LJNFH 80-84

LJNFH - Little Jao-Niang Of The Farmer's House


 Qi Chunshang was not surprised by this situation. After he escaped, he thought of this.
        If you don’t suffer from undue and uneven, everyone goods will be robbed, and they will be left with nothing. If you change his name, he will doubt it. How can they be better than the circumstances in which they were killed and killed? Who told them that they were the lead people? Qi Chunshang and Li Congfa could only fight to deal with these people.
        However, they did not tell the truth, but talked about a fog. The ship where they were located lost contact with other ships. However, they did not dare to mention the matter of meeting the water.
        When I was on the boat, Qi Chunshang discussed it with everyone. When I met the water, I was lucky enough to escape. I couldn’t mention it again. It’s not happening, let it disappear. If it is really told according to the facts, the can be really deducted on his own body. People will ask why the otter will release you. What do you have to do with the otter?
        The otters are strictly encircled by the court. If these people are caught, their heads are light, and others can't touch them. If they are not, they will be guilty. No one is stupid, naturally it will not be okay to find something for themselves.
        Those who have been robbed by the water are naturally unbelief, but they can't believe it or not. They have no evidence at all that Qi Chunshang and others are related to the leeches.
        Especially since they hit the shore, Qi Chunshang and others are busy, and they are busy helping to settle down, and they are helping to go to the official office. Seeing this, these people are also embarrassed to climb anything again, can only complain that they are unlucky. After Qi Chunshang and Li Congfa discussed it, the two men suggested that after their shipments were returned, they would be distributed to other people. They could owe them for a while, and then settled later and paid according to the cost. These talents were stopped.
        Qi Chunshang and others wanted to go to the newspaper, I am afraid that there will be less questioning. I don’t know if the local Residence asked the details, just saying that they are good. It is necessary to know that there are quite a few merchant ships that have been robbed by the otters, and it is rare to get back. The lost goods were small, and some were directly sunk, and when they were discovered, even the bones were gone.
        However, their local Residence officials did not send out officers and men to encircle the coffers. Unfortunately, many times they returned without success. These otters are born and born, just like the weeds in the wasteland, and the burns are not clean.
        When it comes to this, it is necessary to say that the politicians are incompetent.
        Today, the Holy Spirit is obsessed with monasticism, and the political affairs are controlled by the vassals, so that the people are not happy. The north and other places are okay, and they are poor. Naturally, there is not much oil and water to scrape. It can be different in the south and other places. As a place of heavy taxation, it has been repeatedly levied taxes and taxes on various names.
        The South is indeed richer than others, but like all places in the world, it is also rich and has no money. Those who have the right to have money naturally feel that there is nothing, but there are many people who can’t go through the days, and there are not a few days to sell and sell women, so there are many troubles in the south.
        The so-called embarrassment is not only for the people who can't go through the ages to find another way out. Of course, there are people who are sinister and squirting fish, but this situation is a minority.
        Therefore, the local Residence is also very helpless. There are water rafts in the water, and mountains in the mountains. Their place is relying on mountains and water, and there are so many kinds of problems that they can’t.
        At the end of the matter, it is natural that it is gone. There have been some delays in this place, and there is no hope in sight. A group of talents set off to return home. The reason why these people are eager to find Qi Chunshang is also afraid that they will lose their words, forget about owing the goods to their own homes, and rush to confirm. After all, because this time it was robbed, there are not a few people who have lost their lives, and they are pointing to relying on these goods to turn over.
        Not to mention, Qi Chunshang did not care much, they went to deal with those people, and Han Jin and others also left the dock.
        Lu Jao-yue is feeding chicken.
        In the spring of this year, the 2nd housekeeper took another nest of chickens, and for two or three months, it has grown to be half-size. This half-sized chicken can be eaten most, and when it’s hungry, it’s -calling, and the sound sounds fierce and harsh.
        Lu Jao-yue sprinkled with chicken food while thinking about her thoughts. As long as she thought about Gui and her brother, she felt a headache.
        But this is the key thing she can't interject. She can understand what Gui is thinking. Gui Yan has always had a vision. If she interjects, she will only be self-defeating.
        "Big sister, is the meal done?" Goro, a brain sweat, ran in. "Isn't they coming back? I am hungry."
        Lu Jao-yue put down the chicken food bowl in his hand and rubbed his hand on the apron. He said: "The rice is already cooked, and the leftovers have not been fried yet. You and the mother have not returned yet. If you are hungry, there are stoves. The rest of the cake in the morning, you should eat some mats first. Your 2nd brother, why didn't you come back with you?"
        "The 2nd brother was left to speak in the school, and I and Lu Lang came back first." As he said, Goro went into the kitchen with a cigarette.
        "There is water on the table, eat slowly, don't lie."
        Standing outside, you can see how the Goro in the kitchen stove picked up the cake and gorged, and Lu Jao-yue couldn’t help but say a word.
        "Let you sleep in the morning without breakfast, I didn't bring you a cake in the morning, don't you eat?"
        Goro finally swallowed the cake in his mouth and gasped. "I am not Liuro, my mouth is awkward. When I see a cake, I have to eat it. I have divided him in half."
        Lu Jao-yue listened to this and said nothing.
        Lu Lang has learned a lot better than before, that is, the habit of falling asleep has not changed, and her three sisters are careless. When I see that I am going to school, I forget that my son didn’t have breakfast, and hurriedly let The son hurried to school. And Lu Jao-yue knows that the younger brother is now growing up and having a large amount of food. He will give him some dry food every day. Wulang doesn't eat much, but he goes into Liulang's mouth.
        But recently the 2nd Brother have played well, as long as they have no opinion of each other, others will not say anything. However, it is some food, especially the relationship between the two families.
        "Tomorrow will bring you more."
        As he said, Lu Jao-yue eyes swept to two chickens and ran out of the Courtyard. When Wu Lang was in the door, he forgot to close the courtyard door.
        She did not dare to delay, she chased it out. My own chicken never puts it outside, and I don’t know the way home. If I don’t find it now, I’m afraid I will lose it. Although the atmosphere in the village is not bad, but some people who are greedy and cheap, the last time, the two chickens ran out, and Lu Jao-yue did not find it back.
        When Lu Jao-yue went out, he saw two chicken bedroom-servantes plunging into the grass beside the path. She stated twice in her mouth and bent over to catch it. It’s a pity that this chicken is very agile, and he will catch it when he sees it, but he is often escaped by it.
        It is also Lu Jao-yue hands and feet are too slow.
        Just as she was so busy with sweat, suddenly a figure appeared around her, a big palm stretched out, and the chicken was caught very quickly.
        "Hold it up."
        Drop this sentence, the master of this big hand went to catch another chicken squatting beside him.
        Lu Jao-yue is holding a chicken. The whole person is stunned. There is an indescribable excitement and excitement. She can feel her hand shaking and want to say something, but she is not in tone.
        Until he sent another chicken to her in front of her wings, she shook her voice: "Are you back?"
        She felt that her eyes were a little hot, and the sun was not strong, but it was very dazzling, and she couldn't help but reach out and block.
        "Well, I am back."
        The tears suddenly flowed out, and Lu Jao-yue looked at each other's face.
        He is black, it seems to be thinner, and it will definitely be very hard on this road. Obviously telling him that he and Xiao xi will definitely come back safely, but as soon as she is free, she will never be able to think about something messy. Fortunately, during this time, many things at home are also very busy, and she is very rare. I am free, if not, she really doesn't know how to go on.
        "Why are you crying?"
        As soon as the voice fell, Lu Jao-yue felt that her hand was pulled, and everything that followed made her unable to respond. She was quickly brought into the carriage by Han Jin, and then he left the place with a horse.
        After a while, Goro ran out of the house, looked around and looked around, and said, "Oh, my sister?"
        Going to the hillside again, surrounded by green trees, the breeze is slowly.
        When the carriage stopped, Lu Jao-yue was hugged by Han Jin.
        Hey, entangled, snorting and snorting, Lu Jao-yue feels that he is breathing fast, and there is still something in his arms that is struggling, then he pushes and pushes him.
        "You let me go first, the chicken is still in my arms!"
        As the saying came out, there was a -call of chicken -calling at the corner of the carriage. It turned out that Han Jin took Lu Jao-yue in a hurry, and even two chickens came along. One was thrown into the compartment, and the other was struggling in the arms of Lu Jao-yue.
        It may be overwhelmed, and the chicken is mad, desperately struggling in the arms of Lu Jao-yue. It was a small cock, the chicken crown was smashed, and the chicken feathers fell a lot. Han Jinfang loosened his hand, and he wanted to swear to swear, but Han Jin squeezed the chicken neck and put it aside.
        It seems that I also know that this big man is not easy to provoke. The little cock who had fleas did not jump, and went to kneel down.
        Seeing this scene, Lu Jao-yue could not help but smile.
        Han Jin had a chicken feather on his face and it looked awkward. "Do you smile?"
        "Laughter you," said Lu Jao-yue, reaching out and gently licking the chicken feathers from his face.
        Han Jin knew what happened, and used an eye knife to poke the innocent little cock. Losing him specifically went back to the gambling plaza, changed his clothes, and took care of the instrument. He wanted to appear in front of her body. The beginning was quite good, but it was broken by this chicken. If this chicken can talk, it will be aggrieved. It is obvious that you are impatient, and almost did not crush me.
        The hustle and bustle of the atmosphere suddenly swept away, and Han took the opportunity to sit next to Lu Jao-yue. He leaned his legs slightly and leaned against the wall of the car, clutching Lu Jao-yue little hand in one hand.
        "Are you on the way, are you okay?" This is the most heart-felt thing that Lu Jao-yue has been in the past few months.
        Han Jin slowly talked about what happened on the road, a pair of Lu Jao-yue.
        When they heard that they had met the otter on their way home, Lu Jao-yue licked the heart with one hand and a small mouth with one hand, almost no -calling. When she heard that Sao Yan was wrong and only succumbed to a resentment, she could not help but admire. When they heard that they were entangled in the robbed businessmen, she was worried about them.
        "Fortunately, those people have not chased, and the owner of the Hongfa firm that you said is a person who knows how to choose." After listening to it, Lu Jao-yue had a lingering fear.
        It is true that those people will be ruined overnight, and their mood will be easy to calm down. Nothing reminds me of three feet, not to mention that I have no one, and hate is imaginable. It’s also Qi Chunshang who will be a man, to make those people have nowhere to go, and give everyone a glimmer of hope. If these people continue to make trouble, the local Residence will not be associated with the water, Han Jin and others. It’s hard to say that it’s hard to catch the official residence.
        After all, many corrupt officials in the south are filthy. Qi Chunshang and others have brought such a large amount of goods. It is just an excuse to arrest people, and the whole ship’s goods can be collected. Even if they are released afterwards, there are countless excuses on the Residence side that can not be returned.
        "The old Qi will do this after deliberation. Once in the circle, he has a good reputation. 2ndly, he does not want to have nothing to do. He wants to come back as soon as possible. Although he lost some profits, he trusted to cooperate with him in the future. People will be more. After all, as a businessman, credibility is the most important."
        Lu Jao-yue did not understand the business, only nodded.
        Then, she told Han Jin about some of the things happening at home recently.
        When Han Jin heard Hu Lai Mei, the future mother was in prison and her face was overcast on the spot.
        "A person like this shouldn't let go. Who knows what moths she will have in the future."
        Lu Jao-yue explained: "If you don't think about not offending her, the uncle can't be there, we won't help her. But she is very sad now, and it is a sin."
        Han Jin thought for a moment and said: "You are right to do this. Your grandfather is not an understanding person. If you don't have a boss, you will be on the top. If you really get into the house, you will have trouble in your home." ”
        The two said a little while, Lu Jao-yue looked at the sky, this reaction reflected that he did not explain to his family, maybe the family is looking for her, busy to Han Jin said to go back.
        Although Han Jin was somewhat disappointed, he also knew that he had some Menglang before, and he drove her back in a carriage.
        At the time of getting off the bus, Han Jin told Lu Jao-yue: "You are waiting at home. After a few days, I will let my eldest sister come to your house to come and kiss. But before I go to see you, I will take a look at this. The matchmaker can't be less."
        Lu Jao-yue thought that the two of them would soon be detained, and they couldn’t help but blush, and gently sighed.
        When Lu Jao-yue took Han Jin to help her two chickens with their feet back, the other people in the 2nd room came back and were planning to go out to find her. Seeing that she was carrying the chicken back, Mee suddenly said: "Goro said that you went out to find a chicken, and have never seen it back. We are planning to go out to find you."
        "This chicken runs a little far, I found it for a long time."
        Mei did not say anything, they just returned, and did not know how long Lu Jao-yue went out. However, Lu Guangyi came back early, knowing that his sister’s time for going out was not short, and he looked at Lu Jao-yue with a puzzled look.
        When Lu Jao-yue packed up himself and went to the kitchen to cook, Lu Guangzhi asked no one to whisper to her: "Sister, where have you been?"
