I am Such a Woman 15

I am Such a Woman


   Chapter 15    :     Fight          

   "Ban-Hua, don't think I dare not touch you."
   "I'm so scared! Why, now I don't call my class Jun Jun, can't I keep it?" Ban-Hua rolled his eyes to Corning, "I didn't raise my family to stigmatize behind my back The elder Master did not hold the position of Heir, but also pretended to be a Master of the filthy land. If not the mother of some people cried and begged in front of the Grandmother, and barely kept the position of Heir Now it’s your turn to roar my brother here? "
   Her brother is so stupid, that is her brother of Ban-Hua, what kind of brand she is Corning, dare to yell at them like Ban-jia?
   Even if Ban-jia is to fall, it will be five years from now, but not now!
   "Yes, our family are hypocrites. Unlike some people who pretend to be beautiful, they have been remarried several times. Who in the capital does not know that someone has a hard cuff who can't marry, and which capitalist man in Capital City is willing to marry you? "Kang Ning was stabbed in the pain by Ban-Hua, and he began to speak up." Wait for your brother to marry a bride, Jingting Houfu and your arrogant place ?! "
   "Only your brother can do this kind of thing, don't think that all men in the world are as hypocrite as yours," Ban-Heng snorted. "My sister will be as arrogant as she wants to be, and my family will be happy to spoil you What matters to you? Besides, my sister is beautiful, ten streets better than you, and you are useless to be jealous! "
   This Corning thought was so vicious that he provoked his friendship with his sister's brother and sister. Was he the kind of wife who forgot his sister?
   Corning didn't expect that while she was arguing with Ban-Hua, a man Ban-Heng even ran in to intervene, and his eyes suddenly forgot to blink.
   This is the education of Jingting Houfu?
   Is this the grace of Jingting Houfu Heir?
   "Ban-Heir, trivial matter between women, is it not appropriate for you to intervene as a man?" Jiang Yuchen frowned, his expression unpleasant.
   "What's wrong, anyway, I'm here, and no one can bully my sister. I care whether you're a man or a woman." Ban-Heng snorted. He doesn't have any good reputation anyway. It doesn't matter, too much debt does not worry.
   A Big Lao-ye watching their family members being bullied and maintaining the so-called Masterliness is a problem with their brains.
   What is the copper peas that are not steamed, cooked, or rotten, so is Ban-jia.
   "Ban-jia is really well-educated and abuses the descendants of the royal family. As a man, he bullies weak women. It's really amazing," Kang Ning said with a smirk. "Brother, a Master like you, don't want this ... She looked at Ban-Heng scornfully. "Don't care about this kind of person."
   "Gentleman?" Ban-Hua said without mercy, "What kind of a Master is he? He Cheng Anbo never brags about his Master, but who doesn't know that he is a Master in the entire capital? It's your hypocrisy. Pie, are you sorry to call yourself a Master? "
   "Ahhh!" Ban-Heng took a sip very sideways, expressing his disdain for Hui-Wangfu brother and sister with actual actions.
   Obviously, the brothers and sisters of Hui-Wangfu are older than the sisters of Jingting and Houfu, and the means of acting are also higher than those of sisters and sisters of Jingting and Houfu jia Brother and sister bullying.
   Wang De, who accompanied Cheng Anbo, saw that he was standing beside him and did not continue to move forward. He also maintained a smiling face and stood behind Cheng Anbo. As an eunuch to be used by His Majesty, he really hasn't seen any noble woman quarreling so much ... straightforward.
   Seeing that Jingou Houfu didn't seem to be in trouble, he was relieved. Kang Ning County Owner and class Jun Jun is very important in His Majesty's heart, I am afraid that no one is clear about the whole Great Moon Palace.
   "You two are really bad people!" Corning was flushed with red eyes. "Too much bullying!"
   "Both of you brothers and sisters rely on their high status to bully our sister and brother. It's not even a rake," Ban-Hua looked at Kang Ning in disbelief, County Owner, "Do you still make sense?"
   The most unreasonable is the two sisters!
   Corning turned to look at Li Xiaoru   :   "Li Young-Lady, you can also see the progress of the matter, you are fair, who is the bully ?!"
   "I, I ..." Li Xiaoru carefully looked at Ban-Hua, and remembered that when Ban-Hua was stunned just now, Jiang Yuchen laughed at her, his body shook, and his eyes fell down softly. Coincidentally, she just avoided two stones and fell on the thick grass.
   Fainted in such a timely manner, she almost told Kang Ning County Owner that she was afraid of Ban-Hua and did not dare to mess with her again.
   Rong-Xia who stood by for a while at this time was finally willing to stand up. He coughed and said to the guard behind him   :   "Go and call the two Mama, and bring Li Miss to the camp to rest."
   "Cheng Anbo." Jiang Yuchen looked at the man in front of him, remembering that Ban-Hua had said that he was not as good as Rong-Xia, and his face was not very good-looking.
   "Cheng, Cheng Anbo," Corning glanced at Rong-Xia helplessly, and gave him a blessing.
   Rong-Xia returned a gift to the two, turned to look at sister Ban-jia, and smiled and said, "Ban Jun Jun, Ban-Heir, what's wrong?"
   Ban-Heng glanced at Ban-Hua, remembering the embarrassment of being buried in silver by Rong-Xia a month ago, and responded silently to him.
   "Cheng Anbo," Ban-Hua yelled at Cheng Anbo, "how did you and the Prince come here?"
   Wang De paid a tribute to Ban-Hua, and finally someone noticed him.
   Rong-Xia glanced at Hui-Wangfu brother and sister, and naturally took a step towards Ban-Hua   :   "Your Majesty heard something moving here, so let me take a look."
