Back 60s 230

       In terms of future generations, the poorer the better, the poorer the better.
       But every era has its own ideas, and now it will be nothing to cultivate children's consciousness.
       Even if there are, there are very few.
       They were born to have a bite, then that's fine, I don't think so much.
       This is how the New Year's Day of 1976 passed.
       On the second day of the Chinese New Year, Zhou-Big-Aunt and Zhou-2-Aunt brought their husbands and children to visit.
       After the entertainment, Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai were still old rules, and took the children into the city to take pictures and watch movies.
       Seven or six years is destined to be an extraordinary year.
       Many things happened in this year, even Lin Qing-He, it is very rare to go to the county.
       He also explained to Dawa that it was forbidden to incorporate anything into the activities of some students. Dawa could see his mother’s worries, so she should do it.
       It was very calm outside this year. When Zhou Qingbai went out to buy pesticides, he almost had an accident. However, he always withstood the investigation, and returned without a problem.
       However, Lin Qing-He felt terrified, and the captain knew that there was another storm outside, so he did not let Zhou Qingbai go out.
       This kind of movement hasn't been good until the second half of the year.
       Their production team is considered good, while many other production teams are not in the mood to work.
       Especially when the bad guys were arrested, it was almost a celebration.
       Lin Qing-He didn't go out very much from the beginning to the end. She continued to collect meat from Sister Mei, but they were all hoarded in the space. Anyway, she couldn't put it down. As for the county, she didn't want to go this year.
       The big guy in the school also discussed.
       "I don't know what will happen in the future." The headmaster said with emotion.
       Lin Qing-He didn't know what to say, but Chen Shan said: "The principal is assured that the bad guys will be knocked down and will definitely get better and better in the future."
       Because he applied to go back to the city to visit relatives this year, Chen Shan's scum boy family is in the city, but after the college entrance examination resumed, he went to college and went to other provinces.
       The other teachers thought they had received any news, and they all asked one after another.
       Chen Shan looked at Lin Qing-He.
       Up to now, he has not completely given up on Lin Qing-He.
       He knew that Lin Qing-He had seen Zhou Qingbai as a country man, but he couldn't understand it. How could she be such a dazzling, self-taught woman like Zhou Qingbai dumb, three-stick can't make a fart man?
       Therefore, from time to time, he will explore Lin Qing-He attitude.
       It's just that Lin Qing-He never gave any hope.
       For example, this time, when he looked at it, Lin Qing-He just sorted out his copy, regardless of whether he got any news or not.
       "This time I went back, I did hear a few words, but don't tell anyone." Chen Shan said so plausibly.
       So big guys are all happy faces.
       But Lin Qing-He sneered in his heart, this scumbag really has a set of skills to coax people.
       Did he say anything? You can say nothing.
       It will get better and better in the future. Isn't that nonsense? Who dares to say that it will get worse and worse in the future? Can directly take you to death.
       In the seven or six years, Lin Qing-He was very cautious. At the same time, she also had some fighting spirit, because next year is the Qi-Qi year she is looking forward to.
       It will also be a brand new year.
       In October in the second half of the year, when the countryside is busy with the autumn harvest, Lin Qing-He also began to freely pass through the county and sell all the leftovers this year.
       He just made a profit of almost three hundred dollars, and then bought a batch of supplies with Shen Yu.
       In 1976, the year went back soon.
       This year's Chinese New Year Lin Qing-He is a good celebration, because next year, she and Dawa are going to college.
       For this university quota, she and Dawa Mother are both inevitable.
       Of course, Lin Qing-He thinks this way. Dawa doesn’t know yet. After finishing high school, Lin Qing-He doesn’t plan to let him take the exam and let him wait.
       Lin Qing-He has greeted Zhou Qingbai long ago, so there is no opinion, just a little silence.
       In October of the Qi-Qi year, the voice of the college entrance examination was spread throughout the country, and will take the exam one month later.
