Reborn Female General 110

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       Chapter 110 :  Shock   

       He-Yan has been in the dungeon for two days.
       In two days, no one came except Shen Han. Even though Shen Han came over, she hadn't mentioned the outside situation with her, so nothing happened for a while. The more so, the more He-Yan felt wrong. Unfortunately, Liangzhouwei dungeon is as solid as a rock, and she can't find a way to escape. Song Taotao and Cheng-Lisu are probably under control, but they have not been seen for two days.
       Eat and sleep rough, for He-Yan, it is not difficult to endure. With the slightest passing of time, the most intimidating crisis is approaching.
       It is a pity that no one is aware of it yet.
       It started snowing in the middle of the night.
       Snowflakes are as big as goose feathers, flying in pieces, falling on people bodies, and the cotton clothes can't resist the biting cold. The two sentinels stood on the platform, cold couldn't help rubbing their hands, and sighed towards the palm of their hands, and suddenly a white mist fell in front of them, and quickly dissipated again.
       Liangzhou Wei cage is in a silence. The winter sanctuary is not as lively as the summer. There are no recruits going to the Wulu River to take a shower in the night, nor the noise of the noise, and only the cold snow melts on the ground.
       "I'll go to the latrine." A sentry stomped his feet. "Can't stand it."
       The companion urged :   "Go and get back soon."
       The man put down the drumstick that hit the drum, raised the knife, and turned down to the hut. The snow was heavy, but a thick layer had to accumulate. When I stepped on it, the shoe upper was not passed, and the cold air climbed down my feet. The sentry fought a cold war, and hurried to the latrine behind.
       There was a torch outside the latrine. A few days ago, a recruit got up in the middle of the night and did not see the road clearly. The frozen ground slipped and fell, and his leg was hurt. A fire can clear the road.
       When the sentry entered, there was a man inside, and he glanced at the man in a dim light and smiled, "Oh, you up, too?"
       The other responded with a smile :   "Just arrived."
       "It's too cold, I wouldn't run this trip unless I couldn't stop it," the sentry complained.
       After he puts the water in, puts on his pants and goes out, the man is done, and he goes out, one after the other.
       The torch at the door reflected the shadow of a person on the snow, shaking, the sentinel glanced at random, seeing the shadow behind him, wondering when he had opened his hands, was shocked in his heart, was about to ‘call-

       Covering his mouth and nose with one hand, the people behind him drew out the knife from his waist, and wiped it severely along the neck of the sentry.
       Blood splattered, and the young body fell silently, no longer breathing.
       Heiying didn't hesitate, and bent over to drag the sentinel's body away. The snow was getting bigger and bigger, but for a moment, he covered up the blood. After a long time, the sentry returned.
       He grabbed a handful of snow, wiped off the blood on the knife, put it back on his waist, fixed his felt hat on his head, and walked upstairs.
       Upstairs, the companion was waiting impatiently, and suddenly heard a movement. When the sentry who had just gone to the latrine came back, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Why did it take so long? Are you lazy?"
       The sentry shook his head, and lowered his head into his mouth, wheezing, as if he could not be opened by the cold, and his companions could not help but rubbed his hands. "Mother, this is too cold."
       The sentry pressed the felt hat very low, and his companion saw this, and scolded :   "Do you think it's not cold to pull the hat down? Pull it up and you can't see it, you still keep an egg night!" He reached out to ask Came to lift the sentry's hat, and in a moment approached, he suddenly caught it.
       The clothes of the sentinel were different from the pure red and black of the recruits, and a white edge was staggered at the collar. Now the opposite side of the other's collar was reflected in two red dots.
       This is not old ink, it is bright in color, and it is slowly increasing in size, but when the other party went to the latrine a moment ago, it was not there.
       The companion looked at the sentinel who had been silent since he returned, and he would pull out his sword, but his movement was still a step slower.
       The opponent had two knives.
       A knife, originally sentinel's death, was inserted into his chest. The other knife, the tip of which was bent, cut his throat.
       He couldn't yell out, slumped to the ground, the killer had turned and walked down the stairs, the sentry crawled on the ground, trying to pick up the drumstick that had fallen on the ground.
       As long as the drumstick is caught and the whistle is sounded, the entire Liangzhou Wei can wake up.
       This is the last thing he can do.
       The blood under him was dragged all the way, shocking, he exhausted his whole body to crawl to the drumstick, held the drumstick, wanted to lift up and hit the drum.
       Half of the body was lifted. Suddenly, a sudden pain came, blood splashed on the drum, and the hand holding the drumstick fell to the ground.
       He was chopped off his right hand.
       The murderer went back, stood in front of him, and whispered, "I almost forgot."
       Not far away, the movement here seemed to startle another soldier on the ground, and someone ‘called, "Hey? Are you all right?"
       The man pressed the felt hat and waved his hand in the distance :   "It's all right! I fell over."
       On the ground, blood was flowing everywhere, and the dying sentry opened his eyes wide and died completely.
       An abyss-like night approached the entire Liangzhou Wei.
       In the early morning of the second day, it was just dawn, and the recruits got up to eat and go to the martial arts morning run.
       Hong Shan and wheat sits together for dinner. Not long after, Wang Ba Huang Xiong and Jiang Yan came. Huang Xiong asked, "He-Yan hasn't been released yet?"
       Hong Shan shook his head.
       "It won't work like this," Jiang Yan said. "These days are surprisingly cold. I heard Cheng Xiao gongzi said that there is nothing in the dungeon, and even if it doesn't freeze to death, it will freeze to disease." Even though his partner was very vocal about He-Yan because of the "green hat" incident, it was not that far from worrying.
       "You said, can He-Yan be released after Chief-Commander returns to the guard?" Wang Ba asked.
       "It's hard to say," Stone answered.
       "Why?" Wang Baqi was gone.
       "Now all the Liangzhou guards know He-Yan has killed, but to say that she has no evidence of murder, no one can find it." Hong Shan sighed.
       "What more evidence is needed? He is not a fool. He killed the dead regardless of burying it, and left the body deliberately for this purpose? This is the evidence!"
       Wheat whispered :   "This is too far-fetched."
       Wang Ba stared at him :   "Where is it?"
       As I was talking, there was a loud noise outside, with some people exclaiming :   "Dead man! Dead man! Come and find a coach!"
       "What, what?" Everyone went out to see it, but saw a small, alert recruit recruit urgently :   "Yanwuchang, the brothers who sent out whistle in Yanwuchang are dead!"
       It's all dead!
       The expression of the crowd changed, and they all got up and rushed to Yanwuchang.
       In the martial arts field, blood flowed into the river.
       Snow did not know when it stopped, some blood was buried in the snow, some formed ice, and fell on the Yanwu field, vaguely seeing the brutal behavior of last night.
       Dozens of sentries, guards on the platform, and sentinels around Yanwu Stadium, none of them lived. The corpse was placed in the center of Yanwuchang, and the crickets stood together, as if gnawing pigs and sheep. All the dead soldiers were killed with a single knife, and their throat was severed with a knife. One of them was choked at the top, and his right hand was chopped off from the little elbow. This man was wearing sentry clothes and was chopped off when he wanted to play the drum.
       They were companions who lived day and night on most days. They were killed by a wall. For a time, everyone in Yanwuchang became red. Someone hated, "Who did it? If I find it, I will ... I must ..."
       Someone voice came, with a dull arrogance :   "What must you do?"
       I do not know when, from the back of the performance martial arts, on the road connected to Baiyueshan, there is a cavalry of Hula La, about several hundred people, at most thousands. Headed by a long-haired man, riding on a horse, he was wearing dark armor and holding a half-human machete. He was extremely burly, with wide shoulders, high noses, and dark blue lake-like eyes. color. The appearance is different from the life in Central Plains, and he smiled, like a vulture drinking blood and molars, bringing out the gloomy blood, making people palpitated.
       "Who are you?" The recruits said.
       The long-haired man headed ignored them, but approached the recruit who spoke before him :   "What would you do if you found out?"
       His smile carried a cruel tyranny, and the recruit faced the man, unable to help but shiver. He summoned the courage :   "I, I must get justice for the dead comrade!"
       "Really?" The long-haired man laughed. "How do you get justice?" He waited for the recruit to answer, and raised his machete to cut it off!
       With a bang, a figure passed by, blocking his machete, but was taken a few steps backwards by this blow, waiting to stand before he looked at the man with long hair :   Liangzhou Wei kills people! "
       It's Shen Han.
       "Chairman Shen, headmaster Shen is here!" Exclaimed the recruits, suddenly having the backbone.
       "Chief coach?" The long-haired man looked at Shen Han. "You are the chief coach of Liangzhou Wei?"
       "Who is yours?" Shen Han's face sank like water.
       "My name is Rida Muzi. I heard that General Wei was a goalkeeper. General Feng Yun Xiao Huaijin fought in a battle. There was no battle before. I was here to coach. Why? Xiao Huaijin dare not fight?"
       "What nonsense!" A recruit couldn't help but refute :   "You know that Chief-Commander is not there before you dare ..."
       "Shut up!" Du Mao stopped his words, but it was too late.
       "Not in?" Ri Da Muzi eyes narrowed :   "That's a coincidence."
       The coaches stared at each other, a heart sinking. The so-called looking for Xiao-Yue was nothing more than an excuse. I was afraid that this person would have known Xiao-Yue was not in Liangzhou Wei before he brought someone to provoke. It's just ... At most a thousand men and horses, in the face of tens of thousands of Langs in Liangzhou, even if it is a recruit who has never been on the battlefield, is it too arrogant. Or ... another conspiracy?
       The sentinels were killed overnight. If they were enemies, it would not be possible to do so unless they had committed traitors and died in their own hands.
       Ma Damei whispered, "He-Yan is true."
       He-Yan is telling the truth. They are staring at Hu Yuanzhong these days, but Hu Yuanzhong is safe and secure, and has not changed anything. If he had his accomplices hiding among the recruits, everything would make sense.
       "Array," Shen Han commanded.
       With tens of thousands of soldiers behind him, Qi Qi revealed his weapons.
       Since the other party is not good, Dawei sons and daughters have no reason to retreat.
       Seeing this, Rida Muzi laughed aloud. He said, "Hey, chief coach, I'm not here to fight you."
       "The lord seems to be a Tatar." Shen Han smirked, "Many years ago, General Feihong fought against the Dais. I thought that the Dais had no heart. Now I came to Liangzhou Wei to kill dozens of people, not to fight. General Wouldn't it be summation? "
       When referring to General Feihong, Rita Muzi face changed slightly. After a moment, his eyes were stubbornly stern, and he smiled faintly :   "The chief coach must not defile me. I meant it only for discussion with Xiao Huaijin. Who knows I passed here last night, here The sentinels were too unfriendly, and they had to argue with my brother. They had to kill them all as a last resort. "He said lightly :   " I thought that the soldiers brought out by Xiao Huaijin were a bit capable, but I didn't expect it to be overwhelming. Bash, when they died, they didn't even bark-"
       "You!" The recruits filled with indignation.
       "Don't be angry, the chief coach, I'm here, really just to learn from each other," he looked at the recruits behind Shen Han with interest. "If Xiao Huaijin can't, let his soldiers go, it's really impossible. Row."
       Liang Ping stepped forward :   "Your Excellency is too high on yourself, why can I be sure that I will face it?"
       "Unwilling?" Rita Muzi clapped her hands unhurriedly, and several people approached from a distance, some people struggled, "Let me go—"
       Shen Han suddenly changed color.
       Several alien soldiers carried two chicks, one was Cheng-Lisu, and the other was Song Taotao. Both of them were tied up with their hands and feet, describing how embarrassing and struggling.
       "Head of Shen!" Cheng-Lisu saw Shen Han as if he had seen a life-saving, and ‘called, "Who are they and why are they tied to me?"
       Someone, Shen Han, was bitter in his mouth. He had sent many people to guard Cheng-Lisu and Song Taotao at the door and protected them secretly, but they were still arrested. The strength of the other party cannot be underestimated. And knowing that grabbing Cheng-Lisu and Song Taotao to restrict Liangzhou Wei, we can see that they are very familiar with Liangzhou Wei.
