Ugly Biography 260

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »   Chapter 260 :  Happy          

These are the last chapters for this novel. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

       Standing at the door of his old house, Ning-Er was awkward for a while, and it was here that he spent the toughest days of his life. During that time, life was so hard, in order to survive, he worked hard and at the same time, he also met Chou-gu, and he rewrote his life.
       He looked back at Chou-gu and said with a smile   :   "The old house of the house, you haven't lived here yet."
       "Well, this time we will stay here for a few more days." Chou-gu smiled.
       Suddenly, a group of people rushed over to this side and ‘called   :   "Hey, it’s really back. Ning Master is back."
       Ning-Er turned back, a group of people have come to come, and this group of people has the old face that Ning-Er knows. Although everyone is getting old, but after all, it is an Daren, it is easy to distinguish some.
       "Hey, isn't this three uncle?" Ning-Er said to an old man in the middle.
       "Oh, I am so old, I didn't expect you to recognize me." The old man, known as the Uncle, laughed.
       "Oh, for so many years, I am old." Ning-Er laughed.
       "Yeah, after so many years, the children you taught in the past have all been in groups." Everyone said. From children to young people, the change is too big, Ning-Er basically can't recognize who is who. I would like to introduce them one by one, and then talk about some interesting things at the time, he slowly recalled.

       Everyone was joking and laughing, and went to the old house of Ningjia.
       The old house has always been helped by the villagers. Ning-Er has also sent people to look after it, and even the Wu family’s old house with Jiang Wucun is also well preserved.
       Although everyone knows that Ning-Er is a big official, Ning-Er is a casual suit, and he is very close to everyone. Everyone is not an official Master, but only when he is the boy in the village.
       In the old house, there is basically no change, just as if they have been living here.
       Ning-Er took everyone around the room and sighed, "Oh, it’s been a long time since it’s been gone."
       "Yeah, yeah, our village and Jiangwu Village are now well-known wealthy villages nearby. Even the surrounding villages and towns are much better than before. This is all for your blessings." Everyone said.
       "Don't dare to do it, or rely on your own efforts." Ning-Er waved his hand and refused to take credit. Although he and Chou-gu did bring some benefits to the village, they rushed, and everything afterwards relied on the efforts of the villagers themselves, and they really had little to do with them.
       The village chief told people to cook and said that they should entertain Ning-Er and their party.
       Ning-Er did not quit, and smiled   :   "Well, I also want to miss my family’s food. I have a few dishes that everyone often eats. I just want this, but don't waste too much."
       "You can rest assured. Now the conditions in the village are good, that is, you can eat meat every day." Everyone laughed. More and more people are coming to Ningjia. People who work in the field are coming back. People who know Ning-Er will come over and say hello to him. People who don’t know him want to see you. This legendary, the village first big backstage.
       If the village chief had to drive out some insignificant people, I was afraid that the Ning family would be too crowded.
       Ning-Er took out some small gifts brought to the village to the village head, that is, some books, pen and ink, etc., were taken from their own shop in Jingli.
       "I have a rare time to go back to the village. I haven’t brought anything in the middle of the road. Just send this to the people in this village."
       When the village chief saw so many books, he was very excited. The book is what everyone needs most.
       Although Ningjia Village is rich, but the people who grew up in reading are still not Chang-less, generally a County-Graduate is the top of the sky, which is related to the poor environment of the whole place. The level of the school in the town is not high. If you want to read the name, you will get the county. There are not many people who can really go to the county to study with peace of mind. Moreover, the time when everyone really developed is not long, and the details are not enough.
       So over the years, in recent years, Ningjiacun and Jiangwu Village have produced three County-Graduate. One person is studying in the county, and he is ready to read it. The remaining County-Graduate, the older Ningzi An and Jiang Wucun, simply returned to the village as a master. Called Jiang Xingping’s master, today, because of his wife mother’s death, she went to condolence.
