Han Yuxi 1090

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1090 – Hejia  zhuang (1)

       ? Tiangong is not beautiful, it has not rained since it was just out of the city gate. Although it is only a light rain, it is easy to get cold when the weather falls on the body.
        Yu-Xi opened the curtain and said to Jao-Jao and Hao Ji Er:
       "Don't ride a horse, go to the carriage." Yu-Xi prepared two carriages, one was sitting with her triplets, and the other was for Jao-Jao and Lu-Er. As for Yun-Qing , it is ignored.
        Yun-Qing looked at Yu-Xi and saw Yu-Xi. He didn't look at him, and his heart was very uncomfortable.
        Jao-Jao is not reluctant, smiled and said:
       "Okay!" After that, he called Haohaoer into the carriage.
        Yu-Xi put down the curtain, took a pillow behind the waist, and leaned against the carriage.
        You Ji-Er came to Yu-Xi and asked softly:
       "Mother, have you quarreled with you?"
       His mother is not ignorant, it is strange to not quarrel!
        Yu-Xi did not deny that she and Yun-Qing would not be surprised if they could not see their quarrel. Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Well, my mother is angry with you, so I don't want to take care of him."
        When I heard that Yu-Xi admittedly quarreling, You Ji-Er didn’t think much, just curiously asked:
       "Mother, what did you do to make you so angry?"
        Yu-Xi scraped the nose of You Ji-Er and smiled:
       "This is the secret of 爹..The contradiction between parents, let the children mix and how it is going on.
        You Ji-Er sees Yu-Xi and laughs, I think it should not be a big deal:
       "Oh, since it is a secret, then I will not ask." Their Brother also have a lot of secrets, and they will not tell others, even if they are not talking.
        Yu-Xi see Xuan Ji Er is a little sleepy, busy taking a blanket cover on him and said:
       "Cover the blanket, don't let it cool." It is not easy to find a doctor in Yucheng. Brought the triplets, just in case Yu-Xi will bring the pediatrician Dr. Tang. This trip, Yu-Xi was considered very thoughtful.
        Si Bonian handed a suit to Yun-Qing and said:
       "Wangye, put it on!" It seems that Wangfei was discouraged this time, and even moved out of the palace to live in the countryside. It is only for this matter that he has no power to dispose of it.
        Yun-Qing looked at the carriage and saw that the curtain didn't pick up again. He took it and put it on.
        Hejiazhuang is next to the official road, so the road is relatively better. Even if it rains, it goes very smoothly. Even if it goes very slowly, it will not arrive until an hour.
        Because Yu-Xi commanded in advance, the road and house on Zhuangzi were renovated. Therefore, the carriage unblocked and ran to the gate of a white wall and the blue tile stopped.
        Although the Zhuangzi Yu-Xi has been in charge for six years, the number of slaps coming here is not counted. But looking at the lush willows, even if the rain is falling, Yu-Xi is in a good mood.
        He Jiazhuang was responsible for Han Dong. In the early morning, Han Dong was waiting for a group of people on Zhuangzi. The carriage stopped and Han Dong immediately came over and kneel down to prepare for the ceremony.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "These vains are free, except for you, let everyone else go back! This cold day is waiting here, not afraid to freeze people." She brought so many guards, and did not need Zhuangzi People move things.
        Han Ji and Han Dong, the first people who followed Yu-Xi, mixed well after Yu-Xi got the momentum. Don't look at Han Dong, just the head of Hejiazhuang. If you go out, no one dares to take a nap.
        Han Dong still gave Yu-Xi three heads to get up and said:
       "Wangfei is kind, small, let them go back."
        This house is made up of three bricks, all of which are blue brick and white walls. It is very simple, even the furniture of the house is made of ordinary eucalyptus and willow wood. Compared with the Wangfu, the difference is not the same. As for the decoration, there is nothing.
        Yu-Xi lives in the second yard. Yun-Qing walked into the house and looked around after a circle.
       “How is it so simple?”
       The house is empty and there is nothing.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "There is a place to live, it doesn't need so much attention." This is what Yu-Xi specifically ordered, so that Han Ji can prepare some ordinary furniture, don't waste money to buy it. When she escaped from her life, she was still sleeping in the wild. When she died, she was nestled in a straw shed. Now she can live in such a house.
        Yun-Qing said coldly:
       "This kind of room can be especially cold in the winter. You are in poor health, how can you live in such a place?"
        Han Dong stood up and said with a hard scalp:
       "Back to Wangye, the master bedroom and the study room paved the dragon. The other houses are also full of fire, and it is warm to wait for the two colds to burn on the night." These are all Hanji ordered.
        At that time, Han Ji did not know that Yu-Xi would bring the triplets, otherwise the room would be covered with the dragon.
        Yun-Qing This is no sound.
        Yu-Xi looked down the size of the room and then told people to take everything out. The master bedroom furnishings Yu-Xi was handed over to Pinellia, and she went to the study. In addition to clothing, the most loaded with the Yu-Xi is the book, which is packed with two large boxes.
        Hao Ji Er followed the study and said:
       "Mother, I will help you!"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Take your sister to go to Zhuangzi and turn around. You can use lunch after you come back." Bai Mama went to the kitchen and went to work in the kitchen.
        Hao Ji Er looked at the black-faced Yun-Qing and nodded:
       "Then I will go to help A Rui first." After that, I went out with Jao-Jao and Lu-Er. The study left Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing , as well as Mei-Lan and Jing. Bai.
        The triplets live in the west wing, and there is a fire pit in the wing. The fire is very spacious. Don't say three children, that is, three Darens sleep more than enough.
        Mei-Lan puts pen and paper on Jing Bai, and Yu-Xi takes the book out of the box and put it on the shelf.
        Yun-Qing silently took a few books from a big box and asked Yu-Xi:
       "Where are these books placed?"
       For so many years, how can you not know the habit of Yu-Xi? These books should be placed in different categories so that they are easy to find.
        Yu-Xi didn't say anything, obviously it didn't want to take care of him. As for Jing Bai and Mei-Lan, they are afraid to lift their heads and only bow their heads to do things.
        Yun-Qing took a deep breath and placed the books in his hand in a square on the bookshelf.
        Br />
        After the books were all put in place, Yu-Xi waved Mei-Lan and Jing Bai. If the two were released, they quickly went out.
        Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing and said:
       "You should sign the book and leave it, please give it to me!"
        Yun-Qing has sunk and said:
       "I said, I won't leave with you." See Yu-Xi, don't talk, turn and prepare to leave the study, Yun-Qing said:
       "Yu-Xi, I know that because of -Lu business, you are very disappointed with me. I also know that I will not believe what I am saying now. Yu-Xi, for many years of husband and ‘Madam’, I hope you Give me a chance, an opportunity for me to correct my mistakes."
        Yu-Xi stopped for a moment but didn't turn around, but walked away from the study.
        Yun-Qing eyes stunned. -Lu injury to Yu-Xi is far deeper than he thought.
        It is relatively simple to eat at noon, eight dishes and one soup. A few children are not squeamish, there is nothing to eat and not pick.
        After dinner, Yun-Qing is ready to take back the city with the third brother of Jao-Jao. This rain will have stopped, but it is a bit cold.
        Jao-Jao said with Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I will write to you when I go back. Mother, this time you will not reply to me again, I will be angry!" Last time I did not reply, because there was something wrong with her, she would not be able to do so.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You have to go to the Qianwei camp in two days. Even if you have time to write to your mother, how can you send it out? Do you still have to bring a special letter to the guard?"
        Jao-Jao took a picture and said:
       "Yeah! How can I forget it?" She must go to the Qianwei Camp without a guard. She must be the same as an ordinary soldier to get exercise.
        Lu-Er Said:
       "Mother, I will write to you every day." In fact, she is also reluctant, she has not been separated from Yu-Xi so long!
        Yu-Xi nodded and smiled:
       "Mother is not at home, you have to take care of yourself." The life on Zhuangzi is definitely worse than that of Wangfu. This time with the triplets, they also intend to let them suffer. Lu-Er is too delicate, plus Miss, Yu-Xi is also reluctant to let her suffer.
        After Hao Ji Er got on the horse, he said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I will see you after two days off."
        Yu-Xi smiled and nodded:
       "Good." As for Yun-Qing , once again ignored by Yu-Xi.
        Si Bonian looked at Yun-Qing and his face was darker than this weather. The secret of Wangfei was really powerful.
        After the person left, Rui Ji Er said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, let Master Dou teach us to ride horses right now?"
       I just watched Jao-Jao riding with Hao Ji Er, and he couldn’t see his eyes.
        Yu-Xi doesn't want to shake his head:
       "It’s just a slippery rainy road. It’s dangerous to learn to ride a horse. After the weather is fine, let Master Dou teach, and now go back to the house to take a nap.” Huo Changqing felt that the child didn’t have to take a nap, so now the three big ones are Lu- Er keeps a habit of taking a nap, Jao-Jao and Hao Ji Er will meet at noon at most, and will not go to sleep. As for the triplets, Yu-Xi forced them to take a nap on the grounds that they were young and sleepy.
        Going back to the house, I didn't have much time to go to bed, and Yu-Xi fell asleep.
        Jing Bai whispered to Mei-Lan who came out of the house:
       “Wangfei is asleep?”
       See Mei-Lan nod, Jing Bai:
       "I don't know when Wangfei will get mad?"
       Wangfei didn't get angry, and Wangye, who looked cold, looked worried.
        Mei-Lan is also not sure about this:
       "It should not be in a short time." Otherwise, it will not come to Zhuangzi.
        Jing Bai said with some worries:
       "My mother knows that Wangfei is very worried when she comes to Zhuangzi. When Wangfei comes to Zhuangzi, those foxes who are stunned are more organic." -Lu good luck did not enter the house, in case Wangye took Wangfei for the rest of the time. Two narratives, it is really bad at that time.
        Yun-Qing didn't touch -Lu, and there are only a handful of people who believe this. Therefore, although -Lu did not enter the palace, everyone thought that Yun-Qing was a matter of time. Sometimes one thing can overthrow the image that a person has built for many years. In the past, Yun-Qing was a good man who was infatuated by everyone, at least the people of Wangfu thought so. After -Lu business, Yun-Qing is no different from those who like beauty.
        Mei-Lan thought about the performance of Yun-Qing for the past two days, and felt that Yun-Qing should not be jealous in a short time. However, this matter is also not allowed. Mei-Lan said:
       "We are worried that we will not come. I think Wangfei should have a number in mind."
        Jing Bai said:
       "I hope that Wangye can withstand the temptation, don't provoke Wangfei to be sad." Yu-Xi has great grace for their mother and daughter, and Jing Bai hopes that Yu-Xi will continue to be happy, instead of doing it like this. Wrong.
        Mei-Lan sneered and said:
       "When a woman who wants to be Wangye is sitting in the rich and rich, she has to see if they have this life." If the fox is dare to enter the palace, then she will see how she killed them.
        Jing Bai didn’t feel wrong when he heard this, but he lowered his voice and said:
       "It’s really time for me to open my mouth when I want to work." Her mother is also the stewardess of the inner court. It is more convenient to buy something to do something.
        Mei-Lan, um, one channel:
       "I won't be polite with you." Without Wangfei, she couldn't be a bunch of white bones, so Yu-Xi Mei-Lan can be protected. It is also because of this heart that Yu-Xi relies heavily on Mei-Lan.
        This feeling, Yu-Xi slept for half an hour. After waking up, Yu-Xi stretched out and smiled and said to Mei-Lan:
       "It hasn't been so relaxed for a long time." I used to open my eyes and thought about government affairs, from morning to night.
        After washing, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Go, go out and see." She has been to Hejiazhuang several times, but every time she is in a hurry, the panorama of Hejiazhuang has not been finished.
        Mei-Lan took out a forged cyan cloak and said:
       "Wangfei, it's a little cold outside, you put this clothes on!"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Wait until you wear it outside!" Then he went to the West wing.
        Because of the rest of the day, Rong Mama and others did not call Rui Ji. This will, the triplets are still lying in bed and sleep well!
        Looking at the drool of Rui Ji mouth, Yu-Xi asked Mama:
       “Are there any drooling before Ari sleep?”
        Mama nodded:
       "Yes, but the number is less."
        Yu-Xi said a little
       "I am too incompetent as a mother, and I don't even know about this." Because of the busyness, Yu-Xi spends less time on the triplets, that is, You Ji-Er is also because of the filth. . This should also be the sentence, the child who will cry has milk.
        Mama wants to speak, but sees Mei-Lan, she is shaking her head. Rong Mama swallowed back to her mouth.
        Yu-Xi has not been guilty all the time. It is useless to regret and regret in the past. After that, I will make up for three children.
        Yu-Xi took the scorpion from the sleeve and wiped the sorrow of Rui Ji, then smiled and patted the face of Rui Ji Er:
       "It's time to get up." Sleeping so much at noon, I am afraid that it will be too late to sleep at night.
        Rui Ji Er blinked and saw Yu-Xi, and asked in a confused way:
       "Mother, is it dawn?"
        Yu-Xi Looks like the confession of Rui Ji is so cute, can't help but pinch his face, smiles and says:
       "The sun is sunning."
        When Rui Ji Er heard this, he fell asleep and immediately got up and found clothes. While looking for clothes, he still -called:
       "Mother, why don't you let Mama call me earlier? When you are late, the Master has to be beaten again."
        You Ji-Er got out of his bed and said:
       "Second brother, here is Hejiazhuang. My mother said that I don't have to go to school today, don't you remember?"
        Rui Ji Er looked at Yu-Xi and said with a depressed face:
       "Mother, are you lying to me?"
        Yu-Xi laughs straight.

       Chapter 1091 -  Hejia zhuang (2)

