Ugly Biography 130

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »     Chapter 130     :              

       The carriage was rickety. After nearly two hours, I finally arrived near Cattle Head Village.
       At this time, Jiang Madam and others also raised their spirits. Everyone got out of the car and went down to the event.
       Jiang Madam said to everyone   :   "My old Pozi, I would like to thank everyone here. Let's take a chance to conquer Liu at this time. We have to set up the name of Jiang Wucun in Cattle Village and let this ten miles. The people are all looking at it. We are not bullied by Jiang Wucun. The good Miss married by Jiang Wucun can not be allowed to be considered by her husband."
       This is actually what Chou-Gu said to Jiang Da-nu last night. Jiang Madam still has two brushes, and it is now used.
       "That is, Chunhua sister and more diligent and honest work only know of one person,  , actually they Cattle Village is a village of people ganged up on, is not that bully poor village we Jiang Wu, a small force? They do not give a little color Hey, in the future, Jiang Wucun will only make people in Shili and Baxiang look down more and more." Chou-Gu followed Jiang Madam, and the righteous words echoed loudly.
       Everyone nodded and said that they would definitely do a big job. Before they came, these people had a fire in their hearts, because they had been ridiculed in their own village, plus Chou-Gu and Jiang’s are carriages again, and they are good food, they are greeting If you don't work well, you can't say it. Especially Jiang Da-nu two primary and tertiary Courtyard Hall Aunt, but anything in the fire, can not take off steam  .
       Looking at everyone imposing manners, even the village chief's daughter-in-law has been mobilized to send emotions. She used to walk outside, naturally knowing that Jiang Wucun has the lowest status among the ten miles and eight townships. One is because Jiang Wu Village is exceptionally poor and farthest from the market town. The second is also because the people in Jiangwu Village have been hanged high and are not in harmony. To put it bluntly, it is selfishness. Unlike the village of Cattle, the people in a village can maintain the Liu family.
       For example, Jiang Madam's man died, her uncles and brothers did not stretch out her orphans and widows, and then Jiang Da-nu  parents died, if there is no Wu hunter to help, Jiang Madam can raise a grandson and granddaughter. . For these things, it is enough to make some people in the outer village look down on people in Jiang Wu Village.
       Therefore, the men and women of Jiang Wucun are not easy, otherwise she will not use the name of relatives to make a match for the people in the village. Now that someone is in the early days, she is going to be famous for Jiang Wucun, and she is naturally happy. What's more, this time they have taken a good grasp of it. If they don't want to go back to justice, they will make a big trouble and will only make Jiang Wu Village situation worse.
       Everyone discuss appropriate, a village, ginger Madam wife and her Shi-zi on crying, "I hardy son, my son waited on hand and raised, have been killed and so on."
       A man in Jiangwu Village dragged a car to the village and did not stop at one step. He went straight to the door of Liujia.
       At this time, it was at noon, the hottest time, the villagers were resting at home, and basically no one was working in the ground. They were so fierce, and they all alarmed everyone. Everyone went to Liu Jiayong.
       Jiang Da-nu took the lead and rushed into Liu yard. The old Liu family was the first to be slap in the face by Jiang Madam and his daughter-in-law. The Jiang Da-nu on the Courtyard and his two primary tert-grabbing Liu Lao san burst of severely beaten. Chou-Gu specializes in chaos. She first shot and killed a few chickens, and the things that can be seen in her eyesight range were also stunned by her quiet voice.
       Liu Laotou and Liu Lao-Li Liu-Er came out to block, and were also stunned by two Daren men from the Jiang family. They each slap a few slaps. The two daughter-in-law naturally hid with their daughters.
       Cattle village headman wife greet door out what to say, he was the village mayor Jiang Wu wife a push, direct Jiang Chunhua  broke into the lead of room to go.
       Ginger Madam and his daughter-in-law had torn the Jiang Chunhua Popo clothes, and the hair had reached a few lines, and the face became a pig's head before they entered the door.
       Jiang Chunhua saw the village chief daughter and Chou-Gu burst into tears. The village chief’s person took a step forward and picked up her clothes. The scars on her body had faded, but the amazing traces showed nothing. Jiang Chunhua has suffered a crime. Jiang Madam and her Shi-zi rushed in and closed the door.
       Jiang Chunhua took off her clothes and showed her the wounds on her body, especially the hidden □. I saw a few people from Jiang Wucun trembled and ‘called loudly.
       Chou-Gu closed her eyes and did not dare to look at her body and rushed out.
       "The mourning goods, so tortured me, today, old Pozi is also dead to give you justice." Jiang Madam holding Jiang Chunhua crying, while yelling. The cries of the two people came out of the picture.
       Ginger Madam’s Shi-zi and daughter-in-law are even more energetic. The people who took Liu village in Cattle head have not been reconciled. They also ‘called   :   “I’m going back to my mother’s house to preach, The head of the village chief, you have to go and preach with your sisters and give them a good name for the village of Cattle, see how they tortured the new wife, so sinister means, I have never heard of it. ""
       Jiang's two mother-in-law, crying while crying, the village chief's daughter-in-law pulled Jiang Chunhua, indicating that they both rushed out to make trouble.
       Jiang's two mothers nodded, and a gust of wind rushed out, pressing Jiang Chunhua Popo on the ground. The two did not slap their hair as before. They chose her privacy to start, and they were caught and screwed. I just want to tear her apart.
       As for Liu Lao-san, it was Chou-Gu who took the pickpocket and smashed two large eggs on his vest. This is what Sun Popo taught her. I couldn’t see multiple injuries at the time. But after that, it will slowly show up. If you can't get timely treatment, Liu Lao-san will slowly lose his body.
       Chou-Gu only wants to kill Liu Lao-san directly, but he still has to control his own anger. He won’t get rid of the two, and he can only turn his head into the stove and put it in the stove. In addition to the big iron pot on the stove and the stove, the casserole bowl and the water tank, the pickle jar and so on, all smashed and smashed, and it was necessary to put all the fire on, and then rested.
       The people in Cattle village were still watching the excitement at the beginning. When the reaction came to dissuade, the people in Jiangwu Village had already smashed the Liu family and put the two old things of Liu family and Liu Lao-san down. On the ground. It is Liu Lao-da Liu Lao-Er has also become a pig head.
       Ginger Madam her Shi-zi and his wife still cry out loud cursing, he kept the village were not curses Cattle man, a village, a partner ganged up on flowers, not to Shining messenger, Jiang Chunhua , even the dead have not seen her family Wait a minute.
       Lao Liu two couples, angry and angry, but still dare not resist, I only want to kill Jiang Chunhua.
       The people in Cattle head village were stunned and unable to lift their heads, both guilty and scared. They really have maintained the Liu family, and the Jiang family has come so fiercely. As everyone imagines, Jiang Chunhua is a younger brother of Madam. The bullying can be completely different.
       In this case, where do they dare to say anything, and don’t let the people of Jiang’s family export their gas well? They are afraid that if they open their mouths, they will add fuel to the fire. There are a few people who want to rush out and are held down by others. The traces of these people are even more flamboyant in Jiang Wucun.
       One is not good, if it is right, it is not only the matter of Liu, but the grievance between the two villages. Moreover, the village chief of Jiang Wucun is also a little famous, and is a well-known and capable person. She has come to the fore, and it is clear that the entire Jiang Wu Village people support this action. Although everyone does not usually put Jiang Wucun in the eyes, but people in a village have collective action, they have to squander.
