I am Such a Woman 50

I am Such a Woman


   The palace was large at some point, but small at some point.
   Ban-Hua had to drink too much tea in the afternoon and had to go to the apse to solve Christine problem. After walking out, I met Rong-Xia. She whispered, "Rong Bo-Ye, did you come here for respect?"
   After saying this, Ban-Hua felt that his brain was faulty, and it was too embarrassing to ask it.
   "Yeah, what a coincidence." Rong-Xia chuckled, as if Ban-Hua had just said, "The weather is really good." "Outside is performing juggling, County Owner is not interested?"
   "There are a few jugglers in the family, so it means so much to see," Ban-Hua saw Rong-Xia expression so natural, that uneasiness in her heart also disappeared, "I wanted to have a fun, How could it be that the atmosphere today would be so awkward. "
   Since the proposal of the affiliated king, the atmosphere of the female relatives has been awkward, especially Shi Feixian, whose face is so cold that the ice dumplings are about to fall off. Although Ban-Hua didn't like Shi Feixian, but the prince really didn't deserve the beauty, and it's no wonder that the Shi family would look so ugly.
   She took a peek at Rong-Xia. This really didn't know that Shi Feixian liked him? Even she could see that Shi Feixian had some thoughts on Rong-Xia, and Rong-Xia couldn't have noticed it.
   "If this prince can really marry a great cause woman and volunteer to stay in the great cause, it will be a good thing for the great cause," Rong-Xia noticed that Ban-Hua was secretly looking at himself, and the smile on his face was more gentle, "but This candidate should not be Miss. "
   The daughter of the right-hander cannot marry a foreigner unless the emperor is unwilling to reuse the family.
   Rong-Xia guessed that Ban-Hua might not be interested in this topic, so he did not continue to say it, but suddenly said   :   "The County Owner is very beautiful today. When you appear at the door of the temple, you are almost tolerant Lost. "
   Ban-Hua narrowed her eyes with a smile   :   "It's the set of jewelry you sent."
   "Meiyu has a beautiful Lady. How could they be as beautiful as without County Owner," Rong-Xia eyes fell on Ban-Hua earlobe, with a smile in her voice. "The real beauty is given to it by County Owner. of."
   Ban-Hua has heard a lot of praises about her beauty, but as seriously as Rong-Xia, except for her father and brother, there is no third man.
   "Do you guys, full of poetry, talk like this?" Ban-Hua tried to cover her mouth and laughed, and worried about getting the fat she had just made, she pursed her lips.
   "Rong Mou doesn't speak, but just tells what he thinks." Rong-Xia saw the wind blow, worried that the snow on the branch fell on Ban-Hua, and reached out to block Ban-Hua head After walking a little farther from the tree, he retracted his hand and fisted Ban-Hua   :   "Offended."
   Ban-Hua saw a mass of snow falling from the tree on the back of his hand, and embarrassedly pointed at the back of his hand   :   "Should you wipe it?"
   "It's okay," Rong-Xia shook her hand, and still kept a very safe distance from Ban-Hua, as if he had just covered his head for Ban-Hua just because of Masterliness, without any ambiguity.
   Ban-Hua doesn't even think about it. What she thinks more about now is that even Rong-Xia praises that she is beautifully dressed today. It seems that she got up early in the morning to dress up and it is worth it. A man admired by so many people in Capital City should have a good aesthetic.
   Xi Wanzhang stood under the corner of the corridor and looked at a pair of men and women walking in the snow, almost unable to believe his eyes.
   She squeezed her hands tightly and stepped back a little with a guilty conscience, subconsciously not wanting the two to see herself, although she didn't even understand why she had to hide.
   "Miss?" Maid whispered behind her. "What happened to you?"
   "It's nothing," Xi Wan shook his head, turned around and hurriedly ran to the garden, where there was a stage for performances, and many people stayed there.
   "Wan, why are you in such a hurry?" Shi Feixian saw Xi Wanzhang return, and handed her a hand warmer, "what's the matter with your loss? Is your hand cold?"
   "Not cold." Xi Wan shook her head, her palm even exuding a thin layer of sweat. But I don’t know why, looking at Shi Feixian with a smile on her face and thinking of the hall just now, 2-Prince looked at Shi Feixian's eyes, she didn't tell what she just saw.
   "It seems that you are really not cold, even sweating on your forehead," Shi Feixian reached out and wiped his forehead with Xi Wanxie, Xi Wanxian ducked his head slightly and avoided her hand.
   "I'm okay, what's on the stage?" Xi Wanyi took a sip of tea, the tea was a little cold, but her heart calmed down a bit, "It's quite interesting."
   Shi Feixian glanced back on the stage, and an old student sang a song on it. She remembered that Xi Wanxun never watched old dramas. Glancing at the hot tea, Shi Feixian smiled and turned to let the palace person exchange a cup of hot tea for Xi Wanyi, quietly accompanying Xi Wanyi to sound.
   It was getting a little darker, and although there were many braziers around, everyone sitting outside watching the performance still felt cold, but they still couldn't tell their own cold.
   Everyone was relieved when they heard someone said that the dinner had begun. I don't know what happened. This winter seems to be extremely cold. Even if wearing thick fur, the cold still penetrates the clothes and penetrates into the bones to make unbridled chaos.
   There was a wind blowing outside in the afternoon. At the dinner, everyone appetite was better than at lunch. Even the esteemed Furen had a few more chopsticks.
   In order to ensure that the temperature and taste of the food are not affected, the people in the royal dining room have come up with a lot of methods. Anyway, no matter what they do, at least when they are delivered to Ban-Hua, they are braised with hot steam, making people Looking at the movement of the index finger, the only thing that is not good is the small amount.
   She doesn't pay attention to food, but Ban-Hua, who likes to eat, moves her chopsticks more. She doesn't even taste if she doesn't like to eat.
   "Had this child, eating is still so picky," said the Queen to 1st-Elder Princess, who is on the bottom right, "but people are more and more watery every year."
   "It was her parents who spoiled her," 1st-Elder Princess laughed. "Even the emperor and Niang-Niang loved her so much that she developed her lawless temperer."
   "Honourable people, my daughter's family just wants to be more casual," the Queen did not refute the 1st-Elder Princess saying that she was accustomed to Ban-Hua. "She is the only granddaughter of her aunt. Passed. "
   "Niang-Niang's words are biased," 1st-Elder Princess smiled and shook her head. "She not random, she doesn't have rules, and she doesn't know who this temper goes with."
   The Queen wants to say that it must have been Jingting Ding temper, but I think Jingting Gong has a great relationship with 1st-Elder Princess and has passed away for ten years. Now mentioning this person will only cause 1st Elder Princess was upset in her heart, so she swallowed it back, "I carry the blood of our royal and generals family, and have a distinguished identity, and my nature naturally follows the old ancestors on both sides."