       As soon as I walked out of the house, Xuan Ji Er hit a chill. Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Mother, it's much colder than home."
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "This is the suburbs, the wind is relatively large, so it looks colder than the home." If not, she will not come out with a cloak.
        Not far from the house, Xuan Ji Er pointed to the things in the field and said:
       "Mother, is this wheat?"
        Although the triplets are not spoiled, they are not very clear about farming. Wheat seedlings are a meaning in their hearts.
        Yu-Xi corrects:
       "This is wheat seedlings, not wheat. Planted last month, this will grow out of wheat!" After that, Yu-Xi explained the difference between wheat and wheat seedlings for the triplets.
        Xuan Ji Er was a little embarrassed after listening.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "This is nothing to be embarrassed. If you touch more, you will know the difference." In fact, this is not a big deal, but Yu-Xi hopes that children will learn more about farming and may use it later.
        You Ji-Er pointed to a field and said:
       "Mother, is it wheat here?"
        Yu-Xi looked up and saw the wheat seedlings in the field, thin, yellow and yellow, like a dog's tail grass, short and dry. Yu-Xi said:
       "These wheat seedlings should have been infected with insects."
        Rui Ji Er surprised:
       “Pests? Is it meant to be sick?”
       Seeing Yu-Xi nodding, Rui Ji Er feels incredible:
       "Mother, is this wheat seedling sick?"
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Not only will the wheat seedlings become sick, but the flowers, trees, and cattle and sheep will be sick as people."
        Rui Ji Er said:
       "Mother, what kind of illness does the horse usually get?"
       Obviously, this disease is the concern of Rui Ji Er. He is going to learn to ride and shoot, and the more you know about these things, the better.
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Mother only knows what kind of pests the wheat seedlings will get. As for what kind of disease the horse will have, you have to ask the horseman or the veterinarian."
        You Ji-Er asked very interestingly:
       "Mother, what kind of disease does the wheat seed usually have?"
        Yu-Xi talked about what he knew. Listening to the cold sweat of Han Dong behind them, Wangfei is too powerful, and it is so clear to the insects.
        The triplets have grown a lot with the Yu-Xi in the field. On the way back, Xuan Ji Er couldn’t help but hang the book bag:
       "It’s better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. This is true."
        Looking at Xuan's little age, hard to dress up as an old school, Yu-Xi couldn't help but laugh.
        You Ji-Er is a bit strange:
       "Mother, how do you know this? Is it also seen from the book? Mother, will these books also be written?"
        Yu-Xi said:
       "There are also written in the book, but the farming only can't read the book, and it has to be combined with practice. The mother also knows much more to know."
        Back in the yard, Yu-Xi let the triplets go to practice. She entered the kitchen and prepared to cook two dishes for her three sons.
        In the evening, four dishes and one soup are fish-flavored pork, ebony tofu, fried cabbage and distiller's duck, and squid soup.
        You Ji-Er looked at the dishes on the table and said:
       "Mother, who made these dishes?"
       Bai Mama dishes are full of flavors and flavors. This table dish is not only good for the shochu ducks, but the others are not satisfactory.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It’s made by the mother. You have a taste, look good?”
       She used to learn cooking skills, but she has been busy and has no time to cook.
        Rui Ji Er is hesitant, and the dishes that people who have not cooked the kitchen can eat!
        Xuan Ji Er also did not dare to move chopsticks.
        Yu-Xi looks at Rui Ji Er’s look and smiles and says:
       "Mother used to be Miss, but she had specially studied cooking, but she hadn’t cooked it in the past few years." She tried all these dishes and felt that the taste would come up. If it is difficult to eat, it will let the children see it. That must not affect her perfect image in the child's mind.
        You Ji-Er has a piece of tofu, and after eating it, he said:
       "It's delicious. Mother, I didn't expect your cooking to be so good." In fact, Yu-Xi cooking is not very good, only to say that it is too strong. However, this is the dish made by Yu-Xi, even if the taste is generally good for You Ji-Er.
        Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er heard this, but also a piece of tofu. After eating, the two nodded and said:
       "Good. Mother, how awesome!"
        This meal, the 3rd Brother swept away the food. Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "So I like the dishes that my mother is doing. Is that good for you every day?"
        Without waiting for Rui Ji opening, You Ji-Er shook his head and said:
       "Don't. Mother is coming to Zhuangzi to recuperate, how can I work hard?" After a pause, You Ji-Er took the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Of, we will be satisfied with the occasional meal. Second brother, third brother, are you right?"
        Rui Ji Er nodded with Xuan Ji Er.
        Yu-Xi smiles very openly:
       "Tomorrow Niang will make you a pastry, and Niang is best at making mung bean cakes." At the beginning, she worked hard.
        You Ji-Er listened to this and laughed like a cat that stole a fish:
       "If I tell these big sisters about these things, the older sister must say that she is bias." In fact, You Ji-Er doesn't like to eat sweet pastries. The knife is Jao-Jao likes to eat.
        Rui Ji Er said:
       "Don't tell the big sister." When the province got it, the big sister was unhappy and jealous of them.
        After dinner, Yu-Xi turned around with the triplets outside the door. Because it was cold, I went back to the house after a small circle.
        Fear of cold triplets, Yu-Xi gave the study to the triplets, let them write the coursework inside, and Yu-Xi himself went back to the bedroom.
        Mei-Lan handed a letter to Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wangfei, this is a letter from the rest of the people."
        Yu-Xi looked at it and it was a letter from Yang Duo-ming. Yang Duo-ming and Yu Zhi letter Yu-Xi were all seen in the first place. After watching the letter, Yu-Xi sneered. Sure enough, she did not expect that -Lu was really a beautiful man from Yan Wu-shuang and Yu Chun.
        Before the assassination of Chun Yu and Meng-nian and others, Yu-Xi did not have definite evidence. I just think that -Lu business cannot be a coincidence, plus the accumulated grievances of previous years.
        Let Yu-Xi make this decision.
        Mei-Lan stood by, no sound.
        Yu-Xi put the letter on the table and said:
       "Make the ink." Since -Lu Jia is a running dog of Yan Wu-shuang and Yu Chun, it must not stay. Yang Duo-ming is only responsible for inquiring about the news, and the matter of disposing of the -Lu family has to be handed over to Han Jianming. However, to dispose of the -Lu family, you must also find the exact evidence.
        As for whether or not it will be said to be self-retaliation, Yu-Xi simply cares. She didn't move -Lu Jia before, not scrupulous reputation, but she didn't want to violate her own principles. The most taboo of the upper class is that it is controlled by personal emotions and kills innocent people. She can't let herself open this case. Because once the precedent is opened, it may be difficult to stop in the future.
        As for -Lu Yi, she did not know what -Lu Yi did before she understood the dream of Yun-Qing .
        Yu-Xi has had a lifetime of experience, so for the dream of Yun-Qing , she always feels what is in the air. However, Yun-Qing did not tell her the truth. She only inferred from the two sentences of Si Bo Nian, so she could only let it go first.
        After the letter was sent out, Yu-Xi did not read the book, but relied on the bed to think about things.
        Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangfei, since I came to Zhuangzi to recuperate, let's put things outside!"
        Yu-Xi looked at Mei-Lan and said:
       "Busy is used to it, feel nothing in my heart." It is difficult to let her put down anything. However, try to adjust and let yourself rest.
        Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangfei, I will not say anything in the house. But since I went to Zhuangzi, I will take a rest in the next two days, let’s put it outside beforehand!"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I may be a laborer!" In the last life, except for embroidery, I can't do anything else, and I have been wronged for a lifetime. This life is exactly the opposite. Every day is too busy to do it. It seems that I have to make up for all the regrets of my last life.
        Mei-Lan didn't know how to persuade.
        Yu-Xi would not want to do anything outside, but asked Mei-Lan:
       "You have been serving me for so many years, and the eyes are getting bigger. In a few years, you should be a family. Tell me what kind of people you want to marry, and I will pay attention to you when I get there."
        Mei-Lan didn’t want to shake his head and said:
       "Wangfei, I don't marry, I just want to serve Wangfei."
        It’s because of Fang Fang’s unmarried because he was hurt. Miss like Mei-Lan said that he is not married, and Yu-Xi thinks it is shy. Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "This is not a stupid thing. This woman, how can we not marry?"
        Mei-Lan looked straight at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wangfei, I didn't laugh. Wangfei, I really don't want to marry."
        Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "Do you mean it? You are still so small, how can you have such a thought?"
        Mei-Lan smiled and said:
       "Wangfei, what do you say about marrying people? After marrying, you must filial to his parents, and have a good relationship with him. He has to educate his children to raise housework. He is exhausted and tired, and he is left and right. I am happy, and I have to help him raise and raise children. If you don’t like to smother your ‘Madam’, you will have a conscience. If you encounter those who have no conscience to smother your ‘Madam’, you will be in the bitter water. Wangfei, you said that you have married people. What does that mean?"
        Yu-Xi immediately understood after listening to these words and said:
       "You are scared by Wangye business? In fact, there are still many good men in this world. You see Cui General, not very good." Yun-Qing , the bottom of the cadre, and only Cui Mo did not I am jealous. However, the smothering of his ‘Madam’, until now, Yu Cong has this sign.
        Mei-Lan shook his head and said:
       "No one can guarantee that General Cui will not be jealous afterwards. Moreover, I can't see a man who is only good for his ‘Madam’ in my life. I don't see a few. But it is the knot that will be in trouble." Sending a ‘Madam’ to abandon or throwing it aside is everywhere. "The probability of marrying a good man is too low. She asked herself that she was not blessed. To be on the safe side, it is better not to marry.
        Yu-Xi smiled bitterly:
       "I still influenced you with Wangye." Mei-Lan didn't have this idea before.
        Mei-Lan did not deny, but did not admit:
       "Wangfei, I think Quan Mama is also very good." Quan Mama didn't marry, but he was very comfortable.
        Yu-Xi did not persuade, just said:
       "Whenever you change your mind, tell me." Obviously, Mei-Lan was frightened by Yun-Qing . This is not something she can say in a few words. It depends on Mei-Lan to figure it out. In addition, Yu-Xi also feels that if there is a place to live, there is nothing to marry.
        Said a conversation Yu-Xi went to the study, see the triplets are doing their homework seriously and do not bother, she holds a book to see. When the three men finished their homework, Yu-Xi said:
       "Take it to my mother." Yu-Xi is busy on most days and has no time to guide the triplets to do their homework. But now, she has time.
        Yun-Qing Because it rains, and I haven’t had a good rest for a while, I don’t have a big look at night.
        Xu Wu said:
       "Wangye, let me call He Da Fu to show you!" This is obviously ill.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "It's just a small problem. It's a good place to look at the doctor." Yun-Qing has no problems, but has confidence in his body. Regardless of how Xu Wu advised, Yun-Qing would not let He Da Fu give him a medical treatment.
        Xu Wu has no choice but to tell Huo Changqing about it. Otherwise, Yun-Qing is not happy. Thinking about it, Xu Wu went to the backyard and told this to Quan Mama. Xu Wu Said:
       "Also ask Mama to persuade Wangye to be a good one." Quan Mama is a Wangfei person, and she may have suggested two useful things.
        Quan Mama nodded:
       "I will advise Wangye."
        Yun-Qing was busy at the end of the Hai Family before returning to the backyard. Although Yu-Xi is not at home, he is not willing to stay in the study.
        As soon as he entered the yard, Yun-Qing coughed up.
        Quan Mama looked at the face of Yun-Qing and asked softly:
       "Wangye, are you going to have a cough and a stuffy nose, your head hurts, and you feel cold?"
        Yun-Qing hesitated, or nodded and said:
        Quan Mama said:
       "Wangye is afraid of being infected with the cold. If Wangye doesn't mind, let me take the pulse." She was diagnosed with such symptoms as Feng Han. Too complicated to see her, she did not dare to see her.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "It should be cold, sleep.
        It will be fine. ”
        Quan Mama said in silence:
       "Wangfei knew that -Lu business, only the first day did not eat, the next day is the same as usual. In fact, I know that Wangfei actually has no appetite, but she forced herself to eat, I asked her why she should be so stubborn. Wangfei said that she can't fall down. If she falls down, she will be sneaked in. If there is a disorder, the rear will be unstable. When it is time, Wangye is in danger." After that, Quan Mama looked at Yun. -Qing said:
       “Wangye, Wangfei will give you the heart.”
        Yun-Qing heard these words and became more and more uncomfortable.
        Quan Mama saw the fire almost, said:
       "Wangye, if Wangfei knows that you don't care for yourself, you will be more angry. And if Wangye falls ill, people with ulterior motives will definitely make trouble again." At that time, the hard work is still Yu-Xi It is. Only in this case, Quan Mama did not say anything.
        Yun-Qing said with a silence and said:
       "Mama gives me the pulse!"
        Quan Mama said after the diagnosis:
       "The pulse is tight, this is caused by the cold, but it is mild, it will be good to eat two days of medicated food."
        Yun-Qing said:
       “Can you eat a medicated diet?”
       See Quan Mama nod, Yun-Qing Said:
       "That depends on Mama!" In addition to Yu-Xi, others do not know that Yun-Qing is afraid of taking medicine, even a few children do not know it!

       Chapter 1092 - Leisurely rural life (1)

