Ugly Biography 180

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »        Chapter 180     :     Opening          

       Chou-gu is sulking in her own room. In fact, she is not a child. Naturally, she understands that the shoulders of Lao Chen are heavy, and this weight is not underestimated by her and Ning Er. However, who is in charge of her wishes? She is still reluctant to come to live in this place.
       As time went by, she became more and more worried and worried about Minger and her younger brother. I don’t know if they have anybody to take care of now, whether they can eat and wear warm clothes, and still have no time to study. She is more regretful than Ning Er, and she knows that it will be the result of this. She would rather farm the same way as everyone else. She is not all pointing to farming to support her family.
       It’s a pity, it’s too late to regret it now. When I think that I might have to be in this place, and I have been in isolation for ten or eight years, even for half a lifetime, Chou-gu feels that life is not interesting.
       A person who is used to living in a modern metropolis, returning to a remote mountain village, still has to work every day, to live in the sunset, and face the life of the loess, and there are several sweets. It. Her original plan is to raise up and grow up, let him test out, as long as Ming can first test a County-Graduate, their life has hope, you can find a way to move to the county to live, do not have to stay In the poor mountain village of Jiangwu Village.
       And with the help of Minger, the younger brother will follow the path of the brother. She didn't expect this brother to test 1st Imperial-Scholar as a big official. But if she can be a scholar, or as a small official, to live in the bustling city, she will be satisfied. But now it’s good, and even the best plans can’t keep up with the changes.
       It is not as good as Jiang Wu Village here. At Jiang Wu Village, at least she is free. She can do whatever she wants, and she can also go to the upper town to go around and deal with the village people. Moreover, Minger and her younger brother are still being taken care of by her. She does not need to worry that they are too young to take care of themselves and suffer from being bullied.
       "Chou-gu, what are you doing?" Like knowing that she was depressed, Ning-Er came over and called her.
       "What can I do?" Chou-gu didn't give him a good breath.
       "Let’s go out and go." Ning-Er laughed.
       "There are some things to do here, except the wasteland is the wasteland." Chou-gu is completely uninterested.
       "Go and see the mountains, look at the water, look at the vast sky, and be better than staying in this square." Ning-Er is lobbying.
       He also worried that Chou-gu drilled the corner of the Cattle. He could see that Chou-gu mentality is already very bad, and people are on the verge of violent walking. However, he also understands that they have come to this place, and many things are completely independent of their own control, so it is necessary to have a good relationship with the leader of Lao Chen.
       After all, no matter what they want, they have to get through Lao Chen. Besides, everyone is together every day, it really makes the relationship stiff, and everyone is jealous. This is also the biggest reason why he tries his best to accept everyone and to mingle with everyone.
       After all, Chou-gu is a girl, and it is not good to mix with this group of young men every day. She can take A-zhu, go east and west, play in the room, do a female red, all. But he can't. He is a man. He has to rush ahead of the woman and try to ease the burden on Chou-gu. Therefore, he is always mixed with everyone, whether it is working or simply talking with everyone, it is all right.
       "I don't want to move." Chou-gu was lazy on the bed, and there was no point at all.
       There is nothing to watch and play nearby, because it has been fatigued. Even the best scenery is like that every day. No wonder people say that there is no scenery at home. Even if Chou-gu, a person who rarely sees such natural beauty in modern times, can no longer see any beauty.
       Seeing her like this, Ning-Er simply stepped forward and pulled her up and said, "Let’s go, go, what’s so uncomfortable to go out and vent, just fine. This is what you said, don't be unhappy. Everything is in my heart." There was a time when Chou-gu took Ning-Er and walked along the river to the distance, venting loudly at the river.
       "The daring is fat." Chou-gu turned back and glanced at him. She didn't think that Ning-Er actually dared to move her hands. It really is dealing with a group of rough people every day, and the gongzi Geer is also changing. It is rough. The previous Ning-Er was so ceremonial. She said that this guy was too pedantic, and even deliberately teased him many times, forcing him to be free to himself.
       However, the ancient people conservative relationship with men and women has been carved into the bones. Ning-Er really cares about some things. Try not to get along with Chou-gu alone, and dare not have any physical contact with her.
       Ning-Er didn't find anything wrong with her. She knew her violent waves in a flash, and a handsome face brush burned. It can be seen that Chou-gu looks like a sly, and it is obviously not angry when he comes out. His heart suddenly jumps up and quickly turns around and dare not face her.
       After a moment, I didn't hear Chou-gu voice. He held his hand and coughed softly at his mouth. He said, "I'm sorry, I won't dare next time."
       Chou-gu looked at him like this, and he felt very funny and a little bit moved. Obviously, this guy took advantage of his own cheapness, but actually made him a big face, as if she had bullied him.
       Ning-Er has already stepped out of the door and waited for her outside.
       Chou-gu is also embarrassed not to go with him, and she actually found that she has such a moment of heart.
       The two walked along the river, surrounded by rolling green hills, and there was an endless wilderness in front of them. It is autumn, some wild grass has turned from green to yellow, and there are some unknown flowers mixed with yellow, red and white, and it looks good from afar.
       Going far, there is a faint floral scent in the air, and I don't know what trees are blooming. In the dense grassland in the distance, occasionally small animals smashed, and the pieces of weeds fell down, leaving a trail, and soon under the blow of the autumn wind, slowly recovering, can not see It is.
       This season is relatively long during the day, the sun has not completely sunken, and a round of moon in the distance has risen quietly. The two have no purpose, and have not said anything, so they walked in. The more I walked to the open space, the more relaxed Chou-gu mood was, and the troubles slowly dissipated. Really, as Ning-Er said, look at the mountains, look at the water, look at the vast sky, and people moods will be broadened.
       Chou-gu only cares about his thoughts and relaxes. He didn't care about his feet. Originally, the place was not flat. There were stones from time to time, and there was a small pit or something. Therefore, when Chou-gu stepped on, he naturally went forward. Ning Er, who walked three steps away from her, rushed up and reached out. Chou-gu borrowed his strength and pulled him back. He didn't know which one was too hard. The two of them actually rolled down the Luohan.
       Fortunately, the ground was full of lush grass, and the two of them were not injured, they were scared. After stopping, the two were actually face-to-face, and Ning-Er was right on Chou-gu, scaring him to get up quickly. Without wanting to panic, his hand accidentally touched Chou-gu chest. The rounded full touch made his hand stop involuntarily, as if he wanted to feel it again, then It was as if it was greatly scared.
