Ill-Fated Consort 10

Chen Fang and Zhang Lan were smiling, and when they heard the words looked towards the door, they saw the three figures coming back in light. The head of the girl was leaned in a large cotton jacket, but strangely there was a slight state. Nikko took her The pale skin was crystal clear. It seemed that the five senses were clear all night. The eyes were no longer dead-hearted as before, and there was still no waves, but there was an indescribable charm at the end of the eyes, and the eyes were flowing. Chunshui, no Mu Ne, only the magical spirit. She raised her eyebrows, her voice soft and clear, with a clear coolness  :   "Lan-Mama?"
Zhang Lan turned back suddenly, and even Chen Fang who was on one side woke up, half jealous and half angry looking at Jiang Ruan. This embarrassing Guan-Xiaojie looked like a different person today, and she saw with her shallow eyes that she didn't know where she was.
"Xiaojie is here." Although Zhang Lan said so, she didn't move, but she was knocking on her legs with some tiredness, and said, "It's easy to wait for Zhuangzi chores to be resolved today to make up some Empty, want to visit Xiaojie for a while, don't want Xiaojie to be away, and looked around and stomped, and then rested in the room. Please ask Xiaojie to be rude to the old slave. "
Lian-Qiao was already looking at the spitting fire. Zhang Lan's remarks were not wrong, but he was brazenly speaking Jiang Ruan's face, but he was a slave, but he sits while the master was standing. , Really no sense of humility. I wanted to say a few words of reprimand. When I saw Jiang Ruan's eyes, Lian-Qiao suddenly changed his mind and stood beside Jiang Ruan quietly like Baizhi, without saying a word.
Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "Mama is serious, Mama bowed all the things on Zhuangzi, it is natural that he should take a good rest, Jiang Ruan makes Mama work so hard, he really feels bad, let Jiang Ruan be a hammer for Mama Hammer legs, maybe Mama would be more comfortable? "
Zhang Lan listened to Jiang Ruan's words. He was very comfortable in the front. He heard that his face had changed. After Jiang Ruan finished speaking, he immediately stood up  :   "Xiaojie. Where is it, Xiaojie is the master, and the slave is the slave, Xiaojie is going to break the slave, and the slave is very scared. "
Jiang Ruan glanced at Zhang Lan, with a touch of surprise in his tone  :   "Mama was able to stand up and see Mama was all right, Jiang Ruan was relieved, otherwise if Mama had something wrong, Jiang Ruan really doesn't know what to do. "
Zhang Lan's heart resentful, only Jiang Ruan's words clearly deserved her, but if the following words passed out, she would not be able to eat and walk away. There is no reason for the master to cripple his subordinates, even if the above person hinted that such a thing would spread, it would only say that she was a slave to the master and was ashamed of Shangshufu. The best way is to make sure that you can't make mistakes, but you can't make the other side feel better. Unexpectedly, she hit a goose all her life, but today a young goose pecked her eyes in the same way. Thinking of this, Zhang Lan glanced again at Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan stood quietly with only a slight smile, but there was a sense of impenetrability. There was a sudden panic in Zhang Lan's heart. The other party was just a little girl in her early tens. How could she make her feel afraid?
On the one side, Chen Fang couldn't guess what Zhang Lan thought, but she felt that the weak and deceitful master in most days looked quite imposing today. Although she is not the same as wearing jewelry, she can hardly hide her beauty and looks vivid. Beautiful, suddenly jealous in my heart, I said without thinking  :   "Xiaojie is so good, you can walk around, you can start to embroider the embroidery of tomorrow, and you should start after the new year. It's embroidered. "
At the time, Jiang Ruan was sent to Zhuangzi. Zhang Lan only said that everything here is not as good as the bustling and comfortable place in Capital City. Many things need to be done by hand. The farm work of chopping firewood on most days does not need Jiang Ruan. Baizhi Lian-Qiao has been enslaved a lot. The two good Yatou are already young and calloused. Jiang Ruan himself is not much better, there is no need to do agricultural work, and embroidery work has to be done. Twenty square embroidery patches must be handed over to Zhuangzi to pay for his own expenses. Twenty square embroidery patches are quite a lot. Lian Qiao and Baizhi also helped to do some, barely able to make up, but the pattern is complicated and the embroidery method is complicated, and it is extremely hurting the eyes. Especially at the New Year's juncture, the Twenty Party became the thirty Party, which is difficult to support.
