Perfect Maid Code 50

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Chapter 50 | Do you want to go, Miss Xia
Chapter 51 |
Chapter 52 |
Chapter 53 | Miss Xia was sent away
Chapter 54 | Damn bastard stuff

       It was warm and cold at first glance, and it rained for a few days in Capital City.
       There seems to be quite a lot of rain this year. Wet everywhere, so trapped people cannot go out. Since the night attack in Summer-Chun, the two people who had been awkward in Yumingxuan for more than a month were reconciled. The young man was in the house for more than ten days, except for dealing with official duties. Most of them were glued to Summer-Chun. It looks like a lacquer, and it has a little taste of a newly married.
       Song Mama Zhang Mama and other close-hearted sighs of relief, they will be good when the master is good. Xiao  Caidie, who had never been sorrowful, couldn't laugh because she knew that Chu Summer-Chun had already set things up a little bit.
       "Master, do you really want to leave the house?" Xiao  Caidie still feels unwilling, "gongzi is not that kind of widowed person, but Young Fu-ren enters the house, gongzi will certainly not be ill-treated by you. But out The house is different. The threshold of the Zhou family is notoriously high. It is difficult for you to enter the house after you leave the house. Besides, if gongzi is a man, you can't meet him. Are you really willing? "
       Summer-Chun glanced at her and felt that this was not a problem.
       Although she is a boring person and a hippie smiley face, she is essentially a proud person. No matter how good Zhou Qingyu is, it's just a man. To put it vulgarly, three-legged clams are hard to find, but two-legged men are everywhere. She couldn't do anything like hanging on a tree.
       "Are you going with me?"
       "That's nature!" Little Colorful Butterfly's eyes widened and her feet stomped, "The slave-servant is your Yatou!"
       Summer-Chun nodded and dangled his toes around his toes, wondering when the right time was.
       The clattering rain hit the plantains and bamboo leaves in the courtyard, and a tall bamboo pole in the corridor looked like a tall figure. Xiao ji Songji led the way ahead, and the thin bamboo pole walked quite a long way. A closer look is Shen Tuyuan. I haven't seen it in about half a year, and this kid has raised much like a hormone. I looked at the boyishness before, but now I can see the masculinity in my eyebrows.
       Shen Tuyuan hurriedly came because of Chun Wei.
       This year Chun Wei, the candidate of the examiner, ordered the relatives of Emperor Longde to order Zhou Lao-ye. Although the Sanbang Jinshi of Chun Wei in the past years is also called the emperor, he is a little special this year. Guan Zhou Lao-ye is the emperor who taught the emperor freely. This also shows that Emperor Longde attaches great importance to Chun Wei, and Shen Tuyuan is naturally cautious.
       Summer-Chun watched him enter the main house of Shaofu in a majestic place, and noticed that he was also followed by a fiery figure.
       Peach blossom eyes, peach lips, straight nose bridge, powder if applied. A wide-sleeved red robe, a red hairband with an ankle ... This person she had seen on the day of Yang Xiu Qi Xili, it seemed that she was from the Gu family or Xi family.
       Watching the two pass through the hall, Summer-Chun lies in the window curiously and looks around.
       Anxiety flashed in Shen Tuyuan's eyebrows. I didn't know what an emergency happened. I didn't notice that someone was looking around. It was the man in the red clothes who wandered leisurely as if looking at the flowers in the garden and looking away. Shaking like this, I accidentally noticed Summer-Chun with his neck out looking out.
       He was stunned for the first time, and turned a bit surprised. Far away at Summer-Chun, he blinked. He reached into the sleeve cage with one hand and took out a flower with a flair. I don't know if it was at the Zhoujiashun Road, and when it was, Huaer looked pretty fresh. Summer-Chun's eyes fell on the flower on the grass.
       The rain hit the flowers, and the little colorful butterfly at the window with Summer-Chun secretly sipped :  "Deng Tuozi!"
       Since several people have been here, Shaofu seems to be busy. In the night, I sometimes encounter Summer-Chun and do not want to cooperate. I put people in my arms and sleep deeply. Summer-Chun noticed that his eyes were black and black, and pecked lightly on his red lips through the moonlight outside the window. Dayrik made all sorts of almost stingy, and at this time will show a little bit of it.
       Summer-Chun stroked his clear eyebrows and quietly got up to take out the bottle of cinnabar that was unwashed by accident. Squatting by the window, carefully painted a plum blossom behind Zhou Qingyu earlobe.
       In fact, she actually wanted to draw lotus. But the requirements of Lotus are too high, and if you don't paint well, you will be unsightly, and you can only take the second place.
       Zhu Mo gradually dried up, and a red and gorgeous plum blossom was engraved on the back of Shao Fu left earlobe as if tattooed. Red and white add a voluptuous evil spirit to the men of Qingya. Summer-Chun looked at his heart, and couldn't help but rushed to kiss Shaofu again. Shao Fu opened his eyes reluctantly :  "Mo noisy, after leisure, take you to Capital City suburbs."
       Then, with his long arms, he put the non-sleeping person in his arms and hugged him, rolled over and fell asleep again.
       Summer-Chun giggled in the dark and raised his head to peck on his chin and closed his eyes.
       Days are like a white horse, and it's about the end of March. The marriage period negotiated between the Zhou family and the Su family was in June, and now there are still three months left. Wen Shi has already begun to set up a new house.
       After all, it was the parents of Zhou Sun Erxi, the wife of the Zhou-shi family, and the Zhou family paid special attention to it. Zhou Lao-ye personally asked, Wen Shi will be hands-on. Even Lao Fu-ren was afraid that Sun-Erxi would know that Summer-Chun was uncomfortable in the future, and specifically called Summer-Chun to Songheyuan, and Enwei knocked on it.
       Summer-Chun watched the eyes and nose, listened honestly, and then got a bunch of soothing rewards to go back.
       Xiao  Caidie has participated in Summer-Chun's nesting program throughout this time. The more you participate, the more you understand your determination from Miss. Now that I don't want to be reconciled, I implicitly imply Song Mama, bewitching her to go with Summer-Chun.
       Song Mama is a person like a man, but he can't understand it. Xu Shi didn't think there was Miss, and the family would be willing to let go of a man like Zhou Qingyu. No matter how Xiao  Caidie hinted, she never thought about the direction of Summer-Chun absconding. In addition to feeling that Summer-Chun was too overwhelmed during this period of time, fearing that it would provoke the future Young Fu-ren to remember his hatred, he did not find any abnormalities.
       Shao Fu Xu is also aware that Summer-Chun is not happy, he is not good at words and soothing, and cooperates with himself.
       For almost half a month, without hearing the movement of Yu Mingxuan outside, Autumn-Xiang couldn't bear to send a letter to Wangfu Wang.
       Although Su Wan was unhappy before, he was not qualified to criticize his position. Now that he is settled, he is naturally uncomfortable. The Su family brothers held Mei-mei in their hands again, and naturally paid attention to such an obtrusive existence as Summer-Chun.
       Therefore, during this time, Summer-Chun set up a property outside the house, and vaguely revealed that the intention to leave Zhou House was not noticed by the Zhou family, but was first noticed by the brothers of the Su family.
       Su Yanyi, the elder brother of the Su family, was a little surprised by his chin, thinking about it, thinking that Tongfang Yatou was quite informed and interested?
