Ugly Biography 195

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »    Chapter 195     :     Purchase          

       The market has a dazzling array of products that make everyone look at it.
       "Sure enough, no loss is prosperous." Chou-gu exclaimed.
       "This is at most a medium bustling." The general manager laughed.
       Ning-Er also nodded and said, "When we go to Capital City, we will pass through many prosperous places."
       Chou-gu didn't care about them, they were already excited and went straight.
       There are all kinds of seafood here, Chou-gu, look at it, ask the price, go all the way to compare prices and quality. This place to buy, that family to buy, unwittingly bought two big scorpions. The precious seafood such as abalone, ginseng, wings and belly were bought a lot, but the place was very productive, but the price was very cheap. The two nephews also spent more than five or two silver.
       Cheap, she just wants to move the entire street away, and count how much these things are earned when they are shipped to the north. She also understands that Capital City is definitely a high price. They don’t have a net worth at all. They don’t take the opportunity to make a profit. How can they live in the future? There are a lot of concerns in the capital, and it’s hard to make money when you want to make money.
       However, Ning-Er stopped her and said, "Okay, we can't take it any more, and we still have to sell some ordinary items. It is not necessarily good to sell high-quality goods."
       Although it is possible to go all the way to buy and sell, but things are not easy to bring too much, he is also afraid of too much trouble, after all, the action of this road is not their own master. And the advanced has a high-selling method, the ordinary has an ordinary selling method, maybe the ordinary goods are still easier to sell. Moreover, they are also the first time to do business. For the first time, it is not advisable to invest too much. It is necessary to gradually accumulate experience.
       "Also. Then get some kelp and shrimp." Chou-gu thinks that his words make sense.
       Get a bunch of high-end goods, they can't concentrate on selling on the road, she just bought it so much. She even thinks that it is good to leave the light to eat. But those ordinary goods are estimated to be easier to shoot. After all, in which era, the rich are a minority.
       So many people have made two scorpions, and Chou-gu has been reluctant to live. Fortunately, they have many people coming out, and it is very easy for one person to carry a scorpion.
       Back to the inn, the general manager did not know where to go and just came back, saw them bring back a few big scorpions, and then asked, "What have you bought? So much."
       Everyone said it in a slap in the face, and he couldn’t help but ask   :   "Do you want to sell so much?"
       "Yes." Chou-gu nodded and did not hide his intentions at all.
       The general manager was speechless and stunned for a long time before he said, "Are you true?"
       "It’s hard to be fake or not. How to get a foothold in the capital without a silver." Chou-gu words are extremely straightforward, and the straight-line general manager does not know how to persuade her, but can only look to Ning Er.
       When I thought of it, Ning-Er said in an understatement   :   "We are too poor, we have to do some small business and make some money for ourselves."
       He said directly that he had planted the emperor for several years, and the emperor did not even reward them with the gold and silver money. He did not earn money and took care of his family. What’s more, the capital is expensive, and there are dozens of Silver Taels on hand, how can they live?
       The general manager wants to say that when you return to Capital City, the emperor must definitely reward some things for you. What kind of heart do you care for? But the emperor did not really have the reward of real gold.
       He is a person who goes out to work outside the country all the year round. He naturally knows the benefits of silver. He also understands that the things in the south are transported to the north. The price has turned a few times and he has indeed made money. However, he is very curious. These two people plan to rely on these things to make money. After all, doing business is not so easy, and there are still many people who lose money, and not everyone is making money.
       He was thinking, the guy in the store asked   :   "The passengers are going to open the meal now, or wait?"
       Ning-Er quickly said   :   "Now open, we will pass right away." They went out for a long time, and their stomachs were already hungry.
       "Well." The buddy responded and quickly returned to tell the kitchen to cook.
       Because the head of the general manager said that Ning-Er and Chou-gu are good to eat all the time, so the order is now Ned Er.
       This meal is also the dish of Ning-Er according to Chou-gu. Fresh abalone, crab, sea cucumber, sea urchin, prawns and squid are all available. I am afraid that some people can't eat seafood, he also ordered a few ordinary vegetables and meat.
       The dishes were served in the same way, and soon they were full of tables. Everyone was shocked. Even the general manager had widened their eyes. I couldn’t believe that they actually ordered so many dishes.
       "Hey, let’s have a big meal today." Someone laughed.
       "There are too many dishes." Someone exclaimed.
       Ning-Er had a dim sum of eyes and looked at the Darens. When he ordered the food, he also felt too much, but Chou-gu said   :   "I don't want to eat like this, what are you afraid of? I will leave here soon, afterwards. If you want to eat fresh seafood, it will be difficult."
       Ning-Er Think about it too, they have been in the south for a few years, and they have had enough hardships. Occasionally enjoy it, it is not a thing, not to mention the general manager said, let them eat fun. But when I saw the big table, it was already full, and the dishes were still on, and he was a little embarrassed.
       The general manager’s face was slightly pumped a few times, but it was very graceful to say   :   "Okay, it is rare to eat a big meal, let’s let go of the belly."
       When his voice fell, everyone was welcome. I saw only chopsticks flying over the table.
       Chou-gu has even put some of it in his own bowl, and he eats it happily. Anyway, she and A-zhu have been dressed in men’s clothing, sandwiched among the people, and no one has treated them as women. She is used to treating herself as a man. When people eat more and don't consciously grab it.
       "You can really eat." The general manager looked at her proficient appearance, and the doubts in her heart could not help but float up.
       Look at her like this, obviously eaten often, and most people can't recognize even a few dishes. Not to mention that some people still can't eat seafood, and Chou-gu obviously loves to eat, and knows which one is more delicious. This only shows that she is very familiar with these dishes and often eats. He does not believe that Chen will often buy these things and go back to eat.
       Ning Er, like Chou-gu, he was exposed to the upper class in his early years. He naturally saw and ate these things. The two were immersed in the food and waited for Ning-Er to eat. It was discovered that the general manager stared at Chou-gu thoughtfully.
       When his heart sank, he knew that the general manager was suspicious of Chou-gu. He took a shrimp and peeled the shell and put it in the Chou-gu bowl. At the same time, he gently kicked Chou-gu on his foot and said, "I have these dishes delicious. Satisfied?"
       "Well, it’s delicious, it’s delicious. I will listen to your order next time." Chou-gu said very well. In this way, the doubts of the general manager have been dispelled, and I thought that Ning-Er had previously told Chou-gu about it.
       But the next day, the general manager followed them out and said that they had to go shopping. In fact, because he always has doubts about Chou-gu.
       I didn’t go to the market that I went to yesterday. Several people changed direction and went to another market. They wanted to find some rare things that they had not seen yesterday.
       Going far away, when I saw a lot of coconuts, Chou-gu cheered and went straight to the past. Ning-Er didn't pull it. She could only say before she didn't speak. "The more the king, how to sell it. ?"
       Chou-gu swallowed the word "coconut" that had already reached his mouth, deliberately pretending to be a curious look, and asked   :   "What is this, how to eat?"
       “You can drink juice and eat meat.” The small vendors greeted them happily, skillfully making a small hole in the coconut and pouring the water into the bowl for them to taste.
       After a few people have tasted it, most people don't like the taste. Chou-gu said again and again   :   "Good, I like it."
       The little vendor smiled and put the dried coconut on the stone to reveal the white coconut. He said, "This can also be eaten." Saying that he took a big chew, Chou-gu looked at it. A bunch of coconuts, immediately thought, should buy some coconut powder to go back.
       She glanced at the general manager and deliberately said, "Is this thing going to break right away."
       "No, you can save it for a long time. And you can also buy this fruit-flavored powder and go back to drink it." The small vendor said with enthusiasm.
       "Yes? Give us a taste. If you drink, I will buy some." Chou-gu was overjoyed and said with a smile.
       The small vendor immediately called someone to come over and took the coconut powder. After Chou-gu tasted, the eyes lit up, indicating that it was very good to drink. I must bring some back, and I took another ten pounds to bring it.
       Then they bought a bunch of fresh coconuts and learned how to open the coconuts with the small vendors, so that the small vendors sent the goods directly to the inn.
       By the way, Ning-Er and the small vendors asked about the pearls.
       Since it is by the sea, there are many seafoods, and pearls should be more than right. But they did not find any shops selling pearls, or all kinds of pearl jewellery sold by jewelry shops. The price does not need to be asked to know expensive, certainly can not afford. Ning-Er didn't want to buy more good pearls, just wanted to get some people to buy the rest of the goods, and get back to grinding pearl powder.
       Pearl powder is a good thing, that is, it can be taken inside or outside. Chou-gu isn't it old-fashioned? He thought about giving her more time to use it, maybe it worked.
       The small vendors are just familiar with the pearl business. People took a few bags of pearls and only a small pack of high-end goods. Most of them are buying the rest of the bargains, the particles are relatively small, and the color is not very good.
