Family 470

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       You can stand upright at the desk and write big characters. Xiao Ke-Xin's face is like Yue-Yao, goose egg face, very beautiful face, and the facial features are very delicate. Wearing a pink and tender color, combing hair, very flattering.
       You can see Yue-Yao coming over, put down the brush, and cried happily: "Mother." Yue-Yao will be in her arms and ask: "How many words have been learned today." I played with my three younger Brother on most days. Yue-Yao thinks that Xinxin is such a waste of time, thinking that he is also a three-year Old character, and simply asked Master to come back to teach Xinxin. But Xin smiled and shook his head: "Mother, I have recognized forty words today, and Master has arranged ten large characters. I have already written six, and there are four more." Yue-Yao just wants Can learn more things, not to be a talented woman, so she only allows Master to teach a good time to recognize a big hour, then Master every day to arrange the right a Mount of schoolwork, can not let the Xin tired. Yue-Yao looked at the words of Xinxin, smiled and nodded and praised: "It is much better than the last time." Xin smiled very sweetly, but when she smiled, she had a small dimple, especially cute. Although she wants Yue-Yao to spend more time with her, she also knows that Yue-Yao is very busy and said: "Mother, you have something to do!" The biggest wish of Xinxin is to grow up quickly, help Mother shared one or two. Yue-Yao chuckled: "It's not bad at this time." Yue-Yao is also a rumor in calligraphy. It is not a problem at all. Yue-Yao corrects the posture of the pen that can be used to hold the pen, and tells you what to pay attention to when practicing the word. Xu-Yu walked in lightly and barely, and I saw that I couldn’t speak. The look of drizzle is obvious, she has something to look back. Ke-Xin looked up and said to Yue-Yao: "Mother, you are busy!" Yue-Yao smiled: "It's not a big deal, you go on! I will write these two characters together." After listening to this, the rain retreated. Yue-Yao knows that it is not a big event, and bows his head to continue to see the words. Yue-Yao is actually a bit embarrassed about Ke-Xin. Originally, she was planning to wait for a sweeter pregnancy, but she did not expect the second child to come so fast. Now that she has triplets, she has no extra time to take care of her. Can write the big characters, and with the approval of Yue-Yao, Ke-Xin happily went to the room to accompany the three younger Brother to play. Yue-Yao went back to the small living room and asked Xu-Yu: "What happened?" Xu-Yu was not low at this time, saying: " Madam, there are people coming over to pass the letter, saying Four-Young Madam is pregnant."Yue-Yao Dagger: "Know it. Xu-Yu, unless it is a big event about life and life, like this kind of thing, you don't need to tell." Lin Qing yi housekeeper is good, but at the time Yue-Yao left many people, want to know Lian-jia It's a breeze. Xu-Yu knows that Yue-Yao is not happy with Lin Qing xi, but this big event about Zizi can't be moved. Madam is divided. It seems that Madam is really disliked with Lin Qing yi. Yue-Yao looked at Xu-Yu: "In the future, unless it is a taboo thing, you don't need to avoid it." Although Xin is young, the child always grows up. These things do not need to avoid her at all. Instead, let Xinxin get in touch with the outside affairs. Yue-Yao doesn't want to make her daughter as simple as she used to be. Xu-Yu nodded: "Know it, Madam..."
       I came back from the snack shop to Wei Wei, and brought back the new pastry in the shop: "One is sent to the cattle house, one is left, and the others are divided!" Xiang Wei often brought back the cake for everyone to eat, now Wei is most welcomed by the yard's Servant-Pozi. When I entered the wing room, I saw Yue-Yao playing with the children. I couldn’t help but say: " Madam is really laid back."
       Yue-Yao put down Ning Brother and turned his head and smiled: "How do you feel such a good feeling? If you feel tired, just rest at home for a few days. The things in the shop are handed over to the big Shopkeeper." The shop to Wei is also Famous in Capital City, and the business is very hot. Xiang Wei smiled and walked up, pinched the face of his brother, and then took the ass of Fae Brother who was crawling his buttocks: "I am not tired, but it is not too flat outside." Yue-Yao knows What does Wei mean? The Crown Prince is still there, and the following Prince are uneasy, but at least the Crown Prince is a well-behaved prince, and the emperor values ​​it. Several Prince are uneasy, but there is a limit. Now that the Crown Prince is gone, the crowds of Prince are all displayed for the 18th martial arts. Xiang Wei smiled a little: "An Zhi-zhi went to the northwest, but he didn't worry. It was Tingzheng, and he was afraid that he could not escape this dispute." Yue-Yao heart: "9th Prince has changed?" Laughing and said: "No, 9th Prince is a good and happy master, he can have any change. But this time it is 9th Prince, a cheap, a few Prince battle is too powerful, the emperor in order to balance the middle The forces let 9th Prince take charge of the Ministry of War. I don’t know what the Emperor meant in the end?” Yue-Yao suddenly asked: “Do you think that several Prince, who is the best chance to win the Dabao?” Yue-Yao last life The temple is not clear about the things in the country; but now there is a Wei Xiang around, and the two often talk about the Courtyard. Xiang Wei shook his head: "The original Crown Prince was gone. When the 4th Prince were the Chu Jun, the 4th Prince were not enough to take on the responsibility. As for the 3rd Prince and the 5th Prince, each has its own advantages. The shortcomings of "Yue-Yao": "9th Prince?" Wrinkled a brow to Wei: "9th Prince is not a martial art, the emperor can't make him a prince. But now the emperor obviously uses 9th Prince. To balance the forces in the middle, he is the one who Prince wants to win." Yue-Yao smiled. She doesn't think that the 9th Prince texts are not in vain. On the contrary, 9th Prince knows how to keep a low profile. Lian 3rd Prince, a mediocre person, came out at the death of the Crown Prince. It is rare for the 9th Prince to be as usual. Xiang Wei is familiar with Yue-Yao, look at the look of Yue-Yao, and asks: "Do you want Madam to look good at 9th Prince?" Yue-Yao should not ask: "You forgot that Ming-zhu said nine. Does Prince have a high talent? A person with high talents will be proclaimed as a martial art. You don’t feel very strange? Well, even if he used to hide himself for some reason, now this form is not disputed. Death, do you think he will still be inactive?" Xiang Wei understands that Yue-Yao said that it is only death. Seriously think: "9th Prince, besides having a name that is not a lazy, can't find a bad place?" After saying that Wei Wei heart was moving, he said: "I don’t want the Emperor to let the 9th Prince take charge of the Ministry of War. It's not a coincidence, but a nine-Yuyan operation."
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head and said: "It is not coincidental that it is not important. The important thing is that the emperor's body is not bad. There will be no incident in the court."
       Xiang Wei feels that the prospect is not optimistic: "The Chaotang is temporarily calm, but this is going to happen. Sooner or later, it is going to happen." The emperor is now physically good enough to be able to hold the following people. After three or five years, the emperor is getting worse. At that time, I still haven’t set up a prince. At that time, the court is definitely a sword.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "These things are not something we should worry about." Yue-Yao can talk about things in such a leisurely manner, mainly because An Zhi is not in Capital City. As for Ting Zheng, he is just a personal bodyguard around the 9th Prince. A guard who has no power and no power is not worthy of others to calculate, so Yue-Yao is not worried about Tingzhen now. As for the future, the future will not be worried now. Sending a pastry to the small group Pozi is back, and brings a small group. The small group was specially invited to thank Yue-Yao. Not only for the pastries, but also for Yue-Yao to take care of him when he is sick. Yue-Yao smiled and pulled the small group to the side. After carefully reading it, he said, "Well, it looks good. You have to pay attention to your body in the future." The small group focused on the key: "Well, my mother is relieved, I will later Will pay attention to the body." Yue-Yao left a small group for dinner. The children are small, there are no men and women to avoid suspicion, all have a table for dinner. After dinner, Yue-Yao let Gu You and Gu Lan personally sent a small group back to Niu. Xiang Wei smiled and said: " Madam, the love of childhood is the most reliable. You really want to let the small group be a son-in-law, it is best to let two people cultivate their feelings now." Yue-Yao Bai Wei Xiang Wei At a glance: "Miss has been in the depths, and the men that can be seen are limited. Now let them get along with each other. In the unlikely event that the small group likes Miss's other family, it will be a good time to lose." Yue-Yao does not exclude Ming-zhu kisses the pro, but it must be based on the small group's own wish. If not, everything is free. Xiang Wei thinks this is very reasonable: "I don't think about it." Xiang Wei is also looking at the small group with Ke-Xin today, and thinks that the two are quite good, only to have a whimsy. Yue-Yao sighed slightly. In this world, women are not easy to survive, and it is even harder to be happy and happy for a lifetime. She is a mother, naturally she has to think about her daughter. Xiang Wei saw the appearance of Yue-Yao, and quickly shifted the topic: " Madam, Lian, a few days before Yue-huan to the snack shop, told me that she wants me to help her save some of her belongings. Ma dam, can you see it?"
       Yue-Yao feels that the topic of transfer to Wei is very inferior: "This kind of thing, you have to ask me, you have to do it yourself." Xiang Wei is more eager than her, what should be done? Do, she is clear.
       Xiao-wei smiled: "I told her that if the silver ticket is stored in my place, there is no problem. Other things, I can't pick it up." Xiang Wei and Yue-huan often deal with it, the time is long, and I feel that Yue-huan is good, not People who are traitors, so they also have the heart to help.
       Yue-Yao nodded and said: "You didn't tell her, in fact, things are not as bad as she thought." Qian Jia is the door of 5th Prince, but as long as 5th Prince is not rebellious, he will fail in the future. The person who followed him was confessed to the family and was not exiled. The women and children were generally not allowed to be Lian. As for the 5th Prince rebellion, Yue-Yao does not think he has this ability. Shrugging to Wei, said: "Speak, but she can't listen. Now she wants to leave some retreat for herself. I think, I am afraid that we are only one of the retreats she left behind."
       Yue-Yao feels that Yue-huan does this, nothing wrong. Knowing that the road ahead is difficult, I will definitely do some defense.

       Chapter 471 is angered 

       The sweltering night is suffocating, and Yue-huan is not overwhelming. Outside the window, a flash of lightning cut through the dark night, dull thunder, and more and more irritating Yue-huan.
       Yue-huan got up and cried: "Heart rain, light up." Xinyu is now the close-up Servant of Yue-huan, and it is her turn to watch the night. When she heard Yue-huan, she immediately got up and lit the tung oil lamp on the table.
       The heart rain looked at Yue-huan and sat on the bed, didn't get out of bed, didn't talk, and felt awkward in my heart, tentatively called: "Master, Lord..." Qian Tu is now in addition to the first and the fifteen to her, other I went to Xinna house, Concubine. The heart rain thought that Yue-huan was not able to sleep for the money.
       The heart rain is chosen by Yue-huan, and the loyalty is good. Yue-huan can see the thought of the rain, and the corner of the  Mouth sneaked a sneer and said faintly: "You go to sleep!"
       The heart rain goes down respectfully. There are some regrets in my heart. Speaking of it, the two of Conners concubine appearances are not as good as their own masters, but they don't know why, their masters are getting colder and colder, and they are not willing to come to the main court. The heart rain actually knows that the master is a very intelligent person, but there is no mind to fight for favor, or else by the means of his own master, a few Concubine is not enough to see. Yue-huan leaned against the bed and thought of the words to Wei. In fact, Xiang Wei did not know that she was not afraid of the arrival of the day. On the contrary, she hoped that it would come early that day so that she could leave the cage. Some things she can't tell others, the money house looks outside the scenery, in fact, the inside is filthy. Qian Tu generation is not a bully or a happy day. And her husband is the second. When the moon was married, Tongfang Servant, who was around Qiantu, sent out. Later, Madam Qian II gave a Servant to the money. After she gave birth to Cheng Hong, the money route received three from outside Concubine entered the government. Recently, this Concubine is a flat-family girl, but I can see the look of this woman in Yue-huan. I don’t know where it is. Yue-huan is not without feelings on the way to the money. If there is no feeling of love, it is impossible to give birth to Cheng Hong, but this feeling is very weak. In the way of money from the outside Concubine enters the door, this feeling is gone. After the second Lian three Concubine enters the door, Yue-huan is too lazy to cope with the money. Anyway, she has given birth to her son, and Lian-jia also gives strength. Even if she does not sing the wind, she should bear the money, and she will be comfortable in the days of Qian’s family. The only regret is that the son can't be around. The next day, the moon was used for breakfast, and I saw Song concubine personal Servant. “-Nai-Nai, we concubine is not feeling well, I want to ask the doctor.” Yue-huan is very flat. Commanded Servant to ask the doctor. As a result of the diagnosis, Song concubine is pregnant, and it has been three months. Yue-huan did not react much to this. New concubine was brought in two months ago. Two months ago, this Song concubine was very popular, and it was normal to be pregnant. Madam Qian Er heard Song concubine I am pregnant and I am very happy. For Madam Qian Er, it is naturally more and more blessed, but she has only had a grandson. Now Song concubine is pregnant, and Madam Money II is naturally overjoyed. The heart rain looked at the look of Yue-huan, and carefully said: "Master, even Song Concubine is pregnant, but the master is the right room, the brother is the eldest son of the grandfather, who can not shake the status of the master." Lucy. Don't say Song concubine is pregnant, even if all concubine is pregnant, she doesn't care. She hasn't had a second child until now, not that she can't live, but that she doesn't want to be born. The money family will be declining sooner or later, and no one can predict in the future. Cheng Hong is no way, she must have a son, or else she can't stand in the money family. But one Cheng Hong is enough. If there is more, she will worry that she can't save it in the future.
       Yue-huan thought of his son, and his heart was in a colic. When Cheng Hong was born, she was taken away by Madam Qian. Her mother’s now is only seen when she is pleased. I think it’s so sad. In the past few years, the moon has not moved the mind to bring his son back, but the second ‘Madam’ of the money is one, and Yue-huan finally returns. For this reason too, Madam Qian 2 is now less and less like Yue-huan. Only Lian-jia now has three scholars, and there is a Marchioness's sister. Even if Madam Qian does not like Yue-huan anymore, she does not dare to take Yue-huan. On the evening of this day, I came back to see Wei to accompany the three little ones in the room to play: " Madam is painting again?" The husband is not around, and his ‘Madam’ will feel lonely. But this is not reflected in Yue-Yao. After the child was ten months old, Yue-Yao began to set the schedule for the children after weaning. Get up every morning to punch, then practice the words for half an hour, take the children to handle the housework in the morning, and hand the child to the Wei belt in the afternoon. If you are going to shop for Wei, the three children will be led by Pozi Servant, but she herself I went to the studio to paint. In the evening, Yue-Yao will accompany four children under normal circumstances. Nodded to Wei Weigu, I couldn’t help but laugh. Xiang Wei did not know how to evaluate Yue-Yao. Said that she is not responsible, she is accompanying the child every morning and evening, saying that she is responsible, she entered the studio to paint the child crying she could not hear. Wei Wei picked up the little three children who climbed to her feet and smiled and said, "You are so pitiful when you meet your mother." Xiang Wei thought that Yue-Yao would always turn around the child. However, I did not expect Yue-Yao to throw the child to her in a blink of an eye and gave her a surprise. However, Wei also likes a few children. Unless there is something important to do, she will usually come back for lunch.
       But Xin but did not agree with Wei Wei, whispered: “mother is the best mother in the world, we are not pity."
       Laughing to Weihaha: "Cheng, your mother has not raised you in white. I have to protect your mother in the future, and I have to teach you three younger Brother."
