Houmen Dinu 410

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Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen

        Gu Mingqing tickled these Fu-ren hearts here, and Tang Jinrui also tickled the hearts of these Fu-ren husbands.

        But the couple Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing were really bad enough. After tickling their hearts, they began to say something else. Even if someone wants to lead the topic to build a road and buy a mountain, they also deliberately divert the topic.

        So after these people go back, don't mention the uncomfortable heart!

        Shui Fu-ren is the most anxious. She grabbed Shui Lao-Ye's hand and said, "Lao-Ye, we can't be behind this road construction! Let's not say that there is a Xing family Before. Just for our young children, we have to perform well on the road construction this time. "

        Water Lao-Ye has two Di-sons, but only one Di Daughter, so she is very fond of the only Di Daughter. He suddenly softened when he heard Shui Fu mention of Shui Qing'er.

        Shui Fu-ren and Shui Lao-Ye have been husbands and wives for so many years. Why would they not understand Shui Lao-Ye's thoughts, so they will make persistent efforts, "Lao-Ye, we have always wanted Qinger to marry Shuxiangmen. But because of our water The home is a merchant, so those real scholars don’t look down on our Shuijia. As for those who think of our Shuijia’s money, I think Lao-Ye can’t look down on them either.

        This time is a great opportunity to improve your reputation! Lao-Ye, we must not miss this opportunity. "

        Shui Lao-Ye acted on his own. After hearing Shui Fu-ren's words, he became more emotional, and he couldn't miss this thing for his daughter.

        "Lao-Ye, not only for Qing'er. It's also for the reputation of our water family. Our water family doesn't lose to the big family of the Xing family. This time, let's not surpass the Xing family, if it falls behind the Xing family too. What do the merchants in Shanning County think of us?

        What I see is really true, then Xing Fu-ren will not mention it before the county magistrate Fu-ren. Not only that, I think Xing Fu-ren looks like that, I am afraid that I have already made up my mind to perform well on the road construction, so that the county magistrate Daren is impressed by their Xing family. At that time, our water family will be stepped on by their feet. "

        Shui Fu-ren knows what Shui Lao-Ye cares about most, so he poke at Shui Lao-Ye's heart. Sure enough, Shui Lao-Ye originally had only five or six points of intention and determination. But after the water Fu-ren said, these five or six points moved, immediately rose to ten!

        "Fu-ren makes a lot of sense. This time, we must not lose to the Xing family! It cannot be stronger than the Xing family, nor can it be worse than the Xing family!"

        Seeing water, Lao-Ye made up her mind, and Shui Fu-ren gave a smug smile, and this time her daughter's marriage had fallen.

        Such scenes are also staged in the Xing family.

        Tang Jinrui suspended these people's appetite for three days, and then publicly said that he would build roads, and ask the merchants in Shanning County to contribute money and forcefully. To build roads, money is necessary. People also want.

        Money, Tang Jinrui intends to get it from the merchant. People-Tang Jinrui is planning to recruit migrant workers. One family will take one person and take care of three meals. There are no wages. After all, this road construction is a good thing for the development of Shanning County, so of course everyone should do their best.

        As for letting merchants pay the money, Tang Jinrui adopted the secret investment method to let the merchants write down the money to be donated and announce it when the time comes.

        Neither the Xing family nor the Shui family would like to lose to each other. They also thought about how much the other donated, and then they would be a little higher than the other.

        It's a pity that the two have the same idea, so in the end, they really don't know how much the other is planning to pay.

        So the Xing and Shui families gave the most money they could donate.

        Tang Jinrui also received silver money donated by various merchants. After seeing the money from the Shui and Xing families, he couldn't help but smile, and said to Gu Mingqing, "Niangzi, look at this. Are the Xing and Shui families discussed? The silver they donated is exactly the same, they are all eight thousand two. "

        Gu Mingqing was surprised, she really did not expect that the Xing family and Shui Jia donated so much money, eight thousand two! This number is really not small.

        Gu Mingqing pressed his heart in astonishment and smiled, "How could they be a good negotiation. Shui and Xing always kept their heads apart, this time, they even wanted to suppress each other. Just didn't expect the two to be so coincident The money donated is actually the same. "

        Gu Mingqing didn't know if he should sigh, Shui and Xing were the two who fell in love with each other.

        Tang Jinrui also looked at several other merchants, "There are also many donations, and the minimum is two thousand two. These silvers are enough to build roads. I also plan to distribute those hills to these people. A little more, after all, their money is indeed the most spent. They can’t let them suffer too much. ”

        Gu Mingqing nodded, believing Tang Jinrui words, "Xiang Gong thought very well, just do it. But the specific details are all discussed."

        Tang Jinrui nodded, "This is natural. Niangzi, this time I sold those mountains and got the money. I was thinking of building a private school for the village. The life of the people in the village is too bad. It is still a way to study. Not to say everyone can learn it, but know more words, and in the future, you won’t be a Bai Ding who doesn’t understand big characters. "

        This is the idea that Tang Jinrui has existed since Shanning County. Tang Jinrui has never forgotten so far.

        Gu Mingqing is very supportive of Tang Jinrui idea of opening a private school in the countryside.

        Tang Jinrui soon made the silver donated by the merchants public, and the establishment of the monument was also carried out. He also personally mentioned three plaques of "Benevolence House", giving the top three merchants who donated money.

        When the Shui and Xing families knew that the money donated by each other was the same as theirs, they felt a little uncomfortable. If they knew that they would rather donate a few hundred more, then they would be able to overwhelm each other!

        Pity! what a shame!

        However, it was a pity that after seeing the name engraved on the tablet and the plaque of "House of Benevolence", it disappeared without a trace.

        Since Tang Jinrui is going to repair the road, he will openly disclose his accounts to ensure that every copper plate is used to repair the road.

        This time the money is sufficient, so Tang Jinrui intends to repair the road in Shanning County well, and there will never be any overdone tofu project.

        As for those hills, Tang Jinrui also gave the big heads to the Shui and Xing families, as well as the big households in the county. There are only some small merchants who cannot afford to eat on their own. They bought a mountain together in cooperation with others. Tang Jinrui agreed as he said beforehand.

        When they sold the hilltop, they also signed a contract. These people hire workers, and they must give priority to the people of Shanning County.

        This is basically no problem, it can't be easier.

        All these things proceeded smoothly without any premature death.

        Tang Jinrui wants to build a private school in the village. This is not something that can be done by turning one's mouth up and down. There are many things involved, which need to be carefully finalized.

        Tang Jinrui and Master Wang, Yan Ruchen had been discussing for almost half a month before they finalized the matter.


        Chenshi life is much better now than before, and there are things growing in the field, although they haven't grown up yet. But depending on the situation, when there is a bumper harvest, there must be some gains. Not to mention that the two years of tax exemption are now exempted.

        However, it still takes a certain time to harvest the crops. During this period, Tang Jinrui paid for the food (the money is the last remaining silver in the county government). Although the food distributed to each household is not very much, it is enough. Eat it, at least not starve to death.

        Now every household feels that there is hope in the present day. Although everyone's face is still yellow and skinny, it looks like there is no nutrition, but the face is full of hope, which makes them look energetic.

        Chen-shi is more excited today than before.

        Chen-shi pushed open the door of the house anxiously. Diao-shi had already prepared lunch. Seeing Chen-shi in such a hurry, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing? What happened to your ass? What's so urgent?"

        The excitement in Chen Shi’s eyes almost overflowed her eyes. She finally calmed down and said, “Mother, what a good thing! I ’m listening to it today, he—he said that county magistrate Daren is going to be in the village Li Jian private school, in the future our family Saner can go to private school to study! "

        Diao-shi was also excited when he heard the news, and he gaped, "This-this-is this true? Can San'er really go to school?"

        Chen-shi focused on, "Well, of course it is true! Niang, this is really great news! In the future, Saner will be able to read, but he will not be able to get credit for his merits, and he will certainly be able to live in the future."

        Saner understood Chen-shi and Diao-shi and asked, "Mother, can I read?"

        Chen-shi touched San'er's head, and tears burst into his eyes. "Yeah, San'er can read in the future, are you happy?"

        Saner got an affirmative answer from Chen-shi mouth, and immediately smiled happily, "Happy. Milk, mother, I will study hard in the future, and I will honor you when I grow up."

        Chen-shi and Diao-shi also smiled, only thinking that the future will be more and more hopeful.

        Tang Jinrui also opened a private school in the village of Shanning County, and there are still many things to be done. The private school's address is easy to handle. In every village, it is not difficult to find an abandoned house.

        The difficulty is to find the Teacher.

        Just to enlighten the children, Tang Jinrui thinks that the County-Graduate merit is enough.

        Although there are not many scholars in Shanning County, it is okay to find a few dozens by pulling a bit. Some of them were depressed in the imperial examinations, and even had a difficult family situation because of the imperial examinations.

        Tang Jinrui wanted this kind of person.

        Tang Jinrui found such a County-Graduate and discussed with them. After that, their household registration moved to the village where they taught, and every month they would have a certain amount of teaching money and food.

        Tang Jinrui behavior almost fixed them in that village.

        Tang Jinrui had to think about it in the future. If this County-Graduate was halfway through teaching, what would it be? What should those children do in the future? Tang Jinrui did not think he was ruining the future.

        On the contrary, Tang Jinrui gave these County-Graduates a way to make a living.