       He slammed his hand back and forth, but after two or three steps, he touched a stone at the back of his foot, and the man went straight back. Chou-gu quickly reached for him, and she was so strong that she pulled Ning-Er directly into her arms, and they had another intimate hug.
       When the body was attached, Chou-gu clearly heard Ning Er’s drumming heartbeat. She suddenly understood that this guy finally began the impulse of adolescence.
       Ning-Er Because of physical and personality reasons, there are very few cases of extraordinarily excited, and it is even more impossible for a woman to lose her mind. However, in his current capacity, it is impossible for him to have a beautiful young and socially high Miss. As a result, Chou-gu once suspected that he would not be tempted by any woman and had a warm love.
       Moreover, the ancients basically did not have a free love to say, she can even imagine that after Ning-Er married his wife, the husband and wife would respect each other. Relatively speaking, ancient marriages are mostly due to responsibility, not because of love. Moreover, with the identity of Ning Er, he wants to marry a wife with all the necessary conditions, and it is not easy.
       However, now she suddenly found that Ning-Er has grown up, is a big man, he needs to marry his wife and get married. Somehow, her heart suddenly became uncomfortable, as if her baby was about to be taken away by others. The force that her hands did not consciously felt as if they were embracing Ning Er.
       Ning-Er was hugged by her, and she smelled the unique girl’s taste on her body. She became more and more blushing. The blood in her body seemed to boil. His breathing was so fast that his physical changes made him excited and excited. He subconsciously bowed his head and sniffed in Chou-gu ear, then closed his eyes intoxicated. At this moment, he was not willing to let go of her, and always held her like this.
       The two quietly embraced each other, the night was shrouded, and the moon was half hidden in the clouds, leaving only a little light.
       Suddenly there was a ‘Calling sound around me, and a few wild rabbits were slammed out of the wild grass, and they rushed over to them, only to be shocked.
       Chou-gu looked at Ning-Er like a frightened rabbit, and left her a few steps away. The original point disappeared with the wind. However, even if it is Chou-gu, this kind of cheeky old driver is a little embarrassed. She even feared that she was scared of Ning Er, a pure virgin.
       When she was having a headache and how to break this embarrassing scene, Ning-Er suddenly said   :   "I'm sorry, I am too violent."
       His words made Chou-gu surprised, gratified, and vaguely lost, and there was a feeling that the stock couldn't be said. She didn't know what to say.
       The night was as if to cover them, suddenly it was dark, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and even the stars were gone. In the dark night, the two men came together involuntarily. Ning-Er tried a few times and finally got the courage to hold Chou-gu hand.
       His hand was so cool, Chou-gu suddenly settled down, obediently let him lead himself, the two touched the black step by step, slowly walking on the way home.

       Chapter 181     :     Worries          

       The days passed quickly, although it was a bit late, but after missing the normal harvesting season, soybeans and Sorghum  were still mature, as Chou-gu expected, the harvest was not bad. Although it didn't catch up with the season, it can be harvested as well, even because of the good care, the harvest is not bad. This makes everyone confidence soar.
       For the first time, Lao Chen also showed a happy smile. During this time, his relationship with Ning-Er Chou-gu has improved.
       It’s just that Chou-gu still doesn't work very much. She has to do some female red, and she doesn't want to mix with a group of rough people every day. By the time she had had a close contact with Ning Er, she became even more aware that she was a Big'Miss and couldn't take the identity of the Miss family as before.
       Although she was ugly, her body became more and more sloppy. During this year, her body developed rapidly and soon approached the Daren body. In addition, because of the poison, her skin has become a lot better. The skin on her body can be whiter and tenderer than the skin on her face. It is inevitable that the skin will be rolled up in the lower part of the body, and sweating will make the body more sweaty.
       Such a woman, in a place full of men, is actually very dangerous. Now she can only be grateful that she is ugly, her face can not be changed, still black, plus a piece of birthmark, can not be changed without modern technology. Therefore, she is no longer obsessed with making herself beautiful.
       The only female A-zhu, but not much trouble, because she is a dry figure, the front and back are as flat, the face is square, saying that she is a man, it is estimated that there is no doubt. Coupled with the martial arts from a young age, her military strength is quite strong, everyone knows, where to dare to hit her idea.
       Therefore, Chou-gu also pays more attention to keeping a distance from men. Even if it was Ning Er, she wouldn't dare to pull him out like she used to. Although the two did not fall in love like modern people, they still understand each other’s minds.
       Chou-gu even had some problems, she didn't know if she should be with Ning Er. She suspects that the relationship between them is not love, but affection, even habit. In her heart, I still hope to talk about a passionate love. Even if you can't live a life with someone who has a good relationship, it’s enough to have such a love in life.
       Therefore, she was afraid that she would regret the sloppy decision and Ning-Er together, fearing that one day she would harm Ning Er. Another point is that her body always makes her have some concerns. She is afraid that she may not be able to have children, and Ning-Er obviously cares about this. Ning-Er shoulders the responsibility of inheriting the incense, and Ning’s family leaves him alone. If they are married, she really can't be born, what should I do?
       Although she does not care that she must have flesh and blood, she can't ask Ning-Er to have such an idea.
       Therefore, during this time, Chou-gu also tried to avoid Ning Er, she was locked in her house every day to make shoes, or to change clothes. By the way, I also helped Ning-Er change clothes to make shoes.
       Both of them are late-developed, especially her own. This year, the figure has been raised and the feet have grown accordingly. So even if she brought more clothes and shoes, she was not enough to wear and could not wear it. Fortunately, when Jiang Chunhua gave her and Ning-Er a habit of dressing, she left a few inches of room. Now just let it go, just do it. But it also takes time and energy, and with her female red level, she is still stubborn.
       A bamboo, don't mention it, can't count on it, female red is worse than her. At most, she can only get a sole, but really, as Ning-Er said, A-zhu is very energetic. He has never done this kind of work before. It is not to break the line, or to break the needle.
       The work of making shoes makes Chou-gu a headache. In the past, she was first made by Jiang Chunhua to cut the soles of the shoes and cut the uppers. She only took care of the soles and sewed the soles of the soles together. It is not completely impossible to make the soles and cut the upper, and the level is too bad. It is not good to look at the quality.
