Reborn Female General 175

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       Chapter 175 :  Qi Luo   

       "The jade people walked on the snow, Feihong flew in fright." The man in black looked at him, and said, "I thought, my name, everyone in the world knows."
       General Feihong? He Rufei?
       Suddenly he was so horrified, he blurted out, "Impossible!"
       "Why isn't it possible?" The eyes under the mask stared at him, the corners of his mouth slightly twirled, with endless mockery, "What is impossible?"
       Kuyat is the bravest general in Utopia, but at this moment, it is subconsciously unable to help back, and ‘called almost irritably :   "Give me! Kill this man, the owner has a lot of rewards!"
       Countless arrows and figures rushed up, but the masked man easily avoided every blade and arrow that flew at him. He flew like light in the snow, and spread his wings, and there was nothing to trap him. And his sword is even more invincible, flying around the night, it seems that the rain can also be split.
       Khuyat had to believe one thing. This was indeed Feihong's general He Rufei. No one except He Rufei in the world could have exquisite sword skills. Kuyat has never played against He Rufei, but he also heard from the defeated Xi Er mouth that He Rufei Qinglang sword can cut off all possible impediments.
       But why does He Rufei appear here? He clearly ... it couldn't be so!
       Could this be another conspiracy of the Wei Dynasty? He Rufei cheated them? These deceitful Wei people!
       "I'm going to kill him!" Huarter hated, ‘calling at the people around him, "take my bow and arrow!"

       He was going to shoot and kill the big bird who could fly. He was going to watch this Feihong fall from the sky, fall to the ground, and finally he was stepped into the mud.
       The bow and arrow were handed to him, and he aimed at the man in black surrounded by the Uto soldiers. How can I not aim at the target, ‘calling :   "Stupid, you all back away!"
       As soon as the voice fell, the arrow in his hand came out in response, but he saw that from the depths of the bush, " " shot a few arrows, which just stopped his arrow from the middle.
       "And fellow parties! Catch them!"
       At this moment, another man with a ghost mask on his face jumped out of the bush and laughed a long time, only to throw a barrel-like thing in the direction of the man in black.
       The man in black holding the sword only grabbed the wooden barrel in mid-air, and the arrows of the Uto soldiers had suddenly arrived. In front of me, like an iron shield.
       The arrow shot the wooden barrel he used as a shield, and something like a stream of water came out. The first time Kuyat saw it, he ‘called badly, saying :   "Stop! Stop!"
       But even if the archer stopped immediately, the arrows that had been fired could not return. In a blink of an eye, the barrel in General Feihong's hand had been shot into a sieve, and the water stream shot out from it, spreading the entire grain and grass camp. Immediately afterwards, a whistle sound was heard from her mouth. The sound was clear. From the bushes, the darkness in all directions suddenly shot dozens and hundreds of arrows, and the arrows came with fire, and fell on the pile of oil-filled grain. With a bang, the fire rose into the sky.
       I was born twice, cooked once, and set fire. I did it once in Jiyang not long ago. He-Yan did it again.
       Huart was so furious that he almost spit out blood, and only ordered the firefighting, fire and murder. But here is not Jiyang, and the rivers are not everywhere. The camping place is not far from the river, but it is definitely not near.
       He-Yan, a little peace of mind, these ointments are the last ointments for making fireworks and firearms in Runduli. Although there is rain tonight, the rain is not strong, but the wind is very anxious. The fire did not rise, and in the end, these camps were in danger.
       "Let's do it now!" He-Yan exclaimed :   "Don't retreat, fight!"
       The sound of killings in all directions sounded with the fire. Huyat looked around, and the big Wei people wearing a mask of evil spirits rushed out in all directions. The Uto soldiers were already disturbed and morale was unstable. At this moment, the forage was burned, and some people were busy getting water to fight the fire, let alone the army formation, The pace of killing the Wei people has been disrupted. Huarte almost vomited blood.
       It's all because of He Rufei!
       He Rufei ... He looked around, but did not see He Rufei shadow. He was shocked in his heart and said, "Give me He Rufei, I will cut off his head!"
       In the camp, a low cry came from the woman. Suddenly, the curtain was opened, and two evil-looking faces appeared in the account.
       The women gave a short "Ah", before they could talk, they were covered by one of them. The man took off his mask and exposed a fierce face with a scar, but it was not a Utopian look. He impatiently said, "I am a great Wei. Come here to save you. Put on your clothes and hurry away."
       The women in the tent were all disheveled. Two of them had fallen to the ground and were already out of breath. Jiang Yan looked at him and sighed. When he came, Kuyat made a mess in it and did something inferior to the female captives of Rundu. He-Yan couldn't delay the normal business of burning grain and so he left, but he didn't let it go after all. As soon as the straw was burned, let them come over and see.
       Originally, He-Yan was too soft-hearted. Now looking at the miserable corpses in the camp, Rao is a mountain bandit like Wang Ba can't bear it, can not help but clenched his fists, cursing the Utopian as a beast.
       Several women followed the Wang Ba silently out of the camp. Uto soldiers concentrated on the grain and grass, and no one noticed them. Jiang Yan asked, "Can Brother He last so long?"
       Wang Ba smirked :   "He is better at fighting heroes than you and me. He is going to rescue other captives."
       The tent camp captured by Da Wei was small and broken, and almost could not cover the wind and rain. Dozens of women were crowded together, undressed and stunned, with bloody and rotten smells in their tents, making them sickening. Each time the Utopians spoiled these women, they were thrown into the river when they were dead, and most of them alive were scarred, and they were thrown back. After a few days, they repeated the days of life as bad as death, until they died.
       Suddenly someone was rescued from them, these women refused to believe their eyes.
       "Let's go," He-Yan said, "I save you out."
       A headed woman asked tremblingly, "Sir, what's your name ... are you ... are you General Feihong?"
       The masked man didn't move, but he had to be stunned. He took off the mask and exposed a young and handsome face with a quiet voice :   "No, my name is He-Yan, His Majesty's close Wu-Anlang."
       Uto soldiers’tone was completely disrupted. Those Wei people wearing masks were not war-fighting. Seeing that the grass was about to burn out, they turned around and rushed toward the gate. Above the city gate, the ropes have already been suspended, and countless archers are lying on the tower. Once Uto soldiers approach them, they use the "arrows" borrowed from Utops a few days ago to shoot them.
       It was difficult for Utopians to move forward, while those with masks of evil spirits could retreat all over.
       "They took the captives!" Someone ‘called.
       Suddenly Yate thundered, "A bunch of waste! Even women can't stand it!"
       Uto soldiers also feel wronged. Who can think that at the moment of life and death, someone will pay attention to those women who are worthless? However, it will only be a hindrance to the enemy’s trophy. If it is put on their uto, even if it is saved, it will also be killed-a woman defiled by the enemy is not qualified to live on the earth.
       The captured women wished to die in the enemy camp. How could they think that someone would do everything possible to rescue these women?
       A faithful hesitated to speak :   "I heard that General Feihong He Rufei never hurts a woman. If someone took Dawei woman, he would be saved as long as he was ..."
       Khuyat kicked back, "Dash! I said, how could He Rufei come to Rundu!"
       There was a smell of burnt grain in the field. From time to time, Uto soldiers carried buckets of water to water, but the wind and fire were great, but to no avail, suddenly Yate looked in the direction of the Rundu City Tower in the distance. At high altitudes, from time to time, arrows with torches shot towards this side, as if warning.
       His face was heavy, and he almost broke his teeth :   "Rundu ... I will step on Rundu! Let the old and young bones of Rundu disappear!"
       He-Yan was the last one to go up the tower.
       To protect those women, they took the ropes and went back first. She wrestled with the Uto soldiers at the tower, and at the end had a chance to return to the city. Even if the archers forced the Uto with their arrows, they were still injured.
       When there is war, there will be sacrifice. It is good to have a life.
       The women who were lucky enough to escape from the enemy camp were sitting idly on the tower, and they didn't return until they could no longer hear the Utopian horn. Cover your face slowly with both hands, crying loudly.
       Rundu soldiers on the ground behind the city gate have long removed the masks on their faces. The overnight raid, everything was highly stressful. Only now, it seems that I have understood what really happened. Some people were crying, others were laughing and ‘calling, "I burned their forage! Those Utopians were beaten by me as fools, hahaha, I won the Utopians!"
       It's an exaggeration to say that it won, but this night raid did win, and it was a big victory. For the time being, the soldiers and horses killed and wounded by the Utopians did not know. The 500 soldiers brought by He-Yan sacrificed 46 people and injured 273 people. This is the best situation for Rundu people who have been guarding for more than a month.
       Li Kuang looked incredibly to the soldiers who had fallen all over the ground, and murmured, "It did."
       When He-Yan took these men and women, Li Kuang's heart actually disagreed. He was almost ready for He-Yan to survive with these hundreds of people, but to die. As for burning off the Utopia forage, Li Kuang also believes that the possibility is extremely small.
       But these things that were impossible in his eyes, and now all have become reality, they even brought back the captives captured by the Utopians outside the city.
       Li Kuang's heart suddenly ignited new hope. For a long time, he did not think that these soldiers and horses in Rundu could compete with the Utopians. I thought I could only keep the gate and wait for reinforcements. But now He-Yan has made him see another possibility. What if Utopians can't afford it? Without the forages, the Utopians could not last long, and their advantages no longer existed. Now it's just relying on the number advantage, and the number ... hasn't the young Wu Anlang He-Yan already fought twice to win less?
       With this in mind, Li Kuang looked at He-Yan excitedly, and saw that the boy was sitting against the wall and had time to take off the mask, looking at the rescued women who were crying together, Li Kuang looked Without He-Yan's expression, he could see the smile on the corner of his mouth.
       He was relieved.
       For a moment, the picture before Li Kuang's eyes coincided with the pictures of the past. He still vaguely remembered that when he had fought a battle with He Rufei, who was still a vice general, the same was true of that person, sitting quietly on the ground, watching or crying or laughing, the sharpness of the battlefield converged, Soft and incredible.
       He really looks like He Rufei, Li Kuang thought silently, more accurately, like He Rufei in the past, He Rufei in the past.
       "How are you?" Li Kuang walked over.
       He-Yan looked up at him, his lips twitched, "Fortunately, it's just a little tired."
       All night, he and those elite soldiers never rested, Li Kuang said, "Take a break."
       He-Yan nodded, stood up, and thought of something, and said to Li Kuang :   "The rescued women are bothering Master Li to ask them to find out if they have family members in the city. If so, please ask family members to bring them back Go home. If you don’t have family, ask adults to settle them well. "
       Li Kuang frowned slightly and did not speak.
       He-Yan seemed to see what he was thinking, and said lightly :   "No matter what Master Li thinks, but they are both the Wei people and the people of Rundu. The adults are the general soldiers of the city, so they can't sit and watch. The people on the battlefield are only responsible for protecting the people in every inch of the country, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, or what they have encountered. "
       She fixedly stared at Li Kuang, and seemed to insist that Li Kuang give her an answer. Li Kuang paused and said, "I see."
       He-Yan nodded at him :   "Many Thanks."
       She went straight down the tower.
       He-Yan lived in the house arranged by Zhao Shiming. Now she is Wu Anlang, but she can live in a house alone under the privilege of Wu Anlang.
