Ugly Biography 165

Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »       Chapter 165     :     Slim fit          

       The days passed very calmly, and soon at the end of June, the ginger Chunhua, who was pregnant and fast-term, had an early attack to produce.
       Ning-Er The Song of the Song Family’s family has been living in Ningjia for more than half a month, and Zhu Da Aunt 2nd who took care of Jiang Chunhua and cooking rice has already arrived. This Zhu Da Aunt is about 40 years old and is a very experienced Pozi. With her, Ning-Er and Master basically don't have to take care of the family. Jiang Chunhua body was originally good, and after listening to Chou-gu words, she walked a few laps every day during the whole pregnancy, so she was very smooth when she was producing.
       When he heard the loud cry of the child, Master and Ning-Er were happy to say   :   "When you hear this voice, you know that it is a strong baby."
       Sure enough, soon Zhu Da Aunt took the child out, his face full of joy, and said   :   "Congratulations to Master, Chunhua has added you a big fat grandson."
       "Oh, great, great. You are good to take care of Chunhua." Master was so happy that he was holding tears, holding the child, and squeezing together with Ning-Er pillars, the newborn baby could not see it. I don’t want to look good, the powder is toot, just ‘Calling and ‘Calling. Zhu Da Aunt quickly went to a bowl of warm water and fed the child a few mouthfuls before the child cried.
       Master remembered that he should weigh the child and quickly ‘called   :   "Weigh it, call it?"
       "Here, here. I will call it." Ning-Er is like a child, grabbed it and said that he wants to do it himself. Master is afraid that he will fall to the child, and open his hands and protect him.
       In fact, how can children fall in the basket?
       "Hey, it’s a fat boy, it’s seven pounds." Ning-Er finished, and ‘Called happily.
       "The little name is called seven pounds." Master smiled and squinted, and let Ning-Er and the pillars go to the firecracker.
       The pillar smirked with a grin, followed by Ning Er.
       Zhu Da Aunt smiled and turned to the kitchen to prepare a large bowl of brown sugar poached eggs, and went to the room to wait for Jiang Chunhua to eat. After all, Jiang Chunhua is a first-born child. He has also suffered a lot of crimes. People are also tired. After eating something, they fall asleep.
       Wen Po said   :   "The Darens are very good. It will be fine after a few days of recuperation."
       "Thank you, thank you." Master quickly took the reward silver. The stable woman accepted it with pleasure, and naturally took care of Jiang Chunhua with more care.
       When the Ningjia guns rang, the villagers all guessed that Jiang Chunhua was born. In the evening, they used the young women to carry the eggs and other things in the basket.
       Because it was the day of June, the weather was hot, and Jiang Chunhua was not as sturdy as the big guy, and the room was permeable every day. Therefore, on the third day of washing, Jiang Chunhua has been clean and neat, and her body has recovered well. She can sit up and hold her baby.
       The young women in the village did not see her envious, Jiang Chunhua had worked hard when she was pregnant with her children, and she ate better, and it was even better to sit on the moon. There were also Fuyang and Zhu Da Aunt who took care of her and her children. She has cultivated her spirits and her face is red and moist. A child is not as weak as a woman who has just given birth to a child.
       On the third day of the wash, the ginger Da--nu  family came naturally, and there were two other uncles of the ginger family, Aunt. Chou-gu did not come with everyone, and secretly had been secretly. She is a small Miss, Wu-shi and Sun Popo are widows, and the three are not very popular.
       Ginger Da--nu  carries a gift of a scorpion, rice, egg, hen, brown sugar, plus clothes, shoes and socks for children, etc., everything is well prepared, it is the envy of everyone.
       Even the Master looked at Jiang Da--nu  eyes this time. He thought that Jiang would only fool around.
       In fact, Jiang Madam and Jiang Da--nu  daughter-in-law really have this heart, especially the ginger Da--nu  daughter-in-law, who had been taken care of by the pregnant woman Chunhua. Even the stable woman came home early. . Which woman in the village is pregnant is not going to work every day, and some people even work on the day when they have children.
       "Hey, my aunt’s life is so good, Ning’s family has money for her. It’s like having a baby like a baby." She said sourly, she only wished she could change her with Jiang Chunhua. Identity.
       "Thinking about it all day, you can't think of anything else. Eat it quickly, and get up early in the morning." Jiang Da--nu  angered her and angered her.
       Before waiting for her to open again, Jiang Madam stared at her belly faintly, coldly saying   :   "Chunhua is about to be born, how is your stomach still not moving?"
       I was so scared that she dared to swear. Under the glare of Jiang Madam, she ate less than half a bowl of rice and fled back to the room like a rat.
       In any case, the three-pound children’s three-day ceremony is very lively. After washing three, Wen Po took the money and then rewarded the silver, a total of ten Silver Taels, and some eggs and other things left. As far as the current economic conditions of the Ning family are concerned, they cannot afford such a stable woman. However, the Master also said to her, Jiang Jianghua reborn, and asked her to deliver.
       "No problem, no problem, just take a message, I promise to let go of other things." The stable woman promised. In less than a month, she earned more than a dozen Silver Taels, and she was very happy.
       The seven pounds are very strong, and like the pillars, they are a big guy. In order to breastfeed, Jiang Chunhua appetite has also increased greatly, and it is natural to eat more good food and good food. The pheasant at home is close to her alone. Jiang Chunhua can eat a pheasant every day. To this end, Pillar actually gave his son a name called pheasant.
       He also yelled, "I have the name, okay?"
       Everyone was simply crying and laughing, but he insisted very much, how to say it was his son, and there was a bunch of children in the village called A Cattle, a cat and a dog. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the pheasant. I got Ning-Er and I don't know how to persuade him.
       Chou-gu almost laughed and died, and asked   :   "Why take this name."
       "She eats a pheasant. It is said that all children eat." The pillar said seriously.
       Chou-gu brain is all the appearance of the Hong Kong drama Zhongji chicken, and then look at this white fat little group, said   :   "It’s better to call it a squad. The pheasant, you also want to come."
       "Dump, it’s not bad. Just call the dumplings, you don't add chaos to the pillars." Everyone blew the pillars away and agreed that the little fat man called the dumplings.