   1st-Elder Princess holds up the tea cup and pays tribute to the Queen   :   "You are favoring her again."
   After taking a sip of tea, 1st-Elder Princess wiped the corners of her mouth, suppressing the coughing rushing to her throat, her cheeks flushed like a young woman in her 20s or 30s.
   At the end of the dinner, the palace fired beautiful fireworks. Ban-Hua stood on the main hall, and stood with a group of female relatives with Yin-shi. After giving a great gift to the empress again, she helped Yin-shi hand out. Warm hall.
   The moment the cold air came out of the hall, she pulled her cloak and whispered to Yin-shi   :   "I really want to go home and take a hot bath."
   After having roasted the earth dragon in the hall for so long, she felt that she was roasted.
   Yin-shi laughed and said, "Relax, let the people in the house prepare hot water."
   Ban-Hua slaps Yin-shi on her body, looks coquettish, like a child of seven or eight years old.
   "Shi Young-Lady, please stay away!"
   "Shi Young-Lady, please stay!"
   Ban-Hua heard a strange accent behind her, and looked around curiously. Wasn't Shi Feixian still inside when she was out of the hall just now, came to the front so soon?
   "Shi Young-Lady!"
   A young man with dark skin and curly hair suddenly stopped in front of her, bowed to her with one hand on her chest and said, "Shi Young-Lady, I don’t understand the customs of the great cause, speak at noon. There is something rude, please Shi Young-Lady forgive me. "
   The people who were still whispering all around seemed to see something supernatural and magical. They stopped and looked at Ban—Hua and the prince standing in front of her with a subtle look.
   Seeing that the beautiful woman in front of the subordinate did not speak, thinking that she was still angry, she explained quickly   :   "Under the last name Tubor, Akzi, the second prince of Aipuo Kingdom, The father gave me the name of the next great cause, Young-Lady can call me Tu Qi. "
   Ban-Hua looked at the prince who knew the wrong person. In fact, the young man looked pretty good, his eyes were deep, his eyes were bright like precious sapphires, and the only drawback was that his skin tone was not white enough. One black and one hundred handsome, Ban-Hua prefers whiter men.
   "Ake Qi-Wang son," Wang De walked over with a smile, and explained politely, "you recognize the wrong person, this is not Shi Young-Lady."
   "What?" Akzi eyes widened in surprise. Such a beautiful woman is not the first beauty in the cause. What kind of beauty should Young-Lady have?
   "I don't know, who is the young Lady of Shi Young-Lady?" Akzi was an upright and good young man. After seeing that he had confessed a wrong person, he gave Ban-Hua a gift from Aipuo Kingdom, then looked at Wang De, hoping He can take himself to find the real stone Young-Lady.
   Wang De turned with a smile, and walked in front of Shi Feixian to salute   :   "Old slave has seen Shi Young-Lady."
   "Prince Wang, you are too kind," Shi Feixian didn't dare to offend His Majesty's most trusted eunuch, and smiled back to Wang De for half a gift.
   However, she didn't look at Ak Qi-Wang Zi from the beginning to the end, as if she didn't know Akzi was looking for her, and Akzi didn't know who he was wrong.
   Shi Feixian is a beautiful woman. She is a beautiful woman. Her silky skin, white waist, golden lotus feet, and no one can say that she is not beautiful. number.
   Everyone knew why Akzi had recognized the wrong person, so everyone was silent.
   Aksi looked at the dusty woman standing in front of Wang De, and looked at the Miss, who was not far away from her, and followed the silence.
   Father, I didn't expect that the first problem I had to correct when I came to the cause was aesthetics.
   The great cause is a kingdom of heaven, and even the aesthetics are so different.
   There are many places for him to learn.
   The author has something to say   :   Qi Qi-Wang Zi   :   My countryman is too late to keep up with fashion.

   Chapter 51    :              

   The atmosphere became very embarrassing for a while, and everyone who was watching the lively side felt embarrassed for Shi Feixian.
   Shi Feixian came to Aksi and smiled slightly at him   :   "His Royal Highness Prince has not even seen a small girl, but he only proposed a few words after hearing a few words from others. I'm afraid he was hasty."
   Aksi saw that he had acknowledged the wrong person, and the young-Lady Shi was not angry, and some of her hands and feet suddenly did not know where to put it   :   "Admiring the young-Lady name, please ask young-Lady to give the next opportunity."
   What name?
   Shi Feixian chuckled and blessed Ak Qi, and said, "His prince was joking and laughing." After speaking, without waiting for Ak Qi to react, he held Maid's hand down the steps. Her pace is slightly faster, but she is very elegant, and each step is not small and dignified.
   Aksi smiled and touched his face. It is said that a woman in the industry likes a child with a crown like a crown jade. Before entering the palace, he shaved his beard with pride, but watching the reaction of the young-Lady Shi, It seemed that his shaved face did not appeal to her.
   He looked at Ban-Hua in puzzlement. Was this stone Young-Lady angry or not?
   As a passerby who is involved in the innocent, Ban-Hua adheres to the excellent style of watching the people lively, that is, they can eat a melon and watch a theater without talking nonsense. In the face of the prince doubtful eyes, Ban-Hua smiled with an unpredictable smile, blessed him, turned and left, and gave Akzi a beautiful back.
   She never said a word to the prince from start to finish.
   Aksi rubbed his eyes, obviously ... This mysterious Miss is even more beautiful. He has watched it for a long time today. The Miss is the most beautiful in the whole hall, even those young men who can do it can not help it. Seeing her secretly, why isn't she the first beauty?
   He touched his chin so distressed that it still seemed to be a problem with his eyes.
   After Ban-Hua got into the carriage, she couldn't help but laugh at the cushion.
   When Rong-Xia was riding close to the Ban-Hua carriage, I heard a faint laughter coming from the carriage, looked at Shi Jin and several other gongzis who were riding towards this side, and coughed with one hand in his mouth. A few words   :   "Rong-Xia, bother County Owner."
   The carriage suddenly quieted down, and after a while, the carriage curtains opened, revealing a smiley face. Rong-Xia even noticed that her eyes were so moist, she didn't know if she had just cried, or ... had tears in her eyes?
   "Rong Bo-Ye?" Ban-Hua looked at Rong-Xia puzzledly, "I wonder what you do?"
   "Nothing," Rong-Xia heard the sound of horseshoes approaching behind him and smiled softly. "It's snowing at night. Please drive the County Owner slowly and be safe."
   The night breeze fluttered, mixed with falling snow, falling on the shoulders, and soon covered with a layer of snowflakes.