Jiang Ruan smiled briefly  :   "Natural."
I touched a soft nail with no lightness and weight. I wanted to embarrass Jiang Ruan. I didn't want the other party to take it down. Chen Fang gritted her teeth and said, "The Xiaojie is going to be hard. When you are careful, Can embroider and cause trouble. "
Jiang Ruan raised his eyebrows  :   "Lan-Mama, what matters today is the embroidery?"
Zhang Lan froze and laughed  :   "Look at the memory of the old slave, the old slave wants to ask Xiaojie. Zhuangzi has to send food to the government. Xiaojie can send a letter to Lao-ye Fu ren? "
letter? Jiang Ruan moved her fingertips a little too long, and she almost forgot. For the years she spent in Zhuangzi, she would write letters to Jiang Quan and brother every year. The content of the letter was nothing more than hope for them. I can take myself back, year after year, the letters are sinking into the sea, there is no reply, but the elder brother Jiang Xinzhi died of the battlefield. After the death of her elder brother, her life has no hope anymore.
The person who has died once sees things more clearly than in the past, and she will no longer pin her hope on the relentless Jiang Quan. Rather than sit back and wait, it is better to take the initiative to attack, as for the letter, there is no need for that, Jiang Quan won't watch, and finally falls on the hands of Jiang Susu mother and daughter, but it is just a joke after adding tea to others.
"My father's business is busy, so I don't have to write this year." Jiang Ruan looked at his fingertips  :   "Lan-Mama, I have no letter to bring."
Zhang Lan was stunned, and Jiang Ruan wrote and brought it back every year. Everyone knows whether these letters will work, but no one will voluntarily give up their hope. Jiang Ruan no longer carries letters. Going back, is it really frustrated and no longer hopeful?
Zhang Lan looked at Jiang Ruan with suspicion, but could not see anything wrong, and reluctantly pressed the anxiety in his heart. In any case, the more discouraged Jiang Ruan was, the better he was in front of the one above him. It's a good thing for her. He smiled  :   "In this case, the old slave went to take care of the food and retired."
After Zhang Lan and Chen Fang left, Baizhi wondered  :   "Miss, why don't you believe it? Could you be angry with Lao-ye?"
"Life is precious. Where can I spare time to breathe with him?" Jiang Ruan sits down at the table, looking at the pale girl's face in the rusty bronze mirror  :   "It's all going back, what letter, If there is one, just speak it in person. "
"Go back?" Lian-Qiao eyes lit up  :   "Miss, but what's the way to go back?"
Jiang Ruan reached out and slowly stroked the gap on the edge of the bronze mirror with a slight smile.

There are ways to do this, but before leaving, there is still a debt to ask for.
The air on Zhuangzi was very good in the morning. The gray-winged tit stood on a tree branch and pecked its head. Just after it snowed last night, the daylight became clearer.
Jiang Ruan got up early, and after a humble breakfast, they went to Liyuan with Lian-Qiao. When the pear garden was not blooming, the branches were full of leaves and leaves, and Lian-Qiao was a bit regretted  :   "It's not yet the season, the weather is warmer, and the pear blossoms are all open, that's why it looks good."
Jiang Ruan smiled slightly, the flowers and grasses were nothing more than fighting for a beautiful color. In the previous life, she had seen pear-trees full of trees in the palace, and suddenly all the flowers were blown away by the spring breeze, not only pear-flowers, There are peony, water lilies, hibiscus, rose, and flowers in the palace. But unfortunately, only one person appreciates all the scenery. Later, she thought that someone could watch the flowers bloom with her. It was only discovered when she died. It was just one. Field mirror scam.
The flowers were like her life. When she looked at the light and beautiful, when she was decaying, she didn't even have a place to sit. It was scattered into mud and dust, and the only faint fragrance was bitter.
Lian-Qiao noticed that Jiang Ruan's eyes were a little deep, and I didn't know what I wanted to write, but her expression was sad and cold, and she was shocked and concerned  :   "Miss?"
Jiang Ruan turned back and shook his head  :   "It's okay, let's go."
