Ugly Biography 150

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »     Chapter 150  

       After breakfast, Ning-Er and Chou-gu were pulled by the pillars and Minger to build an ice house.
       Yesterday, the small ice house they built on the pillars was blown up by a strong wind at night, leaving only half of the wreckage, and Ning-Er and Chou-gu almost laughed.
       The pillars and Minger did not care. Anyway, it was necessary to build a new one today. In particular, Ming also pointed to the half-walled ice wall and asked   :   "Is there any use for the rest?"
       Ning-Er and Chou-gu held their heads and began to plan a new ice house.
       Because the children are demanding, the foundation has to be strong. As a result, when Chou-gu and Ning-Er hit the foundation, they found that the ice house they had made was too big and it was not easy to finish the day. On the side of watching the lively Sun Popo and Wu Shi, Jiang Chunhua simply went off, even Yunshan followed the run before running, busy, and all the people came to participate in the ice building. Everyone, you are a sentence, I am very busy.
       Although the weather was gloomy, but the wind was not big, everyone was so busy that they didn't feel cold at all.
       However, during the busy process, Chou-gu let everyone go into the house to rest for a while, fearing that the weather is too cold and will be frozen. In particular, the disease of Ning-Er is a long time to rest.
       In this way, it was also busy for nearly a day, and the ice house was completed. Looking at the spacious and bright ice house, everyone was amazed.
       This large ice house was divided into two rooms, with windows and doors. If you don't look at the building materials, everyone should feel that the house is completely a room that can live. For example, the small grass shed where the pillars of the Tanabe lived did not have this ice house.
       "I didn't expect the building to be so simple." Sun Popo laughed. When she was a young man, it was rare to have a day like a child.
       "So big, if you are a little higher, you can live." Wu-shi also laughed.
       Because the whole building materials are all locally sourced, the roof of the ice house is certainly not likely to be high. It is the kind of spire that gradually closes, and the highest point is about one meter tall. This is because of the height of the pillars, otherwise, Chou-gu and Ning-Er will definitely get shorter.
       "That is, in such a room, I don't feel very cold. I thought that the house with all the ice sheets would be extraordinarily cold." Sun Popo added.
       The pillar was very excited to turn around in the room, and he could walk around with his head bent down, so he was even more excited than the others. Looking at him, Jiang Chunhua couldn't help but smile   :   "Hey, the pillar is so happy, like a baby."
       It made everyone laugh and laughed.
       A few children couldn't help but go to the serious table and bench for class, and they were ready to go to class here.
       "Hey, just play for a while. I have been playing ice for a day today, and I have to play every day." Chou-gu ‘Called. After that, she confessed to Ning-Er   :   "You look at them and only enter the house for a quarter of an hour. I went to cook with Chunhua."
       "Sister, sister, get it faster." Minger ‘called, busy for a day, hungry fast.
       "You still know that you are hungry." Chou-gu smiled.
       Over there, Jiang Chunhua had already entered the house and burned the large stove. He began to wash the rice and prepared to cook.
       Chou-gu came in and went directly to the stove and saw the nourishing chicken soup stewed by Ning Er. The soup was already stewed and exudes a faint scent of medicine. She quickly turned and called Ning-Er to come over to drink soup.
       In the mouth, he also ordered Jiang Chunhua   :   "Put a few pieces of ginger into the soup and stew."
       "Oh, I know."
       Jiang Chunhua cooked the rice, and simmered the big bone soup that had been stewed for half a pot on the stove to cook. Then, according to Chou-gu instructions, he touched a few large pieces of ginger and threw them into the soup. Then she took a few big radishes and cut the radishes.
       Radish bone soup is also a very delicious and delicious dish. At home, I bought a lot of bones. Chou-gu usually cooks a large pot of light bone soup and puts it in reserve. Take some soup and stew cabbage or radish every day. Sometimes you can use this soup to make hot pot soup, and get some meat, vegetables, cabbage, spinach and other things together in the soup, when you eat hot pot.
       Ning-Er came in and drank a large bowl of nourishing chicken soup, and instantly felt that the whole body was warm. After a while, the children also clashed into the house. All the people came to the stove.
       Ning-Er also quits and goes to the partial room to rest. At this time, the’servant also burned hot, and he simply sat down to start planning how to educate the children of Ningjia Village. He felt that he should change the teaching mode. You can't use the method of teaching Jiang Wucun children to the children of Ningjia Village.
       He listed a few plans on the paper, and there was a big bottom in his mind. The pillars also came to ask him to open the meal.
       On the table, each person drank a large bowl of hot bone soup, and put a lot of ginger, in case everyone was cold.
       Chou-gu also specially made a spicy dish in the evening, a red hot chicken nuggets stewed with dried mushrooms, this dish is a practice of dry pot, which puts more seasoning, a lot of dried chili, large pieces of ginger Block, also put a lot of green garlic seedlings, this is the first time she made this dish.
       After the frying, the small stove was also placed directly in the middle of the table, and the pot was brought up to stew. This so-called small stove, in fact, is extremely simple in style. It is a small stove similar to a modern hot pot. It is not much bigger than a large plate. The red fire carbon from the stove is thrown into the stove, and the dish in the pot is It can be considered as her unique invention when she can cook while eating.
       Wu family arrived in the winter, and the hot pot is often used in this small stove. Everyone likes it very much.
       "Good fragrance." Everyone looked at this delicious and spicy dish with a sip of water.
       Ning-Er curiously asked   :   "I haven't eaten before, have you gotten it?"
       "Well, this is called a hot pot chicken." Chou-gu answered.
       "Sure enough, it is a new dish." Everyone laughed.
       "You can eat more spicy food, and stand on the sidelines." Chou-gu laughed.
       Because of the reason for taking medicine, she and Ning-Er can't eat too spicy dishes, so the family has not made such a heavy dish for a long time. Don't say that other people are swallowing this dish, that is, Chou-gu himself can't help but clip a piece of chicken out first.
       Ning-Er saw that she could eat, and she couldn't help but clip two pieces of mushrooms out. This dried shiitake mushroom is also a rare item in this place, which was sent by Ashan last time.
       The two ate and ate the spicy, but could not help but want to eat a few more.
       "The taste is very good, but it’s hot, don't eat it." Ning Er’s self-control is still very strong, he also tasted a taste, and honestly drank his soup. I went to the table with the spinach specially fried for him.
       Chou-gu couldn't help it. She was a non-spirited person. She didn't want to stop even if she had two chickens and two mushrooms. If Ning-Er stopped her, she would like to go to the fifth. Chopsticks.
       "It’s so delicious, it’s too hot." Even Wu-shi also ate two more, and she sipped a few soups.
       Yunshan was still young, and she saw her joy. Chou-gu went to the bowl of clear water and washed a piece of chicken to her. She said, "If it is spicy, don't eat it. This taste is too heavy, not suitable for you. eat."
       "Good." Yunshan took the chicken and picked it up.
       When everyone talked while eating, the chicken and mushrooms in the pot quickly disappeared by a large part. Chou-gu threw some cabbage leaves into the stew, and by the way added a spoonful of broth, it was a hot pot. In this way, the taste is not so heavy, and everyone is constantly adding cabbage leaves to go in and robbing.
       Soon after a few small meals, all of them were full, and finally Jiang Chunhua and the pillars were still eating. This pot is only the last bit of spicy soup, and it is poured into a bowl and prepared for bibimbap.
       "Hey, this will be very hot." Jiang Chunhua quickly added a spoon to Pillar. At the end of the cooking, the soup is getting hotter. Just seeing this red soup dyed the red, she felt too hot.
