Han Yuxi 180-189

Han Yuxi 

            Chapter 180 Collective illness  

            The ground is covered with thick hoarfrost, and the trees are floating from time to time with a few pieces of yellow leaves, which makes people feel that winter is coming.
            Yu-Xi is in the study at the morning exercise back medical book.
            The current study more than double the study in the Rose Garden is more than double, even in November, the light is particularly good. She is in the study not sitting, standing directly at the window.
            After breakfast, Yu-Xi took the Servant to the upper house. Today is the first day, it is the day for Old Madam and Wu-shi.
            When Yu-Xi arrived, Yu-Chen was already there.
            “The Grandmother is well.”
            Old Madam is now more attentive to Yu-Xi than he used to be. He has set his hand and let Yu-Xi sit down and ask:
            "The weather is cold recently, and the charcoal fire on your side can be burned."
            Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            "The charcoal fire has already burned up, the earthworm burns later, and it is not so cold now." Yu-Xi bedroom there is no charcoal fire, only in the study burned a pot of charcoal fire.
            Now the body of Yu-Xi is very good. Like her life, she has already burned the dragon. She did not wear a thick big ‘servant and wrapped it into a scorpion. But now, she just has to wear a small pimple.
            Old Madam never worried about the shortage of Yu-Xi. In the past, Qiu-shi housekeeper would not be short of her things. Now Yu-Xi will help Qiu-shi to do housework, those Old Pozi and Mama are obedient to her, only to give her the best, but also dare to deduct her things:
            "The clothes are too thin to wear, and two more out of the door, or else it is easy to catch cold."
            Yu-Xi smiled.
            Out of the yard, Yu-Xi and Yu-Chen went to Bi Teng. On the way, Yu-Chen asked:
            "4th sister, how is the flute learning?"
            After the last two talks collapsed, the two had not spoken for several days. Well, not exactly one piece.
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "I have been able to blow a few songs, and Zi-Su said that I am blowing well now." Servant doesn't understand the music, but it's easy to tell if the sound is good. Wait for Zi-Su to say good things to several Servant around you, and Yu-Xi will learn the next song.
            Yu-Chen still wants Yu-Xi to learn Guzheng.
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
            "Don't learn, no time." She doesn't have enough time every day, and then she doesn't sleep at night.
            Yu-Chen frowned and said:
            "Yu-Xi, when you read the book in your free time, don't spend too much time on it." History books and even military books can be seen, but they always say that they are reading books, not as much time as Yu-Xi. Go to research.
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "I am not reading history books. I am reading medical books. I will embroider and embroider at other times, or learn cooking with my cook."
            Yu-Chen is not good to say anything about it.
            When I arrived at Bi Teng, the Servant inside was respectful to the two people, and even the servant of Wu-Shi did not dare to neglect the two.
            Wu-Shi lay in bed, and when they saw the two, they began to cough up. Chen Pozi came in from the outside with a bowl of dark things and handed it to Wu-Shi.
            Yu-Xi is okay, often dealing with medicinal herbs, and occasionally taking drugs by myself. But Yu-Chen has raised her brows. Obviously, this smell makes her feel bad.
            Wu-Shi didn't cough after drinking, and lay down again, said to the two:
            "The weather is getting colder, you have to pay attention, don't catch cold."
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            “Thank you for your mother’s concern, but I’ve always been very good with my 3rd sister and I’m not so sick.”
            Wu-Shi heard this and started coughing again.
            The coughing heart was cracked and the lungs were generally unbearable.
            Chen Pozi stepped forward to wu-Shi patted the back, and then looked at the Yu-Xi half-pointed and did not worry, and sighed slightly. Madam is sick, and 4th Miss doesn't forget to stab her. It's too much. It’s just that there is no part of her talking here.
            People can't say too much, or they have to suffer. No, Yu-Xi said that he would not get sick in front of Wu-Shi, and he was a little uncomfortable that night. When I got up the next morning, I found myself having a fever. Not only that, but she also had a painful body and a weak stomach.
            The nose was stuffy and her breathing was difficult.
            The voice was all mute.
            Yu-Xi said:
            "I opened a square and people caught it. Everyone in the yard drank a bowl to prevent it."
            Zi-Su did not hesitate because Yu-Xi had previously opened such a prescription, so she had nothing to fear.
            Then he told the people to take the prescription to take the medicine and went to the kitchen and said:
            "When the medicine is caught, everyone will wait, and everyone in the yard will drink."
            After a while, a small Servant came over and said two words to Zi-Su. Zi-Su face is not very good, and I walked into the house and said Yu-Xi:
            "I just got the news, 3rd Miss is also sick.
            The symptoms are the same as Miss."
            Yu-Xi ‘called:
            "This is why I am tired of 3rd sister." At that time, Yu-Xi should not be dragged in. It is impossible to say that Yu-Chen will not get sick.
            Thinking of this, Yu-Xi is a bit guilty.
            Zi-Su said:
            "What is the connection? I see that 100% is Madam. I have been sick for you." Yesterday, all went well, I went to Bitianyuan to get sick, and ten have been -Shi Infectious.
            With the idea of ​​Zi-Su, Mama, Gui Mama heard that Yu-Xi was also sick and said:
            "Miss, I was afraid that I went to see Madam yesterday and I was sick." Yu-Xi body Gui Mama is also very clear, much better than Yu-Chen. Even Yu-Xi has been infected, showing the lethality of this disease.
            Yu-Chen thinks this is possible:
            "When is the doctor coming?"
            The doctor came earlier and was less guilty.
            Yu-Xi waited for a long time and did not wait for the doctor, could not help but swear:
            "How come the doctor is so slow today." Generally speaking, the doctor will arrive less than an hour. It’s almost noon, and the doctor hasn’t even come yet. It’s too uncomfortable to never want to come to her again.
            Zi-Su said:
            "Imperial Doctor has arrived, and I am visiting 3rd Miss in Tingyunge. I will come over later." I am afraid that Yu-Xi is not feeling well, Zi-Su said:
            "Imperial Doctor's medical skills are stronger than that of the white doctor. We can wait a little longer."
            Yu-Xi really has no strength to spit. Who said that the Imperial Doctor's medical skills must be higher than the doctor's medical skills? Some doctors are better than the Imperial Doctor at the Imperial Doctor Institute, but these people do not like to be bound, so they are not willing to go to the Imperial Doctor Courtyard.
            The Imperial Doctor hasn't come yet until lunch. Yu-Xi couldn’t stand it any longer, and told Bingmei:
            "Go and see what is going on?"
            Bingmei soon came back and said:
            "Imperial Doctor gave 3rd Miss a cure. It was originally coming. But Pozi went to Ting Yunge and asked the doctor to go to Bi Teng."
            Yu-Xi did not know how to vomit after listening to this:
            "I even robbed the doctor with me? It is really..." Wu-Shi actually robbed her doctor, not afraid of shame.
            Zi-Su is annoyed:
            “3rd Madam saw the doctor yesterday and opened the prescription. Even if I want the Imperial Doctor to help her, it’s time to finish the Miss.
            This is all about it.”
            Yu-Xi chuckles:
            "Maybe the mother is really uncomfortable, and I don't want to wait for a moment. Well, I am also uncomfortable and I don't want to wait. I will come to the party and you will write."
            Zi-Su looked at Yu-Xi in horror:
            "Miss, this is a must."
            Regardless of Yu-Xi, it is said that Zi-Su is unwilling to live and die, and Yu-Xi is unable to move his body. He can't help Zi-Su, and he can only wait for the Imperial Doctor.
            It was not until the end of the afternoon that the Imperial Doctor came over. As soon as I walked into Taoranju, the Imperial Doctor smelled a medicinal taste.
            The face was not very good-looking and said:
            "Since you have invited the doctor, why do you want the old man to come over?"
            The iced plum with the road said with a doubt:
            "Chapter Imperial Doctor, we Miss has been waiting for you, no other doctor!"
            The Imperial Doctor listened to the words more and more wrong, said:
            "Since I didn't ask the doctor, why is there a smell in the yard?"
            Bingmei said with a smile and said:
            "This medicine is for us to drink, it is to prevent us from getting infected." Here, Bingmei quickly explained some:
            "This prescription was opened by my family, Miss. My family used to learn Pharmacology with Mama. So when she was sick today, she took the medicine and gave it to us."
            The look of the Imperial Doctor is getting worse.
            This medicine can be used casually:
            "You are being fooled by her. What if you eat someone who is dead?"
            Bingmei said with a smile:
            "We asked the doctor of the drugstore.
            The doctor of the drugstore said that Fangzi had no problem, we only caught it." Zi-Su is also afraid that Yu-Xi has a problem with the prescription. In order to prevent problems, the doctor will be asked to see it again. Caught.
            Chapter Imperial Doctor did not speak. Entering the house, looking at the tender face of Yu-Xi lying on the bed, my heart sank. If it wasn't for the words that Bingmei said later, he would have to teach Yu-Xi.
            Yu-Xi looked at the Imperial Doctor with a face and looked at Zi-Su and Bingmei strangely. Seeing the ice plum bitterly facing her and shaking her head, Yu-Xi is also very interesting.
            When the Imperial Doctor got up, he looked at Yu-Xi and said:
            "After reading a few medical books, I thought that if I understood the medical skills, I would be able to change the prescription. You know that this will kill the dead."
            Yu-Xi knows why the Imperial Doctor will face a debt like a debt, and she does not argue with the Imperial Doctor, which will leave a bad impression. Yu-Xi just said weakly:
            "This recipe is left by Mama and has been used before. If the Imperial Doctor feels bad, please ask the Imperial Doctor to take a look." Chinese medicine has this advantage, even if it is not cured, it will not eat dead. . Of course, if there is a poisonous medicine, it is another matter.
            The Imperial Doctor really took the prescription and looked at the Yu-Xi Madam after reading it. Put down the prescription and gently nodded and said:
            "This is no problem." After that, he went out and opened the square outside.
            What Yu-Xi didn't expect was that the aunts were all sick, and the symptoms were the same as those of the Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi is depressed:
            "I said that the aunt should not come close to me, and the result is still contagious." Fortunately, this is just ordinary typhoid, just take a few medicines. Like her, eating a pot of medicine is much more brisk, and it will take a few days to heal, so don't worry.
            If it is in modern times, everyone knows that this is the flu. Yu-Xi didn't know that it was the flu, but she told the Pozi of Taoranju to drink a bowl of medicinal soup every morning and evening. Of course, the effect is also very significant. In other yards, people are more or less sick, and they are very good except for Yu-Xi.
            Ps: I remember when I was in August, I was very happy to say that I hadn’t caught a cold for a year. It’s good. As a result, I caught a cold the next day, o()o

            Chapter 181 Moth (1)  