The two stopped and stopped, not paying attention to the dense jungle behind them, and one had stood for a long time.
The man was dressed in a lake of green satin and long gold rims, covered with an eight-colored multicolored gilet vest, sky soap boots, full of wealth, and stared at Jiang Ruan's figure, full of obsession.
This person is the youngest son of Zhang Lan's family, Chen Zhao.
Chen Zhaoping usually likes to sleep under the pear garden. Today, he is just as usual. He could not hear a woman talking. For him, it was the same as a cat seeing a fishy fish. At first glance.
Jiang Ruan is dressed the same today as yesterday, except that Baizhi didn’t comb her buns. She pulled a small part of the front hair behind her back and put the rest on her shoulders. She looked older. It's more beautiful.
The pear blossoms in the pear garden have not yet opened, but the branches are heavily covered with snow, as if the blooming pear blossoms, but her skin is fairer than white snow, her face is brighter than the pear blossoms, and her expression is cold, her eyes seem to be separated. The clumps of branches swept casually, like a clear spring water softly flowing over people hearts, and the people hearts tickled. Her voice was too far apart to hear clearly, but she could imagine the crisp and moving tone. She slightly looked up to see the ice crystals hanging from the branches, and her exposed neck was as graceful as a swan.
Chen Zhao swallowed his mouth, and his eyes fell on the thin body of Jiang Ruan in the distance. The padded jacket was too wide, covering up her lumpy waist. Although young, she looked like a small Miss, but There is a kind of lively and fragrant agility, as if the style of an Daren woman and the innocence of a little girl are displayed on her. It has never been discovered before that Jiang Ruan after a serious illness is so beautiful, it is innate Stunner.
Such stunners, if they can be owned by themselves, go crazy with them every night, it is a beautiful thing on earth. Chen Zhao looked uncertain, didn't know what to think, and stood still and meditated.
Not far away, Lian-Qiao also found Chen Zhao figure, his face sank  :   "Miss, let's go back earlier, there are unclean people in this garden. Be careful not to get into trouble."
Jiang Ruan followed her gaze, and curved her lips and smiled, "OK."
Chen Zhaozheng stared at Jiang Ruan and was so surprised that he couldn't help seeing the little beauty smile at herself, this smile contained a meaning that could not be said, and it was not like the innocence or shyness of a little girl, only A faint temptation, like a scented flower with a faint scent, is briefly high, and charming with the night.
Chen Zhao couldn't help but be foolish, until Jiang Ruan left Liyuan, they didn't return from the smile.
This matter was quickly left behind by Jiang Ruan and Lian-Qiao, and the day passed peacefully for three days. During these three days, Jiang Ruan walked freely on Zhuangzi every day, and occasionally When meeting Chen Zhao, it was unexpected that Chen Zhao had more rules than before, and it was not as sticky as before. Lian-Qiao was relieved. However, there is something uneasy, just watching the day when the embroidered embroidery is approaching, Jiang Ruan's embroidered embroidery has not yet embroidered.
After Jiang Ruan fell into the water, Zhang Lan did not mention the embroidery for the time being, but just wanted to slowly embroider it again. Chen Fang mentioned it a few days ago, which made Lian-Qiao and Baizhi difficult.
Now that Jiang Ruan is not physically fit, the two of them naturally cannot allow Jiang Ruan to do this. Only Jiang Ruan does not embroider himself, and they are not allowed to follow along.
"Miss," said Lian-Qiao, Jiang Ruan, who looked at the window and read a book in disapproval  :   "It looks like an embroidery is about to be seen, Miss, why is it so easy?"
"Don't worry." Jiang Ruan turned a page.
"How can you not worry," Lian-Qiao said bitterly. "If they can't afford the embroidery, those people should find the reason for the harshness of Miss."
Jiang Ruan sighed and closed the pages in his hand. When she first came to Zhuangzi, she brought three boxes, one was clothes and utensils, the other was silver jewelry, and the other was books. These were all things left to her by Mother. I thought I had a thought with me, but It was in the tiger and wolf's den. Zhang Lan's greed was mean, he stole it secretly, and in the end it was only this box of books that was not taken away.
"Until you spend your time, Our should return to the house." Jiang Ruan stroked the big words on the written cover  :   "Don't worry."
