Han Yuxi 1630

Han Yuxi 


       Chapter 1630__ Last 1 out (2)

       Yun-Qing On this day, the weather is very good. As always, Yu-Xi stood at the gate of the palace and watched the back of Yun-Qing slowly disappear into her sight.
       You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "Mother, I can't bear it. I don't want to let me go on that day." The general who can fight in the middle of the country is very much. He can't get in if he can't go to Donghu.
       "Even if I stop, I can't stop it." After that, Yu-Xi chuckled:
       "However, this is the last time."
       "The last time, I didn't know how many times I heard it. The last time." Anyway, as long as I made up my mind, my mother couldn't help it.
       Kai Hao glanced at You Ji-Er, and You Ji-Er immediately closed his mouth.
       As soon as Yu-Xi entered the Qing Palace, he saw a mountain of folds on the book of the royal study.
       Half of these discounts are for money. After previewing all the folds with Qi Hao, Yu-Xi selected two folds and Shen Chunting said:
       "Before these two places." One is to repair the channel to ease the drought, and another to repair the river in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. These relations between the national economy and the people livelihood have always been the focus of Yu Xi.
       Shen Chunting’s heart is still the efficiency of the Empress, and it’s only a day’s time to read the book. Unlike the emperor, it is not an expedited affair that will often be reviewed in three or five days.
       After a busy day, Yu-Xi is backache. When taking a bath, Yu-Xi couldn’t help but say:
       "The years are not forgiving! When the world is stable, let Hao Ji take over the burden."
       Yan Fang smiled and said:
       "I am afraid that the Empress will be stuffy at the time." Yu-Xi can't help the temperament, and she can't know if she is with her for more than ten years.
       I have been busy for more than 20 years. If I don’t do anything all day, I am not used to it. However, she can do what she is interested in. Yu-Xi said:
       "When Qi Hao took over the burden, I was busy with the women's school. I hope that in the future, women will also have the opportunity to read and read." It is unrealistic for all women to study, that is, many children who want to learn can't learn. . The women's school is a platform for women who have conditions and want to read books.
       Yan Fang smiled:
       "Now the school only recruits 100 people a year, and it is almost overwhelming for a quota."
       These Yu-Xi naturally know that if they want to enter the women's school, they must not only have money but also have the potential. However, this situation will change after the expansion.
       After the massage of Yu-Xi, Yan Fang said softly:
       "The Empress, my sister-in-law came to Capital City and said that I want to see me. I want to see the Sunrise Palace and go see him." Fang Fang’s parents now live in Zhongyong Houfu.
       When Fang Fang was hurt by his family, he never returned home in these years. However, because of the parents, so send some money back every year, it is filial piety. These years, the Brother and sisters of Fang Fang and others want to ease the relationship with her, but unfortunately, Fang Fang does not take care of it. Yan Fang has always been with Yu-Xi, and she can't wait if she doesn't want to see others.
       Yu-Xi, who had closed his eyes, heard this and opened his eyes and said:
       "Do you know what your mother is doing?"
       Yan Fang has been with him for more than ten years, but his parents have never appeared.
       Yan Fang’s parents also mourn this daughter, but the things of the year made them feel ashamed. Therefore, Yan Fang did not take the initiative to go home, they also have no face to see Yan Fang.
       Yan Fang nodded and said:
       "It’s for my shi-zi. It’s a bit of a sporadic book, and now it’s a scholar. Now, I’m coming to the emperor to study.” This is a grandson, and this is a grandson. See you.
       Even if she did too much in the past, she was born to her father. All arrived in the capital, and Fang Fang naturally did not see the truth.
       Yu-Xi knows that something is wrong. If you really miss this daughter, you won’t look at it for more than ten years. What is shameless, but it is an excuse. However, these are the chores of Yu Fang, and Yu-Xi will not intervene:
       "You will definitely say that you will let the old man give you the end of the old age. You can listen to these words." What is the end of the old age, but I want to use this to make the way to pave the way.
       I am afraid that Yu Fang will worry about the future, Yu-Xi said:
       "You don't have to worry about it. Kaihao will give you old-age care. If you like, wait a hundred years and then be buried with me!" Like Yu Fang, unless it is a great contribution to the family, it will be allowed. The grave of the ancestral grave. If you can't bury your grave, you will be considered a ghost in the outside.
       Yan Fang stunned, waiting for God to come to the ground, excitedly said:
       “Thank you for the Empress.”
       Being able to bury in the Imperial Tomb is a matter of Guangzong Yaozu, and generally only a hero who has made great contributions. Yan Fang is just taking care of Yu-Xi daily maid, how can she get Yu-Xi so that she can not let her grateful.
       "Thank you? In the future, you still have to be tired!" After saying this, Yu-Xi said:
       "Would you like to accept a female apprentice, so that the skills of this hand are not lost?"
       Yan Fang looked a little hesitant.
       "What, don't want to accept an apprentice?"
       After that, Yu-Xi deliberately joked:
       "Is it afraid that the Courtyard apprentice starved Shifu?"
       Yan Fang shook her head and said:
       "The Empress, I have an idea, I don't know if it's not right."
       "You said."
       Yan Fang said:
       "I want to open a school to train medical doctors. What do you think can be done?"
       There are many male doctors, but there are very few female doctors. Some women who got a woman's illness were ashamed to say to the man, and the result was delayed. There are also large families who are strict in saying that men and women are unclear, and that the male doctor is not allowed to directly touch the skin, and what kind of hanging silk is diagnosed. A doctor who has this kind of skill is not a famous doctor or a doctor.
       After that, Yan Fang quickly explained:
       "I just want to recruit a few female doctors to let them teach, and I will go see it occasionally." Serving Yu-Xi is her job, she will not put the cart before the horse.
       "You mention a very good suggestion, I did not think of Tongcheng, etc. After the war, I will make people handed down ..." Is not Yu - Xi Tong Fang was contemptuous, but Tong Fang Chang -year stay in the inner chamber of The outside is not very proficient. This is not a trivial matter for a women's medical school. She can't get it.
       Yan Fang opened her eyes and smiled:
       "That would be better."
       "I have any idea to tell me directly in the future, there is no need to be scrupulous." She has limited energy and many things are not so thoughtful. This is not a political situation, and the court is not helpful.
       On the second day, Yan Fang went to see her parents.
       Seeing Fang Fang, the old Lady is very excited with her aunt. Especially auntie, crying with her heart:
       "Why are you a child, why are you so worried? I haven’t come back to see you and I am jealous for so many years."
       Yan Fang’s heart is also very uncomfortable.
       --shi smiled and helped Fang Fang explain:
       "Yu Fang is too busy to keep off."
       After sitting down, they will be old. Yan Fang asked:
       "Hey, mother, I will stay for more time in the capital. I will send people to take you around and see."
       The old man said:
       "A Fang, A Man’s study is diligent, and Master said that he is very talented. I think that Fu-Cheng City School is not good in Capital City, I want to let Aman study here."
       Auntie Aunt took the following words:
       "I heard that the best school in Capital City is what Tan Garden, you send Aman to the inside to study."
       Yan Fang’s face was not good at all. I thought that the White Sandalwood Academy is a vegetable market, and I want to enter it.
       Resentful, Yu Fang said:
       "If you want to enter the White Sandal Academy, you have to take the exam. Only after passing the examination can you get in. If you fail the exam, I can't help it."
       In fact, it is not so easy to go to the exam. If you don't have a name, you must have someone to protect it before you become a champion. However, this is not difficult for Yan Fang.
       The old man said:
       "It’s not a good idea to find someone." When the old man wanted to come, his shi-nu was the red man in front of the Empress, and it was a breeze.
       --shi smiled and said:
       "Uncle, if you want to go to the White Sandal Academy, you must pass the exam. 3rd Prince went to the White Sandal Academy and went to the exam!"
       Auntie said with a confident face:
       "My family is so good to learn, so I can definitely get it." For my grandson, Auntie has a mysterious confidence.
       Yan Fang immediately said that he would help get the number of places to go to the exam.
       did not do more entanglement in this matter. Just like Auntie, he believes that he will pass the exam. As I said before, it is just to prevent it.
       After finishing the school entrance, the old man wants to let Fang Fang solve another thing:
       "Aman is already sixteen years old, and he hasn't decided to kiss him. A Fang, this matter is entrusted to you." I haven't decided yet, but I don't know what my family is, I think the Fu-Cheng City's Miss are worthy. Go to him.
       Helping to find a school, and seeing that it is a part of the relatives, Yan Fang is also willing to help this. Marriage is a big event, but Yan Fang is not willing to intervene. There is a 'full
       Not waiting for the opening of the Fang, the aunt said:
       "A Fang, Aman is your shi-zi's shi-zi, you must find her a good and good family and a good Miss." Only such a woman can be worthy of her grandson.
       Yan Fang heard this and laughed:
       "Mother, I am just a man, how can I have such a big skill to find such a Miss for Aman."
       Auntie is busy saying:
       "What the next person, who doesn't know that you are the most reliant person of the Empress. A Fang, Aman is your shi-zi's shi-zi, you can't leave it alone!" Because Yan Fang was in the vicinity of Yu-Xi, the family's People in this city in Tongcheng are very mixed.
       If Fang Fang is a soft temperament, she will not disregard Xiang Wei Guo and leave her in disregard of her family’s opposition:
       "Mother, I will not manage this matter."
       The old man said with a calm face:
       "A Fang, Aman is your shi-zi, how can you care?"
       "Yeah! A Fang, you have no children, no future, old age, you still have to give you a pension to the end of the end. A Fang, now help A Man, after he has made a living, you can enjoy your old age." Because of this The idea, the old man and the aunt will give such excessive demands.
       Yan Fang feels:
       "I said that in the past, it is life and death that has nothing to do with you. If I am old, I will not bother you."
       When I finished, I turned and went out. Ren Bao and his aunts -called, she did not stop.
       Yan Fang left Servant to appease the two old people, and she chased herself out.
       Ps first draft, and will be replaced.