       However, among the next generation of children, there are more books to read, and there are many good readings. Some have already prepared for the next test, and the test is also County-Graduate.
       Although there are only two masters in the school of Ningjia Village, they not only accept the children of Ningjia Village and Jiangwu Village, but also the children of the nearby ten miles and eight townships.
       After hearing this, Ning-Er nodded and said, "Okay, it’s good. After another ten or eight years, I can't say anyone will go to Capital City to take the exam."
       Everyone is talking happy, and a group of people are coming.
       It is the ginger Da--nu  and the kitten.
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er still recognized ginger Da--nu  at a glance. After all, he was similar to Jiang Chunhua, but the kittens, they did not dare to recognize. The little radish head that followed them was now a rich middle-aged man. Seeing him looks more like Ning Er.
       Chou-gu "噗嗤" laughed and pointed at the kitten and said, "Hey, it’s really a good life. How much meat did you eat? It’s a big fat." It is a little higher than Ning Er, but the figure is wider than Ning Er, and Chou-gu estimates that he has at least one hundred and fifty or sixty pounds. Fortunately, he is just fat and looks healthy.
       Everyone laughed with haha, and it was said that the kittens might have been because the life was too poor. If the days were better, they wouldn't leave the meat, and they would grow up without knowing it. When he understands that he can't go on like this, he can't get it down. Plus, the family can afford to eat meat, eat it, eat it anyway, and eat it better, and work harder.
       The kitten was embarrassed to touch his stomach and said, "Ning Madam, in fact, I don't dare to eat any more meat now. But this fattening meat can no longer be saved."
       Everyone was even laughed by his words, and even Ning-Er couldn't help but smile   :   "You are more moving, you have to do so much work as before, how can you get fat like this, too fat? It’s not good for the body.”
       "That’s right. Go to the ground to do some work, do it day and night, keep you slim." Everyone is up.
       The kitten said   :   "I didn't go to the ground someday? I have done a lot of work." This is the truth, although he eats a lot, he raises fat, but he does a lot of work, otherwise how to guarantee Healthy.
       Ginger Da--nu  also gave a testimony to him and said, "It is true. He is now able to make a big effort. He has a burden of one or two hundred pounds."
       The two people have a very good relationship. They often work together. It is also interesting. Jiang Da--nu  and the kitten are also good friends.
       "It seems that you are fat," Chou-gu also laughed.
       These two people are now well-known wealthy households in Jiangwu Village. The kittens get rich by their smart minds and a family of laborers. When Chou-gu was very optimistic about him, he did not live up to the teachings of Chou-gu.
       When Ning-Er and Chou-gu left, she relied on her own skills and knowledge at Chou-gu and Ning Er. Qi Qi did not know how many small businesses came out. In addition, I followed Ning-Er and learned a lot of words. When I walked outside, I became more and more afraid to ignore him. One to two, after a few years, their family was the first to get rich.
       Therefore, the kittens are almost becoming legends nearby. His family has not only built a few large brick houses, but the brothers have a lot of good fields, and the days are good. The kitten’s own son is also studying all of them. Among them, Eldest-son is thirteen years old and is studying in the county. He is very smart and promising.
       He pointed to this son who can go to high school and change the court. Therefore, he did not dare to relax for a moment, and the work outside the home was done by himself, in order to make a better way for his sons.
       As for Jiang Da--nu , he is also a smart person in the first place. Secondly, with the help of Jiang Chunhua, he has a better life. It’s just that the ginger family is not a cat.
       The kitten has three children and two women, and the ginger Da--nu  has only two sons and one daughter. His Eldest-son is the only young man who is already a County-Graduate, has been studying in the county, and is ready to continue his exam. This young man named Jiang Xingjia is also the most important person in Jiang Wucun and Ningjia Village.
       To be grateful, Jiang Da--nu  is grateful to Chou-gu. If it weren't for Chou-gu, his family was still a poor man who was desperately trying to eat a meal. His son didn't talk about reading, just as he was when he was a teenager, and he couldn't even eat enough. Over the years, Jiang Chunhua sent people to send things, most of them are given by Chou-gu and Ning Er.
