Embroidery Niang 100

  Novels      »     Embroidery Niang    »   Chapter 100 : Thank you for your support.

     Ye-Jing-hong, Qin-Yumo and Ye-Yanning entered the house, and everyone in the house had a dignified expression. Looking at the guards who stood at the door of Qin-Liluo, the people who passed by were all sent for free.
     Qin-Liluo people lament, why? It’s not them who do the wrong thing.
     Qin-Liluo is sitting on the chair with his legs crossed and shaking, a very proud look.
     The light snow is helplessly watching him.
     “Wangye, Wangfei, Ye-gongzi.” When Ye-Jing-hong and others came in, the light snow immediately stood up and saluted them.
     "Light gongzi, sit." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and pointed at the stool.
     Light snow looked at Qin-Liluo, thanked Ye-Jing-hong, sat down with a smile.
     "Yeah is doing well today?" There is no outsider in the yard, Qin-Liluo asked.
     “Yes, there are bonuses.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and nodded.
     "This is really a loss for you. If you change someone else, you won't be able to do it." She grinned with a smile. "The Heir, you just have to wait for the silver at the end to get it."
     "Your eyes are really not very good. If you want to marry a man, you have a good look. You look at the man around you, there is no use at all." Qin-Liluo looked provocatively at Qin-Yumo.
     Qin-Yumo face was darkened.

     "Will you marry you? I Ah-Munig at least I can do my heart and soul, where is like you, day and night is not a good woman, it is a small white face." Ye-Jing-hong's words are anxious fast.
     Qin-Yumo listened, and immediately his face turned cloudy, and all the anger was gone.
     The light snow is sitting on the side and it looks particularly embarrassing.
     "Sorry, light gongzi, I am not talking about you." Ye-Jing-hong reacted, especially embarrassed.
     Although the person who is snowing is falling in that place, Ye-Jing-hong has dealt with him a few times and feels that he is quite good.
     With Qin-Liluo, I really lost him. Ye-Jing-hong feels that the light snow is being pitted by the harm of Qin-Liluo.
     "The Heir, the following things, you have to do it." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile. "Because I left you, it wouldn't be possible to give it to someone else."
     "Do you know what the Lord can do?" Qin-Liluo said proudly.
     "That is." Ye-Jing-hong looked at him with a fangs. "If you didn't know that He He was capable, I wouldn't have found the Heir cooperation."
     "If you have something, you will say, you are always thinking about the pit. You can't have a leisure time to riddle with you." Hearing Ye-Jing-hong is asking himself, Qin-Liluo is even more Great.
     “Liu Jiahe and the Crown Princess will definitely launch a cotton promotion in a few days.
     The Heir is courageous and knows a lot of people. You can find a way to buy all the cotton without disturbing them. Silk threaded cotton has been bought," Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "Just a little thing, you also need to use the master shot?" Qin-Liluo felt that things were too small, and they did not have a sense of accomplishment, and immediately there was no interest.
     "I think about it." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     "I don't want to stare at the production in the factory? We must make a fortune in the winter, and the surrounding states have opened a lot of branches, that is not to stare at me." Ye-Jing Hong gives an example. "I don't want to work on the Heir."
     "I didn't see the silver, but I was called to call you. You are a fool." Qin-Liluo smiled and looked at her.
     "What the hell are you doing?" Ye-Jing-hong had no patience and said nothing.
     "Yes don't do it." Qin-Liluo is awesome. "It's very annoying."
     "Yes, don't pull it down." Ye-Jing-hong is more happy. "There is no share for you to open the score shop around, or you will open the shop later or you will not have it."
     "What happened to your woman." Qin-Liluo sat up straight and was very upset. "Isn't you kidding you?"
     "Dare to ask the Heir Daren, how old are you?" Ye-Jing-hong gave him a blank look. "I am telling you something serious, you actually said to play, who has the ghost time to play with you?"
     "Well, isn't it just buying cotton? You bought all the cotton in Capital City, can you?" Qin-Liluo impatiently.
     "Thank you for the Heir. Yes, I have something to do, and I can't tell people that the flaws come. Our husband and wife will not leave the Heir to eat." Ye-Jing-hong achieved his goal and immediately turned his face. people.
     "Look at it, you say that this woman is not irritating. Ruthless and unjust!" Qin-Liluo resentment.
     "Wangfei has a righteousness to the king, and there is no need to be sympathetic to the next three things." Qin-Yumo said coldly.
     "Yeah doesn't want to talk to the bastard." Qin-Liluo is not happy to stand up, "Ye-Jing-hong, this dress of the Lord is broken for you, you have to pay for it."
     "When you are at the end of the year, you must pay for the two new ones at the end of the year, and they are new products in our Zhuangzi. Is this all right?" Ye-Jing-hong stared at him.
     "This is almost the same." Qin-Liluo hair was smoothed and had no temper.
     "Go, snow, the Lord takes you to the people to eat for the day to eat." A pair of Yaowu Yangwei look.
     The light snow can be as arrogant as he is. He politely bowed to Qin-Yumo Ye-Jing-hong and then walked behind Qin-Liluo.
     "Oh, unfortunately, a good little cabbage was arched by the pig." Ye-Jing-hong looked at their backs and sighed.
     "Ha ha."
     Qin-Yumo and Ye-Yanning couldn't help but laugh at her metaphor.
     After five days, Liu Jia really couldn't help himself.
     The clever hand is the first to post a notice at the door of the shop.
     "The cotton in the shop is sold at a low price, fourteen kilograms and one kilogram, and the second cotton is twelve pounds." Someone went around to recite.
     Those who can come to the cloud to buy cloth, naturally have a family.
     After seeing the notice, most people did not say anything.
     Why, once everyone does not lack such a small amount of money, in order to flock on it at such a discount, it is impossible to lose face.
     Moreover, they subconsciously believe that anything that is discounted must be flawed in quality.
     Second, it is still a month away from the winter.
     The current weather is not too cold. It is enough to cover a thin quilt. It is not necessary to prepare a large amount of cotton at home early.
     So even though the skill gives the cloud a good price, there are not many people who support the game.
     Liu Yongxi looked at the business in the shop and was not irritated. He was anxious in his heart, but there was no way at all.
     But by the next day, the situation reversed.
     "The treasurer, I heard that your cotton discount here is not?" A face with a thick powder of old ladies went into the shop.
     "Yes, it was written outside." The treasurer replied with a smile.
     “Look at the old Lady.” The man said rudely.
     I couldn't understand her sultry appearance, and the powder on this face was too thick. I could smell the pungent smell when I was close to my body.
     However, the business in the shop was cold in the past few days.
     The shopkeeper saw a bleak turnover, and his heart was uneasy. He was afraid that Willow Gongzi would dismiss him.
     In the idea of ​​earning a little bit, the treasurer still let Little-Two take her to see the cotton.
     "Yes, it feels okay to catch it in your hand." The woman said happily after watching the goods.
     "That is, this Madam, our shop is also an old name in the capital, how can you lie to you?" The shopkeeper saw the business in sight, and immediately came to the spirit.
     "Okay, don't brag. Prepare the mother for five hundred pounds, and then add some good silk thread," the woman said.
     The treasurer did not expect to come, is to come to a big customer.
     He immediately greeted him happily. "Little-Two, quickly prepare the Madam for five hundred pounds of cotton, and then prepare some silk thread."
     "Come." Little-Two ran quickly.
     "Right, Madam, how many silk and cotton do you plan to use?" asked the shopkeeper.
     "Every hundred rolls, but all must be white."
     The shopkeeper stunned as soon as he heard it, and the guest's request was too weird.
     Where is the light of white silk and cotton.
     “Hey, I thought you could buy more? It’s just a little bit of food.” At this time, a woman came in from the outside.
     The woman wore a lot of dignity, and she didn't have a bad blush on her face. However, as soon as she entered the door, she looked at the woman sitting in the room in a sarcasm.
     "I am not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue." The woman sitting saw her, and her face changed suddenly.
     "Not afraid." The woman behind came in and said, "All that she wants, I have doubled it."
     After that, a pair of wealthy appearance looked white at the woman sitting.
     "Cold spring flowers, do you want to find trouble with our Peony House every time?" Sitting in the woman, she jumped up and pointed at the other side and opened it.
     "Hey, Du Peony, I just came over to buy things, who loves to find you trouble? Is it because this shop is for you?" Cold Spring flower sneered.
     "Then why do you have to buy my multiples? Isn't it what you are looking for?" The woman, known as Du Peony, has rolled up her sleeves and looks ready to dry.
     "You also know Luo, our business in Yingchunlou has always been very good, so there are more things to ask. Can't make the guests feel uncomfortable?" Cold Springhua said that proud. "But you won't need it."
     "Fart, the old peony building does not know how much better than the business of Yingchunlou." Du Peony said with his hands on his hips.
     Cold spring flower is just a sneer, turned to face to the treasurer, "the treasurer, how much she bought, I doubled."
     The treasurer also understood, the two feelings are the oldest of the two flower houses in the capital.
     The truss went to his store.
     "The treasurer, please double me again." Du Peony sneered and looked at cold Yingchun and said, "There is the ability to turn over to the old Lady."
     "This Madam wants a thousand pounds, you?" The shopkeeper carefully looked at the cold spring flowers.
     "That's good, the old Lady has to be a thousand pounds." Cold Yingchun answered with a smile.
     "Why don't you turn it over? Isn't it a business of your own flower building?" Du Peony is still a provocative appearance.
     "The business of Hualou is of course good. But good return, always have a degree. I think these are enough for us to use in the spring building. I am worried that you are embarrassed, business is not good, bought again. How much cotton can you use?" Cold Spring Flower said, looking at each other triumphantly.
     Du Pei was almost crazy.
     "Madam, do you still have so much cotton?" Little-Two ‘Called and asked.
     "Fart, of course." Du Peony stunned Little-Two and said nothing.
     "Ha ha ha." Cold Yingchun almost smiled.
     "These are all the cotton you want." Several Little-Two put the cotton in a bag, put the cotton thread on her, and then settled with the treasurer.
     "It's all dead, come in and give the old Lady out of the matter." Du Peony lost his face and counted the fire to the head of the cold spring.
     Immediately, a few small donkeys came in outside, and they carried the cotton out.
     "The treasurer, these are my silver, but the cotton and silk threads of various colors are also prepared for me." Cold Yingchun is as tall as the big cock of victory.
     "Well, Madam, you must be satisfied." All of a sudden, two big business, the treasurer's face became a flower.
     "Look at the good color of cotton."
     “The price is also cheap. I have to talk to Madam after I go back.”
     "For the sake of the sake, give me fifty pounds." Someone also entered the shop.
     "Madam, the cotton here is cheap, do you want to buy some back?" Cheng Nianxin also came here, Mama around her whispered.
     "Then buy some, anyway, the family will use it." Cheng Nianxin nodded.
     So Mama took a Yatou and went in first to check the quality of the cotton, and then bought five kilograms directly.
     The treasurer is also aware of Cheng Nianxin. For ordinary people, buying so much cotton at once will definitely make people suspicious, but the number is very small for the family like Duke-Wei.
     From this day on, the business of the cloud has begun to improve, of course, it is limited to the cotton business.
     The things in the capital naturally can't escape the ears of Lu-Bingzhi.
     "Our shop can't slow down." Lu Duchess listened to the report of his shopkeeper, and rushed to the fire.
     “No hurry.” Lu-Bingzhi said with a smile, “It’s so big in the capital, don’t worry. We will start selling tomorrow.”
     What to sell? The next day, the Ye shop began selling cotton, but the price was a lot more expensive than the skill.
     However, some people have joined in the past.
     This time, Lu-Bingzhi couldn't sit still, and immediately told several shops to sell cotton outside.
     Fortunately, there are also many big families coming to eat.
     Liu Yongxi saw it, and he was worried that the rest of his goods would be lowered by a penny.
     When the guests heard it, they all went to the cloud immediately.
     Lu-Bingzhi had to follow the public opinion and follow the price. Who made them secretly join the alliance and wanted to squeeze Ye-Jing-hong?
     As soon as the price was cut, the effect was very obvious, and immediately there were guests flocking.
     In comparison, the business of the Ye-Jing-hong shop is a bit bleak. It seems that the person who came to buy cotton by chance is the person who knows her well, or the family of Qin-Yumo.
     In this way, in less than a month, the skillfully sold the cotton for the cloud and the embroidered village.
     Ye-Jing-hong has a large backlog of cotton.
     As soon as the news came out, the whole capital was in turmoil.
     “Don't Wangfei always be smart? Why did you eat such a dark loss?” The Empress Dowager The impression of Ye-Jing-hong is not as resistant as it was at the beginning.
     Since Qin-Yumo has been married, it is bound to send some food and play to the Empress Dowager, and those things need not be said to be ready for Ye-Jing-hong.
     The old man has children and grandchildren, and the feeling in my heart is certainly different.
     "After the mother relaxes the mind, there is a certain king and the Heir, she can't eat a loss." The emperor said with a smile.
     The Empress Dowager Think about it too, just decide the king's temper temper, and the Heir's personality that is not afraid of it that day, can you bully? It is not bad for them not to bully people.
     "What good food is there?" The emperor pulled the words and said gossip.
     "It's the king who sent it to the palace, milk and egg tarts, red jujube cakes." The Empress Dowager said with a smile, "Don't say that this milk is a good thing. After drinking for a long time, the body of the mourning family is good. If you have that vinegar or something, drink it."
     "There is a bit of a blessing after the mother, and the pair never thought about coming to filial piety." The emperor said with dissatisfaction, and there was a hint of embarrassment to the Empress Dowager.
     "How old is your sorrow, how old you are. In order to eat it bit by bit, it is still compared with the mourning family.
     There is no less of your food here." The Empress Dowager grotesquely looked at the emperor.
     The emperor couldn't help but laughed. "It's also true. If you have food after your mother, you will naturally be less embarrassed."
     "Emotions, these days, you always come over, just for a bite?" The Empress Dowager gave him a white glance.
     The emperor is a smile.
     Mama saw that their mother and son were happy, and they were very happy to see.
     "Well, I am not here for a short time, I have to go back to work." The emperor said after eating the snack.
     "Alright." The Empress Dowager nodded.
     "Miss are disciplined. As a princess, they have to set an example for the Miss in the world. How do you become so arrogant?" In the Yu Xiu Palace, the Queen was serious about teaching Princess Ming Zhao.
     Princess Alum looked at the side, and her heart was very proud.
     These days I saw Princess Ming Zhao running from time to time to the palace. She looked at her heart and despised it.
     The last time she was offended by Ye-Jing-hong, she saw how Ding Wang handled the Xiao Jinyu, although she was not punished at the time, but after returning to the palace, she was afraid of ten days, only these few In the day, she completely let go of her heart.
     So she saw that the relationship between Princess Ming Zhao and Ye-Jing-hong was very good, and her heart was very unbalanced.
     I did not expect that Ming Zhao was caught by the Queen Niang-Niang today, and the charges were still unruly.
     "They are not taught by the courtiers, please the Queen Niang-Niang." Dean Niang-Niang bowed his head and showed weakness.
     "It's good to know the mistake. Don't forget, as a princess, her words and deeds are watched. If someone knows that she doesn't have a courtesy, then it will only be sent to the royal family." The Queen is cold. Reprimanded. "Of course you are a mother, and you are also responsible."
     "Yes, the Queen Niang-Niang learned the lesson." Deyi replied softly.
     Princess Ming Zhao listened to the suffocating half-death. She just slammed into the alum of the Yatou in the yard and slammed into the alum. And it happened to be seen by the Queen Niang-Niang who was on the way. What was wrong with her?
     Thinking of the Princess of Alum, Ming Zhao princess almost jumped up.
     "Ming Zhao Princess's words and deeds are not proper, this palace punishes you for ten times, copying the female ring a hundred times." The Queen Niang-Niang said coldly.