   "Many Thanks Bo-Ye cares," Ban-Hua saw Rong-Xia with snow on his head, and then said, "Did your guard bring an umbrella?"
   Rong-Xia glanced at Du Jiu behind him   :   "No, but a cloak is enough."
   Ban-Hua put his hand out of the window, and soon a few goose feather snowflakes fell on her palm. She turned her head and glanced at Rong-Xia handsome cheek, turned around and handed out an umbrella from the carriage. "If Rong Bo-Ye doesn't disapprove, just use mine."
   What should I do if such a heavy snow freezes this beauty's face?
   Rong-Xia patted the horse under him, bringing him closer to Ban-Hua. A jade-like hand reached out and caught the umbrella   :   "Many Thanks County Owner."
   "You're welcome," Ban-Hua eyes glanced at Rong-Xia hand and contentedly retracted his gaze. "Rong Bo-Ye, walk slowly."
   "Country Owner walk slowly." Rong-Xia smiled, riding his horse back, and let Ban-Hua go first.
   The sound of the horse hoof faded away, Rong-Xia opened the fine silk umbrella in his hand, and saw the picture of the flower of the Lady painted on the fan, and couldn't help laughing.
   "Bo-Ye, the subordinates brought umbrellas, do you want to ..."
   Change it?
   The umbrella is very delicate, and even the ruby pendant is hanging on the umbrella handle, and the workmanship is almost ingenious. But no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot be concealed that it is a woman's umbrella, a very fancy umbrella.
   "No," Rong-Xia smelled the faint fragrance on the handle of the umbrella. "This umbrella is fine."
   Du Jiu   :   Oh, if you feel good, it is really good.
   "Rong Bo-Ye." Shi Jin rode on his horse back, glanced over the flower umbrella resting on Rong-Xia head, and clenched his fists at him.
   "Master Shi." Rong-Xia seemed to find him, tilting his head to look at him, holding an umbrella and arching his hand at Shi Jin, "How clever."
   "Not a coincidence," Shi Jin looked back. "This is the only way out of the palace."
   Rong-Xia smiled without saying a word, but changed the umbrella holding hand, it looked very indifferent, even if he held a woman's umbrella in his hand, it did not damage his half temperament.
   "Rong Bo-Ye is indeed a Master Master," Shi Jin looked at the umbrella with a smile and a narrow tone. "It's enviable."
   Rong-Xia smiled when he heard it   :   "Master Shi is humble."
   When several gongzi brothers who were traveling with Shi Jin met the two, they thought that the friendship was good, so they didn't think about it. They were just a little curious, who was the beautiful woman sitting in the carriage that had just left, and gave Rong Bo-Ye an umbrella.
   If other men hit this kind of umbrella, it will look ugly, but this umbrella held by Rong-Xia, it will look unique again. It can be seen that men who look good, even holding lotus leaves, look better than others.
   "Master Shi, leave." Rong-Xia smiled slightly. "It's snowy, and Master Shi is better off holding an umbrella."
   "Many Thanks Rong Bo-Ye cares, it's a military commander below, don't worry about these." Shi Jin's eyes fell on the ruby pendant hanging on the umbrella handle, he didn't know what he thought of, his face was a little heavy.
   When Ban-Hua carriage reached halfway, Ban-Heng, who could not stand the cold, squeezed into the carriage cheekily. There is a fine silver wire carbon stove in the car, and delicious snacks. The carriage is very wide, and it can even lie down comfortably.
   Ban-Heng was sitting on the rug, holding the hand warmer used by Ban-Hua, and whispered, "What did Qi Qi-Wang Zi say to you just now, when I saw Shi Miss coming out, his face was all over It's green. "
   "Is it green?" Ban-Hua raised an eyebrow. "When she went out, she smiled."
   "Isn't it green," Ban-Heng gloated, "I was just joking with Zhou Changxiao when she was going down the jade steps, and turned around to see her with a blue face. But that was an instant, then Then I regained my smiley face. If it weren't for my eyes, I wouldn't have noticed this. "
   "It's nothing," Ban-Hua coughed. "He just called Shi Young-Lady to me."
   Ban-Heng hesitated for a moment, then reacted to what it meant, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.
   "Ha ha ha ha ha, Shi Young-Lady, the first beauty in the cause!"
   Ban-Hua, who had laughed just now, touched his chin, and smiled and said, "That curly little prince is very interesting."
   Ban-Heng thought, wasn't it interesting, thinking that his sister was the first beauty, and just talking about it, this was just a slap in the face of Shi Feixian.
   "Young-Lady." Maid next to Shi Feixian looked at her anxiously, only to think that it wasn't appropriate to say anything now, and she wouldn't say anything.
   "Let's all go out," Shi Feixian almost never got angry in front of her face. She knew she was angry now, but she still didn't want to show her ugly side.
   It wasn't until the door was closed and everyone pulled out that she finally couldn't hold back the emotions in her heart, smashing the tea set on the table, the fat powder on the makeup table, the ring jewelry fell off, and Shi Feixian sits pantingly On the ground, I saw my own sloppy face falling into the handle mirror on the ground.
   She threw away the handle mirror and touched her face in a panic, until after the expression on her face returned to normal, she dared to look at herself in the mirror again.
   Obviously she is so beautiful, why would there be a woman like Ban-Hua in Capital City? !!
   Thinking of Rong-Xia paying homage to Ban-Hua, and thinking that King Ipoh recognized Ban-Hua as her, thinking that Ban-Hua was the first beauty, she felt ashamed and hated, I just felt that the prince had lost her face.
   "How do stupid people in the barren land know how to look good, but look at a smelly skin bag!" Shi Feixian took a deep breath, threw away the handle mirror, and stood up and patted his shirt. "Come, come in and clean up the house "
   The door opened, and it wasn't Maid who came in but her elder brother Shi Jin.
   "Brother," Shi Feixian didn't want his family to see himself, so when Shi Jin came in, his face was a little uncomfortable.
   "Feixian," Shi Jin glanced across a messy room, frowning slightly. "You are too impetuous today."
   Shi Feixian lowered her head and didn't speak.
   "But the son of King Epo is really a reckless man. You don't need to bother him. I won't let you marry such a man."
   "Brother," Shi Feixian looked at Shi Jin, couldn't help but, "You said, is it possible that Rong Bo-Ye likes Ban-Hua?"
   Shi Jin remembered the woman who came slowly to herself on Yujie, and the silk umbrella that Rong-Xia held in her hand, and said, "Why do you have such an idea?"
   "Brother, do you say ... am I really unsuitable to marry Rong-Xia?" Shi Feixian looked at Shi Jin with eyes burning, "Rong Bo-Ye is very prestigious among his talents, and he is highly valued by His Majesty. If I'll marry him, it will definitely be of great benefit to our Shi family, really. "
   "Feixian," Shi Jin frowned, "Rong-Xia is unfathomable, and Rongshi people are scattered, he is not a good match for you."