        Guang Tang Jinrui talked to these people by himself, and did not know when it would be until things were done. Therefore, Master Wang and Yan Ruchen were also dispatched together.

        Of those in the County-Graduate, of course not everyone agrees. Although some people did not succeed in the imperial examination, they still had the urge to continue the imperial examination, so of course they would not agree.

        Those people disagreed, and Tang Jinrui was not reluctant.

        Only a small part disagreed, and most people agreed.

        Teachers who teach like this are there.

        It is impossible for Tang Jinrui to use every pen, ink, paper, and inkstone for reading, but only the most common ones (the worst ones are already excellent)

        The situation in Shanning County is now poor, so the cost of private school is all out of the county government. But the county government can't have a lifetime. Just thinking, Tang Jinrui could not have been an official in Shanning County. So Tang Jinrui wanted those villages to support themselves.

        Tang Jinrui request was not excessive, and asking them to support themselves was actually an easy thing.

        Chu-Wang is exempted from tax for two years, as long as the people are given two years of rest and recuperation. At that time, Shanning County became rich, and every village had to squeeze out a little money for the County-Graduate Teacher. It was not difficult at all.

        Tang Jinrui cannot guarantee that the private school in the village can always exist. If they are a bit visual, they must know the benefits of reading. But if you only stare at the one-third of an acre, and those who are reluctant to pay a little money, I am afraid that the private school may be cancelled. This is not impossible, but very possible.

        If such a thing really happened, Tang Jinrui could do nothing. He really did everything he could.

        However, Tang Jinrui thinks that this possibility is still very small, that is, the village is thinking of this. The question is whether the children in the village who are in private schools and their elders can agree?

        In this way, one private school after another was established in Shanning County.

        Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing also took time out to see private schools in several villages.

        To say how good the conditions of this private school are, it is really false.

        Most of the houses I chose were abandoned in the village long ago. Because I wanted to be a private school, I hurriedly arranged it. From the outside, it was still shabby. Of course, from the inside, there is no better place to go.

        Looking at the children in the private school, they all listened to the teacher's lecture seriously.

        Gu Mingqing looked at the children and was very emotional. He should let the children who are not serious in class in modern times come to see here. How difficult it was for children in ancient times to want to study. They are really more serious than anyone else in their studies, and they have seen several private schools.

        Seeing that there was no problem here, Tang Jinrui took Gu Mingqing away.

        Tang Jinrui put his mind on the road construction and the case of unjust, false and wrong in Shanning County.

        Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing both read the files of Shanning County. It must be said that in the past few years, there have been few cases accumulated in Shanning County. Because not many people complained, of course, not completely.

        To say that there is no wrong judgment in one case, it must have been exaggerated.

        But basically there is no problem.

        When the Mao Plain was the county magistrate, he was only concerned about fishing for money. Those wealthy households in Shanning County who had a partial life did not give Mao Plain a chance to make money. So nothing happened in Mao Yuan's term.

        Occasionally there were mistakes and omissions, Tang Jinrui also re-examined the case and gave justice to the person who was wronged.

        After the merchants such as Shuijia bought the mountain, they began to grow fruit trees on the mountain. Merchants such as Shuijia agreed with Tang Jinrui from the beginning, and those from Shanning County were the first to be invited. Of course, the people in the county rarely go to the countryside to plant fruit trees, and most of them are from the village.

        With Tang Jinrui present, merchants such as Shuijia will not deliberately withhold people, lest they be hated by Tang Jinrui.

        Even if the county outside knows that there are people living here, there are also people who are close.

        The people of the Shui and Xing families did not refuse. Anyway, they are short of people here.

        Shanning County is rising prosperously.

        After more than two months, two roads in Shanning County were finally repaired.

        Tang Jinrui also led people to celebrate with firecrackers on the repaired road.

        Tang Jinrui was not idle during these days. He made people tell that the bandits in Shanning County were out of peace. Now, how much peace is there in Shanning County. In addition, Shanning County has built smooth roads now, so don’t mention how convenient it is.

        At first there were people who were dubious and doubtful, but later it spread more, and everyone began to wonder. So some people came to Shanning County with suspicion. In this way, although Shanning County did not have those big counties that were prosperous and wealthy, it was not as barren and chaotic as the legend. It's still very interesting.

        In this way, people who came to Shanning County spread the matter.

        Such one pass two, two pass three, three pass ...

        More people came to Shanning County.

        The caravan is also happy to walk from Shanning County, the road is well repaired! Don't mention how convenient it is!

        With more people and more caravans, the business of Shanning County has also started, and the lives of the people have also improved a lot.

        Tang Jinrui looked at Shanning County under his administration and couldn't help but show a faint smile. This kind of satisfaction is indescribable when he sees the people getting better and better under his own hands.

        "Xiang Gong, you did it and managed Shanning County well in half a year. You did well."

        Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing are enjoying a prosperous life here, which is getting better and better, and the days of Chu Wang Heir are starting to feel sad.

        Chu-Wang because Chu Wang Heir still misses Gu Mingyue, and actually loves Mao Concubine, a woman who is somewhat similar to Gu Mingyue. This is blunt, isn't it just to find a substitute?

        Chu-Wang is very responsive to Chu Wang Heir's behavior!

        Chu-Wang is thinking about the throne, thinking about pulling Crown-Heir down all the time and replacing him with the throne of the crown prince!

        But Chu-Wang never missed Crown-Heir's woman.

        Pooh! In terms of seniority, Chu-Wang is Crown-Heir's pro shushu, then Crown-Heir's woman is also considered his junior. Chu-Wang will not be so nasty! Even the Crown Princess of the same generation as Chu-Wang, Chu-Wang has never had any bad thoughts.

        Yuck Yuck! Chu-Wang felt that he wanted to be skewed, he never had such a nasty idea!

        Chu-Wang was really disgusted by Chu Wang Heir. His son actually remembered Concubine, a cousin. This matter, Chu-Wang couldn't stand it.

        Chu-Wang can give Chu Wang Heir what a good face! It was Chu Wang fei who came to speak for Chu Wang Heir, and Chu-Wang did not give her a good face.

        Chu-Wang sometimes stares at Chu Wang fei to be fascinated.

        Chu Wang fei of course will not narcissistically think that Chu-Wang was dumped by her beauty, what a joke! Even when she was young, even if she had just married Chu-Wang, she didn’t see how much Chu-Wang looked at her, not to mention watching her fascinated.

        Chu-Wang stared at Chu Wang fei, thinking that he must be okay. Chu Wang Heir is now crooked, so whose fault should he account for?

        That's right, Chu-Wang miscalculated wrongly on Chu Wang fei head. How could this have nothing to do with Chu Wang fei, you have to know that Chu Wang fei has been spoiling Chu Wang Heir since childhood, and that Yan Jin who has not been spoiled by Chu Wang fei is quite normal.

        Not to mention, Yan Jin is a Concubine who is dead and will not miss his cousin!

        Chu-Wang began to anger Chu Wang fei, and when he heard Chu Wang fei pleading for Chu Wang Heir, his mood was even worse, and he let Chu Wang fei go away.

        Out of sight out of mind!

        The fire in Chu-Wang's heart was quite fierce, and it could not be eliminated in a month or two.

        It's been almost half a year. Chu-Wang still has eyes for Chu Wang Heir, not eyes, noses.

        Because he is not to be seen by Chu-Wang, or even stabbed by Chu-Wang from time to time, the life of Chu Wang Heir is really bad.

        Chu Wang Heir would even lament the moon from time to time.

        Chu Wang Heir both lamented that his current life is not good, and lamented the dead Mao Concubine.

        Chu Wang Heir really missed Mao Concubine. Gu Mingyue was not there before. He still had Mao Concubine anyway. Coupled with Mao Concubine, it's quite a thing, it's Spoiled, and you can let it go on the bed.

        Chu Wang Heir thinks of it, it is a bit endless!

        Alas, it’s a pity that Mao Concubine is no longer here. When I look at the woman in the backyard, I don’t know what’s going on.

        Especially when dealing with Chu Wang Heir fei, Chu Wang Heir is even more unhappy.

        Chu Wang Heir fei always faced Chu Wang Heir with a straight face, looking like a business, so that he could only see Chu Wang Heir.

        Chu Wang Heir really can't figure it out, obviously he is Di-Kin's cousin, why are the two of them different?

        If Chu Wang Heir fei can be more similar to Gu Mingyue, Chu Wang Heir will still love her very much. Unfortunately, Chu Wang Heir fei does not look like Gu Mingyue.

        Chu Wang Heir really feels that this day is getting more and more difficult, and it is not easy to live inside and out.

        Chu Wang Heir thought that there would be no worse days than at present. Who can think that there is no worst, only worse.

        On this day, General Dong eagerly invited Chu Wang Heir to the restaurant outside.

        Chu Wang Heir also occasionally contacted General Dong outside to get in touch, and happened to go out to relax. Therefore, Chu Wang Heir gladly went to the appointment.

        I was really happy when I went to the meeting, but when I got to the place, I heard what General Dong said. Chu Wang Heir's face immediately pulled down.

        General Dong’s face is also not good-looking, “Heir, it’s not the time to be angry now. Let’s think about what to do! Who can think that Tang Jinrui really has some skill, something he couldn’t do in front of him, yet He really did it. Tang Jinrui really managed Shanning County!

