Han Yuxi 550-559

Han Yuxi  

Chapter 550 Intrigue

       Tan Madam stayed in Yunfu for one night and went back the next day.
       After the person left, Yu-Xi said:
       "I also met such a straightforward person for the first time." It is also estimated that Tan Tuo knows her temperament, so she just let her come over and express her attitude of surrender, but she did not dare to let her take anything.
       Qu Mama said:
       "This is a good life."
       Yu-Xi agrees with this, and Tan Madam is the biggest blessing to marry Tan Tuo. Many men who came from the cold door, when they made a fortune, they all disliked the original. A little conscience will not divorce his ‘Madam’, but he will be left to the right and hold the right; if there is no conscience, he will directly abandon the original official Miss. Tan Tan Tuo Tan Madam, really good to say nothing.
       Therefore, it is really good that this woman is married for the second time.
       Qu Mama said:
       "I used to listen to an old saying, this woman, when she was a Miss at home, she was hurting and petting. After she married, her husband was hurting and petting. When the old son followed, he fell into Fuwo."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "This is not happiness, it is perfect. Just, where can I find such a person?"
       All three are in the possession, and that is really a great virtue.
       The weather is too hot, not only can the Darens not stand, but the children can't stand it. Normally, Jao-Jao eats very happily, and now he is not willing to eat anything.
       Lan Mama said:
       "Madam, Zhuangzi is very cool now, or go to Zhuangzi for two months, and wait for the summer to come back again." There is a big willow tree covered, the house is very cool.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "There are too many things in the mansion, and I can't walk away." She also wants to go to Zhuangzi for a holiday, but now is the key moment, where to get away.
       Lan Mama squirmed her lower lip and eventually did not persuade. But when Yun-Qing returned to the backyard in the afternoon, she told Yun-Qing about it:
       "General, the weather is too hot, Madam and Miss can not stand. If you can live in the country village, it is also very good." Instead of persuading Madam, do not advise Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing clicked on the head and said:
       "I know."
       In the evening, Yun-Qing told Yu-Xi about this:
       "You go to Zhuangzi and wait for something to come back.
       This way, some people can be assured." There are already many people who are suspicious of him.
       Yu-Xi asked:
       "Are you already planning?"
       Listening to Yun-Qing , I know that he must have figured it out.
       Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "From the food in the south of the Yangtze River, the second batch of grain will not move again in Lanzhou.
       The third batch of grain will be intercepted in the Maro Mountain." The real attack has occupied the two provinces of Shaanxi and Gansu, and these foods have to be sent down.
       Yu-Xi heard the interception of two words, his eyes flashed and asked:
       "You have a plan." Some things, in fact, do not need to ask so clearly, know the general direction just fine.
       Yun-Qing touched the head of Yu-Xi and said:
       "You can rest assured! I won't let you have anything to do with the children and Huo Shu." Since the decision has been made, there is nothing to hesitate.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Well, I believe in you." Yun-Qing is not afraid of her ability to fight. As for the future, don't worry about it.
       There is a saying that is good, people who have the hearts of the people get the world, Yu-Xi does not have such a big ambition to figure out the world, she only wants to occupy the power of self-protection in the northwest. As long as the people in the northwest are doing well, Yun-Qing will be able to stand firm.
       Yun-Qing thought about it and said:
       "Don't worry about Fu-Cheng City to Maro Mountain, but Maro Mountain to Yucheng is more dangerous. Especially in Yucheng, it is the center of the two provinces, there are heavy soldiers." After a pause, Yun -Qing said:
       "What I am worried about now is Fu-Cheng City. If there is a change in Fu-Cheng City, then you have to suffer from the enemy."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Are you worried about General Zhao?"
       In Fu-Cheng City, others including Fu Tianlei are Yun-Qing 's confidants, and only General Zhao is not among them.
       The change is naturally on General Zhao.
       Yun-Qing nodded:
       "Yes, once he has a disagreement, I am worried that you will have an accident with Jao-Jao." Once General Zhao has Yu-Xi and Jao-Jao, it is equivalent to holding his lifeline.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I have also considered this. However, if you send troops to take Zhao Zhuo and Zhao Hao, leave General Zhao and Fu Tianlei guard in Fu-Cheng City."
       Yun-Qing is hesitant:
       "When General Zhao wants to see the order of the soldiers, what can I do if I don't see the order disagreeing to let his two sons follow?"
       Under normal circumstances, General Zhao certainly did not dare not agree.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "That's not easy. Forging a order will become. After the wood has become a boat, General Zhao knows that there is no need to worry." Once Zhao Zhuo and Zhao Hao followed Yun-Qing , even General Zhao knew that Yun-Qing was going to rebel. Do not dare to act rashly. After all, he only has two sons, Zhao Zhuo and Zhao Hao, who can only compromise.
       Yun-Qing still feels that it is not appropriate, saying:
       "What if I see a problem?"
       If it is seen that the problem comes, it is that the teacher has not died before he died.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Have he seen the order to send troops?"
       See Yun-Qing shaking his head, Yu-Xi said:
       "This thing must have been left before. We will fake it according to it. But when General Zhao asks to see it, don't show it to him. You are Marshal of the Border City. You should have the final say, not everything. He said that he wants to see it. But if he is tough, he must show it. You will show it to him. It will be reasonable to take away his two sons. After all, he is guaranteed to give you in Fu-Cheng City. Born into trouble."
       Falsification, deception, threats... really do nothing. Yun-Qing is somewhat helpless. He used to be very principled. Now he has no bottom line:
       "Do you want to do this in the future?"
       I want to do this in the future, and Yun-Qing can't tell the taste.
       Yu-Xi smiled and did not answer this sentence, but said:
       "In the face of absolute strength, all the intrigues are in vain." They are now the weaker side, and they must use this means of seeing the light. When you have the power, where you can use conspiracy, you can do anything with greatness. Just like Song the Empress Dowager, I want to rectify her and let her marry the barren land of the northwest.
       Yun-Qing was deeply pondered, and it took a long time to say:
       "You are right." This will, Yun-Qing have some understanding of why Yu-Xi wants him to become the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.
       Yu-Xi laughed and shifted the topic and said:
       "That, I will go to Zhuangzi the next day. When there is something, I will come back again." This is something, naturally it is a change in the northwest. Before that, go to Zhuangzi to relax and relax.
       The next morning, Yun-Qing went to the front yard. After the Yu-Xi exercise, he called Lan Mama and said:
       "Only this time, the next is not an example, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you a face." Although Lan Mama intention is good, but this behavior has passed.
       Lan Mama glimpsed her head and said:
       "It is the old servant who passed." It is also distressed by Jao-Jao, otherwise she will not tell Yun-Qing . But for whatever reason, the mistake is wrong.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I know that you are distressed by Jao-Jao. You just have to feel bad about your child. You can't go along with her. Now it's okay for the child to be young and ignorant. If you are sensible, then it is not a love for the child." It is spoiled, so if you act big, you will be arbitrarily determined to insist on marrying the Song family, or you will never die early.
       Lan Mama nodded:
       “Madam rest assured, there will be no more next time.”
       Yu-Xi snorted and said:
       "Go and pack things, go to Zhuangzi tomorrow morning." The house on Zhuangzi is very refreshing.
       There are more to go to Zhuangzi, Yu-Xi told the pomegranate and licorice to clean up. A total of three cars were picked up, which is still the result of streamlining.
       The things in the three cars are too eye-catching. It took a long time for Yu-Xi to get out of Fu-Cheng City. Many people will know.
       General Zhao got the news from Zhao Madam at night and frowned and said:
       "How come this time to Zhuangzi?"
       The struggle of a lot of things outside Yunfu is Han-shi cuisine. How can she get away at this time?
        - Zhao Madam said:
       "It is said that it is too hot for children to eat, and Zhuangzi is refreshing, so I took my child to Zhuangzi."
       General Zhao did not believe this very much and said:
       "This may be an excuse." I always feel that Han-shi will go to Zhuangzi, what is the plot.
        - Zhao Madam didn't think this was an excuse, saying:
       "Yun-Qing is really afraid of Jao-Jao. It is afraid of falling in the palm of your hand.
       The child can't sleep in the summer, and it is normal to take it to Zhuangzi." Here, Zhao Ma -dam again:
       "Further, this is going to Zhuangzi, but not to Xinpingcheng. What can you do?"
       Zhuangzi is all a family, and Yu-Xi can have any plans to go there. Zhao Madam thinks that her husband thinks too much.
       General Zhao said:
       "Yun-Qing has been very abnormal for a while, and two teams of cavalry have been dispatched. It is enough to meet the two hundred cavalry of the grain team. It is not necessary to send eight hundred cavalry out."
        - Zhao Madam asked inexplicably:
       "Isn't it said that there are many thieves in the northwest, and that the grain and grass are being taken away? Is there any other argument?"
       General Zhao shook his head and said:
       "The eight hundred cavalry are all elite, and they are not in the first place. It is not in common to send so many people." He said that Yun-Qing rebelled, and he did not believe it. After all, Yun-Qing grew up under his eyes, not an ambitious person.
        - Zhao Madam said:
       "In the south of the Yangtze River, Taiyuan has a poor harvest this year. If the grain is wrong, the ration of the 100 thousand-strong army of Fu-Cheng City will be a problem. It is normal for the generals to pay attention to it."
       General Zhao brow was crumpled, but he did not refute it.
        - Zhao Madam exclaimed:
       "Speaking of this cloud Madam is also powerful enough, even bought food in advance. If you did not buy these foods, the following soldiers will be sinned again." I experienced it once before, without food, and to fight. At that time, Qin Yuanshuai almost whitened his hair.
       General Zhao said:
       "Her her precautions have solved a big problem for us. Yun-Qing has smashed him, it is a great blessing." It is also the blessing of Fu-Cheng City soldiers.
       Fu-Cheng City 100 thousand soldiers know all about Yu-Xi because of the unusual winter last winter's worry that there will be a natural disaster this year to buy nearly a million stone food.
       This brings the reputation of Yu-Xi to a whole new level. It is no exaggeration to say that it is more prestigious than Yun-Qing .
        - Zhao Madam also nodded and said:
       "It's really powerful. Speaking of it, Yun-Qing is like a person after being a relative. Before the whole body suffocation, now I can't see that it is a murderous general." If it was when the relatives, Yun- Qing is as peaceful as she is now, she will definitely marry her daughter to Yun-Qing . Unfortunately, when Yun-Qing was suffocating, she was shocked and she dared to marry her daughter.
       General Zhao was silent and said:
       "Yeah! Who could have thought of it at the beginning." His daughter didn't have the ability to change Yun-Qing , so there was nothing to regret.

Chapter 551 See also smallpox (1) 

