Married Di Daughter 20-24

Novels      »     Married Di Daughter    »   Chapter 20 :  Sisters          


     The bed on Shoufu is much softer than the wooden bed on Qingcheng Mountain.
     Although Jiang Yuanbai is a literati, he is also the first assistant of the dynasty. Some people are officials for the people of the world, and some people are officials for ambition. Jiang Yuanbai realized his ambition and enjoyed life as well.
     When Tonger came to serve Jiang-Li early in the morning, his smile was much brighter than in the past. He talked about how soft and comfortable the bed was last night, and how spacious and bright the room was.
     Yun Shuang and Xiang Qiao stood on one side and waited for Jiang-Li. Yun Shuang was not willing to do it at all. Xiang Qiao tried to wipe the table to accompany Jiang-Li to talk.
     In the entire Fangfei Garden, except Tong Er, there are only two Maids, Yun Shuang and Xiang Qiao. Yun Shuang and Xiang Qiao will not do heavy work, so Tong Er handles everything inside and out. Ji Shuran intentionally or unintentionally did not match Jiang-Li with Yatou, that is, he bullied Jiang-Li and did not know the current rules. Jiang-Li knew it, and gave Jiang-Li some unhappiness, and then returned to Jiang Yuanbai Put on the eyedrops and say that Jiang-Li temper is very natural.
     However, Jiang-Li didn't care at all. When Yun Shuang went outside, she pulled La Xiangqiao corner and said, "There is something I want to bother Xiang Qiao."
     Xiang Qiao stunned and laughed, "2-Young-Lady, tell the nubi what to do."
     "I'm afraid there aren't enough people in my yard today. My mother didn't arrange for me to make rough Maid. You and Shuang Yun are waiting for me to live next to you. Tonger can't be too busy. After staying for many years, I should be familiar with the Pozi who bought and sold Maid. I would like to ask Sister Xiangqiao to help me arrange it, and I will pick some sweepers. "
     Xiang Qiao heard it and frowned :  "2-Young-Lady, the staff of Yatou in the yard are subject to Fu-ren's consent."
     "My mother loves me, but I just forgot to arrange a man with me. It will only be a busy day in business, so that I forget my side, how can I disturb her again. But it is a few Maid, I want to pick one myself Pick, Sister Xiang Qiao will arrange it. "She picked up a gold bracelet from the box on one side, put it on the other's hand, and smiled    :    " Can you? "
     Can you?
     The bright gold bracelet is set on Xiang Qiao hand, which is different from the heavy red gold bracelet on her hand. This slender, delicate, does not look as thick as his own hand, but Xiang Qiao knows that such workmanship and Grain is more valuable than the one in your hand.
     "Of course!" Xiang Qiao nodded, and couldn't get rid of her eyes on the bracelet. She has followed Ji Shuran for many years, but Ji Shuran did not have the generous 2-Young-Lady from the mountain. Xiang Qiao couldn't help wondering, could this 2-Young-Lady not know how much silver these jewels were, before she could give them so easily?
     Before she could think about it, Jiang-Li laughed :  "Now trouble Sister Xiang Qiao now."
     Xiang Qiao got the gold bracelet, and her heart was both tense and excited, and she immediately said, "Slave must do this for 2-Young-Lady, 2-Young-Lady wait." Exiting the room as he said. go with.
     After Xiang Qiao left, Tong Er stood aside, Jiang-Li looked at her expression and stopped, and said, "Just say anything."
     "Miss, you don't understand," Tong Er said, "Why are you so good at Xiang Qiao, you know she was sent by Ji-shi ... Perhaps, do you want to use her money to buy her?"
     "Buy?" Jiang-Li shook his head :  "This man's mind is not correct, he has two swords on both sides, and he is used to seeing the wind to steer the rudder, and is greedy for money. Such people, even if they buy it, will inevitably fail, I dare not buy it.
     "That being the case, why would you give her these jewellery? You know, even if she said she would help you choose Maid right now, you wouldn’t be able to tell Ji-shi in private. Those people who come by then pass through Ji -shi picked. "
     "I'm looking for an errand for her. I'm looking for an errand to send her something."
     "Slave doesn't understand," Tong Er explained, "Miss, we don't have enough silver in our hands now."
     Jiang-Li was almost teased by her Maid, she said, "Look, I gave her all jewelry, not silver. Do you know why?"
     "Why?" Tonger stared.
