Family 420

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 420 Guess 

       After lunch, everyone went back.
       Yue-huan wanted to stay and talk to Yue-Yao, but Ming-zhu sat on the Honorable Noble chair and didn't move. There was no point to go. Yue-huan only went back.
       Ming-zhu eyes are so strong that when Yue-Yao comes back, he will say: “Yue-Yao, what will these people ask for you in the future, you will throw them away and ignore them.”
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I know. You should also go, no longer go, my brother-in-law has to come and catch people." Nu Yang-hui can specifically ask for leave to accompany Ming-zhu, but also the value of Ming-zhu.
       Ming-zhu also knows that Yue-Yao still has a lot of things to deal with, and there is not much to stop: "When you handle things well, remember to come and accompany me! One person is in the house, very stuffy."
       Yue-Yao should be down.
       An Zhi-wei sent the guests away, and asked him if he was wearing a red dress. The big man wears red and always feels bad.
       Akai immediately praised: "Good-looking, Master, I haven't really found out before, and this color is particularly spirited."
       "Yeah wears this clothes, it seems to have changed like a person." Datong will not describe it anyway, it feels particularly good.
       An Zhi glimpse of everyone feels good, although the heart is still a bit awkward, but it does not exclude this clothes.
       After Yin-Shi went back, he said to Madam, Weiyuan Marquis: "There are many people who will go to today, Jingning Marchioness, Luyanghou husband and ‘Madam’, Majia 1st Madam Zhuang-Shi and Ming-zhu Couple..."
       Wei Yuan Marchioness asked plainly: "Can everything go well?"
       Yin-Shi naturally does not praise the ability of Yue-Yao in front of Madam, simply saying: "There is a Servant breaking a teacup in the middle, everything else is fine." At the time, a small mistake is normal.
       Wei Yuan Marchioness Seeing her daughter-in-law, she also said: "What about Chunyan?"
       Yin-Shi almost broke the power, will kiss the day, come all friends and family, one Tongfang Servant how could appear, but Yin-Shi is enough to say, "I have not seen Chunyan. "I don't know if my mother-in-law is old and confused. This is going to be spread out... I think here, Yin-Shi has a setback, and Weiyuan Marquis Estate  has a reputation everywhere.
       Wei Yuan Marchioness snorted: "Nothing came out, it turned out to be a daughter-in-law."
       Yin-Shi lowered his head and did not let Wei Yuan Marchioness see her face. When she was newly married, this mother-in-law gave her husband a husband. At that time, she gave her a sigh of relief. After suffering Concubine suffering, I did not expect not only not to be sympathetic to the younger generation, but to do such a thing, even more hateful, when the second uncle was married, her mother-in-law did not plug the Servant, so thick and thin, it is really chilling.
       Wei Yuan Marchioness's most annoying thing is Yin-Shi, such a dying expression, let her go out now.
       Wei Yuan Marchioness cold channel: "I thought it was a slap in the face, but I looked away."
       Fang-Pozi always gave her a shoulder, but she didn't interject, she knew that Madam just made two complaints, not to listen to others saying that she was looking away. In fact, Pozi is in the heart of the 3rd Young Master. If it is not powerful, where can grow up so much that it is now over the world and 2nd Master, how can such a shrewd person know what to do? The woman dragged his hind legs.
       After Yin-Shi went back, it was totally different from what An Zhi-ren said: "I thought that the three younger Brother didn't know the customs. This time I realized that I was looking away. You don't know, the new house was taken care of by her. Properly posted, Servant-Pozi is also a well-behaved, this banquet is also a bit wrong, as a new ‘Madam’, it is rare to be able to handle the housework so well. I heard that Yue-Yao also managed the The Ma House The house, she thought it was the wind that Ma deliberately released, and now I’m afraid that it’s true.”
       An Zhi-ren nodded: "That's good." Lian-Shi can help the three younger Brother to take care of the inner court, so that the 3rd Brother have no worries, he is relieved.
       The moon looped back to Qianfu, and his face was a bit dull.
       Hongmei couldn't help but say: "Miss, I really didn't expect to go to two princes today Madam, a world Madam, 3rd Miss is really big." 2nd Miss does not say On the Jingning Marchioness and Weiyuan HouHeir Madam is also amiable to 3rd Miss, and the relationship is very good. The popularity of 3rd Miss is really not good.
       There is no buzz in Yue-huan.
       Hongmei advised: "Miss, if you do this again, those people can really bully to the head." The money family is a merchant family, everything is the supremacy of interests, they smashed Yue-huan, did not get the benefits they want, naturally Something is sloppy.
       Yue-huan is still contemplative.
       Hong-mei hesitated, biting his teeth and said: "If Miss doesn't feel low with Miss and 3rd Miss, Miss has another idea, and can't always whisper in the money house." Yue-huan is not a face in the money house, Lian With them, they are also being bullied, and they are temporarily bullied. They are afraid that they will continue to do so. In the future, they will be equipped with a few unskilled shackles, which will be ruined in their lifetime.
       Yue-huan has been for a long time: "You let me think about it."
       When Ma Zhiteng did not come, Yue-Yao naturally went to see Ma Chengteng. After watching Ma Chengteng, Yue-Yao went to Li Jia with An Zhi.
       Yue-Yao had already posted a post to Li Jia. Two people went to Li Fu and saw Li Wei waiting at the door. An Zhi-yi looked at Li Xin’s heart and was more satisfied. He sent out a scorpion to welcome the guest, indicating that Li value of Yue-Yao.
       Li Guozhen looked at Yue-Yao who came in, and he was nodded with a secret voice. The two looked very well. Yue-Yao could come to visit with his husband during the wedding, which is a respect for him. Li Guozhen is naturally happy, Li Madam Seeing Yue-Yao did not hate her because of the last incident. Although it was a bit awkward at first, she is still very happy with her.
       Li Heng, the boss of the Li family, was in office, and his ‘Madam’, Bao-shi, also followed suit. Now, only Li Wei and his ‘Madam’ Wan-Shi, as for Li Han, are still in the academy.
       Because the population is small, the men and women are not separated, and the lunch is used together. After lunch, the men and women are separated.
       Li Madam asked Yue-Yao: "The first time you have a family, there are many trivial things, and you don't have to worry about it.
       This is definitely a matter of experience. Yue-Yao listened frequently and nodded. Wan-Shi smiled and joked: "Mother, this does not know, you will definitely think that you are teaching your daughter!"
       Li Madam smiled and said: "I have always treated you as a daughter." I have three sons and no daughters. This is the only regret for Li Madam.
       When An Zhi-yi went back, he still had a smile on his face: "The son, he has a long talk with Li Daren and has benefited a lot."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Ting Zheng has obtained the careful teaching of Li Bobo, and he has grown so well. There is such a friend as Li Bobo, and it is the blessing of me and the court."
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled. Yue-Yao is not only loved by Li Guozhen, but also the favorite of Ma and his cousin. This is not something that ordinary people can do.
       After the relatives, Yue-Yao books and calligraphy and paintings stored in The Ma House and some collections were also transported to Anfu. The study couldn't put up so many things. Yue-Yao packed up a wing and put things in the wing. .
       An Zhi-zhen looked at the book full of the house and smiled. I don’t know, I thought they were reading people.
       The days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, half a month passed. Ann’s marriage leave was only half a month, and the marriage leave was over.
       An Zhi errand is quite special. Sometimes the rotation will not come back. After the marriage leave, it is his turn to be on duty and he can't come back in two days.
       Yue-Yao was in the painting room for the past two days, and all the things in the house were handed over to Hao Mama and several housewives. To Wei does not like the customs does not mean that she does not know the customs, so she looked at it, so that several guards and daughters did not dare to sneak.
       Xiang Wei is eating sweet soup, and she sees Yue-Yao calling her in the studio, dropping half of the sweet soup to Wei and entering the studio: "Miss, what do you ask me to do?"
       Yue-Yao refers to a few paintings on the table.
       Xiang Wei looked at the four paintings on the table, and asked strangely: "Miss, you can't forget the painting of the peace. What do you paint for the people in Weiyuan?" Miss's paintings are worth a thousand dollars, even painting these people. It is not a waste of ink and energy.
       Yue-Yao pointed to the painting: "Let's take a closer look!"
       Xiang Wei said: "If you make a mystery, don't just say it directly." See Yue-Yao, don't say, Wei Wei can only continue to see these four paintings.
       After a while, Wei Wei still didn't understand.
       Yue-Yao reluctantly pointed at the painting and said: "Do you see, is the shape of Heyue and Lu Concubine? Is it like this? Is it also like this?"
       Xiang Wei finally understood the meaning of Yue-Yao for these paintings: "What do you mean, An Zhi-zhen is very similar to Lu Concubine?" Directly, it is the son of Concubine.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "I feel that the appearance of the child must be like a parent in some respects. Heyue is only a little black skin. If the skin is fair, this feature will be more obvious."
       Wei Wei smirked: "An Zhi-zhi is not only black, he is also particularly strong, so no one will think that she will think with Lu Lu Concubine." Yue-Yao observation ability is accurate to Wei Very clear, so she felt that Ann is the son of Lu Concubine.
       Yue-Yao is also very confident about her own vision, but she is hesitating, I don't know if I should tell An Zhi-zhi this discovery.
       To Wei Le: "Miss, I believe in you, because you have been around for so many years, I am sure of your vision. You now tell An Zhi-xi that Lu Concubine is her mother, evidence? Even if it is safe, I will believe Do you think Lu Concubine will believe it?"
       Yue-Yao is somewhat hesitant: "But since I have this speculation, I don't tell him that I have some intentions in my heart." Yue-Yao believes that An Zhi-zhen must be very curious to know who his mother is.
       Xiang Wei thinks this is a trouble: "For the time being, don't tell An Zhi-, you have to say, wait a few days to say."
       Yue-Yao looked at Xiang Wei, and the tone of his speech was soft: "To Wei, He Yue is the head of the family. We still have to give him the face. You don't want Lian to call him in the future, okay?" "I don't expect to be the master of Wei Dang-An, but I should respect the peace of Wei."
       Xiang Wei face is like laughing and laughing: “He is not satisfied?”
       Yue-Yao gently shook his head: "No, I don't think it is appropriate, Xiangwei, and Yue are my husband. You should look at me and respect him."
       Xiang Wei snorted: "All said that the girl is extroverted, and it is so." The daughter who married the daughter poured out the water, this just married, and they are facing the peace.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You don't object, I will promise you."
       I have been thinking about it for a long time. In the end, I still didn’t talk about it with An Zhi-xuan. There is no hard evidence. Trade rashly said this thing, and when it’s uncomfortable, it’s still safe.

