Han Yuxi 890-899

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 890 Twins   

       He Da Fu carried the medicine box and went to the main Courtyard. (No notice) During this time, Yu-Xi was tossed, and He Da Fu also followed suit, because Yun-Qing  grabbed him three times a day and asked him non-stop.
       There are several recipes in the hands of He Da Fu, but Yu-Xi can not live without medicine, and he has no choice.
       Yu-Xi heard He Da Fu come over and called Gancao to help her sit. Without nutrition and with children, Yu-Xi has little strength in hands and feet.
       He Da Fu gave Yu-Xi a pulse and his face became more and more dignified.
       This time, I spent more time on the pulse than usual.
       Yu-Xi has always worried that nutrition is not enough and is not good for children. He Da Fu is like this, it is obvious that the child has a problem. Yu-Xi is flustered:
       "He Da Fu, is there anything wrong with children?"
       Thinking about the child, if it is really bad, Yu-Xi tears will come soon.
       He Da Fu returned from his meditation and said busy; "Wangfei, the child has no problem."
       Yu-Xi did not relax because of this sentence, and continued to ask:
       "If the child is ok, why are you worried?"
       This is definitely fooling her.
       He Da Fu smiled bitterly, and originally wanted to take advantage of Wangfei. Unfortunately, Wangfei eyes are too sharp. If he is squatting, it will make Wangfei more worried. He Da Fu said:
       "Wangfei may be twins this time."
       Yu-Xi didn't talk, and the next Quan Mama spoke first:
       "You said that Wangfei is pregnant with twins? How much is it?"
       He Da Fu said:
       "There is eight points to grasp." Yu-Xi This tire has been three months old and has stabilized, so he dared to say this.
       Quan Mama said, said:
       "Weirdly so tossed, it turned out to be two!" She had been wondering before, and according to the constitution of Yu-Xi, it should not be so tempered. It turned out to be twins. Although Quan Mama has not taken care of twin pregnant women, as far as she knows, it is hard to have twins and several times more than one.
       Yu-Xi was awkward and said to her stomach:
       "Every day, there is no shortage of water, and one is worried about raising it. Is this still two?"
       Yu-Xi is worried that it will not be eaten well. When the child is born, the body will not be good.
       Quan Mama Said:
       "Or, try some medicine, maybe it is useful?"
       Quan Mama is also not in favor of taking medicine, but now the situation is special, not taking medicine.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Maybe it will be a few days later." It’s impossible to keep the soup from smashing. Generally, it will be three months. She has been full for three months and should be almost the same.
       Quan Mama knows Yu-Xi stubbornness, and no one can change the decision. (no notice)
       Yun-Qing  knows that Yu-Xi is a twin, and she is not surprised:
       “How can I have twins? Is it wrong?”
       Many of the twins are hard to produce at the end. Although Yu-Xi has three births, I can't guarantee that this will be fine. Moreover, the strength of the two children tossing is enough to make people feel at ease.
       He Da Fu will be down more than half:
       "If Wangye doesn't believe it, he can ask the doctor to give Wangfei a pulse." He doesn't want Yu-Xi to have twins.
       The risk of twins is too great. He is the exclusive doctor of Wangfuli, when Yu-Xi What problems have been produced, he certainly can't eat and walk.
       Yun-Qing  quickly recovered calm and said:
       "Wangfei is like this, can the body be able to withstand it?"
       He Da Fu said:
       "I have a prescription here to try, but I have to convince Wangfei." Yu-Xi is reluctant to take medicine, and even the best medicine is useless.
       Yun-Qing  said helplessly:
       "I'll give it a try!" In this regard, Yu-Xi can't do it, making Yun-Qing  a headache.
       Yun-Qing  See Yu-Xi insisted on not taking medicine, and no way, asked Quan Mama:
       "It doesn't work like this. Is there a way to use medicine?"
       Quan Mama shook his head:
       "It can't be done by herself. But Lan Mama didn't care for twins. We can go outside and find an experienced Pozi."
       Yun-Qing  nodded.
       Looking at the Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing , who has no spirit in bed, is distressed:
       "When the two children come out, seeing that I don't teach them well, I even let you eat so much bitterness." Jao-Jao is noisy, and that is also born in the stomach.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "When you are born, it is estimated that you are reluctant." Then the little child, the pain is too late, where to teach.
       Leaning on the bed, Yu-Xi asked:
       "Let me talk about things outside?"
       It is also good to shift attention.
       Yun-Qing  hesitated, and still followed the meaning of Yu-Xi:
       "There has been no response from Jiangnan to the present, but I heard that Liaodong has planted 5 thousand acres of artichokes."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Liaodong winter is too cold, it is not suitable for planting artichokes in autumn.
       The five thousand acres of artichokes are planted, and they will not be returned at that time." As for what season is suitable for Liaodong, it must be tested first.
       Yun-Qing  doesn't understand much about agriculture. Yu-Xi will say that he will listen to it like this:
       "But it's 5 thousand acres of land, even if it won't come back, it's fine."
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       “Yan Wu-shuang estimates that he also guessed that the 5 thousand-acre was just a trial effect. Right, is there any news in Jiangnan?”
       Yun-Qing  thought about it:
       “Yu Baojia saw the official letter we sent to the past, saying that we are fascinating the people.” In fact, if it was not in Fu-Cheng City, Yu-Xi insisted on storing food, and he may not believe it this time. But that time, Yun-Qing  got the benefit of preparing in advance, this time is to support Yu-Xi. Otherwise, it is impossible to build a water raft and so on.
       Yu-Xi can only sigh, she just said that Jiangnan may have a drought in Baojia next year and said that she is fascinating. If it is said that there will be a major flood in Jiangnan next year, it is estimated that she will be enchanted directly. If it is useful, the Yu-Xi who is deceived by the demon does not care, but the key is that Baojia will not believe her.
       This robbery, the Jiangnan people are destined to escape.
       Yun-Qing  touched the head of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Don't sigh, we have done what we did, they don't believe it, and there is no way." It's good to do your part.
       Yu-Xi gently clicked:
       "The drought prevention in the northwest must be done well." If there is a drought in the northwest next year, they have made so many preparations that they should not die any more.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "Reassure, I have ordered all military camps to be well prepared." After a pause, Yun-Qing  talked to Yu-Xi about the songs:
       “Yang Duo-ming has given the woman to He Da.”
       Yu-Xi has a smile on his face:
       "He is a hungry ghost in the color, seeing that the Qing Ji still doesn't see the fish with the cat." The Qing Ji hook is a first-class means, and it will definitely confuse Maiden Dae.
       Yun-Qing  thinks this is not a good idea, saying:
       "Yu-Xi, Qing Ji is the person of Yan Wu-shuang. When we do this, it will only be cheaper for Yan Wu-shuang." Yun-Qing  did not approve of this strategy, but Yu-Xi insisted. He thought about it and felt that even if he failed, he would not let the Yu-Xi do it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       “Yan Wu-shuang is too far away, and he wants to take advantage of it.” Henan is separated from Capital City by Shanxi and Hebei. Yan Wu-shuang will not yet completely control Hebei and Shanxi.
       Yun-Qing  sees Yu-Xi with exhaustion and says:
       "Don't say this, it's too consuming, you can lie down and rest!"
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "I have slept for an hour today. I can't sleep anymore. I have to swollen my eyes and sleep. If you are not busy, help me to go to the corridor for two laps!" It would be very difficult to produce twins.
       Therefore, it is necessary to move more during pregnancy, which is beneficial to production.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "it is good."
       Han Jianming knows that Yu-Xi is twins and is happy and worried. I am happy that Yu-Xi is well-born and worried that the risk of having twins is too great.
       Han Jianming naturally wants to tell Qiu-shi about such a happy event:
       "Mother, the doctor just diagnosed, Yu-Xi is pregnant with twins." If the twins are born, Yu-Xi can have three sons.
       Qiu-shi is happy:
       "Really? Is this a big happy event? If you can have the same pair of dragons and phoenixes as Yu-Chen, then it is Xiangrui." Yu-Chen has two pairs of dragons and babies, I don't know how many people have been married.
       Han Jianming did not agree with this statement:
       "I hope that Yu-Xi is a twin." There is already a son in front, and two sons are reborn.
       The status of Yu-Xi can be rock-solid. Even if Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi are no longer so loving, the 2nd House will not shake the status of Yu-Xi. Of course, no one can take her position in the current position of Yu-Xi, but after all, insurance.
       Qiu-shi did not argue with Han Jianming and said:
       "It is a happy event whether it is a dragon or a twin or a twin. I will look at Yu-Xi in the afternoon!"
       Han Jianming said:
       "Mother, Yu-Xi can't get rid of this month.
       This is where the body is always able to stand up. Mother, we have to think of a way." Qiu-shi is also vegetarian, but Qiu-shi eats Yu and Yu. -Xi can be different. For example, Qiu-shi often eats plain noodles. Although there is no meat, only green vegetables are available. Chicken or beef bones are available.
       Qiu-shi shook his head and said:
       "The few remedies I gave before are useless. But you don't have to worry about it.
       This woman is only a period of time, not always. After two days, Yu-Xi will be fine."
       Han Jianming asked:
       "Mother, are there people in our house who are taking care of pregnant women?"
       If you are in Capital City, such a good choice is hard to find in the northwest.
       Qiu-shi nodded:
       "Before Duke House, there isn't it now." The former family members in Duke have their own skills, but there are fewer people to use here, but the relative expenses are also small. In the past, Duke annual expenditure was at least two or three thousand two, and now two thousand two is enough.
       Han Jianming had known such a result, and today’s deliberate questioning is just a matter of luck.
       Qiu-shi smiled and said:
       "You don't have to worry, this pregnant woman is here. After a few days, the symptoms of hi-yin dissipate and you can eat and sleep."
       Han Jianming whispered:
       "Hope!" He was uneasy when he saw that Yu-Xi was tossed.