       The pillar didn't care at all. He said happily   :   "It’s delicious." He had a big meal and added a spoonful of rice. It was not too much. Every time he has dinner, Jiang Chunhua will deliberately put a little more rice, afraid that this guy will not eat enough.
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er discussed how to teach the children of Ningjia Village in the small room, and Ming and the younger brother to write on one side. I am having fun today, and my homework has not been done yet.
       After listening to Ning Er’s plan, Chou-gu agreed   :   "It is indeed necessary to rectify it. Otherwise, if you are exhausted, it is impossible to teach them all."
       "Yeah, so I decided to teach them some three-character scriptures, disciples and the like, and set the rules. Let them know that they respect the teacher and understand some basic principles." Ning-Er laughed. The children of Ningjia Village are not bad children. Since they are hard to learn, they can only change the way.
       The children of Jiang Wucun, because there are bright children and kittens walking in front of everyone, so you take me, I bring you, the overall level is much higher than Ningjia Village. They learn more and speed up. Parents are also happy, I feel that Ning-Er is doing my best, and now I am more respectful and grateful to him.
       On the other hand, Ningjiacun, the children learn the clouds every day, tired and stressed, have not learned anything, not only the parents feel bad, but Ning-Er is also anxious. After a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that no one thinks that he did not do his best to teach the children of Ningjia Village, only to the people of Jiangwu Village. Certainly no one will think that his child is stupid and has a poor foundation. I only think that the biasity of the Master is not good or even irresponsible.
       In fact, the children in Ningjia Village are not really stupid, but because the foundation is poor, the entire village environment is like that, basically no one is literate, let alone can be like Chou-gu, Minger, and kittens. Help them. Moreover, Chou-gu and Ning-Er did not expect this, and the textbooks used were the same. Naturally, these children could not keep up, and the effect was also poor.
       Therefore, he has to hurry to let the children of Ningjia Village learn some knowledge so that everyone can see his efforts and hard work.
       The two also discussed some details, Chou-gu put down these things and said   :   "I am going to cook the sugar water for everyone to drink, today is too heavy to eat, the mouth is a little dry."
       "What sugar?" Minger asked quickly.
       "You write your homework, and you won't lose yours anyway." Chou-gu smiled and pushed the door out.
       She went to find a few pears, stewed for a while, added some sugar, and a cup of moisturizing sugar was finished.
       Sure enough, everyone liked it, even Ning-Er was very satisfied with the big bowl and asked   :   "Is this practice difficult?"
       "Good to drink." Chou-gu smiled proudly.
       "Well, it’s really good." Ning-Er nodded again and again.
       "In fact, it’s very simple. It’s just that the pears have added some sugar. Everyone can cook them." Chou-gu said to tell him about the practice.
       "It’s really simple. I can try it the next day." Ning-Er is eager to try.
       "Well, next time you cook for us." Chou-gu joked.
       "As long as you are willing to eat. You can do it any time." Ning-Er also laughed.
       Several people laughed and laughed for a while, and they stopped each other.
        Not to mention, the Ning-Er teaching method, the advantages of Ningjiacun children are revealed. In fact, such a large child, memory ability is very powerful, teach them endorsements that do not ask for a solution, teach one sentence, they can do a good job. Children don't need to understand the meaning of these words at all, just remember to memorize.
       But every day, a few words, every child can go home and shake their heads, and the children are happy, no pressure, I feel that I have learned. And the parents listened and were very satisfied, and felt that the children had learned something.
       And during class, you can hear Ning-Er Qing Jun’s voice while hiding outside, and take the children to study. Parents are more satisfied with the sound of the children’s readings.
       The most important thing is that when everyone has a few books, Ning-Er will start to tell them the truth and rules. The children have become polite, respected him, and even the atmosphere in the village is getting better.
       Ning-Er is also very satisfied with this effect, Chou-gu is also very satisfied, said   :   "You are a good method, I think you can open a private, and then special education."
       In fact, the children of the kindergarten also learned some songs at the beginning. They followed the teacher every day and sang along with the teacher every day. After a while, the children would recite a few songs. Ning-Er is a teaching similar to modern kindergartens. For children who have no basis at all, the effect is obvious. Apparently, Ning-Er learned modern preschool education without a teacher.
       "No, no." Ning-Er shook his head again and again.
       "Why not? Receive a few students and enlighten everyone. Your level is completely enough." Chou-gu asked.
       "Although I am a County-Graduate, I am afraid that my ability is not enough, and I am too young, at least I am 30 years old," Ning-Er said.
       He is worried that he is too young and his parents do not recognize his ability and skills. And how can I receive a few dollars in this poor place? Students also do not receive two, it is better not to directly collect money, want to teach and teach, do not want to teach, do not teach, their own pressure is also light.
       Chou-gu looked at his still tender face, and he was more handsome than Miss' . He really didn't feel like an elephant master. He could only regret shaking his head and said, "I still think, you are better than teaching. You don't have to work in the fields."
       "How is it possible, here is so poor, which one has the money to pay for repairs, do I have to collect one or two, or five hundred dollars? I am afraid that the money I received is not as good as the money I have earned. I am also working hard. The most feared thing is that the villagers still think that I am too mean and only recognize the money.” Ning-Er explained.
       "Hey, I knew I shouldn't promise to teach everyone." Chou-gu regretted. This is completely digging a hole for Ning Er. If you don't teach, you can't do it. If you don't teach well, you can do it all. You will get blame.
       "You can't say that, but it’s not really good. For example, everyone respects me a lot now, and I have received a lot of things now. Although it is not worth the tuition, I am still idle. And also made a lot of things back, don't eat and drink." Ning-Er laughed.
       He is quite eager to open, it is good to have a harvest, not too entangled in gains and losses.
       The people in Ningjia Village, like the people in Jiangwu Village, sent firewood, grain, chicken and eggs to come. Everyone who has children to go to school has been sent, but it is more or less. In fact, most of them were sent to Wu. These things are enough for them to have a good winter.
       Chou-gu laughed and found that he couldn't keep up with the realm of Ning-Er in this respect. It is true that no one else has not paid for it, and every household has taken something. Although it doesn't cost much, it does pay for it. The most important thing is that there are more people. If you send him a little, it will not be less.
       If Ning-Er really started the private practice of receiving and repairing, and could not receive two students, the money he got was not more than now. And the villagers will not respect him as he is now.
       In fact, Ning-Er has instilled a lot of etiquette rules for everyone. The atmosphere of the entire village has changed, and it is also good for their own future life.
       "So, you are planning to teach your children to study when you are in the free time. When you are busy, you can still farm and hunt." Chou-gu laughed.
       "Yeah. If you don't farm and hunt, where can you afford a family? And the pillars are getting older, and the Master and I want to find him a wife." Ning-Er mentioned the pillars, it is sad. Straight sigh.
       In his mind, the pillar is a very useful person, but the pillar is a person who needs people to keep commanding. The normal person certainly does not want to marry him. But looking for someone with a disability, he feels wronged. Most importantly, he also felt that the surrounding Miss homes were not worthy of the pillars. He also wanted to find a person who could do the pillars and be true to the pillars.
       Chou-gu took a moment and said   :   "The pillars are also looking for a woman."
       She really didn't think about it in this regard. After all, the pillar is like a child. Although they often teach him carefully, but the pillar is a seven-eight-year-old IQ, barely able to live on their own, if there is no intimate person to take care of and carry him to work, he can't survive without it.
       Such a pillar, which normal Miss family is willing to marry? As long as it is a family that loves her daughter a little, it is impossible to marry her daughter to the pillar for the sake of silver. Besides, Ning-Er can't get a lot of money. This is not the problem that can be solved in fives and eights. The most important thing is that if the wife who is looking for is not good, not only the pillars are bullied, but everyone is also vomiting.