        Lu Jao-yue pot shovel paused, "I am coming back."
        "Isn't you coming back?" Lu Guangzhi surprised.
        In a flash, I found that my voice was a little louder and I stopped the sound. The two listened to the movement outside, seeing no one noticed this, Lu Jao-yue gave him a look, "You speak a little."
        Lu Guangzhi snorted and said in a whisper: "Is that little sister back?"
        Lu Jao-yue nodded. "I am afraid that the grandfather will soon send a letter to the family to say this."
        When Han Jin turned to think of Mei Zhuangyi, Mei Zhuangyi was still there at the dock.
        When the grain came back, it could not always be placed on the ship. Fortunately, Mei Zhuangyi had prepared in advance and rented the warehouse in advance. Otherwise, there would be no place to put these things.
        Seeing Han Jin appear, Mei Zhuangyi pulled a stinky face.
        Before getting off the boat, Hu 3rd was anxious to go home to report peace, and they greeted the two and they left. Mei Zhuangyi originally thought that Han Jin had to stay at least to help himself. He knew that the head was twisted and he ran away, so Mei Zhuangyi was very angry.
        "Where have you been? No one -calls, and people ran away."
        Han Jin did not marry him. "I am going to find Jao-yue."
        What Mei Zhuangyi wants to say is still not said. After all, it’s about your own shi-nu, and I’m sure I’m thinking about this stinky boy.
        "Then what are you doing back?" Anyway, being thrown here by a person is exhausting and tired, and Mei Zhuangyi will see who is not pleasing to the eye.
        Han Jin honestly said: "I plan to let my older sister go to Lujiati for a while. You promised me before, and I will take the opportunity to help me."
        Mei Zhuangyi is not easy to press down the fire, and then come up again. If you have something to do with it, if you don't have it, is it that he has long forgotten that he is still on the dock?
        "I am going home, you are staring here. When I am in a good mood, I will go and tell my sister about it."
        Drop this sentence, Mei Zhuangyi patted the butt and left.
        Leave Hanjin alone and continue to supervise those coolies here to pack the food into the warehouse.
        Not according to Lu Jao-yue expectation, on the 2nd day, Mei family came to the letter and told the 2nd room that Mei Zhuangyi had returned.
        Mei heart has been glaring at this matter, and he has discussed it with Lu Ming-hai. He plans to stop the business for one day tomorrow and return to her family home.
        Lu Ming-hai has no objection. Recently, his family has been very busy. Almost all of them are turning around. It is good to have a day off. Including Lu Guangzhi and Goro, tomorrow, I plan to take time off with the school and prepare to go to my grandfather with my parents.
        The next day, the two-room family dressed up to come to Meijia.
        When it arrived, Mei Zhuangyi was at home.
        After a long time, Mei Zhuangyi change was great. People were thin and black. At first glance, they suffered from suffering outside.
        Mei Zhuangyi is a young man from the age of the family. He is a younger brother. In fact, his feelings are more like mothers and sons. When I saw my younger brother, Mei eyes were red on the spot, pulling Mei Zhuangyi hand, and one person was black and thin.
        Mei Zhuangyi was very helpless. He said: "Big sister, I really didn't have to suffer. I ate and drank along the way. It was the first time I took a boat. When I started, I was a little seasick and I lost weight."
        This is the ugly thing that Mei Zhuangyi is very reluctant to mention. He wanted to get on the boat at the beginning. Han Jin, all of them were alive and kicking, and he was as faint as a smashing chicken. After a few dozen days, the talents came back. .
        "When you come back, don't go out later, you don't know that I am worried that you are going out outside."
        Mei Zhuangyi mouth is ah, but what do you think in your heart? Only God knows.
        Today, the Mei family is at home, and it is hard to get a family reunion. Mei Laohan deliberately makes a good decision at noon.
        So the men went to talk, and the women talked together and were busy with lunch at noon.
        Mei Dahu person, Lu, is a good hand on the stove, so she is the main one, and others give her a hand. Although Mei is a grandmother at home, she is not a person who just waits to eat and does not work, and she helps to cut vegetables.
        "Merlan, is the month’s relatives so good?"
        When I heard this, Mei paused and sighed. “I’ve been busy at home recently, and the limelight has passed, so I haven’t found her a relationship yet. It’s also that I and Minghai have taken this child too seriously. The family is reluctant to marry her, the family is good, and always think about the other person's character is good. And the family is good, the character is good, and will not find it for a while. To tell the truth, this really makes me worry. ”
        "This is also true, the month is a good boy, her marriage can not be fixed at random, did not have to bend her."
        That time, because the two daughter-likes in the big room jumped up and down at home, Mei family went home and made a fire. Although she did not name her name, she gave Lu a faceless face. Mei had originally thought that the relationship with Daxie would be weaker in the future. If I knew that I would return home afterwards, I found that Lu stay was as good as ever.
        In fact, sometimes people minds are so strange. If Lu does not give Mei a good face, Mei heart is still thinking about something. It is precisely because Lu does not have that, and therefore it is always uncomfortable for Mei to see his own big brother. On the same day, my own words were vividly remembered, and then I thought that I felt too much, and I couldn’t help but be attentive.
        In particular, after the Shangyuan Festival, Hu Shi poured muddy water on Lu Jao-yue. Mei returning to her family for help, and Lu ignorance came to Lu home to help her support. Mei heart was self-blame. In fact, think about it, no matter what else, Daxie has always been very good to himself, but he is angry for a moment, and that day will make things like that.
        Just apologize, after all, I can't say it, and Lu doesn't give her a chance to say it, but since then the relationship between the two is more intimate than before. Therefore, Lu mentioned this matter, and Mei did not feel that she had no face and chose to stare at her.
        "If there is any good family in Datun, remember to pay attention to us for the month."
        "What a good family?" Mei Zhuangyi came in. "Sister, are you talking about the marriage of the month?"
        Mei nodded and said: “I asked Daxu to help me pay attention. If I saw someone who had a good family, I would help the month.”
        Mei Zhuang said: "Big sister, come out, I will talk to you about something."
        When he heard this, Mei fell out of the apron and went out with him.
        The two went to the house of Mei Zhuangyi, and Mei Zhuangyi did not circle the circle, but opened the door to see the mountain: "Big sister, what do you think is a child?"
        Mei stunned. “Do you want to tell the brother to the moon?” Then she stood up and said, “This is not a good thing. If you enter the Brother, you will be a big man.”
        "The two are not relatives, but there is no such thing as a big man, but because he and I are friends, they claim to be a dear in front of the moon. Don't say this, you think he is like?"
        May answer is wrong, "And, his reputation..."
        Mei Zhuangyi sighed helplessly: "Big sister, do you also believe this? This name is not famous, it is not someone else rumor! Just like other people telling the story of the family, is it just like someone else said?" !"
        Lu Jao-yue is a Master who is against scales. No one can say anything. When she heard this, she was even more excited: "Those who are idle have nothing to do, they are nonsense everywhere, and they have no bad mouth."
        "You all know that it is nonsense. You are not unclear about entering a person. Why should he hesitate his reputation?"
        Seeing that Mei Shi does not speak, Mei Zhuangyi said: "I have been friends with me for many years. He is a trustworthy person. He is a responsible person. In the past, he worked in a gambling house and said that it was a little unpleasant to hear, but now he and I have been doing business together and I haven't been involved in gambling, so you don't have to worry about this problem. As for raising a family, you have the ability to have a mind, isn't it better than those ordinary ordinary people? It’s okay to let the children go through the clothes and worry-free days in the future. Even if you buy two little sisters to wait for the moon every day, you can do it.

        Mei is not a dissatisfaction with Han Jin.
        "This is your own mention, or Han Jin let you say it." Mei originally wanted to call into the Brother, but the exit changed.
        Mei Zhuangyi thought for a moment: "There is both, I feel that the entrant has the ability to do your son-like, and be a good-looking Miss. When you go back, think about it, talk to my brother-like, I I really think that the child is very suitable for the month. And, you better ask the meaning of the month, we have to look at the child's wishes."
        Mei nodded, and for a time he was confused.
        When I was eating at noon, Mei always had some running, and Lu Ming-hai was in the eye, but it was too difficult to ask in person. And Lu Jao-yue is a heart-to-heart jump, only when she sees her mother and Xiao yan enter the house together. Her mother is in this state, I am afraid that Xiao yan has already mentioned her and her sister. thing.
        Did not mention, after lunch, the two-bedroom family returned home.
        Seeing that the children are not there, Lu Ming-hai asked what happened, and Mei did not marry him. He told the man what he had told her before.
        After listening to it, Lu Ming-hai fell into meditation.
        For a long time, he began to say: "What do you think?"
        Pozi. paused: "I always feel a little ridiculous, enter the Brother, no, how can Hanjin think of a daughter?"
        Upon hearing this, Lu Ming-hai smiled and said: "There is a woman who has a family, and this is normal. The moon is good and the temper is good. If nobody looks at it, it is not normal."
        Ok, Mee hasn't bypassed this corner yet.
        Silent for a while, she remembered what the man said, and asked: "Do you mean this is feasible?"
        Lu Ming-hai nodded. "I think Zhuang Yi is right. Except that he is a little older, he really deserves to be a daughter. Who said it at the beginning, which shu-daughter can marry in the future? Brother, you have to enjoy the big blessing. Why, at this time, I don’t want to see anyone else?"
        "This is not, I am just..."
        "Would you like to ask her daughter? We want to be more, if the daughter does not agree, I am afraid it is no good."
        Mei mood was chaotic and he could only nod.
        Later, the two men called Lu Jao-yue, because there was once a question about the daughter’s willingness to marry. This time, there was no psychological obstacle in the 2nd room, and I said this to Mei Zhuangyi.
        "This is related to your lifelong affairs. After the last time, Du Niang and you have been negligent once. This time it is impossible. Niang Hezhen wants to ask you now, you can see that you are entering. Uncle?" When the words were spoken, Mei suddenly felt an inexplicable embarrassment.
        What is it that you can see that you are not a kid?
        This uncle and a shu-daughter... Hey, what the hell is this...
        Then, she rushed to remedy: "You said, Han Jin is a friend with him, this is not a mistake."
        When this is the case, Lu Jao-yue is not stunned. Look at her mother's attitude and agree to the majority of the mind, if not, will not come to ask her.
        She did not hesitate, nor did she say that the ambiguity 'everyone listened to her mother', but nodded very cheerfully.
        Unlike the embarrassment and uneasiness of the previous generation who married Du Lian, she looked directly at her heart. In fact, she also wanted to marry her uncle. It is not anxious, but a kind of calm.
        Seeing her daughter almost no hesitation, she nodded. Some of Mei unacceptable things could not help but think of some messy things. Let her seriously think about it. There seems to be no difference between her daughter and Han Jin. In particular, her daughter kept her tight on most days. She did not think that her daughter would make any private assignments.
        Mei did not know that there was a person who was higher than she thought, and put her and Lu Jao-yue marriage on the table in a way that was almost silent.
        Since it is not privately accepted, is that the daughter also has a good impression on Han Jin?
        As the first time to marry her daughter, Mei heart was in a mess, and there was a sigh that my family had grown up. She can ask her to export questions, she can't do it. After all, her daughter has always been obedient. So, she could only look at the man with a very helpless look.
        As a sly Lu Ming-hai, at this time it shows the calmness and calmness that men should have in the overall situation. He nodded and said to Lu Jao-yue: "This matter is to discuss with the mother, you should go back to the house first."
        Lu Jao-yue did not stay much, and soon went out of the house.
        After Lu Jao-yue left, the couple looked at each other for a while, and Lu Ming-hai sighed: "My daughter has grown up." In fact, if the mood is complicated, he is not less than Mei.
        "what is it now?"
        "Since the child is willing, then this is the case."
        Mei Zhuangyi only stayed at home for a short time, and then went to the county to be busy.
        When things get back, they must be sold as soon as possible. Although he had been looking for sales before, there were several big food companies expressing their intentions, but after all, there was nothing to be done, and there was still a lot to do.
        For several days, Mei Zhuangyi and Han Jin went back and forth between the counties and towns, and spent almost ten days in a row, before they talked with several big grain traders about the transaction.
        They are wild roads, and they are doing this kind of business for the first time. There are several food companies that deal with them for the first time and they don’t trust them. Mei Zhuangyi and Han Jin are not in the market. They only set a selling price that both sides can accept, and tell the other party that the next day can be pulled over.
        On the next day, it was really a car and the food came over. Although the other party was a little surprised, after checking the goods, I couldn’t take it anymore. I smiled and let the buddy quickly pick it up.
        As I said earlier, this food is a very hot thing at any time. In particular, Mei Zhuangyi and Han Jin are the famous land of fish and rice in the south. The rice there is notoriously good, and it can be seen with a little knowledge. .