     "Of course it is for people to see." Jiang-Li laughed :  "On the army to plot, divide and divide. Tonger, sometimes others give you beautiful gems, precious jewelry, if you do not need to pay the same Cost, you have to watch out, that may cost you more. "
     Tonger looked at Jiang-Li hair bun, but she still didn't understand what Jiang-Li said, but felt something faintly. After thinking about it for a while, she shook her head. Jiang-Li is much smarter than her. What she can see and understand. Jiang-Li must be able to see and understand. For your own reason, just follow along.
     "Our go for a walk," Jiang-Li said. "Since you are home, you must be familiar with your own home."
     "Okay!" Tonger rejoiced, "Slave is with you."
     Jiang-Li changed a piece of clothes, and the newly made clothes had not been delivered yet. Ji Shuran, the stepmother, was not so good at making it too obvious, so people sent some garments about the size of Jiang-Li. These ready-to-wear garments look expensive. Compared with Jiang Youyao clothes, the workmanship is much rougher, and Jiang-Li temperament is far from the same.
     Although Tonger likes good materials, she also thinks that these red and green clothes are worn on Jiang-Li, but they are not as good-looking as plain, and after pondering for a long time, she chose Jiang-Li to wear a green skirt .
     At first glance, this dress looks like a style for Maid. The green color is careless and easy to wear, but Jiang-Li is white and thin, and the upper body is not bad. It makes the whole person tender and has a different taste.
     Tonger and Jiang-Li have stayed in the temple for a long time. Combing their hair is usually the simplest and most convenient way to work. When they return to Jiangfu, they find that they can only comb their hair. And in Jiangfu, comb those Maid heads again, for fear of being laughed at by others.
     Before waiting for Tonger to figure out how to comb his hair, he saw Jiang-Li facing the bronze mirror, reaching out to hold the long black hair, and turning his hands dexterously for a few times, and then combed a black gauze.
     Tong Er widened his eyes in surprise, and said, "Miss, how can you ..."
     "I've learned it before." Jiang-Li simply answered. When she was Xue Fangfei, she just married Shen Yurong and learned how to comb her hair to please Popo and her aunt. Thinking of her daughter’s family love to play, combing hair for them, they will always get close. Later, the friendship between her and the Shen family was completely neglected, but the skill of combing her hair remained.
     "Miss, anything, it's amazing." Tong Er thought and wondered again, "However, Miss, how can I deliberately learn to comb my hair? This is not what Maids do ..."
     Unfortunately, he didn't wait for the answer. Jiang-Li had got up and went out, and Tonger had left the question behind.
     Jiangfu was very big. Tonger was a sweeping Maid in the courtyard. Later, after Jiang-Li killed Ji Shuran and gave birth, all the people in Jiang-Li courtyard were killed, killed, and sold. To send Jiang-Li to the front of Qingcheng Mountain, Jiang-Lao-Furen just pointed a small Maid from the yard and followed, this Maid was Tonger.
     Because he was too young when he left, Tonger was also unfamiliar with the situation in Jiangfu today.
     It was just out of Fangfei Court, didn't walk a few steps, and heard someone heard the sound in front of him, Jiang-Li stopped and looked up, then saw a few people standing in a small booth not far to talk.
     Those people also saw Jiang-Li, their voices stopped, and the middle man was in a pink gold silk dress with beautiful flowers and a beautiful moon.
     It is Jiangfu 3-Young-Lady, Jiang Youyao.

     Chapter 21 :  cousin          

     In the pavilion, the sitting three-person Jiang-Li only met yesterday. Jiang Youyao was next to the two Shu Daughters of 3rd House.
     At the side of Jiang Youyao, two nieces were fanning her. Jiangfu was cooler than outside, and in the morning, walking outside did not feel hot.
     There are some rock sugar velvet fruit butters on the table, Jiang Yuyan and Jiang Yu'e are sitting beside Jiang Youyao, the stars are staring.
     Jiang Youyao met Jiang-Li and did not take the initiative to say hello, but Jiang Yuyan beside her, hesitated, and ‘called timidly :  "Second sister."
     Jiang-Li was in the second line of Jiang's family. Jiang Yuanbai married Ye Zhenzhen for three years and had no son. Tongfang Maid beside him was pregnant first. According to the rules, this child should not be born, but Ye Zhenzhen was soft and could not bear to lose a pair of lives. Was born. The second year after the birth of the child, Jiang-Li was born, and the Tongfang also took advantage of Concubine.
     I heard that Tonger said that this Concubine is an honest man with a duty. He used to be Maid beside Jiang-Lao-Furen. He never fights or robs, but he still has a bad life. When Jiang-Li-3 years old, two years after Ji Shuran entered the door, Jiang-Big-Young-Lady accidentally fell off the rock while playing in the garden and fell to death. The Concubine lost The daughter was sad day and night, and soon disappeared.