     "Please the Queen Niang-Niang think twice, although Ming Zhao is a bit stubborn, but she is also a girl, too many boards." Dean's face changed.
     "Why, do you think this palace is too strict for her?" The Queen Niang-Niang's face is more heavy.
     "As a princess, I can't lead by example.
     The ten boards are for her long memory. I can also tell her to remember her identity all the time." The Queen Niang-Niang is a selfless person.
     "But the ten boards..." In the end, it was the mother, and Dean was so anxious that he was sweating.
     "It's Germany, you should also reflect on it in the palace, and put your mind on Princess Mingzhao. Let her and some people who are not in the same place have a bad reputation." The Queen sneered.
     Dean’s face changed, and she finally knew why the Queen was coming over to find it.
     But the Queen's words are too vicious, what is not three or four, clearly is to break the reputation of Ming Zhao.
     "Chen Chen dared to ask the Queen Niang-Niang, what kind of non-three people are playing together? Ming Chen does not know." Dessie family behind is also very deep, she will not It was scared by the Queen in a few words.
     The Queen saw Dess eyes looking at himself, and the fire in his heart was even stronger.
     "This is to ask her to be her own." The Queen sneered and ‘Called back.
     "I want to know, who is the Queen who is not the same?" Behind him, the sound of the emperor with anger suddenly sounded.
     The Queen and the German are both surprised.
     "Chen Chen sees the emperor." The Queen hurriedly gave the emperor a gift, as did Deok and others.
     "Who are you with recently?" The emperor did not let everyone get up, but looked at Princess Ming Zhao.
     "I haven't been with anyone. I am playing in the palace, that is, playing with the ladies around me. If I go out, I don't play with the County Owner, I am at the side of Wangfei. I don't know the Queen Niang-Niang. Who is the person who is not three or four?" The opportunity to catch the complaint, Princess Ming Zhao is not easy to provoke.
     Deyang Niang-Niang lowered his head and did not stop his daughter.
     The Queen's forehead was full of sweat.
     "Why is the Queen going to punish you?" the emperor asked with a slap in the face.
     "It was the child's smashing. Today, the child and a few Yatou played the shuttlecock in the yard. I didn't expect Mei-mei to come out from behind, so the child slammed into her body, the Queen Niang-Niang When I saw it, I said that the number of ceremonies was not enough, and that the children were learning badly with the people who were not in the same place. Niang-Niang was prepared to punish the children." Princess Ming Zhao said truthfully.
     The Queen listened with trepidation, and in the eyes of the emperor, she almost suffocated.
     The Princess Alum was even scared and trembled. She said quickly, "I don't blame the emperor, it was the child who was accidentally caught."
     "You go to someone else house, you don't even say hello, you are blaming yourself. After going back today, you should follow the Queen's rules." The emperor's tone was with anger, "Get up."
     "These Fu Huang, the emperor." Several people stood up.
     "The Queen, Mingzhao said, and play outside and what people, I did not find out who is dubious of people do not know the Queen refers to who?" Majesty the emperor staring at the Queen.
     "It was not investigated by the courtiers. I saw that Ming Yu fell to the ground, and I thought that Princess Ming Zhao was often out of the palace, so I had doubts.
     The courtiers also hoped that the princess would know the number of gifts, and the province was jokes." Answer carefully.
     "Now you heard it. She went out to the palace and walked closer to Yatu, and occasionally went to the palace. If you pass today to the ears of Ping Wang and Ding Wang, the Queen wants to explain it himself? "The emperor asked coldly.
     "Everything is the fault of the courtiers." The Queen replied nervously.
     “The Queen went back to practice the alum rule after he went back. When he was fine, he ran to other palaces.” The emperor saw a low head and a little anger.
     "Chen Chen must teach her with heart." The Queen replied meekly.
     "Let's go back."
     The courtiers retire."
     "Children retire."
     Princess Ming Zhao saw two people with unsightly eyes gone, and suddenly burst into anger. "The children thanked Fu Huang for their fairness."
     "You run out these days, your heart is wild, isn't it?" After the training, the emperor began to reprimand this side.
     Dean’s face changed, and he immediately pleaded guilty. “It’s the courtiers who are negligent about her. In the future, the court will definitely take care of her.”
     "Forget it, you are talking to her. Children, lively or some." The emperor waved his hand.
     "Fu Huang, I got a good thing, look at it." Princess Ming Zhao began to flatter.
     "Oh, it’s a trip to see what you got, baby." The emperor said with a smile.
     Princess Ming Zhao rushed into her own room and took out a picture and handed it to the emperor.
     The emperor took a look and suddenly fell in love.
     "Fu Huang, how?" Ming Zhao said with a smile.
     "Miao!" The emperor looked at the complete "will enter the wine", his eyes almost stick to it.
     This picture is actually all words, and there is no painting.
     "Innately, my materials will be useful, and the thousands of gold will be returned." The emperor whispered softly, and could not help but nod his head.
     Princess Ming Zhao is proud of her.
     "Don't send Wangfei to you?" asked the emperor.
     Princess Ming Zhao face is red.
     "Well?" The emperor waited for her. "Please Fu Huang after the sin, the children can answer." Princess Ming Zhao carefully begged.
     "Okay, forgive you for being innocent." The emperor's curiosity was picked up by her.
     "Actually, this word was thrown away after Wang Sao practice. I saw it unfortunately and secretly took it out." Ming Zhao embarrassedly replied, "The County Owner also took one, and the rest were burnt by the next person." It is."
     Speaking of the back, she is still a pity.
     "You?" The emperor looked at Princess Ming Zhao with surprise.
     "Please the emperor forgiveness." Deyi was in a hurry and quickly stopped Ming Zhao.
     "Do it well." The emperor whispered.
     what? Deyi and Ming Zhao Princess are dumbfounded.
     "Cough, it is said that if such a good poem is burned, it is a pity." The emperor said in a correct way, "If you encounter such a good poetry in the future, you should come down to Wangfei."
     "There is no such good thing." Princess Ming Zhao replied frustratedly. "When we know that we have robbed two words, some of them will be burned in the study."
     The emperor heard the words, but also a glimpse, but also regret. This is also too stingy for the old six.
     I knew that I should have asked the princess to come over a few more.
     "This word, I will take it back and see it for a few days and return it to you." The thing to grab the child is always bad, but the emperor is really the word in his hand. After half a day of determination, he is not willing to give it back. Ming Zhao.
     “Fu Huang likes it, if you don’t give up, keep it.” Princess Ming Zhao said with a smile.
     "You are willing?" The emperor was overjoyed.
     "Er Chen big deal until then to hang on there, and then to Wang Sao beg for a copy." Mingzhao smiling princess replied.
     "Well, I really don't want to be a daughter of a sly, there is a reward." The emperor laughed.
     The emperor shot, the thing given is naturally not a defective product.
     When Princess Alum learned that the emperor not only did not punish the Princess Ming Zhao, but also rewarded a lot of things in the past, the tears of anger suddenly fell.
     "Damn." An angry, the pen in his hand was thrown.
     "Princess." The palace Lady quickly picked up the brush. "Don't be angry, the Queen Niang-Niang will come over and check it later."
     Alum was even more angry, the Queen was mad at the emperor, but he was counted on himself. Why?
     However, she did not dare to resist the Queen, and sat down again with tears and a pen to write "Female Ring."
     "The Heir, the cotton and linen you want, Humble-One are all for you." In the Qing Accord, Ye-Chang Hao nodded and stood in front of Qin-Liluo.
     Qin-Liluo squinted at him, his eyes sharp, and flew a few eye knives to the face of Ye-Chang Yi.
     Ye-Chang Yi was down from the cold sweat he saw.
     The Noble Heir looks like he is in a bad mood today, and he still has a chance to act.
     "You are a joke to see the Lord?" Qin-Liluo is open.
     Ye-Chang Yi seems to be taken aback, "the Heir, where does this come from?"
     "You and his mother are less to give the garlic to the lord." Qin-Liluo was furious. "All the people in Capital City know that Ye-Jing-hong looked at the woman, you don't know? I also sent a car. Something comes to disgusting?"
     "The Heir Highness, Humble One really does not know since the Heir to the cotton, small on day and night to somewhere else mobilized goods .the Heir to the, Humble . One is off his head, too Don't dare to delay your business." Ye-Chang Yi is crazy.
     However, his words made Qin-Liluo look better.
     “How much does it bring?”
     "About 23 thousand kilograms." Ye-Chang Hao answered with an answer.
     "Forget it, look at your share of the errands for your grandfather. You will not be embarrassed about you." Qin-Liluo said a good man.
     “Thank you for Noble Heir.” Ye-Chang Hao was overjoyed.
     "Going down and collecting the goods." Qin-Liluo told the people around him.
     Ye-Chang Yi followed and thought about it.
     "You stay and wait, let him go." Qin-Liluo eyelids were not lifted.
     "Yes." Ye-Chang Hao took the step and took it back.
     "There is something good about the book, and the next game is played by the Lord." Qin-Liluo saw the light snow holding a book and suddenly his face stretched.
     "Good." Light snow smiled and promised. He also ordered the little servants around him to take all the chessboards and sat down opposite him.
     Two people quietly started playing chess, and it seems that they have forgotten that there is Ye-Chang Yi, an outsider in the house.
     Ye-Chang Yi stood, and after a long time, the guards who went out did not return, and Qin-Liluo did not take care of him.
     Standing for a long time, he felt his legs numb.
     "The Heir, it's done." Finally, before the lights, the guards finally came back.
     Qin-Liluo looked up and "give him money."
     It seems that it was calculated long ago, and the guards quickly took out the money, and the number was just right.
     "The Heir, Humble-One retire." Ye-Chang Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, today is still good, no surprise.
     "Thank you for your support. How can the business of the Lord be prosperous?" Qin-Liluo looked at Ye-Chang Hao with a smile.
     What does it mean? Ye-Chang Yi lived!
     "It doesn't matter if you don't understand the Lord. You will understand it later." Qin-Liluo chess pieces fell, and the look was evil.
     "The Heir is good chess, lost in the snow." Light snow smiled and said, lost the chess in his hand.
     Qin-Liluo smiled and looked at Ye-Chang Wei, did not say anything else.
     Ye-Chang Yi played a chill and quickly went out.
     "Go, go to the woman's house and ask for money." After Qin-Liluo and others left, he stood up and said excitedly to the light snow.
     "It's too late, Wangfei should not be in Ye-Fu. If the Heir is going, I have to wait until tomorrow." Light snow smiled and discouraged him.
     "You don't say, Grandpa has forgotten. Forget it, go early in the morning and get a breakfast." Qin-Liluo said with joy, "Follow the Lord and go to the Courtyard to see."
     This time there is no objection to the light snow.
     The two men walked outside with the guards and swayed, and the guests in the Qing Accord and the little sisters did not dare to block them.
     On the second day, Qin-Liluo arrived at Ye-Fu early in the morning to catch up with breakfast.
     That's it, he didn't catch anyone.
     "The Heir, you are a step late." Zhao Yiming came out to entertain him.
     "People, are you dead?" Qin-Liluo is not happy.
     "The Heir." Light snow smiled and persuaded, wherever people went to curse people in the early morning.
     Zhao Yiming knows that he is a mixed person. He is not irritated when he hears what he said.
     “Yanning and Wangfei went to Zhuangzi.” Zhao Yiming explained, “The old man is waiting for a few Little-gongzi, and he will have to wait later. Does Heir want to go together?”
     “And you?” Qin-Liluo expressed his disdain.
     “The Heir hasn't had time to have breakfast yet? There are some meals in the kitchen, and if the Heir doesn't give up, you can use some.
     There are also snacks.”
     "Forget it, early in the morning, my father gave her a delivery, almost frozen. She is good, people ran first. Yeh, here is the first to eat hot." Finished, while complaining, he side The ass sat in the flower hall and couldn't get up.
     Light snow smiled and thanked Zhao Yiming, "Thank you Zhao Lao-ye, bother."
     "What do you say with an old guy, sitting." Qin-Liluo said impatiently.
     Zhao Yiming does not care about his disrespect.
     "The two sit first, the old man told the people to serve the food." He said with a slight smile.
     "The Heir, if Wangfei knows that you don't respect Laozi, she has to be angry again." Light snow reminded him to respect the old man.
     "What is the woman angry with Guan?" Qin-Liluo shook his legs and did not put his words on his mind.
     Light snow sees him and does not listen to his own words, sighing and shaking his head.
     The Heir This attitude will one day suffer in the face of Ye-Jing-hong.
     Not long after, the people in the kitchen brought the breakfast up, and then the little fat man and others came over.
     Ye-Jing-hong once said that breakfast should be eaten well.
     Therefore, the Ye family's breakfast has always been rich, both Chinese and Western food, although the amount is not a lot, but the fancy is a lot.
     Several children cheered and sat down to start eating.
     "How many of you don't have to go to the school? Don't you be afraid of the master?" Qin-Liluo can't see a few children and children to grab it, and that good-looking face will drip.
     A few children are afraid of Qin-Yumo, but they are not afraid of this second ancestor. "Today's break," the little fat man replied while eating.
     Because their family is also strong enough, and in addition, a few palaces are peaceful and the palace has a relationship with the family.
     Finally, a few children, under the guidance of Ye-Yanning and Yao Zhongbai and Jin-Haisheng, have made rapid progress, and Ye-Jing-hong has intentionally or unconsciously discussed tactics with them. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.
     A few little guys think they can join forces with Qin-Liluo.
     The idea that force determines everything has the upper hand, and several children are not afraid of him.
     "The milk is good." The little fat man fell in love with the milk here, but he returned to the government to make it, but with a strong smell, how can not do the fragrance here.
     "Today is to see the dairy farm, Wangfei said that it is tight enough." Gao Zhaoqin said with a smile.
     "After eating, your Wangfei also said, and we have prepared a gift for each of us." Zhao Yiming said.
     "Yes, everyone has it?" A pleasant surprise sounded at the door of the living room.
     "We came by chance." Another said with joy.
     "There is no share for you." Cheng Ruibo said, they said coldly.
     "Right, we are Wangfei sly apprentice. Master is giving us a gift to care about us. You are the dead skin and the face is coming up, and then the things in Wangfei Zhuangzi are not falling from the sky." Little fat man, it is reasonable to say I have my own thoughts.
     "Dead fat, not a little cute." Princess Ming Zhao said with a fork.
     Counting, she is still a little fat man's watch, but unfortunately these days she gathered around Ye-Jing-hong every day, followed Ye-Jing-hong to learn to be free, for the rules, I really forgot.
     “Wangfei thinks that I am very cute, and I feel very good myself.” The little fat man swallowed a piece of bread and replied with a smile, not hit by her at all.
     narcissism! Princess Ming Zhao decided not to care about this little boy.
     "We haven't eaten yet." Qin Xin Yue said to Zhao Yiming with a smile on his eyes as he smiled at the light snow.
     Zhao Yiming has long been accustomed to these two Yatou from time to time to come to eat rice, seeing them come over, has told the Yatou in the house to bring them tableware.
     Ye cooks all got the true biography of Ye-Jing-hong, and the food tastes are all good.
     The two Yatou are also at ease here, and all the rules and rituals that have been eaten are forgotten and gorged.
     "Zhao Ye-Ye, can you go?" The little fat man ran to Zhao Yiming and asked.
     A few of them are ghost elves, and Ye-Jing-hong and Ye-Yanning are very respectful to Zhao Yiming, so they usually double Laozi.
     Zhao Yiming has never been married for a lifetime, and of course he is very happy with their show.
     It is the pavilion and the pavilion, and it is better to have a few children.
     "Yes." Zhao Yiming nodded.
     Several children have sent a few people to follow, so the family is also preparing a carriage.
     Zhao Yiming went to the little fat man's carriage, Qin Xinyue and Ming Zhao Princess immediately squeezed in.
     Qin-Liluo with light snow, naturally will not squeeze with them, they go up their own carriage.
     Although there are not many guards brought out, the number of horse-drawn carriages is still not small.