Lian-Qiao frowned and wanted to say something. I saw Baizhi opened the door and came in  :   "Miss, Fang Miss, here."
A moment after Lian-Qiao, a pink figure appeared behind Baizhi, and Chen Fang laughed, "Xiaojie."
Today she is wearing a pink embroidered butterfly cotton padded jacket, a small pink skirt of the same color, and red leather boots. The hair was combed with a delicate flowing cloud, and the ears were heavy gold-wing carved earrings, and an enamel gold wire was inserted into the head.
Lian-Qiao smirked, looking at Chen Fang's eyes full of contempt. This body, from head to toe, is all Jiang Ruan's thing, and thanks to her lower face, she put these things on her body and appeared in front of the host, and she really can stand as a robber.
Jiang Ruan put his hand on his chin and smiled slightly. The robbers were frightened. They have become more mad in recent days, but it doesn't matter. Since it is debt collection, if she eats her food, she will always spit it out.
Jiang Ruan picked up the tea on the table, took a sip of it, and looked up at Chen Fang.
Chen Fang bit her lip tightly. In these years on Zhuangzi, she has been accustomed to the downcast and gloomy of Jiang Ruan. Who knows that after falling into the water, Jiang Ruan seems to have become a person, just like a flower slowly The withered flower suddenly gained infinite vitality and began to bloom again. The temperament of Jiang Ruan is unfamiliar to Chen Fang. This Guan-Xiaojie is now full of beauty, and seems to be used to a life of pride and honor, with a noble Fengyi.
Chen Fang naturally did not know that after the last generation of Jiang Ruan was sent to the palace, there was no shortage of conspiracy and conspiracy in the palace, and a person would be pinched by a pigtail by accident, and his behavior could not be worse. The rules in the palace are very strict. Governess's almost harsh training made her mastery of etiquette, and in the environment unique to the palace, she has developed her noble temperament naturally. Such etiquette appeared to the beauty in the palace. It was nothing unusual, but when a young man who lived in the country village all the year round and was young and downcast Xiaojie, there was a kind of muddy appearance.
"What's the matter?" Jiang Ruan asked.
This attitude seemed to be really a host family talking to his slave, Chen Fang flashed a bit of resentment on his face, barely suppressed it, and touched his own bun, and laughed  :   "Xiaojie, the other day After a month of beauty, the beauties have been growing up. The buds are getting bigger and bigger these days, and it looks like they will bloom tonight. Xiaojie, if you are interested, you might as well take a look. "
"Beauty under the moon?" Jiang Ruan groaned. "This season does not seem to be the season when the beauty under the moon blooms."
Chen Fang hurriedly said  :   "No, the average beauty is only opened in summer and autumn under the moon, but this pot is opened early. Rarely, Xiaojie might as well go and see."
After waiting for Jiang Ruan to speak, Lian-Qiao said  :   "In the evening, it’s freezing outside, how can you let Miss, 4 move around, what to do if you are exposed to the cold, Miss, today's body can't pass Toss. "
Baizhi also said  :   "It is better to put the beauty under the moon into the room, Miss, you can watch it in the room."
Chen Fang frowned  :   "Beauties under the moon, as the name implies, it is fun to watch and play under the moon. If you look in the house, it is just like the usual flowers. What's the point. Besides, the beauty is on the ledger this month Move at will, the slave can't be the master. "
Lian-Qiao had to talk, but Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "Since this is the case, let's go and see tonight."
"Miss," Baizhi discouraged. "It's too cold outside, and it can be troublesome to freeze your body."
Chen Fang covered her mouth and smiled  :   "Sister Baizhi, Sister Lian-Qiao, Xiaojie have agreed, what are you still saying? The most important thing for us to do is listen to the Lord's orders. How can you It's not like bullying Xiaojie if you feel free to think for Xiaojie. "
With all this heart-warming, Lian-Qiao and Baizhi both changed their faces. Jiang Ruan put down the tea cup and slowly said, "Fanger is right, but my person disciplines it just fine. Fanger is beyond my expectation. I did not expect to like such elegant things as moon-viewing flowers. "
Chen Fang caressed a long hair that drew down her chest  :   "Although nubi grew up on Zhuangzi, they also like to read some poems on the most days. It is an elegant thing to enjoy flowers under the moon, and nubi also like it very much." Thinking, Chen Fang said again  :   "By the way, tonight, Xiaojie will come to Liyuan by appointment, and the beauty will be at the gate of Liyuan next month, and the nubi will pass by then."