     Jiang-Li nodded to Jiang Yuyan and said, "Four Sisters."
     Jiang Yuyan looked ordinary, and seemed to have little courage. When Jiang—Li nodded to himself, she was very surprised, then she lowered her head quickly, as if she was afraid of something.
     Jiang Yu'e stared at Jiang-Li and looked at it, and then suddenly laughed, and said, "I haven't seen him for a few years, my second sister is much more friendly, no wonder that the temperer in the home temple is tempered."
     She smiled, the slightly swaying Xiao jiabiyu customs, but the words were stabbing. Jiang Youyao heard a word of contempt flashed in his eyes.
     Jiang-Li Of course, the two Shu Daughters of 3rd House are afraid that because of their status, Baba pleases Jiang Youyao. Jiang Youyao took the two as gunmen and found himself unhappy.
     Jiang-Li smiled and replied :  "The home temple does temper the temperer, and the five sisters don't have to regret it. Maybe if they have the opportunity, they can experience it and come to Japan."
     "Who wants to realize ..." Jiang Yu'e was anxious and was about to speak. Jiang Youyao, who had not been silent, pulled her sleeve.
     Jiang-Li looks at Jiang Youyao.
     Ji Shuran's biological daughter looks exactly like Ji Shuran. She looks very delicate and delicate. The face of the seeds, the lips of Qiongbi, the apricot eyes and the peach cheeks are about the long-term care of the brocade of jade in Shoufu, delicate and tender, wearing peach pink. The shawl is just like the most precious jewellery in the Jixiang Building. Born in the palm of your hand, the jade foot does not even need to be contaminated. When she raised her eyebrows, she was charming and charming, different from Xue Fangfei glamorous appearance. The beauty of Jiang Youyao was a girl's green beauty that was completely blooming.
     To be honest, it should be the one who gives birth to such a look. Jiang Yuanbai, being the first assistant, naturally loves this daughter even more.
     Jiang Youyao is also looking at Jiang-Li, Jiang-Li was only seven years old when he left, and it has been eight years, Jiang Youyao can't remember what Jiang-Li looked like. After eight years, Jiang-Li should be a humble appearance carefully and trampled by people, with no arrogance and no posture, just a mean woman who is not paid attention to.
     Who knows that eight years later, on the first day of Jiang-Li return to the government, he severely marched himself and his mother at the gate of the government. Jiang-Li arrogance was not removed, but hidden in a deeper, more restrained posture. That doesn't mean it's a good thing, Jiang-Li became sinister and cunning.
     Jiang Youyao carefully examined Jiang-Li from head to toe, and found in her heart that even though Jiang-Li was not as exquisitely dressed as herself, she was not compared with herself. That kind of pure and pure look, but more like his father Jiang Yuanbai most admired.
     Jiang Youyao tightened the handkerchief, took a deep breath, took the lead to show a smile, and said, "Second Sister." Ji Shuran told her that in Jiangfu, at this moment, outsiders must not show Hostility to Jiang-Li.
     "Three sisters." Jiang-Li also laughed. Unlike Jiang Youyao hard-working smile, Jiang-Li smile is natural and sincere. Anyone who sees it will not doubt her friendliness at the moment.
     Jiang Youyao just felt sick. She suddenly said, "Is the second sister already stunned?"
     Jiang Youyao smiled :  "I'm going to be late in a few days too, don't forget to give Mei-mei a gift."
     Jiang-Li froze, and replied, "Is that right? Since Sanmei is about to meet, I will definitely send a gift."
     "That's good, I heard Grandmother said that on that day, many people were invited to come, the second sister just returned to Capital City, and I know a lot of people, maybe I will meet acquaintances." She means a lot.
     Jiang-Li didn't care about Jiang Youya implied meaning, not even Jiang Yu mocking smile, but just thought, Jiang-2-Young-Lady was thrown alone in Qingcheng Mountain when he was young, no One remembered. Jiang-3-Young-Lady and the next day, they are going to deal with it. They are obviously daughters of Jiang Fu. This difference is too big.
     With this in mind, she sympathized with the young Jiang-2-Young-Lady who died early.
     At least Xue Fangfei never felt the feeling of being left out of loved ones.
     Feeling a bit boring, she turned around and Tonger went in the other direction. Unexpectedly, she only took two steps, and almost came across a person head-on.
     "You don't have eyes to walk!" The man said angrily.