        I heard that everyone who has been to Shanning County now praises Shanning County! The population of Shanning County has increased a lot. "

        This is not because people in Shanning County can have children, and many children were born at once. It was because some people saw that Shanning County had a better life, so they moved their family to Shanning County, which was the reason for the population growth of Shanning County.

        Chu Wang Heir's face was too gloomy, and a deep regret arose in his heart!

        Chu Wang Heir At that time, because Tang Jinrui was Yan Jin's person, when he knew that Yan Jin wanted to promote Tang Jinrui, he deliberately dug Tang Jinrui to let him go to Shanning County where the bandits lived and the people's livelihood fell.

        Chu Wang Heir thought, Tang Jinrui wanted to govern Shanning County in half a year, that was definitely impossible. Waiting for half a year, Chu Wang Heir will tell Chu-Wang that Tang Jinrui ability is not good, and he hasn't managed Suning County well. Either let Tang Jinrui stay in Shanning County as the county magistrate. Tang Jinrui official position cannot be given, and can only be idle.

        Because Chu Wang Heir expected Tang Jinrui not to work, he didn't even think of Tang Jinrui even sending someone to stare at Tang Jinrui.

        Chu Wang Heir is too arrogant! If Chu Wang Heir has been sending people to stare at Tang Jinrui, or to give Tang Jinrui a stumbling block, whether Tang Jinrui can manage Shanning County well, then it really has to be a big question mark.

        Even Tang Jinrui was able to manage Shanning County well, and the effort required was far greater than it is now.

        It is a pity that there is no such thing in the world. Chu Wang Heir is here to regret his intestines, and time cannot go back in time.

        Chu Wang Heir feels that he has been so uncomfortable lately, that all people and things are working against him!

        General Dong continued to say, "Heir, I heard Tang Jinrui made a discount to Wangye, requesting the exemption of agricultural taxes in Shanning County. Wangye really exempted him for two years."

        Chu Wang Heir's eyes widened, "When did this happen? Ben Heir didn't know anything at all?" If he knew, he would definitely stop!

        General Dong smiled bitterly, "Because things are not publicized, so "

        If Chu Wang Heir pays attention to Tang Jinrui, he will know in advance that the problem is that Chu Wang Heir does not.

        Chu Wang Heir's small eyes narrowed, and a vicious glare shot through the slits of his eyes, which seemed extraordinarily infiltrating, "Now give Tang Jinrui a stumbling block, is it too late?"

        "Heir, the half-year deadline has expired. Even now, it is too late. What is the next trip? Is it to send people to kill people in Shanning County, or to send people to pretend to be bandits and rob them in Shanning County. Okay!

        It’s too late to say that if Wangye finds that Heir did what you ordered, Wangye may be afraid of you— "

        Now anyone can see that Chu-Wang is very dissatisfied with Chu Wang Heir.

        Chu Wang Heir clenched his fists and threw a fist on the table, "It's really mad at Heir! It's really a tiger to be bullied by Pingyang! Now even a small Tang Jinrui, Ben Heir can't help it!"

        Don't mention the hatred in Chu Wang Heir.

        Chu Wang Heir here is uncomfortable with Tang Jinrui. Once after discussing the matter, Yan Jin proposed an agreement half a year ago, "Father Wang had said that if Tang Jinrui could use half a year but time to manage Shanning County, then Half a year later, Tang Jinrui will succeed Zhifu.

        Father Wang, how does Tang Jinrui govern Suning County now? I don’t need my son to say, you know. "

        Chu Haoran has a smug smile on his face, but he knows how good Tang Jinrui is in Shanning County! He also gave Chu Wang Heir a deliberately provocative look.

        Chu Wang Heir was instantly exasperated by Chu Haoran!

        Chu-Wang is very satisfied with Tang Jinrui achievements in Shanning County.

        Chu Wang Heir replied, "Father, Tang Jinrui really is a personal talent. It only took half a year to manage Suning County. Such talents can't be buried. Erchen thought that since Tang Jinrui can Shanning County is well governed, and there must be a way for other barren counties.

        It would be better to reassign Tang Jinrui to other barren counties as county magistrates. I believe that Tang Jinrui talents will make every county he governs rich and prosperous. Isn’t this a good thing for the benefit of the people? "

        Chu Wang Heir's words said that it was a magnificent one, and he was all for the people's sake, and it really looked like it was-to be fooled.

        Chu Haoran was irritated and refuted without thinking, "Listening to what Heir said, Brother Tang is so talented, he can only serve as a small county magistrate all his life? The reason why these people turn to Wangye is precisely Because Wangye can know people's good qualities, it is Bole.

        However, talents like Brother Tang were not promoted. Instead, Brother Tang was wronged as a county magistrate. I'm afraid it will make me wait for the chill. "

        Chu Wang Heir sinks his face, "What do you mean? Hearing what you mean is that Heir has suppressed Tang Jinrui? Could Tang Jinrui complain because his father only let him be a county magistrate? Yes, then even if Tang Jinrui is a talent, the father king can't use it! "

        Chu Wang Heir's eloquence is really good. He easily buckled Tang Jinrui with a big hat. According to Chu Wang Heir, if Tang Jinrui was unwilling to act as the county magistrate, it would be dissatisfaction with Chu-Wang!

        Chu Wang Heir is well versed in the art of speaking, which was still practiced over the years after he told Yan Jin in front of Chu Wang fei.

        Chu Haoran was mad at Chu Wang Heir, there are so shameless people in the world! He would immediately refute, but Chu-Wang stopped him, "Okay, don't quarrel anymore. Ben Wang has a letter and promises, he promises a lot of money. If he said half a year ago, he would never go back on his words."

        Chu Haoran closed his mouth. As long as Chu-Wang made a decision, Chu Wang Heir wouldn't be useful anymore.

        Chu Wang Heir was not reconciled, "Father King "

        Chu-Wang glanced at Chu Wang Heir. The latter slowly lowered his head under the cold vision of Chu-Wang, and he was extremely unwilling in his heart.

        See Chu Wang Heir lowered his head, and Chu-Wang continued to say, "Things are said in half a year. Now Tang Jinrui has treated Shanning County, you must have heard of it. It is said that as long as you have been to Shanning County, People, there will be no one who says bad.

        In this case, the king fulfilled his promises of the year. Tune Tang Jinrui to return to the prefect. "

        Chu-Wang's words all came out, and Chu Wang Heir couldn't be reconciled anymore, and could only admit it.

        Chu-Wang spoke here, Yan Jin first wrote to Tang Jinrui.

        After receiving Yan Jin's letter, Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing read it together.

        Gu Mingqing was happy, "Xiang Gong, your efforts are not in vain, and now your return is coming."

        Tang Jinrui was also happy. In the past six months, not only did the people live a better life, but his purpose of promotion was also achieved. He was indeed very happy.

        Tang Jinrui is leaving, he also wants to solve the follow-up problems of Shanning County.

        Master Wang and Yan Ruchen are now Tang Jinrui confidants, and Tang Jinrui does not hide the two of them. After he is ordered, he will leave Shanning County and be promoted to the prefect.

        Yan Ruchen had known about this for a long time, and immediately said, "Since I am Daren's staff, I will naturally leave with Daren."

        Master Wang is very reluctant to Tang Jinrui, but he is also not good to say what makes Tang Jinrui not go.

        Who would not be willing to walk up high and flow down low, and be promoted?

        "After I left, I was most concerned about who was the successor county magistrate."

        Master Wang is also worried about this issue. The situation in Shanning County is finally getting better. Seeing that the situation has opened up, if there is a county magistrate who can’t adjust it, everything will be destroyed by then.

        Tang Jinrui’s eyes were fixed on Master Shi, “Although the officer and Master haven’t been around for a long time, I know Master’s person very well. Master’s heart is also in the eyes of Shanning County. Master Ye can be the county magistrate of Shanning County, and I believe that the people of Shanning County will not change today. "

        Master Wang pointed to himself in surprise, "Subordinate? But the subordinate only has the County-Graduate credit."

        Tang Jinrui said, "This is not a problem. If it works well, it may still be very successful. The official only asks whether Master Wang is willing. If Master Wang is willing, the official is willing to work hard. If Master Wang is If you don’t want to, then you don’t have to say it. ”

        Master Wang thought about it for a long time. His root is in Shanning County. The biggest hope is that Shanning County can do well. Now that I have the opportunity to become a county magistrate and do more for the people, Master Ye is still very willing from the bottom of his heart.

        In less than a moment, Master Wang said firmly to Tang Jinrui, "Then trouble Daren. The subordinates will not fail Daren's expectations."

        This is agreed.

        Since Master Wang agreed, Tang Jinrui wrote a letter to Yan Jin, recommending Master Wang to be the successor magistrate of Shanning County.

        After receiving the letter, Yan Jin went directly to Chu-Wang and handed Tang Jinrui letter to Chu-Wang without reservation.

        It is also because there is nothing wrong with Tang Jinrui letter, some are just for the heart of Shanning County.

        Chu-Wang was stunned by Yan Jin's movements, and then took the letter from Yan Jin.

        After reading, Chu-Wang raised his eyebrows, "Is Master Wang's merits too low." If Master Wang's merits are high, it may be more than a master.

        "Sometimes high or low merit does not mean the ability to do things. The predecessors of Shanning County are not inferior. The lowest are Imperial-Graduate and Jinshi. But what do they do to govern Shanning County? Father, son believe The person recommended by Tang Jinrui, since he said that Master Wang has this ability, presumably this Master Wang is indeed capable. "

        Just a county magistrate, Chu-Wang didn't care much, but still said, "This king sent someone to check that Master Wang. If he is really good, let him be the county magistrate of Shanning County."

