Chongqie Courting Death Daily 265

  Novels   »   Chongqie Courting Death Daily   »    Chapter 265 : Leverage

     Wan-xi doesn't know that Dong-shi heart has been hurt by 10 thousand points because of Yin-Tang. If she knows, her high-pitched mouth may go straight to her head.
     I followed Yin-Tang back to the inner house. When I closed the door, I saw Yin-Tang waved. Lin-Chujiu and others next to me put a lot of rewards on the table. row. Although there are a few boxes that are not open, just look at the jewelry on the bright side, you can guess that the things in the box will only be better, not too bad.
     Wan-xi swept his eyes and turned to look at Yin-Tang. He saw him holding a tea pot, licking his mouth, then looked up and looked at her quietly. He couldn’t help but squint and then leaned his head. Softly asked: "What is Lord looking at?"
     Yin-Tang did not speak, but waved his hand and motioned Lin-Chujiu to go down. Lin-Chujiu and others were fascinated by the gods, and they took a trip to the two and slowly retired.
     When everyone quit, Yin-Tang couldn’t help but wave at Wan-xi. When she was close, she pulled her into her arms and let her lie on her lap. Today, I wanted to ask you for the grievances of the past, but I didn’t want to make her dirty.
     This is the place where the Qing yi-Courtyard is.
     The most important thing is that in the plan of the Lord, she can’t die.” Here, Yin-Tang was quite uncomfortable and coughed.
     Yin-Tang is not a fake. He intends to let Kangxi debut to help Wan-xi, then Dong-shi can't be at this time, even if he is more sure than Wan-xi, like Dong-shi.
     This temper, basically remember to eat and remember, so the scars forget the pain. But before his goal was reached, he had to bear the temper to let her make waves.
     Wan-xi didn't talk, just looked at him with a chuckle, and the eyes were clear and Yin-Tang felt even more embarrassed.
     "Ye knows that you have suffered a lot of grievances, but I want to give you the best, so..." Yin-Tang reached out and touched the tip of his nose, and his face looked very uncomfortable.

     Wan-xi glared at Yin-Tang like this, distressed his difficulties, could not help but stretch his arms, licking his neck, whispered: "It doesn't matter, because you know what you are going to protect you." Body."
     Yin-Tang sees her understanding of this kind, and she has a lot of love and pity in his heart. He knows that his charm is the most understanding of her, and this does not mean that he plans for her.
     Wan-xi leaned on the shoulder of Yin-Tang, with a smile on his lips, but his eyes became more and more cold. She understands that Yin-Tang is a matter of course, but this does not mean that she can forgive Dong-shi and others. She asked, but behind this time, the person who made up her mind to stab her was standing not only with Dong-shi, but also with Yi-Luoshi, 8th Fu-Jin and 4th Fu-Jin.
     Compared to the hatefulness of Dong-shi mother and daughter, 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin are like crazy dogs in the eyes of Wan-xi, and they have no intention of biting.
     To say the hatred between Wan-xi and Dong-shi, it is justified, and between 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin, it’s hard to hear, they only see each other less, only a few times. Meet, if they are not provocative, Wan-xi is afraid that they will not tell them. Isn't the passerby not going into a home, they are born with a magnetic field, and at most they ignore each other and make it to the other side to die, then it is no wonder that she is also worried.
     The next day, after Yin-Tang went to the country, Wan-xi recruited Ting-Rain.
     "You first send this letter to Wanyan House. In addition, people will stare at Dong Efu, 8th-Prince House and the main courtyard. If there is something wrong, please come and report to this Side-Fujin immediately. Pay special attention to them. In the end, I am in contact with someone.” Wan-xi saw Ting-Rain, and after a few words, he waved Ting-Rain.
     Ting-Rain has a set of information on the search, and she is arranged by Yin-Tang. Many things are known, and it is appropriate and more effective to give this kind of thing to her.
     Since she learned that 8th Fu-Jin has repeatedly entered the government to find Dong-shi, I guess they are definitely plotting something. Regardless of the size of the matter, the content is definitely not related to her. After all, when they arranged for people to assassinate her, they coincided with the people who had stabbed Kangxi, and it was a punishment for this kind of thing, just the relationship between morning and evening. In the face of this situation, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not jump to the wall.
     A few days later, Wan-xi took time to enter the palace, and took several children to the house, to Yu-8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi, and it was very frequent. Just to make her feel strange is that 4th Fu-Jin and Yi-Luoshi who had cooperated with them before did not even participate, even a little bit of movement, honestly can not believe.
     Ting-Rain is naturally reliable and collects news. Her experience is not too much. Plus Yin-Tang has never stopped her from using people, so she soon found out that people in 8th-Prince House are quite quiet. Big, even after the dark guard, I found out that 8th Fu-Jin people were in contact with some people in the palace.
     According to Ting-Rain's speculation, these people are not 8th-Prince manpower in the palace in these years. It was the dark line that was developed in the palace of Ann Qinwang. It was just a surprise that An Qinwang did not put these people. I gave it to my son, but left it to 8th Fu-Jin. It seems that An Qinwang's love for his granddaughter is not a rumor. It alone can prove that Ann Qinwang is not a big value for 8th Fu-Jin.
     Back to Qing yi-Courtyard, Ting-Rain said the news that was inspected these days to Wan-xi. At the end, he took out a letter and handed it to Wan-xi: " This is the letter that Madam gave the nubi to Side-Fujin, Madam confessed, and Side-Fujin was relieved, she knew what to do."
     Wan-xi nodded and said that he understood. Obviously Ting-Rain has already inquired about things. Except for the details, I can roughly guess what kind of ideas 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi are playing.
     The two are nothing more than knowing that the previous thing was written by Kang Xi, and the dog jumped to the wall and wanted to finally play it again. She only needs to prevent it from happening in this respect. At that time, as long as the idea makes one of the two of them stand out, it may be able to reverse the situation.
     Just don't know what method they want to deal with?
     "Very good, but this Side-Fujin is really curious, what do they want to do with me?" Wan-xi chuckled and couldn't help but wonder.