       Chapter 891 Ok   

       Yu-Xi feels a little messy hair and wants to comb her hair again.
       Going to the dresser and sitting down, looking at the people in the mirror, Yu-Xi eyes are as big as a brass bell.
       The man in the mirror looked sallow, his eyes were a little swollen, and he looked like a refugee. Not only that, but a lot of spots on the cheeks of the eyes.
       Yu-Xi licked the finger in the mirror and asked Quan Mama:
       "Mama, this person is not me right?"
       For half a month, Yu-Xi did not look in the mirror.
       Quan Mama said with relief:
       "You don't have to worry, after you have given birth to a child, when you take a medicated bath, you will definitely restore your appearance as before." This is completely relieved of Yu-Xi, and it is impossible to return to it before. However, it is no problem to raise it well and recover 70% to 80%.
       Yu-Xi suddenly cried and cried.
       Yun-Qing  came in and saw Yu-Xi crying and scared a big jump:
       "what happened?"
       Quan Mama said helplessly:
       “Wangfei suddenly said that she had to look in the mirror. After the mirror was taken, she was scared and cried?”
       Yun-Qing  did not understand:
       "Shocked in the mirror?"
       I don’t know if Yu-Xi is scared by my current appearance.
       Yu-Xi saw Yun-Qing  and cried even more. Although she always knew that she was not a stunning beauty, she couldn’t compare it with Yu-Chen, but her appearance was not bad. But now, remembering the look of Yu-Xi in the mirror, the more grief.
       Quan Mama gave the licorice and Mei-Yun a look, and the group retired.
       Yun-Qing  This time has become accustomed to the Yu-Xi quirky temperament child. Going over and holding her, she deliberately asked:
       "Don't cry, who told me to bully me, I will help you out."
       Yu-Xi pharyngeal said:
       "‘Fu Jun’, I can't go out to meet people in the future." Ugly, this is a good way to go out! This will be Yu-Xi, deeply inferior.
       Yun-Qing  asked in a serious way:
       "How can I not go out to meet people? Tell me about what happened."
       Yu-Xi touched his face:
       "The ugliness is not the same, so I am so embarrassed to go out and see people."
       Yun-Qing  took the child's strength and took Yu-Xi for a long time, so that Yu-Xi stopped crying.
       This is the case. When Jao-Jao and Lu-Er came to visit her in the evening, Yu-Xi couldn't help but ask two children:
       "Isn't the mother getting ugly?"
       Lu-Er is very smart, and when he listens to Yu-Xi, he says:
       "Mother, how can you become ugly? It is as good as before."
       When I heard this, I knew that Yu-Xi was happy. Yu-Xi turned to look at Jao-Jao and asked:
       "Jao-Jao, you said." Jao-Jao is a sincere child, and he must be true.
       Jao-Jao said honestly:
       "Mother is still the same as before, nothing changes! It is not as spirited as before.
       "I thought that when she was pregnant, she could take her feather duster and smoke her. I would like to fight and I have no strength."
       Yu-Xi was very touched when I heard this.
       The old saying goes, it’s not too ugly. Yu-Xi hugged Jao-Jao and said:
       "It’s still a ‘Miss !"
       Lu-Er squeezed in and held Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, there is me!" Can't forget her.
       Kai Hao, who is having a good time in bed, will ‘call and ‘call, as if to say that I can’t forget me!
       Yu-Xi walked over and ‘called at the forehead of Qi Hao, smiling:
       "You are almost one year old and you still can't talk, it's useless." Yu-Xi will not say such things under normal circumstances, but this will make her emotionally unstable, and no one accuses her.
       When Qi Hao heard the Yu-Xi, he immediately climbed to the side of Yun-Qing  and ignored the Yu-Xi. During this time, Yun-Qing  will accompany Qi Hao as soon as he has time, and his father and son have improved a lot.
       Yu-Xi got a good mood and took a small arm of Qihao flesh and said:
       "The temper is big, and the mother said nothing!"
       The next day, Xu Wu looked at Yun-Qing 's tired look and said:
       "Wangye, you have to pay attention to your body." Wangfei said that it is a good thing to have twins, but Xu Wu knows that Yun-Qing  is very hard. To manage the outside world, we must also succumb to the temperament of Wangfei, and also take care of several children. During this time, the whole person was reduced.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "It's okay. It used to be so hard in Fu-Cheng City. It's nothing to do now." Hard work is certain, but this is his responsibility as a husband and father.
       Xu Wu is not good enough to say more.
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "I remember the full moon feast of your shi-nu in these days?"
       At the beginning of last month, Ling-Shi gave Xu Wu a six-pound Missian. Xu Wu had wanted a son before, but he couldn’t help but leave his daughter. However, because there are too many things in the palace, Xu Wu can't get away from it.
       The children's three-day ceremony is very simple. I only asked a few of the special irons and the Ling-Shi family.
       Yu-Xi has no spirit during this time, but the Qu Mama in the house has been very good.
       The day of the three-day ceremony is a gift.
       Xu Wu smiled and nodded:
       "I told Ling-Shi that there are too many full moon banquets in the twelfth lunar month, and I will not do it until next year's banquet."
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "How can this child's full moon feast be so important? When you put three days off, let's take care of the child's full moon feast, and you can't be wronged by the wrong person. Again, this is for you  Erxi face. Or else Others thought that you would not have a full moon feast because you got a ‘Miss !" Yun-Qing  thinks that children are the same, but outsiders don't think so.
       Xu Wu thought about nodding:
       "It doesn't take three days, but the full moon feast is a day off.
       The things in the house are held by the housekeeper, and I can't use me." Ling-Shi is still working on the moon, Otherwise, he will not care about the family.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "This is what you look at yourself."
       Xu Wu hesitated and said:
       "Wangye, there is something I don't know when I say it wrong." This matter has been in his heart for some time, and hesitated whether he wants to mention Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Say, what?"
       Xu Wu also measured the heart and said:
       "Wangye, Wangfei is so hard with twins, but I didn't listen to Yu Cong who said it  Erxi has nothing to do with twins."
       Yun-Qing  heard this and looked up at Xu Wu:
       "You sent someone to check Lin-Shi?"
       If there is no definitive evidence, Xu Wu will not tell him about it.
       Xu Wu nodded:
       "I don't think this is a big deal, so I checked it in secret. It turned out that Lin-Shi was not pregnant at all. Wangye, I don't know how to talk to Yu Cong." Yu Cong knows Lin-shi -shi After the pregnancy, the happy look Xu Wu remembers now! If you know that Lin-Shi pregnancy is a fake, Yu Cong does not know how to be disappointed!
       Yun-Qing  said with a blank expression:
       "You don't have to tell Yu Cong, Lin - shi-shi fake pregnancy, he is clear." He did not expect the children were not born, they showed signs.
       After a while, Xu Wu said:
       "Since Yu Cong knows, then I will not do much." In fact, he should have thought that the cloud will come back from day to day, and the opposite of the day, even Lin-Shi is not sure if he is pregnant.
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "You don't know about this, and don't tell anyone else."
       Xu Wu is not the kind of mouthful of people, but he is somewhat worried:
       "Wangye, I can be suspicious, and others will be suspicious. I don't know what Yu Cong thinks. It's not good to receive an orphan. It's so troublesome to do." Lin-shi I was diagnosed with infertility before, but now I am suddenly pregnant with twins, and I have no discomfort at all. To know that Lin-Shi is four years older than Yu-Xi, and has not been born, Yu-Xi has been tossed to get rid of half life, but she has nothing to do! It is difficult to make people doubt.
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "This is the matter of Yu Cong and their husband and ‘Madam’. We should not mix it with it." Yun-Qing  has never liked to mix chores with his subordinates.
       Xu Wu clicks on the following:
       "I won't mix."
       On the evening of the same day, the couple chatted in bed. Most of them are Yun-Qing , and Yu-Xi is listening.
       As he spoke, Yu-Xi suddenly grabbed the arm of Yun-Qing  and said:
       "He Rui, I want to eat braised pork and mutton soup."
       Yun-Qing  is a glimpse, and instead looks at Yu-Xi and asks:
       "What did you say? Say what you want to eat?"
       Yu-Xi hasn't responded yet, saying:
       "I said that I want to eat braised pork and mutton soup. What happened? No?"
       Yun-Qing  asked:
       "These are all sly things, don't you feel sick?"
       Yu-Xi feels disgusting when it comes to swearing things.
       Yu-Xi This will finally reflect what I just said:
       "If you don't try it, you may be able to eat it!" Actually, Yu-Xi didn't know why he had just said this.
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "Well, I will call Bai Mama to make you braised pork." After that, he put on a coat and went out.
       Bai Mama knows that Yu-Xi wants to eat braised pork, and takes out his own housekeeping skills to make four soups and two soups.
       They are braised pork, potato stewed beef, kung pao chicken, sausage, fried bean sprouts, vegetarian fried cabbage, and mutton soup.
       Yu-Xi sat behind and frowned at Bai Mama:
       "So many dishes are too wasteful." They couldn't eat so much with their family of five.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "I will accompany you to eat." Yu-Xi suffers like this every day, and Yun-Qing  has a bad appetite during this time.
       Quan Mama never talked, but paid close attention to the reaction of Yu-Xi. Seeing Yu-Xi sitting on the table did not react a little, her heart was slightly loose.
       Yun-Qing  clipped a piece of braised pork to Yu-Xi and said:
       "Try it first." The Yun-Qing  of this meeting is still not very real, because there are no signs of Yu-Xi.
       The braised pork made by Bai Mama is fat and thin, sweet and soft, and the entrance is instant. Don't say that Jao-Jao and Yun-Qing  like to eat, that is, Lu-Er can also eat two or three.
       Watching Yu-Xi eat two pieces of braised pork in succession, Yun-Qing  carefully asked:
       “Is there a feeling of vomiting?”
       Don't spit, or you will be happy.
       Yu-Xi shook his head to:
       "No." After that, Yu-Xi caught another piece of sausage.
       Yu-Xi is actually a meat-loving one, but she knows that vegetarian food is good for her health, so she only eats lighter these years, but every meal has meat, but only eats less. Now that I haven’t eaten meat for a month, I’m not going to panic. But again, Yu-Xi also tasted very elegant and didn't gorge like Yun-Qing .
       When you heard Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing  looked at Lan Mama:
       "Is this good?"
       Seeing that Lan Mama nodded, Yun-Qing  was still a little unbelievable, so it was so inexplicable.
       Yu-Xi clipped a piece of sausage to Yun-Qing  and said:
       "Don't you say you want to eat too? Eat it quickly, or else it won't be delicious if it's cold."
       Yun-Qing  took a deep breath, no matter what the reason, anyway, Yu-Xi can eat it.
       Quan Mama and Lan Mama and others watched Yu-Xi eat so fragrant, and his heart was relieved. During this time, they are also scared.