       Su Yueli, the second brother of the Su family, felt impossible. It's not that he is superficial and judges by appearance. Zhou Qingyu excellence is obvious to all. As their peers, they dare not say that they can share the equals with Shao Fu. Men like that, unless you are particularly proud of the proud Miss, at home, it would be unreasonable to let go. What insights can Tongfang Yatou have? Moreover, even if it is not for the sake of people, the status of the Zhou family is very popular ...
       "It's better to see each other?" The three brothers of the Su family felt that it was boring to guess. It would be better to ask in person, "Then Yatou has a lot of movements during this time. At least three or four trips to the house in a month, it is better to find an opportunity Block one person. "
       The other Su family brothers felt feasible. Although it is a bit cheap for them to block a Maid, there is nothing to do for Mei-mei.
       The negotiation came and the negotiation went. The other brothers of the Su family were all holding posts. It was not convenient for them to act. Su Yunlan and Su Yunfei were the most idle at the upper and lower levels of the house, so it was up to them to block Summer-Chun.
       Three days later, Summer-Chun bought a bunch of things and added two yards to lunch. He was stopped at Chunyan Building.
       Although the Su family is Dakang's only Wang with a different surname, it is actually a family of generals. Regardless of whether a boy or a girl is born, Xi Wu has been strong since childhood. Although Su Yunlan and Su Yunfei brothers were only sixteen or seven, they were already shoulder to shoulder with young men. In particular, the Su family ancestors were also mixed with a trace of western blood, and each person was tall, with a deep outline.
       Summer-Chun looked at the handsome young boy in front of him and blinked :  "Looking for me?"
       Su Yunlan Su Yunfei looked at each other, looking at the petite woman who only reached their chest position, some of them could not hold the fierce and evil face. Su Yunlan was a bit older, and after a short consternation, he raised his hand and made an invitation gesture :  "The box is set upstairs, Miss, don't mind, we go to the box to sit down and talk."
       Summer-Chun didn't speak. Little Butterfly was like a threatened puppy in front of Summer-Chun. The fangs said fiercely :  "Who are you! Stop us Miss, what do you want to do!"
       Su Yunlan was too lazy to take care of a little Yatou, so he took his eyes to see Summer-Chun.
       Summer-Chun is naturally not afraid of a few teenagers. When she was mixing, these people did not know where to breastfeed! So he nodded across the hood and lifted his legs and followed the two young men to the second floor.
       Entering the compartment, I found that there was a young gongzi in the house. The Su family is not just a rough man with a gun in Wudang. The five brothers of the Su family, Su Zheyi, are the crooked neck trees with a long crooked heart like horse honeycomb.
       A pair of eyes like a black hole, swarthy. A glance at the person seems to make the person's heart clear. It's not that the born is not like the Su family, Jun is Jun, or a gentle and elegant look.
       Summer-Chun doesn't know who this group of people are, but by looking at the clothes of a few people, you know that you are rich or expensive. She was not hypocritical, and she sits down opposite Su Zheyi and took off her hood.
       As soon as the veil was taken off, the two young men, who were fierce and evil, widened their eyes and were blushing and red.
       Su Zheyi also froze for a moment, apparently did not expect the Tongfang of the Zhou family to be so outstanding. He shook his hand holding the teacup twice, lowered his eyes uncomfortably, and his voice was low like wine :  "Xia Miss, is it? You have been admired for a long time."
       Summer-Chun :  "... polite."
       "Xia Miss, don't be afraid, I'm the Su family of Wangfu in Dingbei. Today, I invited Xia Miss to come here and discuss something." Su Zheyi poured a cup of tea for Summer-Chun and smiled, "Xia  Miss, don't mind, Su Mou will speak out. "
       The room was quiet, only a fragrance of tea.
       Summer-Chun's stomach is a little hungry, and his eyes are spinning on the exquisite dim sum in the center of the case :  "Su gongzi, please."
       "Xia Miss, do you have any plans recently?"
       He suddenly opened his mouth, and Summer-Chun took a refreshing hand and looked up at him.
       The light smile on Su Zheyi face persisted and was looked at by Summer-Chun. Xu Yu, Summer-Chun looked away innocently, took a bite of dim sum, and unknowingly said, "... Su gongzi thought?"
       Su Zheyi smiled :  "Xia Miss, if you really want to leave Zhou House without knowing it, you can help you."
       Little Butterfly was a little dazed. The scene is completely different from what she imagined, what can the Su family say? She aimed suspiciously at the person leaning on the carriage.
       Summer-Chun has been tired for a long time after running around the world for a long time. At this time, he leaned on the carriage and fell into a coma.
       Now with the help of the Su family, there is no chance to escape from the Zhou family. Little Colorful Butterfly is very confused. Miss, is this the fate with gongzi? What if gongzi knew? Will it be furious and unwilling? Gongzi anger is actually quite scary. She has heard of it even though she hasn't seen it before. She heard that anger won't be able to suppress Zhou Lao-ye. It's just that this person, gongzi, has been calm and important since childhood. Very few people can provoke him.
       The wagon was dangling and arrived at the Zhoujiajiao gate before Youshi.
       The servants of the Zhoujiajiao gatekeeper have a little bit of friendship with Xiao  Caidie's brother. Summer-Chun has been in and out during this time, and he won't say anything more than that. The carriage was hired. When the master and servants got off, they paid the money and entered the house. The servant and the servant avoided the path and returned.
       Zhou Qingyu was very busy this time, rarely in Fufu. Summer-Chun returned to Yumingxuan, and Song Mama looked at the big bags of the two, and showed disapproval :  "Miss, when she went out and walked in the future, she still had to tell gongzi to ask gongzi to give Miss a guard. The outside was not like the tranquility of Fuchu , In Miss, posture, if something goes wrong, it’s not worth the loss. "
       Summer-Chun nodded her head and handed her a bag of things :  "This is a snack from Xinghuapu, Mama will try it."
       Song Mama didn't expect Summer-Chun to go out without forgetting her, and she was a little touched. After receiving the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help but twitched, and said in a chatter :  "Where is the slave-servant to bring snacks in person?"
       Summer-Chun's sneaking out of the house is not a special case. Song Mama will not report to Zhou Qingyu. After all, although she was assigned to Summer-Chun by Young Master, the master is already Summer-Chun. The report to Summer-Chun about the clothing, food, housing and transportation of Shao Fu is based on the fact that it is beneficial to Summer-Chun. Purely provoke the unpleasant things of Shao Fu, Song Mama can naturally conceal the truth, not to miss, and cause trouble.
       The Zhou family marries the long Sun Erxi Zhou Zhou is busy in full swing. Yu Mingxuan is Zhou Qingyu yard, and he is also his unique yard after he is married. Su Wan will not live with him when he marries in, and another yard will be set up in the house for the purpose of marriage.
       Wen Shi and Zhou Lao Fu-ren must be hands-on during this time. It was also a wedding ceremony and a new yard repair, and it was necessary to arrange wedding invitations from all over the place in Fuzhong, so busy that it was too busy. Summer-Chun is just a gadget in their eyes. As long as she doesn't jump up and down to cause serious trouble, she is happy to go out and nobody cares.
       Zhou Qingyu was busy late every day and returned to Fuzhong late at night. Sometimes I will encounter Summer-Chun people on the couch, sometimes not. Occasionally, the spirit feet hug people, but most of them sleep on the couch.
