Han Yuxi 1600

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1600   Top Pack (2)

       After a bang, Xuan Ji Er bounced off the bed. After squatting, looking around Xuan Ji Er realized that I was just dreaming, and quickly wiped the sweat on my forehead.
       A three-ended glass of water to Xuan Ji Er, asked:
       "Young Master, what nightmare have you done?"
       He was the first time he saw Xuan Ji Er as a nightmare!
       Xuan Ji Er is particularly particular about the palace, and the water that he drinks can't be hot or cold. Now outside, as long as some eat and drink, nothing is stressful.
       Drinking a half cup of water, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "I dreamed of picking me up with a whip and pumping me all over my body." In fact, Yun-Qing has never touched Xuan Ji Er. The nightmare of Xuan Ji Er is to put the scene of You Ji-Er before the Yun-Qing whip on his body.
       A three silent, then deliberately look puzzled:
       "Well, why is the Old Master smoking you?"
       "He said that I didn't write a letter for three months and went back to worry about my mother. I don't want to be filial, then I use a whip to smoke me." Although it is a dream, it feels so painful.
       A good three, no feeling, you still know that you have not written back in three months!
       The heart is in the belly, but the face is not obvious. A 3rd said:
       "That will write a family letter tomorrow and give Old Master Madam a peace."
       Well, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "He took down Liaodong, and now there is only the evil of Donghu people."
       "That should also look at God, if there is a good weather, then there is no fear of Donghu." If there is always a natural disaster, then the emperor and the Empress can be exhausted. Otherwise, a little carelessness will cause turmoil.
       "I will write a letter back tomorrow." In fact, Xuan Ji Er did not want to write, he did not know what to write. If you only write me very well, you are not sincere. Too many words, he did not know what to say. To put it bluntly, Xuan Ji Er dismissed him and Zhong Yuting and drove him out of Capital City for Yu-Xi.
       Ah 3rd did not express his opinion.
       On the second day, Xuan Ji Er wrote a letter and wrote a letter for a long time. I dropped the brush irritably, then took A 3rd to go to Caojia Garden.
       In the garden, there is a gatekeeper, Pozi. I know that Xuan Ji Er is a guest of Cao house and I don't dare to stop it. I just said that some Miss will also come to visit the garden and ask him not to stay in the garden for too long.
       Xuan Ji Er should be down.
       Cao small garden did not grow much flowers. Walking here, Xuan Ji Er couldn't help but think of the flower garden and the Baihuayuan. Cough, I don’t know when his mother allowed him to go home. This is a far cry from the home.
       Just thinking about it, Xuan Ji Er heard the cries of -calling. Xuan Ji Er is a person who has a pity and a jealous jade. He listened to the sound and found the past. At first sight, it turned out that Cao Yiqiu was crying.
       "Cao Miss, what's wrong with you? Isn't Eldest Miss bullying you?"
       This loves the brain to make up the temperament, which is also speechless.
       A three hanged his head and did not speak.
       "My ankles, let Servant go to call people." After that, Cao Yiqiu cried again.
       This is really a coincidence, Cao Yiqiu is not able to count, how can I count Xuan Ji Er will come to visit the garden!
       Xuan Ji Er said busy:
       "I have a medicine for bruises and injuries here. If you don't give up on me, you will be sent to you."
       Cao Yiqiu is trying to get up with Xuan Ji Er and listened to this:
       “Thank you for your gongzi.” Ta Concubine is right, this person is really fooled.
       After hesitating, Xuan Ji Er and Cao Yiqiu said:
       “Cao Miss, there is something I don’t know when I’m not talking about it.”
       Cao Yiqiu said with a sigh of relief:
       "You speak?"
       Before Cao Yiqiu was very tired of Xuan Ji Er, but now he can't wait for Xuan Ji Er to show it, so the two things will be logical. If she is afraid of her own affairs, she will send her to the temple.
       "Yu Congpei and the shi-nu of Li Jingfu are dear, do you know?"
       As a Prince, it is really normal to call a governor's name. But now Yu Da is a normal person, and this tone is obviously not normal. If it is a most day, the wisdom of Cao Yiqiu will definitely detect problems. But now she is confused, and I will pay attention to this detail.
       Xuan Ji Er saw this, and thought that Cao Yiqiu was saddened to hear this, and said very pity:
       "Cao Miss, don't be too sad. It's always better to see his true face as soon as possible." This looks like a talented person, but he did not expect it to be like this.
       Ah 3rd really wants to send a good card to Xuan Ji Er.
       Cao Yiqiu fainted.
       Xuan Ji Er wants to call, but he is stunned by A 3rd :
       "You have to call, and at the time, ten mouths can't be said clearly." After that, he will drag Xuan Ji Er away.
       Back to his place of residence, Xuan Ji Er was furious:
       "A family has a faint stunned there. If you don't save, you should be called. How can you run?"
       On the most days, Ah 3rd is silent, but today is the exception:
       "If she is dependent on you, saying that you ruined her innocence, what should you do?"
       "Nonsense, I am so far away from her, how did I ruin his innocence when I touched her?"
       Xuan Ji Er felt that Ah 3rd thought too much.
       A 3rd said:
       “Young Master, awesome.”
       "I don't care what people are awed, I only know that Miss is leaving a coma. It's too cold-blooded. It's all your fault to have Cao Miss's accident." Xuan Ji Er thinks Ah 3rd is too cold. This is very bad.
       Ah 3rd ’s attitude is very good:
       "Young Master, this time is a small good idea. To have another time, I will decide not to intervene again, and everything will listen to Young Master."
       Knowing the mistake can improve Mo Dazhen, seeing Ah 3rd realize his mistake, Xuan Ji Er will not say anything.
       When Cao Yiqiu woke up, he was already in his own boudoir. Just thinking of getting up, there was a pain in my feet.
       Dongmei cried and said:
       "It’s all wrong with servants, and servants shouldn’t walk away.” It’s mainly that there were no people in the garden at the time. She called several times and no one appeared, and she had to go far.
       Yun Concubine Sees that Cao Yiqiu looks gray and feels that things are not right. He is busy making Dongmei go down.
       "what happened?"
       Yun Concubine doesn't feel as simple as a lame.
       Cao Yiqiu tears rushed down:
       "Concubine, Yu Da told me that I wouldn't have to be fooled by him before I recognized it. Concubine, Yu Da knew what I was doing with Gongzi."
       Yun Concubine was also very surprised, but she soon said:
       "I know it, but it is not the sky."
       "He knows, he will definitely not want to marry me again." If you can marry Yu Da, such a second son, marrying other bureaucrats will definitely know that she is not innocent.
       Yun Concubine hesitated and said:
       "That's the case, then we can only find another way to let him have to marry you." In an extraordinary time, you have to use a very law.
       Knowing that Yun Concubine wanted her to cook mature rice with Yu Dasheng, Cao Yiqiu was hesitant. I ate a loss and didn't want to suffer a second loss. And when this happened, there would be no room for reversal.
       Yun Concubine saw her hesitating and said with a cold voice:
       "Do you think that in addition to marrying Da, do you have a second way out?"
       The key issue is that this matter has to be solved by Cao Fengzhen. If not, Cao Fengqi will marry Cao Yiqiu to the people who are in the right place. As a result, Cao Yiqiu*’s business is definitely unstoppable. At that time, Cao Jiake swept the ground.
       Cao Yiqiu said with a bow down:
       "Concubine, what if I don't want to marry me?"
       This is what Cao Yiqiu is scrupulous about. If Yu Da is not willing to marry, she really has only one dead end.
       "Don't worry, he doesn't dare to blame." The reason why they dare not look for the Yu family is because the Yu family is highly weighted and they can't afford to offend. Yu Da is only the son of a six-product officer, and he still needs to be afraid of him.
       Cao Yiqiu is still very worried, but she is now scared, and this will listen to Ta Concubine.
       Five days later, it happened to be the birth of Cao Fengqi, forty-five years old. This kind of day is naturally a banquet. The people who have been numbered in Mianzhou have received invitations.
       On the day of the birthday banquet, Xuan Ji Er sent a painting of her own. It’s not about what kind of rituals are light and affectionate. The reason why he sent a hand-painted painting is because he has no money to buy a gift.
       The housekeeper of the gift knew his virtue of the door, and he could not help but see his gift.
       In the backyard, Cao Yiting and Cao Yiqiu sisters are responsible for hosting the guests.
       Miss Zhizhou Miss is a good friend of Cao Yiting. She is very ignorant of the hypocritical appearance of Cao Yiqiu. Not only sarcasm, but also deliberately poured the tea in his hand on the cloud cloud butterfly skirt of Cao Yiqiu.
       The eyes of Cao Yiqiu grievances are all red, and the face must be dressed in a large degree of care.
       Cao Yiting frowned and said:
       "Three sisters, you have to go back and change clothes and come back." The day of the big joy, what it is like crying and crying.
       Cao Yiqiu wiped her tears and took the personal Servant to the next door to change clothes.
       At this point, there was a small donkey coming over and talking to Xuan Ji Er:
       "Yu Gongzi, my home Old Master has something to ask you to go over."
       Xuan Ji Er did not think much, and said a word to everyone sitting, and then followed Xiaoxiao. As a result, after a halfway walk, the head hurts and then faints.
       Ah Si, who was hiding in the eaves and saw all this, said:
       "The third child, this is really no problem? The slewing head, 3rd Young Master blame you for improper guarding?"
       "No, 3rd Young Master is very kind." Shanliang was originally a derogatory term, and it can be weird to say it from A Sanzui.
       A four smiled and asked:
       "Let's keep up with it! Otherwise, 3rd Young Master is really innocent. Young Master is still a boy, how can the disgusting Cao Yiqiu be defiled."
       This time, Ah 3rd did not refuse:
       "You looked at it in the past, I have to go back to the bad." I am afraid that someone will come to him, so he can't walk too long.
       A four took two steps and turned to ask:
       “Do you know that after Cao Yiqiu*, will Young Master come to the top?”
       If not, Ah 3rd will not let him promote Cao Yiqiu and Confucius.
       Ah 3rd did not answer this, just said:
       "Don't grind, hurry up!"
       "Okay." When the sound fell, people disappeared.

       Chapter 16__ Top Pack (3)