            The disease is like a mountain, and the disease goes like a silk.
            This is not suitable for Yu-Xi. I took a stick. I played three times in the morning, and I got a stinky sweat. I felt so relaxed. I waited three times in the evening to play five birds.
            This disease is almost the same.
            The rest of the medicine is not drunk. However, Yu-Chen and Qiu-shi are still not good, and both of them are resting in bed softly!
            Qiu-shi is ill, and the housework is handed over to Ye-shi cuisine. People sit on the moon for a month, and Ye-shi is sitting for two months, but the effect is also remarkable. After the moon, I am more spirited than before.
            Ice plum end a bowl of American ginseng stone porridge.
            After Yu-Xi finished eating, he stood up and went out. He didn't walk out of the house and walked in the room.
            The cold wind that was blown through the door seams made people unbearable. Going outside, you can't hold it without wearing a jacket.
            Bitter took a small donkey into the study room added charcoal to the copper basin and said:
            "Miss, the silver cream is almost gone, the carbon house this will not be sent."
            Yu-Xi did not think much, said:
            "There wasn't sent over there, you made people remind me of a reminder. Can't they even dare to deduct my things?"
            Not Yu-Xi is confident, but Pozi in the house does not have the courage to dare to buckle her things. As for Ye-shi, it is even more impossible to deduct her things.
            Bian Fu looked at Yu-Xi and hesitated and said:
            "Miss, 1st Nai-Nai has changed three things to Mama in the past two days. I am afraid that because this caused confusion, charcoal has not been sent."
            Yu-Xi is not much more than asking about things in the house for two days because she feels unnecessary:
            "What happened to Mama who did something wrong?"
            Bitter said:
            "There is nothing wrong with it. It is a warm drink when I have nothing to do at night. Miss also knows that this big night is also very cold, and there is nothing wrong with eating some wine."
            Yu-Xi squinted at the bitterness and said:
            "Not only eating wine, but also gambling together? How much money did these Mamas give you, let you come to me to ask for love?"
            If you just eat wine and warm your body, Ye-shi will not order it.
            Bitter looked at Yu-Xi indifferent look, his heart trembled, and he hurried to the ground, saying:
            "Miss, servants don't have this courage."
            Yu-Xi said coldly:
            "I will say it again, remember your duty. If there is another time, I will not leave you again." Kufu selfishness is too heavy, but it is only the Servant around, not doing anything big wrong. Not easy to get out. But if she is like this three times, she is determined not to leave such a person.
            The bitter legs are soft.
            Zi-Su looked at the bitter look like this and asked:
            "what happened?"
            Bitter said, shaking his head:
            "Nothing." Where can she say that her sister-in-law has taken advantage of several Mamas and asked Miss to go to 1st Nai-Nai. She also knew her weight. She originally wanted to make a sigh of relief, but she didn't even say anything. Miss seemed to read the mind, and she saw her intentions.
            Yu-Xi naturally has no mind reading, but Bingmei has already told her what happened in the mansion. Yu-Xi, with Qiu-shi on the same day, asked for the ice plum to be divided.
            Zi-Su also frowned when he heard Yu-Xi:
            "Miss, Kufu is also fifteen years old. Is it time to release her?"
            Yu-Xi said:
            "Wait until next year! When the butterfly is brought up, Yatou is good." Yu-Xi is cold-eyed, and Yatou is very arrogant and not arrogant.
            Zi-Su nodded:
            "It's also. For Miss, I heard that people came from Hebei Qiujia, and I don't know what it is?"
            Yu-Xi heard that the girl who was not Qiu Yanfu came, and the brother of Qiu Yanfu came over, and she didn't care.
            The next day is fifteen, which is the day to go to Wu-Shi. After breakfast, Yu-Xi went to Tingyunge and went to Bitianyuan with Yu-Chen.
            On the way, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            "3rd sister, I heard that the autumn family is coming, do not know what these people are coming over to do? Are you saying that you will come back to Qiu Yanfu?"
            Yu-Chen swept Yu-Xi and said:
            "How is it sick, even stupid?"
            Qiujia let Qiu Yanfu go to the capital, just want to let Qiu Yan Fu marry, how can people take away.
            Yu-Xi smiled a bit:
            "Autumn Yanfu is seventeen years old, and it is no longer a pro, it is harder to get married."
            Yu-Chen heard this and said:
            "You are 13 years old and you are 13 years old. What are your plans for the future?"
            Yu-Chen This is very subtle, which means asking Yu-Xi what requirements for future husbands.
            Yu-Xi didn't feel embarrassed. After listening to Yu-Chen's words, he said with a smile:
            "I hope that the other side will work hard to get into the family, and the mother and mother will get along well."
            Yu-Chen thinks that the conditions of Yu-Xi are easy and easy to say, and it is difficult and difficult to say:
            "You will go out and walk more and know some people in the future, don't shut down in the study all day long." Go out and let more Madam-Nai-Nai know, and the scope of selection will be wide.
            Yu-Xi is crisp and fluent:
            "Well, I will go out and move more in the future."
            Soon, the two went to the entrance of the Bitten Court. At this time, there was a man who came with Chen Mama.
            Yu-Xi looked at each other and knew that Qiu Yanfu had a similar appearance with four or five points.
            This person is the brother of Qiu Yanfu, Qiu Lilong. However, this person is twice as tall as Qiufu.
            When Qiu Lilong saw Yu-Chen, the whole person stayed, and even if he couldn't walk, he would definitely stand and his eyes would not dare to smash. God, there are such beautiful people in the world.
            Then what is the first card in the fragrance building, it is not worthy to give the shoes to the beauty in front of you! If Yu-Chen knows that she is compared with a ‘Miss , she will definitely turn her face on the spot.
            Yu-Chen looks very ugly, many people will see her for the first time, but it is the first time to look at it like this.
            Yu-Xi took Yu-Chen and said:
            "3rd sister, let's go in!"
            Seeing that the beauty is gone, Qiu Lilong followed. Chen Mama feels bad and says, lowering her voice:
            "Table Young Master, please wait for you to go in again!" Don't look at the 4th Miss on the most days, but in fact, Chen Mama thinks that the worst thing to deal with is Yu-Chen. It is also because Yu-Chen loves the reputation, or else he will deal with his own Madam with 4th Miss-, Madam is now afraid of nothing.
            Qiu Lilong couldn't hear Chen Mama words and couldn't help but follow.
            Yu-Chen gave Wu-Shi a complete ceremony and felt a burning gaze to comment on himself. Before she turned around, she heard a voice like a duck:
            "This is Yu-Chen watch-girl!" Yu-Chen's reputation has long been heard, but he did not expect it to be so shocking.
            Qiu Lilong said that he was coming toward Yu-Chen.
            The waiter and other people reacted slowly, mainly because no one thought of anyone who would be so bold.
            Yu-Xi is very keen, which is related to her playing five birds in the week. Turning around and seeing Qiu Lilong walking toward them, and looking at Yu-Chen's eyes is also particularly wretched. Yu-Xi stood in front of Yu-Chen and asked:
            "what do you want to do?"
            Yu-Chen turned around and saw Qiulilong looking at her eyes as if she had swallowed her. Yu-Chen’s face is like a layer of frost, turning to Wu-Shi-shi:
            "Mother, there is something in my yard, I will go back first." She was reluctant to stay any longer.
            Wu-Shi heard this, his face was a bit ugly. But looking at the way Yu-Chen, she also knows that if she dares to stop, she is afraid that Yu-Chen will leave, and she will lose more and more when she is lost:
            "Well, let's go back first!" Don't look at Yu-Chen, she is very respectful to her on most days. In fact, Wu-Shi knows clearly that Yu-Chen can't really beat her.
            After Yu-Chen left, Wu-Shi face also sank, looking at Qiu Lilong:
            "You have never seen a woman in eight lifetimes?"
            Qiu Lilong was stunned and did not know that there were beautiful figures in his mind.
            Yu-Xi looked at Yu-Chen's gloomy look and said:
            "3rd Sister, don't be angry, you know that you will encounter such a disgusting thing, we will not come today." As for the appearance of Yu-Chen, which man sees it is inconspicuous. It’s just that Qiu Qiuli was too arrogant, and looking at Yu-Chen’s appearance seemed to hate her clothes. For Yu-Chen, who is always proud, it is estimated that a disgusting day can't eat.
            Yu-Chen didn't talk, his face was still so ugly. Obviously, the thing just made her angry.
            Back to Tao Ranju, Yu-Xi and Bingmei said:
            "Today business, find a way to disclose the Servant to the Grandmother." The Servant around Old Madam knows, Old Madam still doesn't know.
            This incident completely annoyed Old Madam. Old Madam called Wu-Shi, saying:
            "Mus Miss has been in our house for two years, and it is inconvenient to stay more. Just as her brother came, let her go back with her brother!"
            Wu-Shi is dumbfounded.
            Old Madam is not that unreasonable person, saying:
            "Now the days of November are not good for the road. Let's go back next spring, let them go back!" If it weren't for a face problem, Old Madam would like to drive these people out now, and they would not have broken their Duke House.
            The door wind.
            Wu-Shi doesn't have to leave three people. It is just like Old Madam. She can't get through her face. Now she says:
            "Because of Qiao family, Old Master said that he would like to ask Yanfu for a good family."
            Old Madam said coldly:
            "I will talk to Yaner about this matter." If it wasn't for Qiu Yanfu, they didn't have to offend Qiao family at all. Although the Han family is not afraid of Qiao family, it is better to have one enemy less.
            This incident is not hidden, and it was quickly spread.
            This time, not only Qiu Yanfu was despised, but even Wu-Shi was not picked up by the people in the mansion.
            Yu-Xi knows that afterwards, it is boring, and Zi-Su seems to be wondering. Zi-Su couldn't help but ask:
            "Miss, Old Madam reprimanded wu-Shi, and wanted to drive away the autumn geese.
            This is a good thing. How is Miss doing something unhappy?"
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
            "No unhappiness, just thinking about things." I didn't have this in my life, because she changed a lot of things.

            Chapter 182 2 (Additional ticket)  

            Since Qiuli had seen Yu-Chen, he could never forget it and dreamed of it. However, he couldn't enter the inner court any more. With the pain of Old Madam, Wu-Shi dared to let him enter the inner court.
            Therefore, even if Qiu Lilong is going to see Wu-Shi and Qiu Yanfu banner, he can't enter the inner court. To this end, Qiu Lilong was so anxious that he could not scratch the backyard in the middle of the night. However, since the palace changed that night, Duke alert is much stricter than before. If you want to touch it, it is definitely not possible.
            Yu-Xi knew that Qiu Lilong had inquired about Yu-Chen’s news in the mansion, and even wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of Yu-Chen, and couldn’t help but laugh:
            "It's really a fascinating heart." Don't say Yu-Chen that is the ten people Prince likes, even if there is no 10th Prince, it is not a product like Qiu Lilong.
            Zi-Su Said:
            "Miss, I heard that this autumn dragon is coming to do business, so people like this want to do business in Capital City?"
            I am so fascinated by this color, I don’t know if I die.
            Yu-Xi remembered Yu-Chen's anger at the time, and his mouth crossed a smile. Yu-Chen's news is much more than her, and Yu-Chen can't do it without Qiu Lilong's work. Being so disgusting, Yu-Chen can't be indifferent. Since these years have been too smooth, Yu-Chen has never played. Well, the rumors about Qiao family at that time should be counted once.
            This time, Yu-Chen will definitely shoot.
            The last time Qiao business let Yu-Xi know that Yu-Chen didn’t shoot, and that one shot is to make you no longer have a retreat. Yu-Xi is very much looking forward to what will happen to Qiulilong. At that time, Wu-Shi must have looked very good.
            In the blink of an eye, at the end of November, the weather is getting colder and colder, Yu-Xi bedroom with the study has already burned the dragon. It is also because the temperature difference between inside and outside is too big. Every time you go out the door, you have to be cold.
            Returning from the main courtyard, Yu-Xi stumbled and said:
            "It's so cold today, I'm afraid it's going to snow." The weather will drop a lot before snowing.
            Zi-Su does not understand:
            "Since Miss is cold, you should stop going out." Qiu-shi illness is already good, and Ye-shi helps to take care of it, and does not need Yu-Xi to help.
            Yu-Xi nodded and called Bingmei and asked:
            "What can be the movement of Qiulili?"
            Qiu Lilong had a strong 1st Young Master at the Huang Shang Wang family half a month ago and is now playing hot.
            Bingmei shook his head and said:
            "not yet."
            Yu-Xi nodded a bit:
            "Is there any news to tell me." I don't know if Yu-Chen has dug a lot of pits for Qiu Lilong. It takes so long to know.
            As I spoke, the butterfly came in:
            "Miss, winter clothes are sent over." The so-called winter clothes are actually new clothes for the New Year.
            This is what Qiu-shi has done for Yu-Xi.
            Yu-Xi looked at the clothes and smiled.
            The material was the fine satin, and the color was also very well embroidered. It can be seen that this clothes cost a lot of effort and thought:
            "It's very beautiful, this dress is waiting for the second brother to wear on the day."
            Bingmei said:
            "Miss, wear it during the Chinese New Year! Otherwise, if you wear it, you can grab two of them Nai-Nai limelight, but it's not good."
            Yu-Xi can't smile:
            "I heard that your mouth is sweet before, I only know today, what is said is not empty." This compliment is really beautiful. However, the idea of ​​Yu-Xi is not changed by one person.
            In the evening, Yu-Xi was reading in the house and heard Zi-Su laughing outside and ‘calling:
            "Miss, it's snowing, it's snowing." Miss Miss, this is a wonderful idea, and she knows that it is snowing today.
            Yu-Xi listened to this and put down the book and went out.
            The snow is not big, it is small, and it will not be traced when it falls on the ground. Looking at the snow that is not obvious in the sky, Yu-Xi said:
            "There is a beautiful snow under the goose feathers." The goose feathers and snow are soaring, especially good-looking.
            Bitter is more realistic and says:
            "Miss, do you want to add a pot of charcoal fire in the house at night?" Yu-Xi study put a pot of charcoal fire, but the bedroom there is nothing.
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
            "No, there is a dragon in the house. You don't need to put a charcoal fire. If you feel cold, you can add a pot of charcoal fire." There is a dragon in the house, a thick quilt on the bed, and what kind of charcoal fire is needed. However, there is no dragon in the Servant house, only the hot pot, if you put a pot of charcoal fire in the house, it will be warmer.
            After that, Yu-Xi remembered one thing Gui Mama told her, saying:
            "You can add charcoal fire, but you have to leave some gaps at night." Gui Mama said with Yu Xi that the doors and windows were too dead, and there were too many charcoal fires in the house, which would make people uncomfortable. If it was serious, it would make people unconscious. Gui Mama doesn't know that this is carbon monoxide poisoning. She is a matter of experience.
            Zi-Su said:
            "Miss, it's too late, don't read anymore, go to sleep!" Miss Miss is sleeping early, and her family, Miss, is busy every day until the end of the week.
            Yu Xi time was almost the same, and he stopped going to the study room. Instead, he went to the West wing room. West wing two rooms dedicated to a room for her to play five birds.
            I played a whole set of five birds, took a rest, went to bed after bathing, and slept until dawn.
            Han Jianye marriage is scheduled for the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, and now Duke is busy with Han Jianye wedding. Even if it snows today, the people in the house are coming and going. Compared to them, Yu Xi days have been particularly leisurely, and there is also the interest to go to the garden to see the snow.
            When I arrived at the garden, I met Yu-Chen, and Yu-Chen was collecting snow from the plum blossoms. Yu Xi said with a smile:
            "On such a cold day, 3rd sister is not afraid to freeze her hands."
            Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
            "It doesn't matter, it's good to go back and apply the medicine."
            The two chat while collecting snow water. When the snow is collected, Yu-Chen says:
            "When you have time, come to Tingyunge." I haven't chatted with Yu Xi for a long time.
            Yu Xi smiled and nodded:
            "I haven't listened to the sound of the 3rd sister's flute for a long time, I miss you. Tomorrow will pass."
            The next day Yu Xi happily returned from Tingyun Court, and looked at Zi-Su look is not right. She took off the big wool clothes outside and gave it to Kufu, and asked:
            "what happened?"
            Zi-Su Said:
            "Miss, let's go to the study let's talk!" There are too many people, and some things are hard to say.
            Into the study Yu Xi stood in the middle of the room and asked:
            "What the hell is it? You can say it now." It’s not a good thing to look at the Zi-Su.
            Zi-Su said:
            " Xiao Tong gave me a message, saying that the smoke around Qiu Yanfu frequently contacted the followers of 2nd Master." A Zhao mother is from Hangzhou, and the smoke is also from Hangzhou.
            The two are half a fellow.
            These two years have been moving around. But before, the two will only meet once in March and May. According to Xiao Tong, the two have seen several faces these days.
            Yu Xi intuition is a problem with Qiu Lilong, but there is no news on Bingmei. Cough, to say it, or her strength is too weak, even a message can not be explored:
            "You let Xiao tong pay close attention to the behavior of several people in the autumn geese and the smoke. Others don't interfere." Yu Xi is ready to brake.
            Zi-Su remembered the previous rumors and said:
            "Miss, Qiu Yanfu is afraid that it is really playing the idea of ​​2nd Master. 2nd Master, this has to be a kiss, but you can't make a moth."
            Yu Xi bowed his head and pondered for a moment, saying:
            "No matter, let people pay close attention to Qiu Yanfu." After the completion, Yu Xi felt wrong:
            "The rules of the house have always been very strict. How often do cigarettes and Azhao meet?"
            That Azhao lived in the front yard, but the smoke Yuyan was in the backyard.
            The two of them could meet each other often, which shows the extent to which the house was scattered.
            Zi-Su is not very clear, saying:
            “1st Madam has been busy with 2nd Master's marriage, and the housekeeping of the house is handled by 1st Nai-Nai. 1st Nai-Nai was not in the past, and it should be reasonable to say that such an omission.” If it is the first time to handle so many housework, it is normal to have a leak, but this is obviously not the right thing.
            Yu Xi listened to this, and the eyes flashed cold, and the complexion looked ugly:
            "Ye-shi, this is intentional."
            Zi-Su ‘called:
            “1st Nai-Nai is deliberate? Why is she doing this? Qiu Yanfu calculation of 2nd Master is not good for 1st Nai-Nai.” The benefits are not. On the contrary, if this matter is exposed, it will only make 1st. Madam dislikes her.
            Yu Xi sighed slightly and said:
            "Don't forget that Lu Miss used to be the fiancée of Ye 2nd Master. 1st Sister-in-law is doing this because he wants to be disgusting." Yu Xi has long known that Ye-shi is a very strong person, or else In the last life, I wouldn’t talk to the big aunt’s tip to the mang, and finally the whole Han’s dog would be restless. Lu Xiu business must have made her feel like a throat.
            This time just happened to meet Qiu Yanfu wants to count the second brother, she is pushing the waves in the back. At that time, even if she had no direct relationship with her, at most, she was not strict with her family.
            Zi-Su heard this and said:
            "Miss, we have to tell this story to 1st Madam, if it's too late, maybe let Qiu Yanfu get it!"
            Yu Xi was silent and said:
            "Let me think about it."
            Zi-Su said anxiously:
            "Miss, what are you thinking about? Can you let Qiu Yanfu calculate 2nd Master, 2nd Master? This is going to be a relative soon. If something happens, the marriage will not be good."
            Yu Xi looked at the raging Zi-Su with amazement and said strangely:
            "What are you doing so urgently? I just need time to think about it and I don't say it."
            Zi-Su has a heartbeat, but the face remains calm:
            “2nd Master has been hurting Miss as Mei Mei, and now someone has to count 2nd Master. Miss can't stand by.”
            Although Yu Xi is somewhat surprised by the attitude of Zi-Su, she did not think much, just said:
            "Just because the second brother would treat me like Mei Mei, I have to be more cautious." She had to imagine how to solve this problem in the best way.
            After talking with Zi-Su, Yu Xi entered the study room and picked up the "Sun Tzu Art of War and the 36th". Seeing tired, Yu Xi leaned on the chair and looked up at the wooden beams on the roof. After a long time, he took a sigh of relief.

