Married Di Daughter 45-49

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »    Chapter 45 :  Entering          


     Regarding enrollment in Mingyi Courtyard, it would attract the individual thoughts of the people in the Jiang family. Jiang-Li didn't care, she was teaching Bai Xue to write.
     Bai Xue can recognize words, but not many words. In order to inquire about the whereabouts of Begonia in Zaohua Village, Bai Xue also wrote a home letter to go back. Jiang-Li watched her write while teaching her some words she didn't know. Tonger also listened with great interest, and said from time to time, "Miss, it’s amazing, nubi and Miss go together in the Qingcheng Mountain Temple. Miss, I know so many words myself, nubi can only write their own names. The difference is really big."
     "Isn't it?" Bai Xue mumbled. "If it wasn't for the younger-Lady of Shoufu family, they would recognize it when they were born."
     When the three joked, Jiang Jingrui came again. He also got the news that Jiang-Li was going to enroll in Mingyi Hall. As soon as he entered the door, he said, "Congratulations, I really told you to persuade Big-Bo, Jiang-Li. You really make me look at it."
     Jiang-Li let Bai Xue write, and walked to Jiang Jingrui, saying, "What are you doing again?"
     Jiang Jingrui had a stubble in his throat :  "Why do you always look unwelcome to me. I came here to remind you, don't think that Mingyitang is a good place, the children of the nobles have a bit of temper, and you have a face, and you first arrived It’s better to be safe. If someone bullies you, don’t carry it for your own sake, and take out your Father’s name. Don’t be afraid of shame, if you run into an excessive one, you can run away. ”He shivered from his sleeve. Draw out a small machete :  "Hey, here, give it to you, take it for yourself."
     Jiang-Li stared at the sharp blade of Jiang Jingrui hand, silent for a while, and said, "Is the person in Mingyi Hall a flood beast?"
     "It's almost impossible." Jiang Jingrui said, "Just like the people in Guozijian, the last time I stepped on my uncle in the same room, I was almost discounted. I guess you're inseparable, so you take it Come on. "He shoved the knife into Jiang-Li hands.
     Jiang-Li was really speechless, as if she saw that before the marriage, Xue Zhaoshen called her to the backyard mysteriously and gave her a crested gun. That firearm was not brought to Yanjing City by Jiang-Li in the end, and no one had ever heard of someone giving a bride. Of course, Xue Zhao was almost stunned by Xue Huaiyuan, and it was said that he just let him collect the firearm.
     However, after all, the machete is better in the sleeve than the crested gun. Jiang-Li reluctantly accepted it and said, "Okay, Many Thanks you."
     "This thank you is really not sincere." Jiang Jingrui said again :  "No, you can go to the Guozijian opposite me, I will help you settle."
     Jiang-Li bowed his head, Jiang Jingru winked at him :  "I also called Zhou Yanbang."
     Jiang-Li looked at him, Jiang Jingrui grinned, waiting for Jiang-Li compliment. But see Jiang-Li calmly said :  "Snow, drop off."
     Jiang Jingrui was "sent" by Kong Wu powerful Bai Xue.
     The day before enrollment, I spent a lot of time in this buzzing. In the evening, Ji Shuran even let Jiang-Li new clothes come over, saying that the appearance of enrollment should be neat.
     Tonger asked Jiang-Li :  "Miss, are you afraid?"
     In a completely new environment, it is likely to face classmates who are hostile to her. It seems that nothing good will happen in the past.
     Jiang-Li smiled :  "No."
     Not afraid, and very happy.
     The next day, Jiang-Li got up early.
     Mingyue and Qingfeng were a little surprised to see Jiang-Li get up so early. Tonger explained to them :  "Miss, you will be enrolled in Mingyi Hall from today. You must not be late for school every day, and today is the first God, you can't be sloppy. "The tone was very proud.
     Mingyue and Qingfeng didn't understand this either. Seeing Tonger's praise and honor, he followed the reverence and said, "It's not easy to enter Yitang by listening to it. Miss, you can enter with 3-Young-Lady in the future. learned."
     Upon hearing Jiang Youyao mention, Tonger snorted immediately and muttered, "Who goes with them?"
     On the first day of school, Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yu'e left early. Generally speaking, in-house sisters in the government always need referrals, not to mention that Jiang-Li and the noble ladies in Capital City are not familiar with them. If there is no one to take care of them, there will be sisters beside them, and they will not be lonely.