     The people on the street saw the unique mark of the Qin-Liluo on the carriage, and they had already gone aside.
     The speed of the carriage coming out of the city gate is even faster.
     Several carriages were covered with thick quilts, and a few soups Pozi were placed inside. Everyone didn't feel too cold.
     For a long time, the carriage stopped at the gate of the Zhuangzi of Ye.
     The people who guarded Zhuangzi came down from the battlefield and saw the carriage stopped immediately.
     Qin-Liluo face is cold.
     Light snow quickly dissuaded him, "the Heir, you think about it, the factory yard also have your share, if not strict management Wangfei, what people can not enter, then I'm afraid the Heir is not assured."
     Qin-Liluo has a good look when he listens to his face, but his temper is still there. "They don't look at who they are, they just stop."
     "The Heir, Humble-One can't dare to target you." The leader was once Qin-Yumo, who was assigned to Zhuangzi after the injury and found a wife here. So he is very concerned about the matter of Ye-Jing-hong.
     In order not to let the second ancestor fry, he smiled and patiently explained, "Wangfei stipulates that anyone who enters Zhuangzi, even if Da-gongzi and Wangye come, must be routinely checked. Any goods entering Zhuangzi are strange. People, it is necessary to check carefully. Wangfei said that this is responsible for all shareholders."
     This is finally to make Qin-Liluo feel comfortable.
     "What about the goods she brought?" Then he asked.
     "One by one is registered." The gatekeeper replied.
     "Let's check it out." Mao Shun, the Heir Daren's temper is fine.
     The little fat guys used to go to the old Zhuangzi, the new Zhuangzi here, they are still coming for the first time, so they saw the guards carefully check, they still feel quite strange.
     “Laozi.” Everyone at the gatekeeper respected Zhao Yiming.
     This is due to the words and deeds of Ye-Jing-hong and Ye-Yanning.
     "Check it out carefully." Zhao Yiming smiled slightly.
     "Normal, pass." A few words from the gatekeeper, immediately someone took the flag and made a few strange gestures to the distance.
     "Please come in." The guard opened the fence.
     The carriage immediately moved slowly again.
     "Wang Sao is very strict in guarding this Zhuangzi." Princess Ming Zhao said admiringly.
     "Things make money, and many people who are jealous are gone." Little fat man said cheerfully.
     It makes sense that several people nod.
     Entering the interior of Zhuangzi, the eyes of Qin Xingyue and others are not enough.
     How are the small buildings in a row that are not far away? There is also a chimney in the back that is so high and thick. Several people look up at the neck and don’t see what it is.
     "This is a chimney?" Qin Xin Yue asked curiously.
     "We are also the first time to come, do not know what these things are used for?" Zhou Zhiyuan replied.
     "Noble Heir, is it delivered?" Qian Lin, who is in charge of this, walked out to welcome everyone.
     “Ye-Jing-hong?” Qin-Liluo asked faintly.
     “Wangfei is in the workshop.” Qian Lin is full of red light, and at first glance, she knows that the recent days have been very good.
     "Let's take a look at the past." Qin-Liluo said lazily.
     "Several people please wait in the living room, Wangfei will come over later." Qian Lin smiled and replied.
     "Yeah said, I want to see Ye-Jing-hong that woman." Qin-Liluo urged impatiently.
     "The Heir and Laozi can go to the workshop, but the rest of the guests can't go." Qian Lin explained his temper well.
     Qin-Liluo glanced at him gloomyly, and when he was worried that he had to lose his temper, he was dying. "That's good, my grandfather went over and looked at it."
     Qian Lin saw that he had compromised. He immediately arranged for the chubby to be sent to the living room, and he personally came to the workshop with Zhao Yiming and Ye-Yanning.
     Ye-Jing-hong is sitting in the embroidery room at the moment to guide the embroiders how to do the embroidery work.
     Qin-Liluo slowly walked to her front.
     A young Embroidery-Niang looked up and looked down again.
     Qin-Liluo Seeing the woman here is still a rule, but my heart is quietly relieved.
     "Yes want to see the big chimney." Qin-Liluo said impatiently.
     Ye-Jing-hong raised her head. She saw Zhao Yiming and immediately smiled.
     "Ye-Ye, you are here, I am making new clothes for you, and you will try it later," she said with a smile.
     "He has, yeah? Don't forget that you still owe you a lord." Qin-Liluo said very unhappy.
     "There is yours." Ye-Jing-hong said with no anger.
     She put down the things in her hand, "Go, take you to see."
     Walking into the place with the tallest chimney, Zhao Yiming's eyes are not enough.
     This factory is steaming and sweating. More than a dozen workers are strong men. In this winter, they are all working naked.
     “Is this?” Qin-Liluo asked with a wink.
     “I found something that could replace silk.” Ye-Jing-hong said succinctly, “You will know later.”
     It’s hard to say too much, and Qin-Liluo didn’t even ask.
     He knows that Ye-Jing-hong is willing to let him enter the deepest part of the workshop and has given him the deepest trust.
     At the next stop, they looked at the home and toys. It looked ‘mute, but it was dumbfounded.
     I didn't expect Embroidery-Niang to be working on the needle, but on the machine.
     “Is this thing also what you came up with?” Qin-Liluo pointed to the simple sewing machine.
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded cheeky.
     Of course, she would not tell him stupidly that she actually copied the modern design.
     Because she is the best designer, she uses a lot of simple sewing machines, so she is also familiar with the machine.
     Qin-Yumo has a lot of skilled craftsmen, and several of them have been dug in their own villages, so the use of simple machinery can still come in handy.
     It was a bit of a problem when I was looking for a belt.
     Later, Qin-Yumo found her a lot of animal skins and twisted them into ropes to find a replacement.
     "This is much faster." Zhao Yiming nodded his approval.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled slightly.
     “What is this here?” Qin-Liluo pointed to a factory.
     "You can't just go in here, you have to disinfect it." Ye-Jing-hong replied. "Go back, give you some new clothes."
     I heard that there are new clothes to wear, and Qin-Liluo has not continued to toss.
     The three people came to the living room very smoothly.
     “How are you so warm here?” Qin-Liluo asked.
     "This is warm floor." Ye-Jing-hong replied. Many workshops in the factory need to use high temperature, and the evaporated heat can not be wasted, of course, it is delivered to each room.
     In fact, this phenomenon, Qin-Liluo was found in the embroidered room.
     “Wangye.” Ye-Jing-hong saw that Qin-Yumo was also there, and suddenly smiled.
     Qin-Yumo saw her intimate with her, of course happy, laughing and letting her sit next to her.
     Qin-Liluo is very dissatisfied with the behavior of their husband and wife. "What happened to your woman? Isn't it good to give us something?"
     "You have opinions, you can go outside and wait." Qin-Yumo gave him a cold look.
     "This Zhuangzi is not yours." Qin-Liluo replied very disdainfully.
     "Wangye, don't care about him, he is awkward." Ye-Jing-hong said cheerfully.
     “Hey? What are you doing?” Qin-Liluo expressed her indignation at her statement.
     "There are a lot of things." Ye-Jing-hong gave him a white look. "You see that we have more money than you, we are better than you, we are better than you, just talk about it." Hey, the rest of me are too lazy to say."
     Ye-Jing-hong is still so cheeky, Qin Xinyue and Ming Zhao Princess are so shocked that they can't get rid of the chin.
     The little fat man was still afraid that Qin-Liluo was not stimulated enough, and immediately agreed. "Yes, Wangfei is right."
     "Ye-Jing-hong." Qin-Liluo.
     Ye-Jing-hong, with Qin-Yumo around her, she is not afraid of the roaring Qin-Liluo, smiled blankly at him, "The sound is great."
     "You are this woman." Qin-Liluo feels that Ye-Jing-hong is born to be his own.
     "Wangfei, all the things you want are sent." Wang Yue took someone with a pile of clothes.
     "This is the new clothes in the factory?" Qin Xin Yue can be mad at the fact that her brother is almost mad. She immediately took Princess Ming Zhao to look at the new clothes on the table with great interest.
     "Yes, let's try it later," Ye-Jing-hong said. "But wait for the time being, and there are new clothes to be sent," Ye-Jing-hong said.
     Just talking, Wang Qiu also brought people to bring clothes.
     After the workers brought the clothes in, they went back to the workshop.
     "Look at it." Ye-Jing-hong did not look at the ugly face of Qin-Liluo. When he stood up, he was ready to give everyone a demonstration. "This kind of sweater is woven. I am going to prepare you a little thinner." It is made of mercerized cotton, which is not easily deformed and warm and comfortable."
     "What should I do if I don't have a front?" Princess Ming Zhao turned over and over, just didn't find out how to wear it.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled slightly.
     She clap her hands and immediately came in from several men with better builds.
     When a few people came in without saying a word, they began to undress.
     "What do you want to do?" Princess Ming Zhao and Qin Yin Yue grabbed his eyes.
     "I dare to play in front of the Lord." Qin-Liluo smiled and wanted to go forward.
     “What is the ghost?” Ye-Jing-hong frowned unhappyly. “Put away the thoughts in your heart.
     They wear a lot of them. Just come over and show everyone how to wear them. Continue.”
     Seeing that she and Dingwang are both light and faint, Ming Zhao Princess and Qin Xin Yue are embarrassed to let go, Qin-Liluo also closed his mouth, but his eyes are not good to see A few men standing.
     After a few men took off, they showed a few sweaters inside.
     "It turned out to be like this." Qin Xin Yue blurted out.
     "Yes, I will give you a demo." Ye-Jing-hong did a demonstration, but did not put the sweater on his body.
     "Wangfei, I will." Little fat man tied her up.
     "Good." Ye-Jing-hong squeezed his chubby face.
     “You can wear a newly developed down underwear, and you can see how they wear it.” Ye-Jing-hong refers to the male model.
     Several men picked up a pair of down jackets to wear them.
     "This is simple, I will." Qin Xin Yue nodded happily.
     Ye-Jing-hong waved and several men went out.
     "Hey, how so soft?" After Princess Ming Zhao picked up one piece, she asked in surprise.
     Qin-Liluo They listened, then picked up one, and then they stopped.
     "You can find a room to change. Don't worry, there is no one here." Ye-Jing-hong said lazily, "Wangye, Ye-Ye, yours are in your room, those are I did it myself. Even the sweaters were made by me."
     "Dead woman." Qin-Liluo hated her bias eyes.
     “ ‘Laughs’ .” Qin-Yumo expressed his satisfaction with laughter.
     Zhao Yiming is also smiling.
     Everyone was led by Yatou, who went to the room to change clothes.
     It is not everyone urgency, you must change it here. But Ye-Jing-hong said, and everyone will give feedback later.
     For a moment, several people came back in succession.
     “Wang Sao, these clothes are too comfortable, and they are especially warm.” As soon as I saw Ye-Jing-hong, Qin Xinyue and Princess Ming Zhao hugged her arm.
     "To tell the truth, I was not prepared for you. However, since I am here, I will send you one." Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "Wang Sao, do you know that sometimes you will hurt people." Qin the heart said with a sigh of relief.
     "Give you such a good thing, you still complain, don't give it back to me." Ye-Jing-hong made an effort.
     "Everyone is wearing it, and there is a reason to take it off again. Wang Sao, I know that you are the best person." Laipi method of using it all is not to return.
     “Don't you think this fabric is different?” Ye-Jing-hong asked with a chuckle.
     "Fabric?" Several people listened.
     There were just the remaining down jackets on the table, and I watched them one by one.
     "It's silky." After watching it for a long time, Qin Xin Yue didn't see any difference.
     "This is not real silk." Qin-Liluo said lazily.
     "Is it?" Princess Ming Zhao and other talents looked seriously.
     Not to mention, if you look carefully, you will see that the difference is coming.
     “This fabric is different from satin, but it looks like it is not low grade. And it has better characteristics than satin, that is wear-resistant and washable, it is not easy to pleat.” Ye-Jing-hong said, “More The important thing is that its price is relatively low."
     "What is the main material?"
     “Cotton and cotton and linen.” Ye-Jing-hong replied, she would not say it very clearly.
     A few listened to the shock and couldn't speak for a long time.
     "It's no wonder that Wangfei bought so much cotton." Light snow also got two new clothes, and I was a little uncomfortable.
     "I have not only made the duck down, but also made bedding. Compared with the quilt, it is more breathable and softer, and it is more warm. I think it will be hot." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile, "more important The down, after the down treatment, there is no smell."
     "Not only has no odor, but also with a touch of floral fragrance." Qin Xin Yue put the clothes under the nose and smelled.
     “Of course, more is tasteless,” says Ye-Jing-hong.
     In other words, the clothes given to them are processed.
     Princess Ming Zhao is very happy.
     "This is a coat, you don't have to wear the inner liner, just add a sweater." Ye-Jing-hong beckoned, and Yatou immediately came in with a robe.
     "It's so beautiful." Seeing the novel design, thin clothes, the 2nd Miss have to drool. However, the two of them are also embarrassed to ask, just the rabbit fur of the collar, you know that the price is expensive.
     It’s not too much to take advantage of.
     “When is Wangfei going to sell?” Qin-Yumo smiled and asked.
     "After the day." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile. "Look at how many of you are doing tomorrow?"
     When the little fat guys listened, they knew what was going on.
     After all, this kind of work, they did not do less.
     "Come here, give you a coat and a dress." Ye-Jing-hong let the little fat guys put on their coats.
     "I want too."
     It’s so cute to wear clothes on the children, because even the hats have the shape of small animals, even cartoons.
     "Hot." The little fat man first took off his clothes and handed it to the people around him. "Hold it, don't lose it."
     The child is afraid that Ye-Jing-hong will take back his clothes.
     "What is the button?" Qin-Liluo asked lazily.
     "This is called a snap." Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     Then there is no, but Qin-Liluo has not continued to ask.
     As I spoke, it was time to eat at noon.
     Here, the mountain, although it is winter, there are a lot of game in the mountains, plus the production of tofu products in Zhuangzi, as well as bean sprouts, green vegetables or something, so the food is very rich, everyone is very enjoyable.
     "Wang Sao, I will follow you later." Qin Xingyue looked at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Right, you still have Zhuangzi available. If you don't, I have to have a Zhuangzi or something. I have to mix it with Wang Sao." Princess Ming Zhao said with enthusiasm.
     "I encourage you to have some land in your own hands." Ye-Jing-hong nodded. "When you are busy, next year we will not be able to plant anti-season vegetables."
     “What is anti-seasonal vegetables?” The little fat man is always interested in fresh things.
     “It’s winter to grow vegetables in the summer, but the investment in the front is bigger,” says Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Well, I followed Wang Sao." Qin Heyue said cheerfully.
     Although the investment is bigger, the price can not stand up.
     "Right, the weather is already cold, the vegetables you can't use in your village, the fish, the pigs, the sweet potato and the potatoes can all be sent to me. I can give you a higher price." Ye-Jing hong said.
     "Wang Sao, how do you accept everything?" Princess Ming Zhao said differently.
     "Life is stressful, of course, it needs diversification." Ye-Jing-hong ‘Laughs’ smiled. She can't always say that she is coming through and seeing more than her.
     "I went back to my mother, and too Ye-Ye." The little fat man is not stupid, and is savvy.
     I heard that they have raised a few months of ducks in Zhuangzi, and they have earned a lot of money. He is a great hero!
     "You have collected so many duck eggs, what are you doing?" The mature ducks need months.
     The time for raising ducks is not too long, and it is not too long when laying eggs. It was only recently, but it was all received by Ye-Jing-hong.
     There are not many eggs in the family, but many people are collected, and the number is scary.
     "You can eat too, and this will bring some back to each of you. I said, this person is more generous, and it is impossible for someone to give you another one." Ye-Jing-hong boasted.
     "There is nothing good about duck eggs, but he still doesn't like to eat. Salty one!" Qin-Liluo is very disdainful.
     "Don't pull it down, I just saved some." Ye-Jing-hong turned a blank eye. "Right, the eggshell is black outside.
