Family 400

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       The breeze gently blew the leaves of the apricot tree, causing the friction of the rustling sand. From time to time, a few green leaves fell on the body.
       Yue-Yao looked at a small fruit on the apricot tree and said softly: "All said that the apricots are ripe in May, are we a late Maturing apricots?"
       Xiang Wei looked at the apricot tree with a lot of apricots that were not much bigger than the thumb cover. This must be sour when eating the teeth: "Miss, I picked two for you to eat, how do you taste?" Wei felt that Yue-Yao was very strange. Sour, sweet, bitter and salty, some people like to eat sour, some people like to eat sweet, and like her, as long as they like delicious. Miss is not, young and very focused on body-building, as long as it is good for her body to eat, but not good for the body, touch does not touch. If Miss is hurt or is in poor health, it needs to be raised. It is not. This is a very confusing thing.
       Xiang Wei sometimes doubts that Yue-Yao has been a nun in his life. Otherwise, how can he be so pure-minded? In addition to reading and painting, he does not have much to eat and drink.
       Xu-Yu walked over and said, "Miss, the grandfather came over, and now I am waiting for Miss in the study room!"
       Yue-Yao went to the study room and saw Ma Chengteng’s uncomfortable feelings in her heart. When she left, she was still full of black hair, but now she has more than half of her hair, and her face has a lot of wrinkles, like old age. Ten years old.
       Yue-Yao eyes are red, “it’s all my fault, it’s so bad..." The white-haired man’s blow to the black-haired man is already big enough, and she still has to worry about her, this double blow How can it not be old?
       Ma Chengteng looked at Yue-Yao, except for a little others, it was very good, and he was relieved. Ma Chengteng asked: "Oh, nothing, Yue-Yao, what the hell are you doing? Where have you been in the past six months, how can you be taken away?" And how is Yue-Yao being The Marquis Estate ? When people come back, these Ma Chengteng must know.
       Yue-Yao didn't want to talk to Ma Chengteng about this, but now looking at Ma Chengteng's old face, Yue-Yao can't bear to hide it again. She said that the cause and effect of her being taken away, all that should not be said in the middle. Concealed.
       Ma Chengteng is a member of the three majors. He can't know what happened in Haikou, but he didn't think that the fuse of Haikou big change turned out to be Yue-Yao. What made him unbelievable was that he saved Yue-Yao out of the tiger's  Mouth. It was not the people of The Jingning Marquis Estate but the Anzhi, Ma Chengteng asked in shock: "Yue-Yao, what do you mean, what happened to you and Yue had known it early?"
       Yue-Yao nodded. "After I was missing, Xiang Wei told this to Master, the Marquis did not sigh with peace, and Yue went along with the clue to find Haikou, and finally rescued me. Hey, the former brothel woman The rumor is that Heyue is used to make a scorpion." Yue-Yao This is also a good word for An Zhi-zhen in front of Ma Chengteng.
       Ma Chengteng was shocked and happy. The shock was that An Zhi-zhen actually did so for Yue-Yao. He was happy that he would not have to worry about returning to the door. "Good, good, good." Ma Chengteng said no, but no longer know. What should I say?
       Yue-Yao apologized: “you have been tired for the past six months."
       The anxiety in Ma Chengteng's heart was swept away, and it also put down a heavy burden. He said with a smile: "This is nothing, Yue-Yao, the days have already been settled, and there are still more than four months to become a relative. You have to hurry to embroider the wedding dress during this time."
       Yue-Yao face was red, nodded and said: "When I have been to The Jingning Marquis Estate , I have passed the Master, and I will be embroidered in the house."
       Ma Chengteng nodded, "The Marquis Estate  should still go." If it is not Jingning Hou, Yue-Yao will not be safely out of the clutch.
       When the two talked about half a night, Ma Chengteng returned to his yard. Ma Chengteng returned to the study room, and his mood was a bit messy. Yue-Yao was safe and sound, but Yue Er could never return.
       Tang-Shi sat in front of the dressing table and looked at the beautiful face in the mirror. The Tang-shi eyes were sour. When the husband is there, he always hopes that he can go forward. He hopes that he can bring a better life to their mother and son. Even if the husband does not reach his goal, she will let her down. But now, a few months later, Tang-Shi knows that he is wrong, even if his husband does not have a bright future, as long as he is the biggest guarantee for their mother and child, but she understands too late.
       Su-zhu looked at the more and more silent master, and his heart was sour, " Madam, I will remove makeup for you." After that, take the same jewelry on the Tang-shi head.
       Tang-Shi thought that although she was thin, she looked like Yue-Yao, and suddenly said: "Su Zhu, the appearance of Miss is full of troubles, how can you still calm her?"
       Su-zhu thought for a moment and said: "Miss Miss should not know, if it is known, where is Miss so calm?" Outside the rumor is that the Outer Cousin Miss elopes, this Outer Cousin Miss knows not to vomit blood.
       Tang-Shi took off the pearl earrings on his ear and said slowly: "She doesn't make sense without knowing it. Now it's her rumor everywhere, even if she is on the  Mountain, she can't hear it." What's important is that Pozi sent things up the  Mountain-Pozi deliberately told this to the people around Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao didn't know about it.
       Su-zhu hand, "Is it impossible? Miss, if you know, why not at all?" She slammed Miss today, although she was thinner, but the color is excellent!
       Tang-Shi put the pearl earrings in the jewelry box, and said softly: "I don't know." It is obviously missing for half a year. It is not a suicide to hide in a Buddhist temple. Yue-Yao can come back as if nothing happened, and she can't ask her if she thinks about it.
       Tang-Shi suddenly remembered what her mother said to her, and she said that she was still young and could not stay like this for a lifetime. Tang-Shi knows what her mother meant. If the Gongsong Songkou is willing to let her remarriage, she is still remarried.
       Tang-Shi did not think about remarriage, but the gateway is stuck in the public office. If the public money is not released, she will not be able to remarriage. But now if Yue-Yao is back, does it mean that she can actually leave the house. I can think of the son's Tang-shi thoughts that have been extinguished. If she remarried, what should the son do? There is nothing to suffer from the child who has no mother.
       Yue-Yao just went to bed and said to Wei Wei: " Miss is assured that someone is on tour outside. If there is any change, we will know immediately."
       Yue-Yao knows that Wei Wei is afraid that she will fall in the shadow, specifically to say this to comfort her, Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Don't worry, I did not leave a shadow."
       Yue-Yao soon fell asleep.
       Seeing Yue-Yao sleep to the fragrance, I believe that Yue-Yao said that it is not needed. Xiang Wei said lowly: "It’s good to leave no shadows." All this should be attributed to the careful care of An Zhi-, otherwise Miss 'temperament', where can be put down so quickly. In the past, I always felt that An Zhi body was a lot of trouble. With this incident, I’m no longer picking the bones in the egg.
       Yue-Yao used the breakfast on the second day. Originally, he wanted to go to The Marquis Estate , but he was stopped by Wei." Miss, let's go to see the pearl! After you disappear, Ming-zhu will wash your face all day long. Doing a nightmare dreams of committing suicide, even if you know that you are safe, I still don’t feel relieved when I see you.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Then I will go to see Ming-zhu and go to The Marquis Estate ."
       Shaking his head to the slightest: "Jingning Marchioness doesn't know what you are missing. You don't have to go to The Marquis Estate  for the time being." Xiang Wei is not a letter but a flat-shi, but this wind-tip wave is still less provoked. topic.
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       Yue-Yao arrived at Nu House . When I got off the carriage, I saw the pearl of my child. Yue-Yao walked over with a smile and said: "Ming-zhu."
       The eyes of the pearl are red, and the child in his arms calls at Yu-Yao, “."
       Yue-Yao Da Le, take the child from the hands of Ming-zhu and take a sip. Yue-Yao looked at the look of his face, and he laughed.
       Ming-zhu sees Yue-Yao look and breathes a sigh of relief. Yue-Yao enters the house, and she lets Milkmaid hold the child down. In addition to Bai Yi and Wei Wei, everyone else has retreated.
       Ming-zhu took Yue-Yao hand and asked in a hurry: "Yue-Yao, what is going on? How happened?" Yue-Yao came back and thought it was over. A few days ago, Yue-Yao and her eloquent things were heard. She was too angry to eat.
       Yue-Yao and Ming-zhu said that she had left the city of Haikou, and said nothing about it. After the talk, Yue-Yao whispered: "I am shocked, sorry."
       Ming-zhu rubbed a tear, then took Yue-Yao and said: "What sorry, this is not your fault, hate not killing the madman."
       Yue-Yao calms the Ming-zhu Said: "It's all gone, I'm fine, don't worry anymore." This time she disappeared, many people worried.
       Ming-zhu nodded. "I used to think that Auntie is not worthy of you. Now I still have a good eye. I will not give him any more face in the future."
       Yue-Yao smiled. One by one gave An Zhi face, she felt that An Zhi-zhen was very sad reminder!
       Ming-zhu put down the burden of the heart and said: "Yue-Yao, how do you set the wedding date to 10 months, and how good June is. So in the future we can often talk together." Auntie house is away from her. The home is not far from a quarter of an hour, she can slam at any time.
       Yue-Yao said helplessly: "I haven't finished embroidering my wedding dress yet. How is it scheduled for June?" She now does not reject marrying An Zhi-, so there is no difference between months and months. If the wedding dress is not finished, how to marry.
       Yue-Yao previous attitude was actually somewhat careless. But with this incident, it is enough to see that An Zhi-zhen is sincere to her, and she does not want to be perfunctory, so she must be embroidered by her. .
       Ming-zhu looked at Yue-Yao look and smiled at the moment: "Yes, Ye-Yao, if you have anything I need to help, even though I open my  Mouth!"
       Yue-Yao heard the laughter of Ming-zhu, and also smiled and said: "I will handle my affairs well, and you will live your own small days."
       Ming-zhu heard this pouting, "‘Fu Jun’ said nothing to me, but my public money is really speechless."
       Yue-Yao has some accidents, "What's wrong?" The eldest son has already married his ‘Madam’ and children, and now is also very good at the Hanlin Academy.
       Ming-zhu smiled and said: "He didn't make it difficult for him to live. He is embarrassing me. He is a mother-in-law. It is my job to find a good ‘Madam’ for Xiao-shu. But I said that I will wait for the younger uncle to take the exam. It’s not too late to go 'marriage proposal'. But he doesn’t want to.” Actually, it’s not the big man, but Lu Concubine.
       Ming-zhu is very contemptuous of cattle concubine short-sightedness. Nu Yang Family is now a Famous person. You can not say that you are a person in Capital City. Even if you are a scholar, you can't win a high-level education. Di Daughter, let alone the Nu Yang Family or the blind! Of course, if the Nu Yang Family can be like him, it would be a different matter to take a test.
       Yue-Yao is also a bad comment on this kind of family affairs. The main reason is that Yue-Yao is not very clear about this. I am afraid that it will help me out of my mind." If you really want to pick it, you must not pick a sharp point to be strong. Otherwise, it will not be easy to get along with. "Ming-zhu 'temperament' is somewhat overbearing. If you find another brother-in-law who wants to be strong, you will not be sure that there will be disputes. Yue-Yao is not worried about the loss of Ming-zhu. After a quiet day, who likes to make trouble!
       Ming-zhu said happily: "Well, I remember." In fact, she said 'sister-in-law'. Ming-zhu and Jingning Marchioness get along very well, so some things Ming-zhu will also flatten the idea of ​​Shi-shi. Ping-Shi gives the idea, one out of one.

       Chapter 401 Refuse (2)   

       Yue-Yao stayed in the The Ma House for lunch at noon.
       The two men had just finished their hands, and Qinqin walked in and said: "-Young Madam, Lu Concubine came over." A few of the Qinqin all hated Lu Concubine, but Lu Concubine had support from the family. Many times they have to avoid three points.
       The face of Ming-zhu is not good: "Let her come in." Before the beat, the Concubine was honest for a while, but now it is smashed for the marriage of Nu Yang. The most disgusting thing about Ming-zhu is that it can't tell the difference Concubine, the ‘Madam’ and the ‘Madam’ are not the root of chaos.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I am going to accompany the small group." This kind of chores she did not mix, and this effort is not to accompany the children to play.
       After an estimated half hour, Lu Concubine left. When Ming-zhu entered the inner room, he just saw his son giggling and sat down and said: "Yue-Yao, you like children so much, and you will have one after birth."
       Yue-Yao was covered with black lines and looked back at Ming-zhu with a bad look.
       Ming-zhu quickly moved the topic, "Yue-Yao, you know this Lu Concubine just did what he did? He wanted to let Nu Yang go to Miss's Miss."
       Yue-Yao snorted, "Is it my family? Is it my brother's family?" Lao Taiye is the emperor, but now Lao Taiye is a tribute, but there are many children in the family, and there are several Standing in the high position, this willow Concubine, the eyes are high.
       Ming-zhu nodded. "This time, I don’t dare mention the Di Daughter. The Shu Daughter of the 1st House is not so good."
       Yue-Yao Because of her relationship, she is also familiar with her family. She knows that her daughter is very expensive, even if the Shu Daughter is also very expensive, most people don’t want to be jealous. This is mainly because there are many sons and daughters, so the daughters of the family are more popular.