"I see." Jiang Ruan nodded.
Chen Fang breathed a sigh of relief  :   "Slave now retreat first, Xiaojie, don't forget it." After leaving her eyes to look around the house again, she left quite joyfully.
After Chen Fang left, Lian-Qiao said indignantly  :   "What the hell is so elegant, I am awkward, thinking that when I wear someone else clothes, I really think I am the master! I don’t take a piss to see who I am, it is shameless ! "
Baizhi looked at Jiang Ruan in anxiety  :   "Miss, I really want to go to Liyuan, Miss, I have to say something to nubi , Chen Fang is so bitter and mean, so it's abnormal to be so good, be careful what other thoughts are."
Jiang Ruan smiled a little, Baizhi and Lian-Qiao Maid. Before entering the palace in the last life, Lian-Qiao was stabbed to death because he spoke well to Jiang Quan, but it was actually Lian-Qiao. Unwilling to enter the palace instead of Jiang Susu and find Jiang Quan plead, but somehow angered Jiang Quan, and ended up in a tragic death. All the talk is to maintain their own eagerness. Although Lian-Qiao is pungent and refreshing, he is a modest man. He wants to come to Jiang Quan to be angry, and also has the credit of Jiang Susu mother and daughter.
Baizhi accompanies her into the palace safely, presumably it was Jiang Susu mother and daughter who watched Baizhi temperament gentle and could not lift the waves, so she was assured to let her accompany her. When he forced the palace, he let Baizhi flee with her, and Peer was eventually caught. He wanted to come to Baizhi.
These two Maids were with her for a brief and miserable past life, and they spared no effort to accompany her, but she did not save either. Just like Peer and Big Brother.
When Baizhi and Lian-Qiao saw Jiang Ruan hesitant to answer, they looked at her with some confusion, startled by the coldness in the eyes of Jiang Ruan. When he was about to say something, Jiang Ruan smiled again, and the coldness just now swept away  :   "I know."
"Knowing that she has no good intentions, Miss, do you still want to go?" Lian-Qiao asked, "It's too risky."
"This promise must go." Jiang Ruan said  :   "It's just not to enjoy the flowers, just to collect debts."
"Debt collection?" Lian-Qiao was even more confused.
"Lian-Qiao, there something for you to do." Jiang Ruan instructed Lian-Qiao to lean over and whispered something.
Besides, Chen Fang left Jiang Ruan's house and walked forward happily. After leaving the yard, people outside the yard saw her come out, and he hurried forward and asked, "How is it? Can she agree?"
"Of course I promised." Chen Fang swaggered  :   "Now she so downcast, I'll mention the beauty of the moon, naturally she will not let go of this opportunity, brother, what do you promise me?"
Chen Zhao grinned happily and pulled out a crystal jade bracelet from his arms  :   "Good Mei-mei, I didn't hurt you for nothing. After that, I must thank you very well."
Chen Fang couldn't wait to take the bracelet on Chen Zhao hand and put it on, satisfied  :   "The condition is pretty good," and then remembered something, and glared at Chen Zhao  :   "Do you really like her? What's so good about that fox girl Lao-ye doesn't like her, there is no future. "
"Hey, I don't marry her again," Chen Zhaomei said, "there is such a beautiful Qieshi at home, and I will not have to go to the green house in the future, is it not very silver-saving. Even though it's downcast Xiaojie, it's still fine-skinned and tender. Well, I won't tell you this, I'll go first, remember to keep it secret. "
"I don't bother you." Chen Fang hummed, and turned away.
Taking advantage of the good afternoon sun, Lian-Qiao took the quilt in the house to the outside yard, and the old quilt was thin with cotton, which was just a thin layer. It was extremely dazzling in the thick and bright quilt in the yard. .