   "Sheng Anbo, Ban-Hua she ..."
   Rong-Xia looked at Corning with a smile, and gently interrupted her words   :    Ning” County Owner, class Junjun and Ban-Heir are the grandchildren of His Royal Highness 1st-Elder Princess, you I'm afraid that the improper sentence is slightly inappropriate. "
   "I ..." There was a panic in Corning's heart. Did she just look at him as a curse?
   Obviously this is not what she usually does, and she won't say such vulgar words. It's all blame Ban-Hua and Ban-Heng. If it wasn't for their sister and brother who provoked her, how could she be angry?
   "Heir and County Owner are older than the class-Jun Jun. I wonder if I can look at my face and let go of my prejudices?" Rong-Xia smiled more perfectly. "Just don't say something in the future, you are all your Majesty. The pet-loving junior, if His Majesty heard these words, wouldn't it make him worry?
   Jiang Yuchen smirked in his heart when he heard the words. Rong-Xia said it politely, but the words obviously covered Jingting Houfu. This pair of sisters and brothers are all juniors who the emperor loves, but they are laughing at their status as the royal palace. Awkward.
   Really a good dog of the emperor, look at the dishes.
   "Since Cheng Anbo has already said so, she is not a contender for the next generation and the younger sister." Jiang Yuchen said a little stiffly, "I also hope that the class Jun Jun will do well in the future."
   Standing next to Wang De raised his eyelids, this Hui- Wang Heir really didn't know anything about it, and it would be boring to say this again.
   When Ban-Hua heard this, she was naturally unhappy, and when she was about to ridicule, Rong-Xia spoke before her.
   "The ancients said," Three gentlemen, I am incompetent, the benevolent is not worried, the knower is not confused, the brave is not afraid, "Rong-Xia put his hands behind him, smiling and smiling," Her Highness, what do you think? "
   The author has something to say   :   Rong-Xia   :   I'm very rational, talk about things and never protect shortcomings.

   Chapter 16    :     Soup          

   "What does Cheng Anbo mean by this?"
   "I heard Heir and Kang Ning 'County Owner talk about gentlemen, and I felt it," Rong-Xia turned around and saluted Ban-Hua. "Junzi should not be worried, not afraid, and not be fooled Underneath, is just a vulgar person among all sentient beings, and cannot be a class Jun Jun praises. "
   It is ironic that Rong-Xia, who has been highly praised and even praised by his Majesty, said that he has not yet done the Master's way, but Hui-Wangfu, who once disrespected his elders, claimed to be a Master. This is ironic.
   Ban-Hua heard that Cheng Anbo was taunting Jiang Yuchen. He chuckled softly at the corner of her mouth, turned her head to her almost angry eyes, and rolled her eyes.
   Rong-Xia did not intend to keep talking nonsense with Jiang Yuchen. After seeing Jiang Yuchen's face blushing and speechless, he turned to look at Ban-Hua and said   :   "Class Jun Jun, Kang Ning County Owner , Please go this way. "
   "There is work for Amber." Corning suppressed the anger and reluctantly smiled at Rong-Xia.
   Rong-Xia nodded her slightly.
   Wang De glanced at Kang Ning County Owner. This person has a really different personality from Ban-Jun. If Cheng Anbo treats Ban-Jun's younger brother with this attitude, Ban-Jun Jun's hot temperament must have exploded with Cheng Anbo, but how can he still laugh.
   The young Miss is thinking so deeply. What should I do after my marriage?
   Seeing them over, Emperor Yun Qing didn't ask what happened, just beckoned to brothers Rong-Xia and Ban-Hua, "You young people are just playful, come and see, these bows and arrows Who will win? "
   As for Corning and Jiang Yuchen who followed him as if they had been forgotten by his elderly people, he didn't even look at them.
   His Majesty is more cautious today, and he also likes to be angry, so the Hui-Wang family always shrinks their heads to live in front of him. Ban-Hua even suspected that if it had not been written in the previous Emperor's widow that his Majesty would take good care of this younger brother, he would have killed this family long ago.
   "Your Majesty, I can't see it," Ban-Hua looked at the warrior in a neat uniform dressed in the court, shaking his head, "Don't you embarrass me?"
   Yun Qing likes her temperament without knowing it, "then you can pick one."
   Some eunuch came over with a tray with a ranking sign in it. It was the names of these warriors.
   Ban-Hua looked at it and picked a name tag.
   "I picked it out so soon?" Emperor Yun Qing looked at Ban-Hua in surprise, didn't he not know who to choose?
   "His name is the most auspicious, he must be right to choose him." Ban-Hua glanced at Emperor Yun Qing with a smile, and threw the name into a jade bottle not far from her.
   "Gao Wangsheng ..." Yun Qing Emperor suddenly laughed. The name was really cheesy, but it was indeed auspicious.
   "Junper, Hengzi, you two will also bet one." Emperor Yun Qing waved his hands in a very good mood and asked Ban-Heng and Rong-Xia to pick.
   "Your Majesty, you know me. If you are not afraid of others, you are afraid to use your brain," Ban-Heng also chose Gao Wang's name tag and threw it into the jade bottle.
   "I believe in Ban Jun Jun's eyes." Rong-Xia smiled and picked up Gao Wang's name tag and put it in.
   Emperor Yun Qing is very satisfied with Rong-Xia. He knows who he likes and who does not like. Although he is personable in words and deeds, he is never arrogant and will only make people feel like a spring breeze. Thinking that those in the court are not necessarily capable, but his voice is louder than a minister, and he is so noisy about the size of sesame and mung beans, he can't wait for him to be up and down like Rong-Xia, and he can be quite quiet .