     "You hit me Miss first," Tonger couldn't help telling.
     "Isn't it possible for your subordinate to intervene." The voice was even more angry, but suddenly blinked, "Jiang-Li?"
     The boy in front of him is about the same age as Jiang-Li, his skin color is dark, and he is considered handsome. It is Jiang Jingrui born by 2nd House Lu-shi.
     Two Shaoye of 2nd House, 1st Shaoye Jiang Jingyou looks like Jiang Yuanping, chubby and smile. 2-Shaoye Jiang Jingrui looks like Lu-shi, is handsome, and has a much worse temper.
     At this moment, Jiang Jingrui was holding a large bamboo cage in his hand. There was a ‘calling call, which was teasing about outside, messy clothes, sweat on his forehead, wind and fire, and arrogant attitude, a full playboy brother appearance.
     When he saw Jiang-Li, he did not show strong hostility like Jiang Youyao, nor did he avoid it like Jiang Yuyan. This attitude seemed familiar.
     Jiang-Li pondered for a moment, and then thought softly, "Cousin."
     As soon as the words came out, Jiang Jingrui seemed startled, took a big step back, with a disgusted expression on his face, and yelled, "What are you calling?"
     Jiang-Li smiled, but he was playing drums. Jiang Jingyou was one year older than Jiang-Li, but Jiang Jingrui was only ten years older than Jiang-Li. I didn’t know Jiang-2-Young How does Lady call Jiang Jingrui.
     Jiang-Li hadn't figured out what to say next, Jiang Jingrui looked at her again and suddenly sighed :  "How are you like now?"
     right now? Like this?
     Jiang-Li is puzzled.
     What did it look like before?

     Chapter 22 :  Old People          

     Although Jiang Jingrui is very similar to Lu-shi, he is not as shrewd as Lu-shi. Jiang-Li hadn't spoken yet, and he had already said it in a bamboo tube.
     "Why are you now a personal person like you used to be? You don't want to die!"
     "Still wearing green, do you treat yourself as a spring onion?"
     "It's too skinny! Even your vision has deteriorated? The bird is dressed up."
     "Hey, what's this? Jin-Young-Lady didn't know it and thought it was a nun, do you want to be a fairy?"
     In the end, he ended up looking at Jiang-Li with a sentence :  "Yantang really isn't a good place and people say it changes."
     Jiang-Li :  "..."
     She laughed a little, thinking about Jiang Jingrui just move, and tentatively said, "Ginger ... Jingrui?"
     As soon as this word came out, Jiang Jingrui expression suddenly eased, and said, "That's what it looks like! What cousin is called, goosebumps are all up!"
     Jiang-Li thought, it seems that Jiang-2-Young-Lady has a good relationship with this cousin, calling each other's name in private, and then seeing Jiang Jingrui whispering nothing, it should be a peace with Jiang-2-Young-Lady.
     Jiang Jingrui clasped his chest with his hands and said, "I thought I would never see you in this life. I didn't expect that Big-Bo had a little conscience and picked you up again."
     "Many Thanks, you care." Jiang-Li tried to make his attitude more natural.
     However, this "natural" still makes Jiang Jingrui feel awkward. He endured it and said, "But don't take it lightly. You have time to please Big-Bo, please. My brothers know how you got back to Capital City ... I know the whole Yanjing knows now. They know it. It says you are vicious, but I can hear you. If you don't want to be kicked out, be smart. "
     Jiang-Li is speechless. Jiang Jingrui seems to have a good relationship with Jiang-2-Young-Lady. At this moment, he looks like he is sitting on the sidelines, and it seems to be a little bit gloating. And he made his own clever claims, and for a while he couldn't see whether it was good intentions, which made Jiang-Li cry and laugh.
     Jiang Jingrui squinted into the distance. In the gazebo, the shadows of Jiang Youyao were still there. Jiang Jingrui asked, "Hey, did you embarrass you when you came here just now?"
     "No," Jiang-Li said. "Just a few words."
     Upon hearing this, Jiang Jingrui curiously looked at her :  "What did you say?"
     "After a few days, it's Sanmei concubine. Sanmei told me not to forget the gift."
     Jiang Jingrui heard the words, smirked, and said, "One is so polite, really he is Princess." He looked at Jiang-Li again, and hated the iron and pointed at her :  "Are you stupid? You did not hear her What does it mean? "
     "What do you mean?" Jiang-Li was puzzled.
