Houmen Dinu 175

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        China snarled his neck and hissed. "The words of the National Teacher are exaggerating! If the words of the National Teacher go out, I am afraid that the warriors in Daliang will decline before the war, and what battle will they fight at that time!"
        The teacher said indifferently, "There are only Our-3 people here, and the only people who hear my words are the Marshal and General China. If it spreads out, it would be one of you."
        "Oh!" Chi Na took a fierce sip towards the ground, staring fiercely like the wolf's eyes staring at the master, "What does the master mean? I'm Chi is a military man, I don't understand the crooks of your literati It's crooked, not to mention your literati, and I can't wait to make a round of nines and eighteen turns! But I am disdainful to be a villain who talks about right and wrong! Masters can't!
        Tiemu stopped China and gave him a wink, signaled him to be quiet, Chi Na reluctantly stood behind Tiemu body without a look, but still stared at the Master with those eyes.
        Tiemu Shen said, "What is the Master trying to say, saying so much? I don’t just want to show how powerful Chu Yingnan is. It's settled. "
        "If Chu Yingnan is here, there will be no difference between this time and the past, it must have been lost."
        When Chi heard the words of the Master, he couldn't help but scold him. "According to the meaning of the Master, don't fight this battle! Let's take people directly to the great cold, anyway, we all lose!"
        The national division smiled slightly, "General Chi Na was too anxious, and the words of the national division were not finished. With Chu Yingnan, 80% of this battle will be lost, but if Chu Yingnan is not there. Without Chu Yingnan There is nothing terrible about the Da Jin army, let alone my Da Liang warrior's opponent. "
        China didn't have a good air, "Chu Yingnan is gone, he is still alive!"
        There was a chill in the eyes of the Chinese teacher, such as the eyes of a triangle cobra, which made people shudder. "Then we need to do more to make Chu Yingnan away."
        Tiemu eyes flickered, and Shen said, "What does this mean, Master? What should we do more to make Chu Yingnan away?"
        The national division replied faintly, "It literally means. The commander knew why the emperor had to send troops from various places to attack the Da Jin?"
        Chi Na answered without thinking, "This is naturally to win the battle!"
        The Chinese teacher secretly cursed in his heart, "idiot"
        Tiemu is not as simple as Chi, he thinks more than China. In fact, he was somewhat skeptical at first. It has been several decades since Chu Yingnan guarded the border, and Daliang has never once entered the palace on a large scale. Every time he was led away by Chu Yingnan. Therefore, most of the years in Daliang, a small team of soldiers and horses ransacked around the border and then ran, and there were really few such large-scale troop deployments. The most recent one was twenty years ago.
        At that time, Daliang had the intention to break into Dajin. Unfortunately, Chu Yingnan was there. At that time, the people under Chu Yingnan were almost dead. However, he also took a thousand people to the city, After a month, he finally waited for reinforcements. Under the command of Chu Yingnan, he drove the Daliang people out of Dajin again.
        That battle was the battle for Chu Yingnan's fame, which established Chu Yingnan's status as a great warrior god. Tiemu also participated in that station. He hated Chu Yingnan, but couldn't help but admire him. Chu Yingnan is really amazing. As a soldier, Tiemu cannot help admiring Chu Yingnan.
        If Chu Yingnan is not a Dajin, but a Daliang, how good it is. Tiemu had this idea more than once. Unfortunately, this can only be thought of after all, it is impossible to happen.
        These thoughts only flashed in Tiemu mind, and soon he returned to God, without revealing anything, "Chi said something is right, Our are all martial arts, do not understand the literati crooked set Twisted, Our couldn't even guess what the Master thought in your heart, so I asked the Master to speak up. "
        The teacher ‘called at the corner of his mouth, ignoring the ironic irony, and said faintly, "In fact, this time I persuaded the emperor to attack Dajin."
        Tiemu Xinxin said that the state teacher was most favored by the emperor, and this statement was true.
        "Only one word of the state teacher had Chu Yingnan in it. Our battle would certainly lose our battle. Why did the state teacher persuade the emperor to attack the Jin Dynasty?"
        The guru Shilu laughed at it with a smile, "It seems that the memory of the marshal is not very good. I just said that Chu Yingnan should be away. As long as Chu Yingnan is gone, Jin Jin lost their army soul at once. It was sure that the generals were disheartened, like a piece of sand. At that time, the Dajin army was very vulnerable in front of Our Daliang Iron Rider. When it broke into Dajin, it was just around the corner. "
        "But Chu Yingnan is still here!" Chi Na could not help muttering.
        The teacher said coldly, "Let him die! Let Chu Yingnan die!"
        Tiemu Shen said, "In these years, Our didn't think of Chu Yingnan's death, assassination and poisoning. These Our people have sent people to do it. But Chu Yingnan's life is very hard, and his martial arts is also very high. And the Emperor Jin Dynasty trusted him so much that he gave Chu Yingnan a rare treasure to avoid poison. "This is why Chu Yingnan has never succeeded in poisoning him.
        Tiemu is still very happy, Chu Yingnan is still alive. Tiemu wants to defeat Chu Yingnan upright on the battlefield, but he doesn't want to use these means of inferiority! Tiemu can be called a real soldier.
        The teacher suddenly lowered his voice, containing the ridicule, "If assassination and poisoning do not work, we must use useful means."
        Tiemu jumped in his heart, "What is the useful method in the mouth of the National Teacher?"
        "Killing with a knife."
        Both Tiemu and China have read Bingshu, and they know what "killing with a knife" means in the mouth of the state division.
        "I'm ‘mute. I really don't understand the words of the Master. Please tell me what the Master has to say. Kill someone with a knife. Whose knife?"
        The teacher smirked with a smile, and that smile was even more elegant. At this time, he seemed to be standing on a towering mountain, and he pointed at the mountains and rivers. "The commander knows that this time the Emperor Jin sent Huang-Tai-sun Come to the border gate? "
        Why did Tiemu unknown teacher talk about this, but nodded his head, "Naturally know. What's this?"
        "The commander knows why Huang-Tai-sun came to his heart?"
        Tiemu frowned, his face faintly impatient, "The coach is not Huang-Tai-sun of Dajin, how can I know, wait-"
        Tiemu suddenly looked at the master, and his voice was a little shocked. "The master repeatedly mentioned Dajin Huang-Tai-sun again and again. Is this Dajin Huang-Tai-sun coming to the border? Thank you for your contribution. "
        Talking to smart people is much more comfortable than talking to stupid people. The teacher was defamatory in his heart, thinking, and glanced at China. This stupid man apparently hasn't responded yet.
        "Yes, my native teacher took a lot of effort to get Huang-Tai-sun to come to the border, but Daliang's hidden lines in the Dajin Palace almost moved, and he bought a lot of them in Huang-Tai The person talking in front of sun blows in Huang-Tai-sun's ear.
        What wind is blowing, those people keep talking in the ears of Huang-Tai-sun, if Huang-Tai-sun goes to Bianguan and set up military skills, his position of Huang-Tai-sun It will become more secure, and will surely be more holy. "
        "More than that."
        The teacher smiled slightly, looking at Tiemu with a hint of appreciation, "The handsome is really smart. Yeah, since so much effort has been abolished, how can I only say so little things. I also told those people to Huang-Tai-sun said Chu Yingnan in his ear.
        What about Chu Yingnan? He is the soul of the Da Jin army. His status in the Da Jin army is unparalleled, not even the Da Jin emperor. "
        Tiemu fist clenched tightly two points, how to use poisonous means! Where can he see the viciousness of this trick!
        Tiemu took a deep breath, suppressing the stormy waves in his heart, and his voice was a little heavier. "Dajin Huang-Tai-sun is just suspecting Chu Yingnan, and it will not help the battle. Although the Jin Emperor is old, , But it is said that he is in good health, and he can live for a long time. Even if Chu Yingnan is suspected by the Dajin Huang-Tai-sun, it will have to wait until Huang-Tai-sun ascends to the throne. "
        The national division murmured in a pleasant surprise, even a contented tone, "It is logical. But the situation has changed now. Dajin Huang-Tai-sun is now in the Dajin Army Camp! Dajin Emperor Huang-Tai-sun, who really loved him, even gave him a sword of honor. Such Huang-Tai-sun is very important. "
        "Even if Dajin Huang-Tai-sun was jealous of Chu Yingnan, but now I'm under great pressure, Dajin Huang-Tai-sun as long as my brain has not been kicked by the donkey, I don't believe he dares What to do to Chu Yingnan. "
        The national division smiled, and did not answer Tiemu question directly. "After confirming that Huang-Tai-sun came to the border, the emperor dispatched troops from various places in Daliang, determined to fight a big battle. Do you know why this is? The reason is very simple, because there is Huang-Tai-sun in Dajin. Whether the emperor or me, I believe that the role of Dajin Huang-Tai-sun Much bigger than Our thought. "
        Chi Na could hear the fog in the clouds and couldn't understand it, but gradually, he seemed to hear something, wouldn't it be what he thought? China swallowed nervously.
        "The coach always felt that Dajin Huang-Tai-sun would not be stupid enough to dig a grave on his own. Before he could win my Daliang, he would do something to Chu Yingnan, which is impossible."
        "Have you heard a strategy?"
        Tiemu was upset in his heart. Hearing the voice of the teacher, he couldn't help feeling more and more upset. "What the teacher wants to say is straight!"
        Tiemu opened his eyes violently. The teacher said this before answering him. He repeatedly emphasized that Huang-Tai-sun would not be stupid enough to fight Chu Yingnan before winning. , But if Huang-Tai-sun hits the counter, then—
        "In the details of the Da Jin Army, it was reported that every strategy proposed by Da Jin Huang-Tai-sun was returned by Chu Yingnan. I heard that the latest time, Da Jin Huang-Tai-sun was angry. I had to negotiate halfway and left alone. Not only that, there was a little eunuch beside Huang Jin-Tai-sun called Xiao lizi, who often murmured Chu Yingnan in private.
        Eunuchs are rootless things. If it wasn't for his master to show such a meaning, how dare he. So I'm pretty sure that countermeasures will work. "
        Not to mention that the teacher thinks it works, even Tiemu thinks that this strategy works.
