Chongqie Courting Death Daily 290

  Novels   »   Chongqie Courting Death Daily   »       Chapter 290 : Splashing dirty water

     "Look at the words of the Lord, it means that the family is the mother and the daughter, for the daughter, the anecdote dare to do it!" Wan-xi smiled and looked at Yin-Tang eyes, the ‘Yuyan is ridiculous.
     Wan-xi does not carry any malicious words, but simply wants to see Yin-Tang's tolerance for this matter. After all, killing the mother and daughter again and again, listening to how they feel a bit horrible.
     After two years with Yin-Tang, Wan-xi still knows how to know him. But Yin-Tang's temper is indeed a bit sloppy, and the work is very casual, so no one can guarantee that he is straightforward. Just like when I was in the palace last time, she thought that he had to bear the next cut for the great cause, he just asked Kangxi to set the death penalty of 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi.
     Yin-Tang saw her look like this, her brows were slightly picky, and her face was not convinced: "Since you dare to do it, you naturally willing to give up your life."
     You can die, as long as you put your own life into it, no one will stop you.
     "Why did you come back this morning, are things busy?" Wan-xi saw that he could not turn the subject in other directions.
     Yin-Tang listened to her and asked for a smile on her face. She thought about what she had just heard in the palace. He whispered: "This is coming out of the palace. Li Dequan is poor, the palace should be prepared.

     They are all ready, and Dong-shi has been ill for a long time. It should be handled."
     For Dong-shi, Yin-Tang is really not patient. I originally wanted to let her go, but Yi-Luoshi had to make it up. To avoid Wan-xi and the children, another accident, Dong shi is still well resolved early.
     Wan-xi listened to his words and knew that Dong-shi good days were over. If she was in the last world, she was afraid that she would not even think about it. Dong-shi would have such a end. However, in this world, Dong-shi definitely lost, as if she had left the world like a last minute. If it wasn't for the people who finally harvested her life, it was sent by Kangxi. Wan-xi might still want to be generous, and also give Dong-shi a special farewell party.
     The whole woman who arranged her as above. I’m going toend' her.
     "The grievances between Fu-Jin and the body are hard to resolve. It is awkward. I don't want to do things that I don't want to do. I don't want to say anything. I never thought about putting Fu-Jin down. However, she is so devastated that she is naturally unable to sit still and let her know. Now all the cuts can only be said to be heavenly arrangements, and it is unfortunate that it is a disaster, but it is not easy to forgive." Wan The look on the face of xi slowly grew stronger from the beginning, and the strength and persistence contained in her tone made people feel very distressed.
     I don’t know how to feel the fear of death, I don’t know how terrible it feels, at least twice, no, it’s three times, it’s three times, so she can’t have it anyway. Forgive Dong-shi.
     Yin-Tang raised her head and squinted at her reddish eyes and slightly trembling body. She reached her arms in the moment of reaching her hand, but her face was deep and watery. He thought that these things had passed in the past, and it is obvious that things have passed, but the effects left behind are hard to disappear in a short time.
     "I don't forgive without forgiveness.
     This kind of lord never thought about reluctantly, and it is not worth it for a good-looking Dong-shi.
     Things will pass, after Dong-shi walks, a short time You won't be in Fu-Jin again, you will use more snacks in the house.” Yin-Tang patted her back, the voice was soft and a silky appease.
     In the end, Yin-Tang is also awkward, and she does not protect her well, and she has caused her to suffer so many grievances and injuries.
     In the face of Yin-Tang's comfort, Wan-xi is still very useful. After all, a strong woman also needs to rely on others, not to mention that she is not a powerful woman.
     "If you want to let others hear it, people think that it is a disaster, and it leads to a mistake!" Wan-xi chuckled, and the original messy thoughts became easier because of some things. Some things don't go. I want to be okay, and I can easily get caught up in it when I think about it.
     Yin-Tang stunned her in a sigh of relief, and he was afraid that she would be immersed in the damage of the past. Although Wan-xi was very normal during this time, there was no difference between them and the most days. But what she didn’t even know at night was that she would have nightmares, cry, and the kind of depressed crying made him The feeling that the heart is torn.
     "It's right or wrong. I have my own judgment. I don't need someone else to decide for my grandfather." Yin-Tang pinched her little face, but she was hesitant about the idea of ​​helping her to become Fu-Jin.
     He is not afraid of other people, but he is set to avoid Kangxi. To say that Kangxi is a law-abiding person, he has done a lot of unruly things, but he has to say that he is not obeying the rules, but sometimes he is stubbornly obsessed with certain rules.
     If it was something else, Yin-Tan certainly did not hesitate, but it involved Wan-xi temper, he had to think twice. In the past, he had thought too much about it before, and he thought that Wan-xi had the power to save the car, and it would be a little easier to make a decision. Now think about it, according to Kangxi suspicious temper, I am afraid that she will think that she is behind her.
     "Dong-shi, their affairs, the man will be staring, and you should be careful about this." Yin-Tang thought about it and said aloud.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang, and my heart is slightly relieved. Compared with Yin-Tang, the power in her hands is obviously too small, and she can't care for so many people. With the permission of Yin-Tang, no matter what she wants to do, Wang An and four Mama will arrange for her.
     Two days later, Yi-Luoshi came to Junwang House with a lot of gifts.
     This time the family directly went to the front door, obviously wanting to play Wan-xi face. Fortunately, Wan-xi had expected that she would have such a move. She told the concierge in the early steps. Yes, Yi-Luoshi wanted to take the dirty water on Wan-xi. ended.
     In this regard, she naturally can not go to Qing yi-Courtyard to go to trouble, after all, according to the current situation of Dong-shi, grab the other party's fault, may also be able to get some benefits, nothing is caught, may not be determined Even the situation of his own has not kept the headless knight.
     Yi-Luoshi told the pearls to contact the '1st Jiji' and appropriately mention Dong-shi. It is hoped that she can take the initiative to go back to the court. Even if it is a visit, just seize the opportunity and work well. It is also possible to make some noise.
     It was just a few days of tossing and it was impossible to make a move. For a moment, Yi-Luoshi began to blame '1st Jiji' as an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. My mother was killed, I want to see her face, but I have to remind me of three reminders. I don’t know what to expect. If there is no Wanyan-shi blocking, this child is not for her own mother. feeling.
