Chongqie Courting Death Daily 240

  Novels   »   Chongqie Courting Death Daily   »      Chapter 240 : Going to the door (1)

     After a short break, Wan-xi was practiced for a while accompanied by Yin-Tang. It may be a good relationship. Compared with usual, this practice time has increased nearly double.
     When the rest of the evening, Wan-xi only felt that his arms were sore and soft, and after bathing, he relied on Yin-Tang’s back and went out, not to carry his back, but to look around.
     The next person was frightened and afraid that Yin-Tang would not be willing to kneel down.
     There is no worry about Wan-xi points, and Yin-Tang is still two times from time to time.
     "The arm hurts, OK, my grandfather pinches you." Yin-Tang smiled and took the person into his arms, mastering her slender arm and kneading it.
     Wan-xi snorted and suddenly fell in Yin-Tang's arms. Yin-Tang pays attention to exercise on most days, riding a kungfu has never fallen, let alone a sparring, that is, he will go to the forest in a circle and he will not feel tired.
     "Don't practice tomorrow?" Yin-Tang looked at her like this, helping her by pressing, and joking.
     For Wan-xi, Yin-Tang himself was amazed at why he had such patience with her, but even so, Yin-Tang still spoiled her, and she happily spoiled her, no silk Reluctant, as if he should do it.
     As for archery, he is not reluctant. She likes it. If she continues, if she doesn't like it, then she will stop. It will not be difficult for herself because of a small matter.

     Wan-xi raised his arm, and it was very delicate to Call at Yin-Tang, causing Yin-Tang to laugh. On most days, Wan-xi will make a small temper, but it will not be as childish as he is now.
     The current Wan-xi is more real. Without the defense of the layer, she is like a pearl with a faint glow, and people can't help but want to get close and close.
     "Learning. How can I not practice, but I have said that I have to go with my father to hunt. When I am, I will let my ‘Madam try to play the prey." Wan-xi said that she is justified, but she is The man was tender and soft, and now he was in Yin-Tang's arms, and he said that he still licked his strong chest with his small face.
     "The good idea is good, then the man is waiting to eat the prey that you personally call." Yin-Tang laughed loudly, with a pleasant look on his face.
     This is not a different problem with the prey, but about her own thoughts about him. Except for his mother-in-law, no one ever thought about doing something for him, because he was born with a gold spoon, almost there is nothing! But no one knows that the one he wants in his heart is very simple. If not, he would not tolerate Dong-shi at the beginning, thinking about living with her.
     It is a pity that some people are destined to have a relationship, and some people have come together, it is also worthless.
     Yin-Tang This person has a strong relationship, but he is never harsh on anyone around him. He will satisfy each other as long as he can. But this person is not easy to satisfy. Only the Small-One in her arms has never changed since the day she entered the government. She is keeping her bottom line and never provokes others. It’s also enough to be merciful. Only these are enough.
     He never thought that letting a woman who survived in the backyard live forever and innocently. If he is okay, he will not have the ability to protect himself. After all, there can never be mutuals and there will be children.
     "There is a lot of teaching, and you may learn faster. If your arm doesn't hurt, you may progress faster." Wan-xi leans in the arms of Yin-Tang.
     The sound is getting lower and lower, as if it is really tired, and when I say it, I fall asleep.
     Listening to Wan-xi shallow breathing, the expression on Yin-Tang's face still has a trace of joy, and the eyelids are even softer, the movements on the hands are slightly lighter, see her sleep. Sweet, the smile of the corner of the mouth can not help but deep a bit.
     After a while, Yin-Tang stopped, but when he lay down and rested, he did not let go of her, but took her in his arms, and they both fell asleep and were not as intimate as they used to be. But don't have a warm feeling.
     Since hitting Zhuangzi, Yin-Tang doesn't have to get up early to go up. Every time Wan-xi wakes up, he can see him sleeping next to him, and he feels very comfortable.
     At this time, Wan-xi wakes up early, wakes up earlier than Yin-Tang, and moves slightly, and finds that the sore arm yesterday is no longer hurting, and the face is involuntarily raised. A smirk. She knew that Yin-Tang was a very good person, but it was really good for the person he recognized.
     If she said that this world has made her most gratified, she probably did not reject the man’s intentions and did not give up on him.
     Yin-Tang in his sleep frowned, and the big palm waved forward, like to drive away the touch that disturbed his rest. Who knows how many times, no, twice, slamming his eyes, on Wan xi bright smile on his face, the silk at the bottom of his heart is angry and unpleasant, and it has long since vanished.
     There is a kind of person who is born with an advantage. As long as she laughs, others will want to bring a cut to her. And Wan-xi is precisely such a person, her beauty is always unconsciously stunning his heart, let him unconsciously want to give her the best cut.
     "Master, is it all woke up to you?" Wan-xi was shocked by Yin-Tang's sudden move, and even the outstretched hand was still in the air.
     Yin-Tang looked at the neck and her guilty face, Wan-xi, and it was full of good-natured and funny. She reached out and held her hand in the air and whispered: "I know I will wake up." How can these little hands not be honest?"
     Looking at the big eyes and the innocent Wan-xi, Yin-Tang reached out and patted her pretty face, the face of the pet. He didn't care if Wan-xi woke him up. He cares that the current Wan-xi is trusting him more and more. Maybe she didn't realize that she was instinctively guarding her when she was facing everyone, even when facing him.
     Once, Yin-Tang thought about whether she had suffered any damage, so she was prepared to be prepared for this, but from her growth experience in Wanyan, she did not. Her parents and Brother are good to her, not to mention everything goes along with her, at least considering things will worry about her feelings, which is very good in many families with daughters. According to reason, Wan-xi should be cheerful and innocent, but she is very careful in her impression.
     If I really want to say that there is a problem, it is probably that when she entered the palace draft, she was made a lot of scorpions. But if I want to grow up, how can I see the inside story? Is he wrong with those people and Wan-xi department, in fact, Wan-xi cares about them, so they become careful and do not like to communicate with others?
