Reborn Female General 90

Novels      »   Reborn Female General    »      Chapter 90 :  My Mu-Uncle   

      The horse was galloping in the silent night, and I didn't know how long it was before, He-Yan held the reins and stopped the horse.
       This is an empty bazaar, and vendors are already home. This fierce-tempered Miss has been shaking since she got into the carriage. At this moment, she seems to have passed her medicine a bit, and she can speak. She is soft and weak, saying, "Let me go."
       He-Yan helped her off the horse and sits down at the door of a tofu shop.
       Fang Caiqing was in a hurry and didn't take a hard look at this Miss, what was born. Right now, the faint lantern light hanging under the eaves of the tofu shop's eavesdropping, it was clear that Miss was really beautiful. Delicate and tender, white and tender, with delicate eyebrows, that is, the cheeks are fleshy and look childish. They should be young, at least about Cheng-Lisu.
       Just such a little Miss, she was so enchanted as to be dressed by the people of Wanhua Pavilion, wearing an inappropriate tulle dress, heavy makeup, and shivering coldly.
       As soon as he sits down, Miss, flinched back, and looked at He-Yan with vigilance :   "Who are you?"
       He-Yan hesitated for a moment, then returned to God, thinking about this Miss, probably thinking of himself as a flower picker. Then he pulled off his scarf and laughed, "Don't be afraid, I'm the one who came to save you. It was only inconvenient to show up just now that I covered my face with a cloth towel. Didn't I scare you?"
       Under the moonlight, the young boy who took off the cloth towel was clear-eyed, softly whispered, and taught people to gradually let down their defenses.
       "How do you know ..." She was still struggling to speak, He-Yan found a paper ball from her sleeve :   "I found this one you threw out. I heard people say that the Wanhua Pavilion is a good business. , Has been hiding in the teahouse next to Wanhua Pavilion, and followed you along with your carriage. "
       He-Yan looked at this Miss, "Are you all right? Didn't they hurt you?"
       It's okay not to say this. As soon as she said this, Miss's eyes suddenly turned red. She trembled and stretched out her hand, but she saw ten fingers swollen and scary, and didn't know what was caught between them.
       Miss in the blue building, especially the newcomer, even if she doesn't understand the rules, Mama will not use the method that will leave marks on her body. After all, Miss, still has to go out to treat guests. If the body is blue and purple, and the customer's appetite is lost, it will be worth the loss. Therefore, I came up with such a torture method.
       He-Yan looked distressed. Father and Niang were heartbroken when their girlfriend was ruined in this way. She made her voice softer and asked, "Miss, where is your house? I'll take you home first."
       "Home?" Then Miss, hesitated for a moment, looked at He-Yan, and he answered, "My house is in Shuojing ..."
       "Shuojing?" He-Yan fainted next time. "Are you kidnapped?"
       "It's okay." Little Miss, said :   "I was, I escaped from the marriage, I wanted to go to Yangzhou, got it wrong in the middle, and came to Liangzhou. I wanted to leave in Liangzhou for only a few days. She was seen by Sun Ling. "She hated and said," If I return to Shuo Jing, I will make them look good! "At the end, it was almost gritted.
       He-Yan :   "........."

       This little Miss, looking faint and weak, is too brave. How dare you run from Shuojing to Liangzhou? What's wrong? Are the young people in Capital City now fleeing marriage? A Cheng-Lisu is like this, and this little Miss right now, too.
       He-Yan said, "Are you coming alone? Are there people in Liangzhou who have settled down?"
       Little Miss, shook his head.
       He-Yan also had a hard time, so large a person, would she take her back to the inn. Xiao-Yue should not kill herself, although they will go to Sun Zhixian's banquet in a few days, although she intercepted someone from Sun Zhixian's son tonight.
       Little Miss, seems to see the embarrassment of He-Yan. He sits up hard, was kind of boney, and bit his lip. "You ... you don't need to worry about me, then I just hide myself. You Great grace, wait for me to return to Shuojing, and let me Father, Niang repay you. Whatever you want, gold and silver jewelry, luxury mansions, you can. What's your name, I will go back to ... "
       "Little Miss, you can't protect yourself now," He-Yan Fuer, "It's hard to say if you can get out of Liangzhou City, just don't mention things that far away."
       "So what?" The other side avoided her eyes and said with red eyes :   "I wouldn't ask you anyway."
       All of Shaoye Young-Lady from Shuojing have a temper. He-Yan thought that being tough is a good thing, but it’s not good just after being easy to fold. If you change Cheng-Lisu here, you can bend and stretch, for fear of entering the Wanhua Pavilion, you can avoid a lot of flesh and blood.
       He-Yan pulled her up :   "Let's go?"
       "Of course I went there. This Miss," He-Yan reluctantly said, "I just hijacked you. I want to come a short time later, Sun-Shaoye will search your tracks all over the city. So big At night, you have nowhere to go. In the end, Sun Ling hasn't found it. He will only torture you even harder. I worked hard all night. Is it for this result? "
       Little Miss, has no strength yet, was supported by He-Yan, he hesitated :   "If you take me home, it will cause you trouble. The Sun family covers the sky in Liangzhou with your hands, you ... "
       This young Yatou had Menerqing in his heart, and He-Yan drove his horse :   "Be assured, my family is only covering the sky in Dawei."
       If it really doesn't work, move Xiao-Yue out, Xiao 2-gongzi, but just cover the sky with Dawei.
       He-Yan asked, "I forgot to ask you, what's your name?"
       "My name is ... Tao Tao," she said.
       Tao Tao? This name sounds familiar to me, as if I heard it somewhere, He-Yan thought about it, but couldn't think of it. The situation is urgent now, and it's not a time to mess around with it. Wait for Tao Tao to return to the inn, and then ask carefully after the night.
       He-Yan didn't grow up in Liangzhou City, and didn't know the way of Liangzhou City. Fortunately, she used to remember the way is good, the original way to find the inn when you come. Fearing that Sun Ling's horse was here, he dismounted with Tao Tao far away in front of the inn, patted the horse ass in the opposite direction, and watched the horse run into the night.
       Xiao 2-gongzi quite picks the inn, this place is not as lively as the area of Wanhua Pavilion before, it seems a lot quieter, at this moment at night, almost no one. When He-Yan helped Tao Tao to go upstairs, there was no one downstairs. She opened the door and found that Fae Nu was not there, so she was relieved.
       There was prepared water in the room, He-Yan said :   "You wash your face first, I have some clean clothes here, and you change it. Wear this on your body is not good, you will catch cold." She sent Cheng-Lisu His large stack of clothes were all placed in Tao Tao hands. "You can choose what you like."
       Tao Tao looked at her with a blush. "You go out."
       He-Yan then remembered that he was a man now, and then said, "Okay, I'm going out, I'm guarding at the door, you can change it with peace of mind."
       When she closed the door and thought about it, she slipped outside Xiao-Yue room and put her ears on her head. She wanted to hear if Xiao-Yue was around.
       The light in the room had gone out, I wonder if Xiao-Yue was asleep. He-Yan softly said, "Chief-Commander, Chief-Commander?"
       No one responded, she reached out and knocked gently on the door again, but no one answered. He-Yan stood up straight, hesitated, and opened the door.
       The windows in the room were not closed, the outside wind leaked in, and it looked at the moonlight. The bed was neat and tidy, and no one had slept. Xiao-Yue is long gone, and the drinking Qiujian on the table is no longer there. This man did not leave his sword, and wanted to come out.
       He-Yan noticed that the familiar tuberose was still on the little table next to it. He-Yan put his mouth away, and his heart was defamatory. He said that he had come to repair the ‘Guqin, but it must be a secret in Liangzhou City. Fae Nu wasn't here either. The two masters and servants must have gone out to do business. They didn't take her at all.
       Although she knew Xiao-Yue had no confidence in herself, and she knew it was reasonable, He-Yan still had a little discomfort in her heart. Anyway, they are also in the same class. They have known each other for so many years and went out to do things. She would not tell other people! It's stingy.
       She exited Xiao-Yue room again and closed the door for him again.
       At that end, Tao Tao had changed his clothes, pushed the door open, saw He-Yan, and bowed his head, "I changed."
       He-Yan pushed her forward, "hush", "The wall has ears, come in and talk."
       She lit the lights in the room, and Tao Tao changed Cheng-Lisu clothes, and she looked much better. Cheng-Lisu clothes are mostly bright-colored, and black-colored robes are worn on Little Miss, who puts the Little Miss on a whiter and more beautiful look. Her eyes were still red, her hair was scattered around her shoulders, and she was like a snow-white rabbit that He-Yan had seen. At first glance, she was a girl who was well-bred and carefully raised by a large family.
       "Sorry, I shouldn't say that, but your taste in clothes is really too bad." The bunny talked, not so cute. Tao Tao frowned, pointing at a carp on his clothes, "It's really gaudy."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       This Young-Lady, what time is it, still have a heart to observe clothes? Is this the case of Big-Young-Lady from Shuojing? He-Yan wondered if he had done this before. She coughed and said, "At present, the situation is uncommon, Tao Tao Miss, let's slow down the clothes first."
       She passed Cheng-Lisu box of hairpins over :   "Choose one that you don't think is so vulgar and tie your hair up. Now you can't dress as a woman."
       "Why?" Tao Tao puzzled.
       "Sun Ling should soon find someone to hunt down women who look similar to you in the whole city. I can't escape it."
       Tao Tao heard his words and became nervous. "What should I do?"
       "Don't worry, I'll think of a way to take them away. It's so late, haven't you eaten yet? I have some dry food on the road here, and I will let the inn make you something hot to eat tomorrow morning. There still tea here, it's cold, it's colder, you can do it yourself. "
       Tao Tao felt his hunger before he felt hungry and poured the tea in the teapot by himself. He-Yan sighed when he saw it. This Miss is really simple. After Wanhua Pavilion, it is still so easy to trust others. If you don’t meet yourself, change to another person with a heart, as long as you coax and apply medicine in the tea, you don’t need to toss. Miss, turned away.
       Although he left Hejia alone, he followed the Fuyue Army in the end, so it was not so dangerous. This world is always harder for women.
       She thought to herself that the matter was to hide Xiao-Yue, but now Xiao-Yue and Fae Nu were not there, but it was not easy to handle. Originally, she planned that if Sun Ling's person came to the door and there was Xiao-Yue, she wouldn't go into the house to search for people. Now that the Buddha is gone, she moved out of Xiao-Yue name, and people thought she was lying.
       I can only expect Xiao-Yue to return earlier. He-Yan never found himself for a moment like now, looking forward to Xiao 2-gongzi return.
       Tao Tao casually took a few mouthfuls of dry cakes, drank a cup of tea, and said, "Don't eat it." This "Don't Eat", judging from her disgusting wrinkled nose expression, must not be because she is full, but it is not suitable Her taste.
       She sits at the table herself, bundled her hair in front of the bronze mirror, combed for a moment, and turned around, "OK!"
       He-Yan also felt a little thirsty at the moment, took a cup and drank tea, and almost didn't spit out the tea. The child's hair was messed up, as if he had just fled. She couldn't help but ask, "You ... are you tied hair?"
       "I never combed my hair in the house before, it was Maid who combed it for me." Little Miss, extremely grieved, threw the comb, "I won't!"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       She walked helplessly, picked up the comb with a temper, and said, "No, no, no matter what, I'll help you."
       After all, she really held Tao Tao long hair in her hand and combed her hair.
       Tao Tao froze. The young boy reflected in the bronze mirror was gentle and handsome. She couldn't help asking :   "You can even do this?"
       "I'll try a few more times," He-Yan answered with a smile.
       She has been doing Hejia 1st Shaoye for many years, but the matter of changing status is unknown to everyone except Hejia Big-Fang-2nd House. Therefore, He-Yan's manservant and Maid must never be too close to her. Even tying your hair may be aggravated. So He-Yan began to bundle his hair from a very young age.
       Not only the hair, she has to do anything herself that might reveal the secret. Over time, it also develops a hands-on temper for everything. Although sometimes I also envy those Shaoye Young-Lady who was raised in the palm of her hand, but think about it, for example, when encountering such things as today, she will not cry, many things, always on her own So energetic.
       When the beam was finished, He-Yan blackened her face again and made her eyebrows thicker. She had already done this kind of woman disguising herself as a man. She put on makeup, and Tao Tao looked at herself in the mirror and said, "Many, Many Thanks you ... you are really good at craftsmanship."
       He-Yan slaps, "Practice makes perfect. Tao Tao Miss, you turn your back and I have to change my clothes."
       Tonight's Liangzhou City is really lively.
       Someone ran into Sun-Shaoye carriage not far from Sunzhi County House. The man in the carriage was Sun-Shaoye Xinna Junior Concubine. For a time, the Liangzhou government pheasant jumped and vowed to catch a thief.
       "Shaoye, Shaoye, that man is clearly her lover!" The guard, who had previously suffered a punch from He-Yan, was kneeling on the ground and ‘called injustice, "They are a gang and they deliberately rob her!"
       "She not Liangzhou at all, where the lover?" Sun Ling kicked over, "Stupid!"
       Sun Ling stands in his thirties today, and has achieved nothing. He pointed at his father, Zhixian County, to live, and bullied men and women in Liangzhou City. The rabbit he gave birth to was scratching his head, and a black birthmark on his cheek was even more terrifying. There are countless Junior Concubines in his government, and countless good-looking women who have been insulted and discarded by him. The people in Liangzhou dare not speak out, letting his father and son cover the sky in the city.
       Today, she was cut off on the way home. Women are small and shameful. For Sun Ling, this is naked and don't take their Sun's family into their eyes!
       "The city gate is now closed." Another guard said :   "The woman was injured and should still be in the city. Checking from house to house, you can always find the whereabouts!"
       "Stupid," Sun Ling cursed again, "People in Liangzhou City were so daring and dare to break the ground in Taisui! Since you said that person knew that the person I wanted Sun Ling would dare to do, naturally I do not know the life and death. Most of them are not Liangzhou. "
       "The woman isn't from Liangzhou either, they might be a group!" The former guard said again.
       "Regardless of whether he is a gang and dare to oppose my grandson's family, we must be prepared to go to death!" Once again, how does that person look? "
       "He was covering his face at the time and couldn't see what it looked like. About seven feet or so, he was shorter than me and thin and thin, but he was very wealthy. The material of his clothes did not look like ordinary goods." Reminiscent of memories, "In short, it should not be the poor."