       Can Xin know that to Wei Wei is just a teasing, not really have opinions on the mother. I can think of it here, some are embarrassed. Yue-Yao arrived at the dinner party on time. After dinner, Yue-Yao took four children to the backyard and walked away. The next day, Yue-Yao was using breakfast, and Gu Lan hurried over. Because it is fragrant, Gu You said in the ear of Yue-Yao: " Madam, Lin-Shi moved the fetus and saw red."
       Yue-Yao blinked his eyes, just wanted to open his  Mouth, saw Xiao Ke-Xin, and swallowed it back to his  Mouth. In the face of the child, I can’t say this. After a few shi-nus took the children out, Yue-Yao asked Gu Lan: "How good is Lin-shi will be a small production?" Gu Lan shook his head and said: "I don't know. Just Young Master sent Pozi said. Now there has been sent people to ask Tai-yi." Gu You and Gu Lan may have followed Wei Wei sake, speaking more straightly, they see Lin Qing yi Respect for Yue-Yao, naturally, will not call Lin-Shi is four-Young Madam. Yue-Yao is not happy with Lin-Shi, but at this time, Yue-Yao can't stand by. Yue-Yao changed over and the clothes passed. Yue-Yao arrived at the mansion, and it was very ugly to see Ting Zheng's face: "What happened in the end? How could it move the tires?" No mother-in-law was on the top, no Small Concubine Tongfang was troubled, and the backyard was Lin Qing yi. Max, Yue-Yao can't understand how Lin Qing yi will get red. There was a twilight on the front of the court: "I went out to socialize with friends yesterday and drank too much. I don't know what happened. I got up this morning and I was lying next to a Servant, just to be seen by Qing ." In a simple sentence, it is Tingzheng. After drinking a sleep, a Servant, and then this situation was seen by Lin Qing xi, Lin Qing yi was shocked and angry, so he moved his tires and saw red. Yue-Yao lips squirmed a few words, and finally did not say anything, because Yue-Yao did not know what to say: "I went in to see my younger brother." Yue-Yao entered the room and saw the pale Lin Qing I wanted to say something consolation. This is wrong in the court, and it is angry when a woman is pregnant and sees her husband sleeping with a Servant. But I haven't waited for Yue-Yao to open, but Lin Qing yi seems to look at the enemy like Yue-Yao yelling: "I know you don't like me, but I didn't think you used such a mean way." Yue Yao was stunned. This time with Yue-Yao came over Gu You, Gu You heard a sigh of pale face: "You don't want to blow your blood, you move the tires with us Madam what is the relationship? "If the eyes can kill, I am afraid that Yue-Yao has been given Ling Ling by Lin Qing yu: "Don't you don't know that woman is what you arranged." You don't want me to give birth to a child, I want to let the husband and I lose peace. Lian Yue-Yao, I have never seen you so mean and shameless. No matter what, the child in my stomach is also your shi-zi. How can you be so poisonous? ”
       Yue-Yao understands this, Lin Qing yi thinks that the Servant of this bed-climbing is arranged by her, the purpose is to separate the feelings of their husband and ‘Madam’. Yue-Yao didn't have much mood to argue with Lin Qing yi. He took a look at Lin Qing yi and said nothing to go back.
       Without waiting for Yue-Yao out of the house, I saw that the court was coming in. Yue-Yao looked very indifferent and asked: "Have you heard the words just now? Do you think so?"
       Ting Zheng has been around for five years to Yue-Yao. Now he has been seeing Yue-Yao for the first time for thirteen years. Ting Zheng is also very painful. At first, my sister disagreed with this marriage. He felt that his sister had misunderstood the Qing Family. He thought that if he missed his sister, he would like to go to the Qing Family. But after he became married with Lin Qing yu, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought. Although my sister was faint to the Qing Family, she never had a hard time clearing her mind. Instead, Qing Family had countless complaints against her sister, and even the two often quarreled about it. These are not enough, but he never dreamed that Qing Family had such a big grievance against his sister, and would have angered her sister because of today’s affairs.
       Yue-Yao looked at the court and saw that the court was not talking for a long time. It was like being blocked by a stone. It was very uncomfortable. Thirteen years later, she asked herself about the use of the court, but she did not expect that the result would eventually fall.
       Yue-Yao wants to laugh, but she finds that she can't smile, her eyes are covered by a layer of water mist: "Ting Zheng, my sister is wrong." She was wrong in the day should not compromise, she should insist My own opinion, even for Lian-jia the 2nd House, she should insist on this marriage. But she was compromised because she was worried that Ting was resentful of her and that she thought she had fulfilled her obligations. The cause of the day, the fruit of today, so she has nothing to complain about.
       Lin Qing yi didn't know the meaning of Yue-Yao. He thought that this thing was really directed by Yue-Yao. Now, looking at Yue-Yao eyes can spurt fire.
       Ting Zheng was able to hear the meaning of Yue-Yao, and then looked at the tears in Yue-Yao eyes. The heart of Ting Zheng is also like a pain in the needle. In front of Yue-Yao, Ting Zhengyi said painfully: "Sister, it is my fault, it is my fault." He is wrong, it is really he is wrong, he should not have a personal relationship with Lin Qing xi. It is better not to insist that Lin Qing ’s sister’s intention is to swear by Lin Qing . The words of the parents, the words of the match, the marriage, he should listen to the arrangement of his sister. Tingzheng’s embarrassment, not to mention the Servant-Pozi in the house was shocked, Lin Qing yi whole person was stupid, and when he heard Tingzheng’s words, Lin Qing yi clung to the quilt. Lin Qing yi how Yue-Yao did not mind at all, she cares about the court. With the words of Tingzheng, Yue-Yao has a lot of relief: "Forget it, I will talk about it later. Since she thinks that I am deliberately harming her, I will not stay here. You should handle it yourself. "Yue-Yao went out at the gate of the yard and saw the Tai-yi from Tai-yi. Yue-Yao turned and said to the court: "You go back!" In any case, Lin-Shi has already entered the door, and now that she is pregnant, even if Lin-Shi is too hot, she can’t What to do with Lin-Shi. Ting Zheng could not tell the uncomfortable feelings. He used to swear to grow up to honor his sister, when he was a sister, but now? Now, not only does she not respect her sister, she wants her to suffer such grievances: "Sister, I am sorry, if I know that there will be such a thing, I will never let you come." Yue-Yao, if you want comfort, there is no comfort. . The Lin family’s affair is that the court is insisting. He can’t blame anyone, and now things are already like this. It doesn’t make sense to say anything. Xiang Wei heard the cause and effect, looked at Yue-Yao, and there was also a twilight in his eyes: "I didn't expect that Lin-shi would be like this." Xiang Wei knew very well that Yue-Yao did not object to it, but also because Yue-Yao believes in her vision. Can not think of Wei in the case of Lin-Shi, she is not eye-catching, but completely blind. Otherwise, how could she feel that Lin-Shi is good!
       Yue-Yao has always felt that Lin-Shi is also a little careful. In the future, it is difficult for her to peacefully coexist with Lin-Shi, and Yue-Yao is also prepared for it. But now things are getting out of control. Yue-Yao thought of this, said: "To Wei, don't you think this thing is awkward?" Lin Qing yi was seen by herself. There may be minor problems, but the face is absolutely decent.
       Xiang Wei listened to Yue-Yao and said that there is a problem with this: "Also, according to the information I have checked before, Lin Qing yi is not an idiot. But why did she decide that this Servant for climbing the bed is your arrangement? If it is Yue-Yao, I really need this idea. There is still a need to let Servant climb the bed and send two beautiful women directly to the court. Why bother? Yue-Yao also thinks that Lin Qing yi is a little weird. Pregnant people like to think about it. This is normal. It can be noisy and unreasonable. Xiang Wei thinks this should be checked. Xiang Wei did not so kindly give Li Qing to excuse me, and certainly someone is targeting their own master. Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "You have a chance to ask Peng Chun's ‘Madam’ to see who Lin-Shi is particularly close to this time." Xiang Wei listened to this and said: "This is not necessary. The most closely related to Lin-Shi is Qi Qing lian. You said, is this Qing lian lotus behind the bad?"
       Yue-Yao can't figure out: "Why is she doing this?"
       Xiang Wei shook his head and smiled: "If I didn't guess wrong, it must be that you offended her, but you don't know it!" Yue-Yao did not speak. She has not had much contact with Yan Qing lian in this life, but the relationship between the two is very good. This matter does not need to be confirmed, Yue-Yao can be sure that this matter can not be separated from Yan Qing lian. Yan Qing lian looks gentle and generous, understanding, but inside is a person who can not tolerate others better than her, and is a must-see person. At the last banquet, she was so indifferent to Qing Qing lian, she must have been able to endure the arrogant Qing lian lotus, and the two were called Jingcheng Shuangyu, but she is so comfortable now, and she must be jealous of her. Adding together all kinds of reasons, Qing Qing lian will provoke Lin Qing yi relationship with her. It’s not surprising: “I thought I wouldn’t have any more with her.” Xiang Wei snorted: “I will let her pay The price."Yue-Yao immediately stopped Xiang Wei, Yan Qing lian even if there is such a heart, but the root is still in Lin Qing yi himself: "Yu Qing lian is not a simple woman, now the situation outside is so complicated, can not live for a momentary mood "Yue-Yao looks at the look that Wei does not agree with," said: "Yu Qing lian is not as simple as you think. Don't face her face unless necessary." With the temp Lian  lian 'temperament', in order to achieve her purpose, she Any means can be used.
       Xiang Wei did not agree with Yue-Yao decision before, but it turns out that Yue-Yao thinks that things are more comprehensive than her, and that people are more precise than her: “Yes, listen to you.” You can’t face up, but you can also do something. Small movements add a little trouble to Yan Qing lian.
       Gu Tai-yi gave Lin Qing yi a prescription for the birth of a baby, reminding Ting Zheng said:
        "Pregnant women are most afraid of great sadness, and the child is less than three months is the most dangerous time. This time is luck, if there is another time This child is afraid that it is difficult to keep it." Ting Zheng listened carefully, and then personally sent Gu Tai-yi out the door. Lin Madam heard her daughter almost moved the tires, but also fell red, got the news rushed to the Yuhua Hutong. Waiting for Lin Madam saw Lin Qing yi, she had already finished the medicine. Lin Madam looked at her daughter's pale face and asked in anxiously: "How can I move the tires well? What happened?" Lin Qing yi listened to this and his tears fell. Lin Madam didn't help, but had to marry Lin Qing yi first, then asked Lin Qing yi breast stone Pozi. Stone-Pozi did not hide it, and said the passage of things. Lin Madam has a lot of things, although some angry, but she feels that the fault of this matter is not all in the court: "The servants who are delusional, where is this Servant now? Is it handled?"
       Stone-Pozi replied: "-Laozi has let-Pozi poured the medicine on this Servant and told the man to sell it." Lin Madam was very satisfied with the result. But after a round, I saw that Yue-Yao didn't come, and I was dissatisfied. Even if her daughter is not in harmony with her on most days, she will not come to visit Qing yi at this time, which is too close to human feelings.
       Stone Pozi face is embarrassing.
       Lin Qing yi most unrecognized thing is Yue-Yao. Now he is calling: "Mother, don't mention this person. She won't come better." Lin Madam has already seen the abnormality of Shi-Pozi. However, Lin Qing qi is now an extraordinary period, and she naturally has to follow Lin Qing yu. Lin Qing yi drank the ampoules, and there were herbs for sedatives in the ampoules. Lin Qing yu soon fell asleep. Lin Madam asked the stone-Pozi: "Have you ever had something to say?" Stone-Pozi has no scruples now, and said what happened not long ago with Lin Madam. Stone-Pozi said afterwards: "I don't know how Miss would say that." Stone-Pozi told Lin Madam because she thought the incident was serious. In the past, even if the husband and ‘Madam’ had a dispute over the aunt-Nai-Nai, they were all trivial. But this time it is different. Stone-Pozi is cold when she thinks about the scene at the time. Lin Madam's face is white: "What do you say?" Stone-Pozi squatted on the ground and his head was buried on the ground: "The servants don't know what Miss was at the time, how could they say that? Madam, when Lian-Shi heard this, his face was green, and his grandfather was kneeling down in front of the servants and others to pay for the aunt-Nai-Nai. Madam "This time, I am afraid that I can't be good." Lin Madam heard this and felt that she was all empty. After a while, she recovered to normal: "The child will not start for no reason." Such a thought, is it that someone chews the tongue in front of the han?" The daughter is a little erotic, but it is definitely not so confused. Someone must be provoked to provoke her daughter's bogey.
       Stone-Pozi said that the biggest suspicion is Mou Qing-lian . Lin Madam heard that Qing lian was in the middle of the provocation, and the blue veins on his forehead were all up. She also heard that her daughter was very close to Yan Qing lian. She also said that her daughter once saw her daughter and she didn't think much, but she did not expect that she would fall into such a trouble. Lin Madam immediately found Tingzheng and said: "Nvwa, she is pregnant with her children, and it is inevitable that you will think about it. You will take more care."
       Ting Zheng smiled very reluctantly: "My mother-in-law, this time is my fault." If Lin Qing swears at him, no matter how he swears, he has no complaints. This is his fault. However, Qing Qi is a sorrowful sister, and even said such a thing, the court can not be regarded as this did not happen. Lin Madam knows the look of the court and knows that if this matter is not resolved, it will endlessly endure.
       Lin Madam is not a stupid person. On the contrary, she is very clever. She knows that the bell must be tied to the bell. As long as Lian Yue-Yao forgives the shi-zi, this matter will pass. If it is not, the shadow will fall, and the daughter’s future will definitely be difficult.
       Yue-Yao heard Lin Madam ask for it outside, just two words: "Don't see." She did not have a seizure because of the condition of Zhu Qing , and she endured this bad breath, but it is not her behalf. It didn't happen.
       Yue-Yao is actually very clear about the things of Ting Zheng and Lin Qing yi. After all, it is difficult to know if you have a whisper. When they got married for more than a year, they often quarreled. The cause of the quarrel was mostly because the court was too good for her. Lin Qing qi was not comfortable. Lin Qing yi did not say this, Lin Madam also thought that the court was smashing Lin Qing yi is a high climb, so the court is all kinds of scorn, and the court is willing to accept her nothing to say. But if you want her to be mad, Lin is not qualified enough.
       Yue-Yao didn't care about Lin Qing yi before. It wasn't that she was afraid of Lin's family, nor how broad she was, but she felt that it was worthless to waste time on this trivial matter. Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Gu You, tell the porter, after the Lin family's people do not have to pass the pass, refused." Even if the Lin family is the deputy commander of the Royal Forest, how can they really fear that they can not. Yue-Yao called Xu-Yu and said: "There was a break with the other side. I didn't want to know about the things over there."
       Wei Wei frowned and said: "Doing this is not showing weakness." Yue-Yao has his own considerations: "I don't want to listen to things over there, it's bad. With this time, I might as well read the book." , draw a picture more. "Yue-Yao felt that the two couldn't get together, and the face would be good." After this incident, Yue-Yao felt that there was no need to stay in the face, and Lin Qing yi was directly included in the refusal of the households, saving the mood.
       Xiang Wei only admired Yue-Yao. Lin Madam knows that Yue-Yao will be angry, but she did not expect Yue-Yao to directly shut her out, Lian door will not let her in. Lin Madam has never been so humiliated in the capital for so many years. Lin Madam Tieqing said: "Go back." Regeneration gas has to be solved, or else it will be a daughter. Wei Wei went to the snack shop the next day, and heard the rumors about Yue-Yao flying all over the sky, the shop was not kept, to check who spread the rumors.