       Ning-Er took this small bag of high-end goods and said to Chou-gu   :   "You pick it out and go to the capital to give you a good jewellery."
       Chou-gu is very simple to dress up, and there is nothing more than a silver plaque on the head. In places like Men’s Bay, no one cares about wearing jewelry, but when you arrive in Capital City, you can't be so casual. There is no jewelry in his own hands, and Chou-gu himself has a few pieces, but it is also a common item. Certainly not comparable to these pearls. He didn't have the money to buy some luxury accessories for her, just as these pearls can make up for one or two.
       Chou-gu asked the price, it was a bit too expensive, and the eyes went straight to those few bargains.
       The trafficker quickly said   :   "This is big and round, but it is not easy. Although the price is expensive, it is also expensive to make jewelry. If the customer buys ten, I will also send a pound of cheap little pearls to you, and take the grinding powder. It works just as well."
       "Then I have to buy more?" Chou-gu pointed to the few packs of bargains. It is also graded here.
       The hawker thought about it and pointed to a bag of pearls and said, "This medium-sized one, you have to buy more. I will give you all the bags."
       Chou-gu listened and directly took him to the bag of small pearls that he had given the head. In fact, she did not understand the pearls. She only knew that the bigger the round, the more pure the color. Therefore, she took the small pearl of the bag directly to Ning Er, and Ning-Er looked at it and said it could be used. She began to bargain with others.
       In the end, I bought ten high-end goods and one hundred medium-sized goods. The family sent five pounds of small pearls to her, and she erased a fraction of her. She spent a total of more than eleven dollars, which made the general manager ‘Call.
       Medium goods, Chou-gu picks very carefully, yesterday she inquired about the price, a pearl hairpin is also worth one or two Silver Taels. It is the pearl that is similar to this. The pearls she picked out can be used to make a few sets of jewellery. Although the color is not so good, it takes a little more effort to make it look better and better, and it doesn't sell silver. And she also has no valuable jewelry, just to give herself two sets of filling the facade. The ten high-end goods she is going to stay in for the scenes that need to be gifted.
       She also found someone to please the beautiful shells and conch, which can be played for children or crafts. The people at the beach did not count these things, and directly took a few scorpions to pick her. She was so excited that she made a big scorpion out.
       The general manager said   :   "It takes a few to play, what do you want to do?" According to her buying method, he was really afraid that they would bring a few big cars back to Capital City.
       "It’s fun," Chou-gu said with a smile.
       In fact, she thought that if she had to process these things, she could make a fortune.
       Therefore, after staying in Beihai for two days, when they set off again, their luggage would be six more. All the items are packed tightly, and most of the items that need to be carefully preserved are sealed directly in the jar, and then placed in the rafters, and covered with tarpaulins. With this in mind, their team has the feeling of a caravan. Where is the special appearance of swimming in the mountains?
       The general manager has some regrets in her heart to let her go shopping and buy something. This is where to buy something, it is simply shipping. Although Chou-gu has this plan in itself, the general manager did not expect to let her ship the goods.
       So he has made up his mind that in the next place, Chou-gu can't be bought anymore. Too many things will really add a lot of burden to them. This pearl sea seafood is already a very profitable item shipped to Capital City, so let them take a little more. If you want to buy it all the way, the car and the eight cars are not necessarily enough.
       What he didn't know was that Chou-gu and Ning-Er wouldn't bring too much goods at all. When they arrived in Capital City, they still had one car left.

       Chapter 196     :     Not easy          

       When leaving Beihai City, the general manager actually took a half-car of pots and pans, rice noodles, oil, salt, vegetables and other things. I don't know when he bought it. It is also here that the general manager has returned two small carriages, specializing in luggage and goods that Chou-gu brought.
       Chou-gu curiously asked   :   "Why do you bring so much, can we still have to cook our own food on the road?"
       In the previous journey, it was quite comfortable. If you want to eat, you can buy it if you want to eat it, and you can live it. Don't say Chou-gu is curious, that is, other people have the same suspicion. Chou-gu words are asking everyone voice. Everyone looked at the general manager.
       "After leaving the North Sea, there is a road that is desolate. There is no place to eat and drink. I don't have more points to eat. What to eat."
       “How much is it, how many days have to go?” Ning-Er quickly asked. He is most afraid of going to this place, and if he meets the rain, he will be in trouble.
       "It is estimated that five or six days, it is not a problem, not far."
       "Oh, five or six days is really nothing, but it is still more prepared to rain gear, I am afraid that it will rain heavily when I sleep." Ning-Er added. He is also worried that the goods they bring will be wet. Fortunately, Chou-gu has put more than half of the goods on the altar, basically not afraid of the rain.
       "Well, I have already prepared it." The general manager nodded and said.
       Chou-gu is no longer worried about seeing it. His eyes are always staring at the goods of his big car, and he is thinking about how to make money when he goes to the next big market.
       Out of Beihai City, there are still quite a lot of official roads, and there are many caravans. Everyone has a lot of goods. There are also Cattle cars, but also horse-drawn carriages, and even a long scorpion team, even shoulder-shouldered, is a variety of, Chou-gu, they are not even eye-catching.
       In the afternoon, everyone was still resting on a tea break, drinking tea and eating some snacks.
       After the time of this tea, the official road was divided into three ramps here, and the teams encountered along the way were scattered here, and each chose the way they should go.
       The general manager took Chou-gu with their group of people and walked the most northerly road. The people who went to this road were obviously the least. Except for their group of people, they didn't even see other people. Chou-gu said to Ning Er, "Why don't others go this way?"
       "It may be different from us." Ning-Er didn't care too much.
       After another time, the road gradually became small and rough, and the roads became more and more desolate. Some wild grasses were about to drown the road. Obviously, there are not many people walking this road. In the distance, it is a continuous mountain peak. Obviously, this road has to turn over several mountains.
       Chou-gu was sitting in the carriage and was bumped, and finally couldn't help but say   :   "Stop, stop, I will go down."
       The carriage of this era is gorgeous again, and there is no modern car to sit comfortably. What’s more, this carriage is not gorgeous, it is ordinary goods. It’s not too uncomfortable to walk on the wide official road. It’s really awkward to get here. She is falling apart and people want to vomit.
       The driver drove the car immediately, Ning-Er and Chou-gu, the white doctor came down from the car, and then the four brothers, including the Zhang brothers, came down from the back of the car. Obviously everyone would rather walk than ride a horse.
       Not far away, I saw a river. The general manager looked up at the sky and saw the sun begin to turn west. He simply said, "Don't leave, I am here tonight."
       When everyone heard it, they all stopped.
       The four followers of the general manager took the horse to the river and drank water. Chou-gu and A-zhu Ning-Er went to the river with pots, pans, etc., and took two simples directly on the river. Stove, ready to cook.
       The rest of the people, under the guidance of the general manager, began to take a simple tent to prepare for accommodation. At this time, the cold in the mountains is still very heavy at night, and it is easy to catch cold directly.
       Chou-gu has clearly felt that the temperature has dropped, and he is busy saying to Ning Er, who is still preparing to wash vegetables. "You must get dressed first, don't freeze."
       Ning-Er nodded, put down the food in his hand, went back to the car to take out his thick coat and put it on, and took a coat for Chou-gu. The two husbands were busy cooking dinner at the riverside, and A-zhu helped him to lay his hands. A tree and white doctor smashed the firewood, and several people gathered around the fire and chatted and waited to eat.
       After waiting for a few people to set up the tent, Chou-gu and Ning-Er also cooked the food. They smashed two pots of rice, cooked two pots of bacon stew, and everyone settled the dinner around the fire.
       The tent was so big that it couldn't crowd all the people, and Chou-gu and Ning-Er were resting directly on the carriage.
       Chou-gu casually put Ning Er’s big clothes on the carriage as a scorpion, rolled a pillow with his own clothes, and lay down and lie down. Although Ning-Er is thin, she is taller than her. After lying down, she appears to be in a small position and her body cannot stretch.
       "This is not the case, you still have to move things to sleep." Chou-gu moved a few times, not only the legs are not straight, but also can not even turn over, dissatisfied called.
       "It will be a night, so many things are moved up and down, trouble and tiring." Ning-Er advised.
       Chou-gu is not good to say anything, but has to work hard to shrink his legs and roll with Ning-Er limbs. After a day of driving, the people were actually tired, and the two quickly fell asleep.
       It was not comfortable to sleep that night, and they still felt cold in the carriage. In the middle of the night, the mountains are blowing, and Ning-Er can't help but stick to Chou-gu. Chou-gu tightened the thin quilt and put him directly in his arms, but he couldn't sleep. He only felt cold and couldn't do it. He regretted that he didn't have much quilt.
       At that time, Ning-Er and the general manager all asked not to bring more baggage, and the broken goods were not needed. Now it is good, just taking care of the goods with the goods, actually forgetting to bring more quilts.