        "But—but—but I want to defeat Chu Yingnan on the battlefield with a fair and honest attitude. Now I use this despicable means to frame Chu Yingnan and let him die in the political situation, I—"
        The national teacher's face was calm, and the smile on his face had long since disappeared. "The commander is careful! The national teacher said something bad, how many times have you played against Chu Yingnan? Have you won? What you think is bright and defeating Chu Yingnan will not work.
        The Marshal is even clearer, this is not between you and Chu Yingnan, but between Daliang and Dajin, between the two countries! This is the life of thousands of good guys in Daliang! Whatever despicable, useful. The native teacher is very fortunate. There is such a fool as Huang-Tai-sun in Dajin.
        The Emperor Jin Jin really believed in Chu Yingnan. The counter-intuitive measures, the alienation measures, the various framed slanders, and the various acts of throwing dirty water at Chu Yingnan did not make the Dajin emperor doubt Chu Yingnan. Fortunately, the Emperor Jin did not teach a good grandson. Instead, he taught a idiot and sent his idiot grandson to the border. He also gave him a sword.
        What a godsend! If this opportunity is lost, I am afraid that I will not be able to wait for Chu Yingnan's chance. "
        The teacher smiled wryly, and his eyes were mad with madness, as if he had seen Chu Yingnan's death.
        Tiemu understood that the Chinese division was all right, but he couldn't get through this level in his heart. "The coach can't do it! Chu Yingnan is an amazing soldier. He-"
        "Shut up!" The National Teacher ‘called, and at the same time took out a bright yellow silk urn from his arms and put it in front of Tiemu.
        Tiemu picked up the silk urn and took a look. When he saw the jade seal of the Emperor Daliang above, he sank heartily. There was only one sentence above, which was to ask Tiemu to completely obey Chu Yingnan and listen to the instructions of the master .
        Seeing that Tiemu face was ashamed, the teacher reopened slowly. "Master, the teacher also said something to you heartily. To Chu Yingnan, not only you admire, I also admire. Regardless of the positions of both sides Different, Chu Yingnan is indeed an admirable person. Even as an enemy, she can't help but be overwhelmed by Chu Yingnan's grandeur. "
        Tiemu murmured, "Since the National Teacher also admires Chu Yingnan, why are you-"
        "Why do you use this conspiracy to get rid of Chu Yingnan? In fact, there are a lot of conspiracies used by Daliang. Haven't you tried to provoke alienation? Haven't you done assassination poisoning? Just failed to kill Chu Ying Nan just stopped. This time the situation is different. The commander thinks that his native teacher can kill Chu Yingnan by the hand of Dajin Huang-Tai-sun. "
        When Tiemu was stunned, he really felt that Chu Yingnan was likely to be killed by the master's strategy.
        "Master, what you think is to defeat Chu Yingnan on the battlefield. Even if Chu Yingnan died under your sword at that time, although you would be sad, but you would feel that Chu Yingnan died well. If Chu Yingnan died Under these insidious plots and tricks, you're afraid you won't accept it. "
        Tiemu couldn't help but admit it.
        "Coach thinks about what time it is now. Coach should understand what is happening in Daliang now. This year the grasslands were affected by the cold in many places, and a large number of cattle and sheep died. Herders have no means of living. Relief? All those who died were my compatriots in Daliang. The native teacher only asked the commander if you were a Daliang, would you feel sad for Daliang's people? "
        Ironwood's eyes flashed with struggle.
        The state division continued, "Master, the reason why I asked the emperor to dispatch troops from various places and attack the Dajin army is to hope that we can grab the material and money from Dajin's hands, so that Daliang can survive this crisis. Marshal, if you are for a Chu Yingnan, and you have the heart to not look at the poor dead Liangliang people, you have not said anything about being a native teacher.
        As the so-called will be out, the military order is inconsistent. The commander can ignore the emperor's orders this time. If you don’t have the full cooperation of the big commander, it is that Dajin Huang-Tai-sun is stupid, and my countermeasures make it even more brilliant, I’m afraid it will be difficult to succeed. Marshal, it's up to you how to do it. "
        The color of the struggle under Tiemu eyes was stronger, almost splitting him in half!
        In the end, Tiemu trembled and took the bright yellow silk urn on the table.
        This is Tiemu choice.
        The teacher smiled with satisfaction, slowly looking at China, who just stood behind Tiemu silently and whispered, "Chi only listens to the commander. I will do what the commander wants me to do."
        This can also be regarded as a stance, and the teacher is not forced to do more.
        "What exactly does the National Teacher want to do? Please also state clearly how the coach needs to cooperate. The National Teacher is straightforward."
        The state teacher did not directly answer Tiemu words, but instead said another thing, "The commander knows that a large amount of salt from Dajin is sold into Daliang every year."
        Tiemu understands why the teacher suddenly said this, but still nodded, "Know. Daliang lacks salt, so there are many private salts sold in Daliang from Dajin, both large and small. The number of batches is huge, and I have also heard of some. What did the state master bring up about this? "But the salt is not enough. The people of Daliang are not as good as Dajin, but that is also the salt needed by the people of a country. The number is huge.
        Partially grown cold and salt-stricken, the amount of salt obtained from the official trade every year from Dajin is really too small, even if it is added by those private salt dealers, it is not enough.
        "The biggest batch of salt sold in Daliang, his behind-the-scenes seems to point to Dajin 1st-Duke-Fu."
        Tiemu frowned, "Dajin 1st-Duke-Fu? If the coach remembered correctly, Dajin 1st-Duke-Fu seems to be the home of Huang-Tai-sun of Dajin. Those private salts will not be related to Huang-Tai-sun. "

        Chapter 176 : Tong-Siwei  

        The teacher nodded, and a smile flickered in his eyes. "The commander remembers it well. The 1st-Duke-Fu of Jin Dynasty is indeed the home of Huang-Tai-sun of Jin Dynasty. Not sure. Are those salts sold in Dajin Huang-Tai-sun?
        The teacher is still very inclined to be promoted by Huang-Tai-sun in Dajin. After all, 1st-Duke-Fu in Dajin is not short of money or madness. They are crazy or stupid. Then a large amount of private salt was sold in Daliang. You must know that this is a crime of selling the country through the enemy!
        The National Teacher can think of it, Tiemu can think of it. To say that the salt has nothing to do with Huang-Tai-sun in Dajin. Huang-Tai-sun in Dajin doesn't know at all. Tiemu doesn't believe it. .
        Tiemu really feels a bit sad. If the strategy of the National Division can succeed, then Dai Jin's generation of military god Chu Yingnan will die. His death is really the result of Many Thanks Da Jin Huang-Tai-sun. Dajin Huang-Tai-sun What is it called? Are you calling yourself?
        There was a strange moment in Tiemu heart. If Emperor Xiao kang was to be admired, Tiemu was still admired. He was a brilliant king. He didn't understand why Huang-Tai-sun he had brought up in person was such a virtue. It was really unbelievable.
        Tiemu thought, thankfully none of their cool Wangzis were the same as Huang-Tai-sun. There are heirs like Huang-Tai-sun in Dajin, and the future is worrying! But this is good for Da Liang.
        The state teacher noticed the disdainful disdain under Tiemu eyes, and smiled, not only did Tiemu disdain Huang-Tai-sun, he was also disdain, it was a fool! The stupid is actually not terrible. The most terrible thing is that he is obviously a stupid. He still thinks that he is the smartest all day long. No one is smarter than him. Ha ha-such talents are truly hopeless, and in the end-
        The teacher thought, and the smile under his eyes grew another two points.
        After a while, Tiemu suppressed his disdain, and asked, "What did the Master say about the salt?"
        "It took a lot of effort for the emperor to find out that the salt had something to do with 1st-Duke-Fu in Dajin, so before I came to the barracks, the emperor made a plan with me. What I want to do through the salt channel."
        Temu puzzled, "What can you do through that salt canal?"
        The Chinese teacher's eyes flashed, "What can you do? There are too many things you can do, such as sending some news."
        Of course, Tiemu did not think that it was an ordinary news. When contacted by the state teacher, Chu Yingnan was to be removed. Is this-
        "The people in Dajin won't believe it like that." Tiemu murmured for a moment.
        "I don't need others to believe, I just need to believe alone."
        Tiemu slowly said, "Dajin Huang-Tai-sun."
        The Chinese teacher smiled and nodded, "Yes, it is Huang Jin-Tai-sun in Dajin. To say who is the most important person in Chu Yingnan, it is really Huang-Tai-sun in Dajin. With him, things are very difficult. "
        Tiemu asked the master how to do it, but the master no longer spoke, only to see if the first step can be successful and see the effect, then this can determine what to do next.
        Dajin Barracks
        Huang-Tai-sun once again came out from the tent of the deliberations, this time earlier than before, and even quarrels were heard from the tent of the deliberations. Listen carefully, distinguish, and find the quarrel. The people are Huang-Tai-sun and General Chu.
        Huang-Tai-sun returned to his tent indignantly, his anger rushing upwards, almost reaching his Tianling cover, and almost did not burn him to death. In the past, Huang-Tai-sun wouldn't make much noise in the tent, and it was heard, but this time, Huang-Tai-sun couldn't help but write down the books on the desk. And the tea bowl swept to the ground fiercely, making a loud noise.
        Huang-Tai-sun was not too dissatisfied, and he got up and kicked the crime table fiercely. The silent sound made people jump for no reason, as if Huang-Tai-sun played not the crime table, but people. .
        The little chestnut shrank, and shivered silently.
        Tong-Siwei was apologizing to General Chu and other generals in the tent for discussion, saying that Huang-Tai-sun was agitated for a while because he was not feeling well. In addition, Tong-Siwei has no other excuses.
        Everyone naturally does not compare with Tong-Siwei. After all, it is Huang-Tai-sun. They are monarchs. As courtiers, they can no longer be ugly to the monarch. They are just those strategies proposed by Huang-Tai-sun. It is really impossible to say that it is too naive and too infeasible. Now Daliang's main army is almost assembled, and they frequently move abroad to discuss countermeasures, how to march, and Huang-Tai-sun just don’t help, and waste time there all day long.
        It's getting better recently. Huang-Tai-sun is getting more and more impatient, and his attitude is getting stronger and stronger. Today, in the presence of so many people, the old General Chu is forced to agree with his strategy.