       Xuan Ji Er heard a -call in the confusion, and opened his eyes and saw many people staring at themselves.
       In an instant, Xuan Ji Er felt cold. When he found out that he only wore a pair of trousers and had no clothes on his body, he could not drill into the hole. He was not so embarrassed when he was young.
       What Xuan Ji Er didn't know was that his trousers were still worn by him. If not, it should be seen by everyone. That is, the real shame!
       Xuan Ji Er quickly put the clothes that fell on the ground in a mess, and then smashed it.
        - Cao Madam came over, cold face will drive away the crowd, and then look at the tightly wrapped quilt Cao Yiqiu said:
       “Hurry up and put on your clothes.” How to deal with this matter, you still have to get the idea of ​​Old Master.
       Cao Yiqiu -called:
       "It’s a big sister, it must be that the big sister wants to harm me innocence, so that I can’t marry a good family.”
        - Cao Madam didn't want to take care of this matter. After listening to this, he slammed Cao Yiqiu several big slaps. Cao Yiqiu had a powdered face and was labeled as a pig's head.
       "I will definitely check this matter." Before Cao Yiqiu slandered Cao Yiting, she deliberately did not take care of it because she wanted Cao Yiqiu to eat more and lose long memory, and then she could learn to be patient and not to be nosy. But now Cao Yiqiu even has such a disgusting thing to plant her daughter, how can she still bear it.
       Cao Fengqi was not in the mood to eat alcohol, and the guests were mad to send the guests away.
       Seeing Xuan Ji Er, Cao Fengzhen said with a face:
       "If you are a scholar, you will do something like this." He had heard that Xuan Ji Er liked his daughter, but he did not care. Cao Yiqiu talents are very good. He wants to use his marriage to add to his career. So I never thought about marrying Cao Yiqiu to Xuan Ji Er.
       Xuan Ji Er's face is also not good-looking, said:
       "I was drinking with people in the front yard. It was the little man in the house who said that the Darens had something to ask me to go. I was stunned when I followed him out, and then I was inexplicably in the house." People look at the light, the loss is also great, and who to pay for compensation.
       In the female color, Xuan Ji Er is a little confused, but it does not mean that he is stupid. In addition, before You Ji-Er was afraid that the simple Xuan Ji Er was deceived by a woman, he deliberately told him that he wanted to climb a high point and deliberately caused the water to be forced to smash him. Today, it is obvious that he was counted. I just don't know why Cao Yiqiu counts him. At this time, Xuan Ji Er doubted whether Cao Yiqiu knew his identity. But soon, he denied this speculation.
       Cao Feng's face turned black, and asked:
       "What evidence do you have?"
       Xuan Ji Er is not afraid at all, said:
       "When I left, I said to the people at the same table." When I was drinking, I left halfway. If I didn't know someone else, it would be very rude. Therefore, Xuan Ji Er habitually said a sentence, and then followed the Xiaoyan.
       Yun Concubine cried and said:
       "Old Master, I don't know which one is killing a thousand knives." The difference is that the matter is Cao Yiting.
        - Cao Madam snorted and said to Cao Fengqi:
       "I have let the big housekeeper thoroughly investigate this matter. I would like to see who is behind this scene." In fact, she suspected that this thing is not related to Yun Concubine and Cao Yiqiu.
       Yun Concubine was amazed. If the inner court was asked to investigate the matter, they could still be called. But the big butler is Cao Fengqi confidant. The results he found out will be believed by Cao Fengzhen.
       In the end, Cao Fengzhen was an official, and said to Xuan Ji Er:
       "You go ahead!" Housework, still don't let outsiders hear it. Even this person will become his son-in-law in the future.
       Xuan Ji Er did not see Ah 3rd when he returned to live, said to Xiao Xiao, who accompanied him back:
       "You go to find my personal followers." Ah 3rd is not around, his heart is not stable.
       After two quarters of an hour, the drunk Asan was brought back. Then waited for two hours, Ah 3rd woke up.
       Xuan Ji Er asked:
       "Where have you been? How did you become like this?"
       "I was drunk by Caofu people and drunk." A Sanping did not drink alcohol. Today, I deliberately drank a glass of wine and then drunk.
       The anger of Xuan Ji Er’s heart is gone for a moment:
       "A three, I was counted."
       A Sany face is angry:
       "I have eaten the bear and the leopard, and even count the Young Master? Young Master, who you say, I am going to kill him."
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head, and he did not know who he was calculating now. Thinking about the scene where I was not staring at the clothes, Xuan’s face was red again.
       A Sany asked eagerly:
       "Young Master, what the hell is going on? Are you telling me?"
       Xuan Ji Er briefly said the last thing.
       Ah 3rd does not say that it is suspicious, only:
       "Young Master, what are you going to do now?"
       Speaking of it, Ah 3rd is also very high in acting. In this way, no one can believe that he is informed.
       "It is natural to be responsible for ruining the innocence of Miss. Otherwise, Cao Miss can only be a monk." It is just a person behind this scene who is really hateful.
       Ah 3rd said with an unbelievable look:
       "Young Master, do you want to marry her?"
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "My ‘Madam’ must be determined by her mother. It is only that I have ruined her innocence, and I must be responsible." If there is no Cao Yiqiu and Confucius, he may still have this idea. But this is the first thing, even this idea is gone.
       He can still accept such an idea. Ah 3rd understood it:
       "What do you want to expect her?"
       Xuan Ji Er nodded:
       "I ruined the innocence of Miss's, and I can't help but be responsible. I think, the mother knows and will agree."
       If Cao Yiqiu is innocent, today Xuan Ji Er should be responsible. A three nod said:
       "This is what it should be." 3rd Prince thought it was good, but unfortunately Cao did not appreciate it.
       Thinking of this, Ah 3rd immediately said:
       "Young Master, you will not be able to reveal your identity. Otherwise, A3 will be dead."
       "how come?"
       A Sany said bitterly:
       “Madam said, if you reveal your identity, it means that I have not protected you.” Yu-Xi is naturally not so demanding. In fact, as long as Xuan Ji Er returned to the capital safely, even if he was beaten, it would be fine. To put it this way, nothing more than to force Xuan Ji Er not to reveal his identity.
       Ah Si, who was hiding in the dark, snickered. I really didn't expect the third child to have this skill. This performance is not inferior to Cao Yiqiu master and servant!
       Xuan Ji Er was shocked, but think about the Yu-Xi temperament son:
       "You can rest assured that I will never say it."
       "Young Master, you can't say anything under any circumstances. Otherwise, I will be dead." He knows Xuan Ji Er, and if he promises him, he will not change his mouth.
       Xuan Ji Er nodded:
       "You can rest assured that I won't say anything in half a word." Even Cao Yiqiu, who has an affair with others, is still pity that she wants to be her, and Ah 3rd , who has been with him for a year, can't keep up.
       Cao big housekeeper was still relatively capable, and he quickly told Cao Fengqi about the results of the investigation. The result of the investigation was not the same as that of Cao Yiting.
       Yun Concubine was terrified. She bought the Servant around Cao Yiting. She wanted to let her bite Cao Yiting at the crucial moment. As a result, this Servant is not in the house today. What does this mean? Explain that Madam is afraid of knowing their plans long ago.
       In fact, Yun Concubine really wanted more. Cao Madam knew that Servant had a relationship with them and sent her away. I don't know the plans of the mother and the daughter.
       Cao Fengqi stared at Yun Concubine and asked with a bad look:
       "How is this going?"
       Yun Concubine squatted on the ground and cried with pears:
       "Old Master, I don't know!"
       Cao Fengqi slammed Yun Concubine on the ground and said coldly:
       "Don't you say? Don't say that I will send you back to the Yunhe now." Yun Concubine is a good family, she is in the door to archive in the Tuen Mun, is the serious Tie-Kui concubine. Now saying that sending him back to the rhyme is equivalent to saying that he is going to take her off.
       Yun Concubine looked blank and looked at Cao Fengxi incredulously. Yesterday was still warm and sweet, and today she said she was wanted.
        - Cao Madam has a sardonic smile on his face. She knew that Cao Fengqi was a ruthless person, so she used Cao Fengzhen as a dead person a long time ago.
       Cao Fengqi can not be so patience, said in a gloomy manner:
       "Is it true?"
       Yun Concubine dare to hide it, and the bamboo tube pours all the known things out.
       At this time, she was fortunate that they were not calculating the depth of the background, but the two scorpions like Yu Da. If not, she is afraid that this will be killed by Cao Fengqi.
       Cao Feng angered and burned and kicked Yun Concubine. This foot is in the center of the nest, so Yun Concubine spit out a blood.
        - Cao Madam leaned back in the chair and did not speak.
       Yun Concubine cried and said:
       "Old Master, I have no choice. If you know what Yiqi and Yu family are doing, not only will the governor hate us, but the Governor Li will not let us go."
       Cao Fengqi anger was a little slow, turning to look at Cao Madam and asking:
       "Madam, how do you see this?"
        - Cao Madam does not care about this stall, but it is not her daughter who is causing the scandal anyway. Her brother will not retreat:
       "This is what the Old Master said about how to do it!" In fact, in addition to the allocation of Cao Yiqiu to Yu Da, there is no second way to go.
       The fire that Cao Fengzhen just suppressed was coming up again, but he couldn’t dare to look at Cao Madam’s faint look.
       After a while, Cao Feng called the big housekeeper to come in and said to him:
       "Go and called Yu Da to come over." Nowadays, only the marriage of Cao Yiqiu and Yu Da can be determined quickly, and the rumors can be cut off.
        - Cao Madam said to the big butler:
       "Please come to Yu Gongzi with a good voice." Although Yu Da has a problem with his eyes, this child is pure after all, and it is pitiful to be counted by the mother and daughter.
       The big housekeeper should be down.

       Chapter 16__ Top Pack (4)

       Three people in the main hall, no one spoke, quiet enough to hear the sound of the funnel dripping.
       Xuan Ji Er came in the face of such a strange scene. Entered the house and met Cao Fengqi and Cao Madam.
       When Cao Fengzhen looked at Yu Dashi, his look was not as hard as it was just now. Even if Yu Da is innocent, but for his own reputation and his career, he only let him fall in the autumn:
       "Yu Gongzi, although it is a yin and yang, but after all, you have ruined the innocence of Yiqiu. Now, only if you get along with Yiqiu as soon as possible, you can preserve the reputation of Yiqiu."
       Ah Si heard this on the roof and smiled. In order to preserve his reputation with Cao, Cao Fengqi will take his own Young Master.
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "Cao Daren, Xiaosheng can't blame Cao Miss."
       Cao Fengzhen thought that Yu Da would be happy when he heard the news, so he heard Xuan Ji Er refused to kneel down. After returning to God, Cao Fengqi was furious:
       "What are you talking about? Do you say it again?"
       Xuan Ji Er was not intimidated and said sincerely:
       "My marriage was decided by my parents. Cao Miss, I still can't meet my mother's request."
       Yun Concubine was anxious and said loudly:
       "My family is both beautiful and beautiful, which one is not worthy of you?"
        - Cao Madam could not help but ask:
       "Can you say that your mother chooses the standard of a ‘Madam’?"
       "Dignified and virtuous, knowing the book, and being able to manage the house. Right, the temperament is generous." These are indeed the standards for Yu-Xi to choose a daughter-in-law. Of course, the most important thing is that Xuan Ji Er did not think about Cao Yiqiu ‘Madam’.
        - Cao Madam stunned. This requirement is really not low.
       Cao Feng laughed awkwardly:
       "You are the one who is the prince of the prince of the heavens." Prince Wang Sun's ‘Madam’, this is the standard.
       Ah Si, who looked at it all on the roof, heard this, and he secretly said, you are really right. Standing in front of you is not Prince!
       After saying this, Cao Fengqi is not willing to talk nonsense with Xuan Ji Er again:
       "You must be responsible for destroying the innocence of the autumn."
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Cao Miss's innocence is ruined by my hand, I will be responsible. I just can't marry her as a ‘Madam’. I can only accept her as a servant."
       Yun Concubine gasped and spit out a blood. If it wasn't for her time that she couldn't climb, she would have to scratch the face of Xuan's brother. The son of a small official, such a big face said to be her daughter.
       Cao Fengqi repeated the words just now:
       "If you ruin the innocence of the autumn, you must be responsible to her."
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head and once again said that he could not marry Cao Yiqiu.
        - Cao Madam has some suspicious thoughts, tentatively asked:
       "Yu Gongzi, we Cao family is also a bureaucratic family, how can Miss at home be with people? If you don't marry her, we only have to let her twist her hair to be a prince. For the rest of my life, only the ancient Buddha with the green lamp is accompanied. ”
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "I am sorry, I really can't marry her."
       "You don't want to be jealous, you have to be jealous." He couldn't afford to lose face. Since Yu Da didn't want to, he forced him to squat and he couldn't help him. He couldn't help him.
       "Cao Daren, even if I agree that it is useless, my sister-in-law can't promise. When I return to Capital City, Cao Miss is just a jealous one." Even if he worships the Courtyard, he doesn't admit it. .
       Cao Fengzhen flashed a touch of Limang and said:
       "You are a scholar, you are so shameless. It ruined my daughter's innocence. I don't want her to be a ‘Madam’." But what about our Cao family?"
       Xuan Ji Er’s face was flushed and a little angry:
       "I don't care about her privately being willing to accept her as a servant. I still want to do it. What do you want?"
       You must know that Xuan Ji Er is clean. Unless it is a parent and a brother or sister, he does not touch anything that has been used by others. This year has suffered too much, and there is no material condition in the past. In many cases, it will endure. How can he be married, how can he not marry a woman who has had an affair with others.
       Cao Feng's face changed:
       "what did you say?"
       "This matter, you ask Cao Miss to know." At this time, Xuan Ji Er thought that Cao Fengqi and others did not know that Cao Yiqiu had a personal relationship with Cong Pei.
       Cao Fengqi did not want to talk nonsense with Xuan Ji Er, just said:
       "Come on, send Yu Master back."
       Yun Concubine was subsequently sent away.
        - Cao Madam knows Cao Feng, and said:
       "Do you want to force Yuda to three Yatou?"
       "On this, he must marry Yiqiu." If there is no such fig leaf, he will be impeached by the imperial history to imprison a maid, and the black cap may not be guaranteed.
       "Old Master, one day is the father of the teacher for life. His marriage with Yiqiu, as long as Master Pang agreed, is also counted. If not, as he said, Yiqi can't get the score of Yujia, and it is not only worshipping the Courtyard. It can only be considered awkward." I don't know if she thought about it. Cao Madam always felt that things were not right.
       "I don't know the trace of Master Pang." After that, Cao Feng said:
       "But I believe that Master Pang knows that this will also agree with him to fall in the autumn. In our hands, there may be a letter he wrote to Yiqiu." These are all evidence.
       See Cao Madam and say, Cao Fengyu said impatiently:
       "You don't care about this, I will handle it well."
       Returning to the main courtyard, Cao Madam said to her own confidant, Pozi:
       "I don't know if I think about it. I always feel that this Yu Da is bias." As for what is wrong, she can't say it.
       Xu Pozi smiled:
       "Madam, this Yu Da is not good enough, but it is also whimsical."
       "What a whimsy? How do you say this?"
       "He said that his later ‘Madam’, not only must be well-versed in the game of chess, but also in the house of directors." Xu Pozi said it was funny:
       "When such a woman is more than enough for Wangfei, how could she marry him a poor scholar who is ignorant."
       Hearing this, Cao Madam smiled. It seems that the conditions just mentioned are not the standards of his mother, but his own standards.
       Cao Yiqiu heard that Yu Da did not want to marry her, but only wished to accept her as a servant, almost fainted.
       Yun Concubine said with her chest:
       "You go to beg him, if he does not promise you, he will die in front of him." Of course it is not a real collision, but a pretense.
       "Okay." She and Yu Congpei have had a husband and ‘Madam’, naturally knowing that she and Yu Da did not happen anything. She didn't even have a single impression of what happened in the middle, which made her feel a little uneasy. However, she did not dare to tell Yun Concubine about this strange situation.
       Cao Yiqiu stood in front of Xuan Ji Er with tears and said:
       "Yu Gongzi, I know that you are also very innocent this time. But I am also very innocent. I have lost my innocence now. If you don't marry me, I will send me to the temple. From then on, I will accompany you." A lifetime."
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "I told the court, I hope you will be embarrassed."
       Cao Yiqiu bite a silver tooth:
       "We Cao family is also the book of Xiangmen, and the woman in the family can't die because of it."
       Regardless of how Cao Yiqiu pleaded, Xuan Ji Er had only one sentence, and his ‘Madam’ could not only be jealous.
       Looking at Xuan Ji Er's face and letting you give you the expression of grace, Cao Yiqiu hated not to kill him on the spot. The family is ordinary, not famous and poor, if she wants to be a -servant, how could she choose him?
       This matter was quickly introduced into the ear of Cao Madam:
       "The things that can't be on the table." The rush is not a sale, the more you put yourself down, the less others will take you seriously. However, it is quite unfortunate to say that Yu Da is even awkward.
       Xuan Ji Er really did not take Cao Yiqiu seriously, thinking that this matter will soon pass. Unexpectedly, he was placed under the house arrest by Cao Fengqi and was not allowed to go out. In addition, three meals a day were changed to two meals, and each bowl only had a bowl of gruel. Not enough to eat, but also hungry.
       When I first ate porridge, Xuan Ji Er said very arrogantly:
       "I want to use this method to force me to follow suit and dream."
       When I ate a day of porridge until I was hungry at night, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "It's so hateful."
       Three days later, Xuan Ji Er was so hungry that he could not walk.
       At this time, Cao Fengqi came over:
       "Are you still not?"
       If he is not jealous, he will continue to be hungry, and there will be two porridges every day, and he will not die.
       "I said, I can only accept her as a woman can not marry her. Even if I promise, my mother does not recognize." Why did he say so many times, this person can not listen.
       This is not a problem for Cao Fengqi:
       "As long as you hand over the Geng post and sign the marriage book, you will not want to recognize it." This lawsuit is justified when he hits the royal family.
       Xuan Ji Er still refused.
       On the fifth day, Xuan Ji Er was so hungry that he didn't even have the strength to speak.
       A 3rd said:
       "Young Master, it is better to agree first. Anyway, even if she has a marriage book with her, she does not count the marriage."
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "You don't know, I am jealous that he is a person who keeps his promises and loves righteousness. If I know that I am married to Cao 3rd Miss, I will definitely recognize this marriage." His ‘Madam’ must have his pure and innocent woman, both physically and mentally, Cao Yiqiu Certainly not.
       A three out of a bad idea:
       "Young Master, that's how we sneak out of here! They can't find this person, and this is naturally impossible."
       Xuan Ji Er still disagrees:
       "Cao Fengqi can't find me, I will definitely find a teacher, which will damage the teacher's reputation. And I am irresponsible when I leave."
       A three looked at Xuan Ji Er and nodded.
       Cao Feng’s seeing Xuan’s brother was so tough and very angry that he would get out of Ah 3rd and leave only Xuan’s brother in the yard. It is also because of the relationship between Pang Jinglun that Cao Fengxi did not dare to use the punishment, but only dared to use such a soft knife.
       A four asked curiously:
       "How long do you say 3rd Prince can last?"
       He estimated that it was up to three days.
       Ah 3rd did not comment on this, just gently shook his head and said:
       "3rd Prince heart is good, and the character is good. It is a little confused on the female color. If it can change this shortcoming, then the emperor and the queen don't have to worry about him any more."
       Ah Si also agrees with this:
       "I hope that he can accept the lesson this time, and don't confuse beautiful women in the future."
       Ah 3rd smiled:
       "Now there is more growth than before." Before I saw a pretty woman crying, she was soft.

