anything else."

        Tang Jinrui said, "Brother Chu has something narrow. In fact, taking advantage of these years, Brother Chu can also take a good rest, marry a good wife, and have a few children. In this way, General Chu and other people can truly rest in the spirit of heaven. "The ancients still value blood lineage very seriously.

        "It's not bad to marry a wife. I hope my future wife will be like Sao Fu-ren and will be able to open the portal, so that even if I do something wrong in the future "

        "Cough-Brother Chu, don't say anything if it's not Auspicious. This is Jingcheng, Mo Fu-ren is in Jingcheng, if it reaches her ears, I'm afraid it's—"

        Chu Haoran glared at Tang Jinrui, "Brother Tang knows to choke me. Just stop talking."

        "Looking at Brother Chu in the past, there was always a touch of hatred between your eyebrows, but now you see, the hatred between your eyebrows has dissipated a lot."

        "After killing Yanxing, my hatred naturally dissipated a lot." Chu Haoran said and glanced at Tang Jinrui, "Brother Tang is assured that Yan Hong and Tang Jingjing can't run away. The emperor has already sent the emperor list They. They will run to the end of the world and they will definitely be caught! "

        Tang Jinrui eyes were faint, and he twitched his lips. "I believe they will be caught back, and they will. The blood debt they bear is also the same. Those who are killed by them will also stare at them, let They pay the price. "

        Tang Jinrui has always believed this.

        Besides, the Zheng Qing Emperor ordered the arrest of Yan Xing three sons, and Chu Wang Heir also secretly sent someone to find Gu Mingyue.

        Yan Li was really struggling with Gu Mingyue. He was thinking about finding people before Zheng Qing Emperor found Gu Mingyue.

        Because Yan Li knew that if Chu-Wang first found Gu Mingyue, even if Gu Mingyue could save a life, he would be imprisoned in the cold palace for the rest of his life.

        Under the eyes of Zheng Qing Emperor, Yan Like had no ability to steal Gu Mingyue. Not to mention, Yan Li still cares about her identity.

        To say that after the emperor Zheng Qing ascended the throne, a group of loyal ministers were rewarded, but the partial prince did not set up Crown Prince.

        Yan Li is anxious! In addition to sending people to find Gu Mingyue, Yan Li contacted the ministers of the DPRK and China and asked them to go to court, asking him to be Crown Prince.

        Yan Li thinks he should be Crown Prince!

        Yan is ideal, but he is Di-Eldest-son of the Qing Emperor! Crown Prince does not fall on his head, but who can fall on it?

        What makes Yan Li most angry is that some people mentioned Yan Jin's name! And there are still many people mentioning Yan Jin's name! This made Yan Li very angry!

        In the eyes of him, Yan Jin is nothing but a second-in-law, not just fighting a few battles, what a great thing! There are more people who can fight! Not only Yanjin!

        Yan Li is angry! But qi has nothing to do.

        Yan Li thought about reapplying her old skills, that is, pretending to be sympathetic!

        The reasons for the illness are readily available.

        Yan Li was ill because she was tired all the way.

        After learning that Yan was sick, Emperor Zhengqing immediately sent several Tai-yi to treat him.

        If there is only one Tai-yi, Yan Li can threaten each other. The problem is that there are so many Tai-yi, Yan Li can't threaten all of them.

        The result is that Yan Li’s body is not at fault, but Tai-yi is safe, and added that Yan Li is too tired. When he came to the capital, there was also a time when he was unacceptable.

        This is to give Yan Li a layer of shame.

        Zheng Qing Emperor guessed things Qi-Qi as soon as he heard this, and he hated it.

        The most annoying thing about Emperor Zhengqing is that Yan Li pretends to be sick! Yan Li hasn't pretended to have been sick for so many years. The Emperor Zhengqing still thought he had changed. Now let's see where he has changed! Yan Li is still dead!

        Emperor Zhengqing couldn't tell Yan Li about pretending to be sick because of shame!

        However, Emperor Zhengqing did not think of making Yan Li comfortable, and only ordered Tai-yi to prescribe the most bitter medicine. Every time after the medicine was boiled, people would stare at Yan Li and drink it! No drop is allowed!

        Yan Li burst into tears during this day.

        Yan Li is not suffering here, but Yan Jin's life is very good.

        Yan Li was recuperating, and Emperor Zhengqing gave Yan Jin a lot of errands.