   Ban-Hua turned to look at Rong-Xia, and Rong-Xia turned to look at her, and she smiled at him kindly.
   This feeling that she didn't even believe her own eyes, but others believed it, was really wonderful.
   Corning looked at Rong-Xia with a gentle smile on Ban-Hua, and felt as uncomfortable as a knife, but she did not dare to be half dissatisfied, even though the emperor regarded their brother and sister as nothing. Can only stand on one side and maintain a smiling face.
   "Mei-mei," Jiang Yuchen walked in front of her, with guilt in his expression, "makes you feel wronged."
   Corning shook his head, biting his lips and not speaking. What is wrong with her? At least she eats and dresses well.
   At this moment, applause burst out on the court, and applause, Corning heard the ringing bell of the eunuch at the shooting range.
   "The archery competition is over, the winner, Gao Wangsheng!"
   Corning smiled bitterly, and some were born with good fortunes.
   But why, and why?
   Why is it not fair?
   "You are high and prosperous?" Emperor Yun Qing looked at the archer standing in front of himself. This man was short and thin, and even looked very shrunken in front of him. He didn't look like a god who could walk through Yang in a hundred steps. Shooter.
   But he won everyone else and became the final winner.
   "Avoid, the end is exactly."
   "Ban-Yatou, your vision is still good, so many people have picked him," Emperor Yun Qing pointed his fingers and pointed at Rong-Xia and Ban-Heng. "You all have vision."
   "Your Majesty Many Thanks," Ban-Heng smiled brightly. "It's almost half of this year. Your Majesty is the first person to praise me."
   Yun Qingdi was immediately teased by Ban-Heng's words. His cousin has many playboys on most days, and he has heard about them. However, although this boy is a playboy, it is not too absurd, so as long as there is no major incident, he opens his eyes and closes his eyes, pretending not to know anything.
   Ban-Heng's words not only amused Yun Qingdi, but even the Queen and several Princesses laughed.
   To others, Ban-Heng deliberately teases Yun Qingdi, but Ban-Hua understands that her brother is really grateful.
   The shooting range is lively, and the camp is a bit deserted. Li Xiaoru sits on the bed with a quilt in a daze, and even Shi Feixian came in and found nothing.
   "Xiaoru," Shi Feixian reached out and shook her in front of her. "I just heard someone waiting near you say you fainted. What's wrong?"
   Li Xiaoru wanted to speak out what had just happened, and the words had come to her lips, but then she thought of Ban-Hua, who was not easy to get along with, and then swallowed the words, shaking her head   :   "I'm fine, but I'm dizzy. "
   Shi Feixian glanced across her face and then smiled   :   "Then you have to be more careful, so don't ride the horse."
   Listening to Shi Feixian's careful instructions, Li Xiaoru felt a little guilty. "Yes, Kang Ning County Owner had a dispute with Ban-Hua. Cheng Anbo used to persuade him."
   "How did Cheng Anbo manage this kind of thing?" Shi Feixian's smile was a little stiff, and then he covered the quilt gently for Li Xiaoru. "Lying down for a while, the guards around me hunted two pheasants. I have made people Got a stew and I'll send it to you later. "
   "How can I trouble you ..."
   "Although we are not sisters, but we are like sisters. If you say such things again, you will be arrogant." Shi Feixian said inadvertently. "Even Cheng Anbo can persuade two unfamiliar women. I can't help you What a good sister to worry about? "
   "How could it be the same, Cheng Anbo was still bringing his Majesty to serve Wang De," Li Xiaoru slightly scorned. "If it wasn't for Her Majesty, how could Cheng Anbo get involved in the affairs of the two women."
   "Maybe Cheng Anbo looks at the beauty of Ban-Hua, and the hero can save the beauty," Shi Feixian's smile was stronger, and his tone was easily ridiculed. "As the saying goes, sir Lady, is a Master nice?"
   "What kind of Lady is she?" Thinking of Ban-Hua mouth, Li Xiaoru swallowed the back and only touted Shi Feixian, "My Lady came to describe you as pretty much."
   Shi Feixian was ashamed by her expression and hurried out of the camp.
   After a day of hunting, Ban-Heng accompanied Ban-Hua to return to her camp   :   "Sister, how do I think Cheng Anbo is helping us today?"
   Although he didn't read much, he wasn't stupid. Cheng Anbo was obviously pulling a bias.
   "Of course he wants to help us," Ban-Hua held out three fingers. "I gave him two pheasants and a fat rabbit."
   Speaking of which, Ban-Hua felt very prescient and raised his chin quite contentedly.
   Ban-Heng thought, this Cheng Anbo was really easy to buy, two pheasants and one hare would be done.
   "Ban-Heir, Ban junjun." The two guards in blue came over, each holding a tray with venison and venison on it.
   "Next is the guard of Cheng-Anbo. These things were ordered by Bo-Ye to send us here. I hope the two will accept it."
   Ban-Heng hesitated for a moment, and let the guard standing next to the camp tent to pick up the tray, and said, "There are two people, please thank me to Cheng Anbo for the second generation."
   "Heir speaks loudly." The two guards saluted, and they could be seen as being generous and strict under Amber.
   "Sister," Ban-Heng pointed to venison, "is this a gift?"
   Venison is much more expensive than rabbit meat and pheasant. Is this their family's profit?
   When the two guards returned, they reported the incident to Rong-Xia, including the conversation that happened to be heard by Sister Ban-jia.
   "Because I sent her prey, do you think I will help her?" Rong-Xia chuckled softly, and the laughter seemed meaningful.
   He opened the lid of the soup cup in front of him, and a blast of heat burst out of the soup cup. The rich pheasant meat Jin quickly filled the camp.