     The inside of the egg is also black. It is called the loose egg. When eating, , peeled and cut into white wine, or vinegar can eat." Ye-Jing-hong confessed.
     "There is still black? Will it be broken?" Qin Heyue doubt.
     "You don't want to give me a person." For eating, the little fat man has always supported Ye-Jing-hong and believes her unconditionally.
     Ye-Jing-hong gave a glance at the past.
     "I just said, isn't it not seen?" Qin Heyue said embarrassedly.
     Because everyone had to rush back, so someone soon sent the eggs.
     There are two boxes for each person, and there are only ten boxes.
     "Small gas." Qin-Liluo said proudly.
     Ye-Jing-hong ignored him, and Zhao Yiming Pavilion, they happily got on the carriage.
     After returning to the capital, everyone went away and went home.
     Ye-Jing-hong returned to Ye-Fu and immediately went to the kitchen to pick up some preserved egg porridge, made a cage of dumplings, and then brought some duck eggs and side dishes into a special food box.
     “Wangye, I want to ask the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang for an appointment.” Ye-Jing-hong said.
     Qin-Yumo and Zhao Yiming.
     Everyone knows Ye Jing-hong is not like the palace, but also by the emperor with her.
     I did not expect that she would take the initiative to go to the palace today.
     However, Qin-Yumo saw her carrying a two large package and immediately understood her intentions.
     "Well, this king will take you with you." He put down the pieces in his hand.
     "Ye-Ye, you and the pavilion at night, they eat, Brother, this is not coming back today. I am leaving." Ye-Jing-hong and Zhao Yiming greeted each other.
     Zhao Yiming smiled and nodded. "Well, there are cooks, and we can’t be hungry."
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded with a smile.
     Qin-Yumo got on the carriage and smelled the buns.
     “Do you want to eat?” Ye-Jing-hong looked at him mischievously.
     "As long as you are doing what you want." Qin-Yumo said with a smile.
     “Not much, let’s go back to eat.” Ye-Jing-hong said, “We also eat lean porridge at night.”
     The carriage went smoothly into the palace because there were so many things. This time, when I arrived at the second door, Qin-Yumo still found the sedan chair for her.
     The rest of the things were held by the wind and thunder, the moon and the autumn.
     With a lot of things, it is especially eye-catching along the way. Of course, the heads of the palaces will soon know the news of their arrival.
     "The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, Ding Wang took Yongfei to Naniang-Niang, please." The eunuch outside the palace came in and reported.
     The laughing and joking people in the room immediately quieted down.
     "Don't come to Wangfei, but the sun came out from the northwest corner." Wang said with a smile.
     She is the mother of 5th-Wangye and 7th-Wangye, and she was also the favorite of the year.
     "When there are more things in Wangye, Wangfei is a bride, and it is inevitable to be shy." The mother of the eight Wangye is Zhuang Yu.
     "Sister is really a joke, the king has been close to the family for half a year, but also the bride? Besides, Qi Wangfei often comes to the palace." Wang Hao is also stupid, did not see the Empress Dowager cold face.
     "Ding Wangfei is busy with business, can't find time to come, it is also reasonable." Chu Qing liu said with a smile.
     Deyi said at this time, "The Yunjin in Wangfei shop has always been in short supply.
     The pattern is even more difficult. I heard that her words are even more difficult to see. It is said that she wrote the Baifu word and used one hundred kinds. Font."
     "Wangfei is the first talented woman in Capital City. Everyone mentioned that she didn't know how much she admired it. I want to say that Wangfei is not only a talented woman, but also a means of doing business." Chu Qing liu seems to have a mouthful. Say.
     The Empress Dowager is even harder to look at.
     Desserts took a glance at the flow of Chu.
     In Pingyun, in any case, the status of the merchant is still very low. If Chu Chuliu is casual, it is really not a good word. At least for Ye-Jing-hong, it is not a compliment.
     Because everyone in the palace knows that the Empress Dowager is a very face-to-face person.
     The royal wife is naturally noble, or elegant and elegant, but she does not need a wife like Ye-Jing-hong who has a copper smell.
     However, the king decided to find Ye-Jing-hong, which made Wangfei, and the Empress Dowager said that he didn't mind. In fact, he always cares about it.
     Chu Qing liu words were completely burned on the unpleasant heart of the Empress Dowager.
     The thought has been given Chu Miss Wang feel the heart of love, Defei heart full of contempt for clean Chu meaning, but we are all mixed in the palace, she naturally do not show such emotion in his face.
     "All the heroes are saddened by the beauty. According to the courtiers, Wang Wenwu is all-rounder. I don’t know how many nieces have loved him in these years." Here, Deyi intentionally and unintentionally shot his entire eyes. Someone at the place.
     Chu Qing liu face was white, how did she feel that Deyi words were directed at her? However, Deyi did not name the name, so she could only pretend that she did not understand anything, and still listened happily.
     Deyi expressed admiration for her heart, and secretly set a vigilant heart against the woman of Chu Qing liu.
     "But the Empress Dowager, you are sure who the king is tempted? Set Wangfei If there is no excuse, how will Ding Wang treat her with one heart? So the courtier said that this woman is not everyone can do it, We don’t know how many talented women are in Capital City. Unfortunately, no one can do this, such as Wangfei. A painting and an embroidery are worth a lot of money. Moreover, she is just taking care of her dowry. Can't be considered a businessman." Deyi laughed and teased.
     The Empress Dowager heard the words, his face finally turned cloudy. "In the end, it is the old man in the palace, but it is letting you talk about the key point.
     The reason why the mourning family did not stop the king, is not because of cherish that Yatou is a talented woman."
     When everyone listened, they were happy and unhappy, and they all smiled and echoed.
     As I spoke, I saw Ye-Jing-hong coming in under the leadership of the palace Lady.
     When everyone saw Ye-Jing-hong, a few Yatou were still carrying big packages, all of them were a bit dumbfounded.
     What is the rhythm, Ye-Jing-hong is a gift, and should not be directly wrapped in a parcel and sent to the Empress Dowager?
     “The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang is in good health.” Ye-Jing-hong has not learned the formal rules, and under the command of Qin-Yumo, she has always done it according to her own preferences. So this salute is a bit nondescript.
     Wang Hao sneaked a few smiles, and Chu Qing liu eyes still shed a trace of disdain.
     The Empress Dowager was used to her attitude, raising her hand and letting her get up.
     "Okay, you don't have to be embarrassed. People look at it. I don't know how many harsh people are at home."
     “The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang has always been kind, who will talk nonsense and say that the Empress Dowager is harsh.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and stood up.
     "Okay, don't learn the slick tongue." The Empress Dowager gave her a blank look, and there were quite a few gestures that she didn't have at all.
     Ye-Jing-hong stood happily, and seemed to see that the Empress Dowager didn't like her at all.
     "Sit down." The Empress Dowager really didn't have any idea of ​​her lack of oil and salt. She had to point to a group stool to let her sit down.
     "I came over today, I want to give the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, please, second, remember that winter is here, I want to prepare some small gifts for the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang. But after the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang looked Can't laugh at me." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     "You don't want to sell any more. Let's take a look at the mourners." The Empress Dowager doesn't believe that Ye-Jing-hong will give her any gifts for no reason, and also pays Zhou to go to the palace. A trip, send it in person.
     "Will the things that Wangfei sends, must be different?" Wang said with a smile.
     "I just heard that Deyang Niang-Niang mentioned that Wangfei wrote the Baifu map, and the gift that Wangfei gave to the Empress Dowager was better than that of Baifutu." Chu Qing liu also smiled and interjected.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled a little, and there are still a lot of things about what these women are holding.
     However, she did not like to enter the palace. Of course, she did not want to have more contact with these irrelevant people.
     Therefore, Chu Qing’s words of Wang Hao did not make her feel bad.
     "In fact, there is nothing. It is some snacks and clothes that I personally made, the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, you don't want to give up?" Ye-Jing-hong pretending to be innocent, looking at it with a smile The empress Dowager.
     The Empress Dowager raised her eyes and touched her big eyes with a smile, and it was really hard to answer the disappointment.
     But to be honest, the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang is disappointed in the heart.
     She is really looking forward to Ye-Jing-hong can also send a calligraphy and painting, but Ye-Jing-hong only sent some food and clothes.
     How can these things, as the Empress Dowager, be lacking?
     "The gift that is prepared, whatever it is, will be very precious." Zhuang Xiao smiled and interjected.
     She is the mother of eight Wangye, she is the identity of the king, she also has the heart to pull Ye-Jing-hong.
     For a stupid woman like Wang Hao, Zhuang Yi simply could not see it.
     "You are all human beings.
     The words that the mourners want to say are all for you to rush to say, what the mourners say." The Empress Dowager smiled and responded to everyone, but looked at Ye-Jing hong's.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and pretended to look at the moon. "Take the food box."
     "Yes, Wangfei." Wangyue quickly handed the parcel to the person around the Empress Dowager and opened a food box.
     Everyone looked over and found that it was rice porridge and dumplings, and they were still braving the heat.
     The original so-called gift is just something that can't be used on the countertop. Wang Hao naturally has a look of contempt in a few eyes.
     Ye-Jing-hong handed the rice porridge to the Empress Dowager and handed it over, "The Empress Dowager is hot."
     The Empress Dowager is not hungry, but seeing her very diligent appearance, she did not mean to reject her kindness.
     After taking the small bowl, she dug a spoon with a spoon.
     “The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, and so on.” Suddenly, Chu Qing , who was sitting not far from the Empress Dowager, ‘Called.
     The Empress Dowager and everyone.
     "The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, there seems to be something unclean in the bowl." Chu Qing liu wants to say that he is still resting, and his eyes are not floating on Ye-Jing-hong, as if he is afraid of Ye-Jing-hong blaming her.
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't have to look up, you know what Chu Qing is saying.
     The Empress Dowager looked down and his face was a little cold. "What is this black?"
     “The thing that the Empress Dowager saw was a preserved egg, also known as a loose egg. It was a new product in our shop.” Ye-Jing-hong replied quietly, “Because of the low yield, I will give the empress first. Dowager prepared some tastes."
     She looked at everyone reaction, but did not put it in her heart. Oh, today's Songhua egg is just a ‘maiden, and her real intention is not this.
     "What is the egg?" Sure enough, the Empress Dowager heard a new product, so do not get angry, and looked curiously from a bowl of porridge, especially those of finely sliced ​​egg come.
     “The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang will be the first to taste it later.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and persuaded.
     The Empress Dowager nodded and picked up the spoon and slowly ate it.
     The crowds stretched their necks and waited quietly for the Empress Dowager's reaction.
     "Good, good." The Empress Dowager even nodded his head after drinking three porridges. “The taste and the usual eating are not the same.”
     "Yes, it's a new product in the shop. For the time being, only Wang and I are eating." Ye-Jing-hong broke the news.
     The audience was listening, and there was another tremor in my heart. Among them, Chu Qing liu was even more mad at this time. This time, the Ye-Jing-hong monk once again made a limelight.
     Ye-Jing-hong is clearly showing up!
     She carefully Toumiao reaction of the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager at the moment where there is time to spare others, is single-minded in front of a delicious taste.
     So Chu Qing liu also complained about the Empress Dowager, which is all about the eyelids. It turned out that I didn't hate Ye-Jing-hong. I didn't expect to just send something to eat. What the Empress Dowager? It is clearly the same as Ye-Jing-hong.
     The crowd saw the Empress Dowager eating with relish, and they were curious about the so-called new products. After all, there are no good things in the palace, not the best things. Where can the Empress Dowager be seen?
     Now the Empress Dowager is so happy that the things that Ye-Jing-hong sent are really good.
     "What kind of thing is this kind of loose flower egg?" Wang Hao hated in his heart, but his face was very hypocritical.
     Deyi and Zhuang Yu listened attentively and gave her a look.
     Wang Hao is really a stupid person. She also knows that the Songhua egg is the secret of the Ye-Jing-hong shop. She asked this question in a big way, and she is not afraid of Ye-Jing-hong.
     I didn't think that Ye-Jing-hong was really generous, and there was no meaning of disguise. "Songhua egg is actually made of duck eggs."
     "Duck eggs?" The Empress Dowager After eating a small bowl, put down the bowl in his hand. After listening to Ye-Jing-hong, she was a little shocked. She had never eaten the smell of duck eggs. Of course, the taste of this pine egg and salted duck egg is different.
     "It looks like it's black, it won't be a broken salted duck egg?" Wang Xiao Xiao was very enchanting.
     “How come?” Chu Qing liu face showed a surprised expression, “Ding Wangfei...”
     “Nature is not bad.” Ye-Jing-hong explained with a good temper. “There are still complete pine eggs here. If you are interested, you can taste it. After the taste, you should understand.”
     After that, she ordered the moon to open another food box and then took out several intact pine eggs from it. Of course, the contents of the outer shell of the loose egg have been washed away.
     "Open, cut open." Ye-Jing-hong faintly told.
     Looking at the moon, she ordered the Songhua egg to be cut soon.
     "Everyone tastes." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and invited.
     "The emperor drove." Suddenly there was a small voice from the eunuch.
     The crowd stood up in a hurry and immediately kneel down to give the emperor a gift.
     Ye-Jing-hong has no choice but to do it with others.
     "How come this time?" The Empress Dowager looked at the emperor.
     "When I heard that Wangfei had sent a good thing to her mother, she rushed to see it." The emperor did not hide it, and smiled and answered the question of the Empress Dowager.
     Everyone listened, and my heart suddenly remembered.
     "What is this?" The emperor came to see the neat pine eggs on the plate.
     Wang Hao, who has stood up, hastened to pay attention to the past. "This is the food that Wangfei sent to him. It seems to be called Songhua Egg."
     The emperor nodded. "It’s better to say that it’s coming soon. Since it’s catching up, I’ll take a look at it with everyone.”
     Ye-Jing-hong secretly turned a blank eye and never heard of eating a white food.
     "Emperor please." She smiled and personally poured the pineapple eggs into the liquor and handed it over.
     The emperor picked up the chopsticks and ate it unceremoniously.
     Didn't people try it? A few of them looked at the emperor with surprise.
     "Okay, delicious." The emperor laughed. "Not only does it taste good, it just looks beautiful."
     Over there, Mochizuki also held a plate to let the people present taste it.
     There are not many things, one can only eat a small piece, but the people who have eaten really think that Ye-Jing-hong is not bragging. This kind of loose egg is really a good thing.
     "Is it out of your mind?" The Emperor looked at Ye-Jing-hong with a look of inquiry.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and nodded, "I was rushing out of my whim."
     "Okay." The emperor's face was full of smiles. "Is it made of eggs?"
     "Yes, it’s duck eggs." Ye-Jing-hong nodded again.
     "Hey, I heard that you have raised a lot of ducks with the people? I am still worried that you can only rely on roast ducks in your shop. It can't be consumed." The emperor was like a kind father and she picked up.
     "Actually, the most precious thing on the duck is not meat." Ye-Jing-hong ‘Laughs’ smiled, the topic came. If she doesn't grasp it, it is a fool.
     "Oh? How?" The emperor looked at her curiously.
     Wang Hao eyes showed a sly look.
     The whole capital city does not know that the Ye-Jing-hong roast duck restaurant is almost a day-to-day fighting gold. Now there is another sale of pine eggs. She is a profitable farmer. However, Ye-Jing-hong even said that he would say such a thing.
     "The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, except for eating, I brought it to you, the Empress Dowager, do you want to try it?" Ye-Jing-hong turned around and naturally caught the topic she wanted. Above, "This piece is also related to the duck."
     "Oh?" The empress Dowager's curiosity was lifted by her.
     "Wearing? Wouldn't it be duck feathers?" Wang Hao was uncomfortable in his heart. When he heard Ye-Jing-hong, he immediately made a joke, but his tone was somewhat aggressive.
     Chu Qing liu smiled slightly, this Wang Hao seems to be stupid, but it is her test blade.