       "Yeah, I hope to find a Miss who really cares for him. I can make more money for her family. I am afraid that people are afraid of drawing money and not counting the pillars. They are bullying him." Ning'-Er said with distress.
       "Well, after all, the age of the pillars can also be a woman. Let’s find it slowly." Chou-gu comforted, she can't say that the situation of the pillars is not suitable for marriage. After all, the ancients attached great importance to the children. And the pillar is not a natural stupidity, it burns the brain the day after tomorrow, and his descendants should be fine.
       “Where to find it, Jiang Wucun and Ningjia Village Miss Miss family, there are not many parents who have not booked. Moreover, people are not necessarily willing to marry their daughter to the pillar. My grandfather and I both want to find a Miss nearby. You can see what is happening in her family, and there is also an understanding of the human nature. Secondly, she can also familiarize herself with the pillars first, lest the pillars still refuse." Ning-Er added.
       The pillar is a child’s heart, and it takes a long time to get to know someone else. The daughter’s face is thin, and I don't know how long it will take for the two to become a formal couple. It is not a long way to have a baby.
       Master still wants Pillar to become a child, and he can help him. Otherwise, he will have children for several years. Master is too old to take care of the little ones. They are afraid that the pillars can't take care of their wives and children.
       "It’s better for me and Aunt’s family, Aunt, to ask her to find a Miss." Chou-gu proposed that the village chief daughter-in-law is a part-time matchmaker, and her media is quite reliable.
       "No, no." Ning-Er again and again opposed.
       “Why?” Chou-gu incomprehensible question.
       "In this way, everyone doesn't know that the pillar is a fool. I don't want outsiders to point at him," Ning-Er said.
       Those who are familiar with the pillars have already accepted him, and the pillars are harmless and will work very well. Everyone is subconsciously thinking that he is just a little child’s heart. Most of them think that he is stupid, and no one thinks he is a fool. There are a lot of idiots and stupid things.
       This time Chou-gu has nothing to say, that is, she can't stand the other person pointing at the pillar and calling it a fool.
       "Forget it, don't mention this." Ning-Er shifted the topic and began to discuss the next phase of teaching with Chou-gu.
       The learning atmosphere of Jiang Wucun is very strong, and the children’s progress is very fast. So Wu-shi is in a hurry, she has never thought that a woman is a virtue. Moreover, she herself has read the book and learned the benefits of the word. Naturally, she understands that the child has to start from elementary school.
       Therefore, Wu-shi also began to teach Yunshan. In fact, Yunshan is three years old. She can go to kindergarten in modern times. Of course, she does not have to learn the knowledge. However, it is normal to learn a few songs. Therefore, Chou-gu did not stop Wu Shi, and he would teach Yun Shan from time to time.
       The three-year-old child, after all, is still young and learns naturally. Wu-shi and Chou-gu teach her every day, so Yunshan has not learned yet, but Jiang Chunhua who is with them every day, in the process I actually learned all.
       On this day, Jiang Chunhua heard that Pillar was counting an arithmetic problem with the words, seven plus two and then three. Pillar counted for a long time, and it was a small stick and a head. Jiang Chunhua blurted out and said, "It is equal to six."
       Pillar just figured out, and happily wrote the answer. He heard her answer and smiled happily   :   "Hey, it’s six. I’m right."
       Chou-gu couldn't help but start to intentionally test Jiang Chunhua and find that she can almost answer. It can be seen that although she has never learned, but some simple arithmetic, in fact, in life, Jiang Chunhua has already calculated for himself. Plus, I’m listening to everyone day-to-day listening to everyone day, and this level of calculation is so fast.
       "Oh, yes. Sister Chunhua, you are only afraid of this level." Chou-gu smiled.
       "How is it possible, I will not write a word, these things are also used in peacetime." Jiang Chunhua did not agree. After she followed Chou-gu, there were a lot of calculations, such as more than a few pounds of dried chrysanthemums, more than a pound of money, and how much money was sold. These she listened to Chou-gu, and she had already known it for a long time.
       This is the same as the villagers. The Darens will basically count, which ones don't pay a grain tax, and don't sell some daily goods. Everyone is selling a few eggs, which can be exchanged for a pound of salt in this daily life, and unconsciously will be arithmetic.
       "You just didn't learn to write, but you already know a lot of words." Wu-shi also said.
       “Really?” Jiang Chunhua didn’t quite believe.
       "Why not?" said, Chou-gu took out a few pieces of homemade paper, which read the simplest words and painted a very graphic pattern. This was specifically for Yunshan to recognize.
       Chou-gu pointed to a word for Jiang Chunhua to read, and she did not say a word. Then Chou-gu took another book and picked out the words to let her recognize that Jiang Chunhua did not read a mistake. Prove that she has recognized these words long ago, and remember it in my heart. Rather than like Yunshan, she doesn't know the word according to the pattern drawn above and put the word elsewhere.
       "How? I said that you are not low now, you still don't believe it." Chou-gu said and Wu-shi laughed.
       Jiang Chunhua said with joy   :   "Hey, I didn't expect that I had such a big light, I actually learned some words."
       Chou-gu thinks that she just knows that she can't write, and it’s not good. Simply say, "I will teach you to write and learn the words you know. You can also remember what you have in the future. And you will have it later. Children, can also teach children."
       "I can't do it. I haven't even taken it." Jiang Chunhua waved his hand and was embarrassed. She is old and a woman, and the boys come to school in the village.
       "Try it. Anyway, there is no pen paper here." Wu-shi quickly advised. She still insisted on reading and literacy, so even if Yunshan was only three years old, she began to teach her to read some poems. If Yunshan is bigger, she has to ask Ning-Er to teach Yunshan.
       Under the persistence and encouragement of two people, Jiang Chunhua picked up the pen. At first, the words she wrote were really bad, and she was so shy, but Chou-gu and Wu-shi both said   :   "It’s like writing at the beginning. Some people have learned a long time and have written poorly."
       "Yes, you see the words I wrote, not as good as the younger brother. They are not often jokes by them. Ning-Er doesn't dare to read the words I wrote." Chou-gu laughed.
       "You should practice more, and the words are naturally written." Wu-shi said that he had written a few words. I have to say that the words she wrote are not bad, obviously it has been hard work.
       Jiang Chunhua is even more envious, and naturally he is more diligent and hardworking. In this way, Jiang Chunhua words are better written, and the content of learning is increasing. On the contrary, he can occasionally help those slow children. Gradually, Jiang Chunhua reading and literacy went to the village.
       The women were envious and felt that she was not doing business, but Jiang Madam heard it and immediately moved her mind.
       Ginger Da--nu  Because Ning-Er has a school in Wujia, it has been a lot of days. He could have come to study. In fact, the children who still study are also big and small. People who are almost the same age as him are not without, and even bigger than him.
       But he became a relative, and he and the Wu family have less suspicion, and certainly can't come to school. But the children of every household are learning, they are all literate, and he is no one to learn from him. He is envious and anxious. Jiang Madam and his wife also understand his feelings, and also feel that his family is not cheap, and his heart is not very strong.
       But now that Jiang Chunhua will be there, they can let Jiang Chunhua teach ginger Da--nu , and they don't have to accept the Wu family.

       Chapter 152     :     Education          

       Hearing Madam’s intention, Jiang Chunhua did not completely refuse.
       "Wait for me to talk to Chou-gu."
       Because Jiang Chunhua knows very well that Chou-gu will not let himself teach his younger brother, and she also understands that the villagers have learned, and the Jiang family does not learn. For the ginger Da--nu , it is true. It is a big loss. There is no small impact on the Jiang family. She does not want the Jiang family to fall behind forever.