     Wan-xi didn't know the thoughts in Yin-Tang's heart. Even if she knew, she couldn't tell him that her care was exchanged from the lessons of the last blood. Even if the days of this world are peaceful and stable, she still has Yin-Tang protection, but the practice of Dong-shi and others has made this cautious and careful deep into the bone marrow, which can't be easily changed.
     "Why don't you be honest, you just want to be too admired by the Master, and you will succeed." Withdrawn his hand, Wan-xi is in the arms of Yin-Tang, spoiled, and does not rely on his face. .
     Yin-Tang took advantage of her love, and she couldn't bear it. She had to surrender.
     The two were lying on the embroidered bed for a while, talking and laughing. If not a few children came, they were afraid that they had to stay on the embroidered bed for a while.
     When using the breakfast, Wan-xi saw that several children were smiling and looking happy.
     The eyes circled and finally fell on the '1st Jiji'. Originally, she was worried that '1st Jiji' would leave the house and there would be resistance. Who knows that for two days, the little guy not only has no temper, but also a deputy in it. Most of the children are too lonely, so hard. With a partner, how can you be upset?
     Moreover, the situation of '1st Jiji' is not much different from Hong-xu. Now, in half a month, this is a big jump, and Hong-xu body is much better than when he first came. Hey, Wan-xi is also good. , Yin-Tang, it does not stop the big help with Hong-min they play, and even encourage '1st Jiji', play with other Brother and sisters.
     After breakfast, Wan-xi originally wanted to send a few children to the study room. I didn't want to see the rain outside when I came out. I was holding the posture. After the rain, I was afraid that it would snow soon. When they then, they will continue to stay on Zhuangzi, fearing that it is inconvenient.
     At the end of the year, even if she doesn't have to deal with things, Yin-Tang can't care. So many shops and businesses have to be the masters of them.
     There are also households, officials are others, and silver is his idea to earn. It was Kangxi bloody sweat when the Imperial Father was crushing the son of Yin-Tang.
     When the children were sent to the study room, Wan-xi did not practice archery as he did in the past few days. Instead, he let Ting-Bamboo take some cloth and cut the clothes for Yin-Tang and the children.
     Yin-Tang and a few clothes are definitely not only Wan-xi personally, but every year Wan-xi will give them two sets of clothes every season, and the clothes are not counted.
     This year, Yin-Tang gave her the '1st Jiji', and she must not be able to make a difference, let the '1st Jiji' feel angry. Yes, but when she prepares for Yali-qi, she will definitely prepare a copy for Moya-qi.
     In this way, after another seven or eight days, Yin-Tang entered the house and told Wan-xi to pack up and prepare to return to Capital City every day.
     Wan-xi heard the words, and did not delay, let Ting-Bamboo go to clean up, and she also ordered Ting-Rain to prepare a gift for Hong-min their small partner.
     Things are not expensive, but they are the most suitable for farmers.
     The pedestrians hurried back to Capital City.
     They had just arrived at the door of 9th-Prince House and had not got off the bus. Wan-xi was faintly able to hear the sharp voice of Dong-shi. Wan-xi raised his hand and picked up the curtain and went out. He found that Yu-hui and Dong-shi were standing at the door of 9th-Prince House.
     The two seemed to be arguing about it. From the face, it was obvious.
     There is a good joke.
     Looking at the Yin-Tang eyes next to him, seeing that his handsome face is so dark that he wants to drop ink, he knows that this is right or wrong, he will remember Dong-shi pens, this discovery... really great It is.
     She was still afraid that Dong-shi would not die, and now even if she wants to be honest, the anecdotes she has done will make her uneasy.
     This is not, people are coming to the door, not giving a result, how can this matter be settled.

     In front of this 9th-Prince House, there are really not many people on most days, but today it is not the same.
     There are several laps in the third floor and the third floor.
     This is a situation that is not a long time. .
     Wan-xi was interested in inquiring about the ins and outs of things, so he gave a look to Ting-Rain sitting outside without any traces. Ting-Rain nodded intently, then carefully got out of the car and drilled into the bustling team.
     The aristocratic people who gathered in front of the 9th-Prince House door were eager to relish, and suddenly they were stirred up by her, and they turned back somewhat impatiently, but a glimpse was a pretty little Yatou, and most of all, a few words.
     Then look.
     Yin-Tang looked at the cut, but did not stop it. Seeing Wan-xi move, he didn't say anything, and it should be acquiescence.
     Yu-hui and Dong-shi don't even know that Yin-Tang is coming back today, and they are still watching their play in the cold.
     "Sister, Mei-mei, this kindly and kindly to see you, how can you shut Mei-mei out!" Yu-hui looked grievances, a look of pitiful appearance, and people could not help but blame Dong shi This is the unsatisfactory of the sister.
     Dong-shi is also the kind of master who is still bullying and not paying back.
     These days, because of Yu-hui relationship, she does not say her, that is, her mother is also frequently beaten, even lost the housekeeper. right.
     Thinking of this, Dong-shi could not help but raise the voice, cold voice: "Good intentions? If you are really kind, why should you block at the door of our house, and then, these days, we meet each other, what are you? Words can't be said at the maiden's house, you have to chase the house! 4th-Mei-mei, what kind of idea do you have, you know that I know what I know, don't treat others as fools. Moreover, what guests should receive? I shouldn’t accept any guests, I know clearly, I don’t need you to preach.”
     Dong-shi, this series of words, but there is no pause, I want to come to this time, eat again and again, the combat ability has improved!
     However, this is not always a big deal.
     The Yu-hui and Dong-shi are getting more and more troubled.
     The more they look at them, the more they will end up.
     This is not what they should worry about.
     For the words that Dong-shi said, Yu-hui is mad at heart, but there is no self Confidence. She knows that Dong-shi is smarter than three minutes. If there is no one to teach behind, or if there is no one to remind me, she is such a child, scare the uninformed person, want to scare her, it is still early. point.
