Chongqie Courting Death Daily 280

  Novels   »   Chongqie Courting Death Daily   »     Chapter 280 

     Yin-Tang listened to her saying that she couldn't help but laugh out loud. She wanted to open her mouth and said that she would bite his finger on the next moment when she suddenly opened her mouth.
     Well, I used some strength and bit him so much.
     "Master  did find out, but he didn't want to pay attention to this little Yatou film with a small calculation. He only wanted to care about how much he cares." Yin-Tang didn't take a hand, and she didn't get angry when she bite. It was just that ridiculous gaze that made Wan-xi feel ashamed, hatefully rubbing his fingers and grinding his fingers.
     Yin-Tang looked at her childish appearance, her face was a little helpless and pet-loving look. After all, he had Wan-xi personally in his heart, naturally he would not bother to pay attention to other women. However, Wan-xi cheeky expression still pleased him. When his hearty laughter came out from the private room, Lin-Chujiu, who was in front of the door, could make Your Highness happy.
     There is always only Side-Fujin.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang not only not angry, but also laughs so openly, if she does not have a tone, she may have to bite it again. "How much care does the Master care about, Master is not clear?"
     Yin-Tang glared at her red lips and couldn't help but squeeze her pinch and Called at her: "Master  is clear again, and I like to hear you."
     Wan-xi glared at the way he laughed, and ' ' laughed out loudly, laughing while hiding, for a time, the two made a group. After a while, Wan-xi was clamoring to go to the study. Yin-Tang thought that she would go to collect the book and the game, not to mention, and got up and took her little hand and went outside.
     Yin-Tang has a lot of business. Whether it is owned by himself or in cooperation with others, it can be said that every street has it. However, this person has some anti-bone. If someone else store is better than him, he must be personally taken to see where people are better than their own stores.

     This is not, Wan-xi said that he wants to go to the study, Yin-Tang took her to the study, but not the study of his name, but a family that is said to be doing business better than his book.
     Wan-xi was dizzy by Yin-Tang. Even if she had business, she would know more about it, but compared with Yin-Tang, she really knows some corners and corners. Yazhitang, so all the likes are Yin-Tang, she said that she listened. As for the opinions, there is basically no, at most, there are some minor doubts.
     Wan-xi took Yin-Tang's hand and wandered around the study, but after two laps, he met Willow's Willow-shi in the study, and he was full of worship, and he felt that the style was infinite.
     Style? Although the term does not apply to a 12-year Old girl, the Miss of this era are precocious, and they are married at the age of 13th or four. It is not a miracle to start planning for themselves at the age of twelve or three.
     The backyard is a large dyeing tank. It is always affected when it is immersed in it. If someone teaches it with heart, the result is even worse. After all, there are few Miss who are really simple like Wan-xi. If they are not too fond of family, they will not understand at all. If Wan-xi was only guessing the purpose and purpose of Willow-shi, then she would know when she dragged Yin-Tang from the study to the antique shop to the jewelry shop and met Willow-shi. Willow-shi wants to marry the 'Daren thing' is not someone else, it is Yin-Tang around her.
     For a woman who blindly ignores herself and boldly seduce her man, Wan-xi does not think she needs politeness. But being polite doesn't mean that she is going to utter evil words or swear.
      What kind of person Willow-shi is, Wan-xi is very clear. Don't look at people who are young, but they are really a fuel-free lamp.                Keep an eye on where Yin-Tang might go, waiting for you.
     "It seems that I have guessed it right.
     This so-called little Yatou film is directed at the master." Wan-xi shouldered with Yin-Tang from the jewelry hall, and the style was smashed Yin Tang eyes, the tone is slightly sour.
     "It’s not too old, it’s not too small, it’s too unruly.” Yin-Tang grinned, apparently not putting Willow-shi in his eyes.
     For Yin-Tang, not every woman can see him like Wan-xi, and the more he gets along, the more he can grasp his heart, so that he can't bear to grieve her. One minute.
     "Why did you say that this is the only thing that the Lord likes to be in the body? I don't like the little Yatou film." Wan-xi leaned his head, and the white face was a little red, I don't know if it was ashamed or awkward. .
     Yin-Tang took a small face and fainted Wan-xi, and his brow was slightly picky. He said that she was jealous. She refused to admit it. At the end, she had to ask, this delicate bag, really no better than others.
     "Whoever can look at it, the Lord is not a broken, it is a woman." Yin-Tang said helplessly, stretched her hand and walked to the carriage.
     Behind them, Willow-shi stood in front of the jeweler's door, revealing the obsessive color, and the expression of hate can not be replaced by the body.
     To say that Willow-shi will suddenly have this move, I have to drink from 4th-Prince, 10th-Prince and 13th-Prince one day from Yin-Tang. At that time, in the restaurant, Willow-shi had a conflict with another Miss because of the good show, and when he left, he ran into a playboy. To say that Willow-shi apologizes for a soft road, this matter has passed. After all, the four 9th Prince's playboy brother is not really stupid, and he has no choice but to play the trick of teasing good women. It’s just that Willow-shi is too arrogant, and these playboy Brother are not the masters of the provokes. When the two sides are arrogant, they are not doing anything.
     Yin-Tang will appear, just because some of these playboy Brother are his younger generations, plus here is his restaurant, it is ugly that his master is also affected, and this came out and sipped two sentences. .
     Those playboy Brother naturally did not dare to confront the Yin-Tang, the real-handed Junwang. Even if they were dissatisfied, they followed the Yin-Tang meaning.
     Obviously this can only be regarded as a trivial little thing, not only those playboy Brother turned around and forget, that is, Yin-Tang himself did not take this matter to heart, but Willow-shi did not look the same, just by surprise Hong- Zi and a sentence, she directly on Yin-Tang. After inquiring about the identity of Yin-Tang, he was identified.
     Unfortunately, Yin-Tang didn't even pay attention to her, so no matter how Willow-shi created the opportunity, he could not successfully approach him. If there is no Wan-xi today, Willow-shi is afraid that it is difficult to get even a look. Only these other people can see clearly, Willow-shi did not notice, even full of imagination.