        Yan Li looked, really envious and jealous.

        Just when Yan Li was very hard in his heart, there was finally something that would make Yan Li happy!

        That was the person Yan Li sent to find Gu Mingyue. He really had the ability, and the people who had justified the Qing Emperor had taken a step and found Gu Mingyue!

        After the person below found Gu Mingyue, he didn't bring Gu Mingyue into the palace for the first time, but asked Yan Li idea, "Master (because Yan Li hasn't been named Crown Prince, and he can't call Heir, so the people under him It’s called the Master), then Gu Miss, (to please Yan Li) was found, but she also took Yan Xing son, how should that person be good. "

        Yan Li likes Gu Mingyue, and some hide Gu Mingyue. But Yan Xing never thought of receiving Gu Mingyue's son! Not to mention the son, even the daughter, Yan Li never thought of receiving it.

        Yan Li opened his eyes to the people around him. "For such a simple matter, I still have to ask, what's the use of you. You go to someone and you don't expose yourself."

        "No, no! The master is at ease, nobody knows."

        Yan Li nodded with satisfaction, "Well, it's done well. Just take Mingyue secretly into the palace, remember to be careful, and act as a maid. As for Yan Xing son-find an opportunity for the father and emperor Found him, and the Gu Ceefei that Yan Xing is dead, do you understand? "

        "Yes, little understand."

        Gu Mingyue was sent to the palace as a maid.

        Gu Mingyue originally took his son to hide and hide in Capital City. Although Yan Xing asked the three women who gave birth to their son to leave with their children, the problem is that the gate of Capital City cannot be opened. Therefore, Gu Mingyue can only take his son to hide in the capital, thinking about waiting for the emperor Zheng Qing to enter the capital, and then look for opportunities to go out.

        The only thing that Gu Mingyue didn't expect was that when Emperor Zhengqing entered the capital, she could not find a chance to leave.

        Until Gu Mingyue's hiding place was discovered.

        At the moment of discovery, Gu Mingyue had only one thought in mind, it was over! Finished! Completely finished!

        When Gu Mingyue woke up, he found that he was actually wearing the clothes of the court lady, and he was stunned. He couldn't help guessing. Was the emperor Zhengqing demoting her as a court lady?

        Gu Mingyue frowned. She couldn't help but feel strange. After she was caught, she was either dead or should be sent to the cold palace. How could she become a court lady? This is so wrong.

        Gu Mingyue began to look at the place where she lived. This seemed to be the room for the next person, but the room was very clean and she was the only one.

        What is going on?

        Gu Mingyue was confused.

        Just before Gu Mingyue had figured out what had happened, the closed door was opened from the outside.

        Someone came in!

        Gu Mingyue was shocked, and subconsciously grasped the quilt covering him.

        After seeing someone coming, Gu Mingyue was even more terrified (I didn’t recognize the person, so I was not very familiar with Yan Li)

        When Yan Li saw Gu Mingyue, her eyes were full of amazing colors.

        Yan Li had been greedy for Gu Mingyue for many years, and he was thinking about Gu Mingyue, and even got Mao Concubine as a substitute. Now that the Lord is in front of him, Yan Li can't wait to rush to eat Gu Mingyue immediately!

        Gu Mingyue is too familiar with the wolf-like light in Yan Li eyes. This is the man's interest in women.

        Gu Mingyue would like to know the identity of the person in front of him.

        Yan Li closed the door with his backhand and stared at Gu Mingyue in bed squintingly. His eyes made Gu Mingyue sick! I want to know when Gu Mingyue has been seen as such since he became a woman in Yanxing! Gu Mingyue can't wait to dig out the eyeballs of the people before him!

        "Beauty, I am obsessed with you, and now you have finally become my person."

        Gu Mingyue endured nervousness, but because of fear, his voice shivered when he spoke, "Who are you? Who are you?"

        Yan Li frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Gu Mingyue's not knowing him.

        In Yan Li opinion, he missed Gu Mingyue for so many years, how could Gu Mingyue not even know who he was!

        "Beauty, do you really not recognize me?"

        People you know? Gu Mingyue frowned, staring at the person in front of her, but the more nervous and scared, the more blank her mind was, and she couldn't remember.