       With more days of small corpses, everyone happiness is even more. Although the pillar is still a child’s heart, but also know that this is his son, you must take care of him. Although everyone did not dare to let him take care of the children, he also secretly hugged every day, but he looked like a child, it was also very funny, like holding something, making everyone almost laughed and died.
       However, their husband and wife feelings are quite good. Jiang Chunhua did not expect him to be a master like a normal man to prop up a sky for himself, so many things he didn't understand would not count on him. Anyway, Pillar listened to her words and let him do what he did. Now that she has a son, she has to eat and wear at home, and she is satisfied.
       Before she put it, she couldn’t imagine she could eat a chicken a day, but now she can have such a good life, and the pillars are indispensable. Without him to hunt, the family could not let go of her. The Master was still afraid that she was not enough to eat. Even the rations of the pillars were deducted by more than half. One meal allowed him to drink half a bowl of soup and two pieces of meat.
       "Your eat less, leave more for Chunhua, she will feed seven pounds."
       Because there are more Liu family members to eat, the pheasant wild rabbits obtained by hunting, there are very few that can be sold. If the pillars go out hunting, they can't get the big guys, they don't use the Master to go to the county to sell. A few pheasants and wild rabbits went directly to the town to sell them. For hundreds of dollars, cut a few pounds of meat, and buy some fine grains. Therefore, the Master can no longer let the pillars let go of the belly. Otherwise, three chickens a day are not enough to eat.
       Ning-Er quickly said   :   "Where is this province? The family is different now, and I will buy some big hens in the village to eat it tomorrow." Although the two surnamed Liu eat more, but People also gave ten Silver Taels, and it can be said that these pheasant wild rabbits are also bought and eaten by others. The money saved is enough to fill the lives of the Ning family.
       "How can it be done? There is money to save. It is better to have a few acres of land?" Master did not agree. He thought about the marriage of Ning-Er when he thought that the pillars were all married and had children. How much money has to be saved, and later for Ning-Er to marry.
       "There are more fields, we can't grow them. Now that’s enough." Ning-Er shakes and rejects his offer.
       "It’s not a problem, we can hire a short-time worker." Master did not agree. Hiring short-term workers in the village is still easy to hire. Some people have more labor and fewer fields, which ones don't want to make more than a few dollars at home.
       "No. The family is too out of style, come slowly," Ning-Er said. He felt in his heart that the emperor would not let him live so peacefully in Jiang Wucun. If he did not do well, he would take him to another place to specialize in farming. In this case, what else does he have to do to buy so many fields here?
       He has already discussed with Chou-gu privately.
       Chou-gu also said   :   "After our two nephews Sorghum  Courtyard Liu family, the emperor believes that we will farm, and will definitely find us a bunch of work."
       When she works more, she does not care. What she cares about is that if she works for the emperor, can she get more benefits. Especially Ning Er, she also hopes that he can return to the officialdom. Otherwise, talents like Ning-Er are mixed in the country farmer every day, and it is too wasteful.
       "Yeah. I think so too, so let’s be honest for the time being, don't do anything else," Ning-Er agreed.
       There is a broccoli and a Sorghum  Sorghum , which is enough to make them famous. In terms of their current status, it is easy to be guilty of sin, and it is better to be honest.

       Chapter 166     :     Calm          

       After the autumn harvest, Ning Er, Chou-gu and Liu Shuzhen’s two-scorpion Sorghum  entered the most important stage. Everyone stared at the experimental field all day, and did not dare to relax. This year must have a good harvest, in order to complete the task of the emperor, otherwise, everyone days will be better. However, at this time, the relationship between the two Liu family members and Chou-gu and Ning-Er is very good.
       Chou-gu received them with food, and Ning-Er accepted them with their knowledge. At the same time, they are also very interested in some novel ways in which Chou-gu and Ning-Er are doing farm work. Chou-gu brings a lot of modern agricultural knowledge, and Ning-Er has been affected unconsciously, so this experimental activity is dominated by Ning Er. After all, Ning-Er is more suitable than Chou-gu.
       These novel ideas and practices are not heard by the Liu family before, but they are very effective, and they are both surprised and happy. All of this has been carefully recorded by them, waiting for the application to be promoted later.
       The two fields of Ningjia and Wujia are indeed as Nin-Er said at the beginning, and the output is higher than that of others. Seeing that the output is significantly higher than others, Liu Shuzhen is very excited.
       "This mu yield is higher than the experimental fields we used to help." Lao Liu is very excited. He worked in farmland for a lifetime, and he was souped in the ground every day. He was more experienced than the most experienced old farmers, but he was the first to see such a high harvest.
       "If every field has such a good harvest, there will not be so many people in the world who are hungry." Xiao Liu said with a deep sigh.
       For everyone, food is a top priority. Such a good planting method must be promoted to all parts of the country so that ordinary people can live a good life.
       Therefore, the grand harvest of this harvest was also secretly written by the Liu family to the emperor. Ning-Er and Chou-gu know.
       "Ning-Er is really a personal talent, and now it is a beating. He did not study and farmed, but he also planted a new realm." The emperor read the report, laughing at the big eunuch who was waiting for him to be small, Qian Gonggong said.
       "He was a personal talent, or the emperor would not let him go." Qian Gonggong laughed. In other words, his impression of Ning-Er is also very good, otherwise he would not secretly say good things to Ning Er.
       "Await another time, if the two scorpions are really as they say, I will do it again." The emperor smiled.
       Qian Gonggong but laughed, naturally will not say anything, but I know that the emperor should be kind to Ning Er.
       "It’s been half a year since this sway, and the people who went to find antidote actually didn’t get any clues. Do you have any hopes about this?” The emperor put down the letter and thought of Chou-gu.
       If you can't solve Chou-gu hidden illness, it would be a pity that this Yatou died early. He has sent people to investigate Chou-gu and Ning E. Although his people are equally confused, whether it is a day lily or a scorpion Sorghum , it is dominated by Chou-gu. But he always doubts that Chou-gu is a small Yatou.
       "The emperor, you don't have to worry too much. Maybe there will be good news in two days." Qian Gonggong whispered to the emperor to massage the scalp and persuaded the emperor.