     In fact, '1st Jiji' didn't know about it at all. For her, her mother was like a stranger. She took the role of a mother, but she didn't give the '1st Jiji' care. Yin Mama After they hit the '1st Jiji', they really have feelings for this child. Yes, even though Ting-Rain hinted that they had more contact with pearls and others, both sides did not mention Dong-shi points.
     Yi-Luoshi is unclear and naturally feels that '1st Jiji' is not good, but the thoughts in my heart have changed quietly.
     This time, Yi-Luoshi did not leave pearls and rouge in the house, but spoke to Dong-shi alone in the house. As for what the mother and daughter said, no one knows.
     Pearls and rouge want to inquire, but this time Yi-Luoshi is obviously guarding against them, even the goalkeeper has brought her confession, they have no chance at all. Even from time to time, I can hear the voice of my mother and daughter in the room, but I can’t hear the content.
     When Wan-xi heard Ting-Rain's retelling, Yi-Luoshi had left with her. As for what happened to her, there were two mothers and daughters who knew it. As for Wan-xi, all she can do is prevent it. After all, people have not done anything yet. She is eager to hit it up. It is not self-protection. It is a dirty water.
     With the previous scene, Wan-xi knew clearly that Yi-Luoshi wanted to drag her into the water, otherwise she would not directly block the front door and would like to use this to pour dirty water on her. However, she is not in a hurry.
     The urgency is Dong-shi. Anyway, she can't live for a few days. As long as she dies, Yi-Luoshi has no means, and it will not make her come.
     On this day, Wan-xi snorted with his little son, Hong-Er, who was just asleep and tempered.
     The little guy licked the pink and tender mouth, and his eyes were still in tears, looking at the poor and lovely. Wan-xi couldn't help but kiss him on his face.
     Hong- Sheng thought that Wan-xi would play with him again. He Called twice, and the fat little arm squatted with Wan-xi neck to play with her. Just as the mother and the child had fun, I saw Ting-Rain's face panicked in.
     "Side-Fujin, not good, '1st Jiji' suddenly became unconscious!" Ting-Rain was very anxious, and his face was still annoyed with an eye. Apparently she did not expect to be under them, '1st Jiji' Eventually something went wrong.
     Wan-xi looked awkward, and when he reacted, he immediately handed Hong-sheng in his arms to Gao Mama next to him, but he did not let go. No way, Wan-xi can only walk with him to the yard where the '1st Jiji' lives. Ting-Rain, Ting-Bamboo and Gao Mama are behind her.
     "What is going on? Isn't it for you to keep an eye on it, try not to alarm Moya-qi? How suddenly I was in a coma, and the people around her could be controlled." Wan-xi walked and asked Follow Ting-Rain.
     Ting-Rain heard the words and immediately said: "The nubi called the doctors to diagnose the veins and said they were poisoned, but the food and clothes of the '1st Jiji' were checked and nothing was found."
     Wan-xi footsteps suddenly slammed, his face looked very ugly, and he blurted out and said: "Let Ting-Lan come over and see, outside the house, don't let go anywhere."
     "Nubi , let's go." Ting-Rain nodded and was about to leave, and was stopped by Wan-xi. "Side-Fujin? What else do you want?"
     "By the way, people get the right card to ask the doctor, what kind of person is successful, and what kind of purpose, these are not important, the important thing is to save the life of '1st Jiji'." Wan-xi whispered , waving to Ting-Rain, holding Hong-da in his arms and continuing to move forward.

     Wan-xi went to the '1st Jiji' yard and saw Ting-Qin outside the door. Just before I saw it, I saw a personal shadow and rushed over. Wan-xi subconsciously guarded In the arms of Hong- Sheng, but forgot that the other party is obviously directed at her, waiting for Ting-Qin, they reacted, Wan-xi not only scratched his face, but also been beaten several times. .
     Everyone changed their face for a moment, and when they pulled out, they found that when they came to Dong-shi, their faces looked ugly, especially Ting-Qin. She stayed here and didn't see Dong-shi at all, which shows that Dong-shi was waiting here before she came.
     What does this mean?
     Explain that Dong-shi had expected that the '1st Jiji' would have an accident, or that the '1st Jiji' accident happened to be her own.
     "Wanyan-shi, don't you think someone is stopping, this Fu-Jin can't tell you how.
     This Fu-Jin tells you that if there is anything in Moya, this Fu-Jin will never let you go." Dong-shi by Ting-Qin and Ting-Bamboo stopped, and the whole person was arrogant, and there was really a bit of a desperate stance.
     Wan-xi looked at Hong-sheng in his arms and saw that the little guy was scared. He couldn’t help but whispered, and he laughed.
     This made Gao Mama change and leave, Wan xi did not even look at his own injuries.
     The first two steps directly smashed Dong-shi two mouths, and the strength was so great that Dong-shi fell directly to the ground.
     "You don't let me go! Hey, who isn't letting anyone go! '1st Jiji' It's just a tea time, you are here, how do you know? I am a good person to start, anyway, the thief ‘calls to catch a thief. Fu-Jin has done a lot of things, but you can't change it, and you can't change the fate that you are about to be killed." Wan-xi stared at Dong-shi, his eyes cold, his face condensed, and his tone was even more Full of bitter hatred.
     Wan-xi originally thought that Dong-shi had gone to a desperate situation, and she no longer intended to make her difficult, but she did not want to die when she died. It was really a little bit of goodwill. To put it bluntly, she will have the end of the game now, all by herself.
     "Let's go! Wanyan-shi, you dare to work on this Fu-jin, you are the following commit." Dong-shi The whole person was beaten by Wan-xi, waiting for God, hands consciously covering his face The sting of the face, the rust smell from the mouth is challenging her last reason.
     "Hey! Really let go, Fu-Jin is the first one! This Side-Fujin remembers clearly, Imperial Father personally decreed, gave you and 8th Fu-Jin, 8th Fu-Jin went, Fu-Jin still depends, interesting? Oh! Di Fu-Jin suddenly appeared in my Qing yi-Courtyard, presumably not suddenly thinking of the so-called mother and daughter, if Fu-Jin really cares about the big grid, then why can I watch '1st Jiji' walk. To put it bluntly, '1st Jiji' is a sudden stunned, and Fu-Jin appears to be just right, but it doesn't matter if Fu-Jin can't do it!" Wan-xi looks at Dong-shi. Appearance, the eyes are full of disdain, in order not to give her a chance, she simply pulled the last skin of her face, so that her despicable nowhere to hide.