        How could General Chu Chu agree with the naive tactics of Huang-Tai-sun, that was really sending countless soldiers to the Daliang people! At the beginning, the old General Chu was still holding back and wanted to explain to Huang-Tai-sun in detail, but Huang-Tai-sun couldn't listen! Attitude was extremely tough, and Chu Yingnan could only begin to be extremely tough.
        In this way, General Chu Chu and Huang-Tai-sun quarreled in front of so many people.
        Huang-Tai-sun was so anxious that he even wanted to take out the Shangfang sword that Emperor Xiao kang had given him to force the old general Chu to agree, or was Tong-Siwei found that Huang-Tai-sun had a wrong attitude and kept pressing Huang-Tai-sun.
        Maybe Huang-Tai-sun had one last point of sanity, and then he stiffened, and finally turned away angrily.
        Tong-Siwei was here to finish Huang-Tai-sun, and immediately headed for Huang-Tai-sun's tent. He really couldn't take it anymore. He would rather be bent by the Daliang people directly. The knife cut off his head, and he didn't want to stay beside Huang-Tai-sun. Too tired, really too tired!
        Tong-Siwei secretly sent a letter to 1st-Duke-Fu, but unfortunately this is a border gate, too far from the capital, and it may be too big for one to go, because Tong-Siwei can only use pigeons. Form delivery. Now Tong-Siwei only hopes to have a letter from the capital as soon as possible. The old 1st-Duke can teach him how to do it, or the old 1st-Duke can persuade Huang-Tai-sun. After all, he is Huang-Tai-sun's grandparents have grown Huang-Tai-sun for two generations.
        Tong-Siwei came to Huang-Tai-sun's tent with a heavy heart. Before he entered, he heard the violent sound inside, which made him already heavy, and he couldn't help getting heavier.
        When Tong-Siwei came in, Huang-Tai-sun had just finished firing, and sits at the desk with a gloomy face, and the little chestnut tremblingly began to clean up a mess on the ground.
        Tong-Siwei is about to start talking again. In fact, let’s not talk about Huang-Tai-sun. Tired of hearing, can he be tired? But even if he was tired, he still had to say.
        "His Royal Highness, when it comes to fighting, is still the old General Chu. His Royal Highness is a genius who has never been involved in military affairs before. After all, there are some gaps in his thinking and thinking. It is understandable that General Old Chu did not adopt His Highness's opinions. Her Royal Highness, shouldn't remember to hate the old General Chu. "
        Tong-Siwei Some bitter words, Huang-Tai-sun naturally did not listen to his heart, he fisted the table case with a fist, and also got acquainted with that table case, otherwise he would be caught by Huang-Tai-sun It's impossible to break, "The old man clearly didn't put his loneliness in his eyes! Solitude tolerated him again and again, and respected him so much in front of everyone, but how did the old man do it? No face! Dare to stand alone in public! He is a goddamn! "
        The little chestnuts being cleaned up, busy raising their heads to echo Huang-Tai-sun, "That's it! That's it! The old man's disrespectful attitude towards His Royal Highness, if placed in the East Palace, would have been dragged out and beaten to death. It's up! "
        "Little chestnut!" Tong-Siwei stared at the small chestnut indignantly.
        Huang-Tai-sun was a little displeased, "Why did my cousin frighten little chestnut again and again! Although little chestnut is just an eunuch, but he is loyal to the Lord, and he wants to be alone, thinking cowardly, cousin Don't be too harsh on him. "
        With Huang-Tai-sun support, Xiao Lizi was not afraid of Tong-Siwei, and she was closer to Huang-Tai-sun.
        Tong-Siwei rubbed his sour temples. The problem of small chestnuts is not the most serious. Now the biggest problem is that Huang-Tai-sun has a bad sense of the old General Chu, and he is an enemy of the old General Chu. !! This is really the most headache.
        Tong-Siwei now hopes that the old 1st-Duke will soon receive the letter and give him a suggestion, or persuade Huang-Tai-sun that nothing is the most important, the most important thing is the old 1st-Duke It's best to get Huang-Tai-sun back to Capital City.
        "His Highness, General Chu Chu is disrespectful to you. But there are still cool people out there, and General Chu does not say anything. One thing, you must admit it, he will fight. Everything, let's wait for General Chu After the battle, let’s talk about it, and throw back the Daliang people. Then when the time comes, settle accounts with General Chu and calculate his disrespectful account to you.
        Huang-Tai-sun raised his chin arrogantly, "Cousin, Gu is not such an insignificant person. Even if the old husband is disrespectful to Gu, the foreign enemy has to resolve the foreign enemy first.
        Tong-Siwei was relieved, but fortunately, Huang-Tai-sun's brain wasn't really muddled, knowing what it means to be consistent with the outside world.
        Tong-Siwei only hopes that Huang-Tai-sun's brain can always be so clear. In case of anxiety, what is really done, then-think of that scene, Tong-Siwei legs are somewhat Weak. Because this kind of thing, Huang-Tai-sun can really do it.
        Tong-Siwei couldn't help persuade the old general Chu to be soft and respectful to Huang-Tai-sun. It is true that General Chu Chu attitude towards Huang-Tai-sun is really good. However, when it comes to the military and the lives of the generals, the old general Chu cannot be soft to Huang-Tai-sun. This is not at all sloppy. Tong-Siwei really admired General Chu for this. The more he got along, the more he admired, and the more he understood how General Chu became the soul of the Jin Dynasty.
        As for the pigeons given high hopes by Tong-Siwei, it is impossible to fly to Capital City as Tong-Siwei thinks.
        Because the pigeon was flying to Qingshi Village, Lingping County, Tang Jingjing was passing by, and she brought her newly purchased Maid Qinghe to observe her greenhouse vegetables. There was a pigeon that just arrived, Tang Jingjing recently The problem is that you can’t buy pigeon meat this winter. When you see the pigeons stop near the river to rest, you tell Qing He, don’t you hit someone with a stone? Hurry to kill the pigeon, and we can eat braised pigeon at night!
        Qing He listened to Tang Jingjing's words, picked up a few stones from the ground, and knocked out the dove that was resting by the river.
        Tang Jingjing used to pick up the pigeons and saw that they were tied with a small bamboo tube under the doves. She took down the bamboo tube from the feet of the pigeon. Who knew that the pigeon just woke up and tangled in Tang Jingjing's hand, Tang Jingjing was frightened, and clutched the pigeon tightly, and the bamboo tube in his hand was Fall into the river and follow the flow.
        Tang Jingjing said "Yeah," originally, I wanted to pick up the envelope, but the little bamboo tube floated out of sight for a long time.
        Tang Jingjing threw the bamboo tube behind his head, and concentrated on confronting the pigeon in his hand. This pigeon was really noisy. Tang Jingjing couldn't hold it with both hands, so he could only call Qinghe to help.
        That night, the pigeon was made into braised pigeon by Tang Jingjing and entered the Tang Jingjing family's belly.
        The letter from Tong-Siwei that Capital City has been waiting for is far away.
        On this day, Xiao lizi secretly told Huang-Tai-sun that the person selling the salt in Daliang got news that Daliang planned to make a surprise attack from the trapped Longling this time.
        The news that little chestnut can get, Tong-Siwei also got the news here. The person who spread the news is naturally okay. Those who are sent to Daliang to manage the private salt business are definitely confidants, but it is doubtful if the news is accurate.
        Huang-Tai-sun deeply believed the news.
        Tong-Siwei said, "His Royal Highness, the authenticity of this news is still open to question. After all, that person's status in Daliang is not high. He is just a businessman. How did he get such important news? This matter needs to be thought twice."
        Huang-Tai-sun put forward the completely opposite view, "Cousin, I feel lonely that this matter is still very worthy of trust. Although the man in Daliang is only a small businessman, he works in Daliang Among the wealthy, there is a lot of news. Maybe he got the news somewhere.
        That person's loyalty, I believe his cousin is also sure. And that person's identity in Daliang was just a small businessman, who would know that behind him was Guwa 1st-Duke-Fu.
        So Gu thinks this news is still worth believing. "
        The reason is this reason, but Tong-Siwei is still a bit uneasy. "Not afraid of 10 thousand, just in case, Your Highness, this matter has to be discussed from the long-term, this one is not good, in the end, it will be over."
        Huang-Tai-sun frowned. He was really bored of Tong-Siwei who had been loyal to his ears recently. If he didn’t remember that Tong-Siwei was his cousin, he was afraid it would be early. Just got angry.
        "What is your cousin when you are lonely? Really lonely is the kind of person who acts lightly and does not know what to do. It is natural to send someone to investigate carefully. If it is true, it is a good thing. Can you know Daliang in advance? The movement of Da Liang will deal a severe blow to Da Liang's layout, and Da Liang will lose by then! "
        Huang-Tai-sun said that naturally is the best result, but in case something goes wrong, it is beyond the reach of Dajin.
        Tong-Siwei, no matter how he thought, he felt that the news was so coincidental that he panicked. And why there was no letter from Jingcheng, it is reasonable that his carrier pigeon should have been to Jingcheng long ago.
        This specially trained homing pigeon, Tong-Siwei also only brought one this time. Tong-Siwei couldn’t bring more. He followed Huang-Tai-sun. If there was any letter to be sent back to Capital City, Huang-Tai-sun would help him pass it, and he could bring such a personal one. Pigeons were not discovered by Huang-Tai-sun, it was already very lucky.
        Huang-Tai-sun Sure enough, someone was sent to investigate, and soon some people went back and forth, and there were a lot of big cool soldiers sneaking around in the trapped Longling, lingering.
        Huang-Tai-sun Wen Yan believed more in the authenticity of the news, but Tong-Siwei felt more and more strange. It really went too smoothly.
        Suddenly, news came from people in Daliang. Huang-Tai-sun then started investigating and immediately determined that the news was true.
        Tong-Siwei had a bad feeling in his heart.
        Huang-Tai-sun did not see Tong-Siwei ugly face, he was immersed in excitement and joy. Huang-Tai-sun hated being beaten and lost face by the old General Chu again and again. This time, he got the news of the sleepy Longling in advance. As long as he determined the tactics in advance, he would be able to pass the old Chu general and make great achievements!
        When thinking of this, Huang-Tai-sun's heart suddenly became hot, and even her eyes became red Tonger.
        Huang-Tai-sun is planning to discuss with Tong-Siwei and determine the plan. Tomorrow he will hit the old general Chu severely.