       All the educated youths going to the countryside are almost crazy.
       Borrowing books everywhere, the workers did not go to work, all closed in the house reading and reading.
       This is the only way for them to return to the city. How could they be willing to miss it? They have spent too much time in the country. They are eager to go back to the city. They have spent enough time in this country!
       "It's really an injustice, what if I go back to the city, my own man and child, and my wife and child?" The captain said, smoking a big cigarette, frowning with Zhou Qingbai.
       The captain's daughter was married to an educated youth, which was good before, but now he is also investing all his hopes in reading.
       If this goes back to the city later, what will happen to his daughter and grandson?
       Moreover, there are many such phenomena.
       Many of the educated youths who went to the countryside have married and had children, regardless of whether they are male educated youths or female educated youths, and now that the college entrance examination resumes, what if their family members leave?
       Family members can't follow it. Moving your hukou is a big problem. If you don't have a house or work, don't even think about moving your hukou.
       Zhou Qingbai didn't say anything, he told Erxi about this when he came home.
       Lin Qing-He shook her head, what did she say? Returning to the city is a big trend and a big trend. Sooner or later, most of the educated youths are unwilling to continue to eat in the ground.
       It’s just that I’ll be free in the future, and I won’t be able to rent a house in the city as before.
       But for the past two or three years, it was indeed the same.
       People hearts are restless, two or three years, that is enough for many people and many families to fall apart.
       But what is the solution? People in this era are always working hard.
       "Master Lin, do you have any books at home? Let us use them for a while." The two female educated youths came over.
       "You can go to the school and ask, our books have been borrowed." Lin Qing-He said.
       She and Dawa still have one set left, but there is still a month left. She and Dawa still have to take a good look.
       Dawa has been working hard to learn new things for a while.
       Originally, after finishing the second semester of high school this year, he wanted to go directly to Gonggongbingbing University, but he was pressed down by Father.
       Recommend other people to go.
       Dawa was still angry and puzzled, but his Father asked him to wait until the news of the college entrance examination resumed before he suddenly realized.
       And this is obviously his excellent opportunity, so now Dawa is working very hard.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother are very supportive of their grandchildren, so I hope he will come back to the university student who tested Guangzong Yaozu.
       No, Lin Qing-He also gave him stewed chicken soup to make up for him.

       Chapter 231 | Smoke 

       Lin Qing-He was naturally not polite. She directly killed a chicken to make up for Dawa. She also made up for herself.
       Although the college entrance examination resumed, Lin Qing-He continued to teach, and even everyone did not know that she was also going to take the college entrance examination.
       So until Lin Qing-He asked for leave to accompany Dawa to the college entrance examination, the big guy thought she was just going to accompany the exam.
       Even if Dawa's head is getting old, he is still only a 13-year-old child.
       It is this 13-year-old boy who is one meter seven or five meters tall, which is half a head taller than Lin Qing-He.
       And because Lin Qing-He took good care of him, Zhou Qingbai also taught him martial arts to train him, so it looked very precocious, saying that he did not believe in seventeen or eighteen.
       On the day of the college entrance examination, Zhou Qingbai also came, accompanied by the two of them from Mother and riding two bicycles.
       Dawa owns one. Lin Qing-He came in Zhou Qingbai car and took the test in the city.
       Lin Qing-He entered the examination room with Dawa, and Zhou Qingbai was guarding outside.
       Entering the school examination room, Lin Qing-He and Dawa saw acquaintances.
       Chen Shan, as well as other male and female educated youths, they also saw Lin Qing-He and Dawa.
       The two of them made their faces look ugly at once. Now this time in the college entrance examination, it is not an exaggeration to say that if thousands of troops squeeze through the dug bridge.
       But unexpectedly, the two of them, Mother, came over.
       These two mothers are self-taught, and one is said to be the first grade in the county high school every year.