     "Hey." Jiang Jingrui sighed in an old-fashioned way and said, "As soon as Jiang Youyao and Li Li have passed, the people in Ning Yuan's Hou family should come over to agree on the family affairs. Don't you know that Jiang Youyao and Li Yan's Zhou Libang will be here? Well!"
     Zhou Yanbang, Jiang-Li Suddenly, Tong Er mentioned that Ning Yuanhou Heir was called Zhou Yanbang. That is, the husband who originally had a relationship with Jiang-2-Young-Lady, was later occupied by Jiang Youyao and the dove.
     No wonder what Jiang Youyao said just now and that many people were invited to the ceremony. Maybe he will meet acquaintances. This "acquaintance" should refer to Zhou Yanbang! If it is true Jiang-Li, when you see Zhou Yanbang at the ceremony, you will either be sad and unspeakable, or be emotionally dysfunctional in front of people. In short, it is not happy, no less than being stabbed with a few knives in your heart.
     Tonger was worried about supporting Jiang-Li, Jiang Jingrui was still talking about it, "I don’t want to go and see you, you don’t know, Zhou Yanbang looks much better than when he was a kid, how much Miss Yanjing City is today, favored by He. You liked him so much when you were a kid, and now you see me, I’m afraid I can’t let go. But now that the boat is over, Jiang Youyao and Zhou Yanbang have settled a relationship, and if you don’t want to be reconciled, you will only be sad. "
     Jiang-Li Listening to what he said, there is only one thought in his heart. Jiang Jingrui really can’t speak. If Jiang-2-Young-Lady is true, it would be tantamount to hear him persuade himself. Adding fuel to the situation, it's not bad to be mad.
     Seeing Jiang-Li didn't speak, Tonger was afraid she would think of sad things, and said carefully :  "Miss?"
     Jiang-Li laughed :  "I'm fine, so Zhou Yanbang is coming."
     The tone of her speech was too calm, and Tong Er and Jiang Jingrui were stunned.
     They didn't know that Jiang-Li was not Jiang-2-Young-Lady, Jiang-2-Young-Lady would dive for Zhou Yanbang, but Jiang-Li would not. For Zhou Yanbang, she was just a stranger she had never met. It's too difficult to mourn for a stranger.
     Zhou Yanbang couldn't stimulate her, no matter what Jiang Youyao idea, she was wrong from the beginning. Zhou Yanbang is useful in courtesy. The premise of being useful is that Jiang-Li cares about her. If Jiang-Li doesn't care at all, it doesn't matter whether Zhou Yanbang appears or not.
     Jiang Jingrui asked, "Even if Zhou Yanbang comes, are you going?" He looked at Jiang-Li face, trying to find a sad or sad expression from Jiang-Li face.
     But he failed.
     "If I don't go, my mother and three sisters will be sad, and my father will blame me. How can I not go? Besides, I do have someone I want to see." Jiang-Li said.
     Jiang Jingrui and Tonger heard the words in front of Jiang-Li, and they were sympathetic. Indeed, Jiang-Li couldn't go. If she didn't go, she might not know how to arrange her behind Ji Shuran, and sent the raft in front of people.
     But when they heard the second half of the sentence, both of them were at the same time, Jiang-Li still could not let go of Zhou Yanbang? But why is this look a little different from the rest?
     Both of them thought that Jiang-Li said "the person I want to meet" refers to Zhou Yanbang, but I don't know. The person she really wanted to see was not so.
     Jiang Yuanbai was the head of the Yuan Dynasty when he was the literati, with thousands of gold and sacrifice, there must be countless literati officials and relatives to come and observe the ceremony. Shen Yurong, as the 1st-Imperial-Scholar of Xinke, is now a nobleman in court, and will have a good relationship with Jiang Yuanbai. Shen Yurong's Mei-mei will come to watch the ceremony.
     Moreover, when Shen Yurong's Mei-mei Shen Ruyun and Xue Fangfei were aunt Sao, she knew that Shen Ruyun loved Ning Yuanhou Heir. Shen Ruyun is narrow-minded and competitive, and will definitely come to see what Zhou Yanbang's future wife looks like.
     The person Jiang-Li wants to meet is Xue Fangfei old man, the Shen family.
     She waited for those people to come.

     Chapter 23 :  Acquaintances          

     I've seen Jiang Youyao and Jiang Jingrui. Jiang-Li has spent a lot of time figuring out the way of Jiangfu.
     The Jiang family has a deep foundation and a huge mansion. Fortunately, Jiang-Li has a good memory. Moreover, in Tongxiang, although the mansion was small, she loved to follow Xue Huaiyuan to go out to handle official business. She was run around every corner of Tongxiang, and it was a good hand to recognize the way.