       The most important thing is that Chou-Gu and the pillars of the Golden Horse are standing in the Liujiatang house, whoever looks in whoever comes in. Don't look at Chou-Gu is just a child, but the pillar next to her is a strong man in Cattle, and he looks at the heavy and big chair in Liujiatang's house like a toy. A piece of disassembly. And Chou-Gu is still giving him a handle, and the two are like playing games. Not much longer, I put the eight-story table chair in the hall to be completely dismantled, leaving only a pile of firewood.
       After the whole dismantling, Chou-Gu swept the crowd coldly, and the pillar waved the whip in his hand, and everyone involuntarily took a step back. I was afraid that the two men would slam the crowd.
       Everyone is thinking about it, and sure enough, people are prepared, and the pillars alone have topped several young and strong laborers. There is also a Chou-gu aside angry at everyone, although two months did not go on Zouren, but the rack was placed exceptionally full. Everyone doesn't know what Chou-Gu is, but a small Miss family, if you dare to come, you must have something extraordinary.
       So they didn't dare to enter the door, they could only be around the door.
       When the Jiang family was out of the air, the Liu family was also stunned. Of course, Jiang Wucun still pays attention to it, only to use an application, the room is still good.
       The worst thing is the stove, only the stove and the cauldron are kept, but the other small items are just as good. The chickens in the yard are still a few dead, and the whole house can no longer find any complete objects. It is. This is all credit of Chou-Gu. She came to deliberately messed up, so her task is to swear, she will stir up the vibrancy of the Liu family, so take the opportunity to bring Jiang Chunhua back.
       After finishing the fight, I was tired. Jiang Madam and his daughter-in-law took a break, dragged Jiang Chunhua Popo and the man, and went to the gate. They opened their mouths at the village of Cattle head village and said   :   “This kind of poisonous goods, We have to take a tour to Shili Baxiang, let everyone see how poisonous the people in Cattle Village."
       Both the mother and the son are pig head faces, and under the messy clothes of Pozi, the white meat and tenderness are revealed. It is not like the old Pozi in the forties. The men on the front of the crowd quickly turned their heads.
       Finally, the village head of Cattletou Village, and a few of the principals asked the people from Jiang Wucun to take a break and eliminate the fire. Everyone sat down to discuss and discuss.
       Jiang Da-nu pretends to be ignorant, ‘calling bluntly   :   "I just want to pick up my sister, go back, stay here, can you still live?"
       Jiang Madam also immediately cried   :   "My poor spring flowers, I am tortured to death, no one cares. Go home, Madam gives you the master."
       "Ginger Madam, where are you talking about, your granddaughter married to Liu Jia, who is Liu person, this is the Liu family to raise her." Cattle head village chief daughter has something to say. Then, Chou-Gu frowned, and had to rush to Jiang Da-nu to wink.
       Jiang Da-nu really said loudly   :   "Is Liu family having my sister as an Daren? Is this trying to buckle people and give us a family member?"
       The village chief's daughter-in-law thought about it a little. At this time, she could only follow the words of Jiang Madam   :   "We will take back the spring flowers, and raise our body and stay in your village. We are not at ease. We can torture people into this, and we will not let them My mother knows that you don’t sneak up on her idea and let our mother die without proof?”
       "That is, which of the girl child who is not your mother come out of the meat  , you actually abetting the dead Pozi old son so whole-law, all of you talk about  , Which Which households not born girl, you people Which one is not born of a woman, is there such a whole person? We are a spring flower, a well-informed and hardworking person in the village, which does not boast of which one is not happy, a good person, tortured into this by you. This is a man Is it something? I still want to leave people behind, why do we believe in you?" Courtyard Aunt is really articulate, and another series has said a lot.
       The so-called three women in a drama, the village chief wife is truth facts, plus ginger Madam is crying desperate curse, Aunt Courtyard is sometimes Sapo sometimes reasoning, Jiang Da-nu is a straight distracted child, two uncles vicious, then plus a high Cattle Martha mighty pillars. Everyone is dying, and must take Jiang Chunhua back to her family to raise her body.
       Cattle village of village head man, who began and Jiang Wu village bargain, "said Liu Jiang domesticated person goes back to the body, which can not be justified  . We have people looking at a village, in the same Liu It is raised."
       Jiang Wucun’s people are inseparable. Jiang Da-nu  is even under the suggestion of Chou-Gu, bluntly   :   “I’m not sure to let my sister and remarriage.”
       "Yes, remarried remarried, this insidious people, left to die for? Chunhua sister married next time, we must send a Wu good dowry. Afraid of no one wanted to marry such a capable and with a good dowry Miss mate. "Chou-gu immediately took him loudly topic, directed Cattle Tau cried.
       The pillar also followed Chou-Gu and ‘called   :   "Remarriage, remarriage."
       Chou-Gu is like a nouveau riche, and everyone who has a loud voice hears it, but when she says this, people in Cattle Village know who she is. The Wu family’s affairs have spread all over the country.
       Everyone knows that the size of the Wu family has gone to school. People Mu-Uncle also bought the field, and also gave living expenses every year. Coupled with the fact that Chou-Gu also went to the market from time to time to sell vegetables and sell prey, people said that it was really worthwhile to give Jiang Chunhua a deputy dowry. Not to mention more, twelve or two is still not a problem.
       This kind of words are spoken, and people in Cattle village know that the Jiang family is not easy to provoke, and people must take Jiang Chunhua today. And with the help of the Wu family, Jiang Chunhua is really good to marry again. After all, she is not at fault, she is a capable person, she can bring a good dowry, and the most important thing is to have a relationship with Wu. The benefits of this recessiveness are so great that everyone can feel the heartbeat as soon as they think about it.
       Liu Laotou and his wife naturally refused to agree, and would like to say something more, Jiang Da-nu  has a look of oil and salt, you are different, I bring my sister back, we are leaving. At this time, even the village chief’s person was not open to persuading him, but he could only follow him.
       The people in the village of Cattle can no longer stand on the stand of Liu family. After all, Jiang’s family would rather break the net and ‘Call. If the Jiang family is told to leave, the reputation of Cattle head village will be completely eliminated.
       Finally Cattle village chiefs and principal to call the shots, her family agreed to take Jiang Chunhua , raising the body back to her parents, but also to Liu Lao san another day with his Father, Niang took re-gift to apologize Jiang Wu village, followed by Back to Jiang Chunhua. To have another time, Jiang’s family will take care of Jiang Chunhua.
       Chou-Gu Although she was dissatisfied and failed to do so at one time, she was very eager to be on the spot. However, the result is now very good, and she can no longer ignite the wind, fearing to arouse the resentment of everyone. Therefore, she does not say anything.
       But rather Cattle village who had said, "The new wife back to her parents support body, the Liu family has come to recuperate daily necessities and medicine money money." So, the Liu family also took a Silver Taels, three chickens and a number of Eggs and twenty pounds of grain came out.
       After negotiating things, the people in Cattle village told the Liu family to entertain the people in Jiangwu Village. “It’s rare for a group of people to come to our village, Cattle head. This is also a good thing. Let’s have two glasses of wine together. It is also a accomplice in our village of Cattle."