       Golden wheat waves. I can't see the side. A man with a pen straight up, it looks like a vertical pen. 4.
       The grain was round and bulging, and the heavy waist was rubbing against each other. A squeaking noise.
       Yu-Xi crouched down and looked carefully. Mai Sui was very full, not empty, and immediately said with a smile:
       "Yes, it seems that this year is a bumper year."
       Guo Xun smiled and said:
       "Yes! Zhuangzi will probably receive 300 thousand kilograms of wheat this year." Zhuangzi harvest proved that his hard work in the past year was not in vain.
       After watching the wheat, Yu-Xi went to see the chicken.
       There are not many chickens in the banyan tree, only more than five hundred, and they are all raised separately, not raised together.
       This is to prevent chickens from getting too sick and getting sick. Most of these chickens are raised by the mother, and they are all prepared to lay eggs. Yu-Xi asked:
       "How are those chickens growing?
       Guo Xuan heard this and said:
       "Madam, these chickens grow very fast." They ate the dragon and grew very fast. It is not at all comparable to those hens who eat ordinary food. For the Yu-Xi who made this idea, Guo Xuan admire or admire.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Since it works, tell other people to let their chickens follow this method.
       Guo Xun nodded:
       "Madam rest assured, I have already said." In fact, in addition to eating the dragon, the chicken grows fast and eats other insects.
       Asked about the farmer's affairs, Yu-Xi asked about private matters:
       "Zi-Su? How come you haven't seen anyone for so long?"
       Under normal circumstances, Zi-Su should pick up her with Guo Xu.
       Guo Xuan said:
       "Madam, Zi-Su didn't pay attention to walking last month. He was stunned by a stone. Although he didn't fall, he moved his tires..." At that time, he almost didn't scare Guo Xun.
       Yu-Xi was shocked and said:
       "How can I not know about such a big thing? What about Zi-Su?"
       In fact, you don't have to ask to know that Zi-Su is definitely fine with your child, otherwise Guo Xun will not be so calm.
       Guo Xu said:
       "It’s tempered, but it’s good to eat two pills. I’m afraid Madam is worried, so I didn’t say it, please Madam, don’t be surprised.”
       Yu-Xi was busy with Lan Mama and used to visit Zi-Su. When Lan Mama touched Zi-Su, she said:
       "The child is fine, Madam doesn't have to worry."
       Yu-Xi is very dissatisfied and said:
       "So big things, you didn't even tell me? If there is any difference, I will regret you for a lifetime?"
       When the mother's mentality is completely different from before being a mother.
       Zi-Su said:
       “Madam has too many things, I don’t want Madam to worry about me?”
       Yu-Xi said with dissatisfaction:
       "What are you talking about? Others don't say, let Lan Mama help you to see that there is always no problem." In fact, Yu-Xi knows that this is what Guo Xun means. If it is Purple Zi-Jin, it will definitely not take her to such a long time.
       Zi-Su said, "The doctor said that I will be born in a few more days. I have been lying in bed for a while, and the child will be fine."
       Yu-Xi has given birth to her own children, and she has a good teacher. She is also a half expert in this:
       "If the body can't stand to stay in bed, there is no way. However, if the body is well raised, it is necessary to get out of bed and move around. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to produce. I am pregnant with Jao-Jao. At the time, I insisted on exercising every day, and I didn't suffer any crime when I was producing." Although it hurts a lot, it is very lucky compared with many other pregnant women.
       After saying this, Yu-Xi looked at Lan Mama.
       Lan Mama said:
       "Zi-Su Miss This situation, you don't need to stay in bed all the time, just keep enough sleep time." This means that the doctor is not quite right.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "The doctor said that there must be his reasons.
       This kind of thing still needs to listen to the doctor. But my body knows that if you feel that you can't walk around the bed, then you can get out of bed. If it is uncomfortable, don't Stand up and stay in bed to raise your body." She estimated that this is Guo Xun's meaning. For this child, Guo Xuan is very valued.
       Zi-Su didn't think too much, and nodded and said; "There is always a feeling of lack, and the others are fine." But because of the doctor, Zi-Su did not dare to care, or still lay down in bed.
       No one expected that Zi-Su broke out in the afternoon, and Yu-Xi got the news and immediately let Lan Mama help the delivery.
       I got up the next day, Yu-Xi, seeing that Lan Mama hadn't returned yet, and asked Purple Zi-Jin, saying:
       “How is Zi-Su now?”
       Purple Zi-Jin shook his head and said:
       "Not good, it is difficult to produce." When he said this, Purple Zi-Jin's eyes were red.
       This dystocia is not good, that is, the mother and child are killed! She and Purple Zi-Jin are also more than a decade-sister-sister, she really does not want Zi-Su to have an accident.
       Yu-Xi is also somewhat worried, but she has good psychological quality and said:
       "Do not worry, I believe that Zi-Su will be ruined." After that, he went to the courtyard of Purple Zi-Jin.
       Zi-Su was born for two days and two nights and finally gave birth to the child. It was a big fat boy. After the birth of the child, Zi-Su fainted.
       Guo Xunyi was excited to hold the newly released son and said happily:
       "Son, I am jealous, son, I am you..." He said cheerfully, but did not dare to reach out and hold the child from the hands of the stable woman.
       Yu-Xi is also happy for Purple Zi-Jin. After giving birth to a son, there is no need to worry about the child. In the future, no matter whether there are boys or Miss, there is no pressure. But before she smiled, she looked at Lan Mama, and Yu-Xi sighed and asked:
       "How is Purple Zi-Jin?"
       Don't be a bad thing like blood collapse.
       Lan Mama hesitated, or said to Yu-Xi and Guo Xuan:
       "Purple Zi-Jin is afraid that it will be hard to have any more children in the future!" As for the reason, Lan Mama did not say.
       The first reaction of Yu-Xi is to look at Guo Xun.
       Guo Xun noticed the appearance of Yu-Xi and quickly responded that it was for him to express his position. Guo Xun busy said:
       "If you can't live, you can't live. I have a treasure." Boa is Guo Xun giving his son a nickname.
       Guo Xuan said this, it is sincere. He thought he wanted Ma Ji to wrap his body! I didn't expect it to be dark and lived. His current days are all the love of God, and he dares to force him more.
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi heart was loose and said:
       "This is fine." I have to say that Zi-Su is lucky. I met a husband who was so tolerant and open.
       Thinking of this, Yu-Xi touched his stomach, and he thought about it if he was a son. Don't look at the Yun-Qing surface, but the man, there are a few who don't like to have a son.
       At this time, Yu-Chen was in a hurry. Because Zhou-Yan and Zhou Wei both had a high fever. Yu-Chen is busy asking the Imperial Doctor to come and see two children.
       Le Imperial Doctor looked at the faces of the two children, and then gave the child a diagnosis.
       The lag face changed, saying:
       "Noble Heir and County Owner, this is a big deal."
       Yu-Chen said:
       "How come out of the ceiling? Impossible." Those who have not touched the ceiling, it is impossible to have a small ceiling.
       The Imperial Doctor, who is how the two children infected the smallpox, didn't know, but he was pretty sure that the two children were born with smallpox:
       "Imperial Consort, I have to isolate Noble Heir from the County Owner." After a pause, he said:
       "If Imperial Consort didn't have a smallpox when he was a child, he couldn't get in touch with Heir and the Little County Owner, or he would be infected." It is also the Imperial Doctor who knows that Yu-Chen has never had a smallpox, so he will have this.
       Yu-Chen refused to think about it and said:
       "I won't leave my shi-zi and my shi-zi!" If the son and daughter have three long and two short, she can't live anymore. Yu-Chen didn't pay much attention to Jing Wang, but for a pair of children, she devoted all her efforts.
       Le Imperial Doctor can't, can only say:
       "That must also separate the world from the County Owner." Otherwise, there will be a recurrence of the tragedy 15 years ago. At that time, because there was no control, the smallpox spread, and many people were infected, and there were countless deaths and injuries.
       Yu-Chen held back the grief of her heart and immediately called Gui Mama to give a pass, then moved Zhou Wei to Zhou-Yan's yard, and she lived in the yard herself.
       Gui Mama did not persuade Yu-Chen this time because she knew that the two children were Yu-Chen's life. No matter who has a problem, it is equal to the life of Yu-Chen. And now if she persuaded Yu-Chen not to take care of the children, then Yu-Chen will no longer have her foothold.
       Jing Wang got the news and rushed back from the palace.
       The yard has been sealed by Yu-Chen himself. Jing Wang wanted to go to the yard and was stopped by the accompanying Imperial Doctor; "Wangye, Imperial Doctor said that people who have never had a smallpox can't go in."
       Jing Wang was finally persuaded by people around me and did not enter the yard. Yu-Chen listened to Gui Mama and said that Jing Wang was at the door of the yard but did not come in. Yu-Chen is not angry, just faintly said; "The Master is not standing under the wall of danger, and Wangye is not right to come in." She knows that Jing Wang is doing the right thing, after all, no one can guarantee him. Will not be infected, but emotionally, it is still difficult to accept. She and her two children are also in the mind of Jing Wang.
       Gui Mama looked at Yu-Chen's cold look and knew that she had entered a dead end and said; "Wangfei, the priority is Noble Heir and the County Owner." She hopes that the two children can survive, or else, Wangfei For Jing Wang, I am afraid that even the surface of the cold will not be there again.
       Yu-Chen's eyes fell on the faces of two children, and his eyes were red. Her compatriot brother died under the smallpox. Every time she thinks about her brother, she is unusually uncomfortable. However, this is something that no one else knows. Yu-Chen whispered; "Mother, brother, you must bless your shi-zi and your shi-zi."
       Prayer did not have any effect. In the middle of the night, Zhou-Yan had a high fever, and a smiley face was like a burning cloud. However, the Imperial Doctor has nothing to do with it.
       Yu-Chen looked at her daughter's sin, but she could do nothing, the kind of pain and helplessness swallowed her heart. Looking at the two Imperial Doctors sent by the emperor, Yu-Chen said:
       "If my shi-zi has three long and two short, I want you to pay for it." After that, Yu-Chen gnashed his teeth and said:
       "I said it." She did not want her son to embark on the old road of her brother Han Jianhui.
       The two Imperial Doctors complained that they were not willing to pick up the errand if they were not named by the emperor. However, this is the end of the matter, and the annoyance is useless.
       The Imperial Doctor, the surname of the two, stood up and said:
       "Imperial Consort, there is a room in the hand of the minister, but the method is too dangerous, and the minister is worried that Noble Heir can't stand it."
       Yu-Chen knows that these Imperial Doctors are not forced to do so, and immediately pointed to the son who burned the people and said:
       "As long as I can save my shi-zi, what can I do?"
       After the Imperial Doctor listened, he went out to open the prescription, then took the medicine and personally fried it to Zhou Yan. Do your best and listen to your destiny. Next, just wait.

Chapter 552 See also smallpox (2) 

