Ugly Biography 100

  Novels      »     Ugly Biography     »   Chapter 100     :     Doubt          

       Then do you want to send the children to the school now? Ning-Er asked again.
       Chou-Gu now has a dozen Silver Taels on hand. Plus, they go hunting and selling vegetables from time to time, and the days are all right. It is also time to send a child to school, or if he is two years old, he will be delayed.
       “To find out, you have to spend more money a year,” Chou-Gu said. To be honest, she did not expect to send her children to school at this time, because she did not care.
       "Go and ask now." Ning-Er also said that it was the rainy person, and the group went to the school again.
       As a result, one year’s repairs only required ten Silver Taels, but some other miscellaneous fees, such as pen and ink, books, and their homes, are still far away, and they have to live here. Up, the cost of a year is about thirteen Silver Taels.
       This overhead is really expensive. Especially in this place, most people still have to go hungry. It can be said that an ordinary family is afraid that they will not have 13 Silver Taels in their lifetime.
       "No wonder few people can read the book." Chou-Gu is secretly ‘Calling.
       For a student's annual expenses, it is equivalent to raising an old snack for a few years. This number is more expensive than modern education. And if you want to give out a student, at least ten years, is there a so-called ten-year window? If you don't read it for many years, you can get it. In this way, the cost of reading is more expensive. It is no wonder that there are fewer ancient scholars, and this tuition fee is really not enough for people to afford.
       However, Chou-Gu now has nearly twenty-two silvers on hand. How can one or two Silver Taels be saved in one year? That is to say, she can basically get the money for Ming’s two-year book. But the tuition fees for the next year will have to be earned by another idea. How can they earn more than a dozen Silver Taels by selling their food and hunting for a year? It is estimated that the former Wu Hunter can only earn 12 or 28 Silver Taels. Otherwise, he will not leave no more homes for this family.
       "I will check it out again," Chou-Gu said vaguely.
       She is still hesitating in her heart. She is not reluctant to give money to Minger to go to school. She is thinking, if she is going to go to school now, others will doubt where she got the money from? She has to let everyone know that the name of the money that Minger went to school is justified. Otherwise, her days are only afraid of getting a storm. Such a large amount of silver can be solved by not only ten pheasant wild rabbits. The villagers will certainly doubt this suspicion, and come up with a bunch of broken things.
       Ning-Er stunned, changed her mind, and understood her difficulties. This is not just a matter of money. Reading is a big event. There are no readers in several villages nearby. They are the heads of the village chiefs of the villages (the most wealthy people in the local area), and they have never had serious study. The most important thing is to let a child Just know a few words.
       After all, there will always be one or two people literate in a village. For example, if you want to write a genealogy, get a marriage book, and preside over a family, you will have to write. Therefore, the village head is generally literate. In fact, the problem of food and clothing for the villagers can not be solved, and no one wants to read and read.
       This is why people don't care about Wu hunter literacy. It is now that most of the people in Jiangwu Village know that Minger and Chou-Gu know a few words. They are not in the heart, but they don’t know the words here. It’s not a big deal for ordinary people. The field that needs literacy and the village chief must have come forward. The length of a village, in fact, has to manage a lot of things.
       No matter which place the school has a modern literacy class, this literacy class is not a serious study. The Master teaches you to understand some of the most basic daily use words, even if it is.
       It is such a literacy class that only learns for one year, and it takes two Silver Taels for this poor place. Generally, such students are older, such as ten years old, because they know how to cherish this opportunity, they will study hard and not dare to play. A wise child can learn a lot of knowledge in a year, in addition to reading and writing. There are also the Masters who will occasionally teach the content of the students. There are also disciples who, regardless of the matter, directly let the students who are a little learned to teach the children of the literacy class.
       "For the time being, I can still learn in my own home. I will teach him more when I have time," Ning-Er said.
       "Well, thank you very much." Chou-Gu nodded. She really can't do anything about her imperial examination. Although she went to Academy, she hated classical Chinese when she went to school. Now she just remembers some ancient poetry and songs from everyone, and she gave it back to the teacher.
       "Thank you for your thanks, I thank you so much," Ning-Er said quickly.
       The scorpion noodle Chou-Gu gave him directly, let him take it to the pillars.
       Ning-Er is very embarrassed to ask, Chou-Gu said   :   "Are you thinking that we have leftovers?"
       "What you said, if you didn't eat it, you picked it out first. Where is the rest?" Ning-Er said quickly.
       "You don't be so polite with me. I don't always get your light. Actually, I wanted to buy a bowl and bring it back, but think about it. This noodle brought back, it has long been a mess, and the taste is also Not so good. Next time I take the pole to eat." Chou-Gu said.
       Ning-Er quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't, a bowl of noodles is ten dollars. It's too expensive. You can't eat any more. It's better to cut half a catty of meat and eat it."
       Chou-Gu smiled and knew that she spent too much money on this time. She thought it took more than two or two dollars and she was upset.
       It is really because of the poor, she spent so much money at once, she is simply guilty. She couldn't help but persuade herself in her heart that she would have to save some money next time. There is no money to use it. This is just what Ning-Er saw. If someone else saw it, I didn't know what it was going to cause.
       After returning home, Chou-Gu took the snack directly to the younger brother. She and Minger have already eaten the flesh in the market town. Not hungry yet. She had to look at the sky early and deal with the pig's trotters and pork that she bought. Now that the weather is getting warmer, these meat dishes can't be stored directly, only stewed or marinated, or they will break down.
       "Take these to my mother." Chou-Gu said, splitting the snacks out half, leaving them to the 3rd sister to eat, and half letting the younger brother take it to her mother.
       Then she took a kelp and gave it to Minger, saying, "Go to the basin."
       The two younger brothers were obedient to work, Chou-Gu first pickled up three pounds of meat, then took out all the pig's trotters, scraped the hair and burned the blood with hot water, thrown into the cauldron Cook it up. She added a large pot of water and two pig's hooves to their home for a few days. She had to cook the trotters first, leaving more than half of them, and slowly eating them. Leave only a little and a little stew with kelp, and stay until tomorrow.
       The time required for the trotters to cook was not short. When the pot was boiled, she went to pick up a lot of fresh cabbage and came back to prepare for dinner.
       Because I had a good meal today, she only cooked a thin dish of porridge at night. The rice used this time was an authentic rice. The porridge cooked out was so fragrant that she couldn’t help but felt hungry. And she also had three meat buns.
       This time, their mother had eaten real rice porridge after nearly a year. Although there are dishes in the porridge, the dishes are fresh and taste good. And Chou-Gu also gave her an authentic big meat buns.
       Therefore, this mother had eaten very well, and finally calmed her injured little heart.
       The younger brother did not even raise his head, and a porridge with a sip of porridge would not fall. These two kinds of food are good things for him. Even if the Wu hunter was in the past, he could not eat this often. A little fine food at home is reserved for their mother.
       Minger and Chou-Gu each had a bowl of porridge, they didn't eat buns, they were still full, and the half bowl of noodles was really porcelain. I haven't digested it until now. If you don't smell the porridge, they can't eat it.
       The younger brother finished a buns, drank half a bowl of gruel, and reluctantly looked at the remaining buns.
       Chou-Gu smiled and said   :   "Give you a drink tomorrow, you can't eat it at night, and you have to eat a stomachache."
       "Okay." The younger brother was relieved, and he put down the tableware.
       Chou-Gu shook his head and shook his head. This family is really deformed. It is to let her mother live a good life and make a child like this. When she thought about it, she became more and more dissatisfied with her Father, Niang. Everyone else is Father, Niang is reluctant to eat and drink, not hungry children, their family is back. She feels that this family should not have children. It is time to let the couple love each other all day, what are the children doing?
       When she thought of it, she couldn't help but ask her   :   "Who is this favorite at this home?"
       Mother is this virtue, she does not count on it. However, in her memory, Father could not find any scene of fatherly love for her sister. At least, her Father is not very good to her, her attitude is relatively cold, and she must be better for her two sons.
       However, she can understand that after all, the ancients were awkward, and the daughter was only a by-product of their sons. Even some poor people directly killed their daughter. She is still so ugly, and it is not bad for her Father to raise her. And her Father doesn't usually beat her children, nor will she let her eat too much.
       Such a man is a good man in the eyes of the village. Everyone thinks that Wu Hunter is a man who is extremely painful. But how did she feel awkward?
       Minger took a moment to say   :   "Father, he likes it." He is not sure who he likes most. If he must choose the most word, he thinks his father's favorite is his mother. Anyway, his mother is like a ancestors in this family. Everyone has to have a tail in front of her. In the past, he was in front of his mother, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.
       Chou-Gu pulled the corner of his mouth and sneered a few times. She understands that not only is she dissatisfied with her mother, but she is also the same. However, he will not resist, and there used to be Father. The life of this family is really good, and the warmth of eating is good.
       What kind of requirements can you ask for a child of a few years old? Especially in an environment where others can't eat and wear, the life of their family is enough for other children to come to the end. For example, Jiang Da-nu  is very good for Ming, so Ming Ming remembers it now.
       She was too lazy to ask these broken things, busy packing up the dishes, and quickly went to wash the kelp. The kelp that has been soaked in the water has swollen into a large piece. At this time, the kelp is pure natural, and the color is very good. It is very dirty. She washes it several times before it is washed.
       "Is this delicious?" Ming asked curiously. He was the first to see kelp, and it was amazing to see it change from a hay-like thing to a big one now.
       “This kelp is a grassy thing that grows in the sea. People pick it up and dry it for a long time. The kelp stew is very delicious, and it is good for people to eat. Very delicious. "Chou-Gu said casually.
       "Can the grass eat?" Minger exclaimed.
       "Seaweed can't be said to be grass, just that it looks like grass. There are a lot of delicious things in the sea." Chou-Gu laughed. The modern ordinary things of kelp have also become precious rarities here. She didn't even know that Ning-Er would have new doubts about her because of kelp.
       "What is the sea like?" Ming asked curiously.
       “The sea is a very large piece of water, much larger than the big rivers and ponds here. The sea is blue and salty. The salt we eat can be boiled out in sea water. There are many in the sea. Things like kelp, like the grass and trees on our ground, there are also many sea fish. Many are good things to eat,” Chou-Gu said.
       The more she said, the more she missed the modern days. If you want to eat something in modern times, as long as you have money, how can you think about it? But here, there are silver coins that can't be done. Moreover, they are still so poor, it is good to be able to have a full stomach. Where can I think of grilled oysters and grilled squid. The simplest laver soup can't be eaten. At first thought, her favorite seafood was insulated from her, and she felt sad when she was eating.
       Minger also listened very much, and their mother could not help but hear her daughter say these words. She no matter what, and knows that Chou-Gu did not understand this knowledge before. What's more, they didn't eat seaweed soup at all. And even she has never seen the sea, and the sea she knows is only known from books.
       In the end, she can only attribute this to Ning-Er. She is like everyone else, and she thinks that Chou-Gu is listening to Ning-Er.
       After all, Ning-Er is from the capital, and it is a gongzi Geer that everyone will read. It is also common to understand these. She did not expect that Chou-Gu was no longer the former Chou-Gu. And this ugly daughter, who she hates the most, can't wait to be born, and the knowledge she knows is more than everyone imagination.