        The people sent by Chu-Wang to investigate soon came back. The investigation was very careful, and the performance of Master Wang followed the previous county magistrates was also found.

        Chu-Wang was still satisfied with Master Wang, so after Tang Jinrui was promoted to the prefect, he made Master Wang the county magistrate of Shanning County.

        After half a month, Tang Jinrui also received the official document to be promoted to Zhifu. At this time, Wang Shiye also took over the post of county magistrate of Shanning County.

        In the past half month, Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing were sorting out their bags, so after three more days of sorting, they had everything ready, and Yan Ruchen had no problem here. You can follow Tang Jinrui at any time.

        Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing and their party were about to leave, but they did not expect that almost all the people in the county came to send Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing and others.

        Tang Jinrui looked at that unwilling face, and thousands of thoughts filled his heart. Finally, he pressed these thoughts and said softly, "Many Thanks everyone, please go back."

        As soon as Tang Jinrui words fell, many people came up and sent them things.

        Rich merchants such as the Xing and Shui families gave Yicheng (money). Ordinary people gave away some dried vegetables and eggs.

        Tang Jinrui did not let everyone take things away, and the money given by the wealthy businessman, he gave it to Master Shi, "Later Master-shi will be the county magistrate of Shanning County. This money will not be used by the official. , The official believes that Master Wang will use the money to the people in the county. As for these special products, the official will accept it with disrespect. "

        Chapter 412 | Leaving

        Tang Jinrui said that it was to accept the things. The problem was that there were so many things. If they were all accepted, I was afraid that they could install two carriages.

        So it’s unrealistic to accept everything. So Tang Jinrui just picked a handful of dried pickles and a basket of eggs and duck eggs.

        "That's all. Everyone knows what everyone wants."

        Some people persuaded Tang Jinrui to take a little more, Tang Jinrui refused, and repeatedly showed that these things were enough, no more.

        Wealthy households like the Shui and Xing families looked at Tang Jinrui with a complicated look.

        To say that Tang Jinrui county magistrates' order was really good. Before that, Shanning County was very messy. But when Tang Jinrui came, the days of Suning County changed, and it became better and better.

        Rich households like Shuijia and Xing-jia have become more and more comfortable.

        This time the people of the whole county came to send Tang Jinrui and others away. What these rich households had in mind was to show their faces in front of Tang Jinrui. Wealthy households such as the Shui and Xing families have relatively wide channels of information. They know that Tang Jinrui will be promoted to the prefect when he leaves.

        From the county magistrate to the prefect, this span is really not a little big.

        In fact, when Tang Jinrui left, he took the money from the wealthy households, and no one would say anything bad without long eyes. But Tang Jinrui didn't collect it. Instead, he gave all the money to Master Wang, and Master Wang took the money to do more for the people.

        Rich households like the Shui and Xing families only really admired Tang Jinrui at this moment. This person is indeed a good official. If such people become bigger and bigger, then the lives of the people will be better and better.

        Tang Jinrui said goodbye to the people who came to bid farewell, and then took Gu Mingqing back to the carriage.

        Surrounded by the people, the carriage moved slowly. Tang Jinrui kept telling the people to go back, but no one left until the carriage left Shanning County, and the people stood and watched.

        Tang Jinrui looked back at that face, his heart filled with unclear emotions, but he did not deny that his mood was indeed very good.

        Gu Mingqing joked, "Xiang Gong, do you feel very moved?"

        Tang Jinrui recovered, and when he touched Gu Mingqing's crystal clear eyes, he shook his head slightly again, but nodded. "Well, I'm really touched. Those people are very simple people. In fact, I just did what I should do as a county magistrate, but they did— "

        "I have paid my sincere heart to you." Gu Mingqing accepted Tang Jinrui words.

        "Well." Tang Jinrui responded, and then said, "Niangzi, I haven't been an official before. I always wanted to be a good official. But I never thought about why I should be a good official. But today I know As a good official, you have to let the people live a good life. Looking at the satisfied smiles of the people, this is really touching. "

        Gu Mingqing also said, "Xiang Gong, now you have only been a county magistrate for half a year, you have such a feeling. Then when your officials grow bigger and bigger, then you can let more people live a good life. At that time Do you feel more proud of you? "

        Tang Jinrui thought about it, and after a while, he slowly put his head down, "Yes. Niangzi, you really have confidence in me. You can be sure that my future officials will be bigger and bigger? One, what happened to me suddenly, or maybe— "

        "Bah bah!" Gu Mingqing interrupted Tang Jinrui words angrily, "What kind of bullshit is that! What a good day today, Xianggong, you are starting to say that these are not Auspicious. Our future will be getting better and better. of."

        Gu Mingqing said, his eyes flickered, and his eyes seemed to flood into thousands of stars in an instant, and the light was shining, "You are my mate. I just don't believe you, I have to believe my own eyes. The man must be right. You will get better and better, even with my wife. "

        Tang Jinrui was warm in his heart, but said deliberately, "Niangzi, I don't seem to have picked you. You were only able to marry me."

        Gu Mingqing hummed angrily, pretending to be proud, "What you did not pick me. You thought that if I didn't look at you at that time. Can you really marry me? How is this possible."

        "Yes! Yes! Yes! I knew I had the best vision of Niangzi. Then I have to work hard. One day, I will definitely let Niangzi wear the 1st Grade Fu-ren dress. Niangzi, I must Will give you the best. "

        Tang Jinrui said, reaching out to hold Gu Mingqing's hand, he held it very hard, and seemed to wish he could use all his strength.

        Gu Mingqing seemed to feel no pain. She took Tang Jinrui hand in her backhand and smiled, "I know you can. Because you are my husband."

        Zhou-shi has also received news that Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing are coming back here.

        Zhou-shi was very happy. You know, Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing have been away for more than half a year. How could she not want them?

        After Zhou-shi received the news that Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing were coming back, they ordered people to start cleaning the house, and then sent people to buy Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing's favorite dishes every day. Every day, they were afraid of missing the day, and Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing came back suddenly. That would be bad.

        When Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing came back, Zhou-shi led Tang Xin to wait outside the door.

        Upon seeing Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing, Tang Xin immediately freed Zhou-shi hand and threw it into Tang Jinrui arms, "Brother!"

        Tang Jinrui squatted down and hugged Tang Xin up in one fell swoop, "Xin'er, do you remember brother?"

        Tang Jinrui is really a little surprised. He must have been away for more than half a year, plus the child's forgetfulness. Tang Jinrui was ready. After he came back, Tang Xin could not remember his preparation.

        Tang Xin tilted his head and focused on his head, "Remember Brother!"

        "What about Sao Sao?" Gu Mingqing asked with a smile.

        Gu Mingqing looked at Tang Xin in Tang Jinrui arms, and he became more and more lovely. It can be seen that Zhou-shi raised Tang Xin very carefully.

        Tang Xinshui Lingling's eyes stared at Gu Mingqing cutely, "Sao Sao, remember Sao Sao! Like Sao Sao!"

        Gu Mingqing laughed, "Yo! But it really speaks. We have been a sweet-mouthed Miss since childhood, ah. Let Sao Sao see if his mouth is smeared."

        Tang Xin tilted his head, "Honey? I ate honey in the morning and ate jujube honey."

        Gu Mingqing was amused by Tang Xin's cuteness.

        Yan Ruchen looked at the warmth of the Tang family and his family, and his eyes could not help but show envy.

        Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing teased Tang Xin for a while, and immediately remembered Yan Ruchen and Yan Ruyu.

        Tang Jinrui said Yan Ruchen and Yan Ruyu in his letter to Zhou-shi. Zhou-shi had already prepared the rooms for Yan Ruchen and Yan Ruyu.

        "Ruchen, take Yan Miss with us later and have a meal with us."

        Yan Ruchen wanted to refuse, but when he refused, he swallowed it back and nodded. "Okay, then respect is worse than obey."

        On the second day, Chu Haoran came to Tang Jinrui house.

        At the meeting, Chu Haoran clenched his fists and thumped on Tang Jinrui shoulder. "Brother Tang, I know you are capable. Others are not optimistic about you, but your partiality is to take Shanning County for half a year. Governance is good. But those people were surprised. "

        Tang Jinrui raised his eyebrows, "How can I remember Brother Chu knowing that I am going to be the county magistrate of Shanning County, but I am very worried about me, and I can't manage Shanning County in half a year."

        Chu Haoran blinked, his face strange, "Is it? Brother Tang, who are you talking about? Anyway, it's definitely not me."

        Chu Haoran's expression of "what are you talking about, I can't understand a word" actually made Tang Jinrui laugh.

        Tang Jinrui introduced Yan Ruchen to Chu Haoran, "Brother Chu, this is my friend Ruchen, and his father is the history of strict imperialism."

        Tang Jinrui defined Yan Ruchen as a friend, not a staff member.

        Tang Jinrui did not introduce Chu Haoran to Yan Ruchen without authorization. After all, Chu Haoran's identity is quite special today. Unless he is a completely trustworthy person, he cannot be easily disclosed. Did not see Chu Haoran still living in Chu Wangfu now!

        Chu Haoran trusted Tang Jinrui, so he directly indicated his identity to Yan Ruchen. "It turned out to be Brother Yan, and Ling Zun's style is admired in the next. In the next Chu Haoran."