       Chapter 421 Dr. Li 

       In a month's time, the account was built, the rules were set up, and the inside and outside of the house were well organized, which disappointed the people who wanted to see the bustle.
       Xu-Yu came in: "Miss, Qinqin Miss came over and asked Miss."
       Yue-Yao was too busy to see Ming-zhu during this time, but it did not prevent the two from sending Servant a greeting. Yue-Yao saw that Qin Qin’s face was not very good, and asked: “What happened?”
       Ming-zhu began to vomiting some time ago, because the group of Brother also had morning sickness, but also tossed, so Ming-zhu also has the heart to prepare.
       Qin Qin gave a gift: "Miss, my family-Young Madam spit very badly, and people are too weak. Bai Yi sister wants to ask Miss to look at it."
       Yue-Yao frowned, and Bai Yi asked her to go over, fearing that it was very serious. Yue-Yao hurried to the Nu House , and saw Ming-zhu lying on the couch, pale, and was shocked. When I was pregnant with a small group, I spit for a while, but it was not so powerful.
       When Ming-zhu saw Yue-Yao, he said with anger: "Yue-Yao, you are here."
       Yue-Yao looked at Bai Yi and asked: "How is it so powerful? How does Tai-yi say?" Looking at it is not normal!
       Bai Yi did not say that Ming-zhu said a bitter face: "Tai-yi said that I have two in my stomach, so I have to suffer some crimes."
       Yue-Yao snorted: "Two? Twins?"
       Ming-zhu politely nodded, and his voice was much smaller: "Yeah, it was diagnosed two days ago. I heard that my twins were very sinful. I didn't expect it to be true. This is just the beginning. What can I do in the future?" I think about it in the future.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You can't bear the blessings of two. You don't know how many people want to have twins, you still have to complain." This is definitely going to be squandered. Lian Yue-Yao also wants to vomit.
       Ming-zhu said: "But it is very hard, and I heard that twins will be difficult to produce."
       Yue-Yao This is to know that Ming-zhu is scared, funny and good-hearted: "Nonsense. Many women in Capital City are difficult to produce, but that is why the mother is not good, you are in good health and second. Tires, and Tai-yi always look at it, how can things happen. Don't think that those who have nothing, it is serious to raise."
       A ‘zither’ bowl of bird's nest porridge came from the ‘zither’. Ming-zhu quickly hurriedly waved: "Hurry up and take it down, I can't smell this smell." After he leaned over, he began to vomit, and his stomach was out of stock, and his spit was sour.
       Bai Yi whispered Yue-Yao Said: "Yue-Yao Miss, do you have any way? Miss hasn't eaten anything since yesterday, what to eat and what to eat, and what smell can't smell." Last Yue Yao said the method is useful, but now it is useless.
       Yue-Yao finally understood why Ming-zhu looked so weak. Yue-Yao is also anxious, but she has no choice. The recipe that I said last time is also a coincidence: "Ming-zhu, do you want to eat, I will do it for you."
       Ming-zhu shook his head and said: "No, Yue-Yao, let me talk to me!" She can't eat anything now. The people are weak and the spirit is not good. Ming-zhu and Yue-Yao say a few words and are a little sleepy.
       Yue-Yao was awkward. This Daren is still hungry for two meals, but now it is three people. It has not been the way to do this: "Tai-yi doesn't have any methods at all?"
       White easily shakes his head.
       Yue-Yao stayed with Ming-zhu until it was late in the evening. When An Zhi-zhen came back, he saw Yue-Yao with a worried color: "What's wrong? Is it a bitter face?" In the impression of An Zhi-zhi, when he was in danger, he was also light and windy, and he could make Yue-Yao Anxiety is definitely not a trivial matter.
       Yue-Yao said the thing of Ming-zhu: "In short, this is not the way to go, and the children can't stand it."
       An Zhi-zhen is really unfamiliar with this. He said: "This is still given to Tai-yi!" The woman does not understand what the child is pregnant with.
       Yue-Yao really thinks that these Tai-yi are a little fooling people. The last time they were pregnant, the vomiting was so bad, and it was the same. This time is the same: "I think more time has passed to accompany Ming-zhu."
       An Zhi-zhen naturally does not object, but his eyes look at Yue-Yao stomach: "The son, the cousin has a child in a month, and we have been married for more than a month." Their husband and ‘Madam’ are also loving and loving, how The child has not come yet, and An Zhi-zhen feels that he is not working hard enough?
       Yue-Yao sneered: "This is an urgent matter. It will come when you come." Yue-Yao likes children and looks forward to the children, but this kind of thing goes with the flow.
       An Zhi-zheng is not anxious to have children, but the words of the abbot of Zhaohua Temple are like a sword hanging on his head, so that he can not really rest assured, even if he is married, he is also prepared. Seeing Yue-Yao now does not exclude children, but I am relieved.
       Lian three days of Ming-zhu can only drink some water every day, this does not say Yue-Yao and Ming-zhu are anxious, that is, Luo Wei and the Empress Dowager  are beginning to worry.
       Yue-Yao is worried, is preparing to go to the Nu House  to accompany Ming-zhu. Xu-Yu came in and handed an invitation to Yue-Yao.
       The invitation was made by Count and County Owner, and Yue-Yao remembered the last Wan-An County Owner said that she was invited to attend the birthday party. There is something awkward in my heart. She remembers that the birth of the County Owner is at the beginning of each year. When I open it, it turns out to be a wedding invitation. It is the 4th Master of The Yongding Marquis Estate .
       There are a lot of sons in Yongding Marquis, and they have to make Yue-Yao stunned: "Tell the Hongda housekeeper and let him send a gift to The Yongding Marquis Estate ." ‘Laughs’ The birth of County Owner, no accident she is sure Will go to participate. This kind of blindness is not a waste of time.
       Yue-Yao put down the invitation and thought of the worry of Ming-zhu.
       Seeing Yue-Yao worried look to Wei, deliberately said that the gossip of The Yongding Marquis Estate  was given to Yue-Yao, letting Yue-Yao relax: "Wan-he County Owner has lived in-County Owner's House However, the internal affairs of The Yongding Marquis Estate  is also County Owner is cooking."
       Yue-Yao sighed.
       Xiang Wei did not care about the perfunctory of Yue-Yao, and continued: “--County Owner and Yongding Marchioness had a few troubles, but in the end they all won with the Wan-An County Owner."
       Yue-Yao can't bear the Buddha kindness to Wei: "Ning Duke House is now self-satisfied, and peace-County Owner has Duanwang House support, Weiyuan Marchioness is naturally better than and County Owner It is."
       Xiang Weihe said: "Miss, in addition to these, and the County Owner has one of the biggest advantages, that is, Yongding Marquis Heir is standing on her side."
       Yue-Yao chuckles: "There is no Yongding Marquis Heir, Yuhe-County Owner will not lose." Even if Yongding Marchioness is a mother-in-law, but Yihe-County Owner is Jun, Xiao Ning Shi is a minister, plus Wan-he County Owner is also smart and means, small Ning-where there is a chance of winning.
       Yu Wei-Yao glanced at Wei Bai: "Don't I know that there is no Guan Jingyu, and I don't lose the County Owner? But this is not the same. I don't know? No, I don't understand you." Fortunately, you are not married to The Yongding Marquis Estate , otherwise you will definitely want to cry. "Women can't be too strong in front of men, Guan Jingyi will support you and the County Owner, and also mediation, It shows that the Wan-An County Owner are weak in front of Guan Jingyi.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and smiled: "I just know my own skills, so..." The words have not been finished yet, and the eyes fell on the invitations, and then a flash of light flashed in the eyes.
       Some surprises to Wei: "What happened?"
       Yue-Yao quickly called the big housekeeper Hong Li, let Hong Li go to ask Dr. Li to give Ming-zhu. Yue-Yao is still very impressed with this doctor.
       Wei Wei looked at Yue-Yao differently, but did not speak.
       Hong Li soon came back, and his face was not very good-looking: " Madam, the surname Li said, go to the medical center after seeing a doctor, he does not see a doctor."
       Yue-Yao was awkward, and the body of Ming-zhu could not go to the Herbs. Xiang Wei listened to the cause and effect, and said with great domineering: "If you don't go, then tie it up."
       Yue-Yao looked at the face of Wei Wei, speechless: "That is the doctor, you are a criminal!" People with the ability, there is a arrogance. If it is tied, even if the knife holder is around his neck, he will not help see the doctor.
       Yue-Yao thought for a long time, suddenly a flash of light, rushed to the house. The books in the house have labels and are very easy to find. Yue-Yao took a book and held it in his hand, smiling. Only by investing in her own good, she believes that she will be able to impress Dr. Li.
       Yue-Yao came out of the house and saw An Zhi-yi come back: "How come back so early today?" In the past, An Zhi-yi came home at night.
       An Zhi-Xiao said with a smile: "I just got back to the door, I will come back in advance. Are you going to the cattle house?" When they got married, they started to get busy. When they got worse, they became more busy. The time spent getting along with them was much less.
       Yue-Yao said something about her going to the doctor. Yue-Yao saw An Zhi-zhi going with her and shook her head. "You work so hard every time, or go back to the house first, I will immediately Come back." An Zhi-zhen is not a good temper, she is worried that An Zhi will have the same thoughts as Wei.
       An Zhi thought about it later: "I still go with you!"
       Yue-Yao resolutely refused to let An Zhi-zhen accompany him, only let Xiang Wei go with him.
       When a group of people arrived at the Baicaotang, there was only one man in the herbage, and there was no other person in the medicine shop.
       Xu-Yu went over and asked: "Would you ask Dr. Li to see a doctor here?"
       The man turned around and swept Yue-Yao group, and said with a look: "When I finish the medicine, I will say it."
       Xiang Wei looked at the man in front of a rags, dressed in forty years old, and his body was round: "You are Dr. Li?"
       Dr. Li said impatiently: "Let's stay on the side." Finishing to finish the medicinal materials.
       Wei Wei face was suffocating. Yue-Yao hurriedly called: "To Wei, come over, don't bother Dr. Li to do things." This doctor Li is said to be extremely bias. If he is offended, he will not be treated. It is awful.
       To Wei Wei, he finally returned to Yue-Yao.
       A ** person waited for nearly a quarter of an hour, there was no burning dragon in the pharmacy, only a fire was placed next to the table and chair. On the day of the twelfth lunar month, although the door was only opened with two plates, it was not fully opened, but the cold air from outside was blown in from time to time, and it was very cold.
       Yue-Yao is okay, but Xu-Yu and Wei Wei are somewhat unbearable. Yue-Yao whispered: "Let's go to the fire and roast the fire." Anyway, the doctor just let them wait and let them not roast.
       Wei Wei glanced at Dr. Li, and did not know where Miss heard this person. He looked like a doctor, and the shelf was still so big.