     She said that their mother and daughter raised their pain in their mother and daughter, and one day, she will definitely come back. Before, she pretended to grieve and ruin the roots of Luo Zhi-Lian's sage, forcing Dong 70 to have to seize her power. Now, she knows that Dong-shi hates her now, she still sent a note, and came together to stab Dong face. Regardless of whether she is intentional or unintentional, on the surface, her Mei-mei is doing everything right, and the natural loss is her Dong-shi.
     What's more, she wants to make Dong-shi sad, want to use a few words to pour dirty water on her, then we have to find a proper reason, in these few words, it is difficult to achieve the goal.
     "Sister is really sad when I say this. Is it true that Mei-mei is not a guest in the eyes of the sister?" Red-eyed, Yu-hui is more and more pitiful, "Mei-mei knows that Di is different. After I married myself, I was far away.
     This time I came back to see my sister, I know..." Then, the tears fell.
     The people around the big wave, listening to this, have blamed Dong-shi for thinking that she is too snobbish, not Gu-sister friendship.
     Dong-shi Faced with the accusations of these people, I really want to make a lot of thunder, but fortunately, the pearls are blocked fast, otherwise this mouth is open, afraid to offend many people.
     Don't look at the people in the shape*, there is nothing to look at, but you can actually live in the surrounding area.
     There are a few that are simple. Even if you are the next person, you can guarantee that it is not the one with Your Highness.
     There is a saying that it is better to offend the Master, not to offend Small-One.
     The original Dong-shi style is not good. Now, if you offend people, you will not be famous.
     The pearl took a deep breath, and she really couldn’t think of it. If Dong-shi had no reputation, what would happen to the end, what would happen to them?
     "Fu-Jin, 4th-Miss said that these are to irritate you, make you make mistakes, and nubi , these people are not ordinary people." Pearl held the arms of Dong-shi, whispered, but the eyes were fast The ground flashed a hint of helplessness and exhaustion.
     It is obvious that Dong-shi is not invisible, but does not want to see it. Every time he just acts according to his own mind, but who can look like her forever like Yi-Luoshi!
     "Enough, this Fu-Jin said earlier, the government has a lot of things lately, it is not convenient to welcome guests, so the sister specifically returned to her family, it is for Mei-mei, but Mei-mei does not understand the sister's heart. Instead, the door is coming, so the sister has nothing to say. Pearl, go back!" Dong-shi has a plausible word, not to mention his son to restore his reputation, at least decisively leave is to let many people have her Change.
     Yu-hui looked at the decisive turn and left Dong-shi, squatting down, waiting to return to God, 9th-Prince House door has been closed in front of her. Although Dong-shi move made her a little surprised, she won't stop there. With a sigh of relief, Yu-hui face changed slightly, and it was still a pitiful appearance. "Sister, since Mei-mei is inconvenient, I will ask my sister to return to her family."
     When Dong-shi, who had not left after the door, heard Yu-hui, she hated it, but she hated it. She could only endure anger, instead of rushing out to tear her mouth.
     Outside the door, Wan-xi was sitting in the carriage, and the whole man smiled in Yin-Tang's arms. No wonder... It's no wonder that Yin-Tang wants to say that this 4th-Miss is not simple. Now it seems that there were only restrictions, some of the abilities were not played out, and now the strength is superior, it is really a multiplier to do things.
     "Master, your eyes are very good, this 4th-Miss is really a powerful force, not only to give Dong Madam a pit, it is Fu-Jin, I am afraid I have to suffer a lot!" Wan-xi With a smile on his lips, it is clear that it is a good thing for Dong-shi to eat.
     Yin-Tang blushes, thinking of Dong-shi stupid move, faintly said: "If Dong-shi is so smart, it will not go to this point."
     Wan-xi stunned, very helplessly said: "If she is so smart, then she is not Dong-shi."
     The good play has been finished.
     The previous rounds and wins seem to be the 4th-Miss. Today, it is rare for Dong-shi to level off. I don’t know if Yin-Tang is going back to China. What reason does she have to stop her? This 4th-Mei-mei.
     "Okay, go back to the government." Yin-Tang stunned the people outside the door, and then he said.
     Lin-Chujiu, who was sitting outside the car, heard the words very reverently. It looked like I was afraid that Yin-Tang would suddenly become angry and be very careful.
     In the house, Dong-shi, who had a cold face, had no time to drink her mouth. He listened to a small Maid outside the door and hurriedly ‘called: "Fujn, Your Highness, with Wanyan Side-Fujin and a few small Your Highness Going back to the government."
     Dong-shi was shocked, the tea pot in his hand fell to the ground, and the sound of ' ' fell and shattered. "Where?"
     "I have already entered the inner court, and I am heading for the direction of Qing yi-Courtyard." The little Maid looked at Dong-shi, and he looked a little embarrassed. He even regretted why he had to take this job.
     When she finished this sentence, Dong-shi brow couldn't help but become a group.
     The whole person's face became pale, and even her fingertips were slightly trembling.
     The pearl waved, and the little Maid made a big slap in the face of Dong-shi, and quickly turned around.
     " Fu-Jin, this thing Your Highness should have no glimpse, otherwise it will not let 4th-Miss Call in front of the door." Pearl estimated that Dong-shi is worried about this matter, although not much advice, but also discretionally advised Two sentences.
     Although Dong-shi does not recognize these words, he has to regard these words as comfort. In fact, every time not until the end, Dong-shi can't think of her situation, and now, when the things she relied on disappeared, she began to think about convergence.
     "People stare, if the Lord comes over, the first time to inform this Fu-Jin." Dong-shi still has a trace of luck, looking forward to Yin-Tang did not see the cut.
     In addition, she had never expected her to come over to Yin-Tang.
     This time she began to look forward to Yin-Tang not coming.
     In Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi handed over the things to Gao Mama, and then looked back to the '1st Jiji' brought back to Qing yi-Courtyard, and then let Ting-Rain take it with him. A few children went to rest, and she thought about discussing with Yin-Tang how to arrange '1st Jiji'.