       "Now," Rita Muzi looked at Shen Han's face with satisfaction. "Teacher, are you willing to discuss with me?"
       Song Taotao ‘called, "How is it possible to learn from each other? How could they be so kind, they must be cheating!"
       Shen Han said :   "OK."
       "Fresh!" Rita Muzi sits upright :   "It's too cold and I'm too lazy, just three games. Pick three of you." He turned to the humanity behind him :   "Brothers, who wants to go, go Come on! "
       Behind him, he said, "Leader, Watanabe is willing to play!"
       This is a very strong man. The Qiang people have always been physically strong, and the Central Plains stood with them, and they looked very thin. He was young, and in his early twenties, he was nine feet tall, like an ancient giant. It is also a fierce look, with eyes slightly convex, and holding a machete, it is not easy to mess with it.
       "Okay!" Rida Muzi yelled, "Wahan is so brave, it is indeed my Qiang Erlang!" He looked at Shen Han again :   "What about you?"
       Wa Weisheng was so weird and huge, and it seemed to make people feel resigned. Besides, the body of Yanwuchang clearly showed how brutal these people were, and there was no response from Liangzhou Weili for a moment.
       "There is really no one to fight, just teach your head." Rita Muzi laughed :   "This battlefield is a good time to teach recruits."
       Liang Ping on the side gritted his teeth, and was about to fight, a voice sounded :   "I'll come."
       This is a young recruit in the forward camp. His name is Wei Wei. Shen Han still remembers this person, because he is also excellent in swordsmanship, one of the best in the forward camp. However, his personality is very gentle, not as good as Lei Hou, so although he and Lei Hou are both outstanding, they are far less impressive than Lei Hou.
       By the way, when it comes to Lei Hou, Shen Han stunned, what about Lei Hou?
       "Are you?" Ri Da Muzi glanced at Wei Wei, and Pi Xiao rou did not smile. "Courage is commendable."
       Wei Yan slowly came forward, and walked up to Wat Yan :   "I'm willing to discuss with you."
       Watana smiled, only looked around, and saw the high platform of Yanwuchang, and said, "Just let it be, the height is very good. If I cut off your neck on it, the people below can see it clearly, isn't it? well?"
       Wei Yan's expression remained unchanged, and Watanaha laughed and flew to the high ground of Takeba, saying :   "come to battle!"
       The high platform of the performance martial arts field. In these days, there have been countless people who have been to the Liangzhou Wei recruits. They are learning from each other and the other recruits in the audience are relaxed. Watch and point and see. The flaws and excitement of each event are rewarding.
       Because they also know that there are many such discussions.
       No one is as boring as it is today, especially when Rita Muzi suddenly remembered something, looking at Shen Han, in a voice that everyone around him could say :   "Chief teacher, I forgot to tell you the rules of my Dai people, On the stage of life and death, regardless of life or death, only one side can die to determine the outcome. "
       "What?" Liang Ping angered.
       "Warrior, you must have the consciousness to die at any time. This is the supreme glory." Rita Muzi said coldly, "No exception."
       On the stage, Wei Wei slowly pulled out the knife in the waist, and nodded at the tile.
       In the dungeon, it was always dark and wet.
       The guard at the door had disappeared, and there was no sound in the prison. The needles fell on the ground and were clearly audible. The sound of footsteps seemed extremely harsh.
       The shadows walked down the steps, step by step. The shadow of the torch at the door shook slightly. In the innermost room, someone curled up into a ball and fell asleep against the wall. It seemed to be extremely cold and trembling, and her lips were pale.
       Black Shadow stopped in front of He-Yan's cell.
       There was an empty bowl on the ground. I didn't know whether it was water or rice. It was licked clean and the bowl was shiny. The thin quilt was so short that it couldn't cover his whole body, curled up into a ball, and exposed his feet. She was slightly trembling and her face was white and abnormal. Heiying looked for a moment, reached out and inserted the key into the lock hole, "clicked" and unlocked.
       The people in the cell were still unaware.
       He went in.
       The young man's spirited look in the past is completely gone. This look is no different from all the prisoners. He seems to have some regrets and some vigilance, standing still, staring at the young man's face.
       The boy was motionless.
       After a while, the shadows slowly covered.
       At this moment, the boy looked up sullenly, exposing a pair of eyes, black and white, not half asleep, sober.
       "You—" He had time to say a word. Before the knife in his hand fell, he felt a pain in his body and was hit by a kick in the middle of the heart. The pain made him immediately kneel to the ground. The next moment, there was white Silk touched his neck behind him, and He-Yan's voice came from behind him.
       "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Leihou."
       Leihou eyes were turned up, but He-Yan's strength was very great. His legs pressed against his leg, making him unable to move. Seeing Leihou was about to be strangled by He-Yan, He-Yan. Suddenly letting go, Leihou suddenly got the space to breathe, covered his neck and opened his mouth and panted, and saw He-Yan-3 walked in front of him in two steps, like prying a duck's mouth, and poured something into his mouth. .
       Lei Hou opened his mouth and gasped. Where could I prevent this? When I was about to drink a drop of the thing, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't get the strength of his whole body, he just felt numb, but he had to suffocate and faint In the past, nothing happened.
       He-Yan stretched his feet and kicked twice on his face. After confirming that the person was not moving, he just pulled the white silk just in two and tied Lei Hou hands and feet together.
       On that day, she asked Song Taotao for something and asked Song Taotao if he could have a weapon. But Song Taotao, a Miss family, would carry a sword and sword with her, and touched her whole body. There was only a bottle of sweat medicine, or she came down from Shen Muxue table, thinking that if she encounters a bad person, she can also use it. , He-Yan will be dead horse as a living horse doctor, and asked to come over.
       This is not enough, she also borrowed Song Taotao belt. After Song Taotao belt was returned to the health center, Tuochiwu repurchased it in Liangzhou. The cloth is special, extremely strong and durable, and it has a match with the rope.
       When necessary, the belt can also strangle people.
       He-Yan was thinking, since the other party was deliberately slandering her to kill her, and sent her to Liangzhouwei dungeon, it seemed that she was too frightened. When she enters the dungeon, the other party will certainly not give up and will come to kill. You must carry weapons and fight back at any time.
       But all her weapons were seized, and there was only one bottle of sweat medicine and Song Taotao belt.
       Early in the morning, no one came to give her breakfast, which is very strange. Usually, at this point, it's time to bring breakfast. Because of Song Taotao and Cheng-Lisu begging, although Shen Han was not allowed Song Taotao to come to see her, he did not take He-Yan's food seriously.
       In the health center, he paid great attention to punctuality on most days. No one came at this time, it must be an accident.
       He-Yan was scratching his heart, but he couldn't get out, not knowing what it was like outside. Later, he calmed down gradually. Since something happened, people who might not know the other person would come here in chaos and kill themselves.
       Before Song Taotao left, without knowing what could help, he gave everything to He-Yan with a box of fat powder. He-Yan smeared his face and wiped his lips a little, curled up, like a prisoner who couldn't afford serious illness.
       She was guessing what was going on outside and she heard footsteps, so there was the scene before her.
       He-Yan dragged Lei Hou to the corner, lying face down against the wall, and the sweat medicine worked for eight hours. In a short time, Lei Hou would not wake up.
       She got out of the cell and turned to lock the door.
       Lei Hou became a prisoner.

       Chapter 111 :  Next 1   

       On the stage of Yanwu, Wei water dragon knife and tile stone axe were glued together.
       One is the young and simple forward recruits in the Central Plains, and the other is the vicious and vicious battlefield veteran of Xiqiao. Even though Wei sword skills are outstanding, the actual combat experience is unfamiliar. What's more, the other party is still a force who can pull a lot of money.
       Compared with Wei flexibility, the tile axe stone axe is huge and heavy. It looks like a smash with no rules. The stone axe looks heavy, and he has great strength. When Wei Ai evades, the stone axe smashes into the ground, even the stone ground is split A crack.
       Wei Yan's physical strength gradually failed to keep up.
       He is young and not as good as Watanabe. Such a rampant smash can't last long, and he can't even get close to each other except for a color on Watana face-the other side is wearing armor!
       This is an unfair battle. Wei Yi scars are getting more and more, but Wat Yi doesn't want his life. Every time he might hit, he is slightly higher by one or two points. Make Wei Wei scarred.
       It's like a cat catching a mouse. It doesn't rush to eat it when you catch it. You have to play around with the mouse to exhaustion.
       This is simply a unilateral killing.
       When Shen Han from the stage saw this, his fist was "creaked", and he was about to step forward and be blocked by Rida Muzi.
       A raw, vulture-like, healthy man leaned on the horse, smiling bloodthirsty :   "Teach your head, you can't help."
       Shen Han pulled out his knife.
       "How? You want to fight with me?" Rita Muzi laughed, eyes gloomy. "Of course I want to be with you to the end."
       Around Yanwutai, a group of Dai soldiers were intentionally or unintentionally surrounded. Once Liangzhou Wei recruits wanted to help, these Dai people would fight with the recruits, even if it was possible, it was too late.
       On the stage, Wei Yan's vision has slowly blurred, and the pursuit of avoiding behind him is getting slower and slower. His strength is rapidly losing, "wheezing", panting, being too late to escape, and being chopped by the axe with an axe He had a pain in his leg, but he didn't say anything.
       Watay walked in front of him, Wei Wei had no energy to run away. He saw Watana look down at him as if the butcher looked at the lamb on the chopping board. Watana said, "Well, it's so fast, it's boring. The Central Plains are so weak that even the Wa people can't match a finger."
       Wei Yan didn't speak, and a lot of sweat on his forehead, mixed with blood on his face, was very miserable.
       "You can rest assured that it won't hurt," Watana licked his lips and stared greedily at him. "If you hit this stone, your brain will fly out, it's beautiful. Unfortunately you can't see it yourself."
       Say it, wield a huge axe and get straight to the head of the guardian!
       "Wei Wei!" Ma Damei cried out, and Wei Wei had been with him before entering the striker camp, and his friendship was deep. He wanted to come forward to save people, but was stopped by a Xi Er pull out a knife, seeing that Wei Wei was about to die.
       This is at this time.
       After the Yanwuchang platform, there was a leafy banyan tree. Even in winter, there was no half-yellowing. Everyone was in front of the Yanwu platform, and they did not find out when the banyan tree was sitting.
       When I saw it, the person was like a shadow of lightning, grabbing the cloth towel tied to the tree like a swing, and she let go in midair. All this happened too quickly, and she ran down to the stage. , Kicking the axe that was cut off from Wei head-
       By the force of inertia, she was both strong and kicked by her side, her axe was heavy and sharp, and he also cut himself. If he was not superior, he stepped back and stood still. The body, this stone axe, should probably be cut deeper.
       "He-Yan?" Wei Ai murmured.
       Liangzhou Wei recruits also choked.
       He-Yan Everyone is known in the dungeon of Liangzhouwei because of Baiyueshan. Why did he suddenly appear here and he was released?
       Watam looked at the person in front of him.
       The boy in the black jersey with his hands on his hips and his head tilted and smiled, "Your lord is too fierce. Only if I didn't do it, my brother's head would not be able to hold it."
       The recruits in Liangzhouwei regarded them as nails in the eyes, and because of the destruction of all the sentries, the sea of blood was deep in revenge. When they saw them all were red eyes, the best was nothing like the faceless expression of Wei Wei, but the boy smiled as if nothing happened. It happened that Watanabe had a hint of interest, as if he had found a new prey.
       "Who are you?" He asked.
       The boy in black shuffled his hair and laughed :   "He-Yan, Liangzhou Weizheng was the first." She looked at Watanabe. "Maybe you don't know what it is to fight for the flag, it doesn't matter. You just need to remember, I'm the first in Liangzhou Wei. "
       "First?" Rida Muzi under the stage squinted her eyes and said, "Just you?"
       He-Yan looks too short and thin. If it is said that Wajiu and Weiyi stand together, like a healthy tiger and lamb, then He-Yan, who looks weaker than Weiyi, wants to compare with Wayi, like a chicken and an eagle.