       In the middle of the night, Zhou-Yan's high fever retreated. It’s a pity that Yu-Chen hasn’t waited for a break, and Zhou Wei side has not become, and it has burned.
       Yu-Chen, this will not panic, immediately called the Imperial Doctor and asked if he could give Zhou Wei the previous medicine. Although Yu-Chen did not learn pharmacology like Yu-Xi, she also knows that everyone physical condition is different. Even if it is the same disease, the amount of medicine used is different. Otherwise, there will be problems.
       Hei Imperial Doctor shook his head and said:
       "Imperial Consort, 1st County Owner is weak, it is not appropriate to use too dangerous drugs." This means that Zhou Wei can not use the same medicine as Zhou-Yan.
       Yu-Chen asked:
       “Is there any other way?”
       There is really no good way to congratulate the Imperial Doctor.
       Zhou Hao burned more and more, and finally burned people unconscious, and then no life will be dead. When I heard the music, the Imperial Doctor said that if I burned it, I would become an idiot if I didn't die. Yu-Chen couldn't stand it anymore. I ignored the opposition of the Imperial Doctor and forced the Imperial Doctor to open a prescription. Correct
       As a result, this time was not so lucky. It was not long before Zhou Wei took the medicine.
       The whole person began to sweat, and then the whole person began to tremble.
       I don't know if I look at the Imperial Doctor.
       Zhou Wei couldn’t stand it and ‘called low:
       "Mother, mother, I am still uncomfortable..." Without Yu-Chen opening, there was no sound.
       Yu-Chen ‘called with Zhou Wei:
       "Hey, what's wrong with you? Hey, hey..." Unfortunately, Zhou Wei can no longer answer her words.
       He Imperial Doctor reached out and placed under the nose of Zhou Wei. Seeing that he had no breathing, he immediately squatted on the floor and said:
       “Wangfei is sad, County Owner, she went...”
       Upon hearing this news, Yu-Chen said lowly:
       "Impossible, is this impossible?"
       Her shi-zi, a few days ago, softly called the mother, how could it be gone!
       Gui Mama just wanted to speak, and she saw Yu-Chen fall to the ground and immediately jumped. Busy Yu-Chen went to bed, Gui Mama folded her hands together, and secretly prayed in her heart that Wangfei should not be infected with smallpox.
       Hei Imperial Doctor gave Yu-Chen the pulse and said softly:
       “Wangfei was overworked during this time, and now I am stimulated, so I will faint.”
       Upon hearing this, Gui Mama hanging heart finally fell, not just infected with smallpox. Gui Mama put her hands together and Amitabha said:
       "Thank you for your blessing."
       Jing Wang heard that his son had survived and his daughter was gone, and he was very upset. He told the big housekeeper to say; "Go to the imperial temple and ask the monks to come over for the 1st County Owner!" Jing Wang's favorite is Zhou-Yan, after all, His heirs are naturally more important. But he also liked this first daughter. Now it’s gone, he wants to let the children go well.
       The matter has not been told yet, there is a Servant going inside and back:
       “Wangye, Wangfei woke up...”
       Jing Wang stepped into the bedroom inside, seeing Yu-Chen, who opened his eyes, said softly:
       “Is there any better?”
       Yu-Chen stared at Jing Wang and suddenly grabbed Jing Wang’s hand and said:
       "Wangye, I just made a terrible dream, dreaming that my shi-zi and my shi-zi were harmed." Here, Yu-Chen ‘called at Gui Mama; "I will soon be a child." Hold enough."
       Gui Mama was tearful and squatted on the floor; "Imperial Consort, 1st County Owner has gone. If you do, the 1st County Owner can't feel at ease under Jiuquan." She knows that the Owner's passing will make Wangfei sad. However, I did not expect Wangfei to lose my mind.
       Gui Mama embarrassment, the rest of the room, except the Jing Wang sitting on the edge of the bed, all squatted.
       Yu-Chen heard Gui Mama words and bounced off the bed. If it wasn't for Jing Wang, she would jump out of bed if she couldn't hold her. Yu-Chen snaps to Gui Mama:
       "What are you talking about? My shi-zi is good, why are you cursing her?"
       The cold-blooded person also has her soft place. Gui Mama also watched the two children grow up little by little. Now Zhou Wei suddenly disappears, and her heart is also very uncomfortable. See you again Yu-Chen, who grew up from a young age, because she was unconscious because she passed away, she couldn’t stand it anymore. Gui Mama cried out:
       "Imperial Consort, 1st County Owner, she did go, Imperial Consort, you have to take care of yourself!"
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "No, my shi-zi will not have anything. I must be dreaming now... yes, I must be dreaming."
       Jing Wang said with Yu-Chen; "Chen, don't do this.
       The child is gone, we will be there again." On most days, Yu-Chen is a cloud-like look, he is the first time. Seeing Yu-Chen is so weak and helpless. Seeing his heart hurts.
       Yu-Chen murmured:
       "No, the child is gone, can't come back again..." Even if he reborn his son, it wouldn't be awkward. And after this time, she will not regenerate.
       At this time, outside Servant looked back and said that the emperor had called Jian Wang into the palace. It was the emperor’s personal eunuch who was summoned to see that this matter was very serious.
       Jing Wang, who has been working hard all the time, is not very comfortable at the moment. His daughter is gone, his ‘Madam’ is like this, and he is going to be in the palace. If you don't have him, you can't do anything.
       The person whispered:
       "Wangye, came to the personal eunuch Cai Gonggong around the emperor."
       Jing Wang didn't want to leave Yu-Chen at this time, but the emperor came close to the eunuch. Obviously, the emperor expected that he might refuse, so he would send a personal eunuch.
       Jing Wang stood up and said to Yu-Chen:
       "You have a good rest. You don't have to worry about it. I have let the Imperial Doctor take care of myself." Jing Wang has already told the Imperial Doctor that if Zhou-Yan has three long and two short, he will be buried with the Imperial Doctor. With the words first, Le Imperial Doctor does not dare to worry.
       Yu-Chen didn't say anything, so I watched Jing Wang so quietly that Jing Wang felt uncomfortable, and immediately held Yu-Chen's forehead and whispered; "I will be back soon." Violation, Jing Wang did not dare to violate the emperor's will.
       Jing Wang is gone, Gui Mama is beside Yu-Chen, let everyone else go down. Gui Mama pinched the quilt for Yu-Chen and whispered:
       "Imperial Consort, you must hold on, the 1st County Owner is gone, and the world is there! If Wangfei, you have three long and two short, Noble Heir will be tough in the future." This is also the case for Gui Mama. I am soberly aware that Jing Wang is not a reliable one. Wangfei choice is correct.
       Yu-Chen opened his eyes and said; "I won't let my shi-zi have something to do." The daughter is gone, she will never let her son again.
       It is also a loss of Gui Mama mental quality is excellent, or else to see Yu-Chen, it is absolutely necessary to be scared out.
       Seeing the clear-cut Yu-Chen, Gui Mama knows that Yu-Chen should have been installed, not really because of the stimulation of lost mind:
       “Imperial Consort, what should we do now?”
       Yu-Chen flashed a bloodthirsty glow in his eyes, but soon recovered calm again, saying:
       "Is the master behind the scenes checked?"
       Under her eyes, her shi-zis can be contacted with the deaf children with the poisonous things.
       The people behind the scenes are either powerful or hidden. Not afraid of it, it is fatal to their mother and child.
       Gui Mama said; "Imperial Consort, I asked the waiter to check." She has been with Yu-Chen for a few days, and she has no time to check why the two children are infected with smallpox. However, before the yard was sealed, she explained the waiter.
       The ‘zither’ is Yu-Chen's personal large Servant, and the prestige is enough.
       Yu-Chen closed her eyes again and said:
       "Then ask the ‘zither’!" The murderer behind the scenes is always the few people in the mansion.
       Jing Wang came out of the palace and heard Gui Mama say that it was Song 2nd Madam who murdered Zhou-Yan and Zhou Wei. Jing Wang stared at Gui Mama; "How could it be a second mother? Why should the second mother poison her children?"
       Gui Mama squatted on the ground, saying nothing, just bringing Pozi to the poisoned hand, and also presented the physical evidence. Gui Mama looked at the little clothes on the table and pointed at the Pozi:
       "The clothes are stained with dirty things, and the old servants have already checked the Imperial Doctor." This Pozi piped the room and it was not too difficult for her to let her clothes get dirty.
       Jing Wang squatted on the heart of Pozi and said:
       “Say? Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to harm the world with the 1st County Owner?”
       That Pozi hurts almost, but just keeps talking.
       That Pozi was a member of Song Jia-An who was in Jing Wang. Although she knew that poisoning Zhou-Yan and Zhou Wei would be dead, she could not help but obey the instructions of the Song family.
       Jing Wang can become the arm of the emperor, naturally not listening to the partial belief, what others say is what. He quickly let the big housekeeper thoroughly investigate the matter, and soon he knew that the poisoning of her children was indeed the Song family 2nd Madam, and I wanted to kill the heart of Song 2nd Madam.
       At the main court, Jing Wang held the hand of Yu-Chen:
       "You can rest assured that I will definitely ask the shi-zi to get back to this fairness." If he is a big man, he must now pay for Song 2nd Madam. But now that the big brother is not there, the Song family is the second. He is now a Song family, and the second will certainly not hand over people. Instead of tying up the relationship, let the Yu family sneak in, not to wait for the big man to come back and solve it.
       Yu-Chen lowered his head and said nothing.
       Upon seeing it, Jing Wang knew that Yu-Chen had complaints, but he could not do anything about it. Even if he wants to make trouble with the Song family, the emperor will not allow it.
       Gui Mama frowned and heard Yu Wang Chen:
       "Imperial Consort, is that a little fluttering word? Nothing else?"
       The 1st County Owner is also the biological daughter of Wangye. Now that the 1st County Owner is dead, Wangye can still be so calm, only one thing can be proved.
       The 1st County Owner is not heavy in Wangye mind.
       Yu-Chen said with a cold face; "I guessed this result early..." Jing Wang always said that he loves her, but he really wants him to do something difficult. He does not do it. Just saying that she wants Jing Wang to ask her for the lack of a left-handed servant, Jing Wang refused. Because the lack of Yu family and the Song family are fighting, he does not want to confront the Yu family and the Song family.
       Gui Mama asked:
       "What do we do now?"
       I can't let the 1st County Owner be harmed in vain. Just if you want to hit hard, it is equal to killing one thousand words and hurting eight hundred.
       Yu-Chen said faintly:
       "Song, if there is no Song the Empress Dowager to mediate, can you be so arrogant?"
       The Song family relied heavily on Song, Empress Dowager and Song Guofan. If these two people are gone, the Song family can no longer pick up. As far as Yu-Chen knows, the emperor has always been patient with the Song family, but he did not dare to move the Song family for the balance of the country. If Song The Empress Dowager is not used, Song Guofan is gone, and the Song family will be finished. Although the Song Master Old Master is also capable, it is far worse than Song Guofan. It is impossible to support the Song family by the Song Master Old Master.
       If Yu-Chen is the most hated person now, it is definitely Song Linger-in-law Song 2nd Madam; the second hate is Song the Empress Dowager. If it wasn't Song, the Empress Dowager let Song Linger enter the house before she made a kiss with Jing Wang, so that the Song family and Song Linger buried a lot of nails in the Wangfu, and her shi-zi would not die.
       Gui Mama is very calm and says:
       "Imperial Consort, the thief first -, if the Empress Dowager and Song Guozhen are safe and sound, the Song family can't move. Otherwise, Imperial Consort will not only pull the Song family, but will put himself in." Gui Mama knows Yu-Chen temperament, if there is not enough reason to convince her, she will not change her mind. Gui Mama said; "Imperial Consort, if you have three long and two short, Wangye will definitely be another one. When Noble Heir can reach Darenhood, it is unknown." Even if Jing Wang is not willing to squat again, he can have the Empress Dowager and the emperor. Forced, Jing Wang would not compromise if he didn't want to. In the past, Gui Mama felt that Jing Wang was a good person, but now I know that Jing Wang may be a good son of a good friend, but definitely not a good husband.
       Yu-Chen didn't say anything. In fact, she did not think about defeating the Song family, because the Song family has now become a climate, even if Song Guozhen is gone, Song Jia Er Old Master and the following children have grown up. It is not that easy to pull down.
       Gui Mama saw that Yu-Chen was moved by her and said:
       "Wangfei, the Master revenge, ten years is not too late." Song family is now the time when power is flourishing, it is not difficult to defeat the Song family.
       Yu-Chen snorted, but my heart was pondering. To revenge, you must join forces with the Queen.
       The Queen hated the Empress Dowager because of Zhou Wei. She alone can't deal with Song the Empress Dowager, but if it is the Union Queen...
       Thinking of this, Yu-Chen smiled a bit, even if the Queen wanted revenge, she would never join her.
       This kind of thing, one less person knows that there is less danger.
       Song 2nd Madam got the news, knowing that Zhou Wei was gone, and immediately said coldly:
       "Han-shi now knows the pain of the loss of a woman." Since her daughter is gone, she has never slept in a sense of security. Today, she finally got this breath. Unfortunately, Zhou-Yan is a big life and has survived.
       Mama around me said:
       "Madam, that Pozi will come out with Madam, what should you do?"
       To poison the royal son, this sin can be great!
       Song 2nd Madam stood up and said:
       "Go, go to the palace and talk to the Empress Dowager." Song 2nd Madam knows very well that the Empress Dowager hates two children Erxi. She just yelled in front of the Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager was definitely on her side.

Chapter 553 Indiscriminate killing 

       There was silence in the afternoon, and only the birds were looking for food in the jungle. Suddenly, the ink was dyed blue, and the thunder of the booming came closer.
       Yu-Xi heard the thunder and said:
       "Wheat can be basking outside!" If it rains, it will be gone.
       Lan Mama said with a smile:
       "This will definitely be the audience." The so-called stealing is actually the food drying out. Once the storm is coming, the whole family mobilizes to rush to collect food.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Go out and see."
       Lan Mama didn't want Yu-Xi to look at it in the past. Because at this time everyone is rushing to collect food in the sun, so the dust can be big.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It's fine, just Jao-Jao sleeps, Mama, let me go with me!" Qu Mama stayed in the mansion to prepare for daily affairs, and brought Lan Mama alone.
       At this time, the people on the sun drying field are not idle, sweeping the sweep, loading the equipment, picking the jump, and the excitement is extraordinary. I have a temper, and I saw someone moving slowly and ‘calling loudly.
       Lan Mama frowned, but she saw that the smile on Yu-Xi face had not changed, and she swallowed it when she reached her mouth.
       The sky crossed a lightning bolt, and soon, the rain fell underground. A small puddle that fell on the roof and fell to the ground, splashing a splash of water.
       Yu-Xi looked up and said:
       "It's raining well." It rained, and there was water in the ground.
       Summer rain is coming fast and going fast. It took less than a quarter of an hour, and the rain stopped. Yu-Xi is preparing to go back, and there are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple in the sky. Like a ribbon, it hangs diagonally on the horizon.
       Yu-Xi ‘called and said:
       "It’s really worth it to come out today." It often rains in summer, but the rainbow is rarely seen.
       Lan Mama didn't say anything.
       The rainbow appeared for a short time and soon disappeared. At this point, the sun came out again, and this will be a spring and a spring, with green leaves hanging on the green leaves, as if to drip water, even the grass is extraordinarily fresh, a vibrant scene.
       Yu-Xi looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him and said with a smile:
       "If Yu-Chen is there, I will definitely draw it all down." As for her, she is not interested in painting. Although I think the scenery is beautiful, it has not been painted*.
       Lan Mama is an old man in the mansion. Naturally, Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi are both half-hearted, but their feelings are very good:
       "Madam, Eldest Miss may wake up, let's go back and see!" Jao-Jao is also a capable person, and the thunder is noisy, still sleeping beautifully.
       The two returned to the house and asked, Jao-Jao was still not awake. Yu-Xi walked into the house and looked at Jao-Jao, who was still in the bubble, and laughed:
       "This Yatou..." Yu-Xi thinks that Jao-Jao is definitely throwing a wrong child, not only looks like Yun-Qing , but even this temper is like a kid. Love is lively, courageous, still moving, the whole body does not see which point is like a small Miss. In this regard, Yu-Xi is a bit worried. If it is not changed in the future, it will be like this, how to marry later.
       Just thinking about it, Jao-Jao opened his eyes. When I saw Yu-Xi, I opened my mouth and ‘called:
       "Mother..." can now accurately call the mother, but can only say a single word, but can not say a word in a coherent way.
       Yu-Xi didn't dare to hold Jao-Jao.
       This Yatou was a big man. If he had a foot on his stomach, the pain would be second, and if it made a tire, it would be troublesome.
       Lan Mama just put on clothes for Jao-Jao, and outside pomegranate walked in and said:
       “Madam, Lao Taiye said that he sent people to hold the Eldest Miss. In the past, people are waiting outside.” Nowadays, Huo Changqing is called Lao Taiye outside the house, which is one level higher than before.
       Yu-Xi nodded and let Jiao-Jao pass.
       Lan Mama said:
       "Madam, Eldest Miss has a good taste of Lao Taiye, but it can't let Miss stay with Lao Taiye every day." Lan Mama is really worried, Jao-Jao has been following Huo Changqing and will become a tomboy in the future.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Jao-Jao is still small, no problem." This is a child who is more than one year old, where is so much. And after Jao-Jao wants to learn martial arts, Yu-Xi not only does not stop, but the two hands agree. Whether you are a son or a daughter, you can protect yourself by learning martial arts.
       In the evening, Yun-Qing came over. Looking at the tired Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi said:
       "You sit down, I will pinch you." During this time, the pressure must be great.
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "I'm fine, just come over and see you and Jao-Jao." After that, his eyes fell on the belly that Yu-Xi had already shown. I have to be defamed right away. Although I was not so excited for the first time, I still hope that my children will be safe.
       Yu-Xi looks at Yun-Qing , his face is not good, ask:
       "Is there something wrong?"
       It’s definitely not an accident at Fu-Cheng City, or Yun-Qing will not go to Zhuangzi to see their mother and daughter.
       Yun-Qing heard this, the suppressed anger came out again, saying:
       "I got the news not long ago. I was very successful. I said that I killed more than 4 thousand thieves. I got the news at noon today. It was not a gangster but a civilian."
       After Yu-Xi was surprised, he sighed and said:
       "This is like something that Ji Xuan can make. If I guessed it right, please confirm that the credit has already been presented?"
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "I don't know about this. However, he dares to do this kind of thing, and it is really lawless! It is not afraid of arousing public anger, what is going wrong?"
       After listening to this, Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing and said:
       "Ji Xuan has made enough shackles in these years, and the people in the northwest have been miserable by him. It is not a rare thing to kill innocent people this time."
       Yun-Qing was silent for a moment and said:
       "Yu-Xi, you didn't say last time, can we add firewood and fire?"
       Although he promised Huo Changqing and Yu-Xi, he was preparing for this, but he still had a bit of hesitation.
       This time it made him firm.
       Yu-Xi heart shook and shook his head and said:
       "The previous plan is not suitable now. But after this time, I think, it is not long before the peace in the northwest." Even the things that kill the civilians dare to do, and Ji Xuan will only be more crazy.
       Talking, the outside came down:
       "Madam, the capital has sent things over." Yu-Chen let people send things. Inside, there is a letter written by Han Jianming and Qiu-shi.
       Yu-Chen is very intimate in sending things, and it is something that is not found in the northwest and is hard to find. In addition to this, there is a gift for the unborn child in the stomach of Jao-Jao and Yu-Xi.
       Looking at Jao-Jao gift is a box of clothes hats and a small box of gold-locked gold bracelets, etc., Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "This is too luxurious?"
       The clothes are made of satin, and the small cloak and hat are still purple-skin, and those jewelry are not mentioned.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You don't want to think about the identity of my 3rd sister? It's far away. If you live close, you must not only send these." As Yu-Chen, it is normal to send these clothes. If you send it, it is used.
       The clothes made of ordinary materials fell instead.
       Yun-Qing was silent and said:
       “Jing Wang , it’s definitely a good life, Jin Jiaoyu life.” Unlike Yu-Xi, he not only did not live his life, but also added his own dowry. For him, he is still busy all day.
       Yu-Xi felt that this was wrong and asked:
       "How do you say this?"
       See Yun-Qing , but Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "My 3rd sister used the best of the snacks. It is estimated that it is not much worse than the princess. I used to envy her." Not only did Yu-Chen live a good life, but also envied all People are hurting, she is holding her and letting her.
       Yun-Qing was very keen and asked strangely:
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "Well, I used to envy, I don't envy now. My 3rd sister married Jing Wang. It was Jing Wang who liked her and asked the emperor and the emperor to marry him. But before the two became married, Jing Wang smashed his watch. Song Songer is Ceefei. Song Linger is pregnant with her children two days before her wedding. "The ‘Madam’ is not passing the door. Ceefei is pregnant first, and it is a great insult and contempt for the ‘Madam’.
       Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "Since I like to ask for help, why should I identify another woman and let her get pregnant?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "My 3rd sister is dumping the country, the chess and poetry and poetry are all well-proportioned with the cooking tea. Jing Wang has seen nature like it. Just like it again, can't violate Song's life of Empress Dowager, Song Linger is Ceefei, why is Song Linger? Being pregnant, Jing Wang has too much helplessness.” In the latter words, Yu-Xi said in a mocking tone. If you really like her 3rd sister, you should refuse to marry Song Linger on the same day.
       The result was not only the Song Linger but also the pregnancy. However, this is a good thing to say. Before I became a pro, I saw the true face of Jing Wang. It was better to marry him and Jing Wang for a while, and then he was a strong knife.
       Yun-Qing did not comment.
       Yu-Xi continues to say:
       "My 3rd sister has a good time to pamper her best, but her days are definitely not comfortable." Not only is Yun-Qing promised that she is not guilty, but more importantly, Yun-Qing respects and tolerates her. . Switching to other men, certainly not Yun-Qing is so tolerant of her.
       Yun-Qing is not a sweet-spoken person. He heard this saying:
       "I will let you live a good life in the future."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I don't care about Jinyi jade food or rough tea. I just want to be satisfied with our family health and well-being." The days are not comfortable, and the daily seafood is also chewy with no smell.
       Yun-Qing touched the head of Yu-Xi and said:
       "You can rest assured that our family will be safe, healthy and healthy." After this, Yun-Qing put his hand on the belly of Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi saw it and thought about it:
       "He Rui, since I have this child, I especially like to eat fruit. Lan Mama said that this is afraid of being a Miss." Lan Mama can't say this, it is Yu-Xi himself, borrowing Lan Mama. In the name of. Yu-Xi thinks that she is sour and spicy, she doesn't like to eat sour, she doesn't like spicy food, she only likes to eat fruit, and it is sweet fruit, so Yu-Xi thinks that this fetus is estimated to be another Miss. It is. Of course, if it is better to guess that it is a son, it is also an unexpected surprise.
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "I have only heard of sour women, but I have never heard of pregnancy like fruit, and will be Miss?"
       After a pause, Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       “Miss is also very good, so let Jao-Jao take care of Mei Mei in the future.”
       Yu-Xi has a sincere smile on his face.