        Because the selling price is low, there is no owing. Of course, it is not that there is no matter for the bank to make a settlement after the owe, but they are rejected by the two. If the other party mentions it again, the two will pull their faces on the spot to transport things back. Because things are really good, the price is good, and these food companies have not been tempered anymore, for fear that things will be sold to other homes.
        I was busy for almost half a month, and all the food was finally replaced with silver. At this time, I entered June.
        The summer is hot and the weather is hot.
        After returning from the outside, Mei Zhuangyi wiped a sweat on his forehead and put a wooden dice on the table with a smile on his face.
        "I have money now, and you have the money of your ‘Madam’."
        Although Han Jin is not as happy as he is, he is also full of smiles.
        "It’s really awkward to get tired. I used to think that doing business seems to be very simple. I really found out that there is no simple thing in this world! But we are lucky, and the first one has made a lot of money." Mei Zhuangyi did not delay, and took out the silver ticket in the dice and split it into two. One of them was pushed to Hanjin. "This is yours, and one of them is half."
        Han Jin took it and looked at it. "It seems to be a bit more."
        "Not much, selling food, we have earned almost two thousand two, and there are nearly three hundred and two silver coins that we sell."
        Han Jin paused. "This leather is received with your money."
        Mei Zhuangyi gave him a look. "Do you still pay attention to this with me? I said that I want to do business. You didn't agree to the 2nd thing without saying anything. From the moment you promised, the trick is to be a partnership. Earn it. The money is naturally half the person."
        Han Jin knew that Mei Zhuangyi was a man, and he did not say anything and refused. Instead, he took the silver ticket.
        "As for Hu 3rd , I think that we can't let people run with us for so long. There are three hundred and two here, you can give them points." See what Han Jin wants to say, Mei Zhuangyi interrupted: "Okay, they are looking at your face and going out with us. I can't let you out alone with this hard money."
        Friends have finished saying what they said, and Han Jin has nothing to say. Originally, he planned to take a part of the money he earned and give it to Hu 3rd and others. Everyone has to raise a family, he can have no face to let people run with themselves for so long. Since the friend also took out the money, he added another three hundred and two, giving everyone a point, almost everyone can get fifty-two dollars.
        Although there is not much money, it is even less than that in the gambling house, but after all, it is earned back. Hu 3rd has been with Han Jin for a long time, he can understand what everyone is thinking. When I was old, I was married to a daughter-like who gave birth to a baby. Even if it was for a baby, I had to be a sly look. I wanted to change my way.
        As for those who only go to the silver, Han Jin did not call this time, whether it is right or wrong, but the ideas of each person are different.
        If you don't mention it, you have silver in your hand. Han Jin can't help but think of going to Lujiati, but he still has one thing to do before, that is, to move his household registration from Hanjiazhuang.
        This must go through the county, so Han Jin went to Li Jiayi.
        Li Shicheng said this, and Li Shuicheng said: "This is the main book of Zheng Weiguan. I have some personal grievances with him. I am afraid that it will be self-defeating when I walk from me."
        As the saying goes, the iron slamming door, the county official. This iron-clad trick refers to not the other, but refers to the above officials often have to move, but the following small tricks are not moving all the year round. It is like Li Shuicheng. He is arrested in Wannian County. When he picks up his position, he still stays in Wannian County. The above-mentioned county-level magistrates, county magistrates, and main books, such as the rank-level court officials, are frequently replaced.
        Because of good political performance, being promoted, there are also greed laws that have been picked up by official hats. All in all, because the people on the top are frequently changed, the longest term is only two consecutive terms, so the following small people sometimes do not sell these people faces.
        There is a saying that is good, let your official clear water, inevitably slippery as oil, roughly means this. Although Xiao yan is small, he has no choice but to operate in the local area for many years. Although the county magistrate is large, if he is intentionally overhead and arrogant, he will only become an empty shelf. This is also the main reason why Li Shui became the first to shut down the city gate in Liuzhi County. In fact, it is not necessary to use Lu Zhixian. Li Shuicheng can say hello to people. In the end, he is just straightforward and does not want to do things like this. Ming Road.
        Li Shuicheng and the main book Zheng Wei have personal grievances, but also precisely because of Li Shuicheng's character. When Zheng Wei came to the office with Lu Zhixian, he was taken to the path of Liuzhi County before he sat in the main book position. This person is probably the first time to be an official, and the momentum in Liuxian County, the virtues are very poor, no less in front of the people in front of the glory of the martial arts, five drinks and six, made a bigger official than Lu Zhixian.
        It may be that Li Shuicheng is a cold-spoken temper. He never eats his set. What he does, is all done well, as for the flattery? Sorry, no.
        In exchange for the average person will not go to Li Shuicheng, but it is a small catching head, and ordinary will not appear under the eyes of Lu Zhixian. However, Zheng Wei did not think so. He felt that Li Shuicheng was despising his main book and his guilty conscience. Because his position was sold at a great price with Lu Zhixian, he did not even wear a small shoe to Li Shuicheng.
        The matter is not big, but the timing is wrong. It is the time when the two sides are running in. Zheng Wei represents a foreign family, and Li Shuicheng represents a local minority. Just Zheng Wei will not be a person, and the following complaints will be made. Through this head, the double convenience will start to play in the dark. Fighted back and forth for a few rounds, ending with Zheng’s main book.
        Zheng Wei naturally did not hesitate, he found an opportunity to find Lu Zhixian complaints.
        However, Lu Zhixian was too lazy to take care of him. Although he was greedy for money, he was not stupid, and he was offended by the people below. Who will he command the county magistrate to work? As for the replacement of people, it is impossible. Lu Zhixian is not a cold-headed person. The family is also a kind of power. Naturally, I don’t think that the problem is as simple as Zheng Wei.
        And getting a Zheng Wei around, Lu Zhixian is not unintentional, the same party, there must always be a black face, a red face, only to collect people.
        Zheng Wei fell into a boring, and then Li Shuicheng hated it.
        However, he always used Li Shuicheng to have no way. When Li Shuicheng did something, he did not let him go wrong. 2nd, Lu Zhixian also warned him. Lu Zhixian has only been in office for three years, and naturally he does not want to have nothing to do. It caused a lot of trouble, he went to clean up the mess, and there was time to find opportunities to make money and pay for political achievements.
        Upon hearing this, Han Jin quieted down. He originally intended to take his brother-like and remove his household registration from Hanjiazhuang. In this case, I am afraid that it is not easy to do.
        "But this is not a solution, but I am afraid I will spend a lot of money."
        Upon hearing this, Han Jin immediately understood the meaning of this. Is this the way to go to Liuzhi County? In fact, he had made the worst plan in the first place, and he wanted to make a fortune to buy.
        "I have silver, as long as I can do things."
        Li Shuicheng nodded. He also knew that his brother-like had gone out to do business and earned a lot of money back.
        "Because the last time, Lu Zhixian was so happy with me, plus I may have to transfer to Fucheng recently. I should be able to speak in front of him. Just with his character, I can’t make a big deal. I can't do it. I will first explore his tone and then tell you."
        "Do you have to transfer your brother-like?"
        Li Shuicheng nodded and smiled a little on his face. "There is a total catcher on the other side of Fucheng. I might be interested in taking it."
        "That's a congratulation to my brother-like."
        "This is a letter for the time being, how to wait for the instrument."
        Han Jin knows the character of his brother-like. It has always been a steady and cautious temper. He never has no target. Since he can say this, things are really true.
        "In any case, I still have to congratulate my brother-like. In addition, I have to worry about my brother-like."
        After Li Shuicheng left, Han Lamei pulled his brother into the inner room to speak.
        "Isn't you talking to her about Lu side?"
        Han Jin’s face was cold and his brow was slightly wrinkled. “No.”
        Han Lamei looked at her brother's face and sighed: "She is our mother after all. You can't help her with this. I know that you have a heart for her, but if you don't tell her, she knows it's sad. ."
        Han Jin sneaked a moment. "She now has a son with a grandson. I am afraid I can’t take it." Looking at Han Lamei disapproving eyes, he thought about it and said, "Oh, sister, you don’t care about this, I I will tell her."
        All the way out of the Li family door, Han Jin thought about what the older sister said to him, he planned to return to Hanjiazhuang.
        When I arrived at Hanjiazhuang, I entered the Han family gate and happened to meet a man from the house.
        This person is about twenty years old, and his head is not tall. He has a shoe-shoulder face, a hanging eye, and a thin lip. It gives a very uncomfortable feeling from the face.
        See Han Jin walk in, this person's right eyebrow pick, Yin Yang grotesque: "Hey, the busy man of the family is back, this is where to go, I have not seen a few months, you do not know that you can worry about death You are afraid that you are dead outside."
        The voice has not yet fallen, and a woman is rushing out of the house.
        She was about forty years old, and a black hair took a nap in her head and inserted a silver scorpion. She has the white skin of the country women, the thin willow eyebrows, and the slightly picking Danfeng eyes. Although there are some fine lines in the corners of the eyes, it does not affect her charm. Let people know that when she is young, she will be a beautiful woman.
        This is also true. If it wasn't, Han Laoshuan wouldn't look at her at a glance, but she was forced to enter the door with pressure, not even abandoning her to bring two oil bottles.
        When she saw Han Jin, she was so excited that she couldn’t make a sound.
        "Into, are you coming back?"
        A thousand words, the night of the day can not be embarrassed, all turned into this simple sentence.
        Han Jin looked at her in a complicated way. "Mom, I am back."
        "It’s good to come back, just come back." Zhuang’s tears were wiped, and Han Jin entered the house. When Han Zhijin just stepped over, he was escaped by Han Jin.
        Zhuang looked at his lost hand and held up a smile: "Are you tired, have you eat at noon? If not, mother will go and do it for you."
        "Mom, I am also hungry, can you not do it for me?"
        When I heard this, Zhuang’s sneak peek at his son and said to him, “You didn’t have enough at noon? Nothing, the mother did it together, and you will eat it with you.”
        Han Dashan glanced at Zhuang, and glanced at Han Jin, and then he smiled and said: "Mom, I am joking with you, the busy man of the family is back, you still have to wait for him."
        Obviously, this situation has been played countless times, but every time Hanjin can't calm down, but he knows what he said, and his mother won't listen. He said coldly: "No, I have come back after eating." I will go back to the house first." After that, he went to his house.
        And Zhuang also refused to talk to Han Jin, but turned his head and asked him what he wanted to eat. Han Dashan borrowed a sloppy voice and stood in the yard with Zhuang’s voice, but he wanted to show it. How good Zhuang’s own stepchild is, how bad it is for Han Jin’s pro-son.
        In a short while, Zhuang went to the stove and went busy, and was busy busy cooking for her stepchild.
        Listening to the outside movement, Han Jin, lying on his back with his hands on his back, hangs a sneer smile on his face.
        When the hometown was in a drought, and the land was a thousand miles away, the days at home could not pass, and Han Jin’s shackles fled with the villagers of the same village.
        When I came out, I realized that there are not many people who have such an idea. There are victims everywhere who are dragging their children out of the country.
        The weather is hot, and people are all over the face of panic. In fact, if it is not in a desperate situation, no one will be willing to leave their hometown, leave their homes and land, and run around as victims.
        There are too many victims, and no city is willing to let them in. They can only move from one place to another. The last bit of food that you brought with you before you came out had already been eaten, and you could only see what to eat, tree bark, weeds, and even dirt. Just like a locust crossing a border, after a wave of disaster victims, what remains is a barren land.
        At the end of the day, all that can be eaten is eaten up, and gradually begins to die.
        More and more dead people, the plague began to spread.
        When a large area of ​​plague spreads, the ugly humanity is even more ugly, and it has multiplied to the point where people compete for food. At this time, the situation of Hanjin’s family has also reached a dead end.
        Han Jin’s sister-like is a scholar, and his family family is also very solid. He sits on a hundred acres of fertile land, and his beautiful ‘Madam is a child. But all of this was under the ravages of the drought and it was devastated.
        Han Jin’s embarrassment is a wise man, and he expected all kinds of situations before he came out. Other people food is backed up, but Han Jin’s family is not only carrying food on his back, but also sewing some clothes in his clothes. A family of five people, each of whom has as many as possible Food, as well as various types of drugs, as well as silver and silver jewelry. And deliberately dressed very broken, dressed up is no different from other victims, and even more embarrassing.
        Therefore, they escaped the robbery again and again, escaped the looting between the victims, escaped the extensive diarrhea before the plague, and escaped the plague.
        No matter how clever people are, if God does not appreciate his face, it is useless. Han Jin’s younger sister could not survive because of the lack of water for a long time. In order to maintain the vitality of the little daughter, Han Jin’s bedroom-servantes even cut the wrist and bleed to give her daughter water.
        It turns out that this is not very useful, but it is a child who is less than three years old. It is extremely difficult to follow the family and stay for so long.
        In the middle of the night, Han Jin’s young Miss finally broke her breath.
