I am Such a Woman 5

I am Such a Woman

   Ban-Hua got out of the limousine and greeted her inhumane   :   "Are Heir coming back?"
   "Town-Lady, Heir was back half an hour ago," the servant replied, "I am studying in the study."
   "Study?" Ban-Hua raised her eyebrows. Her brother is a guy who will feel dizzy when he enters the study. If he can calm down and study, it will be red rain. "Go, let me see him go."
   "Zi said   :   Don't suffer from the unknown, and suffer from the unknown ..."
   As soon as Ban-Hua came to the door of the study, he heard the sound of Ban-Heng reading. Ban-Hua pushed open the door and saw him shaking his head and shaking his head with a serious look, his hands ringed his chest and said, "Don't pretend , "The Analects of Confucius" read, but "Book of Rites" in your hand, you are really amazing. "
   "I am confusingly reading calligraphy, but I see" Book of Rites "in my eyes, but" The Analects of Confucius "in my heart. Only in this way can I improve my memory. A girl, know what. "
   "Huh?" Ban-Hua raised an eyebrow. "What did you just say?"
   "I, I didn't say anything," Ban-Heng put down the Book of Rites, and accompanied Xiao to the front of Ban-Hua. "Sister, you know that I don't have a good brain, just talking nonsense." Whatever. "
   Ban-Hua ignored him, went to the bookshelf and took out a set of "Mencius", and found that it was just the shell of "Mencius", but it was actually a miscellaneous story. Before she could open it, the book was already Ban Heng snatched it.
   "Sister, my dear sister, you can't read this book." Ban-Heng grabbed the book and desperately went to his arms. Such a book can't be read by his sister, or his mother must choke him.
   "I don't know what I'm looking at, it's nothing more than a fox fairy encounter in the mountain, gongzi Young-Lady promises a lifetime story," Ban-Hua glanced at the shelf full of books, "So honest today? "
   Ban-Heng kept his head down and didn't speak.
   "Are you out of trouble again?" Ban-Hua glanced at him suspiciously. "Still lacking money?"
   "That ... that's not a big deal," Ban-Heng looked at the roof and looked at the ground, but did not dare to look at Ban-Hua. "It was just a little thing."
   "Say, what happened." Ban-Hua sits down in the chair, pointed to the seat next to him, "sit slowly and say."
   "When I came back from riding today, a person suddenly came out from the side and was accidentally kicked by my horse." Ban-Heng felt that he was also quite wrong. He was obviously riding slowly, who knows someone He ran out suddenly, and was just shocked by his horse, and then kicked by the horse.
   You should know that this horse was given to him by the Grandmother. It is said that it was a thoroughbred horse from outside the tribute. His legs are very strong. He suspected that the kicked person was not injured.
   "What happened later?" Ban-Hua frowned. Although her brother was loitering and doing business, he couldn't do anything like hurting people in a busy city.
   "Later, I was about to take him to see the doctor. Suddenly several people rushed out from the side and pulled people off the ground and ran away. I haven't responded yet." Smart head, "What do you say about this?"
   "Reporter," Ban-Hua peeled the dried fruit from the fruit plate, lazily while eating. "Anyway, we can't find anyone, and we don't want to be fooled by anyone, just tell the reporter."
   "What if they take me away?"
   "Are you a pig brain?" Ban-Hua stared at Ban-Heng in a hatred of iron and steel. "You wouldn't say that today you saw someone suspected of being hunted down and hitting your horse. You are worried about something wrong. Then came the ‘Official officer, and said, "Ban-Hua touched the blood jade bracelet on his wrist," Who dares to touch you now? "
   "That's true, too." Ban-Heng thought he would be out of luck five years later, and he was so full of confidence. "What if it's not hunting?"
   "Do you know what it means to be suspect?" Ban-Hua clapped her hands, stood up and said, "Whether you care about him or not, just take yourself out and talk."
   "I see, I'll go right away." Although Ban-Heng's mind is not good, he has an advantage, that is to listen to good words, so Ban-Hua said so, he just obeyed.
   At night, Jingcheng County lieutenant Zhao Dong-An was preparing to change his official robe and go home for dinner. Hearing the case, Jing Ting Hou-Heir came to report the case.
   As a small official in charge of Capital City's public security, Zhao Dongan has been living hot days, because this is at the foot of the Son of Heaven, and any trivial matter may become a major event. In addition, there are many nobles in the capital, and even ordinary people may have one or two prominent relatives. Therefore, for the security of the capital, he simply broke his heart.
   Now when Heir of Jingting Houfu comes, he still comes to report, he almost spit out blood.
   Dangtang 1st-Elder Princess's uncle grandson, what can’t be resolved, even if something really happens, you should find Lord Jingzhaoyi, and run to his eight-pin small sesame officer to report what the case is? Although his heart was extremely humiliated, Zhao Xianwei didn't even dare to put a face on his face, straightened his robe, and strode out.
   As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a young gongzi brother in a robe, jade crown with hair, and a ribbon around his waist. Standing in the yard, he looked around and looked like a young boy.
   Unfortunately, it just looks a lot like that.
   "Xiaguan Zhao Dongan has met Ban-Heir."
   "Master Zhao is more courteous," Ban-Heng saw that Zhao Dongan was young, but his hair was quite white, and he reached out and raised his hand sympathetically. "I am here today to report to you."
   Zhao Xianwei heart trembled   :   "I don't know what Heir will report?"
   "It could be a homicide."
   Kill, kill? !!
   Zhao Xianwei heart broke down, don't think you are Heir, you can talk nonsense, it's not a trivial matter involving human life.
   Ban-Heng, no matter how much Zhao Dongan's heart collapsed, he roughly told Zhao Xianwei what happened in the afternoon, and finally sighed   :   "I thought this person was injured and taken away by unknown people. I don’t feel secure, so after thinking about it, I ’ll report it. Wei Zhao will not blame me for making a big deal? ”
   What Zhao Xianwei can say, he can only respectfully send people out of the gate, and also praise him as a good citizen.