   The family is very important, but the Rongshi family now only has Rong-Xia. Even if he is valued by the emperor again, he is just one person. How can he be compared to a family with a prosperous family.
   "Why?" Shi Feixian said, "You said that Yan Zhen was a good match, but what the result was, you all saw it."
   Shi Jin sighed   :   "Okay, even if we are willing to let you marry Rong-Xia, will he marry you?"
   Shi Feixian was a little panicked, biting her lip corner and unwilling to speak.
   She didn't know whether Rong-Xia would marry her, but she knew that if she didn't insist, she would definitely not be able to marry Rong-Xia.
   "As the saying goes, a good girl wants to be a family, and now the people in Jingxia want to marry your son-zi. It's like crossing the river. If Rong-Xia really cares about you, why isn't he willing to let people come to our house to propose marriage? "
   Shi Feixian stubbornly said, "Maybe ... he just didn't come out of the pain of his family's successive deaths."
   Shi Jin wants to say that the man in your mouth who hasn't come out of the pain accepted the silk umbrella donated by a noble woman tonight.
   But looking at the stubborn eyes of Mei-mei, he did not say.
   In just one month, this was the second time Mei-mei proposed to marry Rong-Xia.
   He looked out of the dark window, his voice calmed, "I'll help you to ask your father what it means."
   After all, it's his Mei-mei.
   The author has something to say   :   Umbrella   :   I have not been forgotten -
   "His Royal Highness," Chang Mama stood beside De Ning 1st-Elder Princess, hesitating slightly, "Why don't you tell Houye things?"
   "It would be fine for my generation to end the grievances of the previous generation," 1st-Elder Princess watched the dimly lit candlelight in the room, took the pills from Chang Mama and ate them, "I'm sorry with Fu-ma He didn’t teach him to grow, he didn’t teach him talents and martial arts, and I didn’t want to teach him hatred. ”
   "His Royal Highness," Chang "Mama palms are empty, and the room is filled with a stove, but she feels cold in her heart." Houye will understand your hard work, and he never blame you. "
   "He is a good boy," De Ning "1st-Elder Princess laughed, at this time she was not the royal 1st-Elder Princess, but an ordinary mother," I have dedicated my life to the royal family for the rest of my life, the only one Happy days are the time you spend with Fu-ma and the time you spend with your children. "
   "His Royal Highness," Chang "Mama knelt before 1st-Elder Princess, trembling with a voice," You need to take good care of yourself, Houye and Furen are filial, County Owner and Heir are big, you have not seen them yet Become a biological son, you ... "
   "A Chang," 1st-Elder Princess suddenly interrupted Chang Mama with a smile, "You said, who among my juniors is most like me?"
   Chang Mama held 1st-Elder Princess's hand, and her eyes were red   :   "Furen is so beautiful, you have your power."
   "No," 1st-Elder Princess shook her head slowly, "Ban-jia is most like me.
   Chang Mama looked at 1st-Elder Princess in amazement. In her opinion, the County Owner was obviously more like Fu-ma, how could it be like Princess?
   The cold wind ‘Called outside, but no trace of cold wind blew into the house.
   "When this palace was young, it was Fu Huang's children who looked the best, and that's why, among all Princesses, Fu Huang loved me the most," 1st-Elder Princess caressed her gorgeously robe, " Chinese food, gold, silver, jade, and supreme preferences have made other Princess hate the palace, and even resorted to secret calculations. The palace loves to see them look like they are exhausting their brains, but they can't shake it. This house is half a minute. "
   "Previous emperor, as a brother of this palace, was not very much loved by Fu Huang. Fu Huang even said in person that if he was not worried that other Prince would not take me well, he might not choose his brother to be the Crown Prince." 1st-Elder Princess closed her eyes and recalled the years when she was young. "At the time of the great cause, anyone who saw this palace would also be polite."
   Fresh clothes, angry horses, respect for power, and later married Fu-ma, she is still the most noble Princess, but only to protect her Fu Huang driving a crane to return home, sitting on the throne is her brother.
   The elder brother was able to secure his position as emperor, and he also relied on Fu-ma military power to help him stabilize the courtier. It was a pity that the birds were exhausted, the good bows were hidden, and the brother eventually became the emperor who unloaded and killed the donkey like other Prince. Fortunately, he was still thinking of brother-sister friendship. Although people calculated Fu-ma on the battlefield, he did not kill him.
   He thought he was exhaustive, but he forgot a saying in the world, "If you don't know, unless you don't do it."
   It was learned that her husband, who was extremely considerate to her, had been conspired by her brother-zi, and she sits in the room for a whole day.
   "She like me when I was young," 1st-Elder Princess coughed a few times, and Chang Mama hurriedly brought a glass of honey to her. "No need," 1st-Elder Princess pushed away the cup and said lightly, "This palace was born in the royal family, and death should be there."
   Chang Mama shook her hand, the glass of honey splashed a few drops on the back of her hand, and eventually slipped into the carpet and disappeared.
   The snowstorm didn't stop for a whole night. When Ban-Hua got up the next morning, she saw the people outside the yard were spraying salt on the ground, and her face was frozen red, she said to Maid around her, "Ruyi, don't worry about the snow outside, wait for the snow to stop before sweeping."
   "Yes." Ruyi went out with a smile and told these subordinates. The subordinates were overjoyed, thanked Ruyi again and again, and read the County Owner's compassion, and Dade stepped down.
   "I know County Owner, you feel sorry for these people," Ruyi and some Maid waited for Ban-Hua to get dressed and whispered, "I'm afraid this snow is still worth it."
   "They were raised by their parents, and they are pitiful if they are frozen," Ban-Hua said after washing her face and cleaning her teeth. "This year's snow seems extraordinarily large."
   Ruyi looked at the heavy snow outside the window and nodded, "It does seem to be bigger than in previous years."
   The snow is heavy and there are not many pedestrians on the street. The wealthy home is okay. The basement of the home is full of various meats and vegetables, and the lives of the poor families are a bit sad. Although the court issued a sum of silver every year to allow the local yamen to help the people through the cold winter, but after layers of exploitation, they were actually used by the people, not even a few.
   But even if someone freezes and starves, local officials won’t report it. In the bustling capital city, everyone is happy to welcome the arrival of New Year’s Eve, and they don’t know that the money allocated by the court did not use the people on.
   "Bo-Ye," when Du Jiu walked into the Rong-Xia study, seeing that too gorgeous umbrella was placed in the corner of the study, and asked casually, "Would you not return the umbrella?"
   Rong-Xia raised an eyebrow, wondering what he said.