   The pheasant meat is tender and tender, it is not fat and not greasy, the soup is delicious, and the meat can also be imported.
   The author has something to say   :   Guard   :   Bo-Ye, eat too much at night, it's not good for health.

   Chapter 17    :     Ashamed          

   De Ning``1st-Elder Princess's house, 1st-Elder Princess put down the bowl, wiped off the medicine on the corner of her mouth, and rinsed her mouth and said, "Yin-shi has someone sent something over again?"
   "Isn't it, Madam filial piety, I get something new during most days, and I love to send it here. The old slave once advised her, but where is she willing to listen to?" Laughing, "It is impossible to control the nubi , so why not advise?"
   1st-Elder Princess smiled at Chang Mama, "Look at your mouth ..."
   "His Royal Highness," the steward walked in with a smile on his face, "The Jun and Heir sent someone to deliver something over."
   1st-Elder Princess The things the guard brought in were pheasants, hares, flying birds, etc. The things were not rare. The rare thing was the mind of the sisters and brothers.
   1st-Elder Princess smiled and made people put away these things and turned to Chang Mama   :   "It seems they have a good time at the hunting ground."
   "Young people like to be lively," Chang "Mama thought for a while, and added," Jun Jun is now more and more painful. I will come here to see you at intervals of three and five. It can be seen that I depend on it from the bottom of my heart. What about you, the Grandmother. "
   "Although this child is a little more indulgent, his nature is very good, if ..." 1st-Elder Princess said a word, "In the future, you will go and wait there. I will have a granddaughter at my knees, you are I can rest assured around her. "
   "His Royal Highness!" Chang Mama looked at 1st-Elder Princess in horror. "How do you make old nubi do this?"
   She entered the palace at the age of nine, and was assigned to serve at 1st-Elder Princess House at the age of thirteen. She combed herself at the age of 20 and has been serving in Princess House for thirty years. Houye was only about ten years old at Princess House, and Fu-ma was still there.
   Thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye. The year-old Elder Princess has become the most respected 1st-Elder Princess in the great cause, and her grandchildren have reached the age of talking about marriage. Watching 1st-Elder Princess grow old little by little, she couldn't wait for time to go slower and slower.
   "You silly Miss, in order to serve me in this life, no marriage, no descendants, what should you do after a hundred years?" 1st-Elder Princess coughed a few times, "I am most considerate to the people around me However, you followed me and watched a lot of ups and downs in the capital. Only by following me, can I be assured of her and you. "
   "His Royal Highness," Chang Mama nearly choked, "Today, he owes you!"
   "Born in the royal family, only about winning or losing, not mentioning deficits," 1st-Elder Princess laughed ironically, "I'm already a good end, pity my sisters ..."
   Debating battles decades ago, the Wangzis died, the prisoners of prisoners, crazy madness, even the princess of a few golden branches and jade leaves died unclear, even the princess of her sister lived to the present When the most honorable 1st-Elder Princess.
   Unfortunately, under the name of 1st-Elder Princess, there are too many unsightly things, too much hate and helplessness. She, who has been a flower boy, no longer wants to remember.
   "Stew the pheasant soup tonight," 1st-Elder Princess chuckled. "The pheasant that our family has hunted for it must have a good taste."
   "Yes." Chang Mama wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and paid a courtesy to 1st-Elder Princess, backing straight up.
   The royal hunting grounds in the suburbs of Capital City. The Prince and courtiers have been here for three days. The emperor is in full swing, and naturally it is time to fight back home.
   "Ban Jun Jun is worthy of being a military commander, you have the most prey among the female relatives," Emperor Yun Qing looked at Ban-Hua, and did not conceal his love for the Ban-jia people. "You told me Say, is there anything you want? "
   Ban-Hua shook her head honestly   :   "Your Majesty, my maids have nothing to lack now."
   "Seeing you, I thought of my uncle who bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield," Yun Qing sighed. "He taught archery when he was a kid. He didn't think of it ..."
   1st-Elder Princess's Fu-ma is a well-known military general in the great cause, or Ban-jia generations of generals, who have worked hard for the Chiang family, but unfortunately ...
   The ministers present glanced at Ban-Huai, the famous names of Ban-jia for several generations, and it was ruined here at Ban-Huai.
   Ban-Huai noticed that someone looked at him, straightened his waist, looked at it, and jealousy was useless. He just had an amazing father who was destined to live forever!
   The ministers did not feel ashamed to see Ban-Huai, even with a proud look, they shook their heads in their hearts, and the rotten wood could not be carved, and Ban-jia was regarded as over.
   "His majesty, the archery of the vassal is also taught by Grandfather," Ban-Hua showed a big smile, "" Grandfather said that if I were born a man, I would definitely be your majesty your majesty. "
   Emperor Yun Qing looked at the little Miss who was quietly in front of him. He couldn't connect her with a cheeky general. The more he thought about it, the more amused the picture was. He couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Good, good, when It's really a shame to keep the eyebrows off, class-the general teaches well. "
   Everyone present   :   ...
   Take a good little Miss and teach it willful and willful, saying that taking a whip and drawing people will definitely not take a stick, and there is no woman's gentleness on the body, which is a waste of a good face given by parents.
   Is your majesty or harm?
   Regardless of whether the emperor has two meanings, the exaggerated Ban-Hua smiled very happily, and she generously gave a gift to the emperor Yun Qing   :   "Your Majesty Many Thanks praised her, and her daughters and daughters are ashamed."
   "Aunt is a respectable person, class-the general is a respected person. As your only granddaughter, you always feel ashamed when you think of not taking care of you." Emperor Yun Qing sighed again "Even I heard that someone taunted you because your title was not high enough. After hearing this, I don't know what face to see my aunt in the future."