       Chapter 16__ Fury Xuan Ji Er (1)

       The night was so quiet that Dongmei felt particularly depressed. When she entered the room and looked at Cao Yiqiu who had just squinted her eyes, she opened her mouth, but unfortunately she swallowed it back to her mouth.
       Out of the house, Dongmei looked at the stars in the sky and shook his fists, then went out of the yard.
       Yun Concubine heard the close-up Servant of her daughter and asked for it.
       "Let her come in." Cao Fengqi behind the ankle is exhausted, and now the chest has been painful for the past eight days.
       When Dongmei entered the house, he fell to the ground.
       Yun Concubine is scared:
       "Is there something wrong with 3rd Miss?"
       Although Cao Yiqiu was hurt by her being beaten, it was born in 10 months.
       Dongmei said with a red eye:
       "Concubine, Miss's little days have been postponed for six days." If the day is not allowed, it will be fine to postpone a few days. However, Cao Yiqiu small days are very accurate and will not be postponed or advanced. Before the first thing with the intelligence, Dongmei was worried that Cao Yiqiu was pregnant.
       Yun Concubine face changed slightly and immediately asked:
       “Who else knows about this?”
       Dongmei shakes her head:
       "Nobody knows except servants. Concubine, what can I do?"
       If Miss is pregnant, then you must immediately marry with Yu Da, otherwise you will get bigger if you drag it down.
       Yun Concubine said with a cold face:
       "What are you panic? Maybe just postponing it!" I have to make sure that my daughter is pregnant. Can not be a big fan of the doctor. It is not realistic to go out to see a doctor.
       "You don't tell Yiqiu about this matter." She was afraid that Cao Yiqiu couldn't help but reveal her footsteps. In case there is any wind coming out, there is only one dead end. Liang-Shi and Cao Yiting can hope that their mother and son will die!
       On the second day, Yun Concubine called the doctor to come over. Please ask the most famous Chen Da Fu in Mianzhou. This person is not only medically skilled, but also very medical. Never disclose the patient's condition to anyone, including his ‘Madam’ and children.
       Dr. Chen gave Yun Concubine a pulse and said that she had to take care of her spleen.
       When he gave Cao Yiqiu a diagnosis, the doctor Chen frowned. After a while, Chen Da Fu said unchanged:
       “It looks like a slippery pulse, but the days are still uncertain. After another ten days, I will be able to confirm the visit.”
       Yun Concubine face changed, and then let the personal Servant give Chen Da Fu a dozen of gold:
       "I’m tired of Dr. Chen." As for Chen’s confidentiality, she did not say it. She believes that Chen Da Fu is measured.
       Cao Yiqiu knows that he is likely to be pregnant and the whole person is stupid. She only had eight days with Yu Da. If she was pregnant for a month now, Yu Da was stupid and knew that the child was not his. Don't say let him be jealous at that time, afraid that she is not willing to be her.
       At this time, Cao Yiqiu really regretted that the intestines were green. She should not go to the appointment with Yu Congpei in the yard that day, and there will be no later events. After losing, you should not want to let Yuda top pack. In this way, we can also strive to let Yu Cong Panna be embarrassed. But now even if she said that the child in her stomach is intelligent, the negative person will not admit it.
       "The matter is here, you don't have to think about it any more. Now, you can only let Yu Da smash you through the door as soon as possible." In this way, this matter can be suppressed.
       Cao Yiqiu touched his stomach and cried and said:
       “Concubine, what about this kid?”
       "It's just a little more than ten days. If you have a long time, you can't see it." The best way is to kill the child, but Cao Yiqiu has to be a small moon. This little moon has to sit for a month, she is afraid that Cao Fengzhen can't wait.
       Cao Yiqiu does not want this child, she thinks about the negative person, she hates in her heart, and she is willing to give him a child.
       Yun Concubine wants to take advantage of Cao Fengqi, but Cao Fengqi came over and asked him in the afternoon:
       "Is it pregnant with Qiuqiu?"
       Yun Concubine is a bit stunned in his heart. This is exactly what Liang-Shi said. Although she hated to gnash her teeth, she did not dare to lie to Cao Fengqi:
       "The doctor said that he is still uncertain, and he has to go back to the clinic after ten days to confirm."
       "After the day, I will become a pro. This kind of seed, wait for her to marry and then get rid of it." Anyway, he did not want to dirty Cao land.
       Yun Concubine changed his face and asked:
       "Old Master, is it too rushed after the day? To let outsiders see it, we will definitely think that we have any secrets."
       "How many things did not know about the day? I have already done something happy earlier, and this has passed." He didn't want to wait any longer, but he changed later.
       After Cao Fengqi went out, she told her about it.
        - Cao Madam said with concern:
       "Old Master, this is too playful. Marry a woman, how to invite friends and family to eat wine."
       Cao Feng said with a sigh of relief:
       "What kind of wine to eat? Just a flower car to send out." Thinking of Yu Da uncooperative attitude, the blue veins on his forehead are all up. I don’t know what to do here. If it’s not because of fame, he has to kill him.
        - Cao Madam hesitated and said:
       "Old Master, I always feel that this is not appropriate. This is how the Young Master is also a student of Master Pang. If he knows the truth and asks Master Pang to be the master, what should he do?"
       "Let's talk about it, first solve the problem at the moment." During this time, he saw that his subordinates whispered that they were talking about Cao Yiqiu and Yu Da. But he can't be reprimanded, making him very annoyed.
       "Where is it going to worship? Can't you just be married in our own house?"
       Do not know, I thought that Cao Yiqiu recruited it!
       "There is not an empty yard next door, let them be married in the yard. After the completion of the pro, they will let them go back to the capital." He worried that when he reached the time, he would make a moth in Cao. In case of precautions, I am going to let Xuan Ji Er get married in the house next door.
       On the second evening, someone moved Xuan Ji Er to the next door. The yard has not lived for a long time, and the house has a musty smell.
       Xuan Ji Er looked at the room with a big red hi word everywhere, and he was weak and unable to say to the Cao family who carried him over:
       "You told Cao Fengqi, I will not marry Cao Yiqiu." Under the circumstances, no one but his mother would dare to force him. Cao Jia wanted to force his daughter to him, and he had to see if he would accept it. Before he thought that he had ruined the innocence of Cao Yiqiu and wanted to accept her as a servant. Now, he is not willing to even Naxi Cao Qiu.
       The man with a horse face said with a cold face:
       "You a poor and sour student can come to my home 3rd Miss, that is, you have repaired Daed in your 18th life. I advise you not to know."
       Xuan Ji is too angry to talk.
       The sky is getting darker. Xuan Ji Er looks at the moon in the sky through the window and says lowly:
       "Hey, mother, I want to go home." If at home, there are people who dare to bully him. The more I think about it, the more sad I feel, the tears can't help but fall.
       It was at this time that footsteps sounded outside. At this time, the entire house, only the front door is guarded. The whole yard was empty, even if the sound of this footstep was particularly light, Xuan Ji Er also heard it.
       Xuan Ji Er wants to get up, but the whole body is soft and can't get up:
       Ah 3rd went to the bed and said softly:
       "Young Master, it's me." Young Master lost a few more days.
       Looking at A 3rd , Xuan Ji Er asked with a sad and sad voice:
       "Ah, where have you been in these few days? Why didn't you come to see me?"
       He knew that the Asan martial arts were strong and strong, and the reason why he was forced to go out on the same day was because he could not show his martial arts outside. It’s not good to see the day, but it’s time to visit him at night. But he waited for the left and waited for a few days.
       Ah 3rd put down the food box in his hand and said:
       "Young Master, you will eat something before I will tell you."
       Because these days, Xuan Ji Er is eating porridge, Xuan Ji Er did not dare to bring him greasy things like roast chicken. This time, it was a bowl of thick chicken porridge and two side dishes.
       Xuan Ji Er ate seven full, then climbed up:
       "In these few days, I am really starving to death." From small to large, I have never been so hungry.
       "Young Master is very powerful." * Drinking two porridge, Xuan Ji Er actually persisted for eight days without shaking. This has greatly exceeded the expectations of Ah 3rd . It can be seen from this that Xuan Ji Er's endurance is still very strong.
       "Say, what have you been doing in these few days?"
       He does not believe that A3 will leave him alone, and there must be more important things to do.
       A 3rd took a look at Xuan Ji Er and whispered:
       "I said, Young Master, don't be angry."
       "If you go to find flowers and ask -Lu, I am sure to be angry." Xuan Ji Er is of course a joke, and he knows that Ah 3rd will never go to that place.
       A 3rd said:
       "Young Master, I think the day was suspicious, so I spent a few nights in Cao Yiqiu to see if I could find something from her. After three days, I finally got results."
       "What did you find?"
       When I said this, Xuan Ji Er’s spine couldn’t help but straighten up.
       Ah 3rd looked at Xuan Ji Er and said, lowering the voice:
       "Young Master, we have all been cheated. Cao Yiqiu has been with Cong Pei, and he knows that Cong Pei actually carries her shi-nu with Li Jingfu."
       Xuan Ji Er’s eyes are round and round:
       "you sure?"
       "This is what Cao Yiqiu said with her personal Servant, and there is still something wrong." It was also when the time came, he only trayd the truth out.
       "But on the bed that day, there was a red..." Miss had a red for the first time, and this was what You Ji-Er said.
       "3rd Young Master, you don't understand this, they can get some blood on the sheets and they will be fooled."
       I thought that I had done such a thing with such a woman who did not know how to be shameful. Xuan Ji Er’s Jie Jie was made, and immediately disliked.
       A 3rd said:
       "Young Master, don't feel bad, you didn't happen with Cao Yiqiu that day."
       Upon hearing this, Xuan Ji Er immediately did not vomit, and looked up at Ah Sanyi and said:
       "It is true. This is what Cao Yiqiu said with her Servant. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it." Ah Si business must be said, Xuan Ji Er knew that they had been in a desperate situation before.