     However, Jiang Youyao did not greet a few of them, so he left first. Jiang Yuanbai affairs are busy, and he can't care about this. Tong Er has nowhere to sue. He is sulking for Jiang-Li, and is helpless.
     Instead, Jiang-Li also went back and comforted Tonger :  "They don't want to be with me, and I also suspect trouble with them. It's so good, each saves trouble."
     Just thinking, the door behind him pushed open, and Jiang-Li and Bai Xue came out together.
     Tonger paused and suddenly said, "Miss, it looks so good!"
     Not only Tonger, Mingyue and Qingfeng also stayed.
     They all know that among the four girls of the Jiang family, Jiang Youyao is the most exquisite in appearance, and is especially beautiful. Jiang Yu'e is also good, and Chu Chu posture is also like Xiao jiabiyu. Jiang Yuyan's appearance is not worth mentioning. As for Jiang-Li, the appearance is correct, but it is a bit faint.
     However, after returning to Jiangfu after spending eight years in the hall, the brow brows of the past were widened, which gave birth to a different kind of spirit show. Unlike the noble ladies in Capital City, it is a kind of growing, inexplicable thing. It seems to have brought some Ying spirit and some charm.
     The beauty is not in the skin, the beauty of Jiang-Li is more like the beauty of style, beauty of posture, beauty of elegance.
     She did not wear a large box of brightly colored clothes sent by Ji Shuran yesterday, she was only wearing a moon-white skirt with a full chest, tied with a pale yellow ribbon on her chest, and tied her long hair on the back of her head. Alas, a wooden bean is dotted with a red bean. It is white as jade, bright eyes and bright teeth, and extremely simple dress, but it is beautiful and elegant.
     Her people are also gentle, walking forward step by step. Mingyue and Qingfeng couldn't help looking straight, and Tong Er couldn't turn his eyes a little. Jiang-Li clearly spent eight years with her on Qingcheng Mountain, but Tong Er didn't know when it started, Jiang-Li walking posture and the arc of laughter became so strange, still the same Face, it seems like a different person.
     Jiang-Lao-Furen, who came this way, was also a stunner. The Maid emeralds and pearls around him supported her in a timely manner and did not step forward.
     Jiang-Li face wasn't the country's allure and the country's beauty, but she came over with a smile, but it looked like she was walking down from the sky.
     As if she was born to be such a big beauty.
     Bai Xue followed Jiang-Li and said, "Miss, the porter said that, let's go to the carriage now."
     Jiang-Li nodded and smiled :  "Let's go."

     Chapter 46 :  Good People          

     When Jiang-Li went to Mingyitang, only Baixue Maid was with him.
     Although Mingyitang said it was Young-Lady from Guanxun Mansion, it was also very disciplined. If it hadn't been for the time when she was married to Shen Yurong, and she had had a relationship with the teachers of Mingyitang, I'm afraid that now she knows nothing about Mingyitang, and I don't know how many jokes will be made.
     Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yu'e must have deliberately wanted to watch the Jiang-Li joke. When Jiang-Li and Bai Xue got into the carriage, Tonger reluctantly said, "Miss, you must come back earlier."
     Tonger and Jiang-Li were almost inseparable in those eight years in Qingcheng Mountain. At that time, Jiang-Li had only Tonger and a Maid, and now there are more people around Jiang-Li, Tonger is a bit lost, Jiang -Li was fortunate to comfort her for a while.
     Although he took Baixue to Mingyitang, when someone saw that Maid beside Jiang-Li was such a silly big man, he would surely laugh at her again. However, things in the world must not be seen on the surface. Although Bai Xue is not as clever as other Maids, he has great strength. Ever since he died once, Jiang-Li often wondered if he had some martial arts standing nearby, would he be lucky to escape that day instead of die helplessly?
     However, martial arts were not developed overnight, let alone the Jiang family and the Wenchen family, and Jiang-Li was still a Miss. There was no reason to learn martial arts. And this body, Jiang-Li guessed that it should not be a martial arts wizard, so he cancelled this company.
     I don’t know how to martial arts, so I can find a strong Maid, which can always increase my life. Jiang-Li knows that there is hope for people when they are alive. Any grasp that gives them a chance to live alive will play a huge role when necessary.
     When Jiang-Li and Bai Xue were on their way to Mingyitang, Jiang Youyao had already arrived in advance.