   "My subordinates heard that the homonym of the umbrella is not very auspicious, so if you borrow someone else umbrella, you must return it," Du Jiu saw Bo-Ye face did not change, and immediately added, "Of course, this is the folk ignorant woman It's rumored that it doesn't make sense, and this umbrella is quite ... "
   "Du Jiu."
   "Excuse me, Bo-Ye."
   "What happened to the information I asked you to check?" Rong-Xia put down the letter in her hand with a subtle tone. "Is the body of 1st-Elder Princess really not working?"
   "The people in 1st-Elder Princess House are very careful. Most of the time, 1st-Elder Princess House is taking pills. Even if there is a medicine residue, it will not let ordinary people intervene. Instead, 1st-Elder Princess The people around me had to deal with it personally, "Du Jiu frowned," 1st-Elder Princess's daily habits have not changed much, but the subordinates still feel that there is something wrong with it. "
   If there is really no problem, why are you so careful that even the medicine residue is not willing to be discovered by others?
   There was a silence in the study, Rong-Xia looked at the Lady's flower umbrella in the corner, and half a while later said, "You send a note of worship I wrote to 1st-Elder Princess House. I want to see 1st- Elder Princess. "
   Du Jiu stunned and pulled his fist back.
   After Du Jiu stepped back, Rong-Xia went to the corner and bent down to pick up the umbrella.
   The umbrella was stretched out, and the woman in a Chinese dress on the umbrella was dressed with a peony flower in her head and smiled brightly.
   1st-Elder Princess died, what should Jingting Houfu do?
   Rong-Xia stared at this umbrella for a long time. When the footsteps came from the door of the study, he slowly recovered God.
   "Bo-Ye, the paper and paint you want are ready." The steward voice came in. "Do you use it now?"
   "Take it in." Rong-Xia walked back to the desk and put away the "Zhongchenglun" on the desk.
   The steward asked the manservant to stand outside the door, and took the same things in by himself. When he closed the door of the study, he glanced over the umbrella that had not been closed, and then quickly closed his eyes and bowed back. .
   Many people know that Rong-Xia is a master of painting and calligraphy, proficient in poetry, and talented in the world. He only became famous when he was young, but many people also know that Rong-Xia has never painted. He has painted flowers, birds, fish, insects, landscapes and plants, but no one has ever seen him paint a character.
   Some people say that he is not good at drawing characters, and some people say that no one in the world can let Rong-Xia write, but no matter what the truth is, at least Rong-Xia never draws characters is recognized by many talents.
   Heavy snow, red peonies, umbrella holders, luxurious halls are all beautiful, but when these four scenes are combined, it should be strange.
   Why do people need to hold an umbrella in the temple, and how can it be that peony blooms in the cold snowy days. There is also the woman whose back is facing the hall, who can only see the back but not the true face. The back alone is enough to make people think and forget the weirdness in this painting.
   After finishing the painting in one breath, Rong-Xia picked a writing brush from the pen holder and wrote two poems in the blank space.
   Only the peony is a real national flower.
   Putting down the pen, Rong-Xia put away the umbrella, and took off the ruby pendant on the umbrella.
   The ruby was ground into a drop shape, and the color was excellent, just like a woman in her golden age, exuding its most beautiful moments.
   He chuckled and put the gem in his arms.
   "Sister," Ban-Heng knocked on the door without hearing Ban-Hua refusal, so he pushed in and walked in, with a helpless expression   :   "Here are three ice-clad men who came today."
   Ban-Hua lay on the Gui-fae couch lined with fox fur, yawned lazily, reached for the snack next to him, and exposed a half-white tender arm.
   Ban-Heng pulled her sleeves down for her and covered her arms. "Chen family, Wang family, and ... Yin family."
   "Chen's scholarly family like me?" Ban-Hua wiped the corners of her mouth and frowned with dissatisfaction. "And Wang Jiaerlang, looks like a crooked melon, What is the fun to come here? "
   Ban-Heng speechless   :   "Then Chen gongzi seems to be doing well?"
   "This kind of scholarly family was not fun to marry in the past, and ..." Ban-Hua pouted. "Don't look at the kindness and morality of others. When they lose our situation, it is them who change their faces the fastest."
   Ban-Heng thought about it, and said seriously   :   "Sister, should we still not marry?" Who knows what those husbands are like, it would be better to stay in their own home for five years comfortably, It's not a bad thing in the world.
   "Okay," Ban-Hua nodded. "Whoever you marry, life will never be better than at home."
   "The Yin family is also embarrassed to send someone to our family to propose marriage," Ban-Heng doesn't have the slightest affection for the Yin family, although it is only their grandparents' family, "Just the Yin virtue is good, is he worthy?"
   "Yin Family?" Ban-Hua smirked. "Did the mother care about them?"
   "Mother's temper, don't you know yet?" Ban-Heng coughed, "The ice man invited by the Yin Family has already gone home in a hurry."
   Even if his mother could bear it, he couldn't bear the family.
   Ban-Heng thinks that some scholars in the capital are really interesting, such as the Chen gongzi, who also said that his sister is too extravagant, and now his family asked the Iceman to be a matchmaker, and he didn't know what he thought.
   Isn't it that the scholars are not called out?
   The author has something to say   :   Some scholars   :   The face is a little swollen and it hurts.

   Chapter 53    :     gift          

   Snow continued for two or three days, and finally stopped.
   Rong-Xia sits on a padded chair with a puppet blessing and quietly lets 1st-Elder Princess look at it.
   "Guests come to the door, I don’t know why Bo-Ye can do it?" The tea at 1st-Elder Princess was hot, and she was sitting upright, with a polite smile on her rosy cheeks, but There is no meaning of closeness.
   "The juniors are here today, just to greet His Royal Highness." Rong-Xia took a sip of tea. Tea is the best royal special tea, with a total output of less than two pounds per year.
   "Bo-Ye, you," 1st-Elder Princess smiled, "This palace is fine."
   "His Royal Highness Phoenix Kangtai, the younger generations are also assured," Rong-Xia put the tea cup on the coffee table, "It is said that this tea is not good for the inner abdomen, Your Highness should drink less."
   The eyes of 1st-Elder Princess suddenly became sharper, her eyes stayed on Rong-Xia for a moment, the smile on her face disappeared a little   :   "Rong Bo-Ye is a worrying temperer."
   "The junior parents died early, the older brother went early, and no one cared about the junior. The junior junior developed his own temper," Rong-Xia lowered her eyelids, bowed her head slightly, and looked very respectfully.
   Seeing him like this, 1st-Elder Princess chuckled, "Everyone who loves to worry, is calm, does not know that Rong Bo-Ye is stable?"
   Rong-Xia folded his fist towards 1st-Elder Princess   :   "Naturally, so too."