        Yan Li sighed, and made an excuse for Gu Mingyue himself. Also, Gu Mingyue had just experienced so many things, which must have been terrified. It was justifiable to fail to remember him for a while.

        Yan Li replied, "I am Crown Prince in the future."

        Yes, in his eyes, who can be Crown Prince besides him?

        Future Crown Prince?

        Gu Mingyue forced himself to calm down and began to think about the identity of the person before him.

        Now that the Emperor Zhengqing ascended the throne, then Crown Prince can only be the son of Emperor Zhengqing.

        The Emperor Zhengqing established Heir when he was Chu-Wang, Chu Wang Heir ——

        Gu Mingyue opened his eyes sharply and blurted out, "You are Chu Wang Heir !?"

        Seeing Gu Mingyue remembering who he was, Yan Li couldn’t help but be happy, but still corrected Gu Mingyue’s words, “Beauty, there is no Chu-Wang anymore, so there is no Chu Wang Heir. Only my future Crown Prince ! "

        Gu Mingyue swallowed nonstop.

        Gu Mingyue has always been a smart woman. Before that, she was too scared, so she forgot to think for a while.

        Now, Gu Mingyue calmed down.

        Gu Mingyue will not forget Chu Wang Heir ——No, it is Yan Li now. He once blocked him in the palace and looked at her with disgusting eyes.

        At that time, Gu Mingyue hated Yan Li behavior. If she did not care about her own reputation, she would definitely make Yan Li pay the price!

        To say how much hatred at that time, then Gu Mingyue now only has luck!

        That's right, it's a blessing!

        Gu Mingyue knew that Yan Li liked her, and even lost so much effort to make her a court lady. Why? Isn't it just to get her?

        In this regard, Gu Mingyue did not reject anything in his heart, and some were just happy!

        Gu Mingyue is very grateful to God at this moment, God is not thin for her, she was born to be a man of nature!

        As the Di-Eldest-son of the Qing Emperor, Yan Li became Crown Prince and had a great possibility of inheriting Crown Prince. Gu Mingyue is temporarily unable to become Yan Li wife, but she is confident that she will definitely become Yan Li ChongQie.

        When Yan Li ascended the throne, she was at least a Noble-Consort, and she could even take it to the next level!

        Gu Mingyue's excited and weak body was trembling faintly, but she knew she wanted to stabilize.

        Gu Mingyue's eyes were red, and she turned her face slightly to reveal her perfect, pitiful side face.

        Yan Li looked at it, and suddenly felt distressed. He stepped forward and embraced Gu Mingyue's shoulders, and said softly, "Beauty, what's wrong with you? What is wronged? Or afraid? You can rest assured that as long as you follow me, you will succeed With my people, I assure you that no one can bully you again. I will give you the best. "

        Gu Mingyue leaned submissively in Yan Li’s arms and choked with sobs, "Actually-I have always been in love with you."

        Yan Li was excited for a while, "Really-really-really?"

        Gu Mingyue blushed and nodded gently, "Well. In fact, I saw you at first sight, and I loved you. I only regret that I was not a trustee, why didn't I meet you early. If so I can meet you early, even for Qie's maid, I am willing. I just hate God for letting us meet too late. "

        Yan Li clenched Gu Mingyue's hand tightly, "But it's not. Beauty, I also unfortunately didn't meet you early. You said that if I could meet you sooner, I would marry you as your wife. Nor Let you follow Yan Xing God, I really like to tease people. But fortunately, it’s not too late. We go around, we are still together. Beauty, you can rest assured that I will treat you well. "

        "I believe in you. You are the greatest hero in my heart. As long as you are there, nothing can be solved. I believe in you all."

        Yan Li only thinks that Gu Mingyue is really intimate, and he deserves to remember Gu Mingyue! Gu Mingyue is so worth it!

        "Beauty, I have to grieve you now. You can only stay with me as a maid. But you can rest assured that as long as you have the opportunity, I will let you be Ceefei immediately. My heart is only on you, don't The woman who is not in my eyes. "

        Yan Li is now facing Gu Mingyue. If it sounds good, it will come with an open mouth.

        Gu Mingyue’s disbelief in Yanli’s words is more precisely the disbelief of any man. But one thing, Gu Mingyue believes, that is, Yan Li is very rare at this time, she is enough.

        Gu Mingyue is sure, and firmly grasps Yan Li heart, so that he can no longer be separated from him.