     Dong-shi listened to Wan-xi, her face was full of panic, and when she looked around, she found that everyone eyes had changed, and my heart couldn’t help but panic, and when I spoke, it seemed even less. However, just raising the hand provoked Ting-Qin, they immediately rushed to the front and wanted to block in front of Wan-xi. "There is no doubt that this Fu-Jin is the '1st Jiji', and it is hard to beat. She can't make it. Only you, if you want to replace this Fu-Jin, if you have a bad heart, you will start with '1st Jiji'."
     Dong-shi voice was a little proud, and he did not hesitate to raise his hand. He wanted to come to Wan-xi two slaps to make her extremely angry, and seized the opportunity to return. At this time, Yin-Tang rushed over with Lin-Chujiu. When he looked up, he saw that Dong-shi was preparing to play Wan-xi, and Yin-Tang was angry. At the moment of striding forward, Dong-shi was thrown out directly.
     Wan-xi eyes were stunned, and it seemed that the Yin-Tang in front of her was true. Her eyes were on Yin-Tang until she turned and walked in front of her.
     This fact.
     Yin-Tang reached out and was about to pull Wan-xi hand. Her eyes suddenly touched the scar on her face. When she turned to Ting-Qin with anger, she asked coldly: "What is the injury to Side-Fujin's face?" Yin-Tang's face is dark and terrible. He looks at Ting-Rain's eyes, as if he can stare her out of a hole.
     Ting-Qin was chilled by Yin-Tang, and her legs were soft and she squatted directly on the ground, but she still remembered Yin-Tang’s temper, her body was slightly shaking, her mouth was not stopped, and she was the most concise.
     The words portrayed the things just now.
     Wan-xi looked at the temperament of Yin-Tang's body mutation, and some were overwhelmed. To be honest, she was the first to see such a Yin-Tang, gloomy, cold, full of murderous, like hell crawling The evil spirits that came out just looked at the chills, not to mention being stared at him.
     Yin-Tang’s face nodded, and the over-the-top moment squinted at the Tong-E shi, who had a good cough and climbed up from the ground. In the first step, Dong-shi subconsciously stepped back two steps, thinking about it.
     The foot is really making her a bit more memory.
     "Dong-shi, my father remembers to remind you, honestly, what are you doing now! Challenge the authority of the Lord?" Yin-Tang stepped on the palm of the hand of Dong-shi, the feet were slightly With force, you can hear the mourning of Dong-shi.
     Wan-xi stood not far away, watching this scene coldly. If a person sees this scene, he will definitely feel cruel, but she feels that there is no place to defy. At the moment of turning around, I saw Ting-Rain and Ting-Lan in a hurry, and did not bother Yin-Tang, let alone Dong-shi, but let Ting-Lan go in and check it out. check. She believes that as long as someone has moved his hands and feet, he will be able to find out why.
     Ting-Lan understands the meaning of Wan-xi, and when she orders it, she goes straight into the '1st Jiji' room. Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt are waiting in the room to listen to the outside movement but don't know what to do.
     The whole ant, like a hot pot, is now seeing Ting-Lan coming in.
     The two unconsciously greeted them. "Ting-Lan Miss, this is..."
     “Yin Mama, Tong-Aunt, Side-Fujin sent me in to see if there was anything inappropriate in the house. As for the doctor, I will arrive soon.” Ting-Lan rushed to the two The people did a good job, acted thoughtfully, and were polite and thoughtful, but did not mention the things outside the house, and did not forget the purpose of their own coming in.
     Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt opened their mouths and eventually did not open their mouths. Instead, they went back to bed and took care of the still-sleeping '1st Jiji'.
     Ting-Lan's corner of the eye suddenly swept to the vase on the shore. She jerked a few steps forward.
     The whole person walked to the vase and her eyes were tightly attached to the flowers in the vase.
     The flowers are very common, and they look like they are sent in the greenhouse. But when you look closely, you will find that this flower is not a simple ornamental flower. It is mixed with several similar colors of Jiazhu-Tao.
     Jiazhu-Tao, which contains highly toxic flowers, is not particularly liked. It is not planted, let alone pick it up as a decoration.
     This flower was not planted in the Junwang House.
     The freshness of the flowers was about two days, and the '1st Jiji' would be in a coma, or someone used this Jiazhu-Tao to move the '1st Jiji', just I don't know if there is anything mixed with it? She remembered the poison of Jiazhu-Tao and had the symptoms of lethargy.
     "Yin Mama, let people licorice, mung beans, decoction, first feed '1st Jiji' and drink." Thinking of this, Ting-Lan hurriedly took the first two steps for the '1st Jiji' pulse, confirming his guess.
     The face changed, and they turned to Yin Mama and they told me.
     “Ting-Lan Miss, but what is the reason for the '1st Jiji' coma?” Yin Mama saw Ting-Lan's face changed dramatically, and she couldn't help but feel a bad premonition.
     Ting-Lan returned to God and did not hide it. He said directly: "Nature is found, but now the situation is a bit serious. You should not ask, let the '1st Jiji' out of danger."
     "Well, let's go." Yin Mama heard the words, no longer dare to let others do it, and everything happened.
     Ting-Lan poured the mung bean into the mouth of '1st Jiji' and vomited it twice. Although the person still didn't wake up, the face was not too good.
     Outside the house, Yin-Tang is still in a confrontational state. Compared with the previous arrogance, Dong-shi at this time is ashamed, remorseful and hateful. She originally thought that it would be a good idea to hit Wan-xi.
     The result was too late to let her fight back.
     This is no problem, she has not retaliated, Yin-Tang has come over again, and even asked if it is a foot, at that moment, Dong-shi really hate himself earlier.
     "Master, why are you so worried, you are your ‘Madam, you are stepping on the face of the Side-Fujin for three times, isn't it so shameful? And today '1st Jiji' is here Qing yi There was an accident in the Courtyard. As a mother, how could I not get a fair ride for my daughter." Dong-shi licked his neck and ‘called at Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang listened to her words, the voice of ' ', the words dismissively said: "You also let Moya call you a voice, you better pray that this matter has nothing to do with you, otherwise you don't need Imperial Father I sent people to the house to take this, and my father tore you."
     Dong-shi looked stiff, and there were a few fears in his eyes.
     The body was unconsciously shrinking back. Yin-Tang's face was cold and cold, and her eyes were so cold that she couldn't help but smother her. She couldn't help but shut up.