     Without waiting for Ye-Jing-hong to answer, the faces of the emperor and the Empress Dowager were all cold. "Bold, Wang Hao, who gave you such courage?"
     Wang Hao was shocked, and then he remembered how big his words were.
     The duck feathers are worn by the Empress Dowager, not the pressthe Empress Dowager?
     "The emperor, the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang blamed, the courtier did not mean the disrespect of the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang." She slammed down.
     I was afraid of it, and Deyi gently lowered his head.
     The idiot was really an idiot.
     Ye-Jing-hong was not in the mood to take care of Wang Hao. She smiled slightly. "The emperor, when I say this, I really can't take things out."
     Everyone was stunned at the first sight. Could it be that Ye-Jing-hong really made the duck feathers into clothes and brought them to the Empress Dowager?
     "How?" The emperor looked at him with a slap in the face.
     "Because there is really duck feathers in the clothes I made." Ye-Jing-hong answered broadly.
     When Wang Hao heard a sudden burst of heart, Ye-Jing-hong admitted himself, then she was not afraid of the emperor to punish her again.
     The Empress Dowager was uncomfortable listening to her heart. She felt that Ye-Jing-hong was simply not ignorant, and even suspected of being deliberately opposed to her.
     "Actually, I also prepared for the emperor." Ye-Jing-hong said with a tweak, looked up at the emperor.
     "Oh, what about the preparation?" The emperor came to the mood and was not angry at all.
     "Yes, I was thinking about it.
     The duck feathers are good, the rabbit fur is good, not all the fur on the animal, but I didn't think the emperor and the Empress Dowager seemed to be jealous." Ye-Jing-hong seems to be Fear of worry is actually an excuse for yourself.
     "There is no jealousy." The emperor smiled heartily.
     The Empress Dowager glanced at him, as a sacred, Ye-Jing-hong was not good, and there are still many people watching it.
     The underneath of the pipa heard the words of the emperor, and even if there was dissatisfaction in his heart, no one would dare to reveal a half.
     "Since the emperor is not jealous, then I am relieved." Ye-Jing-hong patted his heart and answered with confidence, "The wind, take the package out."
     The blast promised outside, and then came in and handed the parcel to the moon.
     Ye-Jing-hong personally opened the parcel and took out a strange dress inside.
     "What is this? Why didn't you have a front?" The emperor curiously stretched his neck and asked.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and explained, "This is called a sweater. It is different from our usual."
     So she explained how to wear the sweater.
     "Is this made of duck feathers?" asked the emperor wondering.
     "No, this is made of cotton. And these are made of duck feathers, wrong. It should be made of duck down." Ye-Jing-hong picked up two clothes and answered.
     The emperor saw the inner liner and looked at the down pants. He immediately came to interest. "Let's see."
     De Gonggong quickly took the clothes and put them on.
     The emperor touched it for a while and nodded. "It's very soft and warm."
     When I think of the coldness of my winter in the winter, the emperor is very satisfied with the gift given by Ye-Jing-hong.
     “These fabrics are all new and can be washed under water. It is not easy to wrinkle without fading.” Ye-Jing-hong whispered while observing the emperor’s expression. “The emperor wears custom dragon clothes every day, I naturally You can't make a hatch and make your own claims. So most of these clothes are worn inside, and the style is much simpler."
     "After listening to Wangfei, I must have more women's styles." Deyi swayed the boat and helped her.
     Yesterday, Ming Zhao came back and was excited to mention the benefits of down jacket.
     Ye-Jing-hong is so capable, she certainly wants to make a good deal with Ye-Jing-hong.
     "That is inevitable." Ye-Jing-hong understood her goodwill and said something along her words.
     "The Empress Dowager Niang Niang, Chenqie outrageous to say the words." I do not know where Zhuang Fae Fae moral intentions, she clearly accordance Defei smooth and slick personality, no good, she certainly would not be so active in helping Ye Jing hong. Seeing the emperor's satisfied attitude towards Ye-Jing-hong, Zhuang Yi immediately chose the side that was beneficial to him. "If the Empress Dowager doesn't like this duck down costume, it is better to reward it."
     "Listen, there are benefits, and even grabbed the empress Dowager." Deyi laughed and teased.
     "No." The Empress Dowager saw the costumes in front of the emperor, and there was a bit of temptation in his heart. It was said that Ye-Jing-hong made a lot of sense. What is the duck down? Isn't that the feather on the bird?
     There is really nothing to be afraid of.
     Thinking of this, she deliberately stunned Zhuang Yi eyes. "You are beautiful, your courage is big, and even the mourners have to grab things, and there are fewer good things there."
     Everyone laughed when they heard it.
     "Ai Jia also to look at." After joking, the Empress Dowager this looked Ye Jing-hong.
     So Ye-Jing-hong made the gift of the Empress Dowager.
     When the women's sweaters and down jackets unfolded, almost everyone couldn't sit still, and the Empress Dowager had a surprised look in his eyes.
     "This high-neck sweater is equipped with this low-neck down jacket, and for those who are afraid of cold, you can add a liner inside. Another low-neck sweater can be matched with the hair.
     The various down jackets of the collar.” Ye-Jing-hong acts as an instructor.
     "Okay, originality." The emperor was overjoyed. "I really want to try this down is really warm."
     "The mourner also wants to try." The Empress Dowager said, standing up.
     The emperor and the Empress Dowager speak naturally, it’s not a play.
     This is the most noble mother and son of Ping Yunguo, who went to the room to try out the clothes.
     "Wangfei, such a good thing, don't you know if there is anything in your shop?" Deyi smiled and asked, grabbing the opportunity to show it.
     "Yes, there will be sales in the shop tomorrow." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied, "The sweater is also there.
     The color patterns are different, of course, the price will not be low." Ye-Jing-hong Direct It sealed the possibility of everyone reaching out.
     "The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang and the emperor know that Wangfei will be sold in the shop tomorrow, and it will not be unhappy." Wang Xiao said with a smile, but with gloating in the tone.
     Others listened, and they all bowed their heads and didn't want to get involved.
     They also can see it, this Wangfei is not a good calculation. What's more, people still stand behind the king to kill God.
     These women in the harem are still less irritated.
     Wang Hao saw that everyone didn't want to help himself.
     Some of the people present were allied with her in the back, and they didn't wait to start, they just squatted and flinched.
     "Don't be unhappy with Wangfei. Wang Hao is also a good intention for Wangfei. He is anxious for Wangfei." Chu Qing liu spoke up, and the demon ‘Calling tone made Wang Yue and others listen to it.
     Ye-Jing-hong is very patient.
     "I can't understand the words of Bai Miss." She looked at Chu Qing liu with a smile. "I didn't make anything. Where do you need Wang Hao to worry about me, or even anxious?"
     Chu Qing liu was provoked by her disapproval, and her tone was sharp. "It’s also a little girl who is self-interested. Wangfei is a businessman, naturally don’t worry about anything. But the emperor is the ninety-five, the Empress Dowager is also Jin Zun. How can Wangfei use them to expand their influence for their business?"
     Everyone was surprised to see Chu Qing liu. This is too serious!
     Although Chu Qing liu said it is true, everyone here is aware of it, but no one will be stupid enough to say it directly.
     Doesn't it mean that you are not directly fighting Ye-Jing-hong?
     This Chu Miss is really fighting for the king.
     "Chu Miss is really mediocrity." The other party's tone is not good, and Ye-Jing-hong is not really irritating.
     For Chu Qing liu, this rotten peach, she is not without hearing. It is a pity that she had knocked on her side and her husband had no feelings about these infatuated women. So she even felt boring.
     It’s just that their husband and wife did not regard Chu Qing liu as one thing, but they seemed to regard themselves as enemies.
     In this case, her Ye-Jing-hong will not retreat without a fight. "My Ye-Jing-hong is a businessman. Naturally, I have a strategy to do business. I am not bragging. My goods are so good. I don’t need publicity. I hang it out. I don’t think it will take long to sell. Now our Ye store is a name in itself. Chu Miss and Wang Wei think I have to use the emperor and the Empress Dowager to advertise?"
     Everyone listened and laughed, and Chu Qing liu and Wang Hao face became very difficult to look at.
     "Since you are so kindly ruined, it is better to take things back, let's go back." At this moment, Qin-Yumo stepped in.
     Chu Qing sheds consciousness and looks up.
     I saw Qin-Yumo coming in from the door, and my face was frosty. "I still think that our couple are bullying, can anyone come over and step on one foot?"
     Chu Qing liu heard his words in the maintenance of Ye-Jing-hong, his face became very pale, although he was sitting down, but the body was shaking.
     And Wang Hao is even more willing to shrink in the crowd, let Qin-Yumo ignore her.
     "Haha, good, very comfortable." The emperor laughed and came in.
     After all, it is worn inside. In fact, you didn’t see any substance, but the emperor said it was good. Everyone quickly followed suit and complimented.
     Ye-Jing-hong glanced at Qin-Yumo with a smile.
     So in her smile, Qin-Yumo has no temper.
     In a little while, the Empress Dowager came out wearing a new down jacket, which immediately attracted everyone attention.
     The luxurious atmosphere was very graceful and luxurious.
     The most delightful thing was that it didn't look bloated at all. It was the Empress Dowager. This old man wears a waist and shows.
     This made all the women look hot.
     "Well, it's too warm, it's warmer than wearing two coats." The Empress Dowager said with a smile.
     Ye-Jing-hong and Qin-Yumo saw the women who circled the Empress Dowager and smiled.
     Although this Weijin Palace suffered a little bit of unpleasantness, because Ye-Jing-hong had the upper hand, Qin-Yumo had let go of Chu Qing liu at the request of Ye-Jing-hong. Wang Hao.
     The palace will be a little bit of trouble quickly spread out, the Crown Princess get to know Ye Jing-hong things out new products.
     She sent a message to Lu-Bingzhi in a hurry.
     "Ducks?" Lu-Bingzhi heard it, but couldn't understand it. However, he is clear that if Lu Jia does not make any measures in the future, he will certainly suffer great losses.
     So the next morning, Lu Jiapu hanged a discounted sign.
     Zhao and his family did not have such a good source of information, so they were still in the dark until the Ye shop opened.
     "I'm not right." Sitting in the carriage, watching the crowds flock to Ye shop, Zhao Shaoqian frowned.
     Those guests are obviously Madam and Miss of some bureaucrats, and there are also many gongzi Brothers.
     "Let's wait." Liu Yongxi also panicked, but he secretly forced himself to calm down.
     "Let people look at it." He told the men coldly.
     The men of the people quickly arranged for people to enter the Ye shop.
     Not long after, people came back. "This is a new product."
     It was the sweater and down jacket that Ye family introduced.
     "I heard that it is duck down." The next person did not dare to hide.
     These down jackets are sky-high, and he can hardly earn the money of a dress for almost a lifetime.
     "Go back." Liu Yongxi and Zhao Shaoqian both glanced at the direction of Ye shop, and Liu Yongxi put down the curtain on the carriage.
     "Go and buy a few ducks back." Going halfway, Zhao Shaoqian told Xiao Xiao .
     Liu Yongxi soon understood his intentions and couldn't help but brighten his eyes. Yes, Ye family, they can also copy.
     They may come faster than the Ye family.
     "So beautiful nephew, where to come, holding really light, comfortable and warm." Just entered the house, just met Zhao Youlan.
     Zhao Youlan saw it and thought it was a new product from his shop, so he grabbed the past and tried it.
     The down jackets are designed by Ye-Jing-hong, and they are first-class in both workmanship and embroidery. It is no wonder that Zhao Youlan will have a look at it.
     "Don't mess around." Liu Yongxi grabbed the clothes and blamed it angrily.
     "If you don't give it, don't give it. So what is the murderer?" Zhao Youlan made the little temper.
     After arriving at the living room, Ye-Xin Yan also came over, Zhao Shaoqian explained to her.
     "Open it and see." Ye-Xin Yan frowned.
     "It’s a pity to tear it down." Zhao Youlan refused.
     However, a few people did not pay attention to her, but really opened it.
     When you look at the down inside, several people can't help but be surprised.
     It turns out that Ye is the softest feather on the duck, but why is there not a little bit of flavor?
     With doubts, the duck that I just bought is unlucky.
     Ye-Xinyi has tried a few methods, but no matter how they toss, wash them with boiling water and clean them with the detergent in the Ye shop.
     They can't get rid of the smell of the nose on the ducks.
     Even the more you put it in hot water, the taste is as heavy as it is.
     The last few tossed tired, only to stop.
     “Gongzi, the cotton coat in the embroidered village has been reduced.” The blow brought by the Ye family has not yet been digested, and the little one over there brings another bad news.
     "What?" Liu Yongxi asked with a bite.
      Xiao Yan repeated the news again, and he fell into the chair.
     Zhao Shaoqian's brow is also locked up. He faces the Ye family alone.
     The Liu family is already unable to do so. If a product is embroidered again, Liu business will encounter big trouble.
     Zhao Liu and his two failed to do the experiment. In fact, Lu-Bingzhi over there also did a failed experiment. For Lu Duke, the Ye family also brought them a heavy blow.
     “gongzi, will you still list it tomorrow?” the shopkeeper asked carefully.
     "Yes, of course." Lu-Bingzhi answered with a bite. If you don't bargain, you can't let Ye home snatch all the guests.
     The most comfortable person is of course the number of Ye-Jing-hong.
     The profit brought by this shop is enough for the hand of the Ye family to cramp.
     “Many people in Capital City bought a lot of cotton, and our shop produced finished quilts and duvets. Presumably the cotton they bought was all idle. Noble Heir, why don’t you do good things in the past and buy all the cotton? "Ye-Jing-hong looked at the second ancestor who was automatically sent to the door."
     "Is it the kind of person who has no face and no skin?" Qin-Liluo asked with a squinting eye, a look that I am very proud.
     Ye-Jing-hong was really sorrowful when he heard his words. Let him buy cotton is a faceless thing?
     He is a glory when he is a Noble Heir who is mixed in the Otaru restaurant all day long?
     “I calculated that the big households in Capital City bought cotton, but they wanted to make quilts themselves, but now they have bought the cotton quilts we sell. In this way, many people will save a lot of cotton.
     They must have at least a kilogram of cotton in their hands. If the whole city accepts it, it will cost tens of thousands of kilograms. How much is the cotton? If the Heir comes out, they sell at the original price and are processed. If it is a sweater or a cloth, it can be doubled." Ye-Jing-hong began to follow the guidance.
     Qin-Liluo looked up at her head with arrogance and did not reassure her.
     "There is still some time from the end of the year. I was thinking about making a vote. But since the Heir is not interested, then forget it. I don't miss that silver." Ye-Jing-hong summed up with a smile.
     After Qin-Liluo finished listening, I thought about it carefully.
     He knows the huge profits of sweaters. If tens of thousands of kilograms of cotton are all turned into clothes, it is a large amount of money.
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't lack the silver, but he doesn't think he has more money. Besides, this is what Ye-Jing-hong asks him to do. If he does it well, he has a special sense of accomplishment.
     "Oh, my grandfather is not jealous of you." An impatient look, he ‘Called with his hand.
     “Wangfei, the Heir will really go buy cotton?” asked Month.
     "He will definitely go." Zhao Yiming laughed and replied.
     After that, he gave a thumbs up to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong ‘Laughs’ also laughed.
     Qin-Liluo can do something good, and he is not willing to buy cotton for Ye-Jing-hong. But after the door of the Ye family, he went to find his own friends.
     "You followed them to the government to buy all the cotton back. Do it well, please ask for dinner." Sitting on the top, he trembled like a roar.
     "The Heir, how can you let the guests eat?" Most of the people who come here are the gongzi Brothers who are not serious in the government.
     They are usually mixed with Qin-Liluo.
     Qin-Liluo let them do things, they dare not really do the work, really let Noble Heir invite them to dinner.
     "Go, my grandfather is in the middle of the Courtyard." Qin-Liluo said with a smile.