       Chapter 16__ Ridiculous

       Catch up with Fang Fang, -Shi took her hand and said:
       "How is your temperament so big, let's go and leave!"
       "I don't want to hear them daydreaming there." I also found a good ‘Madam’ who was a good family and a good ‘Madam’. It was really good. Not to mention that she didn't have that ability, even if she had, she had to face out to help him. Her good sister-in-law was how she was to her, and I still remember it clearly.
       --shi sighed and said:
       "Yu Fang, uncle and uncle is ugly, but there is a sentence but it is right. You have no children, who will give you a pension in the future? You must disagree with their conditions now, and they will not allow you to bury them later." The grave of the ancestors." She introduced Qi Fang to the palace to do things on the same day. She wanted to let Xiang Fang avoid Xiang Wei Guo and also left the uncle to trust this family. After the matter subsides, let her find another family. Unexpectedly, Yan Fang did not want to marry.
       "Sister, you don't have to worry about this. I will be old in the palace in the future." In the palace, the elderly are surrounded by familiar people, she feels very good.
       "After a hundred years? At that time, there is not even a person who burns paper money for you." This is also the reason for the --shi concern. If not, she will not help to deliver.
       Yan Fang said with a smile:
       "Sister, you don't have to worry about me. The Empress said, I will be buried with her after a hundred years." The most correct thing to do in this life is to worship Quan Mama and stay at the palace to serve the Empress.
       --shi asked in surprise:
       "The Empress said, is this still fake?"
       So after a hundred years, there is no need to worry.
       Hearing this, --shi breathed a sigh of relief:
       "That's it, I really don't have to deal with them."
       "Sister, you will tell me the money, I will give it to you, and the other will not think about it." After that, Yan Fang added another sentence:
       "I will find someone to protect me, and I will see his own skills if I don't get into the exam." Anyway, she will never come to see them again. Such relatives are not better.
       --shi shook his head and said:
       "You don't want to give money anymore. They are doing business in Pingcheng with your name. They have earned a lot in these years. They are not bad for you." Don't be full of pensions, this money is natural. I have to keep it myself. Even if you eat and wear in the palace, you are in the public, but you can put your money in your hand. Of course, if she is willing to come to Zhongyong Houfu to support her, she is also welcome.
       Yan Fang is also afraid of being told by others:
       "No, my sister-in-law has said something."
       "When you were away from home, she didn't make progress and let you enter the house. He also stunned you to the door. If she dares to say you, she will directly smack it." If she didn't care about her after a hundred years, she wouldn't take care of her. Hey, this family.
       Yan Fang thinks about it too:
       "That won't be given."
       shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi
       "A Fang?"
       "Go back to the palace." After that, --shi said:
       "A Fang said that she would find someone to take care of, let Aman go to the exam. Others, she will not manage."
       "What? Did she dare to say this?"
       The words of Auntie can pierce the eardrum of the person.
       --shi sneer:
       "When Afang was abused and wanted by Xiang Wei Guo, what did you say? I said that she would rather die in the Wei family than to leave her. Later, after she and I left, you would not let her in." I was afraid that I was implicated, but I still broke off with Afang. I am very surprised to say that you have a face to collect her money, but also come to the door?"
       I’m so angry that my face is green:
       "Do you dare to talk to me like this?"
       "What? Is it necessary to sever the relationship with me?"
       It is expected that the old man will not have this bone, or else the -Shi will not be so hard.
       Auntie will pull the old Lady and laugh with her:
       "Aqin, your uncle has this meaning. He just saw Afang gone, and he was upset. Aqin, Afang has been since childhood, you help us to persuade!"
       --shi laughed:
       "Two uncles and two sisters, you don't have to worry about Afang. The Empress said, let her go to the palace to support the elderly, and then bury the imperial mausoleum a hundred years later. A Fang, she will not be a ghost."
       He said with a full voice:
       "This is impossible."
       During the time of Cui family, he was diligent, eager to learn, and modest and courteous, so that he was very impressed with him. Now when I hear this, --shi face sinks:
       "How do you know that it is impossible?"
       He said:
       "My aunt is just the maid around the Empress. I am not qualified to be buried in the Imperial Tomb."
       After a deep look at the fullness, --shi smiled and said:
       "This matter, you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, Afang said, don't touch her endowment."
       Here in the -Shi, 佟老爹祖孙仨人 is not much cheaper.
       Yu-Xi was busy at the end of the day, leaving Kaihao in the dry house, and she returned to Kunning Palace. Some small things, Qi Hao can handle it.
       It was also because of the Song family’s money that they were loose. Otherwise, in order to raise military supplies, everyone has to rack their brains.
       When Yu Fang served Yu-Xi, he took the initiative to say:
       “Imperial Consort guessed the truth. They not only asked me to arrange to go to the White Sandal Academy to study, but also wanted me to find him a good and good-looking Miss. I also said that I’m full of talents and I can raise them well later. I. Oh, I still think about it for me."
       After that, Yan Fang said:
       "I was disconnected from Xiang Wei Guo and I felt embarrassed when I was away from them. It is ridiculous to think that I am useful and come to the door now."
       Yan Fang was extremely diligent in her family's life, from early morning to late. Later, she was married to Xiang Wei Guo, and she did her best to help her family. As a result, the family rewarded her like this.
       Soaked in warm water, Yu-Xi lazily said:
       "If you are not happy, you will forget it. Don't take care of someone who is not good to you." She did just that. Otherwise, I always remember unhappy things, and I am not comfortable.
       "Imperial Consort is right. In the future, I will not pay attention to them any more." In fact, she should not be soft in the past, send money back. Otherwise, there will be no such thing as today.
       Yu-Xi is in a good mood today:
       “Xiang Wei Guo is not good today.”
       "What's up with him?"
       After so many years, she was relieved. Xiang Wei Guo is now a stranger to her.
       "Now it has become a bad old man who bothered his ‘Madam’ and children." Xiang Wei Guo suffered a bit of injury in the attack on Beibei people. His daily life has no effect, but he can't get on the battlefield. It was safe for the Beibei people to destroy Fu-Cheng City, and he stayed at Fu-Cheng City.
       Yan Fang said:
       "Rong-Shi is a smart person, I am not as good as her." Rong-Shi knows that Yan-shi is a poisonous snake, and knows that he can't manage Xiang Wei Guo, and does not live in a place with Yan-shi. . In this way, Yan-shi can't find her to harm her and her children.
       Now Xiang Wei Guo can still move well, and it will only come true after the hard work. However, that is also his retribution.

       Chapter 16__ Death

       In May of Tongcheng, there was a chill of bursts.
       Yu-Chen was covered in a thick fox fur, and it felt very cold. Yu-Chen couldn’t help but say:
       "It's so cold now, it's harder to get married in winter. It's been a long time for Achi to stay here for so many years. This child is really suffering." In fact, it is a good thing for children to temper, like Achi, who is now very adaptable. When I arrived at Lion Island, I didn’t have any discomfort at all. Like Yan Hengzhong, to the Lion Island, because of the soil and water, he fell ill.
       Meng-nian said:
       "In fact, I stayed here all the year round, and I didn't feel that I had anything." But people from the South come here, so it is difficult to adapt.
       Not to mention the South, she has been accustomed to the low temperatures here in Shengjing for several years.
       Yan Wu-shuang is in the military camp, and the military camp is not allowed to enter. In fact, before the military camp was not allowed to enter the women, but because of the Purple Zi-Jin and Jao-Jao these women, this rule was canceled.
       Yan Wu-shuang is now on the side of Chou Dashan.
       Seeing Yan Wu-shuang wearing the clothes of the guards, Meng-nian's eyes could not help but sway.
       Yan Wu-shuang met Meng-nian and asked with a bad look:
       "Isn't it for you to help Achi? How come Tongcheng?"
       After all, Achi is young, and there is no personal direction around him who will definitely take a lot of detours.
       "I came with Madam." He did not expect that Yu-Chen would risk his life to find Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yan Wu-shuang is annoyed:
       "Noisy. What is here? So she can come?"
       It’s been a long time here, and it’s been a tough day. But wherever there is a way, people here will choose to leave.
       Meng-nian said:
       "3rd Master can't discourage Madam, but he has to send me to accompany him."
       People are coming, and it doesn't make sense to say that. Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       "You are Tongcheng directly from Qiongzhou?"
       Han Yu-Xi has arranged so many people along the coast, and I don’t know if I found Yu-Chen.
       Meng-nian shook his head and said:
       "No, we heard the master and you were arrested and went to the capital. I learned that you came to Tongcheng and came over."
       "Have you seen Han Yu-Xi?"
       He came to Tongcheng to be a secret, knowing that this is a slap in the face. Meng-nian and Yu-Chen know that it can only be told by Han Yu-Xi that it is absolutely impossible for them to find out.
       Meng-nian nodded.
       Although he now knows that Yu-Xi is not the master of the newspaper, but Yu-Chen, who almost killed Yunqihao, will certainly not let go.
       “What was the price?”
       This price is definitely great.
       Meng-nian glanced at Yan Wu-shuang and then whispered:
       “Madam told the Song family’s treasure land to Han Yu-Xi, and she sent someone to send us Tongcheng.”
       “How much gold and silver is hidden in the treasure?”
       I want to come in a lot, otherwise Han Yu-Xi will not be so good.
       This, Meng-nian really knows. The main reason is that this money is sent to the household, and it is natural to ask the source when hearing this. Yu-Xi did not hide, but just left Yu-Chen.
       "One hundred and two hundred thousand two gold?"
       After that, Yan Wu-shuang laughed:
       "Han Yu-Xi is really good luck, always can make a fortune." First, I got Ji Xuan's private library, and then I got the family's home, and now I got the gold and silver hidden by the Song family. It’s hard to be envious.
       Meng-nian couldn’t help but say:
       "If the master has such a fortune, then this world is the master and you."
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "I also made a lot of partial wealth, but the roots of the imperial court at that time were already rotten, and no amount of money could be saved." At most, it was a long time.
       One of the most wrong things he has done in his life is that he should not kill Zhou-Yan himself as an emperor. When the end of the year was reported to have enough money, it was time to return to Liaodong with the army, instead of taking over the mess. If he returns to Liaodong, he will have enough energy to manage Liaodong.
       One step wrong, step by step wrong.
       "Don't say this, where is Madam?"
       This is the end of the matter, and it is not helpful.
       I heard that I lived in a rented house, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       “Let Madam be alone at home, what if I have a bad guy?”
       Although Yu-Chen is a year old, it is easy for her appearance to be in Tongcheng, where there is basically no woman.
       Meng-nian said:
       "Don't worry, the guards sent by Han Yu-Xi are still there!"
       "You are waiting here, I will go and talk to Dashan." I have to report to Dashan, otherwise I will find someone else, Chou Dashan will be anxious.
       Most of the houses of Tongcheng ordinary people are made of stone, not very high. The window is not big, so the house is not lit, it seems a bit dark.
       When I saw Yan Wu-shuang, Yu-Chen was very happy, and she put down the water scoop in her hand and greeted her:
       "Old Master..."
       Looking at Yu-Chen wearing a fine cloth with a blue headband on his head, Yan Wu-shuang’s heart flashed a guilty guilt.
       "Old Master, what's wrong with you?"
       Yan Wu-shuang said back to God:
       "These things let the people below do it."
       "Just take a water." Yu-Chen is used to it, although the house is very clean, but it is not comfortable to wash it. But here it will be very cold, you have to scrub the furniture with hot water, you will definitely freeze your hands with cold water.
       Entering the house, looking at the room in the house except for the bed and the cabinet, Yan Wu-shuang immediately called Meng-nian:
       "Go and buy a quilt, and then find a few Pozi to help me with chores." It is impossible to pay special attention here, and I can only make Yu-Chen feel comfortable.
       Along the way, Yu-Chen was very worried about Yan Wu-shuang. Now that he is safe and sound, Yu-Chen is also relieved:
       "Old Master, when did you arrive in Tongcheng?"
       "It’s been twenty days ago." After that, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "It is estimated that it will be a few days later. You are here for a few days, then you will return to Lion Island."
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "Where is the Old Master, where am I." It was hard to find Yan Wu-shuang, and she was willing to go back.
       "It's too dangerous here." Seeing Yu-Chen insisting on staying, Yan Wu-shuang is a headache. How did he not find Yu-Chen so stubborn? A-Bao This is definitely like Yu-Chen.
       "It is useless to stay here. I live in the army." As a pro-guard, he must be staying in the army and cannot come out.
       Yu-Chen smiled and said:
       "I am waiting for the Old Master. After this, the Old Master will be able to come back to Lion Island with me."
       Suddenly, Yu-Chen said:
       "Old Master, I promised Achi to take you back."
       Silence for a long time, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Yu-Chen, I didn't plan to go back this time."
       Yu-Chen was shocked:
       “What is the meaning of Old Master?”
       Naturally, there is no shortage of casualties. You can listen to this. Yan Wu-shuang seems to be sure that he will die.
       Yan Wu-shuang also revealed to her:
       "Yan Jia Er Lang, only the war dead, did not be a deserter." This time, he has already died. If it weren’t for Achi and A-Bao, he would not surrender and would not go to Lion Island. Although he surrendered, he never thought about leaving this hot land that raised him. Even if you die, you have to die here.
       Yu-Chen tears fall uncontrollably, but she has no pleading. Because he knew that Yan Wu-shuang surrendered to leave Shengjing on the same day, it was already the biggest concession.
       Restoring the mood, Yu-Chen said:
       "Old Master, even if you have a chance, I will take you back." This means taking the body of Yan Wu-shuang back.
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "After I die, I will be buried in the ancestral grave of the Yan family." Yun-Qing was influenced by the Yun Old Master, and he admired the Yan family since childhood. Putting down Shengjing, he also went to the Yanjiazu grave to sweep the tombs of the Yan family.
       Yu-Chen knows that he can't change the decision of Yan Wu-shuang:
       "Old Master, if you die, I will follow you."
       "No. If you haven't, what about Achi and A-Bao? Especially A-Bao, if you don't go back within the specified time, she will definitely return to the original search. If she has a case, then Our previous concession has no meaning." A-Bao temperament, he can't be clear. Can stop her, only myself and Yu-Chen.
       Yu-Chen tears, rolling down again.
       Yan Wu-shuang -called:
       "Come, come in and get in."
       Soon, Meng-nian bought something back. Yu-Chen's essential balm and oyster soap were not bought. There is a shortage of supplies, and there are no balms or soaps. I also know that there are very few women here who sell these things.
       "The conditions here are tough, you will be down!" Come here, I don't want to pay attention to it.
       The daily usage can be studied, but this meal is not good for Yu-Chen but it will not be. Let Meng-nian come back to the Pozi to go to the outer court to cook them for Duan Xiaohan, and their meal Yu-Chen took the waiter to do it himself.
       Because of the limited ingredients, Yu-Chen only made four simple home-cooked dishes. After sitting down, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Working hard."
       "Not at all hard."
       Yu-Chen's cooking skills are inconsistent with the chefs of the Yuelou. It is comparable to the chefs in the military, and it is several grades higher.
       However, Yan Wu-shuang still reluctant to be affected by Yu-Chen and said to Meng-nian:
       "I will go out and find a good cook."
       Yu-Chen shook his head and refused:
       "I have nothing to do at home on most days. I can still spend time doing cooking." Cooking for a loved one is actually a kind of happiness.
       After eating, Yu-Chen lowered his head and said:
       "Old Master, I am sorry." Meng-nian must have told Yan Wu-shuang about the Song family treasure. She thought that Yan Wu-shuang would ask her, but she did not mention Yan Wu-shuang for a long time.
       Yan Wu-shuang naturally knows what Yu-Chen is saying, and said with a smile:
       "The person who said that I am sorry is me. I was so worried about Zhou-Yan that I never thought about your feelings, so that you have been suffering."
       Speaking of this, Yan Wu-shuang sighed and said:
       "At this point, I really are not as good as Han Yu-Xi."
       Yu-Chen was sad, and when he heard this, he looked up and looked at Yan Wu-shuang suspiciously.
       "You may not know, Yu Xi and Zhou Wei are still alive. They can survive, they have the shelter of Han Yu-Xi. Then ask her Song family that the poison woman wants to put her to death, why should she protect it? It’s a pity with Zhou Wei.” Zhou Wei body also has the blood of Song Honorable Noble.
       This thing, Yu-Chen really doesn't know:
       "What did she say?"
       Yan Wu-shuang said gently:
       "She said that the child is innocent. Not only in the cherished Yuyan, but also to conceal Zhou Qi identity to let him live the life of ordinary people, why should he kill it." Zhou Yi is innocent, Zhou-Yan is also innocent.
       Thinking about her words of Yu-Xi, Yu-Chen’s face was burned.