       Ning-Er is going to be with a group of men every day. Everything is done in the land, and from time to time to help them cook a dish, pointing out the chef’s cooking skills, the relationship with the big guy is naturally closer. Ning Er’s behavior, Lao Chen also understands, and no longer cares about Chou-gu.
       Then came the sowing time of winter wheat, which was originally planted by Lao Chen. Therefore, when Chen asked, Ning-Er said under the instructions of Chou-gu   :   "You can plant it."
       "That’s good, this time we have a variety of things, next year’s harvest, you can eat your own face." Lao Chen said happily.
       “How many seeds do you have?” Ning-Er asked curiously. Now, more than ten acres of dry land have been opened. If the whole wheat is planted, the harvest will be over a thousand pounds. It is indeed enough for everyone to eat for a while.
       “There is not much.” Lao Chen said proudly. He had a batch of wheat seeds back a few days ago, and even if Ning-Er didn't say he wanted to plant, he was ready to plant it himself. After all, some of them know how to grow wheat, and don't count on Ning-Er and Chou-gu.
       "That’s good. This batch of wheat has been planted, and basically did not work this year." Ning-Er laughed.
       "Where I didn't work, I have to continue to open up wasteland and dig the ground. Everyday I have to do it, otherwise the task will be finished." Chen said quickly.
       A black and other people instantly smashed the eggplant with frost. They also expected to be able to rest during this time, and then ran a little further to get more prey to eat. It’s already in October. Although it’s warm in the south, the temperature has dropped a lot. When it’s winter, it’s the same as bacon. It’s back with more prey. You don’t have to worry about it. The big guy can also be good. I have eaten a few times.
       Everyone usual meals are not too good. They can cook a leek every day, but it is impossible to have two pieces of meat in the dish. You don't have time to go hunting, but don't mention an A-zhu and Chou-gu, these two people are good at both, and they are free. If they have nothing to do, they will go out and circle. They are not likely to go too far, so the nearby pheasant wild rabbits are almost eaten by everyone.
       A Hei did not dare to rebel against Lao Chen, but he had to rush to Ning-Er to make a mouthful, and everyone looked at him with a squint.
       Ning-Er held back his smile and said to Lao Chen   :   "You can also rest for two or three days. Just send a few more people to the mountains in the distance to hunt and get a few mountain pigs to come back and let everyone eat a few meals. ”
       Lao Chen couldn't help but groan   :   "Oh, I really have a taste for you. I still think that the food is not good now. The grains mixed with stone seed sand are not enough. Now the hot meal is over. There are three fresh vegetables. Have you dared to think about it before?"
       "Now there are conditions. Why don't you let everyone eat better?" Ning-Er couldn't help but retorted.
       "Well, the old capital took two people to hunt in a few days, so that everyone can have a meat addiction." Chen Chen Shen for a moment, still agreed.
       "Okay, okay." Everyone was happy and cheered.
       The next winter broadcast, everyone also done extraordinarily strong.
       Lao Chen pulled a few bags of wheat and planted it. He didn't know where he was in the collection. This is three hundred pounds.
       Ning-Er also participated in the sowing. He first ridged in the ground, then sowed it, and then covered it with a layer of soil. The method was simple, and there were many people. It was done in three days.
       Lao Chen also ordered two soldiers to hunt. They took all the horses here for a total of five horses. In total, Lao Chen was riding a young Daren horse, and the other two old horses and two young ponies, so they usually work by human resources, without livestock. Both efficient and not efficient.
       Ning-Er had wanted to propose to let Lao Chen get two Cattle or a donkey, but it was not easy to think about it, and I didn't really want to speak.
       When Chen went away, everyone mood was exceptionally relaxed. Ning-Er also took a few days off and didn't follow the ground. To be honest, he has been so busy with himself during this time because he did not think about how to face Chou-gu. Chou-gu has concerns, and he has the same.
       He took Chou-gu out and turned around. But being so busy, it really made him feel very tired.
       They were just holding hands that day, and after a short walk, the moon came out again, and A-zhu also came out to find Chou-gu. They also naturally let go of their hands. The heartbeat of that moment seemed to disappear because of the appearance of the moon and A-zhu. But after all, what was left for them. So that the two were deliberately avoiding each other during this time.
       A Zhu did not find any difference between them at the time, and perhaps found nothing.
       Ning-Er brewed for a while and then pretended to find Chou-gu if nothing happened. "I have nothing to do today, take you to see the wheat we planted."
       Chou-gu watched him calm and calm, and suddenly felt that two people were very funny, plus because they were doing needlework in the house every day, they were annoyed, and now they throw needles and pull A-zhu, three people together. out.
       "I heard that Chen took people out to hunt specifically, it seems that we can follow the spotlight." A-zhu said.
       "Hey, how good I can go if I can." Chou-gu couldn't help but sigh.
       Usually she and A-zhu, Ning-Er run around here, playing a few pheasant wild rabbits is no problem, but want to go out can not be enough, and by walking, it is impossible to run too far. At this time, she missed the life in Jiang Wucun. At that time, she wanted to hunt how to hunt, how far it would be to run.
       "You don't think so beautiful, even I can't help it." A-zhu couldn't help but hit her. She is purely gloating, deliberately provoked Chou-gu angry.
       During this time, she was taken by Chou-gu in the house to do needlework every day, and she was going crazy. The little embroidered needle was harder than the sword. She had drilled countless small holes in her hands. She was not afraid of hurting her, but when she was full of needles, it still made her unbearable.
       Chou-gu encouraged her with all her strength. "Come on, it will be a few more days. I haven't used it before. I can't teach you now."
       Or is it just saying   :   "You think about it, we have to stay here for ten or eight years, we can't go out, the inside of your cloak is rotten, what should I do? The clothes worn outside may still find Lao Chen. Think of a way. There are shoes, you have to learn. Otherwise, you are a woman’s house, it is difficult to fight barefoot like men."
       The military and men here are basically barefoot, but he is just a pair of straw shoes, and the weather here is not too cold. It is cold for two months in a year. These people are basically enough to wear a pair of shoes. But a few of them can't do it, that is, A-shu is just used to wearing sandals, but not directly playing barefoot, Ning-Er and Chou-gu, A-zhu, Bai Da Fu is even worse, it is the hottest time. Everyone has never played barefoot.
       In short, under the flicker of Chou-gu, A-zhu had to pick up the needle thread and follow her to learn to make shoes. This process is more painful than when Chou-gu was studying. Therefore, now that there is an opportunity, she immediately began to retaliate.