       Chou-Gu quickly put Jiang Chunhua on the bus and said loudly   :   "Don't dare to do it. We didn't expect to come to his house to eat. The people in Jiangwu Village brought their own dry food."
       She said this, other people naturally can only follow her   :   "Do not eat, eat what food, gas is full."
       Then everyone went away. There are also biscotti and cucumber in the car.
       The carriage drove out of the village of Cattle. The people in Jiangwu Village were still dreaming. I didn't expect to take Jiang Chunhua back so easily. I still didn't say that it was still in the village of Cattle. Today, I finally got a sigh of relief.
       The people in Cattle head village, after the Jiang family left, all came up to the Liu family, and no one family sympathized with them. Some people are still laughing at them and they deserve it.

       Chapter 131     :              

       Although Jiang Jia took back Jiang Chunhua, but to be honest, apparently did not think about letting her stay away. Don't say that Jiang didn't have this idea. The people in Jiangwu Village didn't have this idea. The purpose of their coming today was only to give Liu Jia and Cattle head villagers a horse.
       Everyone still thought about it. This time, they finally feared them. They dared not bully the spring flowers again. Later, they could live with Liu Lao-san.
       Therefore, on the way home, Chou-Gu is thinking about how to get Jiang Chunhua completely out of the fire pit of Liu.
       However, no one thought that Jiang Chunhua had returned to Jiang Wu Village and had not waited until the Liu family came to the door to apologize and pick up people. Liu family had a big deal.
       Liu Laotou fell into the water at the time of pick irrigated, Liu Lao san and old Pozi quickly to pull him, the result of a family of three all off the water. Although the villagers were involved in the search and rescue at the time, it was only the morning of the next morning that Liu body was found on the shore, and the two old guys, even the bodies, were not looking for them. The water went down to the downstream.
       Originally, Liu family didn’t have to do this heavy physical work, but because of the lack of Jiang Chunhua main labor force, Liu Lao-san was also the most embarrassed because he had to be rehabilitated for a few days. Isn't the life in the ground pressed by Liu Lao-da, Liu Lao-Er and their daughter-in-law?
       After a few days of work, Liu 1st-Sao and Liu 2nd-Sao took the opportunity to make a revolution, not working as hard as before. Liu 2nd-Sao has a valid reason, she is a pregnant woman. Liu 1st-Sao also found an excuse to say that the body is uncomfortable. When this kind of sensitive time, the old Liu family did not dare to toss again. The eldest son and the second son were more than Liu Lao-san, and they faced Father, Niang. The anger is not snoring.
       All of a sudden less four main labor force, family on the ground and piled up not less, no way they would follow the old Pozi had to go to the fields to work.
       This is good, Liu Lao-san, mother and son, who are not working very much, have followed their lives. Liu family of three, only found a corpse. Some people now began to talk about the fact that Liu family was being sent to heaven, too poisonous and too bad. Even God could not see it, and they packed up and cleaned them up.
       No one knows. On the dark night last night, several black men hurried away from the riverside forest near the village of Cattle.
       Cattle head village sent people to Jiangwu Village to report the funeral. Jiang Chunhua naturally refused to go back to Liu. Moreover, Liu Lao-san is now dead, what is she going back to?
       Therefore, she immediately sneaked from the back door to find Chou-Gu to discuss, Chou-Gu means that she does not have to go to Liu family to mourn.
       Sun Popo said   :   "No. Now she is still a Liu family. She does not say that the male Ding Popo is dead. She does not go back to the mourning. But she can convince everyone that she will break up with Liu in the hot filial piety. The maiden will remarriage later."
       In fact, some people remarry also took advantage of the hot filial piety, anyway, sooner or later marry, not as easy to do early, do not suffer in guarding the Popo.
       Chou-Gu nodded and said   :   "Since you have to go and the funeral is over, you will immediately come out from the Liu family. You must ask the public to return to your family to remarriage. You should first say goodbye to your brother. When you come back, let us live first. That side of the field, lest you listen to the gossip of the village, and do not have to be bound by your Madam and his brother."
       The three people discussed the words well, and Jiang Chunhua went back to Jiang’s home with confidence.
       Cattle Village jiangjia go out of this trouble, and sure enough just as Chou-gu said, to Jiang Da-nu very long face. Not only that, but his family also got a Silver Taels from Liu family, three chickens, a basket of eggs, twenty pounds of grain, and how much Jiang Chunhua had eaten. Jiang Chunhua lived in the Jiang family for a few days. Chou-Gu also took a bucket of live fish and two pieces of bacon. These are all cheaper ginger home.
       With such a big advantage, Jiang Da-nu  is now more and more a man, and the more invented Chou-Gu is a smart person, listening to her is not wrong. Therefore, Jiang Chunhua and Chou-Gu discussed with him and he said that he agreed with a little thought.
       He then said these words and Madam, Liu Jiang also feel Madam Lao san dead, Jiang Chunhua  and then go back and have no meaning. Not to mention that the two families have torn their skins and fight, they are living in harmony with the air, and they have not said that they are widowed. What's more, Chou-Gu also said that after Jiang Chunhua remarried, she would also send a deputy good dowry, which is also good for Jiang.
       Therefore, Jiang Madam found the village chief and the other people in the Jiang family and said the request. Everyone discussed it, and I thought that this idea was good. Anyway, the Liu family was like this, and they couldn’t make it to death. Moreover, remarriage is not a rare thing.
       Therefore, Jiang Madam and her daughter-in-law accompanied Jiang Chunhua back to Liu Jia.
       Liu funeral office is extremely sloppy. The reason is that Liu Lao-san is young, and secondly because of his viciousness, coupled with the hot weather, the body is quickly stinked by the water, and the body of the old Liu head is not found. The Liu family also did not care about the funeral, and the villagers were not enthusiastic.
       Therefore, the body of Liu Lao-san barely stopped for a day and night, and hurriedly buried. Then, Fur Madam found the people in the village of Cattle, saying that he would take Jiang Chunhua to go home and remarriage.
       The reputation of Cattle head village has been stinking because of the Liu family's affairs. Where the principals are still willing to take care of the Liu family, they are pushed to Liu Lao-da Liu-Er.
       The two brothers and the daughter-in-law discussed it and agreed. "She has been married for a few months. At a young age, we are not good enough to let her suffer. Go back and go back."
       Two brothers since they have no opinion, Cattle village who naturally agreed. After all, such a young widow, such as Jiang Chunhua, has already played a game with Liu. She has not been able to stay in this home for a long time. Why bother to stop it, so that it will be a big trouble if it is not to be provoked.
       Some people in Cattle village still have another concern. They also think that Jiang Chunhua is an unknown person. She killed her Liu family. However, these words were drowned in the discussion of the Liu family who had been sent to heaven.
       Therefore, Jiang Chunhua came over and mourned for a total of three days. In the first seven days of Liu Lao-san, she burned a few sheets of paper and took the dowry and her Madam directly. She returned to Aunt.
       The Cattle Village, Jiang Chunhua said to her Madam and Courtyard Aunt   :   "I am now a new widow, do not go home village so let the village and at home before coming to dip whammy Liu, beg me already. Chou-Gu, she agreed to lend me a house with her family and Ningjia on the edge of the field. Later, I helped her and Ningjia to work and support myself."