        The family was heartbroken, but they didn't dare to cry out loud. They sneaked out and quietly found a place to bury people. At this time, what the dead are, many people are so hungry that even the dead will not let go.
        Han Jin’s transcript is not a strong physique. After this, he was completely killed. After a few days, I followed. In the days when he was dying, Han Jin’s embarrassment also knew that he could not do it. He refused all food and water and left only the few things to his ‘Madam and children.
        At this time, Han Jin was only 11 years old.
        This is probably the so-called life change. Before this, Han Jin’s life was carefree. The most daily thing that made him worry was that his homework was not good, and he was penalized for writing big characters. After that, the only man in the family was gone. He couldn’t be called a man at this time, but he had to be on the top.
        Fortunately, in a city that passed by, the local officials were good officials, and they were willing to accept the victims who had not been infected with the plague. The Hanjin family had a chance to breathe. Although the price of food has skyrocketed, they brought some money before going out, selling food at a high price, and selling some.
        Fortunately, Han Jin’s family was decisive, no delay, and some food was bought. Soon the official was forced to dislodge the victims under the pressure of the whole city, and the victims were in a state of displacement.
        At the age of eleven, Han Jin, with his weak mother and sister, walked away from the crowd. During this period also I met anyone who was ill, but Hanjin born too small physically strong build, his father because the body is not in good health, in order to let his son be able to have a good physique, collected from the Escort had asked to step down to teach personal bodyguard After two years. If he encounters two unscrupulous victims, Han Jin can deal with it.
        The most dangerous one, he even killed people and killed a person who not only wanted to be rude to his mother and his sister, but even wanted to eat them afterwards.
        This person neglected Han Jin and thought that he was just a small baby. He couldn't do anything, but Han Jin took a big stone from behind and died. The death is miserable, beyond recognition, and the brain is thrown out.
        That was the first time that Han Jin’s life had been ruined. Since then, his eyes have become more and more embarrassing, like a wolf, scornfully ignoring any unscrupulous person, protecting the mother and sister. Lead to a place where you can be peaceful.

 It was almost a month since the large group of victims went, and Han Jin’s talent came to Wannian County.
        At this time, there were not many victims, some died on the road, and some scattered elsewhere. The imperial court’s decree on the settlement of the victims was delayed, and the victims were settled in several villages under the jurisdiction of Wannian County.
        However, there are countermeasures under the policy. Local people will certainly not be able to accept these victims into the village. It is important to know that the countrymen are very exclusive. However, the decree issued above cannot be ignored. Therefore, the group of people was settled in the village outside each village. Each family gave some wasteland and half-month rations according to the head of the people.
        The Hanjin family was arranged in Hanjiazhuang, and there were three other victims.
        It was extremely difficult at the beginning of the day, lacking clothes and eating, and there was nothing. Even the house where I lived must build it myself. If you have a strong man at home, you can make some adobe and cover the adobe room. If you don’t have a strong man at home, you can only use the thatched grass to make a room for a while.
        Han Jin’s strength is not small, but unfortunately he will not hit the adobe, nor will he build a house. He can only learn to use the thatched room to build a house with other victims.
        A family of three people is embarrassed, and there is a place for temporary shelter.
        In the days that followed, all of Han Jin’s family thought about how to survive this winter. The silver and jewellery that they brought before they went out were lost on the road, and the rest were all used to buy high-priced food. The timing of their escape from here is unfortunate, precisely in the late fall and early winter. Although the wasteland has been divided into a few acres, it is helpless that the food cannot be grown at all, and the rations distributed are only enough for one month.
        In particular, Hanjiazhuang people did not accept this group of victims. They did not let them enter the village on most days. These victims even drove to the rivers a few miles away to pick up water. Originally thought that there is a place to live, the days can always be over, but when the facts are in front of me, I find that things are not as simple as I imagined.
        The weather is getting colder every day. It is not like the hometown of Hanjin’s family. It is cold in winter but can’t reach the level of dripping and freezing. In particular, there is no cover, only the wheat straw is placed underneath, and the clothes are covered with the clothes. The wind blows in from the outside of the thin wall, and the people are cold from the bones.
        The reality once again revealed the savage minions in front of these families. The most urgent thing they are thinking about now is not enough food to eat, but how to not freeze to death before the food is finished.
        Just then, Han Laoshuan appeared. No one knew how he looked at Zhuang's. He invited the matchmaker to come to Zhuang.
        The matchmaker blew the Han Laoshuo to the sky. The uncle is the patriarch of the Han family. The cousin is the Lizheng of Hanjiazhuang (the identity is high enough), and the family has dozens of acres of good land (the money), which is the absence of a woman. It is also said that the Zhuang family is a foreign household, and it is the first time to come. If you want to get together with the local villagers, the most direct and simple way is to marry a local villager.
        What is not bad, there is no money in the family, there is money, and for Zhuang’s present, it is the last point that is most important. If there were no accidents, their family would take root here. Hanjiazhuang is the village with the same surname. This village is the most exclusive. After that, my son and daughter will grow up. If this has been isolated, how can I marry someone? It’s still so cold, and the days at home are almost gone.
        The matchmaker also seems to see that Zhuang’s intentions are moving. He said that Han Laoshuan really looked at Zhuang’s, and asked her what conditions she had. Of course, the situation of Han Laoshuan’s family, the matchmaker did not know Zhuang’s. The woman is hard to die, leaving a daughter who is still awkward, and there are two sons on her head, all half-sized boys.
        That is to say, Zhuang’s marriage to the future is still the mother of three children.
        When Zhuang was silent, the matchmaker asked her to think about it and said that she would come again in three days.
        After three days, the matchmaker returned, and Zhuang agreed to the marriage. He only mentioned one request, that is, to marry his two children together.
        The matchmaker seems to have been prepared, and he did not hesitate, but he was very refreshed. He also said that Han Laoshuan had already considered the situation of Zhuang, and even if Zhuang did not mention it, he would take the initiative to mention this matter.
        As of now, this Han Laoshuan is indeed a good person. Zhuang’s original hesitation is still a bit hesitant.
        Therefore, after Zhuang and Han Jin’s sisters said this, they attracted the opposition of two people. Zhuang’s woman, who had never had a vision, did not waver. She put the facts in the air and complained about her own pains, and things have been settled since then.
        After the incident came out, the villagers of Hanjiazhuang had a lot of arguments, saying that Han Laoshuan was fascinated by the woman of the foreign household.
        The Hanjiazhuang villagers went up several generations, and every household was connected with each other. Everyone went to the door to persuade Han Laoshuan, saying that it is possible to have a big yellow shi-nu in his case. Why is it necessary for such a widow to bring two Widow of a half-child.
        In fact, it is mainly said that Han Jin and his sisters are not born, but they are half-sized and not raised. They will have to pay attention to their marriage and marry their wives.
        But Han Laoshuan did not waver, but it was just pressure to push Zhuang into the door.
        These things, Zhuang Shi also knows that some of the scales are half-clawed, and they are very moved. Therefore, after entering the door, they found that Han Laoshuan was not as rich as the matchmaker. Although there are dozens of acres of land in the house, most of them are sloping sands. She did not have a heart and soul, but chose to forgive.
        As the most powerful Han leader and Han Lizheng in the relatives of Han Laoshu, they could not discourage them. They raised the matter when they saw relatives on the 2nd day of Zhuang’s entry, that is, they changed their surnames to the 2nd Brother.
        It is reasonable to say that this requirement is not too good, it seems very inhuman, especially the filial period of Han Jin and his Brother has not yet passed.
        However, the situation is not human, Zhuang can only promise.
        Since then, Han Jin and his 2nd Brother have abandoned their previous surnames and changed their surnames to Han.
        The door was pushed open and Zhuang came in with a bowl.
        "Into the child, the mother cooked the bowl of noodles, there is a poached egg underneath, you can eat some more." Zhuang said, with a clear appetite on his face.
        Han Jin looked at the bowl on the table, a bowl of green onion noodles, dotted with a few leaves. I looked very delicious, but he didn't want to eat. It was because he had eaten before, and the 2nd was because of Zhuang's words.
        There is a poached egg below. Yes, at this home, if he and his eldest sister want to eat something, they never dare to eat it in a big way, only secretly.
        Over the years, his mother has become accustomed to what to do to them, they are secret, and they have forgotten that their son and daughter are not the weak Brother and sisters of that year.
        He immediately wanted to sneer with a cold face, but he saw the embarrassment in his mother's eyes when he looked up. Somehow, the words swallowed, but the face still did not ease.
        "I have eaten it, and I ate it at my big sister's house before I came back."
        Zhuang's sighed, looking down at the bowl in his hand, his face was obviously low.
        "If you have eaten it, then forget it."
        Zhuang thought that his son still didn't want to forgive himself. His heart filled with a kind of inexplicable sadness. She wiped her eyes through the end of the bowl and was about to go out. The bowl was suddenly taken down.
        "Since you have done it, don't waste it."
        He picked up the chopsticks on the bowl and ate the noodles. Zhuang’s smile came out, and he said that he would let him eat slowly, don’t lie.
        After eating, Han Jin put down the bowl and looked at Zhuang’s eyes. “I have something to say to you, I want to be a relative. After two days, I intend to let my sister go to the woman’s house to raise a family.”
        Zhuang's first glimpse, followed by ecstasy, can be followed by an inexplicable sadness.
        Let Lame go to the relatives, that is, don't you have to come out?
        Although she thought so in her heart, she still smiled and said: "Which Miss is it, will it be rude to let Lamei go, or else I will go with you?"
        The angle of Han Jin’s mouth is pulled down, eh? Is that person a self-defeating? Not before, not in the future!
        "Still forget it, I don't want you to be in the middle of it. You have been married for a lot of years. Do you still think that person is a kind person?" An inexplicable irritability on the mind, Han Jin was impatient and said: "But, What do you want to think about it, my marriage is not for you to come out, I will let my sister go."
        "Nothing! I want to sleep for a while, go out."
        When Zhuang took the bowl and just left the house, he ran into the Han Laoshuo who came back from the ground.
        She provoked a smile and said that she was back.
        Han Laoshu nodded and glanced at her. He leaned his head against the corner of the wall and took off his shoes and licked the mud. I wore this one and went to pick it up, and I was careless: "Is the child coming back?"
        Zhuang's face stagnate, and when his son just returned, Han Laoshuan could get the news so quickly. Needless to say, naturally, her good stepchildren had become a god.
        She nodded if she had nothing to say, "I just came back and slept in the house."
        Han Laoshuo went to the house and said: "This big boy, this day is sleeping in the house, saying that people should be jokes out." Still a casual look, it seems to talk casually. But Zhuang knows that he is specifically speaking to her.
        "The child just came back from the outside, and it was too tired."
        Han Laoshuo came to the hall of the hall and sat down on his knees. He touched the dry cigarette bag and took out the fire. "What did he do, tired?" Every time I went out, I didn’t see it for a few months. Fortunately, the villagers I know that although he is not my own, but I have always treated them like Dashan. If I change someone who I don’t know, I think it’s my urgency to be a stepchild."
        Zhuang was silent and did not speak.
        Han Laoshuan gave her a look, but she did not force herself any more. Instead, she ignited the dry cigarette bag and smoked it bit by bit. Soon the smoke spread and he made a turn in the air and went around the beam. In the smog of smoke, a sparking star is either clear or extinguished.
        Zhuang covered his nose with his sleeve and quickly put it down again.
        She cleared her throat and said: "I want to be married." After she finished speaking, she aimed at Han Laoshuan.
        Han Laoshuan's eyelids are half-stacked, seeming to fall asleep, and seem to have not fallen asleep.
        After a long while, he snorted, "Which Miss?"
        Zhuang’s pause, "He didn't tell me that it seems that Lamei knows."
        Han Laoshuan squinted his eyes and his expression was a little weird. "He is not too young, and his reputation is so bad. Which Miss will marry him, isn't it broken?"
        Zhuang’s gas was blocked, and he took a deep breath and swallowed the words in his throat.
        "This kid is also a big idea. I said that I told him the shi-nu of the 4th family. He is not willing. The 4th family is such a shu-daughter, except that the Miss is a little fat, and there is no match for him..."
        Han Laoshuan is still talking about it, but Zhuang’s thoughts don’t know where to go.
        Is it just fat? It is said that obesity is like pigs. Han and Laojia are such a shu-daughter. They have been like a baby since childhood, and they are fed by the pistons, so that they are not worse than the pigs at a young age. It’s awkward, but many years ago, the four old Hans put their words in the air, saying that they would like to ask her daughter to give her son a shi-nu to Han Laosi, not to let her son into the shackles, let the old Wei incense broken.
        Not to mention that Han Jin is not willing, Zhuang is even more reluctant, although she is forced to marry Han Laoshuan in reality, but she has not forgotten the man in front. Until now, she still remembers the scene of a man's dying.
        "...you have to live, live with two children..."
        Now that she is alive, she has lived for ten years, but why do she feel that it is better to die. If not, if not...
