Han Yuxi 360-369

Han Yuxi  

       The days of November have been a little cold, and the ground has been frosted.
       Zi-Su slammed his hand and said:
       "Madam, the days here are much colder than the capital." At the beginning of the month, Zi-Su came back again. However, this will not be a personal service to the Yu-Xi, but the account of the inner court. If Guo Xuan has time to go back together, there is no time to stay in Yunfu.
       Purple Zi-Jin snorted and said:
       "Cold? How do I feel that it is warmer than in Capital City?"
       This is her real feeling, not to fight with Zi-Su.
       Yu-Xi smiled and pointed at the golden pear on the table:
       "This pear is a specialty here. You taste it and it tastes good."
       Purple Zi-Jin is welcome. I took a bite of a clean pear and took a bite. I chewed two and nodded, and the words were not clear:
       "good to eat."
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "No one is robbing you, what are you doing so urgently?"
       This Yatou, when I was in Capital City, was quite good at the time, and went to the northwest. Just Yu-Xi is generally not critical. Anyway, Yu Zhi doesn't mind, she doesn't care.
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "Madam, how much? I will bring two to Yu Zhi to eat later." After finishing it, I looked at Zi-Su:
       "Wait for Zi-Su-Sister-Sister, you also bring two to Guo Xun to taste."
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       “Yang Shifu has already sent it over there.” Yang Shifu, although protecting her, but the identity of the speciality, Yu-Xi can not really treat him as a guard, but when the generations look at it, what is delicious on most days? Will send some past.
       Zi-Su said with a smile:
       "Is this not protected before I marry it?"
       In fact, Zi-Su has some envy in his heart. Although Purple Zi-Jin has not been married to Yu Zhi, he is as good as Yu Zhi. When I came across it, I said that I didn’t stop, and I told Yu Zhi to follow the small Servant below. Although she and Guo Xun are married, but the two have nothing to say, it always seems that there is a gap. However, Zi-Su knows that she is actually quite good now.
       The situation of Purple Zi-Jin is special after all.
       Purple Zi-Jin is not tweaking at all, saying:
       "Married without marriage, not all the same, are family." Even if she did not decide to kiss, she also treated Yang Shifu and Yu Zhi as family members. Don't look at Purple Zi-Jin, always yelling at the old head, but actually respecting her as a father.
       Yu-Xi is too happy:
       "If this is the case, if you let others hear it, you will feel that you are not ashamed."
       Purple Zi-Jin cut a song:
       "The mouth grows on them.
       They say it, but I won't drop a piece of meat anyway." She had a good time, so she did so much. If you think about how others look at themselves every day, you must not be exhausted.
       Yu-Xi nodded and smiled:
       "This is true." No one in this world can be perfect, and the perfect person is only in books and legends.
       Yun-Qing walked into the yard and saw that Yu-Xi was talking to Purple Zi-Jin about it. His face was full of smiles, and he could not help but feel better.
       Yu-Xi felt a bit, looking at the door, and saw Yun-Qing . When I smiled and went out, I said:
       "Is things busy?"
       Now that the weather is getting colder, there are fewer things, but that doesn't mean things are getting less. On the contrary, things are more, the most important thing is to pay attention to cold protection.
       The imperial court did not have enough money, and they were not enough to find a solution.
       Yu-Xi also knows how hard the soldiers in the Border Town have worked from the Yun-Qing side. If the military squad can't deliver it in time, it won't be said. It's not good to eat, and it's not too warm to wear. In this case, it is necessary to fight on the battlefield. But these soldiers did not have a trace of complaints, which made Yu-Xi particularly touched.
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "No, come back and see you." He hasn't been home for ten days, and he wants his ‘Madam’ and children to think badly. Come back and see.
       Yu-Xi was very happy to hear this. Pulling Yun-Qing into the house, taking the clothes from Yun-Qing from the box, said:
       "Put it on."
       Don't look at Yun-Qing , which is a sneaker of the three products.
       There aren't a few sets of clothes, and there is no point at all. It's not black, it's blue or it's Zhu Qing , the colors are very deep, and people are old-fashioned. . After Yu-Xi married, he gave him several clothes. However, he knew that Yun-Qing thrifty temperament, not doing much, did four or five, so there is also a change.
       What Yu-Xi did for Yun-Qing was a black-and-white fur that was worn on the body and looked particularly heroic. Yu-Xi is a little depressed, saying:
       "There were a few good skins in the box at the time. If you weren't taken away by those bandits, you can make better clothes for you." Yun-Qing Today clothes are made from several pieces of fox fur. Into.
       Yun-Qing Although I am happy that Yu-Xi always thinks about herself, I will take it out and ask:
       "Do you have clothes for yourself?"
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "I did it, I made a big mouse skin, and I also made a number of cotton jackets." See Yun-Qing frowning, explaining:
       "I won't go out in the big winter anyway. I will buy a few pieces of leather after I buy a good skin next year. I will do it this year." I thought that many leathers in the northwest have come here, I know that there are many leathers here, but they are all sheepskin. With cowhide and so on. Yu-Xi doesn't like these two kinds of leathers, and feels pungent; other leathers have to be booked in advance, otherwise good leather can't be bought. Yu-Xi ate this loss, and she didn't want to buy it if she didn't buy it. She would rather wear a cotton jacket!
       Yun-Qing heard nothing to say:
       "There is no shortage of money, don't grieve yourself." There is no way to make Yu-Xi like a jade food in the capital, but it is no problem to eat and wear warm.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "What stupid thing to say? How can we not lack the money for clothes? I don't like those skins. I will do it when I buy it next year. I will definitely do more things at that time." Although she is not a big man, But not to be ill-treated.
       Yun-Qing gently tapped his head.
       Yu-Xi added:
       "Right, I heard Hao Dazhuang say that there are many elderly children who have frostbite and death every winter. I want to ask people to make a thousand sets of cotton trousers, and then send them to your subordinates who have difficulties at home. What do you think? ”
       Sending to the military camp is definitely not successful, and it is not unreasonable and uneven, and it is easy to cause contradictions. But if it is given to the home of soldiers who have difficulties in their families, the meaning is different.
       Yun-Qing looked at Yu-Xi and shook his head and said:
       “Not quite right.” It will be considered a buy-in.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "What's wrong with it? When I was in Capital City, my mother bought rice porridge every winter. Now it's just a cotton trousers. What can others say? And if someone follows it, it's not a good thing." "I have been with Qiu-shi for a long time, and I have been affected. I want to do more good things."
       Yun-Qing also felt that he was too worried and thought about it:
       "If you want to do it, then do it!" Yu-Xi has this heart and should support it, not to combat this enthusiasm.
       This matter, Yu-Xi is ready to be handed over to Hao Dazhuang. After this period of contact, Yu-Xi also learned that Hao Dazhuang is a man of heart. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.
       Hao Dazhuang asked:
       "Madam, I don't think it is appropriate. In addition to the elderly and children, young people have hands and feet and can work out to support themselves. Older children, a set of cotton trousers can't help them."
       This is quite true, but Yu-Xi likes such real people. After thinking about it, Yu-Xi said:
       "You see this is not the case, I am getting a temporary school, accepting children over the age of 10 and over five years old, responsible for three meals, and then asking Teacher to teach them to read and read."
       Hao Dazhuang thinks this idea is very good, but he adds:
       “Fu-Cheng City has no more than tens of thousands of children under the age of ten, and a temporary school can be plugged down.” I paused and said:
       "However, if there are preconditions, then it is another matter."
       How fast Yu-Xi reacted, and I heard the meaning of Hao Da Zhuang:
       "Do you mean that the school only accepts orphans?"
       Hao Dazhuang nodded and said:
       "Well, otherwise there are too many people." Although Madam is good at doing things well, he has to do what he can. Otherwise, it is the dawn of the family.
       Yu-Xi nodded a bit:
       "This method is good, but there must be a specific charter. First of all, we must determine how many people to collect? So we can choose the house according to this quantity buy food and invite a few teachers, and also prepare sand table." It takes a lot of pen and paper. But this thing is expensive everywhere, and the average person can't afford it. Yu-Xi can be used, but if the number is large, the consumption of one day will be amazing, even if she has thin assets and can't afford it.
       Hao Dazhuang did not understand:
       "What is the sandbox?"
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It's just a box of squares with sand in it. When you use the branches to write on the sand, you don't have to spend paper and ink, you can learn to write."
       Hao Dazhuang smiled and said:
       “Madam is really smart.” This is indeed a problem. It is too expensive to provide it on your own side. If they want to pay for it themselves, they can’t afford it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I also saw it from the book." Teach the next generation, it is much better than the porridge to give cotton trousers.
       Hao Dazhuang said with sincerity:
       "Madam can be used to learn, it is amazing. And Madam's kindness is also very rare." If the gift cotton trousers have the ingredients of the play, then the temporary school is enough to show that Madam is true. I really want to do good deeds and want to contribute to those difficult families.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "When you come to the door, you should remind them that it is very simple to teach in the school." As far as Yu-Xi is concerned, there are very few children who read the words, so Yu-Xi is just preparing to enlighten them. Others didn't think much about it for the time being.
       In this regard, Hao Dazhuang has no objection, but this Teacher is not easy to find:
       "Madam, I can do everything else, but this is nothing to do with Teacher's affairs." The reading and reading of the words are all too high, and his big old door is definitely driven out.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I will solve this problem." It is just the enlightenment, how hard it can be.

Chapter 361 Qing   Ming Tang (2) 