        Yan Ruchen's eyes flashed with shock, and he tentatively said, "Chu Haoran? How do you remember that General Chu youngest grandson seems to have this name."

        Listening to Yan Ruchen mentioning General Chu, who passed away, Chu Haoran's eyes flashed sadness, but he quickly put down the sadness, and responded lightly, "It's Chu Haoran in Yan Xiong's mouth.

        Innumerable doubts flowed into Yan Ruchen's heart, and Chu Haoran died long ago. Otherwise, Chu Haoran has a knighthood, has a real job, and those things are in the capital. He has never seen Chu Haoran to pick it up. Even the only sister and niece did not see Chu Haoran going to see them in Capital City.

        So most people tend to Chu Haoran to be surprised.

        In fact, Yan Ruchen has been secretly speculating that Chu Haoran is dead and sighs for it. General Lao Chu was loyal and loyal, but he finally fell to the end of the heir. This is really a godsend.

        Seeing that there are still descendants of the Chu family, Yan Ruchen couldn't help but see that God had left a root for the Chu family.

        "Brother Chu is worthy of Chu Erlang, a force of murderous force, but I am not a weak scholar.

        Chu Haoran glanced at Tang Jinrui and said with a smile, "Brother Tang, you still have a better appetite for me. I'm a rough man, but I'm really not used to such crepe speech."

        Tang Jinrui said to Yan Ruchen, "Ru Chen, Brother Chu and I are good friends. He is hearty and you don't have to be too conscientious about etiquette."

        Yan Ruchen nodded, indicating that he listened to Tang Jinrui words.

        Tang Jinrui instructed people to renovate a banquet, intending to have a drink with Yan Ruchen and Chu Haoran.

        After drinking two glasses of wine, Chu Haoran’s words box opened, "Brother Tang, you don’t know. After the brother said the matter for half a year, Chu Wang Heir what shameless things actually said, since you If you can manage Shanning County well, then you should take care of other barren counties and give full play to your talents

        At that time I heard Chu Wang Heir's shameless shameless words, and I almost couldn't resist rushing up, punching a few fists in his face. I'm so mad. "

        Tang Jinrui was not surprised at what Chu Wang Heir could do. Others may still make him wonder, but Chu Wang Heir is fine, he is a bit familiar with Chu Wang Heir Temper.

        Yan Ruchen said strangely, "Brother Brother? I don't know who is Brother Brother Chu mouth?"

        Chu Haoran replied, "It's Rui Junwang. I used to teach Rui Junwang at Grandfather for a while, so we are brothers."

        Yan Ruchen nodded, expressing his understanding.

        "I now receive a document to be promoted to the prefect, which means that Chu Wang Heir did not succeed."

        Chu Haoran was happy, "No! It's a pity that you weren't there at the time. You didn't see the ugly face of Chu Wang Heir. If it wasn't for the teacher pulling, I almost didn't laugh."

        Yan Ruchen reminded, "Brother Chu, Chu Wang Heir is, after all, the son of Chu-Wang. If you don’t give him a face in front of Chu-Wang, Chu-Wang will feel uncomfortable."

        Chu Haoran is not a person who doesn't know what to do. He understands that Yan Ruchen is well-intentioned, so he said, "Brother Yan is relieved. I actually talk about it in my mouth. These things are actually clear to my mind. Absolutely not What will happen? "

        Although I haven't known Chu Haoran for a long time, Yan Ruchen also discovered that Chu Haoran is a person of outer and inner thickness. Presumably these things are in his heart.

        So Yan Ruchen is no longer talkative.

        "I can manage Shanning County in half a year. The most grateful is Ruchen and the county magistrate of Shanning County, which is my former master."

        Yan Ruchen shook his head, "Daren said aloud. He didn't actually do much for Daren, and it's more up to Daren yourself."

        "Brother Yan, what kind of character is Brother Tang? I still know. Since he said that, it must have happened. I said Brother Yan, don't be humble." Chu Haoran said Yan Ruchen a glass of wine.

        Yan Ruchen drank the wine.

        After drinking a few more glasses and talking to each other, Tang Jinrui asked, "Brother Chu, I have been here for more than half a year. It's really not clear what the situation is now. It's better to tell me."

        "Nothing has happened recently, and it is not much different from half a year ago. That is, Chu Wang Heir has been neglected by Chu-Wang."

        Tang Jinrui asked, "Oh? Really? The reason, Chu Wang Heir will not suffer Chu-Wang's indifference for no reason."

        "It's not for no reason. It's Chu Wang Heir's Mao Concubine's father Mao Pingyuan, I heard that something illegal has been done. Chu Wang Heir didn't want to let that Mao Concubine because of pity for the jade. Later Wangye got angry It was Chu Wang Heir who gave up the hair Concubine. But Wangye is still angry. "

        Chu Haoran looked down on Chu Wang Heir even more after this incident. You need to protect the woman-Chu Haoran thinks this is true, even though Chu Wang Heir is a man who is more disappointed. But as a man, protecting his own woman, this is justified.

        I originally thought that Chu Wang Heir could still have some responsibility, but as soon as Chu-Wang became angry, he immediately counseled and launched the Mao Concubine. What makes Chu Haoran the most disgusting is that after Mao Concubine's death, Chu Wang Heir also made a look of nostalgia for Mao Concubine.

        Chu Haoran once bumped into a scene where Chu Wang Heir missed Mao Concubine to the moon, and he almost spit it out! too disgusting!

        Yan Ruchen felt wrong, "Brother Chu, there seems to be something wrong in this. Just because of a Concubine, Chu-Wang has always been angry with Chu Wang Heir. Is this temperament a bit too big. "And it's too abnormal.

        Tang Jinrui also felt wrong. The things about Mao Pingyuan and Mao Concubine were almost calculated by him. Although people were not present, he knew everything. Tang Jinrui wonders why Chu-Wang has been cold for Chu Wang Heir for so long. It's just not true for Mao Concubine and Mao Plains.

        Tang Jinrui asked, "Did Chu Wang Heir do anything else that made Chu-Wang angry?"

        Chu Haoran narrowed his eyes and seemed to be thinking hard, "No.After the incident of Mao Concubine and Mao Plains, Wangye began to see Chu Wang Heir discomfort. Several things for Chu Wang Heir Things are not satisfactory, and even some eggs pick bones, it feels like deliberately looking for opportunities to scold Chu Wang Heir.

        But these things happened after Mao Concubine and Mao Plain. No, really gone. Or something that I don’t know. "

        Of course Chu Haoran didn’t know that Chu Wang Heir still remembered Gu Mingyue, so he loved Mao Concubine, a woman who was somewhat similar to Gu Mingyue's eyebrows. It's not that Yan Jin didn't treat Chu Haoran as his own, but it was such a disgusting and shameful thing, even if he was his own, he couldn't say it.

        Yan Jin is ashamed of having such a shameless brother Chu Wang Heir!

        Tang Jinrui was convinced that there must be something in it that they did not know. But now there are no clues, and I can't think of anything, so I just left things behind and talked about the old things first.

        Chapter 413 | Irony

        Chu Wang Heir's errand was picked up by Chu-Wang again!

        Chu Wang Heir can't remember how many times this is!

        Chu Wang Heir is very angry!

        Chu Wang Heir dare to say that his errands are not perfect, but there are no mistakes. Chu-Wang, who can be partial, had to pick bones in the egg, so he just wanted to find his fault!

        Thinking of these days Chu-Wang raised his nose and raised his eyebrows, there was a wildfire burning in Chu Wang Heir's heart, and he was about to burn to death!

        Chu Wang fei face is also not good-looking, because Chu Wang Heir is criticized and neglected by Chu-Wang, what good is she who is Mufei? Chu Wang fei didn't know how many times she asked Chu Wang Heir for love, but Chu-Wang didn't give her a face!

        If it weren't for Chu Wang fei majesty in the back house, the power of the back house was firmly in her hands. The Chu-Wang Concubine might be overturned!

        "Mufei, what should I do now! Father Wang always finds me stubborn, no matter what I do, I can find a bunch of mistakes. If I go on like this, will I still have to live my life?" Chu-Wang looked bored To open.

        Chu Wang fei face is also not good-looking, "What do you do with Mufei? I don't know how many times I have visited your father. But did your father listen to me? Lier, you tell Mufei honestly, Did you do anything you shouldn’t do? "

        Chu Wang Heir replied without thinking, "Mufei, what do you mean by this? Do you think your son can do what he shouldn't do? Your words make his son too sad!"

        A sad expression immediately appeared on Chu Wang Heir's face.

        If in the past, Chu Wang fei had long distressed Chu Wang Heir, but this time she did not.

        Chu Wang fei still stared at Chu Wang Heir suspiciously, and said thoughtfully, "Li Er, Mufei is not a fool. If there is only Mao Concubine and Na Mao Plain, your father will be reborn It’s also limited. It’s definitely not going to be so angry for a long time. Tell Mufei what else is going to make your father so angry. How long has it been angry? Almost half a year.

        I haven't seen your father king so angry, almost half a year, I can't get angry. "

        Chu Wang Heir's eyes had a flash of conscience, but this conscience did not let Chu Wang fei see it.

        Chu Wang Heir of course knows what Chu-Wang is angry about! Chu Wang Heir thinks Chu-Wang is too unreasonable! What's so angry!