   "Say," 1st-Elder Princess said lightly, "Bo-Ye is here today, what the hell is going on?"
   "Hi lord, the younger want to know why my father and mother died."
   The sun shone into the room through the window lattice, and 1st-Elder Princess' eyelids trembled slightly, then wiped the corners of her mouth   :   "I don't know what you mean."
   "The junior thought, Your Highness should understand." Rong-Xia looked at 1st-Elder Princess and refused to let it go.
   1st-Elder Princess looked at the excellent young man in front of her, with a look of embarrassment, and seemed to see Lin-shi who looked at her like this decades ago. Lin-shi biological mother was born in the harem, that is, her Mei-mei. After she got married, she was degraded to be a puppet because of her involvement in the throne and later committed suicide.
   Lin-shi had a bad time at the Lin family, because everyone knew that the previous emperor did not like those ministers or Princess who had helped other brothers, so the Lin family never treated her with royal blood. But Lin-shi was born very beautiful, and very good at painting and calligraphy, and was eventually asked to marry back by Cheng Anbo of the previous generation.
   In theory, she was Mu-aunt of Lin-shi, but the biological mother of Lin-shi had already been expelled from the royal family and degraded to be ridiculous, so in front of her, Lin-shi could only admire her 1st-Elder Princess.
   Fortunately, her biological mother was not seen by the previous Emperor, so her son can now be reused by her Majesty today. No one knows better than 1st-Elder Princess. Today, there is no so-called father and son to the previous emperor, and it is more hate. Therefore, after he ascended the throne, he would rehabilitate some people punished by the former emperor and end up with a reputation of benevolence.
   Rong-Xia claimed to be a junior in front of her at the moment, but she also wanted to remind her that his Mu-Grandmother was her half-born Mei-mei, even though this Mei-mei had been removed from the royal family tree.
   The room was quiet for a long time, and it wasn't until 1st-Elder Princess couldn't help coughing several times that it broke the deadly silence in the room.
   "His Royal Highness," Chang Mama walked in worriedly.
   "Stay back." 1st-Elder Princess wiped the corners of her mouth, and her lips were red like blood at the moment. Chang Mama glanced at Rong-Xia, seeing that Princess was resolute and had no choice but to step back.
   "Lin-shi died of acacia," said 1st-Elder Princess calmly. "Red beans give birth to acacia, and acacia breaks the human gut."
   Rong-Xia eyelids shuddered   :   "Who is it?"
   1st-Elder Princess asked   :   "I thought you understood."
   Rong-Xia was silent for a moment   :   "So why are you leaving me again?"
   1st-Elder Princess glanced slowly at Rong-Xia, and suddenly laughed   :   "My Majesty is the one who grew up watching me now, but his face is kind and cruel, but one of them is not good or bad A hobby, or this is the fault that most of the Jiang family has, is beauty. "
   "Whether it is a man or a woman, as long as he looks good, he can cause his rare compassion," 1st-Elder Princess smiled with a touch of taunt, "You can survive because you are talented, you Very clever, and ... you look good. "
   From the perspective of 1st-Elder Princess, Rong-Xia does grow very well. Looking at the entire capital, almost no one can.
   "His Royal Highness," Rong-Xia looked at her suddenly, "Did you regret it?"
   "People born in the royal family are not qualified to say this word." 1st-Elder Princess lifted the tea cup lightly, and didn't care if she could drink tea. She sipped her head and said, "If the palace didn't move step by step, the palace would end. Just like you the Mu-Grandmother. "
   The eyes of 1st-Elder Princess were vicissitudes and calm, as if those deaths and conspiracies had been overwhelmed by time, and it did not affect her half.
   "His Highness Many Thanks told the juniors," Rong-Xia stood up, and went deep into the 1st-Elder Princess. "Please take care of yourself. Jingting Houfu needs you."
   "This house can't protect them," 1st-Elder Princess looked at the young man who gifted herself, and suddenly said, "You should call me the aunt the Grandmother."
   She slowly stood up, took out a small humble box from the drawer beside her, and handed it to Rong-Xia   :   "You are so big, this palace has never given you any gifts. This is even a palace gift. Right. "
   Rong-Xia did not pick up the wooden box, but said, "What does His Highness want his juniors to do?"
   "What do you do?" 1st-Elder Princess laughed a little, and the laughter was a little strange. "This palace doesn't need you to do anything. This palace was going to be brought into the soil, but since you are here today, it means that it follows you." Fate."
   Rong-Xia took the box and said seriously   :   "In the future, the younger generation will take good care of Jingting Houfu."
   "Good boy." 1st-Elder Princess patted Rong-Xia shoulder lightly. Her movements were very light, but Rong-Xia felt the weight of her hand.
   "No need," 1st-Elder Princess seemed relieved, "Everyone has their own destiny, you can protect them for a while, but you can't protect them forever."
   "They will give them their last amulet before leaving."
   Rong-Xia squeezed the wooden box   :   "The younger generation will help you."
   1st-Elder Princess smiled and didn't speak. She opened the window and looked at the young man carefully, waving her hand slowly, "You go back."
   Rong-Xia thought he was in a strange mood, like happy and uncomfortable. When he came to the door, he looked back behind him again.
   1st-Elder Princess stood by the window, and the sun was shining on her, she was kind as a female bodhisattva in the temple. Rong-Xia can't help but wonder, what kind of woman is this Princess decades ago?
   On the day when the snow stopped, Ban-Hua got up a little later than usual. When she was finished washing, the sun was hanging in the mid-sky, and the snow in the yard had been cleaned, even on the branches. Bingling was beaten clean by the subordinates.
   "County Owner," a Mama came in, "Heir, please go to the main hall, and a guest is here."
   Ban-Hua is weird. What guests want her to see?
   Entering the main hall, Ban-Hua saw Rong-Xia sitting next to Ban-Heng.
   "Rong Bo-Ye?"
   "County Owner," Rong-Xia stood up to yell at Ban-Hua, "Many Thanks the two days ago, the County Owner borrowed his umbrella."
   Ban-Hua stunned, wasn't that umbrella given to him, how did it become borrowed?
   After chatting for a few words, Rong-Xia returned the umbrella to Ban-Hua, apologizing   :   "I don’t know where the pendant on the umbrella handle fell. I feel very guilty in my heart, so I changed it to a new one. Pendant. "
   Ban-Hua then noticed that the ruby originally hanging on the umbrella handle turned into a jade carving peony. This peony is extremely beautifully carved. Ban-Hua liked it at a glance   :   " Bo-Ye You're too kind, just a pendant. "
   "The County Owner borrowed the silk umbrella for good intentions, but lost things underneath. This was originally not," Rong-Xia smiled even more, "The County Owner is not disappointed."