     "Book Qin, how is my performance today? Dress up okay! Does Junwang see me?" Willow-shi glared at the Jinpa in his hand and looked at Maid next to him.
     The time was like a bullet. One by one.
     “Miss is so sweet and beautiful, today’s dress is also beautiful and beautiful. ZHong-Yong Junwang is definitely in the eye, it’s because Wanyan Side-Fujin will ignore Miss!” Li Fae quickly flashed a stubborn, but the mouth said in the most sincere tone of Willow-shi want to hear the answer.
     When Maid's, especially the position of the big Maid, naturally has its own way of life, it is obviously a must-have skill to squint, but some words are guilty. Before seeing Wan-xi himself, Shuqin felt that she-"Jiji" had a struggle, but now I saw Wan-xi himself and Yin-Tang's attitude toward Wan-xi. Shuqin felt that the cuts they had imagined before were all like bubbles, all shattered.
     "Hey! Ben Xiao also thinks that she should let her go again before she has a draft. When this Miss goes smoothly, she must let her have nowhere to live." Biting his teeth, Willow-shi thought of Yin-Tang and Wan-xi when they get along with each other, her face is unconsciously a little embarrassed.
     That should be hers. Wanyan-shi is just a generation of color-serving people. As long as Junwang understands her mind, she will definitely stay away from Wanyan-shi, the only one who loves her.
     It will be fixed.
     The book ‘Zither whispers softly, but in my mind, I think about the excellent temperament and appearance of Wan-xi. Such beauty is afraid of few people, and then look at Willow-shi, who is next to it, the book ‘Zither suddenly feels that there is no need to compare The gap is clear.
     "Okay, let's go back!" They looked at Yin-Tang and they got on the carriage. Willow-shi obviously didn't want to stay outside.
     "Yes." Shuqin sighed and took a quick step.
     These days, sunrise, fortunately, Lao-ye Madam did not pay attention, I really have to notice that her little life is not guaranteed. But she could not persuade Willow-shi, and she could only accompany her with fear. It is a good thing to go back to her earlier and to paint poetry.
     On the carriage, Wan-xi had no bones in his body, and he was in the arms of Yin-Tang. His mouth was high, and he was just muttering Willow-shi from the car.
     "Master  still doesn't believe it, Calling, the eyes are almost piercing the body." Wan-xi squinted, a small hand holding the big palm of Yin-Tang, the white teeth appear frequently, see It looks like it will bite up at any time.
     Yin-Tang is still very satisfied with Wan-xi jealousy. To Yu-Willow-shi admiration, he doesn't look at it at all, knowing that he is only by his identity as Junwang. No woman is willing to give her arms, not to mention that he still has the power to have Kangxi favor, and there are more people who can’t think of it.
     "A small Yatou film, can't turn any winds and waves. It's a delicate Jiao, you seem to care very much about this little Yatou film." Yin-Tang with a look on his face, eyes fixed on the Wan-xi road.
     On most days, Wan-xi will also be jealous, but will not stare at an irrelevant person like this.
     Wan-xi flashed a shy and annoyed face, think about it, she is really abnormal today. Although Willow-shi actions are not regular, she can even say that she is shameless, but she is not even jealous of the women in the backyard, but she is afraid of a small Yatou film that she just met. It is difficult to attract attention.
     "I don't care about a small Yatou film, I am worried that I am being counted. Although I have promised to belong only to the individual, I can't stand those who are bad. Besides, the little Yatou film is directly in front of the Lord. Seeing that there is nothing, I must have thought about how to deal with the whole body before I entered the door.” Wan-xi said, Yin-Tang’s hand could not be moved to the lips, if not Yin-Tang reaction Fast, she couldn't even bite it.

     "I don't care about a small Yatou film, I am worried that I am being counted. Although I have promised to belong only to the individual, I can't stand those who are bad. Besides, the little Yatou film is directly in front of the Lord. Seeing that there is nothing, I must have thought about how to deal with the whole body before I entered the door.” Wan-xi said, Yin-Tang’s hand could not be moved to the lips, if not Yin-Tang reaction Fast, she couldn't even bite it.
     Wan-xi saw him withdraw his hand, his face grievously licked his mouth, and looked at him with big eyes, as if he would cry at any time.
     "Jiao Bao Bao, Ye is still not so good! You will take the Lord to suffocate, the Lord wants to do something, you can't fight with the Lord." Yin-Tang reached out and tapped her white forehead with a silk on her face. Helpless, but more is gentle.
     Wan-xi also knows that this is indeed something she has made unreasonable, but after experiencing all kinds of previous worlds, even if this change has changed a lot, it is even more difficult for her to change the hegemony formed in the later period.
     In the last world, she did not get anything, but she lost her life.
     The more she gets this world, the more uneasy she is. Every time she involves Yin-Tang and her children, she will become very nervous, like an angry leopard. I want to pounce on my throat at any time.
     After thinking about it, Wan-xi couldn't help but grab the hand of Yin-Tang again.
     This time, he didn't make it to his mouth, but held it tightly and prevented him from leaving.
     "Don't you want to do something?" Wan-xi just thinks that Yin-Tang will be like Willow-shi like the last world, and he will be red-eyed, and tears will fall down.
     The tearful eyes looked so good.
     Yin-Tang looked at her like this, naturally it was a distressed panic. Wan-xi rarely cries in front of him. Most of the time, even if he really suffers from sin, he will still laugh and say nothing. But now suddenly crying like this, as if losing the world, it is difficult for him to not move.
     Wan-xi crying is very small, and it has not been transmitted to the carriage. Otherwise, this point must be scared Lin-Chujiu and they shake. After all, Wan-xi is always the heart of Yin-Tang. If she cries, they have a good time.
     "Jao-Jao, how to say it and cry, the man said, how can you really be wronged for an irrelevant little Yatou film!" Yin-Tang reached out to help her wipe her face The tears on her, even for her happiness, directly reached out to her mouth, a deputy for her bite.
     Wan-xi saw him like this, and he did not appreciate it at all. He reached out and pushed open the big palm in front of him.