       The emperor slowly calmed down and even yawned a few times and finally went to rest.
       Qian Gonggong breathed a sigh of relief, and only hoped that the doctor would come back to find the antidote.
       Don't say that Qian Gonggong is in a hurry, Chou-gu is more anxious. Although she still didn't know that she was poisoned, it was such a long time for Ashan to go. Mu Uncle had no news except for her to wait. Even the emperor was alarmed. She still had no movement for so long. Can she still doubt her serious condition?
       However, she only dared to think about it, not talking to anyone. Ning-Er now spends most of her energy on the crops with Liu Shuzhen, and she doesn't want to worry about him any more. In fact, what she did not know was that everyone was in a hurry, but it was not mentioned in front of her.
       Fortunately, when the Liu family came, Ashan also brought her a box of books, so that she could have a pastime in the night when she could not sleep, and would not squint her eyes until dawn.
       That box of books, all kinds of books, there are even a few books on farming. It is a pity that her favorite words are very few, which makes her from time to time to recollect the books that her mother had left. Most of these books are cheaper than Ning Er, and Chou-gu even thinks that her Mu Uncle is a deliberate curve to save the country and get some books for Ning Er.
       The days are getting colder every day. The experimental field said that I had set up a warm shed. Liu Shuyu hated not eating directly in the warm shed. Twelve hours of good-looking care for the Sorghum  that had already been fruitful, I can’t wait for them. Mature immediately can be harvested.
       This way, Chou-gu doesn't need to stare at these sorghums at all. Chou-gu has a lot of work, so she just let go of her hand. Just go over and cook for the Liu family every day. It’s up.
       However, Ning-Er will go to the field every day to make a record and exchange with the Liu family.
       Chou-gu is busy in the vegetable fields for most of the time, or picking and drying wild chrysanthemums. She did not fall down in these activities, and the days were as usual. In general, Ning-Er went to the experimental field to observe for a while, and after the record was made, it would help her. The two were busy with this, busy, and the day passed quickly.
       Sometimes, Chou-gu will unconsciously forget his own hidden illness.
       On this day, taking advantage of the sun, Chou-gu pulled the radish in the vegetable field, she prepared to cook some radishes, and then made some pickles.
       “Do these have to be taken for washing?” She was burying her head and pulling the radish, and Ning-Er lived up to life.
       "Yeah, it’s washed, I have to slice it and then basking." Chou-gu answered.
       Ning-Er took a basket of radishes to wash, and Xiao Liu quickly came over to help, and also followed a basket of radishes.
       "Do you want to dry so many radishes?" Xiao Liu curiously asked Ning Er. Chou-gu pulled out the radishes in most of the land.
       “Chou-gu radish is delicious, and the winter is very long. I have to prepare more.” Ning-Er Answer.
       "I can see that she will get these pickles." Xiao Liu laughed. They eat Chou-gu cooked rice every day, naturally know that all kinds of pickles, hot sauce, etc. at home are made by Chou-gu.
       "Yes. She is very capable." Ning-Er laughed.
       The two whispered and washed the radishes. When they came back, Chou-gu had already set up some simple drying seats outside the house, and the chopping boards and knives were all ready.
        Xiao Liu was very interested in watching her "咔嚓, 咔嚓" cut the radish. After a while, she piled up a pile of white radish slices in front of her, and Ning-Er picked up all the pieces and took them one by one. The radish slices cut out by Chou-gu are moderately thick, and the radish slices that are dried out are crisp and can't be chewed. Everyone loves to eat.
       "Hey, why don't you cut thin, it’s easy to dry." Xiao Liu said inexplicably.
       "You don't have to dry too much, and most of the sun is dry. It’s too dry to chew and not so delicious." Chou-gu answered.
       "Don't do it, it’s not good to save it." Xiao Liu asked again.
       "I don't eat dried radish. I will pickle it in two days and store it in a jar. I can eat it next year," Chou-gu explained. It is because of her unique approach to making radish, the taste is exceptionally good.
       "This way. Can I follow it?" Xiao Liu said with interest. Their homes are all dried with radish. When you want to eat it, you can eat it with water. Although you can eat it, the taste is not so good.
       "Dried radish has a variety of practices. It can be cut into silk and dried for storage. It can also be diced and marinated, and then dried and preserved. Right, you can also slice and steam and then dry and preserve it. So dried radish. The stew is the most fragrant.” Chou-gu suddenly remembered a new radish.
       She used to go to a friend’s house to eat, and her friend’s Mama stewed the dish. After eating, she also specifically asked how it was done. Only after that, she did not have the opportunity to experiment, and for a long time she forgot.
       "Yes? I haven't eaten this yet. Try it today." Ning-Er quickly inserted a sentence.
       "Yeah, you come to cut the radish, I go to get the steamer, just like the thickness I cut." Chou-gu said, put down the knife, licked the diced radish and cut the radish. I threw it to Ning Er.
       Ning-Er took the knife and sat on the small bench where she was sitting. She began to cut the radish. Xiao Liu looked at Ning Er. He couldn't believe it and said, "Will you still do this?"
       "What is this, I will cook the food. I will pick up other pickled pickles." Ning-Er replied in disapproval.
       "Hey, this is really not what I thought. You a big man will do the work." Xiao Liu asked curiously.
       Ning-Er is also a County-Graduate. Although he works every day, he really didn't expect Ning-Er to even do the work of these women.
       "Oh, no one at home, only I will follow Chou-gu." Ning-Er laughed.
       I have to say that his cut is very good, and the cut radish slices are even evenly tidy than Chou-gu. Chou-gu is an acute child, and work is a good thing, but when it is too fast, the quality of nature drops. Ning-Er is different. It is the same to cut the radish.
       Not much longer, Chou-gu slammed the knife and a small cutting board out. She had burned the stove and put the steamer up. Just wait for it to boil and then steam the radish.
       "The radish you cut is better than the one I cut." Chou-gu glanced at Ning Er’s already cut half-basket radish and smiled.
       "Oh, you can't compare me to this." Ning-Er proudly smiled.
       "Cut so beautiful, it is not the same to be chewed, what is the use." Chou-gu did not agree.