     In the past, Jiang Youyao did not travel with Jiang Yu'e and Jiang Yuyan. After all, Jiang Yu'e was from the 3rd House, and Jiang Youya looked down on them. However, Jiang Yu'e mouth was sweet and she used to hold her. Jiang Youyao occasionally gave her some good color.
     Today is to anger Jiang-Li, Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yu'e and Jiang Yuyan ride in a carriage. This fell into the eyes of everyone in Mingyitang, and felt something unusual.
     "You Yao." A Fengyi girl at the door glanced back and asked curiously, "Isn't your 2-Young-Lady going to school together today? Why don't you see her figure, don't you all come together? "
     Before Jiang Yuyao said a word, Jiang Yu'e took the lead in opening her mouth. She said :  "The second sister got up late and was busy picking which clothes. Today is her first day of school, and she values her heart."
     Jiang Yu'e interjected like this on most days, Jiang Youyao would certainly be displeased, but today Jiang Yu'e is allowed to speak like that.
     As soon as Jiang Yu'e had finished speaking, another tall girl smirked and said, "Which clothes do you choose? Here is not Fae, which clothes do you choose?"
     "I heard that when your government went to 2-Young-Lady when she first came back, she was seen as a beautiful lady." Some girls tentatively looked at Jiang Youyao :  "Is it really beautiful? I don’t know how you compare to Youyao How come? "
     Although Jiang Youyao can't be called the top student in the Mingyi Hall, the top looks, but the student who is better than her is not as good as her appearance, and the person who is better than her is not as good as her. Jiang Youyao stood out in Mingyitang.
     Jiang Yu'e laughed :  "The second sister really looks good, that is, she stayed in the mountain for a long time, temperament ..." She didn't say anything, but everyone thought that Jiang-Li was originally deported to the hall, and it was eight years fact.
     After spending eight years in the mountains, I'm afraid it's just a rural dumpling. I just returned to Yanjing. What can I understand?
     Even the curious girl who just became curious about Jiang-Li also showed contempt.
     The female students of Mingyitang look at identity, status, appearance, and talent. The people who come here are the palm mingzhus in their homes. Their natural positions make them unwilling to be compared. Whenever they have a newcomer, they have to compare them.
     Jiang-Li has nothing but a first assistant Father, and this first assistant Father doesn't necessarily take her to heart. In this way, what is worth noting about Jiang-Li?
     As I was talking, I suddenly heard a student outside who wasn’t sure what a good thing was, "Jiang-2-Young-Lady is here!"
     All the female students in the whole school looked at the door.
     But when I saw the two girls approaching the door, Maid was dressed more physically than ordinary Maid, and even had dark skin. The apricot-colored Maid skirt was not funny but rather funny. The action room is more like a village girl in the mountains.
     Although this Maid is eye-catching, it may be because of her hilarity, which makes the girl around her particularly dusty.
     The young girl's face had a gentle smile, and the ironing was like the warm wind in the mountains, which made people feel comfortable. Her facial features are just right, and there is a Ying spirit in the eyebrows, which makes her gentle and a little tough and touching.
     "Is that Jiang-2-Young-Lady?" Someone whispered, "It doesn't look like it was raised in the mountains."
     On the first day of school, I came to the stranger Mingyitang for the first time. In the face of people I didn't know, the girl was not uncomfortable and a little timid. Be generous, do no worse than anyone.
     "I look like it was raised in the mountains," and someone whispered to his companion. "Very aura."
     "Reiki" is an indescribable feeling. This is not something you can learn with Teacher for a few days, nor can you buy it with more money. The girl's eyes were as clean as a stream of spring water, sweet and pure.
     Even after hearing so many rumors about her viciousness, Jiang-2-Young-Lady was born too warm and kind, which makes it really difficult for her to feel sick.
     An instant change in the attitude of people around Jiang-Li was immediately captured by Jiang Youyao. Jiang Youyao heart was desperate, Jiang-Li didn't even wear the skirts sent by Ji Shuran, but he had his own idea. She was clearly intentional, and she was deliberately in the limelight!
     Jiang Youyao idea is really unreasonable. If Jiang-Li wore those clothes sent by Ji Shuran, he would really be in the limelight. It's just that at this time, it may not be a good thing. Jiang-Li is plain and elegant, but complements her own temperament. In this way, the invisibleness is more prominent.
     Jiang Yu'e was puzzled. She didn't understand why Jiang-Li reputation was notorious, but when she saw her, the students all expressed disgust. Isn't reputation good or bad?