       Chapter 16__ Reversal of fate (1)

       Yan Wu-shuang rushed back to the barracks in the evening, and at the gate of the barracks, he met Tie-Kui, who also returned from the outside.
       Yan Wu-shuang is now a pro-guard who has no grades. Seeing Tie-Kui come over and stand by.
       Tie-Kui came back to the city wall and returned to his own account to remove the armor.
       Ahzo took the armor and hung it, then said with a strange look:
       "General, I saw a veteran at the gate. The man looks very much like Yan Wu-shuang." When he entered the city, A Shao did not see Yan Wu-shuang. At the time of Shengjing, A Shao had been dealing with Yan Wu-shuang many times and was very familiar with him. Only Yan Wu-shuang went overseas, so he subconsciously felt that this person was just like Yan Wu-shuang.
       "Not like, he is Yan Wu-shuang." Tie-Kui just saw it, but I didn't know it.
       In the past, Tie-Kui was afraid that Yan Wu-shuang would discover that his secret would be murdered. If he could not see it, he would not see it. Now, it is suspected that Yan Wu-shuang is too vocal.
       A Shao mouth is the boss:
       "How is it possible? He is not going overseas, how can he be in Tongcheng?"
       Even more amazing is that Yan Wu-shuang is also wearing the costumes of soldiers in the army.
       "General, do you have to hurry up and grab him." Don't be doing any intrigue. Now Tongcheng can't stand the guilt.
       "He wants to kill Donghu people to avenge his father and brother. The emperor and the empress will feel his heartfelt heart and promise." Yan Wu-shuang back to Tongcheng, this matter naturally needs to know Tie-Kui. Otherwise, Tie-Kui knows that he will come back and think he wants to do something, and he will definitely lock him up.
       "Oh..." Since it is the consent of the emperor and the queen, then it is not afraid.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "He is now the guardian of Chou Dashan. You know this, you don't want to go out." Many middle and high-level generals in the army have seen Yan Wu-shuang, so this is a secret that is not passed on.
       As long as Yan Wu-shuang is not coming to harm his master, it is not to do things. A Shao will not take care of it.
       Chou Dashan met Yan Wu-shuang and smiled and asked:
       "How is Madam? Can it be okay?"
       In fact, when Yan Wu-shuang wanted Yu-Chen, he opposed it. He thought that Yu-Chen was a blemish. Fortunately, Yan Wu-shuang, although married to her, is not particularly pampered, and Han Yu-Chen has been Anan for years, so he did not say much. However, this time Yu-Chen followed Yan Wu-shuang to Tongcheng, which surprised her.
       "It's very good. It is to tell her that it is very dangerous to let her go, not to live or die. Cough, clean and messy." The words are disgusting, but my heart is very moving. The ‘Madam’ can look for him regardless of the danger, normal people will be moved.
       Chou Dashan smiled and said:
       "Madam is also worried about you. Master,- Now that Madam is coming, you can go out and live!"
       Yan Wu-shuang shaking his head:
       "I am your pro-guard, where are you where I am." There is a strict discipline in the army. He can now go out every day with an ordinary soldier. In case it is held by someone with a heart, the handle will be opened.
       "Then I also live inside, do you think it works?"
       Also because Chou Dashan is now a deputy, he will say this. As a deputy, it is much lighter than being a coach.
       Yan Wu-shuang thought about how long he could live, and now he can accompany Yu-Chen, and he nodded immediately.
       As I spoke, I saw Duan Wei -calling outside:
       "General, Yun deputy will seek to see." This cloud deputy, is Jao-Jao Yun Xiao. Because in the military is called the level, plus she is not allowed to call her big princess, so the following generals and soldiers are called by the generals.
       Yan Wu-shuang stood on one side.
       Jao-Jao opened the curtain and noticed Yan Wu-shuang as soon as he walked in. Taking out the sword in his hand, Jao-Jao pointed to the throat of Yan Wu-shuang and asked:
       "Yan Wu-shuang, what are you doing here? I am letting you let you go overseas, you are not dead and come back to think about chaos." In Shengjing, Jao-Jao met Yan Wu-shuang.
       She heard the wind a few days ago, but thought it was fake. But today she heard Yin Zhaofeng say that Yan Wu-shuang did come to the army and she came to confirm the matter.
       Chou Dashan stood in front of Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "The big princess is angry, the Lord is not coming to trouble, he is to kill the Donghu people." Chou Dashan and Cui Mo, both followed Tie-Kui called Jao-Jao Grand Princess. Jao-Jao protested, but Tie-Kui was two generations higher than Jao-Jao, and her protest was useless.
       Jao-Jao doesn't believe this, look at Chou Dashan:
       "He killed Donghu people? Are you kidding?"
       Yan Wu-shuang, who was seen flat, was not only angry but also smiling.
       "The end will not dare to laugh, this is the permission of the emperor and the queen. If the princess does not believe, you can ask the iron general." Without the consent of Tie-Kui, Yan Wu-shuang could not enter.
       Jao-Jao didn't doubt that Chou Dashan lied to him because it was not necessary. However, she looked at Yan Wu-shuang and raised her chin:
       "He is on the battlefield? You are not afraid that he was killed by Donghu people when he got on the battlefield?"
       Yan Wu-shuang is used to the pampering, and the battlefield is just a cannon fodder.
       I have always heard that the clouds are rough and vulgar, today Yan Wu-shuang confirmed that the rumors are true:
       “It’s too early for the big princess to say this.”
       Haha, two times, Jao-Jao said:
       "That's the case, then let's try it and see if I said something wrong?"
       Before this, she had assassinated her twice. It is not her style to find her. Unlike You Ji-Er, Jao-Jao wants revenge. It is also a bright and straightforward one.
       Chou Dashan turned to look at Yan Wu-shuang. If even Joo-Jao is afraid, it is really not suitable for the battlefield. Therefore, if Yan Wu-shuang wants to follow the Donghu people, he must pass this level.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "it is good."
       When Yan Jia gun method was named Liaodong, Yan Wu-shuang began to learn this set of guns with Yan Yuanshuai at the age of four. In these years, he can forget everything, but this set of guns has not dared to fall.
       The two played a small half hour, and finally Yan Wu-shuang did not lose the test.
       Originally wanted to abuse Yan Wu-shuang, but looking at Yan Wu-shuang, who fell to the ground, Jao-Jao asked with two eyes:
       "Where did you learn this shot?"
       Into its sharp retreat, the moves are also unpredictable, and recruited deadly. Such a good shot, she wants to learn.
       Yan Wu-shuang said with pride:
       "This is my Yan family's shooting method."
       "Can you teach me?"
       Afraid that Yan Wu-shuang disagreed, Jao-Jao said:
       "If you are willing to teach me, no matter what conditions you offer, as long as I can do it, I will promise."
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "If it is ok, I hope to teach this gun to everyone."
       Chou Dashan is in a hurry:
       "The Lord, this is absolutely impossible. The Yan family's shooting method is the Yankee school, and it has never been passed."
       "If more than one person learns this set of guns, he can kill more Donghu people. I think the father and the ancestors of the Yan family know that they will not blame me." If he did not survive that year, the Yan family could shoot. Lost. Therefore, Yan Wu-shuang does not feel that there is anything wrong with passing this gun.
       Jao-Jao looks suspiciously at Yan Wu-shuang:
       "You are really the legendary Yan Wu-shuang?"
       In her impression, Yan Wu-shuang is a sinister and ingenious family. The person in front of me is even willing to take out the school. I don’t have enough heart to do it.
       "If the package is changed."
       Whether it is true or not, anyway, this method is good. Jao-Jao said:
       "I will arrange this for you. I will begin to teach you this method of shooting tomorrow." It is impossible to teach everyone. She plans to pick a group of savvy and learn this.
       "Good." Yan Wu-shuang promised to be very refreshing.
       Two days later, Yun-Qing arrived in Tongcheng. As soon as I arrived in Tongcheng, I heard that Yan Wu was in the army to teach everyone the guns that Yan family did not pass.
       Upon hearing the name, Yun-Qing asked:
       "Is Yan Wu is not the pseudonym of Yan Wu-shuang?"
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "Yan Wuyi is the brother of Yan Wu-shuang, ten years older than him." A little makeup, let him appear five or six years older than the actual age. As for the appearance, the Brother of a mother compatriot looks as normal.
       "This idea is not bad." Smart people will not go to the bottom of the question, ordinary people will not care about these things. As long as there is a reason to pass, it is ok.
       Tie-Kui is a bit embarrassing.
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "There is nothing to say."
       "In the past few days, the big princess* was behind Yan Wu-shuang. I said that she would not listen to it several times." Tie-Kui ate Yan Wu-shuang too much loss, afraid of the big Jao- -Jao will be calculated by Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yun-Qing heard the meaning of Tie-Kui, and laughed:
       "No problem." Jao-Jao seems to be acting rudely, but she does not mean she is a straw bag. On the contrary, Jao-Jao has a very good deal of things. It was only her previous x-ual impulses that caused a lot of things. Now that the mother's temper has calmed down a lot, Yun-Qing is no longer worried.
       Tie-Kui turned his head and shifted the topic:
       "According to the news from the people in Donghu, they have added another 100 thousand soldiers and horses."
       A few days ago, Donghu people had gathered 400 thousand horses. Now it has increased by 100 thousand, which is equivalent to the number of people rising to 500 thousand. The Donghu people are brave and good, and the 500 thousand horses are a huge pressure for them.
       “Is it affected by the snowstorm?”
       Last year, Shengjing slammed heavy snow in August, and the grassland was also under heavy snow, causing a lot of cattle and sheep to die.
       In the Central Plains, if there is a frozen animal that can not be eaten, it will find a way to smoke it into dried meat. But in the grassland, because there is no salt, they want to smoke and smoke.
       Tie-Kui nodded:
       "The unusual weather last year caused the Donghu people to suffer heavy losses." Donghu people are composed of forty-two tribes, which were previously levied. Some tribes who like peace and do not want to fight will try to escape from the army. But this time it is different, because the disaster is too serious. If you don’t participate in the war, you won’t be able to get the loot. So this time, they sent troops very refreshingly. Even because I know that there are 500 thousand soldiers and horses in the city of Tongcheng, I have added another 100 thousand together.
       Fortunately, Tongcheng has added troops and horses, and Yun-Qing has given new weapons and equipment to most people. If it is still the same as last year, this Tie-Kui really does not have the confidence to hold Tongcheng.
       "It seems that we have to do more preparations." Needless to say, this will certainly be very tragic.