       ? The medicated diet is good, it is already more than half of the time. However, Yun-Qing was uncomfortable and did not fall asleep.
        After seeing Quan Mama to the medicated diet, Yun-Qing was relieved. From small to large, what he hates most is taking medicine, and he is dead.
        The medicine of Anshen was placed in the medicinal diet, and Yun-Qing fell asleep not long after eating the medicated diet.
        Quan Mama blew the candle and took the bowl out. Because Yun-Qing is sick, Quan Mama is not at ease, just sleeping outside. In the event that Yun-Qing has something, she knows.
        Yun-Qing has a good night's sleep.
        Similarly, Yu-Xi also slept a good night. It was fascinating, and a squeaking jingle sounded. Not much will Yu-Xi hear the outside, immediately called Mei-Lan:
       "Go and see what happened?"
        After a while, Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangfei, is the second Young Master. They got up and practiced."
        Yu-Xi looks out through the window, and the sky is still not bright! At this time, the triplets can't get up at this time:
       "How did they get up so early today?"
        Mei-Lan grinned:
       “2nd Young Master said that they want to learn what ancestors and -Lu Wei, and they danced.”
        The ancestors of the ancestors and -Lu Wei heard the chicken dance, or the Yu-Xi and the triplets. Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "If they can * insist on it." In this way, she no longer has to worry about the triplets.
        After saying this, Yu-Xi also got up. Out of the house, I saw a misty outside, as if I had a white gauze.
        Yu-Xi saw that the triplets were very energetic and did not bother. They entered the main hall and started to punch. Since Yun-Qing went to Yu-Xi, there was no time to exercise. After only half a year, Yu-Xi felt that the whole body was stiff.
        After playing a whole set of punches, Yu-Xi felt that the bones were about to fall apart. Taking a towel from Mei-Lan, she said while wiping the sweat:
       "I still have to stick to it in the future."
        The food for the breakfast was very light. The glutinous rice porridge and the steamed buns were served with side dishes, and there were four eggs, not even the fried dough sticks.
        Rui Ji Er sat on the table and looked at the things on the table and sighed:
       "Mother, why don't you have goat milk eggs?"
       It is not that Rui Ji Er likes to eat goat milk eggs, but Yu-Xi says that he insists on eating goat milk eggs, and he can grow as strong as Yun-Qing in the future. Therefore, Rui Ji Er* will eat the goat's milk eggs.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
        Because of the practice every day in the morning, the appetite of the triplets has always been very good. This day is no exception, porridge and buns and eggs are all eaten up.
        You Ji-Er sees that the chicken soup has not come up yet, put down the chopsticks and said:
       "Mother, I am full." Although there are not many things, the taste is still very good. Fortunately, the mother brought Bai Mama over, otherwise she would not have any delicious food.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Then go to the front yard!" The Master was placed in the front yard, so the triplets also went to the front yard to attend classes.
        Not long after the triplets went to the front yard, Bai Mama entered the house and said:
       “Wangfei, the ingredients for making mung bean cake are all ready.”
        Yu-Xi washed his hands into the kitchen, looked at the ingredients placed on the table, and gently tapped his head.
        Mung bean cake is not complicated to do, and Yu-Xi has also learned it before. In addition to some strangers at the beginning, it is very useful to wait for the action.
        After the mung bean cake is formed, it is steamed in a steamer. This fire is also very important with time. If the fire is too small or the time is short, it will affect the taste. However, Yu-Xi will definitely not wait in front of the stove, and this fire and time will be handed over to Bai Mama.
        Yu-Xi and Bai Mama said:
       "When the pastries are cooked, they will go to the 2nd Young Masters to eat them." When the pastry was just out of the pan, it tasted the best.
        Bai Mama nodded:
        Said to Mei-Lan:
       "Go outside and take a walk." Now is the time to plant potatoes, she has to go to the field to see.
        Mei-Lan persuaded:
       "Wangfei, it rained yesterday, and now the road outside is not very good." On the clothes and shoes worn by Wangfei, going out will be dirty.
        Yu-Xi is ready, saying:
       "Take out the set of fine beancloth clothes." Yu-Xi made three sets of dark-colored fine cloth clothes for the sewing room, and the dark-colored clothes were stain-resistant.
        It is said that people rely on the clothes horse to lean on the saddle, Yu-Xi replaced this set of bean blue fine cloth clothes, much better than the original. Mei-Lan looked straight and frowned:
       "Wangfei, still changing, this clothes is too ugly." This clothes, Wangfei are old and old.
        Yu-Xi did not care to say:
       "We are in the farm, not to the guests, what to do with the glamorous? In addition, I am the mother of six children, and the old is old!" If the clothes are not too rough, she is not comfortable. , Yu-Xi will not use fine cloth to make clothes. Therefore, it is difficult to enter the luxury and easy to enter.
        Mei-Lan had no choice but to change clothes.
        At this time, the guard head Teng Xinjin -called back and forth:
       “Wangfei, Zhuangtou is waiting outside, please see Wangfei.”
        Yu-Xi smiled and called Mei-Lan:
       "Come with me!" She told Han Dong to let him come over in the morning and said that he would go to the field to see it today.
        It was a cloudy day, and it was very wet on the ground due to the rain yesterday. Yu-Xi walked in the footsteps, and Mei-Lan looked terrified at the side, fearing that Yu-Xi accidentally fell.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You don't have to worry about this. I'm not papery, it's so easy to fall."
        Han Dong took Yu-Xi to a slope and said:
       "Now the fields are planted with wheat, and only the sloping fields are planted with artichokes." Henan and Shanxi provinces plant two seasons of artichokes a year. Gansu and Shaanxi and other northwestern regions are still mainly planting wheat.
        On the sloping ground, there is a gray cloth in the old clothes. The old man is doing things. Knowing the identity of Yu-Xi, he will take the maiden.
        Yu-Xi let Mei-Lan see people, and smiled and said:
       "The wet clothes on the ground can be wet. If it is sick, it is my sin." She was not prepared to plant it herself, but she came to know about the situation with Han Dong, and by the way, look at the whole picture of Zhuangzi.
        Old man busy
        Said not to dare.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Old man, you are busy with your visit!" Finished, continue to go up.
        Standing on the heights, looking at the green ones below, Yu-Xi smiled on his face. Turning around, Yu-Xi said to Han Dong:
       "I saw a field yesterday. The wheat in the field is very poor. The wheat seedlings are also dry and yellow. This matter has to be taken seriously." Yu-Xi knows which kinds of insects are in wheat, but yesterday She is not sure about the specific disease of the wheat in the field.
        Han Dong looked at Yu-Xi and said helplessly:
       "Nada is much fatter, and burned the wheat seedlings." See Yu-Xi with a confused face, Han Dong said:
       "The woman didn't tell her the man, and then went out to kiss relatives. Her man didn't know that he was fattening in the field. That woman was also a big horse. When she came back, she forgot about it. Until the young woman grows up." No, I asked the old farmers who have been watching the years to find out the problem. I also know the same thing before.” Hejiazhuang has more than 800 acres of fields, which are rented to the tenants for planting.
        Mei-Lan tongue:
       "Is there such a careless person?"
       The couple made such a fight, and the harvest of the field was gone.
        Han Dong is helpless:
       "Who said no? The husband and ‘Madam’ had a fight for this, and the woman took her child back to her family."
        Mei-Lan feels incredible:
       “She did the wrong thing and brought her children back to her family?”
       This woman is too embarrassed!
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "The matter between the husband and ‘Madam’, the outsiders are not good at criticism." After that, Yu-Xi headed for Han Dong said:
       "Handle this matter as soon as possible, don't let this field be abandoned."
        Han Dong is busy nodding.
        Yu-Xi made a turn in Zhuangzi and waited for lunch after returning to the yard.
        When the triplets saw Yu-Xi, they came up, and You Ji-Er said cheerfully:
       "Mother, the mung bean cake you made is delicious. I ate four." You Ji-Er didn't eat sweets, but knew that the mung bean cake was made by Yu-Xi, and he ate four pieces.
        Bai Mama inserted a sentence and said:
       "Wangfei, you made the mung bean cake, there are only two pieces left." Yu-Xi did not do much, just made a plate, a total of sixteen. The two pieces that were not eaten were Bai Mama intention to leave it to Yu-Xi himself.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile on his face:
       "Give me a piece and see if it's as delicious as A-You said?"
        You Ji-Er is not happy to say:
       "Mom, why don't you believe what I said?"
       Small people are bad and always questioned.
        Yu-Xi squeezed the ears of You Ji-Er and said:
       "Mother is afraid that you are happy for your mother, not eating too much and eating so much on the scalp. This is the fault of the mother."
        You Ji-Er said helplessly:
       "Mom, do I look so stupid? I don't eat it, I still eat four."
        Yu-Xi deliberately teased:
       "This is hard to say."
        The mung bean cake has been kept hot in the pot, and it is still hot when it is taken out. Yu-Xi took a bite and chewed it down. After swallowing it, he smiled and said:
       "The taste is average." Not bad, but it is definitely not delicious.
        You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, you are really asking yourself." Anyway, he feels delicious.
        Yu-Xi finished eating the pastry in his hand and said:
       “The mung bean cake with a delicate taste and mellow taste is really delicious.” The former cook, the mung bean cake made is delicious, and Bai Mama craftsmanship is almost the same.
        In the afternoon, Yu-Xi had nothing to do but took the book. Looking tired and walking outside, on the way back, I saw a cabbage in the box with two cabbages.
        Yu-Xi suddenly flashed his mind and said to Mei-Lan:
       "Go to Han Dong to send some cabbage."
        Mei-Lan is a bit strange, but she didn't ask much, nodded and said:
       "I am going to tell Han Zhuangtou."
        Two quarters later, Han Dong personally sent a basket of Chinese cabbage, more than a dozen.
        Bai Mama looked at the big basket of cabbage and said:
       "Wangfei, we can't finish eating so many cabbages for a while!"
        Yu-Xi smiled and shook his head and said:
       "I want to make spicy cabbage." Also seeing the two Chinese cabbages, her mind flashed the idea. After talking for so many years, she has forgotten many things in her life.
        Bai Mama said something strange:
       She has never heard of such a dish.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I also saw it from the book. Let's do some trial first. If it is delicious, it can be promoted. It can be regarded as adding a dish to the people table."
        Bai Mama asked:
       "What are you going to prepare?"
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Garlic, onion, ginger, chili powder, white sugar, carrots, leeks." This dish was circulated from the south of the Yangtze River to the capital, and later passed to the Zhuangzi where she was detained. She had nothing to do with it at the time, so the rough steps are still remembered.
        In the evening, when the triplets came back, they saw Yu-Xi sitting in the yard wearing blue fine cloth and holding a brush in his hand to paint the red things on the cabbage.
        The 3rd Brother felt very strange. They looked at the way Yu-Xi handled the government affairs. This is the first time I saw it. You Ji-Er 蹲下神 asks:
       "Mother, what are you doing?"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Being spicy cabbage! After a few days, you will be able to eat it."
        Xuan Ji Er looked aside:
       "Mother, can this thing be eaten?"
       It looks so disgusting, how can such a thing be sipped?
        Yu-Xi nods:
       "I can eat, the taste is still very good. But if you don't like it, you can not eat it." Green radish has their own love, not eating or reluctant.
        When sleeping at night, Yu-Xi and Mei-Lan said:
       "It’s been a long time since I was so busy." Where did I have time to cook and make pastries, and I was busy with government affairs from morning till night. Now, it is also very good and very relaxing.
        Mei-Lan Said:
       "If Wangfei can do this every day." Although Wangfei didn't stop all day, it was all simple things, and it didn't matter if it was done well. It was not very consuming when dealing with government affairs.
        Yu-Xi gently shook his head and said:
       "To really be free, I have to wait for Ah Hao to grow up and provoke this burden." Before that, she could not really be light.
        Yun-Qing talked with Tan Tuo on this day and talked about it very late.
        After talking about it, Yun-Qing said to Tan Tuo:
       "Tan Daren will go to rest!" Tan Tuo lived in Wangfu from yesterday, and he can rest more without going back and forth.
        Tan Tuo respectfully said:
       "Yes." Fortunately, his body is good, or else he will stop from a busy morning to a late night. Cough, Tan Tuo really hopes that Yu-Xi will come back soon. Tossed by Wangye, he doesn't know how long it will last!
        Called Xu Wu, Yun-Qing asked:
       “What did Wangfei do on Zhuangzi today?”
        Xu Wu looked at Yun-Qing and whispered about what Yu-Xi did.
        Yun-Qing said to himself after listening:
       "Mung bean cake? Spicy cabbage?"
       Yu-Xi lived very leisurely in Hejiazhuang, and it was completely different from the Wangfu. Thinking of this, Yun-Qing is stuffy in my heart.
        Xu Wu said:
       "The mung bean cake is not unusual, but I haven't heard of this spicy cabbage before, and I don't know which book Wangfei saw from it."
        Yun-Qing turned back to God and said:
       “Wangfei is very knowledgeable and it is not unusual to see how to make spicy cabbage from the book.”
        Xu Wu, a voice:
       “Wangye is very speaking.”
        As he spoke, Xu Daniu said:
       “Wangye, Quan Mama has brought you a medicated diet.”
        Yun-Qing said to Xu Wu:
       "You go in the medicinal diet!" After eating a whole day of medicated diet, I feel so good. After eating this bowl, I will stop eating it tomorrow.

       Chapter 1093 - Leisurely rural life (2)

       When Hao Ji Er came back from school, Xiao Yan told him:
       "Shi Zi, the letter that the 4th Young Master gave you is on the table."
        Upon hearing this, Hao Ji was a little surprised and said:
       "This day, A-You wrote to me?"
       Although A-You is close to him, he has not written to the letter in two days.
        After reading the letter, Hao Ji Er knows why You Ji-Er will write to him. This stinky boy is completely showing off, showing off the red fruit. What kind of mother told them about pests and counseling, and also made mung bean cake and spicy cabbage for them to eat.
        In fact, Hao Ji Er has a small flaw in this moment, he has not eaten the things that Niang himself did!
        Thinking of this, Hao Ji Er immediately wrote a letter to Yu-Xi. As for You Ji-Er, he was too lazy to reply to this stupid boy!
        Yu-Xi received the letter from Hao Ji Er at noon the next day. After reading the letter, he knocked on the forehead of You Ji-Er and said:
       "Show your brother, do you want to make mung bean cake and spicy cabbage for you?"
        You Ji-Er said cheerfully:
       "Mother, I didn't make a mistake! Mother is giving us mung bean cake and spicy cabbage! Mother, big brother wrote to you?"
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Your eldest brother said that he would also come to Zhuangzi, and the girl promised." It is rare for Haoge to ask for a request, how can she refuse. In addition, let Hao Ji children go to Zhuangzi, this child will stretch himself too tightly, and Zhuangzi can let him relax and relax.
        You Ji-Er surprises:
       "Mother, really? Big brother is coming too?"
       See Yu-Xi nod, You Ji-Er yells at Yu-Xi and says:
       "Mother, we are so big, my brother came to let him sleep with us!" You Ji-Er is especially close to Hao Ji Er. The letter will tell him what happened on Zhuangzi. In fact, there is also the meaning of letting him come to Zhuangzi.
        Yu-Xi heard this and laughed:
       "As long as A Hao agrees, the mother naturally does not object." The brother relationship is good, she is happy to see it, and will refuse.
        You Ji-Er said with confidence:
       "Oh, I will definitely not object." The 4th Brother slept on a donkey, and there must be no end to words.
        Yu-Xi is stunned by the sky, this will have been scattered:
       "When the weather is fine, my mother will take your 4th Brother to dig the leek and make the leek dumplings for you to eat."
        You Ji-Er likes it the most:
       "Well, wow, the dish that you can dilige yourself will definitely be delicious." In the second place, the most important thing can be played without going to school.
        Yu-Xi can't see You Ji-Er, but she also wants to relax and relax. This child is hard enough to read martial arts every day except for reading.
        Xuan Ji Er could not help but ask:
       "Mother, isn't the big brother coming? Will the second sister come?"
        Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       "I miss your second sister?"
        Xuan Ji Er is not thinking about Lu-Er, but thinking about Master Meng. Xuan Ji Er said:
       "If the second sister came, Master Meng Lao will definitely follow, so that I can learn the flute with Master Meng Lao." Because time can't be staggered, Xuan Ji Er has not started to learn to play the flute with Master Meng.
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Simple songs will also blow. In this way, Niang first teaches you the basic things, and when you start the spring, you will learn from Master Meng." She learned the theory part and learned the book.
        The triplets were a little bit stunned and asked in unison:
       "Mother, why don't we still know that you will play the flute?"
       It’s so big, don’t say that Yu-Xi is playing the flute. They have never heard anyone who said that she would play the flute!
        Yu-Xi sees the identical expression of the three sons, and is not happy:
       "There are more things you don't know! Later, you can explore slowly."
        You Ji-Er Yang Sheng said:
       "Mother, if that's the case, I have to learn." Actually, You Ji-Er is not interested in the instrument, but if he is teaching him, he is willing to learn.
        Rui Ji Er said with a busy hand:
       "I won't learn."
        You Ji-Er can not rely on:
       "No, we can say that we must have the same blessings and enjoy the same difficulties. Second brother, you can't say no words."
        Rui Ji Er’s face suddenly became bitter.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "A Rui, wait for your big brother to come over, your 4th Brother will learn with my mother. But when you return to Yucheng, you will not want to learn or reluctantly."
        Rui Ji Er’s face turned from Yin to Qing :
       "Okay, then I will learn from my mother." It doesn't matter if you learn from your mother. Learn from Master , you can get systematic learning, he didn't have that interest and didn't have that time.
        You Ji-Er is also not interested in learning the temperament with Master Meng Lao.
        Hao Ji Er received a reply from Yu-Xi that evening. Seeing Yu-Xi agrees that he is not happy to go to Zhuangzi. In fact, he also tried it. I didn't expect Yu-Xi to agree so quickly. After reading the letter, Hao Ji Er went to find Huo Changqing and said:
       "-Laozi, I have to go to Hejiazhuang for a while."
        Huo Changqing has some accidents, but he knows that the temperament of the genius is not impulsive:
       "Your mother agreed?"
        Hao Ji Er nodded:
       "Mother agreed, and my mother said that I will pass tomorrow. Mother said that she does not need to bring her to go. If she doesn't understand anything, she can ask her. As for riding a mother, she can learn from Dou Master."
        Master Dou ability to teach Hao Ji is more than enough. Huo Changqing has no objections and says:
       "Since your mother is arranged, you will go tomorrow!" It is best to teach Hao Ji Er with Han-shi knowledge and ability, but she used to have no time in government affairs, and now she is willing to teach Hao. This is a good thing for my brother.
        Hao Ji Er is going to go to this Zhuangzi, but not only Huo Changqing agrees, but also Yun-Qing agrees.
        Yun-Qing has been with Yu-Xi for many years, how can I not know the Yu-Xi temperament child. Yu-Xi didn't bring Hao Ji to Zhuangzi at the beginning. He was afraid of delaying his study. It was only two days to change his mind. Yun-Qing asked:
       "You told your mother, are you going to Zhuangzi?"
       Yu-Xi will change his mind only if he introduces himself.
        Hao Ji Er did not lie, nodded and said:
       "Yes! Mother teaches A Rui their farming in Zhuangzi. I have studied with the Master for "Qi Min Yao Shu" for more than a year, but all of them are paper talks. The mother often said that the light theory can't be done, so I have to combine practice, so I I think of Zhuangzi in-depth understanding.” These words are totally different from what a seven-year-old child said.
        Yun-Qing is not so fooled, ask:
       "Afraid not only these?"
       This farming does not have to go to Zhuangzi himself.
        The same is true for people who are looking for a farmer.
        Hao Ji Er said sincerely:
       "Hey, I haven’t eaten the food and cakes that I have made myself so much!" After that, Hao Ji Er said with a smile on Yun-Qing :
       “Niang also said that when I went to Zhuangzi, I would take us to dig the leek and make the dumplings.”
        Looking at Hao Ji Er's look and look, Yun-Qing is more and more unpleasant. Yu-Xi remembered his son, but he threw his husband out of the clouds. In the past, no matter what, Yu-Xi put him at the forefront.
        Converging the mind, Yun-Qing said:
       "You can go to Zhuangzi, but you can't slack off."
        Hao Ji Er said with a smile:
       "Hey, there is a mother who wants to slack off and has no chance."
        With the consent of Yun-Qing , Hao Ji Er went out with joy and walked out of the house. Hao Ji Er also looked back. He just said it deliberately, that is, let him know that his mother was leisurely on Zhuangzi. In this way, he should have a sense of crisis!
        After going out of the study, Hao Ji Er went to Bixiyuan to find Lu-Er. Hao Ji Er gave the letter of Yu-Xi to Lu-Er and said:
       "I am going to Zhuangzi tomorrow. After reading the letter, will you decide whether or not to go with me?"
       Hao Ji Er is going to Zhuangzi, and only a few children can leave Lu-Er alone. Yu-Xi is afraid of Lu-Er and wants to write this letter.
        Yu-Xi said in the letter that Hejiazhuang is colder than the Wangfu, and that the house is not paved with dragons. Lu-Er went to Zhuangzi and may not be able to practice the ‘zither’.
        Can't practice the ‘zither’, this thing makes Lu-Er hesitate:
       "A Hao, you let me think about it." For a while, she couldn't make up her mind!
        You Ji-Er is not surprised Lu-Er’s answer, just saying:
       "The second sister knows why her mother will go to Zhuangzi?"
        Lu-Er bowed and said:
       "I know. It was because of -Lu business that the mother was angry, so she went to Zhuangzi."
        Hao Ji Er heard this and his heart was a little more comfortable. The triplets don't know because his mother is deliberately squatting, but if Lu-Er doesn't know, then she doesn't care about her mother.
        Hao Ji Er withdrew from Pozi and asked Lu-Er:
       "When you give the second sister a violinist, you will meet -Lu. Is this the second sister knows?"
        Hearing this accused words, Lu-Er was white, but nodded:
       "I know."
        Hao Ji Er said:
       "Second sister, -Lu business is not your fault, but it is because of you. What should the second sister do for her mother?"
        Lu-Er looked up at Hao Ji Er and said:
       "Adi, what can I do for my mother?"
       She also wants to do something, but she doesn't know where to start.
        Hao Ji Er said:
       "When I went to Zhuangzi, the second sister pretended not to know that -Lu was only seen by the violinist. When you get sick, when you come over, you will cry with him, saying that if you don't learn the ‘zither’, There will be no such thing as -Lu, and it will not cause her mother to be sad and ran to Zhuangzi. Anyway, his second sister will cry the most, and he will definitely cry when he is upset.
        Lu-Er hesitated and said:
       “Is this not good?”
       I feel that they are calculating!
        Hao Ji Er said faintly:
       "If you don't want to marry your mother as soon as possible, then I didn't say what I said."
        Lu-Er nodded when he heard this:
       "Adi, I will do what you said."
        Hao Ji Er um a voice:
       "Second sister, I will go back if there is nothing." I don't know why, Hao Ji Er and Lu-Er are always close. In order not to let Yu-Xi find out, he tried to avoid contact with Lu-Er.
        I don't even think about it, how could Yu-Xi not be found. It’s just that Yu-Xi knows that even if the Brother and sisters of a mother compatriots have a close relationship, it is only a matter of making the Brother close to Lu-Er, which will make the Brother more resentful of Lu-Er, resulting in a worse relationship, so Yu- -Xi always does not know.
        When You Ji-Er saw Hao Ji Er, he said with a smile:
       "Big brother, mother knows that you came here today to go to the ground to pick vegetables, and cook for you at noon."
        Hao Ji Er looked at You Ji-Er Said:
       "Adi, I haven't seen you for two days. How do you feel that you are a lot darker?"
       In addition to Lu-Er, the 6th Brother and sisters have the whitest skin. Moreover, Hao Ji Er is still not sun-baked, and Hao Ji Er is also depressed, and Yu-Xi will be released after opening.
        You Ji-Er does not care to say:
       "Black spots are black spots, black spots are better." He is not a woman, he wants to do so white, but he can't say this. The last time I said this, I was beaten by my eldest sister, and my eldest brother looked at him with a smile, and did not plead for him.
        Rui Ji Er looked at the package in the hands of Hao Ji little sister and said:
       "Big brother, we live in the west wing, you have to live with us and put things in the west wing! If you don't want to, then the mother said that you will live in the back yard." Pozi lives.
        Hao Ji Er turned to the head and said:
       "Put things in the house." He didn't want to live in the back yard!
        You Ji-Er said cheerfully:
       "Big brother, that's big, enough for all four of us to sleep together."
        Hao Ji Er hasn't put things in place yet, and Yu-Xi has picked up a basket of vegetables and comes back to some common vegetables, such as cabbage and leeks.
        At noon, there are six dishes and one soup, which are very rich. They are lotus leaf chicken, steamed squid, hot and sour lion head, jade shrimp, fragrant fried egg, and fried cabbage.
        Yu-Xi sat down and said to Hao Ji Er:
       "This hot and sour lion's head and emerald shrimp are made by Bai Mama, the other is made by the mother." It is the lotus leaf and the steamed squid, and the Yu-Xi is also under the guidance of Bai Mama.
        Hao Ji Er smiled and caught a piece of chicken to eat. After eating it, he was full of praise:
       "Mother, the food you made is delicious."
        Although I know that there is water in the words of Hao Ji Er, Yu-Xi is still very happy:
       "I like to eat more. Today's weather is good, let's go and dig the leeks." Today, the sun is out, the weather is good, just to dig wild vegetables.
        Hao Ji son is so big, he really hasn’t gotten to the field, he feels special novelty:
        You Ji-Er Said:
       "Mother, let's go after dinner! If you take a nap, you may have to eat dumplings very late." It will take a lot of time to return to make dumplings.
        The child is full of interest, and Yu-Xi does not do the disappointing person:
       "Cheng, etc.
        We will go after the meal. ”
        If you want to go to the ground to dig wild vegetables, you must not wear satin clothes. Fortunately, the 4th Brother martial arts, Yu-Xi prepared them a lot of fine-colored fine cloth clothes.
        Yu-Xi was afraid of soiling her hair, so she wrapped her hair with a blue headscarf and held a basket in her hand, a full-scale peasant woman.
        You Ji-Er saw Yu-Xi wearing this, ‘Laughs’ smiled:
       "Mother, you are so funny!"
        Yu-Xi doesn't mind, he laughs and says:
       "Laughter so cheerful, are you happy when you become ugly?"
       Doing farm work, dressing up so bright and bright to whom to see.
        You Ji-Er holding Yu-Xi said:
       "How come, mother is the most beautiful when." Just wearing it today is a bit strange.
        Yu-Xi patted his head and said:
       "Go, don't spoil." 6th Brother and sisters, also Jao-Jao and You Ji-Er always like to hold her spoiled.