       Ning-Er didn't persist for a long time and woke up, saying, "Get two more thick clothes out to resist it. How cold it is."
       "Hey, it’s really a big quilt." Chou-gu sighed.
       This cold in the middle of the night can't sleep, she can only listen to Ning Er’s words, fumbled out two thick coats from the bag, and put them on the quilt, the talent felt warmer. The two of them took a few gossips and didn't take a few gossips before they fell asleep.
       In the morning, when the two of them woke up, others had already collected the tents, and all the preparations were all alive. A-zhu also began to cook the breakfast. The dishes were cleaned and prepared, and they waited for them to come down.
       Ning-Er is embarrassed to explain   :   "It was too cold last night, we woke up in the middle of the night, and got up again to find clothes to get a quilt. It was late today."
       "Don't say, not only do you feel cold, but I also feel cold. Fortunately, we are crowded and we have to go together. Tonight, we can get ready." White doctor also said.
       "How to prepare, no one reminded that there will be more quilts. This is not the place where the village is not in the store, and you can't buy it. You can't sleep without it." Chou-gu is not good. Chongguan said that Darens.
       It’s no wonder that last night was particularly cold, and it’s cloudy this day. It’s bad to have a bad rain. It will only be colder in the next few days.
       The general manager knows that she is blaming herself for not reminding everyone that she has to prepare a quilt. In fact, he has forgotten it. But he and the four followers are not cold, because they came from a cold place, with a thick robes. This night, it doesn't matter at all. Therefore, he had to contribute a big robe with a follower and use it as a quilt for everyone.
       Chou-gu took his robes, but it was quite unpleasant, but Ning-Er didn't say anything. He took the robes and put them outside the carriage. Although there was no sun, the wind could blow away. How much to make yourself comfortable.
       The general manager also understands that they disliked their own passage, and they have to look up and do not know.
       The white doctor didn't care. He hahaha took a big robe and learned Ning Er’s appearance.
       Chou-gu Ma Li cooked the breakfast, the group had eaten, packed up the good things, and then set off again.
       Sure enough, it was raining in the afternoon. Fortunately, the rain gear is fully prepared, and there are many tarpaulins. The people are not wet, but there are many inconveniences in such weather. The road itself is rugged, and it is still seven bends and eight turns. Chou-gu and others are no longer able to sit in the carriage, all walking, and people are very tired.
       It was not until the evening, the sky was dark, and everyone had to take a tent to rest early. The partial firewood is wet, the tent is set up, and some hay is baked to lay on the ground to keep out the cold. It’s no good mood to make a lot of work.
       "Hey, this day it rains, it feels very cold." Someone ‘called.
       "Yes. If it rains, I am afraid I can't make a trip. We should find a place to rest for two days." Someone suggested.
       "This kind of barren mountain, where do you go to find a good place to rest for two days? You can only hurry and walk through this section." But some people directly rebutted.
       The general manager frowned and began to regret that he should not take this shortcut. He was afraid that Chou-gu and Ning-Er would buy and buy, and avoided a big market, and chose this uninhabited path. Where do you think that it’s not just raining, but you don’t have all the warm clothes.
       At this moment, he only hopes that the weather will get better soon. It is better to have a big sun tomorrow and hurry through this difficult road.
       But the sky is not pleasing, in the middle of the night, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, the light rain turns into heavy rain, the wind is strong, the tents are blowing and squeaking, and the east is so eager to collapse. Although the carriage of the carriage used a good tung oil, it was waterproof, and it could not hold such a big rain. He was afraid that the car would be completely wet and had to be called up. Hit the torch, so that everyone took the tarpaulin and wrapped the car on the first floor, and used all the spare tarpaulins.
       This is good, Ning-Er and Chou-gu can't have two people occupying a car, and everything is taken in the car, and they have to add A-zhu and Bai Da Fu.
       Four people in the narrow compartment are crowded together, not to mention sleeping, that is, the place to sit is not plentiful, your legs are licking my legs, there is no place to move.
       "Hey, this rain can only stop." Chou-gu glared at Ning-Er for a while, and moved a little, only to feel his legs numb. The partial white doctor is still snoring on the side, she just wants to sleep and can't sleep.
       "Sleep." Ning-Er patted her gently and told her not to talk to avoid quarreling with other people. They didn't work, but other people still rained and reinforce the tent. They also wrapped the tarpaulin on the carriage and worked hard for a while, and it was buzzing.
       A Zhu has never slept, but he is keeping his eyes closed, and when he hears the two of them talking, he can't help but move because he has maintained a posture and a stiff body for a long time.
       “Are you awake?” Chou-gu asked.
       "Well, where can I sleep?" A-zhu answered.
       "I don't know if there will be a sun tomorrow," Ning-Er said.
       "Impossible, it rains, can it be sunny in two or three days?" Chou-gu said annoyingly. In the wilderness, nothing was done, and there was heavy rain, and the mood that she had been excited about was dispelled without a trace.
       "That is, I can't stop this rain." A-zhu echoed.
       Ning-Er sighed and said, "This is troublesome. We still have to find a sheltered place to shelter from the rain, or we will get wet sooner or later."
       In this way, it is hard to get to the dawn, the rain is not getting smaller, and there is a growing trend.
       In this case, it is obviously impossible to hurry. The general manager had to say   :   "Forget it, don't hurry, let’s find it nearby, see if there is a cave or something, find a place to shelter the wind and rain, rest for a day or two, and wait until the weather gets better."
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er wore a big hat that was sold that day, dressed in a robes, and was busy cooking at the camp. Others spread out and went down to find a place to shelter from the rain.
       "This fight is really right." Bai Da Fu looked at their big fight, his own little fight was covering his head, the rain was blown by the wind, and he flew straight to his face, making him have to fight. Put an umbrella.
       "Really, I knew that it was so easy to use. I should buy one at a time." The general manager also said.
       The head of the general manager and the white doctor are the most leisurely, one is acting as a bodyguard here, and one is waiting for the meal. The two of them added some firewood to the stove, which was equivalent to giving them a hand.
       Chou-gu hit two buckets of water and let Ning-Er wash the dishes directly in the tent. He said, "Don't go out, your feet are wet. You will have half of your legs and wet your legs. It is easy to get sick. ""
       Ning-Er licked his feet and simply took off the deer’s shoes and socks, barefooted Yatou, stepped on a bundle of dry firewood, and simmered on the side. Chou-gu Ma Li rice pot, let the white doctor open fire, and took his wet shoes and socks. In fact, her own shoes and leggings have long been drenched, but Ning-Er is weak, she can't let him get sick when he is planting.
       Baked with soaked shoes and socks, Chou-gu misses the modern rain boots, and the next big rain is not afraid of the feet getting wet, but now, her feet are all wet, and the bare feet are stepping on the water. There is no difference, even more uncomfortable, she can't wait for Ning-Er to barefoot Yatou. However, she is a woman’s family, not good at a group of men barefoot, can only live and endure.
       Ning-Er is embarrassed to say   :   "When you do it, you have to get wet. You don't care about me."
       "As far as you are sick, you don't take care of it. If you have a cold disease, you can be in trouble." The white doctor yelled at him and made Ning-Er flush, so it’s hard to say anything.
       The general manager looked at his wet shoes and socks, and then looked at the growing water outside the tent, and more regretted that he chose this road. I knew that even if Chou-gu and Ning-Er bought more things, I wouldn't get two cars anymore, why bother to make myself so embarrassed.
       The rice was cooked, and everyone came back. Everyone rolled up half of the trouser legs, and the shoes were soaked.
       "How? Is there a good place?" Ning-Er asked quickly.
       Everyone shook his head and said, "I have searched all over, where is there anything I can cover."
       "First eat, rest, and bake the wet clothes. The weather is still cold, but don't freeze it." The doctor said that Chou-gu cooked a large pot of ginger sugar for everyone to drink.
       Ning-Er proposes   :   "It’s not as good as we are going ahead. Maybe we can find a place to shelter from the rain. It won't work if we stay here. If the rain is bigger, I am afraid this place will be flooded."
       "That is, it won't work here. It’s probably two days after the rain." Everyone agreed.
       As a result, this walk is an hour and has not found a suitable place.
       The feet of Chou-gu and Ning-Er are soaked in the water, and they are cold and unconscious.
       The carriage was moving hard, and the people driving the carriage were even tired, and the whole body was wet.
       Chou-gu could not help but sigh   :   "I don't know how to make so many things." The car’s things are completely burdened by the driver and the horse.
       "So, the trader is also a chore, it is not easy to make money." The general manager took the call and said.
       "Yeah. So the price of the goods to the north is high, because the transportation is inconvenient. If it is easy to transport it, there is a good price." Ning Er.