     This kind of performance made Yin-Tang feel a little overwhelmed. After all, from small to large, not to mention that when he was a woman, most of the women were jealous of him.
     "Jao-Jao, don't you cry, Master  is so fluent." Yin-Tang reached out and held the man in his arms. At this time, he really regretted why he had to swear.
     Take an irrelevant little Yatou film to play, knowing that she cares about not doing it, she has to make her angry.
     Thinking of this, Yin-Tang also had a disappointment for Willow-shi, who appeared in front of him inexplicably. He felt that if this little Yatou film was not regular, how could it lead to so many things.
     "Really?" Pouting, Wan-xi double red rabbit eyes aiming at him, crying is getting smaller and smaller, but there are still tears falling down.
     "Of course." Yin-Tang slammed the ground with a slap in the face, and he couldn't wait to pat his chest and make sure.
     Wan-xi nodded with tears, and at the moment of receiving the sound, he could not help but hold his fist on his strong chest and slammed it several times. Yin-Tang saw her not crying, and it was a relief.
     "Then I will be far from these little Yatou films with ulterior motives. It is best not to touch them." Wan-xi snorted and continued to ask.
     "Jao-Jao how to do it, and the good eyes of the Lord are very good, those who are really ignorant of the melons and melons." Yin-Tang is unintentionally beautiful in a house, if he is really lascivious, nor Will be watching Wan-xi for so many years.
     In fact, Yin-Tang was also noisy when he was young. Otherwise, there are so many women in the backyard, just at the right time, the opportunity is on Wan-xi, and it just happens to let her into the heart. How can it still allow others?
     The two were awkward, and when they returned home, Ting-Rain and listening to the red eyes of Wan-xi were shocked.
     The two thought that Wan-xi had a big awkwardness with Yin-Tang. Who knows that the carriage was gone, and the two of them were hot and hot, and they didn’t look like a quarrel.
     They looked confused.
     Lin-Chujiu Although I don't understand the feelings of men and women, but the things between men and women, he is really true, the so-called pork has not seen pigs running! This is obviously the love and affection of the couple, so he is the first time to hold the two confused Yatou, lest they be bad.
     "Two confused Yatou, didn't you see Your Highness and Side-Fujin?" Lin-Chujiu pulled the two to the side, and saw Yin-Tang.
     They didn't pay attention to them, and they turned awkwardly.
     In the face of Lin-Chujiu resentful reprimand, listening to the hobby, Ting-Rain did not give face at all, and immediately Called: "Well, what is good, did not see Side-Fujin eyes are red? Is there definitely something? I don’t know anything."
     "Oh, there are you everywhere. Men and women love|Interest, you don't understand, it's a small family of two people, don't you see that the two are better with the individual now? You go up, it is purely looking for death." Lin-Chujiu laughed and sang Ting-Rain's net forehead.
     Ting-Rain listened to Lin-Chujiu and chilled. Although she did not want to admit it, she had to say that she was somewhat obsessed. If You Highness didn't find it, she would go up and it would be purely dead. Fortunately, when Lin-Chujiu is in a hurry, if you don’t make a difference, you will be really sad.
     Lin-Chujiu saw a silky fear on her face, and she couldn’t help but have a rather thin chest. She sneered: "Don’t think that you don’t know all the things between men and women, you are Yatou. Isn't it a daily reading of the book? It’s no wonder that if you look at so much, you can’t make a big difference.”
     Ting-Rain really helped her because of Lin-Chujiu previous move, and this time he didn't compete with him.
     Lin-Chujiu took a hard time to take a soft Ting-Rain and didn't care about her. Seeing Yin-Tang, they entered the house and greeted them.
     The pedestrians immediately followed.
     Wan-xi and Yin-Tang returned to Qing yi-Courtyard, seeing a few children, this kiss, the touch, the intimacy is not good.
     The '1st Jiji' that has been integrated into it is not as different as Wan-xi, and it is much more lively than before.
     Yin-Tang looks at Wan-xi and the children are happy, and my heart is like a sip of ice and water, comfortable.
     "Master, I heard that fresh venison was sent from Zhuangzi, so let's eat the pot today!" Wan-xi was cheerful and soft, soft and soft, and Yin-Tang's mouth could not help but curl up.
     "Okay." Lightly, Yin-Tang bent over and hugged the two daughters one by one, and walked to the house.
      '1st Jiji' Because of the relationship between Dong-shi, she rarely gets along with Yin-Tang. Even if the father and the daughter meet, it means just a few words. Most of the time, Yin-Tang has not said a few words. I have been squandered by Dong-shi, and I can be held in my arms by Yin-Tang as I am now. And Yali-qi is obviously more embraced by Yin-Tang. It is not as happy as the '1st Jiji', but the little Yatou still likes to be close to Ama, she' Giggle laughing, I know that I am in a good mood.
      Hong-min and Hong-zhao don't look young, the heart is still good, see Yin-Tang and Wan-xi holding Mei-mei (sister) and brother, they are not jealous, Le Followed by the ground, talking about some interesting things happening around him.
     In fact, due to the deliberate guidance of Wan-xi, the two will deliberately take some time to accompany the children every day, whether they are talking or walking in the yard, or sitting under the tree. Playful, anyway, every night is to gather together.
     Yin-Tang does not exclude this small arrangement of Wan-xi. Even when he can understand the changes of his children, he will feel very fulfilled and even proud of his children. But today there are some different things. Hong-min and Hong-zhao are talking about making Yin-Tang angry.
     He has the heart to look at the 4th Prince face, Wulana-shi back, but unfortunately Wulana-shi is still trapped in the backyard and can't stop trying to be a demon. It seems that the end of 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi has not yet sounded the alarm for her.
     "Do you know Hong-hui?" Yin-Tang frowned, his eyes were dissatisfied, but he was patient with his son.
     "Hong-hui Brother didn't know it at first. After that, his son and his brother helped him to find out that Hong-hui Brother had lost his temper and listened to Hong-sheng-Brother. He said that people have already disposed of 4th-Ber." Hong-min frowned slightly, but my heart was not happy with 4th Fu-Jin.