       Ning-Er What a smart person, immediately understand the idea of ​​A-zhu, and quickly advised Chou-gu   :   "You are still at home, it is impossible to go hunting, you are now Big Miss. ”
       "What’s wrong with Big Miss, I think it’s like being locked up in the embroidered building every day. Everyone is a good show. Is it still a grin, you can't see your feet." Chou-gu couldn't help but rebut .
       As she said, she felt funny all the time. To make her look like a serious show, she was afraid to go crazy.
       Ning-Er thought about her words. The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't help it. He smiled and said   :   "You are afraid that even the embroidered building will be demolished."
       "What do you mean?" Chou-gu angered.
       "Nothing, nothing." Ning-Er waved again and again, but grinned and smacked.
       Even A-zhule got "haha" and laughed. Don't say that Chou-gu can't be a good show for everyone, that is, she thinks that she is also awkward and trembles.

       Chapter 182     :     Events          

       The three people talked and laughed, and unwittingly went to the ten acres of wheat land that had just been planted.
       Chou-gu looked at the neat ten-acre field in front of me, but my heart was still quite shocking. They have come here for more than half a year. The changes here are quite large. From the beginning of the ridiculous to the present, the land is fascinating, and the scale of the village is more and more decent. If outsiders see it, they will surely think that there is an old village here and still have a small population. But in fact, they have been here for more than half a year, and the population is only a total of thirty-five.
       "Hey, the peppers are red," Chou-gu said with surprise.
       She didn't go out for a few days, but she didn't expect the peppers in the garden to turn red. The vegetables in the green and oily fields were particularly conspicuous. The red peppers hang on the branches, one by one like a small lantern, and the vegetable fields are particularly beautiful.
       "How, here is not bad." Ning-Er asked with a smile.
       "Yeah. I have to open this whole piece of land, I am afraid that it will take ten years and eight years." Chou-gu exclaimed.
       "What is ten years and eight years, I am afraid that there will be thousands of foods, it is worth it." The military and men who worked on the side heard their conversations and said with pride.
       "Yeah, the food is sufficient, the days of ordinary people will be better." Ning-Er also said.
       Chou-gu doesn't quite understand. After all, she doesn't know how big the country is, what places produce more food, and the population is geometric? And so on. According to her understanding, the ancient population has few bases and the land has not been polluted. It is reasonable to say that there should be no shortage of fertile land, and there is no need to arrange for people to open up wasteland. You can find places where people can live in humans. Why do you have to get all of them to this remote and uninhabited place to open up wasteland?
       In addition to confidentiality, she could not think of any necessary reasons. But confidentiality is not very useful. The results of the experiment are always promoted, otherwise it makes sense. For example, after the father of modern rice researched mixed rice, people around the world are planting hybrid rice. This makes sense for the entire human race. It’s a big deal for foreigners to buy farming methods. Everyone can be self-sufficient, so they don’t have to think about robbing others all day.
       After going back, she couldn't help but ask this question.
       Ning-Er Wei Wei, after a moment, said   :   "There is a point that you are right, it is confidential. However, what you said is to buy this method is really good. A-zhu, how do you feel?" After he looked forward to watching A-zhu, I hope she can convey this plan.
       A-zhu nodded and said   :   "It’s really good." Everyone only knows about confidentiality, but when a lot of seeds are opened, the secret can't be kept. It’s better to sell it early, and make a profit first.
       Next, Ning-Er told Chou-gu that there was no food in any place. In the middle of the year, the food of the soldiers was not pulled out, and many people were starved to death. And the surrounding foreigners will also come to grab food, especially the Anu people in the north, because they are located in cold places, the time of planting in a year is short, and the shortage of food is scarce. Every winter, they They will climb the mountains and jump to grab food. The Anu people were very brave, they were good at riding, they were aggressive, and those who could not get enough supplies could resist it. They had to go back and forth, and finally gave them a city and planted them for themselves."
       "Don't they be satisfied, no longer come to burn and rob?" Chou-gu asked.
       Ning-Er paused for a while, and swallowed a hard throat, saying   :   "The wicked person who killed my family, but took the opportunity to join the neighboring Tengfeng, Guichuan, Xiangshui, and the court. Self-proclaimed is king."
       “Is these three places very rich and rich?” Chou-gu asked curiously.
       "That is 30% of our land? It is not as rich as Jiang-nan, but the local mineral resources are abundant, producing silver and producing jade. It can be said that the court has lost more than 30% of its income." Ning-Er explained.
       "Weird, are there no leaders in those three places? Why do you respect him as a king, not a separate one?" Chou-gu incomprehensible questioning. She suspects that these three places are the modern Yunguichuan, a place where ethnic minorities gather. Logically speaking, ethnic minorities have their own cultural traditions and customs, and they are very different from the Han people. They are even less willing to marry the Han people. They are also extremely difficult to be ruled by foreigners, let alone those who still Let the people in these three places bow down to the court.
       "His family has been in the place for several generations, and he has already been integrated into the aristocrats of the three places, and he also holds a brave and good army. If you are disobedient, you will find ways to assassinate and then support the leader of obedience." Hey. You think there is no dispute between the local aristocrats." Ning-Er smiled bitterly.
       This is the fault of the first 2nd Prince. How can a family be operated for generations at the border? It is a pity that although the emperor took certain measures, it was too late. The emperor was very careful to do anything now, and even seemed to be a small family.
       "That can only say that his ancestors have already been planned, and a large bureau has been completed by several generations of talents. Those who say such people are indeed called talents. When the emperor loses." Chou-gu lyrics.
       A bamboo could not help but frown. The time for getting along with each other is not short. She also understands that Chou-gu way of thinking is different from everyone, but she dare not say that the emperor is not. She has never seen it.
       Ning-Er said quickly and sternly   :   "Chou-gu, you don't want to mention the emperor in the future, and don't arbitrarily comment on the emperor. This is a disrespectful sin."
       Chou-gu listened to the headache, knowing that he was somewhat obscured. This is ancient, the emperor is bigger than the sky, that is, he let you die, you have to be unconditionally obedient. And there is an emperor next to her who is dedicated to staring at her. She couldn't help but look at A-zhu.
       A bamboo looked at her with no expression, and said   :   "I will not report this kind of thing, but you should really pay attention to your words and deeds. The so-called evil is out of the mouth, you should not say anything that you should not say. Say."