     So, in the morning, there was a chicken flying dog in the capital.
     It is really because these people have done a serious thing, so they are all very hard, for fear that others do not know, with their own small shackles, there are several carriages behind them.
     The key to a person is that every street has such a thing, and the number is spectacular.
     These gongzi Brothers are also interesting, first of all from the acquisition of their own home.
     Some of them are very smooth, why?
     Because they are Di-, the management of the feed is generally their mother.
     The son is a jerk, and the mother is always reluctant?
     Besides, the cotton bought in the house is really not very useful.
     The cotton will eventually fall into the hands of Qin-Liluo, so in order to get Qin-Liluo. Madam in each house has almost no trouble for his son.
     Of course, there are also homeowners who see their sons are not a device, want to stop. But after listening to Qin-Liluo, Laozi attitude was immediately paralyzed.
     why? Because the person Qin-Liluo is really hooligan, others help him, he may not be able to remember. But whoever offends him, he can not only remember very clearly, but also think of the way to your house to toss.
     You still have to take him a little.
     Moreover, this time Noble Heir was bought with money, and it was completely "justified" business.
     No one wants to toast and not to eat fine wine, so this part of the acquisition is also very smooth.
     These gongzi Brothers have done their best in their own homes, and the next step is to look to their relatives and friends.
     When I arrived at the people house, I showed the name of Noble Heir, and the business was very smooth.
     "Noble Heir, this is what I bought, how are you looking?"
     "Noble Heir, I have three cars."
     Less than noon, these gongzi Brothers were all gathered in the other courtyard of Qin-Liluo.
     “It’s doing a good job.” Qin-Liluo patrolled the acquired cotton applause with both hands.
     "Noble Heir, you have the right way to make money now. Can you earn a ticket with your brothers?" Someone saw that he was in a good mood and immediately asked him diligently.
     "Yes." Qin-Liluo has promised.
     "You usually have a good wife. If you are rich, you can't pull you down naturally." Qin-Liluo said with a smile.
     “I know that Noble Heir is the most loyal.”
     "Noble Heir, I am willing to take you to the sea of ​​fire."
     The brothers of each playboy began to praise the sky.
     "Oh, you also want to say a few good words to swear the Lord." Qin-Liluo said impatiently, "I want to make a fortune is very simple, and quickly bought Zhuangzi, then the thick face to make Ye-Jing-hong woman The people teach you to raise chickens, raise pigs, raise ducks and raise fish. Anyway, as long as it is something, the woman will accept it."
     The playboys wanted to let them farm, and they all had no interest.
     "I think you are in the Lord, are you?" Qin-Liluo saw their expressions and immediately looked bad.
     "How could." A gongzi Brother quickly said, "We also know that the Heir is helping us."
     "Yes, the Heir is pointing out the way to make a fortune. It is really not something we can do to farm."
     Many people are attached.
     "So the grandfather said that your eyes are short-sighted." Qin-Liluo said with dissatisfaction, "You will not plant, do you want to plant it yourself? Look for a few savvy things to help you look at it. You should not underestimate one." Zhuangzi income. Lord will give you a bottom today.”
     Everyone listened to the ears and they all stood up.
     "Yeah bought Zhuangzi, and all the ponds were dug up, used to raise fish, surrounded by mulberry trees for sericulture, and can receive three seasons of silk a year. Chickens under the trees, chickens eat the worms under the trees, right In the chicken manure, the dragon can be cultivated, and the chickens are fed in the opposite direction.
     The ducks are raised by the river, and the remaining manure is just planted. By the way, if you buy a mountain, it is better. If you plant fruit trees, you can collect fruits in two or three years. , sweet potato potatoes or something, that woman all. Empty place to raise some pigs by the way, you calculate, how much income a year?" Qin-Liluo slightly proud to say.
     The playboys were stunned by him, and he didn't expect him to know so much.
     Qin-Liluo enjoys these adoring eyes.
     In fact, he knows a fart, all these words are Ye-Jing-hong used to tell him to do things.
     He is only now learning to sell now.
     "The Heir said so clearly, if we don't try again, it will become a fool."
     "Yes, go back and try."
     These people have a foundation at home, so they are confident.
     "The woman loves to take revenge. If she wants to send someone to guide you in Zhuangzi, what you have harvested is naturally sold to her Zhuangzi." Qin-Liluo slowly came back.
     "That is natural. We are supporting the Noble Heir business."
     "Yes, for Noble Heir, you can't sell things to others."
     Everyone is determined to make a decision.
     "Well, today, I still have to deliver the goods, I will not eat with you." Qin-Liluo used up people and began to go directly to the order.
     Everyone did not think that he was doing something wrong, and he was inspired by what he had just said. One by one, they were going to go back and ask for money to buy Zhuangzi and make a fortune.
     In this atmosphere, everyone went out of the door and it was a glimpse.
     The guards saw Qin-Liluo swindling a group of people to provide him with the source of supply, his mouth straight, laughing and not laughing.
     "Do you think that I am especially smart?" Qin-Liluo asked with a smile.
     "Yes, Noble Heir in the world can compare with Noble Heir." The guards hurriedly flattered.
     "Go, take the cotton to the Ye home to show off." He first stood up and went out.
     The guard's mouth twitched a few times, and he thought of Ye family to go to the rice, and he said so.
     However, Noble Heir can have a meal and they will have a good time. Thinking of this, several guards went out with joy and followed him.
     “Wangye said that he would not come back to eat at the military camp at noon.” The blast stood in front of Ye-Jing-hong and respectfully reported it.
     “Is it very busy in the military camp in the winter?” Ye-Jing-hong asked curiously.
     Qin-Yumo rarely came back to eat, but in recent days he ate at the military camp at noon.
     "At the time of the winter, the brothers in the army are to be assessed. Wangye is the leader, and the assessment is naturally inseparable from him." The blast answered.
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded. "You wait, I bring some food to Wangye."
     "This?" The wind is very difficult.
     “No?” asked Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Wangye is eating a pot of rice with her brethren in the army." The wind blew his head down and said that it was not difficult to hear his respect for Qin-Yumo.
     "It's that I don't think too well. Well, since there is something to eat, I won't prepare for Wangye." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     “Thank you for Wangfei for understanding.” The wind hurriedly thanked you.
     “When was the war, Wangye was eating with everyone?” Ye-Jing-hong asked curiously. To be honest, she didn't know about Qin-Yumo original life.
     “Wangye ate a lot of bitterness. When I was fighting, I still had something to eat. I basically encountered what I ate. Wangye had even eaten the rat meat, but there was absolutely no death like the rumors outside.” Without letting the rumors affect Ye-Jing-hong, the blast has long wanted to declare to Ye-Jing-hong.
     It’s just that there is no proper time, and Qin-Yumo doesn’t take rumors as one thing.
     "This is the case." Ye-Jing-hong looked down.
     "Wangfei, his subordinates are true. Wangye has never eaten any dead human flesh, and those who are outside are rumored." The blast thought she didn't believe, and she was anxious.
     "I know." Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     The blast saw that her look was not like a fake, so she left with confidence.
     He left here, and Qin-Liluo pulled the goods and smugly came over there.
     "Woman, man is doing a good job?" Seeing Ye-Jing-hong, his eyes lit up.
     "It's not bad." Ye-Jing-hong went out to see the cotton and suddenly broke down. "I just said that Noble Heir will come out. This way, add food at noon."
     This is almost the same.
     Qin-Liluo sat down like a 'Laozi' into the house.
     “Brother, come back, what's the matter?” Ye-Jing-hong looked at the oncoming Ye-Yanning.
     "I am looking for someone to build a shed, and the money is paid. As for the person who plays the cotton, I also find someone to do it." Ye-Yanning smiled and replied.
     "It's cold outside, hurry into the house and warm up." Ye-Jing-hong greets him.
     "Good." Ye-Yanning nodded and entered the room.
     “The Heir.” Seeing Qin-Liluo, Ye-Yanning greeted him.
     Qin-Liluo sent a blank eye and ignored it.
     Ye-Yanning has a good temper and doesn't mind. Instead, smile and Ye-Jing-hong continue to talk about things.
     Ye-Jing-hong feared that he was cold and personally gave him a hot tea.
     "Hey, you woman." 'Qin-Liluo like Laozi originally thought that he was a hero today, and Ye-Jing-hong should give him up. But now it is good, this woman gave her a pro-Brother to a cup of tea, but he was a bit ignorant of him, Qin-Liluo said he was very angry.
     "You did not hand it?" Ye Jing-hong do not want to indulge him this wrong, also gave a supercilious past.
     "What's the matter with you? Is it deliberate to find you?" Qin-Liluo smiled and stood up, facing the chair.
     "The chair is a pear, a thousand Silver Taels, you play." Ye-Jing-hong sneered at him, then sat next to Ye-Yanning and said to Ye-Yanning intimately, " Brother, you go on."
     “What to say.” Qin-Liluo was so angry that she was completely angry with her. He stepped forward to Ye-Jing-hong. “Believe it or not, the Lord burned the cotton at the door.”
     "Letter, why don't you believe it." Ye-Jing-hong said yin and yang.
     "I haven't signed it anyway. It's your own. I will give you the calculation.
     The money to buy these cottons is gone.
     The cotton that should have been produced by these cottons is gone. Hey, the Heir has silver." Can be willful."
     After that, she turned her head and continued to look at Ye-Yanning. "In the afternoon, I personally arranged it."
     "Good." Ye-Yanning smiled and agreed.
     This pair of brothers and sisters is too odious.
     Qin-Liluo face was white and black, completely irritating.
     However, he felt that Ye-Jing-hong, the dead woman, was right, how to say that the cotton outside could not be burned. Because those are all silver.
     “Qin-Liluo.” Just when Qin-Liluo considered whether to arrest Ye-Jing-hong, Ye-Jing-hong suddenly remembered him.
     "What do you call the Lord?" Qin-Liluo asked with a grin.
     "Qin-Liluo." Ye-Jing-hong replied impatiently. "You come over, I have something to discuss with you."
     "You try to call the name of the Lord again." Qin-Liluo is mad at him. He thinks that the name of his old man is definitely an authority.
     The dead woman is more and more courageous, and dares to call him his name.
     "Isn't the name just called for people? You see that you call my name, I have never been angry. You are still not a man, you are called a name, you have to die to live." Ye-Jing-hong Deliberately angry with him. In the future, I need more places to go to this second ancestor, but I can't get used to him.
     "You are too lazy to care about you." Qin-Liluo is angry.
     The consequences are very serious. He walked away directly and did not do it.
     Cut, all this can be tolerated. It seems that the second generation of the ancestors has a long way to go.
     Ye-Jing-hong, regardless of him, continued to talk to Ye-Yanning about the topic. "The room is wood and the roof is thatched, so it is easy to catch fire. Fire prevention should be placed first."
     "I have already told them to leave a gap in the middle of each room, and those in the gap can just plant vegetables for them," Ye-Yanning said.
     “It’s so good,” says Ye-Jing-hong. “If you add adobe on both sides of the stencil, will you know more?”
     “It’s better to add adobe bricks. However, the price will be more expensive,” says Ye-Yanning.
     "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you have more money." Ye-Jing-hong said with a swing.
     "I think it's good. Everyone who helps work is given twenty yuan a day," she added.
     "Well, every day, the rest of the dishes in the hotel, and the rest of the snacks are given to them."
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     As I said, at the lunchtime, Zhao Yiming and the brother of God Medical Valley also came.
     "Open the meal." Ye-Jing-hong commanded.
     But before they started picking up the chopsticks, the Qin-Liluo guy turned back.
     When he entered the door, he sat down at the table and picked up the rice bowl in front of Ye-Yanning.
     Ye-Jing-hong gave him a glance, who is this, more and more excessive.
     "Don't be angry, let people add a pair of dishes." Ye-Yanning is afraid that they will quarrel, and they will be busy and old.
     Qin-Liluo looked at Ye-Yanning with a squint, and his view changed slightly. At the very least, Noble Heir's face looked better.
     After the meal, Ye-Jing-hong signed the word, and the cotton just happened to let Ye-Yanning take it to Zhuangzi.
     And she did not idle, told the people to prepare the carriage, to go out for a trip.
     Jin-Haisheng, Chengde, they immediately went out together.
     "Yeah also looked at it." Suddenly, Noble Heir, who was ignored, spoke up.
     Ye-Jing-hong didn't take care of him and went straight to the carriage.
     Qin-Liluo saw it and quickly jumped into the carriage.
     The carriage went out of the street and went out of the city gate.
     Qin-Liluo couldn't keep his mouth open. "I said that I went to Zhuangzi and I didn't follow."
     Ye-Jing-hong does not speak.
     Qin-Liluo asked for a boring.
     The carriage continued to go, and when the noise was heard, the carriage finally stopped.
     Ye-Jing-hong first jumped off the carriage.
     Qin-Liluo also jumped off the carriage.
     When he got out of the car, he discovered that the original carriage was not on the side of Zhuangzi, but stopped on a wasteland in the east of the city.
     The reason why it is noisy is because everyone is busy building a house, digging a foundation, cutting wood, moving wood...
     The scene is very busy.
     “Wangfei.” When I saw Ye-Jing-hong, someone came to salute immediately.
     “Thank you for Wangfei.”
     "See Wangfei."
     "Living Bodhisattva."
     "Get up, I am coming over to see the process, you are busy with yourself." Ye-Jing-hong said.
     Qin-Liluo saw that everyone who came to salute was ragged, and there was a strange smell on his body that could not be left.
     Ironically, he was about to speak a few words, but received Ye Jing-hong warning look.
     So he swallowed the words back and forth.
     The people who came over were scattered after a long time.
     "What do you do with your grandfather?" Qin-Liluo face was dark.
     "Wrong, you have to come with it. I didn't ask you to come over." Ye-Jing-hong said with no anger. Every time I talk to this piece of goods, I can mad at myself.
     "What are you, aren't I saying that?" Ye-Jing-hong learned his appearance and proudly.
     "What are they doing?" Qin-Liluo decided not to care about this unreasonable woman, so he shifted the subject.
     “The health hall I covered.” Ye-Jing-hong said slowly, “Winter is here, every year there is freezing and freezing. I plan to prepare a nest for you free of charge, free of bedding and seeds. Old and young. People who don’t rely on it, everyone also provides food."
     "I have enough to eat." Qin-Liluo didn't listen to it. After listening to it, he dismissed Ye-Jing-hong.
     "You haven't eaten bitter, so you don't know their suffering." Ye-Jing-hong looked at the distant people and muttered, "Qin-Liluo, you grew up in a honey pot, fundamentally I don’t realize the suffering of these people at the bottom. Everyone is born and raised by their parents. If they are not desperate, no one is willing to lay down their dignity for a ‘maiden.
     “It seems that you are eating too much and suffering less.” Qin-Liluo glanced at her ironically. “Ye home is still missing you?”
     "When my mother was there, my brother and I had a heavenly day, but since the death of my mother, do you know what day I lived? I am a fool, Brother’s legs can’t walk, the wall is down. Everyone pushed, I don’t know how much bitterness I have eaten.” Ye-Jing-hong’s face showed a smile of sadness, “So you never understand their minds, and I understand. I have the ability to give them now. Help a little, so my heart will be solid."
     "You turned out to be a fool!" Qin-Liluo eyes lit up.
     He said that he couldn't talk to the bastard. Ye-Jing-hong saw that he didn't hear the key words at all, and he didn't want to take care of him anymore.
     "Ye said, how come you are sometimes stupid. Right, how did you open up some more?" Qin-Liluo curiously chased her.
     "I met the gods, so I opened up." Ye-Jing-hong sneered and replied. A pair of people who care about him.
     However, the interest of Qin-Liluo is high. "What did it feel like when I was a fool?"
     "It's the same as you are now," answered Ye-Jing-hong.
     A few of the moons heard a sigh of laughter.
     "I say you do not want this woman is beating!" Qin Liluo roared.