        Yan Li hugged the woman he had been thinking about for so many years and could not help it long ago.

        Gu Mingyue knew what Yan Li was going to do, but she would not refuse.

        Afterwards, Yan Li slept in bed, but Gu Mingyue was not asleep.

        This is no doubt that there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, will Liu Anhuaming have another village?

        Gu Mingyue's mood is very turbulent, not at all meant to sleep.

        After being excited, Gu Mingyue couldn't help but think of her son and daughter.

        After understanding Yan Li intentions, Gu Mingyue did not ask her children.

        Gu Mingyue knew exactly what her daughter would end up, and the Emperor Qing Qing banned her from the circle. Not to mention, it was always okay to grow up well. Later, she got Yanli favor, let Yanli help her find a family, she looked at, let alone say, this life can always be safe and worry-free.

        But the son? Thinking of his son, Gu Mingyue couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

        Gu Mingyue dare not ask Yan Li, what happened to her son? Because Gu Mingyue knew her son's fate, he would die for a lifetime, or more accurately, he would definitely die. Gu Mingyue did not dare to ask Yan Li to save her son. She was afraid that Yan Li would be impatient and hate her.

        Gu Mingyue admitted that she has always been a selfish person, child, she loves, but she always loves herself.

        Two lines of tears ran down from my eyes and fell onto the pillow along the cheeks, and suddenly became a water halo.

        Sorry for your child, mother, please vote for a good person in your next life.

        Yan Li received a Maid as Shiqie, and it quickly spread.

        No one said anything about it.

        It is a trivial matter to accept a servant Shiqie as Yanli, and the Emperor Zhengqing was not in a mood to care about Yanli.

        No one thought that Yan Lina's maid was actually Noxing-Consort Gu Mingyue of Yanxing. From this, it can be seen that Yan Li ability to hide people is still good.

        Besides, Gu Mingqing and Zhou-shi finally received a letter from Tang Jinrui here.

        Tang Jinrui said in the letter that Gu Mingqing and Zhou-shi should come to Capital City, and everything in the house was handled by Gu Mingqing and Zhou-shi. As for the laymen, also see the meaning of Gu Mingqing and Zhou-shi, if you have to use it, you will stay, if you don’t use it, you will pass it on.

        To go to the capital, there are many things to prepare.

        The children knew they were going to the capital, and one or two were very happy.

        Tang Shiyu happily made a big circle with his hand, "Mother, everyone said that the capital is very big and beautiful, is this true?"

        Gu Mingqing nodded, "Yes, the capital is very big and beautiful."

        "How about the Royal Palace? I heard that the Royal Palace is even more beautiful and bigger than Wangfu, ma'am, is this true?" Tang Shiyu asked with big eyes flashing with water spirits.

        Gu Mingqing tirelessly explained to Tang Shiyu patiently, "Yes, the palace is very beautiful. If there is a chance, the mother will take you to the palace to see. But you have to be good and follow the rules, you know?"

        Tang Shiyu nodded obediently.

        Gu Mingqing and Zhou-shi began to prepare for going to Capital City.

        Things, Gu Mingqing and Zhou-shi are evenly divided, so that it can be handled faster.

        Gu Mingqing actually took the time to go to Wangfu, and now Chu-Wang has been enthroned as an emperor. The people in the dive should go to the capital.

        If there is a chance, Gu Mingqing hopes to go to Capital City together with Luo Xinyan.

        After Gu Mingqing arrived at Wangfu, Luo Xinyan quickly received Gu Mingqing.

        Gu Mingqing said, Tang Jinrui sent her a letter asking her to take her family to Capital City, and asked Luo Xinyan what she thought.

        Luo Xinyan sighed, "If I could go to Capital City with you, this would be a beautiful thing, and it would not be boring along the way. But now, even if Mufei is infected with the wind and cold, Da-Sao and I have to stay and wait for Mufei Well, we can go to the capital together. "

        Gu Mingqing really didn't get the news that Chu Wang fei was sick, he couldn't help asking, "Is Wang fei okay?"

        Although Chu-Wang has enthroned, Chu Wang fei is not Empress yet. Of course, unless Chu Wang fei accidentally dies, it's not true that Chu Wang fei really died in an accident. The Emperor Zhengqing will also affix Chu Wang fei as Empress, because Chu Wang fei is the original wife of the Zhengqing emperor and has two sons.