        Zhuang took a deep breath and interrupted: "When you promised me, should you not forget it?"
        Han Laoshuan was able to speak up and was suddenly interrupted, so there was a kind of mistake that made people feel funny. Maybe he was wrong, and Zhuang’s daring to mention it.
        For so many years, Han Laoshuan has always felt that he is very good at cultivating Zhuang. Take the husband as the sky, keep the woman's way, treat yourself to be considerate, and treat your child carefully and thoughtfully. He felt that this situation would continue until he died, but he did not expect that the timid rabbit would reveal his minions.
        He looked impatient: "What promises you? What words do you plug in?"
        Before changing to it, Zhuang will not know more about it. But now is not the past, she already feels very sorry for her son, and now the son wants to be a relative, she can not be a mother, can not do anything for her son, she has what face to let her call her mother.
        In fact, she has long lost this qualification, but she still refuses to face it all.
        The grievances, anger, and disgust that have accumulated over the years have finally erupted at this time. Zhuang Shi looked at Han Laoshuan: "When Lamei was married, you have lost faith. If you are a man, if you don't have a house and a place, how can you stand in front of your ‘Madam and children?"
        Han Laoshuan’s face suddenly pulled down. “Are you asking for a house for your son?”
        "This is what you promised me at the beginning."
        Han Laoshuo smiled awkwardly and knocked on the smoke pot in his hand. "Then you said to Haizi, he said that his mother gave birth to him because he spent a lot of money to buy it. He promised He wants to build a house for his brother to buy land, and his mother is willing to give birth to him."
        The last layer of window yarn was cruelly torn by Han Laoshuan.
        Many times, Zhuang thinks, how did she think that this person is a kind person? He is not only not kind, he is shameless. Unfortunately, when she understood, it was already late.
        "You are shameless!"
        "Do you know that I am shameless? Are you not shameless? You are not shameless, you will marry me with ulterior motives, you are not shameless, don't you live with me, and your elbows will go out in the day?"
        "That is my child, it is a piece of meat that fell from me. I feel bad when my child turns my elbows out. When I came to the door, I said that I would treat my child well? You let the matchmaker When I came to the door to raise my family, didn’t I know what my family was like? You didn’t know the situation at home, and the chances of going to the relatives were so coincidental.” Zhuang’s was also drunk after a slogan in Han Laoshuo, only to know that he was early. Just look at yourself, the reason why it will drag down to the cold, is to have ulterior motives.
        Zhuang’s brush stood up and his eyes glared at the man in front of him.
        No, he is not a man, he can't even count people!
        "I am too lazy to care about you. If you say it, you are still holding the man in front of you!"
        What Zhuang was trying to say, the voice of a child came from the yard.
        Han Laoshuo smiled. "After you said, continue to say, let Xiao hai know what kind of person his mother is."
        Zhuang’s breath was blocked in the eyes of the shu-born, and his body was crumbling.
        At this time, the curtain was knocked open and rushed into a child of seven or eight years old.
        He was born white and lovely, his eyes were big and bright, and a small Confucian shirt was worn on him, and it looked like a model.
        When I saw the younger son, Han Laoshuan’s eyes lit up and smiled: “ Xiao hai, you are back, can you praise me in the school today?”
        Han Xiao hai smiled, "Master has praised me for the back of the book." Then, he looked at Zhuang's eyes in confusion and asked: "Mother, are you jealous?"
        Zhuang Shi held his breath and shook his head. "Nothing, the mother's eyes are in the sand." Her voice seemed to be squeezed out of her throat, and Han Xiao hai immediately said: "Isn't you a sore throat?" Is it a cold?"
        Han Laoshuan put out the dry cigarette bag in his hand, got up and down from the donkey, and went up to pick up Han Xiao hai hand.
        "Your mother has no cold, this time Zhuangzi came to the seller, I bought you a lot of gadgets. Go, take you to see."
        The father and son walked out of the hall door with their hands, and Zhuang looked at the scene with a tear, and a tear stain fell from the corner of his eye.
        When I was eating at night, Han Jiayi was there.
        Han Laoshuan has two sons, Han Dashan and Han Dashu, and their two wives are Zhao and Chen. Han Dashan and Zhao are pregnant with one son and one daughter, and the eldest son Han 1st Lang, who is seven years old this year, and his daughter Han Taoer, is only four years old this year. Han Dashu and Chen’s pregnancy have two sons, the eldest son Han 2nd Lang, who is five years old this year, and his youngest son, Han Sanlang, is only two years old this year.
        In addition, Han Damei, the daughter who was left behind by Han Laoshuo daughter-like, was only twelve this year.
        A family member is divided into two tables, a woman's table, and a man's table.
        Because Hanjin is also here today, the atmosphere is surprisingly different. Everyone is immersed in eating, and they don’t even say anything. In fact, Han Laoshuan seems to be noisy, and he keeps chopsticks for Hanjin to pick up the dishes. One bite makes him eat more, lest his mother feel bad.
        Every time I eat at the Han family, Han Jin feels a stomachache and hurriedly ate two, and then she put down the chopsticks and sat there with a cold face.
        After taking a meal, the men went back to the house to rest, and the women cleaned up the mess.
        After returning to his house, Han Jin made up his mind to leave here tomorrow, and wait for him to come back next time, and it has nothing to do with this family.
        The door was suddenly knocked, and Han Jin walked over to open the door. It was Zhuang’s station outside the door.
        "Into the child, haven't you slept yet?"
        "Just ready to rest."
        Before switching to it, Zhuang’s self-discipline will leave, and I don’t know what happened today. She actually took the initiative to enter the house. Sitting on the rim for a while, she pulled out a small cloth bag from her sleeve.
        "You have to be a relative, and there is nothing for the mother to give. There is a silver bracelet. When I was with you, I gave it to you. When it was so difficult, I was not willing to take it, you Take it to your ‘Madam’, it will be a heart of my mother. And..." She paused and took out a title deed from the cloth bag. "The acres are the villages of the year. For the wasteland of ours, the mothers have been slowly picking up and over the years, but they have also come out. It’s just that in the past few years, they have been planting a few of their fathers and sons, and they are paying taxes. You will soon be married, and later Darens, no matter what. How can I still have some land in my hand? I can’t do it for a lifetime, or some of it is secure in some hands.”
        "As for the house, the mother did not have the ability to give you up. After you became a relative, you will live in this house. After your ‘Madam married, the mother will protect her and will not let her suffer."
        As the voice gradually fell, Zhuang’s head did not dare to carry it. It was felt that he was very ashamed.
        When I first came in, I thought about being good for two children. But it turns out that not only is it not good, but it is worse. Nowadays, Zhuang Shi does not know whether she is married or not. It is right or wrong. What can be done? The days have to go on. Nothing else, she can’t leave Xiao hai alone.
        Han Jin couldn't tell what kind of taste it was. This feeling is very complicated and complicated to his heart. He never wanted to think about it all, maybe he subconsciously avoided this problem.
        He reached out and took the cloth bag and the title deed. After thinking about it, he said: "I didn't plan to live in Han after I became a relative, and I am going to start a house elsewhere. If you don't want to stay in the Han family, just stay with me."
        Zhuang’s expression was weird, he seemed to want to laugh, and he seemed to want to cry. She cramped her fingers tightly and said: "You can get up the house yourself, and you have the ability to do it. Don't make money, don't mess with flowers, and pick up your daughter-like and children. As for the mother, I won't live with you. A lot of age, I am not used to moving places."
        Han Jin’s eyes flashed a disappointment, but more was a disappointment that almost hated iron. I am not used to living with him. Is it accustomed to this group of people? I am used to being a cow, and being fooled by that group of people!
        There are countless facts before telling Han Jin that his mother can't listen to people advice. He said nothing is useless. Her heart is not here, in her man and her two stepchildren and relative sons.
        That being the case, why do you have to say something like this? Explain that she still has his son in his heart?
        It is only when he is alone that he is naturally important, but other people in the Han family are also there, he has to stand by.
        "If you are not used to it, then I have to sleep, and you will go back to rest soon."
        Zhuang looked at his son and nodded.
        Early in the morning, Han Jin woke up.
        When he put on his clothes and went out to the door, he washed the water and prepared to eat it for breakfast. He immediately left, and then went to the Lujiati family.
        Just washed, ready to go back to the house to take things away.
        A voice slammed on the side.
        "Are you coming back?"
        Han Xiao hai face is disgusting, as if this person is not his own half-brother, but a sirloin on the roadside.
        From a young age, Han Xiao hai knew that he had a brother who was stealing a chicken and not knowing how to make a dog. Everyone in the village said that he was not a good person. It turns out that he is not really a good person. He is a good person and will not go to the local area. Although Han Xiao hai has never seen the cellar, he will read the book and know that the cellar is not a good person.
        Because this brother, when he is playing outside, he will always be laughed at by other children. Because this brother, the Master in the school does not want to see him, he has to work harder than other children, in order to occasionally get a compliment from the Master. So how can Han Xiao hai like Hanjin?
        Han Jin was too lazy to pay attention to this unreasonable stinky boy. Although this kid looks like his mother, it is not like his stepfather's kind, and there is no Han family unique face, but the annoying character and his. The stepfather is like the same.
        It’s just that his stepfather is hypocritical and will cover up, and this little man will not cover up.
        Han Jin did not pay attention to Han Xiao hai, and he was ready to leave. Han Xiao hai continued to say behind him: "What are you doing back?"

 "What are you doing back? Every time you come back, you will cry secretly!" Han Xiao hai stated again behind him.
        Han Jin stopped.
        At this time, Zhuang came out of the stove. When he heard this, he rushed forward to pull the younger son and said to him: " Xiao hai, the mother did not secretly cry, you got it wrong..."
        "I didn't read it wrong. Last time, there was last time..." Han Xiao hai said with a finger. After that, he pushed Zhuang Shi and stated angrily to Hanjin: "Since you don't want to come back, don't come back. If you come back and do something, will you be sad?"
        Zhuang’s side went to the mouth of Han Xiao hai in a panic. In the face of Han Jin, “I don’t listen to your brother, he still not sensible, and the mother is not crying or sad...”
        At the end of the day, she didn't know what she was talking about.
        Han Jin turned around and looked at Zhuang and Han Xiao hai with a glance.
        Speaking, said: "I will not come back later." After that, turn around and go outside the door.
        Zhuang cried at the back and stated: "Go in, don't listen to your brother's nonsense, go in..."
        At this time, Han Laoshuo came out of the hall.
        "It’s too early in the morning, it’s not too annoying. Xiao hai, go, I’ll give you boiled eggs, eat them, and go to school after eating.”
        Han Xiao hai turned his head and looked at Zhuang’s eyes and nodded.
        Zhuang’s crying can’t stop there. She knows that the eldest son is not a targetless person. Since I have said this, I will definitely not enter this door in the future.
        What should she do? How to do?
        In the hall, Han Laoshuo heard a voice: "Don't cook eggs, eat in the sea, and go to school."
        Zhuang wiped a tear and stood up.
        Han Dashan, standing in front of the East Gate, saw this scene and made a sneer.
        Zhuang’s body was stiff and he went on to the stove.
        Han Jin was out of the Han family door with irritability. He met the people in the village from time to time, and all of them looked at him with a strange look and pointed at him.
        He came to a small courtyard outside Zhuangzi.
        This house was built only a few years ago. The house didn't make much of it. It was still adobe. Before he had nowhere to go, he didn't want to go back to Han, and he lived here. Later, when I stayed in the county, it was more and more ruined. Now it is used to put my own carriage.
        Han Jin took the carriage out and locked the door, and ran all the way to the distance. Originally intended to go to the county, suddenly he turned to go to Daxi Village.
        At the end of the village, Han Jin couldn't think of how to call Lu Jao-yue. At this time, I still have to avoid one or two. He let the carriage stop there, sitting on the rut, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Ren Sixu gradually emptied.
        Finally I felt that my heart was not so annoying, he just drove the carriage to the county.
        When he arrived in the county, he first went to the Li family.
        Li Shuicheng is not there, Han Lamei is talking to a woman in the hall.
        Han Jin did not go in, playing in the yard with his shi-zi. After a while, Han Lamei sent the woman away and turned to greet her brother.
        "She is not too small, your brother-like said let me find her a husband." Even her name did not mention her, naturally referring to Li Yaner.
        Han Jin nodded and said that he went back yesterday and told Zhuang that he was going to be a relative, and that Zhuang gave him a deed and a silver bracelet. He followed up: "Big sister, you choose a good day and go to Lu." Let's go to the house, I don't know what the rules are. I have some money here, you can do something."
        He put a silver ticket on the table.
        It is a one hundred and two silver ticket.
        Han Lamei groaned: "Give you a sister who is still using you to pay? Many things I have already prepared, and I will buy some seasonal items. I can bring them together. This is not to hire. You don't need so much money, you have some money in your hands, but you have to save some flowers, and you have to support your family in the future."