       Chapter 101     :     Drinking Soup          

       Early the next morning, Chou-Gu took a jar of kelp trotters soup and two meat buns that were cooked last night, and then took a few dishes and went to work in the fields.
       As for the two people at home, there are meat buns and stewed seaweed soup. It is enough for them to eat for a day.
       Because they had to dig up the Sorghum  seedlings, when their sisters came, the Ning family had already done a lot of work, and Ning-Er had already cooked the porridge on the simple earthen stove in Tiantou. Yesterday, he also bought ten hoes, cooked a pot of thin porridge, and then dipped a Bun into the porridge, you can eat very well.
       "It's so early." Chou-Gu greeted them.
       "My vegetable porridge is cooked right away, let's eat together." Ning-Er quickly greeted her and Minger. He cooked enough porridge, and originally had Chou-Gu and Minger's share.
       Chou-Gu also agreed, anyway, she brought a seaweed soup today, and she is also ready to give it to her family. However, she took out the two meat buns and grilled them directly to the fire. They said, "The two meat buns are served to the pillars and the Master."
       "You eat it yourself, there are still a few ‘maidens on our side." Ning-Er quickly resigned. He is very embarrassed to be cheaper in the Chou-Gu home.
       "Two meat buns, you push me and give birth to me." Chou-Gu said deliberately angry.
       Here, five acres of land, three acres is Wu, Ning's only two acres, but do not live yours, and everyone is doing it together. It is up to two people, Chou-Gu and Minger. The three-acre land is exhausting them. Basically, the physical strength is all done by the Ning family, and Chou-Gu himself feels that it is cheaper for the Ning family.
       Ning-Er had no longer said, went to take the bowl, gave each person a bowl of gruel, and asked her   :   "Taro, do you want to eat directly in the porridge, or grill it?"
       "I want to roast and eat more deliciously." Chou-Gu said, took his Bun and smashed it to the fire. The scalp is roasted to a yellowish brown, with a burst of scent.
       The pillar had already smelled the scent of the barbecue buns in front of her. Now I smell the scent of the steamed buns. I can still stand it, and I look up and look at it again. I have no working mind.
       Ning-Er quickly called out   :   "The pillar and Aye came to eat."
       The pillar ran over with a smile, and Chou-Gu rushed to the river to wash his hands, only to give him the meat buns that had been put on and off.
       The pillar took the buns and bitten half of it in one bit. Grandpa refused to ask for buns and insisted on eating steamed buns.
       He also said   :   "I have eaten big meat noodles for dinner last night, and the meat has not been ruined."
       One of the noodles brought back yesterday, he and the pillars were eaten. A scorpion noodles, a little more than the bowl that Chou-Gu had eaten, and there were several large pieces of meat, and he added some water and vegetables to it, and cooked a large pot. With a Bun, he and the pillars were both full and satisfied, very satisfied.
       Ning-Er came to the field last night, and put the hoes, noodles and meat brought back here, let the pillars and grandsons eat them. He only went back. Because he was too full, he saved even his dinner.
       Aye insisted on not eating buns. No way, Chou-Gu could only divide the meat buns into four and a half. She and Minger, Ning-Er and the pillars, and four people were eaten by a small piece.
       Master bit his Bun, his face is cheerful, and he is very satisfied. Ning-Er knows that he doesn't want to eat buns, but it saves a little bit for everyone. Therefore, this small half of the buns eats his mouth full of taste, and his heart is very heavy. Ning-Er's expression naturally did not escape the eyes of Chou-Gu. In fact, her heart is no better than Ning-Er. To put it bluntly, it is all too poor. Otherwise, everyone will not push a buns.
       When I was working, Ning-Er was still a little bit low. Chou-Gu had to persuade him   :   "Our Sorghum  will definitely get a good harvest today. At that time, we will not swear." Go for a white meal and eat a few good ones."
       Ning-Er was teased by her words and said, "You think it is good. But this place is not fat at all. It is not easy to have a good harvest."
       "Fear of something, let's get some more fat." Chou-Gu has a well-thought-out look.
       Ning-Er saw that she was so confident that she immediately got up in the sunshine, and felt that the days were full of hope and the work was more energetic. The two were like a plug, and they didn't stop for a moment. The direct Master greeted   :   "It's time to rest, you can cook and eat."
       Chou-Gu stopped the work in his hands and said to Ning-Er   :   "You cook a pot of dry rice directly. I brought the seaweed soup. I will burn a green vegetable later."
       Ning-Er nodded and went to the fire.
       Chou-Gu put the soup pot that he brought directly on the stove, and went to wash the vegetables with the pillars of Minger. Ning-Er was busy with a pot of dry rice, then burned another casserole and boiled a pot of boiling water and asked her   :   "How hot is the dish?"
       "I am coming, you are learning." Chou-Gu smiled and threw the washed cabbage directly into the boiling water, then added a little salt to it, and it was finished. “Just eat it?” Ning-Er asked with surprise. This little cabbage was also made too simple. A large pot of water dipped in a large dish, and it was completely boiled in a pot. Even the oil did not have a drop. He did not believe it would be delicious.
       "Well." Chou-Gu nodded. Although this dish was too simple, it took a dish with soup and even the tea. Anyway, there are trotters and seaweed soup, which is enough hard water, and boiled cabbage will not be rejected.
       Sure enough, after drinking a bowl of thick trotters and seaweed soup, everyone did not think that the vegetable soup was unpalatable. The trotters have been stewed, the oil is very full, and it is a rare treat to drink.
       After a long time, I drank the seaweed soup again. Master couldn’t believe it. I asked, “Chou-Gu will also make seaweed soup. This soup tastes really good.”
       "What's so difficult, the stew is the easiest. Just add water and cook it." Chou-Gu said no.
       In her opinion, the two methods of frying and frying are the most troublesome. Stew soup, stewed vegetables, steamed vegetables, etc. are very simple. As long as the materials are prepared first, the soup is directly stewed, the brine is directly cooked, and the steamed vegetables are directly On the steamer. It saves time and effort, and doesn't need to keep an eye on the pot all the time. It's not like frying and frying, it's not a fire, it won't work.
       Master Wan, said   :   "Chou-Gu said it is simple, but it is not easy to stew a good soup. Today, this seaweed soup is very tasty. The pig's trotters are stewed and delicious. ”
       Chou-Gu smiled and she felt that this seaweed soup was really good. If in modern times she might not be able to drink so much soup, it would be too greasy. But here, the soup is drunk, and she feels that the intestines are moisturized. It can be seen that it is still because the life is too bad, the body actually lacks oil and water. Although the pheasant wild rabbits are not eaten, it is not eaten every day, and it is never enough.
       Minger and the pillars did not raise their heads, but they just wanted to bury their heads in the bowl. The two chewed on the kelp and drank the soup.
       "Sister, I didn't expect the grass in the sea to be really delicious." Minger sighed and sighed while eating and drinking.
       "The grass in the sea?" Ning-Er read this sentence and could not help but laugh.
       "My sister also said that there are many such grasses in the sea, and there are still many fish. The sea is blue, salty, and salty." Minger said proudly.
       "Well, yes, yes." Ning-Er smiled, but couldn't help but watch Chou-Gu eyes. Chou-Gu said these words, let him have a kind of Chou-Gu, I have seen the sea, I also know people from the sea. It is as if she is a person living by the sea. And he knows that this knowledge is still obtained from books.
       Chou-Gu is quite big, and she also thinks that Ning-Er is just a teenager, and she doesn't have much doubt about her. Therefore, she doesn't care too much about Ning-Er. She just aimed at the Master and missed the doubts that Ning-Er had flashed in her eyes. The Master is already full, just got up and ready to go to the river to wash his face, and he did not hear clearly. Therefore, she did not stop her words.
       Pillar  ate one of the three bowls of kelp trotters soup, and ate two bowls of rice. When everyone didn't eat it, he rounded up the rest of the food. He only took a big smile on his face and took a shot. Belly, said   :   "Full. Delicious."
       "Well, you go to the break. At night we stewed the meat." Ning-Er laughed. The pillar is the main labor force. Everyone takes extra care of him. Make sure he eats well. If he is tired, the life in the field will not work.
       Minger, Chou-Gu and Ning-Er add up, but they can't beat a pillar. Chou-Gu sometimes thinks that if there are no pillars, they will be saddened by these two days. When she thinks this way, she will feel that her life is not too bad. There is not so much dissatisfaction and complaint in her heart.
       Pillar  cheered and quickly plunged into his own shop and ‘Called and fell asleep. Everyone followed them for a while, and soon they were put into intense work.
       After another few days of operation, all the Sorghum  seedlings were planted, and all the five acres of land were planted. Only about one acre of land was left directly planted, and there was no time to turn over the ground. After planting the seedlings, it is obvious that the big iron scorpion cannot be used to complete the field. Therefore, everyone can only go back to the beginning, while digging the ground, while slowly shovel the large mud pieces that have been dug into small pieces, you must also pay attention not to hurt the seedlings that have just been planted. As a result, it took a total of five days for this acre to be completed.
       At this time, the earliest batch of Sorghum  seedlings had been fully alive.
       At this time, all the villagers were busy with the spring ploughing, and the free moon was gone, everyone was busy. Chou-Gu looked at the seedlings that had survived, decided to rest for two days, and then went to the mountains to hunt. Although her mother gave ten Silver Taels, she can temporarily do not need to hunt to make money, but Ning Jia is a must. And she also intends to pick up the silver at the head and leave it to the school for school. Can earn now or try to earn more.
       "Well, it is time to rest for a few days, everyone is tired." Ning-Er agreed.
       During this time, everyone was exhausted. After returning home, Ning-Er had a rest for two days. He almost slept and slept, and didn't want to move. However, on the third day, he went to the pillars to find Chou-Gu and went hunting in the mountains.
       This time Chou-Gu brought some spices, a piece of bacon and a little cooking oil. She planned to eat fish and had not had fish soup for a while. Eating meat every day is like eating fish. She didn't dare to buy oil before. The animal fried fish still couldn't. The fish fried by the plants would be fragrant and not sticky. This time, I bought a few pounds of oil.
       "Let's get more things this time, and change some money. Now it's busy, not too much time to go into the mountains." Chou-Gu said.
       "Well, I have to get more, and I have to bring some firewood back. By the end of the day, we have to start fertilizing in the ground. We are busy." Ning-Er also said.
       There was no change in the cottage this time, but the little cabbage grown in front of the house grew up. The onion sprouts grow even better.
       "This is good. We will have fresh vegetables to eat in the future." Ning-Er laughed. He didn't expect to grow some of it casually, and he could grow so well. It can be seen that this piece of land is very fat and very suitable for growing vegetables. Unfortunately, it is too far from the village, they can not come here to farmland.
       "I brought some seeds this time. Eggplant, pumpkin, cucumber, and pepper are all there. I will come back and say that I can't eat anything." Chou-Gu laughed. She has a lot of dishes left, so I can fill it up with a little bit of it.
       "Okay, let me plant." Ning-Er is very happy, like a child, taking over the vegetables and holding the shovel to work at the door. Minger and the pillars went hunting, and Chou-Gu went fishing to prepare dinner.
       Ning-Er digging the ground soil, planting the vegetables, and going to the pond to raise water, seeing Chou-Gu still collecting the fish, and quickly came to help.
       Chou-Gu simply threw the fish to him, and he was looking for wild vegetables. At this time, the wild vegetables have grown up. Usually she has no time to look for it. Along the stream, she cut a large fresh wild celery and returned.
       “What is this dish?” Ning-Er asked curiously.
       "Wild celery. It will be more in a few days, like to grow on the water. It is delicious to use fried meat," Chou-Gu explained. The temperature on the mountain side is still lower, and the wild vegetables are not growing vigorously.
       She deliberately brought a piece of bacon, which is to prepare wild celery. She used to like this dish when she was at home. Every spring, I will eat a lot. And in modern times, this wild celery has become domesticated, because there are more people who like to eat, and it is not enough to meet the needs of the market by cutting the wild. Where is the taste of the wild celery that is pure and pollution-free?
       Not much longer, the pillars and Minger ran back with laughter.
       "Sister, sister, we have gotten a lot of eggs. We also got three pheasants." Minger ‘called far away.
       "Oh, that's great, this time I really got to the egg. Let's have a good meal this evening." Chou-Gu laughed.
       "Okay, okay. I also enjoy the good fortune." Ning-Er laughed.
       The pheasants are all alive, so they don't eat them. They are tied up directly and thrown into the scorpion and brought back to sell.
       Dinner Chou-Gu cooked a large pot of fish soup, got a wild celery fried bacon, she brought a lot of meat, more than half a catty, wild celery, and a large pot. Two dishes, one pot of dry rice to eat four people.
       After dinner, Ning-Er took the pillars and Minger to find the wild rabbits. Chou-Gu washed and brushed at home, cleaned the pots, boiled the water, made the beds and so on. She helped Ning-Er and the pillars to make the floor first.
       After a while, the wild rabbits got more, Ning-Er did not take long to get ten wild rabbits, and the three people came back happily.
       "Go to bed early, we will get up early tomorrow." Chou-Gu quickly greeted everyone after washing and sleeping.
       The next morning, everyone got up. Chou-Gu and Ning-Er were busy with chopping wood, and by the way they cut two wild celery. When Ming and the pillars came back with a bunch of pheasants, they returned.
       The harvest was quite fruitful, and the pheasant wild rabbits got a lot of money. They also licked a few nests of mountain eggs, and everyone was very satisfied.

       Chapter 102     :     High-profile          

       “Go to the market to buy prey tomorrow, you should be able to pick some peppers.” Chou-Gu told Ning-Er. She estimated that peppers should be pickable these days, and she found that peppers are already blooming a few days ago.
       "Okay." Ning-Er nodded, and wanted to go back and see how much the peppers in his garden were knotted. At this time, the pepper trees of other people homes grow so little, they can sell peppers, they can sell a good price, and they are all excited.
       The next day, Chou-Gu got up early, took three pounds of peppers in the vegetable garden, and cut a few leeks and prey to sell. The earliest peppers she planted have all been fruitful, but most of the peppers are still very small, and some even have just finished results. This time she picked up a lot of picks, not many. But in another three or five days, you can pick it up once.
       In the next month, eggplant, cucumber and other things can also be listed. This time, she can rely on this vegetable field to make a small profit. And she is already breeding the second batch of pepper eggplant and other things, and picking up the batch early. The second batch is the one with the highest output, but she does not intend to sell it because she can't afford the price. These dishes are intended to be left to their own homes, as well as simmered chili sauce, pickled sour bean cucumber, dried dried beans, dried eggplant and dried pumpkin.
       Although the villagers knew that she had the earliest vegetables, she was surprised to see her holding the peppers.
       Everyone around her, they said   :   "Hey, Chou-Gu, the peppers you grow are so big, you can sell them."
       "Yeah. I planted it early." Chou-Gu smiled.
       "Hey, this pepper is really tender."
       "Yeah, it can be a big price. The seedlings of our family are only one inch long." Someone said.
       "Oh, that's it, it can be worth a few dollars." Chou-Gu laughed, raised the whip and drove the donkey away.
       She knew that others would stop her, so she did not hide the three pheasants and two wild rabbits, and some of the peppers, garlic and garlic were very generous. She just wants everyone to know that she can earn a lot of money when she goes to sell something. It’s too hidden, it’s not going to work. She intends to be a little higher than last year from now on, otherwise she will go to school in the future, which is not good for explaining the way of money.
       She has set a plan for herself, hunting for a three or four in January, earning two or three hundred dollars, and earning three or five hundred dollars, plus selling vegetables and working odd jobs. One year, she has to Let everyone know that she can also earn more than two or two points of money. This number is more acceptable to her and everyone.
       Because most of the money she earns is to buy food, everyone habits are clear, and they are not at all awkward. Her mother is still a good person who only wants to eat and eat, so the money that Chou-Gu earns has to spend more than half. There may even be no money at all.
       So in the eyes of everyone, she will have a few hundred dollars left in a year, less than half of the money. Although it is enough to envy everyone, it does not make everyone want to make a big idea.
       And now everyone understands the way to earn money. Others can learn to grow vegetables as well. For example, last winter, every household sold a lot of cabbage radishes and earned money. Today, everyone will only grow more vegetables. Thinking about making more money. Even in normal times, you can sell some small fish. In the early winter of autumn, you can also pick wild oranges and sell some firewood. So many kinds of silver can be earned one or two and a half years later. A small amount can also earn two or three hundred dollars.
       Nowadays, most of the villagers are more savvy. They don’t know that they only know how to be sour, and they want to grab it. Because they are not idiots, they can be seen from the changes in the family of kittens. If you have a good relationship with Chou-Gu, you can get some benefits from her. So the situation of the Chou-Gu family is slowly changing.
       But Chou-Gu actually does not only earn so little, she can earn three to four Silver Taels in a year. In addition, she still has three acres of land, and the food she eats does not need to buy too much, so one year, according to the plan, she plans to save at least three Silver Taels. She didn't want too much. For the time being, she didn't have such a big ambition, and she was afraid to earn too much and couldn't help it.
       The three-acre field in her home is still the name of Ningjia. She did not dare to let the villagers know that she still has money to buy the fields. This topic is too sensitive. Here, Tian is the biggest home.
       The younger brothers rushed to the road and went to the crossing and the Ning-Er pillar.
       "Hey, wait a long time?" Chou-Gu, who was far away, saw the pillar and Ning-Er, and quickly said hello.
       "You picked a lot of peppers, it's a bit late today," Ning-Er said. He and the pillar have been waiting for more than a moment.
       "Where is it, only two or three pounds. It’s just being pulled by people in the village and talking for a while." Chou-Gu answered.
       "What's the matter, they won't have any thoughts yet?" Ning-Er worried.
       "No. I just want to see my peppers." Chou-Gu smiled. Most of the prey was in the hands of Ning-Er, and she also brought three pheasants and two wild rabbits, which would not make everyone eyes unbearable.
       Ning-Er breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I have picked more peppers than you, almost five pounds." He said, he asked Chou-Gu to see his family's peppers.
       "Not bad. Your home pepper is better than my cooking." Chou-Gu surprised and praised. She didn't expect Ning's peppers to be more than her family's, and the Ning-Er's peppers grew a little bigger than her family.
       "That is, you don't want to think that our family has three serious labors. You are alone in your family. Can you come over?" Ning-Er said pitifully.
       Although Chou-Gu has more people than their family, there are two people who only eat and do not work. Although there is still a Minger who can help, but it is limited, it’s all right. Chou-Gu A child is supporting. This is also more than one Daren that Chou-Gu can do, or the family should have starved to death. Where can I compare with others?
       And they are rather homeless, Master is a leisurely, and the body is still very healthy, busy at home all day long, especially when there is no farm work in the past, he can treat these dishes as a darling. Careful care, the natural harvest of the dishes is even better. Moreover, the land of his vegetable garden is more fatter than the Chou-Gu home, and of course the output will be more abundant.
       "You said so. And your home garden is big, you can grow more next year." Chou-Gu laughed. She has now deeply felt the fact that her family has less labor, because she is busy every day, and she is not free at all.
       "Well. I think so too." Ning-Er nodded and echoed.
       "This time I sold something. You catch a dozen chickens or ducklings in the village to raise them. After eating eggs, you will not be able to eat them. You can also kill chickens and eat meat." Chou-Gu reminded Ning Er, it's a good time to catch chickens and ducklings.
       The five chickens in her family have now begun to lay eggs, and the four mothers and one male are just right. Because of the meticulous care, I can get four eggs a day from now on, just enough for one family to eat one. She is a white water egg that is cooked directly at breakfast. One person takes a peeled shell and eats it for everyone. Eggs are good things, the best nutrients for poor people.
       "Well, I know. I actually want to raise two more pigs." Ning-Er added.
       It’s just farming, obviously not enough to feed their family. He definitely wants to make more money. In addition to hunting and growing vegetables, there are only a few more poultry. Because pigs can be pulled out and sold, they can also kill their own home. After all, wild animals are not so tender than domestic pork, so oily. Even if you just leave the pig oil, you can take out a big pot. If you eat oil, you can save a lot of money for their family.
       How many of their families still have some aristocratic habits, even if they are green vegetables, they must have a bit of oil and water, so they eat more oil than their Chou-Gu family. In addition, there is a big belly in his house. If you don't touch the oil, the pillar will eat a big pot of rice, and you will be hungry.
       The most important thing is that in the winter, they can't go hunting in the mountains. Selling their own domestic pigs is also a big investment. Another point is fertilizer, which produces more fertilizer than a small group of chickens and ducks. Crops do not fertilize, nor can they grow much better. Especially the Sorghum  they planted, Chou-Gu has already said, have to find a way to get some fat, the land is too fat.
       In combination with these situations, Ning-Er wanted to go and decided to raise a few pigs.
       "Also. As long as you have the energy to raise." Chou-Gu nodded and said.
       "You don't raise pigs?" Ning-Er asked.
       "Do not raise." Chou-Gu simply answered, raising pigs is very energy-consuming, you have to cut the pig grass every day, three times a day to feed, a pig's meal is not small. Don't let the pigs eat well, where will it grow meat?
       Moreover, she does not intend to raise too many poultry. Because she has no energy, she relies on her alone. She really can't do too much work. Now she has the kind of burden she will have to die. She only plans to catch a few ducklings to raise it. Anyway, there are water sources nearby, and there are many small fish and shrimps. It is easier to raise ducks. Can be handed over to Minger and the younger brother, basically do not have to worry about her. The duck lay down the egg, not only can you eat it yourself, but you can also sell it and change it for a change. It is also a small entry for the family.
       “Are you afraid that you don’t have time to cut the ragweed?” Ning-Er quickly asked, he hoped that Chou-Gu would raise pigs and more. And you can get a lot of fertilizer.
       "Really, no one in our family can take care of the pigs. It is annoying to cut the pigweed, and it has to be cleaned every day, and it will be washed out, otherwise it will have a great taste." Chou-Gu said frankly. .
       “Why should I clean the pigsty?” Ning-Er asked. He saw the farmers who raised pigs, but no one was so particular. The pigsty is very dirty, and I smell a stink when I am far away.
       "It's dirty and smelly, can you stand it? And the pigsty is kept clean and the pigs are not easy to get sick." Chou-Gu quickly answered.
       In the village where her old family used to go, most of the young Darens came out to work, and there were very few people in the village. Some households took the opportunity to set up a pig farm, raised a lot of pigs, and then all the people in a village moved away.
       The family had to wash the pigsty every day, the pigsty was clean, and the pig was white and not dirty at all. They only looked at their own pigs and rushed the dirt into an adjacent pond.
       Later, the good pond became a huge septic tank, stinking, full of flies and mosquitoes, smelling a few miles away. Then she never went back to the country.
       "As you said, you have to rinse the pigsty every day. It really takes a lot of time, and you have to feed three times a day. You are really busy." Ning-Er nodded and said.
       "So, I don't want to raise pigs." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Ning-Er nodded, no longer persuaded her, even if he can help cut the pig grass, it is impossible to come over to help Chou-Gu wash the pigsty every day.
       However, Chou-Gu words can give him a wake up. After returning, he and the Master Pillars made a good pigsty, and dug a ditch that drained the dirt, far away from the house outside the pigsty. The place has established a septic tank, which can just store the pig's urine as fertilizer.
       Chou-Gu and Ning-Er did not expect that such an unintentional move actually triggered a pig revolution.