       Chapter 422 is not long 

       Yue-Yao is not cold, let a few Servant around the fire.
       Dr. Li put the medicinal herbs and slowly sat down on the chair where he was sitting at the clinic. He looked at Wei. Seeing Wei Wei half-sounding, said impatiently: "You don't see a doctor in the end? Go back without seeing a doctor, don't occupy the land here."
       Xiang Wei listened to this fire, and said coldly at the moment: "You are sick, quack!" She is good, where is the disease.
       Yue-Yao was awkward in his heart, pressed hard to the arm of Wei, and called at Wei and did not speak. Yue-Yao apologized to Dr. Li: "Dr. Li, she has a bad temper, you should not be surprised."
       Dr. Li listened to Yue-Yao apology and said nothing: "I have something to behold. If you don't look, just go."
       Xiang Wei listened to this saying that Dr. Li eyes were not right, but in the end he looked at the face of Yue-Yao. In the end, he resisted the anger of his heart, but said to Yue-Yao: "Miss, let's go back. Let's see this as a quack. "Where is the doctor, it is clearly a rogue."
       Yue-Yao has a headache. It used to be a bad temper, but it will not be excessive, but now the temper is getting more and more violent.
       Dr. Li curled up the fire in 2nd Lang's leg, took a medical book out of the drawer, and did not look at Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao pulled Wei to the side and whispered, "You let Dr. Li give you the pulse."
       I quickly glanced at Dr. Li, and then said, "Miss, where did you hear this person? Where is the doctor, Miss is not being cheated."
       Yue-Yao squinted at Wei, and said: "Li Da Fu is highly skilled. Your body has been bad since the last time. Let him see it!" They came in six people, and Dr. Li pointed out that Xiang Wei wants to see a doctor. On this point, Yue-Yao is also convinced of Dr. Li medical skills.
       Wei Wei does not want to, "I am a quack doctor."
       Yue-Yao specially took a look at Dr. Li, seeing Dr. Li concentrate on reading, and his heart is relaxed. "Nothing, let you diagnose a pulse, it is not your life, I told you, if you are not diagnosed Don't think about letting the cook give you something to cook." This is the killer of Yue-Yao.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is very mentally handicapped. "You will only use this method to threaten me, you can't change a new trick?"
       Yue-Yao found that Wei was so stubborn for the first time," I told you that Dr. Li was very good at medical treatment. When Guan Jingzhen was weak, Tai-yi was helpless, and Dr. Li cured him."
       Suspected to Wei Fox: "How do you know?"
       Yue-Yao lowered the voice," I told him that Dr. Li was well-educated and could cure his illness."
       Dawei eyes widened. “How do you know that Dr. Li medical skills are brilliant?” If this person is cured, it means that the medical skills are really good.
       Yue-Yao sold the customs, "You let Dr. Li give you a diagnosis, I will tell you." Sometimes Yue-Yao thinks that Wei is a three-year Old child, and he has to make a success.
       Xiang Wei finally promised to let Li Da Fu diagnose the pulse.
       Dr. Li did not say anything like a doctor, but the price of the price shocked everyone. "The diagnosis is also a price, a price." Five hundred two, now. "The price of Li Da Fu has always been free to do whatever he wants. He is now looking down on Wei Wei, and naturally it is a price."
       Yue-Yao does not say anything, immediately want to save money, drizzle and a few people in Gu You Zhang  Mouth, but few people can not say a word.
       Dr. Li swept Yue-Yao and saw Yue-Yao face was sincere, but he didn't make any more trouble. He nodded. Yue-Yao immediately let Gu You go to get silver.
       Dr. Li put his hand on the wrist of Xiang Wei. After a long time, he was a little bit suffocated to Wei. Li Da Fu took his hand back and said faintly: "The old doctor is shallow and can't cure this. Miss, please come back!"
       Yue-Yao listened to this, and my heart sank to the bottom of the valley. She knew that Wei had been seriously injured before. Although it was good, it was not martial arts, so she came to her with Wei, which is why the last time to Wei After the injury, she had been very worried about it, but after returning, she said nothing to Wei and Bai Yi. She was not afraid of the two cheating on her, so she specially invited Dr. Zhang to give a consultation to Wei. She also listened to Dr. Zhang. It is no problem to say that Xiangwei is well raised. Now, it’s not the case at all. Xiang Wei has been hiding her physical condition from her.
       The face of Wei Wei is not very good, "What is not cured, you are..."
       Yue-Yao slammed the words of Xiang Wei and said: "Xiang Wei, you go out." Xiang Wei must be very ill, or else he would not hide himself.
       Where is the willingness to go to Wei, but under the sharp eyes of Yue-Yao, Wei Wei was finally pulled out by Gu You and Gu Lan.
       Yue-Yao asked very politely: "Can Dr. Li tell me the details?" Just to Wei 'temperament', she will never tell her the truth.
       Dr. Li look at Yue-Yao look is very weird. He is sure that the woman’s identity is not simple. The woman in front of me is also a rich family. “Where is she?”
       Yue-Yao has not concealed, "She is my female escort. Doctor, please also tell us about her condition?"
       Dr. Li will not hide it naturally. He will tell Yue-Yao about the symptoms of Wei. Finally, she said: "She has too many old injuries, she is well raised, and maybe there is still alive for three or four years."
       Hearing that Wei Wei will be able to raise and live for another three or four years, Yue-Yao is all stunned and said: "Impossible, this is impossible, she looks so good."
       Dr. Li felt that Yue-Yao was a very magical person, but he was a escort. If he didn't spend any more money, he would have to pay for it. I didn't expect it to be so important.
       Yue-Yao quickly recovered calm," Dr. Li, I know you must have a way."
       Dr. Li smiled and said: "The king wants the third person to die, and he will not leave people to the fifth. Miss will not be embarrassed."
       Yue-Yao looked at Dr. Li for a while and took out a book in his sleeve and said, "Dr. Li, please take a look at this thing."
       Xu-Yu took the book to Dr. Li.
       Dr. Li felt that Yue-Yao behavior was very weird, but he still took it. When he opened it, his face changed. After a while, Li Da Fu looked up at Yue-Yao. "This medical book, Where did you get it from?"
       Yue-Yao has a loose heart. "This is what I accidentally got. Dr. Li, as long as you are willing to help me cure Weiwei, this is Xi Li." Yue-Yao originally wanted to use this medical book. For the consultation, please ask Dr. Li to go to Ming-zhu, but I did not expect that there will be this use.
       Dr. Li is also a very simple person. After listening to Yue-Yao, he said: "Miss, I only have 60% of the grasp to get rid of her old disease." If you want to recover completely, you have to rely on it.
       Yue-Yao didn't expect to have only 60% of the grasp, but if he lost this opportunity, Lian Liucheng would have no grasp in the future. "Is there any danger?"
       Dr. Li nodded. "Yes, if it is not cured, the condition may be aggravated. If it is serious, it may be a life of up to one year."
       Yue-Yao had a slight hesitation, and paused and said: "Please wait for the doctor, I have to ask her own opinion first." If there is a 10% grasp or cure, but no side effects, Yue Yao must make a decision to let Wei Wei receive treatment, but Yue-Yao is also determined.
       Yue-Yao looked at Xiang Wei, and he was red when he saw it." Xiang Wei, Dr. Li said that you only have three or four years of life, why don't you tell me the big thing?"
       Xiang Wei did not want to admit it, but watching Yue-Yao trust this Dr. Li, she refuted it is useless," Miss, tell you how? Can not change anything, not let you do less work! ”
       Yue-Yao is hating himself too much, and hating Wei Wei not taking his life as one thing. "If you tell me earlier, maybe it will be cured soon." Yue-Yao used to listen to Wei. My old wounds are all said to have been cured. She also believes that it is true that where she wants to get such a big hidden danger, and things that happened a year ago are even worse.
       Yue-Yao If I knew that the hidden danger to Wei was so big, she had to let her find Dr. Li, and she still needs so many sins.
       Said to Wei Wei: "Miss, the doctor really said that if he was found in the early five or six years, he could cure the darkness in my body?"
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "It's too late to say this now, but Dr. Li said that you don't have a cure, it's just too dangerous, and he only has 60% confidence."
       There is only one word for Wei, "governance." When she was out of the task, she often took life, and this time she will definitely not retreat. Losing, but only to live less than two years, but if it wins, then win more than ten or twenty years, this transaction, how to calculate how cost-effective.
       Dr. Li did not have two words. He directly opened the conditions. "One thousand two rewards, you have to bring your own medicine. Besides, I have to let you promise to be old. I will give this Miss a diagnosis. No one can Tell, otherwise, I will not treat her again." In his share, he really does not want to heal to Wei, not only the process of healing is very troublesome, but when he is healed, it is a trouble.
       Wei Wei looked at Dr. Li strangely, everyone wants to become Famous, but the people in front of you want to be afraid of being Famous. "You are compared with my family Miss." Yue-Yao also does not want people to know His own art is outstanding.
       Dr. Li looked at Yue-Yao strangely. "Excuse me, Miss?"
       When Dr. Li knew the identity of Yue-Yao, it was a smile. "Lian Miss, the first talented woman in Capital City, who doesn't know, can't compare with Miss."
       Yue-Yao didn't want to say something unnecessary. "Doctor, when do you want to start treatment?" It can start early, and it will heal soon.
       Dr. Li looked at the eager Yue-Yao, but his face was much more relaxed. "No hurry, wait until I have a detailed diagnosis."
       After a long time, Dr. Li began to write, and for a while, handed a list to the moon. "Other medicines are available in our medicine. These are not available in my drugstore. You should find it yourself." What is the price? Needless to say.
       Yue-Yao has been hanging new, but I can see that these medicines written by Dr. Li are relieved. Although the above herbs are more expensive, they are not something that cannot be found in the legend.
       After finishing the matter to Wei, Yue-Yao said that Ming-zhu was vomiting. Dr. Li looked at Yue-Yao. "Pregnant is not sick, it is useless to ask me."
       Yue-Yao didn't stop because of this, but said the symptoms of Ming-zhu one by one, and said Lian's last appearance of Ming-zhu pregnancy. When Yue-Yao said this, it was unexpectedly used in technical terms.
       Dr. Li has some accidents. "Have you studied medicine?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head. "No, I just read the medical book after I was in my spare time." Yue-Yao can't say that she read the medical book to understand the habits of flowers and trees.
       Dr. Li felt that Yue-Yao was a very interesting person. After thinking about it, he said: "It is a three-point drug. If the medicine is good, it is to cure the disease. If it is not used well, it is harmful, it is not sick, and the child is pregnant. It is best not to take medicine, but you can let the dear ones accompany her more, and feel better, and get better soon."
       When Dr. Li looked at Yue-Yao look, he couldn't help but laugh: "If you care about her so much, it's better to try to cook for her. It might be useful."
       Yue-Yao asked in surprise: "What does this say?"
       Dr. Li did not explain to Yue-Yao, just said: "Maybe useful, maybe useless, you will know if you try."
       This is really a disappointment.
       Dr. Li was a lot of people. He rushed Yue-Yao and went out with a group of people. He also said: "I will treat her alone, and let her come alone. Don't come over."
       As soon as I went out, the cold wind of the knife blew, and everyone had a nap. Yue-Yao looked at the face of Wei Wei, and smiled bitterly. She is really careless, no, to be exact, she did not really care about Wei Wei, otherwise she should have found clues.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao look and knew what she was thinking: "Miss, I don't tell you, I hope you don't worry about me. If you frown every day, I will feel sad." If you are not comfortable, the people around you will not be comfortable.
       Yue-Yao said: "This time, even if you don't want to blame me anything in the future. If you tell me the truth about your body, you will be good soon, and you won't have to suffer for so many years." Cold summer is afraid of heat, but also because of poor health.
       Wei Wei was depressed: "I want to know that you know a Famous doctor. I will be holding you there, Miss. You said that you haven't told me yet. How do you know that Dr. Li is a Famous doctor?" Anyway, Tai Yi people who have not been cured are cured by him, and the medical skills are very good. Well, the temper is too weird.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I said that I dreamed of dreaming, do you believe it?"
       A smile on the corner of Weizui: "I believe." Miss often dreams, and it is strange that every dream is accurate. There have been several such precedents, and she dared not believe it.
       Yue-Yao saw Wei Si did not put the words just now, I don't know why, my heart is a little sad, I don't know what happened to Wei before, so she can withstand such a strong ability.
       Wei Wei asked strangely: "The doctor Li didn't start saying that he couldn't be diagnosed. Why did he change his mind later? What method did Miss use?"
       Yue-Yao smiled: "I sent him a medical book as a thank you."
       Xiang Wei from Yue-Yao also knows a lot of knowledge: "Is it a lonely?"
       Yue-Yao nodded a moment: "Sun Siwei "Qian Jin Fang" with the name of the medical saint, the full version." This thing is useless to them, but it is a treasure for Dr. Li.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "I didn't expect Miss to have a medical book."
       To say that this book is really unexpected, it was obtained at Haikou. According to Yue-Yao guess, this medical book should be the gift that the officials were preparing to send, but unfortunately it was cheap. she was.
       Wei Wei worried that Yue-Yao talked about her again, so she said: "The doctor Li didn't mean that it might be useful for you to make a meal for Ming-zhu. Miss, you should go to Nu House  first, I will go to the medicine." Wei, she is not a person who is sad in the spring and autumn, but she can heal the body earlier, and who is willing to drag more than one day for a day.
       Yue-Yao saw Xiang Wei attitude so positive, and he nodded: "You should go to the office first. If there is no, we will find another way."
       The two separated their actions and went to Wei to set up the medicine. Yue-Yao went to the cattle house.
       Yue-Yao saw Ming-zhu of the yellow muscles, and thought about the words of Dr. Li. Yue-Yao felt that it was still a try. It was natural and useful. It didn't matter if it was useless.
       Yue-Yao went to the kitchen and found out that although she had learned a few kinds of pastries, it was really a slap in the kitchen. Lian fire would not be born, and a noodle would be cooked.
       Xu-Yu suggested: "Miss, or porridge!" But the porridge is simple.
       Yue-Yao also feels that, after all, the porridge is simple, and the seemingly simple things are not easy to do. After cooking for a long time, the water is gone, all stick together, and one by one, Yue-Yao looks at the cooking. The porridge, I couldn’t help but laugh.
       Xu-Yu whisper: "Miss, don't give this pearl to Miss!"
       Yue-Yao naturally won't take this thing to Ming-zhu to eat. Even if Ming-zhu is willing to eat, she is worried that Ming-zhu will eat diarrhea.
       Yue-Yao watched carefully the second time, and finally pulled out the more normal porridge. Yue-Yao took the celadon bowl and took a bowl to Ming-zhu to eat: "This is my first life. The second time, the porridge, no matter how, eat two sips." Although the porridge cooked this time is not comparable to the cook, but it is not sticky, and I can still pass it.
       Ming-zhu is so hungry that the voice is very small: "Cheng, I must finish eating." Ming-zhu resisted nausea and finished drinking this bowl of rice porridge.
       Yue-Yao quickly said: "Do you not like to listen to this book? I tell you a story, I created it, and you are allowed to listen to it." Yue-Yao This is to transfer the attention of Ming-zhu.
       Ming-zhu nodded: "Well, I haven't heard of your own story!"
       Ming-zhu likes to listen to love stories, and it is a kind of beautiful love story. Yue-Yao has specially compiled one. Yue-Yao eloquence is very good, and it is influenced by Wei. It is also good to tell the story. Lian's drizzle and Bai Yi were fascinated.
       Yue-Yao listened to the even breathing of Ming-zhu, and smiled: "Sleep." These days, Ming-zhu is hungry and has not slept a good feeling. It is a good phenomenon to fall asleep.
       Yue-Yao walked out lightly and said to Bai Yi: "I will go back and tell me if there is anything." Staying close to this advantage, you can go back and forth at any time.
       Yue-Yao returned to the house, and Ruo Xiao whispered: " Madam, my grandfather is in the study." Yue-Yao has just sent someone to let An Zhi-yi use lunch first, and Yue-Yao himself is also I used lunch at the Niu.
       Yue-Yao went into the study and watched An Zhi-zhen reading a book. Yue-Yao glanced at the book. It was a military book: "Ming-zhu sister just ate a bowl of porridge and was already asleep. I just hope to wake up. Don't spit again."