       Therefore, he sincerely said   :   "For so many years, I finally can thank you personally." "Thank you, thank you, good days are also your struggle." Ning-Er laughed. "Thank you, don't talk about him. Let’s thank you all in the two villages." The village heads of the two villages said in unison.
       Other people in Jiangwu Village have a very good life. The kittens are rich and have not forgotten the neighbors, as is the ginger Da--nu .
       Therefore, Jiang Wu Village, Ningjia Village, the relationship between the various households are very good. Everyone economic conditions are good, and no one is staring at the troubles of the three melons and two dates. Therefore, more than two villages are booming, and even bring the whole place to the rich.
       Now it is no longer the formerly famous backcountry.
       Ning-Er and Chou-gu entered the village and asked several times all the way to find it. Because the whole place has changed a lot. The original winding roads were all overhauled, and there were not many fields on both sides of the road. There were also many villagers, and there were tea shops at some intersections. Pedestrians on the road, and more merchants.
       It’s all totally different from what they remember. Although the two have long known that their former home is now very wealthy, but they really saw it, they were still taken aback.
       Listening to everyone saying how many fields there are in their homes, how many seven miles and eight pulls can be sold in a year, Chou-gu and Ning-Er know at random, these villagers have a lot of income in one year. There are dozens of hundreds of Silver Taels. It’s no wonder that everyone has no color in their faces, and they all have a red face.
       When the two of them had led the work that everyone had done, everyone went well and continued to grow up. Such as day lily, such as dried fish and so on.
       And those wild oranges have become a kind of business for every household to make money. Every household has planted a lot of oranges. After a long time, some people have found some better cultivation methods, and the oranges are no longer like wild ones. Small, long and big taste is better. Of course, it is more valuable.
       Therefore, every household has an orange garden, and it can earn a lot from this year alone.
       Having said that, Chou-gu thinks of the orange trees in his backyard, and he just wants to go straight.
       The kitten said   :   "Is it all for you. Everyone is also the law from the orange trees in your house. The orange trees in your house have a lot of fruit every year. The money sold is left to the village. Although this school is located in the location of Ningjia Village, in fact, Jiang Wucun is also out of silver, which is taken from the income of your family."
       It turned out that Chou-gu, after they left, the orange trees in the vegetable garden grew older. After a few years, they began to bloom. Everyone looked at them growing up from small saplings. Naturally, there is a kind of learning, and I try to grow it.
       "Our school, not only the children of the two villages, but also the children of the outer villages. It is very poor. As long as the children are willing to learn, the school will not be repaired. These expenses are from both of you. The income is taken out. It is counted that you have donated this school." The village head of Ningjia Village said quickly.
       And the people in the two villages are very convenient because of the background of Ning Er. It can be said that there is no such thing as Ning Er, and Ningjia Village is also good for Jiang Wucun. Even if he is rich, he does not know how much he is suffocating. Ning-Er Although there is no local official to take care of everyone, but these officials, which do not give Ning-Er a few faces, what is the matter, it will be handled early. I don't need to know Ning-Er at all.
       At that time, after the Ning family and the Wu family left, they still left something in the village. From small to large, this income is saved year after year. If you accumulate more, you can do something big, so it is built up. This school.
       "The school will do a good job, and then we will test out a few children in the village. We can also call it a farmer and a family. We will slowly operate it. After several generations, it may become a high-ranking surname." Ning'-Er is very much in favor of encouraging everyone.
       Everyone in this statement was excited, and there was a lot of discussion at the moment.
       Until someone said   :   "The village head, the food has been fixed. Is it going to be at the Ning Master home?"
       "Do you get more?" asked the village chief.
       "More, more, very, a lot of mother-in-law together, big pots, chicken, duck and fish are stewed. There are enough people in the village to eat." People laughed.