       Chapter 1094 - Leisurely rural life (3)

       Yu-Xi took the 4th Brother and took the basket and took the shovel out of the door. The mother and son are walking on the road in the country and it is also a unique landscape.
        You Ji-Er pointed to the chrysanthemums on the slopes not far away:
       "Mother, there are a lot of chrysanthemums! Do you want to pick some chrysanthemums first." Golden yellow wild chrysanthemums, a cluster of clumps, especially beautiful.
        Chrysanthemum can be dried, and then chrysanthemum tea. Hao Ji Er also felt that this idea is good, said:
       "Go to dig the leeks first, then pick the chrysanthemums in the next day." So many chrysanthemums, can pick a few baskets.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "When the mother wants to make chrysanthemum cake for you!" It is rare to see Hao Ji as a child, Yu-Xi is willing to follow him.
        After walking for more than a moment, I finally came to my destination. You Ji-Er looks around and asks:
       "Mother, how about leeks?"
        Yu-Xi pointed to a bunch of green oil on the ground and said:
       "This is the leek!"
        You Ji-Er looked down at what Yu-Xi meant:
       "Is this a leek?"
       He also thought that the leek is the same as the cabbage, it is one by one!
        Lower the head with a shovel and a shovel, only the blades are at hand, and the roots are gone. You Ji-Er asked the leaves:
       "Mom, is that okay?"
        Yu-Xi shook his head and dug out a complete amaranth and then smashed it hard. He threw the soil from the roots before putting it in the basket. After doing this, Yu-Xi said to You Ji-Er:
       "Do you see it clearly? To dig it out with the roots, you have to clean the mud."
        You Ji-Er nodded:
       "See clearly." He digs as Yu-Xi looks, and the result is a force to bring out a mud. The time of the mud is enough to dig a few leeks.
        Yu-Xi looked up at You Ji-Er with the mud, and laughed and did not speak. Bringing children out is originally to let them experience the country life. By the way, it is not that they learn how to dig wild vegetables.
        After two quarters of an hour, You Ji-Er looked at the lonely amaranth in his basket and looked at the 3rd Brother. I found myself the least, and he has the most brother.
        You Ji-Er moved to the side of Hao Ji and said:
       "Big brother, how did you dig so much?"
       His older brother is so powerful that he can do a good job.
        Hao Ji Er looked at You Ji-Er and said:
       "Carefully dig, don't worry about it, you can dig as much as I do." Finished, continue to dig down.
        You Ji-Er thinks that his older brother is very boring and is about to continue to dig. He suddenly sees a red dragonfly in the distance. You Ji-Er dropped the basket and ran to catch it.
        Rui Ji Er saw Yu-Xi did not speak, but also dropped the shovel and followed You Ji-Er to catch it. Only left Hao Ji and Xuan Ji Er to honestly dig the leek.
        After a while, Rui Ji Er grabbed only the -servant, and You Ji-Er held a bouquet of wild chrysanthemums. You Ji-Er said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, we will insert the chrysanthemums in your house." Her mother likes to spend flowers and plants. When she is in the palace, she will always put two pots of flowers.
        Yu-Xi smiled and stood up and said:
       "You will sell it." After that, he called Ah Hao and Xuan Ji Er back.
        Back in the yard, Yu-Xi called the 4th Brother to help wash together. Yu-Xi said while washing:
       "The yellow leaves are to be removed, and the black spots on the roots must be removed..."
        You Ji-Er heard all the big heads and said:
       "Mother, how do you eat a leek dumpling so trouble?"
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "This is just the beginning of your troubles? Waiting for the meeting, and the end of the package!" Fresh feelings, it is too much trouble.
        You Ji-Er said:
       "Don't eat leek dumplings in the future." It was too much trouble.
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "This leek is just a wild vegetable directly to the outside. It doesn't cost much. You can know how much time and energy it takes between the food and the melons and vegetables, from the next to the food. If you encounter natural disasters, one year's It’s all in vain to work hard.”
        Xuan Ji heart was the softest, and he couldn’t help but say what Yu-Xi said:
       "This farmer is too difficult."
        Hao Ji Er is a poem written by Li Yu, a poet of the Tang Family:
       "Spring is a grain of millet, and autumn is a million seeds. There are no idle fields in the four seas, and the farmer is still starving to death. When the grass is in the afternoon, the sweat drops down the soil. Who knows the Chinese food, the grains are hard."
        Yu-Xi said to Hao Ji Er:
       "As long as the people in power are wise, and the country is well-managed, even if there is a natural disaster, the government will come to the disaster, and the people will have a way to live, otherwise they will only die."
        Hao Ji Er nodded and said:
       "Mother, I know. Water can easily carry a boat. If you can't get the people to support it, then the powerful Family will last for a long time."
        Yu-Xi gently nodded and said:
       "You know it."
        When the triplets saw Yu-Xi, they taught Hao Ji Er, and they all listened to each other and did not interject.
        Yu-Xi saw it almost, called Pozi to help. Pozi hands and feet, the two baskets of mustard were quickly washed clean.
        Yu-Xi entered the kitchen, first drained the water with boiling water, sprinkled with salt before cutting, and then cut them into pieces.
        After the leeks are cut, Yu-Xi takes a piece of fresh pork and smashes it. Add the ginger onion and salt, then put the evenly beaten egg white into it, then add water to stir. Finally, pour the chopped mustard into the mixture.
        Bai Mama has been reconciled two quarters before. The materials are complete, and Yu-Xi is called Bai Mama dumpling skin.
        Yu-Xi took a dumpling skin and made a demonstration, laughing and saying:
       "Just follow this package." This dumpling looks easy and it's not easy to do.
        As Yu-Xi expected, the 4th Brother did not puncture the dumpling skin, that is, the stuffing was too much to pack, and then the package was out of horrible, even the well-inspired Haogeer was too busy. .
        Rui Ji Er snorted and smiled at You Ji-Er:
       "Adi, how did your face become so white?" The face was covered with flour and it was naturally white.
        You Ji-Er was coated with the hand of the flour on the face of Haogeer who made the dumplings seriously. Haha laughed:
       "Big brother, your face is whiter now."
        There are You Ji-Er ghosts, and finally everyone has a flour on their faces, and even the Yu-Xi has not fallen. Yu-Xi is also not
        Angry, watching the Hao Ji children who clashed with Rui Ji Er, but smiled very openly.
        Jing Bai and Mei-Lan came out of the house and whispered:
       "I haven't seen Wangfei so happy for a long time." Although Wangfei always has a smile on her face, Wangfei is really happy that people who are close to the service can still feel it.
        Mei-Lan Dagger:
       "It’s a perfect thing to come to Zhuangzi this time." Wangfei felt a lot of relaxation in the past two days, no longer always frowning as before.
        The dinner is served with dumplings, served with chives stir-fried chicken, leeks and shrimp balls, braised pork, hot and sour potato and fried cucumber.
        Hao Ji Er asked:
       "Mother, is this cucumber also in the farm? Why didn't we see it along the way?"
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "The cucumber has been out of the market this season, and it was sent over the warm shed."
        The dumplings delivered to the table were made by the 4th Brother of Haogeer. There were not many shaped dumplings in a bowl. The dumplings were basically separated from the stuffing.
        Dumplings made by myself, even if they are ugly and unpalatable, have to be bitten by their teeth. You Ji-Er said after eating the dumplings in the bowl:
       "Mother, I am full."
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "Is this full? If you are hungry in the middle of the night, there is nothing to eat!"
        You Ji-Er said without hesitation:
       "Mother, I am really full." Anyway, he should not eat this dumpling anymore. This is called dumplings, it is just eating leeks and broth, and the taste is very bad. Strongly holding a bowl has reached the extreme, can no longer eat.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Where is it enough to eat this? Eat another bowl!"
        Just as You Ji-Er thought about what reason to refuse, Servant brought the dumplings up. The dumplings that came up this time, one white and fat, looked very cute.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "This is the authentic leeks dumplings." Just now, it was completely noisy.
        You Ji-Er got one, and nodded busy and said:
       “It’s delicious.” The dumplings are sweet and delicious, and it’s really a heaven in the sky.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "This leek has the effect of strengthening the spleen and digesting water, stopping bleeding and detoxification, and reducing blood pressure. It is good for the body to eat more."
        You Ji-Er said:
       "Then I will eat a few more." The result of this eating, eating support.
        The five mothers and sons of Hejiazhuang are happy to eat the dumplings together, but Yun-Qing wants to eat alone.
        Yun-Qing did not want to go back to the backyard to eat, let people directly take the food to the front yard and called Xu Wu to eat together.
        Xu Wu did not quit, but after eating two dishes, she said:
       “This dish is far worse than Bai Mama.” Bai Mama dishes are full of flavors and flavors, so they like it.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "It’s much better than the food in the military camp." Yun-Qing , as the coach, fired extra. However, the chef's craft is worse than Ai Cui.
        Xu Wu smiled and nodded:
       "This is true." Xu Wu actually knows that Yun-Qing is in a bad mood, but there is no way. Wangfei was discouraged this time, and he didn’t work. Everything was piled up in Wangye alone, and Wangye didn't have time to go to Zhuangzi.
        After dinner, Yun-Qing entered the study. During the day, I will discuss with the courtiers and review the book at night. Yun-Qing is cheaper than Yu-Xi, and there are many things during this time. Every time you have to wait until midnight to finish the book.
        Xu Da Niu said:
       “When it comes to Wangfei, I feel that the entire palace is deserted.”
        Xu Wu said:
       "Wangfei is not with the world and the second Young Master. The palace is naturally deserted." There are Wangye and the second County Owner, and the second County Owner is not too big to go out. It is strange not to be deserted!
        Xu Daniu said:
       "I don't know when Wangfei will come back." Wangye had a face stretched in these two days, making them very nervous.
        Xu Wu said:
       "When Wangfei raises his body, he will naturally come back." When Wangfei can come back, he has no idea in his heart. It is estimated that Wangye has no bottom.
        Xu Da Niu heard this and thought about the low voice and Xu Wu said:
       "Boss, now outside is because of -Lu business, Wangfei and Wangye fell out, so I moved to the country Zhuangzi. Boss, this thing you still remind Wangye!" Big trouble, then it will not end well It is.
        Xu Wu said with a cold face; "Whoever dares to make a living, and never grasps it." Passing this rumor must be a nuisance. For such people, it will be able to become a talent.
        Yun-Qing was busy in the middle of the night and called Xu Wu before returning to the backyard:
       “What did Wangfei do today?”
        Xu Wu hesitated and said:
       “Wangfei read the book in the morning, then went to the vegetable field to pick up the vegetables and gave the Wang Heir a table of dishes. After lunch, Wangfei took the Wang Heir and went to dig the leeks and dumplings.” Just listen to the following When people look back, they know that Yu-Xi has been very good these days.
        Yun-Qing said after a long silence:
       "Xu Wu, you said that it is not without me, Wangfei is doing very well." Yu-Xi has been comfortable in Zhuangzi, as if he had completely forgotten him, which makes Yun-Qing feel uncomfortable at the same time. defeat.
        Xu Wu heard this and his face changed slightly. He just wanted to comfort Yun-Qing , but he spoke back to his mouth. In my heart, Xu Wu said:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, if she didn't marry you, she wouldn't have to work so hard." If married to an ordinary man, Wangfei has no prominent position, but the days will be very relaxed.
        Yun-Qing answered the question:
       "Without Wangfei, there would be no King of Pingxi."
        Xu Wu heard this and said:
       "Without Wangye, there will be no Wangfei today. Wangye, you and Wangfei are complementary and no one can do without it."
        Yun-Qing said; "Who can't leave anyone? Wangfei has to leave with me, and see her as it is now, and it is better to leave me." It is when Yu-Xi says and stays away. He is not as scared and afraid as he is now. Because at that time he felt that Yu-Xi was only angry with -Lu affairs, as long as he sincerely apologized to Yu-Xi, he would forgive him. But now he is not sure, because he did not have a good Yu-Xi.
        Xu Wu has a white face:
       "What? Wangfei want to be with you?"
       It's no wonder that Wangye weather is so ugly. It turned out that Wangfei was leaving.
       "Yes! Wangfei wants to stay away from me." He never thought that one day, Yu-Xi would leave him.
        See Yun-Qing like this, Xu Wu is busy saying:
       "Wangye, don't take it seriously, Wangfei is in the air, how can you take it when you say it!"
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "When Wangfei looks like, it is not scaring me." If you just scare him, Yu-Xi will not be as comfortable as it is on Zhuangzi.
        Think about the state of Yu-Xi on Zhuangzi, Xu Wu does not know how to comfort Yun-Qing . After coming for a while, Xu Wu said:
       "Wangye, no matter what, it can't be separated. Otherwise, there is no room for change."
        Yun-Qing said:
       "I won't agree." He didn't think about it, but he was very upset.
        Xu Wu is a little relieved:
       “Wangye, Wangfei will want to be separated because there is anger in the heart, you have to think about it and let her get mad.”
        Yun-Qing also thought, but the problem is that he can't go now:
       "When I have straightened out the matter at hand, I will go to Zhuangzi." When Yu-Xi suspected him, he would not leave. For a long time, you can always get Yu-Xi to get rid of gas.