       Chapter 103     :     Fertilizer          

       Selling prey, Ning-Er really let the Master go to the village to catch ten chickens and ten ducklings, and went to another village to catch three piglets.
       The Master heard that he had ordered such a pile, but some could not believe it. He asked, "Would you like so much? Have we got it? Is the piglet going to three?"
       "Yes, I want to raise more points, and my family is better. I won't learn slowly." Ning-Er answered.
       In the words of Chou-Gu, raising chickens and raising ducks is very simple. It is to raise pigs to cut pigweed. Chou-Gu also said that there is no need to worry. The forest is surrounded by wild grass and wild vegetables that pigs can eat. If you are not good enough, you can go to the river to get some water to feed the pigs. Otherwise, he did not dare to raise so much at once. And Chou-Gu also said that raising pigs can not only raise one head, but also raise a few more heads. Pigs will grow better and fatter because they eat.
       Master sighed and wanted to say nothing and finally said nothing, but the eyes were red. If it is not too much money, Ning-Er will not make such a decision. If you raise so many chickens, ducks and pigs, don't think about how much free time you will have in the future.
       Ning-Er understands what he means and says, "You don't think too much. I am not a gongzi Geer now. It is not a shame to go out and cut the pigs. It is not a shame to put the ducks."
       Master barely smiled and said   :   "I don't mean this." That is to say, tears are about to fall. When he thought of his family's fascinating Young Master, he would have to eat ducks and pigs every day.
       Ning-Er quickly transferred the topic and said, "We have raised our chickens and ducks, and we will not eat any eggs in the future. If you can't finish the meal, you can take it out and exchange some money, and the pigs will be raised. I can give pork to the Chou-Gu family. She has too few people to work, she said she doesn't raise pigs."
       "Oh. It's hard for Chou-Gu, how big is the child. Everything has to be thoughtful." Master exclaimed.
       "So, comparing Chou-Gu, I have lived a lot better than her. Later, you don't want to think about it. I feel that my life is too much. I am now an ordinary person. Not bad. We have worked hard for a few years, save more money, and buy two acres of land later, the days will be better." Ning-Er laughed.
       Master took a moment and said it was not good to say   :   "Yes, yes. The days will be better."
       The next day, the Master really got the chicks and ducklets back together, and the family of three took care of them like a baby. The piglet is only full of months, small, it seems that you can not eat wild vegetables directly, Ning-Er also specifically asked Chou-Gu   :   "So small pig, what to feed for it?"
       Chou-Gu carefully looked through the memory and said   :   "Boil the porridge and feed it. The rice is not washed, and the food can be old."
       She remembered that Madam also raised pigs when she was a child. They all boiled pig food to feed pigs, especially piglets. After the pigs were big, they began to eat rice bran mixed with wild vegetables, sweet potato vines and so on. Sometimes, the cooked food is fed to the pigs, and the meals that are not enough at home are also used to feed the pigs. The pigs raised in this way are fat. Some pigs in the village are raised in pigs. All the pigs eat raw food. What do you feed at home? The pigs eat rice bran all year round, wild vegetables and grasses, and they are not at all concerned. Such pigs are better than their homes. The pigs are not a small circle.
       "Sister, is the piglet eating the same as the person?" Ming asked curiously.
       "Oh, you can't say that, but the piglets are still too small. It's not good to feed them with vegetables. It's not good. When you grow up, you don't need to eat so fine. Wild vegetables, we don't eat old dishes. Leaves and so on can be used to feed the pigs." Chou-Gu laughed.
       She is also afraid that the three piglets that Ning-Er has just caught will not grow up because of malnutrition. If you are dead, you can lose money. Piglets are not cheap.
       "Oh, I got three ancestors back, I have to cook porridge for them. How long do you want to feed?" Ning-Er said with a smile. Fortunately, the three piglets have a small amount of food. If they are bigger, they should eat porridge and he can afford it.
       "Probably first raise this for a month, then slowly add vegetables to them to eat. It is definitely impossible to feed porridge every day, but now the piglets in the full moon have just broken their milk, or they have to feed them some good food." Chou -Gu said.
       Ning-Er is very curious that Chou-Gu has not raised pigs at all, but has such a rich experience in raising pigs. However, it may be accustomed to Chou-Gu know everything, he is still quite convinced Chou-Gu, listened to her words, and hurried home again.
       "Sister, how can we not raise pigs in our family?" Minger asked some envy. Chou-Gu caught ten ducklings back, and even the chicks did not catch them.
       "Our family can't raise it. It's not bad to raise some ducklings. After the ducks lay down eggs, I will make some salted eggs for you to eat," Chou-Gu said.
       "Salty eggs? Is it delicious?" Minger asked quickly.
       "Well, it's delicious." Chou-Gu laughed. It is extremely simple to make salted duck eggs. She used to eat salted duck eggs to eat gruel, but the salted duck eggs that she bought were not too salty or too light, which forced her to do it herself. After two trials, she could pickle a hand. A good salted duck egg.
       In a few days, Ning-Er sighed. "I didn't expect that the family just added some chickens, ducks and piglets. Everyone was very busy, and the family seemed to increase popularity."
       His house is big, a total of three people, and far from the village, usually quiet. But now, the sound of chickens, ducks and pigs every day can make the whole house active. Let him have a strange feeling.
       However, the Ning family loves to be clean, and the chicken ducklings cannot come to the front of the house. The Master shuts them behind and goes straight out from the back door. Just behind his house there was a small river ditch, and the chickens were playing in the grass along the river ditch. The ducklings are having fun in the ditch, which is very convenient. Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is the piglet, which takes a lot of time.
       "Of course, there are many live animals in the family, and they all seem to be prosperous. Wait until the chickens and ducks grow up, it is called excitement. And the pigs are most hungry and will be called out loud." Chou-Gu laughed.
       She remembered when she was a child, the family kept pigs, cattle, ducks, and people raising geese and raising sheep. As soon as the morning, the big cocks of every household began to crow. Not long after, the industrious housewives got up, and they all carried the baskets to the river to wash their clothes, or washed vegetables and began to prepare for breakfast.
       Then, the men also got up. Someone was going to put the Cattle. Some people went to the sheep, and some people went to work under the Bun. Not much longer, the children also got up, and every household also smoked, and the whole village became active.
       However, I don’t know when the villagers are no longer feeding chickens and raising pigs. The family has to buy eggs on the market. So, what kind of eggs, the soil pork has become popular. However, I thought that what I was eating now was the authentic earth eggs, the soil pork, Chou-Gu was dumbfounded.
       "I am afraid it is more noisy." Ning-Er laughed. When I think of a dozen chickens and a dozen ducks in my family, and three small piglets, he feels more energetic. In the future, there will be eggs that can't be eaten at home. You don't have to buy money if you want to eat an egg now. The most important thing is that the three piglets have grown up and can be returned for a few Silver Taels.
       "This is noisy. You haven't seen three or five children at home. It's noisy when you cry." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Chickens and ducks are just a little bit of a random moment, and the pigs are fed and will not be called. Children can be different, and they will make trouble from time to time. Especially for the poor, you eat two more. He has nothing to take, he has to cry, the Darens are annoyed, and he gets a slap in the palm of his hand, so from time to time, some people play the dog and the dog jumps. The child cries the trio.
       "There are a lot of children at home, it’s so lively. What are the children crying?" Ning-Er did not agree. He does not hate children crying, of course, the premise is that children are not unreasonable, they are crying, and children who are not good. In the past, he still had a little sister.
       "Yes. Which child is not crying. Cry and cry is more lively." Master is very much in favor of Ning-Er.
       Chou-Gu listened secretly and funnyly. I didn't expect Ning-Er to be like a fire-breathing person. He really liked children. However, she also understands that ancient people like to have many children. But she is used to the situation of modern people only child, but she has forgotten the environment she is in now.
       Several people talked and laughed, and when they got up, they felt that time passed faster.
       After a few days, Chou-Gu began to fertilize the Ning family to the high-lying land. To be honest, she had no good fertilizer except for her own toilet and the dung of the donkey. The two families used the animals to pull a few manures into the ground. After adding water to dilute them, they fertilized the Sorghum  seedlings one by one.
       Ning-Er was doing this for the first time. Chou-Gu was afraid that he would be uncomfortable. After all, it was stinky and dirty. When I thought that he was just frowning, he did it without a word. Everyone carried a small bucket, and after playing a bucket of fertilizer, they took a small ladle and poured it.
       Everyone is the same, even Minger does not fall, but he has less fertilizer.
       However, the two populations are not many, and they have not had time to raise more poultry. The accumulated fertilizer is certainly not enough for five acres of land. In fact, it is not because both of them have big animals, let alone pouring half of the land, that is, an acre of land is afraid that it will not be poured.
       Sure enough, when the work is done, it will only give half of the field.
       "What should I do?" Ning-Er asked Chou-Gu.
       “Try it again with some ash,” Chou-Gu said. She has no choice but to watch the other seedlings not fertilize. Anyway, the ash can also be used as a fertilizer, but the effect is definitely not as good as manure. It is better to use grass ash than to completely.
       "She, it can only be like this." Ning-Er is even more difficult. He did not understand farming, and he had not paid attention to this book before. Now he wants to go back and find two books about farming.
       Although there are enough plants and ash, in order to have a good harvest, Chou-Gu wants to go and decide to use some green fertilizer to slowly improve the soil of the land. It is impossible to buy fertilizer here, and I can only slowly find a solution. Otherwise, this Sorghum  will be like the original owner, and it is impossible to have a good harvest.
       Some time she fell in love with planting flowers on the balcony, but there was no good soil in the place where she lived. The mud she had dug back from the flower beds in the community and the flower beds outside was all sandwiched with construction slag. It was put up in a few days and was not fat at all. The flowers that come in are also good, the dishes are good, and they are dry in a few days, and they are dying. To this end, she tried Taomi water, tea water, egg shells, food, etc., but it did not have much effect.
       To this end, she found a large amount of information, knowing some methods used by ancient people to lick green fertilizer. These green fertilizers are pure organic fertilizers. Although they are not as effective as modern fertilizers such as urea and fertilizers, they are very helpful for improving the soil, and the effect is slower. And there are no side effects.
       Therefore, she intends to get some grass and other things, and then mix the pig manure and other piles in the small pool, add water, and then dig some of the fat mud in the river ditch, sealed on it. Let them smash and ferment in the pool and turn into fertilizer.
       Or mix the grass leaves and other things with the fine soil, manure, and other things. After stacking, put a layer of thin mud and seal them, let them ferment and rot into fertilizer. Either way, it takes a long time, one or two months, or even a break in the middle and then shredded.
       She told Ning-Er to listen to it. Ning-Er said with surprise and excitement   :   "Great, you know so much." He is also suffering from a headache.
       Chou-Gu took a moment and quickly found a reason, saying   :   "I also listened to the villagers."
       Although the villagers do indeed fertilize the crops, the specific method of composting varies from person to person. Where does she know how others got it, and she has never seen it before. Just Ning-Er, Master or Master, neither of them understands this. See Chou-Gu head is the road, and then combine with the usual Chou-Gu to do something, I thought she really understands Naturally, she is listening to her.
       Instead, Chou-Gu himself said   :   "In fact, I just know that I have to do this. I really haven’t moved, I don’t know if I can’t succeed.”
       "Nothing, slowly explore it. Not afraid." Ning-Er quickly comforted her. Anyway, he now understands that as long as Chou-Gu can say it, she will not be able to do it.
       Therefore, they dug two pits in the field, and at the same time they began to collect materials to build houses.
       The busy days have been exceptionally fast, and the time has come to the end of April. Everyone is not willing to relax by fertilizing water and weeding, and most of the time is busy in the field. Hard work pays off, and the Sorghum  of Ning-Er and Chou-Gu family has grown to more than two feet tall. It is much more beautiful than the stilts of other places.
       However, very few people in this land will come here, and they have not attracted everyone attention. Not even a few people knew that they bought the land. People who know are not concerned. Anyway, the famous thin field, but also remote, really nothing, no one is rare.
       No one bothered, and a few people are more comfortable working here. I want to know how to get it, and I am not afraid of others talking about it. Chou-Gu also hopes that no one knows, she just tried the book knowledge in her mind to see if she can increase the output.
       When they set up a room with about twenty square feet, they also went to the day when the spring flowers were married.
       At this time, all the crops were planted, and the work in the fields was done very well. The weather is starting to heat up, just in time. The villagers also have time to help. After all, it’s a village. If you do anything, everyone will come to help and send some happy money.