   "Master Xianwei, what can we do about this?" After Ban-Heng left, he looked at Zhao Dong-An in embarrassment and said, "Let's check?"
   "Jingting Hou-Heir has come to report the case in person, do you say you can't check it?" Zhao Dongan sighed. "Not only to investigate, but also to investigate it with great fanfare, but you can't investigate with the murder case, but to improve the security of Capital City. , Need to strengthen the name of patrol. "
   Although Cha Cha didn't understand why he wanted to do so, he arranged it according to the commander of the county.
   Zhao Dongan grabbed the gray hair in annoyance, thinking that after tonight, there would be more white hair on his head.
   "Sister, I'm done," Ban-Heng hurriedly ran to the courtyard of Ban-Hua, and was satisfied even after drinking two cups of tea. "That magistrate praised me as a flower Baby, I blushed myself and didn't know how he exaggerated. "
   "Relax, after you're not Heir, no one will brag about you against your conscience," Ban-Hua sits on the Tai Fae chair without moving, reaching out to let the Shi-nu dye her nails. You, enjoy yourself. "
   "You're my good sister," Ban-Heng put up next to Ban-Hua, stared at Ban-Hua hand for a while, and suddenly said, "Sister, I find your hand is pretty "
   "Well, I feel the same way. Congratulations, you lived with me for fifteen years and finally found out the fact," Ban-Hua raised his chin. "There are a few silver tickets in the book box over there, you Take the flowers. "
   "Sister, I know the whole house, you are the best to me," Ban-Heng hid and found a silver ticket and tucked it into his arms. "How do you know that I am short of silver?"
   "When have you no shortage of silver?" Ban-Hua raised her pretty eyebrows slightly. "But you can take the silver and cockfighting. You shouldn’t step in where you shouldn’t go. If you dare to commit it, then You don't have to be disciplined by your father and mother, I'll beat you first. "
   Ban-Heng remembered that her sister had learned boxing with 'Grandfather' and immediately swore that she would never go to the fireworks willow alley or the casino.
   'Grandfather had been a general before his death and led the general to kill the enemy on the battlefield. Previously, the emperor once praised' Grandfather as "the first commander in North Han." Unfortunately, 'Grandfather hurt his arm on the battlefield and never went again. Across the border.
   It is said that 'Grandfather loved his sister very much when he was alive. She was protected as a baby from a young age. Gold and silver jewellery were not given to her sister like money, so his sister became the current character.
   One day at the end of September, Ban-Huai went out early in the morning and did not return to the house until the curfew. The other three people in the family saw that his clothes were stained with dirt on the corners and looked mysterious. What did you do.
   "I buried two cans of silver in our villa," Ban-Huai whispered, "I don't even know that I am going to bury something today."
   Yin-shi couldn't help but said   :   "What's the use of burying in Bezhuang, when the new emperor copied the house, we can still go to Bezhuang?"
   After hearing about Ban-Huai, he thought that Houfu would be searched, but forgot that after the incident, Bezhuang probably would not belong to him. Thinking of this, he shook his whole body, and today it is a dry job.
   However, this inspired Ban-Hua. It is not possible to bury silver in Bezhuang, but some sparsely populated forests can be buried. She and Ban-Heng will take people around to see if it is not easy to find. After they are copied, they will be able to dig up a place for silver messengers. And there are still a few more places to bury, even if some are found, there should always be a fish that leaks the net.
   In the early morning of the next day, Sister Ban-jia left the city with a few guards. Then, in the name of training his brother's physical strength, he asked Ban-Heng to fight two sacks of sand and soil by himself, and the guards were not allowed to help.
   "'The punches left by Grandfather cannot be broken here," Ban-Hua deliberately wore an action-friendly riding outfit, guarding behind him, "go outside and guard."
   The guards thought that Town-Lady wanted to teach Heir Ban-jia not to pass the boxing, so they all retreated to the periphery with interest.
   Such a thing as stealing a teacher, if found, is a major crime. They have done a good job in Houfu and don't want to trouble themselves.
   "What are you doing, dig!" Ban-Hua took out the small iron golem hidden in the bag, and kneeled on the ground to dig.
   "Sister, my hand is about to break," Ban-Heng shook his sore arm with a pained face, squatting down / digging up, and from time to time he made a fistful of boxing sounds to prevent the guard from doubting it.
   The sister and brother dug very hard with their hands and feet, but did not know that someone came over here.
   "What are you doing?"

   Chapter 6    :     Spicy          

   Ban-Hua and Ban-Heng moved together. They turned around and saw a man in a plain brocade and silver crown with two guards standing a few steps away, It looks like it's coming out of the forest.
   Ban-Hua calmly shoved the shovel into the hands of Ban-Heng, stood up and patted the soil at the corner of the robe. As a result of the dirt on her hand, the more the photo got dirty, she broke the jar and smashed towards the other party. A man's seniority ceremony was performed   :   "I've seen Cheng Anbo, and my brother and I are playing a treasure game."
   "Treasure game?" Rong-Xia looked at the dirt on the faces of the sisters and brothers. If they were not embroidered with complicated ornate patterns, they would not really look like noble children.
   "Sidie is young, and after reading a few textbooks, I want to learn from the good seniors in the book," Ban-Hua turned back to Ban-Heng with a shut eyes, "For example, a fate finds him Buried silver to get rid of poverty and other diseases. "
   Rong-Xia expression was a bit inexplicable at this instant, but soon he laughed, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Ban-Hua   :   "Make my brother kind."
   "Many Thanks, don't need it." Ban-Hua rolled up his sleeves and wiped his face indiscriminately. What can a small handkerchief clean? However, this Rong-Xia looks so beautiful, it looks so perfect when you get close, the last Shen Yu who broke up with her has skin that is not as good as him, and his nose is not upright.