     Jiang-Li smiled slowly in his heart.
     In the eyes of the world, there are always things that cannot be seen, and things that cannot be seen are blinded. But most people are willing to believe that what they see is everything.
     For example, a person's good or bad, in fact, how can one understand the relationship. Seeing clearly is just another judgment.
     She looks like a good person, and with a little effort, she may be a "good person."

     Chapter 47 :  Catkins          

     The emergence of Jiang-Li calmed down the female students of Mingyitang.
     If the rumored Jiang-2-Young-Lady is really a rude mountain village girl, or the unkind stalwart Young-Lady, everyone discussions will immediately drown her without being polite. However, Jiang-Li doesn't look any different from any well-educated Guan-Young-Lady, and is even more gentle. Even if you blame, you don't know where to blame.
     Finally, the tall girl just took the lead and said, "You are the 2-Young-Lady of Jiangfu?"
     Jiang-Li looked up. She had seen this young girl. In a family banquet on the official's house, it was Young-Lady, Meng Hongjin, Meng Hongli, and Jiang Youyao who were very good at the official mission.
     Jiang-Li said :  "Yes."
     "Did you dare to come to Mingyi Hall?" Meng Hongjin raised an eyebrow. "I heard that you went to Putang at the age of seven, but no one teaches you to enlighten. If you don’t ask a Teacher to teach in the house, you come to Mingyi Hall. I’m not afraid that listening to school can be heard in the fog, knowing nothing? ”
     The words were really harsh, everyone in the school stared at Jiang-Li to see how she reacted.
     Meng Hongjin also stared at Jiang-Li, but to her surprise, others should probably be anxious when he heard this, not to mention the first assistant Qianjin like Jiang-Li. Jiang-Li just smiled and said, "Then don't worry about this Young-Lady."
     It was not salty but blocked Meng Hongjin's words again.
     Meng Hongjin didn't expect Jiang-Li to react so much, as if punching him on cotton, his heart was burning. But Jiang-Li was smiling again, and his attitude remained the same. Annoyed in her heart, she "whispered" in a voice that everyone could hear :  "No wonder the temple is quiet, look at this wrinkle."
     "If this Young-Lady wants to meditate, he can also go to his home temple." Jiang-Li whispered.
     "You!" Meng Hongjin was furious, Jiang Youyao persuaded :  "Second sister, how can you speak to Hongjin like this?" Very worried, and said to Meng Hongjin :  "Hongjin, my second sister just returned to Yanjing, no I understand the rules, I'm sorry. "
     Meng Hongjin said :  "Nothing, besides the fault of your second sister, what apology do you come to, You Yao, you are too soft-tempered and too easy to be bullied."
     Jiang-Li glanced at Jiang Youya and said calmly, "Sanmei, you are so soft, I didn't say anything. You apologize for me first. This Young-Lady said that I Quite awkward, I'm not only angry, but fortunately speaking, is this also wrong? "
     Jiang Youyao was about to speak, and Jiang-Li said again :  "I heard that in some places, I don’t win or lose by Taoism, but by status. Is Mingyitang like this? I clearly make sense, but Still have to confess, is it because this Young-Lady has a much higher status than I do, then I have to admit it wrong. Dare to ask this Young-Lady, how many respects does the official have?
     As soon as this word came out, there was a silence in the whole school. Then, some students almost couldn't help smiling, and Meng Hongjin's face turned red, and he couldn't say a word.
     Jiang-Li said that they had made trouble out of reason, and at the same time humiliated Meng Hongjin's family. Everyone knows that the father of Jiang-Li is the first assistant of the dynasty, and Meng Hongjin's father is the minister of the dynasty. Partially Jiang-Li said this question seriously, making Meng Hongjin suddenly become a laughing stock.
     The atmosphere was awkward, and Jiang Youyao didn't know how to speak. Talking to Meng Hongjin is tantamount to stepping on his own Father and agreeing with Jiang-Li, Meng Hongjin does not remember to hate himself. I hate Jiang-Li for being so cunning, and Jiang Youya had no choice but to wink with Jiang Yu'e.
     As a last resort, Jiang Yu'e coughed twice, broke the silence, and dragged the topic to the other side, she said, "Second sister, let's not mention those. Just enter school, you have to pick a place, I and the fourth sister Sitting in a group, the third sister and Meng Young-Lady make the same group, because you are too late, you have to ask if anyone would like to join you. "
     Does anyone want to be with oneself? Jiang-Li You don't have to think about it, it must be alone.