       Sun Lingsi momentarily said, "I know."
       The two guards looked at him together.
       "People and horses in the city continue to block the city gates, and the rest of the big heads, follow me to check the inn!"
       "The inn? Shaoye, why is this?"
       Sun Ling scolded :   "Stupid is stupid, don't want to think about it, since most of them are not Liangzhou people, they are guesthouses! You said that this person is rich and well-dressed, and it is not possible to live in a rough hotel. You look for those good, well-paid Inn, isn't it? "
       "So it is," the two guards quickly praised, "Shaoye wise, Shaoye wise!"
       "Huh," Sun Ling smiled proudly, and the birthmark on his cheek seemed even more horrible. He said inscrutablely :   "In Liangzhou City, I have never seen such a person who is not afraid of death. I want to see if it is Who is so brave. There is that bastard who really doesn’t know how to do it. It’s like this three or two times, I’m afraid I don’t know how powerful I am. ”
       "Don't let go of one!"
       The night in the city seemed to be illuminated by a torch. It was supposed to be a good night's sleep. Everyone was awakened by the sound of horseshoes, and the escorts and city guards rushed into the civilian homes and investigated them in turn.
       It stands to reason that this should not be the case, but the abuse of private rights by the Sun family is not a day or two. Hearing that Sun Ling's Junior Concubine was taken away, many people scolded him secretly.
       "Well, nonsense, where did the Junior Concubine grow up to be that respect, even if the Wan Guan family wealthy can't see it, there must be somewhere to go to Bai-Miss, what is the difference between this behavior and the robbers? The robbers are going to pick it up at night, who dares to rob it like this? "
       "But wasn't the man taken away? Which one of the righteous people did not take this shot."
       "If it is a righteous man, I will pray to the Bodhisattva every day for his safety and health, and he will not be caught by the surname Sun!"
       "Hey, the world has changed."
       Naturally, these voices did not dare to appear in front of officers and soldiers, and only whispered after the people had left, they dispersed into the night extremely quickly, leaving no trace.
       The inn in the city has also been tortured tonight, the shopkeeper and his buddies, together with the guests upstairs, have been pulled out for investigation by a household. If it seems that the family is wealthy, it is even more carefully questioned, and even a fly is found in the room.
       He-Yan was sitting by the bed, the light was off, and only a little moonlight came through the window. It's already late at night, Xiao-Yue and Fae Nu haven't returned yet, she thought, wouldn't the two of them return? Just like those families who can’t afford to have extra children, they take their younger son to the crowded street and lie to the children to buy sugar. In a blink of an eye, the person disappears and the flesh is left on the roadside.
       Xiao-Yue has she abandoned her? Then she is too pathetic! There is only such a little money on the body, and the inn's house money will have to be settled tomorrow, eat, and return to Liangzhou Health Center. Is this something that people can do? If so, she'll go and sell the tuberose next door tomorrow. He-Yan thought wildly, whether this person would return or not. If she didn't come back, she and Tao Tao would just have a room and one room tonight without waste.
       Just thinking, Tao Tao, who was also sitting on the collapsed side, said, "You won't run away?"
       "Ah?" He-Yan was surprised.
       "They said that Sun Ling was very powerful in Liangzhou, and everyone was afraid of the power of the Sun family. I had asked many people for help before. When they heard that it was Sun Ling, no one dared to help."
       At this point, Tao Tao looked angry. She was in Wanhua Pavilion at the time, and it was not calculated from the beginning. Struggling on the road, I followed the opportunity and asked for help. She found many people, from strong men who looked tall and big, to scholars who looked at their mouth full of courtesy and shame. There are rich merchants who can be her Father, and there are knights who travel around carrying knives. She tried to find those who seemed able to rescue her, but when they heard that it was Sun Ling's person, they walked away with their tails in their hands. Even if she promised a lot of money, throwing out her identity, no one would care about her.
       In the end, Tao Tao himself was desperate. When the note was thrown out, she never thought that there would be tomorrow. I just wanted to see Sun Ling, and I ended up with him. Who knew the last minute, someone rushed out.
       She turned her head to look at the person beside her. The teenager tilted her head and didn't know what she was thinking. It was strange. People who looked weak and cowardly would give a sense of insecurity. Perhaps it was a soft smile on her face, or her clear eyes without dust.
       Tao Tao believes this person inexplicably, but he is a bit worried. She said, "The strong dragon can't beat the ground snake ..."
       "Do you know this?" He-Yan laughed. "Actually, I am also a ground snake, I am very good."
       Seeing her relaxed expression, Tao Tao also relaxed a little. She looked at He-Yan and couldn't help asking the last question. She asked :   "The Sun family is so treacherous, you are not a Liangzhou person, and you don't know how to save me What kind of trouble will be incurred. They dare not shoot, why would you save me? "
       This child, why are there so many questions. He-Yan turned her head, seeing Miss, looking at her with red eyes, curious and expecting, could not help but reached out and touched her head.
       "Because you are a woman," she said silently in her heart, "and I am also a woman."
       The noise surrounded the whole inn.
       The redness of the night was reflected by the fire, and the people up and down the inn were awakened by the sudden official messenger, one by one standing at the door to question.
       Sun Ling stood at the door, his eyes fell on the last room upstairs, and said, "What about that room? Why not open the door?"
       The shopkeeper trembled to knock on the door :   "Little gongzi, little gongzi?"
       For a long while, someone procrastinated to open the door. He was a handsome teenager, wearing a blouse and sleepy eyes, saying, "It's so late, what's the matter?"
       Before the words fell, the officers and men went in to search. There was also a bookboy in the room, who was busy dressing the teenager :   "Shaoye, stay cold."
       The officers and men went in and searched for something, but they came out shortly and shook his head at Sun Ling.
       Sun Ling looked at the boy in front of him. This boy was young and looked pampered. His book boy was busy putting on his boots.
       "What are you guys doing?" He-Yan frowned. "Don't say hello."
       "Say hello?" Sun Ling smirked. "Joke, Liangzhou City has no place for me to greet Sun Ling." He looked at He-Yan, remembering what the guard said earlier, about seven feet tall and thin. This boy is just like that.
       "What's your name?" He asked.
       "Cheng-Lisu," He-Yan replied.
       With a "snap", the boots of the book boy's hands did not stabilize, and they fell to the ground. As everyone looked at them, Sun Ling's expression changed suddenly and he suddenly said, "You, look up."
       He was referring to the book boy.
       He-Yan has a bad heart, and asks, "What are you doing? The sky is bright, the sky is bright, you want to rob me?"
       "Your man?" Sun Ling stared at him, his eyes darkened. "Don't say too soon. The one on the ground, raise Ben Shaoye!"
       The people on the ground didn't move. They lowered their heads and looked closely, their hands were shaking.
       When Sun Ling saw this, his expression became more and more embarrassed. He took a step forward and pulled the book boy's hair. The next moment, He-Yan stood in front of the book boy, and she took Sun Ling's arm :   "This gongzi, pay attention to your words and behaviors."
       "Is that you who took this Shaoye Junior Concubine assassin, are you?" Sun Ling laughed, with a birthmark like a demon tattoo, "You are dead!" He said, "Come here, grab me two of them!"
       "Catch me?" He-Yan smiled, and she said, "I advise you to think twice before you know. Who is my Mu-Uncle?"
       Sun Ling asked :   "Who is Mu-Uncle?"
       "My Mu-Uncle is now her Majesty's close General Feng Yun, and now the Right Chief-Commander, Xiao 2-gongzi. Sun-Shaoye, are you sure you want to catch me?" He-Yan raised an eyebrow.
       Sun Ling hesitated. After a while, he laughed, and his tears burst out, pointing at He-Yan and asking people around :   "Did you hear that, and he said who is Mu-Uncle?"
       Everyone around was laughing.
       "Shit boy," Sun Ling stopped laughing, staring at He-Yan fiercely, "Since y my Mu-Uncle is Xiao-Yue, you let him come out! What happened to Xiao-Yue? I am in front of my Mu-Uncle today, so that you can't survive without death! "
       "is it?"
       A strange voice sounded from behind him.
       Sun Ling looked back. The bright young man behind him followed the guard slowly, with a low voice and a cold mockery.
       "You might as well try it."

       Chapter 91 :  Complaint   

       "You might as well try it."
       The entrance was silent for a while.
       After a while, He-Yan suddenly returned to her head, and exclaimed, "Mu-Uncle!"
       This is Mu-Uncle of this kid? Sun Ling looked at the youth in front of him. Seeing the young man's handsome appearance and grace, he was jealous. He had a big birthmark on his face and knew he was ugly, so he hated the good-looking people. There are countless Junior Concubines in his house, and they often defile good girls outside, but it is not entirely because of their lasciviousness that they won't be spoiled. Those beauties are in his hands, and often end up miserable. Sun Ling himself wanted to destroy what he didn't have.
       The man in front of him is really outstanding. Mo said it is Liangzhou, but I am afraid that it is also one of the best in Dawei.
       "Mu-Uncle!" He-Yan jumped up and ran behind Xiao-Yue, only one head was exposed, and he pointed out Sun Ling, "this man, bully me!"
       She ‘called innocently, as if the child was bullied and went home to find an elder's complaint, and the Feng-Nu on the side saw it and was speechless.
       Xiao-Yue body is also stiff, he bears disapproval, and does not care about the person pulling his clothes behind him, only looking at Sun Ling :   "Is that you?"
       Sun Ling jumped.
       The appearance of this young man is so good, with a dull look, but with a little invisible edge, even if it is a quiet question, it can hardly bear the cold in his heart, and he has some fear.
       He settled down and looked at Xiao-Yue, coldly :   "It's me. Who are you?"
       Xiao-Yue? Sun Ling was suspicious. He hadn't seen Xiao-Yue. More than half a year ago, he heard that Xiao-Yue had brought recruits to Liangzhou to guard Liangzhou Guard, but he hadn't been to Liangzhou City much, and he had never been to Sun's house. Of course, Sun Ling has also heard Xiao-Yue name. The famous young killer of Dawei has a beautiful appearance. Right now this life is good, but otherwise, how can we prove that he is Xiao-Yue. Moreover ... the dignified right-hand Chief-Commander, only one guard when going out? He knows that a son from the county will go out and hug. What's going on with this Shi-zi? In any case, these people looked weird.
       Sun Ling whispered to the manservant, "Have you heard of General Feng Yun's visit to the city recently?"
       The manservant shook his head :   "No."
       Sun Ling heard the words, and he was even more suspicious, but he was cunning and unwilling to draw conclusions easily, so he looked at Xiao-Yue and smirked :   "Since you say you are Xiao-Yue, do you have a jade card to prove your identity? "
       Xiao-Yue :   "No."
       Not even a jade card? Sun Ling was more determined. The people in front of them must be fakes. Thinking that he was almost intimidated by counterfeit goods, Sun Ling was not angry. He looked at Xiao-Yue and yelled, "I don't care who you are, you dare to take away the officials and relatives privately. This is a capital crime. Come here, take them down!"
       "What official family?" He-Yan poked his head behind Xiao-Yue and said loudly, "That's my book boy! If you want to say it is your official family, please show me the evidence! What about her deeds? You don’t even have a physical title, grab people indiscriminately, and there is no king law! "
       "Wang Fa?" Sun Ling smiled awkwardly, "In Liangzhou, my Sun family is Wang Fa! Give me hands!"
       A group of officers and men approached aggressively.
       He-Yan is now playing Cheng-Lisu, who has no power to bind chickens, of course, he will not do it. She yelled, lest the world would ‘Call :   "Killed! Officers and soldiers!"
       There were other guests living up and down this inn. When the words were heard, there was a sudden uproar, and even the streets and streets began to bark.
       Xiao-Yue said :   "Feng-Nu."
       The black guard stood in front of Xiao-Yue, and He-Yan took a chance to see clearly. She didn't know if Feiyu was a member of the Jiuqiying Camp, but watching her skills was comparable to her previous life. If the Jiuqi Camp is of this standard, I am afraid He is not qualified enough with the current He-Big-Young-Lady body.
       She looked intently, tearing Xiao-Yue clothes a little, and hearing Xiao-Yue whispered, "Let go."
       "Oh." He-Yan looked back and let go quickly, seeing that his sleeve was crumpled by himself, so he stroked it twice to try to heal, and pleased :   "Mu-Uncle, Brother Feinu is really good at it .amazing!"
       Don't even think about yourself at this time, about having a virtue with He Yun.
       Xiao-Yue ignored her.
       The officers and men of Liangli Prefecture Bali are carved with a mold from Sun Ling. They serve good food and wine all day long, and they have already formed the habit of eating and not doing anything. Elderly and weak women and children who can catch the power of chickens are okay. When they can meet, they have no power at all.
       The Feng-Nu knocked them all to the ground alone.
       Seeing this, Sun Ling stepped back and ordered the manservant :   "Go ... go and call me all!"
       The manservant turned to run, and before taking a step, he was hit with a stone, his legs were soft, and he knelt down.
       He-Yan secretly lost the stones in his hand, which of course must not be allowed to ventilate and report. Although it's not a fight, it's so tired to fight back and forth, Feng-Nu need to rest.
       Suddenly, there were no more people around. Sun Ling's heart was half angry and fear. He pointed at Xiao-Yue and said, "You guys ... dare to beat officers and soldiers, there is no king!"
       "Don't you say that you are the king of law in Liangzhou?" He-Yan felt like he was in a dog fight at the moment, hiding behind Xiao-Yue and talking back to Sun Ling, "this master, you king of law also Not so good, not as good as someone else guard. "
       Sun Ling pulled the whip around his waist and flung him on He-Yan's face. He-Yan shrank behind Xiao-Yue. The next moment, Feinu was already holding his opponent's whip and kicked him over. Sun Ling Kickled to the ground, Fae Nu stepped on his head, and stepped his face into the ground.
       He-Yan looked at the tongue, and this Feng-Nu looked at him in silence, and it was quite cruel.
       "Shaoye, can you kill?" Feinu asked.
       "You ... you dare to kill me ... My Father is in Jixian County, Liangzhou," Sun Ling was not able to speak clearly after being trampled, and his heart was angry and frightened, but by this time, he still did not believe that this man was true Killed him, and never forget to say ruthlessly, "I Father will never let you go! You will all die!"