       Now she understands the truth. When you have your own skills and money, you will not stare at the other people homes. If the Jiang family is good, naturally she will not stare at her.
       Sure enough, she said, Chou-gu agreed quickly.
       "Oh, go."
       Wu-shi smiled and said   :   "Chunhua, now you can be a master. Now, I will cook breakfast every morning, and you will go to teach me an hour and come back to do needlework."
       Wu-shi is the most motivated woman among this group of people. She is also very good at long words. She reminds Jiang Chunhua that Jiang’s family has gotten such a big bargain. Jiang’s family should at least provide her with a breakfast. And she should not do less work.
       Jiang Chunhua stunned for a moment, her face slowly reddened. She understood Wu Shi words and said, “Okay, okay. I will come back soon. But I still cook for breakfast, I cooked it. Going again, just in time to catch up with Jiang’s breakfast."
       She did a lot of needlework, and during this time, she spent a lot of time on reading and writing, and the needlework was taken for granted. Although at the moment, everyone does not have to wait for the clothes and socks to wear, but it is also done for spring and summer, when it is busy, there is still time to do these activities. The women’s homes of every household are made up of the needles of the family by the big leisure month of winter.
       Chou-gu and Sun Popo also understand the same, but everyone has no objection. After all, Jiang Chunhua is relying on the Wu family to live, and the Jiang family has not taken care of her for a minute and a half.
       So, the next day, Jiang Chunhua got out of bed on time, and went into the stove to cook the breakfast. When it was cooked, Wu-shi and Chou-gu came.
       Wu-shi wants to take over, Chou-gu said   :   "I am coming, you take care of Yunshan." Winter children get up later. Yunshan is still a child who needs Daren care and dressing.
       Jiang Chunhua hurriedly washed his hands and cleaned up, and took a few words of his own practice to the Jiang family. Chou-gu didn't care if she went to teach Jiang Da--nu , but she didn't tell her what to say beforehand. She told me what she could learn. She simply left their sisters and brothers. toss.
       Jiang family is cooking breakfast, have not had time to eat it, see her, Jiang Da--nu  daughter-in-law was also shocked and said   :   "Hey, so early, our family has not had breakfast yet."
       She didn't like the big aunt, although Jiang Chunhua didn't take advantage of Jiang’s family. But the last time Jiang Madam went to look for Jiang Chunhua, she didn't get any benefit. She had already blown the wind in the mouth of Jiang Da--nu . However, Jiang Da--nu  can now understand more things, and she does not listen at all. Instead, she taught her a meal and told her not to say anything about Jiang Chunhua.
       "I just came to breakfast early, I didn't have to teach Da--nu , I have to have breakfast at Wu family and come over again." Jiang Chunhua bluntly ‘Called at her. I didn't care about her attitude, and I clearly expressed my request.
       Ginger Da--nu  daughter-in-law was half-turned by her words. Jiang Madam didn't think she would say so. Both of them were angry and anxious. Obviously they didn't expect it, Jiang Chunhua did. Jiang Chunhua sneered in his heart, and said   :   "Sure enough, Wu Aunt is right."
       For a time, all three women were silent.
       In the end, Jiang Da--nu  broke the silence. "Let’s cook more. Afterwards, my sister has to arrange meals for her every day."
       Jiang Madam and his wife opened their mouths, and then look at Jiang Chunhua. I don’t want to give it to me. I don’t dare to ‘Call again. Jiang Da--nu  is going to do more than one person. The meal is gone.
       Jiang Chunhua Chong Jiang Da--nu  said   :   "I will teach you now. I will have to go back to Wu to do needlework later, and there is a lot of needlework for a lot of people. I don't have much time to waste here. ”
       "You..." Jiang Madam couldn't wait to beat her.
       Jiang Chunhua didn't even bother to ignore her. She just found a place to sit down and Jiang Da--nu  quickly kept up with her.
       Jiang Chunhua opened his own things and said, "I can only teach you to read literacy, and you have to buy your own ink and paper."
       Jiang Madam wants to say something again. Jiang Da--nu  gave her a look and said, "Okay, I will buy it." He also knows that the villagers are all buying these things themselves. It is impossible for Jiang Chunhua to return from Wu. Bring it over to him.
       Not much longer, Jiang Da--nu  daughter-in-law ‘called for dinner. Jiang Chunhua is also welcome, directly holding a large bowl of gruel, and ate a la carte to eat. She can't treat herself now, although the Jiang family’s food is not as good as Wu, but it is still no problem to have a full stomach. Ginger Da--nu  Wife and Ginger Madam didn't dare to stop her at this time.
       After the family had finished silently, Jiang Chunhua dropped the chopsticks and went to class with Jiang Da--nu .
       The two were on the snow behind the house. Jiang Chunhua took two carbon strips from the stove and wrote a ginger-colored Da--nu  on the snow. After the ginger Da--nu  learned the strokes, he said "I want to go back. You first practice writing in the snow, wait for the writing, and then buy the pen paper. These words, you must practice today. I will teach new words tomorrow."
       It is also a good way to practice words on the snow, saving paper and ink. After all, these things are not cheap.
       "Okay, thank you sister." Jiang Da--nu  said quickly.
       "I only have a younger brother, and I hope that you can be good. People in the village are literate, and you can't be literate alone. Otherwise, I won't be cheeky and Chou-gu said, I want to come back to teach you." Chunhua speaks with a strong heart. She is reminding her brother to know gratitude, and is also telling her brother that she will not return if she is not interested in blood.
       "I understand. You don't care about Madam and your brother-in-law. They are big-eyed eyes, and the home is like this." Jiang Da--nu  smiled bitterly.
       This evening, Jiang Da--nu  set the rules for Madam and his wife. He understands that Jiang Chunhua just doesn't come back to teach him, and no one will say anything. After all, the villagers went to Wujia to study, they gave things, and Jiang Chunhua is still raised by Wu. Which person does not say in private, Jiang Jia accounted for a lot of cheap. Moreover, Jiang Chunhua can also say that he did not learn two words at all, and whoever went to test her could not.
       "She is raising me. Shouldn't I return to Jiang?" Jiang Madam said with anger.
       "Yes? You have already pitted her once and got a few Silver Taels. She is also a return to the health of the Jiang family. And now she is a Wu family, she has little to do with the Jiang family. Do not believe, you go out and talk about seeing which person in the village is on your side? Nothing makes people jokes." Jiang Da--nu  has awkwardly stunned.
       Jiang Madam took a moment to understand that Jiang Chunhua had long been out of her control. And now she still has to look at Jiang Chunhua face.
       However, she was not willing to say, "I am her Madam anyway, she should return me."
       "Well, what do you want? Is it to sell her again, or?" Jiang Da--nu  is bigger and ‘calls directly.
       Jiang Madam said with anger   :   "I am not doing it for you. How do you maintain her?"
       "I just told you that my sister is not a ginger family. You can't manage her. If you want her benefits, just be nice to her." Jiang Da--nu  sneered.
       "Isn't she still your sister? What happened to you privately? How do you feel like how much cheaper we are, so we have to eat at home. We are not eating our rations. The family is eating. The unfinished food is still awkward?" His daughter-in-law gave Madam a helping side.
       "Yes. Why didn't she eat it? I can come over and teach you every day, and Wu pen paper can be used. Why can't I get it back for you?" Jiang Madam said confidently.
       "I can't tell you. I only tell you, I have the final say in this home. I will say what to do, otherwise don't blame me for getting angry." Jiang Da--nu , black face, an angry kick kicking the bench I went back to the room with anger.