       Lin Qing-He is okay, because everyone thinks that she only learned to junior high school, maybe it is just to try her luck, but Dawa is the real master.
       Chen Shan came over and said hello: "Master Lin also took the college entrance examination."
       "Yeah, isn't Teacher Chen too." Lin Qing-He replied.
       Then I took Dawa to the examination room, basically talking to these educated youths without much speculation.
       What's more, after so many educated youths, only Chen Shan passed the exam. Others didn't know if anything would happen. According to the memory, they couldn't pass the exam.
       Soon the exam began.
       After the test questions came down, Lin Qing-He read it first, and then he was greatly relieved. It's not difficult. It's just that the knowledge is relatively comprehensive. If you don't pay attention to many scoring points, then basically it won't be.
       And these are the things she has evaluated Dawa, Lin Qing-He will do it, Dawa will do it.
       Therefore, Lin Qing-He is very confident. After finishing the exam, he will not forget to check it carefully. Although he has finished writing in advance, Lin Qing-He still insists that the time is up.
       As soon as the time came, Lin Qing-He was the first to be happy and neat, but behind her, there were many students who complained aloud.
       If you have that mental capacity, you will lie on the table and cry.
       Lin Qing-He came directly to the appointed place to wait for Dawa. After a while, Dawa came back. He came with Han Xujie.
       Lin Qing-He: "..." has passed the college entrance examination, how can I still meet this one?
       "A Mu-aunt is good." Han Xujie shouted politely.
       "Xu Jie is good." Lin Qing-He smiled.
       After all the exams were completed, Lin Qing-He took Dawa to say goodbye to the young but still male justice with a sense of justice.
       After the exam, it is naturally easy.
       Lin Qing-He brought Dawa over to set up some things that he was going to use for college and then came back.
       "Mother, are you so sure I can pass the exam?" Dawa smiled.
       "These questions are not too difficult. I usually give you a review of you, and it is not a problem to pass the exam." Lin Qing-He sits on the back of Zhou Qingbai and said.
       "How are you doing, mother?" Dawa smiled.
       "I don't know yet." Lin Qing-He shook her head. She estimated that if there were no surprises, each test paper should be able to have a 97.8% accuracy rate.
       Back home, Zhou Qingbai came over to ask the eldest son in private, still the old tune.
       But Zhou Qingbai asked Dawa that year was not clear, how could he ask this.
       But now Dawa understands, it turned out to be because of this.
       Dawa thought for a while and said: "I have a question that is not sure. Others, many of them are basically sure. As for my mother, I guess she will do it in plenary. She is too good."
       Speaking of his mother, Dawa is also full of admiration.
       His mother-in-law gave him the key points for review, and the test sites were basically eight or nine, even if there were deviations, but they were not far behind.
       So Dawa feels that his mother is definitely stronger than him, and the score will be higher than him.
       Zhou Qingbai looked down at his elder son with contempt, and Dawa said: "Father, don't look at me like this. I'm afraid that I might not be able to find one who came with my mother Yingfeng.
       In Dawa's eyes, this time the first place in the county must be his mother.
       But his mother was humble and she didn't say anything, so Dawa didn't say it.
       Lin Qing-He didn't know that the big guy who took the college entrance examination didn't know, but who called the educated youths?
       Therefore, it is no secret that Lin Qing-He also participated in the college entrance examination in the entire production team.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother was shocked when he heard it.
       Zhou 1st Sao, Zhou-2-Sao, Zhou-3-Sao, these women, they all ran over.
       "Miss Dawa, are you really going to take the college entrance examination?" Zhou 1st Sao and others all asked.
       "Yeah, isn't it idle, just go and see." Lin Qing-He smiled and said.
       "How was the test?" Zhou-3-Sao asked.
       "I don't know, just do what I will do. As for whether it is right, then I don't know." Lin Qing-He is still very modest.
       After all, you can’t fill up the words, right?