        That's right, Chu Wang Heir didn't think he did anything wrong at all. Chu Wang Heir is not a fool, when he really does not understand Chu-Wang at all? Chu-Wang has always been thinking about pulling Crown-Heir down, so he can become the next emperor.

        Since they are all coveted by Crown-Heir (Chu-Wang is thinking about power, Chu Wang Heir is currently thinking about women), then no one is better than anyone. Is it only Xuzhou officials who set fire to the public, not allowing the people to light up? Chu Wang Heir was very dissatisfied. If there was still a last sense of reason, he would like to ask Chu-Wang to ask, why should he be so harsh!

        Fortunately, Chu-Wang didn't know Chu Wang Heir's thoughts, otherwise I was afraid to scold Chu Wang Heir as a bloody dog! Is this the same thing?

        But Chu Wang Heir also knows that this is really not something worth telling others. If Chu Wang fei knows it, he may be angry with him, so Chu Wang Heir just shifts the topic, "Mufei, The son is closest to you. If the son knows why the father is angry, then the son must have told you long ago. Where to wait until today is not. "

        Chu Wang fei eyes moved, and Chu Wang Heir's words came to her heart. She always thought Chu Wang Heir was intimate. This son is one with her, and she will not hide her.

        Chu Wang fei narrowed his eyes, his face puzzled, "What the hell is your father king doing? Ben Wang fei really can't figure it out."

        Chu Wang Heir didn’t want to go on with this topic. He said another thing abruptly, “Mufei, there is another very important thing. During these days, the Father’s eyes are not my eyes, and my nose is not my nose. Those underneath. People, which is not the essence of the people, they found that the father's attitude towards me was wrong.

        So all of them turned to please Yan Jin! That screw-up villain, I'm so mad! I am Chu Wang Heir, the rightful heirs in the future. They passed me one by one and turned to please Yanjin. What does it mean? This is not taking my eyes at all! Mufei, Yanjin, these days, I'm afraid it's getting bigger. "

        Chu Wang Heir said with a grin, "Oh I'm stupid, Yan Jin's heart is not as big as it is now. Yan Jin's heart has always been great."

        Chu Wang fei frowned, his voice turned cold, "You are Di-Eldest-son, the rightful heir! Yan Jin is better than you!"

        Chu Wang fei attitude makes Chu Wang Heir very satisfied. If Chu-Wang does the same, Chu Wang Heir thought with regret in his heart.

        Chu Wang fei, who showed his attitude, glanced at Chu Wang Heir and said, "Li'er, Yan Jin is your relative, fellow brother. Don't call his name directly in private, where is this? Be like a brother. "

        Chu Wang Heir immediately admits his mistake, "Mufei, the son is anxious. That is, in front of you, the son will have such a real temperament. If he is in front of outsiders, the son will never be like this."

        Chu Wang fei is quite satisfied with Chu Wang Heir's words, "After all, he is your brother. You are a brother, and sometimes you are better for your brother."

        Chu Wang fei is biased, but she never thought of making two sons intolerant. In private, Chu Wang fei still hopes that his two sons will be well. Of course, the best thing is that Yan Jin spares no effort to assist Chu Wang Heir, it really can't be better.

        It's just that Chu Wang fei never thought that she has always been Bias to Chu Wang Heir since childhood, and for Yanjin, even a little bit of maternal love is extremely stingy. This inequality alone has made Chu-Wang Heir and Yanjin no longer have the possibility of getting along in harmony. They can only compete forever, and the most cruel thing is that only one of them can live!

        "Mufei, if 2-Didi was taken by those people and forgot his identity, and got up fighting with his son, what should I do?"

        Chu Wang fei beautiful eyes flashed a bit of cruelty, "No such thing will happen! Mufei will never allow such a thing to happen!"

        Chu Wang Heir poured a cup of tea for Chu Wang fei in person, and then offered Chu Wang fei with both hands, "Mufei, 2-Didi where you need to be beaten and beaten. 2-Didi will definitely listen to you of."

        Chu Wang fei took the tea cup from Chu Wang Heir, took a sip, and then placed the tea cup on the side table, "You 2-Didi, Mufei will talk. Now that I don't know Why is your father king angry with you, but let your father king be angry, this is a top priority. "

        As soon as I mentioned this, Chu Wang Heir's face pulled down, "This is the reason, the son is also clear. But Mufei, what should the son do. No matter what I do, the father will not be satisfied."

        Chu Wang fei stretched out his index finger with the red dangko on and forcibly tapped Chu Wang Heir's forehead. "I usually look at you as smart, but why are you so stupid now? Don't say anything else, if you can Let Heir fei give birth to a boy, and your father Wang has embraced his grandson, and his anger is gone. "

        Chu Wang Heir touched his forehead nodded by Chu Wang fei, and made a bit of a disappointment. "Mufei, this is probably useless. The father has a grandson of Di-Kin. It is my Heir fei who is reborn as a boy, and the father will not like to go anywhere. "

        "Stupid! Your Di-Eldest-son must be more expensive than your brother's Di-Eldest-son! Your father will certainly understand this. How old are Fener, and you should have a son. Since you don’t have Di-Eldest-son yet, I won’t acquiesce you Erxi to the Concubine underneath. ”

        Chu Wang Heir replied, "If you want your son to say, that Gong Yiwan will know at first glance that she is not a child. It would be better to stop those Concubine's refuge and let them have a son."

        Listening to this, Chu Wang fei wanted to lift a tea cup from the table and smash Chu Wang Heir. Fortunately, Chu Wang Heir would see Chu Wang fei face and stepped back a few steps.

        "You stupid thing, can Shu-son compare with Di-son? I tell you, a hundred Shu-sons can't compare with a Di-son! You really do not know what you are thinking in your heart? Not you Erxi Can't have a son, you don't like you Erxi!

        If you don’t like your Erxi, just look for your Concubine to serve, I don’t care about you. But one thing, you have to let you Er Di Teacher under Di-Eldest-son, which is very important to you! Did you hear Mufei? "

        Chu Wang Heir nodded again and again, "I heard and heard. Anyway, no matter what happens next, the son will have a son with Gong Yiwan first."

        Chu Wang Heir is not really so ignorant, he also knows the importance of Di-Eldest-son. But as soon as Chu Wang Heir fei thought of Chu-Wang Heir fei stiff face, his heart was suddenly greasy and crooked.

        Chu Wang Heir shook his head, he didn’t want to think about Chu Wang Heir fei again, he suddenly remembered one thing, "Mufei, my son remembered that the father king got two new wines from the Western Region. The father gave that wine. You. It seems that you plan to hold a banquet in three days and invited several Fu-ren to taste the wine. This is the case. "

        Chu Wang fei nodded, "Yes, this is the case. What's wrong?"

        "Is there Tang Jinrui wife?" Chu Wang Heir worried that Chu Wang fei did not know who Tang Jinrui was, so he explained, "Tang Jinrui was the one who had just risen to the prefect."

        Chu Wang fei was a little impressed with Tang Jinrui. Gu Mingqing, who was Fu-ren, was naturally invited, so she nodded, "Yes. What do you care about what Tang Jinrui wife does?"

        Chu Wang Heir is not interested in Gu Mingqing, and the only married woman he is currently concerned about is Gu Mingyue.

        "Some days ago, the son lost Tang Jinrui face because of that Tang Jinrui. The son wanted Mufei to help his son to be angry. At the banquet three days later, he taught his son Tang Jinrui wife."

        Chu Wang fei is really too simple to teach Gu Mingqing. Even Chu Wang fei can keep his tongue out and use insidious calculations to ensure that Gu Mingqing can suffer a big loss, but he can't say a word. Even if outsiders see it, they won't say much.

        It's difficult for Gu Mingqing to say that for Chu Wang fei, it can only be small and no small. Chu Wang fei agreed in a single bite.

        Chu Wang Heir is satisfied.

        After Chu Wang Heir left, Chu Wang fei sits for a while, and then sent people around to call Yan Jin.

        Yan Jin was fine, but he didn't want to go to Chu Wang fei at all.

        It's just that it's one thing to not want to go sometimes, and it's another to have to go. When your mother is looking for you, if you can’t tell you anything about the 100 thousand anxious events, then it’s okay. The problem is that if you don’t, there is no reason not to go.

        Yan Jin stepped up to Chu Wang fei.

        After Yan Jin gave Chu Wang fei a salute, Chu Wang fei asked Yan Jin to get up and pointed to a chair to let Yan Jin sit down.

        Yan Jin thanked and sits down.

        Chu Wang fei also ordered people to serve tea and snacks.

        Yan Jin saw that the dim sum was Fuling cake, and the corners of his mouth could not help but whip up a smirked arc.

        Poria cake!

        When Yan Jin saw the Poria Cake, there was nothing to miss the pleasure, and some were just sarcastic and funny.

        Poria cake constantly reminds Yan Jin that when he was a child, he couldn't get the love of his mother. He was an abandoned child.

        Chu Wang fei What kind of cake is bad? Give Fujin cake to Yanjin. This is really

        Chu Wang fei didn’t know Yan Jin’s thoughts, with a loving smile on his face and a gentle opening, “Jin'er, Poria cake was your favorite food when you were a kid.”

        Yes, Poria cake is indeed Yan Jin's favorite food when he was a kid. But now it is also Yan Jin's last thing to eat. The taste is still liked, but the meaning of this Poria cake really makes Yan Jin want to vomit.

        Yan Jin lowered her eyebrows and her long eyelashes covered the gloomy glimmers in her eyes.