     The next few days were unexpectedly peaceful. Nothing special happened except to see Xiang Qiao courting compliments and Yun Shuangyi instructions in front of him every day. Subtlely, no matter Jiang-Lao-Furen or 2nd House 3rd House, except for the accidental encounter that day, no one came to Jiang-Li, even Jiang Jianbai, the father of Jiang-Li, Don't even bother doing it. Jiang-Li In the entire Jiang family, it's like an insignificant person, as if to take her back, just to be left aside, and after a few days, people are completely left behind.
     No, it's not a while, it's already now.
     Others don’t give her face, Jiang-Li can’t afford to rush to hot face and put on cold ass, right when it’s all right, don’t take the initiative to meet Lao-Furen, and eat on most days alone, let Tonger bring her back Fangfei Court, it seems like this is invisible.
     But the contradiction does not disappear automatically because it is ignored. The calmness at this moment is also prepared for the restlessness in the future.
     In the morning on this day, the rain was fine, and it was rare and cool, unlike the previous hot weather. After Jiang-Li used breakfast, he told Xiang Qiao that he planned to go out.
     Yun Shuang stood a little farther, and his quiet ear listened to Xiang Qiao and asked Jiang-Li :  "2-Young-Lady, why are you suddenly going out?"
     "It has been half a month since I returned to my house and I have been in the house all day. It is really boring. I don’t know what the Yanjing City has been like these years. I just want to go out for a walk." "In addition, in a few days, it will be Sanmei salute and courtesy. I can't always be empty-handed."
     Xiang Qiao eyes rolled around and asked, "Miss, are you going to give 3-Young-Lady a gift?"
     "Good." Jiang-Li laughed. "By the way, there are other new things."
     Xiang Qiao heart was tickled instantly, Jiang-Li went out to buy something, and if he followed, he might get some rewards. Speaking of which, this 2-Young-Lady, although growing up in the hall, shot very generously. I don't know if it's stupid or if Fu-ren Ye Zhenzhen spends his money like a temperer, the rewards on most days are very generous. After spending half a month with Jiang-Li alone, the jewellery that is so beautiful and beautiful is almost in line with the previous year.
     She deliberately asked :  "2-Young-Lady, you have not spent a few days ..."
     "The money that Grandmother gave me has not been spent." Jiang-Li interrupted her, and smiled :  "Enough to buy some good things."
     Xiang Qiao thought about it, too, Jiang-Li rewarded her with jewelry, but the silver hadn't moved. In fact, how can silver be precious? It was just that Xiang Qiao naturally would not take the initiative to break his own financial path. When he thought that he would not be able to make money again today, he immediately persuaded Jiang-Li to swallow his words if he didn’t want to go out. Accompany the 2-Young-Lady to go out and see, the nubi used to go out with 3-Young-Lady, only to the shops in Yanjing. "
     Yun Shuang was dissatisfied with Xiang Qiao reaction, Jiang-Li had already spoken, and said, "Well, Tonger, please accompany me too, please trouble Xiang Qiao."
     However, Yun Shuang ignored it intentionally or unintentionally.
     Two Maids are enough, Yun Shuang will naturally not follow. Although Yun Shuang did not intend to accommodate this 2-Young-Lady from the beginning, Jiang-Li move at this moment seems to be clearly showing one thing :  Jiang-Li is not waiting to see Yun Shuang.
     After Jiang-Li and Xiang Qiao got out of the room together, Yun Shuang took a sigh of resentment and turned to Shu Xiuyuan Ji Shuran.
     When Jiang-Li went out, the doorman was a little nervous on the other side. Fortunately, Xiang Qiao was very familiar. After chatting with the doorman, he asked the two guards to go out with Jiang's carriage.
     Xu felt that Jiang-Li didn't pay much attention, so this guard, little pitiful, just happened to Jiang-Li unreasonable truth.
     Out of the gate of Jiangfu, Tonger was relieved. She also panicked during Jiangfu days, fearing to cause trouble for Jiang-Li. She could not be careful every day, such as living on thin ice. When he came out, he suddenly felt that even Xiang Qiao, who had always been unpleasant, was not so disgusting.
     Xiang Qiao wasn't vague, he said right out of the house :  "2-Young-Lady, the slave knows that Yanjing's best jewelry shop is Jixianglou."
     "Then go to Jixiang Building." Jiang-Li is not good at talking.
     In fact, the Grandmother family of Jiang-Li, Ye family started as jewelry, although not as good as Jixiang Lou Jingui, but the emphasis is on quantity. Later, the Ye family's commercial property developed more and more. Jewellery was less valued.