       Leaving Jiang Madam and his daughter-in-law, they had to face each other for a while.
       So, Jiang Chunhua came every morning, had breakfast, and taught Jiang Da--nu  to go back to Wu home at an hour. Besides, she would not talk to Jiang’s family about anything in Wu family. Basically, she doesn't talk to Jiang Madam and her sister-in-law, and every day is a faint greeting.
       A few days later, Jiang Madam and Jiang Da--nu  daughter-in-law couldn't help it anymore. They started to talk about Chunhua, and thought about the benefits from her.
       Ginger Da--nu  is a good condition to envy the Wu family, because Jiang Chunhua is very good at Wu family, and a face with red and white, it is good to see life. And Jiang Chunhua is also good to wear, the quilt is obviously new, these are all given to her by Wu. Ginger Da--nu  wife family is just like that, and she is also used to it, especially the silver earrings and new clothes of the red ginger Chunhua.
       She said in front of Jiang Madam several times   :   "Sister, how good the clothes are, new and beautiful, I am a new wife, no new clothes. It is also the face of Jiang."
       At this time, Jiang Madam did not follow her words, but ridiculed   :   "Jiang’s family spent five Silver Taels’s dowry, you Father, Niang, even a new scorpion will not give you, who said to throw away the face?"
       Ginger Da--nu  wife is angry and shy, and she doesn't dare to mention this again. But in her heart, she became more and more stunned by Chunhua. Because Jiang Chunhua is not only a new big cotton jacket, the outerwear has two years of new washing. Even if it is old, it is all sixty-seven, not like her dowry, it is completely face-to-face, except for a wedding dress, the rest are all ruined goods, if not a few pieces of ginger Chunhua Old clothes, she didn't even change the wash. For the old clothes that I can only wear ginger Chunhua, a new widow of Jiang Chunhua can wear new clothes, she is embarrassed and not convinced.
       At first, she was also proud of Jiang Madam’s face giving her two pieces of jewelry in private. She felt very proud of her waist. But Jiang is still old and spicy. Jiang Madam has made her two times privately. Jiang Da--nu  doesn't help her anymore. She doesn't dare to be proud again. It is very honest.
       Therefore, she changed the subject again. "Sister must know the method of the day lily, let her tell us quietly, we grab the money in front of the village people, and also have money to buy paper for Da--nu . He also How do you practice words on the snow every day? If you are cold and sick, what should you do?"
       Jiang Madam loves to listen to this, and immediately listened to it, went directly to Jiang Chunhua.
       However, Jiang Chunhua was very annoyed and said with anger   :   "Do you want me to not teach Da--nu  in the future? I will not come from tomorrow. Everyone in the village of the needles will not, you will, others will How do you look at me?"
       Ginger Da--nu  quickly smashed his wife and Madam. Anyway, the things of the day lily, Chou-gu and Ning-Er have promised to teach everyone. It will start when you start the spring. Why did the Jiang family take up this first place, but it annoyed the whole village? At this time he only knew that Madam and his wife were both idiots.
       He said that his wife and Madam are no longer irritating. His daughter-in-law had several times to see the new clothes of Chunhua, and he was taught by him. Jiang Madam is naturally happy that his grandson can manage his granddaughter, and he is taking the opportunity to ponder the granddaughter several times. But she will not be too much, she is also counting on holding a grandson early. It is just to let the new wife do more work, often sneer at her, kill her arrogance, so that she can follow the discipline of obedience.
       These things, Chou-gu, they don't care, and no one cares about Jiang’s business. Instead, Ning Er, and Chou-gu said   :   "Ginger Miss is a clear person, she should have been so hard."
       "Yeah, she is hard-pressed, and her future marriage, she Madam can not manage." Chou-gu answered. In fact, she is also thinking about the marriage of Jiang Chunhua. Over the years, Jiang Chunhua can also say that she is a parent. But she didn't know which suitable man at all. Jiang Chunhua marriage was as difficult for her as the marriage of the pillar.
       Ning-Er indulged for a moment and said, "You said it is too simple. Her marriage, Jiang is afraid that she can really get it."
       After all, Jiang Chunhua is not alone, she has a serious family.
       "You are not teaching etiquette and rules in Ningjia Village every day, just teach some in Jiangwu Village." Chou-gu thought about it and made a suggestion. She hopes to make everyone thoughts more open. Don't think about her daughter all the time, it is a man’s accessory.
       "What about arithmetic?" Ning-Er really understood what she meant.
       "Let’s learn slowly, what is the hindrance? They don't have to rely on arithmetic to survive." Chou-gu said in disapproval. They gave math lessons to the children, but it was a whim. Anyway, everyone would not go to the imperial examinations, but only to read a few words.
       Ning-Er nodded and said, "Yes. I want to tell them something, there is no rule. Anyway, I am not serious enough to have a formal course."
       Therefore, he asked the children to follow the disciples every day, and from time to time to promote some positive knowledge to educate the people.

       Chapter 153     :     Sad          

       Years ago, Ning-Er domestic pigs were sold, leaving only one pig left for the New Year. When the pigs were killed, the whole village people came to see the excitement. This is the first time Ningjiacun has killed a pig. Big guys even sell pigs and sell them directly, but no one is willing to kill themselves.
       However, Ningjia will not leave the whole pig to eat at home, but also to half of Wu.
       Ningjia wants to kill the pigs, just ask the Chou-gu family to come over for dinner, and come to help the pigs in the village to eat. Ning-Er didn't want to ask the women in the village to come and help, and there wasn't a woman at home, even if they were all middle-aged and old women, it was not very good. And the treatment of pig intestines and other internal organs, only Chou-gu will deal with, he is thinking of cooking these cheap things, and distributed to the villagers to eat.
       "Oh, tomorrow, our family will all pass." Chou-gu smiled and agreed.
       "Thank you. You are also difficult to go to my house once. I am taking this opportunity. Let’s get together at my home." Ning-Er laughed. Usually, the Ning family is eating at the Wu family. Chou-gu, they really didn't eat at home.
       "Well, I promise to help you burn a few good dishes and let the people in Ningjia Village eat satisfactorily." Chou-gu smiled.
       When Wu Jiayi went to Ningjia, everyone in Ningjia had surrounded many people. I heard that they came to help with cooking. The village head of Ningjia Village said with anger   :   "There are people in the village, and people from other villages are invited to help cook. Isn't this a joke?"
       He didn't hear Ning-Er asking someone to kill pigs, and thought that Ning-Er didn't want to invite everyone to eat. Because Ning-Er loves to be quiet, everyone dare not think about eating and killing food at his home.
       "Chairman, you don't know, Chou-gu has the unique ability to make pigs into the water, and the taste is exceptionally good. Moreover, our family is very good with their family, and they usually eat a lot in their homes. The opportunity also invited them to our house to eat dinner, it is still human." Master quickly smiled and resolved.
       The village head was not annoyed at this moment, and he still said   :   "The next time there is something, you also say, in a village, what else is it difficult to say? It’s too much to see. They go to the kitchen, but also Don't help people to help, I call a few mothers to come over?"
       "No, no. They have their own methods, and the manpower is enough. Today everyone is waiting to eat vegetables." Master smiled happily and made some dried fruit snacks for the children who watched the fun. I took the village chief to see the pig.
       The pig was killed, and Chou-gu licked the whole pig intestine and pig’s internal organs to clean. Then, with the pig’s scalp all under the pot, and a large pot of halogen, the aroma is boiled, which leads everyone to suck directly.
       Then, she used two pig’s trotters to cook two large pots of soup, plus twenty or thirty pounds of white radish stewed with four large pots, and the remaining oil residue of the lard oil directly fried a few pots of Chinese cabbage. Every household has divided two bowls of seaweed and a little bit of stewed vegetables.