       Chapter 104    :     Angry          

       Every household is giving money to the Jiang family. Chou-Gu lets Minger quietly go to the kitten and asks directly   :   "What gift did your family send? Have others sent multiple gifts?"
       She simply doesn't understand these people feelings. I don't know how much I should pay for it. If the Jiang family is still so close to the Wu family, it doesn't matter if the ceremony is heavy, but now she only wants to be the most common neighbor of the Jiang family. This ceremony is about the same as everyone. No more, no bad.
       The kitten was like a bag to inquire. She told her very well   :   "My family sent ten dollars. Most of the other people are also ten eight-dollar gifts, and that each family will send some rice dishes. And the village chief sent a piece of cloth."
       “Why are you sending rice?” Chou-Gu asked, she knew very well that she could understand the money. She could understand why she would send food in the past.
       "Doing a happy event, there are more people coming to eat, afraid that the main family is not enough food." The kitten said that he did not agree.
       In this year, every household is poor. No family has enough food to accommodate a large number of relatives and friends. If you are poor, you can't do happy things and don't eat for relatives and friends. But there are more people, and eating is not a bit more. It takes a few pounds of food for a meal. Therefore, everyone will take a little food and vegetables in the past, the conditions are good, and the close-knit people still have to take some of the past, such as chicken, duck and fish, to help the main family to support the face.
       In short, a person in the same village will lend a helping hand. Only in this way, the next time you work in your home, others can help you this way. Chou-Gu didn’t know at all that when her father did something, the villagers came to take the money and get the food. However, after the completion of the incident, Jiang Madam did not mention this.
       She now thinks about it. There may be very few people who come to pick up the money at the time. And because there is not much food in her family, things go out of the way, and the people who handle the matter take the money on the spot to buy some things that are needed for food or funeral. In short, she had no memory at all, and she did not leave anything afterwards.
       But since there is this custom in the local, she has to abide by it. So, Chou-Gu took ten dollars to seal it, and took two pheasants and two pounds of brown rice to send Minger to Jiang's house. The kitten accompanied the Minger.
       “Hey, what did the Chou-Gu home send?”
       The arrival of Minger will naturally make everyone talk. After all, it is not good to say that the two previous relationships, plus Chou-Gu is not earning much now. Jiang Chunhua is also very good for her, so there are many people who watch the lively.
       Jiang, who has been busy, has widened her ears. She wants to know what Minger has sent for the first time. She is still looking forward to Chou-Gu to add some makeup to Chunhua.
       Minger sent gifts and hi money, and did not say anything. He was the first to deal with this kind of thing, although it was superficially superficial, but it was only a child. If there were any kittens on the side, I was afraid that it would be more tense. When everyone was joking, he still had a red face.
       "Two pheasants have two pounds of food, ten dollars." The person who specializes in collecting things ‘Calls loudly.
       The ceremony is not heavy, it is light. It is said that the two pheasants are worth fifty or sixty dollars. Gifts from other people generally do not exceed ten dollars. But let's say it is light, it can be counted. After all, when Jiang Chunhua ordered a relative, Wu Hunter had sent a bright cloth that could be used as a wedding dress. The cloth was worth at least one hundred yuan. That is to say, the Jiang family does not have to prepare a wedding dress for Jiang Chunhua. This piece of cloth can sew a beautiful new wedding dress for Jiang Chunhua. But in the dark, he must have sent something else. Everyone knows it well.
       The most important thing is that Wu Hunter said at the time of everyone, Chunhua is like his daughter, meaning that he will prepare a dowry for Jiang Chunhua. Since he opened this mouth, he will definitely be prepared. Therefore, there are still many people waiting to see this dowry, although Wu Hunter is no longer there.
       However, Chou-Gu only let Minger send ten dollars, and everyone is similar, the meaning is very clear, and the two families will only walk as ordinary neighbors in the future. The two pheasants are all ignored, although their value is much higher than ten dollars.
       But in the eyes of everyone, the pheasant Chou-Gu is more, and the pheasant is coming over, just to make the banquet look a little better. After all, to have a happy event to entertain friends and family, or to get two more dishes. With Jiang Madam temper, where she will feast her guests, it must be awkward and fooling the past.
       There are few people who have such an idea, so someone from the village who has a close relationship with Jiang has also sent a chicken. Some people have sent some eggs over. In short, everyone is trying their best to help the Jiang family finish this happy event. Do not let the outsiders see jokes.
       "Don't add something to Chunhua?" Someone said gossip.
       "The second lieutenant said, Chou-Gu has a child to raise a home, where there is a skill to add dowry to Chunhua." Someone interrupted her and quickly spoke for Chou-Gu.
       "But the Wu hunter said that she would give the dowry to Chunhua. You don't want to think about what dowry she can make for her, and wait for the man to carry the dowry. If there is nothing, what would people say?" Someone said anxiously.
       She has already seen what the dowry that Jiang Madam took to Jiang Chunhua. It was a dilapidated wooden box, or a dowry when Chunhuani was married. Jiang Madam didn't know when to renovate it with red paint. But the box was not filled at all, and even the bed quilt did not give spring flowers.
       What about other people homes, you have to give your children some pots and pans, quilts and what. Although they are all cheap goods, even the old ones are new, but there is also a pile of looks. People with good conditions can also get a big object, such as a chest of drawers.
       The most important thing is that Jiang Madam also received the gift of Liu Jiasan Silver Taels. According to the usual practice, the bride price is to prepare the dowry for the woman. You can drop some, but you can't get rid of it. People who love their daughters will also add some. Three Silver Taels, you can do a lot of things, there is no such thing as a valuable item.
       The box prepared by Jiang Madam was too shabby to be empty. It was a couple of new shoes, two old clothes, and the cloth that the village chief daughter had just sent today was the best thing. Other small pieces, Jiang Madam, are not prepared.
       If you let Chunhuaguang go out today, it will spread to several nearby villages tomorrow, and Jiang Wucun will marry Miss, and even the bride price will be swallowed up. In the future, who would dare to marry Miss Jiang in the village.
       Therefore, everyone is anxious, and some people can't help but ask Jiang Madam   :   "When Liu gave the three Silver Taels dowry, how can you accompany a Silver Taels dowry? How do you let Chunhua a new wife how to be at home? Straight up."
       "Where do I have silver, I have spent five or two for Da-nu , and I have used it three or two long ago. I have spent all my years of savings, and now I can’t get it. The grievances are spent." Jiang Madam said in disapproval.
       She didn't care about the face of the village. Anyway, her family had a daughter in the spring, and Chunhua had already been very dissatisfied with her. In the future, she wouldn't have been able to get any spring flowers. Where would she manage the spring flowers and marry the past? .
       Everyone listened to her saying that she had nothing to say. She couldn’t force her to buy anything now. The village chief’s person made a look. Several women rushed up and wanted to put the spring flowers on the cover. Packed up and taken away. The old is better than nothing. What's more, Chunhua has two old and new clothes, which are also a fool.
       Where do you know that these better clothes have been picked up by Jiang Madam, and there is nothing left in the room of Jiang Chunhua, and there is no use at all. Everyone looked and took a breath of air, and they didn't know what to say.
       "Too much. Spring flowers this child is really worthless, for this family tired and tired, nothing was done." Some people on the spot for the spring flowers. Chunhua reputation in the village is quite good. People are honest and diligent, and they are also good. They are a favorite child.
       "Yes. Usually used by spring flowers, let her take it away. She is not a few Mei-mei underneath, but also waiting to pick up the old." Some people said puzzled.
       "Oh, it must have been reserved for Da-nu  daughter-in-law." Someone sneered. The door that Da-nu  ordered was already spread all over. Everyone knows that the family is waiting to get a big price for her daughter, and she will definitely not give her any dowry in the future.
       "No, take the five Silver Taels dowry and you can't give two clothes?" Someone couldn't believe it. It doesn't cost much to sew an ordinary coarse cloth. Five Silver Taels can buy piles of coarse cloth.
       "You only look at it. Anyway, the new daughter-in-law will enter the door at the end of this year. Da-nu . Doesn't that kid like a handsome wife? I don't know what it is like to be married in the future?"
       "That is, Chou-Gu is so good, how can it be done, a small Miss family can hold up a home, and the family is still eating meat. In the future, whoever married her, she is married to a wealth god Niang-Niang. He actually I still don't see Chou-Gu, and I don't see what is happening in my family."
       "You said that in the future, Jiang Da-nu  will regret it and regret it with Chou-Gu." This person is completely joke-conscious.
       A few women worked and talked hotly, and did not expect Jiang Da-nu to hear it on one side.
       Jiang Da-nu picks up a bunch of water and deliberately coughs. Several women have quickly stopped their mouths, and some of them have shifted the subject.
       Jiang Da-nu walked away, and Minger appeared again with amazement. The kitten behind him is obviously overwhelmed. He had heard about this gossip in the past, but when he was young, he didn't see any reaction from Chou-Gu, but it was just a joke. Where did you know that the exact results were heard from these women today? In the past, Chou-Gu and Da-nu  really had a marriage contract. Obviously everyone knows.
       Although Ming is young, she has grown up a lot after experiencing so many things. When I think about it, I know why my sister is not coming to Jiang. The daring is because the Jiang family repented. He was so angry that his face was flushed, his hands and feet started to shake, and he wanted to say something. The kitten took him away with great flexibility.
       All the women looked at the back of Ming’s kitten, and they were embarrassed. Some people worried that   :   “The child will not go back to find his mother to make trouble?”
       As long as everyone thought of it, his mother-in-law, the beautiful girl, could actually mention Wang-Aunt in one hand, and it was very uncomfortable, for fear that the woman came over today.
       "Hurry up and call the village chief's house." Someone said.
       "Yeah, yeah. It's a real thing, but it doesn't look good." Someone was anxious, and she left the work in her hand to find the village chief’s person.
       The village chief's daughter-in-law hurried over and heard the words of their mouths, and their faces were distorted. They whispered and asked   :   "I have said that you should not mention this matter again. Why do you mention this again? It’s a thing."
       "We are just a few words of gossip. When I think of it, I will let Minger hear it. The child is so angry that he can fight." Someone said slyly.
       "Hey, if something happened today, I will ask you. If someone in the village talks about it later, don't blame me for being polite." The village chief’s person said with hatred.
       "Don't dare, no more dare." Several women ‘Called.
       "What should I do now?" Someone was afraid to ask the village chief daughter-in-law.
       "What can I do? I can only say hello to Chou-Gu in advance." The village chief’s person said with hatred, and went to Chou-Gu house. When something happens when you have a happy event, you will really know what it is.
       The arrival of the village chief’s person was very surprised by Chou-Gu. She quickly called the village chief’s person   :   "Big Aunt, is there anything?"
       "Is the child coming back?" The village chief's daughter smiled.
       "No, what happened to him?" Chou-Gu asked anxiously.
       "No, nothing. It was just that I saw him go to the Jiang family to give gifts, and asked casually." The village chief’s person sighed with a sigh of relief and said.
       "Oh. It might be playing with the kittens." Chou-Gu smiled.
       "Well, come over, Aunt has something to say to you." The village chief’s person took Chou-Gu and kissed her warmly to the outside. She didn't dare to let her mother hear the contents of her conversation. Although Chou-Gu mother is completely ignorant of things, she does not necessarily stand by and watch this big event.
       Chou-Gu looked at her strangely and secretly recalled what happened during this time. She didn't know what she was going to talk about.
       The village chief’s daughter-in-law was silent for a while before she said, “Chou-Gu, you are a child. I don’t want to make a circle. Let’s just say, I’ve heard a few women chewing their tongues and saying Da-nu  Repent and your affair. Minger is very angry." She threw things out and wanted to see how Chou-Gu would handle it.
       Chou-Gu took a moment to deliberately pretend not to understand   :   "I have a relationship with Da-nu , I don't know? Didn't he book a relative last year?"
       Two sentences almost didn’t let the village chief’s person die to death. After a while, I smiled and said   :   “I’m talking about a few women chewing their tongues. What they said, it’s not that you two walked before. Get close."
       She did not expect that Chou-Gu was so simple to push two or six five, completely nothing. People simply don't recognize this. However, she turned her head and thought that Chou-Gu is so capable now, and close to Ning-County-Graduate, I am afraid I can't really get Da-nu . Besides, the environment of Jiang’s home is really not a good place to go.
       "When you get close, you will pass this kind of words. Isn't this bad my reputation? Big Aunt, you have to be in charge. Next time I hear this again, I have to ask them what is the reason? Father is gone, personally dare to break my reputation, is this trying to force me to die?" Chou-Gu was furious, she sneered a few times, staring at the village chief’s person, saying word by word.
       Chou-Gu came out at this moment, and the overwhelming hatred made the village chief’s person feel helpless.
       She quickly said   :   "There is absolutely no next time. I have already taught them."
       Chou-Gu stared at her, like a hungry wolf, and looked straight at the village chief’s person who had a cold sweat, and said coldly   :   “If I can’t live without it, then everyone will die together.”
       The village chief’s person was so frightened that she made an exclamation and said, “What are you talking about?”
       "Big Aunt, you can say this to the village chief Dabo. If I hear any more words in the future, I don't know what I can do." Chou-Gu said, kicking off the roadside A small tree with a thick arm.
       Although it is only a small tree, but this force, this moment of murderous murder, but the village chief daughter knows that Chou-Gu is not a joke, she repeatedly promised   :   "Sure will not, no one will ever Said indiscriminately."
       "That's good." Chou-Gu said that she would stop talking to her and turned back to the house.