     Ting-Rain listened to her words, and his face could not help but reveal a few thoughts. 8th Fu-Jin and Fu-Jin are so expensive, Chou layout, certainly not just want to tease Side-Fujin, it is not a trick, it is definitely want Side-Fujin temper life.
     Wan-xi can naturally think of this point. People can stab her first time.
     They all jumped into the wall and will definitely arrange the second time. I just don’t know what the arrangement is.
     Direct assassination? Or is it calculated that she has no reputation, forcing her to die? It’s time to see who they are, and the means are slightly higher.
     "Side-Fujin, nubi don't know what to say?" Ting-Rain hesitated, then looked at Wan-xi carefully.
     "Is there anything that makes it difficult for a quick-speaking whisper?" Lightly smirked, Wan-xi looked at her small appearance, but was somewhat curious.
     Ting-Rain looked at Wan-xi, who was still in a good mood. Hesitated for a moment and said with a bite: "Side-Fujin, since 8th Fu-Jin and Fu-Jin want to count you in the palace, then there must be something in the palace, you have to Participate, when there are too many people, I am afraid that it is impossible to prevent it, it is better..." Ting-Rain looked at Wan-xi eyes and hesitated whether to continue.
     Wan-xi listened to Ting-Rain's words. I was really surprised. She really didn't think that Ting-Rain would actually put Yifei into the calculations.
     This kind of mind and courage is not something that people can have. She sighed and stretched out Ting-Rain's hand and whispered: "Don't you be afraid of causing a disaster?"
     Wan-xi would say this, but also reminded Ting-Rain that Yifei is not so good. A woman who can stand in the harem for decades and still stand up, can not be compared with ordinary people, even if 8th Fu-Jin and others, on Yifei, it must be the object of seconds.
     Ting-Rain sees Wan-xi as much as he cares about himself. He can't help but be a lot bigger. "Yifei Niang-Niang, the nubi can't dare, but the wrong place is disclosed to Yifei Niang-Niang. Yifei Niang-Niang should not be resigned."
     Wan-xi listened to her saying that her face was a lot deeper, and then let her talk about her thoughts and plans. She thinks that Ting-Rain, if he dares to say it, must be relying on it, otherwise he will not speak these words in the face of her Highness.
     Ting-Rain didn't fall for a long time. Since she had died together with Wan-xi, she knew who her life belonged to. She thinks for Wan-xi, in addition to her loyalty, she also has a part of her selfishness. After all, only Your Highness is good, and her nubi can be good.
     "Side-Fujin, since it is in the palace, you have to let the people in the palace solve it. You forgot that the nubi were originally the people in the palace, and naturally have some understanding of the means in the palace." Ting-Rain looked Wan-xi low channel.
     "Yes, the things in this palace are naturally only known to the people in the palace." Although Wan-xi has a difficult face, he can still use Ting-Rain's opinion.
     It is not that she is useless, but she is very clear where her bottom line is. In the end, her foundation is too thin. Without Yin-Tang protection, she can only maintain her current life, and can't fight those who want to harm her and hate her, so borrowing is very important. Steps. She will not reject or refuse to borrow because of the so-called self-esteem. On the contrary, she can see clearly that she can use other people strength to attack her enemy.
     "That means Side-Fujin is..." Ting-Rain looked at the calm face of Wan-xi, and the ‘Yuyan was tempted.
     "Of course, by the force of Niang-Niang, the 8th Fu-Jin and Fu-Jin nets will be exhausted. After all, there are only a thousand days to be thieves.
     There is no one-day thief. Since you already know that someone is going to harm yourself, it is natural to think forever. In addition to the after-effects." Wan-xi eyes are cold, and the words are also very cold.
     The other party wants to kill her, she is also polite to them!

     With the decision, Wan-xi began to divide labor, not only Ting-Rain, but even Ting-Qin was also requisitioned. As for Ting-Bamboo, it was only after marriage that the idea of ​​Wan-xi was After she borrowed, she passed her own little day. Unfortunately, Ting-Bamboo didn't want to, and said that her husband also agreed that she would stay with her. Wan-xi couldn't, but she had to change her affairs, and her identity changed from big Maid to aunt.
     Wan-xi, Qing yiyuan said that it is not big, saying that it is not small, every day is so much, the biggest change is nothing more than a few children. As for herself, it is not going out without going out, if it is really going out. It must be the same as Yin-Tang, otherwise it will be a feast in the palace, unable to shirk.
     This is a count, this Qing yuan Court is actually not much.
     But seemingly calm places often have people who can't get used to the calm, but who want to stir up something.
     Wan-xi is very clear in her heart. As long as she still has the favor of Yin-Tang, she will never want to live in peace. However, compared to the avoidance of avoiding the end of death, she would rather become the thorn of others' hearts, unable to pull down, and can not disappear, can only be so stiff and painful.
     No, since it is determined, Wan-xi naturally cannot do useless work, just waiting for Yifei to give her a head.
     There is a saying that the feelings are both sides. Although Yifei attitude towards her is not bad, but Wan-xi knows that Yifei does not really recognize herself. It can be said that her attitude depends on Yin-Tang's attitude towards her. Is it good or bad? In general , Wan-xi is not recognized by Yifei, and it is always a loss. She is not in the main room.
     However, although it is really a bit of a loss, but Wan-xi does not expect to be her cut, but try to find ways to increase their influence on Yifei.
     I mentioned it before, the feelings are on both sides, plus a few children, she believes that Yifei does not look at the face and has to look at the Buddha face to give himself a few thin faces. When she didn't let Yifei approve, she had to let Yifei subconsciously pull her to her own line.
     With such an idea, the number of Wan-xi next children entering the palace has increased significantly. Not to mention Yifei, it is the Empress Dowager who is very happy to meet her. And because of the Wan-xi rescue, the Empress Dowager also rewarded her separately, and the relatives of the attitude made many people in the palace look at it.
     Yifei doesn't like much about Wan-xi, but she can't say that she hates it. After all, her favorite grandchildren are born by Wan-xi.
     This doesn't look at the face of the Buddha. It doesn't give her too much. Face, plus Wan-xi will also be a man, and time is also good with Yifei.
     Wan-xi, who stayed in the palace for a long time, returned to Qing yiyuan and fell directly on the couch. His face was incomprehensible. When Yin-Tang came back, she saw her like this and couldn't help but laugh out loud.