   The courtier heard something wrong, the class jun Jun even hit Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar when he said it, and who dares to offend her?
   Wang De stood next to Emperor Yun Qing, never changing his expression from beginning to end.
   As a servant of His Majesty, he naturally told His Majesty what he saw. He could not delete it, and naturally he could not add jealousy.
   Kang Ning County Owner, standing in the female family's pile, heard the words of Emperor Yun Qing, only to feel the pain in his cheeks. Every word of His Majesty seemed to slap on her face. She shook and almost sits on the ground.
   "County Owner," Shi Feixian beside her helped her, "Are you all right?"
   Corning smiled and shook his head.
   Shi Feixian let go and smiled, "That's good."
   She looked at Ban-Hua, who was standing in front of the throne, and sorted out her sleeves, and withdrew her eyes a little.
   "Your Majesty ..." Ban-Hua hesitated. "No one has bullied me. Don't be sad about it."
   Five years later, even if someone bullies her, no one can save it.
   "Good boy," Emperor Yun Qing smiled relievedly, "Although you are only Zhi-nu, your cousin, you are no different from your daughter in your heart."
   Uncle Zhongping heard the words of Emperor Yun Qing, and followed him uncomfortably. The bad debt between their family and Ban-jia has been the talk of many people in Capital City. No wonder their Xi family has been facing upwards for the past two years and cannot be reused. I am afraid that the emperor also annoys them.
   He really didn't understand why the obedient son eloped with a Fengchen woman from an early age, causing their family to antagonize Ban-jia.
   Until now, Zhongping Ping still wonders whether it is better to marry a daughter-zi with extravagant extravagance, or, as now, his son's reputation, his eyes are disabled, Xi family and Ban-jia become enemies, and they will not be reused by the emperor.
   Probably ... it would be better to marry a witty and willful daughter-zi.
   At least this daughter-zi has the Grandmother with respect for her identity, and the favor of her Majesty. It is definitely a good thing for a family like them with insufficient heritage.
   I only hate my son for not fighting, and now regret is useless.
   "I'm ashamed, I want to compensate you."
   The courtier looked at the emperor expressionlessly. There were so many routines, didn't he just want to give this clever and wayward class Jun Jun promoted to knighthood? Left and right are just the title of a woman. Higher or lower does not affect the politics of the court, and they have no fluctuations in their hearts.
   Ban-Hua tilted her head, Your Majesty wanted to compensate her?
   Is it to find her a handsome husband?
   "Uncle uncle was the backbone of the country before his death. Auntie aunt was like a half-daughter, and her granddaughter was like a half-daughter. She thought that she was not a County Owner and was not worthy of the half-daughter." Yun Qing knocked Knocking on the handrail of the throne, "The daughter of Jingting Hou has the style of the Grandmother, the half daughter of Deng, when the County Owner is named, the title is Fu-Le."
   Ban-Hua paused for a while before thinking of thanking Yunqing Emperor.
   However, Her Majesty said that no title other than County Owner was worthy of her. Did her previous Town-Lady and Junjun titles insult her?
   “Since the title has already been mentioned, it’s time to mention Shiyi,” the Queen has always been respected by her Majesty, so she can speak like this non-Hann political occasion. What do you think? "
   "The Queen is right," Emperor Yun Qing answered immediately.
   The emperor's emphasis on Ban-Hua made countless people look sideways. Today, His Majesty has always been more proficient in the title. The Di Daughters of Junwang in the country have the most titles of the Junior County Owner or the Jun, and even some royal family members do not even have a title. , Food, cloth.
   The courtier felt that the queen had loved the granddaughter of 1st-Elder Princess so much, but on the other hand, there was a feeling of peace of mind.
   Why Her Majesty took care of Ban-jia people so much, it was because 1st-Elder Princess had helped him.
   Following an emperor who reads nostalgia, always makes people feel at ease. Who would like to dismantle a bridge with a river, and the bird emperor hides?
   His Majesty Rende, there will be records in future history books.
   On a hunt, the title of Ban-Hua went up, and the food town also went up. This is a good thing. So the next day when they got home, all four of Ban-jia went to the 1st-Elder Princess House and told 1st-Elder Princess about it.
   "Your Majesty is in a good mood lately, so that I have been upgraded twice in rank," Ban-Hua stood beside 1st-Elder Princess, and made tea for 1st-Elder Princess, "even the food is up."
   "Upgrading is a good thing," 1st-Elder Princess took the tea made by her granddaughter and smiled. "Why are you running towards me these days? Is my snack better than Houfu?"
   "Granddaughter misses you, so I will come to see you." Ban-Hua hugged 1st-Elder Princess's arm. "Would you like to live in Houfu for a few days."
   "I dare not live with you two naughty monkeys, I must not be quiet for a while and a half," 1st-Elder Princess refused to think about it or not, "The people in Princess's house are very dedicated, if your family is If you miss me, you can come and see me, and we are not far apart. "
   Nine years ago, after Fu-ma died, she lived alone in 1st-Elder Princess House in the name of her dead husband.
   She couldn't bear her son, but she had to do it.
   The emperor today is a contradictory person. He always hopes that others are good to him, but he also loves suspicion. He wants people to praise his love. The child grew up watching her. He thought that no one could understand his mind, but he didn't know how she had no knowledge of her after two generations of throne replacement.
   "Mother ..." Yin-shi respected 1st-Elder Princess sincerely. She first married Ban-Huai that year, because of the influence of rumors from the outside, she has been thinking about it. In addition, her mother did not care about her, and there was a distinguished Popo on it. She really thought that she had no hope in her life.
