Houmen Dinu 500

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Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen

        Now Yan Jin really has the possibility to compete with Yan Li for length.

        Tang Jinrui understood the meaning of Gu Mingqing's words and nodded, "Yeah, the emperor's guilt is a good thing, but how long this guilt can last, then it is not necessarily. In the future-what will happen in the future, I don't know. I only know that I must persevere. Since I recognized Rui Qinwang, then I will not change.

        The soldier died for his soulmate! Rui Qinwang is the clear master I believe, and I believe he will not let me down. "

        "Bah bah! What confusing words are you talking about, who is dying for your soulmate, you have to live alive for me. Finally you come to this point today, what do you tell me to die or not to die. Such words will not be said in the future, If I hear it again, I will definitely not spare you. I have not heard it. "

        What Gu Mingqing dislikes most now is these disheartening words.

        Tang Jinrui felt warm and reached out to hold Gu Mingqing's hand and said softly, "Got it, I will definitely accompany Niangzi to grow old. By the way, I am still a clerk in the household department. Xuan’s homework is afraid that he can only take the time to check one or two. So I ’m thinking of asking Renxuan a Teacher. ”

        Gu Mingqing had discovered this problem long ago, and was just about to find a time to tell Tang Jinrui. Now that Tang Jinrui talks about it, he naturally settles the matter, "Good thing. What kind of person do you have in your heart?"

        Tang Jinrui shook his head, "Where are there candidates. I don't have an idea yet. Niangzi, what kind of teacher should you find for Renxuan."

        "Good knowledge and good character, this is a must. I think that Ren Xuan's child is just too stable, I don't mean that stability is not good. But after all, he is still a child, a child, he should have a child No.Alas, every time I talk about this, I can’t help but think that Renxuan and Shiyu should be changed.

        Shi Yu child was a kid who was not like a quiet Miss, at all. I also don't ask how quiet-shi Yu is, even if I pretend to do it. Forget it, every time I say, partial, you and your mother are stopped. It is said that-shi Yu is still small, just wait until she is big. How can I not see if-shi Yu is good enough? I am afraid it is difficult to change the nature of Jiangshan. "

        Tang Jinrui smiled lowly, "Niangzi, you think too much.-shi Yu is lively, but she should learn, she is also learning. Don't watch-shi Yu lively at home, every time you go out, it's not quite decent, this is not very good. The daughter's family can be relaxed in her natal family in recent years, don't be too tied to her. "

        Gu Mingqing glanced at Tang Jinrui and flattened his mouth, "I knew that when I talked to you about-shi Yu, you must be like this. Well, I won't say it anymore. Too much, I'm also tired. I don't need it. Now it's about Renxuan's search for Teacher.

        Only then did he say that he has good knowledge and good character. I also hope that Teacher's temperament is not too rigid, it is better to be a little humorous. In this way, Renxuan, under the teaching of Teacher, may be able to be more cheerful. "

        "Okay, this is not too demanding. I searched carefully, and I think there will be results soon."


        Yan Li learned that Emperor Zhengqing gave Em Jin a gift to Yan Jin Shuang Qinwang, and gave Qinwang Fiefdom twice as much.

        Yan Li immediately found Empress, and when he spoke, he was all questioning in his tone, "Mother, are you my mother !? Or are you just Yan Jin's mother-in-law? Look at what you did. What a confusing thing! You actually helped Yan Jin stay in the capital, and also asked the father to give Yan Jin Shuang Qinwang salaries and double Fiefdom, you-you-you are really my mother! "

        Empress was uncomfortable because he was accused by Zheng Qing Emperor, and now his most beloved son is scolding at her nose again, and it is strange that she can bear it!

        Empress said coldly, "You are accusing me of being a mother-in-law? Good! Good! I really have a good son, really a good son! Where can I help you 2-Didi, the person I help It's you! I can't help you enough? I'm begging your father to let Yanjin take over the clan. Whoever knows your father will fire on me! Even if you don't comfort me, even if you don't comfort me, you will come to blame. I!"

        Empress is really sad this time, what son is she raising?

        Empress believes that he is taking his heart out of Yanli, but he hasn't dug a heart to Yanli son! As a result, Yan Li didn't understand her pains, and even said that he was partial to Yan Jin! ?

        And Yan Jin, he also makes Empress sad. It's just not so sad.

        Empress herself knew that she was really sorry for Yan Jin, and she really owed Yan Jin the son. Yan Jin blamed her, Empress could understand and even recognized it.

        It's just that Yan Jin is qualified to blame her, Yan Li is absolutely not qualified! Because Empress dare to say that she is Bias from beginning to end is Yan Li!

        Yan Li saw that Empress was angry, and his tone softened a little, but the tone was still very aggressive. You beg the Emperor, what happened in the eyes of the Emperor? I really don’t know if you helped me or hurt me! "

        Yan Li only figured it out after the incident happened. Before the incident happened, Yan Li really thought about asking Empress to persuade the Qing Emperor. Now Yan Li doesn't think how bad his idea is, only Empress is too ingenious! Only pull back legs!

        Empress was terribly cold, and once again uncomfortable in her heart, what son is she raising?

        "OK! OK! I can't take care of your business in the future. Hurry up, so I won't let me pull you back and help you!"

        Fools can hear Empress saying negative words. If Yanli apologizes to Empress, Empress will forgive him. It's just that Yanli is blaming Empress in his heart, so I really don't want to apologize.

        Yan Li apologized abruptly, "Since the mother wants her son to resign, the minister will retire there."

        Yan Li finished and turned away without looking back.

        Empress stared blankly at Yan Li back, and his heart suddenly seemed to sink to Bingquan, and he felt cold for a long time.

        "Good! Good! This palace really has a good son! For so many years for this son, he finally took out such a thing! What is the purpose of this life in this palace!"

        Besides, Yan Li promised Gu Mingyue to let her see Gu Qin, and things were really done.

        Gu Qin couldn't help but feel confused when he learned that the East Palace had sent someone to pick her up.

        Gu Mingxin asked Gu Qin, "Mother, when did you get involved in Donggong?" Why did she not know at all.

        Gu Qin shook his head, puzzled, "How could I have anything to do with the people in the East Palace? No."

        Gu Mingxin said, "Then the Donggong sent eunuchs to pick you up for what? You will never be picked up into the palace for no reason."

        Gu Qin said, "Where do I know why, I am still blinded. The only thing in the East Palace that has something to do with me is Crown Princess. But Crown Princess will not pick me up into the palace."

        Gu Mingxin also knows the relationship between Gu Qin and Crown Princess. Gu Qin was the Erxi of the Gong family. Only after her husband died, did she take Gu Mingyue back to Zongyong Houfu. Since Gu Qin left Gong's house, Gu Qin and Crown Princess have never had any problems again.

        It's never possible that Crown Princess wanted Gu Gu, the former Dabomu.

        It should be said that Gu Qin should not continue to stay in the capital.

        Gu Qin also knew that she was afraid that it would be impossible to find anyone who could help her save Gu Mingyue. Just Gu Qin doesn't want to give up, that's her daughter! It is her most beloved daughter!

        Gu Qin thought, if she stayed in Capital City, she would be closer to her daughter. Maybe you can really find an opportunity to save Gu Mingyue, even if you can't save it, you may have a chance to see Gu Mingyue.

        It was with such a heart that Gu Qincai remained in Capital City.

        Gu Qin couldn't understand why Donggong sent someone to pick her up for no reason, but she still packed her heart and followed the Donggong people to Donggong.

        Gu Qin only hoped to go to the East Palace, to catch up with Crown Princess, not to ask for anything else, only to ask Crown Princess to look at the blood relationship, so that Gu Mingyue could live a better life in the cold palace.

        After Gu Qin arrived at the East Palace, she didn't know who was going to see her. She still doubted Crown Princess in her heart, because she only had a little relationship with Crown Princess.

        But later, as the eunuch led the place, Gu Qin determined that this was definitely not to see Crown Princess. Crown Princess, as the hostess of the East Palace, must live in the main house, which may be so biased.

        Gu Qin felt more and more strange in his heart. Who wants to see her?

        Finally, the eunuch finally stopped and turned to Gu Qindao, "Gu Fu-ren is here, you can go in by yourself."

        Gu Qin pushed the door into the house. After entering the house, when she saw Gu Mingyue, she instantly widened her eyes and ecstasy burst into her eyes.


        Tang Jinrui work efficiency is very fast, and soon found a Teacher for Tang Renxuan, then the teacher is called Zhao Li, thirty-six this year, is Imperial-Graduate, has not been admitted to the Jinshi.

        Zhao Li is not a formalistic person. On the contrary, he is a bit arrogant, but there is absolutely no problem with the character of a bachelor. Otherwise, Tang Jinrui could not find him to teach Tang Renxuan.

        Gu Mingqing met Zhao Li with Zhou-shi. When she saw Zhao Li, she couldn't help but secretly nod. This person is not the kind of old-school, nerd, and there is a sense of free and proud in the eyebrows.

        Although Zhao Li is proud, he is still very polite. After seeing Gu Mingqing and Zhou-shi, he immediately saluted, "I have seen Lao Fu-ren, Fu-ren."

        "Zhao Teacher, please. My grandchildren will trouble you later."

        Zhao Lidao, "Lao Fu-ren don't have to be polite. Tang Daren helped me a lot, I promised him to help him teach his son for six years, I will naturally say it. But I think Tang Daren does Excellent, his son is not bad. It is my blessing to receive such an apprentice. "

        Gu Mingqing felt that someone with Zhao Li temperament was unlikely to obediently serve as a teacher. It turned out that he owed Tang Jinrui affection.