       Chapter 1095 - Persuasion

       I don't know who released the rumors, saying that Yu-Xi lived in Zhuangzi is not a disease, but because she and Yun-Qing are away. This rumor came out, causing an uproar.
        Xu Wu heard this rumor and hurriedly told Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, now it’s rumored that you are away from Wangfei. Wangye, this time must be thundered." Although he began to know about this, he was shocked. But when he calmed down, he knew that even if Wangfei was really hurt by Wangye, she could not be separated from Wangye for her children.
        And the two words, just provoked the nerves of Yun-Qing . Yun-Qing said coldly:
       "Put all the people who spread the rumors, and don't have to go to the cell and kill them directly."
        Under the bloody suppression, no one dared to talk about it. In private, there is more speculation about this. If this is a fake, let Wangfei return to the palace, this rumor is not broken. Now Wangfei does not come out and violently suppresses it. It is not that there is no silver in this place.
        This is too much trouble. Ling’s is not very reassuring. When Xu Wu came home, he asked:
       "Old Master, what is the rumor outside?"
        Xu Wu naturally won’t say that Yu-Xi is going away from Ling’s, just saying:
       "Wangfei because -Lu business is awkward with Wangye, so I went to Zhuangzi. Those rumors were only distributed by people with ulterior motives, in order to fish in the water and create chaos."
        Ling’s stunned:
       "It turned out to be the case."
        Xu Wu looked at Ling’s:
       "You don't really think that Wangfei is away from Wangye? Wangfei and Wangye feelings for more than ten years are a result of -Lu separation. In addition, there are the Wang Heir and the 1st County Owner!"
        Ling smiled and said:
       "How come? And it's not a trivial matter from ordinary people, let alone Wangye and Wangfei. I just think this rumor is awkward."
        Xu Wu said coldly:
       "This kind of ghost trick is only used by people who don't have a countertop."
        Although Yun-Qing uses *, the spread of this rumor is very wide, and even Qiu-shi, who doesn't care much about the common things, knows. Qiu-shi is not as calm as Ling's, and I heard this rumor.
        Lu Xiu heard the following Servant said that Qiu-shi was going to find Yu-Xi on Zhuangzi, and suddenly felt big. Lu-Shi rushed to the upper house and stopped Qiu-shi who was preparing to go out.
        Qiu-shi said anxiously:
       "You don't stop me, I want to go to Hejiazhuang to find Yu-Xi, ask her if this and the thing is true?"
        Lu Xiu smiled and explained:
       "Mother, Wangfei went to Hejiazhuang not to say it. She went to Zhuangzi to rest. Do you would rather believe that the outside rumors don't believe Wangfei words?"
       However, it is a rumor that people with ulterior motives spread, Lu-Shi is not believed by one child.
        Qiu-shi said:
       "Yu-Xi said that I would feel embarrassed to go to Zhuangzi. I don't ask her personally, I don't feel at ease." Although she didn't care about things, she was not confused. Yun-Qing is back, Yu-Xi goes to Zhuangzi on the back foot, and if there is no problem, it is strange.
        Lu Xiu said:
       "Mother, you rushed to Hejiazhuang, how do you see outsiders? I don't know what Wangfei really did with Wangye? Our family did not help to confuse the rumors, Wangye knows what to think?"
        Qiu-shi was hesitant and asked:
       "You are sure this is just a rumor, isn't it true?"
        Lu Xiu is helpless:
       "Mother, the Wang Heir and the 2nd Young Master, they are all in Hejiazhuang. Mother, have you seen the husband and ‘Madam’ and the woman who took the children away?"
       It’s true that I’m not leaving my son, that is, my daughter won’t let the woman take it away. Yun-Qing has only four sons, and now all are in Hejiazhuang. Just look at this point, people with brains will not believe this rumor.
        Qiu-shi was also anxious just now, but when he heard Lu Xiu words, he calmed down:
       "You are right. But the hole is not coming, I am still not at ease without asking."
        Lu Xiu also made a fuss, no way, Yu-Xi went to Zhuangzi time is too clever, it is easy to make people think. Lu Xiu said:
       "Mother, do you think it's so good? It's too late today. I will go to Hejiazhuang tomorrow to see Wangfei."
        Qiu-shi nodded:
       "Then you will go to Zhuangzi tomorrow to ask Yu-Xi, what is going on here?"
        Comforting Qiu-shi, Lu Xiucai returned to the yard. Lu Xiu Xiangchun Mama said:
       "To check, who is chewing on the roots in front of Old Madam." When the rumor came out, she ordered that people in the government would not be allowed to discuss the matter, otherwise they would be heavy. The people around Qiu-shi are particularly concerned about the object, but they did not expect it to reach the mother-in-law.
        Not much, Spring Mama came back and said:
       "2nd Madam, this is what Eldest Miss said to Old Madam." After Pozi around Old Madam was warned, no one would dare to talk.
        Lu Xiu was very surprised. I can't think of this even if it was said seventy-seven. Lu Xiu took a look at the temple and said:
       "Go and bring the Eldest Miss over."
        When Qi Qi came over, Lu Xiu asked ugly:
       “Wangfei and Wangye and this rumor are you telling the Grandmother. Why are you doing this?”
        Lu Xiu had always been a refinement to her, and this was the first time she had a face with her.
        Seven seven said with a low head:
       "I heard that I was worried about this, so I told the Grandmother."
        Lu Xiu is annoyed:
       "Do you know that you just went to Hejiazhuang and said that you want to personally ask Wangfei and leave this. If your grandmother went to Hejiazhuang to ask Wangfei, Wangfei is not happy, Wangye will be more disliked with Han. ""
        Seventy-seven faces are white and said:
       "My mother, Wangye will be more disliked with the Han family how to say this?"
        Lu Xiu said:
       "What reason you don't need to know." Yun-Qing hates Han, and his husband also has some responsibility.
        Seventy-seven is somewhat helpless, saying:
       "I am also worried that I am afraid that my aunt will be away from my uncle, that is to the Han family..."
        Lu Xiu interrupted the words of the seven seven, and said with a loud voice:
       "I always thought that you were a sensible child, but I didn't expect you to know how to measure. Wangfei and Wangye are you able to blend in?"
        Seventy-seven is not ignorant, Lu Xiu has always been very good to her. This time I was so angry that it showed that she had a lot of troubles. In the end, I was only a child in my teens. I was scared to tears:
       "My mother, I know it is wrong, I should not mention this with the Grandmother."
        Lu Xiu sees it, but instead
        Sighed and said:
       "Fortunately, I stopped you in time for the Grandmother. I didn't do anything. But this doesn't mean that I am so lucky next time. If you have any questions or concerns in the future, you can talk to your mother, but you can't tell your grandmother, know. ?"
       Her mother-in-law is more and more active, and she feels that the sky is falling. But there is no way, who will let her mother and mother have a good life, and have filial and capable children. Therefore, her daughter-in-law is only a little tired.
        Seven seven busy nodded:
       "I know."
        Lu Xiu did not have the energy to teach Qi Qi, and said:
       "You go back first!" Just persuaded Qiu-shi to spend a lot of thoughts, this will make her tired.
        The next day, the weather was particularly good. The clear blue sky is cloudless and clear like Jasper.
        Yu-Xi was reading in the yard and heard that Lu Xiu had come. Put down the book, Yu-Xi to the door to welcome Lu Xiu:
       "How did the two come over?"
       There are many things in and out of Han’s home. Lu Xiu estimate is that something is wrong.
        See Yu-Xi face ruddy look calm, Lu Xiu Yue determined that those rumors are fake. If Yu-Xi is really close to Yun-Qing , how can it be so good?
        Lu Xiu said with a smile:
       "Mother has been chanting, afraid that you are not used to Zhuangzi, so let me come and see you."
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Mother is awkward, what are you not used to?"
       After that, I welcomed Lu Xiujin to the yard.
        Entering the yard, Lu Xiu saw the chair in the yard, and a small table next to the chair. On the table is a cup of hot tea and a book.
        Yu-Xi said:
       “Before I was busy, I didn’t get enough blood. Quan Mama made this honey rose tea for me to drink. If I like it, I will pack it back. This thing, it’s good for women to drink more.”
        Lu Xiu also did not have a guest, said refreshingly:
        Servant moved the chair out and placed it next to the chair. After sitting down, Lu Xiu said with a smile:
       "Wangfei looks so good, it shows that Hejiazhuang is still very supportive, and she knows that she will be very happy."
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Don't be busy with government affairs, read a book every day to accompany your children, and then cook a few side dishes. This day is leisurely and comfortable, and the natural color will be good." The big dish Yu-Xi can't do it, it all needs to be true. Kung Fu, she should not waste ingredients on her point.
        Lu Xiu was a little surprised, but the face did not show:
       "I have to say that I want to stay, I don't want to go back."
        After talking for a while, Yu-Xi said:
       "Two sisters, is it true that the rumors are not at ease, so let you come over 1⁄4"
       Although she did not go out on Zhuangzi, what happened outside Yu-Xi knew it.
        Lu Xiuben did not want to mention, but Yu-Xi took the initiative to ask her not to swear:
       "Well, my mother got angry after hearing about this. If she is not old enough to move around, she will come over in person." After all, Lu Xiu looked at Yu-Xi and asked:
       "Yu-Xi, I believe those rumors are fake. Can Wangye go to Zhuangzi with his forefoot and let him think."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "What do you think? I have been turning around like the spinning top in these years. I have been unable to listen to it for a long time. I want to take a break."
        Lu Xiu hesitated, still asked:
       "Not because of -Lu business?"
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "You too take her seriously, and what is the value of -Lu when I avoid Zhuangzi? I am tired and have some losses in my body, so I want to take a good rest for a while, so I can adjust my body. Just like Wangye is coming back, he Energetic to let him do more."
        Looking at the look of Yu-Xi, Lu Xiu felt that he wanted more. Don't say that -Lu was sent back to her family and didn't follow her back to the city. Even if Wangye brought her back to Yucheng, it was just a Concubine. How can it be compared with Yu-Xi?
        Yu-Xi thought about laughing and asked:
       "The two rulers have a good family. It is reasonable to say that such a rumor that the mother should not know." Since she knew, it must have been said.
        Lu Xiu hesitated and said:
       "I don't know what Daxie said with the Seven Seventh. The seventy-seventh is in the mother's face." Lu Xiuzhen is tired of dying Ye-shi. If he is sick, he will take good care of his illness. He likes to toss. It seems that she is not comfortable, she is not comfortable in her heart.
        Yu-Xi ridiculed and said:
       "Dayu heard the rumors outside and said that he would not be happy to eat half a bowl of rice."
        Lu Xiu had a strange face, but almost instantly she realized that she was not in the right mood and quickly bowed her head.
        Yu-Xi eyes are so sharp, he said with a smile:
       "You don't have to cover up for her, what kind of person is big, I know better than you."
        When the words are said to open, Lu Xiu is not hiding:
       "Wangfei, I really don't understand it. Wangfei is a good Han family. It's so obvious that Pozi, who sweeps the floor, knows how big aunt doesn't understand?"
        Yu-Xi picked up the tea and took a sip of it:
       "She hates me, hates me for not helping her keep her child." Seeing Lu Xiu face confused, Yu-Xi said:
       "When she was in the filial piety period, she was pregnant with a baby. At that time she asked me to help her to keep the child. I didn't agree. Since then, she hated me." Lu Xiu is a smart person, she is proud of her family. If you know that this is a loss, you will only be able to keep it out.
        Lu Xiu said with a shocked face:
       "How can a child with a filial piety stay? And even if you want to stay, you should ask for a big brother!" This matter could not be beaten with the Yu-Xi gossip.
        Yu-Xi put the empty teacup back and said with a smile:
       "She knows that Big Brother won't want this child. I want me to force my eldest brother to leave this child."
        Lu Xiu said incredibly:
       "Because Wangfei didn't promise to help her keep this child, she remembered to hate Wangfei? It's too unreasonable." To hate, you should remember the uncle who forced her to fall, how to hate Yu-Xi.
        Yu-Xi does not care to say:
       "If you want to blame, I will blame me for being too soft and talking too well." Ye-shi also pinched this point and dared to ask her for such non-divided demands. It turns out that Ye-shi is also gambling, and her son is living well now, although she does not know. People are deceived by people, and her heart is also a fatal weakness. But she has realized that she is trying to change.
        I don't know why, such a plain word is a feeling that Lu-Shi is a little scared.
        At noon, the 4th Brother came back from school.
        You Ji-Er went to the Courtyard and yelled at Yu-Xi:
        Hao Ji Er was called Lu Xiu aunt, and Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er also -called.
        Yu-Xi took the picture of You Ji-Er and said:
       "Nothing is wrong, seeing your aunt doesn't call."
        You Ji-Er -called at Lu Xiu with a smile:
       "Auntie." After that, the slewing head said:
       "Mother, have you made the yellow mutton that I like to eat at noon?"
        Yu-Xi Said:
       "Mother promised you, when did you not do it? Hurry and wash your hands."
        Lu Xiu and other 4th Brother entered the house and smiled:
       "Wangfei really raises children, I see that I am envious." This spirit is not what children have.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You didn't see them being mischievous. At that time, I was so angry that I regretted giving birth to them."