       Yue-Yao smiled a bit, one Concubine dared to intervene in the Young Master's marriage, not what the family used to be, "Do not care about this kind of thing, let the cattle Darens want to go."
       Ming-zhu is happy to nod.
       After shaking and teasing the small group to sleep, I was preparing to go back to The Ma House. I heard the obituary outside, and the obituary sent by Lu Duke, Lu Duchess passed away.
       Not only did the Nu House  receive an obituary, but the The Ma House also received it. Yue-Yao thought Old Madam was also very kind to her, so when she went to Duke House to  Mourn, she followed.
       When I entered the hall, I was stopped by a pretty Miss, when I was preparing for the incense. The woman looked at Yue-Yao and looked down and said coldly: "Get out of the way, don't dirty the land of our Lu Duke House, don't bother us Old Madam's Spirit of Heaven.
       At this time, in addition to the -maid-Pozi, there are four or five people who came to condolence Madam. This woman said that she was naked to play Yue-Yao face.
       Yue-Yao has a twilight color. "What do you mean by this?" Yue-Yao doesn't know the woman, but she knows that the woman said it must be elopement.
       The pretty woman called coldly: "As far as you are concerned, the lascivious woman who does not know the humiliation even dares to..."
       "Oh..." Yue-Yao didn't want to, and slammed down.
       The result of a slap in the face is that the pretty woman's white face is swollen with pig's trotters, while others are stunned at Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao couldn't see the woman who slandered her, but stared at the 2nd Madam of Lu Duke House and asked: "2nd Madam, I am kindly chanting for your house, Old Madam. Is this the way you treat your customers?"
       The pretty woman was too angry to open her  Mouth, but unfortunately it was like a murderous look at the valley around Yue-Yao.
       Xin-Shi sees Yue-Yao to start so heavy, twitching at the corner of his  Mouth, although his own Miss is also wrong, but as the saying goes, hitting people does not face, Yue-Yao is too arrogant. Xin-Shi looked faintly said: "My thirteen shi-nus are not sensible, and I have heard the rumors outside, so I talk nonsense, and please Lian Miss don't care about her?"
       Yue-Yao, although angry, listened to this question and asked: "What rumors?" Yue-Yao face of the question, let a few of the present Madam think she really does not know this thing .
       Xin-Shi  Mouth angle shows irony, what rumors? What is installed here, Xin-Shi is ridiculous, but it is not good to say this in front of everyone, Xin-Shi thinks that although this thing has a nose and eyes, but it is not really based on evidence. Xin-Shi is about to round the past, but unfortunately this 13th Miss  Mouth is too fast, calling and said: "I really admire you when I say it, even after going away with the man, I dare to return to the capital, but also pretend to be nothing. This is really not something that ordinary people can do."
       Yue-Yao was unprepared, and the slap went down again. The 13th Miss of Duke House is swollen on the other side, and the left side is symmetrical.
       Xin-Shi looks not good," Lian Miss, this is our Lu Duke House, please don't ask Miss too much."
       Yue-Yao sneered: "Elopely? Please also 2nd Madam and 13th Miss, ugly, or else it is not two slaps. Although my parents died young, they are not so bullied. "Yue-Yao didn't think there would be an idiot hitting it, just to use it."
       Xin-Shi face is ugly, and Lian Yue-Yao is obviously threatening, but it is a loss of his own. After all, it is just rumor, not the exact evidence.
       The valley was stunned, and a few words were placed on the side of Yue-Yao ear. Then he said apologetically: "Miss, you have been practicing hard, and you follow the master of the heavens to study the Buddhist scriptures every day. We dare not tell Miss about these things." I am afraid that it will disrupt your practice."
       Yue-Yao has changed and changed. "Why aren't you telling me so early?" Yue-Yao secretly admired the spirit of Gu You, this is not a general tacit understanding! The person who has been taught to Wei is really good. Well, the martial arts is a little worse.
       Gu You bowed his head and looked like a mistake.
       Yue-Yao turned to Xin-Shi: "Even if it is a rumor, before you can understand the truth, Miss of your house can insult the guests because of a rumor, your house is really good tutor. "Yue-Yao knocked out Miss Duke Miss one-on-one. This is quite a matter of hatred. It is only at this level that it can't manage that much."
       The hall was so troubled that it shocked the world of Duke, Madam. Heir Madam Deng-Shi came over and asked: "What happened?"
       Lingtang a -maid and Deng-Shi said what happened just now, Deng-Shi looked at the 10rd Miss, and the eyes braved the fire. It was just a rumor, and it was not confirmed. I dared to call in the hall, and the face of Duke was lost by this-Yatou. Deng-Shi apologized to Yue-Yao: "Lian Miss is my shi-nu, and I would like to ask Lian Miss to be generous and don't mind her."
       Yue-Yao looks like a frost, but he doesn't catch it anymore. "This is the old Madam's  Mourning hall, just now Yue-Yao angered and shot Old Madam in the Spirit of Heaven, Also ask the world Madam, don't be surprised." Yue-Yao doesn't know that Duke House has such brain-destroyed daughters.
       Heir Madam Deng-Shi tempered and said: "It is also my shi-nu who is wrong. If you give it to Lian Miss," this is Deng-Shi personal body. -maid.
       After Yue-Yao was fragrant, she was facing the spirit for a while. Although everyone could not hear what she was saying, she could guess that she was saying something to apologize.
       Yue-Yao went back on the incense.
       On the carriage, the rain and hate said: "This woman is too vicious." In the hall of the filth of Miss's reputation, the two palms are really light.
       Gu You is not talking, Xu-Yu does not know how much Yue-Yao hand strength, but she knows, because of this, the woman's face can not be swollen for half a month.
       Yue-Yao returned to The Ma House and talked to Wei Wei about this.
       Xiang Wei listened to the face, and this looks like Yue-Yao scared to death. "Yi Wei, Xiang Wei, what's wrong with you? Although the woman is abominable, it is not going to kill people.
       Xiang Wei saw the look of Yue-Yao and smiled. "I was just thinking about how to avenge Miss?" The suffocation of Wei body in the past few years has already been accepted, but it was caused by the behavior of the black man. The suffocation of Wei Wei is getting heavier.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "We don't need to do anything. The most sensible way to treat rumors is to ignore her. Otherwise, it will be endless."
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "I remember, this rumor seems to be Miss, you let me release it." It is as if you really feel innocent.
       Yue-Yao said that there is no place to fight here. "I just let you pass me missing, didn't let you pass me away, don't tell me, is missing in your eyes the same as elopement?"
       Said to Wei Xiao-mi Mi: "Miss thinks that, that's it." It's quite interesting to look at Miss's hair.
       Yue-Yao was so angry that he was stunned.
       Xiang Wei confessed to the laughter on the face, and said seriously: "Miss, as Miss said, rumors are rumors, if it is true, then it is the best policy. It is not appropriate to let this go, it is almost time to let this piece The matter has passed."
       Yue-Yao knows that there is a countermeasure to Wei, "How do you let this thing pass?" She released this rumor on the same day, mainly for the sake of the end, and by the way, he tried the Anzhi, and now the purpose is achieved. It’s gone.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "The  Mountain people have their own tricks, Miss is waiting for it." The best way to treat rumors is to come to a more real thing. Of course, before this, the suspect of Miss elopement must be dragged away, and the best witness is naturally the person of Zhaohua Temple. Master Xuantian is not good, but the abbot master is still relatively easy to move.
       Yue-Yao After a fire broke out in Lu Duke, the capital was very popular. It was said that Yue-Yao was installed, but also Yue-Yao was unlucky, but more felt Yue-Yao life is not good, the front was sled up in the corner, and now this one has come to the corner, so it is not ruined her reputation.
       At this time, Jingning Marchioness Ping-Shi went to Zhaohua Temple with a few good ladies. Jingning Marchioness pretend to ask the abbot unintentionally, "My sister-in-law has been in the Zhaohua Temple for half a year, adding a lot of trouble to your temple."
       The abbot master said happily: "Lian Miss has a relationship with my Buddha, and I have a deep research on Buddhism. I have won the love of Xuantian Shishu, a few Madam does not know, Lian-Min is too good. Buddhism, I wanted to go out and convert to my Buddha a few years ago, but my uncle said that Lian Miss is not clean, and it is red dust, or Lian-Min must have entered Buddhism."
       The words of the abbot masters seem to have nothing to do with them, but they are very meaningful. Imagine how a woman who wants to be a monk may run away with others.
       Ping-Shi heard the words of Yue-Yao who wanted to be a monk, and was surprised and funny.

       Chapter 402 Remarriage (1)   

       The abbot also got the words in advance, and saw several people Madam had a good head, so he smiled and said: "Lian Miss painted a few Buddha statues for our temple a few days ago. If there are several people Madam is interested. Go with the old man to watch." The words that the abbot just said are not against the heart. Because he really thinks that Yue-Yao has a relationship with the Buddha, and it is very good. If Yue-Yao is a man, even if the uncle says that she is not clean, the dust is not over, he has to marry Yue-Yao to Zhaohua Temple as a monk.
       The Buddha statue of Yue-Yao is well painted, and people in Capital City know more about it. Ping-Shi said with a smile: "Let's go, let's take a look at Yue-Yao masterpiece."
       Yue-Yao spent several days painting six Buddha statues. Now all six Buddha statues are hung in a Zen room. This is what the abbot specifically ordered.
       Not to mention the other few Madam, is the Ping-shi, who knows the truth beforehand, looks at the Buddha statues of Yue-Yao, and believes that Yue-Yao is really close to the Buddha, but also very There is spirituality, or else where the Buddha statue can be painted vividly!
       Xiang Wei plan is very practical. No one in the capital for three days knows that the first talented woman was originally going to be a nun, but because Xuan Tian’s master said that she had not done it before.
       After listening to the rumors of elopement, An Zhi-zhen was very angry. He could hear the rumor that Yue-Yao was going to be a monk. He was worried. "Check it out. Who is this news?"
       After Akai had heard it, he came back and reported to An Zhi-xuan. "Master, this is The Jingning Marquis Estate and the family department Shangshu Madam and other people personally listened to the abbot master, it should not be rumored." Akai lamented, It turned out that Lian 3rd Miss didn't think of marrying people, but thought about entering Buddhism. It's no wonder that she was not confused when she went to save her. Even if she was taken away, it would be very calm.
       Akai looked at his family's black face and said quickly: "Master, Master Xuantian is not saying, Lian 3rd Miss, she is not in the dust, and this marriage is Lian 3rd Miss's own promise, the marriage is also her own Picking, there will be no more problems." Akai does not know kindly, his family likes Lian Miss, Lian Miss, and his brain rushes to be a nun, his grandfather is estimated to be able to give the nunnery .
       An Zhi-qi said with anger: "There is a lot of words for you.": I went out after I finished.
       An Zhi swaying in the street for a long time, and finally bought a lot of things, personally sent to the ‘Ma’. Yue-Yao Although he did not come out to see him, he was sent a piece of skein jade, and Yupe was matched with a royal blue ear. The work of the tassel is not fine, but the pattern is very novel.
       Xu-Yu smiled and said: "An Da Master, this tassel is played by my family Miss." Miss is now embroidering the wedding dress, and the tassel is still taking time out. Xu-Yu saw Yue-Yao now happy about the marriage, and I am happy about it.
       The ear is a small thing, but the attitude of Yue-Yao makes An Zhi-yi feel at ease. Yue-Yao current behavior, that is definitely not going to be a monk.
       Yue-Yao I wanted to be a monk a few years ago. Ann is just uneasy, but Chen’s family is being laughed at. In particular, the person who squats from the maiden is pointing at his forehead and laughing that he is too embarrassed. Imagine that a fiancée would rather be married and not want to marry him, not what it is.
       Chen Madam  Mou Shi went out to be ridiculed and returned to Shenfu Dafa, "This -Yatou, want to be a monk who did not go out a few years ago?" Chen Madam right now I have some regrets. I want to know that Yue-Yao wanted to be a monk a few years ago. She just had to push it in the back, and Lian Yue-Yao became a nun, and Chen didn’t have to be accused of ungratefulness.
       -Shi around the -maid said: " Madam,  Mou  Madam came over." This  Mou  Madam, is the s-shi sister-in law' is also the mother of Qing Qing lian.
        Mou  Madam This time, I was asked by the people of the Su family to remind me of the  Mou shi. It’s time to discuss the family with the Su family. It’s been two years since I was a pro, now Su Yuzhen has nineteen When I am old, if I don’t marry again, I will be twenty years old next year. I will stay at home and the face of the Su-Jia will not look good.
        Mou Shi wants to wait for his son to finish the test after two years, but their family can not offend the Su family, so they can only lower this head." I asked people to count the auspicious days on these two days." The resignation of the day was fierce, and the relocation was accused by a lot of people, causing his career to be unsatisfactory. Seeing her husband’s depression and grief, he also had some regrets in his heart, but there was no regret in the world.
        Mou Shi can blame Yue-Yao, think that the husband and his son are not smooth, Yue-Yao is provoked, but  Mou  Madam can only blame her daughter for suffering, provoke the villain, resulting in His daughter’s reputation was destroyed, and he was still separated.
       With the abbot master, the rumors of the Capital City-Yao-Yao elopement gradually subsided. At this time, there is another topic that is more exciting than Yue-Yao. Ning Duke Heir emotions move the world, finally impressing the beauty, let the beauty promise to marry. This is not the case, the two men return to the capital before and after the foot to prepare for a kiss.