        Because of this, Chu Wang fei identity cannot be shaken.

        "Fortunately, it's not a serious illness. It's just that the night is cold and the wind chills. It's just that Mufei is older, so it looks a bit serious. It's not a big deal, just a few days. Just wait for Mufei, I can start my journey to Capital City. "

        Gu Mingqing said, "Otherwise, I will postpone the trip and wait for you "

        Before Gu Mingqing’s words were finished, Luo Xinyan said, "What are you talking about? Tang Daren is always waiting for you in the capital, so you can’t wait for it. You are so sorry to let Tang Daren wait for you? I don’t want to think about Tang Daren sleeping alone at night.

        Gu Mingqing glared at Luo Xinyan angrily, "It's all a child Damning mother, and I'm so sorry to be so unobstructed."

        Luo Xinyan straightened up, "I'm embarrassed. Your Tang Daren is different from my Junwang. Tang Daren is just you, my Junwang although his wife Qie is not around, but if he is Think about it, you can pull Maid at any time. Anyway, Junwang will not be lonely. "

        When Gu Mingqing saw Luo Xinyan talking, her eyes were open and clear, and there was no vinegar in her tone, showing that she really looked away.

        With a laugh, Luo Xinyan asked Gu Mingqing not to delay her journey because she was scheduled to leave whenever she left.

        Luo Xinyan said with a chuckle, "I'm not in a hurry, but my Da-Sao is in a hurry."

        Gu Mingqing aired, "How dare you Da-Sao?"

        Now Yan Li is not easy to use Heir to call it, so it is not good to call Gong Yiwan also Chu Wang Heir fei.

        "I Da-Sao is anxious about her identity. What kind of person is my Big-Brother, don't you know? Anyway, my identity is there, no one can move. Da-Sao is not necessarily, she Because I haven’t been able to give birth to a son, I ’m guilty! Big-Brother and her relationship are not very good. So, Da-Sao is worried that her status in the front office is not guaranteed. "

        Luo Xinyan thought of Yiwan's urgency in this day's womb, but she couldn't help but feel funny.

        Gu Mingqing smiled and shook his head, "The authorities are obsessed with bystanders and clear. You Da-Sao are too anxious. No matter what, her official status is still guaranteed. The emperor has not yet established Crown Prince. You said if you Big-Brother Abandon your wife and marry her. How would someone say you Big-Brother? How would the emperor look at you Big-Brother? You may not be so brilliant in other things about your Big-Brother. "

        Gu Mingqing said, pointing at the position of his temple with his index finger. The implication was that Yan Li brain was not very bright.

        "But as long as his status is involved, his brain turns faster than anyone else, so don't worry."

        "That's not the case. I looked at her impatiently and couldn't help but persuade her. But what about her? I said I stood talking without a backache. I was so angry that I was too lazy to say anything to her. If you are worried, you are worried, and the person you should worry about is not me. "

        Gu Mingqing and Luo Xinyan said something and went back.

        To go to Capital City, Gu Mingqing still has a lot to prepare.

        Gu Mingqing wanted to go to Capital City with his family, and Yan Ruchen and Qiaoqiao also followed.

        Tang Jinrui letter also wrote that the Emperor Zhengqing gave Yan Ruchen the role of imperial history, and pardoned Jiang Zhen, and also released Jiang Zhen's parents.

        Yan Ruchen was not happy at all after hearing this news.

        Gu Mingqing couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Isn't this a happy thing?"

        Yan Ruchen replied, "Jiang Zhen is fine, but it is good."

        When Yan Ruchen spoke, Yan Ruyu came in from just outside, and heard Yan Ruchen's words.

        Yan Ruyu asked, "Big-Brother, what happened to Jiang Lang? I haven't seen him for a long time. Jiang Lang said, I will take good care of me."

        Gu Mingqing looked at Yan Ruyu and couldn't help but sigh.

        When Yan Ruyu didn't speak, no one could see her problem. But as soon as Yan Ruyu opened his mouth, he could immediately make people discover the problem.

        Yan Ruchen didn't care about him this time. He deliberately changed the subject and smiled and touched Yan Ruyu head. "We are going to the capital. When we reach the capital, you can marry Jiang Zhen."

        Yan Ruyu couldn’t believe what he heard. The whole person seemed to turn into a statue. It took a while before he stammered, "Really-really-really?"