       Yue-Yao saw Wei Wei, who was full of anger, and asked: "What happened? What happened to the shop?" It is not a good thing to squat. Xiang Wei told Yue-Yao about the rumors outside. The rumors outside are somewhat different from what actually happened. Said Yue-Yao, when Lin Qing qi was pregnant, sent a beautiful Servant to Tingzheng. Tingzheng was more loyal to Lin Qing than Jinjian. He did not want to accept this Servant. This Servant took the bed and drunk, causing Lin Qing yi. The gas has moved the tires. Out of such a thing, Yue-Yao not only did not apologize, but was furious and forced Ting Zheng to apologize on the ground.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It should be made more vicious for me, so that the people of Capital City will prefer to listen." Yue-Yao has long been immune to rumors. Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao look and laughed: "I know that you are open-minded. I heard this rumor and went to check it. The result was found to be a rumor spread by people around Lin Qing yi. You said, Lin Qing xi is this Will you go to the bones?" Xiang Wei is actually a teasing, she is sure that this matter has nothing to do with Lin Qing xi. Even if Lin Qing yi hates Yue-Yao, it is imperative to do it right now, instead of doing these things. Yue-Yao didn't care to say: "Don't check it out. I heard that the winter in the northwest is particularly cold. It is already July, and I have to prepare clothes for the winter." It takes more than two months to go from the capital to the northwest. The journey, so I have to send the things to the end at the end of August, and I can wear them when they are delivered. Xiang Wei smiled: "Yes, this is the right thing. Those are all things that shit the stove." I thought that a few rumors could hurt her master, and Qing Qing lian was too small. Yue-Yao is very dissatisfied with the frequent swearing of Wei: "I used to have a child, but now I have children! If the child learns you, I can't spare you."
       Laughing to Wei. Yue-Yao is not in the face of accidental rumors, but some people care. When Zhuang Ruolan heard the rumors outside, he immediately came over and asked Yue-Yao what was going on. Zhuang Ruolan heard the cause and effect, and some speechless: "Is this Lin-Shi got mad? Are these words free to say anything?" Zhuang Ruolan simply did not believe the rumors outside, but she thought that it must be Something, after all, there is no wind and no waves. But the rumors and the facts are too big.
       Yue-Yao can't understand it. Since Lin Qing yi married Tingzheng, she was not involved in the matter, why Lin Qing yi was so angry with her.
       Zhuang Ruolan sighed a little: "When you are married, you are a good man." It is unfortunate that the door is returned by such a person who is not divided. Later, when she gave her son a ‘Madam’, she must seriously examine it. It is absolutely impossible to watch only the door. Yue-Yao doesn't want to say anything more: "It's already like this. It's not helpful to say that. As for the rumors outside, I have nothing to worry about, how to pass them outside with them." If it is true, She didn't know how much madness died. Zhuang Ruolan took a shot of Yue-Yao hand and nodded. "You can think so. I don't care about it later. I can plant it on you this time. I don't know it next time." What to say, it’s right to be far away from her."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said another thing: “now I am twelve years old, should I look at people?"
       In front of Yue-Yao, Zhuang Ruolan did not hide: "My aunt wants to kiss her, I am still thinking about it." It has been promoted to Lu Duke Madam's Zhang-Shi wants to be He said to his grandson, the eldest son of the current Duke Duke.
       Yue-Yao doesn't quite agree: "Benefit, even if the Sun is good, Kelu Duke is too deep, and it will not be easy to marry the past." Don't say anything, just say the two layers of mother-in-law, then There are a bunch of little aunts, and Yue-Yao feels tired when they think about it.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "I don't have to worry about this. My aunt and my grandmother are very fond of it. My watch is also a good boy who is working hard." Zhuang Ruolan is not because Lu Duke is rich, but has been considered comprehensively. This family member, Zhuang Ruolan, is satisfied with 80%. Yue-Yao listened to this and nodded: "If this is the case, it will be completed." It is also a blessing to be able to get the love of the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law. After talking about a conversation, Zhuang Ruolan went back: "When you get empty, you can sit in the past. We can talk more." Zhuang Ruolan is busy with a lot of things, and he is very busy every day. Zhuang Ruolan said this matter with Ma Peng after returning. He smiled and said: "I heard this rumor and rushed to the fire. Yue-Yao is like nothing. It really should be a word, the emperor is not in a hurry." Zhuang Ruolan actually I really admire Yue-Yao, and my own good intentions are misinterpreted so that I am not angry at all. Change to her, she can never do it. Ma Peng solved his jade belt and said: "Yue-Yao doesn't care, but she can't let her back this black pot. If someone asks, you can help Yue-Yao explain one or two." Zhuang Ruolan : "Even Master, you don't mention it, I will do the same. It's not easy to say Yue-Yao, and I have to work hard to pull the court." I didn't expect to have such a young ‘Madam’ returning. It’s terrible.” Ma Peng snorted: “Lin’s thought that Lian-jia the 2nd House was no one, or else Lin-shi would dare to be so crazy. This time, I’m going to forget it. I have to practice their younger brother." Ma Peng already knows that Lin-Shi is the one who is determined to be jealous. The words of the parents of the matchmakers, but the court and Lin-Shi privately accept, on this point, Ma Peng will not be able to 10 thousand Lin-shi. Zhuang Ruolan has some helplessness: "Yue-Yao has a generous temper, and the court is somewhat weak. They don't come out, we can't do it well?" Ma Peng said with a sneer: "What is wrong with it? If Lian women are Can not help, he is also a waste of arms." The key to this matter is the court, if the court is able to stand up, Lin-shi is not afraid.
       On the second day, Ma Peng found Tingzheng and pointed to the nose of Ting Zheng for a long time. Ma Peng’s heart was dead. Lin Qing yi ate the fetus, and Lin Madam often came to the side to open the guide, and the fetus was stabilized. But when she heard that Ting was going to make a trip, my heart was unhappy. "I am not in good health now, can't you push the errand?" Ting is looking at Lin Qing xi look, he really can't understand, In the past, how clear and understanding is gentle and pleasant, why did it become so many in a year: "This is the errand that my Highness gave me." In fact, this errand does not require the court to go, it is the court. Proactively mentioned. Lin Qing xi looked at the court for a faint look, and his heart panicked: "‘Fu Jun’, I don't want you to violate the meaning of Your Highness. But I am not in good health now, I am a little scared." Ting is trying to let himself slow down: "I am doing this errand It will take about two months or so. I will come back when the errand is over. If you are bored or bored, please come to the mother-in-law to accompany you." If you leave for a while, you can calm down. Although Lin Qing xi was uncomfortable in his heart, this errand was ordered by 9th Prince. She was not satisfied with anything. Yue-Yao knows that Ting is going to go to other provinces and is happy. Men are not as good as women, and it is good for men to go out and meet outside. The court was gone, and the rumors outside did not dissipate. Instead, there was a growing tendency. When Zhuang Ruolan went out to socialize, the person who had made a good relationship with Zhuang Ruolan could not help but remind him: "Ma Madam, now that these messy things are coming out, you still want Ann Madam to be more wary. "The people in Capital City are not stupid, especially those who are often socializing outside Madam-Nai-Nai is mostly human, can't see it. This rumor is flawed, but most people are not involved. He has been hung up high and stood on the sidelines to watch the excitement.
       Zhuang Ruolan intended to blame Yue-Yao, and now someone took the initiative to mention it. She also seemed to have said something about it. After that, she sighed and said: "I listened to this a few days ago. The rumor was intended to comfort one or two, but I did not expect that she did not hear these rumors. Cough, Yue-Yao After the brother-in-law left, in addition to taking the child is to practice painting, Lian door is not big, do not know Who broke his heart and spread such rumors. And this Yatou heart is also wide, I told her that she said, she also comforted me not to be angry, saying that rumors stopped at the wise."
       Just a good reminder Madam knows that there is something wrong with it, but he didn't expect the ins and outs to be exactly the opposite: "This is really an innocent disaster!" So it is better to choose a daughter-in-law for the son. Otherwise, if you come to such a brain, you will not be awake.
       The court was out for more than two months, and a letter was not sent back. Lin Qing qi began to be somewhat unreliable: "Mother, is it something that the husband has done?"
       Lin Madam appease: "Nothing, the son-in-law is busy, and I will be back in a few days. The most important thing for you now is to have a baby, so that the child will be born better than anything else." Lin Ma dam now has nothing to do, she wants to go to Anfu to talk to Lian-Shi, but Lian-Shi does not see her. Lin Madam knows that Lin Qing ’s pleading for sin, this room has room for change, but her daughter is also aware that she will never compromise if she does not realize the seriousness of the matter. Lin Madam now has some regrets. She knew that she should not tell her daughter about Lian Yue-Yao refusal on the same day, so that she can make the result today. Yue-Yao did not receive a letter from Ting Zheng, but with the peace of mind, Yue-Yao did not worry about Tingzheng. Yue-Yao accompanied the three sons this day, and the priest climbed to Yue-Yao, and the milk called, "Niang." Yue-Yao was ecstatic: “you just now What is it called? Call it again?” The first thing that can be called is the , which makes Yue-Yao very sorry. He called happily: "Mother." Then Fae Brother called her mother with Xu Brother, and heard Yue-Yao tears coming out soon. I came back to Wei at noon and I was very happy to hear that the three boys would talk. Holding a sly brother and calling to call her aunt, but did not expect that her brother Zhang  Mouth came up with a sentence: "Fall..." Shiwei eyes bright and shining: "You call me Sha ?" Cheng Brother  simply calling said:
        "Fall..." I almost laughed at Wei. Yue-Yao heard this call and immediately grabbed his brother, and yelled: "You are in the northwest, this is your embarrassment, and then calling at you to beat your ass." Reprimanded his brother, turned his head Looking at Xiang Wei: "Is it what you taught?"
       Hey, brother-in-law, Yue-Yao: "Mother, mother..." smiled at Wei: "It is estimated that they can now call her mother and aunt." This is treating her as a man, Xiang Wei I think this feels good. Yue-Yao changed his face: "Not bad? I tell you, you have to be so unreliable, I will not let the children close to you in the future, save you from teaching them bad." Xiang Wei really laughed enough today. Said: "Do not worry! I am measured and will not teach them."
       Yue-Yao gave Wei a warning look. Mainly to bring the child to Wei Ping, they will converge on their own temperament, some small, but overall is still good: "You tell her everything, but the child is still small, it is easy to be affected by Darens. You will pay more attention to it later. "We are not angry with Wei, although she sometimes feels that Yue-Yao is very tempered and more embarrassing than before, but she also knows that Yue-Yao is worried about her children. She can understand: "We said early. Ok, you teach, I teach Wu, and the 3rd Brother will have both civil and military skills."
       Fae Brother also climbed to the side of Wei, and said with joy: "Wen, Wen, Wen..." Xiang Wei couldn't help but smile: "Cheng, the  Mouth is not called the mother, it is the text. I don't know. The first word of Xu Brother would say." As a result, the two men married Xu Ji for a long time, and Xu Ji was very persevering. He insisted that he did not say a word at night.
       In the middle of November, Yue-Yao received the gift from Ming-zhu from Suzhou. In addition to the annual ceremony, everyone also had a gift.
       Yue-Yao gift is embroidered, Yue-Yao sees the exquisite embroidery in his hand, and sighs: "I always feel that my embroidered work is good. Today, I am really a frog at the bottom of the well.
       The gift to Wei is Biluochun tea, and some regrets to Wei: "Biluochun? If the hairy crab is good, I heard that the clear water crab produced by Kunshan in Suzhou, the big body fat, the green white belly, the golden claw yellow hair, the meat quality. It is greasy, healthy and delicious.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "When we go there for two years, let you eat enough.
       It’s delicious, just so far, even if Ming-zhu wants to send it, it’s a dead crab in Capital City.
       Xiang Wei is looking forward to the trip to Jiang-nan: "Jiang-nan's flavor snacks are Famous, and I have to go to Jiang-nan. I must eat enough."
       Ming-zhu gifts are the most popular, except for those beautiful brocades, as well as jewellery and jewellery that can be worn at this age. The jewelry delivered by Ming-zhu is not particularly expensive, but each one is very delicate.
       After watching the gift from Ming-zhu, Wei said: "All said that the three-year Old Qing zhifu 100 thousand snowflake silver, Nu Yang-hui in the two appointments in Suzhou, the family must be thick, cough, you said that An Zhi-yu went to the northwest For a long time, except for a few letters, I will not send something back?" Ming-zhu In addition to the New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival also sent a gift back, and An Zhi-zhen did not send anything back.
       Yue-Yao can't laugh and cry: "Men are not the same as women, and there is no comparability.
       Come back, but sent a silver ticket back, according to the practical, silver ticket is more cost-effective, things sent so far, the freight is a large pen.
       Xiang Wei is most not able to go to Yue-Yao. This is: "What is the provincial freight? Is it not a waste to send so many things to the northwest? Although there is no Jiang-nan in the northwest, there is more leather there, he is not. I’ve thought about sending some leather back to make a few clothes for your mother?”
       Yue-Yao doesn't want to argue with Wei. The more he argues, the more he argues: "You pick what you like, and the rest have to go to the warehouse. You have to live for the New Year, and you have to work hard."
       In the afternoon, Yue-Yao got the news, and the court was coming back. The court was actually going to Haikou this time. As for what to do, Yue-Yao was not clear, and she did not ask.
       In the evening, Ting Zheng had come to visit Yue-Yao and four shi-zis.
       The 3rd Brother and Brother now speak very well, but they can teach them to be called Zheng Zhengyi. The three people called in unison: “..."
       The court was still very rare and had a few shi-zis. The gifts that were brought over were sent, and Yue-Yao did not stop.
       After the child saw the ceremony, it went down. Yue-Yao frowned and said, "What happened to this, only four months, how did you lose so much?"
       Ting Zheng smiled and said: "Nothing, the family will come back." Ting Zheng came over this time, and one more thing to discuss with Yue-Yao, that is, Ting is trying to put it outside.
       Yue-Yao feels that the outside is quite good: "Is the 9th Prince promised?" If the 9th Prince did not agree, what thoughts were all in vain.
       Ting Zheng nodded: "I told my Prince about what I meant. 9th Prince also agreed, but it is not easy to find the right one. It will take a while to get outside." I thought a lot about it. The more I thought about it, the less my heart was. It also made him soberly aware that if he stayed in the capital again, he would not be allowed to think that he was a soft meal.
       Yue-Yao doesn't know that Tingzhen is so entangled. She just thinks that the outside is quite good, and she is very healthy. "Your ‘Madam’ is pregnant, you have to wait outside, and she will wait until she has finished giving birth."
       The court was thinking of what Ma Peng said, and his heart was sour: "Sister, that day is not good for me. If I didn't ask you to go, I won't let you be wronged. Sister, I won't have it again in the future."
       Yes, it’s because he is not used to get tired of his sister’s grievances.
       Yue-Yao smiled gently: "With your words, my sister is satisfied. Go back early, wait for you to take a meal and eat dinner." Yue-Yao doesn't like Lin-shi, but Now that Lin-Shi is pregnant with her children, she can’t care about a pregnant woman.
       The intuition of the women was very sensitive. Lin Qing yi soon noticed that the court was cold to her. In a few days, Lin Qing xi was a little panicked, and Lin Madam cried:
       Someone outside? Come back for ten days, stay in the study every day, I go to find him, he has nothing to say to me.
       Lin Madam appease: "What do you say, where the son-in-law goes out to do business, where does the woman come from? Don't think about it."