     "What's wrong with this? Is it difficult for you to have a long-sighted one?" Yin-Tang put his hands on her waist and took her to her arms with a little force.
     Wan-xi didn't expect Yin-Tang to pick her up directly, and squatted, waiting for God, the whole person was already sitting in his arms. At the moment of lifting, the eyes fell on the face of Yin-Tang, and the look of his mouth was smiling, and the mood was not bad.
     Yin-Tang glared at some dull Wan-xi, reached out and licked her little face, and whispered: "Why don't you talk? Is it really bullying?"
     "Master, this is the world's favorite bully and you are there." Wan-xi pulled his big arm in annoyance, biting his mouth in a bad voice, and then said: "It’s just what you want to do. Yifei Niang-Niang prefers to be covered?"
     If you want people to help, how do you feel good? This harem is all fine, no matter what it is, what others can do for you.
     With a delicate chin, the expression on Wan-xi face seemed a bit embarrassing. I wanted to come to her heart and know that Yifei was not so pleased. Even she could clearly feel that Yifei was only polite to her rather than intimate.
     Yin-Tang bowed her head and looked at her face with a tangled look. She felt very funny. "Why do you want to please the mother? Do you want to ask for a mother, or do you have a bad thing in this delicate bag, look for someone to help you support the field?" “
     "Master, what to say! All the bad things that can be done in the whole body, so please Yifei Niang-Niang, so that you are not you. If you don't care about the Lord, why should you spend this thought?" Wan-xi A squeaky voice, very unhappy to bite his knuckles with sharp fingers.
     Yin-Tang was bitten bitterly, but it was not unbearable. Moreover, Wan-xi was angry and biting his bad habit was still his own.
     "Well, my father said it was wrong, and my dear friend is the most sensible." Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi with his fingers and grinned, laughing and surrendering with a free hand.
     Wan-xi glared at his appearance and sneaked a sigh of relief. After he saw it, he laughed. He took a slap to help him wipe his hand, then reached for his neck and said, "Know it." it is good."
     Well, the calculation between 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi, she should not tell him first, she knows that Yin-Tang must know something, but only know how much, this is only his own heart. As for the management and the matter, he must also determine their ultimate purpose. And as long as she stood behind him, she thought of a trick to catch the oriole.
     Obviously, I have tried my best to kill other people temper life, but they have been killed by others at the foot of the door, or they have lost their feelings. It feels good.
     "Okay, it is not easy to ask for a mother, Jiao Jiao will give birth to ten sons and eight sons, and the mother-in-law will be able to supply you." Yin-Tang scorns her pink lips, face Playful and authentic.
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang, who was not serious. When he just wanted to refute, he was back pressed under his body.
     The masculine scent of the nose made her unconsciously blush, just wanted to speak. Kissing is right, then she feels that she can't think about it, and it seems that only his personal existence exists in his mind.
     The next day, when Wan-xi woke up, Yin-Tang had already gone up. When Wan-xi got up, he saw Ting-Rain waiting at the door and asked for a question. Only then did Yin-Tang tell him before he went to the country, and people took her to go, now Qijia-shi has Coming.
     Wan-xi listened, where is still worthy of bed, busy listening to the snow, they came in to wait, wait for the makeup to come out, Qijia-shi just enter the door, the time is just as good.
     Qijia-shi looked at Wan-xi, his face was blushing, and he was flustered, and there was nothing to guess. Although she was pleased that her daughter and ZHong-Yong Junwang had a good relationship, she was worried that there would be a day when Junwang looked at someone else and she was heartbroken.
     "Come to Side-Fujin, please..."
     "Em, what is this for you! If it is outside, there is no outsider now, you still like this, how to sit with your daughter." Wan-xi sees Qijia-shi, saluting himself, immediately Get up and hold Qijia-shi, his mouth is awkward, but his hands are holding Qijia-shi and sitting next to him.
     "The ceremony can't be abolished.
     The amount of mother can't let you fall into the wrong position because of this little thing." Qijia-shi waved his hand, although he did not insist on the ceremony, but he still sang the body, and then sat down.
     "Emperor, some people can't get used to me, how can't they get used to it, they won't change their minds because of their mother's multiple trips." Wan-xi laughed and thought about coming to those who are good at finding her.
     The person, she has already seen it.
     The so-called non-being is a mediocrity, her Wanyan Wan-xi is not just a face, it is really more than true, she is also proficient in the game of chess and chess, and has a self Confidence. It’s just that the identity is limited, and many things can be done in the dark, rather than on the face.
     Qijia-shi looked at the irony of Wan-xi, and then thought about her time in the south of Jiangnan, almost mourning Huang Quan, and I can't do it. God knows what kind of mood it was when he got the news. Now think about it, it really shouldn't be polite with those people.
     "No matter what? On the surface, we can't let people grab the handle." Qijia-shi eyes swept a circle on her, and Wan-xi looked rosy, and her heart relaxed slightly.
     The previous ones cut them too far and couldn't help. Now, these people don't stop, they naturally can't let their daughters suffer any more wrongs.
     "How is the body? Is the injury good?"
     "All right, the day before, the doctor also came to the clinic." Wan-xi noticed the worry and care in the eyes of Qijia-shi, his face could not help but reveal a smile, holding Qijia-shi Hand, soft.
     "That's good, that's good.
     The mother is worried that your body will be damaged because of the injury. Before the birth of the little Prince, you hurt your body. Although it has been nursed for some time, it is quite good, but this The second attack was not the same as a small one. Pay more attention to it.” Qijia-shi patted her hand and sighed a little, then slowly said.
     Although Wan-xi now has three sons, but no one is too much! What's more, Junwangye is the only one who loves her. If she can live, some people will be sour, but if they can't live, let's say that those who stare at them are Yifei Niang-Niang, and they will not agree.
     "Emperor assured, my daughter has their own care." Wan-xi squinted at Qijia-shi, his eyes could not help but show a silky smile.
     Qijia-shi See Wan-xi confident face, and I can't help but feel a lot of peace of mind. "You understand it. As for the things you told, your Ama and Brother have already begun to secretly set."