     Wan-xi stood a few steps away from them. If Dong-shi could stick to her own opinion and seek justice for '1st Jiji', she might admire her. But now, she is not looking like her, she only thinks that this kind of person is alive and stains others' eyes.
     "Master, it is better to look at the '1st Jiji' situation in the advanced house. It is still the most important thing for the child's safety. Since this happens, it will leave traces, and it will be clear when things come and go. It’s not too late.” Wan-xi stepped forward and reached out to Yin-Tang’s sleeves and said softly.
     Yin-Tang nodded, then did not look at Dong-shi eyes, and walked to the house. Waiting into the house, Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt just cleaned up the stolen goods from the '1st Jiji', and Ting-Lan continued to feed the mung bean water with the '1st Jiji' that just opened his eyes.
     Wan-xi saw it, before the bowl of Ting-Lan hand, and asked Ting-Lan while feeding '1st Jiji'. "How? What could be wrong in the house? '1st Jiji' Is it because of coma? Did you find the reason?"

     "How? What's wrong with the house? '1st Jiji' is because of the coma? Did you find the reason?"
     Ting-Lan nodded at Wan-xi, turned directly and walked to the distance not far away. Dong-shi, who was awkward, just came in from the outside to see this scene. At that moment, her eyes unconsciously groaned. Rounded up. .
     She will be here today and she is also worried. Even if she does not have deep feelings for Da Ji, she never thought about asking her to die. After all, it was the piece of meat she fell from, she could use but could not take her life.
     That's why '1st Jiji' is just the cause of lethargy, not death. As for herself, if it weren't for her prescription, she wouldn't be able to appear in front of everyone, and it would be impossible to avoid the pearls and others to make these things through the arrangement of Yi-Luoshi.
     It’s just something that can’t be discovered, why is it discovered?
     The closer Ting-Lan is to the flower, the heartbeat of Dong-shi is really fast. When Ting-Lan pulls out the Jiazhu-Tao from the vase, Dong-shi almost cries out. Fortunately, she realized her current situation, otherwise she called out, fearing that it would be difficult to get out of this room alive.
     Ting-Lan handed Jiazhu-Tao to Wan-xi, and looked up at Yin-Tang eyes when he looked up. When he saw that he didn't stop, he talked about the role and toxicity of Jiazhu-Tao, and ' 1st Jiji's love.
     No accident, '1st Jiji' is poisoned by Jiazhu-Tao.
     Wan-xi gently squinted, and I had an idea in my heart. Recently, the Junwang House is guarded by strictness, and the drug is definitely not brought into the government, and the flower is another matter. But who can think of the person who was the closest to '1st Jiji', but now almost her life! Gently shaking his head, Wan-xi eyes intensively aimed at the Dong-shi eyes standing at the door, and hand-picked Jiazhu-Tao to Yin-Tang.
     "Master, it must have been someone who mixed the pollen or other toxic part of this Jiazhu-Tao to something like '1st Jiji', or smelled it, which caused the '1st Jiji' to sleep. However, just Ting Lan has already vomited to '1st Jiji' and solved some of the toxicity.
     The rest can only wait for the doctor to come back and make plans." Wan-xi took a deep breath and barely calmed down his emotions. Simply I will tell you something.
     "Well." Yin-Tang responded with a voice, but his eyes fell on the branch of Jiazhu-Tao, and did not look at Dong-shi.
     Dong-shi looked at Yin-Tang, which meant an unclear attitude.
     The look of her face seemed a little hesitant. She wanted to continue to Call, but it was obvious that Wan-xi had just acted just right.
     The matter was explained clearly, and the problem was discovered. Even her people saved the '1st Jiji'. It can be said that she only spent less than half an hour to break up the plan that they arranged for several days.
     How could this be!
     According to their plan, the person who was blamed should not be her, but she just vented her heart and let Yin-Tang stand on her side completely. What is this?
     "Master, the royal doctor is coming." Lin-Chujiu stood in front of the door and whispered softly.
     "Let him come in." Yin-Tang calmed his face, except for the violent scene outside the house. At this time, Yin-Tang calmly made everyone tremble.
     The royal doctor is also an old acquaintance. Seeing the atmosphere is not good, and not delaying. After the ceremony, please go straight to the bed and give the pulse to the '1st Jiji'. Originally, he still worried about what was a big deal. Now he should have done first aid in advance. "The body of '1st Jiji' is no longer a problem, but it is a little weak. I am going to open a recipe here and divide it twice to '1st. Jiji' drink, probably a few times."
     Involved in the post-stay private, the doctors are also more evasive, obviously do not want to know too much, so as not to get into trouble.
     "The old nubi understands." Yin Mama looked at the Yin-Tang posture and looked at Dong-shi eyes with a faint look.
     This eye contained too many complicated emotions, even with a silk. resentment.
     After the royal doctor left, Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang, who had never spoken for a long time, and whispered: "Master, this thing..."
     "You don't have to worry about this, and you naturally send someone to check it out." Yin-Tang reached out and interrupted Wan-xi, and then looked at Dong-shi next to him: "It's best to follow this. You don't care, otherwise the Lord said it was done."
     Dong-shi listened to his words, his face changed a lot, his face showed a bit of fear, and for a moment he said: "Jesus laughed, and it was the birth of the '1st Jiji', how could it hurt her, Ye should put his gaze In those moments of ulterior motives." At the moment of opening, Dong-shi found that her voice was shaking, but even so, she had to pretend to be a calm look and push the responsibility to others.
     Whether it is Wan-xi or other Concubine in the backyard, there is no need to care about who she can do. She wants to be an excuse to take the '1st Jiji' and keep her. opportunity.
     "It's best." Yin-Tang looked at her coldly and turned to Lin-Chujiu. He whispered a few words, and the entire Junwang House suddenly moved.
     "Master, you see '1st Jiji' handed over to Wanyan-shi is not so good, it is better to let the '1st Jiji' come back to the main courtyard!" Dong-shi said tempted.
     Wan-xi heard the words, frowning and standing next to him, watching Yin-Tang take things over, she naturally would not look at it. But the words of Dong-shi made her feel angry, and the thief ‘called to catch the thief not to be too obvious. It seems strange that Dong-shi appears here, and now she is open again and again, this is when she is bullied, or thinks that she has more capital.