Chapter 554 芊芊(1) 

       The farms and trees are all shrouded in the morning sun; the gentle mists are slowly dissociated, and everything is so quiet.
       Going to the door, Yun-Qing said to Yu-Xi:
       "Go back, the outside is heavy, you don't come out." Too many things, he can't stay too much time on Zhuangzi. No, it’s going to be rushed back to Fu-Cheng City.
       Yu-Xi did not send out the door, just at the door, looking at Yun-Qing on the carriage, and then disappeared in sight with a dry follower.
       Back in the house, Yu-Xi couldn't sleep, just take the letter that everyone wrote to her. Before because of Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi only opened the letter of Han Jianming, and the letters of other people were not opened. However, what Han Jianming said in the letter is something she already knew, and she did not find any abnormality in the previous method, so she let go.
       This will look at Qiu-shi letter. When I look at it, I find it wrong.
       This is totally different from the previous letter.
       Yu-Xi moved his mind and interpreted the letter according to the previous method.
       The result of the interpretation of the news made Yu-Xi look a little dignified, and even thought of letting the second brother be seriously injured, then let 2nd Sister-in-law bring the child to see people. It can be seen from this news that the capital is not safe, otherwise the older brother will not think about using this method to let 2nd Sister-in-law come over.
       After Yu-Xi pondered for a moment, he put the letter back into the scorpion and called Guo Xun, saying:
       "People give me a message to my second brother, saying that I have something to look for, please ask him to come over." This thing Yu-Xi can not make a good idea, must Han Jianye agree to become. However, according to Yu-Xi speculation, he may not accept this suggestion with Han Jianye temperament.
       As Yu-Xi expected, Han Jianye really refused. Han Jianye said:
       "Fu-Cheng City is so dangerous that Axiu is coming to the children, and it is not dangerous."
       Yu-Xi did not dare to talk to Han Jianye about the fact that Capital City is likely to be unsafe. Although Han Jianye has been practicing for a few years now, he has matured a lot compared with the past. However, this kind of secret and there is no basis for guessing, Yu-Xi is afraid to tell him. Yu-Xi said:
       "Second brother, this is not true. It seems that Big Brother is not willing to raise 2nd Sister-in-law and Zhizi. What kind of person is Big Brother? You still don't know?"
       Han Jianye glanced at Yu-Xi and said:
       "When did I say this? Don't you misinterpret what I mean?"
       Although Han Jianye is in Fu-Cheng City, he is now basically in the military camp. Even if he is on vacation, he rarely comes out. According to Han Jianye, he must work hard to be able to stop being promoted by the Yu-Xi relationship.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I am just a joke, what are you doing so excitedly?"
       Seeing Han Jianye, Yu-Xi immediately shifted the topic and said:
       "Big brother will suddenly write to me and tell me about it. It must be his consideration. If you feel that this method is not appropriate, you can find another way. I think, first, 2nd Sister-in-law and Angeer.
       They are better to pick up."
       Han Jianye did not immediately agree, saying:
       "This is something I think about again." In fact, Han Jianye did not want Lu Xiu and his two sons to come to Fu-Cheng City.
       The sinister danger along the way will not be said. I only say that Fu-Cheng City is a poor place. If there is nothing, it is not a crime for his ‘Madam’ and children to come here.
       Yu-Xi is no longer persuaded to say:
       "When you think about it, tell me again." Yu-Xi didn't really want Lu Xiu to come with two children. Nowadays, the northwest is not in a mess. Lu Xiu comes with two children. If there is a problem on the road, I regret not looking for it. It is only this matter, she must have asked Han Jianye, after all, Han Jianye is the party. Now that Han Jianye refused, she also breathed a sigh of relief.
       Han Jianye sighed and asked:
       "Jao-Jao? Why don't you see Jao-Jao?"
       When I heard that Jao-Jao went to Huo Changqing, Han Jianye couldn’t help but say:
       "Huo Shuna is a big man, let Jao-Jao stay with him for a long time, and you are not afraid of being affected." Jao-Jao is like a kid, but he is not a kid, it is a Miss. Since it is Miss, it should be like a Miss.
       Yu-Xi is still the same sentence:
       "Jao-Jao is still small, let her talk about it after she knows things!" Yu-Xi suffered from childhood, so his most hope is that Jao-Jao can grow up happily and happily. Rather than being like her, she will be worried about the future.
       Han Jianye just mentioned it casually. Seeing Yu-Xi heart, he will not talk about this topic anymore:
       "Yu-Xi, half-month ago, Yun-Qing sent out eight hundred cavalrymen. Are these people really going to pick up the grain?"
       Yu-Xi has a glimpse of his heart, but the face is not obvious, he said with a smile:
       "It's natural to get to the grain, or else what else to do? How do you ask this question?"
       Han Jianye said:
       "I just think that there are too many eight hundred cavalry. You may not know that the cavalry sent by Yun-Qing is elite, and it is not an exaggeration to say that one is ten. Yun-Qing has made many people guess. Does he have another picture. Yu-Xi, you remind him to let him pay attention." Han Jianye originally wanted to talk to Yun-Qing himself, just thought about it and felt that he said it was inappropriate. Just Yu-Xi asked him to come, so he simply told Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "You also know that the northwest is so chaotic. It is not always possible to send some people out to save the grain. Once the military food is robbed, there will be no food in the army. What can the soldiers do?"
       The military food was robbed, and this happened several times in the hands of Qin Yuanshuai. When Qin Yuanshuai got the news, he sent out the cavalry to go out and destroy the stolen goods and grab the food back. It is also because of the shackles of the Northwest Army that the average person rarely dares to play the idea of ​​the Northwest Army.
       Han Jianye also knows that Yun-Qing is difficult to do, saying:
       "I know that Yun-Qing is difficult, but I still need to pay more attention.
       This is a bad thing, and there may be a big disaster."
       As I spoke, suddenly the pomegranate ‘called outside:
       "Madam, Yu Baowei came over." Yu Cong came over this time, and there must be something important.
       Han Jianye said with interest:
       "Then I will go to see Jao-Jao first, and I will come back later." Although it is a brother-sister with Yu-Xi, there are some things that can't be intertwined.
       Yu Cong came in and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Madam, just got the news, Song Guofan was assassinated by Assassin in Liaodong. After the general knows that Song Guofan was stabbed to death, let me tell you." When he said this, Yu Cong was very Excited. Obviously, he was very happy that Song Guofan was assassinated.
       Yu-Xi listened to this and did not show any joyful expression, but asked:
       "What is going on? Tell me about it?"
       Yu Cong shook his head and said:
       "We just got the news that Song Guofan was assassinated and died.
       The specifics are not clear." Seeing Yu-Xi looks wrong, Yu Cong asked:
       "Madam, is there anything wrong with it?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Nature is not right. If Song Guofan is so easily assassinated, he did not know how many times he died, and he can still compete with him for so many years." Tong Chunlin was stabbed to death, which was arrested by Yan Wu-shuang. opportunity. Song Guofan went to Liaodong, it was prepared, and Tong Chunlin promoted many Song people.
       The Song family has a great power in Liaodong. In this case, Yan Wu-shuang wants to assassinate success, which is basically impossible.
       Song Guozhen did not kill Yun-Qing , not because he had a rice bucket under his hand, but because Yun-Qing had Qin Yuanshuai. When Qin Qinshuai was gone, Yun-Qing was already full of wings, and Song Guofan could not kill him. Of course, Yun-Qing is also a good luck.
       Yu Cong’s face changed and said:
       "Madam means that Song Guofan was stabbed and killed. Is this a fake?"
       If so, it is not a happy day.
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Ten have * are fake."
       Yu Cong was very disappointed and said:
       "If it is true, it will be fine." Song Guozhen died, which is a heavy blow to the Song family.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "You will tell the general now, let him not act rashly. I will go back tomorrow, and wait for me to go back and say." Now the sky is getting dark, Yu-Xi does not dare to return to Fu-Cheng City.
       The bumps on the road were so powerful that if the Malaysian side did not stabilize, it would not be able to find it.
       At this time, in the largest brothel in Liaodong, Yichun Building, ushered in a lavish guest. When the guest walked into the Yichun Building, he threw it at the gold ingots of the old and the old, saying:
       "I want to accompany Miss." 芊芊Miss is very famous in the E-Spring House. A ‘zither’ is basically unrivaled in Liaodong. Unfortunately, she is a clear-cut, unsold company.
       The old man got the gold ingot and smiled and greeted the guests. Go to the window of 芊芊Miss and ‘call:
       "Oh, there are guests who want to listen to you playing the ‘zither’, you are about to open the door." He is not selling his body, but her worth is second only to the top card in Yichun Building. For this cash cow, the old man is still very careful.
       Not much will, the inside door will open, and I will come out with a 13-year Old Miss.
       This Miss is called Ai, who is a close-knit Servant. A Yi said to the old man:
       “Mama, Miss is a little uncomfortable today. Can you let Miss have a day off?”
       Watching Miss wash his hands every time he plays the ‘zither’, Ai is very distressed.
       When the old man listened to this, his face changed, but he still walked into the room with patience, and said to the squatting in bed:
       "Oh, this guest is very important, you have to accompany it. Otherwise, not only you, but I can't take it." Seeing the man's suffocation, this person must be the person who often sees blood. .
       This kind of person, not the person in the army is the thief bandit. And this kind of thing is the person they can't offend.
       He said:
       "Mama, I don't sell my art." Every time she wants to emphasize a few times. Every time I answer, I feel very humiliated.
       The old man said with a smile:
       "Reassured, the guest said that he came to listen to the ‘zither’." Who can't go with the money! One shot is fifty Silver Taels, and I will definitely pay more.
       There was a disgust in the blink of an eye, and these people did not understand the ‘zither’ at all. Playing the ‘zither’ against these people is not as good as playing the ‘zither’! But I refused to refuse, like her current identity, as long as the bid is high, then it should not be rejected. Said with a blank expression:
       "Please come in!"
       The old man walked out with a smile, and invited the guests into the house.