       "Sorry, I'm late, I don't know what you are doing?" The young man said with a smile, "If you are in competition, don't ask me to find other people, it's a terrible thing."
       Watanaha laughed :   "You're really talking!"
       "He-Yan!" Shen Han called her.
       "Head coach Shen," He-Yan looked at him, "I've been suffocating for a few days and I'm out of breath. It's okay to have a breath, I'd like to ask the head coach to be comfortable and stop blocking me."
       Shen Han had nothing to say.
       Rita Muzi was directed at Liangzhou Wei recruits. He refused to let the coaches on, but only recruits. Among the recruits, except He-Yan, there were not many of them. Those with outstanding skills, lack of actual combat experience, and those with actual combat experience are older and physically weaker than young people. He-Yan martial arts is superb, and he is smart and clever. After calculating, he has already won a lot.
       The performance on the stage of the martial arts attracted people attention, and more importantly ...
       He-Yan said, "Do you want to learn from each other now? If so, how about I replace my brother?"
       "That's right. I'm Liangzhou Weiwei, defeated me more than defeated him," He-Yan glanced at Wei Wei on the ground, "I'm more fulfilled."
       The Xi people in the audience laughed.
       Rida Muzi looked at her :   "This person's temperament, I like it! Change him!"
       He-Yan said, "Come here, please carry this brother down."
       Wei Yan was carried away. When he was taken away, he looked at He-Yan and whispered, "You ... be careful."
       He-Yan :   "I see."
       On the high platform of Yanwuchang, two people were left again.
       The recruits on the stage watched, all sweating for He-Yan.
       In the past half a year, He-Yan has been in the limelight here, not one or two times. There are those who truly admire and admire her, and those who are jealous and jealous. But at this moment, the recruits of Liangzhou Wei stunned with their enemies, only if she Defeat Watanabe, and give them some color to see, let people know that Liangzhou Wei is not a bully!
       The recruits under the stage were intimidated, but He-Yan on the stage was undecided, and she laughed :   "Yes, I don't know what the color of the test here is. I said first. If not, I lost You deal with it, you lose, "she remembered the boy in her memory, grinning, and Dang Erlang said," You have to call me Father. "
       At this moment, Liangzhou Wei recruits "coaxed" and laughed out loud.
       Liang Ping was worried and proud again :   "When is it all still in poverty!"
       No one from Rita Muzi could laugh. Watan looked at He-Yan gloomily, wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, and said, "I don't need a lottery. Compared with three games, the loser is dead, the winner is alive. This is the rule."
       "Don't talk about life and death?" He-Yan said.
       "What, afraid?"
       "Not at all," He-Yan said. "Teacher, throw a steel whip for me, it will grow!"
       Shen Han grabbed the top longest steel whip from the weapon rack and threw it. He-Yan caught it, took it in his hand, and looked at Watanabe :   "Can I use a weapon?"
       "Yes," Watson smirked. "But are you sure you don't change to a sword? A whip can't kill anyone."
       The young boy's lips slightly ticked :   "Kill you, enough."
       Before Wa Yi came over her meaning, she saw the young boy suddenly rushing with a whip. He suddenly laughed and raised his axe to face the challenge.
       The young boy rushed forward, but didn't take any action. He just tapped on his toes, avoided the attack of the stone axe, and walked behind Watanabe. When Watana turned around, he moved his axe and sideways avoided him.
       She seemed to take the initiative, but she didn’t shoot. She whip around her hands and didn’t know what she was doing. It seemed as if she was making a circle around Watanabe, but she was going to run, she turned and ran. With something on it, I couldn't keep my balance and fell to the side.
       But this big guy responded very quickly, realizing that he was caught by He-Yan's whip, and he had to keep his pace, but where would He-Yan give him the opportunity to carry the whip behind his back, like a camel? Pulled fiercely-
       Watanao couldn't hold it anymore. He was already huge and clumsy. He had two feet stepping on one foot, one foot was out of balance, and the other foot was difficult to hold. In addition, He-Yan pulled on the other end, and then ""Fell to the ground.
       The whip seemed to grow by one person. I don’t know how He-Yan pulled it from Watanabe, and the whip came back to her easily. She didn’t stop, rushed to Watanabe and stretched out her hand, and wrapped her hand around Watana neck. The whip was wrapped around the neck of Watanabe.
       Watanabe pulled subconsciously.
       He-Yan stretched his hands-
       Throwing a stone lock all day long, the strength on his hands cannot be underestimated. The bias fighter is wearing armor, but the neck is not covered. Ordinary flesh and blood is also the most vulnerable place. After all, he is not a real steel iron bone.
       People in Yanwuchang only heard a sour "Galla-"
       Watana head hung softly.
       "You are not human, you are a beast," He-Yan whispered. "So, to kill you, a whip is enough."
       She raised her head again, although she smiled, and the coldness hit her, watching the audience calmly say, "He dead, I won. The victory has been divided, the next one."
       On the stage of Yanwu, the situation turned sharply.
       It was only when the tile slayed and killed the guardian that, like a cat playing with a mouse, he could not take the final blow, and he probably did not expect that he would die in the hands of this seemingly weak boy.
       How long does it take to kill someone? A tea, a joss stick, or a quarter of an hour?
       Nothing is needed.
       Liangzhou Wei recruits know that He-Yan is powerful. The previous picture of the test with Huang Xiongjiang here is still vivid, but now He-Yan and He-Yan that “examined” on the performance stage in the past seem to be It's different again. When the boy put away his joke, he was cold and cold, and he was not brave enough to look down.
       She smiled. "There is no need for a show on the battlefield. If you want to figure out how to kill, you can do it." Gaze fell on Rita Muzi.
       Rita Muzi looked back at her.
       Slowly, the Liangzhou recruits under the stage gradually reacted and were excited :   "He-Yan won! He-Yan killed Watanabe!"
       "Brother He is awesome!" Cheng-Lisu was arrested, and he did not forget to applaud He-Yan. "Bag them all!"
       Liang Ping and Ma Damei looked at each other, and He-Yan's speed of killing was too fast, even if he was a vertical wizard.
       "You," the young man stood on the high platform, smiling at Xi Xiren, "will not lose, who will come next?"
       On the West side, no one spoke.
       She smiled again, her smile a little provocative, "I know that betting on life is a bit scary. I never expected that the fearless Westminster warrior would also dare not come to power. But it doesn't matter, I Dawei Zhongyuan Erlang, who has always been kind and really unwilling, just confessed. Just as I said just now, call me Father. How about this?
       "But who called me Father?" He-Yan stared at Rita Muzi :   "You are their leader. Why not call them?"
       "Miscellaneous account!" A soldier behind Rita Muzi stepped forward angrily.
       He-Yan was not afraid, and said innocently, "Isn't that OK?"
       Wang Ba whispered :   "What a pleasure!"
       "She deliberately angering her opponent," Huang Xiong said. "It's just that it doesn't seem necessary to do so now."
       He-Yan temper has always been so arrogant and self-confident. In the past, others were only treated as if he were a teenager. Nowadays, it is not a good thing to anger Rita Muzi.
       "I'm here to compare with you." A voice sounded behind Rita Muzi, "commander, Ba Zhan is willing to fight."
       Rita Muzi glanced at him, seeing no anger, and only said, "Go."
       The man named Ba Zhuan stepped on the stage of Wuchang.
       Unlike the tile prince who was just born, the Pakistani order, although strong, is not as huge as the tile prince, and he is also a bit older than the tile prince, about 30 years old. He wrapped himself in a layer of black cloak, hiding his head in the veil, revealing half of his chin, his eyebrows were not very clear, and the whole man looked pale and strange, like a ghost. His throat was also hoarse, as if burned by fire, and unpleasant like a crow.
       Ba Zhuan walked to the side of Watson. Although he was a partner, he had no sympathy. He kicked Watson's body off the stage of Wuchang and cursed, "Things that hinder hands and feet."
       Watana body grunted and rolled down. He didn't look at it, only he-Yan said, "You have old injuries."
       He-Yan's heart sank. This man named Ba Zhuan was more tricky than Watanabe.
       Watanabe is nothing more than a brute force who doesn't know how to adapt. To deal with such a person, as long as he seizes his weaknesses and fights them, the battle will soon end. In every battle, the scariest thing is to meet an enemy with a mind like the one in front of him. He can spot weaknesses in his opponents so that every next step will be restrained.
       He slowly raised the knife in his hand, and He-Yan wrapped the iron whip around his hand and rushed towards the opponent.
       In the scene between Wei Zheng and Wat Yan, He-Yan was the audience. He saw Wat Yan's weaknesses and weaknesses in advance, so he could quickly and accurately solve each other when playing against Wat Yan. In this scene, Ba Zhuan was someone she hadn't seen before, and when Watson confronted him, he was clearly seen by this person.
       In other words, Bashang knew He-Yan, but He-Yan knew nothing about Bashang.
       Under his cloak, there seemed to be a lot of other things hidden. He-Yan was on the alert, this person was also very cunning, and did not collide directly with He-Yan. With the lessons learned before, he and He Yan keep your distance. As long as you whip the whip at him, the command will quickly change direction. His body is more flexible than that of Watanabe. For a time, the iron whip cannot approach.
       He-Yan's waist had a faint pain.
       When she was in the city of Liangzhou before, she was injured in playing against Ding. Later, she was tricked into Baiyue Mountain by inner traitors, and wrestled with people hiding in the dark, several times, and the wound that had already been healed was already cracked. This doesn't count, I was thrown back into the dungeon of Liangzhouwei. There would be no sun and snow in the dungeon to send soup and medicine. It was cold and wet, and the wound was about to deteriorate.
       When I just killed Watanabe, I used too much force and touched the wound. It was okay for a short time. When I was fighting against Pakistan for a long time, I felt more and more painful.
       Ba Zhuo laughed, "Why is your face not good? Is it because of the old sickness on the waist?"
       He-Yan was stunned, the machete in Basao hand had been wrapped around her iron whip, pulling He-Yan forward, and everyone in the audience exclaimed, Basao knife was entangled, The other hand did not hesitate toward the old wound of He-Yan's waist with a palm.
       He-Yan took a sturdy palm, but did not stop, the whip loosened in his hand, rolled his face, was avoided by the dictatorship, but rolled his cap off, revealing this Man's face comes.
       The two stood back together.
       The palm was firmly attached to her old wound, He-Yan barely swallowed the blood in her throat, still a little smile on her face, looked at the person in front of her, and laughed :   "Oh, It's ugly. "
       Without the veil covered by the veil, the true face was revealed. Half of this man's face is good and he is considered handsome, but the other half has been burned by the fire. He is potty and scarred with dark red scars. He grows on his face and squashes his facial features.
       Someone in the audience exclaimed in shock.
       Before He-Yan hit the veil, Zhen Rong was exposed, and his face was extremely ugly, staring at He-Yan's eyes, wishing He-Yan would eat meat and blood.
       He-Yan smiled and hooked his fingers at him :   "Come again!"
       Basu smirked and rushed forward.
       As soon as He-Yan moved, he didn't know well, only to sue the palm, no mercy, now the blood has been soaked out, but fortunately, when she came to keep warm, she changed into Lei Hou black energy, It bleeds and can't see it. However, if this continues, I don't know how long I can persist.
       As a matter of fact, the discussions on the stage of Yanwuchang have never been the focus. The point is to use these three "examinations" to win more time. If no one can hold the Xibei scimitar and become a unilateral slaughter, then everything behind will have no chance.
       There must be a killing of the Pakistani order before there will be a third game.
       The Xibei people make good use of the machete. Each person's machete will be adjusted according to their strength. Ba machete tended to be flexible, and He-Yan's iron whip would not be easy to entangle his knife.
       He-Yan's whip went around Ba Zhu legs, and Ba Zhu scorned :   "The same trick, you want to use it on two people, too naive!" Say, bypass He-Yan, machete toward He-Yan split his neck-
       Unlike Watanabe, at the beginning, Ba Zha went at He-Yan's life, without half a sham. He-Yan pulled the whip with both hands and held the scimitar of Bashao in front of him. Basao chuckled and fell backwards. He-Yan couldn't escape, and saw the man's right hand came out of the cloak and found a dagger. Come.