       "As you said, why do you have to cut something when cooking vegetables? If you don't just cut a few knives, you can cook it directly. Anyway, you have to chew it when you eat it." Ning-Er retorted.
       "That can be different, such as stew, radish, you have to cut the knife, big chunks. When you burn the fish, you have to cut into radish, it is more delicious. I did not say that I just cut a few knives." Ah, I just think that the slice doesn't have to be cut so beautifully, it wastes time." Chou-gu can't admit defeat, and immediately fight back.
       "It’s obviously not good for me. I also said that I was wasting my time. I wasted my time. I obviously don't cut less than you cut." Ning-Er said funnyly.
       "We simply come to compare it, to see who is doing it faster and more." Chou-gu was stirred up by him for a moment, provocatively said.
       "Oh, it’s better than that." Ning-Er doesn't feel that he will lose at all.
        Xiao Liu is also a busy person, and quickly said   :   "I am coming, I am coming. One person cuts ten radishes." He said, he really found ten radishes of almost the same size for each of them.
       Ning-Er and Chou-gu, under his order, began to compare. The two men licked the radishes and said a few words from time to time. Obviously they all have confidence in themselves. I will not lose to you at all.
       But when I cut the eighth radish, Chou-gu was in a hurry, and I couldn't help but speed up. The cut radish was extraordinarily thick. Finally, although she won in speed, the last two radishes were obvious. Cut too thick, completely inconsistent with the front. The radish cut by Ning-Er is really cut out by the machine. It is neat and uniform, and the thickness is very consistent. It is obvious that the knife is better than her.
       "Hey, you still cut it." Chou-gu sighed.
       "Okay, the trick is also a child, what is the analogy. Isn't it necessary to steam the radish? Is it all over the place?" Ning-Er said as he packed up the radish slices.
       "Well, take it to steam." Chou-gu nodded, didn't care about winning or losing, and went with him to the room with the radish slices.
        Xiao Liu was interested in seeing the two of them, and suddenly found that the two people get along with each other, there is always a little bit of unclear taste.

       Chapter 167     :     Easy          

       In the anxious hope of everyone day and night, the two scorpions Sorghum  finally matured.
       "You can accept it." Xiao Liu asked.
       Lao Liu carefully observed it again and said, "Receive it today."
       The other three nodded. Chou-gu was not as solemn as they were. They saw them in a rigorous manner. They couldn’t help but say, "Take it up, what you do is like something big. I am not used to it. what."
       In this experiment, she is the easiest. Because she is very confident that she will succeed, and she does not think this is a magical thing. Therefore, her heart is the lightest, not as worried as the other three. In her opinion, Gao Song went straight to the maturity and harvested it directly, saying so much.
       "That’s it." Ning-Er also said.
       Liu Shuzhen and Ning-Er Chou-gu four people, all of them have been harvested without much effort, after all, it is only an experimental field, only a total of half acre. Looking at the Sorghum  full of granules, Liu Shuzhen was excited and said   :   "Great, great. This Sorghum  is not worse than the first time. We succeeded."
       "This time you can go back to the cross smoothly." Ning-Er also laughed.
       "Yeah, the emperor will be very happy." Xiao Liu face glowed, holding a stilt, as if holding a gold.
       "Ning Er, Chou-gu, we must show you the power in front of the emperor after we go back. This is really your credit." Lao Liu said sincerely.
       In fact, he has been worried about it. He is worried that he will experiment in this place year after year. He can't even imagine this deadline. However, things went unexpectedly and smoothly, and once they were successful, they succeeded. Now he looks at Ning-Er and Chou-gu, just like watching God.
       Soon, the Liu family was satisfied with the majority of the Sorghum  back to the cross.
       "Oh, I finally sent it away. We can also be light." Ning-Er sighed, and it was very unloading the burden. The relaxed feeling after the instant release made him feel that it was floating.
       For the past six months, he has been unsettled in his heart. He has thought about it more than once. If the experiment is not successful, what will the emperor do? Did you cut him and Chou-gu, and Chou-gu Mu Uncle home? Is it to order them to continue experimenting next year? Or, do they need experiments year after year, always so brazen to live?
       This kind of emotion has always been in his heart, so that he wakes up in the middle of the night and can't sleep. He even suspected that this thing was done right? If they can do more experiments, even expand some experimental sites, and then go out, there is no need to worry about it.
       The Liu family walked away, not only Ning Er, but the hearts of all the people returned to the original place.
       After a day of rest, Ning-Er secretly asked Chou-gu   :   "Is there any physical discomfort in your body recently?"
       "No, it’s normal." Chou-gu answered. It is normal, but she also understands that there is a bomb in her body. If it is not solved, I don’t know when it will explode.
       Ning-Er breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That’s good. Maybe when they go back, someone will come to treat you."
       "What?" Chou-gu asked him inexplicably.
       Ning-Er stopped for a moment and then said carefully   :   "I am afraid that the emperor will wait for us to succeed, and will send someone to treat you."
       "You mean, is this an exchange condition?" Chou-gu was very surprised. The time passed so long, there was no news at all. She always thought that it was because of her own fault.
       "I just guessed this way. Otherwise, there is no news for so long. And, I think your body is definitely not a big problem, or your Mu Uncle should be anxious." Ning-Er answer.
       He has been guessing like this, and he will do his best to take care of the Sorghum  with the Liu family so that they can return to the cross as soon as possible, in exchange for the Tai yi who treats Chou-gu. It is a pity that his idea is really wrong.
       "Hey, you said this, I don't worry about it." Chou-gu sighed and felt that he was saved.
       "That is, you will be waiting for peace. It will definitely solve your problem after the spring of next year." Ning-Er looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, expecting to say.
       It’s already cold, and it’s going to get heavy snow right away. It’s definitely impossible for someone to go to this remote mountain village to cure Chou-gu.
       "I am not in a hurry to do this half-time work." Chou-gu feeling relaxed, people immediately happy. The big stone that was pressed against my heart was finally moved away, making her feel comfortable and just want to laugh.
       This happy mood naturally infected everyone, and Ning-Er looked at her happy look and followed her happiness.
       "Oh, nothing is going on now, you secretly go hunting with us, okay?" Ning-Er laughed.