            Chapter 183 Moth (3)  

            The cold wind blew outside, there was no burning dragon in the Shuixiangyuan, and the bedroom only burned a pot of charcoal fire.
            The charcoal that is burned is not the finest silver charcoal, but the second-class charcoal with smoke.
            Haze looked at the autumn geese that had smoked tears and continued to embroider the scorpion, whispered:
            "Miss, don't embroider again, hurt your eyes."
            Qiu Yanfu tears fluttered and said:
            "Whether it is a blind man, who cares?"
            Qiu Yanfu really feels that she is extremely hard.
            Haze whispered:
            "Miss, maybe things are not as bad as we think. Madam 不会 will not let you do small." Qiu Yanfu recently let the smoke frequently contact with Azhao because Qiu Lilong wants to give her Wang family 1st Young Master is . Of course, this incident is only known to her and the confidant around her. Servant knows that other people are still unclear, that is, Wu-Shi is not clear.
            Qiu Yanfu shook his head and said:
            "Big brother is now a ghost, and thinks that following the Wang family 1st Young Master will definitely make a lot of money, I want to tie him up. So, the aunt and the uncle can not stop." After the aunt and the aunt are only outsiders, her older brother insisted on her Give Wang 1st Young a small, aunt and aunt will finally compromise.
            Haze has been in Duke for so long, and some rules also know that the moment says:
            "Miss, you go to the uncle and say, if Miss is young, he will lose the relatives of the Han family." Miss lived in Duke for so long. If Miss went to the Wang family, the Han family would lose face. It is rare at that time that it is necessary to sever the relationship with the autumn family.
            Qiu Yanfu wiped her tears and said:
            "I told him, but he was blinded by the wealth of the capital, and he was irrational by the Wang family 1st Young. He felt that he could make a lot of money with Wang 1st Young Master. I tried to persuade him, but how to persuade them. I can't persuade, I don't know why I want my brother to come." If you come in person, you will definitely not make such a thing.
            Haze hesitated, said:
            "Miss, Wang Jia 1st Young, but Huang Shang, I heard that there are millions of huge wealth in the family.
            The people in this capital are all above the top. How can he look at 1st Young Master?"
            Haze thinks this is a bit embarrassing.
            Qiu Yanfu was also said by the haze:
            "Do you suspect that this Wang 1st Young is fake?"
            After that, Qiu Yanfu shook his head and said:
            "Impossible, Big Brother will bring Wang 1st Young to Duke House. If Wang 1st Young is a counterfeit goods, people in Duke House cannot know." Duke House is in Capital City for more than two hundred years, even now, no more than before, Capital City The number one is still known.
            Haze is still not assured:
            "Miss, let's check it out!" Wherever the liar is, in case 1st Young Master was deceived, his own Miss had to be implicated.
            Qiu Yanfu was also flustered by the words of haze. I thought about it, I thought it would be good to tell Wu-Shi, let Wu-Shi check this Wang 1st Young is also more convenient. .
            Wu-Shi is dissatisfied with Qiulilong and does not want to watch him being deceived. Now let people check the background of this Wang 1st Young. Facts have proved that Qiu Yanfu and Yanxia think too much. Wang 1st Young is also a famous person in Capital City. Many people who go out know and others can't pretend.
            After Qiu Yanfu went back, Wu-Shi pressed the temple and said:
            "I knew so many troubles, I shouldn't bring her on the same day." Yu-Chen didn't come over to him at the beginning of this month.
            The reason for not coming to please is also very simple. She is afraid of getting dirty again.
            At that time, Wu-Shi heard the words of Yu-Chen Servant, and his face was blue. She didn't dare to anger at Yu-Chen, but she didn't have a good face when she came to see Yu He, who was alone. It is a pity that Yu Xi did not eat her, and she would go back after she asked her.
            Chen Pozi remembered what happened at the door of the day, and Wu-Shi said:
            “Old Madam didn’t say anything, saying that they would go back when they were in the spring. Madam would bear it again, and they would leave in three months.” Miss is in the inner court, but at most I have to pay some attention to her family, but this table Young Master is getting worse and worse.
            That day, like a ghost, abortion. I don’t know my identity, that 3rd Miss is what she can say.
            Yu Xi people went to check Qiu Lilong, but they couldn't find out why they came out, so they didn't check it. Going to the Treasury and picking up a few things, let the butterflies send home.
            The butterfly originally wanted to put the year gift down and went back, but it was stopped by Fang Mama. Fang Mama said:
            "I said that if you came over, let you wait for him to come back. He has something for you to bring to Miss."
            The butterfly converges on the look and asks:
            "Mama, what is it?"
            The atmosphere of Tao Ranju in these days is weird, and the color butterfly has long felt it. It’s just that the color butterfly keeps in mind her mother’s words. I don’t want to ask if I don’t want to ask. I don’t know if I know it. I have to pretend that I don’t know.
            This will be safe and secure.
            Fang Mama shook her head and said:
            "I don't know. I only know that it's about Missing Miss. You will know when I come back home." Lianshan didn't tell Fang Mama about it. He only said that he was related to Duan Xinrong, and did not tell her specifically. . Fang Mama is not the one who asks the bottom of the question. Even the mountain does not say that she does not ask. As long as you don’t hide a woman outside, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything else.
            The butterfly often comes to the house and is very familiar. Fang Mama, after making a message to Lianshan, took the colorful butterfly to the kitchen and started to make a cloud cake. While doing things, picking up with the colorful butterflies, I have been coming back to Lianshan.
            Lianshan let Fang Mama stay at the gate, don't let people enter the house, and then say something to the butterfly. Regardless of how ugly the face of the butterfly is, he continues:
            “With 4th Miss, this is not easy, let her be careful.”
            The butterfly is back with a blank face.
            After Fang Mama and other colorful butterflies left, they were also nervous.
            They grabbed the arms of Lianshan and asked:
            "When is the home, what happened? What happened to the Missian Miss, let the butterfly listen to it?"
            Lianshan avoids the weight and says:
            "Some Miss escaped, and now the whereabouts are unknown. Because Miss paid for the money, I was worried that I would be held up to Miss, so I had to wake up Miss." Seeing Fang Mama with a blank face, smiled and said:
            "This matter has nothing to do with Miss. Even if it is traced, there is no fear of preparation. You don't have to worry." Lianshan knows that Fang Mama is courageous, so she is not willing to tell her about it.
            Fang Mama said with great anxiety:
            “Is it really not going to be involved in Miss?”
            I knew that there would be such a moth, so I should stop it on the same day and not let my husband help to manage it.
            Lianshan smiled and said:
            "No, you can rest assured!" Han 4th Miss will definitely not have anything, he is worried about his own affairs. Lianshan deliberately told Yu Xi about this, and hoped that this matter would be implicated on him. Yu Xi could protect him.
            Fang Mama saw that Lianshan said so surely, let go of his heart. Now I shifted the topic and asked:
            "When is the home, what do you think of the colorful butterfly?"
            Lian Shan nodded and said:
            "This child is very good, what happened?"
            The words he just said, the little Yatou is just a white face, and people are quite calm.
            Fang Mama said:
            "The child has a good temper, I like it very much. What do you think of telling her to 1st Lang?"
            There is such a well-known person Erxi, she is also practical. Fang Mama is not as eye-opening as Yu Xi thinks. After doing business outside these years, his mind is much more flexible, and it is naturally far from thinking.
            Lianshan said with a smile:
            "If you can let 1st Lang smash this Miss, it is the blessing of 1st Lang. But I don't know if 4th Miss will agree with the child?"
            4th Miss promised that it was useless, and the child agreed.
            Fang Mama said with confidence:
            "Miss there is no problem, I will work hard on the butterfly side. If she is also interested, then set this marriage down, wait a few years, let the butterflies get bigger, let them get married. However, I still Have to ask 1st Lang's opinion."
            Lianshan smiled and said:
            "That Yatou is a capable person, he grows up well, and his son definitely likes it." If the other party agrees, then naturally it would be better.
            The quality of the butterfly is still good, and I will adjust myself on the road. When I got off the carriage, I took a small basket back to Taoran as usual. On the road, I also greeted Pozi, who was familiar with it, and made people look a little different.
            Zi-Su came back to see the butterfly and asked:
            “How is Fang Mama physically? Is it alright?”
            If it wasn’t because Yu Xi had made the butterfly go to the house, she wanted to see Fang Mama herself. Also because of the thoughts in my heart, Zi-Su did not ask for the color butterfly to come back so late.
            The butterfly said with a smile:
            “Fang Mama is very good, but also let me bring Miss's favorite cloud cake! Zi-Su-sister-sister, Miss in the study-? I will get her in.”
            Zi-Su smiled and shook his head:
            "No, Miss went to Tingyunge, and it hasn't come back yet! Cloud cakes get to the kitchen hot, or it should be cold." There is a charcoal fire under the food box, but on such a cold day, this will be Not too hot.
            The butterfly went to the sound.
            Zi-Su looked at the butterfly, and the butterfly was also under her hand for several years. During this time, he has been focusing on the butterfly, and she knows it. Although this Yatou is calm, but Zi-Su can be sure that this is in the heart of Yatou. However, the butterfly did not take the initiative to say anything, and it was not anxious to come. She did not let people call Yu Xi back.
            Yu Xi came back after dinner at Ting Yun Court. Into the house, start to pick up:
            "It's too cold." The door is cold, so I don't know how hard it is to do things in the house. I don't know why I have to pick a family in December? It’s not good in 10 months, it’s not cold or hot, everyone is better.
            This is set at the end of the twelfth lunar month. Everyone will not be guilty of sin. If you have snow, you must toss the dead.
            Zi-Su came over and lowered the voice and Yu Xi said:
            "Miss, the color butterfly looks wrong. I know that you have been looking at the door at Tingyunge.
            This Yatou is also a hidden thing. I asked her several times and she didn't say it." Zi-Su is not angry, instead Still very pleased, even if she is Miss's confidant Servant, but the real master of the butterfly is Miss, not her.
            The butterfly is so measured, she is very satisfied.
            Yu Xi frowned:
            "What can you do if you have a family?"
            But don't know what happened to Fang Mama.
            Thinking of this, Yu Xi immediately asked Zi-Su to call the butterfly to her study.