       A few of the brave men and the village chiefs and others, if they stayed for a meal. The dishes were the same as the ones brought back, just a few more dishes. Chou-gu used the pig liver and pig blood left alone, got a spicy fried pork liver slices, and burned a spinach stew. A pig blood soup, add a meat fry fried sour beans, fry a few fish, and then hot a pot of wine, very rich.
       These things are all a little bit out, let the village chief take the people to simply sacrifice the ancestors. This time Ning-Er is the protagonist. Looking at the hot tribute dishes, the village chiefs and the old people also shed tears. This is the first true sacrifice of the Ningjia Village for many years. The last time I hosted this house in Ningjia, it was the same as that of Ningjia.
       Then, everyone returned to Ningjia, accompanied by the Master, everyone together to drink two cups, they began to eat and eat, especially whether it is food or rice, the oil in the dish is enough, the big guy eats Very happy.
       Ning-Er can't drink alcohol, he still has to take medicine, and he is not used to eating with these rough people. He just showed up and said something about what the owner should say. He went to the back room and had dinner with the Wu family. .
       There is a large table in front of him, and there is also a large table at the back. The hard dishes at the table are full of fish and meat. This kind of excitement is enough to catch the New Year.
       After this, Ning-Er is also fully integrated into Ningjia Village. The Wu family is also more famous. Everyone knows that the Wu family will cook especially, and the dishes are especially delicious.
       Then, it is just over the years. There is not much difference with last year. The only difference is that the children went to Wujia and Ningjia to go to the New Year. Ning-Er is also a master’s master. Every household has also prepared gifts. Ning-Er bought a bunch of dried fruit snacks and distributed them to the children.
       After the spring, the children of the two villages were officially on holiday, because Ning-Er had to farm and work, and the children had to help the family. There are also a few children. The family wants them to continue to follow Ning Er, but Ning-Er refused. He said, "I still have to work. My family has four or five acres of land and I have to go hunting in the mountains. There are three people in my family, where is the time to go to class. If you don't work, what to eat, wait until the free month."
       Everyone wants to say that we are farming for you, and we can't say it. After all, it is four or five acres of land. Every household does not have so much rich labor, and which one does not want to do more work and earn more money. And these children are also a small booster, and they can't bear the children not working. After all, every household has a stomach that is not enough.
       Therefore, children can only be used to review the content they have learned from time to time at home, and by the way, teach other children in the family. As long as you don't forget the content you have learned, you can slowly accumulate after studying in the free month.
       And Chou-gu and Ning-Er don't have to spend the winter without a day lily, they have to eat, most of them are ready to be brought to the county to sell, Chou-gu and Ning-Er are ready to let Master Try the water and look good. The local small market, they have given up, left the villagers to earn the little money.
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er began to teach everyone to grow acupuncture, because they have been waiting for a long winter, so everyone is very relieved, learn very seriously, and want to learn to earn more money soon.
       However, because it has already been said in advance, each household can only grow a small piece, and the variety can not be sold. The big guy is very depressed. The money I saw could not be earned, but I learned, and they are still eager to go home.
       "In fact, we can only grow acupuncture, we can sell it in the distance, or we can earn a lot of money." Ning-Er said with some disappointment. He hopes that everyone can earn money. They used to teach the needles to everyone, and they can bring them together.
       "But it is sold in the distance, who is going? How to deal with safety and freight on the road, etc. What should I do if something goes wrong? Finally, I have earned money and how to distribute it to everyone? This is not a small problem. Just because I and your strength are not finished for the time being, let’s do this first, let the needles go out of the fame first, maybe there are traders who come to our small place to sell food." Chou-gu is not selling.
       The so-called wine is not afraid of the alley is deep, this is the meaning, she taught the two villages of the needles of the needles, but also let everyone help to spread the reputation of the needles. Famous, the traders will come to the door.
       "Also, although we can let Aye go to the county to sell, but how many can he sell alone, can you sell it? Let’s talk about it ourselves." Ning-Er sighed.
       In fact, he understands that even if it can be sold in large quantities, it is impossible to pull up a caravan in the village. That is not a small fight, no one is in charge. When the battle is spread, everyone will become a merchant. After all, the status of merchants can not be compared with farmers, and everyone is not necessarily happy.
       "Yeah, our batch of canola can also be harvested. Let Aye bring a group to the county to try the water. I don't know if it is good to sell it?" Chou-gu said.
       In her heart, she is still worried that the Master will not go out to the county with the needles. Others have never seen the day lily, but they don’t know how to eat it. The price is expensive. It is not easy to sell it. She can't wait to go and take a trip.
       Ning-Er thought about it and said, "Tomorrow and talk to Song Dongjia, if you can go with him, let him help to send some acquaintances to his friends, this batch of we do not expect to earn much Silver, let everyone know about the golden broccoli."
       "You have a good idea. This batch is about publicity." Chou-gu smiled with satisfaction.
       Canola can be sold in a small market town, because there are two old customers with good economic conditions, knowing that she is selling good things, otherwise it will not be so easy to sell.
       "Right, you will go with me tomorrow, let the Song Dong family give you the pulse, and drink too much medicine." Ning-Er added.
       "Well, by the way, bring some eggs to sell." Chou-gu agreed.
       During this time, the number of eggs in the house increased. In addition to the eggs under his own chicken, many villagers will send eggs. The unfinished duck eggs and goose eggs are marinated into salted eggs, but the eggs are better. Sell, so they are all staying.
       "Yes, my family has saved a lot of eggs, and I don't know if I can sell them?" Ning-Er also said. Like his Chou-gu family, he has endless eggs. In fact, the two will occasionally cook some eggs and give them to the children who come to class. Otherwise, you will send ten today, and tomorrow he will send ten, and the family will collect hundreds of eggs.
       "Take a hundred to go, sell some, and sell them to Song Dongjia. The rest of the family, all cooked, and distributed to the children in the village to solve the problem." Chou-gu thought, decided Save the eggs in one go. Lest to stay at home, always worried about it.
       "Also. Eggs are actually worth a few dollars." Ning-Er laughed. Selling in large quantities, up to one dollar per egg, and one hundred eggs is only a hundred dollars.
       "Hey, you remind me. Chickens can also take a few to sell. Old hens should also sell a few, and soon hatch chicks." Chou-gu added. The villagers not only sent eggs, but also sent chickens. In addition, there are still a lot of pheasants in the family, so that the two hens are now more.
       "Yeah. Old hens are also sold, some people love to take soup, some people buy back to lay eggs. I take five, how many do you take?" Ning-Er said.
       "I also take five, I can't sell them, and the remaining one or two will be simply piled up for Song Dong’s family. Yes, what’s new in your garden, you can get a little to sell." "Chou-gu said again.
       The Song family is up and down, and there are a few people. From time to time, they also buy eggs and chickens. Just selling chicken and eggs, she also feels too monotonous, and simply sells a la carte at will.
       Early the next morning, Chou-gu took the younger brother and the half-scorpion egg and five chickens, dug a few spinach and a few onions and a few garlic sprouts hurried out.
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er did not come to the market for sale for a while. The old customers saw them all coming over, and each of them was anxious to ask   :   "What rare dishes are there today?"
       "There are no rare dishes, just a few fresh shallots, garlic and some spinach. But the old hens and eggs raised in the house are more. The chickens are fat and can lay eggs." Chou-gu smiled and greeted the guests.
       Sure enough, spinach and onion garlic have become popular, eggs and chickens have not sold out because of too much, there are fewer and fewer people in the market, leaving three chickens and forty eggs.