     The meaning of Wan-xi is obvious, that is, you can work hard to find trouble for 4th Fu-Jin, 8th Fu-Jin and 9th Fu-Jin's maiden. Anything can be done, as long as it can strike them.
     They don't all like to take advantage of the arrogance of their own family to suppress others, then she let their natal family care for themselves, and no longer help them.
     Of course, these things must not be completed in a matter of time. After all, the Wanyan family is not a Di branch.
     The development is only a matter of recent years.
     The foundation is not strong enough. Even if there is Yin-Tang promotion, I want to It is a little more time for the family to get a place in front of the family. However, it is more than enough to add some congestion to the people, but to find trouble in the dark.
     "That's good. It used to be that my daughter thought things too easily. Now my daughter has figured it out. Since it is how to give in, the result is not endless, so why not take the initiative to attack, maybe this unexpected move can win us first. Machine.” Wan-xi whispered openly, but in the eyes, he couldn’t help but show a murder. I want to come. For Dong-shi and others, Wan-xi has no patience, although she can’t get rid of it three times. Fu-Jin, but the most prone to stupid Dong-shi, she is really reluctant to stay.

     "That's good. It used to be that my daughter thought things too easily. Now my daughter has figured it out. Since it is how to give in, the result is not endless, so why not take the initiative to attack, maybe this unexpected move can win us first. Machine.” Wan-xi whispered openly, but in the eyes, he couldn’t help but show a murder. I want to come. For Dong-shi and others, Wan-xi has no patience, although she can’t get rid of it three times. Fu-Jin, but the most prone to stupid Dong-shi, she is really reluctant to stay.
     "You can think so.
     The woman in the backyard, no matter what the relationship, as long as it involves men, it is not dead, no exception." Qijia-shi sighed a little, only slowly said.
     Some things, she didn't want to say it before, just didn't want to dirty her mouth, but now I have to say that I don't want my daughter to become a stepping stone for others because of the height or kindness of the time.
     "Ming Niang said that these people have time and time again, no matter what the reasons, they can't change the fact that they want to harm me. Before the children are not around, they can be around! I can't afford it, I don't want to go to my temper to kill my child temper." Wan-xi knows that Dong-shi is worried about herself, but all she can do is express her attitude. After all, there are many things. It’s hard to say half a meeting.
     Qijia-shi, when she saw her, she knew that she was really determined. She couldn’t help but flash her face.
     The mouth was calm and said: "Don’t be too burdensome.
     This is the woman in the backyard. of."
     Yes, the women in the backyard are like this, from innocence, full of desire, to despair, to heart and heart. It’s not that they want it, but the rules of this era and the man’s heart that forced them to do this. After all, no one wants others to press their own heads, let others dominate their own destiny, and no one wants to be a stepping stone to others.
     If you want to survive in this battle-filled backyard, you can make sure that you can live, and your children can live well.
     "The mother is relieved, her daughter understands in her heart, and she is willing to let her daughter go to the end." There is a saying that Wan-xi has not said anything, that is, even Yin-Tang has changed. Heart, she can also keep the child to live well.
     The two worlds are human beings, no matter what they are, opportunities are hard to come by. She doesn't want to waste. After all, no one can guarantee that she can live again.
     Qijia-shi Seeing her so sure, it is not good to say anything more.
     The two of them sat down and said a meeting, each said their own situation, and the other is to say how the Wan-xi accounted for how it was arranged.
     She does not participate, but does not mean she does not know. Some things, Qijia-shi, they ultimately think of Wan-xi, after all, the person who led the Wanyan family to stand up is her.
     The mother and the daughter said a lot of words. When the evening, Hong-min came back, Wan-xi would naturally stay in Qijia-shi for dinner. Yin-Tang did not say much back, and he was very polite to Qijia-shi.
     This not only made Qijia-shi feel flattered, but if there were others, it was afraid that the eyes would fall, and this is where Side-Fujin's attitude, this is obviously treating the other party as a serious mother-in-law!
     It is said that Yi-Luoshi, as Yin-Tang's true mother-in-law, seems to have never been treated like Yin-Tang.
     After waiting for Qijia-shi, Yin-Tang looked at the face with joy and began to put the game, and the ass sat next to her, fingers pulled out a white box from the chess box and gently put it on the board. His eyes fell on her little face, faintly said: "So happy?"
     "Of course I am happy. I haven’t seen my family for a long time, and Ama, who is also in the air, is going to be out of breath. How can I be upset?" Wan-xi mouth is smiling. It seems that I am really happy to see that.
     As for mentioning what they are talking about today, they just want to give Yin-Tang a vaccination to give him a general impression. What happened to him at that time, maybe he still has Yin-Tang to help? Last one.
     "Since it is necessary to be arrogant, then you can't stand by and watch. Some people really need lessons. Too much kindness will not make them grateful. On the contrary, they will only make them more unscrupulous." Yin-Tang said Adding a piece to the board, every time it seems that Wan-xi has just put on a piece, he already has a way to deal with it.
     Yin-Tang's chess is still good, at least in Wan-xi, it seems to be a bit of real effort. On the contrary, Wan-xi, who often collects the game and plays with the game, does not have much real effort. Even if Yin-Tang makes it, she is spoiled and ruined, and she still loses a lot.
     However, Yin-Tang does not seem to care about this. On the contrary, he always squats with Wan-xi during the game, using the win or lose as an excuse to win many benefits for himself.
     This is also why Wan-xi is rather a chess player and is not willing to play chess with him.
     "Occasionally, the foundation of the Wanyan family is still not deep enough. To deal with them, it can only be done in secret, such as coming out of something unexpected." Wan-xi chuckled, not counting Yin Tang's ideas are different from those on the game. On the contrary, he is very excited. He really wants the action of the Wanyan family.
     "If you don't care, it's just positive, as long as the method works." Yin-Tang responded softly and did not say anything to Wan-xi. During this time, he spent a lot of effort to fight 4th Fu-Jin's family, 8th. Fu-Jin 8th-Prince industry and Dong's home industry.
     In detail, Yin-Tang shot is definitely extraordinary. Don't say that 4th Fu-Jin's maiden has already fallen, that is, there is no defeat, and he can't stand the pressure of him. Unfortunately, Qinwang seems to be the default.