     Sure enough, Jiang-Li stood in the academy, and no one called out to Jiang-Li to sit beside him.
     Shirayuki couldn't enter the school, just outside the carriage with the other Young-Lady's Maid. Those Maids were also about stingy about Bai Xuesheng's stoutness, and tossed Bai Xue out alone. Bai Xue didn't mind, she crouched down beside the rockery and basking in the sun with the wild cat.
     In the silence, a voice suddenly ‘called, "I'm not here. Come and sit."
     Jiang-Li was a little surprised. I saw a Miss in a cyan shirt and skirt, stood up from the front, and looked at Jiang-Li.
     This Miss was born as a Juanxiu, but she was a little bit determined by her strategy. There was a shadow of Liu-Fu-ren between her eyebrows, and Jiang-Li suddenly realized that this was Young-Lady, catkins on Chengdelang House.
     Jiang-Li didn't hesitate and went to the table next to Liu Su. There was a laugh behind him :  "Yu Su, you dare to sit with her, you're not afraid that one day she will push you down the steps. There is a worry about life, let alone Our didn't remind you. "
     The catkins silently left those words behind, as if they hadn't heard them, Jiang-Li smiled and sits down beside the catkins. The catkins frowned and saw a reluctant expression, but said nothing.
     Jiang-Li knew it, and about Liu-Fu-ren got the news that she would go to Mingyitang to go to school. Say hello to Liu Su, and let Liu Su take care of herself. In fact, it is common for a girl to be afraid of another person who has killed her mother and brother. Liu Su can hold back the fear and fulfill Liu-Fu-ren's request, which is very remarkable.
     Seeing Jiang-Li looked at himself, catkins tightened the corners of his mouth and glanced away. Jiang-Li looked unhappy, this is also a lovely Miss.
     There was a steady stream of discussion behind him, and someone could ask Jiang Youyao voice. Jiang-Li knows that Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yuyan will do their best to discredit themselves.
     But it didn't take long for someone to come in. This was a female Teacher, wearing a pine-colored gown, tall buns, thin eyes and thin lips, and a thin figure. As soon as she came in, the noise of Mingyitang disappeared.
     It's a harsh Teacher.
     Jiang-Li looked at the Teacher in front of her and felt a little lost in her heart.
     The female Teacher has a surname of Ji and a single name. In Mingyi Hall, Liu Li taught "Li".
     Ji Luo is also a person who observes etiquette. In Jiang-Li view, he even has some old-fashioned ways. Ji Luoqinggao, once very admired Shen Yurong, praised Shen Yurong for his brilliant talents. To Xue Fangfei, she was kind and pathetic.
     As a woman, she can naturally see that Ji Luo favors Shen Yurong.
     Later, Xue Fangfei personal communication spread to Yanjing. Ji Luo also came to the door, insulted her for not keeping his morality in person, and was deeply sympathetic to the suffering of Shen Yurong.
     However, Jiang-Li lowered his eyes and wondered if Ji Luo knew the true face of Shen Yurong, could he still be so affectionate?

     Chapter 48 :  Relatives          

     Jiang-Li and the female Teacher in Mingyi Courtyard have a good relationship. If it is so clear that the relationship is not good, it is only Ji Luo.
     Professor Ji Luo ceremonies were once the maids in Empress Dowager's palace. Later, after Mingyi got up, Ji Luo entered the Courtyard to teach the noble girls. Because of Empress Dowager's order, she always seemed extremely proud.
     Jiang-Li knows that Ji Luo attaches great importance to moral virtues. When Xue Fangfei was first, Ji Luo stood up and accused Xue Fangfei. Now Jiang-Li has such a notorious past in Ji Luo heart. It is unbearable to have such a person among the students.
     After Ji Luo came in, he started teaching as soon as he arrived. Ming-Yi Tang's "Yan Li", "Yi Li", "Girl's Book", and "Filial Scripture" have been read by Jiang-Li for a long time, and they can even betrayed. But the catkins on one side listened very carefully, and they were very focused.
     Ji Luo taught, and some students would get up and recite their homework in the middle of the lecture. She should be more severe, and the students are afraid of her, and they are orderly in class. However, from the beginning to the end, Ji Luo did not ask Jiang-Li, and even looked at Jiang-Li.