       Summer-Chun didn't know what was going on with his official duties, but his eyes showed that he was tired. She woke up and painted plum blossoms on her body after sleeping, staying behind the earlobe, clavicle, and a red plum blossom the size of her fingernails.
       This cinnabar is really interesting. It can be seen that the ear lobe is difficult to wash. It can’t be seen that it can’t be washed off. The plum blossoms on the collarbone are also bright in the past half a month. Could cinnabar be the material used for tattoos?
       Frowning a little red plum on Shao Fu collarbone, Zhou Qingyu mouth curled up with his eyes closed in the dark.
       With long arms, he brought up the man who had sneaked on his collarbone, then rolled over and pressed down.
       In the sound of the rain, there was suddenly a fine and gentle woman chant. Oh, mixed with an unbearable sob. Or in a hurry or long, intermittent, endless.
       Shaofu don't look at the dust-free appearance of a gentleman, but in fact he is very fierce. The more restrained, the more disguised the instincts of the beasts and beasts. Especially Summer-Chun this shameless thing has no shame, and cooperate with the guidance. Shao Fu now behaves bravely on the bed. She is fed by her just like the beasts released from the mountains. I am afraid that Miss can't stand him.
       Lively and fragrant, ambiguous.
       Tossing most of the night, if you have to do something tomorrow, you will have to be full of energy, and Shaofu will not let her easily. Summer-Chun turned into a pool of water in Shao Fu arms, and the two of them crossed their necks and nestled in the bath tub. The scene under them was not humane. Summer-Chun climbed him weakly, biting his shoulders and trembling. His cheeks were drunk with red eyes, and his eyes were filled with water.
       Young Master chuckled in a low voice. He had a clear voice in the daytime, but at night he fell into the auricle of the human ears and felt numb. The waves are violently rippling, and outside is Zhang Mama, which makes it quick to clean up the mess, and the fire and ice are twofold.
       After freshly grooming and staying in the bed, Summer-Chun's will is gone. Shao Fu kissed her mouth softly and said :  "Sleep, wait for leisure, and take you to see the peach blossoms in Bezhuang, Capital City suburb. Ben gongzi speaks."
       He said this many times, and Summer-Chun responded vaguely, closing his eyes and falling asleep.
       The spring rain is like oil, and the moist things are silent. At the beginning of April, the grass was flying and the warbler was flying, and the gloomy scene inside and outside the capital was refreshed, and the spring was everywhere. As soon as Chun Wei opened, there were Dakang students inside and outside the capital. Zhou Lao-ye, as the examiner this time, has a great responsibility. The guests sent away by the Zhou family every day do not know that the enthusiasm of the visitors is still unstoppable.
       Zhou Lao-ye simply closed the door and thanked the guests for the unhealthy wind and evil spirits that could not contain the gifts.
       It's just that it's not convenient for Summer-Chun. The Su family really did it, and it was very easy to handle. Summer-Chun had asked the guards whom the Su family had been looking for. Su Zheyi had arranged it properly, and sent a letter saying that she would wait for her to pick it herself. But the Zhou family's door was closed so tightly that she had no chance to go out.
       Su Zheyi frowned and pondered for a moment, waving her hand to signal that they would go down first.
       The situation of the Zhou family is generally understood in their minds, but it is just over a month before the date of the marriage between Su and Anhui, and they will be relieved if they send Summer-Chun away earlier. Summer-Chun's beautiful woman is heartbreaking. The Su family brothers asked themselves, although Mei-mei is not unsightly, compared with her, it is one heaven and one earth. If they hold such a beauty in their arms, they can't easily abandon it, and save their own lives, Zhou Qingyu will certainly be the same.
       "How does 5-brother say?" Su Yunlan remembered that Summer-Chun was still a little bit hot, "Wait a few days?"
       This can only be done. Su Zheyi stood by the window, thinking of the sly eyes of the woman in the teahouse that day. His eyes were a little deep. That is a very rare beauty, Zhou Qingyu is really lucky ...
       Summer-Chun was taking warm tonic medicine, and one day he woke up suddenly with abdominal pain. The knife-like pain caused her to curl up on the bed for five or six days, and Young Master was also a little flustered. It is useless to ask the doctor to see it, and it is useless to drink the painkiller. Song Mama knows Summer-Chun This is the reaction of taking medicine afterwards. After a few days of comfort, I realize that Summer-Chun has started to come to Kwai Shui normally.
       This Kwai Shui came for seven or eight days, longer than usual. Summer-Chun had to wonder if he was about to drain the blood soon. Young Fu heard her alarmist daily and was scared so much that she was ordered to cook something for Summer-Chun.
       After eating good food, he became fat in just half a month. Originally Summer-Chun had a comfortable life as a child, but some people did not ask her to stay for long, and the accident happened on a day in mid-May. The Zhou family was entertaining guests, and the house was often full of people. In the evening, Summer-Chun took Little Butterfly to stroll in the courtyard. He heard that Miss Mi, Yang Xiue, who was living in the house, accidentally fell into the water and was rescued ashore by a scholar who came to the Zhou family as a guest.
       In May, the clothes were thin, and Yang Xiu'e was white. After falling into the water, it was natural to see at a glance. Even if the two didn't do the dirty thing, but the big crowd embraced like this, Yang Xiu'e's innocence would give up to the scholar.
       Yang Xiue cried half to death, where is she willing? Where do you wish? Since she was a child, she has been obsessed with her cousin. How can she be regarded as a poor scholar in a foreign capital? Even if the book is good for Zhou Lao-ye, with a promising future, what can it be compared to Zhou Qingyulai? Yang Xiu'e was crying with tears, and hysterical  calling that someone was hurting her.
       Zhou family 2-Fu-ren has no daughters, and Di-kin's Zhi-nu loves her as a daughter, so she will be justified immediately.
       Yes! Someone must have caused them Xiu'e. Otherwise, how could this man in the house fall into the water? Miss, there are so many of us, Yang Xiu'e has an accident when no one has an accident? She said that, her eyes glanced at several Miss Wens.
       Wen Shi also has a niece. There are many heirs of the Wen family, and there are only a dozen of them. Just like Yang-shi once thought about marrying Yang Xiu'e to Zhou Qingyu, she rightfully thinks that it is the Miss of the Wen family, who resorts to any means to get higher status. Wen Miss, there are many people who have the idea of playing Zhou Qingyu. For a time, several eyes flickered and looked suspicious.
       Wen Shi was ashamed when he saw this, and he ordered it immediately, so be sure to investigate thoroughly.
       Summer-Chun failed to watch the excitement near the incident, and listened to the excitement outside. Originally wanting to listen to a few more words, Zhang Mama, who was in a hurry, grabbed Yu Mingxuan back. As soon as she entered the room, she was covered with a hot body. At this time, Shao Fu eyes were red, and the corner of his mouth was so red that he drank the ghost of blood like blood. He picked up Summer-Chun and pressed on the couch.
       The action was hurried and fierce, and with a force of knocking people apart, the man in his arms was pressed against the edge of the bed.
       The door outside the room closed with a bang, and Summer-Chun blankly grasped the bedpost and lay on the edge of the couch, blank in his brain.
       I don't know how long it took, the fireworks fluttered in her mind, and she realized later that Zhou Qingyu had been stabbed in the house by someone. Recalling that Yang Xiu'e accidentally fell into the water, Miss Wen flashed his words, Summer-Chun connected the cause and effect, and pieced together a story.