       For a while, Chou-gu did not follow him and the pillars to hunt. Because the younger brother went to school, she was alone in a Miss family. It was not a single day and a few nights with two men. It was afraid of getting gossip. And she has to take care of the lives of Liu family and have no time to go out with them.
       So, when Ning-Er mentioned this, she immediately nodded. "Okay, okay. This time we played, we just stayed through the winter."
       Sun Popo and Wu-shi did not object to her. Now there is really nothing to do at home, and she should relax and relax.
       Wu-shi still whispered   :   "Sneak away, quietly back. Don't let the villagers know that you are out."
       "I know." Chou-gu smiled. As she gets older, she knows that she has a chance to sneak out and go hunting with Ning Er. Don't look at her, she can still work with Ning Er, and even play. But that’s all there is Sun Popo, the pillars of Aye and others are present, they are not alone.
       Even if everyone doesn't say it, she knows she should avoid it. The girls like her in the village have already booked a relative or are looking at others.
       This evening, Chou-gu Meimei got a good night’s sleep, dropped the big stone in her heart, and slept very well. So that Wu-shi came to wake her up in the morning.
       "Yeah, I overslept." Chou-gu hurriedly dressed and packed himself up, just inside the bowl, Ning-Er and the pillars came silently.
       "Have you ever had breakfast?" Wu-shi asked.
       “Having eaten, Chou-gu is still eating?” Ning-Er asked.
       "Come on, let’s go." Chou-gu sipped the porridge in the bowl and took two big hoes and came out.
       After so long at home, I was able to go out and let go of the wind. Chou-gu was very excited, and I still had breakfast.
       At this time, the people in the village have not yet got up, and they are quiet outside. The weather is cold, and there are fewer jobs. Most people will sleep very late. Chou-gu rides on the raft and squats along with Ning-Er and the pillars.
       "Why don't you eat it and come out again, it’s so cold outside, it’s cold when you see the wind," Ning-Er said.
       "Wood thing." Chou-gu soon ate a Bun, and the remaining Bun was put directly into the scorpion. It’s too early to eat, but it’s not so hungry.
       "It’s late today, didn't you sleep last night?" Ning-Er asked again.
       "It’s a bit too excited. I slept too late and I overslept." Chou-gu said with embarrassment.
       “Have you been so happy?” Ning-Er couldn’t help but joke.
       "Of course, I haven't been hunting with you for a long time. I don't know what it is like now." Chou-gu said with some nostalgia.
       "What, it’s not the same. Look at what you said is like you haven't been in ten or eight years." Ning-Er said funnyly.
       "It is said that, if you don't see it with your own eyes, it is always different."
       The two men talked and laughed all the way, and the happy laughter flew in the forest from time to time, and they were shocked by a group of flying birds.
       Pillar was dissatisfied with a "snap" and whispered   :   "You are too noisy, and the prey is arguing."
       Chou-gu rushed Ning-Er and made a face, laughing and jokingly saying, "It’s too early, they didn't get up."
       The pillar didn't buy it, but he obviously said it was Ning-Er or Chou-gu, and he could only look at them.
       Ning-Er and Chou-gu couldn't stand his silent condemnation and had to be quiet.
       However, it didn't take long for the two to laugh and laugh.
       Looking at her happy look, Ning-Er couldn't help but joked   :   "You are in a good mood."
       For a while, he did not see such an active Chou-gu. Since the white doctor left, Chou-gu interest has not been high, although he is still working and living normally, but he can clearly feel that Chou-gu is not happy. He also thought about a lot of ways to try to solve her. It’s just that Chou-gu is just like a scene and he laughs for a while, and then he is quiet again. It’s rare to see Chou-gu, who is so happy and smiling, his heart is just getting happy.
       "Yeah, now there is no burden. It should be happy." Chou-gu laughed happily.
       Although it was very clear at this moment, it was so desolate, I could not see a small flower, I could not see a green leaf, and the sky was still cloudy, the north wind was blowing, but she did not feel cold at all. I feel that I am full of strength, and I am as good as a land.
       Ning-Er looked at her smile and suddenly felt that her eyebrows were extraordinarily smart.
       This evening, it is still the same as the countless nights in the past. Chou-gu bed, Ning-Er and pillars sleep on the floor under the bed.
       To prepare for the rest, under the dim light, Ning-Er looked at Chou-gu, who took off her thick and heavy clothes, and suddenly found her growing up.
       Chou-gu has grown taller this year. At this moment, under the light, without the cover of thick clothes, Chou-gu silhouette can clearly see the bulge on the chest, and the hips begin to become rounded up. It has already loomed Big Miss. Looks like it. Apparently, Chou-gu began to develop unconsciously.
       Looking at this kind of Chou-gu, he suddenly felt his face hot, but Chou-gu quickly got into the quilt, back to them, lying on his side, leaving him only a black pressure Blue silk.
       Physical changes Chou-gu myself understands that she grows taller, her skin becomes smoother, her hair becomes darker, and her chest begins to develop.
       These circumstances made her understand that she began to enter normal adolescence.
       She often observes the little girl on her chest. This little milk bag is really growing up. She eagerly hopes that she can come to her aunt soon, so that she can be regarded as a real woman. In fact, she is almost fifteen years old. The young Miss’s body at this age is also developing, and it will be late if it is not long. She does not want to be a virgin who will never grow up, or become a woman who is not healthy.

       Chapter 168     :     Confused          

       This night, Ning-Er dreamed again.
       The physiological impulse made him wake up. He opened his eyes and saw that the sky was already slightly bright. He was in the bed. He took off his dirty pants and sneaked out to clean up. As a result, Chou-gu turned over in bed, scared him to stop and shut his eyes.
       As a result, Chou-gu yawned and stretched out, but still wrapped in the quilt and couldn't sleep.
       Ning-Er waited for a moment, seeing that she didn't move, and quickly put on her clothes, and even the big robes she wore were too late to fasten the buttons. She hooked her body and rolled her dirty clothes out.
       Chou-gu thought that he was so anxious that he was going to pee. He couldn't help but feel that he was in a hurry. He quickly began to wear clothes to go to the huts. As a result, it was convenient for her to go back to the huts and not see Ning-Er coming back.