       She asked the man in the house for a pot of hot water and entered the house. The servant quickly drew hot water and sent in. He-Yan locked the door, took off the mask, and pulled down the clothes.
       Injuries were sustained on the back, shoulders, and arms. Some were abraded with a knife, and some were arrows. Last night, she was at the forefront and burned the Utopia forage. With hundreds of arrows, it was impossible to retreat from the whole body. Now, this is already very good.
       She moistened the pad with hot water and rubbed it across the wound little by little. The wounds on the back and shoulders were the deepest. The previous wounds on the waist were not much-thanks to Lin Shuanghe scar-reducing muscle cream.
       This time in Rundu, she brought the remaining scar-reducing body cream on her body, and the wounds on her shoulders and waists were worn out, and she couldn't dig out any more in the box.
       After changing her clean clothes, she looked at herself in the mirror. The teenager's face was pale, and the biggest benefit of the mask and black clothes was that the soldiers could not see the blood stains and wounds, and could not see her face. She was always energetic. Always move forward, always be the one that inspires morale and stabilizes the army.
       He-Yan looked at her arm, the sleeve was pulled halfway, and there was still a knife wound on the exposed arm, but the medicine powder she had used up had been used up, and she was planning to wrap it directly with a white cloth. Someone knocked on the door. It was a woman's voice :   "Master Little-He."
       He-Yan said, "Please come in."
       There was a young and beautiful Miss, with a smile on her face and a small dimple on her left cheek, which made her more charming and lively. She came over and handed He-Yan a round bottle, and laughed, "I just watched when Lord Little-He came in and asked the next person for hot water. It is estimated that Lord Little-He was injured. This is Lao-ye usual gold sore medicine, Qieshi brought it to her. "Her eyes fell on the scar on the arm of He-Yan," Yeah "," Little-He Sir, are you really hurt? "
       He-Yan smiled :   "It's just a minor injury, nothing."
       "That's not okay." This Miss, since she came forward, wanted to get closer, and seemed to be aware of her special status. She didn't dare to go too close, and stood on the side to comfort him :   "If a small injury is not cured, it will cause a serious injury. My Lao-ye is just like that. Sometimes I get hurt on the battlefield, I don't bother to care about it. When it turns into an old injury, it is difficult to think about it. "
       He-Yan looked at her young and beautiful face and felt for a moment. She knew this Miss, this Miss, which was Li Kuang's favorite Junior Concubine, named Qi Luo. When she and Li Kuang were here to deal with the Xibei people, Qi Luo knew her well. Just because of this Miss, she was very clever and clever, and she would really please Li Kuanghuan. At that time, He-Yan was thinking, if she was a man, I'm afraid she would spoil this Miss with all her heart.
       Qi Luo was only sixteen years old at that time, and his face was round. Three or four years have passed, and she has opened up a bit, her childishness has dissipated, and her round face has become a goose egg face, that is, the dimple on the left cheek and this sweet smile has not changed.
       "Master, Little-He, what do you look at me for?" Qi Luo touched her face, her eyes turned, and she said brittlely, "I look good, and my adult's favorite is me."
       He-Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud. Qiluo loved to show off those words, and she still loves to show off these words. This sentence makes her seem to be back.
       "What are you laughing at?" Qiluo asked, "Did I look ugly?"
       "No, no," He-Yan waved his hand, "I just remembered something."
       At that time, Qi Luo was too cute and smart. He-Yan couldn't help but think of her as Mei-mei in her home. Although she has He Xinying, a pro-Mei-mei, He Xinying is not close to her because of Hejia complicated relationship. At that time, looking at Qi Luosheng's beauty, her temperament was smart and clever, just because Qi Luo was not worthy. Such a Miss, if he wanted to get married, he should also find a young man with a similar appearance to her. And Li Kuang, it’s not He-Yan that looks down on this colleague. It is because Li Kuang can be Qilu father at a young age. He is serious and rude. He is not considerate and does not know what Qilu sees him. .
       At that time, Qi Luo held a giggle and smiled, and said to He-Yan :   "My family is for people to be subordinates, Vice Admiral He, talented and handsome young talent, how can I marry Become a wife. If you are a wife to another domestic Nubi, you will still be a servant to a child in the future. If you are a Nubi, you will breathe away. If you accidentally annoy the host, you will lose your life. What is good? "
       "It’s better to follow Lao-ye, eat and dress warmly, I just have to please Lao-ye, and I won’t be afraid that someone else will bully me. What you said is all false, I just think it’s an errand It’s easier to do Lao-ye Concubine than to do those errands you said. And Lao-ye is straightforward and doesn’t like twists and turns. I don’t have to fight with him. It’s very good. ”
       "Vice Admiral He and Lao-ye are the people who protect the Wei people. They are heroes. I make Lao-ye Concubine, a heroic woman. I don’t think it’s any worse. I’m better off than before. Much better. I have no wish in this life. I hope that ten years later, I will still be Lao-ye favorite Concubine. I hope that ten years later, I will not be old and faint ye love and pity. If so, I would like to thank Guanyin Niang-Niang. "
       He-Yan felt at the time that this Miss was still very transparent, begging for kindness, and everyone had their own ideas. On such a day, Qi Luo herself felt happy.
       It seems that for ten years I don't know, but after three years, it seems that she is still Li Kuang's favorite Junior Concubine and she is carrying it in Rundu.
       She lowered her head and smiled, and sprinkled the medicine powder brought by Qi Luo on the wound on her arm. Qi Luo looked curiously and couldn't help but said, "Master, Little-He, you are not too old, how can you tell me Lao?-ye, like, do you not say a word when you take the medicine? Don’t you know that these warriors who fight are hurt?
       "It doesn't hurt," He-Yan said, "I think you Lao-ye should be hurt when you take the medicine, just in front of Miss, I'm sorry to call it out."
       Qi Luo laughed :   "Master Little-He, it's interesting to speak."
       He-Yan finished the medicine powder and returned the bottle to Qiluo, saying, "Qi Luo-Miss, Many Thanks, your medicine is hurt."
       Qi Luo took the bottle and didn't leave immediately, but just looked at He-Yan, and said, "Master Little-He, it's just a little hurt, don't need to thank, I want to say thank you."
       "Thank you for coming up with a trick last night, burning the Utopia forage, and giving me a bad breath. Thank you for saving those women."
       She lowered her head and smiled helplessly, "I know those women who were taken away by the Utopians. If it weren't you last night, they would never have been alive and returned to Rundu. No one would care about their temper, even Lao ye led the soldiers in person, and they would not care about their life or death, but you are different. ”She looked at He-Yan, her eyes bright,“ You brought them back, none of them were missing. I originally thought How could there be such a young official who would have to subdue the Royal Seal? It must have been what you asked for on the battlefield. "
       "Now I don't think so. You are different from them. You are a good person and a true hero."

       Chapter 176 :  Food   

       He-Yan smiled and looked at her :   "Because I saved those captives, are they real heroes?"
       "Real heroes will see places that others cannot see. Many men speak for men, and many women speak for women," Qiluo said, "but there are not many men who speak for women."
       He-Yan looked at her with a serious expression, and couldn't help but grin in her heart, but she was not a real man, so she could not really give Qi Luo what she wanted.
       The world is like this. It doesn't happen overnight.
       Seeing He-Yan's silence, Qi Luo took the opportunity to say :   "Master Little-He, after you left last night, there were many Big-Aunts in the city to come and ask you. Fu-ren of Zhixian also asked you about him. They say that if you can come back alive, you want to talk to your daughter about it. You don't have to marry you. You can also be your Qiesh. "
       The words turned too fast, and He-Yan was also unable to respond. Facing Qiluo glorious eyes, He-Yan could only move out of his customary excuses. "Many Thanks, I love you, but already There is a sweetheart. "
       "Already have a sweetheart?" Qi Luo was a little disappointed, but turned to curiosity for a moment, "Who is your sweetheart, Master Little-He? Looks beautiful? What kind of temperament?"
       There was a smile on the corner of He-Yan's mouth. "Yes, she looks beautiful, she looks cold, but she is a gentle person."
       This young man has always looked quiet and gentle. Only at this moment, it really shows that he is ashamed and nervous as a young man of this age.
       Qi Luo was even more curious. "Listen to you, Miss, it should be excellent. Does she like you?"
       He-Yan froze and shook his head.
       "Don't like it?" Qi Luo was startled, "Master Little-He has good skills, looks handsome, and is so good-hearted, but also her Majesty's close Wu Anlang. These characters don't like it. Why?"
       "Because he good, there are better people around me." He-Yan shrugged. "And I also have things I need to do and don't want to affect others."
       Qi Luo looked at him, and laughed, "Master, Little-He, you are all right, that's not good. As long as your sweetheart hasn't become married, it's not a foregone conclusion, so grab it." At that time, Lao-ye wanted to pick Concubine. I had dozens of sisters in my yard. I dangled in front of Lao-ye every day and I must dress up carefully. This Lao-ye favorite Junior Concubine is also Qiesh himself. Fight for it. Lord Little-He really likes that Miss, just leave the others alone. People who are better than you may not be more identity than you, they just lost to you. The fierce girl is afraid of tangling, You wander day and night, you can’t guarantee that Miss, you will like you any day. "
       I didn't expect to hear "Heroes afraid of tangling men" here. He-Yan thought that Jiyang was in a state of anxiety at the time, and he was secretly funny. Qiluo seemed to be very enthusiastic to please her sweetheart, and he had to say endlessly, He-Yan had to stop her talking :   "Qi Luo-Miss, Many Thanks, your kindness, just me It is still difficult to protect itself now. If Run can keep it and Utopians are driven back, I will do as you say, but now ... it's nothing. "
       Hearing that, Qi Luo also sighed and said, "So too."
       Suddenly she was silent and gloomy. He-Yan felt a little sorry. Miss, when she came, was so happy that she was so sad to say in a few words, thinking about it, she took one out of her baggage. Only dried apricots passed, "Don't worry, I will hold on."
       Qi Luo saw the dried apricots in He-Yan's hands, and then she took a surprise. "Master, Little-He, why do you still have sugar?"
       "I grabbed it when I left Liangzhouwei." He-Yan scratched his head.
       When leaving Jiyang, Cui Yuezhi caught her some Jiyang specialties. Xiao-Yue doesn't like these, they all moved to He-Yan's house. When they left, they mostly brought dry biscuit grains, such as not a lot of snacks, but He-Yan also picked up some, thinking that it would not take up space anyway.
       Qi Luo carefully licked the dried apricots and happily said to He-Yan :   "Thank you, Little-He, since the Utopians came, Qieshi was hungry every day and could not even eat. Don't even think about eating sugar. I dare not think about it. Now I am blessed with Lord Little-He. I am so happy. "
       He-Yan :   "I can’t even eat anything? No, the Utopians are besieging Rundu, but it’s only been more than a month, how could this place be in the city?"
       She came to Rundu until now, and they all ate dry food from Liangzhou Wei with Wang Ba. I know that Rundu food and grass are tense, but that is because it is intended for the soldiers who keep the city. These days have been busy, and I have no time to go around the city. If it wasn't for Qi Luo himself, He-Yan wouldn't have known that Rundu was already so nervous.
       You know, even Qi Luo can't eat enough, let alone mention ordinary people.