       Lin Madam said to Lin Qing yi for a long time, anyway, the meaning is to let Lin Qing squat low and make small, don't make a small temper, in fact, Lin Madam is roughly clear that the court is definitely because of the last thing. Not comfortable, so I will be cold to my daughter. The only way to do this is to first rectify the court, let the son-in-law reconcile in the middle, and things will not be stiff.
       Lin Qing yi listened to Lin Madam's words, and he was low and small in front of the court, and he was very considerate and considerate.
       Ting really likes Lin Qing yi, or else he would not violate the meaning of Yue-Yao. He insisted on Lin Qing qing. At this time, Lin Qing zhen admits that he is wrong, and he is quite belly. The court is soft and soft: "You go with your sister." Apologize, if your sister forgives you, this matter will pass.
       Lin Qing yi was unwilling, and the court was changing face and went away.
       Lin Qing yi was wronged in his heart.
       Lin Qing yi breast-stones-Pozi advised: "Miss, you can't easily let your aunt suffocate. If you don't apologize to your aunt-Nai-Nai, your grandfather will be angry, Miss, aunt." Nai-Nai can't offend.
       What do you think, although Lian-Shi began to disagree with this marriage, but since Miss married, Lian-Shi did not do anything, why Miss is so big to Lian-shi Hostility, it’s like last time Miss blamed Lian  
       Lin Qing xi is not willing to: "I am right, why should I apologize to her?" Don't be stupid, she is in the house, Lian Yue-Yao is clear, Lin Qing yi does not understand, Lian Yue-Yao hands What do you do for so long? Is she a married grandmother who wants to take care of her family?
       Lin Qing yi refusal to admit his mistakes annoyed the court, and the court was angry and said that he would not go home at all.
       In a day or two, Lin Qing yi could still resist, but the court was not coming back for half a month, Lin Qing yi could not stand it, and when Lin Madam came to visit her, she could not cry.
       Lin Madam can only persuade her daughter to apologize to Yue-Yao: "Lian-Shi has raised the court, and Ting is remembering her feelings, respecting her as a mother, you are For the ‘Madam’ of Ting Zheng, it is also necessary to respect Lian-Shi as well as the court.
       Lin-Shi grievances and cried: "I think too, but she hates me so much, I can't take her to go!"
       Lin Madam said the seriousness of the matter with Lin Qing xi: "If you don't apologize, there is a gap between the husband and ‘Madam’, and you regret it."
       Regret, it is better to bow to Lian-Shi now.
       Lin Qing xuan finally had a fear, and agreed to apologize to Yue-Yao. When Lin-Shi came to the door, Yueyao was handling the things that An Zhi sent back from the northwest.
       Xiang Wei looked at the leather that was sent back and said with a smile: "I also said that he did not send some good leathers to make clothes for your mothers. This sent more than a dozen boxes, it is really rich and rich!"
       Yue-Yao is not very keen on the leather. She likes a few pieces of jade sent by An Zhi-zhen. These jade are good jade, which is obtained from the Xinjiang side, and those pieces are still superior. Hetian jade, An Zhi-yu knows that Yue-Yao likes to wear jade jewelry, so he simply searches for these jade and sends it back to Capital City, letting Yue-Yao take it for jewelry.
       Wei, who always likes to pick up bones and bones, can't help but admire: "If you don't shoot, you will be a big hand.
       A lot of oil and water.
       Yue-Yao is funny and angry: "You are full of food and nothing to do? If you are too busy, don't go to the shop and help me with the housework."
       Whoever gives the gift, you must first evaluate the value of the gift, and then infer how much oil and water is saved, this is not nothing to worry about.
       Wei Wei was reluctant to deal with the trivial things: "I can't make it, I have to make a good profit. In the future, I will give you a rich dowry, and I have to give three small and thick homes."
       Yue-Yao has been vomiting and weak: "It doesn't matter if you talk to me. You should never say this in the face of An Zhi-yu."
       If you insist, Bao Zheng will not let Wei Wei see a few more children.
       Xiang Wei smiled with the fox that only stole.
       Yue-Yao is wondering how to dispose of these jade, and he hears outside the Servant saying that Lin Qing yi is looking outside: " Madam, Madam has a big belly at the door, saying that if we don't pass, we won't leave. The concierge is really helpless, this is reported.
       Going down, Lin Jialai refused, and Anfu went up and down to know that Lin Qing zhen blamed Yue-Yao, so the concierge was in place, but the situation was special today, and the concierge could not hold back.
       Yue-Yao told the people to receive the things from the warehouse, and then said: "Let her come in!" The court has not been home for half a month. Yue-Yao already knows, this time Lin Qing yi came to the door, estimated It is also because of this.
       Lin Qing xi cried and said: "Sister, the last thing was my fault. I also asked my sister to be a lot of people. Don't worry about me.
       Turning a blank eye to Wei, this is the appearance of an apology? How does this look like you are not forgiving or careful, no measure.
       Yue-Yao did not move, said faintly: "Sit down!" And regardless of whether Lin Qing yi sat down, Yue-Yao sat on the right side of the seat.
       Lin Qing yi most annoying thing is that Yue-Yao is such a cloud-like appearance, as if she is unattainable and needs to look up. Lin Qing yu endured the boredom of her heart and choked: "Sister, I was too angry at the time." So, the  Mouth is unobstructed..."
       Yue-Yao said: "This has been going on for so long, I have long forgotten.
       I should apologize when I stabilized. Now I apologize that she will not accept it.
       Lin Qing yi was stunned and couldn't speak. This is why she didn't like to deal with Yue-Yao. They couldn't communicate at all.
       Yue-Yao said very directly: "I know that you don't like me, and you don't want to come to my house.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao. On most day, Yue-Yao was always euphemistic. But how can I speak so directly today? I didn’t know that Miss was so disliked with Lin Qing yi.
       Lin Qing yan’s face was white and she smiled and said: “Sister, I don’t have...”
       Yue-Yao also didn't want to find herself after the couple was unhappy. She didn't want to be a peacemaker. "You don't need to say these words. You have been married to the court for two years. Some things are everyone. I understand that I just didn't say it.
       Stone-Pozi pays a smile: " Madam, my family Miss was too sad last time, so I offended my ‘Madam’, please Madam sees the unborn little Young Master, forgive my Miss Let's go!"
       The valley secluded a tray, and the apex gave Yue Yao a glass of water, and then gave Lin Qing a cup of juice, and then retreated to the side.
       Yue-Yao took a sip of water, put down the cup, and looked at Lin Qing yi slowly said: "You should have known that I didn't want to end this marriage, so you have been very prepared for me, even not willing to let Ting is coming to see me.
       Lin Qing yi listened to this, and his body was stiff. Whoever had something was not hiding, even if he was not happy with the face, Yue-Yao behavior subverted Lin Qing xi cognition.
       Yue-Yao seems to have not seen Lin Qing yi gaffe: "I don't want you to be jealous. When I first saw you, I felt that you were not suitable for the court."
       After listening to this, Lin Qing yi couldn't help himself. He looked up and asked: "Why are you so arbitrarily, you don't understand me, only you have seen one side and you have decided that I am not suitable for husband."
       Yue-Yao is not angry: "I saw you, you know that you will not be a qualified master, and this is enough.
       Lin Qing yi is not convinced.
       Yue-Yao has a smirk on his face: "The master mother is going to take care of the inside and outside, and you? Don't say that you regard me as nothing, just say you and Qing lian. Things, you have a room Madam is actually very close to one Concubine, don't you think you are ridiculous?"
       Lin Qing xi wanted to refute, but found that he could not refute.
       Yue-Yao continued: "When you talk about Servant climbing the bed, you have been married for more than a year. Even Lian's backyard is not well managed. Can you let Servant squatting in the bed and drunk the bed? Poyo?" Is it a dead man who is close to the body? These people are all dead, can't see the Servant into the master's house? After the incident, I don't want to reflect on myself. I don't want to know how to be good, I will be stupid enough to think that Servant is arranged by me. Ting is the one I brought with me. If I really want to give a Servant to her, why should I use this to do the same, I will send a Servant directly to him, he does not dare not accept.
       Lin Qing xi face was white with paper. After marrying Tingzheng, she discovered that the most important thing in Tingzheng’s mind was not her, but Lian Yue-Yao. For this reason, she was very reluctant, so often because of Lian Yue Yao business is noisy with the court, but the quarrel is not only useless, but the court is more comfortable with Lian Yue-Yao, so she is jealous, and the court is always listening to Yue-Yao, if it is Yue-Yao I really sent a Servant over, and the court will definitely accept the house.
       Stone-Pozi licked Lin Qing ’s arm, Lin Qing yi returned, and said with tears: "Sister, thousands of mistakes are my fault. At that time, I was a lard, my sister, I was not really Intentional, I..."
       Yue-Yao interrupted Lin Qing xi words: "Ting Zheng grew up and became a talented person. I also want to find him a good helper so that he can support the portal of the 2nd House. But Ting is like you, and he is determined to marry you. Although my greatest wish is to make the 2nd House thrive, I also hope that Tingzheng can marry the people he likes and live a happy life, so I have not reversed his intentions.
       Lin Qing yi is all wooded.
       Stone-Pozi swears and talks: "We Miss also knows that Aunt-Nai-Nai has tried hard for her grandfather."
       Yue-Yao couldn't help but laugh: "Lin-Shi, you have been married to Lian-jia for two years, and now you are pregnant for six months. Your Servant-Pozi is still in front of me. Calling you Miss, calling Tingzheng as a master, Lin-Shi, you don’t even think of yourself as a daughter of Lian-jia. A name can reflect many problems.
       Lin Qing yi called out in a reflexive way: "I don't have it."
       Stone Pozi immediately fell to the ground.
       Yue-Yao is too lazy to pay for it again: "Lin-Shi, even if I don't like you, but after you married Lian-jia, I have never been sorry for you, not to mention you a heavy word, these two In the year, you regard me as nothing. I have never said anything before you in front of the court. Even if you angered me because of a Servant last time, I didn’t do much. Lin-Shi, I asked myself. Do your best."
       Lin Qing yi instinctively felt that Yue-Yao was afraid of the next thing. Sure enough, Yue-Yao would not be good in the following words: "I used to talk to the court about my own life. Now I am also right. You said this sentence, no matter how good or bad you are with the court, I have not managed it before, and I will not manage it in the future. You and I will not have to walk around in the future, and the love on the maintenance side will become Look both tired.
       Lin Qing yi did not know how he left Anfu.
       I didn’t say how Lin Qing yi thought, after leaving Lin Qing qing and Wei, he smiled and asked: “So brave? Not afraid of Lin Qing yi movement?”
       Yue-Yao said with a blank expression: "The last time because the fetus was not stable, I also endured the bad breath. I didn't bear her reason again this time." She is not a blind man, she can't see Lin Qing yi at all. I didn’t sincerely apologize. Since neither of them likes each other, why bother and swear, and get tired.
       Xiang Wei still wants to continue to discuss this issue with Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao has no time to talk to her about these chaos. Yue-Yao took the Xinxin to the warehouse and pointed to more than a dozen pieces of jade sent by An Zhi-zhen. Said: "Chen Xin, you choose a few pieces of your favorite."
       I can feel that these various colors of stone are very beautiful: "Mother, what are these?"
       Yue Yao Ke-Xin to popularize the knowledge of jade, jade from the classification, the connotation of jade, jade to jade from development such as how to identify, could not stop talking about this.
       Wei Wei could not help but shake his head.
       Hao Mama smiled and said: " Madam heart wide," actually wants Hao Ma
       People with wide hearts live comfortably.
       Mom said that the owner is too generous, and Rong Lin-shi does not know that the sky is thick and thick, and if it is replaced by a more powerful aunt-Nai-Nai, Lin-Shi only has to cry.
       Wei Wei  Mouth: "Where she is wide-minded, she does not care at all. If it is rumored that her paintings are written by others, she is deceiving the world. Can you see her still so calm?"
       Hao Mama said with a face: "This can't be said indiscriminately." Madam is like a painting. If it is filthy, it is afraid that the lungs will be blown up.

       Chapter 475 Untitled 

       On the same day, Lin Qing moved his tires, and the court got the news and rushed back. Fortunately, Tai-yi came in time, and the fetus was fine.
       The court heard the stone-Pozi said that Lin Qing yi fetal movements, and then recalled what Tai-yi said, did not comfort Lin Qing yi, but went directly to Yue-Yao to plead guilty.
       Yue-Yao feels that for the marriage of Tingzheng, she does not know what to do except sighing: "Today's business is also my fault. She is pregnant, I shouldn't have said those words. Cough, forget it. Don't say it. Ting Zheng, for the children in her stomach, you should also let one or two, not a few days not to go home."
       Ting is smiling bitterly: "Sister, 9th Prince is too busy now, and I am not allowed to go." This court is really sincere, and 9th Prince will not let go, can he still leave.
       Yue-Yao is not good enough to say more: "Then you pay attention to your body, don't put too much pressure on yourself." She was so distressed to see that Ting was losing so much.
       Ting Zhengqiang smiled and said: "Sister, you can rest assured that I have grown up and can take care of myself." Ting is very upset, and now she still has to worry about her sister.
       Yue-Yao no longer told him about chores, but he talked to the court about three small radish heads. Although Yueyao always complained that the three children were too naughty, but his face was filled with smiles. It can be seen that Yueyao actually enjoys life like this.
       Ma Peng asked Zhuang Ruolan to come over and ask Yue-Yao to take the children to the The Ma House New Year. He was rejected by Yue-Yao rumors: “you told my cousin that I have received the idea, but I can't go to The Ma House for the New Year.
       Zhuang Ruolan also knows that Yue-Yao will not agree, but the husband has this meaning, and she is not good to refuse. Speaking of it, Zhuang Ruolan is also somewhat puzzled. Since returning to Capital City, her husband has been particularly good to Yue-Yao and has passed his children.
       Not only does Zhuang Ruolan have this question, but Yue-Yao himself also has doubts: "What happened to the cousin? How can I let me go to The Ma House for the New Year?" This is obviously not in line with the rules!
       Xiang Wei did not think much, just thought that Ma Peng is a very good person: "Ma Daren is distressed by you, I want you to follow the fun and lively, but you are doubtful and disappointing others' kindness." Wei has seen all kinds of people, but like Ma Peng, this man who is self-cleaning, she really thinks it is rare.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "It’s rare!" Xiang Wei face on An Zhi nose, which can’t be pleasing to the eye, is also disgusting to the court and Nu Yang-hui, but it’s the first time to listen to her. Praise the big cousin.
       Xiang Wei did not deny: "If there are more men in the world like Ma Peng, women will not be so bitter."
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "This is impossible!" After a few years of working in Shandong, the big cousin returned to Capital City. Many of his colleagues gave him beautiful women, but one of his cousins. No, just a matter of management Mama handles the housekeeping. In addition to handling official duties, the rest of the time is spent teaching two sons. Now I am returning to the capital. In addition to official duties, I am accompanying my ‘Madam’ and children on most days. The man, the capital city can not find a few.
       Xiang Wei feels a little regret: "Ma Peng is a scarce animal, but I can't ask for it, or else I want to marry." Don't say that the big door is the flat-headed people. The man has two big money and wants to have a room, Small Concubine. If you don't have money, you have to go to the private school to go a few times. If you think about it, you will feel sick. She is so comfortable now, and she has to find herself uncomfortable.
       Yue-Yao was shocked by the feeling of Xiang Wei.
       Laughing to Weihaha: "Just kidding, you scare you, rest assured! I never thought about marrying, marrying people have fun, waiting for a few years, they are big, I will accompany you when I arrive. I walked around.” Xiang Wei never thought about marrying. Just said that she just said that even if she met a man like Ma Peng, she would not marry. The reason is very simple. It is not suitable. She is free to use herself. Have the constraint.