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "I will definitely not spit again. Speaking of it, have you not given the husband a kitchen?" The husband did not enjoy the right, but let the cousin enjoy it first.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I only cook a few dishes, and I don't do well. If you don't give up, I will do it for you in the afternoon."
       An Zhi-zhen just said this casually: "No, wait until you are free and give it to me!" During this time, Yue-Yao is also very busy, and he can't bear to be worried about Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao ironed his heart, but he soon remembered the matter to Wei. Now he will tell An Zhi to the matter of Wei: "Hyatt, there are several shackles on your body, and I will accompany you to Dr. Li. Let him see. "Yue-Yao also worried about An Zhi body and there are hidden dangers."
       An Zhi-yu knows that Yue-Yao is worried about him, and he should answer it: "I will do it today, wait until I get off tomorrow, and I will pass by that street when I come back." If it is true as Yue-Yao said He is highly skilled, and he naturally wants to see it.
       Yue-Yao reminded: "I know the words of Dr. Li, you don't want to fool me."
       An Zhi-Yi sees Yue-Yao. After thinking about it, he said to Yue-Yao: "A lot of soldiers in Haikou are suffering from pain in the joints. The doctor said that this was affected by wind evil and wet evil. I can't cure it. I want to let the doctor see it. By the way, I can see if I can find a solution." In fact, not only that, but there are some dark injuries on his body, but he didn't put it in his heart before, but he could do things to Wei, but let him Get on the heart, have problems early and find early treatment. If you are suffering from ailments, once you miss the best treatment period, you will regret it.
       Yue-Yao started to worry again: "Where are you injured?"
       An Zhi-zhen did not squat, said: "There was a wound on the leg, but I have already consulted the doctor. I am afraid that there will be sequelae. If there is a good doctor, let the doctor see it." It is not good, now it is still early. , certainly can prevent one or two.
       Yue-Yao hung his heart: "Then you must go see tomorrow."
       Nu Yang-hui was in the past few days for Ming-zhu. He was so anxious that everyone was sympathetic to him. At the end of the year, he did not let him work overtime. Nu Yang-hui went home as soon as he arrived.
       Upon returning home, Nu Yang-hui heard that Ming-zhu not only ate a bowl of porridge, but also slept, and his heart was loose. He could eat something, and he was afraid that Ming-zhu could not hold it.
       Bai Yi smiled and said: "Thanks to Yue-Yao Miss." Yue-Yao took the trouble to cook Lian three times, and Lian was touched.
       Nu Yang-hui nodded his head. This kind of grace was naturally recorded in his heart. Nu Yang-hui walked in quietly. Just as soon as he got to the bed, Ming-zhu opened his eyes.
       Bai Yi came to a bowl of porridge. Nu Yang-hui took over and fed Ming-zhu in one bite. Ming-zhu took a bite and said with joy: "No more disgusting."
       Bai Yi said cautiously: "Miss, this is the pot of porridge of Yue-Yao Miss. This porridge has nothing to put." The cook had already tasted a spoonful and had found that Yue-Yao cooked. The porridge Lian salt did not put.
       Nu Yang-hui listened and said: "Let people go to the next bowl of noodles, and don't put salt." Maybe Ming-zhu can't eat salt, so what to eat.
       The cook soon took a bowl of noodles, put a little meat in the noodles, and hit an egg in it.
       Ming-zhu took it over and didn't even feel sick, and ate it. After a little half an hour, there was no feeling of spitting.
       In the evening, Qin Qin personally came over and said to Yue-Yao that Ming-zhu is all well and can now eat.
       Yue-Yao laughed: "It's good to eat something, you can't be tossed again, or else Darens and children can't afford it."
       After the ‘zither’ moved, Yue-Yao sneaked aside the side of An Zhi-, seeing the face of An Zhi faceless expression, feelings in his heart, cooking a porridge and forgetting to put salt, she is not a talent for cooking. However, the taste of Ming-zhu is also strange enough to eat salt.
       Xiang Wei came back at night, and gave the list of Li Da Fu to Yue-Yao: "Miss, I didn't buy it." There are not many herbs that I have bought, only six.
       Yue-Yao looked at it, and there were three in his hand. It was still worse: "Tomorrow, I will let people go to the The Ma House and ask The Marquis Estate . If they have it, we don't have to find it." Every family has a treasure. The habit of medicinal herbs, I hope both have it!
       In the evening, An Zhi-yi said something to Yue-Yao: "There has been a reply from the Ministry of Rites, and it will come down in a few days."
       Yue-Yao was very surprised: "How can it be so fast?" She is also very familiar with the process of life, knowing that it is necessary to seal the approval form to at least three or five months. They have been married for more than a month.
       An Zhi-Xiao laughed: "It is also the end of the year, so it is so fast."
       Yue-Yao nodded, An Zhi-zhen is the official of the four products, she is also the product of the four products Madam, think of it, Yue-Yao is full of miscellaneous.
       An Zhi-yan reached out and shook the hair of Yue-Yao forehead: "What's wrong?" The woman should be happy when she heard that she was getting a commandment. How did she feel that Yue-Yao didn't seem happy.
       Yue-Yao suppresses the strangeness in his heart and smiles and says: "Nothing." The past life has long been a cloud of the past, why bother to think, think more hurt.
       The next day, Yue-Yao took care of the house and went to the cattle house. Yue-Yao When I went to Nu House , Ming-zhu was just eating.
       Ming-zhu put down the silver chopsticks and stood up and said: "Yue-Yao, did you use the meal?" Generally, I have to submit the invitation first, but Yue-Yao is close to Ming-zhu, and it is over.
       Yue-Yao looked at a table full of delicious dishes and smiled and asked: "Used, you are finally fine? These days can scare us enough." Who can think of the child not eating salt, It is said that the taste of pregnant women is particularly strange, and Ming-zhu is the strangest thing.
       Ming-zhu touched the stomach: "I don't feel sick in my stomach. It must be skin after I grow up." Since the last time I attended Yue-Yao meeting, I have been uncomfortable, but I started to feel dizzy and lethargic. Later, slowly spit, the most serious of the past few days.
       Yue-Yao sat down on the stool next to him: "Let's eat!"
       Pregnant women should eat a small a Mount of meals, and Ming-zhus did not eat much. After eating half a bowl of rice, they did not eat. Yue-Yao helped her to walk in the yard.
       Ming-zhu grew a sigh of relief, the last time I felt sick, but this time compared with the last time, the last morning sickness is simply pediatric," Yue-Yao, I decided, I want to take your Sending the Guanyin map to the end, the birth of this fetus will not be born, and then do not want to be guilty."
       Yue-Yao looked at the belly of Ming-zhu, which was not obvious. He said with a smile: "The son will toss, the daughter will not toss, I am squatting, you are both estimated to be a kid, you don't want to be born." Ming-zhu has always wanted to have a son born in the first child, and a daughter in the second child, so that she can have both children and daughters. If the second child is a son, she will definitely be born.
       Ming-zhu quickly patted Yue-Yao, "Don't the crow's  Mouth, this tire is a dragon and a baby?" If it is three boys, she is not going to regenerate.
       Yue-Yao smiled. "It’s a son. After this birth, I will regenerate after two or three years, and I will definitely have a daughter!"
       After listening to Ming-zhu, he called: "You have a good crow's  Mouth, and my dragon and phoenix is ​​so gone." In the heart of Ming-zhu, Yue-Yao speaks forever. This is a pair of children. Thinking of this, Ming-zhu is not in a good mood, three boys, can not be exhausted to her!
       Yue-Yao looks at the appearance of Ming-zhu, and is not happy. "Everyone wants a son. You think that there are more sons. I also said that it is a man or a woman. When I was born, I knew it, nor did I say that. Even if it is."
       Ming-zhu and Yue-Yao said that they started to sleep after a conversation. Not many of them would go to bed and go to sleep. Yue-Yao looked at Ming-zhu and can now eat and sleep. Although he said that he did not put salt, but in the end than the previous paragraph Time is much better, and Yue-Yao is also relieved.
       Yue-Yao went back to the mansion and heard that The Marquis Estate  and The Ma House had come over. The The Ma House had only the same herbs as Yue-Yao, but The Marquis Estate  had three kinds of herbs, and Pozi had all the herbs. Brought over, Yue-Yao handed the medicine to Xiang Wei and said, "You will send it now and let Dr. Li start treatment as soon as possible."
       When she went out to Wei, Yue-Yao sifted 10 thousand Silver Taels tickets to Wei. "The reward is paid first." Although expensive, it is expensive, but as long as it is useful, it is worth it.
       At the end of the night, Wei did not return. Yue-Yao was preparing to send someone to Dr. Li, and he saw An Zhi-yi returning.
       Yue-Yao eyes were sharp. At first glance, he saw a drug pack in the hands of Datong in the back of Anzhi. Yue-Yao was in a hurry," said Dr. Li?
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "There is no big problem. This medicine is used for soaking feet. It is good to stick to it for half a month." At this time, An Zhi-zhen was glad that he did not suffer from ailments. This is not a big problem, but if he does not pay attention, When you are old, you have to suffer.
       Yue-Yao heard that the medicine used for soaking feet is relieved. The trauma is generally not very serious. Just pay attention to it. "Then you have to come back every day for half a month." It is not convenient outside.
       An Zhi nodded and said, "I will talk to Shangfeng tomorrow, but if you come back every day for half a month, you may not come back in the second half of the month." This is also a greeting to Yue-Yao in advance. It is.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You can rest assured that I will be properly placed at home." After half a month, it is the best time of the year.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "Dr. Li said that Xiang Wei wants to stay in the Herbs Hall today, and can't come back." Xiang Wei identity is special, this time it is a cure, even if he stayed outside, he did not feel anything.
       Yue-Yao didn't think much, but I didn't know that Wei was tossing at this time.
       Xiang Wei is in the bathtub, this medicine is all Dr. Li. Xiang Wei has already prepared for tossing, but she really found it in the bathtub. She found that it was even more painful than she expected. It was so painful that she entered the bone marrow and could not faint.
       Dr. Li said outside the screen: "You can't faint. If you faint, I won't be able to give you a needle."
       I clenched my teeth to Wei, and I passed it with my strong willpower. The water in the tub was cold, and it changed for another bucket. It lasted for more than half an hour, and the medicated bath was finished.
       After the bubble was finished, Xiang Wei was already weak at this time. A small -maid would help Wei and change his coat. When everything was done, Dr. Li came in and gave it to Wei.
       "Ah..." Xiang Wei called, and Wei had a hint of wisdom. She really regretted it at this time. She would rather die and not be tortured. This is really a life-like death. When I was fainting, I thought about Wei teeth, and when I woke up, I decided to smash the old guy.
       When I was awake to Wei, it was already the next day. When I opened my eyes, I saw the -maid that I bought. I also knew that this treatment would not be simple, so I didn’t dare to use the people around Yue-Yao. I was afraid that Yue-Yao would know that I would worry, so she bought it specially. There is a -maid.
       When Wei Wei was eating breakfast, Dr. Li came over." Yesterday's instructions have just begun, and it will be even more painful in the future. If you give up now, you still have time." In fact, because it is the first time, it will be particularly painful, and it will be mild afterwards. Many, but Dr. Li is very dissatisfied with the attitude of Wei, deliberately not telling Wei.
       I whispered to Wei, and if I give up now, yesterday’s sin is not a sin. "I will not give up, and I hope that you will be as good as my family, Miss."
       Dr. Li saw a surprise in his heart. He said that only 60% of the grasp is because the process of treatment is too painful. Few people can get past, but now look at Wei, but let him be born. Admire, "By your performance yesterday, I have 80% of the grasp now." The patient can withstand the pain that ordinary people can't bear, and his doctor will not dare to start.
       Xiang Wei listened to this and felt that yesterday’s sin was not affected.
       After receiving Lian for half a month, An Zhi-zhen was on time every day. Every night, he had to spend half an hour. Yue-Yao was afraid of him, he talked with him, and he exchanged more. The two also had a tacit understanding. .
       Xiang Wei did not return to the house for half a month, but wrote a letter saying that she is now at the most important stage and cannot go back during this time.
       Yue-Yao let Xu-Yu look at Wei in the past, Xu-Yu will soon come back, facing Yue-Yao: "Miss, looking at Wei sister is a little weak, everything else is fine."
       Yue-Yao took a serious look at Xu-Yu, seeing Xu-Yu as usual, no stranger, no doubt about anything. However, Yue-Yao invited the flowers Mama went to the Herbs to look after Xiangwei, and the patient should raise it so that it can be better.
       On this day, An Zhi-zhen didn't go to the door. Yue-Yao was a bit strange. "Why don't you go to the door? Is it a holiday today? The holiday of An Zhi is different from that of the civil servant. Their fake is flowing, no limit is the day. .
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "Today I took a half-day vacation."
       Yue-Yao Intuition is something, but An Zhi-zhen is selling the Guanzi, not telling Yue-Yao, until the end of the time, Yue-Yao knows why An Zhi-zhen is not on the worse, to wait in the mansion.
       The man in the palace issued a decree, and the death of Yue-Yao came down.
       Yue-Yao is a little embarrassed, but An Zhi is not surprised at all, let the big housekeeper to enter the eunuch in the palace, and also told people to put on the incense case, everything is ready, and then he leads Yue-Yao. The front yard is the main hall.
       Yue-Yao listened to the will, and then took the Fengguanxia draped with the file from the little eunuch. Yue-Yao looked at the tray in the Xia shi, Shi Jinyun peacock pattern, in fact, Yue-Yao at this time I didn't think much, and there was a blank in my mind.
       An Zhi touched Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao came back to thank the emperor. Fortunately, the eunuch did not care, and Yue-Yao also heard, "Congratulations."
       The butler personally sent several eunuchs out.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It was rude, but the temper is not bad." The general eunuchs are all arrogant, but these people are the ones who have the most contact with the emperor, and no one dares to offend. Today, watching This eunuch of the mission is a rare and kind person.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled, and did not explain to Yue-Yao why this eunuch was so polite, even if Yue-Yao rarely entered the palace, but she is also the Marquis's righteous sister, the Empress Dowager 's nominal shi-nu.
       What Yun-Yao didn't expect was that after about two quarters of an hour, she received the reward of the Empress Dowager  Imperial Consort. This time, the queen did not go with the ceremony, so the Empress Dowager  the gift of Imperial Consort Still conspicuous.
       Yue-Yao strangely asked: "Why does the Empress Dowager  give me a reward?" There are no more jewels, but this reward is somewhat inexplicable.
       Yue-Yao didn't mind that the Empress Dowager  didn't kiss her. The two had no relatives. Although she had given so many things because of Ming-zhu, she was very grateful.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "You forgot, you are the righteous girl of the Marquis."
       Xu-Yu carefully inserted a sentence, "-Young Madam, will it be because you helped Ming-zhu Miss?" Xu-Yu and other close-fitting maids called Yue-Yao for the face of An Zhi-yu Young Madam, in private, is still used to call Yue-Yao as Miss.
       Yue-Yao feels that Xu-Yu is more credible. Although she is Luo Yi sister, but she is only a sister, not a sister, the Empress Dowager  can’t take care of it. It’s because she helped. Ming-zhu overcomes morning sickness.
       An Zhi-zhen did not entangle this topic again. "If you like this clothes, then wear it." Feng Guanxia is a kimono, usually worn in the palace, but An Zhi-yi thinks Yue-Yao seems to like this clothes very much. I want to let Yue-Yao enjoy the fun first.
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "Tomorrow wants to enter the palace, thank you, you must wear this clothes." Yue-Yao last time in order to enter the palace, seriously with Mama learned the rules, so this time do not have to study specifically.
       After lunch, An Zhi went to the door, and drizzle, he dared to let go of his courage and said: "Miss, you got the commandment Madam, Miss is definitely a banquet."
       Yue-Yao nodded, although the banquet was very tiring, but such a big happy event must be a banquet. If it is quiet, the outsiders think that something is wrong.