       Qi Luo biting Xingfu and opened her eyes and looked at her and said, "Master Little-He doesn't know, Uto soldiers besieged Rundu for more than a month, but Rundu had a snow disaster last year. After the snow disaster, The famine. Even if the Utopians didn’t come, the people in Rundu had a hard time. Not to mention that the road out of the city is blocked and there is not much grain in the city. The turf roots have been starved to death a few days ago. "
       "What!" He-Yan sits up for a moment, "Is this true?"
       "Don't dare to deceive Lord Little-He." Qiluo said, "Otherwise, we all have a lot of grapes. Why did Little-He give him the bowl of Little-He on the first day? ... that is already the last bowl of grapes in Rundu. "
       The famine in the city was a major event, but Li Kuang did not tell her about such a serious matter!
       If this is the case, defending the city is meaningless. Li Kuang is waiting for He Rufei who will not come, while the people of Rundu are waiting for endless despair and hunger. They are waiting to die.
       He-Yan lowered his eyebrows and put on his shoes without saying a word. Qi Luo asked :   "What are you going to do, Lord Little-He?"
       "I want to see Li Kuang."
       Li Kuang was checking the yesterday's battle report in the room, and suddenly saw He-Yan striding out of the room, a little surprised, and only asked, "Aren't you going back to the room to rest? Why came out again."
       He-Yan sits down in a chair on the side. She was really tired. It would be better to sit down. I only looked at Li Kuang and said, "I came here to ask. We burned the Utopia forage last night. What will Master Li have afterwards?"
       Having said that, Li Kuang looked at He-Yan, earnestly arching :   "Yesterday's victory, thanks to Lord Little-He. Now that the Utopians have no food, I plan to continue to wait for reinforcements, Utopians Without the forage, it must be even more anxious than me. If we forcibly attack the city ... let's set a trap, what does Little-He think?
       He-Yan :   "I don't think it's good."
       Li Kuang frowned :   "Why?"
       He-Yan stared at his eyes. "Master Li intends to stalemate with the Utopians. This is beyond reproach, but how long the people in the city can hold on, just because they have starved to death before waiting for reinforcements. This year's snow disaster, There is not much surplus grain in the city. Why does Master Li hide it from me? "
       Li Kuang heard that, without answering He-Yan's words, he asked :   "Who told you this?"
       "There are so many people in Rundu, can Master Li think he can hide it?" He-Yan's eyes were sharp. "Even if there is more than one man who can be starved to death, how can he not know?"
       When she left Rundu five hundred elite soldiers last night, she felt that the soldiers of Rundu were thin and weak, but she only thought that it was the result of defending the city for several days, and it was not until Qi Luo said that she realized it.
       This is already the case in the army, which is a taboo in war. Defending the city until the people in the city starve to death, it is not written in the history books. That's hell on earth, something you can't even imagine.
       Li Kuang was silent for a while and asked He-Yan :   "What do you mean?"
       "Can't continue to defend the city. I and the adults brought Rundu soldiers and horses to fight the Utopians outside the city."
       "Impossible!" Li Kuang answered without thinking :   "Proactive attack, this is the next best thing."
       "I took the initiative to attack last night."
       "Last night was five hundred elite soldiers. Kerundu unified a total of 30 thousand soldiers and horses. This is the last hope of Rundu. If you say that you will fight the Utopians to death, if you lose, you will fall into the city. In the hands! The Brothers He and the Utopians have already fought twice. It is impossible not to know that the Utopians are brutal and vicious. These people have fallen into their hands, it is worse than death. I am the chief soldier of the city of Rundu. Even if all the people in Rundu starve to death, it is better to die under the torture of the Utopians! "
       "Who said that I would be defeated?" He-Yan frowned. "Everything is possible before the battle is fought. I may also be the winner."
       "Thirty thousand to hundreds of thousands, how can they fight?"
       He-Yan said :   "The battle in Jiyang was not to win more with less."
       Li Kuang turned around, his voice was cold :   "I'm not the Right Chief-Commander, you are not General Feihong, you can win more battles with less, I can't fight, you can't fight."
       "I can fight!"
       Li Kuang looked back at her, as if looking at a child who was blindly and tall, shook his head and said, "Brother He, I admit that you are a bit powerful. There is a set of countermeasures against those Utopians. It’s a city’s temper. I can’t use a city’s temper to earn your military skill. Those of me, I’ll die, it’s just a life, but the gate is unbreakable. I won’t take the initiative to fight Utopians, if they are going to attack the city, I will keep them. They will stand still, and I will wait for reinforcements to come. "
       Li Kuang was like that. He was very conservative in fighting. He-Yan also knew very well. It was just that she was a deputy general at that time, and her men led tens of thousands of Fuyue army. Now ...
       "Here is Rundu, and Lord He is Wu Anlang. I can't order Rundu soldiers without my permission. Therefore, don't waste any effort!" Li Kuang said.
       He-Yan took a deep breath. The stone had a stinky and hard temper, and it has not changed for so many years. She asked :   "Okay, if you just say what Master Li said, don’t attack and retreat, there will be no food in the city. You must starve to death. You and I know what the situation is of the soldiers and horses in Rundu. If you go on, if the people don’t starve to death, the soldiers and horses will die. With so many Rundo soldiers, wouldn't it be cheaper for them? "
       "The soldiers and horses will not starve to death." Li Kuang's face was heavy, "I have my own way."
       He-Yan asked, "What is it?"
       Li Kuang glanced at her and only said, "You don't need to know." He just ignored He-Yan and turned around and walked into the back room.
       He-Yan looked at his back, a little disturbed. Grain is by no means a problem that can be easily solved, but Li Kuang seems to have the answer. There must be secret granaries in the city of Rundu. But if there is such a forage, how could the soldiers and horses of Rundu and the people of Rundu suffer from such hunger.
       He-Yan shook his head, intending to talk to Jiang Yan and his party to discuss it, and then when he went out, he bumped into a person head on, but it was Zhao Shiming, Zhixian County of Rundu.
       Zhao Shiming wiped the sweat on his forehead a little, and glanced at the room, saying :   "I, I was going to go in, but I just arrived at the door, and I heard that you and Master Li were arguing, I would not go in." After looking at He-Yan's face, he said with relief :   "Master Little-He, don't take Master Li words to heart. He is this kind of temper. He is like a stone. He has a good heart, he I dare not bet on the lives of the people in Rundu. The Lord Little-He came from Liangzhou, but it may not be clear to me. Those of me who have been in Rundu ... are really afraid to take this risk. "
       "I'm not angry." He-Yan sighed. "It just feels wrong."
       She looked at Zhao Shiming again. Previously, Zhao Shiming and the making mask were made by artisans. Zhao Shiming, a prefecture, seems to be popular in Rundu. Now Li Kuang is dissatisfied with her, He-Yan is hard to find Li Kuang's dignitaries, and Jiang Yan is always with him and cannot be separated. This Zhao Shiming ... there should be people available, although not many.
       "Master Zhao." She thought for a moment, bowed to Zhao Shiming, and said, "I have something to ask for your help."
       Zhao Shiming was startled and said, "Master Little-He, but it doesn't matter."
       "Master Zhao can have useful people around him, such as guards, I want to borrow two for one. Do something for me." After a pause, she said, "However, this matter needs to be hidden from Li My lord, I don't know him. "
       Zhao Shiming looked at the young man in front of him. He was public and private. He spent more time with Li Kuang and should not help He-Yan conceal Li Kuang. But on the other hand, he believes that this young man is not malicious, even a rare pure person in the world.
       Otherwise last night, he would not have to take risks and rescue those women in the enemy camp.
       Without thinking long, Zhao Shiming said, "It's easy to say."
       Rundu sky was grey, as if it hadn't been exposed to the sun for a long time, and the whole city was permeated with a decadent and old atmosphere.
       In a family's house, two naked boys pushed a dead body out. This was their’Grandfather', which was placed on a straw mat. The whole body was thin enough to see every bone ... Starved alive.
       It is not uncommon for such a thing to happen in Rundu recently. Ying Xiang walked by, looked at it, and there was a touch of pity in his eyes.
       Their food is actually not much.
       "4-gongzi, I have been in Rundu, and it will become like this," she reminded softly.
       Chu Zhao didn't speak, but just walked forward quietly.
       Xu Xiang's people have already left Rundu. Here is to wait for death, no one will take the initiative to drill into this city that is bound to fall. No one from Xu Xiang can be found here, even if it is the 4-gongzi of the Chu family, when that day really arrives, it will be no different.
       Death is extremely fair and will not be merciful for a moment because of its status.
       "I ..." Ying Xiang also spoke.
       "Wait a second." Chu Zhao interrupted her.
       Wait, what else? Ying Xiang silently asked, "If 4-gongzi is really worried about He-Miss, why not take her with her?"
       "She didn't even notice Xiao Huaijin, and she went to Rundu thousands of miles alone to save the people in Rundu City. How could you think that she would give up a city and follow me?" Chu Zhao smiled. He-Yan, if all the dust is settled, she will probably leave silently. The more critical the situation, the less likely it is to leave alone.
       He thought it was stupid, but sometimes, but couldn't help but want to continue to look at this Miss, what amazing things can be done, and to what extent?
       Ying Xiang walked with her head down, her voice soft, "Can't 4-gongzi put her down?"
       Chu Zhao smiled softly :   "I just ... don't want to see her die so easily."
       If she were alive, there would probably be more interesting things in the world. If she died, there would be only that woman in the world.
       As he was speaking, Ying Xiang suddenly said :   "4-gongzi, He-Miss, ..."
       Chu Zhao followed her gaze, and saw He-Yan standing on the street, watching a family dream. A woman sits at the door, shaving in the dirt, trying to shave some edible grass root bark.
       She stood quietly, narrowing her eyebrows, not knowing exactly what the look was. Chu Zhao walked over and said, "He brother."
       He-Yan only saw the two of them, and replied, "Brother Chu, Ying Xiang Miss,"
       Ying Xiang owed her body, and several people walked forward together. Chu Zhao asked, "He brother just had a fierce battle with the Utopians last night. Why not take a good rest in the house?"
       "It's okay, I'll walk out," He-Yan said.
       Ying Xiang asked, "Has He-gongzi ever used rice? If not, there is still some dry food in the baggage of nubi ." She sighed. "This is how Rundu is now, and hot food is gone."
       He-Yan shook his head :   "Many Thanks, but I'm not hungry."
       She really can't eat it.
       Chu Zhao thought for a while before he said, "But Brother He is upset for these people in Rundu, is there no food in the city?"
       He-Yan looked at him :   "Did Brother Chu know?"
       "I arrived in Rundu earlier than you," Chu Zhao shook her head and smiled. "The time is abundant and the people in Rundu you see in your eyes are all the same."
       "If Brother Chu can talk about Xu Xiang ..." He-Yan asked tentatively.
       As for Chu Zhao identity, He-Yan has always been suspicious. Although Chu Zhao is a student of Xu Xiang, he does not seem to work directly with Xu Xiang. True, the reason why he can face in front of Chu Linfeng and can't be related to Xu Jingfu. But Chu Zhao, in many cases, made a choice that seemed to contradict Xu Jingfu original intention.
       For example, in Jiyang, the deputy defense map sent by Chu Zhao.