       "Young, don't curse others." Seeing that he had been restrained, He-Yan stepped forward, squatting beside Sun Ling, and tilted his head and looked at him :   "Who doesn't die? You are you Is it a monster that doesn't die all my life? Then I really admire you. "
       She had a long, preaching tone that was more offensive and shameful than the Feng-Nu who stepped on her face, and Sun Lingqi was speechless.
       He-Yan doesn't sympathize with this person at all, this world, she hates nothing more than bullying the weak. Men who bully women are even more hateful. If they have no conscience, they will not do so. Only men who are not capable will bully women. In front of the cute little Miss, he can also get started, this person is a beast.
       She still wanted to be angry with Sun Ling for a few moments. Suddenly, there was a change coming downstairs, as if someone was taking the crowd upstairs. She had just stood up, and someone had rushed to the door of the corridor and said, "My son!"
       He-Yan followed his voice, but when he saw a man rushing in front of Sun Ling, Feinu lifted his feet, he hugged Sun Ling's head and said, "My son! Where can you hurt!"
       This is a middle-aged man. He was born very similar to Sun Ling and has a black birthmark on his cheek. But because he is older than Sun Ling, in addition to being ugly, he has brought a kind of rudeness, and then wears a gorgeous dress, which is very nondescript.
       He-Yan consciously is not a superficial person who looks at people by appearance. When he sees this person, he can’t help but look away, then look at Xiao-Yue face, Xiao-Yue waist, and he feels comfortable from body to mind. A lot.
       This is the beauty on earth.
       "Father," when Sun Ling saw the supporters coming, pointing at He-Yan and Xiao-Yue, as if back in the air, ‘called in full vigour :   "These two men pretended to be court officials and took away my Junior Concubine, Also wounding my people, Father, you grab them, I want them to die! "
       "You are so brave!" The man heard the words, and was instantly furious, pointing at He-Yan :   "Come, take them down!"
       "It turned out that Sunji County is here." He-Yan smiled and said, "Why waste your time? Anyway, your people can't beat it. It's just a bunch of wine bags."
       I didn't expect to encounter this kind of people who didn't enter the oil and salt. Sun Zhixian also took a moment to sleep. When he returned to God, he was even furious and just said, "Take them away, let alone death!"
       Let alone death? He-Yan frowned, no wonder that the Sun family father and son covered the sky with one hand in Liangzhou City, wasn't it? Capital City officials didn't necessarily have this power, but they opened their mouths.
       "Sun Xiangfu," it was Xiao-Yue who interrupted him. He looked at each other, and said coldly, his voice was like a knife, stabbing sharply. "Open your eyes and see clearly, who I am."
       When the news came, Sun Xiangfu himself didn't have time to listen to what happened. He only knew that Sun Ling took people to take people, and he didn't want to be bullied. When Lao Tzu supported his son, and this was Liangzhou City, Sun Xiangfu didn't think so much. When he came here, he saw Sun Ling being so miserable, Sun Xiangfu was distressed again, and the lights were dim. He didn't go to look at Xiao-Yue appearance carefully, and at that moment he heard the words and looked up seriously.
       At this look, he stayed.
       After a moment, Sun Xiangfu suddenly slumped his robe corner, kneeled down, his head rushed to the ground, his voice trembling with fear :   "Xiaguan ... Xiaguan didn't know that Chief-Commander had arrived here, there was a long-distance welcome, Chief Commander forgive me! "
       Chief-Commander? Sun Ling looked at his father suddenly.
       When I saw Sun Xiangfu returning to Weier, and looking at his wandering state, he couldn't find any waves when he wanted to come. He-Yan laughed and said, "Which crime does Sun Zhixian forgive?" When Sun-Shaoye just came upstairs, he would take away my book boy, kill me, and be in front of me Mu-Uncle. My face makes me worse than death, but it is very powerful. Now I want to forgive me? Where can I dare? "
       "Isn't it Mu-Uncle?" She looked at Xiao-Yue and rightly complained.
       In this post, in addition to Xiao-Yue, there is also his Shi-zi, the young Shaoye on the right division Nao Langfu. At this moment, the boy is called Xiao-Yue Mu-Uncle, which is definitely Cheng-Lisu. Unexpectedly, this unfilial son actually bumped into the two of them, and Sun Xiangfu felt very miserable.
       He slaps towards Sun Ling's face, and Sun Ling's head is beaten. This slap is so strong that everyone can hear the crisp sound.
       Sun Xiangfu knelt down and bowed his head while he said, "It's all the officials who have no power, the dogs have eyes and no beads, and they don't recognize Chief-Commander and Xiao Gongzi. They collided with an adult, Wangwang Chief-Commander Hai Han, Xiaguan returned. You must teach the dog well. "
       Seeing Xiao-Yue didn't say a word, Sun Xiangfu gritted his teeth, and slap again. Sun Ling was injured, and the response is not as good as before. A slap has just been drawn and he is in a daze. At this moment, he took another slap, and ‘Called immediately. But Sun Xiangfu wouldn't give up, and if he wanted to show it to Xiao-Yue, he couldn't give up. He scolded and scolded :   "You filial son, you have forgotten all the courtesy, integrity and shame taught by your father! How can you stigmatize people! I know you admire Xiao Chief-Commander, thinking that someone is posing as Chief-Commander It would be so indignant ... but this is really Chief-Commander, you have done a bad thing with good intentions! "
       He-Yan :   "..." She was astounded. Look, the officials are more likely to speak. Even if she had been a third-ranking general in her previous life, she did not have such a good tongue. If she could be so clever, she would be able to worship 1st-grade, seal Wang Jinjue or something.
       Sun Xiangfu pumped dozens of times in a row, and the ‘Calls of Sun Ling were beaten again and again. Seeing Sun Xiangfu, his heart hurts. Although his wife has a large number of Qiesh, he has only one son, and now he shows it to Xiao-Yue, hoping that Xiao-Yue will give a step down.
       But the indifferent right-handed Chief-Commander, just watched indifferently, and did not speak. If he went on like this, I don't know if he would kill Sun Ling.
       Sun Xiangfu couldn't help it, he let go of his hand, and kneeled up to Xiao-Yue, and kept hoeing Xiao-Yue, "Chief-Commander, and then hit him to die. Please give the dog a way of life Come on, Chief-Commander, punish me if you want to punish! "
       For a while, Sun Xiangfu couldn't hold his head on the ground. Sun Ling bleed while lying on the side of his mouth. It looked a bit pitiful. If he hadn't seen what Sun Ling was doing before, He-Yan couldn't help it. Father and son are deeply moved. After all, it was the son who did the evil. What did the old father do wrong?
       But Xiao-Yue didn't disappoint He-Yan. Even if Sun Xiangfu head was broken, Xiao-Yue face was not half moved.
       When Sun Xiangfu also felt that he could not support him, Xiao-Yue spoke.
       He said :   "The son does not teach his father, Sun Xiangfu," he bowed his head, staring down at Sun Xiangfu, his voice was very calm, "Did you forget how Zhao Nuo died?"
       As soon as this word came out, Sun Xiangfu sobbing came to an abrupt halt, and a coldness came from the beginning to the end.
       How did Zhao Nuo die? Zhao Nuo was beheaded by the man in front of Beitang. Who is Zhao Nuo? Zhao Nuo is Di-Eldest-son of Shang Shu Shang Shu!
       How did he forget this? When Zhao Nuo had an accident that year, due to the relationship between his master Zhao and Guan—Noble, somehow Guan-Noble came to intercede. Xiao-Yue, 16 years old, didn't blink his eyes and killed him when he said that , Your Majesty is helpless.
       This person, however, is real. He can still kill the son of Hushang Shu. Although he ruled the king in Liangzhou, in the final analysis, it is only a small Zhixian county.
       Sun Xiangfu was so scared that his tears were about to fall, and he shivered, "Chief-Commander, please Chief-Commander forgive me! Please Chief-Commander forgive me!"
       Sun Ling didn't know why his father was afraid of Xiao-Yue, but when he saw his father so, he couldn't help but be alarmed.
       The guests upstairs and downstairs were all stunned by the change. The father and son of Zhixian, who had always been evil in Liangzhou, were so embarrassed and very happy today.
       I don't know how long it took before Xiao-Yue turned her back and said, "You get up."
       Sun Xiangfu was almost faint, and looked at Xiao-Yue back :   "Chief-Commander?"
       "The next time, all he needs is his life," he said.
       Sun Xiangfu was so overwhelmed that he dragged Sun Ling to Xiao-Yue, and said, "Master-Commander has a lot of people and doesn't care about dogs. Chief-Commander is assured that there will be another time in the future without Chief Commander, let's do it, the Xuanguan himself killed his temper! "
       Xiao-Yue turned and walked into the room, and said, "The one who took you, leave here immediately."
       "Chief-Commander ... don't you go to live in the house?" Sun Xiangfu asked carefully.
       "No need, I still have something in Liangzhou. Yuan Baozhen is here, and I will come to the door."
       What did Sun Xiangfu want to say, and pressed down again? Today, something suddenly happened. It is really not a good place to speak. It's better to take Sun Ling back first, and find a doctor to show him, so Xiao-Yue words are ordered, and his men are ordered to take action.
       Sun Xiangfu moved extremely fast, but with the help of a pillar of incense, the people under his hands retreated cleanly and cleaned up the thing that had just broken. The guests also dispersed, and the shopkeeper didn't expect that it was such a big Buddha who lived in the inn, with a look of fear in his eyes, He-Yan patted his shoulder :   "It's okay, I'm very kind, don't be afraid , Your green bean pawn noodles are delicious, and I want to eat them tomorrow. "
       When the shopkeeper saw that the boy was innocent, he relaxed his heart. After the shopkeeper left, He-Yan was relieved, and turned around, watching Xiao-Yue back, and his heart raised again.
       How can I explain this to the adult?
       Xiao-Yue did not enter his own room, but entered He-Yan's room. Fae Nu followed in. When He-Yan walked in, he saw Tao Tao shrinking in the corner at a glance.
       She was probably scared just now, she hid in the corner when she came from Xiao-Yue, and lowered her head. He-Yan walked over and patted her on the back, comfortingly, "They're gone, they're all right."
       She was so soft-spoken that she could not help Xiao-Yue and Fae Nu from looking at her. Seeing this, He-Yan said, "Mu-Uncle ——"
       "You won't tell me," he stared at He-Yan, smirk :   "Your fiancee came to Liangzhou to find you?"
       fiancée? He-Yan thought about it before she remembered it. She seemed to be making a fiancée remark in order to prevent the medical girl Shen Muxue from discovering her identity, but Xiao-Yue still remembered it.
       "Where is it, Mu-Uncle," He-Yan said positively :   "I was in Liangzhou City. I saw that Sun Lingqiang robbed the daughter of the people and forced me to be good. I couldn’t see it for a while, so I helped. Who knows this Sun Ling So lawless in Liangzhou, came to the inn, I ... "She smiled flatteringly," I also promote your good reputation for killing the people! "
       Xiao-Yue smirked :   "I don't need that kind of thing."
       He-Yan couldn't answer this.
       She thought about it and decided to put it another way, "I was really scared to death. Fortunately, Mu-Uncle, you came in time. If not, I don’t know what it would be like to be bullied by Sun Ling. Maybe I will never see you later "
       "You are my Shi-zi," Xiao-Yue heard the words, and her lips lingered, "Who dares to bully you?"
       The words are good, why are you listening so wrong? He-Yan thought, just call him Mu-Uncle. Anyway, the cheap is also taken up, so don't care about taking up more or less, but it's verbal cheap and doesn't lose a piece of meat.
       "The Miss, Mu-Uncle, let me send her home. Staying in Liangzhou will definitely be retaliated by Sun Ling." He-Yan tentatively asked his opinion.
       "You handle it yourself."
       Really ruthless, He-Yan was defamatory in his heart.
       At this moment, the book boy who has not been talking suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiao-Yue, saying :   " 2-gongzi?"
       Although her voice was hesitant, it was not small, especially in the quiet night. Xiao-Yue looked at her, but when she saw that the book boy was a boy with dark skin, his eyes were red and swollen, his voice was the cowardlyness of his daughter's house, and he frowned.
       Seeing her frown, the book boy was even more afraid and blurted out :   "I'm Song Taotao!"
       It turned out that she had no surname Tao, Song, He-Yan thought, why does the three words Song Taotao sound more familiar? Where did you hear it? Let's look at Song Taotao initiatively called Xiao-Yue. Could these two know each other?
       Thinking about this, He-Yan asked, she said, "You ... Do you know him?"
       Song Taotao glanced at He-Yan, his eyes were very complicated. She said, "Xiao 2-gongzi ... is the one who wants to make a relationship with me."
       He-Yan :   "What!"
       "... Mu-Uncle." Song Taotao finished his speech.
       He-Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and she said that she had never heard of the news of Xiao-Yue intimacy, how could a sudden intimacy came out. It turned out to be Mu-Uncle ... It turned out to be Mu-Uncle? !!
       She turned back, looking at Xiao-Yue, and asked, "That, Chief-Commander, how many nephews do you have?"
       Xiao-Yue looked at her eyes as if looking at a fool.
       He-Yan knew it instantly.
       This is Cheng-Lisu fiancee! Cheng-Lisu came to Liangzhou from Shuojing to escape marriage. Coincidentally, her fiancée thought so too. Who knew that she was abducted to Liangzhou during her escape from marriage and was rescued by herself. What a god-given fate, they are afraid they are the destined pair!
       No wonder when Sun Ling came before, when He-Yan reported that he was Cheng-Lisu, Song Taotao was so shocked that his boots had fallen off. It turned out to be scared by the news of his fiance.
       "Xiao 2-gongzi," Song Taotao expression was very tangled, "I ... I don't want to return to Shuojing for the time being, and heard that you are stationed at Liangzhou Wei, can I follow the guard, I ... I promise not to add you trouble!"
       "Are you sure you want to go to Liangzhou Wei?" Xiao 2-gongzi looked cold, "Your fiance is here now."
       Song Taotao expression was stiff, He-Yan thought she was crying.
       "Song Miss, don't you like Cheng Shaoye?" He-Yan whispered :   "I think he quite good." Cheng-Lisu, it's not bad except for being a little silly. Sometimes it's naive, but my eyes are good. The appearance is also called handsome and lovely, not to mention family history, why not be dismissed like this.
       "He can't do anything," said Little Miss, referring to Cheng-Lisu, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of disapproval.