       Chapter 425 Banquet (1)   

       Yue-Yao got up the next day, but because of the entrance to the palace, Yue-Yao did not punch, and directly used the morning meal to start Xu-Yu.
       Wearing this crown dress, Yue-Yao chuckled: "This crown is really heavy, and it is almost as heavy as the phoenix crown that you wear." Ten of them have nine want to wear Feng Guanxia, ​​and she is no exception. I really wear it on my body, and the taste can be uncomfortable.
       Xu-Yu last time had learned the rules to accompany Yue-Yao into the palace, so this time Yue-Yao is also prepared to carry Xu-Yu.
       Yue-Yao is not the first time to enter the palace, and she has also seen the Empress Dowager  and the Queen, so it does not appear very nervous. It was in the palace, and Yue-Yao did not appear very nervous. Until the gate of Kunning Palace, Yue-Yao saw a lot of costumes Madam, Yue-Yao, and it was not only one of them who came to the palace today.
       The eunuch came over and invited everyone to go in.
       In addition to the Queen, there are several servants in Kunning Palace.
       The empress was dressed in a yellow embroidered phoenix Bixia Luo Family suit, the phoenix phoenix was inserted with a plethora of beads, sitting on the top, graceful and luxurious, the four scorpions next to the two dignified and generous, the other two are very charming.
       There were a total of eight people who had been killed this time. The other seven Yue-Yao didn’t know each other. This is mainly due to the fact that Yue-Yao participated in too little social interaction, except for a ** Miss who is about the same age as her. Several of the top family, Old Madam, still know a few people.
       The Queen said a few words to Yue-Yao, especially to Yue-Yao. Several calls said that Yue-Yao and the Queen are also a family.
       Yue-Yao has no heads and no snoring. She always insists on saying more and more mistakes and less saying the principle of less mistakes. Therefore, if she does not speak, she will not open her  Mouth. In the Kunning Palace, where she does not have her qualifications, she will not take the initiative. I spoke up.
       The Queen looked at the look of Yue-Yao and smiled and let people back.
       After seeing the empress, I had to see the Empress Dowager  before the ceremony was completed. At the Cining Palace, the eunuch invited everyone to enter the palace.
       The Empress Dowager  received the gift of the people, so that the close-fitting female officer sent a few commandments Madam went out, leaving only Yue-Yao, Yue-Yao because of the familiarity with the Empress Dowager , plus Where is the relationship between The Jingning Marquis Estate , Yue-Yao is very clear, even if the Empress Dowager  does not like her, it will not be difficult for her, so there is no tension.
       The palace Lady came in with a cup of warm water.
       Yue-Yao is preparing to stand up and thank you, the Empress Dowager  swings his hand and said softly: "There are no outsiders here, no need for more gifts."
       Yue-Yao heard the relatives in the words of the Empress Dowager . She was surprised. She saw the Empress Dowager  last time. Although the Empress Dowager  is very kind to her, she feels that the Empress Dowager  actually belongs to her. There is also the meaning of scrutiny, but she feels that she has a clear conscience, and there is nothing to ask for, so she did not care.
       The Empress Dowager  See Yue-Yao look calm, my heart slightly dagger: "Zi Chang, Ming-zhu this time thanks to you, or else do not know how much toss." If not Yue-Yao, no one knows Ming-zhu can't eat anything because of salt problems.
       The Empress Dowager  has no children, so she regards Luo Wei and Ming-zhu as her own children. Luo Wei is Hou Master, and her ability is outstanding. She does not need her worry, but Ming-zhu is different. Her Mei Mei is not aware of her own temperament. However, she had to take Ming-zhu to the palace to educate and Mei Mei did not agree. At that time, she left Ming-zhu in the palace. She did not expect Mei Mei to take medicine. She only had compromise. For this reason, at Mei Mei Before she passed away, she did not leave a pearl to stay in the palace.
       When Mei Mei passed away, she took Ming-zhu into the palace and prepared to carefully teach the ceremonial manners of Ming-zhu. However, she found that most of the bad habits of Ming-zhu had changed. She thought that Lian Yue-Yao was only a companion to Ming-zhu, but it could take a long time. However, it was discovered that Yue-Yao occupied a very important position in the mind of Ming-zhu. It is important to influence Ming-zhu. If it is not the outside, it is sure that Lian Yue-Yao is a good one.
       Although she knows that the shi-zi will not look bad, but in order to prevent it, she has been watching it for a long time. After several years, she finally decided that Yue-Yao is really sincere to Ming-zhu, not that she started. I think that Yue-Yao is the one who has used Ming-zhu to climb up to The Marquis Estate , so that she will climb her.
       Yue-Yao respectfully said: "Ming Ming-zhu is waiting for Mei Mei, who is a close relative, and I am doing this for my sister, not to be anything."
       The Empress Dowager  smiles, sees people for a long time, she has been watching for so many years, and now agrees with the shi-zi, Yue-Yao is really good.
       Yue-Yao accompanied the Empress Dowager  for a good conversation. Lunch was also used in Cining Palace. After lunch, the Empress Dowager  was going to take a nap, and Yue-Yao was leaving the palace.
       Yue-Yao got the Empress Dowager  and looked at it and left for lunch. The news quickly spread throughout the harem. Many people naturally put it in their minds, but soon, there was news in the Cining Palace that the Empress Dowager  Depending on the Lian               It’s obvious that the word is going to go out, the Empress Dowager , the Empress Dowager , this is protecting Lian-Shi!
       The Empress Dowager 's confidant Mama gave her a massage and said with a smile: "The Empress Dowager , the servant said that he was an ambitious, but Madam was a cautious one, but he didn't know it was a wonderful person."
       The Empress Dowager  praised: "This-Yatou is rich in learning and painting, and the paintings and paintings are outstanding. I am afraid that there are not many people who are self-satisfied and able to get her. I said this on the same day-Yatou talent is enough to be Master Ming-zhu, this thought that he exaggerated his words. Now I want to come, but my shi-zi eyes are sharp, but unfortunately, this-Yatou is a wrong child.” As a woman, more talents have to be buried in the back house. .
        Mama smiled and said: "An Madam can't enter the country as an official, but painting and calligraphy is Famous in the world. It is not a pity."
       The Empress Dowager  smiled softly: "Speaking of it, it is still the ‘Madam’ of Anjia who has the vision, and it is his blessing to marry such a ‘Madam’."
       Yue-Yao didn't know that the Empress Dowager  commented on her so high. After Yue-Yao returned to the house, she took off her clothes and changed her clothes.
       Yue-Yao watched Xu-Yu holding the clothes carefully, and smiled lightly. Although the clothes were worn on the body, although they were sinned, they got a commandment. Afterwards, they went out to enter the club and they were also high-ranking.
       When Ann’s return came in the evening, Yue-Yao told him about the feast: “If you are busy, don’t take time off, it’s not good to take time off.”
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "I am sure that I have to take time off for such a big thing. You don't have to worry about it. There are no important things in the door. It is a trivial matter."
       This time, the guest was not the same as the last time. Yue-Yao posted a message to friends and family, including the Wan-An County Owner.
       When Zhuang Ruolan received the message from Yue-Yao, she smiled and returned. On the day of the banquet, she will definitely arrive, such a big happy event, she should be a 'sister-in-law'.
       There was some emotion between Cai-Yun and the words: "I didn't think about it and Miss is now four products." My master is only the commandment of five products.
       Zhuang Ruolan didn't care about this. If she cares about this, she will definitely not marry Ma Peng on her day: "The military officer is not the same as the civil servant. The military officer has raised the military strength very quickly, and the civil servant is not that wonderful. The fabulous characters, all in all, are coming up step by step." The civil servants must not only have someone in the middle, but also have qualifications, and the qualifications can only be step by step.
       Wan-he County Owner received the invitation from Yue-Yao, and like Zhuang Ruolan, immediately replied to the person who sent the invitation, bluntly said that the party must arrive.
       Wan-he County Owner's side of the Servant book bamboo looked at the invitation, the eyes flashed, Yue-Yao in the book bamboo impression is a very proud person, but now there are earth-shaking changes.
       Wan-he County Owner smiled and said: "It’s not the same as marrying someone without marrying." Weiyuan Marquis Estate  bad things, if they were replaced before they were married, they would have troubled them with her 'temperament'. The women are all gone. After you can marry someone, you can't do whatever you want, and you have to worry about a lot of things.
       After hesitated, Shuzhu asked: "-County Owner, no matter what, Heir went to The Ma House to kiss the family on the same day. Although the marriage was not completed, the County Owner should not be so close to the Lian-shi relationship. , County Owner, is it better to avoid?"
       Wan-he County Owner hasn't spoken yet, just Lee Mama walked in and heard this, and called: "What are you avoiding?" Li Mama is Duanwang's confidant Mama, with means, mind, Duanwang knows that Wan-he County Owner is very proud, although he is married and wants to marry, but he feels wronged, and Duanwang is afraid that she is misbehaving, and specially gave Li Mama to Wan-An County Owner.
       Duanwang then said directly to Li Mama in front of the sorrowful face. If there is anything wrong with him, ask her to persuade.
       Duanwang is the mother of Yihe. She naturally knows that Duanwang is good for her, so she also consults Li Mama for many important things, and Li Mama does help the Wan-An County Owner Many, it can be said that if there is no Li Mama persuasion, the relationship between the County and the Guanyin 不可能 can't be so good now, Li Mama is also very good at acting, this time angered the book bamboo This first-class Servant is still the first time.
       Wan-he County Owner did not speak, just looking at Li Mama.
       The book bamboo sees the look of the  Mouth, and is shocked. He immediately squats on the ground and says: "-County Owner, the servant is also for the County Owner." The book bamboo waiter and the County Owner have also been for several years. County Owner's temperament is also clear, but this Li Mama, the most eggs are bones.
       Wan-he County Owner waved the book bamboo down: " Mama, although the book has lost words, but there is no big mistake." Wan-he County Owner This is accusing Li Mama of acting too badly.
       Li Mama said that she did not change her face: "-County Owner, if it is someone else, County Owner is naturally unreasonable, but Lian-shi is not the same, she is the savior of Noble Heir The life-saving grace is greater than the day.-County Owner If you really listen to this-Yatou, you will definitely be born with the future.
       Wan-he County Owner is a little annoyed.
       Li Jiema knows that Yuhe-County Owner has always been stunned by the day when Noble Heir refused to go to the palace of the palace and asked for Lian-shi: "-County Owner, the old servant knows that you still have grievances in your heart. But life is overwhelming. On the same day, since the County Owner chose Noble Heir, it is time to let go of those things. "The world is not stupid. On the contrary, Noble Heir is the first Wenwu scholar in the Yuan Family. In front of such people, the County Owner is not a hard-nosed one.
       Wan-he County Owner is a windy wind, it rains, but it is not in the marriage, she is not willing to marry an embroidered pillow, not willing to marry a sour, it is easy to get on Guan Jingyi, but Guan Jingyu did not marry her. Later, although she married Guan Jingyu, she also tried to ignore this incident, or else she would not take the initiative to show up with Yue-Yao. But this thing is like a stab, not mentioning that nature is fine, once I mention her heart, it is not comfortable.
       Li Mama sighed: "-County Owner, remember what Wangfei said to you when you got married? If you remember, the County Owner should put those things down." After Guan Jingyi refused to kiss the same day, Duanwang and Duanwang smashed the idea of ​​making a kiss, and then Duanwang’s re Marriage was a slap in the face of the County Owner’s own idea.
       Before becoming a relative, Duanwang He said that since she is going to marry The Yongding Marquis Estate , if she is acting by the temper, there is a royal-County Owner. Don't even think about it, if you want to have a couple of chords in a lot of things, you have to bear it.
       Wan-he County Owner also wants to let go, but it is easier said than done. She couldn't completely ignore it. He asked Li Mama: " Mama, why do you say that Lian Yue-Yao will refuse marriage on that day? Why is she so sure that the child is because of kindness?"
       Li Mama heard this, and she knew that the words were just white. She couldn’t solve this knot completely. The bell must be tied to the bell. This knot can only be solved by the world. Li Mama Suggested: "-County Owner, or you let the son promise to go to dinner with you." If the child is really affectionate about Lian-shi, go to the feast can definitely see the clue, so County Owner also Don't have to worry about it all day long. If the world is not interested in Lian-shi, then it is better, you can directly eliminate the sorrow and the heart of the County Owner.
       Wan-he County Owner thought for a long time, and finally nodded. In the past few years, she has been controlling herself not to mention this matter, but the more she controls her, the more cranky she is.
       In the evening, Wan-he County Owner deliberately took a big red hot stamp to Guan Jingyu and said, “Yue-Yao Mei Mei, please let us go as a guest, do you have time when you are there?”
       Guan Jingxi was a little surprised. If he remembered correctly, his ‘Madam’ and Yue-Yao should have nothing to do with each other. It can be heard in this tone. It seems to be very close. Guan Jingyi didn’t think much about it. He didn’t understand the woman’s family. : "Since you have invited us, you are sure to go."
       ‘Laughs’ County Owner heard two words, and his heart was sour. Wan-he County Owner has a thousand thoughts and turns back, and finally decided to break the boat, saving the day and the heart to stir up his own life: "Fo Jun, I listen to Yue-Yao Mei Mei, she has a life-saving grace for you, But she only said this sentence, and no more willing to tell me, Yu Jun, is it true that Yue-Yao Mei Mei is saying?"
       Guan Jingyu is really surprised. Yue-Yao can tell this to his ‘Madam’. It is obvious that the relationship between the two is really good: "It is true."
       Wan-he County Owner's curiosity: "Can you tell me, how does Yue-Yao Mei Mei save you?" In fact, Count-County Owner is really curious, Yue-Yao is How to be the savior of Guan Jingxi.
       Guan Jingyi did not look at the Wan-An County Owner, he felt that there was no need to squat: "When I went to the Zhaohua Temple on the same day, I accidentally met the child. She looked at me and found a doctor for me. After I went down the  Mountain, I went to find the doctor. The doctor was very skilled. He didn't use it for half a year to cure my illness. If there is no guidance from the child, I am definitely not alive."
       Wan-he County Owner thought about a lot of possibilities, but did not think about this possibility: "‘Fu Jun’, you, what disease did you get on that day?"
       Guan Jingyu looked cold: "The doctor said that I was not sick at all, but I had eaten too much from a good thing, and I was sick."
       Wan-he County Owner was shocked to say nothing, killing or suppressing such tricks, she was already tired of listening, but I have never heard of tonics can eat dead.
       Guan Jingyu had a cold feeling: "I also knew at that time that my good aunt had wanted to raise me, and I would treat her as a biological mother."
       Wan-he County Owner has come back to God, and some are fortunate: "Fortunately, Fu Jun met Yue-Yao Mei Mei, if not, let it be satisfactory."
       Guan Jingxi was looking up at the outside of the room. After a while, he said: "The son is also looking at my mother's share, only to recommend the doctor, I think, this must be the mother in the spirit of heaven to bless me." When I met Yue-Yao at Zhaohua Temple, it was just when he went to give his mother a bright spot.
       Wan-he County Owner was surprised, but the face was not revealed.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ said a conversation, Guan Jingyu went out.
       Wan-he County Owner looked at her husband's back, and her heart was loose. From the words of Noble Heir, she could feel Noble Heir's gratitude to Yue-Yao, but did not feel the feelings of men and women.Wan-he County Owner said to himself: "It should be that I think more." The more you care, the more you suffer.
       Wan-he County Owner put down his mind and recruited Li Mama, and said something to Li Mama: "Li Mama, Yue-Yao has anything to do with my mother-in-law?"
       Li Mama thought about it and said: "The passing Madam has a good relationship with Lian-shi mother-in-law."
       For example, the County Owner listened to this and felt a lot loose in his heart.