       He is a very idea person, such a person, it is best not to be an enemy. He can only be careful before he shows hostility. Just like Chu Zhao wants to use her, if Chu Zhao can get close to He Rufei, it's not bad. After all, He Rufei is crazy and inhuman.
       If it was said that He-Yan wanted to be promoted under Xiao-Yue, now she has changed her mind, she decided not to involve Xiao-Yue, stay away from Xiao-Yue, and try to do it herself as far as possible Thing.
       Chu Zhao heard the words, his smile faded a little, and then he shook his head, and said, "He brother, I am not omnipotent, and Xu Xiang ... will not obey my opinion."
       This seems to be a bit wronged.
       He-Yan raised his eyebrows, and the relationship between Xu Jingfu and Chu Zhao also seemed to be very meaningful.
       "I can't help the people in Rundu. The only thing I can do is to accompany them. But what does Brother He plan to do?" He looked at He-Yan, "You know, Run It won't last long. "
       A city without food can only be a dead end. Li Kuang did not explain the situation to her at the first time, and now refuses to confront the Utopians. This road seems to be a dead end.
       "Will you give up?" He asked.
       The man's eyes are soft, like the warm wind in Shuojing in March, but he brings a bit of coldness, sober, and secretly looking forward to it.
       He-Yan couldn't help but look at him frankly, "What do Brother Chu want me to do?"
       Chu Zhao laughed for a moment, but smiled :   "Why are you still asking me?"
       He-Yan walked slowly forward, "I thought in Brother Chu heart, it seems that he already had the answer."
       After a while, his voice came from his side :   "I have never seen anything that can block the footsteps of Brother He, nor have I seen anything that makes Brother He lose hope."
       "You might think too much of everything."
       Chu Zhao said :   "That's not true. Brother He can do everything, can't he solve the urgent need of Rundu today?"
       He-Yan was silent.
       Chu Zhao continued to say, "He knows that when the famine was most severe in the past, the people in the city would eat even in order to survive, and eating people would be a terrible thing. This will not necessarily happen. "
       He-Yan lowered his head, smiled slightly, and looked away.
       The streets are empty, the shops have been closed for a long time, and most of what can be eaten has been found and eaten. It is obviously a lively summer, and Rundu looks like a grass. Even the roadside trees and branches of Yatou are bare— The leaves have been plucked by the hungry and mad people to fill their stomachs.
       If it were not for the hot sun, it would not look like summer, or winter. This is not like the Rundu in He-Yan's memory. It is small and lively, the grapes are crystal, and the wine is mellow.
       War changed everything.
       She whispered, "Do you know what is more frightening than Yi Zi Er Shi?"
       Chu Zhao was a little surprised, "What is it?"
       He-Yan didn't speak, just watching the dead city, a sorrow of weakness in his heart.
       That kind of thing ... if she can, she hopes that it won't happen for a lifetime, and never see it for a lifetime.
       It was real hell on earth.
       For a few days, He-Yan failed to see Li Kuang.
       Li Kuang seemed to be missing him intentionally, He-Yan could not find him, and his men refused to tell He-Yan his whereabouts. He-Yan blocked Li Kuang a few times, and Li Kuang is also a face that does not want to talk to her. He-Yan had to say, "Master Li, before I came to Rundu, I had asked someone to ask for reinforcements. Moreover, I also said that the soldiers and horses of Rundu are not without the possibility of fighting the Utopians, Master Li Why keep a dead end and block your own path alive? "
       "This is in Rundu, not Liangzhou." Li Kuang's attitude was also tough and unmoved by He-Yan's words. "Although you are her Majesty's close Wu-Anlang, the power is not so great. Order me to the point. Regarding the night attack on the enemy camp, I am grateful for your help, but so far, what I will do after that, you don’t have to intervene. "
       He-Yan looked at him carefully. When he first came to Rundu, although Li Kuang had a sad look in his eyebrows, he was still a little angry, but now his expression is not right, his eyes are gloomy and gloomy. Never be stubborn.
       His mood was obviously bad, but it wasn't just because of the Utopians, He-Yan could notice it.
       "Master Li ... how do you plan to deal with the famine in the city?" He-Yan asked, looking at his back.
       Li Kuangzhen said for a moment, "I said, I have my own way, it's not your business!"
       He-Yan walked in front of Li Kuang, staring directly into his eyes, "Master Li, I am not a Rundu person, but I am also very clear about the situation at hand. The matter has not reached the worst step, I burn Once the Utopians’forages are once, they can be killed next time. If Lord Li has been holding the heart of jade and burned, this battle cannot be fought. This city cannot be kept at all. "
       What she said was more serious. An angry expression floated on Li Kuang's face, "What do you know!"
       "I know that if Master Li misestimated the situation at hand, he would make the wrong decision."
       Li Kuang's eyes showed a little anxiety. He could not help but push back He-Yan who pushed away in front of him, and said, "How to do it, I have my own opinion, and you don't need to give pointers! "
       He strode out without giving He-Yan a chance to speak at all.
       He-Yan frowned and stared at his back, his anxiety growing deeper.
       She wasn't dealing with Li Kuangchu, and Li Kuang's reaction was clearly a frustration that she was dead. He refused to believe He-Yan's other method, and He-Yan couldn't convince him, he couldn't command these soldiers and horses in Rundu. Even if she stuns Li Kuang, the soldiers in Rundu will not obey her order-Li Kuang has taken these soldiers for too long.
       Perhaps because of this, he would not choose the "adventurous" decision He-Yan said.
       She slowly walked out of the room with a heavy heart. In the last few days, even Zhao Shiming came out with less and less food. It was okay not to move when hungry. As soon as he walked, he became more and more hungry, and just wished that everything could be turned into food and stuffed into his mouth.
       Kuyat had not launched an attack on Rundu. The night of the attack, the grain was burned. I was afraid that the Utopians were not as calm as they were in the past few days. Huya definitely wanted to attack the city immediately, but the existence of "General Feihong" made them a little bit frightened.
       But this fear will eventually dissipate, and Huart will always find out the truth. Only when he sends people to Huayuan, he will know that the city of Rundu is a fake right now. The moment Khuyat found out that "General Feihong" was false, he immediately launched a siege against Rundu. So these days are actually the days He-Yan fought for the people of Rundu.
       Li Kuang is stubborn and conservative.
       He was walking and bumped into Qi Luo head-on. This Miss looks thinner than He-Yan when he first arrived in Rundu. The original goose egg face was hungry with a pointed chin, which was a little sweeter and more charming. As soon as she saw He-Yan, she smiled and bent, showing a familiar smile :   "Master Little-He."
       "Qi Luo-Miss ,."
       "Have you quarreled with Lao-ye?" Qi Luo pointed out the door, "Qieshi just saw Lao-ye rushed out. Lord Little-He don't breathe with Lao-ye, Lao-ye is a bit more temperamental, but he is a good person. If he offends Little-He, Qieshi, on behalf of Lao-ye, will not pay the adult.
       She thought of Lao-ye with all her heart. He-Yan shook his head with a wry smile, "It's all right, I just have some disagreements."
       Qi Luo nodded as if she didn't understand.
       He-Yan saw her holding a bunch of garland-like things in her hand, and was a little weird, and asked, "Do you still have flowers?"
       All of Rundu edible food is probably eaten by hungry people. How could there be a flower to make a wreath? Qi Luo handed the wreath to He-Yan with a smile, and He-Yan took it over. Seeing that the wreath was very small, I don’t know what kind of straw to make it, and it was dotted with Sporadic purple flowers, He-Yan got closer to smell them, and Qi Luo hurriedly stopped :   "Can't smell, Lord Little-He, this flower is poisonous!"
       He-Yan :   "Poisonous?"
       "Well broken grass, the more beautiful it looks, the more toxic it is. People know that Rundu is so hungry that they won't pick it up. Otherwise, why would I use it to make a wreath?" She sighed again. Whenever poisonous weeds always grow exceptionally lush, it would be nice if the crops in the fields could do the same. "
       Seeing He-Yan was silent, Qi Luo smiled again :   "Master Little-He is interested in this wreath? Qieshi can teach Master Little-He to make this wreath, maybe for your sweetheart, yours. My sweetheart will be happy. "
       She was still thinking about He-Yan's unfamiliar "lover". He-Yan was a little bit crying. If her heart made up a wreath for Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Yue would probably think she was ill and would not hit her. Death is fine.
       "Just," He-Yan shook his head. "He doesn't like the flowers and grass, the kindness of Qi Luo-Miss, and he taking it."
       Qi Luo was a little disappointed. He took the wreath in He-Yan's hand and said, "Well then, but how can there be no Miss, like flowers and grass? Lao-ye was happy when I picked the flowers for me. for a while."
       "Master Li?" He-Yan said, never thinking that Li Kuang's fierce temperer would pick flowers for his beloved Junior Concubine.
       "Yeah," Qi Luo nodded desperately, as if he was afraid of He-Yan's disbelief. "I picked it this morning, and I made a wreath."
       He-Yan smiled, "Today?"
       "Yes," Qi Luo laughed, "Lao-ye has been very good to me recently." She forgot to even say "Qieshi", only to share her joy with He-Yan, "Promise to wait for Rundu As soon as the war broke out, I changed to a big house and allowed me to plant plum trees in the yard. Yesterday, I also saved my dry food to eat. "
       Talking, Qi Luo face also appeared confused, "Is it because I have looked a bit better recently? Or am I dying," Mother bless me in heaven, Lao-ye is so resolute to me, I have I don't know him anymore. "
       He-Yan's heart sank, and that terrible guess came to mind. She asked Qiluo, "Besides this, what's wrong with Master Li these days?"
       "No." Qiluo shook her head, and complained a little bit about He-Yan :   "But Lord Little-He, how could you be wrong with me? Lao-ye used to be good to me, but now it's just right I'm better. It's probably’seeing true love in trouble'. Now I'm with Lao-ye, and Lao-ye must be moved. "
       He-Yan frowned, and took a step forward, "Qi Luo-Miss, these days, you better avoid Master Li."
       "Why?" Qi Luoqi said.
       He-Yan looked at her. Miss, with a beautiful face, grew up a lot, her smile always carried a bit of fox-like slyness, which made her look smart and smart, very cute, but her eyes It was still childlike.
       A charming beauty, a woman ... who has no chicken.
       "Perhaps ... Master Li will hurt you." He-Yan groaned.
       Qi Luo suddenly laughed for a moment, "Master Little-He, what does this mean, Lao-ye love me too late, how can it hurt me?"
       He-Yan knows that she doesn't believe. In fact, women always think of men as extraordinarily affectionate.
       "Miss, of course, is worthy to be spoiled during the heyday of the peace." He-Yan's voice was low, and it was so low that she could hardly hear the pain in her voice. In other words, Miss, no matter how heavy it is, it's not the city of Rundu. "
       Qi Luo :   "I still don't understand."
       "It doesn't matter if you don't understand." He-Yan looked up at her. "Master Li is very busy all day. In these days, you don't want to be alone with him. When there is nothing in the day, go to something else. Walking around, you can go to Lord Zhao, or everyone else. In short, if you can't see Master Li, you can't see Master Li. "
       Qi Luo looked at her strangely. What the young Wu Anlang said was inexplicable. How could anyone persuade himself to be alienated from Lao-ye? If it wasn't because she knew that He-Yan had led elite soldiers to attack the enemy camp the other day and rescued the captured women, Qi Luo would have doubted whether this person was a bad person.