       Chapter 16__ The reversal of fate (2)

       Yun-Qing arrived in Tongcheng on the second day and went to visit the city wall. Last time because Yu-Xi was sick, he rushed back to Capital City and couldn't come to Tongcheng to see.
       The wall of Tongcheng was strengthened and widened by Chou Dashan. Today, the wall has a height of 16 meters, a base width of 20 meters and a top width of 16 meters. There are 100 enemy platforms on the wall and surrounded by horses.
       The walls are made of stone and glued with glutinous rice juice, which is very strong.
       It was by this wall that the Donghu people were repelled again and again.
       Si Bonian stood on the wall and carefully observed the surrounding:
       “This wall is much wider than Fu-Cheng City.” The walls of Fu-Cheng City are made of bricks. No, it is also used to glue the glutinous rice juice.
       Yun-Qing sighed and explained:
       "The Donghu people have similar combat power to the Beibei people, but their population is much more." Each of the soldiers who guard the frontiers is worthy of respect.
       After that, Yun-Qing looked at the direction of Dong Huren Wang Ting and said:
       "This war is not easy to fight, but this time they will be defeated, and there will be no big wars within five years." Fortunately, they occupy a favorable position, if not even if they have a million soldiers, Yun- -Qing is not sure to win this battle. Fighting right away is always their shortcoming.
       Sibo said young:
       "If it can kill Donghu people, then it will be fine." Last year, Tongcheng died in battle for almost 300 thousand horses. In the near future, there will be a lot of casualties in this battle. Hundreds of thousands of lives can only be exchanged for five years of peace, it is uncomfortable to think about it.
       "This matter is left to Kaihao!" Donghu people population is several times that of the Beibei people. Even if they detract from hundreds of thousands of horses, they still have strong fighting power. Moreover, their old nest is deep in the grassland, and the court sent troops to attack and there are no return. Moreover, the imperial court is now emptied of the national treasury, and the population of the world is dying. Now the most important thing is to recuperate. Therefore, they are unlikely to take the initiative to provoke a large-scale war. Therefore, it is impossible to destroy Donghu people within 20 years.
       The wind outside the plug was particularly large, blowing it over and smashing the cloak on the body.
       Yun-Qing pulled the cloak and walked along the wall. When I saw a soldier, Yun-Qing occasionally stopped to talk to them and asked them some questions. Of course, the Liaodong dialect he did not understand is a translation.
       Jao-Jao found Yun-Qing for a long time before he found it.
       When he saw someone, Yun-Qing was standing on the enemy's platform.
       Jao-Jao walked to Yun-Qing and asked, "Hey, you didn't call me when you came to the city." She originally wanted to find Yun-Qing to use her breakfast with him. As a result, she didn't see it. To people.
       See Yun-Qing . Just look at the distance and ignore her. Jao-Jao is a bit puzzled. But when Speren shook his head, he didn't talk, and then followed Yun-Qing without a word.
       After walking for a long time on the wall, lunch was used on the wall with the guards.
       The food on this day is a nest and potatoes and a small dish of pickles, plus a bowl of egg soup. Wowo and potatoes are full, but there is only one bowl of egg soup. When you are finished drinking, you will not be there.
       Jao-Jao took a delicious egg-flower soup and smiled and said:
       "Hey, this egg flower soup is not available on most days. It is the house that looks at you on the wall."
       500 thousand soldiers and horses, the daily consumption of food and grass is amazing. This egg is not as low as meat, and it can only be eaten on holidays. There are too many people. It is unrealistic to think of one person and one egg, so they are all drinking egg-flower soup.
       "I don't know what to eat, what have you forgotten?"
       In fact, Yun-Qing itself can't do it. However, Yun-Qing is in a bad mood today and does not want to listen to Jao-Jao.
       Jao-Jao thinks that Yun-Qing is weird today, and he dare not provoke her, and immediately bows his head and squats. Cough, I miss the white noodle and mutton dumplings made by Bai Mama!
       It was not until the evening that Yun-Qing got off the wall.
       Seeing his sullen face, even Yao-Jao didn't dare to talk too much, others were even more.
       Going back to where he lived, Jao-Jao told Speren:
       "Speak to the kitchen, dinner must have braised pork!" Braised pork, her favorite. Although there is no Bai Mama to do well with the moon floor, it can also solve the problem.
       Because the border town is tough, Jao-Jao is the same as the soldiers, which means that she and the soldiers share the same pains.
       Si Bonian smiled and should be down.
       Yun-Qing asked:
       "How is the Yanjia gun law learned?"
       Yun Old Master especially praised Yan Marshal, and also praised the Yan family's guns with flowers. He is not interested in this and has not studied this with his strength, but if it is Jao-Jao, it is not bad.
       It’s good to stop talking with a face. Jao-Jao said:
       "I only learned a little fur." ​​The gunwork is so exquisite, she has to work hard to learn.
       "See Yan Wu-shuang tomorrow, let him come to me at noon." Yan Wu-shuang has contributed his home to school, and he has to show it. Otherwise, others must have an idea. Yun-Qing has always been a meritorious deed, and it is rewarded with rewards and punishments. Although he hates Yan Wu-shuang, he will not violate his own rules.
       Jao-Jao simply responded:
       After that, Jao-Jao hesitated and asked:
       "Hey, what happened to you today? What do you think?"
       It was still fine last night, and I don't know what it is.
       Yun-Qing said in silence:
       "I don't remember you"
       "Hey, don't be sad. I believe that -Laozi is in the Spirit of Heaven. I will be very pleased to see you let the people in the world live and work in peace and contentment." The soldiers who guarded the frontiers were bleeding, not to make their families safe and to let the people live and work in peace.
       Yun-Qing heard this, his look was a little slow.
       Jao-Jao added:
       "Hey, don't think about the past. People, you have to look forward. You can't take long to get a grandson, how happy!"
       "I don't know if you will be so relieved now."
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "I am not comforting you. I am telling the truth. Hey, look at the son of a bright and intelligent ‘Madam’, and a lovely daughter, and even calm down the world to become the master of this world. Hey, you said you Is this the happiest man in the world?"
       Yun-Qing glanced at Jao-Jao, but although he didn't speak, his frowning brows unfolded.
       In the evening, Jao-Jao ate a sumptuous dinner and then went back and practiced the sword for two quarters of an hour.
       Yan Wu-shuang heard Jao-Jao on the second day saying that Yun-Qing wanted to see him and asked:
       "What does he see me do?"
       Jao-Jao simply said that he didn't know, and let Yan Wu-shuang ask himself. What is not related to her, Jao-Jao is not a mouthful.
       Upon hearing Yan Wu-shuang, Yun-Qing immediately rolled up the map on the table. Half of the volume was rolled back to the map:
       "Let him come in." The rejection of Yan Wu-shuang and the defense have already formed a conditioned reflex.
       Yan Wu-shuang entered the house and saw Yun-Qing did not bow, but asked:
       "What are you looking for?"
       Speren said coldly:
       "When you see the emperor, don't you still squat, do you want to rebel?"
       However, it is a loser, and it is ridiculous to have such a proud look.
       Yan Wu-shuang looks at Yun-Qing and sees the other person's look faint, saying:
       "If you want to kill, kill it!" His pride did not allow him to kneel at the foot of Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing waved to let Sibo year go down, and when there were only two people left in the room, Yun-Qing said:
       "There is nothing special about calling you, just want to talk to you."
       Yan Wu-shuang is very unexpected and I find it particularly interesting:
       "Let me chat with you?"
       I still remember seeing Yun-Qing last time, this guy still looks disliked. Today I even found him to chat. This is the sun coming out to the west.
       "I don't remember what I looked like. What about you? Can you remember the appearance of Yan Marshal?"
       When mentioning Yan Yuanshuai, Yan Wu-shuang couldn't help but stand up straight and stand straight:
       "Remember naturally."
       "Also, you grew up beside Yan Yuanshuai. How can you not remember what he looks like?" After that, Yun-Qing sighed and said:
       "I only saw me six times after I remembered it. And these six times, I only saw the back four times."
       Yan Wu-shuang finally knows why Yun-Qing specifically called him. Because they are the victims of the Tongcheng tragedy in the past, talking about this matter has a more common Yuyan.
       "I only hope that you will not let the Tongcheng tragedy happen again. Otherwise, I don't know how many people have lost their homes, how many children have lost their parents." In the Tongcheng tragedy, I didn't know how many orphans were left.
       "This kind of thing, the decision will not happen." In this case, Yun-Qing is arrogant.
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded:
       "I believe you."
       Yun-Qing sighed and turned to smile and said:
       "Do you know? I have had a dream, dreaming that I am dead in your hands."
       "Unfortunately, dreams are the opposite." If Yun-Qing is really killed by him, he will not fall to this point.
       That nightmare has always left Yun-Qing with a lingering fear, even if it can't let him relieve it now:
       "I am in a dream, I am tempted by you, and promised to eliminate Song Honorable Noble and Song family with you."
       When he really wanted Yun-Qing to take revenge with him, the result was not successful.
       "I promised. Later, you also killed Chang Taidi and let Zhou-Yan become the emperor, and he became the regent. After that, you took me as the governor of the northwest."
       Yan Wu-shuang was very surprised to ask:
       "and then?"
       Yun-Qing glanced at Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "Then you will unload and kill, so that the beauty will kill me."
       Snoring, Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       "Han Yu-Xi because you are in the beauty of the family against you, then you are killed by the beauty?"
       Yun-Qing did not answer this question, but said:
       "In the dream, you became the winner, but killed me. And now, I have not killed you."
       Yan Wu-shuang did not take care of this, but asked with a look of disbelief:
       "One day couples have a hundred days, even if you are in the beauty, can you see me being killed by Han Yu-Xi temperament?"
       "How much is your words?"
       Yan Wu-shuang said with a smile:
       "It's not a lot of words, it's not logical. If you don't say anything else, it's just that she won't watch you being killed if you look at your children."
       Yun-Qing still did not answer.
       Ps: The background has collapsed and just climbed up.