       Qu Mama insights are broader than Yu-Xi. After Hao Dazhuang left, he said to Yu-Xi:
       "Madam, even if you come to Teacher, what can I do with this book?"
       Even if you have money, you can buy hundreds of books like this and you can't buy them.
       Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "It's also simple. When you put the big characters on it, let them follow the study. I just want to help them through the cold winter, and recognize a few words, and don't need so much attention.
       They are not asking for their exams."
       Qu Mama is no longer a problem. It was Yu-Xi, suddenly became interested, went to the study and began to write big characters.
       Purple Zi-Jin looked at the word Yu-Xi and said:
       "Madam, your words are good-looking, but the boys who know the words are the boys. Is this plum font too feminine?"
       Yu-Xi turned to look at Purple Zi-Jin and said:
       "Who said that only boys are taught? Miss can learn to recognize words!" After saying this, Yu-Xi felt that the problem was coming again. If Miss is also literate, then you can't learn with the boys. Moreover, the teacher invited is willing to teach boys, but certainly not willing to teach Miss.
       Thinking of this, Yu-Xi said:
       "Then look for two rooms son."
       Qu Mama knowledge is bigger than Yu-Xi, saying:
       "If this is the case, then it will definitely attract criticism." Under the circumstances, there is no women's school yet!
       Yu-Xi does not like to hear this, saying:
       "What are you talking about? If you want to be criticized, let them go wrong. I don't have anything to do. It's just a winter. When the winter is over, it will be scattered."
       Qu Mama sees the idea of ​​Yu-Xi, and now says:
       "If you look for a room the child, it is best to find a big one." Qu Mama has a clear meaning and is patriarchal. If you know that Yu-Xi not only provides three meals, but also can read the words. If there is a son, ten will be sent. Miss may not be the case, and if you are young, you may not be able to send it. If you are old, you have to stay at home to live.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I am willing to send the child to collect it, and I am not willing to send the child to prove that the day is still going." She just wants to do something good to accumulate good virtues, and she does not intend to be a good man of the world. Moreover, she does not have this financial power.
       Qu Mama sees Yu-Xi in mind, so I won’t say more, just remind Yu-Xi:
       "This thing Madam still makes people say something to Hao Shopkeeper." Do not remind, Hao Dazhuang absolutely only accepts boys, but does not accept Miss.
       Hao Dazhuang heard Yu-Xi say that the girl also received, but when the men and women separated, they stunned. But think about it, anyway, a sheep is catching two sheep, but men and women are men and women!
       Yun-Qing went back to the house, and Yu-Xi told him that Yun-Qing was still very strange. Why did Yu-Xi change so quickly:
       "How do you think of running a school?"
       Yu-Xi said Hao Dazhuang’s scruples at the time:
       "At the time, I thought that the children of poor families want to read and read but they have no chance.
       There is nothing to do in this winter.
       They are all at home. Wouldn’t they let them come to school to learn something? Three months Down, how can I learn thousands of words? At that time, simple things should be able to understand. "What is the military newspaper, then you need to recognize the words!"
       Yun-Qing nodded and praised:
       "You have a good idea." The temporary school can be many times more powerful than the cotton trousers.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "There are thousands of people who die each year in this city. If they are all sent, we can't afford it. Besides, this is just done, and there is no experience. It is sure that Rui is easy to make mistakes. So I mean to limit it to 300 people. Inside." These three hundred people, including men and women.
       Yun-Qing knows that Yu-Xi means that these three hundred children are chosen from the home of the soldiers who died in his hands. Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "You can handle this matter. If it is difficult, tell me."
       Yu-Xi will be polite to others, but with Yun-Qing you will not be polite:
       "The other thing is to say that Teacher is a bit embarrassing. I have an idea. Is it feasible to see if it is feasible?"
       After that, Yu-Xi said her previous thoughts.
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "You can do it with a small Miss. You can't do it with your boy.
       These kids are naughty and have to find someone to live in." Think about Yun-Qing :
       "I will solve this problem!"
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       Hao Dazhuang's movements were very fast. It took only three days to sort out the list and give it to Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi looked at the list, there were more than 260 boys, and there were only 20 Miss, which were exactly three hundred.
       Hao Dazhuang said:
       "Madam, these children don't live in one place. Now it's okay, but if it's snowing, it's not good enough to go back and forth every day. It's close to letting them go back, far away, but not It’s a good thing.” The so-called not appropriate is to be afraid of an accident. After all, they are half-size children. But if they let them stay and don't go back, there are a lot of problems that come with them.
       Yu-Xi smiled and it was not easy to do something.
       This school has not been done yet, the problem is so much:
       "It’s all too close to go home. It’s too far to go back.” When it’s time to really go back, you can only let them stay, but the number must not be too many. Otherwise it is not easy to manage.
       The list of things that Hao Dazhuang will purchase is given to Yu-Xi, which also indicates the price quantity, which is very clear.
       Yu-Xi gave Hao Dazhuang a thousand and two silver tickets and said:
       "When you run out of it, tell me again." Doing good deeds is really a matter of burning money. Fortunately, it’s only three months, and I can hold it.
       Hao Daqiang took the silver ticket and asked Yu-Xi:
       "Madam, what about this Teacher?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "You don't have to worry about the Teacher's business. When things are handled properly, Teacher will naturally have it." It's not good, just find two words to teach. Yu-Xi is not worried about misunderstandings. Anyway, when the enlightenment is used, the family name and the "Three Characters" and "Thousand Characters" are used.
       These three books have been finished, and this winter should be almost over.
       Such a big movement, it is difficult to not attract attention. Even if Hao Dazhuang did not say that those who want to send children to the temporary school will also say. Soon, no one in the upper level of Fu-Cheng City did not know that Yu-Xi had to set up a temporary school.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai followed the 1st Nai-Nai and asked Yu-Xi. Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai asked first:
       "Mei Mei, what happened to your temporary school?"
       Yu-Xi simply said:
       "My mother used to tell me that I want to do good deeds. Listening to a lot of people who are not good at home, I want to send some food and quilts and cotton quilts. But I can only think that these things can only be solved once and can not solve the problem. X-ual problems. So I think of a temporary school.
       This way, these children can wear clothes and eat a few words in the cold weather. Both are beautiful."
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai said:
       "Mei Mei, this cost is not low!" So many children, how to get a Silver Taels in a winter, of course, this is only a conservative estimate.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Two hundred children are in my tolerance. If there is more, then I can't stand it."
       1st Nai-Nai asked a very critical question:
       "Does the cloud general know about this?"
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "I am doing good deeds, good deeds and good deeds. Where can he object?"
       This seems to be saying that Yun-Qing is opposed, but it is against uselessness.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai listened:
       “Mei Mei, I also do my best.” Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai is ready to donate one hundred Silver Taels. One hundred Silver Taels said to Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai that it was half a year's pocket money.
       Yu-Xi smiled and shook his head and said:
       "In a few months, I can still hold it. If it is sister-sister really wants to help these children, then send some rice noodles in the past, give them improved and improve the food." She is definitely not subject to money, also three In the coming months, she can't afford it.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai responded very refreshingly:
       "Also, when I buy more rice noodles, I will send it over." Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai grew up in the border town, and the situation here is clearer than Yu-Xi. It’s just these things, Yu-Xi can do it, but she can’t do it.
       I saw the 1st Nai-Nai, and said with a smile:
       "Then I will let people send some meat dishes in the past and add food to these children." Ordinary people don't have to eat a piece of meat a month.
       Yu-Xi smiled a bit:
       "When the school is established, we will look at it in the past." It will be three months away, and you can go out.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai looked at Yu-Xi already pregnant belly and said:
       "After a few days, it's going to snow. When it's time to slide outside, you still have children, you can't go out."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I will pay attention." But did not say that she will not go to the school when she arrives.
       The school that I founded was definitely a reassurance.
       1st Nai-Nai said:
       "If there is anything we need to help, despite the opening. As long as we can do it, it will never be postponed."
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai also immediately stated. In fact, she also knows that Yu-Xi doesn't even charge money, and there is still something they need to help.
       Yu-Xi smiled and shook his head and said:
       "There is no time, but if there is, I will not be polite with you." Although Yu-Xi is not willing to owe humanity, if he can't solve it, he will open it.
       Both of them came to inquire about the news, stayed for a while, and went away together. Out of the gate, the two men rushed in the direction of their home.
       Purple Zi-Jin said with a smile:
       "Madam is in the northwest, and the courage is much bigger. It is not the same as before." Madam used to be talented and dare not reveal, and he did not dare to send it.
       This high-profile behavior is really beyond her expectations.
       Yu-Xi grinned and said:
       "You also know that it was all from the past." If you don't understate the past, you won't have a peaceful life. It is different now, she is no longer subject to human control, and no need to be afraid of anything. Nature is what you want to do. Moreover, doing good deeds and accumulating good reputations, only benefits are not harmful.
       Ps: Revise the draft later.

Chapter 362 Qing   Ming Tang (3) 