     With this ‘Call, many people immediately surrounded me and looked at Qin-Liluo with a bad look. Obviously, these people are coming to protect Ye-Jing-hong.
     So many people can't scare Qin-Liluo.
     His eyes are very 'Laozi'.
     “Wangfei, what happened?” Big-Aunt holding a spoon trembled and asked, but his eyes were firm.
     "If someone bullies Wangfei, we will never let go." A child with a yellow skinny skin holds a stone.
     Qin-Liluo has a sneering attitude towards the determination of everyone, and is not at all concerned.
     The guards around him are on the verge of enemies, and the day, Noble Heir of their family has angered and provoked big things.
     Seeing the hundreds of people around, each person still holds a variety of "high-end weapons" in his hand, and the guards are in a hurry.
     "Everyone misunderstood, the Heir just said, he has to work hard for Yangshengtang. I said, forget it or let me come. He is anxious, so the words will be a little bit, nothing." Ye-Jing-hong explained with a smile.
     This time it was Qin-Liluo turn, when did he say this? Ye-Jing-hong This dead woman is clearly trying to dig his money.
     "The Heir, it's better. You don't need to add anything else, you will prepare some pots and pans for you, right, that furniture, and I will give it to you." Ye-Jing hong said quickly, "Do you want to thank Noble Heir?"
     "Sorry, Noble Heir, Humble-One is misunderstanding you. You are a good person." The child with the stone listened and immediately threw away the stone and thanked him with shame.
     Children are good to lie, Daren is definitely not good to lie.
     They are all embarrassed, mixed all day in the street, Qin-Liluo, no one knows. Looking at his face, Daren knew that the goods did not agree with what Wangfei said. But everyone is not stupid, Ye-Jing-hong let them thank you, and immediately there are a large number of people who have fallen. "Thank you Noble Heir, you are a good person."
     "Living Bodhisattva."
     For the first time, Qin-Liluo saw so many people calling themselves good people from the heart.
     His face immediately turned better. "Okay, it's all small things. You all get up. After a few days, you will let people send the furniture and pots and pans."
     "Living Bodhisattva."
     "Good guy."
     The praises are everywhere.
     Ye-Jing-hong snickered, and Qin-Liluo was proud of it!
     The fifth-class waiter was next to Qin-Liluo, and it was the first time that he received so many grateful and respectful eyes. All the guards were straight and straight.
     Next, Qin-Liluo, when the bastard visited the inspection, under the eyes of everyone respected, the mentality was much better. He put on a serious look along the way, and finally did not have a temper.
     "You grab a little tight, and quickly re-bounce the cotton and make good clothes. First, the old man and the child." Ye-Jing-hong confessed to several people who played cotton, and married the women who invited them to make clothes.
     Everyone has seriously agreed.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw that some people here looked good, and told the people who built the house to add bricks.
     They went back.
     Liu business was hit hard, and the back of the shop was made by Liu Yongxi. Although there are guests in the shop. However, compared with previous years, the net worth of these guests is much worse.
     To put it bluntly, the guests who came here were medium-sized or Miss in the flower building.
     From high to high, no one cares about it, Liu Yongxi can hardly bear this kind of gap.
     “You said, Ye-Jing-hong recycling so many old quilts and cotton clothes?” Ye-chang asked slyly.
     Zhao Shaoqian and Liu Yongxi look at each other.
     “Ye-Jing-hong is not going to use the old quilts to recharge.” Zhao Shaoqian said coldly.
     "She doesn't need us to know, we don't know. I don't know if I will be curious, I want to say it because I am curious, right?" Ye-Chang Hao is also a confidant, and he knows the horror of rumors.
     "Yeah. You said that Wangfei wants so much cotton quilts?" Liu Yongxi was overjoyed, Ye-Jing-hong, you have finally suffered.
     "This matter has to be long-term." Zhao Shaoqian looked at them seriously and said, "Don't forget the identity of Ye-Jing-hong."
     "Reassured. Even if Ye-Jing-hong is angry, it will not be our head." Ye-Chang Hao sneered.
     "Let's talk about it." Zhao Shaoqian whispered.
     In the house, a few of them, the heads of the three people slowly got together.
     I don't know what happened. A few days later, the whole capital city was rumored that the old cotton quilted by the Ye family was completely dismantled by Ye-Jing-hong, and then made into sweater gloves and the like.
     And this rumor is getting more and more powerful.
     However, Ye-Jing-hong was kept in the drums.
     “Wang Sao, Wang Sao.” Qin Xin Yue rushed into Ye house, “It’s a big deal.”
     “What happened?” Ye-Jing-hong is thinking about what to eat in the house. Many modern snacks are hot. But she didn't know the recipe even if she wanted to copy it.
     What to do, first slowly groping at home to see if you can make some embarrassment.
     No, she just came out of the kitchen and heard the sound of Qin the heart was anxious.
     "Oh, Wang Sao. Why are you not in a hurry? It’s crazy outside, saying that you recycle old cotton quilts and quilts to sell old cotton in new cotton." Qin Xinyue Got a group turn. "There are people who have taken the evidence to tell you."
     "What?" Zhao Yiming was shocked and scared that the medical books in his hand fell on the ground.
     The Ye family had an accident in the past, but it was out of the quality of the fabric. I did not expect that someone started to frame Ye-Jing-hong today.
     "Don't worry, who is the complaint?" Ye-Jing-hong asked.
     "It's a lonely Miss. I heard that I just arrived in the capital. I bought a cotton jacket with a big silver, but I was accidentally broken enough to reveal the cotton inside. She saw that the color of the cotton was yellow. Some places are still black." Qin Xin Yue saw her chest-like appearance, and her heart was solid, not the beginning of the wind.
     "Who did you listen to?" Ye-Jing-hong asked.
     "I didn't listen to anyone, the street was spread all over, and Miss took Yatou to the door and knocked the drum." Qin the heart sighed and said.
     She didn't believe that Ye-Jing-hong would do the unconscionable thing.
     "So, somebody will come to the door later?" Ye-Jing-hong smiled and asked.
     "Possible." Qin Xin Yue nodded and answered indefinitely.
     But in a short while, there was news from the shop, and the treasurer was caught in the door.
     Ye-Jing-hong sneered, the people behind the scenes are really anxious, I can't wait to block her all at once. Also, this time, it’s a trick, no matter what the outcome, the reputation of her shop is influential. After all, the mouth is growing on the face of others.
     People who don’t know the truth hear others pass, and now they have someone to prove that they have physical evidence. Who dares to go to their shop to buy things?
     "Go, go to the door to see." Ye-Jing-hong said faintly.
     "I still wait for the king to come back, let's go together." Qin Xin Yue said.
     "No need." Ye-Jing-hong shook his head and refused. "Don't mess around, watch you run sweat, stay in the house and have a good rest. Yes, there are small snacks in the kitchen, you try."
     When she is eating goods.
     Qin Xinyue is dying to death, and there is no mood to eat at all.
     However, Ye-Jing-hong did not allow her to follow, she could only watch Ye-Jing-hong walk with Yatou.
     "Laozi, don't worry." After Ye-Jing-hong left, Qin Xingyue suddenly thought of someone to help, and she shot her thigh and smashed it out.
     Ye-Jing-hong took the carriage to the house, she thought in the car, there will be a lot of people going to see the bustle today.
     But when she got there, she saw that she was completely out of her imagination.
     They stood outside the crowd and couldn’t even squeeze in.
     "Please let me, Wangfei is coming." Wang Yue and Wang Qiu loudly reported the name.
     In fact, Ye-Jing-hong has always been relatively low-key, she never had to do the name Wangfei when she was outside.
     Usually, people are kind and very good, and they are considered to be approachable.
     The onlookers listened to the ‘Calling of the moon and other people, and rushed to the sides to make a passage.
     Then I saw Ye-Jing-hong stand in the doorway and sneak a whisper.
     "Please let." They watched the moon and they took Ye-Jing-hong into the door.
     "Ding Wangfei." Fu Yin, who was in charge of the case, saw Ye-Jing-hong come in, quickly got up from the position, and then prepared to meet her.
     "No, Daren." Ye-Jing-hong quickly waved his hand. "Today I came as the owner of the Ye family."
     Positioning himself, Fu Yin also took a chance to sit down.
     "Come on, give Wangfei a chair and sit down." He also commanded the standing servant.
     It is natural to have a bit of eyesight when he can mix his position. Knowing that the woman in front of me seems to be gentle, it is actually one of the people who can't be offended in Capital City.
     "Thank you Daren, no need. I will stand and listen, you will continue the case." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     The people saw her being gentle, and her affection for her rose.
     "Wind mother, you said that your clothes were bought from Ye-Fu, what is the certificate?" Fu Yin asked loudly.
     Little-Niangzi, who was kneeling on the ground, listened and started to cry like a frightened rabbit. "Daren, the little girl is a foreigner. She just lost her parents and came to the capital. Because the weather is cold, she didn't bring enough cold clothes to listen. Said Ye shop clothes are good, so I deliberately and my niece Xiao juan used to bite my teeth and bought a cotton coat. I know that I accidentally scratched it, revealing the cotton inside, and found that the cotton inside was yellow and black. So the little girl went to the shop to find the theory of the treasurer. Who knows that the treasurer does not recognize the life and death, so the young woman, but in order not to let more people be deceived by them, the little girl bravely came, please Daren to be the little girl."
     The words are very beautiful!
     Ye-Jing-hong has been able to conclude that the little-female who complained was absolutely deliberately looking for it.
     She stood still and kept watching Fu Yin.
     The house sneaked into seeing Ye-Jing-hong quietly, and secretly admire it. I guess that Wangfei is a city man.
     Everyone complained, and she was not surprised, as if she had a well-thought-out attitude.
     "The treasurer, what do you say?" Fu Yin is also smart, not looking for Ye-Jing-hong, but directly to the treasurer. It is also a face for Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Fu Yin, this dress is not the original clothes in our shop." The shopkeeper replied categorically.
     "This dress is obviously bought from the shop. You don't admit it now. You just want to bully people." The woman on the floor began to cry again.
     The weak woman, and still a young woman, quickly began to sneak into the wind girl.
     "The little girl doesn't want you to pay compensation. But it's too dark for you to fool the guests." Feng Niang cried even more.
     "I Miss wretched, managed to settle down to the capital, we are not afraid of a joke, in order to buy a decent clothes, jewelry or Miss when the only scrape together the money." Xiao juan call the maid wept as dead as father and mother "Miss, you are too bitter."
     "Right, given Wangfei. Hei Xingan like the clothes we can not afford to." At this time, from the outside and squeeze in 2nd Madam, they took Yatou Pozi, imposing special enough touches.
     "This Madam, talk or leave some morality." Ye-Jing-hong sneered and said, "There is still no conclusion. Madam said that our clothes are Darenerated, and it is too arbitrary."
     "Wangfei, your identity is high. But you just said that, standing here today, came as the owner of the Ye family. It is clear that the Miss has come up with the witness certificate, you look at these "Women." Said, a Madam let the nearby Pozi screw up the clothes and show them to the people.
     The people were standing outside and could not see clearly.
     Pozi is a show that everyone can see clearly. When everyone saw the yellowed cotton, they all made a loud noise.
     The clothes sold in the Ye shop are really old cotton, so expensive, really black heart!
     On the spot, many people indignantly said that they would never go to the Ye shop to buy fabrics.
     The people outside are getting more and more, and the voice of discussion is getting bigger and bigger.
     "Of course I am coming as the owner of the shop. As for the cotton coat, as the treasurer said, it is not the original goods sold by our Ye shop." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile. It seems that I am not worried at all.
     "This is the pattern on the fabric Ye family is obviously out of the shop, there is someone home nobody can do it." Madam's hard to yell.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled slightly.
     "She said no, it is not." Ye-Jing-hong just about to talk, was rushed and interrupted.
     "Wang Sao, we are here." Qin Xinyue squeezed in behind Qin-Liluo.
     The people saw the Qin-Liluo come over, and they had already posted people, so he gave him a way.
     When Madam came over to see Qin-Liluo, he was ‘mute.
     The original aggressiveness is gone.
     "Who said that the shop in the Lord sells fakes?" Qin-Liluo waved his fan and asked with a smile.
     "Lower officials see the Heir." Fu Yin saw that the demon king is also playing drums. He knows that Qin-Liluo is coming. If he can handle things badly, today's things are not too big.
     If Qin-Liluo is not allowed, it will be a big deal. When it is time, he is jealous. It is also a day.
     Immediately, he smiled and prepared to go down to the court to meet Qin-Liluo.
     "Daren, now is to try cases, the Heir to say, he is also coming to the identity of the shareholders, ownership or Daren." Ye Jing-hong said politely.
     Qin-Liluo looked at Fu Yin with a smile and smiled. "Are you deliberately wanting to ruin the reputation of the Lord. I didn't hear the woman say it, the Lord is a shareholder. Do you know the shareholders? That is to say, the Lord takes it from the shop. Silver, the Lord is also one of the owners of the shop."
     "Yes, yes, the lower official knows." Fu Yin said with a smile.
     The people saw him as cautiously, and they all looked at him with sympathy.
     Also famous, shit reputation. If he Qin-Liluo has a reputation, the people in the capital are not all good names!
     The people looked at him contemptuously.
     "You judge yours, the Lord just listens." Qin-Liluo waved his hand and said very much.
     Fu Yin Chang Shu breathed a glance and glanced at Ye-Jing-hong.
     Qin-Liluo turned to the windy mother in front of the complaint. He used his index finger to provoke the chin of the wind. "Hey, is Little-Niangzi long? Is it good to eat spicy?"
     The wind has a tearful tear on her face, and the person is very weak. It is really a kind of feeling that I see pity.
     "Yeah likes this look. A woman like a tigress, he looks at his eyes and hurts." He already said.
     Feng Niang seems to be scared by him, and the whole person sits softly on the ground.
     "You are a little farther away from my Miss." The niece Xiao juan came over and took care of her.
     "Roll." Qin-Liluo said that turning his face turned his face and kicked Xiao juan to the side.
     This foot is not light, Xiao Juan did not climb up for a long time.
     The 2nd Madam faces who came to find the’servants suddenly became pale.
     "The length of the tender skin is really good, a dress, followed by the Master, how much you want, what kind of what you want." He said, he used the eyes of the soul Look at the past with a smile.
     "The Heir, please let go of the little girl." Feng Niang began to cry again.
     The people saw Qin rogue and bully the weak women, and they had long been filled with indignation.
     However, due to the identity of Qin-Liluo, no one really dares to go to the hero to save the country.
     "Hey." Qin Heyue Yue couldn’t stand it anymore. She went up and pulled Qin-Liluo. "What the hell are you doing?"
     "Cough and cough, the shopkeeper of Ye shop, you can explain why this dress is not in your shop." Fu Yin pretended not to see Qin-Liluo extraordinary behavior, and began to interrogate at first glance.
     "Let's let us give you a testimony."
     "Yes, let it go, we are witnesses."
     There was a loud noise outside.
     Fu Yin was angry. He was too awkward to interrogate today. He always went to a critical moment, and someone came to the door to make trouble.
     "Bold, who is outside?" He knocked down the gavel.
     At this time, the people watching the excitement have been squeezed out by a group of dozens of’servants.
     "Lao-ye 冤枉." After the group went to the Courtyard, they slammed down and ‘called.
     "There was a squatting and standing aside, didn't see Lao-ye. I was interrogating the case?" Fu Yin was mad at him. He did not dare to offend Qin-Liluo, and he chose the fire on the maiden.
     "Daren, Humble-One came to testify for the Ye family." One of the fifty-year-olds said, "Wangfei and the Heir are good people, and it is impossible to make a conscience."
     “Yes, Ye shop can’t sell fakes.”
     "Don't make a noise." Fu Yin's head was snarled, and his ears slammed.
     "I don't hear it, my grandfather is a good person. Good people don't know? Lord will not sell fakes." Qin-Liluo is no longer arrogant, but instead of Fu Yin.