     On Zhuangzi, only her son-in-law, '1st Jiji' is taken care of by her, it is reasonable, but in the house, Dong-shi is still alive, Di-'1st Jiji' In her yard, that pass out, it can be said that Yin-Tang favored concubine kills his ‘Madam. It can also be said that the fox confuses the Lord. Anyway, there will be no good words, even if she really has no bad thoughts, she has never thought about the competition. what?
     “Master, '1st Jiji' really stayed at Qing yi-Courtyard?” Wan-xi stepped forward and sat down next to Yin-Tang and asked softly.
     "No, this matter has its own arrangements." Yin-Tang's hand is placed on the table, and the finger is lightly clicked for a long time.
     Wan-xi can think of things, he can naturally think of it, although it was only a momentary impulse to make the decision, but now Yin-Tang really do not want to transfer the eldest daughter to Dong-shi to raise.
     Seeing that Yin-Tang’s brows wrinkled more and more tightly, Wan-xi did not want her children to leave her side so early, but she knew that there was only one way to solve the current problem.
     "Master, it is better to let Hong-min move to the front yard, like 4th-Prince." Wan-xi bit his teeth and took Yin-Tang's hand.

     "Master, it is better to let Hong-min move to the front yard, like 4th-Prince." Wan-xi bit his teeth and took Yin-Tang's hand.
     Yin-Tang heard the news, and looked at Wan-xi with some surprise. She saw her eyes full of disappointment, but she was pretending to be strong. She could not help but reach her arms and whispered: " Are you willing?"
     Wan-xi is naturally not willing, but just think about the children just moved from Qing yi-Courtyard to the front yard, just like going to the study room every day, they laughed: "What is so reluctant, anyway, to the front yard It’s also the care of the Lord, who doesn’t believe in others, can you still believe in the Lord?”
     Wan-xi is a bit of water. Yin-Tang’s love for several children is a discount. She believes that even if she is not with her, Yin-Tang will Take care of them well.
     "Hong-min and Moya-qi are not much different, first arrange the two of them to the front yard. As for Hong-zhao and Yali-qi, they still stay here and wait two years before moving to the front yard. Go." Yin-Tang indulged for a moment, although he agreed with Wan-xi proposal, but more to take care of Wan-xi emotions.
     Although according to Wan-xi, there is a Hong-sheng around her, but Yin-Tang does not want to make Wan-xi too sad, it is awkward, half things are handled.
     For Dong-shi, Yin-Tang has been completely disappointed. After he was picked up by '1st Jiji', his people stared straight at Dong-shi, but when she had a child, Yin-Tang was not too disappointed, but Dong-shi was the beginning. I only thought about herself for the whole time, as if I had completely forgotten her.
     In this case, he loves Xinjue Luo? The daughter of Yin-Tang is still not neglected by others. She does not want to take good care of it, and some people will take good care of it.
     As he said, Gao Mama walked in from the outside and looked at Yin-Tang and Wan-xi in a respectful manner. He said: "Your Highness, Side-Fujin, '1st Jiji'... ”
     Wan-xi glared at Gao Mama words and thoughts, and knew that it was helping Yin Mama to come in and ask questions. Also, now that the cuts have not been arranged, I can't make '1st Jiji'. And the people who waited for her were crowded into her little Qing yi-Courtyard.
     "Master, look..." Wan-xi turned to look at Yin-Tang, waiting for his answer.
     Yin-Tang wants to arrange the '1st Jiji' in the outer court immediately. Unfortunately, the place has not been cleaned up. Even if it is arranged, it will have to wait for several days. "Let them take the '1st Jiji' back.
     The Courtyard, a cut and waited for the arrangement."
     "Yes." Gao Mama got the answer and walked out.
     Wan-xi looked at the look of Yin-Tang's face and knew that he was thinking about how to arrange two children. Although the outer courts are all Yin-Tang's world, but to arrange two children, so that they do not have a little accident, it also takes a lot of thought.
     Not to mention the woman in the backyard, let's say that Prince, who is fighting for the storage position, does not know what they will do if they jump into the wall, so it is necessary to be careful.
     In the courtyard, Dong-shi waited until the evening to see Yin-Tang coming over. Her heart, which was suspended in midair, slowly returned to its original position. It’s just that she forgot, as long as it happened, it was what Yin-Tang wanted to know. Even if he didn’t see him, he would know it clearly. What's more, Yin-Tang has long been in the eye.
     The pearls are glaring at Dong-shi appearance as a big enemy.
     They feel nervous in their hearts. Although they don’t think this kind of thing can win Yin-Tang, but Yin-Tang has no action, then It should be decided to let go of this.
     Waiting for Dong-shi to eat something, the pearl was replaced with rouge and ate something to wrap. Only she did not expect to turn around and see Yin Mama, although the two did not talk, but the pearl knew that '1st Jiji' must be back.
     This is also good, there is '1st Jiji', she always feels safer.
     The next day, Dong-shi thought that Yin-Tang had come back, and she was always in the government. Anyway, it would be no good to return to her family. Every time she saw her, she would like Yu with Amana-hui The sultry face, she couldn't help but think of a slap in the face. But filial piety is greater than the sky, she not only can not fight, but also have to follow her Ama to pay a smile.
     This face, she really can't afford it.
     These days, she was called in the past three days, not because she could not lose her family's support, and she did not want her mother to lose power. But now Yin-Tang is back, and he is blocking the front. If she doesn't go, she wants to come to her Ama also picks no mistakes.
     Dong-shi thought very well, but Yin-Tang made up her mind to abandon her, so Yu-hui post was sent directly to her.
     "What's the matter? Isn't this Fu-Jin talking? Don't pick up the post." Dong-shi looked angry at the pearl, and the whole person stood up from the seat with an incredible expression on his face. .
     "Fudun is not annoyed. It must be that Your Highness has just arrived. It is too late to tell the door.
     This door will send the post directly here." Pearl whispered, but my heart was a little uneasy.
     In fact, this kind of uneasiness has been with her since the last time Yin-Tang started on Dong-shi. She always felt that Your Highness had a good day, and there was something in it. It was only this kind of thing she knew but could not say.