       Chapter 1096 - crying

       In the middle of the winter, it was still very cold. The people have already entered their dreams at this time, but Yun-Qing is still busy in the study. Although Yu-Xi sorts out all the unfinished things, it takes a lot of time to straighten out.
        Xu Wu opened the curtain and walked into the study, saying to Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, it’s time for the boy, it’s time to rest."
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "I am not sleepy." After that, continue to see the information that Tan Tuo gave him.
        Xu Wu couldn’t help but said:
       "Wangye, you only sleep two hours a day for these two days, so how can you survive your body?" Wangfei is busy again at the end of the Hai Family and will return to the backyard to rest, and take a rest at noon. Yu-Xi schedule is normal, Yun-Qing is completely desperate.
        Yun-Qing didn't care, said:
       "When I used to fight, I didn't close my eyes for three days and three nights. What is this now?"
        Xu Wu said helplessly:
       "Wangye, how can we compare with the original? At that time we were young and naturally able to live." At that time, Wangye was in her early twenties, which was the best time for her body. Now there are more than 30, and after the end of the year, how can it be compared with the original.
        Yun-Qing asks:
       "Do you mean that I am old?"
        Xu Wu is not so much in the face of Yun-Qing :
       "It’s also our wedding night, and many people of our age are both.'
        Yun-Qing is silent. After thirty-five years, I can say that I am not old!
        Xu Wu said:
       "Wangye, I know that you are anxious to deal with the matter at hand as soon as possible. But Wangfei often said that he can't eat big fat at a time, you will only get rid of the body. You think, if your body is ruined, then Wangfei is not even more angry."
        Yun-Qing Low channel:
       "She is not willing to take care of me now, which is good for me." He wrote to Yu-Xi every day, but he never got a reply.
        Xu Wu thought about it and said:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, how can you really care about you? For more than ten years of husband and ‘Madam’, I don't care if I don't care." See Yun-Qing , Xu Wu continues to say:
       "Furthermore, did Wangye think that you have to fall down when Wangfei and the Wang Heir can do it? Without Wangye, Wangfei couldn't keep up with the generals below. At that time, Wangye and Wangfei couldn't easily hit it. Jiangshan will be torn apart." Wangfei has the means to be intelligent, but she has no military power. Without Wangye backing, Wangfei is a paper tiger. If Wangye has three long and two short, Wangfei can't control the big picture.
        Yun-Qing heard this and looked up at Xu Wu and said:
       "What do you mean by this?"
       What is called the town's generals below, this can be ignored.
        Xu Wu said in silence:
       "Wangye, people hearts are changeable. Even Brother who have died together in the past will turn against each other in the face of power and interests. Not to mention that many generals in the military have always been dissatisfied with Wangfei administration."
        Yun-Qing put down the fold in his hand and said:
       "What happened?"
       Xu Wu can't say such a thing for no reason, it must be something.
        Xu Wu did not tell Yun-Qing about Yu Cong’s use of him, but said:
       "There are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with Wangfei administration. If Wangye has three long and two short, Wangfei and the Wang Heir will be very dangerous and even life-threatening."
        Yun-Qing stares at Xu Wu:
       "You haven't told me, what happened?"
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Wangye, how long have we been in Jiangnan? Can you look at it, and how many people can hold the temptation of money and beauty? Wangye may think that this is a small matter, but I am shocked. I only face it. They can't hold the money and the beauty. If there is a bigger temptation, can they always be faithful to Wangye and Wangfei?"
       After that, Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "No. They don't dare to change now because there is Wangye. If there is no Wangye, I can be sure that most of these people will be as good as Zhao Zuoliang and others."
        Yun-Qing said with a dignified look:
       "Do you know what you are talking about? These people you said include the army, Cui Mo, Du-Zheng."
        Xu Wu said:
       "I believe that the army and Cui Mo, but others can't guarantee it. But even if there is a big army and Cui Mo, they can save the stability of the northwest at most, and no more is possible." Yun-Qing 's prestige and Shocking power is not something that Feng Dajun and Cui Mo can match.
        Yun-Qing was silent for a long time before he said:
       “Would Yongfei have this worry?”
       Yun-Qing does not mean that Yu-Xi is looking forward to his accident, but that Yu-Xi is wary of the following generals.
        Xu Wu said with a smile:
       "Wangye, Wangfei temperament, you still don't know? How could she tell me this?" After a pause, Xu Wu said:
       "Wangye, if you say something wrong, there is no selfishness, no regrets, and nothing for Wangye. Only Wangfei is one person. Even if it is me, I have my own selfishness." To say such a thing, it also proves that Xu Wu is really Yun- -Qing thought.
        Yun-Qing said with a sad face:
       "I know."
        Xu Wu didn’t say anything more, I’m afraid that if I say more, it will make Yun-Qing even more annoying:
       “Wangye, even for Wangfei and the Wang Heir, you should go to rest!”
        Yun-Qing looked at Xu Wu and said:
       "I didn't expect you to have a set of people now. After I read the book at hand, I went to rest."
        In the evening, Yun-Qing didn't go back to the backyard. Yu-Xi is not there, and the yard is empty, giving him a feeling of suffocation. There was a soft couch in the study room, which was reserved for the Yu-Xi. Now, it is used by Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing didn't shine the next day and got busy again. In the words of Xu Wu, Yun-Qing completely played this as a battle.
        Not long after using breakfast, Lu-Er burst into tears and looked for Yun-Qing . Xu Wu took advantage of Lu-Er and brought it to the study.
        Yun-Qing See Lu-Er, crying into a tear, scared a big jump, and asked:
       "Lu-Er, what's wrong with this?"
        Lu-Er is very beautiful, and the pears are raining, so that people can only feel pity and not feel ugly:
       "Hey, I heard that Ms is going to leave with you. It’s because I got it." Speaking of a nap here, I can’t say it.
        Yun-Qing heard this and said a tiger face:
       "Who is chewing on the tongue in front of you?"
        Lu-Er asked while crying:
       "Oh, I know,
        Niang is because -Lu business is going to be with you. ”
        Yun-Qing The most unforgettable word is -Lu. Just because of -Lu, he fell to the point where his ‘Madam’ ignored his son. Yun-Qing is taking Lu-Er on most days, but this is not the mood:
       "How do you listen to the wind is rain? When you go to the mother, what do you say? You don't remember? Your mother just went to Zhuangzi to recuperate, and those outside are rumors."
        Lu-Er cried and said:
       "Mother said that when I went to Zhuangzi to recuperate, I felt that something was wrong. I had to nurse at home to be different. Why didn't I go to Zhuangzi. Now I know what is going on." The more I said, the more fierce Lu-Er cried. The tears rushed out like a fountain:
       "It’s all because of me. If I don’t learn Qinqin, I won’t see -Lu. I’m not sad, I’m going to be with you, it’s all me...”
        Yun-Qing 's mood was not good at all, and the feeling of being crying by Lu-Er became more and more annoying, and the voice was not too big:
       "It's okay to say that it is not with you."
        Long this time, Lu-Er was fierce for the first time by Yun-Qing . Originally there were a few elements of the play, you can hear Yun-Qing ’s -calling Lu-Er is really sad:
       "Hey, I am going to Zhuangzi to ask for forgiveness..."
        Yun-Qing is angry:
       "What forgive me? If you don't have anything, you have to make a mistake." After that, the voice -called:
       "Come to, send 2nd County Owners back to Bixiyuan."
        Xu Wu personally sent Lu-Er back to Bixiyuan, and Lu-Er was also opened for half a day, but it was useless. Lu-Er returned to the yard and took the ‘zither’. Then she told Pozi to pack her clothes. She went to Zhuangzi to find Yu-Xi.
        Xu Wu, who went halfway, got the news and quickly turned back. No matter how persuaded, Lu-Er made up his mind to go to Zhuangzi to seek Yu-Xi forgiveness.
        Xu Wu is really nothing, I can only return this to Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, you still have to persuade the second County Owner! Otherwise the second County Owner really went to Zhuangzi." He didn't expect the Yu-Xi to be noisy, but the second County Owner was upset.
        Yun-Qing put down the matter at hand and rushed to Bixiyuan. When I entered the house, I saw the ‘zither’ broken into two pieces, and the ‘zither’ that was thrown into the ground. Yun-Qing asked:
       "What are you doing?"
        Lu-Er wiped his tears and said:
       "It’s all because I’m so troubled with my mother and I’m away. I won’t play the ‘zither’ again in the future.”
        Yun-Qing heard this, the brain pumped a pain:
       "I told you that those outside are rumors, why don't you believe it?"
        Lu-Er said with a tear in his face:
       "Hey, don't yell at me any more. I am not a three-year-old child. What is true or what is false? I can tell the difference. The mother must be sad because she wants to follow the sorrow and sorrow. Go to Zhuangzi. Hey, I am going to Zhuangzi now. Hey, send someone to send me!" Lu-Er said, biting his teeth:
       "If you don't send someone, then I will go by myself."
        Yun-Qing looks very ugly, but still nods and says:
       "You don't want to go to Zhuangzi. But you have to pack yourself up, or else you should not scare your mother on the way to Zhuangzi."
        Lu-Er didn't expect Yun-Qing to agree so quickly, but she really wanted to go to Zhuangzi:
       "Well, I am going to change clothes."
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Don't pack the winter clothes, don't fall. Also, don't talk to your mother about not learning the ‘zither’." Yu-Xi is the most painful child. If you hear Lu-Er, you will definitely Self-blame.
        Lu-Er wiped his tears and said:
       "it is good."
        Yun-Qing has a lot of things to do, and there is no time to talk to Lu-Er; "Go to Zhuangzi and listen to your mother's words. After two days, I will go see you." Wait for the things at hand. Then he went to Zhuangzi.
        On the way back to the front yard, Xu Wu said:
       "Wangye, let the 2nd County Owners go to Zhuangzi?"
       He also thought that Wangye would persuade the 2nd County Owners!
        Yun-Qing said:
       "If she doesn't agree, she will cry every day. When will it be different?"
       A few children are Lu-Er is a tear package. The other five included Jao-Jao, which was bleeding without tears.
        Xu Wu said strangely:
       “The second County Owner is the most obedient, how come this time?”
       It feels so strange!
        Yun-Qing thinks about the previous things and said:
       "These six children, except for Hao Ji Er, have no one to worry about." Unfortunately, Yun-Qing does not know, the most potent is Hao Ji Er.
        Xu Wu laughed when he heard this:
       "Fortunately, the Young Master went to Zhuangzi, or else I was afraid that even the roof would be picked up. It was said that Wangfei also had one hand, and the 4th Young Masters were cured." You Ji-Er is not One person, he does bad things, then three people, the combined destructive power can be amazing.
        Thinking of Yu-Xi still on Zhuangzi, Yun-Qing looks a little dazed:
       "Six children, Yu-Xi are very good at teaching." The violent Jao-Jao and the inferior You Ji-Er became obedient in front of Yu-Xi, as far as not mentioning in front of him. .
        It’s not bad for people to get a good son. Wangye got four, which is not a big blessing. However, Xu Wu is also interested in it. When I saw Yun-Qing , I immediately shifted the topic:
       "Wangye, Fu Tianlei had a good -servant that was said to have been born and raised two days ago." Fu Tianlei thought that his son was thinking about going crazy, and this was the third one.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "I hope he can get a son soon." No son, Fu Tianlei will be konjac.
        Xu Wu said something very meditation:
       "There is sometimes a need for life, and there is no time to ask for it."
        Yun-Qing turned to look at Xu Wu and asked:
       “When did you start to believe in Buddhism?”
        Xu Wu smiled and said:
       "This is what I heard from others." In addition to Yu-Xi, who can listen to it.
        Back to the front yard, Yun-Qing ordered Xu Da Niu to pay 60 escorts to send Lu-Er to Zhuangzi.
        Newly said:
       "County Owner, do you really go to Zhuangzi? I heard that there is no dragon on Zhuangzi, and it is very cold at night." Can this family Owner's Owner's life be adapted to Zhuangzi life? The new statement is very doubtful.
        Lu-Er said:
       "There is no dragon, isn't there silver charcoal? It's time to burn two pots of charcoal fire. As for the evening, isn't there a flaw? I heard that it is also very warm." Lu-Er made up his mind not to return to her mother. Before the palace, she did not touch the ‘zither’.
        Newly said:
       "Hey, it's very warm, but it's easy to get angry when you sleep on the raft."
        Lu-Er Said:
       "Niang and A Hao can adapt to the life on Zhuangzi, I can also adapt
        . "She still had some hesitation, but today's Yun-Qing 's attitude is deeply stimulating Lu-Er. They all said that they would rather follow the servants, and they should not be the official." How long did the mother go, she was impatient with her, and she was fierce. After a long time, she was not willing to come to see her.
        People who are sensitive to thinking will think more. If Yun-Qing knows what he thinks, it is estimated to be more depressed.
        Also seeing Lu-Er made an idea to go to Zhuangzi, she asked:
       "County Owner, without a ‘zither’, is the guzheng and the flute with you?"
        Lu-Er hesitated and nodded:
       "Without! The house is small. If I play the guzheng, playing the flute will affect Ahao." The place where the palm is big, the sound is not audible.

       Chapter 1097 - regret (1)

       When Lu-Er arrives, Yu-Xi is using lunch with five people from Hao Ji. Seeing Lu-Er with red eyes, everyone was scared.
        You Ji-Er is the most anxious, seeing Lu-Er's look arrogant:
       "Second sister, who bullied you?"
       They only took a few days to leave the government, and some people bullied his second sister.
        Lu-Er heard this, and she always thought that You Ji-Er hated her. I didn't expect something to happen. You Ji-Er first stood up for him. When I think that the blood of Yu-Xi is thicker than water, Lu-Er's tears can't help but fall.
        Rui Ji Er is also anxious and said; "Second sister, don't just cry, tell us who is bullying you? We help you out?"
        Yu-Xi took the scorpion and said to Lu-Er with a light tear; "Tell the mother, are you yelling at you?"
       In addition to Yun-Qing , others can provoke Lu-Er without this courage.
        Lu-Er stopped his tears and twitched and said:
       "I heard the rumors outside and said that the mother was -calling and leaving. When I was in a hurry, I ran to ask. The result was very angry. My mother, I have never been so fierce to me before." Said Lu-Er’s tears again. It has fallen.
        Xuan Ji Er was so scared that he called out:
       "Mother, are you separated from you?"
       Even if they are only six years old, they know what it means to be.
        Hao Ji Er glanced at Xuan Ji Er and said:
       "What are you doing? You don't have a long mind. If you think about it, you know that this is a fake."
        Xuan Ji Er’s head shrank inward.
        Although You Ji-Er has always been repaired by Yun-Qing , it also hates Yun-Qing on the surface, but in the end it is a relative, where it really hates. Moreover, this is no matter who the son wants to separate. You Ji-Er carefully asked:
       "Mother, is this a fake?"
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "If the mother and the ‘Madam’ are really separated, can you still live leisurely on Zhuangzi?"
        Hao Ji Er looked at Lu-Er, who was crying as if he was about to break his breath, and asked:
       "Second sister, you said that you are fierce, how do you murder you? Is it you or you?"
       He didn't do anything that Lu-Er did, but now it's so bad to cry like this? I don’t know what happened to my mother!
        After getting along with Jao-Jao for a long time, Hao Ji Er prefers the straightforward temperament son like Jao-Jao, rather than Lu-Er who can't afford to cry.
        Yu-Xi immediately felt the impatience in the words of Hao Ji Er, but she did not say anything in the face of the 3rd Brother.
        Lu-Er shook his head and said:
        You Ji-Er strangely asked:
       "I didn't marry you, didn't hit you, why are you crying so sad?"
       Like at that time, he used a whip to pump him, and he didn't cry.
        Seeing that the four younger Brother looked at themselves with incomprehensibility, Lu-Er couldn’t say anything to his lips.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "I will bring your sister into the house and wash it. You will continue to eat, or else the food will be cold."
        Rui Ji Er first said:
       "The second sister is really weird." If she beat her, she could cry so sadly. But I didn’t play it, I didn’t have it, and I cried like this, it really made him very confusing.
        Xuan Ji Er hesitated and said:
       "I heard that the Miss family is the most timid. When you encounter something, you will cry. It is estimated that it is too fierce to scare the second sister."
        You Ji-Er cut a channel:
       "Big sister is also Miss? Can you see the big sister crying?"
       The big sister didn't cry for herself, but she often got them to cry.
        Xuan Ji Er said weakly:
       "The big sister is a special case." Who Miss will be as violent as his older sister!
        After Lu-Er was brushed, Yu-Xi said:
       "You have been upset recently, you ran to him and cried. He will have a good face for you."
        Lu-Er was crying and hoarse:
       "Mother, are you really okay with you?"
       Her heart is still very upset.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Niang is just quarreling with you, watching him worry about going to Zhuangzi. Lu-Er, you will know later, this is a very common thing between the husband and ‘Madam’." The child is too sensitive and too delicate. .
        Lu-Er asked cautiously:
       "Hey, when are we going back to the government?"
       She still likes the house and doesn't like this place.
        Yu-Xi Said:
       "This is not accurate. Right, Ahao is not talking to you before coming?"
        Lu-Er shook his head and said:
       "No. Mother, why do you ask this?"
       What Lu Ji-er said to her, Lu-Er did not dare to tell Yu-Xi. Hao Ji Er is the heir to the future of the eldest son. If she said in front of her mother that Hao Ji was not good, then Hao Ji Er would not like him more and more. In the future, she will rely on Hao Ji to support her marriage, so she does not want to stiffen the relationship. I have to say that Lu-Er thinks a lot.
        Yu-Xi did not continue to ask questions, just said:
       "A Hao is still young, sometimes he may not listen to it. You shouldn't care about your sister. But if he said too much, you told her, my mother gave you a gas."
        Lu-Er smiled and said:
       "Mother, there is nothing. Ah Hao can't respect my sister." Hao Ji Er really respects Lu-Er, but he is not close.
        Yu-Xi laughed and said nothing:
       "Go out to eat!" Lu-Er does not say, she can also make up for it.
        After using the meal, the 4th Brother of Hao Ji went to the front yard again, and Yu-Xi sent Lu-Er to the third entrance yard.
        Entering the house, looking at the house that was almost so shabby, Lu-Er frowned slightly invisibly. Here is a day in the sky compared to her Bisho Court. However, Lu-Er is not ignorant, and he dares not to say it.
        In the evening, Purple Zi-Jin also came over. Purple Zi-Jin is now the Dusit of the four products, but in front of Yu-Xi she still regards herself as the Yu-Xi Servant.
        Yu-Xi looked at Purple Zi-Jin wearing a casual dress and said:
       “How is Jao-Jao in the Qianwei camp?”
       The military is a place where strength is emphasized. Although Purple Zi-Jin is a woman, she is promoted by military merit. So she began to suffer some martyrdom in the army, but she quickly gained a foothold.
        Purple Zi-Jin said with a smile:
       “The 1st County Owner has passed the assessment and is now well adapted in the military.” Jao-Jao did not disguise her identity, and her face could not be disguised. However, in the Qianwei camp, it must be assessed before entering, even if Yao-Jao is the same as the 1st County Owner.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
        The child, that is, the wrong child, should be a boy. "It is like a boy, whether it is a character or a job."
        Purple Zi-Jin doesn't quite agree with this, saying:
       "As long as you have the same ability for both men and women!" In fact, Purple Zi-Jin thinks that Jao-Jao is a girl. If Jao-Jao is a boy, Hao Ji is so good, and growing up can be a big problem.
        Yu-Xi called Purple Zi-Jin to protect her. As for why the Purple Zi-Jin is personally protected, Yu-Xi did not say, and no one would ask without interest.
        Lu-Er went to Zhuangzi, and the entire palace was left with Yun-Qing . Just this day, Xu Wu took a vacation back. Yun-Qing I ate a meal without knowing it. Before the family had a meal, I didn’t feel anything, but now I miss it. At that time, it was so lively, and compared to the current shabby, Yun-Qing really couldn’t tell the taste.
        It was busy until midnight. Lying in bed, I couldn't sleep, and my mind kept thinking about what Yu-Xi said to him that day. I can't think of a way to let Yu-Xi get rid of gas, and I can't think of it.
        When Speren heard the movement, he followed it up:
       "Wangye, have you had a nightmare?"
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "No, just can't sleep." It was Yu-Xi who couldn't sleep all night, now it's Yun-Qing .
        Si Boyan said, said:
       "Wangye, is it for Wangfei?"
       Except for Wangfei business, other things can't make him annoyed to sleep.
        Yun-Qing smiles bitterly:
       "If I listened to your persuasion that day, I wouldn't leave -Lu leave." Yu-Xi However, after a few days, he felt as if it had been a long time.
        Si Bonian hesitated and said:
       "Wangye, if you want to treat -Lu, so Wangfei may be out of breath." In fact, he has no good way to do this.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Handling -Lu can't make Wangfei deflate. Wangfei is so atmospheric because he thinks that I don't care about her, so she doesn't care about her feelings at all." After that, Yun-Qing said lowly:
       "She is my ‘Madam’, a person who wants to spend the rest of my life with me. How can I not care about her?"
        Sibo is sincere and sincere:
       "Wangye, when I said the words, I thought that Wangye had a look at -Lu beauty and wanted to marry her. Not only me, but everyone else has this idea." So, this does not blame Wangfei for why. I thought about it. It’s just that the average ‘Madam’ knows that when people are sent away, they will be pretending to be -mute, but Wangfei is not a soft persimmon. Naturally, they are not willing to gently expose this matter.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "In fact, think about it now, I don't understand why I would like to leave -Lu family if I don't want to think about it. It seems to be fascinated by ghosts."
        Spanian said:
       "Wangye, that -Lu will definitely learn what tricks can enchant the mind. Wangye, if Wangfei knows the estimate will not be so angry."
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Wangfei doesn't believe this." He doesn't believe it either. If -Lu heart can really confuse people, then she will not be almost killed by -Lu family.
        Speren thought about it:
       "Wangye, I don't have any good ideas, but the couple quarreled on the bedside and bed. But now you are in the house Wangfei is on Zhuangzi, so I feel that it is not a deadlock."
        Yun-Qing said in silence:
       "You are right." In two days, he will be able to straighten out the matter at hand, and then he can go to Zhuangzi to see Yu-Xi and the children.
        The rumors of Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing and leaving were quickly spread to Capital City. For this rumor, anyone with a clear mind knows it is fake. Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, and the separation is fake, but Han-shi is really true with four sons to go to Zhuangzi. Wangye, do you say that Han-shi will really use the matter of -Lu to seize power? But she is not afraid of Yun- -Qing really turned her face?"
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Yun-Qing is not an ambitious person. He has been forced by the situation today. Not to mention his political talent, he said that his temperament is not suitable as a king of a country."
        Meng-nian is very supportive of this, and he also feels that Yun-Qing 's ability and temper are not Prince. Meng-nian asked:
       "Wangye means that Han-shi also realizes that the weakness of Yun-Qing wants to seize power, not because of -Lu?"
        Yan Wu-shuang said something:
       "Han Yu-Xi wants to kill -Lu, it is as simple as crushing an ant. But she did not move -Lu hair, why? Because she stayed with -Lu, she can get the most benefit. "Yu-Yu-Xi status today, if it is for a -Lu and Yun-Qing , she is not worthy of his opponent.
        Meng-nian said with some exclamation:
       "This woman is getting more and more terrible. Even the pillow people who have been working for more than ten years do not hesitate. This will definitely become the second monk." Han Yu-Xi goes on, and sooner or later, he will become a monk. Such six parents do not recognize people as long as they are powerful.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "I hope, but unfortunately, the Han Yu-Xi cannot be the second monk."
        Meng-nian asked a little strangely:
       “Why is Wangye so sure?”
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Yu Yu-Xi is like a monk. As a woman, she has the ability to govern the country, but Han Yu-Xi has no martial arts. In the face of power and children, she will choose children instead of choosing power. ""
        Meng-nian has a different view:
       "This is not necessarily. People heart is easy to change. After Han Yu-Xi tastes the supreme right, how can she be willing to let go?"
        Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Maybe you are right. People are easy to change. Han Yu-Xi now values ​​children, but after 10 or 20 years, it may be more important." That would be what he would like to see.
        Meng-nian thought about it:
       "Wangye, you said, how can we tell Yun-Qing of Han Yu-Xi without any trace?"
       If Yun-Qing knows that Han Yu-Xi is in trouble with her, perhaps the cracks of the two will become bigger and bigger.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Yun-Qing 's confidant is in addition to Yu Cong, others will not do this." Although it is rumored that Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi are separated from each other, people with normal brains know that it is a fake news. . As long as Han Yu-Xi is in power for a day, Yun-Qing 's confidant is not willing to sue her.
        Meng-nian said: "Yun-Qing has a must for Yu Cong, and I am afraid that Yun-Qing will not only believe, but will doubt it."
        Yan Wu-shuang said with a smile:
       "No, Yun-Qing thinks that he is confused with someone who listens to the woman, and he does not doubt that he has invested in us." In fact, Yu Cong did not trust them.
        Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, it is reasonable to say that the Han Yu-Xi should already
        It is known that -Lu is recommended by Yu Cong. But why didn't you have a little movement? ”
        Yan Wu-shuang didn't think there was anything unexpected:
       "Yu Cong grew up with Yun-Qing and was born and died for Yun-Qing many times. Han Yu-Xi will not move him because of a -Lu. If not, Feng Dajun and Cui Mo and other Yun- -Qing 's confidant will definitely come out." Feng Dajun and Cui Mo and others are the generals who hold heavy soldiers. Han Yu-Xi will not worry about their ideas.
        Meng-nian shook his head and said:
       "Han-shi can really bear it." The woman's heart is terrible, and she hates everyone who gives her husband a woman. But Han-shi can hold back this bad breath and not vent.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "She is waiting for the opportunity. Once Han-shi finds the opportunity, Yu Cong is not a dead place, and he doesn't want to turn over in this life." Even if he didn't kill him because of the old situation, once he fell from a height. In situ, it is also life is not as good as death.