Chapter 555 芊芊(2) 

       The Hawker was soon welcomed by the old man into the house.
       The Hawker looked at the old man and said:
       "You can go on." It’s also a hindrance to leave such a person here.
       The old man took a piece of gold ingot from the hands of the Hawker and smiled his eyes into a seam, saying:
       "Hey Miss's ‘zither’ is good, the guest officer enjoys it." Finished, twisted his waist and went out.
       The house was divided into two halves by a curtain, squatting inside the curtain, and the Hawker was placed outside the curtain.
       This is also a layer of ambiguous beauty.
       Sitting behind the curtain, he whispered softly:
       "Guest, don't know what song you want to listen to?"
       Hawker said:
       "Play a song "Guangling 3rd "."
       Awkward hands, said:
       "Guest, I am sorry, I am not very skilled in this song." It is not that it will not play, it is not this mood, it is not good to pop up.
       The Hawker added:
       "Then play "Guan Shanyue.""
       I heard that this person is so familiar with the two song names, I know that this person must be really understanding the ‘zither’, and no longer deny, Shen Sheng said:
       "Good." Guan Shanyue has a meaning of injury, but also feels that the soldiers are fighting for the battlefield and few people are still comfortable.
       After playing a song, see the guests have not echoed for a long time, stand up and say:
       "I don't know what songs the guests still want to hear?"
       There is a rule, only three songs are played with the guests. No matter how much, she would not want to play.
       The Hawker didn't order any more wine, just said:
       "Give me alcohol." This request is not excessive, as long as it is not moving hands, in general, you will meet the needs of guests.
       He walked slowly, but when she opened the curtain of the bead, she saw the person sitting in the chair with a look of horror.
       This person, this person is clearly the one who rescued her and sent her to the brothel.
       Ayi feels awkward and said:
       "Miss, what's wrong with you?"
       The Hawker looked at the little Servant and saw the small Servant a very blessed face with a very white skin. It was also a beautiful embryo. Hawker immediately said with a smile:
       "This Servant is a good one."
       A Yi listened to the words, holding his hand and could not help but shake. She knew that she was not bad, if it wasn't for Miss, she was afraid that the old Lady had let her pick up. Now that the Hawker said this, does it mean that she still can't escape this established fate?
       At this time, I finally replied to my mind and said:
       "Ai, go on!" When this person came to see her at this time, there must be something important for her to do.
       A Yi went away without a choice.
       Hawker chuckles:
       "If you lose her to the fire, will she return you?"
       Since Servant knows that he is not a good person, he has not left to protect this benefactor and the master. How can such a person use it.
       This woman has been in the brothel for such a long time, still not learning fine.
       I said hard:
       "What do you want me to do?"
       For the person in front of me, my feelings are complicated.
       The man rescued her from the official hand and let her jump out of the sea of ​​fire; but turned her head and pushed her into the abyss, and sent her to the brothel to become a brothel woman. Although she said that she is a clerk who does not sell her body, she can enter the brothel and has already tarnished the threshold of her section.
       For the bad attitude of Hao, the Hawker does not care, once again said:
       "Give me alcohol." Finished, leaning against the chair, a leisurely look.
       He clenched his fist tightly and said after a while:
       "What do you want to do?"
       If these people did not control her zhizi, she would have committed suicide and stayed in the brothel, and she was suffering.
       Hawker's eyelids did not move, said:
       "What I said, you didn't hear it?"
       He did not move when he stood there. If it is other guests, this humiliation will endure, but she is not willing to face the man who has harmed her to such a level.
       Hawker said with a chuckle:
       "So many years, you still can't learn. It really is that the mud can't help the wall." When she was released in the brothel, she didn't really want her to pick up the passengers. She just wanted to get rid of her arrogance and let her know. reality. It is a pity that Duan Xin was going to die after he was dissolved in the brothel. Even if he used the hatred of Duanjia to stimulate her, it would be useless. Duan Xin dissolved his heart to death. No way, finally let her see the only person who survived the Duan family, that is, Zhi Xin, who was beaten by Duan Xin, began to obey. But unfortunately, Duan Xinrong is not a material for information. After studying for a while, I still haven’t been able to use it. I can only stay in the brothel.
       Duan Xinrong squatted and said:
       "What the hell are you?"
       In these years, she always wanted to check the bottom of this person, but her resources are limited. Until now, she does not know what the man in front is.
       The Hawker spits out three words:
       "Yan Wu-shuang."
       Duan Xin thought about it for a moment, and said that he was afraid of it:
       "You are the young son of Yan Marshal Yan Wu-shuang?"
       After I finished speaking, I seriously looked at the man in front of me. She was tall and burly, and her face was unshaven.
       There was no legendary unparalleled in her life. It seemed that the middle-aged uncle could not be overemphasized.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Or else who do you think is?"
       Duan Xinrong said with great vigilance:
       "You came to me this time, what do you want me to do?"
       It’s been a few years for this person to throw himself in the brothel. It’s definitely not good to find her this time.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I came over to tell you that you won't have to stay here again. Someone will pick you up this evening."
       Duan Xinrong said:
       "where to?"
       Yan Wu-shuang channel:
       "You don't need to know this." After that, he got up and left the Echun Building. I got on the carriage, then changed the carriage, and wandered around three places before I knocked on the door of a house. At this time, Yan Wu-shuang had changed clothes and looked unattractive.
       After the door was opened, the people inside saw the man who claimed to be Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "Come in! The Lord has been waiting for you!"
       Outside is a very ordinary house, only to walk in to know that it is not ordinary. I don’t know how many people are ambushing in secret. As long as there is a change in the outside, these people will kill people in the fastest time.
       When a child led Yan Wu-shuang out of the house, he retired.
       Yan Wu-shuang walked into the house and said to the man standing at the table and looking gloomy:
       "Lord, the matter has already been done." Let Duan Xinrong leave Yichunlou to send someone to pick up, why bother. He did not understand the meaning of the Lord’s doing this.
       The man standing at the table is the real Yan Wu-shuang.
       The man who calls himself Yan Wu-shuang, whose real name is Meng-nian, is one of his Yan Wu-shuang. Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Tomorrow, you will take Duan Xin to the northwest."
       Meng-nian said:
       "The Lord wants to let his subordinates take Duan Xin to go to the northwest to find Han-shi? But according to the news we got, Han-shi is a very shrewd person, he may not believe in my identity?"
       It’s not difficult to swindle the segment, but if you want to fool the savage Han-shi, it’s a bit difficult.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Han-shi does not believe that it doesn't matter, as long as the court and Song Huaiqi believe it is enough." Let the imperial court and the Song family think that he and Yu-Qing have colluded, and then Yun-Qing will die unless he is willing to die. Otherwise, I don’t want to go against it.
       If Yan Wu-shuang knows that Yu-Xi has already said that Yun-Qing , Yun-Qing is ready to rebel, I believe he will not do anything more.
       Meng-nian said:
       "Yes, then I will bring Duan Xin to the northwest tomorrow morning." Duan Xinrong is a close friend of Han-shi before, but I don't know if I will see Duan Xinrong, Han-shi will not save.
       The person inside said:
       "Meng-nian, this is dangerous, you have to be careful." The assassination has exposed his identity. Later, even if he was hiding in the dark, he could not avoid the imperial court and the Song family.
       Meng-nian said:
       "The Lord is relieved, I will come back safely."
       After Meng-nian left, the room fell into silence. After a while, a man with a squat on his back opened the curtain and walked in from the outside and said to Yan Wu-shuang:
       "Seven Masters, is it true that doing Yun-Qing ?"
       The voice of this man's voice is very sand mute, listening very harsh.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Even if Yun-Qing is not going to be reversed, Han-shi will convince him to oppose it." Han-shi is not a woman who is waiting to die. Han-shi has such a big influence on Yun-Qing , and she will definitely try to convince Yun-Qing .
       The sound of sand mute sounded again, saying:
       "Unfortunately, this time I killed the substitute." If it is the real Song Huai, it will be fine.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not sorry, said:
       "Tang Bo does not have to regret it. One day, I will kill Song Huai own hands. More than 100 people in the Yan family, the souls of more than 100 thousand soldiers in Liaodong, always have to go back to Song Huaiyu and the dog emperor." Tang Bo surnamed Tang Mingxing Ping is the most loyal subordinate of Yan Marshal. If it weren't for him, Yan Wu-shuang could not live to the present.
       Tang Xingping knows that Yan Wu-shuang has been suffering for revenge in these years.
       The dead personnel are relieved, and the surviving talents are the most painful:
       "Seven Master, you are also 26 years old this year, it is a family." Yun-Qing is only two years younger than his seven-year Old, and now it is almost the embarrassment of two children.
       See Yan Wu-shuang's expressionless look, Tang Xingping said:
       "Seven Masters, Yanjia will leave you alone. For the Yan family, you can't help it." If Yan Wu-shuang didn't leave a child, the Yan family would be gone.
       Yan Wu-shuang makes people look expressionless and says:
       "If you want to leave a child, you don't have to be jealous? It is dangerous, but it is dangerous." He is in a very dangerous situation now. If he is married, even if his ‘Madam’ has a child, it will not be safe.
       Tang Xingping heard a big joy and said:
       "I am ready." Before I persuaded Yan Wu-shuang to let him marry his ‘Madam’ and children, but Yan Wu-shuang did not agree. For this matter, Tang Xingping has whitened his hair. Now that Yan Wu-shuang is slouching, he has to hurry to arrange it, saving him from remorse.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Don't let the other person know my identity." Yan Wu-shuang intends that if the woman who Tang Xingping finds has his child, he will immediately send it to a reliable place to settle down. If he later defeated the Song family and was still alive, he would pick up the child. If he is dead, the child can grow up safely. Yan family, is not a must.
       Tang Xingping will naturally not object:
       "I will arrange it."
       As a result, Tang Xingping found two people for Yan Wu-shuang.
       These two women are all kinds of hips with good width. Tang Xingping also has his own reasons:
       "Even if you are pregnant, you don't have to be a son. If you have two, you can insure some."
       The two women are not placed together. Yan Wu-shuang met the two women separately, one looks dignified, one looks handsome, and the appearance is not a special person.
       After seeing people, Yan Wu-shuang and Tang Xingping said:
       "Let them stay!" Although my heart is not happy, Tang Xingping's concerns are not unreasonable. For the Yan family, he has been thinking about it for more than ten years, and there is nothing to be a tool for giving birth to a child.