       She said, "Master Little-He, I ...... I'm Lao-ye Concubine. It's impossible to see Lao-ye."
       "After Rundu fights, you can see as much as you want, but now, stay away from her!"
       The teenager's eyes are very clear and dark, and when he looks at others, he is very powerful. Qi Luo nodded subconsciously and shook her head again.
       He-Yan also hesitated in her heart. Now that she is "Wu Anlang", no matter how skeptical, worried about Qiluo, it is impossible to put someone else Junior Concubine beside her, and she will lose her tongue. This is so, I’m afraid Li Kuang will feel that she is With the second Jiang Yan, maybe he would really kill Qi Luo. She said, "Go and find Master Zhao Fu-ren, and be with her in the day. If Master Li suddenly wants to find you, ask someone to tell me, I will go with you."
       Qi Luo was a little suspicious, but He-Yan persisted and finally agreed. After thousands of warnings, He-Yan went to the king to find them.
       On the day of the night attack, Wang Ba and they followed her and were injured. Stone and Jiang Yan are okay. Wang Ba hurt his leg, not too serious. Huang Xiong's wound should be deeper, hurt his left hand, the knife marks are deep, simply not the right hand, if not, I’m afraid that he will not be able to hold the knife in the future. .
       In any case, they are raising. After waiting in the house, Hong Shan and Huang Xiong were sleeping, while Stone and Wheat went to help repair the weapon shields. Only Jiang Yan and Wang Ba sits by the threshold.
       Seeing He-Yan, the two looked up, Jiang Yan said, "He brother, how is it?"
       He-Yan shook his head.
       Wang Baqi didn't fight in one place :   "What's the name of Li? Seeing that it's also a big man, how dare you be so courageous? You've been staying in the city as a tortoise? My mother is hungry these days It’s thin, and everyone will starve to death together. It’s better to kill the Utopians when they are underground! ”
       Jiang Yandao :   "Master Li is also afraid that the city will be buried with the people, but ..." He looked at He-Yan. "I asked the soldiers here that they have run out of food. I also rely on Congliang these days. The dry food brought by the state, and this dry food, was also consumed yesterday. From yesterday to the present, I have not eaten anything, so it will not work. "
       "That's it! In the city of Rundu, even rats were taken out and eaten, and no worms could be seen. Is this fuckin-Asking me to kick the table? What the hell is Li Kuang thinking about? I knew that day of burning grain and grass. If you don't take it, you can hold it for a while and you can resist half a day. "
       Jiang Yan was funny and angry, "It's all that time, where can I take care of so much. Brother He," he looked at He-Yan, "do you have any other way?"
       "The utuo forage was burned, but they were able to hunt outside the city and not starve to death." He-Yan worried, "It would take more time for the people in Rundu than the utuo to consume. Therefore, Li Kuang's idea is definitely impossible. And now he doesn't promise to go out of town to face the Utopians, I can't order Rundu soldiers and horses, I can only ask for foreign aid, but ... "
       But I'm afraid that before that day, Rundu will be out of trouble. Li Kuang's attitude in these days is very wrong.
       She sighed and said nothing.
       At the other end, Qi Luo went to Zhao-Fu-ren.
       Although He-Yan behaved strangely, it was strange that Qi Luo always had an indescribable kind of affection for He-Yan. Therefore, although He-Yan didn't believe what he said, she was willing to do what He-Yan said. Today, Li Kuang is very busy every day, and she doesn't care about her. She can go anywhere in the day, but is more free than ever.
       Zhao-Fu-ren was hugging her little grandson with a sad look. Her daughter-zi was seriously ill in the bed, and the doctor's return was useless. Everyone knows that this is simply a disease of hunger. Without food, of course, I can't support myself. Zhao-Fu-ren himself took off hungry, a well-known Fu-ren in Zhixian County. Nowadays, the clothes are much larger, and the exposed arms are weak as if they can be broken with force.
       Qiluo thought to herself, the young and ladys in the past in the city drank a little less, and looked at the thinness and lightness, which made people feel affectionate, only that once the battle passed, no one would think so. The taste of hunger is really hard, a flower must always drink enough dew to be able to show it to others.
       Zhao-Fu-ren only spoke two words with Qiluo, then closed his mouth and looked stunned. At this time, he was so hungry that he didn't even want to say anything.
       Qiluo sits with her for a while, and a small soldier came outside, and said to Qiluo :   "Qi Luo-Miss, my lord is looking for you."
       "Looking for me?" Qi Luo was a little surprised. Li Kuang was busy all day in fighting the capital. If she hadn't taken the initiative to find Li Kuang, Li Kuang would never have come to her. However, in the past few days, thinking of Li Kuang's special affection for her, Qi Luo heart was full of joy, and the only benefit of Rundu war was that Li Kuang saw her loyalty. Maybe this favor can last for more than three years. The year is highly likely.
       At this moment, she was only filled with the joy of fantasy in her mind. She had long forgotten He-Yan's orders, raised her skirt angle cheerfully, and said with a smile :   "Okay, I'll see Lao-ye. "
       Qi Luo followed the soldier to the house. In the house, not only Li Kuang, but also Li Kuang's deputies, several adults in Rundu City. There are still a few Li Kuang's confidants, Qi Luo is a bit strange, she thought that Li Kuang missed her and wanted to be gentle with her. So many people don't seem to be gentle. Maybe there are some big men coming? She, the most beautiful Miss in the capital, is going to fight for Li Kuang? But this is also not right. If there is a big man, how can Zhixian Zhao Shiming be away?
       She stepped forward and said, "Lao-ye."
       Li Kuangzheng turned his back to her, and turned and heard. These days he is very old, standing with Qi Luo, really like Qi Luo father. Once the great Wei Wei general, Feihong, also laughed at this, but Qi Luo did not feel anything. Her own father died early. Li Kuang gave her food, a room to live in, and shelter. Many biological fathers in the world couldn't do this to her daughter. Moreover, Li Kuang is a hero who protects the people. She admires him and never thinks he is bad.
       At this moment, her "husband" looked up at Qi Luo. In her eyes, the deep meaning she couldn't understand seemed to be painful and mixed with coldness. After watching it for a long time, he asked hoarsely, "Qi Luo, how long have you been with me?"
       Qi Luo tilted her head and thought, "Back to Lao-ye, Qieshi followed Lao-ye for more than 3 years, and it will be four years after this summer passes."
       Li Kuang loves her so much, so she takes him with him everywhere. His own Fu-ren and son are in Shuojing, and they have to support their parents. The young Niangzi, who looked young and beautiful like Qiluo, followed him for many years without complaining.
       His life was straightforward and arrogant, he did not like the woman's intrigue, Qi Luo had some innocence and carefulness, and more, it was a pure passion. She is easy to satisfy, and always writes the words "struggling for favor" on her face. She was very polite to others, and her colleagues were envious of him having such an interpretive flower. In fact, Qiluo never really enjoyed anything.
       As his love, Qiesh, Qiluo was not as good as those women in Capital City.
       Li Kuang murmured :   "Four years ..."
       He had a heavy tone, and Qi Luo was inexplicably scared. She turned her head to look at the people around her, and those soldiers who had known her in the past turned her head away from her eyes.
       Why is this?
       Rao is no matter how clever she is, and she doesn't understand the reason, she stares at Li Kuang with those grape-like wet eyes, her eyes are full of doubts.
       Li Kuang's eyes flashed with pain, and he said, "Come here."
       Qi Luo stepped forward.
       He-Yan and Jiang Yan spoke for a while, and Stone and Hong Shan woke up. Wheat and stones helped repair the weapon. When he returned to the house, he saw He-Yan, and only asked, "Age, don't you go to Lord Li today?"
       "It's been found." He-Yan shrugged.
       Jiang Yan thought about it, "Will I go with you to find Master Li? May I persuade him?"
       He-Yan actually thinks that Jiang Yan's move will not have much effect. Li Kuang's attitude is too firm. But all have arrived at this, simply dead horse as a living horse doctor. Then he got up and said, "Okay, you can try again."
       At that time, Liu Bukang accepted her as an apprentice because she was annoyed by her. Li Kuang’s patience was not as good as Liu Bukang’s, maybe he could do the same, although the result of this is most likely that Li Kuang and her drew a knife. .
       He-Yan took a group of people to find Li Kuang again, walked halfway, passed by Zhao Shiming's yard, and saw Zhao Shiming's Fu-ren sitting at the door with his grandson in a daze. He-Yan stepped forward and asked "Zhao-Fu-ren, didn't you see Qi Luo-Miss?"
       Before she left, she said clearly to Qiluo, and asked Qiluo to look for Zhao-Fu-ren. How can it seem that there is only Zhao-Fu-ren?
       Zhao-Fu-ren didn't seem to understand He-Yan's words, and then answered after a while :   "She was called away by the Master."
       He-Yan's heart "sucked", without a word, immediately ran to Li Kuang's yard. The Wang Ba and the others behind were unknown, so Wang Ba asked :   "What is he so nervous about? He has a private relationship with that woman?"
       Hong Shan :   "Don't talk nonsense! Ah He has just arrived in Rundu soon."
       "Then he can attract bees and butterflies." Wang Ba muttered.
       He-Yan ran to Li Kuang's courtyard in one fell swoop. In front of Li Kuang's house today, there was a soldier guarding her. When she was in her heart, she rushed in and was stopped by the soldier at the door :   "What are you doing? No one else is allowed to enter! "
       He-Yan stared into his eyes, "What is he doing inside?"
       Her eyes were as cold as ice skates, and the soldier was frightened by her. Before she could talk, she saw Zhao Shiming coming over. Seeing this scene, she frowned and said, "Why is it noisy again? This is Lord Little-He. Don't let it go. "
       The two soldiers seemed to be returning to God, and then they looked at He-Yan again, insisting, "Adults have orders, no one else is allowed to enter, and Wu Anlang is the same."
       He-Yan :   "Get away!"
       She drew the sabre around one of them, and they reached out to stop her. Where could he stop her? He-Yan knocked the two down and fell to the ground with one hand, and opened the door and strode in, one in. Then he froze.
       In addition to Li Kuang in the room, there were many Assistant soldiers and soldiers. A group of women were kneeling beside the chair. These women were neatly dressed, some with tear marks, and others with calm expressions, but He-Yan remembered one or two of them. It was the big Wei prisoner that she had rescued from the Utopians that night when they attacked the enemy camp that night.
       On the most central floor lies a woman whose body is covered with white cloth and can't see who it is, but with a garland tightly in her hand, small and delicate, dotted with sporadic purple.
       He-Yan's eyes suddenly turned red.
       The room was silent for a moment, and Li Kuang sounded angrily :   "Who let you in?"
       He-Yan looked up, glaring at him, suppressing his trembling voice, "You killed her."
       "This is my family affair, what is it with you?" Li Kuang seemed to want to see her, "Get out!"
       The surrounding soldiers also had a look of intolerance, or avoided He-Yan's eyes, or bowed their heads and said nothing, and no one spoke.
       "Why should I get out?" He-Yan replied, "Even though Qi Luo-Miss, it is your family affairs, these women are the ones I rescued from the Utopians. Shouldn't this be your family affairs? "Master Li," she raised her voice sharply. "Do you want to kill them all?"