       Chapter 100     :     Doubt          

       Then do you want to send the children to the school now? Ning-Er asked again.
       Chou-Gu now has a dozen Silver Taels on hand. Plus, they go hunting and selling vegetables from time to time, and the days are all right. It is also time to send a child to school, or if he is two years old, he will be delayed.
       “To find out, you have to spend more money a year,” Chou-Gu said. To be honest, she did not expect to send her children to school at this time, because she did not care.
       "Go and ask now." Ning-Er also said that it was the rainy person, and the group went to the school again.
       As a result, one year’s repairs only required ten Silver Taels, but some other miscellaneous fees, such as pen and ink, books, and their homes, are still far away, and they have to live here. Up, the cost of a year is about thirteen Silver Taels.
       This overhead is really expensive. Especially in this place, most people still have to go hungry. It can be said that an ordinary family is afraid that they will not have 13 Silver Taels in their lifetime.
       "No wonder few people can read the book." Chou-Gu is secretly ‘Calling.
       For a student's annual expenses, it is equivalent to raising an old snack for a few years. This number is more expensive than modern education. And if you want to give out a student, at least ten years, is there a so-called ten-year window? If you don't read it for many years, you can get it. In this way, the cost of reading is more expensive. It is no wonder that there are fewer ancient scholars, and this tuition fee is really not enough for people to afford.
       However, Chou-Gu now has nearly twenty-two silvers on hand. How can one or two Silver Taels be saved in one year? That is to say, she can basically get the money for Ming’s two-year book. But the tuition fees for the next year will have to be earned by another idea. How can they earn more than a dozen Silver Taels by selling their food and hunting for a year? It is estimated that the former Wu Hunter can only earn 12 or 28 Silver Taels. Otherwise, he will not leave no more homes for this family.
       "I will check it out again," Chou-Gu said vaguely.
       She is still hesitating in her heart. She is not reluctant to give money to Minger to go to school. She is thinking, if she is going to go to school now, others will doubt where she got the money from? She has to let everyone know that the name of the money that Minger went to school is justified. Otherwise, her days are only afraid of getting a storm. Such a large amount of silver can be solved by not only ten pheasant wild rabbits. The villagers will certainly doubt this suspicion, and come up with a bunch of broken things.
       Ning-Er stunned, changed her mind, and understood her difficulties. This is not just a matter of money. Reading is a big event. There are no readers in several villages nearby. They are the heads of the village chiefs of the villages (the most wealthy people in the local area), and they have never had serious study. The most important thing is to let a child Just know a few words.
       After all, there will always be one or two people literate in a village. For example, if you want to write a genealogy, get a marriage book, and preside over a family, you will have to write. Therefore, the village head is generally literate. In fact, the problem of food and clothing for the villagers can not be solved, and no one wants to read and read.
       This is why people don't care about Wu hunter literacy. It is now that most of the people in Jiangwu Village know that Minger and Chou-Gu know a few words. They are not in the heart, but they don’t know the words here. It’s not a big deal for ordinary people. The field that needs literacy and the village chief must have come forward. The length of a village, in fact, has to manage a lot of things.
       No matter which place the school has a modern literacy class, this literacy class is not a serious study. The Master teaches you to understand some of the most basic daily use words, even if it is.
       It is such a literacy class that only learns for one year, and it takes two Silver Taels for this poor place. Generally, such students are older, such as ten years old, because they know how to cherish this opportunity, they will study hard and not dare to play. A wise child can learn a lot of knowledge in a year, in addition to reading and writing. There are also the Masters who will occasionally teach the content of the students. There are also disciples who, regardless of the matter, directly let the students who are a little learned to teach the children of the literacy class.
       "For the time being, I can still learn in my own home. I will teach him more when I have time," Ning-Er said.
       "Well, thank you very much." Chou-Gu nodded. She really can't do anything about her imperial examination. Although she went to Academy, she hated classical Chinese when she went to school. Now she just remembers some ancient poetry and songs from everyone, and she gave it back to the teacher.
       "Thank you for your thanks, I thank you so much," Ning-Er said quickly.
       The scorpion noodle Chou-Gu gave him directly, let him take it to the pillars.
       Ning-Er is very embarrassed to ask, Chou-Gu said   :   "Are you thinking that we have leftovers?"
       "What you said, if you didn't eat it, you picked it out first. Where is the rest?" Ning-Er said quickly.
       "You don't be so polite with me. I don't always get your light. Actually, I wanted to buy a bowl and bring it back, but think about it. This noodle brought back, it has long been a mess, and the taste is also Not so good. Next time I take the pole to eat." Chou-Gu said.
       Ning-Er quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't, a bowl of noodles is ten dollars. It's too expensive. You can't eat any more. It's better to cut half a catty of meat and eat it."
       Chou-Gu smiled and knew that she spent too much money on this time. She thought it took more than two or two dollars and she was upset.
       It is really because of the poor, she spent so much money at once, she is simply guilty. She couldn't help but persuade herself in her heart that she would have to save some money next time. There is no money to use it. This is just what Ning-Er saw. If someone else saw it, I didn't know what it was going to cause.
       After returning home, Chou-Gu took the snack directly to the younger brother. She and Minger have already eaten the flesh in the market town. Not hungry yet. She had to look at the sky early and deal with the pig's trotters and pork that she bought. Now that the weather is getting warmer, these meat dishes can't be stored directly, only stewed or marinated, or they will break down.
       "Take these to my mother." Chou-Gu said, splitting the snacks out half, leaving them to the 3rd sister to eat, and half letting the younger brother take it to her mother.
       Then she took a kelp and gave it to Minger, saying, "Go to the basin."
       The two younger brothers were obedient to work, Chou-Gu first pickled up three pounds of meat, then took out all the pig's trotters, scraped the hair and burned the blood with hot water, thrown into the cauldron Cook it up. She added a large pot of water and two pig's hooves to their home for a few days. She had to cook the trotters first, leaving more than half of them, and slowly eating them. Leave only a little and a little stew with kelp, and stay until tomorrow.
       The time required for the trotters to cook was not short. When the pot was boiled, she went to pick up a lot of fresh cabbage and came back to prepare for dinner.
       Because I had a good meal today, she only cooked a thin dish of porridge at night. The rice used this time was an authentic rice. The porridge cooked out was so fragrant that she couldn’t help but felt hungry. And she also had three meat buns.
       This time, their mother had eaten real rice porridge after nearly a year. Although there are dishes in the porridge, the dishes are fresh and taste good. And Chou-Gu also gave her an authentic big meat buns.
       Therefore, this mother had eaten very well, and finally calmed her injured little heart.
       The younger brother did not even raise his head, and a porridge with a sip of porridge would not fall. These two kinds of food are good things for him. Even if the Wu hunter was in the past, he could not eat this often. A little fine food at home is reserved for their mother.
       Minger and Chou-Gu each had a bowl of porridge, they didn't eat buns, they were still full, and the half bowl of noodles was really porcelain. I haven't digested it until now. If you don't smell the porridge, they can't eat it.
       The younger brother finished a buns, drank half a bowl of gruel, and reluctantly looked at the remaining buns.
       Chou-Gu smiled and said   :   "Give you a drink tomorrow, you can't eat it at night, and you have to eat a stomachache."
       "Okay." The younger brother was relieved, and he put down the tableware.
       Chou-Gu shook his head and shook his head. This family is really deformed. It is to let her mother live a good life and make a child like this. When she thought about it, she became more and more dissatisfied with her Father, Niang. Everyone else is Father, Niang is reluctant to eat and drink, not hungry children, their family is back. She feels that this family should not have children. It is time to let the couple love each other all day, what are the children doing?
       When she thought of it, she couldn't help but ask her   :   "Who is this favorite at this home?"
       Mother is this virtue, she does not count on it. However, in her memory, Father could not find any scene of fatherly love for her sister. At least, her Father is not very good to her, her attitude is relatively cold, and she must be better for her two sons.
       However, she can understand that after all, the ancients were awkward, and the daughter was only a by-product of their sons. Even some poor people directly killed their daughter. She is still so ugly, and it is not bad for her Father to raise her. And her Father doesn't usually beat her children, nor will she let her eat too much.
       Such a man is a good man in the eyes of the village. Everyone thinks that Wu Hunter is a man who is extremely painful. But how did she feel awkward?
       Minger took a moment to say   :   "Father, he likes it." He is not sure who he likes most. If he must choose the most word, he thinks his father's favorite is his mother. Anyway, his mother is like a ancestors in this family. Everyone has to have a tail in front of her. In the past, he was in front of his mother, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.
       Chou-Gu pulled the corner of his mouth and sneered a few times. She understands that not only is she dissatisfied with her mother, but she is also the same. However, he will not resist, and there used to be Father. The life of this family is really good, and the warmth of eating is good.
       What kind of requirements can you ask for a child of a few years old? Especially in an environment where others can't eat and wear, the life of their family is enough for other children to come to the end. For example, Jiang Da-nu  is very good for Ming, so Ming Ming remembers it now.
       She was too lazy to ask these broken things, busy packing up the dishes, and quickly went to wash the kelp. The kelp that has been soaked in the water has swollen into a large piece. At this time, the kelp is pure natural, and the color is very good. It is very dirty. She washes it several times before it is washed.
       "Is this delicious?" Ming asked curiously. He was the first to see kelp, and it was amazing to see it change from a hay-like thing to a big one now.
       “This kelp is a grassy thing that grows in the sea. People pick it up and dry it for a long time. The kelp stew is very delicious, and it is good for people to eat. Very delicious. "Chou-Gu said casually.
       "Can the grass eat?" Minger exclaimed.
       "Seaweed can't be said to be grass, just that it looks like grass. There are a lot of delicious things in the sea." Chou-Gu laughed. The modern ordinary things of kelp have also become precious rarities here. She didn't even know that Ning-Er would have new doubts about her because of kelp.
       "What is the sea like?" Ming asked curiously.
       “The sea is a very large piece of water, much larger than the big rivers and ponds here. The sea is blue and salty. The salt we eat can be boiled out in sea water. There are many in the sea. Things like kelp, like the grass and trees on our ground, there are also many sea fish. Many are good things to eat,” Chou-Gu said.
       The more she said, the more she missed the modern days. If you want to eat something in modern times, as long as you have money, how can you think about it? But here, there are silver coins that can't be done. Moreover, they are still so poor, it is good to be able to have a full stomach. Where can I think of grilled oysters and grilled squid. The simplest laver soup can't be eaten. At first thought, her favorite seafood was insulated from her, and she felt sad when she was eating.
       Minger also listened very much, and their mother could not help but hear her daughter say these words. She no matter what, and knows that Chou-Gu did not understand this knowledge before. What's more, they didn't eat seaweed soup at all. And even she has never seen the sea, and the sea she knows is only known from books.
       In the end, she can only attribute this to Ning-Er. She is like everyone else, and she thinks that Chou-Gu is listening to Ning-Er.
       After all, Ning-Er is from the capital, and it is a gongzi Geer that everyone will read. It is also common to understand these. She did not expect that Chou-Gu was no longer the former Chou-Gu. And this ugly daughter, who she hates the most, can't wait to be born, and the knowledge she knows is more than everyone imagination.