   I don't know if Popo has a distinguished status, but she is very good to her. Although his father-zi is a military commander, he is also very reasonable and generous. Since the death of her mother, she has gradually felt the joy of life after marrying to 1st-Elder Princess House.
   The year her father-zi died, she saw Popo sad look for the first time. Soon after, Popo moved them to Houfu, and Popo lived alone in 1st-Elder Princess House. She always felt that there was something hidden about the events of that year. But she didn't dare to mention it, she didn't even think about it.
   After her daughter had that strange dream, she had a kind of dusty ease.
   The title is not important. As long as the family is good, it should not be so difficult in the future.
   It's just Popo ...
   Popo didn't appear in her daughter's dream, but her daughter has always been running here recently. Yin-shi herself has a faint guess.
   "Daughter-zi, Shui Qing and the two children have been bothering you for years. You are tired," 1st-Elder Princess took Yin-shi hand and patted her back gently, "If it was not for Me, you should be able to marry a better man than Shui Qing. "
   "Mother, I am your biological son, born!" Ban-Huai looked helplessly at 1st-Elder Princess. The mothers of other people were protecting their sons. Why did they get to him? Instead, he became an outsider. ?
   "If you are not my son, a good woman like Linghui, you will never marry in your dreams." 1st-Elder Princess glared at her son, "Our woman speaks, what do you say to a man?"
   Ban-Heng glanced at his father gloatingly. As one of the two men with the lowest status in Ban-jia, did his father still not see the reality?
   "Mother, how can you say that, Houye, he treats me very well. There are many good men in the world, but there are a few people who can remember what I like to eat and what I use," Yin-shi felt more uneasy, " My biological mother died prematurely. You treat me like a daughter. You are not Popo in my heart, but you are a mother. You will never say such things in the future, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart. "
   "I don't have a daughter. When you get married, you are my daughter," 1st-Elder Princess smiled gently. "Even if I really have a daughter, I'm afraid it's not as good as you."
   "Well, I don't make you sad by saying these things," 1st-Elder Princess stood up with Yin-shi hand, "Go, let's go for lunch. Recently, two new chefs came. OK, you guys also try. "
   "Okay." Yin-shi spread his face and smiled, looking at the rosy cheeks of 1st-Elder Princess, and felt that she thought too much.
   The Ban-jia family of four stayed in the 1st-Elder Princess house for two days before returning to the house in small bags.
   Ban-Hua and Yin-shi ride in a carriage together. Ban-Hua sees her mother look a little embarrassed, and even sits quite honestly.
   "Well," Yin-shi said suddenly, "Why have you been to 1st-Elder Princess House recently?"
   "Ah?" Ban-Hua froze and shook his head honestly, "I don't know, I just want the Grandmother."
   "Then ... it's okay if you come here more often," Yin-shi smiled. "You the Grandmother staying alone in Princess House is also deserted. You must be very happy to go to her old man."
   The yard they live in has been cleaned up as if they had never left in the past nine years. The 1st-Elder Princess was very lively at that time. The father-zi liked to teach boxing and kung fu. The grandparents always made Popo laugh.
   Now that the father-zi has long since passed away, the four of them have also moved out, and only Yu Popo is left alone in the large and princely Princess House.
   "Okay." Ban-Hua nodded immediately. "I took Hengdi too."
   "Good boy." Yin-shi smiled and said nothing else. Since her daughter had that strange dream, she was worried that her daughter would not be able to bear it, so now she doesn't want to restrict her to studying the rules, and she can be happy every day.
   "You're wrong!"
   When Ban-jia carriage went to the side, a middle-aged woman in a filial piety and wearing a filial piety suddenly rushed out, followed by two small, poor children, crying and crying.
   "What's going on?" Ban-Huai lifted the carriage curtain and looked at him kneeling in front of his carriage, again yelling injustice, and a big or a small Bun, suddenly felt that his head was too big. Houfu guard stood in front of the carriage, or the suspicious three men approached the carriage.
   "My lord, the woman has a grievance. Ask the man to plead justice for the woman!"
   She held up the paper in her hand and wrote a big injustice on it. I didn't know if it was written in human or animal blood. It looked a bit infiltrating. Ban-Huai couldn't help but sit back, "What's going on?"
   "Qingtian Big Lao-ye, please rescue the husband of Command Madam, kill the life with the county magistrate, protect the officials, and the husband of the civilian woman died unjustly!"
   Ban-Huai coughed and called the attendants around him, "Where is the same county?"
   "Houye, the same county is in Xuezhou," the attendant whispered, "Xuzhou assassination is Zhao Zhong."
   "Zhao Zhong ..." Ban-Huai squinted for a moment and thought, "Isn't that Zhao Jia Erlang?"
   Chang Sui   :   "It's Zhao 2-gongzi."
   Speaking of them, their family and the Zhao family also have a deep relationship. At that time, they were married to the uncle fingertips, that is, the Saburo of the Zhao family, but unfortunately, after the death of the Saburo of the Jia family, the family relationship was no longer mentioned. These years, their Ban-jia and Zhao family still have contacts, but the relationship is not as good as before.
   "grown ups!"
   When the middle-aged woman saw Ban-Huai, she ignored her and cried even more miserably, "Master, please send out a compassion and help a bunch of women!"
   "Wait!" Ban-Huai was crying a bit by this woman. "If you have any grievances, go to the Ministry of Justice or Dali Temple."
   The middle-aged woman froze for a moment, but did not expect that the other party would not even speak politely and rejected her directly.
   "I'm just a casual Houye. I have no real power and can't speak. Even if I take you to knock on the door, no one will take care of me," Ban-Huai waved his hand. "It's better to go to the door of Dali Temple than to waste time with me. Knock on the drums. "
   After speaking, without waiting for the middle-aged woman to react, the guard was asked to lift the three to one side and left in a carriage with a swing.