       An Zhi-Yi, Yue-Yao took four children and Xiang Wei also had a hot year, and the relatives in the first month, Yue-Yao did not go except to visit several relatives.
       At the time of Lantern Festival, Xiang Wei wanted Yue-Yao to go out with four children: "Tonight, there are lanterns, guessing riddles, letting fireworks, juggling, and being bustling, not a pity."
       Yue-Yao also knows that today is definitely very lively, but the three children are too small: "You can go out and see the lanterns!"
       Can be very busy said: "Mother, I will not go, I will stay at home with you and my brother." Can be cherished in the heart, but feel that they go, the mother and the younger brother do not go, my heart is not willing to go.
       Yue-Yao smiled and touched the head of the sweet bag: "Stupid child, it is time to accompany the mother and the younger brother, do not hurry at this moment, go, once a year, the opportunity is rare."
       I can sweetly brush two heads, wearing a pink pimple, and a small gold plaque with five sea otters on each side, tied to the head of the bag, wearing a red gold name lock and a peace symbol, the hand Wear two small gold bracelets that are exquisitely crafted.
       Xiang Wei looked at the well-dressed cock, and called: "My little cock is really a little fairy in the sky!" After that, Xiao-Ke-Xin picked up and kissed him, making it Xiao Ke-Xin's face is red.
       Yue-Yao reminded the group when they went out: "To Wei, there are a lot of kidnappers at the Lantern Festival. You have to be careful." The kidnappers like to kidnastic children, because most of these children grow well and grow up. Can sell a good price, can be a long-lasting powder carving jade, is definitely the goal of those people, but there is a Wei Wei, even if you really met the kidnapping Yue-Yao, there is nothing to worry about.
       To Wei Le: "Do not worry, there will be nothing." If you dare to beat the idea, come to a dead one, come to a pair of her to kill a pair.
       At the second moment of the Hai Family, he returned to Wei with a soft heart.
       You can see Yue-Yao, and yell at Yue-Yao, "Mother, mother..."
       When I saw this, I was shocked. Yue-Yao asked anxiously: "What's wrong?" Goodbye to the good-hearted, but the clothes and hair are not messy, and should not be touched.
       I took a sip of tea to Wei and said, "You are really a crow's  Mouth. Today we really have a kidnapper. These kidnappings are really rampant."
       You can hold Yue-Yao: "Mother, I will not go out to see the lanterns in the future." The world outside is terrible, one is more terrible than one.
       Yue-Yao touched the head of Xinxin and smiled and said: "There are mothers and Wei Wei, but Xin is not afraid of those bad people. Next year, the mother will accompany you to see the lanterns."
       Can be frowning.
       Xiang Wei was on the sidelines: "I just told her on the way back that she would let her practice martial arts with me, so that she would not be afraid of bad people in the future, but the child would not want to live or die."
       Yue-Yao didn't know what it was all about to Wei. When I met a few kidnappers, I could let Xinxin martial arts. This wouldn't let Xinxin think that all outside are bad people, or else I don't need martial arts to protect myself. Yue-Yao stunned to Wei: "You said a few words, you scared the child!" After returning to the room, he will return to the living room.
       Shrugging to Wei, turned and went to the kitchen to find the night to eat.
       Ke-Xin tightly held Yue-Yao, refused to go to bed, Yueyao stunned for a long time, but Xinxin relaxed: "Mother, why do these people want to cheated other children's children?"
       Parents protect children very well. In the long run, they are harmful to children, not love. Yue-Yao has his own personal experience, so he did not think about Qi Ke-Xin. He explained the origin of the kidnapper: "also Don't be afraid of them, as long as someone is followed by them, they don't have the courage to do it."
       Ke-Xin is also scared by the kidnappers today. It does not mean that the courage is small: "Mom, why didn't the government arrest these people?"
       Yue-Yao touched her daughter's head and said softly: "These people are hiding too well, and the government is very difficult to grasp."
       Yue-Yao stayed with him for a long time, and finally he could sleep in Xinxin. Out of the house, Yu-Yao went to find Wei: "What the hell is going on?"
       Xiang Wei feels that today’s encounter is a bit funny: "It’s also my family’s good looks. It’s in the eyes of those people, but Xin is a big fat. You know, there are a lot of lanterns, they are very crowded. These people Deliberately creating chaos, deliberately crowded out a few homes, and wanted to take the opportunity to take the heart from me."
       Yue-Yao eyes wide open, it's no wonder that Ke-Xin is scared. These people are too courageous. Under normal circumstances, the children are abducted and abducted: "Listen to you, this is not a normal kidnapper. ?"
       Xiang Wei nodded and agreed: "Well, I also feel very embarrassed. These people are not only courageous, but also organized and disciplined. I caught a person and sent it to Tuen Mun. I believe this matter will be clear soon."
       The efficiency of the Capital City government was still very high. By the evening of the next day, Yue-Yao got the news and cracked a kidnapped gang that specialized in abducting children. When the squad was arrested and arrested, it was saved. A dozen children who were abducted, one of them was the great-grandson of the old-fashioned Su-Lao.
       Yue-Yao feels rare: "This child will not be the same as the experience of Heyue?" Yue-Yao means that the child was deliberately doing this.
       Xiang Wei shook his head and said: "No, this child is too naughty. He suspects that the next person is in the way of hindering his feet. Therefore, he has opened the next person. As a result, he has become a kidnapper. It is also a good life. It happened to meet our business. Otherwise, it will be ruined in this life."
       Yue-Yao heard this, thinking of his three little points, his son is naughty, what if he is so disobedient?
       Xiang Wei feels that Yue-Yao worry is superfluous: “Do not worry! I will teach them well. If they dare not know how to be so tall, I will let them know why the flowers are so red.”
       Yue-Yao is now worried about the three sons. There is such a fierce and fierce aunt. Afterwards, I have suffered bitterly. I have a good saying. I am rich and poor, and I am poor, and it is impossible to be poor. But for my son. The requirements are definitely more.
       After the news that Xiao-xin was almost abducted, Zhuang Ruolan came over: " Master is anxious to listen, busy let me come, Yu-Yao, what is going on?"
       Yue-Yao let Wei and Zhuang Ruolan say that the eloquence of Wei Wei is not to be said. It was a very dull thing, and it was a dangerous and exciting thing for her.
       Zhuang Ruolan took a long sigh of relief after listening to it: "Fortunately, you have the time to work, or else you can be dangerous." Now, the kidnappers are too embarrassing."
       Xiang Wei smiled: "This time, the government will definitely be strict." This incident is so big, if the government does not make great efforts, it must not calm down this matter.
       The people in the room were very happy, and they yelled back and forth: " Madam, Qianfu people, saying that they want to see Madam."
       Zhuang Ruolan stood up and said: "There is still a lot of things in the mansion. I will go back first. After two days, you will bring your children to the house, and everyone will be busy."
       Yue-Yao sent Zhuang Ruolan to go out.
       Yue-Yao looked at the Hong-mei that sent the letter. The previous delivery was the money house Pozi, this time it was Hongmei, Yueyao felt that Yue-huan was afraid of trouble.
       Sure enough, as Yue-Yao expected, Yue-huan was in trouble. One of the money houses, Concubine, was pregnant for more than eight months. I don’t know how to eat the jealous things, and the children were born less than three. The hour is gone, and Madam Qian II finds that the behind-the-scenes ambassador is Yue-huan, and Yue-huan is now under house arrest by Madam Qian.
       Hongmei squatted on the ground: "3rd Miss, my master is a sly, this is someone who has framed my family."
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "Talk to your master, as long as she doesn't do it, we will naturally come out."
       After Hongmei left, he said to Wei: "Actually, I think this is an opportunity, an opportunity for Yue-huan to leave the money house."
       Yue-Yao sometimes doesn't know what to think about Wei: "I am carrying a poison concubine crime is off the money house. Yue-huan is only twenty-two years old. I bear such a reputation and I can't lift my head for a lifetime. And even if Yue-huan doesn't care about this, what can the child do?"
       Xiang Wei whispered: "I don't look at Yue-huan every day, so I want to let her get out of the money house." Xiang Wei also thinks that Lian Yue-huan is indeed a personal talent, the temper is also good, and the love is only heart of.
       Yue-Yao feels that this matter depends on the meaning of Yue-huan.
       Yue-huan not only sent a letter to Yue-Yao, but also sent a letter to Zhou Yue and Yue-Bing. The three people reached a consensus and went to Qianfu the next day.
       The next day, the three people went to the money house together. The money house occupies a large area. The house is also very rich and rich, and almost swayed the eyes of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao feels that the money family is too arrogant, and the house is so rich, I am afraid that people do not know that they are rich.
       Yue-Bing took a look at Yue-Yao. Seeing Yue-Yao was very indifferent. She couldn’t help but think of her first time when she went to Qianfu. She saw the wealth of Qianfu really feel Yue-huan. Married to Fuwo, the wealth of the money family, Lian Luyang Houhou government can not match.
       Madam Qian Er heard Lian-jia coming, and there were three people in the first place. At the moment, there was some embarrassment in my heart. I can think of Yue-huan. The ‘Madam’ of the second ‘Madam’ immediately raised her waist.
       Zhou Yue is 'sister-in-law'. The three people are naturally based on her. I saw Madam Qian’s ‘Madam’ immediately questioning: "I know that the second ‘Madam’ is missing her grandson, but the second ‘Madam’ can’t be confused by a Servant. I will turn off my four Mei Mei. I don’t know what Madam Qian II is doing?”
       Madam Qian Er was annoyed, but she did not dare to offend Zhou Yue and Yue-Bing. She could only say: "If you don't punish her, you can't convince the public." Zhou Yue said coldly: "Since Madam Qian Er said that the evidence is conclusive, and that, let us know how to personally prove the evidence.
       Madam Qian II was too strong because of Zhou Yue and Yue-Bing, and only responded to the request of two people, and promised to re-examine.
       Servant came over: "Second ‘Madam’, three less Nai-Nai is here."
       When the moon came in, everyone stunned, and saw Yue-huan wearing a white-colored face-painting flower plaque, a stone-blue quilt on the outside, and a lake-hanging plain dress underneath. Simple and simple hairpin, no jewelry on the whole body is worn, and it is simple to dress up in the moon, but it does not damage her beauty.
       Zhou Yue first spoke: "Four Mei Mei, Madam Qian said that you are murdering the child, what is going on?"
       Yue-huan vetoed: "I didn't do anything like this."
       Madam Qian Er said: "Come on, bring Tsui up."
       Yue-huan is in the money house, it is very gentle to the next person, and there is no insulting and blaming. Face concubine Yue-huan can also disappear without seeing it. Yue-Yao actually does not want the room to be separated from himself. In the eyes of the Qian family, Yue-huan is somewhat weak, and today’s Yue-huan breaks the views of the people. Yue-huan stands in the face of the accusation of Tsui, and raises many questions. The problem is sharper than one.
       Tsui was questioned urgently. The words of the preface were not followed, and the loopholes were full. Yue-huan quickly cleared up his suspicion. At the same time, Yue-huan came up with enough evidence to prove that the real murderer was another mother-in-law. Concubine used to be the personal Servant of Madam Qian.
       Things have come to the fore, and Madam Qian’s face is ugly, but she hasn’t said anything.
       Zhou Yue three people went to the courtyard with the moon, and did not wait for Zhou Yue to ask: "If you have evidence to prove that you are innocent, why wait until today."
       Yue-huan smiled and said: "My mother-in-law did not listen to my defense. I heard that the Servant came up with the so-called evidence that I had murdered Song concubine and put me under house arrest."
       Yue-Bing thought of himself from Yue-huan, and unfortunately encountered a difficult mother-in-law: "Don't think so much, it will be fine."
       Yue-Yao think about going back with Yue-Bing with Zhou Yue, but it was finally left by Yue-huan. There is no third person in the house. The Ying-huan asked directly: "Three sisters, I want to know five. What is the ending of Prince?” Yue-huan knows that Yue-Yao is proud of the 'temperament'. If he does not marry the money home, Yue-Yao will definitely not have an impression on the money family. But Wuzi is different, then how Without knowing it, Yue-Yao can't possibly know the five things of Prince.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I didn't lie to you. I am in the ancestral hall. I don't know what's going on outside. But from the current situation, I can be sure that the last person will not be 5th Prince, and the money family is so unassuming in the future. There will be no good endings.” Qianfu has offended a lot of people. Once the five Wangzis who have climbed down, those people will definitely fall into the wrong place. The decline of the money family is certain, but I don’t know how serious it will be.
       Yue-huan eyes widened and looked at Yue-Yao. He stayed in the ancestral hall for ten years. What happened to Yue-Yao in the last life: "Three sisters..."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "The past is like a cigarette. I don't have to mention it again. I don't think it is so simple. Do you have anything to say to us?"
       Yue-huan nodded: "In fact, the real murderer is the shi-nu of my mother-in-law's family. Zhao Fanger's family had an accident. Zhao Linger came to go to my mother-in-law. She is now arrogant. If she wants to marry a good family, she will not marry. The idea of ​​making money, my mother-in-law knows, but it does not stop, but Zhao Linger is not very concerned, she may not be willing to be embarrassed, so I want to frame me."
       Yue-Yao didn't understand the meaning of Yue-huan: "Is she thinking that you can let the money family take you off?" This is too whimsical, let alone the child is not killed by Yue-huan, even if it is the poisonous hand under Yue-huan. The money family did not dare to take a break from the moon.
       Yue-huan Said: "If I sit down on this crime, her position of the 2nd House is proper. I have her handle in my hand. The reason why I didn't say it is because I want her to do something for me. ""
       Yue-Yao asked: "What?"
       Yue-huan corner has crossed a bit of bitterness: "Hong Brother has been four years old, but I can only see him when I ask him. Every time I see him, my heart hurts like a knife. I am the biggest. The wish is to bring Honggee back, this time is an opportunity."
       Yue-Yao thought about it later: "You still have to think about it. If you try to get a skin with your tiger, you may be hurt by a tiger in the end."
       Yue-huan has been considered early: "The three sisters don't have to worry about me, I have a lot of thoughts." She has no feelings about the money. Zhao Linger wants to give money to her, why should she stop, as long as Honggeer is good, Zhao Linger and Qian Tuo concubine doesn't matter how to toss. As for the future, the money family has not been rich for a few years, and there is no need to say anything in the future.
       Yue-huan left Yue-Yao, which made Yue-Bing feel a bit uncomfortable: " Mama, what do you say about Yue-huan and Yue-Yao?"
       Cui Mama shook her head: "The old servant can't guess."
       Yue-Bing whispered: " Mama, do you say that Yue-huan is telling Yue-Yao about the snack shop?" Yue-Yao said that the snack shop is Weiwei, but in the eyes of outsiders It’s Yue-Yao, this snack shop to Weikai is now very Famous in Capital City. It can be said that the day is getting into the gold. With the red fire of the shop, the rumors are naturally more. One of the rumors is that the shop is The recipes for those delicious snacks are all provided by Yue-huan.
       Madam Qian Er is obsessed with this rumor, so she is very disliked with the daughter-in-law who is outside the -maid.
       Cui Mama is actually rumored to be outside. The shop is definitely a share of Yue-huan. It’s just that the parties don’t admit it. They don’t say anything. Cui Mama said: “The old servants don’t know, However, since 3rd Miss said that she would not do business, she should not talk about the shop. Madame, 4th Miss also gave Madam a lot of good ideas. The income in these years is also good." Cui Mama This reminds Yue-Bing that it is enough to be profitable. Don't be too greedy.
       Yue-Bing smiled.