     In the past, as long as they were in Qinwang, Hong-min, they could not join in front of Wulana-shi. After all, no one would take their own heat if they knew that the other party did not welcome themselves. Face cold cold ass. It’s just that they didn’t think that Wulana-shi would make the people around Hong-hui provoke the relationship between them, and the words were so vicious.
     "Okay, this is handed over to Amalay. As for you, you have to get along with Hong-hui. Everything is clear. Don't misunderstand the feelings between your Brother. "Yin-Tang is indeed dissatisfied with Wulana-shi, and even disliked, but he still appreciates Hong-hui.
     " Ama, don't worry! My son won't be angered by Hong-hui Brother because of this Small-One." Hong-min nodded seriously.
     "That's good the two of you to remember that anger is the most desirable, is the most calm and self-sustaining. Road good solution." Yin Tang This is coaching his son, later to act to calm self-sustaining, and Not everything is influenced by emotions.
      Hong-min and Hong-zhao looked at each other, and both of them were very fortunate that they had to hold back their anger and figure out things before they acted. Otherwise, they would push the responsibility to Hong-hui. It’s true that Wulana-shi is like the old and the dead.
     Thinking of this, the two men nodded heavily.

     After several children went back to rest, Wan-xi bathed out and looked at Yin-Tang lying on the bed. She suddenly thought of the scene where the father and the son stood up and talked. She had just blinked her eyes, not too Note that it seems that it is not something to be happy about now.
     In the first two steps, Wan-xi took off his embroidered shoes and sat down at the bed. He yelled at Yin-Tang, "Master, but what troubles?"
     Yin-Tang put her hands behind her head and looked at Wan-xi. She saw her long hair weaker and she couldn't help but pull her hand behind her head and reach her. Wan-xi put down the cloth in his hand, stepped forward and placed the small hand in his big palm. Yin-Tang looked at her and saw her eyes worried. She could not help but say: "It's just Small One is nothing."
     “Small-One?” Wan-xi was surprised, apparently did not expect Yin-Tang to describe each other.
     “Hong-min tells Master today that the people around Hong-hui are provoking their relationship. It is very sinister to use their heart. If the teacher does not teach him on most days, he is afraid that it is really the way of others.” Yin-Tang Condensed, a flash of dissatisfaction in his eyes, I want to come to someone who is very unhappy with his son.
     Wan-xi heard, what else does not understand!
     The whole Qinwang House has only 4th Fu-Jin Wulana-shi with her festival. Compared with Li-Side-Fujin's eye-catching and practical practice, Wulana-shi is obviously too confident. Maybe not confident, just inertia to divide people into three or six 9th Prince, etc., she is superior, and then these people are not medium or inferior, and then should of course be worse than her, or should be dominated by her.
     Simply put, it is that the feelings are sick and cured!
     "Master  said this Small-One should be 4th Fu-Jin! Although I don't understand why 4th Fu-Jin hates the same as 8th Fu-Jin, but I know that 4th Fu-Jin is looking down on this Side-Fujin, and then Hong-hui dependence on the whole body." All said that the person who knows you the most is not your loved one, but your enemy. Wan-xi and Wulana-shi have changed from irrelevant people to dead enemies. After all, 4th Fu-Jin can do it.
     Wan-xi originally thought that compared to the demon, she called the first one, no one dared to call the second, and later discovered that she could do it, just to follow the dead people to make them to death, and 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin is purely full, and takes himself seriously. As for Dong-shi, it was completely stupid, and it was just like a gun, and it ended up in this end.
     "Hey! She is self-sufficient and wants her fame. For this reason, she not only disregards the reputation of 4th Prince, but even Yu-4th Prince is unfavorable, and she is even more worried about the safety of Hong-hui. What does this woman have? Face with 4th Prince, what qualifications are worthy of Hong-hui respect. To put it bluntly, she only has her own heart. If she is not seen by 4th Prince, she will be guilty, she will be jealous and will want to deal with you. "Yin-Tang looks at the Wan-xi road with a smile."
     "Yes, the Lord is right." Wan-xi showed a sweet smile on his face, his voice soft and soft.
     For Yin-Tang, Wan-xi is a hundred in favor. Is this the case? Her rebirth has changed the trajectory of many things, especially related to Wan-xi, such as Yin-Tang.
     In the last world, Yin-Tang Tong Qin is a hostile relationship.
     The two men started from a small contradiction to the later endless death.
     The two sides struggled with each other, and even their grievances could not be done. In this world, because of the relationship between Wan-xi, Qi Qinwang and Yin-Tang have made a block in the opposite direction.
     The two opened the knot and formed an alliance. Yin-Tang naturally wants to confront Qinwang.
     The matter is on the heart, and the first thing to do is to blame Qin Wang's son.
     Don't look at Prince many, but there are not many Di-, QinQinwang is one of them, but if there is no Yin-Tang indirect wake-up, and at the most appropriate time, it will be sent to Yin-Tang House, Hong-hui I am afraid it is difficult to keep. After all, Wulana-shi means are too sinister, and the woman in the backyard is tempted to break her roots.
     Wan-xi indirectly saved Hong-hui, which naturally makes Qi Qinwang value or grateful, but this value and gratitude is wrong in the eyes of the neglected Wulana-shi.
     Although Wulana-shi knows that she will go to this step, her own responsibility will account for more than half of it, but people are like this. Even if they know that they are wrong, they will not admit it. Wulana-shi is more direct, and all the mistakes are summed up in the Wan-xi that is grateful and Hong-hui dependent.
     This is what happened after that.
     "I don't understand the whole body. What is the use of the external sage? Is it edible or can you drink, or can you change your favor? No, no, but 4th Fu-Jin is still willing to cut it. Even trying to find a life." Wan-xi  in Yin-Tang's arms, the voice reveals a trace of confusion.
     Wan-xi would have thought of himself by 4th Fu-Jin. Did she last for the sake of her external reputation to die? In the end, the biggest difference between her and 4th Fu-Jin is that one has killed herself for her external reputation, and the other has desperately killed others for her external reputation.