        After seeing Tang Renxuan, Zhao Li was more satisfied, and he was very calm at a young age. This really couldn't be better.

        Some people have good talents, but they can’t sit still and waste their talents.

        Like Tang Renxuan, who is talented and able to sit, any teacher likes it.

        Although Zhao Li is crazy, he is also very fond of good seedlings. Not to mention that this good young man is still his younger brother. In the future, this good young man will become a talent. Well, he, who is a teacher, will probably not lose his fame.

        Gu Mingqing observed how Zhao Li taught Tang Renxuan for a few days.

        Gu Mingqing can't help but sigh, where did Tang Jinrui find such a suitable candidate! It's so suitable!

        Zhao Li class is not old-fashioned. On the contrary, the lecture is full of fun and fascinating. Sometimes listening to Maid's description, Gu Mingqing can't help but listen to the fans.

        What satisfied Gu Mingqing most was that Zhao Li was actually a hands-on faction. He was good at carrying out Tang Renxuan as a hands-on experiment.

        This really made Gu Mingqing overjoyed. In ancient times, it was a great luck to find such a Teacher.

        Gu Mingqing privately said to Tang Jinrui, "Xiang Gong, you are too good. The Zhao Teacher you found is so great! It is really reassuring for him to teach Renxuan."

        Not to mention that Gu Mingqing is concerned about how Zhao Li taught Tang Renxuan, even Tang Jinrui is also concerned.

        "I think Renxuan also likes to learn with Zhao Teacher, so that Zhao Teacher is happy to teach, and Renxuan is also happy to learn. There is nothing better than this. It is a pity that Zhao Teacher only agreed to stay The next five years. "Tang Jinrui said, showing a pity.

        Gu Mingqing said, "Five years is enough. I can also see that people like Zhao Teacher are unlikely to stay in one place forever. Xianggong, why is Zhao Teacher unwilling to continue to take the Jinshi? What about officials? "

        "Zhao Teacher doesn't really like to read a lot, but prefers to travel through mountains and rivers. However, Zhao family is a scholar, so he has been forcing Zhao Teacher to study. Zhao Teacher didn't take the exam after he passed Imperial-Graduate. That’s enough. An Imperial-Graduate is enough. "

        It's really enough. Gu Mingqing said in his heart.

        "Five years later, Zhao Teacher did not teach Ren Xuan, so he let Ren Xuan go to Guozijian to study."

        Tang Jinrui said, "Okay, I can make a lot of friends when I go to Guozijian, and Renxuan can learn a lot from books there."

        It feels shallow on paper!

        Gu Mingqing understands what Tang Jinrui said. The Guozijian said that it was a small group and a small society. The intrigues there might not be less. Five years later, Tang Renxuan was barely a Little-Daren. Nothing bad.

        In this way, what Tang Renxuan studied in the future was settled by Gu Mingqing and Tang Jinrui.

        In the blink of an eye, the past seven days, Maid gave the report to let Gu Mingxin visit.

        Hearing the words "Gu Mingxin", Gu Mingqing couldn't help but frown, "What is she doing here? Didn't you eat enough last time? Let her go."

        Gu Mingqing deeply felt that Gu Mingxin remembered whether to eat or not.

        Amber said, "Fu-ren, this time your Mei-mei seems to be a little different, especially proud, like there is a big happy event. Your Mei-mei only has nostrils."

        "Poo—" Gu Mingqing was amused by this metaphor, "Really or false? Is it so exaggerated?"

        Amber nodded firmly, "Fu-ren, Nubi couldn't be more true. And seeing what you mean from Mei-mei, if you don't see her today, she won't go."

        Gu Mingqing came here with some interest, "OK, let her come in. Let me see what you said about her nostrils."

        Soon, Gu Mingxin came in.

        I saw her combing the spirit snake bun, with a gold and silver inlaid obsidian dragonfly grass and insect head on top of her head. The dragonfly was lifelike, shaking as Gu Mingxin walked. Gu Mingxin wore a dark blue, silver, red, thin, brocade, brocade, and silk pleated satin skirt, with a smile on her face, her neck raised, and her eyebrows raised.

        Gu Mingqing's assessment of Gu Mingxin is that it is indeed a nostril! This is not wrong.

        After Gu Mingxin saw Gu Mingqing, his neck seemed to be raised higher. Before Gu Mingqing talked, he found a place to sit down and yin and yang had a strange airway, "2-sister, I'm here when Mei-mei comes to see you I won't even give me a good cup of tea. "

        Gu Mingqing ignored Gu Mingxin and said lightly, "I don't think you need to drink tea."

        Gu Mingxin didn’t mind whether he had tea or not. He just looked at Gu Mingqing with a smile, “2-sister, you are very proud now. You are now Fu-ren of the Ministry of Household Affairs, with high weight. It’s not just me-mei , You look down on it. I guess, even father, you look down on it. "

        Gu Mingqing frowned, and his voice was cold for two points, "Gu Mingxin, I don't quite know what you are doing, so I just found me yin and yang strange. I only give you a word, you want to find someone yin and yang strange, quickly find others. I will delay you with you. I look at you, I don’t know if your husband is now a 1st-Grade member, and you become a 1st-Grade Fu-ren. "

        Gu Mingqing said, shaking his head, "I'm afraid 1st Grade is not enough for you. I look at you, I'm afraid it's only for you if you have a super Duchess."

        Gu Mingqing's words were completely in the cold-eyed Gu Mingxin.

        Gu Mingxin's husband is now just an Imperial-Graduate, not even Jinshi! It's super Duchess too, that's a thousand miles away from Gu Mingxin.

        Gu Mingxin is not a fool, can't he hear Gu Mingqing's teasing? A face suddenly flushed with anger.

        "Gu Mingqing, you humiliate me less here! You have something amazing, aren't you just a small Hushang Fu-ren? Huh-it sounds amazing, but in fact nothing! Hushang Shangshu No matter how big Fu-ren is, can there be Ceefei, Noble-Consort, or even Empress !? "

        Compared with Noble-Consort and Empress, there is no comparison between Fu-ren and Noble-Consort, which is totally incomparable. Gu Mingqing never thought of comparing Noble-Consort and Empress.

        The strange thing about Gu Mingqing is Ceefei in Gu Ming's heart.

        Ceefei scope is very wide, whose Ceefei? Junwang, Qinwang and Crown Prince's Ceefei, it's all Ceefei. Which Ceefei is Gu Mingxin talking about?

        Gu Mingqing quickly reacted, she thought too much, Gu Mingxin said that Ceefei, Noble-Consort and Empress should be alone.

        Strange, who can encompass so many identities at once?

        Whose Ceefei will have the opportunity to be Noble-Consort and Empress in the future? That should only be Crown Prince.

        Crown Prince ——

        Gu Mingqing's eyes dimmed and he said slowly, "I naturally can't compare with Noble-Consort and Empress. I am a little courtier Fu-ren, where can I compare with Noble-Consort and Empress. Just Mei-mei you seem to forget By the way, are you related to Noble-Consort and Empress? I am afraid that it is difficult to meet them in your current identity? No, the Emperor has not established Noble-Consort until now. There is only Empress in the harem. "

        Gu Ming proudly said, "I just know Noble-Consort in the future, and even Empress in the future!"

        What responded to Gu Mingxin was Gu Mingqing smirked, "Ha-knowing? What is the understanding in your mouth? Is it just knowing once you have seen it once, or knowing it from afar? Your knowledge is really knowing. What use is it? You have nothing to do with the other party. Why should people be your backers?

        I said Mei-mei, did you stay in Capital City, something went wrong here. "

        Gu Mingqing said, pointing to the head, the implication was that Gu Mingxin had a problem with his brain.

        Gu Ming was anxious, "What do you know! I have a very close relationship with the future Noble-Consort and even Empress! You don't understand anything, just talking nonsense, you are hateful!"

        "Empress in the future? Well-Crown Princess should be Empress in the future, but what can you do with Empress in the future? I remembered that Crown Princess is the daughter of the Gong family, if I remember correctly, before the mother married her father, Erxi of the palace is Dabomu of Crown Princess today. "

        Gu Mingqing said, clapping his hands fiercely and laughing, "It really has a relationship, a very close relationship! I just don't know whether Crown Princess will look at your intimate relationship in the future, how much you are treated."

        Gu Mingqing teased and ridiculed, so that Gu Mingxin was trembling, "You-you-you-"

        Gu Mingxin was so angry that he forgot Gu Qin’s instructions and blurted out, “What do you know! The future Noble-Consort and Empress are Big-sister, you—”

        Gu Ming regretted the moment he spoke, and covered his mouth with both hands, and said no more words.

        Gu Mingqing looked at Gu Mingxin meaningfully. Only when Gu Mingxin wanted to leave directly, she spoke slowly, "Mei-mei, I think your brain is really abnormal. Yes, Big-sister was a former person Yanxing’s Ceefei had also been a Noble-Consort for a while. But when did that happen? As early as the Yellow Calendar eight hundred years ago, you are now talking about those old sesame seeds, is it interesting? "

        Gu Mingxin was really regretful. When he was excited by Gu Mingqing, he told Gu Mingyue.

        Seeing that Gu Mingqing didn't go to Gu Mingyue to think about Yan Li in this respect, she was relieved now, quite unreasonable, not strong, and her eyes flickered, "Big-Big-Big-sister was good anyway However, this is true! I will tell the story of Big-sister, what's wrong! "

        "Well, Big-sister is beautiful, but she is in the cold palace now."