       Chapter 892 Down Jacket   

       Yu-Xi is no longer happy, and the main house is re-opening. Lu-Er and Jao-Jao also came back to eat.
       Looking at the dishes on a table, Lu-Er's eyes are a little red:
       “It’s good.” During this time, Yun-Qing  spent most of the time in the front yard, and Jao-Jao was eating at Huo Changqing, and only Lu-Er was eating alone in the yard. I am used to eating by a family, and suddenly I eat alone every day. It doesn't feel too much to be uncomfortable.
       Yu-Xi touched the head of Lu-Er and said:
       "This time has lost a lot of weight, but I can eat more." Not only Lu-Er, Yun-Qing  and Jao-Jao have lost a lot. Yu-Xi is uncomfortable, and the whole family is worried. If you don’t eat well, you will lose weight and it will be normal.
       Jao-Jao looked at the belly of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, if after his brother do not listen, I'll help you beat them." Really too bad, even so toss your mother. Tossing a mother is to toss a family.
       Yu-Xi laughed, and the two children were not born yet, they were mourned by everyone.
       Qi Hao was held in the arms of Yun-Qing , which would point to the fried mutton on the table, ‘calling while drooling.
       The meaning was obvious. He wanted to eat meat.
       Yun-Qing  clipped a piece of rice-sized lamb to Kaihao mouth. He was so hot that he ‘called and provoked a burst of laughter.
       Quan Mama let the Hong-duo on one side hold Qi Hao and say:
       “Noble Heir is still small, and you can't eat such irritating food.” It is enough to eat a little bit of it. If you eat too much, you will have a stomachache, and you will have a diarrhea. No way, the child's stomach is weak.
       Qi Hao did not want to punch and kick Hongdi. However, Hong-duo is a martial artist, and Qi Hao actions have no effect on her.
       After dinner, Jao-Jao touched the round belly and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I haven’t eaten so well for a long time."
       Yu-Xi has some guilt, saying:
       "It’s not for the mother, let you all worry about it." She did not expect that she would be happy and that the children could not feel at ease.
       Jao-Jao doesn't like to hear this:
       "Mother, you are not comfortable and you are not willing to volunteer.
       They are all naughty." Or Kaihao, when the mother was pregnant, he did not react.
       After using the meal, I didn’t disperse it immediately, but surrounded it and said a little bit of a day, then I did my own thing.
       When the two children left, the Yu-Xi also began to walk around the corridor.
       The cold weather is frozen on the ground, and Yu-Xi does not dare to go out. It can only be rotated a few times in the corridor.
       Looking at the Yu-Xi spirit is good, Quan Mama and Yu-Xi said:
       "But the joy is over, but the next days may not be easy."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "What's wrong with Mama, just say, I can't live." This is not easy, and she has to be guilty before the child is born safely.
       Quan Mama said:
       "It’s dangerous to have twins, so you won’t be easy for the rest of the time.”
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "I listened to Mama." With the two symptoms of drowsiness and hilariousness, Yu-Xi didn't dare to take it lightly. A bad one, the child will be in danger.
       Quan Mama nodded:
       “Lan Mama has not given birth to twins, so I have let Wangye find a stable woman who has had twins.” Of course, if you can find a stable woman who will raise a baby and ensure the safety of the child, then All right.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       “This is very safe.” After that, Yu-Xi turned to Quan Mama:
       "Mama doesn't have to worry. Although it will be a little tired, but my body is good, I should not have to eat more meals and more walking on most days."
       Quan Mama nodded:
       "You have such a good attitude." Yu-Xi can always maintain such a calm state of mind, and people around him will not panic. In the past few years, it seems that the people have really been trained.
       Yu-Xi walked around the corridor three times, and Quan Mama said to her:
       "You lie down, I will press you a button." After so long, the legs are definitely sour.
       Yu-Xi is busy saying:
       "Mama, let the licorice come!" Mama is still waiting for her so much age, so that Yu-Xi is somewhat unwilling.
       Quan Mama Said:
       "Now is a special time, don't talk about those virtual.
       The licorice massage technique is good, but it is not good for me."
       Yu-Xi saw it and didn't stick to it anymore.
       After Quan Mama massaged, Yu-Xi was already asleep. Quan Mama took the quilt and covered it with Yu-Xi.
       This feeling, Yu-Xi did not sleep too long. After three quarters of an hour, Yu-Xi woke up, and when he woke up, he saw licorice doing a purse next to it.
       Yu-Xi opened the quilt and said to the licorice:
       "The house has not been opened. You can do eyeliner work and hurt your eyes." Yu-Xi only does needlework when the weather is good.
       Licorice smiled and put down the embroidered plaque and said:
       "Nothing, just do a little while." After saying that he came over and wanted to help Yu-Xi, he was pushed away by Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I can still go without someone to help myself, you will fold the quilt! Right, change the bed quilt!" Although it is a cold day, Yun-Qing  is a small stove, usually covered by a quilt for ten days. Left and right Yu-Xi makes people change the bed quilt.
       The licorice folds the quilt and responds to it.
       Looking at the quilt raised by the back of the licorice, Yu-Xi suddenly flashed a word:
       Licorice turns around:
       "Wangfei, what are you talking about? What duvet?"
       Yu-Xi sounds great and she hears very clearly.
       Yu-Xi eyes burst into a light and said:
       "Go and invite Quan Mama, I have something to discuss with her." She has forgotten a lot of things in her life. If she suddenly remembered it today, she forgot to have such a glimpse.
       Quan Mama walked in and asked Yu-Xi:
       "Is there anything important to discuss with me?"
       Yu-Xi is now reassuring in the backyard, and the outside world doesn't care. Quan Mama is a bit strange. Yu-Xi can talk to her about anything.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Mama, I just remembered one thing. Duck feathers can actually be used as clothes quilts. Mama, the clothes quilt made by duck feathers are not only warm and light." The clothes and quilts made by duck feathers are not up to the Noble Lady. like. Because the ducks are the low-lying things that the official Noble Lady can't get, the tiger skins are the ones they like. However, ordinary people like it because the price is not high. At the time, the daughter of Pozi, the gatekeeper of her yard, gave her a quilt to cover her. Yu-Xi has a deeper impression because he has read more people.
       Quan Mama frowned and said:
       "The duck's hair is dirty and smelly. How can such a thing be worn on the body?"
       Why should Yu-Xi use such a low-key thing?
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "This duck sweater is warmer than the big one made by the leather. At that time, it is good to wear the soldiers." Especially the cavalry, wearing such lightweight clothes can reduce the burden.
       Quan Mama didn't ask Yu-Xi how to know that the clothes made by duck feathers are warmer than the big ones, she just asked:
       "what do you want me to do?"
       Anyway, Yu-Xi has always been strange, not bad.
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "When the clothes are made, Wangye asks, Mama said that you thought it was unintentional." She really didn't want to make up lies, because a lie requires a lot of lies to round.
       This time, her mind was not as good as it used to be. In the event that Yun-Qing  asked more, she worried that she would leak when she said it.
       Quan Mama nodded:
       "I will try to make one first. If it is as good as you said, then tell Wangye." As long as it is not Yu-Xi, Quan Mama doesn't mind.
       Quan Mama is in the backyard of the Wangfu, second only to Yu-Xi. She spoke, and naturally no one would dare to slack off. Although she did not know what she wanted to do with duck feathers, Han Ji still found him ten pounds of duck feathers within three days.
       Looking at these bloody duck feathers, Quan Mama looked disliked and said:
       "Cash these things three times, then dry them, and then pick out the dirty things inside." Don't care for the soldiers, but such things can't be on the body of Yu-Xi. Otherwise, it is too stressless.
       People are more powerful, and only one day of work is done. Once again in front of Quan Mama, it was clean and soft duck feathers.
       Quan Mama was very demanding, and the duck feathers were picked up, leaving only six pounds less than the duck feathers.
       Yu-Xi looked at a pile of duck feathers and said:
       "These hairs should be able to make three pieces of duck feather clothes!" In fact, Yu-Xi knows that this thing has a very elegant name, called down jacket. However, Yu-Xi will be vague, not called this name.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Although it has been washed three times, it is still delicious." Not only is it tasteful but also dirty, although it is not visible on this dirty surface.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It will be much lighter when you turn the sun." If this thing is promoted, it will benefit the ordinary people and the soldiers below.
       Quan Mama just tells Yu-Xi about the weakness of this thing, and does not mean to do it:
       "These hairs have to be pressed." If it is so stuffed, it will be uneven.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Mama is the master of this matter." She only knows that there is such a thing, and how to operate it is really unclear.
       After the three duck sweaters are done, it is already twenty-one in the twelfth lunar month. Quan Mama handed the three pieces of good clothes to Yun-Qing  and said:
       "Wangye, this is the three scorpions I made people do you want to try on?"
       Yun-Qing  feels wrong when I pick it up:
       “How is it so light? What is it inside?”
       Hearing the duck feathers inside, Yun-Qing  looked surprised, this duck feather can also make clothes too strange:
       "The duck's hair? Who the idea?"
       Quan Mama stood out:
       "Ducks can get into the water in winter, I thought that if I use my hair to make clothes, maybe it will be warmer than the cotton jacket. So thinking about it, people collect duck feathers and do these three duck feathers." I don't know. When people hear this, they will feel that Quan Mama is very innovative.
       Yun-Qing  took off the big woolen clothes outside, and then faded the middle clothes, only the coat, and then put a duck feather on his body. Well, it’s not very fit, it’s ugly. But Yun-Qing  is for the purpose of trying to test the effect, but I don't care about it.
       After two quarters of an hour, Yun-Qing  took the duck feathers off and said excitedly to Quan Mama:
       "Mama, this is a good thing. It is warm and light, and it is best for the soldiers in the military." As Tan Tuo said before, there is a good thing Yun-Qing  is the first to mourn the soldiers in the army.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       “It’s good to be warm, just to smell.” Hearing Yun-Qing  said that this taste is nothing, Quan Mama smiled. After adding up and down for ten days, I got Yun-Qing  and I didn’t waste it.

       Chapter 893 New Year's Eve (plus more votes)   

       Yun-Qing  was very happy to have a duck sweater. When I saw Yu-Xi, she said:
       "Quan Mama, this is a great achievement." This thing is promoted and can benefit the soldiers and the people.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Whether this duck sweater is warm, how much hair can a duck have? Even if the whole northwest duck feathers are collected, there are not a few clothes." Quan Mama wants the ten-pound duck feather, not only from Zhuangzi. Acquired with the restaurant, but also killed some live ducks.
       Yun-Qing  nodded and said:
       "You are very speaking. What should I do?"
       In this respect, he is far worse than Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "As long as the duck sweater has not leaked out, we can buy duck feathers in the surrounding provinces. Clean these things first to eliminate the odor, and then use these things to make clothes in the spring." Anyway, this winter is definitely not used.
       Yun-Qing  was a little surprised and asked:
       "Can goose feathers?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Goose can also be launched in the winter, its feathers should be very warm. If there is any doubt, you can find some to test." Goose feathers, it is really Yu-Xi speculation.
       Yun-Qing  thought about it:
       "Do you think wool can make clothes?"
       If the wool can make clothes, then it is really not awkward.
       There are not many other places in the northwest, and there are many wools.
       Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "The idea is good, but no one can make wool into clothes for the time being. Yes, the acquisition of duck feathers and goose feathers is done to outsiders. Don't let people know that there is a relationship with the palace. If not, the price will be Great rise." Not afraid of someone making a bad, afraid that someone will deliberately raise the price.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "This does not need to say that I also know. How is today, is the child noisy?"
       Yu-Xi touched her stomach.
       This month, Yu-Xi ate a lot, and the child grew very fast:
       "These days are very embarrassing." If it can be like this all the time, I am afraid that I will be tossed again in a few days. Yu-Xi was scared by these two children.
       After dinner, Yun-Qing  accompanied Yu-Xi in the yard. Yu-Xi walked very slowly, not even half the usual speed. Yun-Qing  supported her and patiently accompanied Yu-Xi around the corridor for five laps.
       After sitting down, Yu-Xi is already sweating. After sweating, Yu-Xi took a glass of water from Quan Mama and finished after drinking:
       “Mama, do you want to massage today?”
       Quan Mama nodded:
       "I will massage every day." Some words went to Quan Mama and did not tell Yu-Xi. Many pregnant women with twins will have edema. Yu-Xi is not available now, but it does not mean that it will not be available in the future.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "That's hard Mama."
       Yun-Qing  looked at it and didn't intervene. Massage is so meticulous, he wants to learn and can't learn.
       Soon, merchants in the northwest began to buy duck feathers and goose feathers. Not only in the Northwest, but also in the surrounding provinces.
       The news quickly spread to the capital. Yan Wu-shuang said strangely:
       "What is the use of this duck feather with goose feathers?"
       Goose feathers and duck feathers, these things are thrown away when the garbage.
       Meng-nian shook his head:
       "We found that Mama, who had a surname around Pingxi Wangfei in the middle of the twelfth lunar month, had ten pounds of duck feathers. But she did what the duck feathers did, we didn't find out." The use of this thing except Quan Mama and Yu-Xi A few people know that even Xu Wu doesn't know that Yan Wu-shuang's people are naturally unable to find out.
       After a pause, Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, their use of this thing will come out sooner or later. Wangye, you see if we are also buying some."
       Yan Wu-shuang laughed when he heard this and said:
       "This is not food, what are you doing?"
       There is no problem in the food for one or two years. It will not stink when the things are picked up and put on the warehouse. Speaking of Yan Wu-shuang, I feel that Yu-Xi is very tossing. If you are not good, you will have a good heart and you will always think of it.
       Meng-nian said after a moment of indulgence:
       "If it's Pingxi Wangfei idea, then we have to pay close attention to it. Most of the things that Yu-Xi toss out are good things."
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head:
       "It may be a good thing for her, but it may not be for us.
       The five thousand acres of artichokes that were planted before have not been completely frozen." Liaodong often snows heavily, and a heavy snow falls.
       This acacia seedlings are all buried in the snow. . When I opened it, all of them were frozen to death.
       Meng-nian Said:
       "This can only be said that this artichoke is not suitable for autumn in Liaodong. It will not be planted when it is spring." They also scrutinized this problem before they planted only 5 thousand acres.
       The results were all frozen as expected. .
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Take this to someone to do it!" To Tian, ​​they are laymen.
       As I spoke, I saw the guards outside and said:
       "Wangye, the palace is coming." The people coming from the palace may only be the ones sent by the emperor. Although the emperor is awkward, but Yan Wu-shuang is still doing a good job.
       Yan Wu-shuang did not show impatience, but changed his clothes and went to the palace with his high southeast.
       When I saw the emperor, Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       "I don't know what the emperor's call to do is important?"
       The emperor was only seven years old and had never touched the government affairs.
       The emperor did not show a bit of dissatisfaction, but looked forward to Yan Wu-shuang with a look of hope:
       "There will be a New Year in a few days. I want to have dinner with my mother and my brother Mei Mei." He is a half-parent with Achi and A-Bao, and naturally his brother.
       Yan Wu-shuang never treated the emperor as a child. After listening to this, he immediately smiled and said:
       "Achi and A-Bao are too small, it is not good to enter the palace. But wait for the New Year's Eve, you can let Han Yu enter the palace to accompany you through New Year's Eve." This palace has too many charms, he will not be assured A pair of children were placed in the palace.
       The emperor flashed the color of disappointment, but did not ask for Yan Wu-shuang again, just said:
       "Regency Wang, when A-Bao and Achi caught Zhou, can I go to the ceremony?"
       His words and deeds are all under the supervision of Yan Wu-shuang. It is also Zhou-Yan's psychological quality is good, otherwise it will be distorted in such a depressed environment.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "This is natural." After the election, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "The emperor, the treasury is empty, the red tape of the New Year is exempted!"
       The emperor had no objection and said:
       "This is a regency the king is the master." Military affairs are controlled by Yan Wu-shuang, he is a servant. Zhou-Yan is not stupid. If you want to live, you should be good at it. If you dare to change, you will die at any time.
       Back to the palace, Yan Wu-shuang went to the backyard. As soon as I entered the house, I saw A-Bao pressing Achi under her body. A red temper is good, being bullied and not crying.
       The mother is trying to separate the two, and she saw Yan Wu-shuang, and she was busy with her dedication:
       “Wangye Wanfu.”
       When A-Bao saw Yan Wu-shuang, he happily climbed up and ‘called:
       "Oh." He finished his hand toward Yan Wu-shuang.
       Achi got up and sat down, then ‘called:
       "Hey." Achi talked a month later than A-Bao, but it was too early to speak in eleven months.
       Looking at the son who imagined himself, Yan Wu-shuang would have some soft feelings and walked over to hold Achi in his arms. Fortunately, my son is like him, not like Zhou-Yan. Otherwise, it is not disgusting to swallow a fly.
       In fact, the twins like Zhou-Yan are A-Bao, and the two have two or three. It’s just that A-Bao is a Miss, and it’s beautifully dressed on most days, covering all the points.
       When Yu-Chen entered the house, she saw that Yan Wu-shuang was holding two children and was very surprised, but it was not obvious.
       Yan Wu-shuang retelled the words he had just said about Zhou-Yan with Yu-Chen and said:
       "I have promised the emperor to let you go to the palace to spend the New Year's Eve with him."
       Yu-Chen glimpsed, but soon woke up to God, and blessed said:
       “Thank you for Wangye.” She hasn’t seen Zhou-Yan for half a year. She can go to the palace to accompany Zhou-Yan on New Year’s Eve. She is still very happy.
       In the New Year's Eve, the Pingxi-Wangfu main house opened two tables. A man has a table, a woman has a table with a child. It is not the beginning to pay attention to men and women, but men to drink. Yu-Xi didn't want to smell the wine, and he was afraid that Jao-Jao would follow it, so he divided the two tables.
       After spending the New Year's Eve dinner, a group of people entered the bedroom -. Yu-Xi looked at the person in the pocket of Purple Zi-Jin and said:
       "Purple Zi-Jin, you should come back to see the children on most days." If the man is brought to Yang Shifu, Yang Shifu will take the child with an old man, and he will be in the pharmaceutical industry most of the day, usually on most days. If the man's Milkmaid takes her. It is strange to say that although the man sees her mother no more than ten times a year, the child is very close to Yu Zi and Purple Zi-Jin, and sticks to them when they return.
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "Wangfei, there are too many military camps. When I am not busy, I stay in the house to accompany the men." If the name of the man is taken by Purple Zi-Jin, Purple Zi-Jin hopes that her daughter will be able to make a career with the same men. Although Yu-Xi felt that the name was not good, Yang Shifu and Yu Zhi did not object, and she would not say anything more.
       Yu-Xi said two times:
       "When you are busy, can you be busier than Wangye? Wangye also makes a small half-hour every day to talk with the children!" Every night after dinner, Yun-Qing  will accompany the child to talk. Although they are talking about nonsense, the two children are very happy.
       Purple Zi-Jin chuckles:
       "When I came back, I heard Shifu saying that Wangfei was not the same as before, and I didn't expect it to be true." The former Yu-Xi was dignified and generous, and where would this indecent voice come out!
       Into the military camp, the Purple Zi-Jin temperament child became more and more straightforward. However, the life of the military camp is indeed suitable for Purple Zi-Jin, she is now mixed in it.
       Yu-Xi is not angry, smiles:
       "The daring is getting bigger and bigger, even I am teasing." Purple Zi-Jin and Zi-Su are the two Servants she believes most, and they are all very good now, which makes her heartily happy. .
       After talking about a conversation, Quan Mama came over to remind Yu-Xi:
       "Wangfei, it’s over." It’s time to walk.
       Purple Zi-Jin heard that Yu-Xi had to circle around the corridor, handed the child to the mother, and wanted to help Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I can go without it now." Yu-Xi now feels that she is not as relaxed as she is now.
       Five laps went down, Yu-Xi was full of sweat, and the clothes were all attached. But because I am afraid of being cold, even if it will sweat, Yu-Xi will not change clothes, and even dare not take a bath.
       Purple Zi-Jin is very distressed:
       "How is it so hard?"
       When you are pregnant, Purple Zi-Jin doesn't feel anything.
       Yu-Xi leaned back in the chair and said:
       "It’s very hard to have twins." The three previous ones did not suffer so much.