       After Yu-Xi had used the breakfast, he went into the house and started to make the children's clothes and shoes. Although the child is born in June, clothes and shoes are not in a hurry. Yu-Xi is full of enthusiasm, no one can stop it, even Yun-Qing is no exception. No one can understand why she is so excited and excited? Only she knew that the child was hoped for how many years she had been looking forward to.
       Making clothes is half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon. After the point, Purple Zi-Jin walked in and said:
       "Madam, time is up, can't do it anymore."
       Yu-Xi just put the needle down and said:
       "You? It's better than the housekeeper." If she doesn't listen, Purple Zi-Jin will call Xi Mama, let Xi Mama keep talking with Yu-Xi, and always read Yu-Xi herself. Put down the needle thread.
       Purple Zi-Jin smiled and said:
       "Madam, Zi-Su-Sister-Sister is a little cold. I haven't come home at these two days." The cold will be contagious, so no matter who is infected with the cold, go home and rest. Not to mention Yu-Xi, this will be pregnant, and it will not be sick.
       Yu-Xi nodded, but soon thought of one thing and said:
       "With Hao Dazhuang, the first day of these children came to school, let him ask a doctor to give them a glimpse." That year, she would be infected by Han Jianhui, and Han Jianhui was infected by other children. .
       Therefore, people with more people must pay attention to the infection of the disease.
       Purple Zi-Jin said with a sigh:
       "How to do a school is so troublesome, it is better not to give a thousand sets of cotton trousers!" Send cotton trousers, finished the matter. It’s not like doing this school, it’s a bunch of things. On most days, Madam can be pregnant now, where can I work.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "When you lived in Zhuangzi, you didn't see it.
       The woman on Zhuangzi was pregnant and had to work in the field! I just want to use my brain, but I don't do any physical work, but I am tired!" The body has always been very good, as long as it is not overloaded, there is no problem at all. Everyone around you is worried about it.
       Qu Mama just came over with a bowl of bird's nest porridge. After listening to this, she smiled and said:
       "Madam, always said that the school is going to enter the school the next day, the school has no name yet!"
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It's just a temporary school, what's the name?"
       This is just a place to spend the winter, not a real school.
       Qu Mama didn't think so, saying:
       "Although it is a temporary school, it is not only sure that it will be done next year. If so, then you should take a name. Otherwise, others don't know how to call it." Named by Yu-Xi, this later No one can erase the credit.
       Yu-Xi thought about it and said:
       "That is called Qing mingtang. I hope that the world will be clear tomorrow, no more wars, and the people will live a life of peace and happiness." In this way, Yun-Qing does not have to fight, she does not have to worry.
       Purple Zi-Jin is crying and laughing:
       "Madam, don't you say that Qing ming is not good? Why is it called Qing mingtang?"
       She remembered that Yu-Xi also asked Yun-Qing to change the word.
       Yu-Xi looked at Purple Zi-Jin and said:
       "The Qing ming is not suitable for Yun-Qing , but the name of the Academy is still very good." Yun-Qing is too arrogant, so it is not appropriate to use Qing ming as his word.
       Purple Zi-Jin laughs:
       "In any case, Madam is reasonable. But Qing mingtang, this name is really nice." Qing mingtang, also a clear world, the meaning is really good.
       Hao Dazhuang does not know that the word Yun-Qing is called Qing ming. It should be said that only a few people know that the word Yun-Qing is called Qing ming:
       "Qing mingtang, good, good. Madam is worth reading and reading, and taking a name is also elegant."
       For Yu-Xi, it is said that the doctor must first see the children before they can enter the book hall.
       This point is that Hao Dazhuang has no objection:
       "It's still Madam's thoughtful." It's not that Hao Dazhuang is not careful, but that men are not as careful as women.
       Yu-Qing came back at night, and Yu-Xi told him about it:
       "The word of the book is up to you!" This is also a very glorious one.
       Yun-Qing did not refuse, not just mention a few words! After the results were written, Yu-Xi was not satisfied:
       "You can't do this word, it's too sharp and sharp." This kind of murderous word is estimated to be placed at the gate of the military camp. It is not appropriate to put it in the school.
       Deliver the pen in his hand to Yu-Xi and smile with a smile:
       "Your words are written in a gentle and rounded way, so let's mention it!"
       Yu-Xi really took over the sheep and stood still, quietly standing there, and it was full of ink, which was full of ink, dragon dance, and wrote three big characters.
       Yun-Qing looked at Yu-Xi with some surprise and asked:
       "You still learned cursive?"
       He knows that Yu-Xi plum font is very beautiful and very nice. I didn't expect Yu-Xi to be cursive. And this grass is quite red.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said the reason for the matter, after saying:
       "Yan Gong's cursive book is full of joy, his posture is flying, and his tiger is angry. I have been working for more than ten years, and I am invisible."
       Yun-Qing Although the performance of the school was good when he was a child, the Yun family was not enough, and he fled when he was ten years old. He did not have the opportunity to learn this thing in these years:
       "I feel very good, at least here, I have never seen anyone who has written better than you?"
       This is really not to praise Yu-Xi, but the truth.
       Yu-Xi is not fortunate for Yun-Qing 's praise, just smiles and says:
       “Where are the people here to learn this.” It’s been more than half a year since I came to Fu-Cheng City. Miss here doesn’t say that I’m learning to play chess and calligraphy.
       This refers to the Miss of the bureaucrats, not the poor women. It’s like Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai doesn’t recognize the word. When I knew this, Yu-Xi was very surprised.
       Yun-Qing is silent.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Frather, you have time, you have to take a look." She was full of three months in a few days, and she could go out at the same time.
       Yun-Qing is not overbearing, I heard that Yu-Xi wants to go to the book hall and says:
       "Wait a while, I will accompany you when I am free!"
       The next day, Yu-Xi let Purple Zi-Jin send out her two words. One word uses a cursive script, and one character uses a plum font.
       Hao Dazhuang confessed the word, but he didn’t recognize much. He really couldn’t understand what he wrote:
       "What is this written?"
       A pair of dragons and phoenix dances like ghosts, a pair of blossoming plums.
       Purple Zi-Jin listened to this and said nothing:
       "This is two words.
       The cursive book is on the door of the men's school.
       This plum flower is hung on the door of the women's school. You take the frame and try to hang it tomorrow morning."
       Hao Dazhuang grinned and said:
       "Well, I must hang on the door tomorrow morning."
       Purple Zi-Jin reminded me when he walked and said:
       "In the future, you have to control a lot, have time, or learn more!" Purple Zi-Jin, this will say others, completely forget that when Yu-Xi taught her to read, that one The look of the face is painful. If it weren't for Yu-Xi, she wouldn't even recognize the words of the three books.
       Hao Da Zhuang said with a smile:
       "It’s too busy recently. I really don’t have time. When I am free, I must work hard.” I remember that he found the door.
       Those people know that they can not only provide three meals a day, but also recognize words and look like they don’t believe. . If Yu Cong followed, then these people thought he was a liar. In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the free supply of three meals is a matter of falling out of pies. It is even more unimaginable to recognize the words. Like his literacy, it is also a coincidence!
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       "You have to bear more about the things in the school. Madam is pregnant and can't work. If not necessary, don't bother Madam."
       Hao Dazhuang said with a smile:
       “Purple Zi-Jin Miss is assured, I have a few in my heart.” In fact, to run this temporary school, the trouble is not just one or two. Since the news spread, those who have not been selected have come to pray and want to send the children. It’s not a good rejection of the Yun family. It’s not a family. It’s no use for deep friendship.
       The most troublesome thing is that the age is a little more or less with Madam. Madam is delineated to be under the age of 10 and over five years old. Some children are 11 or 4 years old.
       These people also want to send their children.
       Hao Dazhuang actually drilled a loophole. Madam didn't say whether it was a virtual age or a long-term. Anyway, Madam could not exceed 300, so the age is small or bigger, and the family is really vague.
       This put it in. Of course, he will definitely not tell Madam about these troubles, saving him from adding Madam. Of course, fortunately, Madam can't come out now, and other people can't get into the military, or they will definitely ask for Madam. As far as Madam is so soft, the temperament child is estimated to be difficult.
       Purple Zi-Jin finished the matter and said:
       "Madam let me stay to help, what do you have to do, even though you open your mouth." Not only help, but also Yu-Xi entrustment, to investigate the situation of the school. I am not convinced that Hao Dazhuang, but worried that there will be some flaws.
       Hao Dazhuang said very proudly:
       "Then I wouldn't be polite with Purple Zi-Jin Miss.
       There are fewer people in the women's school, Miss is helping in the past!" The men's school is not far from the women's school, and it takes four or five minutes. Arrived. At that time, I thought about such a convenient tube, so I found it nearby.
       The room of Fu-Cheng City is not difficult to find, and they have a wide network of contacts.
       They were found the next day under the command of Yu-Xi.
       When it comes to women's schools, Purple Zi-Jin has questions:
       "Why are there so many boys, and Miss has only twenty." The boy is more than eight times as many as a girl. Although Fu-Cheng City has fewer men and women, the gap is too big.
       Hao Dazhuang said with a smile:
       "There is a chance that this is left to the kid, and will be left to Miss. It will be sent to Miss from home.
       There are no children of the age at home." It is also because of the regulations, only those who died. Alternate children, or else a Miss will not. Of course, fortunately, Yu-Xi said that both men and women must be there, otherwise it would be a Miss.
       Hao Dazhuang’s words are exactly the same as Yu-Xi speculates, making Purple Zi-Jin feel that Yu-Xi is getting more and more powerful:
       "Then I will pass now." After that, I went to the women's school.

Chapter 363 Rules (1) 

       The women's school is small, only one is in, but few people are enough. Unlike the men’s school, because there are many people, the rented house is a three-in-one house.
       Purple Zi-Jin went to the women's school and went to see the person in charge, He Ying. He Ying is both the head of the school and the female teacher of the school. He Ying’s hometown is in Jiangnan, and the ancestors are also the scholarly family. However, because they committed things at the age of twelve, they were implicated and exiled here. After Darenhood, he married a small military officer of seven products. However, her husband was injured in the previous two years and it was difficult to live on the pension day. His husband had a good relationship with Yu Cong's subordinates. He knew that the women's school founded by Yu-Xi was looking for a female teacher.
       The reward was very impressive. Now he found Hao Dazhuang and recommended He Ying.
       This school gives priority to the families of the dead and wounded soldiers. Hao Dazhuang sees He Ying’s confession and agrees now. Anyway, it is only enlightenment, and there is no too high demand.
       The word recognition is enough.
       He Ying heard that Purple Zi-Jin is a close-up Servant of Yu-Xi, and smiles when she comes out:
       "Purple Zi-Jin Miss, please come in."
       Welcomed Purple Zi-Jin to the house, He Ying said with a smile:
       "This room is bright and it is good for the children to be a school."
       Purple Zi-Jin looked at it and gave a slight bow and said:
       "It's very good." After laughing, he said that he came to help:
       "I recognize the word, I will register when the child comes over!"
       He Ying smiled and said:
       "How can it be done? Where can I still get bored with Purple Zi-Jin Miss! I will hand it over to me if I register." Although it used to be the bureaucrat's Miss, I have already polished the water chest over the years.
       Purple Zi-Jin smiled and said:
       "Madam deliberately let me come, let me touch the bottom." As for what to touch, this is not clear.
       Purple Zi-Jin said so, He Ying naturally no longer has any objections:
       "That. If it is tired, Miss will call me, I will replace it." He Ying cherished this errand, not only his own rations, but also the monthly months of the family enough to chew.
       Purple Zi-Jin took the roster and sat down on a table in the yard. He opened the roster and glanced at him. He laughed.
       There are a few of them called , the same name as before. Second, I haven't thought of this name for a long time.
       After a while, the children came over, because it was the first day, and they were sent by Darens.
       The target of this funding is that the family is poor, so the children sent are all yellow and thin, looking less than the actual age.
       Purple Zi-Jin remembered it after reading it. He went back to Madam and said that he had to wear cotton trousers for these children. Otherwise, if it's snowing, go back and forth every day, and you can't freeze it!
       Just thinking about it, a sharp voice interrupted and interrupted the idea of ​​Purple Zi-Jin:
       "I want to register here first, you can register me."
       Purple Zi-Jin turned back and said:
       "What's your name?"
       After hearing the other person's name, Su Zixue, Purple Zi-Jin made a check on the roster and then looked up to talk to the little Miss.
       When I saw the little Miss standing in front of me, Purple Zi-Jin stunned.
       The little Miss who stood in front of her was wearing a patchless water-red cotton cloth, which was freshly made at first glance.
       The pointed face, the long eyebrows are slender, the skin is fair, and the appearance is very delicate.
       Purple Zi-Jin is not because the little Miss looks good, but the dress is not right. Other children don't say that their looks are not very good-looking.
       The clothes they wear are patches and patches, and they don't even see the original material. But this Miss, not only red-faced white, but also put on new clothes, where is the child of the poor family. Purple Zi-Jin asked a very casual look:
       "What is your name?"
       Little Miss didn't want to say:
       "Tu Danian." After he finished speaking, he knew that he had made a mistake, and he explained:
       "-Sister-sister, Tu Danian is my stepfather, and I call him Su Kun."
       The woman who accompanied Miss Miss said in a twilight:
       "My former man passed away six years ago, when she was still young. I took her to remarriage, so I made a wrong name."
       Purple Zi-Jin Although she doesn't understand the twists and turns, she can't see such obvious problems. It's not a fool. Not to mention, this time you have the Yu-Xi embarrassment. Purple Zi-Jin looked at the silver earrings on the little Miss ear and smiled and asked:
       "This silver earring is worn out. How can you make a living in your home, and you can't eat three meals?"
       The small Miss reaction is also very fast, saying:
       "This is my mother's dowry. Because today days are special, I will wear new clothes and wear my mother's dowry earrings."
       Purple Zi-Jin smiled and said:
       "Is it like this? I thought that your family is very good. Well, register here, you just want to find something to manage." In fact, there is no textbook, looking for things, but it is to arrange a seat.
       After everyone else arrived, Purple Zi-Jin took the roster and said to He Ying:
       "I will take this look back to Madam and I will send it back later."
       Where He Ying had opinions, he nodded at the moment and personally sent Purple Zi-Jin out of the door.
       Purple Zi-Jin did not immediately return to Yunfu, but went to the men’s school first. After a round of wandering, Purple Zi-Jin's face sank. Because she saw several teenagers with ruddy complexion and excellent color, and two other chubby, at first glance, they ate too much. She did not say this to Hao Dazhuang, but went directly back to Yunfu and said this to Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi did not look at the roster brought back by Purple Zi-Jin, but shook his head helplessly:
       “It’s really hard to do something good.” Like Qiu-shi, every year in the winter, porridge is used outside the city. In fact, people who come to drink porridge may not be people who are too hard to live. Many of them are fish in troubled waters, and they come to take advantage of it. But this time it is not the same as the porridge, she will not encourage this hurricane.
       Purple Zi-Jin said:
       “Madam, what now?”
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "What to do? Naturally, I have to check it out and call Xu Wu." She can't hand it over to Hao Dazhuang. It’s not that it’s not a big deal, but it’s not appropriate.
       Qu Mama thought for a moment and said:
       "Madam, if it's just falsification, I'm worried that someone inside is bad!"
       Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "This time, it should not be done by someone. But in the future, it will be impossible."
       Xu Wu came over and listened to Yu-Xi and nodded. But he also has a problem:
       “Madam, how do people who are found to dispose of it?”
       Yu-Xi said with a blank expression:
       "As long as you find out that impersonation is wrong, all are sent back. In addition, these people are not allowed to be included in the scope of funding."
       Xu Wu nodded and said:
       "The genus knows."
       Yu-Xi added:
       "How much to clean up, how much to make up." Yu-Xi means that the total number of children is three hundred.
       Xu Wu nods to:
       In this case, Xu Wu did not do it personally. His duty is to protect Yu-Xi.
       This is naturally a matter for the following people to do.
       Therefore, this errand was handed over to Xu Dan, who was originally a local:
       "You go to check, three days, Madam wants to see the results."
       Xu Daniu laughed:
       "It takes three days for this little thing. You can get the results tomorrow afternoon." As long as Madam is released, this falsification can be found by a check.
       Xu Wu swept Xu Daniu coldly and said:
       "This is the errand that Madam has explained. If there is a bad pool, it is not only your face but also the face of the general." Hao Dazhuang has done something bad, they are not doing anything, and they are carrying in front of Madam. I can't afford it.
       Xu Da Nu just put away the look of laughter, very serious said:
       "Darens can rest assured that I must be clear and clear." If Madam knows that they are doing things badly, then it is really shameful.
       In the afternoon, Hao Dazhuang knew that he had made a mistake and rushed to plead guilty. Yu-Xi did not blame him:
       "This is going to make you come forward. You must be very embarrassed, so I will give it to Xu Wu."
       Hao Da Zhuang has a twilight color:
       "Madam, this is my fault, I didn't think about it." He didn't even think about the imposition of this kind of thing.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Eat a long and smart, don't make such a mistake again in the future." This thing Yu-Xi really does not blame Hao Dazhuang, no matter where it is, this kind of thing.
       Hao Dazhuang nodded and said something to Yu-Xi:
       "Madam, today Chen Teacher gave me a suggestion. I think his suggestion is very good?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "As long as it is a good suggestion, you can say it."
       Hao Dazhuang said:
       “Chen Teacher said, let these children read the words every morning and practice martial arts in the afternoon.” Chen’s teacher made this suggestion because he felt that these children stayed in the house all day and could not learn. Instead of this, it is better to study for half a day and practice martial arts for a long time.
       These children will have to go to the battlefield when they grow up. Now they will begin to practice martial arts. When they grow up, they will all be talented.
       Yu-Xi listened to this and asked:
       "What is this Chen Teacher?"
       Those who can make such suggestions are definitely not pedantic people.
       Hao Dazhuang said:
       "It is said that Chen Teacher used to have a name for himself. Later he offended someone and was framed. He sent it to Fu-Cheng City. He has been in Fu-Cheng City for ten years. He is very good at character." So Huo Shushu let him go to the school to teach." Also Huo Changqing This person acts in an unconventional manner, or else will not let such a person go to school.
       Yu-Xi frowned and said:
       "This is not the right thing to do. When you go back, you will quit this Chen Teacher." Because of trusting Yun-Qing , please ask Teacher's matter Yu-Xi.
       Hao Da Zhuang said:
       "Madam, Chen Teacher didn't really commit a crime. He was shackled. Otherwise, Huo Dashu would not personally ask him to go to the school."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Have you ever thought about the consequences of this incident once it has been circulated? Let people know that we ask a prisoner to teach this child. Not only will the generals be impeached to say that he is hiding the criminals, that is, the parents of these children, they will also think that we Not doing the job, teaching these children." The people around him know that his character is good, only to learn well, but outsiders do not know. In the eyes of outsiders, he is a prisoner. If he is not a parent, he will let a prisoner teach his child.
       Hao Dazhuang’s face changed and said:
       "Then I will quit when I go back."
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "You and Chen Teacher made it clear that the reason for the matter was clear, the tone was euphemistic, and by the way conveyed my apologies."