       Chapter 16__ Fury Xuan Ji Er (2)

       Determined that he and Cao Yiqiu did not happen, Xuan Ji Er took a deep breath. If you really want something to happen with Cao Yiqiu, you must not disgust him for a lifetime.
       Ah 3rd saw a funny laugh:
       "Young Master, you are deceived without experience now. In fact, doing this kind of thing is also very exhausting and energetic. You will know when you are married." The Empress is too strict. The general gongzi brother of a large family, at the age of fifteen, will have Tongfang Servant.
       Xuan Ji Er was very angry and said:
       "Why does Cao Yiqiu want to do this? She has been married to Cong Pei, why do she have to frame me?"
       A Sany face disdain:
       "Yu Congpei has already decided to be a -Miss , but she is still a foreign shi-nu of Li Jingfu. She can only give Yu Congpei a slap. And Cao Fengqi prefers her to die and she is not allowed to be embarrassed. And she has lost her innocence. This is something that people can’t stop."
       Xuan Ji Er is angry:
       "I don't want to marry the people who are right at the door, they just aim at me? I look so bullied?"
       "Choose you, they are also thoughtful about them." After the election, Ah 3rd said:
       "First of all, you liked Cao Yiqiu to write a poem letter to him before, saying that you and her have an affair with material evidence. Secondly, Young Master is kind and soft, and they think they can control you."
       Xuan Ji face is full of pig liver:
       "Because I am kind and soft, they want to go through the sea? They are not afraid of the incident that I found out?"
       Ah 3rd said very calmly:
       "What happened to you? Young Master You are now just the son of a six-person sergeant and you have no name."
       "If you have no power and no power, you should be bullied like this?"
       Unexpectedly, it seems that Jao-Jao weak and poor Cao Yiqiu is so dirty.
       "Weakly afraid of strong, strong fear of sorrow, sorrowful fear of horizontal, horizontal fear of death. Young Master, this world is so cruel. If you have no family but strong personality, they dare not hit you Idea. But you have no power, no power, no goodness, and naturally become the preferred target of Yun Concubine and Cao Yiqiu." Xuan Ji Er is good, this is a good thing. But if it is good for everyone, it is a bad person.
       "So, good is not good?"
       "That is also a scorer. Good to the wicked, they only think that you are stupid and bullying." Finished, A San said:
       "Young Master, do you know why Madam is driving you out of the capital?"
       "I began to think that it was because of Zhong Yuting. Later, I did not know." After a year, I also know a lot. Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Mother has driven me out of the capital, I want to let me experience the hardships of the world. I have already deeply realized that it is not easy to survive." If you don't go out, you never know how hard it is for the people to live. I don't know how much he has lived. happy.
       I can appreciate this and I have grown up:
       "More than that, Madam lets you come out mainly to let you know that people are sinister. Many people are wolves in sheep's clothing. Like Cao Fengzhen, he is a fair and sage official, but he is actually insidious and sinister. Pei Yi Bao talent is talented, in fact, the only profit is the human face of the beast. And Cao Yiqiu is beautiful and beautiful, but Neri is a vulgar stomach."
       See Xuan Ji Er looking at himself, Ah 3rd said:
       "Young Master, that Cao Yiqiu is already pregnant."
       Upon hearing this, Xuan Ji Er was furious:
       "Can you confirm?"
       "Children, how can I open my mouth to this kind of thing? The most famous Chen Da Fu in Mianzhou took the pulse, which is still wrong." Chen Da Fu mouth is strict, but this is only in ordinary circumstances. When A 3rd ’s sword points to him, he naturally asks what he wants. In fact, Dr. Chen already has a 70% grasp, but when the doctor does not like to talk about the words, it is only necessary to wait for the ten-day consultation to determine.
       Looking at Xuan Ji madness, he couldn’t say it, Ah 3rd said; “Young Master, Cao Fengqi and Cao Yiqiu, they just want you to give it to Cong Pei.” If it’s a powerless one, even if you know it in the future. I was given a green hat to raise my son, and I could only recognize it in the face of power. Unfortunately, Cao Fengqi and Cao Yiqiu chose their own masters who went out to practice. Speaking of it, they are also unlucky.
       Upon hearing this, Xuan Ji Er asked with a cold face:
       "You mean that Cao Fengqi knows this too?"
       Seeing Ah nodded, Xuan Ji Er was angry and burned. Forcing him to squander a slap in the face is already disgusting, and he still wants to make him cheap. Not to mention the arrogant Xuan Ji Er, ordinary men can't stand it.
       See Xuan Ji Er want to rush out, Ah 3rd took him:
       "Young Master, you are now going to look for Cao Fengzhen, he will not only admit it, it is likely to smother us."
       "I can't bear this bad temper." It is a man who can't stand such humiliation.
       A three shakes his head and says:
       "It's not for the Young Master to endure, but to plan well. It's going to be a bad thing, but also to protect yourself. To Young Master, you are hurt by these people, and the three men are not guaranteed."
       Xuan Ji Er is simple, but not stupid. On most days, he doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything, let alone You Ji-Er, who is afraid that he will suffer in the future and often recite something in his ear.
       Thinking about it, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "You go to the garrison generals in Mianzhou and let him protect me." There is a garrison in Mianzhou, more than 60 miles away from the state government, and it takes about an hour to go back and forth.
       "Young Master, the cold-blooded white teeth can't bring people to protect you." He knows that Xuan Ji Er has nothing in his hand to prove his identity.
       Xuan Ji Er said with a cold face:
       "If he doesn't bring people to protect me, you tell him that if I have three long and two short, my mother will definitely live him." His mother is angry, so he is driven out, not really regardless of him. .
       Ah 3rd is not at ease, let A4 go to inform the cold force to bring troops:
       "Go back soon."
       A four smiled and nodded:
       "Young Master is really making me look good today." He thought that Xuan Ji Er knew this, except that he was angry and wiped his tears. However, he did not expect that he would have thought of letting the cold force lead the troops to protect him, and then went to Cao Fengzhen to settle accounts. He used to look away.
       "The tiger father has no dogs. The Young Master is only well protected on most days, and it has grown up after the storm." If you encounter such a thing, if you still fight back, it is really helpless.
       When the weather is bright, the cold will go up and practice. Although the matter of Liaodong has been resolved, Tongcheng may have another big battle next year, so the training in the military will only increase.
       The personal guards walked over and said:
       "Daren, there is a person who claims to be a 3rd Prince entourage."
       Leng Li took a long gun and said with a look:
       "3rd Prince is not in the capital, when did you come to the land?"
       3rd Prince went to the book and he didn't hear the wind.
       Personally guarded and shook his head:
       "Daren, you will know when you meet someone."
       Cold force put the gun back, and then took the entourage to see Ah Si:
       "You said that you are a three-person follower of Prince, can you have a certificate?"
       Empty mouth white teeth, who believes. In the unlikely event that a liar is released, he will become a laughing stock.
       Yu-Xi is angry again, but Xuan Ji Er is also a piece of meat that falls from her body. Let him come out naturally and worry that there will be an accident, so he gave a three-piece token.
       Cold Power took the token and saw it, then returned the token to A4 and asked:
       "What do you need me to do?"
       It must have been something that is difficult to solve, or else it will not be revealed to him.
       A four said:
       "3rd Prince was imprisoned by Cao Fengqi in the Cao family, and I hope that thousands of Darens can go to save."
       Cold power is a strange look. If he guessed it right, Cao Fengyi was afraid that he would not know the identity of 3rd Prince, otherwise he would have eaten the bear heart and the leopard would not dare to do this. So, this is definitely what happened. Cold power asked:
       "Why did Cao Fengqi imprison 3rd Prince?"
       A four sighed and said:
       "I don't know what Darens can hear about what happened at Cao Feng's birthday banquet?"
       "Do you mean that Cao Fengqi three daughters and people were arrested for stealing?"
       The military commanders are all going straight and will not turn around.
       "The man who was arrested on the same day was the 3rd Prince." Seeing the cold-hearted look, A4 said:
       "Things are not as the outside world said. 3rd Prince just lived in Cao family and had no affair with Cao Yiqiu. On that day, he was framed."
       This is a cold word to believe. With the status of 3rd Prince, what kind of woman do you want, how can you sneak into it!
       Cold power asked:
       “What is the real situation?”
       Ah Si said things briefly, and said angrily after saying:
       "3rd Prince kindness, originally he thought that he had broken Cao Yiqiu innocence and she was a servant. It was unexpected that Cao Fengqi would have to win the inch and want to force the 3rd Prince to Cao Yiqiu as his ‘Madam’."
       The cold walks are relatively deep, and one listens:
       "Cao Fengqi does not know the identity of 3rd Prince. If you know, dare to do such a thing."
       Ah Si didn't want to talk about it and said:
       "Now we have to go to Mianzhou quickly, otherwise 3rd Prince will have to be forced to become a relative with Cao Yiqiu." Even if it is a family, it is not a bad thing, but it is disgusting.
       Cold power did not hesitate, and immediately ordered twenty confidants to accompany him to Mianzhou.
       Not long after the dawn, Cao had two Pozis who took the groom's favor and asked Xuange to wear them.
       Xuan Ji Er does not wear, but will also push away from Pozi near him:
       "You have to dare to take this dirty thing on me, I want your life."
       Pozi, who was pushed away, said with a look of anger:
       "My family, 3rd Miss, is only talented and looks good. You can marry her. It is the ancestors who burned the high incense, but they still don't know how to refuse." I tell you, if you are interested, you will put this dress honestly. You have to toast and not to eat fine wine, don't regret it when you are."
       Xuan Ji Er will grab the suit and step on his feet, coldly:
       "I would like to see how Cao Fengzhen regrets me?"
       Pozi was scared by Xuan Ji Er’s momentum for a while, but soon recovered:
       "That's it, then don't blame me."
       The two roughs made Pozi want to hold Xuan Ji Er down and put the suit on him. As a result, the two were beaten to the ground by Xuan Ji Er. Although Xuan Ji Er's martial arts is the most wasteful among the 4th Brother, it is very powerful compared to ordinary people.
       The two Pozis were beaten a bit.