       This dagger is only as long as a human's thumb and is as thin as paper. It is more like a blade than a dagger. If it is not near, it is hard to see. The palm was shot on He-Yan's waist, but no one knew that the sharp weapon in his palm was submerged except He-Yan.
       He-Yan just felt the pain in his waist painfully, pinching his fists in the past, and Ba Zhuan's face was close to his eyes. He smirked :   "It hurts, just hurt you—"
       His words stopped abruptly.
       He-Yan clenched his fist against his throat, letting go.
       He was madly struggling, but I don’t know when the iron whip tied He-Yan's leg to his leg. He escaped from the door and struggled violently, but the more he struggled, the more he rolled his eyes, and finally , Vomiting blood, gradually stopped moving.
       He-Yan was expressionless, pushed his fist back inward, and after confirming that the person below him was breathless, he let go of his hand.
       There was a little iron-like thing on Ba neck, only a little, the rest could not be seen any more, but it was inserted deep into his throat. That's an iron tribulus.
       When He-Yan came, he picked it up on the ground.
       Put some hidden devices on your body anytime, anywhere, only good and no harm. No one knows what kind of enemy they will encounter, what kind of things they will encounter next, when they will meet, the only thing they can do Is to increase the weight of being alive.
       She couldn't get closer to the Pakistani order, because the Pakistani order had already guarded her, and the last hit was nothing more than an injury to the enemy and a loss of 1 thousand. But in the end she was better than Ba Zhua. She was just injured by a dagger and wounded to her waist. Ba Ba was now dead.
       "You have a hole card, you know I don't?" She murmured.
       After a while, He-Yan pulled the iron whip out of the dictatorship and herself, and re-wound to the wrist. She stood up and wore a black outfit, which was not as lively as the red outfit, a little more Divide and kill. She also stood upright, looking half-tired, playing with the iron whip on her wrist, smiling slightly, and saying the same words as Fang Cai.
       "He dead. I won. The victory is divided. Next."

       Chapter 112 :  The Return   

       The people underneath did not see clearly how He-Yan and Ba Zhan were the winners. Only seeing the two of them scrambling together, Basu slaped He-Yan, and He-Yan penetrated Ba Zhu neck with a hidden weapon.
       Although the means are not bright and clear, they have won.
       "Brother He is so good!" Cheng-Lisu called out first. "Good fight! Good fight!"
       "Shut up!" Song Taotao on one side scolded him.
       Cheng-Lisu dissatisfied :   "What's wrong with my brother?"
       "It's not time to feel relieved." Song Taotao shook her head. The girl was thinner than the boy. She felt that He-Yan's face was paler than before, and she thought "Hey-Yan". Maybe He-Yan might be It was injured. But He-Yan wore black clothes and couldn't see exactly where the injuries were.
       On the stage, the boy in a black dress with a slight jaw lifted up and asked with a smile, "Did anyone dare to come up?"
       At this moment, Ri Da Muzi burst into laughter, he smiled and claped :   "Funny, funny! I didn't expect Liangzhou Wei to have such an interesting person!" The words didn't fall, and he drove towards Yanwu High Platform.
       He moved quickly, and everyone around him was caught off guard. Several Liangzhou recruits were almost stepped on by his horse. Fortunately, they were pulled by others. Rida Muzi stopped at a step away from Yanwutai and flew away. Come on stage. Fall in front of He-Yan.
       "Doesn't the commander want to end in person?" Said the young man suddenly. "How can I get a recruit?"
       "You killed me two warriors, it's not like an ordinary recruit." Rita Muzi laughed. Not half displeased by the loss of love.
       "Just fluke."
       "You don't have to be humble, you just fought with the two of them. I've seen it and can be regarded as Liangzhou Wei first!" Rita Muzi said, looking at everyone in the stage of Yanwu, smiling scornfully, "I see here, You can afford it, but you have the courage to do it. But ... "He turned sharply," I don't know how long you can sustain the wound on your waist? "
       He-Yan is silent.
       Rita Muzi looked at her with interest :   "The command is my most powerful man. He just attacked your waist twice in succession, and it looks like he has an old injury. The last time you pierced a hidden weapon into his throat At that time, he ... "He walked to Basha and fiddled with Basha corpse with his feet. Basha turned over," His hand was loosened, and it penetrated into your waist, yes Knife?"
       Rida Muzi asked her with concern :   "Oh, it must hurt."
       "Actually fine." He-Yan smiled. "It doesn't hurt as much as he does."
       Rida Muzi stared at her for a while, and smiled :   "Very well, I like hard bones like yours best, and it will be especially sweet when broken." He was just as good as the one who had just ordered Watanabe to do so. Zhuan's corpse kicked off the platform and chuckled, "Useless waste."
       Immediately afterwards, Basu slowly pulled out his machete.
       Shen Han saw this, his gaze fixed, and said angrily :   "Rida Muzi, as a leader, how can you fight with my Liangzhou Wei recruits? If you want to discuss, I will accompany you!"
       "You?" Rita Muzi slowly shook her head :   "It's better than him, I want him, this He ... He-Yan."
       "Chairman Shen, let me do it," He-Yan said.
       In fact, what she said to Shen Han didn't matter. Rida Muzi had already focused on He-Yan. This is the worst thing, but at the same time it is lucky enough that they have more time.
       "Aren't you changing weapons?" Rita Muzi laughed. "My knife, but I will cut your whip."
       "Maybe it's my whip that cut your knife." He-Yan said with a smile, holding the whip in his hands, crossing his eyes.
       The Dai soldiers use scimitars, and each one has a different scimitar. The machete of Rita Muzi is extremely long, half a person tall. I don't know how many people blood has been dripped, and there is some dark red. As soon as Dao Fu came out of the sheath, daylight fell on his head, and some blood flew up.
       He-Yan can only choose a whip. In those years when she fought against the Tatars, she used swords. As long as there were people who had met "General Feihong" here, she could recognize at a glance that she and the "General Feihong" had the same sword technique. But with a knife, a tadpole is best at using a knife. Using a knife in front of them is tantamount to attacking one another's strength with one own shortcomings. After much deliberation, it is only convenient to use an iron whip.
       Rita Muzi rushed over with a knife.
       His pace is fast, and inconsistent with his sturdy figure, he is very flexible. Also very clever, the distance card is just out of reach of He-Yan's whip.
       He-Yan's whip was trying to wrap his knife, but was hid by Rida Muzi, and he slashed it on the iron whip with his backhand. "Bang", although the iron whip was not broken, can't help but shock.
       If this continues, I don't know how long this whip can hold up. The weapon on the weapon rack is used for the soldiers to practice martial arts. It is just as strong and durable. This knife from Keda Muzi is obviously a treasure knife and cannot be compared.
       He laughed loudly, split the crossblade, He-Yan's whip entangled the knife, but did not drag, Rida Muzi was too strong, he said :   "Naive!" Pulling the knife to his side, He-Yan's body couldn't help but fly towards him.
       "Ahe brother be careful!" Wheat could not help but blurt out.
       However, when He-Yan Asahi Muzi flew away, he was about to hit the knife edge of Rihda Muzi, but the young man suddenly smiled, the whip pulled a flower, slipped away from the knife, and slapped it on Rihda Muzi face. By herself, she flew past Rida Muzi head and flew around on the ground before stopping.
       The heart of the crowd fell back.
       Rita Muzi slowly turned her head.
       He was born fiercely and violently at the moment. He-Yan drew a whip on his cheek at this moment, and blood bleeds. The blood flowed down his cheek. Rida Muzi was undecided. The blood on his lips, staring at He-Yan, said, "You're amazing."
       The voice of his speech was very light, and it fell into people ears, but it was creepy.
       He-Yan said, "Everyone."
       The wound on the waist hurts a bit. The roll just made the blade deeper into the body. But she can't pull the blade out now. Once here, she can't tolerate the time to pull out the knife. Second, if you pull out, the blood won't stop and you will soon lose your strength.
       But now, He-Yan is not as easy as it appears. The dagger that Ba Zhuan stabbed into her body was not long, short and slender, about the width of the index finger, and it was fed in horizontally. Although not as important, it happened to cover the old wound. The original wound cracked, and she fought with others on the Yanwu field, touching the flesh, and the blade pierced deeper, which was tantamount to being sober and feeling cut.
       She lowered her head, quickly bit her lip, and the blood on her lips reappeared, and she looked like the spirited teenager again.
       "How long will you stay?" Rita Muzi was not worried, and smiled :   "Your sweat, it's going to be clean."
       "Really?" He-Yan touched it. "It's too hot."
       Rida Muzi slowly raised the knife and smirked and rushed :   "Your blood will also flow completely!"
       He-Yan rushed up.
       The Liangzhou Wei recruits below are all worried, He-Yan is not as easy to face as the first two when facing Rita Muzi. And Rita Muzi is cunning and ferocious, no matter how fierce He-Yan is on most days, after all, he is only a sixteen-year-old half-old child.
       Jiang Yan muttered, "He can't hold it."
       "May be injured." Huang Xiong frowned and said, "It's really impossible," he said, touching his golden sword on his body :   "Let's run up together, we can't watch him die for nothing."
       Wang Ba cursed :   "Don't! Why don't these coaches stop, let a hairy guy go up against it? No shame!"
       Shen Han stood in the crowd, staring at He-Yan's figure, and in his hands, the note was crushed. Liang Ping beside him was anxious and whispered :   "Chief instructor, we can't wait so much all the time, we can't let them sit in the West, it's better ..."
       "Don't make your own claims!" Shen Han drank, "wait again."
       Wait? What are you waiting for?
       He-Yan on the stage and Rida Muzi once again played a dozen tricks.
       Her movements are not as quick as the one just before, and it is already noticeably slow. She rubbed a few knives on Rida Muzi on her arm, and was avoided by every chance, but in the end she was in color.
       But the smile on her face has never changed. It seems that this is not a bloody battle about life and death, but a free and happy discussion with partners after the day training.
       This puzzled Rita Muzi.
       He said, "Can the Central Plains look like you?"
       "It's not the same," He-Yan's painful voice was a little unstable, and she smiled :   "I'm especially pretentious."
       Rita Muzi smile was not as easy as before.
       He-Yan didn't dare relax his vigilance.
       At that time, they battled with the Xibei people. The leader Ritamuji was atrocious and brutal, and a machete harvested countless souls. Everywhere I went, I was full of bones. Rita Maki favorite thing to do is to cut off the captive head with a machete and tie it to his riding tail. The dead man's bloody head is enough to become a nightmare for many people in Central Plains.
       The Fuyue Army led by He-Yan, and the Dai army led by Ritamuji, have been fighting fiercely. Every time he fights, He-Yan can detect the cunning and terrible of each other.
       In the final battle, Ridamaki died in He-Yan's hands.
       He loved to cut other people heads during his lifetime. I probably didn't expect that after death, he would also be cut off by others, put it in a box with a pearl jade, and take it to the Capital City Imperial Palace. A generous reward.
       After the death of Rita Maki, the West Dragons had no head, and soon the rebellion was calmed down. The man in front of him named Rita Muzi gave birth to a face exactly like Rida Muji.
       Rida Muji looked at his breath with his own eyes, and would not be resurrected. Besides, Rida Muji eyes were dark green, while Rida Muzi eyes were dark blue. He-Yan thought that he had heard that there was a twin brother in Ridamuki, born with brute force and fierce rampage. However, he was at odds with his brother, who was under the leadership of Ritamu Gene, and left in his early years.
       Now it seems that this is Rita Muzi twin brother, Rita Muzi.
       He probably also knew the news of his brother's death, and maybe he had the remnants of the Qiang nationality before he rushed to Liangzhou Wei with the troops. He is also cunning. He learned from the traitor that Xiao-Yue is not in Liangzhou Wei now, and the recruits here are so immature, so he dare to be so brazen.
       But Rita Muzi is not a fool. Even if his subordinates are brave and arrogant, a thousand people cannot win against the tens of thousands of soldiers on Liangzhou Wei. Therefore, his men and women should be far more than that. This was an early game against Weizhou in Liangzhou. The front of the guard was Baiyue Mountain and the back of Wulu River. If they had an army, they traversed from Baiyue Mountain. It was impossible for such heavy snow. Therefore, the most likely thing is to walk over the nearest waterway at night and cross over.