     When they arrived at the Jixiang Tower, the guys at the Jixiang Tower saw Xiang Qiao coming, and greeted Xiang Qiao warmly, but when they saw Jiang-Li beside her, he froze and blurted out :  "This Noble ..."
     In the past, Xiang Qiao and Ji Shuran Jiang Youyao came together. Today, Xiang Qiao is alone with a young-lady-like person. The Miss, who was obviously riding in the carriage of the Jiang family, looked strange, but the man muttered in his heart that it wasn't the Shu daughter of the Jiang family, but was it a relative of the Jiang family.
     Thinking about it this way, he saw a weird expression on Xiang Qiao face, hesitated, and then said awkwardly :  "This is 2-Young-Lady on Our House."
     My buddy just heard the name of 2-Young-Lady, but he didn't respond. He smiled enthusiastically, wondering when Jiang's family had a 2-Young-Lady. When he saw Jiang-Li face, he suddenly reacted, almost choked by his own saliva.
     2-Young-Lady? The Jiang family’s stepmother, who poisoned her stepmother, was sent to the 2-Young-Lady of the self-cultivation!
     It's not the horrible ghost face in the rumor, it's fierce, and it's not the bitterness and harshness in the imagination. The girl in front of her was wearing a moon-white skirt, a jade blouse, and a clean makeup. She looked at him slightly as if she thought he was funny, and her lips were smiling.
     Clear and gentle, with beautiful eyes and bright eyes, it is clearly a fairy girl under the seat of the Bodhisattva.
     Mother, how can this be Jiang-2-Young-Lady?
     Dude just feels dizzy, and nothing is clear. Tonger frowned, and said angrily, "This little brother, isn't he planning to welcome guests?"
     The man immediately returned to God, apologized aloud, and peeped at Jiang-Li, seeing that Jiang-Li still smiled mildly and did not look angry, and his sober mind was a little guilty for a moment.
     As he welcomed a few people into the store, he thought, why are there not many customers today, and there are no guests in the hall now? Otherwise, let those customers see that this vicious Jiang-2-Young-Lady has grown into this look, and it must be more than just him!
     Jiang-Li and his party entered the Jixiang Building. Opposite the Jixiang Building, a gorgeous building stood, with its splendor and splendor.
     There were two people sitting upstairs by the window, and one said, "Look, family Jiang."
     On the opposite side, a teapot was gently poured over a cup of tea, and the knuckled hands were even more white than the fine teapot.
     "Oh." There was a bit of laziness in the voice, "acquaintance."

     Chapter 24 :  A glimpse          

     In the auspicious building, Jiang-Li-3 people are still choosing jewelry.
     I don't know if he is afraid of Jiang-Li "notoriety". Both the shopkeeper and the folks have raised 120 thousand points to deal with Jiang-Li. Today happens to be no other customers. The shopkeeper has almost all the newly made jewelry for Jiang-Li to choose.
     Xiang Qiao originally thought that Jiang-Li had chosen Jiang Youyao as a gift, not to mention his dedication, maybe there would be some trouble in secret. I didn't expect Jiang-Li to really choose it carefully, and even generously bought a set of red jade drop bead crested noodles. This set of noodles is a whole three hundred Silver Taels.
     The box of silver that Jiang-Lao-Furen gave Jiang-Li had only 422 in total. Buy this set of head and face, but only one hundred Silver Taels.
     Looking at Jiang-Li again, he didn't feel bad at all. Xiang Qiao felt that he really didn't know what the 2-Young-Lady was thinking.
     The treasurer and buddy were waiting in trembling today. Who knows that Jiang-Li didn't make them sad from the beginning to the end, even more accommodating than Yanjing's other high-level gates, and it was also a little strange.
     After buying this set of head and face, it is impossible to buy other jewelry of Jixianglou. When Jiang-Li-3 went out and was about to go to the carriage. Tonger suddenly pointed at a pawnshop not far away and said to Jiang-Li :  "Miss, the slaver had a jade pendant from a deceased mother here before leaving Capital City, and the slaver wanted to check it again and see the jade pendant. It's still there, if it's there, it's better to redeem it and think about it. "
     Jiang-Li said, "You go." Then gave Tonger the silver left over, "Use these."