       Jiang and Tang Madam heard Aunt nodded, Xin Xiada set. In fact, they are not happy that Jiang Chunhua is going home now, but Jiang Chunhua has strongly expressed that she must follow them immediately, and they can't be in front of the Cattle villagers. Therefore, Jiang Chunhua words are simply saying that their hearts have gone up.
       Because Jiang Chunhua said it is very real, she does not want to go back to Jiang's home, that is to enter Jiang Wucun, it is not appropriate now. Don't say that there is a private discussion in the village of Cattle, Jiang Chunhua is hard, and Jiang Wucun people have the same idea. Moreover, she died of the man and the public Ding Popo, even the five or seven are not full, back to the village is really very angry.
       Jiang Madam has another serious concern, that is, Jiang Da-nu  is about to kiss, this kind of happy event, all widows are to avoid suspicion, that is, her Madam has to avoid, not to mention Jiang Chunhua A new widowed little wife. Staying at home, I am afraid of colliding with happy events.
       Therefore, Jiang Madam and Tang Hao did not even say anything, and they agreed directly.
       Courtyard Aunt also took the initiative to ask, said   :   "The two grandparents and grandchildren are resting on the side of the road. I went to Chou-Gu and said to her, let her take you to the past. Let your brother give you some rice. The food is in the past."
       “Thank you Aunt.” Jiang Chunhua quickly thanked.
       After half an hour, Chou-gu came riding a donkey, ginger Madam quickly said   :   "Chou-gu, really want to thank you for the flowers, shelter and other Da-nu married pro, we followed her home. Go live." She is also a good mouth to say, really wait for Da-nu  to marry a new wife, Jiang Chunhua can not go home.
       Chou-Gu smiled and said, "It’s just a grass shed. Chunhua sister will live first. Let's talk about it later." She didn't believe in Jiang Madam's ghost.
       It’s a grass shed. When I saw the small house built by stone mud, Jiang Chunhua said with amazement   :   “Don’t you live in the grass shed?”
       Wu-shi originally had when living with a cloud Shan here, Master Wu-shi companion in order to give courage, but also in order to avoid arousing suspicion, and deliberately pitched next to a small room shack he lived among the grass, grass shack small and simple, Reluctant to live. Jiang Chunhua thought that he would live here.
       "That is the pillar of the grandfather live, he often stays here overnight, just to be a companion to you, lest your young woman be afraid at night. This small room, this is what we spent a lot of effort to build it up. Also divided between the inside and outside, usually Ning family suspected to go home to spend time, are living directly here to live. This room is Ning-Er live. Inside the pots and pans are neat, you can rest assured Live it." Chou-Gu smiled.
       This room is new and strong, except that it is not as big as a serious room. It is really good. Moreover, this room has already let Wu-shi Yunshan lived for a while, and the house and the house are all clean and tidy. There are two small gardens, peppers, beans and small. Greens, onions, and leeks are all there.
       Don't just say that you only live temporarily, you have to get a home here. Chou-Gu has cleaned the house in the past two days, and even the hay on the shop has been dried. Jiang Chunhua directly puts two thick clothes on his own and can sleep.
       She doesn't have much of her stuff. She hasn't brought back what was used by Liu Lao-san, and some of her valuable things for changing clothes have been brought back to Jiang in the last time, so this times only brought that suitcase was married. The two soon sorted out the house, the pot was boiled with porridge, and they were talking gossip.
       At this time, Jiang Da-nu  also hurried over the basket with his Shi-zi. When he saw the hut in front of him, he was also taken aback. When he entered the room and saw everything in it, he became more and more sincere and said, "Thank you very much."
       Chou-gu looked at him, faint smile, said   :   "I give you a look at what your sister brought over?"
       Jiang Da-nu is glad that this time is not too small.
       He quickly took out the things, and the dice contained a set of dilapidated covers, some of Jiang Chunhua changing clothes, twenty pounds of grain, two small sand pots, a small jar of salt and a small jar of chili sauce. Two pairs of chopsticks, and half a basket of seasonal vegetables.
       These things, to put in peacetime, can be considered good.
       But to be honest, Jiang Chunhua had previously returned to her family to raise her body. Liu Jia gave a Silver Taels and food. She must have not finished eating, and now she is really coming back. If she says something bad, it is the Jiang family who raises her. However, Jiang Da-nu  did not bring an egg.
       So Chou-gu moment said   :   "Chunhua sister not keep a good body, you take some eggs from the house over to her to eat."
       "Okay, okay. Just came in a hurry, things didn't take it all. Sister, you see what's worse, I will bring it to you." Jiang Da-nu  said quickly.
       "Give me the washing basin I used before." Jiang Chunhua thought about it and only mentioned one request. Everything is complete here, but personal things like washing things are still good.
       Jiang Da-nu naturally promised, borrowed Chou-Gu Shi-zi to go home. It didn't take long for him to get something over and over again. In addition to the three wooden basins used by Jiang Chunhua and twenty eggs, there is actually a slightly thicker old quilt, plus one male, two female and three half-large, new chickens raised this year.
       "It gives you three chickens reared, should also lay eggs after you have eaten the eggs slowly.." Jiang Da-nu said.
       He now thinks clearly, Chou-Gu has money, as long as he is bigger to his sister, the better he can get. So he caught three chickens in one breath, but he couldn’t help his Madam.
       He was so generous, not only surprised Jiang Chunhua, but even Chou-Gu looked at him with surprise, very much wanted to ask   :   "How did you suddenly change your milk and you, even the chickens are willing to give?"
       However, she can only ask this question in her heart. In any case, Jiang Da-nu  approach still makes her more satisfied.
       The Liu family’s affairs naturally spread throughout the ten miles and eight townships. Jiang Chunhua hot filial piety broke off with Liu family and returned to her family’s remarriage. Everyone did not say anything. After all, the scene that Jiang’s family played with Liu family was also smashed out.
       The days soon returned to calm.
       But what I did not expect was that, within a few days, Liu little aunt, Jiang Chunhua former little sister, couldn’t see anyone dead. Some people say that she was abducted by a kidnapper. Others said that she ran away with the merchants who passed by. In short, Liu Lao da, Liu Lao-Er brothers looking around for several days, but could not find her, dead heart will go on.
       So, if the big Liu family, Liu Liu-da, Liu Lao-Er are now left. Fortunately, the two brothers are two, and they are all honest and diligent. For a long time, everyone is too lazy to mention the broken things of Liu.

       Chapter 132    :     Freshmen          

       Jiang Chunhua settled down in the side of the field. She was looking for work and she was not willing to take a break.
       Chou-Gu also persuaded   :   "You should take a few days off and raise your body to talk about it."
       "Nothing, my body is good, in fact, Cattle head village is already quite good, and those injuries are skin wounds, the doctor also said, do not tighten." Jiang Chunhua said quickly.
       This is also true. When I first returned to Jiang Wucun, Jiang also asked the doctor to see Jiang Chunhua. It really does not matter, and it will take a few more days. The doctor in front of him was also willing to open a prescription, and all her drinks were good medicines, so this time the doctor only had a symbolic drug and did not spend a few dollars. Moreover, this is another day.
       However, Chou-Gu still forced her to rest for another three days, only let her cook some cooking, the fun of chopping wood, or just busy in the vegetable garden for a while.
       Jiang Chunhua is a diligent person, and he is used to living in the country all the time. After three days, he can’t help himself. He has to ask to work in the fields. Everyone saw that her spirit was excellent and her body was really good. She had to go to her, lest she should still think about it.