       He-Yan was a bit flattered. She and Song Taotao had been together for less than half a day, and she got such a high evaluation.
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her and said to Song Taotao :   "I will talk about this later. You have to rest today and I will call the doctor tomorrow."
       Song Taotao nodded.
       He-Yan yawned and felt a little sleepy. Because Song Taotao was Miss, the shopkeeper found a room for Song Taotao and next to He-Yan. Feinu lived with He-Yan, and went to sleep on the side couch by himself. He gave up the bed to He-Yan. He-Yan was very grateful and even a little bit guilty.
       But this guilt was quickly diluted by other things.
       The rescue of Song Taotao tonight was a coincidence of marriage. Even she herself did not expect that the little Miss that she saved was actually Cheng-Lisu fiancee. The two were really children with a spleen nature. They fled their marriages without a word, and fled to Liangzhou, thousands of miles away. Fortunately, I was hit by He-Yan today, otherwise the consequences are really unknown.
       Sun Xiangfu seemed to be afraid of Xiao-Yue fear, and also Xiao-Yue attitude was really arrogant and outrageous. He-Yan consciously thought that when she had the most prominent military achievements in the past, she would not speak to colleagues or subordinates. After all, this is still different from being a person.
       No wonder Cheng-Lisu will be cultivated into a "waste gongzi" that can do nothing, and always be righteous, nonsense, with such a powerful Mu-Uncle, can go sideways in Dawei, what else is necessary? Tonight, she just made a casual complaint, and she could make the county father and son Bun their heads in Liangzhou to cover the sky. This feeling of being guarded is very fresh and the taste is very good.
       He-Yan now think about it, I feel weird to envy Cheng-Lisu.
       Song Taotao is like this, it is impossible to leave her alone in Liangzhou, I am afraid that there is no shortage of people around. Who knows if the Sun family father and son will wait for the opportunity to take revenge. The best way is to send her back to Shuo Jing's parents, protected by the Song family, of course, the best. But now Song Taotao has come to Liangzhou to escape marriage, and may not obediently return to Shuojing. Moreover, the people who sent her back to Shuojing are not easy to find.
       Then, in order to protect Song Taotao safety, she can only leave her at Liangzhou Wei for a while. I don't know what Cheng-Lisu would look like when she saw Song Taotao. Can't these two fight? It doesn't matter if you really fight, there are ready-made performances.
       He-Yan didn't know what he was thinking wildly. Those thoughts got together, and it became a question :   Who is Song Taotao?
       Why the name is so familiar, I have to come up several times, but I can't remember it.
       Fae Nu is a martial arts person. He doesn't make any sound when he sleeps. He is very quiet. He-Yan has long been used to the snoring sound of Liangzhou Wei Datongpu. Did the army even cast into a Shi-zi? It's really incredible.
       Join the army ... to the army!
       In the dark, He-Yan sits up sharply.
       She remembered who Song Taotao was.
       In fact, He-Yan had a quarrel with He Yuansheng for the first time, and then took advantage of the night to vote for the Fu Yue Army because of this Song Miss.

       Chapter 92 :  Whose Fiancee   

       He-Yan entered the Xianchang Pavilion when she was fourteen, and voted for the Fuyue Army when she was fifteen. No one knows when she joined the army. The teachers and guards in the Xianchang Pavilion were frightened. Later, After she returned to Capital City, she had already won the meritorious service and had to be conferred on the royal princes, so why did he join the army? Hejia did not investigate.
       Now think about it, if she didn't get the meritorious service at that time, she was just an ordinary soldier, and after a few years of life, she would return to Hejia, which may not be the result now.
       He-Yan remembers Song Taotao.
       Fifteen-year-old He-Yan entered the Xianchang Hall under the identity of He Rufei. She has a mediocre qualification and is Miss. Born to be less powerful than a man, she can't compare with the young people in the Xianchang Pavilion. He Yuansheng gradually read it out, but he did not blame her. He-Yan also thought that he could live such a peaceful life.
       Until that day.
       Xianchang Pavilion has two days a month and students can go home. However, due to the rainy season at that time, the rain washed down the plaque at the entrance of Xianchang Hall. The teacher-insurance staff let the students go home one day in advance and come back three days later.
       He-Yan hurried back, and no one knew. She changed her clothes first, then went to He Yuansheng and returned to Hejia every month. He Yuansheng would ask him how he had been in Xianchang Hall. This kind of alienated, near-surveillance question did not make He-Yan feel warm. Every time she spoke to He Yuansheng, she was actually a little nervous.
       But that day, when she went, He Yuansheng hadn't returned, and the door was not even a manservant. She first sits and waited in He Yuansheng's study. There was a screen in the study. He-Yan felt that since there was nothing to do, it was better to sit down and read the book a little before the screen.
       It took her a moment to sit and someone came in.
       He Yuanliang's voice was spoken. He said, "He-Yan, what do you think about?"
       He-Yan, who was about to go out, heard the words, and held it for a moment, and then tried to bypass the screen. Instead of going out, she shrank her back.
       He Yuanliang has a different temper than He Yuansheng. He Yuansheng looked gentle, but he was severe. Later He-Big-Fu-ren gave birth to other children and treated them very harshly. He Yuanliang, her biological father is a totally different temper, always smiling. The treatment of later children was also coquettish, except for her.
       He-Yan's feelings for He Yuanliang are very complicated. If she said that he was in awe of He Yuansheng, an elder such as his adopted father, Big-Bo, and He Yuanliang, she would have a hint of imperceptibility and expectation. She expected He Yuanliang to be as kind to her as Mei-mei, but He Yuanliang was not. Every time I look at her eyes, if she looks at zhi-zi eyes, she is very polite and at least a few words of preaching.
       In this way, there are more disappointments, and He-Yan does not force it.
       But today, he heard his name from the father's mouth, He-Yan didn't know why he was hiding here and not going out.
       "She fine now. She went to school in Xianchang Hall and no one found it. Now she fifteen ... Before she eighteen, she has to settle her family.
       He-Yan shrank behind the screen, holding her breath for a moment.
       A relationship? She never thought of this. She now bears the identity of He Rufei and is a man. How can she be a relative? What should He Rufei do once he ordered? Who will do this "He Rufei"?
       She took it for granted that she was a woman, and of course she was dating a man. After all, she didn't polish the mirror. But then He Yuanliang's words surprised her.
       "Brother, do you see the right person, Miss, in the capital?"
       How can it be Miss?
       He-Yan looked up, both of them outside the screen turned their backs on her, couldn't see their expressions, and listened only to the tone. They were calm and did not feel how shocking they were.
       "Song Ci, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has two daughters. The eldest daughter has been married, and the youngest daughter is now eleven." He Yuansheng said, "You are a little younger, but when He-Yan is eighteen, he also He has already passed away. After waiting for two years, he can be married. "
       "Song Ci daughter?" He Yuanliang hesitated. "Is that the little Miss named Song Taotao? I remember Song Ci looking for a birthday gift for her daughter the year before last, and the entire merchant in Shuojing turned it over in the future."
       "Yes," He Yuansheng said with a smile :   "There are no young boys in Song Ci, but only two daughters. Now that Eldest-daughter is married, she loves young girls especially. If they can get married with the Song family, they will have the help of the Song family. Why worry that my country is not flourishing? "
       He Yuanliang heard the words and slowed down his expression, and only said :   "Big brother is right, I'd better be a few days later, host a banquet to entertain Song Cilai, or talk about the children. At least, first Let him know that we have this idea. "
       The two of them talked about joyfully, and it seemed as if the marriage was just a deal, and that was all. Nowadays, in the courts of wealth and wealth, women are mostly the weight to balance marriage. But think of her as a weight, how can you ignore her identity?
       She is a woman! How can a woman marry a woman, and if she does marry, wouldn't it hurt Miss, a lifetime?
       He-Yan thought so in his heart that he hit the screen and made a noise. He Yuansheng turned around and yelled, "Who?"
       He-Yan, when he was found, simply stood up and said, "It's me."
       "He-Yan?" He Yuansheng breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned, and said, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Xianchang Hall today?"
       "Shi Bao asked me to leave school one day in advance. I came here to find my father." He-Yan said here, paused, and glanced at He Yuanliang. He Yuanliang showed his usual smile, and his expression did not change half because he called He Yuansheng the "father."
       But it's just one more disappointment, why isn't it dead? He-Yan lowered his head, covering the loss in his eyes.
       "I'm in talks with your second uncle and things now, and you will come to me later." He Yuansheng said, "Go and see your mother first."
       He-Yan didn't move.
       "He-Yan?" He Yuansheng frowned again.
       "I have heard what my father and uncle said just now." He-Yan looked up, his voice calm. "Father, I'm a woman, how can I marry the 2-Young-Lady of the Song family?"
       Unexpectedly, He-Yan would actually speak like this, and the two brothers Hejia held their breath for a moment.
       "These are not your business," Ban Yuan answered, He Yuansheng said, "I will arrange everything for you."
       "I won't marry the Song family 2-Young-Lady. As a woman, it's enough to sacrifice me one, and I don't have to implicate people who are not involved anymore." He-Yan said.
       She is now fifteen years old. She is a little taller than before. She is still dressed as a teenager, her eyes are clear, and she is standing here, like a poplar standing tall, like a stranger.
       He Yuansheng said angrily :   "What do you mean by this? But you have complained to me? Are you blaming me for sacrificing your right to be a woman?"
       He Yuanliang looked at her with a smile and smiled, "He-Yan, how can you talk to the big brother like this? The big brother is all for your good."
       He-Yan thought, is this really for her? She enrolled in the Xianchang Pavilion, and Teacher taught her "the heart of recluse, the side of benevolence; the heart of shame, the side of righteousness; the heart of resignation, the heart of righteousness; the heart of right and wrong, and the wisdom." But what ridiculous Hejia wants her to do now is to be unkind and rude.
       He-Yan replied loudly :   "I will never promise to make a marriage with Song Young-Lady! Not only that, I will never marry any woman in this life, and delay the life of others!"
       He Yuansheng and He Yuanliang were both stunned.
       What He-Yan is spleen, Hejia people know. She is gentle and easy to talk, and even a little timid. In Hejia, she does whatever she asks, and does not like to cause trouble. If it were not for the interchange of yin and yang, she would be like a mediocre Guan-Young-Lady of Shuo Jing, taciturn, well-behaved, and live a life like a puppet.
       But what does she look like now?
       "He-Yan, how dare you speak to me like that?" He Yuansheng was really angry. When he was angry, the facial features were very fierce, and several children in Hejia big room were afraid of him.
       He-Yan looked at him, unmoved, "My father sent me to Xianchang Hall to study for the sake of etiquette and knowledge of morality, not for the benefit of a liar."
       The teenager held her head up, proud, clear, and Fang Jie. It was about the disdain in her eyes that stung He Yuansheng, and He Yuansheng was so angry and angry that He-Yan slapped his palm on He-Yan's face.
       That was He-Yan's first beating with He Yuansheng.
       And her biological father was watching, without saying anything, the sentence that he said from the beginning to the end was, "Big brother is also for your good."
       He Yuansheng's quarrel with He-Yan shocked the entire Hejia. As He Jiasheng's supreme power, no one would doubt his decision. He-Yan was held in the ancestral hall one day and one night, and only released the following night.
       No one came to visit her this day or night. Whether her adoptive father or mother, or her biological father and mother. On this day and night, He-Yan looked at the large and small tablets above and below the ancestral hall, thinking only one question.
       What kind of family is Hejia? Is she really going to stay in Hejia? If the meaning of her existence in this home is to make a substitute to bind the interests that do not belong to them, there is no real heart, there is no place for her to be nostalgic.
       A puppet also wants to break free of the thread and dominate his life.
       The next night, she returned to her room and the room was deserted. He-Yan remembered that the Fuyue Army was conscripting on the street these days, and she was sitting on the couch, thinking, if someone came to see her tonight and ask her if she was OK, she would not leave.
       But never.
       A louder voice came from a distance, He-Yan carried his baggage on his back, and sneaked out of the door while night was out. For so many years, she began to practice martial arts on her own. It is precisely because Hejia does not value her, and she is so relaxed when she walks away.
       After all, she thought that although she could not stay in Hejia, she saved a little Miss in Shuojing. How is Hejia dating when she is away. The Miss Tao, Song Taotao, and later, Xu Neng and a young boy Lang Yi who agree with each other for life, instead of being involved in this unscrupulous plan, become a sacrificed pawn.
       The night was heavy, and she couldn't see her head. The girl dressed as a teenager didn't know the way forward. She looked back at the door of Hejia. The house was hidden in the night and connected with the past. Go straight forward and never look back.
       The past is spread in front of my eyes, as if blowing away the dust covered by it, and it gradually became clear that it happened just yesterday. Only He-Yan himself knew that it was a past life that could never go back.
       At that time, she was young and angry, and was angry with the ridiculous decision of the brothers He Yuansheng. She never thought about it seriously. She is a woman. If she really married Song 2-Young-Lady, sooner or later this secret would be lost. Debunk, how could Hejia allow this to happen?
       Unless, they had long expected that this would never happen.
       He-Yan stared at the sachet hanging on the bed account.
       He Yuansheng and He Yuanliang knew early in the morning that sooner or later, He Rufei would return. He-Yan had no way of knowing He Rufei situation, but at the time He Yuansheng himself knew that He Rufei body had gradually improved, and it was by no means like what they said was dying.
       Just knowing that He Rufei will return sooner or later, He-Yan and He Rufei will return to their original positions sooner or later, so they can talk about the relationship with relatives so unscathed. They wanted to come and make up their minds long before He Rufei got married, He-Yan would take off the men's clothes and make Hejia Young-Lady back again.
       At that time, He-Yan didn't realize this. She thought that she would be He Rufei for a long time, maybe she would sacrifice her life for this, but she did not expect that she would be herself one day. But this is not a gift. Being a person's substitute for a long time will inevitably forget who you are.
       Besides, she left Hejia carrying her baggage that day and voted the Fuyue Army. Since then, Hejia layout has been disrupted, and the game has long been out of control.
       Can anyone think of it?
       Who would have imagined that she had lived a lifetime, died once, woke up again, and walked around, actually here, met Miss, who almost "became a relative" to her in the previous life. The eleven-year-old Miss, who has grown up to be a lady, has already tasted all the tastes of the world. Destiny is mysterious. Without Song Taotao of the year, she would not leave home, would not join the army, and there would be no later General Feihong, today He-Yan.