        Tong-Siwei was excited when he saw Huang-Tai-sun, and couldn't help reminding him carefully, "His Royal Highness, think about it. I always think about it-"
        Huang-Tai-sun is excited. Where can I let people pour cold water on him, his face pulled down immediately, "Cousin, Gu is not careless! Gu has sent someone to check things back and forth! This The credibility of the matter is very high! Why can't you believe in loneliness. The old man looks down on loneliness and doesn't believe in loneliness. Is it even your cousin now? "
        Tong-Siwei knows that the tolerance of Huang-Tai-sun to him can be regarded as the limit. If he speaks more, Huang-Tai-sun is afraid to treat him rudely.
        Tong-Siwei could only swallow the words of exhortation and discuss countermeasures with Huang-Tai-sun. Tong-Siwei thought that General Chu had been through hundreds of battles, and he could definitely see whether it was true or not.
        Huang-Tai-sun and Tong-Siwei both stayed awake for one night.
        On the second day of dawn, Huang-Tai-sun was still full of spirits, and he couldn't say what he saw. He took the towel handed by the little chestnut, wiped his face, and briefly used breakfast. Huang-Tai-sun went to the tent for discussion with Tong-Siwei, and others came in one after another.
        Huang-Tai-sun was the first one to speak. There is no way. Who can make Huang-Tai-sun the highest status, and also have a sword in the hand, it is also a soldier on behalf of the emperor. Even if General Chu Chu always felt that Huang-Tai-sun was a waste of time, he could only endure that Huang-Tai-sun would speak first.

        Chapter 177 : The Message of Sleepy Dragon Ridge  

        This time, Huang-Tai-sun thought that he had made perfect preparations and was full of confidence. He talked in the face of the generals, and he was so excited.
        General Chu Chu always listened to the words of Huang-Tai-sun. Although the strategies put forward by Huang-Tai-sun were very naive and did not have any feasibility at all, Huang-Tai-sun was the king, As a courtier, he didn't interrupt Huang-Tai-sun's reasoning, so he always waited for Huang-Tai-sun to finish speaking before speaking.
        When Tong-Siwei opened his mouth in Huang-Tai-sun, he had been staring closely at General Chu Old, seeing the old General Chu white eyebrows wrinkled and tightened, and the worry on his face almost overflowed with words, he knew Huang-Tai-sun's plan, as well as news that I have always believed without doubt, may be very problematic.
        After waiting for Huang-Tai-sun to finish, General Chu Chu said, "His Royal Highness, the old minister did not know where His Royal Highness got the news from, saying that it was Daliang who planned to attack our army from the trapped Longling."
        Huang-Tai-sun glanced at the old General Chu, and replied with patience, "The source of the solitary is absolutely reliable. This can be assured. The old General also sent people to sleep around Longling. After investigation, it is true that there are a lot of Daliang people sneaking around in the trapped Longling and acting sneakily. This makes Gu Gu believe it even more. "
        General Chu Chu Shen said, "Where did Huang-Tai-sun get the news from, the old minister wouldn't ask first. But the old minister felt that the news was inaccurate."
        Huang-Tai-sun The smiley face sank momentarily, her eyes frosty and cold, "Oh? Really? The general Chu Chu said that the news of loneliness is false, what is the basis for this?"
        "The trapped Longling terrain is very dangerous, and there is only one gorge as an exit. Therefore, trapped Longling is very likely to be an ambush. However, if what Huang-Tai-sun said, the Daliang people intend to pass through It's impossible to attack our army by trapping Longling.
        Sleepy Longling is really not a good choice. If there is a large army crossing the sleepy Longling, our army is afraid to get the news early. If our army pinches back and forth, blocking the Daliang Army in the trapped Longling, then it will be able to wipe out the Daliang Army. Also this time the coach of Daliang is Tiemu. The old minister has played against him many times. He knows that Tiemu is the most cautious.
        I would like to ask if this kind of iron and wood, if he really intends to act as Huang-Tai-sun said, he would stupidly send someone to act in a ghost line in the trapped Longling, and let people discover? "
        Tong-Siwei didn't know much about the military. Before I talked with Huang-Tai-sun on paper, although there was doubt in my heart, I still thought that Huang-Tai-sun's strategy was good. But after some words from the old General Chu, Tong-Siwei realized that war was not so simple and involved too much knowledge.
        At this moment, Tong-Siwei can't help but admit that the so-called news must be very problematic, as well as the strategies that Huang-Tai-sun said, are even more impracticable.
        Huang-Tai-sun's heart sank in an instant. He really hated the old General Chu. The old man in front of him vetoed him again and again in front of everyone, no matter what he proposed, he never Will only be rejected, not a "good".
        This time, Huang-Tai-sun thought that he had made adequate preparations. He didn't sleep all night, but he finally came up with a plan that was rejected by the old man in front of him!
        When I saw the generals of the tent ceremony, most of them looked at General Chu. They obviously agreed with General Chu words without reassuring him Huang-Tai-sun. Thinking of the humiliation suffered these days, Huang -Tai-sun The hatred in my heart is rushing towards Tian Ling cover.
        General Qi old spoke at this time, "The old man thinks that Huang-Tai-sun's strategy is feasible. If Tiemu happens to go the other way, using our thinking, it is determined that Daliang will not send a large army through the trapped Dragon Ridge. Assault, if Daliang really does this, then we will be passive. "
        Huang-Tai-sun gave General Qi Old General a satisfied look. There was still a faithful inside, not everyone was confused by that old man!
        General Chu frowned and looked deeply at General Qi Old. Finally, he looked away coldly. "Even if this really happens, this is okay. You can just send a small team of people to stay near the trapped dragon. With the change, we can respond in time. "
        In fact, what the old General Chu wanted to say was that the team did not need it. If there were a large number of Daliang troops in the trapped Longling, Dajin would soon get information on where to find the team. However, General Chu Chu still had a little jealousness about Huang-Tai-sun and General Qi Lao face to let it go. It was a step down for them.
        Huang-Tai-sun was not very satisfied with this, "Since we knew that Daliang would send an army through the trapped Longling, and then sneak attack on our army. We can first lead a large number of people to go to the trapped Longling to catch a puppet. When Daliang is not prepared, the Daliang people will be wiped out in one fell swoop! In this way, the morale of Daliang people will be severely attacked and the morale of our army will be encouraged.
        If you can wipe out the main soldiers of Daliang, you will be able to beat them and defeat them completely! "
        Huang-Tai-sun grew more and more excited, more and more excited, as if the dawn of victory had appeared in front of me!
        General Chu Chu is not as good as Huang-Tai-sun thought. If things are done, then it goes without saying that it is naturally excellent. The problem is, General Chu does not think that things can be done at all.
        "His Highness, the old minister thought that this was not appropriate. The terrain of the trapped Longling is very dangerous. If Daliang deliberately introduced our army to the trapped Longling, when the time came to catch a puppet, wipe out our army? With the dangerous terrain of the trapped Longling, indeed It's an excellent place for sneak attacks. The old man thought Huang-Tai-sun was wrong. "
        Huang-Tai-sun was scolding Fang Yan, pointing at the heroic turbulence of the mountains and rivers, and the whole body of blood was burning and surging, but the words of General Chu Chu poured heavily from his head like a bucket of cold water, leaving him cold.
        After the cold, Huang-Tai-sun surged with anger!
        Huang-Tai-sun All the patience is extreme, especially to the old General Chu. He got up sharply and kicked the chair under him severely. The chair was knocked down and everyone was Huang-Tai-Sun's movements startled.
        This is not the most amazing yet. Huang-Tai-sun scarlet eyes, and stretched out his fingers towards the old General Chu. "Chu Yingnan, you are bold! Solitary is Huang-Tai-sun, and was given to Shang Fangbao sword on behalf of Huang Grandfather Comforts the soldiers at the border! Gong now stands for Huang-Grandfather! And you Chu Yingnan, lonely face again and again, don't put solitude in your eyes, do you look down on loneliness, or look down on Huang-Grandfather , You explain to the lonely! "
        General Chu Chu stood up and knelt slowly in front of Huang-Tai-sun. Huang-Tai-sun felt proud for a while, seeing that no matter how proud and arrogant Chu Yingnan was, you were always just a courtier and you only deserve it. Kneel at the lonely feet!
        General Chu old knelt down, and everyone else in the tent also knelt down.
        Tong-Siwei wanted to persuade Huang-Tai-sun not to go too far, so that he could save some face for the old general Chu, but he knew that Huang-Tai-sun could not listen at this time. People are half-mad.
        Huang-Tai-sun was proud of her heart, and raised her neck high, "Since you Chu Yingnan still remember your identity, now you listen to Gu Gu, Gu Gu decided to just say Gu Fang-"
        General Chu Chu suddenly interrupted Huang-Tai-sun's words, "His Royal Highness, please forgive my seniors for not obeying His Highness."
        Huang-Tai-sun was furious and pulled out the Shang Fang sword at hand, and he was chopped off at the old General Chu. Tong-Siwei was frightened and hurriedly hugged Huang-Tai-sun, " Your Highness is calm! "
        Tong-Siwei strength was great, Huang-Tai-sun couldn't get rid of it, he could only stare back at Tong-Siwei, but he calmed down at this time. After all, General Chu Lao had the trust of Emperor Xiao Kang and had a very high status in the army. If he really killed General Chu Lao, it would be against him.
        With the steps of Huang-Tai-sun, he stopped the job of chopping people and gave a cold hum. "Chu Yingnan, lonely gives you a chance. If you can understand the mistakes, change, get lost and return, lonely-"
        "The old minister did not know what he had done wrong. The old minister only knew that he had to be loyal to the emperor, defend the mountains and rivers of Dajin, and be dedicated to the thousands of soldiers in Dajin. The old minister could not know the decision of Huang-Tai-sun. It's wrong, but he also pushed the soldiers around to die! What is the old minister? The old minister would rather be beheaded and killed by Huang-Tai-sun on the spot, and he would never do anything sorry to Dajin Jiangshan! "
        General Chu Chu looked up, saying one word at a time, and said forcefully. Although General Chu was kneeling, his figure was so tall and mighty, far more powerful than standing Huang-Tai-sun.