       Chapter 1098 - regret (2)

       Lu-Er arrived in Liujiazhuang. Although he did not practice the ‘zither’, he was not idle. After breakfast, I used Bai Mama to learn how to cook in the kitchen. In the afternoon, I worked with Yu-Xi to do needlework and read the book at night.
        In the afternoon, the 4th Brother returned to the yard and heard that Yu-Xi was in the bedroom. When they entered the room, they saw a lot of cloth on the table.
        As soon as you look at the color of the cloth, You Ji-Er is pleased to ask:
       "Mother, are you making clothes for us?"
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Mother is going to make a folder for each of your sisters and Brother." Just as I have time and leisure, I want to make a few clothes for my children. When I am busy, I don't have time to do it again.
        Hao Ji Er said:
       "Mother, let the embroidered mother do it, you have a good rest." Although Hao Ji Er also likes to wear clothes made by Yu-Xi, he is also afraid that Yu-Xi is tired.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "There are Don Mama, they help, mother is too tired." If she is allowed to do it alone, it is impossible to do the New Year.
        Said a small conversation, half-summer back and forth to say that the food is good. Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Go and eat!"
        Yu-Xi just stood at the dinner table and didn't sit down. He paused and sat down if nothing happened.
        Purple Zi-Jin walked in from the outside and said:
       “Wangfei, Wangye is coming.” Without Purple Zi-Jin, Yu-Xi only knows the footsteps.
        Rui Ji Er saw Yun-Qing and couldn’t help but exclaim:
       "Hey, what's wrong with you? How is this look?"
        Yun-Qing has a beard and looks good. It looks like the whole person is a few years old.
        Yu-Xi eyes did not fall on Yun-Qing , and said to Rui Ji Er:
       "Which is so much, eat." Li-Qing did not care, and started eating after starting the bowl.
        Rui Ji Er stunned and just wanted to speak, he was pulled down by You Ji-Er. You Ji-Er lowered his voice and said:
       "Second brother, mother wants you to eat." Their Brother are punished for doing something wrong, and now they are guilty of doing something wrong, and naturally they are also punished.
        Rui Ji Er looked at the expressionless Yu-Xi, dare not say it again, and sat down honestly.
        Although Hao Ji Er is standing on the side of Yu-Xi, it is also painful to see Yun-Qing :
       "Mei-Lan, go to the vice bowls." After he gave his position to Yun-Qing , he let Tang Mama go to the chair again.
        Mei-Lan looked at the Yu-Xi. Seeing that Yu-Xi had no objection, he turned to the kitchen and took a pair of dishes.
        Hao Ji Er sat next to Yu-Xi, and now he is in the position, Yun-Qing is sitting next to Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi takes him to the air and eats his head with his head down.
        Although Yu-Xi did not pay attention to him, but did not know why, Yun-Qing felt particularly peace of mind at this moment, there was no anxiety and confusion in the palace.
        When Yun-Qing added the fourth bowl of rice, Hao Ji couldn’t help but say:
       "Hey, be careful to accumulate food."
        You Ji-Er can be less scrupulous and asks:
       "Hey, have you not eaten all day?"
       Otherwise how can you eat so much.
        Yun-Qing looked at the Yu-Xi, still expressionless, and said:
       "Wangfu food, there is no fragrance here." In the palace, a person eats cold and clear, even if there is something good to eat, he has no appetite.
        Rui Ji Er said with a look:
       "I think it's almost the same, is there any difference?"
        Xuan Ji Er inserted a sentence and said:
       "Which Ai Cui sister’s craftsmanship is good for Bai Mama. I’m sure I don’t eat the food that I used to do with my sister Ai Cui. Oh, I’m right?”
        Listening to his son’s words, Yun-Qing looks a lot softer:
       “A Xuan is right. The current cook is not Bai Mama craftsmanship.
        Six children, the most admired Yun-Qing is Rui Ji Er. Hearing this, Rui Ji Er can feel bad, busy saying:
       "Hey, then come over and eat with us every day."
        Pushing You Ji-Er to pull his hand, Rui Ji Er said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, you see that you are so thin, do you want to come over to eat every day?"
        Yu-Xi said faintly:
       "You are busy, no time to come every day." After that, Yu-Xi put down the chopsticks in his hand and got up and went back to the house.
        Rui Ji Er lowered his voice and asked:
       "Hey, what's the big mistake you made? Let the mother be so angry, I don't want to care about you for so long?"
       Their 3rd Brother had been in trouble before, and his mother did not care for them at most one day. It’s been ten days since now, and her mother’s temperament has not disappeared. It’s obvious that he committed a big mistake.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "This is not clear in a few words. If you are older, you will understand." The meaning is to tell you now, and you can't understand.
        You Ji-Er pouted and bullied them.
        After dinner, Yun-Qing entered the bedroom. Rui Ji Er worried and said:
       "Big Brother, do we want to go in and see?"
        Hao Ji Er said slowly:
       "Let's be so busy, write three more characters at night!" The triplets are not doing well. Jao-Jao likes to practice corporal punishment; Hao Ji Er is much gentler, let them write big characters or copy books.
        Rui Ji Er no longer dared to say anything.
        Looking at the room with cotton and cotton and needlework, Yun-Qing said:
       "Is this going to give Ahao them a cotton jacket?"
        Yu-Xi when he does not exist.
        Yun-Qing said uncomfortably:
       "Yu-Xi, how do you want to be, don't be so good."
        Yu-Xi said coldly:
       "No one is forcing you, you think I can't help your eyes."
        Yun-Qing See Yu-Xi, finally willing to speak, although not a good word, but also a good start:
       "I can't wait to see you every day, but I am afraid that you will be blind to seeing me."
        Yu-Xi is ridiculous but does not speak.
        Yun-Qing took a fold from the sleeve and handed it to Yu-Xi:
       "This is the constitution of the restructuring that Tan Tuo has modified. Yu-Xi, look at it, if you feel it is right, I will approve it."
        Yu-Xi did not answer, but took the sewing thread from the embroidery and sat down to prepare the sewing clothes.
        Yun-Qing looked at Yu-Xi and asked:
       "Yu-Xi, most of the Jiangshan is I am going to fight with you, can you really leave it alone?"
        p; Yu-Xi still has no buzz.
        Yun-Qing is somewhat frustrated and says:
       "Yu-Xi, what should I do for you to forgive me?"
        Yu-Xi looked up and said:
       "You don't have to do anything, just bookmark and leave. After that, you walk your sunshine, I am crossing my wooden bridge."
        Yun-Qing looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Yu-Xi, it is death, I will not leave with you."
        Yu-Xi mouth was pumped, and she threatened her with death, saying:
       "There is nothing to say." Bowed, began to sew clothes.
        The husband and ‘Madam’, one bowed to make clothes, one was watching next, the whole house was quiet.
        Mei-Lan is a little worried, and says to Purple Zi-Jin:
       "Purple Zi-Jin sister, you said we want to go in and see?"
       There was no sound in the room, she was worried about something!
        Purple Zi-Jin said:
       “Hey, what can Wangye do to Wangfei? Again, Wangfei will call us.”
        Mei-Lan thinks about it too, Wangfei is not the same as Wangye who is away from the government for ten days. This will make Wangye only a small part of the low, and dare to do too much.
        The sky is getting darker, Yun-Qing said:
       "So dark clothes will hurt your eyes, or don't do it."
        Yu-Xi still didn't pay attention to him.
        Yun-Qing took a breath and said:
       "Yu-Xi, even if you are angry, you can't get through with your body."
        Yu-Xi put the clothes in his hand down and looked up:
       "So late, you should go back."
        Yun-Qing said busy:
       "Go back tomorrow morning." After that, add another sentence:
       "The horse riding outside the black light is not safe.
        Yu-Xi stood up and said:
       "If you don't go back, sleep with Ahao tonight." She will not do this when she drives people out. The children are still watching!
        Yun-Qing See Yu-Xi Didn't catch him back, I am satisfied, no longer dare to ask for more:
       "it is good."
        Yu-Xi See Yun-Qing , and said:
       "You go out! I have to rest." It was just dark that she would sleep, but she didn't want to see Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing looks awkward, but he does not dare to reverse the meaning of Yu-Xi:
       "A Hao, they are doing their homework, I will give them counseling and homework."
        Yu-Xi couldn't help but pump, but he couldn't help it. As far as Yun-Qing is concerned, at most, the 3rd Brother of Rui Ji Er are being coached. The things that Hao Ji Er learned were afraid that he had never touched it. However, Yu-Xi did not say this.
        Yu-Xi really missed it. Yun-Qing didn't guide the 4th Brother' homework, but asked how they spent on Zhuangzi during this time.
        Rui Ji Er said these ten days in a few words and then asked:
       "Hey, when can you teach us to shoot?"
       He has been waiting for it!
        Yun-Qing said:
       "There is still a bunch of things to be busy on hand, and when you are done, teach you to shoot."
        You Ji-Er dissatisfiedly said:
       "This is the same as what the mother said on most days."
        If it is normal, You Ji-Er said that this will definitely make Yun-Qing black face. But today, he is particularly patient:
       "Hey, I promised you something, when did you eat it?"
       Both husband and ‘Madam’ are doing very well in this regard, and as long as they have promised, they will do it.
        You Ji-Er did not refute the words Yun-Qing because Yun-Qing said it was true.
        Hao Ji Er said:
       "Hey, you are tired for a day, you have to go back to the palace in the early morning tomorrow, or go to rest early!" In front of Yun-Qing , Hao Ji Er is a good and sensible son. As for the things done in the back, Yun-Qing is never possible to know.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Don't worry, wait until you finish your homework and go to sleep together."
        Rui Ji Er looked surprised:
       "Hey sleep with us tonight?"
        Hao Ji Er thought about the words that Yu-Xi had told him, but he didn't feel surprised. Before the mother did not get mad, it is estimated that she will always sleep with her room.
        You Ji-Er heard this and asked excitedly:
       "Hey, mother will drive you out?"
        This gloating scene looks like Yun-Qing roots itch. If it is not afraid that this kid will make Yu-Xi more angry, he will not let this stinky boy know how serious the consequences of laughing at him.
        Rui Ji Er determined that this is true, and the idea is different from You Ji-Er:
       "Hey, then when we finish our homework, can you continue to talk to us about the last unfinished war?"
       This matter, Rui Ji Er can always mourn.
        Yun-Qing nodded:
       "Nature can." Fortunately, the eldest son and the second son are still good. Well, Xuan Ji Er is not bad. As for You Ji-Er, it is to collect debts.
        Yu-Xi looked tired and read the book and asked Mei-Lan:
       "The Wang Heir, are they almost finished their homework?"
        Mei-Lan smiled and said:
       "It’s done a quarter of an hour ago. This will be listening to Wangye telling him about his war!"
        Yu-Xi snorted and went to bathe.
        Waiting for Yu-Xi to sleep for a long time, Mei-Lan entered the study and said:
       "Wangye, it’s already time, the Wang Heir, they should go to sleep." Today has been extended by two quarters longer than in the past.
        Rui Ji intentions are still unfinished and he is not willing to leave:
       "Hey, you just finish it today!" Save him *remember this.
        Hao Ji Er took the lead to stand up and say:
       "A Rui, he is already very tired, it is time to rest."
        Yun-Qing is also a bit tired and wants to rest:
       "I will come over after two days, and then continue to talk." With Xu Wu last time, Yun-Qing now loves his body. He is the pillar of the family, and he has to support this child for Yu-Xi.
        In the Wangfu Yun-Qing , I couldn't sleep well at night, and my thoughts flashed. Although this will sleep with Yu-Xi, listening to the sons evenly breathing, Yun-Qing is in peace, no matter how much he will fall asleep.
        The next day, the day was bright, and Yun-Qing got up. Hao Ji Er opened his eyes when he heard the noise and saw Yun-Qing sitting in his clothes and asked:
       "Hey, are you going back?"
        See Yun-Qing nod, Hao Ji Er
        Also climbed up to get dressed. Sending Yun-Qing to the road, Hao Ji Er asked:
       "Hey, have you regretted it?"
        Yun-Qing smiles bitterly:
       "What do you say?"
       He regretted that his intestines were green, but it is too late to say this now.
        Regret, just like, Hao Ji Er said:
       "Hey, if the mother really wants to stay away from you, she won't leave you in Zhuangzi. Hey, the so-called sincere heart is open to the stone. As long as the mother knows that you regret it and sincerely changed, she will forgive you." Everyone is Laozi preaching to his son, but to Yun-Qing , it’s against it.
        Yun-Qing whispered:
       "If you say that, you don't know what to do to make your mother suffocate."
        Hao Ji Er said with a smile:
       "Oh, the millions of enemies of the enemy have been wiped out by you. You will regard this as a hard battle. I believe that you will be able to think of a solution."
        Yun-Qing is thoughtful.
        Spanian reminded me:
       "Wangye, it's time to go back, or else it will be late."
        Yun-Qing said to Hao Ji Er:
       "Hey, I will think about it." Yu-Xi is too smart, the general method can't work, so this thing has to be pondered.
        Hao Ji Er:
       "Oh, then you are careful on the road."
        Back in the Courtyard, I saw Yu-Xi waiting for him. Yu-Xi asked:
       "What did you say to you for a long time?"
        Hao Ji Er smiled and said:
       "Hey, let me talk about his good words in front of my mother, and I refused."
        Yu-Xi believes that he is strange:
       "You were born in 10 months, I have a few intestines in your stomach. I don't know. Wouldn't it be your idea?"
        Hao Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "How can I dismantle my mother's desk? But my mother, I just told me that he regretted it and regretted that the reckless behavior of the day caused such serious consequences."
        Yu-Xi has no hidden emotions in front of Hao Ji Er, -calling:
       "Repent? It’s late."
        Hao Ji Er knows that Yu-Xi is saying:
       "Mother, it’s not too late to regret it now." Fortunately, he didn’t want Naliu as a servant, otherwise he would be afraid that Niang would really be with him.