       Chapter 894 Yuan Zhen   

       The jujube trees that have fallen on the leaves are covered with hairy silver crystals.
       The pines at the corners of the house are full of fluffy pines and heavy snowballs.
       Licorice walked slowly along the corridor with Yu-Xi, and now Yu-Xi has increased from five laps to six laps. Every time you finish, Yu-Xi is a sweat.
       Mei-Lan looked at the sweat of the bean and slipped from the forehead of Yu-Xi. Some worried:
       "Wangfei, let's take a break and go!" Yu-Xi is six consecutive laps, not stopping and taking a break.
       Licorice said to Mei-Lan:
       "Mama said, can't stop, we must finish it before we can rest." She looked at Yu-Xi so she was uncomfortable, but Quan Mama words still have to be followed. Because Quan Mama is good for Wangfei.
       After six laps, Yu-Xi was too tired to sit on the chair and gasp. Don't say six laps before, that is, sixty laps are not in the air.
       Just now, Yu-Xi looked down at the big belly and sighed slightly. It’s like blowing up the stomach when you can eat it. It’s bigger every day. Now more than four months of pregnancy is six months older than others. In the past, she also envied those who had twins, and now it is a torture for pregnant women to have twins.
       After two quarters of rest, Yu-Xi went to the net room. After rubbing and changing clothes, Quan Mama began to massage her. Because Quan Mama craftsmanship is so good, every time I massage Yu-Xi, I will fall asleep.
       This day is no exception. After the massage, Yu-Xi gave it a sleep.
       Quan Mama looked for Lan Mama and said with a sad face:
       "Now the child is just that big for more than four months. It will definitely be bigger in two months. At that time, I am worried that Wangfei will not be able to walk, and he will be supported."
       Lan Mama said:
       "If you can't walk, you have to go. If you don't move around, it will be difficult to produce." Now suffering is for the smooth production.
       Quan Mama smiled and didn't talk anymore. Looking at Yu-Xi suffers such a crime, she is distressed. I knew that the day I was sure to persuade Yu-Xi to drink the scorpion soup.
       In a blink of an eye, I went to Lantern Festival. Lu-Er knows that Jao-Jao Lantern will go to see the lantern and tell Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I want to go to the lantern with my sister-sister." She heard that Jao-Jao said that the scene of the Lantern Festival was so busy, she longed for it. After waiting for a year, I finally waited for the opportunity.
       Yu-Xi thought about letting Lu-Er take her to see the lanterns last year, and said to Yun-Qing :
       "He Rui, you take Lu-Er to see the lanterns at night!" She didn't dare to leave the yard now, let alone go out.
       Yun-Qing  looked at Lu-Er and looked at him with a smile. He nodded with a smile:
       "Well, I took Lu-Er to see the lanterns at night. But in this case, you will be left with A-Hoa at home."
       Yu-Xi hasn't spoken yet, and A-Hoa, who is in her arms by Yun-Qing , suddenly yelled:
       Yun-Qing  was shocked, and then it was Kaihao who called him. Yun-Qing  was immediately too happy to say:
       "This kid finally spoke up." Because Jao-Jao was also a year old, he did not speak, so Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi are not in a hurry. I didn't expect this kid to give them an unexpected surprise today.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Speaking clearly, I don't know if I thought I practiced it many times!" Jao-Jao spoke unclear when he was open, and Yu-Xi corrected it many times, not to mention Lu-Er.
       Yun-Qing  is a bit suspicious, telling Yu-Xi:
       "A-Hoa is calling me, do you want to see the lanterns?"
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "His one-year Old child knows what a lantern is? But the boy needs to go outside to see it. He Rui, take Qihao together at night!" If she let others Kaihao go out, she is definitely not at ease. But to Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi is not worried at all.
       Yun-Qing  nodded, but he thought about bringing some guards to the time. After all, bring these two children, and bring more people to be safe. As for Jao-Jao, there is Huo Changqing who doesn't need him to worry about it either.
       On this day, because I was going out, dinner was half an hour earlier than usual. Lu-Er changed a red-brown butterfly and sprinkled a gold plait, and this pleated skirt. Because he was still young, he combed a two-ringed scorpion with a string of corals. Lu-Er was originally very good, and then dressed so deliberately, like the little fairy who sat down with the mother, Imperial Consort.
       Lu-Er This will also reach the age of beauty, and when I enter the house, I ask Yu-Xi:
       "Mom, can I look good in this clothes?"
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Good-looking, we Lu-Er look good no matter what clothes we wear." Lu-Er is good, and what clothes are beautiful on her. However, the child is small, so most of the things that Yu-Xi gave her are brightly colored clothes.
       The mother and the daughter are talking, and Jao-Jao is coming. As soon as I entered the house, I said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mom, I am back."
       Yu-Xi looked at Jao-Jao costume and had some headaches, saying:
       "Will you wear this body when you are going to see the lantern?"
       Jao-Jao often falls to the ground when practicing, so Yu-Xi divides her clothes into two categories. One type is specially designed for her to wear when she is practicing. It is dark-colored clothes that are stain-resistant, such as black and stone, and the other is a brightly colored dress like Lu-Er. Unfortunately, Jao-Jao has not passed through the skirt since the martial arts.
       This will be, Jao-Jao is wearing a stone blue short-sleeved clothes.
       Jao-Jao looked down at the clothes she wore and said:
       "Mother, my clothes are just changed, very clean!" In the eyes of Jao-Jao, the clothes are as clean as they are, and the others are not picking.
       Yu-Xi, the amount of support, said to the drug:
       "Go and get a set of clothes for Eldest Miss."
       Jao-Jao, I don’t know what Yu-Xi is going to do, he said:
       "Mother, I don't want to wear a skirt, it is not convenient to walk in a skirt." I am used to striding, walking in a skirt and going to wrestle. Before Jao-Jao fell once, so I didn't want to wear a skirt anymore.
       Seeing Yu-Xi is not moving, Jao-Jao said:
       "Mother, I heard that there are a lot of kidnappers on the lantern. If the kidnapper hits me, I want to turn me away. I could have run away. I can't run in my skirt." After that, I looked at Yu with a sad look. Xi.
       Looking at the black ones, Jao-Jao, Yu-Xi, which has a ratio of charcoal, was pumped and said:
       "You can rest assured that the kid will only look for a good-looking child to start, and will not hit your idea." Also because I know Jao-Jao is too big, I will not put these words in my heart, or else Yu-Xi will not I will say this.
       Jao-Jao turned his head very quickly and turned to look at Lu-Er and said:
       "Mother, Mei Mei is so beautiful, the kid will definitely hit her idea. Niang, I can't protect Mei Mei in the skirt." After saying this, Jao-Jao said to Lu-Er. :
       "Mei Mei, you still don't know what the kidnapper is? The kidnapper is the bad guy who turns the beautiful child. After they turn the beautiful children away, they hide them first. After the wind has passed, they sell to the broth and so on. Dirty place..." Actually, Jao-Jao didn't know where the broth was, she just listened to Xu Daniu and they said so.
       Looking at Lu-Er, his face was white, and Yu-Xi was busy drinking Jao-Jao:
       "You Mei Mei is timid, don't scare her." Lu-Er has been in the inner court, not knowing the darkness outside. It is Jao-Jao, who knows everything outside.
       Lu-Er really scared, and took the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, I won't go." Look good outside, but if you are abducted, you can't go home.
       Yu-Xi touched the head of Lu-Er:
       "Don't be afraid, you will protect you." Lu-Er is so timid because he always hasn't seen the world in the inner court. So Yu-Xi wants her to go out and walk more.
       Jao-Jao listened to the sound and said:
       "Mei Mei don't have to be afraid, there are me to protect you, and those who are kidnappers will not dare to hit your mind." If the kidnapper does not dare to hit Lu-Er's idea, she will play these people to find the teeth.
       Yu-Xi looked at Jao-Jao confident look and his heart sank. Child confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is conceited. Yu-Xi wants to remind Huo Changqing, can not let Jao-Jao become conceited.
       After dinner, Yun-Qing  said to Yu-Xi:
       "Qihao is too young to take him. After waiting for two years, it is not too late to take him out." Xu Wu knew that Yun-Qing  would bring Kaihao out to strongly oppose it. Qi Hao is too small. In case of assassination, even the guards with high status of Yun-Qing  are very dangerous.
       After listening to the explanation of Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi is somewhat afraid of:
       "This is something I don't think about. I really shouldn't let Kaihao go. If anything happens, I can't live anymore." Before the pregnancy, Yu-Xi was indifferent. Since the pregnancy, the mood of Yu-Xi has changed a lot, and a disappointment is tearful. To Yun-Qing  said that Lu-Er likes to cry, it is absolutely like Yu-Xi.
       Yun-Qing  is busy:
       "Nonsense, there is nothing I can do with them." He did not let Qi Hao follow, worried that the assassin would scare the child. Kai Hao is daring and only a one-year Old child.
       Because of concerns, Yu-Xi no longer forced Jao-Jao to change into a skirt. As Jao-Jao said, it is really dangerous. It is not convenient to wear a skirt and want to run.
       After using the meal, Yun-Qing  went out with two children. Because of Xu Wu, for the safety of children, Yun-Qing  brought twelve guards this time.
       Yu-Xi sat in a chair and said to Quan Mama:
       "Since I was pregnant, my mind was not sober. I couldn't think of what Xu Wu could think of."
       Quan Mama said:
       "You are not in a good spirit. It is normal to think about things before. In fact, if the Darens did not tell Wangye about this, I would not let Qihao go to see the lanterns." To Quan Mama said, Yu-Xi was not well thought out. excusable.
       The key is Yun-Qing . I didn’t even think of the assassination. It was really too much. Or Yun-Qing  is not unexpected, just too confident about himself.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Mama, what do you think is not right in the future? Just tell me directly."
       Quan Mama said:
       "The most important thing for you now is to raise your baby with peace of mind, and you don't have to worry about anything else." Yu-Xi is the biggest expectation of her child.