Chapter 364 Rules (2) 

       Yu-Xi heard Qu Mama say that Huo Changqing is not in the house, but in the military camp. After thinking about it, let Xu Wu send someone to ask Huo Changqing to come back.
       Huo Changqing got the news, it was very strange. If you have something, please turn on Yun-Qing and ask him to go back and do something! However, he knew that Yu-Xi was not a reckless person, and he immediately returned to Yunfu.
       When Yu-Xi saw Huo Changqing, he said something about Chen Teacher and also talked about his own scruples:
       "Huo Shu, please don't blame me for smashing."
       Huo Changqing looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Even if I blame you, you will not think that you are wrong, I am right?"
       Knowing the look of Yu-Xi, she doesn't think she has done something wrong.
       Yu-Xi does not shy away, saying "Yes. I believe Huo Shu, you said that Chen Teacher is awkward, then he must be embarrassed. I also believe that this Chen Teacher is definitely talented and has good character. But I believe it is useless, people outside will not believe it."
       Huo Changqing doesn't quite agree with Yu-Xi:
       "Being a man, but asking for innocence, why bother with the opinions of others?"
       Huo Changqing feels that being a man but asking for innocence is just as good as it is.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I know now why people in Capital City say that they are killing with Rui." Although Yun-Qing is always cold-faced, his body is very heavy, but there is absolutely no exaggeration.
       The question is, why is the reputation of Yun-Qing so bad? Now she knows that not only the enemy of Yun-Qing is smashing him, but even they don't care about these rumors.
       The reputation is not bad!
       Huo Changqing said:
       "I can't really fake it. It can't be fake. If you have contacted Yun-Qing , you know who he is."
       Yu-Xi is helpless and says:
       "Huo Shu, you said, I know who he is after contact with Rui. But this is also after contact! Huo Shu, you don't remember? and Rui former fiancee Chen Xue, because of rumors that he is addicted Killing a living and scaring to death. Huo Shu, all the money, smashing the bones. If we look down on the power of rumors, it is time to eat big losses." Last life, outsiders evaluation of Yun-Qing Just killing the madman, there are cold-blooded, arrogant, overbearing, and arrogant, but because the murderous madman is the loudest, the others are covered.
       Huo Changqing took a deep look at Yu-Xi and said:
       "What do you want to say?"
       Huo Changqing is not angry because he knows that Yu-Xi is also for Yun-Qing .
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Huo Shu, we must pay attention to this aspect. Just like Chen's thing, we can't just follow the teacher's teacher, but we can't put this kind of thing on the bright side. It's better to follow the Buddha in private. Don't think that these are trivial things, these little things will become the weapon of others to attack us in the future." She used to be unable to control, but now it is not. She can't let Yun-Qing bear such a reputation, otherwise, there will be problems with the marriage of the child in the future. My son is okay, and her daughter has such a reputation, she will suffer big losses.
       Huo Changqing was silent and didn't speak.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Huo Shu, saying something that is not heard, and the reason why Rui is unable to find a suitable aide, is not unrelated to the rumors outside. No one is assisting, and it is more difficult to revenge." When people heard Yun- The people around Qing are killing, and there are also Song family and Qin Hao on the sidelines, unless they are too long, who will go to him.
       Huo Changqing looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "You do a temporary school, not just to help those who have a hard life? You want to get a reputation through this."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I really want to help them." Helping people, getting a good name, she deserves it. In short, this is a mutually beneficial thing.
       Huo Changqing laughed and said:
       "I think, Han Duke must be sorry that you are not a man." Don't say Han Duke, that is, he has some regrets that Yu-Xi is not a man. Of course, fortunately, it is the daughter's body, or Yun-Qing will have one less help.
       Yu-Xi stunned, saying that it is a serious matter, how to turn to this aspect.
       Huo Changqing is a fairly open-minded person who says:
       "You didn't make sense. If you think that I didn't do anything with Yun-Qing in the future, you should point it out."
       Yu-Xi said unceremoniously:
       "Huo Shu, what do you do, I can clearly understand where." She is also pregnant, her brain is not as good as before, or else she would like to ask Teacher, she will not give it to Yun-Qing without asking. . If Yun-Qing is acting properly, I really think about it, and I will bear the name of the murderous madman.
       Huo Changqing smiled:
       "Let Yun-Qing tell you that."
       Yu-Xi was very satisfied with this reply. When Yun-Qing came back at night, without Yu-Qing asking, Yu-Xi told him the original place, and complained after saying:
       "You are also true, the ready Made handles are sent up, for fear that the imperial history has nothing to do." Yun-Qing and Huo Changqing are serious men of war, are very temperamental people, where would you like these bends Wrap around.
       Yun-Qing smiled:
       "This is a border town, not a capital city. Yushi wants to know, it is also difficult." And after so many years, it has not been stable.
       Yu-Xi stunned Yun-Qing and said:
       "If Qin Qin does this, there may be no problem. But you can't do it.
       The Song family is still watching it! Now they are forbearing, they want to strike." There is such a powerful enemy of the Song family.
       There is a Qin Family on it, and it is accidentally made.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "You are pregnant now, you shouldn't be too bothered, and you can raise your baby with peace of mind. I will handle these things well."
       Yu-Xi is in the heart, you deal with it, and the result of your treatment is likely to be like the last generation, the reputation is stinking. But for the face of Yun-Qing , she didn't dare to say anything. Just smiled and said:
       "Where it is so delicate, I am in good health! And the doctor and Bai Mama said that my baby is very good."
       After Xu Da Nu spent three days, he checked all the imposters and handed the list to Yu-Xi. Xu Daniu said:
       "Madam, don't check, I don't know, there is more than 20 imposters when I check it out." He thought that it would be as many as four or five, but he found more than twenty. When I knew this, Xu Daniu really wiped out sweat.
       Yu-Xi looked at the list, there are 19 boys, and there are 4th Miss. Looking at this abnormal data, Yu-Xi brow wrinkled. Five or six are normal, but more than twenty are not normal.
       Qu Mama said:
       "Madam, I think this is not the right thing." Too abnormal, replacing three or five normal, more than twenty, too exaggerated.
       Yu-Xi looks cold and says:
       "It's not right, but this is only the case for the time being." For the time being, I can only eat this loss.
       Xu Wu was very depressed on the side and asked:
       "Madam, is this all the way?"
       Xu Daniu listened to this and was murderous. Madam founded this elementary school, although it is temporary, but it can help a lot of people.
       This is a good thing, but some people do it. If you let him hold it, you must kill them.
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Don't worry, if someone really wants to make it bad, there must be a backhand. When the new account is counted, the old account will be counted together." If she expected it to be good, this check will definitely attract trouble.
       As Yu-Xi expected, when this thing came out, it started to be a storm.
       The parents of the retired children did not dare to make trouble, but those who were disqualified were coming to court. If you can't get into Yunfu, all of them are outside the Yunfu, crying and asking for it.
       The people who are on the lookout will surround Yunfu with three floors and three floors.
       Purple Zi-Jin heard the news from Xu Wu and was so angry that he was red:
       "The day when the quota was replaced, I dare not say anything, but now it is forced to start Madam."
       Yu-Xi smiled a bit, not angry, said:
       "They dare to come to trouble, but they think that I will be soft, see them pity and take back what they said before." Unfortunately, these people are wrong, she will not be left.
       Purple Zi-Jin Said:
       "Can this be not a problem?"
       Yu-Xi told Xu Wu and said:
       "You sent someone to the general and said that I can handle the matter here and let him not come back. Qu Mama, you are going to send the outside people." Yu-Xi worried that Yun-Qing got the news and came back. If Yun-Qing is angry, it will be difficult to deal with it at that time.
       Qu Mama Said:
       "If I persuaded me still can't go? Or, if they don't leave in front of the gate?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "If it's not soft, then tell the people outside and send them to Tuen Mun if you don't leave."
       Xu Wu thought about it:
       "Madam, I think it's still Madam to write a letter to the general!" As far as he knows the general, if the general knows about it, he will return immediately.
       Yu-Xi laughed and entered the study and Qu Mama went out to deal with the outside. Because there are guards around, she is not afraid.
       Outside the gates of Yunfu, the people who pleaded for sympathy looked at the open door and raised a glimmer of hope. However, it is disappointing to see a woman who is older from the inside.
       Qu Mama came out and introduced myself first, saying:
       "I am the Mama in the backyard. What do you have, it is the same as me."
       Inside the crowd, a woman with a long face stood up and ‘called with tears:
       "Big-sister, please let us meet Madam? We are also forced, ask Madam to give us a chance!"
       Qu Mama has no superficial expression on her face and says:
       "The opportunity has already been given to you. You don't cherish yourself. Who can you blame?"
       A woman with a long face is called:
       "We can't do anything, but if there is a way, we won't let them replace their own children." The woman felt aggrieved, when she was threatened, no way, she could only surrender.
       Qu Mama snorted:
       "My family, Madam, heard that there are often children crying to death here. I want to do my best to help you, and to help these children. You are good, you are not able to make a name, but now you have an accident. Going to the General's House to make trouble? What's the matter, look at my Madam temper, and you can't bully it? I tell you, you have miscalculated. Isn't the General's House the place where you are wild?"
       Finished, said to a bodyguard next to him:
       "I immediately went to the county to report the case, and said that there are people who are gathering in front of the generals to make trouble."
       When the words fell, the women who were lying on the ground all changed their faces. If the people who come to the door come, they can all be closed to the prison.