        She pushed the silver ticket back.
        The only top priority in the past few years of Han Lamei heart is the marriage of his younger brother. In the early years, she always urged Hanjin, but unfortunately Han Jin left her right ear and now she finally waited until her brother was willing to marry her. She was also a wish. Just thinking about the relationship between her mother and her brother, she was worried about her brow. She looked at Han Jin and sighed and said: "You don't always have trouble with your mother, she is not easy."
        In the early years, Han Lamei did not understand, even like her younger brother, she also blamed Zhuang. After being married, she also became a benefactor of another person. She realized the hardships and hardships that she did not know after her mother married to Han.
        Since ancient times, it has been difficult for the mother to be a mother. Regardless of the child, you say that it is really a maiden, and it is no wonder that the children in front are not at ease. You have more control, and people say that you are blaming the children ahead.
        Han Lamei just married in the moment, Li Shuicheng's relatives are still there, always look at her with suspicion, like a thief, for fear of what she did to Li Yaner. The rice she made was never taken to Li Yaner, obviously she was in poor health, and she also supported the sick body to cook for her granddaughter.
        At that time, she and Li Shuicheng were not as good as the present, and newly married couples always had the opportunity to get along and understand. For this reason, the couple did not bicker.
        Because he was a native of the country, marrying into the Li family was a high marriage, so Han Lamei at that time was very guilty. Obviously, he was very wronged, but he never dared to make a loud noise with Li Shuicheng. He could only knock down his teeth and swallow blood. Later, she went to do it day after day, year after year, to take the heart and go, and her situation slowly improved.
        The mother-like was seriously ill and fell to the bed. In the year before her death, she was inconvenienced to wait until she was sent away. Han Lamei actually knew in her heart that until that time, Li Shuicheng really put himself in his heart.
        Reality? Very realistic. But others don't understand your nature, and believe in you with all your heart and soul?
        Of course, she can choose not to go this way, no one is going to force her to be a queen. At that time, this was the only way she could go.
        Of course, there are times when you are really uncomfortable, such as Li Yaner, such as the Han family. Fortunately, Li Shuicheng is a clear-minded person who understands her painstaking efforts and knows her embarrassment. She is never biased in the face of right and wrong. But her mother is not lucky, but she is on the family of Han. The old one is hypocritical, and the following small ones are all white-eyed wolves.
        "Hanjiazhuang is a place like that if the mother does not do anything bad, she will be pricked by the spine. She actually hurts you." Han Lamei thought that his brother was still obsessed with Zhuang’s 'biasity', saying so. .
        Han Jin smiled. "Sister, I am not a child, I understand. But I can't forgive that time. I can't forgive my whole life. She is our mother, mother! At that time, she is facing Korea. Family talk, how do you forgive me?!"
        Han Lamei face was pale.
        She touched her hand and felt a sense of nausea.
        It is clear that things have passed for so long, but every time she thinks about it, she will feel the nausea that she can't stop.
        That happened in the 2nd year of Zhuang’s marriage to Han.
        Han Dashan’s kid is broken from the roots. Maybe because he is the first son of Han Laoshuan, he was favored by his parents from a young age, and his own cousin is Lizheng, and his grandfather is a patriarch, so he is a big courage. In the age of ten, I dared to peek at the widows in the village to take a bath. They were caught and peeked at other women’s wives, not once or twice.
        However, he is clever and knows how to find soft persimmons. He either peeks at widows or peeks at his own relationship. There is no power in the village. Therefore, no one knows about this matter. Even if some women find out, they dare not come out. They are considering their own reputation. 2ndly, they don’t want to find things at home. This kind of thing can be big or small. If you can't pay attention to it later, you don't want to find something for your family.
        As a result, he is more and more courageous, and he has made his mind on the head of Han Lamei, who was only thirteen years old.
        At that time, Han Laoshuan still maintained a superficial harmony, and it was not bad for Han Jin’s Brother and sisters. Although the 2nd Brother and sisters are emotionally unable to accept the mother's remarriage, they know that their own situation is difficult, and they are slowly understanding. Seeing that the stepfather is still a good person, it also dispels the uncomfortable feeling in the heart, and feels at ease in the Han family.
        It wasn't the first time that Han Lamei felt that someone had peeked at her bathing, but she was just a half-Eldest Miss, and she dared to tell people that she was too embarrassed to tell others. But this situation happened more and more frequently, and she was really scared, and she secretly told her brother.
        The 2nd Brother and sisters discussed it. When Han Lamei took a shower, Han Jin secretly hid outside and saw who was so courageous.
        Han Dashan was taken out several times.
        Han Jin was furious and pressed on the spot to follow the Han Dashan Mountain.
        The other Han family were shocked and stopped Hanjin.
        This happened naturally, and it was natural to solve it. Han Laoshuan was just a bitter one, and I was miserable, but I didn’t mention Han Dashan’s peek at Han Lamei bath. Han Lamei was crying and crying. That time, Han Laoshuan showed his true face for the first time. He didn't even want to say soft words and words, but he didn't see the kindness and kindness of his stepfather on most days.
        Han Jin is a more real person. If you don’t care, you must have a saying. At this time, Zhuang’s appearance is coming.
        She came forward to advise her sisters and Brother to let this matter go.
        She said that Han Lamei is a Miss's family. If this matter is too big, it will be known, and her reputation will be broken. As for the disposal of Han Dashan, Han Laoshuan is unwilling, and Zhuang has no way to do anything.
        It is so reasonable. This world is too unfair to women. If this kind of thing goes out, Han Dashan will not be so good, Han Lamei will be finished. It is emotionally difficult to accept, especially Zhuang-like to persuade them.
        Especially since then, Han Dashan remembered that Han Jin hit himself, frequently confronted him, and even he did not hesitate to frame him, and ruined his reputation everywhere. Zhuang Shi never helped Han Jin to speak, and even more pleased Han Dashan as a stepchild, mother and child. The gap between the two will become deeper and deeper.
        Han Lamei did not want to recall all of this. Since she played Hanjiamen, she occasionally went back to see Zhuang in the holiday season, and she almost did not go to Hanjiazhuang.
        She is like this, not to mention the younger brother, who is no longer talking about these irritating things, but has changed the subject to ask Han Jin about the marriage and the future arrangements.
        Han Jin thought for a moment and said: "If the brother-like is going smoothly, I want to move my household registration to Daxi Village, and I will buy a house there."
        Han Lamei snorted: "You didn't plan to settle in the county?" She thought that her brother would not want to be in Hanjiazhuang. He must have settled in the county. After all, the younger Brother stayed in the county for the most time.
        "I think that business will not be lost in the future. I don't know when I will go out. I am going out, let the moon be alone at home, I don't feel relieved. Her mother is in Daxi Village, she lives nearby. It can also help her mother and Brother to take care of one or two."
        Han Lamei nodded. "I originally wanted to let you live near your home. I can take care of one or two at the time. If your brother-like is transferred to Fucheng, we will move to Fucheng. You can think about it. , Shinong Industry and Commerce, although the merchants profit, but if it is about identity, or farmers must be higher, if the child wants to take the exam in the future, do not have to worry about identity. You see your brother-like, the family is also a face in the county For the future of Sao Baozhu, your brother-like will have to climb this way..."
        The 2nd Brother and sisters said something about their own body. Han Jin is planning to leave, and Li Shuicheng is back.
        "There is a story about what you asked me to do. Lu Zhixian should have spoken. Just look at what he meant. It seems that he still has to make some money to get some help."
        Han Jin did not hesitate and immediately asked how much money was needed.
        Li Shuicheng indulged in a moment. "Two hundred and two are almost enough. It is also a matter of seeing that I will be promoted to Fucheng immediately. If it is not his temper, there will be no more than five hundred and two."
        In fact, this is not a big problem, that is, the problem of stretching your fingers. No matter what happens to Lu Zhixian, you have to have money to speak.
        Han Jin put the silver ticket on the table and thanked Li Shui for leaving the Li family.
        June 18 is a good day, you should marry and travel.
        On this day, Han Lamei was dressed very decently and came to the 2nd home with a gift.
        Because they knew each other, they also greeted me through Mei Zhuangyi in advance, and the two-room couple kissed Han Lamei warmly.
        The two sides sat together and said a few words, and then they got to the point.
        Han Lamei said that Han Jin intends to settle down in Daxi Village, and the two rooms could not help but be more satisfied with Han Jin. After the two sides exchanged Geng Post, Han Lamei took another tea in the 2nd house and left with Lu Jao-yue Geng Post.
        In fact, this is a passing scene. Originally, the country folks did not pay attention to these, but Han Lamei thought that it was a big thing for his brother to become a relative, and naturally he had to take the number of rituals.
        After that, the combination of eight characters is naturally a good sign for a hundred years of good fortune and good luck.
        It is also a ecliptic auspicious day. Han Lamei and the matchmaker Mei Zhuangyi took a dowry and came to the 2nd house to hire and negotiate the wedding date.
        The dowry was doubled according to local customs. The dowry was ninety-nine nine ninety-nine. There are two gold scorpions, two pairs of gold earrings, two gold bracelets, all of which are full of red gold and some silver jewelry.
        When Mei saw these dowry, he laughed and laughed. It is not because of the greed of these dowry, but since ancient times there have been customs, the more the man is hired, the more attention the representative attaches to the woman.
        As a guest, Qiao was also present today.
        I heard that the two-room couple intends to assign her daughter to Han Jin. She still has some guilty conscience. That Han Jin is indeed a person, but she is old and 2nd. At this time, I saw these dowry, almost didn't dazzle her eyes, and suddenly I wasn't embarrassed. One bite, this woman was so good, and Han Jin was touted so that both Mei and Han Lamei would be happy.
        Many villagers have come to see the fun, not to blame them for their curiosity, but Han Lamei has done a good job. In general, people are paying attention to Geely, not only for dowry, but also for fireworks. So when they entered the village, they began to burn firecrackers, and they attracted the villagers.
        The country people are not rich. Wherever they have seen such scenes, they are all praises. As for who the man is, what kind of family, who remembers this.
        The 2nd room is full of enthusiasm, and the big room is deserted like a hole in the ice.
        Old Lu Han and Cui old face sat on the donkey, and the granddaughter decided to kiss, but the 2nd child who was the son did not come to ask them. It’s just that they have no face to take the initiative to come to the door, for fear of being picked up.
        When Lu Ming-hai was in public and this side was broken, Old Lu Han was flustered at the time, but he could recall it later, but he was increasingly complaining about Lu Ming-hai. Resentful 2nd son made a big fuss, complained that the 2nd son did not leave a face for himself, he was a lot of age, and he was turned into a face by his son in front of everyone.
        This is the nature of human beings. What happened, never looked for reasons in yourself, but was good at anger.
        But even if it is anger, Lu Ming-hai said so clearly in the day, the relationship with the future is just to send some money every year, as for the other is no longer.
        "The 3rd family has passed, and the 2nd child is really sincere. If you don't ask the boss, you won't even ask." Cui smeared his tears.
        Old Lu Han threw the dry cigarette bag in his hand on the donkey and said: "Let me mention the unfilial son later, he is not my son!"
        Cui immediately stopped the sound.
        Lu Jao- looked at the scene in front of her eyes.
        What happened to let Lu Jao-yue stand up?
        She sneaked at the dowry, so many, loaded a full two carriages, and those jewels, gold swaying, silver, the satin is so smooth, light can be seen...
        It’s all she hasn’t seen before, how can she be so good!
        The noon at the noon was well done, the taste was good, the dishes were enough, the chicken, duck and fish were all there, but Lu Jao-xing had no appetite.
        When Han Lamei and Mei Zhuangyi ate and left, the three-room family also left.
        Lu Ming-shan shook his head and walked back, and his mouth continued to say that the 2nd house was looking for a good Miss.
        Isn't it ok? Han Jin himself is a skillful person, and his brother-like is still the head of the county. This relationship is in the future, who will dare to bully in the 2nd house. Naturally, I also think of the big house two couples who were arrested and jailed a few days ago. They immediately stated and the wine woke up.
        "3rd Brother, are you jealous?" Qiao also naturally discovered the strangeness of Lu Ming-shan.
        Lu Ming-shan was shocked to see his ‘Madam’, and said: "You said that Han Jin’s brother-like is the head of the county, and the boss is caught by that..."
        Qiao laughter: "You only reacted? So I said, you can offend everyone, don't offend your 2nd Brother. They are a kind of Master, but you can see the back of the station... don't mention Han In, do you think that the younger brother is a good person? Is it good to be able to run from here to the south, to go back and forth, and make so much money? Not to mention that Han Jin, can be mixed in the county. Can it be a good class? Not to mention a brother-like who covers it! You look at it, and the days after the development of the 2nd brother are still behind."
        Lu Ming-shan stunned, "I don't need to say it, I know it! I just understood the doorway in the incident, and changed to the average person. The big loss of the 2nd singer was fixed. Who knows that a Jedi has turned over. Not to mention, this is a good thing for someone in the middle of the country."