       Chapter 426 Banquet (2)   

       For this banquet, Yue-Yao has been busy for a long time. Yue-Yao is also worried that the banquet will be too much for the guests on this day. I have invited Zhuang Ruolan to help.
       On the banquet day, Zhuang Ruolan came over early.
       Yue-Yao went out to welcome Zhuang Ruolan into the house, and some apologized and said: "'sister-in-law', I have to bother you today." If Ming-zhu is not pregnant, Yue-Yao must find Ming-zhu to help. Ming-zhu is inconvenient, and the most ideal person is Zhuang Ruolan.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "You-Yatou, you are willing to let me help you, I am happy in my heart, saying that I am bothered and troubled." I can ask myself to help to greet the guests, but also Yue-Yao did not see her. In addition, she is treated as a family member.
       Yue-Yao accompanied Zhuang Ruolan to talk about a conversation, and outside Servant walked into the ramp: " Madam, Wan  and County Owner is coming."
       Yue-Yao knows that ‘Laughs’ County Owner will come over, but he didn't think about it-County Owner came over so early. Yue-Yao is a very keen person. She felt awkward when she saw the Wan-An County Owner last time the County Owner was kind to her, and Yue-Yao was puzzled, but the face was not obvious.Wan-he County Owner shows goodwill to her is a good thing, for what reason there is no need to pursue.
       Zhuang Ruolan heard the Wan-An County Owner came to the banquet, the heart flashed a surprise, Yongding Marquis Heir asked for this matter, the people in Capital City know, but did not expect to be a guest today, ah, no, weird is not Yongding Marquis Heir and his ‘Madam’ came to the door, but why did Yue-Yao ask Yongding Marquis Heir and his ‘Madam’.
       Zhuang Ruolan was thinking about this, and he saw Yue-Yao accompanying him and-County Owner came in with a smile. Zhuang Ruolan smiled and seemed to think more.
       Not much later, the guests continued to come to the door. Zhuang Ruolan looked at the guests who came to the door. I was a little surprised. I didn’t expect Yue-Yao interpersonal relationship to be so wide, and now the four major capitals in Capital City have come to the three, the only one has not come yet. Only Weiyuan The Marquis Estate .
       Wei Yuan Hou Heir Madam is the last to arrive. Yin-Shi had already used breakfast, but Lu-Shi had to come over. The most disgusting thing for her was that Lu-Shi even had a small square Shi came out, if there is a choice, Yin-Shi really does not want to go with Lu-Shi, it is really impossible to lose this face.
       Yue-Yao looked at the small square behind the Lu-Shi, and felt that Lu-Shi was also a brain pumping, and the door-to-door guest even brought a Concubine, this lost It’s not her face, it’s Lu own face.
       Lu-Shi came with Xiao-fang-Shi, the intention was to add Yue-Yao, but when she arrived at the backyard, she saw the guests in the backyard and began to regret. She originally thought that Yue-Yao feast At most, there are only people from Ma and Lian-jia, but there are many people with valuables in the guests who did not expect to come.
       Li Madam and Jingning Marchioness and so on have not spoken, and everyone else is only weirdly watching Lu-Shi with the woman behind her, only the peace County Owner looked at the little party wearing pink clothes    
       Wan-he County Owner is willing to make good friends with Yue-Yao, mainly in the husband's share, otherwise in her identity, only others hold her, where will let her lean down.
       Yin-Shi has already smashed Lu-Shi, "-County Owner, this is my second brother concubine."
       Wan-he County Owner sneered: "I have always heard that the rules of Weiyuan Marquis Estate  are different from other houses. Today, I really let this-County Owner open her eyes." Yue-Yao This is because of the commandment. The guests of the banquet are not ordinary banquets. In this case, the guests will only be in the main room. It is impossible to bring Concubine, as long as people with a little rules, they know this.
       Yin-Shi feels that today's face is lost.
       Xiao Fang-Shi is staring at Yue-Yao, showing unwillingness and remorse in his eyes. She was fascinated by the sweet words of An Zhi-Xiao-, so that she ruined her life. If not, now it is her own life, she is now the command of the four products Madam.
       The people present, in all likelihood, are fine, and the look of the small square-the eyes of the eyes are all in the eye. Everyone does not speak, but the eyes show disdain and contempt.
       Yue-Yao looked at Yin-Shi face was somewhat red, thinking about the child's care for her husband, standing up and laughing and greeting Yin-Shi and Lu-Shi. After the two were seated, Yue-Yao and the neighboring Gu Yu said: "You take this Concubine, and talk to the ‘Madam’ of the house, let people entertain." The presence is the main room Madam, Put one Concubine is here, it doesn't hinder the human eye.
       The stage was set up, and Yue-Yao led everyone to watch the show. Wan-he County Owner suddenly said: "Luo Madam, Li Madam, Lu Madam, this play, it seems that it will be a few, I think Somewhat tired, what do you think?"
       Yue-Yao is in a sudden heart, isn't her intuition wrong, and the County Owner is looking for it. Yue-Yao was surprised, but he still smiled on the face and asked: "What is the good idea of ​​the County Owner?"
       Wan-he County Owner smiled and said: "Yue-Yao, instead of watching the movie outside, let us see how your plum blossoms are written? The outside is a god."
       Yue-Yao remembered the idea of ​​the day and the County Owner, which made her have to perform on the spot, and finally got the name of a talented woman. This time, I don’t know what the Wan  and the County Owner are playing. The idea, Yue-Yao smiled and refused.
       Wan-he County Owner is laughing and looking to Ping-shi and Li Madam, said: "Luo Madam, Li Madam, how do you feel?"
       Ping-Shi sees the Wan-An County Owner is not malicious, may just be fun, and now did not sweep the Wan  and the face of the County Owner, "Want to watch the play, want to see the plum The word will stay, Yue-Yao, what do you think?"
       Everyone finds it interesting and they all agree.
       Yue-Yao Seeing people who are squatting has no rain, Wan-he County Owner, even if it is, I didn’t expect Ping-Shi and Li Madam to come to the fun, obviously, watching In comparison, everyone wants to see her writing.
       Zhuang Ruolan also smiled and said: "All the guests are with the Lord. Today, it is rare for everyone to have this Yaxing, Yue-Yao, you should not quit."
       Yue-Yao knows that it is impossible to push, and now he said: "Since everyone does not disappoint me, I am not good at it, then I will be ugly."
       Yue-Yao-Shi kind of people who don’t do it, do it best, since so many guests have to look at it, she naturally wants to show the best side, not for herself, even For the teacher's name, you can't fall below.
       Yue-Yao ordered Gu You to move the table to the main hall. After he told him, Yue-Yao smiled at the crowd: "It takes time to write the plum blossoms. You can go to the theater first and wait for the watch." ”
       Such a good opportunity, the people will certainly not leave, as the Wan-An County Owner said, when the play will be there, but want to see Yue-Yao write plum blossoms, there are not many opportunities. Today, Yue-Yao has Yaxing, who knows when she will have Yaxing next time!
       The secluded man moved the table out, and the -maid moved all the pen and paper. What surprised everyone was that Yue-Yao actually let the -maid pick up the brush. ”
       Everyone is very strange, writing to brush what to do, although everyone has doubts in mind, but no one asked to export.
       Xu-Yu took a luxurious and rich mud gold rice paper and handed it to Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao spread the mud gold rice paper across the table and then toward Xu-Yu: "Make the ink."
       There was no such thing as drizzle, and the water fell in the -maid and began to grind. The people present soon smelled a thick ink scent.
       Yue-Yao Once I start painting or writing, I will fully devote myself to it, and I will not take into account the situation outside. This time is no exception. After taking the brush and writing it, Yue-Yao will not worry about the people present.
       Lu-Shi looked at Yue-Yao with ink and painted a plum branch, deliberately said: "Three younger Brother, we all know that you are skilled in painting, but we have to look at the plum blossoms you wrote. It is not for you to draw plum branches."
       Wan-he County Owner uttered an irony: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, but you don't know what to say, it's really a shame."
       Yin-Shi can not bore the hole at this time.
       Zhuang Ruolan’s heart is not in the heart of Lu-Shi. It’s really stupid. I don’t want to talk about anything. Just now, Yue-Yao is writing all over her body. As a half Master, she definitely wants to play round, so she laughs. Said: "Yue-Yao is not disturbed when writing and writing, no matter what questions you have, wait for Yue-Yao to finish commenting after you finish writing."
       Yue-Yao drew four plum blossom branches. Xu-Yu had already taken the ink and the pen from the house, but the ink that was taken out was not a black ink but a red ink.
       The man in the front yard quickly knew that Yue-Yao was writing the plum blossom word, and Lu Yang Hou smiled and said: “can you wait for the three sisters to show the words to us."
       Li Wei is also very interested and said: "Yes, Yue-Yao Mei Mei plum blossoms are very fascinating. I have never had a chance to see it. This time, I can enjoy it anyway."
       Guan Jingxi did not speak, but the eyes also showed that he was also very interested.
       An Zhi eyes saw everyone staring at himself and smiled. His ‘Madam’’s calligraphy and art were Famous all over the world. Her work will definitely not be hidden at home. An Zhi-zhen is not a stingy person. "Well, when the head is finished, I will let her take it to everyone."
       Yue-Yao spent nearly one hour, and finally wrote four words, also because now the banquet, if not, Yue-Yao will not only write four words.
       Ping-shi looks at the four words written by Yue-Yao. She has seen a lot of good things, but now she has to praise it. "It's beautiful."
       Wan-he County Owner is more straightforward," Yue-Yao, the last time you promised to send me a word, it has not been honored for so long, this word must be given to me."
       Yue-Yao hasn't spoken yet, and Xiao-juan came in and said: " Madam, Laozi said Madam's words are written, please Madam sends the words to the front yard. ”
       Yue-Yao smiled and yelled at the County Owner: "When you let them read it, they will give it to you." After telling Gu Lan, the word was sent out.
       Hao Mama saw Yue-Yao had finished painting, and went to Yue-Yao and said: " Madam, ready to go along with the study, can open."
       Gu Lan sent the word to An Zhi-yu and said: "Master, this painting Miss has been given to the Wan-An County Owner, waiting for the guests to return to the backyard after reading." This sentence is absolutely present. The possibility that people will be able to ask for words.
       Most of the guests of this banquet are Yue-Yao who are familiar with each other, and there are also half of them who are friends of An Zhi-An. However, although the friends of An Zhi-yu don't understand the plum blossoms, it is also unusual to see this word.
       Yue-Yao led everyone to the dining hall, the hall was large, and it was no problem to put four tables.
       Li Madam is the elder, sitting in the first seat, followed by Wan-he County Owner, Jingning Marchioness Ping-shi, then Yue-Bing, Yin Shi-shi, Zhuang Ruolan, and then Duke 1st Young Madam, the rest of this position is Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Ying sat at the table with Yue-huan. Yue-Ying only talked to Li Wei ‘Madam’, Wan Shi-shi, and did not care to be Yue-huan around her. Between the words of Yue-Ying, I glanced at the first face of the head inadvertently. There was a sneer in my eyes. I don’t know who said Yue-Yao is high and proud? It’s really high, how can I get to know most of the ladies in the capital, and I’m going to be high.
       The big family said that they didn't talk about food, and they didn't speak when they were eating. After dinner, the kitchen sent goat milk, a small bowl for each person.
       Wan-he County Owner strangely asked: "What is this sheep milk?"
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "The doctor said that this goat's milk is good for the body, so I drink a small bowl of goat's milk every day after dinner. I have been insisting for a few years, and I rarely get sick."
       Yue-Bing said with a smile: "Not only that, washing his face with goat's milk, his face is particularly smooth and tender, and my skin is raised like this."
       Everyone looked at the smooth, tender and white skin of Yue-Bing's face, and then looked at Yue-Yao skin, and did not say anything, just drank.
       After using lunch, everyone also left home. Zhuang Ruolan helped Yue-Yao to send the guest to leave, smiled and said: "Yue-Yao, when you are free, I will let you come and learn from you."
       Yue-Yao refused this request, "'sister-in-law', plum blossoms are very difficult to learn, not only have calligraphy skills, but also the skills of painting, or don't let this sin." There are special reasons for writing plum blossoms so well.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at the clearly visible scorpion in Yue-Yao, and gave up thinking about it. Miss's hands are as important as the face. Yue-Yao is not an ordinary way to go. The unusual way to pay is the same. Very big.
       Yue-Yao gave the extension to Zhuang Ruolan. "The plum blossoms are not easy to learn, but they can be used to copy Linyi. There is a three-and-five-year effort. The words are definitely beautiful."
       Zhuang Ruolan remembers that when Ma-shi was going to Yue-Yao to pass this extension, Yue-Yao didn't give it at the time, but now Yue-Yao did not hesitate to lend himself, Zhuang Ruolan led the situation," Ok, the watch is not polite to you. I will give it back when I drop out of school."
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       Wan-he County Owner returned to the County House, and took the word out to Guan Jingyu. "‘Fu Jun’, how do you think Yue-Yao Mei Mei is written?"
       Guan Jing’s decapitation, “very good, has reached the first-class level.” Guan Jingyu saw the painting that Yue-Yao sent to Tingyi, and the painting was added to the painting of Tingyi. At the level, Guan Jingyi is very much looking forward to the future of Yue-Yao, which will grow to a point ten years later. I hope that Yue-Yao will not be afraid of marrying his skills.
       Wan-he County Owner turned his mind and smiled: "Is there no regret in my heart?"
       Some people did not understand Guan Jingxi, "What are you sorry for?"
       Wan-he County Owner pretends to be a joke: "Of course it is regrettable Yue-Yao Mei Mei refused to kiss on the same day..." If there is more, Wan-he County Owner does not say, say more, Will be counterproductive.
       Guan Jingxi looked at him with amazement and looked at the County Owner. When Guan Jingyi saw the shackles of the Wan-An County Owner, he smiled and said: "I saw Chen’s family bullying that she was somewhat unfair. So after I went to the sergeant, I asked the matchmaker to come to the door to raise my family. In fact, there are many ways to repay the grace, but I have used the most stupid one." The two have been married for more than two years, and and County How the Owner treats him, Guan Jingzhen has a lot of thoughts.
       Wan-he County Owner's eyes are bright, "Is the husband to ask for help in order to repay?" Yue-Yao said she did not believe, but her husband said, she was willing to believe.
       Guan Jingyi nodded. "In my heart, I was the son of Mei Mei." Guan Jingyi did not have the feelings of men and women for Yue-Yao, but felt that Yue-Yao was too good and good. People who bullied Mashan were riding, and Yu-Yao 'temperament' was really married to The Marquis Estate . I was afraid that the ghosts of his stepmother and backyard would not be able to get bones and slag. I have to admit that Yue-Yao choice was very wise.
       After listening to this, I have been pressing on the thorns of the heart of the County Owner. I finally got rid of it, and the point of Yue-Yao mustard was also scattered.
       Yue-huan left the house of Anfu and returned to Qianfu. She didn’t talk all the way. Today’s business gave her a great shock. She knew that the businessman in this society had the least status. She didn’t have much feeling before, but today she The feeling is particularly strong. Every time someone asks her identity and knows that she is a daughter-in-law of Qian’s family, she is faint to her, and she does not hide her emotions directly to show her disdain. Others will stop, but Lian Yue-Ying I can't get on her, let Yue-huan sigh with a sigh of relief.
       Yue-huan asked lowly: "Hongmei, you said that the big sister, why do she look down on me?"
       Hong-mei stunned. She looked at her own character and was not happy. She thought that she was unhappy after being indifferent today, but she didn’t think that her family was not happy because of the Eldest Miss. "Dagu-Nai-Nai is just a Lady, she Is there any qualification that can't be mastered? Miss must have made a mistake." If the two Gu-Nai-Nai and Sangu-Nai-Nai can't get on their own Miss, then it's okay, Eldest Miss is in partnership with his own master. Open a shop, if you can't get on, do what you want to do business with your own Miss!
       Yue-huan listened to the  Mouth and raised a sneer. "She can't just miss me. She is also a second sister and a third sister. She thinks she is hiding. In fact, all the people next to me are out."
       Hongmei stunned, and after a while, Hongmei said: "I used to listen to Hua-li sister, too Eldest Miss is a white-eyed wolf, listen to the meaning of Hua-li sister 3rd Miss seems to help the Eldest Miss Many times, I don't know what Eldest Miss did afterwards. 3rd Miss didn't take care of the Eldest Miss. "These are all people who say that the Hong-mei is not broken, so I didn't say it to the Moon."
       Yue-huan sneered and said: "This kind of person really can't touch more." The noodle restaurant opened at the end of last month, renting the house and buying materials, these are all costs, and the total cost of the building is more than 2 thousand Silver Taels. Zi, Yue Ying accounted for 30% of the share capital, originally should have six hundred Silver Taels, but Yue-Ying said that she only has four hundred Silver Taels, she thought that Ying surplus is also difficult, so the two hundred Silver Taels said she said And the profit has been deducted from the dividends.
       But the performance of today's monthly surplus has made her heart cool. If Yue Ying is disgusting with her identity and does not talk to her, she has nothing to say, but Yue Ying is quite cheap for her, and she can’t hide her identity as a merchant woman. This is not just a white-eyed wolf. It is a character. Question, as for this kind of character, it is no wonder that Yue-Yao is not willing to take care of her.
       Through today's business, Yue-Yao decided to keep a distance from the moon, which is the noodle restaurant, and she does not want to continue to operate. When reading ice or Yue-Ying is not willing to let go, she will withdraw shares and cooperate with such people, who knows when to slap a knife.