       The house is full of heat, and the outside is also full of heat. Wen Shi got the news that Yu Mingxuan also had an accident here. Her son was drugged under her eyelids, and the gentle woman who was angry was smashing several cups in a row.
       In fact, it is easy to check. Zhou Jiaming looks like a general honorable family, but in fact, the secret of hundreds of years, secretly hides many dark guards. It's just that Ping Sufu has very strict rules, and the people who act under it are also relaxed and relaxed, so they naturally have loose control. When the real accident happened, the person in the dark was brought out, and the matter was easily found.
       It was just such a search that involved the people in Yumingxuan.
       In other words, it is extremely difficult for outsiders, except those in Yumingxuan, to give Zhou Qingyu medicine. Yumingxuan has fewer people to serve, except for the four little servants Song Mama Zhang Mama and many rough messengers who can't enter the main house, they sent four Tongfang from the small building.
       Chu-Spring Autumn-Xiang Nuan-Winter The three were thrown in front of Wen Shi. Wen Shi got angry on the spot :  "Is there another one ?!"
       When the words came out, the scene was silent.
       one left? There is another one who is being pressed down by gongzi, and now people are still in the house, making the earth and earth shake. It's just that everyone didn't know how to speak. Look at me, look at you, it's as quiet as a quail.
       In the end, Nuan-Winter, who was still awkward, crawled out and gave three loud noises :  "It must have been the hand of Summer-Chun's servant maid who took over gongzi! She is very jealous, and she is very cruel. It’s because no one else has contaminated gongzi. The slave and other three people have been in Yumingxuan for more than a year. It’s because of this little bastard’s hindrance that she has never been close to gongzi. She must have hated gongzi and decided to get married, wanting to ruin under the eyes of today. Gongzi family matter, please Fu-ren to check! "
       Chu-Spring and Autumn-Xiang glanced at each other, and immediately crawled out to catch up :  "That's it! Fu-ren, this cheap maid is arrogant and revengeful, and has a strong heart of revenge. The slave maid can testify, Nuan-Winter said half a word. No.The slave-maid had the honor to gongzi with blue eyes, but she caught clams in the middle of the night. The frightened slave-maid frightened the slave-maid, drove the slave-maid away, and was not allowed to step closer to the main house ... "
       Autumn-Xiang cried :  "She used to say that gongzi loves her only. No matter who the others are, she is not as good as a finger."
       Chu-Spring Nuan-Winter and others quickly echoed, and the three of you gave me a word and dumped all the grievances and resentments of the year.
       Wen Shi was originally to check Yang Xiu falling into the water. After listening to these, I was almost shocked and almost gasped. "How dare you, how dare this maidservant! How dare she !!"
       This box was so enraptured by Shao Fu.
       Wen Shi was so dizzy and dizzy that he ran to Yu Mingxuan himself, but the people inside did not intend to stop. With red ears and red ears, she was getting more and more angry outside, only wishing to kick the doorkeeper Hu Meizi out and throw it out of the house.
       The two tossed to the willow head on the moon, and Wen Shi could not wait any longer to return to his yard. Summer-Chun was stunned by Shao Fu to wash, and fell asleep in confusion.
       The next day, Tian'er, Ming Shi, led a group of people to Yu Ming Xuan.
       Young Fu entered the palace early today, and he didn't even leave a word. Summer-Chun will get out of the house and be stopped by Gang Mama of Jianjiayuan.
       Gang Mama's face was extremely cold and sullen, and his eyes seemed to pierce Summer-Chun. She raised her hand and made a petition. She spit out the words extremely politely :  "Xia Miss, please here, we Fu-ren please."
       Summer-Chun has seen Gang Mama more than once, and each time is full of laughter, and she has never been so disgusted before her. There was some surprise in my heart, but she followed her to the flower hall obediently.
       As soon as the person entered the flower hall, there was a cold cry from the top of the high hall :  "Kiddy kneel down!"
       Summer-Chun froze, blinked and looked up.
       I saw Wen Shi, who was always gentle and generous in the high position headed up. At this moment, she looked like a green face. She looked at Summer-Chun with red marks on her neck and eyes full of peach blossoms with spring water. She looked at her with disgust. And she was sitting on the lower right hand side of 2nd House Fu-ren Yang-shi. Ippa covered her face and seemed to disdain to look at her more, and Yang Xiue, who was crying and swollen eyes, stared at her viciously. Chu-Spring Nuan-Winter Autumn-Xiang and others knelt on the ground, Wen Shi beside him  called coldly :  "Summer-Chun, you can be guilty."
       "..." Summer-Chun knew the crime of fart, and she hadn't figured out anything from last night to now.
       She didn't speak, and shook her head ignorantly, so she heard the sound of Mama's bead in the air. Chu-Spring Nuan-Winter and other people's tears and the anger of Yang Xiu cry and dumb throat. A group of people stunned to complete a big show in tacit agreement without giving her a chance to breathe. Summer-Chun listened to them without saying a word, and then Wen Wen straightened his voice and asked, "What else do you say?"
       "Yes." Nothing can calm down, Summer-Chun said.
       Wen Shi was stunned and straightened his lips :  "Say."
       The bastard who has been through three sessions since childhood has said that this kind of scene should not be too familiar, sprinkle water. Summer-Chun kept a naive and ignorant face and looked at Yang Xiu'e, saying :  "Yang Miss, saying that slave nubi  hurt you, may I see anyone seeing slave nubi  pushing you?"
       Yang Xiu eyes were swollen, and her eyes seemed to quench the poison :  "Not who else are you!"
       "Isn't it? There is no reason to slander others, Miss, it's really necessary to fix this problem for so many years." Summer-Chun nodded, regardless of Yang Xiu breath, he turned his head and looked at Nuan-Winter Chu-Spring and others : "You said that I was jealous and dominated gongzi, which prevented you from approaching gongzi. Who gave you confidence? Gongzi won't allow you to get close because of my obstruction. Think too much, I can't control gongzi, Is gongzi disgusting you and not allowing you to approach him within three steps? "
       As soon as these words fell to the ground, the three Nuan-Winter Chu-Spring almost didn't spit blood, and their eyes were glaring. Wen Shi heart moved, and he suddenly remembered his son's bad smell.
       "Slaughter-zi stayed in the courtyard last night and seldom went out. He ate a lot and went out in the evening, but he never made it to the guests." Summer-Chun said honestly, but his words were clear and logical , Poison people without self-knowledge, "Fu-ren doesn't believe it, you can ask people to ask."
       This is not false, Wen Shi can naturally ask everyone to ask.
       In fact, when Yang Xiu'e fell into the water, there were several Miss of the Wen family. Wen Jia 6-Miss, I don’t know what quarrels with Yang Xiu'e, they pulled and fell into the water. She checked this matter yesterday, but Yang Xiu'e didn't admit it was an accident. She was noisy and wanted to rectify Summer-Chun. It was said that Summer-Chun remembered that she had thrown her into Nanyuan and intentionally hurt her.
       Wen Shi was annoyed at Wen Miss, and it was one thing to be solemn. Since Yang Xiue voluntarily helped her niece's niece cover up, she pushed the boat down the river and acquiesced in her accusations against Summer-Chun.