       Chou-gu quickly raised his hand and said, "I know, I will never dare anymore." I really want to say a few words about MMP, and this era of freedom of speech.
       Ning-Er quickly transferred the topic and said, "So many red peppers are red, and we have prepared more chili sauce."
       "Well, let people pick it up." Chou-gu quickly followed his words and stepped down, no longer tangled with national events, she was just a trivial little person, she couldn't control these things, she didn't need her to control. She still manages her stomach first, and keeping her life is a business.
       A bamboo mouth slightly hooked, and quickly said   :   "I will help pick it."
       She also loves the chili sauce made by Chou-gu, and as long as Chou-gu starts, she can always make something special. She followed Chou-gu life, her mouth was raised, and she no longer satisfied the basic requirement of full stomach.
       "Well, take more radishes and go back, keep the tender leaves on the top, keep the radish and make the radish." Chou-gu pointed to the radish field in front of him.
       Although the radish grown in this season has grown, the radish tastes far worse. Take the cooking, there is a spicy taste of the stock, and still feel old, no one loves to eat, but it is good to use it as a pickle. The most important thing is that even radish scorpions can eat. She likes to eat salted vegetables made from radish, and it is crisp and refreshing. It also has a bit of sourness and is especially delicious.
       And get more out of it, the husband can cook a little more leisurely. It’s a very tiring thing for a gang to take only one hand and two people to cook 30 big belly rice. Both Chou-gu and Ning-Er have a good relationship with the gang, and they can see clearly that the gang’s work is very heavy.
       "Oh, this radish is not good to eat and eat it. It is also like stewing in chicken. If you don't pull it out," said A-zhu.
       "Also, oh, the weather is good, all out, and then plant new radish, just in the winter." Chou-gu forget it, agree.
       “Is there no winter here? Is there any kind of radish that will be planted?” Ning-Er asked with some concern.
       "How can there be no winter, just winter is short, basically it won't snow. But it will freeze for a month or two. The cold radish is delicious. Right, the cabbage here is not afraid to be as long as our hometown. Well, it means that the package is not included, it is scattered." Chou-gu suddenly thought that they did not grow cabbage.
       "Scattered cabbage, is it delicious?" Ning-Er asked again.
       "It’s rougher than the solid cabbage. It’s not so tender, but it’s all green, it’s delicious." Chou-gu answered. This kind of loose cabbage, when she was a child, Madam would specifically plant some, feel more delicious than the packaged Chinese cabbage, have a chewing head, but because it is green, but also more nutritious.
       "That’s good, otherwise, it’s better to plant some radishes than cabbage. The radish has to be oily and delicious, the cabbage is different, and the stir-fry is delicious." Ning-Er said happily.
       This place is far from the climate of Ningjia Village where they live. Many dishes are different, especially those that are suitable for growing in the frozen place. It is not good here, just like the radish in front of you, the radish dumplings are underground. The radish is still big. If it is not Chou-gu, there is a way to make the radish scorpion. These radish scorpions can only feed the horse, or throw it directly, which is of no use at all. With this in mind, he thought of raising a few pigs. Because there are not only many wild vegetables, but also many kinds of vegetables, the old leaves are thrown away, no one eats, and pigs can still be very good.
       “Hey, Chou-gu, how do you say we have a few pigs?” Ning-Er said.
       "Pig pigs? You don't have much trouble. However, raising a few pigs to eat by yourself." Chou-gu smiled. The standard of living here is far worse than that in Jiangwu Village. It is really necessary to add some meat, and you can also pour the lard in the cauldron, so that everyone can follow the oil.
       "When Lao Chen comes back, I will tell him that the next time I go out and catch a few piglets, I will raise them. Anyway, I can raise some wild vegetables and raise them. It doesn't cost anything." Ning-Er said happily.
       The old Chen and his entourage finally returned with full load on the fifth day. All five were immediately full of squats. There were three big wild boars weighing more than one hundred pounds, and several scorpions were filled. All the people cheered. What makes Chou-gu and Ning E the most happy is that they also brought back two wild bananas.
       People who don’t know are watching the bananas. Instead, put the wild boar aside.
       A black proudly said   :   "This is a banana, the wild is growing smaller, in fact, it is particularly sweet to eat."
       "Wow, this is a bad result, so much." Someone exclaimed.
       These people who don't know the goods don't know how to eat at all. Everyone is surrounded by the half-meter long, whole-hanging bananas, counting how many bananas are there. Both A-He and Chou-gu Ning-Er laughed. A black is completely cut off a whole banana, the banana is not fully mature, the skin color is half green and not yellow.
       "Not yet cooked, wait a few days to eat." Chou-gu grinned.
       A black looked at her in surprise and said, "Yes, wait until the skin color is all yellow, soft and delicious."
       "So, you can only see that you can't eat?" Some people dissatisfied that this is too disappointing. Everyone thought that they could take it immediately.
       "Okay, okay, hurry up and get rid of all the wild goods. The three wild boars are enough for the big guy to eat a few pieces of meat." Lao Chen smiled. Getting three wild boars is not that easy, but it can be exhausted. I have to eat a good meal tonight, and let the brothers have a mouthful.
       "You go back with two wild boar legs, and come back with a spare rib. The meat is not needed." Chou-gu secretly said to Ning Er.
       The two are too close, almost whispering, Chou-gu breathing is like a brush brushing Ning-Er heart straight, just can't wait to feel the delicious feeling of the fullness. It’s just that the public is under the court, he has to live and hold back, and walks back a little, saying, “Okay. Wait until we cook the pork ribs soup.”
       After that, he rushed Chou-gu to show a shy and hooked smile, Chou-gu only felt that he was breathing, once again felt the temptation of male color. She stared at her little heart and felt more and more difficult to resist the temptation of beauty. It’s hard to be old, start thinking about spring? Chou-gu secretly recited a few words.

       Chapter 183     :     Spare tire          

       All the people had a big meal on this day. With the help of Ning Er, the gang took about twenty pounds of wild boar ribs, cut a large piece of meat, and added melon radish and other things. Stewed two large pots. Before they were ready to cook, everyone began to drool around the stove.
       "Hey, it’s so sweet, it’s too hooky." Someone kept sipping water and said.
       "This meat tasted straight into my nostrils, and the mites in my stomach were hooked out." Some people said it was more straightforward.
       In short, everyone can't wait to eat large chunks of meat immediately.