       He-Yan has never seen Rita Muzi in the past, but he has played against Rida Muji many times, and I have known this person's details. This person likes to put on the ring most. He says he wants to talk to the other side. In fact, the means are ruthless. Most of the bright paths of the Central Plains warriors will be defeated by the other side. In this way, the morale is lost before the battle. Once you have timidity towards the tartars, you will often be defeated later. The number of great generals in the year was precisely the trick of Rita Muji.
       Soldiers don't tire of cheating, and morale is paramount. He-Yan can see that although Rida Muzi is at odds with his brother, he behaves in exactly the same way. Liangzhou Wei recruits will inevitably have a fierce battle with Rita Muzi men today. She has done everything she can, and the last thing is to suffocate Dawei children in this martial arts field. This gas.
       With morale, their first war will show their true strength.
       "I hate the pretending Central Plains." Rita Muzi was finally impatient. He looked at the distance and seemed to be waiting for any news. However, he did not wait until he turned his head and said, "Hurry up. ! "
       He-Yan laughed :   "I think so."
       She stretched out her hand and tied the belt tighter again. The belt covered the wound to keep the blood from flowing too much, but it was also more painful and uncomfortable.
       Rita Muzi watched her movement and suddenly said, "You remind me of someone."
       He-Yan :   "Who?"
       "Although I haven't seen it, my unfortunate brother once said that a general named He Rufei from Central China could pull out the handle of the arrow and continue to command the battle. He eventually died in He Rufei Hand, you are a lot like that person. "
       He-Yan heard the words and smiled :   "Wrong, I'm not He Rufei, and I'm not like him."
       She glanced at the Liangzhou people below the stage :   "But I'm Wei Erlang, everyone is like me, as long as I don't die, they will fight to the end! There will be tens of millions of generals Feihong in the Central Plains, you Xiyu," Looking up, Yu Hanyu said, "How many more out?"
       Say it, wave the iron whip and go straight to Rita Muzi!
       Rida Muzi smirked and didn't take it to heart. In his opinion, He-Yan had already been injured, old wounds and new injuries, but it was the end of a crossbow. Although her patience is amazing, it will not last long.
       The scimitar and the iron whip were intertwined, making the sound of Jin Ming's collision.
       "Brother He ..." Wheat's heart looked from the stage, and he dared not fall.
       He-Yan moves faster.
       She moved his whip faster and faster, faster than Rida Muzi knife. The machete was large and heavy. For ordinary people, Rita Muzi movement was already fast. But it wasn't as fast as a steel whip. Did the whip penetrate all the places while the knife was still not waving, and drew it to Rida Muzi face. It was just a bloodstain, but it had to be stingy, and there were several bloodstains on his face.
       "Will you just do that!" Rita Muzi was irritated by the continuous middle whip, her expression became violent, the machete took He-Yan's neck straight, but He-Yan was petite and easily escaped.
       "You're nothing like this, too." The boy even had time to turn his head to tease.
       what happened? Rita Muzi became more and more surprised. It seemed that as time passed, He-Yan's movements became faster and faster. Isn't he injured? Why can you still be flexible without seeing half the impact? Could it be that he had installed it before? This kid doesn't have any old injuries at all?
       He-Yan dodged, avoiding the point of the knife, and tiptoeed around behind Rida Muzi.
       This man was wearing an armour and was extremely rigid. Her whip didn't hit Zhong Ri Da Muzi, but just landed on the armor, leaving nothing behind.
       Well, there was nothing wrong with him, and there was only one weakness left.
       Her eyes narrowed, and Asahi Muzi attacked behind her.
       Rida Muzi turned around and blocked He-Yan's iron whip with a knife, and flew He-Yan out, but in a blink, she rushed to Rida Muzi by force.
       This is simply a life-threatening play, just offense and defense.
       "Don't he just want to die together," Jiang Yan muttered.
       In the eyes of outsiders, He-Yan, who desperately desperately looked, was not so bad, but Rida Muzi, from the beginning of the victory, was gradually falling into the wind.
       This boy seems to know that every time he shoots a sword, he avoids it early in every encounter, and he quickly captures the weakness of Rita Muzi sword technique, and uses the weakness to attack and let Rida Muzi Some are at a loss.
       How old is he? He looks like fifteen or six, but he must be able to see his weaknesses, and how terrible it is to have an enemy. And if this young man said that there were countless people like him in the Central Plains? How much has Xiyu produced? There are no such talents, none.
       For a moment, Rita Muzi gave up.
       His morale was lost.
       However, in this regard, he was wronged He-Yan. No matter how powerful He-Yan is, he won't fight several times, and can quickly determine the opponent's trajectory, not to mention a person like Rita Muzi. It is really because Xu is because of the blood relationship of the twin brothers, or it may be that they inherited one person's sword. The technique of Rida Muzi and the technique of Rida Muji are exactly the same.
       He-Yan had fought countless times with Rita Maki before, knowing himself and knowing one another, and already knew his tricks in his heart, but at this moment it was cheaper to deal with Rita Muzi. And the timidity that Rida Muzi gave up just hit He-Yan.
       But it's just a matter of governing others.
       They used to like to crack down on others and increase their morale, and now they finally feel discouraged. This is the opportunity.
       He-Yan's whip was drawn faster and faster, and everyone around him was a bit dizzy. Rida Muzi only felt that the iron whip seemed to be a living snake, hovering and dancing in front of him, and the shadow was lavish. His knife was waving. It turned out that it was a whip on his forehead, and the real whip was here.
       He slashed at He-Yan in anger, but the young man had already circled behind him. This action, he also appeared before when dealing with Watanabe, Rida Muzi secretly ‘Called, but saw that the iron whip had already Flying in front of him, like a heavy chain, is about to hit his neck.
       Then, again, his throat would be broken and he would die like a tile.
       When he hit the spot, he ‘called, "Kemu Zhi—"
       This seemed to be the name of one of his subordinates. At the next moment, a woman exclaimed suddenly on the Yanwu field. It was actually Song Taotao, who was caught by her uncle and thrown on the Yanwu platform.
       The sturdy man has a strong body and great strength. Song Taotao is just a thin little Miss, who is thrown up like a cargo, and if he falls, he is seriously injured even if he does not die.
       No one in the audience could catch up.
       The whip in He-Yan's hand turned around in front of Rida Muzi neck and flew towards Song Taotao. Her body flew towards Song Taotao.
       The iron whip caught Song Taotao body, He-Yan flew over and took Song Taotao in his arms, and the two fell heavily to the ground together. He-Yan supported Song Taotao body. The wound on her waist fell even deeper, and she let out a hiss.
       "Brother Beware!" Cheng-Lisu yelled suddenly.
       "Ahe brother!"
       Anxious voices came from all directions, Liang Ping's voice was extremely stern, and He-Yan looked at the side, and saw a line of swords fluttering towards himself.
       When she went to Song Taotao, her back was exposed, and Rida Muzi machete fell fiercely, and she was to be cut into two pieces.
       He-Yan pushed Song Taotao away and closed his eyes swept by the wind.
       She had no strength to move.
       "go to hell!"
       There was no pain in imagination, nor five steps of blood splatter. Something knocked the machete upside down, as if someone was blocking her.
       He-Yan opened his eyes slowly.
       The familiar dark blue figure, with the silver scale python embroidered with silver thread embroidered on the corner of the robe, stood in front of her with a young man standing loose and calm and reassuring. The long sword in his hand has not yet emerged from the sheath, and is as clear as ice and snow, flowing brightly.
       It was such a narrow and thin drinking Qiu Jian that brushed away the butcher knife that killed human life.
       "Chief-Commander ... Chief-Commander! Chief-Commander!" The audience were surprised for a moment, and then immediately boiled.
       "Chief-Commander is back!"
       Xiao-Yue ... are you back?
       He-Yan looked over and felt that his vision was blurred and he could not see clearly.
       Xiao-Yue pulled her up from the ground, He-Yan had no strength and leaned softly on him. Xiao-Yue leaned on her waist and seemed to notice something, looking down.
       The young man in the black clothes looked weak and did not have any wounds, but at the moment holding the hand around He-Yan's waist, he felt a wetness.
       There were blood on his hands.
       He looked faint, slowly looking at Rita Muzi, but he said to He-Yan, the tone of irony as always :   "How can you make yourself so miserable every time you meet you."
       He-Yan smiled and whispered softly, "Maybe it's because, every time I know, you'll come and save me."

       Chapter 113 :  Healer   

       "Xiao Huaijin?" Ri Damuzi looked at the man in front of him, his eyes were uncertain.
       Feng-Nu appeared behind him, Xiao-Yue gave He-Yan to him :   "Take them down."
       Fae Nu supported He-Yan, Song Taotao got up and followed, and the two went to the stage of Yanwu Stadium. At this moment, people were all around, Fae Nu asked He-Yan :   "Can it hold up?"
       He-Yan nodded.
       "Sit first," Feinu helped her to sit under the tree, leaning against the tree, "the doctor is coming soon."
       doctor? He-Yan was puzzled, Liangzhou Wei had only one medical girl, Shen Muxue, who was being stared at by the soldiers of the Dai ethnic group at this moment—beautiful women in the barracks have always been eye-catching.
       She looked up at the stage.
       Yan Wutai.
       "Aren't you looking for me to discuss?" Xiao-Yue careless drawing of the sword, black eyes looked at the person in front of him, and said slightly, "Go on."
       Rida Muzi asked, "You are Xiao Huaijin?"
       Xiao-Yue smiled :   "If it is a fake replacement."
       Everyone knows that there are two famous generals in Dawei, General Feng Yun Xiao Huaijin, and General Feihong He Rufei. But just as He-Yan has never played against the Nanban people, Xiao-Yue has never fought against the Ximen. I've heard of prestige, but it's the first time I've really met you.
       Never seen the true appearance of Xiao-Yue, and the news that he received before was that Xiao-Yue went to Zhangtai, from Zhangtai to Liangzhou, coming and going time, he could never return here.
       But the sword in his hand ... is not like an ordinary sword.
       Seeing him hesitating, Xiao-Yue raised his eyebrows :   "Afraid?"
       Rida Muzi smirked :   "Pretend!" Raised the knife.
       But when he saw that the young man didn't move, the sword cold in his hand was completely shocked and sharp and unstoppable, and his actions such as falling flowers swept away, straight through the machete, fast and fierce, dazzling and dizzying. He-Yan's morale had already broken, and he couldn't cope with it at this moment. He slumped and drank Qiujian straight into his chest.
       "Leader!" This was an exclaim from his subordinates.
       Rita Muzi leaned back and was not stabbed in the chest by Xiao-Yue, but was broken by his armor and picked up at the tip of the sword. For a moment, his chest was no longer covered by armor.
       "Xi-An Warrior?" Xiao-Yue lips slightly tilted, mockingly :   "But that's it."
       Rita Muzi was angry, but it turned out that he was not Xiao-Yue opponent. The Liangzhou guardian crouching tiger, hiding the dragon, and the talented He-Yan, too, is a recruit who is so capable. Who knows if there will be others? It is no longer necessary to continue the discussions on the performance martial arts field. This time, Fu-ren lost his troops and lost two love generals. He was also seen by his subordinates as embarrassed. At present, morale has been lost. Mistakes or serious matters.
       He looked sideways down the stage, but ... why hasn't he moved?
       The young man wiped the sword gracefully, and gave him a smile with a smile :   "What are you waiting for? Awaiting ambush by the Wulu River?"
       There was a big earthquake in Rita Muzi heart, and she slowly looked up.
       "I'm afraid you'll be disappointed then." Xiao-Yue chuckled, her eyes indifferent.
       "Kemuzhi!" Rita Muzi quickly retreated and ‘called, "Granary! Granary!"
       "No news," the voice of his subordinates carried a trace of Zhang Ye :   "Leader, they haven't returned yet!"
       Xiao-Yue for a moment.
       Offstage, someone laughed.