       As for the things that Nuan-Winter Chu-Spring and others said, Yu, the elder brother's Chinese medicine, is the top priority she handled today. At this sight, it was the marriage of Zhou Su and Su Jiaxin, she naturally wanted to clear the obstacles for Erxi in the future. It’s strange to blame Yu I’m too fond of Yatou, but I’ve been lucky for more than a year. I heard that Tai-yi was prescribed medicine for this difficult illness of Yatou.
       Wen Shi is not a person who is not enlightened, but enlightened is also limited. There is one or two favorite Yatou in the pre-marriage room. It doesn't matter, which gongzi room in Capital City is empty? But if something goes too far, it will hinder the future husband and wife harmony.
       Su Miss, is a good Miss, and she, as a Popo, naturally has to show some attitude. The children of her Zhou family have always come from the belly of the wife, and Yu brother and Father are still holding the attitude of one person, one person and one person. Yu Even if he can't be a husband, he can't allow Concubine to climb to his head. Why are you holding Tongfang Yatou on the countertop all day long? Could it be that Shu-Eldest-son was born in Yatou stomach?
       With such thoughts in his heart, Wenshi watched with cold eyes as Chu-Spring and others buckled the shit bowl on Summer-Chun's head.
       Summer-Chun talked a lot, and saw Wen Shi didn't even move his eyebrows. I knew that these people were deliberately looking for her stubble today. No matter whether it is true or not, Wen Shi has decided to cure her. Think about it, she simply saved her saliva.
       Sure enough, after some refutation, Wen shi said coldly :  "Ben Fu-ren no matter how you are, Xia-shi is arrogant and arrogant, and the ill-gottenness of the mind is a foregone conclusion. For more than a year, there is no credit but also hard work. This Fu-ren will not punish you any more. You go to Zhuangzi to reflect. "
       Just go to Zhuangzi? Not selling? Yang Xiu'e Nuan-Winter Chu-Spring Autumn-Xiang and others were stunned and looked at Wen Shi inconceivably.
       "1st Sao?" 2-Fu-ren Yang-shi is also very puzzled. I feel that Wen Shi is too soft-hearted. A Tongfang Yatou, just kill it, then kill it, but you have to send it to Zhuangzi?
       "Yu-brother is about to marry a wife. It's not good to see a lot of blood in a good day." Wen Shi glanced coldly. "Besides, my Zhou Jiaren ruled the family. This Yatou is not very old. At the same age, knowing the mistakes can improve the situation. "
       Yang-shi face was blue and white, and he choked to death. This Wenshi, used to pretend to be pretend!
       Yang Xiu'e was so shocked that his tears were all on his face, and his face was sullen. But she dared to make trouble in front of Yang-shi, but she didn't dare to show anything in front of Wen shi. Wen Shi is the mother of Cousin-brother, Yang Xiu'e did not dare to leave her a vicious impression. So far, she hasn't given up to Zhou Qingyu yet, hoping for a turn.
       "As for the three of you," Wen Shi smirked. Zhou dark guard was not vegetarian. Wen Shi can pull people out for disposal, so naturally everything is clear. Yang Xiu falling into the water is Wen Liu handwriting, Yu  Brother Chinese Medicine, but these three women in this small building did it! Actually started to eat. This time it's pickled medicine, what next time? Vicious things that can't be on the countertop! Can't catch Yu brother will use the three methods, "Come here, Nuan-Winter drags out of the quiet room, and the other two will send to Ye Shui An."
       Nuan-Winter Chu-Spring Autumn-Xiang was caught off guard and even  Called in his throat.
       I saw three or four sturdy Pozi stepped forward, covering their mouths with one hand and squeezing someone out, then went out. Summer-Chun knelt at the bottom, and after looking at Wen Shi, he got up consciously :  "Slave nubi  go to Zhuangzi, can nubi  bring luggage? Can you bring Maid and Pozi who are waiting for nubi ?"
       Wen Shi expression remained the same, cold and indifferent :  "Yu-what the brother gave you is naturally yours, and take it away."
       Summer-Chun nodded and consciously got up without Pozi escorting.
       As soon as the person left, Wen Shi pressed his sleeves with his fingers and closed his eyes. She did this for the sake of Yu-brother, in order to keep her son and husband in harmony in the future, and hope Yu-brother would come back to blame her.
       Thinking this way, Wen Shi, regardless of Yang-shi dissatisfaction, led a group of people to hula la and returned to Jianjiayuan.
       Lao Fu-ren heard about the movement here early in the morning and was very satisfied with Wen Shi handling. Yu Brother recently spoiled that Yatou. Men are dull and cannot see their own hearts, but women are not dull at all. Yu brother likes it this way, Pet-concubine wiping wives in the future is light. Since her Zhou family had agreed to marry the Miss Su, as a wife, she couldn't naturally promote good family affairs into a pair of grievances. Yu Brother is so smart that he can certainly understand what his mother meant.
       With a long sigh, Lao Fu-ren made Mama open a private store again. I didn't give any other valuables, so I really added some good-selling items and one thousand two-grain silver :  "Send it to Yatou."
       Yuan Mama met the people at Jian Jiayuan on the way, and Wen Shi was also ordered to give some money.
       Summer-Chun understood these things immediately.
       Little Colorful Butterfly cried while packing her luggage, while Song Mama could not bear it either. Tie Qing took her face and received the silver from the two houses. It was okay last night, and it turned upside down overnight.
       Song Mama thought about it, knowing that her Miss still obstructed Su eyes. He took things into the inner room and looked at Miss. After wrapping a small package, he put on clothes and took off clothes. Mouth muttered and asked if the color of the package did not match her clothes, and her face was heartless. Song Mama fed the dog with compassion :  "..."
       "Mama, don't you go to pack your luggage yet?" Summer-Chun took off his belt, frowning at the tooth stamp imprinted on the neck and collarbone by a wolf, "It must be a gauze, otherwise it would be a little out of the way." people……"
       "... Miss, don't you feel sad when you go to Zhuangzi, you are not sad?" Song Mama asked herself that her heart was too hard for most people, but she was still a little bit in the face of Summer-Chun.
       "Sorry," Summer-Chun picked a nail polish powder and applied it on his neck. "But it's a sad life."
       Song Mama :  "..." But you are too sure.
       "Go pack your luggage."
       Summer-Chun changed into fiery clothes and pinched his waist very thin. The whole person burned like a blaze in the dark room. Xiao  Caidie Song Mama looked at her and couldn't bear to feel sad, stunned. This dress is absolutely not allowed to be worn in her capacity, but now she has rushed out of the house, and wearing a red dress is so enjoyable!
       Out of the room, Song Mama's expression was hard to say :  "How do I think, Miss, just wait for this day?"
       Xiao cai didn't dare to look at her and ran away hummingly.
       It seems to have been arranged in general.
       Early the next morning, Summer-Chun took Xiao  Caidie Song Mama and left the corner of Zhoufu with their luggage. There was already a small green horse-drawn carriage waiting outside the door, and there were four or five rough messengers who helped carry the luggage out. When the driver saw the three main-servants of Summer-Chun coming out, he quickly stepped forward to help, pointing to the back of the carriage and beckoning the envoys to pile up the salute.
       The envoys acted neatly, and Wen Shi sent to watch the order of several Zijian Pozi houses moved by Summer-Chun. The driver grinned attentively with one of Pozi, and got a few rewards. He suddenly smiled.