        Qiao smiled and glanced at the man.
        Behind him, Lu Jao-xing's eyes flashed again and again.
        The marriage of Han Jin and Lu Jao-yue is scheduled for the eighth day of 10 months.
        This wedding period is also taking into account the specific circumstances of the 2nd home, not to mention the time required for Lu Jao-yue to do the dowry, the 2nd room home and the land, waiting for the grain in the land to be collected, can also settle down to give her daughter a marriage.
        In fact, according to the idea of ​​Hanjin, the sooner the better, but he also considered that there are many things to do on his own.
        The household registration is not mentioned for the time being. He plans to settle in Daxi Village in the future and naturally wants to sell the land to build a house. Today, in June, there are more than three months from 10 months, and this time is enough to start a house.
        Thinking of this, Han Jin couldn't help but be anxious, and went to the Li family to ask about the move.
        When Han Jin came, Li Shuicheng handed out a paperwork and handed it to him. "It’s just that you came, and I won’t let me go to you. This thing is for you. You are going to Hanjiazhuang to find out where you are taking out your household registration. I listen. Your sister said that if you want to put your family in Daxi Village, you will simply give your household registration to Daxi Village. When he happens, he will take the records in the door."
        Han Jin looked at the paper instrument with joy and couldn't help but thank Li Shuicheng.
        It is not necessary to say that Han Jin is still waiting for the house to settle down. He will go straight to Hanjiazhuang with a paperwork.
        When he was near the entrance to the village, he took a deep breath.
        He had a hunch that this matter would cause a great uproar in Hanjiazhuang. After all, he did not mention this with his stepfather, but his stepfather did not want to press him, and Hanli was still holding on.
        But with this, presumably, even if they don't want it, there is no way to stop him.
        Tightening the instruments in his hand, Han progressed into the home of Han Lizheng.
        Han Lizheng, the name is naturally not called Li Zheng, but it is just a lot of years, everyone called him.
        In the whole Hanjiazhuang, in addition to the Zongzi, the most central part of Zhuangzi, the house of Hanli family is the most magnificent.
        The brick-and-brick masonry of a water, even the walls of the courtyard are all blue bricks, three times before and after, which is not worse than the wealthy households in the county.
        Of course, this is not the house of Hanri, and it should be said that he is the house of the Han chief. The identity of the patriarch is naturally different. There are major events in the tribe, most of which are here for discussion. The son or grandson of each generation of patriarchs will be the Lizheng of Hanjiazhuang. As for the other children, they went out at the age of separation.
        Han Jingang entered the door of Hanli home, and someone saw him.
        Hanli is the youngest son named Han Chengjun.
        Han Chengjun was born in the middle of this year. He was born in a medium-sized head and looked at his face. Like other Hanli family members, Han Chengjun did not see the cheap son of this uncle. As soon as he saw Han Jin, his face was immediately pulled. "Are you coming?"
        However, he did not show his disgusting too much. Unlike other ignorant and ignorant villagers in Zhuangzi, Hanli family knew that Han Jin’s power outside was already bullied and turned into a well from the early years. Water does not interfere with the mutual interference of river water.
        Han Jin turned a blind eye to his attitude and said: "I am looking for a good thing."
        Han Chengjun glanced at him up and down and said: "I am in the hall."
        When Han Jin crossed him, he went to the house.
        Hanli house is naturally different from the average villager’s house. It has a pair of Zhongtang paintings. The first one is the two Taishi chairs. Each of the two sides has four round chairs and a few flowers.
        This place is generally used when there are major events in the family, or when you are waiting for a guest. It is usually a decoration. In the capacity of Hanjin, it is natural that Hanli is here to entertain him.
        Han Jin entered the hall and turned to the east. There was a big bedroom-servant in the room. At this time, he sat on the knees and sat an old man.
        His hair was gray, wearing a blue cotton scorpion, looking at the face of about sixty years old, holding a slender rod in his hand, and slamming the smoke. The blue smoke emerged from his mouth full of beards, and people could not see the look on his face.
        Hanli was not talking, and Han Jin did not speak there.
        After a while, Hanli was moving a bit and licked his eyes.
        "Is there something?"
        At this time, Han Li was in a very unhappy mood. If it was because the cousin stubbornly refused to listen to himself, he had a widow who had lost his face, so he hated Zhuang and Han Jin’s Brother. Can grow up slowly from Hanjin, and his body shape is stronger every day, and he is also indifferent to the day. Especially Han Jin’s name is getting bigger and bigger, and Han Li is just hating him from the bottom of his heart.
        Disliked but jealous.
        Throughout the Hanjiazhuang, whoever saw him was not smiling, but sincere, and he was the only dog ​​of the widowed widow, but the shelf was bigger than anyone else.
        Han Jin was happy in the other party dissatisfaction, so he smiled a little at Hanli and said: "Li Zhongbo, I came to take my household registration."

        Dagan has a household registration system, which is divided into categories and books.
        Shi Nong Industrial and Commercial is a good citizen. As for the citizenship, it is not detailed here. This is not only a distinction between the identity of the person, but also the meaning of the place of birth and the place to live long. It is a means used by the Residence to facilitate the management of the people.
        In Dagan, everyone has a household registration slip, which is generally collected by the heads of households. Because Hanjiazhuang is a country in the country, it is in the hands of Lizheng in order to facilitate the statistics of taxpayers and servants. This thing usually does not have any effect, but if it is to move to a household registration, it must be used in order to accept the location of the person.
        Han Jin is not a Hanjiazhuang person. Their family was displaced by their hometown and left their hometown. They settled in the local Residence under the arrangement of the Residence. After Zhuang married into the Han family, Han Jin and his sister changed their surnames, and the household registration was hung in the name of Han Laoshuan.
        Han Jin once mentioned the need to move out of the household registration, but when he spoke, he was beaten back. Han Laoshuan slammed him to forget his ancestors. He raised him for so many years and even raised a white-eyed wolf. Hanjiazhuang is a saying of surnamed Han. As for Han Jin, who is a surname of Han, he has no right to speak in the village. This matter was naturally suppressed by Han Li.
        This happened just a few years ago. Hanri is old, but it has not reached a point of confusion, and naturally remembers. At this time, I heard Han Jin’s old story, and the old face was pulled down.
        He did not swear, but was bitter, a look for Han.
        "Into the child, it is reasonable to say that this should not be my doctrine. Your child is a servant since childhood. How is it like this year is not small, still not so sensible. You are not your relatives, in the end You have been raising you for so many years. You are the father and son in the name. If you do this, you will be ungrateful. If you don’t want to think about others, you should also take into account your future reputation."
        Han Jin’s sneer, this is the case, as long as he wants to do something, there are always a lot of hats to buckle down. There will always be people who keep saying in his ear that he is ungrateful in doing this, that is, forgetting the ancestors of the number, it is simply sinful and wicked, and it is necessary to use shackles to solve the anger of the people.
        He admits that Han Laoshuan has raised him for a few years, but in those few years he did not give less work to the Han family. Picking water and cutting wood to do farm work, the day in June is so hot, Han Dashan is lying at home, he is doing farm work in the field. His good stepfather is so 'painful to him, but everyone in the key village said that it is hurting him, and he is good to him, so there is no need to worry about not having a skill in the future.
        Han Jin sometimes thought, since this is a pain, why he does not hurt his good son, but he wants to hurt his stepchild. Of course, it is not wrong to change the food for lunch. Han Jin does not feel that it is a bit disgusting to think of these things occasionally.
        However, he has grown up now. It is no longer a slap in the face of the year. Everything must be true. Everything must be about a winning boy. These surface martial arts he will actually do, just disdain.
        Han Jin smiled. If Hu 3rd ’s group of people knows that when Han Jin laughs, some people will not play well. Unfortunately, Hanli is not aware that he has not dealt with Han Jin many times in these years. He thought that he was still the hairy boy who was a gangster when he was a man.
        In the seven years since I worked hard in the county, Hanjin learned a lot, and it is impossible to imagine more than Hanli.
        Han Jin half-bend down, a respectful attitude: "Li Zhengda said right, the kid knows that he can understand this. But my Wei family only has me a man, after that, when my mother remarried, I I once said that when I grow up, I will change my name back. I am very grateful to you for the goodness of parenting over the years. I cant help but be a son, and I cant forget the great things that have been passed down, so I’m willing to bear this reputation. After all, this is something I did not do. I also hope that the uncle will be able to live in harmony and complete my filial piety."
        Hearing this, Hanli was stiff and stiff.
        He expected all the reactions of this dog scorpion, and he never expected that he would come to this move. If he did not agree, would it be unreasonable to represent himself or to be a cousin? Watching people break the incense, but for the sake of their own private pressure?
        This is a matter of absolute account, known by outsiders, and the backbone should be crushed!
        Older people with higher status are more concerned about their reputation. Otherwise, Han Li is disliked with Han Jin’s thoughts. How can he persuade him with a bitterness?
        This is also a self-moving stone to lick your own feet. Han Li has not eaten such a servant for a long time, so the mood is somewhat unstable, and a force in his mouth, the smoke did not appear in the nose, but suffocated. He coughed hard, and most of the elderly who smoked smoke all the year round had this problem.
        Hearing the movement, Han Chengjun ran in from the outside.
        He thought that Han Jin had done something to him, his eyes smashed into a bronze bell and glared at him.
        "What have you done to me?" said, and he punched Han Jin with a punch.
        This Han Chengjun does not look at him. He is very tall, but he is very strong. His fist is as big as a satay. If this fist is sturdy, Han Jin will be beaten up with a few teeth.
        When the fist just arrived, he was clamped by Han Jin.
        "The military, I didn't do anything to the uncle, I don't believe you ask him."
        Han Jin’s face was laughing, but the strength of his hand was also confiscated. Han Chengjun felt that his wrist was very painful, as if it were going to be broken.
        "You let go, don't let go?" He whispered and the other fist waved.
        Han Jin once again reached out and blocked it, but he said in his mouth: "The military, we are relatives, we don't need such awkward hand."
        Han Chengjun was so painful that the gangs were trembled, and I remembered others. "Who is a relative with you! But it is a broken family with my Han family name. I really think that I am surnamed Han?!"
        Han Jin smiled and said: "It seems that you didn't take me as a relative, but I also know that I don't want to be a surname to Han. If I don't, I will come to Lie Dabo to make my own household registration, so I can recognize my ancestors. I know that you are a very generous person, but the melons that are strong can not be sweet. It seems that there are many people who think so in Zhuangzi. If so, why are you stuck in it?" The last few words are what Hanli is saying. At this point, he had stopped coughing and despised his son, who was not enough to make a mistake.
        If you don't have that ability, you still have to be able to. This Hanjin is doing a cellar fight outside, can the army beat him? !
        When things got to this point, Han Li was naturally unable to talk on his own, and he said a few words that he thought for Han Jin. Han Jin is also serious about playing Tai Chi with the other side. In the words, he bites the words that Han Chengjun said, so that he is not so embarrassed for himself, why not let him go, and both.
        Han Li is seeing but Han Jin, can only do this thing, he can't do the Lord, or Han Luoshu said it. Han Jin said that his stepfather must still remember what he said at the beginning, so Hanli was just letting Han Chengjun call Han Laoshuo.
        Han Laoshuo soon came, and together with Zhuang, Han Dashan, Han Dashu and others.
        In addition, a few highly respected elders in Zhuangzi also came. At first glance, they knew that Han Chengjun had come over. As for what to do? Naturally, there are fewer people bullying people. Han Jin’s thoughts in his heart.
        Sure enough, here is a big drama that will be staged three times. The person who is trialing is naturally Han Jin. These old men have a hunger and loyalty, and they have forgotten their ancestors, and they complained about it. Anyway, the words they said were not very good.
        Han Laoshuan stood on the sidelines, and he was also guilty of grievances, grievances and humiliations. Han Dashan is even more angry with the enemy. If the situation permits, I can't wait to come up and kill Hanjin.
        This kind of scene Han Jin once experienced that when Han Dashan stole the chickens of the villagers outside, or did something bad to plant on his head, it would be like this. However, it is not like this at this time, he is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. He can only say that he is broken from the roots. Anyway, it is too bad to describe it, and let his stepfather take him back to teach.
        Han Laoshuo will naturally teach him well, he will not beat him, nor will he marry him. He will only sigh in front of his mother and say that she has raised a good son and doubled him to work to show punishment.
        The memories are not good, so Han Jin lost the mind to continue playing with these people.
        He will say something to Han Li, and he will say it to Han Laoshuan and ask if he still remembers his original promise.
        Han Laoshuan didn't expect that he would just say a word, and he was remembered by Han Jin for so many years. He could let him say that he didn't say it in person. He didn't have this face. After all, many people in Zhuangzi were present.