        Gu Mingxin was so exhausted that he didn't say that Gu Mingyue was not in the cold palace. She is now a woman of Crown Prince Yan Li!

        It was just that Gu Mingxin knew that she could not say this, and she did not dare to stay here with Gu Mingqing, worrying that she could not bear the excitement, and she said nothing she should not say, and fled in a hurry.

        Gu Mingqing thoughtfully looked at Gu Mingxin's back, and his eyes were deep.

        Gu Mingqing sent the people in the house down and sorted out everything.

        Shouldn't Gu Mingyue be in the Cold Palace now? If Gu Mingyue is really in the cold palace, then Gu Mingxin will definitely not give him confidence. This is absolute.

        But now Gu Mingxin is so proud of Gu Mingyue that he is so proud that the meaning in it is intriguing.

        The future Noble-Consort, Empress-

        This must have nothing to do with Crown Princess, Crown Princess will definitely not become Gu Mingxin's backer.

        Then only Gu Mingyue is left.

        Gu Mingyue is afraid to be right next to Yan Li!

        As soon as this thought came to mind, Gu Mingqing was shocked!

        At the same time, this idea is like an invisible line connecting all things together. That's right, only this makes sense!

        The memory that was dusted before and almost forgotten in the corner was also pulled out.

        Gu Mingqing still remembers seeing Yan Li staring at Gu Mingyue from time to time during the previous Emperor's birthday banquet.

        Yan Li thought about Gu Mingyue! That's right, that's it!

        Gu Mingqing really didn't expect Yan Li to be so bold. The fake Gu Mingyue in the cold palace must have been arranged by Yan Li.

        Sure enough, it was a knife on the front of the color character. Yan Li dared to make such a thing for the sake of beauty.

        In the evening, after Tang Jinrui returned, Gu Mingqing could not wait to tell Tang Jinrui.

        Tang Jinrui was stunned, and the whole person couldn't get back to God, "Niangzi, are you serious?"

        Gu Mingqing glared at Tang Jinrui, "Not true, can I tell you? Thanks to Gu Mingxin, he couldn't hold his breath, and actually came to me to show off his arrogance, but said that he missed his mouth. It wasn't that Crown Prince accepted a court lady Do you love her? I think it was Gu Mingyue that mistress didn't have an accident.

        And the maiden was still very mysterious, didn't it mean that few people had seen the maiden? Crown Prince was worried that others would recognize Gu Mingyue, so he didn't dare to let Gu Mingyue see someone. This must be the case. Crown Prince was afraid that Gu Mingyue's affairs would cool down in the past few years before Gu Mingyue stood in front of others. "

        Gu Mingqing said, can't help but admire Yan Li affection for Gu Mingyue, "I really didn't expect Crown Prince to be so affectionate for Gu Mingyue."

        Tang Jinrui did not think of Yan Li affection for Gu Mingyue, but thought about what he could do in it. If Gu Mingyue can be debunked successfully, this is definitely a heavy blow to Yan Li.

        This night, Tang Jinrui was thinking about Gu Mingyue almost all night.

        On the second day, Tang Jinrui soon told Yan Jin about Gu Mingyue.

        Not surprisingly, Yan Jin was also shocked.

        Yan Jin still remembers how many times he played Yan Li privately because of Yan Li covetment of Gu Mingyue, but did not expect Yan Li to be so affectionate to Gu Mingyue.

        "If you expose this, the father and emperor will be very disappointed with Yan Li."

        Tang Jinrui reminded, "The emperor will be disappointed with Crown Prince, but will not abandon Crown Prince because of Gu Mingyue."

        Yan Jin’s fanatical heart cooled down a little bit, “It’s true that Father Emperor will not abandon Crown Prince. Because of Gu Mingyue’s affairs, if the situation is serious, where does the royal face go?”

        Gu Mingyue is Yanxing’s Ceefei. According to the relationship, it’s Yanli’s small Courtyard Sao. This cousin accepted his cousin’s Concubine as Qie.

        "Junwang, this thing just gave up. That’s a pity, it’s impossible. But it can’t be troubled. The emperor will be angry at Crown Prince, but for those who make trouble, I ’m afraid it’s also true. Will not be happy. "

        Yan Jin quickly understood what Tang Jinrui said, "You make sense, things can't be big. Let the father emperor know. But how can it not be big, and let the father emperor know?"

        If you want to get everything right, it will be more difficult.

        Tang Jinrui thought for a while and thought, "It's actually not difficult. If Crown Princess comes forward, it's not difficult."

        "How to say?"

        "Junwang can be like this." Tang Jinrui leaned into Yan Jin's ear and whispered his thoughts slowly, and the expression in Yan Jin's eyes became brighter.

        Three days later, Emperor Zheng Qing took Crown Prince and Yan Jin to the countryside to hunt.

        Luo Xinyan went to the East Palace to meet Crown Princess.

        Crown Princess raised her eyebrows when she saw Luo Xinyan.

        You have to know that Crown Prince and Rui Qinwang have a disagreement in face and heart. The battle between the two is getting more and more fierce. Unexpectedly, Luo Xinyan came to the East Palace.

        Crown Princess can't refuse to see Luo Xinyan, because Luo Xinyan is her younger sister-in-law. If she treats Luo Xinyan coldly, how will others think of her as Crown Princess?

        Therefore, when Crown Princess entertained Luo Xinyan, she was not enthusiastic enough. If outsiders do not know the true relationship between these two women, I am afraid it is when the two are intimate good sisters.

        Luo Xinyan and Crown Princess are sitting on the bed of Luohan. Both of them have children.

        Gradually, Luo Xinyan turned the topic to Crown Prince's favorite maid, "Da-Sao, even those of me who are outside the palace, have heard about it. I heard Crown Prince accepted a maid, but was very fond of "

        Crown Princess's face suddenly sank. "Yeah, man-which doesn't like the new and the old. The Crown Prince in my family is even more."

        It’s no secret that Yan Li’s preference for beauty is already a secret, and Crown Princess said so.

        Luo Xinyan also said, "Da-Sao is very right. Not only Crown Prince, but also Wangye. Don’t look at my Wangye Founder, it seems that I have no idea about beauty. But there are many women in the backyard, only The better thing is that I didn’t particularly spoil which one, and I didn’t even give me a face that didn’t give me a special face. ”

        Crown Princess was startled, and she couldn't help but think of herself. Yan Li didn't give Crown Princess a face for the sake of women, it was really not once or twice.

        Fortunately, after the matter of Mao Concubine, Yan Li finally gave her some respect. Now Yan Li has become Crown Prince, and she is desperately spoiling a maiden. Even her Crown Princess can't do anything to that maiden. It's really uncomfortable to think about it.

        Luo Xinyan flashed his eyes and smiled, "Da-Sao, I want to ask you something."

        Crown Princess said lightly, "Di-Sao has something to ask, just ask."

        "What kind of maiden does the big-Brother favor? What is the beauty of the country, and the country is full of love? Say it, and it also opened my eyes to this one who has never seen the world."

        Crown Princess smiled bitterly, "Don't be afraid of Di-Sao, you have a joke, I haven't seen the court lady so far. Crown Prince is rare, and I won't even let anyone see you."

        Luo Xinyan was surprised, "What? Da-Sao, you haven't seen anyone now? But it's a maid, even if he is now ChongQie of Crown Prince, but it's just a nameless Shiqie. Da-Sao You are the crowning Crown Princess! It’s not up to you to control all the Qie of Crown Prince. "

        Luo Xinyan's words embarrassed Crown Princess.

        This is the reason, but Yan Li did not do that! For a Junior Concubine, make her ugly everywhere!

        Luo Xinyan said quietly, "In fact, it is the same thing to visit Da-Sao today. In fact, I still have selfishness. I also want to see what kind of maiden that Big-Brother loves so much. My curiosity. But even Da-Sao hasn’t seen the maid so far, how can I be so good. Da-Sao just said it when I hadn’t said that, let’s say something else. ”

        Luo Xinyan said, and began to talk about other things.

        The anger in Crown Princess's heart is getting stronger and stronger, thinking that she wants to see the court lady several times, but some people stopped, and even Yan Li also gave her a faceless face because of this matter! That pile, piece by piece, everything makes Crown Princess angry!

        Listening to Luo Xinyan's words again, her dignified Crown Princess has fallen to the point of being sympathetic in person!

        Crown Princess blurted out, "It's not just a maid, Di-Sao rarely enters the palace. See you if you want to."

        Luo Xinyan was happy in his heart, but said on his mouth, "Well-this is probably not good. Isn't it said that Crown Prince is not allowed to be seen? If Da-Sao will show people to me alone, Crown Prince knows afterwards Now, what should I do? If I ’m not afraid of Da-Sao, I ’m the Crown Prince’s Di-Sao anyway. Crown Prince would like to trouble me. It’s hard to find Da-Sao. — ”

        "Di-Sao is too worried. It's just a maid. I don't believe it. Crown Prince can't do it for that maid! I'm not going to come! Come and invite the Wang Shiqie to come." Crown Princess looked at her side People commanded.

        The people around them didn't move. They all hesitated because of the palace lady and Crown Princess who had been laid off by Crown Prince several times. Now they are forcibly invited. Crown Prince knows afterwards.