       Chapter 101     :     Drinking Soup          

       Early the next morning, Chou-Gu took a jar of kelp trotters soup and two meat buns that were cooked last night, and then took a few dishes and went to work in the fields.
       As for the two people at home, there are meat buns and stewed seaweed soup. It is enough for them to eat for a day.
       Because they had to dig up the Sorghum  seedlings, when their sisters came, the Ning family had already done a lot of work, and Ning-Er had already cooked the porridge on the simple earthen stove in Tiantou. Yesterday, he also bought ten hoes, cooked a pot of thin porridge, and then dipped a Bun into the porridge, you can eat very well.
       "It's so early." Chou-Gu greeted them.
       "My vegetable porridge is cooked right away, let's eat together." Ning-Er quickly greeted her and Minger. He cooked enough porridge, and originally had Chou-Gu and Minger's share.
       Chou-Gu also agreed, anyway, she brought a seaweed soup today, and she is also ready to give it to her family. However, she took out the two meat buns and grilled them directly to the fire. They said, "The two meat buns are served to the pillars and the Master."
       "You eat it yourself, there are still a few ‘maidens on our side." Ning-Er quickly resigned. He is very embarrassed to be cheaper in the Chou-Gu home.
       "Two meat buns, you push me and give birth to me." Chou-Gu said deliberately angry.
       Here, five acres of land, three acres is Wu, Ning's only two acres, but do not live yours, and everyone is doing it together. It is up to two people, Chou-Gu and Minger. The three-acre land is exhausting them. Basically, the physical strength is all done by the Ning family, and Chou-Gu himself feels that it is cheaper for the Ning family.
       Ning-Er had no longer said, went to take the bowl, gave each person a bowl of gruel, and asked her   :   "Taro, do you want to eat directly in the porridge, or grill it?"
       "I want to roast and eat more deliciously." Chou-Gu said, took his Bun and smashed it to the fire. The scalp is roasted to a yellowish brown, with a burst of scent.
       The pillar had already smelled the scent of the barbecue buns in front of her. Now I smell the scent of the steamed buns. I can still stand it, and I look up and look at it again. I have no working mind.
       Ning-Er quickly called out   :   "The pillar and Aye came to eat."
       The pillar ran over with a smile, and Chou-Gu rushed to the river to wash his hands, only to give him the meat buns that had been put on and off.
       The pillar took the buns and bitten half of it in one bit. Grandpa refused to ask for buns and insisted on eating steamed buns.
       He also said   :   "I have eaten big meat noodles for dinner last night, and the meat has not been ruined."
       One of the noodles brought back yesterday, he and the pillars were eaten. A scorpion noodles, a little more than the bowl that Chou-Gu had eaten, and there were several large pieces of meat, and he added some water and vegetables to it, and cooked a large pot. With a Bun, he and the pillars were both full and satisfied, very satisfied.
       Ning-Er came to the field last night, and put the hoes, noodles and meat brought back here, let the pillars and grandsons eat them. He only went back. Because he was too full, he saved even his dinner.
       Aye insisted on not eating buns. No way, Chou-Gu could only divide the meat buns into four and a half. She and Minger, Ning-Er and the pillars, and four people were eaten by a small piece.
       Master bit his Bun, his face is cheerful, and he is very satisfied. Ning-Er knows that he doesn't want to eat buns, but it saves a little bit for everyone. Therefore, this small half of the buns eats his mouth full of taste, and his heart is very heavy. Ning-Er's expression naturally did not escape the eyes of Chou-Gu. In fact, her heart is no better than Ning-Er. To put it bluntly, it is all too poor. Otherwise, everyone will not push a buns.
       When I was working, Ning-Er was still a little bit low. Chou-Gu had to persuade him   :   "Our Sorghum  will definitely get a good harvest today. At that time, we will not swear." Go for a white meal and eat a few good ones."
       Ning-Er was teased by her words and said, "You think it is good. But this place is not fat at all. It is not easy to have a good harvest."
       "Fear of something, let's get some more fat." Chou-Gu has a well-thought-out look.
       Ning-Er saw that she was so confident that she immediately got up in the sunshine, and felt that the days were full of hope and the work was more energetic. The two were like a plug, and they didn't stop for a moment. The direct Master greeted   :   "It's time to rest, you can cook and eat."
       Chou-Gu stopped the work in his hands and said to Ning-Er   :   "You cook a pot of dry rice directly. I brought the seaweed soup. I will burn a green vegetable later."
       Ning-Er nodded and went to the fire.
       Chou-Gu put the soup pot that he brought directly on the stove, and went to wash the vegetables with the pillars of Minger. Ning-Er was busy with a pot of dry rice, then burned another casserole and boiled a pot of boiling water and asked her   :   "How hot is the dish?"
       "I am coming, you are learning." Chou-Gu smiled and threw the washed cabbage directly into the boiling water, then added a little salt to it, and it was finished. “Just eat it?” Ning-Er asked with surprise. This little cabbage was also made too simple. A large pot of water dipped in a large dish, and it was completely boiled in a pot. Even the oil did not have a drop. He did not believe it would be delicious.
       "Well." Chou-Gu nodded. Although this dish was too simple, it took a dish with soup and even the tea. Anyway, there are trotters and seaweed soup, which is enough hard water, and boiled cabbage will not be rejected.
       Sure enough, after drinking a bowl of thick trotters and seaweed soup, everyone did not think that the vegetable soup was unpalatable. The trotters have been stewed, the oil is very full, and it is a rare treat to drink.
       After a long time, I drank the seaweed soup again. Master couldn’t believe it. I asked, “Chou-Gu will also make seaweed soup. This soup tastes really good.”
       "What's so difficult, the stew is the easiest. Just add water and cook it." Chou-Gu said no.
       In her opinion, the two methods of frying and frying are the most troublesome. Stew soup, stewed vegetables, steamed vegetables, etc. are very simple. As long as the materials are prepared first, the soup is directly stewed, the brine is directly cooked, and the steamed vegetables are directly On the steamer. It saves time and effort, and doesn't need to keep an eye on the pot all the time. It's not like frying and frying, it's not a fire, it won't work.
       Master Wan, said   :   "Chou-Gu said it is simple, but it is not easy to stew a good soup. Today, this seaweed soup is very tasty. The pig's trotters are stewed and delicious. ”
       Chou-Gu smiled and she felt that this seaweed soup was really good. If in modern times she might not be able to drink so much soup, it would be too greasy. But here, the soup is drunk, and she feels that the intestines are moisturized. It can be seen that it is still because the life is too bad, the body actually lacks oil and water. Although the pheasant wild rabbits are not eaten, it is not eaten every day, and it is never enough.
       Minger and the pillars did not raise their heads, but they just wanted to bury their heads in the bowl. The two chewed on the kelp and drank the soup.
       "Sister, I didn't expect the grass in the sea to be really delicious." Minger sighed and sighed while eating and drinking.
       "The grass in the sea?" Ning-Er read this sentence and could not help but laugh.
       "My sister also said that there are many such grasses in the sea, and there are still many fish. The sea is blue, salty, and salty." Minger said proudly.
       "Well, yes, yes." Ning-Er smiled, but couldn't help but watch Chou-Gu eyes. Chou-Gu said these words, let him have a kind of Chou-Gu, I have seen the sea, I also know people from the sea. It is as if she is a person living by the sea. And he knows that this knowledge is still obtained from books.
       Chou-Gu is quite big, and she also thinks that Ning-Er is just a teenager, and she doesn't have much doubt about her. Therefore, she doesn't care too much about Ning-Er. She just aimed at the Master and missed the doubts that Ning-Er had flashed in her eyes. The Master is already full, just got up and ready to go to the river to wash his face, and he did not hear clearly. Therefore, she did not stop her words.
       Pillar  ate one of the three bowls of kelp trotters soup, and ate two bowls of rice. When everyone didn't eat it, he rounded up the rest of the food. He only took a big smile on his face and took a shot. Belly, said   :   "Full. Delicious."
       "Well, you go to the break. At night we stewed the meat." Ning-Er laughed. The pillar is the main labor force. Everyone takes extra care of him. Make sure he eats well. If he is tired, the life in the field will not work.
       Minger, Chou-Gu and Ning-Er add up, but they can't beat a pillar. Chou-Gu sometimes thinks that if there are no pillars, they will be saddened by these two days. When she thinks this way, she will feel that her life is not too bad. There is not so much dissatisfaction and complaint in her heart.
       Pillar  cheered and quickly plunged into his own shop and ‘Called and fell asleep. Everyone followed them for a while, and soon they were put into intense work.
       After another few days of operation, all the Sorghum  seedlings were planted, and all the five acres of land were planted. Only about one acre of land was left directly planted, and there was no time to turn over the ground. After planting the seedlings, it is obvious that the big iron scorpion cannot be used to complete the field. Therefore, everyone can only go back to the beginning, while digging the ground, while slowly shovel the large mud pieces that have been dug into small pieces, you must also pay attention not to hurt the seedlings that have just been planted. As a result, it took a total of five days for this acre to be completed.
       At this time, the earliest batch of Sorghum  seedlings had been fully alive.
       At this time, all the villagers were busy with the spring ploughing, and the free moon was gone, everyone was busy. Chou-Gu looked at the seedlings that had survived, decided to rest for two days, and then went to the mountains to hunt. Although her mother gave ten Silver Taels, she can temporarily do not need to hunt to make money, but Ning Jia is a must. And she also intends to pick up the silver at the head and leave it to the school for school. Can earn now or try to earn more.
       "Well, it is time to rest for a few days, everyone is tired." Ning-Er agreed.
       During this time, everyone was exhausted. After returning home, Ning-Er had a rest for two days. He almost slept and slept, and didn't want to move. However, on the third day, he went to the pillars to find Chou-Gu and went hunting in the mountains.
       This time Chou-Gu brought some spices, a piece of bacon and a little cooking oil. She planned to eat fish and had not had fish soup for a while. Eating meat every day is like eating fish. She didn't dare to buy oil before. The animal fried fish still couldn't. The fish fried by the plants would be fragrant and not sticky. This time, I bought a few pounds of oil.
       "Let's get more things this time, and change some money. Now it's busy, not too much time to go into the mountains." Chou-Gu said.
       "Well, I have to get more, and I have to bring some firewood back. By the end of the day, we have to start fertilizing in the ground. We are busy." Ning-Er also said.
       There was no change in the cottage this time, but the little cabbage grown in front of the house grew up. The onion sprouts grow even better.
       "This is good. We will have fresh vegetables to eat in the future." Ning-Er laughed. He didn't expect to grow some of it casually, and he could grow so well. It can be seen that this piece of land is very fat and very suitable for growing vegetables. Unfortunately, it is too far from the village, they can not come here to farmland.
       "I brought some seeds this time. Eggplant, pumpkin, cucumber, and pepper are all there. I will come back and say that I can't eat anything." Chou-Gu laughed. She has a lot of dishes left, so I can fill it up with a little bit of it.
       "Okay, let me plant." Ning-Er is very happy, like a child, taking over the vegetables and holding the shovel to work at the door. Minger and the pillars went hunting, and Chou-Gu went fishing to prepare dinner.
       Ning-Er digging the ground soil, planting the vegetables, and going to the pond to raise water, seeing Chou-Gu still collecting the fish, and quickly came to help.
       Chou-Gu simply threw the fish to him, and he was looking for wild vegetables. At this time, the wild vegetables have grown up. Usually she has no time to look for it. Along the stream, she cut a large fresh wild celery and returned.
       “What is this dish?” Ning-Er asked curiously.
       "Wild celery. It will be more in a few days, like to grow on the water. It is delicious to use fried meat," Chou-Gu explained. The temperature on the mountain side is still lower, and the wild vegetables are not growing vigorously.
       She deliberately brought a piece of bacon, which is to prepare wild celery. She used to like this dish when she was at home. Every spring, I will eat a lot. And in modern times, this wild celery has become domesticated, because there are more people who like to eat, and it is not enough to meet the needs of the market by cutting the wild. Where is the taste of the wild celery that is pure and pollution-free?
       Not much longer, the pillars and Minger ran back with laughter.
       "Sister, sister, we have gotten a lot of eggs. We also got three pheasants." Minger ‘called far away.
       "Oh, that's great, this time I really got to the egg. Let's have a good meal this evening." Chou-Gu laughed.
       "Okay, okay. I also enjoy the good fortune." Ning-Er laughed.
       The pheasants are all alive, so they don't eat them. They are tied up directly and thrown into the scorpion and brought back to sell.
       Dinner Chou-Gu cooked a large pot of fish soup, got a wild celery fried bacon, she brought a lot of meat, more than half a catty, wild celery, and a large pot. Two dishes, one pot of dry rice to eat four people.
       After dinner, Ning-Er took the pillars and Minger to find the wild rabbits. Chou-Gu washed and brushed at home, cleaned the pots, boiled the water, made the beds and so on. She helped Ning-Er and the pillars to make the floor first.
       After a while, the wild rabbits got more, Ning-Er did not take long to get ten wild rabbits, and the three people came back happily.
       "Go to bed early, we will get up early tomorrow." Chou-Gu quickly greeted everyone after washing and sleeping.
       The next morning, everyone got up. Chou-Gu and Ning-Er were busy with chopping wood, and by the way they cut two wild celery. When Ming and the pillars came back with a bunch of pheasants, they returned.
       The harvest was quite fruitful, and the pheasant wild rabbits got a lot of money. They also licked a few nests of mountain eggs, and everyone was very satisfied.

       Chapter 102     :     High-profile          

       “Go to the market to buy prey tomorrow, you should be able to pick some peppers.” Chou-Gu told Ning-Er. She estimated that peppers should be pickable these days, and she found that peppers are already blooming a few days ago.
       "Okay." Ning-Er nodded, and wanted to go back and see how much the peppers in his garden were knotted. At this time, the pepper trees of other people homes grow so little, they can sell peppers, they can sell a good price, and they are all excited.
       The next day, Chou-Gu got up early, took three pounds of peppers in the vegetable garden, and cut a few leeks and prey to sell. The earliest peppers she planted have all been fruitful, but most of the peppers are still very small, and some even have just finished results. This time she picked up a lot of picks, not many. But in another three or five days, you can pick it up once.
       In the next month, eggplant, cucumber and other things can also be listed. This time, she can rely on this vegetable field to make a small profit. And she is already breeding the second batch of pepper eggplant and other things, and picking up the batch early. The second batch is the one with the highest output, but she does not intend to sell it because she can't afford the price. These dishes are intended to be left to their own homes, as well as simmered chili sauce, pickled sour bean cucumber, dried dried beans, dried eggplant and dried pumpkin.
       Although the villagers knew that she had the earliest vegetables, she was surprised to see her holding the peppers.
       Everyone around her, they said   :   "Hey, Chou-Gu, the peppers you grow are so big, you can sell them."
       "Yeah. I planted it early." Chou-Gu smiled.
       "Hey, this pepper is really tender."
       "Yeah, it can be a big price. The seedlings of our family are only one inch long." Someone said.
       "Oh, that's it, it can be worth a few dollars." Chou-Gu laughed, raised the whip and drove the donkey away.
       She knew that others would stop her, so she did not hide the three pheasants and two wild rabbits, and some of the peppers, garlic and garlic were very generous. She just wants everyone to know that she can earn a lot of money when she goes to sell something. It’s too hidden, it’s not going to work. She intends to be a little higher than last year from now on, otherwise she will go to school in the future, which is not good for explaining the way of money.
       She has set a plan for herself, hunting for a three or four in January, earning two or three hundred dollars, and earning three or five hundred dollars, plus selling vegetables and working odd jobs. One year, she has to Let everyone know that she can also earn more than two or two points of money. This number is more acceptable to her and everyone.
       Because most of the money she earns is to buy food, everyone habits are clear, and they are not at all awkward. Her mother is still a good person who only wants to eat and eat, so the money that Chou-Gu earns has to spend more than half. There may even be no money at all.
       So in the eyes of everyone, she will have a few hundred dollars left in a year, less than half of the money. Although it is enough to envy everyone, it does not make everyone want to make a big idea.
       And now everyone understands the way to earn money. Others can learn to grow vegetables as well. For example, last winter, every household sold a lot of cabbage radishes and earned money. Today, everyone will only grow more vegetables. Thinking about making more money. Even in normal times, you can sell some small fish. In the early winter of autumn, you can also pick wild oranges and sell some firewood. So many kinds of silver can be earned one or two and a half years later. A small amount can also earn two or three hundred dollars.
       Nowadays, most of the villagers are more savvy. They don’t know that they only know how to be sour, and they want to grab it. Because they are not idiots, they can be seen from the changes in the family of kittens. If you have a good relationship with Chou-Gu, you can get some benefits from her. So the situation of the Chou-Gu family is slowly changing.
       But Chou-Gu actually does not only earn so little, she can earn three to four Silver Taels in a year. In addition, she still has three acres of land, and the food she eats does not need to buy too much, so one year, according to the plan, she plans to save at least three Silver Taels. She didn't want too much. For the time being, she didn't have such a big ambition, and she was afraid to earn too much and couldn't help it.
       The three-acre field in her home is still the name of Ningjia. She did not dare to let the villagers know that she still has money to buy the fields. This topic is too sensitive. Here, Tian is the biggest home.
       The younger brothers rushed to the road and went to the crossing and the Ning-Er pillar.
       "Hey, wait a long time?" Chou-Gu, who was far away, saw the pillar and Ning-Er, and quickly said hello.
       "You picked a lot of peppers, it's a bit late today," Ning-Er said. He and the pillar have been waiting for more than a moment.
       "Where is it, only two or three pounds. It’s just being pulled by people in the village and talking for a while." Chou-Gu answered.
       "What's the matter, they won't have any thoughts yet?" Ning-Er worried.
       "No. I just want to see my peppers." Chou-Gu smiled. Most of the prey was in the hands of Ning-Er, and she also brought three pheasants and two wild rabbits, which would not make everyone eyes unbearable.
       Ning-Er breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I have picked more peppers than you, almost five pounds." He said, he asked Chou-Gu to see his family's peppers.
       "Not bad. Your home pepper is better than my cooking." Chou-Gu surprised and praised. She didn't expect Ning's peppers to be more than her family's, and the Ning-Er's peppers grew a little bigger than her family.
       "That is, you don't want to think that our family has three serious labors. You are alone in your family. Can you come over?" Ning-Er said pitifully.
       Although Chou-Gu has more people than their family, there are two people who only eat and do not work. Although there is still a Minger who can help, but it is limited, it’s all right. Chou-Gu A child is supporting. This is also more than one Daren that Chou-Gu can do, or the family should have starved to death. Where can I compare with others?
       And they are rather homeless, Master is a leisurely, and the body is still very healthy, busy at home all day long, especially when there is no farm work in the past, he can treat these dishes as a darling. Careful care, the natural harvest of the dishes is even better. Moreover, the land of his vegetable garden is more fatter than the Chou-Gu home, and of course the output will be more abundant.
       "You said so. And your home garden is big, you can grow more next year." Chou-Gu laughed. She has now deeply felt the fact that her family has less labor, because she is busy every day, and she is not free at all.
       "Well. I think so too." Ning-Er nodded and echoed.
       "This time I sold something. You catch a dozen chickens or ducklings in the village to raise them. After eating eggs, you will not be able to eat them. You can also kill chickens and eat meat." Chou-Gu reminded Ning Er, it's a good time to catch chickens and ducklings.
       The five chickens in her family have now begun to lay eggs, and the four mothers and one male are just right. Because of the meticulous care, I can get four eggs a day from now on, just enough for one family to eat one. She is a white water egg that is cooked directly at breakfast. One person takes a peeled shell and eats it for everyone. Eggs are good things, the best nutrients for poor people.
       "Well, I know. I actually want to raise two more pigs." Ning-Er added.
       It’s just farming, obviously not enough to feed their family. He definitely wants to make more money. In addition to hunting and growing vegetables, there are only a few more poultry. Because pigs can be pulled out and sold, they can also kill their own home. After all, wild animals are not so tender than domestic pork, so oily. Even if you just leave the pig oil, you can take out a big pot. If you eat oil, you can save a lot of money for their family.
       How many of their families still have some aristocratic habits, even if they are green vegetables, they must have a bit of oil and water, so they eat more oil than their Chou-Gu family. In addition, there is a big belly in his house. If you don't touch the oil, the pillar will eat a big pot of rice, and you will be hungry.
       The most important thing is that in the winter, they can't go hunting in the mountains. Selling their own domestic pigs is also a big investment. Another point is fertilizer, which produces more fertilizer than a small group of chickens and ducks. Crops do not fertilize, nor can they grow much better. Especially the Sorghum  they planted, Chou-Gu has already said, have to find a way to get some fat, the land is too fat.
       In combination with these situations, Ning-Er wanted to go and decided to raise a few pigs.
       "Also. As long as you have the energy to raise." Chou-Gu nodded and said.
       "You don't raise pigs?" Ning-Er asked.
       "Do not raise." Chou-Gu simply answered, raising pigs is very energy-consuming, you have to cut the pig grass every day, three times a day to feed, a pig's meal is not small. Don't let the pigs eat well, where will it grow meat?
       Moreover, she does not intend to raise too many poultry. Because she has no energy, she relies on her alone. She really can't do too much work. Now she has the kind of burden she will have to die. She only plans to catch a few ducklings to raise it. Anyway, there are water sources nearby, and there are many small fish and shrimps. It is easier to raise ducks. Can be handed over to Minger and the younger brother, basically do not have to worry about her. The duck lay down the egg, not only can you eat it yourself, but you can also sell it and change it for a change. It is also a small entry for the family.
       “Are you afraid that you don’t have time to cut the ragweed?” Ning-Er quickly asked, he hoped that Chou-Gu would raise pigs and more. And you can get a lot of fertilizer.
       "Really, no one in our family can take care of the pigs. It is annoying to cut the pigweed, and it has to be cleaned every day, and it will be washed out, otherwise it will have a great taste." Chou-Gu said frankly. .
       “Why should I clean the pigsty?” Ning-Er asked. He saw the farmers who raised pigs, but no one was so particular. The pigsty is very dirty, and I smell a stink when I am far away.
       "It's dirty and smelly, can you stand it? And the pigsty is kept clean and the pigs are not easy to get sick." Chou-Gu quickly answered.
       In the village where her old family used to go, most of the young Darens came out to work, and there were very few people in the village. Some households took the opportunity to set up a pig farm, raised a lot of pigs, and then all the people in a village moved away.
       The family had to wash the pigsty every day, the pigsty was clean, and the pig was white and not dirty at all. They only looked at their own pigs and rushed the dirt into an adjacent pond.
       Later, the good pond became a huge septic tank, stinking, full of flies and mosquitoes, smelling a few miles away. Then she never went back to the country.
       "As you said, you have to rinse the pigsty every day. It really takes a lot of time, and you have to feed three times a day. You are really busy." Ning-Er nodded and said.
       "So, I don't want to raise pigs." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Ning-Er nodded, no longer persuaded her, even if he can help cut the pig grass, it is impossible to come over to help Chou-Gu wash the pigsty every day.
       However, Chou-Gu words can give him a wake up. After returning, he and the Master Pillars made a good pigsty, and dug a ditch that drained the dirt, far away from the house outside the pigsty. The place has established a septic tank, which can just store the pig's urine as fertilizer.
       Chou-Gu and Ning-Er did not expect that such an unintentional move actually triggered a pig revolution.