       "If you pass the exam, then you will be in the newspaper, Dawa mother." Zhou-2-Sao are all admired.
       This 4-Sao really did what they didn't dare to do. She even participated in the college entrance examination that only the educated youth students could go to.
       There is no one in Shili Ba Village who is so advanced, and still comes from mud legs. His net worth is innocent. The eighteen generations of the ancestors were poor farmers.
       "It's still nothing." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       The other neighbors and neighbors all came to ask one after another. Lin Qing-He, Master Lin, was really beautiful.
       Regardless of whether she can pass the exam or not, it is enough for her to have this knowledge based on her literacy classes in the past few days.
       I used to say that she didn't work, it seems that I really misunderstood Teacher Lin.
       This is the real one. To learn more knowledge and to accept any grievances, this spirit is so much that many people can't catch up with it.
       Zhou-Father is also very happy. If the Lao-Si family can pass the test, then his family will have two college students this time.
       This is simply the smoke from the ancestors.
       It's Zhou-Mother, some of them can't sleep, and they are tossing and turning at night. Zhou-Father can't help but say, "What are you doing?"
       "Lao-tou, haven't you thought about it?" Zhou-Mother said.
       "What have you thought about?" Zhou-Father asked.
       "What if the Lao-Si family exam passed, what should I do?" Zhou-Mother said what she was worried about.
       At first she heard that 4-Erxi was going to take the college entrance examination, which was also very happy. If I had an idea with Zhou-Father, if I had all passed the exam, there would be two college students at home.
       How many generations of the ancestors have not been so glorious.
       But Zhou-Mother doesn't think it's appropriate. If the Lao-Si family really passed the exam, then go to college, what should I do at home?
       Lao-Si, Erwa and Sanwa are all at home.
       I went out to study outside, and all of them were college students. The Lao-Si family also looked good, and people would come here. When I went out, I didn't know how many people wanted to attract attention.
       Where can I rest assured?
       Where did Zhou-Father think about these things? After listening to his wife words, Zhou-Father rolled his eyes directly: "I think you are eating too much oil and water, and your head is muddled with oil."
       "What do you say?" Zhou-Mother said unhappy.
       "How can this happen? You don't want to think about how old Dawa and his brother are. The Lao-Si family is not stupid. Can she afford her three sons to have children with others and continue to raise?" Zhou-Father Rolled his eyes.
       What kind of temper is Lao-Si family, and she is a very sophisticated person, how can she do such a stupid thing.
       Zhou-Mother listens to his wife words, and still feels a bit reasonable.
       But Zhou-Mother is still not at ease.
       In the traditional older generation thinking of Zhou-Mother, it still feels that women are good at home, and don't go outside by yourself.
       Besides, there is still work here at home, teaching in middle school, a dozen dollars a month salary, and work points, how good?
       Where can I go to college?
       "Don't go to the Lao-Si family to say." Zhou-Father reminded that the Lao-Si family respects the two of them, but she doesn't want them to take care of her, otherwise she can Turn your face directly.
       Zhou-Mother answered the question, and then came over to find his son the next day.
       "Qingbai, do you think you can take Erxi to college?" Zhou-Mother asked first.
       For his mother, Zhou Qingbai also did not hide, nodded and said: "Erxi can pass." Not only can he pass, he feels that he will also take an excellent score, because since returning from the exam, his Erxi has always been in a good mood .
       Zhou-Mother looked at her silly son like this, and whispered: "You have no idea?"
       "What's the idea?" Zhou Qingbai looked at his mother.
       "If you Erxi was admitted to college, then you have to go to college far away, what will you do with the children after that?" Zhou-Mother asked, and said: "Again, you Erxi is also very good in the village now. Yes, there are wages and credits, who should not look at her when they go out? Where can I go to this university? "
       Zhou Qingbai understood that he also knew that his mother was for his own good, but for the future trend, he heard him Erxi said, this education is a very important thing.