       Chapter 16__ Furious Xuan Ji Er (3)

       The short Pozi came back and -called in a pig-like voice:
       "Killing, help! The voice is so loud that it can be passed to the Cao family next door."
       Soon, two big-shaped big men broke into the house, and the eyes of Xuan Ji Er were very bad.
       One of the big men said:
       "Brother, you are still wearing it, saving our Brother."
       Xuan Ji Er naturally refused to wear this dirty clothes.
       "That's offensive." At this time, there is no particularity, and the two big men are together.
       The so-called double-fighting and hard-fighting four hands, Xuan Ji Er is not the opponent of these two big-shaped big men.
       The two great men quickly subdued Xuan Ji Er, and the two roughs that were beaten made Pozi busy with the suit and wanted to put Xuan Ji Er on.
       At this time, Ah 3rd appeared:
       "If you don't want to die, just let go of my Young Master."
       Listening to this name, I also know that it is the follower of this unspeakable scholar. One of the big men sneered:
       "A big tone, that little boy, I have to see who is going to die first." After that, he waved a punch.
       The average person, suffering from such a heavy punch, must be injured. As a result, A 3rd grabbed the hand of Dahan with his hand and twisted it.
       Everyone heard a sound of a broken bone, and then the man made a miserable cry. The other three people in the house were pale in color.
       "Young Master, how do you deal with these three people?"
       According to him, even if you don't die, you have to get rid of it.
       Although Xuan Ji Er also hates these three people, he does not want to make a living, and these people are all acting as the chief culprit:
       "Take me out."
       The three climbed up and ran out. The big man who had been removed from one arm had a distressed sensation, lying there was no different from a dead person.
       "Cool is coming?"
       Count the time, it should not be so fast!
       "I am afraid that Young Master is in danger. I sent someone to send a letter. It should be almost the same as the time." After that, Ah 3rd went to Xuan Ji Er:
       "I have already been amazed, Young Master, what now?"
       "Just here and wait for the cold." The cold force did not come, and his heart did not end. Here is the site of Cao Fengqi. The so-called strong dragon is not a local snake. Before the cold power line came, he did not dare to go to Cao house to find Cao Fengzhen’s account. Moreover, they have to double Cao Feng to come to him.
       Dahan ran back to Cao house and squatted on the ground and said:
       "Old Master-, Madam, that Yuda close-fitting followers are like a god-killer, and some of the arms are broken."
       Cao Fengyi asked without trust:
       "You are not mistaken?"
       "There will be no mistake. Old Master-, Madam, this close-fitting follower of Yuda is not a general trainer." After that, the big man said:
       "Old Master, when this person twisted the arm of my family's second child, the look of that has not changed."
       As soon as this was dropped, Cao Fengqi and Cao Madam changed their Qi-Qi. Yu Da Ruo really is just an ordinary scholar, can look at his own body to follow the other people arms and not change color.
        - Cao Madam said:
       "Let's go check it out!" She had a bad feeling in her heart.
       Just in case, Cao Fengzhen will stay in the house with several trainers.
        - Cao Madam feels redundant:
       "If it is true, it is useless to bring these people." Not only that, but it will also irritate each other. Therefore, she feels that one side should show weakness, and others should understand the details of the other party.
       Unfortunately, Cao Fengzhen did not agree.
       A group of people crossed the gate and saw Xuan Ji Er standing in the middle of the yard with his entourage.
       Xuan Ji Er, who was detained for eight days, was wearing the navy blue robes. However, this robes are now crumpled and look unsatisfactory. And Xuan Ji Er’s face is cold and cold, and it makes people feel a little afraid.
        - Cao Madam blessed a tribute and apologized:
       "Gongzi, we are forcing you to fall in love with autumn. This is indeed the fault of our Cao. If you don't want to do it, then this marriage will be done."
       Cao Fengqi frowned and glanced at Cao Madam. She didn't even probe into the bottom of Yu Da. She actually took the soft first. What made him most angry was that Liang-Shi didn't even ask him.
       Thinking of this, Cao Fengqi said with a bad face:
       "Forcing you to fall in love with autumn, you also ruined the innocence of Yiqiu first. Otherwise, it will be my daughter's appearance, which one will get you."
       Xuan Ji laughed angry:
       "That said, I have to thank you. Thank you for not only asking me to marry a woman with watery poppies, but also to make me happy."
        - Cao Madam's face change, how is this secret thing? The anxiety of Cao Madam’s heart is getting stronger.
       Followed by a dozen of followers, I heard that such a hot topic can not hold my ears. The more you know, the more dangerous it is.
       Cao Fengzhen heard this, but it was killing:
       "I don't want to succumb to the fall, but it's even bloody. The erect is really hateful."
       Xuan Ji Er’s face sneer:
       "Would you like to wait for your child to be born and find a bloody test?"
       Cao Fengqi couldn't help but -called:
       "Give them to me." No matter what their identity, these two people must not let them out of this yard.
       Following the 12 trainers who came from Cao Feng, they immediately approached Xuan Ji Er and A 3rd .
       A 3rd felt the murderousness of Cao Fengqi, but he did not do it, but looked at Xuan Ji Er.
       Xuan Ji Er is a soft person, but it does not mean that he is a buns. They are all bullied on their heads. If they can bear it, they can really go home and see her mother:
       "A three, who dares to approach, kill."
       Upon hearing this, Ah 3rd immediately took out the soft sword around his waist and cut the throat of the four people who were closest to them. This action is almost instantaneous, so fast that people don't see it.
       Blood spewed out and instantly dyed the blue bricks on the ground.
       The remaining eight people, all seeing like a terrible evil spirit, are all going backwards.
        - Cao Madam has never seen this kind of posture, and immediately scared his legs are fighting.
       In the end, Cao Fengzhen was a strange official. Although he was terrified in his heart, his face was still stable. Going forward two steps, then asked sharply:
       "What the hell are you?"
       How did he look away? This is where A 3rd is an ordinary follower. It is simply a evil spirit.
       A 3rd will still point to Cao Fengqi with a bloody sword:
       "If you go one step further, I will pierce your throat." He is not talking about it, but is really prepared to do so.
       Cao Fengzhen stood still in place.
       Xuan Ji Er stared at Cao Fengzhen and said:
       "I have no enmity with you, why are you doing this to me?"
       Cao Fengqi looked at the means of A 3rd , guessing which Xuan Ji Er was the No Young Lady's Young Master deliberately concealing his identity to travel:
       "I don't know where you heard those absurd words. I only know that if you ruin the innocence of Yiqiu, you should be responsible for him."
       Xuan Ji Er sneered:
       "I didn't touch Cao Yiqiu at all, but why did she ruin her innocence? You are just afraid of offending you and Li Jingfu, so you want me to have this powerless and unfortunate egg pack. Unfortunately, you are wrong. People."
       In such a scornful tone, he raised the governor and the governor, and Cao Fengqi also felt a little trembled.
       At this time, there was a rhythmic footstep outside. When Cao Fengqi turned his head, he saw that the person who took the lead was cold.
       Going to the place five steps away from Xuan Ji Er, the cold line stopped and kneel on the ground:
       "The end will see your Highness." The triplets have not yet got married, and they haven't sealed the king yet, so outsiders call them by His Royal Highness.
       Xuan Ji Er walked over and personally helped the cold force:
       "Working tired and cold."
       When Cao Fengqi heard this, he looked at the cold and said:
       "Cold man, this person can't be Prince, he is a liar. Cold man, you catch him."
       Hearing this, Xuan Ji Er was a bit puzzled, because Cao Fengqi tone was too determined.
       If there is no token transferred by Ah 3rd , the cold line can be suspected. This will, cold power stand up and ask plainly:
       "What do you say about Cao Daren?"
       "The Crown Prince and 4th Prince served in the country. 2nd Prince just returned to Capital City from Changzhou a month ago, and 3rd Prince has been ill in the palace." Seeing the cold standing still, Cao Fengqi said:
       "There are only 4th Prince in the emperor. This person is definitely a fake."
        - Cao Madam just scared people are a bit silly, but Cao Fengzhen's words let her quickly return to God:
       "Cao Fengqi, you want to die, don't drag my 1st Lang and Yiting." Leng Lixing is not a fool, and Yu Da said that he is Prince and believes. Since he brought someone, he must have confirmed it. Yu Da is both a student of Pang Jinglun. She has previously said that only Prince has the standard of wives and wives. She has already determined that the person standing in front of him is definitely Prince.
       After that, Cao Madam turned his head and pleaded guilty to Xuan Ji Er’s girl:
       "His Highness, thousands of mistakes are our faults. We shouldn't have been blinded to force you to fall in love with the autumn. Your Highness, you can kill, you can only hope that you will let your hands pass me a pair of children."
       Xuan Ji Er stared at Cao Madam, and asked unclearly:
       "Cao Yiqiu mother and daughter calculate my business, you know it?"
       The mother and the shi-zi, the Shu Daughter, are not born. This Liang-Shi, who would help Cao Yiqiu, is really ridiculous.
        - Cao Madam At this time, I dare not hide it:
       "I didn't know about it at the time, but I didn't know it afterwards. Your Highness, the minister is guilty, and the sin is unforgivable. It's just that my children and I don't know that they are innocent, and ask your Highness not to impede them."
       Xuan Ji Er listened to this and laughed:
       "A person who has no power and no power and goodness should be bullied like this." He is glad that he will reincarnate. If it’s just an ordinary person, even if one day knows the truth, unless you don’t want to live, you can only bear this humiliation.
       After that, Xuan Ji Er looked at Cao Fengqi and said:
       "Unfortunately, you are not lucky, but I have chosen me."
       "You are 3rd Prince?"
       The other 3rd Prince have errands in the body, and they have to show up in front of everyone. It is impossible to come to the ground. If the person in front is really Prince, then it may only be the 3rd Prince who have been rumored to have been ill in the deep palace.
       Xuan Ji Er did not look at Cao Fengzhen, but asked cold power:
       "What is the sin of attempting to murder Prince?"
       Xuan Ji Er frowned and said:
       "All the informed people were arrested and imprisoned, and another person was sent to Cao. The killing was done by the court."
       After the election, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "All matters of Mianzhou are temporarily handed over to Zhizhou."
       Cold power did not hesitate to go down. For him, Xuan Ji Er’s decisive decisiveness is normal. After all, the tiger father has no dogs.
       Ah 3rd feels that Xuan Ji Er is still too soft.