        Chu Wang fei didn't see all of this, and she didn't respond to Yanjin, so she continued, "You Big-Brother also remember that you like to eat Poria cake, but no, I specially remind Mufei and let Mufei order the next person to give What do you do. "

        The arc on Yan Jin's mouth couldn't help but become more ironic, Chu Wang Heir? Is he deliberately showing off? If he was a child, then Yan Jin would be uncomfortable, but now, Yan Jin really feels no more.

        When I was young, Yan Jin still felt uncomfortable and still hurt. But if Chu Wang Heir wanted to use those things to fight him, that would be impossible.

        In fact, Yan Jin was really misunderstood this time. Chu Wang Heir had never thought of hitting him with Poria cake. It's just that Chu Wang fei has a good idea to make Chu Wang Heir and Yan Jin, so I specifically said so. But now it seems totally counterproductive.

        I don’t want to continue to listen to Chu Wang fei saying that he doesn’t want to hear anything at all. Yan Jin raised his head and looked cold between his brows and eyes. Looking closely, the deepness of his dark eyes was filled with the coldness of infiltration, "Mufei is looking for his son, What the hell is going on, let Mufei say it straight. "

        Chu Wang fei was stunned, she could feel Yan Jin's emotions no matter how silly, but she couldn't figure out what happened to Yan Jin.

        Chu Wang fei felt uncomfortable when he pressed it, and pointed to the Poria cake on the table of Yanjin. "Don't you try this cake?"

        Yan Jin refused, "Many Thanks Mufei was kind, but his son had eaten before he came, so this pastry could not be eaten by his son."

        Chu Wang fei no longer forced Yanjin to eat it, but if he ate too much, he would be uncomfortable.

        The truth is that before Yanjin came, he hadn't eaten anything at all, and now Yanjin is really hungry. But even if hungry, Yan Jin doesn't want to eat Chu Wang fei Poria Cake.

        "If Mufei is fine, his son will leave first." Yan Jin couldn't wait for Chu Wang fei to speak, so he said lightly.

        Chu Wang fei started talking quickly, "Jin'er, you Big-Brother has been stabbed and taught by your father recently-"

        "Mufei is wrong." Yan Jin interrupted Chu Wang fei words. "Mufei words are better not to pass on. What is the father king to teach and teach Big-Brother? The father is our father, he will only do it for us. The father is just hoping that Big-Brother will be better and do better errands. There is absolutely no thorny lesson. "

        The kindness on Chu Wang fei’s face was almost unsustainable, and the slightly raised corner of his mouth finally fell, "I don’t believe you don’t know what your father is doing to you Big-Brother. If you know it, you know it clearly, Why say these things in front of Mufei. Do you find it very interesting? Yan Jin, I am you Mufei! It’s your mother who gave birth to you! "

        Yan Jin just felt extremely ironic! Feelings Chu Wang fei remember remembering that he gave birth to his mother! This is really rare! He has always been Chu Wang fei just Chu Wang Heir's mother! Not his!

        "The son dare not forget that it is Mufei son. Mufei gave birth to a son. If Mufei just wants to say this, then the son knows. Whether the son can resign."

        Chu Wang fei hatedly photographed the table, and her palms immediately hurt, but she couldn't feel the pain at this time. Chu Wang fei hates the attitude of Yan Jin most. Obviously her son, but when facing her, she always refused her alienation from thousands of miles away, which is obviously a stranger than a stranger!

        Chu Wang fei stared coldly at Yan Jin. Her feelings for this son were very complicated.

        Chu Wang fei beautiful eyes are covered with a thin layer of smoke, and they are completely immersed in the memories of the past.

        Chu Wang fei still remembers the scene when he was pregnant with Yan Jin.

        To say that when Chu Wang fei was pregnant with Yanjin, the unlucky things really came one after another!

        Chu Wang fei confirmed the pregnancy soon, and Emperor Xiaokang gave Chu-Wang a Ceefei. There is no woman willing to share a man with other women, even the most generous woman can not do it.

        Chu Wang fei can't do it either. It's just that Chu Wang fei is Wang fei, it's the main room. She can't like the sour concubine to be sour and jealous. That's a crime! If someone else knows, she, Wang fei, may be controversial.

        So Chu Wang fei accepted the new Ceefei with a smile.

        If this is the case, then things will pass. But it’s just that things have just begun.

        Liang Ceefei, given to Chu-Wang by Emperor Xiaokang, is really a beauty. Chu-Wang likes it tightly.

        Chu-Wang favored Liang Ceefei, then Chu Wang fei was naturally neglected here.

        The pregnant woman was very sensitive. Chu Wang fei was pregnant with Yan Jin at the time, and her condition became very bad.

        Chu Wang fei has been enduring to production. Who knows what a coincidence, she actually had a difficult birth!

        When Yan Jin was born, the situation of Chu Wang fei was indeed very critical, almost Daren and the child could only keep one!

        Afterwards Chu Wang fei learned from her confidant Mama that Chu-Wang's decision at the time was to protect the children. This is also understandable. Royal men value sons more, and women are really not so important to them. This is true even for Wang fei.

        Chu Wang fei also learned from the heart of Mama's heart that the small Chu Wang Heir at that time appeared outside the delivery room because his servants were not optimistic. He kept crying and Calling that he wanted Mufei.

        With Chu-Wang as a comparison, Chu Wang Heir is even more commendable.

        Together, this piece by piece thing, Chu Wang fei is really difficult to avoid Yanjin. Later, because Chu Wang Heir's body was weak, Chu Wang fei heart was put more on Chu Wang Heir.

        Unknowingly, after so many years, Chu Wang fei also became Grandmother.

        Chu Wang fei stared at Yan Jin and became conscious, unconsciously, the ghost made the god worse, she suddenly asked, "Do you hate me Mufei very much?"

        Yan Jin froze for a moment, obviously he didn't understand how Chu Wang fei suddenly asked such a question.

        Yan Jin shook his head, "Where does Mufei speak. Where there is a son who will hate his mother. Son does not hate mother."

        In fact, this is also the truth of Yan Jin, he really never hated Chu Wang fei. But Yan Jin complained about Chu Wang fei. But now, Yan Jin has no complaints about Chu Wang fei.

        Maybe Yan Jin was really stubborn about Chu Wang fei. Sometimes emotions are what he cares about. But if the emotions at that point are gone, then the other party is really insignificant in his own heart.

        Chu Wang fei smiled bitterly, and his straight back was bent suddenly. "Actually, you still hate me Mufei. Actually, I hate you too. When you were born with you, a lot of things really happened. Those things

        Now that I think about it, I still can't get through those Kaner in my heart. Sometimes, I can't help but think, are you my nemesis. You are specifically here to defeat my mother-in-law. "

        "Wang fei!" Chu Wang fei confidant Mama said in horror. She really didn't expect Chu Wang fei to say such things in front of Yan Jin. Who would be willing to hear the biological mother say that she is the nemesis, this is not to push the child away from her side!

        Yan Jin really heard this from Chu Wang fei’s mouth for the first time, he smiled, but there was no trace of temperature in his eyes, only cold to trembling chills, "It turns out that my mother always took me As your nemesis. "

        "I also know that this kind of thinking is really not right for me. I know I shouldn't think so. But I can't help it. So I treated you lightly when you were a kid, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want-" Chu Wang fei was talking, and there was pain on his face.

        Sometimes people are so strange, knowing that this should not be the case, but they can't control themselves and can only choose to do so.

        Chu Wang fei eyes seemed to have tears gleaming faintly, but she tried to hide it, but Yan Jin saw it.

        Yan Jin saw it, but there was no touch in his heart. It was as calm as the backwaters, and he couldn't even lift a trace of ripples.

        Chu Wang fei took a deep breath, no more fragility and pain on her face, she looked at Yan Jin calmly, "I know you hate me for being Mufei in my heart. I gave birth to you, but I didn't I have done my duty as a mother. I haven't done this well. "

        "Mother said seriously."

        Chu Wang fei, no matter how silly, could hear the alienation in Yan Jin's words. Unconsciously, their mother and son came to this step.

        To say no regrets at all is false.

        But what about regret?

        Let Chu Wang fei be kind to Yanjin now and compensate Yanjin. She doesn't want to, and she doesn't want to do the same.

        The past is past, and the damage and regret that has been caused cannot be rectified.

        Chu Wang fei is such a decisive person, she will never regret what she has done! Even if it hit the south wall, she would not look back!

        "But Jin'er, if you want to resent, you only resent me. You Big-Brother have no sorry for you."

        Yan Jin held the corner of his mouth, and the sarcasm in his eyes almost turned into substance, saying ten thousand and ten thousand, Chu Wang fei did everything for Chu Wang Heir! This is true from childhood to most! And he is completely superfluous!

        Yan Jin really wanted to ask Chu Wang fei, since you only need one son of Chu Wang Heir, why should he be born? Yan Jin didn't understand!

        "What is Mufei talking about. My son has never resented Big-Brother. We are brothers."

        "You also know that you are brothers! Why do you want to fight with your Big-Brother everywhere? Jin'er, you have to remember that your Big-Brother is Di-Eldest-son, the heir to you! Son! Di-Eldest-son inheritance system has been around since ancient times!

        And as your second son, you should be honest and honest, and don’t always think of things that don’t belong to you. "

        What does not belong to him? What does not belong to Yanjin? Oh yes, maternal love and power.