       So the village chief and Ning-Er discussed it a bit, decided to simply put the food into the school, the big guys to eat together, the right to celebrate.
       The people in Jiangwu Village naturally have to participate in this feast. Jiang Da--nu  and the kittens, the village chief and others have not yet eaten, and they said with enthusiasm   :   "This meal is for your village. The next meal can be I have to eat in our village."
       They were afraid of being backward, and they provoked people from Ningjia Village to say, "That is, of course, Ning Madam, but you Jiang Jiangcun went out, how can you say this to your family? Then again, where are you? The family is not lacking in this stutter."
       The people in Ningjia Village were not at all polite, and Chou-gu and Ning-Er couldn't help but laugh.

       Chapter 261 :  Feelings          

       After leaving the home, Chou-gu and Ning-Er went on to the next destination. They have been walking around for a few years. In addition to discovering some business opportunities, they also carry a task that is not a task. It is to understand the people livelihood for the emperor, to understand whether officials of all sizes are large and small, and to greedy the law.
       Speaking of it, the two of them are still like the imperial patrol. It’s just that their right is big and big, and small is small.
       Sometimes, they will pass on what they found to the emperor, let them go to the top, and sometimes they can deal with it directly.
       Chou-gu actually likes this kind of life, provided that Ning-Er is in good health. However, they are not in a hurry. Every time they like to live, they like to live. They live for two or three months and live for three or five days. I have to stay with my son for a few months in a year. When Anan started at the age of seven, he no longer accompanied them to run east and west. He had to study hard.
       Ning-Er is still very sorry that he has not been able to continue his studies, although his later achievements are not less than those of high school. But this kind of sentiment has become a regret forever in life. Anan not only inherits his father’s ingenuity, but even blue is better than blue.
       Both father and son naturally hope that Anan will be in high school and have a father’s regret. Anan entered the school and sang all the way. He became the favorite student of Madam. Thanks to his parents running outside, his vision and insights are incomparable to others.
       Ann is not only forced to Chang Cattle in his studies, but also makes everyone sigh in life. He can hold a big Ningfu alone. Since he was ten years old, Ning-Er and Chou-gu have been away from home for longer and longer. Everything in the family was handed over to An An, and everything was taken care of properly.
       For such sons, Ning-Er and Chou-gu sometimes feel very distressed, and even sad, feel that they have not fulfilled their parents' responsibilities.
       Ann also advised them. "When she was ten years old, she was already raising her family. Father also began to entertained in the nobles when she was ten. Why can't I?"
       Looking at his son’s temperament, Chou-gu said sadly   :   "An An, we had to do it because of it. You are different from us, you have us."
       "So, I should be more advanced than you. You can rest assured that I don't think that if you go out for a few months, you don't feel bad about me, no matter what I am. Instead of being at home, I can let go of my hands and feet." An An said.
       Ning-Er is more understanding of his son’s mood than Chou-gu. He said, "It is a good thing to have a responsibility and be able to do it yourself. But if there is anything you can't handle, you must tell us, know? Parents. Always behind you."
       This kind of life continued until Anan was twenty years old. This year, Anan High School was named 3rd Imperial-Scholar. Young and handsome, versatile and many-gold, the new 3rd Imperial-Scholar Lang, who is not lacking in family status, is not only the dreaming god of the daughters of the whole capital, but also the best son-in-law of the ladies. I don't know how many people beat his idea.
       Don't say that other people have met this good son-in-law, that is, the emperor and the Queen also like Anan very much. They want to give the princess to Anan several times. The horse can't participate in politics, so the emperor and the Queen can only deeply sigh.
       It should be said that from the age of fourteen and five years old, there are so many people who want to climb with him. Chou-gu and Ning-Er had to announce that Ann An 18 would not talk about marriage. Later, Anan added another one, and the school did not talk about marriage.
       So, this matter has stopped.