       Chapter 427 New Year 

       At the end of the year, every household is ready for the New Year. Yue-Yao also started to get busy for the New Year, because there is no experience, so don't want Hao Mama to help.
       An Zhi-zhen is very busy during this time, or come back in two or three days, or it is very late to come back, very hard.
       Yue-Yao is busy, hearing Servant saying that Ting is coming back. Yue-Yao was very happy and went out to meet the court.
       Yue-Yao was originally prepared to let Tingzhen move out this year and move to Yuhua Hutong, but the court is too busy, and I can’t get it, plus the Yuhua Hutong has not been cleaned up, Yue-Yao Did not insist that this year, the court is staying.
       The fifteen-year Old Ting Zheng, who has just surpassed Yue-Yao, is also very strong. The only fly in the ointment is that his face is growing very well. Fortunately, Ting Zheng has been in the army for two years, making him look masculine and will not make people feel very female.
       After the marriage of Yue-Yao, he came to live in the middle of the vacation for two days. He was not strange to this house. At this time, with Yue-Yao entering the main courtyard, he did not see An Zhi-, and the court asked: "Sister, is your brother-in-law still busy?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "They have more things in the New Year, and they don't know what can come back. Are you on vacation, or are you going to the capital?" The former court was just a holiday on the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, so Yue Yao has this question.
       Ting Zheng smiled and said: "It is a holiday. I will return to the military camp on the seventh day of the first month. Sister, there are more things at the end of the year. I can help you."
       Yue-Yao is not polite with him either. "The people on Zhuangzi should also send things over the past two days. By then, this will be handed over to you." Yue-Yao himself has not eaten the money. Loss, certainly will not let the court to eat such a loss, the two years of summer harvest and autumn harvest, Yue-Yao all let the court to collect the rent, so as to prevent the following Zhuangtou sneak sneak, also Let the court know how to handle the task.
       If you are talking, Ruo Cui walked in and said: "Miss, Xizhuangtou of Yun Xiao Village sent something over." Yue-Yao has converted things into silver in the past, and this year he opened the house, naturally It’s something.
       Ting Zheng listened with a smile: "This person really did not read, really said Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."
       Yue-Yao looked at the list, there are many things, the variety is also complete, and their family is also three masters, these things are more than enough.
       After Yue-Yao looked at the list, he handed the order to Ting Zheng and said, "You go to check the things with Zhuangtou." Anyway, the court is not a second son, and will not be taken away.
       When the court accepted the list, he went to the front yard. After a long period of time, he came back. "Sister, everything is wrong, the things sent are good, not filled with goods. Sister, there are still anecdotes, though."
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "Really, my sister will be polite with you! You have to go for a day, first go for a break, and I will tell you something."
       One of the most troublesome things in Chinese New Year is giving gifts. Gifts are a Academy question. Yue-Yao has no old rules to follow. Everything has to come by yourself. This is really a test of people. Fortunately, relatives are not too much. Otherwise, Yue-Yao can be a real headache.
       Yue-Yao dispatched things to each family, and then selected a few pieces of leather from them, and told the humanity: "These skins are sent to the cloth workshop, and they are asked to make two large hairs." Before Yue-Yao has For An Zhi-zhen and Tingzheng each made one, and there will be one for each person.
       It was busy, time always passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.
       Yue-Yao saw Xiang Wei, happy to look out, "Xiang Wei, you are back." After that, I carefully saw the foot from the beginning.
       Wei Wei smiled and said: "No need to look at it, there is no hair." This month she did not suffer less, but for now it is much easier than before.
       Yue-Yao Lian said that it is good, I can’t see Wei to this time, Yue-Yao is hanging my heart, but it’s not Yue-Yao, who is not standing to look at Wei, but not to Wei. Going to see, Dr. Li is not allowed to see her, saying that she always disturbs the patient. "Does Dr. Li say, when will it be cured?"
       Xiang Wei nodded. "Well, if you have no problem, it may be until March, but you have to raise it in the future." Although this month was tossed to death, but Wei also had to admit, This fat man really has two brushes. This month, she feels a lot easier than before.
       The worst thing about living in Baicaotang is that the food is like pig food. Later, the flower Mama went to the food to improve, but the flower Mama is strictly obeying the stinky fat, and all the things that Wei can't eat are not. do.
       Xiang Wei is now back, she has to take advantage of Yue-Yao, do not know what she should eat when I eat a good meal.
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei Wei: "The patient should avoid the  Mouth, you can't eat anything, you should tell the cook."
       Xiang Wei quickly said: "Just once, I have not eaten a good meal for a long time." According to the stupid fat, she will starve to death sooner or later.
       Yue-Yao is familiar with Wei, but he called the flower Mama asked: "What can Li Da Fu say to Wei?"
       Yue-Yao heard the flowers Mama said a lot of taboos, and the dishes that Wei just ordered were all taboo. Yue-Yao slammed the servant to Wei. "You are rather willing to eat if you want to eat? Ah, are there people like you?" Yue-Yao has never seen such a delicious person, no I also know that it is a starving ghost!
       Xiang Wei knows that he wants to eat a good wish.
       After dinner, Yue-Yao asked Wei to how Dr. Li was treated during this time. Wei Wei said a few words at random, saying that in addition to worrying Yue-Yao, there is no other use.
       Xiang Wei is not very good, so now I sleep relatively early every day. I didn’t see An Zhi return before I went to sleep. I frowned and asked, “Isn’t it like this every day?”
       Yue-Yao explained with a good temper: "No, it was very busy during this time. It used to be back on time."
       I whispered to Wei, "Tomorrow is twenty-nine, and I won’t come back for the New Year?" It’s not good to marry a military officer. It’s always not going home on time, or a good civil servant. Basic daily. Going home, especially like Nu Yang-hui, it was more leisurely.
       Yue-Yao didn't care, "This year is the first year. Shangfeng will definitely let him go home for the New Year." These have long been within the consideration of Yue-Yao. Since married, there can be no complaints.
       Wei Wei fell asleep with dissatisfaction.
       Yue-Yao practiced the word, was preparing to sleep, and heard the sound of the outside -maid called: " Madam, the Lord is back."
       Yue-Yao went out of the study and saw that he had snow on his body. Yue-Yao gave An Zhi-xuan the outside big shackles and handed it to Xu-Yu and said, "I don't know if it is snowing outside." I didn't see snow when I entered the house! ”
       Xu-Yu said: " Madam, this snow started before an hour, you don't know in the house."
       Yue-Yao smiled and nodded, then told the people to bring the food up, Yue-Yao began to have no experience, and An Zhi first night came back to nothing, and had the first experience. Yue-Yao Every night, people will put the food in the pot and heat it. It can't be broken. After that, An Zhi will come back to eat hot meals.
       Akai and Datong are very satisfied with the hot and delicious meals. Akai said while eating: "It’s still delicious in my own house, and the food in Tuen Mun is like pig food."
       Datong Lian Lian nodded.
       Akai is moving his mind. It seems that he has to find a chance to talk to the Lord. The so-called near-water tower has the first month, and it must be fixed first.
       This year just happened to meet the big moon, there are 30 days, An Zhi-xuan holiday, the outside thing Yue-Yao naturally let An Zhi to deal with it.
       An Zhi-zhen finished the outside, took the court back to the inner court, saw Yue-Yao writing in the main hall, and the floor was full of red paper with the word written.
       Ting looked up sideways and looked up and smiled: "Sister, let's write the Spring Festival couplet ourselves?" The general couplets are going outside to buy.
       Yue-Yao is writing a sour hand, "Well, who are you writing?" Yue-Yao wrote a couplet, naturally it is impossible to use plum fonts, using ordinary fonts.
       An Zhi-zhen is very self-aware, his words are barely strong enough to see, and Yue-Yao words are incomparable, and Ting Zheng volunteered: "Sister, I will write." He also practiced for ten years. The word, although it is not necessary with the sister, but writing the deputy couplet is no problem.
       Ting Zheng has been back for six days. He is very happy in these six days. In the past few years, he has been with his sister at the Majia New Year. Although he is very good, he always has a kind of regret. He is no better, he can’t change his sister’s seat. The facts are different now, and now they also have their own home, a home that makes people feel at ease.
       Ting Zheng will write the couplet, and Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Let's let them send people to post."
       An Zhi looked at the appearance of Xu-Yu and asked: "They recognize the word?" This is obviously a literary word, and it is not to be blamed for the question of An Zhi-, the general -maid is not recognized.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "I have taught them before, I don't recognize many words, I probably can only read the books." It's not Yue-Yao, I don't want to teach, but these few rings are not. Interest, the most literate is Xu-Yu, I don’t learn if I have a thousand words. What is the poetry is not to learn.
       An Zhi-xuan thoughtfully.
       Yue-Yao is to let Gu Lan get the clothes for the two people. Both of them are two sets of clothes from the inside out. The clothes of An Zhi are bright colors, and the clothes of Tingzheng are all dressed. It is dark in color.
       An Zhi-zhen looked at the court wearing a black-and-green robes, and his  Mouth twitched. A boy looks so good and looks good.
       Yue-Yao thought that An Zhi-zhen thought that the clothes of Ting Zheng were too dark, and explained: "Tingzhen is good skin, this color is just a pressure." This color is somewhat old-fashioned for children aged fifteen or six. However, Yue-Yao is very worried. If Ting Zheng wears this bright color, it will flash people eyes.
       After using the dinner, An Zhi-wen asked: "Ting Zheng, it is a military test immediately, do you have plans to go to the test?" Wu Kao in April, also a few months.
       Ting is ready to go to the exam.
       An Zhi-xuan did not let Ting Zheng go to the test. "You are too thin. If you go to the test this time, you can't test a good place. I mean you don't take the test first, and then take the test after three years." Unfortunately, the age is too small, this is a disadvantage that there is no way to change. An Zhi-zhen is also very clear about the ability of Tingzheng. According to his speculation, if the court is going to take the test, it should be able to pass the exam, but the ranking will definitely not be good.
       Although the martial arts test is not as fragrant as the text test, it is the same. If it is not well tested, it will also have an impact on the career path.
       Yue-Yao listened to the reason of An Zhi-yu, hesitating: "Let Tingzheng try it, first go to understand the subjects to be tested, and wait for the next time to go to the test."
       An Zhi-qi disagreed with Yue-Yao suggestion. "Since you want to take the test, you have to go all out. If you don't play your own level, you will return to the camp after you drop the list. It will also make people look down. It is not the same as the martial test. It doesn't matter if the text is not tested in half, but the martial arts test can't, unless it is brushed down or has special reasons. Under normal circumstances, it can be regarded as a deserter. Being looked down upon.
       Yue-Yao said after a short silence, "Ting Zheng, then you still go to the exam after three years. You are only 18 years old after three years, and you are not in a hurry." Sure enough, each line has rules for each line.
       The court listened to Yue-Yao words and said: "Okay."
       An Zhi-yi listened to a friend and said that the court was squatting with the man in the military camp. I didn’t expect the court to be docile to a cat in front of Yue-Yao, and couldn’t help but laugh.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat puzzled. "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" Yue-Yao has been worrying about the court before, and even if the court is an official, they have to rely on their own groping. Now, well, there are In the case of An Zhi-, Ting Zheng can also take some detours.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "No." I feel that my Brother and sisters are very close. He looked at him with some envy. He has so many Brother and sisters, but unfortunately there is no close relationship. Well, the only big brother who is close, because of many reasons, has to be pretending to be unsuitable.
       When I was sleeping at night, An Zhi looked at Yue-Yao and said, "Zi Chang, give me a son!" He wanted to have a child of his own.
       Yue-Yao listened to his heart. "Does the daughter not like it?" He also wants a daughter, her daughter is soft and fragrant.
       An Zhi-Xiao laughed; "My son and daughter like it." After that, he put Yu-Yao under his body.
       Yue-Yao hurriedly pushed him away, "Tomorrow will enter the palace to congratulate, change the day!" The body worn in the palace will add up to ten kilograms, and have to go a long way to come back and forth. It is tossing, this is also her physical strength, the average person into a palace will toss a sickness.
       An Zhi listening is no longer a problem. In fact, An Zhi heart is a bit regrettable. After Ming-zhu is married, it will be pregnant in a month. They have been married for three months. Yue-Yao is not pregnant, and I don’t know when. Can hold the child.
       By the twelfth lunar month, everything was ready, and the door god changed for a new one. The couplet was also posted, and the inside and outside were completely new.
       Yue-Yao got up a punch in the next day, dressed up in the morning meal, and sat in the sedan chair to enter the palace.
       When he entered the palace and returned to the government, Yue-Yao changed his clothes when he got home. Fortunately, her physical strength is good. Many people are going to walk out of the palace.
       An Zhi-zheng said: "If you take a break, there is nothing wrong with the house."
       Yue-Yao has the habit of taking a nap, this will be tired, it is a bit unbearable, and I went to sleep honestly. I woke up about half an hour after I slept.
       In the evening, from the main entrance to the inner courtyard, all the red lanterns hanging all lit up, and the house was brighter than the day.
       The court got three thick red envelopes, Yue-Yao gave one, An Zhi gave one, and Wei gave one.
       The next day, I came back to the congratulatory banquet. Yue-Yao was a little bit stunned. Fortunately, it would take only two days for the congratulations to be held for a while. Otherwise, she could not stand it.
       Then I started to go relatives, I have to ask for the wine, I am busy, and I have been busy until the YuanXiao-Yao is finally relieved. It is really not the average person who can do well.
       Yue-Yao was wearing new clothes from the Clothroom. After wearing it, Yue-Yao called: "How clothes are made a bit wider."
       Xu-Yu laughed: " Madam, it's not that the cloth dressing is too wide, it's you thin." These months, busy, Miss has not been so busy before.
       Looking at the mirror, I didn’t feel how thin I was!

       Chapter 428 Poisoned Hand (1)   