       Little Colorful Butterfly was squeezed out of the crowd, small, and twirled around the periphery. Suddenly I don't know where to get a 7 or 8-year-old beggar, and hit Song Mama while talking to Jian Jiayuan Mama. Little Colorful Butterfly was about to scold, and she noticed that there was something in her palm. Her eyelids jumped quickly, turning her head to look at Summer-Chun.
       Summer-Chun had a veil on his head and could not see his expression clearly. She was stepping on the ladle, holding up the skirt and Shi Shiran got into the carriage. Song Mama was holding valuables, followed closely behind.
       So far, there is no other way to think, one step at a time.
       Xiao  Caidie held something in her hand for a while, walked around the crowd, got in from the corner and followed Song Mama. Seeing Song Mama's fateful look, he couldn't help but beep, he grunted and climbed into the carriage.
       When the car curtain was lowered, the coachman's whip flicked and the green-colored pony carriage moved slowly.
       Several Pozis in Jianjiayuan watched the carriage gradually walking away, and sighed after looking at each other. Fu-ren drove away this Yatou while Big-gongzi was not in charge of the house, and did not know how gongzi would be angry when he returned to the house.
       Compared to the worries of Jianjiayuan, Summer-Chun slowly stroked the jade gourd in his hand and looked out the window. I do not know what to think, the light in the eyes is extinct. Song Mama held the wooden box and sighed again and again, with nothing she knew. The little butterfly's eyeballs gobble around in a circle, sneaking close to Summer-Chun and whispering.
       Just before the door of Zhoujiajiao, the little beggar stuffed a small note into her palm. Little Colorful Butterfly didn't open, but this time was inseparable with Summer-Chun, and I couldn't guess what was going on.
       Summer-Chun took it and did not avoid it, so the big lala opened on the spot and saw it-it was sent by the Su family brothers.
       The Su family bluntly stated in the letter that they arranged staff outside the city gate. When the carriage exited the city gate, it was stopped by four Summer-Chun entrusted guards to the woods that came out one mile outside the city gate. Summer-Chun masters and servants should not panic at that time, these four people are the compensation of the Su family, and then will recognize Summer-Chun as the main. Summer-Chun Master and servant just leave the situation, the Su family will wipe out the whereabouts of the three people.
       "..." Summer-Chun rubbed his chin with deep eyes, and the Su family was really efficient in doing things.
       Little Butterfly also saw the contents of the letter, and her mouth curled up again.
       Song Mama was a bit strange in seeing the two of them looking wrong. After all, she was used to it because of her lack of heart and lungs. Little Butterfly was a bombshell. Even from yesterday's accident to the present, everything is safe and sound, without saying a word. Her suspicious eyes turned back and forth between the two, and at this moment, she felt a little vaguely.
       So far, Summer-Chun will no longer hide Song Mama. Seeing her doubts, she gave her the note in her hand.
       Song Mama took a look at it, and suddenly there was a burst of darkness in front of her. Looking at the tone of the letter, the Su family may have contacted Summer-Chun in private for some time. Not only the compensation, but also the traces were erased. The Su family wanted Summer-Chun to completely disappear in front of Shao Fu Daren! However, such a big thing, did not appear a little bit of signs?
       She couldn't help looking up, her eyes fierce. The little colorful butterfly shrank her small neck, not to mention guilty conscience.
       Song Mama closed her eyes :  "Miss, ......"
       Summer-Chun shrugged indifferently :  "As you can see, the Su family wants me to leave gongzi as soon as possible."
       Song Mama's breath choked into his throat, and he was sad and sad. She looked at Summer-Chun, her eyes suddenly turned red. In the letter, I didn't think of Summer-Chun, only that the Su family acted too domineering. The family affairs have not been completed yet, Su Miss, who secretly sent the people around Zhou Qingyu before they even entered the door, it is too much to deceive people :  "Miss,, Miss, you suffer ..."
       Summer-Chun waved his hand, still the heartless look :  "It's okay, they're kind, they gave a lot of compensation."
       Song Mama still couldn't swallow this breath.
       Although it is reasonable to reason, it is legal for a wife to send her husband. But this person used to be close to each other, and the host she served was Summer-Chun, so she naturally stood in the position of Summer-Chun and looked at the problem. Now Song Mama only feels that Su Miss's hand is too long, and there is no lack of malicious curses in his heart.
       "It's okay, okay," Song Mama wiped her tears, "How did Miss, plan? Just called Su Shi heart like this?"
       "Otherwise what to do?" I was looking for the time to leave, and now it just happens to push the boat. "It's just that the two masters of the Zhou family can't accommodate me. In the future, Young Fu-ren can't accommodate it. It's better to leave consciously and get together."
       ... It is true to say so, but if gongzi knows it, he may be furious.
       Song Mama naturally knows that the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and it is not trivial to be regarded as a nail in the eyes of her mother. The survival of the wealthy and honorable backyard is not just about pleasing men. So wiped his eyes, and carefully read the note again. Xiao  Caidie saw her turning around so quickly, she couldn't help feeling, she was still old and spicy! Think about it, and got close to Song Mama and said :  "The master has already set up the property outside, we are still in Capital City."
       Song Mama was shocked and looked at Summer-Chun in surprise.
       Summer-Chun nodded and lifted the curtain to look out the window. Unconsciously, the carriage has gradually moved away from the crowd, fearing that it will soon reach the city gate. So he asked Song Mama to quickly collect all the valuables and wrap up his back.
       Sure enough, after a quarter of an hour, the carriage went out of town. Four burly men dressed as bandits with masks and swords stopped the carriage in the woods. Summer-Chun left the house except Song Mama and Little Butterfly, the Zhou family sent a coachman to follow. As soon as the Dahan knife came out of the sheath, the driver kneeled softly on the ground.
       Escaping is not going to escape, the driver is not too young, and he can't beg for mercy.
       The sturdy man came to the Summer-Chun master and servant. Regardless of whether the driver threatened or lured for mercy, a hand-knife would stun people. Then he stepped forward and smashed the car curtain, beckoning Summer-Chun master and servant to get off.
       Although he was already mentally prepared, Song Mama Choi was still bluffed by this battle. Summer-Chun was okay. After all, he was so knowledgeable that he jumped off the carriage first. The three masters and servants immediately got out of the car and changed a humble carriage. The four burly men sits around the front and back of the carriage and turned back to the city in another direction as soon as they threw the whip.
       The return trip seemed to take a lot of detours, avoiding the crowd, and it took a long time. It took about an hour and a half for Fang to transfer to Summer-Chun's house in the east of the city.
       It is said that Summer-Chun's house was bought under her modern Father's name. In the ancient times of Laozizi, her daughter's family could not buy property. Summer-Chun The two houses can only lie to the inconvenience of the father, and she will buy the property on her behalf. As the so-called money can make ghosts grind, go to Yamen to register, it took a lot of money in Summer-Chun.
       As soon as he entered, Song Mama was dumbfounded at the well-organized courtyard. Taking another look at Xiao  Caidie's guilty conscience, she didn't dare to look at her. Song Mama suddenly recalled her many hints during this time and couldn't help but realize.
       It seems that the master left the house for a long time.
       The courtyard door was closed, and the four big men's masks were taken off. They knelt down at Summer-Chun and recognized the Lord.