       Rida Muzi followed the sound and saw that Fang had almost killed him. The black culprit named He-Yan had a pleasant smile on her face. Her weak voice was very soft, but she spoke softly. It was so annoying, she said, "It's too mean to secretly go to other people granaries to set fire, so early on, there are crossbowmen preparing there. This leader, your men can't come back."
       Are you ready? !!
       Rita Muzi suddenly realized that it was not good. He prepared early, but now that he thought he could be satisfied with the net, he didn't know that after the mantis caught the cicada, he thought he was a mantis, but he didn't know there was a canary.
       be cheated!
       I'm afraid that Xiao-Yue trip to Zhangtai is fake. Liangzhou Wei recruits are fragile. It's fake. Everything is fake. Everything is to make them fooled. The inner response here has long been exposed!
       "It's a trick! Hurry!" He ‘called from the crowd :   "There is an ambush by the river!"
       ambush? The Dai soldiers were confused, weren't the ambulances by the river their own? In order to wipe out Liangzhou Wei recruits. But what this means ...
       "Now here," Xiao-Yue looked at him. "Don't leave."
       Rida Muzi gritted his teeth, crossed the machete and was in front of him. This was the end of their morale, and they were in a trap. The only thing they could do was to fight backwater. However, Qingshan stayed there without worry, if he could escape, he would have a chance to make a comeback in the future!
       "Warriors!" He raised his knife :   "Kill them! Kill them all!"
       The soldiers behind him raised their knives, massacred, and fought with Liangzhou Wei recruits. Someone secretly set off the signal, the chimney flew up, and blew in the air.
       Rita Muzi turned and wanted to escape.
       As soon as he turned around, he felt someone holding his shoulder.
       "Want to run?" At this moment, the young Chief-Commander, his facial features were stunning, but his smile was indifferent. "Can you run?"
       Fight against it.
       At this moment, I heard the sudden sound of a tremor coming from the front. When I looked at the sound, I saw that from the direction of Wulu River, an army was running, all in black armor and black clothes. The front people were riding horses and holding battles. The flag reads "South".
       "It's Nanfu soldiers! Jiuqi Battalion!"
       "Nanfu soldiers are here!"
       He-Yan's eyes were about to open, and Feinu helped her pull back in order to prevent her from being injured in the chaos, and He-Yan had only a quick glance.
       A steady stream of Nanfu soldiers came from the river, as if endless.
       Here comes the rescuer ... Before she passed out, she looked in the direction of Xiao-Yue, with only one thought in her head.
       It turns out ... he had the idea.
       This is a tragic war.
       Rita Muzi would not be stupid enough to lead a thousand soldiers to provoke Liangzhou Wei, but he took up the village nearest to Wulu River, even Yeshuidu, and set up an ambush by the river. If Liangzhou Wei recruits can't resist but want to evacuate, they will be swept away like a sheep.
       It’s just that people are not as good as the sky. Probably Rita Muzi himself did not expect that when he and others were “negotiating” in the performance martial arts, the setting on the Wulu River was not smooth. I thought that all the recruits were around the performance martial arts field, but for some reason, there was another crossbow team hiding in the jungle by the Wulu River. As soon as the Tatars appeared, they shot arrows, and the Tatars were in chaos. These recruits turned up. Then, Xiao-Yue, who should not have returned at this time, suddenly appeared and brought back 10 thousand Nanfu soldiers.
       Ten thousand Nanfu soldiers, against more than ten thousand Tatars, won't win too easily. However, if coupled with the rising morale of Liangzhou Wei soldiers and the invincible Jiuqi Battalion, it would be natural to attack.
       The game that I thought was in the hands of the winner was immediately reversed.
       All relatives around Rita Muzi were killed in battle. Knowing that they could not escape the day of birth today, and they did not want to be captured by captives, they wiped their necks with a machete and committed suicide.
       As soon as the leader died, the dragons had no heads, and the remaining Tatars quickly abandoned the armored troop and scrambled.
       Faster than expected.
       Liangzhou Wei performance martial arts field, under the Baiyue Mountain, beside the road, beside the Wulu River, are full of dead bodies. In this battle, Liangzhou Wei recruits also lost a lot. The worst thing was probably the patrol sentry who was secretly killed last night. The second was the crossbowman by the Wulu River, and the Tatars first handed them over.
       The alive, lightly wounded soldier helped clean up the battlefield and lifted the companions’bodies. The severely injured was taken to the Courtyard for medical treatment by Shen Muxue and her servants.
       Xiao-Yue went out, Shen Han followed.
       "Mu-Uncle!" Cheng-Lisu was carried by Chiwu and rushed over, shocked :   "Why are you back now! Scared me, I thought I was going to die here today!"
       Before Xiao-Yue had time to speak, Cheng-Lisu saw the Shen Han behind Xiao-Yue at a glance. Thinking of the suffering of Shen Han a few days ago, now the elders came over and immediately sue, saying :   " Mu-Uncle! You talk about Shen Jiaotou. If it wasn’t Brother He today, what's the name of the wood? He had already killed and quit at Liangzhou Weida. Brother He helped me. As a result, Shen Jiaoto was the other day I was locked in a dungeon! It was too wronged! "
       "Dungeon?" Xiao-Yue glanced at Shen Han :   "What's going on?"
       Shen Han's head was as big as a bucket, and he replied, "... It was a long story. At the time, the situation was urgent. I didn't dare to confirm He-Yan's identity."
       "You still wronged him to kill! What happened? As a result, you caught Brother He and released the real murderer! My brother didn't care about saving you today, and you all have to apologize to him in return!"
       "Enough," Xiao-Yue reprimanded. "Chiwu, you take Cheng-Lisu back."
       "Hey? Mu-Uncle where are you going?"
       "I'm going to change clothes." Xiao-Yue didn't bother him, and said to Shen Han, "You follow me, I have something to ask you."
       He was in a hurry to return, hurrying on and on, before experiencing a fierce battle with blood and dust all over his body. Upon returning to the room, he quickly bathed and changed into clean clothes before going out, and ran into a young man in white.
       This young man is similar to Xiao-Yue in age, with clear eyebrows and gentle eyes. He has a three-point smile on his face, and a daffodil crane embroidered on his clothes. In winter, he actually held a folding fan. Shake, not too cold.
       Seeing Xiao-Yue, he laughed :   "Are you injured? Should I show you?"
       Xiao-Yue raised his hand to block his forward motion :   "No need, there is a dying man next door, look at that one."
       "Oh?" The young man looked at the room next to him, showing an unwilling expression. "My sacred hand, Lin Shuanghe, has only healed women. You have been an exception. We haven’t seen it for a few years, and you will have me broken when you come. Rules, now even your soldiers will have to watch? What is the difference between me and the street doctors? "
       Xiao-Yue :   "Go or not?"
       Lin Shuanghe unfolded the fan with a sigh, holding back and saying, "Go."
       On the one side, Shen Han heard the words, and his heart was stunned. It seems that Svenwen's young gongzi turned out to be Lin Shuanghe, the white hand? Lin Shuanghe saw He-Yan see a doctor? In this way, the relationship between He-Yan and Xiao-Yue is really unusual. Thinking of myself holding He-Yan into the dungeon before, Shen Han could not help but have a headache.
       This is really a horse honeycomb!
       Several people went to He-Yan's room together. In the room, Song Taotao was sitting in front of the bed to wipe He-Yan's sweat. He-Yan hasn’t awoken yet. The mattress underneath is red with blood, and I don’t know where to hurt. Song Taotao wanted to help, but he didn’t dare to start easily. Shen Muxue was treating the seriously injured in the Courtyard. Is inseparable. When I saw Xiao-Yue with a young man here, I immediately said, "Xiao 2-gongzi!"
       "Doctor is here," Xiao-Yue said, "you go out."
       Song Taotao looked at Lin Shuanghe and for a moment, "Lin-gongzi?"
       Shuo Jing said that small is not small, and big is not big. Song Ci and Lin Shuanghe father knew each other, and the two had met before.
       "Song Miss, I haven't seen you in a long time." Lin Shuanghe shook his folding fan :   "I'll see this little brother for medical treatment."
       "But you are not, are not ..." Song Taotao hesitated.
       "I do see a doctor only for women," sighed Lin Shuanghe. "It's just a matter of trusting one loyalty. That's a case, only once, not the next."
       What else does Song Taotao want to say, Xiao-Yue said to her :   "Song Miss, please go out if you are OK, so as not to delay the doctor's treatment."
       "... Okay." Xiao Miss, got up and went out. Xiao-Yue closed the door behind her. Song Taotao looked at the closed door and suddenly reacted. Xiao-Yue is not in himself, why is he not delaying the doctor's treatment?
       How can there be such!
       In the room, Lin Shuanghe walked before He-Yan collapsed, put his box on the table, and opened the box as he said, "What is this brother who can live next to you? Is his skill good? Look at it Somewhat thin. "
       Xiao-Yue :   "Just talk nonsense."
       Lin Shuanghe disagreed :   "You just don't have to let Song Miss go out. It seems that she likes the brother very much. Even if you watch it at the same time, it won't bother you, so why drive you away and make people focus outside the door? "
       Xiao-Yue said nothing for a moment :   "You think too much, I let her go out, I was afraid to scare you."
       "Scared me?" Lin Shuanghe wondered. "Why scared me? It's not a difficult problem." He said, and he would stretch out his hand to strip He-Yan's clothes.
       Xiao-Yue held his arm.
       Lin Shuanghe raised his head :   "Why?"
       "Get your pulse first."
       "He is trauma? What is the pulse! I know what is going on at a glance. I have to bandage the wound first!"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at him :   "I said the pulse first."
       "Xiao Huaijin, what's going on with you right now?" Lin Shuanghe lost his eyes. "Even if I practice medicine, do you care?"
       "Do you want to?"
       "Take it!" Lin Shuanghe lost his temper with Xiao-Yue gaze and had to reach out to give He-Yan the pulse first. At the touch of a pulse, his expression changed. At first he couldn't believe his feelings. At the end, look at Xiao-Yue :   "She is ..."
       Xiao-Yue raised an eyebrow :   "Yes."
       Lin Shuanghe bounced :   "Xiao-Yue! You actually have a golden house!"
       Xiao-Yue frowned and looked out the door :   "You're so loud, are you afraid you don't know enough?"
       "Others don't know, who knows now?" Lin Shuanghe asked in a low voice.
       "Just you and me, Feng-Nu ."
       "This Mei-mei is okay," Lin Shuanghe used to call all Miss, "Mei-mei", and looked at He-Yan's eyes are different, "I said, how can you let people live next door to you? It turns out that the drunkard is not in the wine. What is the relationship between you? We haven’t seen each other for a long time, and you finally have a Miss you like, why not say, who is Sao? How come to Liangzhou Wei? It must be for you Isn't it? You too, Miss, of course, it hurts to get people to suffer in such a wild place, aren't you human? "
       Xiao-Yue couldn't bear it :   "Did you finish talking? You can say a few more words and she will lose her breath."
       "How can there be such a curse on Miss?" Lin Shuanghe scolded him :   "Come here, help me take off her clothes, find a cloth to cover the other places, and the waist is just exposed."
       Xiao-Yue almost suspected that he had heard it wrong, and asked, "What did you say?"
       "Come to help. Although the doctor has no parents in front of me, I wouldn't care so much if I was just looking for Chang-Miss, but this is your person, of course you come to take off. Otherwise, what is wrong in the future, you are right I'm so upset, what should I do to trouble me? "
       "What is my person?" Xiao-Yue forehead beating, "I have nothing to do with her."
       "It's nothing to have lived together. Since you already know the identity of the people, it's definitely a relationship. Hurry up, I just touched her veins. The situation is not good, and I'm already weak." Lin Shuanghe urged :   " I wash her wounds with hot water first. She has wounds on her waist. "
       When Xiao-Yue thought of helping He-Yan before, she got a handful of blood, took a deep breath, walked to He-Yan, washed her hands, and slowly untied He-Yan clothes.
       He turned his head, his eyes fell on the other side, and did not look at He-Yan. Even so, he still inevitably touched He-Yan's body. The skin under the hands is delicate and smooth, and has a completely different touch to the guys in the barracks. It was then that he seemed to realize that He-Yan was indeed a woman.