   Seeing that Ban-Hua didn't pick up his own puppet, Rong-Xia smiled and took it back   :   "Do you need our help?"
   "Forget it, it can only be done secretly, and there is no mystery when it is discovered," Ban-Hua kicked two bags on the ground and said to Ban-Heng, "Go and ask the guards to clean up here. "
   "Oh," Ban-Heng saw that he could escape from this awkward atmosphere, suddenly jumped from the ground, turned his head and went outside. He was found to be doing this stupid thing, and even if he was shameless, he felt that the situation was so embarrassing that he wanted to bury his face in the pit he had just dug.
   "It was unintentional to disturb Cheng Anbo view, and the little girl said goodbye." When the guard came over and took away the two sandbags with silver in the middle, Ban-Hua arched his hand at Rong-Xia, "Farewell."
   Rong-Xia apologized   :   "I'm disturbing the fun of Miss and Lingdi, and I ask Miss to forgive me."
   "You're so polite, then ... you continue?" If it's usually dressed up, Ban-Hua is still willing to stay with beautiful men like Rong-Xia for a while, but she is now wearing a men's hair bun and still has Smudged soil, this look to say a word to others, is an insult to her appearance.
   "Miss, walk slowly." Rong-Xia salutes Ban-Hua as an ordinary gift. Ban-Hua has to return another salute, turns and kicks a few feet in the pit he dug, and runs hurriedly opened.
   Shanlin resumed its silence again. Rong-Xia looked at the pit in front of him and chuckled, his tone calmed down   :   "Is it clear?"
   "Back to Bo-Ye, Ban-Town-Lady and Ban-Heir did go up the mountain unintentionally," a middle-aged man stepped out of the grass, "It is rumored that the sister and brother are the famous playboys in Capital City. What decent things have been done. "
   "Ban-Town-Lady?" Rong-Xia thought about it. "The one who got divorced a few days ago?"
   "Yes, that's her." The middle-aged man thought to himself, who can raise a child who has nothing to do with money, the whole capital can't find any other than Jingting Houfu.
   Rong-Xia walked to the mountain road, watching the two sisters walking slowly down the mountainside, and said in an unclear tone   :   "Their brothers' feelings are quite good."
   "They are the same siblings of the same father and mother. Naturally, the relationship will not go anywhere," the manservant beside Rong-Xia said in such a sentence, suddenly remembering something before, he was stunned immediately.
   "Sister, the lie you just lied about wasn't clever," Ban-Heng hummed. "As a famous playboy in Capital City, how could I do such a boring thing."
   "You can do it," Ban-Hua took the pouch handed to her by the female guard and wiped her face. "I am so big, I haven't been so shameful."
   Ban-Heng muttered quietly, "Then you can't let me carry this black pot."
   "Have you ever heard the phrase short of taking money and money?" Ban-Hua saw Ban-Heng unhappy, turned the pouch over, wiped the mud on his face, and whispered, "Well, I can't help it. I can't make him doubt our motives."
   Ban-Heng took the parcel and rubbed his face rudely   :   "This morning, what did he go to the mountain forest to see the scenery?"
   "Some quirks like these elegant gentlemen are inevitable. Maybe they want to stay in the mountains at night to watch the stars and the moon and make a poem and song," Ban-Hua glared at Ban-Heng, "What do you care about him?"
   Ban-Heng looked around and whispered in Ban-Hua ear   :   "You said that the new emperor in the dream is good, and he doesn't have the surname Jiang. Will it be Cheng Anbo?"
   "How is that possible?" Ban-Hua shook his head. "This flamboyant gongzi doesn't look like someone who does this kind of thing."
   "Knowing people knowing their faces, they can’t rule out suspicions because of his personableness," Ban-Heng hummed. "Guifei in the palace, who is not gentle and charming, but what is their nature, they may even be themselves I forgot. "
   "Who can pretend to be a Master for so many years, can't it be crazy?" Ban-Hua thought about it, and thought that this might not be too big. "The gentleness of those beauties in the palace just installed one underneath, and became Amber. It’s not just pretending to look good. "
   "That's the same," Ban-Heng nodded. "If I'm so stretched, I can't stand it in less than three days."
   The sisters and brothers rode side by side. Many people were waiting in line at the gate of the city. Nobles like Ban-Hua don't need to line up like this. She rides on horseback and faintly hears the child crying.
   Looking around, a young woman in a coarse cloth hugged a one or two-year-old child with anxiety on her face, but the child couldn't coax well, and she was so anxious that tears were about to shed.
   Ban-Hua lifted the whip again, she hummed and turned off the horse, and walked to the woman   :   "What happened to your child?"
   The young woman saw the girl in front of her as a young man, wearing a robe, embroidered with phoenixes on her boots, and pearls embedded on her feet. She guessed that the other party was distinguished and thought that her child was crying too much and noisy her. Apologizing   :   "I'm sorry, it's so noisy, I'll coax him now."
   Ban-Hua saw that the child in her arms had red cheeks and lip colors that were not normal, and said, "Is the child sick?"
   The woman with a shy expression nodded, and the tears in her eyes twitched but did not dare to fall.
   Ban-Hua glanced at the long line in front, reached out and touched the child's forehead, and it was a little scary.
   "You follow me," Ban-Hua saw the woman hesitated and didn't dare to move up the volume. "Come here."
   The woman did not dare to resist again, hugged the child in her hand, and timidly followed Ban-Hua. She heard the villagers say that some noble women in the city have a bad temper. If anyone doesn't open their eyes and guilty of them, it is light to whip twice with a whip, and it is also possible to be thrown into a jail and closed for a while.
   She is not afraid of being punished, but what should the child do?
   When the woman thought about it, Ban-Hua handed her waist card to the gate guard, and the guard paid her a courtesy, and did not look at the woman holding the child, and let them pass.