        "Of course it is true. If you have anything to bring, hurry and pack it."

        Yan Ruyufei nodded quickly, "Uh um! I'll go to clean it up now. Jiang Lang must also want to see me. I have to hurry up and clean up."

        After Yan Ruyu left, Yan Ruchen's face sank. "Jiang Zhen is a good man. He has been infatuated with Ruyu all these years, and I have to admit it."

        Gu Mingqing waited for Yan Ruchen to say, "But Jiang Zhen's parents are all right. I will never forget Jiang Zhen's parents' ugly face after his father's death. After Ruyu married Jiang Zhen, there were two The elders pressed on my head, I— "

        Yan Ruchen said, worried in his tone.

        Gu Mingqing persuaded, "You think too much. The Jiang family at this time is not the former Jiang family. Jiang Zhen's official position is not as good as you. If Jiang Zhen's parents know the current affairs, then naturally they don't have to say much. If you don't know the current affairs, you have to stand up for Ruyu. What's so difficult about it? If you care, it's messy. "

        If anything else, Yan Ruchen might not be blind and worried. But once Yan Ruyu was involved, Yan Ruchen couldn't help it.

        Upon hearing this, Yan Ruchen raised his eyebrows and nodded secretly, "I am not as thoughtful as Tang Fu-ren."

        The two family members started working overtime to prepare for the trip to Capital City.

        After ten days, the two were ready to go to Capital City.

        Tang Yuxuan is now more than a year old and usually falls asleep most of the time, but Gu Mingqing often teases him to walk and play more.

        Tang Yuxuan and Gu Mingqing were in a carriage with black grape-like eyes, spinning around dizzily, not uncomfortable at all.

        Tang Shiyu and Tang Renxuan are not uncomfortable.

        Tang Renxuan could sit quietly, but Tang Shiyu wouldn't work anymore. From time to time, he turned the curtain and looked out.

        Gu Mingqing didn't stop Tang Shiyu and was bored all the way. Tang Shiyu was better.

        After rushing for three days, one afternoon, there was heavy rain, and the ground was muddy. It was not easy to hurry. Fortunately, there was a tea shed not far away. Everyone went to the tea shed and asked for some buns and tea, waiting The rain is small, hurry up.

        When the buns and buns came up, Tang Shiyu small face was full of disgust, and after taking another bun and taking a bite, the small face almost didn't squeeze together. Obviously, the taste of this steamed bun is not in line with Tang Shiyu appetite.

        This is just an ordinary tea shed. How can the steamed buns and steamed buns be better? Compared to what is done at home, it is naturally much worse, and worse than the snacks Tang Jinrui buys from restaurants from time to time.

        Tang Shiyu face was ugly and he was about to eat it into his mouth, chewing his bun twice and spit it out.

        Gu Mingqing saw this and immediately said, "It is not allowed to spit it out and eat it."

        Tang Shiyu looked at him bitterly, staring pitifully at Gu Mingqing.

        Anyone stared at with such pitiful and helpless Meng Meng's eyes, fearing that they would be immediately soft-hearted, but Gu Mingqing was unmoved and hard-hearted.

        Gu Mingqing doesn’t feel distressed, Zhou-shi feels a little distressed, "Ming Qing, the child is still young, don’t be too "

        "Mother, it is because the children are still young that they should be strictly disciplined.-shi Yu, haven't you read" Minong "? Who knows that Chinese food is hard work! Have you heard this poem and know the meaning? It’s not allowed to waste food. The buns are rough, but they are definitely not inedible. "

        Gu Mingqing said, tearing off a bun in his hand and putting it in his mouth to eat it.

        It is absolutely impossible to waste food!

        In fact, Gu Mingqing is also somewhat unaccustomed to eating, but in order to be a good role model for children, it is also unacceptable to be used to eating! Otherwise, how to educate the children?

        Tang Shiyu sucked his nose and continued to eat with a bitter face. The buns were obviously not tasty. Why did she force her to eat! But Tang Shiyu didn't dare to resist Gu Mingqing. She knew how powerful she was.

        Tang Yuxuan also doesn't like to eat, but he is a little man and certainly can't be as Spoiled as Mei-mei. So Tang Yuxuan eats without changing his face.

        While eating, another group of people came to the tea shed.