        Champion Chu and Chu Guanyong knelt beside General Chu Chu when they pulled swords to kill General Chu Chu as early as Huang-Tai-sun. Together with General Chu Chu, they looked up and stared at Huang-Tai-sun. There are many Huang-Tai-sun to kill the old General Chu, they will kill their posture first!
        Not only Chu champion and Chu Guanyong, most of the generals present were the confidants of the old general Chu, or they were admirers of the old general Chu. At first they were surprised that Huang-Tai-sun had drawn his sword to kill General Chu Old. After the reaction came, they immediately surrounded them one by one.
        Peng General temper was the most urgent and blocked directly in front. The bull's eyes glared and ‘called loudly, "My life was saved by General Chu old! Huang-Tai-sun If today I want to kill General Chu old, it would be better Just kill me first! Step on my body! "
        Huang-Tai-sun hate very much, looking at the generals around the old General Chu in front of his eyes, hating his teeth itchingly.
        To this point, Huang-Tai-sun didn't think he was doing anything wrong at all. On the contrary, he felt that these people were really mischievous and uneasy one by one. Especially Chu Yingnan's old husband, his reputation in the army is unparalleled! In his eyes, Huang-Tai-sun, he is afraid that he is far less than Chu Yingnan!
        Huang-Tai-sun was angry at heart, and heard General Peng's words, and determined that General Peng was threatening him!
        Huang-Tai-sun said in his heart, how can Gu Gu not take Chu Yingnan's old husband, can't he do it for you?
        The sword of Shang Fang in Huang-Tai-sun pointed to General Peng, and said coldly, "Okay! Do you want to die? Solitary you will be perfect!"
        Seeing the Shang Fangbao sword in Huang-Tai-sun's hand to be cut off towards General Peng, Tong-Siwei even hugged him, "His Royal Highness!"
        At this time, Huang-Tai-sun couldn't calm down. He was completely immersed in his thoughts, and it was difficult to extricate himself. He just wanted to use his Shangfang sword to slash hard. He could hack as many people as he could. .
        Huang-Tai-sun was not so impulsive at first, but since coming to the barracks, his dissatisfaction has been squeezed in his heart day after day. To this day, the dissatisfaction in Huang-Tai-sun's heart can no longer be suppressed, and it will explode directly.
        Tong-Siwei really couldn't control the crazy Huang-Tai-sun. Seeing that the situation was getting more and more chaotic, Tong-Siwei did the boldest thing in his life. The back of -Tai-sun, the crazy Huang-Tai-sun was finally quiet.
        Little chestnut almost exclaimed, "Bold!"
        However, Little Chestnut is still very proficient at knowing that if he speaks at this time, it may be his turn who might be chopped, so he can only close his mouth and say nothing.
        Tong-Siwei is holding the comatose Huang-Tai-sun to the old generals such as Chu. "Tai-sun has not been well rested recently, so his mood is out of control. Please forgive the generals. Now the battle is urgent, please also The generals hurriedly discussed the countermeasures and repelled Daliang. I will take Huang-Tai-sun away. "
        Tong-Siwei said, and helped Huang-Tai-sun to leave the tent for discussion, and Xiao Lizi also followed him.
        As soon as Tong-Siwei and others left, the kneeling generals got up and General Peng muttered, “Huang-Tai-sun is not as clear as this Tong Big-gongzi, he—”
        Champion Chu stared at General Peng, and Shen Sheng reminded him, "Old Peng!"
        General Peng knew that his words were a little bit more outrageous, so he closed his mouth obediently.
        Chu Chu heart is heavy, Huang-Tai-sun can kill his father with his sword today, showing the dissatisfaction with his father. I can draw a sword today, what will happen next? Chu champion suddenly felt a little dare to imagine.
        Besides, Tong-Siwei sent Huang-Tai-sun back and helped him behind the bed.
        Xiao lizi began to blame Tong-Siwei, "Tong Big-gongzi, not a slave who wants to say you. Huang-Tai-sun is the king and the master, how can you do Huang-Tai-sun? You are a treason, you commit the above! Even if Tong Big-gongzi is His Highness's cousin, this is also-"
        "Shut up for me!" Tong-Siwei brain was in chaos, and little chestnut muttered into his ear like a fly, and he was really bored!
        Tong-Siwei stared at the little chestnut, his eyes were cold, "Little chestnut, you have spoken a lot of bad old Chu generals in Tai-sun's ears. Your courage is really not small. Your Highness is very young. The general has an opinion. As a personal eunuch, you should just persuade His Royal Highness.
        what about you? Obediently obey and please His Royal Highness. Have you thought about the consequences? This is a barracks, a place to fight! Do you know how many people will die if I lose? His Royal Highness'-"
        Tong-Siwei would like to say that Huang-Tai-sun can't keep a molester like a small chestnut beside him. But now it is at the border, and Tong-Siwei does not have the power to deal with the eunuch of the East Palace, so he can only endure. However, Tong-Siwei made up his mind, and when he returned to Capital City, he told Grandfather that he would drive this little chestnut away from Huang-Tai-sun!
        The small chestnut was looked cold by Tong-Siwei eyes, and his sweaty hair was all up.
        When Xiao Lizi was frightened, the eyelids of Huang-Tai-sun unconscious on the bed moved, and it took a while to open her eyes.
        Xiao Lizi surprised, "Your Highness, you finally woke up! The slave is really worried about you."
        Huang-Tai-sun, who just woke up, had a faint head. First, he looked at the small chestnut with a surprised look, and then looked at Tong-Siwei. What happened before the coma came to mind like a tide.
        Huang-Tai-sun gritted his teeth and stared at Tong-Siwei, "You are bold! Tong-Siwei, do you think you are a cousin who is lonely, and lonely will always tolerate your failure!"
        When Tong-Siwei hit Huang-Tai-sun as soon as he started, he knew that when Huang-Tai-sun woke up, he would be punished by Xingshi.
        Tong-Siwei kneeled in front of Huang-Tai-sun's bed in good faith, "The minister knows the crime. But the minister still wants to say, Your Highness, we are all ignorant of the military. The people who can really fight are Chu. Old general, since he said the news of the trapped Longling is wrong, I'm afraid there is really a misunderstanding. So-"
        "Stop!" Huang-Tai-sun growled loudly. If it weren't for the thing at hand that could hit someone, Huang-Tai-sun would have grabbed it with one hand and beat it toward Tong-Siwei.
        Tong-Siwei shut up helplessly.
        "Chu Yingnan's old husband looks down on loneliness. You are an lone cousin, and you also look down on loneliness. What exactly is Chu Yingnan's old pill who has filled you with ecstasy? All of you are standing by his side! Especially those generals, who are my courtiers in Dajin, and those who are loyal to them are Huang-Grandfather and Gu! But they? They only listen to Chu Yingnan one by one. Yan! "
        "His Royal Highness! General Chu Chu is loyal to Da Jin. He lives with the generals and lives together, and can live with each other! This is a good thing in the army. Only in the army, can this be invincible!
        His Royal Highness, the courtier said something bad. Your Huang-Grandfather, today’s Holy Lord, is a wise Lord. His vision and ability are not comparable to those of His Highness now. Since the emperor believed in General Chu, then His Royal Highness should believe that General Chu was also. "
        Tong-Siwei words are very polite. Usually Tong-Siwei advises Huang-Tai-sun to try to be gentle, but it is useless!
        Tong-Siwei is also now out of the way. He didn’t come down, he was straightforward, and told Huang-Tai-sun plainly, you can’t do it, you’re not as good as the old general Chu, or as Emperor Xiao kang, you’re good. Honestly don't do anything, after the old General Chu wins the battle, your credit will be!
        Huang-Tai-sun was half-dead with Tong-Siwei straightforward words. Yue Hung's mouth fluctuated violently, panting and gasping, pointing his finger at Tong-Siwei, "Okay! Good! Really! OK! Tong-Siwei You are really a good cousin who is lonely! If you are lonely, you won’t believe it, and lonely is not as good as Chu Yingnan’s old husband! You must prove to the world that loneliness is worse than Chu Yingnan, and Dajin is not just a Chu Ying Nan will fight! "
        Tong-Siwei is shocked!

        Chapter 178 : Tong-Siwei Prescription  

        "Her Royal Highness, please be sober! The news of the sleepy Longling is likely to be false. I am afraid that it was deliberately transmitted by the Daliang people. The old general Chu said, this news-"
        Huang-Tai-sun was furious, "You're solitary! Chu Yingnan! Chu Yingnan! What else would you say besides Chu Yingnan? Solitude is like a yellow-haired boy in your eyes, which is no better than Chu Yingnan, right? Gu doesn't want to see you now, you quickly get out of Gu! "
        If it is said that the false person in the sleepy Longling news is not the old Chu general, Huang-Tai-sun may still be able to hear it, but the person who is called is the old Chu general, Huang-Tai-sun. That is true. I can’t listen at all, as long as someone mentions it, he feels angry!
        Tong-Siwei also wanted to persuade him again, Huang-Tai-sun was completely impatient, "You get out of Gu! Gu now doesn't want to see you at all!"
        "His Highness, General Chu Chu is loyal to Da Jin. You cannot just for personal reasons-"
        "Get off!" Huang-Tai-sun gritted his teeth and pointed his teeth toward the doorway. "Solo call you to go! Tong-Siwei, you must think that you are a lone cousin, and you can be lonely again and again. Tolerate you! Believe it or not, the lonely Shang Fangbao sword failed to kill Chu Yingnan's old husband, but he could kill you! Before lonely can suppress the anger, you hurry to lonely roll! Lonely does not want to see you! "
        Tong-Siwei knows that Huang-Tai-sun is not frightening him, but is telling the truth, because the killing intention under Huang-Tai-sun's eyes is so obvious that he cannot even deceive himself. .
        Tong-Siwei thought, if he could trade his death for the soberness of Huang-Tai-sun, he was really willing, but he knew very well that even if he died, there was nothing he could do, so-
        Tong-Siwei slowly got up and left Huang-Tai-sun's tent with heavy steps.
        After getting out of the tent, Tong-Siwei looked up at the gloomy sky of the eyes, only feeling that his heart was much gloomier than the sky at the moment. The letter sent to Jingcheng didn't reply at all. Tong-Siwei didn't know if there was a problem with the pigeon or if there was no response from Jingcheng.