     Generally speaking, when there is a new student in Mingyitang, Teacher will say a few words to express his concern, but Ji Luo seems to ignore a person like Jiang-Li, and does not care about Jiang-Li at all.
     Jiang-Li In my eyes, I was not surprised. Such a person who abides by virtue must be disgusted with his appearance. If Jiang-Li is not Jiang Yuanbai Di Daughter, maybe Ji Luo will also try to drive Jiang-Li back to his hometown. Ji Luo could not do anything to Jiang Yuanbai daughter, so she had to ignore her.
     Jiang Youyao also looked at Ji Luo behavior, and her mood suddenly flew a lot. No matter how cunning Jiang-Li can't change the past of killing his mother-zi, Mingyitang's people do not welcome Jiang-Li after all. Jiang-Li would only feel pain if he entered Mingyitang.
     After the ceremony, Ji Luo stood on the stage and said, "The next ten days will be the school test this year. This year's school test will be conducted concurrently with the Guozi Supervisor School Test. If the school test can get a good ranking, it will be reported to Empress Dowager. To be rewarded is a great glory to you. "After a moment of pause, all that was said    :    " And for those who can't meet the requirements, report them step by step, away from the screen. "
     There was a sudden rumbling of noise around.
     Failure to meet the requirements will be expelled from Mingyi Courtyard.
     In fact, expulsion from Mingyi Courtyard is trivial, after all, everyone is not a talented woman. But the students who came to Mingyitang were all from the Noble family of Capital City-Young-Lady. Once the assessment did not reach the goal, they were expelled, and there was no room for self-confidence.
     "I hope you all work hard." Ji Luo finished this sentence dryly, leaving the school with a book expressionless.
     After Ji Luo left, the school suddenly became active. Someone said, "Is it really going to be evicted from Mingyi Courtyard? Ji Teacher won't be talking about Our, my book counts in but it sucks."
     "My music education is a headache."
     "It's over, what if I can't defend the enemy?"
     Noisy, suddenly a voice came out brightly :  "What are you afraid of? Jiang-2-Young-Lady will not know anything, Fang Jinmingyitang people are not afraid, aren't you worried about the sky?"
     It is Meng Hongjin.
     As soon as Meng Hongjin's remarks came out, the people around him took a moment to laugh and immediately laughed :  "Exactly, it's Our confused."
     "Jiang-2-Young-Lady is really unlucky. I knew this already, and what did Mingyitang do?"
     To these people, Jiang-Li and Bai Ding are not too close, at least these noble ladies were seven or eight years earlier than Jiang-Li. If it was to be expelled from Mingyi Courtyard, the first one to be expelled would be Jiang-Li.
     Jiang-Li listened to these words, just smiled and ignored.
     "Ji Teacher's words may not be true." The catkins around him suddenly said. Jiang-Li looked at her. Liu Su only packed her books, and looked down at Jiang-Li, but Jiang-Li knew that she was saying this to herself. Liu Su said :  "And Jiang-Daren won't let you fall into such a situation, just explain it to the Fufu of Mingyi Tong."
     Jiang-Li bent his lips and said, "I know, thank you."
     It seemed a bit uncomfortable to thank Jiang-Li, and catkins stiffened for a moment, without speaking.
     After Ji Luo taught, there was another Teacher coming to class soon. Jiang-Li is no stranger to these teachers, and is very familiar with the homework they teach. But even so, she was very serious, as if she really didn't understand anything.
     It's just that these Teachers are the same as Ji Luo. I don't know whether it is intentional or not. I ignored Jiang-Li.
     This day has finally passed by calmly. Although the group led by Meng Hongjin has been provocative, Jiang-Li has always faced with a smile and occasionally refuted a few words, but it was hard to find anything to say.
     After school, Bai Xue and Jiang-Li went to Mingyi Hall and waited for the carriage outside, ready to take the carriage back home. Jiang Youyao and Jiang Yu'e will never share a car with Jiang-Li, and Jiang-Li is also troublesome.
     After leaving the Mingyi Courtyard, I saw a few people dragging not far from the opposite street. Jiang-Li prepared to leave with a glance. The relationship between Yanjing City and the city was intricate, and if he was accidentally involved in any trouble, it would be difficult to get out. Not to mention that she is now the Di Daughter of Jiang's family, and she must be more careful in her work.