     Dong-shi took the post in her hand and sighed in her heart. Yin-Tang did not command it. It must not block this trouble for her.
     Then she must go. Just think of Yu-hui unyielding attitude, Dong-shi brows are unconsciously wrinkled into a group.
     Dong-shi struggled a few times and gritted her teeth to the side of the Pearl Said: "Try to push it off and say that this Fu-Jin is cold."
     "Yes." Pearls folded their hands together and whispered.
     From the moment when Yu-hui came back, everyone found that the 4th-Miss, which was previously submissive, changed, became sultry, became arrogant, and became persistent. If it is not a decisive reason, it is impossible to dispel Her revenge on Dong-shi. It may be that this point is seen, and Pearl does not have any confidence in the resignation of Dong-shi.
     In fact, the concern of the pearl is necessary. Dong-shi thinks that she is smart, but she does not want her to quit yesterday and the words of today make the housekeeper of Dong Efu directly take the doctor to the door. It seems that there is no such thing. Four or five, she still has to go to Dong Fu.
     Compared to the Dong-shi who was blocked, Yin Mama, who was listening to the movement, made this curtain awkward. At that time, Yin Mama was a long sigh, and the lessons he had learned so far were not long-term, and who was blamed.
     “Fujn, Lao-ye and Madam are thinking about you! I heard that if you are unwell, you will send a nubi to come and visit.” The housekeeper rushed to Dong-shi, and the whole person was humble and respectful. It makes people pick it up.
     The corner of his eyes looked at Dong-shi ruddy cheeks and the increasingly plump figure, and his heart was stunned. He was still sick and looked at who was blind.
     Although the steward's gaze is very concealed, Dong-shi is aware that she is not smart enough, but she is absolutely sensitive. Originally, she was prepared to send people out. After passing this level, I had to count it later, but now I can’t take it anymore. I raised my hand and slammed the table and ‘called: "Dog nubi , what is your look!"
     Dong-shi slammed her face down, her voice was sharp, and she was a bit aggressive, and she was a temper, so it sounded extraordinarily harsh.
     For the cold expression on the face of Dong-shi, many people are already used to it. Especially now, Yi-Luoshi loses momentum, and she has repeatedly been beaten by Yu-hui, and Yin-Tang has never heard the sound, and the prestige is no longer as good as it used to be.
     The housekeeper is respectful, but the tone is a bit sloppy. "Fu-Jin forgives guilty, the nubi have done something wrong, and Fu-Jin forgives this. Just the Lao-ye people are still waiting for Fu-Jin, Fu-Jin is still in good health, it is better to be a nubi Go back to the house!"
     On the face of the housekeeper's lukewarm expression, Dong-shi remembered the reason she used to evade. Although she didn't have to care too much about what she wanted, but at this moment, she would have no eyes, and she knew that the housekeeper in front of her eyes was the face of Dong E?
     Dong-shi is very hard-pressed, but unfortunately not only the doctor is there, but her pretentious appearance is not like a sick person. But if she is to return to the government, it is just a kind of torture. Dong E? Seventy is clearly to force Yu-hui, especially after Suo-Chuo Luo is Dong E? Seventy introduced the Crown Prince, Dong E? Seventy can not wait to supply Yu-hui.
     So, not to mention Yi-Luoshi, that is, Dong-shi also ate a lot of hanging.
     But the most irritating thing is not the case, but knowing that it is necessary to eat and hang, she can not only avoid it, but also have to get it up.
     This feeling is that individuals feel uncomfortable, not to mention the pride of Dong-shi. Holding the arrogant woman in the palm of my hand.
     The butler looked at Dong-shi almost distorted expression in the eye, but it was just a slap in the face, no further urging. He knew in his heart that even though he represented Lao-ye, he did too much, and Dongshi in front of him still had the power to dispose of him. Let Lao-ye be a nubi to him. As the Di Daughter of Prince Fu-Jin, the butler does not think that he has this ability. He is awkward. He stands honestly, does not get through, but takes this attitude. Forced her to express her position.
     "Okay, wait! This Fu-Jin has to wash it first." Dong-shi looked at the butler who had never retreated, and knew that he was retired today.
     As long as she still wants to rely on her family, as long as she still wants to maintain her current glory and life, she has to bow her head.
     " Fu-Jin please." The butler sees Dong-shi bowing, his attitude is not flustered, respectful. Just the moment he dropped his eyes, he couldn’t help but think of the 4th-Miss who sent him to him last night. At the beginning, he still thought about Di-, even if 4th-Miss got up, Dong-shi In the end, it was Prince Fu-Jin, but with this day out, he knew what kind of decision to make.
     The Shu Daughter, even Prince Fu-Jin and the main room, is not the Shu Daughter, it is Your Highness.

     Let Dong-shi delay, this should go to go, she wants people to ask Yin-Tang, but the butler is very tight, Yin-Tang himself does not care about her, and eventually she grinds I changed my clothes and got up and went to Dong Efu.
     Compared with the rejection of Dong-shi, Yu-hui is really satisfied with the present day, but her Concubine is smart enough. Even if she takes over the housekeeper, she does not take the opportunity to retaliate against Yi-Luoshi, doing the duty, the given It is also unambiguous, that is, Yi-Luoshi wants to take the opportunity to pick things up and find it difficult to find reasons. Instead, Dong E? Seventy-seven, I feel that Yao Concubine is a good butler, and the Concubine in the backyard.
     They all helped Yao Concubine.
     This pillow has more winds, so it’s not a matter of Dong E?
     In fact, the reason why Concubine in the backyard is honest, the reason why they look at their children is not to be distressed, but they are not able to resist. It’s hard to come here now, Yu-hui is in the early stages, they are naturally helping, not to say how much benefit for themselves and their children, at least to get a bad breath in this heart.
     They are also human beings, and they also have seven emotions and six desires, not wood without feeling. I can't do anything before, even if I miss my daughter, I don't dare to say it, but now, there is a Yao Concubine butler. Although I can't get those who are greedy by Yi-Luoshi and come back, at least they can put themselves in these years.