       This man jumped alive on a most days, calling him a brother of Liangzhou Wei all-round brothers, and a temperament that was better than that of men. Over time, although she knew she was a woman, she still treated her as a man.
       My mind reappeared in Zhixian Prefecture of Liangzhou City that day, the night when the identity of the woman was discovered, Yin Qiu cut off He-Yan's clothes. At that moment, I found Su Ri unforgiving body, It turned out to be such pale skin.
       Fragile and vulnerable.
       He pulled a thin blanket next to him, wrapped He-Yan's half body, and unfastened her belt with his hands. As soon as he started, he was surprised. He-Yan's belt may be too tight. Is it because of Miss? It is impossible to see this man's daily behavior.
       He unfastened the belt and felt his palms wet instantly, and the mattress under He-Yan was stained with large pieces. Lin Shuanghe also put aside his joke, reached out and searched, and held it at a glance, saying, "She has a knife on her body."
       Xiao-Yue :   "What?"
       Lin Shuanghe took out the small gold tongs and silver needles from the box, gently probed them in with gold tongs, and collapsed, He-Yan frowned in a coma, as if awakened by pain, but never woke up.
       The small jaw carefully pinched a thin blade from the wound around her waist.
       Xiao-Yue frowned.
       Lin Shuanghe said with emotion and admiration, "This Mei-mei is really able to support it!"
       Xiao-Yue looked at the blade that was thrown into the plate, thin and sharp, and she had been carrying such a thing on the stage of Yanwu? When did this happen? It was before Rida Muzi stabbed her, or before that. If it was before that, in each of the previous two games, He-Yan would go deeper every time he fights with people, as if cutting meat alive, it would only be painful and unspeakable. Ordinary men can't stand it, how did He-Yan endure it? That's all, Xiao-Yue still remembers when he arrived, the teenager even had a smile on his face, he couldn't see anything wrong, and deceived everyone.
       The liar used to pretend, but it would be pitiful if she wanted to cheat herself.
       "What is this Miss?" Lin Shuanghe asked Xiao-Yue without lifting his head while cleaning He-Yan.
       "The daughter of Captain Shing Mun."
       "Captain Chengmen?" Lin Shuanghe gestured in his hand. "How come here? Is it for you?"
       "Think too much," Xiao-Yue yelled, "build your career."
       "She said it." Xiao-Yue looked out the window.
       Lin Shuanghe chewed this sentence for a long while, but did not see a meaning, saying :   "This Miss is really incredible, can stand the ordinary people can not bear it, I have been practicing medicine for many years, countless women have been treated, this is the first time I have met "
       Lin Shuanghe took out the clean white cloth and put it on the medicine He-Yan. It is not that the heart is not sorrowful. The women he healed in Shuojing are innumerable, and there are all kinds of strange causes. Some people think that his birthmark is not good-looking, so he asked him to remove it. There are also those who are weak in the body of their beauties, asking him to prescribe prescriptions to recuperate. Some couples who have been married for many years have no children to find a wonderful recipe for their children, and some husbands are unloved. They ask him to prepare some beauty recipes to nourish and beauty.
       The people who can afford him are mostly women from Fu-Noble family, and they have never suffered much. Therefore, seeing the rich flowers in the world, such a scarred dog tail grass is particularly special.
       "What is your relationship with her?" He asked.
       Xiao-Yue :   "It doesn't matter."
       "It doesn't matter if you take care of her like this? Even I was used to make you call." Lin Shuanghe shook his head and said, "Well, what are you going to do with it later?"
       "Don't think Miss, the family wearing your recruits is really your soldier. I look at a good-looking beauty and see what it is like tortured now? You can't always let her stay in your barracks. Recruit? Why not send her to Shen Muxue and give Shen Muxue a chance to stay with you and not need to go to such a dangerous place. This Miss, tender and weak, should be placed in the room. Take care, you're good, you're a hot hand, you're driving the swallow ... "
       "Fragile?" Xiao-Yue seemed to be teased by his words, and her lips were slowly twitched. "Before I rushed back, she just cut off the heads of two Ximen people."
       Lin Shuanghe :   "........."
       "I'll come later, and she going to cut the third one."
       Lin Shuanghe bandaged hands shook for a moment, and then he smiled, "..... That's really a real person who doesn't show his face.

       Chapter 114 :  Lin Shuanghe   

       He-Yan, he slept a little longer.
       She even had a dream. In the dream, she fought against Rita Maki, the leader of the tyrannical and brutal, and she pointed at her head with a sword and raised her face violently.
       He-Yan's sword fell off.
       She opened her eyes, her eyes were soft, the mattress under her was warm, her head looked down, and she was lying on the collapse, and she was nice.
       He-Yan still remembers that before he passed out, he was playing on the martial arts field. Xiao-Yue and Rita Muzi turned hands on, and Nanfu soldiers had arrived in the distance. What is happening now, it's all over?
       She slowly supported her body, and when she moved, she touched the wound on her waist again. She could not help but frown, and paused for a while before sitting on the bedside.
       The wound on her body had been bandaged. She returned to her room—the one next to Xiao-Yue. There was no one in the room. I wanted to ask someone to ask what was happening now.
       Just thinking, the door was pushed open. A young man came in holding the medicine. He closed the door and walked to He-Yan before the collapse. He saw that He-Yan had sits up and laughed :   "Wake up? It looks like a good recovery."
       This is an unfamiliar face. He-Yan was the first time I saw him in Liangzhou Wei, but by the clothes he wore, he would never be a recruit. He-Yan stared at his face, his mind blanked for a moment, and suddenly he came back, almost ‘Calling for the other's name.
       Fortunately, she reacted in time, and when she spoke, she swallowed hard. The man looked at her with a smile and said, "My name is Lin Shuanghe, I am a doctor and a friend of Xiao Huaijin. I will show you your injury."
       Seeing He-Yan just stared at him and didn't speak, Lin Shuanghe thought for a while and said, "Don't get me wrong, I didn’t take off my clothes, I took Xiao Huaijin, I was only responsible for seeing a doctor. Hey ... your true identity, I I also know. "He lowered his voice and leaned closer to He-Yan." Mei-mei, I really admire you. "
       He-Yan :   "..."
       She thanked Lin Shuanghe for the first time, "Many Thanks to you."
       "You're welcome." Lin Shuanghe laughed and handed her the medicine :   "Drink, it's almost cold."
       He-Yan took the medicine bowl and drank the medicine slowly.
       Lin Shuanghe, Lin Shuanghe actually came to Liangzhou Wei!
       For Lin Shuanghe, He-Yan is no stranger. In fact, he is also a classmate of He-Yan. Among the teenagers who were studying together at Xianchang Hall that year, He-Yan felt that her relationship with Lin Shuanghe was more familiar than Xiao-Yue relationship.
       The reason for not having him is actually because, as each check with He-Yan competed for the penultimate position, this man was eight times ten times.
       Yes, Lin Shuanghe seems to have a clever face. In fact, it is a mess for civil and military sciences. He is different from He-Yan. He-Yan is the last to work hard, Lin Shuanghe, never worked hard. He has a good relationship with Xiao-Yue. He is inseparable from day to day. He copies his homework for his homework. The copybook that Teacher asks to write is to ask someone to help write for him.
       The young people in the Xianchang Pavilion have a wealthy family, and no one is short of those children. However, every time Brother Shuanghe brought out the treasures, they were always jealous. He-Yan did not hold back the temptation and helped Lin Shuanghe copy a book, and got a piece of jade.
       Lin Shuanghe is extremely rich.
       The Lin family has practiced medicine for generations, and their ancestors worked in the Tai-yi Courtyard in the palace. Now Lin Shuanghe “Grandfather Lin Qingtan is the Tai-yi Department of the Tai-yi Department. Lin Qingtan’s youngest son, Lin Mu is the Tai-yi teacher. , Is extremely outstanding for women's medical science, won by Noble-Fae in the palace. Lin Mu also likes to develop some beauty recipes, and pleases Empress Dowager Queen Noble-Fae, which is rewarded from time to time. These rewards turned back to Lin Shuanghe.
       Lin Mu has only one son, Lin Shuanghe, who is extremely fond. Lin Shuanghe also relied on his family's money to spend time in Xianchang Pavilion.
       The Lin family did not have high requirements for Lin Shuanghe. They never thought that Lin Shuanghe would be outstanding and entertained, and he didn't care about his homework, as long as he didn't shame and throw it in front of his house. There is no negative pressure in the family. The only thing to be dealt with is the Teacher of Xianchang Pavilion. He is based in Lin Shuanghe schooling career. Every day is full of the ease and comfort of recruiting cats and dogs.
       The playboy brother Lin Shuanghe himself fell even if he saw He-Yan working so hard, but he didn’t understand it. He-Yan came to He-Yan when he was busy endorsing and asked, "He brother, you What's the point of saying that you are working so hard every day and always take the first place? "
       He-Yan ignored him, and continued to endorse, Lin Shuanghe asked for nothing, and went away.
       A few days later, when the He-Yan check changed from the penultimate to the second-to-last, he came to He-Yan again and asked, "He brother, have a discussion. Can you check this time? It's still the last in the test, let me take the second last. "
       He-Yan :   "... why?"
       "Teacher sue in front of me’Grandfather,’Grandfather scolded my father for a meal, and my father made me have to improve the next check, otherwise I will cut off my financial resources. I am now the last, as long as you have the last count, Don't I just improve? "
       He-Yan :   "..."
       "Brother He, please." The boy pleaded, "If you help me this time, I will give you Fae Niang-the crested golden cormorant rewarded by Niang."
       "Don't," He-Yan refused. "I'm not a woman. What do you want Jinyu to do?"
       "You can give it to your mother!" Lin Shuanghe shook his fan and continued to discuss with him, "or tell me what you like, I will give it to you, as long as you help me this time."
       "Sorry," Xiao He-Yan shook his head. "I really can't help. Brother Lin doesn't look for Huai and Brother Huai Jin to help you with your homework. He has such a good job. As long as he gives you pointers or two, you will definitely improve."
       Lin Shuanghe heard his words and rolled his eyes greatly :   "You forgive me. Whoever asks him for advice, he just sleeps all day long, and he has no patience. If he wants to give him advice, it would be better if I studied it by myself." He sighed, "Why is there any one in the world who can go to bed all the time to take the first test? It's a monster!"
       He-Yan glanced at Xiao-Yue, who was sleeping on the desk, and he took Lin Shuanghe words seriously.
       God must be Xiao-Yue and kiss Father, so he loves him so much.
       Lin Shuanghe was dejected and very pitiful, He-Yan looked at it, moving a little reclusively. Just said to him :   "Actually, you don't have to be discouraged. I have to review my homework every day. If you don't dislike it, you can join me. You can take the homework that I have organized. It doesn't matter." A little uneasy, "But I'm not very well organized ..."
       Lin Shuanghe looked at her, and got He-Yan's hair in his heart, and the boy closed the fan together :   "Okay!"
       "A review with you, I'll try it, too. What does it feel like a cantilever beam with a cantilever on the head?"
       In fact, Lin Shuanghe popularity in Xianchang Pavilion is much better than He-Yan. He doesn’t wear a mask, he doesn’t have a maverick, he personable, he generous, he doesn’t have a shelf, he is smooth, he always invites everyone to eat delicious food, and no one has a mother and sister, and he has a headache and hot brain. You have to beg Lin-Tai-yi to help the doctor. Coupled with his’Grandfather's friendship with Noble in the palace, no one dares to offend. Therefore, among the teenagers, Lin Shuanghe liked him.
       However, it is one thing to like it, and it is another thing to review his homework with him. It stands to reason that Lin Shuanghe wants to ask for help, and many people are willing to help. But his background is really bad, and the young people in Xianchang Pavilion are mostly talented, so he doesn't have the patience and time to accompany him to study from the beginning. After one or two, no one was willing to come to take the chore.
       He-Yan is different. No one is better than anyone.
       So He-Yan was reviewing homework with Lin Shuanghe all day long before the next check.