       And he also knows that he Erxi wants to get out of the village, so the best way to go to college.
       "Don't worry about these things, Dawa will have a school with his mother." Zhou Qingbai said.
       Zhou-Mother was surprised for a while, and then there was a surprise: "Really?"
       If the grandson had a school with his mother, that would really be better.
       The grandson is so big, but he knows that he has to take away his mother, but it will not let other college students have any ideas about his mother.
       "But you Erxi, can she pass Dawa?" Zhou-Mother couldn't help it.
       The grandson is very good at reading, Lao-tou said, this is born in the present, if it is placed in the past, that 1st-Imperial-Scholar 2nd-Imperial-Scholar Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar or something, that’s not not may.
       Zhou Qingbai smiled: "Dawa said he might not be able to test his mother."
       Zhou-Mother froze for a moment and said, "Dawa can't pass you Erxi?"
       "Wait until the results come out, but mother, don't worry about it, I have already discussed these things with Qing-He." Zhou Qingbai said.
       His mother was worried, and he was worried before. After all, Erxi was so good. When he went out, would she see a better man than him?
       But just last night, coughing, she promised him that she would not leave her husband behind, and she was reluctant to raise such a strong, so good son.
       It was only a few years in college, and it passed in a blink of an eye. After a few years, it will be more relaxed in the future, and he will often go to see her when the time comes.
       If he can, he can go to a business to do it, when the time comes to relocate his hukou, and bring the children to a family reunion.
       But now, it really needs to be separated for a while.
       Although Zhou-Mother was still a little worried, it was better than sleeplessness.
       Lin Qing-He then clearly felt that Popo still cared about what he valued.
       Privately, Lin Qing-He mentioned this to Zhou Qingbai: "Did you think I would run away with someone?"
       Otherwise, why is it so good to her suddenly, not to mention it, but also hints to her inside and out, Qingbai is a good man, the children are good children of good fortune, the life goes well, and they will definitely sit and enjoy the future .
       Zhou Qingbai smiled: "The mother's thinking is more traditional, she thinks you are so good in the village, but you don't have to worry, she won't stop you."
       Lin Qing-He nodded and asked, "Why did Dawa go? I didn't see a figure today."
       "He rode a bicycle through the city early in the morning and said he went to his aunt's house for a few days and asked his classmates to play." Zhou Qingbai said.
       Lin Qing-He knew that Dawa must have gone to Han Xujie.
       I have to say that the personality charm of this male host is really not small. Her son is willing to be close to him, but at present, both of them are good friends, so Lin Qing-He did not interfere too much.
       Dawa stayed in the city for three days, and Han Xujie came back with him.
       And Han Xujie also brought clothes and rations here, this time he wanted to stay for a few days.
       Lin Qing-He: "..."
       This Murphy law is really terrifying. The more she didn't want, the more she wanted to come, but Lin Qing-He still welcomed her hypocritically, even if Zhou Qingbai didn't feel that she didn't welcome the man.
       Han Xujie came over and stayed for three days. He also likes the Zhou family. His relationship with Erwa and Sanwa is also very good. When I went back, I was really reluctant, but I still went back.
       Lin Qing-He shook his head. Although he was a male lead, he was also a young boy. In the past few days, he has been playing wild with her three skinned sons.
       After waiting for the college entrance examination results for a while, people feel a little impetuous.
       But as far as Lin Qing-He knows, because of the recovery in the first year of this year, everything is in a hurry and the conditions are relaxed, but from the second year onwards, that is the real situation of wives and ions.
       Because it is required in the second year, students who take the college entrance examination must be single, and those who are married must not take the college entrance examination.
       What does this mean?
       It means that the educated youths going to the countryside will choose to divorce!
       This year it's just impetuous, but next year, it will be troublesome.
       The education assistant of the Commune Education Office quickly released the notice and asked to fill out a volunteer form in the past.
       Lin Qing-He and Dawa came over soon.