       Chapter 16__ Affectionate

       Yun Concubine and Cao Yiqiu were arrested in prison, and their heads were still awkward. I don't know what happened.
       When she went to the prison and looked at the cell, Cao Madam, Yun Concubine grabbed her hand and asked:
       “Madam, what happened to Old Master?”
       She thought that Cao Fengqi had committed something and implicated a young man.
        - Cao Madam swept Yun Concubine hand and then stepped back two steps. She did not sell off, said coldly:
       "Yu Da is not the son of -Lu Pinguan, but 3rd Prince. This time he followed Master Pang and went out to practice such an identity in order to avoid trouble." In fact, Cao Madam also regretted it. If she manages the inner house, she will not let Yun Concubine and Cao Yiqiu, and there will be no disaster today. Unfortunately, regret is useless, she now only asks 3rd Prince to let go of her children.
       Yun Concubine hasn't spoken yet, Cao Yiqiu -called first:
       "Impossible, how can a poor sour student be 3rd Prince?"
       In the impression of Cao Yiqiu, the prince Huang Sun is not very generous, it should be very generous. But this Yu Da, a copper plate is a must-have for two halves. How can such a person be Prince?
       When Xuan Ji Er was in Capital City, the silver was a figure for him, never looked at it. But on this road, if they don't care, they have to go hungry. And even if they are now, he is very tight on hand. Otherwise, he will not be able to send only one of his own paintings. There is no money in hand, Xuan Ji Er is just wanting to be generous and generous.
       "If not, why do you think we are in prison?"
       Because of this, she also has responsibility, so Cao Madam did not roar Yun and Cun Yun and her mother and daughter.
       Cao Yiqiu sat on the ground and cried and said:
       "Impossible, I don't believe it, I don't believe it." If so, did she miss the sesame and lost the watermelon. No, the watermelon didn't catch it, and the sesame was lost.
        - Cao Madam did not care about Cao Yiqiu, but asked Yun Concubine:
       "When you are caught, can you see the officers and men catch other people?"
       Yun Concubine This is all embarrassing, I don't know what Cao Madam is saying.
       When I came back, Yun Concubine panicked and asked:
       "Madam, we counted 3rd Prince, is it going to beheaded?
       "I don't know. Even if you don't decapitate, you will be exiled." How she didn't care, just hope not to involve a pair of children.
        - Cao Madam understands that what he does with Cao Fengzhen will be implicated in his son. Just hope, not endangering your life.
       Cao Yiting was driven out of the Cao family, but because of the Xuan Ji Er, the officers and men allowed them to bring a parcel out.
       Out of the Cao family, Cao Yiting took the silver to rent a small house to settle down the sister and three younger Brother, including the happy brother born by Yun Concubine. As for Pozi, all of this has to be sold, and they have not been able to bring it out. I have to say that Cao Yiting has a bad temper, but this character is no problem. Otherwise, change to the general vengeance who is willing to take out the younger siblings.
       Settling up these things, Cao Yiting asked the Liang Family’s eldest children who came over to help me with the news.
       "What? Yuda is 3rd Prince?"
       That stupid, stupid, stupid Yuda turned out to be 3rd Prince, Cao Yiting really hard to believe.
       Liang Family 1st Young Master said with a blank face:
       "Ying Ting, imprisoning Prince, this is a big sin. Aunt, I am afraid that it is difficult to save." As for Cao Fengqi, it is death to live, he does not care.
       Not involved in the entire Cao House has been very lucky. If not, she is now in prison. Just thinking about the mother who was caught in the prison, Cao Yiting was like a knife.
       Early the next morning, Cao Yiting called Mei Mei Cao Yifang. Although Cao Yifang is the Shu Daughter, her temperament is gentle and gentle, and Cao Yiting is not bad.
       Cao Yiting handed over one hundred Silver Taels to her and said:
       "These silver you save some flowers, you can definitely get back to the big brother. Before the big brother returns, you are here with a happy brother, do not go anywhere else. If you want to buy anything, let Rongshu buy it." Uncle is the second housekeeper of Liang's family. Liang Old Master asked him to come and help take care of this old man.
       In fact, Cao Yiting brought a lot of wrapped jewellery. I just don't know what the outcome is in the future. She still has to keep money, so there is not much money for Cao Yifang.
       "Big sister, where are you going? Big sister, you can't leave us alone." The parents were arrested and the family was gone. Although Cao Yifang was afraid but there was Cao Yiting, she only had to take good care of her brother. But now that Cai Yiting doesn't care, she suddenly has no gods.
       Cao Yiting said:
       "I want to ask for 3rd Prince and ask him to spare her mother."
       "Big sister, 3rd Prince will not agree. It is useless to go. Even, it will be implicated in you." Nowadays, the streets and alleys are spread all over. Caojia 3rd Miss * is pregnant but afraid to find the victim and Therefore, I want to plant 3rd Prince who have concealed their identity, and want 3rd Prince top packs.
       "Even if I am implicated, I have to go. I can't leave my mother." Being a child, watching her parents suffer but doing nothing, she can't do it.
       Cao Yifang persuaded her to be fruitless and could only watch her go out. After returning to the house, I looked at the buddy who was sleeping in bed and slugged with bubbles, showing a disgusting color in her eyes.
       Yun Concubine and Cao Yiqiu are less likely to bully her. In this case, she may really like Xige. However, Cao Yiting’s instructions, she had to do it.
       When Cao Yiting went to the place where Xuan Ji Er lived, he was at the door. Don't -call, don't ask for mercy, just straighten your waist.
       Xuan Ji Er is disliked with the Cao family:
       "Take her away from me."
       Ah 3rd said this time:
       "His Highness, Cao Yiting, this Miss is not a good temper, but the heart is very good." It can be said that Cao work is good.
       On the same day, he reprimanded Cao Yiting indiscriminately, and Miss was so angry that he looked back at him. Now I think that when I enter the door, I will offend the Eldest Miss. If people want to retaliate, he will not be able to live in Cao for so long.
       Xuan Ji Er paused and said:
       "If you want to marry, let her know! I have to see, how long can she last?"
       Needless to see, he knows that Cao Yiting is coming to plead. In this case, he will have to see how much perseverance Cao Yiting has and how long he can persist.
       Liang Family 1st Young Master got the news and came over to see Cao Yiting squatting at the gate. He didn't say anything to accompany him.
       Cao Yiting was afraid that Liang Family’s eldest was implicated. When he saw it, he immediately returned the jade, which was worn by the two relatives, and said that he would return.
       Liang Family’s eldest was reluctant to retreat, and he did not want to leave. He accompanied Cao Yiting together.
       Xuan Ji Er heard this and said to A 3rd :
       "This Liangjia 1st Young Master is a sentimental one." Both said that the husband and ‘Madam’ are the same forest birds, and they are flying together. Liang Family’s eldest and Cao Yiting are just unmarried couples. Now Cao family is suffering. This Liang family is not only not withdrew but also willing to go back and forth with Cao Yiting. It is rare.
       Ah 3rd took the word and said:
       "There are thousands of people in the world. There are such ruthless and unscrupulous people in Cong Pei, and there is also a kind of affection for the 1st Young Master of Liangjia. There are Cao Yiqiu mouth-like honey-skinned Yanghua, and Cao Yiting is so high-quality and filial."
       "I am a blind, seeing people see things only look at the surface." At first, he also heard rumors that Cao Yiting is a rude and barbaric woman. But the result was beaten.
       This is the case, but Xuan Ji Er did not immediately see Cao Yiting, but to see how long she can persist.
       Cao Yiting squatted at the gate for two days and two nights, and finally the body could not stand fainting to the ground.
       When Xuan Ji Er heard this, he let Cao Yiting come in and let Servant feed her water.
       Opening his eyes, Cao Yiting saw Xuan Ji Er. Xuan Ji Er at this time is totally different from what she saw before.
       I saw Xuan Ji Er wearing a black brocade silk robes and wearing black deer boots at the feet. The hair is erected with a white jade crown, and the face looks cold and looks particularly majestic.
       The appearance has not changed, but the temperament of the whole person has changed. It is no exaggeration to say that someone has changed.
       Cao Yiting climbed up from the bed and squatted on the floor, while maidens said:
       "His Royal Highness, please let me go! My mother, she doesn't know this, my mother is innocent."
       Xuan Ji Er said with a blank expression:
       "But the court admitted that she was informed about this."
       "My family is my lord, my mother does not dare to violate my meaning." After that, Cao Yiting wiped his tears and said:
       "His Lord, Prince, I am willing to surrender my sin and seek the fulfillment of His Royal Highness."
       Ah 3rd inserted a sentence at this time:
       "Would you like to be in the fireworks?"
       Cao Yiting stayed and turned his head.
       Xuan Ji Er was somewhat disappointed. He thought that Cao Yiting promised everything for her mother!
       Can A3 think more:
       "You didn't just say that you would like to surrender your mother, why don't you agree now?"
       Cao Yiting reveals a miserable smile:
       "Exile in Liaodong, at least my mother still has a life. But if I enter the fireworks, then she must not live." Not only did she want her mother's life, but also folded herself in, so stupid things, how about her? May promise.
       After the election, Cao Yiting went to worship Xuan Ji Er again, and said with gratitude:
       "Thank you, His Majesty Prince has not been involved in the Cao-shi family." With her mother and Yun Concubine mother and daughter doing things, the three tribes can't be overemphasized, but 3rd Prince has been pursuing the people involved, which is already a magnanimous. She should not ask for more.
       Xuan Ji Er can feel that Cao Yiting is sincerely thankful, and now there is some sigh. He regards the fish as a pearl and the pearl as a fish. This kind of vision is no wonder that his mother will be angry.
       "I will tell you to let them go and let Cao Madam come out." See Cao Yiting, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "The day is not a bit of a slap in the face, this is a gift." Xuan Ji Er can let Cao Madam so cool, one is the filial piety of Cao Yiting and Liang Daxiao emotions; It is also that Cao Madam can honestly explain his fault, and the third is that he has not been neglected during Cao time.
       Cao Yiting’s excited tears fell:
       “Thank you, His Royal Highness, Thank you, His Majesty, Prince.”
       "You thank you too early. Cao Fengzhen, I will not let go." This dog thing wants his life, he is not the Father, he can let go.
       Cao Yiting knows that Xuan Ji Er can let her go, it is already an extra enlightenment, and I dare to get in.

       Chapter 16__ 

       Cao Yiting saw Cao Madam coming out of the prison and rushed to cry.
        - Cao Madam is holding her hands and eagerly asks:
       "Yiting, how did you ask for the 3rd Prince to let me out? Yiting, you can't do stupid things." She would rather die, and she wouldn't want her daughter to save herself.
       Cao Yiting did not take Cao Madam and said things:
       "Mother, that's awkward, worthy." Cao Yiting did not find the trouble of Xuan Ji Er at the beginning, she thought Xuan Ji Er was a fool. I’m thinking about it with a fool.
        - Cao Madam touched Cao Yiting's head and said with distress:
       "Tinger, you have suffered." For two days and two nights, I was afraid that my legs would be numb.
       Wiping a tear, Cao Yiting said:
       "As long as the mother is fine, it will be worth two days and two nights."
       "Go home, ask the doctor to show you the legs." Now is in late 10 months, the sky is already very cold, and for two days and two nights, it is really cold and afraid of falling.
       "Mother, my leg is put on the medicine. It is the medicine given by the doctor invited by His Highness Prince." When I woke up, the leg was not my own. After taking the medicine and taking a rest for a while, I can stand.
       When the mother and the daughter got on the carriage, Cao Yiting said:
       "Mother, Your Highness Prince said that he would not spare."
        - Cao Madam said in silence:
       "You want to destroy 3rd Prince at the time." In this case, if 3rd Prince can still bypass the husband, it is a saint.
       To Cao Madam said that Cao Fengzhen is looking for death. On that day, the follower of Prince was so fierce and obviously not right. But Cao Fengqi just like the konjac, thinking about ugly, step by step.
       After that, Cao Madam said with a gratitude:
       "Fortunately, 3rd Prince are good, only those involved in this matter, or else the whole family has to get in." As for Cao Fengzhen, she can't control it.
       "Mother, the official position of that big brother?"
        - Cao Madam shook his head and said:
       "Your brother's official position is afraid that it can't be saved. I only hope that the Empress has changed the name of your big brother." Can't be an official but has a fame, staying in Jinzhou.
       Cao Yiting took Cao Madam to the rented house. When Rong Shu saw two people, he kneeled on the ground and asked for sin.
        - Cao Madam asked:
       "What happened?"
       Cao Yiting is by her side, she is not afraid of anything.
       Uncle Rong said:
       "Miss Miss said yesterday morning that she would go out and buy some food. The result was not returned at night. Later, I found out that the clothes and jewelry of Missi were gone." He was also worried that Cao Yifang was abducted by the kidnapper. Jewelry and silver were gone, and he only reacted that Cao Yifang escaped.
        - Cao Madam sneer:
       Liang Jia is also a well-known wealthy businessman in Mianzhou. Cao Yiting lived in this house with Cao Yifang and Xi Ji Er. The reason why she was safe and innocent was because of the manager of Liang’s family. If not, how can they be safe and steady with gold and silver?
       Cao Yiting asked:
       "What about the rest?"
       In addition to her brother, she has two younger Brother, the biggest one is already eleven years old.
       "It’s all in the yard, I didn’t dare to go out.” Rong Shu told them that there are a lot of kidnappings outside, and once they are abducted, they will be sold to other countries to be servants. 2nd Brother, scared the door did not dare to go out.
       Also on this day, Xuan Ji Er and A 3rd said:
       "I will return to Capital City tomorrow." He is now eager to go home, even if he wants to go home.
       This time, Ah 3rd did not stop, smiled and nodded:
       "it is good."
       On the second day, the day was bright, and Xuan Ji Er left the Mianzhou with A3 and A.
       Cold-fighting personal guard Agu said with a look:
       "Daren, the rumor that Yu Da is a shoulder bag, so Yun Concubine and Cao Yiqiu will choose his top bag. But in the past two days, 3rd Prince can not be at all."
       "3rd Prince don't want to be discovered, so they deliberately behave like that. Otherwise, it's not easy to be seen through." Only this explanation can make sense.
       Agu nodded and said with a smile:
       "Cao Fengqi did not even see it, but he should have been unlucky."
       Cold force corrects:
       "Cao Feng's fall to the end of today is not bad luck but his heart is not correct. Even if the teacher is not strict, forget to find a good person to cover the ugly. If not, he will not fall to this point. If the day knows that 3rd Prince is being shackled, Cao Fengzhen directly sent Cao Yiqiu to the ancestral hall, and there is no later event.
       Speaking of this, the cold line sighed:
       "Hey, it’s really not a good thing." The Shu Daughter, I want to fly on the branches and become a phoenix. If you can't walk on the way, you want to go to the wrong way to achieve your goal.
       Also on this day, the matter of Mianzhou was passed to the ears of Li Jingfu. It was also Xuan Ji Er that let the cold line block the news, or else the second day after the incident, Li Jingfu should get the news.
       Li Jingfu knew that he was going to find his ‘Madam’ and let her go to the Yu family to return.
       Knowing the reason, Li Madam did not say that he immediately invited the official media to go to the Yu family to return.
        - At Madam, I heard that Li Madam said that he would retreat, and he was angry and annoyed. On this day, this pro-Lang Madam took the initiative to mention it, but now the good end is retiring.
       However, Madam was a wise man, and he endured anger and let the personal Servant go to the home of Miss's post, and turned to ask:
       "Le Madam, the last two days are still good, I don't know why I suddenly want to retire?"
       I met in the first two days and it was fine. Suddenly, the attitude will change and what is happening is still a big deal.
       Seeing Madam, I just went to take the Geng post without entanglement. The anger of Li Madam dissipated:
       "The ugly things that Yu Erxiao made in Mianzhou, now everyone in Mianzhou knows."
        - At the heart of Madam, but not on the surface:
       "Peer went to Mianzhou and wanted to worship Master Pang as a teacher, but Master Pang’s threshold was not willing to accept the apprentice. This matter, even if it is known, it does not matter. Without reason, the teacher will not become a ugly thing."
        - Li Madam is not going to investigate whether Madam deliberately conceals this because it makes no sense:
       "The Shu Daughter of Cao Fengqi is pregnant with two young children. I dare not go to your Yu family to find out the name of Master Pang's disciple."
       The reason why Cao Fengqi insisted on letting Xuan Ji Er top bag, in addition to fear of ugliness, was also pressured by Madam. It’s just this, there very little to know.
        - For Madam, I don’t want to say it:
       "Impossible, Pei Li has always been self-sufficient, how could it be private with the Shu Daughter of the prefecture of Mianzhou. Li Madam, this is definitely someone who is framed. Li Madam, you can't be on this."
        - Li Madam looked at Madam with some pity, saying:
       "Do you know this disciple of Master Pang, who is this person who was caught by Cao Fengqi?" That is 3rd Prince."
        - At Madam, the sound suddenly increased:
       "Impossible, that Yu Da is only a three-person small official, how can it be 3rd Prince?"
       Upon hearing this, Li Madam knew that she was aware of the fact that she was in Mianzhou.
       "Oh, it's a pity that Yu Da is 3rd Prince. Today, Cao Fengqi and Cao Yiqiu have been imprisoned. This matter, I think the emperor and the empress must know it after two days." Yu Congpei superficial style is clean and self-contained, but he did not expect Inside is a Sven scum. Fortunately, the two of them only decided to kiss their relatives, or they could have harmed the shi-nu for a lifetime.
        - Li Madam did not say anything ugly. In order to do things with Cong Pei, the fame will definitely be removed, and there will be no future. Moreover, it will be even more afflictions. With the Empresstemperament child, Yu Wei governor’s position is afraid that he can’t keep it. Therefore, if they want to retaliate, they must be equal to losing their officials.
        - I went to Madam and went to Yu Yu to ask about this. When I learned that Yu Dazhen was 3rd Prince, I immediately fainted.
       Yu Yu knew about this, and left the matter on his hand and went to Mianzhou to go to Mianzhou to pay for Xuan Ji Er. As a result, I learned from Mianzhou that 3rd Prince returned to Capital City.
       The news was sent back to Capital City in the fastest time. Yu-Xi read A letter and said with a breath:
       "I finally got into it."
       After knowing the original, Yun-Qing said:
       "I don't want to grow up when I encounter such a thing. I don't want such a son." Being bullied and not fighting up, there is no cure.
       However, the son finally grew up, and Yun-Qing was very pleased.
       Yu-Xi is in a good mood and laughs:
       "You don't want it, can you throw it?"
       Four sons, she is the most awkward brother. Xuan Ji Er has also changed after this, and it is no longer like a woman who can die to live.
       "If you know the wrong, let him come back!" In the past year, Xuan Ji Er was also suffering from the sin of suffering outside. If he does not know how to repent, he will definitely continue to let Xuan Ji Er stay outside and continue to suffer from sin. This will already be wrong, and it will grow. Yun-Qing will start to feel bad.
       "He wants to come back, I won't stop." But she will never open her mouth to let Xuan Ji Er come back. This stinky boy went out for a year, and only wrote three letters to her.
       Yun-Qing smiled:
       "Is still angry?"
       Yun-Qing is so angry because she feels that Xuan Ji Er is weak and incompetent. When the son grows up, he will be in a good mood. If you don’t write letters often, you won’t care.
       Yu-Xi asks:
       "Don't I be angry?"
       Yun-Qing smiled:
       "It should be, wait for him to come back, you will beat him up, and he will be out." Don't suffocate your anger in your heart, you will get sick."
       Yu-Xi took a look at Yun-Qing and then said that he was dealing with the father and son and Cao Fengqi. Yu Yu was dismissed from his post, and Yu Congpei name was not allowed to participate in the expedition; while Cao Fengqi was exiled to the West Sea.
       "It’s too light for the -servants to be handled with Cong." Yun-Qing means that you have to be sinned, as for Cong Pei, but not to kill.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "There was the removal of the name of Yu Yu, and Yu Congpei distributed Lingnan."
       Yun-Qing found that Yu-Xi has not been counted for a few years:
       "What about Yun Concubine and Cao Yiqiu?"
       "Yun Concubine naturally exiled Lingnan like Cao Fengqi. As for Cao Yiqiu, she was sent to the Yu family first. After the children were born, they were sent to Xihai to be reunited with Cong Pei." Yu Yu and Yu Congpei were all folded in the hands of Cao Yiqiu. Cao Yiqiu arrived at the Yu family. It is really unknown whether he can give birth to his children.
       Upon hearing this, Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "Xuan Ji Er's soft heart is completely like you. Cao Fengqi and Yun Concubine and Cao Yiqiu must be beheaded. Cao Yiqiu is pregnant, then she will be executed after she has finished the child." Unless it is a rebellion or a sin Otherwise, pregnant women will wait for them to give birth and then execute their sentences.
       Yu-Xi will not be in dispute with Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing said with a cold face:
       "Cao Fengqi did not let Xuan Ji Er drink two porridge two times a day. Before he was executed, he also let him have two porridges every day." Mixed things, even want to kill his son, not to mention that his tribes are generous enough. It is.
       Ps:o(∩_∩)o, I ate two chicken legs today, what good food did the parents eat?