     "Stupid Yatou, you think everyone is easy to satisfy with you." Yin-Tang smirked, his palm patted her shoulder, but she secretly wondered how to give Wulana-shi a lesson. .
     The Urana family is obviously not necessary. After the death of Fae Yanggu, there are no bright talents in the Ulanara family, although there is Wulana-shi, the 4th Fu-Jin. It is undeniable that the Urana family still fell. Originally, Yin-Tang wanted to warn 4th Fu-Jin by attacking the Ulanara family. Now, 4th Fu-Jin did not care about her family. Hong-hui can't move, Wulana-shi can't die, then it will blow the power in her hands.
     No one has no money, and there is a name of Qinwang Fu-Jin, which is difficult to see.
     Wan-xi didn't talk any more, just lying quietly in Yin-Tang's arms, waiting for Yin-Tang to return to God, only to find that this delicate woman was already asleep. Helplessly smiled, Yin-Tang took the person to the bed and covered her with a quilt, which lay down to sleep next to her.
     After that day, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang did not mention Wulana-shi.
     They were provoked by the ground to provoke Hong-min.
     Their tacit understanding seems to have never happened. . However, after Wan-xi heard that 4th Fu-Jin's dowry shop had lost money, he knew that it was Yin-Tang's hand.
     “4th Fu-Jin didn’t move?” Wan-xi mouth was smiling with a smile, and the hand holding the scissors slightly paused, then the flower branches in his hand were trimmed and inserted into the vase.
     Ting-Rain sneaked a little, and some later learned: "Can she still have any movements? Is it difficult for her to do business even better than Your Highness?"
     From the words of Ting-Rain, it is not difficult to hear a arrogance, but this arrogance is aimed at Yin-Tang is not her own.
     Wan-xi bowed his head, and really didn't think of Ting-Rain, which is afraid of Yin-Tang, and Yato, who is so terrible, praised Yin-Tang. "This Side-Fujin is not this. It is asking if she has any idea to stop it." For example, find what Qinwang is crying about."
     "Cry? She still has a face?" With his eyes open, Ting-Rain's face is incredible.
     Wan-xi'  sounded and cut a branch of flowers, but after listening to Ting-Rain, it was a face that couldnt be laughed. How do you say it? Its like a stab in your mouth.
     Ting-Rain licked the scorpion in his hand, and some awkwardly muttered: "The nubi is not a long thorn in the mouth, and the nubi is not accustomed to her. She always finds Side-Fujin for no reason."
     Wan-xi chuckled, but did not blame Ting-Rain, just looked up and yelled at her: "Whether you have a long thorn in your mouth or a fake thorn, you have to pay attention to this mouth." In this Qing yi-Courtyard, it’s okay, but when you get outside, you have to control your mouth, otherwise it will cause any trouble.
     This Side-Fujin will not be able to keep you."
     She always likes to say ugly words in front, and she will beat Ting-Rain for her. After all, they are in a circle of right and wrong.
     "The nubi understand." Ting-Rain bowed to Wan-xi, and the respectful appearance was obviously to listen to the words of Wan-xi.
      Qinwang House, I looked over and looked for my own Yin-Tang. I wanted to let Su Peisheng hold a cup with him. If you didnt speak, you would see Yin-Tang throwing a box on the desk. . Open a look, there are things like title deeds, store deeds, and so on.
     "9th Prince, what is this?" He did not move the contents of the box, but pointed to the contents of the box and asked him.
     "Wulana-shi dowry." Yin-Tang raised his eyebrows and sat directly next to him, his face disapproving.
     I nodded and did not accept it. Instead, I looked directly at Yin-Tang: "9th Prince, you should say that these were the dowry of Urala Shi, and now it is yours."
     Yin-Tang sipped a tea sip, and the tea at the entrance made the expression on his face softer. "These are for Hong-hui, 4th Prince is for him, as for Master.
     There is no shortage of these things at all, and it is especially like watching people desperate."
     I know what Yin-Tang is saying. Some time ago, Wulana-shi refers to the relationship between Hong-hui and Hong-min, and he is very angry. After that, he is very active. Wulana-shi The people who were placed in the house were cleaned up at least once, at least on the surface, and in private, it was the ability of Wulana-shi.
     "9th Prince, these you take it back, Wulana-shi, since it is wrong, it is a price to pay.
     There is nothing to make you busy, but you can't do anything." Then pushed in the direction of Yin-Tang.
     "4th Prince, these are not for you, nor for Wulana-shi, but for Hong-hui. It is difficult for 4th Prince to stop me as an uncle own zhi-zi Point something small." Yin-Tang didn't look at the box's eyes, and the look on his face knew that he wouldn't take things back.
     A little something.
     A bitter smile, these things can be quite a lot, even for his Qinwang. However, if you change to Yin-Tang, he really has the qualification to say this.
     "If you don't want it, why do you have to spend so much thought to fight?" A face turned helplessly pushed the box to the corner of the desk, and the moment of looking up, looking at Yin-Tang's eyes was full of helplessness.

     "If you don't want it, why do you have to spend so much thought to fight?" A face turned helplessly pushed the box to the corner of the desk, and the moment of looking up, looking at Yin-Tang's eyes was full of helplessness.
     Yin-Tang’s face stalked the local eye, and he was very welcome: “Of course, to make a tone.”
     "Why are you doing this?" He looked at Yin-Tang, who was taken for granted. He only thought that this could not be said.
     Saying that you are not only guilty, but also love to let the air cool, few people deal with him well, that is, 13th-Prince, who was around him from childhood, arrived in front of him, but also in a fair manner, only Yin-Tang, face him The expressionless face and the cold temperament are completely unconcerned, and what is going on is what it is, and it is not affected at all.
     The move saw 10th-Prince and 13th-Prince admire, and although he always said that he had no rules, but he was greedy for this kind of harmony and freedom, ‘Laughs’ , many times, hey, Yin Tang's connivance is actually deeper than 13th-Prince.