       Chou-gu did not care, just directly ignited the stove and started to burn hot water. Then, with an empty bucket, go to the river to fetch water.
       After Ning-Er was convenient, he quickly ran to the river, sneaked his pants, and found a place to get on the air, only to relieve his breath. However, he is always a little sticky and uncomfortable. He really wants to wash, but the river is very cold, he really dare not wash the important part with such cold water. Just a little washing of his clothes, his hands were frozen and numb.
       Just when he was tangled, Chou-gu came over with the bucket and saw him standing still, and puzzled   :   "In the early morning, what are you doing along the river?"
       Ning-Er blushes and coughs twice, concealingly saying, "I just think the water is too cold."
       “Is it ice?” Chou-gu said, kneeling down, reaching out and trying to test the water temperature, and it felt a bit bitter.
       "You go back to wash, I am already boiling water." Chou-gu said, took the cup and began to wash.
       She thinks that the water is cold, but it is still acceptable, and Ning-Er has always been more delicate, the body is not very good, or better with hot water.
       Ning-Er quickly took the bucket and went back with a bucket of water.
       Ning-Er went back to the house, the pillars had already got up, not in the house, and the water burned by Chou-gu was already hot. He hurriedly hit a half basin of water, squatting in the room, washing it quickly, and then lifting the pants, Chou-gu came in. The panic Ning-Er almost knocked over the basin, carrying a pair of trousers, and hurriedly turned his back to the waistband.
       Chou-gu took a moment to react, and quickly retired. After a while, Ning-Er came out of the water and splashed water. His face was flushed and he did not dare to look at her.
       Chou-gu is a bit embarrassing, but I don't think there is anything. After all, it is a good habit to wash up in the morning, but it is a personal hygiene habit. On the contrary, Ning-Er was at a loss and didn't dare to enter the house.
       Ning-Er is not to be twisted until after breakfast.
       Chou-gu saw the appearance of a shy little wife, and he couldn't help but joked   :   "What are you doing? What are you embarrassed, I haven't seen you yet."
       Ning-Er took a moment to understand Chou-gu meaning, his face was redder, like Big'Miss, which was scorned by the bully, and said with shame   :   "You are a Big'Miss home, how come The man said this."
       "What did I say?" Chou-gu looked at the little daughter-in-law and was so happy that he sneered with a smirk.
       "You still laugh, what a funny thing." Ning-Er is angry and shy, hate straight.
       "Haha, haha..." Chou-gu saw him like this, and he felt more and more funny, and couldn't help himself anymore. He laughed directly.
       "You..." Ning-Er couldn't bear it, and shyly said   :   "No smile, what a funny thing. It’s normal for a man to behave in the morning."
       After saying it, I felt that I shouldn’t say this in front of the Miss family. I just want to slap myself and finally turn my head to sulking.
       Who knows, the pillars of the situation are completely unclear, and unfortunately, Ning-Er has found the sneakers that sneak in the sun.
       Also ‘called   :   "Young Master, you wash your pants in the morning."
       Ning Er’s face brushed like a boiled shrimp, and the red ones were bleeding.
       Chou-gu stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized   :   "It turned out that you washed in the morning because of the night, it really is a big man." In her tone, there are still people who feel that Ning-Er has finally grown up. feel.
       "You... can you not say it?" Ning-Er yelled, and quickly interrupted her, for fear that she would say something more terrible.
       "Okay, okay. You are also the wife of this age." Chou-gu has a tone in my family, and Ning-Er is even more angry.
       Just because I couldn’t figure out the status of Pillar, I only heard the words of my wife and I quickly said, "Young Master wants to marry a woman?"
       Ning-Er is angry and shy again, and he is not angry. "What are you talking about, who are you?" The one who rushed out of the air ran away.
       Chou-gu stunned for a moment, and laughed loudly. The pillar also smiled at her with a big mouth.
       The two people are not happy, they don’t know how to laugh for a while, but they don’t see Ning-Er coming back. Chou-gu knows that this guy is really angry and quickly ‘called   :   “Ning Er, what is angry? You It’s a good sign that you are in good health.”
       She actually knows the physical condition of Ning Er. She used to say to her   :   "Ning-Er This body is not very good. It needs to be slowly nursed back. The Song Dong family’s prescription is also symptomatic, but after all, it is the foundation. Not good, take your time."
       “What’s wrong?” Chou-gu asked.
       "I am afraid that he will have some problems in the house afterwards." The doctor said it was straightforward.
       Chou-gu was shocked at the time. Bai Da Fu didn't care too much. He said, "What are you afraid of? It will be fine. I talked with Song Dongjia last time and changed it to him. It should be fine to eat a few doses." This guy didn't think about it at all, and it was good to talk about this kind of question in front of Chou-gu. Still Chou-gu was afraid that he would doubt how he would understand these things and didn't dare to ask.
       That is to say, Chou-gu is still very worried about Ning Er, after all, if a man can't do this, he can't be a complete man. And Ning Er, the mind is already thin, think too much, you must know that you can't do this, you are not mad. Besides, Ning’s family is his own, still the thoughts of the ancients, he still has to inherit the incense.
       At that time, she also said with a heartfelt heart   :   "He and I are really two people who have the same difficulties."
       "No, you two..." The white doctor turned a corner in his mouth and turned into something   :   "It’s okay. Come slowly."
       Because he also feels that Chou-gu and Ning-Er have problems. And Chou-gu is too ugly, and Ning-Er looks so good. When they are together, it’s a bit different.
       Regarding the dignity of men, this kind of words, Chou-gu is not good and Ning-Er said, but the white doctor also said   :   "This matter does not have to worry about you, Ning-Er also knows that Song Dongjia will help him. Slowly nursed back."
       Therefore, now Chou-gu knows that Ning-Er has a physiological impulse, and it is not the first time that he knows that he has no problem in this regard, and he is very happy for him.
       Pillar smiled for a while and went hunting. I have to say that after the pillar has a son, I am sensible. Although he is still a child’s heart, he knows he has to do more work and get more delicious food for Jiang Chunhua and his son. Hunting is his best, and he is naturally more energetic.
       After the pillars walked away, Chou-gu went to find Ning Er, fearing that this guy was alone and shy.