        Tong-Siwei doesn't hold any response from Capital City now, if there is, it's too late. Huang-Tai-sun is completely unable to control the emotions in his heart. What kind of crazy things would such a person do? Tong-Siwei couldn't think of it and was afraid to think about it.
        Tong-Siwei suddenly made a decision in his heart, then he smiled bitterly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was more bitter than that of Huanglian.
        Tong-Siwei wanted to come to the border, and really did everything he hadn't done in his life. Originally, Tong-Siwei never dreamed that one day, he would dare to do something to Huang-Tai-sun. But now Tong-Siwei still has to work on Huang-Tai-sun. In the barracks, it is too difficult to want Huang-Tai-sun to be injured.
        But Huang-Tai-sun's diet can do a little work, get some dizzying drugs, let Huang-Tai-sun sleep in the tent until the end of the war, this is absolutely Good thing.
        It's not easy to get drugs. Here is the border. Where does Tong-Siwei know that he will be drugged in the barracks one day, he doesn't have it, he can only get it. Most of the medics have wounds in their hands, and there is no way to get drugs. Tong-Siwei can only send his confidants to the city to buy, and use the fastest time to ride a fast horse to the city to buy.
        The capital 1st-Duke-Fu, remembered by Tong-Siwei, was not so calm at this time.
        After the old 1st-Duke went from Huang-Tai-sun and Tong-Siwei to the border, the mood was not calm, and he was always worried about what would happen to the two at the border. I was mainly worried about Huang-Tai-sun. I still believed in Tong-Siwei, the old 1st-Duke, that was a fair and sensible person.
        Old 1st-Duke sighed and sighed a lot more during this time.
        1st-Duke learned that the old 1st-Duke always sighed and sighed, and his appetite has deteriorated a lot, so I often come to see the old 1st-Duke, and come with Tong-Sigang.
        1st-Duke cut a frozen pear for the old 1st-Duke and handed it to the old 1st-Duke, "Father, don't worry about it. Huang-Tai-sun and thinking are going to the border, there are Chu Yingnan is here, and their safety must not be worried. "
        Don't look at 1st-Duke disdain to the old General Chu and how unconvinced, but he really admires Chu Yingnan's ability.
        Old 1st-Duke took the frozen pear in 1st-Duke hand and took a bite. The frozen pear was crispy and delicious. It was his favorite fruit. "It's safe, I don't worry about it. I just worry about Huang-Tai-sun went to the border, what conflict with Chu Yingnan, what will happen then, then— "
        1st-Duke frowned. "No, right now. Bianguan is fighting Daliang people, Huang-Tai-sun won't be so indifferent."
        The silent Tong-Sigang suddenly said, “Others may have a sense of proportion, but Huang-Tai-sun is hard to say.”
        1st-Duke glared at Tong-Sigang, "What are you doing! Huang-Tai-sun Where is the kind that doesn't know the size? Don't look down on Huang-Tai-sun too. You Boy, you haven’t been close to Huang-Tai-sun since you were a kid. When you grow up, you start to say bad things about Tai-sun. Even Tai-sun, even if you are a cousin, are relatives of us, you have to be careful. "
        There was something in the old 1st-Duke heart, and the frozen pear in his hand seemed to lose his taste, so he put the frozen pear in his hand aside, "How come there is no news in the thinking. If Huang-Tai-There nothing wrong with Sun at the border, so write back and say something. "
        1st-Duke thinks that the old 1st-Duke is just worrying blindly, "Father, no news is not the best news. Explain that Huang-Tai-sun is all normal. Since everything is normal, thinking that the child sends What letter came back. And father, isn't there always information in Bianguan to Capital City?
        The intelligence did not say anything bad, Chu Yingnan still exaggerated Huang-Tai-sun in the information sent to Capital City, which shows that Tai-sun is still very good in the border. "
        Tong-Siwei twitched his lips and said lightly, "The general Chu cannot always blame Tai-sun in the information. If the general Chu really does this, the emperor may be very unhappy."
        Everyone thinks that his own child is the best, not to mention Huang-Tai-sun was almost brought up by Emperor Xiao Kang, not to mention his position in Emperor Xiao Kang. Even if General Chu Chu only fights, he doesn't know very well about people, and he wouldn't be silly to write Huang-Tai-sun in the information.
        1st-Duke stared angrily at Tong-Sigang, "You shut up! Do you have to tear down your old man and my stage? You can't wait for your Huang-Tai-sun cousin to do something wrong at the border. All right. "
        Tong-Sigang snobbed and said indifferently, "My son doesn't dare. My son really hopes that Huang-Tai-sun doesn't do anything at the border, and stays honestly. Wait for the old general Chu to repulse Daliang Huang-Tai-sun can at least share half of the credit, and then Huang-Tai-sun and the elder brother returned to Capital City peacefully. This is what the son hopes most. "
        This is not what old 1st-Duke most hoped for.
        The state teacher, Tiemu and China gathered again to discuss. At this time, the people of the state teacher came in to report, "Qi teacher, the scout came forward, 1st-Duke-Fu Big-gongzi sent him to his confidante. They rode fast to the Chinese medicine store in the city overnight to buy the drug. "
        The national division raised an eyebrow, and there was a trace of meaning across his eyes. "Oh? Do you need medicine in the barracks? Who is he for?"
        Temu and China are also curious.
        The Gu Shi had some suspicions in his heart, "It's not that Huang-Tai-sun and Chu Yingnan are making a terrible fight. It is rumored that Huang-Tai-sun is pulling his sword to hack Chu Yingnan."
        Of course, what happened in the account will not be passed on to the outside world, let alone Chu Yingnan will not let these things spread out and disturb the army, so everything is kept secret. But in the end some rumors and rumors came out, but were controlled by Chu Yingnan, not spreading, and no trouble.
        Tiemu frowned, a little uncertain in his tone, "Guo Shi means that the 1st-Duke-Fu Big-gongzi bought the drug for Huang-Tai-sun?’'
        The Chinese teacher nodded, "Besides that, the Chinese teacher couldn't think of a second person to choose. Oh—the 1st-Duke-Fu Big-gongzi, the courage is really not small. The Chinese teacher remembers 1st-Duke-Fu Big-gongzi is called Tong-Siwei. I have courage. "
        Tiemu heart booed endlessly. 1st-Duke-Fu, as Huang-Tai-sun's foreigner, fully supported Huang-Tai-sun. But now Tong-Siwei has to buy the drug enthusiasts Huang-Tai-sun, and it can be seen how disappointing the things that Huang Jin-Tai-sun did in Jin Dynasty.
        The forefinger of the teacher’s right hand was bent, clasped on the table, and a light flashed from the bottom of his eyes. “Tong-Siwei hand really helped the teacher. If the rumor is true, then Dajin Huang-Tai-sun is afraid that it has already endured to the extreme, impetuous Huang-Tai-sun is more conducive to Our success. Because such people have no sense, they will not think, they only Acting is governed by impulse. "
        Tiemu had some suspicions about what the Master wanted to do, "The Master wanted to buy Tong-Siwei the drug, and told him to give Huang-Tai-sun medicine? This is a good idea."
        The teacher extended a finger and shook, "No, tell Dajin Huang-Tai-sun what to do. Once, Huang-Tai-sun brought the border customs this time. , Our people are not among them. We need to pass the message to Huang-Tai-sun in Dajin. The price to pay is not small. Why? It’s not a big deal. It’s not good to waste manpower and resources to do it. "
        The more Tiemu came to look at, he probably didn’t understand the Master. He might be a warrior, but he was a personal person, but if he wanted to think about how to calculate people, he was really inferior to the Master in front of him.
        "Who does the Master intend to spread the news to?"
        The teacher smirked, his eyes flashed with mystery, "Of course I want to pass on the useful, useful people."
        The person sent by Tong-Siwei to buy the drug quickly returned and brought back the drug that Tong-Siwei wanted.
        Tong-Siwei held the drug tightly in his palm, and even sweated in his palm. Tong-Siwei took a deep breath, and now he can only go all the way to the end. Now that he has decided, he cannot step back.
        Tong-Siwei went to the house.
        Huang-Tai-sun has a distinguished status, so he uses a stove alone.
        When Tong-Siwei arrives, the cooking for Huang-Tai-sun is just right.
        Tong-Siwei had already said hello to Xiao Lizi, and today he delivered meals to Huang-Tai-sun.
        After getting Huang-Tai-sun's meal, Tong-Siwei found a quiet and uninhabited place, quickly put the medicine in the dish, and ensured that the meal did not look strange, and then nothing happened. Get up for a meal and head casually towards Huang-Tai-sun's tent.
        Huang-Tai-sun After Tong-Siwei came in, he looked up at him, and then quickly looked back.
        Tong-Siwei puts the dishes on Huang-Tai-sun's desk.
        Huang-Tai-sun stared at the food on the desk with an uncertain look, and suddenly said, "How did my cousin suddenly help me with the meal. This is the job of a small chestnut. Where do I need my cousin to do it? Not plainly Did you drop cousin? "
        Tong-Siwei looked immobile, and said faintly, “It was the minister’s fault that he acted on His Highness last time, so the court specially came to plead guilty to Tai-sun today.”
        "Cousin really knows wrong?"
        Tong-Siwei bowed his head and said, "Yes, the minister did something wrong."
        Huang-Tai-sun smirked suddenly, waved his hand, waved the food on the desk to the ground, and soon two people came in to press Tong-Siwei down, forcing Tong-Siwei to kneel on the ground.
        Huang-Tai-sun stood up to Tong-Siwei, reached out and pinched Tong-Siwei chin, forcing him to look up and look at himself.
        "Cousin, cousin, if it is someone else who threatens loneliness, loneliness will not be so angry. It is Chu Yingnan's old husband who is doing solitude to loneliness, and loneliness will not be so angry as now. Cousin, you are so disappointed! Cousin, what did you put in your meal? Say!
        Gu believes that your cousin will not want to kill Gu. The food in the meal is definitely not something that can kill people. Let's talk, cousin, what did you put in the meal? "
        Tong-Siwei didn't understand it. It was clear that he was secretly working on it. Only his confidant took over, and no one else, how did Huang-Tai-sun know. Tong-Siwei doesn't worry about his safety, Huang-Tai-sun will not kill him no matter how hard he is, because he is 1st-Duke-Fu. Huang-Tai-sun also needs 1st-Duke-Fu support.