       Chapter 16__ Matchmaker Lu  Er (1)

       There was a thick layer of hoarfrost on the ground, and the cold seal on the body made people unable to hold back.
       You Ji-Er wore a thin royal blue robes and a soft brocade cloak.
       As soon as he entered the house, he took off his cloak:
       "Mother, when will the third brother come back?"
       A few days ago, I heard that Xuan Ji Er was coming back, but it was almost half a month before I got home.
       Put the book in your hand on the table, Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Not coming back so soon, it is estimated that it will take more than half a month."
       "Mother, are you having something to look at me?"
       After that, You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, is the third brother sick?"
       If you are not sick, it is almost there.
       Yu-Xi really thinks that You Ji-Er is getting more and more refined and not concealing. He nodded and said:
       "Well, it is ill. So some toss, he did not rest well and rushed back to the capital. The result was a cold wind, and he fell ill." The child went out, when the mother could not take care of it. If Xuan Ji Er is at home, she must let him adjust his body and go out.
       You Ji-Er was anxious when he heard that Xuan Ji was sick:
       "Mother, where is the third brother? I will pick him up."
       "He is already ill, and he is going back. But this time he is in a carriage. It may take more than half a month to get to Capital City." Ah 3rd is a man, and some things are as meticulous as a woman. If they were not riding back on the same day, but riding a carriage, maybe Xuan Ji Er would not fall ill.
       "Mother, let me pick up the third brother!" I didn't see Xuan Ji Er in a year, he really missed it. He and Xuan Ji Er have never been separated for so long.
       Yu-Xi glanced at him and said:
       “Recently idle?”
       This is what I know, and the household is the busiest at the end of the year. Shen Chun Tingba did not give him a few talents. Xuan Ji Er’s calculations are so powerful that many things are handled in his hands and processed quickly and well.
       To this end, Shen Chunting is a pity that Xuan Ji Er is Prince, otherwise he will definitely cultivate and then pick up his class.
       "It’s all day long and it’s not a long time to catch your breath.” This is not an exaggeration. The end of the family is the busiest at the end of the year and the beginning of the year. When it comes to the twelfth lunar month, it is often overtime to do some work. However, You Ji-Er only works when he is in a bad time. He will be a flash at a point, and he will never stay in Tuen Mun for another minute. Because he is Prince, others only have envy.
       Yu-Xi deliberately said:
       "That said, it is true that the singer is a fake, and lazy is true." You Ji-Er is not active in the errands, and Yu-Xi has never commented on it. Anyway, as long as the things handed over to him are done well, the other ones follow You Ji-Er's own intentions.
       You Ji-Er sighed:
       "I am worried about my third brother, but my mother misinterpreted what I meant. It made me sad."
       Yu-Xi smiled and took You Ji-Er head melon seeds:
       "Don't pretend, go to the door to do things." She also had to take a nap.
       You Ji-Er walked forward, and Yu Zhi came over. Yu Zhi came over this time and said the news of Yan Wu-shuang.
       “The Empress, Yan Wu-shuang family has already gone out to sea 10 days ago.” From Shengjing to Qiongzhou, thousands of miles away. Most of the Yan family are women and children, and they are slow to go.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       “More people are deployed to the coastal area. When Yan Wu-shuang appears, he will be arrested.”
       Yu Zhi hesitated and asked:
       “The Empress, Yan Wu-shuang will really show up?”
       He felt that both the old and the young were gone, and perhaps they would not return.
       "I have 90% confidence that he will come back."
       Yu Zhi never doubts the words of Yu-Xi:
       "The Empress, when he was able to escape under the chase of the Songjiatian Luodi network, this time he returned to the Central Plains and feared that he could not catch him."
       "His ultimate goal is Tongcheng, and he will definitely go to Chou Dashan. You will send someone to stare at Chou Dashan." As long as Yan Wu-shuang returns to the Central Plains, he must hold him. Such a scourge remains, and it is difficult to sleep.
       Yu Zhi nodded.
       After finishing the business, Yu-Xi asked about the man’s business:
       "If the man is already 19 this year, it will be twenty after the end of the year. You should also set her marriage down."
       Speaking of this matter, Yu Zhi face is helpless:
       "She doesn't want to marry, saying that marrying people is not free. We want to force, and we can't force it." Before Yu Zhi and Purple Zi-Jin gave the man a good look at the family. After the meeting, the other party vomited and lie down for half a month. . This was the case twice, and Purple Zi-Jin and Yu Zhi are now afraid to give her a shot. Otherwise, it is really not necessary to marry someone who is going out.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Then you will find her a person who will not restrain her." If the man is eager to develop various drugs, the other party must accept her preference. Otherwise, Yu-Xi also feels that it is not married.
       Yu Zhi is embarrassed.
       Yu-Xi saw it and smiled:
       "I told Lu-Er later, let her pay more attention. Try to get her to pick a few more good, then you can check the other's roots. If there is no problem, let Ruoman see." Yu Zhi is a rib, and he manages to be self-serving for himself. Without Yu-Xi speaking, he will not abuse his power.
       Yu Zhi said a little embarrassed:
       "The Empress, can you please ask the second princess to help Asheng find the right person." Their husband and ‘Madam’ are in special circumstances, it is really difficult to find the right Miss. Moreover, Yu Zhi is not convinced by Purple Zi-Jin's vision.
       Yu-Xi smiled and sipped.
       When Yu-Xi entrusted this to Lu-Er, Lu-Er said with a smile:
       "Mother, how come I look for one by one. Feelings, you all treat me as a matchmaker!"
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi is amazing:
       "What? Anyone who asks you to help me?"
       "A Rui! Aru asked me to give him his brother, that is, Bao Xiaotong who pretended to be caught by A Rui. He wanted to marry a daughter who read and read literacy. He couldn't find it in the land of Changzhou. Ah Rui would ask me." Finished, Lu-Er eyes lit up:
       "Mother, what do you say if the man said to Bao Xiaoying? Bao Xiaoyu I have seen, I have a talent and I have no one at home. If a man marries him in the past, he will be a director, and he will not have to worry about his mother-in-law."
       "That's what it takes to be a man." Bao Xiaolan almost lost his life to save Rui Ji Er. Only this point is enough to show that the child is empathetic.
       Lu-Er said with a smile:
       "This matter, I said to Ruo Nan." If the man is two years younger than Lu-Er, Lu-Er often takes her with him when he was a child. Later, if the man followed Yang Shifu to study medicine, they had less time, but the feelings were still good.
       "This child is somewhat repulsive to marrying people. You are going to say that it is really better." Lu-Er is a peer, and he has a common topic with Ruo.
       Of course, the most important thing is that Lu-Er is now happy and happy, and the words can be convincing.
       After talking about the man’s business, Lu-Er couldn’t help but ask Xuan Ji Er:
       "Mother, when will Axe come home?"
       Xuan Ji Er’s encounter in Mianzhou, several Brother and sisters know.
       "At the end of this month, I should be able to get home. Axuan has finally grown up after this incident. In the future, I don't have to worry about him any more." As long as Xuange brain is clear and not led by a woman, it is a matter of doing things. There is a sense of proportion, he likes the beauty of this point, Yu-Xi will not go.
       Lu-Er laughed:
       "Mother, I will learn from you more in the future." When Xuan Ji Er was driven out of the capital, she did not expect much. There is an old saying that is good, Jiangshan easy to change the nature is difficult to move. However, I did not expect that Xuan Ji Er’s fault was caused by her mother.
       "Teaching children is actually not embarrassing, as long as they are not spoiled by them, ten must be a talented person. However, some problems in the child must be discovered in time and then quickly corrected. Xuan Ji Er's soft roots are not found in time. If not, it will not let him suffer this crime." Qi Hao also has a lot of problems, just because Qi Hao is under her nose, so can promptly correct.
       Lu-Er holds the arm of Yu-Xi, and sighs:
       "I don't understand anything anyway, I will ask my mother."
       Yu-Xi smiled and took her:
       "There are many Darens who are still spoiled with their mothers, and they are not shy." They are also petted by Feng Zhixi, or they will not become more and more delicate. For this phenomenon, Yu-Xi is only happy.
       On this evening, Lu-Er told Feng Zhixi about Xuan Ji Er’s business:
       "If the mother-in-law can be as good as my mother, the older sister will not be like that. So, just seduce the child, not love is harmful." If Lian-Wu was originally away from home, her mother-in-law found If you don't discipline it, there won't be any later events.
       Speaking of Lian-Wu, Feng Zhixi mood is not good:
       "Seeing that the big brother-in-law also has the meaning of external adjustment, he is ready to transfer him to Yizhou, Jiangxi. As a result, the older sister is still not satisfied." Jiangxi is rich in products, although it is not a good place, it is also a very good place.
       Lu-Er listened to this and smiled:
       "You are just as compliant with her, she is still not satisfied. She will be happy unless she gives her the title of Duke House and her family."
       Feng Zhixi sighed and said:
       "I mean, unless it's about life or death, she won't take care of her afterwards. But I don't want to agree with her."
       "If you act in a public manner, you should not do it." After finishing this, Lu-Er said:
       "You need to have more snacks for your brother's business. Otherwise, I am afraid that he will follow the steps of your older sister." Dan sister, this child's temper is not bad, and her husband has always praised her for being sensible and intelligent. My brother is still young, and Lu-Er is very worried that he will be affected by his mother-in-law.
       Nor is Lu-Er more kind, but once the sorcerer learns to break down or is the same as Lian-Wu, then their family will be followed.
       Feng Zhixi nodded:
       "After the busy work in Liaodong, he will come back. His body is not suitable for going to the battlefield again. Later, he will be handed over to the shackles." He is also very busy, how can he have time to manage? Hey brother.
       Lu-Er smiled and nodded:
       "You have a few in your heart." Feng Lian-Wu, she really does not want to come back again.
       Spreading such a mother and sister, Feng Zhixi is also very helpless.
       Ps everyone is watching the red card game in the Spring Festival Evening, I am trying hard to code, need the encouragement and comfort of the pro.