       Chou-gu and Ning-Er discussed it and decided not to sell it.
       When he arrived at Song Dong’s home, Song Dong’s family accepted the chicken and the egg and said, “It’s just going to buy it.” Speaking of taking the money to pay the bill, Ning-Er was embarrassed to say   :   “This is what we are The market sells the rest. It costs less than ten dollars."
       Song Dong’s family did not resign with him and recovered ten dollars.
       Chou-gu was very medicinal for a while, but the effect was very inconspicuous. Song Dong’s careful pulse asked a lot of questions, and most of them were disappointed. I didn’t even dare to open a prescription.
       "Is there no way?" Chou-gu heart sinks and asks sadly.
       "Don't worry too much. I sent a letter to my brother last time. Maybe I received a reply from time to time." Song Dongjia comforted. He and his brother wrote a letter and said some of Chou-gu symptoms, hoping to get help from the other side.
       "Thank you for your compliment." Chou-gu thanked me and some of them came out.
       This time, even the medicine was not taken, Ning-Er understands, her symptoms are estimated to be quite tricky. He looked worried at the Song Dong family, but Song Dongjia shook his head helplessly, and concentrated on giving him the pulse.
       After Song Dongjia gave him a prescription, he said   :   "Your situation has improved. I can't help her situation. I can only wait for my brother’s reply."
       Ning-Er is not good to say anything, and he talks to him about selling the needles.
       "Yes. I am going to go to the county town in the next few days. Let Master pick up and come over soon. That needle dish is also a good thing, surely someone likes it, I promise to introduce it to you." Song Dongjia is very enthusiastic. I have this life.
       "Thank you for your light, thank you very much." Ning-Er quickly thanked.
       Song Dongjiao waved his hand and said, "I don't usually eat your things, but it’s just a matter of saying something. What?"
       Every time Ning-Er and Chou-gu come over, they will bring something to Song Dong’s family, such as fresh and rare side dishes, such as some snacks made by their own homes, not to mention Chou-gu pickled various side dishes. It’s also very special, it’s what Song Dong’s family likes. Like today’s three chickens, dozens of eggs business, they will also be cheaper to Song Dongjia, today also sent two pounds of spinach, two shallots to Song Dongjia.
       The two were silent all the way, and returned home silently.

       Chapter 154     :     Coming          

       Sun Popo and Wu Shi, Jiang Chunhua See Chou-gu did not bring the medicine back, thought her illness is good, are happy not. However, when she saw her listless, the three were not sure.
       Wu-shi and Jiang Chunhua have made a look at Po Po. Sun Popo carefully took the first two steps and asked   :   "Song Dongjia said hello? Do you want to take medicine?"
       "No, Song Dongjia said that he couldn't look good, and he didn't prescribe medicine." Chou-gu shook his head and said sadly.
       Sun Popo and Wu Shi, Jiang Chunhua, three people instantly whitened their face and said   :   "It must be that the doctor is too bad. Don't worry, we will find another doctor. This little place, where is a good doctor? ""
       "Hey, didn't you ask Ning Laotou to bring the canola to the county for sale yesterday? Just go with you and find a good doctor in the city to be good." Sun Popo added.
       Her words reminded Chou-gu, "Aunt, have you not lived there? Is there a good doctor there?" Wu-shi lived there, asking for medical advice, even if she didn't have it. I have not necessarily heard of it.
       Wu-shi sighed and shook his head and said, "Where is the doctor, if there is, I have already said it. I have also visited a few doctors. I also expected to give me that mouth, give birth to a child and a woman. Oh, fortunately, I didn’t care."
       If she is really pregnant, and dragging a child, the days can only be more difficult. And Ning-Er can accept her and Yunshan, that is because Yunshan is a blood relative, no one has a child for no reason, who is happy, and then Ning-Er has no money, raise both their mother and daughter. Very hard.
       Chou-gu was silent, and the hope of just getting together was broken. The sadness in my heart flooded like water, which made her unable to eat dinner. She only went to sleep after eating two. Everyone also had no intention of eating, even Yunshan and the younger brother were aware of this low pressure. The two quietly ate the meal, and they slumbered and did not bother and sleep.
       At night, Chou-gu couldn't sleep. I only feel that I am alive and fucking is to come to suffer crimes. This is too difficult. The modern female white-collar workers, although not making big money, are also eating and wearing, and the days are simple and easy. In a blink of an eye, it became a black, thin and painless little Chou-gu Niang, which is enough to make her uncomfortable.
       This is also her state of mind, the temper is just willing to suffer hard, or not starving to death, is long ago can not live.
       However, it was only after the most difficult days that I saw that the good days came slowly, and I found that this body is completely a disease. She just wants to marry God, why is it so unfair to her? When she thought that she might be a terminal illness, she was ridiculous in her heart, she didn't want to do anything, and she didn't want to control anything.
       For two consecutive days, the atmosphere at home was not good. Chou-gu is in a bad mood and can't take care of everyone. Everyone looked at her with care and worry, but there was nothing to do. Sun Popo knows that the master is thinking of a solution, but there is no news at all. It makes her anxious, and she wants to run to ask questions.
       Jiang Chunhua is more ill and seek medical treatment. Every day at home, he has a word for God to worship Buddha. He only hopes that Chou-gu fault can be cured without medicine.
       Ning-Er thought for a day at home, and finally couldn't sit still, and came to Wujia to visit Chou-gu. On the way back, in the face of the pillars and the younger brother, he is not good at asking the specific situation.
       "Chou-gu is in a bad mood. It is said that Song Dong’s family is not willing to open a prescription. There is absolutely no way. What is going on? Do you know?" Sun Popo pulled him and asked him secretly.
       "I don't know. Song Dongjia didn't tell me anything about her illness. I only know that her symptoms are very tricky, but Song Dongjia said that she is thinking of ways." Ning-Er said with anxiety.
       "What do you think? What else can he do?" Sun Popo sighed.
       "I see that Song Dongjia still has two points to grasp. He said that his brother is better than his medical skills, and he knows more colleagues. He has written a letter and asked Chou-gu to return to his heart." Ning'-Er said again.
       "That’s good, there is always some hope." Sun Popo said in his mouth, but his heart was very anxious, there was no news from the master, nor did he know that the doctor he was looking for did not find it?
       "Yeah, there is hope. We must persuade her to relax." Ning-Er smiled bitterly.
       "She has a bad mood in these two days. You should persuade her to do so. Nothing can be done. There are too many things, and the more serious the situation will be." Sun Popo said quickly.
       “Chou-gu, what are you doing?” Ning-Er went to her door and knocked on the door and asked.
       Chou-gu is reading a book and stayed for two days. She also knows that she can't go on like this anymore, so she picked up a novel about herstery travels. She used to like this novel. She wants to adjust her emotions through this. Anyway, it is already like this. What else can be, happiness is also a day of life, and sadness is also a day of life. She hasn't wanted to die yet.
       "Come in, I am reading." Chou-gu answered.
       Ning-Er saw her look calm and a little peace of mind. "What book do you read, look good?"
       "Not bad, I don't know if you have seen it?" Chou-gu said, turning to the cover of the book to show him.
       "I haven't seen it yet. You have shown it to me after reading it." Ning-Er glanced at it and answered.
       "Well, it’s quite interesting," Chou-gu said.
       "Hey, I don't know what to say, but you still have to open some, don't worry too much, Song Dongjia said that he is trying to find a way for you. You are still young, come slowly." Ning'-Er organized a long time to speak, and finally bluntly said.
       "I know, don't worry about me anymore. I am not a child anymore," Chou-gu said.