        Headed by a group of officials, followed by prisoners with iron chains on their hands and feet. It seems that the official sent the prisoner to release the prisoner, Gu Mingqing thought to himself.

        Gu Mingqing didn't look long, and when he was about to look away, his eyes suddenly stared at one place.

        That man is

        Because the prisoners were all unkempt, Gu Mingqing suspected that he was wrong, so he opened his eyes and looked at him.

        It may be that Gu Mingqing stared at it for a long time, and the prisoner she was staring at also noticed.

        One of the women also stared at Gu Mingqing, and blinked quickly again, seeming to suspect that she had misread it.

        Gu Mingqing was sure that he was not wrong, and looked away lightly.

        The woman stared at by Gu Mingqing suddenly Called, "Di-Sao! Di-Sao! I am you Da-Sao! I am you Da-Sao!"

        Hearing this voice, Gu Mingqing was even more sure that he was not mistaken. This person was Ma-shi!

        That's right, Gu Mingqing just suspected that she saw Tang Dazhu and Ma-shi. Although the two were very embarrassed, Gu Mingqing recognized it.

        After Zhou-shi heard Ma-shi opening, the bun in his hand suddenly fell on the table.

        Ma-shi not only saw Gu Mingqing, but also Zhou-shi. He was immediately excited and wanted to rush to talk to Zhou-shi and Gu Mingqing.

        It was just that Ma-shi did not succeed, and Ma-shi took steps, was stopped by the officer's mission, and gave her a slap, knocking her to the ground.

        Ma-shi rushed past without reluctance, pointing to Zhou-shi and Gu Mingqing, "That's me Popo and me Di-Sao!"

        As Ya-Shi fingers looked over, Yaxu naturally saw Zhou-shi and Gu Mingqing.

        When the official went to the south and went north, many people had met. Naturally, Zhou-shi and Gu Mingqing were not ordinary people. If they didn't say anything else, they said that their clothes were unusual. There must be rich, and there is nobility on the body, showing that the birth is extraordinary.

        For a time, the official was hesitant.

        That is to say, after hesitating for a while, Ma-shi found an opportunity to rush to Zhou-shi and Gu Mingqing.

        Of course, Ma-shi had no chance to get close to Zhou-shi and Gu Mingqing, but was stopped by the servants.

        Ma-shi lifted the hair covering her face backwards and wiped her dirty face with her sleeves, but she didn’t know that her sleeves were dirty and wiped her face with dirty sleeves. Too.

        "Mother, Di-Sao, look at me!"

        Don't start Zhou-shi, don't go to see Ma-shi. What Ma-shi and Tang Dazhu did at the time completely broke her heart, and she didn't want to say anything to these people at all.

        Gu Mingqing didn't start, just looked at Ma-shi funny, "Who are you? You call me Di-Sao? Why I don't know what Da-Sao I have?"

        Ma-shi brushed her hair, and looked at Gu Mingqing incredulously, sadly, "Di-Sao, I know what I did at Big-Brother was wrong, but you can't be so excessive, don't recognize us. You see where we are now! "

        Qiaoqiao listened to Ma-shi and was very angry.

        Qiaoqiao didn't recognize Ma-shi at first, or did Ma-shi come together and said so much that she recognized the person.

        Even for so many years in the past, Qiaoqiao will never forget how shameless and shameless Ma-shi was at the beginning, and he can forget the feud of killing his father and turn to Yan Hong!

        Ma-shi started to chatter about how miserable she and Tang Dazhu had been.

        Gu Mingqing listened quietly.


        It turned out that after Tang Dazhu became Han-Wangfu official, his life was not very good. Tang Dazhu is not someone who can run a business, and can even be said to be too honest. If Tang Dazhu is not such a temperament, I am afraid that Ma-shi will not always play with it.

        Besides, Ma-shi was pregnant at the beginning, and the last child was not a son, but a daughter!

        One can imagine how disappointed Tang Dazhu and Ma-shi would be.

        Ma-shi is anxious. She desperately wants to have a son, but she is having a daughter, Tang Keren, and she has never been pregnant again.

        So far, Tang Dazhu and Ma-shi have only one daughter under their knees.

        Tang Dazhu officialdom was not well mixed, and even heirs were difficult, and he still has no son.

        If the day can go on like this, although it is also unsatisfactory and uncomfortable, but it can still live.

        But who can think of Han Wang losing?


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