       Yue-Yao heard the news and was shocked. "Ning Li-xuan wants to take Qing lian as his ‘Madam’? How is this possible? Ning Duke and Ning Duke Madam promised?" Not Yue-Yao narrow, but rather Li Xuan's identity is too special. Ning Li-xuan is the son of Ning Duke House. He will inherit the title in the future, and Qing Qing lian is and has been separated. Then marrying Ning Li-xuan is a two Marriage, a two Married son, Madam, how to make those The self-proclaimed Lady can afford it.
       He said to Wei Le: "Ning Li-xuan said to Ning Duke and his ‘Madam’, if he is not allowed to lick Qing lian, he will not marry his ‘Madam’ for a lifetime, nor will he be jealous." Ning Li-xuan means not letting him go to Qing lian. He would rather be alone.
       Yue-Yao has some accidents. This Ning Li-xuan is really infatuated with Qing Qing lian. Lian she has some emotions. "I don't care if my family and my parents object to be married. This friendship is rare." Friendship can't live. Indigo Lian is a good name for the Duke family, Madam.
       Xiang Wei smiled softly and said: "How to make choices between the future and the beauty, look at Ning Li-xuan." If Ning Li-xuan wants to see Qing lian as the 2nd House, then there is no problem, but it must be a ‘Madam’. It must be a dream. Even if Ning Li-xuan threatened the Ning Duke couple, they would definitely not be able to pass the clan. If Ning Li-xuan has the ability to hold it, then he can talk about the conditions with the clan. Now Ning Li-xuan has nothing to do with this world, and the clan will let her mess.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and smiled: "Keeping it."
       As Xiang Wei said, the Ning-family does not agree. The power of the clan is sometimes very large. Now, Duke Ding is weak, and in front of the clan, they can’t be hard-pressed.
       Ning-family patriarch gave Ning Li-xuan two choices, whether to quickly rush to a life-thinking Miss, or to abandon the identity of the world for the beauty. There is only one option for the two, and when everyone guessed that Ning Li-xuan was not a good place for the beauty, Ning Li-xuan gave up, and the blood of the dog was really disappointing.
       Xiang Wei news is very well-informed, but it’s hard to praise Zhao Qing lian and say: “This Lian is decisive, and even chose to take a step back at this time.”
       In fact, Ning Li-xuan really intends to be a beauty and not a child, but Lian Qing Lian has retreated, saying that she would rather not have a ‘Madam’’s position, nor would she let Ning Li-xuan give birth to a child, so they After reaching an agreement, Ning Li-xuan married his ‘Madam’ and married her as a ‘Madam’.
       Yue-Yao has some sighs, "Ning Li-xuan is sincere to Qing Qing lian, but Qing Qing lian may not." Yu Qing Lian, who is known by Yue-Yao, is not someone who will sacrifice his own interests for others. I am willing to let Ning Li-xuan give up the world, because once Ning Li-xuan gave up the world, it would be nothing, and even Lian livelihood would be difficult in the future.
       Xiang Wei said with disdain: "Really and sincerely? The green sorrow has fallen to the point where it is today. The culprit is Ning Li-xuan. If Yan Qing lian is sincere and sincere to Ning Li-xuan, I admire her," Xiang Wei said in antisense, Yan Qing lian Husband and all are caused by Ning Li-xuan. If it weren't for Ning Li-xuan, then Qing Qing lian's current days would have been too much, and because of Ning Li-xuan's infatuation, she is now so stunned and despised. Yan Qing lian is not good with Ning Li-xuan’s revenge. He still wants to be true to him, and he is not stupid.
       Yue-Yao remembered Ning Li-xuan’s confession to Ming-zhu, and his heart was also disgusting. “The bad things he did, and finally the woman was sinned.” Ming-zhu life was miserable, and in this life, if not The Marquis and the Empress Dowager  are sheltered, and Ming-zhu has to be ruined by this scum.
       Wei smiled softly, "Women and sisters don't know what to do. After that, Duke house can be noisy." Ning Duke House is completely degraded, and it is not enough to believe that the emperor is not only not angry, but very happy.
       Yan Qing lian is willing to give in, Duke House will naturally not be aggressive, and the clan as long as the face can pass, for Ning Li-xuan, Qing lian for the 2nd House but not much interference, this will be Duke Madam look around, prepare for a The daughter-in-law went back. Can the situation of Duke House, not to mention the high door, is the average family, the family who is distressed by the daughter can not marry his daughter to Duke House, so Duke House wants to choose a satisfactory daughter-in-law, it is not between day and night. Things.
       As soon as the Qing Qing lian came out, the thing before Yue-Yao was immediately forgotten, and at this time, Yue-Yao also knew the end of the 13th Miss of Lu Duke, and the 10rd Miss was du Duke. I went to the temple to clean it up.
       Wei Wei was stunned: "She doesn't mean that Miss is a fake at Zhaohua Temple. Elopement is true. Otherwise, let her experience what is elopement?"
       Yue-Yao yelled at Wei, and said with a serious look: "Xiang Wei, I also hate this 10rd Miss, but I have to stay in the line to do things, not to kill, too much, and hurt." "Third 3rd Miss is offensive to her, but it should not be put to death because of this."
       Shrugging to Wei.
       Yue-Yao quietly looked at Wei Wei, looked at Xu, and looked at Wei is somewhat uncomfortable, Yue-Yao asked: "Xiang Wei, do you have something to look at me," she thought Since Wei came back from the hot springs, the whole person was a little bit suffocating and always murderous.
       To Wei, "No."
       Yue-Yao felt that the smell of Wei was very wrong. After thinking about it, he said: "You are too impetuous. From today, every night with me, I am practicing words, you copy the Buddhist scriptures. The Buddhist scriptures can make people calm and calm. It is good for you to get rid of irritability."
       Xiang Wei originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he finally nodded. "I also feel that there is some impetuousness recently, and I hope that the copybook has some effect."
       So Wei began the days of distressing and copying the scriptures.

       Chapter 403 Remarriage (2)   

       Yue-Yao originally thought that this was just a gossip, but did not expect that this memory should soon spread to the Ma Fu.
       This day soup Madam came to The Ma House. Tang Madam looked at her daughter without the excitement of the past. Instead, she had a sigh of relief and felt uncomfortable. After hesitating for a long time, she said: "Daughter, the vice-president of a surname of the marching army in the past few days came to the door. ”
       Tang-Shi : : “ “ “ “ : : : From the official position of the five products, since the official door-to-door, it is basically filling the house. Even if it is to fill the house, it is also a high climb for the soup family.
       Tang Madam lowered his voice and said: "No, that song is a good man who wants to ask you. You can ask the matchmaker to go out when you hear it, but the mother is talking about this family member. "Tang Madam is also a distressed daughter. This is only the beginning of the twenty-year Old widowhood. There are still decades of days, so I will be guarded day by day. If I think about her, I will feel bad."
       Tang Madam only gave birth to two daughters, no sons. Now the soup family’s big gongzi is out, and the soup family can go further in the future. The soup Madam is not going up, she just wants her daughter to go smoothly. Dangdang.
       Tang-Shi squinted, "Mom, are you mistaken?"
       Tang Madam These days, people also inquired about the details of this song, and whispered: "This song has a career of thirty-three this year, his ‘Madam’ died for three years, there are two children and one daughter, and the daughter is out. Both sons were smashed out. The mother heard that it was a song Madam gave birth to a daughter who was hurt and could not be regenerated. So she only allowed it Concubine was born." Tang Madam feels like a song There is no scorpion in the industry. If this family member can really speak, the daughter can get benefits after marrying the past.
       Tang-Shi looked solemnly: "Mother, don't say it again after this incident, the husband has only passed away for more than half a year, I want to remarriage, I became someone." Whether it is for the son or for the soup Good, she can't be remarried.
       Tang Madam said with tears: "Daughter, you have to plan for yourself, you are still so young, you will still be young in the future! You can't spend your life for the sake of fame."
       Tang-Shi smiled and said: "Mother, I have a dowry, and my son, and the days are easy." Before Tang-Shi had no feeling of earning a martyrdom for a lifetime, but now he has a deep understanding. . It’s better during the day, and I feel lonely at night. This is something that I can’t say to the outside world, even if my mother can’t say it. Tang-Shi also understood that the one-of-a-kind chaste arches had to be exchanged for the woman’s numerous cold and lonely days and nights. She didn't want it, but the reality made her have to accept her life.
       Tang Madam squinted back.
       Qu Chengye saw the soup family disagree, and even asked someone to talk to Ma Chengteng. Regardless of how the person in the case said how to sway, or provoked Ma Chengteng's anger, his son died for a year, and the daughter-in-law and filial piety were not finished, they wanted to remarriage, so the woman who was so ignorant, he did not bother. Have a look.
       Tang-Shi heard the housekeeper-Pozi said that when she asked her to pack things home, the whole person was paralyzed. This is not to let her return to the soup for a few days, this is to send her back to the soup.
       Su-zhu cried with a tear, " Madam, what the hell is going on?" How good is the grandfather to send his master to return to the soup house, is this to force her master?
       Tang-Shi quickly recovered calm, crying can not solve any problems, and now she has to figure out why the public is going to send her back to her family. If she is sent back to her family for no reason, her family will not have her foothold. The worse thing is that the son may not recognize her again.
       Tang-Shi asked the butler standing in the middle of the room-Pozi said: " Mama, I don't know why the grandfather suddenly sent me back to my family? Please also Mama sees the sentiment in these years. Can tell one or two." Tang-Shi is not a strict person, but also very generous to the next person.
       The housekeeper-Pozi shook his head and said: "The old servant is not clear. But the old servant knows that when the grandfather returns home, he is full of anger. It is estimated that something is annoying to the grandfather outside." According to the steward-Pozi guess, it should be the soup family. People provoke the grandfather.
       Tang-shi nails go to the shreds. No, she must not leave like this. She wants to leave this life for the rest of her life. Lian’s hopes are gone. Now that the public is in anger, she just wants to see or see, and the only thing that can help is the moon.
       Yue-Yao is now embroidering the wedding dress in the wing. Yue-Yao Since returning, the attitude towards this marriage has changed greatly. Now most of the time is embroidering the wedding dress. It takes more time and the results are obvious. Less than two months after returning, only one-fifth of the wedding dress is less than one. At most, it takes another month to embroider the wedding dress.
       Yue-Yao silk thread was used up, and Xu-Yu was handed over and the needlework was handed over. Yue-Yao is so fast that it is inseparable from the lining of several ankle rings.
       Xiang Wei looked at the hustle and bustle of the wedding dress, and some sighs in his heart. This is a wedding dress. This is a pleasing art piece." Miss, it’s a pity that the wedding dress is worn after it has been worn." Such a good thing can only be revealed once, it is really violent.
       Xu-Yu said: "Sister Wei, when Miss Married, it will surely make a sensation in the whole city." Even if the embroidered emperor can't embroider such a beautiful wedding dress, one of them will be alive and alive. Like.
       Wei looked at Yue-Yao with hesitation, and asked: "I have never seen you moving needles, how is the craft so good?" This is a question that has long been questioned by Wei. This embroidery is the same as painting. It takes time to accumulate. Yue-Yao didn't spend time with this book, how can I embroider it so well.
       Yue-Yao smiled. "I used the embroidered wedding dress as a painting, and used the needle thread in my hand as a brush. It was naturally embroidered." She can embroider so well, in addition to the exquisite craftsmanship of Ma Xiong Niang, There are more than ten years of embroidery in the past. However, Yue-Yao is not a perfunctory to Wei, this painting can be so beautifully embroidered, and it is inseparable from her deep painting.
       Xiang Wei would like to say that Yue-Yao is crazy.
       Xiao-juan said with a smile: "To sister Wei, this embroidery is not only intent, but also has talent. Miss embroidery is very talented, and now it has spent so much thought, naturally it is very well embroidered." Yue Yao wedding dress is also a great achievement. Without fine Juan, she can't embroider so fast. She can also be self-knowledge. She has better embroidering skills than Miss, but she embroiders things without Miss's smartness.
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "Look at it, when I wear this wedding dress, the sensation is a sensation, but certainly no one believes that I embroidered myself." Yue-Yao is still very good at his own embroidery. Satisfied, but others don't believe it!
       He said to Wei Le: "Others believe that it doesn't matter if you don't believe it, as long as you believe it."
       Yue-Yao grin, although not laughing, but this action shows that she is still very happy, "Whether or not I embroidered, I believe he will like it," the bride wedding dress, no matter who embroidered, is The groom’s official wears it.
       Xiang Wei saw Yue-Yao that happy look, but also smiled, did not say anything. As for Yue-Yao, he bowed his wedding dress again. He turned and went out. When he walked to the yard, he saw the Tang-shi entered the yard.
       Ma Chengteng wants to send Tang-shi back to her family, this thing is so big, Hao Mama doesn't want to know it, but Hao Mama didn't expect Tang-shi to find Miss.
       Xiang Wei listened to his head and sent the daughter-in-law who had just lost her husband to her family for no reason. Is there anyone more confused than Ma Chengteng? Anti-positive Wei seems to be gone.
       Yue-Yao heard Ruo Cui obituary, put down the needle thread on hand, and walked out, Yue-Yao looked at the Tang-shi red eye, surprised: "sister-in-law" What happened? Even if Ma Yue is dead now, but Tang Shi-shi is also a master Madam, in The Ma House is definitely no one dare to bully her.