        Crown Princess was even more angry when he saw the people around him, and Luo Xinyan was beside him, but he felt ashamed in front of Luo Xinyan, so he took a serious look at the little boy on Luohan’s bed and angered, “This Crown Princess’s words , Can’t you hear it? One by one is deaf? If you can’t do anything, get this Crown Princess out of the palace! "

        Crown Princess got angry, and the people underneath didn't dare to listen, and quickly went to invite people.

        Gu Mingyue was surrounded by Yan Li, and that was Yan Li confidant, who knew Gu Mingyue's identity.

        Where can that person let Gu Mingyue go to see Crown Princess, that is not to reveal Gu Mingyue's identity! So he lifted out Crown Prince, and the dared did not dare to offend Crown Prince, so he left.

        Crown Princess was very angry when she didn't invite anyone.

        The person who came back reported uglyly, "Nucai, who is serving Wang Shiqie, said that Crown Prince has orders to not allow "

        Crown Princess was furious, "Go and bring someone to bring Wang Shiqie! If you can't bring anyone, you will die!"

        Luo Xinyan persuaded, "Da-Sao, let's forget it. A Shiqie, if it breaks your friendship with Crown Prince, it would be bad."

        Crown Princess raised her hand to stop Luo Xinyan from continuing to persuade, "Di-Sao don't have to persuade anymore. Today, I have to let Di-Sao meet my prince's darling baby. I am Crown Princess, yes Mistress of the East Palace! I can’t blend in the big things outside, and I don’t want to blend in. But it’s undoubtedly that all the women in the East Palace are under my control! I have to let Nucai of the East Palace see who is the East Palace Mistress, who should they listen to? "

        Crown Princess is also determined to stand up now!

        Luo Xinyan saw this, and felt a little sympathy for Crown Princess. Although the positions are different, from the perspective of a woman, Crown Princess is indeed pitiful.

        Luo Xinyan is more fortunate than Crown Princess, she has Yanjin's respect anyway.

        In the royal family, there is actually no man's favor, it does not matter, the only thing that can not be missed is the respect of men. If there is no respect for it, then it really can only survive to death.

        Gu Mingyue only heard that Crown Princess sent her to announce her, and she was not surprised at all, because this kind of thing was not done once or twice. Soon, the people who Yanli sent next to her would send Crown Princess. The heat that came came off.

        What Gu Mingyue didn't expect was that some time before someone left, someone came again.

        Gu Mingyue frowned, a little strange in her heart, what's wrong with Crown Princess? Why is this attitude so determined?

        Gu Mingyue only hopes that Crown Prince's people will be able to do a little better. Don't stop Crown Princess's people.

        What Gu Mingyue didn't know was that the person Prince Crown had given her was suffering so much now!

        The people sent by Crown Princess don't know what happened one by one. The attitude was pretty good before, but this time it was one by one. Even when they lifted out Crown Prince, those people did not give in at all.

        What they didn't know was that Crown Princess gave a death order, even if it came hard, they had to invite people over, otherwise they would all die!

        These people sent by Crown Princess may be unlucky afterwards because of Crown Prince's anger, but that's a matter of course. But if people cannot be invited at this time, their life may be gone immediately.

        It's about life, how can these people not try their best?

        The people of Crown Prince watched these people want to break in hard, and they couldn't help but angrily said, "You are so brave! Crown Prince has already been told not to allow anyone to disturb Wang Shiqie to rest, you are to do one by one. What? Don’t listen to Crown Prince’s instructions? Are you going to rebel one by one? "

        The old Mama sent by Crown Princess grinned, "Don't say this Gonggong this way. Old slave I was ordered by Crown Princess. Crown Princess said, today, this one, I have to call Wang Shiqie anyway. A trip in the past. If Wang Shiqie is willing to cooperate, it would be better. Old slave, I can also explain to Crown Princess. "

        Old Mama said, the tone suddenly became sharp, and the tone was full of threats, "If Wang Shiqie is unwilling to cooperate, it is really embarrassing. Crown Princess has orders, even if it is hard, you must take Wang Shiqie. A trip! "

        The Crown Prince people were startled and Called, "Dare you!"

        Old Mama smirked, "Look, don't you dare! Hurry up, Crown Princess and Rui Qinwang fei are still waiting to see you!"

        Rui Qinwang fei also want to see? The people at Crown Prince are even more afraid to let it go. They know Wang Shiqie's true identity. They cannot be seen by anyone else!

        When the old Mama saw the Crown Prince, he still couldn't let it go, worried about Crown Princess's blame, so he ordered the people behind to break in.

        The people at Crown Prince were anxious. "You are crazy! You are a rebellion! Come on, come on!"

        There are many guard ladies in the East Palace, but no one listens to them.

        If Crown Prince is present, it is natural to be able to order these guard ladies, the problem is that Crown Prince is not here now, only the people left by Crown Prince.

        Yan Li had never imagined that Crown Princess would take advantage of his absence and come hard. He did not give him the power to leave Gu Mingyue, and could command the guards of the East Palace.

        Yan Li is not here, these people naturally hear Crown Princess.

        Old Mama has far more people than Crown Prince. Crown Prince's people resisted for a while, then they couldn't resist, and the old Mama broke in.

        The people of Crown Prince are unwilling to continue to stop. The old Mama is impatient, and directly orders people to watch these people, and they are not allowed to make trouble again!

        Gu Mingyue was terrified when she heard the outside movement inside the house. She never dreamed that Crown Princess was actually out!

        How to do? How to do? Gu Mingyue kept asking himself in his heart.

        In other words, the old Mama also saw Gu Mingyue for the first time (not seen before)

        When old Mama saw Gu Mingyue at first sight, an amazing color flashed in his eyes.

        Gu Mingqing, a talker, is considered to have a better concentration, and has seen many beautiful women in modern times, but every time he sees Gu Mingyue, he can't help but marvel at her beauty. It can be seen how good Gu Mingyue's looks are.

        Gu Mingyue is now nearly thirty years old and considered an old woman in ancient times. However, Gu Mingyue grew up with respect for the best, eats the best, uses the best, and is kept by the man like a petite. Therefore, the appearance of Gu Mingyue, who is nearly thirty years old, is more beautiful than when he was fifteen or sixteen.

        Old Mama marveled at Gu Mingyue's beauty and thought, no wonder Crown Prince was lost to the three souls and souls of this Shiqie. It was really a beautiful beauty.

        Old Mama didn’t want to completely offend Crown Prince. He first saluted Gu Mingyue, slowed down his voice, and said warmly, "Wang Shiqie, Crown Princess want to see you, and ask you to take a trip with the old slave."

        Gu Mingyue's beautiful little face suddenly turned white, shaking her head in a panic, "No! No! I will not go! I will not go!"

        Crown Princess knew Gu Mingyue, how could she go to Crown Princess! Gu Mingyue also knows that she must not let anyone know her identity at this time, otherwise everything will be over!

        Old Mama frowned, listening to Gu Mingyue's words, and said, "Wang Shiqie is too self-righteous and has no one in sight." Even if this Wang Shiqie is favored by Crown Prince, Crown Princess is the hostess of the East Palace. When Crown Princess wanted to see her, Wang Shiqie refused like this?

        Old Mama's brow furrowed and his voice was cold for several times. "Wang Shiqie, old slave advised you not to toast and not to eat fine wine! Crown Princess and Rui Qinwang fei must see you! You still obey the old slave. Go for a trip. Wang Shiqie You are arrogant and expensive, but the old slave is rough and heavy, if Wang Shiqie hurts you, it will be bad. "

        And Rui Qinwang fei? Gu Mingyue's eyes widened at once!

        When there is only one Crown Princess, Gu Mingyue can’t go, not to mention that a Rui Qinwang fei is added now, what a joke. Fools know that Crown Prince and Rui Qinwang are incompatible, she can't go! Can't go to death!

        Gu Mingyue's mind was so chaotic, and for a moment I couldn't think of why Rui Qinwang fei came, and Crown Princess insisted on seeing her.

        All the patience of old Mama is gone, thinking that Crown Princess is still waiting there, and the people in front of him are so ignorant, he can't help it.

        "Come here, please ask Wang Shiqie to meet Crown Princess." Old Mama waved her hand, and immediately walked out of the two palaces behind her, driving Gu Mingyue left and right.

        Gu Mingyue wanted to struggle, but couldn't get rid of it at all, "You quickly let go of me! If Crown Prince knows, I won't let you go! I won't let you go!"

        Old Mama was too lazy to listen to Gu Mingyue again, and-shi Shiran turned and left.

        Crown Princess and Luo Xinyan are chatting here, and the old Mama also brought Gu Mingyue back and forth, "Qi Crown Crown Princess, Wang Shiqie has been brought."

        Since entering the hall, Gu Mingyue bowed his head daringly, not daring to let Crown Princess and Rui Qinwang fei see her face.

        Crown Princess can only see the top of Gu Mingyue's black head, very unhappy, and said in a deep voice, "Look up, let Ben Crown Princess look at your face."

        Gu Mingyue didn't move at all.

        Luo Xinyan chuckled, "Da-Sao, Big-Brother's Shiqie, is so temperamental that he doesn't even listen to you."

        Actually, Luo Xinyan didn't need to add fuel to the fire, because Crown Princess was already angry enough.

        "Come here, please ask Wang Shiqie to look up! Ben Crown Princess wants to see how valuable Wang Shiqie's head is, how can't Crown Princess let her lift it up!"

        Crown Princess got angry, and the people underneath immediately looked at Mingyue's head.

        Gu Mingyue desperately wants to struggle, but how strong can she be? He was no longer willing to be raised his head.

        Gu Mingyue's face was clearly reflected in the eyes of Crown Princess and Luo Xinyan.