     Tonger couldn't quit and had to take the silver to the pawnshop. The rest of Xiang Qiao looked at Jiang-Li blankly, Jiang-Li was so good to his subordinates, and even he got a lot of benefits here in Jiang-Li, sincerely, there is such a master , Far better than following 3-Young-Lady, or Ji Shuran. Xiang Qiao had some regrets in his heart. If Jiang-Li is not the 2-Young-Lady of Jiang's family, it is destined to be dealt with by Mi Shuran, and she is even willing to follow this master, and it will be more nourishing.
     The shape of the three of them in front of the Lucky Tower fell into the eyes of the two in front of the "Wangxian Tower" window.
     The two men sitting at the yellow pear's wooden table, one with thick eyebrows and black belts embroidered with yellow ribbons, seemed to be soldiers. He grinned, "Which is Young-Lady from the Jiang family? Why go to the pawnshop?"
     After a while, the other person answered slowly :  "Line two."
     "Line two?" Sergeant Jiayi smashed his pout and suddenly returned to Weier. "Jiang-2-Young-Lady? Elekest-Daughter of Jiang Yuanbai who returned to Capital City recently? You said that evil that killed her mother and brother Woman? Laozi, can't you ?! "
     The two standing in front of the Jixiang Building, Maid needless to say, but the other was slender and weak. This sergeant in armor may have good eyesight. He can roughly see the appearance of Jiang-2-Young-Lady, and murmured in his mouth, "So pitiful, is this Jiang-2-Young-Lady? I haven’t seen anyone in Kongliu, either you recognize the wrong person, or this little Miss, didn’t do that at all! "
     The opposite person ignored him.
     He told Kong Liu to ignore his friends and asked again :  ".... Really?"
     The other person still ignored and Kong Liu understood that it was true. He said :  "Mother, it's really a human being. But how do you know this is Jiang-2-Young-Lady, have you ever seen it?"
     The opposite person answered, "Have seen it."
     "Ah." Kong Liu shook his head. "The rumors are not credible. They all say that Jiang-2-Young-Lady is so ugly. I looked very good. I was pretty, right?" he asks.
     " ‘mute."
     Kong Liu stunned for a moment :  "What about Jiang-3-Young-Lady? Jiang-3-Young-Lady is so pretty?"
     "Bad fat."
     "Your Laozi, how about Xue Fangfei? That is the first beauty of Yanjing, you must admit that she looks good!"
     "Good-looking?" The opposite person said in a cool tone. "You asked me to rate a ... dead?"
     When he spoke, he finally retracted his gaze and looked at Kong Liu on the opposite side.
     The young man was wearing a crimson robe with a black gold butterfly embroidered on the neckline, and his face was reflected in the mist. He has a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, and his eyes are slightly raised, which should be a proud attitude, but because of a red mole in the corner of his eyes, his pride is a little more restrained.
     And his lips were thin, red and radiant, and his skin was too white, so his deep facial features became particularly clear. The young man's gorgeous obscurity could not obscure it, but his posture was indifferent, and even the interest mentioned seemed to be somewhat indifferent.
     Kong Liu almost watched.
     I have to sigh, the person opposite is indeed qualified to be critical of the world's beauties. Because of his appearance, he is eligible to ignore all the beauties who are famous.
     This is Su Duke Ji-Heng.
     "Forget it, don't mention the woman." Kong Liu scratched his head. "The recent movement of the right-handed man is getting bigger and bigger. He has been secretly drawing last year's 1st-Imperial-Scholar. If you can win, the right wing and the Jiang family will not be separated from each other. "
     "Then you go and help the old man," Ji-Heng said softly. "Let 1st-Imperial-Scholar Lang be drawn to him."
     "It will be Jiang-3-Young-Lady's greetings and salutes in a few days. I think the Shen family will send someone to explore Jiang Yuanbai."
     Ji-Heng said :  "Shen Yurong is valued by Emperor Hong Xiao , Jiang Yuanbai and right are competing to win him. However," his lips are bent, "he cannot be pulled by Jiang's family."
     "I see." Kong Liu understood, "The Jiang family is in trouble."
     "Poor." Ji-Heng sighed softly, and Kong Liudun felt terrified. He knew that the guy on the opposite side would not really be pitiful. On the contrary, the poor man he said must be poor.
     Perhaps it was a sigh for the future of Jiang's family. When Kong Liu looked at the figure in front of Jixiang Tower again, he felt a little sigh of sigh. He said, "You say that Jiang-2-Young-Lady is so pure and pleasant. The killing of her mother-zi is probably a misunderstanding, maybe someone has never done this kind of thing."
     "No." Unexpectedly, Ji-Heng answered. He said, "In the face of Jiang-2-Young-Lady, it is absolutely possible to kill mother-zi. "
     Kong Liu rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

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