       Tang-Shi said that Ma Chengteng would send her back to her family. "Yue-Yao, the public is the most painful, 'sister-in-law' Just ask you to help me ask what happened. ?"
       Yue-Yao hesitated and nodded and agreed.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao should not intervene in this matter, "Ma housework, Miss should not be in charge." This kind of chores, outsiders really are not suitable for intervening, let alone Yue-Yao or younger generation .
       Yue-Yao also didn't want to take care of Ma business, but it was awkward. "I will ask what is going on? If I have two questions, I won't talk too much." Yue-Yao to soup Shi-shi is also known, very savvy, and will be very profitable. Although this kind of savvy makes Yue-Yao somewhat resentful, it is precisely because of this that Yue-Yao does not think that Tang-shi will do anything, the biggest possibility is because of the soup family, but if so, what is the treatment? It is too casual.
       Yue-Yao looked at Ma Chengteng who was still in anger, and did not turn around and confessed the words directly to the Tang-shi. “what is wrong with the second watch, let you send her back." Where is the maiden?"
       Ma Chengteng is a little annoyed. "You don't have to intervene in this matter." Thinking of what the man said, Ma Cheng wouldn't make a fight. When his son passed away for less than a year, his daughter-in-law wanted to remarriage. doing what.
       Yue-Yao said helplessly: “to punish a person, you have to let people know what is going on. The two watches are so confusingly sent back to their parents, how will The Ma House get up and down thinking about it?" Hey, you should also think about it."
       Ma Chengteng finally said that Qu Chengye invited someone to come to the door to mention his family.
       Yue-Yao looks very difficult to look at, and it’s really a mess in dealing with housework. I’m completely ignorant of it. I don’t think about the consequences at all. It’s no wonder that the former The Ma House will become the laughing stock of the capital. It’s really awkward,” hey, The second watch is not such a person, this thing must have an internal cause." Moon shake sure that this thing has nothing to do with Tang-shi, shi-Shi is a smart person, Tang family and Ma family disparity Too big, the soup family still has to rely on the power of The Ma House, and certainly will not agree to her remarriage. Well, after retreating 10 thousand steps, Tang-Shi will not want to remarriage now.
       Ma Chengteng snorted, and he guessed that he was not good at Yu-Yao.
       Yue-Yao said helplessly: “two watches have been married to The Ma House for more than seven years. She has a good relationship with her two cousins. How could the second cousin think about remarriage when he passed away? You still have to check it out, you can't take advantage of the two watches." Yue-Yao Intuition that the song is not a good thing, even if you want to be jealous, you should not find such a big fan of the husband's family, this is not clear Put the two watch on the stove and roast it!
       Ma Chengteng was said by Yue-Yao, and he calmed down. It is said that both daughter-in-law are good, and there is nothing wrong with picking up. The daughter-in-law did not say it. The two daughter-in-laws were very careful about their son's grandson. After Ma Chengteng considered it, he followed Yue-Yao suggestion and asked people to check it.
       Tang-Shi heard that Qu Chengye asked someone to tell her about her husband, and her heart was stunned. Tang-Shi immediately clenched her hand and whispered: "Yue-Yao, I have never I have heard such a person."
       Yue-Yao didn't want to make this big thing at the time. It wouldn't be good for anyone to make a big noise." Hey, I have already sent someone to check it. I believe that you will be able to return your innocence soon." Actually, Yue Yao said that Tang-Shi is still young, and it is understandable to really want to remarriage. It’s just that she and Tang-shi are not good enough to say such things.
       Yue-Yao sent Tang-Shi out of Haishuyuan, turning his head and showing a smile to Weizuo. "Tang-Shi is lying, she must know this song." Even if she doesn't know I should have heard of it."
       Yue-Yao doesn't ask how Wei Wei knows that Tang-shi is lying, "I don't know if she knows it, I believe she doesn't know about it, she is not stupid, even if she wants to remarry at least Keeping filial piety for three years, and will not be married at this juncture."
       Speaking to Wei Wei: "Tang-Shi is twenty-four this year, and twenty-six years later, a man with a little skill will not marry such an old woman." Take Tang-shi If the eye condition is poor, I can't see her. If I have good conditions, I can't see her.
       Yue-Yao shook his head. "This is not something we can manage." She can manage her own and the court is good, and there is still time to manage others.
       Ma Chengteng’s people quickly found out the cause and effect. It turned out that this song was unintentionally heard of the reputation of Tang-Shi, so he moved his mind.
       Ma Chengteng is not a three-year Old child. How could he believe such a ghost?
       Ma Yuan said his own guess, "Too Master, although this song is from the official position of the five products, but the parents died young, except for a house, no industry left, and now an old man is relying on To live, I think this song is a dream of 2nd Madam. I am afraid that I heard that 2nd Madam has a rich dowry, so I am thinking." 2nd Madam is not only rich in dowry, but also very business. It may be because of this that people are eyeing.
       How many horses into the dowry of Tang-Shi is very clear, adding up to 200 thousand two, think of it, Ma Chengteng affirmed that this song is made to the dowry of the Tang-shi, or else he From the official position of the five products, it is not a problem to marry a common yellow flower shi-nu.
       Ma Chengteng did not mention the Tang-shi back to her family, but the Tang-shi was sick.
       Yue-Yao complained to Wei Wei: "Fortunately, the big cousin is not like a servant." This kind of thing will be known as an inquisition, but he will not trace the cause and effect, but will send the second form to The Ma House. This is a ridiculous act.
       Wei Wei dismissed Ma Chengteng. "Is 1st Madam not already on the road? It will be back in half a month. You will go on the first thing, when you are practicing." Tang-Shi is sick. Things, now all the things in the inner courtyard of The Ma House fall to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao shook his head helplessly.
       In the midsummer of July, the blue sky of the blue sky, the sun like a fireball, the clouds seem to be melted by the sun, disappearing without a trace.
       Xiang Wei had hid in Yue-Yao house early, because Yue-Yao house had a lot of ice, which was very cool.
       If it was in previous years, Wei Wei must eat iced watermelon, chilled sour plum soup, but unfortunately this year did not pass. Because Zhang Da Fu said that Wei Wei body can't eat too cold things, Yue-Yao can't order Wei Wei, so simply don't let it buy.
       Wei Wei reached out and wanted to take the beige satin flat gold and silver embroidered treasure flower pattern fan cover placed on the table, but it was quickly opened by Yue-Yao eye disease hand: "Dry rain, take a fan for Wei."
       Xiang Wei looked at the palace fan in his hand and snorted: "A broken fan also makes you so precious. This fan is much more beautiful than the broken fan." The fan was taken to Wei, the original Empress Dowager rewards the things that the Empress Dowager  rewards, where there will be substandard goods.
       Xu-Yu handed a ivory silk weaving jade to the Wei, and said with a smile: "To sister Wei, this fan is sent by An Laozi, Miss naturally should cherish." Previously Miss sent to the future aunt The disdain of things always makes her worry, and now it is not normal.
       I twitched at the  Mouth of Wei.
       Yue-Yao put down the fan in his hand and frowned. "The big watch will arrive a few days ago. How come it hasn't arrived yet?" This July day, the road is in a hurry, and you accidentally get heat stroke.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is more worried. "This day is also hot, I don't know when it will rain! The rain is much cooler."
       God still takes care of Xiang Wei, the next rain at noon, the summer rains come quickly, go fast, a heavy rain will wash away the heat waves and irritability, making people feel happy.
       Yue looked at the quilt cover of Yue-Yao: "Miss, it's refreshing outside, let's go out!" Miss didn't care about these before, she wants to recite, but now Miss is too hard, she thinks again I have to recite. Cough, Xiang Wei sometimes feels that he has a tendency to have a mother.
       The air after the rain was particularly refreshing and comfortable. Standing on the road was heart-rending. Yue-Yao walked slowly, watching the curly branches and leaves unfolding, and smiled.
       When it was night, Yue-Yao heard people look back and said that 1st Madam arrived, and he could return to the mansion at most half an hour.
       Yue-Yao took the person at the door and waited. Not long after, he saw the carriage. Zhuang Ruolan took the child first and got off the carriage. The two daughters came down.
       Yue-Yao stepped forward and said with a smile: "Expression."
       Zhuang Ruolan wore pink brocade brocade silk against the summer blouse, the waist was light purple phoenix skirt, combed round, wearing a red gold point green phoenix phoenix, inserted a silk butterfly shape tassel step, the color is also Very good.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "It hasn't been seen for three years, and Yue-Yao is more and more beautiful." Zhuang Ruolan has a good wrist, and he has been in office for three years, and he is very friendly with the official Madam.
       Yue-Yao wore a purple dress, embroidered with pink peach blossoms on the skirt, combed a crescent moon, with a purple jade between the bun, and a few silver-plated pendants. Bell orchid, very chic.
       The two sisters of Qi and Qi Qi gave a big gift to Yue-Yao. "The aunt is well." The old man is eight years old, and Qi Qi is seven years old. The two also reached the age of sensible.
       Yue-Yao smiled and nodded. "How did Congwei and Congmin not come back together?" The big little ones were brought back, leaving two sons, which was intentional or unintentional.
       Zhuang Ruolan is also a bit strange. She wants to bring all the children back to the capital, but her husband is not willing to let the two sons come back with her. The reason is not to say, "Your cousin said that if the children came back with me, he would People are very bored there."
       Yue-Yao chuckled and reached out and took Zhuang Ruolan’s little guy in his arms. “Courage, is Congjie more than a year old?”
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile, "One and a half years old." In the nine years of his birth, he gave birth to two women and three sons. All five children are healthy and healthy. She feels very satisfied.
       The group returned to the main house.
       Although Zhuang Ruolan went to work with Ma Peng, but the main courtyard was the same as before she did not leave. This time, knowing that Zhuang Ruolan is coming back, Yue-Yao deliberately asked the -maid to sweep from inside to outside, and the table and chairs were wiped dry. Clean and able to take pictures.
       Car Malton, Yue-Yao has already prepared hot water and meals, and several children have enough to eat and drink.
       After Zhuang Ruolan was groomed, he took Yue-Yao and said, "This time is hard for you." Zhuang Ruolan was rumored to have heard Yue-Yao disappear. Now people are fine, and the kind of rumors will naturally not be asked.
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head. "This is also thanks to the fact that I used to teach me the housekeeper before, but otherwise I can't manage it." In fact, there is mainly Hao Mama lining, and the following housekeeper-Pozi also has Anan points. The score was not given to Yue-Yao, and it was only when the locals came.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "It is also smart, you will learn."
       Yue-Yao looked at the sky late, and did not bother Zhuang Ruolan to rest, "I will rest first, I will talk to you tomorrow."
       Zhuang Ruolan didn't have any feelings, and smiled. "Good." Because of the hot weather, Zhuang Ruolan worried that several children couldn't stand it, so he walked very slowly, and they all hurryed very early. The heat stopped and rested. The journey of the month was two months, and this time was also tired of her.
       Yue-Yao returned to Haishuyuan and smiled and said to Wei: "The watchmen are already the mothers of five children, and look like Miss 20."
       Xiang Wei rarely praised people, but this time he exaggerated Ma Peng. "This is also the blessing of your great cousin, and found a good husband like your cousin." Ma Peng ability can only be said to be medium, but It’s really good for the ‘Madam’ to say nothing, and it’s hard to be pampered with his ‘Madam’ for nine years.
       Yue-Yao feels that there are actually a lot of good men, not just as the words are said, the world's men are all fortunate.
       Ying Wei poured a bowl of cold water in Yue-Yao," Ma Peng must have to go outside for three years to return to Capital City. Is it really good, but also depends on the performance of these three years, but what is the Small Concubine in three years? Lost people." Three wives and four sisters are very common, but it is unavoidable to smother their wives.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Then you will watch it!" The big cousin is not a good beauty, nor is it a blind person. Yue-Yao has confidence in Ma Peng.
       Xiang Wei did not argue again, is it a good man to pass the test of time, now it is too early to say, "Say, the same brother, how is the difference so big?" To Wei said, Ma Peng is very self-disciplined People, in addition to the general entertainment in the capital, will accompany their wives and children at other times, but Ma Yue can eat and drink gambling.
       Yue-Yao thinks of the experience of Tang-Shi, sighs a little, sometimes, not a woman who is smart and able to live a good life.
       Yue-Yao did not immediately return the housework of The Ma House, which is also Yue-Yao. Considering that Zhuang Ruolan came back, he had to take a good rest for two days, and then he had to deal with the outside affairs, so he was ready to work hard for a few days to help Zhuang Ruolan. Share one or two.
       Xiang Wei looked at Zhuang Ruolan and sent the finest Ejiao to come over. Hurry and don't overdo it, saying that he did not see it. Although this thing is a good thing to nourish, but it is too difficult to eat, um, Lian tastes so bad.
       Since Ma Peng went to Shandong to take office, there will be something to send back every year, and naturally it is the most Famous Ejiao.
       Yue-Yao is nutritious to eat good things for the body, and then she can't eat her eyes without swearing, but she is in good health. Ejiao is also occasionally eaten one or two times, not eating too much.