        Crown Princess hasn't recognized Gu Mingyue for a while, not because he didn't recognize it, but he didn't dare to think about how Wang Shiqie became Gu Mingyue.

        Luo Xinyan had known the truth for a long time, but he still had some doubts in his heart, but now that he saw people, that little doubt suddenly disappeared without a trace, but it was really Noble-Consort-Gu Mingyue!

        Crown Princess knew Gu Mingyue after all. After all, Gu Mingyue's face was too beautiful. She was also a woman. Presumably few people would not be jealous of Gu Mingyue's face.

        The moment Crown Crown recognized Gu Mingyue, his eyes widened from inch to inch, and his eyes were full of disbelief, and he tremblingly pointed his finger at Gu Mingyue, "You-you-you-you — ”

        Luo Xinyan cooperates with Crown Princess, and it seems that Gu Mingyue has just recognized, "You-you-you are not Gu-"

        Luo Xinyan said, covering his mouth with both hands, as if he saw something incredible.

        Crown Princess's brain was almost messed up, but now her brain seemed to be very clear again.

        Because Crown Princess not only remembered Gu Mingyue, she also remembered Yan Li ChongQie Mao Concubine.

        At that time, Mao Concubine was so much loved by Yan Li that even her true wife, Mao Concubine, dared not ignore it.

        Crown Princess has always wondered why Mao Concubine can be so favored by Yan Li.

        Mao Concubine is indeed pretty good, but Yan Li’s backyard looks better than Mao Concubine, in fact, there are many, but Mao Concubine is the favorite.

        This question, Crown Princess has not been answered.

        But now, Crown Princess seems to understand, because Mao Concubine is a bit like Gu Mingyue!

        Yan Li, this beast, has always been thinking about Gu Mingyue!

        As soon as this thought came to mind, Crown Princess only felt that there were countless thunders in her ears, and her ears were buzzing, and her throat was more like being pinched, making her completely breathless.

        Gu Mingyue originally hoped that Crown Princess and Rui Qinwang fei would not recognize her, but now it seems that this is impossible, and they all recognize her!

        Gu Mingyue was so scared that she worried that she would die here!

        Gu Mingyue murmured, "If you-you-if you dare to do anything to me, too-too-Crown Prince will not let you go."

        The only person Gu Mingyue can rely on is Yan Li.

        Gu Mingyue's words seemed to break the last string named Reason in the heart of Crown Princess. She rushed towards Gu Mingyue and pressed Gu Mingyue under her, her long and sharp nails went straight to Gu Mingyue Scratched his face.

        Gu Mingyue was terrified. Her most precious thing was her face. Where would she let Crown Princess destroy her face!

        Gu Mingyue, who had a strong will to survive, didn't know where the energy came from, and threw Crown Princess down.

        Crown Princess seemed to feel no pain, but rushed to fight Gu Mingyue like crazy.

        Luo Xinyan told the next man, "You two are dead! Don't hurry to separate people!"

        The servants of the East Palace were frightened by this outburst, and I had no idea in my heart. After hearing Luo Xinyan's instructions, he hurried up to separate them.

        Gu Mingyue was hiding behind her, and she was really afraid of the Crown Princess who was crazy.

        Gu Mingyue's face was not caught by the Crown Princess, but the body was caught by the Crown Princess for several times, and it hurt so badly!

        Crown Princess was grabbed by several servants, but she was struggling desperately like a demon, "Let go! You let me go!"

        The anxious Crown Princess even started to call herself "I"

        Luo Xinyan looked at Crown Princess, the mad devil, and sighed in his heart, and asked which woman could not be crazy if she exhibited such a thing.

        Luo Xinyan sighed again in her heart that her married husband was Yan Jin, not Yan Li.

        Luo Xinyan came to Crown Princess and persuaded, "Da-Sao, please calm down. If you are right-what she did, Big-Brother won't let you back when she returns."

        Luo Xinyan was sincere in saying this. The purpose of her coming has been achieved. Gu Mingyue is certainly alive, but even if she is dead, she can achieve her goal.

        It's just that if Gu Mingyue died in the hands of Crown Princess, the relationship between Crown Princess and Yan Li might be completely broken.

        The action of the Crown Princess madman suddenly stopped abruptly, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a statue, and suddenly "chirped " laughed.

        The Crown Princess like this looks very distressed, but Luo Xinyan sees endless sorrow and sorrow from the Crown Princess's face.

        "God! What am I doing wrong? You want to punish me like this! Why do you punish me like this!"

        The masters holding Crown Princess let go of their hands, and Crown Princess, who was free, immediately collapsed to the ground, clenched her fists in both hands, and hit the tiles on the ground hard. She seemed to feel no pain, smashing desperately, smashing desperately With.

        It seems that only in this way can Crown Princess feel a little better in her heart, so that she won't want to die like this!

        Luo Xinyan looked at it unbearably, reached out and grabbed Crown Princess's wrist to stop her from masochistic, "Da-Sao, why do you need it. Who would distress you like you?" Counting on Yan Li distress, it is better to dream.

        Crown Princess stared at the grasped wrist with a daze, and then slowly looked at Luo Xinyan's face.

        Crown Princess stared at Luo Xinyan suddenly, and laughed again, unlike the creepy smile of Fang Cai. The smile at the moment was a relief, "Di-Sao, I don't blame you."

        Luo Xinyan froze, she seemed to understand Crown Princess's words.

        Crown Princess is really not stupid, except that when she saw Gu Mingyue, she was crazy because she was too painful, but after reacting, she figured it out.

        Crown Princess knew that Luo Xinyan's purpose was to expose Gu Mingyue by her.

        Crown Princess bluntly used it.

        Knowing everything about Crown Princess, she really did not hate Luo Xinyan at all.

        Crown Princess could think that Luo Xinyan led her to discover Gu Mingyue's identity, and why Crown Prince left Capital City at this time, presumably with Rui Qinwang's handwriting. Rui Qinwang just wanted to attack Crown Prince's position in the heart of Zheng Qing Emperor through Gu Mingyue.

        Crown Princess can think of this, but she really can't hate Rui Qinwang and his wife.

        At least the Rui Qinwangs did not let her be a fool, let her know everything.

        I don't know how long it took, Crown Princess seemed to pack up her mood, asked Luo Xinyan for a veil, and wiped away the tears on her face.

        Luo Xinyan looked at Crown Princess's hand again, because of the mad smashing of the ground, he even smashed his hand out of blood.

        Luo Xinyan ordered the next man to ask Tai-yi.

        Luo Xinyan then helped Crown Princess get up and go back to the Luohan bed again.

        Crown Princess eyes have been staring at Gu Mingyue hiding behind the person, the look is like the poisonous snake spitting the snake believer. Her heart made her tremble.

        Crown Princess looked at Gu Mingyue, still angry in her heart, and said coldly, "Bastard! Don't keep the woman's way! Shameless peace!"

        Every word Crown Princess said was cut like a knife into Gu Mingyue's heart. Gu Mingyue grew up reading "Women's Rings" and "Women's Rules" when she was a child. I don't know how rude and disgusting her behavior is. Even immersing in a pig cage a hundred times is not enough to offset!

        But whoever can live will choose to die? Gu Mingyue is not willing! She is a darling of heaven and has a peerless look. God was born to want her to be extraordinary. She wants to live. She wants to live well. Is this wrong?

        When Emperor Zhengqing brought people back from the outskirts of hunting, Luo Xinyan hurriedly found Yan Jin, whispered something in her ear, and gradually, Yan Jin's face was surprised.

        At this moment, the Emperor Zhengqing was there. He looked at the interaction between the Yan and Jin couples and couldn't help but laugh, "What are you two doing? What interesting things do I say to me."

        Yan Jin swept around the people who were waiting around, and his face was embarrassed.

        Seeing this, Yan Li smirked, "2-Didi, can't you have anything to say to the father emperor in private? I can't hear it?"

        Yan Jindao, "Brother Huang can naturally hear it, but the rest of the hall should still be passed on."

        Emperor Zhengqing raised his eyebrows and waved his right hand, causing all the servants in the house to recede. Yan Jin then said things with a sullen expression.

        Yan Li hadn't taken it seriously, only when Yan Jin was going to say something trivial, but when he listened to it, his face gradually became wrong. This is to say that he is so sweet!

        No, how does Yan Jin know the identity of Xing-an?

        Yan Li only felt that her mind was chaotic for a while, and she didn't know what to do.

        Zheng Qing Emperor's face was getting more and more ugly, and finally his face was completely black. A pair of eyes stared at Yan Li somberly, but he wished to poke two holes in Yan Li body!

        Yan Li Called, "Father Emperor, 2-Didi is jealous of his son and has won the Crown Prince, and he is only a part of Qinwang, so he is jealous of his son, he deliberately slandered his son!"

        Luo Xinyan said, "Father, Erxi has seen the Noble-Consort of Yan Yanxing before. The Crown Prince’s ChongQie is indeed the Noble-Consort of Yan Renxing-Gu Mingyue, absolutely not There is something wrong. "

        Yan Li did not admit it after he was bitten to death, "You nonsense! Obviously you slandered me! What evidence do you have!"

        Emperor Zhengqing frowned, seeing that both sides were still noisy, and he was a little impatient, "Yes, shut up to me! I don’t want to hear you quarreling here. Come on, bring Crown Princess and Shiqie. , I want to see who she is! "

        The words of Emperor Zhengqing fell, and soon someone asked Crown Princess and Gu Mingyue.