     The relationship between the Ulanara family and 4th Fu-Jin was directly broken. No, it should be said that the backyard female priests were directly broken.
     The Ming Family’s Tongyuan’s exchanges were still maintained.
     This is obviously the opening of 4th Fu-Jin. And all the support is placed on Hong-hui; 8th-Prince and 8th Fu-Jin are even more tragic. Last time I said that 8th Fu-Jin's actions have already angered Qinang Wang.
     The sons of Yuele, the relationship between the two parties is tense, and the exchanges are not as good as the times.
     Therefore, in addition to the 8th-Prince industry, this is the dowry of 8th Fu-Jin. Finally, Dong Ejia is said to have lost a lot of money. Now, it is even worse, so that Dong 70 is directly arguing that no matter what Dong-shi, as for Yi-Luoshi, it is directly left cold, it seems that it is difficult to recover.
     In general, these people can be said that they have been taught by Yin-Tang.
     The key is to carry Wan-xi. If this is the result, if Wan-xi knows, he is afraid to laugh in Yin Tang is awkward.
     In the days that followed, I didn't know if it was a matter of passage, or the silence before the storm, and the days seemed extremely quiet. Wan-xi still entered the palace with the Empress Dowager and Yifei, and the four little buns were also very powerful.
     They helped Wan-xi to win a lot of impressions. Kangxi also rarely praised Wan Xi twice.
     Some people like Wan-xi like it, and some people will not like it.
     During this time, 8th Fu-Jin’s dissatisfaction with Wan-xi suddenly rose to the highest point. If it wasn’t for Kangxi presence in the capital, Wan-xi own travel was very careful, she was afraid. I want to go straight to the people to give the results.
     Wan-xi can naturally feel the hostility of 8th Fu-Jin. After all, I met in the palace several times. 8th Fu-Jin couldn't wait to rush to tear her apart. It is difficult to make people careless.
     The more we can, the more happy Wan-xi is.
     There is a saying that I know that you are not doing well, then I am relieved.
     Time drifted slowly between the fingers, and Kangxi, who has always been empowered, once again drove off the bus.
     This time Yin-Tang was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and Qin Wang stayed in the capital, and as for the Crown Prince and others, they were still driving. It was 8th-Prince. After a decapitating the Crown Prince, he was left out by Kangxi, and 8th Fu-Jin was used as a demon.
     The identity of Baylor was also gone, and he went back and used modern words. In fact, you can't play well.
     However, apart from the 8th-Prince couple, probably no one cares, that is, the 14th-Prince of the same camp is also unwilling to revive, so that he can successfully receive the forces on his hand. Even if he can't hold it all in his hands, he can at least use it for him.
     Having said that, after 14th-Prince experienced a series of blows, it was indeed a lot of cleverness, and there was no Defei provoked by him, and Kangxi deliberate pursuit, and his ambition was a lot bigger. Of course, the act has matured a lot in the past, at least not as much as it used to be, just to offend people.
     In a blink of an eye, the holy car returned to Capital City, and the Kangxi birthday banquet, naturally it is necessary to run a field. Because of the Kangxi birthday banquet, the people working in the palace are very eye-catching and try to do things best. Ting-Rain Ting-Qin, because of Wan-xi instructions, they went into the palace and connected with the people in the palace, always ready to prevent 8th Fu-Jin from acting suddenly.
     During this time, Wan-xi often entered the palace.
     Through the names of several children, I visited many places in the palace and gave Ting-Rain enough time to contact other people. Anyway, Yin-Tang never stopped Wan-xi from using Ting-Rain.
     They used the power in the palace, and even in order to make her use it smoothly, many people have been added in the past two years.
     At the banquet, Wan-xi sat next to Yin-Tang, seeing 4th Fu-Jin, 8th Fu-Jin, Dong-shi, and Yi-Luoshi sitting in the distance, although there was nothing on the surface, but through They are betting on her eyes, it is not difficult to see their inner resentment.
      4th Fu-Jin This is the first time after the curfew in Jiangnan.
     There is nothing to look at from her expression, but only occasionally look at Wan-xi eyes and thorns, deep and deep. Every time I waited for Wan-xi, when I turned my head, 4th Fu-Jin quickly regained his gaze.
     Wan-xi face is calm, but the corner of his eye is staring at 4th Fu-Jin. Although 4th Fu-Jin had a thick powder on his face, he couldn't stop his face. It seems that 4th Fu-Jin didn't have a good time these days, otherwise it might be so gloomy.
     However, at best, she is also involved in 8th Fu-Jin's plan. She is more careful. After all, these people minds are very sinister, but they will not be soft because of her weakness.

     Kangxi great joy in his later years, pay attention to the arranging, the speed of the national reserve consumption is more than the next time, but also times and times. If there is not Yin-Tang, this small profitable supporter is afraid that the national treasury will be empty.
     However, just because Yin-Tang is holding, Kangxi can make a big show more than once, and because of this, Kangxi is more and more fortunate for Yin-Tang. After all, he can make money without thinking about him.
     There are really few sons of the throne under the ass.
     Therefore, this birthday banquet, except for the Crown Prince, who was brought to the side by Kangxi, was only Yin-Tang mentioned by Kangxi several times.
     Tong-Guifei, the principal of the palace, in order to make Kangxi birthday banquet full of enthusiasm and glory, he really thought a lot of ways, and even changed the habit of holding power in the past, and they all gave them to Yifei. Come over, it can be regarded as the leader of the family.
     This is not the case, not only the singing and dancing in the main hall, but also the series of flowers and other activities for the son-in-law in the Royal Garden, which makes the birthday party more comprehensive.
     The Miss retired to the Royal Garden, and Wan-xi even avoided the direct collision with the 8th Fu-Jin, but the son-in-law went, and she was no exception even if she did not want to.
     Before leaving, Yin-Tang saw Wan-xi with only Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin, his brows were wrinkled, and he carefully explained a few sentences and helped her to wear the cloak of the cloak. Well, Dong-shi, who was watching the move, was red-eyed.