       Chapter 895 Accident   

       Lantern's evening was still a bit cold, so Lu-Er sat on the horse with Yun-Qing , but in a carriage. Jao-Jao is afraid of Lu-Er alone, and goes to the carriage to talk with Lu-Er.
       Along the way, Jao-Jao vividly depicts the lively scene of the Lantern Festival:
       "There are beautiful lanterns, and many lanterns have written puzzles on them. As long as you guess that you don't need money, you can take them away. In addition to playing tricks, selling all kinds of masks, all kinds of It’s fun.”
       These Lu-Er had heard of Jao-Jao before, but Lu-Er still listened with gusto, and asked two sentences from time to time.
       When I heard Yun-Qing  say it outside, Jao-Jao took Lu-Er's hand out of the carriage.
       There was a stove in the carriage, and a cold wind blew the curtain of the car. Lu-Er couldn’t help but shudder. Just wear a thin folder of Jao-Jao, just like no one else.
       After getting off the carriage, Lu-Er took the hand of Yun-Qing . Knowing that there are dangerous people like the kidnappers, Lu-Er made up his mind to stay away from her tonight.
       Yun-Qing  touched the head of Lu-Er and said with a smile:
       "There is nothing wrong with it." He has already told Lu Biyuan to send all the servants to maintain the security of the Lantern Festival tonight.
       Lu-Er still just grabbed the hand of Yun-Qing  and smiled:
       "Well, there is a sigh, Lu-Er is not afraid." If it wasn't for Yun-Qing  to take her out, she must have retired.
       Jao-Jao looked at the various lanterns on the stall not far away, pulling Lu-Er's left hand:
       "Lu-Er, let's pick a beautiful lantern."
       Lu-Er looked up at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "Hey, can we go there to see the lanterns?"
       If Yun-Qing  doesn't go, she won't go.
       The lanterns are beautiful, but the lanterns look good again and there is no personal safety to be important.
       Yun-Qing  took the hand of Lu-Er and walked to the stall and said:
       "What does Lu-Er like, let the boss give it to you."
       The boss is also a glance, watching Yun-Qing  and Lu-Er's dressing know that it is a rich Noble Lady. Take the most beautiful two lanterns on the stall and take it to Lu-Er.
       The boss pointed at one of the squid lanterns and told Lu-Er the story of the squid leaping dragon gate. Lu-Er I have seen this and immediately I am fascinated.
       Lu-Er is still listening, and the left hand carries a squid lantern.
       "How much is this lantern?"
       Yu-Xi doesn't want Lu-Er to be clean, so Lu-Er knows that it takes money to buy something. But these things have specific prices, she does not know.
       The boss with more savvy people, said to Lu-Er:
       "Miss likes it, just look at it." The little Miss of this rich family made a big profit.
       Yun-Qing  didn't give advice, just smiled and looked at Lu-Er, let her make her own decision.
       Lu-Er hesitated, handing the lantern to Jao-Jao, and then taking off the purse from the waist. Because Lu-Er is ready to buy things back, so bring money. Lu-Er's money is different from Jao-Jao. She will get the gold and silver nudes in the purse on most days.
       Taking out a golden peanut, Lu-Er looked at the boss and asked:
       "Is this enough?"
       Lu-Er is measuring in the heart, if it is not enough, then one should be almost the same.
       The boss saw such a golden peanut tooth and laughed out, even if it was hollow, he made a big profit tonight.
       The boss is busy nodding:
       "Enough, enough."
       Jao-Jao put Lu-Er's golden peanuts back into her purse and said:
       "You are a golden peanut, and it is more than enough to buy all the lanterns on his stall." After saying this, Jao-Jao looked at the boss and said:
       "Let's say, how much is this lantern?"
       Want to lie to her Mei Mei, also have to see her answer.
       The gold that comes to hand is gone, and the boss feels so sad:
       "Miss looks at it." This tomboy is definitely not a pro-sister-sister with this pretty little Miss. But when I swept the face of Yun-Qing , the boss would be embarrassed.
       Jao-Jao snorted:
       "A lantern, at most thirty or forty yuan, I will give you sixty words when you are happy with me Mei Mei." After that, let Ade pay.
       Leaving the stall, Lu-Er asked:
       "-Sister-sister, have I paid more for it?"
       Jao-Jao, um, one channel:
       "Your golden peanut is solid, there are nearly half two, one or two gold is equal to ten Silver Taels, and one Silver Taels is equal to one thousand. A lantern is at most thirty or fifty cents. You calculate if you give How much does he earn from a golden peanut?"
       Lu-Er has already learned the mathematics, and my heart is silent, then the face is dark:
       "He is cheating on me?"
       After looking up at Yun-Qing , I asked:
       "Hey, you know that he was cheating on me, why don't you tell me?"
       Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "Golden peanuts are given by you, not what he wants.
       This is not a deception." This is the cleverness of the hawker. Otherwise, Yun-Qing  will not be silent.
       Seeing Lu-Er very unhappy, Jao-Jao smiled and patted her shoulder and said:
       "Don't be upset, I ate a biscuit and paid a one or two gold nudes! But after eating that loss, I was never fooled by them." Jao-Jao, who knew the truth at that time, Don't mention how much you feel bad.
       Yun-Qing , this is the beginning:
       "Lu-Er, you-sister-sister-speaking is very right. After coming out and learning more about the outside, it is not easy to be fooled."
       Lu-Er nodded:
       "Know it, ‘Laughs’ ."
       The group went on to go ahead. Lu-Er didn't go out to see what was strange. Yun-Qing  is very patient, does not urge her, let her ask herself to see.
       The two years in the northwest are also considered to be good weather, and there are many policies for the people of Huimin.
       The days of ordinary people are better than before. Not only can you eat enough, but also a lot of money.
       There is no activity on most days, everyone is nesting at home, and it is rare to encounter the Lantern Festival, so many people are dragging their families out to play.
       There are more and more people on the street and they are getting crowded. Yun-Qing  worried that Lu-Er was stepped on, and he picked up Lu-Er. As for Jao-Jao, I don't want to be held.
       Lu-Er looked at the crowd and was afraid, yelling at Yun-Qing ’s neck:
       "Hey, let's go back!" I also watched it, and bought it, Lu-Er would want to go home.
       Followed by another personal guard, Spoel, looking at the situation in front of him, toward Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, it's not easy to go out too many people now. Or, find a place to rest first, and wait until people are gone."
       Yun-Qing  looked at Lu-Er and looked pale and nodded. Huo Changqing is very familiar with this film and says:
       “There is a tea house in front, we can go to the tea house for a cup of tea.”
       Into the teahouse, the criminal Sibo ‘called:
       "Give us a box." In the box, it is safer.
       The Shopkeeper looked at a group of people, and all the cows were murderous.
       The most important thing was that they still had swords on their bodies.
       They knew that they were not ordinary people.
       The shopkeeper was busy taking the group to the spare box.
       Jao-Jao is not willing to go to the box and says to Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, I want to go out and play again." Jao-Jao is crazy, the more she is, the more she likes it.
       Huo Changqing nodded:
       "Let Ade go with you!" There is danger outside, but the danger is no more dangerous than the battlefield.
       Yun-Qing  is not at ease, and let a guard named Yin Zhaofeng go with him.
       Jao-Jao Although it is not convenient to bring so many people, she also knows that if she does not bring these two people, she will not let her go out. Before leaving, I said to Lu-Er:
       "Mei Mei, I will bring you back with good food."
       Lu-Er is not interested in delicious food, saying:
       "-Sister, I don't want anything to eat. Just come back soon." If she wants, she hopes that Jao-Jao will not go out.
       There are so many people outside, it is too unsafe.
       Jao-Jao said cheerfully:
       "I will be back later." It’s hard to come out, don’t play enough, how can she come back!
       Yin Zhaofeng looked at the people on the street, and his head was a little big:
       "Eldest Miss, I am going out with you!" So many people, in the event of an accident, can cause panic. At that time, there will be big trouble.
       Jao-Jao said a big man:
       "My mother said that men and women don't kiss each other. I am now seven years old and can't let you hold." Even Huo Changqing and Yun-Qing  want to hold Jao-Jao, and she can't let Yin Zhaofeng hold it!
       Yin Zhaofeng felt that a group of crows flew over his head.
       Squeezed into the crowd, Ade and Yin Zhaofeng left and guarded Jao-Jao. Jao-Jao is like a no-brainer. Look here, there is a lot of fun.
       Suddenly, the people behind them rushed forward like the tide. As a personal bodyguard for Yun-Qing , Yin Zhaofeng is very sensitive to danger. Feeling wrong, immediately hugged Jao-Jao in his arms.
       Jao-Jao just wanted to speak, and the people behind him squeezed up and pushed them to the front. Ade was squeezed aside and dispersed with them.
       A person did not stumble and fell to the ground, and the people behind could not avoid stepping directly from him. Stepping on the person one by one, so that the person could not get up.
       That person can only cry out for help:
       "Help, save lives..."
       Jao-Jao said to Yin Zhaofeng:
       "Uncle Yin, let's save him? If you don't save him, you will be trampled to death."
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "Eldest Miss, I can't save him." You can't call Jao-Jao outside the 1st County Owner outside, so it's easy to reveal your identity. In fact, even if she does not call Jao-Jao as the 1st County Owner, she looks at her and looks at her to see her know her identity.
       The people behind are crowded like tides, and Yin Zhaofeng holds her and tries her best to move forward.
       More and more people are being trampled to the ground. Cries, ‘calls, and distressed voices are intertwined. Rao is a daring day, and Jao-Jao is also scared. He is not afraid to move with Yin Zhaofeng, and he is afraid that he will fall into the same fate as anyone.
       Yin Zhaofeng said as he tried to move forward, saying:
       "Don't be afraid of Eldest Miss, there is nothing I will do."
       Jao-Jao nodded and said with a worried face:
       "Uncle Yin, will Ade have something?"
       Fortunately, they didn’t come out with the grandfather in the tea house, or they were dangerous.
       Yin Zhaofeng squeezed forward and said:
       "Ade has martial arts and protects himself more than enough." Fortunately, Wangye let himself follow the 1st County Owner, otherwise the 1st County Owner is really dangerous.
       Jao-Jao nodded and said:
       "you are right."