     "Fu-Jin said that all of them wanted to laugh. '1st Jiji' is not good enough to follow Fu-Jin. It is not good to see two faces in the end of the year." The voice is Calling, the burning pain from the face. Feeling that Wan-xi looks a little intolerant.
     "Enough, I will wait until I check it out and make a decision." Yin-Tang looked at Dong-shi swaying behavior, what else did not understand, but the '1st Jiji' was on the side of Qing yi-Courtyard It’s OK, it’s still influential for Wan-xi. He doesn’t want to affect her because of this kind of thing. I just want to pick her up, but I don’t want Dong-shi to be like a mad dog. Tightly wrapped around Wan-xi, I also want to escape from the robbery.
     If she could let her escape, why did he put up a deputy righteousness to force them to die?
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang to talk about this, not to do entanglement, one cut according to Yin-Tang, as for Dong-shi, she does not want to pay attention to this snake-hearted woman. Stretched out and touched, the wound did not bleed, but the uneven touch made her a little uneasy, but it was not broken.
     "Master, I went back to deal with the injury of the lower face first. If there is anything, I will let people know." Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang looked at the wound of Wan-xi face, and the brow was twisted into a group, which prevented the matter from being solved. He could only let her go first. Wan-xi was not angry. He nodded at Yin-Tang and turned out of the room. At the door, Wan-xi recruited Ting-Rain, let her go to the government doctor to take medicine all year round, saying that it was a scratch on the face.
     Ting-Rain looked at the face of Wan-xi.
     The two scratches were not too deep. Some blood beads had solidified around them. I looked a little bit sultry, but if I deal with it, it should not be a big problem.
     "Side-Fujin, it's better to let the nubi deal with you first! And when I was protecting the little Prince, I didn't know if I was injured." Ting-Rain heard that Wan-xi was hit by Dong-shi. My heart is innocent, and my heart even hates how I was not there. If she is there, Dong-shi will definitely not be able to beat her Side-Fujin, after all... Wait, Dong-shi has been sick for so long, how suddenly she jumped alive, "Side... Side-Fujin, nubi don't understand something?"
     "What?" Wan-xi turned to look at Ting-Rain's eyes and couldn't understand how suddenly she had doubts.
     "Isn't that Fu-Jin been sick for a long time? How suddenly did this seem to be awkward, and it was still torn with Side-Fujin?"
     Wan-xi listened to her words and looked awkward. She felt that something was wrong. It turned out that this was not the right place in Dong-shi. A person who has been sick for so many days, I heard that I had vomited blood a few days ago, so that the individual gave me a fight and it hurt so much. Saying that she is a patient, Wan-xi would rather believe that she is a patient.
     "Yes, you don't mention that I haven't thought of it yet. I think that Dong Madam has found something good for Di Fu-Jin. Also, I can use Jiazhu-Tao to hide things like this, they are also I just got rid of it. I just don’t know if I can bear the anger of Yin-Tang. Can they bear it?” Wan-xi chuckled and suddenly felt that this fight was worthwhile.
     They are willing to die if they die.
     After taking Ting-Rain back to Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi handled the good face and went to see Hong-sheng. See the little guy running on the little short legs with meat and toes, Gao Mama Keeping it by the side, watching carefully, afraid that he fell, but the little guy seems to be teasing others, the east and the west, giggling.
     Wan-xi looked at the little guy's naughty look, his eyes full of pets, as long as her children are good, she can really pay anything.
     “Side-Fujin.” Gao Mama noticed that Wan-xi at the door was Calling at her.
     "Emperor." Hong-yu sees Wan-xi, and immediately pats a small hand to hug.
     Wan-xi smiled in the first two steps, and this little fat pier was held in his arms.
     The little guy is getting more and more, and his body is getting more and more heavy. After a while, Wan-xi feels that he may not have the strength to hug him and run around.
     "Little mischief, what I was doing now!" Wan-xi clicked on his little nose, watching him giggling with his teeth, and his mouth could not help but smile.
     Today's event happened too suddenly. She counted that they might take the '1st Jiji', but they didn't count that they would be so mad and take the life of '1st Jiji' to calculate her. Fortunately, they found it early, '1st Jiji' is to keep it, if it is '1st Jiji', even if this is not related to Wan-xi, Wan-xi believes that Yin-Tang is also Awkward.
     I have to say that Yi-Luoshi calculations are in place, and there is still a little bit worse.
     The big situation she worked hard to create was almost broken by her.
     "Mama, today Hong-sheng must have been a little scared. He fell asleep late, and you pay more attention to it." Wan-xi played with Hong-sheng for a while, seeing the little guy tired and staring at him. When you got up and left, you didn't forget Gao Mama.
     They paid more attention to them.
     At this year, the child died too much, and Wan-xi did not harm other children, and naturally did not want his child to have an accident.
     At dinner time, Wan-xi saw Yin-Tang cold face back, guessing that even if it was not found clearly, it must have found some clues, and these clues are likely to be related to Dong-shi. After all, her purpose is too obvious, and people do not doubt that she is difficult.
     However, Yi-Luoshi, who was commanded behind her, worked very well. Unfortunately, she met Dongshi, a self Made pig teammate, and her careful plan became full of loopholes.
     "Master, today's thing..." Wan-xi opened his mouth and interrupted him. .
     "Today, this matter has nothing to do with you. Moya is poisoned because Wanyan-shi is wrong to visit, and the Jiazhu-Tao flower is used and used in her body. Its purpose is nothing more than picking up Back to Moya, let the Lord look at her face in the face of Moya?" Yin-Tang said, sneer, it is obvious that she is delusional.

     Yin-Tang The most annoying thing about this person is that someone forced him to do what he didn't want to do. Yi-Luoshi is no better at calculating. If he doesn't want to do it, he won't let them do. .
      The '1st Jiji' thing touched Yin-Tang's bottom line. If not, it is impossible for him to investigate this matter for Yi-Luoshi and Dongshi.
     In fact, Yi-Luoshi has repeatedly attracted the attention of Yin-Tang. In order to avoid her calculation of Wan-xi and several children, Yin-Tang has strengthened the defense in the government in advance, and secretly transferred a few The Guardian pays attention to the safety of the house.
     What happened today was too sudden, and even he did not think that Dong-shi mother and daughter would use such vicious methods to deal with Moya. He thought they would count Wan-xi and a few children, but they didn't want them to directly reach out to the body. If it is not Moya who has eaten snacks in advance, and can't drink so many sweet soups, it may be another ending.