       It’s time for the warm spring season.
       The wind is beautiful and the scenery is beautiful. Yue-Yao has some regrets. If she doesn't care about her children, she really wants to go out and walk.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao concerns are a bit funny: “You can’t say it, and the 3rd Brother are also strong and healthy. You want to go out and take them with you.” Xiang Wei thinks that children should not Too sweet, whether it is a boy or a girl, you need to start training from an early age. Only when the foundation is laid down in a small time, the foundation is truly firm.
       Yue-Yao is worried that taking the children out and blowing the cold wind will not be a good cold.
       Wei Wei smiled: "As you say, where can the children of the farm be alive? Go, take the children to Zhuangzi! Just let Ke-Xin know what life is in the farm." An Zhi-yu is not in Capital City. Yue-Yao It doesn't matter if you take your child to Zhuangzi.
       Yue-Yao was moved to Wei: "Let me think about it."
       Yue-Yao didn't think about it. He heard Ma Chengteng fall ill again. Yue-Yao got the news and rushed to The Ma House. When he arrived at The Ma House, he knew that Ma Chengteng was not relapsed, but was ill. The soup family has to take the Tang-shi back to marry again.
       Yue-Yao was shocked, but she couldn't help but look at the angry Ma Chengteng. She said that she had just let Ma Chengteng get angry for a long time, and Ma Peng came back.
       Ma Chengteng called in disgust: "Get out, I don't have such a filial son like you." Tang Jia dare to ask for a Tang-shi remarriage, as long as Ma Peng expressed opposition, Tang family will definitely dispel this thought, but the problem is that Ma Peng did not oppose it or agree with it. He only said that he would make his own decision by Tang-Shi.
       It’s a good reason to let your widowed brother-in-law remarriage.
       Yue-Yao just wanted to open his  Mouth, but Ma Peng said: "Cousin, you go out, you don't want to intervene!" Ma Peng did not want Yue-Yao to touch these messy things.
       Yue-Yao sighed low and went out.
       After leaving Yue-Yao, Ma Peng said: “marry the husband, and then marry him, the soup family wants the Tang-shi to remarriage, the Tang-shi is also willing to remarriage, why should we stop? When this wicked person." Ma Peng did not understand, Tang-Shi himself to remarriage, he did not object to what became a heinous. Ma Chengteng listened to the words and almost breathlessly said: "Have you ever thought about your brother, Tang-Shi remarried, what do you want to do?"
       Ma Peng looked very indifferent: “- brother is the son of Ma family, no Tang-shi, we can raise him up, hey, Tang-shi insists on remarriage, if I am strong Blocking, I don’t know what I thought of him."
       Ma Chengteng was stunned by this statement.
       Yue-Yao met Zhuang Ruolan and asked: "Well, how do you want to remarriage the two watches? What is going on here?" It’s not Yue-Yao opposition to the second marriage, but the general room has children. Will not be remarried, now my brother is 11 years old, and after five or six years, I will marry my ‘Madam’. Tang-Shi is remarried at this time, it is a bit weird.
       Zhuang Ruolan shook his head and said: "I only knew this thing yesterday. The Tang family wants to marry your second form to the military officer of the surname. It is said that the military officer of this surname has gone to the Tang family for the first two years, but the public has always been Do not agree." Zhuang Ruolan also feels inexplicable!
       Yue-Yao looked at the tangled flowers on the tea cover, and the Tang-shi wanted to let the Tang-shi remarriage for the benefit. This can be understood: "Is the two watches promised to marry?"
       Zhuang Ruolan also felt that this was a mystery: "I heard her say that she is willing to remarriage. Since she is willing, we are not forced to stay with her."
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "The so-called widow is difficult, and the Tang-shi wants to remarriage. It is also that I don't want to be alone and cold, and it is not a big deal to remarriage." Ma Yue has died for so many years. It is understandable that the Tang-shi wants to remarriage.
       Yue-Yao was busy transferring the topic: "Is the cousin promised?"
       Zhuang Ruolan nodded and said: "When your cousin heard this, I asked my own doctor-shi. I heard that Tang-shi also wanted to remarriage. He didn't want to take care of this."
       Yue-Yao went back home with a lawsuit.
       He said to Wei Le: "If you really want to know, I am going to check it out." Not to mention Yueyao, she also feels curious, if she guessed it is good, it must be awkward, or soup  Shi how to promise this marriage.
       Xiang Wei person has not yet found a result. Ma family has already had a resolution. Ma Chengteng agreed to let the Tang-shi return to her family’s remarriage, but the Tang-shi can only take half of the dowry, leaving Half of it must be left to my brother.
       There is no disagreement about the Tang-shi, and all the animals are left to the Tiangan shop. These industries have not given Zhuang Ruolan, and they are directly kept by Ma Chengteng.
       Tang-Shi returned to her family's second day to set the wedding date. The original wedding ceremony will be very low-key, but this song does not know how to think about it, so it is for the relatives and friends. The post said that it was necessary to smash the ‘Madam’ into the door, and could not grieve the Tang-shi.
       Ma Chengteng was not interested in it. After listening to this matter, he was ill.
       Not long after, Wei Wei said to Yue-Yao with a strange look: "Do you know why Tang-Shi is willing to remarriage?"
       Yue-Yao is the most annoying to Wei to like to sell off.
       Surprisingly to Wei Wei, he said: "This song has been seen in the Hualin Temple. It has been reading the Tang-shi, and I have been reading it. If you didn't bite it, you are afraid that it is a Tang-shi married to him early. However, I did not expect that this song is also a person who does not stop aiming, and waited for four years."
       Yue-Yao said impatiently: "The focus is on words." She is not interested in listening to the story of Qu Chengye hardships, she just wants to know why Tang-Shi promised to remarriage.
       Xiang Wei thinks that the people in Tang’s family are all wonderful: “Before the Qu Chengye did not dare to be an official because of your obscurity, so I dare not change. Now that you are a singer, he can’t help it.” Pause, I saw Yue-Yao ugly face and said with a smile: "Qu Chengye made a good deal with the Tang-shi, and deliberately made a good deal with the Tang family, and then set the trap to cover the soup."
       Yue-Yao couldn't help but say: "What I want to know now is, why does Tang-Shi promise to remarriage?" Tang-Shi didn't want to remarriage, and Laozi Tang promised no use.
       Xiang Wei deliberately hanged Yue-Yao appetite: "The next words are a bit filthy, are you sure you really want to listen? If you don't want to listen, I won't say it."
       Yue-Yao put a face on his face: "You said."
       Xiang Wei especially likes to look at Yue-Yao with a face and feels very funny: "Qu Chengye forced the Tangda Master to ask him to create an opportunity for him to meet with Tang-shi."
       Yue-Yao face changed instantly: “Do you mean that two people have an affair?”
       Xiang Wei nodded: "Well, I don't know the specific process. I can't hear it, but I know that Tang-shi has been pregnant for more than a month." As for whether it is persecution or voluntary. Then, only the Tang-shi knows.
       Yue-Yao face is red and blue, blue and purple, and it is beautiful.
       Wei Wei said: "You are so funny, what is this about you? As for letting you become like this? Qu Chengye is a widower, Tang-shi is a widow, and the two are quite good!" Pre Marital pregnancy is a spit, but at least it is not a red apricot, and people are about to become close relatives and become legal couples.
       Yue-Yao is considering whether to tell Ma Chengteng and Ma Peng about this matter, but if this idea comes up, it will be given. If you say this, it will be a Tang-shi, if you know this. I am afraid that I must be mad at death.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "This is a matter for the Ma family. You don't want to mix it, and you never thought about it. How savvy Zhuang Ruolan is, I don't believe she will not notice it. The reason why she pretends to be mute is not to be exposed. It is nothing more than leaving a path to the Tang-shi."
       As Wei Wei expected, Zhuang Ruolan has already guessed according to the clues that the Tang-shi has a private feeling with Qu Chengye, but she does not want to do things, so she does not know, because this thing shakes off Come out, Tang-shi is definitely not alive, Ma Chengteng will definitely not let her live. Ma Peng also knew that this incident was flawed, but he did not have much affection for Ma Yueben. Later, he dreamed of the vicious things that Ma Yue and Cheng-shi had done to him in his dreams. The feelings disappeared without a trace, leaving only disgust, even though it is not easy to know that this thing, he also only eyes closed and did not know.
       Tang-Shi returned to her family for less than half a month to marry, and the wedding day of the marriage is also riding a high horse to meet the bride, carrying the bride who lifted the eight cars, this is the second marriage, such a It’s almost like getting married.
       Qu Chengye wedding, naturally, has become a talk of the capital. It seems that Wei is deliberately paired with Yue-Yao. She knows that Yue-Yao doesn’t like to listen, but also deliberately said in front of Yue-Yao. Yu-Yao almost turned his face.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao cold face and said with a smile: "Forget it, I will tell you a happy event. Lian Yue-huan will get what he wants, and the child will be from Zhao-Shi I want to come back." The mother-in-law is really a very annoying creature, so from this point of view, it is also a good thing to marry a small group. In any case, Ming-zhu will definitely not give it a bitter taste.
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei Wei: "What is this good thing?"
       Xiang Weihe smiled and said: "When is it good to go to Zhuangzi? Now it is March, we will stay in Zhuangzi for a month or two and come back." There are too many bad things in Capital City. Weiwei thinks that it is still Yue-Yao. It’s good to go to Zhuangzi. On the Zhuangzi, Yue-Yao draws a few paintings, and the mood is natural.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "No, Lin-Shi is going to be born soon. What do I like when I go to Zhuangzi at this time? After Lin-Shi is born, it is not too late."
       Xiang Wei said very cheerfully this time: "Cheng, wait for Lin-Shi child to wash three, we went to Zhuangzi, and I haven't relaxed for a long time." To be busy with shops, bring children, Occasionally I have to study my own poison, she is also very tired!
       Xiang Wei promise was so refreshing because she knew that Lin-Shi had been produced in the past few days and could be postponed for a maximum of two days. In the day of the day, the blink of an eye passed: "I heard that my son will be born in advance, and my daughter will generally be delayed for a few days. I think Lin-Shi is definitely a daughter."
       Yue-Yao did not care to say: "There is nothing wrong with the result of flowering first." She is also the daughter of the Master, the son who was born later, and Yueyao is not a patriarchal person.
       He said to Wei Le: "You are so open, and your daughter-in-law will be blessed in the future."
       Xiang Wei is speechless, and the woman in the backyard does not want the right to feed, but Yue-Yao feels that it is a bitter, and there are such wonderful people.
       Yue-Yao heard this and his eyes lit up: "You don't feel that it is a hardship to take care of the middle school? Cheng, that starts from tomorrow, you help me with the housekeeper."
       When Yue-Yao words are finished, Xiang Wei is a flash, joking, she would rather bring three stinky boys than to control the house, and she must deal with those trivial things every day. She must live for ten years.
       Lin Qing yi was still unhappy because he had not lived before the expected date of birth. Lin Madam simply lived in Lian Mansion. With Lin Madam's company, Lin Qing yi still supported.
       Tingzheng is dissatisfied with Lin Qing yi, but now Lin Qing yi is about to produce. The woman's production is a ghost gate. If the court is not busy, he will return to the government to accompany Lin Qing .
       After being disliked by Yue-Yao, Lin Qing xi discovered what he was proud of. People dismissed them and suffered a blow. Lin Qing yi also put down the shelf and tried to control his temper and did not argue with the court. Do not say Yue-Yao, the husband and ‘Madam’ get along well.
       Yue-Yao was punching in the morning and got the news that Lin Qing yi was born.
       Yue-Yao heard Lin Qing yi started in the middle of the night, not so fast, continued to punch, waited for the boxing to wear clothes for children and then used the breakfast, she slowly passed.
       Yue-Yao still heard the deafening crying when he didn't enter the yard. He couldn't help but frown his brow. Now he is so loud. When there is still strength in the production, he enters the yard. Yue-Yao sees the court. Standing in the house, his forehead was full of sweat and walked anxiously in the yard.
       Ting is seeing Yue-Yao, as if I saw the savior: "Sister, you are going in and seeing Qing Family! Sister..." Yue-Yao is not going well during production. This is very clear, and the court is thinking. Let Yue-Yao help Lin Qing yi to teach his experience, but he doesn't know how to speak.
       Yue-Yao saw the thoughts of Tingzheng and said: "I am not willing to help, but this kind of thing depends on people physique. When Ming-zhu was a small squad, it was also painful for two days. "Yue-Yao is closely related to Ming-zhu. Ting Zheng is very clear. Yue-Yao means that if she has a way, Ming-zhu will not be tossed by those."
       Yue-Yao has long known that Lin Qing yi will not go well during the production. The reason is very simple. In the early stages of pregnancy, he had a miscarriage of fetal gas. Later, he made so many things, and he was suspicious all day long. If she could smoothly smooth the child It’s strange to be born.
       Yue-Yao has been guarding, can't do anything, can't talk to people, can't read books, can only sit in the yard and wait, it's very difficult, just like this, from the morning until the evening, Lin Qing xi is still not born. Come down.
       Yue-Yao Rao is expected, I can hear that Wen Po said that Lin Qing yi is difficult to produce, her face has also changed, and the whole person is stunned.
       The waiting time was particularly long. After midnight, the child was still not born. The maternity came out from the delivery room and asked the Daren to protect the child. The court was cold and could not say anything.
       Yue-Yao said without hesitation: "Protect the big man." If the child is gone, he can no longer be pregnant. The grown-up is gone, but nothing is gone.
       When the court heard Yue-Yao words, it was like a return to the soul. He called: "I want to be an Daren." The ‘Madam’ and the child, he does not want to lose.
       Yue-Yao didn't talk anymore.
       Weng looked hesitantly at Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao said: "According to what he said." Yue-Yao is actually very clear. If it is Bao Da, Lin Qing yi will definitely not have anything, but if he wants to protect Darens want to protect their children, Darens and children have to bear huge risks, one is not careful, afraid that Darens and children can not keep.
       Yue-Yao said to himself: "I hope everything goes well!" She didn't like Lin Qing yi anymore, and never thought about letting Lin Qing yi die.
       The maternity said hesitantly: "If you want to protect your child and Darens, you have to use extraordinary means, just in case..."
       The court is looking at the maternity, and it looks like it can eat people: "There will be no one." Qing yi will be fine, and his children will be fine.
       The maternity looked at Yue-Yao, Yue-Yao. At this time, she didn't have any expression, and she didn't even speak a word. She is an outsider and is not qualified to make decisions here.
       The stable woman said this: "Since the Darens say so, then I will try the final method." If this method is useless, then it can only be said to be God.
       Fortunately, the method used by the stable woman played a role, the child was born, Lin Qing yi was fine, and the mother and daughter were safe.
       Ting Zheng went to the door to see his daughter, some disappointed, but Xin was beautiful when he was born, but his daughter was crumpled, but it was not as good as when he was born!
       Yue-Yao heard her mother and daughter returning to her home after peace. Since the last incident, Yue-Yao has not interfered with anything in this house.
       Yue-Yao went home and saw the three sons who were sleeping, and said in a mosquito-like voice: "I am really lucky to say it." Everyone is so hard, and she can make three successes. It’s a great blessing.
       It’s weak to Wei Wei: “You know it now? If it’s not too easy for you, is it so angerful for Ming-zhu?” Others have children and half foot into the gate, Yue-Yao is like eating, so simple. I have never seen such a blessed person.
       Yue-Yao feels that it is estimated that she has lived too miserable in her life. God has pity on her, so she has suffered less from her life.