       But now he is not only over eighteen years old, but his studies have also become a reality. Marriage matters naturally become the most important thing at the moment.
       On this day, Chou-gu and Ning-Er and his son talked, Ning-Er said   :   "An An, you are old, and now your studies have become a reality. It is time to consider marriage."
       Not to mention the marriage of An An, he is afraid that he will be chased by someone else and cut it with a knife. An An has a group of followers of red powder, and Eldest-daughter of Tian Daren likes An An. Tian Big Miss, like her mother, is a hearty Miss, and she likes Chou-gu.
       The two families are also the world, and the two children are considered to be childhood friends. Although the family has not booked it, the two have this tacit understanding. Only when the Anan event is certain, it is necessary to become a relative.
       In the past, Ning-Er thought about giving her son a first kiss, but Chou-gu did not agree. She thinks that the 14-year-old child knows what marriage, Tian Big Miss is no better, it is still a small Miss. Most importantly, she is afraid that her son does not like Tian Big Miss, just treat her as Mei-mei.
       And the other aspects of An-An are very precocious, but the feelings of men and women are very late. He is as good for every girl, this Mei-mei, that Mei-mei is very cheerful. It made her wonder if her son really liked Tian’s Miss, and sometimes she was afraid that her son would be a big radish. Therefore, simply announced that the son did not talk about the marriage.
       At that time, Tian Daren and his wife were still somewhat dissatisfied with her, so now Ning’s family is on the door, and Tian’s family is still very good at it. It has brought many problems to An-An and Ning’s family.
       Chou-gu knows that Tianjia is going to export gas. After all, Miss’s family is seventeen or eight years old and still has no marriage, and Tian Big Miss is nineteen years old, but his son can find a true mutual heart. Yue wife, she is still very happy.
       An An’s marriage was settled, and those Miss who had a little fantasies were heartbroken. Although they knew in their hearts, the possibility of An’s Big’s Miss was very high, but the marriage was not fixed. Then a little hope. Therefore, compared with the excitement and busyness of Tianfu and Ningfu, there are many people in Capital City who are heartbroken.
       In the marriage of his son, Chou-gu is supposed to be familiar with the car. After all, she has already handled the marriage of the younger brother and married Yunshan. By the way, Yunshan married the younger brother, but Chou-gu was a little busy and didn't know what to do.
       Yunshan and the younger brother, they are also a childhood friend, and they have a meaning for each other. Ning-Er and Chou-gu are also happy to see that this marriage has caused a lot of incitement. Because Ning Yunshan is the only Mei-mei of Ning Er, it looks so beautiful, and it has been raised by Chou-gu for several years. The market is still very good. There are even people who think that Chou-gu has married Xiao guzi to the Wu family, in order to reconcile the feelings of Wu.
       The younger brother was better than his brother in reading, and he was no longer able to take the test. He simply took a job and took his wife to the place. Of course, with the help of Ning-Er and Zhou Jia, the Wu family will not be worse. However, Yunshan’s marriage to Wu family is also considered a low marriage.
       When I heard these gossips, Chou-gu didn't care at all. It was the anger of the Ming and Qing couples, and even the Zhou family followed suit. Fortunately, the younger brother is a broad-minded person, do not care about these gossips, and happy to bring his wife to a small day.
       This is not, now the Shi-zi wants to be a relative, the younger brother and Yunshan are both husband and wife with Ning-Er and Chou-gu, naturally it is early to get a letter.
       Ning-Er didn't find Chou-gu at the beginning. After he had done what he should do, he found that Chou-gu interest was not high at all, and many things were not done properly. Worried, ask   :   "Where are you uncomfortable? If it is really uncomfortable, let Yunshan come to help.
       Chou-gu sighed   :   "I didn't expect that our son would be married."
       Ning-Er took a moment to laugh and said   :   "Are you still afraid that your daughter-in-law will not be able to grab your son?"
       "What to grab. The husband and wife are the most important person in a person’s life. I have to go back as a mother." Chou-gu answered.