     The next silver is sent to her daughter.
     After Yi-Luoshi was arrested for his power, he felt as if he was uncomfortable with Yao Niang. How to take back this power. It is said that this backyard is her world, and her work is also her, but Yu-hui is courageous, waiting for Yao Concubine to take over the power of the family, but in three days, the management of the backyard of Dong Efu I changed it a bit, but I found that the reason was not even Yi-Luoshi.
     The more such a situation, the more Yi-Luoshi is restless, but even so, what can she do! Dong E? Seventy is not standing on her side, she is the main room, then she can only be forgiven.
     This room, Yi-Luoshi heard that Dong-shi came over and the face was cold.
     These days, their mother and daughter were directly suppressed, and they were directly humiliated. But as long as Yu-hui is not satisfied, Dong 70 will not open, and their mother and daughter will only be born.
     "How come you are back? Isn't it true that 9th-Prince has already returned?" Yi-Luoshi hurried forward and glared at the thick layer of grease on Dong-shi face. I can’t help but say it.
     Dong-shi has a cold face, and his eyes are full of resentment. "When I want to come to my mother? I came here yesterday. I didn't see each other. How do I say. I got a post early, I pushed.
     The body is unwell, Yu-hui, this little monk will dare to swear Amarang the steward with the doctor to go to 9th-Prince House, she is a slap in the face, and yesterday, she blocked at the gate of the government, It’s a big deal. If it’s not for me to go fast, I’m going to let the Lord touch it.”
     As long as I talked about this topic, Dong-shi emotions were particularly exciting.
     The deputy couldn't wait to throw Yu-hui to the shredded appearance, and she could see how deep her grievances were.
     "But it is, we are weak now." Yi-Luoshi thinks that things don't like self-deception like Dong-shi, she thinks about things, all of them will count all the possibilities, but this time will be planted in In Yu-hui hands, she didn't think about this possibility, but she never put them in the eyes of Yu-hui, and they would lead them to anger.
     Yi-Luoshi didn't say that it was okay, so it was said that Dong-shi had just pressed down the fire and gave it to him. Dong-shi opened Yi-Luoshi hand and strode to the room.
     The palm of his hand held a few shores with a cold smile on his face.
     "Weakness? Hey, it’s not that our mother and daughter are weak, but Ama doesn’t need us now, so we’ve become the object of others’ practice.” Dong-shi words are I opened my mouth and wanted to come to this time. What made her resentful was not only Yu-hui, but Dong 70 also made her grieve.
     As a married woman, how important is her family, this is a self-evident problem. Yes, Dong-shi used to remember her family's home, and the gift was even richer. Today, her heart grievances have nowhere to vent. If there is still a sense of wisdom, Dong-shi may have long been to Yu hui started.
     She is a Prince Fu-Jin. Even if she really plays Yu-hui, it is just a matter of reprimanding a few words. After all, the esteem is different, the royal family has to face, even if she really does something wrong, she must bear the crime. It won't be her. But this does not mean that she has started, there will be a good end, because Kangxi has to face, but also can not allow the children to be bullied.
     Some things, in the dark, even if you fight to live and die, as long as you don't put it on the bright side, no one will control it, but some things are doomed to not appear on the bright side, otherwise it will never be personal.
     For the time being, they are the guilt of Dong family. As long as they don't make people known, whoever controls them is the east wind overwhelming the west wind, or the west wind overwhelming the east wind.
     Yi-Luoshi heard the words, and she slammed it. She obviously didn't think that Dong-shi would pick up the words. Although she said it was all facts, it was the fact that it made people feel more unacceptable.
     "Speech." Yi-Luoshi looked at Dong-shi eyes. Although his face was not good-looking, he was very stable. "This is what you can say.
     That's your Ama, even if he does it now. It hurts you, but you have to remember that Dong Ejia can have you. Today, although Dong Ejia is still not as good as the mountains, it is also inseparable. Many families have suffered heavy losses because of the pressure of the Crown Prince, and even they have been smashed. Yu-hui That Yatou is just catching up with the good times, coincides with Suo-Chuo Luo is the person who benefits from the Crown Prince, otherwise the Hu, she talks for a while, forbearance!"
     Dong-shi sneaked a little, she knew that Yi-Luoshi was all true, but her heart's resentment was that it could be scattered. Dong-shi unwillingly licked his lips. If he really didn't know how to continue to hold on, he still took the time to go straight.
     Dong-shi thought for a moment and decided to choose the former. After all, her current status is not stable. Even Yin-Tang’s attitude towards her is not as good as one day. She now has even Shiqie in the backyard. Can not live, and then lost the support of the mother, the consequences are unimaginable. Some waved with impatience, she whispered: "Em, I know that our situation is not good now, but also know the intention of Ama, but the amount of mother, I can't help it."
     Dong-shi is absolutely true. Don't look at her as if she is coming and going. In fact, her movements are subject to certain restrictions, which makes her irritated feelings more annoying. Not to mention the brain capacity that was not enough.
     Yi-Luoshi stood by, his face was a bit ugly, but his mouth continued to follow Dong-shi and asked, "What do you want?"
     "Amount, can't we find someone to cooperate with? For example, 4th Fu-Jin, 8th Fu-Jin. Although 4th Fu-Jin doesn't take the lead now, 8th Fu-Jin is still silent, but the connections in their hands are still there.
     The direct person stared at me and said that he was worried that I made a mistake. In fact, I was afraid that I would discuss with Wanth-Yan-shi with 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin." Thinking about Yin-Tang’s deputy The appearance of her death, Dong-shi original indignant face could not help but bring a trace of sadness.
     "You know 9th-Prince is against you, why do you want to poke his eyes again and again?" Yi-Luoshi sighed a long sigh, and was very puzzled by her daughter's stubbornness.
     Dong-shi has a red eye, and tears fall down. "Wo Niang said what else can I do? For the love of the Lord, for the identity of 9th Fu-Jin, and also to allow Ama to support me."
     Yi-Luoshi looked at her daughter's face, and her heart was also distressed.