       When Zhuang Ruolan came back to start relatives, the first thing is to go back to her family. Miss returned to her family, and she was able to bring her big bag to her family. It proved that she had a good time at the husband's house. Zhuang Ruolan was carrying a car and returning to her family.
       When Zhuang Ruolan returned to her family, she happened to touch Zhuang Daren, and Zhuang Daren looked at Zhuang Ruolan’s temperament and knew that her daughter had a good life. When you are awkward, you will be happy when you see your child's life. "Cong Wei is also five years old this year. It is time to enlighten. Why not bring it back to Capital City?"
       Zhuang Ruolan explained: "When Wei Ji was three years old, he was enlightened. It was the husband who personally enlightened him. At the beginning of the year, he invited a man named Zhao to do the museum. Master Zhao learning is excellent. It is a lifter. It is a bad luck. According to Ma Peng’s statement, Master Zhao knowledge is not as good as his own. It is more than enough to teach his son. There is such a Master, and the two children’s studies are not used. Worried, first lay the foundation at home and send it to the school in a few years.
       When Zhuang Daren saw the son-in-law, he had no plans to say anything, "Laner, the officials will be transferred next year. What are your plans? Now that you have been in July, you have any plans, and I have to plan for one or two." I want to ask Zhuang Ruolan to let Ma Peng continue Lian, or let Ma Peng come back.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "I have discussed this matter with Fu Jun. We still continue to stay in Shandong and accumulate some experience."
       Zhuang Darens nodded and counted in their hearts.
       Zhuang Ruolan stayed at the mother's family for lunch, accompanied Zhuang Darens and said a good conversation, only to bring a few children back to The Ma House.
       Bao-shi face was very well done, and Zhuang Ruolan was sent away with a kiss, but when no one outside was only confided, Bao-Shi face sank. Zhuang Ruolan has a husband who is petting, and her son and daughter are both full, and her life is full of flavor, but her daughter Hailan is falling into a fire pit.
       The -maid around Bao-Shi-Pozi knows that Madam is in a bad mood, and no one dares to say anything, but he is afraid that Madam will send his anger to himself.
       Bao-Shi is really hateful, the two sons are not as capable as their predecessors, and Lian’s daughter is not married to her predecessor, how can she make her breath.
       After returning to her family, she went to Duke House and went to The Jingning Marquis Estate . Zhuang Ruolan took over the business and was busy and busy for nearly half a month.
       Yue-Yao did not hand over the stewardship to Zhuang Ruolan, and no one in The Ma House said anything about right and wrong. This is mainly because Yue-Yao is about to marry, and no one will brainy to pass Yue-Yao to occupy the stewardship. .
       After Zhuang Ruolan finished the matter at hand, Yue-Yao handed over the stewardship, and Yue-Yao breathed a sigh of relief. "There is no need to deal with those trivial things."
       Wei smiled and said: "This hasn't started yet! After you marry, you have to deal with these trivial things every day."
       Yue-Yao smiled softly. "It's not the same." Now is to help people deal with chores, always want to get rid of them as soon as possible, but when they marry, it is to deal with their own home, and then there will be no complaints.

       Chapter 405   

       When Zhuang Ruolan came back, the real benefit was Yue-Yao. Zhuang Ruolan has already handled the marriage of Lu Wei and Ma Linlin, so she is very familiar with this process. What to do and what to pay attention to, she is very clear.
       Yue-Yao At this time, the wedding dress has been finished, and the quilt and other large pieces have already been completed for a long time, and other small things are not rushed.
       Zhuang Ruolan came over to say Yee-Yao about the dowry. Yue-Yao dowry is almost already in place, and now there are still some small things to add.
       Zhuang Ruolan handed Yue-Yao a small box with a big palm and smiled and said: "This is the dowry that your cousin has prepared for you."
       Yue-Yao Open this small box in the face of Zhuang Ruolan, with two pieces of paper in it. One is a plot of one thousand acres of good land, and the other is a pavement of the North Street of Capital City. Yue-Yao thinks that this thing is hot potato, and quickly put it back to Zhuang Ruolan, “this thing is too expensive, I can't." These two things add up to a minimum of 20 thousand Silver Taels, this married daughter That's enough.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and put things in the hands of the moon. "Your cousin said that he treats you as a Mei Mei, so you should not postpone it." Zhuang Ruolan actually thinks that the husband gave these two things to Yue-Yao. Too expensive, but she was a little embarrassed in her heart, but she did not object. Since her husband made this decision, she will not go to the stage.
       Yue-Yao was postponed for a long time, and finally received this gift.
       The next day, Lian Tingyi went to the door.
       Yue-Yao considered one or two, and finally decided to go to see the instrument. Yue-Yao looked at the more calm and ceremonial, and thought that the courtesy was also calm and capable, and Yue-Yao felt that Lian-jia should be up.
       The meaning of Tingyi coming is that I hope that Yue-Yao can go back to The Ma House earlier. There are many things to be prepared for the pro-family. The parties are not there, and it is very troublesome.
       If there is a choice, Yue-Yao really does not want to go back to Lian-jia to marry, but she has many concerns and can only give back one step. "When is it going to go back, there is no hurry, but things can be moved first." There is a list, and it is only temporarily stored in Lian, and now that Mo-shi is not in Lian, Yue-Yao is not worried about any problems.
       Ting Yi felt that it was not appropriate.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "As long as everything is ready, you can go out safely and you don't need to go back in advance." She had a shadow on Lian House and really didn't want to go back.
       Tingyi also knows that Yue-Yao is a one-of-a-kind 'temperament', "Yue-Yao, and it can only be until the end of September at the latest." Going back in 10 months is definitely not possible.
       Yue-Yao smiled and nodded. "I know, my second brother, when I am married, Tingzhen will move to Yuhua Hutong. I have already said it to you, and I promised." It is only the consent of Lian Dongfang and Lian-jia others, but it is always going to say hello.
       Tingyi hesitated: "Yue-Yao, although Uncle An has no elders, but it is not appropriate for you to take the court with you." This is not without a relative, where the sister married and took the younger brother out.
       Yue-Yao smiled and explained: "No, we have a house in Yuhua Hutong. Ting Zheng is also fourteen years old and can hold up the door. Ting is moving to the Hua Hutong, not far from Anfu. I can take care of it from time to time."
       Yue-Yao This is not asking for advice, but telling him that since this is the case, it is only embarrassing to say that the objection is against it. Ting Yi has been practicing for a few years and has acted in a more harmonious way. "Since your brother and sister have discussed it well, I have nothing to say, but when the court is moving, it is time to do a drink, and you can’t move silently without it.”
       Yue-Yao thought about it, after the court is going to settle down in Yuhua Hutong, the court is not allowed to stay in the new house, and it is also necessary to have a few tables.
       Tingyi saw Yue-Yao promised, and immediately said: "Let me come to Zhang Luo at this time!" Yue-Yao is a woman, and is not familiar with relatives of Lian-jia, but it is not appropriate. .
       Yue-Yao knows why Ting Yi is so enthusiastic, I don't know why Yue-Yao is a bit sour, "That would bother you."
       Ting Yi saw the attitude of Yue-Yao, and his heart was also a lot loose. In the past few years, because of Yue-Yao business, Lian-jia was gray-faced and his waist was not quite good. Now Yue-Yao can loosen it is also a good thing for them.
       Yue-Yao said after a long sound: "Second brother, I know that because of my business, you have endured a lot, but I also have my last resort, and please ask my brother not to blame me." Although people around me do not often mention Lian-jia Things, but from the words I heard, I know Lian-jia because she is not very good.
       Tingyi was bitter, "How can I blame you, this is not your fault." To blame can only blame his mother, lard is blinded, do those things.
       Going this trick, although it did not achieve the goal, but because of the softening of Yue-Yao attitude, this is also an unexpected gain.
       It’s not awkward to Wei,” Miss, is this going to be a good one with Lian-jia?” This attitude has turned too fast, which makes her a little uncomfortable.
       Yue-Yao looked at the water lotus flower next to it, and smiled faintly. "It’s hard to talk about it, but I can’t be confused with Lian-jia. Even if it’s not for me, I have to be my future child. Thinking. "If she is not ready to marry, it does not matter if she completely breaks the relationship with Lian-jia. Anyway, she does not go out to socialize, nor does she have to think about the future. But now the situation is different. Since she decides to marry, she will be born later. Parenting, for the sake of children in the future, she can not tear face with Lian-jia.
       To Wei Wei, he turned to smile and said: "You think it's really far." Xiang Wei knows the meaning of Yue-Yao. If Yue-Yao really tears his face with Lian-jia, the capital is so big, and he is sure to go out. To be told, it’s okay for Yue-Yao to be strong, but it’s not always appropriate for a child to go out to socialize and always be told about it.
       Yue-Yao smiled, "not too far." Marrying a child is also a process of life, she has to experience.
       At the end of August, the weather was still very hot, and Yue-Yao received an invitation from Li.
       Xiang Wei said with dissatisfaction: "This hot day makes you come to visit, not afraid of being hot."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Li Bobo should be the one who wants to store me in his place." At this time, please ask her to come to the door, only for this matter.
       Although Wei Wei was very dissatisfied with Li Madam because of the last incident, he was very admired for Li Guozhen and Xiang Wei.
       Yue-Yao looked at the fine sweat on Wei forehead and said: "Tomorrow I will go to The Li Estate  with Gu Gulan, you don't have to follow." Xiang Wei was injured, more and more easy to sweat, let Yue-Yao is very worried.
       Xiang Wei was not reluctant. It was because she looked at the big sun outside the stove. She felt that the whole body was sweaty. "Then you went back early." Xiang Wei has been worried that Yue-Yao will be taken away. Falling shadows, the result of Yue-Yao did not fall shadow, but it was a shadow to Wei. As long as she didn't see Yue-Yao, she wouldn't be practical.
       The next day, Yue-Yao went to The Li Estate  early in the morning. Yue-Yao has gone down the  Mountain, except to visit Ming-zhu of the Niu House, and then to the Duke House, because of the conflict in the Duke House, Yue-Yao has never been out. It was Jingjing The Marquis Estate  who did not visit. However, Yue-Yao had a heart for Li Madam, but the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival gave a gift.
       Li Fu has now doubled again. Yue-Yao has changed to a soft sedan at the door. The sedan chair is a low-key cyan. Because it is summer, the curtains of the small window in the sedan chair are rolled up.
       Gu You helped Yue-Yao out of the soft car, and led her into the yard by the -maid. The soft car space was too narrow. Although the road was not long, Yue-Yao forehead also had fine sweat. As soon as I arrived in the room, a cool breeze came, and Yue-Yao suddenly refreshed a lot.
       Li Madam and her daughter-in-law Wan-Shi received Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao is wearing a pink short coat embroidered with fine plum blossoms, with a white pleated skirt on the underside and a white embroidered half-sleeve long coat. Putting on a stilt, wearing a little emerald cloud inlaid with gold beaded phoenix tail, slantingly inserted a sapphire blue peacock peacock hanging, the fine pearl tassels gently sway with her steps,  Mouth squatting A smile, as if it were a fairy who came out on the face.
       Yue-Yao was blessed with a standard smile on his face. "Auntie, Daxie, Eryi." The dress before the moon shake is not as elaborate as it is now.
       Yue-Yao has been raised for four months, and he is a little fater than a year ago. Li Madam looked at Yue-Yao and knew that the rumors outside had no effect on her. Lee Madam has a complicated touch in his eyes. "Get up!"
       Li Wei ‘Madam’, Wan Shi-shi, laughed and joked: "It’s beautiful, I don’t know if it’s a fairy.”
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I have won the prize." Her clothes are all taken from the Cloth House, and these clothes are very lining her. Yue-Yao itself is a beautiful person. I used to have no thoughts. Now I have this kind of mind. Naturally, I have to dress myself up beautifully.
       Yue-Yao is not very hot, but it is also very suitable for Li Madam and Wan-Shi, not only answering questions, but also some interesting things in the temple.
       A few people said that they were very happy. There was a little squatting outside and said: " Madam, Master, please Lian Miss to the study." Li Guozhen talked about the business in the study.
       Yue-Yao went to see Li Guofan with Xiao-yan.
       Wan-Shi looked at the back of Yue-Yao, and said with a smile: "I have always heard that Lian Miss's paintings are outstanding, but I didn't expect Lian Miss to be so beautiful." It's no wonder that even if Lian Yue-Yao is escaping from the outside, the grandfather is not willing to give up her. This kind of character is rare and rare in the world.
       Li Madam also thinks that Yue-Yao is getting more and more beautiful, but she is not good at saying this."Yue-Yao will eat at the house at noon, you will tell the cook to let her do a few vegetarian dishes. "Yue-Yao used to have a few meals in Li House before, Li Madam knows that Yue-Yao doesn't eat too much.
       Wan-Shi was keenly aware that Li Madam was somewhat uncomfortable, softly said: "Mother, I will go and talk to them." Then she went to the kitchen with a -maid.
       Li Madam sighed faintly.
       The change in Lee House in a year has changed a lot. Not only has the house been widened, but many places have changed dramatically.
       Yue-Yao entered the study and found that the study room doubled and the layout of the room changed. Three rows of large bookshelves are arranged on the north side of the Qi-Qi. There are books on the shelves in a row, a row of shelves with ink and quilts and other items, and a row of households with gold. Instruments, jade, etc., all show their elegance and exquisiteness.