Chunying is directing several young Maids to hang the beds in Zhang Lan's house on the ropes outside. Compared to the dimness in Lian-Qiao hands, the quilts in front of Chunying are painted with delicate peony embroidery. It was stuffed with cotton that was newly bombed this year, and it was bulging. At first glance, it felt thick. The quilt pressed the rope for drying clothes straight down, Chunying exclaimed  :   "Be careful, don't scratch the back, but a good satin."
Lian-Qiao didn't even look at her, walked to the other side, raised his hand to hang the quilt on the rope, the quilt was light and light, and it was extremely easy to hang. Chunying saw Lian-Qiao, and laughed  :   "Yo, Sister Lian-Qiao also came to bask in the quilt." He glanced at the quilt on the rope and said  :   "You all come and learn Seeing that Lian-Qiao is really capable, one person can bask the quilt well. It doesn't take much effort to look at it. Unlike us, several people feel tired when they lift it together. "
Several young Maid giggled, and one of them laughed, "Maybe the quilt in Xiaojie's room is good. It doesn't weigh much when you look at it. It's comfortable to cover such a quilt. No It’s thick and big, like our quilts, and it’s dead. "
Lian-Qiao smoothed the folds on the quilt, ignored their teasing, and the spring warbler saw the situation, and continued unwillingly  :   "Lian-Qiao, why do you only bask in the quilt of Xiaojie, and do not treat yourself with Baizhi quilt will be tanned together? Let us see if your quilt is the same as Xiaojie, different from Our. "
A few little Maid laughed again, so secretly that Jiang Ruan's quilt was not even comparable to the others, which was a bit excessive. Lian-Qiao Liu Mei raised her eyebrows and was about to get angry, but saw a little Maid with a sweet smile hurriedly  :   "Sister Lian-Qiao, you asked me to find ..."
"Luzhu," Lian-Qiao interrupted her, "Wait a minute," she smoothed out the folds on the last quilt, then turned around and took up Maid's hand  :   "Come on."
The two walked along the side of the aisle, getting close together and wondering what to say. After a while, Lian-Qiao picked up the empty tub and left. After Lian-Qiao left, Chunying stopped with the young Maid who was leaving  :   "You're Luzhu, aren't you?"
Luzhu glanced at Chunying somewhat timidly. "Yes."
"Don't be afraid," Chunying said, "what did you say to Lian-Qiao just now?"
"No, nothing." Luzhu shook her head, but looked down at her feet.
"What are you afraid of? I won't eat you anymore," Chunying said a bit harshly. "Lian-Qiao asked you for nothing for nothing, and you just talked about it secretly. Whoever decides here, you must also Understand, if you don’t say an understanding today, don’t stay on Zhuangzi in the future. "
"Don't," Luzhu lifted her head suddenly, and her eyes were a little red. "Sister Spring Ying, don't rush me out of Zhuangzi."
"As long as you make things clear, I naturally won't do anything to you." Chunying said  :   "I'm not an unreasonable person. Seeing that your face is very good, it should be the newcomer Yatou, do things well, and I will It won't make you bully you. "
"Really?" Luzhu looked up, with a smile on his face.
"Will I lie to you?" Chunying's tone became softer and softer, only to conclude that there must be something strange about Lian-Qiao.
"Actually, Sister Lian-Qiao did nothing to find me," Luzhu said, "I only heard that I did a good job in embroidery, and I embroidered a water lily in a place where Xiaojie's clothes were torn."
Chunying looked at her suspiciously  :   "Is that all?"
"Um." Luzhu nodded.
"It's weird, Xiaojie, who doesn't care about clothes all the time, suddenly remembers to embroider a water lily on clothes?"
"This ..." Luzhu hesitated.

"What else?" Chunying eagerly said.