       The women on the ground heard the words and some wept softly.
       After hearing the news, Zhao Shiming finally followed the Wang Ba and they rushed in. Suddenly he saw a corpse lying in the room and was shocked. Zhao Shiming shook his hand and asked, "What is this ... what is going on? What happened? Who is this person? "
       He-Yan took a step forward, Li Kuang said angrily, "Don't touch her!" The next moment, Baibu had been revealed.
       Miss, who fell to the ground, stained her clothes with red blood. She was lying on the ground with a calm expression, as touching as a flower. A few hours ago, she was still smiling and showing He-Yan her garland and told others about her future yearning. Now, she won't cry, she won't laugh, just a cold body.
       "Qi Luo?" Zhao Shiming was startled. "Why is Qi Luo? Is there a Utopian mixed in? Master Li? What is going on?"
       If there were really Utopians coming in, why would Li Kuang be so calm, I'm afraid Rundu would already be confused. It's just ... how to explain the scene at hand?
       Li Kuang stared at He-Yan, He-Yan was unmoved, and looked at him word by word :   "This is about to ask Master Li, I see Master Li, this is what I wanted to emulate Let's walk around! "
       As soon as this word came out, Zhao Shiming took a breath.
       Among Wang Ba and Shi Shi group, only Jiang Yan studied, and the others did not understand what He-Yan meant, but Jiang Yan's face changed slightly.
       "In the previous dynasty, Zhang Xun guarded Puyang City, and the city ran out of grain, killing Qieshi Yi Sergeant. What did Master Li do? You want to be Zhang Wei of Dawei, but now there is another way of life in Rundu City. Why? "
       "What do you know!" Li Kuang couldn't help but reprimand :   "It's just a woman! If I can save the people in a city, my life will not die, but it's a woman who died for Rundu City!
       He-Yan looked at him, Li Kuang once stood side by side with her, and died together. Although she and Li Kuang are not close friends, they are still friends. He-Yan has never doubted Li Kuang's character. As a general warrior, he is brave and loyal, but he is such a hero in the eyes of the world. In his eyes, "woman" is just like a cat and a dog, as an animal , A victim of property. The favorite Junior Concubine can be chopped off on the grounds of "righteousness" and become a food to fill the stomach.
       This is even more terrible than eating and eating.
       She had already thought that this might happen, but after all, it was a matter of the previous dynasty, and now she has not reached such a desperate situation, and Li Kuang is not Zhang Xuan. He-Yan is still lucky, only to say that he may think human nature is too terrible, but ... nothing can stop it.
       Li Kuang made the same choice.
       When I was in the Xianchang Pavilion, I read the book "Zhongyi Biography" and read here. Zhang Xuan lost control of Liyang, and the enemy was unable to break the city. He was stationed outside the city and waited to die. Grain in the city must be gone, Zhang Xuan kills Ai Qieshi and ordered the officers and soldiers to eat it, and then someone killed the nubi as rations.
       "As soon as the women in the city are done, they are followed by the husband and the young, and the population is 20 thousand to 30 thousand."
       The boys in the hall said nothing and the atmosphere was quiet. Teacher is still reading, "Forty thousand people lived in Liyang City before the war, and only four hundred people lived in the city."
       They were all teenagers in their teens, and they were all from wealthy and high-ranking officials. They had never heard anything so tragic. Cannibalism is sensational enough. If war is added, it is even more stigmatizing.
       Teacher asks, "Do you think Zhang Xun was wrong or right?"
       The teenagers spoke enthusiastically, and each stated, and in the end, they still thought that the scene at the time, Zhang Xun did nothing wrong.
       Teacher said :   "The murder is against human relations. But it is not Zhang Xun's original intention. It is said,’The crime of Cang Huang is light, and the power of revival is great.'
       The teenagers nodded. They all thought that although it was tragic, it was precisely this matter that reflected Zhang Xuan's loyalty. After all, Concubine is "family affairs" and defending the city is "state affairs". To sacrifice Concubine to defend the country, Zhang Xunna is a loyal minister.
       At that time, He-Yan didn't think so. She sits in the hall and never spoke or echoed the remarks of the teenagers, only frowning and solemn expression.
       Teacher saw her disapproval, called her with a smile, and asked, "He Rufei, do you have a different opinion?"
       She was still a fool in the countdown to the Xianchang Pavilion at the time. In the end, however, my heart was resentful and finally courageous :   "The world says that Zhang Xunna is a loyal righteous man. It is true, but those who have been eaten are innocent. I can understand his choice, but if he changes I ... I would never do that. "
       "Oh? How about you?" Teacher asked with a smile.
       "I should take the remaining soldiers and fight the rebels outside the city." The teenager stood in the hall, daylight penetrated the window, landed on her face, and cast her handsome, slightly childish face on a layer of perseverance. Color, "The person holding the sword in his hand should understand where the sword's edge is, facing the enemy in front of him or the weak behind him."
       "I will never draw a sword to the weak."
       There was a quiet moment in the hall, and the laughter of teenagers sounded.
       "The weak? What weak? He is the weak himself!"
       "And Brother He sword art is so bad that he can still hold the sword? I'm afraid it's not a dream."
       "It's a terrific word. How can it be, if the sword and horse can be so poor, I don't have to guard this city. Hahahaha."
       He-Yan was surrounded by laughter, her face flushed with red lips, and her lips thought, 30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, maybe one day, she will be the general who galloped on the battlefield. By then, she must protect herself. Protected people. Never let the defenseless civilians be reduced to military rations. If she wants to do it, she will be the bravest general.
       Teacher calmed down the young men who laughed at her, looking at He-Yan, and his eyes were comforting. "You can think from the standpoint of the people and show that you have compassion, that's good."
       He-Yan sighed, not because she had pity. Just because the teenagers who laughed in the hall were men, they naturally regarded themselves as "Zhang Xun". As a woman, she naturally stood on the "love Qieshi" position.
       From the standpoint of "Zhang Xun", this move is very righteous, and from the standpoint of "love Qieshi", this is nothing but a disaster.
       The joys and sorrows of people in the world cannot be communicated at all times. It's nothing more than where you are and what choices you make.
       That's it.
       He-Yan said, "Junna is a loyal minister. What is wrong with Qing?"
       "You don't have to tell me so much," Li Kuang-Leng said, "Qi Luo is my Concubine, it is my person, and how I handle my person is my business. As for these women ... you ask them, Is it voluntary? I have not persecuted them. "
       He-Yan looked at the woman sitting on the ground. A woman's eyes were red and she turned her head to He-Yan and whispered softly :   "Master Many Thanks for my plan, but ... I have been ruined by the Utopians. After that, my body is no longer clean. I can’t go home or live in the world. Now I can still use this body to gain some vitality for Yundu, which is also my blessing. Maybe this merit can also let me Wash out the mud on your body to create blessings. "
       "Fart merit!" He-Yan interrupted her without waiting for her to speak.
       Wang Ba looked at He-Yan suddenly. He-Yan had been with them all the time, and his temperament was first-rate and gentle. Even though Wang Ba was so provocative, she did not see half of her dirty words. Now the swear words have come out, and it can be seen that they are angry.
       "What is unclean, and what is shameless living in the world?" He-Yan angered. "Is it your fault?" She looked at Li Kuang and the soldiers who bowed their heads in the house. "This is Is their fault! "
       "If you think that this is doing merit, you are totally wrong! Master Li," she turned to look at Li Kuang, "you are the general soldier of the city, I tell you, these women are captured by Utopians, yes Because the Utopians are cruel and innocent, because you have no ability, what is wrong with them, I have never seen the injured person make a mistake, and the victimized person is relaxed! This is exactly what the Utopians intended From their point of view, the Dawei people are the heads of injustice. They only do evil, and naturally, innocent people bear the undue guilt for them! "
       "How can there be such a ridiculous thing in the world that if they are touched by Utopians, they will not be clean. From the first step when they step into Dawei land, there is no need to compete with them. Dawei land is not clean. Now, give it to them, and fart! "
       "You! Be careful!" Li Kuangyin held back his anger.
       "I don't!" He-Yan stared at him sternly, and there seemed to be a fire in his eyes, to burn all around him, "You are a man, their general. You pointed your knife at your woman and you People! What is this? If you go out with me today to kill a few Utopians, drink Utopians blood and eat meat, I respect you as a man. But there is no such truth in the world, men can’t win the battle. Just call an innocent and weak woman to sacrifice! This is a soft egg! "
       "I said that they are voluntary."
       "Are they really voluntary?" He-Yan's eyes were sharp. "Okay, I'll ask you," she looked at the women. "Why do you think you can't live because someone else said?" If someone said something? You refuted it in front of you, and your mouth was ‘mute, and you used your fist. Is this your fault? If you still use this to humiliate you, you will be the worst and shameless person. No matter how you feel. I saved your life, so you gave it up casually, where did you put me? "
       She looked so attractive that the women were afraid to speak for a while. After a while, one of the young Miss, "wow" burst into tears and whispered, "I don't want to die, I'm afraid ..."
       Li Kuang's complexion was blue.
       "If you don't want to die, I'm here, and no one has forced you to die."
       "How dare you say that?" Li Kuang said :   "This is not Liangzhou Wei!"
       He-Yan's expression calmed down. She took a step forward and protected the women behind her. "Master Li, Qi Luo is your Concubine. After following you for many years, it is not a cargo, but an item that can be sent out easily. She is yours. Before that, she was personal first. "
       "You can't move these women today, if you want to move," He-Yan slowly pulled out the long sword that he had snatched from the soldier at the door. "You have to pass my sword first."
       "Do you think I don't dare?" Li Kuang was furious, and pulled out the long sword at the waist. The Assistant soldiers around him saw the shape, all pointed out, and pointed the sword at He-Yan.
       The room was filled with a tense atmosphere.
       Zhao Shiming said anxiously :   "What's the matter with you? How do you match up with your own people? Our top priority is to hit those Utopians, Lord Li, I think Lord Little-He makes sense, you can't ... can't eat people Ah! If you do, the people outside will follow suit and follow what the Rundu City looks like. Even if you keep the city behind, do you want people in the world to swear by pointing at our backbone? "
       He also has a selfishness. Qi Luo is Li Kuang's beloved Junior Concubine. Zhao Shiming also has to admit that Qi Luo is beautiful and smart. He is very flattering, and it is absolutely impossible for him to change hands. But Li Kuang said that killing would kill, these martial arts ... hey! By the end, wouldn't all of them be leaders in their example. He is so old that he never killed a chicken in his life. To let him send his family members to death, Zhao Shiming would rather die. Therefore, he immediately stood by He-Yan's side.
       Li Kuang ignored Zhao Shiming, a magistrate who wouldn't even take a knife. What annoyed him was He-Yan.
       No one expected that He-Yan would rush in like this, and could not help but accuse him. Qi Luo has followed him for many years. Isn't he heartache? Didn't he hesitate when he started? It's just that the battle is here. If Run can't keep it, everyone will die. Killing Qi Luo in front of these vice generals is also to make them understand the determination to defend Rundu.
       Among these lieutenants, there was a meeting with Qi Luodu on most days, and the living Miss, who was killed in front of his own face, could not bear it. There are also many people asking for Qiluo, but Li Kuang thinks that Zhang Xuan did well in the past, and now he does. Even if it bears the world's insult, it doesn't matter.