   Ban-Heng, who was sitting next to him, looked at her sister and Cheng Anbo indifferently, and took a sip of tea. What does Bo-Ye mean?
   "Heir," Rong-Xia had eyes like the back of his head, knowing that Ban-Heng was boring, and talked to him again. "A few days ago, a doorman didn't know where to get a cockfighting, saying it was brought Let me play and relax. Just where can I play these and I don’t know what to do with the cockfighting. I heard that Heir has the goodness of cockfighting. I wonder if I can send the cockfighting to your house? Only let the kitchen use it to stew. "
   When Ban-Heng heard the cockfighting, he nodded and said, "Don't stew the soup. As long as this chicken has hundreds of Silver Taels, you can send it in, I promise to keep it healthy and bright, and fight all over Capital City. Invincible! "
   "Then there is labor Heir." Rong-Xia face suddenly showed the ease of resolving the troubles, and this expression greatly pleased Ban-Heng. Who said that his playboy was useless, didn't he help Rong-Xia solve a problem?
   The world is always prejudiced, but this habit is not good.
   "Yes, sister, aren't you going to the Grandmother today?" Ban-Heng glanced at the sky outside, "It's almost noon, why haven't you left yet?"
   "Last night for Mama next to the Grandmother, the Grandmother had to enter the palace and not let me pass," Ban-Hua said helplessly. "I originally found some interesting new things and wanted to send them to the Grandmother. Then. "
   "Will you wait for the Grandmother to come back and send it over?" Ban-Heng knew that her sister had been fine recently and loved to go to Princess Grandmother's Princess House. "I'll accompany you next time I have lunch."
   "Um." Ban-Hua nodded, playing with the jade peony pendant on the umbrella handle unconsciously.
   "It's a coincidence," Rong-Xia said suddenly, "I just went to visit His Royal Highness 1st-Elder Princess below. It is no wonder that His Royal Highness Princess is dressed up and wanted to enter the palace."
   "Have you ever seen the Grandmother?" Ban-Hua turned her head to look at Rong-Xia, wondering, "So why didn't she have time to see me?"
   "Probably because you will leave after a while?" Rong-Xia smiled. "His Royal Princess loves County Owner so much. If you go, her old man probably doesn't want to go into the palace."
   "Really?" Ban-Hua touched his chin, stood up and said, "Forget it, I'll go to the palace to see it. Last time, my Majesty Wanshou, I never talked to the Queen Niang-Niang."
   As the County Owner beloved by the empress, Ban-Hua has the right to enter the palace at any time. Only after she has reached fifteen years of age did she intentionally reduce the number of palace entrances.
   "There is something to go to the palace to see your Majesty. If the County Owner does not dislike it, he is willing to go with the County Owner."
   Instead of riding a carriage, Ban-Hua chose to ride a horse.
   In a complex palace dress, she was not very comfortable riding a horse, but she didn’t know why, she didn’t want to go back and change it. There was a strange thought in her heart, urging her to go to the palace and go to the palace.
   The horse whip sent by Emperor Yun Qing was patted on the horse and made a crisp sound. There was still no snow on the ground, and the guards at Ban-jia were afraid that something would happen to Ban-Hua, and they all fought to catch up. But the horse they were riding was comparable to the Yuci horse that Ban-Hua rode, and after a while they were thrown away a long distance.
   "Bo-Ye," Jingting Houfu escort jumped off the horse, kneeling on the cold ground with one knee facing Rong-Xia, "Cheng Anbo, County Owner's situation was a bit wrong, and his subordinate asked Bo-Ye to be in the palace Protect the County Owner for a bit. "
   "Please rest assured, strong men, I will take good care of her!" Rong-Xia patted the horse under him, and the horse ran out.
   "Captain," a guard sighed, "What now?"
   "Report it to Houye and Furen right away," the captain took a deep breath, "I'm afraid something will happen in the palace." He has been guarding the County Owner for a few years, and he has almost never seen County Owner so morbid. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he intuitively told him that it was definitely not a good thing.
   Bingling branches, muddy and dirty roads, pedestrians coming and going who couldn't see their faces, Ban-Hua seemed to think that this scene seemed to have been seen in a dream, as if it was just her illusion. The cold wind slaps on her face, freezing her face a bit numb, and looking at the palace door that is getting closer to her, she feels like this is like a monster with a big mouth and a big mouth. Waiting to devour everyone.
   At the gate of the palace, several guards rushed out on horses, and saw Ban-Hua, who ran away, and one of the guards immediately listed a black-colored flag with a yellow border   :   "Fu-Le County Owner, De Ning``1st-Elder Princess is in serious danger, your Majesty urges! "
   "What did you say?" Ban-Hua panted, tightening the reins, and the galloping horse hissed, his body leaning back for a long while before he stopped.
   The headed Guards saw Ban-Hua eyes red, cheeks white and blue, and a few fears suddenly appeared in his heart   :   "De Ning" 1st-Elder Princess ...... the injury was imminent ... " I didn't finish it, I just felt that there was a gust of wind in front of me. Fu-Le County Owner even rode into the palace directly on the horse.
   "County Owner, you can't run horses inside the palace!"
   "Hurry up, stop her!"
   "Vice Deputy Commander, stop her, be careful not to hurt anyone!"
   When Shi Jin just came out, he heard the voice of the Imperial Guard. When he looked up, he saw a horse running towards him. He flew forward and quickly pulled the horse reins. Bend, the man on the horse fell heavily.
   The Guardian who was still chasing people did not ‘Call in the face. What if it broke someone?
   "Who tripped me?" Ban-Hua eyes were bloodshot, but her head was dizzy because she fell too hard, and she couldn't get up from the ground for a while.
   "County Owner!" Rong-Xia jumped off the running horse and strode to Ban-Hua, holding her up and saying, "How are you?"
   Ban-Hua mind at this moment didn't even realize who was helping her. She clenched the whip in her hand and pulled it out according to the person who tripped her horse. Her voice was hoarse   :   "Go away ! "
   When Shi Jin saw that the person who fell was Ban-Hua, he stopped. When Ban-Hua waved his whip, he did not hide. I didn't know what the whip was made of. The tail of the whip swept to the back of his hand and it hurt hotly.
   "Country Owner, let's find 1st-Elder Princess first." Rong-Xia didn't look at Shi Jin, and bowed his head to Ban-Hua, "Can you still go?"
   Ban-Hua stared blankly at Rong-Xia, trembling without talking.
   "I'm carrying you." Rong-Xia looked at the red eyes in front of her eyes, and her buns were scattered. She lost most of her hair and crouched in front of her. "Come up."
   Ban-Hua lay on the back of Rong-Xia, and the dusty hands tightly grabbed Rong-Xia placket, as if holding it so tightly, Rong-Xia could run faster , A little faster.