        His eyes swept over Zhuang’s face, who was pale and pale. Han’s old man was shackled and mad at him: “Look at the good son you taught, I can’t help it. You can teach him, and he so bad that he out there. Who would dare to deal with him!"
        Suddenly, everyone eyes gathered on the woman standing in the corner.
        In this place of Hanjiazhuang, the daughter-like married from outside has no status, especially in Hanli home. The Han chief is a feudal food-free character, so in the Han family, women can’t go to the table to eat. As for the man’s argument, the woman’s company Can't show up, let alone insert.
        However, because before coming, Han Laoshuan knew that he would use Zhuang’s, and then brought her along. This is his usual means of dealing with Han Jin. Some people can suppress it. Why should he waste his strength?
        He thought that Zhuang would do as he thought, but unfortunately Zhuang made him disappointed.
        "You really promised me and two children. Since the children have said this, we are still full of filial piety. I am a Han woman now, but I was a Wei family woman. When I was dying, I promised that he would look after him and grow up to marry his ‘Madam and children, and to pass on the incense for the Wei family." Zhuang Shi said with a low head, this is her consistent image in Zhuangzi.
        Although the widows are not married in the north, Hanjiazhuang is different from other places. There are several chaste arches in the village, which are all exchanged by the woman of Han family with a miserable life. What's more, Zhuang's widow, who is a foreign surname, is even more blaming for her. When Zhuang was just married, she was not accused of being a little bit, and she was a little out of the way, so she was told by the elder women in the family. . After a long time, she can not go out without going out on most days, even if she goes out to avoid men.
        But this time Zhuang can't be silent. This is the only chance for her son to completely escape from this place. She can't leave, she can't let her son stay here forever. The last time I was young, the strength was weak, so she did not speak out to support her son. It must have been repeated in these years and the child was sure.
        In any case, Zhuang decided to gamble.
        Thinking about it, she looked up and looked at Han Laoshuan, went to see Han Lizheng and the elders, and slammed down, tears and cried: "I hope that the uncles and elders will become a child of filial piety, my Zhuang's afterlife. Do the cows and do the horses and remember the great grace of everyone!"
        Zhuang’s behavior is very surprising. In the past few years, Zhuang’s swearing on the woman’s way, the husband’s day, what he did, although everyone did not say it face to face, but it also entered the hearts of the people, so in the past few years, few people in Zhuangzi will target her again. . However, she never imagined that she would suddenly appear in such a place at this time.
        For a time, everyone feels extremely troublesome. Is it really necessary for outsiders to slap them to be overbearing, bullying people orphans and widows, forcing people to make ends meet?
        In the country, the absolute account is to have a deep hatred of each other to do this, it is the two sides intend not to die until this kind of pickpocket. A few old people can't help but look forward to Han Lizheng, Hanri is calm.
        Han Laoshuan was so angry that he rushed to pull up Zhuang, and he would give her a slap. When he just reached out, he was clamped.
        "Hey." Han Jin smiled sarcasm, and people can feel his -calls, not much respect. "You hit my mother in front of me, did you not put me in the eyes of the Son of Man."
        "What do you want to do? Do you still want to be rebellious? Don't be afraid that I will go to the county to tell you about rebellion?!"
        Dagan ruled the world with filial piety. There are ten evils. Among them, the 4th and seventh articles refer to the sins of being descendants and filial piety. If the parents go to the Residence to tell the children to rebel, the whipping is exile, but the beheading is light. The so-called evil is not the case.
        Therefore, the Residence generally attaches great importance to this kind of thing, and that is a matter of accuracy. This is also the reason why Han Jin is not a small name, but Han Laoshuan dares to be the most important reason for his flea. Although he is a stepfather, Han Jin has a surname from him, and he has the right to raise him. If he goes to sue Hanjin for rebellion, he will not be able to make him a good man, but he will not let him be better.
        "Oh, tell me? The door is there, you go quickly, I won't stop."
        "Well, what's the trouble!" Hanli was suddenly making a noise. "It's all family, why bother so ugly, there are emboli, you are not too young, Zhuang also raised a son for you, you In the face of so many people fighting her, how do you let Xiao hai feel at home."
        Hanli is never a person who will speak for a woman, and this statement can not help but be shocking. Han Jin is in the heart, this Han family up and down, the Han chief has been confused, if it is clever, it is still a few miles.
        Han Jin looked at Zhuang, who was crying silently, and suddenly felt that some of his intentions were disappointing.
        He waited for a long time on this day, and he really wanted to see how those people who used to be arrogant and high in front of themselves were so angry and eager to jump. Can beat the mouse to break the jade bottle, and finally she is her own mother.
        He took out the paperwork from his sleeve and handed it to Hanri.
        "This is the instrument issued by Lu Zhixian personally. Look at it."
        Han Li was surprised that he had not accepted the instrument. After reading it, his face was very ugly.
        In his eyes, he looked at Han Jin with a taboo, and his attitude was unclear: "The Jinzi now has the ability."
        Han Jinhe smiled, "I can't do anything, but it is the blessing of my brother-like. You probably don't know, my brother-like will be promoted to Fucheng, so Lu Zhixian is willing to give my brother-like this face." He did not say I took the money out to buy it, and I was afraid that after I left, Han Jiazhuang would bully his mother and have a deterrent.
        After that, things went very well, and Hanli was very accustomed to handing out Hanjin’s household registration to him. During the period, he naturally said a few words to let him not blame Han Laoshuan. After all, he has the kindness to Hanjin.
        Han Jin is just listening. He forgets when he is too old. He knows what Han Li is afraid of, but if he wants to retaliate, he will not wait until today.
        Everyone is gone, Hanli is leaving Han Laoshuan.
        Han Laoshuan still looks a little embarrassed, and there is quite a bit of blame between the words. Han Li is not making a decision for himself. How can he make the household registration simple to the kid?
        Han Li was a fire in the early days, and he was told that he was so angry that he immediately gave him a slap in the face.
        "The old man is worried about you, but it is not the case? Lu Zhixian personally issued the documents, do you think we can ignore them? You are not taking advantage of Lao Tzu potential, used to be used in Zhuangzi, forget who his name is. Are you going to flea with Lu Zhixian, believe it or not that he can pinch you in one hand! Although it is our own choice in Zhuangzi, Lu Zhixian is a parent, want to be removed is just a sentence, you want to harm me Lose this official?!"
        Hanli was too angry to smoke, and he walked back and forth in front of him.
        "I didn't want you to marry the woman of Zhuang. You didn't listen, but it was a face. Can you eat it? At that time, I saw that this kid is not a simple one. It is a simple one. Mother and sister walked so far, came to us here? In order to help you get rid of the troubles, I pressed hard to let their sisters and Brother change your surname, you are good, the son is not good to teach, you have to make each other's contradictions so Big. The days are not good, but if you have something to do, you have to let Laozi wipe your ass! This is good, and forced the kid out, not only did not go to the road, but they mixed up the famous hall... ”
        "The big sister is also a skillful person. If you marry a catcher, you can still speak in front of the magistrate. Now you will be promoted to Fucheng, and a general headhunter who runs the county bandits will not run. Let's put in so many things that can be used, you don't want to be like a woman in the day and people care about it. Well, this cheap son has no cheap daughter, lost this weakness, you will be at home later Don't give Zhuang a good job, don't do it again. Without the name of this father and son, you think he will still jealous of you!"
        Han Li said this car, saying that Han Laoshuan was too dizzy, but he still understood the meaning of the cousin, complaining that he did not supply the two dog scorpions. But he is a big man who raises other children's children as his own children. He is not stupid. Can other people sons compare with their own sons? There is definitely no comparison.
        "I have always raised him for a few years, his mother is still here, how can he take me?" He said hard.
        Hanli glanced at him and was too lazy to talk to the fool.
        "In any case, what I should say is finished. If you are willing to listen, you will not listen. If you don't want to come back to me later!"
        Han Laoshuo walked out of the main gate of the house, first being hit by a cheap son in public, and then Hanli was counted down, and his heart was also very angry, I feel that today is really bad.
        On the other hand, Zhuang followed Han Jin out of the main gate of the house and walked slowly.
        This situation has not happened between mother and child for a long time. On a winding road, one is the road to the Han family, and the other is to the outside of Zhuangzi, and Han Jin stops.
        Zhuang’s smashed his hand and whispered: “You have to start a family business right away, and the mother can’t do anything for you. It’s up to you, and you will live well in the future...” She paused and said: “Don’t It’s mixed up outside, and I’m always going to be a husband and a man.”
        As she said, she couldn’t say anything, she didn’t know what to say to her son.
        Han Jin looked at her in a complicated way and indulged: "If you don't want to live here, just go with me."
        Zhuang’s stunned and hanged his head: “ Xiao hai is still here, he is still small, I don’t trust him.” I might feel that this statement can’t convince my son, she said: “The mountains and the big trees are not good, Xiao hai And they are not a mother, if I am gone, after the sea..."
        Han Jin interrupted her words. "Well, I know. When I am married, people will come to send you a letter. If you can come, come on."
        Zhuang’s eyes blinked, and suddenly she wanted to cry, but in front of her son, she really didn’t want to cry any more. I can only nod and nod, saying: "When the time comes, I must go, as long as you don't give up."
        Han Jin wants to say something, but when he comes to his mouth, he swallows it.
        Half-sounding, he said: "Then I am gone."
        Zhuang’s bang.
        Han Jin walked a few steps forward and suddenly stopped. He didn't look back. He just said: "My daughter-like is from Daxi Village. I will settle in Daxi Village in the future. If you have something, come to Daxi Village to find me. ”
        Zhuang was tearing her eyes behind her. When she heard this, she raised a smile and snorted.
        Han Jin’s footsteps are getting faster and faster, and soon disappeared into the distance.
        Han Laoshuan came out and did not see Zhuang, thinking about where she went, and saw her figure from far away. When she just walked in, she saw her smile, and stood on the side of her face for a while before she sneered.
        "I can't bear it? I don't want to go with it. You can rest assured that I won't stop you."
        Zhuang looked back at him. The first time he came to his heart was not anger, but a disdain. She did not speak, turned and went on the way back.
        "You talk, why don't you talk!" Han Laoshuan went to marry her.
        Zhuang stopped and looked indifferent: "What do you want me to say?"
        Han Laoshuan was stimulated by the look on her face. "What is your expression? Disdain? You don't bother Laozi, don't sleep with me for so many years, the baby also gave birth to one!"
        Zhuang knew that this person was shameless, but it was the first time he saw him so shameless. She was so angry that she was going to leave, and Han Laoshuo pulled her.
        "It doesn't matter if you go, don't forget that Xiao hai is still in my hands."
        When he finished, he opened Zhuang's elbow and smugly went away, and Zhuang stood on the spot and burst into tears.
        Recently, the two-bedroom home is very lively.
        The wedding period is near, so the two rooms are busy and give Lu Jao-yue a dowry.
        After the family had negotiated, Han Jin’s offer was not left, and he gave Lu Jao-yue a dowry. In addition, the 2nd room and two couples intend to dowry a set of furniture for the daughter. In the past, there are a number of clothes and fabrics. The bed is covered with new cotton for ten beds, and another one for utensils, which can be accompanied by the other, and the silver for the bottom of the pressure box. .
        The 2nd room has been doing business for so long, and now he has also spent some money in his hands, naturally spending money on his daughter. If I don't think that the boss is still married, the two small ones are still studying, and the two-room two-room couple at the bottom of the box wants to add more. For this, Lu Jao-yue also argued with her parents, did not want so much money, or Mei face, she agreed.
        In the past few days, the two houses have been giving dowry furniture to Lu Jao-yue.
        The wood is ready for a long time. Lu Jao-yue is ten years old. Whenever there is free time, Lu Ming-hai will take the eldest son into the mountains to find the wood. The wood that is found will cut off the branches and plan the bark. Then when the weather is good, take it out. This sun-baked wood is also exquisite, can not be exposed to the sun, must have obstructions, can dry the best. The completely dried wood can be used to make furniture.
        The carpenter came over from the outside, and the carpenter who asked Lu Jao-yue to fight the cabinet was the carpenter. Good craftsmanship, the price is not expensive, and people are sincere.
        Because of the large amount of wood prepared, Lu Ming-hai intends to prepare the daughter for the furniture. There are two tables, although there are already two ,, but still do two more, no one will have only one sputum. There are also tables, chairs, stools, small scorpions, dressing tables, wardrobes, cages, toilets, and tubs for dinner. Let's tentatively set these up, and wait for the new house in Hanjin to be confirmed. It is not too late to add.
        Therefore, after many days, I can hear the sound of sawing wood from the door of the 2nd house.
        On this day, Han Jin suddenly came to Lu, and he came to say that he had to go out.
        Before coming to the 2nd house, he went to the home of Daxi Village. It was for the purpose of household registration. Now that the household registration has been resolved, he still thinks that one thing has not been done. That is, he should go to the relatives of his relatives. The bones are dug out and brought back to the original place for security.

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