     "Don't leave people, if you really have any problems, let Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin go find someone, and then don't, let them go directly to Lin-Chujiu." Yin-Tang thinks before 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi actions, then look at the T-Rain and Ting-Qin that Wan-xi followed, with a disapproval look on his face.
     If you know that Tong-Guifei has arranged this, he should let Wan-xi listen to them and bring them. After all, there is a chance that she will be relieved.
     "They are assured that they will not act blindly. Even if someone is provocative, they will endure to wait for the Lord to help out." Wan-xi sound soft and soft, obviously in the Yin Tang is spoiled.
     The look of the two people ears is naturally eye-catching. After all, this big place, hate Prince who can't always put people on the belt, only Yin-Tang, other Prince or Clan, can be a good sentence. Well, who is like Yin-Tang, I want to stick to it.
     Dong-shi stood in the distance and looked at the sweetness of the two people.
     The eyes flashed with a trace of grievances.
     The hand that originally held Jinpa did not consciously hold a fist.
     "Remember the words of the Lord." Yin-Tang slammed again and took Lin-Chujiu.
     Wan-xi followed the Dong-shi and walked with the other females to the Royal Garden.
     The cuts in the Imperial Garden are naturally carefully arranged. After the ladies have arrived at the Imperial Garden, they are automatically divided into many small groups, ranging from two or three to six or seven. Whether it is a good relationship or another The map, anyway, has goals.
     Wan-xi didn't mean to join any small group, so when I had a seat next to it, I sat directly in the past, holding a tea pot in my hand, and quietly watching all the son-in-law in the royal garden.
     “Is everything ready?” Dong-shi had no intention of admiring the exquisite scenery in the Imperial Garden. After arriving at the Imperial Garden, she automatically searched for the figure of 8th Fu-Jin. When she stood in the corner, she spontaneously gathered up and stayed close. I whispered a sentence.
     "Nature is ready. Just to succeed, we have to let her leave the line of sight of everyone." 8th Fu-Jin looked around and saw no one else, and it came back.
     She had a bloody book this time, when she Guo Luoma Fa-An Qinwang Yuele left her a life-saving force. In these years, she rarely used these people, so that several turbulent cleansings in the palace failed to affect these people, but what she did not think she did was that she used these forces not because of jealousy, nor because of herself. It is to deal with the 9th-Side-Fujin that is irrelevant.
     But even so, 8th Fu-Jin still didn't feel anything wrong, even more than anyone else, I don't know if she thought it was 9th Fu-Jin!
     "Take her to leave? This is not easy." Dong-shi is a bit difficult.
     Wan-xi vigilance is very strong, especially after returning from Jiangnan, no matter where he goes, how to be with the individual, if you want to do something to her, it really can't be too noticeable.
     "It's not easy to bring her over. Don't forget, we only have this chance. After this, I don't care, at most, I am reprimanded, and 9th-Sao, you are not the same, Table Brother is so sticky to her, I must have only her in my heart, when..." 8th Fu-Jin reminded her in a solemn and indifferent tone.
     Just not waiting for her to finish, I have already interrupted Dong-shi. "Okay, I understand, I will lead her."
     Knowing that this kind of thing is risky, it can be compared to the status of Wan-xi, and Dong-shi is obviously more willing to remove her as early as possible.
     Dong-shi looked resentfully looking at Wan-xi, who was sitting far away. She knew that success or failure was here.
     The opportunity was fleeting. Missed this time, she could only passively accept fate. Whether it is forbidden or replaced like the previous Big Fu-Jin, that is not the result she wants.
     "Pearl, wait a minute, you are responsible for leading the Maid around Yan-shi." Dong-shi went to Wan-xi and walked over to tell the pearl next to him.
     The pearl heard it, pale, and with a bit of reluctance and horror on her face. She wanted to come to her and knew that it would not be a good result.
     The rouge next to it turned to look at the pale pearls, and smashed her sleeves without a trace, reminding her not to go.
     "The nubi understand." At the same time as the pearls responded, the heart made a decision.
     When she saw the change on the face of the pearl, she was shocked.
     Then she saw her and her eyes, and she knew that she was going to act.
     Before they talked about it, they were loyal to Dong-shi, who accompanied her to death, or did they like Dong-Aunt? Of course, if they think well, the representatives will be easy to do. After all, their life and death are completely in the hands of Dongshi, so even if they have two hearts, they must ensure that they can survive.
     After all, they did this cut, and in the end they just lived.
     Wan-xi sat for a while, during which time no one was there to show off, but she was not interested in her own. She was thinking about the plots of 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi. ignore. I don’t feel like it at first, it’s a long time, and people who have patience want to evacuate.
     Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin looked at the women who came and went.
     They only felt dumbfounded. What are they doing? Everyone took a column or a cup of tea at Side-Fujin and then left silently.
     This picture is really amazing.
     Seeing Dong-shi coming towards this side, the two people originally relaxed spirit immediately tightened, and their eyes were staring at each of Dong-shi movements, as if she was afraid that she would hurt and hurt. .
     Dong-shi didn't even notice Ting-Rain's expression of their two Maids. Now she is thinking about how to lead Wan-xi to a remote place. After all, she is afraid to face so many people. Do something that hurts the world.
     Wan-xi noticed that when he was getting closer and closer to Dong-shi, his eyebrows were slightly picked up, and he did not rush to get up. Instead, he waited for Dong-shi to approach, and then he slowly got up and rushed to her. ceremony. With the lessons of the previous few times, this time, Wan-xi did not wait for Dong-shi to open up.
     Dong-shi saw her as a sect, and her eyelids jumped.
     The originally suppressed anger in her heart was faintly rising. I didn’t know if it was too angry or too anxious. I had a blank in my mind and completely forgot to say before. what. After sneer a few words, Dong-shi will withdraw without a tail.
     "Side-Fujin, she is here to be funny!" Ting-Rain looked at Dong-shi, who didn't know what he meant to say, and his face was ignorant, and there was even a sense of disappointment in his eyes. God knows she is ready to pounce on it. As a result, she actually turned around?
     What is this ghost?
     Dong-shi with pearls and rouge, the three walked in front of each other, his face was silent. When I waited for 8th Fu-Jin, I was inevitably subject to a fall.