       The other educated youths were also there, and they all got the volunteer form, but they didn’t know how to fill it out. Finally, they followed Lin Qing-He.
       Lin Qing-He volunteering is very simple, Peking University, Huada University, Fuda University, Zhejiang University.
       That is the four universities.
       Dawa filled in directly with his mother, and his milk had told him in private that he had to take a school exam with his mother.
       And Dawa feels that he should be able to pass the exam, after all, he is a freshman, especially, most of the topics, he is sure.
       Others see them as Mother. That's a bit of a corner of the mouth. Is this goal too ambitious?
       What are filled in the fairy university.
       You can't use it as a reference with them, and the others will learn Chen Shan.
       Chen Shan applied for these schools in Wuhan University.
       Lin Qing-He didn't have much control, filled out the volunteer, and gave it solemnly to the education assistant, and then took Dawa back.
       The admission notice came down more than a month later. Chen Shan was admitted by Wuda University. It was the only college student in Fangyuan's film.
       Although this man wanted to pry the corner of the wall, apart from prying the corner, he was particularly well received in other respects, and no one in the country made him trouble.
       If this is not the case, you will get a letter of acceptance.
       In Shiliba Village, Chen Shan took it to a new height.
       Lin Qing-He still has to take classes, and it is the end of the semester, but there are still a few days to go on vacation, because the college entrance examination has been resumed, and it has begun to attach importance to education.
       Even, the commune middle school has set up scholarships for the first time. As long as the joint examination with other communes can achieve good results, there will be scholarships.
       It is to encourage children to study and study.
       Chen Shan came to Lin Qing-He after class this day.
       "I'm leaving tomorrow." Chen Shan looked at Lin Qing-He and said.
       Lin Qing-He shook his eyes: "Master Chen, I am also Gongxi you, but as a teacher, I also advise you to be kind to others, to be a good teacher, to contribute to the society, and not to be the scum of the society. "
       Lin Qing-He couldn't wait for Chen Shan to leave quickly. After he left, everyone would never see you again in his life, and even if it was here, it would be over.
       "Master Lin, you know what I think of you. I haven't changed in these years. Now I am admitted to university. Teacher Lin, go with me, leave the country with me and live in the city." Chen Shan looked at her and said.
       Probably I got a college admission notice, so Chen Shan was a little crazy, and his feelings for Lin Qing-He were almost never concealed.
       "I kicked you scum!" Erwa, who had already read the second grade, didn't know where to come out, kicked Chen Shan out with a kick.
       Don’t underestimate that Erwa is only eleven years old this year, but he is only a little shorter than Chen Shan. Chen Shan is only about one meter seven, three or four. Erwa is already Lin Qing-He tall, one meter six and five.
       Lin Qing-He has raised it well, and he likes to play football or go to county high school to play basketball on most days. He is as strong as a calf, but Chen Shan is really uncomfortable!
       Chen Shan did not expect that he was actually there. He glanced at Lin Qing-He and turned away.
       "Stop for me!" Erwa let his eyes go red wherever he could.
       This scumbag dare to dare to seduce their mother and want them to go with him, it is just to fight!
       "Cough, Erwa, it's not too early, it's time to go home." Lin Qing-He had to hold his son.
       Dawa is 13 years old, one meter seven and five tall, Erwa is eleven years old, one meter six and five tall, and Sanwa, although he is only nine years old, is not short.
       I have to say that Lin Qing-He still has a sense of accomplishment, and he raised all three sons like this.
       "Mother, don't you listen to this bullshit bullshit, what can he give you, Big-Brother and I can give you all!" Erwa said quickly to his mother.
       "Hey, for your sakes, I sacrificed Lao-Da for your mother, and college students came to pursue me and wanted me to go with him and have a good life." Lin Qing-He said with emotion.
       Erwa died anxiously: "Don't be fooled by him, how can a weak chicken like him make you live a good life, I and Big-Brother, and my Father, Sanwa will grow up too, our four men are comparable to him One is much better! "Erwa said quickly.