   "Okay, take your child to see the doctor yourself," Ban-Hua rode on the horse back, patted the horse ass, and the horse trot caught up with Ban-Heng.
   The woman froze for a while, and realized that she was just meeting a kind and noble person. She looked down at the crying child and took a deep breath. Even the noble person came to help her, and her child must be able to survive.
   "Sister, why did you just go?" Ban-Heng saw her catching up, turned her head and glanced back, and there was nothing unusual.
   "Go do good deeds," Ban-Hua said this, and saw Ban-Heng look at her with suspicion.
   "What do good people and good things have to do with you?" Ban-Heng knows her sister well. The biggest hobby every day is eating and drinking, eating the most exquisite, wearing the most elegant, and usually go out and show off. New clothes and jewellery are too busy, still thinking about doing good?
   Ban-Hua rolled her eyes, but the beauty is beautiful even if she rolls her eyes, so this rude gesture is cute and cute.
   But this scene fell in the eyes of Shen Yu, it was not so cute. He wanted to know that Ban-Heng had taken the lead to stop him before his sister and brother did not find him hiding.
   "Shen Yu!" Ban-Heng pointed Shen Yu with his finger. "You stand by for me!"
   "Xiaguan has seen Ban-Heir," Shen Yu glanced at Ban-Hua on horseback, "I have seen Ban-Town-Lady."
   "Yo, it's not Hugh Mu today, Shen Why is Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar not on duty?" Ban-Heng shook his whip, glanced at the woman next to him, and smirked, "What kind of beauty am I? , Eh. "
   "The beauty of a woman is that in the absence of bones, Ban-Heir has a different vision than Xiaguan. There is nothing to say." Shen Yu stepped aside, "Please, two."
   Ban-Heng Even though his brain wasn't smart, he heard him saying that he was scolding his sister for being good-looking, and his face was so angry now.
   "Pop!" A whip was drawn on Shen Yu body. Shen Yu snorted in pain, and the woman beside him was even more scared and ‘Called.
   "I hate the man who talks the least," Ban-Hua drew another whip, and Shen Yu, a writer, had not responded, and the whip fell on him again. "If you point to Ben Miss, , You woman is useless except for her good looks, and I can respect you as a man. Here are two words that are yin and yang, and who are you to pretend to be a good looking person? "
   "Ban-Town-Lady, Xiaguan is also a court order officer. It's too much for you to slap Xiaguan in the street." Shen Yu glanced around and looked at the lively people.
   "Huh," Ban-Hua raised his chin slightly. "This Town-Lady is so wayward. What can you do to me?"
   "You hot shit woman ..."
   Another whip fell on him.
   "Although pointing at my nose and scolding will make you look like a man, I still want to pump you out. Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar, even abusive women on the street, is this the style of your scholar?"
   The author has something to say   :   Ban-Hua   :   I'm dead, I'm happy, the enemy is all air.

   Chapter 7    :     Jun Jun          

   Shen Yu never thought that when she was so humiliated, she was flogged like a dog in the street.
   "Shen Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar is like a jade, and doesn't want to be a rude person who hurts," Ban-Hua rode on horseback, ridiculed almost inscribed on his face, "Well, only if this Town- Lady was blind at first, but under your stubbornness, she promised to ask for your relatives. Who knew you were a shameless person who crossed the river to tear down the bridge, and once won the Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar, then she was revealed, let me Seeing your villain. "
   Shen Yu did not justify it at this time, neither did he. He looked flushingly at the people who were watching the crowd around him. He stiffened his wrath and said to Ban-Hua   :   "Ban-Town-Lady Please stop short of it. "
   Ban-Hua Is this crazy? She had a Town-Lady who dared to whip Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar, which the emperor had chosen, and she still had no fame or marry. “Oh, yes,” Ban-Hua suddenly said, “You just said I've beaten court officials in the street, too much? "
   Looking at Ban-Hua riding on his horse and standing high, Shen Yu had a subconscious feeling in her heart.
   "Relax, you won't be the court official soon." Ban-Hua looked at Shen Yu frightened and frightened look, and laughed happily, shaking the reins, and the horse took a step.
   Shen Yu wanted to catch up, and Ban-Heng, who was behind Ban-Hua, suddenly turned his head and glared at him, raising his whip, "You try one more step forward?"
   Shen Yu remembered the pain that had just been whipped, and was afraid to move forward. She was anxious and hated. Are all Ban-jia people crazy?
   In the early morning of the next morning, there was a copy of Ban-Hua by Yu Shi in the chapel. She said that as a royal-closed Town-Lady, she lynched officials, which was too unruly.
   This was a trivial matter, but from the mouth of Yu Shi, it became a big thing. Before the emperor spoke, several Yu Shi quarreled by themselves.
   Fortunately, there has been no major incident in the country recently, and everyone started arguing about Town-Lady whipping Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar.
   "Your Majesty," just as everyone was getting louder and louder, an unexpected person stood up and said, "We have a view on this matter. I wonder if you can hear the next one?"
   A few Yushi looked at Cheng Anbo and closed their mouths.
   "In Weichen's view, this is not Town-Lady's flogging as a North Hann official, but Rong-Xia arching hands to the crowd," Weichen heard Shen Tanhua-Imperial Scholar has been to Jingting Houfu many times before asking for help. Jingting Hou saw his infatuation and did not dislike his status as Ban-Town-Lady. He promised him.
   "The fiance can't wait to remarry as soon as he lifts it up. Isn't it ingratitude?" Rong-Xia said unhurriedly. "There are women in your family, why not compare your heart to your heart?"
   The chapel suddenly calmed down, and after a short while there was an imperial history saying   :   "Ban-Town-Lady is arrogant and extravagant. How many men in the world can bear it? Cheng Anbo is so moral, you might as well marry her. "
   "Master Yushi," Rong-Xia said with a cold voice. "You have been studying for decades, and now you are standing on the Jinye Hall, just to ridicule women and to fight with women's goodwill?"