       Su Zheyi arranged quite kindly, at first glance the four big men are martial arts high-strength practicers. Ignoring the character status, the eyes of four people are clear, and they are not like sly people.
       Summer-Chun nodded and asked the names of four people.
       The four people just said that they changed their masters, and the former names are no longer needed. Now, please ask the new master Summer-Chun to give them a name. Summer-Chun was too lazy to care about whether this was the case with ancient masters and servants. He simply named four people for Xia Yi Xia Xia Xia Xia Xia Xia Si. The four elders were not so hypocritical, and knocked their heads to recognize the perfunctory name.
       In order to be realistic, their salute was thrown on the carriage in the woods outside Capital City. Summer-Chun's side had no clothes except for valuables and money.
       Song Mama couldn't help sighing at this time, so she went to arrange it quickly. Fortunately, Summer-Chun bought a full set early in the morning, and bought all kinds of utensils early, and also bought the next person with his teeth :  a Pozi for cooking, two coarse messengers, and a groom. Song Mama followed them out of the house, and the housekeeper's business was handed over to Song Mama. The little colorful butterfly looked the same and served her personally.
       I have to say that people's adaptability is really strong. Song Mama used to be nauseous and the Su family was so deceiving, but now he was just outside the house for half a month and gradually adapted. Without the string tightly attached to his head, the days seemed to be easier.
       ...... The days outside the house were easy and fast, and it was only half a month.
       When Chun Wei ended, Crown Prince, as a national prince, naturally had to take advantage of the talents. It's just that he is young, and everything is necessary. Zhou Qingyu, the Crown Prince young man, came forward. Zhou Qingyu held a lofty position in the heart of Guangxi Academy. With the young master, Crown Prince recruited talents smoothly. After so busy for half a month, Shaofu finally handled the matter at hand and was able to return home.
       As soon as May passed, the sun grew stronger.
       Mid-June is the marriage period of the two governments. Zhou Qingyu was busy and dim, and when he returned to the government, he thought that he would welcome the bride in ten days. Irritated in his heart, he squeezed his raised brow and returned to Yumingxuan with a tired expression. Only Fang stepped into the Courtyard door and greeted Zhang Mama who was still talking.
       Songheyuan was still waiting for him to eat, and Wenshi also sent a message there, and he had to tell Shaofu if he had something. Zhou Qingyu waved his hand to signal Zhang Mama to retreat first, no matter what to mention later, and turned around to enter the clean room behind the screen.
       Zhang Mama sighed, this is a foregone conclusion, and it doesn't make much difference sooner or later. So he bowed his head and retreated.
       People arrived at Songheyuan and Wenshi was there. Zhou Lao Fu-ren really mentioned the relatives of Zhou Su family, and what Wen Shi had to explain was also related to this matter. Zhou Qingyu swallowed and listened to Wen Shi talking about the details of the marriage :  "You're free, you go to the Capital City suburbs to get two geese. The Su family is the home of the generals, and the geese personally called are more sincere."
       Zhou Qingyu nodded indiscriminately. He was too busy with his feet at this time, and the iron hitters would also be tired. Looking at Grandmother and his mother at this time, the blue and black under the eyelids are obvious to all.
       Wen Shi and Zhou Lao Fu-ren looked at each other, and there was no mention of Summer-Chun being sent away on the spot. At first, the son's appearance seemed very tired, Wen Shi intentionally told him to rest and mention it again; secondly, she also knew that the things that sent away Summer-Chun so quietly were not authentic, lest the son be unhappy, Just thinking about dragging on for a while.
       Zhou Qingyu did not know what the two thought, Shi Shiran returned to the courtyard. I changed my clothes and I didn’t see Summer-Chun in the main house. Holding a cup of tea, he gave a shallow sip, only remembering Zhang Mama's complexion when he returned home. Zhang-Mama was inviting and asked her what was going on.
       Zhang Mama knelt down to the ground and said heavily :  "Master, Xia Miss, was sent to Zhuangzi by Fu-ren."
       The people at Yu Mingxuan saw Zhou Qingyu so distraught. Gongzi, who was never moved by foreign objects, was so shocked that he was angry. In the evening, both Jianjiayuan and Songheyuan were already disturbed and were alarmed. Wen Shi rushed over in person, Zhang Mama and others knelt down on their knees as if they were covered by a nightmare, and did not dare to move.
       Young Fu Duan sits in the rose chair, his hair was slightly chaotic, and his face was extremely ugly. One hand pulled the armrest of the chair, white and slender fingers stretched weakly, and the bright red blood was dripping down the finger joints. Fang Cai shattered the cup and put the broken pieces of porcelain into his palm. Ling Feng was carefully cleaning his wounds.
       Wen Shi face was not pretty, but he didn't say goodbye to the people in his house who were at a loss. He was softly explaining to him the reason for sending Summer-Chun :  "Su Miss, I'm going to the government soon, I The Zhou family should also show an attitude. "
       Young Fu Yayu eyelashes were drooping, and two groups of green and black were fainted under his eyelids. His expression at this time was as cold as an ice sculpture. The temperament of jade has disappeared for a long time. Young Fu pursed his lips. The whole person seems to be a cold sword showing the offended sharpness and aggressiveness. Never mind. "
       "Yu brother!" Wen Shi  called immediately, "You have to make such a thing for a thing ?!"
       "The two had already stated the situation when they were dating." The eyes of Shao Fu and Shen Jing shattered the knife light with anger, bright and cold. "Someone in the son's room has known for a long time. I didn't mention it when I was dating. A married couple dare to reach out into his son’s house, and it’s arrogant to deal with his son’s woman! "
       Wen Shi is anxious. This is what the Su family mentioned, it is the claim she made after her son Erxi marriage was negotiated with Lao Fu-ren after marriage :  "The Su family is not the one to wait for the rebellion. You have been smart since you were young. Can't see clearly? "
       "Summer-Chun is my woman!"
       "Then how are you going?" Although Wen Shi was gentle, Zhou Qingyu couldn't help it in this matter, "Nian sent it away, would it be possible to take it back by mouth?"
       Zhou Qingyu face instantly turned green.
       At the end, the mother and the son broke up. Wen Shi left in anger, and Zhou Qingyu looked at the messy silence.
       After a while, he got up and went to Summer-Chun's house.
       There was no one in the house for half a month, and there was a little bit of popularity in it. Shao Fu naturally knew the intention of Wen Shi actions, but he was afraid that he would fall into it and spoil the relationship. It's just that he suddenly heard that Summer-Chun was sent away and he was so angry that he couldn't accept it for a while. He confessed that he was not Pet-concubine's wife-killer, why should his mother do that kind of decisiveness?
       Quirky emotions swelled in my heart, seeming to be angry and sad, and Shao Fu was somewhat at a loss. He had never tasted such emotions. At this time, he only felt that his heart seemed to be stuck together.
       Young Master sits in the deserted house for half a quarter of an hour, knocked on the table, and a black figure fell silently.
       "Go and see Zhuangzi," Shao Fu cold voice sounded in the dark, like Chu-Spring's frozen river. "What is the status of Summer-Chun today, I will know tomorrow."
       The man in black silently promised and disappeared into the darkness.
       Early summer is approaching summer, the night is stuffy and hot, it seems to be raining, the ears are full of noisy insects. The bright moon hangs in the sky, and the bright moonlight spreads down like flowing water, covering the inside and outside with a layer of white gauze. The young man's heart was really depressed, and the days of labor should have been sleepy, but at this time he could not sleep peacefully.