       The next day, Yue-Yao handled the things in his house. Hearing that Lin Qing yi woke up, Yue-Yao did not personally visit Lin Qing yi except for the fact that he had sent some herbs.
       Lin Madam is very dissatisfied with Yue-Yao attitude of being so indifferent. He also specially applied eye drops to Yue-Yao before the front of the court.
       Ting Zheng said faintly: "My sister came from early in the morning and stayed until midnight. I didn't go back to see a few children in the middle. I didn't go back until the mother-in-law was safe. I didn't come over today. It's definitely not that she didn't want to come over. It is exhausted."
       Lin Madam listened to this statement and was very uncomfortable. Lian Yue-Yao had worked hard from yesterday morning to midnight. She began to work from the expected date of the Qing Family. She has not worked hard until today. Madam is smarter than Lin Qing qing. She doesn't vent her dissatisfaction in her heart. Her heart is unhappy, but she feels distressed on the face: "You haven't closed your eyes for two days. Go to sleep! I don't have to worry about it."
       Ting Zheng nodded: "Well, mother-in-law, if something happens, you call me."

       Chapter 477   

       The hesitant hesitated and said something to Yue-Yao: "Sister, Qing Han has a hard time giving birth, and the doctor said that it is very difficult to get pregnant again."
       Yue-Yao stunned: "What should I do?" Lian-jia the 2nd House can extend a son. If Lin Qing can't live, who will inherit the incense? Do you want to continue? Even if the delay is willing, it is estimated that Yan Yi and Yan Li are not willing.
       After a long silence, he said: "I want to slow down first. After two or three years, my body can’t be recovered. I will."
       Yue-Yao sighed softly: "You deal with it yourself, my sister will not intervene!" She can help her brother-in-law, but she will definitely not help to choose Small Concubine. She didn't want to let Ann's help, how could she pick up Small Concubine for Yanzheng.
       Yan Yan’s heart is blocked, he certainly wants a donkey, but Lin Qing can’t live. He can only be jealous of incense, but Concubine child was born shorter than others: “Sister, shi-zi Playing in the house?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "No, Wei took them out to play outside."
       Xiang Wei took three small things every day, and the three children just learned to walk. Wei Wei was walked on the ground by several children. When he fell, he didn’t help people to get up. The children climbed up. Every time I get back like a mud monkey, I have to take a shower and change clothes when I come back. Three small points must change at least three sets of clothes every day.
       Yue-Yao words fell, and Wei brought three children back. Yan Zheng looked at the three heads and the grass, and all of them were muddy shi-zis. They asked: "What happened? What happened?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Nothing, take them to Wei Te to go out to play!" Although this game is somewhat unacceptable, but Yue-Yao feels that it makes sense to Wei, the boy should be beaten more. to make.
       Flowers Mama and other people have already had experience, saw three mud monkeys, immediately hit the water and hugged the children to clean the room.
       Yan Zheng listened to the original, his eyes were a bit complicated: "The child is still small!" I didn't feel much before, but now I can see three scorpions swimming and jumping, and then I think that I may not have a scorpion in my life.
       Yue-Yao saw the thoughts of Yanzheng and asked: "Is Lin-Shi and Lin family know? If you don't know, it is better not to tell her. The moon is not sitting well, but it will be old. Suffered from a big sin."
       Yanzheng listened to Yue-Yao words, and my heart became more and more sad: "I haven't told them yet, I will prepare for a while." At least Lin Xi body has to be raised.
       Yue-Yao clicked on the head: "What happened to the foreigner, is there any eyebrows?"
       Yanzheng hesitated and said: "The meaning of His Highness is to let me go to Haikou. If there is no mistake, I will have a result in this month." This was originally confidential, but he could be Yu-Yao. Do not hide.
       Yue-Yao looks stiff. Wherever it is, it is going to Haikou. The cleansing of Haikou five years ago allowed the forces in Haikou to re-wash. Duanwang is the most profitable in cleaning. Duanwang has made a lot of Yue-Yao-Yao don't know, but Yue-Yao knows that Wan-An County Owner also earned a full pot, which is from Wan-An County Owners never know how to wear heavy clothes and heavy jewelry.
       Delayed and asked carefully: "Sister, what is wrong with you?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and nodded. "Well, I remember that you don't seem to swim, and I don't know if you are stunned by boat?"
       Yanzheng really didn't know how to swim. He grew up in Capital City and grew up in the capital. One of the dry ducks: "When I go to Haikou, I can definitely learn to swim." As for seasickness, I will definitely get dizzy when I go to adapt, but I can adapt to it.
       Xiang Wei heard that Yan Zheng is likely to be released outside Haikou. It seems like laughing and laughing: "9th Prince abacus is really good. Sending others to be afraid of being squeezed out is a very suitable candidate."
       Yue-Yao understands the meaning of Wei, and the reason why Jiu Prince sent Yan to Haikou, 80% because of the reason of An Zhi. The chief of the Haikou Corps is An Lao Taiye. Ann Lao Taiye has always valued the security of Ang, and Anzhen has taken care of the Yanzheng. As long as Ann is at the time when Too Lao Taiye looks after the delay, it is much easier to extend the heel in Haikou.
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "How can we not get through this dispute!"
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is worrying: "As long as you can stay safe, you have a lot of worry."
       Not to mention that the extension is only for the 9th Prince, even if it is the arm of the 9th Prince, as long as the security does not work for the 9th Prince, the future storm will not be able to roll up Yue-Yao.
       When the child washes three, Yue-Yao is definitely going to be an aunt. When adding pots, Yue-Yao put a plum plum in the basin. This addition to the basin is only average, but Yue-Yao meeting for the children is very expensive, a gold collar, a pair of gold bracelets, and two brocades.
       Lin Qing yi wanted to talk to Yue-Yao, but Yue-Yao went back after giving the ceremony. The excuse is also very easy to find, the child did not look after the home, she has to go back to look after the child.
       Stone-Pozi said: "-Young Madam, you will have to be close to the aunt-Nai-Nai in the future."
       Lin Qing yi experienced the last thing. When she saw Yue-Yao, she didn't have the confidence: "I will talk about it later!" Although she was mistakenly contacted, she was approved by Yue-Yao, in this case. How can she make a good deal with Yue-Yao, she is not so thick.
       Stone-Pozi lips squirmed, but eventually nothing was said. Stone-Pozi Although I don't know what the doctor said to the Lord, but the stable woman told her privately that Miss's production was injured and must be well conditioned for several years to produce. If a woman does not have a son, her mother will be sad again. If you can make good friends with Yue-Yao, you will have more supporters in the future. If it is such a cold relationship, it will still be the owner of the family.
       Lin Qing xi did not know the stone-Pozi worry, looking at Miss, who was so hard to give birth, Lin Qing zhen's face was full of loving smiles.
       Late in the evening, Lin Qing yi asked: "Wu, is the child's name taken?"
       In the eyes of Yan Zheng, he flashed it. He wanted to let Yue-Yao give the child a name, but Yue-Yao refused. Yan Zheng said: "I haven't thought about it yet, what about you? What kind of name is it?" Yan Zheng felt that the two sisters who gave their cousin's name to the cousin's family had a good name, not only good intentions, but also the name and meaning of the heart. All are very good, but unfortunately my sister is not willing to help with the name because of the gap with Qing .
       There was a bitter bitterness in the heart of Yan Zheng. In the past, my sister thought about him thinking about him, but now he feels that the distance between the 2nd Brother is getting farther and farther. He didn't want to be like this, but he found out how hard he tried and changed the situation.
       Lin Qing Xiao smiled and said: "Mother gave me a name, called Yu Ting. The meaning is smooth and gentle, and Ting is good, I think this name is very good, Fu Jun, what do you think?"
       Yan Zheng felt that the name was very common, because there was a lot of yelling, but he couldn’t think of a better name in the country. He said vaguely at the moment: "It’s natural that my mother-in-law got the name."
       Lin Qing xi said with joy and joy: "I will be called Yu Ting after that."
       Stone-Pozi stood in the blink of an eye. Miss has a smooth ride at home, never need to look at the human eye, so his master will not look at it. My grandfather obviously felt that the name was not good, but his master did not notice the mind of his grandfather.
       When Yan Ting was half a month old, Yan Zheng received an appointment from the court, and a military camp in Haikou was the chief of the camp.
       Yue-Yao feels that this position is a little lower: "Isn't it said that the third-class guards of the Imperial Army are all six official positions? Yanzheng saved 9th Prince life and became a second-class guard. How can it be a five-piece?" ”
       Xiang Wei seems to say: "You shouldn't think that An Zhi-zhen is now in the middle of the age of twenty-four, thinking that everyone is like him, there are five products in less than twenty?"
       Yue-Yao said with dissatisfaction: "Now is the extension, what do you do with Yue?"
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "The oil and water of the ordinary soldiers in Haikou is good, not to mention the military officers. The Yanzheng can get the six products, but also the 9th Prince in the Ministry of War!" In Haikou, whether it is a civilian or a military officer, it is very Hot.
       Yue-Yao didn't talk: "There are pirates in Haikou, and it is dangerous to go to Haikou."
       Xiang Wei reminded Yue-Yao: "Don't say this in front of three children in the future. There is no risk in doing anything, that is, sitting at home is also a disaster!" Wei Wei really worried because Yue-Yao is timid The cowardly was learned by three children.
       Yue-Yao pointed to himself and asked: "I am timid and weak?" Although she did not cause trouble, Yue-Yao asked herself that she was definitely not a timid person.
       Leave Wei to Yu-Yao for a head.
       Yue-Yao took a deep breath and ran to the study room to write a big character to slow down: "Besides me, who else has received this temper." This temper is still married, which man dares?
       Xiang Wei stood in the door and said quietly: "I seem to hear someone saying that I am bad?"
       Yue-Yao was scared to smash the pen in his hand. He saw it as Wei Wei. He said with no anger at the moment: "You don't know people are scary, scared to death?" Lian didn't have a sound, like a ghost.
       Wei Wei said: "Nothing is wrong, what are you afraid of? Have you ever seen you afraid before?" Xiang Wei felt that Yue-Yao is now more and more courageous.
       Yue-Yao is too lazy to argue with Wei, and I don’t know what is going on. This-Yatou is getting more and more surprised now, and she is always scared: "Hurry to look after the children, I will practice again. Will word."
       Turned to Wei and went out to the door and said, "I have never seen you so lazy. I don’t know if these children are born to me." Now, most of the time to Wei is spent in three small days. The radish head is on the body. Compared to Yue-Yao, three small radish heads like her, which makes Wei Wei very fulfilling.
       Yue-Yao didn't eat this vinegar. She helped her see the child, saving her how much she said: "There are so many words, take care of the children."
       Being interrupted by Wei, Yue-Yao didn't want to practice words, and he didn't have the mood to paint. He simply took a book and watched it until he heard the child crying.
       The most troublesome thing for the three children is the Xu Brother. In contrast, the elder brother is much more clever. This time, the crying is the old three Xu Brother.
       As soon as Xu Brother saw Yue-Yao, the crying was even louder. As soon as she arrived in Yue-Yao arms, the boy would not cry immediately. This crying is really free.
       Xiang Wei saw that Xu Brother didn't cry when he arrived in Yue-Yao arms. He smiled and said: "This little conscience, white has been with him for a long time."
       Hao Mama smiled and said: "This is called the mother and son Lian heart."
       On the second day after the full moon of Yuting, Yue-Yao sent away the day of Yanzheng and took the child to his own village.

       Chapter 478   

       September is the season of autumn and autumn, and it is also a fruitful season.
       Ke-Xin stood under the grape rack and directed the Servant to pick up the ripe grapes on the shelf. Picking a small scorpion grape, Ke-Xin personally washed a plate to the main courtyard.
       You can see the courtyard quietly and ask Gu You: "Is the girl painting again?"
       Xu-Yu was married by Yue-Yao two years ago, and married to the son of the shopkeeper in the snack shop; Xi-juan also married, and married a scholar. The two are not in the house now, and most of the things in the yard are handled by Gu You and Gu Lan.
       Gu You smiled and nodded: "Well, Madam is painting in the studio, and she is going out with 3rd Young Masters."
       But Xin did not bother Yue-Yao, but put the grapes down and returned to his yard. Before returning, he said: "When the mother and the younger brother come back, you can tell me."
       Gu You nodded: "Good."
       Xiang Wei took three children to go shopping. Since the appearance of the kidnappers, he has also raised his vigilance against Wei. He did not dare to take it lightly because he has martial arts. Now he comes out with three children, except for the family members who follow, three Everyone has a personal guard around them, just to guard against unexpected situations.
       The 3rd Brother of the brother-in-law are now five years old, and they have begun to understand things. The brother-in-law asked Yang Wei said:
        “why not bring your sister out to play together?"
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Chen Xin wants to learn embroidery with Master , no time." In fact, the main reason is not that Xinxin is not available, but Yue-Yao is not allowed to always go out, how to teach three sons to Wei, Yue Ya generally does not interfere: but Yue-Yao is not allowed to intervene in Wei.
       Yue-Yao has always felt that the 'temperament' of the Wei is like a man. It is no problem to teach the three sons of this kind of temper. But if you teach it, it is a big problem. The woman should be quiet, not to mention Wei is that she is considered another class. Yue-Yao doesn't want to learn both of them. So, don't look at Xinxin, who is six years old, but also very busy, not only to educate and learn the rules and etiquette, but also to follow Master learning characters, in addition to embroidered embroidery with embroidered mothers, as for the poetry and poetry of the chess and calligraphy, but in addition to some interest in the ‘zither’, other interests are lacking, so, Xin can learn the ‘zither’ every two days.
       Yue-Yao came out of the studio and saw the quiet in the yard. On most days, the three children were at home, and the courtyard was too busy: "The sky is going to be dark, and Wei has not brought three children back?"
       Before the valley was still open, I heard a crisp cry outside: "Mother, we are back."
       Yue-Yao smiled, the three children are five years old, so big enough to see their own, the brother is a loyal and honest type, Fae Brother is smart and eager to learn, Xu Ji is smart, and Xu Brother  Mouth Very sweet and very flattering.
       When I saw Yue-Yao, I immediately rushed to the arms of the moon, and called cheerfully: "Mom, I miss you, mother, have you missed me?"
       Yue-Yao taught the 3rd Brother to read the words particularly harshly. On most days, they were barely considered to be mothers. Yue-Yao scraped the nose of Xu Brother and said, "Is it good to play outside?"
       Xu Brother quickly nodded: "It’s fun, mother, you will go with us tomorrow, okay?" If every day, how good it is with today.
       Yue-Yao did not hold Xu Brother, but instead looked at his brother and Fae Brother and said, "Do you want your mother to take you out to play tomorrow?"
       Hey he is hesitant, if he can go out to play naturally, but the tone of listening to her mother may be wrong!
       Fae Brother shook his head: "Tomorrow still has to practice martial arts, can't go."
       Xu Brother turned a blank eye.
       In the evening, the 3rd Brother are also not allowed to go. Yue-Yao asks each of the three people to write ten characters. This is not difficult for the Brother and the Brother, but it is a torment to the uncle who can’t sit still. Xu Brother is the most lively and active. He wants to play on most days. It is equivalent to asking him to read his books. It is true that Yue-Yao has extremely strict requirements for three people. Every day, he has to arrange his classes, and when he checks. If you do not meet the requirements, you have to double it.
       Xu Brother looked at a stack of cut paper and said faintly: "Big brother, second brother, when did you say that the captain came back? When you come back, I don't have to write big characters!"
       Fae Brother asked very strangely: "How do you know that we don't have to write big characters after we come back?"
       He also looked at Xu Brother.