     "But it, or this Fu-Jin come by yourself!" 8th Fu-Jin The facetill looks at you' looks like Dong-shi straight teeth, but the fact is that she has to endure, after all, she did not do things well.
     After sitting for a while in the garden, Wan-xi got up and went to the clean room, only to walk a few steps, but saw a familiar figure not far away. Wan-xi stopped and looked at the Ting-Rain Road next to it: "When did '1st Jiji' enter the palace?"
     Ting-Rain looked at the young figure running straight ahead, and then looked at her and didn't even have a waiter. I was shocked. Even if I guessed it might be 8th Fu-Jin's trick, they are really Can't ignore it.
     “Should Fu-Jin be brought into the palace?” Ting-Rain hesitated for a moment before he echoed.
     "I didn't expect Fu-Jin to be so painstaking to deal with me. Even my own daughters have used it. I want to come tonight is not dead." Wan-xi blinks, sneering in the lips and inadvertently revealing the ‘Yuyan tunnel.
     Taking a deep breath, Wan-xi discovered the hatred between her and Dong-shi at this time, not because she had forgotten it, but because she was hidden in the bones and had to suppress because of Yin-Tang. But at this moment, this indescribable hatred has turned into ventilation through the blood vessels to her limbs.
     "Ting-Rain, you said that if I have another life, I still have to leave her?"
     Ting-Rain listened to what Wan-xi said and unconsciously shuddered. "Side-Fujin? You are..."
     "Yes, this time Side-Fujin took the initiative to gamble, instead of passively accepting the damage they gave." Wan-xi looked cold and sullen, and thought about coming this time was determined to set up Dong-shi to die.
     Suddenly, a cold wind blew, Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin could not help but shudder, and then look at the Wan-xi with the same color. Ting-Rain stepped up the first two steps and whispered: "Side-Fujin, are you going to follow up directly?"
     "Yes, don't go into the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger. Dong-shi has been arrogant for too long, and since they dare to start at the birthday of the Imperial Father, I presumably won't mind that Imperial Father will count the general ledger with them. Yes." Biting his teeth, Wan-xi gave a look at Ting-Qin, and the two followed, and Ting-Rain took a turn and headed in the direction.

     "Yes, don't go into the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger. Dong-shi has been arrogant for too long, and since they dare to start at the birthday of the Imperial Father, I presumably won't mind that Imperial Father will count the general ledger with them. Yes." Biting his teeth, Wan-xi gave a look at Ting-Qin, and the two followed, and Ting-Rain took a turn and headed in the direction.
     When Wan-xi took Ting-Qin to catch up, he found that the child ran faster and faster, and he ran more and more, and he couldn’t help but stop, looking around, and blinking in his eyes. .
     She said that they did not encounter an ambush on this road! It turns out that 8th Fu-Jin wants to play a trick to invite him into the shackles, but she just doesn't want her.
     “Side-Fujin !?” Ting-Qin saw Wan-xi stop and stopped, and then stopped looking at her.
     "Going forward, we may have waited until Ting-Rain brought someone over, but it was too quiet, and there must be arrangements for it." Wan-xi said that the surrounding atmosphere instantly became cold. .
     "It was very cautious, but it was all too late." Suddenly, the murmurous voice interrupted this strange silence, and both Wan-xi and Ting-Qin were scared.
     Wan-xi turned his head and looked around. I saw an Old Lady looking at them with a gloomy face. His expression looked awkward and his eyes were murderous.
     "Yes? It seems that 8th Fu-Jin is very important to you as a dog nubi otherwise you will not specifically assign you to deal with this Side-Fujin." Wan-xi eyes looked around without any trace, see Ting-Rain yet. When I arrived, I had to be bold enough to pretend that my face would not move.
     The Old Lady was inspected by Wan-xi, and his face was not moving. He was inevitably a little bit guilty. "Side-Fujin still doesn't want to bluff, can bring Side-Fujin here, naturally I never thought about it again." Let Side-Fujin have the possibility of leaving. Unfortunately, the family is not a normal man, otherwise it will be easy to give birth to some of the feelings of Ceyfang." Old Lady is a prisoner, he smiles sharply, and the voice is sharp like someone is holding a knife. It’s very harsh to scratch something.
     "Let's let go! You are an old nubi since the words offend Side-Fujin, don't say that you want to start, just rely on your few words, until Your Highness knows, you will definitely be able to survive and you can't die." Ting-Qin In the moment, the next jump to Wan-xi, in front of Wan-xi made a 'running' look.
     "Hey, my family is really arrogant! You have to go to angWangye. As for this, I am afraid that no one has time to listen to Side-Fujin's last words." Old Lady smiled and shook his hands, his hands were claws, body The shape is slightly forward, as if it is a reminder, it declares Wan-xi their end.
     Looking at the Old Lady's appearance, there is no fear of it. I know that 8th Fu-Jin has never been prepared to let Wan-xi go out. She has always been aiming at the life of Wan-xi!
     "Side-Fujin, you are going, the nubi are martial arts, and you can drag him for a while. As long as Side-Fujin is in a crowded position, they will not dare to do it again." Ting-Qin, although he does not want to die at this jealous age. However, she knows that if Wan-xi is in trouble, she will escape from a robbery and it will be difficult to survive, not to mention that Wan-xi will not be thin.
     Wan-xi looked at Ting-Qin, which was a little trembling in the tail. Although she felt unbearable in her heart, she knew that if she didn't run, she would only hope to live longer. "Stay on, if not, save your life."
     "The nubi knows." Ting-Qin responded with a voice, pushing Wan-xi away, reaching out and pulling a sharp hair from his head, and rushing over to Old Lady.
     Wan-xi took tears and rushed forward. At this time, she was really glad that she had touched the route in the palace before, otherwise she did not know where to go now.
     Ting-Qin with a scorpion, although not a master, but also has two sons, plus the scorpion on the hand, the texture is fine, not the kind of easy-to-bend silver enamel, it is awkward, this suddenly shot, really let The Old Lady, who didn't put the two in his eyes, was shocked by Ting-Qin's unexpected hand.
     "Sure enough, as rumored, this Wanyan Side-Fujin is very popular, and there is such a small martial art around a small Maid. Unfortunately, this family has no interest in playing with you." Old Lady sneer The body jumped and kicked Ting-Qin back and forth.