Chapter 556 Poor people must have hateful places 

       The blue sky, the sun like a fireball, even the clouds seem to be melted by the sun, disappearing without a trace; the soil in the ground is hot as if it is also smoking.
       On the official road, a carriage slowly ran. Yu-Xi took the scorpion and wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:
       "This weather is really hot." Because of pregnancy, the carriage went very slowly. No, it hasn't rushed back to Fu-Cheng City at noon.
       Lan Mama opened the curtain and looked down and said:
       "There is still half an hour to get to Fu-Cheng City." She is too hot. As for Jao-Jao, Chad, there is still a live wave of the week.
       When I returned to Yunfu, Yu-Xi was soaked with heavy rain, and the whole body was soaked, so when I returned to Yunfu, the first thing was to take a shower. Of course, Yu-Xi does not dare to take a hot bath, using warm water. After the shower, Yu-Xi felt that the whole body was relaxed. Said with Purple Zi-Jin:
       "I will not toss it again in the future." I knew that I would not go to the country, and I would like to go back and forth.
       Purple Zi-Jin said with a smile:
       "Madam, I didn't say heat, you still cried." Purple Zi-Jin is riding a horse, riding the big sun.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Where are you like me! I am pregnant with children, and I am not hot." If it is other times, she will not be so delicate.
       Speaking of children, Yu-Xi looked at Purple Zi-Jin and said:
       "You have been married for half a year, and your body has no problems. Why haven’t you been still moving?"
       Purple Zi-Jin is in good health, and Yu Zhi is also very loving. It is reasonable to say that there should be children soon.
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "There have been too many things lately. After a while, everything will settle down and have children!" Although I don't know what Yu-Xi is planning, I instinctively feel that something big will happen soon, so Purple Zi-Jin Will not dare to have children. Once she has a child, she can't protect Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi stunned. He didn't expect Purple Zi-Jin to have no children for this reason. But thinking about what is going to happen, she did not persuade Purple Zi-Jin to ask the child now, saying:
       "Does Yu Zhi have no opinion?"
       Purple Zi-Jin smiled and shook his head and said:
       "No. Master also said that I and Yu Zhi are still children. After two years of maturity, it is better to have children." Yang Shifu would say that he does not want to hold a small child, but he knows Yu -Xi is going to have a big move right away. If Purple Zi-Jin had a child and had no time to look after it, then the child would have to throw it at him. Although Yang Shifu also likes Jao-Jao, it is only limited to teasing Jao-Jao instead of letting him take it. Let him take Jao-Jao, not a day.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Yu Zhi has no opinion." Next year, Purple Zi-Jin is only 20 years old, and it is not a delay to have a child at the age of 20.
       Purple Zi-Jin looked at the belly of Yu-Xi and hesitated and said:
       "Madam, Master said that your baby is probably still a Miss." This word is really hard to hear. However, Purple Zi-Jin feels that Yu-Xi should be mentally prepared. Otherwise, I always hope that I will be a son. As a result, I will give birth to a Miss, and I will be very disappointed at that time.
       Yu-Xi was a little surprised and said:
       “Yang Shifu still understands this?”
       She only knows that the medicine made by Yang Shifu is a good thing. I didn't expect to see that it is a man or a woman. In other words, she is only three months old, even the Imperial Doctor and the stable woman are not much seen.
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "Master said that this child is very delicate, and that Miss is more delicate." If a kid is so delicate, then it is troublesome.
       Yu-Xi is thoughtful.
       Purple Zi-Jin saw it and said carefully:
       "Madam, don't be upset, even if this is really a Miss, the next one will definitely be a young Young Master." She knows that Yu-Xi always wanted to have a son. Of course, Lan Mama and Qu Mama have been chanting, hoping that Madam will give birth to her son.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "My son and daughter, I like it." After that, Yu-Xi added another sentence and said:
       “Yun-Qing also likes it.”
       Purple Zi-Jin breathed a sigh of relief and said:
       "That's good."
       Yu-Xi touched her stomach and said:
       "My daughter doesn't matter, I just hope that I don't want to be like Yao-Jao." Jao-Jao has Huo Changqing protection, and Yun-Qing is petting, even if she wants to be a strict mother, let Jao- The possibility that Jao becomes a Lady is also very small.
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "This child is so delicate in three months, and will definitely be like a Madam. It is a gentle and gentle Lady."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       Yun-Qing went to the military camp and it was already dark when he came back. At this time, Yu-Xi is resting on the soft couch. Upon hearing the steady footsteps, Yu-Xi immediately opened his eyes.
       Seeing Yu-Xi wake up, Yun-Qing said apologetically:
       "Wake you up." He has tried to take a light step, but he still woke up Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Sleep for half an afternoon, I am still asleep. You haven't used dinner yet?"
       See Yun-Qing nod, Yu-Xi busy to call Bai Mama cooking. Under normal circumstances, it should be fried and put the vegetables, and when Yun-Qing comes back, you can eat. But Yu-Xi is not willing, she feels that since there is such a condition, it is natural to eat now.
       Pomegranate immediately brought water to Yun-Qing to wash his face. Just washed your face, Qu Mama came to a bowl of three bean soup.
       This three bean soup is actually made with mung beans, Hong-duo, and glutinous rice.
       This three bean soup has the effect of clearing away heat and diuresis, reducing inflammation and detoxification. Of course, Yu-Xi can only eat naturally cool, do not dare to drink iced, and can not drink too much. Yun-Qing didn't have any concerns in this regard, so after drinking a bowl of iced Sandou soup, Yun-Qing felt the pores stretched out. So, still Erxi is good at home, the quality of life is rising.
       Not only the feeling of Yun-Qing , but also the feeling of Xu Daniu. Eating the iced three bean soup, Xu Daniu said:
       "Madam is still in the mansion." Madam is not, let alone the icy three bean soup, even the ordinary mung bean soup did not have to drink.
       Xu Wu said with a smile:
       "You have to say this to the general." Xu Wu followed the Yu-Xi to the country, but Xu Daniu was left in Yunfu.
       The rice is ready Made, and the dishes are also available. Bai Mama quickly cooked three dishes, and Bai Mama personally served the table.
       Yun-Qing has a big appetite. He ate three bowls of rice and the two dishes were swept away. Seeing that Yu-Xi shook his head, he always said that Yun-Qing would only eat seven full meals, but Yun-Qing was used to the nutrition of the army. She said that it was useless. In the end, she did not say anything.
       Yu-Xi and other Yun-Qing put down the tableware and said:
       "Let's go to the yard!" After eating, walking, you can eliminate food.
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "it is good!"
       On summer nights, the stars are especially bright. You don't need a lantern, you can see it clearly. However, in order to insure, there is still a Servant in front of the road with a bright lantern. Yun-Qing is holding Yu-Xi and walking slowly,
       Without waiting for the husband and ‘Madam’ to go to the vegetable garden, Xu Wu rushed over and said to Yun-Qing :
       "General, General Fu is looking for you. I am worried that he is full of anxiety. It should be urgent."
       Yu-Xi said very thoughtfully:
       "Let's go over and see it! I just go back with Purple Zi-Jin." Fu Tianlei is very hard to fight and is not afraid of death. He has nothing to say about Yun-Qing , but he is too indulgent to his family. Fu Qing luo will have such a temperament child, and Fu Tianlei has an unshirkable responsibility.
       After Yun-Qing left, Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "I hope that there is no change in Bae-Bae?"
       After last year's war, Purple Zi-Jin really didn't want to open up.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "No, Fu Tianlei came over this time, ten have * is a chores." If there is a change in Bae-Bae, it is impossible to report it by Fu Tianlei.
       As Yu-Xi expected, Fu Tianlei coming is really a chores. Chen-shi This time the pregnancy is too urgent, the fetus is very unstable. After several times, I almost lost my baby. Chen-shi can only lie on the bed and dare not get out of bed.
       Hearing that Fu Tianlei wanted to borrow Lan Mama, see Yun-Qing frowning, Fu Tianlei smiled bitterly:
       "A Qing , you know, Chen-shi is not easy, I really can't do it, or else I won't open this mouth with you." I heard that Chen-shi said that Lan Mama would care for people. I begged him for a long time, and he only used his scalp to borrow people.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "I don't want to, but Lan Mama is good at taking care of children. It's not good at taking care of pregnant women. You don't use it when you borrow people." Xi Mama, who is good at taking care of pregnant women, is dead.
       Fu Tianlei did not think that Yun-Qing was an excuse not to be hired by people, saying:
       "If you don't use it, let her take a trip with me!" Lan Mama really won't take care of pregnant women, and Chen-shi is no longer worried. For Chen-shi, he is actually very guilty. If he was not guilty, Chen-shi would not be eager to have children, and he would not have to suffer this crime.
       Therefore, although he knew that this request was excessive, he still came over with a scalp.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Then I will talk to Yu-Xi." Lan Mama is a Yu-Xi person. By borrowing Lan Mama, Yu-Xi must agree.
       Yu-Xi is not willing to let Lan Mama pass, saying:
       "Jao-Jao can't leave Lan Mama, or else, sleep at night can't sleep well." Jao-Jao sleeps with Lan Mama in the evening and is used to it. If you can't see anyone at night, you must be crying. Of course, this is not the real reason.
       The real reason is that she doesn't want to be involved with Chen-shi. Chen-shi This tire is so hard, it is entirely self-seeking. It is not the Yu-Xi crow mouth. As far as her physical condition is concerned, it is difficult for the child to be born safely. Even if the child is born safely, the body of the child is not expected to be good. Chen-shi move is not only irresponsible to himself, but also irresponsible to children. If you can't give your child a healthy body, then the child has to start sinning from birth.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Tian Lei is asking for a door, and I can't help but give this face. Let Lan Mama go in the past, but I must come back at night." It's not something that can't be done, but borrowing someone.
       Yun-Qing will say this, and if you don't agree, Yun-Qing will not be able to pass. Yu-Xi immediately reluctantly said:
       "Let's let Lan Mama take a trip! But if Lan Mama can't come back tonight, Jao-Jao is crying, you come." Good guys, it's not that easy to do.
       Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "it is good."
       I think that the child in the belly of Chen-shi is born, it is very likely that the body will not be good. Yu-Xi added:
       "This time I saw your love with Fu Tianlei, I promised. However, there can be no more next time." If this child is born to be a daughter, Chen-shi will not put too much thought on the child. . But if this fetus is a son, then Chen-shi would probably want to borrow Lan Mama to help her take care of her children, which is really endless.
       Yun-Qing heard Yu-Xi concerns and shook his head and said:
       “When Lan Mama has to take care of our children, there is time to take care of their children.”
       Yu-Xi said with no confidence:
       "This is still the first thing to tell Fu Tianlei, when he is not good enough to ask for help."
       Yun-Qing nodded:
       "I will tell him." Yun-Qing thinks that Yu-Xi thinks too much.
       Lan Mama told Yun-Qing a lot of precautions before going to Fu. At this time, Qu Mama is also listening. Yu-Xi didn't listen much, she was short of her child's spirit, and she couldn't take her to take care of Jao-Jao.
       Yun-Qing heard the groan of the pass, and took a circle in front of him:
       "Isn't it just to sleep with the child, then get up in the middle of the night to feed?"
       Yun-Qing thought that Jao-Jao was still the same as before. When he was full, he slept. He woke up in the middle of the night and ate milk. He then resolved the bowel movement and continued to sleep.
       Then I realized that it was dawn.
       Lan Mama is speechless and says:
       "General, at that time, Miss was only a few months old, can understand what!" The child with a big palm, is not eating and sleeping, sleeping. Now it's not the same. Jao-Jao child is too energetic. If she doesn't have the medicine to help her, she is a little hard to carry.
       Yun-Qing After listening to this, there is a bad feeling.
       Yu-Xi pushed Yun-Qing and said:
       "Jao-Jao hasn't slept yet, you used to accompany her!" Yun-Qing hurts Jao-Jao, but he is too busy, and there is very little time to really accompany Jao-Jao.
       When Yun-Qing enters the wing room, Yu-Xi tells Qu Mama:
       "This Chen-shi, I really dare to speak." Chen-shi himself is also a mother, can not know that this personal care can not be changed. However, she still raised such an excessive request, it can be seen that she is expected to Yun-Qing will not refuse Fu Tianlei.
       Qu Mama is much deeper than Yu-Xi and says:
       "Madam, the generals and the generals of Fu are very good, but Chen-shi is so late, and sooner or later will be divided." Chen-shi Since playing such an idea, certainly will not let Lan Mama is back. But Jao-Jao is not allowed to leave Lan Mama, and there must be contradictions at that time. Qu Mama said that the original request should not be promised. For the first time, there is a second time.
       It’s good to be a good old man and see the problem more thoroughly.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It won't be. Lan Mama will stay for up to one night and will definitely be back tomorrow." Lan Mama is not stupid, and he will try his best to take care of Chen-shi.
       Then again, Chen-shi did it, and it was estimated that it was forced to help.
       Qu Mama said:
       "Madam, can't let the disgusting people like Chen-shi." For those who are self-interested by Chen-shi, there is no need to worry too much.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Lets see!"
       Qu Mama followed the Yu-Xi for a few years and still knew about the Yu-Xi temperament, and immediately said:
       "I know that Madam thinks that Chen-shi is also very pitiful and soft-hearted. Just, Madam, poor people must have hateful places."
       Yu-Xi is still the same sentence:
       "This is all right. If there is another time, I will not give her a face."