       In the dark, He-Yan smiled silently.
       Fate made them meet here, perhaps to explain something to her.
       She did nothing wrong, she saved a Miss,.
       When He-Yan woke up the next morning, Feng-Nu was no longer in the room.
       She thought about things late last night and slept heavily, not even knowing when the Feng-Nu left. After she woke up and refreshed, she went out, thinking about knocking at the door next door to see if Xiao-Yue was there.
       The result was a knock, and the door to the room opened. Song Taotao head emerged from the door. She said, "Are you looking for Xiao 2-gongzi? They are eating downstairs."
       Don’t call her for dinner? He-Yan thought, this really didn't treat her as her own. He-Yan asked, "Have you ever eaten? Let's eat together."
       Song Taotao nodded.
       Little Miss, went downstairs with her, and she saw Xiao-Yue and Fae Nu sitting downstairs next to the window, and there were some small dishes on the table. I don't know if I was stunned by Xiao-Yue identity last night. The owner of the inn made this breakfast with great care and exquisiteness. He-Yan looked at it and wanted to scold it.
       "Mu-Uncle, why don't you call me when you use rice?" He-Yan muttered, "If you don't call me, don't call Song Miss, why?"
       "I want to sleep a bit more, it is not about Xiao 2-gongzi." Song Taotao hurriedly spoke, and for some reason she seemed a little afraid of Xiao-Yue. But I also want to come, Xiao-Yue is cold and whispering, who can bear the little Miss?
       He-Yan sandwiched a single cage of golden milk and stuffed it into her mouth. The cream was sweet and sweet. Soon after it was out of the cage, it was hot and appetizing. She smiled and said, "Mu-Uncle, what am I doing today?"
       Xiao-Yue looked at her with a smile :   "What do you want to do?"
       "I ..." Song Taotao said before He-Yan had finished speaking.
       "Cheng ... Cheng gongzi." She already knew that He-Yan wasn't Cheng-Lisu, but she also saw that He-Yan was now playing "Cheng-Lisu", so she didn't expose it, and she called Cheng-Lisu name, she said, "Can you go with me?"
       After that, the other three at the table looked at Song Taotao.
       "I ... I don't have any clothes. This man's clothes, I really can't wear them. I want to go out and buy two ready-to-wear clothes, but I don't remember the way. Cheng gongzi, can you accompany me out to buy something? Something? "She finished with courage.
       The three people at this table couldn't say a word all night. Xiao-Yue was not a person who could accompany Miss and buy things at a glance. Only He-Yan was kind and gentle, He-Yan said, "Of course! It's just ..." She looked at Xiao-Yue, "Mu-Uncle, what am I doing today?"
       "Nothing." Xiao-Yue looked down and said, "Go with Song 2-Young-Lady."
       "Thank Xiao 2-gongzi!" Song Taotao was overjoyed.
       After eating, He-Yan went out with Song Taotao. After the two of them left, Feinu said, "Shaoye, his subordinates will follow them now."
       "Don't be too close." Xiao-Yue commanded, "He also brought Song Taotao."
       The Feng-Nu responded, was about to leave, and suddenly remembered something, hesitated a moment, and then said, "Shaoye, what happened to Sun Ling?"
       "Who said it?" Xiao-Yue ticked her lips. "Wait, it's not the time."
       He-Yan followed Song Taotao out of the inn.
       As soon as he left Xiao 2-gongzi, Song Taotao was obviously more cheerful. She leaned closer to He-Yan and whispered, "Why are you called Xiao 2-gongzi Mu-Uncle? Why do you call yourself Cheng-Lisu?"
       "This is a long story. Cheng Xiao gongzi is in trouble. I can't come to Liangzhou for the time being, so I'm here for him. Don't tell others about this."
       Song Taotao said, "Of course I won't tell anyone! The waste gongzi must be impossible for you to replace, right? This kind of person still wants to be my husband, why doesn't he dream!"
       Song 2-Young-Lady's prejudice against Cheng-Lisu was really deep.
       "What's your name then?" Song Taotao asked.
       "I can't tell you now, let's talk about leaks. When things in the city are done, let me tell you." He-Yan laughed.
       Song Taotao slipped his lips, not very happy, He-Yan pointed to a clothing store, "Look, there are clothes there, should you go in and pick?"
       Song Taotao then changed his mind, He-Yan was relieved. However, it wasn't long before this tone, and suddenly thought of something, it was secretly bad.
       When He-Yan came out of Liangzhou Wei, Cheng-Lisu gave her clothes and mule jewelry, but forgot to give her silver. He-Yan didn't dare to ask Xiao-Yue, so that she only had a piece of silver-colored silver that had fought for the flag. She had been reluctant to put it on her body, preferring to pull Cheng-Lisu clothes buttons to change tea and drink rather than touch it. Song Taotao just came out of Wanhua Pavilion. He was entangled in the body and was cleaned. Where there is money, I am afraid that He-Yan will pay for anything bought today.
       This is all she owns now!
       Fortunately, Liangzhou City is not Shuo Jing. There is no tailor shop with clothes of hundreds of Silver Taels. The clothing here is cheap, and He-Yan cannot afford it. Song Taotao picked one, and then picked a pair of shoes, a bun, and a pair of earrings. He-Yan couldn't help but pay for the silver, and this was only a copper coin.
       Song Taotao picked out his clothes, and then he changed them inside to come out. When this came out, the little gongzi, which was originally carved in pink and jade, became a little Miss, Jiao Didi. She picked a cherry-red skirt with long curly hair and a pair of flat buns. Her hairband was also cherry-red. Her eyes were bright and her teeth were lovely.
       He-Yan looked bright. Suddenly, the distress of spending the silver was gone in front of the cute little Miss.
       "It looks so good," she praised heartily.
       Song Taotao blushed, turned his head, and muttered, "The clothes here are too shabby, there is nothing good. The clothes made by my Songfu tailor are much better than this!"
       He-Yan said, this is still called shabby? This has already spent her savings over the past six months!
       Wrap the original clothes in a bag, Song Taotao walked out of the clothing store, "I'll go shopping elsewhere."
       He-Yan :   "... OK."
       Little Miss, the beauty and cuteness, also need to spend money, especially this little Miss raised by the parents of Fu-Noble, He-Yan just hope that Liangzhou will not attract Song 2-Young-Lady anymore Looking at something, she had no money.
       God seemed to hear her voice, and Song Taotao didn't have anything to buy along the way. But walking around Liangzhou City is still full of interest. He-Yan has been accompanying her with all her heart and soul, but she is not bored at all. In the end, this proud little Miss is also a little embarrassed, and asks He-Yan :   "Will you stay with me for so long? A bit boring? "
       "No." He-Yan laughed. "I just want to go shopping too."
       Song Taotao looked at her for a long while and said, "You are such a good person."
       He-Yan was a little surprised she said so, little Miss, she had already moved on. She thought about it and shook her head and smiled.
       To Song Taotao, He-Yan's mood, besides taking care of the young Miss, has a kind of petting like elders. After all, this Miss almost became her "fiancee". It was the same person who she wanted to fulfil at the beginning, and in some ways changed her destiny. In the following years, Song Taotao did not get involved in those inexplicable things and grew up well.
       He-Yan feels very lucky, if she didn't do that at first. Maybe Song Taotao didn't want to marry a woman, but those who got married became He Rufei. Is marrying into Hejia really a good thing? This family has no warmth and only benefits, it is really not suitable for a small Miss like Song Taotao.
       However, He-Yan looked at Little Miss, jumping back in front, a little helpless. When she left home, she was considered a "fleeing marriage". Now Cheng-Lisu is also fleeing the marriage. Song Taotao is still fleeing the marriage.
       She had to talk to Cheng-Lisu well.
       The Sun Mansion and Liang Mansion of Liangzhou City were dismal.
       Sun Ling was returned to Sun's house last night. Sun Xiangfu asked famous doctors to treat Sun Ling's injuries overnight. Although it is all flesh wounds, it is really not trivial. It has to be kept for a few months.
       Sun-Shaoye from childhood to age, when did he suffer such a big loss. Sun Xiangfu was also in a bad mood, and early this morning, he followed several wrongs and punished several subordinates.
       People did not dare to take the wrong step, and the house was quiet. Sun Ling was lying on the bed, Sun-Fu-ren was sitting on the bed wiping tears, and cursing resentfully :   "You Father is too much, just a military general. How can you treat you like this? My child is suffering. , This injury does not know when to raise ... "
       As soon as Sun Xiangfu came in, he heard this, and said angrily, "Women's opinion! What does it mean is just a military general?" You can see that even Di-Eldest-son of Shang Shu Shang Shu said dare to kill, Hu Bu Shang Shu went to the emperor, what happened? In the end, he had to admit that he was unlucky! If he killed this filial son last night, what do you think you can do? Nothing!
       Sun-Fu-ren was stunned and paused, before he panicked and said, "He, he really is so powerful? So what do we do now? Is it an apology to him?"
       "You go out." Sun Xiangfu was distressed and waved his hand. "I will arrange these. I will come here to ask Linger a few things."
       Sun-Fu-ren went away in tears, Sun Xiangfu walked to Sun Ling and looked at Sun Ling's pale face, both distressed and angry, and said, "Who did you say that you did not provoke? "
       "I ... didn't provoke him, it was his Shi-zi who deceived him too much." When Sun Ling mentioned it, he would not beat one place, and told what had happened last night, and finally said :   "What am I doing? Knowing that Cheng-Lisu would suddenly shoot? "
       "That book boy, is it the woman you like?" Sun Xiangfu asked.
       Sun Ling shook his head :   "I don't know. Before I can see my face clearly, the last name is Xiao ."
       "It's okay if it's just a misunderstanding. If it's this girl, Cheng-Lisu can't help but prejudice you if he protects him." Sun Xiangfu sighed. "It's not good for me. I didn't send Xiao-Yue to the city. I will let you know in advance, otherwise you will not be in such a situation. "
       Sun Ling never cared about politics, only knew how to eat, drink, and gamble. Therefore, Sun Xiangfu didn't know about posting Xiao-Yue.
       "Father, I have offended them, and they won't trouble me later." Sun Ling was a little hesitant.
       He couldn't get used to it in Liangzhou City, but he was relying on a Laozi in Zhixian County. But last night, Sun Xiangfu appearance in front of Xiao-Yue made him linger, making Sun Ling understand that Xiao-Yue was not a character that the Sun family could afford.
       "Don't be afraid," Sun Xiangfu said, "In a few days, Master Yu Yuan will be on the line. Master Yuan is Xu Xiang. Xu Xiang and Xiao-Yue have always been at odds with each other. Maybe I can do it here. Articles. "

       Chapter 93 :  Yuan Baozhen   

       He-Yan accompanied Song Taotao and walked to the inn until the evening.
       There is a sweet gourd on the road, and the grass man has a red sweet gourd on it, and it looks sweet. He-Yan took out the last few copper plates, bought a few bunches with the hawker, and took the largest bunch to Song Taotao :   "Hungry? Eat this pad first, wait for me to eat at the inn Ok."
       It’s a pity that she is thinking all the way. If Song Taotao wants to go to the restaurant for food, what should she do? Fortunately, I was too full in the morning. Little Miss was picky again. I didn't want to eat all the way. I just sits down and drank a few cups of tea and ate two cakes and used several copper plates.
       Song Taotao took the sugar gourd and looked at He-Yan :   "It's hard for you today," paused, and she said, "Actually, Liangzhou City is not very good for shopping, and everything is just like it. Xiao 2-gongzi, I won't let you stay with me so late. "
       "Hah?" He-Yan himself also took a bunch of sugar gourds and bite one in his mouth. The hawthorn was sour and the honey was sweet and sweet. It's really a long time since I ate such a childish thing. She asked, "What? You don't like Shaw Chief-Commander?"
       "It's not that I don't like it, it's ... a little scared." Little Miss, flattened his mouth, "It seems that everyone will become inferior in front of him."
       He-Yan heard the words, inferiority? Song Taotao is so young, too. He-Yan laughed :   "But he looks good and amazing. Little Miss, don't you all like this?"
       When I was a boy, there were many Misses at the daily entrance of Xianchang Pavilion. I came to see Xiao-Yue and He-Yan. He hadn’t seen any Miss and didn’t like him. Song Taotao was so special.
       "I'm different from them." Song Taotao snorted softly. "They only know to look at the outer skin, but such cold people don't speak sweet words, and it will be very sad. I don't like this, I like "Gentle," she said, sighing as she matured, and said with regret, "Xiao Big-gongzi is just fine, but unfortunately he is already married."
       He-Yan A haw is in his mouth and almost choked.
       what? Xiao-Yue also wants to be Mu-Uncle, the grandmother’s person, but I don't know that what people want is to do his 1st-Sao!
       Song Taotao deserved to be the one who almost made her "little fiancee", who looked so different. He-Yan said :   "Actually, Chief-Commander is still very gentle sometimes ... but few people like him who don't like you like that." She moved in her heart, and wanted to get out of Song Taotao mouth. Just ask something, "Do you know General Feihong who is now as famous as him, have you seen him?"
       "General Feihong?" Song Taotao said, "You said Hejia Big-gongzi, right? He said that there was a wound on his face and he couldn't see anyone. Who was Seongri wearing a mask?"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       "It's rare that he wore a mask for ten years. I saw him before fleeing the marriage. At that time he had taken off the mask and looked good. You know why he wears a mask?" Song Taotao asked.
       He-Yan :   "Why?"
       "Naturally I found a ‘maiden for yourself. You think, he didn’t take off the mask early, but he didn’t take off the mask, but he gave it to His Majesty, and he removed it before the holy face. He said that he must heal the scars on his face with the help of the therapist He can’t even see a scar when he healed? For so many years, everyone knows that He-Big-gongzi is ugly and horrible. He suddenly took off his mask. It’s a peculiar gongzi. It looks like seven points. "
       He-Yan couldn't help but applaud Song Taotao in his heart, and it makes sense to say that if she wasn't the masked person herself, she would almost believe what Song Taotao said was true.
       "Then how do you think General Feihong compares with Chief-Commander?"
       Song Taotao answered without thinking :   "Of course it was Xiao 2-gongzi, Hejia gongzi was not as good as Xiao 2-gongzi!"
       Alright, this world is still based on appearance.