       "No. Everyone knows that things are rare. Merchants are not the money that is earned. Some people think that businessmen are too traitorous and only recognize silver. They don't know that it is not easy for people to make this money." Chou-gu Also said.
       The general manager is trying to discourage them from the next place, don't make a bunch of goods like this, and don't think about doing business. At this time, they were silently blocked by the two of them.
       They did not say anything wrong. He followed the thoughts of the two and thought that the business was not easy. They had a little rain and they had complained about the sky. If it is rain and snow in the big winter, he will not be willing to pay more.

       Chapter 197     :     Tossing          

       I have been braving the heavy rain. Although everyone wears a trench coat and a robes, the bottom half of the body can hardly be covered. Whether it is walking or riding, the knees are quickly wet. The weather is not too warm, Ning-Er is particularly weak, and it has long been frozen and his lips are blue.
       "No, it won't work. Whoever is physically strong, run around and look for shelter from the rain. This way, everyone will get sick." Chou-gu could not help but ‘Call.
       "Ning County-Graduate, and then support for a while, there is a place to rest in front of you." The general manager quickly greeted him.
       Ning-Er couldn't tell the story. He and Chou-gu rode together. If it wasn't for Chou-gu, he would hold him on his back and give him some warmth. I am afraid that he will not hold on.
       When the general manager saw the situation, he had to take a step with A-shu and go to the front to sort out the rain shelter.
       The people dragged and pulled behind and walked for more than half an hour, finally seeing the bonfire in front.
       "Come on, it’s over." The crowd ‘Called with surprise.
       Chou-gu sighed with a sigh of relief and only felt that his hands were completely numb. She held Ning-Er in one hand, holding the rope in one hand, and all her arms were wet, which was more powerful than Ning Er.
       The general manager and A-shu have cleaned up the cave, and they have burned two fires, and everyone went straight to the fire. Ning-Er is still being rescued by A-shu, and almost has to stand still.
       Chou-gu quickly said   :   "You will quickly take off all the wet trousers and socks, and blaze it. I will give him a clean and change."
       A tree nodded and held Ning-Er to sit down at the fire and began to undress him. When everyone saw that Ning Er’s face was really unsightly, he was shocked and hurriedly gave him the warmest place.
       Over there, Chou-gu and A-zhu advanced the compartment to change the wet clothes, and took the Ning-Er clothes and socks. Ning-Er was roasting for a while, only to feel that people were alive, and took on pants and shoes and socks.
       The white doctor came over and gave Ning-Er a vein. He went to find a few medicines and gave him a soup.
       Chou-gu and A-zhu just started busy cooking ginger soup for dinner.
       The cave was short, but wide, and with the two fires grilled, the people who had drunk the ginger soup quickly warmed up.
       Chou-gu looked at Ning Er’s face, worried and asked   :   "What do you want to eat?" She was afraid that he had a bad taste and didn't want to eat.
       "Drink some porridge." Ning-Er said tiredly, if he was not afraid of Chou-gu worry, he didn't want to eat and went straight to sleep.
       "Well, you go to cook. It’s okay." The doctor came over with the cooked soup.
       Ning-Er thanked me, took the bowl, and poured a few mouthfuls. The bitterness almost spit out. The white doctor directly put a candy on him, and he only pressed the bitter taste in his mouth.
       Not much longer, Chou-gu and A-zhu just got the dinner. A pot of porridge with a pot of rice, a pot of bacon stewed with vegetables, put a very dry chili, spicy gas, even the soup has become red.
       Ning-Er didn't dare to eat such a spicy dish, and the taste was not good. He barely yawned after drinking a bowl of porridge.
       Chou-gu quickly put down the bowl to pack the car, and sorted out the quilt and other things, Ning-Er went straight to sleep. Others ate very energetically, the hot soup drank in, warm and warm, everyone sweated a sweat, forced out the cold in the body.
       Chou-gu is no exception, and a sweaty person is also a lot more comfortable. As for Ning Er, he was sick and had to drink medicine. At night, Chou-gu was afraid that he had a fever and kept glaring at him. Maybe it was too tired, Ning-Er slept very well this night, and didn't even turn over. Chou-gu also slept well.
       The next day Chou-gu was the first to wake up. The people in his arms slept sweetly and his breathing was steady. Chou-gu sighed and let go of his light hands.
       She came together, and A-zhu and the general manager also woke up. Others are still sleeping in the air around the fire.
       The rain is still down, and there is no stopping at all.
       "It seems that we have to rest here for two days." Chou-gu sighed.
       It’s really inconvenient to go out on a rainy day. For example, if you want to go out and wash your water, you will have to wear a bucket and wear a coat. These things didn't have time to dry yesterday, and all of them were wet and piled aside. I can wear it directly at this time.
       The three of them took the top fight and a coat, baked it on the fire for a while, barely baked a half dry, and put it on.
       They moved, and others woke up one after another.
       Weichai chopping wood, water and water, and the caves quickly became popular.
       Just after the hot water was burned, Ning Er’s cough rang. Chou-gu sighed and said to the white doctor   :   "I still coughed. I thought I didn't have a fever last night. It’s okay."
       As he said, Ning-Er came over, and Dr. Bai gave him a pulse and said, "It doesn't matter, it’s almost like taking two more medicines."
       Last night, Ning-Er only drank a bowl of porridge. At this time, the stomach was already hungry. Chou-gu asked him to eat two snack mats first, but Ning-Er obviously didn't want to eat snacks, and wanted to Drink some porridge.
       “Do you have porridge all this morning?” Chou-gu asked loudly.
       "Drinking porridge." The people replied in unison.
       Chou-gu and A-zhu and two people cooked two pots of bacon porridge, porridge with ginger and a lot of greens, and then dug a bowl of chili soy sauce out, everyone one bowl of hot porridge, solve Have breakfast.
       After eating, everyone who has nothing to do can only sit and chat. Chou-gu suggested that you go to play a few pheasants to come back and add food. Because I have to rest here for a few days, the dishes brought are obviously not enough.
       "Yes. A few of you go out and go around. Go to a few people and get more firewood back." The general manager gave a command, and A-shu and the four followers of the general manager all stood up. Everyone dressed and completely roasted. The dry coat quickly went out.
       Ning-Er and Bai Da Fu chatted with the general manager, surrounded by fire, drinking hot tea, roasting fire, lazy and scattered, just want to sleep again.
       Chou-gu and A-zhu packed up the pots and pans, and there was nothing to do. Several can only drink tea and gossip.
       About half an hour passed, and several people who came out came back, bringing back ten fat pheasants and a few bundles of firewood. Looking at so many pheasants, Chou-gu suddenly remembered a delicious, coconut stewed chicken soup, delicious and nutritious. Now that the coconut is fresh and fresh, you should try this delicious food. At the same time, let everyone make up, this dish is very nutritious.
       She went to get a few coconuts and let A-zhu open it and said, "Let’s cook this drink. It doesn't taste like drinking white water."
       There are not many people who love to drink coconut juice. Except that Chou-gu is Ning-Er and White Doctor, Chou-gu only cooks three, half a pot.
       Then let A-zhu and others open the coconut shell and remove the coconut meat inside to prepare the chicken soup.
       This slowly said   :   "I am going to try a new dish, I don't know if it is good or not."
       When everyone heard it, all eyes were bright, and even Ning-Er was curious to ask   :   "What new dishes?"
       "I want to use this to stew chicken soup." Chou-gu smiled and pointed at the coconut in front of him.
       "Can this stew chicken? Is it delicious?" Bai Da Fu asked quickly. The faces of the people also showed a skeptical look. I don't believe that this thing would be delicious. After all, everyone is not even accustomed to coconut juice.
       "I don't know, I haven't eaten it yet, I just have to try it. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. If it is delicious, it will be stewed tomorrow. It is not afraid of eating it. I can fish out the chicken and add some chili. It’s also delicious to eat and sizzle.” Chou-gu is eager to try, and is afraid to get a bad look.
       Everyone will disagree, even if it is not good, it doesn't matter, ten chickens, how to cook if you want to cook. There are masters who want to play more pheasants.
       "You will help us to bake three more." Zhang Lao san took the opportunity to make a request.
       If the stewed chicken soup is not good, you can also eat roast chicken. They tasted the roast chicken made by Chou-gu, and recalled the deliciousness, which made him think about drooling.
       "Yeah, I only cook two chickens. The rest of the chickens are grilled and baked, and you can eat spicy chicken nuggets." Chou-gu laughed.
       "Bake three, and the rest will be stewed with spicy chicken." Someone suggested.
       "Good." Chou-gu agreed very quickly.
       With the help of everyone, the ten chickens were quickly processed. Chou-gu took eight of them and smeared them with salt. The remaining two clams were made into pieces and prepared to stew coconut chicken soup.
       Everyone surrounded her to see how she stewed coconut chicken soup.