     At this moment, among those who were pulling, someone suddenly said, "Isn't the Yeyang family in Xiangyang very silvery? Take the silver and smash the gate of the Guozijian. My painting is by Zeng Zimo, a former studio, and there is a city Priceless, Ben Shaoye is in a good mood today. I don't care about it if you take thirty thousand gold. "
     Xiangyang Ye Family? Jiang-Li footsteps.
     Jiang-Li mother, Ye Zhenzhen, is the youngest daughter of the Xiangyang Ye family, and Xiangyang Ye family is the grandparents of Jiang-Li.
     This person is his relative.
     Jiang-Li looked over there.
     I saw a few young people around a 17-year-old juvenile man, who was wearing a simple silver silk robe, not exaggerated and complicated, even called a simple Jian. The young man, Lang Jun, had his eyes fixed, and it was hard to hide his anger at this moment. And the person opposite him was three richly dressed gongzi brothers. The other two twirled the sleeves of the young man, and the head of the man scratched his head, holding a calligraphy painting in his hand, and he was not helpless.
     "How about, why not?" Jiang-Li, the man with a gigantic head, knew it was Liu Zimin, the youngest son of Tai Changqing.
     The handsome young man Lang gritted his teeth :  "What if you don't do it?"
     Liu Zimin looked at the boy again and smiled fiercely :  "Simple, Ben Shaoye sent you to see the official!" After finishing, he waved and said to the other two :  "Take away!"
     Actually, he was going to be taken away by a teenager.
     That's it, Jiang-Li had to stand up.
     "Slow," she said.

     Chapter 49 :  True and False          

     "And slow," said Jiang-Li.
     Suddenly there was such an abrupt voice in the sky. Several people looked around and watched the lively side of it. Jiang-Li came over from one side.
     Liu Zimin was searching around, and when he saw a beautiful lady coming out of the crowd, his eyes lighted up, and his tone was a bit of a joke. He said, "What does this Miss mean?"
     Seeing this situation, Bai Xue closely followed Jiang-Li, and made up her mind. If this kid who looks like a mouse dared to touch a little finger of Jiang-Li, she would beg the kid to look for teeth .
     Jiang-Li smiled :  "Dare to ask what this gongzi did?" She pointed to the young man on the side.
     "What did you do?" Liu Zimin gave a long snorting, grinning, "This Miss is trying to do justice and courage. Doesn't he think Our is bullying this buddy? Then I have to justify that Our is not bullying. "He said    :    " This brother Ye Shijie has broken a handed down Mo Bao from Our House. Hey, this is the "Bird Drinking Spring."
     "Bird Drinking Spring" is a masterpiece of Zeng Zimo, a painting and calligraphy writer of the previous dynasty. After Zeng Zimo death, the pen and ink he left was bought for a lot of money, especially the home of literati, and he is proud of his collection of ink. If Liu Zimin's painting is really "Bird Drinking Spring", Ye Shijie would be considered a bad mold.
     "This" bird drinking spring "has a price but no market. I think Ye Xiongtai is not a Yanjing man, so he was willing to compromise, so that Ye Xiong would not lose me at least thirty thousand gold. I did not expect Ye Xiong It's too much, and he doesn't want to pay a penny. It's from Xiangyang Ye family. It's because of the nature of the businessman? "Liu Zimin laughed loudly.
     Everyone around them heard the words and laughed. They all laughed at Liu Zimin's "merchant nature".
     The Yan Dynasty originally had a light business, and the non-profit, business, and businessmen ranked the lowest. Ye Shijie gritted his teeth, pressed his anger, and said, "That painting wasn't broken by me. It was you who pounced on me while I was writing!"
     "Ah," Liu Zimin said, "You are so bloody, Ben Shaoye is idle, will he destroy his famous paintings by himself?" Speaking of this, he seemed to remember that there was someone like Jiang-Li beside him , Said :  "This Miss, you make sense."
     Jiang-Li smiled and said, "Can you show me this picture of gongzi, I have never seen the real" Bird Drinking Spring ", it was such a pity that it was ruined unexpectedly." She seemed as if Sorry.
     Seeing her like this, Liu Zimin handed over the painting generously :  "Miss, want to see it, then look at it!" He looked at Jiang-Li dress as if it were not ordinary people, but when did such a fabulous spirit come in Yanjing City? Guan-Young-Lady, he really didn't know. I was thinking about it and letting people inquire about it. If it was a family member, it would be nice to get married and become Qiesh.
     Not far from the crowd, Jiang Youyao on the carriage saw this scene. Jiang Youyao asked, "What is she doing?"