       Chapter 16__ The reversal of fate (3)

       Yan Wu-shuang Many people who are ghosts are not stunned by Yun-Qing .
       "It won't be that dream, your ‘Madam’ is not Han Yu-Xi?"
       See Yun-Qing face change, Yan Wu-shuang knows that he guessed:
       "Just say? There is Han Yu-Xi, how can I make you die!" Without Han Yu-Xi, it was not difficult to kill Yun-Qing twenty years ago. Cough, so Yun-Qing is so good that he has married such a powerful ‘Madam’.
       "There is nothing wrong with you here, go back!" As for the reward, it will be sent later.
       Something that was previously explored in Yan Wu-shuang’s mind:
       “Yu-Chen mentioned one thing to me and said that there is a person named He Shou who talks to her about Yu-Xi. Like her, she is a living person.”
       Yun-Qing doesn't know who Heshou is, and he is cold-sounding:
       "The demon confuses the public."
       Yan Wu-shuang said with a smile:
       "She also said that the last generation of Han Yu-Xi was a poor worm who was bullied by her mother-in-law and only knew that crying would not resist. In that day, it was like being soaked in the water." Yu-Chen began to guard Yan Wu-shuang. But after he surrendered, there was not much scruples. All that should be said should not be said. It’s not specifically said that the two chatted inadvertently.
       Before the start of Yun-Qing , Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I don't believe it. The Han Yu-Xi in my life was so incompetent. It has become so powerful when I live more? Isn't this a dream?"
       Even if you live a life, you can't change one nature. The last life was a little pitiful. In this life, it became a sage to assist the husband to lay down the world. This is not a play.
       Yun-Qing didn't believe in living a lot, but he believed that Yu-Xi was as angry as he was after he had a nightmare.
       "Yu-Xi, in order to train the word, a lot of blood bubbles have been worn on the hand and have not stopped for a day, so that there is still a thin hand on her hand. She is full of economics, and it is hard to read out day and night. The words of Heshou heavy life are nothing but filthing Yu-Xi. If Yu-Xi is really alive, she can use her foresight to make a profit for herself, and then she can enjoy a lifetime of prosperity, not so hard.
       It doesn't make sense to entangle this. Yun-Qing Said:
       "You go out!" Calling Yan Wu-shuang to chat is really not a wise choice. It seems that Yu-Xi is still not a competent emperor to him, he can't completely control himself, and occasionally he will rely on his temper.
       Yan Wu-shuang didn't want to leave:
       "I killed you in the dream, then? Have you become the National master of the unification of the world." Without Han Yu-Xi, he will certainly be able to achieve a hegemony.
       Still the National, it’s a good time for Yun-Qing to spit it out.
       Yun-Qing didn’t want to say it:
       "If you don't become a National lord, you will become a tyrant who has been rumored for a long time."
       Yan Wu-shuang laughed:
       "It’s all nonsense. How do you know that I am a tyrant?"
       Yun-Qing despised Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "I just know! I also know that you have no place to die!" These Yun-Qing are completely embarrassing. He made that nightmare, dreaming that he woke up after he died. After that, it is not clear.
       "How can I die without a place of burial? Are you afraid of death without a place to die?"
       Seeing Yun-Qing 's look, Yan Wu-shuang knew that he was talking again, and said with regret:
       "Unfortunately, it is just a dream." Yun-Qing is a loser in the dream, and he is a loser in reality. This fate is completely a big reversal.
       Si Bonian listened to Yan Wu-shuang laughing outside, and was anxious. But without Yun-Qing , he did not dare to rush in. Fortunately, not long after, he saw Yan Wu-shuang walk out with thick felt.
       Looking at the ruddy complexion, Yan Wu-shuang, who was happy with the medicine, was silent without a look. The masters of the family are Prince, and killing Yan Wu-shuang is as simple as pinching an ant. In such a good situation, he actually fell into the wrong wind.
       Yu-Chen saw Yan Wu-shuang and saw him with a smile on his eyebrows:
       "What happy event?"
       "Yun-Qing is chatting with me today, saying that he had a dream, dreaming that I would kill him, and then ruining the wilderness." Although it was just a dream, I felt refreshed when I listened.
       "It’s just a dream." After that, Yu-Chen asked very incomprehensibly:
       “How did Yun-Qing find you?”
       Upon hearing this, the smile on Yan Wu-shuang's face was gone:
       "He remembered the father who died in the Tongcheng tragedy and told me to talk to him in the past."
       Yu-Chen knew that this was a non-healing scar in Yan Wu-shuang's heart, so she hurriedly shifted the topic:
       "I made a folder for you, you give it a try. If it doesn't fit, I will change it again." These years she often makes clothes for Achi A-Bao, and Yu-Chen is now making clothes. Not bad.
       The clip is worn on the body, not too big or small. Yan Wu-shuang took the clothes down:
       "You don't have to be tired in the future, clothes are going to buy them yourself."
       "It’s okay to be idle anyway, and it’s time to do the needlework.”
       The dream that Yun-Qing said, Yan Wu-shuang actually just listened to it as an interesting story, and didn't go to the heart. But did not expect that night, he actually had a dream.
       "I am not a tyrant." The voice was too loud, and I woke up with Yu-Chen who was asleep.
       Put on the clothes and put the kerosene lamp on the bed. Yu-Chen asks "Old Master, what's wrong with you? It's a nightmare."
       Touching the sweat on his forehead, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "It’s all Yun-Qing . It’s so bad to say that I am a tyrant, and I still say that I have no place to die.” As a result, he dreamed that he had become a violent emperor and then be rebelled. The army was killed and the head was hung on the gate of the Imperial City.
       Yu-Chen took the iron pot from the charcoal pot and poured a cup of warm water from inside to hand it to Yan Wu-shuang:
       “It’s just a nightmare, Old Master doesn’t have to care.”
       After drinking the water, Yan Wu-shuang put his hands on the back of his head and leaned against the bed and said:
       "Fortunately, it is just a dream. If I don't have to face the Yan family's ancestors after death," he said that although he failed to realize his dream of destroying the Donghu people, at least he did not become a tyrant tyrant.
       In fact, before the Yan Wu-shuang flooded the people of Dongluo County, it was completely faint.
       Yu-Chen urged Yan Wu-shuang to lie in the bed:
       "Cold, don't freeze cold."
       After lying in bed, Yan Wu-shuang whispered Yu-Chen in his arms:
       "Yu-Chen, sorry. Yu-Chen, thank you."
       He used to be like Yu-Chen, and even killed Zhou-Yan. But Yu-Chen not only did not hate him, but was willing to die with her. Yu Wu-shuang's suspiciousness, if not Yu-Chen is willing to die for him, he will not let his heart really accept him.
       In fact, Yan Wu-shuang of the last generation, and finally killed Zhou-Yan as the emperor in this life. However, he did not encounter the strong opponent of Yu-Xi, and took the soldiers into the capital and then occupied Shandong and Hebei. Waiting to kill Yun-Qing , and control the northwest. Most of the world is in his hands. But he is not only not happy, but his heart is always empty. In this case, he was killed by the people around him Zhou-Yan himself. But when the emperor not only did not fill the gaps in the heart, but more and more empty, people are becoming more and more violent. In the later period, he only showed his heart in the heart, and he didn’t care about it at all. .
       In this life, because of the Yu-Xi, he is not only as smooth as his life, but he is always passive. In fact, this actually ruined the heart of Yan Wu-shuang, so that he did not dare to have a half-slack. Even if the situation is not right, I will prepare for the road ahead. Later, because Yu-Chen and A-Bao and Achi were willing to live and die, they opened his heart. So after he surrendered, the whole person was relaxed.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "If you really feel sorry for me, you will compensate me for the rest of your life."
       Suddenly, Yu-Chen said:
       "I am not trying to stop you from going to the battlefield, but I hope that after the war is over, we can go back to Lion Island together. After a hundred years, let Achi send us back to bury the Yan family."
       "Yu-Chen, I am sorry." It is not that he does not agree, but the death rate of Tongcheng is too high. If he promised, it gave Yu-Chen hope. When he is killed, Yu-Chen will only be more sad. Instead of this, don't give her hope at the beginning.
       Yu-Chen’s eyes are red, but she said with tears:
       "Sleep! It's too late, you have to get up early tomorrow!" Since the decision to go to the battlefield, Yan Wu-shuang spent most of his time practicing. .
       Yan Wu-shuang opened his mouth, but when he got to his mouth, he finally swallowed it back:
       There are always kinds of disappointments when people live in the world. Yu-Chen is the same as Yu Fang. She asked someone to give him a full guarantee, and let him go to the White Tan Academy. As a result, I was not admitted.
       This result is actually expected by Yan Fang. Fu-Cheng City So in a remote place, it’s not that he is good at learning, but because there are fewer people studying there. At that level, how can he be compared to the bureaucrats who were enlightened and taught by famous teachers when they were three or four years old.
       --shi and 佟芳 said:
       "Uncle and uncle know that he didn't get tested, and after you didn't help him find a school, both fell ill."
       After so many things, Fang Fang had already seen it. The son of his son was the most important in his eyes. Her daughter was very useful when she thought of it. When it was useless, it was a burden. Therefore, she is completely cold.
       "Please ask the doctor?"
       --shi nodded:
       "Please have also prescribed medicine, and now it has been a lot better." She is afraid that she will not tell this to Fang Fang, and that the old man will complain about her. Anyway, that is also the parent who raised her.
       Yan Fang said with a sigh:
       "After they are sick, send them back to Fu-Cheng City!"
       "You don't go see them?"
       Yan Fang shook his head:
       "Going, it is estimated that I have to force me to find a school for him and give him a ‘Madam’. Otherwise, I will die for nothing. If you really want to find a school, you will end up in the future."
       After that, Yan Fangxiao smiled:
       "Don't say that the Empress will arrange my aftermath. Even if I don't have it, I won't take care of him. He has no feelings with me, even if he is trying his best to pave the way for him, he will only reward himself if he will pay for it later." My mother-in-law. As far as my sister-in-law is, I will be able to turn my face on the same day." Such a stupid thing, how could she do it.
       "The child is not very good, you don't care if he is right." The child has a lot of thoughts, and he can't really support him.