       Li Guozhen looked at Yue-Yao and said: "Yue-Yao, I have always treated you as a daughter." Li Guozhen had thought about picking up Yue-Yao to Li, but only Yue-Yao himself. When I chose The Ma House, he knew that Ma Chengteng was really distressed. Yue-Yao gave up the idea.
       Yue-Yao heard this and knew that Li Guozhen had something to ask her. Yue-Yao said sincerely: "Uncle, you are the most respected person of Yue-Yao." Without the careful teaching of Li Guozhen, the court is unlikely to grow. It’s so good to change to her own Courtyard, and she has to teach.
       Li Guozhen has a lot of softer looks," Yue-Yao, then can you tell me where you have been in the past few months?" Li Guozhen is not the kind of curiosity, likes people who are at the bottom, but he thinks it He needs to ask clearly.
       Yue-Yao was shocked and his mind turned very fast. "Uncle, I went out to the scene for a few months." The reason is that Yue-Yao has long thought about it.
       Li Guozhen fixedly looked at Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao felt very stressed. After thinking about it for a moment, he said: "Uncle, this is what I have asked about and Yue, and Yue also agrees."
       After the sound of Anzhi, he said: "I always thought that you were a steady child, but I didn't expect that I would do such a foolish thing." Li Guozhen is a keen person. If he goes out to gather the scenery, he has the consent of Ann. , Yue-Yao can go straight to the bright, where you still need to sneak. Now Yue-Yao has found such a flawed excuse. Li Guozhen understands that Yue-Yao does not want him to know the truth. It also shows that this is definitely not easy. Yue-Yao, since he does not say, he is not prepared. Ask more.
       Yue-Yao lowered his head and looked like a guilty conscience.
       Li Guozhen did not interfere too much. He took Lian Dongbo shi-zi in his hand and gave it to Yue-Yao. He said, “There are 200 thousand silver tickets in your throat. This money is now returned to you in full. How to use it, you can be your own master." Yue-Yao is very financially savvy, and he is not a soft-hearted person. Li Guozhen is not afraid that she will be deceived.
       Yue-Yao is grateful: "Thank you, uncle."
       Li Guozhen has some sighs. If a friend is good, he can watch his daughter marry. "Are you going to marry from Lian-jia?" From Yue-Yao previous attitude, it is easy to see that she is actually Lian-jia. I am afraid that I will be married from Lian-jia this time, but it is very unexpected for Li Guozhen.
       Yue-Yao nodded. "I am a Lian-jia person. It is natural to marry from Lian-jia." If she is married from The Ma House, she will be pointed out when she goes out, and when she is married, I have to bear it.
       After hesitated, Li Guofan said: "I don't have a good relationship with Lian Dongfang. This time you can't go to the ceremony to marry."
       Yue-Yao always knows that the relationship between the two is not harmonious." Uncle, I am going to be a relative, letting the court live in the Yuhua Hutong, and I can take care of him in the future." Her wedding Li family can't attend, it doesn't matter. If the positive wedding is not for the Li family, it is a pity, but these are independent portals, and those scruples do not exist.
       Li Guozhen’s face became softer and softer. "Well, you have to marry. This ink is a gift from the uncle."
       Yue-Yao did not open it, and Li Bobo could send her as the ink of the new wedding, and it would be a good thing. Yue-Yao actually thinks interesting. The man gave her a gift and liked to send the four treasures of the study. The women liked to send jewelry or jewellery, as if only Laojia II Lao Taiye gave her jewelry.
       Li Guozhen said that Li relationship with Lian-jia would not be good, Li Madam must not be able to apply makeup at the time, so the gift was delivered in advance, and Li Madam’s handwriting was not small. A pair of the best color jade blue and white seed bracelet, and Wan-shi also said.
       Yue-Yao returned to the carriage, first reading the gift from Li Guozhen. Yue-Yao looked very surprised. This piece of ink is an oval purple ink. The side is aiming at the double dragon play bead pattern. There is a long book in the middle of the dragon, and the back is engraved with the Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Family.
       Xu-Yu looked at the double dragon play beads, scared to scatter, "Miss, this is the royal product, how does Li Daren send you something like this?" This pattern can only be used by the royal family, others are over-the-counter, if anyone pursues the most Focus on rebellion.
       Yue-Yao smirked: "This is an antiquities, it is the things of the Tang Family, don't worry." Yue-Yao did not expect that Li Bobo actually sent her such a valuable gift.
       Yue-Yao found that her collection is actually very rich. There are quite a few of the expensive inks, and there are solitary books. People have found a lonely book that is already overjoyed. It is as if she sent the orphans to the bank for storage. But now there is a box of lonely books in her hands.
       Xu-Yu is not very interested in this ink," Miss, look at Lee Madam sent Miss something?"
       With the consent of Yue-Yao, the rain drenched the box and looked at the box with a pair of the best jade blue and white seed bracelet. The jade is moist and delicate, oily, smooth and moist, feels smooth and smooth, polished and smooth, and the inner -maid is smooth. The outer -maid is slightly curved.
       The bracelet is a "passing the heavens and the earth", it is a symbol of firmness and beauty. At the same time, it has the meaning of reunion and protection. This make-up does not pick a trace of mistakes regardless of its meaning or value.
       After receiving the second ceremony of Lian 3rd , Yue-Yao did not dare to accept the gift again. Fortunately, before returning to Lian, Yue-Yao only went to The Jingning Marquis Estate .
       In late September, Yue-Yao took a group of people back to Lian House. Yue-Yao In the The Ma House, all the packages on the list were packaged and sent to Lian House. Other precious calligraphy and paintings, as well as those of the originals, were temporarily left in the The Ma House. Go to Anfu.
       Yue-Yao stood in Haishuyuan, and some were reluctant to leave.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "Yue-Yao, this yard 'sister-in-law' is reserved for you. It is good to wait for you to come back and live here."
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head. "No, I don't have to worry about me. When I am gone, I will give it to you or you will live. The people are busy, and the house is empty and there is no one to live. It is easy to break." "Ma house is big, the population is small, and there is no problem in one person and one yard. But Haishuyuan is the best yard in The Ma House. It should have been left to the residence of Miss Fu in the house. She is married, how can she still? He occupied the yard.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and did not object. Yue-Yao If it is picked up, she must be empty. Now, Yue-Yao does not need it. She intends to hold the eldest daughter.
       Yue-Yao opened the curtain and looked at the plaque hanging high on the door. She thought that she would never cross the Lian House in her life, but she did not expect to come back one day.
       Yue-Yao went back to Lian House, and Lian Dongfang went to the opposite side with Tingyi. Tingli took his ‘Madam’ to work. At this time, only Zhou Yue greeted him.
       Zhou Yue smiled and walked over and took Yue-Yao arm and said: "I have always hoped that Mei Mei will come back soon. Today, I can see that three Mei Mei is coming back." Zhou Yue has been married to Tingyi. The days are also very smooth. The fly in the ointment is because of Yue-Yao business, her husband has always had a flaw. Zhou Yue hopes that with the help of marriage, she can eliminate the gap between Yue-Yao and solve her husband's heart.
       Yue-Yao smiled softly: "It’s hard work."
       Zhou Yue himself is also a well-educated Miss, Yue-Yao, this smile she still can't understand, this is the standard entertainment expression, "You, go home and see it."
       Yue-Yao smiled a bit, no more talking, whether it was for Lian-jia or for Zhou-home, Yue-Yao did not intend to make deep friends. Therefore, with Zhou Yue, you only have to face it.
       Zhou Yue looked at the appearance of Yue-Yao, and she had some sighs in her heart. She wanted to eliminate her husband’s heart, and it was difficult.
       From the front yard to Lanxiyuan, you have to walk half a hour to Yue-Yao current footsteps. Don't say Zhou Yue and others. Therefore, Yue-Yao entered the Lian House and there was a blue soft car waiting.
       Yue-Yao looked at the surrounding -maid-Pozi, all of which were convergent, no one looked up and knew that Zhou Yue rule was extremely strict.
       If it is in The Ma House, Yue-Yao is definitely willing to walk, but not close to Zhou Yue, Yue-Yao does not want to appear to be different from others, directly on the blue soft car.
       Under the soft sedan, Yue-Yao looked up at the three words of Lanxiyuan. The look on Yue-Yao face was very weird. I couldn't talk about it, and I didn't remember it.
       Yue-Yao went to the yard and sighed slightly. The word on the plaque did not change. Lanxiyuan did not change, but she changed.
       Zhou Yue heard this sigh, his heart sighed and smiled and said: "Three Mei Mei, this yard is arranged by me inside and outside. If you feel that it is not appropriate, I am changing."
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "No, I feel very good, I like it very much." Well arranged, she only stayed for half a month and left, where to pick this.
       Zhou Yue looked at Yue-Yao and the a Mount of second-class -maid was all neat, but the third-class -maid was still missing two." Three Mei Mei, you see if you take this time to buy a few more A -maid?" Zhou Yue said that he went outside to buy it, and he did not want Yue-Yao to misunderstand that he wanted to send people to Lanxiyuan.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "No, I have asked Deng Mama to pick two rings on Zhuangzi and send them over a few days." Since there are people available on Zhuangzi, you don't need to buy any more.
       Zhou Yue did not stay for a long time, sent Yue-Yao back to Lanxiyuan, and left. She can see that Yue-Yao is not very enthusiastic about her, and the people around Yue-Yao are precautions against her.
       Xiang Wei had not spoken until now, until he had his own people in the yard, and he said: "Lanxiyuan, it is a lot colder."
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly, Lanxiyuan has not lived for six years, how can it not feel cold. Yue-Yao entered the bedroom and looked at the new decoration of the bedroom. I don't know why, but it was a slight sigh.
       The things brought back are naturally -maid-Pozi cleans up, Yue-Yao is not quiet at this time, but also can not read the book, can not help but walk to the backyard, the row of bamboo in the backyard still stands proudly in the sun Under the refraction, the more green. The few pines on the east side of the wall are much taller and taller than the roof.
       Xiang Wei heard Yue-Yao sigh again, his face black line," Miss, from the gate to the present, you sigh no less than ten times, can you not sigh?" The sighing person does not think, but the person next to him can listen But it is uncomfortable. Yue-Yao sighed, indicating that the heart has not been completely put down.
       Yue-Yao sighs, in fact, they are unconscious. After listening to the words of Wei, I smiled bitterly: "I will pay attention." She will sigh, really feel that things are wrong.
       Xiang Wei is speechless, "but just stay for half a month, you should be an inn, your current thinking should be more than half a month after the wedding."
       The advice to Wei was useless, and her heart could not be calmed down. After lunch, Yue-Yao couldn't sleep in bed.
       Some regrets to Wei, I knew that Miss back to Lian House will fluctuate so much, she should stop Miss and not let her go home.
       Yue-Yao also realized that it was not appropriate, and prepared to copy the scriptures to calm down the mood. Xu-Yu smiled and said: "Miss, the wedding dress, the bedding, etc. are all embroidered, Miss has time, may wish to give An uncle a few more purses." ""
       Turning his eyes to Wei, what is the idea, and taking advantage of this for half a month, you should make up for it, how can you get tired?
       Yue-Yao thought about it, An Zhi-wei did so much for her, she did not seem to have done anything for An Zhi. Yue-Yao thought about it, "If you have a purse, you have to do two pieces of clothes!" An Zhi-zhen is a general. The generals of the generals are all swords and other things, wearing a purse and not a class.
       Xiao-juan called with joy and joy, "Miss, what color is better to pick?"
       Yue-Yao is quite clear about what he has, "take the brocade of the royal blue and the brocade of the stone blue." Good things must be paired. If you want to do it, then do two things.
       Xi-juan immediately went out to find these two materials.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao. People took scissors and silk thread and so on. They couldn’t help but start the support. "You don't say the wind is rain."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It's okay anyway." For more than half a month, there were a few people who helped with drizzle and fine Juan. They should be able to make two robes.
       Xiang Wei does not want to look any further, go straight out. As for Miss, there are ten out of ten things that will be eaten by An Zhi.
       Yue-Yao looked at two pieces of material. For most of the month, it is definitely impossible to embroider a particularly complicated pattern. Yue-Yao thought about it, it should be good.
       Xiu Juan took the material and whispered: "Miss, make a round neck robes with a stone blue brocade, and the brocade is only embroidered with gold and silver lines in the corners of the embroidered bamboo pattern. Will this be too light? ?? Yan Juan feels that An Zhi can not wear this taste.
       Xu-Yu also agrees," Miss, the royal blue satin embroidered with simple moiré, the clothes are too ordinary, and the grandfather would not like it." Xu-Yu feels that the clothes made to An Zhi-zhi should embroider the tiger lion or something. This way, I will be able to lining up my uncle.
       Yue-Yao is crying and laughing. "You have seen a lot of drama, and I only do home clothes." Going out to be entertained with gorgeous and rich clothes, but at home, it is simple and comfortable.
       Yue-Yao has been with An Zhi-yu for a while, and it is a bit of understanding. An Zhi dress is very casual, probably because he is used to being used in the military, so he is not very concerned about wearing. An Zhi clothes are all bought at the clothing store. Some clothes are suitable, but some of the clothes she saw are really awkward. I didn't care about it before. I have to ask her to work hard in the future.
       Yue-Yao licked his forehead and said it to Wei. She really had to be eaten by An Zhi. This is not married, I want to marry the future.