       "Oh, this is a good thing, it seems that I have never eaten meat in my life." Lao Chen kicked a young man who was drooling with his feet and ‘called.
       "Don't say, I haven't really eaten meat in large chunks in this life." This man said to everyone that he was serious.
       It made people laugh and sad, they are born in poor people, not for a meal, who is willing to slap their heads on the battlefield.
       Ning Er, who was busy in the kitchen, was so upset that he took the wild pork that was being marinated by the husband and cut a large piece of meat and threw it into the pot.
       The husband sighed and said   :   "The aunt is talking about the aunt. The aunt’s family is not good enough. The family really can't live. When he was 11 or 2 years old, he entered the military camp. At that time, he was as thin as a skull. There isn't one or two flesh in the body, and even the walk is swaying. If you go to the battlefield, I am afraid that he will not kill him with the enemy. He will fall down first. Lao Chen can't bear to let him work in the house and raise it. After more than a year, I finally raised some meat, like a personal one."
       Auntie followed the gang for three years, and it really became what it is now. It is also extremely brave to kill the enemy. However, he had never had a serious meal since he was a child. He had already hurt his foundation. He was also awkward. He ignored the situation and suffered a lot of injuries, so he got the nickname of aunt. This time, Chen Chen specially ordered him to come here to plant the land. If he stays on the battlefield, it will die sooner or later.
       "I have seen such a poor family." Ning-Er smiled bitterly.
       For example, Chou-gu family of kittens in their village used to be so poor. Several children were like cats. If they were not Chou-gu, they wouldn't think about it at home.
       "So, everyone can't wait to plant a lot of food early so that everyone can have a full stomach." The husband sighed.
       Ning-Er nodded silently. He knew that the husband and he said these words. Besides the feelings, he also told him that Lao Chen is a good person, and he is dedicated to the people, not just his own private.
       "Oh, cooked. Cooked, you can have a meal." With the words of Ning Er, everyone came in.
       "Slow down, slow down." Lao Chen ‘Called and ‘Called, and everyone stepped back to the side.
       Lao Chen himself took a sea bowl and cooked a bowl of meat with extra dishes. This was left to Chou-gu for their food. Although everyone eats together today, Chou-gu and A-zhu are women after all. As always, Ning-Er will have a meal and send it back to both of them.
       Everyone knows that Ning-Er has taken the bowl and took a few pieces of meat and threw it into the pot. He said, "They can't eat so much meat." Then he put a bowl of rice and went out. Only when I went out, I met A-zhu.
       "Give me, you can go eat it quickly, lest you can't even eat it later." A-zhu took the meal and turned back to the house.
       Chou-gu deliberately let A-zhu come to the end of the meal. Because she knows that today everyone will be better than the usual grabbing of food, Ning-Er is a thin face, I am sorry to grab everyone, if you send the food to her, this time delayed the time I am afraid that no more food will be left.
       "Okay." Ning-Er smiled and turned back to the stove. Sure enough, everyone had already rushed to separate the food. Each person was carrying a bowl of sea with a pointed tip and was gorging.
       "Here, I will leave it for you." White doctor yelled and pointed at himself behind him.
       Ning-Er came over and picked up his own rice bowl. He looked at the meat in the bowl. The face was red. To be honest, he couldn’t eat so much. He took the bowl and went to the aunt. "Give you Two pieces of meat, I can't finish it."
       Auntie smiled and looked at Ning Er’s delicate body, laughing with a big mouth   :   "You eat too little."
       Ning-Er understands what he means by saying that he should eat more and grow stronger, but how can he compare with this group of military men?
       He pulled three pieces of meat to the aunt, and pulled a little more to him before he started eating.
       "You eat so little." Aunt looked at the bowl he had been smaller than himself, and gave it to himself. He couldn't believe it.
       "Yeah. These are enough for me to eat." Ning-Er answered. His meal is the smallest here, and Chou-gu can eat a little more than him. Chou-gu is the time to grow up, and her previous meal is not small.
       Aunt stopped talking and ate his head. The same is true of other military men, who are all staring at the large chunks of meat in their bowls and not eating them.
       Ning-Er feels that today’s food is exceptionally fragrant under the infection of everyone.
       After eating, everyone caressed their stomachs and smiled straight, and Ai Hee laughed indifferently   :   "If this is the case every day, we must have been a god of the day."
       Lao Chen can't bear to look directly at these brothers. Everyone is actually very satisfied, but they are eating two meals and eating a few pieces of meat.
       "Oh, this is just a meal, but eating a few pieces of meat is a god of the game?"
       Zhang Lao san also smiled and said   :   "That is, Ahei is too small to be a family. In the future, we must be a big official, live in a big house, and my wives and wives are in groups. Every day, there is a mountain of seafood that is not far away, so that the silver money is not finished. ”
       "Really? So beautiful?" Zhang Lao si looked at his brother and asked. It is as if these can be achieved immediately.
       "Hey, you think it’s not too small, it’s just A yawning." Someone ‘called.
       "Why, if we turn this place into a fertile land and grow a million pounds of grain in the future, can we not be a small official?" Zhang Laoan is not convinced.
       "A small official, you still want to live in a big house, your wife and sisters are in groups, but it is a bit stronger than we are now. Eat well and wear warm clothes, and can support your family." Someone said.
       "That is, you are still married and married, do not know when you can afford to get a wife?" Some people laughed.
       Speaking of women, men are always very enthusiastic, the topic is getting out of control, and everyone has started talking about the yellow section. The sound is getting louder and louder, and I gradually entered the ears of Chou'Gu and A-zhu. Ning-Er is also very uncomfortable in the middle of it, so I quickly pull back and go back. When the white doctor is old, he naturally does not participate in this topic. Both of them are back.
       Chou-gu listened straight and frowned, and sighed indignantly   :   "Sure enough, it is a warm-hearted, kinky, desireful, men’s most enjoyable topic, always a woman."
       Going to the door, I was hearing the words of Chou-gu. The white doctor smiled and said   :   "Hey, it seems that you are quite experienced."
       Chou-gu raised his eyebrows and glanced at them, his eyes swept over Ning Er’s nice face, and saw the blush, coldly said   :   "Did I say wrong?"
       Ning-Er couldn't help but chill, and quickly said   :   "The swear words of those people are just over-the-mouth."
       "Oh, I can't figure out, you guys have a mouthful of addiction, how can you be so energetic?" Chou-gu sneered.