       Lin Qing-He patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Go cycling."
       Then she made the second son's car and went home.
       Now the second son rides a bicycle, she takes the car.
       After returning home, Lin Qing-He began to prepare supper, and Erwa approached him with Big-Brother to talk about it. As for Sanwa, she was too young.
       "What is so mysterious?" Dawa asked.
       "Big-Brother, do you know, we're almost going to be embarrassed!" Erwa said this head-on.
       Zhou Qingbai happened to pass by their brother Mai Duo, who was hiding from talking.
       But he didn't say anything and continued to listen.
       "What's going on?" Dawa was also stunned.
       "Did I just want to go home with Niang? I think Niang didn't come to the class to look for me. I went to find Niang. Guess what I bumped into?" Erwa was very angry.
       "What did you see?" Dawa frowned.
       "Chen Shan, the one who got the admission notice. He even blocked his mother and confessed to her, that she wanted her to leave with her!" Erwa said angrily.
       Dawa's complexion also became gloomy with naked eyes.
       Not to mention him, Zhou Qingbai, who was standing and listening, was dripping with ink.
       "I was so angry that I gave him a kick, but Big-Brother, this thing can't be finished like this, so the scum of character corruption, can't let him go like this!" Erwa said.
       There was also a cold smile on Dawa's face, and the brothers whispered together, and only after they came out, they saw their Father.
       Both brothers were startled: "Father."
       "Go back." Zhou Qingbai glanced at his two sons and walked towards the house.
       Dawa and Erwa looked at each other, and immediately ran up: "Father, did you hear that?"
       "Father, what are you going to do about this?" Dawa said.
       Zhou Qingbai just glanced at the two sons lightly and didn't speak.
       But dare to dig his corner, he naturally will not easily stop with Chen Shan.
       But this matter can not be used for two sons, he is not old yet.
       Father is back home. Lin Qing-He has already prepared the food and eats it simply. The white-faced buns are served with pork stew noodles, braised pork with beans, ribs with sauce, and a carrot soup.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother are also there.
       As for Xiao Sucheng and Xiao Suxun, since Su Dalin and his -Sao were willing to help bring their children, they have no more trouble here, and they are all sent there.
       At present, there is only Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother at home, and their family, having dinner together.
       "Mother, your cooking is really delicious." Sanwa said while eating the buns and holding the dishes.
       Erwa glanced at his younger brother, and said that you are not serious, we are almost gone today, and you only care about yourself.
       "There will be more soup to drink later." Lin Qing-He urged.
       "I know." Sanwa responded carefreely.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother is also eating. The two old people don’t eat too much. Two buns plus other dishes are enough. Lin Qing-He knows the meaning of their two elders. This is to want to eat more for grandchildren. point.
       But I have to say that the pressure to raise three sons is now reflected.
       As for the steamed buns steamed by Lin Qing-He, one is about the size of a fist, but Dawa has to eat five. Erwa and Sanwa are slightly less, but they are also indispensable.
       And what kind of sesame paste peanut butter Lin Lin-He usually makes.
       There is really nothing left at home.
       However, Lin Qing-He also let Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother eat more. Although there are a lot of two buns, but they have a big appetite, at least they have to add half a bun.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother just ate.
       After eating, Sanwa packed up the chopsticks and it was his turn today. Zhou-Mother told Lin Qing-He about the admission letter.
       "Dawa and I should be on the way." Lin Qing-He said.
       She and her eldest son are both inevitable. She doesn't think she and her elder son will fail the exam.
       Even if the schools that apply for the exams are all top-notch, they will not fail all of them.
       As for Zhou Qingbai, he went out early in the morning the next morning.
       Even if it was snowing now, Lin Qing-He didn’t think much, because he always had the habit of running in the morning, unless he was pulling her busy last night, or he would run when he was on a farm.