     Don't look at this person, you must report it, your heart is not big, and you still love to avenge, otherwise he will not get his Brother to be dying after he ascended the throne (of course, he himself must not be hospice). But he has a good point, he is short-sighted, especially for those who recognize him, just Yin-Tang is his recognized person.
     In the end, Wulana-shi was once a man who had hopes and hopes, and he thought about living with her, even though he still has many women around him, but as his Di-’Madam, he respects him. And power is beyond the imagination of others. It’s just that Wulana-shi has lived up to his trust and expectation. He wants to be famous, to be profitable, to take his trust and power, but to do his own work, which is also a resentment. Cold in her.
     "4th Prince. You can stand on the younger brother's side of this matter.
     The younger brother is very grateful, but you know that the younger brother is not the ones who want to make a shot. It is just a desire to make a tone. Wan-xi is only his younger brother, Side-Fujin. But she is more important than anyone. Wulana-shi can't tolerate her, and she can't tolerate the friendship between several children, and the younger brother can't stand her. Now the situation is unclear, and the fight is getting fiercer, even if we fight The neutral brand is still affected. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the younger brother does not want her life, but can't easily stop." Yin-Tang's face is very calm, and he can't see how angry he is. But his voice was so tired and intolerant that he wanted to come to the limit.
     He was sitting opposite Yin-Tang. He could see the expression on Yin-Tang's face clearly, and because of this, he felt even more embarrassed. He knew in his heart that if it wasn't for him, according to Yin-Tang, he would report temper, and Wulana-shi should have gone out with 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi. Even if he has the heart to protect her, but she does not take the precepts, and the times are more than one time, do not eat bitter, presumably difficult to remember.
     In addition, the couple feelings are also mutual, although the concern about Hong-hui, the Di-eldest son, is tolerant of her everywhere, but this does not mean that he loves Xinjue Luo· is afraid of her. Some things continue to be rebellious, and Yin-Tang did not want her life anyway, let her honestly occupy the position of 4th Fu-Jin.
     For the embarrassing embarrassment of the days, since the ‘Madam can't communicate with each other, he does not insist on it. Anyway, from small to large, except for a throne, most of his possessions are strong, and there are many who can do it. Take some thoughts, and wherever there is no cold, no one can say anything.
     "9th Prince, this is a question of 4th Prince, after all..." I have a heart to explain, but I don't know where to start.
     "4th Prince, you have a debtor, as long as you believe in your brother, that younger brother will not let you down." Yin-Tang interrupted what he wanted to say, directly expressing his meaning.
     The cooperative relationship between them is the brotherhood and the interest.
     Taking Di is the general trend, but also the feelings are worth it. After all, there are more than one big ambition, but the emperor has only one throne. But everyone who wants to make a fortune has to fight, and as long as there is a head, the people around him have to follow suit.
     His face was slightly stunned, and then he licked his lips: "Yes naturally believes that 9th Prince is a man."
     "That 4th Prince will bring these things to Hong-hui!" Yin-Tang took the tea pot and ended their round of argument with this sentence.
     Seeing Yin-Tang’s face that I don’t want to talk about, I don’t say much more. As for these things, I’m going to transfer from Wulana-shi to Hong-hui, so that she doesn’t feel dependent. Always thinking about how to be a demon.
     In Dong Efu, Yu-hui once again fell off Yi-Luoshi, and her face returned to her Concubine yard.
     Compared with the past, Yao Concubine, which has the power of the family, has changed from day to day. Although the Yao Concubine temper is weak, it is quite a man compared to Yi-Luoshi.
     Once upon a time, Concubine in this backyard was in Yi-Luoshi hands to discuss life. Even if they were eager to please, they would have to suffer from their children. And Yao Concubine took care of these Concubine children because of Yu-hui.
     These Concubine thought of her good, not only did not bother, but also helped Yao Concubine do a lot of things. In a time, the atmosphere in the backyard of Dong Efu was unprecedented.
     Yao Concubine Although I am a bit embarrassed about the family, but the days are good, people look younger. Now seeing her daughter's face happy, the smile on her face is not much.
     "Yu-hui, not Concubine wants to say you. Although you are now in Capital City, it is easy to get rid of a straight-forward run." Yao Concubine squinted at her daughter's face and relaxed. Shake the judgment.
     She is a traditional woman. She is weak and has no ambition. She thought that this life was like this, but she didn't want to turn around. When she was in middle age, her daughter turned over for her.
     "What are you afraid of? Madam and Dong-shi are not so good at this point? At most, as in the past, they are overwhelmed by those people. Is it worse than this? "Laughter, Yu-hui, as long as I remembered it, I hate to kill Dong mother and daughter."
     This woman in the backyard, who can not get some blood on her hand, is the year she married, and there are several Small Concubine Maid who died because of her. It is not her heart, but she must stand up before she can retaliate against Dong-shi, their mother and daughter.
     Yao Concubine listened to her and couldn't help but lick her face and cried. "It's all Concubine is useless. If Concubine can do something, you won't suffer so much. Yu-hui, listen to Concubine." Don't interfere with the things in the house, and don't deal with Madam and 9th Fu-Jin anymore. If you don't need them, they will get retribution."
     "Concubine " Yu-hui looked at the painful Yao Concubine, and didn't know what to say for a while.
     "Yu-hui, you will listen to Concubine again, have a good time, don't stir up." Yao Concubine This is also afraid that there is a day when Yu-hui husband can't help.
     Then they fell to the end with Yi-Luoshi.
     Dong E·70 is a person, Yao Concubine has long been seen, otherwise she would not only ask Yi-Luoshi when she met Yu-hui marriage, instead of asking Dong E·70. Because he has long been desperate for him, he will not have any hope from him.
     Yu-hui looked at Yao Concubine looking straight at herself, but wanted to refuse, but when she saw her persist, she finally nodded. "Okay, I promise you. But I have to see you again." E shi, I don’t want to see her ashamed. I won’t be reconciled.”
     She hated for so many years, and all the cuts were made in retaliation. Now she really wants to let go, and she wants to end from where the first thing started.