       He-Yan said suddenly :   "I haven't met General Feihong. I still have the same surname as him. I have always wanted to see him personally. I wonder if there is any chance in this life?"
       "Of course there is a chance, but that He-Big-gongzi is now highly regarded by the Holy Spirit. Before I left Capital City, His Majesty often called him into the palace. Before his cousin died, He-Big-gongzi was a few days ago. Her Majesty has given away a lot.
       He-Yan's smile was a little reluctant :   "You said, but Xu-Big-Madam?"
       "Is she married to the person with the last name Xu? I don't know too well. I don't know her name. This sister was not in Shuojing before. There are few people who know her in the capital. Sisters. I know that it is Mei-mei of General Feihong. After marrying for a year, I got sick and blind. After I was blind, I went to the garden in my house. I fell into the pond and drowned. "Song Taotao Sighed :   "It's really pitiful. Obviously there is a brother, General Feihong, who can't make a difference. I can only say that life is hard. What's her name, what? Hey, I can't remember it."
       He-Yan said, her name is He-Yan. Unfortunately, this name is destined to be submerged in the name of General Feihong He Rufei. All the world knows is that the innate is weak and sent to Zhuangzi Hejia Young-Lady of Changyang, Mei-mei of General Feihong. No one remembers her name.
       "What about Xu-Laozi?" He-Yan asked, "What happened to Xu-Big-Madam after he died?"
       "I'm in the house on most days and I don't like to listen to these things. Vaguely remember the sisters mentioned that the husband of He-Young-Lady, after Hejia Young-Lady's death, was depressed for a while, really Love is deep. But who knows about this kind of thing, "Song Taotao said, there is a kind of transcendentalness in this kind of thing. She said," When can a man take it seriously? Maybe he still remembers it today, The newcomers will be welcome tomorrow. "
       He-Yan smiled bitterly :   "What you said makes perfect sense."
       "Why do you ask me all of a sudden?" Song Taotao said, "But I don't know much. If you really want to know, you should ask Xiao 2-gongzi. They are both generals and colleagues. They should know better than me. many."
       He-Yan thought to himself, wasn't that afraid Xiao-Yue was skeptical? Right now, she is not her own person, and then inquire about Hejia, Xiao-Yue is afraid that she will be able to turn her bottom out. You haven't found out what happened, but you have to reveal the identity of the woman first. You don't even have to stay in the barracks. Then you will lose more.
       Kung fu has reached the doorstep of the inn. He-Yan and Song Taotao went upstairs, Song Taotao said, "Thank you very much today. I will change clothes and rest for a while, and wait for you to eat with me."
       He-Yan laughed, "OK."
       This Miss, although it has the habit of Big-Young-Lady and loves to command, is not unpleasant. He-Yan didn't return to the room after she left, knocking on the door next door.
       Today is fine. Someone in the room responded, "Come in."
       As soon as He-Yan entered, he saw Xiao-Yue sitting at the table. He was wiping the guqin in front of white silk, and He-Yan fixed his eyes on the tuberose that was crushed by her.
       "Chief-Commander, this ‘Guqin is fixed? Isn't it bad?" He-Yan asked, whispering.
       Xiao-Yue lazily said, "What's the matter?" She didn't want to talk to her.
       He-Yan took his hands behind his back :   "Look! I went out today and brought you a gift! Although I was with Song Miss to buy things, I still remember you in my heart, this candy gourd is for you!"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at the candy gourd in her hand :   "Take it away."
       So inhuman, He-Yan said, "Don't, I've tasted it already, but it's sweet!"
       "I don't eat sweets," he said indifferently.
       He-Yan looked at him, defamated in his heart, pretending to pretend. When he was at the Xianchang Pavilion together, the man carried a small sachet with him, and the boy who was close to him at the time grabbed him, and he was tightly guarded. He-Yan thought it was an amazing baby, but later discovered that it was a bag of Osmanthus-sugar.
       He goes home two days a month, and when he comes to Xianchang again, the sachets are bulging again. As a teenager, Osmanthus, a man who couldn't leave, now told her he didn't eat sweets. This person is afraid that he is buying it with two copper plates?
       "If you don't eat it, give it to Brother Feinu." He-Yan inserted the sugar gourd into the pen holder on the table, and the words turned sharply, and his expression softened again. "Chief Commander, I There is one more thing I want to discuss with you. "
       Xiao-Yue looked at her with no glance.
       He-Yan cheekily continued, "I accompany Song Miss today, go out, Song Miss, to buy clothes and jewelry, the silver that I had won before the flag is gone. I think about Song Miss, your grandmother, It’s your relatives. I buy things for your relatives. Although this silver shouldn’t be out of me, but I’m honest about Chief-Commander. How can I make Chief-Commander spend money? That’s ... I don’t have any money now, If it’s Song Miss, what else do you want to buy, can you give me some silver? I don’t have money to buy something, and I don’t want to lose your face? Mu-Uncle? Mu-Uncle? ”
       The young man laughed extraordinarily charmingly, his eyes shone with the light of Hui Yan, like a fox cub that he had hunted for a while. Obviously they can bite people, but when they ask for food from people, they are extraordinarily obedient and docile.
       Xiao-Yue looked at her coldly, unmoved.
       He-Yan asked, "Can you?"
       The man answered very ruthlessly :   "No."
       "... Isn't it possible?" She was reconciled.
       He-Yan stood up straight, staring at him resentfully. When she entered the army in her last life, she heard people say that the moment a person really grows up, it starts with borrowing money. He-Yan is now deeply convinced that she is so downcast. Xiao-Yue is so rich that she doesn't even give it at all. He is deliberately targeting himself!
       Xiao-Yue looked up, calm, and mocked :   "I still remember that I wasn't my Mu-Uncle, did you forget that Song Taotao was Cheng-Lisu fiancee, not yours."
       With that said, He-Yan thought for a while before trying to understand, and she said, "You wouldn't think I would treat Song Miss, ..."
       Xiao-Yue looked down and continued to wipe the body, "I hope you remember who you are."
       He-Yan almost yelled in his heart. See if this is a human word? Xiao-Yue Are you afraid that you stole Cheng-Lisu fiancee? Joke, if she hadn't left the house at that time, where is Cheng-Lisu fiancee now? Also, Xiao-Yue wants to be Mu-Uncle of others, do you know that other people Miss, want to be his 1st-Sao? What other people are not here, what does he know?
       He-Yan was angry in his heart, and Pi Xiao rou didn't smile :   "Of course I remember who I am, I'm He-Yan who got the" No. 1 "in Liangzhou Weizheng Banner." She put "No. 1" The two words were bitten heavily and said :   "Chief-Commander doesn't want to give silver, just stop." She turned to leave, suddenly remembered something, turned around, grabbed the cantaloupe on the table, "Anyway Chief-Commander doesn't like sweets either. I can take them myself. "
       She took a big mouthful of anger, chewed “creak”, and walked out, her mouth vaguely saying :   “What right Army Chief-Commander is a hairless iron cock ...”
       Xiao-Yue :   "..."
       The Feng-Nu from outside just came in and heard such a sentence, looking at He-Yan walking away, and turned a little puzzled to cover the door.
       Xiao-Yue looked up at him.
       "Shaoye, he ..."
       "Nothing," Xiao-Yue interrupted him. "Are you gaining today?"
       Fae Nu shook his head :   "He-Yan has been with Song 2-Young-Lady all the time. He didn't do anything on this day, he just strolled down the street to buy things and drink tea. He never met anyone."
       Xiao-Yue nodded :   "I see."
       "Will the person he meets with is not the one in Liangzhou City?" Feinu asked, "I always think this He-Yan is a bit strange."
       His skill is different from ordinary people and he will not say it. He is a recruit but he does not know the formation method, but he has not been caught. It can be seen that his attitude towards Xiao-Yue is really bold. Ordinary people ... wouldn't it?
       "He by my side so you don't make mistakes. You tell Chiwu to let him pick up people here."
       "But Shaoye wants Chiwu to accompany Song Miss," Feinu asked.
       Xiao-Yue nodded :   "Yuan Baozhen is coming to Liangzhou, Song Taotao is not suitable for traveling. There will be no good meeting, no good banquet," he said indifferently, "I must be fully prepared."
       Feinu should subordinate :   "Subordinates understand."
       The next few days were very pleasant.
       It was about the first day of shopping for too long, and Song Taotao hand injury was not completely good, and these days I was too lazy to come out. Xiao-Yue and Fae Nu are often absent in the daytime. He-Yan is not good at leaving Song Taotao alone at the inn, so he can only accompany him.
       Little Miss, it was so coquettish, and she talked about some strange people and strange things she had encountered in the army before, and listened to it seriously. Tired of listening to something to eat downstairs at the inn, every day passed. He-Yan himself really wanted to go out with Xiao-Yue, and by the way, asked for some news. He did not take her at all, but he wanted to be exclusive. Several times, He-Yan was also a self-knowing person, too lazy Move forward.
       This trip to Liangzhou is not very cost-effective. The only hope is that the supervisor Yu Yuan Baozhen, He-Yan has never looked forward to such a person like this, fortunately, three days later, that Daren Yuan finally arrived in Liangzhou City.
       This morning, Feng-Nu brought a person over.
       This is also a young man dressed as a guard, named Chi Wu, and should also be Xiao-Yue confidant. He came over to take Song Taotao away.
       "You can't stay here for the time being, Chiwu will send you to a safe place. It's Liangzhou, I'll pick you up again." Xiao-Yue said.
       Song Taotao looked at He-Yan :   "Then ... Cheng Gongzi is not with me?"
       The eyes of several others suddenly turned towards He-Yan, especially Xiao-Yue, their eyes were extremely cold. He-Yan In a short time, I understand the meaning of "you take care of yourself".
       She had to stand up and smile at Song Taotao :   "I'm going to do something with Xiao 2-gongzi, I can't be with you for the time being. You can rest assured, this ... Brother Chiwu will protect you."
       "What is it, is it dangerous?" Song Taotao asked again.
       He-Yan In addition to her embarrassment, she was touched a little. The child didn't have white pain. She also knew to ask her if it was dangerous. She laughed, "Where is Xiao 2-gongzi, it is not dangerous or dangerous, you can rest assured."
       "Then you must be careful." Song Taotao told her to leave, and then walked back three times.
       He-Yan turned around, and met Xiao-Yue sarcasm, she said, "I really didn't do anything ..."
       Xiao-Yue turned around and left, He-Yan was busy chasing after him, "Mu-Uncle, don't be annoyed, Song Miss, although only asked me if I was safe, I didn't ask you, not because I thought you were too cold It’s not easy to approach, and I’m kind and gentle and flattering, don’t take it to heart! ”
       "Shut up." Xiao-Yue stopped and looked at her from head to toe, and yelled, "You have nonsense, why don't you think about it at dinner? How about Cheng-Lisu? Said to be Shaoye on Naoji Naorou, and you, "he glanced at her meaningfully :   " pretend to be like? "
       His words, he left without looking back. He-Yan paused for a moment before he reacted and the man laughed at her again. She ‘called at Xiao-Yue back :   "What's wrong with Naoji Youji!"
       After all, she is also Shaoye from Hejia, who is not an official yet! She has installed Shaoye from a big family for so many years. What can’t be installed? Tonight, Xiao-Yue must be noticeable.
       At the gate of Liangzhou City, a horse-drawn carriage was particularly conspicuous in the crowd.
       This carriage is very ornately decorated, just outside, it uses good embroidery and embroiders large mountain and river pictures. There is also a white crane in the grass. The eyes of the white crane are actually made of black crystals, which is especially delicate and interesting.
       Someone opened the carriage curtain and glanced out, but after a moment, the carriage curtain was lowered.
       Yuan Baozhen covered his nose with a veil and said, "This Liangzhou city is really big in wind and sand, far worse than the capital city."
       He is now in his forties, in fact, about the same age as Sun Xiangfu, but compared to Sun Xiangfu, the maintenance is really good. The clothes are neat and exquisite, there is no need to look pale, and there is a three-point smile when speaking, and it looks very kind.
       "You said, Xiao-Yue is not asking for trouble when you come to this place?" He asked the people around him.
       There was also a guard-like person sitting beside him, who looked mediocre and thin, if not for the thick cocoon at the tiger's mouth, everyone would think it was just an ordinary manservant.
       "I don't know," the guard answered.
       "Well, I'll see you anyway today. I'll ask him myself when I meet." Yuan Baozhen laughed. "Ah, is the Sun family here?"
       Sun Xiangfu personally came to pick up people.
       A smile of satisfaction appeared on Yuan Bao town. "Yes, yes, this Sunzhi County is very polite."
       Sun Xiangfu looked at the stopped carriage and wiped his sweat. Originally monitoring Yushi to Liangzhou, although he could not neglect, he would not go to the city gate to greet him. But now he has offended Xiao-Yue. If Yuan Baozhen is offended again, there is no way out. He also counted on Yuan Baozhen to support him and give Xiao-Yue a bit of pain. Naturally, I have to devote 120 thousand points of effort to please the person in front of me.
       As soon as Yuan Baozhen went to the carriage, Sun Xiangfu greeted him, arching his hand and saying :   "Master Yuan has come here, and the officials have been far away, and they are neglectful. Please also ask the adults not to blame."
       "Where that," Yuan Baozhen laughed kindly, "I see Master Sun very kindly, Master Sun need not be so polite."
       The two laughed for a while, and Sun Xiangfu said, "In that case, please let the adults go to the house to rest."
       Yuanbao Town came to Liangzhou for the time being to live in Sun House. The two got on the carriage prepared by Sun Xiangfu again. Yuan Baozhen asked :   "I heard that the Right Army Command-Commander has now arrived in Liangzhou. I wonder if I can stay in the house now?"
       "Xiao Chief-Commander stayed at the inn in Liangzhou City for the time being, and said there was something important to do. I just went to the house tonight, and speaking, Xiaguan had something to ask Master Yuan for help."
       When Yuan Baozhen moved his eyes, his smile was just as good as that of the genius. He only asked, "Why is Sun Zhixian distressed?"
       "It was the case of Xiao Chief-Commander. My filial son, I accidentally bumped into Xiao Chief-Commander's Shi-zi before. I was afraid Xiao Chief-Commander would have a grudge against me, and since the banquet was hosted by Master Yuan tonight, It is hoped that Master Yuan will make peace in it, and misunderstand the matter. "Sun Xiangfu looked stunned.