     "Three sisters," Jiang Yu'e reminded, "that Ye Shijie is from the Ye family in Xiangyang, and the second sister's grandfather."
     Jiang Youyao looked stunned, then looked at Jiang-Li :  "Let's look at it again."
     Jiang-Li took a picture of "bird drinking spring" and looked carefully.
     "Bird Drinking Spring" is a picture of the coming of spring. The tits in the valley are standing on the branches of flowers that hang down on the water surface, and pecking their own reflection in the stream. Flowers in the valley are in full bloom, the tits are lively and clever, and the clearness of the stream is bottomed out.
     It is just that the painting is torn open from the bottom by a large opening, almost dividing the page into two.
     Due to the emergence of Jiang-Li, more and more people watched the theater around. Ye Shijie frowned, but Liu Zimin was the most patient.
     After looking at it for a while, Jiang-Li put down the painting in her hand. Instead of returning the painting to Liu Zimin, she said :  "Master Zeng's Mo Bao is really precious, the focus is on interest, it is rare and priceless, but ..."
     Every time she said, Liu Zimin's eyebrows were raised by an inch. When he heard the last sentence of Jiang-Li, Liu Zimin said subconsciously :  "Just what?"
     "This is a fake painting," Jiang-Li said.
     "This picture is ..." Liu Zimin reacted sharply, and exclaimed, "How is that possible?" When looking at Jiang-Li expression again, he was no longer kind at first.
     Ye Shijie also looked at Jiang-Li suddenly.
     "This painting is already very similar, but it still can't hide the fact that it is a fake. According to the value of the most similar fakes imitated in the market today, this painting is no more than fifty Silver Taels. Ye-gongzi, "she looked at Ye Shijie," you only need to pay this gongzi-5 ten Silver Taels. "
     "Little Miss," Liu Zimin smiled yin and yin :  "The ones with red mouth and white teeth are fakes? They are fakes? This picture is real! Don't talk wildly."
     "Yeah," the people around coaxed. "How can you prove that this is true?"
     Jiang-Li was not in a hurry, and said unhurriedly :  "Master Zeng is a man from the former dynasty. The pens and inks of the previous dynasty are all made with the silk of the former dynasty. However, there is no double silk in the former dynasty.
     "Double silks?" Bai Xue asked suspiciously.
     "The former dynasty only produced double silk, thick and thin. But you can see this ink treasure, which is white and dense, and clearly is double silk. Master Zeng of the previous dynasty never used today's double silk to paint. One."
     "Second, the seal is not correct. The stone seals were not used in the previous dynasties. If the seals in the previous dynasties had unique marks from the previous dynasties, the stoppage of each character in the script was a little thicker than the original strokes, but it was light , Slightly yellow. The seal seal of this painting is smooth and the color is red, which is obviously wrong. "
     Jiang-Li whispered, while showing "Drinking Spring" to everyone. The crowd didn't say it, they didn't feel it. In the first place, compared with Jiang-Li words, it really felt something wrong.
     Seeing that Liu Zimin's face was getting more and more ugly, Ye Shijie was getting more and more surprised. Jiang-Li laughed :  "And the most important point, the picture of" Yingyinchun ", the most obvious is that Master Zeng pays attention to details When the tit pecking the shadow, there is the reflection of the water tit in the eye. Similarly, the water tit has the shadow of the tit on the flowering branch. However, in this picture of "Tit Drinking Spring", the tit in the reflection of the water has nothing in the eyes. "
     "So," Jiang-Li laughed. "Gongzi" The Bird Drinks Spring "is fake. A fake" Bird Drinks Spring "is three thousand and two golds. This is heavenly night."
     Liu Zimin was so angry that he reached out to grab the painting from Jiang-Li hand. Where Jiang-Li would make him succeed, Bai Xue had already taken the painting sensitively, and held it up for the big guy to see.
     "Do you know who I am?" Liu Zimin finally couldn't help it, showing his face and saying badly :  "Don't you dare to spit out such blood, I Father knows that you are in trouble!"
     Hearing that, Jiang-Li finally closed the smile on his face, and said lightly, "I don't know who you are, but you dare to say nothing to me like this. I know it, and you are not troublesome."
     "I'd like to see who you are from and report your name!" Liu Zimin exasperated.
     "Jingcheng Jiang Family, Shoufu Di Daughter, Jiang Er." Jiang-Li said.
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