            Chapter 184 Moth (4)  

            The charcoal fire in the study has been burning, and will not be destroyed because Yu Xi is not there. So, as soon as I walked into the study, there was a wave of enthusiasm.
            Yu Xi took the silver-white clothes from her body to the chair on the side, and sat down on the stool behind the desk.
            Zi-Su saw the butterfly coming over, smiled at her, and went out.
            After the Zi-Su, such as the butterfly, walked over and closed the door, and turned and came over with Yu Xi:
            "Miss, even the patrol told me today, Duan Xin dissolves Miss was saved."
            Yu Xi stood up and shivered in words, asking:
            "What do you say? Xin was saved by people? Who was saved?"
            The colorful butterfly shook his head and said:
            "There is no patrol who knows who saved the section of Miss, but all the squats that were escorted were killed. Even the patrol said that this thing is very complicated, Miss has to be careful, these people are very May be bad for Miss."
            Yu Xi right hand was placed on a white paper and pressed tightly. Unexpectedly, Xinxiang was rescued, that is, her guess is true. Otherwise, no one will be killed and saved. After a long time, Yu Xi asked:
            "What did the patrol say?"
            The colorful butterfly shook his head and said:
            "The court has sent people to hunt down the section of Miss, and the rest will be gone." Her home Miss was kind, but did not expect that it would cause disaster.
            Yu Xi hung down her eyes, and she did not regret that she had spent a lot of money at the time. Only this matter should be handled properly.
            The butterfly did not understand, but Yu Xi could understand the meaning of the patrol. Someone wants to trace this matter, and will definitely find the head of the patrol at that time. After all, he was on the spot. However, as long as she admits that she let the patrol out, even the patrol is no problem.
            Yu Xi looked outside, the weather was not too late, I thought about it, I still have to go to Han Jianming to help:
            "Big brother is in the house?"
            Zi-Su nodded:
            “Noble Heir is back at sunset.”
            Yu Xi nodded and went to the front yard to find Han Jianming. Although Han Jianming lives in the front yard, Yu Xi yard is not far from Han Jianming’s yard.
            Han Jianming is in the study talking with Zhao Teacher, I heard that Yu Xi came over and was a little surprised:
            "what's up?"
            Not long ago I said that I could not come to his study this time it must be something.
            Yu Xi said that Duan Xinrong’s business:
            "Big Brother, do you know this?"
            Han Jianming nodded:
            "I knew it a little over half a month ago." His message was much better than Lianshan, but he felt that it did not tell Yu Xi the need.
            Yu Xi looked at Han Jianming with some depression, and such a big thing was not telling himself, too much. Well, she has no position to accuse Han Jianming:
            "Big brother, I asked for the patrol when I was in the morning, that is, my husband who used to manage Mama helped to manage it. Now that the stagnation is killed, do you say that it will be implicated in my patrol?"
            Han Jianming stood up and put his hands behind him:
            Yu Xi shook his head and said:
            "Don't be afraid. I just don't want to even patrol because I am tired. I will pay for it and help me to do it, and I haven't done other bad things. I heard that this kind of thing is happening in Tuen Mun.
            They can't find the culprit, just find a scapegoat." I am worried that they will let me follow the patrol as a scapegoat."
            Han Jianming smiled a bit:
            "Let you be a scapegoat? You might as well say that those people want to take Duke house as a scapegoat?"
            The other side shot and killed six squats and let the government trace the clues, there must be a huge strength behind. As for Yu Xi, where is the scapegoat.
            Yu Xi is anxious:
            "I will also be involved in Duke House?"
            Han Jianming looked at Yu Xi really anxious, shaking his head:
            "No, I have already done a good job.
            This matter will not be implicated in you. I will not even be involved in the patrol. But this incident is very complicated. One week before Duan Yushi was killed, there is one in their house.
            The child died of illness. In the Tuen Mun, after Duan Xinrong escaped, he went to dig the grave.
            There is no body inside the grave.
            This child is estimated to be a swindler and is now hidden."
            Yu Xi is very familiar with Duan Xinrong, and naturally knows the news of Duanjia:
            "The child is the youngest son of the 2nd Master of the Duan family. He got a fever at the end of July. He was gone at the beginning of August. It was very sad at the time. Perhaps Duan Yushi knew that Duan Jia would suffer, so he made preparations in advance.
            The child hides and leaves a little blood for his family?"
            Others are not good at swindling, but the child is too small to be in good health and has a lot of misfortunes.
            Therefore, the child’s illness and death are not conspicuous.
            Han Jianming looked at Yu Xi and said:
            "If your guess is true, Duan Yushi is doing nothing wrong." 9th Prince now has the support of the Song family and the phase, as long as you get a little wind, it is easy to kill the royal history.
            Yu Xi mood is very complicated and uncomfortable. Is it true that Duan Yushi is wrong? He is for the sake of justice, for the world and the people. Can you say that Duan Yushi is doing right? Because her behavior was broken, her life was not known.
            Han Jianming did not know the entanglement of Yu Xi, he said:
            "In fact, when you pay for Lianshan, you have already fallen into the eyes of the people who are in love. It is also because you are sure that you are not involved in the Duanjia. You are safe and stable these days, or else..." The following words did not continue. I believe that Yu Xi can understand.
            Yu Xi hit a chill, who can have this heart besides 9th Prince:
            "Big Brother, I will not go to inquire about the Duanjia. I will be cautious when I act."
            After talking about Duan Xinrong, Han Jianming and Yu Xi talked about Qiu Lilong:
            "What have you been doing to explore Qiu Lilong recently? Are you going to use him to deal with Wu-Shi?"
            Yu Xi did not have any interest in dealing with Qiu Lilong, so Han Jianming felt that Yu Xi wanted to use Qiu Lilong to deal with Wu-Shi.
            Yu Xi is not surprised that Han Jianming knows what she is doing:
            "I didn't plan to deal with Wu-Shi. I was worried that this person would bring trouble to Duke House."
            Han Jianming said with a smile:
            "Oh? Is this the reason?"
            Yu Xi can't believe this. Yu Xi has no feelings about the 1st House, but she has no feelings about the 3rd House. Well, not all right, Yu Xi and Yu-Chen have a good relationship.
            Yu Xi face is not red and does not jump, very calmly said:
            "Yes. I heard that this person has recently been very close to Wang 1st Young. Wang 1st Young is an emperor. His business is spread all over the country. How can this person win the autumn? I am afraid that Qiu Lilong will be counted by him.
            Thereby affecting Duke House."
            Han Jianming said with a smile:
            “Reliably, Wang 1st Young will not harm Duke House.”
            Yu Xi looks confused:
            Han Jianming laughed:
            “It’s very simple. Wang’s family is under the 9th Prince gates.” 9th Prince and 10th Prince Brother are deep in love, there are 10th Prince, and Wang 1st Young is afraid to do anything that is detrimental to Duke House.
            Yu Xi understands:
            "So, Wang Jia 1st Young is so enthusiastic about Qiu Lilong, is it ordered by 10th Prince?"
            After that, Yu Xi said:
            "Killing the chicken with a slaughter knife, I worked on a house in the autumn, and gave the face to Qiu Lilong."
            Han Jianming couldn't help but laugh:
            "This is not as simple as revenge for you. But I heard that Qiulilong wants to give Mei Mei to Wang 1st Young." There is too much involved here, and it will be unclear for a while. Adding this matter has nothing to do with Duke House, Han Jianming does not want to spend this time with Yu Xi explained.
            Yu Xi suddenly realized that she said that Qiu Yanfu had made the smoke frequently contact with Azhao in the past few days. It turned out to be like this:
            "Big brother, Qiu Yanfu lives in our house. If she goes to be a small, will it be implicated in me and 3rd sister?"
            Han Jianming smiled:
            "Well, it will only be implicated in Yu-Rong, and it will not affect you and Yu-Chen. 10th Prince is really good for Yu-Chen, and will not let her reputation suffer." I don’t know how many turns have been made with our Duke House. If she goes to be a small person, she will directly announce the severance of the relationship, and it will cost me to stop it. However, Yu-Rong is the daughter-in-law of Qiu Yanfu, and Qiu Yanfu will be greatly affected by it.
            Yu Xi said with envy:
            "Cough, I really envy 3rd sister! There is such a person to protect her." Yu-Chen That is the person who is favored by God. Born well, talented, well-dressed, everyone loved her, and now I have ten love of Prince, except for the mother's early death is not as good as accidents, she is too happy, happiness is embarrassing.
            Han Jianming did not see the envy of Yu Xi eyes:
            "You are thirteen years old, what are you going to find?"
            Yu Xi said:
            "The family style is good, the mother-in-law is getting along well, I have to work hard, and I don't want to be greedy." After a pause, Yu Xi added another sentence:
            "If you can be like 3rd sister, the other person can like me, then it would be better."
            Han Jianming heard the last sentence and couldn't help but cough up. Miss didn't hold a little bit of restraint, and he was awkward.
            The average person couldn't afford it:
            "It’s too late in the sky, you should go back.” Seeing Yu Xi watching him not move, he said helplessly:
            "You can rest assured, I will help you see."
            Yu Xi was not as shy as he was, and said:
            "Thank you Big Brother. Big Brother, if there is news of happiness, you must tell me!"
            Han Jianming nodded.
            When I went back, the sky was already dark. Han Jianming let the study the two Servant give Yu Xi a lantern and send her back to the backyard.
            Just entering Taoranju, Zi-Su handed the silver and silver flower to the jade furnace:
            "Miss warm hands!"
            This cold day goes out, the coldest is the face with the hand. Even if it is hidden in a thick pocket, it is cold:
            "Next time, go out with a hand warmer." The hand warmer is not good, but the gloves can be said. But thinking of the end of the Heshou Junior County Owner, Yu Xi put this idea down.
            When Yu Xi walked into the study room, Zi-Su said:
            "Miss, it has been checked, 1st Nai-Nai really does help in the back."
            Yu Xi housekeeper has gathered a lot of people.
            Therefore, she is not well informed outside, but the news in the inner court is not a secret thing, she will soon know:
            "What is the movement on the side of Qiu Yanfu?"
            Zi-Su said:
            "If they want to count 2nd Master, I am afraid that it will be in these days."
            Yu Xi nodded and said:
            "I know." After finishing this sentence, he took off the thick "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" from the shelf and prepared to read.