     The people listened to secretly spit him, and he was a virtue, and he was a good man. Who believed?
     "The officer pays attention to the evidence. Now there is a witness certificate for Feng Niang. What evidence does a group of people have to prove that the Ye shop is not selling fake goods?" Fu Yin asked with a bitter face.
     The case under review today is like a farce, and his Daren can't punish the messy people below.
     He was bent in his heart.
     “Daren didn’t know, the clothes and quilts that Wangfei and the Heir acquired were all given to us.” The old Lady said Ye-Jing-hong and Qin-Liluo, whether it’s tone or Look, with a strong respect.
     "Yes, Daren I do not know. YangShengTang also given Wangfei and the Heir idea. We see two elegant wretched servant, each year the winter will have frozen to death starve to death, so the money to buy a wasteland in east door When I was able to build a room for everyone, and when I was selling new clothes, I sent a good heart to recycle the old cotton coats from the houses. But those old ones were all in the health hall, and Wangfei invited people to re-play the cotton. I added some new cotton and made us a cotton quilt. Those old ones are all registered. Daren can check the books of Humble-One if they don't believe it." He said, he raised a book in his hands. .
     "So we testified that there will never be fakes in the Wangfei shop, because she has no fakes to sell at all." Another said categorically.
     The purchase of cotton quilts by Wangfei was originally intended to do good deeds.
     The people talked loudly like a frying pan.
     Fu Yin took the account book and also carefully checked it.
     The number of old quilts on the old books on the books is clearly written.
     "Silence." Seeing that people are very noisy, Fu Yin had to ring the gavel at hand again.
     The people were scared and finally quieted down.
     “Feng Niang, on this account book, the amount of junk goods recycled by Ye shop is the same as that transferred to the health hall. What else do you say?” Fu Yin ‘Called at the woman on the floor.
     Looking at the lively people and watching the woman on the ground, my eyes are not right.
     And the 2nd Madam who came to find the’servants, the pale face, is shrinking.
     "The little girl doesn't know what is going on? But this dress is indeed purchased from the Ye shop. Who knows that the cotton inside is black, and where does the little girl know why?" Feng Niang said pitifully. Push responsibility directly to the Ye store.
     "Yes, we bought it in the shop. Where do you know why? If you want to ask, you should also lay the talents for them." Xiao juan is even more powerful.
     "贱人." Qin-Liluo smirked and gave up the wind to the mother. "I still dare to speak hard, who gave you a leopard gallbladder? You dare to frame the shop of the Lord."
     "No, Noble Heir, the little girl really didn't, don't dare." Feng Niang cried very miserably.
     The people who watched the bustle were confused, and they didn’t know who they were.
     People set Wangfei and Noble Heir to do good things, as if it was impossible to sell fakes.
     The woman on the ground was too bullied by the Heir! Such a weak person does not seem to tell lies.
     "No, you dare." Ye-Jing-hong sneered and opened his mouth.
     Everyone has a look.
     "Definite Wangfei..."
     "You may not know that all the clothes on the Ye home are marked.
     There must be three secrets on each piece of clothing. Each of the two notes is embroidered with two different Embroidery-Niang stitches. As long as the outsiders take apart It is impossible to completely restore the original memo. "Ye-Jing-hong smiles and explains.
     Everyone is in awe.
     Qin Xinyue was shocked by the big reversal in front of her eyes. She reacted and she jumped up happily.
     "The most important thing is that many of the suture interfaces of these cotton coats are made by machine, which can't be artificially created." Ye-Jing-hong and others are quieter, and then said, "I think this Miss must have been Opened, if you don't believe it, feel free to ask for the clothes in our shop to try."
     Seeing her so confident, almost everyone believed her words.
     "I don't believe that they have ready-made clothes in their hands, and they can compare them." Feng Niang said with a trembling voice.
     "No, no, we believe that Wangfei said, there is no need to prove it." 2nd Madam were shocked, and Pozi holding the clothes was not willing to let go.
     "This Madam, you seem to wear the ready-to-wear clothes in our shop. If you can, can you find a few Madam to see?" Ye-Jing-hong smiled and said to several Madam.
     "Good." In order to find out the truth, Madam over there is really willing to stand up.
     "The Madam, invite you to the back of the sleeves torn here, of course, in order to compensate for your loss, our store will send you a free jacket.." Ye Jing-hong commitment.
     "Well, Wangfei, the woman is willing." The woman who was standing in the Ye cotton jacket was surprised. Although a scorpion is more expensive, the price of a down jacket can not only buy five pieces of cotton quilts.
     The other women who stood up listened to their faces and showed an envious look.
     Fu Yin was more convincing for the words of several witnesses, and it was also found that the female prisoners followed the past.
     Several people turned to the back of the Tuen Mun. After a while, they came out again.
     "Lao-ye, it's true, the needles are really different after opening." After waiting for the female prisoner to open, several Madam began to report the results.
     Everyone is a rush.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled but did not speak.
     “Please ask Yoon Daren to make a decision for our Ye home shop.” The shopkeeper immediately bent over and asked for a gift.
     "Bold Feng Niang, Xiao juan, your master and servant jointly deceived and deliberately extorted Ye shop.
     The heart is in jeopardy. According to the law of the country, it is natural to hit the 50th board. Come and drag down." Yin was furious, these two women were really hateful, and they actually deceived him here. If today’s business is going to be done, isn’t it for him to die?
     “Lao-ye is forgiving.” Xiao juan ‘Called in shock, while Feng Niang sat on the floor and her face whitened.
     The fifty boards of Tuen Mun are powerful, and they are strong and strong, and they may not be able to withstand it. And it’s about Wangfei and the devil, the Heir, and these servants will definitely not dare to release water.
     Fifty boards are enough for her life.
     "How about Little-Niangzi, follow the Master, and you are guaranteed to be innocent." Qin-Liluo smiled and walked to the front of the wind, and the beautiful peach eyes were full of affection.
     When the windy girl on the ground heard it, she suddenly looked up and didn't even think about it. "I hope the Heir is forgiving, the little girl is also blinded by lard, and she will not dare anymore." Then she looked up and used it.
     The big eyes with double water are all looking at Qin-Liluo.
     Everyone is dumbfounded.
     This bitch began to see the Heir time, but also a pure and noble chastity appearance, at the moment in order to survive even in the presence of so many people began to seduce the Heir up.
     "Kill this shameless." The woman first saw her fox like this, and cursed one by one.
     The man followed, and if it wasn’t in the lobby, there would be someone who would throw the dish Ye-what’s past.
     Feng Niang is even more afraid. She looks at Qin-Liluo pitifully and wants to hold on to Qin-Liluo, the last straw.
     "Don't be afraid, everything is loyal." Qin-Liluo smiled evilly and threw a teasing look at the wind.
     Feng Niang’s face suddenly hangs a smile.
     Everyone looked at them and shook their heads in disappointment. Hey, this Noble Heir is too tuneful.
     Unexpectedly, at this time, Qin-Liluo went up and kicked the wind girl. "How the Lord said, it looks like it looks like a scorpion."
     When he finished, he stood there and looked down at the wind. "Is it really a fool? Tell her."
     He gestured to the guard behind him.
     A guard stood out cold and white, and then said, "As far as you are concerned, there is no qualification for the Heir to pour the night incense."
     Feng Niang fell to the ground, and she looked particularly embarrassed, and finally showed a desperate look.
     At the moment, Qin-Liluo is like a wolf in her eyes.
     "Oh." The sound of drumming suddenly sounded outside.
     Fu Yin was shocked again. Today is a ghost.
     There are many people who come to ‘call.
     "Look at who is outside." Fu Yin did not swear to command a servant.
     The servant quickly dropped the killer in his hand and ran out.
     Come back, he still ran back. "Daren, it is the king."
     Will Wangye? Fu Yin’s foot is soft and finished, and today’s things are getting bigger.
     The people listened, turned their heads collectively, and then stepped back, giving Qin-Yumo a way.
     Qin-Yumo wearing a white robe, such as Zhu Xian, did not panic and took the wind and thunder into the door, followed by Zhao Yiming, Pavilion, and Pavilion.
     He looked a shady face.
     "Lower officials see Wangye." This is the third time Fu Yin is preparing to come down from the Courtyard.
     Qin-Yumo swings his hand and opens his mouth coldly. "No, today the king is sue in the identity of the victim's family."
     This identity? Fu Yin looked at him with a hard look.
     However, Qin-Yumo was full of sternness, and he was scared and shrunk back.
     "I don't know who Wangye wants to sue?" Fu Yin sat in the hall, it was like a needle, and the butt was almost afraid to fall on the chair.
     "This king sued the four women." Qin-Yumo looked coldly.
     Four women? The people took a lap and found that the woman who almost collapsed on the side, immediately understood.
     "What is the matter?" Fu Yin really has such a thing, it is entirely in accordance with the procedures of the court.
     "This king told them to frame Wangfei and Ben Wang and despise the royal staff." Qin-Yumo said coldly.
     "Daren, misunderstanding." The 2nd Madam were dumbfounded.
     They didn't expect the target of the king to be theirs. "No, Wangye, it's really a misunderstanding."
     "Bold, seeing the official still not squatting?" Fu Yin's hand in the thriller.
     A group of women will be completely shackled.
     "Report your name and identity."
     “The woman’s surname is Yao, and her family’s surname is Lu. It’s the distant house of Lu Duke house.”
     "The name of the woman is printed, and the husband's family is also surnamed Lu. It is also the distant grandson of the Duke House."
     The 2nd Madam never got the sigh of the beginning.
     "Ding Wang is now telling you to frame Wangye Wangfei. Can you have something to say?" Fu Yin asked sternly.
     "Daren, hey. Where do the women have the courage to anger Wangye Wangfei?" The woman named Yao ‘called.
     "Yeah, please Daren.
     The woman just heard that the Ye shop is selling fakes, so I just took the clothes I bought and asked for proof.
     There is no other idea." Surname is even harder. .
     Ye-Jing-hong saw that two people died without repentance and sneered in the past. "Listen to the 2nd Madam, but is it not for me and Wangye?"
     "Bad woman." A little sullen ‘Calling at the two ladies.
     Qin-Liluo heard that he called the two women a bad person, and then thought of what they had just said about themselves good people, the vanity of the bastard devil was suddenly satisfied.
     "Nonsense." Qin Xinyue is his temper. When I hear the words of two noble ladies, I really want to go up and give them a foot.
     "Wangfei, Madam didn't want to come over, it was the old nubi who persuaded her to come and see it. Wangfei would blame the old nubi if he wanted to blame."
     "Yes, it is the fault of the nubi ."
     Someone started, and someone immediately decided.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled again. "I am afraid that you will lose your life and you will not be able to bear the crimes of your master."
     The ground Pozi Yatou listened to heart shocked, not that it did not clear up cross-checks? Why did you lose your life?
     When it comes to life, all Yatou Pozi no longer dares to please the master.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw that they didn't talk, and then faintly opened again. "I think, the 2nd Madam are afraid that they are not alone, but come to the card? Can you take the cotton jacket that you brought apart?" Look."
     The faint tone is not intimidating, but the two noble ladies on the ground are as earthy.
     "Wangfei, no need. I already know that the little hoof is an obituary, and the woman also believes, where it is still necessary to open it again." Yao-shi still does not give up the sophistry.
     “Remove.” Qin-Yumo opens coldly.
     "Yes, Wangye." The blast and the thunder strode to the front of the two Pozis and smashed the coat from their arms.
     Then the two people took apart the sleeves without blowing the dust.
     When the people saw the cotton wool exposed in the clothes, it was suddenly awkward, and the secrets of the dismantling were not the same as the clothes in the Ye shop.
     That's it! Everyone suddenly realized that when Wangfei started, it was not necessary to prove the clothes of these two people.
     "con man."
     "People who see through are dog-like, but they are not personnel."
     "I want to frame Wangfei Wangye, damn it."
     All the people angry temper was aroused, and the scene was almost out of control.
     "Silence." Fu Yin looked bad, and quickly rang the gavel.
     The following servants followed and sipped, and the crowd slowly calmed down.
     "Wangye, Wangfei. Tokyo housewife is a moment of weakness Yeah, Wangye Wangfei beg for mercy." India-shi first could not carry it out loud for mercy.
     Yes, this is a confession.
     Yao-shi is also awkward.
     "Is it a moment to be confused? It is light." Qin the pleasing little face is red, she had a hateful temper, now these people want to frame Ye-Jing-hong, immediately the County Owner When she got a temper, she pulled out the whip around her waist and took it to a group of people. "You know that if you take the charge of Wangfei, Wangfei shop will be finished. Of course, Wangfei reputation is over. My wife, your courage is bigger than the sky. It seems that the courage behind you has given you the courage?"
     "No, no, no." One listened to Qin Xinyue pressed the charges to the husband's house, and the two ladies who were beaten with their heads shook their heads and immediately denied it.
     Everyone saw that they were wolf-like, and no one was sympathetic.
     There is also a loud voice, and even some people let Qin heart sigh.
     Fu Yin listened, and felt that things had gone awry.
     "Caomin confessing come." Being busy with, again a group of people.
     These people were carrying the Vitex behind them. When they saw Qin-Yumo Ye-Jing-hong, they immediately fell down.
     "Cao Min Lu-shi is a family patriarch, only just heard it and report it in the past, this stuff actually want two framed Wangye, are our family traditions are lax level was a result of their courage bigger than days. So Caomin with Lu-shi A family specially came to plead guilty." Finished, facing Ye-Jing-hong their heavy ‘maidens.
     The patriarch takes the lead, and the people behind him do it.
     Qin-Yumo has a cold-eyed look and does not say a word.
     This person is a stuffy gourd. Ye-Jing-hong sighed and sighed, just about to speak.
     Qin-Yumo rushed to speak first. He ignored the patriarch's people, but went to the two ladies. "Why do you want to frame this king and Wangfei? The king wants to find the master behind him."
     "It is this wind mother who came to the door and said that we would join forces with us to let Wangfei compensate us for some silver flowers." Yao-shi whispered.
     "The blast went to the palace to report to the emperor, and the squad took the landlord up and down." Qin-Yumo coldly ordered.
     “Wangye mercy.” The patriarch was shocked.
     Yao Shi husband got up and kicked her angrily. “Those things are going on, you just want to die. Why are you dragging us to Lushi, and now you still don’t tell the truth?”
     “Lao-ye, I said.” Yin-shi was so frightened and ‘called. “She said it was true in front of her. It was the woman who first found us.” She pointed to the wind.
     "However, we didn't want to agree at first. But Sao said, because there is a Ye shop, the business of Yipin Embroidery is a lot worse, and what is said to be exported to Lujia. So we are..." Her face is full of tears.
     "It’s the wrong woman, Wangye Wangfei, I beg you, this thing really has nothing to do with Lujia." Yao-shi also cried very miserly. "You have to believe me, we didn't tell lies."
     "So, this matter involves Lu Duke House?" Qin-Yumo sneered and asked.
     Qin-Liluo has been looking for a chair to sit and seems to be watching jokes.
     "I said, why are you so courageous?" Qin Xin Yue suddenly realized.
     "You poisonous woman, actually..." The clan swayed. I didn't expect these two things that didn't have a brain, but I still wanted to drag down one of Lu Shi most headed people.
     "No, no, Lu Duke House doesn't know that. Everything is a woman's self-assertion. I want to... I want to please the other side." The more I talk about it, the smaller the voice of Yao Shi.
     "Wangye Wangfei, my master is being deceived them, was made a foolish thing." Pozi a climb out, she knows, if the master was punished, they will follow ruined, and even their families had to be dead. "The old nubi stole their two monks once and seemed to mention the clever hands as clouds."
     Wow! Amazing shady! It turned out that the two shops in the capital were robbed of business and joined forces to set up Wangfei. Really shameless!
     The wind that sat down, the mother suddenly became excited. "She lied, the little girl never knew anything clever."


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