       Chou-gu is very generous for everyone to watch. First fly the chicken pieces through the water, then open five coconuts and cook the chicken directly with coconut juice.
       "Let’s use this juice stew, don't add water?" someone asked curiously.
       "I just want to taste the taste of the soup stewed in this juice." Chou-gu explained this in his mouth, but he said in his heart that it is not so rich in coconut flavor when added with water. It is this taste. Child.
       After the stew, she added three more coconut flesh and covered it with a lid.
       Not long after, the casserole slowly overflowed the sweet taste of coconut juice, faint, very good smell. Everyone tried to smell the smell, but still can't believe that the stewed chicken would be delicious.
       Chou-gu didn't talk too much, just take the pickled chickens and start making roast chicken.
       The taste of the roast chicken is very strong, and soon everyone will turn their eyes.
       Wait for the three chickens to be grilled, and the stewed coconut chicken soup is fine. A bamboo meal is also good.
       Chou-gu unveiled the casserole lid, and the beautiful smell of the smell, only a large bowl of soup came out, and asked for a mouthful of water   :   "Who wants to taste it first?"
       "I look, I look at it..." All the people squeezed over and looked at the white, salt-free and tasteless chicken soup in her bowl. I wanted to taste it and I didn't dare to taste it.
       Chou-gu laughed and laughed twice, and he picked up the bowl to prepare for the delicious.
       In the end, Ning-Er said very much to the face   :   "Give me half a bowl."
       The general manager and the white doctor also took a bowl and each took half a bowl of soup.
       Ning-Er first tasted a small sip, then drank a big sip, and said, "It’s very good, good, and it’s delicious and delicious with a sweet chicken soup." After he finished, he extended the bowl to Chou'. In front of 'Gu, I said that I still want to.
       The general manager also tasted a small mouth like Ning Er. The sweet smell slipped into his throat, which surprised him. He quickly took a big sip and only tasted it. He admire   :   "Really It’s very good. The chicken flavor is completely melted into the soup, and the taste is very unique. I don’t know what the taste of this chicken is?”
       After the white doctor tasted it, he added   :   "It is really good."
       When others heard it, they immediately squeezed in and one person packed a small bowl to taste. However, there are some who say that they are good, and that they say that they are not good.
       Chou-gu doesn't care, she has enjoyed a big bowl of soup.
       Said   :   "Drink the soup first, we will chicken again."
       In the end, only the general manager, A-zhu, Chou-gu, Ning-Er and Bai Da Fu.
       Therefore, a large pot of soup gave them a few points, and the rest of the chicken, Chou-gu also adjusted a sauce dish, which added ginger vinegar and chili sauce, so that everyone can eat with chicken sauce.
       The chicken stewed in this way is very tender and delicious. Ning-Er has a wide mouthful of mouth, and even after eating a few pieces of meat, he is reluctant to put down the chopsticks and says, "I didn't expect any spices to be put, this chicken stew stewed out. It’s so delicious.”
       "Yes. Chou-gu is really a culinary genius. Just try it and make it so delicious." The general manager is half serious and half joke.
       The taste of the coconut juice was immersed in the chicken, making the chicken very fresh, and he couldn't find the word to describe it. He is also a person who has seen a lot of people in the north and south. It is delicious in the world and he has tasted it. But this coconut stewed chicken soup, he was the first time to eat. I have to say that this dish made him very amazing.
       Chou-gu smiled and said, "I didn't expect this chicken soup to be so delicious. It seems that I will try a few more new dishes in the future." In fact, she still regrets that there are no horseshoes and cordyceps, etc. This soup will be more delicious.
       Dr. Bai touched the full stomach and said with regret   :   "I knew that this stuffy stewed chicken soup is so delicious, I should take some more on the road."
       "There is not much less. You can drink for ten days in a row, and you are afraid that you will not be tired of drinking." The general manager pointed at the coconut of the big scorpion and smiled.
       He didn't expect to go to this place in the wrong place. He also got a big advantage. Let him drink the unique delicious coconut chicken soup, which can make up for the trouble caused by the rain. With this in mind, he looked at the pile of coconuts and was exceptionally pleasing to the eye. Originally, he was quite abandoning them and regaining their position.
       Looking at Chou-gu Le Haha, he could not help but sigh   :   "This guy is a strange person."
       He intends to take the following journey, let Chou-gu and Ning-Er just toss, just let him see how much the two are. He didn't believe that Chou-gu was really a whimsy, and he made this delicious.

       Chapter 198     :     Honeymoon          

       Everyone stayed in this cave for three days, the rain stopped, and the sun finally came out on the fourth morning.
       "Oh, finally the sun is out. When the rain goes down, people must be moldy." Chou-gu said happily.
       In the past few days, all the people were crowded together, which really made her feel inconvenient. Moreover, there are many places where people are small and still raining. They burned the fire all day, and they kept roasting clothes and shoes. The whole cave was full of smoke and various smells, and the air was smouldering.
       Both she and Ning-Er are clean-loving people, and I can't stand it. I can run outside the hole from time to time to breathe. I am in trouble at night, can't go out, can only endure life, breathe the muddy air, listen to the snoring of you coming to me, where can I sleep peacefully? Every night, two people have to wake up a few times and almost didn't die.
       So that Ning-Er has to take a nap during the day, otherwise it can still support. Although he didn't work during the day, Chou-gu was embarrassed to go back to sleep with the two of them. After all, this team is a pair of young couples, how can others endure not to tease, seeing their eyes are colored, making her awkward. Ning-Er is also able to endure activities with everyone, and try to stay with everyone, not to be alone with her.
       In fact, although they sleep alone in the compartment, they cut off the eyes of others, and it is impossible to actually happen.
       Going out, Ning-Er This shy person, where dare and Chou-gu do, has always been pure sleep.
       "Yes. I don't know if it rains for a few days, can you still go on the road?" Ning-Er said with some concern.
       The general manager who had the same concerns as him called two people to go out and explore the road.
       The comers soon returned, and they were already wet and full of muddy shoes and calves. Everyone guessed that the road was very bad. The people who packed things stopped and looked at the general manager.
       Sure enough, the person who explored the road said   :   "I am afraid that I can't walk, the ground is still very wet, there is water everywhere, and muddy can't."
       The general manager indulged in a moment and said   :   "We are still here for two days. Everyone will wash the washed clothes and shoes and socks, and clean up and refresh themselves. It is also more comfortable."
       "Also. Those dirty clothes and shoes are not washed, they have to stink." Chou-gu smiled.
       So, everyone was busy washing and brushing, and for a time the river was full of people washing clothes. Everyone tied a few ropes on the riverside vacant lot. The washed clothes were full of sun and fluttering in the wind. It was spectacular.
       "If there are more colorful women’s clothes, others are afraid that there is a village living here." Someone started a joke. The weather is getting better, and everyone mood is getting better.
       Speaking of women, everyone eyes inevitably look to Chou-gu and A-zhu. The two are a little far away from everyone, because they have to wash some things from their daughter’s house, so it is not good for them to see them. They deliberately ran here to wash their clothes.
       Although the two men have been mixed in the man’s pile, and even dressed and dressed as men, but they are also women. After washing the clothes, the two men found a corner of the back and secluded sun, and dried the clothes.
       A bamboo sun-dried clothes and wiped a sweat and said   :   "The sun is quite big."
       "It’s just that the sun is big, hurry up and dry the clothes, and the road is dry. Otherwise we will hurry." Chou-gu smiled. She washed a lot of clothes and socks, and dried up two ropes. If it wasn't for A-zhu, I was afraid to be busy for a long time.
       Because they were far away from the crowd, the two did not pay much attention to it. A-zhu looked at Chou-gu and sneaked a Ning Er’s trousers on his hand and sneered   :   "It’s still a man’s life, it’s you." Wash him, don't need him to wash you."
       "He used to wash himself before." Chou-gu smiled.
       Just became a pro, she was embarrassed to wash her clothes, and washed Ning-Er together. Of course, Ning-Er is not lazy. If Chou-gu doesn't want to wash, he will also be hands-on.
       "Well, he is still the most hardworking person in the man, he will cook. And he is still very good for you." A bamboo rarely said a fair word for Ning Er. The relationship between Ning-Er and Chou-gu was also very good, but it has changed a lot since the pro-general return. The two have obvious intimacy. This kind of intimacy is what she envied. She moved unconsciously.
       She thought of the stuffy jar of A-shu, and she wouldn’t say more than one sentence. She will also quietly help him to do something, such as sewing pants, sewing two pairs of socks. Although she did not say it, she still had this meaning in her heart. In particular, they are still older than Ning-Er and Chou-gu. They are early Darens, but they can't do anything because they don't speak. Can be older than a day, she does not know how long it will take?