       When I was busy, I used Chou-Gu to cook at the edge of the field. The Ning family and the Wu family ate together. Now she doesn't need her hands at all. Every day, she doesn't shine. Jiang Chunhua gets up. When she cooks the porridge, she starts to work. When everyone comes over, the food has already been cooked. One bowl of porridge is cooked. Set it on the small dinner table.
       Jiang Chunhua cooking is not bad. Now she doesn't need to change her ingredients. She also let go of her hands and feet and stewed pheasants. The fried vegetables are also dare to put on the oil. After a few days of hard work, everyone said   :   "Hey, this dish is getting better and better."
       "Hey, or Chou-Gu teaches me." Jiang Chunhua said with embarrassment.
       She used to save her habits. When she started cooking, she didn't dare to put oil when cooking. The pheasant always wanted to eat two more meals. The people who used to eat enough oily food were not used to it.
       Chou-Gu even said twice   :   "Don't be too stingy, you are not eating alone, what are you doing? We are more of pheasant, and after eating it, it is all right. You just let go. Hands and feet to cook, let everyone eat and eat well." After that, she also set a standard for her, such as how much oil to put a dish.
       This dare she slowly let go of the hands and feet, half a chicken stew also added a bunch of cucumber melon into what from the beginning, to a bunch of chicken plus vegetables, and now dare to direct a chicken fried chicken chili It is.
       Chou-Gu gave her a little bit of advice on her cooking skills. Her cooking skills were so rapid that she even felt satisfied with Chou-Gu. Coupled with Jiang Chunhua, who is used to living, the work in the field is also fast and good. One person is doing more than Ning-Er plus Chou-Gu. Everyone looks in the eyes. I feel very satisfied.
       Jiang Chunhua has experienced this and is more mature than before. She knows that without Chou-Gu, she has to live to be tortured and killed by the Liu family. Do not look now Liu Lao san and his Father, Niang are dead, she successfully got rid of Liu. But if it wasn't because she was counted back by Chou-Gu, then the family of three would not necessarily be able to do this.
       Liu Lao san die, he Father, Niang die, she wanted out of Liu, is impossible. She knew very, Jiang Da-nu and cried for her and away, in fact, nothing but a scare and Cattle Liu village lying just.
       She is so big, she really hasn't heard of a woman who can't stand the torture of her husband. So, when she heard the news that Liu Lao-san and his father, Niang drowned, she almost went crazy, and immediately rushed out to find Chou-Gu. Because she also knows that only when a widow, she remarried after fleeing Liu possible. But how good now, according to Chou-Gu plan, she doesn't have to rush to marry and she is really free.
       When she told Chou-Gu, she said   :   "Liu family has a big deal, Liu Lao-san and his father, Niang are drowned."
       Chou-Gu is still worrying about her affairs. Chou-Gu is very hopeful that Jiang Chunhua and Liu Lao-san are separated, but this is not something she can say, and it is not easy to stay away from it. thing, though Popo and Sun Ning-Er tried to persuade her do not worry, take your time. In fact, she understands that Jiang Chunhua stayed in the Jiang family and could not drag on for a few days.
       As a result, the Liu Lao-san family of three died in this stall. It was simply amazement and joy for her. After a moment of sighing, she lamented a few words   :   "Sure enough, God has eyes, and the wicked have bad news."
       Sun Popo and Wu-shi also followed the echo   :   "Yes, then the poisonous person will accept him that day."
       Therefore, she did not feel that she could resist the kindness of Chou-Gu to her. And now Chou-Gu and Ning Jia also took her in, gave her a place to live, not working well, how can I do it?
       She is willing to do these things, and feels that the whole body has the strength to make ends meet. I don’t feel tired at all. I even ask Chou-Gu, "Get some rags and rags, I will take time to give you a whole couple." When the soles come out, if it rains, it can't work in the ground. It just happens to be able to get the soles of the shoes. It means that you can get a few needles at night and you can slowly accumulate some shoes."
       "Don't worry, there is a lot of time for needlework in winter. After a hard day in the day, stop at night." Chou-Gu refused. She knows that Jiang Chunhua is kind and eager to repay her, but one yard of the code, to save her back, is not to make her a coolie.
       As a result, Jiang Chunhua sneaked at the shoes of the pillars. Chou-Gu saw that the shoes on the pillars had worn out and the toes were exposed.
       "Let's go, but you don't have to stay up late to make shoes at night, but you don't worry. I have already let my aunt give them a family of three to make shoes, but I am afraid I will do it almost." Chou-Gu said .
       Wu-shi QUICKER craft while not bad, but the speed is very slow. Plus column is a child Mind, shoes also wear extra fee, Ning like his grandfather-Er and shoes, are now also good, a person on his shoes are worn-out.
       Therefore, on the same day, Chou-Gu turned over some dilapidated goods at home. Wu-shi curiously asked   :   "What is this going to do?"
       She has been making shoes, and she has already put a few pairs of shoes out early, which is done for Ningjia. Ning-Er's shoes are naturally done at the earliest, and the remaining columns are still not finished. Chou-Gu and her two younger brothers are also lacking in shoes. She can't think of Chou-Gu and what are they looking for?
       "The shoes of the pillars are all exposed to the toes. I am looking for something to let Chunhua sister come out with a few pairs of soles. Their family of three shoes, I am afraid that you can do it alone." Chou-Gu answered.
       Wu-shi is embarrassed to say   :   "Hey, I knew that I would do his shoes first. I started Ning-County-Graduate and his grandfather, and he left him with a little work. Can be completed.
       "Then you first drive out the shoes of the pillars. After that, more spring flowers sisters help to make needles, and you don't have to hurry up." Chou-Gu laughed. Wu-shi is at home every day, cooking and cooking, but also having a busy meal, and taking a child. I can't do any sewing work in one day.
       "Ginger Miss needlework is good?" Wu-shi asked.
       "Well, it’s fast and good. Most of our clothes and shoes used to be made by her.” Chou-Gu answered.
       "Oh, it’s a competent Miss." Wu-shi sighed, and it’s no wonder that Chou-Gu is so concerned about Jiang Chunhua. However, she was very happy when she had one more person to help her. After all, she relied on her alone to make a family of three, plus Chou-Gu 3rd's sister's clothes and shoes, she really couldn't eat.
       Even Sun Popo privately and Chou-Gu said   :   "It’s worth it to save us the trouble. It’s really worth it. This Miss is really capable, how can it be so bad, not a good family? ?"
       "Yes, it's worth it. However, people say that there is a blessing in the end, and maybe she will live a good life in the future." Chou-Gu laughed.
       "That is. That is. In fact, she is also a blessed person. When you meet her with such care, she doesn't know how many years she can be in Liu." Sun Popo also laughed.
       In fact, Jiang Chunhua has a major labor force. The most beneficial ones are Ning-Er and Chou-Gu. They don't have to work hard to fight. Although Chou-Gu has the strength, but after all, it is still a child's body, Ning-Er is a sick and weak scholar, that is, when there is no Sun Popo before, usually everyone has to take care of him and not let him be tired. Now it is even more to let him do some light work. Heavy work and tired, there are pillars and his master, Jiang Chunhua, Sun Popo, four generals to do it.