       Chapter 103     :     Fertilizer          

       Selling prey, Ning-Er really let the Master go to the village to catch ten chickens and ten ducklings, and went to another village to catch three piglets.
       The Master heard that he had ordered such a pile, but some could not believe it. He asked, "Would you like so much? Have we got it? Is the piglet going to three?"
       "Yes, I want to raise more points, and my family is better. I won't learn slowly." Ning-Er answered.
       In the words of Chou-Gu, raising chickens and raising ducks is very simple. It is to raise pigs to cut pigweed. Chou-Gu also said that there is no need to worry. The forest is surrounded by wild grass and wild vegetables that pigs can eat. If you are not good enough, you can go to the river to get some water to feed the pigs. Otherwise, he did not dare to raise so much at once. And Chou-Gu also said that raising pigs can not only raise one head, but also raise a few more heads. Pigs will grow better and fatter because they eat.
       Master sighed and wanted to say nothing and finally said nothing, but the eyes were red. If it is not too much money, Ning-Er will not make such a decision. If you raise so many chickens, ducks and pigs, don't think about how much free time you will have in the future.
       Ning-Er understands what he means and says, "You don't think too much. I am not a gongzi Geer now. It is not a shame to go out and cut the pigs. It is not a shame to put the ducks."
       Master barely smiled and said   :   "I don't mean this." That is to say, tears are about to fall. When he thought of his family's fascinating Young Master, he would have to eat ducks and pigs every day.
       Ning-Er quickly transferred the topic and said, "We have raised our chickens and ducks, and we will not eat any eggs in the future. If you can't finish the meal, you can take it out and exchange some money, and the pigs will be raised. I can give pork to the Chou-Gu family. She has too few people to work, she said she doesn't raise pigs."
       "Oh. It's hard for Chou-Gu, how big is the child. Everything has to be thoughtful." Master exclaimed.
       "So, comparing Chou-Gu, I have lived a lot better than her. Later, you don't want to think about it. I feel that my life is too much. I am now an ordinary person. Not bad. We have worked hard for a few years, save more money, and buy two acres of land later, the days will be better." Ning-Er laughed.
       Master took a moment and said it was not good to say   :   "Yes, yes. The days will be better."
       The next day, the Master really got the chicks and ducklets back together, and the family of three took care of them like a baby. The piglet is only full of months, small, it seems that you can not eat wild vegetables directly, Ning-Er also specifically asked Chou-Gu   :   "So small pig, what to feed for it?"
       Chou-Gu carefully looked through the memory and said   :   "Boil the porridge and feed it. The rice is not washed, and the food can be old."
       She remembered that Madam also raised pigs when she was a child. They all boiled pig food to feed pigs, especially piglets. After the pigs were big, they began to eat rice bran mixed with wild vegetables, sweet potato vines and so on. Sometimes, the cooked food is fed to the pigs, and the meals that are not enough at home are also used to feed the pigs. The pigs raised in this way are fat. Some pigs in the village are raised in pigs. All the pigs eat raw food. What do you feed at home? The pigs eat rice bran all year round, wild vegetables and grasses, and they are not at all concerned. Such pigs are better than their homes. The pigs are not a small circle.
       "Sister, is the piglet eating the same as the person?" Ming asked curiously.
       "Oh, you can't say that, but the piglets are still too small. It's not good to feed them with vegetables. It's not good. When you grow up, you don't need to eat so fine. Wild vegetables, we don't eat old dishes. Leaves and so on can be used to feed the pigs." Chou-Gu laughed.
       She is also afraid that the three piglets that Ning-Er has just caught will not grow up because of malnutrition. If you are dead, you can lose money. Piglets are not cheap.
       "Oh, I got three ancestors back, I have to cook porridge for them. How long do you want to feed?" Ning-Er said with a smile. Fortunately, the three piglets have a small amount of food. If they are bigger, they should eat porridge and he can afford it.
       "Probably first raise this for a month, then slowly add vegetables to them to eat. It is definitely impossible to feed porridge every day, but now the piglets in the full moon have just broken their milk, or they have to feed them some good food." Chou -Gu said.
       Ning-Er is very curious that Chou-Gu has not raised pigs at all, but has such a rich experience in raising pigs. However, it may be accustomed to Chou-Gu know everything, he is still quite convinced Chou-Gu, listened to her words, and hurried home again.
       "Sister, how can we not raise pigs in our family?" Minger asked some envy. Chou-Gu caught ten ducklings back, and even the chicks did not catch them.
       "Our family can't raise it. It's not bad to raise some ducklings. After the ducks lay down eggs, I will make some salted eggs for you to eat," Chou-Gu said.
       "Salty eggs? Is it delicious?" Minger asked quickly.
       "Well, it's delicious." Chou-Gu laughed. It is extremely simple to make salted duck eggs. She used to eat salted duck eggs to eat gruel, but the salted duck eggs that she bought were not too salty or too light, which forced her to do it herself. After two trials, she could pickle a hand. A good salted duck egg.
       In a few days, Ning-Er sighed. "I didn't expect that the family just added some chickens, ducks and piglets. Everyone was very busy, and the family seemed to increase popularity."
       His house is big, a total of three people, and far from the village, usually quiet. But now, the sound of chickens, ducks and pigs every day can make the whole house active. Let him have a strange feeling.
       However, the Ning family loves to be clean, and the chicken ducklings cannot come to the front of the house. The Master shuts them behind and goes straight out from the back door. Just behind his house there was a small river ditch, and the chickens were playing in the grass along the river ditch. The ducklings are having fun in the ditch, which is very convenient. Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is the piglet, which takes a lot of time.
       "Of course, there are many live animals in the family, and they all seem to be prosperous. Wait until the chickens and ducks grow up, it is called excitement. And the pigs are most hungry and will be called out loud." Chou-Gu laughed.
       She remembered when she was a child, the family kept pigs, cattle, ducks, and people raising geese and raising sheep. As soon as the morning, the big cocks of every household began to crow. Not long after, the industrious housewives got up, and they all carried the baskets to the river to wash their clothes, or washed vegetables and began to prepare for breakfast.
       Then, the men also got up. Someone was going to put the Cattle. Some people went to the sheep, and some people went to work under the Bun. Not much longer, the children also got up, and every household also smoked, and the whole village became active.
       However, I don’t know when the villagers are no longer feeding chickens and raising pigs. The family has to buy eggs on the market. So, what kind of eggs, the soil pork has become popular. However, I thought that what I was eating now was the authentic earth eggs, the soil pork, Chou-Gu was dumbfounded.
       "I am afraid it is more noisy." Ning-Er laughed. When I think of a dozen chickens and a dozen ducks in my family, and three small piglets, he feels more energetic. In the future, there will be eggs that can't be eaten at home. You don't have to buy money if you want to eat an egg now. The most important thing is that the three piglets have grown up and can be returned for a few Silver Taels.
       "This is noisy. You haven't seen three or five children at home. It's noisy when you cry." Chou-Gu laughed.
       Chickens and ducks are just a little bit of a random moment, and the pigs are fed and will not be called. Children can be different, and they will make trouble from time to time. Especially for the poor, you eat two more. He has nothing to take, he has to cry, the Darens are annoyed, and he gets a slap in the palm of his hand, so from time to time, some people play the dog and the dog jumps. The child cries the trio.
       "There are a lot of children at home, it’s so lively. What are the children crying?" Ning-Er did not agree. He does not hate children crying, of course, the premise is that children are not unreasonable, they are crying, and children who are not good. In the past, he still had a little sister.
       "Yes. Which child is not crying. Cry and cry is more lively." Master is very much in favor of Ning-Er.
       Chou-Gu listened secretly and funnyly. I didn't expect Ning-Er to be like a fire-breathing person. He really liked children. However, she also understands that ancient people like to have many children. But she is used to the situation of modern people only child, but she has forgotten the environment she is in now.
       Several people talked and laughed, and when they got up, they felt that time passed faster.
       After a few days, Chou-Gu began to fertilize the Ning family to the high-lying land. To be honest, she had no good fertilizer except for her own toilet and the dung of the donkey. The two families used the animals to pull a few manures into the ground. After adding water to dilute them, they fertilized the Sorghum  seedlings one by one.
       Ning-Er was doing this for the first time. Chou-Gu was afraid that he would be uncomfortable. After all, it was stinky and dirty. When I thought that he was just frowning, he did it without a word. Everyone carried a small bucket, and after playing a bucket of fertilizer, they took a small ladle and poured it.
       Everyone is the same, even Minger does not fall, but he has less fertilizer.
       However, the two populations are not many, and they have not had time to raise more poultry. The accumulated fertilizer is certainly not enough for five acres of land. In fact, it is not because both of them have big animals, let alone pouring half of the land, that is, an acre of land is afraid that it will not be poured.
       Sure enough, when the work is done, it will only give half of the field.
       "What should I do?" Ning-Er asked Chou-Gu.
       “Try it again with some ash,” Chou-Gu said. She has no choice but to watch the other seedlings not fertilize. Anyway, the ash can also be used as a fertilizer, but the effect is definitely not as good as manure. It is better to use grass ash than to completely.
       "She, it can only be like this." Ning-Er is even more difficult. He did not understand farming, and he had not paid attention to this book before. Now he wants to go back and find two books about farming.
       Although there are enough plants and ash, in order to have a good harvest, Chou-Gu wants to go and decide to use some green fertilizer to slowly improve the soil of the land. It is impossible to buy fertilizer here, and I can only slowly find a solution. Otherwise, this Sorghum  will be like the original owner, and it is impossible to have a good harvest.
       Some time she fell in love with planting flowers on the balcony, but there was no good soil in the place where she lived. The mud she had dug back from the flower beds in the community and the flower beds outside was all sandwiched with construction slag. It was put up in a few days and was not fat at all. The flowers that come in are also good, the dishes are good, and they are dry in a few days, and they are dying. To this end, she tried Taomi water, tea water, egg shells, food, etc., but it did not have much effect.
       To this end, she found a large amount of information, knowing some methods used by ancient people to lick green fertilizer. These green fertilizers are pure organic fertilizers. Although they are not as effective as modern fertilizers such as urea and fertilizers, they are very helpful for improving the soil, and the effect is slower. And there are no side effects.
       Therefore, she intends to get some grass and other things, and then mix the pig manure and other piles in the small pool, add water, and then dig some of the fat mud in the river ditch, sealed on it. Let them smash and ferment in the pool and turn into fertilizer.
       Or mix the grass leaves and other things with the fine soil, manure, and other things. After stacking, put a layer of thin mud and seal them, let them ferment and rot into fertilizer. Either way, it takes a long time, one or two months, or even a break in the middle and then shredded.
       She told Ning-Er to listen to it. Ning-Er said with surprise and excitement   :   "Great, you know so much." He is also suffering from a headache.
       Chou-Gu took a moment and quickly found a reason, saying   :   "I also listened to the villagers."
       Although the villagers do indeed fertilize the crops, the specific method of composting varies from person to person. Where does she know how others got it, and she has never seen it before. Just Ning-Er, Master or Master, neither of them understands this. See Chou-Gu head is the road, and then combine with the usual Chou-Gu to do something, I thought she really understands Naturally, she is listening to her.
       Instead, Chou-Gu himself said   :   "In fact, I just know that I have to do this. I really haven’t moved, I don’t know if I can’t succeed.”
       "Nothing, slowly explore it. Not afraid." Ning-Er quickly comforted her. Anyway, he now understands that as long as Chou-Gu can say it, she will not be able to do it.
       Therefore, they dug two pits in the field, and at the same time they began to collect materials to build houses.
       The busy days have been exceptionally fast, and the time has come to the end of April. Everyone is not willing to relax by fertilizing water and weeding, and most of the time is busy in the field. Hard work pays off, and the Sorghum  of Ning-Er and Chou-Gu family has grown to more than two feet tall. It is much more beautiful than the stilts of other places.
       However, very few people in this land will come here, and they have not attracted everyone attention. Not even a few people knew that they bought the land. People who know are not concerned. Anyway, the famous thin field, but also remote, really nothing, no one is rare.
       No one bothered, and a few people are more comfortable working here. I want to know how to get it, and I am not afraid of others talking about it. Chou-Gu also hopes that no one knows, she just tried the book knowledge in her mind to see if she can increase the output.
       When they set up a room with about twenty square feet, they also went to the day when the spring flowers were married.
       At this time, all the crops were planted, and the work in the fields was done very well. The weather is starting to heat up, just in time. The villagers also have time to help. After all, it’s a village. If you do anything, everyone will come to help and send some happy money.