            Chapter 185 Moth (5)  

            Zi-Su, with a look of inconsistency, said:
            "Miss, Qiu Yanfu will start in the next few days, we should stop her!"
            Yu Xi looked up and looked at Zi-Su:
            "I have this measure, I don't want to say more." These days she has been thinking about whether or not to intervene. But after seeing her eldest brother, she has the answer, she can't intervene in this matter.
            Zi-Su has been with Yu Xi for so many years, and I can't see Yu Xi.
            This is not ready to be managed:
            "Miss, if it really makes Qiu Yan Fu get rid of it, Lu family what should I do if I withdraw?"
            Yu Xi looked at Zi-Su. Last time she felt that you were not right.
            This time, I saw a bad prediction in the mind of Zi-Su:
            "Why are you so concerned about the second brother's affairs? Could it be..."
            Zi-Su looks white and says:
            "Miss, I have no idea what to do with 2nd Master. Please ask Miss."
            Yu Xi was just a scam, but she did not expect it to be as she suspected:
            "Do you know what you are called? You call this place no silver three hundred and two." Yu Xi never dreamed that Zi-Su actually thought about his second brother.
            Zi-Su squatted on the floor and said:
            "Miss, I think 2nd Master is a man of the top, but there is absolutely no point. If Miss does not believe, I can swear a swear, if I really have a bad idea, the next 18 layers after the death of Thunder ......"
            When the poison oath was not finished, he was interrupted by Yu Xi:
            "I didn't say anything about you. What did you do with such a poisonous oath? Stand up and talk." Even if you really feel good about your second brother, there is absolutely no other way of thinking. Zi-Su has been with her for so many years, and Yu Xi still believes.
            Zi-Su got up from the ground and looked down at Yu Xi with his head down.
            Yu Xi also knows that Zi-Su will definitely feel embarrassing and shameful, but also embarrassed:
            "You go on! I don't want to interfere with this second brother. It is good for him. Don't be too hearty."
            Zi-Su looked up and didn't understand the meaning of Yu Xi:
            "Miss, why?"
            Yu Xi is not prepared to explain with Zi-Su:
            "I won't harm my brother. As for the second brother, Lu family will retreat after being counted by Qiu Yanfu. You don't have to worry about this. Lu family, will not retreat." The same is calculated, but the essence are different. Ye 2nd Master is like Ke Minjie, and also wants to marry her as a ‘Madam’, and the two have no choice but to retreat. But his second brother doesn't like Qiu Yanfu, even if it is counted by Qiu Yanfu, it is not a big deal. Lu family knows that he will only think that the second brother is too arrogant and will be counted by the woman. Will not retreat.
            Zi-Su listened to Yu Xi words, but she had another worry:
            "If the 2nd Master is calculated by Qiu Yanfu, isn't it necessary to become a 2nd Master's noble?"
            Qiu Yanfu is the Miss of the White House and the shi-nu of the 3rd Madam. It must be a noble man.
            Yu Xi chuckled:
            "Reassured, Qiu Yanfu will not become the nobles of the second brother." If Qiu Yanfu is the second brother, the most affected is Wu-Shi and Yu-Rong.
            The shi-nu gave zhizi a slap, she has a face in this 3rd Madam. For Yu-Rong, her own pro-table-sister gave her to her cousin, and her face was stepped down to the ground.
            Zi-Su has a slight heart.
            Yu Xi said:
            "Your point of thought is to quickly close it up, if people know that I can't keep you." Zi-Su is impossible to give Han Jianye as Concubine, let alone the aunt is not allowed, that is, she does not allow. Servant around Mei Mei is a Concubine for her brother, she can't afford this face.
            Zi-Su nodded, and this time it was anxious to be seen by Yu Xi.
            Yu Xi is not at ease, this matter still solves early peace of mind:
            "You are also seventeen this year, and the year is eighteen. I will give you a choice of people, pick it up, I will marry you at the end of next year." Married, this is not a matter of nature. It is.
            Zi-Su nodded and said:
            "it is good."
            Yu Xi looked at the kind of Qi-Su promised, and the fear of his heart removed some:
            "Zi-Su, don't blame me for not talking about feelings, I am also for you." Also because I believe that Zi-Su is not the kind of person who wants to climb the branches and wants to be rich and wealthy, or else she has such a mind, she will immediately put Zi -Su get out.
            Zi-Su is also a bit embarrassed, whispered:
            "Miss, in fact, I think 2nd Master is a good person, a true temper. Others, I really didn't think about it." Simply put, Zi-Su is a good impression of Han Jianye, I hope he has a good life.
            Yu Xi nodded and said:
            "If I don't believe you, do you think you can still stand here now?"
            After saying the wave, he said:
            "Go on!"
            After Zi-Su went out, Yu Xi said to himself:
            "This vision is also amazing enough." Her second brother's glaring appearance, Zi-Su how do you like it? This look is really enough.
            After that, he shook his head and lowered his head to continue reading.
            Ye-shi knows that Qiu Yanfu intends to start working on these two days.
            Hua Pozi was hesitant and said:
            "1st Nai-Nai, do you really want to do this? If it is discovered, Madam will be angry with you at that time." 1st Nai-Nai can no longer be born, and then offend the mother-in-law, how will the future be.
            Ye-shi said:
            "This matter will not be implicated in me." A few people who bought Qiu Yanfu were all mothers and mothers.
            They didn't have anything to do with her. Even if they were traced down, it was just that she was not strict. But she has to take care of her family, and she has to help her mother-in-law prepare for the wedding of the little uncle. It’s very busy, and it’s normal to have omissions.
            Hua Pozi always feels that this is not appropriate:
            "1st Nai-Nai, or else forget it. Even if Qiu Yanfu successfully climbed the 2nd Master's bed, Lu family will not retreat, Lu Xiu still wants to marry. Why do we make such a wicked person? ?"
            Ye-shi said:
            "What should Qiu Yanfu do to do with us? It is not arranged by us. I am not concerned about this matter. Moreover, if Xiao shu is really upright and has no such thoughts, Qiu Yanfu has a calculation. It’s useless.” Ye-shi didn’t feel that she was wrong. She just stood by and was not the master behind the scenes, nor the party, what to do with her.
            Hua Pozi saw that Ye-shi could not be said anyway, and it would be done.
            The next day, after Han Jianye departure, he met Qiulilong on the way back. Han Jianye shirked, but he went to the restaurant with him.
            Han Jianye drink was tuned by Yang Shifu. Qiu Lilong was so drunk that he was like a dead pig. Han Jianye could stand up safely and with his entourage Han Yi:
            "Go back." Han Jianye has two close-fitting followers, one is Han Yi and the other is Han Zhao, both of whom are family members. However, Han Jianye trusts Han Yi and Han Zhao is a little worse.
            Han Yi saw Han Jianye like this, and he did not dare to let him ride horses. It would not be fun to fall off immediately. At the moment, he rented a sedan chair on the street and carried Han Jianye back.
            In the mansion, Han Yi helped Han Jianye to take the sedan chair. Han Jianye at this time is already a little drunk. Looking up at the front, ‘called:
            "Why have you been turning around this day and turning around!"
            Han Yi said with a smile:
            "2nd Master, you are drunk." Although autumn of Lung was desperately filling Han Jianye wine, but Han Yi did not think about, whether as relatives how autumn of Lung also Han, though separated too far from the point, but also the relatives are not.
            Han Jianye wine is very good, except that he will swear two words, will not swear and will not beat things and drunk. Han Yi took him to Han Jianye study in the front yard rest, mainly because Han Jianye was sent back to the yard and Madam would worry.
            Han Yi settled in Han Jianye and found Azhao, saying:
            "2nd Master is drunk, you go to the small kitchen get some hangover soup." Originally Han Jianye had two personal Servant, one in the study here, and one in the yard. However, it was sent away by 1st Madam at the beginning of the month, because the two personal Servant is actually Tongfang. Here Erxi is going to enter the door, two Tongfang Servant will be placed on Zhuangzi, wait Erxi is pregnant and then pick it up.
            This is also the common method of the big family, and Han Jianye has no objection. However, for Qiu-shi, he said that he would send two Servant to serve, and he refused. As for the reason for the refusal, Han Jianye did not say that Qiu-shi did not pursue it.
            Therefore, this will be Han Jianye study only Han Yi and Han Zhao two people.
            Han Yi waited for a long time and did not wait for Han Zhao to come over.
            "How does this kid become more and more tempered?"
            He was squatting, Han Zhao ran in, and did not hold the soup in his hand. To Han Yi said:
            "A Yi, your little brother has broken his leg, you can go back and have a look!"
            Han Yi younger brother is only six years old this year. He loves this younger brother very much on most days:
            "What did you say? My brother broke his leg? What happened?"
            Han Zhao shook his head:
            "I don't know, go back and see! 2nd Master has my care, you can rest assured!"
            Han Yi did not think much, and hurried back.
            Looking at the autumn geese with the hangover soup in his hand, the haze whispered:
            "Miss, there is no turning back when you open the bow. If you are back now, you can't get back. Grandfather can't stand it, we can go to ask for Madam , and then we can ask for it..."
            Qiu Yanfu shook his head and said:
            "It’s useless, and it’s useless to ask anyone.
            The aunt has already made up her mind and will send me back to Hebei next spring.”
            Haze is still making the final effort:
            "Miss, there is definitely a way. Miss, there must be a way."
            Autumn geese face grief:
            "There is no way. If there is a way, I will not go this way." In the past few days, she spent a lot of money to find out that there are seven or eight Small Concubines around Wang St. Young, all of them are beautiful, but they are born. Not the same, there are women in the brothel, the official Miss, the poor women, and the Servant. In addition, Wang 1st Young also likes to give his own Ji Yun. How can such a man be able to entrust his life, and instead of giving such a man who regards a woman as a plaything, he should not be guilty of Han 2nd Master. At least, Han 2nd Master is now a five-pronged official, and it is also a noble name for her 2nd Master.
            Haze sees it, knowing that it is useless.
            Ps: Nothing to add tonight, everyone wash and sleep soon! good night.

            Chapter 186 Moth (6)  