Chapter 365 Rules (3) 

       The woman with a long face listened to Qu Mama words, but ‘called:
       "We are unarmed, those people are forcing us, and we have no choice. If we didn't die early, why are we being bullied? Madam not only does not understand our difficulties, asks us for fairness, but also wants us to I sent it to the prison and said what compassionate, I think it is a snake."
       Ten of the guards standing next to Qu Mama, the face was blue, and the feelings of Madam doing good things, they got a snake-hearted name.
       Qu Mama smiled and asked:
       "Do you mean being persecuted? That is to say, who are you persecuted? Under the blue sky, there are still people who can’t be disciplined. When you say it, my Madam will definitely ask you a fair. If things are true. It also allows your children to enter the school." Qu Mama is pretty sure that these people dare not say. If there is such a courage, they can't be replaced by the quota.
       But this time, Qu Mama is expected to be wrong. A little boy about the age of about * stood up and said:
       "It’s the next person of Moti family who threatened my mother, saying that if my mother didn’t agree, he would kill me.
       This time, it’s also...” No words, his mouth ‘called at the woman around him. Living.
       The woman looked scared and said to Qu Mama:
       “Children are nonsense, and please don’t worry about Qu Mama.”
       Qu Mama ignored the woman and asked the little child who had just opened up and said:
       "How did you know?"
       The little boy opened the woman’s hand and said to the woman:
       "Mother, we can't be wronged in vain, and I believe that Madam will definitely seek justice for us." He heard that he went to the school, not only to recognize words, but also to practice martial arts. If you miss this opportunity, there will be no such good things in the future. It is better to gamble than to hang on.
       Qu Mama looked at the little boy unexpectedly and asked:
       "How did you know?"
       The child raised his voice and said:
       "I tracked him yesterday and found that he finally entered the home of Moti." So, it must be threatened by Moti.
       Qu Mama nodded and asked another group of people:
       "What about you? Who are you threatened?"
       I don’t know what it means to threaten these people and replace the quota.
       Another group of people, except crying, did not stand up. Obviously, these people are afraid of retaliation.
       Qu Mama does not insist, saying:
       "If you don't say it, just go back. Otherwise, wait until you come to the prison, and you will take it by yourself."
       As a result of this, many women left the house with their children. However, some people still stayed, and the long face of the face left the child, crying and ‘calling:
       "There is no way to live anyway, and I am dead here today."
       The guards got a reminder from Qu Mama, beware of someone crying and hanging.
       This will see her going to hit the pillar, Xu Daniu stepped forward to stop her, then lifted her up and threw it directly under the bluestone steps.
       Then, a ‘call of pig-like ‘calls.
       Qu Mama sneered:
       "Began to die and die, don't dirty the ground of our generals." It is ridiculous to scare them with death.
       The woman with a long face looked at the situation and was surprised that it was completely inconsistent with the situation that the person said that day. He ran away while holding the child. In this case, where other people dare to stay, they are holding their children back. In the end, except for the little boy and his mother, everyone else left.
       Qu Mama face sneered, then said to the little boy:
       "You come in!" Some things still need to be asked, so that they can be traced.
       The little boy thought that he would meet the rumored beautiful and kind general Madam.
       The result was that they brought the Miss to the yard, asked her some questions, and then left.
       The woman looked at her daring son, tears and tears:
       "What can I do now? If you have three long and two short, how can you live with your mother?"
       The little boy said:
       "Mother, it’s better to gamble than to be bullied in the day." When the gambling wins, he has the opportunity to literate martial arts.
       The gambling lost, the big deal they went to Xinpingcheng to find Uncle Zhuang, so that the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger.
       Qu Mama entered the house and said the words Yu-Xi said by the little boy:
       "Xu Da Nu said, this Moti Erxi and Xu family are distant relatives. But I can't figure out, Xu Jia, what is this?"
       What is the impact of replacing the quota?
       Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "If I guessed it right, it would be just the first step to replace people.
       Then there must be more dirty means."
       Qu Mama frowned and said:
       "I don't know if Qin Madam knows this?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Xu-Shi is not such a stupid person, it will do something that is so sloppy; and, Xu family family may not know about it." Although he has never seen a Zhao family, But only watching Zhao Madam and Zhao Jia-Nai-Nai, I know that Zhao family is not bad. If the man is very poor, others will certainly not marry his own good daughter. And Xu Jia can press the Zhao family, but also shows its ability.
       Therefore, Yu-Xi speculation may be done by Xu people, but it’s definitely not the subject of Xu family. If the family is so stupid, Xu family has long been swallowed up with bone residue.
       Qu Mama heart moved and asked:
       “What does Madam mean?”
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I don't care what the idiots of Xu family do. I only know that he is a Xu family." Yu-Xi words are clear, she wants to burn this fire to Xu. It’s a pity that Qin Yu is not there, or else he can add a Qin Family and also come in!
       Purple Zi-Jin is very worried, saying:
       "Madam, what if Namo does not admit or bite back?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "This is not a judgment. It also requires a person to prove that the physical evidence is complete. With the identification of the little boy, it does not matter if he does not admit it." And Yu-Xi believes that she ordered the fire, I believe that Zhao will be very happy behind Fan fan wind, increase firepower.
       After that, Yu-Xi asked Qu Mama:
       "What is this child called? Who else is there at home?"
       If the child is put back, it will definitely be dangerous, so Yu-Xi intends to leave the child behind.
       Qu Mama said:
       "This child is called Shen , this year is nine and a half years old, her mother is surnamed Fan. Besides, there is also an uncle. But his uncle is not a good one, and he still wants to force Van- Shi remarried. Fortunately, Shen 's father had a life-defying brother, who was surnamed Zhuang, and he came forward to support the orphaned widowed mother and ran away the unscrupulous uncle.
       This time, the man named Zhuang was some The days were removed from the line of defense and transferred to Xinpingcheng." These things are all heard by the guards in the house.
       Yu-Xi gently nodded and said:
       "Shen Hey? This name is really good. You let him in, I have something to ask him."
       Qu Mama nodded and said:

Chapter 366 Rules (4) 