     Ting-Qin fell heavily on the ground, and the whole person snorted and spilled some blood on his lips. He tried to get up and failed several times, but the silver plaque in his hand was tight, and he continued to work hard with each other. .
     Unfortunately, Old Lady did not entangle with her. After kicking Ting-Qin, she chased the direction directly in the direction of Wan-xi.
     Ting-Qin held up and tried to climb up several times. It may have been hurt. Her actions seemed to be a bit slow.
     The voice of the mouth was crying for a trembling voice. "Come on! Help! There are assassins!"
     There are patrols everywhere in the palace. Even if 8th Fu-Jin has arrangements, it will only temporarily lead people away, instead of letting these people patrol. After all, the safety of the emperor is very important. No one dares to pat his chest and say 'can be responsible'. At this time, Ting-Qin ran to the Royal Garden, although some people were still intercepted halfway, but the silver plaque in her hand was not vegetarian. After even stabbing three people, her voice caused the guards to turn to this side. Attention.
     "What happened!" Ting-Qin, full of wolverines, the patrolling guards couldn't help but feel cold, and his face turned pale.
     It took only a long time for the holy car to be assassinated in Jiangnan.
     This birthday feast has an assassin. I am afraid that it is not easy to cope.
     The guards have been lazy, and they have become sharp and act quickly.
     "Someone stabbed 9th-Side-Fujin, went over there, and rushed away to send people to notice ZHong-Yong Junwang. It was too late to be late." Ting-Qin endured the discomfort of the body and quickly and clearly explained the process of the matter. .
     The patrolling guards listened, did not dare to delay, immediately dispersed, notice of notice, save the people to save people, and instantly became a group.
     In the Imperial Garden, 8th Fu-Jin saw Ting-Qin, who was supported by the guards. His eyes were slightly stunned, and his heart had a bad feeling. Dong-shi next to him saw this scene, his face was pale, and the whole man was woody, and he could not return to God for a long time.
     The surrounding son-in-law looked at the scene and knew what had happened.
     They didn’t wait for them to guess the result.
     They saw Yin-Tang’s horses rushing to the front, speedy, pale and anxious.
     When Yin-Tang walked past, the 4th-Prince, 5th-Prince, 10th-Prince, and 13th-Prince, which followed behind, all spread out with a team of palace people. It seems to be looking for something. people?
     On the other side, Wan-xi wants to run, but unfortunately she finally looked down on 8th Fu-Jin.
     This huge palace has caused her to cause a lot of people. Even on this road, she fled carefully and found a lot.
     The person who intercepted her was chased under the road. Even if she encountered Ting-Rain who brought someone, she couldn’t stand the martial arts of the Old Lady.
     The time brought by Ting-Rain was not dead or hurt. .
     Wan-xi was stopped behind by Ting-Rain. At this time, she kept breathing deeply and her nose was sour. If it wasn't for her lack of preparation, maybe these people would not die at all, and there would be Ting-Qin and the unknown people who could not escape.
      8th Fu-Jin ! Dong-shi! Sure enough, I was so poisonous and dared to do it at Kangxi birthday banquet. I really have no room to stay!
     Ting-Rain is in front of Wan-xi, watching the people he brought down one after another, and his heart is full of powerlessness. In the end, she still underestimated the venom of 8th Fu-Jin and looked down on this palace.
     The people inside. Who can think of an old Lady supervising such a deep effort, and listening to Yu-8th Fu-Jin!
     "Side-Fujin, wait for the nubi to wrap around this old thing, how far you can run." Ting-Rain bit his teeth and finally made a decision with Ting-Qin.
     Wan-xi looked at this cut, his eyes were red, and his heart felt desperate. He even regretted his impulsiveness and inconsistency. At that moment, several eager ‘calls made her excited and tearful.
     "Wan-xi, Wanyan Wan-xi! I heard the voice of the Lord, and gave me a voice!" Yin-Tang's eager voice, now heard in Wan-xi, is like a scorpio.
     "Master ! I am here, here." The soft voice of Wan-xi sounded a bit sharp at this moment, and even the tail sounded with trembling.
      Old Lady was not far from listening to the sound, and immediately wounded and wounded. For a time, the people who were in front of them fell one after another. Ting-Rain saw it and immediately said: "Side-Fujin, you go first. Your Highness is running over there!"
     Wan-xi squatted twice, but wanted to cross the trees directly to the direction where Yin-Tang was running. Unfortunately, the Old Lady supervisor did not give the opportunity at all, but Wan-xi had to go far and seek to escape.
     Ting-Rain held the legs of Old Lady, and the figure of Wan-xi disappeared in front of her eyes. When she was relieved, she thought she was dead, and her eyes were stunned by Old Lady. , can't help but close your eyes.
     Who knows the pain in the expectation, but the sound of 'when' came from the ear, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw the Old Lady who had an arrow in her chest, and the whole person was full of anger.
     The face looked like a stunned look that scared her. Subconsciously let go of his hand, and his face was scared to prepare to get up.
     Then she saw Yin-Tang walked up to her in front of her and reached out to her, and asked coldly, "Side-Fujin!"
     Yin-Tang took the arrow and shot the old Lady, who was hesitant, and he didn't hesitate. He didn't even look at his eyes.
     The heart was filled with the shadows that he had carved into his bones.
     Ting-Rain Although some of the shocks were undecided, she was not the first to experience such a thing. She quickly adjusted her emotions and said: "Side-Fujin ran to the other side. At that time, the old things were too powerful, and the nubi could only die." He, Your Highness, did not see Side-Fujin on the road, it should be on the road."
     Yin-Tang's brows are close, and there are two words in my heart. I immediately take the person to Ting-Rain.
     This road came over. He didn't see the figure of Wan-xi at all. Instead, there were a few sneaky people being arrested. Now think about it, if Wan-xi is going the wrong way, or if it is blocked by people. It is.
     Ting-Rain looked at the ugly Yin-Tang, shook his lips, and his face stunned: "Is it hard to be this old thing, 8th Fu-Jin, they also arranged other people? This old thing is so powerful, come again. Side-Fujin is dangerous!?"


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