   "If this is the Master of Master Yushi," Rong-Xia arched his hand at the emperor sitting on it, "Your Majesty, Wei Chen is ashamed to stand with such people!"
   "Your Majesty, Wei Chen thinks what Cheng Anbo said is reasonable."
   "The minister seconded!"
   The body of this imperial critique reprimanded by Rong-Xia was shaky, and his face was as pale as paper. Without looking up, he knew what his colleagues around him were looking at him with.
   Rong-Xia is a famous Master in Capital City who has become his object of shame and companionship. What will people in Capital City think of him in the future?
   It's over, it's over.
   Rong-Xia didn't look at him, but paid a tribute to the emperor, then retreated, and stood quietly in his original position.
   An eclectic figure standing upright, and a pale expression, his face suddenly stood up.
   Immediately after the dynasty meeting, the emperor returned to the palace, the palace girl came to report, and 1st-Elder Princess begged to see him.
   The emperor is very affectionate to 1st-Elder Princess. His mother and mother cannot be favored. Fu Huang favors the son of Gui-fae. If not his aunt has always supported him, his Crown Prince has long been taken away by the son of Gui-fae. Already. In addition, 1st-Elder Princess is not a person who is a genial, so these years, 1st-Elder Princess has always been very respectful in front of the emperor.
   Now when he heard that 1st-Elder Princess wanted to see him, he immediately asked the eunuchs around him to ask 1st-Elder Princess to come in.
   "Have seen Your Majesty," De Ning "1st-Elder Princess entered the inner palace and bowed her knees to worship the Emperor, scaring the Emperor to reach out and help him," Aunt, what are you doing. You and my aunt Why is it such a gift? "
   1st-Elder Princess stood upright with her body. Although she is close to a flower armor, she is still pretty good. Every move shows the dignified atmosphere of Royal Princess.
   "Today, I pleaded guilty on behalf of the uncontested granddaughter," 1st-Elder Princess reached out a handkerchief, wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, and choked, "I didn't take her father back Teach it well, so that he doesn't have a proper shape now, even with two children, and he follows his temper. "
   Speaking of sadness, 1st-Elder Princess was sobbing, she just covered her face with a handkerchief and wept bitterly.
   "Aunt, please don't be sad." The emperor knew to himself that the aunt marrying a military general who only knew how to fight in wars was to consolidate Fu Huang's throne. It is also because of this layer of affection that the aunt can later protect him and his mother, making him a supreme emperor.
   The cousin has the appearance of this playboy, not the aunt's fault. It's just that the vulgar man at Jingting Gong didn't teach his son well. The emperor felt a little bit embarrassed at the thought that his aunt had spent all his life for their family, and in his old age, had a young imperial ancestor participate in her only granddaughter at the court.
   "Aunt, this has nothing to do with Zhi-nu. It's just that Shen Yu thoughts have changed and her body is not correct."
   "Your Majesty does not need to comfort me. It is my family education at Ban-jia that is not strict, so that the emperor will make you embarrassed in the chapel."
   "The table Zhi-nu is a good Miss. Whoever sees her in the palace doesn't say a good thing, I also like her very much, because I didn't take good care of her, so that she was wronged."
   In the end, the 1st-Elder Princess was helped by the emperor to the carriage. How deep the relationship between the aunt and the Shi-zi was, everyone in the palace looked at him.
   De Ning 1st-Elder Princess sits in the carriage, wiped the tears from her eyes, and a smirk appeared on her face.
   Born in the royal family, she knows better than anyone else. There is no real feeling in this imperial city, and there are only calculations. It was just like the previous Emperor calculated her husband, causing him to live in pain and torture in the back. Another example is that she is a good Shi-zi now, and she is respected everywhere, just because she is interested, and her children are not able to intervene in the royal affairs.
   previous The emperor counted her husband, and she made his beloved son an emperor, which was fair.
   The second day that the prince participated in Ban-Hua, a decree was sent to Jingting Houfu. The purpose of the imperial edict is that Zhi-nu is very good, and she is very fond of it. I feel that Town-Lady is not worthy of her identity, so she is promoted from Town-Lady to a county junior and eats 700 households.
   At the same time as Ban-Hua was promoted to county monarch, Shen Yu was ousted from office because of a loss of personal virtue, and even the emperor who participated in Ban-Hua was taken away for "improper body" reasons. Royal history.
   "Sister, is there this paragraph in the dream?" Ban-Heng looked at the imperial decree in the hand of Ban-Hua, "Jun Jun and Shi Yi, this is not necessarily the treatment of Qinwang's granddaughter, or the Grandmother is amazing. "
   After his sister pumped Shen Yu the day before yesterday, she did not return directly to the house, but went to the 1st-Elder Princess House to sue.
   Then his sister not only took back a large box of gems, but also returned a county Master with food, ginger is still hot and spicy.
   "I don't remember," Ban-Hua shoved the decree into his hands, "look slowly."
   "Smart and virtuous, sturdy and honest ..."
   Ban-Heng, pointing to a few words on the imperial edict, shook his head and said, "Your Majesty is not easy. Open your eyes and talk nonsense."
   Ban-Hua grabbed the decree and put it on the altar on the main Courtyard, so that this decree lay with those previous decree.
   "Your Majesty is wise and brilliant, and his eyes are like a torch!"
   Ban-Hua suddenly thought that it didn't seem to have happened in the dream. It's a matter of her identity and grade. Even if she dreams, she won't forget it.
   So ... because she dumped Shen Yu whip, the reality has changed?

   Chapter 8    :     No          

   "This is not right."
   "I don't think so."
   Ban-jia father and son looked at each other, turned around and looked at Yin-shi, wanting to get the answer here.
   "What do you guys look at me for?" Yin-shi froze, "I don't know what is going on." She thought about it and didn't know what was tricky in it, so she had to answer Ban-Hua. Said, "Well, think again, is there really no such thing as being a Jun Jun in your dream?"