       This is not the case, the four people are busy in the high-pitched land of the Qi people. Not much time, even the figure can not be seen. Chou-Gu and Ning-Er took the younger brother in the open space and trained Sun Popo to teach them some basic skills. The younger brother has fewer young tasks and has already finished training. At this moment, he is carrying aloud the homework that Ning-Er has given him.
       After a while, Ning-Er took over and checked the younger brother's homework. Chou-Gu was much better than his foundation, and naturally he had to practice for a while.
       "Not bad, I have been studying at home for one year, and I can follow his brother to study next year." Ning-Er pointed him a few words and asked him to write big characters.
       "He is still worse than Ming, but he is young and not in a hurry. I just took him with him." Chou-Gu finished the last glimpse and smiled.
       In the past, she only looked at Guan Minger. It was true that she ignored the younger brother because she couldn’t take it seriously. Now she can teach the child more with snacks. She does not want to raise a white-eyed wolf in the future, or waste it out.
       "Also. If you are so small, you will be sent to school. You will be able to take a break for three days in January. The child is very poor." Ning-Er laughed.
       After all, the village is far from the town, and Minger lives in the same school. But Minger is much more sensible than the younger brother, and is also mature. Although the younger brother suffered the same family's changes, but because of the above-mentioned brothers and sisters, he did not eat much, so relatively speaking, the education of the younger brother will be more troublesome.
       "Right, four days is the day when Minger will go home." Ning-Er counted the days and said.
       "Yeah. I have forgotten it, so let's go hunting tomorrow, just to catch up with the town to sell things and pick him up," Chou-Gu said.
       "Oh, it's time to go hunting." Ning-Er laughed.
       Although there was one more work, but one more person to eat, Jiang Chunhua did not dare to eat at the beginning. Everyone can see that she is willing to let her go hungry. Naturally, she has to let her eat a bowl. Half a bowl, slowly she would dare to eat normally. At this age, she has not stopped at any other time. The hungry and fast-moving work is also very fast, so the amount of rice is naturally large, so the pheasant wild rabbits in the house are consumed very quickly.

       Chapter 133     :     Confused          

       Early the next morning, Ning-Er took the pillars, Chou-Gu took the younger brother, and the four went into the mountains.
       Pillars and younger brothers are more willing to hunt than to work in the fields. Hunting is equivalent to playing for them, so both of them are very happy and sing songs all the way.
       "Hey, hey, you are so noisy, the pheasant is scaring you away, we are still hunting." Ning-Er laughed.
       "Yeah, yeah, you whisper, don't quarrel with the mountain pigs," Chou-Gu said.
       "I want a mountain pig." The pillars said loudly with their eyes shining.
       "I want a mountain pig." The younger brother quickly swallowed and ‘Called.
       These two guys don't feel how terrible the mountain pigs are. In their eyes, this is a big chunk of meat. Where is the beast?
       "Why? Isn't the pheasant wild rabbit not a whole lot?" Chou-Gu deliberately teased the pillars. In fact, everyone understands the meaning of the pillars. The big mountain pigs, eating for a long time, selling more valuable. A lot of pheasants can get a mountain pig.
       Sure enough, Pillar  looked at Chou-Gu, a pair of eyes that you thought I was stupid, "snap", said   :   "Mountain pig... so big one."
       He said that he also made a hand stroke, the first two together, said that the pheasant is so big, and then draw a big circle with both hands, indicating that the mountain pig is so big.
       His language skills are not very good, because his brain is damaged and his mental development is not good. However, after everyone unremitting efforts to teach, his current level of intelligence has developed, similar to the children of seven or eight years old, but still slower than normal children, always using the shortest language to express their meaning, It is still not good to say long sentences.
       "Yes, the mountain pig is big, we can eat a lot of meat, and we can sell more money." Ning-Er smiled and praised the pillar.
       "Great, great. There are mountain pigs to eat." The younger brother excitedly called, as if the mountain pigs were waiting for them to hunt.
       The pillar nodded happily, and both eyes looked round and round, and a pair of horses could immediately hit the appearance of the mountain pig, causing Chou-Gu and Ning-Er to pout and laugh.
       As a result, the pillars rushed out like a wind, without waiting for them to laugh.
       Then everyone saw a chaos in the nearby thatched ridge, and several pheasants flew up and flew up, and two of them couldn’t escape, and they fell under the slingshot of the pillar.
       The younger brother rushed in excitement, and both hands picked up a pheasant.
       Now the level of the hunting of the pillars is getting higher, the pheasants are just fainting, and they are not seriously injured and can remain for a long time without dying. If they are willing to raise, Chou-Gu estimates that they can all become pheasant farmers.
       However, everyone is too lazy to raise, and there is no energy. Second, raising pheasants is not as good as raising chickens. The chicken is more fat and tender, with some oil and water, and can lay eggs every day. And raising pheasants have to feed them, it’s troublesome. Anyway, there are pheasants in the forest. I want to eat whenever I want to play. They used this mountain forest as a farm for their own home.
       "Sister, Sister, we eat chicken, okay?" I have come back carrying two chickens, Chong Chou-gu spoiled. Now Chou-Gu has very little cooking, and only the roast chicken will get it.
       "Oh, I will bake you two tonight." Chou-Gu agreed with pleasure.
       Nowadays, the living conditions are a lot better. Their families have basically not sold their prey, and all the prey they have caught are kept. The meat in the house was sufficient, and the younger brother was obviously taller. It is Wu-shi and Yun Shan who have also grown up in white.
       It’s her own, she doesn’t know what’s going on, she doesn’t say anything when she doesn’t see anything, and the skin doesn’t look like everyone. It’s red and white, round and shiny, and the whole is a black ugly Yatou, plus There is also an unsightly birthmark. The only advantage is that the five senses are still normal, and they have not grown into melons.
       Every time she looks in the mirror, she only has a sigh. Chou-Gu has no hope for his own image, and he hopes to have a long, not black, ugly, short and frustrated.
       As for this kind of respect, she didn't know what kind of ugly doll she would give birth to, so she could only hope to find a beautiful husband and combine this ugly gene. Thinking this way, she couldn't help but aim at Ning-Er.
       "Hey, this guy is really long, the better, the skin is smooth, the eyebrows are picturesque, the body is slender, it is a little thinner." Chou-Gu secretly stunned, why the Ning-Er boys are still longer The better you look, the longer your girl is, the more ugly it is. Really, she found herself worse off than when she just took over the body.
       "What's the matter?" Ning-Er was stunned by her strange eyes, not knowing where she was in trouble.
       "Hey, you said that you are a big man, what do you look so good? It’s good to give me a good look and good skin color." Chou-Gu sighed, she reached out and stroked the birthmark on her face. , start a rough, more dissatisfied.
       "Cough..." Ning-Er was almost killed by his own saliva, and his face was red. After a while, he said with a funny smile   :   "The skin is given by parents. Can you blame me?" Blame you, Father, Niang."
       After that, he was afraid that Chou-Gu was sad and said   :   "In fact, I am used to it, and I don't think you are ugly. It is black."
       This is the truth. He is not talking about his conscience. In his eyes, Chou-Gu is not a ugly appearance, it is an ordinary girl, but it is not really good-looking.
       "But my mother is so beautiful, my father is not bad, my two younger brothers are also good, why are I different, black and ugly, and a long birthmark?" Chou-Gu Angry.