     The original unwillingness was replaced by resentment. She thought that the situation is now a time, but she does not want her to be replaced by what she thinks.
     "In this case, 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin, you don't care, and all cuts are arranged by the mother." Yi-Luoshi looks tenacious, and the heart seems to have made a decision. A throwing momentum.
     Dong-shi suddenly reached out and held Yi-Luoshi hand, slowly tightening it, with a hint of silk on his face. "Amount, can you really arrange it?"
     It is not that Dong-shi does not believe in Yi-Luoshi, but the wind in the neighborhood has changed recently. Many things have long since disappeared.
     "Don't worry, although this power is not in my hands, but the people I use in the house are still there." Look at this time Yi-Luoshi has been frustrated again and again, even lost several things, but she manages This backyard has been so many years, the forces are mottled and complicated, how can there be only a few people on the bright side.
     Before she did not use these people, she just thought that it was not yet possible, and there was no need for it. After all, no one can guarantee that the Crown Prince would be able to sit in this position. After all, he can scrap the first time. Can be scrapped the second time.
     Dong-shi looked at Yi-Luoshi with a strange look. After a long time, she laughed. "It’s still a foresight."
     "You! It is too impulsive, eating so much loss is not long-term memory.
     This Yu-hui mother and daughter squatting, in fact, it is just a paper tiger, taking advantage of Lao-ye to support things. Time is still short Nothing, but it’s a long time, you are squatting, things are more, there are more problems, and they can go where they are. After all, this ‘Madam is different, I am wrong again, I am also a good media, she understands the world, She is just a jealous person. She can't manage so many things, and she can't enter the circle of her ‘Madam." Yi-Luoshi was calmed down by Dongshi, but she calmed down.
     The original chaotic mood was officially returned at this moment. On the right track, those things that are unclear have also come to the fore.
     "Is that the case?" At this moment, Dong-shi couldn't help but reflect on how he did it. Is it all wrong?
     Yi-Luoshi saw her face reflection and didn't bother. In her opinion, Dong-shi really needs to be calm, impulsive what is only a bad thing, can't give you any help at all.

     Yu-hui was happy in the heart of the 9th-Prince House door yesterday, but Ting-Wenyin squatted back to the government shortly after she left, and it would be inevitable that there would be some embarrassment.
     Yin-Tang can be different from Dong-shi, that is Prince Prince, who is arrogant in addition to the Empress Dowager. And after seeing the means of Yin-Tang, Yu-hui didn't think that his snack machine could fight each other. As for Dong-shi, as long as there is Dong E? Seventy, she does not worry about Dong-shi resistance. After all, the ruling filial piety, the emperor is filial and modest, and Dong-shi Prince Fu-Jin is not filial. Yu-hui secretly bite her teeth, and she secretly recites whether she will not be guilty of 9th-Prince, she will not stop.
     Yao Concubine next to him looked at her daughter, her eyes were full of worries. In her life, she seems to be soaking up in bitter water.
     The only hope is Yu-hui daughter. It can be said that as long as Yu-hui is doing well, she can care nothing, but no one has thought of a day, she can actually look at Madam's face.
     "Yu-hui, just enough, Madam is not as simple as you think." Yao Concubine reached out and pushed the tea pot in front of Yu-hui, with a bit of worry on his face, whispering softly .
     This revenge, happy and quick, can you retaliate?
     Obviously, Lao-ye is at most a reprimand of a few words, and more is as cold as it is now, so she seems to have got a cut now, in fact, this cut is just a mirror.
     "Concubine, don't you hate it? At the beginning, Madam and their mother and daughter forced their mother and daughter to go nowhere." Yu-hui returned to the gods, and the hand was placed on the samovar.
     The heat from the samovar was hot, she But there is no intention to move the hand, but instead, holding hands and grasping the samovar, let this hot and painful feeling remind me of the previous cut.
     Yao Concubine saw her daughter so excited, and could not help but sigh a long sigh, raised her hand to help her break the broken hair, only to help her face: "Yu-hui, as long as you have a good life, Concubine It doesn't matter."
     Yu-hui turned her head and looked at her straight. Compared with the slim and pale before Yao Concubine, she is still very thin at this time, but her face is much better than before. Not only does her lips recover blood, but her spirit is also good. I want to come back during this time. Not bad. In the past, the wreckage was cold and cold, and it was hard to fight.
     Yao Concubine Seeing Yu-hui mood is a bit wrong, guessing that she may have thought of the past, and could not help but call out, "Yu-hui..."
     "Oh, nothing." Yu-hui, who had returned to God, subconsciously responded with a sentence, and then worried about his eyes on Yao Concubine. He took a deep breath: "Concubine, you don't have to persuade me any more." Even if I stop now, can Madam and Dong-shi let me go?” Seeing that Yao Concubine has become a pale face, she continues: “No.
     They are only in the past or now. I want to extract the benefits from me, whether it is big or small, as long as they are useful. Now it is the same, just the person who squeezed is replaced by my self-righteous Ama."
     With a sneer, Yu-hui has long been desperate for someone other than her Concubine in this house. What she is doing now is just trying to break her last thoughts.
     Yao Concubine heard the words, his eyes were red, and then whispered: "But, if you are unwilling, then Concubine will accompany you to give it back. Anyway, you can't find a good word."
     After so many years, even the only daughter can't keep it, she still has something to fear, and as long as Dong E? Seventy in the heart has a flaw, even if Madam will take back the power of the family in the future, fear it is difficult Just like before, it only covers the sky.
     When Yu-hui wants to say something, he listens to Maid and says that something is going to be reported. When I heard that Dong-shi has come over, the corner of the mouth is slightly raised, and the whole person becomes highly motivated.
     "Since our 9th Fu-Jin is back, the Madam, Mei-mei, is not going to welcome a welcoming, fearing that it is not in harmony with the rules. It is not reasonable." Yu-hui is ready to put Dong-shi, the reason they used to learn her, went back one by one.