     "Why are you kidding this way? This Junwang house is what we can say. If Junwangye doesn't allow it, or if Side-Fujin doesn't agree, don't you still hold it?" Yao Concubine sighed and looked at her daughter with a sigh and distress.
     She knows her suffering, but she can't solve her heart. She can only persuade her properly. She hopes that she can figure it out. After all, this day is still growing. It is her own business to live well and not. Nothing.
     "Concubine, where the hatred breeds, I thought I didn't want to, but in the end I still moved my mind. It was just that we were all beyond our expectations. Although I couldn't enter the house, I don't hate it. He, I hate Dong and daughter who gave me hope but made me desperate. Without their calculations, maybe I won't meet him, I won't be tempted, and I won't breed hatred." Yu-hui said again: "Now the cut is over, but I still want to see it." She did not say that she wants to see only the end of Dong-shi, sometimes people are only obsessed That gas that can't be swallowed.
     Yao Concubine saw her like this, and she sighed deeply. She said for a long time: "I want to go and have a look!" At this moment, she is no longer entangled in the problem of whether she can go in. She thinks that she can let her daughter Dead heart, how can you run more?
     On the following day, when Wan-xi received the post from Yu-hui, it was really a surprise. She still had an impression on Yu-hui. Although she was flustered at the time, she was married and married, and she would not marry the little things of the past.
     “What does this Suo-Chuo Luo Madam mean? Visiting Fu-Jin? This Side-Fujin doesn’t know when their sisters’ feelings have become so good?” Wan-xi leans on the beautiful couch and holds a note in his hand. A face looked puzzled at Ting-Rain who asked her to read the book.
     "Back to Side-Fujin, this Suo-Chuo Luo Madam is not looking for the sister's feelings to visit the disease, but to take the opportunity to laugh at the fallen Fu-Jin." Ting-Rain See Wan-xi ask her, his face is flashing After a bit of excitement, I thought I had to get things clear before, and waited for Wan-xi to ask.

     "Back to Side-Fujin, this Suo-Chuo Luo Madam is not looking for the sister's feelings to visit the disease, but to take the opportunity to laugh at the fallen Fu-Jin." Ting-Rain See Wan-xi ask her, his face is flashing After a bit of excitement, I thought I had to get things clear before, and waited for Wan-xi to ask.
     "Messing? Fallen? Isn't she not sure that Dong-shi is already ill?" Wan-xi took the hand and licked it, apparently did not think that the contradiction between the sisters was actually better than she imagined. Still deep.
     Before I heard Ting-Rain talk about the contradiction of Dong Efu, I came across it from Zhuangzi. I thought I had come to this place. It must be that I was not old and dead. Now I don’t seem to think so. Worse.
     "Side-Fujin, this kind of thing knows that there is no difference between not knowing it. Fu-Jin has never looked at the sister she took out, and she has been dying with her mother. Everyone is not good at all.
     These people are naturally Hating poisoned her.
     This Suo-Chuo Luo Madam is a good one, otherwise it can't be ugly to Fu-Jin twice, and can't help her Concubine win the stewardship of Dong Madam." Ting-Rain Speaking and dancing, it is obvious that these gossips of Dong Ejia are quite entertaining.
     Wan-xi listened to these words, not only did not care about Dong-shi at all, but on the contrary felt that she deserved her sin. Some people say that people are dead and die, but it is not that the injured person will never understand what is dying. "Isn’t that difficult for Don-E Madam?"
     "I can't talk about it.
     The Suo-Chuo Luo Madam's Concubine is weak, and at most it ignores Dong Madam. It's awkward, it's not too bad." Sighing, Ting-Rain really feels a pity If the Concubine is vengeful with her daughter, it may be more exciting.
     Don't look at Ting-Rain is just a small Maid, but she is also a vengeful. Jiangnan was assassinated, the palace was in distress, and all kinds of deeds, but if she was only involved, even if she was only tired, she hated these people. Even if she could not deal with these people, she would not hinder her from reading these people jokes and spit them.
     Wan-xi lightly frowned, and her heart was slightly unhappy. When Jiangnan was assassinated, the people who came in and fell in love, 8th Fu-Jin died, Dong-shi was half dead, and even 4th Fu-Jin was shut up. Why did she Yi-Luoshi want? There are exceptions.
     "The Suo-Chuo Luo Madam can stop?" Wan-xi looked at Ting-Rain with a smile.
     “How could it be possible to stop? It’s just that Dong Madam is the name of the elders. Plus, Dong Daren’s six-year Old does not recognize temper. Suo-Chuo Luo Madam’s actions are still somewhat scruples, so it’s cheaper Dong. Madam.” Ting-Rain wrinkled his nose and looked uncomfortable.
     After listening to Ting-Rain, Wan-xi sneaked a little, then smiled lightly: "That is not simple.
     This housekeeper is not in the hands of Dong people, which means that she is not in a good position now, not as good as acting. And there is Suo-Chuo Luo Madam, this news will not be as well as before, so Ting-Rain you have to pass the news of Fu-Jin seriously ill."
     Ting-Rain listened to her saying that her look was slightly stunned, and then she smiled and said: "Side-Fujin, you are right. Dong Madam and Fu-Jin mother and daughter, I really want to know.
     The other side current situation, we should do good things to help spread the news is also appropriate." Then, Ting-Rain bowed to Wan-xi salute, turned and retreated to the door, which reminds me of the purpose of coming in, Without looking at the probe to Wan-xi, he whispered: "Side-Fujin, is this Suo-Chuo Luo Madam's visit to Fu-Jin still not allowed?"
     Ting-Rain’s voice just fell, and Ting-Qin, who was next to him, couldn’t help but hate the iron and smashed her eyes. He was unkind and honest: “Nature is the permission, Side-Fujin has even the love of the mother and daughter. Will it also block the sisterhood between Fu-Jin and Suo-Chuo Luo?"
     "Master ! How can I miss this good opportunity!" Ting-Rain heard the words, and he clap his hands, and his face suddenly looked like Ting-Qin rolled his eyes.
     Wan-xi held his chin and looked at Ting-Qin and Ting-Rain's eyes full of smiles. Finally, he gently said 'h', it was the words of Ting-Qin.