     If Moya has lost his life, according to Dong-shi plan, Wan-xi can't take it off even if he doesn't do anything.
     This made Yin-Tang very angry. He held the palm of his hand, so they said that the calculations can be calculated.
     And Yin-Tang remembers that he had warned Yi-Luoshi that she would not interfere with the things in Junwang's house, and that his means were too gentle, so that she could not remember.
     "What is the master going to do? I think that since Fu-Jin is afraid, there must be a move. I think Dong Madam will definitely not let go of this opportunity to drag the water." Wan-xi twisted his eyebrows, face Look at the Yin-Tang Road with concern.
     For Dong-shi mother and daughter, Wan-xi is really disliked, the mother and daughter are like a piece of leather candy, can not stick.
     Yin-Tang lowered her eyes and glanced at her eyes.
     The expression on her face looked a little dignified. Maybe she thought of it.
     The brows slammed tightly. After a while, she slowly said: "Yes, but the man has already made people Control her, to Dong E. Seventy temper, he certainly does not want to get into trouble."
     Yin-Tang wants Yi-Luoshi life, there are thousands of ways in the dark, but can't just do it casually. It’s not afraid, but in the crucial period of taking Di-, it’s really a trouble to kill Prince ‘Madam, and the ‘Madam of this house is Prince ‘Madam mother, and the fun is big.
     Although the Royals are higher than a cut, but the long mouth is not so good, Yin-Tang is not stupid enough to send such handles to other people. Moreover, Yi-Luoshi is not worthy of his thoughts, he does not clean up, and some people have cleaned up.
     "That's '1st Jiji' over there, it's okay!" Wan-xi asked softly.
     Not my own biological daughter, some things are more scrupulous, and she really does not want Yin-Tang to be embarrassed because of '1st Jiji'.
     "No, Moya knows everything, she will be poisonous, because the bowl of poisonous sweet soup is Dong-shi personally fed into her mouth.
     The child is looking forward to the love of Dong-shi, but unfortunately this Only one time loves, but she wants her life.” Yin-Tang has a cold face, and the tone is very calm, but it is revealed that there is a chill.
     "God!" Wan-xi exclaimed, his hands licking his lips unconsciously.
     She thought that Dong-shi was poisonous enough, but she didn't think she would be so vicious. She gave the bowl of soup by hand. She thought she had born this child in 10 months.
     "What about the '1st Jiji'? The child was very sensitive, so..." Wan-xi slowly walked over to Yin-Tang, holding his slightly cold palm in his hands and thinking about coming to Dong. Shi actions did not affect him at all.
     "What else can you do? After this incident, it is also a break from their mother and daughter. After that, Moya is your daughter, and there is no relationship with Dong-shi." Yin-Tang's voice is a bit low.
     There is a little gentleness in the ‘Yuyan, and he wants to come to the daughter of Moya, he is still very concerned.
     Wan-xi looked at her face and looked at the serious expression of Yin-Tang's face. She didn't know what to say.
      '1st Jiji' is the daughter of Di Fu-Jin. Even if Dong-shi is dead, she is also the daughter of Di Fu-Jin. How can she be remembered under her Side-Fujin name, but she can listen to the meaning of Yin-Tang. It is. Looking up at the firmness of Yin-Tang's face, Wan-xi knows that this matter will not change. She opened her mouth and finally said nothing. After all, '1st Jiji' is not wrong.
     "If you believe in the whole body, you will try to be a good mother." Wan-xi whispered.
     Yin-Tang sighed a long sigh, reached out and took Wan-xi into his arms, holding her arms tightly, and the fragrant nose of the nose made his tight emotions slowly relax. "Yes straight believe in you." "As long as you don't change, this lord believes in you."
     "Master, no matter what the matter is, you will be with you all the time." Wan-xi hands clenched his neck tightly and whispered.
     Yin-Tang looked awkward and then laughed loudly. Jun's face was satisfied with a silk. "Good."
     Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, no matter how warm the house is, but there are too many people outside the house who can't sleep peacefully for a variety of reasons.
     Yi-Luoshi is definitely one of them. She wants to save her daughter, but she doesn't want her granddaughter but she is a heartless wolf. Being forced to rush, she bit her teeth to make her granddaughter a target, because she knew that only when she had an accident, she could pull Wanyan-shi into the water, and then she would raise the conditions for 9th-Prince to ask for her daughter. But I don't want that little white-eyed wolf to be fine. What she didn't think of was that Yin-Tang's movements were so fast, and she didn't wait for her to take the shot. He directly stroked all the way back.
     Yi-Luoshi wants to save her daughter, but she knows that she is a deadly bureau. She can only try it, but when it comes to her own interests, she will hesitate. After all, Yi-Luoshi really cares about the daughter of Dong-shi, but she cares more about herself.
     Yin-Tang directly pulls Dong E·Seven, and what else can she do? The meaning of Dong E·70 is very clear. If she dares to do it, he will accept her.
     What other people said, Yi-Luoshi can not care, but she has to believe in Dong E·70. When she has been married for so many years, she knows Dong E·70. He is a person who has only his own interests and interests. If she dares to harm his interests, she believes that he will not hesitate to remove the other party, even if he It is her pillow.
     Yi-Luoshi was blocked. Originally, there was no Dong-shi in the city. In the face of this incomprehensible knot, it was like a hot pot of ants.
     "How come there is no news, my mother! She did not send a message?" Dong-shi saw the pearl coming in, immediately before reaching out, grabbed her arm and asked eagerly.
     The brows of the pearls were slightly wrinkled, but they did not open the hands of Dong-shi. Even though she was caught with some pain, "Fuly, there is no news on Fu-Jin, Madam, but our yard has been sent by Your Highness." The people are surrounded. From now on, only the admission is allowed, until the matter is checked."
     "What! What do you say! I don't have any news on my mother's side? How can I have no news?" Dong-shi eyes are sharp and wide, and his face is unbelievably two steps backwards, which seems to have suffered a major blow. I fell directly into the chair behind me and couldn’t move for a long time.
     At this moment, Dong-shi knows that she is really finished, and it is completely finished.
     Originally, she wanted to borrow her mother's hand to continue to live, even if she would lose her only daughter, but now her mother has lost, she really does not know what to do.
     "Fujn..." Pearl looked at such Dong-shi and couldn't help but Call, but unfortunately did not get a response.