     The next person in Dong Efu saw Yu-hui coming out of the yard of Yao Concubine, bowing his head in a respectful manner, but these people minds were not all the same, they were sloppy, disdainful, and pleased. ... all kinds of things, but have the same purpose to bring their own purposes.
     It’s just Yu-hui.
     They don’t know that the daring nubi in the house have publicly taken the gambling on this matter. Many people in the house have participated in it, not the size of money, just a fun.
     This is not, a squatting Yu-hui is going to find , these people unconsciously cast their gaze on her, even Yu-hui has not arrived, many people began to secretly guess today 4th-Miss and Madam The war between mother and daughter, who loses who wins.
     Let’s not mention the scene of the chicken flying dog jumping in Dong Efu. It is said that the 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin have re-established the Crown Prince. All the Daren Prince have avoided their edge. Even so, this year still survives. Not stable, the 4th Fu-Jin and the 8th Fu-Jin, who used to be famous, stayed in the house these days, rarely when they went out.
     However, after the two received a letter from the front and the back, the original door could not be seen.
     The two men who did not go to the second door actually broke the previous silence and met at the restaurant.
      8th Fu-Jin first arrived at the restaurant, entered the original box, sat directly in the chair, and placed a variety of snacks on the table, but she had the meaning of enjoying it. Instead, she held her chin with one hand and looked straight. Staring straight at the door, apparently waiting for someone to come.
     "8th-Sao." With the soft voice of the door, the door of the box was instantly pushed away.
      8th Fu-Jin looked up subconsciously and saw 4th Fu-Jin coming over and couldn't help but get up.
     Then I thought about what they had to discuss, and waved their hands, indicating that Maid in the house was going out.
     "Predicted 8th-Sao also received the letter, how do you feel that there is a need for cooperation?" 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin sit down and go straight to the subject, it seems that they are not going to bend around.
      8th Fu-Jin looked at her straightforward posture and could not help but bend her lips. "How does 4th-Sao look?"
      4th Fu-Jin See 8th Fu-Jin's face cautiously, knowing that 8th-Prince loss has a great influence on her during this time. "8th-Sao doesn't have to guard me. I will come here just for our common enemy, not other?"
     They are powerless to change the situation outside and the decision of their own family, so even if they are opposite, who can guarantee that they have not used each other's day.
     "4th-Sao is right, what does 4th-Sao mean?" 8th Fu-Jin sorted it out and looked up at 4th Fu-Jin.
     "It's the same as 8th-Sao." 4th Fu-Jin's gaze on the top 8th Fu-Jin, a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and the words that spit out are seemingly cold.
      8th Fu-Jin listened to her words, his eyes could not help but darken, and the moment of bowing, his face flashed a haze. In fact, she has been looking forward to this for a long time. It’s just that there is no good time. Now that someone is taking the initiative, she may not be in line.
     "Since 4th-Sao has already decided, then we will return a letter. After all, people are more powerful and have people, but they are afraid that they will not make a good time." 8th Fu-Jin has a face, although she and Wan-xi have no Direct conflict, but she is born with pride, she is not allowed to be happier than her.
      4th Fu-Jin's face was full of smiles, but her heart was scornful of 8th Fu-Jin's careful eyes, but what she thought in her heart would not offend people.
     "Now the Crown Prince is re-established, the Imperial Father must have been like Jiangnan in the past, going to Mulan, and patrolling the outside. We just need to take the opportunity to get rid of a Side-Fujin, which is not a big deal." 4th Fu-Jin said The sip of the tea in front of him is a slap in the face, and the look of leisurely and leisurely seems to be just saying a trivial little thing, not a human life.
      The more 8th Fu-Jin listened to the eyes, the more she wanted to come to her, and she also agreed with 4th Fu-Jin's plan. Over the years, the more Wanyan-shi has lived, the more she has her eyes. If she is not there, she does not believe that the beautiful and beautiful beauty can not reach a dead person.
     Of course, she did not deal with Wanyan-shi just because she took her scenery.
     The most important thing is that she wants the power in Yin-Tang. Without this woman, she has the opportunity to arrange another woman to give Yin-Tang, when I got this pillow style, I don’t want to let Yin-Tang immediately change my mind, but if I can have a soft heart, it will be enough to help the Lord.
     After the two reached an agreement, they called Maid to find the shopkeeper to write the ink, and then wrote the letter in front of the other party, then handed it to the other party, and then gave it to the Yi-Luoshi mother and daughter by the other hand.
     This is also the sincerity they have shown.
     Looking at the letters in each other's hands, 4th Fu-Jin or 8th Fu-Jin, all with a look on the face.
     "Since it has already been decided, let's wait and see the results!" 8th Fu-Jin smiled and said.
      4th Fu-Jin took the letter in his hand and nodded. "It is true that even if the person is lucky, it is impossible to be good every time." As long as she did not have her Wanyan-shi, the Lord would not look at her again. Hong-hui will no longer be closer to her than her mother.
     “4th-Sao is right.” 8th Fu-Jin thought about Wanyan-shi. Every time he escaped a festival, he secretly bite his teeth and decided to make a better one. .
     The two discussed this issue for a while, although there is no one to come up with a plan, but this is a major consideration. It is precisely because of this, they are the shot, if not Ting-Rain clever, they may really succeed.
     At the time of the moment, the two did not delay much. After the discussion, they broke up in the restaurant and then they returned to the house. Just compared to the reality of Yu-8th Fu-Jin, 4th Fu-Jin is obviously not as intimate as her expression, her face is full of chill and haze.
     No, 8th Fu-Jin sent her letter to Dong Efu for the first time.
     The first thing after 4th Fu-Jin's return to the government was to find someone to imitate the letter by 8th Fu-Jin, and then to 8th Fu-Jin. In the name of the imitation, the letter was sent to Dong Efu, and the letter was handwritten by Yu-8th Fu-Jin, but it was collected by 4th Fu-Jin and prepared for other use.
     Originally, it was not an intimate sister and sister.
     The cooperation was only because of the temporary need, and it would be taken for granted by 4th Fu-Jin.


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