   There was a blur in front of her eyes, and Ban-Hua face froze on Rong-Xia back, concealing her sobbing voice.
   Listening to the low sobbing in his ear, Rong-Xia quickened his pace.
   "Deputy commander," several guards looked at the blood on Shi Jin's back, his face showing tension.
   The brother of the Crown Princess, when right-handed Di-Eldest-son, was pulled by his whip by Her Majesty's intimate County Owner. Is this ... pretending to be invisible, or what to do?
   "It's okay," Shi Jin raised his back and looked at the wound above. "I'll check it out."
   "Yes!" The Guards breathed a sigh of relief, and since the deputy commander said it was okay, they didn't have to do anything about it.
   In the main hall of the Great Moon Palace, the empress looked at the helpless doctors, and her heart sank little by little. No one expected that there would be an assassin lurking in the public for so many years, or a female officer who was waiting for her Majesty in the palace.
   If it wasn't for the 1st-Elder Princess who noticed something was wrong, she stopped the assassin for her Majesty, I'm afraid at this moment ...
   The Queen looked at the 1st-Elder Princess, who was covered in blood on the royal couch, and her body was cold, and she looked out of the hall constantly   :   "Have the people of Jingting Houfu come?"
   1st-Elder Princess didn't look good, at least ... let them see the last one.
   "Niang-Niang, the guards have just been away for a while, I'm afraid it's not so fast," the aunt next to the Queen whispered, "Niang-Niang, don't worry, let the medical doctor think of a way."
   The Queen smiled bitterly in her heart, what else could she do? At this moment, she was hanged by ginseng tablets, and the people of Jingting Houfu came later, I'm afraid I can't even see the last one.
   "Niang-Niang, Niang-Niang," Wang De stumbled and ran in, panting, "Come, come."
   The Queen got up from her chair and saw Cheng Anbo coming in with Ban-Hua on her back. Although she didn't know what was going on, she couldn't care less about it, and said directly   :   "No need Salute, go in and see. "
   When Ban-Hua saw 1st-Elder Princess lying on the bed like a bloody man, the whole person crawled down from Rong-Xia back and was lifted up to 1st-Elder Princess by Rong-Xia. She had been crying for a face but didn't know it.
   "The ancestor, the Grandmother," Ban-Hua knelt in front of the dragon couch, clenching the hand of 1st-Elder Princess, crying almost lost. The whole main hall of the Great Moon Palace was silent. No one spoke except the cry.
   Emperor Yun Qing stood next to him, watching Zhi-nu, who was crying uncontrollably, and wanted to talk to him, but he didn't know what to say. He had never seen the embarrassing look of Ban-Hua, covered with dust, with disheveled hair, and his original white face turned grey, as if rolling around on the ground.
   1st-Elder Princess heard Ban-Hua cry, and opened her eyes slowly, seeing her granddaughter's unbearable look, and smiled slightly   :   "Stupid Yatou, why are you crying?"
   "The Grandmother, it's useless, it's useless." A drop of tears fell on the back of 1st-Elder Princess's hand, maybe it was near death, and the body of 1st-Elder Princess was particularly sensitive. These tears It was like hot boiling water, which caused her aching pain in her heart.
   "Stupid Yatou, what does this have to do with you?" 1st-Elder Princess exhausted her whole body and shook the hand of Ban-Hua. "Look up and let the Grandmother look. Underground, the Grandmother also Can tell your 'Grandfather, our granddaughter has grown up and is as beautiful as a flower. "
   Ban-Hua sucked his nose, and desperately wiped the stains on his face with his sleeve. He wanted to make his face look whiter and better. However, after applying makeup in the morning, the more she rubs, the more her face will become more flowery, and soon there will be a few dirty scratches on her face.
   "It's so beautiful," 1st-Elder Princess smiled, and smiled extremely softly, she took off the gold bracelet on her wrist   :   "This bracelet was given to me by 'Grandfather before I got married, now I Give it to you. "
   "Huh!" Ban-Hua kept wiping the tears on her face, but no matter how she wiped her face, her face was still blurry. At this moment when she put on the bracelet, her emotions could no longer be stretched, holding 1st- Elder Princess's arm burst into tears   :   "the Grandmother, don't leave me, I'm scared."
   1st-Elder Princess wanted to put her hand on Ban-Hua back and pat it, but she had no energy in her hands and could only move her fingers with difficulty. An arm stretched over and placed her hand on Ban-Hua back.
   Rong-Xia stood beside Ban-Hua silently, just like a big tree, not moving, even if the emperor was beside, the Queen was beside, and there was a group of royal doctors Tai-yi behind him, He still didn't move his pace.
   "Be good, don't be afraid," 1st-Elder Princess whispered in Ban-Hua ear, "Don't be afraid, just go forward, tai-tai looks at you." 1st-Elder Princess The words were very light, so that only Ban-Hua could hear them.
   Ban-Hua choked and nodded, and she was speechless now.
   "Unfortunately, my grandmother is so beautiful, the Grandmother can't see you in a red wedding dress," 1st-Elder Princess regrets, "I don't know which Erlang can marry our grandmother."
   Emperor Yun Qing wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes and choked, "Please rest assured that my Shi-zi will take good care of his cousin, as well as his cousin and his cousin Zhi-nu, and will not let them suffer a little bit of grievance."
   1st-Elder Princess At this point, she was already a little sane. She looked at Emperor Yun Qing for a long while, and suddenly said, "Where is Ruier, where is Ruier, this child is timid, did the assassin scare him?"
   Ruier is the name of Emperor Yun Qing. His full name is Jiang Rui, but to this day, no one dares to call his name anymore. He knew that 1st-Elder Princess's brain was unconscious, and she knelt down in front of 1st-Elder Princess. "Aunt please rest assured, Ruier is safe and not scared. He has grown up. You No more worrying about him. "
   "That's good, that's good," 1st-Elder Princess's voice got weaker and quieter, "Oh, oh."
   "The Grandmother, I'm here, I'm here," Ban-Hua took 1st-Elder Princess's hand, "I'm here."
   "Are you married?" 1st-Elder Princess looked at the red shirt on Ban-Hua. "Where Langjun?"
   Emperor Yunqing moved his lips, don't wipe his tears at the beginning and didn't speak.
   "The Grandmother, it's me," Rong-Xia knelt beside Ban-Hua, judging softly, "I will take good care of my uncle, and I won't let her be half aggrieved."
   "Which Xiaolangjun is this, it looks so handsome ..." 1st-Elder Princess looked at the door and smiled, "Fu-ma is back."
   Ban-Hua turned around, his father, mother, and brother appeared at the door.

Continue ....

I am Such a Woman

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