       But this Wu-An Lang He-Yan, he just broke in and stood in front of himself, protecting those women, and his eyes brightened him for a moment.
       He suddenly thought of He Rufei.
       The general Feihong, who was still a deputy general, tried his best to rescue the woman captured by the enemy in every battle. In fact, these women waited to return home, waiting for them is not a good result, but He Rufei will always comfort them and encourage them. Li Kuang has never seen a man so thoughtful. But he thought that there was only one general Feihong in this world.
       Today, another one appeared before him.
       Li Kuang looked cold :   "Wu Anlang, are you going to do something with me?"
       "Sorry, but I can't let them die here."
       A woman started crying and looked at He-Yan :   "Sir, don't waste your efforts for me. If my life can be exchanged for the peace of Rundu, I will ..."
       "You can't get the peace of Rundu by you." He-Yan said coldly :   "The peace that comes from the sacrifice of a woman is no different from asking the enemy for mercy."
       "Master Li, this is not the previous dynasty, and you are not Zhang Xun."
       Li Kuang was almost embarrassed and angry. He knew everything the young man said was right, but he had no other way to go.
       "You just want to do it with me?" He said coldly.
       "What the hell are you?" The spit spit out, "Is it sensible to kill a woman? I don’t kill women, old men and children when I am a bandit. As the saying goes, there is a way to steal, you soldiers who eat royal food. Horse, even doing this kind of inferior animal? Don’t let it go, I, Liangzhou Wei No. 123, 4567, accept your challenge! "
       He said that Li Kuang's face was even more ugly, similar to the performance of the Wuchang Dodo.
       At this time, another person came in, but it was Chu Zhao. He looked at Li Kuang, first performed a ritual, and then smiled :   "Master Li is not doing this right. His Majesty always promotes" benevolent politics. " It is against humanity, and it reaches His Majesty's ears, for fear of His Majesty. "
       He standing on He-Yan's side. Chu Zhao represents Xu Xiang, a Liangzhou defender, and a Xu Xiang. The pressure can be imagined. Li Kuang's heart is angry and annoyed. What exactly is He-Yan? One or two. Follow him?
       But the soldiers around him looked at him, his heart slumped, and he gnashed his teeth, "You are not my opponent."
       He-Yan smiled slightly, Hengjian in front of him, "Master Li might try."
       The sword was trembling, chilling, and the gunpowder in the room exploded. At this moment, suddenly, there was a soldier's voice outside :   "Master! Master!"
       Li Kuang was full of anger, he couldn't go up, he couldn't go down, and he heard the words angrily, "What ‘call!"
       The next moment, the door of the house was opened again, and someone came in with a quiet voice.
       "Master Li seems to have asked me before teaching Liangzhou Wei."
       The voice ... He-Yan froze and turned back sharply.
       Then he saw the young man in dark armor and dark armor walking forward and standing in front of himself. But I haven’t seen it for more than a month, but the last time I met was as long as 10 thousand years apart. And he is handsome and handsome, and looks like a spring willow, and his expression is as cold as ever.
       "Xiao , Xiao Chief-Commander!" Li Kuang's eyes were shocked.
       He never thought that he would see Right-Commander Xiao-Yue here.
       Xiao-Yue didn't look at He-Yan or Li Kuang, only glanced at the crying women, and said quietly :   "The person holding the sword in his hand should understand where the sword is. Is facing the enemy in front of him or the weak behind him. "
       "You shouldn't draw a sword against the weak."
       He-Yan suddenly raised his eyes.

       Chapter 179 :  Yan He   

       His eyes were like a cold star breaking jade, and his voice was calm, but in an instant, that afternoon that brought He-Yan into Xianchang Hall. His voice overlapped with the youthful adolescent voice of that year, and it was impossible to tell who it was at this moment.
       The soldiers ‘called from outside, excited and happy :   "Master! Lord! Reinforcement is here! Reinforcement is here!"
       He-Yan Looking at Xiao-Yue back, he brought Nanfu soldiers? how can that be? Hearing here, I saw Li Kuang pushing the crowd behind him and rushing out of the house. He-Yan glanced at Xiao-Yue and rushed out.
       There was a loud ‘calling and killing sound from outside the city. He-Yan climbed up to the height of the tower. As Li Kuang looked down, he saw above the field. The Utopians were fighting with Dawei soldiers and horses. It says "Swallow". Headed by a man, he was a young man with a very high hair, stern eyebrows, wearing silver armor, holding a celestial halberd, and was particularly energetic, killing people with horses.
       Yan He.
       There was a smile in He-Yan's eyes. Li Kuang, who was rushing to see this scene, was also very excited, and immediately ordered the soldiers and horses in the city :   "Follow me to fight Utopians!"
       Li Kuang, who suddenly arrived, did not expect it, and Huart did not expect it. On the day before they decided to attack the city, Guide Zhonglang was taken aback by the soldiers and horses brought by Yan He. Li Kuang brought his soldiers and horses into the battle, Uto soldiers and horses defeated, and the leader Huya The special deserted soldiers fled, and the remaining Uto soldiers collapsed into the sand, some were captured by Li Kuang, and the other was south of Rundu with Kuyat's withdrawal.
       "The poor Kou Mo chase." Yan He stopped the footsteps of Li Kuang to chase, wiped the blood of the Utopian blood splashing on his armor, and threw the handkerchief to the layman on one side, mockingly :   "Just so black Troops, are you afraid to come out in the city? You are too timid. "
       This was a terrible word, and he was so much younger than himself, but Li Kuang was not angry. Because if it wasn't for Yan He and his men to come to the army, the Utopians would not retreat so quickly. He was really grateful to Yan He. This was unexpected. Who knew that the eagerly waiting General Feihong did not wait, but waited for General Guizhong Zhonglang.
       "On behalf of the people in the whole city, Li thanked General Yan for helping him. He gave charity in the snow, and Rundu will never forget it. But," hesitated, "how did General Yan come to Rundu?"
       He never wrote to Yan He for help.
       Yan He smirked, carried Fang Tianji to his back, and walked carelessly, "Go in and talk."
       The soldiers cleared the battlefield until the end of the night. This battle was a big victory and everyone clapped their hands and celebrated. Not only that, Yan He brought not only reinforcements, but also food. The soldiers set up a cauldron in the city and used the grain to bring porridge. The people in Rundu households who were still alive were holding bowls to bring the porridge, and they were grateful. The rice scent floated over the city of Rundu for a long time.
       Inside the room, Zhao Shiming was rubbing his hands in a hurry, looking at the two in the seat.
       One is Right Army Chief-Commander Xiao Huaijin, one is Guide Zhonglang General Yanhe, and he is a Rundu county commander. How can He De see such a big man in this life? Fortunately, the three lives are fortunate, but the two are indifferent and arrogant. They don't seem to be close. Zhao Shiming thanked them again and again, thanked them for saving Rundu Wanmin, but did not know what to say.
       At this time, Zhao Shiming sighed in his heart. If Qiluo is still good, smart beauties deal with them better than their dry old men. At such times in the past, Qi Luolai round the field.
       Li Kuang probably thought of this, and his expression was a little stiff.
       Yan He——The general who is German and German is still in his early twenties. He is very young, and he is considered handsome, but his eyes are always provocative, and his chin is slightly raised, as if he does not love him. Putting people in their eyes. His hair was also very high, and the horsetail fell behind his head, showing a little youthful spirit.
       In contrast, the right army Chief-Commander Xiao-Yue sitting next to him is as quiet as autumn water. After taking off his armor, it looks more like the honorable gongzi sitting in the middle of the high-rise restaurant in Shuo Jing City. He better than Yan He arrogance, but his indifferent calmness also exudes a sense of rejecting people thousands of miles away.
       Zhao Shiming wiped his sweat with the two gods he couldn't afford to offend, what should I say?
       He hadn't figured out what to say next. Li Kuang spoke first. Li Kuang hesitated a moment and asked Yan He :   "General Yan ... why suddenly came to help me run the capital?"
       Yan He smiled softly, sits upright, and said, "I haven't asked you yet, is there a man named He-Yan in Rundu City?"
       As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the room looked different. Xiao-Yue eyes moved slightly and he didn't speak.
       "It seems to be," Yan He said, "Master Li, call that person over, I'll see you."
       He-Yan was waiting outside, and sure enough, not long after, someone came out and said, "Master, Little-He, General Yan invites you in."
       Wang Ba said for a moment :   "What's the matter? Just tell you to go in by yourself, won't you settle accounts after the fall?"
       "Will I be with you?" Jiang Yan also hesitated. "You leave Liangzhou Wei this time, Xiao Chief-Commander if the military order punishes ..."
       "Not because of this." He-Yan looked at the door and shook his head. "Rest assured that nothing will happen."
       She patted Jiang Yan's shoulder and turned into Li Kuang's house alone.
       Everyone in the room followed He-Yan's entrance, and her eyes fell on her.
       The young man in silver and white armor looked at He-Yan, looked at He-Yan several times, and said, "You are He-Yan?"
       Yan He stood up from her chair and looked down at He-Yan. He was one head taller than He-Yan, and she compared it with He-Yan's head. She snorted and asked Xiao very seriously Yue :   "There are still such short people in the barracks?"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       He retracted his hand, and looked at He-Yan with his chin :   "I'm not tall, I'm very brave. Is your letter of help asking me to run the city?"
       At this point, Li Kuang looked at He-Yan, Xiao-Yue eyes also fell on He-Yan, He-Yan calmly accepted everyone different looks, "Exactly."
       "Then you have a good vision," Yan He said disapprovingly. "Don't invite He Rufei to the waste in front of me, but please ask me to support Rundu. It seems you know that this general is more reliable than He Rufei. "
       He-Yan didn't say anything, how do you say that? In his words, he stepped on one foot and denied his words ... He-Yan is actually very happy to hear people curse He Rufei.
       On the same day, she and Li Kuang broke up with each other, and after realizing that the situation in Rundu was not good, she borrowed several people with Zhao Shiming to go to Yanhe County for help. She still remembers that Yan He led troops in Shouling County, which was not as close as Hua Yuan. In fact, Yan He reputation is not as loud as He Rufei. If ordinary people ask for help, the first thing that comes to mind is He Rufei instead of Yan He. Only He-Yan knew that He Rufei would not come at all, so he settled next.
       The soldiers and horses on the other side of Jinling are not easy to move. Yan He, by comparison, has a lot of freedom. However, Yan He may not be here, so she wrote in that letter, in addition to expressing the critical situation of Rundu, now, and wrote a lot of mixed behaviors.
       "The words you scolded He Rufei in the letter, General Ben listened very comfortably." Yan He looked at He-Yan, "You really understand the general's heart."
       He-Yan said, how could she not understand? As a classmate, in the years of Xianchang Pavilion, this person did not bully her. It was the teenagers headed by Yan He, who had troubled her every three minutes. Either play tricks or bully over. When you see this person, you can almost see the dark days in Xianchang Hall.
       Yan He hates himself, and has been hating him since he was in the same class in Xianchang Hall. For so many years, he has always been persistently hating. In order to do his best, He-Yan also wrote a lot of bad things in the letter. As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Now it seems that it is true. Yan He naturally turned He-Yan into his own camp because of He-Yan's insult to He Rufei.