        At this time, Crown Princess had returned to normal, and his expression was cold. When he came in, he didn't even look at Crown Prince. He just saluted the Emperor Zhengqing respectfully.

        Gu Mingyue is just the opposite of Crown Princess. After she came in, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Yan Li, hoping that Yan Li would be able to solve everything in front of her.

        Yan Li was in a state of confusion, but after touching Gu Mingyue's eyes for help, his heart suddenly turned into a pool of spring water, which made him feel bad.

        The Emperor Zhengqing looked at Gu Mingyue, well-he did not deny that this woman was indeed the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, no wonder his Eldest-son would like it so much. But is this woman Gu Mingyue?

        Emperor Zhengqing asked both Crown Princess and Gu Mingyue to get up.

        The Emperor Zhengqing asked Crown Princess, "Crown Princess, speaking, you are related to Gu Mingyue, you are cousins."

        Crown Princess reverently replied, "Noble-Consort of Erxi and Yan Yanxing, Gu Mingyue is indeed a bloody cousin, but Zongyong Marchioness died in Big-Big-Uncle not long after that, and brought Gu Mingyue After leaving the palace, Erxi has nothing to do with Gu Mingyue.

        Erxi and Gu Mingyue met a few times, still with 2-Di-Sao. To be familiar, Erxi is the same as 2-Di-Sao. "

        Emperor Zhengqing looked at Luo Xinyan again, and the latter said immediately, "Qi Yunfu, this person is indeed a Noble-Consort of the people Yanxing Gu Mingyue, Erxi dare to say that he will not admit his mistakes. Such a beauty, even if Erxi is a woman, I can’t easily forget it. ”

        Yan Li smirked, "Huh! 2-Di-Sao, then you are slandering Ben Crown Prince with your teeth? You said yes, Ben Crown Prince said no!"

        "Crown Princess, what did you say? Did you say that this man was Gu Mingyue?" Zheng Qing asked.

        Crown Princess stared faintly at Gu Mingyue, who was trembling with fright under her eyes.

        Yan Li even stared at Crown Princess, fearing to say nothing from Crown Princess's mouth.

        Crown Princess felt Yan Li gaze and ridiculed her heart. Does this man know to be afraid now? Ah

        It took a long time for Crown Princess to slowly take her gaze back and said lightly, "Erxi looked really like this person, but after looking closely, it didn't seem like it. Erxi also said badly."

        Yan Li breathed a sigh of relief, but was still very dissatisfied with Crown Princess's remarks. What seemed to be, she should definitely say no.

        Luo Xinyan suddenly said, "Qi Yun's father, Erxi thinks one thing is very strange. Why did Big-Brother call Zongyong Marchioness to the East Palace for no reason at all? It seems that Zongyong Marchioness has nothing to do with the East Palace.

        You know that Zongyong Marchioness was only recently deprived of his death by the order of the father emperor and slapped. "

        Yan Ideal didn't want to say, "What's the matter. Zongyong Marchioness, after all, was once Dabomu of Crown Princess, Crown Princess wanted to see her, and Crown Prince sent someone to announce her. Isn't that what it should be?"

        Crown Princess began to dismantle the stage, "Crown Prince may be mistaken. Zongyong Marchioness is coming to the East Palace, but Chenqie has never seen Zongyong Marchioness. Chenqie remembers it clearly and clearly. Chenqie never said that she wanted Zongyong Marchioness."

        If it were not in the face of Zheng Qing Emperor, Yan Li would have eaten Crown Princess raw!

        Rao is so, Yan Li also stares at Crown Princess with murderous eyes, the latter is unmoved, let Yan Li look at it, whatever Yan Li thinks.

        Crown Princess also added a sentence, "Chenqie actually heard that Zongyong Marchioness came to the East Palace, and was taken by Crown Prince's people to meet Wang Shiqie. I heard that the two of them were still having a good time, like mother and daughter. What. "

        Yan Li can't wait to sew Crown Princess's mouth! This bastard! This slut just didn't tell the truth, Wang Shiqie is Gu Mingyue!

        The things that Yanli could understand, the emperor Zhengqing could understand more, and the emperor Zhengqing's face became more and more unsightly.

        Yan Li is anxious, "If the father emperor has doubts, Zongyong Marchioness and his sister can verify Wang Shiqie. Isn't Gu Mingyue better? No one can recognize Gu Mingyue better than his relatives."

        Yan Jin said lightly, "Big-Brother's words are very interesting. Then Zongyong Marchioness and his sister are crazy, and they will not admit that Wang Shiqie is Gu Mingyue. But "

        The Emperor Zhengqing asked, "Jin'er, but what? If you have anything, just say, I hate you the most."

        Yan Jin replied, "But if someone comes to recognize someone, that's absolutely no problem."

        Emperor Zhengqing curiously said, "Who?"

        Yan Jindao, "Fu-ren of Hushu Shangshu. Tang Fu-ren is also the daughter of Zongyong Hou, and grew up together with Gu Mingyue. The two of them are very familiar. Believe Tang Fu-ren must recognize Gu Mingyue. "

        Yan did not want to refuse, "No!"

        Emperor Zhengqing said, "What's wrong? I think this idea is quite good."

        Yan Li racked her brains to think about the answer, and finally came to think of one, "Father Emperor, that Tang Fu-ren has hatred against children, she will deliberately publish private hatred, she "

        "What kind of hatred does Tang Fu-ren have against you?"

        Yan Li opened his mouth, yes, what kind of hatred does Gu Mingqing have with him? It is impossible to tell Emperor Zheng Qing that Gu Mingqing's abominable woman would not allow him to run away when Da Liang Ren called. Even threatened him with a dagger to go to the watchtower to boost morale.

        In this way, Yan Li can't say if he is dead.

        Of course, Yan Li didn't know it yet. In fact, Emperor Zhengqing knew it already.

        Yan Li can't say that Tang Jinrui is Yan Jin's person. After all, Tang Jinrui intersection with Yan Jin in the past few years is really not much. In the heart of Zheng Qing Emperor, Tang Jinrui was a pure minister.

        Yan ideally wanted to go and found sadly that he could not say anything! ?

        For a time, Yan Li only felt very sad.

        "Nothing to say, right. Come on, come and invite Tang Fu-ren into the palace."

        After receiving the summons from the palace, Gu Mingqing was not surprised at all, because he already knew what he was doing, but he told the eunuch who had passed on and told her to put on a dress of death.

        The eunuch who came to spread the word refused to let Gu Mingqing go like this. The time was tight and there was no need to change clothes.

        Gu Mingqing asked what was going on in the palace and sent someone to call her so anxiously.

        The eunuch stopped talking at this time, only to say that Gu Mingqing will go when the time comes.

        Gu Mingqing then stopped asking, and followed the eunuch into the palace.

        If it were not under the eyes of Zheng Qing, 80% of Yan Li would send someone to contact Gu Mingqing, more precisely to threaten.

        But now I can't do anything, Yan Li is really anxious! I can only ask the gods and God Motheres from all walks of life and bless Gu Mingqing to say nothing that should not be said.

        Soon, Gu Mingqing arrived.

        After Gu Mingqing entered the hall, Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes seemed to inadvertently see Gu Mingyue standing next to Yan Li. He was shocked and showed an incredible expression on his face. If it was not in the face of Zheng Qing Emperor, she was afraid It is very likely to go to Gu Mingyue.

        The Emperor Zheng Qing saw Gu Mingqing's reaction in his eyes and thought about it.

        Gu Mingqing concentrated his emotions and saluted the Emperor Zhengqing.

        Emperor Zhengqing waved his hand, "Get up."

        "Emperor Xi." Gu Mingqing quickly got up.

        Emperor Zhengqing pointed at Gu Mingyue, "Tang Fu-ren, you can recognize this person."

        Gu Mingqing followed the hand of Zheng Qing Emperor and stared closely at Gu Mingyue.

        Yan Li couldn't care about what the Qing emperor would do, and said to Gu Mingqing first, "Tang Fu-ren, you have to open your eyes and see clearly! Don't read it wrong!"

        Luo Xinyan said, "What does Crown Prince mean? Tang Fu-ren is just a weak girl, but you can't stand Crown Prince. You are scared."

        Yan Li almost didn't spit out an old blood, so what kind of weak girl is Gu Mingqing? What a joke! The weak women in the world are similar to Gu Mingqing, and the men underneath that day are probably not alive.

        Gu Mingqing stared closely at Gu Mingyue, very suspiciously, "Emperor Qi Yun, this-not the big-sister of the court lady, or the Noble-Consort of the Yan Yanxing-is Gu Mingyue? Just how could she be What about here? "

        Yan Li said angrily, "Tang Fu-ren, what nonsense you are! She is a lone Shiqie, but not what Gu Mingyue does not care about Mingyue in your mouth!"

        Gu Mingqing walked a few steps forward, staring more closely at Gu Mingyue in front of him.

        Gu Mingyue also whispered, "Tang Fu-ren mistakenly confessed that Qie is surnamed Wang, not Gu. Qie is just an ordinary court lady, crowned by Crown Prince, who became the East Palace Shiqie."

        Gu Mingqing listened to Gu Mingyue's voice and nodded harder, "This voice is exactly the same as Big-sister's. It looks like the same voice."

        Gu Mingyue almost wanted to grab Gu Mingqing's shoulder and shake it, and asked Gu Mingqing where she had the same voice as before! But she lowered her voice and couldn't hear the same as before! Gu Mingqing is clearly intentional!

        Gu Mingyue clenched his teeth in anger.