       What is skin deep Father, Niang to the  , the same Father, Niang why the two brothers are good skin deep, it is she a girl so ugly. Hey, that mother still dislikes her, she hasn’t blamed her for generating herself like this? Chou-Gu is more and more angry, just want to take her mother back and ask.
       Ning-Er involuntary glances swept the younger brother, but also, and Chou-gu contrast a bit, he had to admit, Chou-gu Long's really far worse than a brother. And the younger brother is obviously the same as Minger, the same eyebrows, I heard that they are like their Father. Chou-Gu eyebrows look carefully, in fact, they are very different from the two, and he carefully recalled their sister's mother in the heart, so beautiful woman, Chou-Gu face does not have her a little bit trace.
       Why did the couple give birth to such an ugly daughter? And both sons are growing well, obviously when Father is also growing well. How did you get to your daughter and grow up like this? Neither like Father nor mother.
       Ning-Er grew more and more Bunenglijie, grew more and more strange, the last can only sigh Chou-gu bad luck, her Father, ugly Collection Niang and grandparents in together, but who can no longer return to the stomach, so Father, Niang is born again. There is no way to change the ugliness.
       "Hey, have you thought that I have been more than a year, what is it?" Chou-Gu looked at him with a sad look and asked. After half a day without seeing his response, Chou-Gu thought he really felt ugly and couldn't lie to himself.
       Really, she felt that she didn't grow taller, but she still got thinner. It stands to reason that in the past few months, life has been much better, and the labor intensity is much smaller. She should raise her fat a little longer and longer.
       Ning-Er looked at her carefully and said something strange   :   "It looks like nothing changes, but maybe it's because I see you every day, I don't feel it."
       But he saw that Chou-Gu was walking next to the donkey, and there was a reference to the scorpion. He did not see her grow tall, and he also found that Chou-Gu seemed to be a little thinner. As for her skin, he didn't touch it personally, and he couldn't feel it by sight.
       "I blame them for giving me the name of Chou-Gu, which makes me more and more ugly, what should I do?" Chou-Gu cried and asked.
       Ning-Er is simply crying and laughing. He said   :   "You are still young. The so-called women's big eighteen changes. You are not old enough, you don't have to be afraid. In two years, you will become better."
       "Oh, hope, if it has always been so ugly, it will even become even more ugly. Will you see me ignoring me?" Chou-Gu asked.
       "How come, let me say, I don't think how ugly you are. Don't be too rude. In fact, your eyebrows are pretty good, not so ugly. Many are raised at home, don't have to do it. If you live more, the skin color will be white and tender," Ning-Er said quickly.
       Aside from the appearance of Chou-Gu, Chou-Gu is a very good girl, and he has never returned to the appearance of Chou-Gu. In his eyes, Chou-Gu is black. Moreover, they still have a common language, how can he dislike her, never will.
       "I don't want to give up, I am afraid that a man will see me like this." Chou-Gu smiled.
       "Don't think about it, let the Song Dong family give you the pulse, see if you can use some medicine, maybe you can make it look good." Ning-Er suddenly flashed in his head, quickly Say.
       He imagined, if Chou-Gu really became a beautiful Miss, what would it be like? However, he wanted to come and think, Chou-Gu in his mind is still this look, but it is a little whiter, it looks smooth and white, the eyebrows are still, even the birthmark is still the same, but this kind of Chou- Gu, he feels just right.
       "Yeah, I actually forgot, there is a great doctor." Chou-Gu slammed his head and ‘called.
       In modern times, there are many people who go to see Chinese medicine, get herbs to regulate the body, and detoxify and cure the plaque. She looks like this, and the soup doctor who eats more time should have some improvement. As for the black and birthmark, she did not expect to turn white, only hope that the skin will be better and the body will be better.
       Ning-Er smiled and said   :   "Sure enough, women love beauty, Chou-Gu is the same." At the same time, there is a strange feeling in my heart. He feels that Chou-Gu has grown up and started to have The girl’s heart, thinking about it, he felt very happy, but he didn’t understand where he was happy?
       "Laughter, laugh, you look so good, how can you understand the sorrow of my ugly people." Chou-Gu tilted him and ‘called.
       This made Niing-Er even more enjoyable. He laughed loudly   :   "Hey, little Miss knows beauty."
       Chou-Gu took a moment to react, and this guy was actually joking himself, but also faintly laughing. Her old face is red.
       He said   :   "You are a little Miss. You are stinking."
       In my heart, I was saying, "The old Lady can make you a big one." She was a man, and when she was old, she all gave birth to Ning-Er. Now, by this guy, I’m joking. Chou-Gu heart is so mixed that I can only rejoice that my skin is dark and I can’t see the old face in a fever. Otherwise, she doesn’t know where to find a hole to drill down.
       In fact, when Ning-Er’s jokes were finished, I felt that I had some violent waves. Then I listened to Chou-Gu words. A jade-like face was immediately covered with red clouds, and even the ears were burned. Quietly turned around and did not dare to face Chou-Gu, but it turned out to be laughed by Chou-Gu.
       Concealed   :   "Hey, hey, we only talked about it, where the pillars and the younger brother went."

       Chapter 134     :     Surprise          

       Chou-Gu returned to God, and she did not see the pillar and the younger brother. These two guys don't know where to sing Yatou to chase the pheasant.
       "Pillars, pillars, come back soon." Chou-Gu ‘called and ‘called.
       Ning-Er also followed   :   "Pillar, pillar, younger brother, come back soon."
       The voices of the two people echoed in the mountains and drifted away.
       After a long while, I passed the post's response far away   :   "Come."
       "Hey, scared me." Chou-Gu patted the chest and breathed a sigh of relief. The combination of the pillar and the younger brother was too worrying. If she changed her brother to Ming, she wouldn't have to worry so much. Although Minger is only two years old, the level of sensibility is stronger than these two.
       "In fact, don't worry too much. This forest often comes, they won't get lost." Ning-Er This is completely after the event. Just now he was not scared less than Chou-Gu.
       "Hey, we still have to find ways to let them know the way, don't count on us every time. If you run away next time, don't worry that they can't find it." Chou-Gu said that the more she thinks, the more she can't go on like this. It is.
       In fact, she and Ning-Er always put the pillars, Minger, and younger brother behind them, and they are not good for their growth. It’s hard to throw Ming Ming out now, and the rest of the two need to be practiced.
       "Really, especially the pillars are getting older, they can't be more than ten or eight years old, and we still have to look at it like this. He needs to be strong and self-reliant," Ning-Er said.
       The younger brother will grow up and will stand up one day. Only the pillars are always a child's heart, but some habits, the knowledge of life, the children can learn the same, but it is worse than those who are normal, the mentality is increasing with age, more need patience and Stick to it.
       "Well, in fact, I think the pillar is much smarter and more sensible than when I first met." Chou-Gu thought about it and said.
       Ning-Er nodded and said   :   "There is progress, but I hope he can stand alone, and I don't need to be guided and accompanied forever."
       Don't say that he can stay with the pillars for a lifetime. He understands that no one can guarantee that he can accompany others for a lifetime.
       Because a lot of things are not what you want, and no one knows who is in the forefront of this life. If he dies first, what should the pillar do? The Master has exposed this worry more than once. I am afraid that I will let myself go, and the pillar will become the burden of Ning-Er.