     Rouge was scared by Dong-shi, but she knew in her heart that Dong-shi had done such a maddening thing, and how could Your Highness leave her life.
     As long as the rouge thought, the next day, when Li Dequan appeared in the main courtyard, they knew that Dong-shi could not keep this life, but they did not feel sad, but instead felt a sigh of relief.
     Dong-shi looked at Li Dequan who appeared in front of him. He only felt that his hands and feet were weak. "Li Gonggong, are you?"
     Li Dequan looked at the smirk of Dong-shi, his eyes flashed with disdain and contempt, and he said that the tiger poisoned his food.
     The 9th Fu-Jin really refreshed his understanding of women. "9th Fu-Jin, The family is in the order of the emperor, to send 9th Fu-Jin Road, and please 9th Fu-Jin not to be a nubi "
     "Road?" Dong-shi voice was a little trembling, she thought of this cut, but did not expect to come so fast.
     Li Dequan can wave whatever his expression, and the two little eunuchs behind him immediately stepped forward, holding a tray, and stretching the red cloth on the tray to reveal the dagger, white peony and poisonous wine. Such as the world before Wan-xi died.
     "9th Fu-Jin, please!" Li Dequan smiled and reached out and made a 'please' gesture.
     Dong-shi looked at the things in front of her and subconsciously stepped back two steps. At this time, she felt that death was so close to herself, but she had nowhere to hide.
     All the people looked at her with cold eyes. No one went to sympathize with her. It can be said that there are still many people who wish her to die soon.
     "9th Fu-Jin, please don't let your family be embarrassed. After all, you may be more painful when you change to a family." Li Dequan flashed a cold light in his eyes, and his tone was indifferent.
     For them, death is like a regular meal. Maybe today they are witnessing the death of others. Maybe tomorrow is someone else to witness their death.
     There is nothing surprising.
     Dong-shi looked at Li Dequan's cold expression and swallowed his mouth uncomfortably: "Li Gonggong, can this Fu-Jin ask to see the last face of the Lord?"
     Dead to the end, Dong-shi still wants to see Yin-Tang, see this man who has taken all her heart from the first sight.
     "9th Fu-Jin, you still have a direct choice. Before coming here, Junwangye told him that he didn't want to ask whatever he asked." Li Dequan squinted and saw Dong-shi died. Under my own daughter, the face could not help but reveal a bit of disdainful look.
     So heart-felt, it’s really a dead end.
     "How come? Is it true that even the last one is not willing to see me?" Looks like a disappointment, Dong-shi is shaking his head desperately, is not willing to believe this fact.
     And Li Dequan, they can not care whether she is really painful or fake, the emperor has already ordered, Yin-Tang face cold, even if she does not want to see her eyes, then who will control her thinking.
     This is not, Dong-shi is not willing to choose, it is natural that Li Dequan helps to choose, it doesn't matter if the poisonous wine is sprinkled, and there are daggers and white scorpions. Anyway, personal death is for the people living in the palace. .
     Struggling, rebelling, and making a big noise, Dong-shi has forgotten to pay attention to her image of Di Fu-Jin. She thought she was making trouble, others would let her, but Li Dequan, who they are, they would not be like Yier Luoshi, everything goes along her.
     Pearls and rouge, as well as other people in the main hall, when they saw that Dong-shi was caught by two powerful eunuchs, they consciously fell to the ground and sent their last journey of Your Highness.

     The sun shone on the Wan-xi through the gap between the branches. Wan-xi sat on the felt under the tree, and Moya-qi, who was wrapped around the tree, was smiling with him.
     The two of you came to me, and made a group. Wan-xi looked at the pure and bright smile on Moya-qi face, and his heart could not help but soften.
     This is just an innocent child. Although she is not her child, since she has decided to keep her in her name, she will have two daughters, one as in her previous life.
     "Sister, here." Hong- Hong- played a game with chasing short legs and Moya-qi.
     Moya-qi accompanied Hong-sheng on the felt, and her face was red. It was hard to see that she was still lying on the bed two days ago. "Hong-jun brother, you slow down."
     Wan-xi mouth smiled with a smile, his eyes softly looked at the two people, eyes wide open and sweaty, and they could not help but raise them to let them come, Wan-xi holding Hong-sheng, hand Holding the scorpion first, help Moya-qi wipe the sweat on his face, and then help to touch the in the arms. "Drink some water first, rest for a break."
     "Wanyan Auntie..." Moya-qi looked at the gentle Wan-xi, his heart was up, some happy, and some sad. She is pleased that Wan-xi cares about her and does not lose her brother. It is hard that her pro-foreign mother has never treated her like Wan-xi gently.
     "Good boy." Wan-xi reached out and took a small face of Moya-qi. She reached for her to sit next to her and saw her reddish sigh. She sighed a little and said: "If you are I am willing to call my maiden directly, and they are all my children. If you don’t want to, you can continue to call me Wanyan. Moya-qi, you have to remember you Ah Ma and we all love you."
     Moya-qi Looking at the face of Wan-xi, the tears finally fell from the red eyes. Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt next to her saw her crying, and she couldn’t speak loudly.
     They wanted to promise Moya-qi, but looking at Wan-xi face patiently, they could only stand by and be anxious.
     Wan-xi looked at the little Missie crying silently, and she sighed in her heart. She said that Moya-qi is not an empty talk, and that Miss is squatted by Dong-shi again and again.
     The big heart was also broken, not to mention that Dong-shi still wanted her life a few days ago. If Miss is still the same as before, she should doubt whether she is born again with her.
     A few days ago, Dong-shi was given a death.
     The funeral was very simple and quick. Although it was still bearing the name of 9th Fu-Jin, it was no better than 8th Fu-Jin.
     Although Wan-xi regrets that she could not personally send Dong-shi the last trip, but listening to Ting-Rain said that she was strangled by two small eunuchs, she could not help but sneer. She knew that according to the Dong-shi temper, it was impossible to die safely.
     The result was very obvious. She refused to do it herself and could accompany others.
     Ah! In the last life, she was also forced to die by Dong-shi. In this world, Dong-shi was anxious to kill herself.
     This is really a good idea.
     Moya-qi looked up at the moment of Wan-xi mouth so gentle smile, slowly walked forward, holding her arm, crying and Calling, "Em."
     "Good boy, don't cry, there will be a mother in the future, there is Ama, there-Brother, they are there, and it will be good." Wan-xi reached out and patted her back, whispering softly.