       Ning-Er thought for a moment and then asked carefully   :   "You all say that husband and wife are the most important, why are you taking a step back for yourself and being sad?"
       "Hey, my heart is always incompetent." Chou-gu can't say that he has any dissatisfaction. The son is a person who doesn't have to worry about her. The daughter-in-law also looks at herself and grows up. The family is also a good friend, she does not know why it is not good.
       Ning-Er thought for a long time, only suddenly realized the smile   :   "I know, it is no wonder that the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law is always not so good. You are jealous, and think that your son is a daughter-in-law."
       Chou-gu was stunned by him for a long time and said   :   "Is it difficult for me to have a love complex?"
       After saying it, I repeatedly slammed a few times and said, "Call you to talk. I just sigh that my son is so big, I don't need both of us."
       "It’s a good thing for your son to grow up. Don’t you always want someone to take care of him? In the future, we will be able to run around better, and don’t worry if he eats and eats well, is anyone taking care of it?” Ning-Er laughed.
       Chou-gu is still not happy, Ning-Er added   :   "You should be happy. You will have an Anan one. After the An’s couple live more, our family will be full of fun. You don't have to use it often. Unfortunately, there are fewer children."
       Because only a child is born in Anan, Chou-gu sometimes has to be able to regenerate a daughter. Don't say Chou-gu has regrets, Ning-Er is even more regrettable. Even the outsiders are following the regrets. They think that the genes of the two of them are only one and another, it is a waste, and An An raises such a good one. If they have three or four children, they are all such excellent children, and others don’t have to stare at An-An. People looked.
       "You want to hug your grandson. Is it that you are still preparing to raise a grandson at home?" Chou-gu thought about it, turning his head and joking from Ning Er. When she thought that she and Ning-Er would be 'Grandfather', she would be embarrassed and sad for the lost years.
       "Oh, I am old." She said, she scraped together before the mirror.
       Ning-Er stunned, and laughed again, saying, "Not old, not old, you are still young. You see your hair is still so pressed. I can now think of you in my teens." "Looking at her shoulders, the two stood side by side in front of the mirror."
       Chou-gu looks at Ning-Er in the mirror. Although he has already kept his beard, his eyebrows are still young. He looks like he is at least thirty years old, and he is not at all like he is in his early forties. Looking at her again, in fact, it is not too old, she feels funny, and the age of the two of them, it is still in the prime of life.
       But now, they are doing their son’s marriage, and it will take a long time to hold their grandson. And they are also going through the ranks of middle-aged people.
       "Time flies so fast. It’s been more than twenty years."
       The two looked at each other in the mirror and felt emotional all the time.

       Chapter 262 :  End          

       After An An became a pro, the husband and wife loved, Chou-gu and Ning-Er were very happy. In particular, Chou-gu has been worried that An An does not love Tian Big Miss, but she just thinks she is suitable. But seeing them get along with each other, she can still see that An An still likes her wife very much, she just let go of her heart.
       When the daughter-in-law took over the affairs of the family, Chou-gu and Ning-Er began to pack up and prepared to go out and get away.
       Before leaving, Chou-gu said to Tian-shi   :   "The family will be handed over to you." Then he threw all the fields, real estate, and shops to the daughter-in-law.
       Tian-shi saw so many industries and was shocked. He quickly said   :   "You just have to go out for a while, and you don't have to give me the family."
       "I will give it to you sooner or later. You will hold it first. If you don't understand, you will find Anan. In fact, most of these are also he is dealing with." Chou-gu said in disapproval.
       Their family’s industry has been greatly developed in the past few years. It is no longer like having to worry about repairing a garden. It is saved here. And their family of three is not the kind of extravagant person. The two accumulated a lot of property without knowing it. In the past few days, she and Ning-Er cleaned up one by one and shocked herself.
       "Hey, our family has become a local tyrant." Chou-gu looked at the book and called.
       "What is the local tyrant?" Ning-Er did not understand, asked.