       "Ning Er, Ning Er, hide from hiding. You are a big man, don't be so thin." Chou-gu is kind, but there is a wretched old driver’s heart, and Ning-Er A beautiful young man can be used for her appreciation and teasing, so the words that make it out are especially good for Ning Er’s gums. Although she heard that she was calling herself, he did not hear it. Moreover, he also deliberately took a few steps to the depths of the woods, and found an empty place to sit on a large stone, and the sun came.
       Today is also a rare sunny day. At this time, the wind has stopped, and the sun shines on the warmth of the body. I don’t know how comfortable it is.
       Chou-gu looked around for a circle. When I didn't see anyone, I knew that this guy was deliberately hiding. She couldn't do it in her heart, but she said seriously   :   "Okay, okay. I am not teasing you. Quick. Come out."
       Ning-Er still ignored her, listening to her voice and going to the distance, the heat on her face slowly receded.
       "This mixed Yatou, I don't know where to learn these words." Ning-Er is groaning, I really don't understand, Chou-gu is a young age, and usually has little contact with outsiders. These things.
       Of course, he subconsciously forgot those words. Although he himself has seen the red face, he is still self-righteous, thinking that Chou-gu simply can't understand. However, in this case, there are few novels in this novel, so there are such scenes in three or five books. He didn't even know that Chou-gu was originally the core of an Daren, and in modern times, she still didn't know how many action movies and popular science novels she saw.
       Chou-gu footsteps gradually drifted away, and Ning-Er was thinking about it, and was warmly illuminated by the sun, and he couldn't help but hit it. When he woke up, he found that he had not heard the movement of Chou'Gu and the pillar, and he was so scared that he jumped quickly.
       "Pillars, pillars, Chou-gu, Chou-gu." Ning-Er searched around, didn't see anyone, and quickly called out.
       After a while, the pillars came back, carrying the half-scorpion’s prey, and said happily   :   "Look, there are so many."
       "Have you seen Chou'Gu?" Ning-Er asked him quickly.
       The pillar shook his head and said, "Are you not together?"
       Ning-Er was in a hurry, not letting the pillars hunt again, and he went to Chou-gu. They ran home in a gust of wind, and Chou-gu obviously didn't come back.
       "Chou-gu, Chou-gu, come out, don't hide." Ning Er’s call was anxious, but there was no response at all.
       "You don't come out again, I am angry." Ning-Er called again.
       However, Chou-gu still did not respond.
       The pillar also faintly felt that the situation was serious, and ‘called with him   :   "Chou-gu, Chou-gu, come back soon."
       The two people looked farther and farther, and finally found Chou-gu sleeping in a leeward air.
       Ning-Er stopped and gave Pillar a wink, and then approached quietly and ‘called at Chou-gu ear   :   "Chou-gu, get up."
       In this sentence, he made all his efforts, scared Chou-gu a clever, almost jumped up.
       "Well, we are looking for you everywhere, how do you get here to sleep? Not afraid of freezing." Ning-Er snorted.
       Chou-gu people are still stupid. After a while, I am embarrassed to say   :   "I don't know, how can I fall asleep."
       She really didn't know, obviously she was looking for Ning Er, how could she sleep in the wild?

       Chapter 169     :     Mouth bitter          

       Ning-Er found her and forgot the previous awkwardness. She saw her herself stupidly. She only thought she was sleeping. She said, "If you are tired, go to sleep in the house." Well, in the winter, although the sun is warm, so sleep will freeze."
       "Maybe I wake up early in the morning, sit here and rest and fall asleep." Chou-gu thought about it, and only gave himself this explanation.
       Saying, she licked her mouth and always felt that her mouth was so bitter, just like something that was particularly bitter, and the bitterness remained in her mouth, making her feel very uncomfortable.
       "Go, go hunting." The words of Pillar interrupted her.
       "Well, go by the way to find some honey, my mouth is so bitter." Chou-gu frowned and spit a few mouthfuls of water, the mouth still bitter, so much she could not wait to spit out her tongue.
       “How can it be bitter?” Ning-Er puzzled.
       "I don't know, I didn't feel this way before." Chou-gu shook her head, she made it clear.
       "Is it hot, or I have eaten too much meat last night, and I haven't changed it. Eat something light today." Ning-Er thought about it before he said it.
       "Maybe." Chou-gu, along with his words, did eat a lot of meat yesterday night, maybe it was really not digested, and some of it was hard to eat.
       The pillars were hunting. They searched for honey for a long time. They finally found a small honeycomb and got a honeycomb. Chou-gu put a little bit into it and ate it. It felt like it was pressed. The stock is bitter.
       “Well?” Ning-Er asked.
       Chou-gu nodded, and finally she had no bitter taste that made her unbearable.
       Everyone in this episode didn't take the same thing, but this night, Chou-gu had a stomachache, and the belly was so loud that it hurts her to go to the huts, and she pulled out a bunch of smashed scorpions. The things of the day.
       The stinky she almost spit out, and the sting wind plunged into the nostrils of Ning-Er and the pillars. The pillar quickly licked her nose and ‘called   :   "Good smell, good smell."
       Ning-Er held his breath and rushed to the wind, and the two stopped at the wind, and they could not smell the smell of the dead. And in the Chou-gu of the huts, the whole person is like a collapse, and there is no point in it. She used all her strength to tie her pants, and finally Ning-Er and the pillar came over and took her back to the house.
       "What?" Ning-Er worried.
       "The whole body is weak, it may be pulling." Chou-gu replied weakly.
       It is normal for the diarrhea to have soft legs and legs. She has done it before, and after pulling it, her stomach is not hurting. She is not too concerned. People are too tired to just sleep a little.
       Ning-Er was very worried. She felt that she was sick. She was going to take her back to find Song Dongjia at night.
       "A big night, how come. Go back tomorrow morning." Chou-gu said, and he gave himself a bowl of light salt water to drink, and soon fell asleep.
       Ning-Er kept her for a night, squinting to the dawn. Chou-gu slept very well and woke up the next morning without any discomfort.
       “Is there really no place to be uncomfortable?” Ning-Er couldn't believe it.
       “Very good.” Chou-gu stretched out and kicked his kick and felt that he was normal.
       "Is it light yesterday, just fine." Ning-Er yelled.