        "Emperor, the courtier thinks that the person in front of him is the courtier's Big-sister. But for He Crown Prince and her to deny it? The courtier has a solution, the courtier remembers that there are two on the right waist of Big-sister Little Red Mole, go up and down. "

        As a person who grew up with Gu Mingyue, can Gu Mingqing not know Gu Mingyue? Gu Mingyue can tell how many moles there are on Gu Mingyue.

        Gu Mingyue's face was white, and Yan Li face also turned white.

        Yan Li already had a skin relationship with Gu Mingyue, could he not know what are the characteristics of Gu Mingyue?

        The appearance is the same, the voice is the same, even the characteristics of the body are the same. This is not to say Gu Mingyue himself, and Zheng Qing emperor did not believe it.

        Gu Mingqing didn’t seem to know what was happening. He only pointed to the Emperor Zhengqing. “Before my mother came to the door for help, I hope I can tell my husband to come to the emperor and release the Big-sister from the cold palace. Actually released Big-sister from the cold palace, and the courtiers thanked the emperor again. "

        The emperor Zhengqing was really bitter in his heart. Who left Gu Mingyue? Then "Gu Mingyue" is still in the cold palace!

        It's just that this is also a court scandal. Emperor Zhengqing naturally didn't want others to know.

        The Emperor Zheng Qing could not tell Gu Mingqing Ming, but could only say, "Tang Fu-ren, your Big-sister matter, you don't have to say much after going out, I have my own plan."

        Gu Mingqing immediately said, "The emperor is assured that when the wives go out, they will never say a word. It's just "

        "Just what?"

        Gu Mingqing said, "It's just that my mother has been worried about Big-sister, so the servants wanted to tell the mother that the emperor had released Big-sister from the cold palace. I don't know if this is possible."

        Emperor Zhengqing couldn't help but look at Gu Mingqing a bit, to see how Gu Qin treated Gu Mingqing, and then to see how Gu Mingqing treated Gu Qin. This is the gap!

        Emperor Zhengqing said, "After leaving the palace, you don't have to talk to anyone."

        Gu Mingqing's face faintly disappointed.

        Seeing the emperor Zheng Qing, he shook his head, but he said in his heart, and really, Tang Aiqing's wife is like him, and he is the heart of the naked child!

        Not long after Gu Mingqing left, Emperor Zhengqing asked Yan Jin and Luo Xinyan to leave.

        Emperor Zhengqing was too lazy to look at Mingyue and asked someone to take her down. Crown Princess also went with him.

        When Gu Mingyue was taken down, Mei Mei stared at Yan Li for help, but unfortunately Yan Li had no time to take care of Gu Mingyue at this time, he was unable to protect himself!

        For a time, only the Emperor Zhengqing, Yanli and Hongsong were left in the empty hall.

        Yan Li was terrified by the empathy of Zheng Qing Emperor's eyes, and finally shook his legs, and finally knelt down, unable to bear.

        "Who is your Shiqie? Say!"

        The last word, as if carrying Thunder and Thousands of Thousands of Arms, is imposing and presses Yan Li’s back on her face. “She—She—She—” Yan Li wanted to deny it for a while, but Zheng Qing’s voice was again Li said above his head, "If you think about it clearly, if you cheat me again, you will be cheating!"

        Yan Li heart was so chaotic that he couldn't make up his mind.

        "Can't hear what I asked you! Do I have to check it and throw all the evidence on your face before you dare to admit it!"

        "Father and Emperor forgive sins, the son does not even want, son-in "

        Emperor Zhengqing got up, lifted his feet, and kicked Yan Li hard. Yan Li wailed suddenly.

        Emperor Zhengqing scolded Yan Li nose and said, "No, don't you? Tell me, you don't want anything !? You still have a face to say don't want? Who forced you to accept Gu Mingyue? You said! Yours! Yanli ah Yanli, I always knew you were something that didn’t grow and didn’t make a difference. It’s just that I didn’t expect you to be able to get this way!

        You talk about yourself, can't the women under the world die? Do you have to stare at a Gu Mingyue? Who is Gu Mingyue? She is a woman of Yanxing. She gave birth to a child and a daughter to Yanxing. Calculated by blood, she is your little Sao! I haven't found any words to talk about you in this animal thing you did!

        Why did I have such a son! Why are you so disappointed? If-"Jiangshan She Ji of Dajin really fell on you, can you afford it !?

        Chapter 504 | Two more

        As long as Emperor Zhengqing thought of it, after his death, Yan Li, as Crown Prince, was the next emperor with a righteous name, and he felt heart-stuck.

        At the beginning, Yanxing broke into a big disaster at the border, and people with clear eyes can see that Yanxing is not worthy of being a king. Emperor Xiaokang ignored it completely.

        At that time Yan Xing also said that Emperor Xiaokang did not act decisively, unlike a monarch. If it were him, what would he do.

        It's just that he's really changed to him now, and the Emperor Zhengqing can't make a decisive decision!

        Zheng Qing Emperor stared at Yan Li kneeling on the ground. He felt so many times in his heart that this son's ability was not even as good as Yan's. If the mountains and rivers of Dajin really fell into his hands, even if it was true, it would be completely over.

        Was he going to be this ancient sinner, even after his death, he wouldn’t have seen his ancestors?

        Emperor Zhengqing stared at Yan Li unpredictable eyes, sometimes regretting, sometimes sad, and sometimes hesitant.

        Yan Li had never seen such a Zheng Qing Emperor. He just felt very flustered and stretched out his hand trying to catch anything, but he couldn't catch anything.

        The panicked Yan Li rushed over and hugged the thighs of Emperor Zhengqing, "Father Emperor, son knows wrong! Father knows wrong! Father emperor, son is your son, you can't just give up like this Son! Father Emperor! "

        After all, it is his son who has been in pain for so many years. Zheng Qing Emperor has the most hard work on Yan Li. To say that Zheng Qing Emperor can give up Yan Li all at once. He didn't believe it.

        "Gu Mingyue? How are you going to treat her?"

        Yan Li forgot to cry and subconsciously said, "Children really like her."

        Yan Li felt that he was telling the truth. He missed Gu Mingyue for so many years, did he really like her? Even now with Gu Mingyue, he hasn't been tired of it!

        Emperor Zhengqing's heart sank completely. Up to now, this son still wanted Gu Mingyue. Should he lament that he has a loving son?

        Yan Limin acutely discovered that Emperor Zhengqing seemed angry, he realized what he said, and moved his mouth, as if he wanted to make up for it.

        It's just that Yan Li really doesn't want Gu Mingyue! The thought of losing Gu Mingyue hurt his heart.

        But when choosing between Crown Prince and Gu Mingyue, Yan Li believes that he must have chosen Crown Prince.

        Because there is only one Crown Prince, although there is only one Gu Mingyue, but a beautiful woman is not only her. But it was still heartache to abandon Gu Mingyue! Yan Li face was full of tangle.

        After a lot of struggle, Yan Li thought, if Gu Mingyue knew the plight he was facing, he would certainly understand that he chose to give up her.

        When Yan Li was about to speak, the voice of Emperor Zheng Qing rang coldly, "Well, since you like Gu Mingyue, keep her."

        Yan Li couldn’t believe what he had heard in his ears, and looked up at Zheng Qing Emperor in disbelief. For a while, he was unsure whether he said it was true or false.

        Yan Li swallowed and asked, "Father and Emperor, do you really mean it or not?"

        Emperor Zhengqing suddenly lost his thoughts of scolding Yanli and waved his hand, "Go on."

        Yan Li opened his mouth, and wanted to ask, but the Emperor Zhengqing frowned, "Go on! Is it that you want me to beat you up before you plan to leave?"

        Yan Li climbed up immediately, saluted the Emperor Zhengqing, "Children retired."

        Looking at Yan Li back, Zheng Qing Emperor's eyes were full of disappointment.

        At night, Gu Mingqing talked about what was happening in the palace, and the matter was small, and all told Tang Jinrui.

        "But the emperor did not dispose of Crown Prince." The incident happened at noon, and it is all night, but there has been no news of Zheng Qing emperor punishing Crown Prince.

        Gu Mingqing raised his eyebrows, “Isn’t this good? If the emperor really had Crown Prince, I really think it’s not a big deal. Sometimes, when the anger comes out on the spot, it’s nothing. But if there’s no penalty, it’s either If you are not angry, you are either extremely angry or disappointed, and you are not in a mood to punish. Xianggong, what kind of situation do you say the emperor? "

        Tang Jinrui eyes gradually filled with joy, "Nature is the second kind." How could Zheng Qing Emperor not be angry with Yan Li actions.

        "I was a little surprised. I didn't expect the emperor to allow Gu Mingyue to stay with Crown Prince. I don't know if this is what Crown Prince asked for. If Crown Prince asked for it, then Crown Prince's affection for Gu Mingyue is really out of the question. I expected. "Yan Li can be described as only loving the beauty and not the rivers and mountains. It is rare!

        "Gu Mingyue stays with Crown Prince. In fact, this is fine. Gu Mingyue's presence will constantly remind the Crown Prince what Prince Prince does, and will only make the Emperor more disappointed with Crown Prince."

        Gu Mingqing suddenly said, "Xiang Gong, when do you say that the emperor will abandon Crown Prince?"

        Tang Jinrui stunned, and finally shook his head, "It must not have happened recently. Crown Prince didn't stand up very long. If it was rashly deposed, the court would have a great disturbance. Not to mention that the emperor's mountains were beaten down, and there were many problems. "

        The implication is that the Zheng Qing Emperor is also seeking stability in the North Hann government, and he will never do anything to make the court turbulent. This is also the reason why Emperor Zhengqing did not withstand the pressure before and sealed Yan Li as Crown Prince.