            The behavior of Qiu Yanfu naturally escaped the eyes of Yu Xi.
            Zi-Su said:
            "Miss, Qiu Yanfu is already on the way to the 2nd Master study." This will make Zi-Su mood stable, and then can't see the urgency.
            Yu Xi said indiscreetly:
            "Go and go, how big is it." It is not to let the second brother sleep a woman, what is so eager to get angry.
            There is another concern in Zi-Su:
            "What if the autumn geese really gave the 2nd Master a chaise? It will definitely affect the relationship between 2nd Master and 2nd Nai-Nai."
            Yu Xi looked at Zi-Su and smiled and said:
            "You can't afford the autumn geese. For 2nd Sister-in-law, it's just an extra slap, or the second brother is disliked, even if it is expensive, you think 2nd Sister-in-law will think she Is it a threat?"
            If it is a soft child, there are still some concerns, but it is obvious that Lu Xiu is not a soft person. Lu Xiu is a woman with a soft outer strength. Yu Xi also feels that the 2nd Sister-in-law that Big Brother helped the second brother to find is very good.
            Zi-Su is still not at ease.
            Yu Xi smiled and said:
            "In addition, you seem to have forgotten the aunt." With the things she had done before, the aunt was disliked with Qiu Yanfu, even if Qiu Yanfu really did the second brother's Tie-Kui concubine, there is absolutely no Good days.
            In fact, Yu Xi did not want to understand what it was in Qiu Yanfu mind. 1st Sister-in-law Can not give birth to this point, most people in the house know that Qiu Yanfu can not know. Even if Qiu Yanfu wants to climb a bed, he should climb the bed of his eldest brother. Big Brother is the future of Your Grace, and 1st Sister-in-law can not be born, climbed the bed of the big brother, she will have a bright future in the future. Can you climb the second brother's bed, what is the future? There is no future.
            Yu Xi does not know that Qiu Yanfu did not consider Han Jianming. It is a pity that the people around Han Jianming don't say that they can buy it.
            They can't touch it.
            They can only retreat and then find Han Jianye.
            Also on this night, Yu Xi surveillance of Qiu Yanfu was discovered by Ye-shi people. Hua Pozi is very anxious to say:
            "1st Nai-Nai, Sycamore in Shuixiangyuan is a 4th Miss person. You said that she would also know that 1st Nai-Nai gave Qiu Yan Fu behind the scenes."
            Ye-shi has changed:
            "How did 4th Miss blend into it?"
            Ye-shi is not too afraid of Qiu-shi, because Qiu-shi is not smart; not afraid of Old Madam, Old Madam is too old to keep up with her energy, but she is avoiding Yu Xi, Yu Xi not only Smart means are also powerful.
            Hua Pozi said:
            “4th Miss always hates Autumn Miss. It’s not surprising to find someone to be around her. However, the action of Qiu Yanfu cannot escape the eyes of 4th Miss. How does 4th Miss have a little movement?”
            Ye-shi said:
            "Looking at people, tell me anything about the abnormality." Ye-shi thinks that Yu Xi may feel that he should attack again in Qiuyanfu to Han Jianye yard. But what she didn't expect was that until the autumn geese entered the Han Jianye house for a long time, Yu Xi did not have any movements.
            Ye-shi frowned:
            "What is this Yatou doing?"
            Hua Pozi said with luck:
            "2nd Master loves 4th Miss. If you know that 2nd Master is calculated, 4th Miss will not be indifferent. 4th Miss should not know the calculation of Qiu Yanfu."
            Ye-shi shook his head and said:
            "Impossible, Qiu Yanfu has been uneasy for these days. As long as he has the heart, he can guess what she is going to do.
            That Yatou is so good, and put people in the Shuixiangyuan, how could you not know Qiu Yanfu? I have to count 2nd Master. As for why she doesn't stop it, I can't figure it out. She can't understand it."
            Hua Pozi said:
            "What should I do? If she told Madam about this, you are not good for 1st Nai-Nai."
            Ye-shi shook his head and said:
            "No, she didn't stop herself, how dare to expose me." The younger uncle will be Yu Xi as a pro-Mei Mei, and Yu Xi will stand by and see what qualifications will expose her. It’s just that Ye-shi thinks that this Yatou is not acting according to common sense. It’s just what it is, she can’t guess.
            Yu Xi morning practiced, walked out of the house, snowflakes like flying, like a silk, like a goose feather, a flower floating from the sky, Yu Xi reached out, a few snowflakes fell in the hands, cold into the bone.
            Bingmei walked anxiously and said:
            "Miss, something big."
            Yu Xi said with a smile:
            "What big things can you do? Is it impossible for the sky to fall down? Slowly, don't worry." Yu Xi is strange, but it is Qiuyanfu climbing the bed. How can such a small thing feel like the sky is falling down? The people in the mansion are acting too unstable.
            Where can I not worry about Ice Plum:
            "Miss, 2nd Master and Qiu Yanfu sleep together. When they were discovered, they didn't wear clothes." Here, the face of the ice is red.
            Yu Xi did not show a particularly surprised look. After listening, he asked:
            "and then?"
            Bingmei looked at Yu Xi calm attitude and his eyes were rounded:
            "Miss, Qiu Yanfu climbed the bed of 2nd Master. Miss, are you in a hurry?"
            In fact, Bingmei wants to say, why Miss is not surprised at all!
            Yu Xi took the towel and wiped the sweat on his forehead and said:
            "What's so anxious? Qiu Yanfu wants to climb the second brother's bed is not a day or two." The previous rumors are still she deliberately released!
            After saying this, Yu Xi went to the study room. To say that the impact is not false, this is not, Yu Xi medical books are not back, began to practice the word, practiced a morning word.
            After using the breakfast, Yu Xi said with Bingmei:
            "Follow me to the main house."
            When Yu Xi arrived at the main courtyard, he found no one in the house.
            ‘Lu Yue saw Yu Xi and greeted him and said:
            "1st Madam took the monk to 3rd Madam.
            This will be Madam and 3rd Madam in the upper house." The monk, referring to Qiu Yanfu.
            This is about to smash 2nd Nai-Nai into the door, making such a thing, I don't know what Lu family thinks! Madam is not good, and the Servant on their side has not had a good time.
            Yu Xi said:
            "In the morning, I listened to Bingmei and said about my second brother. ‘Lu Yue, did the aunt have given Qiu Fufu a soup?"
            Tie-Kui concubine is usually circumvented afterwards.
            ‘Lu Moon’s eyes will come out:
            "No." In the morning, the news came, and 1st Madam was as angry as anything. First, the autumn geese were dragged out, and then Li Mama pressed the autumn geese to the Biteng Court. Finally, Old Madam knows that people are bringing them to the upper house.
            Yu Xi has no hope for Qiu-shi ability to handle crisis events.
            The mother of a normal family, if you encounter such a thing, you must conceal the news and solve it privately.
            The aunt is afraid that the world does not know, and even the most important evasive drugs are forgotten. You can still rely on her to do something reliable:
            "What are you doing, and rushing to avoid the soup sent to the upper house. Do you still let her live in the 2nd Sister-in-law before the child." Even if Qiu Yanfu had a child to let her have abortion, it hurts in the end.
            The yin, it is better to put an end to this matter from the source.
            ‘Lu Yue said with a sad face:
            "There is no shelter soup in our yard."
            Yu Xi spits out a sigh:
            "You don't have it here, isn't there a Mama over there? You won't go to Hao Mama to get two packs over there? Remember, it's two packs, just in case two bowls are fried." Hao Mama is in charge of Han Jianming. Pozi of Small Concubine, there is no way to avoid the soup in the hands of others.
            ‘Lu Yue nodded again and again:
            "Miss, I will go."
            Yu Xi looked at ‘Lu Yueyi smoke and disappeared.
            The speed was quite low. Yu Xi was not only happy because ‘Lu Yue acted quickly. On the contrary, she was very speechless. Really, what kind of master has what kind of Servant, can not calm down when you encounter something.
            Ice Plum said carefully:
            "Miss, are we going to the Courtyard now?"
            Bingmei doesn't want to go to the Courtyard.
            This will definitely make it impossible for the upper house.
            Yu Xi thinks that the question asked by Bingmei is particularly stupid:
            "Is this kind of thing that I can blend in? Go back!" This morally corrupted thing, where she is a Miss family can blend.
            Returning to Tao Ranju, Zi-Su greeted him and said:
            "Miss, the three Old Master just went to the yard of Old Madam."
            Yu Xi feels that no one has told her the key points:
            "Where is the second brother and Qiu Yanfu?"
            These two are parties, but no one tells them how they are.
            Zi-Su said:
            "2nd Master has a terrible headache, still in the study fell asleep. Qiu Yanfu was sent back to Shuixiangyuan by Old Madam." After that, Zi-Su couldn't help but ask:
            "Miss, is this so big, will it affect the marriage of 2nd Master?"
            Yu Xi glanced at Zi-Su and said coldly:
            "This is not a problem you should care about." After that, he entered the study again and picked up the "Geological Map of the Continent". When Yu Xi read a book, he developed a habit of taking notes and taking notes.
            This time is no exception.
            Looking at the book, I heard Zi-Su ‘calling outside:
            "Miss, 3rd Miss is coming."
            Yu Xi first opened the medical book next to him, then put the book in his hand back on the shelf, and then walked over to open the door:
            "3rd sister, how come you are on such a cold day?"
            Looking at the face of Yu Xi, Yu-Chen feels a little weird. Yu Xi was not in a hurry when such a big thing happened:
            "4th sister, do you know what is in the house?"
            After that, add another sentence:
            "It is the second brother and the autumn geese."
            Yu Xi let Zi-Su go to tea, and call Yu-Chen to sit down:
            "Know it! I listened to Bingmei when I used breakfast, so I went to the main house, but the aunt went to the Grandmother. It wasn't something I could intervene, so I came back."
            Looking at the calm Yu Xi, Yu-Chen asked:
            "Yu Xi, are you not angry?"
            Yu Xi looked at Yu-Chen with a strange look and asked:
            "What am I angry about? Qiu Yanfu always wanted to climb the high branch. Now the high branch can't climb, and I know that the Grandmother is going to let her go back to Hebei next year. It is not surprising that she is moving in a hurry."
            Yu-Chen asked:
            “4th sister already knows?”
            Yu Xi looked up and asked:
            "Do you know what? Know that Qiu Yanfu will climb the second brother's bed? 3rd sister, what are you thinking about? If I knew early, can I stop her?"
            Yu-Chen also felt that the reaction was not correct, and it was too overdone:
            "4th sister, don't be surprised, I just heard one thing, so I was out of control."
            Yu Xi looks like a gossip:
            "What is it? It is related to Qiu Yanfu."
            Yu-Chen looked at Yu Xi appearance and had no doubts. He nodded and said:
            "I also came to Taoranju before I knew that Qiu Lilong was going to give Qiu Yanfu to Wang Family eldest gongzi to be his ninth room Small Concubine. Qiu Yanfu should not want to go to Wang 1st Young as Small Concubine, so Only counted 2nd Brother." Yu-Chen called Han Jianye 2nd Brother, Yu Xi directly called the second brother, this is the difference.
            Yu Xi came to interest:
            "There is still this thing? 3rd sister, tell me in detail, why did Qiu Lilong send Qiu Yanfu to the Wang family that flower is small?"
            Wang's 1st Young Master, that is a new and tired 1st Young.
            There are more than a dozen Small Concubine Tongfang homes, and I like to hang around the brothel. However, this person is still a bit of a principle, that is, it is not forced to grab, nor forced. If he doesn't want to, he is not reluctant, so everyone just thinks that he is romantic and not down.

            Chapter 187 Moth (7)  