   The woman who called injustice   :   ...
   Onlookers   :   ...
   For the first time, I heard a nobleman who said that he had no real power and that he could not speak.
   Ban-Hua lifted the curtain and looked at the side of the guard. It looked like a middle-aged woman who hadn't responded yet. I always felt that there was something wrong.
   "looking at what?"
   "Look at the person who just yelled at you." Ban-Hua thought about it, "I think she a little strange."
   "Of course weird," Yin-shi smirked. "A woman who yelled for her dead husband's innocence must be windy and tired to get to the capital. The loss of his father by two children must be sad and upset. Do you think they fit this? "
   Ban-Hua lowered the curtain   :   "So she lied to us?"
   "It doesn't matter what she does," Yin-shi looked calm, "What matters is that we have something in mind."
   Ban-Hua was instructed with a look on his face, opened the curtain again, and saw someone on the other side riding on the horse.
   If this person's face is a good girl, the jade crown is bundled with hair, the black clothes are added, and the robe corners are floating. It turned out that the embroidered Lady secretly embroidered a blossoming cloud in the robe corners.
   The author has something to say   :   Ban-Huai   :   Don't look for anyone, I'm playboy -
   Ban-Heng trot all the way to the courtyard of Ban-Hua, interrupting the ongoing story of the female storyteller Teacher, took Maid's poured tea, and even drank a few mouthfuls before saying   :   "I have found out."
   Ban-Hua waved all the unrelated people back out, and patted his hands on the coffee table with a heavy hand   :   "Who is it?"
   "Chung Ping's Eldest-son, Xi Chongjin." Ban-Heng drank a whole cup of tea before he could barely catch his breath, "It was the 1st-Imperial-Scholar who passed the exam three years ago, but went to work outside the country. After Xi Qilin broke one of his eyes, he was transferred back to Capital City. He just arrived in Capital City yesterday. "
   "Sister, what do you want me to check him for?" Ban-Heng sits down on the chair, suddenly looking at Ban-Hua with a skeptical look   :   "You won't just watch him grow well, just what? What? "
   "Can you think of something normal," Ban-Hua patted Ban-Heng's hand for snacks, "Your sister is in your heart, is that it?"
   Ban-Heng is at a loss, what is it like?
   Ban-Hua felt itchy, and almost patted Ban-Heng's silly face. But she couldn't help but saw that he was running sweaty and threw a handkerchief into his hand, "You said, how likely is Zhongping Bofu to rebel?"
   "Sister, do you think you can rebel against the virtues of Zhongping Bofu?" Ban-Heng's eyes widened. "I know you don't want to see this family, but this kind of shit basin is buckled on his head. The basin is an insult. "
   "It seems to make some sense to you," Ban-Hua peeled the seeds, threw away the shells, and placed Ren in a small silver bowl. "There are so many men in the world in black, not necessarily him."
   "Perhaps people in other places raised their flags and rebelled." Ban-Heng paused suddenly. "Not quite right, how big a thing can cause the Quartet to raise their flags to rebel?"
   "The new emperor succeeded, his position was unstable, and the people complained." Yin-shi entered the courtyard and sits opposite the brother and sister. "Now the world of the Jiang family is not as stable as they thought."
   Today the emperor is extravagant, and he is so happy that he even condoned the Queen's family members for selling merchandise. There have been dissatisfaction among the people, but the North Hann and Chinese officials have suppressed these rumors. But can it last for a while, can it still last a lifetime?
   "Mother, do you want us to tell the Grandmother what my sister dreamed?" Ban-Heng touched his head. "Anyway, we don't have a good brain, so let the Grandmother think of a way?"
   "No." Yin-shi objected immediately. "This thing must not tell you the Grandmother."
   "Why?" Ban-Heng puzzled. "Those we can't solve, don't give them to the Grandmother, who else?"
   "You the Grandmother is not only your Grandmother, but also the 1st-Elder Princess of the Jiang family. She is old. If you let her know that Jiang-Wang Dynasty will be overthrown, would you let her old people accept it?" Yin shi didn't feel good, "You usually go to the Grandmother to greet you, and spend more time with her elderly people. Other things are not your concern."
   Ban-Heng nodded obediently, "I remember." He poured the sunflower seeds from the silver bowl on the table into his mouth.
   "Ban-Heng!" Ban-Hua saw that the peeled seeds were peeled off, and almost didn't snap the snack plate on Ban-Heng's head. "You Big Lao-ye, grab me Seeds. "
   "I'm your brother, not Big Lao-ye," Ban-Heng jumped up from the chair. "What about peeling me a few seeds? I'll marry a daughter-zi who will peel me seeds later." "
   "Well! You are so beautiful," Ban-Hua put her hands on her hips. "If I find you like a husband, I will pump you every day."
   "So what kind of husband do you want to find for you?" Ban-Heng jumped away and fled. "You're called a dream."
   Yin-shi looked at the noisy and noisy children, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. There were people in the family who didn't use it. The two were often noisy and noisy for such a trivial matter. I really don't know where this temper is.
   On the street, Ban-Huai took the guards around at any time. The bracelet was a good color. I bought it for Furen. This bun looks beautiful. I bought it for my daughter. These books are well-written and I'll save some for my son. Recently, he spends a lot of time buying things, and he doesn't overwhelm others. He should give as much money as possible, and do not bully the merchants who do business. Therefore, Ban-Da Houye is very popular with the shopkeeper on the street of luxury goods. Don Juan welcomed him, I really wish he would come every day.