       Lin Shuanghe martial arts failed, so he gave up directly. He and Yan studied more, and more about genre. No matter what others say, it's still decent. After school in the evening, everyone went to eat, and the two were still sitting in the school hall, chanting each other's back.
       However, this kind of recitation is usually Lin Shuanghe sitting and holding a book to look at, He-Yan's back is frustrated.
       She said :   "The way of Academy is in Mingmingde, in the people care, and ending in the best. Knowing is before you decide; you can be quiet after being fixed; you can be quiet after being quiet ... The ancient desire is clear to the world, first ... …first……"
       Back here, forget what I said later, He-Yan looked at Lin Shuanghe.
       Lin Shuanghe didn't give her a reminder, and deliberately teased her while eating dried fruits :   "What first?"
       He-Yan flushed his cheeks, and couldn't remember what was next.
       Bi Lin Shuanghe is still urging her :   "What first? Come on."
       "Down then up!" He-Yan made a random mess.
       "Khekeke-" Someone was choked by drinking tea behind them, and the two looked back. At the table in the dark, Xiao-Yue propped up lazily.
       "Huai Jin, haven't you left yet?" Lin Shuanghe stunned, "I thought you had left."
       The teenager stood up from the table. He was probably just awake, but he was a little hesitant. He came to He-Yan-2 and asked Lin Shuanghe casually :   "What are you doing?"
       "I'm reviewing my homework!" Lin Shuanghe embraced He-Yan's shoulder, as if he knew it well :   "I decided to make progress with Brother He."
       "Reviewing homework?" He asked.
       "Yes, Brother He has sorted out the notes for me too. Brother He is really generous." Lin Shuanghe said.
       Xiao-Yue glanced at He-Yan and reached out to pick up the notes on the table. He-Yan had already turned up before he could stop. Above are the notes from He-Yan who talked to Teacher in class on a most day's day. Xiao-Yue book should be a sutra.
       He was very tall, He-Yan had to look up at him, the teenager turned a page at random, stared, and twitched his lips.
       He-Yan was a little nervous.
       After a while, Xiao-Yue put the notes back on the table, and said blankly, "Five questions on one page, you wrote the wrong three questions."
       He-Yan :   "Ah?"
       Lin Shuanghe was at a loss.
       Xiao-Yue glanced at the two of them, ticked their lips, and ridiculed in tone :   "Progress together?"
       Lin Shuanghe :   "........."
       He turned away and under the mask, He-Yan blushed with red ears.
       What was the final result of that check, He-Yan still clearly remembers that she was tied with Lin Shuanghe to the bottom last, and I don’t know how Lin Shuanghe returned after the final return. Whether this is progress or not, no one know.
       Now that many years have passed, she did not expect to encounter Lin Shuanghe again. Liangzhou Wei, a thousand miles away from Shuojing, is not a school of vocal bursts, but a battlefield that has just experienced slaughter. They are no longer unlucky classmates who are reviewing their homework together, one is a recruit, the other is a doctor, how fateful they are.
       He-Yan drank all the medicine in the medicine bowl, set the bowl aside, and looked at the person in front of him.
       Compared with many years ago, Lin Shuanghe eyebrows have opened a lot longer, a little less immature when he was a teenager, and looks more calm. When he wasn't talking, it was Pingzi Gongzi, but when he opened his mouth, his posture collapsed. He leaned closer to He-Yan and laughed :   "Mei-mei, you tell me honestly, are you coming to Liangzhou Wei for Xiao Huaijin?" "
       He-Yan :   "What?"
       "Do you like him? So chasing Liangzhou Wei?" He admired. "Courage is commendable."
       He-Yan said nothing for a moment, explaining :   "It's not the case. It was because I encountered something in Capital City. I couldn't stay there and had no choice but to join the army."
       Xiao-Yue has always had a good relationship with Lin Shuanghe. Now that Lin Shuanghe knows his identity as a woman and wants to come to these things, Xiao-Yue also mentioned Lin Shuanghe.
       "Then why did he discover your woman's identity?" Lin Shuanghe didn't believe :   "I don't think it's normal for your relationship."
       "I found my identity because Xiao Chief-Commander has great abilities, and has many doubts about me, which makes me go to Capital City to check my identity. Doctor Lin," He-Yan talked with him patiently, "I Can I ask you one thing? "
       Lin Shuanghe said :   "Please."
       "In Liangzhou Wei, can you not call me’Mei-mei'? People here talk a lot, and once my identity is exposed, it will also cause trouble for Chief-Commander. On most days, just call me’He brother'. "
       "Sister ... Brother He, this is a trivial matter, of course." Lin Shuanghe looked at her, shook his head and sighed :   "You are a beautiful lady, don't stay in the house, how to run to this place to suffer, how much distressing. "
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Here again, speaking, Lin Shuanghe has really not changed at all in this matter.
       Unlike Xiao-Yue, when Xiao-Yue was young, his Miss, who admired him, could go from the east to the west of the city, but he didn't see who looked at him more. Lin Shuanghe is the other extreme. As long as it is a Miss, no, as long as it is a female, whether it is a human or an animal, he can return 120 thousand points of patience and tenderness.
       His name is Miss, and it's not good. They are all "Mei-mei". They are intimate and gentle, as if there are so many brothers and sisters in their family. And when he was a teenager, there were many Misses who approached Xiao Shuanghe with Xiao-Yue idea. Lin Shuanghe was not as unfriendly as Xiao-Yue. He was friendly and friendly, and was not angry at such things. Instead, he was happy to run errands. Help Mei-mei give a flower note today, and help Mei-mei with a side dish tomorrow. He had a good life. One or two, some Miss, who had been approaching Xiao-Yue idea, also cast another heart and fell on Lin Shuanghe.
       Of course, Lin Shuanghe is also very principled. Whether he likes him or not, he is all "Mei-mei".
       He was called He-Yan "He Brother" in his youth. He was righteous and full of vitality. Now he changed his tone and kindly called himself "Mei-mei". He-Yan was unbearable. There was a goose bump.
       "You have not healed the old wounds and added new ones, especially the blade, which was inserted deeply. I will heal it for you, but it is not a day or two. These days, you need to rest in bed Don’t do anything for the day training. ”Lin Shuanghe looked at her.“ As for the scars, you don’t have to worry too much. My Lin family is used to magic formulas for removing scars and muscles. 70% to 80% will not be too dazzling. "
       He-Yan Head :   "Many Thanks, Doctor Lin."
       "No need to thank, you are the one who has healed the most and the most pain-tolerant of all the women I have treated. It is also an eye-opener and a friend of Huai Jin. I can also be a friend in the future. It’s difficult, just tell me. ”
       At this point, He-Yan remembered something and asked, "Doctor Lin ... Is Chief-Commander in there? I have something important to tell him."
       "He outside, wait a minute." Lin Shuanghe stood up, opened the door, and said to the humane in the yard :   "Xiao Huaijin, He-Yan is looking for you."
       Xiao-Yue is talking to Shen Han, nodding his head and signaling to know. After a while, Shen Han left, he came over, Lin Shuanghe waited for him at the door, and when he came in, he would follow up.
       Xiao-Yue stopped and looked at him.
       Lin Shuanghe somehow :   "What?"
       "You wait outside."
       "Why?" Lin Shuanghe said, "Is there anything I can't hear?"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at him and said indifferently :   "Confidentiality in the army." The door was closed in front of Lin Shuanghe.
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Well, when Lin Shuanghe is here, there are indeed some inconveniences for him to know. Even though she is a classmate, even in Liangzhou Wei situation, she has become a bird of surprise.
       Xiao-Yue came over.
       He-Yan looked up at him, but he hadn't seen him for half a month, but it seemed as if it had been a long time. He was as indifferent as ever, as if there hadn't been a fight recently. The clothes are still clean, like autumn water.
       He-Yan hesitated for a moment, then turned to God, and said, "Chief-Commander, Thunder is in the dungeon."
       "I know." He sits down in his chair before looking down and looked at He-Yan, carelessly :   "It's been guarded."
       He-Yan was relieved. Since people were guarding, she was not afraid that Lei Hou would kill herself halfway through. Xiao-Yue should know this better than her.
       In fact, since he had fought with Lei Hou in the battle for the flag, He-Yan had noticed that something was wrong. But it felt so slight, she couldn't figure it out until she was put in a dungeon. He-Yan determined that there was a traitor in Liangzhou Weili who co-operated with Hu Yuanzhong, combed the people he knew, and returned to Leihou again.
       Lei Hou is a little strange.
       She fought with Lei Hou when she fought for the flag. Lei Hou used a sword at that time. He-Yan remembers clearly that when he used the sword, he had left hand. It's nothing, he may be left-handed and used to left hand. But then Lei Hou entered the striker camp. Out of the mind of watching, He-Yan also went to watch the striker training. At that time, Lei Hou gun was with his right hand.
       If it is left-handed, there is no need to deliberately use the right hand unless he wants to cover up deliberately. He-Yan thought for a while, and felt that when Lei Hou was using a sword when he fought for the flag, he always felt a few twists. It seemed that he was more used to using a knife. Sword dancing with the sword is not so natural.
       The same was true of the masked man who led her to that mountain that day.
       Later, Rida Muzi led his troops, Leihou thought of the dungeon, and was subdued by He-Yan. He-Yan also wanted to understand. If Lei Hou was related to the Tatars, he would use a machete. Perhaps he was afraid of being spotted, and he used a sword at first, but He-Yan was sensitive, and Lei Hou might feel so insecure. He simply used his right hand to make it harder to trace the traces.
       But ... He-Yan is still confused.
       She asked, "Chief-Commander, you go to Zhangtai, are you back so soon?"
       Even if everything goes smoothly at Zhangtai, one will not come back at this time. Moreover, he also brought back Nanfu soldiers.
       "I didn't go to Zhangtai." Xiao-Yue said.
       He-Yan looked at him.
       "Zhangtai call for help is false." He said, "I went to Gyeongnam and brought some Nanfu soldiers over."
       He-Yan is silent.
       This was already thought of when she began to doubt Hu Yuanzhong. This is probably a round, in order to lead Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Yue away, and let Rita Muzi lead the Tatars to fight against Liangzhou Wei recruits. The recruits who have only practiced for half a year are where their opponents are sloppy opponents.
       But Rida Muzi never dreamed that Xiao-Yue didn't go to Zhangtai at all.
       He-Yan asked :   "So Leihou was also deliberately put in the striker camp? You already suspected him?"
       Xiao-Yue hooked lips :   "Yes."
       He-Yan secretly startled.
       In the battle for the flag, it was clear that she was the one who seized all twenty flags, but Xiao-Yue had her men defeated and Lei Hou went to striker camp. He-Yan couldn't think of it. Now, everything is suddenly open to eyes. I was afraid at that time Xiao-Yue had already suspected Lei Hou traitorous identity and deliberately did such a good show to lead a snake out of a hole.
       She didn't realize it.
       This round was earlier than all of them. How could Rida Muzi expected that he would step into the pit from the beginning and it would be difficult to turn back.
       "Chief-Commander, you're great." He-Yan said sincerely. Although they are also generals, Xiao-Yue has some skills and still has to be admired.
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her with a smile, "Not as good as you."
       He-Yan :   "Me?"
       He hugged his chest with both hands, and looked at He-Yan with a lot of time :   "Are you finished? If it is done, it's my turn."
       This is inexplicable, He-Yan is unknown, so he just said, "What do you mean?"
       He laughed, took something from his arms and threw it in front of He-Yan. He-Yan moved and picked it up.
       It was a piece of paper folded in half, with a rough map and text on it. A closer look was exactly the map and text on all sides of Liangzhou Wei.
       In the night of her dungeon, Song Taotao came to visit her, and He-Yan asked her to help with something. It is in the hands of Shen Han. At that time He-Yan didn't know what Shen Han would do when he saw the thing, but the situation was critical and he couldn't take care of that much. He-Yan had the worst intentions. If she really couldn't get out, or couldn't stop the development of this matter, this paper would be the final hole card.
       Now the hole card is in Xiao-Yue hand.
       "He-Big-Young-Lady," he tilted his head and looked at He-Yan with a smile, his voice soft, "Explain?"


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