            Yu-Chen thinks that Qiu Yanfu is also responsible for climbing the bed, so I will tell Yu Xi about the cause and effect.
            The matter is actually very simple, that is, Wang Family 1st Young is ordered to die. So Wang 1st Young showed the look of Qiu Lilong and then invited him to do business. Qiu Lilong is a bit stunned, but it is not stupid, otherwise he can't send him to Capital City. Wang 1st Young has a high skill, not only succeeded in defrauding Qiu Lilong, but also made Qiu Lilong admire him. Seeing that he loves beauty, thinking that his Mei Mei is also a beauty, he wants to close the relationship in exchange for more benefits.
            Yu Xi pretends to be a stunned look:
            "It turned out to be the case. 3rd sister thinks that because of your reasons, Qiu Yanfu has no way to go, can't use this method?"
            Such a Yu-Chen, so simple! Can Yu-Chen be really simple? The answer is obvious, no. Not really simple, but also specifically told her about this, this is to test her attitude.
            Yu-Chen nodded a bit:
            Yu Xi laughed:
            "3rd sister, you think too much. Even if you don't have anything, Qiu Yanfu will count the second brother. She is not willing to go back to Hebei."
            Yu-Chen took a serious look at Yu Xi and asked the doubts in my heart:
            "Why don't you worry at all?"
            Yu Xi smiled:
            "What are you worried about? Worried that the second brother lost his innocence?"
            Yu Xi words are ridiculing Qiu Yanfu. When a man is asleep by a woman, the outsider’s eyes are still not too light, and where is the loss of innocence.
            Yu-Chen sees this attitude of Yu Xi, some of them are not sure about her mind:
            “If the Lu family retired because of this?”
            Yu Xi smiled:
            "3rd Sister, you are so smart, you can't know that Lu family will not retreat. Well, 3rd sister, you don't want to turn around, what is the direct question."
            Yu-Chen did not expect Yu Xi to directly ask for the exit, and now it is no longer twirling, ask:
            "As far as I know, you should know that Qiu Yanfu has to count the second brother. Why not stop it?"
            Yu Xi said with a smile:
            "I know, but why should I stop?"
            After that, Yu Xi asked a question:
            "If I didn't guess wrong, 3rd sister should also be aware of why the 3rd sister does not stop it?"
            Yu-Chen didn't talk, she couldn't get back. Could it be that I thought you would stop, so I stood by and watched Yuhua behavior beyond her expectations and did not stop it. When the matter came out, the face of the 3rd House was lost.
            At this time, the Zi-Su came to the tea. To Yu-Chen is a cup of Biluochun, Yu Xi is a cup of freshly popped juice.
            Yu Xi is heading towards Zi-Su:
            "You go on, don't ask you not to come in."
            Yu-Chen looked at Yu Xi and asked:
            "4th sister, what do you think in the end? Qiu Yanfu loses his face, his mother has no face, is our reputation good?"
            Yu Xi looked at Yu-Chen silently and said:
            "3rd sister, you want too much, Qiu Yanfu sincerely swears with us?"
            As for saying that Wu-Shi will face, that is Wu-Shi, and she has no relationship with her.
            Yu-Chen looked at Yu Xi like this, not angry:
            "Yu Xi, I told you that you are also a part of the 3rd House. If the 3rd House has something, you can escape." The thing of Qiu Yanfu is a small matter, but Yu Xi attitude is a big deal.
            Things have come to this, Yu Xi is no longer stupid, sneer and said:
            "That 3rd sister thinks I should do it right? I didn't say anything before. I only said that after two years of returning, whatever I said and said in the past two years is wrong, not being beaten or recruiting a meal. Reprimanded. Even if I have a question to ask my eldest brother, I can take the opportunity to reprimand me.
            This is nothing more than saying that men and women are different, even if I am a cousin with my older brother, I have to avoid it. It’s a joke, big brother is My brother, I am running the same blood with me, what do I need to avoid?"
            Don’t be the blood of the cousin, so don’t say that it’s a joke, so Yu Xi feels ridiculous.
            Yu-Chen's face is white, she really doesn't know what she would say to Yu Xi.
            If Yu Xi is frosty, he said:
            "In any case, what do I say is wrong, why should I go to nosy? 3rd sister said that I am part of the 3rd House? Then I asked 3rd sister, who do you think will be in the 3rd House? I am the same thing? I know, I know that many people think that I am holding the 1st House, and I am holding my aunt and my eldest brother's thigh, maybe in the heart of 3rd sister." After a pause, Yu Xi said:
            "3rd sister, I am different from you. You have the Grandmother, you have a strong love, and a strong outsider is a patron. You have never had to worry about anything from birth to now, that is, someone will help you solve the problem. And I have nothing. If these years are not the protection of my aunt, I have already died of starvation and death. Without a big aunt, I have already become a pile of loess." That means she is holding Qiu- Shi thighs are also a cause.
            The meaning of Yu Xi words is very clear. She is the one who wants to please the 1st House. It is also a cause, not because Qiu-shi is Duchess Han Jianming is Noble Heir and pleases them.
            Yu-Chen can't say a word at this time. What can she say? She can't say anything. Because Yu Xi said it is a fact.
            Yu Xi spit out the sigh of the heart, and then slowly said:
            "Sister 3rd, there are some things that everyone can understand. You don't need to pick it up. You can wear that layer of window paper, which is not good for anyone."
            Yu-Chen said hard:
            "4th sister, are you hating the Grandmother?"
            Yu Xi shook his head and said:
            "I don't hate, really, I don't hate it at all. If there is no jealousy, there will be no me." As for Old Madam, except for her out of the sky, Old Madam doesn't count her for these years. Ok, but not bad.
            Yu-Chen understood the meaning of Yu Xi sentence. Han Jingyan is her father, she will do what her children should do, and there will be no more.
            Yu Xi looked at the look of Yu-Chen and said:
            "Sister 3rd, I can't meet your expectations, I am sorry." Yu-Chen is very good to her in these years, and she is very grateful. But she also knows clearly that Yu-Chen is not good to her because they are both sister-Miss, but because she is also better. If she is still a pool of mud like her life, Yu-Chen will not look at her. Otherwise, the Yu-Chen in the last life is a queen, or a queen who is favored by the emperor. As long as she cares a little about her, she will not fall into such a terrible end.
            Of course, Yu Xi did not blame Yu-Chen, and it would be useless to blame himself. But the experience of the previous life made her clearly aware that in fact, Yu-Chen is the same as Old Madam and Han Jingyan in the bones.
            That would be useful to her, she would look at it differently, and she wouldn’t take a look at her. Because of this, she never minds Yu-Chen.
            Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
            "I am forcing. Well, I have to go back, you should read the book!" I was reading the medical book, and I don't know what the medical book looks good.
            After leaving Yu-Chen, Yu Xi stood at the door for a while before turning back to the study room. Holding a medical book in his hand, Yu Xi said to himself:
            "In fact, no one can rely on it. Only one can rely on it." It is impossible to rely on others for the rest of my life. No one can rely on a lifetime, and she does not want to rely on others forever.
            Gui Mama has been returning to Tingyun Pavilion before asking:
            "Miss, what did 4th Miss say?"
            Just like Zi-Su, Gui Mama stood outside and waited.
            Yu-Chen said:
            “4th Mei Mei said that she did not care.” Yu-Chen didn’t believe it at all. If it’s the 3rd House thing, Yu Xi might not care, but the 1st House thing is especially How can Yu Xi, who is a brother, not care, but she does not know what abacus Yu Xi is playing.
            Gui Mama asked:
            "4th Miss didn't say why she didn't stop it?"
            Yu-Chen smiled bitterly:
            "That said. She said that this kind of thing is not a loss for the second brother, so that Qi Yanfu has to smash Lu family and will not retreat. Since the second brother did not lose anything, she lost her hand."
            Gui Mama also had to admit that Yu Xi reason seems very reasonable, but it’s all on the face. She thinks that 4th Miss wants to take the opportunity to rectify the martial arts-Shi, for which she does not hesitate Lose the reputation of the 3rd House.
            Yu-Chen knows Gui Mama thoughts, but she shook her head and said:
            "Gui Mama, this is not that simple. I think Yu Xi is planning another. As for what is planned, I can't guess it now." I don't know what Big Brother taught her, so it's hard to guess.
            Gui Mama thought for a moment, or shook his head and said:
            "I don't think there will be any plans for 4th Miss? If this kind of thing Lu family will not retreat, but there will be embarrassment in my heart. No one can get good things like this." It means that everyone is It is a loser and there is no winner.
            These things, Yu-Chen can naturally think of it. It is precisely because she does not understand that she will go to Taoranju to find Yu Xi and want Yu Xi to tell her the reason. It is a pity that Yu Xi did not trust her, but almost rounded her in.
            Thinking of this, Yu-Chen asked Gui Mama:
            “Yu Xi said that she had been searching for her last time and told her to avoid her suspicion. She would not be allowed to go to her older brother in the future. Do you think this is true?”
            Yu-Chen couldn't ask Han Jingyan personally, but Yu-Chen hoped that Yu Xi was cheating on her.
            Gui Mama heard this and stunned for two seconds, then said:
            "4th Miss is already a Eldest Miss, always going to Noble Heir's study and it's not a good time to stay for one or two hours."
            Yu-Chen smiled and said nothing. Although it is said that men and women are different, it is not too difficult to avoid the brother-sister, let alone say this.
            This is much more hurtful. Yu Xi originally had a deep heart for the ‘servants, and now it is even worse.
            Gui Mama guessed what Yu-Chen was thinking, and now said:
            "Miss, say something that shouldn't be said. Miss wants to ease the relationship between 4th Miss and Old Master, but Old Master and 4th Miss don't have this intention. Miss doesn't do much more." Three Old Master doesn't think of himself.
            This is a mistake for 4th Miss, and 4th Miss has long had no expectations for this father. In this case, Yu-Chen is exhausted and it is impossible for the two to ease their joy.
            Yu-Chen looks bitter:
            "I know, I will not take care of this matter again in the future." Yu Xi attitude is very obvious today. If she persuaded herself, she would also be suspicious.

            Chapter 188 Moth (8)  

            Old Madam turned the beads in his hand and did not speak.
            The other three people in the room did not speak, and the dead silence in the house.
            Finally, Han Jingyan first opened his mouth and looked at the red and swollen Qiu-shi, asked:
            "1st Sister-in-law, what are you going to do about this?"
            Qiu-shi is very angry:
            "What do you say can be done? There are more than ten days to build a family, and this is the case. What do you think of the Lu family?"
            If Yu Xi is here, it will definitely be speechless again. Now this gateway is thinking about how to solve the problem, instead of venting anger here.
            Old Madam stopped the hand turning the beads and asked:
            "Old 1st Erxi, you say it! What do you want? Say it and let us listen."
            Qiu-shi wiped a tear that did not exist at all, saying:
            "Mother, what do you say?"
            Old Madam did not say the method of disposal, but asked Wu-Shi:
            "What do you think?"
            I knew that in the house, Qiu Yanfu had a different kind of thought on Jianye, and she should be sent away. If it is sent away, there will be no such thing happening.
            Wu-Shi is really a shame to be thrown home today, and the shi-nu has climbed the bed of Zhizi who is about to become a relative, and it is even more shameful than this:
            "Disposed by the mother."
            Han Jingyan heard the name of Wu-Shi, and his eyes were cold. 1st Sister-in-law Called the mother, Wu-Shi called her mother, no wonder the mother did not like her. From the title, you can see the inner thoughts of a person.
            Old Madam heard this, I don’t know why there is a fire in my heart:
            "I have stepped into the coffin with one foot. You will push things to me, will you not solve it yourself? What if I am dead?"
            Qiu-shi was the first time I saw Old Madam getting angry. I stood up and said:
            "Mother, I don't want to make you angry. But this is too special. If the Servant in the mansion does something like this, I will kill it directly, and I will definitely not come to work. But this is 3rd sister-in. -law's shi-nu, I don't know how to deal with it?"
            Qiu Yanfu is a virgin female of Wu-Shi, who is a good-looking woman.
            This has to be well Controlled, and it is light and can't be done.
            Old Madam thinks that this is still a good thing. Seeing Wu-Shi bows his head and knows that it is useless to ask her again. He directly asked Han Jingyan:
            “How do you feel about it?”
            Han Jingyan’s answer is simple:
            "Send her back to Hebei, and give some compensation to the autumn family." This is the most concise and most convenient way.
            Old Madam also thinks this method is good, but this method has sequelae. If the autumn family disagreed, it would be bad for Jianye.
            Han Jingyan shook his head and said:
            "No, as long as they give them enough benefits, the autumn family will not make trouble." Merchants are profitable, as long as they give enough benefits, don't say a daughter, that is, all the daughters are paid in. It doesn't matter.
            Wu-Shi face is white and scary.
            It was at this time that there was movement outside. Old Madam looks ugly and looks out:
            "Who is outside?"
            Nowadays, the old man, Old Madam, doesn't use it.
            The main fault is that the fault is too great, and the people who meet the Old Madam mind are gone in the palace.
            Luo Pozi came in and said:
            "It's Servant Liuyue around 1st Madam. She said that Miss Mimis didn't drink a simmering soup and came over and asked Madam if she would like to sip the autumn soup Miss."
            Qiu-shi is the next one, she only cares about venting anger, how to forget such an important thing:
            "Hurry, hurry to the deaf to shun the soup."
            Old Madam doesn't know what it is like. When I have an accident, I know that I can vent my anger. I can forget this big thing. When she is 100 years old, she will give this home to Qiu-shi. She can rest assured! the answer is negative:
            "This is the case.
            The Yatou will be sent away in the next two days."
            Qiu-shi looked at Han Jingyan with some hesitation, and asked:
            "3rd Brother, can you guarantee that this autumn house will not come out? If you make a mistake, it will affect the career of Jianye."
            Han Jingyan said:
            "I guarantee that the autumn house will not make trouble."
            Qiu-shi still can't make up his mind, and now says:
            "I have to ask Jian Mingcai to do this." She believes that Han Jingyan, she must have asked the eldest son of the heart, she is relieved.
            Old Madam is also a bit hesitant, and Jianye has a good career. If the construction industry is destroyed only because of this incident, it is absolutely impossible:
            "This matter, I still asked Jianming and Jianye their opinions!"
            Han Jingyan’s face is very ugly, but for the decision of the old Lady, he still gives face:
            "Then ask what is the meaning of Jianming!"
            As for Wu-Shi, it was directly ignored by everyone.
            Li Mama took ‘Lu Yue to Shui Xiang Yuan. Haze and the smoke Yuyan wanted to pull her, Li Mama slammed into the ground and then entered the bedroom.
            Qiu Yanfu is also a practical person, knowing that he can't escape, and honestly will drink the two bowls of avoiding soup. In Li Mama cold eyes, he closed his eyes and lay back on the bed. Last night, she sent the medicine in the sobering soup. Han Jianye body was so good that she was tossed for most of the night. I was torn by Qiu-shi early in the morning, and now I have no strength in my body.
            Li Mama snorted and went out with ‘Lu Yue. Out of the Xiangxiangyuan, Li Mama whispered:
            "What is going on with the soup?"
            Li Mama doesn't believe that ‘Lu Yue will be so careful.
            ‘Lu Yue did not squat, said the voice:
            "It was 4th Miss who reminded the servants.
            The servants remembered that the shackles were not evaded."
            Li Mama is also very calm on most days, but this time it is also mad. 2nd Master, but she helped Madam with a big hand, and her feelings were no less than her own son. Now the 2nd Master marriage is in front of her eyes. She even made such a moth, and she tore the heart of Qiu Yanfu. It was also because of the loss of the normal heart that caused such a big omission.
            Li Mama heard this and said:
            "You must not say this thing, even if you are asked, you have to kill and say that you suddenly think of it, you know?"
            ‘Lu Yue is somewhat puzzled:
            "what happened?"
            Li Mama said:
            "The 3rd House has lost such a big face now, and the three Old Masters are just mad at the face. If you let the three Old Master know that the smuggling medicine is 4th Miss reminder, you can't say that the three Old Master have to take 4th. Miss is out. "This is not the first time."
            ‘Lu Yue really does not understand:
            "Mama, 4th Miss is filial and sensible. How is the Three Old Master so 4th Miss?"
            ‘Lu Yue really hearted for Yu-Xi, how could there be such an biasity!
            Li Mama followed Qiu-shi and knew more things, saying:
            "4th Miss was tired of Madam Ning-shi." Ning-shi was not glamorous, and the three Old Masters were disliked, resulting in three Old Masters not having a good look at 4th Miss.
            Because Han Jingyan wants to send Qiu Yanfu back to Hebei, although things have not been fixed, but Qiu-shi heart is also a lot of gas. When I returned to the main house, I didn’t look so ugly.
            Ye-shi looked suspicious in her heart and went forward and said:
            "Mother, I heard about the second brother.
            This door has come out with such a thing, what can Lu family think about it?"
            Qiu-shi didn’t even hear that this is Ye-shi temptation:
            “The people will be sent away in a few days, and the Lu family knows nothing.”
            Ye-shi was amazed:
            "Send away? Mother, is it necessary to send Qiu Yanfu back to Hebei? Can this happen? Will sending Qiu Yanfu back to Hebei will hinder the reputation of the second brother? The second brother is going to take the career. On the back, an irresponsible reputation has hindered his career. "Ye-shi is not an alarmist. Once this incident comes out, Han Jianye will be greatly affected. On the contrary, if he is to take Qiu Yanfu as a servant, it will not have any effect.
            Li Mama is sharper than Qiu-shi, and always feels that 1st Nai-Nai is not good, now said:
            “1st Nai-Nai wants to marry. Madam said that he wants to send Qiu Yanfu to Zhuangzi first. After 2nd Nai-Nai passes the door, he will hand it over to 2nd Nai-Nai.”
            Ye-shi oh,
            "That's what I want to be."
            When he finished, Ye-shi left the main courtyard with Servant. In the middle of the road, he slammed into the personal Servant and then returned to his rosin yard.
            When I was tossed, I was tossed up to lunch.
            The big kitchen there was no deduction of the autumn geese food, and she was given a meal in the past. It was all fresh on the same day, and she was not sent to the leeks.
            The meal was delivered by a small Servant. After the food in the food box came out, he sipped two words with the haze, and then went back with the empty food box.
            The haze face changed greatly, trotting into the bedroom and with Qiu Yanfu said:
            "Miss, not good, Han family 1st Madam said to send Miss back to Hebei."
            Qiu Yanfu was originally dying in bed, and when he heard this, he opened his eyes and looked at the haze:
            "Who is this news from?"
            Haze said the little Servant.
            Qiu Yanfu whispered:
            "I said how my business would go so smoothly, know who it is?"
            Qiu Yanfu had already noticed that some people had helped behind the scenes.
            Haze shakes his head.
            Qiu Yanfu leaned on the pillow and thought about it.
            There are just a few of the people in the house, and it’s a slap in the face to know this. Qiu Yanfu eyes are bright:
            "It's 1st Nai-Nai." Old Madam and Qiu-shi first ruled out, and Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi will definitely not help her, leaving only Ye-shi alone.
            Haze also feels that this inference is very reasonable:
            “Why did 1st Nai-Nai help Miss?”
            Qiu Yanfu said:
            "It should be because Lu-Shi. Lu-Shi was originally to marry Ye Family, and now married to Han Jialai, 1st Nai-Nai must be disliked." 1st Nai-Nai hates Lu-Shi, So I want to take a look at Lu-Shi, which is a good thing for her.
            Haze asked:
            "Miss, what do we do now?"
            Qiu Yanfu thinks of Han Jianye. According to the news that he has heard in these two years, Han Jianye is a man who is particularly loyal and particularly responsible. Even if he calculated him by himself, he could give him his innocence, and Han Jianye temperament would definitely not let him go back to Hebei.
            Thinking of this, Qiu Yanfu heart suddenly had an idea, and he sang a few words on the side of the haze.
            After the haze was over, I immediately went out.