Chapter 557 Tantrum 

       The dissolved moonlight, passed through the umbrella-shaped twigs, quietly sprinkled in the courtyard of Yunfu. All of this is so beautiful.
       "Wow..." The cry of the baby broke the silence.
       Yun-Qing is holding the crying Jao-Jao in the house and shaking gently while walking:
       "Jao-Jao doesn't cry, Jao-Jao doesn't cry..." Although Yun-Qing knows how to change diapers for children, it can also help solve Jao-Jao personal hygiene problems, but how to Jao- Jao don't cry, he really doesn't know.
       Jao-Jao didn't give face and continued to cry. Not only must the ear of this magic sound shake the ears, but also catch and smash, making Yun-Qing miserable.
       Yu-Xi couldn't help himself, saying:
       "You let the generals bring Jao-Jao over!" This Yatou crying really made her stunned. If she didn't hold her, she could cry for two hours.
       Yun-Qing got this, relieved, and hugged Jao-Jao into the bedroom. As soon as I entered the room, I saw that Yu-Xi was already lying on the bed.
       When Jao-Jao saw Yu-Xi, he stopped crying and shook hands with his hands:
       "Mother, mother, hug, hug..." Don't look at the Jao-Jao with Lan Mama, but the closest to Jao-Jao is Yu-Xi. Otherwise, Lan Mama dares to go away.
       Yu-Xi didn't hold Jao-Jao, she couldn't hold Jao-Jao in this situation, just let Yun-Qing put Jao-Jao next to her and said:
       "Go to the pomegranate to make a pot of water, this is a flower cat face." Do not wash your face, the quilt has to be dirty.
       Jao-Jao would like to climb Yu-Xi, but Yu-Xi does not let. Seeing no purpose, Jao-Jao burst into tears.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Or, hug her! Jao-Jao is only one year old, not heavy." Seeing Jao-Jao crying for a long time, he also feels distressed.
       Yu-Xi is speechless and says:
       "She is so hard on her hands and feet, what should I do if I kick my stomach? And Rui, you can't be too pampered with this Yatou. Too pampered with children, it is not a love for her." There are too heavy precedents, so Yu -Xi believes that children must be strictly taught.
       The pomegranate hit the water and placed it on the basin frame. A small towel was twisted and handed over to Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi did not pick up and said to Yun-Qing :
       "You come."
       This water is warm, hot, and warm water is not comfortable. Jao-Jao naturally does not cooperate, see Yun-Qing force her face, crying is big.
       Yun-Qing said with concern:
       "If I cry like this again, I am worried that her throat will hurt!" They all cried for two quarters of an hour. I am really worried that this Yatou will have a mute tomorrow.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "You go to the front yard to cook things, Jao-Jao will give it to me!" This Yatou, the more she cares about her, the more she cries. If you don't pay attention to her, you will not cry soon. Don't look at one year old, this Yatou is smart!
       Looking at the daughter who was lying in bed and tears, Yun-Qing was not willing to go, said:
       "Do not delay this half-time."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Then you slowly take it! I am going to sleep." The pregnant woman is very sleepy and sleeps very hard.
       This is not, just lying down, completely did not care about the crying noise of the big door, she fell asleep.
       Yun-Qing is afraid that Jao-Jao has quarreled Yu-Xi and is busy crying out of Jao-Jao out of the bedroom.
       In the middle of the night, Yu-Xi woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Yun-Qing ‘calling at Jao-Jao with a moonlight! However, if you can ignore the two noses under Jao-Jao nose, the picture will be better.
       Yu-Xi didn't want to alarm Yun-Qing , but when she got up and the quilt just got up, Yun-Qing woke up and saw Yu-Xi ready to get out of bed and asked:
       "what happened?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I am going to go to the toilet." Now the soup is drinking more water, so I have to get up in the middle of the night to solve the personal hygiene problem.
       Yun-Qing puts down Jao-Jao and climbs up and says:
       "I will help you in!" The toilet is placed in the clean room not far away.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "No, I am not walking." Although pregnant, she is very agile, similar to the average person.
       This is also the result of her daily activities.
       After talking, Yu-Xi looked at the clothes on the sleeping Jao-Jao and asked:
       "Why didn't you bathe your child last night?"
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "No. I think she takes a bath every day. It doesn't matter if she washes less. I didn't wash her!" Qu Mama got water, but Jao-Jao didn't want to wash. When she touched the water, she cried and cried Yun -Qing can only be compromised.
       Yu-Xi is speechless and says:
       "What is it that it doesn't matter if you take a shower less? If you eat less, you can't die if you eat less! In the future, you can't let you take your child."
       Yun-Qing was not angry when he was degraded, saying:
       "I don't have time to take my children often. It's rare to do this once.
       There is nothing to hinder her." See Yu-Xi and say that Yun-Qing is busy saying:
       "Let's go, I will help you to go to the clean room -!"
       The next day, Lan Mama had not returned since Yu-Xi had used up breakfast. Yu-Xi did not say anything, Qu Mama has opinions:
       "What does this Chen-shi mean?"
       Where are the mothers who have children?
       Yu-Xi looks the same, saying:
       "If Lan Mama hasn't returned yet at noon, send someone to Fujia and pick up Lan Mama."
       By noon, Lan Mama has not returned yet.
       When using lunch, Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing said:
       "I am short-lived now, and I have been a little reluctant to take it in the morning. When I will pick up Lan Mama, I will not be able to let other people bring it, but I will give it to others. Yu-Xi is not at ease.
       Yun-Qing has a difficult face and says:
       "I have already promised Tian Lei, let Lan Mama take care of Chen-shi in Fufu for a few days."
       Yu-Xi is very angry and says:
       "Is your brother's sentiment important, or is your daughter important?"
       Let Lan Mama look at it in the past and give Chen-shi some good advice.
       This does not hinder, but it is a matter of deduction.
       Yun-Qing thinks that Yu-Xi is totally unreasonable, saying:
       “Jao-Jao has always been taken care of by Lan Mama, but it is not inseparable from Lan Mama. Chen-shi is very unstable now, so it is nothing to let Lan Mama take care of for a few days.”
       The weather is irritating, people are easy to get angry, and with the pregnancy, Yu-Xi temper comes up.
       The Yu-Xi can't be controlled on most days, but now she can't suppress it. After listening to Yun-Qing , I was so angry that I buckled the chopsticks on the table and said with a cold face:
       "Do you know that a child like Jao-Jao is sick if he is not careful?"
       Didn't wait for Yun-Qing to answer Yu-Xi, got up, didn't eat rice, and went straight back to the bedroom. It can be said that this is the first time that Yu-Xi has given Yu-Qing a face since the two became married.
       Qu Mama, who was on the sidelines, explained:
       "General, Madam is uncomfortable with the pregnancy, and brought Jao-Jao a morning, very tired, so this fire is inevitably bigger."
       Yun-Qing just wanted to speak, and Xu Wu came in and said:
       "General, Wei Guo came over and is waiting outside."
       This point is coming, it must be something. Yun-Qing put down the tableware and went out immediately. Qu Mama was busy into the bedroom and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Madam, the general went to the front yard with something." After saying that Yu-Xi was advised, he said:
       "No matter what you eat beforehand, this does not eat, where can the body stand?"
       I didn’t have to worry about Chen’s feelings for Chen-shi.
       Yu-Xi is also a temper, but not with the body, immediately went out to continue eating. It didn't take long for me to get up after eating, and after quenching Qu Mama with the medicine, I fell asleep.
       In the afternoon, Yu-Xi habitually touched the forehead of Jao-Jao. After I touched it, my face changed and I immediately called:
       "Go and talk to the big housekeeper, let him go and ask Dr Zeng to come over." Zeng Da Fu, the doctor who is best at treating pediatric diseases in Fu-Cheng City.
       The pomegranate was very clever. When I saw it, I knew that Miss had any problems, so when she got the word, she ran out and spoke.
       Qu Mama was busy asking:
       "Madam, what's wrong?"
       Yu-Xi really feels like a crow's mouth, a good curse for what the child does. Immediately said with a bitter face:
       "Jao-Jao has a fever." Fortunately, she developed the habit of constantly touching Jao-Jao forehead, or else it was really ignored. Of course, this is also the case that Lan Mama often talks to her, saying that the child's illness is always ignored by the Darens, dragging on for a long time, and the small problem is a big problem.
       Dr Zeng came over quickly and gave Jiao-Jao a diagnosis.
       The husband said:
       "Eldest Miss this is a bit cold, but found in time, there is not much hindrance. I open the way, first take a dose." A dose of medicine to eat three times, as long as the fever, you do not have to eat.
       Yu-Xi said, said:
       "Is it cold?"
       After saying this, I turned to look after Jao-Jao Qu Mama and the peony.
       Qu Mama did not hide, said:
       "At noon, Miss Miss fell asleep, and I ordered the medicine to look at the Eldest Miss, and I came out to cook the inner court."
       The medicine is busy saying:
       "Madam, dry mother, I have been holding out to Miss, and I have not left in one step." After learning the rules, she followed Lan Mama to help take care of the Eldest Miss.
       Yu-Xi thought about it and asked:
       “Jao-Jao was taking a nap when I was taking a nap?”
       At that time, there was a basin of ice in the house. If Jao-Jao really smashed the quilt, it would definitely catch cold.
       When the peony was heard, the face was white, and he said on the ground:
       "Madam, it's my fault." When Jao-Jao was in the afternoon, she was watching, and fell asleep unconsciously. After she woke up, Jao-Jao quilt had been picked up. Aside. At that time, she didn't care, just covered the quilt with Jao-Jao. Unexpectedly, such an oversight, Jao-Jao was sick.
       Although Yu-Xi is angry, she does not immediately punish the drug, saying:
       "This is put down beforehand, first give Yao-Jao medicine." In fact, the main responsibility of this matter is not on the medicine. A half-large child, where can take care of Jao-Jao. It is also that she can’t hold back when she is trapped, or she will not have such a thing. Of course, if Lan Mama is there, there will be no such thing happening. Yu-Xi and Qu Mama said; "You personally went to Fujia to pick up Lan Mama."
       Qu Mama is busy with the sound.
       Yu-Xi personally took care of the sick Jao-Jao and even gave her medicine. Listening to the sound of Jao-Jao cat-like, kissed her forehead and said:
       "Jao-Jao, it’s good to take medicine." It is also a painful and difficult errand to administer medicine to children.

Chapter 558 Artichoke 

       Jao-Jao drank a small bowl of medicine and went to sleep. Yu-Xi did not dare to leave the half step at this time, just stay in front of the bed.
       Looking at the sleeping daughter, Yu-Xi is also reflecting on herself.
       This time, Jao-Jao is not a problem with Lan Mama.
       There is still a problem.
       There are too few people around Jao-Jao to care for him. By Jao-Jao, it is time to pick a group of people who are looking for it.
       Lan Mama heard Jao-Jao fever and was very anxious. She said:
       "I just left the day, how did Miss have a fever?"
       I don't know how people around me take care of them, and they don't care too much.
       Without waiting for Qu Mama to explain, Lan Mama said:
       "Go, go back quickly." She wanted to go back last night, but Chen-shi put down her body and begged her, and she got Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing 's instructions. Lan Mama is impatient again, and she has been telling Chen-shi with a lot of things that need attention and scruples. It is also best to mention how she cares about Chen-shi. Unexpectedly, her dedication did make Chen-shi more convinced that she would take care of people and would not let her go back.
       Chen-shi is very skeptical that Jao-Jao is not really sick, but she also knows that she can't stop it in this situation. Now it is very easy for the personal Servant to send Lan Mama out of the door.
       Lan Mama is back, Yu-Xi can also let go and deliver Jao-Jao to her for care. Pregnant women can't be tired, this is not a fake, only this small half-day kung fu Yu-Xi is too tired.
       Yun-Qing didn't return to the house until midnight. When he entered the house, he heard Xu Wu say that Jao-Jao had a fever. Yun-Qing is dark and asks:
       "How can Jao-Jao have a fever?"
       Thinking of Yu-Xi saying at noon, Yun-Qing is not good for the whole person.
       Xu Wu said the side of the matter, after saying:
       “Madam personally took care of Jao-Jao and waited until Lan Mama came back to rest.”
       Yun-Qing was a bit guilty. He wanted to apologize to Yu-Xi, but he could return to the backyard to know that Yu-Xi had fallen asleep.
       Qu Mama said:
       "General, Madam is tired, so I have to rest early." Caring for children is a very troublesome thing. It usually doesn't matter if you can't stand it with pregnancy.
       Yun-Qing is worried, saying:
       "Madam is okay?"
       See Qu Mama shaking his head and saying that he was just tired and rested, and there was no other obstacle, and he was relieved immediately.
       Qu Mama asks:
       "General, let me let Bai Mama give you a bowl of noodles!" Yun-Qing has to eat every night. If it is early, it will be fried two dishes. If it is late, it is a bowl of noodles plus two kinds of side dishes. .
       Yun-Qing eats very little at the military camp in the evening, and this will be hungry. No way, because of the luxury, easy to enter the martyrdom, the things in the military camp he can not really eat now. Yun-Qing clicked and said:
       "I will go see Jao-Jao first."
       Lan Mama This will be on the side of Jao-Jao, because it is okay, so I started playing. When I am old, my eyes are not very good, and I can't do some meticulous work. It is not a problem to get some things.
       The peony and the licorice slept on the couch next to it.
       Yun-Qing touched the forehead of Jao-Jao, feeling no different, asked Lan Mama:
       "How is Jao-Jao now? Do you want to be tight?"
       Lan Mama shook her head and said:
       "In the evening, the doctor once came over and saw it, saying that there is no big hindrance, but I have to eat some light food in the past few days. General, Zeng Da Fu said that Madam found it in time, if it was dragged for a long time, it would be troublesome. "There was only a little burn when I found out. If it was delayed, it would have a high fever." This child has a high fever, but it is not a joke.
       Yun-Qing sighed, this is his fault. It is he who takes it for granted that Jao-Jao is not going to leave Lan Mama, but he does not expect that the child is still very small and fragile.
       The careless person will make the child sick.
       Qu Mama walked in with a light hand and said:
       "General, the noodles are ready to be cooked and can be eaten."
       Bai Mama is doing fried noodles this evening. It contains eggs, vegetables , green peppers, and ham. When you eat, add two spoonfuls of beef hot sauce. It is not too delicious. In addition, there are two dishes.
       Yun-Qing ate the noodles and side dishes, and after eating, Bai Mama, who was ready to pack the dishes, said:
       "The craft is getting better and better." Bai Mama has a good craft, his mouth is also eaten, and the things in the military camp can't be eaten.
       Bai Mama said with a smile:
       "Thank you for the general praise." This compliment is more happy than the reward.
       This means that her contribution is worthwhile.
       Yun-Qing is different from Yu-Xi, let alone summer, that is, he is bathed in cold water in winter. In this regard, Yu-Xi has no opinion, and it is good for the body to bathe in cold water in winter. However, few people dare to bathe in cold water in winter.
       When it was cold, Yun-Qing went back to sleep. As soon as I entered the room, I found that Yu-Xi got up. Yun-Qing stepped forward and said a little embarrassed:
       "I woke you up?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "No, I have slept too much. Is the handling in the military camp handled?"
       The big noise outside, and I didn’t sleep very hard, how could I not wake up.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "The distribution of armaments and war horses caused disputes, and Xiang Wei Guo was inconsistent, so I turned this back to me." Whether it is armament or horses, the best is to provide the cavalry battalion first. Naturally, it has caused dissatisfaction among others.
       Yu-Xi frowned and said:
       "What dissatisfaction is this?"
       How much you have to pay, how much you have to pay, this is an unchanging truth.
       The equipment of the cavalry battalion is the best, but they are always at the forefront, and the casualties are the biggest.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "I have solved this problem, you don't have to worry. It is the matter of Jao-Jao today, which makes you suffer."
       Speaking of this, Yu-Xi is also full of guilt, saying:
       "It's also my fault. If I didn't curse Jao-Jao, Jao-Jao wouldn't have a fever." Later, she will not talk nonsense again.
       Yun-Qing also thought that Yu-Xi would blame her, but she did not expect to blame herself. Immediately, I was crying and laughing, saying:
       "You don't think about it, it doesn't matter to you. Jao-Jao is sick just an accident." It can only be said that it is too coincidental.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I won't say these unlucky words in the future." One lesson is enough, and you can't make the same mistake again.
       Yun-Qing does not know how to comfort, can only say:
       "Don't think about it, sleep!" Busy day, very tired.
       Yu-Xi is not sleepy, but in order not to affect Yun-Qing , she still lie back, even if she can't sleep, she still blinks.
       The weather is getting hotter and hotter. By the beginning of August, the Yu-Xi was so hot that it was so hot that people put a basin of ice in the corner of the house. In this way, the house was cool, and she was not so uncomfortable.
       This summer, it is really enough to toss people.
       Qu Mama handed the purchased order to Yu-Xi and said:
       "Madam, this is a detailed list of purchases, you have a look."
       Yu-Xi looked at it roughly and nodded:
       “Yes.” For Qu Mama, Yu-Xi is still very reassuring.
       When things are tidy, Qu Mama takes the prepared gift list to Yu-Xi. No matter what I did, Yu-Xi didn't nod, and I did nothing before.
       This will be, Yu-Xi is very serious. After reading it, I said:
       "This year's festival for Chen Teacher is 30% compared to last year." Chen Teacher is now the arm of Yun-Qing , the handling of the paperwork and other trivial things, all Chen Teacher is cooking.
       Qu Mama hesitated and said:
       "Only add Chen Teacher, Guo Xun and Yu Cong, they don't add, will it not be good?"
       In comparison, Guo Xun’s relationship with Yu Cong is more intimate.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "No problem." Guo Xun is different from Chen Teacher and others.
       The two cannot be compared.
       At that time, when Qin Lan was in the first place in the northwest, only someone else gave him gifts, how could he still give him gifts? Yu-Xi is going to give gifts every year. Of course, it is not for the officials, but for the subordinates of Yun-Qing .
       Things are not expensive, they are used for some food, just to express their wishes.
       Chen Hao ‘Madam’, Wan-shi, received the gift from Yu-Xi and came to Dae Xi on the second day. In addition to bringing a gift, Wan-Shi also brought the same new things to Yu-Xi.
       Wan-Shi pointed to a pocket of pale yellow round things, said:
       "Madam, this is the hometown of Fujian sent to me."
       Yu-Xi looked at this thing very strange and asked:
       "This thing has never been seen before? What is the name?"
       Yu-Xi Two medical books are flowing backwards, and there are few plants that she does not know.
       Wan-Shi said:
       "Listen to me, this thing is called artichoke." After thinking about it, Wan-Shi said sincerely:
       "This is the gift from my 1st Sister-in-law. I am talking about something new, let me send it to Madam."
       Yu-Xi looks at the pocket of the artichoke, some speechless.
       Thousands of miles to send these things that are not allowed on the countertop, this Chen Shun's 1st Sister-in-law is really not a common trick. However, this chores, Yu-Xi will not say more, immediately smiled and asked:
       "Do you eat this thing? How is it?"
       Wan-Shi lowered his head and said:
       "Eat, we cooked and tasted good." I can only say that this thing is not difficult to eat. In fact, Wan-Shi did not want to send this thing to Yu-Xi, but Chen Hao told me that she could not violate it.
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "This is a new thing."
       Wan-Shi said:
       "This thing was introduced from outside the Fan, and now it is not a valuable thing in the home." After eating it, I know that this is not a good thing.
       Thousands of miles went to the valuable foreign artichokes, and her 1st Sister-in-law was as good as ever.
       This is also the case, let Wan-Shi decide to send the annual ceremony, only to send some good and not practical.
       Yu-Xi heard that there was planting in Fujian, and the eyes flashed, asked:
       “This artichoke has been planted in Fujian? What is the cultivation condition of this artichoke? How many harvests can one acre have?”
       Yu-Xi didn't have two doors in the last generation, but I have never heard of artichokes. She just thinks that there will be such a thing in Fujian, and it certainly has its advantages.
       Wan-Shi shook his head and said:
       "I don't know this."
       Yu-Xi is not difficult shi-shi, no longer ask. Because she is clear, even if she asks 10 thousand-Shi, Wan-Shi can't say why. Anyway, there are ready Made things in front of you, even if Chen Hao and Wan-Shi are not clear, she can also send people to Fujian to understand the detailed situation. If this kind of good yield is not low, the method of planting artichokes will be I learned it and it was promoted in the northwest.
       The output of wheat is too low. Even if the weather is smooth, the harvest of an acre of land can only receive three or four hundred kilograms of wheat.