"I heard that there is a beautiful lady outside the moon. Tonight, Xiaojie is going to Liyuan to enjoy the flowers. She wants to dress better, and don't neglect the precious flowers." Luzhu said with all her brains  :   "I heard The beauty is very cherished next month, and it is a rare variety that can bloom in winter night. "
"Beauty under the moon?" Chunying's heart was strange  :   "Zhuangzi got a pot of beauty under the moon? Haven't heard of it." He glanced at the Chunying in front of him  :   "Well, there is nothing else, go and do something. "
Luzhu turned around and left after responding. After Luzhu left, Chunying stood to himself and said to himself  :   "It is such a state of affairs now. Why is there a flower appreciation mind? Why do you deliberately look for a good-looking piece of clothing? I usually care about it. It’s so abnormal today, there must be other reasons. I must figure out what they are thinking. ”
In the house of the courtyard, Baizhi was also taking out the books in the box and drying them. A box full of books was spread out in the yard. Baizhi carefully opened the pages and said, "Miss, this box of books is well-preserved. After the New Year, the house was wet, so I had to take it out often. "Then I thought about it  :  " Fu-ren used to love books very much and used to be exposed every day. "
"'Mother came from the family of the gatekeeper, but collected these precious readings, just to make people happy, but it was cheaper for me." Jiang Ruan looked at the books in the yard and whispered.
Zhao Jiazu is General Rong Ma, who is used to the sandy and bloody battlefield. The men in the family are all heroes in the army. The only Di Daughter, Zhao Mei, fell in love with Jiang Quan. The Zhao family broke up with the only daughter.
After Jiang Quan became married to Zhao Mei, Zhao Mei learned that Jiang Quan favored the knowledgeable scroll women, and they collected many lonely books to study carefully. Who knew that Zhao Quan married the first talented daughter of Xia in Capital City Yan is your expensive Qiesh.
In this box of books, Zhao Mei still hasn’t lived up to the day when she watched it, but Xia-Yan has changed from your expensive Qiesh to the current Jiang Fu-ren, Jiang Ruan laughed at himself,’Mother arrives I didn't understand that if I didn’t really love, I couldn’t get the other person to change my heart. From the past to the future, Jiang Ruan never loved a talented woman, but as a talented woman-Xia-Yan.
"Miss, but think of Fu-ren?" Baizhi looked at Jiang Ruan's face  :   "If Fu-ren is still there, seeing Miss, now he is so smart and sensitive, he will be pleased."
Jiang Ruan smiled a little and didn't mind. Baizhi came back and saw the book in the hand of Jiang Ruan  :   "Miss, how did you read the Bingshu? Now you don't have to go to the battlefield, Miss, you might as well read some poems."
"The enemy will come to the door without going to the battlefield," Jiang Ruan's gaze fell on the words of the warfare in front of him  :   lead the snake out of the hole.
The winter season is very peaceful. The lively places become more lively and the deserted places become more deserted. Jiang Ruan's courtyard was unheard of, but Jiang Ruan was a rare and uncomfortable day.
The air was fresh in the morning. Both Baizhi and Lian-Qiao sits at the door to sew up their clothes. The clothes of several people were old and couldn't be worn again. It can also be worn, and only the bright silk threads are extremely precious to them. They will not use such delicate patches on most days.
The girl sits quietly in front of the window, seriously looking at the pages in front of her, the sun was shining on her nice side face, the eyelashes like disk wings trembled gently, and her eyes were pure and beautiful. Sorrowful softness.
Lian-Qiao turned around and looked a little bit surprised, just saying that Miss, it is a rare beauty on earth, when it is quiet and soft, like a quiet landscape painting, when it is launched, it has a sharp and charming charm. The so-called Jingru Virgin moves like a rabbit, it should be a woman like Jiang Ruan.
When Baizhi saw Lian-Qiao preoccupation, he also looked back, and thoughtfully said, "Miss, if you are older this year, you are taller, and your clothes in the past will be a little reluctant, and it will be spring. Let’s find some time when we make two new clothes for Miss, wear them. "
"Easy to say," Lian-Qiao turned back and continued to sew the buttons on the clothes in front of him. Go. I think we still have to go to the mountains to pick some herbs and change some silver, and pick them up to buy fabrics for Xiaojie. "Then said again  :  " Let’s miss, we are born so well, but the clothes we wear are all old Baba, at this age, don’t Miss, they all wear the same flowers. We Miss, it’s good, there is no bright clothes, a good look is wasted. If we Miss, put on that nice clothes, it’s not Compare the Miss in the entire capital. "
Baizhi couldn't help but smile when Lian-Qiao said, "Just as you would say, what kind of capital is you talking about right now, and I don't know when I will be back home."