       Chapter 104    :     Angry          

       Every household is giving money to the Jiang family. Chou-Gu lets Minger quietly go to the kitten and asks directly   :   "What gift did your family send? Have others sent multiple gifts?"
       She simply doesn't understand these people feelings. I don't know how much I should pay for it. If the Jiang family is still so close to the Wu family, it doesn't matter if the ceremony is heavy, but now she only wants to be the most common neighbor of the Jiang family. This ceremony is about the same as everyone. No more, no bad.
       The kitten was like a bag to inquire. She told her very well   :   "My family sent ten dollars. Most of the other people are also ten eight-dollar gifts, and that each family will send some rice dishes. And the village chief sent a piece of cloth."
       “Why are you sending rice?” Chou-Gu asked, she knew very well that she could understand the money. She could understand why she would send food in the past.
       "Doing a happy event, there are more people coming to eat, afraid that the main family is not enough food." The kitten said that he did not agree.
       In this year, every household is poor. No family has enough food to accommodate a large number of relatives and friends. If you are poor, you can't do happy things and don't eat for relatives and friends. But there are more people, and eating is not a bit more. It takes a few pounds of food for a meal. Therefore, everyone will take a little food and vegetables in the past, the conditions are good, and the close-knit people still have to take some of the past, such as chicken, duck and fish, to help the main family to support the face.
       In short, a person in the same village will lend a helping hand. Only in this way, the next time you work in your home, others can help you this way. Chou-Gu didn’t know at all that when her father did something, the villagers came to take the money and get the food. However, after the completion of the incident, Jiang Madam did not mention this.
       She now thinks about it. There may be very few people who come to pick up the money at the time. And because there is not much food in her family, things go out of the way, and the people who handle the matter take the money on the spot to buy some things that are needed for food or funeral. In short, she had no memory at all, and she did not leave anything afterwards.
       But since there is this custom in the local, she has to abide by it. So, Chou-Gu took ten dollars to seal it, and took two pheasants and two pounds of brown rice to send Minger to Jiang's house. The kitten accompanied the Minger.
       “Hey, what did the Chou-Gu home send?”
       The arrival of Minger will naturally make everyone talk. After all, it is not good to say that the two previous relationships, plus Chou-Gu is not earning much now. Jiang Chunhua is also very good for her, so there are many people who watch the lively.
       Jiang, who has been busy, has widened her ears. She wants to know what Minger has sent for the first time. She is still looking forward to Chou-Gu to add some makeup to Chunhua.
       Minger sent gifts and hi money, and did not say anything. He was the first to deal with this kind of thing, although it was superficially superficial, but it was only a child. If there were any kittens on the side, I was afraid that it would be more tense. When everyone was joking, he still had a red face.
       "Two pheasants have two pounds of food, ten dollars." The person who specializes in collecting things ‘Calls loudly.
       The ceremony is not heavy, it is light. It is said that the two pheasants are worth fifty or sixty dollars. Gifts from other people generally do not exceed ten dollars. But let's say it is light, it can be counted. After all, when Jiang Chunhua ordered a relative, Wu Hunter had sent a bright cloth that could be used as a wedding dress. The cloth was worth at least one hundred yuan. That is to say, the Jiang family does not have to prepare a wedding dress for Jiang Chunhua. This piece of cloth can sew a beautiful new wedding dress for Jiang Chunhua. But in the dark, he must have sent something else. Everyone knows it well.
       The most important thing is that Wu Hunter said at the time of everyone, Chunhua is like his daughter, meaning that he will prepare a dowry for Jiang Chunhua. Since he opened this mouth, he will definitely be prepared. Therefore, there are still many people waiting to see this dowry, although Wu Hunter is no longer there.
       However, Chou-Gu only let Minger send ten dollars, and everyone is similar, the meaning is very clear, and the two families will only walk as ordinary neighbors in the future. The two pheasants are all ignored, although their value is much higher than ten dollars.
       But in the eyes of everyone, the pheasant Chou-Gu is more, and the pheasant is coming over, just to make the banquet look a little better. After all, to have a happy event to entertain friends and family, or to get two more dishes. With Jiang Madam temper, where she will feast her guests, it must be awkward and fooling the past.
       There are few people who have such an idea, so someone from the village who has a close relationship with Jiang has also sent a chicken. Some people have sent some eggs over. In short, everyone is trying their best to help the Jiang family finish this happy event. Do not let the outsiders see jokes.
       "Don't add something to Chunhua?" Someone said gossip.
       "The second lieutenant said, Chou-Gu has a child to raise a home, where there is a skill to add dowry to Chunhua." Someone interrupted her and quickly spoke for Chou-Gu.
       "But the Wu hunter said that she would give the dowry to Chunhua. You don't want to think about what dowry she can make for her, and wait for the man to carry the dowry. If there is nothing, what would people say?" Someone said anxiously.
       She has already seen what the dowry that Jiang Madam took to Jiang Chunhua. It was a dilapidated wooden box, or a dowry when Chunhuani was married. Jiang Madam didn't know when to renovate it with red paint. But the box was not filled at all, and even the bed quilt did not give spring flowers.
       What about other people homes, you have to give your children some pots and pans, quilts and what. Although they are all cheap goods, even the old ones are new, but there is also a pile of looks. People with good conditions can also get a big object, such as a chest of drawers.
       The most important thing is that Jiang Madam also received the gift of Liu Jiasan Silver Taels. According to the usual practice, the bride price is to prepare the dowry for the woman. You can drop some, but you can't get rid of it. People who love their daughters will also add some. Three Silver Taels, you can do a lot of things, there is no such thing as a valuable item.
       The box prepared by Jiang Madam was too shabby to be empty. It was a couple of new shoes, two old clothes, and the cloth that the village chief daughter had just sent today was the best thing. Other small pieces, Jiang Madam, are not prepared.
       If you let Chunhuaguang go out today, it will spread to several nearby villages tomorrow, and Jiang Wucun will marry Miss, and even the bride price will be swallowed up. In the future, who would dare to marry Miss Jiang in the village.
       Therefore, everyone is anxious, and some people can't help but ask Jiang Madam   :   "When Liu gave the three Silver Taels dowry, how can you accompany a Silver Taels dowry? How do you let Chunhua a new wife how to be at home? Straight up."
       "Where do I have silver, I have spent five or two for Da-nu , and I have used it three or two long ago. I have spent all my years of savings, and now I can’t get it. The grievances are spent." Jiang Madam said in disapproval.
       She didn't care about the face of the village. Anyway, her family had a daughter in the spring, and Chunhua had already been very dissatisfied with her. In the future, she wouldn't have been able to get any spring flowers. Where would she manage the spring flowers and marry the past? .
       Everyone listened to her saying that she had nothing to say. She couldn’t force her to buy anything now. The village chief’s person made a look. Several women rushed up and wanted to put the spring flowers on the cover. Packed up and taken away. The old is better than nothing. What's more, Chunhua has two old and new clothes, which are also a fool.
       Where do you know that these better clothes have been picked up by Jiang Madam, and there is nothing left in the room of Jiang Chunhua, and there is no use at all. Everyone looked and took a breath of air, and they didn't know what to say.
       "Too much. Spring flowers this child is really worthless, for this family tired and tired, nothing was done." Some people on the spot for the spring flowers. Chunhua reputation in the village is quite good. People are honest and diligent, and they are also good. They are a favorite child.
       "Yes. Usually used by spring flowers, let her take it away. She is not a few Mei-mei underneath, but also waiting to pick up the old." Some people said puzzled.
       "Oh, it must have been reserved for Da-nu  daughter-in-law." Someone sneered. The door that Da-nu  ordered was already spread all over. Everyone knows that the family is waiting to get a big price for her daughter, and she will definitely not give her any dowry in the future.
       "No, take the five Silver Taels dowry and you can't give two clothes?" Someone couldn't believe it. It doesn't cost much to sew an ordinary coarse cloth. Five Silver Taels can buy piles of coarse cloth.
       "You only look at it. Anyway, the new daughter-in-law will enter the door at the end of this year. Da-nu . Doesn't that kid like a handsome wife? I don't know what it is like to be married in the future?"
       "That is, Chou-Gu is so good, how can it be done, a small Miss family can hold up a home, and the family is still eating meat. In the future, whoever married her, she is married to a wealth god Niang-Niang. He actually I still don't see Chou-Gu, and I don't see what is happening in my family."
       "You said that in the future, Jiang Da-nu  will regret it and regret it with Chou-Gu." This person is completely joke-conscious.
       A few women worked and talked hotly, and did not expect Jiang Da-nu to hear it on one side.
       Jiang Da-nu picks up a bunch of water and deliberately coughs. Several women have quickly stopped their mouths, and some of them have shifted the subject.
       Jiang Da-nu walked away, and Minger appeared again with amazement. The kitten behind him is obviously overwhelmed. He had heard about this gossip in the past, but when he was young, he didn't see any reaction from Chou-Gu, but it was just a joke. Where did you know that the exact results were heard from these women today? In the past, Chou-Gu and Da-nu  really had a marriage contract. Obviously everyone knows.
       Although Ming is young, she has grown up a lot after experiencing so many things. When I think about it, I know why my sister is not coming to Jiang. The daring is because the Jiang family repented. He was so angry that his face was flushed, his hands and feet started to shake, and he wanted to say something. The kitten took him away with great flexibility.
       All the women looked at the back of Ming’s kitten, and they were embarrassed. Some people worried that   :   “The child will not go back to find his mother to make trouble?”
       As long as everyone thought of it, his mother-in-law, the beautiful girl, could actually mention Wang-Aunt in one hand, and it was very uncomfortable, for fear that the woman came over today.
       "Hurry up and call the village chief's house." Someone said.
       "Yeah, yeah. It's a real thing, but it doesn't look good." Someone was anxious, and she left the work in her hand to find the village chief’s person.
       The village chief's daughter-in-law hurried over and heard the words of their mouths, and their faces were distorted. They whispered and asked   :   "I have said that you should not mention this matter again. Why do you mention this again? It’s a thing."
       "We are just a few words of gossip. When I think of it, I will let Minger hear it. The child is so angry that he can fight." Someone said slyly.
       "Hey, if something happened today, I will ask you. If someone in the village talks about it later, don't blame me for being polite." The village chief’s person said with hatred.
       "Don't dare, no more dare." Several women ‘Called.
       "What should I do now?" Someone was afraid to ask the village chief daughter-in-law.
       "What can I do? I can only say hello to Chou-Gu in advance." The village chief’s person said with hatred, and went to Chou-Gu house. When something happens when you have a happy event, you will really know what it is.
       The arrival of the village chief’s person was very surprised by Chou-Gu. She quickly called the village chief’s person   :   "Big Aunt, is there anything?"
       "Is the child coming back?" The village chief's daughter smiled.
       "No, what happened to him?" Chou-Gu asked anxiously.
       "No, nothing. It was just that I saw him go to the Jiang family to give gifts, and asked casually." The village chief’s person sighed with a sigh of relief and said.
       "Oh. It might be playing with the kittens." Chou-Gu smiled.
       "Well, come over, Aunt has something to say to you." The village chief’s person took Chou-Gu and kissed her warmly to the outside. She didn't dare to let her mother hear the contents of her conversation. Although Chou-Gu mother is completely ignorant of things, she does not necessarily stand by and watch this big event.
       Chou-Gu looked at her strangely and secretly recalled what happened during this time. She didn't know what she was going to talk about.
       The village chief’s daughter-in-law was silent for a while before she said, “Chou-Gu, you are a child. I don’t want to make a circle. Let’s just say, I’ve heard a few women chewing their tongues and saying Da-nu  Repent and your affair. Minger is very angry." She threw things out and wanted to see how Chou-Gu would handle it.
       Chou-Gu took a moment to deliberately pretend not to understand   :   "I have a relationship with Da-nu , I don't know? Didn't he book a relative last year?"
       Two sentences almost didn’t let the village chief’s person die to death. After a while, I smiled and said   :   “I’m talking about a few women chewing their tongues. What they said, it’s not that you two walked before. Get close."
       She did not expect that Chou-Gu was so simple to push two or six five, completely nothing. People simply don't recognize this. However, she turned her head and thought that Chou-Gu is so capable now, and close to Ning-County-Graduate, I am afraid I can't really get Da-nu . Besides, the environment of Jiang’s home is really not a good place to go.
       "When you get close, you will pass this kind of words. Isn't this bad my reputation? Big Aunt, you have to be in charge. Next time I hear this again, I have to ask them what is the reason? Father is gone, personally dare to break my reputation, is this trying to force me to die?" Chou-Gu was furious, she sneered a few times, staring at the village chief’s person, saying word by word.
       Chou-Gu came out at this moment, and the overwhelming hatred made the village chief’s person feel helpless.
       She quickly said   :   "There is absolutely no next time. I have already taught them."
       Chou-Gu stared at her, like a hungry wolf, and looked straight at the village chief’s person who had a cold sweat, and said coldly   :   “If I can’t live without it, then everyone will die together.”
       The village chief’s person was so frightened that she made an exclamation and said, “What are you talking about?”
       "Big Aunt, you can say this to the village chief Dabo. If I hear any more words in the future, I don't know what I can do." Chou-Gu said, kicking off the roadside A small tree with a thick arm.
       Although it is only a small tree, but this force, this moment of murderous murder, but the village chief daughter knows that Chou-Gu is not a joke, she repeatedly promised   :   "Sure will not, no one will ever Said indiscriminately."
       "That's good." Chou-Gu said that she would stop talking to her and turned back to the house.


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