       Chapter 16__ Matchmaker Lu  Er (2)

       Lu-Er is an action school. If you get Yu-Xi, you will find a man on the second day.
       After a lot of money, I finally let the man loose.
       If the man hesitates, he says:
       "The second princess, if he is willing to live in Yufu after he becomes a relative, then I will see him." Otherwise, avoid talking.
       Lu-Er listened to the smile and said:
       "Bao Xiaoyu is alone, and he is sure to be happy to live in Yujia. However, you are not considering this."
       "Princess, why are you thinking about it?"
       This is the result of his deliberation, if the man feels good. If you want to marry, you don't have to leave home, you don't have to leave your mother and grandfather.
       Lu-Er laughed:
       "Now it's natural. But what if you wait for Shenggeer to become a relative? Have you lived in the maiden's house, what do you want Shengge daughter-in-law to think?"
       Naturally, two days a day is good, and there are many contradictions in daily life.
       "Then I am not married."
       "If you are not married, will you be an old aunt in the future? If you don't stay in the house, you will not be left at home. Not only will your mother be anxious to die, but your brother-in-law will have the same opinion when you have a long time!" See if the man frowned. Dead, Lu-Er laughed:
       "In fact, it is very easy to solve this problem. You buy the house next door. When you get married, you will move to the next door. This way you have not left your home to leave your mother, and you don't have to worry about being rejected by your future brother-in-law. ""
       If the man wonders:
       "Is this not the same?"
       Lu-Er really feels that if the man is in the pharmaceutical industry, it will lead to a slap in the face of the world. Thinking of this, Lu-Er felt that it was necessary to tell Bao Xiaotong what the real situation of the man was, and that the two men had a big friction after the marriage.
       "Not the same. If you marry Bao Xiaotong and then move to the next house, it is the two families." If the man's ability, even if he returns to his mother's home, the future daughter of Shenggeer will not say anything. There is such a pharmacist who is good at pharmacy, and will benefit from it in the future.
       If the man does not want to think about these things, she thinks that Lu-Er will definitely not harm her, and immediately nod agrees:
       "That, I will buy the house next door when I turn back."
       Lu-Er joked:
       "You have a lot of private homes!" Yujia is in an excellent position, less than half a quarter of an hour away from the Imperial City. The house in this location, if you enter the house, you need three or four thousand Silver Taels. Of course, if you don't have enough power and money, you can't buy a house here.
       If the man has no thoughts, he will say this when he hears this:
       "-Laozi gave me more than 20 thousand Silver Taels. I have saved a lot of myself, but I haven't counted it. The exact amount is not clear." It is rewarded to make new drugs. In addition, helping people with pharmaceuticals also has a high reward. It’s just that if men are very principled, they don’t help outsiders. However, Yang Shifu did not have these concerns and restraints. Over the years, he accumulated a considerable amount of money. If the man is his disciple, or he is the heir to the cloak, he gave most of his money to Ruo.
       Pointing to the man’s forehead, Lu-Er laughed:
       "So honest, be careful to be sold later."
       "If I dare to be against me, I will have a packet of powder." If the men will work hard, they will all be embroidered. But the poison she made is very powerful. If she has the heart, it is not a problem to poison people.
       Lu-Er was still a little worried. After listening to this, he laughed:
       "Also, you are so powerful. If you dare to kill you, you must be the other side." So, there is no fear of having the ability to go. If you don't have the skills, you can only be bullied.
       Rui Ji Er heard that Lu-Er had to introduce Ruo Xiao to Bao Xiaotong, and his eyes were falling on the ground.
       Rui Ji Er said:
       "Big sister, isn't this good? Auntie wants to read the literate and gentle Miss." If the man is not bad, but she only has medicine in her heart.
       Lu-Er is not happy, said:
       "What's wrong? If a man can't match him? If you don't feel good, find it yourself."
       Rui Ji Er is busy:
       "Second sister, I am not saying that if the male and sister are not worthy of the aunt, they feel that the two of them do not match very much. Second sister, you can help each other."
       Lu-Er looked at Rui Ji Er and shook his head and said:
       "I know that you are grateful to Bao Xiaotong for saving you, so I want to find him a famous Lady who knows the book. But A Rui, you have to look at Bao Xiaotong's situation. He has no father and no mother, and he has no money at all. How can those famous Madam ladies see him?"
       Some people who are particular about it will even think that Bao Xiaozhen is hard. Otherwise, how can a family die with only one person left!
       After the election, Lu-Er said:
       "If the male looks outstanding, the rules and etiquette are all good first-class, and Purple Zi-Jin is a third-part squad. If it is not a male situation, I would not think of telling her to Bao Xiaolan." -Er said that if the man is not worthy of Bao Xiaotong, on the contrary, Bao Xiaotong is not worthy of the man. It’s just that if the male is simple, it’s not good if you marry a high-ranking family. Marrying Bao Xiaotong’s words, there are relatively few troubles.
       A Rui thinks and thinks that Lu-Er is right:
       "Then I wrote to him to see what he said?"
       "You will also tell the male temperament son. If you want to come back, if you don't want it, you can do it." In this case, Lu-Er is more euphemistic. Unless Bao Xiaolan’s brain is rusted, this kind of good thing in the sky will be pushed out.
       After that, A Rui whispered:
       "Second sister, I heard that Zhong Yuting married, and married a hundred households in Qianweiying. Second sister, is this true?"
       "It's true, what's wrong?"
       A Rui is worried that Xuan Ji Er will be sad when he arrives:
       "A Xuan likes Zhong Yuting so much, knowing that this will definitely be sad."
       Lu-Er is funny:
       "That years ago, the old Huang Li, you still remember. Rest assured, this matter has been turned over, and Axuan knows that it will not be sad." Xuan Ji Er now has so many things, certainly will not I remember Zhong Yuting.
       Rui Ji Er smiled and said:
       "Speaking of it, our 6th Brother and sisters are left with the third child. You can get your heart from the second sister, Axuan!"
       "Xuan Ji Er's marriage has its own daughter, who is your heart." Even if Yu-Xi is willing to give this to her, Lu-Er does not dare to take over. Although Xuan Ji Er has grown up now, with her ability, she can't find a Miss who can reach the standard of Xuan Ji Er.
       Explaining this, Lu-Er returned home. Also mourning her daughter, so lunch was not used in the palace.
       When I got home, I heard that Jin Jinyu sent her longevity. Lu-Er looks in a good-looking way:
       "Fang-Shi is sick again?"
       It’s enough to stay sick in the princess’s house for three days, and it’s enough to stay in the princess’s house.
       Pomegranate shook his head and said:
       "No, it was Old Master who fell and was still unconscious. The big hummer brought a longevity Young Master. After watching the Old Master, it was sent."
       Upon hearing this, Lu-Er laughed:
       "Where is the Fang-Shi still not mad?"
       Fang-Shi always wants Jin Jinyu to bring Changsheng to the government, and then stay with her. However, Jin Jinyu is not very fond of family, and even more afraid that his son is contaminated with the bad habits of his family. Even if he has a long life, he will not stay there overnight. But Fang-Shi thinks that his son is not filial and not caring. In the past six months, the mother and son have been very unhappy.
       "Fortunately, the big hummer is not a filial piety, or else I really worry about the Young Master." The ethos of the family is very bad, and the children will always be affected if they stay there.
       Lu-Er is too lazy to say anything about her family and says:
       "The big sister should be back." It’s almost a year, and I’m sure I have to go home and reunite with my husband and children.
       It is also that Jao-Jao himself is a one-of-a-kind person who can suppress the people of his family. If not, how can Lu-Er be so relieved!
       As Lu-Er expected, Fang-Shi knew that Jin Jinyu would send away his longevity and thunder.
       "Children will not stay for a while. Are you here Longtan Tiger Cave?"
       I used to feel that Jin Jinyu was filial and intimate, but now Fang-Shi feels that this son is white.
       Jin Jinyu has become accustomed to face the angry Fang-Shi, and I heard this and said a little faintly:
       "It's not bad with the Longtan Tiger Cave."
       Fang-Shi gas grabbed the cup on the table and smashed it toward the golden jade. Fortunately, the Jinjinyu reaction avoided it in time:
       "Where is the Longtan Tiger Cave, what are you doing?"
       The more you say, the more angry Fang-Shi is:
       "You have a hard wing now, what do you want my mother to do? Roll, hurry to roll me. If I die after you don't come, I will not have the son of you."
       Jin Jinyu felt that Fang-Shi was becoming more and more unreasonable, and immediately smashed his face:
       "When I wake up, I will go back."
       Seeing Jin Jinyu turned and left, Fang-Shi was so angry that he broke the majority of the ornaments in the house. After the thing was finished, Fang-Shi burst into tears:
       "God Master, what am I doing? How do you give birth to such two unfilial sons?"
       I was a little scared when I saw it, but I still walked up to the front and comforted myself:
       "Madam, don't be sad, you will be in your heart for a moment, just wait for the gas to disappear." To welcome the Dutch, it is unreasonable that Madam is right. The people who are more filial to Ma Ma, but Madam is getting more and more excessive. Not to mention the Hummer Master, that is, he can't see it.
       Fang-Shi couldn’t listen to the words at all, and always cried. After crying for a long time, the head began to hurt again.
       Ying He heart secretly complained, and at this time, I missed He Mama. Unfortunately, He Mama had a serious illness three months ago, and his son took him out of the government to cure the disease. Without He Mama, Fang-Shi lost his temper and didn't even have a man who could comfort himself.
       In the evening, I woke up. However, although people are awake, they have fallen into sequelae. This embarrassment made him a stroke, and he could not walk in the future.
       You can't accept this fact:
       "Impossible, how can I have a stroke? This is impossible." He is not going to be fifty this year. He is not overeating on most days. He also drinks well and how he may have a stroke.
       If the Luo Doctor, who is not here, is quite famous outside, he is afraid that he will be a quack.
       Luo Imperial Doctor can understand the feelings of the moment, and said with a good voice:
       Old Master Dont be excited, your symptoms are not heavy, as long as the conditioning is good soon.
       When I heard this, I was a little happy and a little embarrassed:
       He was only in his forties, and he had to go through the bed since then, which made him endure.
       Luo Imperial Doctor nodded:
       "When I will open the way, I will eat according to the recipe. The diet should be light on most days. Tobacco and alcohol cannot be touched. For up to three months, you can walk down the ground."
       After the election, Luo Imperial Doctor added:
       "Right, this disease is the most irritated. If it is angry, it will make the condition worse."
       One by one is in mind.

Continue ....

Han Yuxi
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