       Such a thought, A Zhu could not help but sigh. Looking at Chou-gu busy basking Ning Er’s clothes, my heart became more envious and sad. Chou-gu looked at her and immediately understood that A-zhu, the same man and man, also thought about spring. She actually knows about A-zhu and A-shu, but she is also very embarrassed.
       Although the two men followed her and Ning Er, it seems that they are not the masters. So she and Ning-Er can only pretend not to know. However, the ages of A-zhu and A-shu are indeed close to each other.
       After thinking about it, Chou-gu said   :   "You don't have to worry about it. I am looking for an opportunity to talk to the general manager about your business."
       A bamboo lingered for a moment, his face slowly turned red, and he bowed his head and said embarrassedly   :   "Thank you."
       She knew in her heart that the age of a woman is not allowed. If she does not have to be married in a few years, a woman can be called Mama from one to thirty, and she will marry. Unlike a man who is sixty, he is also a big yellow Shi-nu.
       "However, you have to make sure that A-shu is willing." Chou-gu saw that A-zhu did not twist and pinch, and simply mentioned her.
       Although she thinks these two people are interesting, I am afraid that A-shu does not have this idea, or that she is not willing to swear by A-zhu. Because of the relationship between A-zhu and A-shu, it is obviously a bit of a subordinate feeling. The status of A-shu is higher than that of A-zhu, and A-zhu is obeyed by A-shu. And the chief executive is more concerned about A-shu.
       A bamboo thought for a moment, his face could not help but sink, said   :   "Well, I know, you should not talk to the general manager, I will ask him first."
       In the cave, the general manager also directed the people to move all the items to the sun, and then cleaned the caves.
       When Chou-gu and A-zhu came back, they couldn't believe the dirty cave, it would be a big change. The whole cave is not only clean, but the unpleasant smell is gone.
       "This is much better. I can finally get a good night’s sleep this evening." Chou-gu smiled.
       "You said that you didn't sleep every day." White doctor joked.
       "Besides the first night, I fell asleep because I was tired. I was confused for a while after two nights." Chou-gu said dissatisfied.
       It is also a snoring sound, but also a variety of flavors, the air in the cave itself is not very good, plus these, very dirty, she and Ning-Er feel uncomfortable. If it wasn’t because of the rain and the wind, there was still fresh air blowing in from time to time, and they really couldn’t stay.
       "Hey, don't move the pot into it any more. Today, cook it directly outside, don't make the taste full of caves. You can't sleep well at night." Ning-Er quickly stopped being going to the cave. Several people who moved the stove.
       Everyone listened to him saying that he simply took the stove away from the cave and said, "This is not going to bring the smell into it."
       "Okay, OK." Ning-Er smiled embarrassedly.
       Because the weather is good, everyone can't afford to wash it. Some people go to hunting, some people look at the fish in the river, and some people go out to hang out.
       As a result, not much longer, everyone was full of talents.
       "Hey, this place is really good, just do it, and you have gotten so many things." Someone laughed.
       "I see, what are there?" Chou-gu squeezed over and asked.
       On the ground was a bunch of pheasants, a few big fresh fish, and a half basket of mountain fungus.
       Chou-gu eyes lit up and smiled. "We have a big meal tonight. Who will go back to find some wild vegetables. If there are more mountain fungi, you can get more back, we can dry it, bring it with Eat slowly on the road."
       These fungi are authentic pure wild products that can't be eaten in modern times.
       "Okay, okay." Everyone smiled happily. Two people took the basket to pick the wild vegetables and pick the mushrooms. Some people help to deal with chicken. Chou-gu and Ning-Er are carrying fish to the river to work.
       "Dive a pickled fish soup today." Ning-Er laughed. In the past few days, I have eaten meat. When I saw this big fish, he couldn’t help but think of the pickled fish.
       "Oh, I am going to open the jar and get some sauerkraut." Chou-gu threw the knife to him to kill the fish and went to pick the sauerkraut.
       When they went out from Male Bay, they still brought some pickled sauerkraut chili sauce, etc., which was less. After eating these few days, there is not much left, and the jar of sauerkraut has not been opened yet. It is complete.
       Ning-Er Ma Li handled the fish, opened the side, took the fish spine, and sliced ​​the fish.
       The general manager and the white doctor looked at his flipping motion and could not help but smile   :   "This craft is good."
       "That is, except Chou-gu, who dares to say that it is better than my cooking." Ning-Er laughed.
       "I haven't eaten the dishes you made yet, but I feel that the knife is good when you look at it." The general manager couldn't help but look forward to it. Although he knows that Ning-Er will cook, he hasn't tasted it yet.
       Several people are saying, Chou-gu came over with pickled vegetables, and the smell of sauerkraut came over. The white doctor smiled happily   :   "Hey, the general manager has a good mouth, and today I want to eat pickled fish."
       “This sauerkraut is also your own pickled?” The general manager asked Chou-gu.
       Chou-gu nodded and said, "When I went out, I said that I would bring more things. You wouldn't, this small jar of sauerkraut can be eaten three times. There aren't many other things left."
       "Afraid of what, you will not go all the way to get it again?" The general manager did not agree.
       The last time I set off from Ningjia Village, the two men took a bunch of jars and jars, and almost didn't stun him. So this time he is strictly not allowed to bring more. But there are too many belts to stay here, and that little thing is not enough.
       The dinner was very rich, Ning-Er stewed a large pot of pheasant stewed mushrooms, Chou-gu got a pot of pickled fish, and fried a bird egg fried wild vegetables, hot and spicy pickled fish, became the most sought-after The dish, the white doctor took the lead and grabbed a big bowl. After the taste of the Darens, the general manager grabbed a pot very quickly and said   :   "It is delicious enough, delicious enough."
       "Yes, I said that the dish made by Chou-gu is very delicious. Unfortunately, the fish is easy to get, but the sauerkraut and the sour peppers have to be salted by her hands." The doctor could not help but smash the general manager. At a glance, I would blame this guy for not taking it with me. I didn’t bring a lot of food from Chou-gu.
       When other people heard the words of Dr. Bai, they all looked at the general manager and looked at them with accusations. With such a delicious dish, you can eat three meals.
       "Yes, the next market, you buy some food and get two jars of sauerkraut." The general manager said quickly.
       "Oh, to put it this way, I have to go all the way to pickle sauerkraut, simmered in chili sauce, and dried all kinds of dried vegetables." Chou-gu is funny and angry.
       "That doesn't matter. Anyway, while walking and playing. We might as well take more of these trails later, maybe we can taste more of the new dishes you made." The general manager actually made a joke.
       "I want to go to the big official road, live in the big inn. Try the food in every place." Chou-gu quickly opposed.
       "Yes. It is still more comfortable with the high bed soft pillow." The crowd followed.
       The general manager took advantage of the gap between the people and took a spoonful of soup in the pickled fish pot.
       Everyone quickly returned to God, and soon solved a pot of soup with sauerkraut. Instead, the wild broiler stewed pheasant was not so popular, nor was it not delicious, mainly eating chicken every day.
       Chou-gu didn't say anything, he drank a bowl of chicken soup and drank slowly. Although the pickled fish is delicious, it is obvious that the chicken soup is more nutritious. And now Ning-Er has less time to cook rice, and such soup is hard to eat. Ning-Er didn't eat too much pickled fish. He didn't have a good body. In addition, he had been taking medicine for a few days. He naturally didn't dare to greedy his mouth. Like Chou-gu, he put a bowl of chicken soup in his drink.
       "In fact, this chicken soup is very good, I think the level of your stew is getting higher and higher." Chou-gu smiled.
       "Well, I also feel very good. Ning County-Graduate, but your Niangzi stewed dish is more flavorful. You made it too light." Someone laughed.
       "That is, she made such a heavy taste, I don't dare to eat." Ning-Er smiled disapprovingly.
       "You have no good fortune." Someone joked.
       "Not at all. These days I didn't dare to take medicine. I am fine in a few days, and I can eat the same." Ning-Er added.
       Everyone talked and laughed, and instantly dispelled the depression of the day. This way, eating, drinking, and stopping, let Chou-gu have some feeling of playing. She even thought, it is time to come out to honeymoon.

       Chapter 199     :     Bathing          

       On the third day, the road was basically dry, and everyone cleaned up and refreshed. Under the command of the general manager, all the spirits were full again.
       Before leaving, some people couldn't help but sigh   :   "It’s a five or six-day journey. We have spent five days in this cave. This road is only a small one."
       "This cave has made a great contribution. If you don't have it, let’s take a few days of rain. I don't know what it is like?" Someone started a joke.
       "That is, we have to wait for at least four more days."
       When I thought that I had to sleep for three or four nights in the wild mountains, Ning-Er felt a little worried. I couldn't help but ask   :   "The general manager, after going through this section, is it going back to the official road? It’s not good to have a windy meal, and it’s not raining again.”
       "That is, you don't want to come back again." Everyone is attached.