     "Okay, go ahead! You know what to do." Wan-xi chuckled twice, and he said it.
     Ting-Rain nodded, holding a small fist, and his face was cheerfully ready to make a bad. No, not bad, it was the relationship between the mother and the daughter and the sisters.
     On the other side, I got a reply from Wan-xi, not saying that Yao Concubine, that is, Yu-hui also secretly sighed in my heart. In fact, they all worried that Wan-xi would refuse, fortunately, Wan-xi Did not refuse.
     "Yu-hui, after this time, no matter what the outcome, you have to agree that Concubine will no longer mix between Madam and Fu-Jin. Don't look at your Ama is now polite, you can't help you, but again As before, Concubine doesn't want you to suffer this kind of anger, so forget it, and have a good time in the future.” Yao Concubine looks at the Yu-hui sitting next to her, holding her slightly cool The hand, a face of seriousness.
     She is really planning for her daughter, no matter how dissatisfied she has been with this marriage, now that the wood has become a boat, and there are children, the previous all kinds of things let it disappear! What's more, these days, my daughter is not vented. Anyway, this person can't die in their hands, and they are entangled with each other. If they break a point, they will cut off these shackles.
     Yu-hui naturally understands the meaning of Concubine. Since the last time she promised Yao Concubine to end this cut, she also thought a lot. Even if she is not for herself, she has to make plans for Yao Concubine and her own children. After all, she spends no hundred days of red, spends too much time on these people, ignores the roots, and ultimately she is unlucky. Slightly biased, Yu-hui looked at Yao Concubine eyes, his face was a little bit faint, whispered: "Concubine, you can rest assured! I may have a long time after this time. Going back to the house, you have to be more careful. Although I don't want you to be a Small-One, Concubine still has to arrange a path for himself when he has the power to do it."
     "Concubine understands that this name is not right, even if Madam is wrong, he can't be at home.
     This is not Concubine. When you are calm, Concubine will hand over this power, who are willing to Who took over, Concubine didn't want this hot potato." Her heart is not big, as long as her daughter is good, she is fine, but because of her relationship, she has some understanding of the movement in the hall. Even if Yu-hui doesn't say it, she will take the opportunity to plan for her daughter.
     After all, Yao Concubine, Yu-hui, never put disappointment on Dong E·70.
     Two days later, Yu-hui dressed up and went to Junwang House with a prepared gift. Although Dong-shi is the Di-room, she is now sick on the couch, and everything is done by Wan-xi.
     The family did not stop her to cut this cut, she naturally can not be too rude, is the first thing that Yu-hui into Dong Efu is to bring the gift girlfriends to Qing yi-Courtyard.
     In this regard, although Wan-xi was surprised, he did not see Yu-hui, but only indicated that Ting-Rain had told Dongshi about the situation and circumstances of Dongshi inadvertently.
     Yu-hui, after listening to Ting-Rain, was also very surprised. Although she had already inquired about Dongshi news before coming, it was not comprehensive but not too small. Originally, she thought that she was fully prepared. Now, after listening to Ting-Rain, she knew that Dongshi was worse than she thought.
     It’s really open eyes!
     Farewell Ting-Rain, Yu-hui With two Maid to the main court, even if they are mentally prepared, they are still scared by the depression of the main Courtyard. In the past, the people in this courtyard came and went, and there was much scenery. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it with the city. But now, let’s not say that the kittens are three or two, even the people waiting in the yard are not smug. It’s really a different day.
     "Four... Suo-Chuo Luo Madam, how come you?" The pearl that was determined by the medicine saw the Yu-hui standing at the door, and subconsciously greeted a few steps. At the moment of opening, he found himself calling. Wrong, changed his mouth, this is directed at her greetings.
     Yu-hui looked at the pearls of the gods, and flashed a gloating in the eyes. Don’t say Dong-shi in the past, that is, the pearls, these big Maids never looked at her in the eyes, but Now, who dares to look down on her.
     "Sister is now awake. If it is convenient, this Madam wants to go in and talk to her sister." Yu-hui looks at the pearl with cold eyes, and when it comes out, it seems to ask, actually she has already lifted her foot to the floor while she asked. Going gone.
     The pearls are seen, and almost all of them are secreted of cold sweat. Don't look at Dong-shi, it's so difficult, but the temper of people is really a point of convergence, and on the contrary there is a kind of broken cans, which is not enough for them to suffer. Now if Yu-hui goes directly in, she can guarantee that the next moment, Dong-shi will make her half-dead.
     "Suo-Chuo Luo Madam, please stay." Pearl stepped forward and stopped Yu-hui way.
     "What? You are blocking this Madam visitor?" Yu-hui brows slightly, and the little face that was originally smiling is cold.
     The legs of the pearl shook gently, but the face was calm and calm: "The nubi dare. Just seeing and not seeing is the meaning of Fu-Jin, so please wait for Madam, and the nubi will go in and report."
     Yu-hui looked at the background of the pearls and sneered, and all of them came to such fields, and they were placed on such a large shelf. No wonder, it is no wonder that as the main room, it has been painted like this. Without him, it is love to die.
     Before the pearl entered the house, the eyes of the corner of the eye stared at Yu-hui, and she stood in the same place, and she secretly sighed. Waiting into the room, looking at the rouge lying on the ground, bowed to Dong-shi lying on the bed, whispered: "Fujn, Suo-Chuo Luo Madam Seek outside, you see or not see ?"
     “Suo-Chuo Luo Madam?” Dong-shi gave a slight sigh, then I remembered that Yu-hui married as if it were Suo-Chuo Luojia. “What is she doing? Looking at this Fu-jin joke? No, Let her roll this Fu-Jin and roll it far."
     Pearl looked at the hysterical Dong-shi, and could not help but step back two times, thinking about going out to speak, but heard the voice of Yu-hui coming from the door.
     "Hey! Everyone is sick and sick, Mei-mei is Calling, sister is very good at this spirit, full of gas, not worse than that man." Yu-hui mouth, it is really a little bit of love I stayed, but I didn’t say that Dong-shi was sick.


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