       Although he didn't say exactly what was going on, Yuan Baozhen could guess a few points. The son of Zhixian, who only covers the sky in Liangzhou, is naturally not a kind person. That Xiao-Yue Shi-zi is Naoji Youshiro young Shaoye, and the two are in conflict. I'm afraid Sun-Shaoye is doomed.
       He thought about it like this, but said in his mouth :   "I think Sun Zhixian seriously thought about it. Then Chief-Commander is not an unreasonable person. He accidentally collided and made it clear. Remember hate? "
       "That's what it says," Sun Xiangfu wiped his sweat, grinning, "But Xiao Chief-Commander ... didn't Zhao Nuo handle it like that in the same year!"
       As soon as this word came out, Yuan Baozhen's face changed.
       At that time, Xiao-Yue Beitang was beheaded by the Ministry of Shang Di-Eldest-son and Zhao Nuo. It's just that time has passed too long, and others have gradually forgotten that he is young and vigorous. Now when Sun Xiangfu is mentioned, Yuan Baozhen remembers it again. At the time of Zhao Nuo accident, the first person Zhao Shangshu found was actually Xu Xiang. Xu Xiang handed the post, Zhao Shangshu went to the Golden Palace, and his nose and tears cried to His Majesty, and His Majesty sympathized, but he did not dispose of Xiao-Yue.
       "Logging is not self-contained and must be revived; water plugging is not self-contained and must be recirculated; destruction is not self-contained and it will be resurrected." Xu Xiang at the time only said this sentence, "This son will not be removed, In the future, it will become my heart. "
       They all wanted to quickly remove Xiao-Yue before he was young, but since he took the Nanfu soldiers to Nanman, he never left the opportunity for others. He grew up at an amazing speed, but for a few years, the man who beheaded Zhao Nuo at that time was considered unreasonable by the world. Now, if he does these things again, others will feel uncommon.
       This is what Xiao-Yue has done in the past few years.
       He is much better than Xiao Zhongwu and much younger.
       "Master, Master Yuan?" Seeing Yuan Baozhen's expression was different, and he was silent, Sun Xiangfu didn't know why, so he said restlessly.
       "Nothing, I just think of other things." Yuan Baozhen laughed. "Since Xiao Chief-Commander is here for dinner, I'll tell him for you, just Xiao Chief-Commander I can't figure out his temperament. If he doesn't listen to me, don't blame it. "
       "Where and where," Sun Xiangfu was grateful, "Master Yuan is willing to open this mouth, Xiaguan has been very happy."
       Yuan Baozhen smiled and shook his head, his mind had already flown elsewhere.
       No matter how bad Xiao-Yue is, he came to Liangzhou this time to remove this confidant.
       I hope everything goes well.
       In the evening, He-Yan is going out with Xiao-Yue.
       When they go there, they are going to Sun Xiangfu Mansion, so they have to send Song Taotao away, or Sun Ling sees Song Taotao, or Song Taotao sees Sun Ling, and he may not be in trouble.
       Because he was going to a banquet, He-Yan deliberately changed a piece of clothes very "Cheng-Lisu", honey and colored robes, the corner of the robe still embroidered a red carp, Cheng-Lisu wore this clothes He cute and innocent, He-Yan is different in dress, looking at a little more broad, but also a teenager. She picked another mule of the same color and put it on her head. She did not forget to take the folding fan, half-opened the folding fan across her chest, and looked at the person in the bronze mirror.
       After finishing, He-Yan boasted out the door, and when he went out, he saw Xiao-Yue standing at the door.
       He also changed his clothes. It is a dark blue and dark-striped double crane brocade. Today, no gold crown was worn, and only a rosewood cymbal was inserted. Looking at it was simple and simple, and the material embroidery was excellent. He was born extraordinarily handsome, and in such a costume, he was a little less indifferent, with a touch of beauty and jade metallography, which was really a noble and elegant honorable gongzi.
       He-Yan thought to himself, the original beautiful young man eventually grew up into such a beautiful man, looking like he hasn't changed, looks, and seems completely different from the past.
       Xiao-Yue leaned to his side, facing He-Yan with a slightly dazed look. He tickled his lips and said, "Wipe your saliva."
       He-Yan wiped it subconsciously, then turned back to God :   "Where is it?"
       "You look like a fool." He was disgusting inside and out, "Want to hide Yuan Baozhen?"
       He-Yan was dissatisfied when she heard this. She opened the folding fan with a “swipe” and was very romantic. She walked to Xiao-Yue and smiled softly, whispering, “If I look like this, if you are in Shuojing I dare not mention Chief-Commander, at least it should be compared with Cheng gongzi. Otherwise, Song Miss, why did you leave me alone instead of telling you? "
       The eyes and eyebrows of the teenager are all smiles, and the eyes are bright like stars, but they are still unable to stop being stupid. Xiao-Yue teased :   "Because you are stupid."
       "Stupid people always need a lot of reminders."
       He-Yan frowned. "Mu-Uncle, don't you particularly hate me?" This person, can he die without running for one day?
       "You are my Shi-zi, how can I hate you." Xiao-Yue glanced at her with a smile, and ordered Fae Nu, "depart."

       Chapter 94 :  No Feast   

       Sun House is located in the center of the west of Liangzhou City, not far from Fangshi, but not too noisy. The homes around were built big and beautiful. Xiao-Yue didn't like to take the car, so the two went together on horses. Fae Nu didn't follow and didn't know where. He did not protect Song 2-Young-Lady like Chi Wu, nor did he go to the banquet with Xiao-Yue. He-Yan guessed that it was probably helping Xiao-Yue to do things.
       Without Fae Nu, the people who are with him are only He-Yan and Xiao-Yue. Although Fae Nu is taciturn on most days, He-Yan talks to him, but there are still two sentences that he can catch. With Xiao-Yue alone, He-Yan was inexplicably nervous. Fortunately, they hurried on horseback and didn't have to say anything, probably the work of Sanxiangxiang had already reached the gate of Sun House.
       When the manservant at the gate of Sun House saw the two of them, he should have received Sun Xiangfu greetings in advance and immediately greeted him warmly, and said, "This one should be Xiao Chief-Commander? This is Cheng gongzi? Lao-ye is already waiting in the front hall. "He took Xiao-Yue and He-Yan's horses, and ordered another mule :   " Yingyue, bring Xiao Chief-Commander and Cheng Gongzi into it. "
       The son-zi named Yingyue was also very beautiful. It was already September, and the night of the autumn day gave birth to the coolness, but she wore only a thin gauze. If you put it in perspective, what can this cover? He-Yan almost couldn't control himself to put on this Miss, put on a dress, the man in their barracks once said that when he was young, he would often be shirtless, and when he was old, he would inevitably suffer from leg pain and back pain. Why bother?
       Yingyue spoke, her voice softly like a yellow warbler out of the valley, "Chief-Commander, please follow the Nubi." Aside, a pair of affectionate eyes stared at Xiao-Yue eyes, and Jiao could drip water.
       Even though He-Yan is a fool, he understands that this bastard is looking at Xiao-Yue. Well, after all, in this world, Song Taotao is not an ordinary Miss. Not many people in the world are ordinary people. Xiao-Yue face is quite bluffing. The number of Miss he loves is countless. He-Yan It should have been expected.
       However, if you are deliberately flowering, Lang's heart is like iron, Xiao-Yue doesn't look at this bastard, but glances at He-Yan sideways, and whispered coldly :   "What's going on?"
       "Ah?" He-Yan turned to God, seeing that he had gone forward, and quickly followed. This person is really sick in my heart. Miss, who is like a flower, doesn't look, what to find her stubble?
       The two walked into the gate of Sun House with the sister-zi.
       Sun Fu repairs are very luxurious.
       Capital City officials’homes, He-Yan, haven’t seen them yet, just like that. Although Hejia is not as good as the Xiao family, he is also an official. He was named in Shuojing, and Sun's house was comparable to Hejia repair. But this is not Shuojing, but Liangzhou. Sun Xiangfu is not a Capital City official, just a county.
       Three years in Qingzhi County, 100 thousand snowflakes silver. This is true, He-Yan looked at those mountain bonsai, glazed jade tiles, and was amazed in his heart. How can a man in the county know how to afford these? Sun Xiangfu doesn't know how many minzhimins have been raided. Also, looking at Sun Ling's deeds, the Sun family's father and son have done a lot of evil in Liangzhou, almost half of the emperor.
       She thought about it, she didn't know what she looked like, and she was also seen by the people around her.
       Xiao-Yue eyes moved slightly.
       Young people wear Cheng-Lisu clothes, but they are not as naive as Cheng-Lisu. Although people rely on clothes and horses to saddle, a recruit on the ground floor, to install a Shaoye of a large family, will show horse feet anyway. The things that have been done will be engraved in the human body and become clear marks.
       Everyone marks are different.
       He-Yan's eyes had emotions and thoughts, but he didn't shrink or nervous. If you do this kind of thing for the first time, go to this kind of place, this kind of reaction is justified.
       At this moment, Yingyue had stopped and rushed in, "Lao-ye, Xiao Chief-Commander and Cheng gongzi have arrived."
       Suddenly, Xiang Xiangfu exaggerated voice rang out :   "Xiao Chief-Commander is coming! Xiaguan is still afraid that Chief-Commander and little gongzi are not coming, just come, just come!"
       He-Yan lifted his eyes and looked up. This man looked sincere and horrified. Where did he have the prestige when he first met in the inn a few days ago?
       Sun Xiangfu didn't wait for Xiao-Yue to speak, then turned his head sideways, revealing the people behind him, and smiled, "Master Yuan has arrived."
       This is Yuan Baozhen? He-Yan looked at him. Then they saw a middle-aged person who didn't need to smile at them with a kind smile, and after a while, they overlapped with what He-Yan remembered.
       When she first met Yuan Baozhen, she was outside Hejia study. At that time, He Rufei had already received her meritorious service, took off her mask, and truly became the "General Feihong." And as Young-Lady of Hejia 2nd House, she will marry into the Xu family when she waits. She saw the man at that time, and she stumbled a little. He Rufei did not expect to make friends in the country so soon.
       She later asked He Rufei who it was, and He Rufei said that it is the current surveillance of Yushi Yuan Baozhen.
       "What are you doing with him?" He-Yan just said casually.
       He Rufei looked at her, and smiled strangely, he said :   "What you want to do now is to embroider your wedding dress, not to care about these things. He-Yan," he got closer, his voice contained With the unpredictability of He-Yan, "You have to remember, you are now Young-Lady of Hejia 2nd House, it is a woman."
       He-Yan doesn't agree, she doesn't embroider, and her wedding dress is not her embroidery. But she understood the meaning in He Rufei words, and He Rufei warned her that she would not have to contact General Feihong again.
       Are you afraid of being discovered? He-Yan smirked in the heart, ridiculous that at the time, she did not find He Rufei murderous words.
       Now I suddenly see my cousin's friend, how can she get the news she wants?
       Without waiting for He-Yan to think clearly, Yuan Baozhen has already stepped forward, first saluting Xiao-Yue :   "Chief-Commander." Then he looked at He-Yan :   "This is Cheng gongzi, right?"
       He-Yan stared at him with a surprised smile :   "Master Yuan."
       "I've heard that Xiao cheng gongzi is young and heroic, and he is extraordinary, but now when he sees it, it's not so bad." Yuan Baozhen laughed and said, "Sure enough, the hero is a boy!"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Isn't Cheng-Lisu the famous "waste gongzi" in Capital City? Thanks to what this person has said and understood, the first thing to be an official at Dawei is to learn this ability of "seeing people and talking, and seeing ghosts talking about ghosts".
       He-Yan had no choice but to say, "Exceeding the prize, winning the prize. The boy is ashamed."
       Sun Xiangfu rubbed his hands and spoke abruptly :   "Chief-Commander, there is a merciless request from the officials."
       Xiao-Yue :   "What's up?"
       "Isn't the dog collided with Chief-Commander and little gongzi some time ago?" Sun Xiangfu seemed very disturbed. "Although the Xiaguan taught him, the child felt very guilty and wanted to come to Chief-Commander and Xiao himself. Gongzi apologized. Xiaguan thought that since he knew that he was wrong, Xiaguan asked the Chief-Commander with this old face so that the filial piety had a chance to apologize. "
       "If you are not a sage, you can do nothing," Yuan Baozhen said aside, smiling. "What's more, this is just a misunderstanding. It's just a misunderstanding. Chief-Commander doesn't count. You call Sun-Come here, Shaoye, and clarify with Chief-Commander. "
       "Really?" Sun Xiangfu said excitedly to the manservant :   "Go and call Shaoye over!"
       He-Yan saw the two of them sing and sing together, and they didn't even ask Xiao-Yue to finish the sing by themselves. They knew that the two had already negotiated beforehand. This Yuanbao town seems to be the same as Sun Xiangfu, but also, what kind of person can be close to He Rufei?
       That Sun Ling seemed to be waiting outside the hall. Soon after he finished speaking, he came in with his sister-zi. As soon as he came in, he threw Xiao-Yue on his knees, and He-Yan almost did not bite his tongue.
       This man had previously been a martial artist, and it was impossible to live for a long time. Now, it’s only a few days, and I looked at it for a long time. The whole man was seriously ill, dressed very simple, and gave a big gift to Xiao-Yue, and said weakly. "I used to be ignorant and had a dispute with Cheng gongzi. Now I know that I am wrong. I also hope Chief-Commander and Cheng gongzi can forgive me for being young and frivolous. I will change my mind and never commit again."
       Is it so young and frivolous? Seeing him look young. He-Yan didn't believe that this person could really never do it again in a few days. She looked at Xiao-Yue, and Xiao-Yue looked indifferent, neither saying good nor bad, and the atmosphere froze for a moment. .
       In this round, He-Yan still has to play. Anyway, it’s all about singing. Isn’t it awkward at the banquet if you don’t sing? She stared at Sun Ling with a smile and said, "This is what I said. It was just a misunderstanding that day, Sun-Shaoye don't have to be on my mind. I can no longer recognize the wrong person in the future. This time I met It’s okay for Mu-Uncle and me. If you meet someone who is arbitrarily arbitrary, even if you apologize a hundred times, there will be no results. "
       As soon as he spoke, Sun Xiangfu was relieved, and quickly scolded Sun Ling :   "Thank you Cheng gongzi yet. Ren Cheng gongzi is younger than you, and more productive than you!" He probably has nothing to praise, dry. The next sentence :   "Learn more from Cheng Gongzi in the future!"