       When Wei Gang walked into the house, he watched Yue-Yao holding the material in his hand, and he was in a daze, and then laughed again, like a fool.
       Hao Mama smiled and explained: "To Miss Wei, Miss before the marriage is like this." Both happy and happy, the mood is very varied.
       Xiang Wei said that she could not understand.
       Zhou Yue close-fitting maid Xiao-jia said softly: “-Young Madam, 3rd Miss is too much.” Not only Servant-Pozi, but the cooks are brought from the Ma House.
       Zhou Yue also has a headache. She is willing to fix the relationship well, but Yue-Yao is obviously not willing, she is not too good to do too much, afraid of counterproductive, "this thing has to come slowly, urgently." Things are too big, and the knots that are too deep, want to eliminate, not overnight. Zhou Yue only hopes that Yue-Yao will be happy as soon as possible, otherwise her husband has been depressed for this matter, she felt distressed when she saw it.
       When the sun goes down, there is a -maid coming over: "Miss, Master has asked Miss to go to the study room. After Lian Dongfang returned home, people came to call Yue-Yao in the past.
       Yue-Yao went to see Lian Dongfang with a change of clothes. Into the study, Yue-Yao smelled a thick fragrance, Yue-Yao frowned, and looked up at Lian Dongfang, Yue-Yao looked slightly changed.
       I haven't seen it for six years. Lian has a few wrinkles on his face and his hair is white. Yue-Yao remembers seeing the uncle before the death of his life. It is also a high-spirited, full-faced black hair, but now he is 50 years old but already old. Sure enough, many things have changed, and Yue-Yao is a good blessing, "Uncle."
       Yue-Yao deliberately wore a jade blue sleeve, with small fine gold lines on the sleeves, a loose flower skirt of the same color, a brushed cloud, and a blue pattern. Jade.
       Lian Dongfang looked at Yue-Yao. It is undeniable that in six years, this  Miss was very outstanding, and it was no wonder that Nao defensive rumors also insisted on swearing, but Lian Dongfang thought because of Yue-Yao The relationship he suffered in the past years, for this reason his career is not smooth, his heart could not help but raise an anger. What made him even more angry was that this incident also affected the courtesy of Ting Li and Ting Yi.
       Yue-Yao See Lian Dong Fang does not speak, no longer speaks, just quietly standing in the middle of the study.
       Lian Dongfang said faintly: "You see that your sisters and Brother are so good, they will be very happy." This Yatou took advantage of The Marquis Estate  and Master Yushan's mutual care, did not put him on the big boss In the eyes, he had to give up again and again in order to let Yue-Yao agree to marry from Lian.
       Yue-Yao seems to understand the meaning of Lian Dongfang. "Well, I am very pleased to see that I am so good with the court in the spirit of Heaven."
       Lian Dongfang’s heart was blocked, and Lian-jia of Shuxiangmen’s house had a son and grandson running to test Wuju. Lian-jia has become a joke in Capital City. However, although he was Yue-Yao and the court's uncle, he couldn't help his sister and brother. "Go back, your marriage will be properly cooked." He was afraid to look at Yue-Yao again. Do not live to reprimand.

       Chapter 408 Sisters Meet (1)   

       Yue-Bing finished the matter and teased her daughter for a little while.
       For example, Lan came in and said: " Madam, Lian House has Pozi came over and sent a letter, saying that 3rd Miss has returned."
       Yue-Bing put down her daughter and waved the Servant down. Since she last helped Yu-Yao, it has been a year since. This year, there are so many things happening.
       Yue-Bing thought for a moment, and called people again: "Our sisters haven't gathered together for a long time. Send people to send a message to the big sister and the four sisters, and ask them to go back tomorrow." Between the sisters, still need It’s just a lot of walking.
       If the chrysanthemum heard this, it frowned.
       Yue-Bing said with a smile: "What's wrong?" Cui Mama helped her to make suggestions, but she was also her right arm, and many things depended on two people.
       Such as chrysanthemum said: " Madam, I am afraid that you are kind, when all the Eldest Miss ruined." 4th Miss often joined the door after moving, but never gave it to himself Madam problem On the contrary, it is a lot of help. Can be a Eldest Miss several times for the husband's family to come to the door, this is not counted, every time you go to the door is a look of sorrow, it seems to be abused.
       Yue-Bing smiled a bit, she invited Yue-huan to invite Ying surplus, when I did not know how to say it outside? Just look at the two Mei Mei who have money and have a future, but look down on the unhappy sister. What does it look like? The higher the position, the more you should pay attention to your reputation. What's more, there is a tiger who is looking at him.
       When there was no one in the house, Yue-Bing and Cui Mama said: "When I used to be Miss at home, although my older sister didn't show up, she didn't see anything bad, but after she became a relative, she changed her mind. "Yue-Bing also persuaded Ying earnings several times, and at the end there was no patience."
       Cui Mama sees the blood: " Madam doesn't have to care, as long as the face is too good." Cui Mama has long discovered that this Eldest Miss has only oneself in his heart, how can such a person pass? Well done.
       Yue-Bing didn't say anything more at the moment.
       After a long time, the two who went to talk Pozi are back. Yue-Ying and Yue-huan are promised to return to Lian House tomorrow.
       Yue-Bing has some accidents. "I thought that the big sister would not go back?" Yao family is a scholar, and should not look down on Ann, so Yue-Bing thinks that Yao Madam will not let the moon Go back.
       Cui Mama laughs," Madam thinks about Sanguye as a general, but does not remember that 3rd Miss is a disciple of Master Yushan."Yue-Yao is a woman, but because she is a close disciple of Master Yushan, Therefore, her reputation among the literati is very strong.
       Yue-Bing is somewhat puzzled, "Master Yushan is Famous again, and he is only a painter." Master Yushan is Famous again, and Yao Yao should not be much hindered!
       Cui Mama said with a smile: " Madam doesn't know, Master Yushan has a very wide communication. He has many people in the capital, and many of them are serious ministers. Madam, you will know 3rd in a few days. Miss worshipped Master Yushan as a teacher and got a lot of benefits.” It’s not obvious on most days, but Yue-Yao is married. These people will definitely add makeup in the past.
       Yue-Bing didn't really think so much.
       Cui Mama also feels that Yue-Yao is very blessed," 3rd Miss was succumbed to elopement. If it was someone else Miss, even if it was fallen, it would be ruined, but 3rd Miss was unscathed, and the rumors soon Just suppress it, Madam thought it was because of what?"
       Yue-Bing is clear about this nature, "Nature is the reason why Master Xuantian and the abbot of Zhaohua Temple are the same." Jingning Marchioness, although powerful, but in essence everyone believes that the two have high morale .
       Cui Mama nodded and said: "Yes Madam What you don't know is that Master Xuantian and Master Yushan are friends, and that day, along with Jingning Marchioness to the Zhaohua Temple Madam, their husbands are all important ministers, The Jingning Marquis Estate is very powerful, but those who are Madam is not because of The Jingning Marquis Estate to help rumors."
       Yue-Bing is a little scared," Mama means..."
       Cui Mama nodded and said: "These Madam must have been instructed by her husband to yell for Yue-Yao." Since Yue-Yao is a close disciple of Master Yushan, he must be extremely favored. Before Master Yushan left, he will definitely entrust his friends to look after this most loved disciple.
       Yue-Bing Although he knows that Master Yushan is a Famous painter in the world, he did not expect such a person to have such a large a Mount of energy, leaving so many resources for Yue-Yao.
       Cui Mama said this: " Madam, 3rd Miss has a knot, but 3rd Miss is a soft-hearted person. In the future, as long as there is more and more, I will definitely get along well." Madam, 3rd Miss is a big boost, and definitely not a big boost.
       Yue-Bing nodded.
       Cui Mama thought for a moment and said: " Madam, you will get along with 3rd Miss in the future, and be sincere." Even if you want to borrow, it is clear, not to calculate, if not, it will be 3rd Miss's disgust.
       Yue-Bing Dagger, "I know."
       Yue-Yao got up very early, dressed and went to the yard. At this time, the sky is bright, the pale blue sky is inlaid with a few residual stars, and the earth is also awkward, like a gauze shrouded in silver gray. In the solemn and cool garden, there are crisp sounds of birds.
       Yue-Yao took a deep breath and calmed down. He began to punch in the yard. This set of boxing practiced for several years, and the move has already penetrated into the bone marrow.
       After the punch, Yue-Yao sat down and asked for drizzle. "Isn't Wei Wei still up?"
       The raindrop nodded: "Sister Wei has already got up, is washing, and tells Ms Wei, let Miss use breakfast."
       Yue-Yao breakfast is also very simple, a bowl of millet porridge, a plate of flower rolls, a small dish of cucumber and crispy radish slices, and a bowl of goat's milk.
       Yue-Yao After eating, I saw that Wei Wei had not entered the house. It was strange. When I asked, I realized that Wei Wei felt that the morning meal made by the cook was not good, and she was getting the cook to get her back. Yue-Yao shook his head with a smile and didn't pay any attention to it. Wei Wei  Mouth was very embarrassing, and it was very good food, and the cook was also honed by her.
       Yue-Yao did not go to the wing to make clothes, but went to see Zhou Yue.
       Zhou Yue heard Yue-Yao coming over and was a little surprised. Zhou Yue greeted Yue-Yao into the room and smiled and said: "Three Mei Mei sit." Yue-Yao However, she also plans to go to find Yue-Yao, talk about the dowry, although the dowry is basically ready Ok, but there are still many things to deal with.
       Yue-Yao This time is also for the dowry, the wedding is approaching, the dowry list will be sent to the man's house in a few days, this must be negotiated, save the first-hand busy home chaos.
       Zhou Yue looked at Yue-Yao column list, some accidents, "Sancha, your dowry list has very few books and calligraphy, why is this?" Zhou Yue own dowry is extremely rich, compared with Yue-Yao I don’t want to let it go, so I don’t have any thoughts. It’s just a surprise. The dowry is also an important part of the symmetry.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "There are too many books and calligraphy and paintings, so I won't write them on the list. When I am married, I will pass it directly from The Ma House." These years, Yue-Yao purchased a lot of books. There are also a lot of additions by Master and other people.
       Zhou Yue is speechless.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "Two sisters, I haven't seen those furniture yet. I don't know if I can go and see it now?" The moon shakes to look at the style of the furniture. When the new house is arranged, she also has a few .
       Zhou Yue smiled and said: "I was prepared to wait for you to rest for two days and then talk about it. Now I am going to see it. I will take you there." The furniture for Yue-Yao is stored separately in a warehouse, by Zhou Yue. storage.
       The storeroom is full of furniture, including sea bream flower beds, beauty couches, vertical cabinets, top cabinets, bookcases, dressing tables, hangers, large dressing mirrors, round tables, armchairs, tables, and even ‘zither’ tables and desks. The furniture is all made of huanghuali wood.
       Yue-Yao Now, I know why I didn’t talk to her about furniture again, because the materials used in these furniture are only a lot more than the Lanxi Courtyard.
       Yue-Yao said after reading the furniture: "Second, give me a detailed list of these furniture." If the size of the furniture is not counted, there will be errors.
       Zhou Yue did not think much, smiled and promised.
       Yue-Yao said a conversation with Zhou Yue, and took the things he wanted back to Lanxiyuan. The pattern of An Zhi main courtyard and the size of the house are in her heart. Now with these things, I can take these days. Well designed, the new house may be the place where she lived for a lifetime, she must be carefully arranged to make her stay comfortable.
       Xiang Wei saw that Yue-Yao began to paint again, and reluctantly withdrew from the house. Be a pro, and go to the magic with the practice.
       Hao Mama is full of sighs. "It is a happy thing to be able to design a new house by yourself." Miss is lucky to marry someone he likes and likes.
       Shrugging to Wei, she said that she could not feel this feeling in her life.
       Hao Mama didn't pick up this. In fact, Hao Mama feels that if she is older, she will not be able to withstand this man. Hao Mama still has some vague fears. When Miss marries, she will pick up the grandfather with Wei. This is not because she is worried, but to Wei 'temperament' is too overbearing, everything must follow her meaning, a fire is unsatisfactory, sometimes Miss has to let her three points, which fortunately to Wei Wei special, If anyone else can tolerate such a -maid?
       After Yue-Yao left, Xiao Jia said weirdly: "-Young Madam, 3rd Miss, why not write books and calligraphy on the list?" Where Miss does not list things on the dowry list, but Quietly sent to the husband's house.
       Zhou Yue guessed one or two and said: "She has a lot of dowry, and I don't need to take these books and paintings to fill the facade."
       Xiao Jia said: "Which Miss secretly sent the dowry to the husband's house?" The married woman, whoever wants more dowry, the better, the red makeup is ten miles, and it is enviable!
       Zhou Yue smiled and shook his head: "You can't talk about 3rd Miss as a normal person." If it is a normal woman, where can live so freely, Lian husband can pick it up.

       Chapter 409 Sisters Meet (2)   

       Yue-Yao When Lian-jia was temporarily stationed, it was very well adapted. It was to Wei, the food that was calling was not fresh, and the things that were done were not good.
       Yue-Yao looked at the bones in the egg and smiled and said: "I have to endure these days, wait until I become the master of the house, buy what I want to eat, buy the freshest."