       Shen I described the man who threatened their mother and child to Yu-Xi in detail and even said what clothes they wore.
       Yu-Xi draws people according to the description. After painting, give Shen look:
       "Do you think it is not like?"
       Shen choked a slobber and said:
       "Like, it’s too much like it." It’s actually just a six-seven image, but for Shen-, this is amazing.
       Yu-Xi asked Xu to hold the portrait, and with Shen he went to Moti to raise his family. At the beginning, Moti lifted the three obstacles and refused to admit that there was such a person in the mansion. As a result, when Xu Wu took out the portrait, Moti would not be able to deny it, because the person on the portrait was his little shi-zi. However, he still does not recognize that the threat of persecution has something to do with him, pushing things to his shi-zi.
       Xu Wu said with a cold face:
       "What about people?"
       Moti said, shaking his head:
       "I don't know. He went out early in the morning and hasn't returned yet!" I hope only that his big sister has returned to Xinpingcheng. It is not Fu-Cheng City, it is by Yun-Qing .
       Unfortunately, Moti is destined to be disappointed. Xu Wu caught people in Wangchunlou, and he didn’t get a punishment. He only looked at the torture tool.
       This guy was scared and smothered. He gave everything to him, saying that Xu 4th Master gave him One hundred Silver Taels, pointing him to do this.
       Xu 4th Master is a hundred products of six products, and is now in Fu-Cheng City. Just one side of the word is not enough to convict the 4th Master, but Yu-Xi does not need to be convicted, she took this confession to Qin. Questioning Xu-Shi:
       "Qin Madam, please also explain to me, what do I do to make a temporary school in the middle of the school? What is the means of doing this?"
       Xu 4th Master is the cousin of Qin Madam. It is normal to find such a thing-Shi.
       Being questioned by such a person, Xu-Shi is also very difficult to read, saying:
       "-Sister-in-law, there must be some misunderstandings in this matter, I will let people go to the detailed investigation." For the incident of the school, Xu-Shi is happy to see it. But she did not expect that this matter actually burned on her body.
       Yu-Xi sneered and said:
       "Misunderstanding? There is a black and white letter as evidence. Qin Madam can still misunderstand. I really admire it. I originally wanted to talk about it with Qin Madam. Now it seems that there is nothing to talk about." Finished, quite belly, and walked angrily.
       Xu-Shi is so angry that she has been married to the Qin family. No one dares to treat her like this:
       "This Han-shi, what kind of wind is it?"
       Xu-Shi ‘Madam’ named Gong, Gong Mama said:
       "Madam, I don't think so. If she really wants to be fair, she should sit down and talk to Madam calmly, instead of ‘calling. Madam, is there any conspiracy?"
       Don't look at a gentle and amiable look. In fact, this cloud Madam is deep!
       Xu-Shi will be in the air, where will think so much:
       "What is fair? Take a confession confession and ask me? I dare to lick my face." Completely a neuropathy, dare to run to her home to wild, what is it? However, it was only when her husband was absent that she dared to bully the door.
       Thinking of this, Xu-Shi asked:
       "I don't know when the husband will come back.
       The last letter said that Qin Hao went back to Capital City after he got married. It has been more than a month, why haven't you arrived yet?"
       Riding is much faster than riding a horse. According to the usual itinerary, it is time to get home.
        - Gong Mama said:
       "It should be something that has been delayed, and the departure is late." In fact, Gong Mama also felt that it was wrong. It was all in mid-November and it was not yet. However, this statement can not be said to Xu-Shi, save the Xu-Shi to scare.
       Xu-Shi has a white face and said:
       "Mama, do you say that the husband will have something to do?"
       There are so many bandits on the road, what to do if you have a plan.
        - Gong Mama Said:
       "The general has brought so many guards around him, and no one knows his itinerary.
       There is something going on. Madam don't scare yourself."
       Xu-Shi heart was put down, the guards brought by her husband, the top ones, even if they encountered robber bandits, they were not afraid. I was worried about it.
       Yu-Xi went out of the gate of Qin House and told the people to send the big donkey of Moti to Tuen Mun. In fact, Yu-Xi does not expect the door to be awarded the 4th Master's sin, but when it comes to the door, this thing can't be stopped. Can not let the Xu family hurt the bones, but also have to make their faces ugly. Let these people know that they are not soft persimmons, and they want to pinch them.
       The trial of the case was surnamed Ma, and Ma Ma was the Miss of Zhao.
       The animal husbandry immediately accepted the case and asked the 4th Master to come to the house. It’s a pity that Xu 4th Master’s shelf is very big. He only sent a manager to go to the door, and he didn’t show up at all.
       On the second day, Yu-Xi heard that someone had come to the Tuen Mun to confess to the 4th Master who had raped a woman. Yu-Xi frowned and asked:
       “Is this true or false?”
       But don't Zhao Jia in order to pour dirty water on the Xu family, planted and framed.
       Xu Wu nodded and said:
       "It is true.
       The woman looks like a beautiful woman. She was stunned by the 4th Master of Xujia. She wanted to be guilty, but the woman did not agree with her life. Xu 4th Master made the means and took the woman's innocence.
       The woman is also a strong personality, seeing that the innocence has been destroyed, and she is unwilling to be embarrassed. She died on the spot."
       Yu-Xi face is very unsightly. In the capital, she listened to the wealthy gongzi and robbed the women and women.
       These women did not commit suicide, but they went into the government. Can grab the woman's stuff, what can be good.
       Therefore, most of these women’s endings are very miserable. However, Yu-Xi did not expect Fu-Cheng City to have such a thing:
       "What time is it? How can it be nobody?"
       Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "At the beginning of the year, Xu Jiaquan was in a big position.
       They asked for nowhere.
       This time, it was estimated that it was someone who pointed out."
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "It is estimated that Zhao secretly gave them a message. But things have been so long, and there is no evidence.
       The 4th Master can be repudiated." Since the pastoral judgment is the son-in-law of the Zhao family, it will definitely be a problem. Big. However, this incident is estimated to be a big event and a small matter.
       Purple Zi-Jin knows what Yu-Xi thinks and says:
       "The evidence is conclusive, how can it be a big deal?"
       This time, I have to kill that guy.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Mr 4th Master can tell the woman to seduce him, and finally he does not want to be ignorant of this kind of ignorance.
       This woman is pretending to be dead, but the result is really killing herself. He said so, It is completely sinful. "This world is unfair to women and too tolerant to men."
       As expected by Yu-Xi, Xu 4th Master succeeded in excusing himself.
       Yu-Xi took the red-hot stamping invitation sent by Xu-Shi, sneered a little and said:
       "It's really arrogant!" She didn't think about it. She could convict the 4th Master for these two things, but she wanted to break the reputation of Xu. But she did not expect that the case was completed in only three days from the trial to the completion of the case. Yu-Xi originally thought, this matter will go up to the state, and then press it down! I did not expect this 4th Master to be offended in Fu-Cheng City.
       This Xu family, to be exact, the Qin family power in Fu-Cheng City is deeper than she thought.
       Purple Zi-Jin is so angry that he wants to kill:
       "How could this be? Isn't that the judge who is the Zhao family? How can he be biased towards the surname?"
       Yu-Xi sneered and said this to Xu Wu, saying:
       "To check it out, the pastoral judge or her Madam has seen anyone in the past two days."
       This is actually not difficult to check. Xu Wu has been sending people to secretly follow up on the case. After two hours, Xu Wu said:
       "This morning, the Qin family went to a pastor's house." The problem was in the Qin family.
       Yu-Xi snorted, it turned out to be.
       This pastoral sentence has ten * is what is the handle of the Xu family, or else the case may end so soon.
       The capital was so bad that I didn't expect Fu-Cheng City to be rotten. I thought of it, Yu-Xi shook his head helplessly. When you run into a faint prince, there is still a clear word! Everything is the same.
       Purple Zi-Jin dissatisfied:
       "Madam, just let him go?"
       If you let go of it, it will not help them more arrogant.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Multiple lines of injustice will be self-sufficient, to call the child and her mother."
       Looking at the girl, Yu-Xi smiled. Shen is a kind of very daring child, and his mother is a little weak. Yu-Xi said to the woman:
       "If you are willing, you will stay in our house to do some chores." Men in the general's house are not lacking, and the lack of women is doing things.
       Fan-Shi burst into tears, kneeling on the ground, and said with gratitude:
       "Thank you Madam-. Madam's great grace, the woman is unforgettable for a lifetime." Seeing his son still standing, hurrying to let Shen follow along.
       Yu-Xi waved his hand and said:
       "The man has gold under his knees. Don't let him kneel down casually." There is a saying that is really good. When the mother is weak, the child is strong, and the mother is weak.
       Shen He was not willing to kneel, but he was like a man in the military camp, holding his fists in his hands and saying:
       “Thank you Madam.” I paused and said:
       "Madam, can I go to school tomorrow?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       Shen I’m in a hurry:
       "Why not? Not to say yes, can I prove that I was forced to go to school to study martial arts? How can you talk without saying anything?"
       Fan-Shi listened to this, his face was white, and hurry to hold Shen , said:
       "Please Madam, don't be surprised, this child has no cover."
       Yu-Xi smiled a little, and said with Shen :
       "No rules are not a square. Since I have already made a statement, it is impossible to change it. Otherwise, the day and night will change, who will be convinced in the future?"
       No matter what you do, it will be annoying to change the day and night, and it is easy to lose credit.
       Shen He was shocked and angry, and he risked his life to fight for the opportunity to go to school.
       The result was still empty. But he can't blame the cloud Madam, or else he will be like a ungrateful person like the people in the past few days.
       Yu-Xi looked at Shen 's Shen , smiled and said:
       "In fact, you go to the school, but you want to learn martial arts. You can also use the martial arts in the house."
       Shen I heard the incredible saying:
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "What do I lie to you?"
       The rules laid down cannot be changed, but things can be changed.
       Shen kneeling on the ground, licking three heads toward Yu-Xi:
       "Thank you Madam-, the virtue of Madam, Shen I will report it in the coming days."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You will live in the house in the future! There is something, please get it back now."
       Fan-Shi took Shen he went down.

Chapter 367 Rules (5) 

       Qu Mama frowned and said:
       "Madam, leaving their mother and son in the house, is it time to sign a deed? So, there is also a saying outside."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Do not sign.
       The child is not only bold, but also proud. Let him sign the deed, certainly not willing."
       Qu Mama is still not assured, said:
       "This para-Shi is still not to be placed in the inner court." The so-called inner courtyard is the yard where Yu-Xi lives. Qu Mama didn't want Fan-Shi to contact Yu-Xi, this fan-Shi was scared by two gangsters, and if anyone was forced to poison Madam next time, who knows She will not agree.
       Therefore, this kind of person must not be allowed to contact his Madam.
       Yu-Xi heard Qu Mama concerns and nodded and said:
       "You can arrange this person." Pozi in the mansion is Qu Mama. Although Qu Mama does not have the same medicinal diet and pharmacology as Quan Mama, the means of training people are not worse than Quan Mama.
       Yun-Qing did not make any comments on this matter. However, Yu-Xi can see from the look of Yun-Qing 's face that Yun-Qing is in a bad mood. See you, Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "It’s useless to get angry. It’s already judged.” Yun-Qing has military power, but military and political separation, local affairs Yun-Qing can not be inserted. Otherwise, it was not a joke that someone was caught.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "This pastoral judgment, I can't stay in Fu-Cheng City for a long time." The behavior of this pastoral judgment angered Zhao.
       The pastoral judge also wanted to use this wind to suppress the arrogance of Xu family, but the result was folded in his own hands.
       Yu-Xi asked curiously:
       "What kind of handle did the priests have been arrested by the Xu family? Let him change his tone immediately. Will it be corruption and accepting bribes?"
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "The specifics are not clear. However, it must have been promised-Shi seized the handle of life and death. Otherwise, he did not dare to violate the meaning of Zhao."
       Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "I thought Fu-Cheng City would be cleaner. I didn't think it was filthy. Xu has a promise-Shi is a patron. It is not easy to get rid of it!"
       Yun-Qing rarely mentions Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi wants to turn a blind eye. She knows that Yun-Qing understands his words and wants to eliminate Xu.
       The most difficult thing is that Xu has a powerful in-law. Qin Lan is alive, and is the keeper of Fu-Cheng City, and the status of Xu will not move. If Qin Yu died, Xu Jia lost the asylum of Qin Yu, it would be much easier to get rid of it.
       The problem is that Yun-Qing will not poison the Qin Family! Cough, kindness, or something, it really is the most annoying thing.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "The sins that have been committed will always be repaid by one day."
       Yu-Xi listened to this and shook his head and said:
       "I don't know if I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey?"
       Fortunately, Yun-Qing did not say that good and good to report evil and bad news, or else she should be depressed.
       Yun-Qing Said:
       "It will take a long time. And this time, although I did not bring the 4th Master to justice, but it also lost people hearts." Not everyone is a fool, this thing is down, but the eye is early Understand what is going on.
       Yu-Xi smiled a bit, and then entangled in this matter, Xu family can not swear.
       The topic is now transferred:
       "I don't believe that the Zhao family people really don't know anything about it. It is estimated that they will only close their eyes. He Rui, later deal with Zhao, and keep a few more eyes." The matter is not so much to rectify the Xu Master, but rather a test of Yu-Xi, to see the status of the Qin family in Fu-Cheng City.
       This time, the test was very fruitful. Not only does the Qin family power in Fu-Cheng City exceed her expectations, it is the Zhao family, not so clean.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "General Zhao is a man who can't see the sand in his eyes.
       This thing, General Zhao is definitely unknowing, so you don't have to worry."
       Yu-Xi understands the meaning of Yun-Qing , which means that General Zhao is reliable. As for the Zhao family, is it not clean with him:
       "Still be careful, there is more than three points in everything, do you know?"
       General Zhao is a member of the Zhao family. Some people can sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the family. What are the allies?
       Yun-Qing feels that Yu-Xi has been particularly fond of worrying since she became pregnant. However, in order not to worry about Yu-Xi, he still nodded and agreed.
       After two days, Yu-Xi called Hao Dazhuang to the house and handed him a thin booklet saying:
       "This is what I thought about it for a few days. When you go back, you will tell the children what you wrote in the booklet." It was also an impostor to let the Yu-Xi smell dangerous. Just let her go halfway, she is not willing. If it is halfway through the loss of wealth, the reputation is damaged, and it is too incompetent to retreat when it encounters a little difficulty.
       This booklet is written on some rules and regulations, such as not being late, not allowed to leave early, not allowed to fight, etc. If it is violated, it will be punished accordingly.
       Hao Dazhuang turned to look at it and said with a smile:
       "Madam is too worried. If they are late and leave early, they will not be able to eat." As for absenteeism, it is even more impossible. Unless you are sick, can you afford to have three meals for free!
       The food in Qing fengtang is the rice porridge in the morning, the noodle buns and a dish of soup at noon, the same at night. Of course, it is not white rice porridge, but mixed with coarse grains, but that is enough to make these children very pleasant. Because I can eat in the cafeteria, but also a meal. You must know that ordinary people have nothing to eat on most days.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I forgot this, but I still have to add it." When they are not bound by the future, she will let Qing fengtang become a real school, instead of being like a present, there is only one name, and the name is not true.
       Hao Dazhuang nodded and agreed.
       Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       "After talking for a long time, I forgot to ask you, how is the school? Those children can get used to it? Are you tired? Xiwu is not an easy task."
       Hao Dazhuang heard this and laughed and said:
       "At the beginning, these little rabbits were very active. After three days, when they were fresh, they wanted to be lazy. Madam gave them something to motivate them." The booklet can not only make a system, but also It is written that if it performs well, there will be rewards. As for what reward, Yu-Xi did not write. Because she still doesn't know what these children want most, she has been put on hold for a while.
       Yu-Xi asked with a smile and said:
       "You said that if you learn well, what should you reward?"
       Originally, Yu-Xi was a gift room Sibao, but it was not appropriate to think about it.
       There is a saying that is good, not suffering from ignorance and suffering from inequality, so can not award anything too special.
       Hao Dazhuang smiled:
       “It’s the most affordable to reward a bowl of meat.” The children in the school can’t eat a meal all year round. If you can eat a bowl of meat, it is more happy than the New Year.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Don't limit it for a month, it's limited to ten days. By the time I let Bai Mama go to the school, I can't forget to let these children eat once." Braised meat by Bai Mama, Yunfu No one does not like to eat, I believe that after the children have eaten, they will definitely study hard.
       Hao Dazhuang smiled and said:
       "At the time, I can ask Madam to let Bai Mama do more, and let me eat a bowl too." But he heard that Madam had a very good cooking chef.
       That cooking is better than the restaurant!