        Gu Mingqing's eyes were faint and he couldn't help saying, "Crown Prince is really a blessing." People are stupid and have no skill, but they will reincarnate and catch up with the good times.

        It's just that Gu Mingqing is really curious about how long Yan Li so-called good luck will last. She will wait and see.

        Yan Li, known by Gu Mingqing as good luck, doesn't think so at all.

        Emperor Zhengqing was angered by Yan Li for a while, and finally he was a little bit discouraged, but he couldn't bear this tone in his heart, so he ran to Empress and scolded Empress.

        Empress really didn't know what Yan Li did. When he was scolded by Zheng Qing, the whole person was a bit bad. Later, from the mouth of Emperor Zhengqing, she learned what Yan Li had done. Her first reaction was not to believe, "Impossible! The Emperor Hugh is going to injustice! How can Li Er—"

        "Bah!" Emperor Zhengqing was also mad, and he began to swear!

        Emperor Zhengqing remembered that this was a royal scandal anyway, so he quarreled with Empress and sent all the people in the palace waiting.

        "How is it possible? You look at your good son! No, Jin'er is also yours. But Jin'er was not raised by you. Look at how good Jin'er is! Look at your good son! You're not If you are angry, you will not be reconciled! "

        Empress was totally blind at this moment, and there was a paste in his head. He even forgot to rebut the Zheng Qing emperor.

        Emperor Zhengqing looked at Empress dumbfounded, and was not in the mood to continue arguing with Empress. He flicked his sleeves and walked away with anger.

        As soon as Emperor Zhengqing left here, Empress sent people to Xuan Yanli without saying anything, and after thinking about it, he added Crown Princess.

        Empress's first sentence when he saw Yan Li was to ask, is Gu Mingyue's thing true?

        Yan ideally knew it anyway, he didn't admit it and it was useless, so he broke the jar and recognized it.

        Empress suddenly felt dizzy, and his body was trembling with anger, "You are crazy! All the women in the world are dead! Why do you have to look at Gu Mingyue! Do you know how angry your father is this time? You quickly dealt with Gu Mingyue, and then admit your mistake with your father emperor, and your father emperor will forgive you. "

        Yan Li frowned, "Father and Emperor have agreed to me to keep people."

        After hearing Yan Li words, Empress wished to faint directly!

        "You stupid worm! Your father emperor is so angry that he will say this! How can you take it seriously! Do you still want your Crown Prince, you "

        Yan Li didn't have a good air, "Father and Emperor will not abandon me because of a woman! Plus, no matter whether I will dispose of people, things have already happened. It would be better to keep people."

        Now the existence of Gu Mingyue will not affect Yan Li status. Of course, Yan Li chose to keep Gu Mingyue. To know that Gu Mingyue is Yan Li favorite woman, he is not willing to!

        Yanli saw that Empress had to speak up and take the first step. "My mother, I had concealed the matter strictly, and no one knew it. But this 2-Di-Sao came to the East Palace, and it’s not the slut It’s hard to meet people. If this slut is in trouble, there will be things like today! "

        Yan Li stared at Crown Princess bitterly, his eyes full of fierce light.

        As soon as Yanli said, all the new hatred and old hatred came up, "You are a slut, you have the courage! You deliberately demolished my platform in front of the father and emperor, and you want to expose me? Who is with your courage? What do you want to do? You look at you, there is something like Crown Princess, you don’t deserve it! "

        Crown Princess grinned, "I'm a bastard? At least I'll never end up with a daughter and a husband. I never abandon my own children and ignore them."

        Crown Princess is talking about Gu Mingyue. Gu Mingyue followed Yanxing first, followed by Yanli, and ignored the pair of children she gave to Yanxingsheng. With Gu Mingyue in front, Crown Princess is not a bastard.

        Yan Li was even more angry, "Shut up! How can you be so lonely! You "

        "Shut up!" Empress saw Yan Li and Crown Princess actually quarreled in front of her, frowning.

        Yan Li said unpleasantly, "You mother heard this bastard! She didn't even care about her son!"

        To Yanjin's surprise, Empress didn't give him the lead, glared at Yanli, and then said to Crown Princess, "Crown Princess, this palace knows that Crown Prince is doing something unreasonable, it hurts your face. But you don’t forget, you and Crown Prince are husband and wife, you can get both glory and loss. As a Crown Princess, there are some things you can do, some things you can’t do. You are a smart person, you should understand The words of the palace. "

        Crown Princess was expressionless, but she smirked in her heart.

        This will always be the case, the wronged person is him! But Empress will only make up with the mud, make her bear it! To do everything for her baby son, how bad she really is! What kind of Crown Princess is she!

        Seeing Crown Princess didn't respond, Empress was a little unhappy.

        "The mother, the most weird thing about this thing is the 2-Didi couple, and this bastard, this bastard is the idiot being used! Also—"

        Crown Princess interrupted Crown Prince's words with cold voice, "I don't think I was exploited. On the contrary, I am very grateful to the 2-Didi couple. It's 2-Didi they keep me from being a fool, a fool! In the drum! "

        "you "

        Empress watched them quarrel again, and his temple jumped "out of a sudden-", "Enough! Shut up for this palace! This palace is not dead yet, it's your turn to quarrel in front of this palace! Lier, Crown Princess is Your wife, who is a bastard, who is scolding you? This is what you did not do! If you dare to treat Crown Princess so slowly in the future, this palace will not spare you. "

        Yan Li felt wronged.

        Crown Princess smirked, Empress would say nothing but her mouth.

        "As for you 2-Didi them-your father and emperor originally treated you 2-Didi because of the partiality of this palace and dissatisfied with this palace. If this time, this palace will call your 2-Didi couple into the palace again to reprimand Your father and emperor are afraid of— ”Empress said, and the look on his face was even more ugly.“ If you are fighting, there will be these things! You—just forget, you are old, and the palace can’t control you. Gu Mingyue, whatever you want. "

        Yan Li was happy, as long as Emperor Zhengqing and Empress did not speak, what else did he care about.

        "But you have remembered for this palace that Gu Mingyue is dead, and now you are only Wang Shiqie! Such a shameless woman who does not obey the woman's path can only be a Shiqie forever!" Empress was also very disgusted with Gu Mingyue, It should be said that no woman can be seen as a slut like Gu Mingyue who is not obedient to women.

        Yan Li moved his mouth and wanted to say a few good things for Gu Mingyue, but thought that Gu Mingyue's identity was now exposed. It's good to keep Gu Mingyue staying with him. Don't think about anything else. It's useless to think about it.

        So Yan Li stopped talking.

        As soon as he left the Empress palace, Yan Li began to treat Crown Princess again. The eyes are not the eyes, the nose is not the nose, "You are waiting! Now someone is supporting you, wait until " Yan Li wanted to say that when he became emperor, he must Crown Princess looks good!

        But this can't be said, Yan Li couldn't help it.

        Crown Princess stared intently at Yan Li’s leaving, she was so sad to be a Crown Princess.

        Crown Princess looked up at the sky. Tomorrow the sun is good tomorrow, and the body is warm, but she can't feel a trace of warmth in her body, and she can only feel the bitter coldness. It seems that there is no trace of retreat in front of her. , No hope.

        Yanli went back to the East Palace and went to comfort Gu Mingyue.

        To say that Gu Mingyue is really frightened now, she has always been afraid that she will suddenly have a decree to kill her. Most likely, she did not even have a decree. She directly brought a glass of poisonous wine, a white damask, or a dagger, Let her kill herself.

        Gu Mingyue's beautiful eyes are full of panic, she doesn't want to die! She doesn't want to die! She really doesn't want to die!

        Gu Mingyue wondered if she had a ray of life. Seeing that she could become a man again, and let everyone crawl under her feet, how could she die like this?

        So when Yan Li came in, he saw Gu Mingyue hiding in the corner of the bed with a frightened look on his face.

        Yan Li was so distressed when she saw that, "Heartie, what are you hiding from? You can rest assured that loneliness won't let anyone move you. Rest assured that you will stay with the lonely in the future and hurt you alone.

        Gu Mingyue's heart that had been hanging was finally let go. Of course, she could understand Yan Li meaning. Her life could be saved. That's fine.

        Gu Mingyue knew that the only thing she could rely on was the man in front of her, so she hurriedly packed up her emotions, her eyes showed love and gratitude, "His Royal Highness, Qie knows that you are omnipotent, as long as you are there, Qie Nothing will happen. "

        Upon hearing this, Yan Li went to bed and put Gu Mingyue in his arms. "Don't be afraid, you won't let anyone hurt you."

        Gu Mingyue snuggled softly in Yan Li arms and whispered, "Your Highness."

        "Spirit, you can rest assured that a lone heart is all on you. You should know only beauty, after all, your identity has been exposed."

        Gu Mingyue had a meal in her heart, and she could guess what Yan Ideal said.

        Sure enough, the words behind Yan Li made Gu Mingyue have a kind of dust settled.

        "Beauty, grievances have been wronged in the past few years. You have been a Shiqie. But you can rest assured that beauty, when you become an emperor, you must be a Noble-Consort! If you have a son before or after the ascension, Son, you can be Empress without being alone! Anyway, Crown Princess can’t lay eggs, so she has only given birth to a daughter for many years. "Yan Li’s dislike of Crown Princess is like a turbulent check. Absolutely.


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