        Since Huang-Tai-sun was discovered, there is nothing to say, Tong-Siwei began to admit, “There is a drug in the food.”
        Huang-Tai-sun took a deep breath, squeezed Tong-Siwei hand, and slammed it out of his breath, "Cousin, you give Gu a reason! Gu will not believe that you will betray Gu, you will be here Gu knife stabbed behind him. Say! Gu gives you a chance, gives you a chance to argue! Say! Is it that Chu Yingnan's old man forced you to do it, right? "
        "No!" Tong-Siwei loudly denied, raised his head, and stared at the blood-red eyes of Huang-Tai-sun, "No one forced me to do this. This matter has nothing to do with the old general Chu! My cousin wants to know, why should I add drug to your meal? Okay, let me tell you, I am for the Jiangshan community in Dajin, I am for the thousands of soldiers in the border of Dajin! I don’t want Brother, you are momentarily motivated, because of your prejudice against the old general Chu, you caused a big defeat and let my generals die for no reason! Cousin, wake up! You— "
        In response to Tong-Siwei, Huang-Tai-sun slaps heavily, and Tong-Siwei heads are crooked to the side by Huang-Tai-sun, and bright red blood spills from his mouth.
        Tong-Siwei only felt that there was a sweet smell in his throat, and he swallowed the blood back with a sorrow in his heart.
        "Tong-Siwei, it turns out that you are the same as Chu Yingnan's old husband. You all look down on loneliness. You all feel that loneliness is useless and you are commanding on the battlefield. You say, do you all think so!"
        If others say no, Huang-Tai-sun is angry and anxious. Then now add Tong-Siwei, this is really the last sane straw that crushes Huang-Tai-sun! The current Huang-Tai-sun completely became a wild and angry beast.
        Tong-Siwei looked sadly at Huang-Tai-sun, "His Royal Highness, you have been raised and raised by the emperor since you were a child. Whether it is the emperor or the mentor who has taught you, nothing but praises and praises you. Say you God Vertical Wizards, both civil and military. How can you be useless if you can be praised by so many people.
        Your Highness, you are too prejudiced against General Chu. Your Royal Highness, please calm down. Think carefully about how many battles the old General Chu has fought. It is not a fame that he can become the soul of the Great Jin Army. Don’t completely reject the old General Chu because of that prejudice in your heart, calm down— ”
        "Shut up! You stand alone!"
        Tong-Siwei words can be said to be sincere and heartfelt, but these days are not useful to Huang-Tai-sun. Huang-Tai-sun only knows one thing now, and that is Tong-Siwei is going to give him medicine! This is unacceptable to Huang-Tai-sun!
        Huang-Tai-sun took a deep breath and pressed down the heart that wanted to kill Tong-Siwei, "You can rest assured that loneliness will not kill you. After all, you are an lone pro-cousin. You are not ruthless It’s your life. Gu wants you to live a good life and wants you to see how successful Gu is. Chu Yingnan is the god of the Jin Dynasty? This is a joke! Jin's army god, solitary is the most powerful! "
        Tong-Siwei was excited, struggling desperately, and wanted to break away from the two people who held him down, "Your Highness, don't go crazy! The news of the sleepy Longling must be false, and it was deliberately released by the Daliang people! You can't Be fooled! If something goes wrong, the death will be my thousands of soldiers! Your Highness, wake up! "
        Huang-Tai-sun didn't want to listen to Tong-Siwei anymore, he was completely disappointed with Tong-Siwei.
        Huang-Tai-sun waved his hand, "You take him down. Tong-Siwei, aren't you going to take the drug alone, drowsy all day? It's very suitable for you alone. You can't make any drug alone. It’s troublesome. The two of you looked at Tong-Siwei and tied me up. I made him awake except three meals a day. After eating, I stunned him and let him fall asleep. "
        "Your Highness, you wake up! The news of the sleepy Longling must be false, and you can't do it alone! Let me die in the Jin dynasty temper! Your Highness, if you think about what happened, your status is Can't keep it! Your Highness! "
        "Let him shut up for you! What are you ‘calling at!" Huang-Tai-sun's frowns became tighter and tighter, and his voice became colder.
        The person holding Tong-Siwei immediately gave him a cleaver, and Tong-Siwei fainted, and his voice stopped abruptly.

        Chapter 179 : House arrest  

        After Tong-Siwei was taken out, the tent became quiet.
        Huang-Tai-sun sits down again, and the little chestnut poured a glass of water for Huang-Tai-sun, holding Huang-Tai-sun's face, and carefully handed the cup to Huang-Tai-Sun whispered, "Her Royal Highness, don't be angry. It's not a slave who talks loudly. It's too big for 1st-Duke-Fu! Medicine!
        The slave said something awkward. This time the next drug was a drug. Who knows what the next time? "
        Xiao Lizi deserves to be with Huang-Tai-sun. He really touched Huang-Tai-sun's heart. The last sentence was really written into Huang-Tai-sun. heart of. This time, you can get drugs, if you encounter something again next time, I am afraid that you can really give him poison!
        Xiao lizi saw Huang-Tai-sun's face look two points better, and then continued to say, "His Royal Highness, fortunately, someone is loyal to Your Highness. The slave is one, and the old General Qi in the barracks is also a .
        General Qi Old is much better than that old man. He knows what it means to be inferior and superior, and he respects His Highness. Unlike the old man-"
        Perceived that Huang-Tai-sun's face sank, Xiao Lizi immediately shifted the topic, "His Royal Highness, not a slave who talks loudly, but how to do what your Highness does. The old general Qi is so loyal and respectful to your Highness, the folly of slavery. See, such people are useful. "
        Xiao lizi didn't say anything after he finished speaking. The reason why he said good things to General Qi Old General was that what Qi Old General did was really in line with Huang-Tai-sun's mind. It was this time that Tong-Siwei sent someone to buy the drug and gave Huang-Tai-sun medicine, which was also discovered by General Qi Lao, and then sent someone to notify Huang-Tai-sun.
        The second is that General Qi Qi is a man who can be a man, but he gave a lot of money to Xiao Lizi in private, especially when there was an old General Chu on the side for comparison, but the old man did not give him anything! Little Lizi didn't mind selling Qi Qi General.
        Huang-Tai-sun slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were a little empty, and I wondered what he was thinking.
        Little chestnut did not dare to say anything more taboo, but just whispered, "Your Highness, you haven't eaten anything. If you want to be a slave, you can go to the room to see if there is anything else you can eat. I'll bring you some."
        Huang-Tai-sun shook his head, "No need. There is no appetite for solitude."
        Xiao Lizi hurriedly said, "Your Highness, where can you go! How can you not have meals if you have a body of gold? If anything happens to your body, let alone the emperor will be uncomfortable, even the nubi will be sad."
        Huang-Tai-sun Seeing Xiao Lizi crying anxiously, she felt a little depressed and nodded weakly, "Go get it."
        Little chestnut responded, and she was going to the hut room for food.
        At the moment Xiao Lizi was about to go out, Huang-Tai-sun suddenly opened his mouth and ‘called at him, "Little chestnut."
        Little chestnut stopped and turned around, respectfully, "His Royal Highness, what else is there to tell you?"
        "Do you say that Tong-Siwei is true? The news of the trapped Longling must be false."
        Little chestnut froze, almost did not get dumbfounded, how did he answer this! Where does he know if the news of the trapped Longling is true or false. You have to ask Xiao lizi how to observe the master's complexion and how to please the charming master. Xiao lizi promises to keep telling you that there will be no repetition of the previous day and night. But you have to ask Xiao lizi how to fight. He followed Huang-Tai-sun. He has never been exposed to such things. He doesn't understand!
        Xiao Lizi head turned fast, thinking of an answer that was not wrong, "Slaves don't understand so much, nubi only know a little. That's what His Royal Highness says, and nubi only listen to His Highness."
        Huang-Tai-sun nodded and waved his hand to let Xiao lizi leave.
        After Xiao lizi got out of the tent again, she raised her hand weakly and wiped the sweat that did not exist on her forehead, but she was really scared to death.
        After Xiao lizi left, Huang-Tai-sun's heart was still hesitant. If Tong-Siwei only knew what the old Chu General was doing, he wouldn’t be wrong. He would be wrong ... in this case, it would only arouse Huang-Tai-sun. The disgust made him more convinced that his thoughts were correct.
        However, Tong-Siwei talked about his status, which made Huang-Tai-sun think more.
        Huang-Tai-sun still cares about his position, nothing is more important than his solid position.
        Huang-Tai-sun is the next heir to the throne, but it does not mean that Huang-Tai-sun will definitely be on the throne. Huang-Tai-sun and three long uncles who have grown up have gone to the fiefdom. They have been operating on the fiefdom for many years and have huge power.
        Not only that, there is a young Prince in the palace. Although young, they are also slowly growing up. For example, 5-Prince Yan Chong, it was from Defei in the palace. His status is not low, and his mouth is sweet. He will always please in front of Emperor Xiao Kang.
        Although Yan Chong has not been favored by himself, it is still a big threat.
        Thinking of these troubles, Huang-Tai-sun exhaled a deep breath, and his crazy and irritable heart gradually cooled down, and his calmness seemed to return to him again.
        This is not to say that Huang-Tai-sun realized that his approach was wrong, that he did not think that he had worked hard all night without sleeping, and that the strategy he had come up with was wrong. Huang-Tai-sun is just worried that if he fails, in case something goes wrong, then his status of Huang-Tai-sun will not be guaranteed.
        Crown Prince can still be scrapped, not to mention Huang-Tai-sun.
        Did it just give up? Huang-Tai-sun Think about it or not reconcile! Chu Yingnan's old husband gave him no face again and again, and more than that, not many people in the entire military camp could see him. This is not the most annoying. Even his pro-cousin, who relied heavily on believers, looked down on him and even prescribed medicine to him!
        This piece by piece, as soon as you think about it, Huang-Tai-sun's heart is breathing fire! The heart that just calmed down became irritable and crazy again, or Huang-Tai-sun held back desperately, desperately suppressed.
        Wait for the little chestnuts to re-dine the meal, because time is urgent, it is not time to redo it. So little chestnuts can only pick some clean ones that can be imported to Huang-Tai-sun.
        The meals delivered were worse than those before Huang-Tai-sun, but now Huang-Tai-sun is too lazy to pick and will eat them.