       Chou-gu A   :   "Hao, it means more. It means that there is money and money."
       Ning-Er said with a funny voice   :   "You always say something weird in your mouth."
       "There is nothing unusual, but it is because I said what I said in my hometown. There is us..." Chou-gu was quick to say, and when he finished, he felt that he was stupid again, and quickly bit his lip and peeked at Ning'.-Er one eye.
       “Where is your hometown?” Ning-Er asked.
       When Ning-Er went to Ningjia Village, Chou-gu was only ten years old. She has been staying in Jiangwu Village since she was born. Her hometown is of course Jiang Wucun, but Ning-Er has asked this sentence, so that Chou-gu stayed for a moment to understand that he already knew her mouth. The hometown does not refer to Jiang Wucun. Therefore, Ning-Er has always understood that she is not a person here to some extent.
       Chou-gu brain is spinning fast, recalling the past. In fact, she is also very clear. Ning-Er had suspected her a long time ago, and even tentatively asked some things, she was blocked by her for various reasons. It’s gone.
       She thought she had caught Ning Er, and now she understands how a smart person like Ning-Er can be fooled by her flawless reasons, but because he can't bear to poke her, or is willing to let her keep it. Some secrets that are not willing to say.
       Looking at Chou-gu expression, Ning-Er knew what she was thinking. He interrupted her thinking directly and asked, "Do you miss your hometown? Want to go back?"
       Chou-gu blurted out and said, "That is a distant place. Where can I get back?"
       "I guess it is. Otherwise, you should have thought of a way to go back." Ning-Er added.
       "Are you not surprised?" Chou-gu asked him in surprise.
       "Actually, I have long suspected your origins." Ning-Er said calmly.
       For many years, Chou-gu did not know in front of him how much knowledge she did not belong to her. A long time ago, he only suspected that Chou-gu had a very powerful master. Later he soon knew that Chou-gu had no Master at all. Because they have been together, Chou-gu is no longer able to marry him.
       But where do the huge and complex knowledge that Chou-gu will come from, and where do the different ideas come from? This question has always made him curious. But Chou-gu didn't want to say that he didn't ask too much.
       In fact, Chou-gu will often say something that does not belong to this era. For example, the local tyrant who just said, and some words have been said by her, and even he and An An and the people around him will follow it unconsciously. Such as Cattle fork and so on.
       He has consulted countless materials and even searched for clues from legends, folklore, myths and legends. Finally, he came to the conclusion that Chou-gu is not a local person at all, or she has a previous life. memory.
       Now when I hear Chou-gu talking about his hometown, he can't help it anymore, because he is very curious about where Chou-gu hometown is, and even if possible, he hopes he can accompany Chou-gu back. Her hometown went to see and see. He thinks that it is a magical place, and it must be more advanced, richer, and much better than where they are now.
       Chou-gu nodded and said, "I said, you shouldn't find it right. You just don't ask. I don't really belong to this era. I can't even tell where my hometown is."
       "Why?" This time Ning-Er is more curious.
       Chou-gu thought for a long time, she did not know how to explain Ning Er’s so-called traversal theory, even her situation is not only through, but also can be said to be a corpse, etc., so absurd Say, is Ning-Er a letter?
       Therefore, she organized a long-term word, or really asked   :   "Do you believe that there is a resurrection of the corpse, is there a past life?"
       Ning-Er believes in unbelief   :   "I don't believe it if I don't know you."
       "Are you not afraid of me? Don't worry that I am a monster?" Chou-gu asked again.
       Ning-Er smiles on his face, becomes serious and solemn, like an oath   :   "Why should I be afraid, you are my wife, the mother of my son, the most important person in my life, even if you What about monsters? I am not Xu Xian."
       The story of Xu Xian and the White Snake is a story that Chou-gu once told An An. An An is a very high-skilled child. When he was a child, Chou-gu told him a lot of fairy tales, including many famous cartoons that modern children like, and many of them were recorded by An An. When some stories are being told, Ning-Er has heard it.