       Chapter 1099 - Bitter Meat Meter

       The day at the end of 10 months is already very cold. Back to the palace, Yun-Qing feels cold in both hands and feet. In the study room where the dragon was burning, Yun-Qing made a chill.
        Xu Wu said:
       "Wangye, I am going to pick up a bowl of ginger soup and come over to drink it for you!" I accidentally got sick again.
        If Yun-Qing was definitely rejected, but this time he said:
       "Go and see!" Yun-Qing has clearly felt that the current body is not as good as before.
        Xu Wu is ready for a set of rhetoric, and Yun-Qing is so refreshing and promises some accidents, but this is a good thing:
       “Wangye, Wangfei attitude can be improved?”
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
        Xu Wu said with some fear:
       "It's been more than ten days." It hasn't been deflated for so long, and it is greatly unexpected to Xu Wu expectations.
        Yun-Qing is not willing to say more about this matter, bowing his head and starting to deal with government affairs. After a while, Tan Tuo came over to see, Yun-Qing was busy, and there was no time to think about it.
        At noon, Huo Changqing sent someone to ask Yun-Qing to pass. When I saw Yun-Qing , Huo Changqing asked:
       "Where can your ‘Madam’ say when to come back?"
        Yun-Qing smiles bitterly:
       "Don't say, but the children are doing very well on Zhuangzi." Zhuangzi better conditions are not comparable to the family, but several sons are not a little discomfort, which makes Yun-Qing very happy.
        Huo Changqing said:
       "Get your ‘Madam’ back soon! Ah Hao and A Rui are not there, the house is cold and clear." The oldest fear is lonely. There are children, and the house is lively.
        Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "I decided to go to Hejiazhuang to sleep in the evening, and come back the next morning." Anyway, it only took half an hour to add up and down. The hard work is hard, but it is always good to stay in the government. In the house, he could not sleep all night and all night.
        Huo Changqing frowned and said:
       “Is this too hard?”
       It is winter now, so running back and forth can not only take time, but also be frozen.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "I can't see Yu-Xi for ten days and a half, and it's hard to let her get mad. *Before her, I think there will be a * softening sooner or later."
        Huo Changqing understood and said:
       "Do you want to use bitterness? Not that I said, this measure is useless to your ‘Madam’." Han-shi ten years ago may be soft, but now it may not.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "No, I want her to see my sincerity." Nothing is done, it will only make Yu-Xi farther away from him.
        Huo Changqing said in silence:
       "I don't know if Xu Wu told you no, your ‘Madam’ wants Yu Zhi to take over the intelligence system."
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Awu didn't tell me, but it's also very good. Yu Zhi took over the errands of intelligence, and Xu Wu didn't have to work as hard as before."
        Huo Changqing was relieved to see it:
       "-Lu business is afraid that your ‘Madam’ will not be relieved about you. She may want more rights to ensure her position is stable. You are mentally prepared."
        Yun-Qing strangely asked:
       "What is the right?"
        Huo Changqing said tweeting:
       "Yun-Qing , you are too emotional. If you are just a general, this is a good thing, but as a ruler is a fatal weakness. As a person in power, you must focus on the overall situation. This is what your ‘Madam’ will do. Better than you." Suddenly, Huo Changqing said:
       "So if Han-shi wants you to give us military power, you don't have to think about it."
        The handsome seal is in the hands of Yu-Xi, and it can be dispatched by the handsome seal, but the Yu-Xi has never been used. So Huo Changqing said that Yu-Xi wants military power, and Yun-Qing feels somewhat inexplicable. However, he did not argue with Huo Changqing, just nodded and said:
       "Huo Shu, you can rest assured that no matter what Yu-Xi wants, I will give it to her." In the heart of Yun-Qing , their husband and ‘Madam’ were originally one, regardless of you or me.
        Huo Changqing heard this and smiled and said:
       "You can think like this, I am also relieved." I have to say that Yun-Qing is not a good power. This is also a big advantage. In this way, it is avoided that the husband and ‘Madam’ will turn against each other for power.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "When our husband and ‘Madam’ hit the country, no matter who is in power now, this country will be handed over to Ahao."
        Huo Changqing is completely comfortable:
       "Well, you think very thoroughly. This Jiangshan, after all, is to be handed over to Ahao, so there is nothing to fight for."
        Having said that, Huo Changqing said to Yun-Qing :
       "You also said this to your ‘Madam’, so she wouldn't be so angry."
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Yu-Xi is very thoughtful. If I specifically tell her about this, she must be more angry."
        Huo Changqing has some helplessness and said:
       "If you know the emotions of your ‘Madam’ in the same day, you will not have this storm." Seeing Yun-Qing looks cold, Huo Changqing said:
       "Fortunately, you didn't make a big mistake, you can save it. However, you won't have another time. Home and everything, if this home is broken up by you, you will regret it in the future." After the age, I also know how difficult it is to have a harmonious family.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "No more."
        Huo Changqing didn't tell Yun-Qing about his order to solve -Lu affairs. He was ready to wait for Yun-Qing .
        Yu-Xi just went to bed after bathing, and I heard Purple Zi-Jin come in and say:
       "Wangfei, Wangye is coming."
        Yu-Xi was shocked. This big night came over something big. I can think about it, and there is nothing wrong with Yun-Qing in Yucheng. There are any problems with the most government affairs, but there are also big problems such as Tan Tuo and other ministers.
        Thinking of this, Yu-Xi said to Purple Zi-Jin:
       "Blow the light, I am going to sleep." Before Yun-Qing tells the truth to her, no matter what Yun-Qing does, she will not give in.
        Purple Zi-Jin blows out the lights and goes out, stopping Yun-Qing , who is preparing to enter the house, saying:
       "Also ask Wangye to stop, Wangfei has already slept." Purple Zi-Jin only listened to Yu-Xi, even if she faced Yun-Qing , she did not avoid it.
        When I first entered the yard, the bedroom was still lit. Now the lights are off, it is obvious that Yu-Xi does not want to see him. Yun-Qing has a bad chest, but he also knows that this thing has to come slowly.
       "I know."
        Mei-Lan walked over and said:
       “Wangye, with hot water, do you want to bathe first?”
        Yun-Qing said:
        I take a break and take a shower. "He has a cold body now, not suitable for bathing.
        Mei-Lan looked at Yun-Qing , which was as black as the bottom of the pot, and asked carefully:
       "Wangye, do you want to stay up late?"
        Yun-Qing This will be really hungry:
       "Whatever you have, you don't have to do anything extra." It takes a lot of time to do extra work.
        Hao Ji Er heard the movement and put on the big wool clothes and walked out. Seeing Yun-Qing was very unexpected:
       "Oh, it's you! It's too late, how come you come over?"
       So late, he is coming back, will there be nothing?
        Yun-Qing was busy pulling Hao Ji Er into the house and said:
       "It's cold outside, it's easy to get cold when you wear it." The child is too cherished.
        The triplets saw Yun-Qing and didn't think much.
        Yun-Qing clicked on the head and said:
       "Fast into the bed, don't get cold." There is no dragon in the house.
        Rui Ji Er’s eyes said brightly:
       "Hey, continue to talk to us about the war?"
        Yun-Qing didn't want to agree.
        In less than a quarter of an hour, Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangye, dumplings are good, you can eat."
        Yun-Qing waved and said:
       "Let's come in, just eat here." While eating dumplings, talk to the children about the war.
        After a while, Bai Mama came over with a bowl of leek dumplings and said with a smile:
       "This is the dumplings that Wangfei personally packs in the afternoon, leaving some ready to eat tomorrow morning."
        You Ji-Er smelled the scent and felt the stomach -calling, just sit up and say:
       "Hey, I want to eat too."
        Hao Ji Er said:
       "I have gone to bed, and I can eat again."
        You Ji-Er恹恹.
        Yun-Qing has been with Yu-Xi for many years. How can I not know that Yu-Xi never eats overnight meals? However, he did not debunk Bai Mama and asked:
       "Amaranth is also Wangfei going to the ground?"
        Bai Mama shook his head and said:
       "No. Wangfei took the 2nd County Owners to the 4th Young Masters today!" The last time I went to pick up wild vegetables, I wanted to let Haoge children experience the country life and relax by the way.
        A bowl of leeks dumplings, a dish of beef sauce and a plate of cucumbers, all swept away by Yun-Qing .
        You Ji-Er looks at Yun-Qing 's joy, can't help but whisper:
       "Let's let the mother eat the dumplings tomorrow."
        After eating, Yun-Qing continued to tell the four sons about the unfinished war. After about two quarters of an hour, Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangye, the medicinal bath is good, you can soak."
        Yun-Qing is also too invested and forgets the time. Hearing this is awkward:
       "Medicated bath?"
       He did not say that he had to take a bath. In general, the people below will not make a good idea.
        Mei-Lan explains:
       “My aunt said that Wangye was driving the night, and her body was cold, and the bubble bath was good for her health.”
        Yun-Qing was disappointed when he heard this. He thought it was Yu-Xi, but he didn't expect it.
        After returning to the medicated bath, Yun-Qing saw You Ji-Er kick the quilt and walked over to help him cover the quilt before going to bed.
        Hao Ji Er slept next to Yun-Qing and asked:
       "Hey, it’s too hard for you to run back and forth like this." How good is Haoge, I don’t know Yun-Qing ’s calculations!
        Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Seeing you not only don't feel tired, but you are full of energy." He is so busy, but also to give the children a good future.
        Hao Ji Er did not say much, he would have to go back tomorrow morning and have to rest early.
        From this day on, Yun-Qing went to Hejiazhuang every night and left early in the morning. Yu-Xi attitude has not changed, still not taking care of Yun-Qing . However, for a while, Yun-Qing 's relationship with the four sons was close.
        In early November, Yan-Xi told Yang Duo-ming a message:
       "Boss, -Lu was assassinated by an assassin."
        Yang Duo-ming is different:
       "Is the assassin assassinated by -Lu? Did you find out the details of the assassin?"
        Yan-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Not yet. Boss, do you say that this assassin will be sent by Wangfei?"
        Yang Duo-ming thinks that Yan-Xi is stupid again:
       "Wangfei If you want -Lu life to let us do it, why bother to find another killer? The killer will be big when it happens. At that time, everyone will doubt that it is the hand of Wangfei." If he Hands-on will make -Lu die silently, and it will make such a big move.
        Yan-Xi said:
       "Since it is not the hand of Wangfei, who is it?"
       -Lu also can't stop others!
        Yang Duo-ming said:
       "I don't know if I check it. Right, isn't -Lu death?"
       When I heard that -Lu was lucky enough to escape the assassination of the assassin, Yang Duo-ming couldn't help but suspect that this was a play by -Lu Jia.
        Yan-Xi knows what Yang Duo-ming thinks and says:
       "Boss, when -Lu escaped from the ancestral hall, he just happened to meet the Small Concubine Yellow Concubine in the temple."
        Yang Duo-ming laughed and said:
       "You won't tell me, that yellow Concubine sees -Lu pity and will -Lu stay in Yufu?"
       If so, then you can have fun.
        Yan-Xi nodded:
       "This is the case. Boss, do you say there will be ghosts inside?"
        Yang Duo-ming said:
       "I will find out the details of the assassin. As for how to deal with this, I have to look at Wangfei."
        Yan-Xi said:
       "There are rumors that Wangye and Wangfei are separated, but Wangfei still lived so quietly on Zhuangzi? I really don't know what Wangfei thinks. She is not afraid of having a fox to climb Wangye bed during this time."
        Yang Duo-ming smiled and said:
       "Wangfei didn't kill -Lu, it was definitely another plan, not to dare to start. If you think about what happened in Capital City some time ago, you know that Wangfei is not a casual person."
        Yan-Xi said busy:
       "I will go to the news now." Jingcheng died so many people some time ago, saying that it is a hurricane. And this is all Wangfei handwriting. Therefore, I feel that Wangfei is a good person. In the end, I don’t know how to die.
        At noon the next day, Yan-Xi told Yang Duo-ming the result:
       "The two assassins came from the northwest. Boss, do you really think they are not sent by Wangfei?"
        Yang; Duo-ming shook his head and said:
       "Impossible. Wangfei really wants to send a killer and will never send this rookie."
       A woman who can kill a hand without a chicken can not kill, showing how bad these two assassins are.
        Yan-Xi grabbed the head:
       "Who would it be?"
        Yang Duo-ming is also not sure:
       "Maybe someone who deliberately designed and planted Wangfei, wants to leave Wangye and Wangfei."
        Yan-Xi Said:
       "That must be notified to Wangfei, but it is impossible for her to let Wangye feel awkward because of this." The two have already been awkward because of -Lu affairs. If Wangye knows that Wangfei sent assassins to kill -Lu, they still don’t know. What is going on?
        Yang Duo-ming also felt that this was not a trivial matter. He immediately wrote a letter and sent people to the city for eight hundred miles. After sending the letter, he went to Han Jianming and told Han Jianming about it.
        After listening to Han Jianming, he said:
       "These people are also overestimating the position of -Lu in the heart of Yun-Qing ." If Yun-Qing really valued -Lu, it would not be possible to send it because of Jao-Jao.
        Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Han Daren, I am worried that Yu Cong will say something that is not conducive to Wangfei in front of Wangye. Han Daren, Yu Cong, after all, was born and died with Wangye, and his words still have an impact on Wangye."
        Han Jianming flashed a disgust in his eyes and said:
       "This matter reminds Wangfei to let Wangfei know what is going on." All the people who want to be unfavorable to Yu-Xi are his enemies, so when he is looking for opportunities, he is not dead.
        Yang Duo-ming See you, don't worry.

Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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