       "Should be, okay, okay, let’s hurry up. Let’s go back and raise the spirit." Chou-gu saw him black and green, the pillars were still dozing off, and they let them rest. .
       "Well, then I will sleep for a while, you will wake me up."
       Ning-Er was afraid and worried last night. When she saw her, she couldn't support it. She and the pillars fell down and fell asleep.
       Chou-gu woke up, except that she felt a little sore on her legs and feet, and there was really no physical discomfort, and she felt very hungry at this moment. She knew in her heart that because she had been smashed yesterday, she must have all the so-called sacred stools, and there was no food in the stomach, so she would be so hungry.
       When she went out, she went to the river to fetch water, and she could smell the stench that she pulled out yesterday.
       “How could it be so stinky?” Chou-gu sighed a few words and pinched his nostrils to the huts. He wanted to see what he had pulled, so stinking that she couldn’t imagine it.
       She has two food poisonings in modern times, and she has a lot of stomach pains, and she has pulled a lot, but that is not the same as this time, and she did not eat anything that others did not eat yesterday. The food and the food, Ning-Er and the pillars have been eaten. They are both good, and it is impossible to poison her food.
       As a result, she looked at the huts and saw nothing at all, because last night the pillars had poured a lot of ash into the huts, which suppressed the excrement, but the smell was really still there. It just lightened a lot. She looked at her eyes and ran away.
       Because of the fear of quarreling with the pillars and sleeping with Ning Er, Chou-gu took the pot directly to the door to make breakfast. There are existing stones at the door, and I took a few yards of a stove, and she started to make a porridge.
       Last night, she was afraid that she would be uncomfortable today, so she did not dare to eat anything like oily and salty. She cooked a pot of cabbage porridge directly, added a little salt to the porridge, and dropped two drops. Flavored with sesame oil.
       The fragrant vegetable porridge tastes very good. She even drank two bowls of porridge to fill her stomach. People also felt that energy was all back. Seeing Ning-Er and the pillars still slept well, she gave them a pot of chicken before they called them up.
       After sleeping for about an hour, the spirits of both of them were much better. After eating, everyone went back.
       On this road, Chou-gu did not feel uncomfortable.
       "It’s really light, just fine. You are in good health.” Ning-Er also made a joke.
       "Yeah." Chou-gu smiled embarrassedly. I was embarrassed to think that I had to go back from the huts last night.
       "It’s too stinky." The pillar was very upset when he thought of the smell.
       Ning-Er is afraid that Chou-gu girl’s face is thin, and quickly opened the subject, saying   :   "This time the harvest is not bad."
       "You bring more, I just need a little." Chou-gu smiled. This time I came home early because of her stomachache, and the harvest obviously did not meet everyone expectations. She is not lacking silver flowers now, and these prey naturally have to be divided into more than half to Ningjia.
       “It’s okay, our family still has some stock. But it’s less to give a little ginger.” Ning-Er laughed. Originally, he planned to give a little more ginger home this time, because this is the last time this winter came out to hunt.
       “They also followed the pheasant wild rabbits. I gave them so much, and they didn’t raise their hearts,” Chou-gu said.
       She didn't have a good impression on the ginger Da--nu  daughter-in-law. The woman was lazy and had a lot of mouths. She didn't know how much she said in the village. Nothing is because the conditions of Ningjia are good, and Jiang Chunhua has not seen any benefit to Jiang. In fact, every time the pillar goes out to hunt, it will give the Jiang family one or two prey, which makes the other people in the village have already envied the DC. Which one does not say, Jiang Chunhua married well, and went to the rich nest to enjoy the blessing.
       These words do not need ginger Chunhua said that the woman was returned to the village. If it weren’t for Jiang’s Da--nu , he would become more and more knowledgeable and talkative, and Chou-gu and Ning-Er would not care about Jiang.
       Speaking gossip, seeing near the Wu family, Ning-Er said   :   "Let’s go home and go to bed, and accompany you to find Song Dongjia in the morning. I will not stop at your house today."
       "Well, let’s go, and it will be dark again in the evening." Chou-gu stunned the sky and didn't leave them.
       "What happened? Going to the Song Dong family?" Sun Popo and Wu-shi quickly asked.
       "Nothing, that is, I had a diarrhea last night. I was scared of Ning Er." Chou-gu answered.
       Sun Popo and Wu-shi stared at her face and couldn't help but see that she was in good spirits and that she didn't feel uncomfortable. She knew that she had nothing to worry about and she was relieved. Sun Popo asked   :   "Is it still hurting? ?"
       "No, it won't hurt if you pull it. It’s pulling the’servants and scaring them." Chou-gu said with embarrassment.
       As soon as I thought that I was so stinky, I not only smothered myself, but also smoked Ning-Er and the pillars. She felt embarrassed. The most embarrassing thing is that after she pulled it, the virtual connection could not move, or Ning-Er and the pillars carried her back.
       Passing through the door of ginger Da--nu , the pillar ‘Called, Ning-Er asked him to take two pheasants and two wild rabbits, and said to Jiang Da--nu    :   "We will not go again this winter. Let’s keep eating things."
       Ginger Da--nu  quickly said   :   "Thank you. Let’s go eat at home." This time, compared to the previous ones, the four prey can be enough for them for a good year.
       "No, it’s not early, it’s time to go back." Finished, Ning-Er and the pillars left.
       Watching them go with a lot of prey, Jiang Da--nu  was dissatisfied and said   :   "So many, give us four, too stingy."
       "People don't give you, you haven't eaten yet. You still dare to say less. Next time you talk again, see if I don't kill you." Jiang Da--nu  ‘Called at her coldly.
       Now he really understands how good Wu hunters used to be in their homes. They gave them two or two prey items from time to time, and they made their family’s life a clear grade. Eat well, their family’s three faces are exceptionally better, and people seem to be more spiritual, and they are extraordinarily energetic when they work.
       Jiang Madam didn't come out, she didn't necessarily mean something to her grandmother, but she couldn't say it. After all, the pillars are white for them to eat, and each time they go out hunting, they will be given one or two. The villagers do not think that their homes occupy the light of the pillars. If she says anything, she really has to be scorned by their family.


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