Chapter 559 Chaos 

       Yu-Xi told Bai Mama to let her cook a few artichokes to taste. Bai Mama was the first time to see the artichokes. Looking at these artichokes, she asked very strangely:
       "Madam, what is this?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I don't know, you should cook a few first to try it." Wan-Shi and Chen Yu have already eaten, certainly will not have problems.
       At noon, Yun-Qing went to the table and sat down, saw one of the white porcelain dishes containing a few unseen fruits, and asked:
       "Where is this fruit, I have never seen it before?"
       Yu-Xi likes to eat fruit recently, and Yun-Qing thinks that this is the fruit of the exchange.
       Yu-Xi has been tried with silver needles and these potatoes are not poisonous. After listening to Yun-Qing , I immediately said with a smile:
       "You have a taste, look good?"
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "What? So mysterious?"
       After that, I took a potato and peeled it and took a bite.
       Taking a bite of Yun-Qing 's brow wrinkled, but Yun-Qing is not a waste of things, although it is not good to eat the whole artichoke. After eating, ask:
       "What is this?"
       This thing eats powder, and after eating it has a smell, this thing tastes really bad.
       Yu-Xi smiled and took an artichoke from the plate and took a bite and said:
       "This is called artichoke. It is the festival that Chen Yu 1st Sister-in-law returned to them. Madam Chen said that this thing was imported from outside the country and is something new." As for saying that this thing has been planted in Fujian, There is no need to talk to Yun-Qing . It is said that Yun-Qing will not be interested.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Send this thing as a gift?"
       Yu-Xi laughed, but did not pick up Yun-Qing , but slowly finished eating the artichokes on hand. After eating, the feeling of Yu-Xi is completely different from Yun-Qing :
       "This thing, I only need to eat three, I can eat." This thing, can fill the hunger, and the food of hunger is the most lacking thing in the northwest, that is, I don't know what the growth conditions of this artichoke are.
       Yun-Qing didn’t understand the meaning of Yu-Xi, and said:
       "Don't eat it, this thing doesn't taste very good." After eating the first one, I don't want to eat the second one anymore.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You don't want to eat, then don't eat it!"
       In the afternoon, Yu-Xi called Tian-Yang and showed the artichoke to Tian-Yang.
       Then said:
       "You are ready to go to the home of Fujian Chen Teacher in two days. Go to the side to understand the growth conditions of this artichoke, and see if it can be planted in the northwest. Also, how much does this produce per mu? If it meets the cultivation conditions in the northwest. If the output is high, buy more and bring it back, and then ask someone who is good at planting this thing to come back."
       Tian-Yang looked at more than a dozen artichokes and said:
       "Madam, how long can this thing last? Will it break on the road?"
       Yu-Xi doesn't know how long this artichoke can be kept, says:
       “This thing is very common in Chen’s hometown like the wheat in the northwest. It’s very easy to find.”
       Tian-Yang heard this and said:
       "Madam, from the point of view of insurance, I still want to draw this thing down!" This is also a precaution, no matter how, more preparation is always beneficial.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Cheng, I will draw one at that time. In addition to this artichoke, you can bring some more delicious seafood back." Fujian is close to the sea, and the seafood is still a lot.
       In the evening, Chen Teacher returned to where he lived. Upon arriving home, Chen Teacher asked Wan-Shi:
       "Is that artichoke sent to Madam?"
       Wan-Shi nodded:
       "It has already been sent. Fujun, why do you have to send this artichoke to Madam?"
       She didn't want to understand.
       Chen Teacher said:
       "This thing is used well and can play a huge role." Chen Teacher also ate this artichoke and found that this thing is very hunger. And as for the trick of his 1st Sister-in-law, the gift of this artichoke can prove that this thing is worthless.
       Thinking deeper, this thing is not worth the money, and the output is definitely not low. If the food can be filled with hunger and the yield is not low, if it can be promoted in the northwest, the problem of rations in the northwest can be alleviated. Once the food problem is resolved, the Northwest Army will no longer have to be clamped by the court. As the heart of Yun-Qing , although many things Yun-Qing did not say, Chen Teacher could still feel that Yun-Qing would not be willing to stay in Fu-Cheng City. In this regard, Chen Teacher has no objection. In the troubled times, as long as you have the ability, ambition is not a bad thing.
       Wan-Shi is puzzled.
       Chen Teacher did not explain with Wan-Shi, these things are not clear, and they are not necessary. Chen Teacher said:
       "Madam will know what it does." If you give the general, you will definitely not think about it. But Madam is different. Seeing the artichokes they sent, and listening to his ‘Madam’, I will definitely think of him. As for why Chen Teacher didn't speak bluntly with Yu-Xi, it was because he didn't have enough confidence in it. And the specific situation of the artichokes is not well understood, so I did not take the initiative to propose, can only use this hidden method to remind Yu-Xi.
       This is also a common problem for readers, and they are not willing to speak clearly before they have enough confidence.
       Two days later, Chen Teacher heard that Tian-Yang had gone out of Fu-Cheng City and went to the field. As for where it went, Chen Teacher did not find out. But thinking about sending the artichoke two days ago, Chen Teacher guessed that Tian-Yang should have gone to Fujian.
       Chen Teacher said to himself:
       "I hope everything goes well." If it is as he speculates, this artichoke can be promoted in the northwest, which is really a good thing for the benefit of the people.
       After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yun-Qing spent more than half of his time in the military camp.
       This will, he will prepare for the battle into the autumn, but also to deploy for the possible rebellion.
       It was also at this time that the news of Song Guozhen’s innocence was also passed back to the capital.
       This is a good news for the emperor:
       "Oh, nothing is fine."
       Jing Wang said:
       "Or let me come back soon!" During this time, his pressure was particularly great, and he felt that he had white hair.
       The emperor shook his head and said:
       "Don't worry." This time I went to Liaodong, the purpose was to catch Yan Wu-shuang. I didn't catch Yan Wu-shuang, I won't be back for the time being.
       Jing Wang is not stupid. As soon as he listens, he knows that Song Guofan’s trip to Liaodong is a special errand. It’s just a chores, and he not so strong and eager to ask. Jing Wang said one thing to the emperor:
       "The emperor, Ji Xuan said before the annihilation of more than 4 thousand thieves, I have checked, that more than 4 thousand people are not thieves, are civilians." Ji Xuan this is killing bad, and the impact is extremely bad. If this news is spread out in the northwest, there may be riots.
       The emperor slaps on the table and asks:
       "Is this something true?"
       Jing Wang did not dare to buy a ticket, just said:
       "It is better to send an imperial examination to investigate." He got the news, but Ji Xuan is a tyrant, not a conviction by a message. In order to govern the guilt of Ji Xuan, the evidence must be conclusively made to serve the public.
       After hearing the dispatch of the imperial examination, the emperor was silently silent. After a while, he said:
       "This matter is temporarily put down." The most urgent task is to annihilate Yan Wu-shuang.
       Things in the northwest can be put down for the time being. When the matter of Liaodong was solved, the matter in the northwest was solved. Otherwise, if you move Ji Xuan now, it is equal to giving the opportunity to expand the power.
       At this time, Han Jianming also received a letter from Yu-Xi, knowing that Ji Xuan killed civilians as a gangster. Han Jianming couldn't help but shake his head and dare to do things. He was not afraid of this incident causing a major disaster.
       Once again, the gaze fell on the letter and said to himself:
       "The big disaster is coming soon." Ji Xuan killed the civilians as a bandit leader.
       This is a stern, or he will not get a message. Yu-Xi can get the news, which proves that she is paying attention to the trend of the northwest and Ji Xuan. At this point, Han Jianming completely affirmed the previous speculation.
       The goal of Yu-Xi is the entire northwest.
       Zhao Teacher didn't quite understand and asked:
       "Your Grace, what a big disaster is coming."
       Han Jianming did not take Zhao Teacher and said something written in the Yu-Xi letter:
       "If this thing is spread out, it will definitely cause a big disaster." How could Yu-Xi give up such a good opportunity, she will definitely announce the news.
       Zhao Teacher said:
       "Although it hasn't spread yet, it can't be wrapped in paper. It won't take long for it to spread." Taining Hou Heir Chen Yu is the number one enemy of Ji Xuan. If he knows this, he will definitely Things are rendered.
       Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "Let's see!"
       Zhao Teacher said:
       "Your Grace, recently Liaodong is very calm!" Song Guozhen died and resurrected, this kind of thing is enough to make people strange. Originally thought that Song Guofan would kill the ring, but the result was not at all.
       Han Jianming said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang, not so good to kill." Yan Wu-shuang has been in Liaodong for more than ten years, but it was not Song Guozhen who wanted to eradicate it. Han Jianming hopes that Song Guofan and Yan Wu-shuang will lose both sides. Only in this way can the water be more embarrassing.
       Zhao Teacher said:
       "I always feel that this is the silence before the storm." Next, there will be a bigger storm.
       Han Jianming said with a smile:
       "The storm is going to be a storm!" The world is already in chaos. What is maintained now is nothing but the superficial peace.
       As Han Jianming and Zhao Teacher expected, the incidents of Ji Xuan’s killing of civilians as a gangster were spread by the minded people and quickly spread to every part of the northwest.
       Ji Xuan is admiring the graceful dance of the dancers and enjoying the food and wine. His subordinates quickly ran in and ‘called to Ji Xuan:
       "Governor, it's not good, there is someone in Nanzhou." This is just because you can't swear, so you can't ‘call out loud.
       The sound was too loud, and all the people present were shocked. Ji Xuan also had no time to drink again, and asked:
       "what happened?"
       The stranger said with a sad face: "Some people spread rumors outside, saying that the four thousand thieves who had been killed in Nanzhou were not really thieves, but killed more than 4 thousand civilians. When this rumor came out, there was a counter-attack. "As for whether this is true or not, there are also people in the heart." But this kind of thing knows that it is one thing, and it is another thing to say it.
       Ji Xuan dropped the glass and immediately dispatched 30 thousand troops to fight. In Ji Xuan's mind, these rebellious people are all rabble, and the 30 thousand army is enough to kill them.
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