   "Houye, this glazed glass was just arrived this year. Although it is not as refined as in the palace, it is also a little tasteful," said the shopkeeper enthusiastically introducing a star glazed glass to Ban-Huai. "After clicking at night, It's like a star has fallen on the ground, and your family members in your government will definitely like it. "
   Ban-Huai glanced at the glazed glass, the workmanship was quite good, and he said, "How much?"
   "Houye, you are our regular customer. Whoever asks for the high price, dare not want you," the shopkeeper looked around and whispered, "Others must be a thousand and two. If you want , I collected 688 two, which is also a good fortune. "
   "Okay, wait for you to arrange for someone to send to my house," Ban-Huai nodded, turning his head to see a picture of Ma Gu He Shou hanging on the wall. He remembered that his mother always liked calligraphy and painting, antiques, " How much does this painting cost? "
   "Houye ... this painting has already been settled. Do you want to see something else?" The shopkeeper accompanied the laughter. "Small will let people get the painting and let you pick it slowly."
   "That's okay." Ban-Huai felt a bit sad. The meaning of the painting was very good, and it was perfect for the mother.
   "If Houye wants it, the younger will give you this picture," a man walked in from outside. "As long as Houye doesn't dislike it."
   Ban-Huai looked back at him clearly   :   "Rong Bo-Ye."
   Rong-Xia salutes Ban-Huai as a junior, turns his head to the hall and yells, “Give the picture and give it to Ban-Houye.”
   "How can this be so, since this painting was chosen by Rong Bo-Ye, how can I be attractive." Although Ban-Huai is older than Rong-Xia and higher in grade than Rong-Xia, but But not willing to take advantage of juniors.
   "Houye is polite," Rong-Xia once again offered the gift of junior, "This picture can make you fancy, it is its fate, if you refuse to refuse, then you look down on the junior."
   In terms of eloquence, ten Ban-Huai are no more than half Rong-Xia, so Ban-Huai finally accepted the painting. Anyway, he still remembers that he can't take advantage of others for nothing, so he decided to invite this generous, Zhili, and handsome young junior to eat and go to the most expensive Wangyue Tower in Capital City.
   Rong-Xia not only did not dismiss him as an idle Houye, but he respected him along the way, which made Ban-Huai impression of him from a very powerful young Bo-Ye to a very pleasing young man, and finally good The sensitivity is so direct that this boy is too appetite for me, and my son is like a scum.
   Wang Yuelou cousin was also very familiar with Ban-Huai, and when he saw him, he greeted the two enthusiastically to sit upstairs.
   When Ban-Huai went up the stairs, he said to Dian Lu, "I remember your wife is about to have a baby?"
   "Back to Houye, I ’m already born Niangzi, but unfortunately it is Yatou." Don Juan didn't have much joy on his face, "Please ask me."
   "Either Yatou," Ban-Huai fumbled in his pocket, took out two peanut-sized silver gourds, and handed them to Tang Yuan. "This is Yatou, pressing your pillow, and blessing her to live a long life and be healthy. "
   "Houye, how dare you young ..."
   "It's okay, this is what I used to send to the juniors," Ban-Huai said, "My family has thousands of dollars and can do whatever you want." "Take it."
   "Thank you, thank you Houye!" Tang Yan received two silver gourds, his face grateful.
   Rong-Xia looked at the exchange between Ban-Huai and Tang Yan, and his smile was deeper. After the two sits down in the box, Rong-Xia said, "Houye is kind."
   "I'm not kind," Ban-Huai shook his head and took a tea ceremony. "If I don't open this mouth, that Yatou might not be able to survive."
   For their aristocracy, raising a daughter is not a big deal, but for ordinary people, especially ordinary people who have gotten a daughter with one heart, this daughter is redundant. In the early years when he was loitering to play in the countryside, he had witnessed an old woman throwing her dead granddaughter under the bridge, only to expose her to thousands of people trampled by thousands of people, so that no daughter would dare to give birth to her home.
   After the incident, he went back scared and became ill, and drank several pairs of tranquillizers before slowing down.
   Rong-Xia didn't expect Ban-Huai to say such a sentence, and hesitated, "It can be seen that Houye is still kind."
   Ban-Huai waved his hand and didn't want to talk about it again.
   After a while, the meal was served, and Ban-Huai didn't drink a few sips of wine, and the wine refreshed, and he told Rong-Xia some nonsense nonsense. It is rare that Rong-Xia can talk. It is worthy to be known as Rong Gongzi.
   "The gangsters in Chung Ping Mansion also wanted Di-Eldest-son to work in the household department. He wanted to be beautiful!" Ban-Huai put the bottles on the table and put them back again. "They bullied my girlfriend so much, they also I want to be like when nothing happens, no doors! No windows! "
   Rong-Xia remembered the rumors of Capital City. Ban-Houye loved Eldest-daughter most. After Zhong Zhongping's second son eloped with the firework woman, Ban-Houye immediately retired from Chung Ping Phu and resigned him. It was so messy that even the gates were changed. Later, after Xi Qilin found it, he was beaten countless times. Zhongping Bo went to the royal court and said that this was done by the Jingting Hou family. Unfortunately, there was no evidence. The emperor favored Jingting Houfu again. Of it.
   "The junior also thinks that Xi Eldest-son is not suitable for the household," Cheng Anbo filled Ban-Huai with wine. "Where do you think he would work better?"
   "For a fart job, it's better to stay at home!" Ban-Huai scolded drunkly, "let him hold him Father and go home to feed."
   Ban-Huai Although he did not learn the skill of his general, the old Father, to march, he learned a lot of cursing skills.
   The author has something to say   :   "My family has thousands of dollars, and I can do whatever I want." It can be understood that I have money and willfulness!

Continue ....

I am Such a Woman

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