       Chapter 896 Tiger Father Without Dog Girl   

       Yun-Qing  just felt that the outside was not quite right, so he agreed to come to the tea house.
       After the group was settled, Yun-Qing  let the criminals go outside to see the situation.
       Spanian soon came back and said to Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, it's not good. Some people think that people want to mess up. Someone has been trampled."
       At this time, Yun-Qing  is definitely going to deal with this matter. Huo Changqing said:
       "You go! Lu-Er, this is me, you don't have to worry." He was worried about Jao-Jao, but he did not regret leaving Jao-Jao out. If you want to go through the storm, you can grow up faster and better.
       Lu-Er was a little scared, but she knew that Yun-Qing  was going to do business, so she didn't worry about Yun-Qing .
       After Yun-Qing  went out, Lu-Er worried and said:
       "Master Master, sister-sister is still dangerous outside?"
       I knew that I should have been dragging it just now sister-sister didn't let her go out.
       Huo Changqing touched the head of Lu-Er and smiled:
       "You-sister-sister will come back soon, don't worry."
       The tea wine boss looked at the outside and shut the store.
       This will turn Yun-Qing  to go out, he advised:
       "Now it’s a mess outside, this man is still waiting for the outside to calm down and go out!"
       The criminal singer said:
       "The Shopkeeper, you open the door, the outside thing is handled by Wangye, it will be good soon." At this time, there is no need to conceal identity.
       The Shopkeeper heard Wangye and the whole person shook. In the northwest, it can be called Wangye, and only Pingxi-Wang.
       This shopkeeper no longer hesitates to open the store door immediately.
       The outside people saw the store door suddenly open big joy, want to squeeze into the store to risk. However, looking at the door of the store, there were ten people who were so fierce and evil, and they took their swords.
       Yun-Qing  took out the autumn water sword in his hand and ‘called at the outside person:
       "Everyone is not allowed to move in the same place, dare to defy the commander, killing." At this time, only the iron and blood means can control the situation.
       A man with a long beard and a beard near the store door did not listen to Yun-Qing , and said:
       "Do you want to kill? You think you are..." The words were not finished, and the long sword in the hands of Yun-Qing  pierced the heart of this person.
       The crowds that were just confusing were all frightened by Yun-Qing . It’s two different things to trample on the dead and see a person killed and killed.
       The criminal Sibo took the sword back and ‘called at the people outside:
       "Wangye has orders, everyone is in the same place, if they dare to defy the order, kill."
       The pedestrian outside the store was originally frightened by Yun-Qing , and when he heard this, he dared to move, and he stood honestly.
       At this time, the people behind came up again. Stern said:
       "Let the way out.
       Seeing that someone died at the door of the store, the owner of the tea house felt very embarrassed, but he did not dare to say anything. Even the courage to close the door is gone.
       The guards around Yun-Qing  killed three disobedient people before they controlled the scene.
       Jao-Jao was held by Yin Zhaofeng and looked farther than the average person. Jao-Jao said:
       "Uncle Yin, the people behind are not crowded up again." This means that the danger has passed.
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "It's still leaving here as soon as possible." This street is the busiest street in Yucheng.
       The whole street is more than four miles long, and they are now halfway from the exit. Walking on most days, half a mile is only a few minutes for him, but now this halfway is full of danger.
       At this time, there are many people who are yelling at the back:
       "Dead people, many people died behind, everyone is running!" These people are obviously creating chaos.
       The people were originally in a state of high tension. When I heard this, I didn’t have time to tell the truth, one by one.
       The people in front were pushed forward again, and they couldn’t walk.
       Yin Zhaofeng knows that those who have just called swearing are not bad, but this will not be able to take care of him. He can only hold Jao-Jao tightly and squeeze forward. It is also a loss of good fortune, and can hold Jao-Jao. Many people who hold their children are lost because they are too crowded.
       At the exit, Yin Zhaofeng was relieved. It was finally out, and he couldn’t hold it anymore.
       The two walked a short distance and saw a 50-year Old man grabbing the pedestrians one by one and asked:
       "Have you seen my grandson A Chao? My grandson, A Chao, is three years old, wearing a red-haired scorpion, and a black ‘servant in his mouth..."
       All the people asked were shaking their heads. Asked so many people, all said that they did not see, the old man could not hold, squatting on the ground and crying:
       "Sun, grandchild, where are you?"
       The grandson of the old man was just squeezed out of his hand and is now gone.
       Not only this one, but also many children have disappeared. Jao-Jao Looks like this old man is crying so badly that he wants to go over and see if he can be busy. However, before he took two steps, he was caught by Yin Zhaofeng.
       Yin Zhaofeng said; "Eldest Miss, this is not something you can manage." The tea house can not be returned, or go back to the palace, and then let people send a letter to Wangye.
       Jao-Jao said something sad:
       "Uncle Yin, this grandfather is very poor. Uncle Yin, let us help him!"
       The old man heard Jao-Jao say this, looking up and seeing the big knife at the waist of Yin Zhaofeng. Immediately squatting in front of Yin Zhaofeng:
       "Official Master, please help me find my grandson! Official Master, I beg you."
       Yin Zhaofeng grabbed Jao-Jao and held it in his arms, saying with no expression:
       "You made a mistake, I am not a bureaucrat, there is no way to help you find a child." After saying this, Yin Zhaofeng left the place as quickly as possible.
       Jao-Jao looked at Yin Zhaofeng's cold face and said carefully:
       "Uncle, are we not going back to find ?"
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "Now that it is too messy outside, we have to go back to the government." Back to the palace is the safest.
       After a pause, Yin Zhaofeng said to Jao-Jao:
       "Eldest Miss, it is a good thing to save people and want to help people, but you have to do what you can. If you don't have the ability to save people, you have to reluctantly. In the end, you are likely to put yourself in. Eldest Miss, if you have a good meal, What do you want to do Wangye and Wangfei? Especially Wangfei is not good now. If you know that you have a bad time, think about it yourself."
       Jao-Jao didn't have to think about it, her mother was estimated to be crying. Jao-Jao lowered his head and said:
       "I just looked at the grandfather who was a little pitiful, so I wanted to help him."
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "Eldest Miss, waiting for you to learn martial arts in the future, you want to help anyone. Now you have to take care of yourself, or else it will be Wangfei."
       Jao-Jao nodded:
       "Uncle Yin, I know it is wrong." It would be true that I knew it was wrong, and I wanted to help others but forgot my own safety. If he is known by his grandfather, he will be punished.
       After a short walk, Jao-Jao said:
       "Uncle Yin, you have been tired for holding me for so long, let me go, let me go!" Jao-Jao didn't like being held by people, and the monks were terrible.
       Yin Zhaofeng saw that there were not many people at the street, so he dropped Jao-Jao. He thought about how to get a horse or a horse-drawn carriage. With a carriage or a horse, he could return to the house in the fastest time.
       Because of fear of another accident, Yin Zhaofeng clung to Jao-Jao hand, even if Jao-Jao protested Yin Zhaofeng did not let go.
       The two were walking, and suddenly a man holding a child bumped into Yin Zhaofeng, and the man followed a woman wrapped in blue cloth.
       The couple did not apologize when they hit the person, and they continued to move forward with their children.
       Jao-Jao was very angry and rushed up and ‘called at the woman's sleeves:
       "You hit us, how can you leave without apologizing?"
       The woman was unable to walk, and turned around with anger. Originally I wanted to teach Jao-Jao a meal, but when she saw the big knife at the waist of Yin Zhaofeng, she immediately bowed her head and apologized:
       "I can't help it. My child was trampled and now I am unconscious. We just want to hurry to find a doctor to treat him. So I don't care about the other.
       This official Master, I am really sorry." Can wear a big knife Usually, it is a bureaucratic difference.
       Yin Zhaofeng did not shake his head and said:
       "Nothing, you hurry to find a doctor for your child!"
       Jao-Jao didn't want to, yelling at the woman's sleeve:
       "No, you should apologize when you hit someone. You let him apologize to my uncle." At this moment, Jao-Jao was incarnate in the County Owner.
       Yin Zhaofeng heard this and knew that it was wrong.
       The 1st County Owner had seen the old man who had lost his grandson want to help. Now I heard that this woman said that her child was injured but not rude, and there is an estimated problem. However, Yin Zhaofeng didn't want to make troubles, and then caused trouble, so she said to the woman:
       "Children don't understand things, don't mind."
       Jao-Jao was anxious, and couldn’t take care of the other, busy saying:
       "Yin Shushu, these two people are kidnappers, can't let them go. If the two men leave, the little Brother will be sold to the brothel." In the mind of Jao-Jao, the brothel is terrible.
       The place.
       When Yin Zhaofeng heard this, she did not want to squint at the woman’s neck.
       The woman turned her eyes and fell to the ground.
       The man holding the child is squatting, and the child is thrown away and wants to run. However, the people in front have already heard the call of Jao-Jao, which will see where the man's movements still do not understand.
       The man was now surrounded, and his hands were hard to beat, even more, he was surrounded by six people. Soon, this man was arrested.
       Hearing this man's sophistry, he said that the child he was still under was his son. Jao-Jao Cold Said:
       "It’s a big deal.
       The ruby ​​enamel hanging on his neck is worth thousands of Silver Taels. Can you afford it?"
       Jao-Jao Although she doesn't like to wear gold and silver jewelry, she has some of these collars.
       The trafficker said:
       "This is fake, not true. I spent two Silver Taels to create someone." In this case, only fools will believe it.
       Yin Zhaofeng told several people who had arrested the traffickers:
       "You will send people to Tuen Mun!" He also had to bring Jao-Jao back to the palace!
       Jao-Jao said:
       "Uncle Yin, this person must have accomplices, and his accomplices must have turned children too. Uncle Yin, we are saved."
       Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "With them, don't worry, his accomplices can find out if they get into the hole."
       Jao-Jao just nodded:
       "Uncle Yin, let's take the little brother back!" Giving this child to other people, Jao-Jao is really not at ease.
       The things worn by this child are worth thousands of Silver Taels. Who knows if other people will see the money? If this is the case, the child is separated from the tiger's den and into the wolf's nest.
       Jao-Jao can think of it, Yin Zhaofeng can not think of it, immediately nodded:
       "Well, take him back to the government." Yin Zhaofeng is not to be a good person, but to feel that this child is not rich and expensive. Saved him, right the king's house only profit, no harm.

       Chapter 897 Heartbreaking (1)   