       Chapter 16__ Opening

       (猫扑中文) At noon on this day, Changsheng woke up after a short sleep. Seeing that Mama was fighting, and did not wake them up, but slipped out of the house.
       "Oh..." When I went out, I didn't pay attention to being knocked down by the threshold and eating a dog. But he didn't cry, but climbed up and went on.
       I heard footsteps on the road and I was hidden for a long time. Successfully avoided Pozi and went to the garden.
       Changsheng is going to the flower garden of the garden to find Jinyu, and unfortunately Jinyu went to the government. Did not find someone, longevity to play mud under a bush.
        - Once Mama woke up and didn't see her longevity, her heart jumped:
       "Yam, Yam, Young Master?"
       Yam is hearing this in the yard and rushing into the door. When I see the bed empty, I suddenly become scared.
        - Zama asked all the people in the yard, and no one saw the longevity.
       Yam is so anxious to cry:
       “Mama, will someone have taken the Young Master away?”
        - Zama face is also white, but she is more stable than the chanting. While letting the people in the yard go to find a longevity, people who send people to ask the outer court can see the longevity.
       Hong-duo, as a big manager, got a message and rushed to find Mama:
       “When was the Young Master missing?”
       On most days, I have to sleep for half an hour in my nap. Usually, at this time, she and her yam will change her life. But she didn't sleep well last night, and today she saw her longevity and fell asleep.
       Yam can't cry:
       "Aunt, Young Master must have been taken away. Aunt, what can I do?"
       Hong-duo said with a cold face:
       “Nonsense. Can the monks fly the young master away from the house? I am holding the Young Master. I have to hide in the house.”
       Yam red eyes said:
       "But we looked around and didn't see it. I asked the people in the inner court, and no one has ever seen Young Master."
       "Is there a flower house?"
       The group of people found a small half day and did not find someone. This time, even Mama and Hong-duo could not stand.
       Jin Jinyu went to the government today to pay dividends for the tea house and the satin shop. When I was separated at the time, I said that I would send the dividends to the government every February. But last year's dividends are now, have not been sent. Hong-duo said that he was not very right, and he specifically said to him, let him go to the government to ask.
       In the past, Jin Jinyu was the master who did not put silver money in his heart. If not, he will not ask. But now it is different, he has a long life, and there will be more children in the future. It takes a lot of money to raise a child, and in the future, when children grow up, they have to study and become a family. These can be spent on money. Although he can make money, the money he earns is far from enough.
       I was very happy when I saw Jin Jinyu, and asked:
       "You haven't seen me for a long time, is there anything?"
       Every time Jin Jinyu visits Fang-Shi, he will visit the vast expanse.
       Jin Jinyu doesn't like to lie, so there is no buzz.
       It’s not too angry, and Jin Jinyu childhood is this temper:
       "Why don't you bring longevity?"
       Although there are already two grandchildren, they are the most painful and long-lived. Because after the family can squeeze into the upper class, the Almighty depends on longevity. Unfortunately, the number of times he saw a long life burned poorly.
       "Next time!" When Jao-Jao comes back, he will be able to bring a longevity.
       I leaned on the bed and looked at Jin Jinyu.
       "This time, but what is it?"
       Jin Jinyu is not a person who can hide things, and everything is revealed. This will make the three words of dissatisfaction on the face.
       "The dividends of last year have not been sent yet. Hey, what is going on?"
       Jiangnan Tea House Tea Garden and Satin Shop are all things that come to the money. Every year, there can be at least 20 thousand profits. He accounts for 30% of the profits, and one year is six thousand Silver Taels. The annual expenses of the Princess House are about five or six thousand Silver Taels.
       I don’t really know about this:
       "I have been conditioning my body for half a year, and business matters are handled by Jin Bo."
       After that, he turned to Xiaoyan to find Wu Jinbo.
       It happened that Wu Jinbo didn't go out at home this day. Hearing him and calling him, he immediately came over.
       Seeing Jin Jinyu, Wu Jinbo arched his hand and said:
       "Second brother, you are here."
       Jin Jinyu didn't even give Wu Jinbo a look. It is really easy to offend people when it comes to saying that Jin Yuyu is a temper. Wu Jinbo was originally sensitive. Seeing his attitude, he felt that he was despising him, so he hated Jin Yu and hated it.
       He is so helpless that he has always hoped that several sons can support each other and make the family become a famous family. As a result, several sons have their own minds. Even the compatriots of Jin Jinbao and Jin Jinyu are both inseparable from each other.
       I sighed in my heart and said:
       "Why didn't you send the dividends from last year to the Princess House?"
       Wu Jinbo first stunned and turned to apologize to Yan Jinyu for apologizing:
       "Second brother, I am really sorry. I have been too busy recently to forget this. After the meeting, I will send the dividends."
       When Jin Jinyu didn't pick up Wu Jinbo, he said:
       "Hey, when you are old, give us tea gardens and tea houses and satin shops!" Jin Jinyu is a dust-free person who never thought about these industries. Or Hong-duo told him that these industries are all hens that lay golden eggs. With these industries, his future children will not be able to use their money.
       I have to say that Hong-duo is still very eye-catching in this regard. There are now three tea houses in the hands of Qiang Kuan, the largest one is 1,340 acres, the middle one is one thousand acres, and the smallest tea house is six hundred acres. These operations are good, and there are tens of thousands of profits every year.
       Wu Jinbo pupils shimmer, but the face is a very hurtful look:
       "Second brother, I know that it is wrong to send the dividends in time, but you can't doubt me. Brother, if you don't believe me, you can check it out." He took over in the second half of last year, the following People have not yet received the service, and this account naturally does not dare to make a ghost. Therefore, he is not afraid of Jin Jinyu to send people to check the accounts.
       It’s a pity that Jin Jinyu didn’t take care of him, but said to him:
       "Well, if you are separated, then the Brother should settle the accounts. If you don't care about these industries, I think it's better to give them their own business. Save the future because of the money, the Brother are not harmonious." These words, naturally It was Hong-duo who told him. When Jin Jinyu feels reasonable, he borrowed it.
       Thinking of the eldest son, because of the problem of silver money, he was born with Fang-Shi. If this matter is not delivered clearly, it is likely that their Brother will turn against each other and will hurt the father and son.
       Wu Jinbo sees the wide and loose, busy saying:
       "Hey, the tea house is now developing very well. But if it is divided into three now, it will inevitably float in the long-term development of the tea house." As long as the tea is good, it will not be sold. Therefore, these three tea houses must be caught in their hands now.
       Think about it too, and say to Jin Jinyu:
       "This matter, let's talk about it in two years!"
       Jin Jinyu is not willing:
       "Hey, you give me that one thousand acres of tea house. I don't take advantage of it. I won't have the stake in this tea house."
       Hong-duo now manages the affairs of the outer court and has an in-depth understanding of economic affairs. Wu Jinbo, the industry that earns money, will not let out his hand and think that it is impossible. After three or five years, I will pick it up again, and I am afraid that it will become a wasteland. Do not blame Hong-duo for the most malicious speculation Wu Jinbo, it is Ji Concubine too much means, this Wu Jinbo is definitely more powerful than Ji Concubine. Just in case, it is better to pay early.
       Wu Jinbo hates it, but it is hard to accept:
       "Second brother, do you not trust me?"
       Yan Jinyu turned his head and didn't want to look at him more. He felt hurt.
       It is the temperament of the golden jade, and there are only flowers and plants in the eyes. Suddenly, I have to divide the industry. This is awkward:
       "Good end, why do you want a tea garden?"
       The reason why I want to go to the tea garden, not the satin shop. Because satin is a buy-and-sell sale, it is not difficult for them to start a new stove. Because tea gardens have no experience, if they buy another tea garden, they have to learn from the beginning, so the risk is relatively large. It is not so much trouble to continue a tea plant directly. Familiar with all the links, and then buy a tea garden, the bottom of the heart is not afraid of losing money.
       Yan Jinyu said:
       "I will add a few more children to the princess. The children will have more expenses. Although the princess can make money, I can't do nothing. So I want to take care of myself, have some experience and buy some. Later, I can also Give them a thick family foundation for their longevity."
       Very wide and very happy:
       "You have finally opened up." Every time I remembered that Jin Yuyu regarded the money as a dung, he had a toothache. If he is not tired and earning money, Jin Jinyu can have a life of jewellery. But how can this temper be awkward?
       Jin Jinyu bowed for the first time:
       "Hey, give me this tea garden! I will definitely manage it."
       In fact, Hong-duo can say that Jin Yu, or You Ji-Er. You Ji-Er often takes the longevity of the restaurant, not the Fuyue Building. The two restaurants have a few dozen Silver Taels for a casual meal. If you go to a dozen times a month, you will get a few hundred Silver Taels. It’s not enough for the money he earned.
       Wu Jinbo interjected:
       "Second brother, you have never done business. This is not as simple as running a flower garden."
       Jin Jinyu said coldly:
       "This is my business, I don't need to worry about you."
       Jin Jinyu hates it.
       Jin Jinyu is willing to take the first step for his children, and it will not hurt his enthusiasm:
       "No matter, no one will never start. In this way, I let the owner of the tea house enter Capital City. When you learn more with him, I will familiarize you with all the processes and I will hand you the tea house." Jao-Jao is the backing, as long as Jin Jinyu puts a little thought on it, the people below will not dare to make a ghost.
       "Okay. After the princess finished the fight and went back to Capital City, I went to see Jiangnan with her." After that, Jin Jinyu said dryly:
       "Thank you a lot." Compared to Fang-Shi, the biasity of the wide point is nothing.
       Looking awkward, he smiled and said:
       "In the future, I will bring me the longevity to see it. I can." The number of times I saw my grandson was too small, which made my longevity unfamiliar with him.
       "When you have a good foot, I will pick you up and live in the house." In this way, I want to see when I will live forever.
       He is not the same as Fang-Shi, he knows to accept it. Hearing this, he smiled:
       "That, I will go to your house for a few days in a few days."
       Father and son, this conversation is very pleasant. Cat flutter Chinese

       Chapter 16__ Framed (1)