When it comes to returning to their homes, their interest dissipates a bit. For a while, Lian-Qiao shook his head and said, "Don't think about it so much, Miss, didn't you say that you can go back after the New Year? I think Miss, I already have Idea, let's not worry. "
Baizhi nodded  :   "Miss, it's smart, just ... don't make any mistakes."
While chatting, there was someone knocking on the door outside, Maid Madoka who came to deliver firewood. It was not charcoal but firewood that was allocated to Zhuangzi. It was self-evident that anyone had been instructed. Each winter is the most difficult day for the three masters and servants, but this firewood also gives a few examples, no more, Zhang Lan is really not afraid to freeze the three of them alive.
Madoka met Jiang Ruan, and picked out the firewood in the basket. The action was also fascinating. Lian-Qiao helped, and Xiao yuan glanced at the clothes in Baizhi hand and laughed, "Sister Baizhi The hands are so clever. The stitches are so tight and firm that they can't see a bit outside. "
Baizhi smiled  :   "It's just a matter of sewing and wearing it, who would pay attention to it on most days."
"Sister Baizhi was wrong," Madoka shook her head. "This year, my mother made a new pink short tadpole. When I didn't want to work, I ripped a hole under my arm and wanted to fill it up. It's not easy to make up, and you will be noticed if you are not careful. If you have a craft like this, don't worry about it. "
"What's so difficult," Lian-Qiao returned the basket to Madoka  :   "Let Baizhi do it for you."
"Really?" Madoka looked at Baizhi in surprise, her eyes full of undisguised expectations.
Baizhi smiled and nodded  :   "Of course, but I don't have peach-colored silk threads here, you have to send them together."
"No problem, thank you, Baizhi, you are so kind." Madoka heard it, and immediately laughed  :   "I knew that Baizhi was so good at talking, I should come and go more often on most days, I have a bunch of broken and messy seams there What clothes are you wearing? "
"You Yatou," Lian-Qiao pretended to be angry. "It will take advantage of us. Who knows that Yatou you are serving outside is bright, and there is no broken clothes."
"Who said it was bright," Madoka pursed her lips  :   "Although it's a bit cold here, I would rather serve a good-natured man like Xiaojie. Don't hide the two sisters, the few outside are really hard to serve, Not to mention Lan-Mama, even the youngest son in her family is not an’easy to deal with', but it’s just too much to wander around on most days, but recently it was extremely excessive. I heard that Lan-Mama was selling a plot of land in the house. Now, Lan-Mama became furious after knowing this incident last night. These Maids have been low and small these days, for fear of touching her mildew. "
"Oh? Is this really the case?" Baizhi winked at Lian-Qiao  :   "Although Chen Zhaoping likes to play nonsense, he is not very generous in his shots. Why did he sell the land?"
"That's it," Lian-Qiao said, "Are you in Kuang Our?"
"Nothing," Madoka waved his hands again and again  :   "I know about Maid, who bought and bought Our outside. I was so angry at Lan-Mama that day. I heard that he didn't know where the silver was going. Turned around, you guess what the result is-all gone! "
"Ah," Lian-Qiao exclaimed  :   "That's really strange. A lot of silver can be exchanged for a lot of land, and it will not be spent in a few days. Isn't silver flying by itself?"
"Lan-Mama is also very strange, but the one who asked me three times did not know, and finally had a quarrel with Lan-Mama, but he went away." Xiao Yuandao.
The three said something about the matter again, and speculations on Chen Zhao had their own opinions. Seeing that it wasn't early, Madoka was about to get up and leave, Lian-Qiao sent Madoka to the courtyard. Baizhi put down his clothes and walked to Jiang Ruan, who was reading. Jiang Ruan raised his head, smiling with a smile  :   "He very daring, he just sells the land."
"Miss," Baizhi said, "Although he didn't know what was going on, he felt that the sale of the land was caused by Miss. He was puzzled, but he was clumsy and couldn't understand it."
"Do you want to understand?" Jiang Ruan said  :   "It's very simple." Before the words fell, I heard Lian-Qiao outside said loudly  :   "What do you do to rush inside, are there any rules!"
On the other end was an angry voice  :   "Don't block the way, let me in!"
Baizhi couldn't help but hesitated. Chen Fang was very familiar with that voice. What is Chen Fang doing here?
Jiang Ruan spread his hand  :   "Look, you'll understand soon."


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