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is an old-fashioned hat: "The big family eats it, it is produced on its own Zhuangzi, and it is still used to buy it." This is really not edited to Wei Wei, like The Marquis Estate . Most of them are produced on their own Zhuangzi.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "My Zhuangzi is far away." Her Zhuangzi is about a hundred miles away from the capital city. It takes a day to go, and there is such a tossing effort. It is not necessary to buy it in Capital City.
       He said to Wei Le: "Miss, if there is a Zhuangzi near the capital?"
       Yue-Yao is laughing, and Zhuangzi, who is close to the capital, has such a good buy. If she wants to, she has already bought it.
       Turning to Wei eyeballs, "You said, if there is a chance, you can't give it." The Grange near the capital is really hard to come by, and the owners of those fields are not rich.
       Yue-Yao promised.
       Wei Wei secretly smiled, like a cat who only stole a successful one.
       Yue-Yao took a picture drawn by himself for a day and showed it to Wei. "How do you feel?" It is the painting, which is actually the design of the bedroom.
       I glanced at Wei. "You said it well, no one dares to say bad." In this respect, Yue-Yao is an expert, she can't say bad.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I always get it out to see the real effect." After that, Yue-Yao turned and prepared to go to the wing.
       Xiang Wei knows that Yue-Yao is ready to continue to make clothes, deliberately said: "I used to think that Miss married will not change, it will still be a painting, the line seems to me still wrong, Miss married must be a good ‘Madam’ and mother."
       Yue-Yao slewing head, very seriously said: "In fact, my dream, in addition to being a big painter, there is one, that is to become a good ‘Madam’ and a good mother." To become a master of painting is the dream of this life, become a good ‘Madam’ and good ‘Madam’. Mother is the dream of the last life.
       Wei Wei gave it a stop.
       With Yue-Yao, the master of the model, Xu-Yu and the fine Juan -maid are also very diligent children. Only one day, the four rings will make the clothes cut.
       When Yue-Yao entered, Xiao-juan had already started sewing, and Yue-Yao had a smirk at the corner of his  Mouth. "Yes, the rest of the gold silk is no waste."
       Ruo Cui came in: "Miss, Missi returned to Lian House, and now at 2nd Madam." Miss is not the same as going to other people homes, and generally does not post in advance, sending a personal voice.
       Yue-Yao got the news last night, knowing that Yue-Bing will come over today, and I am prepared, and Yue-Yao is ready to go straight.
       Xu-Yu whispered, "Miss, still change clothes!" Xu-Yu will remind Yue-Yao, and because Yue-Yao went to visit Lian Dongfang, he changed clothes.
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head: "No."
       Yue-Yao went to the gate of the yard, and Yue-Bing came out from the inside.
       Yue-Bing is wearing a red , , , , , , , , , , , , Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue Yue The deafness of the opal on the ray is different with the light, which is gorgeous and rich.
       Yue-Yao looks at the sleek Yue-Bing and knows that she is doing well now.
       Yue-Bing took Yue-Yao and smiled and said, "I don't know how Mei Mei is. How long you are, one year is beautiful."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The second sister praised me. If you want to talk about beauty, I don't dare to compare it with your second sister." Yue-Bing has a very bright facial expression. He used to say that he was beautiful, but Yue Bing is well maintained the day after tomorrow, not only the skin is like snow, but also the body is bulging and back. Now that the child is born, the chest is fuller, but the waist is still as slim as the beginning, and the body is getting better.
       Yue-Bing is happy," I found out today that 3rd Mei Mei  Mouth is so sweet, go, go into the house." Yue-Yao attitude, let Yue-Bing breathe a sigh of relief, afraid of Yue-Yao Cold, let her nowhere to start.
       When you walked Yue-Bing, he said: "The child blew a little wind yesterday, but did not dare to come over today."
       Yue-Yao doesn't mind, when the mother is not willing to let the child take a little risk, "Is the child taking the name?" Yue-Yao knows that Yue-Bing is a daughter.
       The average woman wants to have a son. Yue-Bing has wanted to have a son in the past, but this child is lost to Yue-Bing, so she still hurts her daughter." The name of the Marquis has not been taken yet. Xiao-ming, called An An." An An, meaning that she hopes that she can be safe.
       Zhou Yue said next to him: "Two Mei Mei, three Mei Mei talents, if you ask three Mei Mei to give Anan a big name."
       Yue-Yao didn't wait for Yue-Bing to answer, smiled and shook his head. "I don't dare to take such a compliment, the child's name, or let the father take it better." She gave her name to her. It is really a big cousin who is named and incompetent.
       As I said, there was a loopback outside and said: "-Young Madam, Sigu-Nai-Nai is back."
       When Yue-huan came in, Yue-Yao stunned.
       Yue-huan is wearing red gold silk woven gold brocade, with embroidered makeup peacock-red red skirt, holding the head on the side of the head, holding a red gold inlaid treasure bead string three-winged phoenix phoenix, phoenix phoenix eagle The lively and vivid, the ruby ​​on the phoenix  Mouth has the largest size of the thumb, the obliquely inserted with the eight treasures of glazed gold steps, the ear is covered with red gold and emerald color opal pendant, the wrist is also wearing ice jade bracelet, Yue-huan This is very beautiful, but it has been deliberately hidden before, but now it is dressed like a fairy.
       Yue-huan also did not see Yue-Yao for several years. After entering the door, I first looked at Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao Today is wearing a light blue dress with embroidered twigs and acupuncture patterns on it. Because it was at home, Yue-Yao did not comb the special complicated hair, but simply took a sly, inserted a pair of pearl jasper scorpion, and a pair of amethyst earrings on his ear. There are no other accessories, but this is the case, and it has not been suppressed by Yue-Bing.
       Yue-Bing See Yue-Yao with a hint of surprise, smiled: "Three sisters were also shocked by the four sisters? The four sisters became more beautiful after they married." Yue-Bing also knows the appearance of Yue-huan It’s a stunning color. It’s just because the identity of the Shu Daughter can’t grab her light, so it’s been low-key. Now, if you marry, you don’t need to be low-key.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Four Mei Mei has always been the best of our four sisters." Yue-huan looks the best, and Yue-Yao never denied it.
       Yue-huan is a smile, said: "The three sisters are modest, and we are the most outstanding non-three sisters." She is only handsome, and Yue-Yao is the best in both appearance and talent.
       Zhou Yuele said, "Some of your sisters are all loved by nature." The 3rd Miss have their own styles.
       It is said that three women have one drama and four women have joined together. There are endless words. Yue-Yao has changed his mind. From time to time, he can insert two sentences. The atmosphere is very good.
       The -maid came in: "-Young Madam, Aunt-Nai-Nai is back."
       Zhou Yue looked a bit, but quickly disguised it. He smiled and said: "Please come to Nagu-Nai." It is obvious that several sisters will return to their parents today, but they will wait until they have lunch. I know what this aunt-Nai-Nai thinks.
       Yue Ying walked in. Today, Yue Ying wore a red-faced scorpion, and he wore a plain horse-faced skirt, combed the clouds, with two golden plum blossoms, and inserted an inlaid agate gold plaque. On the ear is a pair of white jade earrings.
       The room was suddenly quiet because of Ying income. It felt weird. Although several people did not say it, Yue-Yao could feel that no one liked Yue Ying.
       The moon was married for five years and gave birth to a child and a woman. This time, Ying income did not bring the children.
       Yue-Yao looked at Yue-Ying's dress, and his eyes showed a surprise.
       After Yue-Ying came in, he looked at the dress of Yue-Bing and Yue-huan, and his eyes flashed unwillingly. Yue-Bing married to The Marquis Estate , married to the past is Marchioness, well, Yue-Bing is the Di Daughter, she can't compare, but Yue-huan is also the Shu Daughter, but now Yue-huan every day Silk satin, and she counted the money to live with her daily life, she had to watch her grandmother calculate her dowry, and she was unwilling to make a profit. Finally, when she saw Yue-Yao, she finally recovered her calmness.
       Yue-Bing smiled and said: "Big sister, you are back, our four sisters are also neat." The eyes of the moon are not willing to see her in the eyes, can see how it can be, can not be pretending to be mute as if not know.
       Yue-huan is also interesting. "Yeah, yeah, I have been looking forward to the gathering of the sisters. Today I finally got what I wanted."
       Yue-Bing took the call, "Fortunately, our four sisters are all married in the capital, and they can often move around in the future." This is also to pave the way for the future.
       Zhou Yue sees Yue-Yao since the greeting with Yue Ying, she is cold and faint. Yue-Yao can still keep her kindness with her and Yue-Bing before, but now to Dagu-Nai Nai, but Lian is not polite, I am afraid that the two have had a gap.
       The scene around the moon was a bit cold. I suggested: "Three sisters, I haven’t been to Lanxiyuan for a long time. Let’s go to your Lanxiyuan.”
       Yue-Bing followed this: "It is a meal at Lanxi Courtyard at noon. The meal is placed in the backyard of Lanxiyuan. It is also a pleasure to enjoy the scenery while eating. Three Mei Mei, what do you think? What is my proposal?"
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       A few people with a -maid-Pozi a ** people add up to more than 20 people, the mighty to go to Lanxiyuan.
       After a short walk, several people were very surprised to see Yue-Yao, originally thought that Yue-Yao liked to wear plain clothes, but now I know that Yue-Yao is actually in the clothes.
       Yue-huan does not know why, there is a flash in my mind, low-key luxury.
       Yue Ying looked at Yue-Yao clothes, and then looked back at himself wearing this body, biting his lip, originally thought that Yue-Yao was wearing a very ordinary material, but now she is still the most lonely, her The clothes and jewelry are ordinary and can't be ordinary. The sisters were the same before, but they immediately separated after the marriage.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "My clothes are all custom made from Clothroom. This dress is also made by Clothroom." She is also a shareholder of Clothroom, so the clothes she buys are cost-priced, and she does it herself. The value is quite.
       Yue-Bing was very surprised: "Is the clothes of 3rd Mei Mei customized from the cloth shop? The clothes there are not cheap." Yue-Bing will also customize the clothes from the cloth shop, but she does not have much customization. One season is usually three or five sets.
       Yue-Yao smiled: "It is not cheap."
       Clothroom is now one of the best ready-to-wear stores in Capital City. Clothrooms are coming out every year, and these new ones are immediately sought after by the ladies.
       Yue-huan said happily: "The expression of the third sister is the owner of the cloth-clothing house. The third sister went to buy it. There must be a discount." She did not know if Yue-Yao had a stake in the cloth-dressing house, but she was sure Yue Yao got a lot of benefits from it.
       There was no extra thought in Yue-huan. It was also said that Yue-Yao helped her a lot, and she got a huge sum of money. If it wasn't for the money, she didn't stand firm in the money house.
       Yue Ying suddenly said: "Three Mei Mei, you are going to marry soon. Do you see if our sisters can do business together and earn some private money?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head: "I am not interested in doing business." She is doing business, and will not do business with Yue-Ying. The person like Yue-Ying is very selfish, but it is better to have less contact.
       Yue-Bing feels that this idea is very good," Yue-Yao, I think the idea of ​​a big sister is very good. In the future, our sisters will do business together and earn more private money."
       Yue-huan also smiled and yelled at Yue-Yao, "Three sisters, no one knows the business by nature, we can slowly find out, wait for the money, and the heart is not panic." The money family is rich. However, the money of the money family is public, although the cost of eating and wearing is public, and there are thirty-two months of money every month, but what can 30 Silver Taels do? It is enough to buy a few boxes of rouge. Only a year after the month of marriage, I have used a lot of private money.
       Yue-Ying finally showed a rare smile. "Three Mei Mei, you see that the two sisters and the four sisters feel that they are good at private! You should not quit."
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly. "I don't need money to spend."
       Yue-Bing is okay, but Yue Ying’s face is not very good-looking. She still has some money in her hand, but she doesn’t want to sit on the  Mountain, want to do some business to earn some money, and not for her own sake.
       Yue-huan was not affected by the words of Yue-Yao, and said some of his own ideas. "I want to open a noodle restaurant. Although the business is not big, as long as there are characteristics, I think the business must be good."
       Yue Ying was hesitant, but Yue-Bing smiled and said that he wants to participate.
       Yue-huan said very generously: "If you are interested, everyone has two shares, how do you feel?" Yue-huan is very confident, and the noodle restaurant she opened will certainly make money.
       Yue-Yao shook his head, "Don't count me." Yue-Yao believes that the business of Yue-huan will make money, but she really does not want to partner with Yue Ying and Yue-Bing to do business, no shortage of money is On the one hand, on the other hand, Yue-Yao feels that there are many business disputes with them.
       Yue-Bing smiled and said: "If you don't want three Mei Mei, then I have three shares with my big sister. What does Mei Mei think?"
       There is no problem with Yue-huan here.
       Yue-Bing didn't know that Yue-Yao didn't want to be a partner and thought it was troublesome. She thought that Yue-Yao was because she was a high-ranking person and thought that doing business was the next thing she refused. Yue-Bing deliberately smiled and said: "Three Mei Mei, making money with the back hall, three Mei Mei can not regret it."
       Yue-Yao said calmly: "No, my money is enough for me to spend my whole life."
       Xu-Yu listened to this words and bowed his head. He said that he would not regret it. What do you say that you are not short of money? Really, Miss said a set of one week. Why do you say this kind of hateful words now? Money is not so flamboyant.

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