       On the way home, Jin Jinyu met the person who came to find him. Hearing that his life was gone, he rushed home.
       When I saw Hong-duo, Jin Jinyu hurriedly asked:
       "Are you sure you haven't gone out for a long time?"
       Hong-duo nodded and said:
       "The back door and the side door are locked. I have personally checked a few dog holes in the house. There is no footprint in the surrounding area." This is the benefit of staying in the military, and all aspects are thought of.
       As for the gate, there is a concierge. The three concierges of the Princess House are veterans who have withdrew with injuries. These people have strong responsibilities and will not neglect their duties. If the longevity goes out from the gate, the gatekeeper of the gatekeeper must know. Moreover, there are many guards in the front yard, and it will definitely be seen when the longevity comes out of the front yard.
       邬金玉心头一安, as long as it is not left without fear. :
       "Is the flower house looking for it?"
       The eyes of yam are crying red:
       "I have found it, the garden has also been found, that is, I have not seen anyone."
       Jin Jinyu did not go to the flower house to find, but went to the garden. There are a lot of flowers and trees planted in the garden, and I may have missed it when I found it.
       When I arrived at the garden, Jin Jinyu let others look carefully, and he -called:
       "Where are you, longevity, where are you?"
       After calling for less than a few minutes, I saw the longevity coming out of the bushes. Seeing Jin Jinyu, Changsheng’s eyes rubbed his eyes and said:
       "Hey, where have you been? I haven't been looking for you for a long time." Originally hiding in the bushes, playing was deliberately escaping, and he wanted him to look for him. As a result, I fell asleep while playing.
       Yan Jinyu held his longevity in his arms and apologized:
       "It's not good, you should tell you when you go out." He saw that he was asleep, and it didn't take long to think about going to his home, so he didn't say hello to Changsheng in advance.
       Longevity glared at the neck of Jin Yuyu and smiled. "If you know the mistake, you will change to be a good boy. Hey, I will forgive you this time."
       Back to the yard, Zama hurriedly let the cook get a bowl of brown sugar Jiang water for longevity. After drinking the brown sugar Jiang soup, it will not catch a cold.
       Two quarters later, the people from the government said that Fang-Shi had let Jin Jinyu go over and said something was told to him.
       Jin Jinyu was just scared, and at this time he dared to leave the half life. Of course, even if there is no such thing as Jin Yuyu will not go. If you don't, you won't be at home, and you won't visit Fang-Shi.
       Called Hexagon, Jin Jinyu said:
       "You go to the palace and see what happens to Madam."
       "Good." Jin Jinyu guarded others to say that he was not filial, Fang-Shi now called him every time, although he did not go, but always called the hexagon past.
       Hexagonally secretly complained of bitterness. If he had a choice, he would definitely not want to go back to the government to see Fang-shi. Every time Fang-Shi sees him, he is going to be furious, and looking at his eyes is particularly gloomy, making him feel terrible. But he is the most heavily dependent person, and it is really inappropriate to send other people.
       Fang-Shi saw the hexagon and made a big temper. Initiating anger did not control the temper, but also kicked a hex. Although Fang-Shi is a woman in her forties, she can use her best foot to make the hexagon hurt.
       "Get out." If it weren't for her concern, she would really want to kick the hexagon.
       The hexagon hit a chill, and did not care about the pain from the upper body. He climbed up and went out.
       "I went back to see you without seeing me, and people asked him to come and don't want to come. When he died, couldn't he?"
       After that, Fang-Shi smashed a flower eight-bone flat bottle.
       Because Fang-Shi often vents things and vents anger, so the things placed in the house are ordinary porcelain. Of course, the things that have been purchased are all bought by Fang-Shi own private house.
        - I wish Mama is busy calming Fang-Shi:
       "Madam dissipates, you forget that the doctor said you can't be angry."
       Fang-Shi chest is like a stone, so she can't breathe:
       "What am I doing? Oops! I have had two barriers that I have no heart and no liver." Jin Jinbao did not pay attention to her, and now Jin Jinyu ignored her. Sometimes Fang-Shi is thinking about these things in bed, and feels alive and boring.
        - I wish Mama a relief for Fang-Shi for a long time. After seeing her calm down, she gave her a medicated diet for her to eat.
       Upward effect, because Yu-Xi often eats medicated diet, so everyone follows the trend. Fang-Shi, six years ago, spent a lot of money on a cook who would do medicated diet. After eating for a while, Fang-Shi felt that the body was lighter and more dependent on her. Nowadays, the food of Fang-Shi is basically handled by the cook.
       After eating the medicated diet, Fang-Shi felt that the discomfort was not there, and the whole person was much more comfortable.
       Leaning on the soft collapse, I will see the eye, and then Fang-shi opened his eyes and said:
       “I will promote it to a second-class Servant.” This is the person that Wu Jinbo has tried hard to find. Before, Fang-Shi only asked her to be a third-class Servant. This third-class Servant is not qualified to enter the house to serve, but also to do some errands running errands.
        - I wish Mama a happy heart and asked carefully:
       "Madam, you finally figured it out."
       "If I let go of it, I will completely lose this son." Only by letting Jin Yu leave the cloud, Jin Yu will return to her side. If not, it will be difficult to see him later.
        - "Madam, you should have made up your mind." After that, I wish Mama worried:
       "But if you don't come, you can't do it."
       "Don't worry, he will come when he arrives." Even if Jin Yu is now with her, she is her son. Knowing Mo Ruomu, she knows the temperament of the golden yuyu.
        - I wish Mama a happy heart. When Fang-Shi fell asleep, she immediately left the yard to the garden and walked towards Pozi, who was sweeping the garden. Passing through this Pozi, she whispered a sentence:
       "Tell Concubine-, Madam has agreed."
       This news was quickly introduced into the ears of Ji Concubine. When I heard that Fang-Shi agreed, Ji Concubine did not show a happy expression, but worried.
       Wu Jinbo said:
       "Concubine, Jin Jinyu is about to die."
       Ji Concubine grabbed Wu Jinbo hand and said:
       "Golden wave, if you hate Jin Yu, then we will go back to Jiangnan."
       Jao-Jao never put Ji Concubine in her eyes because of her identity. If she wants to kill Ji Concubine, it is easy. It’s just that Jao-Jao is not killing innocent people, and he can’t understand Ji Concubine and will not move her. So the way she chooses is that the eyes are not seen as net.
       It is because of this contempt that Ji Concubine is particularly afraid of her:
       "Golden wave, the big princess is not so good. Once we know that this is related to us, we can finish it." The status disparity is too big, the big princess wants to kill them in one sentence.
       At this point, how can Wu Jinbo retreat:
       "Mother, this thing will not be implicated in us." He was fed up with the golden eyes of Jin Yu, eager to step on him. If not, he will live in the shadow of Jin Yuyu in his life. Therefore, he does not allow Ji Concubine to destroy his plan.
       Ji Concubine looks at Wu Jinbo and asks for it:
       "Golden wave, still forget it!" Once the problem occurs, the mother and son will be robbed.
       "Mother, don't you want our 3rd Brother and sisters to call you a mother in a proper way?"
       Fang-Shi gave the golden jade woman a big princess, and he knew that after this, he would definitely take a break from Fang-shi to calm the anger of the princess. At that time, his mother became the righteous hostess of the government. Even he will have the opportunity to inherit the title in the future.
       This pokes the heart of Ji Concubine. If it weren't for Jin Jinshang, she had the confidence to find the position of the hostess. But her plan was all messed up by this accident.
       Struggling for a long time, Ji Concubine said:
       "Once there is an accident, Jinzhu and Jinshi have to be implicated." Jin Jinzhu has already decided to kiss, although the other side of the family is ordinary, but the man who has been set up is now a person, and also looks good and good character. As long as there is no accident, Jinzhu will certainly become the commandment of Madam. She didn't want to hurt Jinshi and Jinzhu because of herself.
       Wu Jinbo angered and tempered:
       "You are afraid of the tiger before the wolf, so it will cause today's situation. If you kill Fang-Shi on the same day, it will not let us fall into such a passive situation." Killed Fang-shi - Shi, Jin Jinyu simply did not have the chance to meet the big princess, naturally it would not be able to become a grandfather.
       Ji Concubine tears are coming:
       "You thought that I didn't want Fang-Shi to die like that now." How savvy Fang-Shi was, she wanted to put in the main house, and how could she get her.
       Wu Jinbo also realized that his tone was a bit heavy and said:
       "Mother, I hope to call you a mother in a bright and honest manner, not so sneaky." He even wants to put Jin Jinyu under his feet to see his miserable and poor.
       The child is too big, and Ji Concubine knows that even if she objected, it is useless:
       "This must be done in secret, and there must be no mistakes."
       "Know it." The words have been heard for many times, and the ears are smashed.
       Jin Jinyu got a hexagon and fainted on the carriage. Nowadays, people are unconscious and shocked.
       Hong-duo said:
       "Hey, don't worry, I have sent someone to Tongrentang to ask the doctor."
       When I heard the doctor said that the hexagon was stunned by internal injuries, the face of Jin Jinyu sank immediately.
       The doctor took a medicine for the hexagon and put it in boiling water. After it was opened, people fed it to the hexagon.
       It didn't take long before the medicine was finished, and the hexagon woke up. When I saw Jin Jinyu, the hexagonal tears came:
       "The Hummer Master, I thought I would never see you again."
       "Who made you like this?"
       Hexagon is the person he relies most heavily on. He has made the hexagons like this. Does his master have no reason to be in the first place?
       Hex said with a cry:
       "Madam didn't see the Hummer Master, and he angered him on me. He kicked it on me. It happened to be kicking at my evil place, and I almost fainted."
       The doctor wrote the prescription of the party and then lowered his head to continue writing the prescription. As if I had just said it, he did not hear the same. The wealthy is not much, this is not a long time if the doctor is too curious.
       The face of Jin Jinyu, suddenly iron blue. Where is this kicking the hexagon, this is playing his face.
       "Let you get tired. During this time, you will have a good health at home!" In my heart, I decided to send someone back-Shi, and he should never.

       Chapter 16__ Framed (2)

       邬金玉 doesn't want to manage Fang-Shi, the idea is good, but Fang-Shi is really something that can't really be left behind.
       This evening, in the spring, come over and look for Jin Yu. Hong-duo originally stopped and didn't want her to see Jin Yu, but she cried in the spring:
       "Hong-duo aunt, my family Madam passed out."
       Although she hates Fang-Shi, if Fang-Shi really has three long and two short, because she did not let the 驸马爷 see the last side of the top-shi, then Ma Ma will definitely blame her.
       Thinking of this, Hong-duo still let her go to the inner court.
       Cried in the spring:
       "Puma Master, Madam because I didn't see you very sad, crying for a day, dripping rice did not enter. When I got up, I fell down on the ground and was unconscious." Yingchun was watching Fang-Shi halo It was down, so she was so scared that she was almost gone.
       Jin Jinyu stood up from the pedal and asked:
       "Can you have a doctor?"
       "When I came out, I wish Mama has sent someone to invite the doctor of Tongjitang." The doctor of the Imperial Doctor Courtyard, the lonely government is not available.
       Jin Jinyu was busy letting Hong-duo take the opposite card from the house and asked the Imperial Doctor. He was going to visit the government to visit Fang-shi.
       Changsheng saw him going out and pulling his clothes:
       "Oh, don't go." The place is not good. He doesn't like to go or go to Jinyu.
       "The Grandmother is ill, I have to go and see." After that, Yan Jinyu picked up Changsheng and said:
       "I don't want to be a child for a long time? I will send you to Xiaoyan, let Xiaoxiao accompany you to play, okay?"
       Longevity is not happy, "Okay!" Every time I follow You Ji-Er, I can eat all kinds of delicious food.
       Jin Jinyu called Hong-duo to:
       "You will send the longevity to the Tuen Mun Gate and hand over the Changsheng to the 4th Prince."
       Looking at the sky outside, Hong-duo said:
       "Hummer Master, or directly send the Young Master to the palace! This point, 4th Prince should not be in the door of the household." You Ji-Er often skipped classes, this thing Hong-duo still do not know.
       Jin Jinyu thinks and thinks that Hong-duo is very reasonable. He asked Hong-duo to send his longevity to the palace, and he hurried to the government.
       When I arrived at the government, Fang-Shi hadn't woken up yet. Jin Jinyu sat in front of the bed and looked at Fang-Shi, who had a white face and a dry face. He did not understand why their mother and son went to this step today.
        - I wish Mama whispered:
       "The Hummer Master, Madam has been crying in the afternoon. It will be tightly held in the hand, and it will not be taken."
       Jin Jinyu noticed that Fang-Shi really held things in his hands, and the red ropes were exposed.
       When I opened the square-Shi hand, I saw the hand that was holding the yellow glow.
       When Jin Jinyu saw this peace sign, it would be red when he blinked. When Jin Jinyu was poisoned in a small time, his body was always bad, and he took medicine all the year round. When I was three years old, I had another serious illness. The doctor said that I had no cure, and that Fang-Shi was ready for the future. Fang-Shi was reluctant to give up the pleading for the three-day and three-night Qing Family, which was famous in the south of the Yangtze River. He asked the Taoist leader to open the altar and cast his own hand.
       It is also magical to say that after Jin Jinyu wears this peace symbol, the body is getting better and better, and he has survived the life and death. Because Qing Sandao said that this peace symbol only needs to be worn at the age of sixteen, there is no need to wear it. Therefore, after the age of sixteen, Jin Jinyu took it down. He thought that this peace symbol had been lost, and did not expect that Fang-Shi had been well received.
       The doctor came over and gave Fang-Shi the sorrowful sigh of the past.
       In fact, Fang-Shi is really sick, she often feels hot and sweating, people are particularly upset about temper, often have a heartache and insomnia at night. Although the Doctor of Imperial Doctor said that she should be reconciled, the dissatisfaction in life made Fang-Shi temper more and more violent.
       Jin Jinyu blamed herself, holding the hand of Fang-Shi:
       "Mother, you wake up soon. Mother, you must wake up soon." He made up his mind, this time Fang-Shi wakes up and picks up the Princess House. If Fang-Shi is not willing, he will force Fang-Shi to go to the Princess House.
       Leaving this terrible place, you can calmly recover from the princess. To continue this way, I am afraid that her mother will be dead for two years.
       The doctor gave the medicine to Fang-Shi, and it didn't take long for Fang-Shi to wake up.
       When Fang-Shi saw Jin Jinyu, he was not happy:
       "Is gold jade you? I am not dreaming?"
       That careful, let the tears of Jin Jinyu come:
       "Mother, it is me, it is not filial piety."
       Fang-Shi held the golden jade in his arms and burst into tears:
       "Jin Yu, my mother thought she couldn't see you anymore."
       "Mother, it is Jin Yu is not filial." His mother is not right, he also raised him to raise him hard, he should not leave it.
       Fang-Shi took the hand of Jin Yuyu and said it for a long time, even if I wish Mama to send dinner, I would not let go. As if I let go, Jin Jinyu will run.
       The more unfortunate the golden jade is:
       "Mother, I am also hungry, let's eat together!"
       After dinner, Fang-Shi said a lot of interesting things with Jin Jinyu. This said, it is midnight.
       "Mother, it's too late, go to sleep!" Seeing Fang-Shi is not willing, Jin Jinyu said:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that I will be here to guard you when I don't go anywhere."
       Fang-Shi just nodded:
       "it is good."
        - I wish Mama a little anxious, and made a look at Fang-Shi. Unfortunately, Fang-Shi did not see it at all.
       No way, I wish Mama can only say:
       "Madam, let the -Mistress go to rest! It’s very cold at night, and if it’s cold, it’s still Madam.”
       Fang-Shi is hesitant.
       After that, I wish Mama said to Jin Jinyu:
       "The Hummer Master, you have to take care of your body to take care of Madam better. Tonight, I will be with the Spring Festival."
       Jin Jinyu thinks this is quite good, saying:
       "Mom, then I will go to the wing to sleep. Is there anything you call me feasible?"
       If he is ill, he can't take care of Fang-shi, and he can't take care of his longevity. With children, there are more things to consider.
       Fang-Shi looked at Jin Yu and was sad and sad. If he had never refused before, he would always keep her.
       When Jin Jinyu looked at her heart, she asked:
       "Mother, what happened to you?"
       Fang-Shi said:
       "Nothing. I wish Mama is right, the body is heavy. It is very late now, let's go to rest first! Here is Mama and Spring Festival."
       When bathing in Jinyu, I wish Mama:
       "Madam, things are arranged."
       Fang-Shi looks inexplicable and asks:
       "What is the arrangement?"
       For the forgetfulness of Fang-Shi, I wish Mama has become accustomed to it:
       "It's awkward. Madam, this night will definitely make you a good thing."
       When I heard this, Fang-Shi remembered that there was such a thing:
       "Send me this Yatou immediately."
        - I wish Mama a big surprise:
       "Madam, what's wrong with you?"
       Fang-Shi looks ugly:
       "As it is, how many words?"
        - I wish Mama know the temper of Fang-Shi, and she did not have good fruit to eat with her:
       "Well, the old servants are arranged. Madam, too late, let's rest!"
       Fang-Shi nodded and lay down to sleep.