Chapter 368 Chen Teacher  

       Yu-Xi and Hao Dazhuang talked about making cotton trousers for children:
       "I have been busy these days. I have forgotten to tell you something. I have already gone to Xinpingcheng to buy cotton. I will be back in two days. Go back and register the height of these children. Some people who will make cotton trousers will start work when the cotton arrives. It is also cold this day, and the cotton trousers will be done early, and these children will not be frozen."
       Hao Dazhuang heard this and his eyes showed a surprise. However, he is also somewhat worried and said:
       “Madam, the cost is too high.” Up to now, it has already cost more than two hundred Silver Taels, and then made cotton trousers, which is more expensive.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You don't have to worry about this. I can still get the money for cotton trousers." This school, Yu-Xi didn't take public accounts, all of them used their own private houses.
       Hao Dazhuang immediately said:
       "I will go and ask someone when I go back."
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Now it's cold, and there are two more pots of charcoal fire in the house. But you have to pay attention to safety. Doors and windows can't be too dead, you have to leave a gap. In addition, you must pay attention to the physical condition of these children. If there is infection, it must be If you are sick, you can go to the school. Otherwise, it is easy to spread to other children." It doesn't cost much to eat, but if you are sick, the medical expenses can be expensive.
       Hao Dazhuang heard this and shook his head and said:
       "Madam don't worry, these children are very good, and with half a day of martial arts every day, it won't be so easy to catch cold." Hao Dazhuang thinks that Yu-Xi is too worried, and these little rabbits are so delicate. It is.
       Yu-Xi frowned, but looking at Hao Dazhuang's face as if he didn't care, his heart was not so comfortable, but the face did not show up:
       "Still pay attention." It seems that this school can not be handed over to Hao Dazhuang. Such an attitude, where can manage the school!
       When Hao Dazhuang left, Yu-Xi gave Hao Dazhuang a package and said:
       "This is what I prepared for Chen Teacher. You can help me."
       Hao Dazhuang was hesitant and said:
       "Chen Teacher has a hard time, but he never accepts gifts from others."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You sent it, he will see what he has inside. But this thing, only Chen knows it, don't tell anyone else." The readers are very tall and will not accept the charity of others, that is They are insulting.
       Therefore, Yu-Xi is not sending anything.
       Chen Teacher looked at Hao Dazhuang and brought a big parcel. His face was not very beautiful:
       "I didn't say it long ago, don't send anything over?"
       Hao Dazhuang said with a smile:
       "This package is not for me. It was prepared by my family Madam. My family Madam said that if you look at the things inside, you will receive it."
       Chen Teacher is a bit suspicious, but still opens the parcel. Some bacon and sausage were placed in the parcel, and some dried dates such as red dates and mushrooms were added. In addition to this, there was a square box.
       Hao Dazhuang took the box out of the package and ‘called and said:
       "It's quite heavy, don't know what to put?"
       After that, don't ask Chen Teacher, he will open it. It’s not that Hao Dazhuang is unreasonable. It’s really he worried that Chen’s Teacher doesn’t look at anything, he puts the box back into the parcel and takes him back.
       Inside the box is a book with a pen and ink, and two Silver Taels. In addition, a letter was placed inside. Hao Dazhuang took the letter and handed it to Teacher.
       Chen Teacher took the letter and took it apart. After reading it, Chen Teacher fell into thought.
       Hao Dazhuang did not dare to talk too much, just standing in the house and waiting. After a long time, Hao Dazhuang saw Chen Teacher still silent, saying:
       "Teacher, if it's okay, I will go back."
       Chen Teacher, I just came back and nodded and said:
       "Good!" As for what was written in the letter, Chen Teacher did not tell Hao Dazhuang half a word.
       Out of the house, Hao Dazhuang said to himself:
       "I don't know what Madam wrote in the letter, but I can let Teacher take things."
       Chen's ‘Madam’, Wan-shi, saw her husband left behind Hao Dazhuang's things, and couldn't help but ask:
       “Where is it, what did Madam write in the letter?”
       When Chen’s teacher was in trouble, Wan-Shi married Chen Teacher for less than a year, and at the time there was no child or half daughter. Wan-Shi was completely at the time, but she followed Chen Teacher to Fu-Cheng City.
       The two lived together for ten years, leaving one child and one daughter. Although the days of Fu-Cheng City have been difficult and extremely difficult, Wan-Shi has never complained.
       Chen Teacher said:
       “Cloud Madam lets me copy books, things are rewards.”
       Wan-Shi is not a person who has no knowledge at all. He listened with a little bit of confidence and asked:
       "Just copying books? Didn't you say anything else?"
       Chen Teacher shook his head and said:
       "No. But if I didn't guess wrong, copying books is only the first step.
       The real purpose of Cloud Madam is to let me work for Yun-Qing ."
       Wan-Shi face changed and said:
       "When we are home, we have to hurry back the things." Yun-Qing was murderous, and she did not forget that the person who turned to Yun-Qing on the same day was finally assassinated. If the husband is trusting him, he will not be allowed to die. She would rather have a hard time, and don't be afraid.
       Yun-Qing had wanted to recruit Chen Teacher before, but it did not succeed. Chen Teacher has scruples in his heart, and then there is 10 thousand-Shi does not agree.
       Chen Teacher shook his head and said:
       "Cloud Madam didn't say anything else, just let me copy the book. Anyway, now in the big winter, there is nothing wrong with it. If you copy the book and pay for it, you can also make up the home. You don't have to work so hard." The reward is enough for their family to live for a good year.
       In the past ten years, Wan-Shi still doesn't know her husband. After listening to this, she quickly said:
       "When I am a family, I would rather suffer a bit, but I also want the family to be safe."
       Chen Teacher shook his head and said with a smile:
       "This is not a problem of hardship. If there is no shelter, I am worried that I cannot protect you from the children."
       Wan-Shi looked at Chen Teacher and didn't understand what it meant.
       Chen Teacher lowered his voice and said:
       "The rhyme of our family is already nine years old. In a few years, it is a Eldest Miss." Chen's daughter Chen Yun, inherits all the advantages of her mother. Although their family life is very hard, the child is only nine years old, but no one can’t boast about anyone who has seen her. Chen’s teacher was worried about it. Now, after listening to the 4th Master’s forced death, the more uneasy. It is.
       The old man is still a civilian, and he is still wearing a sin. If someone later hits his daughter's idea, he can't help it at all.
       Wan-Shi also changed her face because her daughter was so good that she did not dare to let her daughter go out, and she was afraid that her daughter would be trafficked:
       "If you rely on Yun-Qing , it is also very dangerous. If you are a family, you have three long and two short, what do you want us to do?"
       Speaking of this, Wan-Shi tears are coming.
       Chen Teacher shook his head and said:
       "This is not anxious. Cloud Madam did not say that I would give it to the generals now. Moreover, the cloud Madam can't see me. Is it still final?"
       Wan-Shi looked up and asked:
       "What does this mean?"
       Chen Teacher said:
       "Cloud Madam, not a simple woman. If she thinks that I have real skills, I will definitely have a chip that will impress me and let me play Yun-Qing ." Similarly, if he thinks he is not true Only when you learn, you won’t use it.
       Seeing the confusion of his ‘Madam’, Chen Teacher said:
       "If you want me to work for Yun-Qing , the minimum requirement is to ensure our safety." Even if he has a case, he must ensure that his ‘Madam’ and children have peace of mind and peace.
       This sentence 10 thousand-Shi understands:
       "When you are home, do you want to rely on Yun-Qing ?"
       Chen Teacher nodded and said:
       "It’s different now. If I don’t rely on Yun-Qing , I can’t protect you from the children.”
       Wan-Shi is anxious, said:
       "Fu-Cheng City, so many people, such as Fujia, Zhaojia, Rongjia, we can all rely on these people, not necessarily to rely on Yun-Qing ." As for the largest Qin family in Fu-Cheng City, Wan -Shi did not say. Because she knows that her husband hates Qin.
       Chen Teacher shook his head and said:
       "Fu Jiacheng can't get the climate.
       There are many aides behind General Zhao. I don't have to rely on it in the past. And Yun-Qing is different.
       There is no staff around him. I can definitely get reused by him. More importantly, Yun -Qing is surrounded by a cloud Madam that can help her. Yun-Qing is good at fighting, and her Madam is good at strategy, and her long-term vision, the two complement each other, will definitely make a big deal." Cloud Madam A woman, the average man has never thought of starting a school, let alone, really let it go. Although it is temporary, he is very sure that the so-called temporary, but it is a plan to slow down.
       The founding of the school, not only can buy people hearts, gain fame, but also recruit talent. Don't look at these children who are still young. When they grow up, these are the loyal supporters of Yun-Qing . In the future, this is a huge boost that cannot be ignored. It can be seen from here that the cloud Madam looks very long-term, and with such people, there is a future.
       Wan-Shi didn't really understand these things. She didn't want to know it in the past. She only hoped that the family would be safe. But looking at her husband's look, she couldn't bear to stop it. From the northwest, it was the first time I saw this husband so excited:
       "If this is the case, then you will perform well and let Cloud Madam know that you have real talents." Her husband is talented, and she can't bear her husband's talent. Of course, there are also concerns in my heart, worrying that the husband and ‘Madam’ can't protect the children. I have to say that the case of the 4th Master has had a big impact on both husband and ‘Madam’.
       Chen Teacher looked at Wan-Shi and said:
       "Okay." After that, he said:
       "You don't have to worry, the generals are heavily guarded. I don't have to worry about living in it." Moreover, if these people have this ability to rush to the generals, the first thing that wants to kill is definitely not a small aide. It must be the cloud Madam. As for the security of cloud Madam, Chen Teacher does not worry at all. He listened to Hao Dazhuang, and the cloud Madam was surrounded by high-powered people.
       Looking at his ‘Madam’ nodding, Chen Teacher is also relieved. But now the problem is coming. If you want to get the weight of the cloud Madam, you have to show the truth and learn it, or else you will say nothing.