            Chapter 189 Moth (9)  

            Throughout the Duke House, the dog jumped and the Yu-Xi read the book very calmly. When I got to the point, I moved my muscles and then used lunch.
            After eating lunch, he sneaked away in the house. After walking for almost a quarter of an hour, I went to bed. Calm let the Servant around feel that Qiu Yanfu climbed the bed, and did not see her Miss Miss do not care!
            The afternoon sensation is two quarters of an hour, which is half an hour in modern times.
            This time is Quan Mama own. Yu-Xi is unwaveringly executed.
            Habits have been formed, no one is calling, Yu-Xi wakes up. Not a bed, I woke up and got up.
            When washing the face with Yu-Xi, Zi-Su said:
            "Miss, Qiu Yanfu committed suicide, and 2nd Master got the news and ran over to save her."
            Yu-Xi has a good mouth and took a towel to wash your face. After washing my face, I went to the dressing table and took some water on my face.
            The winter is too dry, and the aloe hydrating water that comes out of the life is still very good.
            Yu-Xi packed himself up and said with a smile:
            "After saving the autumn geese, did the second brother go to the Grandmother and the aunt, and said that he wants Naqiu Yanfu as a servant. Well, let me guess, the second brother must still say that he is a man. Can't be irresponsible."
            Zi-Su is amazing:
            "Miss, if I didn't know that you haven't asked this in the yard all the time, I wonder if someone told you in advance? 2nd Master said this with Old Madam and 1st Madam. Say he It was a man who ruined the innocence of Qiu Yanfu and could not marry Qiu Yanfu as a ‘Madam’, but would be her as Tie-Kui concubine."
            Yu-Xi shook his head helplessly.
            This is where she can count, these are the things that happened in my life.
            The difference is that at that time, the second brother said that he ruined the autumn geese to be innocent and Qiu Yanfu as his ‘Madam’. In this life, he had a fiancee, and he could only be a singer.
            Zi-Su whispered:
            "1st Madam is dying, Old Madam has also smashed the 2nd Master.
            The 2nd Master is coming, always groaning, saying that Old Madam and 1st Madam don't agree, He can't get up. He also said that he can't be such a ruthless person."
            Things have come back again, and Yu-Xi still couldn’t help but shake his head and said:
            "The big aunt is still not mad." Old Madam is high in cultivation, and at most it is a sulking sigh.
            The aunt is a temperamental personality. She has always loved her second brother. I must have fainted when I heard this. .
            Zi-Su nodded:
            "Yeah! 1st Madam is so angry that it will go to the doctor. 2nd Master is still in the main house!"
            Yu-Xi took a deep breath and said:
            "This cold day, squatting in the yard, the iron body has to freeze people! Take me the big woolen clothes, I will go and see." No matter how bad the trouble, I have to solve it. But if you break your body, it won't be worth it.
            Zi-Su breathed a sigh of relief, and her family Miss was willing to come forward. Zi-Su has an inexplicable trust in Yu-Xi, and it seems that no matter what, as long as Miss is willing to do it, there is no problem.
            When I arrived at the main Courtyard, Yu-Xi saw Han Jianye who was upright. Han Jianye wore big woolen clothes, and the thick leather pants were on the head. He also had a leather hat on his head and was armed there. Yu-Xi watched his face not turn white, and said nothing to cross him into the house.
            Han Jianye did not mention depression, he thought that Yu-Xi would comfort two sentences, but did not expect Yu-Xi to look at him. Is he really doing this badly?
            Yu-Xi walked into the house and saw Qiu-shi lying on the bed, his face was very ugly.
            When I saw Yu-Xi, Qiu-shi said:
            "What are you doing with this Yatou? Go back quickly." This kind of thing is too shameful, and Yu-Xi is still young, Qiu-shi does not want her to intervene.
            Yu-Xi sat on the edge of the bed and said with a smile:
            "The big aunt must have no lunch yet?"
            As for what happened today, Qiu-shi has an appetite called strange!
            Qiu-shi shook his head and said:
            "Can't eat." From the morning to the present, she has no appetite.
            The gas is full, and I can still eat it.
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Auntie, you don't eat, when you get hungry, let the censor know, and directly participate in the second brother's disobedience.
            The aunt should know that there will be consequences for the crime of disobedience and filial piety?"
            Once you are burdened with filial piety, the official is definitely not doing it.
            Qiu-shi was shocked and looked at the look of Yu-Xi with a smile.
            "When are you, you still have a mood to joke with your aunt."
            Yu-Xi gave Li Mama a look, which meant that Li Mama would make people serve. Li Mama is not stupid. If there is anything I don't understand about Yu-Xi, I will go down immediately. It is also Miss Qiaoyan, how she persuaded it is useless.
            After Li Mama left, Yu-Xi smiled and gave Qiu-shi a pinch:
            "Auntie, isn't it the autumn geese climbing the bed? What's the big thing, as for letting you become like this? If the second brother wants Naqiu Yanfu to be a servant, then let him be well."
            Qiu-shi looked at the Yu-Xi, and it was light and windy, and said anxiously:
            “Lu family knows that you can’t fall out of the sky?”
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Let the big brother take the second brother to the Lu family to explain the explanation, and then agree with the Lu family. You have to wait for Lu Xiusheng to take the eldest son to take Qiu Yanfu back to the government. I think there should be no objection to the Lu family. After all, This second brother is also a victim."
            Qiu-shi thinks that Yu-Xi is too simple:
            "Autumn Yanfu is not a Servant. If she is going to give you a second brother, it is a noble. Where does Lu family agree? Your second brother is so much favored by Lu family, if you let Qiu Yanfu give you a second brother." Oh, I really feel sorry for people."
            Yu-Xi shook his head:
            "The big aunt, a noble man who is arrogant, Lu family won't mind."
            Qiu-shi hesitated:
            "Autumn Yanfu means is so high, now I can yell at your second brother and I am troubled. Jinnai is her, when she cries and cries, your second brother is soft, how can she be her? As a woman, I am worried that the relationship between the couple will be affected in the future."
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "In order not to affect the second brother's career, the second brother must be Naqiu Yanfu."
            Qiu-shi said:
            "Yu-Xi, you said that you will send Qiu Yanfu back to your hometown. What do you think of this?"
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "It's not good, it's too much trouble. When someone happens to attack the second brother, it will hinder the future of the second brother."
            Qiu-shi is very hesitant. One side is the future of the son, and the other is the life of the son. How to choose, it is difficult.
            See Qiu-shi, a hesitant look, Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Auntie, if you believe in me, let me handle this matter. Well, even if the aunt does not believe me, don't you believe in Big Brother? I have to advise my brother with my older brother, there must be no problem."
            Qiu-shi still has great confidence in the eldest son:
            "That, this will be handed over to your older brother, and you should not intervene. You will tell your brother privately that you will be private. Or else you will lose your temper."
            Yu-Xi bends his eyebrows and smiles and says:
            "it is good!"
            At this time, Li Mama came in with a food box. Open the food box, a burst of scent. Yu-Xi licked his stomach and smiled and said:
            "I smell a little bit scented. I am a little hungry. Or, my aunt, I will accompany you to eat."
            Qiu-shi did not agree:
            "No, you are accompanying me now, and you can't eat much at night.
            The three meals still have to be regularly quantified, which is good for the body."
            Yu-Xi smiled aside, Qiu-shi ate a bowl of rice, half a bowl of dishes.
            This weight is almost the same.
            Yu-Xi and other Qiu-shi finished the meal, smiled and stood up:
            "Auntie, let the second brother go back first! This cold day, the last thing that hurts is the aunt."
            Qiu-shi naturally feels distressed. If she is not angry, she is willing to let her son suffer this sin:
            "I will call her in now."
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
            "Auntie, don't go out, let me go and say it." See Qiu-shi looking at her with a squint, Yu-Xi explained:
            "Auntie doesn't go out, let the second brother know that you are still angry, and it will be easier to convince him when he is."
            Qiu-shi nodded:
            "Okay, then do what you said." After that, I quickly added one sentence:
            "After going back, let your brother drink Jiang soup and take a hot bath, so that you can get rid of the cold."
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "The big aunt is relieved, I will tell the second brother."
            Qiu-shi watched Yu-Xi go out and walked to the window and looked at it. It’s really a pity for the parents.
            Out of the house, Yu-Xi came to Han Jianye and looked at him and said:
            "Auntie has agreed to let you go to Naqiu Yanfu, you get up!"
            Han Jianye felt very shameful. Who told him that this was fine, but this was said from Yu-Xi mouth, but he didn't know why he felt particularly embarrassed.
            Yu-Xi See Han Jianye still can't get up, chuckle:
            "Don't believe it? Don't believe that I let Li Mama come out to tell you."
            Han Jianye lowered his head and said softly:
            "How is your mother? Do you want to be tight?"
            Yu-Xi looked at Han Jianye appearance and could only sigh with a sigh of relief.
            Therefore, it is difficult for Jiangshan to change her nature. She has already done so much effort, but she still can't change Han Jianye temperament. I only hope that through this incident, he will be deeply taught:
            "I persuaded me for a long time, so I would let my aunt eat.
            This will be resting in bed, and you should stop getting in and let her go. After the aunt has disappeared, come over and apologize to her."
            Han Jianye nodded quickly:
            "Well, thank you 4th sister."
            Yu-Xi is really disdainful to Han Jianye thanks:
            "When I went out, my aunt told me specifically, let me remind you to go back to the yard and drink Jiang sugar water, and then take a hot bath. Otherwise, you will have a cold fever.
            The second brother will return to the yard, remember to follow the aunt. do."
            Han Jianye head immediately went down:
            "I am not filial." He is all like her, and she is worried about his body. At this time, Han Jianye was filled with guilt and regret.
            Yu-Xi stepped forward and helped Han Jianye get up:
            "The body is the same as the ice, the second brother, you quickly go back to take a hot bath."
            Han Jianye whispered:
            "Okay." He smashed his legs for a long time, his legs were numb, and his body was cold. He had to hurry to take a hot bath.
            This is about to become a relative, but you can't get sick. If you are sick, you are not lucky.
            Yu-Xi nodded and said:
            "Second brother, will you wait for your big brother?"
            See Han Jianye nod, Yu-Xi said:
            "Then you will let me pass a message to me, and I will pass."
            Han Jianye face changed:
            "What have you done in the past? Don't intervene in this matter." Although Yu-Xi is smart, but Yu-Xi is a Eldest Miss, where can you touch such a thing.
            Yu-Xi smiled a bit:
            "I have something to say to you and my older brother."
            Han Jianye said with a slap in the face:
            "No, there is something to say later. You are not allowed to intervene in this matter." If Yu-Xi intervenes, it will be like what it is.
            Han Jianye saw that Yu-Xi did not respond, and made up his mind to go to the big brother that is not called Yu-Xi.
            Ps: O (∩ _ ∩) O haha ​​-, an excitement and added more. If there is a surprise in the wood, if you are surprised, give me a ticket in June...
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