       Chapter 16__ Framed (3)

       Jin Jinyu used to take care of Fang-Shi, tired and stayed in the West wing to rest. Everything has not changed here, and he has adapted very well.
       Just after entering the house for a while, the spring came in. Every time after bathing, Jin Jinyu will drink a glass of water, which is the habit he has developed over the years. Today, nature is no exception.
       I didn't think much, I just drank water and drank. After taking a sip, Jin Jinyu frowned and asked:
       "What's in this water? How can there be a strange smell?"
       From time to time, Jin Jinyu does not like to drink tea and juice. He only likes to drink boiled water.
       There is some wonder in the spring, how can this water have a strange smell. However, she did not dare to ask questions, but said:
       "Hummer Master, then I will give you another one!"
       Put the cup back on the tray, 邬金玉 says:
       "No, you go down!" Busy for a day, tired, he wants to rest early.
       Just lying down, Jin Jinyu heard the sound of knocking on the door, and he couldn't help but frown. These people are getting more and more unruly, and they didn’t even bother him to sleep.
        - I wish Mama whispered outside:
       “The Hummer Master, Madam let me give you a lily in the house.”
       Jin Jinyu face was suspicious. He never burned incense in the house. It’s impossible for his mother to know. However, a moment of sleep came, so that Jin Jinyu did not have the energy to think about it:
       "I don't need fragrance. Without my call, don't bother me." No wonder his mother had to alienate this person before, too blind. As for why Fang-Shi will now use Mama, naturally Fang-Shi is now a bit confused. However, after taking the Fang-Shi to the Princess House, this person cannot go with it.
       It didn't take long for him to lie down and lick his eyes. Jin Jinyu felt that he was hot and then thirsty.
       Jin Jinyu did not think much, thinking that it was just because I didn’t drink enough water:
       "Give me a glass of water."
       Keeping the spring outside, I heard the sound of the call:
       "Hey, wait a minute, I will take the water."
       The water that was taken this time still has a strange smell. However, Jin Jinyu was too thirsty at this time, so he did not care about it. He drank a glass of water directly. It’s not enough to have a drink, and I have another drink.
       Waved his hand to let the spring go down, and Jin Jinyu went to bed again.
       In the spring, I took the kettle cup out and saw Mama coming over:
       "Winter Spring, so late you go to rest! Here, I let Lin Mama guard it." Jin Yu does not like unfamiliar people to serve, this is just the reason why I wish Mama to let Yingchun stay out.
       Spring is also not enough to sleep, it is better to be able to go to rest, and immediately nodded:
       "it is good."
       I returned to my house in the spring and soon fell asleep. What she didn't know was that after she left, she replaced Lin Mama.
       Jin Jinyu feels that the body is getting hotter and hotter. I couldn't help it, he took off his clothes and then took off his pants.
       With a bang, the door opened. At this time, the golden jade that was so hot and unbearable was not noticed at all.
       翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩
       "Please pity." These are all learned from the old school. As long as she makes out what she has learned, she will not be able to do anything.
       Jin Jinyu has always been self-sufficient. Before the marriage, Fang Fang-shi gave his Tongfang Servant no touch. After getting married, I have no intentions. Now I heard the sound of this, and Jin Jinyu was shocked. I didn’t want to knock down the hands that were hooked on my neck, and then I took the person off the bed.
       The head slammed heavily on the ground, and the pain was so good that it was suspended. Squatting and crying:
       "Hummer Master, how can you do this to servants?"
       That looks like a weeping look, as if Jin Jinyu did something that he was sorry for.
       "Get out." Jin Jinyu still has some wisdom at this time, knowing that the situation is not right. He now hopes that the woman will go out quickly and then bite her teeth and endure this hardship.
       Unexpectedly, he climbed up and got into his arms. No way, if it is not tonight, Jin Yu love, not only will she be killed, but also the only relatives.
       "Come, come to people..." I called several times, and no one came in.
       At this time, Jin Jinyu, I can't know if I have been counted. At this point, he is really angry and hateful.
       It is getting hotter and hotter, so that he can only feel a trace of coolness when he is in his arms. Jin Jinyu knows that if he goes on like this, he will not control himself. Thinking about what Jao-Jao had said to him before, the heart was ready to hit his head against the bedpost to keep it clean, and he heard a familiar voice.
       "Hey, Ma Ma, are you in the house?"
       Hexagon is calling out at the door.
       "I'm here……"
       Hearing this sound did not open the door to the hex, but found that the door was locked.
       "Oh..." After the door of the west wing was violently smashed, the hex and Hong-duo and several guards saw that Jin Jinyu and the scorpion were tangled together.
       When Hexagon is busy, he will separate the golden jade from the scorpion, and then take the coat and put it on the gold jade.
       "Medicine, Imperial Doctor..."
       Hex said busy:
       "Hummer Master, don't worry, we all know. Hummer Master, we will take you back to the Princess House." His master has always been self-sufficient, how could he go to the Courtyard to sleep. Don't even think about it, this is a ghost made by Fang-Shi.
       Hong-duo looked at the bumps and looks so long and pitiful, sneer:
       "So you can't leave a man, then let you get what you want. Ali, send him to the army tomorrow." Such a stunner, those who want to come to the army will not be able to sleep.
       I am not stupid. I understand that when I hear this, I want to send her to the army to be a military sergeant.
       "Aunt is forgiving, servants are also forced to do this. Aunt, please spare me!" If you are sent to the army, you will have no life in a month.
       Hong-duo sneer:
       "Oh, forced? Who said that is forcing you?"
       "Madam forced me. Madam redeemed my brother and me. She said that as long as I got the love of Ma, I gave birth to my brother and I was free." She didn't. So stupid thought that I had won the princess. However, she has no way to resist Mama.
       Seeing that there was no movement in the bedroom, Hong-duo did not bring people into the master bedroom. Of course, I didn’t dare but felt that it was unnecessary. This matter is still left to the Ma Maye to solve it himself. Therefore, she just brought people back to the Princess House.
       In the spring, Hong-duo was scared to death with a group of people coming in like a wolf. I didn't expect them to blink and go. Thinking of making such a big move, Madam didn't even talk. She felt very strange and went into the bedroom.
       As a result, I entered the master bedroom and saw that there was no movement on the bed. I was stunned when I was close.
       "Who made you come in?"
        - "Mama- , Madam What's wrong with this?"
       If changed to the usual, Madam must have been furious.
        - I wish Mama is also scared to death, if not she is afraid of being afraid of being killed by the Princess House. After she returned to Fang-Shi, she never dealt with the people of the Princess House. I don't know if these people are so fierce. Knowing this, she didn't dare to ask for Ji Concubine money.
        - "Madam was just getting a headache and now have a good rest." I paused and wished Mama:
       "You don't have to worry about it. Madam will deal with it tomorrow. It's not too early, you can go to sleep!" Fearing that Fang-Shi would break her, she just scented in the house. Fang-Shi just smelled the fragrance and didn't wake up.
       This heart is too big to sleep, but Yingchun has always been timid, she did not dare to rebut the meaning of Mama. With a full of doubts, out of the master bedroom.
       The medicinal properties are too strong, and the whole body of Jin Jinyu is as hot as the fire. Seeing the uncomfortable look of Jin Jinyu, Hong-duo asked the guard to throw him into the lotus pond.
       Although it is already in May, the pool is still very cold. In the lotus pond for a half hour, the face of Jin Jinyu gradually turned into normal.
       After picking up from the lotus pond, the lips of Jin Jinyu are blue. Mama hurriedly fed him the cooked Jiang sugar water and asked him to come to the Imperial Doctor.
       Tossing to the dawn, Jin Jinyu just woke up.
        - Once Mama saw him wake up and breathed a sigh of relief:
       "Hummer Master, how do you feel now? Is it hard to accept?"
       "Fortunately." The pain in the body is comparable to the pain in the heart. His mother, she actually did this to him.
       Jin Jinyu asked:
       "What about the red butler? Let her come to see me." If Hong-duo and the hex are coming in time, I am afraid that he has hit the bedpost.
       Hong-duo is coming soon.
       Jin Jinyu saw Hong-duo and asked:
       "Can the woman take it back to the house?"
       Hong-duo nodded and said:
       "Bring back. Hummer Master, the woman is the Qing lou of the Qing lou, Madam spent a lot of money to redeem her and her brother from the brothel. Madam also promised that as long as she gave birth to a half-girl Let their sisters be free."
       "Oh..." Hearing this, Jin Jinyu was so angry that he spit out a blood.
       Hong-duo looked at the blood of a place and was scared to face blood. It was not a good omen to vomit blood at a young age. She quickly called the Imperial Doctor stationed in the government.
       The Imperial Doctor diagnosed it and said it was anger and vomiting. However, vomiting blood is a good thing for Jin Jinyu. This discouragement is not vented in the heart, only to hurt the body.
       After the Imperial Doctor left, Hong-duo said:
       "Can you marry the woman? If you want to see, I will bring her."
       Although the woman said that she did not become a thing with Ma Ma, but in case of precautions, she still gave the woman a remedy.
       If you are dying, you will want to see this person:
       "Take her to the government to hand over to me, let him deal with it." This Fang-Shi, is really hurting the heart of Jin Yuyu. He also thought about picking up Fang-Shi to the Princess House yesterday, but now he no longer wants to take care of Fang-shi.
       Hong-duo squatted, but still nodded:
       "Okay." This matter is going to make trouble, and the outsiders will at most say a square-Shi confused. No more, no more. Therefore, the method of processing Jin Jinyu is actually quite good.
       "Send someone to go to Zhuangzi to clean up. When I am sick, I will bring my longevity to live in Zhuangzi." When Yao-Jao returned to Capital City, he brought back his longevity.
       The other party - Shi-shi can not be stunned, can only avoid. After the war in Tongcheng, I went to Capital City with Jao-Jao.
Continue ....

Han Yuxi
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