   "No," Ban-Hua shook his head with certainty. "There is such a good thing, and I won't forget it."
   "So ... Can your dream be fake?" Ban-Heng suddenly thought of another possibility. "Xi Qilin was only a coincidence. In fact, no one had breakfast and our house would not be copied. This Is everything just your imagination? "
   Such things as dreaming of warnings have always been cloudless, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Even he knew that when the founding Prince wanted to rebel, they loved to have a little bit of relationship with the gods, including the founding Prince of their great cause. They also played this hand, and whether there are really immortals, everyone knows, but It was just the words of the ordinary people.
   Asked by Ban-Heng, Ban-Hua was also a little uncertain. She got up and pulled out a wooden box from the many-shelf. Inside it was a stack of paper. The font on the paper was like ghosts, probably except Ban Hua knows herself, no one else knows what she wrote.
   "I was afraid that it would take too long to forget the content of the dream that day, and write down everything I can remember," Ban-Hua patted the stack of paper on the table. "Look at what happens by coincidence. A coincidence is a coincidence, and a coincidence is not a coincidence? "
   Ban-Huai picked up the paper and looked at it for a long while, and looked at Ban-Hua dullly   :   "Daughter, what do you write on it?"
   Ban-Hua took the piece of paper and looked at it, "Xi Wanyi is going to marry 2-Prince, but 2-Prince likes Shi Feixian."
   "How do you remember all the trivial matters?" Ban-Heng knew that he couldn't recognize the bunch of ghost painting symbols of Ban-Hua, and didn't even look at it. "Is there any major incident in China?"
   "I'm so lazy, how can I dream of major political affairs," Ban-Hua answered with a straightforward answer. "Besides, I am so busy every day in the dream, how can I have time to care about those boring affairs? Let you come, you too I can't remember. "
   Ban-Heng thought about it for a while. If he came to this dream, he might wake up and forget it. It must be worse than his sister.
   "Then how do you remember who married someone else so clearly?" Ban-Heng couldn't figure it out.
   "Who told her not to deal with me?"
   Ban-Heng suddenly, nodded with great understanding, remembering his temper with his sister, this thing can really be remembered.
   The now grown-up Big Prince and 2-Prince are both produced by the Queen. They may have eaten enough before His Majesty’s ascension, so the Emperor favors the suffering of Fae, so he only respects the Queen, and Prince, who is most valued, is also from the Queen.
   It is a pity that Her Majesty's favor for two sisters-zi has made them both used to the days of smooth sailing, so the Crown Prince is too indecisive, soft-eared and easy to use emotions. 2-Prince is arrogant. He always has an emperor Lao-Da and the Crown Prince Lao-Er. He is the third posture. As for other courtiers, few people can be regarded by him.
   The relationship between these two Prince and Jingting Houfu is not good, so Ban-Hua doesn't like them either.
   In the dream, there was a scene of Ban-Hua. I remember it very clearly. Xi Wanxun, who became Wangfei, slaps Shi Feixian, and 2-Prince turned out in front of many people, refusing Xi Wanxun to say, and accompanied Shi Feixian to see Tai- yi.
   The royal men and women are not sincere people, but anyway, they still maintain a decent love, like 2-Prince, and do not give Zheng Fae the slightest act of face, they have gone too far.
   Now Xi Wanzhen and Shi Feixian are as good as their sisters. Who would have thought that this would happen in the future? Isn't that right? Shi Feixian was not interested in Rong-Xia? In the future, her ambiguous relationship with 2-Prince indicates that she did not marry Rong-Xia at all. So the question is, who is the woman who married Rong-Xia?
   Ban-Hua sighed with one hand on her cheek, but unfortunately she was not familiar with Rong-Xia, and never even dreamed of him, so I really don't know who the woman who could steal Shi Feixian's sweetheart.
   "Wait a second," Yin-shi touched her daughter's head. "If Xi Miss really marries His Royal Highness, let's ..."
   In fact, what can they do? They have a title and no real power. If someone really disobeys the Emperor, what they can do is just obediently make the fish on the chopping board.
   "Sister, if you are the one who knows who is the rebel," Ban-Heng was very depressed. "At least we can choose to kill him or hold him by the thigh."
   "If all the things in your sister's dreams come true, it means that this person is the son of God's destiny. You said that you can kill him if you kill him?" Ban-Huai didn't feel good, "Go and be your playboy, Don't embarrass your mind. "
   In the 21st autumn of the great cause, the emperor invited Command Madam of North Han to be a matchmaker, and gave 2-Prince a commemorative gift to His Majesty’s Young-Lady Xi Wan from Zhongping.
   Zhongping Houfu can only be regarded as a new man. It is reasonable to say that his daughter cannot marry Prince, and the emperor took the initiative to marry such a non-influential Zheng Fae because he had a big heart. He can pet the second son, but it does not mean that he likes the second son to replace Di-Eldest-son.
   This is not a very good marriage for Zhongping Houfu, but the holy 1st-grade Command Madam invited him to be a matchmaker himself. He couldn't say or dare to say no.
   After learning that Xi Wanzhen was actually going to marry 2-Prince, the Ban-jia family of four were hiding in the house and wept with tears.
   Dayue Palace is the place where the Prince of the Daye Dynasty lived. It is also the place where Prince dreamed of living.
   2-Prince Jiang-Luo kneeled in front of Emperor Yun Qing, his face full of resentment and resentment   :   "Fu Huang, the favored son is not Miss Xi, why do you force your son to marry her?"