       The white snake passed on this story, too many versions, Chou-gu let his version talk about it. When she told the story, Xu Xian and Fahai jointly suppressed the White Snake in Lei Feng.
       At that time, their family of three also discussed, Chou-gu does not like Xu Xian’s role, that he betrayed the love of the white snake. Now she heard Ning-Er said that she would not be a Xu Xian, and suddenly all the burdens in her heart were put down.
       She has never dared to talk to Ning-Er about her own affairs. One is afraid that she can't tell, the second is not to say that it does not affect their lives. The third is to worry about outsiders knowing that she is a monster and give Ning-Er and Anan bring injury and trouble.
       Chou-gu understood his words and smiled and said   :   "In my case, I might call the corpse to resurrection. In fact, I don't know what is going on. Anyway, when I wake up, it becomes. I was ten years old, Chou-gu. It took me a long time to accept this fact."
       Ning-Er is more confused, and he can't help but ask   :   "Is there someone who casts a spell on you?"
       “Maybe it is the power of time and space?” Chou'Gu said, because no one can cast a spell on her, and through the emptiness of time and space, who can support and implement it.
       “What is time and space?” Ning Er, like the 100 thousand problem, asked.
       Chou-gu stirred up his brain and explained a lot to him. He said that the mouth is dry and dry, and the problem is more and more, and he can't finish it. In the end, Ning-Er took the initiative to stop and said, "That is to say, in your hometown, there are many things in this time and space. There are so-called wearers, tire wearers, and the souls you wear now."
       "No, the truth is that it was just made up by everyone. It is an imagination. How do you say it? Just like singing a movie, it is like some of the wilderness talks we usually see. Is it true existence, who? Can you prove it?" Chou-gu said something that collapsed.
       "But are you not proof?" Ning-Er laughed.
       "I..." Chou-gu finally got the word poor, opened his mouth, didn't know what to say.
       Ning-Er smiled and hugged her and said, "Fortunately, you have come through, otherwise, the real Chou-gu, I am, maybe I will be finished soon."
       Chou-gu was stunned for a while, and it took a long while to return to God. Yes, if she did not occupy Chou-gu body, how could she stand up with the small and timid little Miss? Home, even helped Ning Er. In this way, she thought she became Chou-gu, perhaps for Ning Er.
       Like knowing her thoughts, Ning-Er is buried in her ear again, and said affectionately   :   "I really want to thank God, let you come, give it to me, the most important baby in my life. When I thought I had lost the world, you came,..."
       He stared at her quietly, his head buried between her neck, gently speaking the affectionate and plain words, a sentence like the heat wave hot Chou-gu heart. She smelled his taste, listening to his voice, full of happiness. At this moment, Chou-gu suddenly realized that there is a meaning for you in the world.
       The two embraced softly, kissing passionately, and the interior was in a spring.
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er stayed at home for only three months and set off on a journey. Only this time, they are more relaxed. They have resigned with the emperor. Ning-Er In the past two years, my physical condition has gone from bad to worse. Chou-gu doesn't want him to have too much heart. The emperor was also aware of this, so he retained the official position of Ning-Er but did not send him a errand. It is equivalent to let him be half-raising.
       When they returned home, the daughter-in-law had already had a big belly.
       Tian-shi is a woman who can live. She has two children in three years and has two sons. I can make the happy people who are watching the crowds happy. Even the Prince are happy. Of course, the most happy one is the Ning family.
       In the past two years, the couple have not gone out yet, and they are at home to take care of their grandchildren and enjoy the family fun with the children.
       Ning-Er When he was 45 years old, his body was already very bad. Although he tried everything, his body was still irreversible and weakened. It was almost the same as his life as judged by the white doctor.
       Ning-Er wants to accompany Chou-gu to find her hometown before she dies. So, Chou-gu promised to take him out, and the two disappeared.


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