       Xu Ji said proudly: "Hong Yang said that when he was a child, he did not like to read books, and he hated to write big characters. He had suffered such a hardship, and he was reluctant to let us suffer from such suffering." Hong Yang is a small manager of Hongda. son.
       Cheng Brother  shaking his head: "Mother wants us to write big characters, it is useless to come back." To Wei Wei is very powerful? But to Wei Wei also have to listen to the mother, and it is estimated that I have to listen to the mother.
       Xu Brother is Lian Lian shaking his head and saying: "No, Hong Yang said that you are the head of the family. If you come back, that is"
       When you are the master of the house, you have the final say.
       Fae Brother smiled and said: "If you don't want to write again, wait for the mother to come over to see the coursework, and find that when you haven't finished writing, don't say that we are not loyal, go to sleep first." Several times Yue-Yao arrangement The class student Xu Brother was not finished, Yue-Yao left Xu Brother, she stayed with her, until she finished her classwork, she only let Xu Ji sleep.
       Xu Brother stunned: "Mother is really true. I will be the same as the generals in the future. What do you learn to do?" When the generals learn martial arts, it is enough. Use it!
       Yue-Yao listened to Xu Brother’s words and turned to Hao Mama. “Go and check, who said this to Xu Ji?” Xiang Wei in front of Yue-Yao Spectrum, but acting in front of the child to Wei is extremely measured, so Yue-Yao is very sure that this is definitely not to Wei.
       Yue-Yao entered the room to check the three-person coursework. The key monitoring object was Xu Brother. Once Xu Brother couldn't finish his classwork, he would help him, but unfortunately he was discovered by Yue-Yao, Yue-Yao. At that time, I was very angry. Not only did I beat the 3rd Brother, but I also punish the 3rd Brother for adding 50 characters. In addition, I also deducted Ying money of the 3rd Brother and all kinds of snacks. With that profound lesson, Xu Brother no longer dared to do the same thing.
       Yue-Yao took the ten characters of Xu Brother and nodded: "There is progress, and we must continue to work hard in the future.
       When I was sleeping at night, Xu Brother took Yue-Yao arm and said: "Mother, I want to hear the story."
       Yue-Yao listened to this face and said, "It’s late, I’ll talk again next time.” Every day, there are so many stories, the most important thing is that Yue-Yao is not good at telling stories. People, so since the child is sensible, Yue-Yao has a headache for telling children stories.
       Xu Brother has some wrongs.
       Gu You said: "3rd Young Master, Madam made a day of painting today, very tired, have to rest early, or else the body can not stand sick."
       When Xu Brother heard this, he still didn't speak. He said, "Mother, let's go to rest! We don't have to listen to the story."
       Fae Brother also said: "Mother, go to sleep! If I don't sleep, I will talk to him with my brother."
       When Xu Brother listened to Fae Brother’s words, he did not dare to call again. In fact, Xu Ji was not afraid of Yue-Yao, and he was not afraid of Wei, but he was afraid of Fae Brother. He had a mischief to make a slap with his brother. Child, my brother is very long-brother's style, did not care with Xu Brother, but Fae Brother was ruined by Xu Brother, and Xu Brother would not dare to let go before Fae Brother.
       Yue-Yao didn't go to sleep, and didn't go out of the yard for a while. Flower Mama took two bowls of glutinous rice and bamboo ribs soup. Two bowls of soup were Yue-Yao, and one bowl was Wei.
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei and added a bowl of soup and asked: "Weird, you said that you can eat so, how can you not get fat?" Xiangwei is twice as much as Yue-Yao, still old on most days. Eating fruit and cakes, etc., but you can't see fat, Yue-Yao will be boring to eat and go there.
       To Wei Desi: "Envy!"
       Gu You interjected in the side: "To sister Wei, Madam don't envy you, Madam is not fat." Yue-Yao is a little fat when he is 3rd Brother. It has been restored, and the body has been kept very good all these years.
       Yue-Yao went to the study room and went to the study room to practice her calligraphy. After practicing for about three quarters of an hour, Yue-Yao came out and made a punch and bathed and slept.
       Xiang Wei shook his head and said: "I have never seen such a woman, they are more busy than the prime minister." Get up in the morning and punch in the morning, accompany the children to practice big characters at night, take the children to sleep, and then practice almost half. The words of the hour, and finally finished a set of punches to sleep, this day is arranged, is not busy than the prime minister!
       Gu You also thinks that Yue-Yao is too busy: "To sister Wei, or you Madam suggested, please come over and teach 3rd Young Masters, so that Madam doesn't have to be so tired. ""
       Xiang Wei shook his head: "Please come back, she is still busy!" In fact, Yue-Yao wanted to ask the Master after his son was three years old, but he was denied to Wei, and Wei felt that the child was still young. Wait until the child is five years old and then ask the husband no later.
       Yue-Yao began to be less willing to worry that he would teach his children to be soft and unable to get rid of his hands. After teaching for a month, he felt that he was still competent, and he has been teaching until now.
       A few days later, Yue-Yao received a letter from Jiang-nan. The letter was written by Master Yushan. In addition to saying some family members, most of them answered the questions raised by Yue-Yao. After looking at the letter, Yue-Yao said: Wei, I want to go to Jiang-nan when I am in the spring of next year." The 3rd Brother of Xinxin and Xiao-er are now big, and it is not a problem to go to Jiang-nan.
       Xiang Wei has always known that Yue-Yao wants to go to Jiang-nan. Originally, he planned to go down to Jiang-nan this spring. As a result, some things were delayed: "Cheng, then I will arrange."
       Yue-Yao intends to stay in Jiang-nan for a while.

       Chapter 479   

       A rage roared from the sky, and then a flash of lightning crossed the sky. Then, the raindrops of the beans fell on the ground and opened a beautiful and short-lived splash. The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the raindrops of the big and small are Lian, which is like the silver dragon colliding with the splash in the crowded space, drawing an irregular curve.
       Yue-huaned the tarpaulin umbrella and walked in the heavy rain. An autumn wind blew through the rain and floated to Yue-huan, which made her chill.
       The moon came to the upper house and asked the ‘Madam’ of the second ‘Madam’.
       Next to Zhao Linger holding his son standing next to Madam Qian Er, Pi Xiao said with a smile: “my sister's clothes are getting wet, mother, you have to let your sister go back to change clothes. If you want to catch cold How can you take care of the big gongzi?"
       Zhao Linger’s  Mouth is sweet and puts it
       It is also a relative of Madam Qian Er, so now is the big red man in front of Madam Qian Er.
       Madam Qian Er said coldly: "You still go back! Save the cold and get sick. When your family comes, people say I am abusing you."
       Yue-huan just married to the money house, and the relationship with Qiantu couple is very good, which makes Madam Qian 2 very eye-catching, afraid that her son has a daughter-in-law forgot her mother, and she took the Servant to her son, and then she gave birth to her son. And because Yue-huan is not willing to put her son to her side to raise two people and fight wits, then because of the relationship of Zhao Linger, the two of them almost tore their faces.
       Yue-huan said faintly: "Thank you for your mother-in-law's concern." The smile on the face of Zhao Lun's face has gradually disappeared. It is also at this time that Yue-huan only knows why Yue-Yao always likes a cloud. The wind is light, because this look is the most irritating, Yue-huan has now learned this with Yue-Yao.
       When the heart rained back to the yard, he was annoyed: " Madam, this Zhao concubine is too much, Madam, you can't go on like this anymore.
       The situation, the people in the house steadily step on the rallies, the situation of Yue-huan and the son Cheng Hong is getting more and more difficult, this is not the official position of the courtesy of the courtesy of the court and the court, the money family is afraid that there is no Yue-huan The son’s foothold.
       Yue-huan smiled and said: "Looking at the sky, Chenghong is coming back soon. I have to go and see if the dishes in the kitchen are finished. Cheng Hong will come back to dinner.
       The family's business, not to care about the attitude of Madam Qian 2 and Qian Tu, etc., the money family is estimated to have finished in the next two years, what she has to do now is to arrange the back road so that there are more chips to protect themselves. With the son, the lives of other people have nothing to do with her.
       The heart rain is no longer talking.
       Not long after, Cheng Hong came back. Cheng Hong is seven years old this year. The rules of Qian Jia are not as big as Lian-jia. They do not stipulate that their children are a few years old. In the past two years, Cheng Hong returned to Yue-huan because of his problems. Yue-huan didn't worry that he went to private school, and he always kept himself to teach himself. Now she will correct these problems around Chenghong, and she will go to the private school.
       When Moon saw her son's face, she smiled. She accompanied Cheng Hong to eat rice. After the meal, she took the test of Cheng Hong's homework, and then looked at Cheng Hong as a teacher's homework.
       The moon touched his son's face and whispered: "Mother is fighting for life and keeping you safe."
       There is no end of the nest, and when the money is over, she can escape the whirlpool with the money and away from it. However, Cheng Hong is not the same. Cheng Hong is the son of the money family. The only thing that Yue-huan is looking forward to is that things fall early. You can use the age of Chenghong to avoid this disaster.
       Ma can be promoted again.
       Yue-Yao heard Ma Peng’s rise to the left of the Ministry of Housing, and was surprised: “The cousin’s official has also risen too fast. It was only promoted at the beginning of last year. How long has it been promoted?” But it is not unusual, it is strange that in just over four years, the time has risen to four, which is too scary.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "This Ma Peng has the Emperor's emphasis on the work, and the ability to handle things is also strong, and the official rises naturally.
       Once the official entered the eyes of the emperor, the official naturally rose faster, but Xiang Wei also felt that this horse is a very good person.
       Xiang Wei thought of this, his heart moved: "Ma Peng can prevent floods in advance, will not be your letter?" Xiang Wei means that Yue-Yao dreams of making big water, then tells Ma Peng, let Ma Peng get Such a meritorious service.
       Yue-Yao stunned: "No, it doesn't matter to me.
       Ma Peng was originally not in the position of the Ministry of the household, just the absence of the left-handed servant of the Ministry of Housing, the emperor Jinkou Yuyan Ma Peng took the post. In recent years, Ma Peng’s career was extremely smooth, and the speed of promotion was similar to that of flying a plane. The emperor’s eyes were transferred to such an important position as the head of the Ministry of Housing, and naturally there are many people who come to the door to please the knot.
       Ma Pengsheng was promoted very quickly, but he was increasingly low-key with the promotion of his official position. This time he was promoted to such a big event, he did not ask for a drink, but just posted a message to Yue-Yao, saying that It is enough for people to have a meal.
       Yue-Yao saw Ma Linlin when she arrived at The Ma House. Ma Linlin is now the mother of three children. She has two women and one man. With the position of Ma Peng, Ma Linlin’s position in Qiao family has become more and more stable. It is.
       Yue-Yao saw Ma Linlin’s interest in Zhuang Ruolan. Some emotions, time is really a terrible thing. She can completely change a person. Before, Ma Linlin looked down on her big cousin from the bottom of her heart. At that time, Ma Linlin and He Zeng I think that one day she still has to rely on this big brother.
       Zhuang Ruolan saw the sweetness around Yue-Yao, don't mention how happy it is: "Can be sweet, come to the mother-in-law." Zhuang Ruolan especially likes Xinxin, before with Yue-Yao, I want to let Xinxin give myself My daughter-in-law, unfortunately, was rejected by Yue-Yao.
       Ma Linlin saw Zhuang Ruolan’s enthusiasm for Ke-Xin, but Zhuang Ruolan’s look at her two daughters was faint. Ma Linlin’s heart was bitter, and Ma Linlin’s experience was now, and her heart was no longer comfortable, but she was smiling. : "Yue-Yao, how do you raise these three children? One by one, like a little tiger, I can see that I have a lot of experience.
       The three sons of Yao are alive and kicking. They are really little tigers.
       Since last year, Wei Wei has let the three children learn martial arts together. According to Yue-Yao, the child’s martial arts is mainly to keep fit, and the martial arts talents go further. No, it doesn’t matter, but Wei Wei I don’t think so, if you want to learn, you have to learn well. Don’t look at Wei Ping’s indulging children’s play. If you don’t care, you can’t use the long whip in Wei hand. People are sore and grin, and under the violent teaching of Wei Wei, the three children are very good, and they rarely get sick.
       After Yue-Yao and other four children were not taken by Servant, they smiled and said all the things they did to Wei: "Remember that when you started martial arts, the three children were all green and purple. Tears can't stop when they are applied to them every night. This situation lasts for more than three months." Yue-Yao said that this is not a bit of water. At that time, three sons were seen. Wei was so miserable that she was almost not prepared to let the children learn martial arts. In fact, there is a little Yue-Yao who can't understand it. It is so easy to start with Wei. But the three children don't mind at all, but they have a very good relationship with Wei. On the contrary, she hit the hands of Xu Brother's hand. Several children are particularly afraid of her. Yue-Yao is wondering, and there is a whip in the heart of the hand.
       Ma Linlin made a chill, and she hurt her son like a golden scorpion. Don't say that she used a whip to smoke. Usually she accidentally touched her and felt distressed for a long time.
       Ma Linlin groaned, and Yue-Yao was afraid that because of her son, she was so tossed, Ma Linlin said: "Yue-Yao, everything has to come slowly, the child is still young, even if she is looking forward to the child. It’s so anxious.” This method is too embarrassing, and Yue-Yao is a mother-in-law. If this is a mother, she must not be drowned by the spit.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I will hand over the child to Weiwei on the same day, and I will not interfere with her.
       I have to cry, and Yue-Yao never said this to Wei.
       Zhuang Ruolan nodded in agreement and said: "Yue-Yao is right to do this. When the mother is stunned, the child can become a talented person. If you have such a mother, then the 3rd Brother will definitely have a good future.
       It is always said that the son can not be born into a woman's hand, because the woman is easy to be soft, and she does not want the child to suffer from sin. But where can the child not suffer from suffering and sin? Can it be a child? This is not a child, Yu-Yao can do this. Teaching children is good for children!
       Ma Linlin looks a bit unnatural.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "You don't know, the 3rd Brother of Wei Brother are getting up every day on most days. They can only go to sleep at 2 o'clock in the evening. They can rest for half an hour at noon, and they are studying at other times. Can't stop.
       Yue-Yao frowned. "It's important to read, but reading is important, but the child's body is more important. You can't ruin your body this day." Every day, you are forced to study, even if you don't take your body. It is easy to become a nerd.
       Zhuang Ruolan actually had some concerns in his heart. For this reason, he urged Ma Peng several times. Unfortunately, Ma Peng did not listen to it. If Yu-Yao persuaded it, it would definitely have an effect. Ma Peng’s attention to Yue-Yao sometimes she They are all jealous, just Ma Linlin is present, Zhuang Ruolan is not good to mention this topic.
       The three people talked for a long time. After the lunch, Ma Linlin went back. Zhuang Ruolan left Yue-Yao and told her about her worry. Zhuang Ruolan actually knew that her husband had used this toughness to get the talents. The husband will be so strict with the child, the husband's idea is good, but she is very worried that the child can't stand it.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "In fact, you don't have to worry about it. Please ask a martial artist to teach the child to work hard. Once you are good for your child, you can also defend yourself. Is it true?" Yue-Yao see Zhuang Ruolan There is a hard-nosed face, saying: "If my cousin doesn't listen, I will advise him."
       Yue-Yao went home with Zhuang Ruolan and went home. Not long after arriving home, he came back to Wei and brought a big message: "4th Prince was assassinated, and now life and death are not clear."
       Yue-Yao called: "How can there be such a thing?"
       After talking to Wei, he laughed: "The water in Capital City is getting more and more smashed. The people who are holding Lian this time will definitely be a lot."

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