       "Although he is shorter and thinner, I think you are very clever," Yan He put his hand on his shoulder the next moment, "or else, you will follow me later."
       "Yan Nanguang," Xiao-Yue eyes fell on his hand, reminding him, "She is from Liangzhou Wei."
       "Liangzhou Wei?" Yan He retracted his hand and looked at He-Yan, and said doubtfully, "Aren't you Rundu people?"
       "General Hui Yan," He-Yan said, "Before he was in the Liangzhou Weixin Barracks, his Majesty kissed Wu Anlang in person. It was difficult to hear Run, so he came to help the city."
       She bit the word "Wu Anlang" heavily. Although Xiao-Yue classifies her as Liangzhou Wei person, if you don't want to involve him, it is better to make a clear relationship.
       "You are from Liangzhou Wei, and you have come to Rundu?" Yan He glanced at Xiao-Yue and He-Yan. The relationship was probably too complicated. Go to the seat and sit down in a chair, smirking :   "No, I don't want to know about your intricate inside information. But this he ... what is it?"
       He-Yan has long been used to this guy since Big-temper, reminding him :   "He-Yan."
       "He-Yan, I didn't come because of your letter of help. Even if it comes, it won't be so fast."
       Zhao Shiming asked carefully :   "Why, then, General Yan ..."
       Yan He laughed and looked provocatively at Xiao-Yue, "My right-hand army Chief-Commander asked me to come here to help him. It is the first time that he has asked for me. This general is so generous. Come and help, isn't it, Chief-Commander? "
       Xiao-Yue looked indifferent and ignored his words.
       He-Yan was surprised, Yan He meant ... Xiao-Yue also invited Yan He to help? Yes, he did not bring the Nanfu soldiers, Liangzhou is not as close as Lingjun after all, she thought of Xiao-Yue, so even if she didn’t write the letter of help, Yan He would Come on schedule.
       Rundu City should not be stopped.
       "Master Li, Zhao Zhixian," Yan He played with her hair. "Although this time ... He-Yan and Xiao Chief-Commander invited me to help, but it was me who brought the soldiers and horses. Yan He. You know where the credit is. "
       "This is a great victory for the capital, all rely on General Yan." Zhao Shiming said quickly, and when he realized that there was still a person in the room, he immediately looked at Xiao-Yue, and saw that the young man looked calm and there was no trace. Displeased, then let go. Fortunately, this one doesn't care about merit. If two people come to grab merit, he can't tolerate two great Buddha fighting methods in this small temple in Rundu City.
       He-Yan had heard about Yan He love of greed for a long time, but this time he was able to keep it. He had to rely on his help. He has no credit for the credit.
       Yan He stretched his arms and yawned. "Every day I hurried and hit the Utopians when I came. I couldn't take a good rest. I want to take a rest. I'm troublesome. Please prepare me hot water and meals for the house. You don’t have to. I heard that all of you here are hungry and cannibalize. I don’t have a cannibalism. ”
       Zhao Shiming said again and again and quickly ordered his subordinates to prepare for Yan He.
       When Yan He stood up, he had to go outside. When passing by Xiao-Yue, he stopped and looked at Xiao-Yue. He said with pride, "Whether you accept it or not, Xiao Huaijin, this time, but I win. Pass you. "
       After saying this, he seemed to be in a good mood, with his hands resting behind his head and swinging out.
       He-Yan stared at his back, a little puzzling. To be honest, Yan He couldn't get used to Xiao-Yue at that time, and was always against Xiao-Yue, it was because Xiao-Yue Wenwu was always better than him, the second is a long time, I want to try the first It’s really annoying that the first taste can’t fall. But even the penultimate self finds faults from time to time, He-Yan doesn't understand. What's wrong with him? It was Lin Shuanghe who was competing with her instead of Yan He. Why did Yan He complain so much about herself? This resentment continued for so many years.
       However, Yan He temperament is exactly the same as that year. He is very competitive and self-conscious. He has written all his emotions on his face.
       She was thinking in her mind, Xiao-Yue on the side didn't know when she had stood up and walked out. When she passed by, she threw a cold sentence :   "Come here."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       She sighed in her heart and knew that this day would come sooner or later, but she never expected to come so early, after all, who would think Xiao-Yue would follow Yanhe to run the capital.
       Jiang Yan and his party outside the house easily waited until He-Yan came out, and saw her go out with Xiao-Yue again. Each face was dignified, and this posture seemed to be settling accounts in private. Hong Shan made a gesture to her if he needed to go and plead together. He-Yan shook his head slightly.
       This is not a matter of one or two lines of intercourse.
       The room was darkened, and only the oil light on the table shone on the wall, casting a silhouette.
       The house that Zhao Shiming arranged for Xiao-Yue was almost luxurious. He-Yan followed him in, burying his head, thinking about how to say this thing in the next step. In case, the person in front had stopped and turned around, and bumped into Xiao-Yue chest.
       He-Yan stood back two steps, stood up, raised his head, and the eyes of people in front of him dropped slightly, and fell on her, although not talking, but a little scary.
       The quiet air makes people feel cold in summer. He-Yan paused, and coughed softly :   "Chief-Commander ..."
       He looked at the sword in He-Yan's hand.
       It was still in order to rescue the captive women, the sword seized from the guard at the door of Li Kuang in anxiety, and forgot to return it to Li Kuang. He-Yan's heart tightened, and he subconsciously placed the sword on the table and explained, "This is someone else sword."
       Xiao-Yue took a step forward, He-Yan held his breath, thinking he was going to ask the teacher to blame, the next moment, his arm was caught, and his palm was turned upside down.
       There was a knife mark on the palm of the hand, which was not deep and kept snarling, but the blood stopped, but it looked a bit bluffing. It was probably that he had injured his hand when fighting with Li Kuang's guards just now. The situation was critical and he didn't care. At this moment, He-Yan would not have noticed it if it was not like Xiao-Yue.
       He didn't speak, turned and walked away, He-Yan was at a loss, and heard him say, "Come here."
       The handkerchief was soaked in clean hot water and covered the palm with a little tingling. It was more itchy, such as a colorful butterfly falling on the palm, slowly crawling over, leaving a crisp shadow.
       He lowered his head and sprinkled the powder of gold sore medicine on the wound of He-Yan's palm, his expression focused and quiet, He-Yan stared at him, the young man's eyelashes were thick and long, and the silhouette under the lamp was handsome.
       Silent, gentle, calm.
       Xingshi did not expect to confess his guilt and ridicule.
       He-Yan has a sense of guilt inexplicably, as if he had done something unforgiving, and I am very sorry for Xiao-Yue. She said quietly, "Chief-Commander, actually ... I didn't follow Chu 4-gongzi to Rundu."
       It is a coincidence that Chu Zhao is here, but in the eyes of Xiao-Yue, he may not think too much. Although she was determined to stay away from Xiao-Yue and save him trouble, she didn't want him to misunderstand this, thinking she was standing by Chu Zhao.
       "I know." His voice was cold, without seeing waves.
       He-Yan For a while, he didn't know what to say.
       He moves very lightly, even lighter than He-Yan himself, and because he is very tall, he has to lean down slightly when he takes the medicine. He-Yan originally only looked at him with his eyes. Palm, look at it, eyes fell on Xiao-Yue face.
       Fengzi Meiyi, no matter how good words are used on him, feel that something is missing.
       She was staring at it, and suddenly Xiao-Yue looked up, and suddenly caught his eyes, black eyes, clear autumn water.
       She was caught straight, her ears were quietly red, and her face had to be calm, pointing at her palm :   "... well."
       The wound was sprinkled with medicinal powder, which looked less terrible than before. He-Yan retracted his hand, a little upset.
       This doesn't seem to be Xiao-Yue style, such as Xiao-Yue ordinary temperament, and it should have been questioning long ago. Today is extremely silent. He-Yan is full of rhetoric, but I don't know where to start.
       Why turned around? He-Yan doesn't understand.
       But Xiao-Yue didn't ask, and she didn't know what to say.
       After he finished the medicine for He-Yan, he sits down on a chair in the house without letting He-Yan go, nor did he mean to ask questions. After a while, He-Yan could not help but ask him :   "Chief-Commander, why don't you ask me why I left Liangzhou Wei to Rundu without permission?"
       "You are His Majesty's close Wu-An Lang. You have a letter and a crown suit. You can decide to stay without having to discuss with me." Xiao-Yue calmly said, "Go and stay with yourself."
       This was a speech prepared by He-Yan for herself. I did not expect Xiao-Yue to say it first. This is called He-Yan.
       "I was forced to come together by the king, and asked Chief-Commander not to punish them. I was solely responsible for it. I was not malicious, because I was worried about Rundu failure, so I didn’t come to help myself. "
       Anyway, since Xiao-Yue refuses to speak, she will take up her own responsibilities first, and admit that she has a better attitude.
       "Why do you think," Xiao-Yue said, "He Rufei will not help the army to run the capital?"
       He would still ask this question, He-Yan sighed in his heart and looked at him, "If I said, He Rufei is not a good person, would Chief-Commander believe me?"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her lightly, raising her lips, "evidence."
       "I can't get evidence and I can't convince Chief-Commander, but in my opinion, He Rufei is not a hero in the world population." She called "He Rufei" instead of "General Feihong".
       "Chief-Commander," He-Yan looked at him, and said slowly, "If one day, He Rufei and I have different positions, and they draw each other, which side will you stand on?"
       Actually, she wanted to ask this question. She and He Rufei will have such a day after all. He Rufei, as Xiao-Yue knows, is the "He Rufei" of the Xianchang Pavilion, and He-Yan, as Xiao-Yue knows, is the current "He-Yan". Both are actually both It's her, but how will Xiao-Yue choose?
       He-Yan is actually not very clear. It seems that every one of her has a good relationship with Xiao-Yue, but she doesn't care about her friends as much. What she looks like in Xiao-Yue mind, what weight, whether in the past or the present, He-Yan doesn't understand.
       Xiao-Yue looked at her quietly, and after a while, he said, "It's late today, you go out."
       He didn't answer He-Yan.
       In He-Yan's heart, I wonder whether it was disappointment or fortunate. She was disappointed that Xiao-Yue did not answer her directly, and she was glad that Xiao-Yue did not give her a negative answer.
       She nodded. "Yes."
       He-Yan backed out, and in the room, quieted again.
       The young man's eyes fell on the gold sores on the table, his beautiful eyes were hanging down, and he didn't know what he was thinking.
       After a while, someone came in and it was Fae Nu. He walked to Xiao-Yue and whispered, "Shaoye, the news of Ying Ying came back. He Sui problem was not found for the time being."
       "She has no problem." Xiao-Yue interrupted him.
       Fae Nu was stunned. He-Yan had many doubts. From the beginning to the present, he didn’t tell anyone the other day. He came to Rundu with Liangzhou Wei recruits. A reasonable explanation. It happened that Chu Zhao followed one by one. Now in Rundu, I really saw Chu Zhao again. Chi Wu and Fae Nu could not help but doubt, He-Yan might be Chu Zhao person. However, I felt that if Chu Zhao was doing this, it would be too arrogant to cover up.
       The young man stood up, and the shadow grew under the lamp. He thoughtfully looked at the lights at the corner of the table, but he shuddered and said quietly :   "Tell him, don't have to check He-Yan, check He Rufei "


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