       The general manager has already forgotten this thing that is not worth the loss. Now, everyone has said this, and the heart is not depressed. The key is that he is depressed in his heart, can not say it, and is buried in his heart.
       When asked by everyone, the general manager quickly said   :   "Where there is such a bad luck, the weather has just been a few days more than a few days. At that time, we also left the trail to go to the official road. I am not afraid that there is no place to hide from the rain."
       "That’s good. I can't stand it anymore." Chou-gu also followed.
       Staying in the inn is much more comfortable than sleeping directly. At the very least, she and Ning-Er can have a separate room, and don't have to be crowded with everyone every day. And these days, although the clothes are wet, but there is no way to take a bath, she feels that it is not good to take a big shower, the body should be stinky.
       Everyone talked about laughing and laughing, and the general manager accelerated the speed of the road. He himself was also afraid of this heavy rain. Fortunately, Ning-Er had two days of herbal medicine, and it didn't matter, otherwise he really regretted his death.
       So, when they reached the next market town, it was already half a month later. In other words, Chou-gu has been leaving Male Bay for a month.
       Looking at the city Guo, which is clearly visible not far away, Chou-gu asked with excitement   :   "Is it possible to stay in the inn for two days?" "Yes."
       "Great. I can finally rest well." Ning-Er also laughed.
       Not to mention that they are happy, even the white doctor said   :   "Mom, this road is really hurting people. Not only tired, the old man feels stinking." People who often run outside, In fact, I don't care too much about the environment, but when I met this heavy rain, I was really scared.
       "That is, it is really stinking. Finally, there is a place where you can take a rest and rest." Everyone ‘called.
       When they said this, Chou-gu and Ning-Er immediately felt that they were all over the body, so they wanted to take a big shower at once. These days' journeys have been harder than Ningjia Village departure to Men’s Bay. Although I kept on the road in the last time, it was really not like this time for more than ten days of windy meals, but it was still raining.
       Outside, no one can take a shower and wash their feet directly in the river at night. After all, the weather is cold, no one dares to go to the river to bathe directly. Chou-gu and A-zhu two women have many inconveniences, and everyone is complaining.
       Chou-gu caught two on his head, but the more he scratched it, complained   :   "It must be washed well today. You can't wash your head and get a long bed bug."
       Ning-Er was afraid that she would complain again, and she would not even be able to stand it. She quickly transferred the topic   :   "The general manager, is the town big in front? Is the business good?"
       The general manager was frowning slightly, and said a little faintly, "Almost."
       How to say it, this place is not very good. He was really afraid that Chou-gu and Ning-Er would do business, but when they thought about the delicious coconut chicken soup, they felt that she would have to toss.
       So, he added   :   "We can rest here for two days, so that everyone can take it easy."
       "Really, great. I just went to the market." Chou-gu smiled happily and threw the thing to take a shower.
       Ning-Er looked at the eyes of the Darens and saw that there was no impatient expression on his face. He knew that he had acquiesced, and his heart began to figure it out. He is still a bit worried that the general manager is not happy with his business with Chou-gu.
       During the joke, I finally entered the city. The general manager directly asked a pedestrian on the side of the road. "Where is the best inn in the city?"
       The man pointed to the street on the left and said, "Go straight ahead, you can see it as long as you can't walk."
       Sure enough, not far away, a second-floor building appeared in front of you, the best inn in the local area, Laifu Inn, two red lanterns hanging outside the gate, two buddies ushered in at the door, so lively.
       Seeing their group of people, the buddy quickly greeted them. The general manager took out a hundred and twenty silver tickets and directly ordered   :   "The two houses with the yard are ready to take a bath."
       "Well. Please ask inside the guest."
       The guys happily took the carriages and luggage that passed through the lobby and entered the backyard and outside the gates. Naturally, they were handled by others, and they didn’t bother with their own troubles.
       Passing through a stone path, the buddy took them to two adjacent small yards with yards, a small courtyard with exactly five rooms, and Chou-gu and Ning-Er occupying the largest master bedroom. One person lives alone, and A-shu and Bai Da Fu live in one room, and the remaining two are exactly four people.
       There is a hole in the small courtyard, there is a special person to clean the waiter, and there is a separate kitchenette. When they come in, the guys start to burn hot water.
       "This room is very good. It really is the upper house." Chou-gu dropped the carry-on baggage and looked at their room with interest.
       This master bedroom is also divided into two inside and outside. There is a small couch outside, a table and chairs, and there are hot tea and snacks on the table.
       The most conspicuous thing in the room is a beautiful carved wooden bed with a thin purple smoked cigarette. Two red and green quilts are stacked on the bed neatly, which makes Chou-gu greatly admire. She doesn't even know what the materials used in these beds are. Let her have the feeling of Liu Yujin’s grand view, she only knows that everything is beautiful and advanced.
       Ning-Er was tired all the time. He sat down on the outside and ate a few snacks with hot tea. He felt that people were comfortable. Hearing the exclamation of Chou-gu, he said with a funny voice   :   Are you tired? Come and take a break. The snacks here are not bad."
       "You should stop first, I will prepare the clean clothes, wait for the hot water to come, and then take a big shower and say it." Chou-gu said that he also refused to appreciate the high-end items in front of her. She untied the bag and started. Take the laundry outside.
       It didn't take long for the guys to carry four large buckets of hot water. When I watched the hot water, both of them stood up, and they were stinky and embarrassed. They just wanted to throw them into the hot water bucket.
       Chou-gu reached out and touched the hot water. It felt too hot. The water was boiling quickly, and the buddy sent another bucket of cold water.
       When she adjusted the water, she called Ning-Er to wash first.
       Ning-Er said   :   "Let’s go, wait for me to wash, I am afraid that the water is cold. And it is estimated that the hot water is too late, everyone is waiting to wash it."
       Chou-gu looked at the large bathroom and the big tub, the five barrels of water, it is estimated that the water is enough for them to wash, and agreed to wash with him.
       "Let’s do it." Chou-gu took off her coat, only wore a coat, first washed Ning Er’s hair, and Ning-Er helped her wash her hair and replaced her dirty water. Talents undress together and prepare to take a shower.
       After all, it was the first time that I was so frank and honest. Both of them were a little embarrassed. Fortunately, the bathroom lighting was not very bright. The two of them were really just preparing for a serious bath at the beginning, but they were stripped, but it was not that. Ning Er’s face was red, and Chou-gu felt a little embarrassed. The two climbed into the tub more than an emergency, thinking that the water could separate this layer of shame.
       However, when the two people entered the bath tub, they found that the tub was big and they had to be entangled in limbs. It wasn’t that you squeezed me, that is, I was squeezing you. Even if you don't dare to look at me, I don't dare to look at you. This is also a loss of Chou-gu in the modern experience of a large bathhouse, otherwise, she is afraid that they will not continue. But at this time, she had to pretend not to care, and quickly picked up the sweat towel and the incense and began to wash it seriously.
       Ning-Er is also like her. The two silently washed twice, still feel that the water was washed dirty, and changed the third water.
       At this time, both of them have adapted to the red and the opposite, and the body has been cleaned up. There are more hot water left. The two used more water this time and soaked most of the body in hot water. Chou-gu placed the cloth towel directly on his chest and covered the key parts. The man was lying on the tub and closed his eyes. He sighed comfortably   :   "Oh, it’s so comfortable."
       As a result, she was too comfortable, her feet stretched out, just reaching one leg, and then the whole person fell into the hot chest.
       By the time the two men packed up, the time has passed for a long time.
       Chou-gu took a big thick cloth towel to hold her hair, sitting lazily on the soft couch. She only wore a middle-dress, drank two glasses of water, and even ate a few snacks before she felt that her strength was coming back. Just being tossed by Ning Er, she clearly understood that in this kind of thing, the man is more enthusiastic and terrible than a woman.
       Ning-Er is not strong, but it has not been done for more than a month. The two are inevitably fierce. Therefore, she felt tired even now. She looked at Ning E with concern, only to find that the guy was already dressed and was combing her hair. Obvious people are more spiritual than her.
       She was surprised to say   :   "You are still very good spirit."
       Ning-Er raised his eyebrows, and some dissatisfied said   :   "Do you think I am not working hard enough?" She said that she reached out to solve her clothes.
       "Don't, don't, I am hungry." Chou-gu quickly grabbed his hand, for fear that the guy was too aggressive, and had to drink a few days of medicine like the wedding night. I have been here twice.
       Ning-Er smiled a little and said   :   "Hungry, hurry up and pack yourself, and don't wear clothes." Then she went to give her the coat and put it on her. sock.
       "Hey, I don't want to move, just ask the buddy to give us the end of the meal." Chou-gu said lazily. When she thought that she had to wear clothes on the outer layer and comb her hair to go out, she had no interest in going downstairs to eat. What’s more, the two had just fought a battle, and some were embarrassed to face everyone.