       Yun-Qing  encountered an assassin while evacuating the crowd.
       The mastermind behind the scenes also mobilized the blood and sent more than 20 people to assassinate Yun-Qing .
       These people have long known that Yun-Qing  only brought more than a dozen bodyguards, and at this time there were only four bodyguards around them. Unfortunately, they are too underestimated Yun-Qing .
       The assassination that Yun-Qing  had experienced before has long allowed him to cope with any difficulties. Even if six people faced more than 20 assassins, his brows did not shake.
       After some killing, Yun-Qing  killed nine assassins, picked an assassin's ribs and tendons, and removed his chin in order to prevent him from committing suicide.
       Solved these assassins, the criminal Sibo said:
       "Wangye, a total of twenty-six assassins, in addition to the five that ran, the twenty-one died nineteen, and caught one." The one that was caught by the Yun-Qing  was to pick up the tendons and tendons.
       That assassin. Leaving this person is to get useful confidence from this assassin.
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "Bring people back Wang Fu."
       The criminal Sibo frowned and said:
       "Wangye, this time the stampede accident is someone who is planning ahead. Wangye, these people are coming to you." The criminal Sibo face is very ugly, which means that the people behind the scenes have got the news, knowing that Wangye will be tonight. Look at the lanterns.
       Yun-Qing  puts the bloody autumn water sword back into the tip of the sword and spits out two words:
       "Good investigation." Wang Fuli must have made a fine, and should still be buried in a deeper work. Otherwise, these people cannot get the news so quickly.
       Spiegel nodded:
       Lu Biyuan just evacuated the crowd and heard an assassin assassinating Yun-Qing , and now he ran with a sweat.
       Seeing Yun-Qing , Lu Biyuan sinned on the ground. As a prefect of Yucheng, he did not do a good job of stamping, which is his dereliction of duty.
       Yun-Qing  said with a blank expression:
       "This stampede incident is premeditated. I have already arrested many people involved. You will bring them back to interrogate."
       Xu Wu knew that Yun-Qing  had to come out with Lu-Er, because they were worried about encountering assassins, so they sent 60 people in advance to all corners of the street.
       You can't blame Xu Wu for being too cautious. It's really Yun-Qing .
       The assassinations that have been encountered these years are too many and too frequent. Also because of these people, those who have just squeezed into the crowd to create chaos are all caught.
       Lu Biyuan is busy nodding:
       "it is good."
       Lu-Er just heard the ‘calls outside in the teahouse, and almost fainted. Huo Changqing met and shook her head and felt that Yu-Xi had raised her child too delicately.
       Also because of the performance of Lu-Er, let Huo Changqing make a decision, and wait for Kai Hao to be raised before him at the age of three. Can not let Qi Hao also be taught by Yu-Xi such weakness and incompetence and timidity.
       Yun-Qing  opened the room and saw Huo Changqing and Lu-Er sitting comfortably in the chair, and my heart suddenly relieved.
       Lu-Er looked at the blood of Yun-Qing , his eyes turned and he was fainted.
       See Yun-Qing  coming over, Huo Changqing said:
       "You still don't touch her, or else she will wake up to see that she also has blood on her body. It is estimated that she will have a nightmare."
       Yun-Qing  hesitated, and finally did not dare to touch Lu-Er. No way, the daughter is too delicate, he is afraid that the child will see the blood on his body will leave a shadow of a lifetime.
       Huo Changqing didn't care about Lu-Er, who was scared, asked:
       "Is everything outside solved?"
       They have come over in such a difficult situation, and today’s events are nothing.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "Escaped five, lived one, and all killed." For the assassin, Yun-Qing  only killed one word.
       There are too many people today, or else the five can't escape. But now, it doesn't mean they can get out of the city.
       Huo Changqing stood up and said:
       "If that's the case, then let's go back!" Things are handled, and there is no need to stay here again.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Jao-Jao hasn't returned yet!"
       Huo Changqing didn’t wrinkle her brow and said:
       "Don't worry, Ade said that there was chaos at the time. Yin Zhaofeng hugged Jao-Jao. Until now, he hasn't returned yet. He should have sent Jao-Jao back to the palace." The guards around Yun-Qing  are all Carefully selected, so Huo Changqing is not worried.
       Yun-Qing  thought about it:
       "Huo Shu, you go back with Lu-Er, I am going to find Jao-Jao." Without the exact news, Yun-Qing  is not at ease.
       Huo Changqing nodded:
       “With you!” Huo Changqing felt that Yun-Qing  had become Popo Mama since he was awkward, and he was unfavorable.
       Yin Zhaofeng rented a carriage and took Jao-Jao and the unconscious boy back to the palace. He was hung on the road, and he was afraid of something unexpected. When he arrived at the gate of Wangfu, he was relieved and finally safe.
       Xu Wu had already got the news to know that there was an accident.
       This will see Yin Zhaofeng holding Jao-Jao, holding a child in his hand, and immediately asked:
       “Lao Taiye and Wangye?”
       Yin Zhaofeng shook his head:
       “I went shopping with the 1st County Owner and didn’t know what happened to Lao Taiye and Wangye. But before Lao Luoye and Wangye were in the teahouse, Lao Taiye and Wangye should have nothing to do.”
       Xu Wu felt that taking Lu-Er went out was a little more cumbersome, and the others were not too worried. Xu Wu looked at the child in Yin Zhaofeng’s arms and asked:
       "Whose child is this?"
       Yin Zhaofeng will simply save the process of this child:
       "This should be the child of a big family."
       Xu Wu looked at the child's face and said to herself:
       "I have seen this child." As for the child, he can't think of it now.
       Yin Zhaofeng asked:
       "What about the child now?"
       I don’t know the child’s family, I’m sure I’ll be resettled. save
       Xu Wu said:
       "When the child is sent to the backyard, Wangfei and Mama around him should know who the child is." Xu Wu life is two points, Wangfu and his family, other places can't go twice in a year. So Xu Wu is very sure that this child must be seen at the Wangfu.
       Jao-Jao is a little worried and says:
       "Uncle Xu, ‘Laozi and Mei Mei did not come back. When they come back, you immediately tell me, okay?"
       Going out to find someone now, Jao-Jao also knows that it is unrealistic.
       Xu Wu said with a smile:
       "Well, wait for Wangye. When they come back, I will send someone to tell you." After that, Xu Wu ‘called at the pillar:
       "Pillar, send the 1st County Owner to the backyard with this child.
       This will be Yu-Xi is teaching Qi Hao to recognize people, pointing to Qu Mama said:
       "A-Hoa, this is Qu Mama. Qu Mama..."
       Kai Hao spit out a word:
       "The song..." The three words are too long. Kaihao can only say one word now. However, his speech is very clear, no matter who is called very accurate, there is no such thing as a wolf.
       Quan Mama looked at the sky very late and said:
       "The child is slowly teaching. Don't worry about this meeting. It's already late, let Noble Heir go to rest!" Not only is the child tired, but Yu-Xi is also a little tired.
       When Qi Hao was hugged, he heard Mei-Yun stepping in and coming:
       “Wangfei, 1st County Owner is back, and brings back a strange little boy.” Yu-Xi is not right to hear this, but it is time to come back. Now only Jao-Jao is back alone, but no one else has any news. It is obvious that something is going on at the Lantern Festival.
       Quan Mama looked at Yu-Xi, although she was anxious, but she was not panicked, but she was relieved. What this pregnant woman is most afraid of is the ups and downs of emotions:
       "Speak more, Wangye and 2nd County Owner. What are they doing now?"
       Mei-Yun said:
       “Yin Shiwei said that the situation was wrong. Someone should be deliberately creating chaos. He was worried that it would be dangerous to go back to Wangye, so he brought the County Owner back home. Wangfei, Yin Weiwei said that when the 1st County Owner came out, Wangye and 2nd The County Owner is resting at the restaurant."
       Quan Mama asked:
       “What about the 1st County Owner?”
       Mei-Lan said:
       “The 1st County Owner returned to the yard to change clothes. Wangfei, this time the 1st County Owner saved a child.”
       Hearing that this child was saved by Jao-Jao from the kidnapper, Yu-Xi couldn’t help but smile and said:
       "She also saved the kid who was abducted by the kidnappers at the Lantern Festival.
       This Yatou now saves the kidnapped child at the Lantern Festival. It is exactly the same." Yun-Qing  saved Duan Xinrong at that time. She only had a fate with Duan Xin.
       Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangfei, Xu Daren said that this child has been there Wang Fu. But he can't remember who the child is. I just saw the child, the child is the second Young Master of the family." It’s so outstanding that people who have seen him will be very impressed.
       Yu-Xi was busy getting up and saying:
       "Looking at the past."
       Going to the partial room Yu-Xi looked at the child lying on the bed and frowned and said:
       "The child wears thousands of accessories, even if it does not attract the attention of the kidnappers, it will make those who are greedy for money mourn." I don't know how wide  Erxi thinks.
       Quan Mama leaned over and looked at the child and said:
       "This is a drug in the middle, but it doesn't matter. It will be fine if the time for the drug is over."
       Yu-Xi heard the child no problem and called Mei-Lan:
       "Bring the child out and telling the guard that this is the youngest son of the Old Master family, let him send the child back." I believe that the family is now turned over, the child is sent back early, and the family is also I can feel peace of mind early.
       Jao-Jao changed his clothes and saw the Mei-Lan holding the golden jade on the road. Jao-Jao strangely asked:
       "Mei-Lan sister-sister, where are you going to hold your little brother?"
       After listening to it, I have to send it home, and Jao-Jao will not say anything more. I didn't find the family of my younger brother. Now I know that the children of the family are naturally going to be sent back.
       Seeing Yu-Xi, Jao-Jao gently called her mother. At this time, my brother fell asleep, and if he ‘called, he would definitely wake up his brother.
       This is measured, and Jao-Jao is still there.
       Jao-Jao whispered:
       "Mother, who is that little brother?"
       The little brother looks pretty good.
       Yu-Xi clicked on the forehead of Jao-Jao and smiled:
       "What little brother does not know that the bottom of the family will be called out.
       The child is one year older than you!"
       Jao-Jao is somewhat convinced that:
       "Mother, he is obviously shorter than me, how could it be bigger than me?"
       Not only is it shorter than her, it looks a lot smaller than her!
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "Who told you that the age is judged by the height of the child?"
       Jao-Jao gave it a stop.

       Chapter 898 Heartbreaking (2)   