       In fact, she forgot, in modern times, she often talked with a group of women about a small piece of meat. The company’s male god is not the same as a kinky person. If Ning-Er knows this and takes the words to fight back, she will definitely say, "I appreciate it, appreciate it."
       Unfortunately, Ning-Er has no experience at all, just a sly smile   :   "What topics can they say here?"
       "It seems that you think so in your heart?" Chou-gu airway.
       "What, they said how to pull my head up." Ning-Er quickly said.
       Dr. Bai face showed amazement, and he looked at Chou’Gu eyes and looked at Ning Er. They were not quite right. This is exactly the pattern of the children’s flirting. He couldn't help but touch his beard, and he said in his heart   :   "They are also at the age of Sichun."
       Although Chou-gu and Ning-Er used to get along very well, he still can see the feelings of men and women. After all, he himself has been young, and he is also a person.
       However, his heart is very embarrassing. The two people, regardless of their identities and appearances, are far apart. Now it is because they stay together all the year round and they have not been able to reach out to outsiders. It is easy to have feelings. However, if they are put into the capital city, for example, after seeing more excellent men and women, they may not be as harmonious as they are now.
       In this way, he thinks that Chou-gu and Ning-Er are actually not good matches. However, they still have to stay here for a long time, and this is not the case. After all, the years are not waiting for people.
       When Dr. Bai thought that if he had been here for another three or five years, Chou-gu would be almost twenty. If he didn't marry again, he wouldn't do it anymore, and he would have a headache. The flower season of the daughter’s family is shorter, and Chou-gu is mixed among a group of military men all the year round. It is really not going to find a husband’s family.
       This idea has caused Bai Da Fu to observe Ning-Er and Chou-gu for the next period of time, and is still observing other military men. He is not very optimistic about Ning-Er and Chou-gu, but also I have to prepare for both hands, so I hope to find a man suitable for Chou-gu among this group of people.
       Even if Chou-gu and Ning-Er can't be done in the future, they can have a home. In modern terms, they will give Chou-gu a spare tire. In fact, Ning-Er was also counted as a spare tire, but Ning-Er and Chou-gu were mutually spare tires.
       There is another worry in his heart, the physical condition of Chou-gu and Ning Er.
       The bodies of these two people are not normal. Although Chou-gu is physically strong, it looks like a two-pointer than an ordinary woman. However, she was poisoned, and now she has solved it for no reason, but in the end she brought it from her mother’s womb. Later, she is definitely not so easy on her son. Although he is already trying to help her to nurse. However, there is a problem from the mother’s womb. He also understands that there is a problem, that is, it is not cured, and even if there is no problem, it may not be like a normal person. The age of Chou-gu is very good. late.
       Besides, Ning-Er is weak in itself, and it hurts the roots the day after tomorrow. After his treatment with Song Dongjia, Ning Er’s constitution is stronger, and the model is a normal human body. However, it will not be easy on the child. Such a combination of two people, the chances of having children are more than double the difficulty.
       It stands to reason that Ning-Er should find a healthy, well-born wife. And Chou-gu is the same, it is also time to find a healthy, fertile man. This way they will be much less difficult in terms of fertility.
       However, in this case, he can't say or dare to say, after all, this is only possible, not necessarily. If the two are very fortunate, they will be able to have children as well. If he said this, it would not hurt them. Therefore, the white doctor is simply getting his beard and his hair is all white, and he can't find a good way.

       Chapter 184     :     Home Letter          

       The white doctor’s strangeness, Chou-gu and Ning-Er have not been found for a long time. After all, the white doctor is also a bit strange, sometimes it can be said that like a child, the face becomes very fast, coupled with his time from time to time to study his medical skills, even if the mood is normal.
       The days soon arrived at the twelfth lunar month. In order to give everyone a Laba Festival, Lao Chen decided to take a few people from Ahei to buy some food.
       He asked Ning-Er and Chou-gu, "Do you have anything to buy?"
       Chou-gu thought about it and said, "Give me more needles, and then have a good pair of scissors and some cheap cloth. Two good cotton." This is all for shoes and blouses. material. She also needs a new one for the scissors.
       Ning-Er said   :   "Buy ten pounds of glutinous rice, five pounds of sugar, ten pounds of white noodles and ten pounds of rice, buy more kelp sea shrimps, sesame peanut jujube, etc., and buy some, right, get the stone back. Well, it’s OK.” Since the Laba Festival, you have to cook some Laba porridge, glutinous rice is a must, and you can also make some dumplings.
       Anyway, they have their own money, and more things are needed.
       When he said that he and Chou-gu had said that he wanted to raise pigs, he suggested that Chen   :   "If there are piglets, you can get a few heads to raise them and improve your life. There are more wild vegetables and more people. It doesn't take much to raise pigs." The price of piglets at this time is definitely cheap, because everyone sold the pigs before the spring, and the pigs came back to raise them in the spring. I have come across it and can buy it at a low price.
       Ning Er’s proposal has been unanimously endorsed by everyone.
       Lao Chen is also very pleased to say   :   "Well, I will catch a few more piglets and come back to raise them. After that, everyone will be able to eat big meat."
       He thinks that Ning Er’s idea is very good, not only because pigs can greatly improve everyone life. But because the idea of ​​Ning-Er is obviously to treat everyone as a person, no longer like the previous one, always let him have a kind of Ning-Er and Chou-gu free on the edge, always let him feel that these two people are Passerby, my heart is not here.
       To put it bluntly, everyone relationship looks good, but in fact, Ning-Er and Chou-gu are still a family, and they are completely two camps. This also made him feel very frustrated, and now Ning Er’s approach makes him very happy. Only when he is a person, can he be more united and can complete the task ahead.
       "It will be very cheap to catch a few piglets at this time." A-He also laughed.
       Whoever catches the piglets and raises them, everyone can only sell them. I don't know which sow is going to give birth at this time, I am afraid that I will not be able to make my master.
       "That’s just to save money for us. Anyway, we have people, more dishes, can be well-fed, more than one or two months, but also to raise more fat." Lao Chen smiled happily.
       He said, he told people to cover the pigpen in the past few days. Ning-Er quickly said   :   "Well, the pigsty should be better covered, and a small ditch should be built. The pigsty should be washed every day."
       "Hey, this is catching up with people." All the people laughed.
       Ning-Er said   :   "Let’s build a big septic tank. The pig’s urinary urination rushes into the pool, keeping the pigsty clean, the pigs won't get sick, and there is fertilizer, which can be fattened later."