   "I've seen Xi Miss, she looks good, she is generous, and more importantly, she is very generous and matches you very well," said Emperor Yun Qing, looking down without looking at Jiang-Luo. " If you can't figure it out, go back and think slowly, when you figure it out, I will let you out of the house. "
   "Fu Huang!" Jiang-Luo looked at Emperor Yun Qing in disbelief. "My elder brother and I are your sons. Why do you treat me like that? What good is that Xi Wanzhang, not as talented as young Young-Lady, On Kang Ning's `` County Owner who is not as good as Huang Shu family, as for appearance ... ”
   Jiang-Luo smirked   :   "Even Ban-Hua bale looks better than her. Why should I marry such a woman?"
   "Since you think Ban-Hua looks better than her, then you marry Ban-Hua!" Emperor Yun Qing was a little impatient. "There are so many perfect women in the world, don't be content. "
   Jiang-Luo gritted his teeth, fearing that he would keep going. Fu Huang would really let him marry Ban-Hua, and had to quietly nodded his head towards Emperor Yunqing and retreated silently.
   It's not that there is no perfect woman at this time, but his Fu Huang is not willing to let him have it.
   In the house of 1st-Elder Princess, Ban-Hua made a few funny words, which made 1st-Elder Princess smile with joy, with a bite of heart and heart, showing the meaning of love.
   Ban-Heng whispered and sueed, "The Grandmother, don't believe my sister's words. When she pumped that Shen Yu, it was ruthless. A whip threw a tiger, even me. She was stunned by her posture. "
   "Miss' family needs to be stiff," 1st-Elder Princess patted Ban-Hua hand. "People like us don't have to learn the flattery of other women. If anyone provokes you, just tell the Grandmother, I make the decision for you. "
   Ban-Hua took the hand of De Ning `` 1st-Elder Princess, and smiled nicely   :   "You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine with my brother. As long as you are in good health, I'm not afraid of anything."
   "Okay," De Ning, 1st-Elder Princess puts her class into her arms, with a gentle smile, "Even for our family, this palace will live a long life."
   "And youth stays younger and younger."
   "Okay, stay young." De Ning 1st-Elder Princess answered with a smile.
   When the sisters and brothers left Princess House, De Ning `` 1st-Elder Princess stuffed them a lot of things, a pair of children who were afraid that their ignorant son would be wronged.
   "Kee-ke-ke." Watching the sisters and brothers riding the horse farther and farther, De Ning 1st-Elder Princess took out the quilt and covered the corners of her mouth, holding Mama hand next to her, making a long sigh. .

   Chapter 9    :     Dream          

   There is a word called Unexpected Encounter, and there is a word called Meet the Brave Winner.
   Ban-Hua was riding on horseback, and Xi Wanzhang was getting out of the sedan. The two eyes were opposite each other. Ban-Hua clearly saw the taunt and pride in the other's eyes.
   What is she proud of, because she can do Wangfei?
   Wangfei has a fart. Anyway, in a few years, this world will not be named Jiang. Besides Jiang-Luo disgusting stuff, if it wasn't for his honorable status, she would have sent her as a man's pet because of his character, and she wouldn't be rare.
   "Ban-Town-Lady, what a coincidence," Xi Wanyi touched the large pearl on the earlobe, and looked at Ban-Hua rosy, and saw that Ban-Hua earrings were a pair of red bloody After the gem, he retracted his hand and said lightly, "Why haven't you seen you out in recent days?"
   "Wrong," Ban-Hua shook his index finger. "Not Town-Lady, she the king."
   Xi Wanyi laughed at the corner of his mouth and said, "Look at my memory, but you forgot that you were blessed by misfortune, and sealed the Jun, congratulations."
   But she is a county king, and there is more to her than a county king. Besides, when she marries 2-Prince next spring, this little bastard will be mad and be obedient.
   disaster? What a curse?
   It was nothing more than a mockery of her getting married. Ban-Hua didn't care about this trivial matter, so Xi Wanming's words had no effect on her. Ban-Hua playing with the whip in his hand, indifferently, "Xi Miss is so beautifully dressed today, I don't know Xi 2-gongzi eyes are all right?"
   Ban-Hua never fights against others. As long as someone taunts her, she will ruthlessly ridicule her, and it is someone else who pokes, and does not pay attention to the aristocratic elegance and nobility. By virtue of this unbeatable ability, so few girls in the capital dare to provoke her.
   Xi Wanyi dared to stab her like this today because she felt that she was about to become Wangfei, and Ban-Hua would not dare to offend her even if she was mad.
   How did she know that she underestimated Ban-Hua guts and lack of mind, and took her brother's eyes in front of her to say something. This woman is really beautiful and heartbroken, and her second brother has also had a marriage contract with her. Now her second brother has only broken one eye, and she is so gloated that it is extremely hateful.
   But even if she was dissatisfied, she couldn't have it at this moment. She is the future Wangfei. She must be dignified and generous. She must not make mistakes before marrying 2-Prince. She does not want to be remarried by the man before marriage, like Ban-Hua, and becomes the object of smirk in the whole city.
   "Many Thanks Jun Jun cares, the second brother is very good," Xi Wanyi took a deep breath and barely gave a smile to Ban-Hua.
   "Thank Miss, please go upstairs, we Miss will be waiting for you in the upper bread room." A Mama came out of the tea house next to her, and saw Ban-Hua, and saluted her, "Have seen class- Junjun. "
   Ban-Hua recognized this Pozi as the person waiting for Shi Feixian. She glanced at the tea house next to her, nodded toward this Pozi, and left without looking back.
   Ban-Heng, who didn't say anything from start to finish, made a deliberate snort, and followed her sister's buttocks.
   Xi Wanyi looked at Tieqing with an iron complexion and looked at his sister and brother Ban-jia if they walked away without a break, wishing to drag them off the horse back and take a hard meal. However, she didn't do anything, just smiled at Pozi who picked her up, and then said, "Sister Luo Shi waited a long time."
   She endured, and endured.
   Shi Feixian was the one who saw Ms Ban-Hua and asked Mama to pick him up. After seeing Ban-Hua riding away from the window slit, she turned her head to Kang Ning, County Owner and said, "Ban-Hua is now acting more and more blindly."