       Turned over and over and couldn't sleep, he got up and sits down by the window. At this time, there was a dark cloud in the sky, and suddenly there was a cool breeze, mixed with earthy air blowing into the house. Shaofu only put on his shirt, frowning frowningly against the edge of the window.
       I don't know how long it has passed before the rain fell. The sultry disappeared, and the rain drenched Shao Fu clothes. He was unimpressed. Binocular stared at a dark shadow in the far side, and then looked up at the window, the morning sky was faint, and it was already the next day.
       After blowing the wind all night and the rain all night, Shaofu was rarely haggard.
       At this time, with a pair of dark blue eyes sitting on the soft couch beside the study window, the sleeping hands were unconsciously playing with a jade gourd tied with ribbons. Look closely, it's a pair with Summer-Chun's jade gourd. The slender hand is still tied with a bandage, Shao Fu lips are pursed, his face is pale, and the color of ice and snow in his eyebrows has not disappeared yet. Ling Feng and Ling Yun waited close to him to know that he was unhappy, and they consciously clenched their skins, fearing to touch him again if they accidentally.
       Near noon, the party sent back to the house to inform.
       Xia Miss, who was sent out of the house, was not on Zhuangzi. On the day of leaving the house, Summer-Chun's carriage was robbed in the suburbs of Capital City. As soon as the voice fell, the ribbon of the jade gourd in the hands of Shao Fu broke off.
       He was breathless and opened his eyes sharply, then stood up. Leng Lian's eyes were like a sharp sword piercing the kneeling man. His voice at this time seemed to be the ice of thirty-nine days :  "Fuck things! How are things done, why is Summer-Chun missing now!
       Anwei suddenly bowed down, and they were innocent. Although Summer-Chun was favored by gongzi in the government, his identity was indeed no more than a Tongfang Maid. Gongzi valued it again, and once it was sent out, no one could leave the position without leaving. However, they would not be able to excuse these words. Shaofu is now in a rage. They naturally bow their heads and admit their mistakes.
       Zhou Qingyu squeezed the jade gourd's hand so hard that she was white, and the unknown emotion Liaoyuan, who was bored all night in her heart, quickly spread.
       He was furious and startled, sleepy beasts, and his heart was mixed with inexplicable confusion. Summer-Chun That stupid Yatou, although he is still stupid, but it is young and beautiful, and he is born with a beautiful and beautiful skin, which is the most eye-catching. Leaving him ... Young Master didn't dare to imagine what Summer-Chun would encounter.
       "Come here!" Zhou Qingyu was furious, and he coughed violently in panic. "I immediately ordered to go and find it. I turned the capital around a hundred miles and found me out!"
       As soon as these words were finished, Shaofu fell in front of him.
       When Zhou Qingyu fell down, Zhou Family's house was panic up and down. Zhou Qingyu has practiced swords since he was a child. He has a strong body and can count the number of illnesses with one hand. Wen Shi didn't expect to send Summer-Chun away anyway. Zhou Qingyu would get sick in a hurry. I dare not take Qiao now, so I panic and hurried to Yu Mingxuan.
       Zhou Lao Fu-ren, who was a guest out of the house, heard the news and hurried back, and Zhou Qingyu had already burned with confusion.
       Wen Shi was terribly anxious, the doctor invited a wave, and Zhou Qingyu took the medicine and initiated a high fever. The man was lying on the couch, his face pale. Zhou Lao Fu-ren looked at Jin Sun like this, rebuked the quack doctor for harming others, and quickly took the jade card to invite Tai-yi in the palace.
       People who really don't get sick come on menace as soon as they get sick. Zhou Qingyu enthusiasm and consciousness gradually fell into a coma.
       Tai-yi came in a hurry, and Shao Fu had lost his mind. The cold water in the room changed from pot to pot. Young Master coughed and the fever stayed high. There is a cascade of illnesses with one cause of illness.
       Tai-yi said that it was too tired and cold to enter the body for days, and the high fever was triggered under the anger. At night, Zhou Qingyu caused lung fever again. Lest the heart and lungs be burned, Tai-yi didn't dare to leave this night, and kept his clothes in Zhoufu. If the symptoms of high fever are not reduced, it is very dangerous. After all, it will burn for a long time, and even the strongest people will be burned into fools.
       There was a lot of noise and activity, Zhou Lao-ye hurried back and asked about the reasons for the anxiety. Repeatedly reprimanded Wen Shi mother-zi for being reckless. Straightforward Yu Brother is smart and has his own rules, and his own backyard arranges it by himself, where the hands of others can stretch so long. Wen Shi was scolded with blushing ears, dare not quibble, and wiped his tears and regretted it.
       After burning for a day and night, I woke up and opened my eyes again, and the younger ones saw a lot of reduction.
       Wen Shi didn't dare to take Qiao anymore, and he said with red eyes :  "Yu If Brother really likes it, just find the person back." Su Miss, no matter how good, it is still her son's most important.
       These movements of the Zhou family naturally escaped the attention of Wangfu in Dingbei of Zhoufu. However, the Zhou family was very strict from top to bottom, and Zhou Lao Fu-ren also ordered that no outside story be allowed. Others only knew that Shao Fu was busy every day. This time the house was cold and bedridden, and I was afraid that it would not be better if it was not ten days and a half months. So the two discussed to extend the marriage period.
       The Su family brothers also visited the sick. The curling green smoke rose spirally and spread out, and the sunlight outside the window shone on the green bamboo, crushing the greenness between the necks of the people by the window. Young Fu was wearing a single shirt and holding a bamboo slip at the table. A pair of cold star eyes, full of ice and snow.
       The Su family brothers were shocked, and they used to think that the brother-zi was apathetic, but now he feels that he is only cold. However, even if it is cold, it is also a bone of ice, and its beauty is unparalleled.
       The Su family brothers didn't chat with Shao Fu much, put down the gift and told him to rest more and returned to the house. Su Wan heard that Zhou Qingyu was really sick and was very worried. Su Zheyi thought of the cold gongzi carved like ice and snow under the brilliance, and then looked at her own sister full of eyes as the man's foolish look. The contrast between the two sides was a little unhappy.
       Seeing Zhou Qingyu appearance doesn't like him-Mei Mei. If this love is done, Anhui and Wan may be afraid of suffering a lot.
       Young Master didn't know what Su family thought, and only listened to the Dark Guardian  ‘Official  and found something.
       Summer-Chun's disappearance does not seem to be a road kidnapper, but a man-made one. Except for the few boxes of luggage lost by Summer-Chun, the traces of leaving the city were wiped out completely. Not only that, Xiao  Caidie left the pawn property for two months in a row, and the purchase of the goods was also recorded by the secret guards and handed over to the young man's desk.
       Young Master carefully looked at the Summer-Chun master and servant's piles and things in private during these days. While smirking, there was a fire in his heart. On the mahogany table, there are more than ten pieces of jewelry and Dongzhu redeemed by the Dark Guard. In addition to three steps, seven or eight businessmen who had been with Summer-Chun were kneeling.
       Shao Fu smirked, and the corners of her bright red lips slowly raised. Seemingly not knowing whether to be angry or laughing, he said calmly :  "Very good! Very good! That bastard!"


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