     "Oh, don't cry, don't cry!" Hong-sheng looked at the crying sad look, leaning on the small head, as if thinking of his own cry, Wan-xi yelled at him and stretched his hand. I took a handful of Moya-qi hand.
     Moya-qi looked at the milk and comforted her younger brother. ' ' laughed when she heard it. Yes, she didnt like her, but Ama, Wanyan, and Brother Both the younger brother and Mei-mei like her, "Well, don't cry."
     Wan-xi looked at the younger Brother and sisters who became very happy, and they felt happy in their hearts.
     The children, naturally, are happy. "Well, since we don't cry, let's wash and sweat." Wait a minute to play again, okay?"
     "Okay." A big man looked at Wan-xi, it was very authentic.
     Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt looked at Wan-xi, who took a big walk to the inner room.
     They were all stunned.
     They were worried about Wan-xi good for '1st Jiji'. It was done for Your Highness, and now it seems that Your Highness is not only a reason for this Side-Fujin.
     There is Wan-xi appeasement, plus Hong-min, they are accompanied, Moya-qi is not as lively as Yali-qi, but it is not as silent as before, acting more than before. A bit brighter, which makes Wan-xi feel satisfied, but also makes Yin-Tang feel relieved.
     Outside the house, the news that Dong-shi was given a death has indeed caused a lot of criticism. After all, just before, 8th Fu-Jin made a big noise. However, after learning that it was the Junwang House where Li Dequan personally took people, all the criticisms disappeared overnight, and the rest were basically guessing what Dongshi had done, which led to Kangxi order. Her death is dead.
     They all said that the hole is not coming. Since it has been done, it will definitely leave clues. In particular, Yi-Luoshi has spent a lot of thoughts on pouring the dirty water that she has already prepared into Wan-xi.
     The movement is stopped even at the most appropriate time, leaving too much information.
     Fortunately, Yin-Tang's reaction was fast enough. Before these people turned out these clues, they turned their attention to what happened at the birthday party. Everyone thought of her 8th Fu-Jin's scenes running around, but there was no doubt. On the contrary, I feel that there is such an ending. In the end, 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi are not the others, they are the master of this world.
     Dong-shi death, because Yin-Tang is working behind, no one has linked her death to Wan-xi. As for Yi-Luoshi, she wants to put Wan-xi After dragging the water, but after the Yin-Tang shot, Dong E·70 was afraid that he would be implicated again and directly put her under house arrest. Compared to the previous cold, the current Yi-Luoshi is the real downfall.
     Even so, Yi-Luoshi tried to find out what happened after Dongshi. Whether she was alive or dead, she always felt that she should know how her daughter left this world. It’s just that Dong E·70 was ordered to die this time. Her people couldn’t get out of it. No way, Yi-Luoshi could only hang around Yao Concubine, who is currently holding the housekeeper’s right, to help her inquire. Yao Concubine also didn't want to be bothered by her every day, so she mostly avoided her. It was impossible to tell her the results she heard.
     Dong-shi is dead, no matter how it is dead, there is only one kind of saying outside, that is, it is given. Although the name of 9th Fu-Jin is still preserved, Di Fu-Jin should not be able to enjoy the treatment after her death. As for the people in the main courtyard, except for the pearls and rouge, they were assigned to the '1st Jiji'. Some other people who performed well had their own arrangements. If they did not perform well, they would return directly to the House of Representatives.
     There is nothing to be desired.
     Junwang has a lot of time, and the Shiqie in the courtyard has a little convergence because of the death of Dong-shi. After all, Di Fu-Jin said that he gave death, and these Shiqie have no children. It’s not a word to clean up, they don’t want to be cannon fodder.
     The house is quiet, but there is something in the palace that doesn't stop. Although this incident is the order of Kangxi, it has nothing to do with Wan-xi, but there are many people in the palace, and there are always people who can't see others.
      After 8th Fu-Jin's death, 8th-Prince suffered a lot of involvement, and even became seriously ill, the whole person could not do it.
     This faction is affectionate in the eyes of others. In Kangxi eyes, it is a face. He believes that this kind of 8th-Prince is dissatisfied with his disposal of 8th Fu-Jin, and that the 8th Fu-Jin's splitting approach meets the former Kangxi, which is not only the people who are now.
     Although Liangzhu was in the throne, she lost Kangxi favor because of some things in her early years. Now she is stunned by her son’s old path, and she is so anxious that she can’t find a solution. I am sick.
     The body was a little better, and she thought about giving the stolen goods a new Fu-Jin. To Yu-8th Fu-Jin, Liangzhu does not want to mention more, the relationship between the mother and the daughter is not good. 8th Fu-Jin doesn't look down on the birth of Liangzhu. Liangzhu doesn't like the embarrassment and hegemony of 8th Fu-Jin. Especially in the aspect of Zizi, there are many resentments of Liangzhu. It was only because of the forces behind Yifei and 8th Fu-Jin who took care of her that this was a big blow. Later, I broke the situation on my own. To be honest, Liangzhu is very happy.
     It’s just that this happiness didn’t last long, but it ended up with such an ending.
     Liangzhu heart sighed and sighed, but he never changed his mind. After Dong-shi was given a death, her eyes were brighter and brighter. Yin-Tang was very favored in front of Kangxi. If he continued Fu-Jin, he would definitely let Kangxi pay attention. Hey, maybe you can make a difference.
     Wan-xi didn't know this. She knew that Dong-shi was gone.
     This will definitely be put on the agenda after Fu-Jin's admission. Even if the upcoming draft pick can't choose a suitable Fu-Jin for Yin-Tang, it will set a suitable candidate. However, she did not expect to enter the palace after such a long time, only to see Yifei was asked about this matter.
     "The mother-in-law said that she didn't understand it. Isn't Fu-Jin seeing the meaning of Imperial Father and mother-in-law?" Wan-xi flashed a stunned look, with a few uncomfortable faces on his face. .
     Since Kangxi allowed Wan-xi to call her an Imperial Father, the Empress Dowager or Yifei, she changed her name to Wan-xi.
     Yifei looked at the look of Wan-xi face, and looked at her with a blank smile. He whispered, "Don't you want to know who this Fu-Jin candidate is?"
     Wan-xi gently looked up at Yifei eyes, his face showed a few ignorant expressions, whispered: "Do you know what is the relationship? I believe that as long as the Imperial Father and the mother-in-law are fancy, they must be There are some people."

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