        After eating, Huang-Tai-sun wanted to go out for a break, and it was really too stuffy to stay in this tent, as if out of breath.
        Huang-Tai-sun wandering in the barracks with little chestnuts.
        All the people in the barracks were performing their duties. Nowadays, no one is idle around in the current war. That is, Huang-Tai-sun has a distinguished status, and he has this power.
        Huang-Tai-sun didn't particularly want to go there either, just wandering around without a destination.
        "Did you hear that? Huang-Tai-sun seems to be arguing with General Chu!"
        A voice attracted Huang-Tai-sun and made him stop. Xiao Lizi saw those soldiers still discussing there with great interest. He didn't see Huang-Tai-sun, let alone salute, just Wanted to remind, Huang-Tai-sun came over with a look, and Xiao Lizi closed her mouth immediately.
        "Of course I heard. It is said that more than once, Huang-Tai-sun seems to have quarreled with the old General Chu a lot of times! But once, the most fierce quarrel, I heard that Huang-Tai-sun beat the emperor The Shang Shangfang swords were all pulled out, and he almost did not cut the old General Chu! "
        "Really? Why did Huang-Tai-sun hack the old General Chu? How good is the old General Chu, and also to the soldiers under Our. How can Huang-Tai-sun hack people for no reason! "These are thick complaints, all of which are directed at Huang-Tai-sun.
        "You don’t understand. I tell you, actually Huang-Tai-sun is useless. Come to the barracks well and come and meet. How good it is to be a mascot! But Huang-Tai-sun is not. To show that you have more talents, the first time you talk during the discussion, those strategies are simply people laughing away! I heard that Huang-Tai-sun said that the strategies are naive, than we are Not as good! "
        A burst of laughter rang out, laughing loudly and loudly.
        Xiao lizi carefully held Huang-Tai-sun, seeing Huang-Tai-sun, expressionless, but he knew that Huang-Tai-sun was irritated at this moment, so he was expressionless. This one is really a death!
        "Still, our old General Chu is very good. He doesn't buy Huang-Tai-sun's account! You said that Huang-Tai-sun is not too old. Is it a boast of civil and military in Capital City? When you are an amazing character, you still can't fight? It's a real laugh! Look, it's not controlled by our old General Chu, and you don't even dare to put it in the barracks! Haha—ha Haha— "
        Xiao Lizi roared uncontrollably, "Presumptuous! You are so brave, you dare to argue Huang-Tai-sun!"
        The few generals who were chatting and laughing then noticed Huang-Tai-sun and little chestnuts. They did not recognize Huang-Tai-sun and little chestnuts, but they were not dressed the same in the military camp as others. People are only Huang-Tai-sun, so they kneel down towards Huang-Tai-sun.
        When Xiao lizi wanted to rebuke the bold and bold person in front of her, Huang-Tai-sun waved her hand, a gentle smile appeared on her face, "It's all right. You all get up. It's cold, you just kneel on the ground like this, hurt yourself carefully Knees, little chestnuts, let's go. "
        After Huang-Tai-sun finished speaking, he lifted his feet and left, and Xiao lizi kept up.
        The captured soldiers were quite a bit jerky, and they just passed? I didn't expect Huang-Tai-sun to have such a good temper.
        After this, Huang-Tai-sun also lost his heart to continue hanging out, and returned to the tent with the small chestnuts.
        Seeing Huang-Tai-sun, Xiao Lizi became increasingly expressionless, anxious, "His Royal Highness, don't care about those lowly soldiers. What do those lowly people know! The slaves sent someone to teach them hard Fan, how dare to slander His Royal Highness!
        Huang-Tai-sun waved his face lightly, "Teach them what to do. Comparing these low-level soldiers as solitary identities is a trivial loss of status. What's the use of teaching them? It's not just them who say such things Let's believe that there must be others. "
        Xiao Lizi suggested, "His Royal Highness, or else send someone to investigate in the army, as long as you find someone who dares to insult your highness, catch them all!"
        Huang-Tai-sun shook his head, "No, the law doesn't blame the public, this way won't work. They all look down on loneliness, and even the lowest-ranked soldier looks down on loneliness. OK, good. If you don't do it Something, let them know the ability of loneliness, that loneliness is called Huang-Tai-sun! "
        After a pause, Huang-Tai-sun instructed Xiao lizi, "Find a chance to see General Qi Old General, let him come here alone at night, remember to avoid people, and don't let others find out."
        Little chestnut whispered.
        At night, the old General Qi really avoided the people and came to the tent in Huang-Tai-sun.
        After General Qi entered the tent, he saluted Huang-Tai-sun. Huang-Tai-sun, who was in a bad mood, felt better after seeing that Qi Old General respected him so much.
        Huang-Tai-sun ordered General Qi Qi to get up and let him sit down.
        After General Qi old sits down, Huang-Tai-sun opened his door and saw the mountain road, "General Qi old, Gu this time I was looking for you, in fact, I want to get a good word from you. You tell Gu Gu, Gu Gu are here It's nowhere to be found in the sleepy Longling Village. "
        General Qi Qi answered without thinking, "It works!"
        General Qi Lao has long hated General Chu Lao. He and General Chu Lao are clearly a generation. The enemies he killed did not have less credit than General Chu old.
        But as a result, only the old General Chu is known to outsiders, and only the old General Chu is the soul of the army. Who knows his surname Qi?
        General Qi Qi hated it! It's so annoying! In General Qi Lao heart, he didn't think he was any worse than General Chu Lao. The only thing he was inferior to General Chu Lao was that he did not have the trust of Emperor Xiao Kang from General Chu Lao.
        Emperor Xiao kang was old, and General Qi Qi knew that it was impossible for him to gain the trust of Emperor Xiao kang. Since the trust of Emperor Xiao kang cannot be obtained, it is also possible to have the trust of the next emperor Huang-Tai-sun.
        Since Huang-Tai-sun came to the barracks, General Qi Old had the idea of Huang-Tai-sun.
        This is why every time Huang-Tai-sun puts forward childish proposals, General Qi Qi is so popular.
        This time, General Qi Qi also thought about it carefully, even if it was easy to ambush in the trapped Longling, but as long as it was determined that the Daliang people really intended to pass through the trapped Longling, it would not be necessary to wipe out the Daliang people in one fell swoop. Will not hinder anything at all.
        This is why General Qi Qi directly agreed with Huang-Tai-sun's strategy.
        Huang-Tai-sun Seeing General Qi Old General's affirmation, he also believed in General Qi Old General, the last hesitation in his heart also disappeared, replaced by the full idea of wanting to build a lifeless merit, this idea is in His heart gradually expanded, and soon occupied his entire heart.
        "Okay, since General Qi old said yes, then Gu believes in General Qi old. If great things happen, then General Qi old will be the biggest contributor to this battle!"
        General Qi Qi was disorientated by the words "the biggest hero", blossomed in his heart, and a chrysanthemum smiled on his face.
        However, General Qi old quickly returned to God, "His Royal Highness, everything in the army is left to Chu Yingnan, and he will be powerless in the end."
        The smile on Huang-Tai-sun's face also spread a little, yeah, the biggest problem is not others, but Chu Yingnan.
        Huang-Tai-sun's eyes looked extraordinarily subtle and deep under the dim candlelight. It took a while before he said fiercely, "If Chu Yingnan's old man didn't agree, let him faint, Don't talk. "This is still inspiration from Tong-Siwei.
        General Qi Qi hesitated, "What does His Highness want to do?"
        Huang-Tai-sun began to talk to General Qi Old.
        The next day, Huang-Tai-sun and General Qi Lao went to General Chu tent. They also called Chu Yingnan's two sons and two grandchildren, and Chu Yingnan's confidante.
        In fact, Chu Yingnan really didn’t have that time to accompany Huang-Tai-sun to waste time, but Huang-Tai-sun took the Shang Fangbao sword and ordered it. If it was a major event related to the life of a soldier, Chu Yingnan was disobedient. I certainly wouldn't agree, but this is not. After all, Jun is a monarch. Chu Yingnan still has to listen to Huang-Tai-sun.
        Huang-Tai-sun instructs people to give tea to Chu Yingnan and others. Can Huang-Tai-sun give the tea? Soon, everyone in the tent drank the tea given by Huang-Tai-sun.
        Huang-Tai-sun Seeing that everyone drank the tea, his eyes flashed, and the matter of sleepy Longling was raised again.
        General Chu face sank instantly. He didn't expect Huang-Tai-sun even to remember this.
        General Chu Chu was also euphemistic, and made it straightforward to show that Huang-Tai-sun's idea was not working.
        Huang-Tai-sun's face gradually sank with the words of General Chu Chu, and finally gloomy.
        "Chu Yingnan, do you really not listen to Gu order?"
        The old General Chu was unmoved and firmly said, "If it is something else, even if His Royal Highness directly asks the Old Minister's order, the Old Minister will not blink. But if His Royal Highness wants to send the General to death, please forgive the Old Minister. Obey. "
        Huang-Tai-sun glanced around the crowd and asked coldly, "How about you, too?"
        The crowd remained silent, which was a silent protest against Huang-Tai-sun.
        Huang-Tai-sun laughed suddenly. When he was doing it, he still had a little hesitation, but now, he really has no hesitation, which is all these people deserve!
        "Since you don't listen to loneliness, stay in the tent honestly and don't go out."
        With the words of Huang-Tai-sun, General Chu and others found that they gradually lost their strength and could not control their limbs, which made them very panic!
        tea! Everyone thought unpleasantly.
        General Chu old looked at Huang-Tai-sun in disappointment, but the person in front of him had given him a drug and lost his energy, what did he want to do!
        "General Chu and other generals are ill and unable to handle military affairs. Gu Gu announced that from now on, General Qi Old will be in charge of all affairs in the army."
        General Qi Old General was still a little scared and worried, but Huang-Tai-sun's voice instantly inspired him, and he ‘called gratitude.
        General Chu and other people are even slower and understand what Huang-Tai-sun wants to do.
        The old General Chu was heartbroken and tried his best to ‘Call, but because of his lack of energy, he ‘called with a weak voice, "Your Highness, you can't be confused! The great cool man is still staring out, we can't mess in our army! Can't mess! Ling-The news of the sleepy Longling must be wrong, you can't believe it! "


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