       "We have to plan well and give him a serious study plan. Let him slowly learn some of the skills of life. Even if he is alone, he can live. But this is a long-term process, and you can't It’s too anxious,” Chou-Gu agreed.
       In modern times, some mentally handicapped children, or people with various disabilities, will also undergo some professional training and be able to support themselves with simple tasks with the help of outsiders. The pillars are actually a very capable person. Hunting and doing farm work are very good. As long as you learn some common sense of life, such as knowing the road, such as knowing to avoid some dangers, etc., he can basically stand on his own.
       Ning-Er nodded and looked at the pillars and younger brothers who had already rushed to themselves. They greeted them with a slap in the face and said seriously   :   "Where did you go, didn't you tell you earlier, can't you run around in the mountains? If you get lost, what should you do?"
       "That is, if we can't find you, how do you go back?" Chou-Gu also taught them along with Ning-Er. These two guys went crazy when they entered the forest, and regarded this as their own back garden.
       The pillars and the younger brother were originally full of excitement, a pair of appearances to return to the invitation, and they were so taught, they all shook their heads, and some feared nothing to say.
       Ning-Er took the scorpion of the pillar, and there were already seven or eight pheasants in it. It shows that this guy has a lot of hunting, so it’s no small feat.
       "Come, let's talk about it today." Chou-Gu took a clap and gathered everyone together.
       The pillar and the younger brother are honestly coming over and looking at her.
       "Can't run around in the future, do you know?" Chou-Gu said loudly.
       Both of them nodded and answered in unison   :   "Know it."
       Chou-Gu also taught them a few words, seeing that both of them knew that they were wrong, only to shut up.
       “Can you tell us, have you ran those places?” Ning-Er eased the mood and acted as a face.
       "Yes." The pillar nodded immediately.
       Ning-Er and Chou-Gu both looked at him with surprise, and Chou-Gu went on to say, "Well, you take us there, the place you just ran."
       The pillars took the lead in front, and the younger brother kept nodding, indicating that the roads were really the ones they had just walked on, and the road left some fresh traces of the steps they had stepped on. Obviously the pillars remembered very clearly. In some places, the younger brother does not remember very much, and the pillars are very clear. They turned around for more than half an hour, and the pillars pointed out where they hit two pheasants, where they hit one, and so on. It can be seen that the memory of the pillar is very good, and the ability to recognize the road is extremely strong.
       Ning-Er and Chou-Gu are relieved when they are relieved, but it is a pity that the child is not a burnt brain. It is a smart person.
       "Yes. Pillars, this time you come to lead the way, you take us to the hut. We no longer hunt on the road, go straight." Ning-Er took a trial and wondered if the pillars were coming because they often This mountain forest is very familiar. Even more familiar than they think.
       "Good." The pillar agreed with excitement.
       In the end, the pillars came with them, and they didn't go anyway. When they saw the hut, Ning-Er and Chou-Gu looked at each other and laughed. They are still worried that the pillars don't know the road, and for a long time, people have already remembered it. It can be seen that although some aspects of IQ are really not good, some aspects are quite good.
       “Very good.” Ning-Er praised the pillar.
       "Tonight, I have to get two dishes to praise the pillars." Chou-Gu also said.
       Hearing Ning-Er and his sister all praised the pillars, the younger brother dissatisfied with his mouth and his tears fell.
       Ning-Er quickly yelled at him   :   "Today, the younger brother also performed very well. Both have prizes."
       "Yes, what do you want to eat, the younger sister will do it for you." Chou-Gu also reacted and quickly scolded him. This is the real little child, and the children know that they are jealous, and they feel that they have been left out.
       The younger brother just laughed and said   :   "Roast chicken, but also fish soup."
       "Well. You are waiting for me to make a big meal." Chou-Gu was full of promises. The two dishes of the younger brother are too simple. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it here.
       Next, Chou-Gu, she left alone in the house to clean up, Ning-Er with the pillars and the younger brother to fish, by the way.
       The night fell, and the three of them had not returned yet, and they went to fight the wild rabbit. Chou-Gu simply put a simple barbecue shelf in the outdoor, and took a few stones to code two simple stoves. Sit on the pot and start to cook the fish. Sit on the pot and start cooking. Then they started to work hard. The grilled chicken is picked up and marinated for a while.
       Not much longer, the smell of fish soup and rice fluttered in the air, making her hungry deer.
       The fish soup was also stewed and the rice was cooked. Chou-Gu took another two gherkins, mixed a plate, and then fried a tiger skin with chicken oil, and burned a green vegetable. The time was about half an hour. At this time, the chicken was also marinated. It can be baked.
       Smell the smell, stepping on the night, Ning-Er came back with the pillar and the younger brother.
       "Oh, it's so sweet and fragrant." Several people sipped their mouths and stared at the pheasant that was burnt in the hands of Chou-Gu.
       "You can eat it right away, hurry up and put your hands on your face." Chou-Gu himself swallowed his mouth and told him.
       Ning-Er entered the house at a speed, lit up the oil lamp, and the light immediately covered the hut, and the table was already set up. He smiled with satisfaction and closed the pheasant and the wild rabbit before they went out to wash their faces.
       Chou-Gu baked the last chicken and came in.
       The pillars and the younger brother cheered, and Chou-Gu handed them the ones who had the first two roasted chicken legs.
       The two men yelled and said, "Good food."
       Chou-Gu smiled and divided the remaining two chicken legs with Ning-Er. In an instant, only two chicken chicken shells were left.
       Ning-Er scented the chicken legs, and took a bowl of rice with cucumber and greens, and then drank a bowl of fish soup, put down the chopsticks, touched the stomach, and said, "Hey, eat today. So full."
       The pillar is still fighting, and Chou-Gu also eats a lot. The first thing to stop is the younger brother. He is the youngest and naturally the youngest.
       "How much do you like to get bigger?" Chou-Gu smiled.
       "Yeah, I recently felt that I had eaten a bit more. You said that I am still a long body?" Ning-Er asked excitedly, and then squeezed his arm, and actually touched it hard. Muscles.
       "Well, it may be because of practicing martial arts. Have you ever felt that your physical strength has improved?" Chou-Gu asked again. She still hopes that Ning San is getting better and better. She looks at Ning-Er and always thinks that he is too thin, for fear that he is sick or something.
       "Hey, you don't say that I haven't noticed yet, I really think it's a lot better now." Ning-Er thought about it and said happily. His body is also his own most worried. If he practices martial arts, plus the conditioning in the Song Dong family, he can become healthy and strong as soon as possible, he is also a heart. Otherwise, as for his broken body, he suspects that he can't live much.
       "That's good. After two days to go to the town, do you let Song Dongjia take the pulse and see if the body is really getting better?" Chou-Gu is also very happy to say. In fact, Ning-Er is a very important stage of growth and development. When you eat well and exercise properly, he should take another shot and his body will become stronger.
       "Okay, okay, yes, this time let Song Dongjia do it for you, see if you can adjust it for you." Ning-Er also reminded her.
       Chou-Gu nodded, and some of them couldn’t help but look forward to it. Girls, there is a love of beauty, but this birthmark on the face, she estimated that there is no way to get rid of it, after all, in modern times through a variety of high-tech means can do nothing, let alone talk in ancient times. She is satisfied as long as she can become normal, but she does not expect to become a big beauty.


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