       Where do you know that Zhou Qingbai is waiting for Chen Shan at the intersection to the county, like Chen Shan, Zhou Qingbai is not uncommon.
       I don't know what he said. Chen Shan's face was pale, but he lowered his head and walked directly toward the county road.
       Zhou Qingbai left him alone, and he went back after the warning. Chen Shan turned around only after he left, and looked at Zhou Jiatun's direction from afar, with an annoyed look in his eyes.
       Zhou Qingbai is not bad, but no matter how bad, he is still a planer, Lin Qing-He, a woman like you, I can’t compare to him, you don’t want me to want him!
       After Zhou Qingbai blow to his rival, he came home. He was still sleeping, and now he was only six o'clock. He took off his coat and kang, and put him in his arms.
       "I'm back." Lin Qing-He said vaguely.
       "Huh." Zhou Qingbai answered, and kissed her on the cheek.
       Lin Qing-He laughed, and Zhou Qingbai kissed her again. This time she kissed her lips, Lin Qing-He hugged him.
       So this morning, the couple had some exercise.
       When Lin Qing-He got up, it was seven o'clock and gave Zhou Qingbai a light blow. It really was, early in the morning, to seduce her.
       You can make more buns at home, so just take the steamed pot in the morning and the children will get up one after another.
       Dawa and Erwa both asked them Father, did you clean up the scum?
       "People are gone." Zhou Qingbai replied.
       The two of them understood that they had visited him, so they were relieved.
       "Big-Brother, you have to pay attention to it, but you have to keep the maid well. The maid is so beautiful, the people are also cultured, and the cooking is okay. More people are pursuing motherhood, "Erwa said.
       After the incident of Chen Shan, Erwa was also able to see that not everyone had the ethics. This is still knowing that his mother was married and still had three sons, but she still wanted to come over and dig them away.
       Those college students outside do not know this, and it is certainly not polite to pursue their mothers.
       But they couldn't follow him, only let him Big-Brother come.
       "I know." Dawa answered.
       As for Zhou Qingbai, he didn't say anything. He had nothing to do with Erxi, no distrust, there used to be, but now he really doesn't.
       He loves her and believes in her, and some words need not be too clear.
       Lin Qing-He and Dawa's admission notice came over, and they were sent together. Both of them were Peking University admission notice.
       The entire Zhoujiatun was boiling after the two notices were sent.
       Needless to say, the excitement of Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother.
       Their old Zhou home, their old Zhou home actually turned out two college students, and it is still the best university in the country!
       Where is there in Beijing?
       For ordinary people like them, it is an unreachable place, that is where the leaders live.
       But for now, the Lao-Si family and grandson are admitted to the best school over there.
       Not to mention Zhoujiatun.
       The leaders in the county, the leaders in the city, and the top leaders in the provincial capital came over in person.
       Mother two are the first place in the province of science 1st-Imperial-Scholar, one is the second place in science, the mother and the two are a dozen points apart, and they are also admitted to Peking University.
       Such a thing is definitely going to be published in the newspaper.
       Came in a small car, took a photo, did an interview, and came up with a scholarship before going back.
       As soon as they left, Lin Qing-He province 1st-Imperial-Scholar was surrounded by the big guy in the village.
       Sending chickens to send chickens, sending eggs to send eggs, is really too enthusiastic, but Lin Qing-He and Dawa are still old rules, and don't accept everyone.
       But they also spoke out. If the children need help in their studies, they will come and ask.
       Today, it is already twenty-seven years.
       If this is not sent over, Lin Qing-He will have to worry about whether it has been detained. After all, there are still people going to college instead of people this year!
       Fortunately, good meals are not afraid of being late, but they are always sent.
       That night, the family naturally celebrated with a good life.
       In the past, I called Zhou Big-Brother Zhou 1st Sao, and these brothers were so happy that the children didn't call.
       The big guy ate a meal together.


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