       "Why, is it tired?" Ning-Er came over and took the comb from her hand to comb her hair.
       "It’s not too tired. I just don't want to comb my hair and dress up and go out to eat. I can't take it off again. And if my hair is still dry, I have to comb it. It’s better to do it like this." Chou-gu laughed.
       "How are you so lazy, but just wearing a dress." Ning-Er couldn't help but teasing her.
       "It’s so lazy, go eat it, just give me a random end point." Chou-gu said, throwing the comb directly on the table, simply don't want to comb his hair. Now her hair is very thick, black and long, it is not easy to wash it, and there is no hair available. Now, although it is still wet with a dry cloth, her hair is still very wet, and she is too lazy to get the door.
       "Let’s do it." Ning-Er no longer persuaded her to see her, ‘Calling directly at the door, and the man quickly came over and asked   :   "What is the order of the guest officer?"
       "We are hungry, lazy to go to dinner, give us some gruel, add two steamed buns or something, get a meat dish, and two light and refreshing side dishes." Ning-Er commanded.
       The man is a man with eyesight and quickly said   :   "We have the braised meat that we have here. If you want to cut it, the porridge and steamed buns are also available. The refreshing side dishes, there are three kinds of cold salad. You can stir up a seasonal dish."
       "Okay, porridge and steamed buns. The food is the sum of the two. Just come up." Ning-Er agreed, just let them come up quickly.
       "You are not going to eat?" Chou-gu asked.
       "Well, I will eat with you in the house." Said Ning-Er also removed the hair that had just been combed, and squatted at her on the other side of the soft couch, and picked up a cup of hot tea.
       His hair is also the same, but it is more than Chou-gu work, it is also black and beautiful, so that the whole person has a very lazy attitude, it is more red and white, handsome and charming. Chou-gu looked at him dumbly, and he was satisfied and satisfied in his heart. The man who looked so good was her. The more he wanted, the more he wanted to kiss him.
       "What?" Ning-Er asked her funnyly.
       "Nothing. Look at you, look good." Chou-gu smiled.
       Ning-Er almost squirted a cup of tea, and after a long while, said   :   "You, you. I found that I also have this face, enough to please you."
       "Is that still not good?" Chou-gu smiled and teased him.
       "Have you ever heard of the old age?" Ning-Er also followed a joke.
       "Well, the so-called red face is not old and the first break. People say that is a woman. Men are older than women, I am still so ugly, you are worried about what a ghost." Chou-gu a serious nonsense.
       "You see you, there is a little bit like a woman." Ning-Er smiled.
       "What about that. As long as you are willing to do it. I will not go out to say it." Chou-gu said that he was still staring at him and snorted.
       Ning-Er laughed and pinched on her face and said, "It really is thick."
       Chou-gu did not hesitate to show his hand on his face, but also took a few touches and smiled and said   :   "Small gongzi, this fine skin tender meat, can be much better than the old Lady’s rough skin feel."
       Ning-Er This time, I really squirted tea, coughed for a while, and then pointed at her and smiled and said   :   "Do you really want to talk about it? Are you so tempted to play your own husband? Losing you is still a A woman, if she is born as a man, she is definitely a sin."
       The two laughed and snarled until the two guys who delivered the meal came to the meal, and they stopped.
       Chou-gu entered the room, Ning-Er opened the door, the two held a simmered hot porridge, a small plate of steamed buns, two caged dumplings, four sesame seeds, a plate of braised pork, a plate of fried -, A plate of cold salad, plus two salted duck eggs, a small dish of pickles, placed directly on the outside table, ready to retire.
       Ning-Er also confessed   :   "You said to my companions, we said that we are not going to use rice with everyone."
       "Well. You use it slowly." The buddy took advantage of the good things and quit the door.
       Chou-gu came out from the inside, still wearing his hair, not wearing the outer clothes, a lazy look. Ning-Er came over and helped her pull her hair up, loosely tied behind, and said, "Okay, let’s eat first."
       The two of them ate the hot porridge with green vegetables and felt the taste wide open. This is the authentic porridge cooked rice, the rice is very special, Ning-Er finished a bowl of porridge in one breath, only tasted a piece of braised pork and ate two chopsticks to stir the -, and slowly peeled off a Salted duck eggs, said   :   "I haven't eaten salted duck eggs for a long time. I don't know if this egg is delicious or not."
       After that, he divided the egg into two halves, took a bite of the egg yolk inside, and a fat oil flowed out. Chou-gu smiled and said   :   "This egg should be good."
       Ning-Er swallowed the egg yolk in his mouth and nodded and said, "It’s really good. You can taste it too."
       Chou-gu tasted every food and sighed   :   "The taste is very good, it is a high-level inn."
       The steamed buns are rich in flavor, and the teeth are delicious. The steamed buns are still milky. Even the most common fried rapeseed is scented with sesame oil. On the contrary, it seems that the meat is normal.
       "It’s really delicious, but this seemingly ordinary meal is not cheap." Ning-Er laughed.
       "Take it, don't let us lick the money anyway." Chou-gu ate another buns before he said.
       "Well, enjoy it. It is estimated that it is impossible to live in such a high-class place every day. This time the general manager is only trying to make up for everyone." Ning-Er also said. The place to live in Beihai is very common. It can be compared with here, and it is not necessarily bigger and more prosperous than the North Sea. It can be seen that the general manager is not willing to give up money for the second time.
       Chou-gu nodded, ate the biscuits and felt very good. He said, "The biscuits here are not bad. We can take some food on the road when we leave."
       "Yes? I tasted it." Ning-Er was not ready to eat the biscuits. After listening to her words, let her take a small piece and give him a taste.
       "It’s really good to eat this biscuit, it’s really good. This rice is delicious." Chou-gu smiled.
       "It’s really good, crisp and crisp. You have to buy more if you want to eat it. This kind of good rice is no more than our usual brown rice." Ning-Er nodded, ate the biscuits in his hands, took a porridge, and I took a steamed buns. Relatively speaking, he still loves to eat soft buns, which is even better.
       The two men ate and commented, ate a table and ate a large portion of the food, and finally left two hoes and a biscuit. After eating, the spirit of the two actually improved.
       Ning-Er touched his stomach and said, "I am full, I eat too much today, let’s go out and eat."
       Chou-gu said   :   "Let’s ask the buddy, where can I wash my clothes? I have to clean this dirty clothes. Let’s go out early tomorrow."
       "Okay." Ning-Er said, opening the door to call the buddy to clean up the table.
       Then he asked   :   "When we wash our clothes ourselves, where can we wash the sun?"
       "There is water on the edge of the fire room in the yard. When the clothes are washed, they will be directly aired over there."
       Chou-gu was delayed for a while, dressed neatly, only the hair was loose. When she came out, Ning-Er had put all the dirty clothes in the basket, and the hair was of course neatly combed. .
       Chou-gu was wearing women’s clothes this time, and when Ning-Er came out of the room, the guy couldn't help but look at her and immediately turned his eyes away. The night has come, and the lanterns are lit up in the yard. The buddy did not see Chou-gu appearance, and led them to wash clothes.
       The yard is not too big, but there is actually a small river, obviously attracting the incoming water. This time, don't say Chou-gu was surprised. Ning-Er was also shocked. At the corner of the fire room at the far corner, there is a clear water Bun, with a few bluestone plates.
       The guy smiled and said   :   "You can wash your clothes here." Then he pointed to the shelf in front of the clothes, indicating that they could wash the clothes and they could be there.
       Ning-Er nodded and sent away the buddy. Chou-gu has started washing clothes on the bluestone board.
       Ning-Er turned around for a while and came over to help her wash her clothes. When the two had not finished washing, they saw that A-zhu also came with a pile of dirty clothes.
       "Hey, it’s quite diligent." A-zhu sees Ning-Er is cleaning the Chou-gu outer skirt in the water, and can't help but tease.
       “What to eat for dinner?” Chou-gu asked.
       "It’s very rich. It’s a pity that you didn't eat a big meal, just get some porridge and vegetables." A-zhu laughed.
       "We also eat very well." Ning-Er said disapprovingly.
       "The grade of this inn is really high, and there are still live waters introduced. How can the food be worse? The porridge is also very delicious." Chou-gu also laughed.
       The three people talked and laughed, and it didn't take long for the clothes to be washed.
       A Zhu also wants to go out and go out, Ning-Er puts his hand and says, "Don't go out tonight, take a break and get good spirits, and go shopping all day tomorrow."
       "Well, you two go to rest, I am turning around in the yard." A-zhu said that he was separated from them.
       She saw A tree also came with dirty clothes, ready to show up directly with A-shu tonight, it is rare to find such a good opportunity.
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er just had enough to eat and drink, and after washing a pile of clothes, and after a burst of strength, they got tired again. The two turned a small circle along the yard. After yawning again, I had to go back to the house.


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