        But Yan Jin has made up his mind long ago. Since he cannot get the so-called maternal love, then he must firmly grasp the power! From small to large, everyone told him that Chu Wang Heir was not in good health, so he should let him. But why? He gave everything, nothing, only power left, this is something he can not let die.

        If even the last power was given away, Yan Jin didn't know what he hoped for alive.

        Yan Jin didn't answer Chu Wang fei words, his expression was indifferent, "Mufei shouldn't say this to his son, he doesn't understand it. Mufei words are actually very suitable for talking to the father."

        Chu Wang fei was furious, "Yan Jin, you are less here to look around and talk about other things. Why, you can't say a word in my face, you never coveted the position of Heir, never thought of "

        "If Mufei words, the son can't bear it. If Mufei feels that his son is unwilling, he can go to his father and say. Mufei is okay, then the son will leave." Yan Jin said, getting up and bending. Waist, and then left.

        Heir? Is Yan Jin really rare? Yan Jin's ambitions don't stop there, he wants the dragon chair throne in the Golden Luan Hall! A little Heir, Yan Jin really didn't take it seriously.

        Chu Wang fei Called Yan Jin several times in a row, but Yan Jin didn't mean to stop at all. Soon, the figure of Yan Jin could not be seen.

        Chu Wang fei Those words only dare to say to Yan Jin, if they dare to speak in front of Chu-Wang, I am afraid that Chu-Wang will get tired of her too! Chu-Wang has long been dissatisfied with Chu Wang fei’s Biasity. If Chu Wang fei went to Chu-Wang and said that Yan Jin had a sense of disobedience, Chu-Wang would not believe at all and would only feel her heart Too much to read!


        Gu Mingqing did receive an invitation from Chu Wang fei to hold a banquet here.

        This is also the first time that Gu Mingqing has received an invitation from Chu Wang fei. He looked at the invitation with the red peony pattern in his hand and wrote with gold powder. He couldn't help but sigh. This Wangfu invitation is really very rich.

        Gu Mingqing didn't want to make an excuse to refuse. He went to Chu Wangfu and talked to Luo Xinyan.

        Gu Mingqing asked Zhou-shi if he would like to go with him.

        Zhou-shi directly refused, "You are invited, what am I going to do? I am impatient to go to such a banquet. You can go alone. If your heart grows up, you can take her to attend more Such a banquet. "

        Tang Xin, who was nestled in Zhou-shi arms, tilted his head and wondered, "Mother, what is the banquet? Is the banquet fun?"

        Zhou-shi replied, "You will know when you grow up."

        Tang Xiner was curious. When Zhou-shi didn't say it, he didn't even ask. He played with the purse embroidered with lotus that Zhou-shi had attached to his waist.

        Soon it was the day when Chu Wang fei held a banquet. Gu Mingqing wore a fuchsia tuxedo flower shirt with a dark blue silver embroidered Baidie flower skirt, and the left side of the head was diagonally A butterfly and flower hairpin with a filigree silver gilt and a bat pattern inlaid with glazed beads and a twirling gold step is inserted on the lower right side.

        Tang Xin looked at Gu Mingqing's dress and murmured, "Sao Sao is so beautiful."

        Anyone likes to hear praise from others, and Gu Mingqing is no exception.

        "Come back and bring Song Ji cake to Xin'er. Let me eat one more piece today."

        Song Ji Pastry is very famous, but it is expensive. The Tang family is not able to afford it, but Tang Xin is so small that it is not suitable for eating too many sweets. Therefore, Tang Xin has always been in control of eating sweets.

        Now Gu Mingqing allows Tang Xin to eat an extra piece of Song Ji pastry. Tang Xin's eyes narrowed with joy.

        "Just spoil her." Zhou-shi said helplessly.

        Gu Mingqing laughed, "Our heart is so cute, who wouldn't spoil her? Mother, and now there is only one child in Xiner's house, it's okay to spoil it. And although we talk about petting, we are not spoiled. Look at Xiner How sensible. "

        Zhou-shi is actually very happy that Gu Mingqing is good to Tang Xin. Tang Xin can only rely on Tang Jinrui and Gu Mingqing, the brothers Sao.

        Zhou-shi listened to Gu Mingqing talking about the child and couldn't help looking at Gu Mingqing's flat belly and moved his mouth as if he wanted to speak, but eventually closed it again.

        Zhang Zhanghe joined several times before Zhou-shi couldn't help saying, "Ming Qing, the time for filial piety is not short. When will you and Jinrui have a child?"

        Gu Mingqing was stunned. Since filial piety, she never contracepted every time she was in the same room.

        In private, Gu Mingqing also hopes to have a child with Tang Jinrui. It's just that more than half a year has passed, and the child will not come.

        Of course, Gu Mingqing knew that her body was okay, and as for Tang Jinrui, it should be no problem. Because Tang Jinrui was not completely ill, and occasionally had cold weather. The doctor had visited Tang Jinrui, but he did not say anything about Tang Jinrui.

        Both of them have no physical problems, but the children just don't come, which makes them feel bad.

        Zhou-shi saw Gu Mingqing's smiling lips fall, and his eyes also appeared missing, thinking that it was the pain of Gu Mingqing's pain, and busy, "Ming Qing, mother is not urging you. Mother knows you and Jin Rui are in good health The children will come sooner or later. The mother didn’t know what happened today, but she suddenly asked such a question, don’t worry about it. "

        Zhou-shi really regretted it.

        Gu Mingqing comforted Zhou-shi, "Mother, you can rest assured. I will not misunderstand you."

        "Ming Qing, the child will follow its natural course. It must have come when it came. Some couples are not married but have children for a few years? The mother really urged you, and the mother is not in a hurry. Look at it because of the child. Things are stressful. If "

        Gu Mingqing was suddenly crying and laughing, "Mother, I'm really not uncomfortable. I know what you are. I know what you are thinking. I was a little uncomfortable, just thinking, I also want a child, but one Time hasn’t come, so I ’m uncomfortable. It really doesn’t mean anything. ”

        Gu Mingqing knows Zhou-shi too.

        Over the years, Zhou-shi really regarded Gu Mingqing as his own daughter, and he didn't have any time off. It may be because the topic of children was just mentioned, so Zhou-shi couldn't help but say a few more words. After that, Zhou-shi regretted it because he was worried about Gu Mingqing.

        "Ming Qing, wouldn't you be nervous? Don't you believe in a child-seeking remedy. It doesn't matter. If there is really a child-seeking remedy, Ruiwang Wangfei didn't have to be so anxious. Don't say Ruijunwang fei, The same is true of Niang-Niang in the palace.

        At most, there are some medicines for pregnancy, most of which are unreliable. "

        Gu Mingqing nodded again and again, "Mother, you can rest assured. I won't be horny. I and Xianggong are still so young. The child is sooner or later. At first, I had persuaded Junwang fei not to eat anything and ask for ashes, and I was even less I will eat those things. "

        Zhou-shi was relieved to see that Gu Mingqing's expression did not seem to be false. Zhou-shi still felt a little annoyed in his heart. Why did he suddenly tell Gu Mingqing about the child? If you don't say it, then there will be no such thing.

        Gu Mingqing worried that Zhou-shi would be annoyed when she left, and then persuaded Zhou-shi for a long time, showing that she really did not mind.

        Zhou-shi saw that time had passed a long time before he said, "Okay, Niang knows what you mean. Niang doesn't know how to do it. You should go to Wangfu, don't be late."

        Gu Mingqing nodded and set off with a coincidence.

        Over the years, the Tang family has successively added several Maid servants, but Gu Mingqing's most useful people are still clever, and I feel that no one is more intimate than Qiaoqiao.

        Today, the sun is shining and the weather is fine. Such weather is the most comfortable.

        Chu Wang fei set the banquet location in Wangfu Water Pavilion, facing the water on three sides, and the air was fresh.

        As Ming-Fu Furen, Gu Mingqing's position is still quite forward.

        Chu Wang fei has not arrived yet, but Chu Wang Heir fei and Luo Xinyan have come out to entertain the guests.

        Luo Xinyan saw Gu Mingqing, a smile appeared in his eyes.

        Gu Mingqing was also happy to see Luo Xinyan, so he gently nodded his head at Luo Xinyan.

        Chu Wang fei didn't let everyone wait for a long time. Soon, he was surrounded by a group of people.

        This is the first time Gu Mingqing has seen Chu Wang fei.

        It is said that although Gu Mingqing had not seen Chu Wang fei before, he had already imagined what Chu Wang fei looked like in his heart.

        As for Chu Wang fei, which Gu Mingqing knows, it is a woman with extreme Biasity and a little unclear mind. Such a woman is generally rather mean and annoying.

        But now when I see Chu Wang fei, Gu Mingqing really has to say a word. The look of Chu Wang fei is really not annoying.

        I saw Chu Wang fei wearing a Luanfeng Lingyun bun, with a golden ray silk inlaid with ruby double embroidered double luan points, and a white jade inlaid red coral bead with double knots like Ruyichai, holding a gold woven beauty ivory handle in hand Gong Fan, dressed in a sienna-like cloud satin woven satin and colorful flowers flying butterfly brocade dress, wore a goose egg pleated Ruyi moon skirt, and wore Yunyan Ruyi red phoenix satin shoes.

        Chu Wang fei Although he is old now, he is very well maintained and looks very good. Surrounded by a group of Maid Pozi, it seemed like a fairy fei, coming in thousands of manners.



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