       Yu-xi knows that Jao-Jao found the kidnapper and was curious:
       "How did you know that the two people were kidnappers?"
       Jao-Jao face is puzzled and says:
       "Mom, don't you often tell me that the kidnapper likes a child with a good Noble Lady? I saw the little brother's shoes, the shoes are made of plain satin, and they are very beautiful, better than Mei Mei.
       The shoes are all beautiful.
       The couple wear their own clothes, how can they wear silk satin shoes for their sons.” Jao-Jao looks like it is unusual to find that the two men and women are kidnappers.
       Yu-xi couldn't help but say:
       "If you can use your mind like this every time, then I don't worry." Jao-Jao analytical ability is still very good, that is, he is not willing to use his head and likes to solve problems with his fist.
       Jao-Jao muttered:
       "Mother, what are you talking about?"
       As I spoke, I heard that Lu-Er was back. Seeing Lu-Er, Yu-xi, whose face is white, is scared:
       "Lu-Er, what's wrong with you?"
       Lu-Er cried loudly with Yu-xi:
       "Mother, blood, a lot of blood." As long as I think of that scene, Lu-Er is afraid.
       Yu-xi looked at Huo Changqing and asked:
       "Huo Shu, what happened?"
       Is it Lu-Er seeing the dead, or seeing the scene of killing.
       Huo Changqing looks very light and says:
       "Yun-Qing  killed the assassins, and they were stained with the blood of many assassins. Lu-Er saw the blood-filled Yun-Qing  fainted and woke up before a quarter of an hour."
       Jao-Jao laughed and said:
       "Isn't it blood? Is there anything scared?"
       It’s not that he is hurt, afraid of anything.
       Huo Changqing said coldly:
       "Jao-Jao, come with me." Yin Zhaofeng had already said what happened after they left. It was very annoying for Jao-Jao not to save Huo Changqing. I have said that I don’t know how many times before, so that Jao-Jao must protect himself in any situation. As a result, this Yatou used his words as a whisper.
       Jao-Jao knows that Huo Changqing told him to go out without a good thing, and looked at Yu-xi with eager eyes, hoping that Yu-xi could help her.
       Yu-xi, immediately said:
       "Huo Shu, now it's too late, let Jao-Jao go to rest first! What will be said tomorrow." Followed by definitely must be punished, then Jao-Jao don't want to sleep today.
       Huo Changqing Although he felt that Yu-xi was a miserable mother, he still gave Yu-xi a face and nodded and said:
       "This time it's not easy, Yun-Qing  may come back very late. You are pregnant with your child now, and you have to rest early!" In addition to teaching the child to make him less satisfied, there is no other aspect to pick.
       After Huo Changqing left, Jao-Jao smiled with the hand of Yu-xi:
       "Thank you, mother." Tomorrow's business will be said tomorrow, anyway, I can sleep well today.
       Lu-Er did not dare to go back and said to Yu-xi:
       "Mother, I want to sleep with you today." She was scared when she thought about the scene she saw at night. She was not afraid only beside Yu-xi.
       Yu-xi shook his head:
       "Mother is inconvenient to have a big belly now. If you are afraid, you will sleep with you-sister-sister." She is going to get up in the toilet every night in the middle of the night, and it is not very convenient when she gets up. She needs someone to hold it.
       Lu-Er is not willing to sleep with Jao-Jao, or else he will be kicked out of bed:
       "Mother, I slept with my brother." Anyway, she didn't dare to sleep alone tonight.
       Yu-xi nodded:
       "You have to be willing to sleep with your younger brother, naturally, but you can't always sleep with your brother?"
       Even if she is willing, Yun-Qing  and Huo Changqing will not agree! For Qi Hao, the two men are stricter than Jao-Jao.
       Lu-Er is busy:
       "Mother, just tonight. I will go back to my yard to sleep tomorrow."
       Yu-xi nodded:
       "Then go bathe first, then go to rest." Hope that when you wake up, everything will pass.
       After Lu-Er went out, Yu-xi said with some headache:
       "As a general's daughter, she is afraid of blood.
       The following people know that she will despise her. Mama, what do you say about this?"
       Huo Changqing's attitude towards Lu-Er, Yu-xi is not unknown. However, she couldn't help it. Others said that this timidity really didn't mean to get it right.
       Quan Mama mood is not fluctuating, saying:
       "Wangfei, you think too much. Lu-Er is your daughter with Wangye, no one dares to despise her."
       Yu-xi said helplessly:
       "Mama, you know what I mean." In fact, Yu-xi also thinks that Lu-Er is too weak. It is really impossible to train her with Jao-Jao. It is really impossible to change her little temper.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Lu-Er is not an eldest daughter, nor is it an eldest son. She doesn't need to carry anything. So, she only needs to do what she likes. Wangfei, you can't take Lu-Er and Jao in the future. -Jao to make a comparison." Jao-Jao was originally cultivated as an heir, so he will develop a 'temperament'. Lu-Er is just the 2nd County Owner in the mansion, as long as it is loved by relatives, and then happy to live happily. When I grow up, I will pick her a wishful lord, and this life will be complete. To put it simply, Jao-Jao is going to compete with men in the future, and Lu-Er just needs to control the backyard. So Quan Mama felt that the two children were not comparable at all.
       After a pause, Quan Mama said:
       "The bad habits of Lu-Er really need to be changed, but Wangfei should also reflect on himself. Otherwise, you have always held such an idea and it is very bad for Lu-Er."
       Yu-xi squatted and said after a half-tone:
       "I will reflect on this matter." She said before that she would let her children grow up happily. I don't know when it is more and more demanding for children.
       This is really not a good phenomenon, because the more you ask, the more stress you have on your child. When the pressure is high, how can the child grow up happily and happily.
       Yun-Qing  came back in the middle of the night and saw Yu-xi leaning on the bed as soon as he entered the house. Yun-Qing  frowned:
       "So late, why haven't you slept yet?"
       Yu-xi shook his head:
       "I just woke up when I heard the footsteps. And Rui, didn't you take a shower? How is this bloody smell?"
       Yun-Qing  is suspicious and says:
       "I have washed my feet from the beginning, how can you smell the blood?"
       This nose, when is so sharp.
       Yu-xi laughed and touched her big belly and said:
       "One of the two children, can't say that it is really a reincarnation of the monk!" Although it can now be smeared, can not smell the smell of wine, can not smell the bloody smell, smells very uncomfortable.
       Yun-Qing  didn't go to bed, said:
       "If you are uncomfortable, I will go to the wing room sleep!" Yu-xi How picky this time, he can't be clear.
       Yu-xi nodded and said:
       "If you take a medicated bath tomorrow, you will be able to eliminate this bloody smell." When she smells uncomfortable, she will not be able to get through with her body.
       Yun-Qing  did not leave immediately, but said to Yu-xi:
       "The assassins have killed, and now they are still arresting the kidnappers who have taken children. I have let Xu Wu assist Lu Biyuan in dealing with this matter, and there should be results in the morning."
       Yu-xi nodded:
       "This thing ‘Lu Zhifu should be able to handle well, you are tired for a day and go to rest. Raise your spirits, there are still many things to do tomorrow!"
       Yun-Qing  is very tired, nodded and said:
       "If you have anything, let the Servant call me." Anyway, in this yard, I can hear it with a single click.
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "What can I do? Go to rest!" Now she can't do anything. All things depend on Yun-Qing , and the pressure is great.
       Yun-Qing  is not in the master bedroom sleep, Quan Mama and the licorice left the vigil.
       Yu-xi wakes up the next day and Yun-Qing  has gone out. Yu-xi asked Lan Mama:
       "Lu-Er didn't have a nightmare last night?"
       Jao-Jao She is not worried, but Lu-Er is too small, she can not worry.
       Lan Mama shook his head:
       "No, the 2nd County Owner slept very well last night and stayed up until dawn to wake up.
       This will be taking the Servant in the garden!" Unless it was snowing, Lu-Er insisted on staying at other times.
       This is highly praised by Quan Mama and Yu-xi.
       Yu-xi is relieved and said:
       "It’s good to have no nightmare." Lu-Er was as timid as she had imagined.
       After using the breakfast, Xu Wu came over and talked about Yu-xi about the kidnapper:
       "Last night, we were stunned by the sluts and killed twenty-four children." Those who were kidnappers were also very embarrassed, and they changed the place where they hid their children. It is easy to change places, and so many children have made such a big move. It is easy for Xu Wu to find out where they are hiding.
       Yu-xi flashed his face and said:
       "The twenty-four children were all abducted yesterday?"
       These kidnappers are too daring to make it.
       Xu Wu shook his head:
       They had abducted fifteen last night, and nine of them were abducted before.
       The biggest of these children is only six years old, and the youngest is only three years old." The children who were abducted had a common point, that is Both men and women grow well.
       After a pause, Xu Wu said:
       "Wangfei, this group of kidnappers is a very strict organization. If it is not because of the confusion, it will not be exposed. According to their confession, they have abducted more than 600 children for more than 20 years. "This number is shocking.
       Yu-xi couldn’t help but swear:
       "Those things that are so mad and mad will be ruined by them." The children lost, and the children of these children should be more painful!
       Xu Wu hesitated, but said something to Yu-xi:
       “One of them also participated in the disappearance of the child at the Fu-Cheng City Children’s Courtyard.”
       Yu-xi remembered the few children who have not been found yet, and asked:
       "Where are the children now?"
       Xu Wu said:
       "The man said that the children were sent out to the northwest. She didn't know where she went." It is difficult for these children to get back.
       Yu-xi fell into silence, and she said it was embarrassing. If she can find this early, the children may not be missing.
       Xu Wu Said:
       "Wangfei don't feel bad, I believe these children will be very good."
       Yu-xi shook his head:
       "It’s so messy outside, how can a few weak women have a good time?"
       Xu Wu looked at Yu-xi low mood and regretted it. I shouldn't have told Yu-xi about it. Xu Wu busy transfer topic:
       "Wangfei, the mastermind behind the assassination of Wangye has been found, is the Governor of Sichuan Zhou Jinpeng."
       Yu-xi looks calm and asks:
       See Xu Wu nod, Yu-xi is silent. In the past two years, they have been working with the surrounding provinces to make water without water.
       This time Zhou Jinpeng sent people to assassinate Yun-Qing , which is to break this balance. Does this mean that 1148 

       Chapter 899 Untitled   

       At noon, Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing  talked about the assassination of Zhou Jinpeng:
       "Maybe Zhou Jinpeng is not the master behind the scenes.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "It has already been determined, that is, Zhou Jinpeng.
       This person has the courage and temptation to be tempted, and this assassination should be provoked." I just don't know who is provoked.
       Yu-Xi listened and asked:
       "How is this handled?"
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "Take the person's way to cure his own body." Temporarily not suitable for the use of soldiers, but Zhou Jinpeng can assassinate him, he can also assassinate Zhou Jinpeng.
       Yu-Xi nodded. If he did nothing, he would be considered weak, but he would be bullied:
       "Right, Xu Wu told me that the group of kidnappers have been active in the northwest for twenty years. Is that true?"
       See Yun-Qing  nod, Yu-Xi angrily:
       "It’s really lawless."
       Yun-Qing  looks calm and says:
       "This time I have been uprooted. I have ordered that these people be sentenced to gauntlet."
       Yu-Xi clicked.
       Yun-Qing  thought about it, or told Yu-Xi about it:
       "I decided to go to the Lantern Festival yesterday morning.
       The assassins got the news.
       The house was sure to have a spy.
       This matter, I let Xu Wu thoroughly investigate."
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "I know." More and more people in the mansion are getting more and more mixed, and a thorough investigation.
       It is not difficult to find this matter.
       The news is always handed out. Just need to find out who is out of the house yesterday, you can find clues.
       Xu Wu efficiency was very fast. In the evening, it was discovered that Pozi, a manager of the outer court, had leaked news.
       That Pozi is the news from the Lu-Er yard.
       Xu Wu and Yu-Xi said:
       "That's the matter, Pozi knows that things have fallen and hit the pillars and died. We checked from our house to one thousand two dollars." When the man dies, the clues are broken.
       Yu-Xi said coldly:
       "To send all their families to the mine." The servants of the Lord must be severely punished.
       Xu Wu nodded.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "This kind of situation is hard to prevent, so be careful." Seeing money-opened, threatened, framed designs, these people may end up with the Lord, and can be said to be invincible.
       Quan Mama looked at Yu-Xi uncomfortable look and said:
       "Wangfei, what's wrong with you?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       “Nothing.” She just feels that her status is getting higher and higher, her responsibilities are getting bigger and bigger, and the dangers accompanying it are getting bigger and bigger.
       On the third day after Yuan Zhen, the wide ‘Madam’, Shi-shi, thanked him with a generous gift. Yu-Xi This is going to raise a baby, and there is time to see the side-Shi.
       Fang-Shi said Yu-Xi and said with apologetic apology:
       "Wangfei, I should have thanked him. Can Jinyu had a high fever that night and only got a fever last night."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The child is scared and sick, you must be guarded by his mother!" They are all mothers, not to mention that their children have encountered such a thing, that is, they will feel sad when they hear such things.
       Fang-Shi now regrets not doing it, crying and saying:
       "Thanks to the 1st County Owner, otherwise my child might be..." Speaking of it, Fang-Shi tears came.
       Yu-Xi is a bit strange, and Jin Jinyu is considered to be shocking and dangerous at this time. Fang-Shi should not be such an expression. Yu-Xi puts the question in my heart and says:
       "You don't think so much.
       This lantern will turn away more than a dozen children.
       The government has finally found it.
       These children are now taken home by their parents." Was abducted at the Lantern Festival.
       The children are looking for their family, but the other few are temporarily in the Kindergarten.
       Fang-Shi mainly came to thank Yu-Xi, and said that for a long time of gratitude, put a bunch of gifts before going back.
       Yu-Xi looked at the medicinal jewelry satin, Yu-Xi said:
       "Send these to the yard of the 1st County Owner." The man was saved by Jao-Jao, and these things naturally belonged to her.
       Thinking about it, Yu-Xi and Gancao said:
       "Let the guards go to check, did Jin Yu get what happened before?"
       The two men and women talking about Jin Yu attitude are not quite right. So Yu-Xi is very curious.
       Jao-Jao knows that Jin Yu is sick and says:
       "Mother, that beautiful little brother is sick. Can I go see him?"
       Although Yu-Xi said that Jin Yu is one year older than her, Jao-Jao does not correct the title, or is called a younger brother.
       Yu-Xi has a black line and a beautiful little brother.
       This is a messy name. It must have been learned from the group of rough Old Masters in the front yard. Yu-Xi asked:
       "What are you going to see?"
       I was away from home in the New Year, but I left the city in the sixth day and returned to Jiangnan.
       The house of the family is the party-Shi, a woman who is a woman. Although there is a Wang Fu as a Buddha, but the week-Shi is not going out.
       Jao-Jao was the first time I saw a beautiful boy who was so beautiful, so I was very impressed:
       "I just want to go see, mother, can you?"
       Yu-Xi still wants to ask what is coming:
       "You tell me, why do you want to visit Jinyu? You tell me the real reason, I will let you go."
       Jao-Jao feels that her mother is a difficult person and that she needs a reason to see her. Jao-Jao said casually:
       "The pretty younger brother looks so good, I don't know if I am sick or not." Mei Mei also looks good, but when she is sick, she is sick and ugly.
       Hearing this reason, Yu-Xi almost vomited blood. Whatever is beautiful, I want to see it. I don’t know if I listen to this and think it’s a disciple! Yu-Xi said coldly:
       "You have to practice, you can't go anywhere." This Yatou idea has already run counter to ordinary people. Or, Jao-Jao is already the heart of a woman's body.
       Jao-Jao was a little disappointed, but he was not swayed.
       Out of the first month, the mid’Madam’ that Yun-Qing  was looking for finally arrived the palace.
       This mid’Madam’ surnamed Yang, a native of Lanzhou, and the ancestors of the three generations did the same thing. She also began to attend the birth with Popo after she gave birth to her first child at the age of seventeen. It has been twenty-eight years now.
       Lan Mama asked:
       "I heard that you have had several twins in your life?"
       Yang Pozi nodded:
       "The birth of three pairs of twins, and finally the mother and daughter are safe." For his skills, Yang Pozi is still very confident.
       Lan Mama asked a lot of questions and asked Yang Pozi to have some sweating in the end. Before that, he was already self-sufficient and had already disappeared.
       After looking at Yang Pozi arrogance, Lan Mama said:
       “Wangfei is also a twin, you have to wait for it, and wait for Wangfei to produce smoothly, and it’s good for you.”
       Yang Pozi is busy nodding:
       "I must go all out." When the errand is done, she will not need to work so hard, she can raise her home at home.
       Yu-Xi did not let Yang Pozi close, but said:
       "Let's take a look, let her stay close to me!" The previous incident gave Yu-Xi a psychological shadow.
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "You don't have to worry, this Yang Pozi doesn't dare to do anything." Yang Pozi family is all controlled, unless they don't care about their family, otherwise they are not courageous. In addition, she and Lan Mama looked at it. If Yang Pozi had a change, they could not see it.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Then let me see her skills first!" If it is not comparable to Lan Mama, then she does not.
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "According to your."

Continue ....

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