       Lao Chen thinks and thinks, and quickly said   :   "Well, let Ning County-Graduate instructions to do it, and make the pigsty better. This is handed over to Ning County-Graduate."
       Ning-Er nodded and agreed. He thought of the pig he had raised in Ningjia Village. The pigsty was also the first. But it does have a lot of benefits. The pigsty is clean and odorless. The pigs are also clean and tidy. They can sell for a good price and they can eat with confidence.
       Ning-Er chose the pigsty directly on the side of the garden, a little far from where it lived. Because there is more to raise, there will definitely be a taste, too close to the place where people live, afraid to smoke everyone. Then he instructed everyone to dig two large pits first and said   :   "A pit is usually washed with dirty water in the pigsty, and a pit of pig manure is dug."
       Then let a few other people specifically cover the pig pen, because he plans to raise a few pigs, he decided to build a big pigsty.
       Chou-gu reminded him   :   "It’s better to cover two. One pig is raised three or five heads, and two pig pens can raise ten heads and eight heads. It is enough for everyone to eat. And if there are more pigs, you have to consider The pigs are sick, they are all closed together, and they are afraid of passing each other."
       Ning-Er nodded and said with emotion   :   "It’s still carefully considered." Pigs, chickens will also go plague, and he knows a little. When catching up with the Great Plague, the poultry in the ten towns and eight towns will be dead.
       As a result, several people were busy for a few days before they built two large pig pens that could raise ten heads and eight pigs. The two pig pens are about two or three hundred meters apart. One on the left side of the vegetable garden and one on the right side.
       Looking at the bright new pigsty, some people joked   :   "This pig is better than ours. How big is this house, and there is a small yard to play."
       "Hey, you have to think that it is good here, just move it over and live here. You have to watch the night." Someone laughed.
       Although the pigsty is on the edge of the vegetable field, it is still a bit far from where you live, just in case you have to send a few people to watch the night.
       This also reminded Ning-Er that he quickly said   :   "There is still a house for two night watchmen.
       "No, hurry up and work hard. Otherwise, Chen will come back and still not doing well. He won't kill us." Several people rushed to work again.
       Fortunately, there are still some materials left in the pigsty, and the room that the night watcher needs is not too big. The two small rooms are still quite quick to cover. However, the time they went out was a bit long, and it took three more days before they came back.
       Lao Chen personally sent the things bought for Ning-Er and Chou-gu, and let A-He send the retrieved piglets to the pig pen.
       Seeing Chen, Ning-Er quickly called Chou-gu out, and both of them thanked Chen.
       When everything was moved, A-zhu also walked away. Lao Chen and the gods said in secret   :   "I will bring back your family letter when I go out this time." He took out two letters in the two. Shaking in front of him, a look to be appreciated.
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er took a moment to cheer, and the two men grabbed the letter and couldn't wait to open it.
       Chou-gu letter was written by Minger. The letter wrote that he and his younger brother both went to the capital and voted for Mu Uncle in the name of distant relatives. The school life was well arranged. Sun Popo Wu-shi Yunshan three still live together and take care of them. They bought a small yard alone and did not live in the Mu Uncle home.
       The letter also contained a personal letter from the younger brother. There were only a few short sentences, and the handwriting was still immature, but the words were like little Darens, and Chou-gu tears fell.
       The younger brother obviously grew up, and Minger is obviously more like a Big’s brother. In the letter, the two brothers only said that they are very good, everything is fine, let her not miss, take care of their own words. But they did not leave the address of the communication, obviously they can write letters, but also have to be transferred through special channels. I still don't know how many people have to go through it. Naturally, I can only write some of the most common things, and they are all topics of good news and no worries.
       The letter from Ning-Er was written by the Master. They and the Wu family were separated from the county boundary and had lost their audio. When he left, the Master gave Da--nu  ten Silver Taels, which is also a bit of a love for the family of Jiang Chunhua.
       The fields of Ningjia and Wu family, the food at home, the chickens and ducks, etc., were sold directly, and they all took silver. Therefore, Ning Master also said that it is not bad for the money, let him take care of himself, don't worry about their family.
       They are also living very well. On a big Zhuangzi, they have a big house and a few acres of land. The family of four has food and drink. The days are better than those in Ningjia Village, and Jiang Chunhua. Still pregnant.
       Ning-Er wiped the tears and was very happy with the pillars. I also lamented, I don’t know when I can meet again.
       After reading their own letters, they exchanged letters that looked at each other. There would be no secrets anyway. I am afraid that these two letters have passed the hands of many people and I don't know how many people have seen them.
       After reading the letter, Chou-gu was very dissatisfied and said   :   "I didn't expect it to be divided into two places. If they can live together, they will take care of each other."
       "This arrangement is normal. After all, both of your brothers are going to school. They can't follow the pillars and their family ran to Zhuangzi to farm. And the pillar family is hard to find a life in the capital. It is impossible to live with them." Together." Ning-Er thought it very well.
       He estimated that doing so, it is also speculated that Jiang Chunhua and Master may plant two scorpions. And Sun Popo and Wu-shi obviously won't, the younger brother and Minger are still children, and they are going to school, it will be even worse.
       "Oh, I don't know when I can meet again." Chou-gu said sadly.
       "There will always be one day." Ning-Er barely comforted, and he was not sad in his heart. In this way, even if he and Chou-gu can go out, it is estimated that it is impossible to stay together again. With such a thought, his grief has increased by one point.
       The two men sighed and sighed, but they couldn’t wait to talk without words, only tears.
       Lao Chen had already quietly left when they read the letter. Dr. Bai did not know where to dig a handful of herbs and came back. When they saw them, they were shocked and asked   :   "What are you doing? What a day is going to fall down." He thought it was out again. What big thing?
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er simply gave him the letter directly. The white doctor quickly read the two letters, but he did not understand it. He smiled and said   :   "Is this not a good thing? You have been arguing all the time. I want to know their news. Now that I have a letter, how come this way?"
       Chou-gu sighed heavily and said, "The letter is written well, the real situation we know."
       "Yes, and the two are still separated from each other. It is difficult to see one side later." Ning-Er also sighed.
       Dr. Bai thinks that he is right, he can only appease   :   "The news is already very good. Since you can receive their letter, you should be able to write back to them."
       "Yes. I am going to ask Lao Chen." Ning-Er quickly rushed to find Chen.


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