       Yangchun Marchday, Yangliuyiyi, peach blossom burning, is the best season of the year. People replaced the cumbersome winter clothes and put on a thin spring shirt.
       Yue-Yao looked at the tender green grass that grew up in the yard and suddenly said: "The orchids are planted in the back garden." At this time of the year, the orchids of Lanxiyuan are in full bloom, and the smell of orchids can be smelled from far away.
       Xu-Yu smiled and nodded: "Well, wait for the servants to talk to the big housekeeper." In addition to the back garden, the rest of the house has been fixed.
       Yue-Yao had wanted to plant a piece of bamboo. Finally, considering that the back garden was too small, it was necessary to plant bamboo and the back garden was full.
       Yue-Yao thought for a long while, and finally decided to plant two sweet-scented osmanthus trees. It is also a trouble to make the garden too small. According to the ideal of Yue-Yao, the garden should be planted with various varieties of flowers, such as chrysanthemum sea bream. It is best to plant another grape. Unfortunately, these are all gone.
       Xu-Yu whispered: "Miss, there is no linden tree in the yard, it is good to grow grapes." Bodhi tree has no practical value, and Miss is a must-see linden tree.
       Yue-Yao refused this proposal. "If you want to eat grapes, you can go out and buy them. There is no need to plant them in the yard." If the yard is too small, Yue-Yao wants to plant the phoenix tree.
       Xu-Yu is not buzzing.
       Yue-Yao went into the study without any trouble, took a brush and began to paint, painting a bird, and the bird fell on a treetop full of flowers.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao painting, and his  Mouth also showed a smile. Miss was not very busy recently. When he was free, he used it all on the painting, and Miss's current painting is obviously much more cheerful than before. He often hears people. Saying that painting can reflect a person's heart, only from the point of view of painting, I know that Miss is very happy.
       Yue-Yao didn't take long for lunch, I heard Yue-huan coming. Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Please come in 4th Miss!" She and Yue-huan know each other, Yue-huan is willing to make a good deal with her, she will not refuse, and Yue-huan knows a lot of things, these things for her It may also be useful.
       Yue-huan came over to invite Yue-Yao to do business together.” Three sisters, I want to open a gold shop, I plan to sell some jewelry. I already have a preliminary plan. I don’t know if the third sister is interested.”
       Yue-Yao was very surprised. "Why do you want to open a gold shop suddenly, are you short of money?"
       Yue-huan shook his head. "There is no shortage of money, just feel free to do nothing, so I want to do some business and buy private money."
       Yue-Yao looked at Yue-huan and asked: "How do people in Qianjia say?" Opening a gold shop is not a trivial matter, not only the cost of hundreds of thousands, but more importantly, the background is hard, the money family is a wealthy family. There are also people behind, as long as the money family agrees, the gold shop will be opened.
       Yue-huan naturally got the consent of the money family." I initially planned that the money family accounted for 50% of the shares. I accounted for 20% of the shares. You and the second sister accounted for 15% of the shares. What did the third sister think?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head and said: "Don't count me, I said that I won't do business." Yue-Yao believes that the moon's ability, coupled with the money home to back up, this gold shop will definitely make money, But she will not have any entanglements with the money family.
       The month is busy saying: "I know that the third sister is not interested in business, and the third sister you only need to participate in the stock, you do not need to operate."
       Yue-Yao looks at the gorgeous face of Yue-huan, people are still so beautiful, but there is a trace of exhaustion on the face, Yue-Yao don't have to think about it, know that Yue-huan is definitely not very good at the money house, Yue Yao thought about it and said: "Four sisters, I know that you will definitely make money with your gold shop. You want me to share shares, but I don't want to take advantage of you."
       Ying-huan smiles, this person is really big gap with people, Yue Ying is trying to take advantage of her cheap, Yue-Yao is good and not willing to.
       Seeing Yue-Yao idea in Yue-huan has been fixed, and no longer persuaded.
       Yue-Yao looked at Yue-huan, thinking that Yue-huan in Lianfu was considered a sincereness to her, Yue-Yao thought about it, let everyone all retreat, leaving two people in the house.
       The moon is full of doubts.
       Yue-Yao whispered: "Yue-huan, there is one thing I tell you, you have a number in your heart, you don't have to tell others."
       In the heart of the moon, a trip, "Three sisters, what?" She knows that Yue-Yao is not a deliberate person who makes a mystery. Intuition is not simple.
       Yue-Yao told the Moon House about the money house. It is not a secret. It can be heard by anyone who has a little means." You read so many books and you won this. Kind should also have some understanding." More, Yue-Yao is not good to say.
       The moon is white and white. In modern times, those TVs are not white, especially in the Qing Family. In the Qing Family, the experience of 'marriage proposal' is just a shock.
       It took a long time for the moon to press the panic in the heart, watching Yue-Yao, pressing down the voice: "Three sisters, who finally won?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I don't know."
       Yue-huan is very disappointed, "Sister, can't you tell me?" Yue-huan feels that Yue-Yao has been very prepared for her, and she is now guarding her.
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "I didn't lie to you, I really don't know." The Crown Prince was gone before she died, but when she died, the emperor did not set up the new Crown Prince. The storage is very powerful.
       Yue-huan is dubious.
       Yue-Yao is just acting according to her heart. She does not owe anything to Yue-huan. On the contrary, she has been helping Yue-huan. "Yue-huan, this is not your previous society. It is good to make money, but It’s not necessarily a good thing to make too much money. Yue-huan, I am still saying that money is enough.” Women’s ability to have too much money and self-insurance will eventually be cheaper for others.
       The heart of the -maid is a glimpse, and after half a dozen, "I know, thank you three sisters." Anyway, Yue-Yao can tell her today, it is also the words of the heart, but the gold shop has already opened its head, it does not May be back on.
       Yue-huan decided that in the future, he would only manage this gold shop, and other businesses would not be contaminated anymore."Yue-Yao, I know that many clothes in Clothroom are designed by you. After I opened the gold shop, you can give Does the shop's jewelry design have a rest style? Yue-huan does not dare to despise because Yue-Yao is an ancient one. On the contrary, she is very awesome to Yue-Yao, and she is surprised by the clothes designed by Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao refused, "I don't want to promise you. I don't have more than ten styles of clothes in one year. If your jewelry shop means relying on me, you can lose Lian."
       Yue-huan knows that Yue-Yao is not eating by this, just painting in his spare time, "Three sisters, this way, when will you give me when you draw, you can rest assured that I will never tell anyone about this matter, you see May I?"
       Yue-Yao thought for a moment and nodded: "Cheng, but you don't expect too much. I am very busy now, and Lian has to take time to paint."
       Yue-huan smiled and said: "Yes."
       Yue-Yao suddenly remembered one thing when he turned and left, and asked Yue-huan. "Si sister, since you know how to cook, do you know how to make some rare snacks?" Yue-Yao This is for Wei to ask, during this time, looking at Wei Wei can not eat those delicious and frowning, Yue-Yao is also somewhat distressed.
       Yue-huaned a bit, but quickly nodded: "Let me go back and think about it, I will send it to the third sister when I think about it." Yue-Yao This is still the initiative to give her a  Mouth, how much she writes A few new styles of cakes came out, and I thought of it here.
       After Wei Wei waited for the moon to -maid, he was not exposed. "What is Miss doing to her so kindly?" Xiang Wei thinks that Lian-jia is not a good thing. It is certainly not good to come so hard.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "If you want to eat a few more food, then it is best to pray for 4th Miss."
       Wei Wei was very surprised.
       Yue-Yao has great trust in Wei, and will not sneak into the matter of Wei, and writes about 20 kinds of dishes in the same month.
       Xiang Wei listened with a sullen face, and said coldly, "Miss, I have never seen such a stupid person." I know that these dishes are always made to go to Hongfu Restaurant to buy food. Is this not a defeated woman?
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It's not your own thing, don't take it."
       To Wei said, Yue-Yao is a refusal. She would rather spend more money and not take advantage of others. This is the bottom line for people.
       Xiang Wei almost smashed her chest, how did she encounter such a rib of the master? "It’s not for you to sell these recipes to others. It’s our own food. Why don’t you turn your mind? It!"
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei and said, "If you want to eat a few dishes from Hongfu Restaurant, as long as it is not your dish, I will buy it for you."
       Wei Wei.
       The moon looped back to Qianfu, and people invited for money. Yue-huan originally intended to participate in the gold shop business, but after listening to Yue-Yao suggestion, she changed her mind. Indeed, although she joined the merchant's house, but this is not modern, she should not be too prominent, otherwise she will become a tool to make money, and Yue-huan wants to quit, but this is really not what she wants. Exit can exit.
       Red Ling took a plate of pastry and came in.
       Looking at Yue-huan is a hawthorn cake, some strange, "How can the kitchen come up with cakes today?" The kitchen is rarely made in the kitchen on most days, and there is no small kitchen in the courtyard of Yue-huan. It is not convenient to eat anything.
       Hong Ling smiled and said: "Yes Old Madam tasted delicious, so the kitchen made a lot of masters to each room."
       Yue-huan has already eaten cakes on the carriage, which will be full of stomach, and the hawthorn cake looks at this beautiful, she has not eaten the desire," Hong Ling, you take the dish and divide it." Yue-huan is here. In fact, it is still quite generous.
       Hong Ling specially left a piece of hawthorn cake for the Hong-mei, and the other was given to her by the -maid. When the Hong-mei went to pick up the things, Hong Ling gave the cake to the Hong-mei like a treasure." This is what Miss has rewarded for us. I have left you a piece. My sister, this hawthorn cake is smooth and delicate, sweet and delicious, very delicious."
       The Hong-mei face changed greatly.
       Yue-huan is writing the method of making the cake, and I saw that the Hong-mei face came in a bit pale.
       Yue-huan put down the brush and asked strangely: "Hongmei, what happened to you?"
       The Hong-mei trembling said: "Miss, this is someone who wants you. The hawthorn is cool, the pregnant person can't eat it, and the meat will slip." Hongmei knows that she is also pregnant because she 'sister-in-law' Just at home, she 'sister-in-law' had eaten something cool and was stunned by her mother. Later, Meimei Niang told her that many women need to be worried about pregnancy. This time, someone in the kitchen sent a hawthorn cake, and it was clear that I wanted to murder Miss.
       Yue-huan did not come back. She knows that the hawthorn is cold, and the risk of pregnant women eating it is really unborn, but no one is pregnant in their yard.
       Hongmei sees Yue-huan still in a state of ignorance, whispered: "Miss, your little days have always been very accurate, this time may be postponed for four or five days, Miss is probably there."
       Yue-huaned his eyes wide. "You mean I might be pregnant?" After saying this, Yue-huan couldn't help but touch his stomach. She didn't feel anything at all.
       Hongmei nodded. "I just guessed that I was afraid of making mistakes, so I prepared to talk to Miss two days later, but it was too coincidental to send this hawthorn cake."
       The moon touched the stomach and said after a long time: "This is not a good thing for the time being." Don't say that she is not sure if she is pregnant now, even if she is pregnant, she can't call. This pastry is the pastry that Old Lady has so much. If she yelled out, wouldn't she say that Old Lady is too bad for her, in case of annoyance Old Lady too, her days are not so good.
       Hongmei cautiously said: "Miss, do you want to ask Su Concubine to come over." Hongmei is very convinced of Su Concubine. If she learns Su Concubine six or seven points, she doesn't have to worry about it. Unfortunately, her master is right. Su Concubine is very alienated.
       Yue-huan thought about it later: "A few days later I went back to my mother's house." Su Concubine is just one Concubine, let Concubine come to the door, ugly.
       At the beginning of the month, I only thought it was a coincidence. After all, it was Old Lady's pastries, which were too rewarded. Old Lady wouldn't harm his great-grandson. He could wait until dinner and watched black fungus on the table. Salty crabs and other cool dishes, Yue-huan knows that this is really someone who wants to harm themselves.
       Yue-huan smiled, she didn't know that she might be pregnant, but the woman in the house seemed to think she was pregnant. Before I got married, Concubine told her that the money in the money house was deep, she didn't care, but now she is completely convinced Concubine.
       Red Ling's face is red and red," Miss, can't be so."
       Yue-huan shook his head and said: "Don't sing, let's check to see who is going to send these dishes to me."
       The dowry of Yue-huan has eighty-one lifts, but the dowry is good-looking on the face. The industry that can come to the money, such as the shop, is very poor. It is also fortunate that she has tens of thousands of private money on hand, otherwise she is now in the money. The days of the government are definitely not good.
       The next day, the moon was sent to the pastry party in the early morning.
       Wei Wei first took over and saw several methods of making cakes. I was very surprised to say: "What is this cake, cookies, not to mention that I have not eaten, I have never heard of it." Xiang Wei is the most authentic The food, in the capital, but some of the delicious things that she is Famous, she has eaten.
       Yue-Yao ignored the Wei, but sent the pastry to the doctor Li. The doctor decided that these cakes could be eaten by Wei, and Yue-Yao only let the cooks follow the prescription.
       The first thing the cook is doing is the egg tart.
       Xiang Wei finally ate a new variety of pastries, bite off one egg tart, and then confuse the face after eating." Miss I remember Lian Yue-huan before doing lipstick and other things, how she knows so many cakes "The background of the moon to the moon is clear. She thought that Yue-huan was a little weird earlier. Imagine a door that doesn't have two doors, Miss, how to make a whimsy of exporting red, and now Better, even Lian's pastry party will do it.
       Xiang Wei is very sure that the people of Qianfu do not know this new type of pastry, or else the money family's savvy, where will let Yue-huan to give this pastry to their own Miss.
       Yue-Yao Although trusting Wei Wei, Xiang Wei has never been concealed, but it is certainly impossible to say anything about the resurrection of the corpse. "There are so many delicious things."
       Xiang Wei did not have this thought to trace Yue-huan. Although she hated Lia n-jia people, Yue-huan did not have any conflict with them, and did not want to pursue it.” Miss, I think this Lian Yue-huan is somewhat evil, Miss Still less contact with her."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You can rest assured that I am measured." She will do things that she will do, but she will not agree to her embarrassing things.
       Although Wei Wei feels that Yue-huan is a bit weird, she has never rejected good things.” Miss, I always have an ideal, but I always feel that the timing is not mature. Now I think the time is ripe.”
       Yue-Yao listened to this, revealing the strange color.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao look and said with dissatisfaction: "What is your expression? If you have an ideal, you will not be allowed to have an ideal." She was because she was in poor health and knew she was not good for two years. Lived, so there is no plan for the future, but now it is different. Her illness is already better than half. The fat man said that he will cure another month, and then he will be cured after a year or so. It’s boring to be bored in the house. ”
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "What is your ideal?"
       Xiang Wei said his own ideals. "In the past, I wanted to eat cakes and I couldn't eat them. At that time, I thought that when I grew up, I would open a pastry shop, so I would eat pastries every day."
       Yue-Yao Now, I understand what the timing of the talk to Wei is. This woman is clearly the ones who sent the cakes from Yue-huan.
       Yue-Yao knew that Wei was unconstrained. Even if she didn't open a snack shop, she would do other things. Instead of letting Wei do something she didn't know, she wouldn't open a snack shop." I am writing to ask about Yue-huan. If she agrees, you can use these cakes.” It’s okay to eat at home, but if you sell it, you still have to consult Yue-huan. After all, Yue-huan is the Lord. .
       Write a letter to Wei-Yao, and say: "Miss, let me send a letter!" She wanted to talk to Yue-huan face to face. She believed that Lian Yue-huan must have other rare cakes in her hand.
       Yue-Yao has no objection.
       Yue-huan was very surprised to hear from Wei. She had already known that Wei identity was not simple. This time I came to Wei, I’m afraid it’s not easy.
       Xiang Wei also bent and smeared her feet and said her intention directly to Yue-huan. "4th Miss can open a price." Xiang Wei did not prepare anything for Yue-huan, even if she wanted Yue-Yao not.
       There are some surprises in Yue-huan.
       To Wei, I saw the meaning of Yue-huan. "My master temperament" believes that 4th Miss knows that she is not a business, but Miss does not object to my business."
       Yue-huan actually wanted to open a pastry shop, but she did not expect that the sensitivity to Wei was so high, she even thought of opening a snack shop.
       Yue-huan thinks a lot, indicating that he is not a seller. "I want to buy shares. If you promise, then I can give you more new style cakes in the future." Instead of killing chickens and taking eggs, it is better to let the chickens lay eggs. The egg is eaten.
       Xiang Wei saw the idea of ​​Yue-huan and said very cheerfully: "Yes, but only give you 30% of the shares, no more. In addition, you can give advice to the shop in the future, but the decision Making power is in me." It is a good suggestion that she will definitely accept it, but she does not want to judge the shop. Her shop is naturally her master.
       Yue-huan nodded, waiting for Wei to sign the contract, but Yue-huan shook his head and said: "I don't have to sign a contract, I believe the third sister." Yue-huan does not sign the contract is to have their own consideration, the money family tied to the ship of 4th Prince, The risk factor for what is captured is too high, and then there is the attitude of Yue-Yao. These 4th Prince are certainly not the final winners, and they have more protection for themselves and for their children.
       There is an ally like Yue-Yao, which also gives her a lot of protection in the future.
       Wei Wei took a deep look at Yue-huan, and returned to Anfu, and asked Yue-Yao, "Miss, are you talking to Lian Yue-huan?" Xiang Wei always knows that Yue-huan is smart. People, Lian contract is not, certainly not because their own master is reliable, Lian Yue-huan should have any plans.
       Yue-Yao listened to the words of Wei, and smiled: "Since she said this, you should be like this. If the shop makes money, we will not lose her dividend."
       Wei Wei fried hair, "I opened the shop that is sure to make money." There are all kinds of snacks to eat in the snack shop is the first class, but the shop must be made to lose money can not lose money.
       Yue-Yao hasn't seen Xiangwei seriously about anything. "I won't mix it with this matter. You need me to do anything, just open your  Mouth." To do business, you have to look at talent, let When she does business, she is 100% at a loss.
       Xiang Wei is not polite with Yue-Yao. Anyway, making money is also Yue-Yao. In addition to eating and wearing, she has no money. "You give me 50 thousand Silver Taels, if I see the right shop." I will buy it." Xiang Wei did not intend to rent a shop, renting a shop is too much trouble, how to toss how his shop wants to toss.
       Yue-Yao has money in hand, not to mention the dividends of several shops in the cloth workshop and dye workshops last year. When he went to Wei to do business with him, he got a dividend of 150 thousand.
       Yue-Yao very happy to give Wei 60 thousand Silver Taels, "Let's ask me again." This money is given to her by Wei, and by the tossing of Wei, the loss of a snack shop is also a loss. Not where to go.
       When Angzhi came back in the evening, he told the chef that he had a plate of egg tarts, and An Zhi ate half, and the remaining half gave Akai and Datong.
       Yue-Yao is very surprised. She doesn't know that An Zhi will like to eat cakes. Generally, men don't like to eat cakes because they are sweets. This is not Yue-Yao, who doesn't care about An Zhi-, nor Yue-Yao. Too careless, but she does not eat cakes, and Wei is not in Anfu during this time, and An Zhi-yi will not speak.
       Xiang Wei knows Yue-Yao doubts and laughs." Miss, Akai and Datong are both Haikou people. The people in Haikou are eating sweet things. The safety of An Zhi in Haikou has been affected for so many years. ""
       Yue-Yao nodded. "The sweets are still eaten less, not good for the teeth."
       Wei Wei licked his  Mouth.
       Yue-huan found an excuse to go back to Lian House, first went to see Zhou Yue, and then went to find Su Concubine. Yue-huan is a bit worried about Su Concubine, but it is undeniable that Su Concubine is experienced in the battle of the house. She needs the guidance of Su Concubine.
       Su Concubine quietly listened to what Yue-huan said, and after a moment of indulgence, "Do you doubt who is going to harm you?"
       Yue-huan also found a little clue in the past few days, and said his guess.
       Su Concubine is helpless. She used to teach her house. Unfortunately, her daughter didn't want to learn, but now she almost ate a big loss. "What you can find is something on the face. The people behind it will not be so easy for you to find. Since you are sure that you are pregnant, you will tell your mother-in-law about this when you go back. When you have a small kitchen, you should be careful not to be serious." The average woman has a pregnancy and will open a small kitchen.
       Yue-Yao has some guilty conscience," Concubine, you said, who is going to poison me?" I can't find the person behind the scenes, she can't be safe.
       Su Concubine sighed a little, "Your mother-in-law is a son of your husband, naturally I am looking forward to your early birth, knowing that you are pregnant and happy, it will be too late, where will harm you?"
       Yue-huan heard this and became more and more frightened, but fortunately she quickly recovered calm, now is not the time to be afraid," Concubine, my husband did not pull out the younger brother, I have not in the house Concubine, who is the key I?" Qian Tu has many generations in his life, but the 2nd House has only a single seed.
       Su Concubine said helplessly: "The big kitchen is the big Lady in the hall, you have no doubt about the 1st House." The deep water of the money family, it is difficult for the daughter 'temperament' to be born.
       Waiting for the month, "What is the relationship between my pregnancy and the 1st House?"
       Su Concubine is worried about her daughter's sluggishness," the 1st House has three out, but now the few gongzi lords have not yet given birth to a scorpion. If you gave birth to a son, it is the fourth generation of the money family." Concubine will explain the twists and turns around Yue-huan, and Yue-huan will be cold.
       Yue-huan said lowly: "I didn't think about asking for their money!"
       Su Concubine listened for a long time without saying a word. After a long time, he said, "Don't go out and show it to you. Look for a chance to tell your mother-in-law that you are pregnant. Your mother-in-law will definitely protect you."
       Madam Qian Er did not take long to get into the house after she became a relative, so the relationship between the mother and the daughter was very tense, and there was no confidence in Yue-huan.
       Su Concubine wants to help, "You do it according to my words, there will be no mistakes, and your mother-in-law will protect you, you can be smooth." The 2nd House only a son-in-law, a son, Shun Shun, grew up, enough to see the money. The second ‘Madam’'s means are not lacking.
       Yue-huan thought for a long time and nodded, even if her mother-in-law didn't like her anymore, looking at the child's share in the belly, the mother-in-law should protect her!
       After the moon looped back to Qianfu, there was no cool thing on the table. With the warning of Su Concubine, Lian cakes were not dare to eat on the moonlight day, and the water only dared to drink the water that was boiled by hand.
       Yue-huan trembled for two days, and on the third day, he had a stomachache and asked the doctor to come.
       The doctor smiled after the pulse: "Congratulations less Nai-Nai, this is a happy, it has been a month."
       Madam Qian 2 was very dissatisfied with the goodness of Yue-huan, so Yue-huan was a vertical eye, but this will hear Yue-huan pregnant, and those dissatisfied immediately vanished, and filled Yue-huan with joy.
       The attitude of her mother-in-law came a three hundred and sixty-degree change. Yue-huan was flattered and depressed. She knew that this era was a child, and now she really experienced it.

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