       Sun Ling hurried to say a lot of good things to He-Yan, and heard He-Yan spit out overnight. She really doesn't like to listen to these words. This fake can really bluff people?
       After singing the drama of "Xiao County Shaoye guilt and punishment", Sun Ling went back to the house. According to his Father, Sun Ling suffered a family affair last time when he returned home. He was seriously ill and couldn't get out of bed. Today, he came to support Xiao-Yue to plead guilty. Now that the sin is done, I have to lie back in bed.
       He-Yan laughed :   "Then Sun-Shaoye, go quickly, don't hurt yourself."
       This is afraid that some moths have appeared on the banquet, after all, his son looked like a troublemaker.
       After Sun Ling left, Sun Xiangfu walked out :   "Xiao Chief-Commander please sit down, Cheng gongzi also sit down, wait for it to be a little bit late, there will be singing and dancing in the house, and then we will entertain and dance together."
       He-Yan sits down next to Xiao-Yue, and then Sun Xiangfu spoke. What is said is nothing special. It is nothing more than asking He-Yan and Xiao-Yue who are accustomed to living in Liangzhou City. The recent weather in Liangzhou City ... It is always a meaningless greeting.
       He-Yan's mind has always been on Yuan Baozhen.
       Yuan Baozhen and He Rufei should be friends? At least she saw Yuan Baozhen go in and out of Hejia more than once. And the attitude of He Yuansheng and his son did not seem to be nodding. So this time Yuan Baozhen came to Liangzhou, He Rufei knows? Definitely know. If you are a friend, you may practice it before you leave. What is the situation of Hejia recently? He Rufei plan for the next period should be clear to Yuan Baozhen.
       But how can Yuan Baozhen talk so much with her "Cheng-Lisu"?
       He-Yan was in a dream, and forgot to cover his eyes. Yuan Baozhen was not an ordinary person. When Yu Guang swept, he realized that He-Yan had been staring at himself. He didn't say anything at all. He still smiled and listened to Sun Xiangfu, and occasionally took a couple of sentences, which seemed very ordinary at a glance.
       After a while, the sky was completely dark, and Sun Xiangfu stood up and laughed :   "I'm watching it's almost time, let's have a dinner in the hall."
       Naturally, there is no objection. Sun Xiangfu leads the way, He-Yan and Xiao-Yue are behind, Yuan Baozhen is on her right. He-Yan was thinking about He Rufei, and his eyes couldn't help falling on Yuan Baozhen.
       She was thinking about it. Suddenly, Yuan Baozhen turned his head to the side. He was an official in the official world, and there were many city halls. Now he didn't laugh. His eyes were flashing with stunning light. It was really scary. He-Yan caught it.
       He-Yan was startled in his heart, and the secret passage was discovered. Before he had time to speak, he felt that his arm was slightly pulled by someone. The next moment, a person was standing in front of her.
       Xiao-Yue cold voice fell into her ear :   "Look at the road."
       She looked in surprise, Xiao-Yue was taller than her. In this way, Yuan Baozhen's appalling gaze was completely blocked by him, and he could not see at all. Xiao-Yue also looked at the other person, bending her lips, "Master Yuan has been staring at my Shi-zi to see what?"
       Yuan Baozhen stunned, and then laughed, "No, Chief-Commander probably turned off." He turned around and stopped looking at He-Yan, as if it had just happened, just a Insignificant joke.
       Xiao-Yue went on, He-Yan paused for a moment and followed. There is something strange in my heart. Although the phrase "my Shi-zi" refers to Cheng-Lisu, it protects her. This feeling of being protected by someone above her has not passed for a long time.
       Maybe, never.
       Waiting in the hall, the banquet has been set up, there are short benches everywhere, He-Yan sits next to Xiao-Yue. The empty space in the middle hall is about the next song and dance. He-Yan doesn't really understand why such a banquet should invite beautiful women to sing and dance in the middle? It is important to know that everyone really disdains this.
       But Sun Xiangfu is not really everyone after all.
       Looking at the dishes on the table again, He-Yan couldn't help but babble, what auspicious dragons fly, bergamot gold rolls, anchovies shark fins, and dried sea cucumbers. The banquet in the Sanpin official family house in Capital City is like this. It seems that Sun's life is very moist.
       She turned to look at Xiao-Yue again. I have to say that Xiao-Yue always had a cold face, which didn’t work, and that didn’t work. Once at the banquet, sitting lazily, there was a little indifference, and a little idleness in the bones, all Outline it. He-Yan suddenly remembered that this person was the real Shaoye in the capital, and he went to the reception today when he was young. Tomorrow will be a good night. Little Shaoye shadow.
       "What do you think I do," Little-Shaoye hooked his lips, his voice low, and fell into He-Yan's ears, "carefully reveal the stuffing."
       He-Yan coughed softly, "I was surprised by Mu-Uncle posture, and I just lost my mind."
       She used to making flattery, and somehow opens her mouth, Xiao-Yue doesn't bother to care about her. Just then, Yuan Baozhen spoke, and he said, "The relationship between Xiao Chief-Commander and Cheng Gongzi is very good."
       "Myself, of course." Xiao-Yue replied saltily.
       Yuan Baozhen was originally looking for a talk, and of course he didn't care about Xiao-Yue attitude. He picked up the wine bottle on the table and smiled :   "I haven't understood, the bitter cold place in Liangzhou, Xiao Chief-Commander is better than here in Shuojing, why would he come to stay in Liangzhou?"
       He-Yan heard the words, and her heart moved, and she was also curious about the problem. Xiao-Yue is now the Right-Commander, and the entire Nanfu soldiers are in his hands. There is no need to bring a recruit here. He-Yan thought he had been demoted, but his arrogance in front of Sun Xiangfu didn't seem to be dismissed.
       Xiao-Yue glanced at Yuan Baozhen, but did not answer his question, but smiled. He asked, "Yuan Yushi thought, what am I?"
       Why did this guy kick the ball back?
       Yuan Baozhen is also a terrific man. His smile on his face remains the same. He immediately used the necessary abilities of everyone in the officialdom. He said, "I think Chief-Commander must be worried about the difficulty of recruits and changed sides. The generals may not be able to bring them well, Chief-Commander has always been afraid of hardships, so he actively asked to come to Liangzhou to station. "
       It’s been a while, Xiao-Yue just said, "Is that right?" He asked casually, "Master Yu Shi means, think it’s a good thing for the handsome to go to Liangzhou?"
       "of course."
       Xiao-Yue glanced at him and smiled indifferently :   "I thought Yuan Yushi was not saying this."
       "Oh?" Yuan Baozhen asked with a smile :   "Xiao Chief-Commander What does this mean?"
       "The last big one must fold, and the big one can't fall." He said meaningfully. "Isn't it because of this that Master Yuan just ran a trip to Liangzhou himself?"
       The atmosphere suddenly solidified, and Sun Xiangfu didn't dare to say a word, and was a man with his tail in his hands. Yuan Baozhen's smile was almost impossible to persist. He-Yan looked at Xiao-Yue side by side, and couldn't help but yell Xiao-Yue.
       You compliment me, I compliment you for saying so, it's really meaningless. It's all a lie, and there is nothing useful about a banquet. Seeing Xiao Xiao 2-gongzi is so powerful, one word blocked others’speech.
       The hidden mystery at this feast should have been so openly on the table!
       Yuan Baozhen paused for a moment before he laughed :   "Xiao Chief-Commander really laughs. I came to Liangzhou, but it was only ordered to inspect."
       Xiao-Yue doesn't matter.
       "I don't know how Chief-Commander's recruits are trained?" Yuan Baozhen asked again :   "Are there good soldiers?"
       Xiao-Yue looked at him with a smile :   "This is also one of the contents of Yuan Yushi tour?"
       Although Yuan Baozhen had heard of Xiao-Yue reputation in the past and met him in person, it was the first time that he actually sits down and talked. Therefore, it was the first time that he really taught the young man's unhappiness. No wonder that when Zhao Nuo was killed, no one said it would be useful. Just sitting down and talking with this Shaoye, he was already physically and mentally exhausted.
       He used to keep the smile, and for the first time he couldn't stick to it. He just said, "I care too."
       "Yuan Yushi cares, I'm afraid not only the recruits in Liangzhou," Xiao-Yue said slowly :   "Nanfu soldiers, Jiuqiying, might as well care together?"
       Yuan Baozhen couldn't answer this.
       Sun Xiangfu took a look, and looked again. Both were characters he couldn't afford, but he couldn't let the good banquet be filled with such sword lightsaber, so he came out and hit the round. "I said, two adults Are you tired already? Why don’t you stop and enjoy singing and dancing first? Have a bite. This wine is grape spring, new wine, everyone taste it. ”He also ordered the sister-zi around him,“ Call Yingyue over here. "
       Before long, a few beautiful girls entered the hall. Led by him, it was the sister-zi who just introduced He-Yan. At this time, she changed her clothes again. The red skirt was embroidered with plum blossoms, the sleeves were long, and she was re-made. It was just a beautiful beauty. At this time, she had a gorgeous beauty, just the same, Still lovingly looking at Xiao-Yue.
       Sitting together with so many people here, He-Yan, not to mention, anyway, Yuan Baozhen is also an official, this Miss, staring at Xiao-Yue alone, what is going on? This goal is too clear, right? He-Yan thought to himself, went to see Xiao-Yue, and saw that this man's eyes were as cold as ice, and he was not moved at all.
       He-Yan thinks that his eyes when looking at Fae Nu are softer than looking at this Miss. Is Xiao-Yue having any problems, such as hating women?
       She was thinking like this, Ying Yue had brought the rest of the maids, saluting Ying Ying, and said, "The nubi are ugly."
       Miss, playing Zheng, is Sauvignon Blanc. The lingering melody, accompanied by the stunning girl, is a beautiful picture. Here, He-Yan is a Miss, and Xiao-Yue is not interested in singing and dancing at all, and Yuan Baozhen was only accepted by Xiao-Yue. All in all, the mind has already flown to other places. The most satisfied person is probably Sun Xiangfu himself. .
       Sun Xiangfu himself probably has a lot of love for this dancing girl, but this Yingyue Miss, may also be a person based on appearance. The long sleeves were thrown in the direction of Xiao-Yue. The glamorous eyes can be crisped into a person's bones, but can face Xiao 2-gongzi again and again.
       He-Yan was countless, and counted. Ying Yuetong threw five winks at Sun Xiangfu, three at Yuan Baozhen, seventeen at Xiao-Yue, and one at himself. Did not throw.
       She still at the bottom, why should she look down on others?
       When you go to a banquet, you go to a banquet, and you bring such a blow to confidence. He-Yan said, she probably didn't blame her. Who told her that the clothes she wore today weren't right? The color is black.
       She stretched out her chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of snack. This is Sun Xiangfu home feast. Probably Sun Xiangfu didn't have the courage to poison it here. He-Yan tasted it, and it tasted good.
       After a song, Yingyue forehead exuded shining sweat, and the beauty's fragrant sweat was even more beautiful. She blushed and saluted in front of everyone.
       "Okay, okay, okay!" Only Sun Xiangfu was watching the dance seriously. He ‘called, "Miao Miao Miao! What do you think?"
       Xiao-Yue naturally wouldn't answer him, Yuan Baozhen just smiled, He-Yan said :   "It's really hard to beat the crowd, Tianxiang Guoyan!"
       "Little gongzi also feels good?" Sun Xiangfu looked as excited as he knew his confidant. "How about sending Yingyue to Cheng gongzi?"
       Can this also work? He-Yan stiffened and waved, "No, no, I already have a fiancee, I'm afraid it's not right."
       "Ah." Sun Xiangfu immediately regretted and said, "That's a pity."
       Now that the officials are going to the banquet, are they fashionable to give the other Saimei anytime? Is it sick? He-Yan was feeling incredible, and then he heard Sun Xiangfu smiling again :   "Yingyue, then you can serve Xiao Chief-Commander."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       She doubted that Wanhuage was afraid that it was not run by the Sun Zhixian. Otherwise, the tone of speech was so old-fashioned. Even if it is an old man, it should be winking. Ordinary people can't see it. Every inch of Xiao-Yue body is written with rejection?
       Someone eyes are blind, but in fact their eyes are clear. Some people can still see, in fact, he is already blind.
       Fortunately, this Yingyue Miss, but also knows the size, did not do anything stupid to touch her hand, just stood by Xiao-Yue, clothed dishes for him.
       He-Yan also had a sister-zi who was doing the dishes for her. She looked up and saw Yuan Baozhen sitting across from her side, but it wasn't the sister-zi who was behind him, but a guard-like person.
       Strange, is he the one who hates women?
       He-Yan looked at the guard behind him. It was a boring look. At first glance, he felt that the blood was almost frozen, and the whole person was frozen in place.
       The waiter is not very tall, even in the guard, he is considered to be thin and short, and the features are mediocre. He is hidden behind Yuan Baozhen, and is almost in the dark. He kept silent, He-Yan didn't notice him since he saw Yuan Baozhen. At this moment, he was suddenly struck by lightning.
       For a moment, all the banquet dishes on the table were missing. She sits in Xujiafu and brought a bowl of soup next to Maid, saying that it was specially cooked in the kitchen to supplement her body. I just hope she can conceive Liner as soon as possible to add to the Xu family.
       The scenery was just right and the sun was shining. She sits at the table and looked out the window, and saw a manservant-like person passing by. Maid smiled and explained that the medicinal material for the soup today was sent by this manservant.
       This is He Rufei manservant, Hejia person.
       He-Yan was newly-married at the time, although Xu Zhisong was lost, but he didn't take it to heart. Hejia still had a touch of tenderness. It never occurred to her that the medicinal herbs that had been sent to replenish her body were her eyes.
       It was the last time she had seen the sun in her previous life. The next day, she had a high fever, and then she blinded her eyes.
       It was just a short glance, but she had repeatedly remembered this person's face in her heart, and now even if he changed his guard and followed Yuan Baozhen, she could see it at a glance.
       "Let's have a drink together." Sun Xiangfu laughed with a toast.
       The crystal liquor was poured into Bai Yuzhan. When she saw the man beside him holding a candle to his lips, for a moment, all the past appeared in front of him. He-Yan was terrified, but felt that the previous scene was about to repeat itself. The palm of Xiao-Yue hand was flying in one palm.
       "Don't drink!"


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