       She knows that everyone is worried about her, but worry is useless, no one can help her. Why bother and drag the people unhappy? She also understands the truth, but she can't resist it. If she has already experienced this crossing and suffered so much, she may have to collapse.
       "You don't really be too strong. The old saying goes not to say that the crying child has milk to eat? You are only twelve or three years old, and you don't have anything to do with yourself. If you are not happy, you can vent and vent."-Er also advised.
       "Well, I understand. It’s a bit bad, but I can't solve the problem if I'm in a bad mood. You see, isn't this adjusted again?" Chou-gu laughed at himself.
       "I don't have the skills, I can't help you, but anyway, if you need it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it. So, even for everyone, you have to relax. Let’s think of it slowly," Ning-Er added.
       "Okay, OK. I know everything, don't worry too much, but in the face of this situation, people will always feel uncomfortable and sad. After this point, I will be better. I, To be a young man who can't die." Chou-gu remembered before, and could not help but say a joke.
       "What is the small strength that can't be killed?" Sure enough, Ning-Er asked curiously.
       "Well, that is to say, the vitality is very strong, and it is impossible to fight." Chou-gu snarled. There is no such thing as Xiao qiang in this place, and there is no possibility of Xiao qiang.
       "If you have a strong life, you can't fight it. It can only be said to be a kind of spirit, a kind of belief. But if you can have such an idea, I will not worry." Ning-Er is so persuaded She, in her heart, said   :   "Chou-gu is really a very strong person."
       "Okay, okay, I don't read any books, there are still a lot of things to do." Chou-gu was so troubled by him, and he really felt a lot more.
       And she didn't want others to be sad with her, and she didn't want her low pressure to affect everyone. She started to move things and cut the golden needles with Sun Popo.
       With the help of the Song Dong family, the golden needles brought by the Master are easily sold out in the county, and the price is very good. The people who have eaten say that he will sell it next time. He returned with joy and silver.
       Chou-gu barely raised his spirit and asked him a few words. Master was keenly aware that she was not in a good mood.
       He secretly asked Ning Er, Ning-Er was downcast and said   :   "She has a big problem in her body, and it is still a difficult problem. Song Dong’s family is helpless."
       “So serious? How can this be good?” Master is extremely worried.
       "Yeah, I can't help it at the moment." Ning-Er sighed straight, and if he used to, he could walk around and look for Tai yi.
       "Why didn't she look for her Mu Uncle, her Mu Uncle is not like an ordinary person. Maybe there is a way." Master asked again.
       "It should be looking for it. I don't know if her Mu Uncle is not able to help her, or lazy, I can't ask." Ning Er. He was afraid to hear bad news again and added another sadness to Chou-gu.
       "Hey, how is this child so hard?" Master sighed.
       Everyone who passed Chou-gu was worried about her, and she was not able to show it in front of her face. Even if she made her smile, she wouldn’t care if she said it in her heart. However, she understands that she has experienced so many things and has been able to calm down.
       Just when everyone was unable to do anything for Chou-gu, Ashan actually came again, and there was an older white-faced old man with him.
       "The master sent me a gift for Wu Miss." Ashan smiled.
       Chou-gu couldn't believe it. He came out with a word. "Hey, how is this so funny, too much trouble." She really had never had a birthday, and the original body has never been.
       She didn't even know that her mother would remember her birthday. But she was born on March 3. This is also a holiday. It is difficult for her mother to remember. And Ashan has long known that these things must have been inquired before. Not necessarily what her mother said.
       "This white doctor is also invited by the master." Ashan also introduced the white-faced old man around him.
       This time, Chou-gu and everyone are all happy, Chou-gu is even more shocked and happy, and even do not know what to say.
       She did not expect her Mu Uncle to spend such a big price to help her. The family brought her a doctor directly. Obviously, the doctor is extremely high.
       The white doctor has fifty years. Although he is not young, his temper is very happy. Why did he come, because the Zhou Master has a big price, and the second is because Zhou Master told her Chou-gu can make a lot of delicious and special things, specializing in the unique thing of the day lily to seduce him. He is willing to come.
       Who makes him the biggest hobby is to eat it. And his taste is still very good, everyone is also doing what he wants, making him tired of those famous dishes. It is not easy to want to please him now.
       Therefore, the white doctor immediately called him hungry.
       Ashan quickly told Chou-gu, "Bai Da Fu temper is the most direct, the biggest hobby is to eat." While talking about giving her a wink, let her rectify a few good things to make Bai Da Fu happy.
       "This is easy to handle, Chou-gu cooking is not low." Sun Popo said happily.
       "Well, I am going to get ready first. You have worked hard all the way. Let’s go wash and rest, please rest." Jiang Chunhua said quickly.
       Chou-gu and Sun Popo also whispered a few words with Ashan and Bai Da Fu. Chou-gu went to the cooking room to cook, leaving Wu-shi to entertain and wait for the white doctor. Sun Popo can also speak with Ashan alone.
       After the white doctor finished washing, he changed his clean clothes and sat down to drink tea. Wu-shi couldn't wait to talk to him about Chou-gu illness. He said happily   :   "I heard that this little Miss will eat especially? ”
       "That is of course, the day lily is her whole, and she will get some food that we all won't get." Wu-shi quickly smiled. She used to be a waiter, she would talk and work, and she would be very comfortable with this Master. Ashan is also worried that the Master will be angry and bring him to such a poor place.
       Because of their urgency, Chou-gu will be rehabilitated, and only the existing ingredients in the family will be used to start, there is no fresh fish and meat at home. She simply killed a goose, took half of it and a piece of fat bacon, and then boiled a pound of kelp with this brine. There were three dishes.
       The other half of the goose meat got a honey-salted roast goose, her homemade barbecued pork sauce, but fortunately there are good wild bees in the house. The first time she tried this dish, it was nearly successful. Although she was not very satisfied with her own, but everyone saw this dish, but they all widened their eyes.
       Then she got a dry pot of spicy rabbit pieces, and fried a cup of frosted peanuts, peanuts and roast goose, which she had never done before, and naturally everyone had not eaten. Even when the white doctor saw these dishes, he smiled and said   :   "Sure enough, the guy didn't lie to me. These dishes are delicious when I look at them."
       In addition to these three dishes, the table also has halved kelp, garlic, braised pork, bacon, and fried green vegetables. There are eight dishes in total. Also placed a pot of good wine brought by Ashan.
       "I don't know your taste. This is the two new dishes I made for you. I haven't done it before. You taste delicious, not good, and there are a few dishes that are homemade. It’s delicious. "Chou-gu laughed, she was very enthusiastic about the doctor who made a special trip to treat her.
       "Okay." The white doctor said that he had clipped a piece of goose with chopsticks.
       After eating, he patted his thigh and ‘called   :   "It’s delicious, fat but not greasy, and with a sweet taste. I am still the first time to eat this kind of goose, really good."
       "Then you taste this rabbit meat, it’s very spicy, but it tastes good. We all love it. Don't know if you eat or not?" Chou-gu also pointed to the dry pot rabbit meat.
       The doctor actually said that he had clipped a piece of rabbit meat. He did not expect that he was not afraid of spicy at all. He even called   :   "Spicy and enjoyable, it tastes good." After drinking, he drank a big drink.
       The peanut white doctor also loves to eat, and said   :   "This little thing, it is best to bring it to the wine. And you can also eat it as a snack."
       When everyone saw his satisfaction, they were quite contented   :   "Chou-gu will eat the most, you stay here for a while, and you can eat good things that you can't eat anywhere else."
       "Good, good, good." The white doctor was happy to say three good words and began to suffer.
       Everyone quietly gave a thumbs up to Chou-gu.


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