   "She grew up in pride and was remarried three times by different men. The words outside were so unpleasant that she broke the jar," Kang Ning teased. "She couldn't marry anyway, so she could only hold one for a while. Words of mouth. "
   In terms of relationship, she and Ban-Hua are distant cousins, but there is a gap between their family and 1st-Elder Princess, so her relationship with Ban-Hua has not been very good since childhood. I heard my mother said that when Huang 'Grandfather wanted to abolish the Crown Prince and made her father the Crown Prince, how did you know that 1st-Elder Princess had always been a stalk in it, and finally earned the dragon's power in the presence of the saint.
   Although the old grievances of more than ten years ago did not dare to raise them again, it did not mean that they would forget those things that 1st-Elder Princess did.
   The two were talking, and Xi Wanyi came upstairs. When I saw two Noble Misses friends, Xi Wanyi face suddenly pulled down   :   "Ban-Hua little bastard, I can't wait to tear her mouth." Thinking of the pair of blood jade earrings worn by Ban-Hua, With her white and tender face as if she could scoop out water, Xi Wanxi hatred was even stronger.
   Jealousy is an unextinguishable fire, enough to burn people reason.
   "Today, it was meant to be a celebration of your good deeds, what's the point of mentioning such a disgusting person," Kang Ning, County Owner smiled and greeted her to sit down. "Today next year, we will call you Wangfei. "
   "Take care of what you are doing," Xi Wan shook his cheeks red. "I think you came here today to make me deliberately."
   "Look at this blush, I finally understand what it means to be embarrassed and angry," Shi Feixian reached out and pinched Xi Wan's cheek. "Congratulations Mei-mei on marrying a good man."
   Looking at Xi Wanyi shame and joy, she remembered that she had secretly liked Rong-Xia for several years, and felt a little bit upset. She looked up at Corning, closed the broken hair next to her, and didn't say anything. Don't assume she didn't know. Corning also had some thoughts on Rong Bo-Ye.
   When the night fell silent, Ban-Hua rolled over on the bed, and the whole person fell into a dream.
   In the dream, she was wearing a thin shirt, looking at the table full of food and the men at the table, as if stupid.
   Ban-Hua knew that she was dreaming, and she even looked at herself and the person with a vague face from the perspective of an onlooker, which felt strange, and even more strangely, she felt grateful to the man at the table Feelings.
   Soon she saw herself coming out of the house with a thick fur on her body.
   There was a lot of snow outside, and she saw a noble girl laughing at her and pointing at her, but she didn't dare to do anything to her.
   Then she saw that she was dead, and fell in the thick snow, and the red blood splashed on the white snow, just like the red peony in full bloom, beautiful.
   Ban-Hua couldn't help feeling that she was a peerless beauty, even if she died, she died so beautifully.
   The winter wind blows with snow particles, but Ban-Hua in her dream can't feel the cold, the wind is sobbing like a woman's cry, she stands in front of her body and looks at the one inserted on her back Only Fae Yu suddenly realized that this was the end of her dream last time?
   Will you be so miserable in the future?
   Not only the title is gone, but his life is gone?
   Fortunately, the white fox fur on her looks very valuable, and she is not too shy to die.
   "Creak, creak."
   There was a sudden sound of footsteps in the back, and the sound was anxious and chaotic, as if someone hurried over.
   "Lord, master, Ban-Miss is gone."
   master? Who?
   Ban-Hua turned around and saw a man wearing a black fur behind him. The man was tall and straight, and his hands exposed outside his sleeves were white as jade. Even if he could not see his face, Ban-Hua was sure, this must be It's a beautiful man.
   She couldn't see the man's face, but she heard the voice of the man talking.
   Ban-Hua nodded, which is really a pity, after all, she is so beautiful.
   "A rare living person in Capital City has buried her thickly."
   Ban-Hua Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that not only people look good, but their hearts are also pretty.
   The man turned his head suddenly, as if seeing her standing next to her, she looked down at the complicated palace dress on her body and straightened her waist proudly.
   It is a pity that the other party did not see her, but in a complicated tone, "Find out who did it, and let someone ... take care of her family."
   During the night, Maid heard the noise coming from the room, and was so frightened that she got up from the couch, ran into the inner room, and then saw Jun Jun sitting in a dreadfully sitting at the table with her feet still lying. Holding a broken tea cup.
   "Jun Jun, what's wrong with you?"
   "It's okay, I just had a dream," Ban-Hua suddenly looked up and smiled at her. "It's okay, you go to sleep."
   "It's cold outside, and nubi help you to sit on your bed. Ruyi lights up two more lights to make the room brighter," "It's still early. "
   Ban-Hua lay back on the bed and said to Ruyi, "When did Heir sleep last night?"
   Ruyi hesitated for a moment. She was Maid in front of the Jun. Where did she know what was happening in Heir's yard, she had to shake her head honestly.
   Ban-Hua didn't mind, and said, "I don't know if there is a good white fox fur at home. I will use it for gloves, fur, and collar."
   "You only have a few good fox skins in your storeroom, but you don't have white fox skins." Ruyi didn't understand why the Jun Jun, who always loves colorful things, suddenly wanted white fox fur, but as a man, only Need to meet the requirements of the master.
   "I see, you go to sleep." Ban-Hua pulled the quilt to his chin, closed his eyes and thought, I wonder if the red cloak with a white fox fur is good?
   Wearing a white fox fur with a big red palace dress will definitely match her skin. In winter, she can try it like this.
   A few days later
   "Country Owner," Management Pozi looked sadly to find Kang Ning, `` County Owner, "" The fox fur you had hoped for last time has been bought. "
   "Who dares to grab my belongings?" Kang Ning, County Owner, Liu Mei raised his head, "Did anyone who bought it know that it was what I wanted?"

Continue ....

I am Such a Woman

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