Chapter 369 Tragedy (1) 

       Early in the morning, the thick frost was painted on the ground. A cold wind blew, and the frosty leaves flew in the air.
       The ground and the roof are all white.
       Yu-Xi is doing sports in the house.
       The so-called exercise is just a movement of the limbs and joints.
       This big winter can't go out too, Yu-Xi is not willing to eat and sleep, sleep and eat, it is almost the same as raising pigs, and I don't know what to faten in the future, so Yu-Xi is now in the middle of the day. It takes a quarter of an hour to move the bones. Originally, Qu Mama and Xi Mama did not agree, but under the insistence of Yu-Xi, this set of exercises is indeed very simple, and the two will only give up.
       Purple Zi-Jin watched Yu-Xi finish and smiled and said:
       "Madam, you don't have a chapter, it's all about making a pass."
       Yu-Xi is laughing:
       "Just move the bones and joints, what is the rule. And now it will be more moving, and it will be smoother after the production." After five years of practicing, the five birds have been playing for so many years, even if they don’t play the five birds, they just do some simple movements. Smoothly.
       Purple Zi-Jin laughs:
       "No matter what, what you said is justified."
       Yu-Xi unknowingly received the praise of Purple Zi-Jin and said with a smile:
       "Is it reasonable to say that?"
       Purple Zi-Jin laughed and finished gossip, and Purple Zi-Jin talked about the business:
       "Madam, I went to the school yesterday and looked at it.
       The men’s school confessed for half a day, half a day, martial arts, very good. But the women’s school is full of words all day long. I think this is not appropriate. Why are those boys able to practice martial arts, and Miss can't practice martial arts?"
       Yu-Xi still can't know what Purple Zi-Jin wants to say:
       "Do you want these little Miss to practice martial arts too?"
       Purple Zi-Jin nodded and said:
       "Yes. Madam, these little Miss are still small. If you pick something from it, you can cultivate it.
       These people are well trained. After Madam, you will not have to worry about your safety." Purple Zi Jin thinks this way, but also considers his own situation, and don't want all the small Miss to be talented. It is enough to train three or four.
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "You have a very good idea, but this kind of thing can't be enforced. It must be that the elders agree with themselves." Xi Wu will definitely touch and hurt, the boy does not matter. Moreover, these boys are all military households, and they will go to the battlefield in the future. Now martial arts is a good thing for them. After learning the skills, there will be more opportunities to live and fight in the battlefield. But Miss are different, and now people are paying attention to Miss. If you don't want to force them, then you will lead to complaints. At that time, you can do bad things with good intentions.
       Purple Zi-Jin smiled and nodded:
       "Cheng. Don't want everything, there will be five or six."
       Qu Mama is not optimistic about the recommendations of Purple Zi-Jin, saying:
       "Madam, this personal guardian is different from the ordinary Pozi. If it is bad, it will be a crisis at any time. So I mean, if you really want to train a female guard, you shouldn’t The female school is selected, but should buy some Servant to come in, and then do a good job. Later, these people will be able to die for Madam."
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       “Qu Mama concerns are not unreasonable, but if you want to buy someone, you shouldn’t move too much. You can buy it privately. In addition, Purple Zi-Jin’s advice is also good. As long as these children agree with their parents, Xiwu. As for saying that you don't do personal protection, you don't have 100% control, and you can't transfer it to your side." The purpose of Yu-Xi is to be second in ability and loyal in first place. Like Zi-Su, there are actually many disadvantages, but Yu-Xi has been using her because she is loyal to her.
       As I spoke, Zi-Su came in. Holding the book in hand, Yu-Xi said:
       "Madam, I have already seen the books of the restaurant and the Grange.
       There is no problem." Zi-Su now manages not only the accounts of the inner court, but also the books of the restaurant and the farm. First pass Zi-Su hand and then to Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "On the table, I will be watching." These books, Yu-Xi will not look at it all.
       They are all taking part in it. After all, time and energy are limited.
       Zi-Su put the book on the table and just opened his mouth to speak.
       The small Servant walked in from the outside and said:
       "Madam, Xu Huwei seeks to see."
       Yu-Xi is a bit weird and says:
       "Let the guards come in." This time, it must be something.
       After Xu Wu came in, he said:
       "Madam, I just got the news.
       The old couple who had complained before, hanged at the gate of Qin House last night."
       Yu-Xi widened his eyes and said:
       "how come?"
       Qu Mama listened to this, but it was a question:
       "How did they hang at the gate of the General's House? Isn't the Qin family not guarding the gate?"
       Like Yunfu, there are not only the guards of the night, but also the doormen there are two people to watch.
       The reason why I have two people at night is to guard against someone sleeping. If something falls asleep, nothing is clear. If you have two people, you can swap and sleep, and you won't be in trouble.
       Xu Wu said:
       "This is not clear. Such a cold day, a concierge of the night with the guards, I think I should have fallen asleep?"
       Yun-Qing is very strict, so no one in the house will sneak into the sneak. As for the embarrassment of the house, it is even more dare to slack off. Yu-Xi has a series of rules. If it is against the board, it is small, and it is big to lose the errand.
       The fact is as Xu Wu said, the guards of Qinfu and the vigil of the vigil all fell asleep. Otherwise, the couple don't want to die in front of the Qin government.
       Qu Mama asked again:
       "Xu Baowei said that the old couple is hanging up? But at the gate, how are they hanging?"
       This is not the jungle. Just hang a tree and hang it.
       Xu Wu said:
       "The two are hanged on the gate of the Qin government.
       The white scorpion is circling from the master. In addition, there are two big slogans on the gate of the Qin government."
       After listening to this, let's not say Qu Mama, that is, Yu-Xi knows that there is a problem here:
       "The door is so high, how do they throw the chalk?"
       Not to mention the old couple, that is, the young woman has no such ability.
       Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "I don't know this. If Madam wants to know, let's go check it." This is really embarrassing.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "People go to inquire about the news, know the progress of this matter, do not waste manpower to check." This is clearly someone who is counting the Qin family. If it is checked, the Qin family will be aware that they will inevitably suspect that they are behind the scenes. People are associates. However, Yu-Xi did not expect that she just handed a piece of paper to the door, and wanted to try the depth of the water, but did not expect to have such a thing.
       Xu Wu went away.
       Purple Zi-Jin frowned and said:
       "Madam, who are you talking about behind the scenes? How can you use this method to attack the Qin family?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "This is not clear, but the people behind the scenes must have hatred with the Qin family, and it is still a deep hatred." No hate will not make such a hazy means. You must know that hanging at the door of someone else will not only let the family go bad, but will also make them condemned by public opinion. Of course, the Qin family is powerful, and everyone does not dare to condemn it on the surface. However, this matter came out, enough to make Xu-Shi disgusting for a while.
       Qu Mama said:
       "It can only be said that the outside courts of the Qin government are not tight enough, and this will be exploited by people." Such a big thing was not discovered until early in the morning, and it also alerted the passers-by. It is conceivable that the management of the Qin government How loose is it. In the event that someone has taken a sigh of relief, it is not easy to get rid of the Qin government to kill people. It is enough to see from here that Xu-Shi is the master of the house and how incompetent.
       Yu-Xi nodded a bit:
       "This matter should be taken as a warning." If the rule is not rigorous, it will bring disaster at any time.
       Qinfu Litou, Xu-Shi gas seven smoke, not only will the butler get the dog head blood, the guardian leader in Qinfu is also not dare to look up:
       "Are you all dead? Ah, you are not aware of the big movements?"
       As for the concierge that fell asleep last night, I have been taken to the firewood room. Last night's night guard, this Xu-Shi can't move, she doesn't have this permission.
       The housekeeper waited for Xu-Shi. Her confidant Pozi said:
       "Madam, now the top priority is to find the master behind the scenes?"
       Xu-Shi endured the anger of his heart and said to the butler:
       "Hurry to check, I have to see who is making such a ghostly trick." Even dare to move to her head, this time if she does not use the Thunder means, when her Qin family is good bullying.
       The butler and the guard leader went on immediately. Don't look at Xu-Shi is warm and gentle when it is outside, but the temper is not good.
       The roaring roar, angry and direct big sticks, many people have been fined by her.
       After the people left, Xu-Shi and Gong Mama said:
       "Mother, do you say that this time will be done by Han-shi?"
       Xu-Shi first object of doubt is Yu-Xi. Because this time, it was originally caused by Yu-Xi.
        - Gong Mama is not only Xu-Shi shi-nu, but also often helps Xu-Shi to make suggestions. After listening to this, Gong Mama shook his head and said:
       "As long as she finds out what she did, Yun-Qing has to bear the name of ungratefulness and perfidy. Han-shi, not so stupid." Although the paper is Han-shi, it is handed. Han-shi The person who told the Xu family has nothing to do with the Qin family.
       Xu-Shi listened to the point and said:
       "Who is that? Who is the means to do this?"
       When I think of the hanged people at the gate, Xu-Shi feels guilty, how can I go out in the future!
        - Gong Mama said:
       "Madam don't worry, the housekeeper will definitely find out." With the status and power of the Qin family in Fu-Cheng City, there is no fear of finding out the people behind the scenes.
       Xu-Shi flashed a sigh of color, said:
       "If I let me find out, I will not let her die." From small to large, she has not eaten such a dark loss.
        - Gong Mama sighed, and on that day she advised Madam not to mix the 4th Master and let the Xu family handle it. Xu Jia couldn't handle it anymore, Madam didn't listen, wrote a letter to threaten the pastoral judgment, but the result was that the Qin family was rolled in. After this incident, the reputation of the Qin family will certainly be detrimental. I don't know if the general will return to Madam.
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